Milestone 1972

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ROBERT MELKA ' Since I noo mwore do zee you feace"

William Barnes

LINDA PALMER Faces . . . . we see thousands of people wearing them in our lifetime. But out of these thousands, a precious few people become more than just faces. Linda Palmer and Robert Melka were such people to Hope students. Though we no longer see their faces, we still have the knowledge, the compassion, and the laughter they shared with us. Their faces we do not have, but they have left us much more.




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Table of Contents

Events . . . page 14

Sports . . . page 48

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Faculty . . . page 142

Classes . . . page 76





Organizations . . . page 190


Index . . . page 242

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March to Hope

MARCH TO HOPE Billed as "The March To Hope", a four-day hike took place through the Wilderness State Park, near the tip of the lower peninsula, in September of 1971. Led by Mike VanderPloeg, the march was supported financially by Holland area service clubs, churches, and individuals. The aims set forth by the group were to provide a direct confrontation on a one-to-one basis with a disadvantaged child, to provide a bridge between the students' theoretical knowledge and actual classroom experience and to provide the individual with an opportunity to test his physical-stamina. The college students were given 2 academic credits for the hike, but all seemed to agree it was an experience which didn't need to be rewarded.



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The Pull



The Pull


THE PULL The Pull, held annually in October, was one of the highlights for the students of Hope. This year's event saw the freshmen men victorious. After two weeks of training, the two twenty-men teams and their morale girls, fought the battle on opposite shores of the Black River. The freshmen were led by coaches John Faus, Jack Puricelli, and Rick Vanderlind, while the sophomores were guided by Rick Hine, Scott Oliver, and Jim Price.

NYKERK The feminine counterpart of the Pull, the Nykerk Cup competition, was held in November during Parent's Weekend. The sophomores were victorious with the play, "A Charlie Brown Christmas", the song, "We Shall Overcome", and an Oration delivered by Marcia Dykstra. The Freshmen women represented the class o f ' 7 5 with their play, "The Little Prince", the song, "Open A New Window", and an Oration by Kristy Jacobusse.

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A Little Season


A Little Season


CROWNING THE QUEEN AND HER COURT (left) Queen Jean Maring The Court: (right) Sophomores Barb Koop and Zuellen Marshall; Freshmen Jean Boven and Pam Fisher. (below) Seniors Jean Maring and Dawn Vollink; Juniors Susan Sinclair and Vicki Ten Haken.




CHRISTMAS VESPERS The traditional Christmas Vesper services were held once again this year on the customary first Sunday in December. Presented to standing room only crowds, the Hope College Music Department, with Roger Davis as chairman, performed an excellent program which was generally considered to be in the true spirit of Christmas.

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Once again the College Music Department outdid itself in presenting Handel's immortal work, the Messiah. Under the direction of Dr. Robert Cavanaugh, the combined vocal talents of the members of the Chapel Choir and the College C horus, along with guest soloists Joyce Morrison, Evelyn Roberts, Richard Versalles, and Carroll Lehman, gave a beautiful concert, accompanied by the Hope College Orchestra.






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Winter Carnival, held the second weekend in February, began Friday night with the pizza-eating contest, which was won by Frater Tim Snow. The Emmies were announced as the winners of the Snow Sculpture contest with their dragon. They later went on to victory in the VW race Friday night. Friday was also the day of the Mardis Gras—games, booths, casinos, fondues, and a dance. Greg Pontier won the window-painting contest with his "Spiderman". The weekend came to a close Saturday night with a concert by jazz trumpeteer Dizzy Gillespie.



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Winter Carnival


Winter Camiva!


MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR To lovers of Shakespeare, of wonderfully intricate dresses and costumes, or simply of a rollicking good time. The Merry Wives of Windsor was the event of the year. Total use of theatre space, and simple but effective sets and props, were visually very satisfying, while the laudable performance of artist-in-residence Jon Cranney was the perfect spice to the Hope community flavor of the show. To a man (or woman), the other cast members displayed great gusto and aplomb, delighting audiences and making the production a rewarding personalizing experience.



The annual Inter-Fraternity track meet kicked off the 1972 May Day activities with the Arkies and the Indies sharing the laurels. The Alpha Phis and the Indies batted it out in the softball championship, finishing with the Indies victorious. Following the athletics, May Day switched to an emphasis on the intellectual as Pan-Hell president Karla Hoesch presented the sorority scholastic trophy to the Delphis, and IFC president Tom Stuit returned the Fraternity Scholastic Trophy to the Arkies. Mistress of Ceremonies Nan Mangun then turned the mike over to Mortar Board for the tapping of new members. May Day would not be May Day without a queen and her court, and this year the students selected Pat De Kam to reign over the activities. Friday night Hope Students went to the Civic Center to see Dennis Coffey perform. Saturday started with lunch in the Pine Grove, followed by the tricycle races. Hope Student Bud Thompson concluded the May Day fete with his presentation of "I Was A Teenage Adolescent, Chapter Three," in Phelps cafeteria.


May Day




May Day



YOU'RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" opened on May 11 for the first seven performances. The production followed Charlie Brown, played by Mike Boonstra, through one day of discovering what he and his world are all about. The production was directed by Donald Finn with scenery by Tim Walters and lighting design by Michael Grindstaff". Guest artists Rich Rahn and Jim Nieboer did choreography and music direction, respectively. The cast, consisting of Boonstra, Margaret Rose, Donald Steele, Vicki Weidman, Brad Williams, and Jack Ridl was invited to perform "Charlie Brown" for a Reformed Church convention during the summer of this year.


Charlie Brown





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The Dutchmen ended the 71-72 gridiron season with four wins and five losses, placing fourth in the league. With an all-conference, all MIAA team this season, they broke an existing offensive record for Hope. Ted Rycenga was named most valuable player for the season.



CROSS COUNTRY Hope's Cross Country team finished their season very successfully, ending up first in the MIAA and winning their conference meet and GLCA meet. With five returning lettermen on the team, this marked the first time in a number of years that Hope's Cross Country team has won a championship. Individual honors go to Greg Daniels and Phil Ceeley who were named all MIAA runners and also Daniels was voted M.V.P. and Most Valuable Runner. With only one senior. Bob Scott, leaving. Hope is looking forward to having a fine season next year, as they did this season.


Off \m-

Wmi R. Lawrence J, Maciejko G. .Daniels G. Powers Coach Vanderbuilt

Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope

16 17 16 18 22 18

B. Scott R. Bultema M. Stark P. Ceeley N. Kramer

Albion Olivet Calvin Kalamazoo Alma Adrian

39 49 47 39 33 42

Cross Country





Front: M. Van Voorst, T. Staal, R. Benchley, E. Brown. T. Grundvig, K. Kuipers, D. Bruggers. N. Bangs, R. Van Dyke, R Lopez, B. Van Voorst, Second; Mr Borsai, D. Phillips, J. Vanderveen, M. Sashenosky, B. McAndrew, B Luidens, J. Hofteizer, J Van Deursen, E. GrifTen, R Straw, C. Evers, W. Wilhelmsen. J. Aceto.

Coach Brown described this season as a "building" season for Hope's soccer team. With 12 returning lettermen, Hope compiled a 2-3 record in the league and a 7-6 overall, while finishing third in the standings. With only one graduating senior this year, the soccer team is looking to the coming year for a great season.




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0 Spring Arbor Hope 0 Lake Forest Hope 2 Schoolcraft Hope 6 Oakland Hope 3 Trinity Hope 1 Aurora Hope 5 Central Mich Hope 0 Calvin Hope 2 Albion Hope 2 Purdue Hope 2 Kalamazoo Hope 1 Albion (Semi-final MIAA) Hope 1 Kalamazoo (MIAA Tourney)




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Front Rowk n G. Daniels, Vanderslice, .e, J Schemenauer mer,

Wilson C. Bleckley, J Pett G Bennett C. Haverdink, T. Staal. 2nd Row: D. O'Neil, C. Folkert, R. Schaap, C. Gouyd, A. Nyboer. ^ p i , i a " ! e n b ÂŁ 1 e k - C.- C o l d e r G. Powers 3rd Row: H. Kopp. J. Cavallo, C. Brooks, C, Evers. C. Liggett. R Bultema, G. McFarlin. S. Van Doornik, Coach Brewer. 4th Row: Coach Heusinkveld (assistant), L. Johnson. S. De Young D Wiersma L 0 J. Morehouse ' '





JUNIOR VARSITY BASKETBALL The Junior Varsity ended its season with eleven losses and six wins. Leading rebounders and scorers for the junior varsity were: Brian Vriesman, Greg Slenk, Willie Cunningham, and Jim Nienhouse repsectivly.

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Front Row: G. Slenk, G. Pfeiffer, W. Cunningham, B. Vriesman, P. Miller. Second Row; K. Hoesch, D. Veliek, T.. Johnson, J. Caven, T. Claus, H. Featherson, C. Heiser, J. Clark, Coach Vanderbilt. Missing: J. Niehuis, J. Hickman

JV Basketball



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Front row; R. Hakken, M. Snoap, T Wolters, J. H a n k a m p , G. VanderSlice. Second row; L. Howard, D. Shinabarger, D. Vander Weide, D. Harmelink, D. Edema, J Klunder, D. Smith, T. Van Wieren.

The Hope College Varsity Basketball team ended its 71-72 season with an even record of 11 wins and 11 losses. The second half of the season was the most exciting according to Coach Russell De Vette because we played more home games. The Dutchmen are sixth in the MIAA standing with a tie for fourth place. The season was exciting and distinct with close games. Dan Shinabarger was named All MIAA Scorer and he is now second leading scorer for career in league with Floyd Brady as number one. Marty Snoap and Jack Hankamp also received honorable mentions. Leading men in the team are Dan Shinabarger with the season average of 25.7, Tom Wolters leading in rebounding and Lorenzo Howard lead man in percentage shots.


Varsity Basketball

Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope Hope

75.... Earlham 88 Concordia 77 Spring Arbor 79 Adrian 84 ....Grand Valley 74 Aquinas 114 Trinity 86 Albion 79 Aquinas 8? Olivet 110 Trinity 70 Alma 98 Lake Forest 78 Calvin 77.... Kalamazoo 81 Adrian Olivet 86 101 Alma 89 Albion 81 Lake Forest 89 Calvin 107.... Kalamazoo

97 86 84 69 106 80 89 97 92 93 96 101 70 82 44 66 101 97 86 41 102 86


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Varsity Basketball

Hosting the Fourth Annual MIAA Conference Championships this year, the Hope grapplers showed their strength by taking fourth place. Junior Rick Vanderlind and Frosh Kevin Boerman captured firsts in the 142 lb. and heavweight classes respectively. Hope picked up a second when Ken Gralow pinned two men, then lost 4-2 in the finals. Senior Kevin Holleman and freshmen Eric Bratt and Ed Chavez added three third places to put the Hope team in fourth position. Hope felt the loss of wrestling captain. Rick Hine, who did not wrestle this season due to a leg injury. With the squad losing only three seniors, the Hope grapplers are looking forward to an even better season next year.





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BASEBALL The baseball season this year was divided into two parts: the spring tour and the regular season. The spring tour involved thirteen games played in Tennessee and Georgia. In the regular season, twenty games were played with other MIAA schools and four non-league opponents: Ferris, Grand Valley, Grand Rapids Junior College, and Aquinas College. For the season Coach Jim Bultman felt that the team had an experienced infield, but the major task was developing a pitching staff from inexperienced players.

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Front Row: G. Constant. D Staley, J. Ticknor, T. Jeltes, B. Boersma, D. Remo, S. Westra, Second Row: Coach Bultman, M. Snoap, J. Lamer. R. Buikema. K. Avery, W. Wilhelmsen, H. Burkhour,



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Rita Hayden

Mary Davis Carol H o n d o r p

Spurgis Rich Lopez Nancy Heyer

Barb K o o p Tom Grundvig Roger Bosman Gloria Vandehoef

Barb Smalling








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I have had playmates, I have had companions. In my days of childhood, in my joyful school-days. All. all are gone, the old familiar faces. But my memories linger on.









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GALE ALDR1CH Psych/Soc Farmington, Ml Sigma Iota Beta JEFFERY ALDRICH Psych/Soc Union City, Ml WILLIAM ALTO Religion Red Hook, NY


SUSAN ANDERSON Lang Arts Kalamazoo, Ml LESLIE ATHERTON Humanities Schenectady, NY JANET ATWOOD Psych/Soc Saginaw, MI Sigma Sigma ''

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WILLIAM AUCKERMAN Biology Troy, OH MARTHA BARENDSE Psych/Soc Grand Haven, MI MELISSA BECKER Psychology Schenectady, NY Alpha Phi

NEIL BECKER Political Science North Bergen, NJ Centurian GEORGE BENNETT Political Science Port Huron, Ml Arcadian NANCY BERRY English Dearborn, MI Delta Phi



LA VERNE BOCANELLI History Cleveland, OH

MICHAEL BOELENS Business Ad Spring Lake, Ml Cosmopolitan

LOUISE BOOGARD Psychology Grand Rapids, Ml Sigma Iota Beta MICHAEL BOONSTRA Theatre Guilderland Center, NY BRENDA BOOTE English Hull. IOWA Kappa Beta Phi



CLARKE BORGESON Chemistry Dearborn, MI NANCY BORGESON Mathematics Holland, MI JANE BOS Biology Oak Lawn, ILL

MARGARET BOSSENBROEK Psych/Soc Hastings-on-Hudson, NY ROBERT BOUWMA Science composite Lucas, MI CATHY BOYD Psychology Clifton, NY

DAVID BREEN Political Science Grand Rapids, MI DOROTHY BREEN French Haleolon, NJ Alpha Phi RICHARD BRUNSON Economics Chicago, ILL

SUSAN BUCKMAN Histoiy Washington Crossing, PA Delta Phi BETH B R U G G R A A F Business Ad Grand Rapids, MI Alpha Phi RANDALL CAIN Business Ad St. Joseph, MI Knickerbocker



CANDACE CAREY Social Studies Orchard Lake, MI LYNNE CASTETTER Psych/Soc Lawrence, IND JANE CLARK Psychology St. Amesbury, MA Delta Phi

MICHELLE CLARK Humanities Belleair Bluffs, FLA JERRY COLE Physics Fremont, MI DIANE COMPTON Psych/Soc Holland, MI Kappa Chi

JEFFERY COOK Biology Wilmington, DEL Centurian GRETCHEN COOPER Psych/Soc Fayetteville, NY Sigma Sigma ROBERT COOPER Economics Patterson, NJ Fraternal

MARTHA CORBIN English Roachdale, IND LINDA DALTON Psychology Wilmette, ILL DAVID D'AMOUR Economics Sparta, MI




THOMAS DAVELAAR Political Science Grand Rapids, MI JAMES DE BOER Chemistry Grand Rapids, MI THOMAS DE CAIR Political Science Holmes Beach, FLA

JACK DE J O N G Mathematics Hudsonville, MI BARBARA DE NAGEL Psych/Soc Williamson, NY CHARLES DENHART Chemistry Zanesville, OH Arcadian

LUIS DESTEFANO Psychology Lima, PERU JANET DE VRIES Philosophy Larchmont, NY DONNA DE WITT English Holland, MI

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CAROL DISTEFANO Psychology Manlios, NY JOHN DORNAN English Farmington, MI Knickerbocker ROBERT DOUGLASS History Chicago, ILL



LINDA DRAFT Mathematics Spring Lake, MI Alpha Phi JOYCE DROLEN Mathematics Kalamazoo, MI Sigma Iota Beta JUDITH D R O O G Phys Ed Cerritos, CAL Sigma Sigma



LINDA ELFRINK Political Science Martin, MI RAYMOND ELMORE Mathematics, Bus Ed Selkirk, NY JAMES ENDERLIN Spanish Prattsville, NY

CAROLYN ESSEN BERG Humanities Holland, MI FLOYD ESSINK Psychology Zeeland, MI CRAIG FALETTI Business Ad Chicago, ILL Arcadian




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ANNE FISHER Psychology Detroit, Ml

MURIEL F O R D H A M Chemistry Muskegon, MI Kappa Chi

JANIS FORMSMA Spanish Grand Rapids, MI Delta Phi

DEAN FOWLER Lang Arts Rushville, IND RONALD FRANKLIN Religion Los Angeles, CAL WAYNE FRASCH Biology Midland. MI



DEBORAH FRENCH Lang Arts Bellerose, NY Sigma Iota Beta SUSAN FRUECHTENICHT Psych/Soc Southfield. MI DIANE EUGITT English Tonawanda, NY Sigma Sigma

THOMAS GARTNER History English Rockford, ILL Arcadian BETTE GAYDOS Philosophy Spanish Tarry town, NY KATHLEEN GAY LORD Psych/Soc Schenectady, NY Sigma Iota Beta

JENNIFER GHISELIN English Dade City, FLA CARLETON GOLDER Psychology Indianapolis, IND CARL GOMES Biology Oatmont. PA Emersonian



SANDRA GOOSEN Humanities Ed Grand Rapids, MI Delta Phi THOMAS G O U W E N S Music South Holland, ILL SCOTT GRAHAM Chemistry Bloomfieid Hills, MI Emersonian

KENNETH GRALOW Psychology Schenectady, NY Knickerbocker STEVEN GREER Psychology Harrington Park, NJ Centurian MARTIN GRIT Mathematics Economics Hudsonville, MI Cosmopolitian

U N HAAKSMA Psych/Soc Grand Rapids, MI MARYL HAGE Science composite Muskegon, MI Kappa Chi

JANET HAGEMAN Psych/Soc Flemington, MI RONALD HAGER Bus Ad Grand Rapids, MI Centurian



JACK HANKAMP Biology Wyoming, MI Arcadian KARIN HANSEN History Wheaton, ILL Delta Phi RALPH HANSEN Spanish Edison, NJ

m RICHARD HASSLINGER Bus Ad Bridle, NJ Fraternal EUGENE HAULENBEEK Art Far Hills, NJ Cosmopolitan CLIFFORD HAVERDINK Bus Ad Holland. MI

GARY HAYDEN Political Science Pompton Plains, NJ JOHN HEINSUIS Geology River Edge, NJ Fraternal MARY HEKMAN Philo of Religion Holland, MI

I FSI YF HERCHENRODER Phys Ed Altamont, NY JOANNE HERNBERG Psych/Soc Cape Coral, FLA Sigma Iota Beta PAUL HEUSINKVELD Biology Holland, MI Cosmopolitian


' LYNN HILLEGONDS Mathematics Holland, MI Sigma Sigma TIMOTHY HILLEGONDS Mathematics Holland, MI Fraternal RICHARD HINE Phys Ed Muskegon, MI Cosmopolitan

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SUSAN HIPWELL Psych/Soc Lewiston, NY CELIA HOGENBOOM Lang Arts Clymer, NY KEVIN HOLLEMAN Biology Grandville, MI Fraternal


JOHN HOLLENDONNER Business Titusville, NJ A Phi O ROBERT HOLTZ Bus Econ Schenectady, NY CAROL H O N D O R P Psych/Soc Muskegon, MI Delta Phi

SUSAN HOP Lang Arts Allegan, MI ROOSEVELT H O W A R D Psych/Soc Theatre Chicago, ILL DONNA HOWITT Humanities Amsterdam, NY Kappa Chi



KAY HUBBARD Theatre Bedford. OH GARLAN HUBERTS Physics Hudsonville, MI LOUISE H U G H E S History English La Crescenta, CAL Kappa Chi

BRIAN HUNTSMAN Bus Ad Wayne, PA Arcadian LINDA HUTCHINGS English Eden, NY Sigma Iota Beta DOUGLAS IVERSON Bus Ad, Econ Muskegon, MI Arcadian



MARY JALVING Soc Sciences composite St. Joseph, MI Delta Phi KENNETH JANDA Chem, Physics Denver, COL PATRICIA JANDA Biology Paramus, NJ

DAVID JIPPING Elem Ed Columbus, OH Centurian MARTHA JOHNSON French Chesterland, OH Delta Phi NANCY JOHNSON Social Studies Ridgefield, NJ


NANCY JONKER Biology Clifton, NJ Kappa Chi JERRY KEIZER Bus Ad Byron Center, NJ Fraternal DOR1NDA KELSEY Education Norwich, CT

KAREN KENT Theatre, Psych Mayville, NY

DONALD KETCHAM Math, Philo Voorheesville, NY Emersonian

MARY JO KIEFER Science composite Homewood. ILL Kappa Beta Phi

RUSSELL KIEFER Bus Ad Staten Island, NY Arcadian SHARON KLAHR Music Ed Shoharie, NY JAN KLINGENBERG Humanities Holland. MI



JERRY KOMEJAN Mathematics Zeeland, MI DALE KOOISTRA Chemistry Wyoming, MI BARBARA KOOY Humanities Lansing, ILL


JOANNE KORNOELJE Theatre Grand Rapids, MI DIRK KRAMER Political Science Zeeland, MI MARLEEN KUITE Lang Arts Holland, MI

DAYNE LAMB Philosophy Kingston, MA JAMES LAMER Phys Ed Zeeland. MI Arcadian DEBORAH LAUG Phys Ed Canajoharie, NY Sigma Sigma

ANN LEMMER French Kalamazoo, MI Delta Phi DWIGHT LESLIE Psychology Cincinnati, OH Emersonian KIM TOIN LIM Psychology Singapore



KENNETH LODDEN Bus Ad Grand Rapids, MI Cosmopolitan DONALD LUBBEN Psych, Business Grand Rapids, MI Emersonian LOIS LUBBEN Psych/Soc Wychoff, NJ Alpha Phi

ROBERT LUYENDYK Economics Muskegon, MI Arcadian JEAN MARING Humanities Grand Rapids, MI Delta Phi JOYCE MEAD Social Studies Niantic, CT Sigma Iota Beta

WALDON MERTZ Physics Rockford, ILL JANE MICHMERHUIZEN Humanities Holland, MI Delta Phi SHELLIE MIDAVAINE Psych/Soc Pittsford, NY Sigma Iota Beta

CHARLES MILLER Bus Ad Stony Brook, NY JAMES MOORE Religion Hancock, NY JANICE MOORE Geology Plymoth, Ml




JANE MOORED English Grandville, MI JAMES MOREHOUSE Music Ed Schenectady, NY CRAIG MORGAN Chem, Biology Muskegon, Ml Cosmopolitan

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ELLEN MORGAN Art Clinton, NY MARY MOUW English Holland, MI DOUGLAS MRAZEK French Berwyn, ILL

KATHLEEN MULDER Psych/Soc Frankfort, ILL HOLLY NELMES French Kennebunk, ME ELIZABETH NEWTON Political Science Colts Neck, NJ

PAULA NICHOLS Religion Benton Harbor, MI KATHRYN NICHOLSON Mathematics Linden, NJ Kappa Beta Phi WILLIAM NICHOLSON Music Oswego, NY



DEBORAH N O R T H R O P Art, Education Farmington. MI Alpha Phi NANCY NORTON Lang Arts La Grange, ILL Delta Phi ANITA NYHUIS English Holland. MI

TERRY NYHUIS Physic. Bus Ad Hamilton, MI KATHY NYKYFORCHYN Psych/Soc Albertson, NY KAY OAE Psychology Japan



MARK O L T H O F F Psych/Soc Muskegon, MI HENRY OOSTERVELD Psychology Ontario, CAN SHARON OSENGA Business Ad Lake Odessa, MI

JOHN PAARLBERG Philosophy South Holland, ILL PATRICIA PACKARD Psych/Soc Ridgewood, NJ Sigma Sigma KATHYRN PAGE Psych/Soc Schoolcraft, MI Kappa Beta Phi

THOMAS PAGE Psychology Holland. MI JAMES PARK Religion Lewiston, NY Knickerbocker GAIL PARKER Psychology Plainwell, MI Sigma Sigma

MARTHA PATRIE Chemistry Troy, NY BARBARA PAUL Sociology Fella, IOWA Kappa Beta Phi RICHARD PENDER French Emerson, NJ

PEGGY PICKERING Psych/Soc St. Thomas, VI RICHARD POHL Mathematics Crystal Lake, ILL CINDY POLL Mathematics Hamilton, MI

GLENN PRIDE Music Nashville, TENN JOYCE PRUIKSMA English Clifton, NJ Sigma Sigma MARILYN RAY English, Theatre Fort Smith. ARK

KATHLEEN REINHARDT French Watervilet, MI DONALD REMO French Mahwah, NJ BEVERLY REMTEMA Psych/Soc Grandville, MI Delta Phi




GORDON RENKES Chemistry Fulton, ILL RICHARD REYNEN Business Sheboygan Falls, WIS Emersonian PAMELA REYNOLDS Psychology Muskegon, MI

GAYLE RISSI Social Studies Grand Rapids, MI Sigma Sigma MARK ROBERTS Political Science New Hyde Park, NY Knickerbocker MARGARET ROSE Theatre College Point, NY

ANNA ROSS Chem, Biology Manhassett Hills, NY SUZANNE R U T L E D G E Econ, Bus Ad Garwin, IOWA Kappa Beta Phi JANET SAHAGIAN Biology Lake Vicca, ILL



DANIEL SAUL Business Ad Holland, MI PHILLIP SCHAAP History Holland, MI MARIANNE SCHAEFER Social Studies Homewood, ILL Kappa Beta Phi



LAURIE SCHLANGEN Psych/Soc Bethel Park, PA Sigma Iota Beta MARY SCHMIDT Humanities Wheaton, ILL CRAIG SCHROTENBOER Business Ad Zeeland, MI Arcadian

TIMOTHY SEISE Political Science Rochelle Park, NJ Emersonian JULIA SEVENER German Petosky, MI Sigma Iota Beta PATRICIA SHIFFNER Spanish Sommerset, NJ

GERALD SITTSER Chemistry Grand Rapids, MI Fraternal PHIL SLAGBOOM Economics Amsterdam, The NETHERLANDS JOEL SLAGER Business Ad Spring Lake, MI Cosmopolitan



MARTHE SLAGH Phys Ed Saranac, MI Sigma Sigma DORIS SMITH Geology Denver COL Sigma Iota Beta KATHY JO SMITH Psychology Wayland, MI Kappa Beta Phi

MARTIN SNOAP Mathematics Wyoming, MI Arcadian MARY STAM Lang Arts Holland, MI STEVEN STAM Psychology Holland, MI


MICHAEL STAMPFLER Political Science Delton, MI DONALD STEELE Theatre Williamsville. NY

NANCY STERK Psych/Soc Waupun, WIS Kappa Chi STEPHEN STOWELL Math, Spanish Allegan, MI



GORO SUZUKI English Holland, MI DOUGLAS SWANSON Chemistry Holland, Ml JULIE SWEERS English Grand Rapids, MI

EMILY T A G G E R T English Westfield, MASS ROBERT TANIS English Holland, MI PHILIP TAPPERT French Traverse City, Ml

AMANDA TAUB Psychology Dearborn, MI Sigma Sigma ANITA TEIN English Martin, MI DOROTHY TELFOR English, German Mt. Pleasant, MI

DENISE TEN CLAY Social Studies Souix Center, IOWA ELLEN TEN HOOR English Holland, MI MARINUS T'HOEN Philosophy Holland. MI



BARBARA TOMMOLA Phys Ed W. Coxsackie, NY Alpha Phi

JOHN TOREN Mathematics Lansing, ILL

MARY TRIPP Psych/Soc Holland, Ml Kappa Beta Phi RONALD TUCKER Business Ad Holland, MI RICHARD TURNER Economics Hazlet, NJ



CONSTANCE TUROSE Biology Auburn, NY Sigma Iota Beta LOIS VANCIL Psychology Pontiac, MI EUGENE VANDEBUNTE Science composite Dorr, MI Cosmopolitan

SHERI VANDERHEUVEL Lang Arts Battle Creek, MI PATSY VANDERBIE Psychology Holland, MI PAUL VANDERMEER Psychology Kalamazoo, MI




DAVID VAN DONKELAAR English Muskegon, MI Emersonian BARBARA VAN ECK French Waldwick, NJ LAUREL VAN HAITSMA Humanities Homewood, ILL Kappa Beta Phi


PHILIP VAN LENTE Biology Holland, MI MARK VAN OOSTENBURG Political Science Holland, MI Arcadian DAVID VAN PAMELEN Business Ad Webster, NY Knickerbocker


SARAH VAN PERNIS Art Rockford, ILL Alpha Phi FONDA VAN SLOTEN English Fremont, MI DEBORAH VAUGHN Psych/Soc Putneyville, NY

DAWN VOLL1NK English Holland, Ml Sigma Sigma (iARY VRUGGINK Mathematics Hudsonville, Ml SUSAN WALLACE Biology Southneld, Ml Kappa Beta Phi

NANCY WALLENDALE Mathematics Wykoff, NJ Kappa Chi TIMOTHY WALTERS Theatre St. Louis, MO A Phi O GLENN WEENER Mathematics Holland, Ml

EMILOU WE1SSFLOG French Chatham, NY LAWRENCE WHITE Political Science Selkirk, NY LYNDA WIFE Psychology Churchville, PA



MARK WILDMAN Psychology Southgate, MI Emersonian JOHANNA WIILLEMS French, History Bowie, MD HUDSON WILSON Business Ad Edina, MINN Fraternal

PATRICIA WILSON Humanities Edina, MINN Sigma Sigma EILEEN WINTER Psych/Soc Berwyn, ILL Kappa Beta Phi ELIZABETH WITHERSPOON English Holland, MI

JANET WRIGLEY Mathematics Grosse Pointe Woods, MI Sigma Iota Beta STEPHEN WYKSTRA Philo of Rel, Physics Martin, MI A Phi O SUE YEAGER French Conrad, MONT

MARVIN YOUNGER Lang Arts Philadelphia, PA Centurian D1NA ZINI French Holland, MI RANDALL ZOMERMAAND Mathematics Holland, MI Fraternal




"In the faces of men and women I see G o d . " Walt Whitman

Gary Abel John Aceto Laurie Anman Deborah Badeau Cynthia Bates Maary Berends


Kristi Beukema Jacalyn Bigelow

•• Marilyn Bloisdell Gerard Bobeldyk

Carey Boote Kenneth Bos

Mary Bos Richard Boss



S» v \

Daniel Bouwman Bettina Brown Eric Brown Toki Brownlee David Bruggers Sue Bruggink



Roger BulTam

Dick Bullerman

Virginia Burton

Christine Bush Linda Bush

Stanley Busman

John Caulfield

Sheila Cerny

Richard Cook Joseph Courter



Joy Crawford

Maria Damienbrin"

Donald De Bruyn

Ronald Deenik

Patricia De Kam

Nancy De Young

Joann Duvekot Mary Dykema



Michael Ebbers Douglas Edema Laura Eichhorn Donna Evans Steve Farrar Christian Eenton

Timothy Field Harold Fitzgerald Mary Fleming Virginia Foss Molly Gates John Geneva

Raymond Gest Kerry Ann Gibson Rosalyn Gorzeman Charles Gossett Thomas Grundvig Robert Harridge


Philip Harrington Margretta Hauth Rita Hayden David Helmus Susan Hicks David Hietbrink

Karla Hoesch Robert HofTman Jeanne Hoftiezer David Holstrom Thomas Jeltes Jane Johnson



Debra Karie Linda Kiphart Calvin Kleinheksel Jean Klooster Rosemary Koorndyk Robert Korstange

Eunice Koster Roger Krutz Barbara Larsen Donald Larsen Jerry Lauver David Leestma

Willa Lemken Gayle Lindhout Kurt Loosenort Esther Luttikhuizen Rosetta Manus Barbara Marsh



Daniel McAulitTe Mary Mcllveen Robert Medema James Minzey Harold Modrow Joanne Monroe



Elaine Nichols Cathie Northouse Richard Nyhof Jean Nykerk James O'Connell Sharron Opsahl Richard Paarlberg Mary Jo Partridge Patricia Pavel Robin Pearce Sarah Penny

•V: #






Eric Peterson Jocelyn Peterson Lawrence Peterson Lousie Pfeiffer Betsy Phillips David Phillips Judith Pillen Gary Plooster Bruce Poetter Susan Ponstein Lee Price





James Rauwerdink Terry Reen Catherine Schaub Robert Sehellenberg John Schmidt Denise Schuiling

Susan Sinclair Linda Sloothaak Howard Slotman Barbara Smalling Bruce Smith Cynthia Smith

Deborah Smith Richard Smith Sheryl Smith Wilma South Jacquelyn Stegeman Derrvl Stewart

James Stills Thomas Stuit Dorothy Swanson Vicki Ten Haken Charles Tharp James Ticknor

Joyce Van Aken Mary Van Andel Velma Van A r k Gloria Vande H o e f Sharon Vander Meer Robert Van D y k


Eleanor Van Lierop Carol Van Voorst Patricia Van W y k Lois Veenhoven Joann Ver Beek Thomas Vis

Beth Vruggink Lynne Walchenbach Edward Walton Linda Weaver Lavon Wendel John White

Sue Ann White James Wickstra Lynda Wierenga Lillian Wiersma Alan Winne Linda Wood

Jerry Wormeester Janice Wortleboer Mary Zaleta

• 111



mmSMMm CLASS OF 1974

It is a common wonder of"all men. how among so many million faces there should be none alike. Sir Thomas Browne

Jane Achterhoff

Michael Alexanian James Armstrong Deborah Aten

K u r t Avery Jane Barnett Barbara Basnett Gregory Bazaz Lucille Beagle

Gary Begley Marcia Beugel Deborah Bian Martha Blocksma Paul Boddy

1 Brian Boeve Carolyn Borgert Charles Brooks

Elynn Brouwers



Jennifer Brown Barry Brugger Robert Brumooge Timothy Buis Ronald Bultema Robin Burgess

Clarence Burton Thomas Busard Chadwick Busk Daniel Case Sylvia Ceyer David Claus

Sidney Colvin Gerritt Crandall David Daubenspeck Mary Davis John Deheus Bruce Delnay

Yvonne De Maar Linda Dick Marvin Dietz Carlos Donascimento Sue Drenkhan Le Roy D u Shane

Leslie Dykstra Marcia Dykstra Diane Easton Pamela Edgington Jane Felden Josephine Filipek





Deborah Firmbach Carl Folkert Carl Gearhart Michelle George Mary Gerber Wanda Goetz j-n:

Lucinda G o r d o n Jefi'ery Gray Greg Gronwall Lawrence Hagberg Richard Hakken Selwyn Harlow

Susan Hegedus Sara Hickok John Hoftiezer Diana Holthuis Lois Hoogstra Bruce H o u t m a n



Gary Howe Christine Huber John Huizenga Judith Jalving Werner Jorck Joan Kacewich


Phyllis Kallemyn Thomas Kapral Barbara Kastelin Jodee Keller Garry Kempker Susan Kerle



Robert Kibbey Margaret K i n g

Karen Kirms

Linda K l o m p Deborah K o n i n s

Barbara K o o p

Janet Koopman Gregory K u n a


Nicholas Lam

Anita Lamberts Diana Lanting



Patricia Lemmcr

Scott Lenheiser Max Lokers

Marshall Loomis Richard Lopez

V' I

James Maciejko Steven Mancenelli

Nancy Gail Marron

Zuellen Marshall Gregg Mast

Marianna Maver



W i l l i a m M c Andrew Jim Mc Farlin Anthony Mc Lean Elizabeth Meengs Sharon Meengs Mary Beth Megan

** r\

Judy Meyering Susan Miles Mary Millard Julie Miller Amado Molina Justice Moncrease

Keith Moored John Morehouse Scott Morrison Terry Muilenberg Kathy Mulder David Naberhuis




Kevin Neckers Ronald Nelson Anne Niedziela Barbara Jo Nietering Christian N j i m m a Caron Noggle



Stephen Norden Priscilla Northrop Andrew Nyboer Nanette Olmstead Gail O m d o r f f Jorilet Paets

Barbara Patmos Jean Paul Carol Pels Gregg Perry Douglas Peterman Linda Peterson

Diana Pierson Kathy Poll Joan Powers Samuel Quiring Virginia Reed Peter Rengel


Donald Rinkus Terry Robinson Vicki Romein

Terrance Rose Linda Rosekrans Deborah Russell Susan Russo

Karen Ruthe Joyce Swinska Ricky Schaap Luka Schemenauer Cathy Schuler

Roy Shuey Gregory Slenk Kathy Smith Gayle Spangler Roxanna Spurgis


Thomas Staal M a r t i n Stark Pearl Stark John Stoup

Kathy Stroven Kathy Sullivan Linda Swinyard

Donald Troast Teresa Trottier




Kathleen Tschanz Peggy Tuesink Micnael Van Buren

Timothy Van D a m Kathy Vander M o l e n David Vander Weide Dixey Vander W e r f

Richard V a n Heukelum Robert Van Voorst Brian Veneklasen Nancy Viel A n n Voskuil Betsy Wackernagel


Cathy Walchenbach Jo A n n Webster James Weed David Wesner Carol Weurding

X A William Whitlock Vicki Wiegerink Wesley Wilhelmsen Deborah Williams

Michael W o l f Robert Wolff Karen Yntema

Laura Zuidema Michael Zylstra






Since I first saw your face


Bobette Aardema Virginia Agre Mable Akutagawa Jane Andringa Kathleen A p r i l l Diana Apsey

Cynthia A r n o l d Michelle Baillie Sandra Balducci David Bartley Allison Bassett Carol Baughman

Nora Bauman Loretta Baxter John Beahm Marcia Beard Gary Belanus Richard Benthin

! >3^-S

James Beran Jill Berry Kathy Blaske Kevin Boerman William Boersma Mark Bolthouse

Christine Bonetti Daniel Boote Charlene Bos Jean Boven Sharon Boven Alison Boyles

Wendy Braat Susan Braden Thomas Bragg Arthur Brassard Eric Bratt Barbara Brehm


Janet Brevick Brad Broekstra Dale Brokaw Karen Brown Sandra Brown Robert Buikema

Debra Buis Harvey Burkhour Linda Butler Priscilla Buys Gordon Callam Allison Campbell

Claire Campbell John Cavallo John Caven Philip Ceeley Edward Chavez James Clark

Neil Clark Thomas Claus David Cluley Patricia Coldren Martha Colenbrander Anne Colyer

Carol Conklin Gary Constant Mark Convoy Paul Cornell Jill Cronk Don Davis



I m




Deborah Dawson Dorothy Dean Marv De Blaay William De Block Marjorie De K a m David De Kok

Karen De Meester Rita Den Hartog Lisa Denison Steven De Paoli David Diller James Donkersloot

Debra D o o m Debra Dowlyn Charles D u n n i n g Judith Dykema Carol Earhart Kevin Echart

Diane Edwards Kathleen Elliot Ralph Ellison Deborah Fairchild Ruben Ferrol Charles Fisher

Debra Fisher Pamela Fisher Marion Fowke Paul Fowler Janice Fraaza Marie French



Debra Frifeldt

Nancy Fuller Teresa Fuller Diana Furtney

/Jff! V

Jeanette Gaise Marilyn Gaylord Linda Gleason David Gebhard





Joanna Gierveld Susan Glerum Jane Goeman James Goldman

Karen Gralow Luann Greenwood James Gresham



Shari Griffen

James Hale Carol Hallett Elizabeth Hands

Elizabeth Hann Thomas Hart Diane Hartje Rebecca Hartman

Paul Hendricks Lloyd Heneveld Phyllis Henesler Debra Herchenroder

Nancy Herink Susan Hermance Lynn Hermenet



John Heschle James Hickman Keith Hietbrink Celestine Hile Sara Hoebeke Richard Hoehler


Kenneth Hoesch Deborah Hoetger Wendy Holmes Jean Hondorp Karen Hosteller Christina Hrushka

John Hudleson Pamela Hutchings Nanette Inman Kristy Jacobusse John Jensen Bonnie Johnson

Karen Johnson Lawrence Johnson Mark Johnson Shirley Jousma Kimberly Karsten David Keizer

David Kempers Linda Kie Patricia Kiser Robert Klein John Kloosterboer Marilyn Knak




George Kniowski John Koeppe Mary Koeppe Michael K o h n Kenneth Kooistra Janet K o o p

Carol Kornoelje Patricia K o r t Kathern Korver Patricia Kottyan Martha Kraay Eleanor Kramer

Beverly Kuiper Russell K u p f r i a n Steven Kupres Leslie Lam Deborah Langdon Janice Law

Nancy Lawson William Lawton Pamela Leestma Penny L i n d Kristlne Linquist Robert Luidens

Vaughn Maatman Joan Mac Wood Julie Marcellus Donna March Bruce Martin Janice Mason



Jacqueline Masters Deborah Maxwell Jeffery McGeehan Susan Meeusen Margo Merchant Susan Michel

Bonnie Miedema Anne Miles Annetta Miller James Miller Lynne Miller Paul Miller

Elizabeth M i l l o n i g Mary Modrow Bolt Moore Jill Morrone Carol Morse Kristine Musco

Jan Myers Mary Jane Myers Robert Myers Rosemary Nadolsky Maureen Nieboer Rebecca Nielson

James Nienhouse Loralee Norden W i l l i a m Nykyforchyn Paul Ondrus Nancy Oosting Jean (Dttignon




Steve Pearson Cheryl Peck Carla Petrak JefTery Pett Glenn Pfeiffer Melissa Piatt

Beth Plaggemars Vicki Poelma Sue Poppink Brenda Porter Jeanie Postmus Lee Reen

Susan Rens Robin Rinkus Lynda Robertson Nicholas Rodenhouse Carol Roossien Patricia Rumminger

A n n Rypstra Joseph Rzepka Michael Sashenosky Carol Schellenberg Elizabeth Schlegel Kenneth Schmidt



Joan Schramm Mary Jo Scotl Henry Shadwell John Sinclair A n n Slager Barbara Small

David Smith Pamela Smith Philip Smith Susan Smith A m y Spitler Gerard Spoelhef

Marilyn Spreng Charles Stagg Douglas Staley Dave Stearns Geoffrey Stewart Barbara Stone

Dennis Sturtevant Denise Sullivan Mark Sweers Nancy Tameling Claude Taniguchi Sally Tazelaar

Dennis Te Beest Jared Thomas Nancy Thompson Marilyn Tidball Beth Timme Richard Traylor


Michal Truelsen Susan Van Branteghem Lee Vande Bunte Judy Vande Hoef Steven Vandenberg Ronald VanderKolk

James VanderMeer Claire Vander Meulen Steven Van Doornik Nancy Van Heest Debora Van Kampen Donald Van Oostendorp

1 ^


Linda Van Soest Linda Vint Mary Vlieger Jane' Voogd Michael Voss Brian Vriesman

Michael Waalkes Glenn Wagner Rhonda Wallace Sharon Warner Stephanie Weimer Janice Weitz



Patrick Welch Susan Wells

Mary Weston Laura Wheatly

Michelle White Adelaide Whitehouse Janice Weidmun

\ I

Daniel Wiersma Mark Williams John Witty

James Wojcicki William Wolters Ruth W o l t i n g

Klizabeth Zack Mark Zielke

Joseph Zitterman Mary Zondervan



When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; But, When 1 became a man, I put away

childish things. For now we see through a glass darkly; But then face to Face; Now I know in part: But then Shall 1 know. liven as 1 am known.

faculty and administration


"Philosophy is always alert to the new question that is there to be raised." For this department, philosophy is always an act of inquiry. In the context of a liberal arts education, philosophy serves three classes of students. 1—Those interested in the wide range of inquiries that characterize liberal arts education, 2 - T h o s e whose main educational interest is in specialized areas and, 3—For those who plan to major in philosophy. Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra is the head of the department.

1. Dykstra


Philosophy Department

W. Hillegonds A. Jentz, Jr.


Philosophy Department


ENGLISH Throughout time man has made statements concerning himself, his world, and his fellow man. Some of these have been recorded in writing. They await discovery. The English Department leads this investigation.

C. Hutter

C. DeGraaf


English Department

D. Jellema

E. Brand

P. Schakel

W. Reynolds

English Department



Dutch French German Greek Latin Linguistics Russian Spanish A. Searles M, Faber, J. Vickers


Foreign and Classical Languages

O. Pino C. Powell

H. Weller N. Wheeler

J. Bultman


H. Burke

H. Bakker M. Vander Ploeg

p 0 L 1 T I C A L J. Zoetewey

R. Elder

A. Vanderbush J. Holmes

The Political Science department is on the rise. It offers various studies for majors including an international studies program. It also offers a program for students that want to be active in policies now. They are: a Washington semester, a model United Nations session and work as a congressional intern in the State Legislative program. Members of the department are: Chairman: Mr. James Zoetewey, Mr. Jack Holmes, Mr. Robert Elder, Mr. Renze Hoeksema, Mr. Alvin Vanderbush.


Political Science Department

K. Hoeksema

COMMUNICA TIONS The communications department sees itself as the department of getting people to communicate more with each other. The department now offers independent study for students, and also employs them at various local radio stations. There is also the future possibility of student consulting.

D. Selvar

J. Hopkins

H. Mikle


Communications Department



P. Fried

f W. Cohen

By knowing what he has been man will begin to know what he is. The History Department, headed by Dr. Fried, seeks knowledge, and through knowledge, understanding. We examine man's expressions of himself; his cultural heritage. We examine individuals and their surroundings and how they have worked to affect change. We examine the isolated in order to draw from it those relationships which will make valid generalizations. By knowing what he is man will begin to understand what he is to be.

E. Curry 154

History Department

D. Clark

M. Petrovich

PSYCHOLOGY Courses in psychology provide cultural background, supplement training of students in many other fields concerned with people and sometimes becoming the area of major study for those who plan occupations emphasizing human relations. The aims of the psychology department are (1) to pilot psychology as a liberal arts subject, (2) to assist students preparing for jobs related to psychology and (3) to prepare students for graduate school. Dr. Myers is the chairman of the department.

S. Wilcox


Psychology Department

P. Van Eyl

L. Beach

J. Reynierse

R. Brown

Psychology Department



W . Mclntyre

K . Sebens

R. Van Kampcn

Sociology Department





Religion Department


' -•

M - , »

R. Palma

E. Bruins

Religion Department


C. Tharin

Although the newest science at Hope, geology has established itself as one of the most active in student research. Since its conception under Dr. Tharin four years ago, annual field trips for all majors have been sponsored to New England, the Grand Canyon, Florida, and the Appalachians. An extensive oceanography program is also supported using the 38-foot college reasearch vessel.

R, Reinking

W. French



Geology Department

GEOGRAPHY AND GERMAN Man is shaped: his endeavors limited and encouraged. One shaping force is that of the Earth. The Geography Department, Mr. Heine: chairman, examines how the region that man inhabits can determine what his social, economic, religious, cultural and political existance is.

A. Bedell W. Heine

Geography and German Departments


Front Row: R. Vandervelde. R. Wepfer, J.Whittle 2nd Row: F. Sherburne, J. Vanlwaarden, D. Sommers, J Folkert, C. Steketee, H. Dershem, 3rd Row: E. Tanis


H. Frissel


Physics Department

BIOLOGY P. VanFaasen


Biology Department

J. Dusseau

R. Ockerse

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Biology Department


^ -


E. Jekel

Chemistry is the science concerned with substances—their properties, composition and reactions. Four principal areas may be defined: analytical inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry. Every educated person should have some knowledge of chemistry, and many interesting and profitable careers require varying amounts of training in this field. The minimum requirement for a chemistry major at Hope is twenty-five hours in the subject. Dr. David Klein is the chairman of the department.

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M. Doyle


L. Hoepfinger

Chemistry Department


D. Smith

S. Wettack

Chemistry Department



E. Brown


Physical Education Department

L. Green

S. Parker

R. DeVette

Physical Education Department


Economics and Business Administration Departments

i速 M I C S A N D

D. Hull

1). Hccrema

B U s I N E S S A D M I N I S T R A

. Economics and Business Administration Departments



R. Cavanaugh

Music is a language for all peoples and times. This sort of statement raises many questions. The Music Department, headed by Mr. Ritsema starts to answer them. What is music? Every course deals with this, music within a liberal arts education, understanding its nature. For some music is a professional goal; there are many more questions for them. How do I make music? Performance and applied music. What has music been and how has it changed? Music History. What is happening when I make music? Music Theory. How do I teach others about music? Music Education.


Music Department

J. Holleman

J. Conway

A. Kooiker



m g m

C. Lehman

Music Department



D. Finn. Chairman


Theatre Department

J. Tammi M. Finn








"Being chancellor means having your picture in the Milestone . . .

WILLIAM VANDER LUGHT Chancellor and Distinguished Professor-at-large


Vander Lught



Dean for Academic Affairs M, Rider


C. Handlogten, Vice-President



D. VanderWel. P. Toppen. Assistant Directors, T. LaBaugh, Director o f Admissions and Financial A i d


Admissions. Financial Aid. and Business Administration

W. Anderson, Controller


K . Vink, Director o f Data Processing and Institutional Research, and D. Marker, Executive Director of the computer Center

Business Administration and Computer Center


To TOM RENNER Our advisor This page is dedicated to you, for supporting us

Tom Renner




J. Jackson—Director of Student Activities

G. Demarest III—Director o f Counseling Center .


J. Klungle—Director, Academic Equipment Center


Student Personnel Services

A. Penrose—Secretary, Student Personnel Services

M. Gerrie—Associate Dean o f Students M. Zuverink—Coordinator o f Teacher Placement Services



R. De Y o u n g - D e a n o f Students

N. Kipp-Associate Dean o f Students

Student Personnel Services



N E m

Front Row: G. Bazaz—assistant editor, C. Vandermeulen, B. T i m m e , L. Dykstra—editor-in-chief, M . Spreng, R. Houghton—business manager, assistant photographer, Second: B. Hands, N . Heinz, D . Bossenbroek, M . Merchant, S. Jousma, H . Burkhour

MILESTONE—even the title has a significance beyond the printed page this year. The 1972 MILESTONE marks the construction of a pillar we hope will serve as a foundation for many years of fine annuals in the future. For a number of years, student and administrative officials have been openly questioning the existence of this record. Indeed, the 1972 MILESTONE seemed doomed to failure when editor Linda Wyff resigned last fall. Under the able leadership of new editor Leslie Dykstra, the staff overcame questions of "Where is student support for a Milestone?" with the encouraging aid of Mr. Tom Renner and Dr. Richard Vandevelde and the Student Communications Media Committee; but found itself only a few months away from deadlines with a completely new staff. Starting from scratch, the girls of Dykstra showed an insatiable capacity for work getting this volume in print . . . a tome we think will add a new dimension to campus literature. We acknowledge that the MILESTONE has not yet arrived—we recognize and regret ommisions—but feel it is indeed a "milestone" along the road to a student annual, not of the past, but of the now.




WTAS The Anchor Station under the direction of General Manager Doug Levine has broadcast a wide variety of music this year. Various changes and a group of experienced DJ's have given the station and Hope's students a valuable media for relaying news information and all of today's contemporary sounds.

Front Row 1. D. Staley 2. D. Levine 3. D. Bullerman Second Row !. N. Harridge 2, T. Kapral 3, J. Demeester 4, S, Vandenberg Third Row 1. B. DeBlock Fourth Row 1. J. Beahm 2. J. Gray 3. T. Vis 4. J. Armstrong 194






Left to right: C. Borgeson, M. Koeppe, T. Swartz. D. Spoelhof, S. Ceyer, B. Wolf!', J. Monroe. D. Swanson, B. Vanderlaan, T. Bade, K . Lemmon, D, Kooistra, D. Hoefle, R. Clapthor, J, Hofteizer, A. Odubela, Dr. Williams. T, Poon. C. Kan,

The Chemistry Club had an active year mixing academics with fun. Members enjoyed the annual fall and spring picnics and a party held at the home of their advisor, Dr, Donald Williams, The group traveled to Chicago on a field trip to Argonne National Laborotories, The Chemistry Club also heard five guest speakers and lectures by several chemistry department professor on their work. One of the highlights of the year was a heated debate on "The Social Responsibility of the Scientist" with Dr, Doyle of the Chemistry Department. Dr, Megow of the German Department, and Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra of Philosophy Department, which drew a large crowd of interested students and faculty.



Chemistry Club

From row: J. Bos, R. Gorzeman, M. Wissink, M. Mulder, L. Pfannmuller, Second row: A. Ross, S. Fisher. K. Holleman, P. Van Lente, R. Jarman, Third Row: M. Durr. D. Edema. R. Nyhof, Dr. Van Faasen. S, Baker


Beta Beta Beta


In February of 1972, the fifteen members of the Geology Club spent the weekend in Indiana exploring caves. On another field trip in May, they went to the Devonian Beds of Silica in Ohio to go fossil hunting. Jon Dykstra is the president of the organization, with Jan Moore as the vice-president.





Geology Club

C. De Haan M. Meade B. Wolff M. Fleming

The Hope for the Earth Club is responsible for initiating and continuing the recycling of tin from Saga and the faculty. It's created paid jobs and is funded by the Noyes Foundation. The Club conducts a bi-weekly newspaper drive for students and every other Saturday volunteers collect glass, tin, and aluminum for recycling with the March of Dimes. Early in the fall, they conducted a street cleanup campaign in conjunction with the members of A Phi O. Mary Mead is the president and Mary Fleming is the vicepresident.


Hope for the Earth



- jfiQ


imt Front Row: K.J. Smith, B. Boote, J. Wickens, L. Schlangen, B. Liggett, E. Esmark, S. Vanderheide, M . Straw, K . Hubbard, A. Ross, J. Willems, D. Kooistra, G. Renkes Second Row: B. Cooper, P. Smith, R. Douglas, P. Vandemeer, L. Pfannmueller, C. Denhart, C. K a n T h i r d Row: J Moore, P. Remtema, T. Hillegonds, V. Folkert, M . OlthofT


Phi Beta Kappa

Front Row: R. Sanford, Mrs. Hillegonds, J. Ticknor, Mr. Struik Second Row: K . Kent, B. Pollack, J. Winne, H. Oostenveld, T, Hooyman

Higher Horizons is a program in which Hope students can "adopt" younger brothers or sisters from Holland area. Bruce Struik, director of Higher Horizons, is in the process of broadening its scope to include the children in special education, those in the Youth Home in Grand Haven, and the delinquent minors who have been involved with Juvenile Court. These new programs are being organized by students in the college community who are interested in these specific fields.

Higher Horizons



Campus Crusade, an active group on Hope's Campus, breaks into smaller groups and meets all over campus to consider the relevance of Christ to individual lives. They share their faith in a dynamic way as they relate to the world. Campus Crusade is a movement and does not have formal membership.


Campus Crusade for Christ


J. De Vries—Student assistant in worship J. Sittser—Student assistant in personal and interpersonal growth R. De Young—Student assistant in evangelism J. Paarlberg—Student assistant in social ministries

Ministry of Christ's People

INTERNATIONAL The goal of the IRC is to build an appreciation and understanding between American students and those of other countries. The group is run by an executive committee, consisting of Bill Alto, Kathy Brown, Carlos DoNascimento, Celia Hogenboom, Kay Oae, Goro Suzuki, Rich Turner, and Marvin Younger. Advised by Mr. Heine and supported by Mrs. Heine and Dr. Fried, the IRC has sponsored a number of speakers, discussions, debates and a mock U.N. assembly. They have also sponsored social events, the International Coffee House, and numerous parties.







1—K. Brown 2—V. Ten Haken 3—P. Van Wyk 4—C. Do Nascimento 5—K. Korver 6—T. Trottier 7—L. Destefano 8—Z. Comelio 9—J. Hoftiezer 10—K. Johnson 11— R Younger 12—R. Turner 13—G. Suzuki 14—B. Alto 15—C. Hogenboom 16—L. Wendel 17—K. Oae 18—A. Bassett 19—G. Renkes 20—L, Hughes 21—J. Johnson 22—M. Younger 23—D. Bruggers 24—C. N j i m m a 25—C. Bonetti 26—T. Hsieh 27—B. Marcher 28—R. Studlar 29—B. Gaydos 30—P. Edgmgton



Front Row Z. Marshall, P. Shiflfner, C. Bates, Second Martinez, A. Serrana, L. Dick



Spanish Club

Row Z. Cornelio, M . White, J. Ottignon, C. Bonetti, A. Barrero, Third Row B. Meyer, C.

Headed by Jean Ottignon, the Spanish Club held a party for Nursery School-Day Care Children the week before Christmas vacation. On Latin America Day, the Spanish Club sponsored a booth in the Civic Center. The Spanish Club's twelve members presented a play in the DeWitt Cultural Center round theatre.

From Row M. Mouw, D. Telfer, B. Marcher, C, Yff, J. Siderius, J. Peterson, A. Tein, Row Two M r . Heine, D. Gentel, B. Pekich, M . Hauth, K . Moorhead, M . Blocksma, M . Thoen, V. TenHaken


GERMAN HONORS Delta Phi Alpha is the German Honor Fraternity. The highlight of first semester was the Christmas Party at Marigold Lodge. Second semester the club went to see the Vienna Symphony Orchestra in Ann Arbor. New members were honored at a banquet at Marigold Lodge in April. The German Club provides an opportunity for students interested in G e r m a n language and culture to widen their knowledge in these areas. The president of the club is Carolyn Borgert, who led the group to attend performances by German and Austrian artists and planning dinners.

GERMAN CLUB Front Row C. Borgert, K . Sullivan, E. Meibuhr, Mr. Bedell, Second Row C. Hahn, M . Hauth, V. Agre, N. Lam, B. Viel

German Honors and German Club




The Michigan Gamma Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta boasts one of the largest, most active, and most successful chapters in the Province of the Lakes. Though attending at least 2 Forensics competitions a month, time was found to organize and sponsor two parlimentary debates on the campus this year. Joan Lautenschleger, a member, was rated the finest ex-temporaneous speaker in the state for 1972. Paul Bach served as president of the chapter.

Lambda Iota Tau is the international honor society for literature majors. Members are chosen on the basis of outstanding academic performance and interest in their field.

Front Row: Dr. Mikel, D. Helmus, P. Christenson, Second Row: P. Bach, M. Cooper, C. Busk, Third Row: J. Stoup, N. Lam, J. McFarlin, B. Schellenberg, G. Vanderven, Dr. Hopkins, Dr. Schakel, M. Dannenbring

Moderator for the Hope College chapter is Dr. Francis Fike. Co-Presidents are Jennifer Ghiselin and Julie Sweers. Currently, there are ten members, with a new class of members expected to be inducted this spring.

Front Row: M. Mouw, J. Ghiselin, J. Sweers, A. Tein. Second Row: R. Smith, B. Boote, S. Bruggink, D. Telfer, M. Flemming, A. Nyhuis




Forensics Honors and English Club

FRENCH HONORS Pi Delta Phi's members are concerned with research in French civilization and the French language. Service to the general college community is another aspect. Several members participated in the Mortar Board's exam tutoring service.

FRENCH CLUB With Philip Tappert at the helm as president, the French Club got busy with such events as a Halloween Party, participation in Hope's Mardi Gras, a French fondue, and a choir of voices caroling during the Christmas season.

Rich Pender is the president.

P. Tappert, J. Paul, J. Willems, S. Penney, K . VanKruiningen, R. Pender

Front Row J. Paul, S. Yeager, P. Edginglon, Second Row S. Ceyer, S. Penny, P. Tappert Third Row D. Remo, D. Mrazek, R. Pender

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French Club and French Honors


Front RowC. VanVoorst, M. Fleming, J. Wilhems, S. Buckman, T. Tappert, M. Mcllveen Second Row Dr. Fried, B. Douglas, R. Posthuma. Dr. Penrose, Dr. Cohen

Phi Alpha Theta is the national fraternity for students of history at Hope. There are twelve members, not including the history professors. The second semester members of the group ushered at the Bergman films in February and the Robert Malcolm Memorial Day in May. The president is Mary Felmings.



History Honors

MATH CLUB One of the math club's main events this school year was its "Experiment in Applied Probability and Statistics," commonly known as the 'Casino,' which was part of the Winter Carnival, sponsored by the S.A.C. The first event was a gettogether Halloween party held in late October at Dr. Tanis' house. The faculty advisors are Dr. E. Tannis and Dr. R. Vandervelde; the president of the math Club is Nancy Wallendal.

Math Club




The AWS serves the Hope women by providing various social functions designed to bring them together as a group and provided the extended awareness of the opportunity and potential for Hope women. Some of the activities organized by the AWS were the Big-Little Sister Convocation breakfast and the Nykerk Breakfast held annually on the Morning of the Nykerk Cup Competition. The Weekend of March 17-19 was Big-Little Sister Weekend; Hope women were invited to bring younger sisters or a friend from home to spend a weekend on campus. May Day activities were also partially handled by the AWS. Molly Gates is the acting president.





Front: L. Schlangen L. Pfannmuller L. Weaver L. W i f f K.J. Smith


Second: C. Hondorp J. Zevelink J. Siderius J. Wilems S. Buckman D. Kelsey E. Esmark

Mortar Board is an honary group of women selected each year, in the spring, on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and service. New junior members are tapped each spring at May Day activities. Some accompUshments of the Mortar Board this year were the Dean's List Tea for freshmen women, the Faculty Appreciation Banquet and Faculty Appreciation Day at the Kletz, and the Alumni Breakfast during Homecoming.

Mortar Board


Front Row; G. Vandhoef, M , Chadwick, S. Norris, J. DeVries, L. Peterson, C. Moore, G. Callahan, V. Granzow, L. Walvoord, L. Wamet, B. VanEck, P. Acocella, L. Walchenbach, H. Nelmes, Second Row: S. Shuller, M. Myers, S. Meengs, E. VanLierop, N. Olmstead, C. Boote, M . Rose, C. Yff, M . Bos, L. Lubben, S. Johnson, C. Leimbach, C. Tanis, J. Lookenhouse, B. Viel.

The Chapel Choir, made up of 61 voices, provides the opportunity for college s t u d e n t s to sing some of the greatest sacred music ever composed. The choir has, in its 20 years as a touring group, travelled in excess of 110,00 miles in half of the United States and seven countries in Europe. In 1971, the choir sang at the dedication service of the DeWitt Cultural Center and later in the first semester of school, presented the Messiah on December 14th. On March 24th the choir departed on a tour throughout New York and New Jersey arriving back on April 9th. Dr. Robert Cavanaugh is the Director and David Breen the President.

= V 1


Third Row: D. VanDop, T. Stuit, J. O'Connell, S. Greer, A. Voskuil, L. Veenhoven, J. Klooster, D. Holthuis, G. Gray, D. Breen, G. Sittser, J. Booi, J, Keizer, M . Boonstra. Fourth Row: R. Cook. J. Schmidt, G. Renkes, B. Smith, M . Younger, C. Boote, D. Leetsma, J. Moore, C. Ligget, G. Kalmbacher, G. Pride, G. Daniels, D. Bast, S. Stam, P. Paulak, T. Hooyman.

Chapel Choir



I he Hand introduced itscll'lo the students of Hope, this year, by playing at various Ibothall games and basketball games, a concert held in the Klet/, and another one held in the Pine Grove this Spring. I he Band also perlormed on an exchange program w ith Alma and they peiTormed with area high school musicians.


The president of the Alpha Phis is Cindy Smith and vice-president is Loree Schuster. The school year started off with the Homecoming Luncheon on Alumni Day in October in the Warm Friend Hotel. The Alpha Phi's formal was held in December at Carousel Mt. During Winter Carnival, although defeated, the Alpha Phi's were the only females to enter the Volkswagon Race. Their Informal was held in Saugatuck in May.





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31—P. Thoman 32—J. Vande Hoef 33—B. Randall 34—D. Van Dyk 35—L. Eichhorn 36—D. Badeau 37—S. Van Pernis 38—S. Smith 39—T Robinson 40—J. Slegeman 41—D. Kelsey 42—L. W a m e l 43—B. Small 44 M. Becker 45—C. Peck 46—C. Mc Curdy 47—G. O m d o r f f 48—M. Dykstra 49—P Kallemyn 50—D Hartje 51—P. De K a m 52—K. Poll 53—M Van Heest 54—C. Vander Meulen 55—B. Phillips 56—B. Gerding 57—D. Sullivan 58—L. Schuster 59—D. Breen 60—B. Smalling






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1 23 4 5

J. Helper M. Tellicr D. Dawson C. Bbrgert N. Sterk

6 M. Weston ; 7 K. Hocsch

8 P. I : .dgington

9 D. Howitt 10 L. Zuidema 11 C Hector 12 -L. Hughes 13 S. White 1 4 - H . Koberstine 15 M. Dykema 16- M. Fordham 17 J. Koopman 18-C. Lohman


Kappa Chi consists of 18 members and 4 pledges. On April 14th the entire sorority went on a bike hike around the Holland area ending in Kollen Park for a picnic. Date night was April 22nd held in Saugatuck at the S.S. Keewatin. The Informal was held at Christmas time. Kappa Chi's were proud winners of the trophy in basketball. Nancy Sterk is the president and Donna Howitt is the vice-president.




1—S. Hoebeke 2—M. Modrow 3—P. Kottyan 4—N. Hogroian 5—L. Wheatley 6—J. Drolen 7—J. Monroe

8—L. Swinyard

9—J. Meacf

10—M. French 11—S. Weimer 12—M. Truelsen 13—G. Aldrich 14—L. Boogard 15—L. Hutchings

16—M. Gates 17—L. Schlangen 18—J. Boger 19—N. Milne 20—J. Smith 21—J. Miller 22—S. Jousma

Every member of the SIBs has one adoptive grandparents from the Birchwood Manor Nursing Home. Easter eggs were made for the Child Welfare Organization. The sorority's 19 members gained 9 pledges during Rush. The informal was held in early May at the Macatawa Bay Yacht Club. Joyce Mead is the president and Laurie Schlangen is the vice-president.

SIGMA SIGMA The Sorosites are composed of 34 actives and 29 pledges, which is the largest sorority pledge class for 1972. The highlight first semester for the Sigma Sigmas was the formal held at Holly's Landing in Grand Rapids. A sorority Christmas party was held before vacation. The Informal was held in May at Carousel Mt. Just before summer vacation, a special meeting as a farewell to the seniors was held on Lake Michigan. The Sorosites have had three pjesidents this year; Gail Parker, Dawn Vollink. and presently Grechen Cooper.



1—D. Pollock 2—L. Von Bergen 3—A. Lincoln 4—L. Hoogstra 5—C. Slagn 6—N. Viel 7—P. Selover 8—N. Olmsted 9—M. Millard 10—S. Voorhees 11—V. Cannon 12—J, Klooster 13—B. Wackernagel 14—R. Vanderveer 15—M. Roskamp 16—J. VanderVelde 17—S. Opsahl 18—M. Crandell 19—L. Anman 20—J. Ver Beek 21—D. Vollink 22—M. Slagh 23—G. Parker 24—L. Hillegonds 25—P. Wilson 26—J. Droog 27—D. Fugitt 28—A. Taub 29—J. Pruiksma 30—G. Cooper

31—M. Van Singel 32—M. Gaylord 33—B. Stone 34—M. Gotterup 35—M. L. Wilkinson 36—J. Fraaza 37—M. Merchant 38—P. Kort 39—J. Westenbroek 40—M. Zondervan 41—J. Boven 42—T. Fuller 43—M. Koeppe 44—M. De Ram 45— P. Ross 46—C. Hoekstra 47—L. Corbett 48—S. Poppink 49—K. Smith 50—J. Filipek 51—Z. Marshall 52—C. Schellenberg 53—G. Reed 54—B. Koop 55—J. Weitz 56—K. Gralow 57—J. Koop 58—S. Hickok 59—S. Boven 60—M. Davis 61—S. Van Brantegham



Front: R. Sanford, L. Schemenhauer, J. Lauver, H . Swatman, J. Harris. Second: D Ritsema, M. Ebbers, B. Miner, R. Crisman. J. H. De Heus, R. Smith, T. Siderius. T h i r d : H M o d r o w . P. Rengel, B. Smith. J. Hollendonner, B. Wolff, C. Binder.


A Phi O's, the members of the national Service Fraternity, traditionally help organize the registration of students in the fall. They organized the Red Cross blood drive both fall and spring semesters. Various fund raising projects are organized to aid the Community Action House and Kandu, Corp. The A Phi O's are also responsible for helping with the construction and landscaping of the Third Reformed Church playground. They also organized the 20mile walk to raise money for Cancer. The president first semester was Dave Ritsema, and for second semester, Rick Smith. There are 24 members.




Front: B. Geyer C. Route P. Drake R. White G. Gray J. Morehouse

Phi Mu Alpha-Sinfonia is the National Professional Fraternity. They have an active membership of 19 students and 7 faculty members. Highlights for the year were the bagel sales, the concert at tulip time, and the induction of 5 new members. The president for next year is Roger White.

T. Gouwens P. De Haan S. Harthorne P. Walsh R Krutz D. Dykstra J Hofteizer




First Semester the Arkies enjoyed three parties—one at Sunnybrook Country Club, one at the Yacht Club, and one at Enterprise Lodge. Also they had a Christmas Party for the mentally handicapped children, held at the De Witt Cultural Center and aided by their sister sorority, the Alpha Phis. The Frat, itself, had a Christmas Party in the basement of the House. The remainder of the school year, the Arkies were concerned with Rush. The Informal, held after Pledging, was held at Carousel Mt. on May 20th. The Arkies received the scholastic trophy and sports trophy for the 1970-71 school year. First semester president was Karl Esmark, second semester Craig Faletti took the office.




1—S. Norden 2—J. Courier 3—C. Brooks 4—M. Zylstra 5—B. Lamer 6—D. Smith 7—R. Boss 8—G. Howe 9—R. VanderLind 10—C. Bleckley 11—J. Ticknor 12—G. VanderSlice 13—S. Busman 14—S. Kupres 15—B. Lyons 16—T. Graham 17—T. Merkel 18—J. Sinclair 19—T. Claus 20—B. Boersma 21—B. Carlson

22—P. Welch 23—B. Lawton 24—N. Rodenhouse 25—R. Lubberts 26—D. Kamps 27—D. TeBeest 28—S. De Y o u n g 29—K. Pugh 30—B. Martin 31—J. Kloosterboer 32—B. Wolters 33—B. Klein 34—R. Rewerts 35—P. Shelley 36—C. Stagg 37—L. Cravotta 38—J. Koeppe 39—T. Jeltes 40—B. Thompson 41—H. Shadwell 42—D. Wiersma

43—M. Whiteman 4 4 - D . Bruggers 45—P. Cornell 4 6 - D . Wickstra 4 7 - C . Faletti 4 8 - L . Price 4 9 - 1 Bobeldyk 50-S. Evans 5 1 - B Kibbey 52—M. De Roo 5 3 - D . Boote 54—J. Wormester 5 5 - R . Nelson 5 6 - D . Johnson 57—J. Huizenga 5 8 - B . Pekich 5 9 - D . Daubenspeck 6 0 - D . Edema 61—G. Pfeiffer 62-J. Pett 63—C. Evers

64—G. Kempker 65—J. Winne 66—D. Nyboer 67—J. Van Deursen 68—M. Snoap 69—D. Kooistra 70—R. Bultema 71—E. Chavez 72—J. Vanderveen 73—J. Wyns 74—R. Kiefer 75—J. Maciejko 76—K, Avery 77—K. Loosenort 78—J. Hankamp 79—G Wickstra 80—C. Fenton 81—B. Van D y k 82—B. Schellenberg 83—D. Dykstra



Front: A. Lahue C. Gearhart S. Greer P. Berg Second; R. Howell G, Bazaz M . Younger N , Bangs Third: R. Krutz S. Stokes M . Sashenosky D, Dame W. W o o d

The Centurians started off the year with an Alumni Banquet held at the Holland Holiday Inn. during Homecoming weekend. Keeping the ball rolling, there was a Halloween Dance, featuring the band. Ormandy, the Christmas Banquet at the Frat House, Lit meeting with Garret R. Demerest III, and miscellaneous parties and Lit meetings. Starting the second semester events was a Door Prize Drawing during Hope's Winter Carnival Weekend. Then there was a Lit meeting with Dr. Penrose. Their Rush was very successful with 13 events, the Rosser Day award for the most interested active, and other parties. Neil Becker served as president for both semesters. The Cents had wished to change their rush program by extending it to the entire year so as to open the campus up to more social events. This would have eliminated the three week pile up of events that take place in the spring. Continued efforts to bring about this change, however, proved unsuccessful.




COSMOPOLITAN The members of Phi Kappa Alpha held their annua! Handicap Swim this winter for the handicapped children of the Holland area. They organized both a hayride and an Informal at the Rathskeller in the fall. The Ski Formal was held in February at the Alpine Village, To the membership of about 50 members, the Cosmo's added 17 pledges. The President of the fraternity is Ken Lodden, succeeding Joel Slager and Paul Heusinkveld.


1- G. B. Moore 2~J. Sengelaub 3—M. Menken 4—T, Hart 5—D. Alexanian 6—A. K u p l r i a n 7—S. Stegeman 8—-T. Garter 9—L. H i l l 10—V. Mantarro 11—J. Cava Ho 12—T. Boeve 13—A. Brassard 14—L. Du Shane 15—S. Vanderbroek 16—R, Schaap



17—P. Ceeley 18—R. Lawrence 19—D. Troasl 20—N. Kramer 21—G. Boelens 22—G. Abel 23—M Boelens 24—B, Zilinski 25—M. Stark 26—B, Darwin 27 T. Slaal 28— M. Lokers 29—G. Beglev 30—G. Crandall 31 J. Dykema 32 P, Heusinkveld 33 D. Stephens

34—J. Slager 35—M. Grit 36—R. Hine 37—R. Posthuma 38—T. Field 39—R. Grout 40—K, Lodden 41 K. Quist 4 2 - G . Gronwall 43- B. Korstange 44-P. Boddy 4 5 - R . Bosman 4 6 - E . Haulenbeek 4 7 - M . Van Buren 48-S. Harlow 4 9 - C . Morgan






1—T. Reen 2—D. Leestma 3—C. Gomes 4—D. Levine 5—B Smith 6—K. Neckers 7—D. Rice 8—S. Graham 9—R. BufTum 10—B. Medema 11—R. Weigle 12—C. Route 13—D. Wesner 14 -K. Hietbrink 15—H. Burkhour. Jr. 16—R. Hoeler 17—P. Hendricks 18—N. Clark 19—J. Schmidt 20—G. Stuart 21—J. Rauwerdink 22—D. Van Donkelaar 23—D. Gebhard 24—B. McAndrew 25—D. Bulterman 26—R Reynen 27—R. Gasero 28—K. Browning 29—T. Seise 30—L, Smith 31—R. Bertran 32—S. Mancinelli 33—L. Buikema 34—T. Swartz 35—R. Saputo 36—V. Combs 37—S. Quiring 38—B. Poetter 39—W. Jorck 40—D. Kuipers 41—D. Ketcham 42—J. Weed 43—P. Miller 44—D. Porter 45—F. Van Dahm 46—M. Schmidt 47—L. Reen 48—S. Penning

There are approximately 35 members and 25 pledges in the Emmie Fraternity. Their dragon was the proud winner of the Snow Sculpture Contest and also the Emmies were the winners of the VW race. In January members of the frat went on a ski weekend to Crystal Mountain and in May the annual Canoe trip on Pine River took place. Also in May was the Emmie Informal. The President for first semester was Herb Keeler and for second semester, Scott Graham.



The Praters had 55 members during the 1971 school year. Pledging this year were 18 freshmen and sophomores. During the first semester, the "famous" Prater Prolics was presented along with a Christmas party for the underprivileged children. Second semester was concerned primarily with rush and the Informal given in May. Por the new pledges, a party was given at the Old Crow in Saugatuck. Kevin Holleman is the president.

1 - G. Stewart 2 - K Boerman 3 - C. Taniguchi 4 - -J. Goldman 5 --S. Van Doornik 6 --G. Constant 7 --S. Westra 8 - R Paulson 9 --G. Slenk 10--J. Wojcicki 11--N. Ver Hey 12--C. Hart 13--J. Flanigan 14--J. Hickman 15- R. Boerigter 16- D Diller 17-- M . Bolthouse 18--N. Junor 19--R. Hasslinger 20—M . Rumpsa 21-- M . Meyer 22-- G . Voss 23--J. Mayo 24- B. Broekstra 25--J. Hiskes

26- M . Dargene 27- T. Brown 28--J, Bosscher 29--K. Holleman 30--T. Hillegonds 31- D, Peterson 32- P. Semeyn 33- R. Hakken 34- T. Cutler 35--T. Van Wieren 36--J. Puricelli 37- Dr. Ervin 38- D. Scott 39- B. Nolan 40—C. Gouyd 41 -C. Cousineau 42--J. Bouwens 43- L. Brandsma 44- R, Burgess 45- J. Van Ark 46- M . Weinert 47- B. Munsell 48--R. Tiggleman 49- T. Snow 50 L Currie





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I rate m i l ics


A Aardema, Bobette Abel, Gan' Aceto. John Achterhoff, Jane Acocella. Phyllis Agre, Virginia Aioitawgawa, Mable Aldrich, Gale Aldrich, Jeffery Alexander, David Alexaman, Michael Alto, William Anderson, Susan A N D E R S O N , William Andringa, Jane Anman. Laurel Aprill. Kathleen Apsey, Diana Armstrong, James Arnold, Cynthia Aten, Deborah Atherton, Leslie Atwood, Janet Auckerman, William Avery, Kurt

129 109.234 54. 109 119 214 129, 207 129 79, 224 79 234 119 79, 205 79 185 129 109. 226 129 129 119, 194. 240 129 119 79 79 79 66, 119. 230

B Bach, Paul Bade, Thomas Badeau, Deborah Baillie, Michelle Baker, Steven B A K K E R , Harold Balducci, Sandra Bangs. Neil Barendse, Martha Bamett, Jane Barrowman. Margery Bartley. David Basnett, Barbara Bassett, Allison Bast. David Bates. Cynthia Baughman, Carol Bauman, Nora Baxter, Loretta Bazaz, Gregory BEACH. Leslie Beagle. Lucille Beanm. John Beard, Marcia-Anne Becker, Melissa Becker, Neil BEDELL, Alan Begley, Gary Belanus, Gary Benchley, Robert Bennett," George Benthin, Richard Beran. James Berends, Mary Berg. Paul Berger, Robert Beny, Jill Berry, Nancy Bertran, Ross Betax, Eugene Beusel, Marcia Beukema, Kristi Bian. Deborah Bigelow, Jacalyn Binder, Charles Black, Bonnie Blaisdell, Marilyn Blaske, Kathy Bleckley. Craig Blocksma, Martha Blure, Cheryl Bobeldvk, Gerald Bocanelli, La Verne Boddy, Paul Boelens, Gregory Boclens, Michael Bocrigter, Roger Boerman, Kevin Boersma. W i l l i a m Boeve, Brian Boger. Janet Bollhouse, Mark

208 196 109, 219 129 197 151 129, 220 54, 232 79 119 219 129 119, 214 129, 205 214 109, 206 129 129 129 119, 192, 232 157 119 129, 194 129 79, 219 79 163, 207 119. 234 129 54 57, 79 129 129 109 230 240 129 79 236 240 119 109 119 109 228 219 109 129 57, 230 119, 207 220 109, 230 80 119. 234 234 80, 234 238 129, 238 66. 129, 230 119 224 129, 238

Bonetti, Ch'ristinfc Booeard. Louise Boot, Jefl'rey Boonstra, Michael Boote. Brenda Boote, Carey Boote, Cathy Boote, Daniel Borgert, Carolyn Borgeson. Clark Borgeson. Nancy Bos. Charlene Bos, Jane Bos. Mary Bos. Susan Bosman, Roger Boss, Richard Bosscher. James Bossenbroek, Donna Bossenbroek, Margaret Bouwens, Joel Bouwma, Robert Bouwman. Daniel Boven, Jean Boven, Sharon Boyd. Cathy Boyles. Alison Braat, Wendy Braden. Susan B R A D Y , Allen Bragg, Thomas B R A N D , Edward Brandsma, Lee Brassard, Arthur Bratt, Eric Breen, David Breen, Dorothy Brehm, Barbara Brevick, Janet BREWER, Gordon B R I N K , Irwin B R O C K M E I E R . Richard Broekstra, Brad Brokaw, Dale Brooks, Charles Brouwers, Elynn Brown, Bettina Brown, Eric BROWN, Eugene Brown, Jennifer Brown, Karen BROWN, Robert Brown, Sandra Brown. Timothy Brownlee, Toki Brugger, Barry Bruggers, David Bruggink, Sue Bruinooge, Robert BRUINS. Elton Brunson, Richard Buckman, Susan Buffum, Roger Buikema, Robert Buis, Debra Buis, Timothy Bull. Pamela Bultema. Ronald Bulterman, Dick B U L T M A N , James Burg, Jon Burgering, Marcia Burgess, Robin Burgess, Ronald Burggraaf, Beth B U R K E . Hector Burkhour, Harvey Burton, Clarence Burton, Virginia Busard, Thomas Bush, Christine Bush, Linda Busk, Chad wick Busman, Stanley Butler, Linda Buys, Priscilla

129,205, 206 80, 224 214 80, 214 80. 200. 208 109, 214 214 129. 230 119. 207. 222 81. 196 81 129 81. 197 214 109. 220 70, 234 109, 226 238 192 81 238 81 109 29, 129. 226 129, 226 81 129 129 129 169 129 147 238 129, 234 129 81. 214 81, 219 129 130 | 57, 172 171 167 130, 238 130 57, 119, 230 119, 220 109, 205 54, 109 172 120 130, 220 157 130 238 109 120 54. ,109, 205, 230 109, 208, 220 120 161 81 81, 210, 213, 220 110, 236 66. 130. 236 130 120 219 53, 57, 120. 230 110, 194. 236 66 110 219 120 238 81. 219 151 66. 130, 192, 236 120 110 120 110 110 120, 208 110, 230 130 110

C Cain, Randall Callahan, Gene Callam, Gordon


81 214 130

Campbell. Allison Campbell, Clair Cannon, Victoria Carey, Candace Carlson, Robert Case, Daniel Castetter, Lynne Caulfield. John Cavallo, John C A V A N A U G H , Robert Caven. John Ceeley. Philip Cemey, Sheila Ceyer, Sylvia Chadwick, Mary Chavex, Edward Christenson, Paul Clapthor, Robert C L A R K . David Clark. James Clark. Jane Clark. Michelle Clark. Neil Claus. David Claus. Thomas Cluley. David C O H K N . William Coldren, Patricia Cole, Jerry Colenbrander, Martha Colvin, Sidney Colyer, Anne Combs, Vincent Compton, Diane Conklin, Carol Constant. Gary Convoy, Mark C O N W A Y , Joan Cook, Jeffrev Cook, Richard Cooper, Gretchen Cooper, Michael Cooper, Robert Copeland, Sandra Corbett. Linda Corbin. Martha Comelio, Zaida Cornell, Paul Courier, Joseph Cousineau, Cnarles Crandall, Gerrit Crandell, Margo Cravotta, Louis Crawford. Joy Crisman. Roger Cronk, Jill Cunningham. Willie Currie, Lee C U R R Y . Earl Cutler. Thor

130 130, 220 226 82 230 120 .......82 110 57, 130,234 176 59. 130 53. 130, 234 110 120, 196, 209 214 130. 230 208 196 155 59. 130 82. 220 82 130, 236 120 59. 130. 230 130 154,210 130 82 130 120 130, 220 236 82 130 66, 130, 238 130 117 82 110, 214 82, 226 208 82, 200 220 226 82 205. 206 130, 230 110, 230 238 120, 234 226 230 111 228 130 59 238 154 238

D Dalton. Linda Dame, Donald D'Amour, David Daniels. Gregory Dannenbring, Maria Dargene, Mark Darwin, Bruce Daubenspeck, David Davelaar, Thomas Davis, Don Davis, Mary Dawson. Deborah Dean, Dorothy DeBlaay, Marv DeBlock, William DeBoer, James DeBruyn, Donald Decair, Thomas Deenik, Ronald D E G R A A F . Clarence DeHaan, Christine DeHaan. Philfo DeHeus, John DeJong, Jack DeKam, Marjorie DeKam, Patricia DeKok, David Delnay. Bruce

82 232 82 53, 57, 214 111, 208 238 234 120, 230 83 130 70, 120. 226 131. 220 131 131 131, 194 83 111 83 111 146 199 229 120,228 83 131, 226 111.219 131 120

120.219 188 194, 240 131.219 83 83, 200 131 131

II1 131 230 164 83. 205 173 83, 203, 214 Ill 83 220 189 203 57, 230 120, 206 120 131, 238 150 83 220 120,205 131 131, 220 83 240 83, 200.210 131 170 84, 219 220 229 84, 224 84, 226 131 Ill 84, 197 120,234 169 219 Ill 234 131

Ill, 222 230 84. 229 144 120, 192 120,219

13! 120 112, 228 131 ,.,60, 112, 197,230 ,120, 205, 209, 222 131 84 112.219 152 84 131 131 84 84 168.238 200,213 84 84 112 230 54, 57, 230

149 131 84, 230 112 59 120 112,230

Ferrol, Ruben Field, T i m o t h y F1KE. Francis Filipek. Josephine Finn, D o n a l d Finn. Mars' Firmback. D e b o r a h Fisher, Anne Fisher, Charles Fisher, Debra Fisher, Pamela Fisher, Susan Fitzgerald. H a r o l d Flanigan. James...,; Fleming, M a r y Folkert, Carl,, F O L K F R T , Jay Folkert, Victor Fordham, M u r i e l Formsma, Janis Foss, V i r g i n i a Fowke, M a r i o n Fowler. Dean Fowler. Paul Fraaza, Janice Franklyn, Ronald Frasch, Wayne French. Deborah French, M a r i e FRENCH. William F R I E D . Paul Frifeldt, Debra FR1SSEL. H a r r y Fruechtenicht. Susan Fugitt. Diane Fuller, Nancy Fuller, Teresa Furtney. Diana

131 112. 234 147 120, 226 178 i78 121 85 131 131 29. 131, 220 197 1 12 238 112, 199, 208,210 57, 121 164 200 85, 222 85, 220 112,220 131 85 131 131, 226 85 85 86 131, 224 162 154,210 132. 219 166 86 86, 226 132 132, 226 132

G Gaige, Jeanette Garter, Thomas Gartner. Thomas Gasero, Russell Gates. M o l l y Gaydos, Bette Gaylord. Kathleen Gaylord, M a r i l y n Gearhart, Carl Geaslin, L i n d a Gebhard, D a v i d Geneva, John Gentel, Dean George. Michelle Gerber, M a r y Gerding, Barbara G E R R I E , Michael Gest, Raymond Getty, Pamela Geyer, Bruce Ghiselin, Jennifer Gibson, K e r r y Gierveld, Joanna Glerum, Susan Goeman, Jane : Goetz, Wanda G o l d e n Carleton Goldman. James Gomes, Carl Goosen, Sandra Gordon, L u c i n d a Gorzeman, Rosalyn Gossett, Charles Gotterup, M a r i a Gouwens. Thomas Gouyd. Christopher Graham, Scott,; Graham, T i m o t h y Gralow, K a r e n Gralow, K e n n e t h Grant, James Granzow, Victoria Gray. Gary Gray, Jeffrey G R E E N . Lawrence,,,,. Greenwood, L u a n n Greer, Steven GREIJ, Eldon Gresham, James Griffen. Charles Griffin, Shari


» T:.„

132 .-..234 86 236 112. 224 86. 205 86 132, 226 121.232 132 132, 236 112 207 121, 219 121 219 189 112 220 229 86, 208 112, 220 : 132 132 132 121 57, 86 132, 238 86, 236 87. 220 121 112. 197 112 226 87. 229 57, 238 87, 236 230 132, 226 87 240 214, 220 214, 229 121, 194 173 132 87, 214. 232 169 132 54. 240 133

Grit. M a r t i n Gronwajfi G r e g , Grout. Randall... Orundvia. T o m , ,

H Haaksma, L i n Hagberg, Lawrence Hage, M a r y l , . . , Hageman, Jandt Hager, Ronald Hahn. Christopher Hakken, Richard Hale, James Hallett, Carol H A N D L O G T E N , Clarence. Hands, Elizabeth Hankamp. Jack Hann, Elizabeth Hansen. K a r i n Hansen, Ralph:. Harlow. Selwyn Harmelink. D a v i d Harridge. Robert Harrington, Philip Harris, James Hart, Christopher Hart, Thomas Harthorne, Scott Hartje. Diane Hartman. Rebecca Hasslinger, Richard Haulenbeek, Eugene Hauth. Margretta Haverdink. C l i f f o r d Hayden, G a r y Hayden, Rita Hector, Carol H E E R E M A , Douglas Hegedus, Susan H E I N E , Werner Heinsius, John Heintz, N a d i n e Heisler, C l i f f o r d Hekman, M a r y Helmus, D a v i d Hendricks, Paul Heneveld. Lloyd Henseler, Phyllis Hepler, Janet Herchenroder, Leslye Herchenroder, Debra Herink, Nancy Hermance, Susan Hermenet, L y n n Hemberg, Joanne Herta, Pamela Heschle, John Heusinkveld, Paul H E U S I N K V E L D , Richard. Heyer, Nancy Hickman, James H i c k o k , Sara Hicks, Susan Hietbrink, D a v i d Hietbrink, K e i t h H i l l , Lester H I L L E G O N D S . Elizabeth. Hillegonds. L y n n Hillegonds. T i m o t h y HILLEGONDS. William Hine, Richard Hipwell, Susan Hiskes, Richard Hite, Celestine Hoebeke, Sara Hoefle. Diane Hoehler. Richard H O E K S E M A . Renze Hockstra, Carol HOEPFINGER, Lynn Hoesch, K a r l a Hoesch. K e n n e t h Hoetger, D e b o r a h H o f f m a n . Robert Hoftiezer, Jeanne Hoftiezer, John Hogcnboom, Celia Hogroian, Nancy Holleman, K e v i n H O L L E M A N , Jantina

87, 234 21. 234 234 70, 112

87 121 87 87 87 207 121,238 133 133 184 133. 192 88. 230 133 .88, 220

88 121,234

60 194, 240

112 228 238 133, 234 229 133.219 133 .88, 238 88. 234 112, 207 ,,,57, 88 88 112, 220 222 175 121


88 192 59


112. 208 133, 236 133 133 222

88 ,..133 133 133 133

88 219 134 .,88,234 57 70 134,238 121.226 112 112, 134 236 234 201 „89, 226 200, 238 145 .,89, 234 ,.,.89 238 134 134,224 196 134, 234 152 226 170

112, 222 „59,134 134 112 112, 196 205, 229 ,.89, 205 224 197,238 177

Holleridonner, John Holmes. Jack Holmes, WeniJjr.... Holslrom. David Holtbuis. Diana Holtz, Robert Hondorp. Carol Hoogstra, Lois.. Hooyman. Thomas Hop. Susan HOPKINS, John Hosteller, Karen Houghton, Robert Houtman, Bruce Howard, torenza Howard, Roosevelt Howe. Gary......: Howell, Randall Howitt. Donna Hrushka, Christina Hsieh, Tao-Heng Hubbard. Kay Huber. Christine Huberts, Garlan Hudelson. John Hughes. Louise H U I S K E N , Jon Huisenga. John H U L L . Dennis Huntsman, Brian Hutchings. Linda Hutchinson. Pamela H U T T A R , Charles


89, 228 152 134 112 121, 214 89 70, 89. 213 121. 226 201. 214 : 89 153, 208 134 HP.. 192 121 60 89 121, 230 232 89, 222 134 205 90, 200 121 90 134 90, 205,,222 183 121, 230 175 .90 90, 224 134 146

1 1AMS, Howard Inman, Nanette Iverson, Douglas.......

159 !.134 90

J JACKSON. John Jackson, Stuart Jacobusse, Kristy Jalvmg, Judith Jalving, Mary Janda. Kenneth Janda. Patricia Jarman. Richard Jasinsky, David JEKEL, Eugene J E L L E M A , R. Dirk Jeltes, Thomas Jensen, John JENTZ, Arthur Jewell, Michele Johnson, Bonnie Johnson, David Johnson, Debra Johnson. Jane Johnson. Karen Johnson. Lawrence Johnson, Mark Johnson, Martha Johnson. Nancy Johnson. Sharon Johnson. Thomas Jonker. Nancy Jorck. Wemer Jousma, Shirley Junor, Ned

188 / 240 134 121 91. 220 91 91 192 240 170 147 66, 112, 230 134 145 91 134 230 219 112, 205 134. 205 57, 134 134 91, 220 91 214 59 91 121. 236 134, 192, 224 238


K Kacewich, Joan Kallemyn. Phyllis Kalmbacher, John Kamps, Dick Kan. Charles Kapral, Thomas Katie. Deborah Karle, Kathleen Karsten, Kimbcrly... Kastelin. Barbara'. Keizer. David Keizer. Jerry Keller, Jodee Kelscy. Dorinda Kempers, David Kempker. Garrv

121 121, 219 214 130 196, 200 121. 194 113 220 134 121 134 91, 214 12! 91, 213, 219 134 230

Kent. Karen Kerle, Susan Ketcham. Donald Kibbey, Robert Kie, Linda Kieffer. Mary Jo Kieffer, Russell King. Margaret Kiphart. Lmda KIPP, Nona Kirms, Karen Kiser, Patricia...?;.-,,,. Klahr, Sharon Klein, Robert Kleinheksel, Calvin Kline. Mary Klingenberg, Jan Klomp. Linda Klooster. Jean Kloosterboer. John Klunder, Jack K L U N G L E , John Knak, Marilyn Kniowski, George Koberstine, Heidi Koeppe, John Koeppe, Mary Kohn, Michael Komejan, Jerry Koning, Deborah K O O I K E R . Anthony,,, Kooistra, Dale.: Kooistra, Kenneth Koop, Barbara Koop, Janet Koopman, Janet Koomdyk, Rosemary Kooy, Barbara Kopp, Harry Kornoelje, Carol Komoelje, Joanne Korstange, Robert Kort, Patricia ... Korte, Marilyn Korver. Kathem Koster, Eunice Kottyan, Patricia Kraay, Martha K R A F T , George Kramer, Eleanor Kramer, Nicholas Krutz, Roger Kuiper, Beverly :,, Kuipers, Dale Kuite, Marlene Kuna, Gregory Kupfrian, Russell Kupres, Steven

92, 201 121 92, 236 122, 230 134 92 92, 230 122 113 189 122 134 ...92 134, 230 113 220 92 122 113, 214, 226 134, 230 60 188 134, 219 135 222 135, 230 135. 196, 226 135 93 122 177 93, 196, 200, 230 135 29, 70, 122, 226 135, 226 122, 222 113 93 57 135, 220 93 113, 234 135, 226 220 135, 205 113 135, 224 135 172 ..,.135 53, 234 113, 229,232 135, 220 236 93 122 135, 234 54, 135, 230

L L A B A U G H , Thomas Lahue, Alan Lake, Robyn Lam, Leslie Lam, Nicholas Lamb, Jennifer Lamberts, Anita Lamer, James Langdon, Deborah Lanting, Diana Larsen, Barbara Larsen, Donald Laug, Deborah Lauver, Jerry ." Law, Janice Lawrence, Randall Lawson. Nancy Lawton, Willia'm Leestma, David Leestma. Pamela L E H M A N , Carroll LEE, Sang Hyun Leimbach, Carol Lemken, Willa Lemmen, Kathleen Lemmer, Ann Lemmer, Patricia Lenheiser, Scot! Leslie. Dwight Levine, Douglas Liggett, Barb'ara

184 232 220 135 122, 207, 208 93 122 • 230 135 122 ...113 113 93 113, 228 135 53, 234 135 135, 230 113, 214, 236 135 177 160 214 113 196 93, 220 123, 220 123 93 194, 236 200

Liggett, Chris Lim, Kim-Toin Lincoln, A m y Lind, Penny V Lindhout, Gayle Linquist, Kristine Lodden. Kenneth Lohman, Chris Lokers, Max Lookenhouse, Judy Loomis, Marshall Loosenort, K u r t Lopez, Richard Luoben, Donald Lubben. Lois Lubberts, Raymond Luidens, Robert Lukens, Kristin Luttikhuizen, Esther Luyendyk, Robert Lyons, Bradford

: .v

M Maatman, Vaughn Maciejko, James MacWood. Joan Mancinelli, Steven Mangun, Nancy Mann, Gregory Mantarro, Victor Manus, Rosetta Marcellus, Julie March, Donna Marcher, Briditte Maring, Jean M A R K E R , David Matron, Gail Marsh, Barbara Marshall, Zuellen Martin, Bruce Martinez, Celia Mason, Janice Mast. Gregg Masters. Jacqueline Maver, Marianna Maxwell, Deborah...... Mayo. John McAndrew, W i l l i a m McAuliffe. Daniel.,, McCurdy, Cynthia. McFarlin, Jim McGeehan, Jeffrey Mcllveen, Mary....; MC1NTYRE, William McLean, Anthony McNiven, Robert..;', Mead, Joyce JUMI Meade, Mary Medema, Robert Meengs, Elizabeth Meengs. Sharon Meeusen, Susan Megan, Mary M M E G O W , Gerhard Meibuhr, Emily M E L K A , Robert Menken, Michael Merchant, Margo Merkle, T i m Mertz, Waldon Meyer, Mark Meyering, Judy Meyers. Marianne Michel, Susan Michmerhuizen, Jane Midavaine, Shellie Miedema. Bonnie M I K L E . M. Harold Miles, Anne Miles, Susan ife. Millard. Mary Miller, Annetta Miller, Charles Miller, James..,., Miller, Julie Miller, Lynne Miller, Paul Millonig, Elizabeth Milne, Nancy Miner. William Minzey, James

57, 214 93 226 135 113 135 94. 234 222 123, 234 214 123 113, 230 54, 70, 123 94 94, 214 230 54, *135 220 113 94 230

135 53, 123,230 135 123. 236 123 240 234 113 135 135 205, 207 28, 94 ,..166, 185 123 113 29, 123, 206.226 135, 230 206 135 123 136 123 136 238 54, 124. 236 113 219 57, 124, 208 136 113.210 159 124 240 .'.94. 224 199 113. 236 124 124, 214, 220 136 124 163 207 4 234 136. 192, 226 230 94 238 124 214 .i 136 94 94 136. 219 153.208 136 124, 219 124,226 136 94 136 124, 224 136 59, 136, 236 136 224 228 113

Modrow, Harold Modrow. Mary Molina, Amado Moncrease, Justice Monroe, Joanne Moore, Constance Moore, Bolt Moore, James Moore, Janice Moored, Jane Moored, Keith Moorhead. Kathleen Morehouse, James Morehouse, John Morgan, Craig Morgan, Ellen Morrison, Scott Morrone, Jill Morse, Carol M O T I F F , James Mouw, Mary Mrazek, Douglas Muilenberg. Terry Mulder, Kathleen Mulder, Kathy Mulder, Martha Munsell, W i l l i a m Musco, Kristine Myer. Beverly MYERS. David Myers. Jan Myers, Mary Myers, Robert

1 '3, 228 '36, 224 '24 124 113. 196, 224 214 136, 234 94, 200, 214 94 95 '24 207 95, 229 57. 124 95, 234 95 '24 '36 '36 '57 95, 207, 208 95, 209 124 '24 95 '97 238 '36 206 '57 '36 '36 '36

N Naberhuis, David Nadolsky, Rosemary Neckers, Kevin Nelmes. Holly Nelson, Katherine Nelson. Ronald Newton, Elizabeth Nichols, Elaine Nichols, Paula..... Nicholson, Kathryn Nicholson, W i l l i a m Nieboer. Maureen Niedziela, Anne Nielsen, Rebecca Nienhouse, James Nietering, Barbara Njimma, Christian Noggle, Caron Nolan, W i l l i a m Norden, Loralee Norden, Stephen Norris. Sheila Northouse. Cathie Northrop, Deborah Northrop, Priscilla Norton, Nancy Nyboer, Andrew Nyhof, Richard Nyhuis, Anita Nykerk. Jean Nykyforchyn, W i l l i a m Nylander, Barbara


'24 '36, 220 124, 236 95, 214 219 124. 230 95 114 95 95 95 136 '24 ' 36 136 124 124, 205 124 ...238 136. 219 124, 230 214 114 96 125 96, 220 57, 125. 230 114. 197 96, 208 ...114 96, 136 219

Page, Kathryn Page. Thomas P A L M A . Robert P A L M E R , Linda i Park, James Parker. Gail PARKER, Sandra Partridge. Mary Jo Patmos, Barbara i Patrie, Martha ..r. ,..y! Paul, Barbara PAUL, Daniel Paul, Jean Z Paulson, Ronald ....v., Pavel, Patricia Pearce, Robin Pearson, Steve Peck, Cheryl Pekich, William Pels, Carol Pender, Richard Penning, Scott Penny, Sarah PENROSE, Arlene PENROSE, G. Larry...; Perry. Gregg Peterman, Douglas Peterson. David Peterson, Eric Peterson. Jocelyn ! Peterson. Laurence Peterson, Linda Petrak, Carla PETROVICH. Miodrag Pett, Jeffrey Pfannmuller. Lee Pfeifer, Louise Pfeiffer, Glenn Phillips, Betsy n Phillips, David Piatt, Melissa Pickering, Peggy Pierson, Diana Pillen. Judith PINO, Orestes Plaggemars, Beth Plooster, Gary Poelma, Vicki Poetter, Bruce Pohl, Richard Poll. Cindy Poll, Kathy Pollack. Robert Pollock, Diane Ponstein. Susan Poon. Thomas Poppink, Sue Porter, Brenda Porter. Dennis Posthuma, Ronald Postmus. Jeanie POWELL. Charles Powers. G i l f o r d Powers, Glenn Powers,Joan Price, David Price. Lee Pride, Glenn Pruiksma, Joyce Pugh, K u r t Puricelli. Jack

97 97 '6' 5 97 97, 226 « 173 1 '4 '25, 220 98 '5' '25.209 238 '' 4 "4 137' 137,219 207, 230 125 98, 209 236 ' '4, 209 '«8 210 '25 125 .V 238 115 115. 207 115. 214 125. 214 % '% '37 155 57. 137, 230 197, 200, 213 '15 59, 1371 230 1 '5. 219 54, 115 '37 98 125 •J" ''15 ...149 137 t 115 '37 ' 15, 236 9§ 98 125.219 201 214, 226 1;15. 220 '96 137. 226 137 a-—236 210. 234 -IE?""* '37 |...m....l49 240 ^53, 57 125,220 . ....240 115, 230 98, 214 98. 226 230 238

O Oae, Kay O'Connell, James OCKERSE, Ralph Odulbela, Abayomi Olmsted, Nannette Olthoff, Mark Ondrus, Paul O'Neil, David. Oosterveld, Henry Oosting, Nancy OpsahlTSharron Orndorff, Gail Osenga, Sharon Ottignon, Jean

5 Paarleberg, John Paarleberg. Richard Packard, Patricia

96, 205 214 169 196 123, 214, 226 97, 200 136 57 97, 201 136, 220 ' 14. 226 '25, 219 ,...,97 136, 206

p 97. 203 ' '4 97

Quiring. Samuel Quist, Kenneth

'25, 236 234

R Randall. Elizabeth Rauwerdink, James Ray, Marilyn 1 Reed, Virginia Reen, Leo Reen. Terry Reiff, Allan Reinhardt. Kathleen R E I N K I N G , Robert Remo, Donald Remtema, Paul Remtema. Beverly



219 ' '6, 236 -98 125. 2_6 236 1 2 3 6 240 98 ;••••••••-• '62 66, 98. 209 98 98

Remtema, Paul Rengel, Peter, .,v Renkes. Gordon 99. 200, RENNER, Thomas 186 Reas, Susan 137 Rewerts. Ronald » ...,...,.125, 230 Reynen. Richard 99. 236 REYNIERSE, James 157 Revnolds, Pamela 99 R E Y N O L D S , William 147 Rice, Dale | .236 R I D E R . Morrette 183 R1DL, Jack .,146 ., ,.108 RIECK. Norman R1ETBERG, Roger i /7 Rinkus. Donald ..,..,.,126 v .,;^..',,.,, Rinkus. Robin.,— 137, 220 Rissi. Gayle -99 Ritsema. David 228 R I T S E M A , Robert ..,.,.,..,.,;.176 Roberts, Mark 99 Robertson. Lynda ,,|137, 219 Robinson, Terry | ' 2 6 . 219 Rodenhouse, Nicholas. .,.,,. ,.,,137, 230 Romein, Vickie ' '26 Roossien, Carol 137. 220 Rose, Margaret 99, 214 Rose. Terrance .V;.-...- -''26 Rosekrans, Linda '26 Roskamp, Marcia 226 Ross, Anna 99. 197, 200 Ross, Patricia 4 ....., ...,226 Route, Charles .229, 236 Rumminger, Patricia 137 Rumpsa. Matthew ...,: ^ 238 Russell, Deborah S^4--126 ^....^(^..126 Russo, Susan Ruthe, Karen .7v...?| 126 Rutledge, Suzanne 99 Rypstra. A n n 137 Riepka. Joseph '37

Sahagian, Janet.., Sanford. Ronald. Saputo, Richard Sashenosky. Michael SauL Daniel Sawihska. Joyce Schaap, Phillip Schaap. Ricky, S C H A C K O W . Carl Schaefer, Marianrft S C H A K E L . Peter, : ; Schaub, Catherine Schellenberg, Carol Schellenberg, Robert Schemenauer. L u k a Schlangen, Laurie Schlegel, Eliiabeth S C H M I D T . Christopher Schmidt, John Schmidt, Kenneth Schmidt, Mary Schmidt. M y r o n Schramm, Joan Schrotenboer, Craig Schueler, Cathy Schuiling. Denise Schuller, Sheila Schuster. Loree Scott, Douglas Scott, Kayleen.,Scott, M a r y J q Scott. Robert SEARLES, Antonia SEBENS, Kenneth SEESER. James Seise. Timothy Selover, Prudence SELVAR. Drew Semeyn, Peter Sengelaub, John Serocki, William Serrano, A l b e r t Sevener, Julia Shadwell, Henry Shelley, Patrick S H E R B U R N E Frank Shiffner, Patricia Shiflett. Laurie

r-asr;;?? 236 54, 137. 232 99 ..•j i .,....,...,...l,...1261 99 57 126, 234 150 99 147. 208 .....116 .,,137, 226 116. 208, 230 57. 126. 228 100. 200. 213. 224 '37 167 I '6, 214, 236 '37 100 236 '38 10° •126 116 214. 219 219 238 , --220 '38, 53, 57 '48 '59 '66 '00, 236 226 '53 ; 238 '•> 234 240 206 100 138, 230 230 .164 100, 206 219

Shinabarger, Danny Shuey. Roy Siderius, Janet Siderius, Thomas Sinclair. John Sinclair, Susan SitLser, Gerald Slagboom. Phil Slager, Ann Slager, Joel Slagh, Cathe Slagh, Marthe Slenk, Gregory Sloothaak. Liiida Slotman. Howard Small, Barbara Smalling, Barbara Smickley, Robert Smith, Bruce Smith, Cynthia Smith. David Smith, Deborah Smith. Doris Smith. Douglas S M I T H , Dwight Smith, Kathy Smith. Kathy J Smith. Larry Smith, Pamela Smith, Paul Smith, Philip Smith, Richard Smith, Sheryl Smith, Susan Smith, Virginia Smith, William Snoap, Martin Snow. Timothy SOMMERS. Dean South. Wilma Spangler. Gayle Spieknout. Rebekah Spitler, Amy Spoelhof, Gerard Spreng, Marilyn Spurgis. Roxa'nna Staal, Thomas Stagg. Charles Staley. Douglas Stam". Mary Stam, Steven Stampfler, Michael Stark, Martin Stark, Pearl Steams, Dave Steele, Donald Stegeman. Jacquelyn Stegeman, Steven.' STEKETEE. William Stephens, Donald Sterk, Nancy Stewart, Derryl Stewart, Geoft'rey Stills, James Stokes, Steven Stone, Barbara Stoup. John Stowell, Stephen Straw, Margret Straw, Roger Stroven, Kathy STRUIK, Bruce Stuart. Glenn Studiar, Robert Stuit, Thomas Sturtevant, Dennis Sullivan, Denise Sullivan, Kathleen Suzuki, Goro Swanson. Dorothy Swatman. Howard Swartz, Theodore Sweers, Julie Sweers, Mark Sw inyard. Linda


60 126 207, 213 , 228 138, 230 .29, 116 100, 203, 214 .100 138, 219 100, 234 226 101, 226 59, 126.238, 116 116 138,219 70, 116, 219 .240 116, 214,236 116, 219 .138 116. 220 ..101 60, 230 171 | 226 101, 126, 200, 213 236 138 200 138 116, 208, 228 116, 219 138 224 228 60, 66, 101. 230 238 164 116 126, 220 220 138 138, 196 138, 192. 220 70, 126 54, 57, 126, 234 138, 230 66, 138. 194 101 101, 214 101 53, 126, 234 126 138 101 116. 219 234 164 234 101. 222 116 138, 238 116 232 138. 2 2 6 1 126, 208 101 200 54 126 201 236 205 116, 214 138 138, 219 136, 207 102,205 116* 196 228 196, 236 102, 208 138 126. 224

T Taggart. Emily..., Tameling, Nancy TAMM1. John Taniguchi. Claude Tanis, Cheryl

102 138 178 138, 238 214

T A M S , Elliot Tanis. Robert Tapped. Philip Tapped, Tara Taub. Amanda Tazelaar, Sally Tebeest, Dennis Tein, Anita Telfer. Dorothy Tellier, Marna Ten Clay. Denise TenHaken, Vicki TenHoor, Ellen T H A R I N . J. Cotter Tharp. Charles T'Hoen. Marinus Thoman, Margaret Thomas, Gerald Thompson, Gordon Thompson, Nancy Ticknor, James....' Tidball, Marilyn........ Tiggleman. Robed Timme, Beth Ting, Amy TOEVS. James | Tommola. Barbara TOPPEN, Phillip Toren. John Traylor, Richard ....:. Tripp. Mary Troast, Donald Trottier. Teresa Truelsen, Michal Tschanz, Kathleen Tucker. Ronald Tuesink, Peggy Turner, Richard Turose, Constance

V VanAken, Joyce VaaA,ndel, Mary VanArk, John,,,', VanArk. Velma VanBranieghem. Susan VanBuren. Michael VanCil, Lois VanDahm, Fred VanDam, Timothy. VandeBunte, Eugene VandeBunte. Lee VandeHoef, Gloria VandeHoef, Judy,.. Vandenberg. Steven VandenHeuvel, Sheri VanderBie, Patsy VANDERB1LT, W i l l i a m VanderBroek, Steven VANDERBUSH, Alvin VanderHeide, Sharon VanderKolk, Ronald VanderLaan, Burton VanderLind, Rick V A N D E R L U G T . William VanderMeer. James VanderMeer. Paul VanderMeet, Sharon VanderMeulen, Claire VanderMolen, Kathy V A N D E R P L O E G . Marvin VanderSlice, Gordon VanderVeen, Jerry VanderVeer, Roxanne VanderVelde, Joan V A N D E R V E L D E , Richard Vanderven, Gary VanderWeide, David V A N D E R W E L , David VanderWerf, Dixey VanDeursen, John VanDonkelarr, David VanDoomik, Steven VanDop, Richard VanDyk, Deborah VanDyke, Robert VanEck. Barbara V A N E Y L . Phillip VANFASSEN. Paul VanHaitsma, Laurel VanHeest, Marianne


164 102 102^209 210 102,226 138 138, 230 102, 207. 208 102, 207. 208 222 102 29, 116, 203, 207 ;.102 162 116 102, 207 219 138 230 138 66. 116, 201, 230 138 238 138. 192, 220 103 .167 103, 219 .,184 103 138 103 ,,,...126. 234 126, 205 139, 224 127 103 127 103, 205 104

U7 117 238 117 139, 226 127, 234 104 236 127 104 139 70, 177, 214 139. 219 139, 194 104 104 59 . 234 152 200 139 196 .„„„230 182 139 104, 200 117 192. 219 127 219 .151 57. 60. 230 54. 230 226 226 164 208 60, 127 184 127, 219 54, 230 105, 236 57, 139, 238 214 219 54. 117, 230 105. 214 156 168, 197 105 219

VanHeest, Nancy VanHeukelum, Richard V A N I W A A R D E N , John Van Kampen. Debra VanKampen, Mary Vankerkhoven, Elizabeth VanKruiningen, Kathy VanLente, Pnilip VanLierop. Eleanor VanOostenburg, Mark VanOostendorp. Donald VanPamelen, David VanPernis, Sarah V A N P U T T E N . James VanSingel, Mary VanSloten, Fonda. Vansoest. Linda VanVoorst, Carol VanVoorst, Mark VanVoorst, Robert VanWieren. Thomas. VanWyk. Patricia V A N W Y L E N . Gordon J Vaughn, Deborah Veenhoven, Lois Veneklasen, Brian VerBeek. Joann VerHey, Nicholas VICKERS, Judith Viel, Betty Jo Viel, Nancy ; V I N K , Kenneth Vint, Linda Vis, Thomas • ft Vlieser, Mary Volhnk, Dawn VonBergen, Linda Voogd, Jane Voorhees, Susan Voskuil, A n n Voss, Greg Voss. Michael Vriesman, Brian Vruggink, Beth Vruggink. Gary

W Waalkes. Michael Wackemagel. Betsy Wagner. Glenn Watchenbach, Cathy Walchenbach, Lynne Wallace, Rhonda Wallace, Susan Wallendal, Nancy Walsh, Peter Walters, Timothy..,, Walton, Edward....... Walvoord. Lois . . " I B f ; " . Warner. Sharon Warnet, Linda Weaver, Linda Webster, Jo A n n Weed, James Weener, Glenn Weigle, Richard Weimer, Stephanie Weinert. Mark Weissflog, Emilou Weitz, Janice Welch, Patrick W E L L E R , Hubert Wells, Susan Wendel, Lavon WEPFER, Richard Wesner, David Westenbroek, Judith Weston, Mary Westra. Stephen W E T T A C K , F. Sheldon Weurding, Carol Wheatley, Laura WHEELER. Nancy Whitcomb, David White, John r. White, Lawrence White, Michele White, Roger White, Sue Whitehouse, Adelaide Whiteman, Merlin


139 127 164 139 105 105 , 105, 209 105, 197 117, 214 105 139, 105 106. 219 167 226 106 139 117, 210' 54 54. 127 60*238, 117, 205 179 106 117, 214 127, 117, 226 238 148 207, 214 127, 226 185 139 ..117, 194 139, 219 29, 106, 226 226 139 226 214 127,238 139 59. 139 117 106

139 127, 226 139 127. 220 117, 214 139 106 106 229 106 117 214 139 .....214, 219 117, 213, 220 127 127, 236 106 236 139 238 106 139, 226 140, 230 149 140, 219 117, 205 164 127, 236 226 140, 222 66 171 127 140, 224 149 240 117 106 140, 206 229 117, 222 140 230

Whitlock, John 127 W H I T T L E , John 164 Wickens, Janet 200 Wickstra, Donald 230 Wickstra. Gregg 230 Wickstra, James 117 Wiedman, Janice 140 Wiegerink, Vicki 127, 220 Wierenga. Lynda 117, 220 Wiersma, Daniel Âť 57, 140, 230 Wiersraa, Lillian 117 Wiersma. Michael 240 Wiff, Lynda 106, 213 W I L C O X , Stephen 156 Wildman, Mark 107 Wilhelmsen. Wesley 54,66, 127 Wilkinson. Mary 226 Willems, Johanna 107, 200. 209, 210. 213 Williams, Debra 127 196 W I L L I A M S , Donald Williams, Mark 140 Wilson, Hudson 57, 107 107 Wilson. Patricia Winne, Alan 117. 140, 201, 230 Winter. Eileen 107 Wissink, Mary 197 Witherspoon. Elizabeth 107 Wojcicki, James 140, 238 Wolf, Michael 127 Wolff. Roben 127. 196. 199. 228 Wolters, Thomas | 60 Wolters. William 140. 230 Wolting. Ruth 140 Wood, Linda 117 Wood, Walt 232 Woodward, Lloyd 240 Wormeester, Jerry 117. 230 Wortelboer, Janice 117 Wrigley, Janet 107 Wykstra, Stephen 107 Wyns, John 230

Y Yeager, Noranne Yff. Carol Yntcma. Karen Younger, Marvin Younger. Rita

Z Zack, Elizabeth Zaleta, Marv Zevalkink. /ane Zielke, Mark Zilinski, Robert Zini, Dinah Zitterman. Joseph Z O E T E W A Y , James Zommermaand. Randall Zondervan. Mary Zuidema. Laura Z U V E R 1 N K , Myra Zylstra, Michael

107. 209 207.214 127 109, 205. 214. 232 205

140 117 213 140 234 107 140 152 107 140, 226 127. 222 189 127, 230








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Reflected on the lake, I love To see the stars of evening glow; So tranquil in the heavens above. So restless in the wave below. Thus heavenly hope is all serene. But earthly hope, how bright soe'er. Still fluctuates o'er this changing scene. As false and fleeting as 'tis fair. Reginald Heber, On Heavenly and Earthly Hope


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