Description Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory joint disorder of autoimmune origin. In
rheumatoid arthritis, the joints become inflamed, painful, swollen and warm with marked stiffness. Mainly the small joints of fingers, wrist, toes, and ankles are involved. In the long run, other large joints may also get affected. Can Homeopathy treat joint inflammation? Homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Homeopathic medicines treat rheumatoid arthritis by moderating the overactive immune system. They help reduce joint inflammation and symptoms including pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines for rheumatoid arthritis. Yet, there is no one treatment for all ills associated with this condition. The most appropriate Homeopathic medicine for rheumatoid arthritis is selected based on an in-depth analysis of individual symptoms. Highly effective Homeopathic medicines for rheumatoid arthritis are Rhus Tox, Actaea Spicata, Bryonia, Causticum, Caulophyllum and Kalmia. When selected and used as per their characteristic symptom indications, these medicines are known to work wonders.
Besides stiffness, what are other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include pain, swelling, stiffness, warmth and
tenderness of joints. The symptoms are majorly noted in same joint on both sides of the body i.e. bilateral and symmetrical involvement. Joint deformities are noted in advanced stages of rheumatoid arthritis. Joint stiffness is mainly felt in the morning time and after periods of inactivity. To start with, small joints are involved, those of fingers, toes, ankles and wrist for example. As the disease advances, joints of elbows, shoulders, knees and hips get affected. General fatigue and weight loss are also associated with this condition. Apart from primary joint involvement, other organs such as skin, kidneys, lungs, eyes, heart and blood vessels may also get secondarily involved in rheumatoid arthritis at a later stage. How can I tell I have rheumatoid arthritis, do I need to take some blood tests? Yes, persons showing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis need to take certain blood tests to rule out the condition. These include rheumatoid factor, anti–CCP, anti-MCV tests. Rheumatoid Factor is the oldest of these tests. A positive test result shows rheumatoid arthritis. This test, however, is not precise enough. The rheumatoid factor test for diseases such as SLE, Sjogren’s syndrome and hepatitis C will also be positive. For more precise results, new tests such as anti–CCP or anti-citrullinated peptide test and anti-MCV or antibodies against mutated citrullinated vimentin are relied upon. In addition to these tests, X-ray of affected joints is done to rule out signs of joint damage in advanced stages.
My rheumatoid (RA) factor blood report is positive. Does that mean I have
rheumatoid arthritis? A positive rheumatoid factor in isolation does not indicate a person has rheumatoid arthritis. However, a person with clinical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis along with positive rheumatoid factor signifies rheumatoid arthritis. It is, however, best to take the anti-CCP and antiMCV tests to be sure. These tests are rated high in terms of precision of results. I show symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, but my RA factor is negative. What does that mean? It means that there is a possibility that you may have rheumatoid arthritis. In certain cases, even though the rheumatoid factor is negative, the presence of clinical symptoms hints at the presence of rheumatoid arthritis. This is referred to as seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. How is elevated ESR linked to severity of rheumatoid arthritis? ESR is not a diagnostic tool to confirm rheumatoid arthritis. However, ESR tells us about the severity of rheumatoid arthritis in a given case. A much higher level of ESR shows severe joint inflammation while slightly raised levels indicate mild joint inflammation.
Does rheumatoid arthritis run in families? Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. Yes, it runs in families and is believed to be
genetically passed down generations. However, few risk factors that predispose a person towards rheumatoid arthritis are cigarette smoking and age (30- 60 years). Also, women are more likely to get rheumatoid arthritis than men. Is rheumatoid arthritis an autoimmune disorder? Yes, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. Autoimmune disorders are sets of disease in which the body’s immune cells that patrol for disease by circulating in the bloodstream start to destroy healthy body tissue due to a misdirected immune response. In rheumatoid arthritis, the seat of attack for immune cells is the synovial lining of joints. Are there any complications to watch out for if I have rheumatoid arthritis? The major complications associated with rheumatoid arthritis are joint deformity, inflammation in heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels; osteoporosis, rheumatoid nodules under skin and carpel tunnel syndrome. If I’m on methotrexate or a DMARD, do I stop taking them before Homeopathic treatment starts? If you are already taking methotrexate or a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD), continue to do so. It is not advisable to stop these medicines when you start Homeopathic treatment. Both these treatments can continue together. And in the long run, when the body starts to respond to Homeopathic medicines and the health improves, the dosage of methotrexate or DMARD may be gradually tapered. Can I take pain killers once I’ve started my Homeopathic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis? Of course, pain killers can be taken in case symptoms worsen once you start Homeopathic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Homeopathic medicines majorly work toward treating the chronicity of rheumatoid arthritis and are not against a person taking pain killers in case of acute flare-ups.
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