Milestone 1932

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•••: v .'


Published by the Junior Class of


FOREWORD To the students,

the faculty,


and friends



and the loyal

of Hope College,




token of an ever-increasing


of college

as a


with the wish that its perusal happy


will bring days

to all.


Ah. happy,



Jl)e 0 l b e D o v m i t o r t e

IVhere the eternal

axes icatch and wait



P r o f e s s o r of E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e


P r o f e s s o r of F r e n c h ,

and Literature

of the College

in c h a r g e o f D r a m a t i c s


mUlUD D&on of MCN

iiM'iliir • "

Fr(z./.W.\\/iche.r/ R.n.RB.1LL.D.,

Hr/ W.H. DurFce. l ^ a n of Vvfomcn

MISS VC.M S T \ S S E . A. B. Librarian EGBERT WINTER, A. B.. A. >1. I'ro/ffsar <>/ Education EDWARD I). DIMiNE.NT, A. B.. M.. I.iit. 1).. I I . D. Profrssor of EcoiKHnim ami ISnsinrxs Administration

MILTON J. HINGA. A. B.. A . M . Instructor in History. Director

of Athletics

MRS. HAROLD J. KABSTEN Piano GERRIT VAN ZYL, V. B., M. S., Pli. I). Professor itf Chemistry

J. HARVEY KLEINHEKSEL, A. B., M. S., Ph. D. Instructor in Chemistry LAURA A. BOYD, A. B.. A. M. Professor of German CLARENCE KLEIS, A. B., A. M. Professor of Physics

W . CURTIS SNOW Pipe Organ and Chapel Choir MRS. LUCILLE BELLAMY VAN ANTWERP, A. B.. B. M. Violin and Orchestra MRS. GRACE DUDLEY FENTON fOice and Glee Clnbs

ELMERON E. SEATON. A. B. Assistant in History DWIGHT B. YNTEMA, A. B., A. M. Instructor in Mathematics JOHN H. L. SCHOUTEN Director of Physical Education

BRUCE M. RAYMOrvD, A. B., A. M. Pro/rsjior o / History and Social Science THOMAS E. WELMERS, A. B.. A. M., B. D. Vnnrliees Professor of Greek EDWIN PAUL McLEAN, A. B., A. M. Professor of Keligious Education

DECKARD RITTER, A. B., A. M., B. D. Associate Professor of English NELLA MEYER, A. B. Instructor in French WALTER VAN SAUiS. A. B., A. M., Ph. Professor of Philosophy

SHIRLEY PAYNE, A. B., A. M. Instructor in English ALBERT E. LAMPEN, A. B., A. M. Professor of Mathematics MISS MAGDALENE DE PREE Librarian

PAUL E. HINKAMP, A. B., A. M., B. D. College Pastor and Professor of Bible and Biblical Literature METTA J. ROSS, A. B. Instructor in English EDWARD J. WOLTERS, A. B., A. M. Instructor in German

TEUNIS VERGEER, A. B., A. M., Ph. D. Professor of Biology ALBERT J. TIMMER, A. B., A. M. Rodman Memorial Professor of Latin OSCAR E. THOMPSON, B. S., A. M. Professor of Biology

T h o s e wise by r e a s o n of t h e i r years h a v e said, "Man learns t o l o v e , and slowly b l o o m s the flower Most e l o q u e n t of b e a u t y — y e t m o r e red T h e r o s e t o w h i c h a heart jiives subtle p o w e r T h r o u g h n u r t u r e in the stillness of a breast. U n k n o w n until w i t h i n t h e r o s e e x p r e s s e d . " Your o a k e n d o o r s h a v e k n o w n a c o u n t l e s s t h r o n g Of h a n d s that h a v e o u t g r o w n the h u r r i e d t o u c h . W h i c h q u i e t l y c o m e to you and tarry l o n g . And p a u s e in l o v e of that they l o v e d so m u c h . And t h o u g h years pass, the f o r t u n a t e , r e t u r n i n g . Find y o u m o r e dear and m e m o r i e s still b u r n i n g .

ARTHUR JOHiV TER KEURST, Hamilton. Midi. History Course. Addison. Vice-Presidenl 4 : I'i Kappa Delta; Debating 3 ; Men's Debate Manager 4 ; H. K. K. JAMES CARTER DOOLEY, Brewton, Ala. History Course. RAYMOND SCHAAP. Holland. Midi. History Course. Ulfilas Club; Dutch Play 4 ; Debating Team 2 ; H. K. K. LOIS MARSILJE, Holland, Mich. History Course. Alethea; Chapel Choir 2. 3 : W. C. A. Vice-President 4 ; Student Volunteer 2. 3, 4 : Student Council 2 ; Gospel Team 3 ; S. G. A. CARL ANTHONY WALVOORD, South Holland, III. Science Course. Fraternal, Treasurer 3, President 4 ; Class President 3 ; Glee Club 2 ; Band 1, 2 ; Y. i\I. C. A. Cabinet 3, 4, President 4 ; H. K. K. ROBERT LLOYD WATHEN. Parrot. K>. History Course. Cosmopolitan. House Manager 4 ; Athletic Board; M. C. A. Cabinet 3, 4 ; H. K. K. WATSON SPOELSTRA, Holland, Mich. History Course. Knickerbocker, Secretary 3, President 4 ; Anchor Staff 1, 2, 3 ; Senior Play; Basketball 2, 3, 4, Captain 4 ; Football I ; Baseball 2 ; H. Club; H. K. K. BEATRICE ESTELLE VAN KEULEN, Grand Rapids, Mich. History Course. Dorian 3, 4, Secretary 4 ; Drama Class Play; S. G. A.; Grand Rapids Junior College 1. 2. REO J. MARCOTTE. Holland, Mich. Pre-Medic Course. Kickerbocker. President 4 ; InterSociety Council 4, President 4 ; Freshman Anchor Staff I ; Milestone Staff 3 ; H. K. K. JOHN CORNELIUS MEYER, Passaic, N. J. Classical Course. Cosmopolitan, Vice-President 4 ; Chapel Choir; Manager Glee Club 4 ; Baseball Manager 3 ; Track 2 ; Divinity Guild President; Gospel T e a m ; H. K. K. RUTH K. VAN DYKE, Chicago, III. History Course. Sorosis, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4 ; Drama Class Play 3 ; Washington Play 4 ; Girls Glee Club 2, 3. President 4 ; Anchor Staff 2 ; S. G. A. WILLIAM KOBES. Holland. Mich. Science Course. H. K. K. JOHN HENRY WYMA, Holland, Mich. Science Course. Emersonian; H. K. K. UMEKICHI TSUDA, Tokyo, Japan. Business Administration Course. tional Club; H. K. K.

Addison; Interna-

GERALDINE CORNELIA SMIES, Oostburg. Wis. Latin Course. Alethea; Student Volunteer; Chapel Choir 3, 4 ; S. G. A.

MARV ELIZABETH HAHPER, Holland. Midi, Sibj lline. X ice-I'residenl 3. PreMdent History Course. 4 : ^nter-^o*'icll (Council: C'Jass Treasiiirer I : S. <_Âť. A. HAROLD J. HOFFMAN. Hamilton, Mich. Emersonian, Secretary 4 : Sludenl History Course. Guide; Dutch Plav 4. Business Manager: ('.heer Leader 1. 2 : H. K. K. HAROLD BELLIINGHAM, New York City. Addison, President 4 ; House PresiHistory Course. dent Van Vleck Hall 4 ; Student Council 4 : Washington Play; H. K. K. NATHANIEL BROW ER. Holland, Mich. Science Course. Chapel Choir 2. 3. 4 : Pageant 1 ; Baseball 1; Class President 1 : H. K. K. JACOB HARRY DE WITT, Holland, Mich. History Course. Emersonian, President 4 : Class VicePresident 3 ; Anchor Staff 2, 4 ; Basketball Manager 4 : H. Club; H. K. K. LEONORA ZONNEBELT, Holland, Mich. History Course. Alethea, Keeper of Archives 3, Secretary 4 ; S. G. A. RICHARD JOHN NIESS1NK, Kalamazoo, Mich. Knickerbocker. Vice-President 4 ; Music Course. Anchor Staff 2, 3 ; Drama Class Play 3 ; Chapel Choir 3, 4 : Gospel Team 3 : H. K K. VERA VAN DL'REN, Holland, Mich. Modern Language English Course, Sorosis, Secretary 3, Vice-President 4 : A. D. D. 2, 3, 4, President 4 ; Class Secretary 1; Drama Class Play 4 ; Senior (.lass Play 4 ; S. G. A. GEORGE M. PAINTER, Bala Cynwyd, Pa. History Course. Knickerbocker, Treasurer 3, 4, House President 4 ; Football 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball 2. 3 ; Baseball 2 ; Student Council 3, 4, President 4 ; (.lass President 4 ; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 4 : Athletic Board 4 ; Drama Class Play, Business Manager 4 ; M. 1. A. A. Vice-President: H. K. K.: W ooster College 1. ELEANORE JEAN W INTER, Holland, Mich. Sorosis, Secretary Modern Language English Course. 4 ; S. G. A. IVAN CLIFFORD JOHNSON, Marion, N. Y. Modern Language English Course. Knickerbocker. Vice-President 4 : Class Treasurer 1; Student Council 2 : Anchor Stall I. 2, 3 ,4, Editor 3 : H. K. K. LALRENA L. HOLLEBRANDS, Detroit. Mich. Modern Language English Course. Delphi, Secretary 4 : Y. W'. C. A. Cabinet 4 ; Student Council 4 ; Washington Play 4 ; Drama Class Play; Chapel Choir 3, 4 ; Glee Club 4 ; S. G. A.; Detroit City College I, 2. JAKE DE VR1ES, Sheldon, Iowa. Science Course. Emersonian, Vice-President 4, Alumni >ecretar> 4 : H. K. K. VELDA IRIS BLAIR, Holland, Mich. Modern Language English Course. Sibvlline, Secretary 2. President 4 : A. D. D. 2, 3, 4 : S. G. A. LESTER DAMAN ELLERBROOK, Grand Rapids, Mich, Science Course. Emersonian: Chemistry Club, VicePresident 4 : Chapel Choir 2, 3 : Band 3 ; H. K. K.

RO!N VI.D BOWEN FOX. SO. Apalachin, N. Science Course. Fraternal, Secretary 3, Viee-Presidenl 4; ( lass President 2 ; Football 1, 2, 3, 4, Captain I; Drama Class Play, Business Manager; H. Club; H. K. K. LOIS ALMA DE PREE, Zeeland. Mich. Modern Language English Course. Sorosis, Secretary 4 : Glee Club 3, 4 ; Chapel Choir 2. 3. 4, Secretary 4 ; Class Play 3 ; Class Secretary 3. Treasurer 4 ; Valedictorian; S. G, A. CHESTER OOSTIING. Holland. Midi. Science Course. H. K. Iv. CORNELIUS VANDER NAALD, Cicero, 111. Classical Course. Fraternal; Band 4 ; Glee Club 4; Pull Coach 3, 4 ; Cheer Leader 3 ; H. K. K. TITUS VAN HAITSMA, Zeeland, Mich. Science Course. Fraternal; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 , Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Baseball 2. 3. 4 ; H. Club; H. K. K. WILLIAM ALEX AUSTIN', Schenectady, N. Y. History Course. Cosmopolitan; Glee Club 1, 2, 3. 4; V. M. C. A. Cabinet 2 ; Anchor 3 ; Class Treasurer 1: H. K. K. GRETA MYRTLE MAC LEOD, DetrÂŤiit, Mich. Latin Course. Dorian, Secretary 3 ; S. G. A. RUSSEL ANTHONY KLAASEN, Holland, Mich. Economics Course. Emersonian, President 4 ; H. K. K. IVA MARGUERITE KLERK, Kalamazoo, Mich. History Course. Sorosis, Treasurer 3 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Class Secretary 2 ; Drama Class Play 4 ; House Committee 3. 4 ; S. G. A. RUDOLPH H. NICHOLS, Holland, Mich. Mathematics Course. Fraternal, Secretary 4, President 4 ; Orchestra 1. 2, 3, 4, President 3, 4 ; Glee Club Violinist 2, 4 ; Senior Flay; H. K. K. MARTHA VANDERBERG, Chicago, III. Modern Language English Course. Alethea, I reasurer 2, Secretary 3, President 4 ; Y. C. A. Cabinet 3, 4, Treasurer 4 ; Gospel Team 2 ; Student Volunteer, President 3, State Secretary 3, 4 ; Anchor Staff 3 ; Intersociety Council 4 ; S. G. A. DICK VAN DER WILT, Orange City, Iowa. Science Course. Knickerbocker; Chapel Choir 2, 3, 4 ; Glee Club 4 ; H. K. K. WILLIAM JAMES CLOUGH, Flushing, N. Y. Pre-Medic Course. Emersonian; Band Staff 2 ; Football 1 ; H. K. K.



HARVEY B. HOFFMAN, Hamilton, Mich. History Course. Emersonian, Vice-President 1 ; Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Dutch Play 3, 4 ; Divinity Guild 1, 2 ; H. K. K. OTTO DRESSEL, Holland, Mich. Science Course. Senior Play Committee 4 ; H. K. K.

H E M n ROY MOOI. Holland, Micli. Science Course. Kniikcrbocker. Secretary S. Vii-ePresiilent 4. President 4 : V. M. C. A. Cabinet 2. 4 : Stndent Conncil 1 : Glee Club 2, 3 : Senior I lay 1 H. K. K. LAW REiNCE GILBERT DE COOK. Orange City. Iowa. Science Course. Emersonian, Secretary 4 ; Anchor Staff 1, 2 : Glee Club 2. 3 : Chapel Choir 3, 4 ; H.K. K. 1LONA LILLIAN SZABO, Brooklyn, N. Y. Science Course. Dorian, President 4 ; Chairman Home Coming 4 : Senior Play Committee; Senior ( lass Play, Drama Class Play 4 : Inter-society Council 4 : Class Treasurer 3 ; A. D. I). 2. 3, 4 : Anchor Staff 1, 2. 3. 4, Head Reporter 3 ; Glee (.lub 3, 4 ; Chapel ( hoir 2, 3, 4 ; Gospel Team 2 ; S. G. A. ELIZABETH JANE WINTER. Holland, Mich. History Course. Sorosis : S. G. A. EVERETT THOMAS W ELMERS, Holland, Mich. Classical Course. Cosmopolitan, Vice-President Chapel ("hoir 2. 3, 4 ; Glee Club 4 : H. K. K.


ALBERT ARTHUR TARRANT—Laurelton, Long Island. English Course. Addison, President 4 ; Drama (.lass Play 4 ; Inter-society Council; Chairman Senior Class Play Committeee: H. K. K. HARRY ARTHUR ERIESEMA. Detroit, Mich. History Course. Cosmopolitan, Presidenl 4 ; Glee ( lub I. 2, 3. 4. President 4 : Chapel Choir; Inter-society Council 4 ; Eootball 2. 3 ; H. (.lub: Goll 3, 4 ; H. K.. K. JANET SPYKER. Holland, Mich. English Course. Sibylline, Secretary 3, \ ice-l resident 4 ; S. G. A. KATHERINE SKILLERN, New York City. Mathematics Course. Delphi. Treasurer 3. Vice-President 4 : Washington Plays; Senior Play; S. G. A. MARION LOIS DEN HERDER, Grand Rapids, Mich. Motlern Language English Course. Delphi, Secretary 4-, President 4 ; Drama Class Play 3 ; Chapel Choir 3, 4 ; Senior Class Play; Inter-society Council 4 ; Washington Plays 4 ; S. G. A.; Grand Rapids Junior College. RICHARD L. HOODEMA, Holland, Mich. Science Course. H. K. K. THEODORE SCHAAP, Holland, Mich. History Course. Ullilas Club: Debating Team 1, 2 ; Pi Kappa Delta, President 4 ; Dutch Play 3, 4 ; Student Guide Editor 4 ; H. K. K. ALBERTUS GEORGE BOSSENBROEK. Waupun. Wis. Classical Course. Emersonian, House President 4 ; Basketball 1; Class Secretary 2 : H. K. K. BERNTCE HARRIET MOLLEMA, Fulton, Illinois. Latin Course. Alethea, Vice-President 3 ; Student Volunteer. Secretary-Treasurer 3 : Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 4 : Gospel Team 2, 3, 4 ; Anchor Staff 3, 4 ; Chapel Choir 3, 4 ; Glee Club 4 ; S. G. A. TOM A. BEAVER, Carson City, Mich. Mathematics Course. Fraternal. House Manager 3, Vice-President 4 ; Class President 2 : Football 1, 2, 3, 4 : Basketball 2, 3 : H. Club; H. K. K.

LOUIS GEORGE DAMSTRA, Holland, Mich. Mathematics Course. Cosmopolitan, Treasurer 2. Secretary 3, President 4 ; Football 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Basketball 1 ; Interfraternity Basketball 2, 3, 4 ; M. C. A. Cabinet 1 ; Anchor StalT 2, 4 ; H. K. K. NICHOLAS P. CUPERY, Friesland. Wis. Science Course. Emersonian, President 4 : Basketball 1, 3, 4 ; Track 3, 4 ; Cross Country 3, 4 ; Class Treasurer 4 ; Anchor StalY 2 ; H. K. K., President. LOIS J. KEPPEL, Holland, Mich. History Course. Soros is. Secretary 2, Vice-President 4 : Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Anchor Stall 2 ; S. G. A. MARIE M. KLEIS, Holland, Mich. . d j . Modern Language English Course. Sorosis, President 4 : Drama Class Play 3 : Washington Play 4 ; Intersociety Council 4 ; S. G. A. HOWARD C. SCHADE, W. Englewood, JHistory Course. Fraternal, Secretary 3, President 4 : Glee Club 1, 2 ; Anchor Stall 1, 2 ; Gospel Team 1, 4 : H o m e Coining Committee 2, 4 ; Senior Play 4 : H . K . l v . EDITH L. DRESCHER, New York City. n n .. , History Course. Sorosis, Secretary 3 , President 4 : Student Council, Secretary 3 ; Home Coming Committee 3 ; Drama Class Play 4 ; S. G. A., President. HOWARD B. DALMAN, Holland, Mich. . . . . . . Mathematics Course. Fraternal, Vice-President 4: ( Football 1. 2, 3, 4 : Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 : P"» ' T tain 1: Baseball 2 ; Class Vice-President 2 ; H. K. K. RUBY BEVERIDGE AIKEN, Alexandria Bay, N. V History Course. Voorhees House President 4 ; Anchor 2, 3 : Home Coming Committee 1 : Drama Class Klay Committee 4 ; Senior Class Play 4 ; Washington Pla> Committee 4 ; S. G. A. „ , . . ROBERT NOTIER, Holland, Mich. Mathematics Course. Fraternal; Class President i . Football Manager 4 ; Interfraternity Basketball 4 ; H. K. K. ZELLA RUTH SKILLERN, New York City. Music Course. Delphi, Vice-President 4, Treasurer 4 ; S. G. A. ROGER JOHN VOSKUIL, Cedar Grove, W is. Cosmopolitan, President 4 ; t.lass Science Course. President 1; Band 2 ; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet 3, 4, VicePresident 4 ; Gospel Team 1, 2 ; Glee Club , •» Vice-President 4 ; Chapel Choir 2, 3, 4 ; Anchor Stall 1, 2 ; Chemistry Club President 4 ; Salntatorian; H. K. K. RUTH M. GEERLINGS, Holland, Mich. History Course. Delphi, Secretary 3, President 4 : Anchor Staff 2 ; Drama Class Play 4 ; Inter-sociely Council 4 ; S. G. A. EDITH CUNNAGIN, Bond, Ky. , . r» History Course. Dorian, Vice-President 3 ; A. D. U. : Pi Kappa Delta: Debating 4 ; Inter-society Council 4 ; Washington Play 4 ; S. G. A. H4ZEL M. PAALMAN, Grand Rapids, Mich. Music Course. B. M. degree 4. Modern Language English Course. Delphi, Treasurer 3, Vice-President 4 ; Drama Class Play 4 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 3. 4, o, Manager 2 ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet 3, 4 ; S. G. A. DAVID MORRISS REARDON, Buffalo Center, Iowa. History Course. Cosmopolitan: Track 2. 3, 4 : Band I , 2, 3 : Anchor Staff 3 : Divinity Guild SecretaryTreasurer 4 ; H. K. K.

KIJZABETH FRANCES VRENDSHORST, Holland, MUIi. Minlfrn l^unfitiafsr English Citurse. Sor*»his, Freasurer 3, President 4 ; Y. \X'. ( hairiiKin llmise Fund: <»lee (ilub 2. 3. 4 ; ( hnpol ('hoir 2 : Draniii (.la>* Play 3 : Home C'ontiAg Cominillee 3 : S. G. A. EVERETT C. POTTS, Holland, Mich. Mutlfrn l.niiiiiiiige English (.ourse. (.lee Club 1. 2. 3. 4 : Chapel Choir 2. 3. 4 ; V. M. C. A. Cabinet 4 ; Drama Class Play 3 ; H. K. K. GENEVA DOGGER, Holland. Mi. h. Mathematicf Course. Dorian, Treasurer 3. IVeMcIenl 4 : V. W. (". A. Cabinet 3, Secretary 4 ; Class Treasurer 2 : S. G. A. HELEN BARRE, Holland, Mich. History ('.ourse. Alethea, Secretary 3. President 4 : Inler-sociely Council 4 ; S. G. A. RAYMOND SHOEMAKER, Zeeland, Mich. Science Course. H. K. K. GEORGE BEREXS, Fremont, Mich. Classical Course. Addison. Keeper of the Archives 3, Vice-President 3, 4, President 4 ; Divinity Guild, President 4 : H. K. K.



WILLARD C. WICKERS, Zeeland, Mich. Science Course. Fraternal, Secretary 3, President 4 ; Class Treasurer 2 : Chemistry Club. Treasurer 3, VicePresident 4 ; Football Manager 4 ; Athletic Board 4 : Editor-in-Chief Alumni Edition of Milestone 3 ; H. K. K. MARY LOUISE STEVENSON, Holland, Mich. Modern Language English Course. CHESTER MEENGS, Zeeland, Mich. Science Course. Fraternal, Treasurer 3 : Business Manager Milestone 3 ; Student Council 3 ; Football 3 ; H. K. K.


Holland, Mich. Caraooan, Cam Sur. P. 1. Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. Mt. Pleasant, Mich. Holland, Mich. Jamestown. Mich.

JUNIORS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Student Council

A l e x a n d e r , G o r d o n Philip... Araadi. Abdul Razak Boer, Elmer J a m e s B o s c h k e r , Ella.... Champion, Eula U n a Cook, A l m a W i n i f r e d Cotts, J o h n D a n ^ r e m o n d Decker, Irving: Hardenbergh... De H a a n , N e l l a . D e J o n g e , Marcellus Den Uyl, Evelyn Marie. D e W i n d t , H a r o l d Clifton..... Dykema, Frank Edward Dykstra, Folkert Ensiield, W i l b u r Christopher... Evenhuis. Richard F a a s e n , Alton... Fairbanks, Harold Clarence Foss, R u t h Gosina.. Gaillard, Gerard Richard Groen, Renda G r o e t s e m a , J a c o b •. G u i g e l a a r , Laura... H e l m b o l d , E d n a Josephine... Herman, Jeannette Hudson, Grace Katherine Huizinga, Evelyn Jean. J o h n s o n , Helen Louise Kammeraad, Adrian. Kaper, Josephine K i e f t , H o w a r d William... Kieft, Louise Klow, Mildred H a r r i e t . . Kobes, J a s p e r Dick K o e p p e , D o n a l d Henry... Kole, Maggie J e a n n e t t e Leestma, Ethel Gertrude McGilvra, A n n e t t e Lois M a n s e n , A l y c e Irene...... Maring, Preston John M a r s i l j e , Herbert....Meengs, Lorenzo

. H i g h Bridge, N. J . Basrah, Iraq Zeeland, Mich. Pollock, So. D a k o t a Holland, Mich. ..Holland, M i c h . Holland, Mich. Newburgh, N. Y. Zeeland, Mich. — Zeeland, Mich. ..Holland, Mich. ...Grand R a p i d s , M i c h . Holland. Mich. — Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Sodus, N . Y. C h i c a g o , 111. Lennox, S. D. — ...Chicago, 111. — Lucas, Mich. - Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. — Paterson, N. J . Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Hamilton, Mich. ...Grand H a v e n , M i c h . ...Grand H a v e n , M i c h . .-.Spring L a k e , Mich. Holland, Mich. Cedar Grove, Wis. ...Grand R a p i d s , M i c h . ...Grand R a p i d s , M i c h . Sioux City, I o w a O r a n g e City, Iowa Muskegon, Mich. Holland, Mich. Zeeland, Mich.

James Wiegerink Abraham Naoum Louise Kieft Elhel Leestma Alma Plukke, Williard Meengs

Meengs, W i l l a r d G. Moran, James Franklin Muilenburg, J o h n Powell Naoum, A b r a h a m Stephen Nelson, Esther A n n a N e t t i n g a , Catherine... Norlin, Carroll William . Oudemool, M a r g u e r i t e Lillian.. Pellegrom, Hester Maria Pelon, Helen * Plakke, Alma Helene Rader, Lucy Frances Repic, Margaret... Rigterink, Merle Dale . Roggen, Ella Dorothea. R o t t s c h a e f e r , Gerald... Scholten, Raymond Franklin... Schurman, Margaret Elaine S c h u t t e r , A . Alyle. Slighter. Chester William Somsen, J o h n Howard Sprietsma, Helen Gertrude T y s s e , J a m e s William... Urick, Nelson Richard— V a n Bree, Evelyn Mac V a n Deelen, Cornelius H e n r j v V a n d e n Belt, J o h n Melvin.. Van Dommelen, Charles Edward V a n L e e u w e n , B r u c e G. Van Peursem, Arloa May Van Vessem, J a m e s Edward V e l d m a n , George....— Vos, Daniel Meyer Webb, Neil E d w i n W e i d n e r , Ruth.. Wiegerink, Gerrit Howard W i e g e r i n k , J a m e s Gerald. Wierda, Evelyn M a y — W i t a n e k , A n n e t t e Josephine... Zegerius, Harri Zwemer, Don J a y — Zwemer, James Henry

Holland, Mich. -Schenectady, N. Y. S o u t h H o l l a n d , 111. Ashar, Basrah *— Burnips, Mich. Hull. Iowa — — Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. — - Muskegon, Mich. Holland, Mich. - C h i c a g o , 111. Holland, Mich. Hamilton, Mich. Hamilton, Mich. Rock Valley. Iowa Edgerton, Minn. Holland, Mich. Muskegon, Mich. Holland, Mich. Muskegon, Mich. — Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. — H o l l a n d , Mich. — Grand Rapids, Mich. Waupun, Wis. Holland, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Holland, Mich. Zeeland, Mich. West Sayville, N. Y. Grandville, Mich. — F e r r y s b u r g , Mich. — Silverton, B. C., C a n . New Hyde P a r k , N . Y. — G r a n d Haven, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. - Janesville, Wis. Adams, Mass. Racine. Wis. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich.

SOPHOMORES FIRST SEMESTER Vmident Vice-President Secretary... Trenftnrer

Marvin Kruizen^a Frank Visscher Joan Walvoord Beatrice Visser, Melvin Dole SECOND SEMESTER

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Student Council A l o f s , H arvey... Anderson, Arthur Carlton Atwater. Marjorio Layman A y e n , Josephine Mildred B e h r m a n n , Vivian. Belt, Chester J o h n Beltman, (iertrude Janet Bittner, Edward Herman Bolhuis, Fvelyn Mae Boone, Daniel Boot. H a r r i e t Evelyn Bosehker, Hilda Bosman. Kathryn Jean B o u m a n , J o h n L. Bulihuis, Alfred Klaas Chamberlain, John N. C h a m p a n , Lloyd G e o r g e Clark, Alice M a r g a r e t — Cook, F l o r e n c e M a e Coster, Virginia Catherine Colts, Louis Cornelius Dalman, Andrew John Damson, Edward Deelsnyder, Adelaide Charlotte Deitz, F r a n k l i n S. De J o n g h , K a t h e r i n e H a r r i e t Den H e r d e r , J u l i a A d r i a n n a De P r e e , Lois M a r g a r e t De F r e e , R o g e r D o n a l d Dethmers, A n n a Adelaide De W i t t , G a r y De Y o u n g , E d i t h M a r t i n a Dick, H a / e l Dole, M e l v i n F r e d e r i c k Dykstra, Charles Edwards, Anna Serena Ellei b r o o k , A d a N e l v y e . . Engelsman, Henry John Essenburg, Gerald Paul E s s e n b u r g h , Mildred Kathleen Fredricks, K a t h r y n Mae F r e e m a n . Robert Frundt, Rudolph Grimm, Clarice H a r r i s , Esther Aileen Heersma, Gerald A r t h u r Hering, Ferris Irwin Heyns, William John Hicks, K e n n e t h W a g n e r Hidaka, Tsuquo Holkeboer. Henry Holland, Albert Holle, V e r a L y d i a Holleman, Gertrude Marion H o n h a r t , F r e d e r i c k Lee Jackson, Anne J a p i n g a , Louis K a m t e n , Estelle J e a n e t t e Ketel, Lois L a R u e Kiifl. Lister Klcinheksel. Henry Kooiman, Mildred

Holland, Mich. ...Kansas, Ohio G a t s k i l l , N. V. Holland, Mich. Flushing. N. Y. Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. Jenison P a r k , Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. P o l l o c k , S . D. Holland. Mich. Holland. Mich. Holland. Mich. Churchville, Pa. Grand Rapids, Mich. Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland. Mich. Holland^ Mich. Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. F o r r e s t o n . 111. B e r n e , N . V. Holland, Mich. Zeeland, Mich. Kulangsu, Amoy, China Zeeland, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Hudsonville, Mich. N e w a r k , N . Y. Holland. Mich. J o h n s t o w n , N . Y. Holland. Mich. Brooklyn, N. Y. Grand Rapids, Mich. Randolph, Wis. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Dorr, Mich. Holland. Mich. F a i r v i e w , III. Holland, Mich. O a k L a w n , III. Coopersville, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Altoona. Pa. Amagaoaki, Japan Holland. Mich. A m s t e r d a m , N . Y. Cedar Grove, Wis. Byron Center, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Holland. Mich. Holland. Mich. Zeeland, Mich. Holland. Mich. Grand Haven. Mich. Holland, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich.

Predion Van Kolken Myron Van Leeuwen Gertrude Holleman Julia Walvooord Lois De Pree. William Heyns Koster, Esther Kruizenga, Marvin Stuart Kruizenga, Robert Evert - — L a m , Ida.. L a n t i n g , Hilda Alicia Lindsay, Linden — Luben, Marvin Luidens, Preston Matsunobi, Setsu Meengs, Ruth Meyer, Eikie Miller, Earl Moerdyk. Earl — Mulder, George Francis M u l d e r , R u t h Eli/.a Nettinga, James Zwemer Nykerk, Gerald Herbert P a a l m a n , Russell J o h n Plewes, Jack Pott, John R i n g e n o l d u s , H a r o l d C. Roelofs, Dennis Ross, M a y f o r d C h a r l e s Rottschaefer, Bernard Rottschaefer, Kathryn Scholten, Harvey Lucas Seekamp, Harold Charles S l a g h , Milton E l m e r Slowinski, Martha Smith. Helen Day Steed, John Stanton Steffens, L e o n a r d Dick Stegenga, Spencer Paul Stryker, Cornelia Van Appeldorn. Helene Van Beek, Martin Vanden Belt. Donald Vandenberg, Adelaide Doris Van Dort, Richard Van Dyke, R u t h K a t h r y n Van Kolken, Preston James Van Leeuwon, Myron James V a n P e u r s e m . George Mortimer Van Raalte, Henry Van Regenmorter, Wallace V a n Zee, G e r t r u d e M a u d e Van Zuiden, J a n e t Veldman, Vivian Viola Verduin, Marie Jeannette Visscher, Frank Visser, Beatrice Mae Walvoord, Christian Herman Walvoord, Joan Gertrude Walvoord, Julia Antoinette White, Alice Luella White, Dorothy Wilson, Martha Jeanette Winslow, Jewel Madeline W i n s t r o m , Leon W i n s t r o m , Ruth Eileen Wissink, Elmer Working, Marian Grace W r i g h t , Genevieve Coralyn

..East W i l l i a m s o n , N . Y . S p r i n g Lake, Mich. F o r t P l a i n , N . Y. South H a v e n , Mich. Byron Center, Mich. Schenectady, N . Y. Coopersville, Mich. Holland, Mich. Yokohama, Japan Holland, Mich. Everly, Iowa Zeeland, Mich. Zeeland, Mich. C h i c a g o , III. S p r i n g Lake, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich. Zeeland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis. Holland, Mich. Sheboygan, Wis. H o l l a n d , Mich. Rock Valley, Iowa S p r i n g Lake, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Montclair, N. J . Rockford, Mich. Holland, Mich. Hollandz Mich. Grand Rapids. Mich. Holland, Mich. Zeeland, Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. Holland, Mich. Zeeland, Mich. ..._ .. . Z e e l a n d , M i c h . Holland, Mich. Holland. Mich. Zeeland, Mich. C h i c a g o , 111. Macatawa, Mich. Kalamazoo. Mich. Grand Haven, Mich. Cadillac, Mich. C h i c a g o H e i g h t s . 111. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Williamson, N. Y. S o u t h H o l l a n d , III. W i l l i a m s t o n , N . Y. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. F a i r v i e w , III. Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. Zeeland. Mich. Zeeland, Mich. Holland, Mich. S a u g a t u c k , Mich.

FRESHMEN FIRST SEMESTER ^Victor Turdo Henry Kuizeiiga Marian Wray Virginia Kooiker, Anthony Mistrella

President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

SECOND SEMESTER President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Student Council

Holland, Mich. Alberts, George Donald ...Grand R a p i d s , M i c h . Archer, Donald George Holland, Mich. Beach, Leland Kenneth — Holland, Mich. Beekman, Harry Raymond . . C h i c a g o , 111. Biei, W i l l i a m P e t e r - Holland, Mich. Bolte, J o h a n n a D. — Holland, Mich. Bonnette. Gerald H e n r y Holland, Mich. Boone, Helen Marie Boot, Ethel Adelia Holland, Mich. Boot, M a r i o n G e n e v i e v e - — Holland, Mich. Boter, Peter Holland, Mich. Bouma, Gerard Zeeland, Mich. Bouman, William Holland, Mich. Boven, Stanley Holland, Mich. Bradley, Virgil Richard Fremont, Mich. Breen, Glenn Holland, Mich. B r i n k , La Mila J e a n Hamilton, Mich. Brouwer, Mark Nicholas ...Cicero, 111. Capps, Carol Louisa — Lacota, Mich. C h a t t e r s , Roy M i l t o n Flint, Mich. C o s t e r , Lloyd R o b e r t — — Holland, Mich. Crounse, Ernest Delmar, N. Y. Cupery, Dowe Peter Friesland, Wis. De Boer, GeorgeBuffalo Center, Iowa De G r o o t , J o h n — Holland, Mich. De J o n g e , K e n n e t h - .Zeeland, Mich. Dekker, Ruth Marie Holland, Mich. De W e e r d , M a r i a n Holland, Mich. ...Coopersville, M i c h . De W i t t , D a v i d J o h n E l l enville, N. Y. De W i t t , H a r o l d Oliver.De W i t , W e s l e y P r e s t o n — - Holland, Mich. Dorian, Robert Andre Holland, Mich. Dregman, Margaret Cornelia Holland, Mich. Dulmes, Dorothy Adell, Wis. Dulmes, J o h n Garrett — Adell, Wis. Durling, Viola Wade — Montclair, N. J . Dykstra, Willard Simon Holland, Mich. Esther, Joe Richard Coopersville, Mich. Fett, Robert William Grand Haven, Mich. Fredericks, Russel J o h n Holland, Mich. Fugazzotto, Paul Newburgh, N. Y. New Brunswick. N. J . Furbeck, Anita Van Bergh Zeeland, Mich. Geerlings, Henry A. Zeeland, Mich. Goozen, E a r l W i l b u r Oostburg, Wis. H a r t m a n , Evelyn Jeanette.. Holland, Mich. Heneveld, Edward Henry Paterson, N. J. Hillier, P e a r l Marie.. Holland, Mich. Hoffman, Benjamin J. Zeeland, Mich. Holleman, Harold Hungerink, Sherwin Vernon.. Zeeland, Mich. Joldersma, James Holland, Mich.

David D e ^ i t l Howard Vosknil Gertrude Van Peursem Lillian Mulder, Kenneth Karsten Dorothy Dulnies, Elmer iVienhuls

Holland, Mich. Karsten, Kenneth Stephen Ludington, Mich. Keene, J o h n H e n r y L u d i n g t o n , Mich. Kinney, Bruce Grinnell Holland, Mich. Klaasen, Gerald ..._ Holland, Mich. Kleis, Guy Holland, Mich. Klomparens, Vernon Tom Holland, Mich. Knoll, Deane Holland, Mich. Knoll, H e r m a n Holland, Mich. Kooiker, Virginia Ruth Holland, Mich. Kool, M a r i e - M a r i o n , N . Y. Kooman, John Holland, Mich. Korstanje, Gordon Kronemeyer, Ernest.. ...i— Hamilton, Mich. Kronemeyer, Howard H a m i l t o n , Mich. K r o p s c o t t , E a r l Levi F r e m o n t , Mich; Kuiper, Chester Eugene Holland, Mich. Kuite, Josephine Hamilton, Mich. Kruizenga, Henry Bernard Holland, Mich. McEIIish, Roy Ravenna, Mich. M c G i l v r a , H a r o l d George.. Sioux City, I o w a Mistretta, Anthony James Brooklyn, N . Y. Morlock, Natalie B a r b a r a Holland, Mich. Mulder, Lillian Holland, Mich. Muller, R i c h a r d — —Grandville, Mich. Naoum, Fathalla Basrah , Iraq Neckers, Marion Carlyle Clymer, N . Y. Nienhuis, Elmer W i l l i a m — — H o l l a n d , Mich. Grosse P o i n t e , Mich. Noble, Harold Robert Allen Oonk, Albert Gerard Holland, Mich. P l a s m a n , Gerald J a y — - Holland, Mich. P o s t m a , M a r i a n Louise Holland, Mich. ...Holland, Mich. Potter, Pauline Lutina. Holland, Mich. P r i c e , S h e r w o o d Roy — ..Big R a p i d s , M i c h . R a s m u s s e n , D o r i s Marie.. Brandon , Wis. Rens, Willard J a m e s Holland, Mich. Rezelman, Jacob. ...Holland, M i c h . Ripley, Willard Eugene.. Robinson, M a r g a r e t Elizabeth Benton H a r b o r , Mich. Roelofs, E u g e n e Woodrow.— Holland, Mich. Roelofs, Geraldine Zeeland, Mich. Roossien, Evelyn A n n Holland, Mich. Rottschaefer, Margaret K a t p a d i , S. I n d i a Rottschaefer, Wilma Rock Valley, I o w a Rumery, Weldon Frederick. Allegan, Mich. Schaap, Marvin Otto Holland, Mich. Schaper, Richard John W e s t S a y v i l l e , N . V. Scholten, Marjorie Frances S p r i n g Lake, Mich. Schuiling, Alvin J . Holland, Mich. Schurman, John Henry Holland, Mich. Shaw, Helen Arliene — Holland, Mich.

Holland. Mich. Slagh, J o n a t h o n Holland, Mich. Snow, Wilfred Curtis Muskegon, Mich. Sonnenga, Dorothy Hospers, Iowa Stegeman, Nathan Abraham Holland, Mich. Steggerda, Earl Holland, Mich. Steketee, Helone Marguerite Grand Rapids, Mich. Sterken, Sarah Gertrude W a s h i n g t o n College, T e n n . Stewart, Robert John Grand Rapids. Mich. Stryker, Margaret Lena Yokohama, Japan Tase, Ikuyo C l y m e r , N . Y. Ten Pas, H e n r y William. Holland, Mich. Te Roller, D o n . Holland, Mich. Teusink, Howard Glenn Basrah, Iraq Toonian, Joseph Naoum Holland, Mich. Thompson, Kent Belmont P e q u a n n o c k . N. J . Turdo, Victor Edwin Van Alsburg, Franklin Holland. Mich. Van Anrooy, Crystal Holland, Mich. Holland, Mich. V a n A r k , Isabelle Louise Holland, Mich. Vandenberg, Melvin Holland, Mich. Vandenberg, William, J r . Holland. Mich. Vande Poel, Earle L a n s i n g , III. Vander Linden, Clarence Holland, Mich. Vander Meulen, John H a r p e r Holland, Mich. V a n d e r P l o e g , H e r b e r Lee Vander Wende, Wilma Carey Grand Rapids, Mich. Vander Zalm, Ida J o h n Grand Haven, Mich. V a n Dyke, S h a r o n Marion, N. Y. Van Harn, John Leonard — Holland, Mich. Van Koevering, Marjorie Zeeland, Mich. Van Lente, Ralph Frederick Holland, Mich. V a n Oostenbrugge, Agnes Dorothy Grand Rapids. Mich. ..Holland, Mich. V a n O s s , Ruth... F u l t o n . III. Van Pernis, Paul Anton V a n P e u r s e m , G e r t r u d e Pearl.. Holland, Mich. Van Saun, Dorothea Mariam Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. Van Zanden, Theodor^ Van Zanten, Arnold ..Holland, Mich. Verhey, Ruth Holland. Mich. Holland, Mich. V e r S c h u r e , Lucile... Voorhorst, Donald J a y Holland, Mich. Voskuil, Howard A n t h o n y Cedar Grove, Wis. Beulah, N. Dak. Wagenveld, Lyell Alvin. Holland, Mich. Walker, Olin Raymond.— F o r e s t P a r k . III. W a r r e n , Camilla Betty— P a r r o t , Ky. Wathen, Benjamin Cedar Rapids, Iowa Weurding, Julia Plainwell, Mich. Wray, Marian Elizabeth E l l e n v i l l e . N . V. — Y o u n g , L y l e De P u y Holland, Mich. Zonnebelt, Gertrude

B o t a n y c lass w i t h P r o f . T h o m p s o n

P r o f . W e l n i e r s anil Mrs. D . Z w e m e r , s e c r e t a r y , at w o r k K r o n e m e y e r m e e t s t h e jireat

S i c k b o y — J . D . Cotts

Just w a i t i n g

Off to s i n g , s i n g

P r o f . V a n Zyl l a k e s a m o m e n t off w o r k



C. L. I. E.

Warren, I. Vander Zalin. H. Barre, E. Bool. G. Van Zee, M. Ue Weerd, H. Boot. W. Vander Wende. Marsilje, S. Slerken, M. Oudeniool, G. Smies. M. Vanderherg, iM. Boot, G. Zonnebelt, M. Dregnian. Zonnebelt, !V1. Ayers, V. Veldnian, J. Kaper. L. Guigelaar, M. Schuppert, IW. Den U>l, J. Weurding. Kogfien, E. Bosrher, S. Malsunobii, A. Vandenberg, D. Hasnmssen, A. McGilvra, B. Mollema, A. Witanek, M. Repic. OFFICERS

President Vice-President.. Secretary Tre usurer

h irst Semester Helen Barre Bernice Mollema -Martha Vanderberg... Maggie Kole

i iiniiMiiw iiunimii*mÂťMiiii*i

Second Semester ..Martha Vanderberg M aggie Kole ..Leonore Zonnebelt Ella Roggen




President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

Fall Term George Herein H. Bellingham Gerald Heersnia John Cotts

ff inter Term HaroM Bellinghain John D. Colts Kenneth Hicks Franklin Deitz


Spring Term Albert A. Tarrant Nelson Uri. k Franklin Deitz Abdul R. Araadi

Standing: J. Toonian, A. Norman. G. Heersnia, G. Berens, A. Tarrant. A. Araadi. H. Enstelsman. T. Hidaka. Seated: F. Deitz. K. Hicks, H. Bellingham, N. Urick.


M. Scholten, B. Visser, J. Walvoord, A. Van Oostenbru^ge, K. Skillern, Z. Skillern, R. Meengs, H. Paalman, M. Kooinian. L. Ver Schure, H. Pelon, R. Weidner, M. Klow, A. While, R. Verhey, C. Griniin, R. Mulder. A. Jackson, R. Van Oss, E. Champion, V. Holle, L. Hollebrands, M. Den Herder- R. Dekker. D. Duhnes.

OFFICERS President I ice-Prrsiden Secretary T rensnrer


Fall Term Ruth Geerlinps Katherine Skillern Marian Den HerdeiZella Skillern

Winter Term Marian Den Herder Eula Champion Laurena Hollebrands Helen Pelon

Spring Term Laurena Hollebrands Zella Skillern Mildred Klow Louise Kieft

OFFI(:t:RS VreMent Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

t all I erm Harry Friesema Everett Welmcrs JHarri Zegeriii> Jim Vi'iefrerink

*UintfrTvrni r Koffer Voskuil Richard Johnson Donald Koeppe Housemanager

s • ?•

Spring Term Louis Damslra Neil Meyer Herald Fairbanks Lloyd Watkins

H. Kuizenga, K. Johnson. C. Belt, J. Wiegerink, L. Lindsay, R. Krnizenga, M. Oe Jonpe, H. Fairbanks, E. Welmers, H. Kiei't, 1. Meyer. L. Kieft. E. INienhuis, K. D e J o n g e , L. Walhen, P. Luidens, H. Knoll, H. Ten Pas, F. Uykema, FJ. Kinney, R. Voskuil, L. Coster. K. Karsten, J. Moran, L. Damslra, D. Koeppe, H. Friesema, D. Reardon, C. Neckers, H. Bcekman. A. Oonk, V. Turdo, L. Beach, A. Mistretta, B. Walhen, H. Zegerius, H. McGilvra, J. Dulines, M. Dole.


C. A. G. G.

Neltiii};!". C. Dodger. A. Edwards, G. Wright, E. Cunnagin. Plakke, R. Foss, D. White, V. Behrman, H. Dick, J. Bolte, M. Postnia, M. Robinson. Ueltman. S. Tase, M. Kool, P. Potter. M. Atwater. A. Fnrbeck, Vt'. Rottsciiaefer, A. Ellerbrook, I. Lam. MarLeod, L. Brink, I. Szaho, G. Van Penrsem, C. De Jonfre. B. Van Kenlen, C. Capps, K. Fredrieks.

OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

First Semester Ilona Szabo Edith Cnnnagin Beatrice Van Kenlen Catherine Nettinga


Second Semester Geneva Dogger Alma Plakke Dorothy White Ruth Fosยง

OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary

Fall Term Jacob De Will Harvey Hofl'man Merle Riglerink Treasnrer-Housemanager

W inter Term Hussell Klaasen Jacob D e Vries Harvey Hoffman Vlherlus Bossenbroek

Spring Term Nick Cupery Almeron Sealon Harold Hoffman


J. Vanden Belt, L. Cotts, W. Bowman, J. De Vries. J. Esther, J. Chamberlain. B. Freeman. D. Cupery,, N. Cupery. J. Wyma. J. Van Vessem, M. Luben. B. HoiTman, S. Boven, W. Ensfield. J. Veldman, G. De Will. H. Hoffman. B. Schaper. D. Evenhuis. H. HoiTman. J. De Wilt. B. Klaasen. IW. Bigterink, D. Muller. \V. d o u g h , F. Van Alshurg. B. Winslrom, C. Slighter. A. Seaton. W. Biimery, L. De Cook. H. Bihgenoldus. G. Plasma.

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('. Walvoord, T. Beaver, G. Rollsehaefer, R. Nichols, M. Van Leeuwen, H. Scholten, R. De Free, J. Netlin^a. F. Vissclier, J. Tysse, G. Nykerk. A. Dalman, I. Decker, C. Walvoord, R. Notier, H. Dalnian, P. Maring, H. Schade, R. Paalman, V. Klomparens, G. Korslanje, INC Webb. E. Damson, J. Muilenberg, J. Plewes, B. Rottschaefer, G. Van Peursem, D. Vanden Belt, ('. Vander Naald, R. F ox, G. Bonelle, E. Moerdyke, D. Boone, G. Kleis. G. Alexander, F. Honhart, C. Van Donnnelen, R. Steward. H. Vander Ftoeg, M. Slagh, D. Albers, L. Meengs, 1). Te Roller, L. Japinga. OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treusurer

Fall Term Carl W alvoord ..Ronald Fox Hndolph Nichols ..Gerald Rottschaefer

Winter Term Howard Schade Tom Beaver Gordon Alexander Gerald Rottschaefer

Spring Term Rudolph Nichols Howard Dalman Neil Webb Gerald Rottschaefer

OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

First Semester Alary Harper Janet Spjker Nella De Haan Evelyn Wierda

Second Semester N elda Blair Ethel Leestnia Alice Clark Edith De Young

M. Essenburgh, IV. Morlock, E. Leestma, E. DeVonng, A. Mansen. K. Van Dyke, L. Schaafsma, E. Roosien, R. Winstrom. D. Van Saun, M. Harper, C. Van Anroy, M. Van Koevering, M. Wray, \ . De Haan, E. Harris, J. Spyker, M. Schiirman. A. Clark, M. \\ ilson, L. Ketel, V. Blair, L. Rader, E. Wierda.



E. >X inter. L. L)c Free. H. Spi ielsina, E. Drescher, E. Kosler. J. Bosnian, C. Slryker. M. Slrvker V Kooiker, M. Kleis. V. Van Duren. R. Van l)>ke. J. Herman, H. Pellegrom, I. Klerk. iS. Holleman, J. Walvoord, V. Dulling. H. Earning, H. Van Appledorn, E. Bolluiis. L. Kcppel, G. Hudson, A. Cook, E. Huizenga, J. Winslow, E Van Ark, J. DenHerder, E. Van Bree F1 Smith. H. Boone, >E Rottsehaefer, H. Johnson. V. Coster, E. Arendshorst, M. Slowenski, P. Hillier. M. Verduin. L. l)e Pree. OFFICERS President I ice-President Secretary Treasurer

Fall Term Vlarie Kleillulh Van Dyke Lois D e Pree Vrloa \ an Peurseni

Winter Term Edith Drescher Lois Keppel Eleanore Winter Grace Hudson

Spring Term Elizabeth Arendshorst Vera Van Duren Hester Pellegrom Alma Cook

OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer

Fall Term Reo Marcolte Roy Mooi Willard Meengs.. George Painter

U inter Term Roy Mooi Richard Niessink Herbert Marsilje George Painter

Spring Term Watson SpoeLstra Ivan Johnson ..AJyle Sehutter George Painter

M. BroHwer, J. Somsen, H. Marsilje, A. Van Zainlen, E. Biltner. J. Vander Meulen. W. Hejns, H. De Windt C. INorlin, T. Van Zantcn, E, Vander Pool. P. Boler, B. Van Leenwen. E. Goozen, G. Mulder. S. Price. L. Chatman, \\ . Bens, \V. Vandenberp, H. Van Deelen, B. Dorian, W. Meengs, E. Miller, J. Keene, A. Anderson. B. Niessink, B. Sehutter, W. Spoelslra. D. Vander Wilt, B. Mooi, G. Painter, I. Johnson, M. Boss.


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.Men's G l e e C l u h

( j o i n s E a s t Âťvitli t h e s n o w

President, Harry Friesema Manager, "Neil Clever

W o m e n ' s Glee Club ['resilient, Rutli Van Dyke Manager, Mildred Klow

Y . M . C. A. C a b i n e t

Student Volunteer Band

Y . W . C. A.

Volunteer Officers President, Marlha Vanderberg Secretary. Bernice Mollema

President. Carl Walvoord Vice-President, Roger Vosknil

Treasurer, Geneva Dogger Secretary, Marlha Vanderberg Vice-President, Lois Marsilje President, Mildred Schupperl Y. W . C. A . C a b i n e t

\ \ o m e n s i Orator,

Men's Orator,

Miss Marie V e r d u i n

H a r o l d C. D e W i n d l Winner of the Washington liust Chapel C h o i r — P r o f . Snow, Conductor President* Mildred Schuppert Secretary* Lois De Pree Treasurer, Christian Walvoord

M e n ' s l)el>atiiiÂŤ: T e a m h. Kropst'oti, I). ^ tile in a, D. De Wilt, H. Kuizenga, J. Esther, R.Evenhnis,H. Ringenoldus, 1). Hitter (Coach). Seaton. V. Ter Kenrst (Manager), M. Krtiizenga, 1). \ anden Belt.

W o m e n ' s Debating Team E. Cunnagin, B. Visser, E. Helmhold. N. De Haan, S. Payne (Coach). L. Kieft (Manager), E. Wierda.

Theodore Schaap, President Pi Kappa Delta (i\o picture)

T h e l o y a l A. D . D . Pretident, Vera Van Diiren

T h e w a t e r ' s fine

T h e H Club assembled President. Ronald Fox

Clieniislry Club I'rititlinl, Roger Voskuil

T h e b a n d at a p a n i e Prof. Kitler condurting freaidi-nt. M. Brouwer

N. Cnpery H. K. K. President

Out for exereise

Orchestra Practice Directress. Mrs. L. Van Antwerp I'resident. R. Nichols


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V n c h o r Staff Editor, Joan ^ alvoord linsitieAH Manafifr, Edith De Young; Advertising Manacer9 Vivian Behnnan

President Wichers in his office

Inter-society Conncil President, Reo Marcotle

M i l e s t o n e Staff R. Kingenoldus, E. Koi£gen, J. Winslow, H. Marsilje (Business Manager), H. Zegerius (Editor), H. Pellegrom, A. Cook, G. Gaillard. M. Klow, M. Kole, M. Repic, H. Johnson, E. Leeslina, A. Van Peurseni. International Clnh Itlfiit, U o n a l d o Ra<'ile> (.lirva

.Student C o n n c i l

Divinity Guild I'retident First Semester, George Berens President Second Semester, Jacob Groetsenia


R. Nolier (Manager), G W iegerink. R. Freeman, T. Beaver. J. iNettinga, J. Wiegerink, G. \ v k e r k , A. Ualman, J. Tysse, Coach Hinga. - . ivcriv, E. vioerdyk. R. Fox, J. Plewes. H. Seekamp, G. Painter. H. Dalman, L. Da.ns.ra, G. Van Peursen. < . Slighter, L. Meengs, L. Japinga, E. Damson, M. Slagl,. T. Van Haitsma, C. iNorlin, J. Zwemer. Vt i n n i n g t h r e e f j a m e s , t i e i n g o n e a n d losino; f o u r , H o p e s h a r e d f o u r t h M . I, A. A. f o o l hall l i o n o r s with K a l a m a z o o . G a m e s w e r e lost to H e i d e l h e r g , A l m a , K a l a m a z o o , a n d O l i v e t T h e vietories w e r e o v e r Ferris, A l b i o n , a n d St. Mary's. For H o m e c o m i n g H o p e tied the c h a m p i o n s h i p H i l l s d a l e t e a m . 1 9 - 1 9 , i n a s e n s a t i o n a l b a t t l e . S i x o f t h e v e t e r a n s will n o t return next vear.

W atson Spoelstra, basketball s t a r , is ^raduatin^; a f t e r earni n g a b e r t h o n t h e a l l - M . I . A. A. b a s k e t b a l l t e a m for three years. (Co-captain)

Coach M. H i n g a w h o s e efforts t h i s y e a r h a v e h e l p e d m u c h to makf* t h e f o o t b s l l 3iicl b a s k e t ball s e a s o n a s u c c e s s

T h e s e r e g u l a r s will b e m i s s e d o n t h e g r i d i r o n n e x t f a l l . T h e y a r e : T . B e a v e r ( g u a r d ) , G. P a i n t e r ( g u a r d ) , a n d H. D a l m a n ( h a l f b a c k )

Howard D a l m a n , three-year forward. (Co-captain)

R o n a l d

Fresliman Football rpam C a p t a i n G. B o n n e t t e ; C o a c h D . Z w e m e r

F o x

: ful,back' eaPla,n oÂŁ the \arsit> f o o t b a l l scjnad in 1 9 3 1









Hope Varsity Basketball Team

Coarli Hinga. C. Sligliler, F. Vissclier, G. IVykerk, J. Zwemer. J. DeWitt (Manager). A. Dalnian, H. Oalnian, W. Spoelslra, IV. Cupery, L. Japinga.


T h e t e a m finished t h i r d i n M. I. A. A . b a s k e t b a l l c o m p e t i t i o n f o r t h e y e a r . T h e s c h e d u l e consisted of sixteen g a m e s , eight of which were w o n a n d eight lost. D e f e a t s c a m e t w i c e at t h e h a n d s o f W e s t e r n S t a t e , K a l a m a z o o , a n d O l i v e t , w i t h s i n g l e d e f e a t s a d m i n i s tered by Albion a n d Ferris. H o p e w o n two g a m e s f r o m Hillsdale, Alma, and Calvin, a n d one each f r o m Albion and Junior College. Six of the m e n will b e b a c k to m a k e n e x t s e a s o n a still g r e a t e r s u c c e s s .

J o e E s t h e rfinishesfirst

Start of t h e all-collefie five-mile cross-country race

Trouncing Alma

Bert Bossenbroek, Inter-society player

Knickerbocker-Emersonian preliminary

Ready for Alma

Ituseliall—Spring 1931 C.aptain, E. P o p p i n k C.oach. J. S c h o u t e n Mnnnner. C. J. .Mever

Inler-society c h a m p i o n s Captain, j . \N ieiierink

Varsity dash m a n . D. K o e p p e

Varsity h a l f - m i l e r , D. R e a r d o n

Freshman Basketball, 1931-'3 Coach, C. N o r l i n

Tennis Team—Spring 1931 Manager, H. K l a a s e n

Views from

the Freshman-Sophomore which the Sophomores

field-day won


Besieging the C o s m o basket

Gel l h a l p a s s !

H o p e off o n a r a m p a g e

L. J a p i n g a , All M. I. 4 . A. quarterhaek

For the c h a m p i o n s h i p F r a t e r s vs. C o s m o

H o p e again




Sihyllines make merry

l i U r o d u c i n g the n e w A l e l l i e a n s

T l i e l>oId, b o l d pi r a l e

h ' s p o t s a n d p a n s f o r the y o u n g D e l p h i a n s





A la G h a n d i

Norman, Norman, and Rum


W a r m day, isn't it, Carl

N o r the E m e r s o n i a n s — f i r s t p l a e e

Prieeless songster

Get a b o a r d , g i r l s

\ l o o k w i t h i n tlie c h a p e l

T h e chapel in soiiiher m o o d

\ an \ l e e k — t e e m i n g w i t h l i f e

Cusniopolituu House

Emersonian House

\\ arm f r i e n d s

.Missionary <loie

Mooie auto

W h o is S c h a d e Ipqking for?

S m i l i n g ihronsili

W h e r e have yon lieen. Etliel?

I In* a b o v e p i r l n r e was t a k e n in 1J58I o n the o c c a s i o n of t h e first G e n e r a l S y n o d h e l d in the \\ est. 1 he <;roii|t of d i v i n e s c a m e o n a visit to H o p e C o l l e g e f r o m G r a n d R a p i d s o n a S a t u r d a y a n d w e r e p h o t o g r a p h e d with t h e H o p e s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y m e m b e r s o n that part of t h e c a n i p i i s now k n o w n as the " s u n k e n g a r d e n s . " T h e p i c t u r e w a s c o n t r i h u t e d to the M i l e s t o n e by Mrs. J. \ . O t t e , f o r m e r l y F r a n c e s P h e l p s . T h e ke> c o n t r i b u t e d with the p i c t u r e is o n the p a g e f o l l o w i n g .

Sitting 4H1 thf firoutnl (it'ft Nykcrk, (lornelia (Nippon (Mrs. ( D r . ) A. Pielers. Thr faculty (in chairs); bnrK, T. R. Beck, (^. Seotl. liy the side <>/ Professor are unknown.)

to right): W i 11 Bcardsley (with arms around llie jaiiilor, l)e % ilt), J. 15. . Brusse), Lizzie Phelps, Emma Kollen (Mrs. Pieters), H. V. S. I eeke.

J. H. Kleinheksel, Henry Boers, G. J. Kollen. William Shields, (-. DoesScott:

Paul Coster, Theodore Phelps, Ben Brower.

(The two al his let I

ISchintl Professors Dorshiirg aiifl lirck: The two lirsl girl graduates, Sarah G. Vhott (Mrs. E. A. Whitenark) and Frances F. C. Phelps (Mrs. J. A. Otte). First row to rear: Will Duiker, W. E. Stapelkamp, John A. Otte, A. T. Huizenga, Sr., John Broek, Henry Boer, Peter Moerdyk, G. J. Diekema. Henry Dosker, Frank Force, John IN. Tronipen, H. Geerlings, .4. Knooihuizen. (The old man <11 end of line is unknown.) Directly back of him is James Kruidenier. At his right is Wietse Douma. Philip Phelps. Peter Fhrman, John Huizinga, Arend Visscher, Fred Second row behind the faculty: Zwemer, G. J. Hekhuis. Above W. Stapelkamp is Anthony M. Van Duine: above him is W. H. Bruins, left of W. Bruins, A. Vanden Berg, at his left A. Strabbing. The face of Egbert Vander Veen is discernable above A. Vanden Berg. Above G. J. Hekhuis is William Slegeman. A. Brandt is at the right of A. Van Duine. Turninf: now to right of the picture: Above Peter Moerdyk is J. !\oordhuis; above him is Mary Steffens; above her is Katie Herold; left of K. Herold is Martha iNyland; between them may be seen the face of Ame Vennema, and on right of Martha iNyland is Dick DeBey. The tall girl in the white is Josephine Cook; at her right is Johanna Van Ark: next to her Fanny Post, then Sarah Cappon, then Josephine Kiekinlvelt, Mary Broek. Minnie Schaap is above Johanna Van Ark, while between J. Van Ark and Fanny Post can be recognized the face of Martin Ossewaarde. To the left of J. Cook is John Van Westenberg, and between these two is Peter Zwemer. Back of J. Van Westenberg is Peter Wayenberg; above him Rika Boone. Looking over the right shoulder of F. Klosler is James Ossewaarde. On the extreme right of picture: By the side of F. R. Force is Dr. Veenboer. On his left is D. Cook, then Peter Holleman. Directly back of him is Henry Harmling, then Ed. Karsten; left of J. Kruidenier is Charles Knooihuizen: back of C. Knooihuizen is H. Giebink, while directly above \V. Douma is G. Te Linde. Next to P. Wayenberg is A. Van Woerkum. Next to him (looking upward) is Foppe Klooster. On his left is Corie Steffens, and further left is George Cook. Above F. Force is John W. E. Visscher. Next to Paul Tronipen is R. Schepers. Johanna Schravesande is next to Anna Meengs, who is above Sarah Cappon. Albert Rooks is between J. Kiekintvelt and Mary Broek. Back of Josephine Cook and Peter Zwemer is D. J. Werkmen.

• - i t #



>! i





Miss S t ' l m p p e r l , llie K i m h a l l ()r'jaiiisl

Itoger Voskuil. Salntaloriau

•' i

Sinsjing L e s s o n

P r o f . W . C. S now a n d the m i u h t v S k i n n e r o r g a n

M iss lA'estma at t h e W i e k ' s Organ Console

Lois De I'ree, Valedictorian



Knick chefs

Students—at heart

"Milly" k l o w , M a n a g e r of Girls'

.Man w i t h t h e r a k e

S u r e l)ut-

Glee Club Pretty picture!

H. Engelsman, Photo Editor





Jacob Van Halteren, class of 1873, has been dead for many years



It's a l w a y s f a i r weather





in the alumni

Rev. John van de Erve, D. D., M. D., class of 1895, at present is pastor of the only remaining French Protestant Church in this country, and also holds the Chair of Physiology in a Medical School. Both church and school are in Charleston. So. Carolina.


of the Milestone

Rev. Charles Bready, D. D., class of 1902, is the popular and much loved pastor of a large Methodist Church at Omaha. IN'eb.

Sign My Milestone,


Sign My Milestone,






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