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FOREWORD T h i s book is dedicated to you, the H o p e College student. T a k e it, peruse it, a n d t h r o u g h the words and pictures included in the 1964 Milestone, c a p t u r e the m e m o r y of the life that was yours d u r i n g the past year at H o p e College. Let the symbolism of the cover speak to you as well. As a r e m i n d e r that the year 1964 stands as a milestone at the edge of the past and the b e g i n n i n g of the f u t u r e , the title of the book is placed where the b l u e a n d the b r o w n of the cover meet. T h e s u n b u r s t can represent both the clear light of knowledge a n d the Heavenly light of inspiration; together they light the p a t h into the u n k n o w n . Finally, let the colors of the cover r e m i n d you of the heritage of a H o p e College education, which tries to focus b o t h lights in the life of the student, so that he can face the f u t u r e with confidence and trust.
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Green "pots" worn by green freshmen added color to the campus in September. After a week of gentle hazing by upperclassmen, the freshmen violators were brought before the Kangaroo Court, which meted out just sentences for all, including those guilty of being related to upperclassmen or faculty. As the Court adjourned, the freshmen were welcomed as a real part of the college family, and the college settled down to prepare for the Pull and Homecoming.
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PULL Shouts of "Rah-rah '66" and "Rah-rah '67" died away on the campus as supporters of the teams trekked to the banks of the Black River to view the ordeal of the Pull. Week's of preparation were culminated as the holes were dug and the rope was stretched. T h e Pull began. Exclamations from fellow team members, constant encouragement from morale girls and the alternately vocal and mute support of the crowd combined with the actions of the coach to urge each to do his best. An hour and forty-five minutes later, the exhausted frosh followed the rope into the river to meet the victorious sophomores.
ALL COLLEGE SING Delphis and Cosmopolitans walked off victorious in the 1964 All-College Sing, after weeks of preparation by all societies. Each group received a warm reception from the audience which filled the Holland Civic Center, but the most enthusiastic response awaited the special entertainers. Pre-award diversion was provided by the freshman chorus and by faculty "Bugs" VanderWerf, Malcolm, Granberg, and Jentz.
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Susan D a m p m a n Sally Kooistra
HOMECOMING Elections for Homecoming queens, the last rush to complete the floats and house decorations, and the calls of returning graduates combined to make Homecoming a busy time. Queen Linda Selander reigned over the football game and the Homecoming Ball at the Civic Center.
Yvonne T a y l o r
P a t Maceachron
Anita Awad
Gail G r o t e n h u i s Jacuelyn Schrotenboer
Hope College celebrated the coming of May with May Day activities of various kinds. Students elected junior Sally Kooistra to reign as queen, succeeding last year's queen, Karen Voskuil. Elected to the Queen's Court were Sandra Cady, Hope Beckering, Arlene Deitz, Joan Esther, Gail Grotenhuis and Kathy Van Kuiken. Freshmen women provided the Daisy Chain honor guard, as master of ceremonies Bill Van Hoeven announced the new members of Mortar Board. Sophomore women performed the traditional May Pole dance. For the men, the day brought the annual intramural track meet. In the evening the dinner and dance provided a memorable conclusion for May Day â&#x20AC;&#x201D; 1964.
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e me Arts Festival in May capped a year of cultural activity by bringing together elements of the various a r t s - d a n c e , poetry, drama, music and painting. T h e emphasis in this year's Festival was on t e student, as the Little T h e a t r e produced original student works, the 1964 Opus published its selection 째 J u d e n t w n t l n g a n d a " , and Dr. Edward Savage directed a group of students in Stravinsky's The Soldier s Tale. Members of the Performing Arts Company from Michigan State University brought their production of lonesco's Rhinoceros to Hope. After a series of lectures and discussions, the Festival closed with a recital by guest pianist Roy H a m l i n Johnson. T h r o u g h o u t the Festival, the home of the Vander Werf s was open to exhibit contemporary paintings.
T h e inauguration of Dr. Calvin Vander Werf as the eighth president of H o p e College added academic pageantry and dignity to the 1963-64 school year. On the evening before the November 16 ceremonies, Dr. George Buttrick spoke to a student-alumni convocation on " T h e Nature of T r u t h . " Dr. Vander Werf was honored at a pre-inaugural luncheon in the Phelps Hall dining room, as representatives of the Board of Trustees, faculty, student body. Reformed Church in America, city of Holland and the Alumni Association greeted Dr. and Mrs. Vander Werf. T h e inauguration ceremonies were held in Dimnent Memorial Chapel, where representatives from 130 colleges and various learned and professional societies took part in the processional. After Mr. Ekdal Buys, chairman of the Board of Trustees, gave the charge to the president. Dr. Vander Werf responded with his inaugural address.
RENEWAL CAN Students who attended the Geneva Retreat in September found an opportunity to "come apart for a while" before getting d o w a to the steady work of a school year. Held at Camp Geneva on Lake Michigan, the retreat provided spiritual refreshment and physical recreation. Hope faculty members lead discussion groups and participated in the fellowship. Guest speakers were the Rev. Mr. Donald Buteyn and the Rev. Mr. Donald DeYoung. T h e retreat closed with a midnight Communion service, and students returned to the campus the following morning invigorated in spirit and body.
BE REVERENT T h e brilliantly colored October forest formed an ideal backdrop for the canoe trip sponsored by the SCA. Approximately sixty Hope students traveled by bus to Muskegon River for five hours of canoeing interrupted by a hot dog roast at the halfway point. Some participants also enjoyed a chilly swim, but all returned to the campus invigorated by a renewed contact with the beauties of creation.
VIENNA PROGRAM PROMOTES TRAVEL "Ich fahre nach Wien." With this bit of German and high hopes, students from Hope and other schools sailed from New York on their adventure with the Hope College Vienna Summer School program. After an introductory study tour, the travelers settled down in Vienna to
make the most of their opportunities to become acquainted with European culture while living for six weeks in a historic city. Under the guidance of director Dr. Paul Fried, the Austrian professors designed their courses to take advantage of the European setting. Living with
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FOR LEARNING Austrian families gave the students a chance to make their German courses come alive. After the closing banquet and convocation, each student traveled where he wished for almost three weeks. T h e group was reunited in Amsterdam, where each participant boarded the plane with a bittersweet "Auf WiedersehenI"
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Hope students also take advantage of opportunities for travel in the United States. Education is the goal of some of these students, as they spend one semester in Washington, D.C., to participate in the Washington Semester program at the American University. Here, they have the chance to acquire firsthand knowledge of the machinery of American government. During the past school year, Barbara Freggens and J o h n Dryfhout spent the first semester in Washington, while Dick Emmert and T o m Straatsma studied at the American University during the second semester. Other students make the traditional trek to Florida or Mexico only for the enjoyment of escaping from a Michigan winter and the prospect of forgetting the rigors of studies for a few short days during the Christmas or spring vacation periods.
Graduation ceremonies marked the end of the school year. As parents and friends came to Holland, the seniors prepared to leave Hope College. On May 31, Dr. Howard Hageman of Newark, New Jersey, led the Baccalaureate service in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Seniors gathered at the Civic Center on J u n e 1 to hear Dr. Harlan Hatcher, president of the University of Michigan, deliver the Commencement address and to receive their coveted bachelor's degrees, the symbol of the culmination of one part of the process of becoming educated.
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Hope's football team made it back to the top this year, after having shown promise for several seasons. T h e Flying Dutchmen tied Kalamazoo and Albion for the MIAA championship with a 4-1 league record, overcoming a slow start to record five consecutive victories to close out their 1964 campaign. Once again, Hope had a leading passing combination, as quarterback Harlan Hyink and end Bill Hultgren were re-elected to the all-MIAA team. Center Fred VanTatenhove and Joe Kusak of the defensive team were also honored. T h r o u g h graduation, Hope loses such stars as Van Tatenhove, captain Ken Quakkelaar, Chuck Veurink and Jim VanDam; however. Coach DeVette will have three all-MIAA performers returning, together with most of the rest of his team.
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Hope (tie) Albion (tie) Kalamazoo (tie) Adrian Alma Olivet
SCORES Hope 0 Ashland 14 Findlay 15 W h e a t o n 14 Kalamazoo 21 Alma 16 A d r i a n 21 Albion 49 Olivet 15 Eastern Illinois
Opponent 24 33 19 21 8 12 6 20 6
1963 Football T e a m . L e f t to right, First row: C. Langeland, T . D e K u i p e r , R . Jackson, J. N o r t o n , B. Schantz, C. Veurink, F. VanT a t e n h o v e , R . Abel, J. Bekkering, B. Keur, K. Postma, J . Smith; Seond row: S. Levey, H . Hyink, M. Schipper, B. Menning, R . W h i t e , T . Van Dam, K. T e u s i n k , J. Gibbs, P. Bast, J. Jorgensen, D. V a n P r o y e n , J . Kreunen. D. O e h m ; T h i r d row: W . H u l t g r e n , R. Milican, R . Kroodsma, J. Saggers, J. Kusak, T . Cook, J. Ehrlich, R . M e u l m a n , C. P o p p i n k , A. Slikkers, D. Heusinkveld, C. Dell; F o u r t h row: K. Quakkelaar, F. Smies, K. C a r p e n t e r , S. Wessling, P. J o h n s o n , M. Sytsma, M. Barendse, L. De W i t t , J Meengs, C. VanWyk, J. Stam, T . Cousineau
CROSS COUNTRY Led by two exceptional freshmen, the harriers finished the season in third place behind strong Calvin and Albion teams. In all competition, Hope turned in a five-five dual-meet record. Runner Ron Bowman led the team in every meet, but fans also saw fine performances from Garry Peiper, Bruce Welmers, captain Vern Sterk, Glen VanWieren and John Nyboer. Although Coach Siedentop loses the four latter players through graduation, he has the nucleus of a good 1964 team with Bowman, Peiper and Dirck DeVelder, who missed most of the 1963 season because of an injury.
SCORES Hope 32 Muskegon J. C. 32 G r a n d R a p i d s J. C 39 Spring Arbor 18 Alma 23 Kalamazoo 44 Calvin 22 A d r i a n 42 Albion 18 Olivet 23 A q u i n a s
Opponent 23 23 17 44 38 15 33 19 42 36
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Hope's 1963-64 basketball season disappointed many fans who have grown accustomed to seeing the Flying Dutchmen win basketball championships as a matter of course. Nevertheless, despite an 11-11 record, the team provided followers with many thrilling moments, including a 127-119 overtime victory over powerful Alma. T h r o u g h o u t the season, the team was led by Ron Venhuizen s uncanny j u m p shot and the all-around play of Glenn VanWieren, who was named to the all-MIAA first team. VanWieren also won Hope's Most Valuable Player award. Other members of Coach DeVette's squad turned in crowd-pleasing performances on a number of occasions, and DeVette hopes to use solid returning players to build a team that will pick u p the winning habit. 93
1963-64 Basketball T e a m . F r o n t : Coach DeVette, G. V a n W i e r e n , R . V e n H u i z e n ; Second R o w : C. Veurink, J. Simons, G. Korver, C. V a n W i e r e n , D. P o p p i n k , R . Anker, B. P o t t e r , R. TeBfeest, C. Buys, D. O v e r m a n , A. K r a m e r
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lit SCORES Hope 86 74 82 81 77 89 77 79 82 68 84 95 89 71 78 127 87 108 71 94 98 90
Lake Forest Valparaiso Wheaton Alma Westmont Albion Concordia Kenyon Calvin Olivet Kalamazoo Adrian Lake Forest Wheaton Concordia Alma Albion Aquinas Calvin Olivet Kalamazoo Adrian
Opponent 62 98 86 84 74 77 66 76 90 65 91 97 71 111 59 119 101 113 105 91 103 66
JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL Guided by Coach Daryl Siedentop, the J u n i o r Varsity basketball team turned in a creditable record of seven victories and eight defeats. Early in the season, the team was led by Carl Walters, who was subsequently promoted to the varsity. Jim Klein was the leading scorer for the year with an average of 16.2 points per game. Other starters included Jerry Zwart, Menno Sytsma, Denny Weener and Dan Bakker.
1963-64 J u n i o r Varsity Basketball T e a m : Left to right: M. Sytsma, J. Klein, J. Zwart, T . Kahler, S. Wessling, C. Workm a n , P. J o h n s o n . D. Swets, D. Weener, D. Bakker
TRACK Hope's track men established several new records while finishing a solid third in the league standings. T h e mile relay team of Bill Hultgren, Gilbert Ogonji, Ken Carpenter and Dave Lane set a new MIAA record with the time of 3:25.4. Bettering all previous Hope performances, Bob MacKay jumped 6 ' 3 " in the high j u m p for a new school record. In the new events, Gary Hoivick ran the 330 yard hurdles in 39.9 seconds, and the 440 yard relay team chalked up a time of 43.7 seconds. Coach Goi;d Brewer, who has many fine performers returning, is optimistic for another good track and field season in 1965.
1964 T r a c k T e a m (not pictured): R. Anker, P. Swets, F. Shanholtzer, K. C a r p e n t e r , T . Kahler, G. Peiper, L. Brower, D. Lane, B. H u l t g r e n , M. Peterson, R . Miller, G. Ogonji, K. Dulow, V. Sterk, B. Welton, B. Welraers, B. MacKay, J. Nyboer, B. Fialko, J. Simons, B. Menning, J. T r o s t , R. Hilbelink, W . Powell, J. Bekkering, H . Bowm a n , J. Buys, C. Buys, G. Holvick, W . Magans; Coach Gordon Brewer; manager, A. Felix
SCORES Hope 63 6O1/2 54 116 100 94 70 66 86
G r a n d R a p i d s J. C. Calvin Albion Alma Olivet Adrian Valparaiso U. of Illinois (Chicago) Kalamazoo
Opponent 72 751/2 82 19 35 41 74 61
MIAA S T A N D I N G S Albion Calvin Hope Adrian Kalamazoo Olivet Alma
Bettering last year's tie for the championship, the baseball team swept to an undisputed first-place finish this year. After getting "warmed u p " down south, the team returned to burn up MIAA competition. Undefeated, and allowing earned runs at the rate of one every three games, Joe Bosworth was named the team's most valuable player. Hope's potent hitting attack was led by Clare VanWieren, who was an all-MIAA first-team choice along with Bosworth. Ron Venhuizen and Glenn VanWieren were second-team MIAA choices. 104
1964 Baseball T e a m . L e f t to right, Kneeling: P. H a v e r k a m p , W . Cotts, P. Pluister, C. Veurink, T . Slager, manager; Standing: A. Kramer, G. Bosworth, T . DeKuiper, T . Cook, J. V a n T i l , C. VanWieren, R. Venhuizen, G. Schaap, R. Kroodsma, D. Troost, S. Nienhuis, G. VanWieren, C. P o p p i n k
Led by Byron H o p m a , Craig Workman and Lance Stell, Hope's tennis team finished second behind perennial champion Kalamazoo, as Hope shut out all league competition except the Hornets. T h e Flying Dutchmen opened the season withh a shakedown tour through the South during spring vacation and went on to defeat most of their regular season competition. Because of the youth of the team's leading players, Coach "Doc" Green looks forward to fine seasons in coming years. Other players on the strong and deep tennis team were Harvey Hoffman, David Nykerk, David Zwart and Jack Schrier.
SCORES Hope 1/2 Vanderbilt 0 Florida State 3 Davidson 3i/2 C o l u m b i a C. 3 Rollins 1 Florida 7 Florida Reserves 0 Indiana 7 Wheaton 9 MacMurray 7 Calvin 7 Albion 7 Alma 7 Olivet 7 Adrian 3 Miami, Ohio 0 Kalamazoo
Opponent Sy 2 9 6 614 6 8 1 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7
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MIAA S T A N D I N G S (Tennis) Kalamazoo Hope Albion Calvin Alma Adrian Olivet
GOLF Under Coach Hilmert's guidance, the Hope golf team finished a respectable third in MIAA play. His most consistent players were Jim VViersma, Bill Potter and Jim Thompson. W i t h a strong crew of lettermen returning, the prospects for next year appear quite promising. 107
Since the Hope chapter's founding over forty years ago, Blue Key has maintained high standards and has made many fine contributions to the school. A national honorary fraternity, Blue Key is composed of members who have done significant work both academically and socially for their college or university. T h e i r contributions this year include scholarship awards and the operation of the book store. Monthly banquets and the annual date night fill in the social end of the schedule for Blue Key members.
L e f t to right, Seated: U. C h a n , J. Hawkins, J. Wiegerink, J. Mayne, T . McNeil; Standing: D. Ogden, D. Mouw, R . V a n d e r B o r g h , R. Tigelaar, E. J o h n s o n , A . . G r a m s ; Not pictured: D. W a l v o o r d , T . Pool, H . T i l l e m a , R. H a r t g e r i n k , W . VanHoeven, D. Hollenbach
L e f t to right: K, Voskuil, N. Zwart, A. Arends, J. Christensen, president, L, VandeBunte, L. Walvoord, M, Beukelman
MORTAR BOARD Members of the Alcor Chapter of Mortar Board are academically outstanding women from Hope College. T h i s National Women's Honorary Society sponsors many events under its president Judy Christensen such as the Dean's List Tea, Apple Polisher's Banquet, and the Last Chance Speaker. But best known on campus is the American Film Program during the school year.
STUDENT SENATE T h i s year, tne Student Senate operated under a new constitution that provided for a separate Student Court. In a move that prompted campus discussion, the Senate undertook affiliation with the NSA. Senate committees carried on the work of planning Homecoming, stimulating campus intellectual and social affairs, and arranging the schedule for the new Student Union. Dave Mouw and Mary Klein spent a busy year as the chief executive officers of the Student Senate.
Lett to r i g h t . R o w 1: B. Vojak, R . Sytsma, N. VandenBerg, C. Howes, M. Swats; R o w 2: T . Leenhouts, H, Beckering, C. Mogle, D. Mauw, president, M. Klein, vice-president, B. Neckers, B. Allred; R o w 3: J . T h o m a s , G. O g o n j i , B. E d m a n , R. Miller, D. Vogel, J. T e l l , R, Donia, B. Bruins; Row 4: J. Solman, D. Grissen, J. Mayne, B. Butler, D. Berens, L. H a v e r k a m p , W . Michaelson, R. Anderson, D. Sturgis
L e f t to r i g h t : K. V e r d u i n , K. Voskuil, A. Arends, H. T i l l e m a , P. Bast, J. E u b a n k
STUDENT COURT Guided by chief justice Richard VanderBorgh, the Student Court spent long hours wrestling with problems created by students who violated college rules or civic laws. In its first year of existence, the Court worked closely with the college administration in determining and enforcing punishments for various offenders, and the Court members tried a number of different approaches.
C H A P E L C H O I R M E M B E R S : J. Alexander, M. Beukelman, B. Bruggers, M. B u n d s c h u h , A. Collins, B. Dietch, S. Sykema, M. Flikkema, A. G a r d n e r , K. Huyck, M. Klein, B. Kleinheksel, V. Korf, D. LaBouef, T . Leenhouts, M. Leetsma, K. Lenel, J. Mast, C. Richardson, R . Rikkers, N. Schadewald, M. Scherpenisse, B. Smith, J. Small, E. T a y l o r , N. T e W i n k l e , J. T h o m a s , L. Tiezzi, L, T r o w bridge, K. V e r d u i n , M. Vollink, K. Voskuil, D. W a s h b u r n , M.
Wersing, F. Welcher, E. W h i t a k e r , L. W o l b r i n k , C. Yeager, C. Yonkers, K. Bakker, R . Behm, R . Burgess, W . Cook, J. Daane, A. DePagter, T . Dykstra, T . Griften, E. Julien, K. Klaaren, M. Lemmenes, J. Lucas, J. Martin, D. Mouw, B. Neckers, D. Ogden, P. Paulsen, D. Stegink, D. Sturgis, R . Tielaar, A. VanderMeer, P. Van Lierop, F. Wezeman, A. Wilson, R . W i t t e r
CHAPEL CHOIR T h e Chapel Choir continued its tradition of providing outstanding choral music for Hope College. Besides participating in chapel services and special events on campus, the Choir, under the direction of Dr. Robert Cavanaugh, also sang in a number of churches in Western Michigan. T h e highlight of the year was the spring trip to the East, where the Choir sang at the Easter Sunrise Service in Radio City Music Hall in New York City.
CHANCEL CHOIR T h e Chancel Choir, not pictured, is a choral group open to all interested students. Under the direction of Mr. Roger Davis, the Choir this year took a more active part in the daily chapel services, and it made its annual "Western T r i p " to T h i r d Church in Holland. 112
PERSONNEL VIOLIN Joseph Mayne* Leslie Clark* N i n a Bossenbroek* Elbert W a t r o u s * Mitsu Emori L i n d a Davis* Albert Oosterhot Joan TenHoor* J e a n Jonoske Pat Herold David T u b e r g e n * Alfred Grams* J o a n Loweke Marcia Newhouse Sarah W a g n e r Wanda Rider R i c h a r d Dickson R o b e r t Bauer VIOLA Barbara Plewes* R u t h Yzenbaard* Marilyn R y n b r a n d t Christine VanBree CELLO B a r b a r a Fisher* J o h n Renwick* R i c h a r d Wolters* Mary Pat Russell Nancy Alexander Margaret J u n e
BASS Betty Slot* D o n a l d Sill Gregory Hulse L i n d a Lucas Mary Ellen Bridger
HORN Gerald W a a n d e r s * F r a n Welcher Gloria Mooi* Ellen W h i t a k e r George Meyer
FLUTE Nancy Rector* Carla R e i d s m a * Ann Hutchinson Suellen Prins
TRUMPET T h o m a s Steffens* P a l m e r Veen* Gerald A u t e n Albert H o f f m e n
PICCOLO Suellen Prins
TROMBONE William Nidkolson* R o n VanderBeek K e n n e t h Hovingh
OBOE Pat M a c E a c h r o n * D a r l e n e Kobes ENGLISH H O R N D a r l e n e Kobes CLARINET David M o t t * R o l l a n d Swank Barbara Kouw* Lawrence DeBoer BASS C L A R I N E T Paul Hesselink BASSOON Amzie Parcell* Leon VanDyke P a u l Lein J o h n Solodow
BASS T R O M B O N E R o b e r t Barrows TUBA Meridith Nienhouse TIMPANI Floyd F a r m e r * PERCUSSION Lawrence Calfee* James R u f f n e r ORCHESTRAL PIANO Betty Lou Dietch MANAGER Amzie Parcell • S y m p h o n e t t e members
ORCHESTRA AND SYMPHONETTE T h e Hope College Orchestra and Symphonette, both under the direction o£ Dr. Morette Rider, add to the musical life of the campus and community. T h e Orchestra, not pictured, played a number of concerts in the Chapel, some with guest artists, and also presented a Children's Concert at the high school. Composed of selected players from the Orchestra, the Symphonette extends the range of Hope College musical activities by its spring trip each year. T h i s year the group traveled to Utah and the West Coast, where it presented concerts in a number of churches. Hope's orchestral groups also participated in the Messiah, Christmas Vespers, and other events during the school year.
BAND MEMBERS BAND Hope College Band activities included the Concert Band, the Marching Band, and the Pep Band. Director Robert Cecil provided a busy schedule for the band this year, as the band played various concerts at school and took a trip to the Chicago area to play at two high schools.
B a r b a r a Brunson Karen Deike Linda Lucas L a u r a Dick Joyce Corsette
Nancy VerHulst Paul Hesselink ALTO SAXOPHONE Paul Lein Phillip Miller
Linda Lucas
Preston M a r i n g
TRUMPETS James T r o s t J o h n N. Hill TROMBONES Ronald VanderBeek William Nicholson R o b e r t Westervelt Earl Jonson Jack Derks James Brink
Amzie Parcell
Neal Aldritt CLARINET David Mott R o b e r t Benzenberg Diana Staat Betty Swinehart Lawrence DeBoer William Coons Mary Ellen Bridger Carl V a n N o o r d R u t h a n n Kohlman ALTO CLARINET Carol Shepherd
HORNS Gerald W a a n d e r s Patricia Gabbey Ellen W h i t a k e r Gloria Mooi CORNETS Palmer Veen Gerald A u t e n H a r o l d Wills Fred Emerson R o b e r t Starks
P A R I TONES William Cathcart Susan Shauger Kenneth Weber TUBAS Robert Formsma Leslie Cole PERCUSSION H e n r y Brown Larry Calfee J o h n Renwick James R u f f n e r PIANO R o b e r t Barrows
Opus, fine arts magazine written and published by students of Hope College, is published in one or two issues each year to foster and recognize the creative efforts of campus artists, writers and musicians. An innovation in the 1964 issue is the recognition of photography as a creative art. Published in conjunction with the Fine Arts Festival, Opus appeared as part of a new tradition on our campus â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the combination of the May Day festivities with the Fine Arts Festival.
L e f t to right; A. Jones, S. Spring, D. K a r d u x , L. Walvoord, editor, R. Werge, K, V e r d u i n , R . Yzenbaard
L e f t to right, R o w 1: E. W h i t a k e r , C. Ferruzzi, J. T e n Brink, B. Yager, D. Dykstra, P. Myers; Row 2: J. VanderSchalk, P. T a n i s , music librarian, B. W e r k m a n , business m a n a g e r , B. H e p b o r n , general m a n a g e r , B. C a t h c a r t , p u b l i c relations, D. Catlin, technical director, D. Stehouwer, R. Schroeder; Row 3: W . Bovenkirk, P. Miller, H . Bowman, C. Postma, L. V a n D e H o e f , J, DeSmidt. B. Westervelt, R . L u b e n , J. Waterm a n , K. Zuithoff, L. VanAUsburg; Row 4: J. Mulder, D. Grissen, J. Koch, M. Lewis, R. VanSchenkhof, J. L o h m a n , J: Sabo, D. Dixon, C. Knecht, H. Hostetter, W . Coons
WTAS " T h e Anchor Station" thus completes what the staff hoped was its most exciting and advanced broadcast year to date. In an effort to project to a wider spectrum of the campus audience, W T A S maintained "balanced" programming under the guidance of a hard-working staff. I n a year that brought a full-service news department into operation, saw an increase in total broadcast time, and included the "live" coverage of major sporting events. Radio 61 claims the title as "Mid-America's No. 1 College Radio Station."
Ed Stielstra, P h o t o g r a p h e r M a r i n Kiefer, H e a d l i n e Editor
Susan Spring, News Editor
Kathleen Verduin, Proof Editor T h o m a s Wombwell, C r i t i q u e Editor
J i m Mace, Sports Editor
ANCHOR News and views fall within the area of the Anchor's interest. Editor Charles Menning piloted the weekly paper through a year that brought many developments of campus interest. T h e Anchor added a political column, and the paper was often larger than in previous years.
Staff, left t o right; L. V a n D e H o e t , J. Mulder, M. Schutter, M. R u s h e r , N. Slagter, J. Wallace, A. J o u k i l
Rich Koster, Business Manager
Chuck Menning, Editor-in-chief
Barbara Freggens, Academic Editor
MILESTONE Stacks of pictures to sort and use, a slide rule for picture reductions, pages to lay out, and copy to write and proofread make up a Milestone staff member's work. But hours of work and frustration ended to produce the 1964 annual, and staffmembers let out sighs of relief as the various portions of the 256-page book were completed.
Sandra Cady, Organizations Editor
y Fran Hala, Faculty Editor J o h n VerSteeg, Business Manager
Linda Munro, Copy Editor
Mike Snyder, P h o t o g r a p h e r
I â&#x20AC;˘ k
L a r r y Calfee, Art Editor P a u l Hesselink, Editor-in-chiei Pat Ashwood, Assistant Editor
H e n r y Brown. I n d e x E d i t o r
Gail Grotenhuis, Seniors Editor Sally Kooistra, Classes Editor
C u r t Holleman, Sports Editor
'â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘r '
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T h e Debate squad this year attended tournaments at Northern Illinois, Goshen College, Bradly University, University of Illinois at Chicago and DePauw University. T h e r e were also Novice Tournaments at Western University and Purdue University. But the highlight of the year was the National Pi Kappa Delta T o u r n a m e n t at Grove City, Penn., where the Hope squad placed second in sweepstakes against 25 other colleges from six states.
L e f t to right, R o w 1: M. H . Mikle, advisor, H . T i l l e m a , J. Schulz, J. Melichar, J. Crozier; Row 2: L, M u n r o , D. Noel, S. Radliff, R . Donia, J. E u b a n k , A, Pearson, T . Leenhouts, W . Groesbeck, B. Vanderwest
L e f t to right, Seated; L. H a v e r k a m p , J. Blough, D. McCullough, C. Kuyper, B. J. Berghorst, L. Brower, B. C h a i n , C. W a g n e r ; Standing; D. Kardux, J. Blum, S. Radliff, D. DeVelder, M. A n d r i n g a , R . DeBoer, J. Howell
NCP T h e National Collegiate Players or Pi Epsilon Delta is a national honorary society for students active in theatre. T h e coveted gold key of N C P is won by service to the theatre, upon recommendation of the local chapter and approval by the National Council. Work on-stage and back-stage in productions during the school years acquires points toward membership.
SPEECH HONORS Membership in the Michigan Gamma Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta, the honorary "orensic society, is based on achievement in the areas of oratory, extemporaneous speaking, public address, debate or discussion. Invitations are extended to new members during the course of the year when they have met the requirements for eligibility. Initiations come at the annual spring banquet. At the National T o u r n a m e n t , Hope members took second place in the convention forensics.
L e f t to right, R o w 1: B. Vanderwest, M. H . Mikle, advisor, H. T i l l e m a , president, T . Leenhouts, A. Pearson, W . Schrier, advisor, L. M u n r o ; Row 2: J. Ngwa, J. Melichar, J . Schulz, S. Radliff, D. K u i p e r , C Dykstra, J. Crozier, R . Donia, C. VanLente, W . Groesbeck, D. Noel
L e f t to right. Row 1: S. W a g n e r , S. Mooy, C. Boersma, P. W a s h b u r n , C. Chappell; R o w 2: I. Bundza, G. H i n z m a n n , B. Momeyer, P. H a r m e l i n k , M. Hoekstra, president, B. Magan, E. Shaw, D. Courtney; Row 3: H . Weller, advisor, W . Brower, b . Dekema, E. Albers, F. H a l a , J. Hine, M. R a l p h , advisor
SPANISH CLUB T h e purpose of Spanish Club is to increase knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries and peoples and ability to speak Spanish in both formal and informal situations. All meetings are held in Spanish, and a Spanish table in Phelps also helps members speak more fluently. Besides the Christmas Fiesta for the Mexican children and the A n n u a l Hispania Fiesta in A n n Arbor, club activities consisted of meetings devoted to learning about Chile, Peru and Mexico.
GERMAN CLUB T h e German Club this year presented a varied program for students of the language. It sponsored talks by German young people in the area, a Christmas party, discussion of German films, and a lecture by Swiss economist, Dr. Albert Hunold. Under president T o m Pool, the club promoted interest in the German people, their language, and their culture.
L e f t to right, Row 1: K. Deike, M. Gouwens, J. Lovveke, S. W r i g h t ; Row 2: S. Mast, M. Campbell, L. Lucas, D. Hellenga, T . Velthuizen
L e f t to right, Row 1: M, B u n d s c h u h , S. Spencer, D. Hellenga, M. Gouwens, L. Lucas, J. Christensen; Row 2: J. Hawkins, B. DeYoung, C. VanLonkhuyzen, P. Hesselink, G. H i e f t j e
GERMAN HONORS Delta Phi Alpha held its first meeting of the year on October 10, 1964 at Schnitzelbank, a German restaurant in Grand Rapids. T h e annual Christmas dinner was prepared by Mrs. Snow, the faculty sponsor, at her home on December 8, with Dr. Fried as a special guest. Ingeborg Bauer presented her thoughts on the German Christmas. T h e group sponsored the film "Buddenbrooks." Eleven new members were initiated at the Spring Banquet where the annual book award was presented to James Hawkins, president.
FRENCH CLUB With the first meeting, a picnic at Kollen Park, French Club began a year of interesting speakers and meetings. Composed of all interested students in an advanced French course, the club stimulates interest in the history and culture of France and the speaking of the French language. Speakers, slides, panel presentations, and special holiday programs all helped to promote members' knowledge and interest.
L e f t to right. Row I: R. Wozney, R. H e r k n e r , C. Hill, D. Stegink, J. Solman, R. Perry, advisor, J. Loweke; Row 2: C. Beukema, M. Koeman, M. Gouwens, C, C h u r c h , A. Joukel, K. Deike, J. Kemink, L. K u p f r i a r , E. Borger
L e f t to right, seated: C. Bonthuis, C. C h u r c h , C. Beukema, R. Wozney, R. Yzenbaard; Standing: D. Stegink, R . Perry, advisor, T . Solman
FRENCH HONORS T h e goal of every French Club member is initiation into the French Honorary Society. French students who have completed an advanced course in French and have maintained a B average are eligible to become members. T h i s organization holds two meetings each year.
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SPIRITUAL LIFE Periods of spiritual emphasis in February and April were the result of planning by the Spiritual Life Committee. T h e winter series included special chapel services with Rev. Ridder of the seminary and Dr. VanderWerf, president of the college, as leaders. Panel discussions, personal counseling, dorm discussions, and Communion completed the program. In April, the Rev. Mr. David Cargill visited the campus to speak on the theme " T h e Peculiar Ones." Also a part of the spring series was the film "Ikinu" and a special Communion service. L e f t to right, Seated: C. Shepherd, N. Slagter, T . VanDyk, C. Hoekzema, M. P a a l m a n ; Standing; L. G e r a r d , L. Schut, J. Reid, D. D u n n
L e f t to right, Row 1: R . V a n d e r B o r g h , L. Selander, A. Arends, K. Brown, P. Praasma; Row 2: M. Folkert, E. Walters, advisor, A. H u t c h i n s o n , E. Johnson, Jr., president, J. Zsiros, advisor; Row 3: P. G l e i c h m a n n , D. Ogden, T . Leenhouts, A. Nies, D. Engelsm a n , A. Grams. N . Harrison
CLASSICS HONORS Eta Sigma Phi is a national classics honorary fraternity which promotes and sponsors the study of the classics. T h i s year the group tried to present programs which touched on all the vital aspects of classical culture, presenting speakers on topics ranging from medicine to art and music. T h e members entered two national classics contests and participated in a banquet with the Ottawa High School Latin Club.
RA'S Preserving peace and quiet in college residences is only part of the job of a Resident Advisor. T h e RA must also aid the Head Resident in determining dormitory policy and in dealing with infractions of college rules. Since the RA's room is often the place where residents come for advice or conversation, the student Resident Advisor can play an influential role in the lives of those in his residence unit.
Men's R . A., left to right, Seated: T . McNeil, E. J o h n s o n , Jr., D. Bach, P. W a c k e r b a r t h , J. R e i d , G. Korver; Standing: R. Abel, P. Bast, C. DeMaster, J. Wiegerink, P. T a n i s , J. Riemerstna, J. Bekkering
W o m e n ' s R . A., left to right. Row 1: S. Mooy, D. Hellenga, J. Schulz; Row 2: N. Herbig, K. Cushraan, S. Burrill, T . VanDyk; Row 3: S. Dykstra, C. Hoekzema, S. T e i n , P. Dykstra, N . V a n d e n B e r g
Under the leadership of Chuck Christensen, Beta Beta Beta, the biology honor fraternity, had an outstanding year. Members participated in an open house in the labs, a trip to U p j o h n Co. in Kalamazoo, a talk by John Brunson on marine biology, and many other projects, ' f h e y also attended the T r i Beta Convention at Bowling Green State University.
L e f t to right, Row 1: C. Christensen, D. R y n b r a n d t , H. T a n , P. Crook, advisor, L . Lucas; Row 2: P. Gabbey, J. Wiegerink, H, N a r l i n , R. L a n t i n g , C. Dykstra, J. VanDe Polder, D. Engelsman; Row 3: J. Hawkins, J. Derks, N. T e n B r i n k , W. Wasdyke, L. Meengs, J. Solman, A. Robertson
L e f t to right. Row 1: H. Hoeksema, D. C h a n , J. Wiegerink, J. Hawkins, J. VanDePolder, H . Norlin, H . T a n ; Row 2: J. Solman, L. Meengs, L. Dorey. R. DeYoung, W . Wasdyke, C. Kleis, faculty, N. Rieck, faculty; Row 3: A. Robertson, J. Ceton, C. Dykstra, B. T i g e l a a r , W . Meengs, T . Derks, C. Veurink
PRE-MED SOCIETY T h e main purpose of the Michigan Beta Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta, the international premedical honor society is to give its members and other interested students an insight into the various facets of medical practice. Its monthly meetings feature movies pertaining to medicine or speakers representing specialized areas. Included in activities this year was a blood drive on campus and the national convention at the University of Kentucky.
CHEMISTRY CLUB T h e Chemistry Club is the Hope College student affiliate chapter of the American Chemical Society. Members are chemistry majors who plan to go into teaching, research, or industrial chemistry. I n addition to its monthly meetings, which feature speakers from the senior class and guest speakers, the club went on its annual trip to Dow Chemical Company. At the b a n q u e t in May, a special tribute was given to Dr. VanZyl on his retirement.
L e f t to right, Row 1: D. D e H o l l a n d e r , J. H a r t g e r i n k , I>. H a n d y , D. Stehouwer, J. Slee, G. H i e f t j e , J. W a n g ; Row 2; R. W a r n e t , A. Lam, N. Co. P. Stoner, S. 1'rins. R. Hartgerink, president, R. Abel, G. VanZyl, advisor, I. Brink, advisor, R. Hilbelink; Row 3: D. D a l m a n , D. Wegner, J. Driiy, C. N i e k a m p , W . VanHoeven, G. Korver, J. Swart, E. Jekel, advisor, R, Ripley, T . Slager, J. Serum
L e f t to right, R o w I: C. M e a c h a m , K. Woodley, J. lioeringa, president, D. Houck, P. Sayler, L. Lucas; Row 2: P. Simpson, L. R u n d l e , A. Chesney, M. H o f f m a n , M. Bundschuh
PSYCHOLOGY CLUB T h i s year interested psychology majors, with the help of Mr. VanEyl, reestablished a psychology club on the H o p e campus. Members took part in various projects and experiments. Guests such as Dr. Vander Linde, Dr. Blocksma, Dr. DeHaan, and Dr. Granberg spoke to the members on various aspects of psychology-
AWS COUNCIL T h e AWS Council, headed this year by Arlene Arends, forms the women's governmental b o d y at Hope. T h e body votes on women's rules, compiles the women's handbook, and administers the late-minute punishment. In addition, the Council maintains contact with Associated Women Students at other campuses.
Left to right, Row 1; R . Piersma, V. Kryger, A. Beck, L. Selander; Row 2: S. Dykema, L. DeWitt, A. Arends, N. French, M. P a a l m a n , M. Diephuis, T . VanWyk
Lett to right, Row 1: A. Deitz, B. AUred, D. Reifsneider, B. Plewes, J. S c h u h ; Row 2: B. G r a n b e r g , R. Sytsma, J. Schrotenboer, N. / w a r t , president, G, Grotenhuis, P. Dykstra, R . V a n W i t z e n b u r g
ACTIVITIES BOARD T h e AWS Activities Board sponsored many events including the Convocation Coffee, the Big-Little Sister program, International Night, May Day, the Mother-Daughter Banquet and Vohrees Day Tea. New this year were the Christmas Carol Sing, a style show and the AWS Activities Booklet.
IRC â&#x20AC;˘ m m
W i t h the help of advisors Dr. Fried and Professor Heine, the International Relations Club promoted better international relations by alerting college students to problems. Under the theme "Walls," the club this year presented many speaker on topics such as Berlin, the Negro revolt, migrants, Viet Nam, and other areas where problems exist. It also sent representatives to the Midwest Regional Workshops where they participated in a Puerto Rican seminar.
L e f t to r i g h t , seated: C. M e a c h a m , N. Schadewald, J. Dryfout, P. T a n i s , president, J. Joseph, I. Bauer, B. Freggens; Standing: N. Slagter, L. R u n d l e , S. Wilcox, H, Hostetter, D. Boerighter, W . Michaelson, W. Brewer, D. Strugis, M. Koeman, L. Dick
L e f t to right. Row I: B. Oosterhaven, R. Fialko, president, P. G l e i c h m a n n , L. Nilsson, G. DeYoung, R . Piersma; Row 2: J. Wallace, G. H i n z m a n n , M. Rozeboom, L. Breederland, D. W a s h b u r n , S. Mooy, P. Francis, M. Scherpenisse; Row 3: G. Hull, B. Allred, J. Davis, C. Boersma, A. Beck, M. Pylman, S. Schrandt, K. Payne
SEA T h e Student Education Association provides future teachers with a better understanding of the profession, its standards and policies. T h i s year for the first time, the SEA was under the faculty supervision of Dr. Duffy. Meetings presented various speakers and arranged educational experiences to provide insight into the teaching profession. A picnic, Christmas party, and the annual banquet rounded out the club s schedule. T h e SEA gives lasting rewards to those who participate in its many functions and in return receives the strength to fulfill its aims.
YOUNG REPUBLICANS Open to all students who are interested in the Republican Party, the Young Republicans Club held monthly meetings with guest speakers. T h e y stimulated interest in political happenings throughout tne year and took an active part in politics through participation in lively state and national Young Republican conventions.
J Executive Council, left to right: E. Borger, S. Larkin, P. Miller, S. Bell
L e f t to right. R o w 1: D. Powell, faculty, J, Cook, T . Dykstra, president, B, Freggens, H . Hostetter, W. Barlow, faculty; R o w 2: A. Collins, B. Allred, J. D r y f o u t , L. V a n H a v e r , J. E u b a n k , K. C a m p , J . L a m e r , N. Schadewald
YOUNG DEMOCRATS Newly formed this year, the Young Democrats began with a combined business and program meeting, electing officers and hearing Mr. Richman speak on what it means to be a Democrat. Topics of speakers at other meetings ranged from migrant work to reapportionment. Neil Staebler, Democratic candidate for Michigan governor, gave a highlight address.
Under a revised Constitution, the Business and Economics Club met to hear speakers on the various business fields. T h e group toured Consumers Power Co. and General Electric Co. and sponsored Dr. Kuno. Social activities for the club included the fall picnic at Dr. Klassen's and the spring picnic at Dr. Yntema's.
Left to right, Row 1: W. Knoper, J. VerSteeg, J. VanderSchalk, G. V a n D a h m , J. Zeas, E. Marsilje; Row 2: W . Peacock, K. Quakkelaar, E. Bolks, B. Raatjes, J o h n Hoekstra, president, R. MacKay, F. V a n T a t e n h o v e , D. Yntema, advisor; Row 3: H. Forrester, C. P o p p i n k , B. W e r k m e n , W . T i m m s , J. VerMeulen, T . Ewart, P. Strengholt, K. Dulow, C. T i l t o n , R . S h u m a k e r
Left to right, Row 1: T . R o n d a , G. H u b b a r d , B. Cathcart, H. Hostetter, P. T a n i s ; Row 2: W . Barlow, faculty, R. Anderson, K. Voskuil, W . Nilsen, A, Grams, D. Powell, advisor, R . M u l d e r ; Row 3: G. Rietveld, H . T i l l e m a , 0 . V a n d e r Borgh, president, P. W a c k e r b a r t h , E. J o h n s o n , R . Elzinga
HISTORY HONORS T h e history honors fraternity Phi Alpha T h e t a was organized in the fall by the remaining senior members. In December new members were inducted at the annual banquet with Dr. Abrams of Antioch College as the speaker. T h e club sponsored various other speakers at meetings throughout the year.
ALPHA PHI OMEGA T h e N u Beta chapter of A-Phi-O, a national service fraternity, has been very active around the campus. It sponsored an information booth during freshmen orientation, aided in class registration, ushered at school activities, held an all-campus blood drive, and arranged for an anchor for the campus. Also concerned about people outside the campus, members worked with Boy Scouts and helped build a house for fire victims.
Left to right, Row 1: D. Wegner, P. Hesselink, W. Bruinsma, R . W e p f e r , P. H a n d y , A. Oosterhof, J. N o d o p , R . Jackson, D. T h o m p s o n ; Row 2: B. K. Ametefe, R . W a r n e t , F. Oettle, A. McGeeham, W. J. T e n p a s , J. Greze, H . Bolt, J. Slee, R. B e h m
Left to right, Row 1: J. Nyboer, C. Aschbrenner, faculty, A. Parcell, J, Mayne, president, A. Kooiker, advisor, P. Hesselink, R. Cecil, faculty, R. Davis, faculty; Row 2: E. J u l i e n , R. Wolters, T . V a n H e y n i n g e n , P. Paulsen, W . Cathcart, D. Ogden, D. Stegink, R. Barrows, J. Daane; Row 3: J. Derks, P. Lein, R. Witter, D. Mott, M. Lemmenes, D. Grissen, G. H u b b a r d , J . Elve
SINFONIA T h e Iota Omega Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia National Honorary Music Fraternity numbered thirty-eight active members this year and is dedicated to "the advancement of music and to the Brotherhood among men engaged in music activities." Special events for this year included sponsoring the Mitchell-Ruff Trio, "Winter Nocturne" dance, a lecture by the American composer Daniel Pinkham, an Ancient Instruments concert, and a concert of music for the Saint Cecilia Society of Grand Rapids.
"H" CLUB Hope's " H " Club works to promote interest in sports events, and has as its main project the purchasing of new equipment for the Athletic Department. In order to raise money for this project, the lettermen sell programs at every football and basketball game. Those men who have earned a letter in any sport are eligible for membership in the organization.
Left to right, Seated: B. MacKay, V. Sterk, A. O s m a n , president, C. P o p p i n k ; Standing: B. Fialko, J. Nyboer, G. Korver, B. Welmers, C. Veurink
Left to right. Row 1: M. P a a l m a n , P. Gabbey, L. V a n H a v e r , C. Hoekzema, K. Cushm a n , president, A. Allen, P. Sayler, S. Kooistra; Row 2: B. Kronberg, M. DeGraaf, K. Beck, S. V a n R a a l t e , E. Oosterhaven, J. K. Visscher, R . DeBoer, S. Burrill, G. Grotenhuis
T h e Women's Athletic Association organized the sports program for women this year â&#x20AC;&#x201D; such sports as volleyball, baseball, and various other intramurals. T h e y also sponsored meets with WAA groups from other schools. WAA wound u p the year's activities with a spring banquet and the presentation of the Hazel Klein Award for sportsmanship to a sophomore.
IFC T h e Inter-fraternity Council, composed of two members from each of Hope's five fraternities, experienced a busy year. Besides the ordinary activities of setting dates for rush, awarding the scholastic trophy, and acting as a liaison between fraternities, the Council established an allGreek literaty meeting to encourage the societies in the intellectual realm. I n another important move, the I C F voted to cut short spring "Hell Week." IFC presidents this year were Dick Emmert and Bill Brauer.
Left to right, Seated: J. Nyboer, K. Dulow, P. W a c k e r b a r t h , B. Brauer, J. W o r m u t h , J. Riemersma; Standing: J. Staple, B. W h i t e , B. Folkerts, R. Mulder, T . Miner
Left to right, Row 1: L, Nott, president, M. B u n d s c h u h , L. DeWitt, S. Dykeraa; Row 2: V. Kryger, N. Slagter, C. T i m o v i c h , T . VanDyke; Row 3: M. P a a l m a n , N. Mallory, A. Andersons, M. Leestraa, J. Postmus
PANHELLENIC Pan-Hellenic Board governs the six sororities on campus. T h e main function of this body composed of three representatives from each society, is to supervise the fall and spring rush programs and initiation procedures.
Left to right, Row 1: R . Kohlman, M. L. Flikkema, J. Grabinski, C. Bertelsen, A. Beck, L. Selander, M. E. Bridger, A. Awad, J. WoerdehofI; Row 2: L. H u i s j e n , C. Mogle, C. Ferruzzi, R . De Boer, P. Smith, A. G a r d n e r , C. Osborn, B. Wolf, P. P e n n i n g t o n ; Row 3: L. K u p f r i a n , S. Greene, A. Elmore, J. Van Slageren, N. La Fleur, E. A l t e r s , K. Harrison, M. T o n , J. Elsinga, C. R i c h a r d s o n , G. Mooi, E. Borger; Row 4: E. Shaw, J, J a p p i n g a , S. Wierenga, P. G l e i c h m a n n , B. Richards, T . Van Dyk, K. Walsma, L. Tiezzi, D. T r o i k e , P. Cresswell, J. Postmus, C. Leong, C. R o b e r t s
Alpha Phi's began another year by braving chilly weather at the annual fall house party on Lake Michigan, with the usual high spirits and lack of sleep. A joint Halloween party with Arkie brothers followed a few weeks later. Fall rush and informal initiation kept both pledges and activities busy outwitting one another, but the contest ended when the twenty-eight pledges were formally initiated at the Eten House. Homecoming activities included the float and the annual Alumni Luncheon, with Alpha Phi Linda Selander reigning as Homecoming Queen. Once again, Cascade Country Club was the setting for the winter formal, "Winternachtstraum." For the All College Sing, Alpha Phi's chose "Granada," directed by Ann Gardner. Spring events included the spring rush "Roaring Twenties," an informal, and a house party. A new service project, work at county homes, concluded the year's activities, as Alpha Phi's once again strove to prove their motto, "Friendship our Anchorage."
OFFICERS First T e r m President — Lois H u i s j e n Vice-president — Claire Osborne Secretary — Pat Gleichman T r e a s u r e r — Mary Ellen Bridger Second T e r m President — Diana Hellenga Vice-president — Chris Ferruzzi Secretary — Louise H o r s t m a n T r e a s u r e r — Mary Ellen Bridger Third Term President — Alison Beck Vice-president — L i n d a Selander Secretary — Carol Bertelsen T r e a s u r e r — Mary Ellen Bridger
Left to right, Row 1: P. E a s t m a n , W . Nilsen, L. Borgman, S. Cady, P. Anderson, L. Dykstra, M. Lootens, J. A. Kemink, M. K. P a a l m a n ; Row 2: J. Miedema, C. Bonthuis, R. Piersma, K. C u s h m a n , L. Walvoord, L. De W i t t , N. Zwart, G. H u l l , M. Klein. J. Ellsworth, M. Chang; Row 3: M. Swets, K, Kronemeyer, J. W o g n u m , T . Leenhouts, C. Klooster, K. Van Kuikeii, M. Diephuis, C. Vande B u n t e , C Howes, C. Jones, C. Borst, J. Kruizenga; Row 4: A. Deitz, I. Bundza, B, Steegstra, M. J. Mills, C. Beukema, K. V e r d u i n , H. Beckering, D. Kuiper, A. Sutton, J. T h o m a s , R. H e k m a n , L. Voorhorst, P. Decker
Delta Phi's carried off the victory banner at Homecoming with their ffoat "Chou T i m e " and also rated first place in the All-College with "It's a Big Wide Wonderful World." As a service project they made puppets for children at City Hospital. T h e formal "Cupid's Beau" was held at Morton House in Grand Rapids and the informal "Carnival" — complete with clowns, cotton candy and noisemakers — at Sleepy Hollow. Other social activities included a fall houseparty, homecoming luncheon, and date night with square dancing and pumpkin carving in a barn. T h e final farewell to the seniors was a treat of the officers and brought the year for the Delta Phi's to a fitting close. i
President — Linda Walvoord Vice-President — J a n Blom Secretary — J e a n e t t e Ellsworth T r e a s u r e r — Kathy Verduin Second term President — J a n Blom Vice-president — L i n d a D e W i t t Secretary — Gretchen H u l l Treasurer — Norma VanderLaan Third term President — Mary Klein Vice-president — Karen C u s h m a n Secretary — Nancy Zwart T r e a s u r e r — J a n e Kruizenga
Left to right, Row 1: S. Bosshard, T . Van Bree, M. Wilson, J. Glass, S, P u e h l , S. Pontier, J. Wallace; Row 2: V. Kort, P. Stoner, M. Hallquist, N . Slagter, A. Collins, M. P y l m a n , N. Wessels, D. La Boueff; Row 3: D. Reifsneider, D, Hinz, B. C h a i n , L. Davis, C. Headlee, N. Mallory, S. Mooy, N. T e W i n k l e ; Row 4: F. Osborn, M. Hoekstra, D, Staat, J. Van DePolder, A. Schwallbach, G. D e Young, L. N o t t , C. C h u r c h , N. Harrison
For the Dorians, the year began with a house party at T i m Buck II. They initiated their new sorority room in Gilmore Hall with fall rush. At Homecoming time, Dorians built the " T e n Gallon Victory" and welcomed alumnae at a luncheon. Date night featured an evening of "dune-schooning" at Goshorn. Carrying out its traditional service projects, the sorority sponsored a needy family at Christmas and participated in the Muscular Dystrophy Drive with other Hope societies. After the pre-exam pizza break at 11 Forno's, the members of Kappa Beta Phi worked to make their winter formal, "Soiriee Parisienne," an enjoyable night. Ann Collins led the Dorians to "Wonderful Copenhagen" for the All College Sing. T h e year's activities ended with an ice cream social, spring rush, the informal at Carousel Mountain, and the spring house party, at which the Dorians bid farewell to fifteen graduating seniors.
OFFICERS First T e r m President — Carolyn C h u r c h Vice-president — Nancy Harrison Secretary — L i n d a Davis T r e a s u r e r — Marcia P y l m a n Second T e r m President — Nancy Wessels Vice-president — J a n e t Glass Secretary — Kay Larison T r e a s u r e r — Marcia Pylman Third Term President — A n n Collins Vice-president — Nancy Slagter Secretary — Marty Hallquist T r e a s u r e r — Marcia Pylman
Left to right, Row 1: B. Fisher, L. Brower, B. Yager, A. P. Havinga, J. Joseph; Row 2: M. Campbell, L. Kaylor, L. Wood, D. Synder, J, B u c k h o u t , S. W r i g h t ; Row 3: J. F. H a l a , L. Lucas, C. Yeager, B. Dietch, E. T a y l o r ; Row S. Short, G. Fridlington, S. Prins, P. Sayler, S. Schrandt
H u t c h i n s o n , K. Owen, L. R e m t e m a , D. D e W i t t , B. Bruins, M. Leestma, H i n e , J. H o p p , J, Visscher, C. Hill, 4: N. French, B. Plewes, S. Spencer,
Kappa Delta Chi began its second year with the "Show Boat" steaming around the bend for fall rush. Homecoming was the next big event, and Big-Chief-Sit-on-BuIldogs was ready for the parade. Formal initiation and a luncheon followed. November found the Kappa Chi's and their dates enjoying a night on the dune schooners. In February, sea shells, fishnets and soft blue lights were the setting for "La Fond de la Mer," the winter tormal. Kappa Chi's literary meetings were visited by Miss Hellenga and Rev. Arthur Jentz. Spring rush, "Impressions," the informal, and a house party concluded a busy second year for Kappa Delta Chi. '
OFFICERS First Semester President — Linda Lucas Vice-president — Betty Dietch Secretary — Charyle Yeager T r e a s u r e r — B a r b Yager Second Semester President — Pat Sayler Vice-president — Joyce B u c k h o u t Secretary — Marty Campbell T r e a s u r e r — B a r b Yager
Left to right, R o w 1: A. Ewart, C. Yonkers, L. T r o w b r i d g e . J. Beukema, J. Schrotenboer, L. M u n r o , K. D r y f h o u t , R . Wozney, J. De Korver; Row 2: S. Dykstra, M. Bates, G. Rypstra, J. C a m e r o n , P. Ashwood, B. Freggens, J. Dirkse, R. Yzenbaard, C. Erikson; Row 3: S. Steketee, P. Gabbey, F. Welcher, S. Dykerna, M. G r o e n e w o u d , N. Bush, M. H o f f m a n , M. Vande Vrede, A. Albers, P. Jones; Row 4: B. Vojak, S. Rose, B. Dekema, M. Oslerink, S. Schouten, D. Samec, L. Van H a v e r , P. Schoonmaker, L. Nilsson, N. Syversen
Operating from a new room in Gilmore, the Sibyllene sorority had a busy year. Social activities included a homecoming banquet, house party and date night. T h e winter formal "Interlude" was held at the Cascade Country Club, and was as big a success as the spring informal. Rev. Hillegonds spoke at one of their meetings, and another meeting was a joint meeting with the Knicks. But their calendar included events other than social activities. In the service area, Sibs gave a Christmas basket to a needy family and aided in the Muscular Dystrophy drive. T h e year ended in a solemn farewell to senior Sibs who were leaving along with an anticipation of a good year next year.
President — Sharon Dykstra Vice-president — Viv VanBlracom Secretary — Bernie Vojak T r e a s u r e r — Carole T i m k o v i c h Second term President — Bobbie Freggens Vice-president — J u d y Dirkse Secretary — Pat Ashwood T r e a s u r e r — Carole T i m k o v i c h T h i r d term President — Sharon Dykema Vice-president — Joyce Korver Secretary — Marilyn Dates T r e a s u r e r — Carole Timkovich
Left to right, Row 1: H. Hoffmyer, K. Voskuil, C. Diephouse, L. Garter, N. Herbig, M. Vollink, A. Arends, N. Schadewald, J. Schulz; Row 2: M. Finlay, M. Reed, A. Knudsen, M. B u n d s c h u h , N. Vanden Berg, S. T e i n , A. Prins, P. Simpson, V. Huizenga; Row 3: N. Rector, M. Sayles, P. Dykstra, C. Reidsma, N. B o n j e r n o o r , J. Frissel, T . Finlay, R. Sytsma, G. Kryger, H . T a n , C. Eggert; Row 4: S. A. Emerson, J. V a n d e r Naald, C. Rollston, S. Kooistra, N. Nichols, G. Groterihuis, S. L u n d a h l , J. Alexander, A. Anderson. N. P r o t h r o , M. L u t h e r , L. W o l b r i n k , K. Lesemann
Endeavoring to seek the highest and to strive for the best, Sorosites made fall a busy time. T h e r e were the traditional events, such as the Homecoming luncheon, the pledge dinner at II Forno's, the spaghetti dinner, and the date night at the Rathskellar. New activities also contributed to the lively first semester, as the Sorosites planned a rush party with the Fraters and a Christmas party for underprivileged children. "Liberstraum," the Winter Formal, was held at the Morton House in Grand Rapids. After this event came the All College Sing, in which Sorosis claimed second place with "Holiday Song." Spring, with its many Rush functions, the alumnae meeting, the Informal at the Castle, and the "Farewell to Seniors" picnic, brought to fulfillment another active year for Sigma Sigma.
First T e r m President — Pat Simpson Vice-president — Ginger Huizenga Secretary — Mary Finlay T r e a s u r e r — Nancy Bonjenoor Second T e r m President — Marge B u n d s c h u h Vice-president — Marilyn Reed Secretary — Ann Knudsen T r e a s u r e r — Nancy Bonjenoor Third Term President — Norie VandenBerg Vice-president — Sharon T e i n Secretary — Audrey Prins T r e a s u r e r — Nancy Bonjenoor
A. Miedema, P. Van Lreiop, J. E u b a n k , L. Meengs, F. Shanholtzer, B. Cook, J. Richardson, J. Norton, C. Menning, R. Jackson, P. R a n s f o r d , J. Diffet, B. Cathcart; Row 5: D. Campbell, G. DeBoer, W . Bouma, B. E d m a n , B. Pangle, H . Vogelaan, R. Anher, C, VanWieren, H, Hoeksema, J. Knaap, R, Miller, P. Welton, C. Marschke, G. Gouwens; Row 6: D. Weener, N. Madsen, W . Michaelson, B. Oosterhouse, R. Bosman, G. Waanders, B, Menning, T . Ogren, J . Powell, J. Mulder, D. Sturgis, G. Peiper, R. Zuithoff, D. W h i t e
Left to right, Row 1: F. V a n L e n t e , W . H a n n e f o r d , H . Lucas, R. Donia, C. Postema, B. Nicholson, D. Piet, L. DeBoer, J. W a l d e n , T . V a n D a m , R. Schroeder, D. Berens, P. T e r p s t r a ; Row 2: E. Bolks, D. Hollenbach, M. Schrier, R. MacKay, L. Nagelvoort, C. Veurink, G. T e r b e e k , W . C h u r c h , D. DeVissen, R, R a a t j e s , R. TeBeest, P. Eenigenburg, B. McKinley; Row 3: A. Wilson, L. H a v e r k a m p , W. DeYoung, G. Hagans, B, Musselink, E. W a t r o n s , G. V a n W i e r e n , M. Scholtens, K. Dulow, G. M o r t o n , W . Peacock, R. Burgess. J. VanderKolk, J. Schrier, D, Renkes; Row 4: N. Alldritt, R . Bolt,
CHI PHI SIGMA Arcadians made the school year 1963-1964 a year for gathering trophies. T h e i r winning ways began in the fall, as they won first place in the fraternity division at the Homecoming float contest. Later in the semester, the men of Chi Phi Sigma carried off the fraternity academic trophy. They also received the academic trophy awarded during the second semester. In May, the Arkies brought the year to a triumphant close by winning the fraternity athletics trophy. Social activities were another important part of Arcadian life, as the men of Chi Phi Sigma enjoyed house parties and rush parties in their new living quarters. In addition, they also looked forward to the winter formal, "Winter Wonderland" and the spring informal, "Spring Rain." As their service project, the Arcadians continued to support a Greek orphan. A large spring pledge class increased membership to more than 90, and the graduating seniors trained the new brothers to uphold fraternity traditions such as the Arkie pinning ceremonies and serenades. 141
OFFICERS First Semester President — W . Ruggles C h u r c h Vice-president — J i m VanderKolk Secretary — Skip W a t r o u s T r e a s u r e r — Marty Scholtens Second Semester President — Marty Scholtens Vice-president — Larry H a v e r c a m p Secretary — Mike Schrier T r e a s u r e r — Jack Schrier
Muller, D. Lane. G. Boerhave, J. Eltring, R. Anderson, F. Summers, G. Harrison; Row 4: C. Lalowsky, E. Grabo, J. Vietor, J. Ehrlich, M. Bazendse, K. Carpenter, J. Gibbs, R. L i n d b l a d , R. Westerbeke, J. Wesselink, A. Dibble
Left to right, Row 1: C. Noteboom, R . Jones, C. Brandt, H . Hosteller, T . Broeker, R. Bauer, S. Dilko, R. Ripley, K. VanZoeren, T . Kwan; Row 2: M. Schipper, L. J. DeVries, R . Mieler, D. Reeves, P. Kieffer, M. McNeal, D. E m m e r l , T . Mixer, G. Durzee, R . Reznen; Row 3: D. Markle, J. VerSleeg, J. VanHoven, E. Wierzbicke, J.
OFFICERS First semester
KAPPA ETA NU With the coming of this school year, the Knicks moved into their new residence and prepared £or another year of fun and fellowship. Living together for the first time, the Knicks achieved closer ties and greater organization. T h e Knicks made a fine showing with their homecoming float called "End of the Trail," then won honorable mention in the AllCollege Sing with "Oh, You Beautiful Doll." Other areas in which the Knicks were active include intramural sports and service projects. T h e highlight of the social year was the Knick formal, "Wonderland by Night" at Carousel Mountain. After a successful rush highlighted by the traditional Gold Rush party and an Open House, the Knicks are looking forward to next year with the new members making important contributions of individuality and sportsmanship. 142
President — J o h n Melichar Vice-president — T i m Miner Secretary — Carl B r a n d t T r e a s u r e r — Mark Rottschafer Second semester President — T o m Broeker Vice-president — Jerry Boerhave Secretary — Ed Wierzbicki Treasurer — Mark Rottschafer
Left to right, Row 1; J. Lootens, S. Ming, D. O e h m , P. J o h n s o n . P. R a u w e r d i n k , A. E. Pearson. R. Kronemeyer, R. Fair, F. Remmelsleeiger; Row 2: P. Meengs, K. Walz, R . W i t t e r , J. Lemmerz, J. V a n T i l , J . Hoekstra, F. Wezeman, J. Flagg, D. Nash. B, Hill. B. Cronk. J. N u r d ; Row 3: P. E a m a n , P. Bauer, C. Milles. T . P. Kuiper, C. J. Buys, C. P o p p i n k , K. Quakkelaar, P. Bast, D. Striker.
J. Pruiksma, A. Smith; Row 4: B. H o p m a , B. W h i t e , G. Holvick, L, H u i s m a n , A. Slikkers, G. Garwood; field, C. W o r k m a n , J, Buleyn, P. J. Zwart, D. P o p p i n k , M. Sytesma,
Schantz, B. Luge, D. Cook. B. DeWitt, J. Mengs, J. Buys. J. Row 5: C. Langeland, T . ShefMiller, A. Palmer, W . Potter, W . Klerk, L. Stell. B. T i m m e r
OFFICERS First T e r m
OMICRON KAPPA EPSILON With their new dorm, furnished in the Fraternal tradition, as headquarters, the Praters had an active year. They first had the alumni dinner during Homecoming at Van Raalte's of Zeeland and the September literary meeting with Frater alumnus President VanderWerf. In the service area. Praters helped to make the muscular dystrophy drive the success it was. They made a fine showing in the All-College Sing and a successful intramural program climaxed by May Day. Both the fall and spring rushes had good pledge classes, and as the Praters say, "A good pledge class makes a good army night." Social highlights were the "Frolics" in the fall, the winter formal "Duerme" in Grand Rapids, and the spring informal at the Muskegon Country Club. T h e i r swan song was the last Fraternal meeting of the year, a solemn tribute to graduating members, a review of the year's events, and an anticipation of the next year's activities. 143
President - J i m Schaap Vice-president - Dave Nash Secretary - T o m Schade T r e a s u r e r — J i m Jurries Second T e r m President - Dave Nash Vice-president - J o h n Hoekstra Secretary — A1 Sudul T r e a s u r e r - Ken Quakkelaar Third Term President - J o h n Hoekstra Vice-president - Fred Wezeman Secretary — J i m Flagg T r e a s u r e r - Ken Walz
Walvoord, B. Welsh, P. Steketee, R. Matthews, J. Hill, J. Moored; Row 4: T . Griffen, T . DeLong, D, Ruselink, B. Dolphin, C. Burt, R. Nietering, J. Korf, T . McNeil, H . Hyink, R. Dietch, B. Neckers, J. Simons. J. Martin; Row 5: B. Klow, H. H o f f m a n , B. Reichardt, K. T e u s i n k , B, Race, J. Klein, D. Smith, J. DeSraidt, J. T e r p s t r a , G. Schaap, D. VanBeek, T . Cook, J. Gezon
Lett to right, Row 1: A. Osman, L. Cain, G. Pietenpol, R . Mulder, M. Lewis, J. Boelkins, D. Mouw, B. VanHoeven, B. Engelsman; Row 2: S. T e R o l l e r , J. Riemersma, F. Smies, L. Lemmenes, D. Ogden, A. DePagter, D, Heusinkveld, J. Kreunen, B. Lubbers, J. Albrecht. K. B. J a p , K. Postina; Row 3: R. Hoag, N. T e n B r i n k , J. R i d d e i , D. Stavenger, M. Bush, G. Bosworth, W . Coons, M. Snyder, C.
OFFICERS First T e r m
PHI KAPPA ALPHA Upon returning to school in the fall, the men of Phi Kappa Alpha found a new dormitory environment awaiting them. Filled with great expectations for the coming year, they found that the new surroundings provided a strengthening of the ties of brotherhood in friendship, truth, and progress — long cornerstones in the Cosmopolitan tradition. T h e end of first semester brought the winter formal, "Days of Wine and Roses," which was held at the Red Carpet in South Haven. Trophy time appeared in March as "Sweet Kentucky Babe" won first place for the men in green and white in the traditional All-College Sing. T h e month of April marked the formal initiation of 22 new members at a banquet at Van Raalte's. T h e highlight of the event was the formal initiation of Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra as an honorary member. T h e end of the year brought the spring informal in May, and the Cosmos once again a prime contender for the All-Sports trophy. As the seniors left, they took with them many memories of college years and fraternity activities. 144
President — T o m McNeil Vice-president — David Stavenger Secretary — Spriggs T e R o l l e r T r e a s u r e r — Dick Ruselink Second T e r m President — Arnie DePagter Vice-President — Pete Steketee Secretary — Skip Nienhuis T r e a s u r e r — Dick Ruselink Third Term President — Larry Lemmenes Vice-president — D a n Ogden Secretary — Mark Lewis T r e a s u r e r — Jim Serum
K. T e r p s t r a , G. VanderVelde, J. Insel, D. DeHollander, N. DeBoer, H. Brown, R . Folkerts, R. Westervelt, R. VanSchenkho£, K. Bakker, J. Sabo, J. DeVries, M, O n d r u s , P. Hesselink, L. Bolt; Row 4: Don DeMaster, J. R o n d a , S. Wilcox, L. VanAllsburg, H. Dykema, F. B a r r o n , J. Mace, R. Knol, L. Cole, L. V a n D e H o e f , R. Schlett, Dean DeMaster, J. L o h m a n , R. VanderBorgh, R . Gelok
Lett to right, Row 1: P. W a c k e r b a r t h , G. G u t k n e c h t , V. Sterk, B. W e r k m a n , R. Fialko, S. N o r d s t r o m , J. Klein, J. Reid, P. Paulsen, B, H e p b u r n , D. Cooper, D. Newhouse; Row 2: K. Chappell, D. Greiffendorf, D. Daltnan, N. TeCroney, 1). Grissen, W . Magans, S. DePree, M. Lemmenes, J. VanderSchalk, J. Beltman, C. Knecht, R . Edwards, G. V a n D a h m , R. Hilbelink, J. Nyboer, J. Cook; Row 3:
PHI TAU NU T h e school year 1963-1964 brought increased ties of brotherhood and a strengthened membership to the Emersonians, as they took in almost 30 new men during the year. Fall brought the Homecoming activities including construction of "Hope Brands the Bulldogs," fall rush, and the beginning of inter-fraternity sports competition. During the winter, Emersonians and their dates enjoyed "Gypsy Holiday," the winter formal. Practice soon began for the Sing, where Peter Paulsen led the members through " T h e Halls of Ivy." Spring rush also occupied a number of evenings, but Emersonians were glad to initiate the new men and welcome them as brothers. With spring came the informal, "Younger than Springtime," at Carousel Mountain, and the final events in sports competition. As the Emersonians bid farewell to graduating brothers, they looked back on a year together — a year of house parties and formals, of keen competition in sports and music, and of late study nights and bidl sessions. 145
First T e r m President — Dick Newhouse Vice-president — Barry W e r k m a n Secretary — Dennis Vogel T r e a s u r e r — Bruce H e p b u r n Second T e r m President — James Reid Vice-president — P a u l W a c k e r b a r t h Secretary — Bob Edwards T r e a s u r e r — Bruce H e p b u r n
"In deep humility, but also with a high sense of exhilaration, I dedicate all the talents and energy I possess to the task of providing leadership in fostering the climate which will encourage the faculty and students to grow together as a community of free and consecrated scholars, in the high tradition of Hope College." These words from Dr. Calvin VanderWerf's address at his inauguration as the eighth president of the college have typified his first year of leadership. Not only has he devoted his time and energy to fostering the continued excellence of Hope College, but he has also shared his busy days with students, listening to their problems and ideas. In a short year, he and his lively family have made themselves a welcome addition to the whole college community.
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Rev A l h ^ ^ v 0 1 o t h C , f o u r , d e r o f Holland. Rev. Albertus C Van Raaltc. who said of the Pioneer School. 'This is my Anchor of Hope for this people in the future." In the decades t h a t followed, a strong college of arts and sciences was developed which continues to serve t h e c h u r c h and t h e community.
W I L L I A M V A N D E R L U G T , Ph.D., Dean of the College
EK.DAL BUYS, C h a i r m a n of the Board of Trustees
R E I N VISSCHER, Business Manager
J O H N W. H O L L E N B A C H , Ph.D., Vice President
H E N R Y J. STEEPENS, A.M., T r e a s u r e r
A L L E N B. C O O K , B.D., College Pastor
W I L L I A M J. H I L M E R T , B.D., Dean of Men
ISLA VAN E E N E N A A M , A.B., Dean of W o m e n
L. J A M E S HARVEY, Ph.D., Dean of Students
A L B E R T H. T I M M E R , A.M., Director of Admissions
R U T H T I D D , A.B., Assistant to the Director of Admissions
R O G E R J. R I E T B E R G , Associate Director of Admissions
A D E L P H O S A. DYKSTRA, B.D., Director of C h u r c h Relations
J o A N N E H U E N I N K , Recorder
M A R I A N A. S T R Y K E R , A.Bâ&#x20AC;&#x17E; Director of A l u m n i Relations
J A N E T M U L D E R , A.B., Archivist
G E R A L D J. KRUYF, M.S., Director of Public Relations
(' L A M B E R T J. P O N S T E I N , S.T.M., Associate Professor of Religion a n d Bible
H E N R Y V O O G D , T h . D . , Professor of Religion a n d Bible a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
H. J E N T Z . JR., B.D., Instructor in Religion and Bible
BASTIAN K R U I T H O F , Ph.D., Associate Professor of Bible
D. IVAN DYKSTRA, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
R A L P H M. P E R R Y , Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
J O S E P H ZSIROS, Th.D., Associate Professor of Greek
E D W A R D J. W O L T E R S , A.M., Professor of Latin a n d C h a i r m a n of Classical Languages
N E L L A MEYER, A.M., Professor of French
H U B E R T W E L L E R , A.M., Instructor in Spanish
H E R B E R T W . HINES, Ph.D., Instructor in Russian
M A R I E J. FEYT, A.M., Instructor in French
M A R T I N N. R A L P H , B.S.. Instructor in Spanish
G E R H A R D F. M E G O W , Ph.D., Associate Professor of G e r m a n
W E R N E R W . H E I N E . A.M., Assistant Professor of G e r m a n
I EZRA F. G E A R H A R T , A.M., Associate Professor of G e r m a n and C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t of G e r m a n
'( M., Assistant Professor of G e r m a n
C L A R E N C E T . DE G R A A F , Ed.D., Professor of English a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
E D W A R D E. B R A N D , Ed.D., Associate Professor of English
J O A N E. M U E L L E R , Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English
DELLA V A N D E R KOLK, A.M., Assistant in English
R U T H DE W O L F E . A.M.. Assistant in English
J O H N W. H O L L E N B A C H , Ph.D., Professor of English
A. J A M E S PRINS, Ed.D., Professor of English
H E N R Y T E N H O O R , Ed.D.. Professor of English
E. J E A N P R O T H E R O E , A.M., Associate Professor of English
E D W A R D E. ERICSON. A.M.. Instructor in English
ZOE E. M U R R A Y , A.M., Assistant Professor of English
V I R G I N I A A. C A R W E L L , A.M., Instructor in English
10 $ E D W A R D B. SAVAGE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English
A N N E B R A T T , A.B., Assistant in English
DAVID A. K A R S T E N , A.M., Instructor in Speech
m . H A R O L D MIKLE, A.M., Assistant Professor of Speech
W I L L I A M S C H R I E R , Ph.D., Professor of Speech a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
JAMES J. MALCOLM, S.T.M., Instructor in Speech
STANLEY H A R R I N G T O N , M.F.A., Instructor in Art
M A R C I A J. W O O D , M.F.A., Instructor in Art
JAMES K, LOVELESS, M.F.A., Instructor in Art and C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
MUSIC M O R R E T T E L. R I D E R , Ed.D., Professor of Music T h e o r y a n d I n s t r u m e n t
R O B E R T W. C A V A N A U G H , Ed.D., Professor of Music T h e o r y and Voice, C h a i r m a n of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Music
R O B E R T M. CECIL, M.Mus., Assistant Professor of Music
C H A R L E S C. A S C H B R E N N E R , M.Mus., I n s t r u c t o r in Music
J A N T I N A W. H O L L E M A N , A.M., Associate Professor of Music T h e o r y
JOYCE M. M O R R I S O N , M M., Instructor in Music
A N T H O N Y K O O I K E R , Ph.D., Professor of Music T h e o r y a n d Piano
R O G E R E. DAVIS, M.Mus., Instructor in Music
E L D O N D. G R E I J , M.S., Instructor in Biology
P A U L VAN FAASEN, A.M., Instructor in Biology
N O R M A N W . RIECK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology
•*» A EVA B. VAN SCHAACK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology
E L I S A B E T H A. KOCH, B.S., Instructor in Biology
P H I L I P G. C R O O K . Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
L O R R A I N E K. H E L L E N G A , A.M., Instructor in Chemistry
I R W I N J. B R I N K , Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry
\ G E R R I T VAN ZYL, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
E U G E N E C. JEKEL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry
J. HARVEY K L E I N H E K S E L , Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry
H A R R Y F. FRISSEL, Ph.D., Professor of Physics a n d C h a i r m a n of t h e D e p a r t m e n t
C L A R E N C E KLEIS, A.M., Professor of Physics
D W I G H T B, Y N T E M A , Ph.D., Professor of Economics a n d Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
K E N N E T H J. W E L L E R , Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration
A D R I A N J, KLAASEN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration
* JAY E. F O L K E R T , Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
MATHEMATICS F R A N K C. S H E R B U R N E , J R . , M.S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics
BARBARA E. LOVELESS, M A X . , Instructor in Mathematics
J O H N VAN 1 W A A R D E N , A.M., Assistant Professor of Mathematics
C H A R L E S A. S T E K E T E E , A.M. Associate Professor of Mathematics
W I L L I A M R. B A R L O W , Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
HISTORY DAVID L. CLARK, B.D., Instructor in History
DAVID O. P O W E L L , Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History
POLITICAL SCIENCE J A M E S D. VAN P U T T E N , Ph.D., Professor of Political Science a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
P A U L G. F R I E D , Ph.D., Professor of History a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
ALVIN W . V A N D E R BUSH, A.M., Associate Professor of Political Science
J O H N J. VER BEEK, A.M., Professor of Education
H E L E N V. S C H O O N , A.M., Assistant Professor of Education
EDUCATION D O U G L A S J. DUFFY, Ph.D., Associate Professov of Education
G A R R E T T V A N D E R B O R G H , A.M., Professor of Education a n d C h a i r m a n of the D e p a r t m e n t
T U N I S BAKER, Ph.D., Professor of Science Education i
Not Pictured: R O B E R T F. DE HAAN, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Chairman of the Department (On leave, 1963-1965)
PSYCHOLOGY R O B E R T S. B R O W N , Ed.D., I n s t r u c t o r in Psychology
L A R S I. G R A N B E R G , Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
E. P H I L I P VAN EYL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology
D O N A L D A. C L E L L A N D , A.M., Instructor in Sociology
E A R L E. HALL, A.M., Assistant Professor of Sociology a n d C h a i r m a n of t h e D e p a r t m e n t
W I L L I A M V A N D E R L U G T , Ph.D., Professor of Sociology
^ / J O A N PYLE, A.M.. Instructor in Physical Education
L A W R E N C E J. G R E E N , Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education and C h a i r m a n of t h e D e p a r t m e n t
DARYL S I E D E N T O P , A.M., Instructor i n Physical Education
RUSSELL B. DE V E T T E , A.M., Associate Professor of Physical Education
G O R D O N M. B R E W E R , A.M., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Director of Athletics
E. JEAN H O L C O M B E , A.B. in L.S., Catalogue Librarian
I R E N E VER BEEK, Assistant
M Y R T L E L U T H , Assistant
M. LOIS BAILEY, B.S. in L.S., Reference Librarian l
A N D R E W V A N D E R ZEE, A.M. in L.S., Catalogue Librarian
E U N I C E BOS, Assistant
J O H N R. MAY, M.S. in L.S., Head Librarian
K A T H L E E N SIKKEMA, Assistant
M A R G A R E T LIEVENSE, Assistant
GLADYS H1NGA. Assistant
C A R O L E J. AARDSMA Holland, Mich. Art
KAREN D. A N D R E A S E N Holland, Mich. Political Science-History
A R L E N E F. A R E N D S Lansing, 111. Latin Sigma Sigma M o r t a r Board
R O B E R T E. B A A R E M A N Grandville, Mich. Religion
DAVID J. BACH Sheboygan, Wis. Philosophy Phi Kappa Alpha
L A U R A LEE B A R R A T T Maple City, Mich. English Sigma Iota Beta
INGEBORG BAUER H a m b u r g , West G e r m a n y History
R O B E R T F. B A U E R Douglaston, N.Y. History Kappa Eta N u
ALISON S. BECK Little Falls, N.J. English Alpha G a m m a Phi
MARYANNE BEUKELMAN Corsica, S.D. Social Studies M o r t a r Board
J U D I T H L. BEUKEMA Wyoming, Mich. English-French Sigma Iota Beta
JAN M. B L O M Chicago, 111. English-Speech Delta P h i
J U L I A A. B L O U G H Allendale, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
KAREN L. BLUM Rochester, N.Y. English Sigma Iota Beta
DAVID P. BOELHOUWER T h r e e Bridges, N.J English Kappa Eta Nu
C A R O L J. BOERSMA G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Spanish Kappa Beta Phi
E R V I N J. BOLKS Allegan, Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chi P h i Sigma
C A R O L R. B O N T H U I S G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English Delta Phi
J A N M. B O P P H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology
L I N D A E. B R A M W E L L Saugatuck, Mich. English
C A R L P. B R A N D T Royal Oak, Mich. Chemistry Kappa Eta Nu
HENRY BREEDERLAND, JR. H o l l a n d , Mich. History
LOIS M. BREEDERLAND Utica, Mich. English-Spanish
DALE A. B R I N K S H o l l a n d , Mich. English
LESLEY J. B R O W E R Sioux Center, Iowa English Kappa Delta Chi
B E T T Y G. B R U I N S W a u p u n , Wis. English Kappa Delta Chi
M A R G A R E T R. BUNDSCHUH Webster, N.Y. Psychology Sigma Sigma
S H A R O N R. B U R R I L L Mohawk, N.Y. Biology Sigma Sigma
JUDY A, C A M E R O N Cleveland, O h i o Political Science Sigma Iota Beta
J A M E S S. C E T O N Muskegon Heights, Mich. Biology
D A N I E L K. C H A N Kowloon City, H o n g Kong Chemistry Blue Key
M A D E L E I N E M. C H A N G Taipei, Taiwan Art Delta Phi
C H A R L E S L. CHRISTENSEN H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology P h i Kappa A l p h a
J U D Y S. C H R I S T E N S E N H o l l a n d , Mich. Mathematics Delta P h i M o r t a r Board
CAROLYN M. C H U R C H Hackensack, N.J. English Kappa Beta Phi
W I L L I A M R. C H U R C H Flushing, N.Y. Chemistry Chi P h i Sigma
T H O M A. CONEY H o l l a n d , Mich. Physics
K E N N E T H A. C O O K H o l l a n d , Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
DAVID L. C O O P E R G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Psychology Phi T a u Nu
C A R O L A. C R O N K Little Falls, N.J, English A l p h a G a m m a Phi
J O H N C. C R O Z I E R H o l l a n d , Mich. Speech Phi T a u Nu
L. C A L V E R T C U R L I N Allegan, Mich. Chemistry
K A R E N C. C U S H M A N Port H u r o n , Mich. English Delta Phi
S A N D R A J. DAVIOU Clifton, N.J. Sociology Kappa Beta P h i
J U N E D. DAVIS Yonkers, N.Y. English-Spanish Kappa Beta Phi
R U T H M. DE BOER Chicago Heights, III. Speech-English Alpha Gamma Phi
B R U C E C. DE DEE G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Biology
DAVID L. DE VISSER H o l l a n d , Mich. Psychology Chi P h i Sigma
J A M E S E. D E V R I E S Hammond, Ind. History Phi Tau Nu
L I N D A R. D E W I T T Zeeland, Mich. English Delta P h i
GAY E. DE Y O U N G Chicago, III. English Kappa Beta Phi
C A R O L A. D I E P H O U S E Muskegon, Mich. Humanities Sigma Sigma
S T E P H E N C. D I T K O Yonkers, N.Y. Economics Kappa Eta N u
J O H N H. D R Y F H O U T L o m b a r d , 111, History
K E N N E T H E. D U L O W Bloomfield, N.J. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chi P h i Sigma
C O N R A D N. DE M A S T E R A R N O L D J. DE P A G T E R Cedar Grove, Wis. Oostburg, Wis. Classics English Phi T a u Nu Phi Kappa Alpha
JACK O. DERKS H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology
/VILLIAM E. DE Y O U N G South Holland, 111. Economics Chi P h i Sigma
DAVID M. D U N N East Lansing, Mich. Psychology A l p h a Phi Omega
R O B E R T G. D U N T O N Glen Rock, N.J. English-Speech Kappa Eta N u
B O N N I E S. DYER Battle Creek, Mich. English Kappa Delta Chi
S H A R O N J. DYKEMA Morrison, 111. Humanities Sigma Iota Beta
S H A R O N G. D Y K S T R A T H O M A S W . DYKSTRA Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology Political Science Sigma Iota Beta Chi Phi Sigma
P A U L J. E E N I G E N B U R G H o l l a n d , Mich. Mathematics Chi P h i Sigma
J E A N E T T E G. ELLSWORTH Dexter, Mich. Art Delta P h i
J O H N L. ELVE Sparta, Mich. English
R I C H A R D G. ELZINGA Shedd, Ore. History
THOMAS EWART Bloomfield, N.J. History
C H R I S T I N E E. FERRUZZI Yonkers, N.Y. Psychology Alpha Gamma Phi
R O B E R T J. FIALKO Saddle Brook, N.J. Political Science Phi T a u N u
BARBARA R FISHER G r a n d Haven, Mich. Music Kappa Delta Chi
TRACY J FISHER N o r t h p o r t , N.Y. Speech Kappa Delta Chi
MARY A. F O L K E R T Lansing, 111. Latin Sigma Iota Beta
P A T R I C I A A. F R A N C I S B A R B A R A L. F R E G G E N S C h a t h a m . N.Y. New Brunswick, N.J. English Political Science Sigma Iota Beta
N O R M A P. F R E N C H Basking Ridge, N.J. Psychology Kappa Delta Chi
G A I L M. F R I D L I N G T O N Teaneck, N.J. Sociology Kappa Delta Chi
A N N G. G A R D N E R H u d s o n , N.Y. Music Alpha Gamma Phi
LOUISE M. G A R T E R G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
J O H N A. GEZON G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Chemistry P h i Kappa A l p h a
J A N E T L, GLASS Maywood, N.J. French Kappa Beta P h i
B R U C E B. G O O D W I N Cleveland, O h i o Greek
ALFRED GRAMS Benton H a r b o r , Mich. History Blue Key
J O H N P. G R E Z E C h a t h a m , N.Y. Chemistry A l p h a Phi Omega
G L E N N D. GUTKNECHT Holland, Mich. Biology Phi T a u Nu
C U R T I S D. HAAKSMA Holland, Mich. Business Administration Omicron Kappa Epsilon
J A N E S. H A M L I N Holland, Mich. Humanities
PAUL R. HANDY Sodus, Mich. Chemistry A l p h a P h i Omega
CLASS OF 1964 %
NANCY J. H A R R I S O N Toledo, Ohio Psychology K a p p a Beta P h i
R O N A L D L. HARTGERINK / e e l a n d , Mich. Chemistry Blue Key
A R L E N E A. HAVERDINK Dearborn, Mich. English-Spanish Delta Phi
JAMES W . H A W K I N S East Lansing, Mich. Chemistry Blue Key
D I A N A G. H E L L E N G A T h r e e Oaks, Mich. Spanish Alpha Gamma Phi
B A R B A R A A. HENEVELD Muskegon, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
B R U C E A. H E P B U R N W h i t e s t o n e , N.Y. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Phi T a u Nu
NANCY A. H E R B I G G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
GARY M. H I E F T J E Zeeland, Mich. Chemistry
C Y N T H A J. H I L L W a s h i n g t o n , N.J. French-English Kappa Delta Chi
G E O R G I A A. HINZMANN Hancock, Mich. Spanish
J O H N W. HOEKSTRA H o l l a n d , Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Omicron Kappa Epsilon
C A R O L J. H O E K Z E M A G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
HARVEY B. H O F F M A N Scarsdale, N.Y. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Phi Kappa A l p h a
H E L E N R. H O F F M Y E R G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
JUDY A. H O L K E B O E R HoHand, Mich. English-German
C H A R L E S J. H O L L E M A N H o l l a n d , Mich. Mathematics
S H A R R O N J. HOLLEMAN H o l l a n d , Mich. German-English
DAVID J. HOLLENBACH H o l l a n d , Mich. Physics Chi-Phi Sigma Blue Key
T H E O D O R E D. H O O K Erie. 111. Mathematics
B A R B A R A L. H O S K I N S Schenectady, N. Y. English Kappa Beta Phi
J. H A R O L D HOSTETTER Wellesley, Mass, History Kappa Eta N u
D O R I S E. H O U C K Bedminster, N.J. Psychology
K E N N E T H J. H O V I N G H Allendale, Mich. Religion
J O A N R. H O P P Jenison, Mich. English Kappa Delta Chi
JAMES C. H O W E L L P o m p t o n Plains, N.J. Biology-Chemistry
LOIS M. H U I S J E N Fremont, Mich. English Alpha G a m m a P h i
MARY N. H U I Z E N H o l l a n d , Mich. English Alpha G a m m a Phi
V I R G I N I A L. H U I Z E N G A Western Springs, III. English Sigma Sigma
G R E T C H E N L. H U L L B r a n d o n , Wis. German-English Delta P h i
R I C H A R D G. H U Y L E R Clifton, N.J. Psychology
R A L P H E. JACKSON, JR. F r a n k f o r t , Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
ROBERT W.JACKSON Williston Park, N.Y. Religion A l p h a Phi Omega
B A R B A R A C. J A C O B H o l l a n d , Mich. English
J E R O M E JANSMA Canonsburg, Pa. English
E L E A N O R M. J U N G Wayne, N.J. English Kappa Delta Chi
JAMES L. J U R R I E S G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Economics O m i c r o n Kappa Epsilon
J E A R L S. J O H N S O N , J R . Williamson, N.Y. English Blue Key
R O B E R T E. J O N E S Albany, N.Y. Psychology Kappa Eta Nu
J A C Q U E L I N E K. J O S E P H Hopkins, Mich. English Kappa Delta Chi
fr M A R S H A L. K A P E R H a m i l t o n , Mich. Spanish
D O N A L D F. K A R D U X H o l l a n d , Mich. Speech
L I N D A R . KAYLOR Allegan, Mich. English Kappa Delta Chi
J O A N R. KENNEDY Ringoes, N.J. Spanish Sigma Sigma
W I L L I A M D. KEEN H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology
P A U L W . KJEFFER Kenmore, N.Y. Political Science Kappa Eta N u
J O H N R. KLEIN Chicago, 111. Physics Phi T a u T u
MARY L. K L E I N Fremont, Mich. History Delta Phi
BELLE R . KLEIN H E KSEL Holland, Mich. Music
W A L Y N E L. K N O P E R Zeeland, Mich. Business Administration
If A N N R . KNUDSEN Chicago, 111. English Sigma Sigma
J O H N R. K O E L B E L Jackson, Mich. Mathematics Phi Kappa A l p h a
J U D Y A. K O L L E N Vicksburg, Mich. Mathematics Kappa Beta Phi
W E N D E L L J. K O L L E N Holland, Mich. Physics
JAMES D. K O R F G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Speech Phi Kappa Alpha
VELMA J. K O R F G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Biology Kappa Beta P h i
A R L O A Y. K O R T Hudsonville, Mich. Humanities
G A I L E R D L. K O R V E R Nooksack, Wash. Chemistry
DALE L. KRAAI Holland, Mich. Religion
JOYCE K. KRAAK Holland, Mich. English Sigma Iota Beta
ALICE M. K R A G T H o l l a n d , Mich, Latin
A R T H U R J. K R A M E R H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology Chi P h i Sigma
E S T E R H . K.UIPER South Haven, Mich. English Kappa Beta P h i
D I A N E E. LA B O U E F F H o l l a n d , Mich. Psychology Kappa Beta P h i
G. C H A R L E S L A N T A Y Hicksville, N.Y. Religion
R O B E R T J. LANTING, JR. H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology
A L L A N G. L E B B I N Cicero, 111. Biology-Chemistry Kappa Eta N u
LARRY H. LEMMENES W a u p u n , Wis. Psychology P h i Kappa A l p h a
M A R K A. L E W I S S o u t h p o r t , Conn. English P h i Kappa A l p h a
J O H N H . LOBBES Chicago, 111. Mathematics
JAMES A. LUCAS H o l l a n d , Mich. Music Chi P h i Sigma
L I N D A A. LUCAS H o l l a n d , Mich. Psychology-Biology Kappa Delta C h i
R O B E R T H . MACKAY St. Joseph, Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chi Phi Sigma
E D W A R D H. M A R S I L J E Holland, Mich. Business Administration
J O H N D. M A R T I N Rochelle Park, N.J. English Phi Kappa Alpha
CLASS OF 1964 •«. •
J O S E P H H. MAYNE A r u b a , N e t h . Antilles Mathematics Blue Key
K A R E N J. McEALL H o l l a n d , Mich. English
W I L L I A M L. M E E N G S Zeeland, Mich. Chemistry
J O H N E. M E L 1 C H A R Millport, N.Y. Philosophy Kappa Eta N u
J A N E T H. MERSON Nyack, N.Y. Art Sigma Sigma
G E O R G E J. MEYER Nw York, N.Y. Psychology
J U D I T H S. M I E D E M A Chicago, 111. English Delta P h i
R O B E R T H. M I L L E R Demarest, N.J. Biology
C A R O L A. M O G L E Niles, Mich. English Alpha G a m m a Phi
SUSAN M. MOOY Marcellus, Mich. Spanish Kappa Beta P h i
ALFAYO N. M O T U R I Kisii, Kenya Eonomics A l p h a P h i Omega
DAVID R . M O U W G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Chemistry Phi Kappa A l p h a Blue Key
R O G E R L. M A X A M H o l l a n d , Mich. Psychology Alpha Phi Omega
BLAINE E. M c K l N L E Y Pittsburgh, Pa. History Chi Phi Sigma
T H O M A S F. M c N E I L G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Psychology Phi Kappa A l p h a Blue Key
R E G I N A G. M U E L L E R N o r t h Bergen, N.J. German
R O G E R J. M U L D E R Holland, Mich. Psychology
MARY J. N A G E L V O O R T Holland, Mich. English-French Delta P h i
T E R R Y L. NAGELVOORT Holland, Mich. Economics Chi P h i Sigma
DAVID R . NASH Northville, Mich. Mathematics O m i c r o n Kappa Epsilon
R I C H A R D A. NEWHOUSE, JR. Mineola, N.Y. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Phi T a u Nu
ALAN R . NIES G r a n d Rapids. Mich. English
SARA A. N I L E S H o l l a n d , Mich. English
L I N D A M. NILSSON Rochester, N.Y. Humanities Sigma Iota Beta
S T E P H E N A. NORDSTROM Port Washington, N.Y. English Phi T a u Nu
L I N D A A. N O T T Fairview, 111. English-Latin Kappa Beta P h i
J O H N H. NYBOER Crosse Pointe, Mich. Biology Phi T a u Nu
DAVID E. OAKLEY Denver, Colo. Chemistry
JOY O ' C O N N O R New York, N.Y. English Sigma Iota Beta
D A N I E L L. O G D E N D u m o n t , N.J. Religion Phi Kappa A l p h a Blue Key
G I L B E R T O. O G O N J I Kisii, Kenya Biology Alpha Phi Omega
L I N D A A. OLSON Hopkins, Mich. English Kappa Delta Chi
C L A I R E E. O S B O R N Plainfield, N.J. Biology Alpha G a m m a P h i
A L B E R T J. OSMAN G r a n d J u n c t i o n , Mich. Mathematics Phi Kappa A l p h a
MARCIA L. O S T E R I N K H o l l a n d , Mich. Humanities Sigma Iota Beta
P E T E R M. PAULSEN Elmsford, N.Y. Philosophy Phi T a u Nu
K A T H L E E N E. PAYNE A m s t e r d a m , N.Y. English Alpha Gamma Phi
M A R J O R I E E. PECK Schuylerville, N.Y. Humanities
T H O M A S K. P E D D I E Cleveland, O h i o English Kappa Eta N u
G L E N N D. P I C K A R D Muskegon, Mich. English
ROSEMARY P I E R S M A South Holland, 111. English Delta P h i
T H O M A S M. P O O L Union City, N.J. German-French Blue Key
AVELYN E. P O S T M A G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Psychology
A U D R E Y E. P R I N S Muskegon, Mich. English Sigma Sigma
K E N N E T H J. QUAKKELAAR H o l l a n d , Mich. Business Administration Omicron Kappa Epsilon
R O B E R T B. R A A T J E S Chicago, 111. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Chi P h i Sigma
CATHERINE RATMEYER H o l l a n d , Mich. History-Sociology
DAVID M. R E A R D O N N w York, N.Y. History
M A R I L Y N E, R E E D Glen Rock, N.J. English Sigma Sigma
JAMES J . R E I D Teaneck, N.J. History Phi T a u Nu
I . E O R A M. R E M T E M A Grandville, Mich. English Kappa Delta Chi
L E A N N E L. RIDDERHOFE Chicago, 111. English Kappa Delta Chi
R O B E R T H. R I P L E Y G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Chemistry Kappa Eta Nu
ALAN G. R O B E R T S O N Milltown, N.J. Chemistry Chi Phi Sigma
H E L E N M. ROSE H a w t h o r n e , N.J. Psychology Sigma Iota Beta
MYRA J. R O Z E B O O M West Olive, Mich. English-Spanish Kappa Beta Phi
GAYLE R U I S A R D Chicago, 111. Humanities Kappa Delta Chi
R I C H A R D A. R U S E L I N K Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Mathematics P h i K a p p a Alpha
ADELTRAUT RUTSCH St. Joseph, Mich. German
D O N N A M. RYNBRANDT Dorr, Mich. Biology
M A R G A R E T A. RYNBRANDT Dorr, Mich, Biology
J A C Q U E L I N E R. SCHROTENBOER G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English Sigma Iota Beta
P A T R I C I A E. SIMPSON L i n d e n , N.J. Psychology Sigma Sigma
GAYLE F. R Y P S T R A G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English-German Sigma Iota Beta
C A R O L SALM St. Anne, III. English-Spanish Kappa Beta Phi
D I A N E P. SAMEC Berwyn, 111. English Sigma Iota Beta
P A T R I C I A J. SAYLER Bayside, N.Y. Psychology Kappa Delta Chi
J A N I C E M. SCHULZ Oostburg, Wis. English-Latin Sigma Sigma
MABEL V. SEAMAN Bronxville, N.Y. English Sigma Iota Beta
L I N D A S. S E L A N D E R Chicago, 111. Latin Alpha Gamma Phi
R I C H A R D W. SHATTUCK Plainwell, Mich. Biology
T E R R Y L. SLAGER Edwardsburg, Mich. Chemistry
JAMES D. SLEE South Haven, Mich. Chemistry A l p h a Phi Omega
KARA GAY S M I T H Holland, Mich. Biology Sigma Sigma
P A T R I C I A L. S M I T H G r a n d Rapids, Mich. English-Spanish Alpha G a m m a P h i
D O R O T H Y SNYDER Lansing, III. English K a p p a Delta Chi
J O S E P H D. S O L M A N Muskegon, Mich. Chemistry
S H A R O N L. S P E N C E R B i r m i n g h a m , Mich. German-English Kappa Delta Chi
DARREL W. STAAT H o l l a n d , Mich. English
DAVID J. S T E G I N K Muskegon, Mich. English
V E R N O N J. S T E R K H o l l a n d , Mich. English Phi T a u Nu
J O H N C. STEVENS Hackensack, N.J. Economics
LUCY E. STEVENS Marblehead, Ohio English
P E N N Y J. S T O N E R Saginaw, Mich. Chemistry Kappa Beta Phi
M A R K A. SUWYN Denver, Colo. Chemistry Kappa Eta Nu
A L I C E A. T A L L M A N Lodi. N.J. English
P A U L M. T A N I S , 11 H a w t h o r n e , N.J. History A l p h a Phi Omega
J O H N A. S W A R T H i n g h a m , Wis. Chemistry
J U D I T H K. S W I E R I N G A H o l l a n d , Mich. Social Studies
NELSON J. T E C R O N E Y Clymer, N.Y. English Phi T a u Nu
S H A R O N L. T E I N Kalamazoo, Mich. Humanities Sigma Sigma
A R V I N R. T E N B R I N K H o l l a n d , Mich. English
I.ARRY W . T E N PAS Sheboygan, Wis. Chemistry
G L E N A. T E R BEEK Holland, Mich. Mathematics Chi P h i Sigma
J. P A U L T E U S I N K H o l l a n d , Mich. Chemistry
* NANCY L. T E W I N K L E Clymer, N.Y. English Kappa Beta Phi
DONALD H. THOMPSON T a p p a n , N.Y. History Alpha Phi Omega
L I N D A J. TROWBRIDGE High Falls, N.Y. English Sigma Iota Beta
C A R O L A. T U R K S T R A Chicago, 111. English
R O B E R T E. T I G E L A A R D O U G L A S P. T O X O P E U S B i r m i n g h a m , Mich. G r a n d Haven, Mich. Chemistry Political Science Phi Kappa Alpha Phi T a u N u Blue Key
M A R G A R E T A. TRAXLER St. Joseph, Mich. English
LESLIE VAN B E V E R E N H o l l a n d , Mich. Religion
L E N O R A M. VANDEN BERG Kalamazoo, Mich. English-Speech Sigma Sigma
L Y N N E VANDE B U N T E H o l l a n d , Mich. Philosophy M o r t a r Board
J E A N A. VAN DE P O L D E R Kalamazoo, Mich. Biology-Chemistry Kappa Beta P h i
T E R R Y J. VAN H E Y N I N G E N H o l l a n d , Mich. English
F R E D E R I C K D. VAN T A T E N H O V E Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n P h i Kappa A l p h a
RICHARD VANDER BORGH West Sayville, N.Y. History P h i T a u Nu
WILLIAM VAN H O E V E N , J R . Grandville, Mich. Chemistry Phi Kappa A l p h a
J A M E S E. VAN T I L Grandville, Mich. Business-Psychology Omicron Kappa Epsilon
J O A N K, V A N D E R VEEN Lafayette, Ind. Biology Sigma Iota Beta
M A R C I A B. VANDE V R E D E G r a n d Rapids, Mich. Psychology Sigma Iota Beta
THOMAS C. VAN DYKE Hudsonville, Mich. Chemistry
C H A R L O T T E D. VAN H U I S H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology
C H R I S T I A N E. VAN L O N K H U Y Z E N Fennville, Mich. Chemistry
J U D I T H A. VAN R A A L T E Holland, Mich. English
G L E N N L. VAN W I E R E N H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology Chi P h i Sigma
RUTH VAN W I T Z E N B U R G Chicago, 111. English
K E I T H J. VAN Z O E R E N Zeeland, Mich. Psychology Kappa Eta N u
200 I
R O N A L D C. VENHUIZEN G r a n d Rapids, Mich. History P h i Kappa A l p h a
CHARLES H. VEURINK G r a n t , Mich. Chemistry Chi P h i Sigma
J O A N N E K. VISSCHER Kalamazoo, Mich. English-German Kappa Delta Chi
B E R N A D I N E E. VOJAK Chicago, III. English Sigma Iota Beta
MARY L. V O L L I N K Hopkins, Mich. English-French Sigma Sigma
KAREN R . V O S K U I L Baldwin, Wis. English Sigma Sigma M o r t a r Board
J O H N M. VOSS H o l l a n d , Mich. Religion
P A U L H. WACKERBARTH Hackensack, N.J. History Phi T a u Nu
C A R O L L. W A G N E R Hammond, Ind. Speech
D O U G L A S J. WALVOORD Muskegon, Mich. Chemistry P h i Kappa A l p h a
LINDA R. WALVOORD Glen Rock, N.J. English jjeita Phi M .ar Board
D I A N E D. W A S H B U R N St. Joseph, Mich. Humanities Sigma Sigma
E L B E R T H. W A T R O U S Schenectady, N.Y. History-Political Science Chi Phi Sigma
C A R L R. WEISS H o l l a n d . Mich. Business Administration Phi T a u Nu
R. B R U C E W E L M E R S Los Angeles, Calif. Mathematics
I R I C H A R D J. W E L S H St, Joseph, Mich. Sociology Phi Kappa A l p h a
B A R R Y L. W E R K M A N Chicago, 111. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Phi T a u Nu
NANCY K. WESSELS G r a n d R a p i d s , Mich. English Kappa Beta P h i
F R E D E R I C K H. WEZEMAN Evergreen Park, 111. Biology O m i c r o n Kappa Epsilon
JACK K. W H I T E Santa Ana, Calif. Philosophy Phi T a u Nu
LOIS M. W I L S O N Closter, N.J. English-French Sigma Iota Beta
B O N N I E J. WISSINK Baldwin, Wis. Psychology Sigma Iota Beta
R I C H A R D H. W I T T E R Lanesboro, Mass. English Omicron Kappa Epsilon
T H O M A S P. WOMBWELL Rochester, N.Y. Philosophy A l p h a P h i Omega
L U C I L L E A. W O O D P o m p t o n Plains, N.J. French-English Kappa Delta Chi
K A R E N L. W O O D L E Y South Haven, Mich. Psychology-Sociology Kappa Beta P h i
J O H N S. W O O D W A R D W h e a t o n , 111. History Kappa Eta N u
R U T H A. W O Z N E Y H a w t h o r n e , N.J. English Sigma Iota Beta
ANN H. WYLIE H o l l a n d , Mich. Spanish
E D W I N C. W Y N N E Allegan, Mich. Physics
CLASS OF 1964 Jfyf ^ ^
N A N C Y A. Z W A R T Kalamazoo, Mich. Mathematics-English Delta P h i M o r t a r Board
A N N E. C O L L I N S Bronx, N.Y. Political Science Kappa Beta Phi
NANCY J. SCHADEWALD H u r l e y , N.Y. Political Science Sigma Sigma
NOT PICTURED L E O M. A R T H U R H o l l a n d , Mich. English
B A R B A R A A, H U I Z E N G A H o l l a n d , Mich. English
K E I T H B. B A L C O M Holland, Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
C A R O L G. K U Y P E R Chicago, 111. Speech
H E N R Y V. B O L T G r a n d Haven, Mich. Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n A l p h a P h i Omega
T O N Y L. B. K W A N H o n g Kong Mathematics Kappa Eta N u
J A M E S S. BOYD H o l l a n d , Mich. English
A N N A LAM Kowloon, H o n g Kong Chemistry
T O M J. B R O E K E R H o l l a n d , Mich. Religion Kappa Eta N u
DOUGLAS T . MCCULLOUGH Port Jervis, N . Y. English
N A N A CO Kowloon, H o n g Kong Chemistry
C A M P B E L L B. MC KENNA, J R . Teaneck, N. J. History
E L L E N K. DE J O N G E Holland, Mich. Humanities MARY B. FINLAY Sturgis, Mich. English Sigma Sigma E L A I N E J. G E N T R Y Holland, Mich. English-Spanish
C H R I S T I A A N I. NOTEBOOM Apeldoorn, N e t h e r l a n d s Business Adminstratiqn Kappa Eta N u GLENN W. P I E T E N P O L Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Chemistry Phi Kappa A l p h a R O N A L D L. PLASMAN H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology R O B E R T L. P O L E N Media, Pa. Business Administration P E T E R PRAAMSMA Burlington, Ont. Philosophy J A M E S F. R U F F N E R Detroit, Mich. Music P h i T a u Nu
T H O M A S V. SCHADE Pearl River, N. Y. English Omicron Kappa Epsilon
VIVIAN C. VAN B L A R C O M Reading, N. J. English Sigma Iota Beta
M I C H A E L D. S C H R I E R Kalamazoo, Mich. Music Chi P h i Sigma
J A M E S A. VAN DAM H o l l a n d , Mich. Biology
WILLIAM R. SEYFARTH Princeton, N. J. Music
ELLA VAN FAASEN H o l l a n d , Mich. English
B E T T Y M. S L O T Spring Lake, Mich. English K a p p a Delta Chi
JACK A, VAN L I E R E H o l l a n d , Mich. Business Administration Phi Kappa A l p h a
A L E X A N D E R J. S U D U L
lanvil e, N. J. Enerhsh ^ . ^ T; Omicron Kappa Epsilon
South Acton, Mass. /_I Chemistry
R O N A L D H. T E BEEST Denver, Colo. Political Science Chi Phi Sigma
JAMES L. W I E G E R I N K G r a n d Haven, Mich. Chemistry Blue Key
M I C H A E L H. M C N E A L Schenectady, N. Y. Mathematics K a p p a Eta N u
P H I L I P H. S A N T I N G A Kalamazoo, Mich. Chemistry
D O N A L D S. T E R O L L E R St. Joseph, Mich. Mathematics Phi K a p p a A l p h a
A N N H. WYLIE H o l l a n d , Mich. Spanish
G A R R Y H. M O R T O N S o u t h a m p t o n , Pa. Biology Chi Phi Sigma
GARY W . SCHAAP Lansing, 111. Business Administration P h i Kappa A l p h a
H E R B E R T K. T I L L E M A Arlington, Va. Political Science Blue Key
DAVID A. Z W A R T Grandville, Mich. History
Roger Abel
Robert Anderson
Julie Alexander
Neal Alldritt
Rebecca Allen
Beverly Allred
Bennett Ametefe
Harry Anderson
Patricia Ashwood
Neil Atkinson
David Baas
Kelwin Bakker
Paul Bast
Marilynn Bates
Arvella Baumann
Hope Beckering
James Bekkering
James Beltman
Richard Bennink
Douglas Berens
Carol Beukema
David Boerigter
James Boeringa
Nancy Bonjernoor
Linda Borgman
Nina Bossenbroek
Susan Bossard
William Brauer
Larry Bolt
Richard Bolt
James Breisch
Mary Ellen Bridger
James Brink
Henry Brown
Kathryn Brown
Joyce Buckhout
Roger Burgess
Richard Busman
Larry Calfee
Alan Carter
James Carter
Billie Chain
William Cathcart
Alan Chesney
James Chesney
Arlene Deitz
Thomas Cousineau
Cheryl Dado
David Dalman
Beulah Daniel
Linda Davis
Duanne DeHollander
Ted DeLong
Dirck deVelder
John deVelder
Robert DeYoung
William DeYoung
Betty Dietch
Judith Dirkse
Leonard Dorev
James Edear
B. T h o m a s Emerick
Sara Ann Emerson
John Richard Emmert
Carina Erickson
Joan Esther
Jeffrey Eubank
James Flagg
Mary Flikkema
Robert Folkerts
Ann Gale
Lee Gerard
Bruce Gibbons
Patricia Gleichmann
Sandra Greene
Dennis Greiffendorf
Gail Grotenhuis
Fran Hala
Kathleen Harrison
Larry Haverkamp
Penny Havinga
Robert Hecht
Barbara Henry
Nancy Herlein
Bourgi Hoerner
Marlene Hoffman
Curtis Holleman
Dorothy Hinz
Marion Hoekstra
Paul Hesselink
George Hubbard
Ronald Hibelink
Anne Hutchinson
Betty Kelder
Donald Killmer
Russel Kleinheksel
Carol Klooster
Jean Klop
Jon Christopher Knecht
Ruthann Kohlman
Sally Kooistra
Jane Kruizenga
Delia Rae Kuiper
Norma LaFleur
Donald Lam
David Lane
Joseph Kooyers
Kay Larison
Gerald Krueger
Kathleen Lesemann
Linda Lindblade
Joan Loweke
Bruce Masselink
Loren Meengs
Charles Manning
Philip Miller
Carl Niekamp
Elizabeth Niles
Wenche Nilsen
Jean Mast
Mary Tane Mills
John Nodop
Robert Maxam
Richard McFall
Joel Monsma
Linda Munro
Nancy Nichols
Christiann Noteboom
Carolyn Olsen
France" Osborne
Margie Otto
Kathenne Owen
Amzie Parcell
Sandra Parker
William Penny
Walter Pickup
Ruth Poppema
William Poppink
Marcia Pylman
Suzanne Radliff
Paul Ransford
David Reeves
John Meengs
Sharon Pontier
Carla Reidsma
David Renkes
Kenneth Reynen
John Richardson
James Ridder
Gerrit Rietveld
Donald Rillema
r J o h n Mark Rottschafer
Marcia Sayles
Martin Scholtens
Robert Schlett
Susan Schrandt
James Serum
James Ronda
MK. f-
Richard Shumaker
William Schurman
Glen Fred Shanholtzer
Susan Shauger
Kenneth Simmelink
Nancy Slagter
Betty Smith
Douglas Smith
Janiece Smoll
Susan Spring
James Staple
David Stavenger
David Stehouwer
Peter Steketee
Thomas Straatsma
Philip Strengholt
David Stryker
Robert Swango
Rolland Swank
Lana T e n Brink
Wayne Timms
George V a n d e r Velde
Norman T e n Brink
H. James Van Belois
Gertrude Van Dyke
Neil T e n Pas
George Van D a h m
Katherine Van Kuiken
Peter Theune
Carla Vande Bunte
Peter Van Lierop
Clyde Tilton
Barbara V a n d e n Oever
Sharon Vaughn
Carole Timkovich
James V a n d e r Kolk
Kathleen Verduin
Edward Stielstra
Sandra Timmer
John V a n d e r Roest
John Ver Steeg
Dennis Vogel
Marcia Voigt
Ronald Wamet
Fran Welcher
David Von Ins
Judith Wallace
Ellen Walters
Kenneth Walz
John Wang
Donald Westerhoff
Ellen Whitaker
Marjorie Wiegman
Sandra Wright
Barbara Yager
Carol Yonkers
Ruth Yzenbaard
James Achterhof
Ardith Albers
Evelyn Albers
John Albrecht
Arlene Anderson
Phyllis Anderson
Mara Andersons
Donald Ast
Anita Awad
Phyllis Baker
Richard Behm
Darlene Bentz
Carol Bertelsen
Mary Ann Bicking
Anne Blocksma
Carol Borst
William Bouma
Warren Bovenkerk
Nelson Bredeweg
Barbara Bruggers
Walter Bruinsma
Nancy Bush
Bryce Butler
Martha Campbell
Leslie Clark
Alan Cole
Donald Collier
Douglas Cook
Barbara Boike
Ellen Borger
William Cook
Lorna Coons
Patricia Cres swell
Robert Cronk
John Daane
Gibson Dallah
George De Boer
Karen Deike
Janice De J o n g
Barbara Dekema
Thomas DeKuiper
Gregory De Pree
Steve De Pree
Richard DeVlaming
Larry De Vries
Karen Dryfhout
Linda Dykstra
Diane DeWitt
Lee DeWitt
Lynn DeYoung
James Dibbet
Margaret Diephuis
ii Sharon Dykstra
Pat Eaman
Bud Edman
Cheryl Eggert
Robert Edwards
Ardyce Elmore
Elsie Elzerman
piiU | Robert Engelsman
Donna Engelsman
m g m
*i .VL*
S j E
Mary Essebaggers
Adele Ewart
Richard Feldman
Emily Faris
Toodie Finlay
Judy Fisher
Joyce Flipse
Carl Flowerday
Jeanne Frissel
Bill Fuge
Patricia Gabbey
Gary Garwood
Linda Geers
Gary Gilmore
Kenneth Goodwin
Judith Grabinsky
David Grissen
Mary Groenewoud
Ruth Hagymasy
John Hahnfeld
Mary Hakken
Richard Hallock
Martha Hallquist
Philip Harmelink
George Harrison
John Hartgerink
Cynthia Headlee
Kathryn Headley
Jay Heilman
Judith Hess
David Heusinkveld
Herman Hoeksema
Marilyn Hoffman
Paul Hopper
Louise Horstman
Alverna Hovingh
Carol Howes
Robert B. Jackson
Jane Jappinga
Barbara Jensen
Anita Joeckel
Phyllis Jones
jettrey Jorgensen
Roy Justesen
Elizabeth King
JoAnne Kemraink
Mary Klaasen
Ruth Kleinheksel
John Kleis
Edward Klotzberger
Mary Klute
John Knapp
John Koch
Daniel Koop
Richard Koster
Barbara Kouw
James Kruenen
Barbara Kronberg
Reinhold Krone
Kathy Kronemeyer
Laura Kupfrain
Thelma Leenhouts
Mary Leetsma
Mark Lemmenes
Charlene Leong
Susan Lamb
Karen Lamphere
Bruce Lubbers
Donald McClow
Roger Luben
Albert McGeehan
Sharon Lunhdahl
Carolyn Meachara
Walter Magans
Bruce Menning
Thomas Ming
Barbara Momeyer
Gloria Mooi
David Mott
Albert Oosterhof
Bruce Oosterhouse
Mary Paalrnan
Alvin Palmer
Nancy Mallory
Ruth Meyer
Sharon Nanninga
Robert Pangle
Joyce Marriott
Allen Miedema
Jacob Ngwa
Ruth Pennington
Sandra Mast
Chris Miller
Conrad Nienhuls
Eric Peterson
James Peterson
William Petz
Donald Plantinga
Barbara Plewes
James Poppink
Kathryn Post
Julie Postmus
William Potter
Judith Prins
Nelda Prothro
Sara J a n e Puehl
Bradford Race
Nancy Rector
Dianne Reifsneider
Robert Reynen
Cheryl Richardson
Carol Roberts
Carol Rodger
Cheryl Rollston
Lynn Rundle
Elga Rusins
Jerry Saggers
Carol Schipper
Max Schipper
Phyllis Schoenthal
Patricia Schoonmaker
Sharon Schouten
Edna Shaw
Carol Shepherd
Susan Short
Karen Simonsen
. Jack Schrier
Frederic Smies
Anita Schwallbach
Sylvia Smith
Lawrence Sharp
Constance Snodgrass
Hudson Soo
Diana Staat
Trudy Stahl .
Barbara Steegstra
Ronald Steensma
Judy Thomas
Gretchen Steffens
Linda Tiezzi
Timothy Stegeman
Marlea Ton
Vern Steinfort
Dorothy T roike
Frederick Strong
Ann Sutton
Marcia Swets
Betty Swinehart
Ruth Sytsma
Nancy Syversen
Judy Tanis
Evonne Taylor
Kenneth Tenckinck
Joan ten H o o r
William Tenpas
R. Kenneth Terpstra
John Utzinger
Lester VanAllsburg
Dirk VanBeek
Christine VanBree
Betty VandenBerg
Cynthia VanderBurgh
Elizabeth VanderLugt
Leon VanDyke
Vicld VanEck
Sharon VandenBurg
Ronald VanderBeek
Albert VanderMeer
Judy VanderNaald
LeeAnne Van Haver
Lois VanHoff
Sarah Wagner
Jeffrey Waldron
II Joan VanSlageren
Kathleen Walsma
Alan VanWieren
Barbara \ \ arren
Tina Velthuizen
Peter Waugh
Hans Vogelaar
Louise Voorhorst
Kenneth Weber
Dennis Wegner
Richard Wepfer
Robert Werge
Robert Westervelt
Larry Westrate
Dianne Whitfield
Sharon Wiechman
Sandra W ierenga
Ronald Wiersma
Mary L o u Wilson
Robert Wilson
Joan Woerdehoff
Joan Wognum
Lois Wolbrink
Barbara Wolf
Richard Wolters
John Wormuth
Charyle Yeager
David Yntema
Marsha Zamoida
Bruce Zylstra
Barbara Alhart
Gifford Andersen
Jo Ann Bakker
Barbara Bang
Bonnie Abbott
Janet Ackerman
Tannette Baker
Daniel Bakker
Karen Beck
Kenneth Behrens
Tudith Bell
Thomas Bolhuis
Bette Bootsman
Walter Borshcel
Randall Bos
Ronald Bowman
Pamela Bowne
Carol Branch
Daniel Bremer
Marcia Bennink
David Anderson
Janice Arendsen
Gerald Auten
Frank Barron
Donald Battjes
Ann Bawden
James Beukelman
Sharon-Lee Blum
Robert Bosman
Gail Bowditch
Harold Bowman
G. T h o m a s Breur
Kenneth Brinks
Larry Brossheit
Robert Benzenberg
Bernard Brower
Webster Brower
Ann Brueggemyer
Anita Brunkhorst
Barbara Brunson
Charles Burt
Michael Bush
Kristin Camp
Donald Campbell
Kenneth Carpenter
Sharon Chapman
Constance Chappell
Ann Christensen
Loma Claerbout
Cynthia Clark
Ronald Cloos
Anne Cobb
Thomas Cook
William Coons
Joyce Corsette
Wayne Cotts
Diana Courtney
John Cox
Joan Crossman
Gwenn Dacus
Sue Dampman
Christine Daudt
Elizabeth Uavies
Dyann DeAngelis
Larry DeBoer
Cheryl Defendorf
Carol DeFino
Marcia DeGraaf
Grace DeGraf f
Dean DeMaster
Don DeMaster
Robert DeSawal
James DeSmidt
Sue DeVries
William DeWeerd
Carole DeYoung
Roger Dietch
John Dillbeck
Maryjane Dixon
Richard Dixon
Mary Douwsma
Tom Draft
Donna Droppers
John Drugg
Ann Dunning
Henry Dykema
Lois Dykema
Maria Dykema
Diane Dykstra
Gary Dykstra
Susan Eenigenburg
Lillian Elsinga
Mary Enderlin
Nancy Erickson
Robert Etheridge
Patsy Evers
Erick Fair
Floyd Farmer
Carole Fields
Anna Fischer
Diana Fisher
Carole Folkert
Ellen Folkert
Margaret Force
Alice French
Thomas French
Richard Gelok
Gerald Gibbs
Ethel Gleichmann
Charlotte Goodrich
George Gottberg
Glenn Gouwens
Barbara Granberg
Marion Greiner
Thomas Griffin
Wayne Grosbeck
Diane Hale
Tohichi Hamajima
Mary Handlogten
JoAnn Heeren
Patricia H elder
Marsha Hendricks
Robert Herkner
Sandra Herrick
Terry Heusinkveld
Marcia Heyns
Anna Hibma
Lois Hiemstra
lack Hill
Faye Hines
Robert Hoag
Albert Hoffman
Marilyn Hoffman
Martha Holland
Sue Houghtaling
Harold Huggins
Gregory Hulse
Carol Hulst
Edward Huntington
Carol Jacobusse
Don Jentink
Martha Johnson
Diana Joldersma
Margaret June
Peter Kammeraad
Margaret Kaper
Gerald Keel
Robert Kilbourn
John Killmaster
Taibi Kahler
Margaret Kish
James Klein
Judith Kleis
William Klerk
Milton Klow
Robert Knol
Mary Lou Koeman
Milicent Koeman
Lynn Kraemer
Ronald Kronemeyer
Richard Kuiper
Janice Lamer
James Lampen
Gloria Langstraat
Daniel Laning
John Larkin
Charles Latowsky
Margaret Lee
Robert Lindblad
Jeff Lootens
Darlene Kobes
James Lohman
Harvey Lucas
James Mace
Dolores Marks
Wayne Marsman
John Marsteller
Carol Meier
Gerrit Meyers
Wesley Michaelson
Patricia MacEachron
Kathleen Miersma
Bertha Magan
Lana Mak
Preston Maring
David McEachran
Joan Medema
Jane Meengs
Phillip L. Miller
Randall Miller
Vance Miller
/ Nancy Minor
Sandra Mitter
James Moored
Dirk Mouw
Delwyn Mulder
John Mulder
Patrida Myers
Roger Nietering
David Noel
Jacquelyn Nyboer
Dale O'Donnell
Theodore Oegema
Thomas Ogren
Martin Ondrus
Elizabeth Costing
Ellen Osterhaven
Mark Oudersluys
Vivie Pao
Joanne Pasek
Arthur Pearson
Judith Pell
Maxine Pembroke
Michael Perry
Barabra Peterson
Morris Peterson
Sharon Phillips
Jeffrey Powell
William Pryts
Diane Rabey
Nancy Rajsky
David Piet
Philip Pluister
Gene Poll
Susan Neher
Joyce Nelson
Willard Nelson
Marcia Newhouse
Cathy Ratering
Philip Rauwerdink
V. J a m e s Rcidsma
Joan Remtema
Norma Rens
Paul Reynen
Leslie Riemersma
Hope Rimondi
Thomas Rosine
Kirk Rottschafer
Janice Rowen
Mary Russell
Ruth Sagendorf
D. William Sanford
Paul Schaap
Sandra Schaper
Robert Schroeder
Kim Schrotenboer
Cheryl Schueneman
Archer R a y m o n d Seaman
Nancy Seighman
Terry Sheffield
William Simmons
Rona Slager
Adrian Slikkers
Lila Slingerland
Donald Smith
John Smith
Richard Smith
Ronald Smith
Delwyn Sneller
John Solodow
Susan Sonneveldt
Suzanne Spayde
Robert Starks
Sally Strom
Valerie Swart
Meno Sytsma
Diane Tanis
John Tanis
Lauren Taylor
Jean T e n Brink
Kenneth Teusink
Howard Tigelaar
â&#x20AC;˘Hi I
James Tillema
Ronald an A u k e n
Ben Timmer
Robert Van Bruggen
Margaret Timmers
Theodore Van Dam
Donald T roost
Alan V a n d e n Berg
James Trost
Caron V a n d e n Hoek
David T ubergen
Vonda V a n d e r Molen
Ralph Valentine
Jacobus van d e r Schalk
William Van Dyke
David Vanderwel
Barbara Vanderwest
James VanEden
Lois Van H a m
Frederick Van L e n t e
Carl Van Noord
Mary Van Pernis
Wayne Van K a m p e n
Dirk Van Proyen
Shirley Van R a a l t e
Kenneth Van T o l
Carl Van Wyk
Paul Verduin
Nancy Ver H u l s t
Michael Vogas
Charlotte Wagenveld
Charles Walvoord
Dirk Walvoord
John Waterman
Dennis Weener
Jane Wells
Joan Wells
Margaret Welmers
Bradlee Welton
John Wesselink
Stephen Wessling
Mary A n n Westenbroek
Richard Westerbeke
William Whary
Clyde Winstead
Craig Workman
Martha Wyatt
Coral Wierenga
Dennis Wilcox
Deanna Wilkens
Harold Wills
Aileen Zeller
Ruth Ziemann
John Zimmermann
Kenneth Zuithoff
Jerry Zwart
saEM 1 fiWWMC
INDEX a Aardsma, Carole Jean 182 Abbott, Bonnie Ann 222 Abel, Roger Henry 85, 125, 127, 204 Achterhof, James 212 Ackerman, Janet Emily 222 Aggen, J o h n F 212 Albers, Ardith Ann 139, 212 Albers, Evelyn Alida 121, 135, 212 Albrecht, J o h n Edwin 144, 212 Alexander, Julie A 112, 140, 204 Alexander, Nancy Elizabeth Alhart, Barbara Jean 222 Alldritt, Neal G 114, 141, 204 Allen, A n n e E 133 Allen, Rebecca 138, 204 AUred, Beverly Ann I l l , 128, 129, 130, 204 Ametefe, Bennett Komla 132, 204 Andersen, Gilford Elmer 222 Andersen, Harry G 204 Anderson, Arlene G 140, 212 Anderson, David Lore 222 Anderson, Phyllis Jean 136, 212 Anderson, Robert George, J r I l l , 131, 142, 204 Andersons, Mara Inge 134, 212 Andreasen, Karen D 182 Andringa, Melvin J 120 Anker, Roy Melvin 93, 141, 212 Arends, Arlene Faye 110, 111, 124, 128, 140, 182 Arendsen, Janice Fae 222 Arnone, Janet S. Ashwood, Patricia Lee 139, 204 Ast, Donald Ray 212 Atkinson, Neil Roland 204 Auten, Gerald Earle 114, 222 135, 212 Awad, Anita Louise Axe, David Samuel b Baareman, Robert E Baas, David William Bach, David J o h n Bachman, Randall Gay Bailey, Brian Robert Baker, Phyllis Kay Baker, T a n n e t t e Marie Bakker, Daniel George Bakker, J o A n n Bakker, Kelwin Jay Bang, Barbara A Bao, Benjamin C. P
182 204 125, 182
Bao, Danny Chi Ding Bardolph, Emily A n n Barends, Boyd E. Barendse, Michael Alan Baron, Francis Henry, Jr Barratt, Laura Lee Barrows, Robert Linde Bast, Paul Gerding Bates, Marilyn Rose Battjes, Donald I. J r Bauer, Ingeborg Bauer, Peter Schumann Bauer, Robert Frederick Baumann, Arvella Kay Bawden, Ann Beck, Alison Steele Beck, Karen R Beckering, H o p e Francis Behm, Richard Carl Behrens, Kenneth Jay Bekkering, James Robert Bell, J u d i t h Ann Bell, Sandra E Beltman, James Edward Bennink, Marcia R u t h Bennink, Richard J o h n Bentz, Darlene Benzenberg, Robert James Berens, Douglas W Berger, T h o m a s G. Berghorst, B. J Bergner, David Carleton Berry, Clayton Daniel, Jr. Bertelsen, Carol Ann Beukelman, James Glenn Beukelman, Maryanne Beukema, Carol V Beukema, J u d i t h L Bicking, Mary Ann Blocksma, Anne Elizabeth Blom, Janet M Blough, Julia A Blum, Karen L Blum, Sharon-Lee Boelhouwer, David Peter Boelkins, James N Boer, Calvin Paul Boerhave, Gerald Cornelius Boerigter, David Boeringa, James Boersma, Carol J
212 222 99, 222 222 112, 145, 204 222 212
85, 142 145, 222 182 114, 132 85, 111, 125, 143, 204 139, 204 222 129, 182 143, 212 142, 182 204 222 128, 129, 135,182 i33 ) 222 I l l , 136, 204 112, 132, 212 222 85, 125, 204 222 130 145, 204 222 204 212 114, 222 H I , 141, 204 120
135, 212 222 110, 112, 182 123, 136, 204 139, 182 212 212 182 120, 140, 182 120. 182 222 182 144 142 129, 204 127, 204 121, 129, 183
Boike, Barbara Ann Bolhuis, Thomas Bolks, Ervin Jay Bolt, Henry Bolt, Larry Bolt, Richard Henry Bonjernoor, Nancy Lynn Bonnette, Pamela Anne Bonthuis, Carol R u t h Bootsman, Bette Joyce Bopp, Jan Martin Borger, Ellen Doris Borgman, Linda Ann Borschel, Walter Lynn Borst, Carol Bos, Randall Wayne Bosman, Robert Arend Bossenbroek, Nina Kay Bosshard, Susan Jane Bosworth, George Raymond Bouma, William H Bouman, Jane Bouwman, A. James Bovenkerk, Warren Gerret Bowditch, Gail Bowman, Harold D Bowman, Ronald F Bowne, Pamela A Bramwell, Linda Ellen Branch, Carol Ann Brandt, Carl Patterson Brauer, William Frederick Bredeweg, Nelson Glen Breederland, Henry Breederland, Lois Margaret Breisch, James Bremer, Daniel DeWitt Breur, G. Thomas Bridger, Mary Ellen Brink, James Edwin Brinks, Dale Allen Brinks, Kenneth Lee Broeker, T o m J Broman, Rodney L. Brosseit, Larry Marvin Brower, Bernard Brower, Lesley Jean Brower, Webster Prince Brown, Henry E Brown, Kathryn Marie Brueggemyer, Leslie Ann Bruggers, Barbara Mae Bruins, Betty Geen Bruinsma, Walter Martin Brunkhorst, Anita Marie Brunson, Barbara Ann
1^1' 141, 1
45, 141, 140,
212 222 183 ^2 204 204 204
123, 136, 183 222 1速3 H I , 123, 135, 212 136, 204 222 136, 212 222 141, 222 113, 204 137, 204 105, 144 141, 212
115, 212 222 115. 222 222 222 1速3 222 142, 183 134, 204 212 1^3 129, 183 204 222 222 114, 135, 204 114, 204 1^3 222 142
120, 138, 121, 129, 114. 145, 124, 112, H I . 138, 132, 114.
222 223 183 22^ 204 204 223 212 183 212 223 223
Brunsting, Albert Buckhout, Joyce Mae Buckman, Susan Dee Bundschuh, Margaret Bundza, Inara Velta Burgess, Roger Milton Burrill, Sharon R Burt, Charles Jonathan Bush, Michael L
138, 205 112, 122, 127, 134, 140, 121, 112, 141, 125, 133, 144, 144.
183 136 205 183 223 223
Bush, Nancy R a e
139, 212
Busman, Richard James Buteyn, John Edward Butler, Bryce Elton Buursma, Beti Buys, Christian J Buys, John Williams
205 143, 212 H I . 212 速3, 143 143 c
Cady, Sandra Kaye 136 Cain, Lawrence D 144 Calfee, Lawrence Abner 113, 114, 205 Cameron, Judy Ann 139, 183 Camp, Kristin J o 130. 223 Campbell, Donald LeRoy 141, 223 Campbell, Martha M 122, 138, 212 Carlson, Terry Lynn Carpenter, Kenneth Male 85, 142, 223 Carter, Alan 205 Carter, James Allen 205 Cathcart, William Lance..114, 115, 131, 132, 141, 205 Catlin, Dennis Wayne Ceton, James S 126, 183 Chain, Billie Ann 120, 137, 205 Chan, Daniel Yue-King HO. 126, 184 Chang, Edward Chang, Madeleine Mao-Lan 136, 184 Chapman, Sharon Lee 223 Chappell, Constance Marie 121, 145, 223 Chen, David Yuen Chesney, Alan Parker 127, 205 Chesney, James Dukehart 205 Cheung, Alice Wai-Gwen 73, 212 Christensen, Ann Lou 223 Christensen, L. Charles 126. 184 Christensen, Judy Steegstra HO, 122, 184 Church, Carolyn Meigs 123, 137, 184 Church, William Ruggles Claerbout, Lorna Jeanne Clark, Cynthia Kay Clark, Leslie Jean Clark, Stuart Elwyn Clarke, J u d i t h Ann Clickner, John E. Cloos, Ronald George Clymer, Alfred Jacob Co. Nana
141. 184 .223 223 113. 212
223 127
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Defino, Carol Louise DeGraat, Marcia Kay DeGraff, Grace Eleanor De Hollander, D u a n e Earl Deike, Karen Marie Deitz, Arlene G De Jonge, Henry Roger De Jong, Janice Dekema, Barbara Joyce De Korver, Joyce E De Kuiper, T h o m a s J o h n Dell, Carl W De Long, T e d W De Master, Conrad Neil DeMaster, Dean Roland DeMaster, Don Milford Den Uyl, David Lee De Pagter, Arnold J De Pree, Gregory De Pree, Steven Bruce Derks, Jack Owen DeSawal, Robert Frederick DeSmidt, James Charles Deur, Calvin Wayne de Velder, Anne C. de Velder, Dirck A r t h u r de Velder, J o h n R De Visser, David Lee De Vlaming, Richard J De Vries, James Edwin De Vries, Larry James DeVries, Susan Jane DeWeerd, William G De Witt, Diane Kay De Witt, Lee Henry De Witt, Linda Rae DeYoung, Carole E DeYoung, Fred W. De Young, Gay Ellen De Young, Lynn Ellen De Young, Robert A De Young, William E De Young, William G Dibbet, James Arlin Dibble, Alan J o h n Dick, Laura E Diephouse, Carol A Diephuis, Margaret
223 212 114, 145, 223 205 212 112, 130, 137, 203 184 143, 212 130, 145, 205 184 85, 105, 144, 223 112, 141, 213 213 114, 115, 144, 223 145, 184 114, 105, 121, 85,
223 223 223 205 223 135, 213
184 143, 213 223 120, 184 184 125, 133, 136, 184
d Daane, J o h n Erwin Dacus, Gwenn B Dado, Cheryl Jean Dalebout, Carol Jeanne Dallah, Gibson Chukudi Dalman, David Alan Dampman, Susan Majorie Daniel, Beulah Frances Daudt, Christine Elizabeth Davies, Elizabeth Gray Daviou, Sandra J Davis, J u n e Dorothy Davis, Linda D DeAngelis, Dyann Lynn De Boer, George Edward De Boer, Lawrence Niel De Boer, Neil Frederick De Boer, R u t h Mae Decker, Patricia Jean De Dee, Bruce C Defendorf, Cheryl Anne De Feyter, Robert Lee
112, 132, 213 224 205 213 127, 145, 205 224 204 224 224 184 129, 184 113, 137, 205 224 141, 213 114, 141, 224 145 120, 133, 135, 185
Dietch, Betty Lou Dietch, Roger Francis Dillbeck, J o h n Daniel, J r Dirkse, Judith Lynne Ditko, Stephen C Dixon, M a r y j a n e Dixon, Richard Douglas
185 224
224 133, 224 224 127, 145, 205 114, 122, 123, 213 128, 136, 205 213 121, 139, 213 139 85, 105, 143, 213 85 144, 205 125, 185 145, 224 145, 224 112, 144, 185 213 145, 213 114, 126, 132, 185 224 115, 144, 224 213 120, 205 205 141, 185 213 145, 185 142, 213 224 224 138, 213 85, 143, 213 128, 134, 136, 185 224 129, 137, 140, 185 213 126, 205 122, 141, 185 205 141, 213 142 114, 129, 224 140, 185 128, 136, 213 112, 138, 205 144, 224 224 139, 206 142, 185 224 115, 224
TEERMAN'S 19 W. E I G H T H S T R E E T -•»
l ,r
S & H Green
Dolphin, Brian Mac Donia, Robert Jay Dorey, Leonard Gordon Douwsma, Mary Estella Dozeman, Marcia Sue Draft, T h o m a s L Dressel, James Karl Driy, James Allen Droppers, Donna Jean Drngg, J o h n Burbank Dryfhout, J o h n H Dryfhout, Karen R u t h Dulow, Kenneth Edward Duncan, James R. Dunn, David Mansel Dunning, A n n Dunton, Robert G. J r Duryee, G r a h a m Clarke Dyer, Bonnie Dykema, Henry James Dykema, Lois J u n e Dykema, Maria Kay Dykema, Sharon Jane Dykstra, Calvin J Dykstra, Diane Jeanne Dykstra, Gary J Dykstra, James R. Dykstra, Linda A n n Dykstra, Pamela D Dykstra, Sharon Eileen Dykstra, Sharon Gail Dykstra, T h o m a s William
Emerson, Frederick Alvin Emerson, Sara Ann Emmert, J o h n Richard Emmons, Stuart M. Emori, Mitsu Enderlin, Mary Margaret Engelsman, Donna Joy Engelsman, Robert Paul Erickson, Carina Birgitta Erickson, Nancy Salome Essebaggers, Mary K Esther, Joan Marie Etheridge, Robert Daane Eubank, Jeffery L Evers, Patsy Jean Ewart, Adele Ewart, T h o m a s William
144 I l l , 120, 141 126, 206 224 224 127 224 225 129, 130, 185 139, 213 131, 134, 141, 185 124, 185 225 186 142 138, 186 145, 225 225 ,.225 112, 128, 134, 139, 186 126 115, 225 225 136, 125, 128, 115, 125, 139, 112, 130,
225 124, 126, 214 144, 214 139, 206 >....225 214 206 225 I l l , 120, 130, 141, 206 225 139, 214 .131, 186 f
Fair, Erick R Faris, E. Susan Farmer, Floyd Howard, J r Fege, Arnold F. Feldman, Richard Martin Felix, Andre B. Ferruzzi, Christine Elin Fialko, Robert J o h n Fields, Carole Jean Finerty, Michael Denton Finley, Harriet Joan Finlay, Mary Beth Fischer, Anna Marie Fisher, Barbara Rae Fisher, Diana Jean Fisher, J u d i t h Amy Fisher, Tracy Jean Flagg, James Clark Flikkema, Mary Louise Flipse, Joyce Ellen Flowerday, Carl Wayne Folkert, Carole G Folkert, Ellen R u t h Folkert, Mary Ann Folkerts, Robert J o h n Force, Margaret Jeanne Formsma, Robert Keith Forrester, Harry Wayne Francis, Patricia Ann Freggens, Barbara Louise French, Alice Eleanor French, Norma Parks French, T h o m a s Michael Fridlington, Gail Margaret Frissel, Jeanne A n n Frontjes, Richard James
213 140 214 186 186
e Eaman, Patrick Donavan Eastman, Penny Lynne Edgar, James Edman, Elmer R Edwards, Robert F Eenigenburg, Paul J o n Eenigenburg, Susan Edith Eggert, Cheryl Laine Ehrlich, James A Elenbaas, Bruce Keeneth Elferdink, Carole A n n Elfring, J o h n Elgersma, J e a n a n n Louise Ellsworth, Jeanette Elmore, Ardyce Frances Elsinga, J o A n n Elve, J o h n L Elzerman, Elsie Patricia Elzinga, Lillian Irene Elzinga, Richard Gene Emerick, B. T h o m a s
114 140, 206 206
.143, 214 136 206 I l l , 141, 214 145, 214 141, 186 225 140, 214 85, 142
142 136, 186 135, 214 135 132, 186 214 225 131, 186 206
143, 225 214 113, 225 214 115, 135, 186 129, 133, 134, 186 225
I l l , 129, 128,
140, 214 140 225 138, 186 225 214 138, 186 143, 206 135, 206 214 214 225 225 124, 186 145, 206 225 114 131 129, 187 139, 187 225 138, 187 225 138, 187 140, 214
Fuge, William Wesley Fung, Daniel Sai-Ying
143, 214
G Gabbey, Patricia Ann Gale, Ann Margo Gardner, Ann G Garner, Richard Owen Garrett, Richard W. Garter, Louise Garwood, Gary Gasperec, Patricia Lue Geers, Linda Kay Geldersma, Karen Lynne Gelok, Richard J Gerard, Lee Kirk Gezon, John H Gibbons, Bruce F Gibbs, Gerald W Gilmore, Gary David Glass, Janet Louise Gleichmann, Ethel Elaine Gleichmann, Patricia Marie Goodrich, Charlotte Ann Goodwin, Bruce BIythe Goodwin, Kenneth Gort, J o h n R. Goslin, Gordon Alan Gottberg, George Andrew Gouwens, Glenn William Gouwens, Marjorie C Grabinski, J u d i t h Kay Grabo, Eric Werner Grams, Alfred Granberg, Barbara Jean Greene, Sandra Rae Greiffendorf, Dennis Richard Greiner, Marion R Greze, J o h n Paul Griffin, T h o m a s Gaines Grissen, David Jon Groenewoud, Mary Lynn Groesbeck, Wayne J Grotenhuis, Gail Frances Gutknecht, Glenn D
114, 126, 133, 139, 214 206 112, 135, 187
140, 187 143, 215 215 145, 225 124, 206 144, 187 206 85, 142, 225 215 137, 187 225 124, 129, 135, 206 225 187 215
110, 113, 124,
112, I l l , 115, 132,
128, 133,
225 141, 225 122, 123 135, 215 142 131, 187 128, 225 135, 206 145, 206 225 132, 187 144, 225 145, 215 139, 215 120, 225 140, 206 145, 187
h Haaksma, Curt D Hagans, Gerald Francis Hagymasy, R u t h Diane Hahnfeld, J o h n Henry Hakken, Mary Margaret Hala, Frances Ann Hale, Diane Marie Hallock, Richard
187 141 215 215 215 121, 138, 206 225 215
Hallquist, Martha Ann Hamajima, Tohichi Hamlin, Jane Sue Handlogten, Mary E Handy, Paul Russell Hankamp, LaMar James II Hanmer, John D. Hannaford, William Paul Harmelink, Philip J o h n Harrison, George Andrew Harrison, Kathleen Anne Harrison, Nancy Jane Hartgerink, John Edward Hartgerink, Ronald Lee Haverdink, Arlene Haverkamp, Larry Jon Haverkamp, Peter Havinga, Penny Hawkins, James William Headlee, Cynthia Headley, Kathryn Healy, R u t h A n n Hecht, Robert Alvin Heeren, JoAnn C Heeringa, James P. Heilman, Jay Heilman, J o h n Raleigh III Hekman, Rosemary Helder, Lloyd J o h n Helder, Patricia Rae Hellenga, Diana Gail Hempenius, David Allen Henderson, Faith Hendricks, Marsha Faye Heneveld, Barbara Ann Henry, Barbara J o Hepburn, Bruce A Herbig, Nancy Ann Herkner, Robert T . J r Herlein, Nancy Jean Herrick, Sandra S Hess, J u d i t h Pauline Hesselink, Paul Kenneth Heusinkveld, David M Heusinkveld, Terry Lynn Heyns, Marcia Anne Hibma, Anna Hieftje, Gary Martin Hiemstra, Lois Ann Hilbelink, Ronald Delmar Hill, Cynthia Jane Hill, Jack Warren, J r Hill, John Nathan Hill, William Richard Hine, Janet Ann
137, 215 225 187 226 127, 132, 187
121, 142, 135, 124, 137, 127,
I l l , 120, 141, 138, 110, 122, 126, 137,
141 215 215 206 188 215 188 188 206 105 206 188 215 215
142, 206 226 215 136 226 122, 125, 188
115, 125,
114, 122, 132, 85,
122, 127, 123,
226 140, 188 206 145, 188 140, 188 123, 226 206 226 215 145, 206 144, 215 226 226 226 127, 188 226 145, 206 138, 188 144, 226
114 143 121, 138, 215
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Huyler, Richard Gordon Hyink, Harlan John
Hines, Faye R 226 Hinz, Dorothy Carol 137, 206 Hinzmann, Georgia Adell 121, 129, 188 Hoag, Robert William 144, 226 Hoeksema, Herman 126, 141, 215 Hoekstra, John Wayne 131, 143, 188 Hoekstra, Marion Lou 121, 137, 206 Hoekzema, Carol Jean 124, 125, 133, 188 Hoerner, Bourgi Anne 206 Hoffman, Albert R 226 Hoffman, Harvey Butler 144, 188 Hoffman, Marilyn Jean 139, 215 Hoffman, Marilyn Jean 226 Hoffman, Marlene R u t h 127, 206 Hoffmyer, Helen R 140, 188 Holkeboer, J u d i t h Ann 189 Holland, Martha Jean 226 Holleman, Charles J o h n 189 Holleman, Curtis Paul 206 Holleman, Sharron Young 189 Hollenbach, David John 141, 189 Hollinger, Ellen Virginia Holvick, Gary C 143 Hommerson, Joan Beth Hook, D. Theodore 189 Hook, Ellen M. Hopma, Byron Jay 143 Hopp, Joan R u t h 138, 189 Hopper, Paul Carmichael 215 Horstman, Louise P 215 Hoskins, Barbara Lynn 189 Hostetter, J o h n H a r o l d . . . . 115, 129, 130, 131, 142, 189 Houck, Doris Eleanor 127, 189 Houghtaling, Sue Van Beuren 226 Housman, J o h n Allen Houting, Peter R 142 Hovingh, Alverna Mae 215 Hovingh, Kenneth Jay 189 Howell, James Clayton 120, 189 Howes, Carol Louise I l l , 136, 215 Hubbard, George Allan 131, 132, 206 Huggins, Harold Reginald 226 Huisjen, Lois Marie 135, 189 Huisman, J 143 Huizen, Mary K 189 Huizenga, Barbara Ann Huizenga, Virginia Lynne 140, 189 Hull, Gretchen 129, 136, 189 Hulse, Gregory Stephen 226 Hulst, Carol Ann 226 Hultgren, William Charles 85 Hungerford, George Boone, Jr. Huntington, Edward S.S 226 Hutchinson, Anne Elizabeth 124, 138, 206 Huyck, Karen Eugenia 112, 138, 207
190 85, 144 I
Insel, J o h n Richard
145, 215 j
Jaarsma, Irene Rose Jackson, Ralph Ellsworth, J r 190 Jackson, Robert Bruce 85, 141, 215 Jackson, Robert William 132, 190 Jacobs, Barbara 190 Jacobs, Marjorie S. Jacobusse, Carol Lynn 226 Jansma, Jerome 190 Jap, Khian Bong 144 Jappinga, Jane Ann 135, 215 Jefferies, Barbara Ellen Jensen, Barbara Ann 140, 215 Jentink, Don Bernard 226 Joeckel, Anita Gail 123, 215 Johnson, Earl J r 110, 114, 124, 125, 131, 190 Johnson, Martha Yvonne 226 Johnson, Paul Morris 85, 99, 143 Joldersma, Diane Susan 226 Jones, Alan L 115 Jones, Carol Lynn 136, 207 Jones, Donna M 215 Jones, Phyllis Jean 139, 215 Jones, Robert Edward 142, 190 Jonker, Peter Jorgensen, Jeffrey King 85, 215 Joseph, Jacqueline Kaye 129, 138, 190 Julien, Ellis M 112, 132, 207 June, Margaret Lynne 226 Jung, Eleanor 138 Jung, Jean Karen 226 Jung, Lin 190 Jurries, James 190 Justesen, Roy C 216 k Kammeraad, Peter Stephen Kaper, Margaret K Kaper, Marsha Lane Kaper, Norlan Dale Kahler, Taibi Kardux, Don F Kaylor, Linda Rae Keel, Gerald Olen Keen, William Dale Kedder, Betty Kemink, Jo Anne Kempker, Calvin Eugene Kempker, Russell R., Jr.
226 226 190 99, 226 115, 120, 190 138, 190 226 190 207 123, 136, 216
Kennedy, Joan Keur, William G., J r Kiefer, Barbara C. Kieffer, Paul W Kilbourn, Robert Morley Killmaster, J o h n Henry Killmer, Donald King, Elizabeth Jane Kinkema, Robert Ketel Kirkpatrick, Roberta Lowe Kirlin, William Michael Kish, Margaret L Klaaren, Keith Alan Klassen, Mary Elizabeth Klein, James William Klein, J o h n Richard Klein, Mary Lou Kleinheksel, Belle Rose Kleinheksel, Russell Jay Kleinheksel, R u t h A Kleis, J o h n P Kleis, J u d i t h Mae Klerk, William Jay, J r Kliphuis, Fritz Klooster, Carol A n n Klop, Jean Anita Klotzberger, Edward L Klow, Milton Bradley Klute, Mary Alice Klynstra, Sandra Fay Knapp, J o h n Richard Knecht, J o n Christopher Knol, Robert Claude Knoper, Wayne Lee Knudsen, A n n Kobes, Darlene Joy Koch, J o h n Robert Koelbel, J o h n Reid Koeman, Mary Lou Koeman, Milicent J Kohlman, R u t h a n n Kollen, Judy A Kollen, Wendell Kooistra, Sally Kay Koop, Daniel Lee Kooyers, Joseph Edward Korf, James Dale Korf, Velma Jane Korstange, Gordon Kort, Arloa Yvonne Korver, Gailerd Lee Koster, Richard Allan Koster, Ronald G. Kouw, Barbara L Kraai, Dale LeRoy
Kraak, David Leonard Kraak, Joyce A Kraemer, Lynn E Kragt, Alice M Kramer, A r t h u r James Kramer, Marshall Edward Kreunen, James Alan Kronberg, Barbara Lee Krone, Reinhold Walter Kronemeyer, Kathleen Evelyn Kronemeyer, Ronald Jay Kronemeyer, Ronald Jay Kroodsma, Roger Lee Krueger, Gerald Robert Kruizenga, Jane Kryger, Virginia A n n Kuiper, Delia Rae Kuiper, Esther H Kuiper, Richard Allen Kupfrian, Lauralee Constance Kusak, Joseph Brook
190 85 142, 191 226 226 207 216
99, 144, 145, I l l , 112, 136, 112,
226 112 216 226 191 191 191 207 216 216 227 227
Kuyper, Carol G Kwan, T o n y L. B
123, 129, 114, 135,
133, 140,
144, 112, 137,
85, 144, 216 133, 216 216 136, 216 227 143 85, 105 207 136, 207 128, 134, 140 136, 207 192 227 123, 135, 216 85 120 142
136, 207 207 216 144, 227 216 141, 115, 145, 145, 131, 140,
191 227 192 93, 105, 192
LaBoueff, Diane E 112, 137, 192 LaFleur, Norma May 135, 207 Lam, Anna Y. W 127 Lam, Donald J 207 Lamer, Janice Marlene 130, 227 Lamb, Susan H 216 Lampen, James Lee 227 Lampert, Elmer Graham 142 Lamphere, Karen Elizabeth 216 Lane, David T r a p h a g e n 142, 207 Langeland, Charles Phillip 85, 143 Langstraat, Gloria Jane 227 Laning, Daniel 227 Lantay, George Charles 192 Lanting, Robert John 126, 192 Larison, Kay Susan 207 Larkin, J o h n Stephen 130, 227 Latowsky, Charles P 142, 227 Laughlin, Mike Dennis 192 Lebbin, Allan Lee, Margaret Virginia 227 Leech, Donna R. Leenhouts, T h e l m a K a y . . . I l l , 112, 120, 124, 136, 216 Leestma, Mary Alyce 112, 134, 138, 216 Leigh-Manuell, Paul Lein, Paul Kelly 114, 132, 216 Lemmenes, Larry H 144, 192 Lemmenes, Mark Glen 112, 132, 145, 216 Lemmerz, James E 143 Lenel, Katherine Louise 112, 138
216 207 227 191 191 227 216 191 227 227 207 191 191 207 216 207 191 191
191 93, 125, 127, 133, 191 216 113, 216 191
i T T f r i r n y -«
H i t
McEachran, David Stuart McFall, Karen Daniels McFall, Richard Lee McGeehan, Albert Howe McGilvray, Jennifer Eve McKinley, Blaine Edward McNeal, Michael H McNeil, T h o m a s Farrell Meacham, Carolyn Marie Medema, Joan E Meengs, Jane Ann Meengs, J o h n Paul Meengs, Loren Wallace Meengs, Philip Owen Meengs, William Lloyd Meier, Carol Elaine Melichar, J o h n Franklin Menning, Bruce Allen Menning, Charles Eugene Merson, Janet Hope Meulman, J o h n Randall Meyer, George J o h n Meyer, R u t h S
Leong, Charlene Chai Gen 135, 216 Lesemann, Kathleen Dee 140, 207 Levey, Stuart J ^5, 227 Lewis, David S 192 Lewis, Mark A 115, 144 Lievense, J o h n Robert Lin, Carolyn Martha Lin, Robert Hsiang T e n g Lindauer, J u d i t h Anne Lindblad, Robert Charles 142, 227 Lindblade, Linda Lee 208 Liu, Winnie S. Y 227 Livingston, James Richard Lobbes, John Henry 192 Lohman, James Paul 115, 145, 228 Lootens, Martha J a n e 136 Lootens, Robert Jeffrey 143 Loweke, Joan Virginia 122, 123, 208 Lubbers, Bruce Anthony 144, 217 Luben, Roger Lee 115, 217 Lucas, Harvey Maurice 141, 228 Lucas, James Arnold 112, 192 Lucas, Linda Anne 114, 122, 126, 127, 138, 192 Lundahl, Sharon R u t h 140, 217 Luther, Martha Ann 140
Meyers, Gerrit Benjamin Michaelson, Wesley Scott Miedema, Allen Keith Miedema, J u d i t h Sue Miersma, Kathleen Millar, Beverly A n n Millar, Stephan Anthony Miller, Chris Leonard Miller, Philip Dean Miller, Phillip Lynn Miller, Randall Martin Miller, Robert Miller, Robert Hamilton Miller, Vance B Millican, Ronald David Mills, Mary Jane Miner, T i m o t h y Irvin Ming, Bruce Ming, Thomas Frank Minor, Nancy Alice Mitter, Sandra Jane Moehl, Helen Louise Mogle, Carol A Momeyer, Barbara Ann Monsma, Loel Montes, Josephine Mooi, Gloria Lee Moored, James Francis Mooy, Susan M Morris, Marie Annette Morton, Gary Hoffman Mott, David Howard
m Mace, James Allen MacEachron, Patricia Lou Mackay, Robert Hale Madsen, N o r m a n Paul Magan, Bertha Isabel Magans, Walter Magans, Walter John, J r Mak, Lana Mallory, Nancy Jean Maring, Preston Jost Markle, Donald III Marks, Dolores Ann Marriott, Joyce N Marschke, Charles H Marsilje, Edward H Marsman, Wayne Robert Marsteller, J o h n H Martin, J o h n D Masselink, Bruce Allen Mast, Mary A Mast, Mary Jean Mast, Sandra Lee Matthews, Ronald J^y Maxam, Robert LaVerne Maxam, Roger Lawrence Mayne, Joseph Hanson McClow, Donald Terry McCullough, Douglas T e r n e r
145, 228 113, 228 131, 133, 141, 192 141 121, 228 217 145 228 134, 137, 217 114, 228 142 228 217 141 131, 192 228 228 112, 144, 192 141, 208 228 112, 208 122, 217 144 208 193 110, 111, 113, 132, 193 217 120
228 193 208 132, 217
110, 125, 127,
85, 126,
120, 85,
141, 193 142 144, 193 129, 217 228 228 143, 208 141, 208 143 126, 193 228 142, 193 141, 217 141, 208 193 85 193 217
228 I l l , 129, 141, 228 141, 217 136, 193 228
143, 115, 130, 143, 114, 141,
217 208 228 228 143 193 228 85 136, 208 134, 142 217 143, 228 228 228
I l l , 135, 193 121, 217 208 113, 114, 135, 217 144, 228 121, 125, 129, 137, 193 141 113, 114, 132, 217
Moturi, Alfayo Nyarangi Mouw, David Mouw, Dirk Julius Muehlenbeck, Jeri Rochelle Mueller, Regina G Mulder, Delwyn Jack Mulder, J o h n Mark Mulder, Roger J o h n Mulder, Ronald Allen Muller, Jeffrey F Muller, Richard Lathrop Munro, Linda Joyce Murray, Leo T . Myers, Patricia Carol
193 110, 111, 193 112, 144, 228
O'Conner, Joy Darlene 194 O'Donnell, Dale Leslie 229 Oegema, Theodore Richard 229 Oehm, Dennis 85, 143 Oettle, William Frederick 132 Ogden, Daniel Lawrence. .110, 112, 124, 132, 144, 194 Ogonji, Gilbert Odhiambo I l l , 195 Ogren, T h o m a s Lloyd 141, 229 Olsen, Carolyn Gertrude 208 Olson, Linda A 138, 195 Ondrus, Martin Gary 145, 229 Oosse, Maria Jane 229 Oosterbaan, Irene Joyce 229 Oosterhaven, B 129 Oosterhaven, Ellen Jane 133, 229 Oosterhof, Albert Carlyle 132, 217 Oosterhouse, Bruce 141 Costing, David Lee Costing, Elizabeth Ann 229 Osbon, Ann M. Osborn, Chaire Elizabeth 135, 195 Osborn, Frances Ann 137, 208 Osborne, Deborah Lane Osman, Albert Joseph 133, 144, 195 Osterink, Marcia 139, 195 Otto, Margie Lynne 208 Oudersluys, Mark H 229 Overman, Dean Lee 93, 141 Owen, Katherine G 138, 208
194 229 115, 141, 229 194 131, 144 142 120, 139, 208 115, 229
n Nagelvoort, Mary Nagelvoort, Terry Lee Nanninga, Sharon Joyce Nash, David Rodger Neckers, Bruce Warren Neher, Susan R Nelson, Joyce Evelyn Nelson, Willard Mark Newhouse, Marcia K Newhouse, Richard Abbott, J r Newman, Nancy A n n Ngwa, Jacob Njee Nichols, Nancy Nicholson, William T Niekamp, Carl William Nienhuis, Conrad Charles Nies, Alan R Nietering, Roger George Niles, Elizabeth Niles, Sara A n n Nilsen, Wenche Nilsson, Linda M Nodop, J o h n Christian Noel, David Martin Nordstrom, Peter D Nordstrom, Stephen A Norlin, Howard L Norton, Jon N Noteboom, Christiann Nott, Linda Ann Nozari, Mohammad Shahrokh Nyboer, Jacquelyn Jan Nyboer, J o h n Holland Nykerk, David James
Oakley, David E
194 141, 194 217 143, 194 I l l , 112, 144 229 229 229 229 145, i94 217 140, 208 113, 114, 141 127, 208 217 124, 194 . . . . 1 4 4 , 229 208 194 131, 136, 208 129, 139, 194 132, 208 120, 229 142 145, 194 126 85, 141 142, 208 134, 137, 194
p Paalman, Mary Kay 124, 128, 133, 134, 136, 217 Palmer, Alvin Milo 143, 217 Pangle, Robert Lee 141, 217 Pao, Vivie Mei-Mei 229 Parcell, Amzie Drew 113, 114, 132, 208 Parker, Sandra Doris 208 Parks, Henry Cecil Parr, Michael Gordon Pasek, Joanne Zenia 229 Paulsen, Peter Mac Rae 112, 132, 134, 195 Payne, Kathleen E. 129, 195 Peacock, William V 131, 141 Pearson, Arthur Eugene III 120, 143, 229 195 Peck, Marjorie Elizabeth Peddie, T h o m a s Ken 195 Peiper, Garret Linwood 141 Pell, J u d i t h Kay :..229 Pembroke, Maxine 229 Pennington, R u t h Ferne 135, 217 Penny, William James 208 Perry, Michael Eugene 229 Peterson, Barbara Jean 229 Peterson, Eric R 217 Peterson, James Arthur 217
229 132, 133, 134, 145, 194
Peterson, Morris Leon 229 Peterson, William Woodrow Petz, William J 217 Phillips, Sharon E 229 Pickard, Glen 195 208 Pickup, Walter Henry Pierpont, James 142 Piersma, Rosemary 128, 129, 136, 195 Piet, Dave Lee 141, 229 Pientenpol, Glenn William 144 Plantinga, Donald Wayne 217 Plasman, Camellia Ann Plews, Barbara Kay 113, 128, 138, 217 Pluister, Philip B 105, 229 Poll, Gene Arlyn 229 Ponder, Sharon Barbara 137, 208 Pool, T h o m a s Malcolm 195 Poppema, R u t h 208 Poppink, James Henry 93, 143, 217 Poppink, William C 85, 105, 131, 133, 143, 208 Post, Kathryn Helene 217 Postma, Avelyn E 195 Postma, Charles Henry 115, 141 Postma, Ken Wayne 85, 144 Postma, Marilyn M. Postmus, Julie Ellen 134, 135, 217 Potter, William Brian 93, 143, 218 Powell, Jeffrey M a r k . . . 131, 141, 229 Praamsma, Peter 124 Prince, Dorothy Annette Prins, Audrey Eveline 140, 195 Prins, J u d i t h Mae 218 Prins, Snellen 127, 138 Prothro, Nelda Mae 140, 218 Pruiksma, Jacob J 143 Pryts, William Peter 229 Puehl, Sara Jane 137, 218 Pylman, Marcia Lynne 129, 137, 20? Q
Quakkelaar, Kenneth Jay Query, James D. Query, J o h n Robert
85, 131, 143, 195
R Raatjes, Robert Bruce Rabey, Diane Marilyn Race, Bradford J Radliff, Suzanne Patricia Rajsky, Nancy Lee Ransford, Paul Ratering, Cathy Lynne Ratmeyer, Catherine Rauwerdink, Philip Abram Reardon, David, J r
131, 141, 196 229 144, 218 120, 138, 208 229 141, 208 230 196 143, 230 ....196
Rector, Nancy Morse Reed, Marilyn E Reeves, David Lawrence Reichardt, Bruce Alan Reid, James J o h n Reidsma, Carla Ann Reidsma, Vernon James Reifsneider, Diane Leslie Remmelsberger, Frank Remtema, Joan Dianne Remtema, Leora M. Renkes, David V Rens, Norma Beth Ren wick, J o h n K Reynen, Kenneth E Reynen, Paul Allan Reynen, Robert V. D Rich, Mary Kathryn Richards, Rebecca Jean Richardson, Cheryl Diane Richardson, J o h n B Ridder, James Brian Ridderhof, Leanne Riemersma, James K Riemersma, Leslie Kay Rietsma, Gary L. Rietveld, Gerrit J o h n
113, 140, 218 140, 196 142, 208 144 124, 125, 145, 196 113, 140, 208 230 128, 137, 218 143 230 138, 196 141, 209 230 113, 114 209 230 142, 218
Rikkers, R u t h C Rillema, Donald Paul Rimondi, H o p e Rose Ripley, Robert Henry Roberts, Carol L Robertson, Alan Grant Rodger, Carol Joyce Rollston, Cheryl Jean Ronda, James Rose, Helen M Rose, Susan Edna Rosine, T h o m a s D Rottschafer, J o h n Mark Rottschafer, Kirk William Rowen, Janice Elaine Rowland, Diane E. Rozeboom, Myra Joy Ruffner, James F Ruisard, Gayle Rundle, Barry R Rundle, Lynn Elaine Ruselink, Richard Allen Rusins, Elga Russell, Mary Pat Rutsch, Adel Rynbrandt, Donna M Rynbrandt, Margaret Ann Rypstra, Gayle Faye
112 209 230 196 218 196 218 218 209 196 218 230 209 230 230
135 112, 135, 218 141, 209 144, 209 196 125, 134, 144 230 131, 209
127, 142, 135, 126, 140, 131, 145, 139, 142,
129, 196 114 138, 196 208 127, 129, 218 144, 196 218 230 196 126, 196 197 139, 197
s Sabo, John J Sagendorf, R u t h Elaine Saggers, lerry Wayne Salm, Carol Salm, Simon E. Samec, Diane Patricial Sanford, D. William Sayler, Patricia J Sayles, Marcia A Sayre, Harry Clinton Schaap, Arthur Paul Schaap, Gary W Schaap, Louis E. Schadewald, Nancy Jean Schantz, Robert Clarence Schaper, Sandra Lee Scherpenisse, Mary Esther Schipper, Carol Ann Schipper, Max Wells Schlett, Robert Allen Schoenthal, Phyllis Esther Scholtens, Martin Albert Schoonmaker, Patricia Ann Schouten, Sharon Rae Schrandt, Susan Louise Schreiner, William B. Schrier, Jack L Schrier, Michael P Schroeder, Robert Ralph Schrotenboer, Jacqueline Rae Schrotenboer, Kim Alan Schrotenboer, Robert K. Schuenenman, Cheryl Lee Schulz, Janice M Schurman, William Schut, Larry LeRoy Schutter, Marianna Schwab, Norman J. Schwallbach, Anita Mitodo Seaman, Archer Raymond Seaman, Mabel V Segedin, Cynthis Ann Seighman, Nancy Louise Selander, Linda S Serum, James Wayne Shanholtzer, Glenn F Sharp, Lawrence Gene Shattuck, Richard Shauger, Susan Joyce Shaw, Edna Dorothy Sheffield, Terry Randolph Shepherd, Carol Short, Susan Harriett Shumaker, Richard J Sill, Donald A.
Simmelink, Kenneth B Simmons, William Bruce Simons, John L Simonsen, Karen Elaine Simpson, Patricia Elisabeth Slager, Rona Lynn Slager, Terry Lee Slagter, Nancy Diane Slee, James Duane Slikkers, Adrian George Slingerland, Lila Mae Slot, Betty Marian Smant, Gail Ann S ^ a n t , Roger L. Smies, Frederic Don Smith, Alan R Smith, Betty Lou Smith, Donald George Smith, Douglas J Smith, J o h n Clay Smith, Kara Hardy Smith, Patricia L Smith, Richard Wayne Smith, Ronald Clark Smith, Sylvia E Smith, T . William Smoll, Janiece Sue
115, 145 230 85, 218 197 139, 197 230 127, 133, 138, 197 140, 209 230 105, 144 112, 129, 130, 140, 203 143 230 112, 129 218 85, 142, 218 145, 209 218 , . . . . 1 4 1 , 209 139, 218 139, 218 129, 138, 209 141, 218 141 115, 141, 230 128, 139, 197 230 230 120, 125, 128, 140, 197 209 124, 209
137, 218 230 197 230 124, 128, 135, 197 127, 209 141, 209 218 197 114, 209 121, 135, 218 143, 230 114, 124, 218 138, 218 131, 209
Sneller, Delwyn Lee Snodgrass, Constance Rae Snyder, Dorothy Snyder, Michael Stewart Solman, Joseph Daniel Solodow, John Joseph Sonneveldt, Susan Ellen Soo, Hudsen Yee Yau Spayde, Suzanne Spencer, Robert L. Spencer, Sharon Lyn Sperfslage, Kermit Allen Spring, Susan N Staat, Darrel Staat, Diana Stahl, T r a u d l Stam, J o h n Garrett Stansby, David A. Staple, James A Starks, Robert Leland Stavenger, David Lee Steegstra, Barbara Ann Steensma, Ronald George Steffens, Gretchen Elizabeth Steffens, T h o m a s George Stegeman, Timothy Lee Stegink, David John Stehouwer, David Mark
93, 127, 105, 124, 129, 134, 127, 85,
127, 137, 132, 143,
209 230 144 218 197 230 197 209 197 230 230 113 209
85, 144, 218 143 112, 209 230 144, 209 85, 230 197 135, 197 230 230 218 142 112, 210 230 218 198 144 I l l , 123, 126, 198 230 230 218 230 122, 138, 197 115, 210 198 114, 137 218 85 134, 114, 144, 136,
210 230 210 218 219 219 113 219 112, 123, 132, 198 115, 127, 201
Stemtort, Vernon Lee Steketee, Peter William Steketee, Sally Jean Stell, Lance K Sterk, Vernon Jay Stevens, J o h n Clark Stevens, Lucie Elizabeth Stielstra, Edward A Stoner, Penny Jean Straatsma, T h o m a s Edward Stranyak, Robert Clifford Strengholt, Phil Daniel Strom, Sally Anne Strong, Frederick Smith Stryker, David Sturgis, Dennis Ray Su, Stephen C. K. Su, T i m o t h y Summerfelt, William Howorth Summers, Frederick David Sutton, A n n Marie Suwyn, Mark A Swango, W. Robert Swank, Rolland L Swart, J o h n A Swart, Valerie Vera Swets, Douglas Barry Swets, Marcia Kay Swieringa, J u d i t h Kay Swinehart, Betty A n n Sytsma, M e n n o J Sytsma, Ruth-Ann Syversen, Nancy Joan
ten Hoor, Joan Mary T e n Pas, Larry Walter Tenpas, William J o h n T e n Pas, Neil T e r Beek, Bruce K. Terbeek, Glen T e Roller, Donald Spriggs Terpstra, J o h n D Terpstra, Robert Kenneth Teusink, J o h n Paul Teusink, Kenneth Glenn TeWinkle, Nancy Lee T h e u n e , Peter James Thomas, Judyth Mary Thompson, Donald H u g h T i d d , Mark N a t h a n Tiezzi, Linda J o Tigelaar, Howard Lee Tigelaar, Robert Earl Tillema, Nerb Tillema, James Earl Tilton, Clyde Duane Timkovich, Carole Sue T i m m e r , Ben H Timmer, Sandra Kay Timmers, Margaret Anne Timms, Wayne Hamilton T o n , Marlea Sue Toxopeus, Douglas Paul
219 144, 210 139 143 133, 134, 198 198 198 210 127, 137, 198 210 131, 210 231 219 143, 210 I l l , 112, 129, 141
142 136, 219 142, 198 210 210 127, 198 231 99 I l l , 136, 219 198 114, 219 85, 99, 143, 231 I l l , 128, 140, 219 139, 219
Toy, Marcia C. Trazler, Margaret Ann Troike, Dorothy Troost, Donald Philip Trost, James Fredrick Trowbridge, Linda Jean Tsai, Phillip Tubergen, David Gene Turinsky, Linda Martha Turkstra, Bruce Alan Turkstra, Carol Arlene
t Tallman, Alice A n . . . . . Tam, Pearl T a n , Helen May Tanis, Diane L Tanis, J o h n Allen Tanis, J u d i t h A n n Tanis, Paul M a r t i n . . , Taylor, Evonne R u t h Taylor, Lauren Jean Taylor, Susan Bea T e Beest, Ron H T e Croney, Nelson Jerry Tein, Sharon Lois Tell, James Ray TenBrink, Arvin Ralph T e n Brink, Jean Marie T e n Brink, Lana T e n Brink, Norman Wayne Tenckinck, Kenneth Dale
198 126, 140, 210 231 231
113, 219 199 132, 219 210 141, 199 144 144 145, 219 141, 199 85, 144, 231 112, 137, 199 210 I l l , 112, 136, 219 132, 199 112, 135, 219 231 110, 112, 126, 199 I l l , 120, 131 231 131, 210 134, 210 143, 231 210 231 131, 210 135, 219 199
135, 105, 114, 112, 139,
199 219 231 231 199
113, 331
199 U
Utzinger, J o h n Donald
115, 125, 129, 131, 198 112, 138, 219 231
219 V
Vaccaro, James Richard Valentine, Ralph James Van Allsburg, Lester Lee Van Auken, Ronald Everett Van Beek, Dirk L Van Belois, Harvard John Van Beveren, Leslie Van Bree, Christine Van Bruggen, Robert C Van Dahm, George
93, 141, 145, 125, 140, Ill,
203 198 199 210 199 115, 231 210 126, 144, 210 215
231 115, 145, 219 231 144, 219 210 199 137, 220 231 131, 145, 210
Van Dam, Teodore Richard Vande Bunte, Carla J Vande Bunte, Lynne Van De Hoef, Larry Dean Vanden Berg, Alan James Vandenberg, Betty Ann Vanden Berg, Norie. Vandenberg, Mary E. Vandenburg, Sharon Lynn Vanden Hoek, Caron Marie VanDePolder, Jean Ann Vander Beek, Ronald Lee Vander Borg, Richard 110, Vander Burgh, Cynthis Vander Kolk, Charles J o h n Vander Kolk, James H Vanderlaan, Norma Jean Vander Lugt, Elizabeth K Vander Meer, Albert Vander Molen, Vonda Mae Vander Naald, J u d i t h A VanderRost, J o h n Wesley van der Schalk, Jacobus C Vander Veen, Joan Kay Vander Velde, George Vanderwel, David James Vanderwest, Barbara Jean Vande Vrede, Marcia Beth Van Dyk, T r u d y 124, 125, Van Dyke, Donald G. Van Dyke, Leon Jay Van Dyke, T h o m a s C Van Dyke, William Gerald Van Eck, Vicki Lynn Van Eden, James Van Harn, Lois Jean Van Haver, Lee Anne Van Heyningen, Terry J Van Hoeven, William Van Hoff, Lois Ann Van Hoven, Jay Van Huis, Charlotte Daun Van Kampen, Wayne Allan Van Kuiken, Beth H. Van Kuiken, Katherine Ann Van Lente, Carol Joyce Van Lente, Frederick Van Liere, Jack A. Van Lierop, Peter Creswell Van Lonkhuyzen, Christian E Van Middlesworth, Carol A n n Van Noord, Carl Frederick Van Ouwerkerk, Susan Elizabeth Van Pernis, Mary Ann Van Proyen, Dirk Theodore
Van Raalte, Judie A 200 Van Raalte, Shirley Mae 133, 232 Van Schenkhof, Ronald N 115, 145 VanSlageren, Joan Wilma 135, 220 Van Tatenhove, Frederick David 85, 131, 200 Van Til, James Edward 105, 143, 200 Van Tol, Kenneth J o h n 232 Van Wieren, Alan Wayne 220 Van Wieren, Clare Royce 93, 105, 141 Van Wieren, Glenn Lee 93, 105, 141, 200 VanWitzenburg, R u t h 128, 200 Van Wyk, Carl William 85, 232 Van Zoeren, Keith J 142, 200 Vaughn, Sharon Pluister 210 113, 114 Veen, Palmer E Velthuizen, T i n a 122, 220 Venhuizen, Ronald Cornell 93, 105, 201 Verduin, Kathleen I l l , 112, 115, 136, 210 Verduin, Paul H 232 Ver Hulst, Nancy Joan 114, 232 Ver Meulen, J o h n 131, 142 Ver Steeg, J o h n H 131, 142, 210 Verwolf, David Herman Verwys, Vencent Joseph Veurink, Charles Howard 85, 93, 105, 126, 133, 141, 201 Vietor, J i m 142 Visscher, Joan Dell Visscher, Joanne Kay 133, 138, 201 Visser, J o h n Allen Vogas, Michael Mark 232
85, 141, 136, 110, 115,
231 210 199 145 231 220 I l l , 125, 140, 199 220 231 126, 137, 200 114, 220 124, 131, 145, 200 220 141, 210
112, 140, 115, 131, 145, 120, 139, 128, 134, 135,
220 220 231 220 210 145 200 210 232 232 200 210
113, 220 200 232 220 232 232 130, 133, 139, 220 132, 200 127, 144, 200 220 142 200 232
Vogel, Denis Floyd Vogelaar, Hans Voigt, Marcia Lee Vojak, Bernadine E Vollink, Mary Linice Von Ins, David Lee Voorhorst, Louise A Voskuil, Karen R u t h Voss, J o h n Mark
I l l , 211 141, 220 211 I l l , 139, 201 112, 140, 201 211 220 110, 111, 112, 131, 140, 201 201 w
Waanders, Gerald Lee Wackerbarth, Paul Henry Wagenveld, Charlotte Lynn Wagner, Carol Lee Wagner, Sarah Arm Wakefield, Arthur Roy Waldron, Jeffrey Wallace, Judity Lynn Wallick, Ray Jr. Walsma, Kathleen Ann Walters, Carl Dale Walters, Ellen R u t h Walvoord, Charles Lewis
136, 210 141, 232 112, 141, 210 122, 200 114, 232 232 85, 232
113, 114, 141 125, 131, 134, 145, 201 232 120, 201 121, 220 141, 220 129, 137, 211 135, 220 124, 211 144, 232
Walvoord, Dirk William Walvoord, Douglas J o h n Walvoord, Linda R u t h Walz, Ken Wandersee, Paul Elwin Wang, J o h n Ling-Fai Warnet, Ronald Jack Warren, Barbara Lee Wasdyke, Wasley Roger Washburn, Diane Darlene Washburn, Phyllis Waterman, J o h n H Watrous, Elbert Harrison Waugh, Peter Robert Weber, Kenneth Joseph Weed, Larry Howard Weener, Dennis Lee Weersing, Marcelyn Wegner, Dennis Leroy Weiss, Carl Russell Welcher, Frances Barbara Wells, Jane A n n Wells, Joan Helen Welmers, Margaret Jean Welmers, R. Bruce Welsh, Richard J o h n Welton, Bradlee Scott Wepfer, Richard William Werge, Robert Wendell Werkman, Barry Lee Wesselink, J o h n Stewart Wessels, Nancy K Wessling, Stephen Francis Westenbroek, Mary A n n Westerbeke, Richard M Westerhof, Merrilyn Sulkers Westerhoff, Donald J o h n Westervelt, Robert Dean Westrate, Larry Wezeman, Frederick Henry Whary, William Hugh, J r Whitaker, Ellen White, Donald Lawrence White, Jack K White, Robert A Whitfield, M. Diane Wiechman, Sharon Lee Wiegerink, James Lenard Wiegman, Marjorie A Wilcox, Stephen Judson Wierenga, Coral Jean Wierenga, Marilyn Kae Wierenga, Sandra Kay Wiersma, J i m Allen Wiersma, Ronald James Wierzbicki, E d m u n d J
232 201 110, 115, 136, 201 143, 211
Wilcox, Dennis Brent Wilkens, Deanna R u t h Wills, Harold William Wilson, Alan Robert Wilson, Lois Miriam Wilson, Marylou Wilson, Robert E Wilson, William Smith, Jr. Winstead, Clyde D Wissink, Bonnie Jean Witter, Richard H Woerdehoff, Joan Kay Wognum, Joan Carol Wojahn, Charles William Wolbrink, J i m F. Wolbrink, Lois Jeanetta Woldsen, Arikka Marie Wolf, Barbara P Wolters, Richard Mark Wolters, R u t h Ann Wombwell, T h o m a s Paul Wood, Katherine R u t h Wood, Lucille Anna Woodall, Margery A n n Woodley, Karen Leora Woodward, J o h n Stephen Workman, Craig L Wormuth, John H Wozney, R u t h A n n Wright, Sandra Kay Wyatt, Martha Ellen Wylie, A n n H. Wynne, Edwin C
127, 211 127, 132, 211 220 126 112, 129, 201 121 115, 232 113, 141, 201 220 114, 220 99, 141, 232 112 127, 132, 220 201 i l 2 , 139, 211 232 232 233 133, 201 144, 202 141, 233 132, 220 115, 220 115, 131, 145, 202 142, 233 137, 202 85, 99, 233 233 142, 233
114, 115, 145, 112, 143, 112, 114, 115,
85, 134,
110, 125, 129,
233 233 114, 233 112, 141 202 137, 221 221 233 202 112, 132, 143, 202 135, 221 136, 221
112, 140, 221 135, 221 113, 132 202 138, 202
99, 134, 123, 122,
127, 202 202 143, 233 142, 221 139, 202 138, 211 233 202
y Yager, Barbara Lois Yeager, Charyle Lou Yntema, David Charles Yonkers, Carol L Yntema, Rowen Yzenbaard, R u t h E
211 221 221 202 233 211 141 202 143 221 221 126 211 145 233
115, 138, 211 112, 138, 221 131, 221 112, 139, 211 142 113, 115, 123, 139, 211 z
Zamoida, Marsha Sonia Zeas, Jaime Zeller, Aileen Mary Zevalkink, Anne Elizabeth Ziemann, R u t h Amilie Zimmermann, J o h n Lyle Zophy, J o n a t h a n Walter Zuithoff, Kenneth L Zwart, David Allen Zwart, Jerry Alan Zwart, Nancy A Zylman, Judy Zylstra, Bruce Allen
135, 221 221 142
221 131 233 233 233 233 115, 141, 233 99, 143, 233 110, 128, 132, 136, 203 235 221
Dr. Clarence DeGraaf Mr. Jack Cobb of Great Lakes Graphic Arts Mr. Irving Lloyd and Mr. Kirk Rowland Mr. Keener of S. K. Smith Co. Jerry Kruyf Mrs. Stryker T h e Anchor Jay VanderMeulen Prince Studios Mrs. Calvin VanderWerf Dr. Fried Miss Mary Hesselink
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