3 minute read
VOLUME 74 • NUMBER 3 (ISSN 0047-486X, USPS 316-240)
Read in more than 600,000 homes and businesses and published monthly except in December by The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc. 808 Knox Abbott Drive Cayce, SC 29033
Tel: (803) 926-3175 Fax: (803) 796-6064 Email: letters@scliving.coop
EDITOR Keith Phillips Tel: (803) 739-3040 Email: Keith.Phillips@ecsc.org
FIELD EDITORS Walter Allread, Josh Crotzer
ART DIRECTOR Sharri Harris Wolfgang
COPY EDITORS Trevor Bauknight, Jennifer Jas
CONTRIBUTORS April Coker Blake, Mike Couick, Andrew Haworth, Tim Hanson, Jan A. Igoe, Patrick Keegan, David Novak, Sydney Patterson, Belinda Smith-Sullivan, Chase Smoak, Brad Thiessen, Amy Trainum, Paul Wesslund
ADVERTISING Mary Watts Tel: (803) 739-5074 Email: ads@scliving.coop
NATIONAL REPRESENTATION American MainStreet Publications Tel: (800) 626-1181
Paid advertisements are not endorsements by any electric cooperative or this publication. If you encounter a difficulty with an advertisement, inform the Editor.
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©COPYRIGHT 2020. The Electric Cooperatives of South Carolina, Inc. No portion of South Carolina Living may be reproduced without permission of the Editor.
SOUTH CAROLINA LIVING is brought to you by your member-owned, taxpaying, not-for-profit electric cooperative to inform you about your cooperative, wise energy use and the faces and places that identify the Palmetto State. Electric cooperatives are South Carolina’s—and America’s—largest utility network.
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: $5.72 members, $8 nonmembers
Member of the AMP network reaching more than 9 million homes and businesses
2020 | march LAWN & GARDEN ISSUE
16 Keeping it green With more than 2,100 acres of forests, fields, lakes and trails, Fort Mill’s iconic Anne Springs Close Greenway holds urban sprawl at bay.
22 Tasty homegrown tomatoes Step up to the challenge of growing better-tasting tomatoes this season with expert advice from Clemson University Extension Agent Chase Smoak.
4 CO-OP NEWS Updates from your cooperative
6 AGENDA Learn how the race to build better batteries for electric vehicles may benefit home electricity consumers.
10 DIALOGUE Questioning deregulation Lawmakers will need to ask some hard questions before attempting to alter South Carolina’s electricity market.
12 ENERGY Q&A Your efficiency upgrades checklist Follow this six-step checklist if you plan to make efficiency improvements to your home this spring.
14 SMART CHOICE Lawn and order Put your best gardening foot forward this season with electric lawn and garden tools.
21 STORIES Garden guru Spend some time with Amanda McNulty, host of SCETV’s Making It Grow.
28 RECIPE A fantastic French dinner Good news: Chef Belinda Smith-Sullivan’s latest recipes prove French cooking is not as difficult or as complicated as you might think.
30 TRAVELS Mystery at the museum The game is afoot at the S.C. State Museum’s new International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes.
38 HUMOR ME Smash now and forever hold your peace According to our humor columnist, paying good money to bludgeon inanimate objects with a sledgehammer is all the rage.
tomatoes Tips to perish pests, fight fungus, root out rot and green up your thumb
Our gardening tips can help you harvest a bumper crop of the tastiest tomatoes you’ve ever tried. Illustration by David Clark.