The complete overview of magento php

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The Complete Overview Of Magento PHP Magento is an e-commerce website or an open source content management system, magento is the best solution for an ecommerce website development. It was developed by varien Inc., with assistance from few volunteers. Since it is an open source content management system it has more advantages for Magento developers to use it for development of online stores/websites.

Overview of Magento: Magento consists of two distinct platforms, •

Magento Community Edition.

Magento Enterprise Edition.

There were also two former platforms, Magento Professional Edition and Magento Go.

Magento includes the functionalities of •




management system. •

The PHP programming language, and

Elements of the Zend Framework.

People generally around the world opt to get involved with ecommerce business and thus Magento development is the best option for them.

Websites developed in magento have some major benefits such as

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.