The Anchor, Volume 131.17: February 21, 2018

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F E B R U A R Y 21, 2018 ♦ SINCE 1887




VOL. 131 NO. 17



Students reflect on the meaning of Lent

Annie Lohrstorfer



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C ampus C o-Editor

Last Wednesday, many on Hopes campus displayed the mark of ashes on their foreheads to celebrate Ash Wednesday, a Christian holy day for peace and fasting. This marker encourages the recipient to “Repent and Believe in the Gospel” or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” It is also the signifier for the beginning of Lent, a six week period that is dedicated to self-reflection and prayer. Hope College campus ministries distributed ashes at many services on campus for those interested in celebrating the holy day. This Ash Wednesday fell on the same day as Valentines Day, a potential challenge for those giving up chocolate. Many choose to give up a certain favorite candy or sweet. This self-restraint is aligned with the 40 day period of fasting that Jesus endured in the desert. By resisting the bad habits or negative temptations in everyday living, a person may



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H ope C ollege

LENT KICKOFF ASH W E D N E S D A Y — M a n y students celebrated Ash W e d n e s d a y last w e e k by receiving ashes at the services provided on campus. Alicia B o s w i c k (’20) reflected, “Lent is a time of particular focus on dying to myself In order to c o m e to a n e w life in Christ.” begin to align their motives for fulfillment more closely to the way Jesus spent his time in the desert, and more closelywith the message of the gospel. Although many choose to “give up” something, itisalso beneficial to include healthy lifestyle changes leading to habits that provide positivity and connection with

God. Alicia Bostwick (’20) shared, “I have something far greater than earthly things to hope for.” Prayer and reflection are integral to this time, and by simply implementing more of these practices into your daily lifeatHope, you areparticipating in the Lenten tradition.

Of course, there are many students on Hope’s campus who do not identify with a faith. However, the practices that are essential to Lent are not exclusive to Christians alone. It is a time of self-reflection and self-care that all may take part in. For those who are not interested in aligning with the

faith-based tradition, or are not in a time and place to do so, that is okay. This last stretch of winter is a time where every student can begin to assess how they are spending their time and what types of energy they are inviting into their lives. In the midst of political battles and violent acts of hate in our nation, we can come together as a campus to work to become a model of love and respect. Do not forget that you have an impact and can influence someone’sday through your words and actions. This is a time to come together as a community, seek to understand those around you and offer support for those who may be struggling. Accept the apology that has been neglected, write the letter to a friend, call the grandparent who misses you, or tell your parents or guardians that you love them. These last weeks of winter are challenging for many, but it is in this final stretch that we can begin to come together to foster a nicer, safer community for all who are here.

Kruizenga invites students to craft for a cause Annie Lohrstorfer C ampus C o -Edtior

Many children in Western Michigan do not have easy access to three meals a day. This basic need is essential for providing children the nourishment they need to stay attentive in school and is crucial for healthy development. Fortunately, there are organizations in our community that pay attention. Tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to decorate bags that are packed with sack meals for the children who are food-insecure. This donation will help to provide food and a smile to the children in need. The Kruizenga Art Museum is opening its doors from 4 to 8 p.m. to sponsor this event that allows any and allwho are interested to come by and decorate a bag for the Children’s Food Basket. The Kids Food Basket is an organization that provides dinner to children who may not know where their next meal is coming from. These Sack Suppers are packed inside decorated bags before

H ope C ollege

K A M FOR A CAUSE — Kruizenga Art M u s e u m will host an event that encourages students to decorate bag s that will be donated to T h e Children’s Food Basket, an organization that do ­ nates 8 0 0 m e a l s eac h day to kids In the Holland area. distribution. Currently 800 Sack Suppers per week are passed out to children in Holland alone. This number is even greater in the ^Juskegon and Grand Rapids ciqmmunities. This il an opportunity that

will allow participate to spread joy through creative expression and provide a necessary meal to children in need. By receiving the decorated bags, the children are provided not only with physical nourishment but also

with the sense that the bags were created with them in mind. The decorated bags are so important. They allow the children to have something to look forward to, a gift they feel was made for them and something that they hang

on to with a sense of ownership. The ability to offer these decorated Sack Suppers to a child is an invaluable expression of love and consideration that will not go unnoticed. This event is open to everybody. You may come and go as you please. In addition, snacks will be provided. Feel free to explore the artwork in the exhibit while you decorate. It is also a chance to get to de­ stress during midterm study time. Currently the Kruizenga Art Museum is featuring printmaking. In line with this theme, stamps will be provided to help decorate. All supplies necessary for decorating will be provided. Please consider taking some time out of your busy day to help make a unique and impactful difference in the lifeof a child. If students are unable to attend this event but are still interested in helping to support this cause, there are many volunteer opportunities that everyone is invited to check out at vnttp://www.kidsfoodbasket. org/about-us/who-we-are.




Moment of silence

“Glass Menagerie”

Diving In to conference championship

Reflection on recent Florida school shooting.

H o p e College theatre puts on top-class act.

D u t c h m e n s w i m t e a m heads to conference champion­ ship. Check out waves of information on the meet.

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W h a t ’s In s i d e

| N ation / W o r l d 3 '

I V o ices 4 [ F eaturrs 5 G o t a story idea? Let us K n o w at a n c h o r @ h o p e . e d u .

A rts 6

Sports 7-8




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Today Senior Day Seniors, it is t i m e to pick u p c a p s a n d g o w n s , order graduation a n n o u n c e ­ m e n t s a n d class rings, m a k e your senior class gift, a n d learn a b o u t the Last Hurrah, a l u m n i services a n d o n - c a m p u s dining options f r o m 9 : 3 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the J i m a n d Martie B u l t m a n S t u d e n t Center p r o g r a m area. C a p s a n d g o w n s d o not n e e d to b e pre-ordered a n d will b e available for i m m e d i a t e pickup. T h e r e is n o charge.

Etiquette Dinner Join us for a n eve n i n g of professional d e v e l o p m e n t at the H o p e College Etiquette Dinner f r o m 5 to 8 : 4 5 p.m. in the M a a s Center Auditorium. T h e event will include a three-course m e a l w h e r e y o u will learn a n d practice proper dining etiquette. T h e evening will begin with n etworking a n d h e a d shots, giving y o u the opportunity to interact with faculty, staff a n d m e m ­ bers of the c o m m u n i t y . Business professional dress $ 1 0 for students o n a m e a l plan, $ 1 2 for t hose not o n a m e a l plan.

Saturday De-Stress Zumba Start your m o r n i n g with a work-out f r o m 9 a.m. to n o o n in the J i m a n d Martie B u l t m a n S t u d e n t Center pro­ g r a m area. G e t that m i d t e r m stress u n d e r control with s o m e fun d a n c e moves.

In B rief

EAVESDROPPING O N THE PASTOR Come and have a conversation with local pastors about current events. One topicforconversation includes thinking through #MeToo as a church. Local pastors featured will include Denise Kingdom Grier, Jenna Brandsen, Tom Eggleston, Kent Frey, Daniel Branch and Winna Boseman. The event takes place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday in Martha Miller rotunda.

Celebrating Black History M o n t h Alayna Parsons-Valles C ampus C o-Editor

Black History Month is an annual celebration of the achievements made by AfricanAmericans and a time for recognizing the central role of blacks in the history of the United States. Black History Month takes place twice a year in both February and October. Hope College wraps up this Black History Month alongside Professor Tonisha Lane, who was the keynote speaker at the 2018 Black History Month Lecture. The event is sponsored by Hope's Center for Diversity and Inclusion in partnership with Student Development, Black Student Union (BSU), T onisha B. Lane WISE and GROW. The lecture PROFESSOR TONISHA LANE ON THE TOPIC OF INCLUSION - Dr. Lane used research took place on Tuesday in Hope’s with underrepresented students of color in higher education to address Inclusion and create most recent facility, the Jim and dialogue on college c a m p u s e s in honor of Black History Month. Martie Bultman Student Center recognized and designated leadership roles. She took part and persistence in these S T E M Auditorium. month since 1976. Other in multicultural engineering fields and develop new models Hope ishonored tohost Lane, programs, TRIO events, M S U ’s for explaining such phenomena. countries have also designated as she has achieved great tasks Neighborhood initiative and the Lane recently served on the months to celebrating black and been commended. Lane U.S Department of Education’s national Black Doctrine W o m e n history. Hope's Center for has received numerous rewards Office of Post-Secondary Study (BDWS). for her research, which she Diversity and Inclusion seeks Lane approached Hope’s presented at many considerable to continue the celebration of Education. Dr. Lane's research conferences. Her rewards black history and approach new predominantly examines the campus with her research include a National Center for ways of developing systems issues of diversity, equity and experiences, aiming her Institutional Diversity (NCID), of inclusiveness and diversity and inclusions in relation to scholarship to advance inclusive education. and transformative policies and visiting lectures, post-secondary Emerging Diversity Scholar and through research, and experiences to She focuses her research practices. President Voskuil others. toward the experiences and commented at the beginning Lane is currently an assistant create new and needed ideas. The lecture “Black Students in outcomes of minorities and of his term his hopes for more professor of Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) in Higher Education: Disparities, underrepresented groups in diversity and acceptance. “In Triumphs” science, technology, engineering my return to Hope, I really like, the departments of Leadership, Challenges and Counseling, Adult, Career and highlighted statistics, research and mathematics (STEM). Lane though itisnot as high as Ithink Higher Education. She received and scholarships related to the takes time on her secondary itshould be, the number ofracial her PhD in Higher, Adult and state of black students in higher research, which explores the ethnic students has increased. addressed many influences of blacks in I love programs that encourage Lifelong Education with a education. Lane topics of participation and higher education. graduate certificate in Urban that. Betty and I really want to By utilizing qualitative get involved in those programs,” achievement of black college Education from Michigan State students and contemporary methodologies, Lane has been referring to the Summer Bridge University. Black History Month began issues such as implicit bias, able to explore access and and Phelps Scholars programs at racial success for under-regarded Hope. The Center for Diversity with historian Carter G. campus ^ climate, stereotype students of color in S T E M and and Inclusion aims to produce Woodson and other notorious microaggressions, African-Americans, stemming threats and a sense of belonging. other programs. Lane strives more lectures like Lane’s and Lane has involved herself in to understand the nuances and create more inclusive dialogues from “Negro History Week” and developing into a nationally numerous administrative and complexities of participation on campus.

CONNECT WITH ALUMNI The Living & Working in West Michigan event provides an opportunity for current Hope students to meet alumni and receive advice, tips and tools for successfully finding a job or internship, as well as permanently locating themselves in West Michigan after graduation. Appetizers will be provided. Transportation is not provided to this event. The event will take place at 6 p.m. on March 6 at Founders Brewing Co., 235 Grandville Ave S W in Grand Rapids. The $5, charged to your student account, is only refundable within two days’ notice. The deadline to register is Monday, Feb. 26 by noon. Questions can be sent to Megan Scheldt at West Michigan isnot the place for you, there will be another event with Hope alumni in Chicago on April 10. Be on the lookout for more information in late March.



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Florida school shooting: ‘W e will be the last’ Sophia Vander Kooy N ation/ W orld E ditor

In less than 10 minutes, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz com­ mitted the second largest school shooting in American history. 17 students and faculty members were murdered in a shooting at Marjory Douglas High School last week, marking the eighth school shooting of 2018. H o w ­ ever, many student survivors are determined to make this mas­ sacre different. In the words of senior E m m a Gonzalez: “W e are going to be the kids you read about in textbooks. Not because we’re going to be another sta­ tistic about mass shooting in America ... we are going to be the last mass shooting." Gonzalez spoke to a crowd of hundred of students, teachers, parents and supporters outside the federal courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida just three days after the Feb. 14 shooting. Many of the student survivors of the mass shooting are calling upon students from around the country to come together and march for gun control. Calling out politicians and the National Rifle Association (NRA), the student survivors are organiz­ ing a march for gun control in Washington and any other city supporters are able to gather on March 24. President Trump has been quick to call out the failure of the FBI to catch the many sig­ nals from Cruz and demand

over concern for “his gun own­ ership, desire to kill people, er­ ratic behavior and disturbing social media posts” as well as a suggestion that he may attempt a school shooting. An investi­ gation is being launched to find out more. Although the tip, which has been linked to a YouTube com­ ment (supposedly from Cruz) that said “I’m going to be a pro­ fessional school shooter” seems Joe R aedle to be an overtly bold warning SHOOTER PULLED FIRE A L A R M — Nikolas Cruz pulled sign, the family he was living the fire alarn sending the over 2,972 students a n d faculty rac­ with has shared that they didn’t ing through the hallways. see any warning sign in the “po­ lite" boy they had taken in. Both ofCruz’sadopted parents passed away in the past year, his mother in November, leaving him in the care of family friends. However the Snead family took him in recently when their son asked ifCruz could staywith them for a while. Just two weeks before the shooting, James Snead, the father of the fam­ ily, reported, “He [Cruz]told me this isthe best he’sever feltin his life.” Snead, also a gun owner, re­ BBC quired that Cruz buy a gun safe N E W FACE FOR G U N CONTROL - With voices of fire and and give him the keys. He had to fury, students such as senior E m m a Gonzalez pictured above ask permission to open the safe, are asking their c o m m u n i t y to ban d together for g u n control. but Cruz must have made a key for himself as well. smental health reform but he mental health issue. He wouldn’t According to Gordon Weekhas remained silent about the have hurt that many students es, the Broward County chief question of gun control. Gon­ with a knife.” assistant public defender, Cruz zalez, a growing spokesperson The FBI has released a state­ faces 17 counts of premeditated for the movements, pushed back ment acknowledging its failure murder, is being held without against Trumps remarks during to follow procedure surround­ bond and has been placed on her speech at the federal court­ ing a tip called in on Jan. 5,2018, suicide watch at the Broward house by saying, “This isn’tjust a from someone close to Cruz County jail.

A d e e p analysis of the Mueller investigation S a m Mason G uest W


O n Friday, former FBI Direc­ tor Robert Mueller III released an additional set of indictments pertaining to his special investi­ gation into the 2016 presidential election. Mueller, alongside his tightly-aligned special coun­ sel, was assigned to extirpate or substantiate claims concerning Russian collusion or interfer­ ence in the recent 2016 election. After long deliberation, Mueller authorized the full disclosure of a 37 page document containing an indictment of 13 Russian na­ tionals who were involved in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The detailed accounts within the document offer points of con­ cern that suggest an underlying reality in America. According to the report, “be­ ginning as early as 2014, Defen­ dant O R G A N I Z A T I O N began operations to interfere with the U.S. political system.” The term “O R G A N I Z A T I O N ” refers to the Russian operatives who had meddled in the election. While this fact may seem rather neg­ ligible, the importance of this statement is quite paramount. The inception of these Russian influences began well in advance of any distinguishable U.S. presi-

dential candidates. Given this particular timeline, the Russians were clearly interested in wreak­ ing havoc upon the American political atmosphere. As a result, the claims that seek to indict the Trump campaign of collusion seem to be called into question. Moreover, with the 2018 mid­ term elections looming, the Rus­ sian involvement seems to pose an impending threat to Ameri­ can democracy. Additionally, the investiga­ tion reveals Russian intentions surrounding the promotion of Donald Trump and Bernie Sand­ A lex W ong ers as well as the degradation of RUSSIAN TROLL F A R M — Operating outside of St. Peters­ others. The document avers: “By 2016, Defendants and burg, Russian “troll farms,” or organizations operating online their co-conspirators used their by posting provocative Information to disrupt communities fictitious online personas to in­ c o m m e n t e d on social media, organized political rallies and terfere with the 2016 U.S. presi­ stole Amer i c a n identities to favor T r u m p over Clinton in the dential election. They engaged 2 0 1 6 presidential election. T h e investigation is being led by in operations primarily intended Robert Mueller above. to communicate derogatory in­ Furthermore, they intended 2016 presidential election.” Here formation about Hillary Clinton, to denigrate other candidates to disrupt and destroy any m o ­ lies the smoking gun. The Mueller investigation has such as Ted Cruz and Marco Ru­ mentum belonging to the Clin­ bio, and to support Bernie Sand­ ton, Cruz and Rubio campaigns, scraped the surface of an immi­ ers and then-candidate Donald respectively. These tactics con­ nent and substantial calamity in tributed to the already hostile America. Trump.” As a direct result of Putin’s This statement reveals a few and tumultuous atmosphere cronies, the current American surrounding the election. intriguing details. The Russians political culture has been fur­ Finally and most importantly, intentionally sought to experi­ ther thrust into an environment the Russians had the “ strategic ment within the American elec­ r i f e with dissent. goal to sow discord in the U.S. tion system through persuasion The well has been poisoned. political system, including the and dissuasion.


appenings o n the



S a m Mason G uest W


Controversy over w h a t to do with the D r e a m e r s heightened w h e n the T r u m p Administra­ tion rescinded the O b a m a a d ­ ministration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), leaving approximately 6 , 9 0 0 D r e a m e r s in c h a o s a n d confu­ sion. Since, T r u m p h a s called for a bipartisan solution to replace D A C A a n d the govern­ m e n t has partially shut d o w n d u e to their failure to d o so. This past w e e k the Se nate reviewed a n immigration plan set forth by Senators A n g u s King (l-ME) a n d M i k e R o u n d s (R-SD). T h e last-ditch effort proved to b e a futile a t temp t at a n immigration solution. This particular legislation w a s shot d o w n by both D e m o c r a t s a n d Republicans alike. A d d i n g in­ sult to injury, a decision deal­ ing with the controversial a n d polarizing D r e a m e r s m u s t be m a d e by March. A bipartisan deal e x c h a n g ­ ing border security with a m ­ nesty for the D r e a m e r s s e e m s to b e the likely candidate for a legislative success. T h e topic of immigration has b e e n at the forefront of the C o ngre s­ sional a g e n d a ever since D o n ­ ald T r u m p set foot in the Oval Office. Subsequently, the m e d i a h a s pressed even m o r e pres­ sure o n both sides of the aisle to c o m e to a decision. Thus, while Co n g r e s s is in recess this u p c o m i n g w e e k , they will still b e reflecting u p o n a n d w r e s ­ tling with immigration reform. A s the S e n a t e continues to negotiate, the S u p r e m e Court h a s stepped into the discus­ sion, entangling both these t w o branches of g o v e r n m e n t a n d the t w o parties in a battle for c o m p r o m i s e . In Jan., Ju d g e William Alsup of the Northern District of California issued an injunction blocking President T r u m p for temporarily over­ turning D A C A for violating the Administrative Pr ocedure Act d u e to his hasty decision in re­ scinding the program. This w a s immediately a p ­ pealed to the S u p r e m e Court w h e r e it sits awaiting confer­ e n c e later this w e e k . T h e S u ­ p r e m e Court will take the or­ der issued by J u d g e Alsup a n d a similar order m a d e by Ju d g e Nicholas Garaufis of the East­ ern District of N e w York. This addition leaves yet a n ­ other barrier in the w a y of ac­ complishing a c o m p r o m i s e on immigration reform.

The danger of politicizing our tragedies Morgan Brown

Copy editor Seventeen lives were lost last Wednesday in a shooting at a high school in Parkdale, Florida. That day the Internet sent hundreds of thousands of prayers to the families of the victims. Along with the prayers, however, came pas­ sionate and grief-filled politi­ cal statements, blaming the horrible event on guns. I was disgusted to see peo­ ple immediately politicizing the murder of high school students. Not shocked, be­ cause it's happened before, but disgusted, because it shouldn’t happen. I saw several tweets that even went so far as to blame President Donald Trump for the massacre. To that, I assert that no amount of fighting over gun control will fix the problem.

FIRST R ESPO N D E R S — Paramedics treat victims of the shooting w h e r e well over 2 0 wer e Injured or killed. This is not a problem with guns. This is a problem with people. A person walked into a high school and started shooting his peers. Seven-

teen people were killed in this shooting. That’s seventeen lives lost too soon and seventeen families forever changed. N o one is to blame

besides the obviously mentally unstable shooter and blaming anyone else will not bring back the lives lost. Fighting about this prob-

lem will only make it worse. Whether or not you believe this phenomenon of mass shootings in America stems from mental illness, gun ac­ cessibility, or simply pure evil, there is obviously a problem that needs to be addressed, and it cannot be solved if we are at each other’s throats. W e cannot turn the murder of children into a chance to push a political agenda and pin blame on those we dis­ agree with. W h e n tragedy strikes, it should not polarize us but unite us. Eventually, we will find a solution that balances the maintenance of rights and prevention of another trage­ dy like this. Until then we can pray for the victims’ families an(j them in mourning, ^re can stand together in sol­ idarity and respect and honor jjves jost

Hope perspective on school shootings: the G o o d Jac k Wolff

Voices editor Colorado has become fairly infamous for school shootings. Itwas the home of perhaps the most infamous school shoot­ ing in America: Columbine High School. M y high school was right down the road from Columbine, and while I am far too young to remember that shooting, I was unfortunate to experience one of my own. On Dec. 13 a student entered with a shotgun intent on killing the librarian. Long story short, he took his own life shortly after mortally wounding one girl and setting fire to the library. The details ofthe shooting are read­ ilyavailable online.

What is most important about the event however, for me, and for my community, is what happened after the shoot­ ing. People always say tragedy brings people together, but I have never seen the truth of that more than in the weeks following the shooting. I am still friends with nearly m y en­ tire senior class. The support of the community for our school, and itsstudents was incredible. Watching the way this tragedy transformed a community into a loving network of friends and family was as amazing as the event that caused itwas tragic. I cannot speak to what any one person goes through when they experience something like a school shooting. Yet, I can

speak to what I hope happens after. I hope that communities can come together and sup­ port each other and those af­ fected. M y school’s motto was always “Warriors always take care of one another," and that was never more true for our school than after our tragedy and I can only pray that it will be the same for those affected by similar events. Being a part of that network of people com­ ing together to support and love one another was one ofthe most surreal experiences of my life. Ifyou can, try to be part of that network of love any way you can. You would be amazed how much of a difference itcan make in the lives of those griev­ ing friends and family.

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A N C H 0 H L

H a n n a h Pikaart Julia Kirby Colin O ’C o n n o r M a r t y Dykstra Stephanie A r n d t

Co-Editor-in-Chief Co-Editor-in-Chief Production M anager Ads M anager Webmaster

2018 Spring Semester Staff

Alayna Parsons-Valles A n n i e Lohrstorfer Sophia Vand e r K o o y Ridge M a n n i k k o

Campus Co-Editor Campus Co-Editor Nation/W orld Editor Nation/W orld Intern

Jack Wolff Cecelia O ’Brien Sarah S i m m o n s H.Tegan Heusinkveld

Voices Editor Isabel Bustamante Lifestyle editor Features Editor Sarah N e u m a r Sports Editor Arts Editor M e g a n Gri m e s Sports Intern Arts/Features Intern A n n a Stafford CopyEditor

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Kelly O c o c k A n n a h Duffey


Photo Editor Copy Editor CopyEditor Copy Editor FacultyAdvisor

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IKIGAI This Japanese concept could change the way you live >



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Cecilia O’Brien Features Editor


Do you have a reason for getting up in the morning? That is a huge question, one that might make some of you want to jump back into bed. Perhaps the Japanese concept of Ikigai (pronounced Ick-ee-guy) could help you! This concept originates from Japan, which has one of the worlds oldest and densest pop­ ulations. The idea has been spread as a tool to live a longer and more fulfillinglife.While there is no direct translation of Ikigai in English, it is thought to be a blend of “ikiru”,meaning “to live,” and “kai”,meaning “the realization of what one hopes for.” W e allwant to find our purpose but that can be much easier said than done. To help, experts recommend uncovering the answers to these four questions.

Ikigai isallabout finding that “something to live for”. Follow whatever feeds your soul and brings you absolute bliss. Find where it is, and don’t be afraid to follow it.Your bliss could be ever-changing, but it’s all about deciphering what itisand where you can find it. “Your ikigai is at the intersection of what you are good at and what you love doing,” said Hector Garcia, the co-author of “Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life.” He writes, “Just as humans have lusted after ob­ jects and money since the dawn of time, other humans have felt dissatisfaction at the relent­ less pursuit of money and fame and have in­ stead focused on something bigger than thenown material wealth. This has over the years been described using many differentwords and practices, but always hearkening back to the central core of meaningfulness in life.” Ikigai is a beautiful and powerful concept that can change the world for the better. Take just a moment out ofyour day to get out a note­ book and answer these questions. Make a list of what fuels your soul or what the world is in need of. Simply sitting down to contemplate what you love and what you are good at could lead you to find your reason for life.

What do you love? What are you good at? What does the world need from you? What can you get paid for? For you, these questions could simply pro­ vide a better outlook towards a balanced life­ style. But in Japan, finding your Ikigai isa deeply personal process that often has nothing to do with career choice.














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IKIGAI: THE JAPANESE SECRET TO A LONG AN D HAPPY LIFE — This International bestseller by Hector Gar­ cia and Francesc Mlralles dives further Into finding your Ikigai and h o w It could c h a n g e your life for the better.

Ikigai A


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Cur Mission: The Anchor strives to c o mm u nicate c a m p u s events throughout H o p e College a n d the Holland community. W e h o p e to amplify awareness and promote dialogue through fair, objective journalism a n d a vibrant Voices section.

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TheA n c h @ r

Folk ensembles present the music of Joni Mitchell Sarah S i m mons A rts EorroR

The performance hall rang with applause. A sizeable audi­ ence had just heard the music of Joni Mitchell wonderfully and creatively brought to life by Hope College students. This past Saturday evening, Hopes folk ensembles gave a concert in The Jack H. Miller Center for Musical Arts. Each group had prepared pieces writ­ ten by Joni Mitchell and ar­ ranged by Nate Roberts, the di­ rector of folk music. Roberts opened the concert with a few light-hearted jokes. He reminded the audience to pick up one of the collectable stickers for a small donation. He related the popular stick­ ers to patches on a Boy Scout’s uniform, encouraging audience members to put them on their instrument cases as many musi­ cians do. Then the music began. While several of the ensem­ bles kept to arrangements that

H. Tegan Heuslnkveld A rts a n d F eatures Intern

Ancient stone carvings of camels and donkeys have been found in the A1 Jawf province of Saudi Arabia. A nation with a regional his­ tory many thousands of years old, archeologists are still un­ covering multiple hidden gems of ancient artwork and archi­ tecture in the Middle Eastern nation, from ancient gates scat­ tered across the deserts to old carvings in rocks. Yet over the last two years, archaeologists have come across and recorded numerous carv­ ings of a different nature, spe­ cifically about a dozen carvings of camels, a few donkeys and mules. Aged to be about 2,000 years old, these camel carvings are not uniform in style but are all rela­ tively the same in size. They are life -size relief carvings of these historically relevant beasts of burden. As impressive and promis­ ing as these pieces may be, they have created quite the historical conundrum in who made them, when they were made, why they were made, and how to protect them long enough to try and an­ swer the remaining questions. Since archaeologists were able to identify the age of the carvings as at least 2,000 years old, they theorized that they may have been the work of Nabateans, a nomadic people known for many ancient stone reliefs. In time, this would lead to the founding of the city Petra. The carvings may have served as border markers or as “rest stops” for traveling merchants and caravans. The artists behind the camels of this site may have taken creative ideas from the


All m e m b e r s of the H o p e College Folk M u s i c en s e m b l e s join to perform the final s o n g of the night.

were similar to Mitchell s origi­ nal recordings, there were a few that took a different approach. The Jazz Chamber Ensemble performed a rendition of “Dry Cleaner from Des Moines,” in­ cluding solos on the saxophone and piano. There were ample rounds of applause for each of these, as the musicians’ tal­

ent came through. The Brazil­ ian Drumming Ensemble per­ formed a drums-only version of "Dreamland,” which gave the song a tribal feeling. The Appalachian String Band performed arrangements that were most similar to Mitchell’s recordings. Justin Merriman (T9) on banjo and Stephen Ta-

laga (T8) on mandolin played complementary solos in many of the songs, playing off of each other wonderfully. The most memorable m o ­ ment was the string quartet’s take on “Both Sides Now.” Graduating senior Linnea Hjelm (T8) sang beautifully along to the moving arrangement. Prior

works of the Parthians of mod­ ern Iran. Strangely enough, the life-size carvings featured not only camels, but donkeys and mules, whose appearances are not common in ancient carv­ ings. Unfortunately, there is no re­ maining evidence of the carving tools used, making the task of connecting the known tools of the Nabateans hard to solidify. Other issues have arisen from erosion, vandalism and con­ struction efforts, such as bull­ dozing, in the area. In efforts to preserve the carving for future analysis, archaeologists are ask­ ing that Saudi Arabia put the “camel site” under state protec­ ANCIENT ARTISTRY — These life-size, creative carvings are tion. tant use for n o m a d i c peoples. Because ofthe many issues af­ in the future, experts cannot say Hopefully action can be taken fecting what is currently known whether they are older than the to protect the ancient carvings about the carvings and what we 2,000 year estimate. They need long enough for artists and hismay be able to learn from them more time to figure this out. torians alike piece together an

to the song, she spoke briefly about how she initially felt that Mitchell’s songs were too melancolic. However, she discovered that “Both Sides N o w ” really was perfect for her senior year, with the completion of her un­ dergraduate studies and coming future. Hjelm said she fell in love with it. Her feelings were com­ municated clearly as she sang. She also recalled that the music building in its current form didn’t even exist when she firststarted at Hope. Itwas clear that she was grateful to perform in the space. To end the evening, all of the ensembles gathered on stage to perform “The Circle Game.” There were many hugs among the members as the seniors had finished their last full concert performance at Hope. If you missed this concert, there is still one more opportu­ nity to see Hope’s folk ensem­ bles on April 15 in the John and Dede Howard Recital Hall of the music building.

S mithsonian

thought to have had an Impor­ accurate history of the carvings, Then they will have more relief than just the carvings themselves.






H a v e you written a substantial paper in the field ©f Theatre, English, Music, Art/Art History, Philosophy, Languages, Aslan Studies, History, Ministry Studies, Religion or D a n c e that y ou would like to share with the H o p e e e m m un i t y ? P&pm may be submitted from auy M l A m mi Humanities eeuse taught in the $p>fin§ or Fall Semesters (or Summer Research Rrejeet)


Wednesday, April II, 2016,4t00-5tf 0 P


Please submit o n e copy of your paper to the Arts a nd Humanities Dean's Office #114 Lubber Hall, by M o n d a y , M a r c h &. # 018, Vow narrashould on a title but not elsev^we inthe Abo indude tl4 oowse and nrofrssw tw 'whom the^ e r was pfe^ased.

Memorable moments from Pyeongchang Olympics aren’t over yet, but let’s recap s o m e standout performances for the U.S. team Isabel Bustamante

there has to be something you find entertaining. Whether you There are only a few short want the grace of figure skating days left in the 2018 Py­ mixed with its glitz and glam eongchang Winter Olympics, and crowd gasping falls, the but no worries! There are still crazy intensity of alpine skiing many more medals to be won. and snowboard halfpipe, or the However, there have been an trend of curling where you can array of memorable moments hear people yell “sweep” at the throughout the Olympic sea­ top of their lungs. There is an son thus far. Anywhere from big event that is sure to grab your wins, crazy crashes and shock­ attention. ing defeats, the Olympics are However, if you've missed sure to grab anybody’s atten­ most of the action, don't fret! tion. They are an opportunity You stillhave a few more days to to come together and compete see some gold placed around in­ on a different platform to rep­ dividuals’necks. Here is a recap resent your country. There re­ of some memorable moments allyissomething for everyone in for the USA. the Olympic season, even ifyou aren’ta regular sports fan. Gold for White For instance, look at celebrity Leslie Jones, who has brought Starting with a personal fa­ her own spice and humor to the vorite, we look onto the leg­ Olympics. Not only does she end himself: Shaun White. The have a live reel of tweets, but 31-year-old made his fourth catch her on an interview with winter Olympics appearance Seth Myers where he mentions something the snowboarding the word Olympics and she world will never forget. After a screams, “Slay all day, baby. Slay second place run and a spill in allday, USA.” She also destroyed round two, White had his fans a bathroom when she was little worried. After round two, the because she was trying to be young, Japanese all-star Ayumu Nadia Comaneci. The interview Hirano put up a massive 95.25. is worth a watch ifyou want to The score looked like it could laugh. stand when White missed a Really, the Olympics are not landing just moments later in a like other sporting events, and set of back-to-back 1440s. H o w ­ with so many different sports, ever, the two-time halfpipe gold Lifestyle E ditor

HALFPIPE D R E A M S — American snowboarding superstar does it again; S h a u n White trium­ phantly holds the flag above his head, celebrating another Olympic gold. medalist wasn't in the business of silver medals. In the final run of the event, White threw down a 97.75 run by nailing his 1440s and adding in a classic “White McTwist.” After a disappointing fourth place at the Sochi games in 2014, White took a season off to recover and refocus. Many thought he was done, but with another gold around his neck, who knows what’s next for White as the rare sight of tears

streamed down his face as he hugged his beloved family who have been with him all the way.

The firsttriple axel Ladies single free skater Mirai Nagasu made history by landing the first ever triple axel in competition by an American woman. She is only the third to do so from any country. The triple axel gave Nagasu a second place finish for team USA in the figure skating team event. W e will wait to see if she can pull out the triple axel once again in individual competition.


P eople

SIBLING P O W E R — T h e Shlbutanl siblings, w h o train In Canton, w e s t of Detroit, m a k e a statement at the 2 0 1 8 Winter Olympic G a m e s In their Ice dancing routine.


l@v§tenimm and walhHumblywrtfr§§d AnmelmmeGmmmtY


History In the making

W e p g h i i = 11 F U S E P i l i A L U N 6H i f t § F W i F S h i g T H l i I U N S A Y ! F e & §§

fust tws Msm§fr§m Van W y \ m

What better thing to do when you’re 17 then blow everyone's expectations out of the water. Sharing the podium with two Canadian veterans, Red Gerard’s gold is one to go down in his­ tory. Plus he earned himself the first gold medal for the U.S. Ge­ rard has proven to be quite the character too. The young snowboarder slept in, misplaced his jacket and dropped the F-bomb on live T V all in one day. That’s right, the day he won the gold. Gerard posted an 87.16 score to earn himself the medal. Plus, his Instagram story posed Gerard holding his gold around his neck with the word “woah.”The Ohioborn kid moved to Colorado when he was young, where he and his many siblings built their own little terrain park in their backyard. N o w Gerard goes home with a gold and a whole group of followers who love the young phenomenon.



W h o can forget about Mikaela Shiffrin who has made history. At 18, she became the youngest slalom champion in Olympic history, and then she came back to take another giant slalom gold medal. She is now tied for the most Olympic golcj

medals won by an American in alpine skiing. The win, although big, was no surprise to the U.S. It’s safe to say that Shiffrin lived up to the hype.

Halfpipe queen A whole 8.5 points ahead of the silver medalist, Chloe Kim’s 98.25 run blew the minds of halfpipe fans. The queen of the halfpipe made history with two back-to-back 1080s on her vic­ tory run. Her 93.25 secured her the gold in the first round but Kim wanted to end on an even higher note. She hit a big run and glided down the slope to hug Lia Jiayu (CHN) and fellow American Arielle Gold, who would share the podium with her.

ShibSibs Although the practically flawless Canadians beat Alex and Maia Shibutani in the team short event for ice dancing, the Shibutani's are making their mark so far in Pyeongchang. The brother and sister duo keep a vlog to stay connected to fans and family around the world as they travel, train and compete to be the best ice skating duo. The Canadian pair (who only barely lost to American's Charlie White and Meryl Davis back at Sochi in 2014) will make it a tough time for the Shib Sibs as they try to overcome the fierce Canadian duo. However, the two siblings are a fun pair to keep up with. The U.S. won bronze in the team event. Whether you’ve kept up with all the action or haven’t even thought to watch the highlight reel, be sure to catch some of the final events of the Olympic games. You’re sure to be at the edge of your seat at some point during alpine skiing and sit in awe of the beauty and grace of figure skating. Take some time to cheer on the U.S. through the final stretch in the medal race, s/’ d r-Kx •

M e n and w o m e n ’s basketball teams climb to the top Sarah Neumar

2 0 1 8 M I A A M e n ’s Basketball T o u r n a m e n t


In Sports

Today Men’s Swim and Dive

Friday & S a t u r d a y Feb.23-24,2018

M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 7 p.m.

#2 Hope

% Game#l 5:00 p.m. EST Cutler Event Center Olivet, Mich.


Women’s Swim and Dive M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 7 p.m.


Thursday Men’s Swim and Dive M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 1 0 a.m.

#3 Adrian

Women’s Swim and Dive

Game #3 7:30 pjn. EST Cutler Event Center Olivet, Mich.

#1 Olivet

M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 1 0 a.m. 2018 M I A A Champion

Friday Men’s Swim and Dive M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 1 0 a.m.


Game #2 7:45 pjn. EST Cutler Event Center Olivet, Mich.

Team Olivet Hope Adrian Trine Calvin Albion Alma Kalamazoo

#4 Trine Championship Saturday, Feb. 24 Game hosted by Olivet

Semifinals Friday, Feb. 23 Games hosted by Olivet

Madison Geers with 11 points. The women were also able to claim the number one seed for the M I A A tournament. Head coach Brian Morehouse commented on his team’s hard work this season; “This team, they work together. They care about each other. This is a really unique team because of the discrepancy of age. There could be a lot of hurt feelings, a lot of selfishnesswith having freshmen in the starting lineup. W e have the opposite. It’s incredible what those upperclassmen have done to make this year work. A player-led team is a much better team than a coach-lead team.” Hope will play against Calvin, who is seeded fourth, on Friday evening in the semifinals. This game will be held at DeVos Fieldhouse, after Trine University and Albion College compete for a spot in the championship game. Tickets can also be purchased at the Hope ticket office on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and on Friday between 9 a.m. and noon. Tickets are $7 for adults, $5 for non-MIAA students, $5 for M I A A faculty and staff, and free for M I A A students with ID. Doors will open at DeVos Fieldhouse on Friday at4:30 p.m. Tickets also may be purchased at this time. Come out to support the women’s team at home this week!


O n Saturday, the Flying Dutchmen defeated Albion College at DeVos Fieldhouse. Seniors Luke Dreyer and Dante Hawkins were honored for Senior Day, along with contributing a sum of 37 points. Dreyer was a starter for the game and accumulated 14 points for a career high, scoring a threepointer in the first 14 seconds of the game. Hawkins contributed 23 points, moving him up to the 21stall-time scorerforthe Flying Dutchmen. Student assistant coach, Christian Butler, was also honored during the pre-game ceremony. Also scoring points for Hope College were juniors Jason Beckman with 17 points, Dennis Towns with 12 points, and Teddy Ray with eight points and nine rebounds. Hope claimed their co­ championship with Olivet College and their third consecutive title. The team will be seeded second in the M I A A tournament this week. On Friday the Flying Dutchmen will face Adrian College (No. 3 seed) at Olivet. The winner of this game will advance to Saturday’s championship game! Tickets can be purchased in advance at the Hope ticket office, 100 East Eighth Street, on Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. Tickets will also be sold atthe door atOlivet on Friday.The cost ofticketswill be $7 for adults, $5 for non-MIAA students, $5 for M I A A Faculty and Staff, and $3 for M I A A students. Tickets for Saturday’s championship game will be on sale Saturday evening at Olivet as well. Show your support and come out to the tournament games! O n the women’s side of things, the team was able to claim their M I A A title with a win over Olivet on Saturday. This was the team’s 16th league championship, coming out of their fifth-place ranking! They tied with Trine for the firstplace titlethis season. Stand out performances in the final regular season game were seen by junior Francesca Buchanan with 16 points, Victoria Smith with 12 points, freshman Kenedy Schoonveld with 14 points and senior

____________ __ ________

S p o r t s E ditor

T his W

MI A A 10-4 10-4 8-6 8-6 6-8 6-8 5-9 3-11

Overall 15-10 16-9 17-8 12-13 10-15 9-16 8-17 8-17

W omen’s Swim and Dive M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 1 0 a.m.

Men’s Ice Hockey at Ferris State, 2 : 3 0 p.m.

Women’s Lacrosse vs. Cl e a r y at Le g a c y Center, 2 : 3 0 p.m.

Men’s Basketball vs. Adrian at Olivet College, 5 p.m.

Women’s Tennis vs. Oberlin, 5 p.m.

Women’s Basketball vs. Calvin, 7:30 p.m.

Saturday Men’s Swim and Dive M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p s at Calvin, 1 0 a.m.

Women’s Swim and Dive H ope C ollege

M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Calvin, 1 0 a.m.

M E N ’S BASKETBALL SENIORS - Dante Hawkins, left, a n d Luke Dreyer graduate this year.

Women’s Track and Field M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Trine, 9 : 3 0 a.m.

Men’s Track and Reid M I A A C h a m p i o n s h i p at Trine, 9 : 3 0 a.m.

Men’s Ice Hockey A C H A Regionals at Ferris State

Women’s Tennis at C a s e W e s t e r n Reserve, 1 p.m.

Men’s Lacrosse at Carthage, 1 p.m.

Men’s Tennis vs. Aquinas, 5 p.m.

In B rief


C a t c h up, stay o n track, or a h e a d w i t h classes a n d for


that fit ydftr w o r k a n d social schedules n o matter w h e r e y o u s p e n d the s u m m e r .

View spring/summer classes now! Registration begins

March 19.

The Hope College men and women’s track and field teams are heading to conference this weekend at Trine University. The team traveled to Grand Valley this past weekend and competed well. Senior Rachael Webb had a stand­ out performance in the mile, claiming a new school xecord. Both teams’ standings are looking good going into the conference championship meet.


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St a t e U niversity

Track and Field Rachael Webb (‘18) Mid-distance

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