The Anchor, Volume 132.17: February 20, 2019

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VOL. 132 NO. 17 F E B R U A R Y 20, 2019 ♦ SINCE 1887



The power of w o m e n celebrated on stage M a k a y l a Muilenburg

G uest W riter

In 1994 playwright and female activist Eve Ensler released her play “The Vagina Monologues" and took the world by storm. Ensler based the play off of dozens of interviews that she conducted with women of all ages and backgrounds, asking them a variety of questions about theirvaginas. The mission was to addresswomen’ssexuality and to attempt to shatter the taboo that surrounds the vagina. The success of the show inspired her to establish V-Day on Valentines Day of 1998 with the goal of ending all violence against women and girls. Every February Ensler allows groups around the world, like Hope College, to do the show rights-free and to donate the proceeds to programs that work to support women. Hope’s production of the show took place Feb. 14-16 with 90% of the proceeds earned from ticket sales going to The Center for W o m e n in Transition of Holland. The remaining 10% went directly to the V-Day movement. W h e n performer Mackenzie Hester (’20) from





DISCUSSING “D O W N T H E R E ” — After the conclusion of the monologues, a talk back opened the floor for discussion of Important topics touched on In the performance such as sexual assault, female pleasure and gender transition. Hope’s production was asked why she decided to be a part of the show, she responded, “I joined ‘The Vagina Monologues' because I have never had a good community of girls in my life or a safe space where I could talk about all these issues that I feel are important.” She is not

alone. Many women do not feel comfortable talking about their vagina or issues that pertain to it, including the women that Ensler interviewed over 20 years ago. Today in our society it is often still taboo for women to talk about their vaginas, birth

control, sexual assault, feminine products or anything else that goes on “down there.” One of the monologues was very powerful in particular to Hester: “I really like ‘M y Angry Vagina’because it talks a lot about regular struggles that many women can relate to. Just simple but

important problems such as feminine products. The lady in this monologue just wants to be heard. W h y can’t we talk about vaginas without it being weird? They're a part of our bodies and they are always with us.” The Hope production of the show consisted of female Hope students of different ages, races and sexual orientations. They each recited the monologues that Ensler created through her interviews. These monologues covered a variety of topics including rape, childbirth, genital mutilation, pleasure, transformations, pride and love. This collection of voices provided the audience with so many powerful messages that can transform the way women feel about theirvaginas. Wh e n women involved with the show were asked to describe their experience in one word, they responded with “empowering,” “freeing,” “eye­ opening” and “moving.” After this show, I and many others in the audience truly understood the phrase “vaginal wonder.” Audience members sitting in the Fried Hemenway Auditorium can now better appreciate the beauty and power of the vagina.

9 0 days of discipline to discover peace Kalley S a v o n a

Campus Co-Editor

Juice cleanses and crazy food diets seem to be recently popular crazes in our society. Less attention has been placed on spiritual experiences of focus and lifestylechange. Exodus 90 is an example of radically altering habits and daily practices in order to benefit the self long­ term. The program, currently running on campus from Feb. 15 to May 25, is co-sponsored by Campus Ministries and the Saint Benedict Institute. The goal of the program is to have people participate in a 90-day challenge of discipline to essentially discover a higher sense of freedom. Without the purification freedom we become unable to correctly, fully and selflesslylove God as well as our neighbors. The spiritual experience is geared toward men and women seeking to discover a vocation,

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days of

sacrifices correspond with 9 0 verses of Scripture In Exodus. Participants say g o o d b y e to alcohol, sweets a n d hot showers.

struggling to overcome an addiction, or simply striving to create or further build a relationship with God. In chapel a few weeks ago, Kelly Peregrine (’20) shared some of her reasons for joining: “I was in a time in m y life that I needed revival with m y Heavenly Father.

I had lost my dad to cancer just before coming to college. That left a huge void in my life and it totally turned my life upside down. Ineeded to depend on my Heavenly Father.” The number 90 is not an arbitrary one chosen for the program. Many rehabilitation



\ Being bl-racial

'Cry It Out’production

Dew Crew inspires energy

) Hear a personal story from a / member of our staff.

A performance about the struggles of new mothers. Check itout!

The women’s varsity basketball team defeats Calvin after a close game.


! \



models, including Alcoholics the others involved, as a brother Anonymous, are centered or sister. W h e n the sacrifices around this large chunk of days become difficult, the brothers or because itis seen as the amount sisters help pick each other up of time necessary for the brain and encourage steadfastness. Participants are expected to reset itself. After 90 days of consciously practicing a specific to give up a copious amount habit, it becomes more natural of habits and practices. The generally entails and easier to incorporate into program refraining from the consumption daily life. Prayer is a crucial piece of alcohol and sweets, obtaining for growth when involved in seven hours of sleep each Exodus 90. A minimum of 20 night and taking short, cold or minutes each day is a typical lukewarm showers. During an uncomfortably guideline, and a full holy hour per day is preferred. The title cold shower after a chilly track Exodus 90 originated due to practice, Peregrine realized the the 90 verses of scripture found Holy Spirit was communicating in the book of Exodus. There to her that “you don’t have to be are corresponding meditations physically okay to be okay." She available for each of the verses discovered that her source of comfort and peace in her heart to guide prayer. Fellowship with the other depended on her circumstances. people participating in the A chaotic life equated to a program is another essential chaotic heart. “Exodus 90 and aspect. Each student is assigned those disciplines taught me to a prayer partner and comes to put my source of comfort in the view this individual, along with Prince of Peace,” said Peregrine.

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h a t ’s

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Page 4 In s i d e






V oices 4


F eatures 5

G ot a story idea? Let us k n o w at a n c h o r @ h o p e . e d u .

A rts 6

Sports 8

Pursing global economic prosperity

T his W e e k a t H o p e Today All graduating seniors, this is the day to pick up c aps a n d g o w n s in preparation for the 2 0 1 9 Graduation C e r e m o n y o n M a y 5. Y o u can pick up your caps a n d g o w n s in the B ul tm an Student Center.

Thursday BLACK THEOLOGY & BLACK POWER: A B O O K STUDY In honor of Black History M o n t h a n d the 50t h anniversary of the late Dr. J a m e s H. C o n e ’s “Black Theology a n d Black Power,” the E m m a u s Scholars P r o g r a m a n d M a p l e A v e n u e Ministries will be sponsoring a c om mu ni ty -w id e b o o k study on this groundbreaking w o r k in Christian theology. This will take place in Lubbers 2 2 2 every Thursday f rom Feb. 1 4 to M a r c h 14, a n d it is o p e n to H o p e students, staff a n d faculty, as well as c o m m u n i t y members.

Friday F L A S H B A C K FRIDAY T h e Black Student Union (BSU) will be hosting its annual Flashback Friday in the Old Kletz f rom 7:00 p.m. to midnight. T h e event will feature classic m u s i c fro m the 1990s, so bring your friends a n d b e ready to get d ow n!

In B rief



T h e annual International F ood Fair at H o p e College will be held this Saturday f r o m 6-8 p.m. in the M a a s Center Auditorium.

a whole has been working very hard to bring light to the issues of poverty around the world and A new pollofregisteredvoters how we as a societycan effectively conducted by F O X suggests bring relief...[the film] highlights that capitalism has become this same goal and intention more favorable in the eyes of for the majority of poverty the public than it was last year, alleviation efforts and challenges and that citizens are less likely his (Brooks’)viewers and himself than before to want a helping to find what actually works. He hand from the government. identifies poverty as more than a This recent development lack of material possessions, but highlights the conflict at the the lack of opportunity to have center of the John Papola film and pursue dreams.” The crowd, largely composed “The Pursuit,” which was shown to an audience of over 300 on of community members and February 4. The screening in the students, responded to the Knickerbocker was hosted by film with praise. Surprisingly Markets and Morality, with an emotional, the film seemed to introduction to the film given leave audience members proud, by Hope College economics with some select few wiping professor Dr. Stephen Smith, tears from their eyes. While and a reflection at the end by every viewer seemed to have Hope Chaplain of Discipleship a slightly different take on the movie, the reception was largely Rev. Jennifer Ryden. “The Pursuit” follows positive. M & M member Anna American Enterprise Institute Kate Peterson (‘21) provided the president Arthur Brooks as he Anchor with some ofher thoughts travels the world, looking to about the showing, taken examine and demonstrate how from a class-related reflection those most in need of economic assignment: “Brooks says that we assistance can be helped. This are in fact our brothers keeper, takes him from Mumbai to that we need to push opportunity Kentucky, from Barcelona to those who have less of it... to N e w York City, and even This movie is a great synthesis to a Himalayan Buddhist of many different ideas about monastery. A M & M member, poverty alleviation and addresses misconceptions about Camryn Zeller (‘21) had this to the say prior to the showing of the capitalism as not greed-ridden, film: “Markets & Morality as but opportunity-ridden.” Cameron Geddes






Staff W riter



A better w o r l d for all, starting at the m a r g i n s


SPRING 2»>l»

■v;, .liftK H o p e C ollege

THE PURSUIT — The film portrayed the role of economic assistance around the world. There are many countries that need economic resources, and there Is a lack of drive and desire to help these countries. Students were advised at the end of the showing to sign up, if interested, for the “Freedom for Virtue” student conference, which will take place on March

2 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Interested parties are invited to check out the Markets and Morality Facebook page for info. Tune in for more events.

a n d the public are invited. T h e food will be available in e x c h a n g e for tickets that will be sold at the door. This fair celebrates the college’s international

Find your calling, find your career

students a n d their various cuisines a n d cultures. T h e event h as b e e n celebrated

Cameron Geddes

for m o r e than 3 0 years. Admission is $ 5

Staff W riter

for a n initial packet of five tickets, with additional tickets costing $ 0 . 5 0 each. M o s t dishes cost o n e or two tickets. Only cash is accepted.

THEGOSPELFEST Multiple regional choirs including the H o p e College C o m m u n i t y Gospel Choir will perform during a Gospel Fest concert this Saturday f r o m 1-3 p.m. in D i m n e n t M e m or ia l Chapel. T h e public Is invited. T h e H o p e College C o m m u n i t y Gospel Choir includes H o p e students, alumni a n d c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s . It is directed by CJ Kingdom-Grier, w h o also held the position f r o m 2 0 0 0 to 2 00 5. This is a great opportunity for the public to c o m e out a n d s ee H o p e ’s talent. Gospel





conjunction with Black History Month, which runs f rom Feb. 1-28. Later In the mon th , o n W e d n e s d a y , Feb. 27, author Austin C h a n n i n g B r o w n will present the address “S p e a k i n g Truth to Power" at 7 p.m. in the Concert Hall of the Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts as the college's 2 0 1 9

Black History M o n t h

keynote lecture. T h e public is invited to that lecture a n d admission is free. For the festival, admission

is free, a n d



offering will be taken. This is all part of an event-packed w e e k e n d , so if you have time, c o m e out a n d support the Gospel Choir's performance, which Is b o u n d to b e great. T h e y h ave w o r k e d hard to put this p er fo rm an ce together.

It’s not surprising that at a Christian-based liberal arts college in the cozy town of Holland, modesty and humility often get in the way of students really selling themselves to potential employers. However the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career is making efforts to help students be confident in the face of one of adulting’s most nerve-wracking feats: The Elevator Pitch. O n February 5, students were invited to a free hourlong workshop where students could target their most valuable career assets and put together a 30-second speech designed to show them off. Kelly Arnold (‘20) and Noah deVelder (‘20) presented some of their own speeches and invited students to list their own traits and interests. After breaking down what makes for a great pitch (aspirations and questions!) they passed out notecards for students to practice with. The scratching of pencils and the murmur of brainstorming was palpable as hobbies were turned into selling points. While perhaps uncomfortable for some at first, by the end there seemed a unanimous increase in the professionalism and consistency of speeches. The discussions





A GREAT TOOL — The new center Is a great resource for students looking for Internships, jobs, resume help, cover letters or advice on future career opportunities. It Is there for students to take advantage of, so use Itl also allowed for an unplanned but equally essential aspect of professionalism: making intentional conversation about small talk, career choices and varying personal interests. Although somewhat easy in concept (30 seconds goes by much faster than you think), most people tend to look for tips to perfect their mini-speeches. Arnold had this to say, when asked to share the most important takeaways from the

workshop: “Think about the most important things you'd want a potential employer to know about you. Make it 30 seconds or less. Practice, practice, practice, and exit with grace!” DeVelder also provided his most important suggestion, which would be “...having something prepared and not trying to wing it. Speaking with confidence is also important so you can show them what you know.”

While their expertise was greatly appreciated, they went a step further and recommended some YouTube videos that are especially helpful, reinforcing that more examples is always preferable to fewer. It is also true that while many variations may provide for a good swath of potential pitches, it only takes one or two to really attract professionals. Students are free to use these pitches to their advantage at the rescheduled Internship Fair, which will be hosted in BSC from 3-5 p.m. on the 27. Participants are urged to bring multiple copies of their resume (which can be examined by the B C C C at your convenience) as well as an introduction. Students are expected to dress professionally and sign up through Handshake if possible. Stop into the B C C C to get your resume looked over, your cover letters and even get contacts for jobs in your respective fields. You can also stop into setup a mock interview, where you will experience an interview environment. This will allow you to be better prepared for future interviews. The B C C C is a resource that is always available for students to take advantage of. Look out for future B C C C correspondence in your emails for more opportunities. The B C C C is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Local a n d global environmental activists d e m a n d cha n ge Clairo B u c k

N ation/world Editor

Last Friday students from across Europe skipped class to demand that their politicians take action to stop climate change. The movement originated in Sweden, where young activist Greta Thunberg began leaving school once a week for sit-ins at the Swedish Parliament to demand that the government address environmental issues. Inspired by her protests, young people in Britain founded what has now become a global movement known as Youth Strike4 Climate. The U N ’s alarming October climate change report— which anticipated consequences as early as 2040 ifcarbon continues to be emitted at the same rate— brought new urgency to the movement. Despite pushback from some politicians, including Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May, thousands of European students engaged in Fridays demonstrations. “British P M says that the children on school strike are ‘wasting lesson time,”’ Thunberg tweeted Friday morning. “But then again, pohtical leaders have wasted 30 yrs of inaction. And that is slightly worse.” Progressive Democrats in the United States Congress are also calling for dramatic change in the government’s approach to climate policy

focused on clean water, climate change and environmental justice. It also would have eliminated panels responsible for protecting the interests of industries, the main concern for Republicans. Maintaining that these panels are necessary to prevent overreach, Republicans opposed to the measure have expressed willngness to work with Whitmer on reshaping the D E Q if she keeps the oversight mechanisms intact. While politicians and activists debate environmental policy across the country and C H A N G E THE POLITICS, NOT THE CLIMATE - European the world, Hope College has students protesting government inaction is just one of the big made its own efforts to promote sustainability. Director of Hope’s environmental news stories that broke in February. Office of Sustainability, Michelle with a resolution known as move the Green N e w Deal to Gibbs, explained that Hope has the Green N e w Deal drafted the top of their party’s agenda, taken significant steps to reduce by N e w York Representative their plan can’t get anywhere the campus's carbon footprint Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez without the support of the even as the college has grown and Massachusetts Senator Democratic leadership. House and enrolled more students. Edward J. Markey. Among its Speaker Nancy Pelosi has not The Bultman Student Center many environmental, social expressed an intention to bring and the Jack Miller Center and economic goals, the the resolution to the floor for a received Leadership in Energy resolution most notably calls vote. and Environmental Design Michigan Governor Gretchen (LEED) Certification, and Hope for shift to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions over a ten-year Whitmer alsohas environmental is aiming for the new Campus period. The plan is full of highly policy goals, but she too has Ministries Building to achieve ambitious proposals, but critics faced obstacles as she’s tried the same status. “Ithink it’sreally say itsimply isn’ttechnologically to implement her agenda. important for every student feasible. Congressional O n Feb. 14 the Republican- graduating to have a basic supporters of the Green New controlled State Senate voted understanding of sustainability Deal counter that their intention down her overhaul of Michigan's no matter what career path they is not to hammer out logistics Department of Environmental plan on going down,” said Gibbs. but to transform the climate Quality (DEQ). Whitmer's plan “The choices eaczh of us make on change debate. Although liberal would have shifted the agency’s a daily basis can have impacts Democrats are determined to priorities and added new offices long into the future.”

Politics on a mountain: Reflections from Oregon J a m e s Cerone

G uest W riter

It’s often said you need to get above and away from issues to truly understand them. There’s a certain objectivity that comes with distance, a fact noted by a favorite author ofmine, Thomas Merton. Merton was a Trappist monk, cloistered away in the hills of Kentucky during the activism and social change of the 1960s. In an odd way, itwas this isolation from the world that lent Merton such a clear perspective on the political situation of the time (and of our time as well). Merton wrote convincingly of the need for nonviolent solutions to the world's most pressing problems. Far from being just another voice, Merton’s writing had real impact, even given what appeared to be an insurmountable division in the world. He wrote letters to civil rights leaders, helped influence the Church’s position on the issues, and helped begin and develop a real Christian definition of nonviolence. Given Merton’s example, it's less than surprising that up on a mountain in the middle of nowheresville Oregon, I became more politically involved than ever before. As part of the Oregon Extension, a

even with its tiny sample size, was out the wazoo. Through the magic of intentional community, time and great professors, we talked through pressing issues and took decisive action. Wh e n the whole Kavanaugh bonanza was going down, we spent a week discussing what it meant for feminism, how it made the women with us feel and what the political implications of it all were. Later, through a professor’s connection with the Quaker community, we learned O r e g o n E xtension about the danger of a nuclear G O O D CONVERSATIONS — Hope student James Cerone world and wrote letters to our (’20) practiced thoughtful and Intentional political engagement Congressmen expressing our for the first time In the wilderness of Oregon. concern. M y trip helped me realize that ifIcould do political involvement there, I could program dedicated to stepping wrote to Congress and voted certainly do it here at Hope, out of the mainstream, I thoughtfully for the first time. where internet and cell service make things much easier. spent the fall election season I emailed my Congressmen Upon my return, Idon'twant about pressing issues and cloistered in the mountains to be active in a desperate way. without cell service, chopping debated their reasoning. I realized in m y time away that What’s even crazier is that I wood and (unsuccessfully) wasn't alone. Almost all26 of us we do too much in general and milking goats. But, far from the kid who left half his ballot students sent for our absentee too little fully or well. W e don’t have enough dialogue about unfilled during freshman year, ballots and blocked out an hour the deluge of news. W e hear so to sitdown and think about our in those lovely isolated woods many views, but we act on so options. One would think that I became politically conscious few of them. W e see so much of a l l kids our age, we’ d be the and began to take action. wrong, yet we do so little.So I’m least l ikely to vote. W e were Through the encouragement taking a measured approach in disconnected from the world of friends and the many my time back. There’s a truthful conversations we were all in so many ways— we were irony in the words that too almost an hour from the nearest able to have thanks to our slower, simpler lifestyle, I town— and yet our voting rate, much is not enough.

This trial could reshape dozens of Michigan districts

Claire B u c k

Nation/ W orld Editor

W h e n judges a n n o u n c e the o u t c o m e of a gerrymandering trial later this month, their ruling could potentially redraw dozens of legislative and congressional districts across Michigan. S parked by a lawsuit brought by Michigan’s L e a g u e of W o m e n Voters, the trial lasted fro m Feb. 5-7 a n d called on the testimony of both experts claiming that the districts illegally diluted residents’ votes and Republican officials defending their redistricting practices. Plaintiffs in the trial argue that gerrymandering, the practice of redrawing district lines to k e e p a particular party in power, has given Michigan Republicans an unfair advantage since the party m e t in private after the 2 0 1 0 Census. According to the allegations, Republicans held this m eeting to form political m a p s that would maintain their party’s power. Recently uncovered emails from 2 0 1 1 b et we e n various Republicans s e e m to support the claim, with o n e Republican staffer bragging about strategically concentrating “D e m garbage" into four districts in Southeast Michigan. In addition to the email evidence, one expert witness testified that gerrymandering is worse in Michigan than in almost any other state. Republican witnesses p u s h e d b a c k with assertions that l a w m a k e r s w e r e careful to follow legal guidelines b a c k in 2 0 1 1 a n d that private meetings regarding redistricting are not u n c o m m o n for either party. A s the L e a g u e of W o m e n Voters explained during the trial, gerrymandering d a m a g e s democracy. Partisan redistricting manipulates competition in elections to k e e p incumbents in power, even if the popular vote would otherwise drive t h e m out of office. For now, the L e a g u e can only wait to see w hether the panel of judges that presided over the trial will agree with their allegations. A ruling will m o s t likely c o m e after Feb. 22, a n d it m a y bring substantial c h a n g e s that m a n y frustrated voters want.

Choose the box that best represents you S a r ah San d e r s

Voices Editor

M y family is different. When we go toarestaurant, thewaitress always asks us ifwe are paying together - those of us sitting at the table include my dad, who is black, m y mom, who could pass for white, my brother and I who are somewhere in the middle, and across from me is my white, blue-eyed grandmother. So I suppose the puzzled look that our waitress has when bringing out the check makes sense. When I was in elementary school, all of my classmates always asked me, “Are you adopted?” I guess I hadn’t realized that I don’t look like my parents until I was constantly reminded of it. However, as the years have gone by, I have learned to accept and love the diversity within my own household. What Imean by “mixed race” is someone who has a parent or grandparent of a differing racial group. A lot of people claim the label of biracial, and they may have a Native American or White great-great-

great-grandparent; however, because that person is so far removed from an interracial relationship, they will never completely understand what it means to be truly biracial. The tension that is caused within their extended family would not be present, and they would never have to face the fact that they don’t completely fit into one specific “race.” Mixed race individuals often have difficulties with their identity. W e are forced to answer the question of “what are you?” This happens because society has clear-cut boundaries for race when in reality, the boundary is not always clear. Society forces biracial individuals to choose one ethnicity over the other - itfeels like choosing one parent over the other. I see this every time I take a standardized test - I have to ask myself what I’m going to bubble inonce Iget to the section for “race and ethnicity.” Filling in “black” feels like rejecting my mother, while filling in “other”

feels as though I’m confused her control. If m y mother had about my racial identity -1am in been raised to identify with both parents she would have avoided no way confused. I am proud to be biracial. a lot of hurt and uncertainty. M y diverse family has Growing up, my parents made impacted m y worldview and has it a priority to raise me as allowed me to relate to a wide “biracial" rather than “black.” range of people. As annoying Knowing fully of “what I am” as it can be to constantly be has helped me to have a healthy view of my racial identity. asked about m y racial makeup, M y mother's story isdifferent. or the weird looks from people Even though her father was when my family goes out, I black, she was forced to identify would not change any of it. It as white during her childhood. is unfortunate that our society With her darker complexion still does not accept others for who they are but rather focus and thick curly hair, she did not look like the rest of her on the superficial things. M y family, and her differences were background has helped me to constantly made clear to her. not let skin color dictate who Her grandparents wanted her to I choose to identify with. The reject her father and be “white” amount of melanin I have in because thatwas easier forthem. m y genetic makeup - whether Painless for them, but painful “too much” or “too little” - may for her. This was a time when define “what” I am but it does interracial relationships were not define who Iam. not tolerated; her family did not want to deal with the social consequences that went along with my mother’s racial identity. To them it was my mother's fault, even though it was out of


CELEBRATING G R A N D M A ’S BIRTHDAY - Left are Sarah, Shirley Grey and Matthew Sanders.

Sarah S i m m o n s Sophia Vander Kooy A n n a h DufTey Angel Rebollar Taylor D u n n Miles Pruitt

Kailey Savona

C o - E d i t o r -i n - C h i e f C


- E d i t o r -i n -C

Production M B


S ocial M


Ads M





Campus C



Claire B u c k





Alexandra Olson




Sarah Sanders

a n a g e r :- j

Isabella Wilson


C a m p u s C o -Editor

Abigail Bache

Voices E




M a r k Lewison Ruth Holloway M e g a n Grimes


Features E



E ditor

Morgan Brown Caitlyn Fields Carter D a m a s k a

Fa c u l t y A


L ifestyle E d i t o r Sports E




E ditor






Zachary Dankert



C a m e r o n Geddes



Molly D o u m a



Rose Wilcox




20, 2019_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


^ HE ^ N C H O R

T h e w o m e n of T h e Vagina M o n o l o g u e s ’ Molly D o u m a

Staff W riter

Spring 2016 marked the firston-campus performance by Hope women of a collection of monologues by Eve Ensler entitled “The Vagina Monologues." This years collection provides voice to a variety of women’s stories and experiences with their bodies and sexuality. This show has provided a safe place for 24 Hope women to gather together and discuss pressing topics about the position of women in today’s society, as well as their own personal concerns and questions that they taboo in everyday conversation. The women of the fourth annual monologues grew both as individuals and as a group, all having been impacted by their involvement in this show. “Revolutionary,” Megan Clark (T9), cast member, said when asked to describe her experience with the monologues. She was a part of the first group of women allowed M egan C lark to hold the monologues on campus her freshman year, ATTITUDE — The women of “The Vagina Monologues” look at the camera with confidence. For four years the group has been able and she now appreciates the to reach women across Hope’s campus and beyond. simple ability to “have good discussions and hang out that for others as well: “It’s made me proud to be a stand by it.” Dion shared that “it’s been a great honor to with the women.” While these monologues have a controversial past woman, proud to be with an amazing group of women be able to direct [the show] and empower the women on Hope’s campus, Clark addressed that “we need to that want to support each other, and I think we need of Hope College in this way.” Through the process of directing “The Vagina Monologues,” Dion and Kay have conversations about these things— especially in more of that in our world.” provided a space and platform for Hope’s women to feel The two directors of “The Vagina Monologues”— Christian campuses. People are so sheltered and so awkward about their own bodies— they think sex is Rachel Dion (T9) and Nina Kay (T9)— chimed in on justified, strong and valued. wrong, or they think that being a woman is wrong or what the performance has meant to them and the greater feeling proud of your body is wrong, and those are all Holland community. Dion spoke on the controversy often surrounding the things that we need to move forward to eradicate.” “The Vagina Monologues” begin to tear down some monologues, saying “I think even the title of the show can be a little taboo at times, and I think that shows of the negative socializations surrounding femninity— why it’s needed on this campus. There’s something Clark said that“sinceI’ve starteddoing [themonologues], really beautiful about women standing up and owning I’ve become more body positive about physical things that I didn't love a couple of years ago. I still struggle their voices to tell these stories of other women, and I with it sometimes, but having an open dialogue... has think that the whole campus can learn from that.” Dion been good. You realize everyone has these things, and believes that the monologues “give women a space to foster unity and open up to each other.” I'm not gross for being a person.” Kay, a co-director, said, “I learned that there are One thing that Emmie Sandstedt (’20) has discovered through her involvement as a cast member is that “The still aspects of myself that I felt shame about. They Vagina Monologues” are about “becoming comfortable didn’t occur to me until seeing other women talk about with discomfort.” Joining the show as a freshman, itwas their experiences, realizing that, ‘Oh, that’s also my a way for her to connect with women she “really looked experience.’I thought I was much more liberated than up to and respected," and she said that “it’s just been a I was." For Dion, directing the monologues was a way really good community to have open conversations that to expand her experience as a leader: “I have learned that, with an open mind and an open heart, you can Idon’t really get to have in the real world.” W h e n Sandstedt was asked why she thinks that “The learn so much from the people that you are leading. It’s Vagina Monologues” are an important part of Hope’s like a give-and-take, and that’s something that’s really community, she said “we think that talking about our beautiful. It’s been really awesome to learn from these sexuality or parts of our body is not okay, and itshould ladies in so many ways." Shortly before the show’s closing night this past be. Knowledge is power; knowing about our bodies, Saturday, Dion reflected: “[It] is just a really awesome knowing about being empowered... why shouldn’t we thing that we get to bring to this campus. I think it’s still talk about that?” The experience has changed Sandstedt and the way that she thinks about herself, and she wants a necessary piece of work here, and I am really proud to HOPE.EDU

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TheA n c h @ k

47th annual Concerto-Aria concert H o p e Orchestra featured five talented student soloists Z a c h Dankert

Staff W riter

O n Feb. 15, the five students who won the 47th annual Concerto-Aria Competition had a chance to showcase theirtalent and musical prowess while being accompanied by the Hope College Orchestra, directed by Dr. Christopher Fashun. Winners include clarinetist Kailtlyn Rustemeyer, cellist Miquel Fuentes, pianist Deborah Blackmon, and sopranos E m m a Clark and Gabrielle Barber. The group performed in the Concert * I'm® Hall of the Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts. The long journey for several students that culminated in Friday’s Concerto-Aria Concert began this same time last year. The student musicians H o p e C ollege competing have had their FIVE TALENTED ACTS — From left to right: Gabby Barber (’19), Deborah Blackmon (’22), specific concertos picked since E m m a Clark (’22), Miquel Fuentes (’21), Kaitlyn Rustmeyer (’19). the 2018 spring semester and have been practicing ever itself, presenting them with the every student musician present, S. Rachmaninoff. Intermission since. Auditions for the concert challenge of mastering so much to the professors working hard was then followed by the to bring recognition to said uncanny “Concerto for Clarinet” were held last November, music in a few short weeks. The orchestra began the students, and music stewardship by Aaron Copland, performed and the winners were elected by Kaitlyn Rustemeyer. by an outside panel of music concert with their normal in general. The final performance was Miquel Fuentes was first specialists, invited from various melodic flair, a show-worthy colleges and universities in the recital all by themselves. to perform with “Concerto in by Gabrielle Barber, ending Dr. Fashun then gave his A minor, Op. 129: Movement the impressive recital with an surrounding area. These experts take into introduction and explained why 3” by Robert Shumann, an equally impressive rendition of account the program, Hope’s this concert was such a unique intense movement that kept the “La Canzone di Doretta" from repertoire and time allotted experience. The selection of audience at the edge of their “La Rondine" by G. Puccini. to this final concert to decide winners by an outside panel seats. Next was E m m a Clark The orchestra then concluded how many students will be guarantees a diverse group of singing "Deh Vieni, non Tardar” with “Libra Tango” by Astor able to perform and which students presenting a variety of from “Le nozze di Figaro” by Piazzolla. The concert marked the end W.A. Mozart, showing off students are declared winners. musical choices. This concert also allows Clark’s voice as well as her ability of about a year’s worth of hard The competition winners are selected with enough time for professors within the music to capture the complex emotions work for these five outstanding performers. Hope’s student the Hope College Orchestra department to come together of this piece. Next, performing a deeply musicians will hopefully be to begin preparing by the start and interact with each other. of the spring semester. This This kind of collaboration sets moving and intricate number on inspired by this concert to concert not only showcases this music department recital the piano, Deborah Blackmon begin preparation for the 48th the five talented competition apart from others, as it was a played “Concerto No. 2 in C Concerto-Aria Concert that will winners but also the orchestra testament to the hard work of minor, Op. 18: Movement 1” by be held next year.

eA Tf :f i il.


‘Cry It Out! ’ First theatre production of 2 0 1 9 Peter H a y w a r d

Contributing W riter

During the tail-end of a New York winter, few things can bring people together as intensely as coffee. Well, perhaps having a baby. Molly Smith Metzler’s “Cry It Out” brings a lot to the wrought-iron patio tablenew mothers with adjacent backyards bond over the struggles of adjusting to the new social norms of staying at home with an infant, and not having the time or energy to rival the lives of their carefree friends. In suburban Long Island, the city of Port Washington is full of economic diversity: Manorhaven neighborhoood contains duplexes, both new and run-down, nestled under Sands Point’s multi-million-dollar mansions up the hill. Jessie, played by Olivia Joy Lehnertz (’19) issecurely middle-class, but her in-laws have money to spare, which can tax her relationship with her husband. Lina, played by Madison Meeron (’21) is





PRACTICE M A K E S PERFECT — Olivia Lehnertz (’19) and Madison Meeron (’21) rehearse before opening night. tighter on money, and both women have to grapple with the careers they have taken leave from. Class comes further into play as we meet Mitchell, played by Kelsey Davis (’21) and Adrienne played by Piper Arlington (’22), a double-income power couple that reside up the aforementioned bougie hill.

Adrienne’s passion isin her work more than her daughter, and with the means to pay nannies, she is almost immediately back in her studio. Mitchell worries about her disconnect from her child and turns to the neighbors to ask for help. There is, in addition to all of this, the issue of familial roles, As Mitchell and Adrienne

struggle with stepping away from work for their child, the others face the opposite issue. Lina is already heading back to work and does not trust her problematic mother-inlaw with the newborn. Jessie has had a profitable career but is reconsidering the idea of being a stay-at-home mother. Her husband, raised affluently, wishes topush forward as double income, and they continue to go back and forth throughout the play. This show balances a lot of emotions and topics in new motherhood: W h o do I trust my baby with? Where am I comfortable taking my child? What guru-recommended tips are actually mean-spirited, if not effective? “Cry It Out” looks at realistic scenarios that don't always have right answers. Showings are free forstudents in DeWitt Theatre’s mainstage at 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 20-23 (Hint: tonight is the debut!) and there are also weekend matinees at 2 p.m. on Feb. 23 and 24.

In B rief

Upcoming Events Jonathan Frey Exhibition @ D e Free Art Center Kruizenga Art M u s e u m : O n c e W e r e N o m a d s : Textiles a n d Culture in Baluchistan Exhibit® Kruizenga Flight: Melissa H o p s o n Exhibition @ D e Free Art Center Artist’s Lecture - Feb. 22, 3:3 0 p.m. @ C o o k Auditorium H o p s o n Reception - Feb. 22, 5 p.m. @ D e Free Art Center W i n d E n s e m b l e “B a n d Classics XU” Concert - Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m. @ J H M Michigander Concert - Feb. 22, 8 p.m. @ Park Theatre Voice Masterclass a n d G ue st Artist P er f o r m a n c e - Feb. 25-26, 7:30 p . m . ® J H M Recital Hall

Top Movies from the Weekend 1. Atila: Battle Angel 2. T h e L E G O M ov ie 2: T h e S e c o n d Part 3. Isn’t It R o m a n t i c 4. W h a t M e n W a n t 5. H a p p y D e a t h D a y 2 U 6. Cold Pursuit 7. T h e Upside 8. Glass 9. T h e Prodigy 10. G r e e n B o o k

On-Campus Opportunities W y s t o c k W a n t s You! T h e annual musical festival hosted by W yc ko ff Hall is taking place o n April 1 3 f r o m 2-5 p.m. S ub mi ss io ns for performers are d u e by Mar. 3 a n d should b e emailed to M i c a h Stilwell at w y s t o c k m u s i c @ g m a i l . c o m C h e c k out Coffee H o u s e in the B S C p r o g r a m r o o m to hear m o r e of H o p e ’s talented students every Thursday f r o m 9-1 1 p.m.

Billboard Top 10 Songs 1. Ariana G r a n d e - “7 Rings” 2. M a r s h m e l l o & Bastille - “Happier” 3. Halsey - “Without M e ” 4. Post M a l o n e & S w a e L e e “Sunflower” 5. Travis Scott - “Sicko M o d e ” 6. Panic! At T h e Disco - “High Hopes” 7. Ariana G r a n d e - “T h a n k U, Next” 8. J. C o l e - “Middle Child” 9. Post M a l o n e - “W o w ” 10. M a r o o n 5 feat. Cardi B - “Girls Like Y o u ”

This Week’s Netfllx Releases T h e D r u g King C h e f ’s Table (V6) Firebrand G O ! Vive a tu m a n e r a Paddleton Paris Is Us Rebellion (S2) Suburra (S2) T h e Big Family C oo ki ng S h o w (S2) T h e Photographer of M a u t h a u s e n Workln’M o m s Dolphin Tale 2 O u r Idiot Brother

G r a m m y Winners S o n g of the Y e a n Childish G a m b i n o - “This is Ame ri ca " A l b u m of the Year- K a c e y M u s g r a v e s - “Gol de n Hour" T o p Record: Childish G a m b i n o “This is America"

H o p e Talent Michael J. Pineda - “Lad y Luck," “H e a d s p a c e " Julian L u g o - “T h a n k You" M J S - “A cq ui es ce nc e ” EP; “Even W h e n It Hurts" (available Mar. 8) Available on m u s i c streaming services (iTunes, Spotify)

F ebruary

20 2019 ,

L ifestyle

T he A n c h o r


No, you w o n t be a barista for your whole life R uth Holloway

Lifestyle Editor

It’s that time of year when all undeclared freshmen and sophomores begin to collectively freak out, utterly directionless regarding what field of study they’re going to concentrate in. I get it practically everyone you’ve run across for the past four years of your life has been asking you what you’re going to major in, but you're still “not sure yet, just trying to knock out some gen-eds.” That’s all well and good until the email gets sent out. O h yes, the email that really kicks things into a higher gear, sending students back to their dorms, weeping about how they still don’t know what they’re doing with their lives. Fear not, for I have a definitive answer as to what major each and every one of you should declare. To put it simply: it doesn’t really matter. Okay, maybe it matters if you’re looking into nursing, education, engineering or medicine, but those majors are so hefty that you'd better get on that! This message goes out to all of m y friends who have an undying love for that which is not STEM. Here’s to you, arts, humanities and social science majors - I truly believe that each and every one of you will

M edium

PERCEPTION VERSUS REALITY -What people think when you tell them about your philosophy major versus what you’llactually look like in four years (wads of cash not guaranteed). Disclaimer: the editor loves baristas and has nothing against them. one day be gainfully employed, and not as a Starbucks barista, like your m o m told you when you said that you declared a political science major. According to Ashley Stahl, career coach and Forbes contributor, while 67% of college graduates are employed in a field that requires a degree, only 26% do work that’s related to their undergraduate major. She goes on to assert that while some careers are more lucrative, individuals holding nearly any kind of bachelor’s degree will likely earn just as much as their counterparts who picked a major with intent to go into a specific field. For instance, both music and business majors alike

can earn top-dollar salaries in the business world. Stahl lists three factors that matter most when searching for employment, which I have fashioned into an acronym of sorts: ESN. It’s like ESPN, but without the P. E - Experience. Internships, volunteer work, and student organizations alikelook fabulous on a resume, as employers want to hire passionate and involved individuals. Check out Hope’s website for a list of clubs and organizations that you can be a part of! S - Soft skills. Knowing how to research, having good problem-solving skills and being an effective communicator

matter much more than any major-related knowledge (again, for those of you not pursuing a specialized vocation). In fact, majors in the humanities and social sciences are incredibly well-suited to a variety of jobs due to their extensive background in research, analysis and synthesis. N - Network. Have you ever heard the phrase, “It’s who you know, not what you know?” No truer words have ever been spoken. Building relationships with your fellow students, professors and employers is an easy and essential step in landing a great job after college. Also, there’s nothing wrong with being a decent human being. In

fact, Iwould encourage it. Finally, you should study what you love not just for some vaguely defined personal benefit, but because itwill truly make you a better employee. H o w many unhappy workers, do you suppose, come home from a day of work feeling fulfilled? Money, though an undeniably essential part of our lives and culture, isn’teverything. Declare that women’sstudies major! Keep taking jazz oboe lessons! Do the things you love without feeling guilty about it, knowing that as long as you work hard and foster life skills, you can land a profitable job without giving up on your dreams.

Phelps p h o o d inprovisations: Itgets better Molly D o u m a

Staff W riter

Most people would be incredibly delighted to hear that they had access to an entire endless buffet of food for every meal. That dream is a reality for Hope students with meal plans; we have access to Phelps Hall every day of the week for every meal of the day. True to our nature, unfortunately, we grow tired of this glorious prospect very quickly. W e take forgranted the copious amount of wellmade food at our disposal every day, becoming increasingly aggravated with repeated meals that are delicious, but still not the same as a home-cooked meal. However, there isa remedy for this gloomy outlook on Phelps food. If we take a moment to embrace aspects of the dining hall we may have forgotten, or expand our horizons on what can be combined, we have the ability to take Phelps food to a whole new level— a level impossible to grow tired of. The first creation is a classic among Hope students: the ice cream sandwich. This is best done on Sundae Sundays at Phelps, when we are treated with access to hard-serve ice cream of various flavors. The method goes as such: first, find your favorite kind of cookie in the baked goods case. W e almost always have access to quite the variety: oatmeal raisin,

butterscotch, chocolate chip, snickerdoodle or peanut butter. Choose two cookies, and then find an ice cream flavor available that week to nicely compliment your choice. Sandwich a scoop or two in between the cookies and enjoy your masterpiece. Using inspiration and feedback from some of my peers, this second creation has received mixed reviews. Dubbed the “cookie special,” this combo can be made without leaving the breakfast nook of the dining hall. Snag a sugar or chocolate chip cookie from the baked goods case, and then head over to the waffle toppings. Add a dollop of whipped cream onto the cookie, leaving a divot in the center for the final touch: a small scoop of strawberry waffle topping in the center. This is an interesting flavor and texture combo, but found by some to be simply irresistible. Most of these inventions err closer to the sweet side ofa meal, but there is ample opportunity for healthy concoctions as well. One suggestion for a healthy, original creation is this: never underestimate the power of a salad bar. Phelps provides a large variety of fresh vegetables every day, along with a wide array of salad dressing options. Creative combos of roasted or fresh vegetables, meats and cheeses can each have such a unique taste— it’s hard to get

tired of those when there’s so much room for variation. H o p e Pood Reviews There are two specific tools available in Phelps with endless potential that are almost always overlooked. First, the waffle maker. Fresh waffles have so many different possibilities— this first creation is best when 11:2# A M § / 2§/17 •Twjtter foriPhone shared between multiple people. Twitter Called the double decker waffle, it lives up to its name and is MOUTHWATERING GOODNESS? -Above, a tweet from Phelp’s relatively selfexplanatory. There unofficial critic, Hope Food Reviews. Below, a vision of are different topping options unparalleled beauty. Your cookie sandwiches will never look available next to the waffle iron, this good (trust me), but you can always dream. meaning you get to add some of your own flavor and preference to the inside layer of your waffle masterpiece. The second use of fresh waffles is slightly more revolutionary, and is a feat of college student ingenuity: the panini waffle. The panini is Phelps' second overlooked tool, and its powers combined with the waffle iron create the ultimate work of art. Here’s how it's done: first, use the iron to create the perfect golden and crispy waffle. Then, use your choice of toppings to embellish one half of the waffle. Once you have a sufficient amount of toppings, remove the other half of the waffle and place it over the toppings. Then comes the defining moment: panini your waffle sandwich to create a toasty, layered breakfast (or dessert) gem for your own benefit. Enjoy your curious Sally’s baking addiction concoction!

Wrap? more likecrap.7/10

Indoor track breaks school record! M e g a n Gri m e s

S ports Editor

The men’s and womens indoor track and field teams competed in the Grand Valley State University Tune-Up last Friday in preparation for the MIAA Championship that will take place this weekend at Aquinas College. The meet was non-scoring but had many notable performances across the board, including a new school record! The men’s team had two first-place finishes in the meet, plus one second-place and two third-place finishes. The Flying

Dutchmen’s 4x400 meter relay of Terrell Solberg (’21), Owen Ljung (’20), Collin Thomas (T9) and Brenden Jones (’20) took firstwith a time of 3:26.01. Senior Justin Freeman took firstplace in the 200 meter dash with an adjusted time of 22.68 seconds, beating out the 2016 record of 22.82 seconds made by Boone Marois. Freeman has three individual school records: the indoor and outdoor 100-meter dash and his newest, the indoor 200. He was also part of the record breaking outdoor 4x100 relay. Junior Korey Derr took second in the 100-meter dash, and junior Josh Izenbart

took third in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 8.80 seconds. Ljung also came in third in the 800-meter runs with a speedy 1:54.63. The 4x400 relay of Nicole Kruithof (’20), Allison VanderStoep (T9), SallyHansma (’20) and Chelsea Miskelley (’20) took second place with a time of 4:09.44. Junior Mitchel Achien’g took fifth place in two different events over the night, the 60-meter hurdles and the long jump. She completed the hurdles in 9.96 seconds and jumped 5.15 meters (16 feet, 10.75 inches) in the long jump. VanderStoep took fifth in the

T h i s W e e k In S p o r t s

high jump with a jump of 1.50 Today meters (4 feet, 11 inches), and Men’s Swim & Dive M I A A Championships, 6 p m Kruithof took fifth in the 400 meter dash with a quick time Women’s Swim & Dive of 1:01.06. The teams compete M I A A Championships, 6 p m again thisweekend at Aquinas in the M I A A Championship meet. Men’s Basketball @ M I A A Tournament, if advance T B A The women’s team is looking to defend the M I A A championship title from the year before, Thursday Men’s Swim & Dive where they won with a score of M I A A Championships, 1 0 a.m. & 5:30 131.5 points. Trine University p.m. came in second at 130 points, and Albion College was third Women’s Swim & Dive with 128.5 points, making the M I A A Championships, 1 0 a m & 5:30 pm victory a narrow one. The men’s team took third last year and are looking to improve next Friday Men’s Swim & Dive weekend. Wish them allluck! M I A A Championships, 1 0 a m & 5:30 pm

Olivet defeat paves path toward for M I A A semifinals Alexandra Olson

W ebmaster

The women’s basketball team dominated over Olivet with a final score of 84-33 this past Saturday. Hope led the first quarter with 27-2, the first twenty-four points scored by Olivia Voskuil ('21), Mallory Gerber (’21) and Francesca Buchanan (T9). The winning game leftthe Flying Dutchmen

with a standing of eighth place in the MIAA. Buchanan scored a total of 20 points during this match and has reached a whopping 1,431 points in all 110 games she has participated in. “You know you are having a good day when you get a standing ovation — twice — and go into second on the all-time scoring list,” head coach Brian Morehouse said. The next match, the semifinal, for the

women’s basketball team is on Feb. 22 at 5:30 p.m. at Trine University. The men’s basketball team faced the Adbion Britons and suffered a defeat. The season finale ended with a score of 87-56. This puts Hope in the number five seed and the M I A A score at 8-6. The game started rough, with Hope never gaining the lead after Albion scored 178. By halftime, the score was 4621. At the end of the match,

Hope tied for third in the M I A A standings. A notable game performance at this week’s match goes to Jason Beckman (T9), who scored a total of 16 points for the Dutchmen. The next game is the quarter final against Calvin on Feb. 20 at 7 p.m. to see who will be sent to the semifinals at Trine University on the 22nd. Be sure to come out and root for your Dutchmen!

Women’s Swim & Dive M I A A Championships, 1 0 a m & 5:30 pm

Men’s Basketball @ M I A A T o u r n a m e n t if a dv an ce T B A

Women’s Basketball @ M I A A T ou r n a m e n t semifinal ©Trine, T B A

Men’s Ice Hockey M C H C W e s t Playoffs, T B A

Women’s Lacrosse ©Cleary, 2:30 p m

Men’s Tennis © W e s t e r n Michigan, 6:30 p m

D e w Crew hypes audience in nail-biting rematch R o s e Wilcox

Staff W riter

O n Feb. 6, a sea of students dressed in orange and blue erupted with cheers as Hope’s varsity women’s basketball team accomplished what the men’s team was so close to doing: taking down our rivals. Basketball games between Calvin and Hope have long been called "The Rivalry” and attended faithfully by many Hope students and alumni alike. Whenever Hope’s team pulls through for the win, it is an exciting day for all Hope fans, not to mention the players. The game started out rocky, with a score of 10-16 (Calvin in the lead) at the end of the first quarter. But Hope pulled ahead by the end of the first half, in the lead by 3 points with a score of 28-25. During halftime, the Vicksburg High School pep band played classic rally songs like the can-can to pump up the crowd even more. The game

took a twist after halftime, when Calvin once again took the lead with 48 points, while Hope lagged slightly behind at 45. It didn't take long for the game to be tied up at 48-48, with five minutes remaining on the clock. Members of the Dew Crew chanted louder than ever before, and the cheerleaders led the audience, hoping to keep them excited and the team encouraged. Abigail Book (‘22), a member of D e w Crew, commented, “The women's team played with determination and ferocity, which made for a very exciting experience.” It was a tense last five minutes of the game, but with a combination of excellent defense and well-played offense, Hope's varsity women’s team surged ahead and was able to beat Calvin with a final score of 56-48. All of the players contributed their best to this incredible game, but the two highest scorers, Kenedy Schoonveld

(’21) and Mallory Gerber (’21), both made 13 points during the game. Other players on this game's leaderboard include Olivia Voskuil (’21), who had eight successful rebounds and Francesca Buchanan (T9), who completed four successful


assists. Hope’s team played as a cohesive unit, and it showed all throughout the game. Currently, in the 2018-19 MIAA W o m e n ’s Basketball Standings, Hope’s varsity women’s team stands in second place in conference and overall.

Men’s Lacrosse ©El m h erst, 1 p m

Men’s Ice Hockey M C H C W e s t Playoffs, T B A

Men’s Basketball © M I A A T o u r n a m e n t if a dv an ce T B A


SUNDAY. MARCH 3 7 PM THE GATHERING d i m n e n t m e m o r i a l cha p e l

MONDAY, MARCH 4 10:30 A M CHAPEL d i m n e n t m e m o r i a l cha p e l



6PMQ&A w i n a n t s a u d i t o r i u m in g r a v e s hall

TUESDAY, MARCH 5 6 PM W O M E N ONLY TALK c o ncert hall of the j3c< miller center for the m u s i c a l arts Jill Briscoe O s b o r n m Liverpool England in i955. Educated at the University of Cambridge, she taught school fcr a number of years before marrying Stuart, in 1958 and raising their three children. In addition to sharing with her husband in ministry with Tordihearers and m pastoring Eimbrouk Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin for 3 9 years, Jill has written over 4 0 books, travelled on e -e / •'/jrmnent teaching and encouraging; ser /ed on the beards of Christianity Totla/ and World Relief and now anr; E-e-.jtiv* E-kcr r a w o m e n ; mage: ,:e sailed Just Between Us. Jill can be heard regularly on Telling the Truth, a worldwide media ministry. She is proud to be called ‘Nana" bv d grandchildren.


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The aon-jal H a g e m a n Faith Serie-. was established io encourage a vibrant Christian faith a m o n g the students, faculty and " f'“ ^ 1 1 «ed tfi.'nvite recognized Cbristian speakers to Hop e ’s carnpuS w h o will inspire rs Christ. Selected by the. college s Camp u s Ministries team, which is overseen the basis of having an articulate, winsome and challenging message that is Studentsseeking to grow in their life whir Christ.



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