Homeopathic treatment of fistula 30 aug 17

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A fistula is an abnormal connection between two hollow spaces (technically, two epithelialized surfaces), such as blood vessels, intestines, or other hollow organs. Fistulas are usually caused by injury or surgery, but they can also result from an infection or inflammation.[3] Fistulas are generally a disease condition, but they may be surgically created for therapeutic reasons.


In botany, the term is most common in its adjectival forms, where it is used in binomial names to refer to species that are distinguished by hollow or tubular structures. Monarda fistulosa, for example, has tubular flowers;[4] Eutrochium fistulosum has a tubular stem; and Allium fistulosum has hollow or tubular leaves.

Symptoms of AN anal fistula There are many common symptoms of AN anal fistula. Symptoms include: • skin irritation round the opening (the gap wherever waste leaves the body) • a throbbing, constant pain that will be worse once you sit down, move around, have a shitting or cough • a discharge of pus or blood once you have a shitting If your fistula was caused by AN symptom that you just still have, you will have: • a warmth of 38C (100.4F) or over • fatigue • a general feeling of being unwell If your fistula was caused by inflammation of the intestines (part of your biological process system), for instance thanks to a condition like irritable viscus syndrome or colitis, you will conjointly have: • abdominal pain

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A fistula is AN abnormal association between AN organ, vessel, or bowel and another structure. Fistulas ar sometimes the results of injury or surgery. It may also result from infection or inflammation. Inflammatory viscus malady, like colitis or regional enteritis, is AN example of a malady that results in fistulas between one loop of bowel and another. Injury will result in fistulas between arteries and veins. Types of Fistulas Fistulas typically occur within the space round the reproductive organ and opening (known because the perineum). The four forms of fistulas are: • Enterocutaneous: this sort of fistula is from the bowel to the skin. AN enterocutaneous fistula is also a complication of surgery. It are often delineated as a passageway that progresses from the bowel to the surgery website and so to the skin.

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