Interviews are one such process that has brought out many unexpected statements made by the candidates. Knowingly or unknowingly candidates utter out such words, which in reality doesn’t mean the way they were said. 1. Buzz of Jargons is a sure hit: • What they say I am a high achieving go-getter with a can-do attitude and a passion for over-performance • What they mean I swallowed a dictionary before this interview and hope that you like buzzwords as much as I do 2. Instagram selfies are perfect skills • What they say I don’t have extensive Photoshop experience, but I do have strong working knowledge. • What they mean I edit all my selfies on Instagram and surely it can’t be much harder than that.
3. Being Chatterbox is my biggest strength • What they say I am a fantastic communicator with excellent interpersonal skills and engaging approach. • What they mean I am a massive chatter box and can even defeat anyone when it comes to talking. 4. Worked hard to Lie • What they say My weakness is that I am a huge workaholic. I always try to push myself hard. • What they mean My weakness is that I lie about how hard I do my work and exaggerate massively in interviews.
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