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math’s notes

BY IRWIN MATH, * WA2NDM Suggestions for Future Experimentation


Figure 1. The basic electromagnetic spectrum as we know it today.

At this point in time, 2022 is coming to a close and the new year is about to be born. I typically use this time to think about where we have been and where we may go in the future. This month, however, I would also like to explore the future but in a somewhat different way. This is by suggesting what avenues of exploration the experimenters among us might wish to consider.

Figure 1 is a rough representation of the electromagnetic spectrum as we know it at present. As amateurs, most of us are certainly familiar with the spectrum from DC up through radio and into the microwave region and can actually see the visible portion of the spectrum (note that the uncommon extremely high frequency designations on the graph are abbreviated “PHz” = petahertz and “EHz” = exahertz.) However, if you look at the spectrum from the infrared portion and beyond you will see that the frequencies are so high that if one were to just use 10- or 20-kHz-wide bandwidth portions for a signal (AM?), then thousands, if not millions, of such channels are potentially available. The trick is to determine how to use these narrow portions easily. That is where experimenters can certainly look. Although some efforts have been made in the optical portion of the spectrum, narrow bandwidth selective portions are basically limited to optical filters, which while effective to some degree, are still very wide band. In the days of the spark coil, very large portions of the spectrum were also modulated (on and off) for CW operation and rudimentary voice transmissions were experimented with but were severely limited although some work was attempted even then. Frequencies much higher than 1.5 MHz (200 meters) were considered unusable and as a result they were “given” to amateurs and experimenters. As time progressed, however, we eventually came up with AM, FM, and then all sorts of digital techniques that we have today but this is where it seems to have stopped. Why not try to come up with very simple methods of dividing up portions of the UV and higher wavelengths and — not just with optical filters (that do exist) but with novel new approaches?

Speaking of high frequencies, it is a fact that as far as we know the entire electromagnetic spectrum may actually extend indefinitely. In the early days, the range of wireless transmissions was basically limited to a few hundred miles with kilowatt spark transmitters. When the “HF” region was finally beginning to be explored by amateurs as well as “professionals” , it was found that a few watts with a little more advanced technology enabled worldwide communications. As we moved into the microwave (GHz) region, the “no distance limit” transmission range achievable became virtually line-of-sight and, in the optical region, even a simple sheet of paper could effectively block transmissions. These are all certainly facts but I wonder what happens if you go still higher. Does propagation change again? We know X-rays pass through solid material (talk to a doctor) and gamma rays may or may not actually pass through the earth itself so what happens as you continue to go higher (are they still electromagnetic?). There is even some research being done with what is referred to as the “triboelectric effect” (look it up on the internet), which is basically related to static electricity but still involves the movement of electrons. And when electrons move, don’t they produce an electromagnetic field of some sort? As a result, I personally wonder if there really is a true upper limit as some suggest, or if there are surprises in store. Initially, “thinking out of the box” experimenters will probably have a good chance of finding out.

I know that many will immediately say, “but I don’t have the means, finances, or exotic equipment to research all of this, ” but don’t forget to consider what “exotic” equipment Hertz and others soon after him had to study their thresholds. All they had at their time (compared to us today) were some mathematical formulas from Maxwell (which few understood) and whatever they could construct with their own hands from readily available common materials and their imaginations. Think about it!

In the days of spark, sophisticated communications equipment consisted of natural minerals such as galena and silicon (the first solid-state devices?), coils of wire, all sorts of spark gaps and long elaborate antennas. It took years to invent the simple vacuum tube, although Thomas*c/o CQ magazine

Edison actually made a diode by enclosing a metal plate into one of his new lamps to try to solve a darkening problem (which it didn’t). He even found that current would flow in only one direction (from the filament to the plate), but since it did not do what he wanted he dismissed it, recorded his findings and named it the “Edison Effect. ” It took Alexander Fleming and then Lee de Forrest to actually develop the practical vacuum tube. Years later, the transistor made its appearance and changed the future of the entire electronics industry, but at this point in time it seems that even this device is approaching its upper frequency limit. Is there something else on the horizon to be discovered? Is there an “effect” of some sort that was noted but not explored? Who knows?

Finally, is there another totally different method of communication that is not electromagnetic in nature? I know this is a big “stretch” of the imagination but remember that scientists before the 1800s could not even imagine electricity or should I say “electronics” as we know it, although lightning was of course clearly visible to everyone.

I hope you have gotten the point of all of this. My conclusion is that I believe there are many things out there that do not necessarily require exotic equipment and ultra-educated individuals to discover. It only requires careful research by people with a great deal of imagination to try to see what there is, sometimes from a completely different point of view. Maybe one of the members of our hobby can find out. I can’t wait to hear what that will be!

Season’s Greetings to all of my readers and to paraphrase my usual end-of-the-year comment, “may the coming year bring you all that your heart desires.

what’s new

WXWarn 2.0 Now Available From N3FJP Software

Prompted by Hurricane Ian’s recent landfall in Florida, N3FJP Amateur Radio Software has released WXWarn, which taps into the National Weather Service (NWS) real-time weather data feed, constantly monitoring NWS weather updates and displaying just the alerts that are important to you as they are issued.

Whether you simply want a “heads up” to unfolding forecast weather conditions in your own county, or you would like statewide, region wide, or severe weather alerts for the entire U.S., you can configure WXWarn to display just the information that you are looking for.

WXWarn 2.0 is a complete re-creation from N3FJP’s previous version 1.8, is operating system agnostic and will run entirely in your browser. There is nothing to install and it will even work on your phone. Use Chrome or Firefox for best results. You can begin using the latest version of WXWarn by visiting <https://wxwarn.affirmatech.com>.

N3FJP’s Software package includes more than 100 programs for contesting, net management and general logging amateur radio applications, as well as the WX Warn weather software. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual maintenance costs of any kind. Register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life.

For more information, contact: G. Scott Davis, 118 Glenwood Road, Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 or visit <www.n3fjp.com>.

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