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For 75 years the Young Ladies ’ Radio League, Inc. (YLRL) has helped women find their voice in Amateur Radio with members of all ages and interests.

The YLRL sponsors a number of certificates for both YLs and OMs. Members can earn special YL Certificates.


YL-Harmonics is our bi-monthly publication highlighting what women are doing in Amateur Radio.

YLRL gives out scholarships to YLs each year.

For more information on the YLRL, the current dues amounts, weekly YL Net locations or how to join please go to our website at www.ylrl.org or contact the Publicity Chairwoman, Cheryl Muhr, NØWBV at n0wbv@earthlink.net. All Officer information is also listed both on the website and in each edition of the magazine and you may contact any Officer as well. With thanks to the OMs who encourage and support us.

Visit us at www.ylrl.org

Here are some of the articles we’re working on for upcoming issues of CQ:

• A Billion-Year-Old Radio Signal • The First YL to Operate from the Vatican in 20 Years • A Leyden-Jar Magnetic Loop Antenna

Plus… • Results: 2022 CQWW VHF Contest • Lego® Equipment Enclosures

Upcoming Special Issues

February: QRP (Looking for stories now!)

June: Take it to the Field

October: Emergency Communications

December: Technology

Do you have a hobby radio story to tell? Something for one of our specials? CQcovers the entire radio hobby. See our writers’ guidelines on the CQ website at <http://bit.ly/2qBFOdU>.

to Led Zeppelin, miscellaneous rock, station ID at 0310. Alabama P Public Radio Relay on 6925 at 0036 on wide variety of things, occasional sound effects, station ID, 2-minute pause, SSTV, another pause, then off. Radio 48 on 6950u at 0027 with current rock, interrupted by several station IDs. Underdog on 6935u at 0042 with country, several SSTVs, off at 0125. Cave M Man Radio on 6931.5 at 0046 but poor in noise, identified from HFU. Russian Retard Radio on 6932 at 0032 with several IDs, parody songs, some in Russian or Ukrainian. WJAN on 6920u at 0046 with DJ with station ID, progressive rock. (Taylor, WI)

PREVIOUSLY REPORTED: Chill Radio, Ball Smacker Radio, Yeah Man Radio, Radio Free Whatever, Wolverine Radio, WDOG, Sycko Radio, Damn Skippy, WANK, WHIZ, Outhouse Radio, Thunder Chicken, WTF Radio.

ROMANIA—Radio Romania Intl. on 11650 via Tiganesti at 2134-2157 with man with Spanish features, nice station ID at 2138, brief instrumental music at 2150, station ID at 2154, then off. (D’Angelo, PA)

SÃO TOMÉ—VOA R Relay on 11900 via Pinhera at 2310 ending in French and into Bambara without Yankee Doodle IS. (Taylor, WI)

SAUDI ARABIA—Al-Azm Radio on 11745 via Jeddah at 0030 with woman possibly reading the news in Arabic followed by man leading a discussion. (D’Angelo, PA)

SOLOMAN ISLANDS—SIBC on 5020 via Honoria at 1158 with what appeared to be a religious program. (Taylor, WI)

SOUTH K KOREA—KBS W World R Radio on 9640 at 1539 with man and woman cohosting pop music program in Vietnamese. (Barton, AZ) On 15575 via Kimjae at 1257 with chimes, station ID in Korean, news in English at 1300. (Brossell. WI)

KBS H Hamninjok on 6015 in Korean with domestic pop at 1122. (Taylor, WI)

SPAIN—Radio Exterior España on 15520 via Noblejas in English (on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays) with woman reading the news at 2201; second harmonic on 17855 was best; on 11940 and 11670 were very poor. (Sellers, BC)

SRI LANKA—Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp. on 11905 via Trincomalee at 00300057 with O/C, group vocals, woman giving the station ID then into Hindi, mostly talks with some instrumental music. (D’Angelo, PA) Heard at 0055. (Taylor, WI)

TAIWAN—RTI on 6180 at 1205 in Mandarin, soft, lively music with distinctive voiced woman, some jamming from CNR-1. (Taylor, WI)

THAILAND—Voice o of T Thailand on 9390 via Ban Dung in Thai at 1412, off abruptly just before 1415. (Sellers, BC) On 15580 via Udon Thani at 2337-0029 with time pips, opening in English with announcements and woman reading the news headlines and weather. (D’Angelo, PA)

TURKEY—Voice o of T Turkey on 9830 via Emirler at 2243-2303 with woman hosting English feature, station ID, man giving another station ID, Turkish instrumental music, then something else either opened or VOT continued in another language. (D’Angelo, PA) On 15350 in Greek at 1156. (Brossell, WI)

UNITED STATES—VOA on 12080 via Philippines at 1223 in Korean. (Brossell, WI)

RFE / / R. Liberty on 9580 via Taiwan in Korean at 1229. (Brossell, WI) On 9840 via Biblis at 0412 with woman talking at length in Pashto; on 15310 via Woofferton, abruptly cut in mid-sentence at 1459. (Taylor, WI)

Radio Free Asia on 9355 via the Northern Marianas relay on suddenly in Khmer at 1430 with male and female announcers. (Sellers, BC)

Radio Marshall on 15365 via Thailand in Pashto at 1254. (Brossell, WI)

Trans World Radio on 13690 via Armenia at 1337 in Maghi with male preacher. (Taylor, WI)

Adventist World Radio on 15430 via Sri Lanka at 1234 in Meithel. (Brossell, WI)

VATICAN—Vatican Radio on 17615 via S.M. Galeria at 1634-1647 in English, perhaps a Latin religious service, then woman giving the station ID and closing announcements. (D’Angelo, PA)

VIETNAM—Voice of Vietnam on 12020 via Sontay in Japanese at 1223. (Brossell, WI)

As Time Goes By

~ Radio Armistad via San Pedro Laguna, Guatemala, on 4700 kHz with its 5-kilowatt domestic service in Spanish at 0128 on November 28, 2001.

Just Sayin’

Something I’ve never understood — why did the once energetic interest in having one’s shack photo published wither away and suddenly vanish? Used to be you got a certain “kick” out of seeing your shack photo published, but now it’s more like finding a stain on your t-shirt; almost an embarrassment — certainly nothing to be proud of. I gave up the appeal months ago.

Thank You, Thank You

A big heap of thank yous go to William Hassig, Mt. Pleasant, IL; Rich D’Angelo, Wyomissing, PA; Harold Sellers, Vernon, BC; Mark Taylor, Madison, WI; Rick Barton, El Mirage, AZ; and Bob Brossell, Pewaukee, WI.

Thank you again and until next month, remember to keep on keepin’ on and ... Celebrate Shortwave!

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