AEGEE Summer University Booklet 2010

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Summer University 2010

Imprint ISSN 1028-0642 Université d‘été AEGEE-Europe Summer University Book

Publisher Summer University Coordination Team (SUCT)

Project Management – SUCT Veronika Braun Miha Suster Marleen Hennemann Georg Rehberger Manos Valasis

Editor & Booklet Designer Georg Rehberger

Cover Illustration Ruedi Beckmann © 2010 by AEGEE-Europe

Circulation 1500 copies The font used is Oceania by Morice Kastoun, the pages are printed on 135g paper, photo print. The cover is a nice 320g carton. No pencils were hurt producing this beautiful booklet. Printed in Germany

contents foreword 5 what is “SU“? 6 how to apply 7 different types 8-9 language courses 10 language courses+ 20 summer courses 26 summer events 38 travel summer universities 72 partners 150 answers to everything (FAQ) 152 what is “SUCT“? 158 index by organizer 160 index by date 162 thank you! 164

You are invited! You are holding a special booklet in your hands that may open doors to the experience of a lifetime for you, a key to discover the secret of one of the most fascinating projects of AEGEE – The Summer University Project. The essence of Summer University is to discover a magic world which is waiting for you; it truly is “Europe in a Drop”. You will always remember the joyful moments of seeing new things, learning about new cultures, experiencing many different tastes and meeting new people that you will never forget. Time and again you will go far beyond the typical tourists’ hot spots. What matters in AEGEE is our idealism, passion and continuous dedication towards cultural diversity and efforts towards mobility. In the past years, hundreds of AEGEE members have been investing their energy and knowledge in the organization of Summer Universities of various types, during which for 1-2 weeks people from more than 30 countries get a unique chance to learn new things and get inspired . Also this year you have a wide choice of such diverse topics as languages, history, arts, sports and travel. My greetings to the four enthusiastic and hardworking SUCT members for the new energy they are giving and for the effort they are making. I wish them good luck and keep up the great work! Do you feel like becoming a part of something special? Then just prepare your backpack & tickets and get ready to keep high the AEGEE spirit to have an unforgettable SUmmer! Yours, Agata Patecka President of AEGEE-Europe

What is a „Summer University“? A Summer University (SU) is usually a two-week event organized by an AEGEE local, where between 20 and 60 students come together from all over Europe. Each year around 75 Summer Universities take place all around Europe, with around 4000 students from more than 30 European countries; from Spain to Georgia, and from Finland to Malta. The Summer Universities are organized by local AEGEE members. The activities carried out during a Summer University range from academic activities as classes to learn a foreign language, different courses on a specific topic to multicultural activities: get familiar with Spanish culture, Moldovan history, Greek mythology, learn how to sail and more! However, words can hardly express the unbelievable spirit of a Summer University. Because you never come as a tourist, but you come as a friend. 10 or more unforgettable days lie in front of you, filled with funny conversations in any language from French to Ukrainian, exciting excursions to archaeological sites and nature, with crazy parties and deep philosophical talks with your new friends, when the sun goes down. When you wake up with sleep in your eyes and your host gives you a cup of espresso with a smile – at that point you know the difference between a holiday trip and a Summer University. Forget about travel books and tourist trips. Get into culture! The Summer University Project dates back to 1988. Since then, it has been the biggest Project in AEGEE and so far has been a long-term succes, bringing lots of joy and interaction between it’s members. It is the most important tool for AEGEE to create mobility within Europe, to reach the difficult yet important goal of European Integration, by letting European student and young professionals experience Europe!

How to apply for a Summer University? Before you can apply for a Summer University (SU) you have to become a member of an AEGEE local (like AEGEE-Bamberg). To become a member you pay a membership fee which differs in amount from local to local, for the exact amount you should contact your local. But how can you find a local near you? Go to this link: and fill out the form. Where you find the field of Antennae / locals, there you have to pick your nearest local/city. There are 232 cities in which you can find AEGEE locals. Once you‘ve registered yourself and your local confirms this (after you paid the fee), you have become an official member of AEGEE, congratulations! Now ask your local Outgoing Responsible to show you how the SU system works and find all the Summer Universities and infos on the web: Once you see all the SUs, you can choose 3 of them as your selections. Fill out all the fields. Tip: write a nice motivation letter why the SU of your choice should choose you. Now, cross your fingers: the system will sort over 5000 applications (considering sex, age, nationality, etc.) and then the SU organizers will choose whom to accept (maybe you, if you are nice :) Once you are selected, you have to confirm your application (that the organizers know you still want to come); now you can start packing! Don’t forget to apply

before 30th of April.

5 Types of Sum Language Course (+) If you like to learn a language, the Language Course is the perfect SU for you! Our language courses are organised by AEGEE locals. They last 2 weeks and give the participants the chance to learn a language during at least 16 hours of tuition. The fee of 70 Euros/ week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme. In case you speak a language and like to improve your knowledge, maybe this kind of SU will interest you. The Language Course Plus is organised by an AEGEE local with the support of the university. During its duration of two to four weeks, participants receive at least 20 hours of intensive language tuition by professional teachers. The fee of 90 Euros/ week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme.

Summer Course The Summer Course is a course about a specific topic related to local culture that does not focus on learning a language. It has a duration of two to four weeks. Participants receive at least 10 hours of tuition. The fee of 70 Euros/ week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme. The Summer Course cooperation is a SU organised by an AEGEE local in cooperation with one of AEGEE’s Working Groups or Projects. Participants receive at least 10 hours of tuition. It lasts between two and four weeks. The fee of 70 Euros/ week includes tuition, lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme.

mer Universities Summer Event A Summer Event is organised by one or more AEGEE locals. The event, that lasts at least 10 days, is about a specific topic or general interest, with no specific course organized (no lessons). It is a great opportunity for intercultural dialogue.The fee of 70 Euros/ week includes lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm) and a social programme.

Travelling Summer University Travelling Summer Universities are organised by two AEGEE locals. During the 2-4 weeks cultural trip through a part of Europe, the group stays in at least 4 different places. There is no course provided, the aim of this event is to enjoy the different lifestyles and cultures of the places visited. The fee of 90 Euros/ week includes lodging, two meals per day (of which one is warm), travel costs from the first to the last place mentioned in the programme, and a social programme.

According to the Corpus Iuridicum AEGEEense (CIA), the SUCT can make exceptions to general rules for SUs. For this reason, some of the events in this booklet won‘t follow exactly these SU-type descriptions.

A language course is a course in any language provided. You can learn Spanish, German, Russian, Dutch, Azeri... There are no borders to your language, just like there are no borders in our minds.

language course


I ve lost

my heart erg b l e d i e H in July 24 – August 7

15 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 20€ Optional part Trip to Strasbourg, including visit to the European Parliament Alternative Visit to the Friedrich-EbertGedenkstätte Heidelberg

Meals Lunch, Dinner Lodging Private Payment Bank transfer or cash on arrival (copy of ticket in advance) Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress

Language Course Advanced level Teachers Students from the university Programme The participants will have a test at the beginning and then be divided into two groups for the grammatical sessions. During thematic sessions they will be together and learn about German culture. They are asked to make a short presentation about their home country. In the end they will rehearse a little play. Timetable There will be classes every morning during weekdays. 20 hours a week and 40 hours in total. Equipment We provide class rooms, materials for each topic and a beamer. If a labtop is needed, it can be arranged as well.


contact us

Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren – Konversationskurs in deutscher Sprache Come to Germany‘s most romantic city, with the oldest university in Germany, the famous castle and the historical old town! During two weeks you will have the chance to improve your German in grammatical and thematical classes, but also while talking to the German students. In a typical German way you will explore the city by bike! We will get to know each other during our social programme and many awesome parties! So don‘t hesitate and apply for losing your heart in Heidelberg :-)

Activities Besides classes you will explore Heidelberg and the surrounding area by hiking and bike trips. We will also have trips to Mannheim, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg (optional) including a visit to the European Parliament. You should not miss our parties and the popular European Night! And if you have not lost your heart yet, you might do so while watching a play of the famous Heidelberger Schlossfestspiele!

Our ideal participant You should be between 18 and 30 years old, advanced in German (please write your motivation letter in German!), open-minded, ready to have lots of fun and you should not be afraid of riding a bicycle!


Non solo sole 2010 II Edition X

July 28 – August 9

35 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Trip to Capri Alternative Beach timeMeals Breakfast, Dinner

Lodging Hostel, gym, camping Payment 50% in advance or copy of the ticket Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, sun glasses & hat

Language Course Intermediate level Teachers The best team of teachers made from gratuaded students with experience about teaching and with a good knowledge of the subject of study, and we are sure that you will know a new learning method! Programme How to present yourself, ways of greeting, the verb „to be“, the verbe „to have“, personal pronouns, using the past, how to use the future, the gerund, how to talk, forms of talks, the participle, the forms of courtesy, culinary terms, vocabulary practice Timetable 16 hours per week for a total of 32 hours during all the Summer University! Equipment blocknotes, pens, the best teachers just for you! ;)

Solo Per Numeri 1! Capri, Amalfitan Coast, Cilento Coast, Napoli and the ancient ruins of Pompei and Paestum which will certainly astonish you with their eternal beauty. Are you not happy yet? Well, there is one thing left to tell you, we will always be more than happy to help the ones who may want to practice their skills in the Italian language or to know more about our culture!!! We promise you wild parties, lots of laugh and lots of surprises. And most of all, we promise you a great Italian language course that will maybe not turn you into an Italian but almost! So you have just to come to AEGEE-Salerno!

Activities You can learn Italian easily, know our culture and our traditions, visiting different sites protected by UNESCO of archeological interest but also for modern art, try the real Italian cuisine and of course the original famous pizza, visiting places of natural interest on the Amalfitan Coast and also on the Cilento coast, where you can touch the beauty with your hands in a perfect atmosphere full of parties, fun, magic moments and of course... crazy people!!!

Our ideal participant The ideal partecipand should bring smiles from his country, but need also to be full of energy and interest to follow a program made of many many activities!




e v i r d e h t August 7 – 21

25 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee Optional part Alternative Meals Lunch, Dinner

Lodging Students Dormitory Payment 50% in advance + 50% on arrival OR copy of the ticket in advance

Language Course Beginner level Teachers We will have three levels of German language course. Level 1: you don’t speak German at all; level 3: you know German quite well, level 2: in between. We will make a short language test. According to this you will be assigned to a level. :-) Classes will be held by one professional German teacher and two language students. Programme Lessons are as you were back in school :-) Timetable monday till friday: 09:00 - 12:30 33 hrs in total Equipment anything



Feel the drive Have you ever been to Karlsruhe, the „Gate to the black forest“? If not, you have missed something very special. This gives us a rather mediterranean climate in summer... there is even a pyramid on our market square! Karlsruhe is a „green city“, nearly the half of the area of the town is covered by parks or forests. Especially the huge „Schlosspark“ in the heart of the city provides many possibilities for relaxing, sun bathing and leisure activities. Besides that, Karlsruhe has a nice city center with many shops and lots of pubs and cafes and beergardens.

Activities The leisure programme includes trips to Heidelberg (yes, with the famous castle), Strasbourg (including a visit to the European Parliament), Baden-Baden, a visit to a wine festival in the Pfalz, and of course parties, European Cooking, swimming in the lake, Party in a tram... During the programme, our group will be joined by another 15 (Non-AEGEE-) students from Italy who are visiting Karlsruhe on an exchange programme.

Our ideal participant The ideal participant speaks English, wants to improve his German and of course wants to have fun.


Sun of a


August 12 – 26

20 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Full day trip to Peniscola; Aquarama aquatic park Alternative Castellon Museum of fine Arts Meals Lunch, Dinner

Lodging Youth hostel Payment 50% of the fee AND copy of the ticket in advance Please bring sun cream, after sun, sunglasses, swimming suit, fan

Language Course Intermediate level Teachers Translation and Interpreting Students Programme Do you speak Spanish? Yes, know it: you have tried it a million times but it‘s always the same, your teacher is boring and you don‘t learn anything. Don‘t worry, that‘s not going to happen with us! Our lessons will be enjoyable and centred in real life situations. Timetable 16h per week Equipment Newspeapes, films, music, grammarbooks, worksheets and real situations to practice Spanish!


Nadie me quita mis vacaciones en Castellon (8)!!! Do you want to spend 15 days under the Mediterranean sun? Do you want to learn Spanish while swimming in the sea? Do you want to know about Spanish culture? Do you know what a „chiringuito“ is? And how to prepare a real „sangria“? If you want to learn all these things and many more: COME TO OUR SUMMER UNIVERSITY! What are you waiting for? Castelló is located in the Spanish Mediterranean coast. We offer you a perfect combination of sun, natural landscapes, mountains, Mediterranean culture and the opportunity to know the 2 official languages. And of course, FUN, lots of FUN!

Activities Apart from the language courses we have visits to: -Valencia: capital city of the region. We will visit both its large monumental monumental heritage and its an avant-garde and futuristic museum complex: City of Arts and Sciences. -Morella: an ancient Spanish walled town. -Peniscola: a fortified seaport with an impressive castle. Moreover, we will have a visit to the Carmelitano’s wine cellar, to Aquarama, Spanish cinema, Spanish cooking workshop, bodypainting, cityrallies, parties and more!! :D

Our ideal participant Are you ..energetic and easygoing?+5 ..interested in learning new languages?+5 ..ready to meet new people?+5 ..a party animal?+5 ..ready to taste our sangria?+5 ..motivated?+5 30 points? You are our ideal participant! :D



Burning lessons

and s n o i s s e s y part

August 2 – 16

50 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Visit to Zingaro Natural Reserve and Erice town Alternative seaside activities Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Universitary Dormitory Payment 70€ in advance on bank account, remainder at arrival

Language Course Beginner level Teachers 2 teachers from the „Languages“ Faculty of the University of Palermo Programme There will be a beginner course and an intermediate/advanced course. They will last 3 hours per day and it will be almost everyday. Timetable 32 hours of Italian course Equipment Pencils, notebook and an Italian workbook. We hope that you‘ll bring your brain :)


Lezioni scottanti e... You‘ll spend two incredible weeks discovering the Sicilian seaside, the Palermitan sunburns, a unique historical and artistic heritage. Also, you‘ll learn the basic steps of the most romantic language in the world and a little bit of Sicilian basic expressions with their particular body movements, and you‘ll experience our crazy parties (our special tequila and toga parties!),

Activities Italian Language Course, Sightseeing Tours, Seaside Activities, A lot of Parties... Contact us for the program.

Our ideal participant We are looking for dinamic people who wants to make new friends, for party animals with the aegee spirit , and for brave people with a tenacious stomach!(because of our Sicilian food)


Dancing through Calabria

III Edition

July 10 – 31

45 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Day Trip to Tropea, the touristic hotspot of the Calabria Region Alternative Sightseeing and shopping in Fuscaldo

Meals Breakfast, Lunch Lodging Apartments Payment flight ticket or half of fee to confirm and then payment upon arrival

Language Course Beginner level Teachers The course is taught by a university qualified teacher. Programme The lessons concentrate on learning the foundations of the Italian language hands-on, thus not only grammar, but above all, putting into use what is learned. The course is based on an interactive and communicative approach which allows the participants to be completely involved in the language and the surroundings. Timetable The lessons are 16 hours per week for a total of 32 hours Equipment We provide course material such as, booklet, photocopies, and audio material.

When the world seems to shine like you‘ve had too much wine, that‘s Amore!

Taste true Mediterranean cuisine, drink great wine, dance all over Calabria! Set in the most characteristic seaside historical towns and in the city of Cosenza, our SU participants will enjoy two weeks of learning the romantic and joyful Italian language, as well as the traditions and culture of the people of the Calabria region through hands-on experiences inside and outside the classroom. Each year, the SU Organizing Team is more motivated to host young people from all over Europe and learn from each other to create those memories which last a lifetime!

Activities The program is divided into daily Italian language and culture lessons at the Calabrian Higher Institute of International Politics and a rich social program including city tours, castle tours, museums, Mediterranean cuisine tours, as well as beach games and activities. And our nightlife? For starters, how does dancing under the stars at the hottest beach discos sound? How about chatting in the main square surrounded by years of history with new friends?

Our ideal participant We‘re looking for fun-loving, outgoing, exciting, adventurous people who want to share an experience of a lifetime!






AEGEE 25 Event Cooperation with the AEGEE 25 Project

June 14 – 28

30 Places

Event Fee 140 €


Optional fee 40€ Optional part rafting, trips, aquapark Alternative we are still planning :) Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Would you like to live in the site one of the oldest places in Anatolia? Would you like to swim in the Mediterranean Sea while learning Turkish? Do you want to taste famous Turkish Rakı and delicious meal of Turkish cuisine? And are you bored with the cold weather in your country? Let’s sunbath on the one of the best beaches of the Mediterranean Sea?

Lodging youth hostel, student dormitory Payment %50 in advance %50 on arrival Please bring sun cream, armlet=), national equipment (flag, map, drink, etc..)

Language Course Beginner level Teachers Tutors who are giving lectures in Education Faculty and the students studying in Education Faculty and of course AEGEE members =) Programme Our first aim is to teach Turkish in beginner level to use in daily life. While we are teaching,we are going to play games,role-plays to make lessons attractive.We will try to use Turkish in real daily life such as in markets,buses... Timetable 10 h per week / 20 h in total Equipment we will provide paper,pens,pencils,w orksheet,powerpoint presentations, flashcards,enjoyable games and of course smiling and helpfull teachers and friends =)


Do you want to enjoy of the sun while your firends are skiing on the mountain 30 minutes far from you and see the most historical places of Anatolia? Would you like to learn about Turkish culture? so what are you waiting for? COME and JOIN!!!!

Activities You will be welcomed with different kinds of activites.Let’s see how we are going to enjoy in these 15 days.You will experience the spirit of the Mediterranean Sea with yacht tour.You can hear the whispers of the antient times in Perge,Aspendos and the old streets in Old Town in the city center.While walking in the nature, you can hear the sound of water in Duden Waterfall.While you are fighting with the waves you will feel adrenalin in your blood.And of course crazy PARTIES...

Our ideal participant We are looking for friendly, warm, energetic, dynamic, smiling, enjoyable and eager to learn Turkish language and culture people. Aditionally, people who would like to introduce their own culture are welcomed!!

Special Thematic Focus

We will celebrate the 25th of anniversary of AEGEE with crazy parties, games and other surprises.



f o d an



Azerbaijan July 15 – 29

25 Places

Event Fee 140 €

Take the chance to see the end of Europe

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Shaki trip Alternative Staying at home Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

The Azerbaijani language, also called Azari is the official language of Republic of Azerbaijan. There are approximately 23 to 30 million natives Azerbaijani speakers (circa 16 to 23 million in Iran, 9 million in the Azerbaijan Republic, and 800,000 in other smaller communities according to Ethnology)

Lodging House Payment Cash Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and umbrellas!

Language Course Beginner level Teachers The teachers are students of Azerbaijan Languages University. They have an experience on teaching Azerbaijani language to foreigners.

Besides exploring and learning Azerbaijani language, we are going to have a fun through making parties, dancing games, enjoying Azerbaijani music and dancing at nights as well as spend our time on the coasts of the Caspian Sea making elegant seaside promenade along the boulevard at night time.


Programme Besides exploring and learning Azerbaijani language, we are going to have a fun through making parties, dancing games and etc.

Wonderful parties, discos, MAFIA and other group games are expected every night, Program activities also includes sunbathing and swimming on the sunny and softy sand beaches, having fun in the downtown alive with lost of pubs, dancing clubs, cinemas, and other entertainment places, nights walks, tasting delicious Azerbaijan cuisine and drinks, sea soccer competition.

Timetable 20 hours per a week. Total 35 hours

You will never forget the taste of Azerbaijani tea with lemon and local sweets, especially relaxation with Kalian.

Equipment Everything which we need (flip chart, projector, laptop and etc.)

Our ideal participant

Sociable, funny, energetic, responsible, punctual


A language course plus is for those that can‘t get enough. You already speak a language and want to get really good? Then that is your choice! There are no borders to your ambition, like there are no borders in Europe for us.

language course plus


Au huur,

! t m m o rk e g i e t der S September 6 – 20

20 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Museums, Thermal Baths Alternative Shopping, Board Games Meals Breakfeast, Lunch

Lodging Private, hostel Payment Payment on arrival, bank transfer possible Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, swimsuit, carneval costume!!

Language Course+ Advanced level Teachers Während der ganzen SU wollen wir (fast) nur deutsch miteinander sprechen, so dass ihr auf jeden Fall sehr viel lernen werdet. Der Kurs wird von professionellen Lehrern begleitet. Programme Nach einem kleinen Test teilen wir euch in 2 Gruppen auf. Was ihr im Sprachkurs lernt, bestimmt ihr selber. Gemeinsam mit den professionellen Sprachlehrern sucht ihr die Themen aus. Dabei kann es um Grammatik, Schreiben von Texten oder auch freies Sprechen gehen. Ganz wie ihr wollt. Am Ende gibt es auch ein Zeugnis. Timetable 10 Tage je 4 h Unterricht, 40h gesamt . Meistens morgens, nach langen Parties aber auch mal nachmittags. Equipment Alle Sprachkursunterlagen werden zur Verfügung gestellt!


Zechen, Printen, Sprachkultur We are looking for participants with advanced knowledge of the German language. Thus our course description is written in your favourite language: - German - ! Unsere Summer University wird 20!!! Kommt und feiert mit uns den Geburtstag unseres legendären Sprachkurses! Seit 20 Jahren steht unsere SU für exzellenten Sprachunterricht, tolle Parties und ganz viel AEGEE Spirit. Dieses Jahr zeigen wir euch nicht nur unsere historische Kaiserstadt Aachen, sondern besuchen auch die Stadt Essen im Ruhrgebiet, die einzig wahre Kulturhauptstadt Europas 2010. Wir freuen uns auf euch! :)

Activities In Aachen zeigen wir euch die rheinische Lebensart mit dem berühmten Karneval und allem was sonst dazu gehört. Im Ruhrgebiet lernt ihr, was die Einwohner unter „Industriekultur“ verstehen. Außer Kultur und Sprachkurs wird natürlich auch jeden Abend ausgiebig gefeiert. Im einzigartigen Aachener Nachtleben habt ihr sofort Gelegenheit auszuprobieren, was ihr im Unterricht gelernt habt. Zusätzlich zu den Ausflügen in Aachen besuchen wir unsere AEGEE-Locals in den schönen Städten Köln und Maastricht.

Our ideal participant Du willst 2 Wochen mit tollen Parties, netten Leuten und schönen Städten nicht verpassen und nebenbei deine guten Deutschkenntnisse verbessern? Dann komm und erlebe mit uns die beste SU in 20 Jahren! PLEASE send your application in German (muss nicht perfekt sein ;)



study Go!

July 1 – 16

24 Places

Event Fee 190 €

Великий и Могучий. Языковой курс.

Language Course+ Intermediate level

For many years AEGEE didn’t have Russian Language Courses. We are here to break the ice! Don‘t miss the chance to start/improve your Russian! READY? Visit the most fascinating country, explore Russian culture, feel the life of typical Russian city. And not only! City tour, night life, excursions, beautiful surroundings, and aegee spirit included! STUDY Russian language lessons with professional teachers of Voronezh State University, fun and useful workshops with crazy aegee-voronezh ppl. GO! Bring your fancy stuff to party, pen and notepad to study, hiking shoes to walk and trips ;)

Teachers Professional teachers of Voronezh State University


Optional fee 30€ Optional part Walk on the boat by river Don, visiting of wild caves, and sightseeing Alternative free time Meals Breakfeast, Lunch

Lodging Dorm, camping Payment pay on arrival Please bring notepad, pen, swimming suit, sleeping bag

Programme The group will be divided to advanced level and beginners sub-groups around 12 ppl in each. Each day (except weekends) we will have 3 hours of lessons with professional teachers at the university. Plus Workshops: - Russian Slang - Russian Stereotypes - Intercultural Dialog - Body Language Timetable 15 hours lesson per week. 30 hours in Total. Plus Workshops. At the end of the course all participants will receive the language certificate of Voronezh State University (state authorized certificate) Equipment Textbooks and all materials are provided

Cultural&Night Program: - City Excursions - Beach parties - Night Bridges - Forest Rally - Clubs During weekends: - Trips to countryside (river, forest, camping, fishing) - Trips to surroundings (chalk mountains, camp of primeval man, historical places)

Our ideal participant We welcome all aegee ppl fond of Russian language and culture. Both advanced and beginners can apply (Please, state your language level in the application). AEGEE inspired, crazy and sleepless are wanted!



Lets go

straight to ! t i a r t S e th

August 4 – 25

50 Places

Event Fee 270 â‚Ź Optional fee 60â‚Ź Optional part excursion to Scilla, Taormina, Mount etna... Alternative enjoy Messian and its beaches Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging University Student Residence Payment 100% in advance Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and umbrellas!

Language Course+ Intermediate level Teachers The course will be kept by teachears with previous experience of teaching italian to foreigners. Language course is integrated with lessons and visits about sicilians history of art and institutions. Programme The course is divided into two level (Beginner and intermediate), so 2 classes will be formed with around 25 students each. Beginners will learn the basic of the Italian language: grammar and useful phrases. Intermediate focus more on grammar and how to held a conversation properly. Timetable The classes will be generally held in the morning form 9 to 13. Equipment All the studying material will be provided.


Enjoy sicily and learn a bit of italian. If you want to learn a bit of italian language and enjoy the funny relaxing sicilian summer way of living... then this is your event. In the heart of mediterannean sea with his colours and smells, you will enjoy the best of Sicily, discover its history with greek temples, arabian markets, norman and spanish buildings and of course will learn Italian. We will visit the hidden beauties of Sicily: Taormina with is romantic views, Etna Volcano, Syracuse and much more. Not to mention swimming, sunbathing time and party time. Check our website for more...

Activities During this event you will be plenty of fun and parties, but it is still an university program, so a proper behavior is kindly appreciate. If your plan is to get drunk every day, skip all the classes, and make as much noise as possible, please do not apply. Instead if you want to learn a bit of sicily and get in touch with italian language, at the same time having a fantastic summer holiday time partying every evening, going to the beach, knowing new friends.. you just found your event

Our ideal participant Although it is a language course, please do not expect for us to match the professional level or facilities of those held by official institutions for which you pay thousand of euro (lodging and food not included)

A summer course is a special course in any imaginable subject, at least 10 days long. You can learn about photography, sailing, painting, dancing, movie editing... There are no borders to your creativity, like there are no borders in our minds.

summer course


Europe s


July 14 – 30

40 Places

Event Fee 150 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Rafting Alternative Sightseeing Meals Breakfeast & Dinner


Lodging Gym. tent Payment Half of the fee paid in advance Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and umbrellas!

Summer Course Beginner level Teachers University students, young professionals. Programme Very diverse interactive lessons and practical parts done by the participants. Timetable 25 h per week, 50 h in total. Equipment We will provide the participants with all the necessary equipment


Z Gorickega v Piran We are challenging you to join us for an amazing adventure this summer … join AEGEE-Ljubljana and discover all your hidden talents! During this SU, we are offering you an once in a life time opportunity to spend 15 days in an amazing swirl of challenges that will take your breath away, awake all your senses and guide you through the most amazing summer of your life. We will give you 15 days of thrill and adventure and 16 nights for which you‘ll wish they‘d never end.

Activities The days will be spent exploring the breath-taking beauty of Slovenia: you will have the chance to discover the secrets of Ljubljana, to spend some time in the unspoilt beauty of Dolenjska, to see the most magnificent mountains in Kranjska Gora and its surroundings, to experience the wild side of nature on the river rafting trip, to enjoy the romantic coast of the Adriatic sea. But this is not an ordinary SU, this summer we will have different activities such as dance lessons, karaoke, sports...

Our ideal participant Crazy, fun-loving, adaptable to all situations, open-minded, full of energy and ready to discover their hidden talents.




in Translation July 18 – August 1

25 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Weekend to the countryside near the beach Alternative Home Alone movie marathon Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Private Houses Payment 100% in advance Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress

Get to know Dutch multiculturalism! Holland has the reputation of being a tolerant and multicultural society, and Leiden has always been an immigrant-city: back in the 17th century people came to our city to find religious freedom. Nowadays, the city Rotterdam covers about 170 different nationalities. We want to introduce different cultures to you, from former Dutch colonies as Suriname to upcoming societies as China. We will choose different ways to show you both Dutch culture as many others, by lectures, museums and activities!

Summer Course Beginner level Teachers Teachers will be members of AEGEELeiden with special interest or relations with the topics. Programme Lessons can include anything like lectures, museum visits, interactive workshops, visits to topic-related places, etcetera Timetable We will give you lectures approx. 1.5 or 2 hours per day, and besides that many activities will be related with the topic.

Activities We will show you around in Leiden, with its canals and 17th century-citycenter, Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, and we will also go to the countryside for a weekend. We will introduce you to Dutch (art) history, different religions, multi cultural sports, lessons about Chinese, South American and U.S. lifestyles, salsa/bellydances, language courses, European Cooking nights and much more! Of course provided with parties every night and an over-all introduction into Dutch studentslife!!

Equipment We will provide everything that is necessary, including entrance tickets

Our ideal participant

We are looking for happy, spontanious participants that can ride a bike (!), cooperate within a group and that don‘t need much sleep.

We don‘t want people that come to The Netherlands just to get stoned, or boring people





August 2 – 16

30 Places

Event Fee 140 €


Optional fee 40€ Optional part Visit to Venice, cruise on Garda lake, Gardaland (amusement park) Alternative Sightseeing and visit to neighbour cities (Bergamo, Milano, Cremona)

Placed between Alpine valleys & the fertile Padana plain,right in the center of the most productive italian region,on the way from Venice to Milan,Brescia will welcome you with its unique charm. You‘ll be guided through the wonderful medieval castles, the ancient Roman ruins,its museums,churches & monuments, but also its amazing surroundings: the Garda, Iseo & Moro lakes, the Prealps. Amazing sightseeing, interesting courses & debates, exciting nightlife, international dinner,games,pub crawling & unforgettable parties: Brescia,the Lioness of Italy,is going to be an unexpected pleasure for you!

Meals Breakfeast, Lunch Lodging University dorms (single rooms w private bathroom), Camping (1weekend) Please bring Bed linen COMPULSORY, cup 4 breakfast, sleeping bag & mattress (4 camping only)

Summer Course Beginner level Teachers University students & AEGEE staff Programme Non-formal in case of lessons during study visits; informal during language classes and friendly discussions. Timetable 10h/week, 20h total

Activities A cruise on Garda lake, a whole day of fun at Gardaland, a guided tour at the world famous „Franciacorta“ wine cellars, a 3 days trip in Camonica Valley, 2 days of sun+beach+relax at Garda lake, guided visits to Verona and Venice. You will learn all about Italian culture and habits. Basic italian language, cooking course. We will teach you how to prepare our typical aperitive, the famous „pirlo“. At the end of the Summer you will be able to break most of the stereotypes about Italians ;-)

Equipment Language course booklet, pens & papers, lot of enthusiasm.


Our ideal participant We are looking for open-minded & motivated AEGEE members, who know what a SU means. Our participants will be asked to be active part of the program, not just simple tourists. A great SU is made by great participants too!

AEGEE-Kyïv, AEGEE-Sevastopol

How creative UA August 23 – September 6

35 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 35€ Optional part Excursion to Yalta and Balaklava, camping in pine forest outside Kyiv. Alternative Sightseeing and shopping in the city, swimming and get tanned by the Black sea.

Meals Breakfeast, Dinner Lodging Dormitory, youth hostel. Payment Travel ticket advanced.

Summer Course Beginner level Teachers Members and friends of AEGEE-Kyiv and AEGEE-Sevastopol. Programme Teachers will give master classes in order to provide participants with basic skills in making movies, dancing, singing, playing theater, drawing and designing. Then participants will be divided into several groups and will receive corresponding tasks. After presenting results, the most creative group will be rewarded. Timetable 10 h per week, 20 h in total. Equipment Cameras, tape-recorders, art and layout equipment, materials for dress-making.


Влітку цього року в Україну приїзди та дізнайся наскільки креативний ти! There’re two sides of the moon: one we can see, but the other one is hidden from our eyes...This summer you’ll have a unique chance to look inside yourself and find out How Creative Are You. Two Ukrainian AEGEE-antennae are uniting in order to show you how to think and act creative in 7 different ways! Secrets of creativity are not taught in schools or colleges BUT we will share them with you! We’re going to discover and develop your talents, and find out the best activity for you to be creative in. Don’t miss your time to release yourself! Join us and let this SC be the most creative SC ever!

Activities Only this summer in Ukraine we’re going to compete in: -making movies; -doing photo shoots; -dancing and singing; -playing theater; -creating modern masterpieces; -making sculptures from sand; -designing fashionable clothes. But while doing all that, we are also going to celebrate the Independence Day of Ukraine, do a lot of sight-seeing, playing national Ukrainian games, trying the local food, swimming, checking out the clubs and dance till we drop.

Our ideal participant doesn’t draw by the rulebook, but can produce a masterpiece; isn’t an opera singer, but can touch the souls of listeners with his song; isn’t a famous designer, but can make people go mad by having clothes made by him.



The ultimate

s r o v i v r U S

August 11 – September 25

28 Places

Event Fee 150 €

Are you brave enough to survive?

Optional fee 20€ Optional part Paintball Alternative Sightseeing Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Tired of walking from home towards university and from university towards home? Do you want to live a different experience? If you want to break with your routine come to the far, far west of Europe, where the Romans thought that the Earth ended.

Lodging Gym, hostel, camping Payment copy of the ticket in advance Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, swimming suit, comfortable shoes

Summer Course Beginner level Teachers AEGEE members


Programme You will recieved Spanish and Galician lessons that will help you to survive here. You‘ll also learn tradicional dances and songs so you‘ll look like a local. We‘ll also teach you how survive in our green forests and you‘ll be able to swim in the Atlantic Ocean.

We still don‘t have our final program, but for sure you‘ll enjoy a lot with this activities:

Timetable 10 hours per week Equipment all you need to become a survivor will be provided by the organizers!



This is the experience you were waiting for! We invite you to discover a unique land, Galicia. Imagine yourself enjoying paradise beaches or getting lost in the green forests, visiting magical and huge cliffs... And you‘ll have also crazy parties at the wild galician nights. Do you think this is impossible? We invite you to check it.. Are you ready?

survival lessons, ice-breaking games, sightseeing, language course, city rally, hiking, sea activities, swimming in the Atlantic Ocean, paintball, boat trip, Paris - Dakar (pub crawl), traditional food and drinks, traditional dance lessons, European night, parties, parties and more parties

Our ideal participant If you‘re active, adventurer, nature lover, open-minded, if you like challenges, you have group spirit, this is your Summer University! Try to survive where the sea hits the rocks like you haven‘t ever seen!

Green Theme Event Cooperation with the Environmental Working Group

Special Thematic Focus All our activities will be connected to the nature! We‘ll play open-air games like hiking, sea activities, etc. We‘ll try reduce our environmental impact taking public transport, avoiding plastic bags and glasses and spending less water. We‘ll also teach our participants how they can be more „green“!



The Heart of the Balkans July 9 – 23

35 Places

Balkan vo srceto

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Daily boat excursion to St. Naum Alternative night boat party in Ohrid Lake

Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging youth hostels, cottage houses Payment 50 % in advance Please bring swimsuit, suncream, sports shoes

AEGEE - Skopje is inviting you to spend some marvelous time in the heart of the Balkan. Traveling from the capital, Skopje, to the lake city, Ohrid, some time in the mountain Krushevo and few days in Prespa. In one moment, swimming and cruising in the oldest and deepest Balkan lake, Ohrid lake, on whose shores lies the city of 365 churches. And in the next moment hiking in Krushevo. Visiting churches, monasteries and important historical places.But, that‘s not all! We are waiting for every enthusiastic participant interested in sleepless nightlife, dancing at our folk music.

Summer Course Intermediate level Teachers Experienced trainers and rienced AEGEE members


Programme different workshops every second day Timetable 36h total / 4h per day

Activities We will provide you many interactive workshops and debates about different cultural subject and some macedonian language lesson.

Our ideal participant The content beyond is not suitable for boring, passive, antisocial, sleepy and unAEGEEan people! :)




Fire of


is waiting for you 3!!! July 8 – 22

40 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Lunch, Special Wine in Cappadocia, Museum Entries Alternative Yatch Tour, Climbing and Crazy Night Party Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging University Guest Houses, Hotels, Hostels, Special bungalow wooden cat Payment %50 in advancePlease bring Sun cream, swimsuit

Summer Course Beginner level Teachers Emre Akdoğan Arben Erk Mert Akbay Programme Language course will be like a game... And the Dance Lessons will be like a show ;) Timetable 10 hours per week 20 hours total

Ateş Seni Çağırıyor! Are you ready for the “Fire of Mediterranean”? If you want to feel the real differences of Mediterranean people’s and forests fire, enjoy our adventurous event! Pure, Naturel, unspoiled: the magic natural beauty “Cappadocia” (Ürgüp, Göreme, Avanos), the biggest mosque of Middle East, Aspendos and Zeus Temples, Manavgat and Duden waterfalls, Olympus, Side with historical beaches, the heart of enjoyment is beating here! Belly dancing in the hot Turkish Nights, crazy Latin Dance parties, tasting the traditional Turkish Cuisine, Multicultural atmosphere in European Nights, have rest on the exotic atmosphere at bungalows, swimming in the fascinating water of Mediterranean Sea and sunbathing on golden beaches, workshops, bellydancing course, Latin Dance course (Salsa, Cha Cha, Bachata, Tango).

Activities Turkish course, Belly Dance and Latin Dances…

Our ideal participant Full of motivation, full of energetic and be openmind ;)




Let me

EnterTrain You! July 17 – 31

40 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Extreme sports Alternative Sightseeing and shopping Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging Dormitories, Camping Payment Upon arrival and copy of ticket in advance Please bring Sleeping bag, Backpack, Sports shoes, swimming suits

Summer Course Beginner level

Come Trained ... Leave Drained Do you want to test your Endurance? Are you ready for a breathtaking experience under the blistering sun, by the endless Aegean Sea? First you will, discover the culture and ancient monuments spreading all over Athens, then exhausted by the day‘s rally, experience the famous local nightlife and find out out how Greek students have fun!! Then join us in, Nayplion, where time stands still in the ‚old‘ city. Finally ride alongside Arion to our secret island, a paradise full of sports, memorable nightlife and scenery. A summer full of culture, sports and crazy parties waits. Are you in or out?

Teachers Local instructors and organizers


Programme Partly lecture mostly interactive, requiring participant activity.

In Athens, we will experience as many different sports as the city actually has, among which we plan to have Cycling, Beach-Sports, City Rallies, Roller-Blades, and of course swimming. In Nayplion we will delve into more hardcore activities including hiking, trekking, and also other more extreme activities.

Timetable 10 h per week, 20 in total maximum. Equipment Only equipment needed (if any) for any of the courses which can‘t be carried along by the participants.

Of course the showdown will be on our secret Island destination, where everyone will have the chance to do something really sporty and wet. And last but not least...our ‚optional‘ secret act!

Our ideal participant You like to have fun and looking for an adventure this year? You have an excellent sense of humor and can fit in any group? Then YOU are our ideal participant..just apply now.


You want to feel the summer? Experience a great event? Well, you know where to go! There are no borders to your summer, like there are no borders in our minds.

summer event




July 15 – 26

25 Places

Event Fee 110 €

¡Crea tu propia aventura!

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Day trip to Aqualandia: the biggest waterpark in Europe! Alternative Beach time Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

LEVANTE: where the sun rises

Lodging Gym, Youth hostel Payment 50% in advance and 50% upon arrival. You can pay by bank transfer, credit card or Paypal Please bring Sport shoes for hiking and beach gear

Cities and Places > Alicante > Elche > Calpe > Jijona

su2010@ su2010

This is the name we give to the east coast of Spain, the place where Alicante is located. A sun-filled, joyful place. This year the Summer University in Alicante will be action-packed. We want you-- To experience the very best of Spanish culture. To laugh, to laugh a lot! To run on the beach and jump as high as the tops of the palm trees. To fly! (over the rainbow... so high...). To enjoy, kiss, cry (only at the end!). To party all night long and dance until you drop into your bed! ALC means many things... Come and discover what it means for you!

Activities -Beach games -Hiking -Visit to waterpark (optional fee) -City rallies and tours -“Do you want to be a millionaire?“ AEGEE contest -Visit to a turrón factory -Visit to the largest palm grove in Europe (UNESCO WHS) -Visit to prehistoric caves -Sangría workshop -Flamenco show -Relaxation workshop -European Night and parties!

Our ideal participant We want you to have at least 15 points! +3 Aegee spirit +3 Open minded and extrovert +3 Enjoys life, loves people +3 Likes to experiment new things +3 Party animal +3 Willing to set off on new adventures!


Alicante – Alacant

Alicante, or Alacant (in Valencian language), the so called „city of light“, is the second largest city in the Region of Valencia, with more than 795,000 inhabitants in its metropolitan area. Alicante is the capital city of Costa Blanca (name given because of the white sandy beaches). It‘s a cultural city with 3,000 years of history of different civilizations. It offers the most diverse and constrasting landscapes and an enviable night-life.

Elche – Elx

Elche is the third largest city in the Region of Valencia in terms of population and economic importance. A stroll through the city streets will reveal an interesting historical centre, a silent witness to its glorious past. Elche was a walled city of Al-Andalus between the 8th and 9th centuries, passing to Christian rule in 1265. Elche has two World Heritages: the largest palm grove in Europe and the „The Mystery Play of Elx“, an Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Calpe – Calp

Calpe was a small fishermen‘s village. In recent decades it has been transformed into a touristic resort, keeping however much of the charm in its narrow streets. Furthemore it has one of the most attractive landscapes in Costa Blanca-- the impressive presence of the „Peñón de Ifach“, the mountain we will climb during our SU.

Jijona – Xixona

The homeland of the well known Jijona variety of turrón, heritage of the muslim presence in our region for several centuries. Come and discover this little town in the mountains of Alicante and enjoy the fresh air, the tasty ice creams and the views across the sea!



CLOSE your eyes

OPEN your arms!

July 19 – August 1

40 Places

Event Fee 130 €

FEEL Islander attraction, join us!

Optional fee 20€ Optional part ECO Tourism Alternative Swimming Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Programme will be included 14 days&nights in Magusa & Kyrenia (for 3 days). It is special because we will gonna present our culture & activities, unique cypriot things, natural beauties, endless parties , traditional drinks and more. Unconsciously, there is no word to describe our event. You should come and live it (:

Lodging Hostel Payment 40€ pre-payment Please bring sun creme, swim suit, hat

Cities and Places > Famagusta > Kyrenia > Nicosia > Karpaz > Morphou

Activities -Green theme workshops, -Historical & Natural Trips -Swimming and ICE breaking games, -EVERY Night PARTIES!!!!

Our ideal participant Who has high motivation to feel and live AEGEE spirit.. -taking zivania shot every nights, -best performance at parties, -active, full energitic and funny participants that we are looking for..

Special Thematic Focus

Green Theme Event Cooperation with the Environmental Working Group


Programme is loaded with -GREEN THEME workshops -Plant trees, Garbage collection -Caretta-caretta observation, Stargazing -Hade made candle, Visit Ecoturism(Organic Products) -Save Water


The city of Famagusta (Magusa in Turkish) is one of the finest examples of mediaeval architecture in the eastern Mediterranean and, in its present state of preservation


Situated on the north coast of Cyprus, Kyrenia, with its 6,000 year long history, unique remains of countless civilisations, miles of natural beaches, calm sea, and mild climate is an idyllic Mediterranean town. The beautiful harbour is dominated by the majestic Kyrenia Castle which houses a museum containing the remains of the one of the oldest ancient ships salvaged from the sea.


The name of the capital city of Cyprus dates back approximately 2,250 years to the original settlement of Ledra, which was later renamed Lefkotheon , but was also sometimes referred to as Ledron. The present day capital of the island has a population of around 150,000 and it is divided into Turkish and Greek sectors by a boundary known as the `Green Line‘ which runs in an east-west direction. In the old city of Nicosia, beautiful examples of Gothic and Ottoman architecture abound - the Selimiye Mosque, the Bedestan, the Arab Ahmet Mosque, and the Great Inn, to name but a few.


Karpas peninsula (or the panhandle) is the eastern most part of the island of Cyprus. s well as numerous Byzantine churches, the most notably the Monastery of Apostolos Andreas, the area boasts some of the finest countryside in the countryside. The Karpas peninsula has been called the nature reserve of Cyprus for birds, wild flowers, and sea fossils are to be found everywhere.


Güzelyurt, which means `beautiful country‘ in Turkish, is aptly named. Situated in the north-west with a population of 12,000; it is a charming little town which is surrounded by citrus groves; their wonderful heady scent is itself a good enough reason for a visit in blossom timeUnderwater springs nourish the apples, vegetables, grapefruit and melons for which the area is also famous. A large proportion of the citrus fruits are exported and the remainder are turned into fruit juice and canned for local consumption and export.



3 cities

wake S Up


July 26 – August 8

20 Places

Event Fee 130 € Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Please bring sleeping bag, mattress, swimming clothes, sport shoes, torches, sun cream

Lodging hostel or students dormitory,gym, tents Payment 50% before event 50% at the event

Odważ się na Pomorze Unique 2 weeks full of sun, sport, adventures, polish culture and – first and foremost – fun! If You are active, not afraid of challenges, if You want to discover places which are not present in boring travel guides – then this SU is for You!

Cities and Places

Romantic sunsets, cold beer in quiet pub, walk along the Old Town in Gdansk…but get ready also for extreme actions! Also, remember that night parties is not only music and alcohol – we have other special activities in stock for You such as military games. So, if You are sure that You will handle 14 very active days then apply! We are waiting for You.

> Gdansk > Sopot > Gdynia > Malbork


Extreme canoeing on one of Kaszbian rivers, reaching highest view point in the region, laser paintball, hardcore quad rides, bicycle trip to places with beautiful views, windsurfing and other beach and watersports, rivalry in Adventure Park... this and many more is waiting exactly for You. You will also have chance to meet with local culture, which is very friendly for all visitors: find out what makes Kaszuby uniqe.You will also have occasion to do shopping in one of the biggest flea market.

Our ideal participant Full of energy, open-minded, active ready for new experiences (in every meaning of this word), willing to survive with others for 2 active weeks and who want to discover beautiful treasures of polish seaside.



Gdansk is Poland‘s principal seaport as well as the capital of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. It is also historically the largest city of the Kashubian region. The city is close to the former boundary between West Slavic and Germanic lands and it has a complex political history with periods of Polish rule, periods of German rule, and two spells as a free city. It has been part of modern Poland since 1945.The city was the birthplace of the Solidarity movement.


Sopot is a major health-spa and tourist resort destination. It has the longest wooden pier in Europe, at 515.5 meters, stretching out into the Bay of Gdansk. The city is also famous for its Sopot International Song Festival, the largest such event in Europe after the Eurovision Song Contest. Among its other attractions is a fountain of bromide spring water, known as the „inhalation mushroom“.


Located in Kashubia in Eastern Pomerania, Gdynia is part of a conurbation with the spa town of Sopot, the city of Gdansk and suburban communities, which together form a metropolitan area called the Tricity (Trójmiasto), with a population of over a million people.


Malbork is a town in northern Poland in the Żuławy region, with 41,000 inhabitants (2001). Situated in the Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999, it was previously assigned to Elbląg Voivodeship (19751998). It is the capital of Malbork County. Founded in the 13th century by the Teutonic Knights, the town is noted for its Gothic Marienburg Castle, one of the most striking in Europe.



DOKU window! July 25 – August 8

27 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Night at traditional stone house “Kulla e Mazrekajve”, Drenoc village Alternative Hiking in Sharri Mountains, famous for it‘s beauty and ski resorts Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging 5 nights/ Student Accommodation and 9 nights/ camping Payment 50% in advance, or copy of your travelling ticket Pleas bring mattress, sleeping bag, your own tent (if you feel more comfortable)

Cities and Places > Prishtina > Prizren > Kulla e Mazrekajve > Shpella e Gadimes > Gjakovë

Come to DOKUcity, see the world! Come to DOKUcity and meet the world. Be a part of DOKUfest, one of the biggest movie festivals in southern Balkans. Enjoy river cinema, camping; meet a lot of movie fans and makers. Enjoy DOKUnights! Following the riverside and the music will bring you the best of the local (sometimes international) scene ranging from indie to electronic! We‘ll see Romeo and Juliet suspended one above the other, yet never apart after a thousands of years! The Elephant’s Foot, the Broken Heart and the Hall of Tears. Hike over green hills and chill out at a lake having astonishing look of the Albanian Alps.

Activities -workshop on how to make a short movie -lectures on environment -camping -volleyball tournament -shooting movie on festival -street theater performance -learning traditional dancing -hiking at Albanian Alps and Sharri mountains -visiting museums and traditional sites/houses -karaoke nights -watching movies -sightseeing and probably some swimming on the way!

Our ideal participant Are you a journalist, editor, cineast, media wizard or just a movie fan? Full of energy, durable, open minded, curious and creative? Alive with debate and discussion, about film-making and what it means to be alive today



Prishtina is the capital of Kosova. It is the administrative, economical, and cultural center of Kosova. Southeast of the city, the remains of Ulpiana were discovered, the center of the Illyrian province of Dardania. According to inscriptions on the monuments from Ulpiana, it is apparent that it was one of the most beautiful cities of the Illyrian Dardania, as it was often reffered to as Ulpiana Splendissima.


Prizren is a picturesque town situated south of Kosovo, at the exit from a gorge made of green hills where there are numerous mosques and low houses of an oriental type. Strolling along the Lumbardhi river and city’s charming town center, you’ll feel the buzz of the energy coming from the young crowds on the street. From the main square, looking towards the top of the hill above the town you‘ll see the ruins of the old fortress wall.

Kulla e Mazrekajve

The Kulla of Mazrekaj Family, in Drenoc Village has been serving as a venue for different cultural and tourism activities, since it’s restoration by CHwB in 2004. Celebration of European Heritage Days in Kosova, seminars on different topics, as well as Bed and Breakfast service offered on these occasions, have proven that this Kulla, as well as the whole historical compound of Dranoc village, has the potencial to develop cultural turism.

Shpella e Gadimes

Gadime Cave - where the walls are smooth rounded marble, sucked and lumped and emptied from an entire hill of marble. Striped and mottled red and pink and brown, with a ceiling like the bottoms of waves, the under skins of whirlpools and eddies. There are rare crystals, sexually suggestive stalactites and other unusual creations, but few things in the cave are much more wondrous than the tour guide.


The city of culture embryos, education, progresses and initiatives. Since the city is not that big, best way to get to see it is by walking! Make sure you talk to the locals, especially the young ones, since they‘re more proficient in English. And you will hear a story about every corner of the city! We will visit the largest urban heritage complex „Qarshia e madhe“ where for several moments you‘ll be living in the past.




in the capital

July 5 – 19

40 Places

of culture

Event Fee 140 €

Feel, Focus, Frame

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Museums, Bosphorus Tour, Karaoke, Beaches Alternative All night long beach party at bosphorus shore

I know you want me, you want a shot of Istanbul !

Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging Dormitory Payment Copy of ticket in advance Please bring swimming suit, sun cream, camera, your energy..

Cities and Places > Princes‘ Islands > Çamlıca Hill


Let’s capture Europe & Asia in one frame... Let’s feel the amazing view of bosphorus… Let’s discover the culture of Europe… Aegee Istanbul offers you with these two weeks amazing concept parties, discovering Istanbul and its historical places with their natural beauties, workshops about photography for capturing Istanbul and interesting workshops about Turkish culture objects. To celebrate Aegee’s 25th birthday we all welcome you to 2010 SU in Istanbul. Feel the history… Focus on the scene... Frame Istanbul...

Activities In our amazing SU, we are going to make concept parties such as 80s party,red-white party and more. For the photography addicts, we are going to give some workshops. Be ready for the wonderful Princes‘ Islands trip. You are going to discover the unique scene of the Bosphorus. You are going to be stunned by the historical places, be overexcited with all night long parties and going to be shocked by the multicultural richness.

Our ideal participant We are looking for participants who can endure being sleepless for 14 days , keep up with our entertaining program, are able to make too many friends, want to see the most amazing city in Europe and love photography.


Princes‘ Islands

Seeing Istanbul from the one step back with the coach trip at the Princes‘ Islands will be one of the best experiments for you...

Çamlıca Hill

With the greatest view of Istanbul and Bosphorus, it is going to be a tremendous trip to Çamlıca Hill that we‘re going to have. An exciting experience in the forest and lots of fun games in order to make the most of it.

AEGEE 25 Event Cooperation with the AEGEE 25 Project

Special Thematic Focus We will organise concept parties called „My hero is 25 years old“ and „If I were in my parents‘ shoes“. In „My Hero Is 25 Years Old“ party every participant will choose a hero from 80s and will wear costumes of their heroes‘ by the way during the party we‘ll play songs of 80s. At the second concept party called „If I were in my parents‘ shoes“ we will make a playlist with the songs which were popular 25 years ago in participants‘ country and every participants will wear old fashioned style.


AEGEE-Enschede, AEGEE-Amsterdam

From Amsterdam e d e h c s n E to June 28 – July 12

25 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Exploring the low-lands

Optional fee Optional part Alternative Meals Lunch, Dinner

This SU is special for some reasons. First it‘s a SU in one of the most free-minded country‘s of Europe. Second you will get to visit two locals. You will be attending each local for an equal amount of time, this way you will be seeing the Netherlands from the urban west to the more rural east.

Lodging May vary. Tents, lodging at members, gyms. Payment Cash, Incasso Please bring -

Cities and Places > Enschede > Amsterdam


Activities Always wanted to get familair with the Dutch student way of life? Get insight in what it meens to live in the Netherlands. From urban metropool Amsterdam to the more rural Enschede. Activities will vary from cultural trips to parties.

Our ideal participant You‘re easy going, interested in other cultures and always in for a party? Then this SU is ideal for you!


More rural city in the east of the Netherlands. Famous for being the only local with its own pub: Asterion.


Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands and famous for a vary of things.



Cross your Border

July 15 – 29

30 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part trip to Wieliczka Alternative sightseeing of Salt Mine in Wieliczka Meals Lunch, Dinner

Lodging Hostel Payment bank account

Cities and Places > Kraków > Lanckorona > Kazimierz > Wielicka > Auschwitz


Przekrocz swoje granice Would you like to exceed your limits? Would you like to defeat your fears? Have you always wanted to do something but didn’t have enough courage? Now it’s the time! Come to Kraków and just do it! Have you always wanted to go bungee jumping or canoeing, sleep under the stars, learn poll dancing, milk the cow or become a bride/groom? Experience all this stuff in Kraków among beautiful sites of the cultural capital of Poland, accompanied by amazing young people who will support you and keep up your spirits? These are just a few activities we’ll

Activities Participants will exceed their limits and defeat their fears, i.e. bungee jumping, traditional Polish wedding, street protest, visit in a sex shop, milking a cow, admiring highland landscapes.

Our ideal participant Active, energetic, daring (if not, willing to be such),funny, creative and craving for a lot of fun!!!...

Kraków Main Market, Clothing Hall, Royal Castel, Vistula River

Kazimierz Jewish District – Kazimierz - full of ambience and colours; charming narrow streets and cafés;

Lanckorona The most beautiful Polish countryside

Wielicka unique and paralleled Salt Mine Auschwitz former concentration camp




Far Far away


The Legend of


August 1 – 12

30 Places

Event Fee 110 €

Surfing on Life

Optional fee 60€ Optional part 3 days surf course Alternative Beach activities, Science museum, free time (shoping + relaxinng)

Come to our Far Far Away Kingdom: Surfing on Life and have the best and most unbelievable summer in your life!!!! Happiness, Love, Passion, Energy, Motivation, and AEGEE Spirit! If you are one of the lucky people from Europe with these qualities you MUST come to our event. STOP THINKING; START DREAMING!!! Now imagine yourself lying on the beach...drinking cocktails, practising SURF in our SURF COURSE, partying all night long in our THEMATIC PARTIES and ENERGISING in our crazy activities!!! APPLY!!! YOU CAN‘T MISS THIS EVENT!!!! PS: Average temperature will be 25-3

Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging Youth Hostel Payment bank account for the fee, optional fee in once you arrive


Activities Become part of our Crazy Tropical Cocktail in this event:

AEGEE 25 Event Cooperation with the AEGEE 25 Project

Special Thematic Focus

Far Far Away: Surfing on Life is will also host AEGEE 25 and will have several worshops and lectures.


Our ideal participant Happiness, Love, Passion, Energy, Motivation, and AEGEE Spirit! If you are one of the lucky people from Europe with these qualities you MUST come to our event.



g n i l i a S

through Europe

July 13 – 28

30 Places

Event Fee 150 €

hutspot verSUs goulash

Optional fee 26€ Optional part Trip to Amsterdam Alternative Dutch Games Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Sailing across the borders of Holland. We will set sail in Groningen where we will explore the Dutch culture. We will sail across the border to the next port. Will it be yours? A new day, a new culture! For fourteen days we will explore cultures of all Europe. Of course we will not forget our own. Walking the bottom of the sea, visiting the lovely island of Schiermonnikoog and experience the tremendous nightlife of Groningen!

Lodging AEGEE members‘ houses Payment 50% in advance or a copy of your ticket Please bring swimming suits, sleeping bag, mattresses

Cities and Places > Groningen > Schiermonnikoog

Activities -Dutch language, history and culture lessons -Sailing -Wadlopen (walking on the bottom of the sea) -A stunning social program -AEGEE workshop -European Culture Night -Swimming at Schiermonnikoog -Experience a new European culture every day --> AEGEE spirit :)

Our ideal participant Enthusiastic, open-minded, not afraid to give his/her opinion, not afraid to get dirty and has a passion for wooden shoes.



Jump into Latvian summer

4ever young 4ever active

June 19 – July 2

25 Places

Event Fee 130 €

Ielec Latvijas vasara - vienmer jauni, vienmer aktivi

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Bungee jumping Alternative Sightseeing Sigulda Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

We know what You want to do this summer… You want to use the unique chance to celebrate AEGEE-Riga 9th B-day - the special chocolate cake, Riga sparkling wine, AEGEE-Riga dance, hugs and kisses included! We are 4ever YOUNG! You want to feel the power of magic flower during the Midsummer night (night that lasts only for couple of hours!) You want to enjoy Riga city rally, count every single step in Sigulda, put some honey on your skin in sauna, check what music is played in Riga clubs. 4ever ACTIVE

Lodging hostel, guest house, camping place Payment pay on arrival Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and umbrellas!

Cities and Places > Riga > Saulkrasti > Sigulda > Gauja National Park


Adventurous days and unforgettable nights in Riga – city of inspiration! Narrow streets of Old Town, beautiful Art Nouveau architecture, amazing panorama from the girls‘ rest room located in Skyline bar @ the 26th floor & non-stop music in Riga‘s clubs will make you fall in love with this city!


One of the most beautiful cities in Latvia with lots of unique and diverse enterntainment opportunities for young and active people! City, in which flying is not just a dream anymore...

Activities * Celebrating AEGEE-Riga 9th B-day * Midsummer night with all its traditions-jumping over fire, cooking caraway-seeds cheese, learning Latvian folk dances, making flower wreaths for girls and oak leaves’s wreaths for boys, looking for a magic flower :) * Latvian sauna with salt and honey * Seaside of Saulkrasti * Outdoor activities in Sigulda * P.s. What about jumping? Would you dare to do some bungee jumping? Yes? You will have a chance! :) What are you waiting for? Jump into Latvian summer!

Our ideal participant Typical AEGEE member - 4ever young, 4ever active!! Just be ready to do more, see more, party more, learn more, share more, enjoy more, love more.... just sleep less... :)


...sea, sun, sand, pine-trees, virgin nature, fresh air...

Gauja National Park

Area of Gauja National Park can offer medival castles & ruins, caves, different activities on water and in forest, climbing hundreds and hundreds of steps :p, etc.!




on the River

August 11 – September 25

15 Places

Event Fee 140 € Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging flat, 3 days in a tent Payment 50% in advance Please bring Sleeping bag

Cities and Places > Ethnic Museum > MetaFest > Stalin‘s Bunker > Embankments of Samara


Fever on the River How about spending your summer in the biggest country in the world, near the biggest river in Europe? To start with, we gonna warm up our brain, i.e. investigate physical and mental borders of Europe together with Where Does Europe End project. But after that we gonna warm up our bodies in the golden shores of the Volga river. As a relaxation therapy, we’ll spend a couple of days in tents in an Open-air Folk Music Festival. Then, in an Ethnic Village you’ll feel the Russian spirit while trying on the national weapons, testing yourself in archery or sword-fighting, sailing under the veils of ancient Dukes and just tasting warm goat milk. We’re eager to introduce to you the Russia you never thought of before!

Activities We’re going to dedicate 5 first days to the investigation of the matters of European integration and identity through lively discussions, interactive workshops and exciting street actions and with a little cherry on top – all night long parties! Going through the relaxation part, we’ll take you to Stalin’s Bunker, uncover the location of the missile standing right in the city-center and lead you through the abandoned mines. Now, do you feel your fever for Russia awaking?

Our ideal participant If you are eager to explore the processes going on in modern Europe; if you are interested in Russian culture more than in Russian vodka; if you understand camping can imply some mosquitoes; if you are happy and adventurous, you are the participant we need!


Ethnic Museum

Spiritual and cultural Kremlin „ Sloboda“ is an architectural complex built in traditions of ancient Russian wooden architecture. It is situated in the picturesque place Zhigulevsky Mountains on the shores of Usa River, a tributary of the Volga. Guests of the Kremlin have an opportunity to participate in the competition at the historical accuracy of the weapons in the dash Ratibor, try on national clothes, ride on horseback, take a stroll along the Usa river in the ancient boat, to taste treats from the owners “Sloboda”.


Metafest is an annual Folk Music Festival. It is hold on Mastryukov field which can conclude several scenes. Each scene may be an independent regional festival. The styles of music of the festival are the following: blues, funk, jazz, fusion, reggae, African, ska, country, rockabilly, folk, ethno, art song, rock, etc.

Stalin‘s Bunker

Stalin‘s bunker is considered the deepest structure of the Second World War. It was opened for publicity in 1991. Half a century only few people knew about it.

Embankments of Samara

Quay in Samara is one of a cult urban sites. Stretching the entire length of the city along the Volga River a few miles, it attracts a lot of different local and non-indigenous people. Picturesque view open to your eyes walking along the quay: a great view of the Volga and Zhiguli Mountains..

Where Does Europe End Event Cooperation with the WDEE Project




Pa parapa parapapapapa chumba chumba chumba

July 22 – August 5

28 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Paintball Alternative Beach day or Sightseen of the city centers Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Gym, Youth Hostel (campsite) Payment Upon arrival, copy of the tickect in advance Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress

Cities and Places > Oviedo > Gijon > Aviles > LLanes > Ribadesella


SUperaction Superaction has been one of the best SU since it‘s creation, until Superaction 3 recieved the prize for the best SU. Do you want to know why? Have you ever consider yourself a Rambo? Do you think you have energies enough to have action 24/7 during 15 days? Then this is your SU. We wanna check your energies playing paintball, canoeing, trekking, cycling... Do you really think you need more? We’ll show you one of the most awesome region of Spain, totally different of any idea you’d had from this country before. More similar to Ireland in the landscape, and famous for our

Activities Activities: Sportive activities: -Canoeing in the Sella River -Paintball -Cycling in the mountains -Surf -Trekking: mountain route. -Surviving in the middle of the nature -Archery -Giant kites Cultural visits: Oviedo, Gijón, Avilés, Llanes, Ribadesella. -Excursions to the beach: San Juan, Llanes, Gijón. Night Programme: -Pub crawling -Pirate Party -Asturian traditional party. -Eurpean night -Salsa lessons -Celtic Night -Eurvision contest -Sex-exchange party - Roman Party - Sangria Night

Our ideal participant Could you go trekking 20 km, and later at night dress yourself up as pirate to go out? Could you do canoeing, climb a mountain by bike, do paintball in a forest and still have the strength to party? Then apply ASAP!!!



Oviedo is the capital of the region, cultural tourism centre. Actually two of the main cultural paths in the middle age: (Camino de Santiago (Route to Santiago) and Ruta de la Plata (Silver Path), passed through it. Great monumental heritage, significant offers in museums that totally display the historic-artistic heritage of Asturias. Nowadays, Oviedo is an open and modern city with a great international projection and important student life due to the University of Oviedo.


Gij贸n is a modern, hospitable and open city. It is surrounded by many green areas and some beaches. It has many sports installations and boasts about a restored and protected historic-artistic heritage. Gij贸n is the home of fairs, conventions, congresses, great concerts as well as cultural and sporting events.


It is situated on the central strip of the coastline of Asturias, to the west of the cape Pe帽as. An old seafaring and farming town, it is now a modern city and a major iron and steel centre, a product of demographic growth and the industrial boom. Avil茅s is the third major city in the Principality of Asturias. Its historic center has been declared a Historic-Artistic Site, since it houses significant gems of civil and religious architecture.


Llanes has the appearance of a historic town. Not for nothing has its historic quarter been declared a Historic-Artistic Site and it preserves major examples of civil, religious and military architecture.


Ribadesella is a summer town. The layout is determined by a bridge which divides the fishing port in two. Every first Saturday in August, this bridge acts as the finishing line of the most characteristic festival in Asturias, the descent of the river Sella by canoe.

Green Theme Event Cooperation with the Environmental Working Group

Special Thematic Focus Most of our SU take place in the nature, so you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Asturias while doing sports or enjoying any of our fun workshops about biodiversity, global warming, recycling and so on. And if you care about the enviroment as much as we do, you will like to know that we recycle, use reusable dishes and clean up all the places that we visit.




what else?

August 11 – September 25

20 Places

Event Fee 140 € Optional fee 25€ Optional part Day at aquatic park / Disneyland Paris Alternative Seine river cruise, visit of museums Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging Private Payment Cash (confirmation: 50% in advance or copy of transport ticket) Please bring Sleeping bag & swimsuit!

Avec des si on mettrait Paris en bouteille ! Paris the city of light, Paris the city of love. Where could you spend two unique weeks with people from all over Europe? The Eiffel tower, the Louvre, Montmartre, the Luxembourg Garden, the Palace of Versailles and so many other places to visit. We propose you to discover Paris underground places with real “Parisiens”! On the 14th of July you will enjoy French national day‘s events! You will walk along the Champs-Elysées and enjoy the crazy parisian night life! Do not hesitate anymore, our SU in made for you! Voulezvous coucher avec moi ce soir ? Yes, I do! Paris, what else?

Cities and Places > Paris > Montmartre > Louvre > Palace of Versailles > The Luxembourg Garden

Activities We will spend most of our time visiting all the best places in Paris. The social program will be unforgettable: boat party, cooking contest, clubs, bars, picnics, and so on! You will have French language courses, taught by French students (3 years of experience giving French courses during SU :p). You will also have a cooking lesson about the most typical French dishes! Want to boast at home and impress your friends? And what about a wine tasting workshop with our wine expert?

Our ideal participant Energetic, smiling, cheerful, party addict, crazy, dancing all night long, and curious about French culture. Be ready for sleepless nights & adventurous conditions. Bonus: being able to taste wine and looks like a pro :)



Paris, a wonderful city, a place for lovers. Paris, a city to dream wild. Paris, in that river the boats are moving with lovers inside, Watching that beautiful sky above the river, And the moon from that beautiful sky Is shining in the river. Paris, a city that never sleeps. Paris, the romance is in the air. Paris, the lovers are feeling the love that are in the air. Paris, that smell of the roses the lovers can smell. Paris, this is the sign that summer is here.


(18th arrondissement, right bank) Montmartre is a historic area in Paris. It is a hill (the Butte Montmatre), known for the white Basilica of the Sacré Cœur and its nightclub district. Young people use to meet there every night. Montmartre‘s history is related to artists, and there are many studios and cafés of famous people in that area. Wanna drink something in the café which appears in the film called „Amélie“?


Originally built as a palace for the kings of France, it is now the world‘s largest museum, with thousands of masterpiece. You can wander for days in it, surrounded by the finest pieces of art. The architecture of the Louvre is breathtaking. The most famous paintings of Raphael, Leonardo, Van Dyck, El Greco, Gericault, Goya and other greats can be seen there.

The Palace of Versailles

The Palace of Versailles (Château de Versailles) is one of the most beautiful achievements of 18th-century French art. The site began as Louis XIII’s hunting lodge before his son Louis XIV transformed and expanded it, moving the court and government of France to Versailles in 1682. Each of the three French kings who lived there until the French Revolution added improvements to make it more beautiful. Versailles‘ garden is also amazing. You should visit it, at least one time!

The Luxembourg Garden

A real Parisian favourite, the Luxembourg Garden is a beautiful 25 hectares green oasis on Paris fashionable left bank. Spread with statues, fountains and flowers, the Luxembourg Garden is constantly animated by students, children, lovers, outdoor chess and tennis players. Very crowded in the afternoon on sunny days, the Luxembourg Gardens will often be the romantic setting of your falling in love with Paris.



Old New Romania August 11 – September 25

20 Places

Event Fee 150 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Barbecue on the shore of the Danube Alternative Collecting recycled materials in the park Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging Youth Hostel Payment 100% on arrival but copy of the ticket in advance Please bring Sleeping bag, tent and swimming clothes

Cities and Places > Craiova > Calafat > Targu Jiu > Brasov > Sibiu


Cunoaste trecutul traind in prezent! Are you ready to know lands that you didn‘t ever think that are there or that there is something about the opportunities that you`ve heard ?(For example, Dracula‘s castle).Are you ready to go back into the 19th century?We will try to walk you through two centuries:Century 21 and Century19.We will try to present Romania and Craiova in the 21st century and then we will go to other times,we will go somewhere in the 1850s where we can see castles,towers,passages and bridges,historical monuments.So,if you enjoy adventure,if you are curious to find out more about Romania, it‘s the time to join us!

Activities *Welcome Party *European Night *Museums *Folk Party *Games *City tours *Sex Change Party *Learning the hystory, culture, traditions of Romania *Excursions, visit different cities *Visit Dracula‘s castle (think you dare?) *Meeting new friends and romance *Exploring romaniam clubs, pubs... and parks. And many other activities ... but you will have to come to discover them!

Our ideal participant Our ideal participant is young, brave,willing to know interesting people,to have fun but not just that,to learn how different we are,how similar we can be...spreading summerlove energy over Europe. Be yourself!



Romanian pronunciation: [kraˈjova]), Romania‘s 6th largest city and capital of Dolj County,is situated near the east bank of the river Jiu in central Oltenia. It is a longstanding political center, and is located at approximately equal distances from the Southern Carpathians (north) and the River Danube (south). Craiova is the chief commercial city west of Bucharest and the most important city of Oltenia.


Is a city in Dolj County,Romania,on the river Danube,oposite the Bulgarian city of Vidin,to which it is linked by ferryboat.The construction of the Calafat-Vidin Bridges is planned between the two cities.It was founded in the 14th century by Genoese colonists,who employed large numbers of workmen(Calfats) in repairing ships.It has a beautiful scenery,specialy on the shore on the Danube where we will have the barbecue.There is a beach in that area and, in the back, a forest.

Targu Jiu

Is the capital of Gorj County, Oltenia, Romania.It is situated on the Southern Sub-Carpathians,on the banks of the river Jiu. Constantin Brâncusi, who had lived here as a boy, was commissioned to contribute to a memorial monument to the fighters of World War I, called Calea Eroilor /The Heroes‘ Street and was finished in 1938.His large sculptures are now the main tourist attractions in Târgu Jiu:The Table of Silence, The Gate of the Kiss, Chairs‘ Alley and The Endless Column.


Brasov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 km from Bucharest. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians, and is part of the Transylvania region. The city was first attested in the 13th century. The city is notable for hosting the Golden Stag International Music Festival.The old city itself is very well preserved, and is best seen by taking the cable-car to the top of Tâmpa Mountain (995 m), a beautiful lookout.


It is one of the most important cultural and religious centres in Romania as well a major transportation hub in central Romania.Sibiu was designated European Capital of Culture for the year 2007,together with Luxembourg.The first official record referring to the Sibiu area comes from 1191,when Pope Celestine III confirmed the existence of the free prepositure of the German settlers in Transylvania,the prepositure having its headquarters in Sibiu, named Cibinium at that time.



S.U. Pai Stecs! July 29 – August 8

15 Places

Event Fee 100 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Trip to Venice Alternative Sightseeing in Udine Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Gym, hostel Payment 70% in advance via bank transfer, 30% at your arrival Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, swimming suit, trekking shoes

Cities and Places > Gemona del Friuli > Udine > Venezia > Grado, Aquileia > Cividale del Friuli

Make FRICO not WAR Come and join us to discover our territory and cites! We ‚re going to spend together 11 funny and interesting days walking up the mountains, visiting the countryside and seeing the sea of Friuli Venezia Giulia. During these days we will discover the history and culture of this region, we‘ll visit some cities important for different aspects: historical, political and cultural. We‘ll propose you wine and food tasting, evening programs to enjoy yourselves and the good company of AEGEE-Udine. We‘re sure we will have a wonderful time together!

Activities - Enjoy our life style - Guided tours of the cities we‘ll visit - Walking up the mountains and being in contact with nature - Introduction lesson(s) to Italian language - Introduction to AEGEE (conference with authorities) - Sunbathing - Typical wine and food tasting - Let‘s party!!

Our ideal participant Everybody who would like to discover a part of Italian culture, tradition and environment: our region consists of mountain, plain and sea. You should be full of energy, able to resist our daylife and night parties!


Gemona del Friuli

In the Historia Longobardorum Gemona is mentioned as being one of the fortressed castles built in 611 by the Longobards in order to defend the town from the Avari invasion. Gemona developed as a trading centre as it stood between Italian regions and Danubian Europe. From 1976 after the dreadful collapse caused by the earthquake, the town appears today as a peculiar mixture of innovation and tradition.


Udine is a city in north-eastern Italy, in the middle of Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, between the Adriatic sea and the Alps (Alpi Carniche). Udine is the historical capital of Friuli. Udine is a quiet and neat provincial town that leaves to the visitors the pleasure of discovering its face, hidden inside palaces and churches, in picturesque views that have retained their charm untouched.


How can you describe this city in few words: the water, the bridges, the churches... Many centuries of culture and art included in few kilometres surrounded by channels and an amazing lagoon… what about the sunset in S. Marco square? You have to walk in it, to talk with its people and discover each single corner of this unique place.

Grado, Aquileia

The isle of Grado was the first port for these ancient navigators who coming from the isle used to sail up the lagoon and then the river Natissa ‚till Aquileia. Grado was already famous and Venice didn’t exist yet. Aquileia, one of the most interesting archaeological sites in Italy (Unesco World Heritage), was founded by Romans in 181 BC in a place chosen for its strategic position. Aquileia acquired importance since it was chosen as the official seat for the Patriarch.

Cividale del Friuli

Founded by the Romans around 50 BC with the name of Forum Julii, Cividale del Friuli is renown for being the „Lombards‘ city“ owing to the innumerable treasures related to Lombard domination. The city boasts several monuments, first of all the Duomo which, although often modified in the centuries, still shows the traits of the original design of the building erected in the 15th century.




of Loving Legends July 1 – 11

15 Places

Event Fee 100 €

love speaks all languages

Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Language of nature You are brave to experience a 3-day kayaking on the river Pra*, to meet rare bisons and cranes. Language of mysterious legends You are not afraid of penetrating into sacred rites of ancient Russia. Mysterious night of Ivan Kupala fest will show how legends revive and that mermaids exist. Language of Russian spirit(s) Russian banya (bath), Russian cuisine, Russian language and Russian spirit is inside you. Language of pure love Celebration of ancient Russian fest “Peter and Fevronia’s Day” – analogy to St.Valentines’ Day. The most nontrivial ways of expressing love.

Lodging camping Payment cash Please bring sleeping bags, sport clothes

Cities and Places > Ryazan City > Meshchera > Old Ryazan > Ryazan District

Ryazan City

Ryazan is a beautiful city in the Central Federal District of Russia and the administrative center of Ryazan Oblast. It is on the Oka River 196 kilometres (122 mi) southeast of Moscow. Ryazan has a long history and rich cultural heritage.


Massive forests and beautiful landscapes in the Oka river valley , a unique reserve where you can enjoy fresh air, healthsome lakes, rare animals - cranes and bisons.



Activities Kayaking, camping, Russian banya, trips, national cuisine, night adventures, sightseeing, games and workshops, etc.

Our ideal participant Active, young, adventure-seeking, ready for extremes, communicative, sporty, positive, willing to enjoy nature and penetrate into national Russian traditions and customs.

Old Ryazan

The Old Ryazan is one of the largest old Russian cities, 65 km downstream the Oka river from today‘s Ryazan, archeological site of historical discoveries.

Ryazan District

Beautiful and famous places of Ryazan district.


the SUngria Xperience

September 10 – 20

26 Places

Event Fee 100 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Entrance to Aquarium + Trip to Penyíscola Alternative Museums and free time Meals Lunch, Dinner

Lodging Hostel Payment 50% in advanced, 50% when arriving Please bring Medical Insurance

Cities and Places > Benidorm > Penyiscola > Garbi



Benidorm is a city in Alicante, sun and beah are waiting for you in a very touristic city

eXPerience the SUngria lifestyle Do you want to feel the sea on your skin? Do you want to feel the fire in your heart? Do you want to play, do you want to dance, do you want to laugh…while improving your Spanish? Then, this is your SU! If you are wondering how is real sangria made, if you want to know the lyrics of „alcohol“ song, if you want to discover wonderful landscapes and amazing Spanish people, if you are soooooo full of energy that you can spend 14 days full of neverending fun, without a rest… then Valencia is your destination. Besides that, Valencia for sure means Fiesta! We want you to be the one to find it out.

Activities You will discover Valencia museums and charming monuments, its Arts & Science City, and the fantastic sand beaches of the nearby villages. Excursions around the region will also be waiting for you: El Garbí mountain, Penyiscola (Moon‘s Pope Castle), La Albufera (an amazing natural paradise), cosy little villages ready to be discovered...

Our ideal participant We want people full of energy, able to keep partying till noon ;) No bad faces or bad mood is allowed. PLEASE be original, we know that you love sangria and beach, but try to convince us that YOU should come.


Famous for the Castle of the Moon Pope, it is also a beach city, with nice streets to the castel and wonderful views to the sea.


A nice Mountain close to Valencia where we will have a hicking route. Be ready to climb ;)



Georgian Mountains

and sunny Beaches August 1 – 15

25 Places

Event Fee 140 €

Georgia in my mind

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Rafting Alternative Picnic Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

AEGEE-Tbilisi is glad to introduce you our Summer University full of travelling, joy and pleasure. The organizers of SU-Tbilisi promise you an unbelievable SU where you will get to see the capital of Caucasus region Tbilisi, huge Caucausian mountains in Kazbegi Region, a great black sea resort in one of the most beautiful cities Batumi and historical places , buildings, Museum of the world’s strangest person and much much more All these 14 days will be with great people, with great Georgian food and tasty Georgian wine. In Our Summer you get a chance to see everything together. Go in the mountains for 2 days, have a good tanning in black sea resorts of Batumi, visit historical places like churches built in 6th century and visit Stallin’s Museum in Gori. Do you think its not possible in 14 days? Are you ready to have hangover every single day after having night parties with Georgian wine and vodka? Are you ready to see a city in the cave? Are you ready to have a lifetime experience? Georgia is waiting for you.

Lodging Big big housePayment Cash upon arrival

Cities and Places > Tbilisi > Kazbegi > Batumi > Svaneti > Gori and kakheti

Activities do you wonder what kind of activities we offer to you ? So let‘s start: hike over Caucasian mountains rafting Degustation of wine in the homeland of Georgian wine: Lessons of Georgian; dances and songs : Disco in style 80 y : European night : National Georgian evening : Swimming and Sunbathe on the black sea beach Discover Georgian oldest cities

Our ideal participant


[14.01.2010 16:04:27] Giorgi says: Anyone can be an ideal participant for our SU, who is motivated to see completely new places, be ready to travel from Mountains to the sea.. Get lots of alcohol and visit historical places. All you need is to be active and have fun with a group. Georgia is excellent place for new experiences. Take 14 days from your calendar and dedicate it to Georgia. Georgia will always stay in your minds.


Capital of Georgia. Place where you can see old architect houses very big history and very green capital. We will have only 2 days in Tbilisi, but every night we will have a chance to see Tbilisi night life.


Gourgous mountains of Caucasus. A great place to be visited. There is a churche on the very top of the mounutain and our SU team will get there. Trip to Kazbegi has always been the best place to be visited in Georgia during our last SU s.


Seashore... a nice bulvar.... a wonderful place to get absolutely relaxed..Batumi is a great place, a city which is developing very fast and getting more then 400,000 tourists during summer season. nightlife , swimming, tenning and great green places around.


Svaneti is a great place to be visited. Huge mountains with old type of buildings. Everyone should see Svaneti if you once come to Georgia.

Gori and kakheti

In gori you can see the worlds biggest dictators, Ioseb Stalli‘s house. A place where he was born and now a museum. We will visit Kakheti a homeplace for Georgian Wine. There we can dring lots of white and red wine.

AEGEE 25 Event Cooperation with the AEGEE 25 Project

Special Thematic Focus

Our SU will have a spirit of 80 y.. Participant will live in such conditions as youngsters 25 years ago, it mean without internet, mobile and ect.. Also we will organize Disco in style 80y, and listening music of that time



Leap into


August 1 – 15

30 Places


Event Fee 140 €

Leap into Moldavian deep

Optional fee 20€ Optional part Visiting world known wine cellars – Milestii Mici Alternative “Unforgettable adventure” in the Central Market, swimming pool Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Partying from dust till dawn in all the existing styles and ways: Latino party night, USSR Party, Retro, Military, Troleybus Party, Beach Party, Pijama exchange party…all in one country, called Moldova. Hospitable and kind people, delicious traditional food, tasty wine – this is what visiting Moldova means…A place where East meets West, latin culture meets slavic traditions, find out the contrast of city and village life, experience authentic moldavian wedding, visit biggest underground wine galleries... Still think you have limits in your life? Break them, challenge yourself.Join us!

Lodging Hostel Payment 100% upon arriva Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and umbrellas!


Activities -Trip to Tiraspol,Transnistria („the black hole of Europe“); -Trip to the oldest setlement in Moldova, Orheiul Vechi; -Trip to Milestii Mici wine galleries; -Trip to an authentic moldovan village, called Lozova; -Basic romanian language course; -Excursions to Museums in Chinsinau; -Official meeting with the Mayor of Chisinau; -And many other activities...

Our ideal participant If you are a party gourmand and you think you’ve experienced almost all the types of feelings,and you want to challenge yourself to something new, you are definetely our ideal participant ;)


The only way to see things is to travel. How about a crazy tour for 2 weeks? See the country, the people, the culture – can‘t get it more concentrated than that! There are no borders to your exploration, like there are no borders in our minds.

travel summer university

AEGEE-Peiraiás, AEGEE-Rodos


t PEIra


ege A e h t of

est u q n o c S O the ROD July 15 – 29

30 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part entertainment park or cruise Alternative walk around and coffee time in city centre Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging student dormitories Payment 50% in advance, 50% on arrival or copy of the ticket in advance

ΒΙΡΑ ΤΙΣ ΑΓΚΥΡΕΣ ...! Attention Attention!! A treasure hunt is about to start... An old map of Rodos has just been found by the pirates!The golden key is possessed by the knights.But a clue is still missing...the code to read the map!30 pirates and knights from Europe will gather on July 15th in Athens.Following the traces in the narrow alleys of the Old City,they will end up to the dark Peiraias Port.After finding the clue nothing can stop them from departing secretly on a blue moon night to Rodos.Passing through the Butterflies Valley and the Castle of Knights,will they finally find the legendary treasure?

Travel destinations > Piraeus > Athens > Rodos

Activities A chance to meet the Greek culture, through language courses, traditional dance lessons, delicious Greek food & drinks and many other cultural and social activities. Moreover, you will enjoy our unique beaches under the hot Greek sun and endless night-parties.

Our ideal participant ...Should enjoy group life with people from different countries and cultures. You must be responsible, optimistic,social & open minded,willing to meet the Greek way of life & culture and can appreciate the SU experience.


12 3

Piraeus (Πειραιάς)

Peiraias was the historical port of ancient Athens and now remains the biggest in Greece and is one of the biggest ports in Europe. The city of Piraeus is the largest in Greece

2 Rodos (Ρόδος)


Athens (Αθήνα)

Athens is the capital of Greece and the birthplace of democracy,It is the perfect combination of ancient and modern sights with absolutely vivid nightlife

Is the largest island of Dodecanese of great historical and geographical importance.It has a plethora of interesting archaeological sights such as the magnificent medieval city of Rhodes.



AEGEE-Mannheim, AEGEE-Kaiserslautern, AEGEE-Bamberg

The (K)nights of

K‘laManBa‘s Castle June 26 – July 10

20 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Climbing Park (15 €), Canoeing (15 €) Alternative sightseeing, shopping Meals Lunch, Dinner

Lodging Tents, gym Payment 100 % upon arrival + copy of the ticket in advance

Travel destinations > Mannheim > Heidelberg > Kaiserslautern > Bamberg > Nürnberg

Zwei Wochen Spaß und Abenteuer auf den Spuren von Lord K‘laManBa In ancient times Southern Germany was ruled by a great king, Lord K’laManBa. His knights were famous for their bravery, love of adventure and love of life. Now you and 19 other carefully selected Europeans who are just as cool and energetic as you are, will get the chance to become followers of Lord K’laManBa. Do you want to climb in the trees, have a canoe-trip and drive a bike trolley? On your way you will get the chance to do this and to visit some of the most beautiful castles of Germany. Choose our SU, you won‘t regret it! Lord K‘laManBa is expecting you! Let’s get the adventure started!

Activities Starting in Mannheim, Germany‘s „squared“ city, to the romatic castle of Heidelberg and the castle of Hambach, surrounded by Germany‘s largest winegrowing area. Stopping over in Kaiserslautern, in the Palatinate forest: bike trolley tour, Europes largest openair-pool, Cooking night, legendary stadium, Dinosaurs & Elwetritsche. And finally Bamberg, splendid UNESCO world heritage city: Take the challenge of a canoe trip, hike in the famous Franconien Alps and become worthy of the Beer Diploma.

Our ideal participant Likes being outside, is sportive and can ride a bike! Is not afraid of the dark, wind- and waterproof and likes hiking! Energetic, spontaneous, enthusiastic and crazy enough to apply for this SU!


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Mannheim is a busy harbour city between the rivers Rhine and Neckar. Dive into the great culture and music scene and discover our sights; the water tower and Germany’s largest baroque palace. You will enjoy a great nightlife and crazy Mannheimer.



Heidelberg is one of the most romantic cities in the world. While having a walk through the hills on the famous “Philosopher’s Way” you will enjoy the amazing view on the castle and the old town. The city is home to a century old student scene with many mystical stories.


Kaiserslautern, also nick-named K-Town or „Pfalzmetropole“, is a comfortable city surrounded by the Palatinate forest. The town was chosen by Emperor Friedrich I (Barbarossa) as a seat of government in the middle ages. In 2006 it was one of the host cities for the World Cup.

4 Nürnberg




The Old Town of Bamberg is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage, primarily because of its authentic medieval appearance. Its geography is shaped by the Regnitz and has seven hills, each crowned by a beautiful church. This has led to Bamberg being called the „Franconian Rome“ — although a running joke among Bamberg‘s tour guides is to refer to Rome instead as the „Italian Bamberg“.

Nürnberg is one of the largest cities in Bavaria. It is still associated with its traditional gingerbread products, sausages, handmade toys and the world famous Christmas market. In the city beats one of Bavaria‘s cultural hearts due to its many museums and parks.

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AEGEE-Wrocław, AEGEE-Praha

d n a s t h ig n ) (K e! Ladies will SUrviv July 14 – 28

28 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 20€ Optional part Paintball Alternative Shopping Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging gym, dormitories, tents Payment 50% in advance or copy of a plane ticket by 01.07 Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress

Czy podołasz?! Ano, zvládnu!

> Wrocław > Prague > Lasówka

Have you ever dreamed that two of the greatest cities in central Europe – Prague and Wroclaw - would unite and make TSU together? Neither have we. What’s more: we are going to make it in SURVIVAL way. Do you fear? Yes? There is no reason why. So prepare yourself! Get comfortable shoes, clothes and find your way to the middle of nowhere ;) But don’t forget that even from nowhere leads a way to magnificient cities, pulsing by nightlife and never-sleeping people. Learn how to sleep in a tent, not in a bed. Become friends with nature, go to sleep with sunrise and wake up 3 hourse later.



Travel destinations

We are going to climb the mountains, walk on the ropes, swim, jump, sweat, and cry. We are going to run in the forrest, make bonfires and do much more extreme things ;). But of course that’s not everything. You will become fluent both in Czech and Polish languages, you will learn how to drink Polish wódka, drink Czech beer, see breathtaking landscapes and party like a rock star! It‘s definitely not going to be boring!

Our ideal participant If you are a “nature person”, not afraid of weather changes, and new challenges come to our TSU! We need people that are energetic, funny, party-animals and of course love AEGEE events!


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Do you know how many bridges are in Wrocław? Or how many monuments? Which church is the biggest? How many rivers run here? No? Neither do we! But we know the greatest clubs worth visiting, where Zubrówka tastes the best and where to eat the best Zapiekanka. Just come and check with us the greatest, full of students and of course the most beautiful city in Poland.




Imagine a place where the history goes through, place of lights and darkness, place on the river with bridges connecting breaches, people, East and West, old and new. Place full of Czech culture, full of Czech cousine, full of legendary bars and neversleeping clubs. With us you can take a tram and take a ride under towers of Prague castle, take a walk through crooked lanes of 1000 years ancient Old Town and enjoy a boat trip next to the Charles Bridge.


Have you ever tried to survive in the woods at night? Do you know how to make fire using a fire striker? No? We do! That is why we invite you to Lasówka – picturesque vilalge next to the border between Poland and Czech Republic, in the middle of nowhere. Here the mountains and the wildlife will be your best friends!




me m u s e th e z e e Fr it and catch in a shot!


August 5 – 19

20 Places

Event Fee 180 €


Optional fee 30€ Optional part Trip to Balchik – castle and botanical garden, Kafana Alternative games at the beach Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Do you want to freeze the moment? Or maybe catch the cities in different poses? Come to Serbia and Bulgaria and take a shot! Take a green from the mountains, take a blue from the sea and you will make a real Balkan cocktail. You will enjoy it under the sun while the waves are crushing just in front of you. You want to save this moment forever! We will tell you how. You will freeze the hot summer days and and catch the crazy party nights. Touch the history and get lost in the modernity? It is possible if you decide to attend Traveling Summer University in Serbia and Bulgaria.

Lodging private, tents, hostel, dormitories Payment 50% in advance + ticket, 50% after arrival Please bring Sleeping bag, Mattresses, Sun cream, swimming suit, Camera

Activities Travel destinations > Nis > Sofia > Veliko Tarnovo > Ruse > Varna

Together with you, we will investigate the hidden mountain paths and will cool down in the blue Back Sea. We would meet the phenomena of Devil’s town – one of the nature’s wonder of the world. Which is the summer party capital – Nis, Sofia or Varna? You can find by yourself! And is the Danube river different in Bulgaria from Vienna and Budapest – just check it. We will show you different epochs from Balkan history generously flavored by national culture. Come and join us in this fantastic trip.

Our ideal participant Our ideal participant MUST be a real AEGEE freak. To live fast and enjoy the moment. To have endless energy, participate in “group activities“, to be curious, addicted to travelling. Please, not expect to sleep!



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Niš is a city in Serbia situated on the river Nišava. It is the third largest city in the country. Niš is one of the oldest cities in the Balkans, and has from ancient times been considered a gateway between the East and the West. Niš is also notable as the birthplace of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman Emperor and the founder of Constantinople. Niš is a university center. It has a great night life and wide varieties of places to go out.



Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria and the 12th largest city by population in the European Union, with 1.4 million people living in the Capital Municipality. It is located in Western Bulgaria, at the foot of Mountain Vitosha, and is the administrative, cultural, economic, educational and party centre of the country. One of the oldest cities in Europe its history dates back before the 7th century BC.

Veliko Tarnovo

Veliko Tarnovo is a city in North-central Bulgaria. It is is located on the two sides of the Yantra River and is famous as the historical capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire, attracting many tourists with its unique architecture. As the capital of the Second Bulgarian Empire, Tarnovo was an amazing fortune a popular destination for many foreign merchants and envoys. Nowadays there are spectacular ruins of the castle Tsarevets on the hill of the same name.

4 Varna




Ruse is the fifth-largest city in Bulgaria and is situated in the Northeastern part of the country, on the right bank of the Danube. Ruse is known for its 19th- and 20th-century Neo-Baroque and Neo-Rococo architecture, which attracts many tourists. The Ruse-Giurgiu Friendship Bridge, the only one in the shared Bulgarian-Romanian section of the Danube, crosses the river here. The history of the city dates back to 3rd to 2nd millennium BC.

Varna is the largest city and seaside resort on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast and in Northern Bulgaria, third-largest in Bulgaria after Sofia and Plovdiv. Commonly referred to as the marine (or summer) capital of Bulgaria, Varna is a major tourist destination, business and university centre, and has an enormous port.

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AEGEE-León, AEGEE-Santander

From the siesta to the fiesta

Breaking stereotypes III

August 11 – September 25

25 Places

Event Fee 180 €

De la siesta a la fiesta. Rompiendo estereotipos III

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Trip to Asturias & Visit to Cabarceno Alternative Free day at the beach and workshop about Spanish Cinema Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

“eSpain”…it is a country full of stereotypes. Our country, one of the most important touristic destinations in the world, can’t let you be indifferent!!! BUT...what do you think?? Are those stereotypes really true?? For example... Do you think we dance and sing flamenco? Or sevillanas? Do you think that we have bulls in the street? Is siesta something we do day by day? Fiesta too? And what about drinking sangria? You will get the answers for all these questions and for many more during our workshops and adventurous activities If you come with us, you´ll become more “eSpaniard”!

Lodging Gym and student residence Payment 50% of the fee & copy of the ticket in advance Please bring Summer clothes, trekking shoes, “eSport” shoes, “eSport” clothes, swim

Travel destinations > León > Santander > Oviedo > Gijón > Astorga


Activities The main aim of this TSU is getting to know the culture of the North region of Spain. According to this, we´ll show you some of the most beautiful places in the North of “eSpain” as León, Santander, Oviedo or Gijón (and even more), from the impressive mountains to lovely beaches, with workshops about Spain (language, food, bullfighting, traditions...).The program includes a lot of different activities, apart from the nightlife (which is included in every event!)

Our ideal participant People who WANT to know the north of Spain, learn about the Spanish culture and to have a lot (quite a lot….really a lot) of fun & party interests. Actually, we need people who can bring a big battery full of energy!!!



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Is a beautiful Spanish city, capital of an ancient kingdom & the owner of the purest and most beautiful Gothic Cathedral in Spain.The city of León was settled over the lands occupied by the Roman Legio VII Gemina. During the Middle Ages it became the capital city of the Kingdom of León. This splendour of medieval and later periods still can be seen in its art heritage. Besides the cathedral, León has lots of interesting monuments (San Isidoro, San Marcos), that you will see



The port city of Santander is the capital of the autonomous community of Cantabria situated on the north coast of Spain. Today Santander remains a popular tourist destination. It is renowned for its mild climate. The Sardinero beaches are nice urban beaches, certain parts of which are popular among local surfers.


Is the capital city of the Principality of Asturias in northern Spain. Is the commercial and business capital, and the administrative and university centre of the region.The city was founded in 761 and was the capital of the kingdom before León. Architecture: Cathedral of San Salvador, from 14th century, Cámara Santa de Oviedo. Dating from 802, Santa María del Naranco palace, 9th century. It is part of the UNESCO World Heritage, the University of Oviedo & other buildings

4 Astorga




Is a daughter of the sea. Of a changing Cantabric sea and of a coastline with curves and counter-curves, with capes and coves. A game between the water and the land, with the bay of San Lorenzo as the central axis of the landscape of Gijón. Sea, nature & city, all in one.

Once called ´Asturica Augusta´ by the same Roman legionairs that founded León, the city of Astroga, shares a lot of similarities with the city of León, eventhough the paths of their history differed greatly at times. The most import building in this city are it´s 15th century cathedral & the ´Palacio Episcopal de Astorga´, a palace designed by the worldfamous catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. You also might want to know why Astorga is known as ´the city of chocolate´.

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AEGEE-Madrid, AEGEE-Burgos

Feel the SUn and blood of Spain y hard! t r a p d n ...a August 2 – 16

25 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Rock climbing, canoeing Alternative lake and shopping Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Youth hostels and camps Payment Copy of the ticket in advance or 50 % payment by transfer Please bring Trecking shoes, sport clothes, swimming clothes, sleep bag, mattress.

Travel destinations > Madrid > Segovia > Burgos > Toledo > Aranjuez


Ven a disfrutar de la mejor variedad de España! Is it possible to combine city & village? Sport & salsa dance? Party & culture? Beach and mountains? Spain is SUN and PARTY, of course (you will confirm this topic is true), but only the beginning of much more! Discover until last corner of MADRID, our capital, known worldwide for its nightlife, but also a multicultural, splendid city full of surprises. And BURGOS, a medieval castilian city where you will be able to enjoy a stage of „El Camino de Santiago“. This GREEN TSU will guide you to discover real Spain! If you love travelling and to party everyday everywhere, this is your (T)SU!

Activities You‘ll be able to enjoy sunshine in the beach! Rappel down a mountain, partying everyday in a different place, visit best museums in our country, enjoy seeing landscapes and canyons, canoeing, walking a stage of „El Camino de Santiago“... You will explore Madrid, but we will also tell you about traditions from rural Spain: you‘ll sing, drink, eat, sleep in a Spain-like culture atmosphere! If you want to have real fun, you won‘t want to miss our Green TSU with the most diverse activities plan!

Our ideal participant Interested in our way of life, language, culture, nightlife, from the biggest metropolis to the smallest village. Open-minded, able to sleep few hours a day, AEGEE-spirit, crazy party lover, adventurous: full of energy!

Green Theme Event // Cooperation with the Environmental Working Group

Special Thematic Focus

We will do as many „green activities“ as possible: Climb and abseil in a waterfalls close to the village, walk around the mountains, visiting a nature center, water war in Retiro park: again have fun with water, canoeing in Tajo river, the most important river of Madrid, with the nice view of Aranjuez. We are trying to do these activities related to the water, and making them fun and interesting for the participants. We want them to feel that they can „have fun with the nature“.


3 2 4 5 Madrid



Our capital and largest city in Spain. It is located in the center of the country. Due to its geographical location and history, Madrid has been considered the financial and political center of Spain. As the former capital of the old Spainsh Empire, Madrid has been bestowed with a degree of cultural predominance. Renowned museums such as Museo del Prado, the Museo Reina Sofía, and the Museo ThyssenBornemisza are major touristic attractions to the city.



Segovia is Spain at its best - twisting alleyways, the highest concentration of Romanesque churches in all of Europe, pedestrian streets where no cars are allowed, the aroma of roast suckling pig around every corner - all surrounded by the city‘s medieval wall which itself is bordered by two rivers and an extensive green-belt park with miles of shaded walks. On the north-west extreme of the wall is the famous Alcázar castle, source of inspiration to Walt Disney.


A medieval castilian city where you will be able to enjoy a stage of „El Camino de Santiago“. Nearby villages as Santo Domingo de Silos or Covarrubias, which are full of history and tradition; and natural paradises as „La Yecla“ and „Las Lagunas de Neila“. Moreover, you will have the chance to enjoy the famous beaches of Spain in Santander, only 2 hours from there!!

4 Aranjuez




Located in central Spain. Successively a Roman city, the capital of the Visigothic Kingdom, a fortress of the Emirate of Cordoba, an outpost of the Christian kingdoms fighting the Moors and, in 16th century, the temporary seat of supreme power under Charles V, Toledo is the repository of more than 2,000 years of history. Its masterpieces are product of heterogeneous civilizations in an environment where the three major religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam- coexisted.

48 km south of the city of Madrid, it is located at the confluence of the Tajo and Jarama rivers. Aranjuez is known for the Palacio Real de Aranjuez, one of the Spanish royal sites, and its vast gardens. The Royal Palace of Aranjuez, in “herreriano” style, was ordered to be built by Philip II toward the end of the 16th century. The work was finished under the reign on Charles III. Internationally, Aranjuez has become known through the Concierto de Aranjuez by Joaquin Rodrigo

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Black and White

Show your Art!

August 23 – September 6

35 Places

Event Fee 160 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Turkish Bath Party Alternative Day trip to Kızılcahamam Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Youth hostels, camping, student dorms Payment %50 in advance, or copy of the travelling ticket Please bring Digital camera, sleeping bag, swimsuit, drinks for European Night

Travel destinations > Ankara > Cappadocia > Amasra > Sefranbolu

Uncover opposites in life ! Some people enjoy wearing both black and white together; some can‘t stand seeing a white stain on a black dress. Some believe that the essence of life is inside black and white, while some believe that it is just complication. Some people think that they make our lives meaningful but some of them think that they are the source of emerging problems. We live contrast together anyway. Now, it is time to uncover these opposites with our unprecedented travel summer university program.

Activities Take your cameras, because we‘ll go to different cities to look “the opposites in life” behind the viewfinder. While taking photos, you‘ll experience Turkish traditions and art.Moreover, there are lots of activities filled with fun such as making pottery, watching sunset behind Cappadocia’s amazing fairy chimneys, camping, going to Turkish bath and tasting wine and delectable Turkish cuisine. Do you wanna go on a contrast journey which you have never experienced anywhere with enjoyable SU team?

Our ideal participant Enthusiastic for taking photographs, Have enough endurance for a travel of 1200km, And, of course, ready to spend sleepless nights with our night activities and in the morning still alive for following the program.


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Ankara is the capital city of Turkey and it is our meeting point. The Lake Eymir, Ankara Castle with the finest panoramic view and traditional Beypazar覺 houses all are waiting to be discovered by the emotional and curious eyes.



A long while ago, deep in the heart of the country, people settled within the lunar-like landscapes, and surreal scenery of rock-cut churches, cave dwellings and of course, the underground cities. It is time to take your cameras with you to uncover the land of beautiful horses: Cappadocia.


Amasra, taking its name from Persian queen Amastris, is a lovely town near the Black Sea. It is famous for Raki-Amastris Fishes and amazing Amastris Salad triple. Amasra is waiting for you to take photos with its delicious food, its historical monuments, and its charming harbor.





Safranbolu is an adorable town listed in Unesco World Heritage List with its unique houses. The famous Safranbolu houses reflect economy, culture, and technology of the Turkish life in the 18th and 19th centuries.


AEGEE-Firenze, AEGEE-Siena

Under the Tuscan Sun Part3

July 29 – August 12

26 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Excursion to Lake Alternative Visit of leather‘s factory Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging University Campus, Hostel and Gym Payment 50% in advance, 50% on arrival Please bring Sleeping Bag,Swimming Suit,Sun Cream,Matress

Travel destinations > Pisa > Siena > Firenze > San Gimignano > Fiesole

From the heart of Tuscany to the heart of Europe Our summer will include sightseeing in Pisa, an excursion in San Gimignano, two stunning days on the seaside, four days in the splendid town of Siena and a week in Florence, one of the most beautiful town of the world where you will immerse yourself in the heart of italian culture. During your stay you will enjoy great italian food and wines, hills and sea, crazy group games, excursions at the lake and parties on the beach. In a word an introduction to the italian „bella vita“ way of life! Your will be welcomed by a spirited crew availble for your better enjoyment.

Activities Museum excursions Wine tasting Visit of historical center of Pisa, Siena, Fiesole and Florence Excursions at the lake Discover historical Florentine craft shops or even late night swimming!

Our ideal participant Nice, open minded, ready to try new things, appreciating culture and the „Bella Vita“!



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Pisa with his treasures : the leaning tower & the famous „piazza dei miracoli“. A great jewel of architecture and culture a few steps away from the major international airport of the tuscan region. From this location we will go to the seaside.



You will visit this beautiful historical town with its beautiful Duomo and its stupendous piazza del Campo knowed around the world for being the location of the „Palio di Siena“.


You will discover the major museums, monuments, squares, architectural buildings. You will visit traditional florentine shops. Excursions in the hills of Florence (also by night). You will try typical products and dance all night in the coolest bars and clubs.

4 Fiesole



San Gimignano

One of the biggest and finest wine producer location in Tuscany. A walk in the hills, surrounded by wineyards and nature. You will experience an exclusive wine tasting and will visit the ancestral town.

A small town on the hills surrounding Florence where you will treat your eyes to the most stupendous view overlooking the city. An enchanting walk across the perculiar village.

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AEGEE-Tallinn, AEGEE-Tartu, AEGEE-Helsinki

A Guide to

A Better Life

July 3 – 18

25 Places

Event Fee 190 € Optional fee 0€ Optional part Sports activities (e.g. canooing) Alternative Walk in the nature

Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging Gym, dormitory, cottage Payment cash

Travel destinations > Tartu > Countryside > Tallinn > Helsinki


Jää-äärne kuu-uurija Are you dissatisfied with your life? Do you often feel you‘re worth nothing? Have you always wanted a big change? This year we’ll help you! We’ll train you mentally, physically and spiritually. A better life requires well-being. You will be stronger, faster and more skilled. One might get very stressed in the current world. We’ll teach you a new balance between peace and stress. And most of all you will have the self-confidence to express yourself in ways you’d never believed. And that‘s not all...if you apply now, you‘ll get one extra day for free!

Activities Testing your boundaries and abilities through various activities, performing in public, enjoying yourself and others, becoming a better person, relaxing, hiking in the nature, doing sports, social meetings including vivid body movements also known as parties

Our ideal participant Open-minded, adventurous, with good stamina and sense of humor, eager to follow the guidelines.


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Tartu is mostly known for its university that is the oldest in Estonia (since 1632). Therefore, Tartu is full of young people and maybe that‘s why there is one place called Pirogovi plats where public drinking is allowed (it‘s prohibited in rest of Estonia). Tartu also means lots of cozy pubs that offer cheap drinks. Estonia‘s biggest river Suur-Emajõgi also flows through Tartu. If you really wish to test your boundaries, try climbing up the bridge that is over the river.




We have the paradise for nature lovers. Breath-taking landscapes, endless forests, outdoor activities ... We will stay for some days in a nice cottage where you can bond with each other, try sauna (hot!) and test your survival skills in nature. Maybe we can even grill on the camp fire.


Tallinn is the capital of Estonia, known for its beautiful Old Town. Tallinn is controversial: on one hand, you have candlelit medieval restaurants and merchant houses, beautiful tree-lined parks and the slapping waves of the Baltic Sea. On the other hand, there is the city that has been recognized for its forward thinking, state-of-theart services and thriving nightlife. Tallinn is the European Capital of Culture 2011




The capital of Finland was founded in 1550 on the shore of the Baltic Sea. The Helsinki Metropolitan Area is home to one million people. Helsinki is Finland‘s international gateway and it is a mixture of eastern and western cultures. Many of Helsinki‘s main attractions are related to the sea, including the Suomenlinna fortress (a UNESCO World Heritage site).


AEGEE-Pécs, AEGEE-Szeged

Festivals and wines

in the heart of Europe

July 8 – 22

30 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Let’s get ready to RUMMMMMBLE!!!!!

Optional fee 20€ Optional part Slide park(at night) and a boat trip Alternative Party and free time at the beach Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Are you looking for an unforgettable holiday? Have you ever been to a European capital of culture? Have you ever been to the Lake Balaton? Then we are glad to invite you our stunning country. We will take you some of the most wonderful cities in Hungary. There will be workshops to get to know some information about Hungary, Hungarian culture and language. You will look around the European Capital of Culture. You will taste wines from three wine-growing regions. Come and enjoy two of the biggest festivals of the year. Just come and spend your holiday with us.

Lodging GYM and private houses(huts) Payment 50% in advence, 50% on arrival or copy of the ticket in advance Please Bring Sleeping bag & mattress swimsuit, sun cream

Are you ready to RUMBLE?

Travel destinations


> Pécs > Veszprém > Balatonfüred > Harkány

If you want to see some wonderful cities like Pécs, Veszprém, Balatonfüred and Tihany If you want to go wine tastings to Villány, Füred and Badacsony If you want to party most of the nights If you want to lie on the beach If you want to go festivals If you want to learn about our culture and language If you want to go to Harkány spa If you want to take part in barbecues and competitions If you don’t want to miss all of these come to Hungary this summer We assure that you won‘t regret!!!

Our ideal participant If you like active holidays and sports, if you are interested in festivals and culture, if you like good wines and amazing cities, if you don‘t tired soon and if you like PARTY, PARTY, PARTY! Come to Hungary this summer!


2 3 1 4 Pécs

Pécs is the fifth largest city of Hungary, located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the south-west of the country. It was one of the centre‘s of the Roman province Pannonia. Pécs own the title of the European Capital of Culture in this year, so we will have cultural programs every day. We will show you our 2000-year old city and our culture. You can see the first Hungarian university was founded in 1367 and still one of the biggest universities in Hungary.



Veszprém is the city of queens, located in the north-west of the country, north from Lake Balaton. We will spend an afternoon and two nights there and we will show you the fire tower, the castle and other historical buildings. In the nights we will take part in the 10th Street Festival there will be famous singers and bands all over from the Earth.


Balatonfüred is the oldest holiday resort and the “capital” of the north beach and a popular target in the summer. It is also a very good wine growing region. We will spend a week in Balatonfüred, there are many beautiful beaches and remarkable parties at night, and this is the city that never sleeps in the summer.





Harkány is one of the most famous thermal spas in Central Europe. The spa and open-air bath of Harkány has around 180 year-old history. 1.350.000 square meters park, covered resting places, football and volley ball field, 3 medicinal and 5 swimming water pools and a great water slide are hosting over millions of people a year.


AEGEE-Zaragoza, AEGEE-Bilbao

Once upon a time

of Spain h t r o n e h t in

Jamon & Txakoli

August 4 – 18

25 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Jamón & Txakoli

Optional fee 40€ Optional part 2 activities: Trip to San Sebastián 20€ & Mountain Adventure 20€ Alternative shopping time, sightseeing, etc... Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Have u ever heard of Bilbao´s Big Week? Are u able to have a bath in an ibon?Do u know which is the most ancient culture in Europe? If u are prepared to find it out, join us in our Travelling SU and discover Bilbao and Zaragoza, guess why Teruel lovers died, taste „pintxos“ in San Sebastián, admire Albarracín, approach to the Basque coast, relax at river Ebro, climb our mountains in Pyrenees, choose your best swimming costume for the beach and party till dawn with thousand of activities! Get ready for culture wonders, astonishing parties, magnificent nature, don´t miss this opportunity!!

Lodging Youth Hostel, Gym... Payment Copy of ticket in advance Please bring TREKKING SHOES, sleeping bag, MATRESS, swimming suit, SOLAR CREAM and cap

Travel destinations


> Zaragoza > Teruel > Pyrenees > Bilbao & San Sebastián > The province of Biscay

-City tours -Nature activities -Taste typical food: Txakoli, Patxaran, kalimotxo, sangría, migas, longaniza, do a „pintxo-poteo“: drink a „txikito“ (small glass of wine or beer), while you taste a „pintxo“. -Discover our legends and mythological characters -Visit Roman ruins, Paleolithic cave paintings, island of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe -Bilbao´s “Big Week” -Learn something in the Europe‘s most ancient language AND night life with tematical parties!!! Hawaiian, karaoke, mafia & traffic-light

Our ideal participant Someone who: - Likes partying - Doesn‘t need to sleep in an Imperial Suite, better in a bus! - Appreciates history and culture - Loves beach and mountain - Open minded, not shy


That is: who like the AEGEE way of life!!


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Zaragoza, founded by the romans 2000 years ago, has a mixed cultural heritage of Cristian, Iberian, Muslim and Jewish population. It‘s the city of the four cultures. Nowadays it‘s the Capital of the region of Aragon and the fifth city of Spain. Here we will enjoy with the parties, we will sunbathe in the Ebro River beach, we will taste the Spanish traditional food in „El Tubo“ street, etc. Do you know „tapas“, „migas“ and „longaniza“ ?


Teruel & around

Teruel, the city is known because of its Mudejar art, also because of the „serrano“ ham and it‘s a city with a lot of medieval influences, do you know the legend of the „Teruel lovers“?And here, you will discover the traditional summer festivals, one of the funniest events in Teruel and Aragón every year. Albarracin presents itself like a fan of hanging houses that seem to be playing a game of hiding and showing among themselves. Narrow streets full of medieval tortous lines.


Located in the middle of the Pyrenees, Jaca was one of the most important cities in Middle Ages,origin of the future Kingdom of Aragon. Nowadays, Jaca is a huge tourist center and it has a very active night life during the whole year. In the Pyrenees, we will enjoy the landscapes, the natural parks, swimming in its rivers, bath in an ibon whose water comes from glaciers, walking across the montains and... adventure sports!! Also monasterys, castles, citadels and much more!!




Bilbao & San Sebastián

Bilbao, since its foundation, more than 700 years ago, has struck a healthy balance between its deeply rooted traditions and the most updated trends, leaded by its modern art museum, Guggenheim. San Sebastián is one of Spain‘s most beautiful cities. Tradition and modernity go hand in hand in this „small“ big city with touches of the Belle Époque (Golden Age), surrounded by beaches and mountains. More than that, San Sebastian is the world gastronomy capital of the „pintxo“.

The province of Biscay

Bermeo, with its ancient fishing tradition, placed in the rough and beautiful Basque coast, where the sea ceaselessly erodes the rock creating tunnels, arches and caves. The green mountains, with Paleolithic cave paintings and enchanted forest. Guernica, best known for Pablo Picasso’s famous painting to commemorate the horrors of the bombing, is historically the seat of the parliament of Biscay, and its famous oak has became the symbol of the traditional rights of the Basque

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Virgin Beaches

of Urla SU

June 25 – July 9

30 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Tarih, Doğa, Deniz URLA‘ya hoşgeldiniz!

Optional fee 40€ Optional part Scuba diving, trekking Alternative city tour of Karaburun Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Aegee-Urla welcomes you to SU 2010, which will be held in a variety of locations ; Cesme, Urla, Izmir, Kusadasi, Foca, Karaburun. Participants will have the chance to experience the green atmosphere of the Aegean Reagion, the rich history of the area and do many sports activities in nature. There will be trekking activities which will be followed by wine testing. Be sure to spend plenty of time on the gold-sand beaches of the Aegean and experience scuba-diving in the clear waters of Karaburun, famous for itsunderwater beauty.

Lodging dormitories Payment payment will be during the first day of SU. Please bring sun glasses, sun cream, hat, extra trainers (for gym)

Travel destinations > Urla > Izmir > Çesme > Karaburun > Foça

P.S. lots of parties and limitless FUN is guaranteed!!!

Activities SU 2010 is including lots of sport activities ; trakking, scubadiving, beach volley are some of them. Also history of Anatolia waiting visitiors and our participants will be these lucky visitors. Ephesus, Virgin Mary‘s house and buildings comes from Ottoman will some of these historical places. Wine testing is another activity that you have to chance testing of lots of fruit wine that you can not imagine. Strawberry, blackberry, apple, sour chery are just few of them.

Our ideal participant If you think you have got the Aegee spirit and an interest in nature, don‘t wait for long before you contact us. We will be waiting for you!



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ร esme






Tour dHollande:

the cycle of life!

July 22 – August 6

35 Places

Event Fee 171 €

Oost, West, Fiets best!

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Citytrip Utrecht Alternative Day of rest in the forest Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

I f there is a bicycle paradise in this world it must be Holland. Our flat bicycle roads and short distances between cities transform cycling into an ideal manner to explore Holland in a green and healthy way. In this TSU we will do so. We spend our first week in Nijmegen. By then this city is the party capital of Holland with a special festival going on. In the second week you will explore beautiful cities (Utrecht,Arnhem), rest in our lakes and forests and see our famous tulips,dykes and mills on a 3-stage cycle trip to our capital Amsterdam, the final destination of the cycle of your life!!

Lodging Gym / sleeping hall Payment 50% in advance, 50% upon arrival Please bring Sleeping bag & air mattress

Travel destinations > Nijmegen > Arnhem > Utrecht > Amsterdam

Activities Our programme contains a mix of culture, sports, Dutch tradition and of course a lot of fun. We will visit a famous summer festival in Nijmegen and discover this beautiful city. We‘ll also discover other Dutch cities like The Hague, Utrecht and Arnhem. Furthermore you‘ll learn a lot about Dutch culture, tradition, dykes and mills and a lot more. And last but not least: our final destination will be our famous capital of Amsterdam!!

Our ideal participant Our ideal participant is: ●Lots of fun ●Adventure loving ●A bit sporty ●Willing to see more of Holland than only coffeeshops ●Not afraid to (learn to) ride a bicycle


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2 Nijmegen

Nijmegen is a typical student city located near the river Waal. It is the oldest city of Holland. Nijmegen is known fore it‘s relaxed atmosphere. Every year the 4-day walking marches are celebrated with a big festival, which do last a week. This festival attracts people from all over The Netherlands and turns Nijmegen into the party capital of Holland.



Arnhem is located close to Nijmegen. It is known for it‘s shopping opportunities and open air museum. Arnhem is located on the edge of The Veluwe, a beautiful national park which we will visit from here.


Utrecht is an old city with a lot of history. Furthermore it is known for its canals, Dom tower and for being the most popular student city of The Netherlands. Utrecht is also the most central city of The Netherlands.





Need we say more? This city is not only national but also international very well known for its architecture, musea, Ajax, the red light district and a lot more...

Special Thematic Focus Green Theme Event Cooperation with the Environmental Working Group

In this SU we promote a very green way of transport: travelling by bicycle. It is cheap, it is healthy and most of all: it is very green! We hope that our participants will love to ride their bike and will adapt our Dutch bike-lifestyle in their own country.



SUpa August 21 – September 4

40 Places

Event Fee 180 €

AEGEEans stop Aging in AEGEAN

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Aqua Park and Yacht Tour Alternative City tour Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Do you really think you are healthy? Some of you smoke a whole packet of cigarette a day, some eat fast-food unconsciously, some drink like fish and some of you live in the nights and sleep in the day. Do you think we don‘t have such habits? How could youth pass without these? After many researches and experiments by the golden beaches and turquoise sea, AEGEE-izmir came to a conclusion that all these can be done on a healthy way! ! ! ..SuPa.. ! ! Here is the prospectus of medicine SuPa… INDICATIONS of SuPa *Hypersomnia *Stress *Fatigue *Loneliness *Depression *Skin Breakdown *Aging

Lodging Dormitories, Beach camps, Hostels Payment % 100 on arrival, copy of the plane ticket in advance

Travel destinations > Izmir > Çesme > Ephesus > Gümüldür > Fethiye


Activities FORMULA of SuPa (Some Hints for Programme) *Spa *Massage with Olive oil *Oil Wrestling *Olive Oil Dishes *Wine *Backpacking *Morning Gymnastic *Aqua Park *Swimming *Yacht Tour *Aegean Sea *Skin Care *Turkish Bath *Sand Bath *Sun Bath *Mud Bath *Herbal Life *Night Life *The fabulous ambient of Aegean STORAGE CONDITIONS of SuPa *It should be kept over 30‘C , under the sun, in ancient cities and in the deepness of the Aegean Sea *Please keep out of the reach of Children

Our ideal participant


CONTR-INDICATIONS of SuPa (The Nonideal Participants) *Boring *Narrow-minded *Lazy *Passive *Slothful SIDE EFFECTS of SuPa: *There are no known side effects *Refer to AEGEE-İzmir in case of any side effect


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Izmir Izmir, historically Smyrna, is the third most populous city of Turkey

and the country‘s second largest port. It‘s located in the Gulf of Izmir, by the Aegean Sea. Izmir has a wide cultural mixture living for ages as a result of hosting so many nations, which also brings a visual depth to its historical heritage. It‘s the place where Homer was born, it‘s Turkey‘s window opening to the world, in process with its beautiful girls throughout Turkey.



It is a prominent center of international tourism in Turkey and is famous for its clubs, beaches and fish restaurants. Çeşme (meaning ‚the fountain‘ in Turkish) derives from the many sources of water found in the area. There are many Blue-flag bays nearby.


Do you think that travelling in time is possible? Well, if you are in Ephesus, the answer is yes. You will find yourself living in the past in this charming historical heritage. The house of Virgin Mary (is believed to have been the last home of Mary, mother of Jesus) is also very closeby.

4 Fethiye




Gümüldür is a summer town by the west coast of Turkey, 71 km from Izmir. This little holiday town can be considered as one of the promising holiday resort for the future with its crystal clear water, the shore and the natural beauty. It is ideally located in the heart of history.

Fethiye is a city and district of Muğla Province in the Aegean region of Turkey with about 68,000 inhabitants. Modern day Fethiye is located on the site of the ancient city of Telmessos, the ruins of which can be seen in the city, e.g. the Hellenistic theatre by the main quay. It is one of Turkey‘s well-known tourist centres and is especially prized during the summer.

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AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk, AEGEE-Lviv


your Summer!

July 17 – 31

25 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Excursion to Yalta city, visiting Lastochkino Gnezdo and palace Alternative sun, beach and the sea

Meals Breakfeast & Dinner Lodging hostel, summer rest camp Payment 50% in advance

Travel destinations > Lviv > Yevpatoria > Sevastopol > Bakhchisaray

Українізуйся, бо ти того вартий! Have you ever tried “Ukrainian summer”? Be sure – it’s totally different from any other summer, cause we’ll do here everything in Ukrainian way! You will have a chance to learn Ukrainian way of speaking, eating, drinking, cook your own perogies, dance Ukrainian dances, survive in market bargaining and so on and of course partying! During two weeks you will learn how to Ukraine yourself in the beautiful city of Lviv, where incredibly mixed old European culture and original Ukrainian spirit, and to swim in the warmest and most beautiful part of the Black Sea in Crimea. Meet you in Ukraine!

Activities - Ukrainian dancing workshop - brewery excursion - chocolate workshop - Lviv region castles excursion - language workshop - pub rally - Lviv city tour - folk excursion - Bakhchisaray palace excursion - market rally - excursion to Sevastopol city - night quest in the forest - And for crazy party animals we prepared one night at the best club music festival - KaZantip!!! Note, that KaZantip is out-of-program event! We will organize transfer, but enterance tickets should be paid additionally.

Our ideal participant who is not afraid of cultural diversity, loving historical details in combination with Black Sea and hot sun, fond of sustainable food, and of course struggling to know unknown side of hospital country Ukraine



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It‘s the centre of original Western Ukrainian culture, which is a World UNESCO Heritage site. There was published the first book in Ukraine, founded the first university in Ukraine, invented the first oil lamp in the world, built the first railway and held the first football match in Ukraine. So it’s not accidentally that Lviv will be the first city to visit for our participants! In this magical city are incredibly mixed old European culture and original Ukrainian spirit.



It was built by Greek colonists around 500 BC. Now it‘s a major Ukrainian Black Sea port, a rail hub, and resort town. The main industries include fishing, food processing, wine making, limestone quarrying, weaving, and the manufacture of building materials, machinery, furniture manufacturing and tourism.


Sevastopol is both young and ancient. Sevastopol as it is was founded on the 14th of June 1783, but Chersonese, an ancient city, the magnificent ruins of which are located in the territory of modern Sevastopol, is much older. It was founded in the 5th century B.C. The city is now home to a Ukrainian naval base and facilities leased by the Russian Navy and used as the headquarters of both the Ukrainian Naval Forces and Russia‘s Black Sea Fleet.





Bakhchisaray means the „palace of gardens“ (Tatar). It was a capital of the Crimean Khanate (XV-XVIII). Bakhchisaray is the town of excursions. The main tourist attraction is Khan‘s Palace. This is a „must see“ for any visitor to the Crimea. This old part of the Bakhchisaray has retained a medieval atmosphere with its narrow and curved streets, as well as many other medieval attributes, including Khan‘s Palace.





the Balkans

July 15 – 30

35 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Boat tour around the island of Zakynthos Alternative Museum of Zakynthos

Meals Breakfeast, Lunch Lodging Dormitories, cottage, gym, camping Payment 50% of the fee in advance

Travel destinations > Novi Sad > Beograd > Patra > Zakynthos


Γάμος α λά Βαλκανικά - Svadba a la Balkan THIS SUMMER, AEGEE-Patra and AEGEE-Novi Sad call you to take part in this special event: Balkan wedding! The beautiful bride is from Novi Sad, the lovely groom is from Patra. And now it‘s time for the wedding! The date? July 2010! The wedding starts in Novi Sad where the bridemaids gather for the preparations. Then it‘s time for the bride’s family to make the unique trip through the Balkans and end in Patra. After the wedding, there is the honeymoon in Zakynthos with a boat trip around the island! Feasts will last two whole weeks and we expect only AEGEE spirit! Are you going to miss it?

Activities A lot of travelling, exploring the cities we‘re visiting, swimming, visiting museums, visiting sights (castles, catacombs, archaeological places), climbing, beach activities, boat tour, waterland, and many many more!!!

Our ideal participant If you like the Balkans, if you don‘t mind travelling for many hours non-stop, if you can visit places during the day and party during the night, then this SU is perfect for you!






Novi Sad

Novi Sad is Serbia‘s second largest city, after Belgrade, located on the banks of the Danube river and Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal, while facing the northern slopes of Fruška Gora mountain. Since it was founded in 1694, Novi Sad became the centre of Serbian culture and earned its nickname Serbian Athens. The name Novi Sad means „New Plantation“ in Serbian. As a meeting place of cultures and peoples, Novi Sad came to have many different names in various languages.



Belgrade (Beograd = white city) is the capital of Serbia, and has a population of around 1.6 million. It is situated at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe and has since ancient times been an important focal point for traffic, an intersection of the roads of Eastern and Western Europe.


Patras is the third largest city in Greece and certainly a student city, with 35000 students. It is one of the most interesting and attractive places to visit in this part of Greece.





It is the southernmost and third largest of the Ionian islands. During the era of Homer and the Trojan War, the island of Zakynthos was a part of the kingdom of Odysseus, king of Ithaca. Zakynthos over the centuries have been ruled by Venetians, Franks, Ottomans all of which have left their mark on the island. And of course the numerous beaches of the island are among the best in Greece!


AEGEE-Timisoara, AEGEE-Sibiu


25 Places

Event Fee 160 €

Feel the past, Enjoy the present, Experience the future

Optional fee 20€ Optional part For the optional trips Alternative We‘ll visit Suncuius Cave, Huniazilor Castle

„One for the party Two for the show Three to get ready And four to go... Put on your blue skate shoes You can do anything, but come with our crew You can knock us down, step into the race Aegee all over the place Do anithyng that we‘re going to do But come, come with our crew Don‘t forget your blue skate shoes.“

Meals Breakfeast, lunch Lodging Hostel Payment Pay on arrival

Travel destinations > Timisoara > Oradea > Alba-Iulia > Sibiu > A‘rieseni

As you can see we are pretty fun to be with Come in Timisoara and yoy‘ll discover Romania‘s Wonders. We are going to visit the hudge underground ice-berg at Scarisoara Cave, dating from the Jurassic time, than we trace the remains of the cave bear,that wasextinct 15000 years ago in Bear‘s Cave. From this period of time we pass throughmedieval period at Alba-Iulia and Huniazilor Castle, than we can see the communist effects remained in Timisoara, and than we get to present days in Sibiu, Europe‘s Former cultural capital for 2007. For a better insight into Romanian traditions and customs, music, cuisine and all sorts of arts and crafts, just Feel the past, Enjoy the present and Experience the future

Activities Travelling, visiting, lots of team-building activities and games so that we can learn more about each others culture and anything spontanious

Our ideal participant Excited, outgoing, non-conformist, spontanious, interested in our SU theme, funny and creative


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The symbol of the falling of comunism, it is considered the „little Wien“ of Romania



It‘s a city situated in the mountains, full of history and excited places to visit.


The city is historically important for both Romanians and Hungarians, and it‘s the symbol of the proclamation of the union of Romania

4 A‘rieseni

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Europe‘s Formel cultural capital for 2007. Here you can experience the medieval period with knights, castles and maidens

Mountain side, full of Caves, rivers and extreme sports

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AEGEE-Agrigento, AEGEE-Palermo

Through Sicily


August 18 – September 1

50 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Vieni a scoprire le due facce della Sicilia

Optional fee 40€ Optional part Visit Cefalù town Alternative seaside activities Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

You‘ll spend two incredible weeks going from the North coast to the South coast of Sicily, running from the Phoenichans to the old Greeks, starting with Arabs dooms and ending with Sicilian Baroque. You‘ll become brown under our full-sun, you‘ll see the best beaches and you‘ll enjoy our tipycal food and drinks. But most of all, once you tasted, you‘ll never forget the authentic sea.

Lodging Dormitory, Tent, Gym Payment 90€ in advance on bank account, remainder at arrival

Travel destinations


> Agrigento > Palermo

Excursions, trips, sightseeings tours, beach activities, swim, sun, music and parties. Contact us for the program.

Our ideal participant We like funny people, active people, dancers, travellers, eaters, drinkers and party animals. We need openminded people! We don‘t want people aegee-spirit-less!


2 1 Agrigento

Situated on the South cost of Sicily, it‘s one of the most important tourist center in the island and one of the oldest city in Mediterranean sea. Founded c.580 B.C. as Akragas by Greek colonists, the city became one of the most prosperous in the ancient Greek world, as is indicated by the imposing ruins that remain. It was destroyed c.406 B.C. by Carthage but recovered. In the first of the Punic Wars the city suffered under both the Romans and the Carthaginians.




Sicily’s Capital City, was founded in 8th century BC by Phoenicians, but the city as we know it, was built by Muslims in 9th century AC and by Normans 2 century after. It was capital of the “Kingdom of two Sicilies” during the Spanish domination in 16th century. With one of the most large and old city centre of Europe, Palermo is an Art City where you can discover something at every corner. Palermo is full of parks, beaches and beautyfull natural reserves too.


AEGEE-Wien, AEGEE-Maribor, AEGEE-Nova


Sissi goes rafting

From Danube ic to Adriat July 17 – August 1

35 Places

Event Fee 200 €

Pridite v Avstrijo, Komm nach Slowenien

Optional fee 35€ Optional part Wild rafting on the river Soca Alternative Visit of river Soca and its beauties Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

We will take you on a trip from the legendary river Danube to the marvelous and sunny Slovenian Adriatic coast. Do you believe that culture and sightseeing can go together with excitement and adventure? Would you mix Empress Sisi with David Guetta and Indiana Jones? We would! Come to a TSU that is as diverse as its landscapes - sightseeing, sexy parties, workshops, games, wild (party) animals, astonishing nature Explore the monuments of the former Habsburg Empire in Vienna and Graz but beware! adventure awaits you while we follow our path to the Adria through Maribor, Postojna and Nova Gorica

Lodging Private gym, hostel Payment 50 % in advance, 50 % on arrival Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress

Travel destinations > Vienna > Graz > Maribor > Postojna > Nova Gorica

Activities Waltz dancing lessons, Barbecue at Danube island European Night, Clubs and theme party Sight seeing trips, City game Austrian food (its famous for its cakes) Wine tasting with Europe‘s best wines Fall in love with sLOVEnian night Night walk with torches , Swimming pool action AEGEE Olympic games, Woodrafting on river Drava Laško beer brewery, Postojna cave and „Predjamski“ castle Horse riding, AEGEE picnic, Day at Slovenian coast Soča river Rafting

Our ideal participant Can you survive in the urban jungle as well as in caves and wild rivers? Can you enjoy baroque art as well as sunny beaches? Do you have what it takes to be king or queen of the beach party? And you don‘t need to sleep?



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Our tour will start in Vienna - the heart of Europe, full of treasuries of architecture, arts and culture. See why Vienna was chosen the world‘s number one most liveable city. Ever wanted to know how Empress Sisi has lived? Let‘s go with us for a stroll through the baroque gardens of Schönbrunn Palace. Relax at the Danube island from the exciting and colourful Nightlife. Learn how to dance waltz from the masters of their art in Vienna and taste the delicious Austrian food.



We will have a stop to explore the city of Graz (where Arnold Schwarzenegger comes from) which is the capital of Styria - the green heart of Austria. The „Old Town“ of the second largest city in Austria is one of the best-preserved city centres in Central Europe. Discover the secret of pumpkinseed oil and why the inhabitants even put it on their vanilla ice cream. But beware of stains because after Graz we will head south…


First stop in Slovenia is in Maribor which lies in the famous wine region of Slovenia. There we‘ll experience sLOVEnian night with local wine tasting, do the night walk with torches, sunbathing at swimming pool while playing AEGEE Olympic game and try out the famous woodraft on river Drava.

4 Nova Gorica




Next we‘ll set sail to the next city of Postojna. On the way we will visit Laško beer brewery and do a short stop in our capital city Ljubljana. In Postojna we have to visit the pearl of Slovenia - Postojna cave and its „Predjamski“ castle then do the horse riding and have a wild party at AEGEE picnic. After it we will relax at the Adriatic sea. Swimming, sunbathing, exploring and experiencing romantic sunset in city of Piran. Beach party and night swimming inclusive.

Our last destination is Nova Gorica where the adventurous ones will enjoy the wild river rafting while the others will find peace in their hearts by enjoying the magnificent countryside of Soča river valley. Full of memories and tears in our eyes we‘ll say goodbye in Nova Gorica after 16 days of unforgettable adventures, parties and experiences.

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AEGEE-Catania, AEGEE-Cagliari



rane in 2 Mediter


August 6 – 23

40 Places

Event Fee 220 € Optional fee 40€ Optional part Trip to Taormina in Sicily and Boat Ride in Sardinia Alternative Sightseeing and shopping in City Center

Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging Student House, Gym Payment 100% in advance or 50% and copy of the ticket in advance

Travel destinations > Catania > Taormina > Cagliari > Carbonia > Palermo


Your way to Sicily and Sardinia Imagine a place where you can spend unforgettable days enjoying warm sun and having parties and beach activities all day long. Imagine you can visit two wonderful Islands in the Mediterranean taking part in only one event. There is just one way to make your imagination become real: apply now. Two Antennas are working together with a shared goal: to make you discover the beauties of two lands at close range, Sicily and Sardinia. Seize the opportunity and you will be thrown into two Islands under the same blue sky, and get involved in exciting activities with a double deal of Aegee Spirit.

Activities From the mountain to the sea, from the kitchen to the mine, from sightseeings to the craziest parties.... Catania and Cagliari will offer you this and much more! We will make you experience breathtaking landscapes, amusing and interesting activities, delicious typical dishes..and the chance to meet Arancini and Malloreddus ;) ! Between a swim and a tour you will challenge participants and organizers in particular and funny matches! The prize….? Join us and you will discover it! (...maybe!)

Our ideal participant We‘re looking for funny people, interested in Italian culture: no boring meetings but just interactive activities! Beach and nature lovers, Italian cuisin fans and, above all, people wishing to enjoy summer all together.




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The city where Europe‘s greatest natural wonder, Mount Etna ( the highest active volcano in Europe), meets Ionian Sea. It‘s a baroque city built on Romans ruins. You can‘t imagine its night life.



Popular and fashionable tourist resort with famously stunning views and a picturesque Greek-Roman Theatre, high above the sea and facing Etna. Taormina has breathtaking tourist sights and the town and its location are attractions in themselves. There‘s plenty to keep the visitors busy for at least a couple of days.


(Sardinian: Casteddu) is the Capital of the island of Sardinia. Cagliari‘s Sardinian name Casteddu literally mean the castle that lies on top of a hill, with a wonderful view of of the Gulf of Cagliari (also known as Angels Gulf). Most of the old city walls are intact, and feature the two 13th century white lime-stone towers, St. Pancras Tower and the Elephant Tower.

4 Palermo




Is a town in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias, Sardinia. It was officially inagurated on the 18 December 1938. For the tourist the main place to visit is the former Serbariu coalmine, now turned in a museum and in a site of industrial archaeology. Another interesting place is Monte Sirai, an hill in the sorroundings of the city that hosts the ruins of a phoenician-punic built-up area.

Palermo is the capital of Sicily. The city is known for its rich history, culture, architecture and gastronomy. Palermo has a noteworthy architectural heritage and it‘s famous for its Norman buildings. We will spend some hours in Palermo before going to Cagliari by ferry boat.

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AEGEE-Brno, AEGEE-Bratislava



August 1 – 15

25 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Evrope to osladíme!

Optional fee 30€ Optional part trip to Znojmo with wine tasting in wine cellar Alternative Sightseeing and shopping in Brno

Do you know what the difference between Czechs and Slovaks is? Do they speak the same language? Get to know funny Czechs and hearty Slovaks. What can you expect? Enthusiastic organizers, adrenalin activities, two wonderful countries AND a lot of FUN! We promise you no luxury but adventure. We will start in the Czech second biggest city Brno, then we will do some sport in the heart of Slovakia and we will finish in Slovak‘s capital Bratislava. Come and Czech out Slovakia!!!

Meals Cont.Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging dormitories/ youth hostel Payment Copy of ticket in advance Please bring Sleeping bag & sport shoes

Travel destinations > Brno > Morava > Detva > Bratislava

Activities horseback riding, wine tasting, biking, climbing, sightseeing, barbecue, traditional evening with folk music and regional specialities and surprises

Our ideal participant friendly, easygoing, athletic, adventure spirit, nature but also party lover, with sense of humour, smiling, crazy and AEGEE spirited =>> YOU!!!


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The second largest city in the Czech Republic, in Southern Moravia. Although the city is famous for its trade fairs and for its motorcycling Grand Prix, it is also an interesting tourist destination. In this city you will find interesting Art Nouveau houses, Gothic and Baroque churches, all Summer long techno raves but without the hordes of tourists. If you like the crowds, go to Prague; but if you want to know how Czechs live, go to Brno.



South-East Moravia a land of rich history, architectural treasures, folk traditions, pleasant climate, great wine and hospitality. The mild weather and southern slopes exposed to the sun provide rich crops of delicious grapes.


Logging and wood processing, sheep breeding and peasantry had been the main source of bread and butter of the Detvans. Hard living conditions and self-sufficiency in providing of basic living needs determined the formation of the original material and spiritual culture of local inhabitants.





Bratislava’s location on the banks of the River Danube and at the crossroads of ancient trading routes right at the heart of Europe predestined it to become a meeting point of various cultures.Bratislava is one of the youngest capitals in Europe and few people know that during the time it was called Pressburg it was one of the most important cities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The rich mix of cultures and nations left its mark in the customs, cuisine and lifestyle.


AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca, AEGEE-Sibiu

TRy the


ania v l y s s n Ra


August 5 – 19

30 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 20€ Optional part trip to Peles Castle Alternative hiking on Tâmpa hill from Brasov / free time in Brasov

Meals Breakfeast & Lunch Lodging student dormitory, hostel, gym Payment copy of ticket in advance; pay 100 % upon arrival Please bring Sleeping bag & mountain shoes


Umblă pe cărări nebătute... We dare you to TRy the TRansylvanian TRail! We have everything for you to experience and enjoy! Impressive nature, great cities, history to be amazed by (communist prison, Dracula’s home), ancient traditions and craftsmanship, true life, true spirit (the Romanian one), true people (us, of course!)! We’ll TRace down the TRail and we’ll draw the TRansylvanian map as we discover the genuine Dracula’s story, have a looong shot of hot, neck-burning Romanian ‘tuica’, dance ‘till we drop, club and pub-crawl! TRavel along the TRansylvanian TRail with us, it will be a TRibute to your next summer!

Travel destinations > Cluj-Napoca > Sibiu > Brasov > Sighisoara > Maramures

Activities - Dracula‘s language course - visit to a communist prison, royal places - craftsmanship session in Maramureş - hiking in the old and charming Carpathians - tuica drinking - Gypsy & Romanian parties - clubbing & pubcrawling - dancing ‚till dropping - Romanian and European Night ... basically get a glimpse of what it‘s like to live in fascinating Transylvania!

Our ideal participant - not afraid of Dracula, Ceausescu and ţuică - loves life and adventure - goes beyond things - AEGEE spirit - likes to experiment new things



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Cluj-Napoca is in the very heart of Transylvania, a city full of students, life and energy. Get ready for living la vida loca, enjoying pub-crawling and having lots of fun. Friends know why :)



The cobblestone streets, the eyes of the roofs that watch your every step and gesture, the impressive churches with their elegant towers, the famous Bridge of Lies, the smart cafes, all make Sibiu one of the most fascinating romantic and medieval city of Transylvania. No wonder that in 2007 was rightfully endowed with the title of the European Capital of Culture.


A charming medieval town with loads of history behind, Brasov is home to various festivals, hosts the largest gothic church from Romania and is surrounded by massive stone walls. Very close to Brasov, lie two very important royal palaces: Bran, often referred to as Dracula‘s home, and Peles, the summer residence of Romanian royalties. Another point of interest is Râsnov, medieval fortress and the trade route connecting legendary Wallachia with mythical Transylvania.

4 Maramures




Sighisoara, the only fortress in the world where people continued to live constantly to this very day, is associated with the birth of Vlad Tepes, the Romanian ruler who inspired Bram Stoker‘s famous novel of Dracula. The very refined mechanisms of the Clock Tower with the human figurines continue to strike every hour for centuries, and the annual Festival of the Medieval Arts brings together tourists and locals.

The northwestern Romanian region of Maramures is home to many villages where century-old traditions are still part of daily life. The inhabitants of this area have preserved the rural culture and crafts of their Dacian ancestors: wood-carving, ceramics, eggpainting. We dare you to try some of these, in our artisan session! The traditional costumes, the special cuisine, the beautiful landscape and the simplicity of life will definitely conquer you!

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AEGEE-Avellino-Benevento, AEGEE-Torino


verso sud

July 26 – August 9

35 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Rafting, Trip to Naples Alternative shopping in the city centre Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging Gym, Hostel Payment Half in advance as confirmation

Travel destinations > Torino > Benevento > Salerno > Napoli

rotolandoversosud2010@ http://www.rotolando


long way home Enjoy with us a 1000km trip from North to South in the heart of italian lifestyle and culture! Live with us a dream that will take you through the different faces of our country and its people! We don‘t want you just to come here and SEE our places, we want you to EXPERIENCE them, to LIVE them! So there will be sightseeing, but it‘ll take you even outside of the most known sites! A city‘s history is mostly made of its people, and that‘s what we‘ll take you into! And after enjoying our traditions, art and culture, you‘ll enjoy our sleepless nights where fun, music and happiness never

Activities Sightseeings Rafting Italin language course local Festival Sea Discos

Our ideal participant Passionate, untiring, energical partecipants! Full of energy, open-minded and friendly person, our ideal participants have to be a true party animal full of AEGEE SPIRIT!!!


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2 Salerno





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AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg, AEGEE-Moskva

TRANSSIBERIAN Dream vol2 July 10 – 26

20 Places

Event Fee 350 €

SIZE Matters ;)

Optional fee 25€ Optional part Car trip to the northern part of Olkhon Island, Horse-riding Alternative Sport-games, swimming in Baikal Lake, enjoying nature Meals reakfeast & Lunch

As Yury Gagarin said 3, 2, 1, GO!

Lodging Local hosts in MSK and SPb, Hotel in Ekaterinburg, Cottage houses Payment 70% of fee in advance, right after selection Please bring sleeping-bag, sport shoes, swimming suit

Travel destinations > Saint-Petersburg > Moscow > Ekaterinburg > Lake Baikal

transsiberiandream@ This summer we‘ll bring you from urban beauty of main cities to untouched nature of Baikal Lake, from Europe to Asia, from reality to Transsiberian dream. Will you have another chance to find a key to mysterious Russian soul and check if Moscow never sleeps, are White nights white, to know for what we use birch branches in sauna and finally how many bears are per 1 citizen in Siberia? This is for ppl who prefer adventure to luxury. Experience the most traveling SU ever! Russia. Transsiberian dream. Size matters!

Activities -to stand on the point where Europe meets Asia -to visit the second biggest museum in the entire world -to watch opened bridges in St.Petersburg -to visit the most beautiful underground museum (Moscow metro) -to take bath in fountains of Peterhof Palace -to wake up Lenin in Moscow Mausoleum -to visit russian banya -to take part in Kill-Mosquito competition -to take part in vodka drinking workshop in carriage restaurant -to survive in Siberia -to enjoy beauty of Baikal Lake -and many others!

Our ideal participant Hey, we are looking not for JUST participants but real adventurous TRAVELLERS! Do not expect luxurious holidays - BE PREPARED to endure Transsiberian route and to spend it in very friendly and cheerful company.







Cultural capital of Russia, Northern Venice, open air museum... As St. Petersburg is situated in the basin of Neva River and it is famous for numerous canals, bridges and embankments as well as it is often threatened by floods. Come and visit the northern capital and you will know what is special in St. Petersburg courtyards, how many lions are there in St. Petersburg and what is the biggest problem is for lover couples during the summer time ;)



Nowadays being not a “typical” Russian city but a glorious metropolis of over 16 million inhabitants, Moscow reminds a small country inside of the city. Life never stops there, the city is moving all the time day and night, hosting non-stop parties which cater for all tastes. You will see the Lenin’s mummy, try „klukovka“ running from the golden Samovar, will get to know why Red square is Red and will be able to return back to the soviet times!


Considering its location on the eastern side of Ural Mountains Ekaterinburg is regarded as an official gate from Europe to Asia - like a twoheaded eagle on the Russian coat of arms whose left head is looking at Europe while the right one is looking at Asia. City has always been notable for outstanding historical events: the last Russian Emperor was killed there, city is a birth place of the first Russian president and nd a place where Russian rock music culture was found.




Lake Baikal

The deepest lake on the Earth contains more water than Great American Lakes. Lake called as “Blue Eye of Siberia” or “Pearl of Siberia”, is one of the cleanest surface water reservoirs and you can drink water right from the lake. 70% of Baikal fauna is unique for this region and cannot be found anywhere else. Baikal area has always been a holy place of Asia and is full of legends and mysteries. Local folks call it God Baikal and treat it as a living and wise creature.


AEGEE-Beograd, AEGEE-Budapest



July 14 – 28

30 Places

Event Fee 180 €

Danube - Blue Heart of Europe

Optional fee 30€ Optional part boat trip Alternative sports on the beach Meals Cont.Breakfeast & Lunch

Truth or dare?

Lodging dormitory, hostel, camping, gym Payment Copy of the ticket in advance, fee on arrival Please bring swimsuit, towel, sleeping bag

Travel destinations > Belgrade > Backa Palanka > Budapest > Balaton lake

Truth: If you are looking for an active TSU, stop here! Feel the beat of European heart trough his biggest artery – Danube. No other river in the entire world has inspired so many artists, so maybe it will inspire you too. Besides, along no other river can such tremendous variety of scenery, historic cities, and cultural treasures be found. Danube is Europe’s second longest river that flows trough 10 countries, 4 capitals, and two of them will host you this summer. Dare: We dare you to prove us wrong! Also we dare you to after a few wild days in Belgrade, come with us to Vojvodina, and than keep on partying hard and sightseeing in Budapest and enjoying the sunshine at Lake Balaton! Try out our cuisines, learn our dances, enjoy our music, get wet in Danube and have a great time!

Activities Refreshing water sports, awesome city tours, interesting workshops about Hungarian and Serbian language and culture, wine-tasting...

Our ideal participant Ideal participant: The ideal participant after having a great week in Serbia experiencing the Balkans‘ fizzyness is energetic enough to keep on being a restless and cheerful party animal in Hungary ;)


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Belgrade is situated in south-eastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. It lies on two international waterways, at the confluence of the rivers Sava and Danube which surround it on three sides. Because of its position, it has rightly been called „Gateway to the Balkans“ and the „Door to Central Europe“.


Backa Palanka

Backa Palanka is situated on the bank of the river Danube in the southwest of Backa, 40 kilometres far away from Novi Sad. It is located by a relative busy regional road that goes along the south of Backa, from Novi Sad to Ilok. The river Danube is the greatest gift of nature to Backa Palanka.


Budapest is the capital of Hungary, with nearly 2,000,000 inhabitants. Not only it is the centre of administration but also that of industry, trade, transport and traffic, education, culture, arts and sports. Most tourists visiting Hungary come to Budapest first, although the Lake Balaton, in Western Hungary, is also a very popular destination. Situated on both banks of the Danube, the total territory of the city is 525 square kilometres.




Balaton lake

Lake Balaton, in the Transdanubian region of Hungary, is the largest lake in Central Europe, and one of its foremost tourist destinations. As Hungary is landlocked, it is often affectionately called the „Hungarian Sea“. The Zala River provides the largest inflow of water to the lake, and the canalized Sió is the only outflow.


AEGEE-Bucuresti, AEGEE-Sibiu

There s Something Fishy about Romania August 7 – 21

25 Places

Event Fee 180 € Meals Breakfeast & Dinner Lodging gym, student dorms, youth hostel

Payment Copy of ticket in advance, pay on arrival

Travel destinations > Bucuresti > Brasov > Sibiu > Curmatura

Do you know what happens at night in Romanian woods? People have their minds twisted by singing and dancing spirits. Do you know that some villagers still believe in curses and perform century-old rituals to keep bad spirits away? If you are faint-hearted, palinka will make you strong! A trip in the most fascinating and mysterious Romanian regions and a European atmosphere is the combination for an unforgettable experience! Discover deepest, darkest secrets and experience our ancient legacy first hand. Do you still have doubts? Come and see what lies at the core and hidden in the shadows.

Activities Hiking, barbecues, campfire, activities related to myths, traditions, as well as culture (pottery). Starting from ground zero of Romanian architecture (The Palace of Parliament) to the massive sculpted gates of Maramures, up the Carpathian Mountains and past Dracula’s lair, you will be on a ride to see the sights, sounds and tastes Romania has to offer.

Our ideal participant Are you active and always on the move? Are you curious and like thinking outside the box? Funny, sociable people who and can last 2 weeks with no sleep. :D And of course, who are not scarred by palinka.







Bucharest was first mentioned in documents as early as 1459. Since then it has gone through a variety of changes, becoming the state capital of Romania. Its eclectic architecture is a mix of historical (neo-classical), interbellum (Bauhaus and Art Deco), Communist-era and modern. In the period between the two World Wars, the city‘s elegant architecture and the sophistication of its elite earned Bucharest the nickname of the „Little Paris of the East“.



Brasov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 km from Bucharest. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians, and is part of the Transylvania region. The city is notable for hosting the Golden Stag International Music Festival.


It is one of the most important cultural and religious centres in Romania as well a major transportation hub in central Romania. The city used to be the centre of the Transylvanian Saxons until World War II. Sibiu was designated European Capital of Culture for the year 2007, together with Luxembourg.





Cabana Curmatura is a log cabin-esque structure located about threequarters of the way up the mountain. It is the stopping point for those on day treks and a resting spot for those doing longer treks.




has no Borders

June 17 – July 3

30 Places

Event Fee 207 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Water park, Visiting Mirsky Castle Complex Alternative Sightseeing and shopping, ice-skating Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging gym, tent, hostel Payment 50% in advance or a copy of ticket in advance Please bring sleeping bag, mattress, health insurance, swimsuit

Atklāj ziemeļus! Адкрый для сябе Беларусь! Do you know where Europe ends this summer? How you ever experienced the magic of nordic fern-flower? What do you know about mysterious Belarus? Don`t bother your mind - all these questions & lots more will be discovered this summer in Latvia & Belarus! We`ll combine two things in one: being wild & responsible in one SU. We`ll start with a conference where you`ll discover physical & mental borders of Europe.. in 5 days time! ;) But afterwards the real SU will start with Midsummer Night celebration in Latvia & other crazy parties till sunrise! In the end you will experience great Belarusian fun.

Travel destinations > Riga > Usma, Sigulda, Jurmala > Ogre > Minsk, Mir > Zaslavl, Nesvizh

Activities Our programme has 2parts: 1.Conference-Where Does Europe End? In first 5 days with workshops, discussions, street actions & excursions, organized by AEGEE-Europe project team. 2.Leisure LATVIA. 2 days long Midsummer Night celebration in wild nature with many rituals straight under the sky, visiting capital & seaside Jurmala, Sigulda (castle,caves,airtram), latvian VODKA distillery.BELARUS. Visit ancient castles,meet talented people, never ending parties, drink real SAMAGON, fire performance.

Our ideal participant Where Does Europe End Event Cooperation with the WDEE Project


For this exceptional SU,ideal participant isn`t only interested in discovering Latvian/Belarussian culture & meeting lots of international friends,but also fascinated by European society & politics. And able to get up!;)







the capital of Latvia, which is like a girl in the summer. It bewitches you with its simplicity, perfume and experience before you even realise that you are in love. To be more precise, Old Riga is a part of UNESCO world cultural heritage, it‘s a place where everyone will find something suitable for himself or herself.


Usma, Sigulda, Jurmala

USMA- the place where to celebrate Midsummer night the Latvian way with bonfire, flower crowns, beer, dancing, singing and good-natured fun. A great opportunity to fell in love with Northern European nature and to get to know more about Latvian culture. SIGULDA- medieval city, where you can find natural beauty and history of north as well as discover the story about the love and the rose. JURMALA- Latvian sea wave is like a Nordic girl‘s caress, but sand is soft as a flower..


A city where two rivers meet, a city, where even a man can be „green“. It is said that those who have seen green Ogre with his/her own eyes will become happy forever.




Minsk, Mir

MINSK a rapidly developing city where past meets future. During the city tour we will visit both Orthodox and Catholic churches, the Town Hall and newly built Opera and Ballet Theatre. Our diamond - National Library- attracts many visitors due to it unusual design and possibility to enjoy a bird‘s eye view of the whole city. The Mirsky Castle Complex is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in the town of MIR which used to be a medieval fortress.

Zaslavl, Nesvizh

ZASLAVL is believed to have been founded in 985 by Vladimir the Great who sent his wife Rogneda to live here with their son Izyaslav of Polotsk, the founder of the most famous princely house in Belarus. NESVIZH Castle was owned by the Radziwiłł magnate family and is famous for the mysterious legends connected with it.

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AEGEE-Poznan, AEGEE-Torun


of Extreme!!

July 12 – 26

30 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part canoeing rally Alternative beach, mini zoo Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Dormitories Payment 50% before arrival and 50 % after arrival Please bring Sun cream, swimming suit, a lot of energy and good humor

Travel destinations > Torun > Biskupin > Wagrowiec > Poznan

Polska - daj się zaskoczyć! Do you want to visit ‘extreme’ places, meet ‘extreme’ people and experience ‘extreme’ adventures?Are you ready to explore ‘extreme’ culture, do ‘extreme’ sports and have fun at ‘extreme’ parties? If you are bold enough to say ‘YES’, come to Poland – land of rich history and unique culture! It is land of beautiful places, where the climate is temperate, and the people are crazy but warm and friendly.Get ready for many attractions waiting just for YOU!! Don’t think any longer which SU You should choose!We are waiting for You to show You the real polish hospitality– with bread, salt and vodka.

Activities We prepared for You many amazing activities. We will visit interesting places which guarantee unforgettable experiences. Cities with amazing historical backgrounds, museums, art centres, fascinating astronomy. But the cultural attractions are not the only ones on our SU! Get ready for the extreme!! Canoeing rally, paintball, and crazy parties: amazing polish wedding, tram party, European Night – that’s only a few from many attractions waiting just for YOU!!

Our ideal participant People with endless energy, who represents anti-boring lifestyle, doing crazy things, enjoy meeting new people, all party animals–if You feel that this is the description of You that means–You are the ideal participant.


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The birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus, a prominent trade centre in the Middle Ages – called ‘Cracow of the North’. Torun is the most Gothic urban complex in Poland, one of the most important tourist centres of unique value in the state, right after Cracow the second richest of original and best preserved historical monuments city in Poland. The whole complex of Torun Old Quarter is on the unique UNESCO list.



Biskupin has got a unique place in the history of Polish archaeology. In the small village far from big towns, Polish archaeologists discovered amazing well preserved wooden constructions of the prehistoric settlement – in makes Biskupin a unique place with specific atmosphere. Biskupin is a famous tourist attraction with many great and interesting, funny festivals.


Wagrowiec is situated in the north-east of the Wielkopolska region. The area is rich in lakes, special attraction of the city is the crossing point of two rivers: Nielba and Welna which is said to be unique phenomenon in Europe. Town provides good conditions for recreation: canoeing, sailing and fishing. Forests surrounding the town are perfect for walking and cycling.





Poznan is the main centre of trade, business, culture and science. At 21 universities and colleges about 140,000 students each year obtain knowledge. Is famous for great nightlife which guarantee unforgettable memories. Numerous theatres, museums with countless plays, concerts and exhibitions provide entertainment of almost every kind. Poznan is also a significant tourist centre, with some 450 items, like: Gothic cathedral, Old Market with the Renaissance City Hall.


AEGEE-Katowice, AEGEE-Nowy



Discover the Underground July 1 – 15

25 Places

Event Fee 160 € Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging gym, tents Payment 50% in advance, 50% on arrival Please bring sleeping bag, mattresses, flashlight, swimsuit

Travel destinations > Katowice > Podlesice > Ogrodzieniec > Zywiec


http://www.aegeekatowice. org/summer



Poszukiwanie zaginionego skarbu The black gold is gone and someone has stolen it. It will be your task to get it back. You‘ll spend amazing two weeks in the south of Poland visiting abandoned factories, climbing in the mountains, crawling in caves and mines. Do you want to be a detective? Spend two weeks on the trail of a huge mystery? If yes, then this is the SU for you.

Activities It‘s a 24h Summer University. Save for the last day you won‘t have any time to rest. During the day we‘ll be sightseeing, hiking, climbing and crawling until you drop. During the nights we‘ll party like mad.

Our ideal participant Enthusiastic and dynamic, with a sense of humour. Someone who can keep going like a Duracell bunny. Who can participate both in the day program and night program. Who‘s willing to take a 10 km walk with a huge hangover.

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This is the place where the black gold was last seen and also the starting location for the Summer University. We will discover the beauty and mysteries of the industrial landscape. During our stay we‘ll try to locate the black gold and we‘ll be looking for it absolutely everywhere. Up high on man made mountains, on the surface - in the fiery furnaces of a steel mill and deep underground - in mines and tunnels



Word has reached us that the black gold is not in Katowice anymore. Some locals have seen strange shapes in dark of night leaving the city towards the hills. Maybe someone has buried it in the forest or hidden it in deep cave far from the light day. Podlesice is small village two hours north east of Katowice in the heart of the Polish Jura Chain and a place extremely popular with climbing and spelunking enthusiast full of rocks to climb and caves to explore.


When we were in the hills more rumours surfaced about the location of the black gold. Strange things are starting to happen in an old castle nearby. According to local legend there‘s a huge network if tunnels underneath the castle and recently black cars have been spotted leaving the castle in dead of night.We‘ll spend a day and night there trying to discover the castle secrets and maybe (who knows:)) find the black gold.





The tunnels underneath the castle spread for miles. We can‘t check them all as their blocked but from reliable sources we know that they finish in a mountain near Zywiec 80 km away. We have to go there to finish the journey and find our treasure.In Zywiec you‘ll have a chance to visit a unique power plant deep inside a mountain and to relax at a beautiful lake 200m below.


AEGEE-Zagreb, AEGEE-Zadar

Final Fantasy July 8 – 22

30 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Croatian National Parks Plitvice lakes and Krka waterfalls, vine roads Alternative beach time

Meals Breakfeast & Dinner Lodging student dorms, gym Payment 50% in advance, 50% by arrival (or ticket) Please bring Sleeping bag

Travel destinations > Zagreb > Zadar > Zrce


Bolje ne može! This year we decided to beat ourselves with the last organizations, making this SU best one ever, with a special remark on the great parties, crazy summer nights, and clubs you‘ve been only dreaming off. Have you heard about Zrce, Croatian Ibiza? It‘s about time to live your FINAL FANTASY...

Activities Sightseeing, swimming, night swimming, clubbing, singing Lady GaGa songs...

Our ideal participant Is this really necessary? We don‘t have limits! You also shouldn‘t have them...


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Zagreb is the capital and the largest city of Croatia. Zagreb is the cultural, scientific, economic and governmental center of Croatia, and a global city. According to the city government, the population of Zagreb in 2008 was 804,200 (approx. 1.2 million in the metropolitan area). Zagreb is the seat of the central government, administrative bodies and almost all government ministries.

2 Zrce



Zadar is a city in Croatia on the Adriatic Sea. It is the centre of Zadar county and the wider northern Dalmatian region. Zadar faces the islands of Ugljan and PaĹĄman, from which it is separated by the narrow Zadar Strait. The promontory on which the old city stands used to be separated from the mainland by a deep moat which has since become a landfill. The harbor, to the north-east of the town,is safe and spacious. Zadar is the seat of a Catholic archbishop.

Zrce is a long pebble beach on the Adriatic island of Pag in the northern part of the Croatian coast. It is located near Novalja, about 4 kilometers from the town‘s center. It is one of over 100 Blue Flag beaches in Croatia, having been given the award in 2003. The beach is a well-known Croatian summer destination for partygoers, with several discotheques and beach bars operating 24/7 during summer months, which earned it the moniker of Croatia‘s answer to Ibiza.



AEGEE-Tilburg, AEGEE-Eindhoven

Below the rivers

but above sea-level

July 25 – August 8

25 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 35€ Optional part Visit to Amsterdam Alternative Additional day in Tilburg Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Church, cottages and more. Payment Half in advance and half on arrival. Send a copy of your ticket. Please bring (air) mattress, sleeping bag, swimming gear

Travel destinations > Tilburg > Breda > Eindhoven > Antwerp > Amsterdam (optional)


Een reis door het bourgondische zuiden van Nederland Do YOU want to visit the low countries and experience the best parties, beers, activities etc. which you will never forget? Then YOU should choose our Travel Summer University! We will visit the biggest cities of the exuberant south of the Netherlands and a stay in Antwerp in Belgium is also included. So you will not only visit The Netherlands, but you will also visit Belgium to maximize variety and fun! We will be partying, swimming, biking, visiting museums, shopping, drinking beer, pick-nicking etcetera. So make sure that you are to ride a bike,swim and hold a glass to survive this TSU!

Activities We travel in typical Dutch style: by bike! A biking course is included and we will cycle to some typical Dutch windmills. Furthermore swimming, museum visits, shopping, workshops and a typical Dutch beer cantus are included in the program, and last but not least: PARTYING!! Have you ever been to Amsterdam? Well, we visit Amsterdam as well! We will go on canal cruise through the canals of Amsterdam, visit the red light district, and we will experience the nightlife in our capitol!

Our ideal participant First of all: we are looking for PARTY PEOPLE!! Party people who also want to experience both: the country side and the city side in Holland and Belgium! Furthermore participants should be able to ride a bicycle.

Special Thematic Focus Green Theme Event Cooperation with the Environmental Working Group


The main means of transportion will be by bike. This wil help us in reducing the carbon footprint of our TSU :D

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4 Tilburg

History wise, mostly known for its textile industry, now known as a modern city. Apart from its, in the Netherlands, renowned music venue, 013, it is also known for its exuberant funfair. The funfair is the biggest funfair in the Low Countries, with many different attractions. The city, with a lively city centre, is surrounded by beautiful nature areas like the Loonse and Drunense Duinen.



Breda is known as a vibrant, historic city with an attractive centre. In 2009 it was voted as the best downtown of the Netherlands. Next to Tilburg and Eindhoven it is one of the big three cities in the south of the Netherlands. Surrounded by different rural areas, it is renowned for it is woody environment.


Eindhoven is the biggest city of the south of the Netherlands. In the dutch „city of Light“, most famous for the Philips company and its successful football club PSV, you can still also taste the culture of a village. Furthermore Eindhoven is known for its lively cultural scene and the Stratumseind, the longest pub street in the Netherlands





Antwerp, the second city of Belgium, is situated in the north of Belgium just south of the border to the Netherlands. The port city on the river Scheldt is most famous for it‘s diamant trade and its majestic buildings, like the historic medieval castle „het Steen“. While visiting Antwerp you have to try its local beer ‚Het Antwerpse Bolleke‘. Of course Antwerp is also the place where you can try the famous Belgian fries with stewed meat sauce.

Amsterdam (optional)

Amsterdam, capitol of the Netherlands, is popular by tourists all over the world. Notorious for its red light district and its abundance of coffee shops, it is also famous for its many canals and museums. This openminded and multicultural city accomodates at least up to 177 nationalities, which makes is the most diverse city in the world.

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AEGEE-Köln, AEGEE-Hamburg, AEGEE-Berlin

Big City Life July 30 – August 13

25 Places

Event Fee 180 € Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Private, Gym Payment to be announced Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and umbrellas!

Travel destinations > Köln > Hamburg > Berlin

bigcitylife@ bigcitylife

Ménage à trois - East, North, West, we‘ll show you the best! Tired of being happy about the small things in life? Then join us going BIG and experience a show of superlatives! Visit Köln, Germany‘s ever-celebrating Rio de Janeiro, home of the (in)famous Kölsch beer and the biggest cathedral in the country. Head to Hamburg, the Venice of Germany with the most bridges in Europe (2.479 !), the world famous red light district Reeperbahn and a breathtaking industry romance at the harbour. Hop on the train to Berlin, Germany‘s New York, a city of many faces and multicultural as it can be. Discover its alternative scene and the most trendy clubs in Europe!

Activities Beginning in Cologne, you‘ll experience the Kölsch way of life of 365 days (and nights!) of carneval. Discover the 2000 years of history, enjoy a boat trip on the Rhine and climb on the cathedral! In Hamburg, we‘ll show you Europe‘s second biggest harbour, enjoy the nightlife on the Reeperbahn and explore the rich cultural life it has to offer. End your trip in Berlin, a city that never sleeps, and find out about its alternative scene as well as the historical traces, spread all over the city.

Our ideal participant An open-minded, culturally interested travel addict who wants to explore the diverse cultural facets of Germany (Bavaria does not count!) with enough energy for two incredible and truly BIG weeks!



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AEGEE-Lublin, AEGEE-Warszawa


what mysteries does the wild East hide? July 12 – 26

25 Places

Event Fee 180 € Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging dormitories, youth hostel, tents Payment 50% in advance, 50% on arrival

Travel destinations > Warszawa > Lublin > Kazimierz Dolny > Zwierzyniec > Kraków

EASTory - jaką tajemnicę kryje dziki wschód? Hey You! Yes, You! You probably think that this will be just another Travelling SU. You will see some monuments, meet new people and have great time. Nothing out of ordinary… But are you sure? Just have a closer look and you will see that you are in the middle of the ultimate mystery. To solve it you will have not only to visit 5 beautiful cities and towns in southern and eastern Poland but also go deep into the polish history. But beware because not everybody is happy that you are digging into the past. Some things should stay buried forever. Are you brave enough to take this challenge?

Activities This Summer University will be a game. To win it and solve the ultimate mystery you will have to visit a few cities in eastern Poland. You will find hints everywhere: visiting museums and monuments in Warszawa, Lublin and Kraków, walking in the woods of Zwierzyniec and sunbathing by the beautiful lakes. And of course like during every SU there will lots of parties, games and opportunities to get to know other people. Just remember that everything you do will have impact on the flow of the story

Our ideal participant Loves adventures, is brave, curious, intelligent and tough;) Dangerous affairs doesn’t scare him and to solve a mystery he is able to venture deep into the Eastern Europe to meet the unknown.


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Warszawa is the capital of Poland and with the population of 1,5 million also the biggest city in the country. There are several places worth seeing in Warszawa, especially the Old Town and the Warsaw Rising Museum, one of the most modern museums in this part of Europe. But what is unique in Warszawa is the atmosphere of the city where past meets present and they mix together to create the future! It is a candidate for the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2016.



Lublin is one of the oldest cities in Poland and also the largest polish city east of the Vistula river. That’s why it is sometimes called „Gate to the East“. There are over six universities located in the city and that‘s why about 35% of people in Lublin are students. In Lublin you can see the royal castle, Majdanek - the former concentration camp, heritage park and much, much more… Lublin is also a candidate for the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2016.

Kazimierz Dolny

Kazimierz Dolny is a small town in the eastern Poland, located by the Vistula river. It is a tourist attraction as one of the most beautifully situated little towns in Poland. Since the 19th century it has become a popular holiday destination, attracting tourists from the nearby Warszawa, artists and summer residents.

4 Kraków




Zwierzyniec is the northernmost town of the Roztocze National Park. The town is not big, but it is a really important tourist centre. You can go canoeing here, take a short rest from the bustling city life and see the polish nature.

Krakow is the former residence of Polish kings located in the southern part of the country in the exact heart of Europe. The city is famous for its beautiful medieval Old Town with plenty of churches, Sukiennice (cloth hall), Wawel Royal Castle, Jagiellonian University buildings and hundreds of cosy cafes and pubs. It is a unique city, full of mysteries and a perfect place for finishing our trip.



AEGEE-Utrecht, AEGEE-Maastricht

of YOUrney to the Centre ands the Netherl

July 13 – 27

20 Places

Event Fee 180 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part Madurodam, themeparc Alternative beach, swimming Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Gym, hostel, camping Payment 50% in advance Please bring Swimming suit, sleeping bag, matress

Travel destinations > Utrecht > Rotterdam > Den Haag > Amsterdam > Maastricht

Een reis langs de verschillende middelpunten van Nederland. There is a place, a special place, a place where everything happens, from cultural to political activities. A place full of life, debate, culture and much more. This is a place that will be the meeting point for us all: the Centre. And this year you have the opportunity to be there, to travel to the centre, to meet new people, to debate with them and have fun!

Activities We will start in Utrecht, the geographical centre of the Netherlands. From there you will get involved in an exciting continuation of this YOUrney to several other places in the Netherlands, all in their own special way linked to the concept ‚the Centre of the Netherlands‘. We already lift the veil for you: You will also visit Amsterdam, the cultural centre and The Hague, the political centre. Other exciting stops are Rotterdam, Delft and Maastricht.

Our ideal participant If you‘re an adventurous, sociable person, full of energy, willing to discover different cultures, eager to let your voice be heard in debate, convinced you‘ll survive a bike tour and a hitchhike battle, then join us!


4 3 2


5 Utrecht

Utrecht is the geographical centre of the Netherlands and the biggest student town of this country.



Rotterdam has the biggest harbour of Europe and is the architectural centre of the Netherlands.

Den Haag

Den Haag is the political centre of the Netherlands.

4 Maastricht




Amsterdam: who needs to say more...

The beautiful, relaxing city of Maastricht is in the centre of the Dutch „hills“.



AEGEE-Augsburg, AEGEE-Passau, AEGEE-München



August 14 – 29

25 Places

Event Fee 190 € Optional fee 35€ Optional part Waterskiing! Alternative Swimming in the lake, watching others Waterski Meals Breakfeast & Dinner

Lodging Youth hostel, tents, gym Payment 100% on arrival + copy of ticket in advance! Please bring Sleeping bag & mattress, good shoes and swimsuits

Travel destinations > Augsburg > Lake Chiemsee > Passau > München > Allgäu Mountains


of Beer

Bayern, des samma mia! The Royal University of Bavaria proudly presents its new Bachelor programme: The „Bavarian Bachelor of Beer“ (BBB) is the only programme of its kind and unites the most important aspects of German culture: Beer and Bavaria! During the 2-weeks intensive (!) course you will learn about: - Bavarian culture and traditions (like Gstanzl, Trachten or Weisswurst) - The beautiful countryside of south Germany (mountains, rivers, lakes and endless green fields) - The best German cuisine And of course... BEER! Lots of Beer! So beeready to make your Degree in Bavarian culture!

Activities We will basically explore the beautiful nature around our cities and feel the real Bavarian spirit! That includes (but not only): Hiking over hills, cycling through villages, swimming in the most beautiful lake in Bavaria and climbing in trees high above the ground, even going waterski-ing (!!) To learn the Bavarian way of life, we will also dance funny dances, rhime and sing, wear traditional clothes and BREW BEER! Yes, YOU will brew beer. Isn‘t that awesome?

Our ideal participant Our ideal student is - in love with Nature - in love with Beer and hearty food - enduring and funny - active and open for challenges - interested and interesting!



1 4 5 Augsburg


In the very west of Bavaria, Augsburg has always been a city of trade. From here, the Fugger established a trading empire that covered not only Europe, but also India, South America and Africa. In 1555, the Augsburg Peace Treaty established the basis for religious freedom in Germany. Today, the city’s beautiful sights and surrounding lakes and forests make it the perfect destination for a summer excursion.


Lake Chiemsee

Lake Chiemsee, in the south of Bavaria, is a beautiful and popular lake for all lovers of panorama and nature. While swimming in the blue glacier-water, you can see the Alps in front of you, as well as the (did I say beautiful already) landscape of green hills and cottages.


The borders of three countries (Germany, Czech Republic and Austria) meet in Passau to create the city of 3 rivers, 3 cultures and more than 3 pubs! Climb the big hill to the old castle, get lost in the narrow streets and look out for the truest Bavarians!





Finally, the capital. Not only of Bavaria, but also of the Kingdom of Style. Munich has more beautiful and well-dressed people than the rest of Germany together. At the same time, Munichians drink a lot of beer and once they started partying, they jump on the tables and don‘t stop till the sun rises over the Italiesque architecture and the broad boulevards. You just have to love it.

Allgäu / Suebian Mountains

The last 2 days we will relax in a cottage in the mountains (1200m). A magnificent view over the villages, hills and mountain tops, breathing green with big forests. We will walk around the great landscape and enjoy our self-made beer!

5 143





July 13 – 27

25 Places

Event Fee 170 € Optional fee 30€ Optional part tickets for the ethno parks Alternative Museums Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Lodging dormitory Payment rsd,km Please bring sleeping bags, sneakers, swimming suits

Travel destinations > Kragujevac > Drvengrad > Mostar > Visegrad > Sarajevo



Nemoj da plivas, predji preko mosta :) Experience the beauty of West and Central Serbia by traveling through Shumadia region. Magnificent landscapes will leave you breathless. Take part in the famous Vrnjacka Banja carnival. Visit ethno villages, monasteries, museums, national parks... Expand your AEGEE horizons by exploring different cultures, traditions and through meeting many interesting, energetic people from these two great nations. Especially Bosnia and AEGEE Sarajevo, who will participate with AEGEE Kragujevac in this TSU, and who are yet to be founded (this february at the Krakow EBM).


Overall city tours, sight seeing, mountain-climbing, hiking, swimming, sport activities, visiting ethno villages, monasteries, museums, national parks, etc. Tasting various cousins, drinks...

Our ideal participant The ideal participant must be a person of adventurous spirit; an enthusiast, ready to embark upon an amazing journey which will widen your perspectives of this part of Europe.

Special Thematic Focus AEGEE 25 Event Cooperation with the AEGEE 25 Project


Building AEGEE Bridges TSU is inspired by the original idea of what the founders of AEGEE had in mind 25 years ago. By crossing the river Drina, the natural border between Serbia and Bosnia&Herzegovina, we will try to revive this grand ideal of bringing East and West closer together.




3 Kragujevac Kragujevac (Serbian Cyrillic: Крагујевац) is the fourth largest city in Serbia, the main city of the Šumadija region. It is situated on the banks of the Lepenica River. Despite its relatively late foundation (1476), Kragujevac is the city of many firsts. Being the first capital of modern Serbia, the first constitution in the Balkans was proclaimed in this city in 1835. Further on, the first full- fledged university in the newly independent Serbia was founded in 1838, preceded by the first


Drvengrad Drvengrad(Serbian cyrillic: Дрвенград), meaning Wooden Town in Serbian, is a film ethno-village in Mokra Gora. It is situated between Zlatibor and Tara mountains and was erected on Mecavnik hill by the film director Emir Kusturica, who had built it for his film Life Is a Miracle.. Drvengrad is also known as Küstendorf, as a word play on German „dorf“ (village) and Kusturica‘s nickname, „Kusta“.


Mostar is a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the biggest and the most important city in the Herzegovina region and the center of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton of the Federation. Mostar is situated on the Neretva river and is the fifth-largest city in the country. Mostar was named after „the bridge keepers“ (natively: mostari) who kept the Stari Most (Old Bridge) over Neretva river. During the Ottoman era, the Old Bridge was built and became one of the symbols of Mostar.

4 Sarajevo



Visegrad Višegrad (Serbian Cyrillic: Вишеград) is a town and municipality in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is administratively part of the Republika Srpska entity of BiH. It is on the river Drina, located on the road from Goražde and Ustipraca. The town is widely known for the book „Bridge on the Drina“ written by Ivo Andric, Nobel prize winning author.

Sarajevo (Cyrillic: Сарајево) is the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sarajevo is located in the Sarajevo valley of Bosnia proper, surrounded by the Dinaric Alps and situated around the Miljacka river.The city is famous for its traditional religious diversity, with adherents of Islam, Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Judaism coexisting there for centuries. Due to this long and rich history of religious diversity and coexistence Sarajevo has often been called the „Jerusalem of Europe“.

5 145

AEGEE-Barcelona, AEGEE-Tarragona


Arriba, abajo, al centro y padentro

August 6 – 22

25 Places

Event Fee 200 €

Conèixer Catalunya de dalt a abaix!

Optional fee 30€ Optional part Kayak through Ebre river, Swimming Pool, Dalí Museum Alternative visiting cities Meals Breakfeast & Lunch

Everybody who met a spanish speaker probably knows what we say in Spain, when we are with tourists, when we toast, where you first raise your glass (arriba; up), than lower your glass (abajo; down), than clash your glasses in the middle (al centro; in the middle) and finally drink it (“padentro”; to the inside) We will show you the nicest places of Catalunya, on the rythms of this toast: up in the mountains, down in the sea and rivers, the center, Barcelona, and inside, different villages! Every day will be different. Any day will be boring. Every day we will have different parties.

Lodging 6 nights in beds, 10 nights in gym Payment pay on arrival Please bring mattress, sheets

Travel destinations > Barcelona > Girona, Figeres, Costa Brava > Pyrenees > Ebre river > Tarragona

Activities In our TSU, you will swim in different beaches, rivers, swimming pools, and you will walk in the catalan Pyrenees, and you will visit the second biggest delta in Mediterranian sea (after the one in Egypt), you will go by Kayak throught Ebre river, you will see bulls in the streets (NOT bullfigthing), you will visit many traditional “festes” (parties), and you will see more than 10 different towns, with very reach roman, jewish, arabic, romanic, medieval, modernist, etc, past.

Our ideal participant This TSU is only for people that likes visiting different places, meeting new people, party every night, beeing punctual, and that likes sleeping in beds and gyms, and not recommended for freak, boring or shopping people


3 4 1 5



Well, if someone from Barcelona goes around Europe, and he/she says that is from Barcelona, you all say „woooooooow“. So we don‘t need to write anything! ;) 8 nights in Barcelona


Girona, Figueres and Costa Brava

Girona, nice small charming and colorfull town, and Figueres, where Dalí Museum it‘s located. Costa Brava, the brave seaside of northern Catalunya. 2 nights in Girona in a youth hostel.


Lodging in the mountains, you will visit typical towns from pyrenees. 2 nighst in Pyrenees mountains in a youth hostel.

4 Tarragona



Ebre river

We will go by ship to the end of the river Ebre, and you will see the second biggest Delta of the Mediterranian sea, after the one in Egypt. Amposta summer parties, with bulls in the streets (not bullfights!) Kayak through Ebre river, till the castle of Miravet.

Capital of the Roman Empire for two years, also during its summer holidays. So a lot of street parties! You will see the most beautiful catalan tradition: Human castles. Wine tasting too, for sure!




Project – AEGEE 25 In 2010 AEGEE turns 25 and this year will be simply great! We could not celebrate AEGEE projects and achievements without mentioning AEGEE’ s biggest and most famous project ever: Summer University! Since 1988 AEGEE members have had the chance to EXPERIENCE the European spirit, a first-hand taste of European integration and multiculturalism, to LEARN new languages and unknown habits, to ACT in local communities with SUs with voluntary theme, respecting differences and overcoming stereotypes. All of this and much more you can expect from a Summer University…an unforgettable adventure, a fun dream becoming reality, and still after 22 years this project is growing bigger and more successful. AEGEE 25 will cooperate with AEGEE-Las Palmas to create something special for your summer 2010. More info:

Project – Where Does Europe End? The Where Does Europe End project is, very generally speaking, concerned with European identity and the future of European integration. Founded and carried out by members of AEGEE, the project aims to examine the physical and mental borders of Europe in people‘s perception. In the course of the project, a series of conventions is organised, geographically covering different corners of Europe. In these conventions, young participants from all over Europe gather to meet the local population and discover their concept of Europe, discuss different hot topics of European society today, and develop different scenarios for the future of European integration. The name of the project does not only refer to a geographical context, but in a wider sense addresses the limitations and constraints European cooperation and integration are facing today and tomorrow.


AEGEE Academy The Human Resources Working Group The quality of AEGEE projects relies a lot on its people. As Human Resources Working Group, the AEGEE Academy provides AEGEE members with the motivation, inspiration and knowledge to turn their dreams into reality. The “European Schools” – a large set of training and internal education events are a large part of the activity of Academy. Organised together with different local and European bodies, these trainings give the participants the knowledge, skills and attitude to work in a variety of projects and working groups in AEGEE. In cooperation with SUCT, AEGEE Academy organises every year the Summer University Project School – a one week training – It gives the participants the knowledge to create a SU programme, to manage crisis situations with utter calm, to raise funds for a SU project – and many more. //

Green Theme Environmental Working Group All SUs promise you will have a great time and have cultural experiences in another country; but a SU with a green theme goes further: it thinks also on the world tomorrow. Every event impacts the environment and has an influence on diverse areas such as the global climate, biodiversity or the availability of resources. You don´t have to be afraid that you would have to hear dull lectures about the environment. A Green SU combines fun with responsibility, and we can prove that: the Best SU in 2009 was a Green SU! Just have a look into the booklet to see what the Green SUs are offering to you. One of them will also get the Greenest SU award  Maybe it will be yours! //


FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions 1. How to apply for a Summer University (SU)? a) Become member of AEGEE b) Get an account c) Check the SU booklet on and look for the Summer Universities you like to attend d) Submit your application (link on including a motivation letter in which you explain who you are, why you want to participate in the SU you chose, etc. Attention: the selection is mainly based on the letter, so be specific and do a good self-PR! 2. When to apply? For that, get in contact with your AEGEE local to know about the internal deadline of the application. Take into consideration that your application has to be approved by your home local. 3. How much is the fee and what does it include? The general SU fee is € 2,50 that you have to pay to your AEGEE local when sending the application. Later, the upper limit to the ordinary fee for the SU itself depends on the SU-kind: Language Course (LC), Summer Course (SC) and Summer Event (SE): € 70 per week. Travelling Summer University (TSU) and Language Course Plus (LC+) € 90 per week. The fees include: lodging, at least one meal per day, tuition and social programme. In some SUs you may be asked for an extra fee for excursions or other activities. This additional fee is optional and you are not obliged to pay it! The obligatory fee, the optional fee and the way of payment is described in the SU booklet. 4. How is the lodging? The way of lodging as well as the needed equipment is described in the SU booklet. It can vary from SU to SU: with AEGEE members, youth hostels, tents, gyms… Remember: the price you will be charged is quite low and organisers will have to organise a lot more than only the lodging of the payed fee.


5. And what about the quality? The quality of our SUs is controlled by the Summer University Co-ordination Team. We can observe that the general quality is raising from year to year. But do not forget that AEGEE is no travel agency and that the SU-organisers are no professionals but students who are not paid for their work and who invest their precious leisure time to make this great experience possible for you! Mistakes can happen, but the organisers will always do their best to make your stay unforgettable! Remember: the group makes the spirit and it is up to you how your personal outcome of the SU looks like! 6. The selection procedure – or what’s happening next with my application? After having sent your application, there are several steps: - it will be approved by your home local and will be sent to the Summer University Co-ordination Team (SUCT) - the SUCT runs the pre-selection and one SU is being selected. The whole pre-selection is done completely automatically, changes afterwards are impossible! We can also not make sure that you will be pre-selected in the same SU as your friend e.g., as the process is meant to provide the organisers with enough applications that are well balanced in matters of nationality (country), age and gender. - your pre-selected choice will be forwarded to the organisers who then do the final selection. The selection is completely up to the local but often this is done following some criteria, e.g. balance of genders, nationality, age, motivation letter. After this, the local publishes a selection list and informs all the people who applied for their event.


7. What does it mean being on the waiting-list for a Summer University? Being on a waiting-list does not mean that you cannot go to a SU. After a certain deadline set by the organising local, people from the waiting-list may be accepted due to cancellations or due to even missing confirmations of the selected persons. The locals are obliged to inform you but it could help if you got in contact with the organisers to ask for your chances to be still accepted. You may also ask them to remove your from the list so that you can answer to open calls of SU with vacant places. 8. How to know of possible free places in other Summer Universities? In the application form you will be asked if a) you want to know about free places and if yes, b) getting the info on a mailinglist. We will subscribe all people who want that to a mailing-list onto which we post open calls with the SU and their vacant places. The further, last-minute-offers may be posted to the public mailinglist AEGEE-SU-L and website. 9. Visas or passports needed? To travel to certain countries, you may need your passport and sometimes even a visa. Getting a passport can be time-consuming, and a visa even more - up to 2 months in the worst case. Consequently, when applying pay particular attention to the starting date of the SU you chose! And do remember, that you will get to know only in May if you are selected for the SU in question! Generally, most of the AEGEE locals are experienced in the visa-getting process as visas are a part of the AEGEE spirit and also an everyday life problem for its members. We even have a working group willing to help you: the Visa Freedom Working Group! In any case, the visa-process will need a good communication and collaboration also from your side!


The Summer University Coordination Team The Summer University project is centrally coordinated by the Summer University Coordination Team. The SUCT is a team of four AEGEE-members from different parts of Europe plus one appointed CD member. These elected team members have different tasks: Project Manager Public Relations Publications Information Technology as well as Treasurer and Educations Responsible. After the election in autumn the SUCT is responsible for the good functioning and development of the AEGEE Summer University project during one year. We are dealing with Summer University organizers by providing them with advice on how to organize a successful Summer University. We inform future Summer University participants about the application procedure and the general concept of AEGEE Summer Universities. The SUCT has a lot of different tasks during the year – from approving Summer Universities descriptions submitted by AEGEE locals to publishing PR material to design and print the booklet that you now hold in your hands! SUCT also organizes one training for future Summer University organizers each year. It‘s called Summer University Project School (SUPS), and held in cooperation with the Academy (the AEGEE Human Resources Working Group). After all the events took place, the project is not over yet! We take care of collecting all the evaluations submitted by the participants (You!) after they come back from the Summer Universities they attended. We watch over the quality of the events and make your Summer Universitiy as awesome as possible!

SUCT 2009/1010

project manager Veronika Braun – AEGEE-Passau

public relations

Marleen Hennemann – AEGEE-Groningen


Georg Rehberger – AEGEE-München

information technology Miha Suster – AEGEE-Ljubljana

Index by Organizer








AEGEE-Aachen AEGEE-Adana AEGEE-Agrigento AEGEE-Palermo AEGEE-Alicante AEGEE-Ankara AEGEE-Athína AEGEE-Augsburg AEGEE-Passau AEGEE-München AEGEE-Avellino-Benevento AEGEE-Torino AEGEE-Bakı AEGEE-Barcelona AEGEE-Tarragona AEGEE-Beograd AEGEE-Budapest AEGEE-Brescia AEGEE-Brno AEGEE-Bratislava AEGEE-Bucuresti AEGEE-Sibiu AEGEE-Castelló AEGEE-Catania AEGEE-Cagliari AEGEE-Chisinau AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca AEGEE-Sibiu AEGEE-Coruna AEGEE-Cosenza AEGEE-Craiova AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk AEGEE-Lviv AEGEE-Enschede AEGEE-Amsterdam AEGEE-Firenze AEGEE-Siena AEGEE-Gdansk AEGEE-Groningen AEGEE-Heidelberg AEGEE-Istanbul AEGEE-Izmir AEGEE-Urla AEGEE-Karlsruhe AEGEE-Katowice AEGEE-Nowy Sacz AEGEE-Köln AEGEE-Hamburg AEGEE-Berlin AEGEE-Kragujevac AEGEE-Kraków AEGEE-Kyïv AEGEE-Sevastopol AEGEE-Las Palmas AEGEE-Leiden AEGEE-León AEGEE-Santander AEGEE-Ljubljana AEGEE-Lublin AEGEE-Warszawa AEGEE-Madrid AEGEE-Burgos AEGEE-Magusa AEGEE-Mannheim AEGEE-Kaiserslautern AEGEE-Bamberg

2010-09-06 2010-07-08 2010-08-18 2010-07-15 2010-08-23 2010-07-17 2010-08-14

2010-09-20 2010-07-22 2010-09-01 2010-07-26 2010-09-05 2010-07-31 2010-08-29

22 35 108 40 86 36 142

2010-07-26 2010-07-15 2010-08-06 2010-07-14 2010-08-02 2010-08-01 2010-08-07 2010-08-12 2010-08-06 2010-08-02 2010-07-30 2010-07-14 2010-07-17 2010-07-28 2010-07-17 2010-06-25 2010-07-29 2010-07-26 2010-07-13 2010-07-24 2010-07-05 2010-08-21 2010-08-07 2010-07-01 2010-07-30 2010-07-13 2010-07-15 2010-08-23 2010-08-01 2010-07-18 2010-07-20 2010-07-14 2010-07-12 2010-08-02 2010-07-19 2010-06-26

2010-08-09 2010-07-29 2010-08-22 2010-07-28 2010-08-16 2010-08-15 2010-08-21 2010-08-26 2010-08-23 2010-08-15 2010-08-13 2010-07-29 2010-07-31 2010-08-12 2010-07-30 2010-07-21 2010-08-12 2010-08-08 2010-07-28 2010-08-07 2010-07-18 2010-09-04 2010-08-21 2010-07-15 2010-08-13 2010-07-27 2010-07-29 2010-09-05 2010-08-12 2010-08-01 2010-08-02 2010-07-30 2010-07-26 2010-08-16 2010-08-01 2010-07-10

118 19 164 122 30 114 124 15 112 70 116 32 17 62 102 51 88 44 54 12 48 100 14 130 136 144 52 31 53 29 82 28 138 84 42 76


AEGEE-Messina AEGEE-Nijmegen AEGEE-Ogre AEGEE-Minsk AEGEE-Oviedo AEGEE-Palermo AEGEE-Paris AEGEE-Pátra AEGEE-Novi Sad AEGEE-Pécs AEGEE-Peiraiás AEGEE-Rodos AEGEE-Poznan AEGEE-Torun AEGEE-Prishtina AEGEE-Riga AEGEE-Ryazan AEGEE-Salerno AEGEE-Samara AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg AEGEE-Moskva AEGEE-Skopje AEGEE-Sofia AEGEE-Niš AEGEE-Tallinn AEGEE-Tartu AEGEE-Helsinki AEGEE-Tbilisi AEGEE-Tilburg AEGEE-Eindhoven AEGEE-Timisoara AEGEE-Sibiu AEGEE-Udine AEGEE-Urla AEGEE-Izmir AEGEE-Utrecht AEGEE-Maastricht AEGEE-Valencia AEGEE-Voronezh AEGEE-Wien AEGEE-Maribor AEGEE-Nova Gorica-Gorizia AEGEE-Wroclaw AEGEE-Praha AEGEE-Zagreb AEGEE-Zadar AEGEE-Zaragoza AEGEE-Bilbao Antalya

Some statistics I Geographical extremes west & south: Gran Canaria – Las Palmas (SE) east: Lake Baikal – Sankt Peterburg/Moskva (TSU) north: Finland – Tallinn/Tartu/Helsinki (TSU)

2010-08-04 2010-07-22 2010-06-17 2010-07-22 2010-08-02 2010-08-16 2010-07-15 2010-07-08 2010-07-15 2010-07-12 2010-07-25 2010-06-19 2010-07-01 2010-07-28 2010-07-21 2010-07-10 2010-07-09 2010-08-05 2010-07-03 2010-08-01 2010-07-25 2010-07-23 2010-07-29 2010-06-25 2010-07-13 2010-09-10 2010-07-01 2010-07-17

2010-08-25 2010-08-06 2010-07-03 2010-08-05 2010-08-16 2010-08-29 2010-07-30 2010-07-22 2010-07-29 2010-07-26 2010-08-08 2010-07-02 2010-07-11 2010-08-11 2010-08-04 2010-07-26 2010-07-23 2010-08-19 2010-07-18 2010-08-14 2010-08-08 2010-08-04 2010-08-08 2010-07-09 2010-07-26 2010-09-20 2010-07-16 2010-08-01

24 98 126 58 16 60 104 92 74 128 46 55 66 13 56 120 34 80 90 68 134 106 64 96 140 67 23 110

2010-07-14 2010-07-08 2010-08-04 2010-06-14

2010-07-28 2010-07-22 2010-08-18 2010-06-28

78 132 94 18

For your purse cheapest: 100€ Ryazan (SE), 100€ Udine (SE) and 100€ Valencia (SE) most expensive: 270€ Messina (LC+), 350€ Sankt Peterburg/Moskva (TSU)


Index by Date








Antalya AEGEE-Ogre AEGEE-Minsk AEGEE-Riga AEGEE-Urla AEGEE-Izmir AEGEE-Enschede AEGEE-Amsterdam AEGEE-Mannheim AEGEE-Kaiserslautern AEGEE-Bamberg AEGEE-Ryazan AEGEE-Katowice AEGEE-Nowy Sacz AEGEE-Voronezh AEGEE-Tallinn AEGEE-Tartu AEGEE-Helsinki AEGEE-Istanbul AEGEE-Zagreb AEGEE-Zadar AEGEE-Pécs AEGEE-Adana AEGEE-Skopje AEGEE-Sankt-Peterburg AEGEE-Moskva AEGEE-Lublin AEGEE-Warszawa AEGEE-Poznan AEGEE-Torun AEGEE-Utrecht AEGEE-Maastricht AEGEE-Kragujevac AEGEE-Groningen AEGEE-Beograd AEGEE-Budapest AEGEE-Wroclaw AEGEE-Praha AEGEE-Coruna AEGEE-Ljubljana AEGEE-Alicante AEGEE-Kraków AEGEE-Peiraiás AEGEE-Rodos AEGEE-Bakı AEGEE-Pátra AEGEE-Novi Sad AEGEE-Dnipropetrovsk AEGEE-Lviv AEGEE-Cosenza AEGEE-Athína AEGEE-Wien AEGEE-Maribor AEGEE-Nova Gorica-Gorizia AEGEE-Leiden AEGEE-Magusa AEGEE-León AEGEE-Santander AEGEE-Samara AEGEE-Oviedo AEGEE-Nijmegen AEGEE-Timisoara AEGEE-Sibiu AEGEE-Heidelberg AEGEE-Prishtina

2010-06-14 2010-06-17 2010-06-19 2010-06-25 2010-06-25 2010-06-26

2010-06-28 2010-07-03 2010-07-02 2010-07-09 2010-07-21 2010-07-10

18 126 55 96 51 76

2010-07-01 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 2010-07-03 2010-07-05 2010-07-08 2010-07-08 2010-07-08 2010-07-09 2010-07-10 2010-07-12 2010-07-12 2010-07-13 2010-07-13 2010-07-13 2010-07-14 2010-07-14 2010-07-14 2010-07-14 2010-07-15 2010-07-15 2010-07-15 2010-07-15 2010-07-15 2010-07-17 2010-07-17 2010-07-17 2010-07-17

2010-07-11 2010-07-15 2010-07-16 2010-07-18 2010-07-18 2010-07-22 2010-07-22 2010-07-22 2010-07-23 2010-07-26 2010-07-26 2010-07-26 2010-07-26 2010-07-27 2010-07-28 2010-07-28 2010-07-28 2010-07-29 2010-07-30 2010-07-26 2010-07-29 2010-07-29 2010-07-29 2010-07-30 2010-07-30 2010-07-31 2010-07-31 2010-08-01

66 130 23 90 48 132 92 35 34 120 138 128 140 144 54 122 78 32 28 40 52 74 19 104 102 17 36 110

2010-07-18 2010-07-19 2010-07-20 2010-07-21 2010-07-22 2010-07-22 2010-07-23 2010-07-24 2010-07-25

2010-08-01 2010-08-01 2010-08-02 2010-08-04 2010-08-05 2010-08-06 2010-08-04 2010-08-07 2010-08-08

29 42 82 56 58 98 106 12 46


AEGEE-Tilburg AEGEE-Eindhoven AEGEE-Gdansk AEGEE-Avellino-Benevento AEGEE-Torino AEGEE-Salerno AEGEE-Craiova AEGEE-Udine AEGEE-Firenze AEGEE-Siena AEGEE-Köln AEGEE-Hamburg AEGEE-Berlin AEGEE-Cluj-Napoca AEGEE-Sibiu AEGEE-Las Palmas AEGEE-Tbilisi AEGEE-Brno AEGEE-Bratislava AEGEE-Chisinau AEGEE-Palermo AEGEE-Madrid AEGEE-Burgos AEGEE-Brescia AEGEE-Zaragoza AEGEE-Bilbao AEGEE-Messina AEGEE-Sofia AEGEE-Niš AEGEE-Barcelona AEGEE-Tarragona AEGEE-Catania AEGEE-Cagliari AEGEE-Bucuresti AEGEE-Sibiu AEGEE-Karlsruhe AEGEE-Castelló AEGEE-Augsburg AEGEE-Passau AEGEE-München AEGEE-Paris AEGEE-Agrigento AEGEE-Palermo AEGEE-Izmir AEGEE-Urla AEGEE-Ankara AEGEE-Kyïv AEGEE-Sevastopol AEGEE-Aachen AEGEE-Valencia

Some statistics II

pun intended Summer Universities with „SU“-wordplays in the title: 10 other borderline wordplays: 11 „heart“ in the title: 3

2010-07-25 2010-07-26 2010-07-26 2010-07-28 2010-07-28 2010-07-29 2010-07-29 2010-07-30 2010-07-30 2010-08-01 2010-08-01 2010-08-01 2010-08-02 2010-08-02 2010-08-02 2010-08-02 2010-08-04 2010-08-04 2010-08-05 2010-08-06 2010-08-06 2010-08-07 2010-08-07 2010-08-12 2010-08-14

2010-08-08 2010-08-08 2010-08-09 2010-08-11 2010-08-12 2010-08-08 2010-08-12 2010-08-13 2010-08-13 2010-08-12 2010-08-14 2010-08-15 2010-08-15 2010-08-16 2010-08-16 2010-08-16 2010-08-18 2010-08-25 2010-08-19 2010-08-22 2010-08-23 2010-08-21 2010-08-21 2010-08-26 2010-08-29

134 44 118 13 62 64 88 136 116 53 68 114 70 16 84 30 94 24 80 164 112 124 14 15 142

2010-08-16 2010-08-18 2010-08-21 2010-08-23 2010-08-23 2010-09-06 2010-09-10

2010-08-29 2010-09-01 2010-09-04 2010-09-05 2010-09-05 2010-09-20 2010-09-20

60 108 100 86 31 22 67

participants fewest (15): Heidelberg (LC), Samara (SE), Udine (SE) & Ryazan (SE) most (50): Palermo (LC), Agrigento/Palermo (TSU) & Messina (LC+)

most active organizer: AEGEE-Sibiu – 3 SUs category: TSU – 38 SUs


The SUCT would like to thank everybody

especially the ones that contributed to this years Summer University Project. Of course words can hardly express how important it is to have such great people around us to help and make another edition of great SU memories, but we will give it a try!

Vero, Georg, Miha, Marleen & Manos would like to say Thank You to: > The Fall Agora 2009 delegates, for selecting the right SUCT! > All the AEGEE members that sent us photos from previous SUs which are used for the collages > Ruedi Beckman for designing the cover & poster > Danilo Schreiter (printing house) for being incredibly nice and helpful! > Everybody who helped at the General Mailing for packaging and sending stuff all across Europe! > The ComitĂŠ Directeur for all their advise and help > Robin for all her support and help concerning the blog > The cooperating WGs and Projects: Environmental Working Group, Where Does Europe End and AEGEE25 for joining in on organising a SU > The locals for their incredible effort to organise a SU, there would be nothing to coordinate without you! > Our helper RaĂşl for the IT miracles he made happen!


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