Gabriel Ash storleksguide

Page 1

V채xthus i cedertr채 fr책n Gabriel Ash


Type glasshouse

Tolv skäl att välja ett växthus från Gabriel Ash

Aluminium på hela taket

• cederträ är näst efter tik världens mest beständiga träslag med livstid på över 50 år. • cederträ doftar fantastiskt och kräver inget underhåll! • cederträ får en vacker silvergår färg efter bara en säsong. Vill du behålla kanelfärgen kan du olja ditt hus. • alla takets delar på ett växthus från Gabriel Ash är täckt med pulverlackerad aluminiumplåt. • vackra beslag i mässing medföljer till alla väggfönster och dörrar • hela taknocken är en självöppnade ventil med optimal skorstenseffekt och ventilation • inga skruvar genom glaset på ett växtgus från Gabriel Ash, glasen kläms fast i sina måttanpassade fack • ingen tätmassa används vid monteringen av ett växthus från Gabriel Ash • cederträ absorberar värme och är i genomsnitt 3C° varmare än ett växthus i aluminium • allt trä som används i våra växthus kommer från miljömärkt återplanetard skog • Bara härdat säkerhetsglas 3 mm används i våra växthus • duktiga snickare tillverkar ditt växthus med enorm precision och kärlek • massor med tillbehör för alla användningsområden finns i samma fina cederträ

Takstolar, takläkt, monteringslist mot mark, taknock, dörrövertycken är alltid gjort i pulverlackerad aluminium. Resultatet ett underhållsfritt växthus i trä !

Röd ceder med förstärkning av pulverlackerad aluminium

PEFC/16-37-1314 Promoting Susainable Forest MNanagement

Automatisk ventilation i hela taknocken


Våra modeller 2 grundmodeller

dina val

Classic Greenhouse

nedre delen utförd med mur

RHS Viktoriansk växthus

Fristående eller väggväxthus

nedre delen utförd med glas (ej viktorianska serien)

nedre delen utförd med panel i ceder


Date - 17/02/2014 Ref: 181143

Våra 2 grundmodeller kan byggas fristående eller mot vägg

anslutning mot taknock

anslutning mot takfot

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.



från 1,3m

Bredd och längd

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

All our structures are glazed in Tem


These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

These are a combination of solid brass a to corrosion by the timber itself and extr



We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

We use powder coated aluminium to pro gutters and downspouts are solid alumin rainwater saving tanks and butts.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

The cedar roof spars are protected on th weatherproofing.

från 1,8m

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

från 1,3m

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

All products have an alumimium plinth o and giving a stronger fixing into the foun

All Greenhouses have our unique autom

The ridge runs the entire length of the st

Your Custom Configuration

● Classic Sash windows (over andGreenhouse above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing House ● Vine to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge 6 be Feet Wide,for6ft 0in, 1900mm ventilation ● may substituted automated openers.

Lean To



Optional Extras

Classic Greenhouse Lean-To 6 Feet Wide, 6ft 4in, 1937mm 7ft 11in, 2418mm Glass to Ground Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Sliding Door Supply

The framework and cladding is in a top g long been used in inclement climates in preservatives), stability (it does not easi or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs m absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural s raw material, it mellows to a silver grey a

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Your Custom Configuration ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●



Vine House

● 9ft 10in, 2992mm Glass tonext? Ground What ●happens ● Staging - None None ● Shelving Now you've finished- all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. - None ● Blinds You can do this in any of the following ways: ● Louvre - none 1.●Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1180 send it to us at the below address Sliding Door 2.●Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 181143 and date 17/02/2014 Supply

Optional Extras

Sash windows (over and above those sh vents to provide additional ventilation, th to provide additional insulation. Roller bl ventilation may be substituted for autom

3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out


Total Price (inc VAT)

£1180.00 £1180.00


Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at


What happens next?

Now you've finished all the har You can do this in any of the fo

1. Print out this summary, 2. Call us on 01829-27189 3. Alternatively Click here

£1722.50 £1722.50

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

längden kan ändars med ±60cm 1,8m

från 1,8m

Classic 6

från 2,4m


Classic 8


från 3,0m

Classic 10


från 3,5m

Classic 12

RHS längden kan ändars med±40cm


från 2,4m

RHS Rosemoor 4


från 2,4m

RHS Hyde Hall


RHS Wisley

från 3,0m


från 3,5m

RHS Harlow Carr

på tegel röstning Classic greenhouse kan byggas på en låg murad sockel och kalas då för Planthouse . Med denna teknik får du en generös takfotshöjd med möjlighet att sätta dörren även i långsidan.

dörr 2m hoog takfot 1,6m hög

takfot 2m hög

Sockeln är 514 mm och designen blir ett läckert modernare hus.


övriga modeller

Date - 28/01/2014 Ref: 094829 Cedar The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.

Glass All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

Fixings These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

Aluminium We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts. The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing. All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.


All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

RHS Portico

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Your Custom Configuration ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Optional Extras

RHS Portico Portico, 8ft 11, 2672mm 11ft 8in, 3512mm Single Brick Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Hinged Door Erected

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ventilation may be substituted for automated openers.

What happens next? Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. You can do this in any of the following ways: 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £5253 send it to us at the below address 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 094829 and date 28/01/2014 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

£10505 £5252.50 £5252.50

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

Grow & Store

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP


andra val • skjutdörr eller överhängd slagdörr • enkel- eller pardörr (pardörr finns bara som slagdörr) • dörr i gavel eller långsida

flera val • lamellventil i glas • planteringsbord • skugggardiner • takfotshylla

• Odlingsbänkar • vattentunna 5


Hängrännor & stuprör

Hela taknocken på ett växthus från Gabriel Ash är en automatisk

Hängrännor och stuprör är specialtillverkade för vår växthus i pulverlackerad aluminium och ingår alltid.

takventil som öppnas som en vinge när det blir varmt. Det ger inte bara en optimal ventilation utan också fördelen med helt obrutna glas i taket.

6 Classic Six

Classic Eight

Classic Ten

Classic greenhouse, fristående • Levereras i fyra fasta bredder 1844, 2418, 2992 och 3566 mm • Längd efter ditt behov • Mellanväggar finns som tillval • Levereras med valfritt skjutdörr eller slagdörr • Takfotshöjden är 1550 • Som tillbehör finns 700mm breda planteringsbord och 245 mm breda takfotsyllor mått i mm

Classic Six bredd höjd dörrbredd längd

Classic Eight 1844 2261 645 från 1844


2418 2457 760 från 1844

bredd höjd dörrbredd längd

Classic Twelve

Classic Ten bredd höjd dörrbredd längd

2992 2653 760 från 1844

bredd höjd dörrbredd längd

3566 2845 760 från 2418









Extra Paneel

längd i mm


















Classic Six

Classic Ten

Classic Eight

Classic Ten

Classic Ten

2 per 2 paneler

Classic Twelve

Classic Twelve


Classic greenhouse Väggväxthus • Levereras i fyra fasta bredder 1239, 1942, 2401 och 2975 mm • Längd efter ditt behov • Mellanväggar finns som tillval • Levereras med valfritt skjutdörr eller slagdörr • Takfotshöjden är 1550 mm • Som tillbehör finns 700mm breda planteringsbord och 245 mm breda takfotsyllor mått i mm

Baby Lean-to bredd höjd dörrbredd Paneler Längd i mm Väggfönster

Lean-to Six

1239 2518 577 3 1844 2

Lean-to Eight 1942 2403 645

bredd höjd dörrbredd

Lean-to Ten

2401 2500 760

bredd höjd dörrbredd

bredd höjd dörrbredd




















6 Cedar

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.


All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206



These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistanceto corr to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation. All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers. The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

Your Custom Optional ExtrasConfiguration

Lean-to Eight

9ft 10in, 2992mm

Brick next? ● Single What happens


£1167.50 £1167.50

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

● Staging - None - Noneall the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. ● Shelving Now you've finished You can do- this in any of the following ways: None ● Blinds ● Louvre - none 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1168 send it to us at the below address ● Sliding Door 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 110021 and date 27/01/2014 ● Supply

3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%


£1497.50 £1497.50

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●



We us

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

All Gre

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

The rid

Optional Extras


Lean-to Ten

Classic Greenhouse Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Lean-To vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge 10 Feet Wide, 9ft 9in, 2975mm may be substituted for automated openers. 15ftventilation 6in, 4738mm Single Brick What happens next? Staging - None Shelving - None Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. BlindsYou - None can do this in any of the following ways: Louvre - none 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1498 send it to us at the below address Sliding Door Supply 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 110315 and date 27/01/2014 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT)


£2840.00 £2840.00

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

8 Lean-To Six

Lean-To Eight

Lean-To Ten

The ce weath

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture All pro and gi and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

Deposit 50% Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 Balance 6QP on Delivery 50%

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at


We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link withrainwa rainwater saving tanks and butts.

Your Custom Configuration

Sash (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Classic Greenhouse ●windows vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing ● ● Lean-To to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ● Wide, 7ft 10in, 2396mm ventilation may be substituted for automated openers. ● 8 Feet

All ou


The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

Total Price (inc VAT)

The fr long b preser

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

Lean-to Six


The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has or sus long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified absorb or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off raw m absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering. Glas



Classic Greenhouse Lean-To 6 Feet Wide, 6ft 4in, 1937mm 6ft 0in, 1884mm Glass to Ground Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Sliding Door Supply

574 Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 110315


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Extra Paneel

2 per 2 panelen

Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 110021

Your Custom Configuration

2975 2696 760

Sash w vents to prov ventila


No Yo

Classic greenhouse Vinehouse • Levereras i fyra fasta bredder 1331, 1959, 2533 och 3107 • Längd efter behov. • Mellanvägg och slagdörr som tillval Levereras med valfritt skjutdörr eller slagdörr Takfotshöjden är 1550 mm Som tillbehör finns 700mm breda planteringsbord och 245 mm breda takfotsyllor

Baby four

Vine Six

bredd nockhöjd höjd anslutning dörrbredd längd

1331 2260 2000 587 från 1844

Vine Eight

bredd nockhöjd höjd anslutning dörrbredd längd

1959 2450 2000 760 från 1844

2533 2650 2000 760 från 1844

bredd nockhöjd höjd anslutning dörrbredd längd

3107 2845 2000 760 från 2992









Extra Paneel

Längd i mm



















Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 082956

Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 082837 The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.

Glass All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

Fixings These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

Aluminium We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts. The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing. All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

Baby four

Your Custom Configuration

Classic Greenhouse Vine House 4 Feet Wide, 4ft 0in, 1326mm 6ft 0in, 1884mm Glass to Ground Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Sliding Door Supply

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

Vine Six

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Your Custom Configuration

Optional Extras ●

£1170.00 £1170.00

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at


● ● Glass to Ground What happens next? - None ● Staging ● Shelving - None Now●you've Blindsfinished - Noneall the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. You can do this in any of the following ways: ● Louvre - none Sliding Door ●1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1170 send it to us at the below address ●2.Supply Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 082837 and date 27/01/2014

3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give offabsorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in theraw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering. raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.


£1297.50 £1297.50

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at



All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206



These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions. to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.



We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts. rainwater saving tanks and butts. The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing. weatherproofing. All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation. and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation. All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers. All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers. The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions. ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions. YourThe Custom Configuration

Optional Extras

Classic Greenhouse

Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Vineadditional House ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing vents to●provide Feet Wide, 6ftRoller 0in,blinds, 1900mm to provide additional insulation. these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ● 6 ventilation6ft may0in, be substituted for automated openers. 1884mm


1 per 2 panelen

Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 083251



● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Vine Ten

bredd nockhöjd höjd anslutning dörrbredd längd

Vine Eight

Vine Ten

Your Custom Configuration Optional Extras

● Classic Greenhouse Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Vinewindows House ●Sash (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Greenhouse ● Classic vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing 8 Feet Wide, 8ft 0in, 2474mm ●vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge provide insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ● Vine House 11in,additional 2418mm ●to7ft ventilation may be substituted for automated openers. ventilation may be substituted for automated openers. ● 10 Feet Wide, 10ft 0in, 3058mm ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


Glass to Ground Staging - None What happens Shelving - None next? Blinds - None Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. Louvre - none You can do this in any of the following ways: Sliding Door Supply 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1298 send it to us at the below address 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 082956 and date 27/01/2014 Alternatively to our online check-out Price3.(inc VAT) Click here which will take you £3410

Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

£1705.00 £1705.00

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

9ft 10in, 2992mm What Glass tohappens Ground next? Staging - None Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. Shelving None You can-do this in any of the following ways: Blinds - None out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1705 send it to us at the below address Louvre1.- Print none Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 083251 and date 27/01/2014 Sliding2.Door Supply3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

For further information call 01829-271890 orAsh, orderMonument online at Gabriel Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP


The framework long been used preservatives), s or sustainable fo absorbed moistu raw material, it m


All our structur


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We use powder gutters and dow rainwater saving

The cedar roof s weatherproofing

All products hav and giving a stro

All Greenhouse

The ridge runs t

Optional Ex

Sash windows ( vents to provide to provide additi ventilation may

What hap

Now you'v You can do

1. Prin 2. Cal 3. Alte


£2925.00 £2925.00

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

Baby four

Vine Six

Vine Eight

Vine Ten


Planthouse Planthouse är det bästa från två världar. Enkel modern design på låg mur som ger en enorm volym i ditt växthus. I ett Planthouse kan du dessutom placera dörren i långsdian om du föredrar det. • Finns i tre fasta bredder 2418, 2992 eller 3566 mm. • Längd från 2418 mm som kan förlängas med 574 mm per panel. • Planthouse öevereras med dubbel slagdörr i gaveln • TAkfoten har en höjd på 2070 mm och gör att du har ståhöjd hela vägen ut till väggen • tillebhör med 700 mm planteringsbord i ceder och takfotshylla 245 mm bred

Plant Eight bredd höjd dörrbredd längd

Plant Ten 2418 2971 1130 från 2418 4

Paneler Längd i mm



Plant Twelve 2992 3162 1130 från 2418

bredd höjd dörrbredd längd 5






Extra Panel













Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 074427

Cedar The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.


Total Price (inc VAT)

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at


We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rain gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so ma rainwater saving tanks and butts.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing. All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Optional Your Extras Custom

Planthouse Ten


Sash windows (over above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Classic Greenhouse ●and vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing Planthouse ●insulation. to provide additional Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ventilation may be substituted for automated openers. Wide, 10ft 0in, 2992mm ● 10 Feet

7ft 11in, 2418mm

Staging - None

Blinds - None

- none ● Louvre 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £1948 send it to us at the below address Hinged Door quoting the reference 074427 and date 27/01/2014 2. Call us●on 01829-271890 ● Supply 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%


£2272.50 £2272.50

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

Planthouse Twelve

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Optional Extras Configuration Your Custom

Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Classic Greenhouse ● provide vents to additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ● Planthouse ventilation may be substituted for automated openers.

● 12 Feet Wide, 12ft 0in, 3566mm ● 19ft 4in, 5886mm What happens next? ● Standard Wall - None ● Staging Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. Shelving ● can You do this -inNone any of the following ways: ● Blinds - None Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £2273 send it to us at the below address Louvre - none ● 1. Call us Door on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 074600 and date 27/01/2014 Hinged ● 2. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out Supply ● 3.

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%



The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ens weatherproofing.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting f and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation. All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing condi

Optional Extras

Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or bot vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substitute to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. ventilation may be substituted for automated openers.

What happens next? Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. You can do this in any of the following ways:

1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £4548 send it to us at the below 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 074733 and date 27/01/2014 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

£4547.50 £4547.50

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

10 Planthouse Eight

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar d to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

Now you've finished all the -hard work, all you need to do is place your order. None ● Shelving You can do this in any of the following ways:

£1947.50 £1947.50


We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

What happens next? Wall ● Standard



The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of N long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber con preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is so or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it doe absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide col raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.


All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.



Planthouse Eight

Cedar Cedar

These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

Classic Greenhouse Planthouse 8 Feet Wide, 8ft 0in, 2418mm 7ft 11in, 2418mm Standard Wall Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Hinged Door Supply

Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 07473



● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

6 Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 0746002 per 2 panelen

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

Your Custom Configuration

3566 3359 1130 från 3566

bredd höjd dörrbredd längd

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Ches

Classic Grow & Store • Grow & Store med kombinerad redksapsbod och växthus • Ingång i växthuset via boden • Finns i längder från 1840 mm och kan förlängas med 574mm per panel • Yakfotshöjden är 1550 mm i både bod och växthus

Paneler Längd i mm Väggfönster



















maten in mm

Grand Grow & Store

Grow & Store växthus bredd bod bredd total bredd höjd längd

1574 1216 2790 2682 från 1844 mm

växthus bredd bod bredd total bredd höjd längd

1790 2148 3938 3071 från 2992 mm

Grow & Store

Grow & Store

Grow & Store

Grand Grow & Store


Classic Vision

Miniväxthus & Odlingsskåp

Fristående hus med pulpettak och läckra dubbedörrar i fronten.

Odlingsskåp för terrassen, balkongen eller den lilla trädgården. Finns fristående eller som väggmodell. Som alla våra växthus är de tillverkade i den finaste ceder med pulverlackerad aluminium på locket och

Grand upright coldframe längd 1260

2408 x 3604mm bakre höjd 1800mm höjd till nocken 2730mm

djup 686 mm höjd 1818mm Odlingsskåpet kan monteras mot väggen eller med en rygg i cederträ.Tofristående ppen öppnas manuelle med en smart och enkel stötta. Löstagbara hyllor ingår.

Dörrens bredd 1172mm

Classic mini

upright coldframe

Växthuset för den minsta trädgårdsmästaren. Upplev odlingsglädje med dina barn eller barnbarn med detta superfina miniväxthus.


längd 1266 djup 656mm höjd 1390mm öppnas med dubbel skjutdörr i fronten. Löstagbara hyllor ingåt.

Glasshouse • Valmat tak och hög takfot ger detta hus underbar plast för umgände med växter och vänner • Levereras med dubbeldörr i långsiadn, extra dörrar kan beställas • Takfotshöjd på 2070 mmm ger fantastisk rymd

Medium Glasshouse bredd höjd längd

2723 3000 4052

Grand Glasshouse

Grand glasshouse bredd höjd längd

3612 3336 4940

Medium Glasshouse


De kassen van Royal Horticultural Society The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) är namnet på världens mest namnkunniga trädgårdsförening. Grundad i det viktorianska England in 1804 och är sedan dess tongivande inom trädgårddesign och kultur. RHS collection är en serie hus som utvecklats tillsammans med RHS vars kända trädgårdar också gett växthusen dess namn. Vacker viktoriansk design med en läcker sprira som kännetecken har gjort dessa växthus till cuccé!


RHS Hyde Hall

“Gabriel Ash Cedar Greenhouses, Glasshouses and Cold Frames are of superior design produced to the highest standards and quality considered to reflect the Society’s standard of excellence.”

gabriel ash

RHS Collection fristående växthus • Kan monetras på murad bröstning eller med panel i cederträ.

RHS collection är våra mest poulära modeller. Med sin branat takvinkel på 45° ger de ett elegant och klassiskt intryck. En stor variation på storlekar gör att husen passar i alla sammanhang; i den lilla örtagården, till lantgården eller i villaträdgården. Du väljer själv om du vill montera huset mot en paneli cederträ eller på en murad bröstning. Odlingsbord och hyllor finns som tillval. mått i mm mm

RHS Rosemoor

RHS Hyde Hall

• Planteringsbord, hyllor och gardiner finns som tillval

RHS Wisley

RHS Harlow Carr

bredd höjd enkeldörr bredd bord

1944 2638 800 492

bredd höjd enkeldörr bredd bord

2308 2820 880 625

bredd höjd enkeldörr bredd bord

2672 3000 880 709

bredd höjd dubbedörr bredd bord

3512 3445 1180 709


från 2364 mm


från 2728 mm


från 3512 mm


från 3512 mm












Längd i mm
















Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%



The fr long b preser

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.




All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206




These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.



These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistanceto corr to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 150622 and date 27/01/2014 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

12 Date - 27/01/2014 Ref: 8151018


RHS Hyde Hall

£2975.00 £2975.00

10 Cedar

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.

Optional Extras ● RHS Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Standing ● Free vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing ● Hyde Hall, 7ft 7in, 2308mm to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge 8in, 3512mm ● 11ft ventilation may be substituted for automated openers. ● To Ground ● Staging - None What happens next? ● Shelving - None ● Blinds - None Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. Louvre none You can● do this in-any of the following ways: ● Hinged Door ● Supply 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £2975 send it to us at the below address


6 - 27/01/2014 6 Ref: 1508058 Date


Your Custom Configuration

RHS Rosemoor

RHS Free Standing Rosemoor, 6ft 6in, 1944mm 7ft 10in, 2364mm To Ground Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Hinged Door Supply

Total Price (inc VAT)

6 150622 Date - 4 27/01/2014 Ref:

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Your Custom Configuration ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

• Bredd från 1940 mm till 3510 mm. • Takfotshöjd 1630 mm.


£4057.50 £4057.50

For further information call 01829-271890 Gabriel Ash, Monument or order online Farm,atFarndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Sash RHS (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre ●windows vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing ● Standing ● Free to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ● 11in, 2672mm ventilation may be8ft substituted for automated openers. ● Wisley,

● 11ft 8in, 3512mm Ground next? ● To happens What ● Staging - None - Noneall the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. ● Shelving Now you've finished You can do- this in any of the following ways: None ● Blinds ● Louvre - none 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £4058 send it to us at the below address ● Hinged Door 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 150805 and date 27/01/2014 Supply ●

3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out


£3997.50 £3997.50

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●



We us

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

All Gre

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

The ri

Optional Extras


RHS Harlow Carr

RHS Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre Freevents Standing to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge Harlow Carr, 11ft 8in, 3512mm may be substituted for automated openers. 11ftventilation 8in, 3512mm To Ground What happens next? Staging - None Shelving - None Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. BlindsYou - None can do this in any of the following ways: Louvre - none 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £3998 send it to us at the below address Hinged Door Supply 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 151018 and date 27/01/2014 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50%

£11700 £5850.00 £5850.00

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

RHS Rosemoor

RHS Hyde Hall

The ce weath

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture All pro and gi and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 Balance 6QP on Delivery 50%

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at


We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutter gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link withrainwa rainwater saving tanks and butts.

Your Custom Configuration

RHS Wisley

Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

All ou


Your Custom Optional ExtrasConfiguration

Total Price (inc VAT)

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has or sus long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified absorb or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off raw m absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering. Glas

RHS Harlow Carr 15

Sash vents to pro ventila


No Yo

De Wiltfang® RHS Planthouse kassen De Hyde Hall, Wisley en Harlow Carr kan höjas med ett överfönster på 430 mm för att möjliggöra dörr även i långsidan. Vi kallar denna modell

• Takfotshöjd på 2060 mm.

RHS Planthouse och ger en takfotshöjd på drygt 2 meter. Gott om plats alltså för både dig själv med ståhöjd ända ut till väggen och för större medelhavsträd som citrus eller oliv. Mått i mm

RHS Plant Hyde Hall

RHS Plant Harlow Carr

2308 3250 880

bredd höjd enkeldörr

2672 3430 880

bredd höjd enkeldörr

3512 3875 1180


från 2728 mm


från 3512 mm


från 4604 mm

Paneler längd längder Väggfönster


RHS Plant Wisley

bredd höjd enkeldörr

RHS Planthouse


































RHS Planthouse

RHS Vinehouse väggväxthus En modell som utvecklades under det sena 1800-talet och som är utmärkt mot en södervägg eller en mur. Ditt hus får en egen taknock och hela den volym som ett fristående hus och samtidigt alla väggväxthusets fördelar. • Finns i två bredder 2060 mm och 2870 mm. • Takfotshöjd på 1630 mm.

RHS Vinehouse

RHS Grand Vinehouse 2064 3000 2416 800

bredd höjd höjd till mur enkel slagdörr

bredd höjd höjd till mur dubbel slagdörr

2868 3409 2472 1180












Längd i mm


















Date2- 28/01/20143Ref: 091626 3

Cedar The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.

Glass All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

Fixings These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

RHS Vinehouse

RHS Vine House Vinehouse, 6ft 9in, 2064mm 10ft 3in, 3092mm To Ground Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Hinged Door Erected

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.

Glass All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

Fixings These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation.

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

RHS Grand Vinehouse

Your Custom Configuration

Optional Extras

RHS Sash windows (over and ● above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre vents to provide additional these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing Vine House ● ventilation, to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge Vinehouse, ● Grand ventilation may be substituted for automated openers. 9ft 5in, 2868mm

All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers. The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

Optional Extras Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located in any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ventilation may be substituted for automated openers.

20ft 2in, 6116mm

Staging - None

What happens next?

Louvre - none

Now you've finished all the hard work, all you need to do is place your order. You can do this in any of the following ways:

1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £4383 send it to us at the below address ● Hinged Door 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 091626 and date 28/01/2014 ● Erected 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%


1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £7730 send it to us at the below address 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 091744 and date 28/01/2014 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out

£7730.00 £7730.00

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

RHS Grand Vinehouse



Noneall you need to do is place your order. Now you've finished all the hard- work, ● Shelving You can do this in●any of the-following Blinds None ways:

£4382.50 £4382.50


We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts.

● To Ground What happens next?





All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

Your Custom Configuration

Date - 28/01/2014 Ref: 091744


RHS Grand Vinehouse

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

RHS Grand Vinehouse


RHS Portico Gabriel Ashmodell med den underbart fina och populära förstukvisten • Finns i bredderna 2670 mm och 3510 mm. •Takfotshöjd på 1630 mm. Mått i mm

RHS Grand Portico

RHS Portico

RHS Portico

bredd höjd höjd i entrén enkel slagdörr längd i paneler

2672 3000 2600 880 9, 11, 13 of 15 panelen


RHS Portico

bredd höjd höjd i entrén dubbelslagdörr längd i paneler

3512 3422 2778 1068 10, 12, 14 of 16 panelen









längd i mm


















Date - 28/01/2014 Ref: 094829

Cedar The framework and cladding is in a top grade Western Red Cedar which is grown on the Western Sea Board of North America. It has long been used in inclement climates in the construction and garden industries due to its longevity (the timber contains natural preservatives), stability (it does not easily warp or bend being straight grained) and strength. All of our cedar is sourced from certified or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moisture readily which brings the natural preservatives to the surface, it does however give off absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state, which causes no harm and is a natural process. There is a wide colour variation in the raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as exposed to weathering.

The framework and cladding is in a top grade long been used in inclement climates in the c preservatives), stability (it does not easily wa or sustainable forests. Cedar absorbs moistu absorbed moisture rapidly in its natural state raw material, it mellows to a silver grey as ex



All our structures are glazed in Tempered Safety Glass to British Standard BS.6206

All our structures are glazed in Tempere



These are a combination of solid brass and stainless steel, both being suitable for use with Western Red Cedar due to their resistance to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme weather conditions.

Aluminium We use powder coated aluminium to provide improved weather protection, ventilation and long lasting strong rainwater goods. The gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium providing compatibility with proprietary rainwater systems and so may be used to link with rainwater saving tanks and butts. The cedar roof spars are protected on the exterior by cappings with neoprene gaskets securing the glass and ensuring weatherproofing. All products have an alumimium plinth on which the structures sit, this raises the timber off the ground protecting from rising moisture and giving a stronger fixing into the foundation. All Greenhouses have our unique automated ventilated ridge using heat sensitive openers.

Your Custom Configuration

RHS Grand Portico

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

RHS Portico Portico, 8ft 11, 2672mm 11ft 8in, 3512mm Single Brick Staging - None Shelving - None Blinds - None Louvre - none Hinged Door Erected

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

RHS Portico


£5252.50 £5252.50

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at

RHS Grand Portico

These are a combination of solid brass and s to corrosion by the timber itself and extreme


We use powder coated aluminium to provide gutters and downspouts are solid aluminium rainwater saving tanks and butts.

The cedar roof spars are protected on the ex weatherproofing.

All products have an alumimium plinth on wh and giving a stronger fixing into the foundatio

The ridge runs the entire length of the structure providing a favourable ventilation pattern in normal growing conditions.

All Greenhouses have our unique automated

Optional Extras

The ridge runs the entire length of the structu

Your Custom Configuration

RHS Grand Portico

Sash windows (over and above those shown on side elevation plans). Cedar staging and shelving to either or both sides. Louvre vents to provide additional ventilation, these may be located inRHS any position. Cedar base panels may be substituted for lower glazing ● to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, these internal blinds reduce glare and lower summer temperatures. Manual ridge ● Portico ventilation may be substituted for automated openers.

● Portico Grande, 11ft 8, 3512mm ● 15ft 3in, 4604mm What happens next? ● Single Brick Now you've finished all the hard work, all you ● need to do is- place Staging Noneyour order. You can do this in any of the following ways: ● Shelving - None ● Blinds - None 1. Print out this summary, and along with a cheque for £5253 send it to us at the below address ● Louvre - none 2. Call us on 01829-271890 quoting the reference 094829 and date 28/01/2014 ● Hinged Door 3. Alternatively Click here which will take you to our online check-out ● Erected

Total Price (inc VAT) Deposit 50% Balance on Delivery 50%

£15595 £7797.50 £7797.50

Gabriel Ash, Monument Farm, Farndon, Chester, CH3 6QP

For further information call 01829-271890 or order online at


Date -


RHS Portico

Optional Extras

Sash windows (over and above those shown vents to provide additional ventilation, these to provide additional insulation. Roller blinds, ventilation may be substituted for automated

What happens next?

Now you've finished all the hard w You can do this in any of the follow

1. Print out this summary, and 2. Call us on 01829-271890 q 3. Alternatively Click here whi

RHS Portico


Tillbehör Det finns en mängd fina tillbehör till alla våra modeller Startlist i aluminium Skall du montera ditt växthus direkt på ett trädäck eller kanske en brygga kan du med fördel använda vår startlist i aluminium. Passar också för montering av våra mindre modeller i serien Classic. Har du valt ett större hus rekommenderar vi emellertid en gjuten sockel.


Kallbänkar till trädgård & växthus Våra kallbänkar kan monteras fristående eller i anslutning till ditt växthus. Byggda i samma fina cederträ och med den pulverlackerade listen på locket. Smart och enkel öppningsfunktion med två lägen. Ger extra tidig skörd av sommarprimörer eller hjälper dina frösådda växter innan de skall planteras ut.

100 liter vattentank i cederträ

Planteringskärl i cederträ

Att ta vara på regnvattnet ger många fördelar. Inte minst för att kunna ge alla surjordsväxter det perfekta vattnet men också för att förenkla tillgången till vatten i ditt växthus.

Matcha ditt växthus med vackra planteringskärl i ceder. Enkel montering och skyddade aluminium på överkanten

Ytterhöljet i finaste cederträ dörljer en plasttank för 100 liter. Stupröret

Planteringskärl medium


ansluts i tankens topp och vattnet tappas i nderkanetsn med en kran.



ett överflödsavlopp hindrar din tank från att svämma över. Glöm inte




at tömma tanken innan vintern.




Innermått: 460x460mm höjd:



100 liter


Tillbehör Planteringsbord & takfotshyllor Du kan sätta både planteringsbord och takfotshyllor längs med hela långsidan på ditt växthus. Borden monteras mot väggen och kan enkelt plockas upp och ner för en mer flexibel användning av ditt växthus. Takfotshyllorna kan du sätta på önskad höjd ända upp till takfoten.


Skugggardiner Du kan få skuggardiner till alla växthusmodeller från Gabriel Ash. Gardinerna fästs i takfoten och går längs med hela taket och vidare ned längs med väggen. Gardinen ger 60% solskydd och fästs med en enkel hake på önskat läge.

Värmefläkt Vår smarta frostvakt håller ditt växthus hela vintern. Fläkten är försedd med termostat och kan ställas i tre olika effekter (maximaal 2,8 kW)

Sålådor Fina sålådor i cederträ gör ditt växthus komplett. Säljs i pack om 3 st.


VANSTA TRÄDGÅRD AB PHONE +46852027480 CELLPHONE +46708327189

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