April 2024
Campus, p. 4-6
Student skills at annual talent show, How students are answering the ‘major question’
April 2024
Campus, p. 4-6
Student skills at annual talent show, How students are answering the ‘major question’
News, p. 7-9
NCAA women’s basketball tournament, The 2024 total solar eclipse,
Hope College Student Newspaper Spera In Deo
Arts, p. 10
2021’s best: “Red Rocket”, Deep Roots New Shoots at the KAM
Features, p. 12
Finding confidence in professional wear, “What Was I Wearing”: The power of survivors
Opinion, p. 14
Hope-Bringers and what they believe, Questions for the election cycle
Claire Dwyer
Claire Dwyer
Madeline Kenney
Claudia Hwang Belle Glover
objective journalism and a vibrant Voices section.
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Letter Guidelines: The Anchor welcomes all letters. The staff re-
Kiera Savage
Lucy James Macy Granville
Shane Pitcher
Sadie Quackenbush
Tacy Kratt
Michael Schanhals staff writEr staff writEr staff writEr staff writEr staff writEr staff writEr studEnt MEdia advisor
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It’s Anchor tradition to end your last letter from the editor with a thank you note. And I have so many people to thank. Thank you to The Anchor, and all staff members past and present. Joining this team was the first thing I did when I came to Hope, and it was most definitely one of the best things. Thank you to Mark and Mike for being wonderful advisors, and to former Co-Editor in-Chiefs (Eli, Claire, Ruth, and Lauren) for believing in me. Thank you to Madeline. There’s no one else I would rather share this role with, and I’m thankful to not only call you my co-editor but also my friend. Claudia, I can’t wait to watch you shine in this new role. Thank you to the many newspapers I grew up reading, but specifically the Daily Herald and the Chicago Tribune. Thank you to Mrs. Pearl, for being an incredible English teacher and for encouraging me to start a little newspaper in middle school and for showing me to believe in what I’m passionate about. Thank you to Janet Levin for teaching me everything I need to know about newspapers, journalism, and hard work. Thank you to Hope College. I am going to be forever grateful to the incredible community I have found here. I am thankful for all that I have learned and the incredible people who taught me while I was here. I am truly lucky to say I have never had a bad professor, but I would like to say thank you to a few in particular now: Dr. Elinski, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Brown, Dr. Williams, Dr. Kornfield, and Dr. Lunderberg. Thank you for believing in me and for
supporting me, as well as all your students. Thank you to the Oman May Term and Vienna Summer School for showing me the world, and giving me such an amazing group of people to explore it with. Thank you to Amy Quincey, Kristen Grey, Dr. Gibbs, Dr Lunderberg, and Doc Hemenway. Thank you to PPC for encouraging me in my career path. Thank you to Pillar Church. Thank you to Phys Plant. Thank you WEO for giving me an incredible community, lifelong friends and role models, and for teaching me so much. Thank you to Appledorn for helping me realize how excited I am for my future career goals. And thank you to Dorian, because friendship is one of the most precious gifts of life. Speaking of friendship, thank you to Maggie Anderle, Emily Smith, Sofie Green, Jo Locke, Aly Davis, Rachel McFarland, Madeline Williams, and Jordan Neymeyer. To say I’m lucky to be friends with you all is an understatement. Thank you Marisa Vitale, my first friend at Hope and someone I can always count on. Thank you to my housemates, Ellie DiLeonardi, Taylor Bambule, Caroline Madison, and Lindsey Schaffer. Thank you Taylor for being my roommate through it all. You all make Hope feel like a home and friends feel like family. There will be never be a Sunday night where I’m not hoping to sit down and have dinner with all of you. Thank you to Matt Czmer, for being the most supportive and understanding person. You’re the best person I’ve met at Hope, and I really hope the school never tears up the sidewalk that
has our initials in the cement. Thank you to Kate and Colin, for being my best friends and biggest role models. No one makes me laugh as much as you two. I’m lucky I got to grow up with both of you. And most importantly, thank you Mom and Dad, for giving me the world and so much more. I love you.
As the sunlight’s beams stretch onto the bright yellow petals of the daffodils, seemingly extending a warm hug to a familiar friend, I lay on the ground of my backyard attempting to catch this embrace at the perfect angle. While neighbors walk by with their dogs on leashes, I laugh imagining what they must’ve thought from the hill above leading to the walking path near my yard, likely seeing only my lanky legs and sneakers emerging near the garden. Feeling quite literally one with nature, I peer through the lens of my film camera and I adjust the shutter speed and aperture settings. Hoping I made the parameters just right, I press firmly down on the shutter button, causing the camera to respond with a ‘Click’ as if it too is crossing its fingers in hopeful anticipation. I hear the camera’s film roll back from within as I see the screen of the camera recount the number of photographs taken. With each number crossing the screen, I think back to each photograph taken and marvel, remembering each one’s unique beauty. This semester, I am taking a film photography class. Though admittedly I signed up for the course thinking I would be learning the techniques of digital photography, I am grateful for my initial misunderstanding. From the process of capturing photos without the reassurance of being able to look back at or instantly delete photographs to the adventure of loading a film reel in complete darkness to the cycle of seeing photos emerge throughout the series of chemical baths and treatments, and everything in between, my appreciation for craftsmanship, intentionality, and patience has been strengthened. Even now when using my iPhone to simply take .5 selfies with friends and family, I have come to admire trailblazers in photography that lead the way toward advancement in these modern technologies and conveniences.
In my class, I learned about one such pioneer in photography, William Henry Fox Talbot, who created the calotype, which involved using paper coated with silver iodine to capture images onto paper. In explaining the process leading to his invention, Talbot said, “the idea occurred to me … how charming it would be if it were possible to cause these natural images to imprint themselves durably, and remain fixed upon the paper.” Similarly, for me, the Anchor does just this. It ‘photographs’ the beauty, stories, and moments of Hope College and the community. Just like my appreciation for the pioneers of photography, I’m grateful for both the ancestors of the Anchor stretching back all the way to 1887 as well as our current team, all of whom exude talent and passion. As Co-Editor-in-Chief, working alongside Claire these past two years has been nothing short of amazing! Claire, I am going to miss you so much! From our countless newsroom laughs to our aesthetic LJ meetings to our voice messages backed by sounds of wind, you never failed to brighten my day and make the role all the more rewarding. I have learned so much from you, and I’m forever grateful that we started together as strangers yet leave as lifelong friends. Though new adventures await you, know that the Anchor is a better place because of you. As the final edition of the semester emerges from the development process, I want to thank you for helping build our portrait of Hope College!
Idid this last year, and I hated it,” said Ayden Albright (’24) as the opening line of his oneact comedy skit performed at this year’s talent show. “I’m doing it this year, though, because I could win $200. I could get a big bad textbook with that.” For the spontaneous and entertaining nature of his performance, Albright was voted as “The People’s Choice” winner and won a bag of snacks.
Albright competed against eight other groups at this year’s “Really Big Talent Show,” which was hosted by the Student Activities Committee (SAC) on April 5 in the Student Center. SAC members introduced each performer with scripted enthusiasm, promising a grand prize of $200 to be used at the Bookstore next year.
The nine acts consisted mostly of musical talent demonstrations, along with two comedy acts and a magic show. Each act varied in style and tone, keeping the audience on their toes. “I really
don’t think that anyone is going to be forgotten from the Talent Show,” said first-year Katie Patterson. “They were all amazing acts.”
The show opened with an original song by Ian Dana (’24) and Elijah Escoto (’25), a musical duo from the Cosmopolitan fraternity. This team won second place from the panel of judges and will be returning to perform at upcoming Coffeehouse events in the future.
Other performances included a flammable magic card trick by “Magic Jack” Hensley (’24), on-thespot piano melody creations by Cadence Tennant (’24), a classical violin performance by George Harvey (’24) and a rock piano song titled “Cruiser Hits a Pot Hole” by James Lakie (’27). First-year Anessa Hanson gave a heartfelt rendition of “Taylor, the Latte Boy” (a song by Kristin Chenoweth), while Jack Cuncannan (’25) concluded the evening with a series of jokes about high school marching band and his experiences as a worker at Lowe’s, among other topics.
Folk-music duo Carter Mann (’25) and Abby Howe (’25) won
first place for the two Irish folk songs they performed, with Howe playing violin and Mann playing mandolin and singing. Patterson described their performance as “fun and happy,” stating that the duo got the crowd moving through claps and impressively catchy melodies.
“Carter and I have been playing with our band, Basement Bluegrass, for probably over a year. We started […] at the end of sophomore year. He and I have been playing for a little bit–I’ve been playing violin since fifth grade. He’s been playing fiddle music for a really long time, so he’s actually played the music before, and then I joined him with the fiddle,” said Howe. “He’s never played it [on mandolin] before and so it was his first time re-adapting it and singing it by himself. So we just kind of put it together and it worked out really well.”
This was the first of a series of four “Fun Fridays in April” events hosted by SAC to conclude the school year. Maddie Jannusch (’24), one of the event directors for SAC who was heavily involved in planning this year’s talent show, explained some of the team’s thinking: “Over the last few years, we have been trying to think of events that are out of the box, and a big part of that
conversation is how we can get other students involved in cool events. The Really Big Talent Show has been an annual event for years and years, so to us it’s a nobrainer to continue shining a light on all kinds of talent at Hope.”
When asked about one of the most unique acts she has seen performed at the Really Big Talent Show, Jannusch named the bluegrass band from last year’s show, which was “a five-person band with unique instruments.” She emphasized that good stage presence and crowd involvement are always welcome.
“Another event we’re making an annual tradition is the Maker’s Market (happening Friday, April 12, from 3-5 in the Great Room), which is an opportunity for students to sell merchandise, crafts or food to other Hope students and faculty […] We think that highlighting gifted students and what they can do is exciting for them, everyone who attends and the SAC members.”
As for the Really Big Talent Show, SAC is always looking for more students to showcase their talents in front of their peers. “Whether it’s music, comedy, magic or something wildly unique – we encourage all students interested to sign up because it truly is one of the most fun events we offer.”
How did you decide on your major? It’s the more interesting question that is often asked after the standard ‘What are you studying?’ Did a younger version of yourself have your sights set on teaching, or did life’s events sway and shape your interests? Maybe you chose Hope College for their nursing program, or maybe you didn’t know where the years you spent as a student here would take you when you committed, but you wanted to discover that along the way. Either way, Hope’s status as a liberal arts college gives students the freedom to explore a range of academic areas, rather than committing themselves to one track in their first year. The services offered through organizations like the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career, as well as the many extracurricular opportunities help develop a culture where the human is more important than the student, as a multi-faceted person with interests that cannot be attributed to just one area of study. Even in popular majors, students’ experiences are unique because of the multitude of ways to be involved on campus. Sophomore Anna Duesenburg considered majors in secondary education and political science, but ultimately settled on a double major in religion and political science because she fell in love with her religion courses. Even though she has taken other courses she was not ultimately interested in, Duesenberg reflected, “It’s nice
because you have room in your four-year schedule to take classes to actually figure out what you want to do.” Involvement outside of the classroom, such as volunteering at churches, also helped her choose her major. She added, “The faith life at Hope was one of the things that really encouraged me and made me more interested in being a religion major […] it’s really cool because as a religion major you get to study your faith from an academic standpoint.” Having a background in political science has helped her to realize how religion and government work together. Even the content of courses outside of her area of study, such as philosophy, are reflected in political thought and religion, which can build a greater understanding in both of those fields.
First-year Annika Sytsma intends to major in biology on the pre-med track. Although she knew she was always interested in medicine, the major itself was unclear at first. Meeting with the Boerigter Center for pre-health advising helped her to focus on a specific major and outline her courses in the coming semesters. Additionally, as a member of the cross-country and track teams, she realized that “Running helped [her] build a community […] from there [she] can ask upperclassmen teammates for advice.”
Around 20 years ago, these same questions were being answered by Dr. Stephen Maiullo, the Dean of Arts and Humanities. Despite a rocky relationship with academics in high school, he was given a chance at St. Anselm College, a
liberal arts New England college that is similar to Hope. Though he began his college experience unsure of what he wanted to study, a tragedy made it clear to him. Maiullo vividly recalled the terrorist attacks on Sep. 11, 2001. “I was sitting in the cafeteria eating breakfast before my first class when the planes hit the towers. During the rest of that school year and the following school year, there was a lot of discussion about what we should do. The students were really upset the faculty were really upset, and we were having conversations in a variety of my classes, more so in my humanities classes, about what all this meant.”
In particular, a Latin class on Virgil’s Aeneid resonated with the state of the country.
The Aeneid, a Latin epic poem, follows the journey of the warrior Aeneas after the fall of Troy in the Trojan War. Maiullo went on, “Troy has been destroyed, and it’s in ruins, and [Aeneas] needs to rebuild or find a new place to live. It’s very much like what we were going through as a nation.
I found that the conversations we were having in those classes […] were of supreme existential importance. I knew from that moment forward that I wanted to have those same conversations with people who were my age at the time, to help them make sense of their story, their family’s story and their country’s story
“I wanted to have those same conversations with people who were my age at the time, to help them make sense of their story, their family’s story and their country’s story”
so that I could put out into the world self-aware and thoughtful citizens who could contribute to the national conversation about which direction we should go in in a way that was richer than what I was seeing on TV and hearing on the news.” continued on pg. 6
Student exploring opportunites at the Boerigter Center Nico Kazlauskascontinued from pg. 5
Once he knew that he wanted to be a professor, Maiullo pursued a degree in the classics, and received his Ph.D from Ohio State University. He added, “I was very fortunate in that I was admitted to a graduate school and I was very fortunate to find a job at a school as great as Hope, where I could be in a very similar place to where I went and teach versions of the classes that I had taken.”
When surveying the student population at Hope today, Maiullo offers self-reflection as a valuable tool for discernment. He stated, “If you find you do not have an aptitude for […] what you originally thought you were going to do when you came to Hope College: listen well and be honest with yourself. Sometimes you flunk that class or you didn’t get the grade that you wanted because you are distracted by other things, but you still want to do it. Other times, you’re not completing work or not getting
the grade that you want because you are genuinely not that interested in that subject matter.”
“Hope students tend to look at their general education program merely as a bunch of boxes to check. That is not how we have designed the Anchor Plan.”
He went on to stress the value of general education here at Hope: “Hope students tend to look at their general education program merely as a bunch of boxes to check. That is not how we have designed the Anchor Plan. We have designed the Anchor Plan to introduce you to as many different avenues for careers, as many different ways of understanding the truth and reality of the world as possible. We want you to be able to study
English literature, politics, social work, geology and mathematics […] The way that it works is you begin to explore different ways of understanding the world and helping to develop in you new interests that you did not know that you had when you came here.”
The opportunity to make the most of every class will help Hope students beyond campus and in the workforce. He advises students to look at the skills they have received from their classes, beyond simply the subject matter. “If you’ve written a research paper, you know how to take different aspects of data from a variety of sources and be able to organize them and present them in a coherent way: that’s a skill that employers want, that’s critical thinking […] If you’re applying for a job or an internship, you need to sit down with the job description and say ‘What have I done in any of my classes, that is like the things they are describing here?’ Because you have done a lot of it already.”
He concluded that students should “take a risk on a class. Do not go to RateMyProfessor and find out who is the easiest. The easiest professor will not serve you well in the long run […]
“Do not go to RateMyProfessor and find out who is the easiest. The easiest professor will not serve you well in the long run.”
Don’t be afraid to be challenged. Run into the challenge. Do not shy away from it because what you will be proving to yourself and to others is resilience and that you can do hard things. You will have a grade that you earned, and an earned ‘A’ does more towards your selfconfidence than a given ‘A’ […] Do not be afraid of risk. Allow yourself to be stretched and challenged.”
On Monday, Feb. 26, 2024, Dr. Wiebe Boer resigned as President of Calvin University. The Grand Rapids-based university said in a statement that Boer allegedly “engaged in unwelcome and inappropriate communication and attention toward a non-student member of the campus community.”
Calvin University was founded as Calvin College and Seminary in 1876, later changing its name to John Calvin Junior College in 1906, then to Calvin College in 1931 and finally to Calvin University in 2019. Calvin is a private NCAA Division III university with 3,256 undergraduate students and a $160.8 million endowment. They are known for their engineering, nursing and religious programs. They are officially affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church, a small denomination of Calvinism.
The school made a statement: “The Board of Trustees of Calvin University is committed to fostering a workplace and educational environment that emphasizes the worth of every member of our community.” The school continued in their statement, saying, “This includes taking seriously all reports of inappropriate conduct.”
There was no timeline given on the dates of the specific events, but it did appear that these allegations were brought to the attention of the Board in early February. At a faculty and staff meeting, phrases such as “past number of days” and “couple of weeks” were used in reference to Boer’s eventual resignation. Vice President of Advancement and Interim President Gregory Elzinga, Board Trustee Gene Miyamoto, University Pastor Mary Hulst and Executive Vice President of Student Experience and Strategy Sarah Visser all addressed the staff.
They did clarify that Boer’s allegations did not include any “sexually explicit communication or physical contact, but the alleged conduct is concerning and inappropriate. Boer denied some of the allegations but did admit to sending communications that
were inappropriate and inconsistent with the high standard of conduct and character expected of the President of Calvin University.” Officials consulted all external reports to verify compliance with all policy and legal requirements, including Title IX.
The Anchor interviewed a current Calvin student, “I first found out about the situation in the mid afternoon on Monday (2/26). Apparently Boer moved out very quickly.” When asked about how
“Boer denied some of the allegations but did admit to sending communications that were inappropriate and inconsistent with the high standard of conduct and character expected of the President of Calvin University.”
they felt, they responded with the following, “I feel mostly disappointed and shocked. I know Calvin is doing the right thing in handling the situation but it makes me wonder if there’s any other way to resolve this.”
Since the incident, the campus dynamic has understandably changed. “I’ve heard more rumors going around campus which has been disappointing. Mostly just talk amongst students. Chapel has felt more somber and the campus pastor has brought it up. But the university has done a good job with discussion spaces for people to process the event.”
Boer is the son of Christian missionaries who were based in Nigeria, where he was born and raised. He earned a bachelor’s degree in history in 1997 from Calvin. He holds a Ph.D. in history from Yale University. Boer was appointed as Calvin’s 12th president in March of 2022 with no prior experience leading any educational institutions. He did have a great amount of experience in various leadership roles in many nonprofit and for-profit organizations.
Elzinga has taken over as Interim President while the Board of Trustees looks to find a replacement. He previously served as Vice President of Advancement. “Mr. Elzinga is already fully engaged in the day-to-day operations of the university and is well situated to provide effective continuity of leadership while the board conducts a thorough search for the university’s next permanent president,” the school reported. Elzinga and other community members spoke to the student body on Thursday, Feb. 29 at 3:30pm. It was apparent that many students were not previously familiar with Dr. Elzinga. “I have never heard of him or met him. No one really does. There was an opportunity to meet him at the chapel but I was unable to go.” Students do have some sense of optimism for Dr. Elzinga and the university moving forward throughout the spring semester. “I think it is going to be very important for the interim president to build connections and build rapport with students because he has some big shoes to fill.
He needs to make himself known to establish a better sense of stability.”
Boer is not the first university president to resign this school year. Former University of Pennsylvania president, Elizabeth Magill resigned in early December after appearing in front of Congress and evading questions of whether her students who called for the genocide of Jews should be punished. This was after her university seemingly tried to seek a balance between the freedom of speech among pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli sentiments of students. Former Harvard University President, Claudine Gay, also resigned after much controversy over issues such as affirmative action, her own plagiarism, race-related curriculum and ultimately antisemitism. This followed her own tense hearing in front of Congress during which she evaded questions of if and how antisemitism and “calling for the genocide of Jews” violated Harvard’s code of conduct. She routinely dodged questions and referred to herself as the “ideal canvas for projecting anxiety” about the anti-semitic attacks. President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sally Kornbluth, remains in office despite a large campaign to remove her. She was on trial with Magill and Gay over the same issues of campus antisemitism.
This story is still developing. Calvin University has referred any and all writers to their previously made statements in regard to developments.
Every March, millions of Americans fill out brackets for the chance of having the practically impossible perfect March Madness bracket. 68 teams make the tournament. At the Division I level, 32 teams are automatic qualifiers because they won their conference’s tournament. The other 36 are chosen based on record and signature wins. An NCAA committee seeds the top four teams with a number one seed and disperses them geographically amongst the east, west, south and midwest divisions. Then they seed the next four teams at number two and continue chronologically. Eight teams, traditionally 11 or 16 seeds, play a game before the round of 64. Teams play each other to get into the round of 32, then the “Sweet 16”, “Elite Eight,” “Final Four”, and National Championship. There, a champion is determined. This happens every March between both men and women’s college basketball teams.
This year, there were a recordsetting three million people who filled out a bracket for the women’s tournament on various online platforms like the ESPN or the NCAA March Madness app. The average Elite Eight ticket was $360, and the tickets for the women’s Final Four in Cleveland went for $2,360, almost twice the amount of men’s tickets. Additionally, the women’s tournament had a record-setting average attendance in each of the first four rounds with an average of 1.6 million viewers in the round of 64, 2.6 million in the round of 32, 2.9 million in the Sweet 16, and 3.4 million in the Elite Eight.
On Monday, April 1, the reigning National Champion, the LSU Tigers, lost to the Iowa Hawkeyes in the Elite Eight. This drew a record-setting 12.3 million viewers, outdrawing all games of the 2023 NBA finals and World Series, the Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl and the Big Ten Football Championship. This was a rematch of last year’s National Championship where LSU, led by coach Kim Mulkey and star Angel Reese, beat Cait-
lin Clark’s Iowa team. This was a highly anticipated game because Mulkey and Reese have drawn lots of attention due to many headlines for their antics on and off the court.
Clark broke “Pistol Pete” Maravich’s all-time NCAA scoring record this year and has become the biggest name in women’s collegiate sports. The six-foot West Des Moines native has averaged 32 points, 7.8 rebounds and nine assists a game this season. Reese, a 6’3” Baltimore native, averaged 18.6 points and 13.4 rebounds a game this season.
Hope College women’s basketball coach, Brian Morehouse (’91), believes that the marketing of the game’s players, as opposed to coaches like Mulkey, Connecticut’s Geno Aureiemma and South Carolina’s Dawn Staley, has been a big reason for the recent success. “We’ve got a lot of great superstars,” Morehouse said. These other stars include Connecticut’s Paige Bueckers, Stanford’s Cameron Brink, and South Carolina’s Kamilla Cardoso, all of whom came into college basketball during the same recruiting class as Clark and Reese.
He also emphasized the strength of the young talent. “JuJu Watkins for USC is incredible. I believe she will break Caitlin Clark’s scoring record if she stays all four years.”
Watkins is one of multiple firstyears, along with Notre Dame’s Hannah Hidalgo and Iowa State’s Audi Crooks, who have all made names for themselves this season.
As one of the most successful women’s basketball coaches in the country, Coach Morehouse is an expert on the subject. Morehouse has won two national champion-
ships, he was named the 2006 National Coach of the Year and he became the fastest coach to ever win 700 games in NCAA history, doing it in 795 games. This is his 28th season at Hope. Morehouse had the opportunity to attend a conference through the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association, where some of the best women’s coaches from around the U.S. and across all divisions (D1, D2 and D3), have the opportunity to learn from the best in the business. Morehouse has had the opportunity to speak at the conference a number of times. “I am very fortunate to give back to the game of basketball.”
This conference coincides with the Division I Final Four in Cleveland, OH at Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse. This year’s Final Four saw a nail biter finish where Caitlin Clark’s Iowa Hawkeyes defeated Paige Bueckers’s Connecticut Huskies 71-69. They were led by both Clark and sophomore forward Hannah Stuelke’s 20 plus points. This set Iowa to play a familiar foe for the National Championship. In last year’s Final Four, the Hawkeyes defeated the undefeated South Carolina Gamecocks. The 37-0 South Carolina Gamecocks, led by Cardoso’s 22 points and 11 rebounds, defeated the North Carolina State Wolfpack 7859 in the other Final Four game.
In their rematch, the Gamecocks came out on top, beating the Hawkeyes 87-75, to pull off the improbable undefeated season. Caitlin Clark’s 30 points weren’t quite enough to overcome the four South Carolina players with double digit points; First-year
guard Tessa Johnson (19pts), Cardoso (15pts), senior guard Te-Hina Paopao (14pts), and sophomore forward Chloe Kitts (11pts). In her post game interview, South Carolina coach Staley was brought to tears and said the following:
“I’m so proud, so proud. I am so incredibly happy for our players. It doesn’t always end like you want it to end, much like last year […] I’m just super proud of where I work, I’m super proud of our fans. It’s awesome. It’s unbelievable.”
South Carolina’s victory over North Carolina State drew nine million viewers while Iowa’s win over Connecticut garnered a whopping 17 million. That is a record for a non-Olympic women’s sporting event.
Coach Morehouse believes this increased TV viewership has come about because of increase access on TV. More networks are streaming women’s sports and this has led to an increase in viewership that is not just limited to basketball but also to soccer, volleyball and softball. All four women’s sports are seeing record-breaking viewership. The WNBA draft will take place on April 15 in New York City, and it will be the first time since 2016 that fans will be able to attend. Like many National Player of the Years, Caitlin Clark is projected to go first overall, potentially followed by Defensive Player of the Year, Cameron Brink. Angel Reese, Kamilla Cardoso, Tennessee forward Rickea Jackson, Australians Nyadiew Puoch and Isobel Borlase, and Connecticut stars Aaliyah Edwards and Nika Muhl are all also projected to be drafted relatively high. With all of these stars moving to the next level, it is more than likely that a large portion of this viewership will follow. “This will definitely carry over to the WNBA,” Coach Morehouse said. “Stars from Clark to Reese to the South Carolina players, who will have a direct impact on the marking of the WNBA. It’s only gonna gain more and more momentum. People are realizing what those who are in the sport already know. It’s a great sport to watch, it’s fast paced and they are great athletes at all levels.”
On Monday, April 8, the skywatchers across North America had the opportunity to witness a remarkable celestial event. The 2024 total solar eclipse has just taken place, which brought a once-ina-lifetime spectacle across large parts of North America, including Illinois and Michigan. It enthralled observers, while offering a rare glimpse of the sun’s corona, plunging the world into a surreal darkness during the day.
The focal point of excitement for the April 8 eclipse was the location of the path of totality, a narrow corridor where the moon completely blocked the sun, casting a shadow on the earth below. The path of totality for this event swept across Mexico, the United States and Canada, providing lucky spectators with an unparalleled view of totality. Cities such as Dallas, Indianapolis, Cleveland and Buffalo were among those that fell within the path, offering residents and visitors alike the opportunity to witness this awe-inspiring phenomenon.
The duration of totality for the eclipse varied depending on one’s location along the path. In some areas, totality may have lasted for several minutes, while in others, it was shorter. Regardless of duration, the experience of witnessing the sun’s corona emerge from behind the moon was sure to leave a lasting impression on all who beheld it. The timing of the eclipse also varied, with some regions experiencing totality in the morning hours and others in the afternoon or early evening.
As with any solar eclipse, it’s essential to observe safety precautions to protect your eyes from potential damage. Staring directly at the sun, even during totality, can cause permanent eye injury or blindness. Therefore, it was crucial that people used certified solar viewing glasses or other approved solar filters to safely observe the eclipse. Indirect viewing methods, such as pinhole projectors or solar telescopes, were also safe alternatives used for experiencing the eclipse without risking harm to one’s eyes.
This April 8 total solar eclipse presented a golden opportunity for
scientists and researchers to study various phenomena associated with the sun and moon. From observing the sun’s corona to studying changes in Earth’s atmosphere and wildlife behavior, researchers were hard at work gathering data and conducting experiments during the eclipse. Citizen science initiatives also played a vital role, engaging amateur astronomers and enthusiasts in data collection efforts that contribute to our understanding of the universe.
Hope College student, Isaac Sandoval (’25), expressed, “It was also a time for scientists to study these ecological responses to better understand the interconnectedness of earth’s ecosystems and celestial events. I, for one, made sure to have done a consultation of eclipse maps and schedules which aided me in determining the best vantage points and times for viewing.” Students eagerly await these types of events, especially upcoming scientists or astronomers— they took this eclipse as an opportunity to conduct experiments, gather data and share their passion for astronomy with the public.
“It was also a time for scientists to study these ecological responses to better understand the interconnectedness of earth’s ecosystems and celestial events.”
Sandoval also stated concerns for wildlife and schools, “I worry for the animals, wild or domestic, and whether there is more that can be done. There was certainly a few hundred at least that got eye damage from this eclipse. Also I heard my local high school was canceled for the day, in fear of the children getting permanent damage to their retina.” There were certainly environmental effects of the eclipse that caused disruption too—sudden darkness can have surprising effects on the environment—a temperature drop and animals may exhibit unusual behaviors and birds may return to their roosts as if it is nightfall. There is also a cultural significance to total eclipses—ancient mythologies to modern superstitions. These celestial events have inspired awe, fear and reverence —many cultures have developed elaborate rituals and stories surrounding solar eclipses, viewing them as omens of change. As the solar eclipse has drawn to a close, excitement continues to mount among enthusiasts worldwide. Whether viewed as a scientific phenomenon, a cultural spectacle or a moment of cosmic wonder, this solar eclipse captivated the human imagination like few other natural events. As we witnessed the moon’s dance with the sun, let us appreciate and marvel at the beauty and grandeur of our universe and perhaps gain a deeper appreciation for the mysteries that lie beyond our world.
The exhibition titled “Deep Roots, New Shoots” will be featured at Hope College’s Kruizenga Art Museum (KAM) from Jan. 12 to May 18. This exhibit displays modern art across the African continent. It was curated by Charles Mason, the Director and Curator of the Kruizenga Art Museum with help from student intern Liliana Fraser-Shade (’24), the Pan-African Student Association (PASA) and the contribution of donors. This exhibition, while unable to capture the entirety of what modern African art has to offer, gives us a glimpse into the creativity and innovation coming out of the continent in recent decades.
Upon entering the KAM and turning right, the spectators’ eyes are met with a conflicting decision: where to look first. Explosions of color, dynamic sculptures and textured canvases fill the space, immersing your senses at every turn.
The Anchor talked to Mason about his experience putting together this arrangement of stunning artwork. He has had a hand in directing the KAM throughout its inception and opening in September of 2015. He previously
specialized in Asian artwork, but at the KAM he is a generalist and works on collecting art from all pockets of the world. Mason explained that he originally planned to show a selection of pieces gifted from donors for this exhibit, both traditional and modern, but his final choice was made after hearing from PASA saying, “We’re really responding more to the modern and contemporary stuff.” By listening to the voices of this student organization, he was able to dive deeper into his already-established interest of bringing modern African art to the KAM. That decision proved to be fruitful, as this exhibition sends a direct message about the creativity coming out of all regions of Africa.
Seeing these pieces, it is obvious that the phrase “African art” contains multitudes. With acrylic paintings from Zimbabwe and Senegal, etchings from South Africa and oils from Ghana, these artists are showing us the excellence that encapsulates the term. The variety of these pieces exist not in an effort to represent the continent at large but rather their unique points of view based on their individual culture, experience and identity.
When reflecting on his cu-
rated pieces, Mason says that his favorite is “Cookoil pa Speed” by Zimbabwen artist Sky Salanje. He commented on this piece, saying, “I respond especially to works that kind of give me like a gut feeling […] I have a physical reaction to it as well as an intellectual reaction.” This painting depicts the textures, sounds and smells of a Zimbabwaen vendor selling bottles of cooking oil. The acrylic combined with collage works to portray the vibrancy of life in this mundane scene. Many of the pieces in this gallery have this element of physical reaction to them. Some pieces that especially evoke reaction are “The Face I Can’t Forget” by Theophilus Tetteh, “Marie Arame” by Awa Ndiaye and “Virtuous Women” by Ebenezer Akinola.
Here in Holland, MI, we are surrounded by eurocentric influences and primarily Dutch symbols that can present the feeling that what surrounds us could be the right thing or only thing. One of the missions of the KAM is to give all people, students, faculty and community members alike exposure to world cultures that differ from the bubble that forms around this area of West Michigan.
Dick Kruizenger, the founder of the museum, stated to Mason, that
“What I want is a museum that can bring world cultures to Hope College.” Through exhibitions such as “Deep Roots, New Shoots”, KAM is doing exactly that.
Many of the museums around the world display modern art in the European and North American context and only feature traditional Asian and African art, according to Mason. This creates “[...] the implicit message that […] modernity is a function of Western culture and that maybe other cultures aren’t participating in the modern.” An important element of this exhibit is to prove that this notion is not factual. New ideas, unconventional materials and innovative arrangements are all on display in the “Deep Roots, New Shoots” exhibit, making it an exciting place to challenge the whitewashed, eurocentric narrative and immerse yourself in the beauty and fascinating nature of diverse types of art being made all around the world.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of visiting the exhibit in person, take some time to dive into this exhibit for art that takes any preconceived notions of Africa and reveals that modernity is living, breathing and emerging from this astonishingly diverse continent.
No matter who you talk to, 2020 was a year of difficult surprises. Normal life was put on hold, political and religious divisions were exposed, economies faltered, hundreds of millions around the world lost their jobs and social ties were often strained to breaking point. In America, it seemed like all the supports that were propping up society were knocked out simultaneously, only to reveal that most of the foundation was built on sand in the first place. Even churches, theoretically functioning as havens for many to go for solace in times of deep distress and angst, were shaken to their core. To this day, most congregations could tell several stories about the horror and lasting reverberations from the turmoil that ushered in the new decade.
In the midst of all the noise, another surprise came in the form of an album by musician Jon Guerra called “Keeper of Days”. It may have come with little fanfare, but “Keeper of Days” met a lot of people at the perfect time. For many, the superficial happy noises being peddled on the airwaves rang hollow in the midst of such religious fractiousness, and Guerra rose to the occasion. Over the course of 14 tracks, he embodies the spirit of the Psalms he immersed himself in, offering up heavy doses of praise, prayer, petition and lament, all the while sounding like a combination of Rich Mullins and Sigur Ros. Many of these songs have all of these qualities in equal measure, such as the moving opener, “Kingdom of God”, where he pairs the core message of the Beatitudes with the first few verses of Psalm 23. Or, take this verse from his song “Citizens” as an example
of why this album can hit like a truckload of bricks:
Is there a way to love always? Living in enemy hallways
Don’t know my friends from my family and Don’t know my friends anymore
Power has several prizes Handcuffs can come in all sizes Love has a million disguises But winning is simply not one. (Guerra, 2020)
The Psalms also loom large in his follow-up album, “Ordinary Ways”, released in 2023. Choosing to take a more bare-bones approach to most of the production, he lets his listeners ruminate in his words and take in the profound biblical truths and attitudes placed front and center. Many songs have extended refrains of one statement that grow more powerful and meaningful the longer they are repeated, such as the transcendent “One Thing I Have Asked” or the soothing “Blueprint”. Elsewhere, he offers up prayers of hope and praise, with “The Lord Will Provide’’ being a wonderful meditation on the goodness and mysteriousness of God, declaring that, “In some way or another, the Lord will provide/ It may not be my way/ It may not be your way, but He will.”
There is also the breathtaking lead single, “Let a Little Light In”, a song that he wrote as a musical representation of light being shone upon him in the midst of severe, literal and metaphorical darkness. The verses and chorus see Guerra lamenting the gloom and despair he sees in the world and himself, almost screaming, “Let a little light in/ My heart is in a panic!” The tension and gloom builds for two and a half minutes
before an orchestra euphorically roars to life amidst the defiantly triumphant declaration “Surely I will dwell/ In the house of the Lord forever/ And the glory of the Lord will find me.” David Zahl of “Mockingbird Magazine” put it best when he wrote in his 2023 year-end review, “If a more transcendent 90 seconds of music was released this year than the second half of ‘Let a Little Light In,’ I haven’t heard it.”
Now, Guerra says he has recently found tremendous musical inspiration that is leading him in a slightly different direction. He had this to say about what is in store with his upcoming work: “I’m writing songs that I could not be more excited about. They are all interacting with the words of Jesus: the words, what’s behind His words and the energy, fire and divinity within them. Jesus said some wild things, and I think just looking at the things he said, rather than dwelling on things about
him or making him a figurehead for something, is what I am aiming for. ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is not a word but a seed.’ ‘I have not come to bring peace but a sword.’ ‘If the eye is full of light, the whole body will be healthy.’ So many of these things are so simple but so rich, so luminous. Trying to bring that into song is really exciting!”
This truly is exciting news. If his last two albums are anything to go by, the next album that Guerra releases is going to be beautiful, challenging and full of the kind of wisdom that only comes with countless hours spent in meditation on The Word. Keep an eye out, and give him a listen if you haven’t already. Will you find a lot of songs to add to various worship playlists? Perhaps. Will you come away from his music quietly dwelling on the glory and mystery of God amidst the heartache and ugliness of life? Absolutely.
Birkenstocks, Uggs, hoodies and sweatpants have all but taken over student attire by this time of year. However, not everyone has succumbed to the comfy clothes epidemic. Standing proud is a polished, suit-wearing anomaly. Meet Sam Byrne, a first-year who treats every day like a presentation day when it comes to dress.
“There’s research that shows that on a test day, you score higher if you’re dressed better.”
The Michigan native out of Bloomfield Township has come to Hope College seeking a degree in secondary education with a focus in social studies and minor in political science. Though his studies have an emphasis on the political sector, the inspiration behind Byrne’s choice of attire comes from before his major was decided. When asked how this everyday sophisticated style came about, Byrne cites a fateful day in the spring of his seventh-grade year that changed it all. “Our school was set to have a pajama day,” he said. “I just didn’t feel like wearing PJs to school that day. So I decided you know what? Let’s be different. I’ll wear a suit, why not? And then it just kind of stuck since then.”
But it is not just the random inclination to dress differently that has impacted Byrne’s style choice. He also believes there is a connection between a person’s attire and their performance in educational settings. “There’s research that shows that on a test day, you score higher if you’re dressed better,” said Byrne. But what constitutes “better?” Byrne believes that dressing well looks different for everyone: “Wear what you’re comfortable with,” he said. Though sweats may be more physically comfortable for him, the suits provide a sense of mental comfort as he takes on his political science and education courses.
Many times, comfort level or
Byrne (’27)
dress expectations can be linked to how someone was raised. The way a person’s parents dressed or the norms they taught to their children continue to affect them as they grow up. Byrne, however, does not “think that [he] was raised in a way that necessarily led to going professional every day, it was more of a personal choice that became a habit.” He plans to continue dressing this way when he teaches high school history.
Another factor that has played into Byrne’s respect for professional dress is the impact he has seen it have on people’s perception of him. “I definitely would say that wearing a suit has had a positive impact on opportunities. I think that people take me more seriously.” Because professional wear on a day-to-day basis is abnormal for most undergraduate students, his choice of attire is able to strengthen Byrne’s personal brand, making him more memorable and respected by peers and authorities. Bryne also noted the impact his style has had on his personal confidence. Whether a person chooses to wear Uggs, painted overalls, suits
or some combination of the three (which would make for a very interesting outfit!), everyone should strive to dress in a way that expresses who they are and allows for a greater sense of confidence. “That really for me is the biggest thing,” Byrne stressed. “[My clothes] make me feel comfortable day to day and I think [are] a good way to express my personality.”
“Life is too short to not wear your personality on your sleeve.”
Byrne’s story serves as a testament of someone who branched out and tried something new, and gained confidence in doing so. Life is too short to not wear your personality on your sleeve.
is offering your order with your I.D.
Only at 361 E 8th Street, diagonal from the soccer stadium
Oftentimes, the conversations that are the most needed are also the most difficult to have. While discourse involving the stories of survivors of sexual and domestic violence may feel uncomfortable to talk about, conversation is paramount to raising awareness, creating community and validating survivors’ stories. On April 5, Hope College’s Students Teaching and Empowering Peers (STEP) hosted a reception at the Kruizenga Art Museum (KAM) that featured their annual “What Was I Wearing” exhibit, which displayed the clothes worn by survivors of sexual and/or domestic violence. The goal of the exhibit is to dismantle the notion that provocative clothing is the cause of sexual assault and that sexual assault can be prevented by the survivor alone. Survivors who chose to have their outfits presented at this exhibit also wrote their stories, which were displayed alongside their clothing. Anonymity of the survivors was maintained, yet their stories fostered immense emotional connection from viewers.
STEP’s program advisor, Cassidy Bernhardt, who is also Hope’s Victim Advocate and Prevention Educator, elaborated on how the exhibit works. “Truely, just when you read the stories of the survivors, there becomes no question in your mind that anything that they wore, anything that they did, caused them to deserve it,” she said. Bernhardt referenced one of the displays at the exhibit– a child’s nightgown. “When you read that story, it affirms what we have been telling folks all along–that there’s no way that this is that person’s fault.” In addition to the nightgown, other displays featured pajamas, sweatshirts and jeans. At the reception, there was an opportunity to decorate a denim square with messages to survivors to show their support. The idea behind this activity stretches beyond Hope’s campus. April 24 is National Denim Day, which asks people to wear jeans as a sign of support for survivors of sexual violence. This day remembers the experience of an Italian woman who was denied justice because of her
jeans. “The Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans, she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, implying consent (‘DOI Denim Day Campaign’),” Bernhardt explained. Following this decision, members of the Italian parliament attended work wearing jeans, showing their support for the survivor. Bernhardt mentioned that on Denim Day, the denim squares from the reception will be made into a quilt to exemplify the ongoing support for survivors of sexual assault on Hope’s campus.
“So many times in violence, choice is taken away, so having the choice to tell their story is such a powerful and healing thing.”
The stories presented at the exhibit conveyed vulnerability and strength, even with the authors being anonymous. Bernhardt commented on how important it is for survivors to share their stories. “I work with survivors everyday through my role as a victim advocate, and one common theme in different theories of healing is storytelling,” she said. “Oftentimes, we see that when an individual has the time and space and capacity to narrate their story, it becomes less of a physical and emotional burden on them. It allows them to feel a little freer [. . .] So many times in violence, choice is taken away, so having the
choice to tell their story is such a powerful and healing thing.”
Walking through the exhibit, viewers may have noticed an empty hanger among the featured outfits. Next to the hanger, there was a post that read, “This empty hanger represents all of the survivors’ untold stories.” Ashley Trainor (’24), a member of STEP and a committee leader for the exhibit, expanded on how these stories can create hope for survivors who have not spoken about their experience. “[The exhibit] might inspire other survivors to come forward and tell somebody. Sharing their story might lift that burden off of them.” Trainor also provided a student perspective on how the student body can be more accepting of survivors and their stories. “I think being open to listening to those stories is largely important [. . .] Learning and receiving education, and also taking the issue seriously is really important,” she said.
“Raising awareness is simply leaning into that intentionality into not making these conversations taboo.”
Bernhardt expanded on this by explaining what spreading awareness looks like. “I think we overcomplicate raising awareness. Raising awareness is simply leaning into that intentionality into not making these conversations taboo,” she said. “I want to normalize that it’s okay to talk about hard things [. . .] If we could do that on our own, that would be amazing.”
This explanation from Bernhardt outlines the impact of simply having conversations, and emphasizes why events like the “What Was I Wearing” exhibit are vital in fostering this conversation and eliminating the taboo nature of the topic. Finally, Bernhardt commented on how this event is creating community: “By having this event, we’re allowing folks to take back some autonomy. I think people should come to this event because I think that hearing someone and listening to them is one of the most profound acts of compassion that we can do between humans [. . .] At Hope, we strive to create this intentional community. To have almost one hundred people hear your story and take time out of their day to honor and listen to you, that’s community to me.” Trainor shared her thoughts as well: “There’s comfort in knowing you’re not alone, and people believe you, see you, and hear you.” This is a unique connection: Even with the barrier of anonymity, connection is developed and an inclusive community is brought to fruition.
Idon’t know if you’ve noticed, but the world is pretty broken right now. And it probably won’t surprise you to hear that I think the world needs more...HOPE! That’s what Hope College is all about. We exist to bring hope to the world. We do it by preparing YOU, our students, to go out into the world and be hope-bringers.
“That’s what Hope College is all about. We exist to bring hope to the world.”
As we prepare for Hope’s 159th commencement, when the class of 2024 will be launched into the world, it is worth reminding ourselves what hope-bringers believe. Hope-bringers are people who believe three profound things:
1) Questions Have Answers
Hope leads to the pursuit of knowledge because it believes that truth is knowable. In fact, we believe that truth is a person, and HE is knowable. We serve a God who personifies truth [Jesus says “I am the truth” (John 14:6)] and therefore, when we pursue answers to our questions, we are in fact pursuing God himself. This is as true for theology as it is for chemistry and English and art history. Learning is not merely an intellectual exercise but an act of reverence and worship.
“In fact we believe that truth is a person, and HE is knowable.”
2) Problems are Solvable
Hope leads to action because it believes that problems have solutions. In fact, challenges are opportunities to collaborate with God to bring his kingdom to earth as it is in heaven. God wants to partner with us on his agenda of justice, reconciliation,
compassion, righteousness and peace, and therefore we can run towards, not away from, seemingly insurmountable problems.
“Hope empowers us to proactively seek the welfare of those around us because we can face obstacles with confidence.”
Hope empowers us to proactively seek the welfare of those around us because we can face obstacles with confidence.
3) Anything is Possible
Hope doesn’t give up. Instead, it believes that nothing is impossible. God says, “with me all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). We are limited, but God is limitless, and with him, we can embrace a mindset of possibility rather than restriction. We are free to actually pursue transformative change, because hope in God is rooted in the conviction that even the most entrenched problems can be overcome. These three core beliefs of hope-bringers work together, and all three are necessary for one to thwart despair and walk confidently in this problemriddled world. If you don’t think truth is knowable, then why seek answers to your questions? If you
don’t believe that problems are solvable, you may not dare to face the daunting challenge, even if you know the right answer. And if you don’t think anything is possible, you may give up on your work before you achieve the goal.
Take, for example, my favorite topic: the tuition crisis in higher education. Prices—and student debt—have skyrocketed, and nobody seems to know what to do about it. The solutions on the table, at best, are just trying to redistribute the cost of tuition across more people, perhaps making the problem worse.
My take is that people aren’t taking serious steps to solve the problem. Some believe the problem is too complicated and that there isn’t a real solution (questions aren’t answerable). Others believe that anything that might bring costs down is
unactionable (problems aren’t solvable). Or, they believe that any proposed solution simply isn’t achievable (it’s impossible). They despair.
But we have HOPE. We believe that there are solutions to the tuition crisis and skyrocketing debt—tuition-free college. We believe that we can do something about it here at Hope—funding tuition through generosity. And even when the work is hard and the road seems long, we don’t lose hope that our goal— Hope Forward for every student at Hope—is truly achievable.
“I believe that when you see despair, you will face it with confidence knowing that answers can be found, problems can be solved.”
We are modeling this for you, students of Hope, because I believe YOU will be bringers of hope in this dark world. I believe that when you see despair, you will face it with confidence knowing that answers can be found, problems can be solved.
You will do what others say is impossible. You will carry the light of hope into the darkest corners of systemic injustice, entrenched corruption, broken relationships, health crises and whatever else you may face. I can’t wait to see how the world will change.
In case you hadn’t noticed, another presidential campaign is upon us. Despite the basement-level approval ratings of candidates Biden and Trump and the fact that large swathes of Americans harbor little enthusiasm for either, rarely has a general election contest felt more inevitable. But notwithstanding the drear and despair that many feel about the looming campaign, an array of contingencies make it a fascinating one to watch. Here are five questions to consider as this historical cycle unfolds.
1) Will the major party nominees make it to election day?
By Nov. 5, Joe Biden (81) and Donald Trump (78) will be the two oldest general election candidates in history, by a wide margin. The sitting president’s cognitive and physical decline is evident to anyone honest enough to believe their own eyes. The former president is saddled with four criminal cases against him totaling 91 federal charges. The odds of (1) a debilitating health crisis for one or both, (2) the metastasizing of the legal risks for Trump or (3) a decision by one or the other to step down of their own accord would make for a fun office/dorm betting pool— not that I’m encouraging that.
2) Does third party candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. deliver the Presidency to Trump?
The scion of the most famous political dynasty in American history is well situated to play the role of spoiler, much to the chagrin of the Biden campaign.
Remember that Trump’s 2016 win rested on his margin of victory of 77,000 votes in four swing states. In 2020, Biden turned the tables, winning the 37 electoral college votes of Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin by 44,000 far less than the 151,000 votes garnered in those three states by Libertarian Jo Jorgensen. If Kennedy can access the ballot in those swing states and attract anything close to his current double-digit polling, Biden may well be toast.
3) Will the class realignment continue?
We are in the midst of a fundamental remaking of the parties around class and education. The Democrats, once the party of unions and the working class, are increasingly home to the better educated and well-to-do, including affluent suburbanites who historically tended to vote Republican. Meanwhile,
“We are in the midst of a fundamental remaking of the parties around class and education.”
the Republican coalition is increasingly populist and working class; those in blue-collar jobs or lacking a college degree are much
more likely to vote Republican. Moreover, that coalition is multiracial, with Trump making serious inroads with Hispanics and Black men. Turnout among those demographic groups will go far in determining who gets sworn in come next January.
4) Who wins the issue debate?
Will the abortion question that has been a millstone for Republicans since the overturning of Roe v. Wade outweigh the hash the Biden administration has made of immigration and border policy? Will Biden get credit for an improving economy or continue to suffer from the nagging inflation consumers feel every time they buy a dozen eggs, pay their home heating bill or consider purchasing a new car? Can Republicans saddle Democrats with responsibility for the spike in urban crime, or will
they be blamed for the easy access to the guns used in those crimes? Will foreign affairs and the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East work their way into the voters’ consciousness, and which way will they cut? Might an “October surprise” roil the electoral landscape before votes are cast?
5) Will AI-aided misinformation destroy election integrity?
Finally, the wild card this election cycle is the advent of AI since 2020. We can count on innumerable bad actors domestic and foreign working all sorts of mischief to
“Finally, the wild card this election cycle is the advent of AI since 2020.”
confuse and mislead a generally inattentive public. Given the widespread mistrust many already harbor for our election machinery, post-election controversy leading to a refusal to accept the results seems almost assured, especially if the election is close.
Given my “pox on both your houses” partisan mindset, I will likely be casting my vote for American Solidarity Party candidate Peter Sonski (check them out). But the political scientist in me will be on the edge of my seat to see how the above threads unfurl.