Description 
It is a big decision and dream in your life to decide on babies who are going to be the life of your life. But it is a fact that, not every couple is that lucky enough to have babies even after many tries. Do you hope to have a baby? Yes SWCIC- the renowned test tube baby centre in Hyderabad India gives all the support to give wings to your wish to experience the feel of being a happy mother and father through the advanced fertility treatments that we offer. It is a surprising update that, in India, there are around 15 percent of people who are infertile and it is increasing every year.
In other words, when the last 25-30 year statistical reports are considered, there is around 60 percent increase in the infertility rate in men. One of the main causes behind this is the changed working culture along with the lifestyle and hormonal problems. In females, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis and polycystic ovaries are the commonly observed causes that create problems in their conception. But though there are all these difficulties, can you keep curtain on your dream to have babies? Definitely not, as long as SWCIC- one of the best test tube baby centres in Hyderabad India is here to support you with the advanced infertility treatment practices.
Poor functioning of fallopian tubes 
There are chances to get infected from bacteria and viruses through sex which results in inflammation or damage to the fallopian tubes. Abdominal Disease: Abdominal diseases such as appendicitis or colitis can cause inflammation to the abdominal cavities that can cause blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes. History of surgery: If you have a history of pelvic/ abdominal surgery, and if it caused any damage to the tubes, it can hinder the egg movement through the tubes. Ectopic Pregnancy: If the pregnancy occurs within the tube that can cause damage to the tube. Congenital Defects: If the tubal abnormalities are there in you by birth, there are chances to have uterus irregularities.  Endometriosis: Endometriosis is the condition wherein the endometrium (uterus lining) growth exceeds from the regular level. The growth can be in abdomen, fallopian tubes, ovary or in the pelvic peritoneum. Other Factors: The other factors are the behavioral factors such as smoking, alcohol and drugs consumption and environmental factors such as exposure to toxins.
In Men
Hormonal Imbalances: The hormonal activities in you are regulated through hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. If hypothalamus and pituitary fails to release gonadotrophic releasing hormone (GnRH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) respectively that have a significant role in the sperm production that can cause infertility. Other hormonal disorders are Hyperprolactinemia, Hypothyroidism, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Hypogonadotropic Hypopituitarism and Panhypopituitafism. Physical Problems: Variocoele: Due to the internal spermatic vein enlargement, if the blood drains out to abdomen from testicles, there is a chance for infertility. Damage to Sperm Ducts: If there is an interruption for the tube continuity, it is not possible for men to transport sperm out of penis. There are also other physical problems such as Torison, Infection and Retrograde Ejaculation etc. that can cause infertility. Along with these, the psychological problems such as Erectile Dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation, Ejaculatory Incompetence and excess usage of drugs and alcohol can also cause infertility in men.
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