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March 11, 1960

Present Oplnien Athletic Pregram And Pelicy

1960 Sing

The phrase "athletics a r e over-emphasized" has b e e n tossed around too lightly in the past few years. It is said without any valid grounds behind it.

Tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the Civic Center, as any self-respecting fraternity or sorority member well knows, is the 1960 Sing. Two societies will then be distinguished on the merits of their singing abilities.

There have been many reasons given why Hope decided not to accept a bid to the NCAA tournament. It has been said that we might not have been offered a bid anyway. Anyone closely connected with the situation knows that we would have been one of the first teams invited.

However, if prizes were being given out for the best case of jitters, Wally Van Buren and Adina Yonan, co-chairmen for the Sing, feel sure they could win hands down.

Perhaps the biggest reason is the agreement that Hope entered into at the close of the football season. One of its points was no post season games. In a recent Anchor editorial it was said that this was done to control Hillsdale football. Whether this is the reason it was done, or whether it was done because none of the other MIAA schools wanted to be associated with a Hillsdale-type situation, does not matter. The fact is that our athletic policy has been altered because of Hillsdale football. This is wrong, and it clearly shows that it is time for either Hope or Hillsdale to get out of the MIAA. We have refused to accept a bid this year. The reason must be that Hope College has not shown a "net profit" as a result of its participation in the two previous years. The thought that we have not added to the overall worth of Hope College by our participation in the NCAA tournament leaves us with a deep sense of personal failure. If this be the case we concur wholeheartedly with this year's decision. If this is not the case, then it is time for a re-examination of our policy and it is also time for a sincere guarantee that the word "over-Emphasis" will not again become synonomous with the word "success".


Hope College — Holland, Michigan

Because of the controversy over the decision of Hope College n o t to participate in the N.C.A.A. college division basketball tournament we offer this opinion of the Hope athletic program and policy with special emphasis on the aforementioned decision. Before going on it must be said that we recognize one basic assumption. This assumption is t h a t intercollegiate athletics plays an integral role in college life, in the development of the student, and in the development of Hope's public image. For the past four years Hope athletic teams have been at the top, or near the top, in almost all MIAA competition. Being near the top is due mainly to one fact: Hope College has better athletes. Why does Hope have better — —(Cont'd on page 4)


^11 PREVIEW OF C O M I N G EVENTS. This poor girl is t r y i n g to open the d o o r , hold this boy's books a n d help him w i t h his coat. Girls this week is your chance.

Get Ready Girls!

Ever since May of last year, these two Hope juniors have been planning for tomorrow night's events. They have been responsible for securing three out-of-town judges, for organizing committees and appointing chairmen, for scheduling rehearsals, and for meeting with the directors from each particpating group. Both Adina and Wally have had much previous experience in the field of music. Each will graduate next year with a music minor. Thursday—Kletz Day, coffee Adina sings soprano in the and rolls for half price for chapel choir; Wally plays bass girl-escorted couples. violin in the orchestra and the Friday—"Shamrock Swing" — College Dance Band. Woman's Lit Club —Roger They are planning on careers R e a m e s a n d orchestra. in secondary education. Entertainment, refreshments $1.00 per couple. Wally and Adina have initiated several new practices in Sing production. To serve as various chairmen they chose representatives from each society on campus, Dear Editor: thus establishing a more direct We would like to take contact between themselves and on the Anchor's chalthe fraternities and sororities. lenge to support Emily

Dutch Treat Week Beginning All right, guys —take down the calendar a n d mark carefully your busy schedule for next week. No, we're not referring to the approaching mid-terms —we're talking about the Social Highlight of this year (leap year) for the girls —Dutch Treat Week. And after all —it should be a week in which you too benefit, not one in which members of the fraternity houses remove the phone from the hook. We mean, how often is it, other than sorority functions, that the girls foot the bill? And girls, we'd like to take this opportunity to inform you, that in spite of the many possibilities such as Kletz Day (Thursday during which coffee and rolls will be half price to girl-escorted couples) "Shamrock Swing" at the Women's literary club at which there will be dancing to Roger Reames and his orchestra plus excellent entertainment and refreshments at the cost of one dollar

per couple, this doesn't mean that you can't go out on your own. You are encouraged to take all and every chance that may come your way to drag a boy of your choice down to Mills, to Fricano's for pizza, to the Park Theatre where a double feature is probably playing, or to the kletz any time. This is your big chance to become a social butterfly. AND, I F THERE are those among you who are too shy to do the honors, perhaps a wellmeaning girlfriend will cooperate by placing your name in the "Bachelor Bank" box (the drawing will take place on Monday noon) and then you will have the honor of being escorted to a designated place by a fraternity man. R e m e m b e r , March 14th through 18th is the long-awaited week. Monday, 12:30—Bachelor Bank in the gym. Tuesday—"Y" activities. Wednesday—The show? T h e perfect night for movie dates.

Accept Challenge

Hardee's and Dee Roskamp's Refugee Walk by pledging ten cents for every one of their miles. We have also started planning another project in order to raise additional funds for this very worthy cause. We were thrilled to l e a r n of the initiative a n d sacrifice of o u r friends and hope that their home campus will show the same interest as their "adopted" one! Sincerely, Sibylline Sorority

Honor Dean's List Students Tuesday Honored at a formal tea Tuesday were all students who made the 1st semester Dean's List. Sponsor of the tea was Alcor, senior women's honorary society. Greeting the students were Nancy Boyd, chairman of the tea, Betty Fell, president of Alcor, and Jim Evers, president of Blue Key. Also honoring the students were Mrs. Lubbers, Dr. Hollenbach, Mr. Hilmert, Mr. Hinga and Miss Reeverts.

Publications Board Elects New Editors Named as editors for the 1960 - 1961 Hope College publications were Richard Jaarsma, OPUS; Norma DeBoer and Louise Hunter, ANCHOR; a n d Beverly Joeckel, MILESTONE. The new editors assume their positions in September. The editorships, which are open to any student at the college, were announced early in order to give the new editors a chance to work closely with the publication in preparation for the year ahead. Mr. Richard Jaarsma will assume the OPUS editorship from Mr. Charles Lemmon who is editing this year's literary magazine. For the past three years, Jaarsma has written a weekly column for the ANCHOR and this year served on the editorial board of the newspaper. Also this year he served as poetry editor for the OPUS. Taking over the reins of t h e

ANCHOR are Louise Hunter and Norma DeBoer. Miss Hunter began work on the student newspaper this year as makeup editor and advanced to assistant editor. Along with Miss DeBoer, she attended the national collegiate press conference in New York City this past November. Miss DeBoer who has much high school experience, h a s served as an ANCHOR editor for the past three years. For two years she was news editor and this semester she is also an assistant editor. These two girls will assume control of the ANCHOR from Nancy Boyd. Elected MILESTONE editor is Miss Beverly Joeckel. As with the other editors. Miss Joeckel also has experience on the student newspaper as both a by-lined feature and news reporter and as this semester's copy editor. At present she is helping on the MILESTONE.

The retiring editors of this year's yearbook are Miss Judy Eastman and Miss Judy Neinhuis. Selection of the new editors rwas made by the college publications board consisting of Betty Fell, chairman; Winifred Burggrraaff, secretary; Mary

Jane Verink, and the present publications e d i t o r s Chuck Lemmon, Nancy Boyd, Judy Eastman, and Judy Neinhuis. Questioned were the candidates opinion of the responsibility of a college editor and his plans for the publication if he assumed editorship of that publication.

" G O O D LUCKI" Pictured above are the co-editors of the A n c h o r : N o r m a De Boer. Louite Hunter, the editor o f the M i l f i i t o n t j Beverly Joeckel. M i s t i n g is Richard Jaarsma, editor of the Opus.

Page Two


Editorial The question, "Why have Christian literature?", is a valid one, and should be asked, and answered, by all Christians seeking to build a meaningful faith for their lives. Just what is Christian literature? If this answer is too negative, then what can and should it be? Christian literature is produced on the conviction that there is a hunger in men's souls that needs to be satisfied. Christianity must minister to the wholeness of persons — wholeness of body, of mind, of Spirit, and of relationships. To deprive anyone from access to Christian literature is a form of intellectual and spiritual snobbery. Any possible purpose that our lives may have is lost unless all aspects of our wholeness find at least adequate fulfillment. This is not to say that any and all printed expression labelled "Christian" is necessarily the cure-all of man's psychological and spiritual ills. If we find shallowness and fanaticism in some Christian literature, it is our responsibility to present our views in counteraction to it. Let's not leave Christian expression only up to the tract ' distributors and religious fanatic8 Christian "SGrmanS" expression need not be restricted to trashy illustrated 'sermons' that do anything but convey what Christianity is. Of the many forms of literary expression, the present-day interest lies most intensely in fiction and non-fiction dealing with the impact of Christianity on human lives. Christian literature is vital to life because it speaks to the deepest needs of the human heart. It must be aimed at men's minds, their feelings, and experiences of choice, decision, and crisis. It has the power to fashion life after the magnificent heritage which holds the hope for the saving of the world. Without solid roots in a dynamic literature of moral and spiritual conscience we will become a "cut-flower culture", that is, have great eye-appeal for a while, but would never last long. In the words of Toynbee, "The salvation of civilization rests here with the propagation of Christianity at its widest and most redemptive strength." The accumulated experience of the human race forcibly demonstrates that social idealism and high standards of ethical living largely stem from deep religious faith. A continuing critique of our faith is healthy and necessary, but constant doting on the warts that do exist on the body of our faith is to make a buffoon out of that which has so much to give to the lostness and emptiness of mankind. It's easier to rant against something, than to point out something worthy of adoption. Also, the Gospel needs not so m u c h c efense a 8 ^ ' interpretation. Not protection, but proclamation. The Gospel is not preachy. I t is more than a sermon. It's purpose is the abundant life, the eternal life, hope and strength, and victorious living. The pious pen is well indeed, but what is needed is the pen writing under the flame of genious and profound Christian conscience. Call it inspiration if you like. Christian literature need not be confined to 'jargon of the trade' but must intelligibly shape its ideas to win acceptance in contemporary situations, —not defeat its purpose by arousing resentment. Christian literature must not

Not Trashy Illustrated

Interpretation Not Protection









ample, Jesus Christ. As did this man of Galilee, Son of God, our literature must speak to the understanding of human experience, in all its pathos and tragedy. Its message is mocked by those that are spoiled by it, -—welcomed by those who realize the incompleteness of life without God. Hope is still the greatest of life-giving forces. Faith remains the rock of strength and support for those who would have it. Love is forever the highest and noblest of relationships, —human and divine. Whatever an idea is, it must have the printed word, which is the transition stage of theory into action. Words can bring to life ideas that touch the well-springs of man's convictions, fears, or faith. Christian ideas and Christian living find promulgation and sustenance in the printed word. Who can belie the power of the pen? Is the notion of the living Word really so incongrous? It is necessary that Christian literature respond to its call to deal dynamically with the issues that affect the welfare and destiny of humanity.



Spice and Crumbs

Why Christian Literature

Its Perfect Example • Jesus Christ


HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associate Collegiate Press


Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special ra^e of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 8, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subscribers. Editor-in-Chief Nancy Boyd Assistant Editors Norma De Boer, Louise Hunter News Editor Nancy Sonnevelt Feature Editor Barbara Mortinson Sports Editor Alta Garfield P k i m ' IMitor.. Mickey Hoffman

by Richard Jaarsma The reference to Plato's parble of t h e cave is not mere pedantry. It is the idea around which t h e whole b o o k revolves. J a sper Harrick, a hillbilly, has as his avocation an attraction for caves. Unfortunately, this attraction forces him to enter caves which have not been pried into before and on one of these trips he discovers a cave which he thinks is equal to the Great Mammoth Cave in size and granduer. He enters into a contract with Isaac Sumpter, an embittered young man who was thrown out of the University at Nashville and has been leading a rather usless life since. Since Isaac owns the land he and Jasper decide to share the profit that will come of the cave's tourist attracting qualities. • But Jasper in his exploring gets stuck, and is discovered by his brother, who sees his boots and guitar near the cave. Soon the news is all over t o w n . Isaac Sumpter seeks to capatalize on this apparent tragedy and he and a Greek named Nick Pappadopolous decide to set up concession stands and radio and television rights. Soon the hillside under which Jasper lies buried is swarming with people and one of the greatest public spectacles in the history of the county takes place. There are television announcers and news-

March 11, 1960

Review: THE CAVE; R. P. Warren paper reporters and police and thousands of praying people. Isaac Sumpter supposedly keeps Jasper in touch with the outside world and everyone has an uninhibited time until Jasper dies. Author Warren in this study of a primitive society writes well but hurriedly. The plot is too smooth; the a c t i o n too planned; and the character's dialogues too artificial to hit the reader where he needs to be hit. Warren's preoccupation w i t h sex and his wholesale descriptions of gambols in the dark strike the reader as being just a bit too thick. At every juncture he tries to drive his point home and it is precisely this attention to his theme, this wanting to hit the reader over the head with the club of his prose.

that defeats his aims and makes his message too obvious. Yet in description. Writer Warren excels. He is almost masterful in describing a scene, a person, or a place. He writes accurately of things common to everyone, and by so doing, redeems himself somewhat. The techniques of flashback and foil are adequately used and he makes the transitions easily, with no difficulty or stiltedness. There is never any doubt in the reader's mind where he is and Warren's accuracy in this respect often overshadows h i s other failings. All in all, the book is a good story, but on any other level than that of a good story, the book fails. In forcing the main argument down the reader's throat, he loses his reader.

Letters to the Editor

Support Christian Missions Dear Editor: Throughout the past weeks I have been aware of the feeling of opposition toward the mission drive which was clearly represented in the Spice and Crumbs article in last week's issue. The opinion seems to be that "Light for Sudan" is an unworthy project because we cannot give food and medicine to the Sudanese. The impossibility of sending food or medicine because of government action has been made known to us. However the need for funds to provide materials for teaching the illiterate and for Chris-

Ode in Response to R. J. I " Ah, Sudanese, our answer has come To your need. The paltry sum We offer shows our depth of love. Our brotherhood. This is our dove Of Peace. Excuses are our balm And through this means we seek a calm That rationalizes error. How clever the Seductor's lair! By this wisdom we offer Ourself absolution from the empty coffer. What is the word That advises to lift Conscience's pain of the ungiven gift Is not understood by the absurd. Uninformed, dedicated herd? II Sudansese, this should be our gift. Concern For your life — That you may learn How to fill your belly How to fight the scurvy Discomforting you. We wish for you new Horizons. Only 1100 Christ-like Dollars make small the sight Of a new life. Ridiculous For the concern of all of us Only 80,000 — a mere one per cent. Ill

Ah 80,000, you literate one per cent Whose mind's anticipate the coming event Of reading the Scripture's in your own tongue. To see the tragedy of ignorance undone. Think not that for you few we'll send The money which we'd rather spend On cool sounds. Your body's need For food and healing far exceeds The demands of troubled souls. We had HOPE for higher goals. 'Thoughts of goodness, light and life I Only then can you survive." But how foolish to consider your soul's torment. After all, you're only one per cent I —R. & J.

tian literature for those who can read has also been shown to us. ^t is impossible for us to give them food or medicine, but we can give them the opportunity to read. »


AS CHRISTIANS IT IS OUR duty to support Christian missions by giving in the way we are a b l e . Christ has commanded us to spread the gospel to every land. If we cannot go ourselves we must give so that others may carry out His command. If we are Christians, missions is not optional, it is mandatory and obligatory. A Christian is one who knows what the power and presence of Christ can mean in the life of an individual because he has experienced it himself. If we are not Christians, and we do not believe that these people need Christ then we cannot understand the first and primary reason for missions which is to bring the Gospel of Christ The work of Christian missions is not synonymous with the work of social or humanitarian groups. »


I AM DISAPPOINTED WITH the outcome of the mission drive and the people of the Sudan will be disappointed. But whether or not any of us are disappointed is entirely irrelevant in the knowledge of the fact that we have let God down. We have disappointed Christ. * Hope College claims to be a Christian College. The bulletin states that "its continuing purpose is to be dynamically Christian in its objectives and in its practices." It has been said that Christianity must either "evangelize or fossilize." What will we do ? I pray that in the years to come Hope College may gain more missionary vision. Sincerely, Bemice Muyskens

March 11, 1960




Page Three

^ ^ li In the fraternity house Dan Ritsema and Jim Hanenberg look over the final copy of the music which their society w i l l sing.

Many people are needed to hatch a big egg like an A l l College Sing. Pictured here are the committee a n d the faculty advisor.



/S^ t •'

Which came first the chicken or the egg. In this case it is A d i n a a n d W a l l y , w h o are early l a y i n g plans for the 1 9 6 0 Sing,

the past.

Sing's History Extends Over 2 0 Years

Directors spend many hours trying to perfect their directions. Bonnie Beyers is w o r k i n g in f r o n t of the mirror in her room.

The steps of Graves Library were the site of the first AllCollege Sing held June, 1940. The W.A.L. hoped to design a traditional event to promote music on c a m p u s and to strengthen the ties that bind sororities and fraternities. Each group presented its society song and a semi-classical selection. Sorosis and Emer-

sonian were awarded cups donated by Alcor, Blue Key and Mrs. Grace Fenton, director of the Women's Glee Club.' The 1941 S i n g 'underwent minor surgery. It was now held under Japanese lanterns in the Pine Grove. The competition was followed by community singing and a reception. The point system of rating

was devised in 1942 based on quality, originality, technique and general appearance. That year marked the migration of the Sing to the Chapel. Throughout World W a r II the Sing was discontinued. Reestablished in 1947 the S i n g evolved as the responsibility of the Student Council. ASA made its debut in this competition

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Not only the success of the sing dependent upon the cooperations of the college students but also upon the cooperation of the Holland people.

where Sibs and Arkies drew top honors.

By 1953 the practice time was limited to two weeks.

During 1948 and 1949 increased competition developed resulting in the 100% active membership participation requirement. The Hop-ives provided entertainment while a tense audience awaited t h e judges' verdict.

By 1958 increased attendance necessitated a change of site. New crowds were accomodated in the Civic Center where they witnessed the D © I p h i s and F r a t e r s capture the coveted cup. WHTC made available records of the Sing.

Almost every year additions or subtractions are made to the traditional practice of the Sing.

The Sing of 1959 was performed on an experimental basis. R i s i n g campus opinion against holding the Sing as in

M a n y , many instructions have been given to the different directors a n d the success depends largely on their a b i l i t y to carry out the instructions.

former years resulted in an evaluation by a Student Council committee. The program was designed to reduce cut-throat competition and eliminate other undesirable elements. This was accomplished by omitting competition and the 100% participation requirement. Student Council recommended replacing competition and eliminating the two week practice limitation in the '60 Sing. Photot by Vande Vuise Page Editor: Micky Hoffman To the victor goes the spoils.

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The success of your p e n d i on YOU.



The Civic Center h a t just been condemned — not really, but many last minute s n a g i w i l l occur to harass the co-chairmen.

Battling a f a l s e rumor that they are not a l l o w e d determined to prove that they can w i n .

to w i n , the ASA



Page Four




March 11, 1960

Sociai| Sidelights

Music Department Sponsors Recitals

Hold Elections, Formals

This year, under the auspices of the Music Department, ten or twelve solo recitals will be presented on campus.

"La Vie En Rase" was the theme of ALPHA GAMMA PHI'S winter formal held at the Cascade Country Club on March 4. An arbor of roses and an Eiffel Tower scene helped lend atphosphere for the festivities of the evening. After a delicious dinner of filet mignon, mistrees of ceremonies Dorene Tomga introduced Ruth DeWitt pianist, Marilyn Fugazzatto with the humor paper and Margot Fisher singing "La Vie En Rase." The girls of ALPHA PHI and their dates danced to the music of Lew Allen and his band. Guests of honor were: Dr. and Mrs. J. Brink and Dr. and Mrs. H. Frissel. Co-chairmen for the formal were Sharon Beck and Judy Reichhold.

New Delphi Officers • • • At their March 4 meeting DELPHI elected for their President Greta Weeks. Ethalanne Swets was elected Veep and Jan Owen is the new Secretary. Play-boy Dick Moore, shy Clark Matthews, inexperienced Rod Zengers, and bashful Darell Schregardus have been elected to the Bachelor's Bank. The ARCADIAN FRATERNITY has many ways of awarding its members, but the most cherished honor any man, in any fraternity, can receive is to be elected as one of the fraternity's most eligible bachelors. This fact was proven beyond a doubt at CHI PHI SIGMA'S Lit meeting on March 4. All four gentlemen made no objection at all to being nominated and all were deeply moved at being chosen for this, the highest award ever given by the Fraternity. Each one of them is anxiously awaiting the precious moment in which he will draw the name of that undescribablybeautiful female. He will then have the privilege of escorting her to one of the many and exciting spots here in the vast metropolis of Holland. To add cheerful tears to those already shed, Sal Lutz then appeared wearing a yellow, green, black and white tie that perfectly matched the rest of his presentation. He climaxed the eventful meeting by masterfully impersonating Charlie Weaver reading some of his mother's letters. Last Friday evening the SIBYLLINE SORORITY had a combined business meeting, sing practice and literary meeting. Barb Kamphuis presented the serious paper. *

. *




Therefore music majors at Hope are required to give a recital, usually in their senior year. However, any other music student may apply for permission from the Music Department to give a recital, if he wishes. These recitals are spaced throughout the year, although a large share of them are scheduled for spring. The individual recital may be either vocal or instrumental, consisting of a balanced pro-

Dorian Formal March 4th . • . Dr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Rietburg were honored guests at the Dorian Formal held March 4 at the Blythefield Country Club. The theme, Roman Rhapsody, was portrayed with decorations of dark blue, light blue and silver. After a delicious dinner there was dancing to the music of the Rhythmaires. The W.A.A. intramural Ping Pong matches are under way. Let's all check our schedules to make sure who we play and when. If any questions arise see Diane Claussen in Van Vleck or stop in at the women's Phys Ed office. On March 16 at 7:00 P.M. the S.N.E.A. will hold its regular meeting. Two critic teachers will speak. The topic will be "What Can We Do On Campus to Improve Student Teaching When We Get There?" Refreshments will be served in the Kletz Lounge. At their meeting last Friday the Fraternal Society elected the following officers: Stu Post, President, Ray Ritsma, Vice President, Jim Engbers, Secretary, "Sharky" Vande Woude, Treasurer, Jack Jeinner, Corres. Secretary, and Tom Riekse, Keeper of the Archives. The four lucky Fraters elected for the Bachelor's Bank are freshman Jim Van Dahm, soph. Jim Vander Weg, junior Jim Fox and senior Jim Engbers.

Athletic Program and Policy They are well-qualified, very diligent, very likeable, and completely over-worked. They have little time for recruiting. Is it because athletes are treated better than the average student at Hope? We drive to games in our own cars, we eat the same food, and we are expected to do the same work academically as any other student. Can it then be said that any young man would come to Hope because athletics are over-emphasized? The Varsity . Basketball Team

audience that experience. These general performances are also designed to give the music student opportunities to hear music in all areas.


Including the two choirs, the symphonette, the orchestra, the band, chamber recitals, and solo recitals, the Music Department sponsors about seventy-five performances during the school year.

ffsAnother type of student recital is given monthly throughout the year in the afternoon, Its purpose is to give the student who has not had previous opportunity to perform for an

Literature, Literacy Has Value Dear Editor: The "Ode" in last week's Anchor is very persuasive. It is true that man can not live on good news alone. Man's physical needs must be met and satisfied. This is Christianity in action and certainly should not be overlooked. But does this mean literature and literacy have no value at all to these people? There may be only one percent of the population that is literate at the present. But will not this one percent be those people with the greatest influence in the nation? —the leaders and teachers of their countrymen?


The new officers elected by SIGMA SIGMA are President, Ardith Brower, Vice President, Judy Tysse, and Secretary, Joy Phillip.

(Cont'd from page 1) athletes? Is it because of athletic scholarships? The answer is no and we feel that there are not many who want it any other way. Is it because of the athletic facilities at Hope? Our track is one of the worst in the MIAA; our football practice field is inadequate; we have no practice baseball field, no swimming pool, and our gym can't begin to accomodate the recreational needs of Hope's 1200 students. Is it because Hope recruits? Coach DeVette and Coach Brewer do a tremendous job.

According to Dr. Morrette Rider, "The recital is important to music education. A person must be able to communicate. A musician must be able to speak well in his language, as well as to listen and interpret."

gram designed to be of value to both the student and the audience. These programs are open to the public. Many of them are held on Thursday ev-


• :v;:.

Miss Judy Tysse

Tysse Student Recital Judy Tysee will present her senior recital on Sunday, March 13 in the Music building auditorium. This pretty senior, from Cleveland, Ohio, is a student of Dr. Morrette Rider. She has been studying violin, her major instrument, for about 10 years. Miss Tysse will play the first movement of the "Concerto No. 3" in B minor by Saint Saens, the "Sonata for Violin and Piano" by Burrill Phillips, and a number by Corelli entitled "La Folia." Also on the program for her recital, Judy has chosen to p l a y the Fasch "Sonata" which includes the violin, oboe to be played by Terrill Zylman, flute to be played by Janet Hollander, and the piano. Edna Hollander will be accompanying Miss Tysse on all of her numbers. • Preparing for the spring concert tour is also keeping this musician busy. M i s s Tysse is a member of both Orchestra and Symphonette and serves as the concert mistress of both. She is also a member of a string quartet, and has been the recipient of the Senior M u s i c Scholarship offered by the Hope College Music Department. Miss Tysse is majoring in elementary music education and plans to teach in Cleveland, Ohio, after she graduates this year.

The fact that the Mission Drive was not only for literature, but also for literacy, seems to have been ignored in the "Ode." Another fact not mentioned is that the Sudanese government itself does not allow food, clothing, and medicine into the country. The suggestion that "the pamphlets will be torn in tatters for your cooking-stoves" must be recognized as only an assumption. It is my assumption that these people will respect both the literature and the opportunity for l i t e r a c y which our money is helping to provide. Sudan is one of the awakening countries of the world. We must provide these people with literature and the means to achieve literacy in order to present a Christian answer to the search of these people for freedom and nidependence. Christianity claims to have the good news for all mankind, namely the Love of God in Jesus Christ. If a person really believes that this is the good news, he must of necessity present this message in the beat way he can. At present literature and literacy seem to be the best means to present the good news to the Sudanese. Sincerely, Carl De Jong

Miss Barbara Holmquest

Holmquest Will Play Recital On Thursday evening, March 17, Miss Barbara Holmquest will present a piano recital program in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Miss Holmquest, who is a well-known concert pianist from Ann Arbor, Michigan, will perform the following numbers: MOZART Sonata in E Major, K. 576. BRAHMS Sonata in F Sharp Major, Op. 2. GHEDINI Divertimento tico.


RAVEL Sonatine. MOUSSORGSKY Pictures at an Exposition. This recital will be free to the public and will begin at 8:15 o'clock. On Friday afternoon, March 18 at 4 o'clock in the M u s i c Building A u d i t o r i u m Miss Holmquist will present another recital program as a part of the piano teachers' conference to be held that day on the campus. Miss Holmquest will play "Abegg" Variations by Schumann, and Chopin Preludes, Op. 28 which is a difficult work and seldom performed in. its entirety. This recital will be open to students upon presentation of their activity cards and they will be able to obtain any seats not bought by persons attending the conference.

BUNTE'S PHARMACY Prescriptions 54 E. 8th Street

We Keep "Hope College" Sweet




March 11, 1960





Students And Thought In Moscow

Two Attend Washington Semester Program by Carol Rylance Last September as college was reconvening three memorable events occured in our nation's capital. First, Congress adjourned after its marathon session. Second, Chairman N i k i t a Khruschev arrived in his huge TU-114 for his epic visit to the country of capitalists. The third event wasn't awarded any newspaper space but for ninety college students from around the United States it was the start of a semester that was to prove thought provoking and eye-opening as well as being one in which we would wear out shoes, eyes and ears while drinking in our Washington Semester experience.



* «

GOVERNMENT IN ACTION T h e Washington Semester program is sponsored by the American University of Washington, D.C. so that college juniors and seniors with a real interest in government can gain insights into government in action. Washington's business is government and politics and we soon found that indeed all else is subsidiary to the frenzy of the present trying to keep up with the future. Everything 'in Washington is seemingly possessed by the furies of ambition and p o w e r strangely blended with a vision of the ideal. As Washington Semester students, the Hope contingent (all two of us) was thrown headlong into the bustling Washington arena. Divided into three "units" each with its own academic director, we found ourselves pursuing two special courses; one called the "Seminar" and the other a "Project." The Seminar course meetings with officials working for or with the national government. An effort was made to cover the most essential processes and pertinent problems of government by contact with experts in various areas. In the course of the semester we made extensive and intensive studies of Congress and its staff arms, parties and pressure groups, the presidency and the executive agencies, international relations and the judiciary. TRAVELING ALL AROUND CITY Most of this acquaintance was made via field meetings which took place in various corners of the city of Washington and outside of it as well. T h e s e were guaranteed to familiarize us thoroughly with the D.C. Transit System of buses and trolleys and to make native Washingtonians envious of our knowledge of their city. In all the stggering total of s i x t y seminar sessions was scored last semester. Such subjects as the Landrum-Griffin Act (Labor-Management Act of 1959), disengagement vs. containment, and definitions of "general welfare" were discussed until they were run into the ground. We got used to spending an hour getting from our dormitory to Capitol Hill during the morning and evening rush hours, using one transfer to travel as far as possible (that IS a fine artl) and having speakers that were by turns dull, evasive and fascinating. Hope's unit had several noteworthy seminars including ones

Page Five




REMINISCING OVER their semester at American University under the W a s h i n g t o n Program are Carol Rylance a n d Lee Wenke. P h o t o — V a n d e Vusse

with Senator Wayne Morse, Representative H o w a r d W. Smith (D. Va.) the foxy-grandpa chairman of the Committee on Rules of the House, representatives of several pressure groups, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson, Supreme Court Justice William 0. Douglas, His Excellency Nong Kimny, Ambassador from Cambodia plus several all day sessions at various departments such as State, Labor and Defense. The truth of the statement that the biggest men in Washington aren't the best known ones is borne out by the fact that we had seminars with several men whose names no one would - recognize but who had important jobs to perform within the governmental leviathan. BIGGEST MEN BEHIND THE SCENES The Washington Semester Project was a "do-ityourself" original research paper which gave us students all sorts of opportunity to dig information out of government agencies, the Library of Congress,, embassies, pressure group offices, and Congress, and for making "contacts" in general. Topics covered a wide variety of domestic an d international governmental problems which were examined in detal by the individual student. In addition to the travel opportunities afforded by the seminar and project we were urged to see all we could of our nation's capital city. Very quickly we discovered the astounding number of free tours available to the Washington vistor, ranging from the early morning guided tours of the White House to the long FBI tour. Just by standing on street corners one could also see not only Mr. Khruschev himself but other important visitors from abroad who rated parades accompanied by President Eisenhower in his bubble-top limousine. Congressional committees also presented free "shows" occasionally. Especially absorbing last fall were the hearings of the Harris subcommittee of the House Committee on Legislative Oversight at which emotions ranged from amusement over old TV kinescopes to unashamed pathos at the dramatic appearance of Charles V a n Doren to "confess." ADVANTAGES OF NIGHT CLASSES Since work on the project and seminars took place mainly during the day, some means had to

be found to engage our evening hours, so the Washington Semester students were sent to night classes at American University. We sat among not only full-time graduate students but government employees and students from abroad—including B u d d h i s t monks with shaved heads and saffron robes. Night classes also enabled us to take advantage of teachers who were often experts in their fields. Little enough time w o u l d seem to be left after the work of night and day, but the units still found time for camaraderie and some social life, although it often took longer for thirty people to decide on what they wanted to do than to do it. Among us all there was a unique bond that disregarded class lines—we were not juniors or seniors but Semester students and all in "it" together. Often our best times came from simply sitting around and exchanging information on our various home institutions —all of which tended to result in the feeling that "They don't know what they're missing."

Nome De Boer To College Board Hope College will be represented this year on Mademoiselle's national College Board by Norma DeBoer. Norma is among the 819 students at 314 colleges who will report to Mademoiselle this year on college life and the college scene. As a College Board member. Miss De Boer will complete an assignment that will help her explore her interests and abilities in writing, editing, fashion, advertising or art, in competition for the twenty Guest Editorships to be awarded by the magazine at the end of May. Miss DeBoer will be brought to New York for four weeks next June to help write, edit and illustrate Mademoiselle's 1960 August College i s s u e . Their transportation will be paid to and from New York and they will receive a regular salary for their work. In addition to their work on the magazine. Guest Editors will interview outstanding men and women in their chosen fields to help clarify their career aims, will visit fashion showrooms, publishing houses and advertising agencies and will take part in the parties Mademoiselle is planning for them.

Last Saturday, Dr. Michael Luther of the University of Michigan, a former exchange student of Moscow University (1959-1959) excitingly portrayed his experiences and resulting opinions of Russian life to International Relations Club members of Hope College. Student life in the University says Dr. Luther, differs greatly from its American counterpart. For instance, a student getting a C on an examination h a s flunked! If upon retaking the exam, he again flunks, he is out of the University. This is a tradgedy, for flunking out of a Russian University spells the end to any interesting career. The former student will be allowed to attend no other university making his only recourse that of accepting a second rate job in a primitive region of the Soviet Union. Therefore, Soviet students do not involve themselves with rush weeks or student councils. They study! Beginning at the age of three or four, the Communist Party teaches Soviet citizens how to think. They learn to view life as a struggle between communism and capitalism, a struggle between the oppressed and the oppressors. Thus the middle ages is studied in regards to clashes between noblemen and peasants a n d Mark Twain's Huckelberry Finn becomes a conflict between races. As a matter of fact, Soviet citizens are certain that if the U.S. government hadn't surpressed this author's works, he would have books on the market espousing communistic doctrine. As a study of science assumes an attitude of skepticism, a science student is taught a new way of thinking; he engages in

the heretofore forbidden activity of questioning. At some time or other, the scientist attempts to apply this new method of thought to life and finds the communistic line to be full of holes. He is in a dilema. How is he to reconcile communistic ideology with his new way of thought ? Soviet citizens too are faced with this problem. During the Twentieth Congress when Khrushchev denounced Stalin, he denounced the god of the people. Stalin, like Hitler had never been able to do any wrong in the eyes of his people. Suddenly the people were told to believe that Stalin was evil, was not worthy of their veneration. Soviet citizens realized t h i s intellectually, but emotionally they were in a quandry. What do Soviet citizens do to resolve problems of this nature? If they are smart then envelop themselves with their jobs . . . science . . . farming . . . and do not think about politics or ideology. They concern themselves with existing, living. If they do not do this, at best they get ulcers, and at worst, Siberia. Upon being asked if he thought Soviets would rise up against communism. Dr. Luther gave a dramatic No! The Soviet citizen he says, sees that life is improving. Today he can have a suit —it may cost $200, but the fact is that he can own one; ten years ago this was not possible. Students in the University of Moscow have eggs at least twice a month; ten years ago they had no eggs. Life is slowly perhaps, yet steadily improving. Who knows what another ten years will bring!


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March 11, 1960



COACH RUSS DE VETTE watches the " O u t s t a t e Five" play their last game in the Civic Center. Judging by the smile, he approves of the action he is seeing on the floor. Pictures—Vande Vusse


It was the last few minutes of play and amidst the thunderous applause of loyal rooters these four seniors Roland Schut, co-captains Ray Ritsema and Warren Vander Hill, and Daryl Siedentop left the hard wood floor at the Civic Center. This marked for them more than just the close of another basketball season. The standing ovation was for men who had just played their last game of MIAA basketball. In June they will graduate and only the memories of the past four years will linger with them. But we are

Team Spirit is Supreme After spotlighting all of the "Outstate Five" during the latter part of the cage season, a talk with their coach R u s s DeVette now seemed proper. But rather than making' it a sumation of the career of Mr. DeVette I think his answers to some questions I asked would be more interesting. I first asked why this was the first team he coached to go undefeated, in view of the caliber of the past two teams. Mr. DeVette feels we probably were playing to capacity more this year. Last year we could play and win without looking our best. That situation made it easy for a fired-up club to beat us on a given night. The two big reasons for winning the championship were (1) Ray and

Warren played better and (2) the rest of the team did better than anyone expected. In answer to a question about his expectations for the team before the season started, he felt we would be good. We could be beaten in the league and the team that won the league would have some loses. It looked as if three of the league teams could beat us. I then asked about next year. Coach De Vette felt there was a big job ahead. We're better off in number than last year but the caliber of player we lost is hard to replace. We need better overall scoring (team scoring), better rebounding and, because we will score less, better defense. In view of losing 4 out of 7

non-conference games I asked if this reflected anything on the MIAA. This was the toughest schedule of all was t h e coach's w a y of putting it. Wheaton, Central State, and Northern are on our schedule again. Coach De Vette also feels the MIAA is good for Hope because it would be unusual to continue to get such good talent. In summing up, coach De Vette said, "this year was a great experience in motivation." Sometimes kids are out there just to play and don't put out in practice. The team overcame this by good hard drills, especially before the tough games during November and December. There was a great team spirit and this was unique. —Gary Schwadald

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SENIORS — " P o o c h " Schut, Roy Ritsema, W a r r e n Vanderhill, a n d Daryl Siedentop pause a moment a f t e f - t h e i r last game f o r Hope. College. P i * — V a n d e Vusse



W % - B 1 1

Records a r e made to be broken, then at least equalled. «tmm. rr-j it j i.i-

associated with the basketball team. We are sure that their T h e B l l t z K l d s u n d e r t h e winning was one of the best intutelage of Dean Hinga in dications of the work which TIM SANTINGA, 41V, E. 20fh 1942-1943 won all of t h e i r they as a team put into the MIAA league games and made sport. I am sure that the en•»»#»,••>#,•«#• #• #. • #. • ». • •,»#.• #.• #. • #. • • ». • #. > •> •» •# •> *«•> •« •*« %* «> •> MIAA history. But in the 1959-tire student body and administration join with me in saying 1960 season alonB came the CYRFCMA'C CPPVirr MDCafVlA 3 acKVILc "Flying Dutchmen" under the "thanks very much, and conDealer in Sinclair Products guiding hand of Coach Russ gratulations," for winning the W A S H I N G AND GREASING De Vette and strung out 14 vic- MIAA championship. TIRES A N D BATTERIES tories to equal the undefeated Although there will be a loss Corner 9th and College MIAA record. History made and of four seniors there are indirepeated by Hope; cations others on the team will We of Hope College a r e make their presence known in proud of the "Flying Dutch- stepping in to fill the gap. men" and coach Russ De Vette Here's wishing a very good and all those of the athletic de- year for coach Russ De Vette partment who were in any way and next season's team. —A.G. •Advertised in LIFE •Personalized attention 'Direct from M a n u f a c t u r . r save 5 0 %

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sure that there are plenty of these. Yes, records were made to be broken, so after Paul Benes set a single season scoring record, along came Ritsema and Vanderhill and broke it. Well, men, as you look forward to picking up your sheepskin in June,* and tucking into your memory bag your unbeaten season in MIAA competition, fold in "best wishes" from your fellow students. May your future be bright and prosperous. —A.G.

Tgnm Makes History









3 0 A


W H E A T O N COLLEGE • W h e a t o n , Illinois


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