** u
ADDISON HOLD STAG Responding snappily to the first Bpln of the crank by chauffeur De Bell, the Addison "sport t o u r i n g " got u n d e r way in short order Monday night. The occasio 1 !!—the annual stag of the Addison Literary Society; the place—Trinity church parlors. . The Addisonian brothers turned out en masse, every available seat being taken, and at the first stop, an excellent course of r e f r e s h m e n t s was served by the ladles of Trinity c h u r c h .
Last Thursday was a big day for the Dickensian lads. It was the first LARGE CROWD GREETS FORMER celebration of their society's birthday. INSTRUCTOR ORATORS WORK HARD TO WIN On this day all of the c h a r t e r m e m GLORY DAY bers were reminded of that night a With the same zest and clarity as In LOCALS NOSED OUT AT END OF year ago when Dickensian became a t .i ^ f o r m e r times, Mr. Wynand Wiehers y NECK AND NECK Jf'. One of the outstanding activities reality on our campus. To top off presented to the " Y " m e „ the need GAME during the school year is the Michi and fittingly end their day of celebrato lay hold on the f u n d a m e n t a l , vital, j,:in Oratorical contest. Hope's record tion a F o u n d e r s ' Day Stag was held elements of the Chritsian f a i t h . "If " St. Mary's team f r o m Orchard in f o r m e r years makes this contest at the Episcopal Parish Hall. The said he, "we are goii.gr to build a towLake defeated Hope Wednesday night one of t h e high lights of our forensic boys surely did justice to the a m p l e ering: Christian life, we m u s t have a Work being finished the program by the narrow margin of two points, season. supply set f o r t h . was completed. Chauffeur De Bell, foundation t h a t is static, a foundation the final count being 33-31. The locals The contest is to be held this year The p r o g r a m of the evening was again easily starting his "bus," guided t h a t has not changed since Christ looked like the win'ners several times a t Michigan State Normal College at unique. Gerrit De Haan first favored it t h r o u g h its careening path with walked by the sea of Oalillee." during the game when they came t h r u Ypsilanti. Each year the competition Mr. W i t h e r s emphasized the fact us with "Sweet Strains of H a r m o n y . " many appropriate and witty remarks, with some very clever shots but in the becomes Qtro'nger. Every college is bea f t e r the fashion of toastmasters. Phil that at t h e present time s o m e men de- Myron Castei'n nobly demonstrated in last minute, try a s they would, they coming more enthusiastic about oraEngel furnished the "gas" in an ac- vitalize Christianity, m a k i n g of It a his toast on "Alarm Clocks" t h a t "Big were not able to tie the count, Kleis tory and t h e r e f o r e a wonderful conas ceptable manner, while "Bevy" Heve- mere moral code. Some approach t h e Ben" is* indeed our best friend coming very near with a half court test is in store this year. lander toasted to t h e "Speedometer" world's problems with an a t t i t u d e of well as it is usually supposed, our shot which refused to go t h r o u g h the This year, as in other years Hope his favorite on the instrument opportunism and not with t h e attitude worst enemy. Marvin Hatfield favored loop. has two outstanding representatives panel. Lester Bossard provided the of the Christian stateman. He said us with a c h a r a c t e r sketch of the It was anybody's g a m e until t h e fini'n the M. O. L. content. They were "Spare Tire", and Bruno Bruns show- that between science and religion there street peddler of the large cities. He chosen last spring and have been ed the necessity of the "Back Seat." "ever ca'n be played his part so well that we almost al gong, Hope having secured a f o u r a reaI con. Point lead in t h e ' i n i t i a l period a n d a working on their orations since the The " E x h a u s t " was emphasized by " I d . but the disagreement arises felt ourselves yielding to his persuatwo-point start in t h e second period. beginning of the school year. scientists and theolog- sive methods. Rdchard Jager, in his a vocal solo by J a m e s Vander Ven between The team from Orchard Lake was alH a r r i e t Heneveld, our representa- and a piano solo by George Lewis. lanc. - T h e r e are certainties now a s usual way, fn bis toast on "Hocus F o ways ready with enough baskets to tive in the Ladles' contest, has been Stanley Albers was also scheduled for well as there have been certainitles in cus Omniblsco" s h o w e d t h a t marriage, ©ven t h e score. individualism, old age, a n d worry, coming along nicely with her oratkm. a vocal solo, but due to a slight con- all ages of history." Captain Glaudel and Sturgls worked H a r r i e t is a conscientious, willing traction of the epiglottis was unable The things in the Christian religion were unnecessary evils, dnd for t h e best for St. Mary's, Sturgls garnering worker, and this combined with her to p e r f o r m . which m a k e it vital and f u n d a m e n t a l time being we gladly abandoned all Ben Te Winkle five baskets and two fouls. Wladalanatural ability and Dr. Nykerk's The unanimous vote was a "good the s p e a k e r included under f o u r divi- t h o u g h t of them. zak. a cripple who held down the coachfcig should prove to make her a time by all," and everyone departed sions. F i r s t , we have an adequate showed w h a t part a "Flivver" could center position, was also a bright light, strong contestant. All you students with regrets, but with a satisfied feel- eader. Just as we m e a s u r e other re- play dn college life. Then William his handicap seeming to have little efknow Harriet, so tell her you are in- ing. both physical and intellectual. "glona a/nd movements by their lead- Bonnema indicated to us how we fect on hia eye for the basket. terested in what she is doing. ers, so in Christianity Christ is t h e could feel and realize the pleasures of o Kleis and Japinga had the.loop fever, The Lure of the U n k n o w n " and we Stanley Algers. who won the Raven center a n d leader of t h e religion. Mr Many a s h a r p a n s we r is made in contest last spring will carry Hope's WIchers urged his h e a r e r s never to are still g r o p i n g a-bout trying to find for these two forwards annexed sir blu'nt language. banner in the Men's contest. We all 'ose sight of the greatness of Christ, our unknowns, especially we bachel- baskets apiece. These two stars found In this world it is not the just ors. he r shooUng eye and worked brillknow what he can do in the way of of His idealism, and most of all His who sleep; it Is the irresponsible. divUity;" • '• v forensic work. A l t e r s h a s been workOur Pounders' Day Stag was a big WOrk Z v l L - Captaln Albe"' Indefinite knowledge is definite ing especially hard the last few weeks, A seccnd f u n d a m e n t a l fact of our success. We hope -to m a k e this an walls f T ? B r i n k W e r e l l k e 8 t 0 n e ignorance. «alls of defense and each contributed and considering what an orator he religion Is that it gives us a great a/nnual affair, and the spirit of "LoyThough it be clever, if unkind, goal from long range. To the was 'before Dr. Nykerk took charge, \veapon with which to flght, namely alty a n d F r i e n d s h i p " ruling DickenLet it not leave your brilliant mind; la we have no f e a r for Hope. l , r " 1 " 1 6 " w a 9 a ^ e a t game, one the Bible, he speaker showed t h a t sian, we know we shall enjoy m a n y which thrilled the spectators with But t h e students at Hope must back Better unuttered is the t h o u g h t the Bible. The speaker showed t h a t more such celebrations of our day of By which to others pain is wrought. speedy passing and phenomenal shootthe orators in their work to uphold history and by experiment in the lives birth as a society upon the campus of g. The visitors wore all In as the Hope's honor in this state contest. Let Better your friends had never laughed of men. our dear Alma Mater. Tha'n one shall suffer from your Anal whistle sounded and their stalleach one of us show that we are inThe third characteristic of Christishaft. ing nearly proved disastrous. terested i'n our representatives and anity is that It is a life-lcng task. It give them the necessary encourageIn the first half Albers pushed Hope is a real man's Jab which we ca., ment. They have been working for in the lead with 2 foul shots. Tylka begin', 'but which others must finish nearly a school year on their orations evened the count with two srtots from • But along with the bigness of the and now when the oratorical contest the foul line. The visitors jumped task there comes to a Christian, is near at hand they must be keyed ahead, two long tries by Sturgls going strength, power and a certainty of vic- FINAL ELIMINATIONS HELD up in order to do their best. And we, through the loop. Hope evened the tory. "That," said Mr, Wiehers, "is LAST WEEK a s students, must aid in givi'ng t h e m battle at 8 points as Kleis tallied twice. EXTRA LVCETM NUMBER the way a young man ought to apthe p e p and enthusiasm to work so Hope ran Its total to 14 when Japtaga PROVES SUCCESS Proach the job of being a Christian." Great interest and enthusiasm is much h a r d e r . It surely was a real treat for the shown this year in debating. Not only cashed In from mid-court and also lloth of our orators will speak in 150 fellows present, to hear their for- are t h e young men of Hope becoming netted a short shot. Capt. Glaudel was As an added n u m b e r to Hope's chapel sometime in the near future, mer instructor again drop precious f a m o u s t h r o u g h contests with o t h e r following the visitors* shots closely «o let us all be there to h e a r t h e m Lyceum Course the delightful comedy pearls" of thought. Among other colleges, b u t the young women as well and sown the More was tied again. and give them added encouragement. d r a m a "Not So F a s t " attracted a large humorous things Mr. Wiehers said are striving for victories. Two elim- Sturgls and Waldaazak put St. Mary's Let us -not wait until we have the appreciative audience at Carnegie hat he hoped the students showed ination debates were held this past 1 In the lead with brilliant passing (•lory Day to s h a k e hands with them, Ha 1 Friday night, Feb. ly. The play the same profundity of knowledge of week—one on Monday evening a n d and shooting. The half closed, Hope ''ut do it now in order to insure a contained a pleasing variety of h u m 14, St. Mary's 18. historic lore as in the former days the o t h e r on Wednesday afternoon. Glory Day. orous and serious situations, which, Within a half minute of opening the The question debated was "Resolved, A r r a n g e m e n t s are being made to combined with the skill of each playthat the Constitution . should be second half Hope forged two points DELPHI ENTERTAIN have a bus carrying s t u d e n t s to Ypsi- er to interpret his part, held the a u d i amended to empower congress to con- ahead, Kleis shooting two pretty baslanti for the Oratorical Contest. Ev- ence in rapt attention throughout t h e trol Child labor. Those who won out kets and Japplnga following with ant : y year many of Hope's students fol- performance. On Saturday night, Feb. 20, the Sturgls evened the score at in these debates and received places other low our orators and this is a great The scene was laid in the Standish Delphi girls gave their annual enter20 all, his deuce traveling from midaid and encouragement to them. The a p a r t m e n t s in New York. The Stan- tainment in honor of the gentlemen on t h e teams are A'nne Tysse, Leona Sithes, Sandrene Schutt, Alice I h r m a n , court. Juchmewcz madfi Hope take to contest will be held on Friday, March dish children, who are orphans, have and rendered a most c h a r m i n g proHelen Zander and Ethel Henevelt. A trailing as he cashed In two ring5. The f a r e to Ypsilanti a'nd return as guardian Mr. W a t t Blake, who a r - gram in the auditorium of the W o m debate will bo held with Kalamazoo ers. It was Hope's turn again. Albers wr.l be five dollars, provided we can rives from Kentucky to take care of nn's Literary club. When the happy Normal in the near f u t u r e . The co- counted from long distance. Back and get thirty to go. Let us all get back the Standish affairs. J i m Acton also group had fully assembled, t h e - D e i eds a r e spending time a n d energy In forth the lead shifted until only tour of this and all who can should go to is Interested in the Standish wealth Phi president. Geraldfne Dykhulzen, minutes of play remained. St. Mary's preparation for this event. Yjallanti. a n d wishes to m a k e some Mexican In- gave a fitting welcome, a f t e r which was leading 31-27. Japinga added for vestments. By clever delay on t h e Cornelia Nettinga sang a solo. The route of Alexander in conquer- Hope. Glaudel was left unguarded and The main feature of the program HEY! $3.25 NOW part of Mr. Blake the opportunity to ing the world Is not of half as m u c h tallied an easy one under the loop. in which aome Tlio M IcHtone ra'csnien have ap- buy this stock is lost. Thereupon was an operetta a Importance aa the road YOU travel to Kleis cut the margin to S1-S8 proached you repeatedly and will con- J i m Acton a t t e m p t s to f u r t h e r his unique character sketches were made long try by Kleis hit the rim' amd the realization of your ideals. tInae to do so. If you nave already designs on the Standish f o r t u n e by by the girls. The playlet was entitled bounded out. St. Mary's took to stallfor your Annual this notice neea proposing marriage to Mary Standish. "The Tea Cup Girl." The p e r f o r m ing and was anxiously awaiting the be hooded. If you have promised By clever detective work Blake ex- ance contained the following cast: Old Fash km ed Girl..... r Hyma ell as Hope was playing f u r ^ salesinan m a k e it a point to pay him poses Actcn's designs, whereupon ^ f a n S. Klooster B o w e r y 0 1 r I -R. Kennell ously. The visitors were holding the her) immediately, for after March Mary decides to leave her future, by ! e a C U P 8. Lacey Alice Blue Gown M. Van Buren ball as the timers closed the action. Tea Leave8 M. Dulmes, L. Heinz A t h l e t l c the price soars to $8.50. The Staff marriage, and that of her brother and G"-l .M. Boter Band Box Girl R. Vander Linden its yon to get an Annual for $3.25, sister in the hands of Mr. Blake. Sleepy Time Gal Jt. Marcotte Co-Ed.. r, w (Continued on page 3) Marcotte Gal of My Dreams bnt with the . passing of February This play marks the c'ose of Hope's g. g c h u t t parses this "two-bit" saving opportun- Lyceum Course, and the management " a r C i e l a C. Poppen These character sketches were acV e P00t A student who trfes to drive his ity. Do It now! Dig down deep and is to be commended for bringing the ^ E. KlerK companied by appropriate music. a m P moral machine through the mud of -a Kennel yon will scare the required amount season to a close with this delightful! ! Gypsy Sweetheart ... j . V a n Z y l Delightful refreshmenU were served Snappy Stories. True Confessions, and to the surface. \ number. after which the Delphi members sang Red Headed Girl ......M. Boter such slime is likely to get stuck In the society song. the quagmire of moral degeneracy.
•f. . * f.v-—
Page Two
THE ANCHOR Subscription
$1.50 P e r Year STAFF
Editor-in-Chief Bruno Bruns Associate Editore:— .-..James Ten Brink '. Arlyne H a a n
pion of lite S o u l h ' t h a t year, and Mr. night. Kay's guest came way f r o m race ? whiten oUf^ Our d a r k s k i n f t f c o ^ r o t h e r a — a l i e n s , Stegeman h a s been t h e coach t h e r e Detroit. Here I S l T i e " Land . a f - t ^ i r r j > i r t h — e v e r - s i n c e — , . , A , a d ' - > -th.e..article cnn-—o . right— . eludes, "Athens h a m ' t a single citizen Our orchestra gave a very success-. Are singing with wistful v o l c e a , - s i n g " ' m o r e popular t h a n P j : p t S t e g e m a n . " ' ^ f u l concert a t Rev. Mr. Bovenkerk'a c h u r c h " in Muskegon last Thursday^ ir^g An^^-IcA. | , Word h a s been received of t h e evening. — F r o m T h e Blaze, Antlbch .College death o( Mrs. J . Meulendyke at R o c h ester, New York. Rev. Meulendyke, .VCjornle". Nettinga sung-»at t h e conwho survives her, is one of Hope's cert in Muskegon T h u r s d a y evening. She also sang in G r a n d Haven last oldest living graduates. week. Even the p o p u l a r newspapers -o-
i .
Alumni News
Department Editors
HOME V O L U N T E E R S a r e publishing her f a m e . P e a r l e Leenhouts How do you do, Alumni! T h e r e a r e Agnes Tysse acording to recent statistics, 1,053 of W e hear that t h e f u r n a c e at A1 The Home Volunteers held t h e i r Raymo'nd Smith >ou. Naturally, a m o n g 1,000 people, regular meeting Friday in Van Vleck Neevels and F r a n k H i n k a m p ' s rooms j g ( j e H g l U C l t<> t ^ ^6Humor— and Hope g r a d u a t e s to boot, t h e r e / J (j b y S( ll( o l £1 d Corneliun Muilenbcrg, must be something of interest h a p - Hall. After the usual preliminaries went wrong last Tuesday evening. By P a u l H u n t e r pening at lea.st once a week. If a n y - a delightful address on " T h e Best t h e odor" of their clothes .something college s t u d e n t s Exchange..., Mary Crouch thing has h a p p e n e d to you or some English Version of t h e Bible" was m u s t have been radically wrong. Campusology U l l l a n Schmld ^ n u g ~ o T y o u r a c q u a i n t a n c e t h e * l v e n b y Professor Paul E. H l n k a m p . the Leona Sithes and Edith Banninga Questions Lawre nc e Borst i i l u m n l e d ; t o r w m b e n 8 g l a ( , t 0 r e . A f t e r stating that he believed American Revised Version was t h e went to Grand Rapids to see "Blossom W e have ( ur new s p r i n g y , celve it as t h e Anchor subscribers best, he went into t h e history of t h a t T i m e " ln«Tt T h u r s d a y . slippers and p u m p s for lacics Reporters will b to read it. revision a n d t h e n showed its superioro — • Head R e p o r t e r Russell D a m s t r a who like ^ood look?, high ity over t h e King J a m e s Version. This Among t h e "61d l l o p e i t W o»n t h e 0_ quality and c c m f o i l in i h n i The Rev. L a m b e r t u s Hekhuis, \vho superiority is shown in several ways, c a m p u s last week end were J e a n n e t t e Busiucss ^ , has spent one very successful term in i r i r s t af a'l it is based upon m a n u - Smith f r o m Chicago, Heinle Costing shoes at Business Ma'aager Carl BovenkerK !. . ' •• " educational Mission work in India, gcripts older than those used by t h e who is teaching in M. S. C., Cynthia Axs'i Bus. Manager....Peter De u u u e r . ^ , ,, * ^» ^Don 1A ~ ^i.i— h a s b e e n t ro r , : e a b y 111 h e a I t h t o r e Secondly,'on Mtdpolder from Kalamazoo, " w n n n m Tnitlo ' K i n g J a m e s translators. Soec or Circulation. Manager....W111iam Tuttie * »» ir i •" ' main in t h e L n i t e J States. Mr. H e k - ^he mechanical side it is a " superior rt«:hilU.iiif.«.j f i o m Grarnl Rapl.ls. hills' health h is been failing for Kom3 | ) 0 0 i c because instead of each VCIMO Nclle Tanis f r o m Kalamazoo. , .....SPIKIT time, a n d docto:Q have advised against | ) e i n g a new p a r a g r a p h as in tho o In the former Sprietsma BIdg. his r e t u r n to India. King J a m e s Vert-ion, this version li We're glad to h e a r that Vernon Ten Undoubtedly all still r e m e m b e r our p a r a g r a p h e d with regard to the thot. ^ a t e is recovering rapidly a n d will state champion basket-ball team of b a r k soon. .. Mi's. H e k h u i s was f o r m e i l yJ Jennie Arabic n u m e r a l s fa-jilitato h a n d l i n g 4 m .. , .it t u . l f last year. Many may still recall t h a t 0 of the book. . i i «.i J.i •!.« i.'...,..,. i u i m i n k , a Hope alumna, a n d before an..ax i m m o r t a l battle with the Kazoo t q u a a Lastly in a literary way, in chaste"Connie" H o s p e i s went to Chicago her m a r r i a g e was a " p r e p " instructor. (,v? in which Hope emerged t h e victors. ness of language and clearnes;j t h e r the week e»nd. -oThen you a r e reminded of t h e inAmerican tlevislon is superior to t h e oH O L L A N D , MICH. cidents connected -with t h a t victory. Mr. Willard Vander Meer, who h a i o l d v e r s i o n > Several students went to F r e m o n t The spirit t h a t prevailed,—the t i e - already had the a d v a n t a g e of t h r e e Capital $100,000.00 Altho t h e r e arc imperfections, such last Wednesday to attend t h e funeral mendou'3 outbursts of enthusiasm t h a t years of teaching experience in China, as division into verses, which is of of our pood friend Rev. Mr. DykhuiSuiplus a r d P r c f t s ^140,010.00
Campus Alumni Sports
This Oxford $ 4 . 8 5 and $5 8 5
$3 8 5 £ 4 . 8 5 $5.85
Economy 5hoe Store
Holland City State Bank
spurred Hope on to a win. E a c h year has completed his s e m i n a r y course, we turn to epochs in our basket-ball and is under a p p o i n t m e n t for Chi'na
career in which our spirit is above under our Board of Foreign Mission?.
to ltg l o n g
the average. Although victories illumine our thoughts, d e f e a t s may also cause us to comment. Saint Mary s defeated Hope but it waa a n o t h e r of those epochs to which we look back in admiration. Defeat was not due to team or school; both played their part and played it well. It was t h e finest combination of officiating, clean sportsmanship, and exceptional play•ng seen this year. But w h y comment on d e f e a t ? The spirit displayed was exceptional. It haa been seen in previous years. However, it seems s t r a n g e t h a t these periods of enthusiasm last for only one -night in a year. It seemed s t r a n g e — t h a t yelling and applauding. That strangeness pushed H o p e on to a final degree of exertion. It enabled Hope's five to give its best. That self-determination of each mernber of the t e a m received an impetus beyond description. W h y shouldn't they give thelr best! Hope was behind t h e m , Hope's spirit prevailed. It re-acted on
e as t h e old version, sen. difficult to change, due •
l a n d i n g and t h a t a c h a n g e
. • . would m a k e commentaries and con- t h e "Grooter Twins" on t h e a f t e r n o o n W h e n t h e Rev. and Mrs. J o h n Van cordanccs unusuable. of Washington's b i r t h d a y . E s s r e t u r n to Arabia in t h e fall, they Professor H i n k a m p concluded his 0 m ^ m t h e m their niece, Swanaddress by s u m m n g up t h e t h r e e main * w ta e W 1 A!l00 y o u n g , who h a s just re- points and adding t h a t t h e American ^ H a t t e m a'nd Margaret tina De h e r a p p o i n t m e n t to t h e Ara- Standard Version is t h e best version P o h l m a n gave a p a r t y to t h e Sonhoce:ved n i o r e e i r l l i 111 V o o r h e e s i n We u n d e r s t a n d t h a t extant. of b i a n Mission. n, 'Swanny' is already quite proficient • The a d d r e s s was very interesting M 'guerite Flipse. T h e girls furnished Get Your Eats i n A r a b i c v e r b S | t h a n k s t o t h e e f f l c . a n d i n g t r U c t i v e and every man present t h e { u n b y Putting on a mock wedding at lency of her t u t u r , Mr. Van ESQ. certainly profited by hearing P r o f e s - ceremony. Kay Learned m a d e a fi'ne G e r t r u d e B e h r e n d s was thy o s o r H i n k a m p ' s clear and pointed r e a - • " I d e / groom. Max Houmes acted as preachengagement of Miss--Cortone soning. T h e 14 B a s t S i h S r . er. Kealy of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to THINGS WORTH WHILE R a y m o n d Lull Zwemer h a s been a n — Q... nou'need. Mr. Z w e m e r expects to re: ceive his P h . D. dergee f r o m Yale U One of life's problems is to decide I L: w h a t is. or what is not, worth while. I next J u n e . Tiiis question faces every h u m a n beo H e n r y Oosting '23, was one of two ing in all walks of life. It is the quesg r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s at Michigan State tion before the t r a d e s m a n who buys college to be elected to P h i Sigma his goods, the youth who chooses his GET A BOOK O N a national h o n o r a r y g r a d u a t e scientific profession, t h e student who selects his f r a t e r n i t y . Costing ia also a m e m b e r course.!. There a r e those things in a n honorary local botanical f r a - college which are p a r t of one's educatcrnity at M. S. C. tion—necessary elements in the wello developed life. Most of us HVe In so 0
M olenaar&De Goede
studying at t h e seminary here, has
State held
n u t
his education. "The Dutch peope have
t h r e e hobbles," he says, " t h r i f t , edu"Land of the pilgrim's p r i d e " — h e a r k cation, and V-eliglonr He a n d - h i s four t h e wild wail f r o m the slave brothers,-.aided b y ' t h e i r / f a t h e r , put
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Smith's Drugstore In the School Neighborhood. The Convenient Drug Store.
0 iiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiMiiiiHiiiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiMi* ••••••••iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimm
Mrs. Durfee entertained the d r a m a
years the Stegeman brothers traveled p:ay cast a t a business meeting last s: as a basket ball team, a n a ' m o s t un- Monday night. The cast presented £ beatable combination. All five have her with a waffle iron. distinguished themselves In widely 0 parents over
faces about They came. Gentlemen's
Campus News
or different fields, and not least of them "Billie" PJos visited h e r Is H. J . He first came to A t h e n s as t h e week end. Y. M. C. A. physical director and was o Sloth of the lily-white planters, greed t h e n offered t h e position of coach for There w e r e some n e w of white t r a d e r s In m e n — t h e baseball t e a m of t h e University t ' e c a m p u s last Saturday. How can we wipe out t h e stain of It of Georgia. The t e a m w a s c h a m - .-Q doubt, for Delphi
Brink's Book Store
themselves t h r o u g h "prep", a n d ' a r e La'nd where my f a t h e r s died"—died now all university graduates. For two
Student Volunteer Conference,
Plaintively trusting and patient. South. He was born at Holland, a son ^ o™'* of t h e land of their birth, of pioneers. The paper tells a b o u t essentially worth w h i l e . .
more tha'n
[By Emily Post] ^The Blue Book of Social Usage"
t h r o u
weighs worth.
year at Alblon on M a r c h 5 accepted a position as t e a c h e r in the ' 6 and 7 of t;rs v a s t r e t u for the American Indian school at W i c h i t a , . ' ' ? ™ Kansas. "Chief" left this week np.y t i m e and effort spent to attend it. It will be missed by Holland's basket l s t h e r e t h a t t h e student may be lifted to a higher level f r o m where he ba 1 fans. can gain a wider, clearer view of the world. T h e r e he h e a r s men and wom- i. The Atlanta J o u r n a l of Feb. 14, Voices vibrant with feeling, rich mel- 1926, devotes a whole page to Coach en of vision who know what it m e a n s odious voices, H e r m a n J. Stegeman, t h e physical ' to be world citizens In t h e t r u e sense Are such conferences Sweet as the laughter of youth, but director, basketball a n d t r a c k ' coach o f t h e W O r d tinged with the sorrow of ages', at t h e University of Georgia' l i e is one w o : t h while? t h e i r Influence extend b u o y a n t and pulsing and strong, yet of t h e foremost athletic leaders In the f o f one day. or week, or month, but
neath the knout and t h e lash! Land of the noble f r e e ' — t h e hooded raiders, t h e lynchings! . Land where one drop of pigment
Before You Attend the Banquets
Stlnglns my aoul like Are, scoichlng my pride of race. fn church, in the house of w o r s t e d ' sacred to God t h e F a t h e r . I hear t h e 'negroes singing, singing America. -
America, land of t h e free.
• T h e Rev.. H a r m Dykhulzen, '05. 8 e c ^uded a circle t h a t we forget the died very suddenly on Feb.- 12 at his o t h e r things worth ^vhile. Life conhome in F r e m o n t . He Is survived by tains m a n y valuables or those who a widow, a d a u g h t e r , and" two sons, w o u l d m a k e them. It aloo holds out one of whom, Cornelius, a g r a d u a t e t h o s e t h i n g 8 l e 9 s worth-while; Are 0 w e of last year, is now in J a p a n . choosing the latter?- Is our time I N A NEGRO CHURCH o and is our money bei'hg spent for Oh, I a m sick with shame, sick with J a m e s Ottipoby, who ^ has been things t h a t a r e real and lasting? T h e
/f O / I n t e r e s t paid on Time i /ODeposi's
M n . Cobb o n t e r t a i n e d Ln honor of
a basket-ball court. It urged on and a moral victory resulted. Such spirit advertises the school. Did your Hope spirit help advertise?
t h e s h a m e of t h e white man,
The best f a n c j Sundaes in t e w n . Light L u r c h c s . Special Candies.
R* .
, ~
cross rom Warm Friend Tavern "
mil in iiiiinii il, imiiinrtgj
... •••lililiMIIIMIIiMMM mfllltl
Richman's Clothes of Quality Suit or Topcoat $22.50* Write C. B. Higgins 46 Fitch Place, Grand Rapids, Mich. / |lMIHUIIUHU«UMM«IMMiUliUIIMI|ilUUIIIMIWMMIMINIMHIIMNIIIHI
^% - fXin
New Hats!
New Caps!
Yes, we have new patterns in the small thape Collegiate Cap. Also a beautiful assortnunt in Ties and Sox'. Have you seen the Oxford Bags?
Page 'three
contribute to the Silver Anniversary Fund address Mary Crouch, Voorhees Hall. The fund Is to be used to Turnish the Y. W. room in the new chapel. o
matriculation in the university and of living In Paris are ridiculously low. The tuition charge Is at present $2.80 per year, and for those pursuing scientific courses requiring an unusual outlay for books and a p p a r a t u s $15.00 is sufficient to cover it all. —The New Student.
College and University enrollment Our commendable eastern students the United States totals 002,000 stulove to comment on "this Michigan dents which is 73% as many as have weather." The lack ut sunshine an- been graduated f r o m American colnoys them. leges In the last 300 years. F o r days the sun has refused to apo pear. Occasionally It shines for a few seconds. A headline in the Sentinel ran thus, "fcun shone twelve consecutive minutes yesterday." An unheard What is Your Pet SuperHtitlou? of phenomenon. Never would I dare to venture forth The photography Industry has had ln
(.r I9I« \Va;Us to I'!u;o Mfiuoilal Window In Lar^c Chapel When It Is Huilt
Tiio lino project being put over by Dr. K. D. Dimnent, president of Hope college and hta aides, is coming along nicely and, without doubt, by commencement week t h e cornerstone will ho lahl which will he n very fitting oc- ' •cmarkaMo slump lu huslnoss. Lack 1 aKii'ii, Since General Synod of ttu ^ - h l n e will prevent the printing Reformed church will also meet in u r S o , 1 , o r Pictures for the •'Milestone". Holland at t h a t time. ' ^ o n e of the proofs were good. Go warn
At VAN TONGEREN'S Leading Sport Shop
Graduating week 1920 will be one of t h e greatest weeks in the history of Hope College, and for thtit reason tho
First State Bank — it —
OVERCOATS « —- •M/r - •
VISSER & BAREMAN • 50 E 8 t h Si.
Your home for Kodak Finishing, Framing and Gifts
10 East 3th St.
Phone 5445 '
Special Chicken Dinner E r e r y Day
Home Cooking 29 W. Eighth St.
DISEASES OF THE EYE. EAR. NOSE and T H R O A T : 22 West 8th Street, 4 ^
Office Hours— 8 to 11 A. M. 2 to 5 P. M Sat. 7 to 9 P. M
Home Baked Piei A Specialty Holland, Mich.
DR. A. LEENHOUTS Citz. Phone
Stevenson's OPTOMETRIST [Optical Specialist]
The White Cross Three experienced Barbers. Hair Bobbing a specialty,
Z Z V Z i Z T * " " ' " T ^ this t i k e s the form of the tail of a cottain-tail bunny. My faith in this talisman Is often small, for I usually ^ 01 K ' 00(1 l ) i c tures. carry a hickory nut to f u r t h e r insure ul(i n i a n lost his way while good luck. But of what value is hlmtin & f o r the sun. Women never go good luck on the ice If one has 0llt u n l c s s protected by an umbrellu. rheumatism and cannot go skating? Jt w o u , d b e unfortunate to be caught Therefore I always carry a double by the. sun. cedar knot as a preventative, for I Schoo l children are being told to must have my Ice skating. ueai spectacles to refract any stray — W m . Bonnema, '27. la s ^ t h e sun.
0 n e omcers of the class of 1U1G are beginIn Voorhees is confined to T h a t Students c a n 0 l e a r n something, C1, 1 0 ning to round up tho members early, ^ 0 m with a bad case of s u n b u r n . Martha J a n e Gibson, English Dept. and the following circular letter to ^ i s is a most unheard of thing. Drug
—Of the—
No doubt t h e r e will be many class reunions then, but it was up to George A. Pelgrlm, Miss J e a n n e t t e Mulder and Miss Ethel Dykstra t o . s t a r t a reu'nion for the graduating cltuas of 1916.
24 E. 8ih St.
DU MEZ BROS. Dry G o o d s , C o a t s . S u i t s a n d Millinery HOLLAND.
the graduates of this class Is not only interesting but conveys a great deal of news as well. To the Members of the Clars of 191U: Dea:* CUuwmate:—• Ten years ago you graduated a'nd you undoubtedly think it time for a cla»3 reunion of our illustrious class, Such a. reunion is scheduled for commencement week. June, 1926. Just as ten years ago, this week will be over stressed by several important events: a pageant presented by the class of 1026. the meeting of the General Synod, and the laying of the eornerstcne of the Colonial Memorial chapel. Make your vacation plans now and spend the week of J u n e 13th in Hoiland, Michigan. It is high time that we decided on a use for our "Pageant of Hope" f u n d , It h a s been suggested t h a t we present a Memorial window for the Colonial Memorial chapel, the west window over the main entrance. Pictures are enclosed of the proposed chapel and of this west window. This "Pageant of Hope" fund amounts to approximately $1500, and t h e r e seems no better use for it tha-n a memorial window. Our perpetual president. Tony Van Westenburg, has appointed the underslgned comnvittee to a r r a n g e for this reunion a'nd receive your reply as to the suggestion for a memorial window. Now pla'n to come. Send your repiles to Ethel Dykstra, Secretary, 29 East Ninth street. We are depending on your enthuslasrn and pep as a m e m b e r of the class of 1916 for your prompt and Immedlate reply. Let us hear from you before March 1, 1926. Sincerely yours, Geo. A. Pelgrdm, J e a n n e t t e Mulder, . ~ Ethel Dykstra, Sec'y. o Y. W. C. A. "Seeing
was the theme, Thursday evening, of the Y. W. meeting. Pearle Leenhouts. the leader. contrasted the ideus toward God, ot the world and of Christ. The world wants to see. He t a u g h t us to see God through faith. God Is also revealed through nature. We who have learned to see the Invisible God should follow the "Jesus Way." and open the eyes of others that they may g!adly follow. A duet, "My Task," was sung iby Gladys and Mal.el Moeke. A letter was read f r o m the f o r m e r president. Agnes Buikema, who is
stores report a-n Increased sale ' of d e c k l e cream. Removes Instantly, ur in "' " t least turn brown freckles u l j u l c love-bird green. This is a. popu.ar shade In Spring cotors. The debating teams are delighted with a new subject "Resolved t h a t the sun shines more In the East, notab, y ^sew Jersey, than in the West, Michigan specifically." 0 n e m a n was so frightened a t seeshadow that he ran all the wa y home. When he will venture forth again has not been reported. However, he may have been out late at night and mistaken the moon for the sun. The East is a heavenly place to live, The sun shines every day without fall. They never tire of seeing it for weeks a t a time. Slush, ice, sleet, snow, mist, and rain a r e the exception "out East." o
Exchanges Students entering Cornell University this fall were required to pay a special tax of four dollars. This is to m a k e Cornell "a more h u m a n university", This f u n d will be used to organize a system by which a pleasant social life may be enjoyed by students who have no clubs, motor cars, or doting daddies to ease the monotone or their unlvorsity career. o The University of Dubuque has discontinued Intercollegiate athletic activities because they proved a llabWty r a t h e r t h a n an asset. — o All Harvard Seniors in good standing have been granted unlimited cuts by the faculty, Yale also has adopted this policy.
This question Implies t h a t every or more superstitions, 0 n e has one Then there also Is the task of picking out the "pet" one. The one that h a u n t s me the moat Is to enter a class-room unprepared. If the instructor has a becoming smile t h e omens are unfavorable, lie has sensed a vacuum somewhere, and with a ruthless hand he drags me into the slough of "ignoramlty". Lester Kuyper, '28 Before we a t t e m p t to answer this weighty question, let us carefully conslder a few things. It Is always well to know the exact meaning of the t e r m s -af our question befoce wo try to give a satisfactory answer. Accordjng to reliable- authority t h e word ••superstition" refers to amazement, wonder, dread of t h e divine, or supernatural. It implies a n excessive reverence for, or f e a r of t h a t which Is unknown or mysterious. Taking t h e word "pet" as meaning indulged, a d mired, or cherished, we can now f o r m u l a t e our question In more simple terms. W h a t element in t h e supern a t u r a l do you most revere and dread? But you can all see t h a t an answer to this question would require too much 1 discussion to be included In this article. F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e r e are so many awe-lnsplring elements In t h e supernatural t h a t It would be exceedlngly difficult to say which one Is to be most dreaded. — E d i t h Klerk '26. ^•-o(Continued from
P a g e 1)
Summary: Hope 31
Field Foul Total Goals Goals Kleis rf 6 12 Japinga, If 6 12 Poppen, c 0 0 o Vanden Brink, rg 1 3 Canadian universities still f e a t u r e Albers, Ig 1 4 Rugby" as a major sport. Lubbers, If 0 o , Martin, c 0 In one of the largest pipe organs In the world, installed at t h e Unl14 31 verslty of Colorado, there are -six St. Mary's 33 thousand pipes controlled electrically Sturgls. rf 5 12 through more than thirty thousand Tylka, If 0 2 miles of wire. Waldaszak. c 3 4 o Glaudel, Ig J The rythmic tread of the Charles- Gachackl 2 ton caused the floor of Georgia's State College for Women to give way. 14 33 Nearly five hundred girls were learnThe Hope Reserves kept up their ng the new dance. At the University winning streak by defeating Forest of Indiana the board of trustees h a s Grove, 30-15. One by one the teams forbidden the dance in the student lin the neighborhood go down to debuilding In order to forestall t h e feat before the Reserves. Prakken structure's collapse. DePreo and Bekken showed up well —The New Student. f o r Hope. 0
now In China.. The meeting closed There are 3.500 Americans enrolled Florence Dulmes spent p a r t of last by singing "Follow the Gleam.*at the University of Paris. Compared week with Mrs. Dykhulzen of FreAlumni and friends who wish to with prices fn America expenses of mont. •-
Page Four
Do you live to eat Or do you eat to live? If to eat, we can satisfy c o m p l t t i ; If to live, we can living s u b s t a n c e give. CLEANLINESS, SERVICE, QUALITY
Green Mill Cafe
K 0 R 0
On all O V E R C O A T S P. S. BOTER & CO. S H O E S FOR T H E W H O L E F A M I L Y
College Inn •'STUDENTS' FOREMOST EATING PLACE" There are only two w a y s to increase your health and wealth. L a u g h a r d g r e w fat, and board with Pat. C. E. PATTERSON, Prop.
Corner College Avenue and Tenth Street Malted Milks 15c. We have Candy in Boxes and Bulk. Also big line of Bars.
Lindeborg's Students Drug Store 54 E. 8th St.
ELENBAAS & FORTNEY T h e p r e m i e r b a r b e r s of Holland. L L I
In t h e rear, a t
Hoekstra's Ice Cream CREAM OF UNIFORM QUAI ITY 65 West 8th S t .
- A N D -
Victor and Brunswick Records —at the—
MEYER MUSIC HOUSE 17 W. 8th St. Pianos and Viclrolai rented at reaionable prices. -ee——-ee——
B a d — " W h a t do you do lo .avoid falling h a i r ? " Kt'g—"Jump out of the way."
14th OFF
The special inducement In this Issue will be a series of Invisible jokes to test the eye-sight of our readers. o W a r d e n — " W h a t ! It's against your re'lglon to split rocks?" • Prisoner—"Yes. W h a t the Luvd h a ' h Joined.lot no m a n put a s u n d e r . " •—Dartmouth J a c k - O ' L a n t e r n .
-o "You are a sucker to lick me," said the lollypop as the boy took off the wrapper. "This is boring," cried the drill, as it passed through the wood. The following poem has been t i a n s latcd from the original Dutch a n d we affectionately dedicate it to the Voorhees girls and any others in iike circumstances: T h e Little Nun Say, nunnikin, won't you come danca now? I'll give you an egg if you will; Nay, nay, anon the nun replies, My vows were then kept ill; For dance I can not, And dance I may not: The nuns and the novices dance no more. Say, nunnikin, won't you come dance now? I'll give you a cow if you will. Nay, nay. anon the nun replies, I'd rather be standing still. For dance I can not, And dance I may not: Dancing faithfully we foreswore, The nuns and the novices dance no more. "I'I 'i 'M i,1 Say, nunnikin, won't you come dance now? I'll give you a horse if you will. Nay, nay, anon the nun replies. In bargaining you've no skill. F o r dance I .can not. And dance I may not: Dancing faithfully we foreswore. The nuns and the novices dance no more. Say. nunnikin. won't you come dance now ? I ll bring you a man if you will. Ay. ay. anon the nun replies I'll dance then my All. F o r dance I can now. And dance I may now, Dancing vows we will all obey, The nuns and the novices dance all day. Little boy (seeing knot holes in a piece of wood)—What are those? Carpenter—They're knot holes. Boy—Oh, you can't fool me, I know those a r e some kind of holes. — B a n t e r (Colgate)
Phone 2212
D i s t i n c t i v e S t a t i o n e r y , U n i q u e Pror r j fframs and INIenus, or F i n e Papers, t h e / l l o l i a n t l P r i n t i n g Co. c a n serve j o u b e s t . Holland's Finest Printers
"I'm being rushed to death," said , t h e convict, as he was hurried to tho electric chair.
210 College Avenue
"I was a tish to bit« on that o'ne," said the mackerel, as he wrapped his mouth around a worm.
His place is for >ou, His place is for me and you, And for otheis too; Yi s for all old and new.
o A'bert De Bey Is busy cultivating a taste for Boston baked beans since a certain party from way down east has come to town.
13 E. 8 i h ^ V*
Ready Dishes, Hot & Cold for Busy Patrons
72 East E i g h t h S t , "A Real Good Place to Eat."
Lunches put up.
YOUR W A T C H A N D JEWELRY REPAIR W O R K Get Prompt Attention et
14 East 8th St.
The Folks at Home would Appreciate Your Picture. SEND ONE NOW.
T h e Lacey Ntudlo XT*
i l l C K
Hne tailoring, pressing and reYear8 of satisfactory service recommend us.
U V K e m a J
Arctic Frost Bites 5 CENTS
Ice Cream, Candies, Fruits and Nuts,come to A. PATSY FABIANO
26 W e s t E i g h t h S t r e e t
$15.00 to $75.00
Geo. H. Huizenga & Co. JEWELERS
Opp. W a r m Friend T a v e r n
We also Repair Rubbers 230 River Ave.
Opposite Post Office.
A!! Work Gunranteed
Henrietta Kots: Next Sunday my father is going to preach on t h e text, "Love one another." .Lester D.: Let's stay home and practice w h a t your f a t h e r preaches. t o Our latest song hit is dedicated to Neil Van Oostenburg. It is entitled, "She wouldn't kill me in t h e canoe EO I paddled her hack."
D. S r b i f t m t r ,
Phon: 5323
o "I can't see t h a t , " said the b u r g ' a r as he stumbled over a chair in the dark.
Our Business
the Shoe Dbctnr ELEC. SHOE HOSPIT/L
Frosh, (to small boy):"Are you going to be a Hope man when you grow up?" Email Boy: "Yes; are y o u ? "
' Dick"
Shoe Re pairing—That's
Delicious Hot Fudge Sundae %
HAAN BROS. Rexall Drug Store