Mobile Application Development Trends The creation of internet has emerged the creation of gadgets like smart wearables and smart televisions in the world. Today there are more than two billion people using smartphones today. With the advent of technologies like the Internet of Things and cloud computing people are now looking out for greater advancement and innovation. Such high hopes have left the mobile application developers busy throughout the year. Moreover the app development sector is also expecting more innovative developments to emerge in the upcoming future. Let us go deep on discussing about the latest trends in application development. Everything in Cloud The cloud has gained greater propulsion from the people, due to the creation of smartphones. The cloud today provides enhanced features like synchronization of apps across multiple devices, managing the application bandwidth and more. The convergence of mobile and cloud computing will result in applications being delivered to a large group of devices. In 2016, you will see cloud technology growing faster and providing drastic outcomes in the mobile app development.
Smart Wearable The smart wearable’s entered the market in 2014 and since then its profit has been increasing year after year. The adoption of these wonderful devices is expected to grow to 150 million units in the year 2019. In the 2016, people are expecting a better integration of these devices with their tablets and phones. This sector of application development has a lot of room for improvement; especially they can concentrate in providing better performance and interfaces.