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, sncmoAN,
Feb. 8, 1926
CROWDED HAIJj HEARS AD- t h e r e a r e t h r e e necessary essentials: derly Jesus is Calling." Dr. Pieters DRESSES EACH DAY FROM good motor, a flrstclass carburator SCORING MACHINE DEVELOPS closed the morning meeting with ELEVEN TO TWELVE and a s t r o n g battery. Some people prayer. "THE GOOSE HANG^ HIGH" TO . r EFFICIENCY, DEFENSE travel around the world but they nevPLAY THURSDAY AND , ALSO STRONG Dr. Shannon has undoubtedly left a er g e t a n y w h e r e . I n h u m a n readability Thursday FRIDAY deep impression upon the entire s t u - the motor Is the Holy Spirit. That is The Training of our Own Indent body of Hope College and t h e the power t h a t gives us clear minds, visible Menagerie was the t h e m e of The Hope D r a m a class, which Is Coach Schouten's basket ball toters citizens of Holland during t h e a n n u a l pure hearts, and strong wills to move Dr. Shannon's address on the fourth staging the "The Goose Hangs H i g h " presented a fast and accurate colleg- v^eek of prayer at t h e local institution, forward In life. mornhig. Psalm 93 was used as his In Carnegie hall two nights this week iate style of basketball to the Grand riis eloquence and spiritual s t r e n g t h J u s t a« t h e c a r b u r a t o r feeds the text. The invisible menagerie with- is gettl'ng in Its final rehearsals Rapids' fans Tuesday. J a n . 26, when have been hovering over the c a m p u s car, so our souls are fed in fellowship, in us must be fought in order to be and everything points to a great prothey decisively trounced the highly- t h e entire week. His portrayal of We must overcome the beauty, love, service and hope.. We overcome. duction. On Thursday and -Friday rated Basch Jewelry team of that city, Christianity, and his comparisons must beware lest passageway to our lions of mobocracy, of conventional- nights the play will be staged and 38-20. with the world of today brought hito will becomes clogged and choked b> Ism, and of pleasure. We must con- seats can, be^ reserve^ now at t h e Huit h e life of every Hopeite a new infront t h e lion of mobocracy by tho The ruoh with which the g a m e worthless material. zenga Jewelery store. The production vigorating spirit. His magnetic perspirit of the living. We must fight our started merely indicated what was io •The battery is the Heart of the Is bound to please local audiences as own lions. We are placed in liife as follow. Vanden Brink first caged a sonality drew many to a better undermotor. The throu a'nd bear of iht; It h a s all the qualities which appeal responsible individuals. • It te up to us beautiful, half-court shot, which standing of the unsolvable problems battery bela tlie mot>i going. "As a to Holland playgoers. There are to look a f t e r our own, then each will Kimball of Gra'nd Rapids offset by of life and the deeper spiritual truths. man thlnketh In his heart, so is he." have a'n offering to m a k e to society. some startling situations and plenty dplng the same. On t h e next play Dr. Shannon addressed t h e students At the beginning of the service J e a n of good wholesome humor. We hear sociologists claiming today Ted again scored a pretty basket, f r o m 11 to 12 every morning. He also and Margaret G r o o t ^ n s a n ? the beauin local that the lion of pleasure is. roaring toBradley Ingals, a young college lad which began an offense rarely seen led the evening meetings tiful «?uet, "In the Hour of Trial.-' A churches. day as in the t i m e of the old Roman has quite a time with Elliott Kimon a Grand Rapids' court. Kleis, hu.-'i M l iii-t;" tli? au J ei.c- as they empire. We should face this lion t h a t berley, a political rival of his f a t h e r . Poppen, a'nd Lubbers oeemed t o ' d r o p Monday impressively sang this selection. It it will not repeat its ruin as in Rome. Kimberley wears a bruised optic a£: the ball through the loop almost i t The topic of Dr. Shannon's address has b'sen approprlateiy said, " W h e r e We must all say, so far must thou ter the fight and this causes much will, while Va'ndenBrlnk and Albers Monday was taken f r o m Daniel 6, , all lang"aj;'i en ly i:iur;2 come, lion of pleasure. "Let us comment sow to the defensive end of the game. verse 10. Briefly he related the cirfrom his other political t r a m p l e these Hons under foot,". cumstances connected with Davld'a friends. After Mrj Inglas, the head of Wednesday During the second half, Hope On Wednesday morning Dr. Shan- were Dr. Shannon's closi'ng words t h e family, resigns his position with again went like a machine and scored life and the decree of King Darius of t h e morning. t h e city government, t h e financial 15 points before the F u r n i t u r e City forbidding worship to God. Daniel's non continued his discourse on HuR u t h e r f o r d Huizenga, J a c k Soeter, situation of the Ingals Is anything but boys were aware of it. With the score convictions were of a contrary n a t u r e man Readability. " T h r e e more vital Grandma Bradley has 38-8, Scholten sent in his reserve to those of the King, consequently a parts of t h e machine," he said, "ore Clyde Geerlings and Ted Luldens op-, pleasing. him. the brakes, the speedometer and t h e ened the meeting by song. plenty of money but she will not almen. At this point t h e home team conspiracy was made against low It to be squandered so she requickened its pace and brought the But Daniel went to his house and oil. T h e brakes In every car must Friday knelt before t h e windows which opfused aid. However, Lois and Bradbe foi first class order, for by t h e m score up to 20 for t h e Jewelers. All The t h o u g h t of Dr. Shannon durened to Jerusalem and prayed t h r e e t h e machine Is controlled and often ing t h e last morning hour was a con- ley, fresh f r o m college and full of the Hope me'n played well—Kleis and times a day and gave t h a n k s before danger and trouble Is avoided. Self- tinuation of of t h e Training of Our pranks, get g r a n d m a cornered and Lubbers were the ones that did his God. Daniel'* house was a house control id a splendid characterlstfc Menagerie. He reviewed briefly his ad- draw all sorts of conclusions as to most of the scoring; while Miller. Koets and Bowstrom got most points of convictions, a stronghold. It was for every individual to develop. It re- dress of the previous morning and now whether her son-in-law Is going to Indeed built of strong material. Thus quires t h e best that is in him, but be a street conductor, a second-hand for t h e Grand Rapids team. applied t h e serpents as our enemies t h e beautiful comparison was made. it makes him a man rn all circumclothing dealer, or a walking* adverwhich must be overcome. The serSummary':— Our convictions must be strong, our stances. tisement for a lunch concern. This pent of envy, dscontent, and Jealousy; Field Foul Total conscience must be clear, we must We must watch our speedometers The serpent of incontinence, a'nd horrible t h o u g h t drives g r a n d m a to Hope (38) • Goals Goals Points stand by t h e right and abhor the loosen up and put t h e "family back Lubbers, If. 4 1 9 wrong. Our house must be built of very closely. They a r e not dead, l u t the serpent of Jealous, we must be on a sound financial basis. Clever Damstra, If. 0 0 0 sound material^ and must be dedi- they are rapidly measuring the rate a w a r e of. We must not allow them Every person is moving to bite our Inner most being, the heel lines and humorous situations abound Kleis, rf. 7 1 15 cated to God. May these words ring -of speed. fast Into some direction. He must of victory must be placed on his head. in the play and the moral lesson is Japinga, rf. 1 0 2 In our hearts and bear a b u n d a n t beware and not go to fast in the By grasping the simple and sublime also brot\out strongly. Van Raalte, rf 0 0 0 fruit. wrong way. Christian religion, we oa'n overcome Poppen, c 3 0 6 A duet was sung before the address all and s t a m p out evil, envy, lack of Martins, c 0 0 0 by Miss Cornelia Nettinga a'nd Mr. The oil in h u m a n life means the confidence and Jealousy. V'nBrtnk, rg. : 2 0 4 Ted Luldens. grace of God within our hearts. l i e VanZanten, rg. 0 0 0 Dr. Shannon spoke a few words of imparts it to our wills and causes It Tuesday Albers, Ig. i 0 2 appreciation for the way hi which to flow Into our souls. As t h e sun Tuesday morning Dr. Shannon Diephouse, Ig. 0 0 0 melts t h e snow and Ice, so t h e love the student body had helped him in talked to his large audience about the and grace of God melts the cold his work; and several, publicly, ex- NEGATIVE GOES TO ALBION; MT. Five Wheeled Chariot of Modern 18 • 6 38 PLEASANT H E R E hearts and brings soothing and sun- pressed the reactions they received Life—the automobile. He Compared In (20) BASCH f r o m prayer week. A selection was shine there. a very interesting way the m e d i a n . Koets, If. 2 0 4 sung by a quartet composed of Ted Wishing to select definite te^ms for • A mixed quartet sang with deep Kimball, rf. 1 2 4 ism of a car with that of an individLuldens, Oscar Holkeboer, J a y W a - Hope's first Inter-collegiate debates,.. Miller, rf. 2 1 5 ual. He said that in good readability expression the song, "Softly and Ten- beke and F r a n k Hlnkamp. Prof. Lubbers conducted . the three Bowstrom, c 2 0 4 final elimination debating conteats m VerMerrls, Ig. 0 1 1 J a n u a r y 14 and 15. In Chapel Time Westveer, rg. 0 2 ? The competition was between those . Our hearts are turned to Thee O God, De Wltte, Ig. 0 0 0 * •jpoio.o s ^ who had survived the first eliminaIn chapel time. * IB « 'SuiudAa A'upsonx 1111 « tion which was held Just previous to 7 6 20 We gladly hear thy word * pouodiHod suo|)ao|d j o q o u v * t h e Christmas recess. Referee—Churm, South High. Time With hearts attuned, O Master, o o Negative t e a m selections were: VOLUNTEER CONFERENCE ON -o— of Halves—20 minutes. Messers. S. Albers, C. Veldhuis and To praise Thee. GOSPEL TEAMS MARCH 5, 6 AND 7 T. Essebaggers with V. Ten Cate as For wisdom, love, and purity. RESUME ACTIVITIES alternate. The affirmative team Is We bow In suppllance, O Father, This is the first announcement of a composed of: P. Wessellnk, R. MalAsking thine. great missionary conference f o r colWith the beginning of the second lery, J.' Mulder and Burggraaff as al—Williamette Collegian lege and graduate students for Mich- semester, the Hope Gospel t e a m s have ternate. On F e b r u a r y 12th t h e negaigan. Faculty members are also urg- resumed their activities. The work tive group will go to Albion to comand snaps which It is hoped, all will ed to attend. done at Comstock P a r k proved suc- pete in it's first debate while the NEW FEATURES WILL APPEAR heed. The conference, which Is to meet cessful. Over this last week-end a affirmative representatives will reIN *26 ANNUAL at Albion college, Albion, Is annually second group have been sent out tp main at h o m e to debate with Mt. The price of the annual this year is conducted by Student Volunteers for the Trinity church, Grand Rapids. Pleasant. This choice brings the $3.25 only 25c higher than last year. The Milestone staff haa been proforeign missions of the State of Mich- The group comprises the quartet of eliminations to a close. The competigressing very rapidly in their work. Hope's Increase In activities has com- igan. Real opportunities for getting F r a n k Hinkamp, Ted Luldens, J a y tion has been very keen and it Is exThe Editor-in-Chief William Maat pelled the Milestone staff to m a k e the acquainted with the missionary enWabeke, and Oscar Holkeboer. This pected t h a t 'college spirit will not and the Business Manager Clyde raise. All annuals sold a f t e r March terprise of today are offered at the quartet will have charge of the sing- be lacking a t the inter-collegiate Geerlings, with the help of the sta r f 1, 1926 will cost $3.50. conference. Each year the confer- ing during t h e services and immedi- matches. members, are continually working on Buy early and reap a prctfit. See one ence days are days of the most real ately following will lead t h e Christhe annual, revising, correcting, and of the following if you have not al- enjoyment through intimate contact tian Endeavor of the Trinity church. SIBYLLINE ELECTIONS a r r a n g i n g the material for an early ready done so. Raise the quota; make with men and women who have a The purpose of these trips Is to publication. Plans a r e being made this a big year. The following sales- part in this great business of the strengthen t h e youth of t h e church Pres.—Wilhelmlna Bos. to. have the annual b e f p f ^ the stu- men have been selected: Henry Ny- Christian church everywhere. spiritually and bring him to a closer Vlce-Pres—Arlyne H a a n . dent body as early as it appeared last boer, Mildred R a m a k e r , Martha Van The program for t h e coming con- understanding with the Master. The Sec'y—Nelle Wassenaar. year. Several new additions have Biiren, Joyce Klaasen, J a m e s Ten ference Is already complete. It Inwork during the past h a s . reaped Treas.-—Alice Marie Hyma. been m a d e and there a r e promises of Brink, Melvln Lubbers, Alvln Neevel, cludes a group of men and women great reward and surely the workers Keeper of Archives—Christiana a first class Milestone. A final call Richard Jager, Joe Hylnk, Margaret rich in experience in foreign lands this year will strive to obtain a higher Patet*, has been m a d e for all photos, cuts Boter, and Dean Martin. and with Christian students a t home. goal in their religious works. Chorister—Madge Rooks,
membered t h a t this profession Is t h e bread and butter for ninety-five per cent of those engaged In It. In the Subscription 11.50 Per Year state of Michigan there wad an over supply last year of sixty-five per cent STAFF In the teaching profession. It is genEditor-in-Chief DwigJit B. Yntenm erally admitted t h a t teachers, and Associate Editors— professors receive less than their due, Anna Mae Tysse but how will this difficulty be Neil Van Oostenbcrg remedied If the supply of teachers continues to pile u p ? Department Editors Now, on the other hand, here Sandrene Schutt .'....Campus stands the theological student. In Anne Meengs Alurani this profession t h e r e Is room at the Russell Damstra Sports top, bottom, and In the middle. We John DeBell, Peter Wessellnk..Humor would not advocate, considering the Hermlna Relnhart Exchange latter profession, because one failed Kathryn Keppel Campusology to find accommodations In the formAaron Ungersma Questions er, but we would advocate considerSlljs Wlersma Statistics ation of the theological profession by men students. Many a man pursued Reporters a certain vocation and became sucJ a m e s Ten Brink Head Reporter cessful merely by the slightest sugArlyne H a a n ; Harriet Henneveld; gestion regarding t h a t vocation. If John Mulder; Hester Ossewaarde. you a r e considering a number of possible professions, one of which you Business intend to follow, add the theological Gerard C. Pool Business Manager profession to the list If It Is not alJacob Klk, Carl Bovenklrk Ass'ts ready on, and then begin comparing Eliot Weler Subsorption Manager it with the others. If you see t h a t it isl the vocation for you; follow HAVING EYES, SEE NOT It. If It Is not your vocation, do not follow It. Everyone Is on the qui vlve for news. Especially news t h a t concerns oneself. Its w h a t gives Interest to living:, finding out 'new things. And because this Is true we have all our newspapers, and magazines and books and bulletin boards. Ah! t h e r e we have It, those bulletin boards! W h a t do we students suppose they are there f o r ? Merely a wall decoration? For we never seem to stop and read the notices posted there. No one thinks of trusting to the bulletin board alone for an announcement, for altho some one might accldently see It posted there, they wouldn't believe It was a bona fide one. If It had not been supplemented by word of mouth. Milestone announcements for glossies, picture dates, pleas for co-operation are as serenely ignored as if they had never been posted. Those bulletin boards a r e there for our benefit. W h a t Is posted there Is of Interest to us. Let's stop and see and profit by t h e m .
HOPE'S BOGEY-MAN One of the most captivating fantacles of childhood was the bogey-man The older folks, t h e ones who knew, used to tell how much he wanted little children to be good, what he would do for them If they were good as well as w h a t he would do If they were naughty. To avoid hte displeasure was t h e desire of every child—a child did not want to be caught dotng wrong lest "the bogey-man would get him." But as, soon as t h e child grew up, he challenged t h e bogey-man and t h e spell was broken. The child realized that there were real entitles to take the place oi
Exchanges Fifteen representative c a m p u s leaders, University of Syracuse, were a p proached for opinions on a n u m b e r of t h e best known books of the moment. Out of the fifteen fourteen regretted t h a t they had not time to read the books, the fifteenth had read one of them. Do our studenf leaders prefer to remain unread or are they too busy turning the wheels of t h e campus machinery. Undergraduates elsewhere decry the multitude of organizations, cancerous growths on the student body.—The New Student. Wesley college stude'nts wanted smoking sanctioned off campus. Eighty-two per cent of t h e student body, 1207 girls, voted for this ruling: "The College Government Association thinks t h a t smoking a m o n g women is now established as a social convention acceptable to all groups thoughout t h e country.
In the last decade or more Hope college h a s changed from a seventyfive per cent training school for ministers and missionaries to a fifty per cent training school for high school and college teachers. In even less time. Hope has changed from an exclusively men's school to a co-educational college in which in the last graduating class fifty-three per cent were girls. It may be that the later remark Is the cause for Jhe decrease In the per cent of theological students and t h e Increase In t h e number of educational students. Now the difficulty arises from the fact t h a t while t h e r e has always been a need for more preachers, theological students a r e not numerous, and while there Is a great over supply of teachers, educational students are here In scores. Now there Is a simple economic aw which states an increase in t h e labor supply decreases t h e laborers wages. While this Is reducing t h e teaching profession to, financial U.i.lU;, It mu£t, '.leverthelesa, be r e -
Columbia students, according to Professor Moore of D a r t m o u t h , who made a nation wide survey of student views, says that thfey are t h e most radical in the United States.—The Davidson. Frosh at Springfield University have to wear their green caps until May 15.—Exchange.
D I S E A S E S OF THE EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT t t i 22 West 8.tb S t r e e t , Office H o u r s — 8 to 11 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M. S a t . 7 to 9 P. M.
DR. A. LEENHOUTS Citz. Phone
Dr. E. H. Wilklns. dean of the undergraduate colleges of art, litera t u r e and science of the University of Chicago,, recommends that students take two hours a week for social activities. o The Massachusetts Institute of Technology willows Its women TO smoke at social functions. o According to a faculty ruling students at Ohio Wesleyow may raise a condition to no higher than a "D" by a second examination.
"The association t h e r e f o r e requests that In an spirit of courtesy and loyalty to the best Interests of the college Its members refrain f r o m smoking when such an action would offend the good taste of the community or bring unfavorable criticism on t h e college. "Smoking In any college building If a student at Oxford University Is forbidden to faculty, students, goes to a dance he Is fined five dolguests and employees." lars.—Williamette Collegian.
Stevenson's OPTOMETRIST [Optical Specialist] 24 E. 8th St.
DU MEZ BROS. Dry G o o d s , Coats. Suits and Millinery HOLLAND,
Tn.fTnfk i vfm w/
fancy. Does Hope have a bogey-man? When you are doing something a little 'new, does anyone try to intimidate you by Invoking "the bogey-man?" If you are perfectly sure something is right, does Hope's bogey-man m a k e you adopt a course of expediency? That group of people who mak^ Hope College possible are called the "constituency." They are a generous group to whom we students are greatly Indebted. They are 'no myth, they are no Incarnation of a reactionary grandmother. In general, they are a progressive body that expects to see progressive student* at Hope. We feel sure, that the constituency wishes a strong, self-reliant studentry—one that can not be blackmailed by the fancy of any bogey-man; and last of all. would the constituency wish to act at Hope's bogey-man.
S i i g fiiw
And not only In school alone do we ignore w h a t Is placed so obviously before our eyes. It is true of us in life in general. Why do so many of us drift along without a purpose? Why do we "frivol" as Dr. Shannon says, and putter about and get no f a r t h e r ? Because we do 'not watch for bulletins. Why should we have great men speak to us, If not for their messages and bulletins about the big things In life? Why should we study If not to gain bulletins of progress? Why should we train ourselves If not to learn to read the signs of the times? But if, when some great message Is flashed before the world, we To Invoke the maledictions of the deliberately pass by and take no notice what good does It do us? I re- constituency upon the "new" at school, Is a fanciful practice that will peat, let's learn to watch the bulletin bo outgrown In due season. boards! VOCATIONS
The sentatc, composed of flvo faculty members and three students voted It down. In explaining their veto the faculty said In part:. To sanction, smoklny, Is contrary to the spirit a n d traditions of the college, which a r e the valued possession of more t h a n the present college generation." —The New Student.
T/us 6iMt hydroelectric unit weighs 750 tons and consist a of a vertical ahafi ani'ow
The mints are growing stale—try a life saver. Answer the following questions affirmatively and we 11 smile upon you: 1. Have you purchased a Milestone? 2. Have you given the Staff a few clever snaps? 3. Have you ordered your g'.ossy prints? If you only know how much early co-operation is needed and appreciated you would not delay doing these things. Don't forget t h a t Clyde, Pete. Kelen. Blllle, Matt, Pinky. Alice, Glle, Pearle, Betty, Roy, and Wlliie plus the Milestone Auxiliary are giving their best for you. Do the same for them.
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The General Electric Company, as of Decembers, 1924, had 37,716 itockholders. of whom 45 per cent were women. The average number of common shares held by stockholders was 55. In ownership, policies, past and present activities. G-E is unselfishly dedicated to the cause of electrical progress. A new series of G-E advertisements showing what electricity is doing in many fields will be sent on request. Ask for booklet GEK-l.
As more and still more uses are found for electricity, larger and more economical generators are installed. At the power plant, as well as at the consumer's end, important changes and startling developments have steadily reduced the cost of electricity for light, power, and heat. And wherever electricity has blazed its trail—in towns, cities, industrial centers, and rural communities—comfort and progress have come to stay. Generating and distributing electricity concern the technical student. But electricity's application in the betterment of industry, the professions, and home life concerns every educated person. Cheap electricity means many startling achievements iodai/, but countless and unbelievable possibUities tomorrow. mdh
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THE ANCHOR Rloait the beauty of
Alumni News
ANNI AL ELECTION FRIDAY . H o m e Volunteers held t h e i r r e g u l a r m e e t i n g in Van Vleck h a l l F r i d a y . A s h o r t business session w a s held a n d election of officers took place. The Volunteers wish a l a r g e delegation of s t u d e n t s to a t t e n d t h e i r meetings. They offer a welcome to all men who a r e interested in and Intend to e n t e r Christian w o r k . Next F r i d a y , J o h n Moedt will s p e a k on t h e subject, " W h e n P r a y e r is Effective." Following is t h e election of officers: P r e s i d e n t — B . Luben. Vice-Pres.—B. B u i t e n d o r p . Sec.-Treas.—R. R i t c h i e . J a n i t o r — B . Van Malsen.
Dr. W m . De Klelne. class of 1902 a n d f o r m e r l y f o r m a n y years a p r o m i n e n t physician In G r a n d H a v e n , will leave t h e first of F e b r u a r y to t a k e u p a n i n t e r e s t i n g piece of h e a l t h w o r k In t h e west. Dr. De Kleine is now s t a t i o n e d at Mansfield, Ohio, • w h e r e he h a s been serving t h e p a s t two y e a r s as director of t h e child h e a l t h d e m o n s t r a t i o n of t h e A m e r i c a n Child H e a l t h association. The work t h e r e c a m e to a close t h e last of D e c e m b e r a n d beginning in F e b r u a r y D r . De Kleine will direct a similar d e m o n s t r a t i o n In Fargo, N o r t h D a k o t a . o It is pioneer work a n d t h e f o r m e r O t t a w a c o u n t y physician h a s been chosen as one of t h e pioneers to devise m e t h o d s of m a k i n g t h e p r o g r a m of t h e association effective in t h e lives Mrs. Morrison h a s been visiting of t h e children in t h e communitliiS with h e r d a u g h t e r Betty f o r t h e chosen f o r t h e d e m o n s t r a t i o n . last f e w days.
At VAN TONGEREN'S Leading Sport Shop Compliments
Campus News
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Mrs. E d i t h Walvoord h a s r e t u r n e d f r o m Oberlin college Ohio, where s h e w a s a guest of t h e J a p a n e s e y o u n g lady who is to be t h e first J a p a n e s e girl to g r a d u a t e f r o m t h e music d e p a r t m e n t of t h a t institution. Mrs. Walvoord b e c a m e a c q u a i n t e d with this s t u d e n t while s h e w a s a miss i o n a r y in J a p a n , where a close f r i e n d s h i p s p r a n g u p between t h e m .
Intermediate size
f a c t o r y solution of h e r Intricate problems. Dr. Van Ess declared t h a t t h e three* potent f a c t o r s M hatloiiafism. c a l i p h a t e , agitation and bolshevism a r e a l r e a d y in the field w o r k i n g very largely h a n d in h a n d with crooked politics and personal a m b i t i o n s . In m a k i n g a survey of Syria, T u r k e y , and Persia, t h e s p e a k e r b r o u g h t out t h a t God is working within t h e very walls of Islam Itself to bring a b o u t its own destruction. " W e JUS a nation a r e nationally closing our door to o t h er n a t i o n s by r e f u s i n g so long to e n t e r the World Court," declared t h e mis? ionary.
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STUDENTS Get Y o u r Eats at
Vlolenaar&DeGoede 14 l i i s t 8 t h S t . •
R u s i Buitendorp is a n o t h e r of c u p l d ' s victims. Can't you see " n e w l y e n g a g e d " w r i t t e n all over h i m ? H e t r e a t e d t h e oociety last week. Now Va'n Vleck is eagerly looking f o r w a r d to cigars. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s , R u s s !
COLLEGIATE Gaps are here. And you should see our new Assortment of Ties for $1.00.
J. J. RUTGERS CO. 19 We«t 8th St.
25% O F F ON A L L
Harriet Vanderbush and Dena N e t t i n g a • -spent t h e w r t k - e n d in G r a n d Rapids. S u n d a y evening they blew t h e m s e l v e s into Voorhees hall. Blew t h e m s e l v e s ? Yes. f o r they w e r e each laden with a large o m i n o u s looking p a c k a g e a n d w e r e very excited. But a peep in thocje packages explained m a t t e r s .
VISSER & BAREMAN 50 E 8 t h S t .
Marion L a n d a h l a r r i v e d in town last night. M a r g a r e t Anderson is e n t e r t a i n i n g in her h o n o r on W e d n e s d a y night. On F r i d a y 'night Marlon L a e p Ple will e n t e r t a i n in h e r h o n o r at a Bridge party.
MAKE OUR PLACE Your h o m e for K o d a k Finishing, Framing and Gifts
Lady Duofold 15 With ring for chatelaine
First State Bank
It is said t h a t Carl B o v e n k e r k receives a special f r o m S o m e o n e in t h e S m o k y City every S u n d a y m o r n i n g w h i c h m a k e s t h e r e s t of t h e week Dr. J o h n Van Ess gave a s t i r r i n g pass like a song. o a d d r e s s in t h e Third R e f o r m e d c h u r c h Ask P e t e De R u y t e r w h e r e he loves t h e evening of J a n . 26. T h e s p e a k e r s s u b j e c t was " T h e K i n g d o m of God in to stroll best of all and h e will a n s w e r N e a r E a s t Politics." Dr. Van Ess, who p r o m p t l y , " T h e F o u r Mile Course." o s p e a k s f r o m a most i n t i m a t e k n o w l The Delphi Society m e t a t t h e h o m e edge of t h e i n t e r n a l f u n c t i o n i n g s of t h e controlling councils of N e a r East of t h e " D i m m y T w i n s " last F r i d a y politics, stressed strongly t h a t the night. Miss EikenJ)out, h e r friend religion of J e s u s Christ and t h e Miss Bell, a n d Kay L e a r n e d e n t e r d y n a m i c going with such a personal tained t h e g r o u p by playing several f a i t h is t h e only f a c t o r which ever trios. Miss Bell's cello solo, " O r i e n t will b r i n g to the N e a r East a satis- a l " was especially b e a u t i f u l .
wiib twsWi# ?BAa rem?
Duofold Jr. £5
—Of t h e —
A l t h o u g h t h e r e didn't seem to be . very m a n y things t h a w i n g outside of Voorhees last week, we h e a r t h a t inside t h e r e was a flood. All the aiflmals w e r e forced to leave t h e i r " b o a r d " at least, and seek r e f u g e down at " P a t ' s " o r t h e Green Mill. W h a t is t h a t old saying a b o u t t h e "ill w i n d " ? aptly. T h e boys liked it.
g l a d t o see y o u
Last F r i d a y night t h e Sorosites boarded t h e i n t e r u r b a n f o r Zeeland. W h e n t h e y a r r i v e d a t Zeela'nd t h e y walked t h e r e m a i n i n g f e w blocks to Mabel Coburn's h o m e w h e r e all s p e n t a d e l i g h t f u l evening.
Mrs. Walvoord r e p o r t s a sudden interest in Infa'ntile p h o t o g r a p h s on t h e part of D j a 1 I .
They say that the College Students of America are Irresponsible
M a r g a r e t B o t e r wishes to a n n o u n c e t h a t her m a r i o n n e t t e t r o u p e is r e a d y for e n g a g e m e n t s .
Sue Dragt a p p a r e n t l y does not favor t h e r e s t a u r a n t s in t h e town of wooden shoes. Else t h e r e m u s t be w. s o m e t h i n g very f a s c i n a t i n g f o r her Class basketball h a s begun with a a n d her " t e a c h e r " in Grand R a p i d s . bang. Already t h e S o p h s have one It's too early to do your C h r i s t m a s s c a l p on t h e i r belts by t a k i n g t h e shopping. F r e s h m e n into c a m p by tho score of Last Saturday, fishermen were 12-6. With t h e Sophs leading 8 to 3 a l a r m e d to see looming up t o w a r d s d u r i n g t h e half t h e F r o s h began a t h e m w h a t looked to be a c r e e p i n g rally but were u n s u c c e s s f u l because of edition of the " f o u r h o r s e m e n of lack of t e a m work a n d b a s k e t s h o o t t h e A p o c a l p s e " g r e a t was t h e i r relief ing. De Weerd a n d De Y o u n g s t a r r e d w h e n t h e y discovered t h a t t h e d r a p f o r t h e Sophs while K . a n d W. Hyeries flowing in. t h e cold breeze were lnk w e n t best f o r t h e losers. only t h e Bill's (Bos and H u g h e s , of T h e S o p h o m o r e t e a m played t h e course) and Lillian and J e r r y rolling Zeeland C h u r c h t e a m W e d n e s d a y evover t h e ice, to k e e p f r o m blowing ening and were d e f e a t e d 16-14. D a a n e a p a r t . Now t h i s isn't a fish story and K e m m e w e r e t h e b r i g h t lights or either! t h e Zeeland outfit )yhile Schipper a n d T h e Delphi society enjoyed a musDe Y o u n g s t a r r e d f o r t h e Sophs. ical a t t h e Dykhuisen's F r i d a y night. T h e Reserves a d d e d a n o t h e r g a m e T h e Sorosis girls were b e a u t i f u l l p en- to t h e i r long list of victories by det e r t a i n e d t h a t s a m e evening, by Mabel f e a t i n g t h e S e m i n a r y f o r t h e second C o b u r n a t Zeeland. There, K i n g Solo- t i m e t h i s season. Ottlpoby w e n t b e s t m o n and Dorothy Dlx not to mention f o r t h e s e m i n a r y . V a n d e r Hill a n d A r d e a n a n d Mabel t a u g h t t h e m m a n y K l a a s e n were t h e chief pointers of things. t h e reserves.
Sport Notes
The Goose Hangs High Feb. 3 and 4
35c and 50c.
Phone 5445
KEEPERS Home Cooking 29 W. Eighth St.
Special Chicken Dinner Every Dejr
RESTAURANT Home Baked Pies A.Specialty Holland, Mich.
G r e e n Mill C a f e "When the frost is on the pumpkin," your appetite insists on good food and plenty of it. Get it at the Green Mill. CLEANLINESS, SERVICE, QUALITY
Green Mill Cafe
College Inn •'STUDENTS' FOREMOST EATING P L A C E " NOTICE! You will gain by investigating our n t w Meal Club Plan, by which we shall sell all' meals except chicken dinners at t h i r t y - f h e cents. There are no strings, no obligations; only a better buy. C. E. PATTERSON, Prop.
Corner College Avenue and Tenth Street Malted Milks 15c. We have Candy in Boxes and Bulk. Also big line of Bars.
Lindeborg's Students Drug Store 54 E. 8th St.
ELENBAAS & FORTNEY The premier barbers of Holland. O
In the rear, at
l_ L_ I E S
T h e Anchor submits for your a p proval t h e play "Bt tu B r u t e " by N o r m a Nemo. It it meets with t h e approval of the students the play will be given by a n u m b e r of Hope girls some t i m e a f t e r Semtnary commencement of any f u t u r e year. Dramatis Personnao Mary-—A coed. Dorothy—A Ditto. Six other Dittos. ACT I Time—After lights. Place—A coed's room In the dorm. Cii the wall t h e r e Is a picture of the old homestead—pictures of several movie s t a r s Including Doug. Fairbanks, Rudolph Valentino, Handsome Damson, and F u n n y Face Mullenburg,—a copy of the S .G. A., and one set of rules pertaining to behavior at meals. Around t h e room are books, papers, silk stockings, dishes a'nd a party dress tucked away In an envelope until b a n quet time. Mary discovered sitting on a bed. Scattered about the floor with the rest of the debris are six coeds. The seventh, Dorothy, Is busy putting cheese on crackers. First coed—He must be handsome. Second Ditto—He must have a c a r ! Third Ditto—And a country home! F o u r t h Ditto—He must be tall and a dashing brunette! F i f t h Ditto—He must have plenty of servants. Sixth Ditto—He must love me! All Dittoes—Of course he must love you. Mary (shaking curls out of h e r eyes)—I don't care w h e t h e r he's a blonde or a brunette, short or tall, rich or poor, but I'll tell you one t h i n g girls, I'll never m a r r y a preacher—. Dorothy (passing the cheese s a n d wiches*—Oh come down Mary, . and get something to eat. We all k-now that a girl can get a'ny man she wants. It merely consists i'n Mary—or a man names Jones. ,(And all fall to with dormitory ap^ petltes.) ACT II Time—Later. Place—A cottage half hidden by a thicket of weeds. A dirty road In the foreground. The day Is hot. A hook agent of t h e feminine genger, clad in a tweed suit, squaretoed shoes, and tortoise shell specs, strides relentlessly thru the dust a n 3 stops at the gate. A sun-bonnet who has been weeding her garden slowly rises and clasps her hands. Book Agent—Good day, ma'am, I have—er—why—Mary—!
Victor and Brunswick Records —at the—
MEYER MUSIC HOUSE 17 W. 8th St. Pianoi and Viclrolai rented at reasonable prices.
Quality Shoe Rej airin.i—That'B Our Business
' Dick" the Shoe Doctor ELEC. SHOE H O S P I T A L D. S c h i f t c m r , Prop.
Laughlin's Restaurant 72 East E i g h t h St. "A Real Good IMace to Eat."
S. B.—Dorothy!
PETER A. SELLES, Jeweler 14 East 8 t h S t .
The Folks at Home would Appreciate Your Picture. SEND ONE NOW.
The Lacey Studio Nick Dykema
Fine tailoring, pressing and repairing. Years of s m i s f a c t o r y service recommend us.
Ice Cream, Candies, Fruits and Nuts,come to A. PATSY FABIANO
B. A.—Call me Dot, please.
Lunches put up
B. A.— ( h u r t ) Don't you know m e ?
13 E. 8 i b St
Ready Dishes, Hot & Cold for Bnsy Patrons
Sunbo'nnet —(suspiciously) —Who aro you?
Phone 532S
26 West E i g h t h
S. B.—Dot! (kiss) How on earth did you get here?
B. A.—Walked. tell me all the gossip you know.
Hoekstra's Ice Cream CREAM OF UNIFORM QUALITY 65 West 8th St.
/ f ^
Phone 2212
/ JR D i s t i n c t i v e Stationery, U n i q u e Pror f i g r a m s and M e n u s , or Fine Papers, t h e / Holland Printing Co can serve j o u best. Holland's Finest P r i n t e r s
210 College Avenue
JACK BLUE is able, to serve you better because he is making your satisfaction his concern.
S. B.—Do come In right away and I
haven't heard any for six years.
T h e P r o g r a m of a Student Volunteer Meeting 1. Songs. 2. Success Talks. "Square Deal" Wlersma. 3. The Foreign Field a n d the Old Maid Name Withheld 4. Refreshments. Announcement of engagements. MENU Petrified Japanese Milkweed Raw Chinese Silk Worms Cholera Salad with a Thousand Plague Dressing Stowed Arabian Driftwood African Snake Meat with Hindu River W a t e r Snow Pie a la mud 'o iff -...Miserere
$15.00 to $75.00
B. A.—Jane married a lawyer, Marjory, a chemist, Luclle a football coach, Flo Is an old maid tn Overlsel, and oh! (she turned white). S. B.—What's the matter, Dot? Dot (clutches her beads and sways) — E t tu Brute! (she falls and points her forflnger at the plate over the door which reads— REV. A. JONES. (Curtain). (Applause).
ieo. H. Huizenga & Co JEWELERS
Opp. Warm Friend Tavern
±i NICK UNEMA ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING We also Repair Rnbbers 230 River Ave,
Opposite Post Office.
All Work Guaranteed —T
A Good Assortment of SHEAFFER Life Time and PARKER Lucky Curve Fountain Pens at
HAAN BROS. Rexall Drug Store »• •