Vmm annual rePort
Vmm Vision
ColleCtions & exhiBits
deVelopment & support
Vmm people
Vmm. leonard mcCann arChiVes. parKs Canada ColleCtion.
From the president
During the past 12 months there have been significant and exciting changes at VMM. Uncertainty over the last few years arising from questions of where and what the VMM should be has been erased and a positive new atmosphere has developed. This notable turnaround can be attributed in great degree to the efforts of Ken Burton who was initially provided to the museum by the RCMP for the 2014 year. Following his passion, Ken has now joined VMM as our permanent Executive Director. Ken has united the staff including a number of very enthusiastic new members. He and the VMM Board of talented and experienced trustees have created exciting plans, some immediate and others for implementation as funds and time make that possible. The St. Roch renewal project designed by Haley Sharpe, will intensify the experience of the Arctic by light, sound and a more imaginative perspective of ice and cold. A second phase will serve to enhance the educational experience for the visitor using electronic digital technology and video screen portrayals. Other exhibits during the past year included the “Komagata Maru” story and “Babes and Bathers”, the history of the bathing suit particularly as it related to Vancouver beaches. The present exhibition entitled “Western Waters” tells the story of the Royal Canadian Navy on the West Coast during World War II.
Also running currently is a remarkable showing of historical maritime paintings by artist Chi-Ming Yeung which depict numerous maritime scenes in an exact historical perspective. Future plans for the museum include a complete renovation of the children’s area to create a more educational and fun filled experience. The VMM has been very much involved in telling the stories of the Canadian north. The discovery of the Erebus in 2014 is clearly a link to one of the greatest maritime stories of all time. By good timing and the generosity of Mr. Anthony Sessions the museum has acquired a significant collection of material relating to Franklin’s expedition and the searches that occurred between 1849 and 1854. These materials will be part of an exhibit entitled “Across the Top of the World” which will open at the museum in the spring of 2015. We very much appreciate the wonderful support of the City of Vancouver with whom the board and staff of the museum have worked closely over the past year. Partners such as B.C. Arts Council, the Dennis and Phyllis Washington foundation, TeeKay Corporation and many others help us move towards our goal of sustainability while providing thoughtful and exciting stories of our maritime heritage. Peter Bernard, President of the board of trustees
Vmm annual rePort
mission and Vision the Vancouver maritime museum celebrates the profound significance of the ocean and waterways of the pacific and arctic, through the preservation and growth of our extra-ordinary collection, and as a centre for dialogue, research and experience.
Vmm. leonard mcCann arChiVes.
• we are the centre for conversation, • we build partnerships with interested education, research and knowledge organizations to provide ever changing about the ocean and waterways of the and engaging experiential education and Pacific and arctic. activities for our members, residents of the region and our visitors, both in our • we engage and support diverse space and through outreach programs. communities and cultures to bring the stories of the Pacific and the arctic to • we promote the science and the our members, residents of our region technology of our maritime industries. and to our visitors. • we are a maritime museum that • we promote the opportunities that we enjoy as Canada’s gateway to Pacific conforms to the highest international trade and culture. standards and that anchors our activities, staff, volunteers and partners in a rich and growing collection of maritime artefacts.
A few weeks back I was alerted to a buzz or ring – a tone of some kind – and my attention was directed eventually to my iPhone and a posting, on Facebook, by the Vancouver Maritime Museum. When I opened up the posting I smiled as there for the world to see were “selfies” of VMM staff. Some were hanging off the St. Roch as if it was a new climbing apparatus or Jungle Gym, some were hard at work fabricating items, others peaking out behind some historic artefacts. All were smiling and grinning with passion, purpose and clearly they were having fun! I thought to myself - What an amazing group of young educated, and passionate professionals. How lucky, we as a community are, to have such a fine group of people associated to the Vancouver Maritime Museum. I began scrolling through the postings and came to a most revealing conclusion. The postings told stories old and new. It highlighted art openings, exhibitions, new donations, lecture events, historical facts, face paintings, a rock concert, interviews, musicians, “Bard on the Boat”, artefacts, and even VIP visits by Sponge Bob Square Pants and Salty the Seagull. Whew… What a year! What a great year!
Our curatorial “inbox” shows significant professional and personal connections growing weekly with other museums in England, Australia, Alaska, Ottawa, Japan, the USA and within British Columbia itself. Patrons of the Museum and the City of Vancouver have stepped up in a big way with amazing donations of time, energy and support. Powerful and ongoing relationships have been forged with entities such as the Centre for Digital Media, Emily Carr and others through direct interaction with Patrons and supporters of the Museum. Our collection has been blessed by significant donations, our programming is evolving in relevant and socially powerful ways and this is being reflected back in our choice of exhibitions. The Volunteer Core is growing and their support unwavering. The Board of Directors are motivated, engaged and focused. They will be knocking on a door near you very soon. Are you ready? I have always asked to be judged by our actions not just our words. Have a look at our Facebook site. I think it speaks for itself and I also think you will smile as well. Thank you for your continued support. Kenneth K. Burton, M.O.M. Director of the Vancouver Maritime Museum
Vmm annual rePort
51, 488 PeoPle exPlored the VanCouVer maritime museum and heritage harBour
new & renewed memBershiPs
PeoPle Came to late night thursdays
PeoPle attended PuBliC Programs
Community grouP Visits
PeoPle engaged with at off-site PuBliC eVents
students, teaChers and ChaPerones PartiCiPated in museum eduCation Programs
151 45
guided sChool Programs
students, teaChers and Parents went on a guided harBour tour as Part of the nswia worKing waterfront sChool Program
self guided Programs
C fa
it tw
518 2014
2318 2015
a Year in numBers 42 .80 6% Ve go
g nt me rn
32.44% CitY oF VanCouVer
proVinCe oF BC
% 57.20
rais selF % 17.96
s nt
BC arts CounCil
16.54% admissions & memBership 22.62% donations & Fundraising 17.96% other reVenue 2%
% % 58 3.
operating expenses
other grants
(moorage, parking, store sales)
exhiBits & harBour
6.08% 16
11.37% programs, CommunitY, memBer serViCes
9. % 20
35.07% operations 16.46% Visitor serViCes 10.16% Curatorial 3.58% liBrarY 8.08%
6.08% Fundraising & deVelopment
Vmm annual rePort
Programs & arChiVes at Vmm
Vmm annual rePort
sChool programs
The museum offers guided programs for students in preschool to grade 12 and self-guided programs for students of all ages. In addition to the guided and self-guided school programs, the museum offers ESL programs and other custom programs for teachers. All school programs are designed by educators to meet specific prescribed learning outcomes as identified in the provincial education curriculum. School programs are structured to provide students with a variety of opportunities to learn and are designed to be hands-on, student focused and engaging. School programs are delivered by teams of volunteers. The museum maintains a core group of approximately 20 docents who are trained to deliver the majority of the school programs at the museum.
school Programs offered in 2014 » tugs for tykes (preschool to grade 1) » Pirates! (preschool to grade 4) » amazing arctic animals (preschool to K) » mountie sailors (grades 1 to 3) » nswia working waterfront (grade 5) » man the oars and Chart the Coast (grades 4 and 5) » arctic explorers (grades 4 and 5) » extreme environments (grades 5 to 7) » arctic meltdown (grades 5 to 7) » two worlds: above and Below the sea (grades 8 & 9) » what is war good for? (grades 10-12) » self-guided museum Visit (all grades)
The Museum attended a number of community events and festivals in 2014. Highlights included: The Canada Day celebration at Canada Place, where Museum staff and volunteers engaged over 1000 people in family craft activities at Salty’s Marketplace. The Museum participated in the Granville Island Wooden Boat Festival organized by the Vancouver Wooden Boat Society, where the programming team interacted with 500 children and adults. In 2014, the Museum also attended a number of community events outside of Vancouver, including the Richmond Maritime Festival, where it engaged over 800 people in maritime-themed activities.
With financial and volunteer support from SMIT Marine Canada Inc., the Museum participated in the New Westminster RiverFest, building tugboats with close to 400 festival attendees. The Museum has been a proud supporter of both Variety - the Children’s Charity Boat for Hope and the Easter Seals Charity Regatta. At both of these events, the museum provides pirate-themed crafts and pirate ship-building workshops. Being part of these local events, almost since their inception, has provided the museum with opportunities to support important causes in our community and to contribute to better lives for those most in need.
VMM Annual Report
Public Events
Komagata Maru: Challenging Injustice
In conjunction with the Komagata Maru exhibition, the Museum presented In the Aftermath: What does an apology mean?, an interactive conversation with NDP Leader Adrian Dix, UFV Centre for IndoCanadian Studies Director Satwinder Bains, and UBC Professor Henry Yu, on the nature of apologies. Audience participation enriched the discussion on issues surrounding the process of reconciliation. Another event, Stories from the Komagata Maru, saw book author Hugh Johnston give an engaging recounting of the intrepid voyage of the Komagata Maru, as told through the personal accounts of the key individuals involved. Babes & Bathers: History of the Swimsuit
For the Babes & Bathers exhibition, the Museum presented From Wool to Wow: A Century of Vancouver Beach Style, a historical swimsuit fashion show with historian / guest curator Ivan Sayers. The event was sold out. Other events included an exhibition talk and tour with Ivan Sayers, a lecture on the social history of Vancouver beaches by Neil Whaley, and a swimsuit design competition with local swim-wear design company Nettle’s Tale.
The Museum presented a variety of public programs for all audiences in 2014. Highlights included:
Lost and Found: Arctic Shipwrecks and the Franklin Expedition The Museum presented a lecture by Marc-André Bernier, chief of the underwater archeology team for Parks Canada that found the Franklin Expedition. This sold-out event took place at the HR MacMillan Space Centre, and coincided with the 70th anniversary of the St. Roch’s arrival in Vancouver from its historic return voyage through the Northwest Passage.
Raise the Sails & Ring the Bell
600 children and adults participated in this free full day family event celebrating the re-opening of the St. Roch National Historic Site. The event featured the once-in-a-lifetime hoisting of the main sail of the St. Roch, sailors’ tattoos, photo ops with a real life Mountie, an RCMP Patrol Boat, engine room tours, free RCMP books for members and more.
Other events included:
Photo credit: Peter Vassilopoulos
Port Metro Vancouver’s Winter Wander in Vanier Park
Canada Day Open House
BC Day Family Activities
Kidsworld Day at the VMM
Bard on the Boat – Performances by Riotous Youth of Bard on the Beach
Georgia Strait Alliance’s Water’s Edge Day
Winter Break Family Crafts
VMM Annual Report
Library & archives
W.B. and M.H. Chung Library & Leonard G. McCann Archives
The W.B. & M.H. Chung Library and Leonard G. McCann Archives saw another eventful year in 2014. The library and archives are seeing a steady increase in reference questions since the construction was completed in 2013. This year we had a total of 474 requests from the staff, general public, students, media, authors, and many others. We received requests from all around the world including Canada, the United States, Brazil, Chile, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, India, and Australia via phone, email, mail, and in-person appointments. This proves our global reach is going steady and strong.
and one 1852 broadsheet called Captain Austin’s expedition in search of Sir John Franklin: Intrepid, Resolute, Assistance, Pioneer. This beautiful piece is printed in red ink on linen and was acquired from a descendant of Sophie Cracroft, the niece and employed companion of Lady Franklin. We are excited that some of these items will be displayed in the upcoming 2015 exhibit Across the Top of the World. Other donations of note include the personal archives of Curator Emeritus Leonard McCann, a photograph album of the Princess Kathleen, a manuscript signed by Henry Larsen, records from the Nautical Heritage Society and a number of small photograph collections.
This year the Library and Archives gratefully received twenty-six new donations to the collection. One of the most exciting donations was the Sir John Franklin collection. The collection originally came from the remarkable Brooke Hitching library and consists of ten rare books, five charts illustrating the search efforts for Franklin,
Due to a request from the Anchorage Museum, this year we had five of our William Bayly charts digitized in high resolution. These hand drawn charts are from Cook’s third and final 1779 voyage and even document where he was killed. We are pleased to be able to offer researchers such high quality digitized materials.
VMM. LEONARD McCANN archives. parks canada st. roch collection. HCRO-30-12. 1930s
In August the archives received a generous grant of $1000 from the Terry Reksten Memorial Fund to re-house our glass plate negative and lantern slide collection. This allowed for new supplies to be ordered and two volunteers to describe and adequately house these rare and delicate photographs. The Librarian/Archivist continues to write articles of historical interest for the industry magazine BC Shipping News. Some of the topics covered in 2014 include animals taken on board ships, a collection of lifesaving glass plate negatives, the history of the Wigwam Inn, and the library of the Erebus and Terror. We continue to receive positive comments and feedback from readers and enjoy increased reference inquiries and visits from the public as a direct result. The Librarian/Archivist once more provided tours for library and archives students from Langara and UBC. Our library, classed as a “special
library,� continues to be of interest to academics and serves as an interesting case study for students. As a result of the relationship with the local academic institutions, we have gained some new and talented volunteers. A special thanks to our volunteer cohort this year, Elizabeth Hawkins, Ian Mugridge and Dominique Swennen for their commitment and enthusiasm this year. We have also arranged for a Professional Experience student to work with us in 2015 on a collections management project involving the chart collection. With new donations, collections management activities, and new exhibits, we look forward to another productive year in 2015.
Vmm annual rePort
Exhibits & Collections
VMM Annual Report
Marc-Andre Bernier examins the franklin material donated by anthony sessions with vmm staff
2014 was a very successful year for the collections at the Vancouver Maritime Museum. Early in the year the museum wrapped up the MAP Grant and COV funded clean-up of building 14 which saw the return of the museum’s collection of small craft. After having been closed for the better part of two years, the St. Roch shelter was reopened to the public and the event “Raise the Sails” was held in May to inaugurate the reopening. In June, Duncan MacLeod officially took over curatorial duties at the Vancouver Maritime Museum. The curatorial department also made a significant leap forward by launching its online database. This has profound implications as it will greatly improve the ability to catalogue, track, research and provide information on the museum’s physical and archival collections. This will also help in the future to give public access to an online version of the museum’s holdings.
We have had many donation offers to the Museum’s collection this year. Some of the most interesting include a collection of ship models made by Doug Allen. This transfer from the Fraser River Discovery Centre adds to our current collection of Doug Allen models. We also received offers of paintings by both Loren Adams and John Horton. But perhaps the most significant acquisition made by the Vancouver Maritime Museum this year was the collections of books, papers and charts which are connected to the search for the lost John Franklin expedition. Some of these items were put on display on October 16th at a reception following the talk given by Mark André Bernier on the recent discovery of Erebus. The John Franklin material we received will also be the centre piece of the upcoming 2015 exhibit Across the Top of the World.
J Torben Karlshoej Gallery
Rebuilding an Empress Feb 25 - April 27 2014
Empress of France is a 1:48 scale builder’s model of the ship bearing the same name. In 2010, the VMM’s own Lucian Ploias was commissioned to restore the Empress of France model to her former glory. As a result of over 100 years of neglect, the model had been badly damaged. The restoration process took more than 3,500 hours of intense labour over a four-year period. In the end, something that was created from one person’s passion, was, in turn, restored by another’s.
Mail Order: Swimwear from the Woodward’s Catalogues May 8 - Oct 3 2014
Pairing with the popular Babes and Bathers exhibit, this exhibit displayed reproductions of vintage Woodward’s catalogue pages from the 1920s to the 1960s, with a focus on men’s and women’s swimsuits. At a time when everything is accessible or available for purchase on the Internet, the idea of catalogues and mail order purchasing is not only a thing of the past, but a concept slowly seeping from collective memory. In Mail Order, visitors got a flashback of local swimwear fashion, the art of catalogues and learnt how Vancouverites used to shop for their beach attire.
Ships and the Sea
Jan 13 - April 5 2015
Where Land and Water Meet Oct 3 2014 - Jan 11 2015
Water’s edge day was a very successful partnership with the Georgia Straight Alliance. Along with the activities, the exhibit Where Land and Water Meet was hosted in the TK gallery. This show combined archival images of Vancouver’s waterfront areas juxtaposed with works by local artists which were inspired by Vancouver’s waterfront.
Vancouver artist Chi-Ming Yeung was fascinated with ships from an early age; growing up in Hong Kong with a view of Victoria Harbour, inspired by his father who was an amateur painter, Ming began to develop his own craft. Ming pursued a career in graphic design after graduating from college, but after joining the Burnaby Artists Guild in 2007 he returned to his childhood passion to create many of the paintings on display at the VMM. His paintings of ships are thoroughly researched and meticulously crafted, and his use of strong contrast between colours and shading create images with a strong visual impact.
Vmm annual rePort
temporary galleries
BaBes & Bathers June 28 - Nov 2 2014
This exhibit celebrated the playful side of Vancouver’s maritime history. As a city surrounded by water, going to the beach and owning a swimsuit is an essential part of both our wardrobe and our Vancouver identity. Drawing primarily on the collection of Ivan Sayers, the Maritime Museum displayed examples of swimwear worn in Vancouver from the 1890s to the 1980s. This was a very successful exhibit and had great coverage in various forms of media. Numerous popular events were connected to the exhibit including popular talks on fashion and Vancouver history given by guest Curator Ivan Sayers and exhibit contributor Neil Whaley.
“anyone with a love of fashion and its history will want to plunge into this show...and visitors will probably leave appreciating their comfortable lycra suit a little more, after imagining what wet wool might have felt like when our forefathers and -mothers plunged into english Bay all those years ago.” janet smith, georgia straight
Komagata Maru: Challenging Injustice Nov 2013- June 2014
This unique exhibit examined the darker side of Vancouver’s maritime history. It marked the 100th anniversary of the incident when 356 passengers aboard Komagata Maru were barred entry to Vancouver’s port, and after spending 2 months stranded in Burrard Inlet returned back home to India. Vancouver prides itself on its diversity but this exhibit reminds us that this was not always the case.
Western Waters: The Royal Canadian Navy on our Coast Nov 2014 - Spring 2015
Commemorating the 100th and 75th anniversaries of the beginnings of the first and second world wars, the Vancouver Maritime Museum partnered with the Vancouver Naval Museum at HMCS Discovery to tell the story of the Royal Canadian Navy on the West Coast of British Columbia. The exhibit highlights stories of individuals from Vancouver and BC who made significant impacts on the development of the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian war effort.
Creature Comforts: Ships’ Cats, Mascots and Animal Companions November 2014 – March 2014
CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum
Created by the Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum, this bilingual exhibit showcased the unique range of animals that made homes for themselves aboard Royal Canadian Navy ships in the 20th century. Whether they were working animals such as cats that hunted vermin on the boats, diplomatic gifts of reindeer from Russia, or rescued dogs, this exhibit underlined the main importance of having animals on board ships at sea; namely the sense of home that having furry or feathered friends brought to crew members.
VMM Annual Report
Heritage harbour
The Heritage Harbour is an outdoor display of privately owned classic and heritage vessels. The Oarlock and Sail Wooden Boat Club is a Vancouver-based club for enthusiasts of small wooden boats and operates out of a floating workshop at the Heritage Harbour.
Model workshop
2014 was the year when one of the largest model projects was completed. The “Empress of France” was a builder’s model of the CPR ship of the same name launched in 1913. This model was badly damaged after decades of improper storage and neglect. The owners took the wise decision to undertake a full restoration of this superb ship. The whole project took more than 3 years from start to finish and entailed the total reconstruction of the 14 foot long model which weighs 2000 lbs and includes an Edwardian style display case. After completion VMM hosted a temporary exhibit in TK gallery displaying photographs of some
key steps during restoration process as well the completed model. Presently the model is in a local museum in Lac LaBiche Alberta. Second major project of the past year was the restoration of the model of “Meander” a prominent yacht designed by Robert Allan LTD. Meander was the first design of the now famous Vancouver based naval architecture firm Robert Allan LTD. The model is a builder’s model made in the 1930’s and represents the Meander as she was built. Presently the model is displayed in the offices of Robert Allan. More information about these models can be found online at www.transylvanian.com.
weddings yoga CorPorate BBQs dine out VanCouVer
fashion shows
leCture series
FaCilitY rentals
“the Vmm offers exceptional value for space, view and unique charm. there really is no space like it in Vancouver. the st. roch was a hit with young and old, and a must to include for every event. we would recommend the Vmm to anyone looking for a one-of-a-kind venue for a memorable event.�
tug & Pirate
feedback from a wedding hire
Vmm annual rePort
deVelopment & supporters
VMM Annual Report
New developments
Images courtesy of Haley sharpe design
Bill Haley and students from the centre for digital media test the wheel house experience
The Vancouver Maritime Museum has teamed up with world renowned Haley Sharpe Design and the Centre for Digital Media to bring new and innovative visitor experiences to the St. Roch display. This collaboration will see a unique “Wheelhouse Experience” where visitors can drive a simulation of St. Roch through an Arctic pass. It will also see the wonder of the northern lights brought into the St. Roch shelter through specialty projectors and lighting effects. Around the mezzanine, “ice” sculptures flow from the walkway down around the hull of the ship creating an Arctic atmosphere.
Significant changes are on the horizon at the Vancouver Maritime Museum. Dan Sawatzky and his team at the Imagination Corporation have dreamed up a whimsical maritime world for children to enjoy. It’s a recreation of the port of Vancouver with a multi-level cargo ship to explore, cranes that move, and a Seaspan tug. It’s an underwater adventure with a sunken shipwreck, a diver’s suit and a submarine children can board. It will be a new destination for children’s maritime education and family adventure.
images aBoVe CourtesY oF dan sawatZKY & imagination Corporation
VMM Annual Report
Partners & Associations Community Partners The museum’s community engagement extends beyond the programs and activities provided by museum staff and volunteers. The museum encourages and supports the activities of other likeminded maritime community groups by offering low cost meeting spaces and business services. The primary criteria for participating in this program are that the group must have a mission statement and objective that is in alignment with the mandate of the museum. This mutually beneficial program not only supports these organizations, but it also enables the museum to engage with different communities of maritime enthusiasts. • Artificial Reef Society of BC: To create environmentally and economicallysustainable “artificial reefs” in British Columbia; • SS Master Society: Dedicated to the preservation, restoration and operation of the SS Master the last operational wood hull steam tug on the coast; • B.C. Ex-Forest Service Vessel Squadron Dedicated to the retired vessels of the B.C. Forest Service and associated vessels; • Gulf Yacht Club: A collection of sail-boat owners and their families who like to cruise under sail and explore the waters of British Columbia and beyond (does not including racing);
• Norway House Society: Operates the scale Viking long-ship Munin; • Oarlock and Sail Wooden Boat Club: Wood boat enthusiasts who build, operate and maintain fleet of small wood boats; • Tiddly Cove Yacht Club: A Vancouver yacht club focused on keelboat cruising and PHRF racing; • Underwater Archaeological Society of BC: A group of volunteers who conserve, preserve, and protect the maritime heritage lying beneath British Columbia’s coastal and inland waters; • World Ship Society of BC: A research community primarily of ships and shipping company history enthusiasts.
The museum continues to support the community by maintaining its membership of the Alliance for Arts and Culture, International Council of Maritime Museums (ICMM), Council of American Maritime Museums (CAMM), Lower Mainland Museum Educators Association, as well as the British Columbia Museums Association (BCMA) and the Canadian Museums Association (CMA).
In 2014, the museum also partnered with:
Every year we make donations to a wide range of causes. Our biggest donation in 2014 was to KidStart (400 passes for 200 youth and their mentors).
• •
• • • •
Georgia Strait Alliance (Water’s Edge Day) Vancouver Heritage Foundation Other Sights for Artists’ Projects (Deadhead Bomford Project) Museum of Vancouver, HR MacMillan Space Centre, Vancouver Academy of Museum, Bard on the Beach, Vancouver Archives Nettle’s Tale Novel Swimwear Geco Marine / Recycle My Boat
Corporate Partners, Donors and Sponsors BC Shipping News BC Supercargoes’ Association BC Maritime Employers Association Bernard & Partners British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. Canadian Pacific Railway Company Canexus Chemicals Cargill Ltd. Cerescorp Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia CityTV Cloverdale Paint ERCO Worldwide Fibreco Export Inc. GVTV - City of Vancouver James Richardson International Jastram Engineering Ltd. Kinder Morgan Terminals Lakeland Interpretive Society Marine Workers & Boiler Makers Mercury Launch & Tug Ltd. Neptune Bulk Terminals (Canada) Inc.
North West & Canada Cruise Association Nova Kool Manufacturing Inc. Pacific Pilotage Authority Port Metro Vancouver Robert Allan Ltd. Seaspan Marine Corporation SMIT Marine Canada Inc. STX Canada Marine Inc. TD Canada Trust Teekay Shipping (Canada) Ltd. TELUS Corporation Trans Mountain Expansion Project TSI Terminal Systems Inc. Tymac Launch Service Ltd. Univar Canada Ltd. Vancouver Board of Trade Vancouver Pile Driving Valles Steamship (Canada) Ltd. Volvo Penta Western Stevedoring Westshore Terminals Ltd.
VMM Annual Report
Evening at the museum
An Evening at the Museum had a fantastic turn out in 2014, and as ever we are hugely greatful to all those who joined us! Anthony Sessions Bard on the Beach BC Coast Pilots BC Ferries BC Lions Football Club BC Maritime Employers Association BC Sports Hall of Fame BC Supercargoes Association Bernard & Partners Bridges Restaurant Brown’s Social House Bruce Cowie Burrowing Owl Estate Winery Canadian Pacific Railway Corporation Caper’s Wholefoods Markets Captain Phillip Nelson Capilano Suspension Bridge Cerescorp Chamber of Shipping BC Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia Cherry Point Estate Wines CLIA Northwest & Canada
Council of Marine Carriers Dave Dungey David Conn Donna Spalding Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden Easy Park Vancouver Everything Wine Ganton and Larsen Prospect Winery Global Container Terminals Gluskin Sheff and Associates Granville Island Brewery Granville Island Hotel Harbour Cruises & Events Harbour Publishing Hector Williams Helijet International Inc. Hotel Blu Vancouver Ivivva Athletica Jamie Marshall Jane McIvor Jim Fairweather Jim LaCosse
John Horton Kaity Stein KPMG LLP Lauren Adamson Le Crocodile Maplewood Farms Mark Anthony Group Mike LoVecchio Museum of Anthropology Musqueam Golf Park N Fly Paul Townsend Peter Bernard Peter M. German Port Metro Vancouver Robert Allan Ltd. Rod Larden Rollie Webb Rosedale on Robson Seaspan Marine Corporation Stand Up Paddle Vancouver Stantec
Teekay Corporation The Amix Group The British Columbia Coast Pilots Ltd. The Keg Steakhouse and Bar The Listel Hotel The Sutton Place Hotel Tilley Endurables Top Table Group Trans Mountain Expansion Project Transmountain Expansion Tymac Launch Service Ltd. Vancouver Canadians Professional Baseball Club Vivian Hotz Volvo Penta West Coast Seeds West Sport Fishing Western Stevedoring White Spot Whitecaps Foundation Zara’s Italian Deli & Fresh Pasta
Vmm annual rePort
sponsors The Vancouver Maritime Museum would like to say a big thank you to all our sponsors!
grants: • • • • • • • • • •
British Columbia Arts Council Canadian Heritage City of Vancouver Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation Lohn Foundation Parks Canada RBC Foundation The Highbury Foundation The Vancouver Foundation TK Foundation
goVernment funding ProVided By:
VMM Annual Report
The Museum is sincerely grateful for gifts of every size. We thank you for your support! We make every effort to recognize donors in accordance with their wishes. We apologize for any errors or omissions. Donations to the Collection George Fetherling Oli Pii RCMP Veterans Association (Vancouver Division) Anthony Sessions Grants British Columbia Arts Council Canadian Heritage City of Vancouver Dennis & Phyllis Washington Foundation
Lohn Foundation Parks Canada RBC Foundation The Highbury Foundation The Vancouver Foundation TK Foundation Donations were made in memory of William A Weatherall Doug Chadwick
Sustain the Future Wallace Chung Rosemary Elaine Polglase Anthony Sessions Robyn Woodward Inspire the Imagination Frank A. Clapp Norman C.M. Collingwood George Fetherling Clyde Jacobs Alec MacKenzie Doreen Riedel Glenn Smith Preserve the Past Craig W. Beattie Robert A. Cuthbert David Stratton Educate for Life George A. Adams Robert Allan Captain H.A. Bacon Noel A.E. Best Judy Chadwick Jeff Christian David Conn William Etchell John H. Glavin Ronald Harrison Erik Johnston Scott Lindsay
Mike LoVecchio Elizabeth MacLeod Wendy Mello Francis H. Milledge John Osburn Stephanie Robb David R. L. Rolfe Heather Sharpe Elizabeth Walker Richard Walpole Hector Williams Kelly Williams Explore and Discover Gary Adams Timothy D. Agg Edward J. Ard Margaret Beck Peter G. Bernard Andy Blokmanis Ronald Cartwright David Chamberlain Myron Claridge Dora Coutts Jesse Davidge Alan Dawson Michael & Elizabeth Demner Vince den Hertog Maurice Fellis Sharon Fenton Thomas Hellenes William Henderson Abigail Howell
Xuhui Hu Rick James Vickie Jensen Dorothy Joplin Oscar Lisagor Thomas B. Marsh Betty Marshall Lawrence Masterman Robert McIlwaine Gary Mosier Ron Newcomb Derek Noon Keith Nunas Bill Patey Stephen Pyne Christopher Richardson John Philip Richardson Doug Rogers Don Rose Richard Ryan Donna Spalding Ronald R. Sutherland R.W. Unger Ray Warren John L. Watts Lorne Wickerson Edward Joseph Williams Larry Wong Bob Wood Frances M. Woodward Miao (Mavis) Ye Hongling Zhang
Vmm annual rePort
staFF & Volunteers
VMM Annual Report
The board
Peter G Bernard, QC Tom Beasley Donna Spalding David Dungey Hector Williams, PhD Robert Allan Evangeline Englezos Peter Fox
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President
Peter M German Colleen Hardwick James LaCosse Mike LoVecchio Christopher Richardson Anthony Sessions Captain Phill Nelson Kaity Arsoniadis-Stein
Volunteers Our volunteers are truly amazing. In a year of transition, our volunteers have remained committed and dedicated to the museum. We appreciate the hours of service and the enthusiasm volunteers bring to our organization. Volunteers make the Vancouver Maritime Museum a special place to experience maritime heritage. A big thanks to all who have volunteered their time in 2014.
In 2014 we recognized Howard Monk as our volunteer of the year. Howard Monk contributed close to 200 hours of volunteer time. Always ready to jump in and help out with special tours and school programs, Howard has generously given his time and energy to the museum. Howard has also been very welcoming to new staff and volunteers. Thank you Howard, you are a wonderful person and a gift to the museum. We appreciate all you do for the Vancouver Maritime Museum!
VOlUNTEER HOURS UP TO 100 HOURS Niki Ballantyne Tom Bell Mike Bentley Hudson Bishop Charlie Blackburn Ian Bowman Robin Bunton Bob Cuthbert Ted Davey Iris Dayson Norma Dixon Barbara Downs Audrey Dronsfield Wendy Elliott Bill Etchell Bill Farmer Fay Fergusson Sharen Fuchs Roxie Giles
1, 946 hours oF serViCe were dediCated to the museum BY our 74 Volunteers!
Darcy Hamilton Mary Harrison Tom Hellenes Trudy Hellenes Kendra Herrin Anita Hill Viviane Hotz So Inaba Pam Juryn Cindy Kalheim Daniel Lemieux Lucy Lian Stephen Lumsford Betty Marshall Al Mercer Alan Mitchell Beryl Mitchell Dianne Monk Gary Mosier Ian Mugridge Gamay Ngai
1155 hours
Anthony Patten Dominique Prinet Nora Ran Zack Reimer Ryan Riley Cathleen Rowlette Naima Said Glenn Smith Myra Song Racan Souiedan Gerardo Senorans-Barcala Dominique Swennen Andrew Todd Paul Wiebe Scotty Wilson Jessie Yang UP TO 200 HOURS Gerry Fuchs Ameen Kanji Howard Monk
to sChool Programs, 111 on-site and 17 off-site
deliVering PuBliC Programs and sPeCial eVents.
to the ColleCtion & liBrary; assessing, doCumenting, and ProCessing PhotograPhs, PostCards, Charts and artefaCts.
dediCated to the Board of trustees and the exeCutiVe Committee, helPing to guide and goVern our museum.
VMM Annual Report
Kenneth Burton
Catherine Butler
Lizzie Brotherston
Executive director
Fundraising and Development Manager
Marketing coordinator
St. Roch
Explorers Gallery
Fire Boats & Tug Boats
Kenneth Chan
Nicola Clur
Deirdre Dempsey
Finance and administration Manager
Operations coordinator
Administrative Coordinator
Western Waters Exhibit
TK Gallery
VMM Gift Shop
Lindsay De Vera
Lea Edgar
Simon Fleming
Visitor Services supervisor
Librarian / Archivist
Display Technician
Talya Fuchs
Andrew Hildred
Bruce & Sheila Macdonald
Programs Coordinator
Programs assistant & volunteer coordinator
VMM Lobby
Children’s Maritime Discovery Centre
Pirates Cove
Duncan MacLeod
Lucian Ploias
Curator of Collections
Model Maker
Collections Store
Model Workshop
Museum Workshop
Heritage Harbour
Visitor Services
Visitors Services welcomed two new staff members - Moses Matthews and Liam McCosh Nicola Clur Gladys Colobong Deirdre Dempsey Lindsay De Vera Nanci Dunbrook Alison Gilchrist Katie Graham Lyza Heyden Linda Lessard
Moses Matthews Liam McCosh Jessie McNeil Maria Mob Tricia Pattison Resh Pono Harrison Scheer Caroline Schober Allan Soone Angela Stevenson Banafsheh Tabrizi Jessica Wallin
Photography by Vancouver Maritime Museum unless otherwise stated Front and back cover: VMM. Leonard McCann Archives.
The Vancouver Maritime Museum
1905 Ogden Avenue, Vancouver, BC | 604-257-8300
www.vanmaritime.com | @vanmaritime
Program / Interpreter Staff Laura Aliaga Benjamin Buckingham Nanci Dunbrook Kaylia Little
Jessie McNeil Maria Mob Matthew Richardson Andrew Stephens