ď‚— A fistula is an abnormal connection between two hollow
spaces (technically, two epithelialized surfaces), such as blood vessels, intestines, or other hollow organs. Fistulas are usually caused by injury or surgery, but they can also result from an infection or inflammation.[3] Fistulas are generally a disease condition, but they may be surgically created for therapeutic reasons.
ď‚— In botany, the term is most common in its adjectival forms,
where it is used in binomial names to refer to species that are distinguished by hollow or tubular structures. Monarda fistulosa, for example, has tubular flowers;[4] Eutrochium fistulosum has a tubular stem; and Allium fistulosum has hollow or tubular leaves.
Seven Remedies in Homeopathy for Anal Fistula An abscess in the anal or rectal region seems a trivial problem but can turn into
a source of immense discomfort and distress to the afflicted person. The anal fistula is a track that connects deeply to the anal canal or rectum and superficially to the skin around the anus and when infected, it gives rise to discharge that further results in discomfiture. Homeopathy can help alleviate an abscess in the anal fistula as it is a nonintrusive and safe remedy. Since homeopathic medicines utilize the body’s own defenses to fight the pus in the anus, this line of treatment is natural and nontoxic as compared to other cures. Causes of Anal Fistula This condition results from an abscess in the anal or rectal region, which when left unattended can burst spontaneously or may open inade. This abrupt opening up of the abscess leads to a continuous discharge of pus from the fistula. This condition then manifests itself in irritation of the skin surrounding the fistula. There may be pain when the pus starts piling inside the fistula. Usually, an opening occurs on the external surface just near the anal opening. The primary symptoms are thus the discharges and pain in the anal region.
Homeopathic Medicines For Anal Fistula Berberis Vulgaris:- Over the years, I have found the natural treatments of
homeopathy to work wonders for patients of anal fistula owing to the nontoxic and non-intrusive line of treatment. Homoeopathic medicine berberis vulgaris is an ideal remedy for treating cases of anal fistulas. The patient complains of a constant sensation that something is present in the rectum. Bereberis can be prescribed for patients with anal fistulas where there is a burning and a pricking pain in and around the anus. The pain is more intense while walking or during any other physical motion. MYRISTA SEBIFERA:- I find that homeopathic medicine myrista is also suitable for curing cases of anal fistulas. The fistulas are associated with pus formation. Myrista can abort the pus when given in early stages. It is best recommended when there is pain in the anal region due to acute inflammation and pus. CAUSTICUM:- Causticum is one more homeopathic remedy for treating certain cases of anal fistulas and large piles. The patient experiences immense difficulty in expelling the stools. Causticum may be given to patients who experience great soreness and burning pain in the anal and rectal region. The patient is able to pass stools only in standing posture and the stools are very hard. Causticum may work well in patients with anal fistulas where the patient has itching around the anus.
Read more : Homeopathic Treatment of Fistula Log on to : http://www.drankireddy.com/