An interview is a conversation between interviewer and interviewee. Interviewer questions the interviewee on various fields to get the response and analyses how well the candidate fits into the position. What is Behavioral interview: Generally in behavioral interviewing, the interviewer gives interviewee series of problems (situation based problems, not technical problems) and asks him/her to fit into the situation and suggest the best solution to solve it keeping all the parameters in mind. Behavioral interviewing does not relate to technical round interviewing method. Why companies are using it: This method is most commonly used among the companies which prefer analysing skill or thinking ability of the candidates over technical skills for the job. In this method interviewer gives a situation/problem to the candidates.
Common Mistakes HRs do: Like the old saying – “If you want the doctor to give you best treatment, don’t hide any single detail of your ailment”. In most of the cases, companies are reluctant to bring out the current obstacles company is facing, and expect candidates to suggest best fitting solution. In behavioral interviewing the interviewer will never give you the full details. If will make sure he has upper hand in the entire process. In this case there is no mystery if the interviewee knows what he is talking.
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