The significant aspects of php framework

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The Significant Aspects Of Php Framework PHP is a server side scripting language most commonly used for web application development. Internet is one of the major reasons for the Development of PHP, where companies began to develop their own website and thus started to have their own foot prints in the field of technology, PHP is a feature rich and intelligent framework that completely recognizes its structure for modern and legacy projects. PHP




making waves now and then, these frameworks are making the



process easier, Framework also plays an important role in speed up the programming efficiency of developers, more and more tools are developed on a regular basis that enhances the programming efficiency. PHP has an easy learning curve, which makes it exceptionally handy for making web applications and frameworks, PHP has many arrays and variables which can hold any type of object, where the variables need not be declared, and the syntax is remarkably simple.

Some Of The Popular PHP Frameworks Are: •


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The significant aspects of php framework by vanitha raj - Issuu