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Ever since the introduction of Ethical recruitment is the process of hiring a suitable candidate by following the entire moral principles while conducting a recruitment process. Ethical recruitment helps recruiters to become trusted employees of an organisation. WHAT CONSTITUTES ETHICAL RECRUITMENT: a. Evaluate the actions:Recruiters are recommended to list all the activities to be done, for an effective recruitment. A well evaluated and managed plan can surely help to choose the best way for selecting the candidates. b. Decide and Test:Once the interview is done, recruiter must sit back once and check whether he/she has followed the ethics and rules devised by the organisation for whom to select and whom to reject. c. Map the decision with organisation’s objectives:Once the decision is made, make sure organization is not unsatisfied with the selected candidates or reasons to select them. Make sure emotional factors should not hamper the ethical recruitment.
• EFFECTS OF NOT FOLLOWING ETHICAL RECRUITMENT: • In most cases, direct or immediate effects are not visible for not following the ethical process of recruitment. But repercussions can be be seen gradually once the business or project commences. Most importantly the reputation and career of the defaulter might be put on stake. Let’s see some of the major effects that can be faced. • a. Legal issues:Specially when it comes to hiring by recruitment consultant for their clients, Companies can put legal issues for forwarding candidates selected through unethical practices. Additionally, many countries allow candidates to sue an organisation if they have shown discrimination in hiring based on religion, color etc. • b. Lower Business Performance:Wrong practices often results in ignoring best candidates and selecting the compromised quality talent. Such practices ends up delaying the work or meeting project timelines, resulting in loss of business.
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