Ivf hyderabad 16 sep 17

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There are various reasons & causes for Infertility, therefore are Techniques and Treatments too. The IVF advanced is one of the most excellent centers in Asia Pacific, with Techniques, genuine Treatment, Research & Training. The IVF advanced is the leading Test Tube Centre in the country with modern world-class scientific technologies.

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) involves several types of medical treatment designed to result in pregnancy. Types of ART include in vitro fertilization (IVF Treatment), In vitro fertilization is a highly sophisticated, meticulously timed which involves removing a ripened egg or eggs from the female’s ovary, fertilizing it with sperm, incubating the dividing cells in a laboratory dish and then replacing the developing embryo in the uterus at the appropriate time.

IVF or In Vitro Fertilization is one of the most successful assisted reproduction technologies (ARTs) during which mature eggs from a woman’s ovaries are removed and fertilized with a male partner’s sperm, outside the body, in a laboratory.

Since fertilization takes place in a glass culture dish in the lab, the process is called “in vitro,” which is Latin for “in glass.” The fertilized egg is then implanted in to the woman’s uterus, where the embryo then develops under natural conditions. Since not every fertilized egg or embryo develops into a pregnancy, doctors usually fertilize multiple eggs, which are then frozen for later use, if required

One IVF cycle nearly takes four weeks to complete. A pregnancy test is performed after about two weeks of the embryo being placed in the uterus. Prior to commencement of the IVF cycle, a basic health check is mandatory. This assessment generally included pelvic ultrasound, hormonal assay, uterine cavity assessment (SHG/Hysteroscopy), catheter trial, laparoscopy (if required) and semen culture and analysis.

The stimulation protocol is planned according to the age of the woman, hormonal profile and ovarian reserve.

Here’s a look at the steps involved in the treatment process.

Step 1: Stimulation Phase: Depending on the protocol planned, the stimulation of the ovaries commences on the day 2 of the menstrual cycle. This phase usually lasts for 12-14 days, during which hormonal injections are administered daily. The hormone increases the number of eggs produced by the woman, so that more are available for fertilization. During this phase, hormonal tests and monitoring through ultrasound is done. Once the lead follicles reach the appropriate size, oocyte maturation injection, i.e., HCG is administered.

Step 2: Egg Retrieval: Once the HCG injection is given, the oocyte retrieval is done at 35hrs from the HCG injection. This procedure is done vaginally under sedation and requires hospitalization for at least half a day. The woman is usually advised rest and the help of pain killers for a day after this procedure.

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