Milestone 1965

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Administration and Faculty


Index .



AND REGISTRATION BEGIN THE YEAR Convocation assembly m a r k e d the f o r m a l o p e n i n g of t h e 1964-1965 school year. Dr. Chris De Y o u n g addressed the s t u d e n t body on, " M a n in T o d a y ' s W o r l d . " I B M m o v e d o n t o c a m p u s for registration week, a n d m a n a g e d to so c o m p l i c a t e the processes that n o t only was r e g i s t r a t i o n delayed for 80 hours, b u t the p r o b l e m of pluses and minuses in grades was solved by elimination. M o b c o n f u s i o n , f r u s t r a t i o n , a n d long periods of w a i t i n g characterized the days controlled by I B M .


F r e s h m e n were o r i e n t a t e d immediately to life on H o p e ' s campus. T h e first few days, f r e s h m e n were involved in t a k i n g a p t i t u d e , p l a c e m e n t a n d personality tests. L o n g lines a n d writer's cramps set the pace for the year. Freshmen could be spotted easily as they w o r e lovely green beanies a n d n a m e signs as symbols of humility, before superior u p p e r classmen, and their general inexperience.


After a week's activities of m i l d hazing, offenders were b r o u g h t before K a n g a r o o C o u r t in the p i n e grove a n d j u d g e d guilty. P u n i s h m e n t varied a c c o r d i n g to the offense, b u t all were t a u g h t a m u c h needed lesson on f r e s h m e n ethics. Activities were c u l m i n a t e d w i t h orientation of a n o t h e r sort, the f r o s h - s o p h beach party a n d the all-college m i x e r .

GENEVA RETREAT Geneva R e t r e a t , as the a n n u a l weekend f u n c t i o n of the S t u d e n t C h r i s t i a n Association, was designed to give i m p e t u s a n d direction to the student's spiritual life. At C a m p Geneva on L a k e M i c h i g a n , students g a t h e r e d to express a n d discuss issues in small i n f o r m a l g r o u p sessions. T h e discussion centered a r o u n d problems in Christian living and the place of Christianity on campus. Co-chairmen Rich Koster and M i k e L a u g h l i n p l a n n e d faculty addresses to the students a l o n g w i t h singing a n d recreation. Dr. H e n r y Voogd led the Friday n i g h t candle light service, a n d t h e weekend was climaxed by the Saturday n i g h t c o m m u n i o n service.




HATS OFF TO Frosh screamed out their victory at the record b r e a k i n g pull success. T h e spirited f r e s h m a n class showed their "elan" as they s p u r r e d their team onward. Practised a n d coached, the f r e s h m a n pull team m e t the s o p h o m o r e pull team at Black River for a test of strength, timing, a n d e n d u r a n c e . M o r a l e girls stood by to aid a n d e n c o u r a g e the men with water a n d lemon, tape a n d towels. Enthusiasts of all classes crowded the fences intently watching the slightest m o v e m e n t of the rope. T h e eighteen members of each team d u g in their pits, stretched their rope, and pulled. Finally the s o p h o m o r e team, coached by Gerry Kreuger, Jim Serum, a n d Dave Stavenger, h a d to s u c c u m b to the mighty freshmen, w h o were coached by L a r r y De Vries, Rill Fuge, a n d Pat E a m e n .

THE FRESHMEN Frosh again shrieked a b o u t victory as mistress of ceremonies A r l e n e Dietz a w a r d e d t h e m t h e cherished N y k e r k c u p . T h e c o m p e t i t i o n between freshmen w o m e n , h e a d e d by R u t h Sytsma, a n d s o p h o m o r e w o m e n , h e a d e d by Joyce De Korver, in song, play, a n d o r a t i o n c l i m a x e d the high point of e n t h u s i a s m a n d tension which h a d b u i l t u p d u r i n g the l o n g weeks of d i l i g e n t practice f o r both classes. T h e f r e s h m e n won w i t h the song, " W h i l e W e ' r e Y o u n g , " the play, "Business Is Bad For Fairy God M o t h e r s , " a n d the o r a t i o n by Karen Swets. T h e s o p h o m o r e s sang, "I H a v e Decided T o Be an O l d M a i d , " t h e play was " C o n s t a n t i a , " a n d the oration was given by D i a n e Dykstra. W h i l e the judges k e p t the tense a u d i e n c e w aitin g , f o u r ridiculous rogues e n t e r t a i n e d .


scsc T h e r e p e a t e d cry h e a r d on c a m p u s this year was " W e w a n t a u n i o n " . T h r o u g h the years, s t u d e n t s have p l a n n e d a n d discussed u n i o n possibilities for Hope's c a m p u s ; however, n o t h i n g concrete had been d o n e except for the t e m p o r a r y limited facilities of the J u l i a n a R o o m in D u r f e e basement. T h r o u g h the u n i t e d a n d s t r o n g efforts of students a n d administration, plans are now u n d e r w a y for a s t u d e n t u n i o n b u i l d i n g . T h e drive for this facility began with a s t u d e n t d e m o n s t r a t i o n at President V a n d e r W e r f ' s home, Preston M a r i n g h e a d e d the S t u d e n t U n i o n Board, w o r k i n g with Bruce Neckers a n d President VanderWerf, T h e Student Center C a m p a i g n f u n d committee, h e a d e d by Charles M e n n i n g a n d R o b e r t D o n i a staged several projects to earn money such as p a i n t i n g curbs f o r the city, a n d o p e r a t i n g a gas station. Students b o u g h t b l u e a n d gold buttons to indicate their spirit a n d support. A t h e r m o m e t e r was set u p n e a r Van R a a l t e to register progress.

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HOMECOMING-1964 "Only In A m e r i c a " was the t h e m e for the homecoming activities, as a l u m n i j o i n e d students a n d parents for this festive weekend. W i n n e r s in the float contest were A l p h a Phi Sorority a n d the A r c a d i a n Fraternity. H o u s e decorations, all in k e e p i n g w i t h the theme, were j u d g e d a n d Phelps H a l l with " R i p Van W i n k l e Visiting Sleepy H o l l a n d " won first place in the d o r m i t o r y division. Special f e a t u r e for the weekend was a h o o t e n a n n y w i t h various folk singing groups e n t e r t a i n i n g . T h e traditional Liberty Ball climaxed the weekend's activities.


Sally Kooistra Linda Patterson

Sue Dampman

Jackie Nyboer

Carol Borst

Anita Awad


Queen — Sandy Cady

Sue Borst


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THE GAME Q u e e n Sandy Cady a n d h e r c o u r t presided over t h e a f t e r n o o n football g a m e in which the H o p e Flying D u t c h m e n were d e f e a t e d by the A l b i o n Britions, 27-6. T h e team was f a i t h f u l l y s u p p o r t e d by the b a n d a n d the special a t t r a c t i o n at half-time was the b a n d ' s p e r f o r m a n c e , this time led by Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra.

CAMPUS SPEAKERS T h e C u l t u r a l A f f a i r s Committee p l a n n e d speakers for special all-college assemblies which were held on T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g s a n d at o t h e r times in the evening, b r i n g i n g to c a m p u s distinguished speakers and i n t e r n a t i o n a l leaders. T h e p r o g r a m , u n d e r the direction of J a m e s Chesney as s t u d e n t c o m m i t t e e c h a i r m a n , was designed to b r i n g in outside speakers, i n c o r p o r a t e c a m p u s talent, a n d contribu t e to the general c u l t u r a l e n r i c h m e n t of the student.



Dr. Lloyd Averill, Academic Dean of Kalamazoo College

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Congressman Charles Goodell, Republican from New York

Sir Mohammed Khan, former U.N. Assembly President

Dr. Samuel Terrain, from Union Theological Seminary

Dr. Robert Schuler, evangelist from Garden-Grove Drive-in Church

Sidney Harris, columnist for the Chicago Daily News

Elly Peterson, candidate for the U.S. Senate

Dr. Alfred Kelly, Chairman of Wayne State University History Dept.


T h e special w e e k e n d for p a r e n t s of H o p e College students, u n d e r the direction of D o t t i e H i n z a n d N a n c y Slagter, o r i e n t a t e d M o m s a n d Dads to c a m p u s life a n d gave t h e m a chance to m e e t t h e faculty. T h e w e e k e n d events h i g h l i g h t e d a football g a m e in which t h e D u t c h were victorious over O h i o N o r t h e r n , 20-0, Bill C a t h c a r t p r o v i d e d the e n t e r t a i n m e n t at half-time. O t h e r f e a t u r e s of the weeke n d were an o p e n house, b u f f e t d i n n e r , s t u d e n t variety show, a n d the p aren tfaculty r e c e p t i o n .




O N CAMPUS Christmas was a time of joy a n d surprise on H o p e ' s c a m p u s as elsewhere. A special surprise this year was the cookie tree in the P i n e Grove which s t u d e n t s discovered early in the m o r n i n g on t h e i r way to chapel. Most s u r p r i s i n g of all was the fact that the cookies did n o t r u n o u t the first day, b u t were r e p l e n i s h e d every night for a w h o l e week, by a very local source, the President's family. Students b r i g h t e n e d t h e d o r m s with decorations a n d t r i m m e d trees. T r a d i t i o n a l C h r i s t m a s Vespers w e r e presented by the H o p e College Music D e p a r t m e n t with t h e R e v . David Clark presiding.

INTERNATIONAL NIGHT I n t e r n a t i o n a l N i g h t this year again served to increase u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d foster an appreciation for different cultures, as A m e r i c a n students joined with foreign s t u d e n t s to present an evening's e n t e r t a i n m e n t p l a n n e d a r o u n d a d i n n e r f e a t u r i n g foods f r o m o t h e r countries, e n t e r t a i n ment p r o g r a m with Jack Van deSchalk of the N e t h e r l a n d s as master of ceremonies, a n d displays with foreign s t u d e n t s in costume answering questions a n d e x p l a i n i n g i n t e r e s t i n g facets of their c u l t u r e .


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K Farewell dinner at the Palais Palacivini in Vienna




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General view of Vienna with National Theatre in the foreground

VIENNA SUMMER SCHOOL • T h e H o p e Collgee V i e n n a S u m m e r School program, directed by Dr. Patd Fried, skives students the o p p o r t u n i t y to travel a b r o a d a n d study Europ e a n c u l t u r e as well as a p p r o p r i a t e subject matter. Early in J u n e , the students have an introductory study t o u r a n d then they settle d o w n in V i e n n a to live and learn in t h a t t h r i l l i n g Austrian city. A f t e r completion of course work, the students have free travel for t h r e e weeks before b o a r d i n g a p l a n e to r e t u r n to the U n i t e d States.

Viennese Music — Professor Molzer and Jim Schreiber demonstrate the sonata form for music class Hope students cruising down the Rhine 45

ALL COLLEGE SING T h e All College Sing, a n a n n u a l c o m p e t i t i o n between f r a t e r n i t i e s a n d sororities, is t h e e n d result of practicing a n d spirited a n t i c i p a t i o n . Mistress of ceremonies, Gail G r o t e n h u i s , p r e s e n t e d t h e sorority trophy to the w i n n i n g Delta Phi, directed by Louise Voorhorst; a n d m a s t e r of ceremonies JefF M u l l e r presented the f r a t e r n i t y trophy to P h i T a u N u , directed by M a r k L e m m e n e z . E n t e r t a i n m e n t was p r o v i d e d by a f r e s h m a n c h o r u s a n d a faculty octet led by Professor Henry T e n H o o r .


VISITS HOPE His Royal H i g h n e s s P r i n c e B e r n h a r d was welcomed to H o p e College by President Calvin V a n d e r W c r f d u r i n g his April visit to H o l l a n d . H e addressed the s t u d e n t b o d y at a formal c o n v o c a t i o n held in D i m n e n t Memorial C h a p e l on the topic, "International U n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d I n d i v i d u a l Responsibility." T h e p r i n c e came to Holland to d e d i c a t e the a u t h e n t i c 200-yearold w i n d m i l l , " D e Z w a a n , " which is a symbol of the D u t c h c o n t r i b u t i o n to the b u i l d i n g of Amcrica, stemmine; f r o m the earliest settlement on t h e island of M a n hattan. D u r i n g his stay. P r i n c e B e r n h a r d was h o n o r e d at a H o p e College l u n c h e o n at which the M o t e t C h o i r p r e s e n t e d a program of D u t c h songs.

FINE ARTS FESTIVAL " T h e N e g r o in A m e r i c a n C u l t u r e " was the t h e m e of the 1965 H o p e College Fine Arts Festival. C e n t e r i n g a r o u n d this theme, the week-end activities enlighte n e d m i n d a n d s t i m u l a t e d t h i n k i n g . O u t s t a n d i n g Negro artists in the field of music, art, a n d poetry h i g h l i g h t e d the weekend. G w e n d o l y n Brooks, w i n n e r of the Pulitzer Prize for poetry, o p e n e d the festival with a r e a d i n g of her verses which portray essentially the A m e r i c a n Negro, b u t basically are a b o u t every m a n ' s loneliness a n d problems. T h e exhibit of the works of American painters, particularly those of Jacob Lawrence, was formally o p e n e d in Van Zoeren Library, with n a r r a t o r Kelly W i l l i a m s . T h e p a i n t i n g s f r o m the Detroit I n s t i t u t e of Art, the W h i t n e y and M o d e r n Museums, reflected clearly the pathos s u r r o u n d i n g the N e g r o in America. A musical p r o g r a m by Ethel W a t e r s in D i m n e n t C h a p e l presented a n o t h e r artist to students. Dedicated to God's work, Ethel W a t e r s displayed a vibrant faith and a w i n n i n g personality. She was accompanied by R e g i n a l d Rcane. A n o t h e r p r o g r a m of music climaxed the full weekend, as the audience listened to works by composer Ulysses Kay, neo-classic artist in choral works as well as orchestral compositions. Selections were rendered by the H o p e College choir, b a n d and orchestra. Besides the o u t s t a n d i n g artists, weekend activities f e a t u r e d m a n y informal g a t h e r i n g s a n d coffee discussions with visiting artists. A panel discussion of the festival t h e m e with Ulvsses Kay, Kcllv Williams, D a m o n W h i t e , w i t h David Clark as m o d e r a t o r gave students a n d faculty the o p p o r t u n i t y to interact directly with discussion a n d the problem of the N e g r o C u l t u r e in fine arts today.


Gwendolyn Brooks

Kelly Williams


JEAN LANG LAIS J e a n Langlais, world r c k n o w n French organist a n d composer, p e r f o r m e d a special concert in D i m n e n t M e m o r i a l Chapel for the e n j o y m e n t of the college community. Langlais played selections from R n x t e h u d e , Bach, and DeGrigny. H e concluded his program with three of his own works, composed d u r i n g a recent U n i t e d States tour. U n i q u e with the Langlais visit was a Master Class in which certain s e l e c t e d s t u d e n t s performed for the master's criticism of their work.


Jean Langlais



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U n d e r new directors James Malcolm a n d R o b e r t Wegter,Mope's L i t t l e T h e a t e r enjoyed a n o t h e r s u c c e s s f u l year. Alt h o u g h the long climh to the f o u r t h floor of the s c i e n c e b u i l d i n g is wearying, Palette and M a s q u e f o u n d many students willing to b u i l d sets, m a k e costumes and act. "Androcles and the Lion," the o p e n i n g p r o d u c t i o n , successfully p r e s e n t e d the wit of George B e r n a r d Shaw.' A r t h u r Miller's " T h e C r u c i b l e " changed the tone with its tale of the Salem witch trials. T h e last p r o d u c t i o n , which took place in Snow A u d i t o r i u m , was Moliere's " T a r tuffe," a brilliantly d o n e version of the classic French farce.






Jerry Waanders, Ellis Julien, Carol Diephouse

Mr. and Mrs. James Tallis

Charles Ashbrenner, Robert Cecil

Leslie Clark, Gloria Mooi

Music has always played a large role on H o p e ' s campus. T h i s year the Music D e p a r t m e n t contribu t e d increasingly a n d unceasingly to the enjoym e n t of s t u d e n t s a n d faculty with an a d m i r a b l e series of faculty recitals as well as t h e t r a d i t i o n a l senior a n d music s t u d e n t recitals. In a d d i t i o n to the scheduled p e r f o r m a n c e s of the larger musical g r o u p on c a m p u s a n d the i n t r o d u c t i o n of guest recitalists, the b a n d perf o r m e d the d e l i g h t f u l f u n c t i o n of e n t e r t a i n i n g the c a m p u s c o m m u n i t y in the P i n e Grove with their e n j o y a b l e o u t d o o r concert.


T h e Lettermen

Jacques and Birdie


MORE MUSIC A n o t h e r aspect of the musical w o r l d t h a t can hardly be i g n o r e d is t h a t of the various singing g r o u p s w h o e n t e r t a i n o n c a m p u s d u r i n g the year. For the second time H o p e b r o u g h t big n a m e e n t e r t a i n m e n t to c a m p u s in t h e f o r m of the L e t t e r m e n , o n e of the n a t i o n ' s top r e c o r d i n g groups. Earlier in the year, J a c q u e s a n d Birdie, two Liverpool folk singers, led an all college "hoot". E t h n i c d i e t P a r k e r c o n t r i b u t e d to the H o m e c o m i n g H o o t , a n d of course, t h e r e have been for the past two of t h r e e years H o p e ' s own c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the folk s i n g i n g world, T h e N e w W o r l d Minstrels a n d Peter, P a u l a n d M o u n d s .


New World Minstrels

Anita A wad, May Day Queen 1965


MAY DAY " I n v i t a t i o n to S p r i n g " was the t h e m e of May Day w e e k e n d activities for 1965. Q u e e n Sally Kooistra presided over the t a p p i n g of n e w Mortar Board m e m b e r s f o r 65-66 a n d e n d e d her reign w i t h the a n n o u n c e m e n t of the M a y Day Q u e e n f o r t h i s year,Miss A n i t a A w a d o f the Phi 11 ippines, a n d h e r court, consisting of: Carol Borst, T o o d i e Finlay, Jean Frissel, R u t h Meyer, E v o n n e T a y l o r , a n d Carol W i t t e r . In t r a d i t i o n a l m a n n e r , the t h e m e of s p r i n g was carried out in the pastel colors of the F r e s h m e n H o n o r G u a r d a n d t h e M a y Pole dance of the Sophomores. T h e weekend was r o u n d e d out with a picnic at Kollen P a r k , i n t e r f r a t c r n i t y track a n d field competition, intersorority Softball c o m p e t i t i o n a n d " S p r i n g Fever", the d a n c e which c u l m i n a t e d the weekend's activities.




"We want pants!"




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Four cuts and you're out

Bottoms up







CIVIL RIGHTS MARCH " H o p e for V o t i n g R i g h t s " was the theme of the s t u d e n t m a r c h i n d i c a t i n g the position of H o p e s t u d e n t s on the civil rights issue. T h e 300 s t u d e n t s and faculty m a r c h e d to city hall to present the petition signed bv over 700 students to M a y o r Bosman, asking senators a n d congressmen to s u p p o r t the v o t i n g rights hill! A1 Lawenstein, advisor to the Mississippi Freedom D e m o c r a t i c Party spoke to the s t u d e n t s giving direction for fut u r e action. At the city hall, A l f r e d Cowles, director of the H u m a n R e l a t i o n s Commission, moved by the concern of the H o p e students, said t h a t the f u t u r e of civil rights rests with students t h r o u g h out the country. March c h a i r m a n H a l H u g g i n s , working with Rob Donia, Neil Sebania, a n d Dick Shiels, were r e s p o n s i b l e f o r the quiet dignity of the d e m o n s t r a t i o n .




COMMENCEMENT T h e 1965 g r a d u a t i n g class m a r k e d die C e n t e n n i a l C o m m e n c e m e n t of H o p e College. T h e c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises formally closed the year's activities a n d m a r k e d t h e c o m p l e t i o n of degree req u i r e m e n t s for the graduates. W e e k e n d activities consisted of A l u m n i Day on Saturday w i t h m a n y class r e u n i o n s , a n d Sunday Baccalaureate services w i t h the Rev. Charles L. C o p e n h a u e r f r o m N e w York addressing the g r a d u a t e s . At the g r a d u a t i o n exercises, which were held in the Civic C e n t e r , seniors were addressed by L a n d r a m R. Boiling, President of E a r l h a m College, on " T h e Struggle for M e a n i n g " . T h e g r a d u a t e s received their coveted degrees a n d of special interest to the college a n d f r i e n d s was the a w a r d i n g of the h o n o r a r y doctrate of science degree to Dr. G e r r i t Van Zyl.

Dr. Gerrit Van Zyl




H o p e ' s expectations for a second consecutive M I A A football title collapsed in a season w h e n fate seemed against the D u t c h m e n . W i t h his backfield a n d line p u n c t u r e d by i n j u r i e s , coach Russ DeVette o r d e r e d q u a r t e r b a c k H a r l a n H y i n k to fill the air w i t h footballs. A l t h o u g h f r e s h m a n Keith Abel filled in a d m i r a b l y at r u n n i n g back, the offense d i d n ' t get rolling u n t i l the final g a m e in which H o p e polished off a s t r o n g O h i o N o r t h ern team, 20-0. Defensive end Gary Holvick received all-conference h o n o r s for his o u t s t a n d i n g play, while end R o g Kroodsma, tackle M a x Schipper, a n d linebacker T o m C o u s i n e a u , t h e team's most valuable player, each were accorded h o n o r a b l e mention.


SCORES Hope 0 0 6 21 6 6 0 20

Findlay Wheaton Kalamazoo Alma Adrian Albion Olivet Ohio Northern


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Lett to right, First row: T . Hcntlrickson, S. Langeland, B. Osterhouse, V. Plagenhoef, H. Hyink, R. Abel, K. Feit, B. Ming, D. Kraak, D. Underwood, D. Holman, D. DeVelder, P. Rauwerdink, B. White; Second row: K. Carpenter, M. Mcnning, M. Schipper, D. Van Beek, J. Stain, J. Bekkering, P. Bast, K, Abel, C. Poppink, T . Cousineau,

J. Norton, B. Hultgren, P. Wassenaar, A. Sikkers, B. Menning; Third row: Coach Brewer, C. Van Wyk, B. Barger, D. Kroodsma, A. Kinney, T . Carlson, R. Kroodsma, R. Kuiper, T . DeKuiper, T. Bast, G. Holvick, M. Barendse, K. Teusink, K. Postma, J. Huisman, T. Pelon. S, Wessling, Coach DeVette

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A l t h o u g h finishing the season with a good 4-2 m a r k , H o p e ' s cross-country team received a n u n e x p e c t e d b a d break w h e n it was forced to f o r f e i t all of its victories because of an ineligibility. It was ano t h e r instance of t o u g h luck for a y o u n g t e a m which shows great promise with sophomore Gary Peiper and freshmen Paul H a r t m e n a n d Gal Osterhaven ret u r n i n g n e x t year.

Left to Right, First row: C. Berry, K, Taylor, H. Lay. J. Beltman, D. Howe; Second row. C. Osterhaven, G. Peiper, R. Anker, D. de Velder, P. Hartman



Football, British style, has arrived o n Hope's campus in the form of soccer, an action packed, fast m o v i n g game which is sure to be a crowd pleaser. A f t e r a year of pick-up games, a g r o u p of the f a i t h f u l b a n d e d together u n d e r the d i r e c t i o n o f Dr. P h i l i p Van Eyl, acquired u n i f o r m s and began practicing. Led by the scoring of Bennet t Ametefe, Pierre Sende, Allan Griswold, a n d the excellent passing of J i m P i e r p o n t a n d J a i m e Zeas, the hooters finished with a fine 6-1-1 record.

Left to right, First row: R. Cooper, B. De Sawalt, N. Sobania, G. Dallah, B. Ametefe, W. Biuinsma, P. Sende, D. Bao, and J. Zeas; Second row: J. deVelder, B. Bao, J. Ngwa, J. Pierpont, J. Wang, Coach Van Eyl, B. Bailey, G. Auten, N. Raballa, A. Griswold. and D. Yntema

/ SCORES Opponent


1 5 6 5 5

0 8 7

Wheaton Calvin (frosh) Goshen Oakland Calvin (frosh) MSU (frosh) Goshen Oakland

1 0 5

1 0 12

2 2



:U< Left to right, First row: J. Poppink, J. Klein, B. Potter, R. Anker, F. Brady, J. Zwart; Second row: B. Kilborn, C. Buys, D. Kronemeyer. C. Van Wieren, D. Overman, C. Walters, D. Bruninks, R. DeVette



EARLY SEASON WORRIES. T h e Flying D u t c h m e n showed great promise at the b e g i n n i n g of the season a n d t u r n e d w h a t was to be a r e b u i l d i n g campaign into an M I A A title. T h e team played o n e exciting g a m e a f t e r a n o t h e r a n d p u t the finishing touches o n the season with the never to be forgotten Calvin game, won by Don Kronemeyer's free throw after the close of the first overtime. All-conference M I A A selection Clare Van W i e r e n a n d second team pick Floyd Brady were the stalwarts all season with Van W i e r e n leading the team in scoring while f r e s h m e n Brady was a close second a n d was the leading r e b o u n d e r . Kronemeyer, a n o t h e r freshman, seemed to give the spark which b r o u g h t the team out of a mid-season slump. G u a r d Carl Walters, an excellent playmaker a n d shooter, placed on the h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n list. N e x t years team looks strong, with only co-captain Dean O v e r m a n g r a d u a t i n g , a n d Roy Anker, Bill Potter, and Chris Buys r e t u r n i n g .





SCORES Hope 83 93 86 82 103 90 80 79 74 64 85 92 95 71 89 99 106 109 115 104 102

Valpariso Elmhurst Adrian Olivet Alma Aquinas Wheaton Albion Lake Forest Calvin Kalamazoo Elmhurst Lake Forest Concordia Adrian Olivet Alma Albion Wheaton Calvin Kalamazoo

Opponent 64 102 76 75 73 84 104 84 73 87 81 75 88 74 88 82 81 92 100 102 91


JV BASKETBALL T h e j u n i o r varsity basketball team c o n t r i b u t e d to H o p e ' s M I A A c h a m p i o n s h i p team directly as D o n Kronemeyer a n d Dave B r u i n i n k s b o t h moved u p to the varsity squad at mid-season. Coach Siedentop's players displayed the potential a n d c o n t i n u e d i m p r o v e m e n t to win f u t u r e M I A A championships with Jim T h o m a s , R i c h Zondag, a n d T o m Pelon, the leading scorer, leading the way to a 7-10 record for the season.

Left to right. First row: B. Huizenga, D. Farmer, J. Poortinga, J. Thomas, D. Bruininks, E. Heneveld; Second row; T . Pelon, J. Hollenbach, R. Zondag, C. Holleman, R. Borst, M. Paliatsos, P. Waasenar.


10 90

WRESTLING Lett to right: D. Lubbers. D. Howe, J. Miller, H. Wormuth, H. Huggins, B. Brower, B. Kronemeyer, M. Vogas, Coach Greij

1964-65 m a r k e d the b i r t h of wrestling at H o p e . Coached by Mr. Eldon Greij, the team consisted of eight m e n . T h o u g h the team suffered a 0-7 season, it showed its desire to r e m a i n a sport a n d receive varsity status. T h e best efforts were shown by Dan Howe a n d J o h n W o r m u t h , both with 3-4 records.


TRACK AND FIELD Hope's tracksters h a d a fine season, a l t h o u g h cold weather slowed r u n n e r s in the early meets. Finishing t h i r d in the M I A A with a 4-2 record, the D u t c h broke two school records d u r i n g the season a n d two conference m a r k s on the field day. R o n Borst topped the old high j u m p record with a leap of six feet five inches while the 440 yard relay team of Gary Holvick, Bill H u l t g r e n , Bob T h o m p s o n , and Ray Cooper set a new H o p e record. C a p t a i n Dave Lane, voted o u t s t a n d i n g trackman, h a d a h a n d in the two M I A A records, seting a new m a r k himself in the 440 a n d t e a m i n g with H u l t g r e n , Jim P i e r p o n t , a n d M i k e Paliatsos to break the mile relay record set by H o p e the preceding year.



Left to right, First row: F. Shanholtzer, R. Hilbelink, J. Pierpont. B. Hultgren, B. Ming, K. Feit, j. Simons: Second row: J. Poppink, B. Formsma, J. Eenigenberg, S. Reynen, D. Swets, D. Lane. j. Hollenbach, G. Holvick, B. Menning; Third row: F. Brady, G. Peiper, R. Gelok, R. B o m , L. Cole, M, Paliatsos, R. Kuiper, C. Osterhaven, R. Cooper, B. Thompson

SCORES Hope 56 115 56 109 89 41 41 67 88

Calvin Alma Albion Olivet Adrian Valparaiso Marquette Grand Rapids JC Kalamazoo

Opponer 80 21 80 26 47 92 48 69 48


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T h e baseball team, a l t h o u g u losing v a l u a b l e players, t u r n e d in a strong finish this year with a second place finish in the M I A A . A f t e r losing five games o n their s o u t h e r n trip, the D u t c h came w i t h i n one game of w i n n i n g the c h a m p i o n s h i p , only to lose to Kalamazoo, 6-3. Second baseman, W a y n e Cotts a n d pitcher D o n K r o o d s m a made a l l - c o n f e r e n c e M I A A , while T o m Pelon, Claire VanW i e r e n , a n d the team's most valuable player P a u l T e r p s t r a received second team all-MIAA honors. I n c l u d e d in f r e s h m a n Kroodsma's wins was a no-hitter against Alma.

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Lett to right: First row; B. Oosterhouse, R. Mathews, W. Cotts, D. Farmer, S. Nienhuis; Second row: M. Johnson, S. Piersma, C. Poppink, D. Kreuger, T. Dekuiper, D. Troost; Third row: D. Berger, P. Terpstra, D. Kroodsma, C. VanWieren, T . Pelon, Coach Siedentop




Left to right, First row: R. Kronemcyer, B. Hopma, R. Nykamp, L. Stell, D. Nykerk; Second row: I . Safaar, C. Walters, C. Holleman, R. Engstrom, Coach Green


"Doc" Green n u r s e d his tennis team t h r o u g h a cold Southern tour, a n d they responded with six s t r a i g h t v i c t o r i e s in the M I A A before b o w i n g to p e r e n n i a l c h a m p i o n Kalamazoo. Byron H o p m a , Lance Stell, R a n d y N y k a m p , a n d Don Kronemeyer t u r n e d in fine seasons for the D u t c h m e n as singles players, with H o p m a a n d N y k a m p n a m e d as all-MIAA doubles players.

GOLF A l t h o u g h faced w i t h a reb u i l d i n g season o n the links, the golfers finished strong, w i n n i n g their last t h r e e league matches a n d c o m p i l i n g a 4-5 record. Bill P o t t e r a n d G o r d o n Korstange, the two returnees, j o i n e d w i t h L a r r y Cain, Ken Kolenb r a n d e r a n d George Cook to m a k e u p the s q u a d . P o t t e r led the strong finish, s h o o t i n g 154 o n the 36 hole M I A A field day to tie for


third. All five golfers will b e r e t u r n ing n e x t year to bolster H o p e ' s chances for a league title. From left to right: K. Kolanbrander, G. Korstanje, B. Potter, L. Cain, G, Cook



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Hope's i n t r a m u r a l p r o g r a m c o n t i n u e d to p r o v i d e activity this year f o r b o t h m e n a n d w o m e n . Men's sports, i n c l u d e d football, basketball, Softball, tennis, h a n d ball, bowling, golf, a n d volleyball. T h e w o m e n p l a y e d field hockey, basketball, softball, tenn i s , b a d m i n t o n , bowled a n d partici p a t e d in archery. T h e Praters took first place in the f r a t e r n i t y i n t r a m u r a l all sports competition this year, edging o u t the Cosmos on the strength of a fine May Day track victory. T h e women's all sports trophy was won by t h e f r e s h m e n .


Hope's women's tennis team h a d a s u p e r b season, w i n n i n g seven m a t c h e s a n d losing only to Kalamazoo. In the M I A A tournament Kalamazoo nudged out o u r girls 12-11 to t a k e t h e championship. B a r b a r a B r u n s o n , T o o d i e Finlay, a n d D o t t i e M a n u e l w o n t h e first, second a n d t h i r d singles c h a m p i o n s h i p s r e s p e c t i v e l y in t h e t o u r n a m e n t . Finlay a n d M a n u e l went through undef e a t e d in a season which s h o u l d h e l p increase t h e p o p u l a r i t y a n d caliber of play in w o m e n ' s tennis.


Left to right, First row: S. Kooistra, N. Alexander, D. Manuel, V. Swart; Second row: T. Finlay. B. Klaasen, D. Schipper, B. Brunson


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WOMEN'S BASKETBALL W o m e n ' s i n t e r c o l l e g i a t e basketball, alt h o u g h relatively u n k n o w n , is m a k i n g a strong bid for recognition. H o p e ' s team, coached by D a u g h n Schipper, plays a spirited b r a n d of basketball t h a t belies t h e i r 2-7 record. H i g h scorers this season w e r e Delia K u i p e r , Dee V a n d e r V l u c h t , a n d Sally Kooistra w h o played roving f o r w a r d . Carol Van Middlesw o r t h a n d Joyce Flipse stood o u t on defense, a non-scoring position.


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BLUE KEY Blue Key, a n a t i o n a l h o n o r a r y fraternity, is composed of senior m e n who have d e m o n s t r a t e d o u t s t a n d i n g scholarship a n d leadership ability. A w a r d e d B l u e K e y scholarships, these m e n operate the college book store, sponsor weekly c u l t u r a l assemblies a n d p r o v i d e s e n i o r s with g r a d u a t e school i n f o r m a t i o n . T h e m e m b e r s enjoy m o n t h l y b a n q u e t s a n d an a n n u a l date-night.

Left to right. Row 1; J. Wang, A. Parcell, M. Nozari, P. Hesselink, J. Boeringa, R. Abel; Row 2: J. Tell, W. Cathcart, B. Neckers, R. Emmert, L. Haverkamp, R Anderson, P. Ransford, J. Serum; not pictured: P. Bast, C. Menning, B Masselink

Left to right, Row 1: P. Dykstra, N. Bonjernoor, M. E. Bridger; Row 2: K. Verduin, S. Prins, S. Cady, S. Kooistra, C. Reidsma, A. Deitz, C. Timkovich

MORTAR BOARD T a p p e d at a n n u a l May Day ceremonies, m e m b e r s of M o r t a r Board, n a t i o n a l women's h o n o r a r y society, are o u t s t a n d i n g senior w o m e n chosen for qualities of h i g h scholarship, campus leadership a n d service in the interest of the college. A m o n g events sponsored by M o r t a r Board are the Dean's List T e a , c a m p u s bulletin board, "Last Chance T a l k " , a n d a series of cultural films.


STUDENT SENATE T h i s year's S t u d e n t Senate assumed a s t r e n g t h e n e d position in representing s t u d e n t interests. Under the able leadership of Bruce Neckers, the Senate voiced itself effectively in c a m p u s affairs, d r a w i n g assistance f r o m the NSA c o m m i t t e e . T h e Senate also i m p r o v e d its internal s t r u c t u r e with c o n s t i t u t i o n a l revisions. Sponsorship of " T h e Lett e r m e n " a n d s u p p o r t of the SCSC drive were two of the bigger projects u n d e r t a k e n by the Senate d u r i n g the year.

H Left to right, Row 1: C. Claassen, S. Tomlinson. I. Edbrookc, C. Shepherd; Row 2: K. Walz, M. Bennink, S. Sonneveldt, B. Neckers, B. L. Dietch, J. Woerdehoff; Row 3: A. Miedema. }. Moored, T . Draft, J. Boelkins, G. Gustafson, A. Osbon, K. Camp, R. Donia: Row 4: G. Korstange, J. Wormuth, J. Boeringa, T. Rosine, D. Troost. S. Wessling, J. Chesney, T. Ogren, J. Dillbeck

Left to right. Row 1: M. Hoffman, P. Bast; Row 2: M, E. Bridger, B. White, K. Verduin; not pictured: J. Knapp, J. Simons

STUDENT COURT Discipline is enacted on violators of college regulations by the Stud e n t Court, now in its second year of o p e r a t i o n . U n d e r the leadership of chief justice P a u l Bast, the court tries to deal intelligently a n d positively with the sometimes a m b i g u o u s cases which c o n f r o n t it in the context of a developing college comm u n i t y . C o u r t m e m b e r s are j u n i o r s a n d seniors a p p o i n t e d by the S t u d e n t Senate.



Joyce Flipse, Editor-in-chief

Gordon Korstange, Assistant Editor

Mary Hakken, Senior Editor

Cheryl Richardson, Index Editor

Shirley VanRaalte and Lee Ann VanHaver, Underclassmen Editors


T h e end result of m a n y h o u r s of work by various people is what Milestone i s . . . . enjoy it.

A1 Miedema, Business Manager

Marcia Swets, Copy Editor

Doug Smith and Sherrie Lundahl, Organization Editors

Susan Spring, Faculty Editor


Charles Menning, Editor-in-chief

John Mulder, News Editor

Mary Hakken, Copy Editor

Bob Donia, National News Editor

Bob Schroeder, Advertising Manager


Bob Donia, Ellen Borger, Pat Canfield, Paul Verduin, Randy Miller


ANCHOR A d r i v i n g force o n H o p e ' s c a m p u s is the a n c h o r which a p p e a r s weekly a n d serves to raise disputes a n d questions, a w a k e n o p i n i o n , a n d a d d d i m e n s i o n to college life t h r o u g h o u t the year. U n d e r the leadership of C h u c k M e n n i n g , the p a p e r regularly produces several pages a n d special editions covering all aspects of c a m p u s life, with s t i m u l a t i n g editorial, cartoons, a n d letters to the editor, a d d i n g to the news a n d critical b u l k of the paper.

Jim Mace, Sports Editor

Maren Kiefer, Headline Editor

Kathy Verduin and N'ina Bossenbroek, Editorial Assistants


Ifr I

Carole DeYoung. Darkroom Technician

Tom Renner. Photographer

Alan Jones. Critique Editor



Intro II: by Rein Vander Hill, Opus art editor and contributor to the fall edition of Opus.

Opus, H o p e ' s fine arts magazine, is written and published by students. T h i s year two editions of O p u s were published; one in the Fall term a n d the other in c o n j u n c t i o n with the Fine Arts Festival in the Spring. T h r o u g h o u t the year O p u s sponsors poetry readings in an a t t e m p t to bring a b o u t interest in this form of artistic expression. T o stimulate creative s t u d e n t work a n d to provide a means to evaluate that work have been the p u r p o s e of Opus.

Left to right: L. Dykstra, D. Kardux, R. Yzenbaard, J. Elfering, P. Hesselink, C. Timkovich, Board o f Editors

Left to right, Row 1: F. Sherburn, C. Knecht, B. Cathcart; Row 2: N. DeBoer, R. Van Schenknof, D. Stehouwer, D. Catlin, B. Schroeder

W T A S , the wholly s tu d en t-o p erated c a m p u s radio station, brings 60 h o u r s a week of listening pleasure to the college c o m m u n i t y . C o m b i n i n g the CBS news resources a n d c a m p u s talent, 610 R a d i o is the student's voice for the best in news, views, a n d music. I n a d d i t i o n , the station provides coverage of all m a j o r c a m p u s functions, away football games, a n d Christmas Vacation road conditions information.

Left to right, Row 1: M. Ondrus, J. Hahnfeld, D. Shiels, P. Miller, C. TenPas, M. Enderlin, C. Rowe. P. M y C ÂŤ . J. Powell, R. Gruetz-

Courtney. H. Dykema. D. Swets, W. Peacock. L. VanDeHoef. J. VanDerSchalk, J. Chesney. T. Breur, J. Sabo, T . Gies, J. Een.genburg,

macher, R. DeSawal, VV. Bovenkerk, P. Read; Row 2: H. Bowman,

J- A g g e n


CHAPEL CHOIR Since its f o r m a t i o n in 1953, the C h a p e l Choir has developed into one of the finest college choirs in the country a n d can p o i n t to many distinguished achievements. Directed by Dr. R o b e r t C a v a n a u g h , highlights this year were the F a u r e R e q u i e m p e r f o r m e d in March, a n d the spring t o u r to the Midwest d u r i n g spring vacation. Involved in many activities, the choir sings for the daily chapel service, Christmas Vespers, spring concert a n d baccalaureate service. T h e year included two television appearances a n d performance at the dedication of the w i n d m i l l .

COLLEGE CHORUS T h e H o p e College Chorus (formerly called the Chancel Choir) sings twice a week in the daily chapel services a n d is usually involved in preparing for two p u b l i c performances each year. In the Christmas Vespers Concert they p e r f o r m e d a 16th century verse a n t h e m by O r l a n d o Gibbons. As guest p e r f o r m e r s in the Spring b a n d concert they did the " J u b i l a t e Deo", by Giovanni Gabrielli, using d o u b l e chorus, brass a n d organ. Students assisting the g r o u p are R o b e r t Barrows, organist a n d s t u d e n t director; Rosemary H e k m a n , organist a n d s t u d e n t director; a n d Floyd Farmer, s t u d e n t director. T h e chorus is o p e n to all interested students w i t h n o r e q u i r e d a u d i t i o n . T h e g r o u p , u n d e r the direction of R o g e r E. Davis, affords the s t u d e n t an o p p o r t u n i t y to p a r t i c i p a t e in the p r e p a r a t i o n a n d p e r f o r m a n c e of great choral works.

Christmas caroling by the College Chorus I


Left to right, Row 1: S. Utzinger, K. Huyck, C. Yonkers, S. RadlifF, F. Wilson, B. Alhart, C. Meier, M. Scherpenisse, M. Bennink, Ruth Zieman, L. Tiezzi, M. Wiegman, E. Whitaker, M, Leestma, K. Dryfhout, J. Mast; Row 2: M. Flikkema, F. Welcher, J. Alexander, J. Smoll, T. Leenhouts, C. Richardson, S. Dykstra, S. Sonneveldt, Cheryl Defendorf, M. De Graaf, G. Langstraat, R. Rikkers, J. Thomas, K. Miersnia, P. Helder, L. Dykema, E. Hook: Row 3: N. Schwab, A.

Wilson, T . Griffen, K. Beck, K. Kronemeyer, B. Smith, M. Otto, B. Dietch, E. Taylor, A. Joeckel, C. Yeager, B. Neckers, M. Lemmencs, J. Dykstra, M. Laughlin, J. Van Kolken; Row 4: R. Witter, J. Waldron, A, VanderMeer, j. Knapp, P. Van Leirop, J. Daane, A. Jones, E. Julien, B. Race, W. Cook, K. Bakker. D. Walvoord, G. Vander Velde, H Lucas, P. Verduin, G. Hagans, J. De Smidt

College Chorus


VIOLIN Leslie Clark* David Tubergen* Nina Bossenbroek* Glenys Davidson* Albert Oosterhof* Joan T e n H o o r Linda Davis* Norma Michailkov Jean Jonoski Pat Herold Margo Johnson Corliss Nelson* Susan Bosnian* Joan Loweke Marcia Newhouse Alan Bentz Karyn Rigterink Wanda Rider VIOLA Ruth Yzenbaard* Ruth Sjolin* Fred Schutmaat Wanda Rider Barbara Plewes* Marilyn Rynbrandt CELLO Mary Pat Russell* Nancy Alexander* Margaret June Robert Schwegler John Renwick Richard Wolters BASS Donald Sill* Gregory Hulse Menno Kraai

Patricia MacEachron Kathryn Dickenson* Jean Krauss ENGLISH H O R N Donn Mcintosh CLARINET Robert Benzenberg*

FLUTE Nancy Rector* Carla Reidsma* Ann Hutchinson PICCOLO Snellen Prins

Betty Swinehart Fran Webinga* Lawrence DeBoer BASS CLARINET Stephen Guth BASSOON Amzie Parcell* Paul Lein* John Solodow Leon VanDyke HORN Gerald Waanders* Gloria Mooi* Pat Gabbey Ann VanDorp William Cathcart TRUMPET Thomas Steffens* Palmer Veen* Gerald Auten Sidney Disbrow TROMBONE William Nicholson* Ron VanderBeek BASS T R O M B O N E Robert Barrows TUBA John Allan TIMPANI Floyd Farmer* PERCUSSION Lawrence Calfee* James Ruffner PIANO A N D CELESTE Robert Formsma HARP Lauralee Campbell

OBOE Donn Mcintosh*

•Indicates Symphonette members 114


ORCHESTRA AND SYMPHONETTE T h e season of 1964-65 was exceptionally busy for the H o p e College Orchestra b e g i n n i n g with two television appearances on W O O D - T V as a part of the fall lecture on Music Since 1900 presented by Dr. R i d e r of t h e music faculty. I n the N o v e m b e r concert Charles A s c h b r e n n e r of the music faculty, appeared as soloist in the p e r f o r m a n c e of Gershwin's R h a p sody in Blue. T h e p r o g r a m was repeated at L a k e View H i g h School in Battle Creek a n d shortly a f t e r the first of the year the orchestra j o i n e d the C h a p e l C h o i r in a p e r f o r m a n c e of the F a u r e R e q u i e m . As p a r t of the F i n e Arts Festival the orchestra presented a p r o g r a m devoted to the works of Ulysses Kay with the composer in attedance a n d the final concert of the season f e a t u r e d Charles Castleman as soloist in the Brahm's Concerto. T h e H o p e College S y m p h o n e t t e completed its eleventh a n n u a l e x t e n d e d concert t o u r d u r i n g the 1964-65 season with concerts in Mi c h i g a n , O n t a r i o , N e w York, N e w H a m p s h i r e , and New Jersey. T h e g r o u p has now t o u r e d thirty-five states covering nearly fifty t h o u s a n d miles to play m o r e t h a n two h u n d r e d concerts on tour. In a d d i t i o n to p res en tin g concerts at O a k l a n d University at Rochester, M i c h i g a n a n d in the H o l l a n d area, d u r i n g the early part of the year the symp h o n e t t e m a d e two appearances on W O O D - T V a n d joined the Band in p r e s e n t i n g a concert of Christmas music.

BAND A b a n d in the best sense is the H o p e College Band, which fills the d o u b l e d e m a n d i n g role of a m a r c h i n g a n d concert organization. T h e b a n d contributes to the football spirit by e n t e r t a i n i n g at half time a n d m a r c h i n g in the H o m e c o m i n g parade. As a concert organization the b a n d m a d e television appearances, p e r f o r m e d on campus, in the surrounding area and had a successful spring tour.

Sobania, P. Miller, P. Lein; Row 3: T. O'Meara, C. Van Noord, W. Meennan, S. Shauger, K. Weber, A. Bilyeu, F. Emerson, R. Gruetzmacher, B. Formsma, G. Auten, J. Trost, J. RufFner, P. Veen, J. Brink, R. Westervelt, W. Nicholson, R. Vander Beek; Row 4: R. Formsma, J. Allan. L. Cole, C. Vanden Hoek, F. Farmer, L, Calfee

Left to right, Row 1: R. Bcnzenberg, D. Staat, F. Webinga, D. Mcintosh, Mr. R, Cecil, R. Wagner, N. Rnnchey, P. Reynolds, C. Van Vossen, N. Rector: Row 2; B. Swinehart, S. Pickard, G. Gouwens, C. Lake, P. Hesselink, P. Clements, A. Parcell, W. Cathcart, C. Roberts, G. Waanders, E. Wybenga, P. Leibundguth, D. Manuel, N.





Established o n H o p e ' s c a m p u s in 1961, the Iota O m e g a c h a p t e r of P h i M u A l p h a Sinfonia, the n a t i o n a l professional music f r a t e r n i t y , is dedicated to "the a d v a n c e m e n t of music and to the b r o t h e r h o o d a m o n g m e n engaged in music activities." Special activities for the year included the semi-formal Christmas dance, a concert of M o r a v i a n music a n d attendance at a p r o v i n c e w o r k s h o p at Wes tern Michigan U n i v e r s i t y . I n addition, the m e n of Sinfonia received an a w a r d for the most members initiated into the c h a p t e r between 1962 a n d 1964. Left to right, Row 1: R Cecil, M. Lemmcnes, P. Hesselink, B. Cathcart, A. Parcel!, G. Hubbard: Row 2: D. Tubergen, P. Harmelink, R. VandcrBeek, B. Westervelt, J. Daane, K. Weber, B. Neckers; Row 3: G. Auten, G. Hulse, E. Julien, P. Veen, C. Walvoord, P. Lein, J. Trost, D. Grissen

Left to right, Row 1: K. Brown, P. Gleichmann; Row 2: J. Zsiros, T. Leenhouts, A. Hiuchinson, E. Wolters

CLASSICS HONORS Eta Sigma Phi is a n a t i o n a l classics honors f r a t e r n i t y which p r o m o t e s a n d sponsors the study of the classics. It is composed of those w h o have e x h i b i t e d o u t s t a n d i n g scholastic achievement in this field.


FRENCH CLUB E n c o u r a g i n g an appreciation for the language a n d c u l t u r e of French-speaking countries, the French C l u b members enjoy many interesting p r o g r a m s t h r o u g h o u t the year. T h i s year these p r o g r a m s included a picnic, slides, speakers, a p r o g r a m of cuttings of two French plays, a Spring b a n q u e t , a French Christmas Concert a n d an Easter d i n n e r . Left to right, Row 1: E. Borger, B. Hcrkner, K. Janssen, J. Loweke, L. Kupkrian, C. Roberts, S. Pierce; Row 2; B. Bao, B. Bang, A. Hutchinson, M. Feyt, M. Hakken, J. Flipse, R. Perry, M. Essenbaggers, N, Meyer

GERMAN CLUB U n d e r the leadership of Dr. Megow, the Germ a n C l u b presented e n j o y a b l e and profitable programs to interested G e r m a n students. Included in the activities this year were film showings of " R o m a n t i c G e r m a n y " a n d " K u n d s t u d e n t i n Ursula," slides by M a j a Etterlin of Switzerland, a n d a special Christmas m e e t i n g f e a t u r i n g legends a n d caroling.

Left to right, Row 1: R. Wolters, N. Erickson, T . Velthuizen, E. Osterhaven, C. Knecht, M. Hakken; Row 2: E. Gearhart, J. Marsteller, L. Van Allsburg, S. Wright, M. Campbell, C. Richardson, T. Stahl, S. Short, F. Strong, W. Heine, G, Megow

SPANISH CLUB T h e m e m b e r s of Spanish C l u b endeavor to increase knowledge of Spanish-speaking countries a n d to become m o r e fluent in speaking the language. Special activities for the year include picnics, hayride, a Christmas fiesta for Mexican children, a Mexican B a n q u e t , a n d a P e r u v i a n party. I n addition, Spanish tables in the d i n i n g halls p r o v i d e an excellent o p p o r t u n i t y to use the language. Left to right. Row 1: A. A wad, B. Magan, B. Momeyer, D. Courtney, P. Washburn, J. Woerdehoff; Row 2: C. Chappell, F. Hala, M. Hoekstra, M. Ralph. H. Weller, I. Bundza, R. Perry, N. Butterworth, M. Russell, L. Ashe


FRENCH HONORS T h e H o p e c h a p t e r of Pi Delta Phi, the F r e n c h honors fraternity, is composed of F r e n c h s t u d e n t s w h o have completed an advanced course in French and have m a i n t a i n e d a B average. T h i s organization holds two meetings each year.

\ Left to right. Row 1: C. Reidsma, N, Bonjernoor, J. Kemink, M. Hakken, R. Yzcnbaard; Row 2: F. Hala, M. Gouwens, N, Meyer, R. Perry, A. Joeckcl, M. Hoffman, C. Roberts



Hope's local G a m m a Chi C h a p t e r of Delta Phi A l p h a h a d two d i n n e r meetings this year, the Christmas b a n q u e t a n d the initiation d i n n e r . M e m b e r s h i p is d e p e n d e n t u p o n a high scholastic average in G e r m a n subjects.

Left to right, Row 1: J. VanSIageren, M. Gouwens, J. Postmus; Row 2: E. Gearhart, A. Cole, K. Walsma, R. Wepfer, R. DeYoung W. Heine

SPANISH HONORS At a b a n q u e t , M a r c h 6, 1965, five students a n d three p r o f e s s o r s b e c a m e charter m e m b e r s of Epsilon Pi, Hope's c h a p t e r of Sigma Delta Pi, the national h o n o r a r y Spanish f r a t e r n i t y . Basis for m e m b e r s h i p includes academic excellence and interest in the H i s p a n i c l a n g u a g e a n d culture. Dr. F. Dewey A m n e r , n a t i o n a l executive secretary of the fraternity officiated at the installation a n d initiation ceremonies.

Left to right. Row 1: B Momeyer, F. Hala, I. Bundza; Row 2: R Perry, M. Hoekstra, M. Ralph H, Weller


SPEECH HONORS M e m b e r s h i p i n t h e Michigan G a m m a C h a p t e r of Pi K a p p a Delta, the h o n o r a r y f o r e n s i c society is g a i n e d t h r o u g h p a r t i c i p a t i o n in oratory, e x t e m p o r a n e o u s speaking, public address, debate, a n d discussion. I n i t i a t i o n is held at the spring banquet. T h i s year H o p e participated in the N a t i o n a l Convention, w i n n i n g an e x c e l l e n t in the women's a n d men's division.

Left to right, Row 1: M. Voigt. D. Kuiper; Row 2; T. Leenhouls, D. Noel, S. Radliff

Lett to right; D. Noel, M. Voigt, S, Radliff, J. Koch

DEBATE SQUAD W i t h the N C D topic "Resolved that the Federal G o v e r n m e n t should establish a p r o g r a m of public work for the u n e m p l o y e d , " the debate squad began practice for the many t o u r n a m e n t s held t h r o u g h o u t the year. In addition to i n f o r m a l practice debates with other colleges such as Albion and Western Michigan, the squad participated in a tournam e n t at Michigan State. T w o of the m e m b e r s were able to attend the N a t i o n a l Pi K a p p a Delta Speech t o u r n a m e n t held at T a c o m a , Washington. '


NCP Pi Epsilon Delta, the N a t i o n a l Collegiate Players, is a n a t i o n a l h o n o r a r y dramatics f r a t e r n i t y . T h e N C P gold key is won by service to the theatre, u p o n r e c o m m e n d a t i o n of the local chapter, a n d approval of the n a t i o n a l council. It is based on a system of points which are gained for work on-stage a n d back-stage d u r i n g the year.

Left to right, Row 1: B. Chain, T. Leenhouts, K. Lenel, D. Kardaux; Row 2; R Hecht, R. Wcgter, M. Andringa, J. McGilvray, L. Haverkamp. M. Voigt, L. Munro


Left to right, Row I; P. Gabbey, B. Bang, D. Engelsman, S. Shauger,; Row 2: N, Rens, C. Yeager, J. VanSlageren, M. Luther. A. Hovingh, H. Tan; Row 3: L. Helder, J. Wormuth, D. Lape, L. Dorey, B. DeYoung, J. Zwart, L. Meengs, B. Masselink, R. Bolt, P. Crook

T h e A l p h a Eta C h a p t e r of Beta Beta Beta is composed of students who h a v e e x h i b i t e d outstanding scholastic achievement in the biological sciences. T h i s year, u n d e r the leadership of Bruce Masselink, the organization presented a varied p r o g r a m i n c l u d i n g trips to the Chicago M u s e u m of N a t u r a l History a n d the Pine Rest M e n t a l Hospital. In addition to various lectures by m e m b e r s of the Biology D e p a r t m e n t , Dr. Spieler of the Illinois Institute of T e c h n o l o g y a n d Mr. Roger Stroh of the D e p a r t m e n t of E n v i r o n m e n t a l H e a l t h were f e a t u r e d . Several members also participated in a field trip to Florida.

Left to right. Row 1: J. Albrecht, R. DeYoung. H. Tan, L. Lcppla, M. Nozari. D. Bao; Row 2: B. Masselink, L. Dorey, G. Gilmore. L. Helder, H, Hoeksema, J. Dykstra

PRE-MED SOCIETY T h e M i c h i g a n Beta C h a p t e r of A l p h a Epsilon Delta, the international premedical h o n o r society endeavors t o g i v e i n s i g h t i n t o the various facets of medical practice. M o n t h l y meetings are held to which a guest speaker is invited or a film shown. Field trips are taken to the Universities of Michigan and Chicago medical schools.


CHEMISTRY CLUB T h e Chemistry C l u b is the H o p e College s t u d e n t affiliate c h a p t e r of the A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society. Members are chemistry m a j o r s w h o plan to go into teaching, research, or industrial chemistry. I n a d d i t i o n to its monthly meetings w h i c h f e a t u r e lectures given by m e m b e r s of the senior class a n d guests f r o m o t h e r schools, the club takes an a n n u a l trip to S t a n d a r d Oil of I n d i a n a .

Left to right, Row 1: F. Smies. C. Niekamp, R Gaines, R. Warnet, R. Hilbclink; Row 2: T. Su, R. Allen, K. Lamphere, R. Abel, S. Frins, J. Serum, P. Schaap: Row 3: L. N. Lo, J. Fargher, D. DeHollander, D. VVegner, M. Rottschafer, D. Dalman, S. Su, I), Anderson, E. Jeckel; Row 4: J. Wang, H. Tigelaar, J. Lee, D. Stehouwer, J. Driy, H. Hoeksma, B. Bouma, F. Oettle

Left to right: J. Boeringa, A. Chesney, M. Hoffman, J. Richardson, J. Chesney, P. Havinga

'•- J



Composed of interested psychology majors, the Psychology C l u b holds meetings at the homes of various professors. T h e r e are also meetings t h r o u g h o u t the year to which the general s t u d e n t body is invited. Special events this year included lectures by Dr. W a l k e r and Dr. Mckeckie of the University of Michigan, a n d the showing of the film, "My Six Convicts."


RESIDENT ADVISORS Counseling a n d discipline are the m a i n duties of the R e s i d e n t Advisors. In the women's residences they assist in r o o m check, h e l p m a i n t a i n q u i e t hours, distribute grades, h e l p students with special problems a n d enforce school regulations. I n a d d i t i o n to these duties, the Kollen H a l l advisors fine violators of college regulations. R e s i d e n t Advisors m e e t regularly with m e m b e r s of the faculty to discuss problems a n d learn counseling procedures.

Left to right, Row 1: D. Grissen, W. Petz, J. Serum, B. Folkerts; Row 2: R. White, P. Ransford, C. Poppink, J. Muller, R. Anderson, R. Emmert

Left to right, Row 1: M. Hoffman, L. Rundle, J. Postmus, M. Hakken, T. Velthuizen, S. Steketee; Row 2: R. Rikkcrs, W. Nilsen, K. Brown, B. Allred, T, VanDyk, M. Swets, J, Smoll


Lett to right, Row 1: G. Kryger.M. Essebaggers, R. Sagendorf, D. Reitsneider, P. Peacock, J. Esther; Row 2: S. Lundahl, M. Mills, J. Taylor, J. Morgan, M. Bridger, L. Davies, R. Rikkers, T. Stahl

Lett to right, Row 1: C. Yeager, A. Cheung, G. Grotenhuis, C. Shepherd; Row 2: C. Detendorf, D. Reifsneider, L. Wolbrink, C. Richardson, S. Steketee, R. Sytsma; Row 3: G. Paalman, B. Allred, M. Swets, K. Dryfhout, A. Fischer, S. Dampman


AWS COUNCIL AWS ACTIVITIES BOARD T h e local Association of W o m e n Students b e l o n g s to IAWS, the Intercollegiate Association of W o m e n Students w h i c h e n d e a v o r s t o s e r v e w o m e n in a representative f o r m of self-government and to encourage a h i g h level of personal responsibility a n d citizenship. A W S is divided into two groups. T h e Council is the gove r n i n g body which sets some of the g u i d i n g principles a n d regulations for the w o m e n students, compiles the women's h a n d b o o k , a n d administers the d e m e r i t system. T h e A W S Activities Board serves as the social p l a n n i n g board sponsoring events such as Big-Little Sister program, Nykerk B r e a k f a s t , style show, carol sing, I n t e r n a t i o n a l N i g h t , special speakers, the W o m e n ' s Develo p m e n t Program, May Day, a n d the Mother-Daughter Banquet.

HISTORY HONORS Phi A l p h a T h e t a , the history honors fraternity, is now in its second year. T h e initiation b a n q u e t , f e a t u r i n g Dr. Bowdit;ch, c h a i r m a n of the history departm e n t at the University of Michigan, was held in the fall. T h e regional conference, which is a t t e n d e d by representatives f r o m all the Michigan chapters, was held at H o p e this year.

Left to right, Row I: D. Powell, W. Barlow, M. Kano, C. Van Lente, G. Rietveld; Row 2: N. Erickson, A. Cole, J. Ronda, A. Parcell, W. Cathcart, R. Pangle; Row 3: W.Magans, T.Straatsma, H. Brown. J. Terpstra, R. Werge

Left to right. Row 1: D. Grissen, S. Wilcox, N. Slagter; Row 2: C. Blood, P. Fried, W. Heine, R. VanSchenkhof

IRC T h e H o p e College I R C h a d an extremly active year. A m o n g the events of the year was the w i n n i n g of the a w a r d as one of the top ten I R C ' s in the past twenty-five years. T h e regional conference was hosted by Hope's chapter this year. Speakers for the year i n c l u d e d Dr. Wesley Fischel, Mr. Joseph Jaques, Dr. James D o m o n , Jr., a n d Dr. R a y m o n d Gordon.


SEA T h e S t u d e n t E d u c a t i o n Association provides f u t u r e teachers with a better u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the profession, its standards a n d policies. T h i s year for the first time, the SEA was u n d e r the faculty supervision of Mr. Dirkse. Meetings presented various speakers, films, a n d a r r a n g e d educational experiences to provide insight into the teaching profession. T h e a n n u a l spring b a n q u e t concluded the year's p r o g r a m .

Left to right. Row 1: B. Ooosterhouse, P. Gleichmann; Row 2: N. Slagter, L. Dirkse, M. Pylman

Left to right, Row 1: D. Cook, J. Zeas, B. Peacock, P. Strengholt, R. Schumaker, G. Van Dahm, W. Kens; Row 2: B. Schantz, R. Folkerts, P. Harmelink. D. Heusinkveld, j. Pier


pont, J. Koch. K. Rowder, C. Tilton, T . DeLong, N. Alldritt

Business Economics club h a d a n active year with emphasis on various business fields. S p e c i a l events included a g u i d e d t o u r t h r o u g h ChrisC r a f t boat company, a t o u r t h r o u g h Heinz Co., a n d a t o u r t h r o u g h the H e r m a n Miller F u r n i t u r e Co., Zeeland, with a lecture by M r . De Free on the "Scanlon F l a n " in management. Social activities included picnics at the homes of Drs. Klaasen and Yntema.



L t f t to right. Row 1: D. Grissen, R. Donia; Row 2: J. Chesney, H. Huggins, T. Ogren

T h e N a t i o n a l S t u d e n t Association coordin a t i n g c ommitte e operates in three basic capacities on Hope's campus. I n its first capacity the NSA acts as a liaison between H o p e College a n d the national and regional offices of the NSA. A second i m p o r t a n t f u n c t i o n of the committee is to act as an advisory body to the student Senate a n d o t h e r campus organizations. T h e committee also u n d e r t a k e s co-ordination of campus-wide drives. Finally, the c ommi t t ee works to acq u a i n t the s t u d e n t with such o p p o r t u n i t i e s as travel programs, a n insurance plan, a n d n u m e r o u s conferences u n d e r NSA auspices.

YOUNG REPUBLICANS Active in local, state, a n d n a t i o n a l politics, m e m b e r s of the Y o u n g R e p u b l i c a n C l u b hold m o n t h l y meetings. Guest speakers for the year included R o b e r t Goodell, U. S. Representative f r o m N e w York; Elly Peterson, C a n d i d a t e for U . S . Representative f r o m Michigan; R o b e r t Griffin, U. S. Representatives f r o m Michigan. T h e club members took a canvas of the H o l l a n d area to d e t e r m i n e political leanings, participated in the state convention, a n d c o - s p o n s o r e d the Mock Election.

Left to right: E, Borger, P. Miller, S. Larkin

YOUNG DEMOCRATS Y o u n g Democrats active in campus and c o m m u n i t y affairs, worked to get the voters of H o l l a n d o u t to the polls before the final election a n d helped o u t at Democratic Headq u a r t e r s d o w n t o w n . T h e y also participated in the NSA mock election.

Left to right: G. Hubbard, J. Eubank, B. Allred, G. Rietveld


Alpha Phi Omega works on the inteiior of the city mission

T h e N u Beta c h a p t e r of A l p h a P h i Omega, N a t i o n a l active in c a m p u s affairs i n c l u d i n g f r e s h m a n o r i e n t a t i o n a n d Cross blood drive, a n d m a n y social events. Service for the the M a r c h of Dimes s q u a r e dance a n d the redecoration

service fraternity, is registration, the R e d c o m m u n i t y included of the H o l l a n d City


Left to right. Row 1: R. Joseph, R. Wepfer, J. Schalk, W. Bruinsma, D. Kershner; Row 2: D. VVegner, G. Auten, R. Warnet, W. Groebeck, J. Nodop, D. Anderson; Row 3: D. Bergner, A. McGeehan, W. Whary, H. Bowman, W. DeBoer, C. Blood, W. Heine; Row 4: P. Read, R. Herkner, N. Schwab, D. Dixon, W. TenPas, R. Veldhoff, A. Bentz


Sue Shauger tutors

. . . . as does Bob Anderson, the program's chairman

HIGHER HORIZONS I n a u g u r a t e d this year, H i g h e r Horizons is a p r o g r a m whereby college students a t t e m p t to b r o a d e n the horizons of H o l l a n d elementary school children. T h e students, acting as big brothers a n d sisters, take these children to museums, puppet shows a n d libraries, as well as on s w i m m i n g a n d fishing trips.

Left to right, Row 1: A. Joeckel, M. E. Bridger, R. Zieman, D. Dykstra, J. Nelson, M. Luther, C. VandeBunte, M. Greiner, J. Woerderhoff, S. Champion, B. Alhart. M. Enderlin, M. Morris, J. Remtema, S. Strom; Row 2: P. Elzerman, J. Olsen, T . VanDyk, F. Emerson, M. Piers, K. Janssen, H. Huggins, J. Bell, J. Powell, G, Korstange, M.

Dillbeck, S. Cutting, J, Kallemyn, J. Lindaurer; Row 3: D. Plantinga, W, Bovenkerk. G. Poll, J. Braun, E. Willcocks, J, Sutherland, R. Anker, W. Whary, j. Beukelman, B.' Thompson, J. Richardson, P. Terpstra, J. Chesney. j . Drugg



STUDENT LIFE COMMITTEE T h e S t u d e n t L i f e Committee, which is composed of deans, faculty, a n d s t u d e n t m e m b e r s , is o n e of the controlling rods on campus. I t is the responsibility of this c o m m i t t e e to pass j u d g e m e n t on the various suggested "policy changes" for the college d u r i n g the year, particularly in those situations in w h i c h the r u l e in question is directly a p p l i c a b l e to students.

Left to right, Row 1: B. Butler, G. Lainpert, M. K. Bridger, T. VanDyke, W. Hilmert; Row 2: Z. Murray. 1 Van Eenenaam, F. Sherburne, D. Siedentop. J. Harvey, B. Nerkers. I. Hollenbach

Left to right. Row I: D. Troike, W. Borschel, L. Gerard. D. Courtney, W. Petz; Row 2: R. Koster. J. Smoll. S. Wiechman, N. Slagter, R. Justesen, S. Eenigenburg, S. Van Raalte

SCA S t u d e n t Christian Association is organized for C h r i s t i a n fellowship and discussion of vital issues. Special events for the year were the Geneva retreat, canoe r e t r e a t a n d s p r i n g retreat. C o m m u n i t y service includes d e p u t a t i o n teams a n d l e a d e r s h i p in the city mission programs:. S t u d e n t s also participate in weekly Bible study groups a n d social activities.


"H" CLUB " H " C l u b at H o p e works to prom o t e interest in the sports events and purchases new e q u i p m e n t for the Athletic D e p a r t m e n t . T h e y also p u t o u t football a n d basketball programs a n d sponsor the view board in Van R a a l t e basement. M e n who have e a r n e d a letter in any sport are eligible for m e m b e r s h i p in the organization.

I Left to right, Row 1: R. Anker, C. Poppink, H. Hyink; Row 2: G. Peipcr, C. VanWyk, D. Poppink, P. Rauwerdink

Left to right. Row 1: G. Grotenhuis, K. Brown, B. Allred, S. Kooistra, N. Rens, M. DeGraaf; Row 2: S. Parker, C. Yzenbaard, M. Parker, D. DeAngelis, J. Wells, S. VanRaalte; Row 3: J. Flipse. B. Costing, C. VanMiddlesworth. V. Fris, L. VanHaver, A, Osborn, D. Kuiper

WAA BOARD W o m e n ' s Athletic Association organizes women's sports events in int r a m u r a l competition in basketball, Softball, b a d m i n t o n , tennis a n d volleyball. I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e sports are archery, basketball a n d tennis. Special events are the co-ed n i g h t in the gym, b o w l i n g e v e r y Friday, and swimming.


IFC -f

T h e I n t e r - f r a t e r n i t y Council, composed of two m e m b e r s f r o m each of Hope's five fraternities, experienced a busy year. Besides the o r d i n a r y activities of setting dates for rush, a w a r d i n g the scholastic trophy, and acting as a liaison between fraternities, the Council sponsored an allGreek literary m e e t i n g to encourage the societies in the intellectual realm. I n a n o t h e r i m p o r t a n t move, initiation week was moved between semesters or to before school starts.


Left to right, Row 1: T. VanDam, G. Lampert, B. Klow; Row 2: J. Knaap, R. Hilbelink, J. Dibbet, J. Wormuth

Left to right. Row 1: S. Eenigenburg, M. Leestma, T . VanDyke, N. Mallory, P. Myen, D. Hinz; Row 2: J. Crossman, N. Prothro, L. Davies, D. Kuiper, M. Paalman, J. Postmus, A. Osbon, C. Yonkers, P. Helder, P. Gabbey

PANHELLENIC Pan-Hellenic board, composed of three representatives f r o m each of the six sororities, serves as a governing b o a r d for all sorority activities. T h e i n t r o d u c t i o n of a new rush system and the revision of i n f o r m a l initiation policy were two i m p o r t a n t steps taken by the P a n - H e l l e n i c board this year.


First Term President — Joan Esther Vice-president — Kathy Harrison Secretary — Dorothy Troike Treasurer — Ellen Borger Second Term President — Ruth Kohlman Vice-president — Marlea Ton Secretary — Kathy Walsma Treasurer — Ellen Borger Third Term President — Kathy Harrison Vice-president — Charlene Leong Secretary — Irene Oosterbaan Treasurer — Ellen Borger



J. Lindauer, C. Bertelsen, R. Meyer, T . VanDyk, P. Cresswell, D. Troike, C. Roberts; Row 3: S. Strom, C. Richardson, J. Esther, R. Kohlman, M. Oosse, }. Medema, M. Ton, K. Harrison, M. Esther, A. Osbon, S. Parker, I. Oosterbaan, G. Harrington, S. VanRaalte

Left to right, Row 1: J. Woerdehoff, E. Shaw, L. Kupfrian, G. Mooi, B. Alhart, ). Postmus, E. Borger, M. E. Bridger, M. VanPernis. J. Schaper, C. Dalebout, C. Leong, A. Awad; Row 2: B. Granberg, N. Rons, J. Van Slagcrcn, A. Elmore, B. Boike, D. Walsma, J. Jappinga,

ALPHA GAMMA PHI Loyalty, f r i e n d s h i p a n d enthusiasm were the f o u n d a t i o n s u p o n which A l p h a Phi built a n o t h e r year. Fall rush came just in time to help the victorious H o m e c o m i n g float, "Press the Britons." A l p h a Phi s a n d Arkies e n t e r t a i n e d at a Christmas party for u n d e r p r i v i l e g e d children. Roses and little b r o w n jugs set the scene for the " T w e l f t h N i g h t " of February, their w i n t e r formal. L i n d a Tiezzi led her sorority sisters to C h a r l o t t o w n in the All-College Sing. W i t h the i n f o r m a l at Sleep H o l l o w a n d the Spring H o u s e Party, the year came to a fitting close.


First Term President — Sandy Cady Vice-president — Marty Lootens Secretary — Linda Borgman Treasurer — Linda Dykstra Second Term President — Wenche Nilsen Vice-president — Carol Beukema Secretary — Carla VandeBunte Treasurer — Linda Dykstra Third Term President — Delia Kuiper Vice-president — Jo Ann Kemink Secretary — Mary Jane Mills Treasurer — Linda Dykstra

Left to right, Row 1: C. Witter, L. Borgman, C. Meier, M. Voigt, J Kemink, L. Dykstra, L. Heimstra. I. Bundza, M. Paalman, T. Stahl P. Anderson. W. Nielsen, E. Gleichmann; Row 2: L. Slingerland, J Thomas, J. Haspcr, R. Hekman, K. Camp, E. Osterhaven, L. DeYonng C. Folkert, G. Dacus, M. Newhouse, L. Voorhorst, K. Kronemeyer, M

Swets, M. Hcndricks; Row 3: M. Diephuis, A. Sutton, D. Kniper, C. Howes, M. Cousineau, M. Baron, M. Klaasen, C. Borst, E. Davies, J. Wognum, E. Folkert, S. Dampman, C. VandeBunte, T. Leenhouts, S. Sonneveldt

DELTA PHI A successful year saw Del])hi take first place in the All-College Sing with "A Bird Flew" directed by Louise Voorhorst. Delphi's also b r o u g h t h o m e the scholastic trophy for first semester. T h e winter formal held at Cascade C o u n t r y C l u b h a d as its theme, "A C a n t e r b u r y 1 ale with pewter m u g s as favors. Special speaker for a literary m e e t i n g was M r . Harrington, speaking on art a n d showing slides. The i n f o r m a l held at Castle P a r k a n d the farewell to the seniors b r o u g h t the busy year to a close.



First Term President — Dottie Hinz Vice-president — Diane Reifsneider Secretary — Pat Myers Treasurer — Kit Janssen Second Term President — Marion Hoekstra Vice-president — Marcia Pylman Secretary — Marcia Dozeman Treasurer — Kit Janssen Third Term President — Fran Osborn Vice-president — Sue Bosshard Secretary — Mary Enderlin Treasurer — Kit Janssen


Left to right, Row 1: S. Bosshard. J. Wallace, S. Houghtaling, M. Enderlin, M. Morris, P. Myers; Row 2: K. Beck. M. Hallquist, M. Dozeman. M. Pylman, D. Hinz, N. Mallory; Row 3: P. Force, N. Slagter, K. Janssen, M. Hoekstra. D. Staat. F. Osborn

KAPPA BETA PHI T h e D o r i a n sorority began its year w i t h the a n n u a l house party at I i m Buck II a n d t h e n began w o r k on the H o m e c o m i n g fioat entitled " D u m p the Britons." Following the H o m e c o m i n g parade, a l u n c h e o n h o n o r i n g the a l u m n a e was held at the Eten House. C u l m i n a t i n g a week of pledge initiation, the d a t e n i g h t f e a t u r e d a hay ride a n d beach party. 1 he sponsorship of a needy family at C h r i s t m a s a n d a pre-exam pizza break at 11 Forno's, finished the first semester. "Camelot," the w i n t e r f o r m a l was held at Cascade C o u n t i y C l u b a n d proved to be an e n j o y a b l e evening for all. 1 h e Ice C r e a m Social was followed by the All-College Sing w i t h Kit Janssen directing My Favorite T h i n g s " . T h e year's activities ended with Spring rush, the i n f o r m a l a n d the S p r i n g house party.



i First Term President — Snellen Prins Vice-president — Pat Elzerman Secretary — Diane DeWitt Treasurer — Sue Short Second Term President — Karne Huyck Vice-president — Evonne Taylor Secretary — Lois VanHarn Treasurer — Sue Short Third Term President — Betty Lou Dietch Vice-president — Marty Campbell Secretary — Sue Neher Treasurer — Sue Short



Left to right, Row I: S. Wright, C. VanderBurgh, A. Hutchinson, L. Leppla, L. Abraham, P. Havinga, S. Naher; Row 2; K. Owen, S. Short, M. Leestma, S. Wiechman, M. De-

Graaf, P. Welmers, M. Campbell; Row 3: T . Baker, S. Prins, M. P. Russel, P. Elzerman, C. Yeager, S. Eenigenburg, B. Dietch

KAPPA DELTA CHI K a p p a Chi's began their year w i t h date n i g h t on a H a llow e e n theme. T h e H o m e c o m i n g float was entitled " H o p e G r i n d s Briton Burgers. Christmas b r o u g h t the M u s c u l a r Dystrophy drive a n d caroling, followed by the w i n t e r formal, D e e p P u r p l e . T h e song for the All-College Sing, " T h e Sleigh," won the K a p p a Chi's second place. A m o n g the guest speakers for the literary meetings were Dr. Carweli a n d Mrs. Lubbers. R u s h a n d the S p r i n g i n f o r m a l r o u n d e d out a successful year for K a p p a Chi.


First Semester President — Carina Erikson Vice-president — Sue Rose Secretary — Marilyn Hoffman Treasurer — Pat Schoonmaker Second Semester President — Linda Munro Vice-president — Nancy Bush Secretary — Lynn Draemer Treasurer — Pat Schoonmaker


Row 3: ]. Smoll, L. Lindblacle, D. DeAngelis, S. Steketee, N. Bush, P. Schoonmaker, J. Elgersma, A. Cobb, M. Dykema, C. Schueneman, J. Dcjager, L. VanHaver

Lett to right, Row 1: J.Wells, C.Erickson, S. Rose, M. Lee, M.Greiner, P. Ashwood, M. Bates. J. Wells, A. M. Fischer, M. Hoffman; Row 2: M. Hoffman, 1$. Bang. L. Munro, L. Kraemer, P. Helder, M. Wyatt. P. Gabbey, C. Chappell, L. Brueggemyer, K. Dryfhout, J. Dirkse;

SIGMA IOTA BETA T h e Sibylline sorority h a d a busy year with social activities a n d comm u n i t y projects. B e g i n n i n g the year by taking second place with their h o m e c o m i n g float, they m o v e d on to a car wash with the Knicks a n d an Easter party f o r u n d e r p r i v i l e g e d children. J a n i c e Smoll led the sorority for the All-College Sing with "Milk a n d H o n e y . " Special speakers for literary meetings included Dr. Kame, speaker on cancer, a n d Mrs. Van Allsburg, w h o spoke on flower a r r a n g e m e n t s . T h e S p r i n g i n f o r m a l ended the year for the Sibs.


First Semester President — Nancy Bonjernoor Vice-president — Kathy Leseman Secretary — Helen Tan Treasurer — Judy VanderNaald Second Semester President — Pam Dykstra Vice-president — Ginger Kryger Secretary — Julie Alexander Treasurer — Judy VanderNaald


Lett to right, Row I: J. Grossman, J. Heeren, P. Gasperec, N. Seighman, G. Goodrich, B. VanKuiken, J. Nelson, L. Wolbrink, G. Defendorf, S. Kooistra, S. Ghapman, M. Bennink, J. Remtema, R. Ziemann, K, Lesemann; Row 2: D. Dykstra, N. Prothro, S, Dykstra, M. J. Koeman, B. Jensen, N. Rector, R. Sytsma, B, King, J, Fisher, J. Vander-

Naald, G. Rollston, N, Nichols, T , Finlay, D. Joldersma, M. Luther, S. DeVries; Row 3: G. Grotenhuis, H. Tan, S. Lundahl, M. Otto, L. Rundle, N. Newman, N. Bonjernoor, J. Frissel, D. Wilkens, P. Dykstra, G. Rcidsma, M. Marchand, M. Sayles

SIGMA SIGMA Sorosites, striving for the best a n d seeking the highest, had a full year. T h e w i n t e r f o r m a l was h e l d at Spring L a k e with the theme being "Holiday for Hearts". T h e Sorosites also enjoyed a progressive d i n n e r , the a n n u a l a l u m n i meeting a n d the joint Sorosis-Delphi meeting. In the spring, rush, the i n f o r m a l , a n d victory in the May Day softball tournam e n t for w o m e n b r o u g h t to a close a n o t h e r year for Sorosis.


First Semester President — Paul Ransford Vice-president— Jeff Eubank Secretary — Bob Pangle Treasurer — Bill Peacock Second Semester President —Jim Vanderkolk Vice-president — Al Miedema Secretary — Bill Cook Treasurer — Bill Peacock


Left to right, Row I: L. Haverkamp, B. Masselififc, R. Thompson, K. Taylor, G. Cook, f. Hollcnbach, C. Osterhaven, E. Heneveld, R. Huizenga, M. Vogas, T. Heusinkveld, J. Thomas, M. Menning, P. Wassenaai; Row 2: D. Fiet. R. Schroeder, A. Miedema, G. Gouwens, W. Borshel, B. Hannaford, G. T. Breur, R Bolt. A. Wilson, J. Powell, H. Huggins, B. Welton, T . Van Dam, B. Cathcart, D, Renkes, J. Dibbet; Row 3: T. Renner, B. Nicholson, G. Waanders, C. Postma, R.

Anker, R, Bennink, VV. Michaelson, F. Shanholtzer, H. Lucas, R Rietveld, L. DeBoer. W. Cook, R. Bosnian, F. Van Lente, G. DeBoer, H. Hocksema, J. Knapp, B. Edman, D. Campbell, J. Richardson, W. Peacock: Row 4: J. VanderKolk. T. Ogren, H. Vogelaar, C. Van Wyk, J. Norton, P. VanLierop, B. Dahl, K. Zuithoff, G. Peiper, R. Miller, D. Weener, P. Terpstra, D. Berens, B. Bouina, L. Meengs, B. Oosterhouse

CHI PHI SIGMA M e n of Arcadian fraternity stressed b r o t h e r h o o d in their literary meetings a n d social activities this year. I n addition to the regular events, the Arkies e n t e r t a i n e d the freshmen women a n d held a Christmas party for needy children in H o l l a n d . "Philaedes' was the theme for the winter formal. Arkies were busy also with remodeling their basement. They c o n t i n u e d fraternity tradition t h r o u g h o u t the year with p i n n i n g ceremonies a n d serenades.


First Semester President — Bob Anderson Vice-president — John Wormuth Secretary — Max Schipper Treasurer —John VerSteeg Second Semester President— John Wormuth Vice-president — Graham Lampert Secretary — Charles Latowsky Treasurer —John VerSteeg

Lett to right, Row 1: G. Lampert, D. deVelder, J. Skivington, S. Jenson, P. Mulford, J, Visser. R. Engstrom; Row 2: J. I'icrpont, L. DeVries, D. Reeves, D. Lane, M. Rottschafer, J. Muller, J. Versteeg, T. Smith, P. Nordstrom; Row 3: E. Greij, M. Schipper, R. Werterbeke,

C, Latowsky, K. Schrotenboer, R. Lindblad, E. Grabo, T. Mazur, J. Wesselink, J. Gibbs, J. Weenink; Row 4: J. Wormuth, D. Lape, J. deVelder, K. Carpenter, J. Ehrlich, M. Young, G. Duryee, G. Gottberg, G. Korstange, L. Finton

KAPPA ETA NU T h e new year got off to an encouraging start with the redecoration of the basement. T h i s gave the Knicks a new setting for the rush activities a n d the house parties. Being the smallest of Hope's fraternities, the men of K a p p a Eta N u f o u n d it rough going in the sports competitions b u t they m a n a g e d to enjoy the games. F u n was had by all at the parties, the informal, the b a r b e q u e a n d in particular, the formal at Sleepy Hollow. T h e pledges added twenty new m e n to the b r o t h e r h o o d to fill the spots left by the valuable g r a d u a t i n g seniors.


First Term President — Paul Bast Vice-president — Cal Poppink Secretary — John Mings Treasurer — Ken Walz Second Term President — Cal Poppink Vice-president — Tom Cousineau Secretary — Jim Bekkering Treasurer — Ken Walz Third Term President — Tom Cousineau Vice-president — Ken Walz Secretary — Phil Miller Treasurer — Chris Buys


Kronemeyer. R. Fair, J. Lootens, C. Miller, ]. Bekkering, R. Archilla, T. Ming, F. Remmelsberger, J. Lemmerz, T. DeKuiper, R. Cooper, D. Gook, P. Miller, A. Smith; Row 4: T. Grundy, W. Poppink, J. Monsma, D. Oehm, B. Hopma, J. Buteyn, B. Hultgren, L. Stell, G. Holvick, K. Walz, C. Langeland, G. Garwood, B. Schantz, B. Klerk, A. F. Pearson, T. Carlson, B. Fuge, R. White, A. Slikkers, P. Maring. C. Buys

Left to right, Row I: G. Krueger. B. Barger, F. Brady, R. Holman, F. Lundell, (. Tyssc, W. Taylor, S. Langeland, D. Farmer, J. Pruiksma, R. Owens, R. Kuiper, B. Kilbourn, W. Mills, A. Kinney; Row 2: Dr. A, Jentz, T . Sheffield, J. /wart, H. Andersen, K. Feit, T . Bast, D. Kroneineyer, W. Kullgren, C. Walters, C. Holleman, G. Rypma, J. Poortinga, J. Waterman, T. T h o m e , B. Withers, G. Workman; Row 3: J. Mecngs, D. Poppink, D. Baas, j. Huisman, P. Rauwerdink, R.

OMICRON KAPPA EPSILON T h e men of Fraternal began the year with the activities of Homecoming a n d the initiation of their new pledge class. T h i s was followed closely by a joint Frater-Sorosis meeting and the initiation of the Sorosis pledges. T h e w i n t e r formal, "Ball N o e l " was held in December at Fiedelman's. "Frater Frolics," the a n n u a l variety show was a great success. T h e May Day All-Sports T r o p h y was won by the Fraters this year. T h e year ended with the Spring informal and the a n n u a l Swan Song in h o n o r of the g r a d u a t i n g seniors.


First Term President— Pete Steketee Vice-president — Skip Nienhuis Secretary — Ron Matthews Treasurer —Jim Serum Second Term President — Dave Stavenger Vice-president — Jim Boelkins Secretary — Bill Coons Treasurer — Jim Serum Third Term President — Jim Riemersma Vice-president — Doug Smith Secretary — A m i e Fege Treasurer — Dave Heusinkveld


Left to right, Row 1: B. White, D. Troost, L. Brosseit, D. Schut, F. Leibundguth, M. Fiteny, K. Abel, A. Burrill, B. Quist, E. Kirk; Row 2: P. Steketee, J. Turpstra, J. Albrecht, T. DeLong, J. Serum, B. Neckers, D. Smith. D. Stavenger, D. Nykerk, J. Riemersma, J. Ridder; Row 3: }. Klein, H, Tigelaar, J. Simons, W. Cotts. J. Hill, J. Moored, R. Nieter-

ing. B. Dolphin, D. VanBeek, C. Nienhuis, D. Heusinkveld, T. Draft, D. Vanderwel, J. Kreunen, B. Reichardt. J. DeSmidt: Row 4: J. Boelkins, L. CaVn, A. Fege, R. Matthews, P. Schaap, B. Klow, M. Peterson, T. Cook, K. Teusink, R. Smies, W. Coons, C. Walvoord

PHI KAPPA ALPHA T h e men of Cosmopolitan began the year with a successful rush program and the activities of Homecoming. "Lamplighter's Ball," the winter formal, was held at Cascade Country Club. T h e All-College Sing f o u n d the Cosmos working h a r d to keep the cup for the third straight year with, "Black is the Color of My T r u e Love's H a i r " led by Chuck Walvoord. T h e fraternity was also a leading contender for the i n t r a m u r a l sports trophy. T h e year's activities were concluded with the informal and an Alumni-parents b a n q u e t at Jack's.






f irst Semester President - Robert Folkerts Vice-president — Paul Hesselink Secretary — Jack Cook Treasurer — Neil DeBoer Second Semester President — Paul Hesselink Vice-president — Robert Edwards Secretary — Henry Brown Treasurer — Neil Delioer



o ^ ^ -






R. Edwards, C. Blood, f. Utzinger, R. Hilbclink, K. Goodwin, M. Lemmencs, J. Zimmerman, R. Gelok, R. Knol, L. Cole; Row 4: R. DeSawal, J. Grissen, H. Dykema, D. DeMaster, G. Poll, W. Bovenkerk, E. Roberts. J. Dillbeck, R. Westervelt, C. Berry. L, VanAI'sburg, W, Magans, J. Lohman, L. VanDeHocf, N. Sobania. f. Tanis, J. Mace, J. Carter, F. Barron, [, Insel, R. Schlett, R. Ovens, S. I.arkin, R. Van AiAen

Left to right, Row 1:D. Sliiels, D. Mcintosh, J. Killmaster, T. Hendrickson, K. VanTol, W. VanKampen, G. Blank, R. Schwegler, J. Gale, R. /.ondag, R. Valantasis, W. VanEck. C. Tenpas, A. Griswold; Row 2: J Beltman, T . Straatsma, B. Bao, G. VanDahm, D. Greiffendorf, H. Brown, S. Wilcox, P. Hesselink, |. Boeringa, J. Cook, J. Ronda, D. Dalman, J. Knecht, R. Folkerts, L. Bolt, W. Rcns; Row 3: M. Ondrus, P. Pluister, N. DeBoer, D. Vogel, T. Kahler, D. Jentink, J. Nivala, D. Clifford, M. Kraai, j. Sabo. D. Grissen, K. Terpstra,

PHI TAU NU Emersonians took the trophy in the fraternity competition in the AllCollege Sing with their song "Cool W a t e r , " directed by M a r k Lemmenes. T h e formal, held at Spring Lake, had as its theme "Voyage in R o m a n c e and the i n f o r m a l at Castle Park was entitled "Bacchanalia." T h e literary meetings stressed international relations in E u r o p e and Asia.







CALVIN A. VANDER WERF, Ph.D., President of the College


WILLIAM VANDER LUGT, Ph.D.. Dean of the College


L. JAMES HARVEY, Ph.D., Dean of Students



JOHN W. HOLLENBACH, Ph.D., Vice President of the College

ISLA VAN EENENAAM, A.B., Dean of Women


JOHN R. MAY, M.S. in L.S.. Head Librarian

ROGER [. R1E1 BERG. S.M.M., Director of Admissions

ALLEN B. COOK. B.D., College Pastor

JANET MULDER, A.B., Archivist

MARIAN A. STRYKER, A.B., Director of Alumni Relations


.r ADELPHOS A. DYKSTRA, B.D.. Director of Church Relations

HENRV j. STEFFENS, A.M., Treasurer


REIN VISSCHER, Business Manager

R O B E R T J. PRIXS, A.B Assistant to the President



AR THUR H. JENTZ, Ph.D., Instructor in Religion and Bible

LAMBERT J PONSTEIN, S.T.M., Associate Professor of Religion and Bible

BASTIAN KRUITHOF, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Bible

HENRY VOOGD. Th D.. Professor of Religion and Bible and Chairman of the Department


R O B E R T B U R T O N , A.M., Instructor in Philosophy


D. IVAN DYKSTRA. Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Chairman of the Department



JOSEPH ZSIROS, Th.D., Associate Professor of Classical Language

RALPH PERRY, Ph.D., Professor of Romance Languages and Cliairman of the Department MARTIN N. RALPH, B.S., Instructor in Spanish


GERHARD F. MEGOW, Ph.D., Associate Professor of German


MARIE J. FEYT, A.M., Instructor in French NELLA MEYER. A.M., Professor in French ESTHER M. SNOW, A.M., Assistant Professor of German

H E R B E R T W. HINES, Ph.D.. Visiting Professor of Russian

WERNER W. HEINE, A.M., Assistant Professor of German H U B E R T WELLER, A.M., Instructor in Spanish


EZRA F, GEARHART, A.M.. Associate Professor of German and Chairman of the Department

EDWARD J. WOLTERS, A.M., Professor of Latin and Chairman of Classical Languages


CLARENCE T. DE GRAAE, Ed.D., Professor of English and Chairman of the Department

EDWARD B. SAVAGE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of English ZOE E. MURRAY, A.M., Assistant Professor of English

A. JAMES PRINS, Ed.D., Professor of English


EDWARD E. FRICSON, A.M., Instructor in English

R. DIRK JELLEMA, M.F.A., Instructor in English JOAN E. MUELLER. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English

EDWARD E. BR \ N D , Ed.D., Associate Professor of English

VIRGINIA A. CARWELL, A.M., Instructor in English


HENRY T E N HOOR. Ed.D., Professor of English E. JEAN PROTHEROE, A.M., Associate Professor of English



ROBERT WEGTER, M.R.E., Instructor in Speech WILLIAM SCHRIER, Ph.D., Professor of Speech and Chairman of the Department M. HAROLD MIKLE, A.M., Assistant Professor of Speech


JAMES J. MALCOLM, S.T.M., Instructor in Speech

STANLEY H A R R I N G T O N , M.F.A., Instructor in Art

DELBF.RT MICHEL, M.F.A., Instructor in Art



JAMES TALLIS, Assistant Professor of Music

ROBERT M CECII,, M Mus Assistant Professor of Music

ROBER P W. CAVANAUGH, Ed.D., Professor of Music Theory and Voice, Chairman of the Department

JOYCE M. MORRISON, M.M„ Instructor in Music

M O R R E T T E L. RIDER, Ed.D., Professor of Music Theory and Instrument

ROGER E. DAVIS, M.Mus., Instructor in Music

ANTHONY KOOIKER. Ph.D., Professor of Music Theory and Piano


JANTINA W. HOLLEMAN, A.M.. Associate Professor of Music Theory

CHARLES C. ASCHBRENNER, M.Mus., Instructor in Music


ALLEN BRADY. Ph.D., Teaching Intern in the Biology Department

EVA B. VAN SCHAACK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology


NORMAN N O R T O N , Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology

NORMAN W. RIECK, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Biology

•Hi PAUL VAN FAASEN, A.M., Instructor in Biology PHILIP G. CROOK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Biology and Chairman of the Department

ELDON D. GRE1J, M.S., Instructor in Biology

< 175

ji numwm CHEMISTRY


JERRY R. MOHRIG, Ph.D., IRWIN j. BRINK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry

Assistant Professor of Chemistry DOUGLAS C. NECKERS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry

, i ir

/ J. HARVEY KLEINHEKSEL, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry

EUGENE C. JEKEL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Chemistry


DAVID KLEIN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry

PHYSICS DAVID MARKER, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics

i i

HARRY E. FRISSEL, Ph.D. Professor of Physics and Chairman of the Department

RONALD W. BERRY, B.S., Instructor in Physics


FRANK C. SHERBURNE, JR.. M.S., Assistant Professor of Mathematics


CHARLES A. STEKETEE, A.M., Associate Professor of Mathematics

JOHN VAN IWAARDEN, A.M., \ssistant Professor of Mathematics

JAY E. FOLKERT, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Chairman of the Department J O N A T H A N 15. SKINNER, A M Instructor in Mathematics


MASANAO KANO, Ph.D.. Visiting Intructor in Histoi7

WILLIAM R. BARLOW. Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History

DAVID L. CLARK, B D.. Instructor in History PAUL G. FRIED. Ph.D., Professor of History and Chairman of the Department



DAVID POWELL, Ph.D.. Assistant Professor of History



KENNETH J. WELLER, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration D W I G H T B. YNTEMA, Ph D., Professor of Economics and Business Administration

ADRIAN J. KLAASEN, Ph.D.. Associate Professor of Economics and Business Administration



JAMES D. VAN P U T T E N , Ph.D., Professor of Political Science and Chairman of the Department

ALVIN W. VANDER BUSH. A.M., Ascsociate Professor of Political Science




DONALD A. CLELLAND, A.M., Instructor in Sociology

EARL E. HALL, A.M., Assistant Professor of Sociology and Chairman of the Department


LARS I. GRANBERG, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology

E. PHILIP VAN EYL, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology

R O B E R T F. DE HAAN, Ph D., Professor of Psychology and Chairman of the Department

LESLIE R. BEACH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology

R O B E R T S. BROWN, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology



HELEN V. SCHOON, A.M., JOHN J. VER BEEK, A.M., Professor of Education

T U N I S BAKER, Ph.D., Professor of Science Education

LAMONT DIRKSE, A.M., Assistant Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Education

RUSSELL B. DE VETTE, A.M., Associate Professor of Physical Education

G O R D O N M. BREWER, A.M., Assistant Professor of Physical Education and Director of Athletics

PHYSICAL EDUCATION * n;;>T ^ • ^ • S V L r .»ija»i-»'

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• : ; ;

LAWRENCE J. GREEN, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Education and Chairman of the Department

DARYL SIEDENTOP, A.M. Instructor in Physical Education

D A U G H N SCHIPPER, A.B., Instructor in Physical Education



h Academic achievement, service contributions to the college, assumption of responsibility . . . . with these things in mind, the Milestone presents some of the o u t s t a n d i n g members of the Class of 1965.

If: m---

Marjorie Gouwens

Bill Cathcart

Marion Hoekstra

Jim Boeringa

Suzanne Radliff


Bruce Neckers

Dick Emmert

Robert Barrows

Mary Ellen Bridger

Robert Anderson, Jr.

Kathy Verduin Larry Haverkarap

Carole Timkovich Jim Ronda

Sue Spring



Ruth Yzenbaard

Paul Ransford

Ruth Rikkers

Sue Shauger

A1 Chesney Betty Lou Dietch


mm: Paul Bast

Roger Abel Suellen Pnns


Paul Hesselink


Charles Menning

James Tell



Sophomore Class Officers

Freshman Class Officers

Junior Class Officers

SENIORS Senior ClaSs Officers

ROGER H, ABEL Holland, Michigan Chemistry Blue Key

BEVERLY A. ALLRED Grand Haven, Michigan Political Science - History

PATRICIA L, ASHWOOD Pleasant Valley, New York Humanities Sigma Iota Beta

JULIA A. ALEXANDER Teaneck, New Jersey English Sigma Sigma

ANNE A L L D R I T T Holland, Michigan English

B E N N E T T K. AMETEFE Palime, Togo Biology - Chemistry

HARRY G. ANDERSEN Benton Harbor, Michigan Psychology

KELWIN J, BAKKER Holland, Michigan Music Phi Tau Nu

PAUL BAST Grand Rapids, Michigan English Omicron Kappa Epsilon Blue Key 194

NEAL G, A L L D R I T T Holland, Michigan Business Administration Chi Phi Sigma

ROBERT GEORGE ANDERSON Bayside, New York History Kappa Eta Nu Blue Key

MARILYNN R. BATES Chicago, Illinois English Sigma Iota Beta

HOPE F. BECKERING Zeeland, Michigan English Delta Phi

JAMES R. BEKKERING Fremont, Michigan Economics Omicron Kappa Epsilon

JAMES E. BELTMAN Holland, Michigan English Phi Tau Nu

RICHARD J, BENNINK Kalamazoo, Michigan Philosophy Chi Phi Sigma

DOUGLAS W. BERENS Zeeland, Michigan Mathematics Chi Phi Sigma

T O M BERGER Chicago, Illinois History

CAROL BEUKEMA San Diego, California French Delta Phi

GERALD C. BOERHAVE Sheldon, Iowa History Kappa Eta Nu


V1 DAVID L, BOERIGTER Holland, Michigan Political Science

LARRY W. BOLT Chicago, Illinois Biology Phi T a u Nu

JAMES A. BOERINGA Oak Park, Illinois Psychology Phi Tau N u 195

RICHARD H. BOLT Downers Grove, Illinois Chemistry Chi Phi Sigma

NANCY L. BONJERNOOR Grand Rapids, Michigan Mathematics Sigma Sigma Mortar Board

LINDA BORGMAN Chicago, Illinois English Delta Phi

NINA K. BOSSENBROEK Hastingson-Hudson, New York Latin Sigma Sigma

SUSAN J. BOSSHARD Berklay, Michigan English Kappa Beta Phi

MARY ELLEN BRIDGER Genoa, Illinois Mathematics Alpha Gamma Phi Mortar Board

KATHRYN M. BROWN Mason, Michigan Latin

JOYCE M. B U C K H O U T Kalamazoo, Michigan Biology Kappa Delta Chi

RICHARD J. BUSMAN Coopersville, Michigan Mathematics

SANDRA KAYE CADY Allegan, Michigan Spanish Delta Phi Mortar Board

LAWRENCE A. CALFEE, JR. Toledo, Ohio History

ALAN R. CARTER Schenectady, New York Political Science Alpha Phi Omega

WILLIAM L. CATHCART Rochester, New York History Chi Phi Sigma Blue Key


BILLIE A. CHAIN Cincinnati, Ohio English Kappa Beta Phi

ALAN CHESNEY Delmar, New York Psychology

JAMES D. CHESNEY Delmar, New York Psychology

T O M C. COUSINEAU North Muskegon, Michigan History Omicron Kappa Epsilon

CHERYL J. DADO Harvey, Illinois English

DAVID A. DALMAN Greenville, Michigan Chemistry Phi T a u N u

BEULAH F. DANIEL Battle Creek, Michigan Psychology - Biology

LINDA D DAVIS St. Joseph, Michigan English Kappa Beta Phi

DUANE E. DEHOLLANDER Holland, Michigan Chemistry Phi Tau Nu

ARLENE G. DEITZ Lawyersville, New York English Delta Phi Mortar Board

HENRY R. DEJONGE Holland, Michigan Biology


JOYCE E. DEKORVER Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Florida Latin Sigma Iota Beta

T E D W. DELONG Holland, Michigan Business Administration Phi Kappa Alpha

DAVID L. DEN UYL Holland. Michigan Psychology

JOHN R. DE VELDER Kowloon, Hong Kong English Kappa Eta Nu

R O B E R T DE YOUNG South Holland, Illinois Chemistry

WILLIAM G, DE YOUNG Chicago. Illinois Psychology

BETTY L. DIETCH Wayne, New Jersey Music Kappa Delta Chi

J U D I T H L. DIRKSE Grand Haven, Michigan History Sigma Iota Beta

LEONARD G. DOREY Pontiac, Michigan Chemistry

JAMES A. DRIY Holland, Michigan Chemistry

PAMELA D. DYKSTRA Schenectady, New York English Sigma Sigma Mortar Board

CAROLE ELFERDINK Holland, Michigan English

JEANANN ELGERSMA Royal Oak, Michigan English Sigma Iota Beta



J O H N R. E M M E R T Bangor, Michigan Political Science - History Kappa Eta Nu Blue Key

CARINA B. ERIKSON Tarrytown, New York German Sigma Iota Beta

JOAN M. ESTHER Quezon City, Philippines English - Spanish Alpha Gamma Phi

JEFFREY L. EUBANK Cadillac, Michigan Political Science Chi Phi Sigma

A N D R E B. FELIX Holland, Michigan Physics

JAMES C. FLAGG Lewiston, New York Business Administration Omicron Kappa Epsilon

MARY LOUISE FLIKKEMA Jersey City, New Jersey History Alpha Gamma Phi

7 JAMES M. FARGHER Michigan City, Indiana Chemistry

R O B E R T J. FOLKERTS Franklin Park, Illinois Mathematics Phi Tau Nu

HARRY W. FORRESTER Holland, Michigan Business Administration

SHARON B. FREDERICK Port Jervis, New York Psychology Kappa Beta Phi


ANJA M. GALE Dexter, Michigan English

LEE K. GERARD Muskegon, Michigan Religion

BRUCE F. GIBBONS Holland, Michigan History

PATRICIA M. GLEICHMANN Saint James, New York Latin Alpha Gamma Phi

SANDRA GREENE Muskegon, Michigan English - Spanish

GAIL F. G R O T E N H U I S Sheboygan Falls. Wisconsin English Sigma Sigma

FRANCES A. HALA Bayside, New York Spanish Kappa Delta Chi

GAYLE L. H A R R I N G T O N Holland, Michigan Biology Alpha Gamma Phi

KATHLEEN A N N E HARRISON Toledo, Ohio German Alpha Gamma Phi

LARRY J. HAVERKAMP Hanover, Indiana English Chi Phi Sigma Blue Key

PENELOPE B. HAVINGA Vickshurg, Michigan Psychology Kappa Delta Chi

R O B E R T A. H E C H T Whitmore Lake, Michigan English Kappa Eta N u

PAUL HESSELINK •Muskegon, Michigan English Phi Tau Nu Blue Key


R O N A L D D. HILBELINK Denver, Colorado Chemistry Phi Tau Nu

D O R O T H Y C. HINZ South Haven, Michigan English - German Kappa Beta Phi

MARION L. HOEKSTRA Kalamazoo, Michigan Spanish Kappa Beta Phi

MARLENE R U T H HOFFMAN Grand Rapids, Michigan Psychology Kappa Beta Phi

ELLEN VIRGINIA HOLLINGER Glen Rock, New Jersey History

JOAN B. HOMMERSON Hudsonville, Michigan French

ELLEN M. HOOK Paterson, New Jersey Psychology

GEORGE A. H U B B A R D Clifton Springs, New York History

A N N E E. H U T C H I N S O N Fennville, Michigan Latin Kappa Delta Chi

KAREN E. HUYCK Sheboygan, Wisconsin Music Kappa Delta Chi

ELLIS JULIEN Oak Lawn, Illinois Music


KEITH A. KLAAREN Sioux Center, Iowa History Phi Kappa Alpha

JEAN A N I T A KLOP Spring Lake, Michigan English

CHRISTOPHER K N E C H T Whitestone, New York German Phi Tau Nu Alpha Phi Omega

SANDRA F. KLYNSTRA Hudsonville, Michigan Social Studies

SALLY K. KOOISTRA Grand Rapids, Michigan English Sigma Sigma Mortar Board

JOSEPH E. KOOYERS Phoenix, Arizona English

GERALD R. KRUEGER Denver, Colorado German Omicron Kappa Epsilon

VIRGINIA A. KRYGER Scotia, New York English Sigma Sigma

RONALD G. ROSTER Holland, Michigan Chemistry

DELLA KUIPER Gary, Indiana Language Arts Delta Phi

R U T H A N N KOHLMAN Danforth, Illinois English Alpha Gamma Phi

RONALD G. KRONEMEYER Holland, Michigan History

NORMA M. LAFLEUR Whirinsville, Massachusetts Biology Alpha Gamma Phi



G. CHARLES LANTAY Holland, Michigan English

KAY S. LARISON Battle Creek, Michigan Language Arts

KATHLEEN D. LESEMANN West Hartford, Connecticut Psychology Sigma Sigma

LINDA L. LINDBLADE Moline, Illinois Psychology Sigma Iota Beta

JOAN V. LOWEKE Franklin, Michigan German

BRUCE A. MASSELINK Holland, Michigan Chemistry Chi Phi Sigma Blue Key

JEAN MAST Holland, Michigan Psychology

R O B E R T L. MAXAM Holland, Michigan Spanish

J R I C H A R D L. McFALL Holland, Michigan History

J O H N P. MEENGS Chicago, Illinois Psychology Omicron Kappa Epsilon

LOREN W. MEENGS Zeeland, Michigan Biology Chi Phi Sigma


CHARLES E. MENNING Grandville, Michigan English Chi Phi Sigma Blue Key

PHILIP D. MILLER Zeeland, Michigan Business Administration Omicron Kappa Epsilon

MARY JANE MILLS Grand Rapids, Michigan English Delta Phi

T I M O T H Y I. MINER Freeport, Michigan History Kappa Eta Nu

RONALD A. MULDER Grand Rapids, Michigan History Phi Kappa Alpha Blue Key

•vl LINDA J. M U N R O Detroit, Michigan English - Speech Sigma Iota Beta

BRUCE W. NECKERS Clymer, New York History Phi Kappa Alpha Blue Key

CARL W. NIEKAMP Catskill, New York Chemistry

ELIZABETH N. NILES Holland, Michigan English

WENCHE NILSEN Jersey City, New Jersey French Delta Phi

JOHN C. N O D O P Williston Park, New York Religion Alpha Phi Omega

MOHAMMAD S. NOZARI Tehran, Iran Chemistry Phi Kappa Alpha Blue Key

DAVID JAMES NYKERK Holland, Michigan English Phi Kappa Alpha


CAROLYN G. OLSEN Hudsonville, Michigan Humanities

FRANCES A. OSBORN Plainfield, New Jersey English Kappa Beta Phi

MARJ L. O T T O Sturgis, Michigan English Sigma Sigma

DEAN L. OVERMAN South Holland, Illinois Psychology Chi Phi Sigma

KATHER1NE G. OWEN Auburn, New York History Kappa Delta Chi

AMZIE D. PARCELL Butler, New Jersey Music Blue Key

SANDRA. D. PARKER Little Falls, New Jersey Biology Alpha Gamma Phi

WILLIAM V. PEACOCK Springfield, New Jersey Economics Chi Phi Sigma

C L A R A E T T A M. PHILLIPS Muskegon, Michigan English

WILLIAM C. POPPINK Muskegon, Michigan Economics Omicron Kappa Epsilon

JACOB J. PRUIKSMA, JR. Clifton, New Jersey History Omicron Kappa Epsilon

MARCIA L. PYLMAN Grand Rapids, Michigan English Kappa Beta Phi


SUZANNE P. RADLIFF Scotia, New York Speech Kappa Delta Chi

K E N N E T H E. REYNEN Holland, Michigan Greek - Religion

JAMES B. RIDDER Lansing, Illinois History Phi Kappa Alpha

PAUL RANSFORD, JR. San Antonio, Texas Philosophy Chi Phi Sigma Blue Key

CARLA A. REIDSMA Holland, Michigan French Sigma Sigma Mortar Board

NANCY HERLEIN REYNEN Holland, Michigan English

REBECCA J. RICHARDS Cincinnati, Ohio English Alpha Gamma Phi

GARY L. RIETSMA Holland, Michigan Psychology

JAMES K. RIEMERSMA Alma, Michigan Economics Phi Kappa Alpha


WILLARD J. RENS Waupun, Wisconsin Business Administration Phi Tau Nu

JOHN B. RICHARDSON Harvey, Illinois Psychology Chi Phi Sigma

G E R R I T J. RIETVELD Chicago Heights, Illinois History

R U T H RIKKERS Greenfield, Missouri Music

JAMES P. R O N D A Evergreen Park, Illinois History Phi T a u N u

MARY E. SCHERPENISSE Grand Rapids, Michigan Language Arts

R O B E R T A. S C H L E T T Lodi, New Jersey English Phi T a u N u

LARRY L. S C H U T Clinton, Wisconsin Psychology

CAROL A. SEBENS Holland, Michigan English Delta Phi

J O H N MARK ROTTSCHAEER Grand Rapids, Michigan Chemistry Kappa Eta Nu


MARCIA A. SAYLES Rochester, New York English Sigma Sigma

SUSAN L. S C H R A N D T Bear Lake, Michigan English Kappa Delta Chi

R O B E R T K SCHROTENBOER Hollatid, Michigan History

JAMES WAYNE SERUM Hudsonville, Michigan Chemistry Phi Kappa Alpha Blue Key

G. FREDERICK SHANHOLTZER Nassau, New York Biology Chi Phi Sigma

SUSAN SHAUGER Pompton Plains, New Jersey English

RICHARD J. SHUMAKER Holland, Michigan Business Administration

K E N N E T H B. SIMMELINK Holland, Michigan Psychology

NANCY D. SLAGTER Oak Park, Illinois English - Spanish Kappa Beta Phi

GAIL DEBOER SMANT Ferrysburg, Michigan Biology

ALAN R. SMITH Grand Rapids, Michigan History Omicron Kappa Epsilon

BETTY SMITH Grand Rapids, Michigan Music

DOUGLAS J. SMITH Morrison, Illinois Business Administration Phi Kappa Alpha

JANIECE S. SMOLL Blissfield, Michigan Music Sigma Iota Beta

SUSAN SPRING Altamont, New York English

JAMES A. STAPLE Muskegon Heights, Michigan English Omicron Kappa Epsilon

DAVID STAVENGER , Cicero, Illinois Chemistry Phi Kappa Alpha


DAVID M. S T E H O U W E R Grandville, Michigan Chemistry Alpha Phi Omega

PETER W. STEKETEE Falls Church, Virginia History Phi Kappa Alpha

SALLY J. STEKETEE Holland, Michigan Spanish Sigma Iota Beta

T H O M A S E. STRAATSMA Grand Haven, Michigan Political Science Phi Tau Nu

PHILIP D S T R E N G H O L T , JR Holland, Michigan Business Administration

DAVID P. STRYKER Holland, Michigan Business Administration Omicron Kappa Epsilon

R O L L A N D L. SWANK Holland, Michigan Mathematics

HELEN M. T A N Singapore, Malaysia Biology Sigma Sigma

SUSAN B. TAYLOR Kalamazoo, Michigan Psychology

JAMES R. T E L L Webster, New York Mathematics Blue Key

LANA K. T E N BRINK Holland, Michigan English


JOHN D. T E R P S T R A Lansing, Illinois History Phi Kappa Alpha

PETER J. T H E U N E Oostburg, Wisconsin History

CLYDE D. T I L T O N Holland, Michigan Business Administration

CAROLE S. TIMKOVICH Lansing, Illinois English Sigma Iota Beta Mortar Board

MARIA C. TOY Spring Lake, Michigan Spanish

JAMES R. VACCARO Holland, Michigan Chemistry

GEORGE VAN DAHM Chicago, Illinois Business Administration Phi Tau Nu

CARLA J. VANDE B U N T E Dorr, Michigan English Delta Phi

CHARLES J. VANDER KOLK Holland, Michigan Psychology Phi Kappa Alpha

JOHN W. VANDER ROEST Kalamazoo, Michigan Religion

GEORGE VANDER VELDE Zeeland, Michigan Chemistry Phi T a u Nu

G E R T R U D E VAN DYKE Pomona, California English Alpha Gamma Phi

JAMES H. VANDER KOLK Byron Center, Michigan Biology Chi Phi Sigma


SHIRLEY B O U W M A N VAN HOEVEN Holland, Michigan Speech Delta Phi

CAROL J. VAN L E N T E Holland, Michigan Language Arts Sigma Sigma

PETER C. VAN LIEROP Seoul, Korea Psychology Chi Phi Sigma

PALMER VEEN Holland, Michigan Music

KATHLEEN V E R D U I N Chicago Heights, Illinois English Delta Phi Mortar Board

J O H N D. VER MEULEN Grand Rapids, Michigan Business Administration Kappa Eta Nu

GLENDA WIEMAN V E T T E R Monroe, South Dakota Language Arts

JOAN O. VISSCHER Hollafid, Michigan History

& •w


DENNIS F. VOGEL Dolton, Illinois Business Administration Phi T a u Nu

MARCIA L. VOIGT Detroit, Michigan Speech Delta Phi

J U D I T H L. WALLACE Keyport, New Jersey History Kappa Beta Phi 211


ELLEN R WALTERS Holland, Michigan English

K E N N E T H G. WALZ Darien, Connecticut English Omicron Kappa Epsilon

J O H N LING-FAI WANG Kowloon, Hong Kong Chemistry Blue Key

FRANCES B. WELCHER Riverdale, New Jersey English Sigma Iota Beta

DONALD J. WESTERHOFF South Holland, Illinois Business Administration

SANDRA K. W R I G H T Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania German Kappa Delta Chi

R O N A L D J. W A R N E T Fair Lawn, New Jersey Chemistry Alpha Phi Omega

MARJORIE A. WIEGMAN Chicago, Illinois English Sigma Iota Beta

CAROL L. YONKERS Grand Rapids, Michigan English Sigma Iota Beta

R U T H E. YZENBAARD Kalamazoo, Michigan English Sigma Iota Beta


PETER D. WEIDENAAR Holland, Michigan Sociology

STEPHEN J. WILCOX Rockford, Illinois Psychology Phi Tau N u


DIRCK DE VELDER Kowloon, Hong Kong English Phi Tau Nu

NOT PICTURED REBECCA ALLEN South Haven, Michigan Chemistry

REV. A N D R I T O S P O U L O S Muskegon, Michigan History

ROBERT BARROWS Pompton Lakes, New Jersey Music

ARVELLA BAUMANN Holland, Michigan Religion

WILLIAM BRAUER Cadillac, Michigan English Chi P h i Sigmc

JAMES BRINK Muskegon, Michigan Mathematics

LINDA B R A M W E L L BROOKS Saugatuck, Michigan English

PEGGY BUTEYN Holland, Michigan Psychology

KEITH CHAPPELL Saginaw, Michigan English Phi T a u Nu

JACK COOK Delaware, Ohio History Phi T a u Nu

P A T R I C I A DECKER Grand Rapids, Michigan English Delta Phi

ALAN DIBBLE Holland, Michigan History Kappa Eta Nu

JOHN ELLIOTT Holland, Michigan History Kappa Eta N u

RUTH ELLIOTT Holland, Michigan English Sigma Sigma

S T U A R T EMMONS Holland. Michigan History

J O H N FISCHER Holland, Michigan Business Administration

MARJORIE GOUWENS South Holland, Illinois German

DENNIS G R I F F E N D O R F Benton Harbor, Michigan Physics Phi T a u Nu

J O H N GREZE C h a t h a m , New Jersey Chemistry

GERALD HAGANS South Haven, Michigan English Chi Phi Sigma

BARBARA YAGER H E P B U R N Holland, Michigan English - Spanish

CURTIS HOLLEMAN Grandville, Michigan English Chi P h i Sigma

PETER HOUTING Waukesha, Wisconsin English Kappa Eta Nu

DONALD H O U T M A N Holland, Michigan Art

K H I A N JAP Medans, Sumatra Biology Phi Kappa Alpha

DONALD KARDUX Holland, Michigan Speech

RUSSELL KLEINHEKSEL Holland, Michigan Business Administration

J O H N KOEBEL Scotts, Michigan Mathematics Phi Kappa Alpha

R I C H A R D KOERSELMAN Holland, Michigan Music

R U T H LAM Wyoming, Michigan English Sigma Iota Beta

ELMER L A M P E R T Aurora, Illinois Biology Kappa Eta Nu

DAVID LANE Allendale, New Jersey Psychology Kappa Eta Nu

D O N A L D LARSEN Holland, Michigan Economics

MARTHA LOOTENS Lansing, Michigan Biology Delphi

MICHAEL M C N E A L Schenectady. New York Mathematics

BEVERLY MILLAR Holland, Michigan Philosophy

JEFFREY M U L L E R Hicksville, New York Sociology

NANCY N I C H O L S Louisville, Kentucky German Sigma Sigma

JAN N I E N H U I S Holland, Michigan Psychology

JON NORTON Tuscon, Arizona Psychology Chi Phi Sigma

W I L L I A M PENNY Holland, Michigan English

W A L T E R PICKUP Albany, New York Religion

SUELLEN PRINS Holland, Michigan Chemistry Kappa Delta Chi Mortar Board

PETER PROLI Holland, Michigan English

DONALD R I L L E M A Holland, Michigan Chemistry

DIANE R O W L A N D Silver Creek, New York Biology

JAMES R U F F N E R Holland, Michigan Music

MARTIN SCHOLTENS Chicago, Illinois Business Administration

MICHAEL S C H R I E R Grandville, Michigan Music Chi Phi Sigma

RICHARD SHATTUCK Kalamazoo. Michigan Biology

WILLIAM T. SMITH Flushing, New York English Kappa Eta Nu

CANDACE S P E E T Holland, Michigan Mathematics

J O H N STAM Holland, Michigan Chemistry

DAVID STANSBY Holland, Michigan Chemistry

T H O M A S STEFFINS Holland, Michigan Biology

EDWARD STIELSTRA Redlands, California Biology Phi Kappa Alpha

JAMES T H O M P S O N Hudsonville, Michigan History

BRUCE T U R K S T R A Holland, Michigan Political Science

JACK VAN LIERE Holland, Michigan Business Administration

SUSAN VAN O U W E R K E R K Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin Psychology

JAMES E. VAN T I L Grandville, Michigav. Business Administration

DONNA VAN W I E R E N Holland, Michigan History

JOHN VOORN Palo Heights, Illinois History

LARRY WEED South Haven, Michigan

ELLEN W H I T A K E R Hudson, New York Psychology

JAMES WIERSMA Hamilton, Michigan Business Administration

ALAN WILSON Benton Harbor, Michigan Music Chi Phi Sigma


Linda Abraham

Anita Awad

John Aggen

David Baas

John Albrecht

Carol Bcrtelsen

Phyllis Anderson

Victor Bitar

Roy Anker

Barbara Boike

Ruben Archilla

Ellen Borger

Donald Ast

William Bouwma

Warren Bovenkerk

Walter Bruinsma

Nancy Bush

John Butevn

Bryce Butler

Martha Campbell

Leslie Clark

Alan Cole

Brenda Comissiong

Lorna Coons

Mary Cousineau

Patricia Cresswell

John Daane

Gibson Dallah

George DeBoer

Joan Dejager

Beverly Denyes

Gregory DePree

Steven DePree

Calvin Deur Âť

Richard DeVlaming



Larry DcVries

Diane DcWitt

Margaret Diephuis


Mary Essenbaggers

Adele Ewart

Mary Dixon

Brian Dolphin

Karen Dryfhout

James Dykstra

Sharon Dykstra

Patrick Eaman

Elmer Edman

Robert Edwards

Ardyce Elmore

Pat Elzemian

Donna Englesman

Oliver Durrell


Richard Feldman

Toodie Finlay


Joyce El ipse

William Euge

Robert Engelsman

Patricia Gabbey


\ Richard Games

John Gort

David Grisscn

Ruth Hagymasy

Mary Hakken

Martha Hallquist

Phillip Harmelink

Kathryn Headlcy

Rosemary Hckman

Marilyn Hoffman

Paul Hopper

Alvema Hovingh

Carol Howes

Marjorie Jacobs

Jerri Jansma

Kathryn Janssen

Jane Jappinga

Barbara Jensen

Anita Joeckel

Jeffrey Jorgensen

Richard Keats

Mary Klaasen

Russel Kleinheksel

John Knapp

Anne Knox

John Koch


JoAnne Kemink

Marin Kiefer

Richard Koster

Laura Kupfrian

Samuel Langeland

Douglas Lape


Judith Lee

Thelma Lcenhodts

Mary Leestma


> Mark Lemraenes

Paul Lein

Katherine Lenel

James Lemmerz

Leslie Leppla

Charlene Leong

Bruce Lubbers

Roger Luben

Sharon Lundahl

Martha Luther

Walter Magans

Nancy Mallory

Albert McGeehan

Chris Miller

Barbara Momeyer

Joel Monsma

Gloria Mooi

Sharon Nanninga

Jacob Ngwa



Albert Oosterhof

Bruce Oosterhouse

Mary Paalman

Penney Pennington

William Petz

Julie Postmus

Nelda Prothro

Sara Puehl

Nancy Rector

Diane Reifsneider

Cheryl Richardson

Cheryl Rollston

Susan Rose

Lynn Rundle

Patricia Schoonmaker

Edna Shaw

Susan Short

Donald Sill

Harlan Sorensen

Diana Staat

Traudl Stahl

Ronald Steensma

Timothy Stegeman

Frederick Strong

Ann Sutton



Mary Suydam

Marcia Swets

Paul T erpstra

Robert T erpstra

Marlea Ton

Lynne T own send

Ruth Sytsma

Nancy Syversen

Evonne Taylor

Joan tenHoor

Judyth Thomas

William TenPas

Linda Tiezzi

Dorothy T roike

Lester Van Allsburg

J Dirk Van Beek

Sharon Vandenburg

Ronald Vander Beek

Cynthia Vander Burgh

Judith Vander Naald

Vicki Van Eck

Lee Ann Van Haver

Joan Van Slageren

Alan Van Wieren

Hans Vogelaar

Jeff Waldron

Kathleen Walsma

Karen Ward



Kenneth Weber

Dennis Wegner

Richard Wepfer

Robert Westervelt

Larry Westrate

Robert White

Sharon Wiechman

J. Francine Wilson

Marylou Wilson

Carol Witter

Joan Woerdehoff

Joan Wognum

Lois Wolbrink

Richard Wolters

John Wormuth


Charyle Yeager

David Yntema

Jaime Zeas





Bonnie Abbott

Barbara Bang

Nancy Alexander

Mary Baron

David Anderson

John Apkarian

Gerald Auten

Tannette Baker

Daniel Bakker

Francis Barron

Donald Battjes

Karen Beck

Kenneth Behrens

Judith Bell

Marcia Bennink

James Beukelman

Mary Bicking

Sharon Blum

Calvin Boer

Bette Bootsman

Walter Borschel

Robert Bosman

Harold Bowman

Pamela Bowne

G. Thomas Breuer

Kenneth Brinks

Bernard B rower

Leslie Brueggemyer

Terry Carlson

Joyce Caufield

Billie Chang

Sharon Chapman

m Barbara Brunson

Charles Burt

Donald Campbell



Connie Chappell

Ann Christensen

Anne Cobb

Leslie Cole

William Coons

Joyce Corsette

Wayne Cotts

Diane Courtney

John Cox

Joan Crossman

Gwenn Dacus

Susan Dampman

Elizabeth Davies

Dyann De Angelis

Grace De Graff

Dean De Master

Donald De Master

Larry De Boer

Cheryl Defendorf

Marcia De Graaf

Susan De Vries


William De Weerd

Carole De Young

James Dibbet

John Dillbeck

Richard Dixon

Thomas Draft '


Laura Dick


Henry Dykema

Nancy Erickson

Lois Dykema

Mary Esther

Maria Dykema

Robert Etheridge

Diane Dykstra

Maja Etterlin

James Ehrlich

Erik Fair

Frederick Emerson

Mary Enderlin

Floyd Farmer

Carole Fields

m Anna Fischer

Diana Fisher

Patricia Gasperec

Richard Gelok

Barbara Granberg

Sally Greene

Carole Folkert

Ellen Folkert

Margaret Force

Thomas French

Daniel Fung

Ethel Gleichmann

Charlotte Goodrich

George Gottberg

Daniele Gottraux

Glenn Gouwens

Marion Greiner

Wayne Groesbeck

Diane Hale

Mary Handlogten

William Hannaford



im Joanne Hasper

Joann Heeren

John Heilman

Patricia HeUier

Marsha Hendricks

Robert Herkner

Terry Heusinkveld

Lois Heimstra

Jack Hill

Marilyn Hoffman

Ruth Hofstra

Martha Holland

Byron Hopma

Sue Houghtaling

Harold Huggins

John Huisman

Gregory Hulse

Martha Johnson

Diane Joldersma

Margaret June

Taibi Kahler

Margaret Kaper

Robert Kilbourn

Roberta Kirkpatrick

William Klerk

Milton Klow

Darlene Kobes

Mary Koeman

Milicent Koeman

John Koeppe

Gordon Korstange

Lynn Kraemer

Ronald Kronemeyer

Donald Krupp

Richard Kuiper



George Laban

Charles Langeland

Gloria Langstraat

Daniel Laning

Steven Lark in

Richard Leggett

Katherine Lein

Judith Lindaur

Stuart Levey

Harvey Lucas

James Lohman

Patricia MacEachron

James Mace

Bertha Magan

Preston Maring

Wayne Marsman

John Marsteller

Thomas Mazur

David McEachran

Joan Metiema

Jane Meengs

Carol Meier

Wes Michaelson

Kathleen Miersma

Randall Miller



Vance Miller

Patricia Myers

Nancy Minor

Susan Neher

Sandra Mitter

Joyce Nelson

James Moored

Marie Morris

Delwyn Mulder

Marcia Newhouse

Nancy Newman

William Nicholson

John Mulder

David Noel

Jacquelyn Nyboer

Dale O'Donnell

Thomas Ogren

Martin Ondrus

Irene Oosterbaan

Beth Oosting

Ellen Osterhaven

Vivie Pao


Gene Pearson

Maxime Pembroke

Michael Perry


Morris Peterson

Sharon Phillips

William Pryts

Nancy Rajsky

Sharon Rigterink

Hope Rimondi

David Peit

Philip Rauwerdink

Gene Pall

Joan Remteraa

Eugene Roberts

Janice Rowen

Joyce Pollitt

Charles Postraa

Norma Rens

Paul Reynen

Mary Pat Russell

Ruth Sagendorf

Jeffrey Powell

Richard Rietvild

William Sanford

Paul Schaap

Sharon Schouten

Kim Schrotenboer

Cheryl Schueneraan

Norman Schwab

Nancy Seighman

Pierre Sende

Susan Shand

Terry Sheffield

William Siebrand

Rona Slager

Lila Slingerland

John Smith

Richard Smith




Delwyn Sneller

John Solodow

Susan Sonneveldt

Sally Strom

Valerie Swart

Annajean Syperda

John Tanis

Judith Tanis

Glenn T aylor

Lauren T aylor

Jean Ten Brink

Kenneth Teusink

Howard Tigelaar

Ben Timmer

Donald T roost

James Troost

David T ubergen

Sue Utzinger

Ronald Van Auken

Ted Van Dam

Larry Van De Holf

Alan Vanden Berg

Caron Vanden Hoek

Rein Vander Hill

Jack Vander Schalk

David Vanderwel

William Van Dyke

Lois Van Harn

Beth Van Kuiken

Frederick Van Lente

Carl Van Noord

Mary Van Pemis

Shirley Van Raalte

Kenneth Van Tol

Carl Van Wyk



Paul Verduin

Michael Vogas

Dirk Walvoord

Phyllis Washburn

Joan Wells

Bradlee Wei ton

Charlotte Wagon veld

Jack Waterman

Carl Walters

Jane Wells

Stephen Wessling

Mary Westenbroek

Richard Westerbeke

William Whary

Dennis Wilcox

Allen Wildschut

Deanna Wilkens

Arikka Woldsen

Craig Workman

Kathleen Wright

Martha Wyatt

Aileen Zeller

Ruth Ziemann

John Zimmerman

Kenneth Zuithoff

Jerry Zwart



Keith Abel

Doreen Adolphs

Susan Achterhof

Cornelius Agori-Iwe

Susan Albers

Jchn Allan

Catherine Alms

Richard Appleton

Lynn Archambeau

Nancy Arendsen

Linda Ashe

Mary Atkinson

Nancy Aumann

Jean Bacon

Gloria Bailey

Nancy Baker

Emily Barnes

Thomas Bast

Bruce Becker

Marsha Beebe

Robert Benzenberg

Alan Bilyeu

Carol Bird

William Bischoff •

Graydon Blank



Nancy Bogue

Paul Bleau

Clinton Blood

Kathy Boezman

Margaret Bosker

Susan Bosman

Edith Bossier

Barbara Boyink

David Bruininks

Bernace Brunsting

Nancy Broersma

Kenneth Bruggers

Gail Bumford

Ruth Burch

Judith Burnett

Lynn Burrill

Suzanne Boonstra

Ronald Borst

Susan Borst

Floyd Brady

John Braun

Elise Breeding

Alicia Buchanan

Charlotte Buis

Carol Bultman

Jesse Burt

Norma Butterworth

Elsie Bwanausi

Stephen Carter

Craig Ceresano

Sharon Chamberlain

ik Carol Byl

Karen Candelora

Patricia Canfield

John Carlson



Sandra Champion

Candace Claassen

James Cronk

Nancy Culver

William DeBoer

James DeGood

Daniel Clifford

William Cutting

Joe DeKock

Elizabeth Conklin

Don Damsteegt

Linda Deurwaarder

George Cook

Dona Davidsmeyer

David DeVelder

Raymond Cooper

David Courtney

Glenys Davidson

Katherine Davis

Barbara DeVries

Edward DeVries

Kathy DeWitt

Ronald DeYoung

Virginia Dickhut

Kathryn Dickinson

Michael Dillbeck

Sidney Disbrow

Robert Donnelly

Harry Dross

David Duitsman

JoAnn Dunnican

Robert Dybing

Ann Dykhuizen

Jerome Dykstra

Ruth Dykstra



^ Timothy Dykstra

John Evans

Mary Eckert

Audrey Evers

0b Irene Edbrooke

Edward Evertz

James Eenigenburg

Dennis Farmer


Jay Eenigenburg

Kenneth Feit

Daniel Egy

Richard Engstrom

Larry Fisher

Michael Fitney

Delores Floyd

Barbara Fitzgerald

Juanita Floumoy

Barbara Fordham

Elaine Franco

Sandra Fratoni

Victoria Fris

Barbara Fugazzotto

Kelly Garrigan


William Garter

Nancy Graham

Jerry Grissen

Alan Griswold

Sandra Groendyke

Deanna Gross

Robert Gruetzmacher

m » f t-1—



James Gunther

Gail Gustafson

Judith Hage

William Halter

Thomas Hand

Michael Hanna

Darlene Hansen

k James Hardy

Phyllis Harringsma

Carolyn Hart

Paul Hartman


Barbara Hayes

John Hazen

Jonathan Hearne


Harriet Heerschap

Simon Helder

Susan Helgesen

Bedford Hendrickson

Thomas Hendrickson

Edward Heneveld

Robert Henion

Natalie Henning

Mary Hesselink

Louise Hoedema

Judy Holesinger

Craig Holleman

Jeff Hollenbach

Nancy Hollwedel

Richard Hollman

Dudley Holmes

William Hoogstra

Lois Hopp

Mary Hornbacher

John Housman

Suzanne Housman

% Daniel Howe

Marilyn Huisjen

Robert Huizenga

Dorothy Hull

Akiko Ishii

Susan Jalving

Judith Jensen

Steven Jensen

Donald Jentink

Amy Johnson

Mark Johnson

Marilyn Johnson

Dennis Jones

Robert Joseph



Jane Kallemyn

Robert Katulya

Gerald Keel

Janice Kemink

Roger Kemp

Priscilla Kempker

Daniel Kershner

William King

Allan Kinney

Barbara Klaasen

Linda Kloote

Joyce Knol

Kenneth Kolenbrander

Barbara Kollen

Kathleen Kollen

Marilyn Koman

Gene Koning

Glenn Kooiker

Menno Kraai

Jeanette Krauss

Donald Kronemeyer

Daniel Krueger

Raymond Kuipers

Nancy Kuyers

Linda Labusohr

Charles Lake

Susan Laraway

Carle La Riccia

Suzanne Larrabee

Larry Larson

Victoria Leister

Margaret Lenel -

Harold Lay

Peter Leidbundguth


Laurel Lundah!


Franklin Lundell

Roberta Luyendyk

Donn Mcintosh

Alyce Meengs

Bruce Ming

Vincent Mulford

Irene Maatman

Mark Meengs

Andrew Marks

Elizabeth Marshall

John Meerman

Lawrence Metzger

Carol Masouras

Sandra Meyers

Luann Moodie

Mary Jane Muller

Patricia Mateer

William Mills

Nancy Moylan

Shirley Mulder

Nelson Murphy

Marilyn Musson

Christine Nagel

Simon Nagel


Alan Myaard

Margo N aber




Corliss F. Nelson

ill John Nivala

Glenn Nienhuis

Paul Novak

Benjamin Nykamp

Laila Nykerk

Jayne Olsen

Kathleen Olson

Calvin Osterhaven

Carole Osterink

Marjorie Owen

Richard Owens

ri m

Gretchen Paalman


diMdk Judy Paauwe

Mike Paliatsos

Melissa Parker

Linda Patterson


Phyllis Peacock

Thomas Pelon

Linda Pettit


Barbara Phail

Susan Pickard

Sharon Pierce

Mary Piers

Vernon Plagenhoef

Chris Plasman

Glenn Pontier

Gerard Poortinga

James Query

John Query

Sharon Quick

J. Robert Quist

Valerie Quist

Carol Raj sky

Dawn Ravesloot

Kent Rawlins

Peter Read

Michael Reardon

Ronald Redder

Gloria Renkes

Karen Rekemeier

Steven Rcynen

Pamela Reynolds

Karyn Rigterink

Walter Richter

Rohn Ritzema

Jane Riso



Elizabeth Robar

Cheryl Roberts

Theodore Robinson

Carole Roden

Pamela Roden

James Rynbrandt

Carol Rowe

Roger Rozeboom

Nancy Runchy

Tibor Safar

Juri Sassian

Susan Schaaf

Merryl Schaefer

Carol Schakel

fL John Schalk

Linda Schreiber

Robert Schroeder

David Schut

Robert Schwegler

David Scott

Ruth Sevensma

Martin Sharp

Kenneth Sherburn

Richard Shiels

Patricia Sierdsma

Ruthann Sjolin

John Slighter

Bette Smith

Joan Soder

Florence Sova

Susan Stoeckly

James ^ Sutherland

Ann Sytsma

dlh im Harlan Snyder

Neal Sobania



Karen Swets

William Taylor


Jane T aylor

Keith Taylor


Andrew Techy

Gary TenPas

Randall Telman

Carl TenPas

Robert Thompson

Thomas Thome

Bonnie Timmer

Nancy Timmer

Richard Timmer

Charles Todd

Sandra Tomlinson

David VanBeek

John VanBeek

Milo VanBeek

Frederick VanCor

Dale Vanderaa

Linda VanderHeide

Gerrit Tysse



William Vander Lugt

William Van Eck

Pamela Vander Mar

Sherry Van Eenwyk

Delores Vandervlucht

Dennis Van Haitsma

Stephen Vander Weele

Ann Van Deusen

Margaret Van Dongen

Susan Van Koevering

Sharon Van Lente

Hugo Van Manen

Janna Van Sloten

Pieter Van Dyke

Cheryl Van Vossen

Susan Van Wyk

Joan Ann Vedder

Helen Ver Hoek

Louise Ver Hoek

Ronelle Vollink

Steven Voskuil

Ruth Wagner

Lawrence Walters

Frances Webinga

Linda Weessies

David Westerhoff


Mary D. Westphall

Eleanor Westeyn

Loren Whitaker



Bruce White

William Wichers

Jonathan Wiegand

Ernest Willcocks

Amy W ilson

Laura Wood

Robert Woodger

Alice Workman

Bonnie Woods

William Wykhuis

Eleanor Wybenga

Barbara Zandstra

Caryl Yzenbaard


Richard Zondag

Patricia Zoet




Abbot, Bonnie Abel, Keith Abel, Roger Abraham, Linda Achterhof, Susan Achterhof, Tyse Adolphs, Doreen Aggen, John Agori, Iwe Cornelius Albers, Susan Albrecht, John Alexander, Julia Alexander, Nancy Alhart, Barbara Allan, John Alldritt, Anne Alldritt, Neal Allen. Rebecca Allred, Beverly Alms, Catherine Ametefe, Bennett Andersen, Gilford Andersen, Harry Anderson, David Anderson, Phvllis Anderson. Robert Andringa. Mel Andritsopoulos, Rev. A Anker, Rov Apkarian, John Appleton. Richard Archambeau. Lvnn Archilla, Reuben Arendsen. Nancy Armstrong. Marcia Amone. Tanet Amone, John Ashe. Linda Ashwood, Patricia Ast, Donald Atkinson, Mary Aumann, Nancy Auten. Gerald Awad, Anita

221 79, 153, 230 79. 104, 123, 192, 194 141, 214 230 Ill, 122, 153, 113, 100, 114, 113, 130, 114, 116, 127, 123, 124, 125, 128, 132, 83,

230 214 230 230 214 194 221 135 230 194 194 213 194 230 194

151, 123, 129, 137, 104, 124, 130. 189.

194 221 214 194 121 213 81, 85, 130, 132. 147, 214 221 230 230 151, 214 230

118, 230 143, 194 214 230 230 83, 114, 116. 117, 129, 221 118, 135, 214 B

Baas, David Bachman, Randall Bacon. Jean Bailey, Brian Bailey, Gloria Baker, Nancy Baker, Tannette Bakker, Joann Bakker, Kelwin Bakker, Daniel Balla, Kenneth Bang, Barbara Bao, Benjamin Bao. Danny Barendse, Michael Barger, William Barnes, Emily Baron, Cynthia Baron, Mary Barron, Francis Barrows, Robert Barwis. John Bast. Paul Bast. Thomas Bates, Marilyn Battjes, Donald Baumann, Arvella Beck. Karen Becker, Bruce Beckering, Hope Beebe, Marsha Behrens. Kenneth Behrens, Patricia Bekkering, James Bell, Sandra Bell, Judith Beltman, James

151, 214 230 83 230 230 141, 221 113, 194 221 118, 122, 143, 221 83, 118. 155 83, 122 79 79, 15] 230 137 , 221 155, 221 114, 189, 213 79, 105, 192. 194 79, 15], 230 143, 194 221 213 113, 139, 22! 230 195 230 221 79, 15^ 195 130, 221 81, 155, 195


Benninger, Jacklyn Bennink, Marcia Bennink. Richard Bentz, Alan Bentz, Darlene Benzenberg, Robert Berends, Boyd Berens, Douglas Berger, Thomas Bergner, David Berry, Clayton Bertelson, Carol Beukelman, James Beukema, Carol Bicking, Mary Ann Bilyeu, Alan Bird, Carol BischofF. William Bitar, Victor Blank, Graydon Bleau, Paul Bloemendaal, John Blood, Clinton Blum, Sharon Boehm, Raymond Boelkins. James Boer, Calvin Boerhave, Gerald Boerigter, David Boeringa. James Boersma, Katherine Boersma, William Boezeman, Kathy Bogue, Nancy Boike, Barbara Bolhuis, Tom Bolt, Larry Bolt, Richard Bonjernoor, Nancy Bonnette, Pamela Boonstra, Suzanne Bootsman, Bette Borger, Ellen Borgman, Linda Borschel, Walter Borst, Carol Borst, Ronald Borst, Susan Bos, Randall Bosker, Margaret Bosman, Robert Bosman, Susan Bossenbroek, Nina Bosshard, Susan Bossier, Edith Bouma, William Bouwman, A. James Bouwman, Marinus Bouwman, Thomas Bovenkerk, Warren Bowman, Harold Bowne, Pamela Boyink, Barbara Brady, Floyd Branch, Carol Bratt, Annette Brauer, William Braun, John Bredeweg, Nelson Breeding, Elisie Bremer, Daniel Breuer, Thomas Bridger, Mary Ellen Brink, James Brinks, Kenneth Broersma, Nancy Broman, Rodney Brooks, Linda Brosseit, Larry Brower, Bernard Brown, Henry Brown, Kathryn Brueggemeyer, Leslie Bruggers, Kenneth Bruininks, David Bruinsma, Walter Brunson, Barbara

105, 113, 145, 221 147, 195 1)4 129 114, u g , 230 147, 195 195 95, 129 81, 155 135, 214 130, 221 195 221 116, 230 230 230 214 155, 231 231 126, 129, 155, 231 221 105, 153 221 195 195 104, 105, 123, 155, 188, 195 231 231 135, 214 155, 195 122, 147, 195 104, 119, 145, 196

108, 118, 128, 135, 137, 131, 147, 90, 93,

114, 109, 114, 139, 123, 147,

231 221 214 196 221 137 231 231 231 221 231 196 136 231 214

I l l , 130, 155, 214 I l l , 129, 221 221 231 85, 93, 151, 231 213 130, 231 231 II I, .147, 221 104. 105, 125, 130, 131, 135, 189, 196 116, 213 221 231

91, 126, 117, 124, 132, 143, 85, 90, 83, 129, 100,

213 153 221 155 196 221 231 231 214 221

Corsette, Joyce Cotts, Wayne Courtney, David Courtney, Diane Cousineau, Mary Cousineau, Thomas Cox, John Cresswell, Patricia Crocoll, Clifford Cronk, James Crossman, Joan Crozier, James Culver, Nancy Cutting, William

231 231 196 231 231 231 118, 119, 137 231 231 153, 231

221 231 143, 214 196 151, 214 213 131, 214 118, 231

Daane, John Dacus, Gwenn Dado, Cheryl Dahl, Robert Dalebout, Carol Dallah, Gibson Dalman, David Dampman, Susan Damstreegt, Don Daniel, Beulah Darga, George Daudt, Christine Davidsmeyer, Dona Davidson, Glenys Davies, Elizabeth Davis, Katherine Davis, Linda DeAngelis, Dyann DeBoer, George DeBoer, Lawrence DeBoer, Neil DeBoer, William Decker, Patricia Defendorf, Cheryl DeFeyter, Robert DeFino, Carol DeFouw, David DeGood, James DeGraaf, Marcia DeGraaf, Grace DeHollander, Duane Deitz, Aflene Dejager, Joan Dejong, Janice Dejonge, Henry DeKock,Joe DeKorver, Joyce DeKuiper, Thomas DeLong, Ted DeMaster, Dean DeMaster, Donald DenUyl, David Denyes, Beverly DePree, Gregory DePree, Steven DeSawal, Robert DeSmidt, James Deur, Calvin Deurwaarder, Linda deVelder, Anne deVelder, David deVelder, Dirck deVelder, John deVlaming, Richard DeVries, Barbara DeVries, Edward DeVries, Larry DeVries, Susan DeWeerd, William DeWitt, Diane DeWitt, Kathy DeYoung, Carole DeYoung. Lynn DeYoung, Robert DeYoune, Ronald DeYoung-, William Dibbet, James Dibble, Alan Dick, Laura Dickhut, Virginia

231 231


108, 79, 151, 79,

.104, 111, 114, 116, 117, 126, 147, 188,

196 196 116 137 221 214 231 231 231 221 149 196 155 231 196

Ill 221 231 121, 197 231 130, 232

221 145, 221 118, 143, 222 213 191, 123, 197 105, 111, 123, 128, 130, 197 125

105, 232 114, 214 116

155, 143, 119, 126, 93, 116, 155,


222 232 222 214 197 .222 214 .232 222 .232 232


85, 151

104, 97, 153, 114, 105, 147, 118, 141,


232 222 214 222

214 232

127, 151 97, 147, 232 155, 213 153 113 214 153, 222 93, 83, 151, 232


214 222 .197 .147 ,135 214 197 222 .232 .197

.232 232 222 .232 197

222 214

222 155 232 .213 222


222 222 197 197 214 .197 .232 .197 151 198 222

.222 .198 .214 .214 .214 155 153 .214 .232 232 213 198 .214 .232 .232 215 222 .222

.215 .232 222 .137 198 .232 .198 222 .213 .222


Dickinson, Kathryn Dickson. Richard Diephuis, Margaret Dietch, Betty Lou Dietch. Roger Dillbeck, John Dillbeck, Michael Dirkse, Judith Disbrow, Sidney Dixon, Mary Jane Dixon, Richard Dolphin, Brian Donia, Robert Donnelly, Robert Dorey, Leonard Dozeman, Marcia Draft, Thomas Dressel, James Driy, James Dross, Harry Drugg, John Dryfhout, Karen Duitsman, David Dunnican, Jo Ann Dunning, Ann Durrell, Oliver Duryee, Graham Dybing, Robert Dykema, Henry Dykema, Lois Dykema, Maria Dykhuizen, Ann Dykstra. Diane Dykstra. James Dykstra, Jerome Dykstra, Linda Dykstra, Pamela Dykstra, Ruth Dykstra, Sharon Dykstra, Timothy

Eaman, Patrick Eames, Cynthia Eckert, Mary Edbrooke, Irene Edman, Elmer Edwards, Robert Eenigenburg, James Eenigenburg, Jay Eenigenburg, Susan Egy, Daniel Ehrlich, James Elferdink, Carole Elfring, John Elgersma, Jeanann Elliott, Ruth Elliott, John Elmore, Ardyce Elwood, Thomas Elzerman, Pat Emerson, Frederick Emmert, Dick Emmons, Stuart Enderlin, Mary Engelsman, Donna Engelsman, Robert Engstrom, Grace Engstrom. Richard Erickson, Nancy Erikson, Carina Essebaggers, Mary Esther, Joan Esther, Mary Etheridge, Robert Etterlin, Maja Eubank, Jeffrey Evans, John Evers, Audrey Evertz. Edward Ewart, Adele

Fair ' Erik Fargher, James

114, 232 137, 215 105, 113, 141, 191', 198 105, 155, 130, 143, 114, 129, 153, 105, 108, 122, 105, 153,

222 232 198 232 215 222 215 128 232 198 139 222

123, 198 232 130, 222 113, 125, 143, 215 232 232

I l l , 155, 113, 143, 130, 145, 113, 122, 110, 104, 145^ i i s , 145,

215 149 232 223 223 223 232 223 215 232 137 198 232 215 233

Farmer, Dennis Farmer, Floyd Fege, Arnold Feit, Kenneth Feldman, Richard Felix, Andre Fields, Carole Finlay, Harriet Finton, Lawrence Fischer, Anna Fisher, Diana Fisher, John Fisher, Judith Fisher, Larry Fitney, Michael Fitzgerald, Barbara Flagg, James Flikkema, Mary Louise Flipse.Joyce Flournoy, Juanita Floyd, Dolores Folkert, Carole Folkert, David Folkert, Ellen Folkerts, Robert Force, Margaret Fordham, Barbara Formsma, Bruce Formsma, Douglas Formsma, Robert Forrester, Harry Franco, Elaine Fratoni, Sandra French, Alice French ,Thomas Frederick, Sharon Fris, Victoria Frissel, Jean Frontjes, Richard Fugazzotto, Barbara Fuge, William Fung, Daniel

215 233 105 233 147' 215 155' 215 Ill,' 233 233 93, j j i , 133,141 233 223 jgg ^ ^ ' 110 143 jgg 2i3 .213 135 215 130, 141, 215 116, 130, 223 104, 124,' 189,' 199 213 H I , 130, 139, 223 122, 215 . .215 96, 149, 233 118, 126, 223 143 199 .118, 125,' 215 125, 135, 199 135 223 223 . . . . . .223 128, 199 233 233 233 215

151, 223 123, 199


90, 95, 151, 233 114, 116, 223 153 79, 93, 1 5 V , 233 215 199 223 100, 145, 215 149 125, 143, 223 223 213 145 233 153, 233 233 .'199 113, 199 106, 118, 132! 215 233 233 137, 223 137, 223 124. 127, 155, 199 139, 223 233 93, 116 114, 116 199 233 233 223 199 132, 233 145 233 151, 215 223 G

Gabbey, Patricia Gale, Ann Gale, Jelfrey Games, Richard Garrigan, Kelly Garter, William Garwood, Gary Gasperec, Patricia Geldersma, Karen Gelok, Richard Gerard, Lee Gibbons, Bruce Gibbs, Gerald Gies, T Gilbert, Nina Gilmore, Gary Gishpert, Ronald Gleichman, Ethel Gleichmann, Pat Goodrich, Charlotte Goodwin, Kenneth Gordon, Robert Gort, John Gottberg, George Gottraux, Daniele Gouwens, Glenn Gouwens, Marjorie Grabo, Eric Graham, Nancy Gralow, Frances Granberg, Barbara Greene, Sally Greene, Sandra Greiffendorf,Dennis Greiner, Marion Greze, John Griess, Ronald Griften, Thomas Grissen, David Grissen, Jerry Griswold, Alan

114, 122, 133, 143, 215 199 '55 123, 216 233 234 151 155, 223 93, 155, 223 131, 200 200 149 HI 122 137, 223 117, 127, 200 145, 223 155 216 149, 223 223 116, 147, 223 119, 188, 213 149 234 135,223 223 200 155,213 130, 143, 223 213 '13 117, 124, 126, 128, 155, 216 '55. 234 < 83. 155, 234

234 129, 223 234 .125, 132, 145, 200 I l l , 116, 234 151 234 105 , 234 114 H 113, 213 234 216

Ill 106, 108, 118, 119, 124, 216 118, 119, 200 223 139, 216 234 234 223 234 147, 223 234 234 117, 127, 216 234 135, 200 135, 200 234 81, 234 137, 224 104, 121, 147, 190, 200 123, 141, 200 234 234

Holleman, Craig Holleman, Curtis Hollenbach, John Hollinger, Ellen Hollwedel, Nancy Holman, Richard Holmes, Dudley Holvick, Gary Hommerson, Joan Hoogstra, William Hook, Ellen Hopma, Byron Hopp, Lois Hopper, Paul Hornbacher, Mary Houghtaling, Sue Houseman, Donald Housman, John Housman, Suzanne Houting, Peter Houting, Vernon Houtman, Donald Hovingh, Alverna Howe, Daniel Howe, Harry Howes, Carol Hsieh, George Hubbard, George Huggins, Harold Huisjen, Marilyn Huisman, John Huizenga, Robert Hull, Dorothy Hulse, Gregory Hulst, Carol Hultgren, William Hungerford, George Hungerford, Marjorie Hutchinson, Anne Huyck, Karen Hyink, Harlan

121, 200

, 224 .235 .216

.235 , 224 .235 .235 .213 .213 216

235 216 201

224 .235 224 235 .235 224 151 201 201


.155 .235

J Jaarsma, Irene Jackson, Robert Jacobs, Marjorie Jalving, Susan Jansma, Jerri Janssen, Kathryn Jap, Khian Jappinga, Jane Jensen, Barbara Jensen, Judith Jensen, Steven Jentink, Donald Jipping, Hannah Joeckel, Anita Johnson, A. Charles Johnson, Amy Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Mark Johnson, Martha Johnson, Paul Joldersma, Diane Jones, Alan Jones, Dennis Jones, Donna Jones, Susan Jonker, Peter Jorgensen, Jeffrey Joseph, Robert Julien, Ellis June, Margaret Jung, Jean Justesen, Roy

137, 224 235 235

90. 147, 235 235 235 213 118, 129, 224 235 .104, 110, 116, 117, 155, 192, 200 127, 153 147, 224 137, 224 93, 123, 133, 155, 201 153, 224 .133, 139, 201 i22, 123, 118, 119, 139, 188, 105, 119, 124, 143, 143, 123,

, 201

Insel, John Ishii, Akiko

145, 224 235 224 137, 216 122 113, 133, 143, 224 235 235



.235 , 235 .235 , 151 .201 .235




, 235 .213 , 235

235 147 201 216 224 201


.235 .216 216

.213 216 216

.235 235 235 216

235 235 235 224 224 113 235


235 201

224 131 K

224 235 224

Kahler, Taibi Kallemyn, Jane Kammeraad, Peter


224 236

Kaper, Margaret Kardux, Donald Katulya, Robert Keats, Richard Keel, Gerald Kemink, Janice Ketnink, Jo Anne Kemp, Roger Kempker, Priscilla Kershner, Daniel Keur, William Kiefer, Marin Kieft, Larry Kilboum, Robert Killmaster, John Killmer, Donald King, Elizabeth King, William Kinney, Allan Kirk, Leone Kirkpatrick, Roberta Kish, Margaret Klaaren, Keith Klaasen, Barbara Klaasen, Mary Klein, James Kleinheksel, Ruth Kleinheksel, Russell Kleis, John Klerk, William Kloote, Linda Klop,Jean Klow, Milton Klynstra, Sandra Knapp, John Knecht, J. Chris Knol. Joyce Knol, Robert Knox, Anne Kobes, Darlene Koch, John Koebel.John Koeman, Mary Koeman, Milicent Koeppe, John Koerselman, Richard Kohlman, Ruth Kolenbrander, Kenneth Kollen, Barbara Kollen, Kathleen Koman, Marilyn Koning, Gene Koo, Rebecca Kooiker, Glenn Kooistra, Sally Kooyers, Joseph Korstange. Gordon Koster, Richard Koster, Ronald Kowal, Beatrice Kraai, Menno Kraak, David Kraemer, Lynn Kramer, Carole Krauss, Jcanette Kreunen, James Krone, Reinhold Kronemeyer, Donald Kronemeyer, Kathleen Kronemeyer, Ronald Kronemeyer, Ronald Kroodsma, Donald Kroodsma, Roger Krueger, Daniel Krueger, Gerald Krupp, Donald Kryger, Virginia Kuiper, Delia Kuiper, Patricia Kuiper. Richard Kuipers, Dixon Kuipers. Irvin Kuipers. Raymond Kullgren. William Kupfrian, Laura Kusak, Joseph Kuyers, Nancy

224 121, 213 236 216 236 236 137, 119, 216 236 236 129, 236

Laban, George Labusohr, Linda LaFleur, Norma Lake, Charles Lam, Amy Chung Lam, Donald Lam, Ruth Laman, Gordon Lamer, Janice Lampen, James Lampert, Graham Lamphere. Karen Lane. David Langeland, Charles Langeland, Samuel Langstraat, Gloria Laning, Daniel t a n n i n g , Richard Lantay. Charles Lape. Douglas Lara way. Susan La Riccia. Carle Larison, Kay Larkin, Steven Larrabee. Suzanne Larsen, Donald Larson. Larry Latowsky, Charles Laughlin. Michael Lay, Harold Lee. James Lee, Judith Lee, Margaret Lee, Shiuh Hwa Leech. Donna Leenhouts. Thelma Leestma, Mary Leggett, Richard Leibundguth, Peter Leigh-Manuell, Paul Lein, Katherine Lein, Paul Leister, Victoria Lemmenes, Mark Lemmerz, James Lenel, Katherine Lenel, Margaret Leong, Charlene Leppla, Leslie Lesemann, Kathleen Levey, Stuart Lieffers, Alice Lievense, John Lin, Robert Lindauer, Judith Lindblad, Robert Lindblade, Linda Liu, Winnie Lo, Lee Nin Lohman, James Looman, Glenn Lootens, Martha Lootens, Jeff Lowdemiilk, Virginia Loweke, Joan Lubbers, Bruce Lubbers, David Luben, Roger Lucas. Harvey Lundahl, Laurel Lundahl, Sharon Lundell. Franklin Luther, Martha Luyendyk, Roberta

109. 216 85, 151, 224 155 145 236 79, 151, 236 153 224 201 100, 236 137, 216 85, 153 216 213

133, 113, 133, I l l , 118,


151, 224 236 202 153, 224 202 147, 216 155, 202 236 155 216 224 127, 216 213 224 145, 224 224 213 135, 202 97, 236 236 236 236 236

236 100, 104. 132, 145, 202 202 97, 105, 106, 130, 149, 224 131, 216 202 114, 155, 236 79 143, 224 114, 236 153 85, 96, 151, 336 113, 137 202 91, 151, 224 79, 95 79 95, 236 151, 202 224 125, 202 120, 132, 133, 137, 202 79, 151, 224

225 236 202 116, 236 213

131, 133, 149, 213 123 39, 149, 213 151, 225 79. 151, 216 113, 225 225 203 122. 149. 216 236 236 203 128. 155. 225 236 213 236 149 113 81, 236 123 216 143 113. 117. 120, 121, 137, 216 113, 133, 141, 216 225 n e , 153, 236 225 114, i l 6 , 117, 217 236 113, 117, 155, 217 151, 217 121, 217 236 135, 217 122, 141, 217 145, 203 225

130, 135, 225 149 143, 203 123 155, 225 213 151 114, 118, 203 91, 217 217 113, 147. 225 236 107. 125. 145. 217 151, 237 122, 130, 145. 217 237


93, 236 151 118. 135, 216

Maatman, Irene MacEachron, Patricia Mace, James Magan, Bertha




237 '14, 225 109, 155 , 225 118, 225

Magans, W a l t e r Mallory, Nancy M a n u e l , Dorothy M a r c h a n d , Melissa Maring, Preston Maring, T h o m a s Marks, Andrew Marschke, Charles Marshall, Elizabeth Marsilje, J u n e Marsman, W a y n e Marsteller, J o h n Martin, Andrea Masouras, Carol Masselink, Bruce Mast, J e a n Mateer, Patricia Matthews, Ronald Maxam, R o b e r t Mazur, T h o m a s McClow, Donald McDowall, James McEachran, David McFall, R i c h a r d McGeehan, Albert McGilvray, J e n n i f e r Mcintosh, D o n n McNeal, Michael McOmber, Larry Medema, J o a n Meengs, Alyce Meengs, J a n e Meengs, J o h n Meengs, Loren Meengs, Mark Meerma n, J o h n Meier, Carol Mellema, C h a r l e n e Menning, Bruce Menning, Charles Menning, Mark Metzger, Lawrence Meyer, R u t h Meyers, R i c h a r d Meyers, Sandra Michaelson, Wesley M i d d a u g h , Lynn Miedema, Allen Miersma, Kathleen Miles, L o r r a i n e Millar, Beverly Millar, Steve Miller, Chris Miller, Philip Miller, Phillip Miller, R a n d a l l Miller, Vance Mills, Mary J a n e Mills, William Miner, T i m o t h y Ming, Bruce Ming, T h o m a s Minor, Nancy Mitter, Sandra Moehl, Helen Moll, L o r r a i n e Momeyer, Barbara Monsma, Joel Moodie, L u a n n Mooi, Gloria Moored, J a m e s Morgan, Janice Morris, Marie Moylan, Nancy Mulder, Delwyn Mulder, J o h n Mulder, R o n a l d Mulder, Shirley M u l f o r d , Vincent Muller, Jeffrey Muller, Mary J a n e Muller, R i c h a r d Munro, Linda M u r p h y , Nelson Musson, Marilyn Myaard, Alan Myers, Patricia

126, 155, 217 133, 139, 217 100, 116 145 151, 225 237 237 225 118, 225 237 122, 147, 203 113, 203 237 95, 153 203 149, 225 225 203 129, 217 121 114, 116, 155, 237 213


135, 225 237 225 151, 203 122, 147, 203 237 116, 237 113, 137, 225 79, 93 108, 192, 203 79, 147 237 135, 217

N Naber, Margo Nagel, Christine Nagel, Simon N a n n i n g a , Sharon Neckers, Bruce Neher, Susan Nelson, Corliss Nelson, Joyce Nelson, Willard Newhouse. Marcia N e w m a n , Nancy Ngwa, Jacob Nichols, Nancy Nicholson, William N i e k a m p . Carl Nienhuis, C o n r a d Nienhuis, G l e n n Nienhuis, J a n Nienhuis, Marian Nies, Alan Nietering, Roger Niles, Elizabeth Nilsen, W e n c h e ' I" Nodop John Noel David Nonhof, John N o r d s t r o m , Peter Norton, Jon Novak, Paul Nozari, M o h a m m e d Nyboer, Jacquelyn Nykamp, Benjamin N y k a m p , William Nykerk, David Nykerk, Lata

237 237 237 217 104, 105, 113, li?, isi, 153, 189, 204 | 4 j ' 226 114 238 ' V . ' . . V . . . V . 130.' 145.' 226 114 137 226 145! 226 83, 217 213 114 n g 147' 226 12.3', 204 qe icf! 238 9jÂť " V.

124,' '137, 155, 129. 120, ^ !'^



'! " ! ^

^ !

204 204 238 204 226

j^g I47,'2i:i 238 104 199 9fU .' 926 099 gg .96. 153, 204 238 ^

O O'Meara, J a n e O'Donnell, Dale Oegema, T h e o d o r e O e h m , Denis Oettle, Emily Oettle, Willtam Ogren, T h o m a s Olsen, Carolyn O sen, J a y n e Olson, Kathleen Ondrus Martin Oosse, Maria

237 147, 225 105, 107, 147 113, 225 213 91, 151, 217 128, 151, 204 I l l , 116 108, 147, 225 226 125, 204 15L 237 204 79, 237 93, 151 226 226

,]fi 226 ,ri 123 i 0 5 ' ' ^ 8 , ' 147, 226 ,30, 238 233 . . m [ 155,'226

Oosterbaan, I r e n e Oosterhof, Albert Oosterhouse, Bruce Costing, Elizabeth Osbon, A n n O s b o m , Frances Osterhaven, Calvin Osterhaven, Ellen Osterink, Carole Otto, Margie Oudersluys, Mark Ovens, R o n a l d O v e r m a n , Dean Owen, K a t h e r i n e Owen, M a r j o r i e Owens, R i c h a r d

118, 119, 217 151, 217 237 114, 135, 217 105, 153, 226 125 130, 139, 22b 237 226 108, 226 .204 237 149 237 194 140 919 .237

79 , 95, 127, io5, 132, 81, 93, 118, 113,

135, 114, 147, 132, 133,' 139, 147, 137,

226 218 218 226 135 205 238 226 238 145, 205

155 85, 205 141, 205 238 151, 238

P P a a l m a n . Gretchen P a a l m a n . Mary Kay Paauwe, Judy Page, J e a n n i e Paliatsos, Mike Pangle, R o b e r t Pao, Vivie Meimei Parcell, Anzie Parker, Melissa Parker, Sandra Patterson, L i n d a Peacock, Phyllis Peacock, William Pearson, A r t h u r Peiper, G a r r e t

121, 143, 204 237 237 237 111,133, 139, 226


125, 238 133, 137,' 218 218 90, 93, 238 126 226 104, i i 4 , 116, l i ? , 126, 205 132 238 132, 135, 205 238 125, 238 m , 127, 147' 205 ! . . . . . 151, 226 s i , 93, 132, 147

Pelon, Mary Pelon, Thomas Pembroke, Maxine Pennington, Ruth Penny, William Perry, Michael Peterson, Barbara Peterson, James Peterson, Morris Pettit, Linda Petz, William Phail, Barbara Phillips, Claraetta Phillips, Sharon Pickard, Susan Pickup, Walter Pierce, Sharon Pierpont, James Pierpont, Judy Piers, Mary Piersma, Steven Piet, David Plagenhoef, Vernon Plakke, Sandra Plantinga, Donald Plasman, Camellia Plasman, Chris Plewes, Barbara Pluister, Philip Poll, Gene Pollitt, Joyce Pontier, Glenn Poortinga, Gerard Poppink, James Poppink, William Postma, Charles Postma, Kenneth Postma, Marilyn Postmus, Julie Potter, William Powell, Jeffrey Powell, Theodore Price, Patrick Prins, Snellen Proli, Peter Prothro, Nelda Pruiksma, Jacob Pruiksma, Jeffrey Pryts, William Puehl, Sara Pylman, Marcia

79, 90, 95, 238 226 218 213 226 153, 227 238 124, 131, 218 239 205 227 116, 239 213 118, 239 83, 93, 127, 149


130, 239 95 147, 227 79, 239 130

130, 155, 90, 151, 85, 93, 132, 79, 95, 124, 132, 151, 147,

239 114 155 227 227 239 239 151 205 227 79

119, 124, 133, 135, 218 85, 97 I l l , 130, 147, 227 104, 114, 123, 141, 213 213 133, 145, 218 151, 205 227 218 127, 139, 205

Rens, Willard Renwick, John Reynen, Kenneth Reynen, Nancy Reynen, Paul Reynen, Robert Reynen, Steven Reynolds, Pamela Rich, Mary Richards, Rebecca Richardson, Cheryl Richardson, John Richter, Walter Ridder, James Riedl, Josef Riemersma, James Rietsma, Gary Rietveld, Gerrit Rietveld, Richard Rigterink, Karyn Rigterink, Sharon Rikkers, Ruth Rillema, Donald Rimondi, Hope Riso, Jane Ritzema, Rohn Robar, Elizabeth Roberts, Carol Roberts, Cheryl Roberts, Eugene Robinson, Theodore Roden, Carole Roden, Pamela Rollston, Cheryl Ronda. James Rose, Susan Rosine, Thomas Rottschafer, John Rowder, Kent Rowe, Carol Rowen, Janice Rowland, Diane Rozeboom, Roger Ruffner, James Runchey, Nancy Rundle, Lynn Russell, Mary Pat Ryan, William Rynbrandt, Tames Rypma, G

127, 132, 155, 206 114 206 206 227 93, 239 116, 239 206 106, 113, 118, 125, 135, 218 123, 130, 147, 206 239 153, 206


113, 124, 125,


126, 155, 123,

114, 124, 114, n g , ^

153, 206 206 128, 206 147, 227 114, 239 227 191, 207 213 227 239 239 240 119, 135 n e , 240 155) 227 .240 240 240 145) 218 190,'207 143 218 105 149, 207 127 240 227 213 240 116, 213 116, 240 145' 218 141, 227



040 1


Query, James Query, John Quick, Sharon Quist. J. Robert Quist, Valerie

Sabo, John Safar, Tibor Sagendorf, Ruth Sanford, D. William Sassian, Juri Sayles, Marcia Schaaf, Susan Schaap, Arthur Paul Schade, Jane Schaefer, Merryl Schaible, Peter Schakel, Carol Schalk, John Schantz, Robert Schaper, Sandra Scherpenisse, Mary Schillo, Virginia Schipper, Max Schlett, Robert Schneider, Gerald Scholtens, Martin Schoon, Dale Schoonmaker, Patricia Schouten, Sharon Schrandt, Susan Schreiber, Linda Schreiner, William Schrier, Michael Schroeder, Robert Schrotenboer, Kim Schrotenboer. Robert Schueneman, Cheryl Schurman, Bill Schut, David

239 239 239 153, 239 239 R

Raballa, Nicholas Race. Bradford Radliff, Suzanne Rajsky, Carol Rajsky, Nancy Ransford, Paul Rauwerdink, Philip Ravesloot, Dawn Rawlins, Kent Read, Peter Reardon, Michael Rector, Nancy Redder, Ronald Reeves, David Reichardt, Bruce Reidsma, Carla Reidsma, Vernon Reifsneider, Diane Rekemeier, Karen Remmelsberger, Frank Remtema, Joan Renkes, David Renkes, Gloria Renner. Thomas Rens, Norma

113, 120, 188, 104, 124, 191, 79, 132, 151, I l l , 129, 114, 116, 145,

104, 114, 119, 145,

83 113 206 239 227 206 227 239 239 239 239 218 239 149 153 206

125, 218 239 151 130, 145, 227 147, 213 239 109, 147 122, 135, 227


H I , 155 96, 240 125, 227 227 240 145, 207 240 123, 153, 227 240 240 129, 240 127, 151 135 113, 207 79, 149 155, 207 213 143, 218 227 207 240 213 108, 111, 147, 240 149, 227 207 143, 227 '53, 240

Schut, Larry Schutt, Arlene Schwab, Norman Schwegler, Robert, Scott, Donald Scott, Sarah Seaman, A. Raymond Sebens, Carol Seighman, Nancy Sende, Pierre Sentman, Susan Serum, James Sevensma, Ruth Severson, Susan Shand, Susan Shanholtzer, Fred Sharp, Lawrence Sharp, Martin Shattuck, Richard Shauger, Susan Shaw, Edna Shaw, Edward Sheffield, Terry Shepherd, Carol Sherbum, Kenneth Sherman, Margaret Shiels, Richard Short, Susan Shumaker, Richard Sia, Paul Siebrand, W Sierdsma, Patricia Sill, Donald Simmelink, Kenneth Simons, John Sjolin, Ruthann Skinner, Veronica Skivington, James Slager, Rona Slagter, Nancy Slighter, John Slikkers, Adrian Slingerland, Lila Smant, Gail Smies, Frederic Smith, Alan Smith, Amos Smith, Bette Smith, Betty Smith, Daniel Smith, Douglas Smith, John Smith, Richard Smith, T. William Smoll, Janiece Sneller, Delwyn Snyder, Harlan Sobania, Neal Soder, Joan solodow, John Sonneveldt, Susan Soo. Hudson Sorensen, Harlan Sova, Florence Speet, Candace Spring Susan Staat, Diana Stahelin, Terence Stahl, Traudl Mam, John Stansby, David Staple, James Stavenger, David Steegstra, Barbara Steensma, Ronald Steffens, Gretchen Steffens, Thomas Stegeman, Timothy Stehouwer David Steketee, Peter Steketee. Sally otcil. Lance Stielstra, Edward Stoeckly, Susan Straatsma, Thomas Stremler, Harvey Strengholt, Philip

207 113, 129, 227 114, 155, 240 240 207 145, 227 83, 227 104, 123, 124, 153, 207 240 227 93, 147, 207 240 213 116, 122, 130, 191, 208 135, 218 151, 227 105, 125 240 I l l , 155, 240 118, 141, 218 127, 208 227 240 114, 218 208 '93, 153 114, 240 149 227 126, 127, 131, 139, 208 240 79, 151 137, 227 .208 123, 153 15l' 208 240 113, 208 107, 153, 208 227 227 149 213 113, 124, 131, 143! 208 228 240 .'.83, i i 6 , 155, 240 240 114 298 105, 113, 137' 228 218 240 213 190, 208 218 118>



218 oiq 213 208 V / . V ; ; . : ; . ' . V . 1 5 3 ; 208 010 2]^ 2lg

''. '.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. '. '.11^ 123, 209 iro 9 n q {2^ 125. 143,' 209 q/? iri ojo i2 6 ,' 155/209 ^

Strom, Sally Strong, Frederick Stryker, David Su, Stephen Su, Timothy Summers, Frederic Sutherland, James Sutton, Ann Suydam, Mary Swank, Rolland Swart, Valerie Swets, Douglas Swets, Karen Swets Marcia Swinehart, Betty iyperda, Annajean Sytsma, Ann Sytsma, Ruth Syverson, Nancy








u q 240 137, 218 019 209 ''.V;;.V V.V . . .'. .'.V. .V.Vl'oo','228 qo n 1 ' 24 j J07, 124, 125. 137, 219 H4, U 6 oqs 040 • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 125,' 145, 219 919 T

T*n : n f f 1 Tanis, John Tanis, Judith Taylor, Evonne Taylor, Glenn

122, 145, 209 223 228 l i s 910 ' 998

?ray!or- Janf, Taylor, Keith Taylor, Lauren Taylor, Susan Taylor, William Techy, Andrew Techy, Geza Tegner, Linda Tell, James Telman, Randa,, TenBrink, Jean TenBrink, Lana TenClay, J. Lucille tenHoor, Joan fenkinck, Kenneth TenPas, Carl TenPas, Gary TenPas, William Terpstra, John Terpstra, Paul Terpstra, Robert Teusink, Kenneth Theune, Peter Thomas, James Thomas, Judyth Thompson, James Thompson, Janet Thompson, Pat Thompson, Robert T h o m e , Thomas Tiezzi, Linda Tigelaar, Howard Tilton, Clyde Timkovich, Carole Timmer, Ben Timmer. Bonnie Timmer, Nancy Timmer, Richard Todd, Charles Tomlinson, Sandra Ton. Marlea Townsend, Lynne Toy. Maria Trapp, Ronald Troike, Dorothy Troost, Donald Trost, James Truman, Alfred Tubergen, David Tucker, Evelyn Turinsky, Linda Turkstra, Barbara Turkstra, Bruce Tysse, Gerrit

;;i25;2-ii 147, 241 293 9nq 1V1 941 '941


241 ,04. ,92,'209 941

29a 9 j: Q 114



•• ^


.g,. 241 ol, 190910 jjg' 209 130' 147' 2 ] g 155 9ig 79 ,5*' 99s ^ ^ ^^ . 210 96, 147 113, 137^ 219 213 93, 130, 147, 151, 113, 123, 153,' 127, 104, 110, 190,'

241 241 219 228 210 210 228 241 241 241 241 ,05, 241 135, 219 219 210

131, 135, 219 95, 105, 153, 228 n e , 117, 228 114, 117, 228

213 . ,151, 241 U

Underwood, David Utzinger, John Utzinger, Sue


223 118, 218 209 , 213 .ng


79 .155 , , 3 , 228

Vaccaro, James Valantasis, Richard Valentine, Ralph Van Allsburg, Lester Van Auken, Ronald Van Beek, Dirk Van Beek, David Van Beek, John Van Beek, Milo Van Bruggen, Robert Van Brunt, Linda Van Cor, Frederick Van Dahm, George Van Dam, Theodore Vande Bunte, Carla Van De Hoef, Larry Vanden Berg, Alan Vandenburg, Sharon Vanden Hoek, Caron Vanderaa, Dale Vander Beek, Ronald Vander Broek, John Vander Broek, Richard Vander Burgh, Cynthia Vander Heide, Linda Vander Hill, Rein Vander Kolk, Charles Vander Kolk, James Vander Lugt, William Vander Mar, Pamela Vander Meer, Albert Vander Naald, Judith Vander Roest, John van der Schalk, Jacobus Vander Velde, George Vandervlucht, Delores Vander VVeele, Stephen Vanderwel, David Van Deusen, Ann Van Dongen, Edwin Van Dongen. Margaret Van Dyke, Donald Van Dyke, Leon Van Dyke, Pieter Van Dyke, Trudy Van Dyke, William Van Eck, Vicki Van Eck, William Van Eenwyk, Sherry Van Egmond, Peter Van Faasen, Jane Van Haitsma, Dennis Van H a m , Lois Van Haver, Lee Ann Van Hoeven, Jay Van Hoeven, Shirley Van Kampen. Wayne Van Koevering, Susan Van Kuiken, Beth Van Lente, Carol Van Lente, Frederick Van Lente, Sharon Van Liere, Jack Van Lierop, Peter Van Manen, Hugo Van Middlesworth, Carol Van Noord, Carl Van Ouwerkerk, Susan Van Pernis, Mary Van Raalte, Shirley Van Schenkhof, Ronald Van Slageren, Joan Van Sloten, Janna Van't Hof, Paul Van Til, James Van Tol, Kenneth Van Vossen, Cheryl Van Wieren, Alan Van Wieren, Clare Van Wieren, Donna Van Wieren, Glenn Van Wyk, Carl Van Wyk, Susan Vaughn, Sharon Vedder, Joan

Veen, Palmer Veldhoff, Robert Velthuizen, Tina Ver Meulen, Carol Ver Meulen, John Verduin, Kathleen Verduin, Paul VerHoek, Helen VerHoek, Louise Ver Plank, Peter Versteeg, John Vetter, Glenda Visscher, Joan Visser, John Visser, LaVonne Vogas, Michael Vogel, David Vogel, Dennis Vogelaar, Hans Voigt, Marcia Volkers, Stuart Vollink, Ronelle Von Ins, David Voorhorst, Louise Voorn, John Voskuil, Steven

210 155 118, 155, 219 155, 228 79, 153, 219 241 241 241 241 210 228 210 228 228 219 116, 228 241 114, 116, 117, 219 127, 133, 130, Ill,

155, 147, 137, 155,

141, 219 241 228 210 113, 147, 210 242 242 113 145, 219 210 I l l , 228 113, 210 242 242 153, 228 242 242 114 242 124, 130, 121, 133, 135, 210 228 219 155, 242 242 242 228 106, 132, 143, 219


106, 131, 132, Ill, 119, 122,

211 155 242 145, 228 126, 211 228 242 213 147, 211 242 132 116, 228 213 135, 228 135 , 228 126, 219 135, 219 242 213 155, 228 116, 242 219 85, 95 213

79, 132, 147, 228 242 213 242

114, 116, 117, 211 129 118, 124 211 104, 105, 109, 190, 211 108, 113, 229 242 242 149 211 211 9], 147, 229 155, 211 147, 219 120, 121, 137! 211 242 137 213 242 W

Waanders, Gerald Wagenveld, Charlotte Wagenveld, Edward Wagner, Ruth Wakefield, Arthur Waldron, Jeff Walker, Linda Wallace, Judith Walsma, Kathleen Walters, Carl Walters, Ellen Walters, Lawrence Walvoord, Charles Walvoord, Dirk Walz, Kenneth Wang, John Ward, Karen Wamet, Ronald Washbum, Phyllis Wassenaar, Paul Waterman, John Weber, Dale Patricia Weber, Kenneth Webinga, Frances Weddle, David Weed, Larry Weener, Dennis Weenink, John Weessies, Linda Wegner, Dennis Weidenaar, Peter Welcher, Frances Wells, Jane Wells, Joan Welmers, Margaret Welton, Bradlee Wepfer, Richard Werge, Robert Wesselink, John Wessling, Stephen Westenbroek, Mary Westerbeke, Richard Westerhoff, David Westerhoff, Donald Westervelt, Robert Westphall, Mary Westrate, Larry Westeyn, Eleanor Whary, William Whitaker, Ellen Whitaker, Loren White, Bruce White, Phyllis White, Robert Whitefield, Diane Wichers, William Wiechman, Sharon Wiegand, Jonathan


114, 116, 147 229 116, 242 113, 219 139, 211 119, 135, 219 85, 93, 151, 229 211 242 117, 153 113, 229 105, 151. 212 83, 104, 123, 212 219 123, 129, 212 118, 229 79, 90, 147 151, 229 116, 117, 220 114, 116, 242

123, 132, 132, 119, 79,

116, 117,


213 147 149 242 129, 220 212 113, 212 143, 229 143, 229 141 147, 229 129, 220 126 149 105, 229 229 149, 229 .242 212 155, 220 242 220 242 130, 229 113, 213 242 153, 243

79, 105, 124, 151, 220 151, 243 131, 141, 220 243

Wiegman, Marjorie Wierenga, Marilyn Wierenga, Theron Wiersma, James Wiersma, Ronald Wilcox, Dennis Wilcox, Stephen Wildschut, Allen Wilkens, Deanna Willcocks, Ernest Willemsma, Tena Wills, Harold Wilson, Alan Wilson, Amy Wilson, J. Francine Wilson, Marylou Wilson. Sarah Wilts, Siebrand Witter, Carol Witter, Richard Wittwer, Norman Woerdehoff, Joan Wognum, Joan Wolbnnk, Lois Woldsen, Arikka Wolters, Richard Wood, Laura Woodger, Robert Woods, Bonnie Workman, Alice Workman, Craig Wormuth, John Wozniak, Sharon

113i 212 213 229 126 ikk o i o . .229 145 229 130, 243 113, 147, 213 243 113 220 .220

Wright, Kathleen Wright, Sandra Wright, Susan Wyatt, Martha Wybenga, Eleanor Wykhuis, William

w. nfi


Yeager, Charyle Yntema, David Yntema, Rowen Yonkers, Carol Young, Michael Young, William Yzenbaard, Caryl Yzenbaard, Ruth

113, 122, 125, 141, 220 33 220 113, ^ 3

212 149

132 243 HO, 114, 119, 191' 212 Z

Zandstra, Barbara Zeas, Jaime Ziegler, Muriel Zeller, Aileen Zevalkink, Anne Ziemann, Ruth Zimmerman, John Zoerhof, Marie, Mrs. Zoet, Patricia Zondag, Richard Zuithoff, Kenneth Zwart, Jerry Zylstra, Bruce

Acknowledgements: Dr. Clarence D e G r a a f , Delma Studios, J a c k C o b b of G r e a t Lakes G r a p h i c , R o b e r t Miller of S. K. Smith, T o m R e n n e r , J o h n Killmaster.





137 220 113 105, 118, 130, 135, 220 137, 220 125, 155, 220 229 n g 220 ' ' 243 243 243 243 j g | 229 9lV '105', 122,' 133! 149,' 220

229 ^ '. ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ! ! 118.' 141','212

243 127, 220 229 113, ^ o , 145, 229 155 229


243 '.90,' 155, 243 147 229 122.'151. 229

As time a n d seasons change a n d pass, so does the face of a college c o m m u n i t y with the result b e i n g t h a t immeasurable commodity — education, for the past, present a n d the f u t u r e .

H ^ W t S


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