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Table of Contents individuals involvement competition knowledge index
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Bobette Aardema Christopher Atwood Linda Barthel Gary Belanus Cheryl Blure
Dora Adam Sandra Balducci Allison Basselt James Beran Thomas Bock
Abdul Almawlawi Larry Balkema Nora Bauman Mark Bergsma Rober Boerigter
Diana Apsey Janice Bares Loretta Baxter Kathy Blaske William Boersma
Cynthia Arnold Joyce Barg Marcia Beard Cheryl Blodgett Christine Bonetti seniors/21
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Daniel Boote Larry Brewer Linda Butler
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Charlene Bos Brad Broekstra Gordon Callam
Jean Boven Dale Brokaw Claire Campbell
Sharon Boven Debra Buis Robert Carlson
Janet Brevick Harvey Burkhour John Caven
Philip Ceeley Edward Chavez Thomas Claus P J Coldren Charlotte Colley
Carol Chase Neil Clark David Cluley Martha Colenbrander Anne Colyer
Carol Conklin
Mark Convoy
Ann Cook
Evan Cooper William DeBlock Christine DeHaan Maijorie DeKam Steven DeYoung 24/individuals
Paul Cornell Arlene Dekker Joan Donaldson
Jill Cronk David DeKok Debra Dowlyn
Lee Currie Karen DeMeester Charles Dunning
Deborah Dawson Mary DeYoung Patricia Dwyer
Kevin Echart Charles Fisher Janice Fraaza
David Edwards Pamela Fisher Marie French
Kathleen Elliott Alfred Fedak Debra Frifeldt
Ralph Ellison Mary Fenton Nancy Fuller
Debra Faas Penelope Ford Teresa Fuller
Karen Gralow
Luann Greenwood
Bruce Grout
Thomas Garter David Gebhard Joanna Gierveld Jane Goeman Donna Grube
Pamela Gates Pamela Getty Susan Glerum James Goldman Linda Guth
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James Hale Diane Hartje Nancy Herink
Thomas Hallquist Rebecca Harlman Susan Hermance
Elizabeth Hands Paul Hendricks Lynn Hermenel
Selwyn Harlow Lloyd Heneveld John Heschle
Thomas Hart Phyllis Henseler James Hickman
Howard Hirsch Karen Hosteller Kristy Jacobusse
Carol Hoekstra Johnson Hsu Daryl Johnson
Kenneth Hoesch John Hudelson Karen Johnson
Nancy Hogroian Pamela Hutchinson Mark Johnson
Joan Hondorp Nanette Inman Duarie Jonker-Burke
Shirley Jousma Kimberly Karsten Robert Klein Heidi Koberstine Mar)- Koeppe
Dick Kamps Virginia Kiser John Kloosterboer John Kobus Kenneth Kooistra
Kathleen Karle Kathryn Kitchenmaster George Kniowski John Koeppe Janet Koop
Carol Kornoelje
Martha Kraay
Steven Kupres Pamela Leestma
Laurie Lane Rhoda Lemmen
Mathias Lawrence Kristine Linquist
William Lawton Judi Loebl
Catherine LeBoeuf Elizabeth Loyd
Robert Luidens Bruce Martin Carolyn Martin Jacqueline Masters Anne Miles
Janice Maatman Deborah Maxwell Mary Modrow
Vaughn Maatman Margo Merchant Jill Morrone
Julie Marcellus Judy Meyering Kristine Musco
Donna March Susan Michel Mary Myers
Robert Myers Loralee Norden Paul Ondrus Ronald Paulson Jeffrey Pett 32/individuals
Rosemary Nadolsky Deborah Nykyforchyn Nancy Oosting Carol Pearson Glenn Pfeiffer
Rebecca Nielsen William Nykyforchyn Cynthia Palmatter Steven Pearson Melissa Piatt
Deborah Pirmann Leo Reen Michael Ruch
Sue Poppink Linda Richards Patricia Rumminger
Jeanie Postmus Elizabeth Riesen Matthew Rumpsa
Glenn Powers Lynda Robertson Michael Sashenosky
Andrea Price Jerry Root Lawrence Schaidt
Elizabeth Schlegel John Sengelaub Stephen Sodeke
Kenneth Schmidt Henry Shadwell Gerard Spoelhof
Joan Schramm Laurie Shiflett Douglas Staley
Mary Scott John Sinclair Dave Steams
Julia Seaman Barbara Small David Smith Dennis Sturtevant Joni Stevens
f Barbara Stone Barbel Thoens John Tyner
John Stoup Jared Thomas Susan VanBranteghem
Barbara Taylor Kitty Thomas Kathlynn VanDam
Dennis TeBeest Beth Timme David VanderHeide
Geraldine Tensen Dennis Teshima William Tewinkle Luann Traut Judy VandeHoef seniors/35
Randall Vander Veen John Ver Heul Glenn Wagner
Steven Van Doomik Nicholas Ver Hey Janice Weitz
Nancy Van Heest Jane Voogd Patrick Welch
Debra Vander Lind Renita Vander Meulen Donald Van Oostendorp Brian Vriesman Susan Wells
Claire Vander Meulen Jerry Vander Veen Mark van Voorst Michael Walkes Judith Westenbroek
Other Seniors
Mary Weston Michele White Mary Wilkenson Lynn Wortelboer
Laura Wheatley Daniel Wiersma Dorothy Williams Mark Zielke Virginia De Haan
James Windisch Joseph Zitterman Le Roi Du Shane
James Wojcicki Mary Zondervan Annetta Miller
Sandra Wojcicki Stephen Zylstra Mark Sweers
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Oscar Agre Kathryn Alexander Steven Alkema Janet Anderson Luann Athey Marilee Bartels Lynn Bauer
Edward Baugh Gordon Bawinkel Brenda Bearman Nancy Bennett Karen Bergen Steven Berger Susan Berger
Stephen Bergmann Robert Bettendorf Jacklyn Billups Lynne Blair Dirk Bloemandaal Barbara Bobeng Susan Boers
Jerry Boose Deborah Boraski James Bos Karen Bosch Gregory Brandsma Mary Ann Bras Kathy Brinks
Donald Broene Barbara Brown Ronald Brown Stephen Bruggers Sue Brummel Kim Buckley David Buis
Ann Busby Dan Bussema Margaret Byl Leslie Cameron Laura Camp James Cannon Michael Carpenter
Suelyn Chamesky Lynne Chorle Jane Churchill Cynthia Clair Cynthia Clark Jeffrey Colbum Demetra Collia
Michael Collins Jeffrey Cook Deborah Cox Nancy Crittenden Ilene Crysler Don Davis Margaret Day
Gail BeBoer Margaret Debow Kenneth DeBruyn Robert Deenik Lorraine DeMaat Lynne DePree Keith Derrick juniors/39
Bruce DeVoogd Debra DeWeerdt Virginia Dick James Diephuis Karen Dimon Helen Dingwall Renato Donalo
Ann Donker James Donkersloot Leslie Doscher Kristi Droppers Julie Egbert Stephen Eliason Betsy Emdin
Eric Endean Forrest Evans Richard Eairchild Elias Farias Elaine Faustman Ruben Ferrol Holly Fox
Thomas Foye Gerry Frazier Carol Fret Stewart Galloway James Garmirian Gretchen Geldmaker
David Goetz William Graham George Grevenstuk Melissa Gutwein Mark Halverson Lynn Hambleton George Happe 40/individuals
Patti Harper Bonnie Harvey David Headstrand Rita Henrickson Sarah Hensler Barbara Herbeck David Higgins
Mark Holtz Douglas Holwerda Bruce Honholt Susan Hoogstra Richard Hopkins Suzanne Hoyt Sandra Hutchinson
Nancy Jacobson John Jensen June Johansen Paul Johnson Russell Johnson Judith Kammeraad Leah Katt
Beverly Kerlikowske Esfandiar Kiany David Kieffer Robert Klomparens Walter Kniowski Mary Kolean William Kraak
Gregory Kuna Lynne Kurzenberger Kenneth Kutzleb Janice Laman Nancy Lambert Craig Lammers Mark Lange
George Latzanich Peggy Lee Robert Lees David Litts Kay Litts Raymond Lokers John Londono
Janet Loveless August Lukow Janet Lupkes Raymond Lutke Edward Mackiewicz Roger Maitland Michael Major
Terry Marlink Rick Martinus Paul Massoth Carol Mast Diane McCabe Nancy McCallum Leroy McClain
Mark McCullough Laura McMullin Charles McOsker Dennis Miller Linda Mitchell William Moreau Barbara Mouw
â&#x20AC;˘ i
Mara Mulder Rodney Murray
Patricia Muyskens Ursula Neblung
Ann Nelhery Dianne Newhof
Nancy Newton Gary Nieuwsma
Rebekah Norden Susan Northuis
Carol Nykerk John Oldenkamp
Thomas Page Douglas Paine Larah Parks Joe Pedelty Katherine Peterson Clarissa Pfeiffer Lisa Pifer
Mary Pifer Randolph Putala Sherwood Quiring Marilyn Rathbun Mary Reed Dale Remmelts David Rhem
5 U
Kurt Richardson Laurel Riekse Jeffery Riemersma Michael Riksen James Ritcheske Steve Romey Carol Rummler juniors/43
Patricia Russell Frederick Schlemmer Stuart Scholl Philip Schuiling Selwyn Schultz Mert Shima Louise Shoemaker
Dwight Slater James Sloan Barbara Smith Douglas Smith Philip Sneller Jonathan Soderstrom Terrence South
Mindy Spencer Sally Sprague Richard Spreng Barbara Springer
Charles Stagg James Stegenga Gordon Sterling Karen Strock F
Eugene Sutton Martha Suydan Glenn Swier Richard Switzer
Joy Tangenberg Russell Tenpas Nancy T r o m p Henry Tsoi
t Robert Urban Debra VanAlten Craig VanAssen Beverly VandenBerg
Jane VandenBerg Linda VandenBerg Margaret VandenBerg Michael VandenBerg Gretchen VanderKUpp Craig VanderKolk James VanderMeer
Susan VanDis Martha VanDop Jane VanDyke Jill VanDyke Donald VanDyken Timothy VanHeest Susan VanHouten 44/individuals
^ tMavis VanOostenburg Daniel Van Pemis Craig VanTuinen Stephen VanWylen Susan Vincent Barbara Vis Dirk Voorhees
Komo Warfield Bradley Wehner Janet Wertz Thomas Westervelt Richard Wheeler Christine White Kathleen White
JoAnn Whitefleet Marc Whitlock Janice Wiedman David Wiest James Wildgen Andrea Williams Kimberly Wilson
Laura Wingeier Scott Wissink Mary Witty Robert Wood Gregory Wortley Christine Woudwyk Daniel Young juniors/45
(c/U^ o ao Qh o 00
Gary Anderson Laurie Andrea Penelope Antonak Barbara Atkinson Miriam Baar Cara Baas Kathryn Babinski 1 Rebecca Badman David Baker Susan Baker Steven Bakker Thomas Barkes Martha Bamett David Battels
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Jennifer Bartels Catherine Beahm Lee Bechtel Andrew Begley Wayne Bender Richard Benes Catherine Bennett
Cynthia Bere Warren Berens Cynthia Blair George Blaske David Blauw Cathleen Bliss Kristin Boelens -"i
Ann Boelkins Barbara Boerman Cheryl Booher Philip Bosch Mark Boyce Scott Bradley Wayne Brana I P ' Jeffrey Bremer Peter Brink Jeffrey Brown Mark Brown Cynthia Buchan Janet Buelow Michael Bueter
Kathryn Burford Lisa Burger William Buurma Lissa Cadmus Thomas Carey Gordon Carrier Gregory Caskey
Eva Casde Suzanne Champagne Jane Chapman Terry Chockley Diane Christenson Laurie Clune David Cochrane
Robert Coleman Diane Conklin Carol Cook Judith Cook Marc Cormack Kathryn Cornell Rodger Cram sophomores/47
Mary Dalman David Danielson David DeBlock Carol DeBoer Ramelle Decker William Decker Norah Dee
Cynthia DeJong Mary Delene Joy Denhouter
Valerie Denis Emily Dickerson Susan Dickson
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Stewart Dinger Susan Dirkse Richard Dragovich
A Robert Drake Rhonda Driesenga Julie DeWitt
Mark DeWitt David DeZwaan Connie Dykstra
Thomas Dykstra William Dyrsten Martin Edema Diane Eldridge Donald Elfermk Donna Elferink Mary Elhart
Elizabeth Elliott Deborah Ellison Dawn Erickson Tod Estes Faith Fishman Joan Forsberg JoEllen Foster
Kenneth Fowler Daniel Gallant Jennifer Gebhard David Gerber Diane G n a d e Joann Gonder Kay Gouwens 48/individuals
â&#x20AC;˘ Terese Graham Gayle Greenhalgh Wendy Greenwood Ruth Groendyke Robert Gunther Phyllis Hager Patricia Hahn
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Melody Hamstra Mary Harmelink John Harris Kenneth Hasek Randall Haverdink Brenda Heath Bruce Herman
Lisa Hermenet Rachel Hesselink James Hesselschwerdt Peggy Hierlihy Rose Higgins John Hill Elizabeth Hine
James Hines Richard Hoeksema Douglas Hoogerhyde Steven Hoogerwerf Michael Hooker Roberta Hoover Mary Hospers sophomores/49
Carol Hurst Sarah Huttar Douglas Irons Habib Ismail Mark Itzen Diane Johnson Margie Johnson
Roy Johnson Ruth Johnson Deborah Kalkwarf Linda Kamps Elizabeth K a u f m a n Arthur Kerle Ahmad Khamsi
Allison Kinch Susan Klein Loren Kleis Patricia Klungle Marsha K n a u p Thomas Knecht Karen Knudson 50/individuals
Sarah Koeppe John Kostishak Susan Kronbach Mary Kroon Kris Kropf Russell Kupfrian Laurie Laman
Rossman Lamb Brenda Lambrix Michael Lampen James Lampert Michael Land Jane Leedecke Robin Lemmer
Jill Leonowich Sallye Leventhal Jean Lineweaver Kenneth Lobb Phillip Lohman Diane Lowe Peter Maassen
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Susan Maassen Kathi Machle Stuart Mackenzie Nancy MacKinnon Sally Marema Debbie Markwardt Lena Marrone
Tamalyn Martens James Martin Valorie Martinie Richard McLouth John McMurtry Declian McNamee Sally Meador
Sandra Meeter William Melville Margarita Mena James Miller LouAnn Mohr Peter Morse David Mott
Robert Motzer Mary Mulder Robin Mulder Ruth Muyskens Andrew Nearpass Barton Necker Beth Neumeier
Edward Newcomb Sara Norris Denise Nunez Steven Nyhof Jean Nyhuis Betsy Oldenburg Douglas Oliver
Shirley Olsen Allan Olthoff Judson Omans Russell Paarlberg Margaret Patterson Donald Penniman Nancy Petroelje 52/individuals
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Leslie Pelt Diane Piaget Robert Pocock Jon Post Philip Postmus Mark Preston Charity Priest
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Mary Pyle Barbara Pyzanowski Lynn Raffety Nancy Rapson Larry Redder Diana Reinhardt Mark Rett
Claudea Rice Jonathan Rich Thomas Richards Michael Ringelberg
Myra Roberts Elizabeth Rouse Ruth Schellenberg Edward Schmidt
Jeffrey Schmidt Ralph Schubert Gail Scott Paul Seites
Marie Sherburne Karen Sikkema Thomas Sima Gregory Sims
Janet Skidmore Everett Slentz John Sloan Lori Sloothaak
Earl Slotman David Smazik Mark Smircina Donald Smit Craig Smith David Smith John Smith
Joy Smith Sandra Smith Terri Smith LeeAnn Soodsma Kim Spalsbury Sherman Sprik Mary Staal sophomores/53
â&#x20AC;˘ r
Geoffrey Stagg Wendy Steinberg Denise Sturtevant Susan Sweers Nancy Swinyard Lili Taylor David Teater
Lewis TenHave i
i M M i m r i i T O T ^
Lynn Thomas
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Donna Thomson
Glenn Toren
Diana Ulrich
Brent Upchurch Agnes Urquhart Larry Uttermarkt Michael Valerio Jane VandeBunte Susan VanDellen Carol VandenBerg
Mary VandenBerg Steve VanderHyde James VanderLaan Rick VanderMeulen David VanderVelde Karen VanDonkelaar Philip VanDop m
Michael VanHemert William V a n H o m Cornelius VanKempen Mark VanLummel Diane VanPortfliet Debra VanSweden Thomas VanTassell 54/individuals
Craig VanZanten Bradly VanZyl Mary Voskuil Carolyn Walbum Rebecca Waller Robert Waller Richard Walters
Amy Ward Nancy Warren Jeffrey Waterstone Mary Wemette Gene Westveer Claudia White Kimberlee Wieber
Larry Wildschut Debra Williams Steven Williams Larry Wisner Jane Wolboldt Abigail Woodby Jennifer Yeomans
Lisa Yuk
Ellen Ziegler
Keith Zilinski
Mary Zoet
Kim Zylstra
Susan Ahlgrim Timothy Alicki Horace Allen Kenneth Appell Patricia Arnold William Ashby Phyllis Athey
Mary Aufderheide James Ausema Randy Bachman Mark Baeverstad Hamid Bagheri Rebecca Balok Sharon Banas
Robyn Barbiers Priscilla Bartels Pamela Barton Wanada Baxter David Beach David Beard John Bechtel
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James Bedor Howard Beissel Timothy Bennett William Bergstrom Mary Bertsch Katherine Beuker Craig Bevan
Eleonore Bijkersma Stephen Bishop Eric Bjerregaard Kathleen Bjorklund William Blacquiere David Blasch Martin Boer
Mark Boers Robin Boersema Keith Boeve Kimberly Borgman Terry Bosch Brad Bose Dale Boss
Teri Bottema John Bouwens Anne Boven Robert Bowers Brian Bradley Gary Bras Marc Brinks
Janet Brock Randy Brown Mary Bruins Sally Brumels Barbara Brumer Thomas Bultman Sandra Burke
Douglas Burns Diane Bussema Ruth Bylsma Gary Camp Nancy Campbell Elizabeth Canales Stephen Chappell freshmen/57
Virginia Checkley Carl Claerbout Nancy Clair Kevin Clark Lianne Claver Mark Conte Kenneth Cook
Anne Corbishley Joy Cordes Mary Coughenour Christine Covino Katherine Cram John Crisouolo David Crisman
Janet Cross Lois Crounse Karen C r u m p Lynn Cuti Anna Dambrosio Daniel Darbor Beth Daubenspeck
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Cheryl Day Donald Deaton William Debo Douglas DeBoer Adelia Decker Marylynn DeGraaf
Joseph Dellaria Nancy DePree Drew Deters Joel DeVette Jan DeWeert Gail DeWitt
Donald DeYoung Robert DeYoung Kenneth Dibi David Dingman Mary Donker Terri Donley •m m
Carol Donohue Deborah Doran Eileen Doyle Michael Drahos Kent Droppers Max Duncan
Judy Dunlap Peter Dussaull Scott Dwyer Jeffrey Dykehouse James Dykstra Kris Dvkstra
Paula Dykstra Suanne Dykstra Gale Easton Elizabeth Eberhard Becky Eldrenkamp Brian Ellis freshmen/59
Clara Espinosa Larry Evans Russ Evans Diana Faller Barbara Farnham Paula Felker Kathryn Forman
William Forlney David Fowler Kathleen Francis Glenn Freisatz Janet Gabriel Carla Gainforth Pamela Gaulke
Sara Gaylord Barbara Geeting
Richard George Debra Gibson
Mary Grant John Gray
Laurie Griffen Brian Guth
Nancy Hague Ruth Hakken
Gail Haldeman Don Hallacy Todd Harburn Karen Hartje Jon Flash Kirk Haverkamp Paul Hayes
Marcia Hebard Vicki Hedlund Bradford Helmus Allen Hendricks Amy Henrickson Steven Heneveld Judson Hesslink 60/individuals
â&#x20AC;˘ P Janet Hines Kaye Hinkle Brian Hipwell Louis Hoekstra Deborah Hoffman James Holwerda Steven Hook
David Hoos James Horn Lori Hosteller Paula Houghton Kathy Housman Bryan Howerton Scott Hunt
Rachel Huttar Mary Jackson Jonathan Jansen Glenn Johnson Jody Johnson Kjersti Johnson Nancy Johnson freshmen/61
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Kathleen Kachanuk Thomas Kempers Jim Kenyon Helen Keyes John Kingsley Bradford Kirk Randall Kleiman
Kevin KnifT Sharon Kooistra Linda Kraay David Kragt Herbert K raker Richard Krueger Edward Kruis
Kathryn Kuivila Jane Kuizenga John Kullman James Laman Robert Laning Cynthia Lee Mark Leenhouts
Sarah Lehraann Nancy Leonhardt Henry Lockbumer Andrew Loree Jill Lowman Margaret Lubbers Debra Lupkes 62/mdividuals
Ann Lusky Diana Lutterbein Paula Macbeth Debra Mallory Peter Manting Margaret Mappes Abby Marcellus
Katherine Martin Senaida Mascorro Kathryn Mason Lola Mazza Richard McAllister Lois McConnell Joyce McDermid
Karen McElban Elizabeth Mclnnis Maria McMullin Michael McPoland Ruth Meeter Janice Middleton Sharon Mill i Roger Miller Amy Mills Mary Moeller George Moger Diane Mohammed Barbara Moolenaar Scott Morey
Nancy Mottershaw Peter Muench Deborah Mulcahey Jody Mutschler Henry Muyskens Marcia Myaard Wendy Myers P mPaula Nadeau Monica Naines Masahito Nakaya Robert N a m a r Maryann N a r d o William Natsis Gretchen Nelson
Dennis Nienhuis Deborah Nitsch Anthony Nieuwkoop Gail Noerenberg Nancy Noordhoff Martha Norden Linda Nordstrom 64/individuals
Ann Northuis Gary Oegema
Gary Oster Susan Ottignon
Susan Overway Stephen Paffrath
Jeffrey Palmer Jeffrey Parker
Linda Patmos Carol Petterson
Carol Peine Paul Pettys
Alicia Piersma Bruce Pifer Scott Pontier Anne Powell George Pules Linda Pyle Natalie Quiring
Julie Raabe Gary Rae Gary Ramsden George Ranville Martha Ratenng Michael Reed Kimberly Rees
Ann Renkes Kim Renskers Carol Renz Phillip Rewerts Todd Richardson Joan Rieck Kim Risser freshmen/65
Sandra Ritchie Carol Rivkin Bart Rizzo Eric Rollins Gaye Rudis Edward Ryan
Rebecca Salgat John Savage Robert Sawyer Meral Saylor Jeffrey Schaffer John Scholten
Daryl Scholtens John Schrier David Schroeder Pamela Schuch Linda Schuller Thomas Sieberling
* f"
Charles Seifert Naoyuki Sekino Lynne Sharkey Lorie Shier Donald Shippy Kathleen Shoemaker 66/individuals
Susan Upchurch Robert Vaca Mark VanArendonk Laurie VanArk Dale VanDahm Douglas VandenBerg Kim VandenBerg
Marcia VandenBerg Ronald VanderBeck Rick VanderBie John VanderKolk Joan VanderKooi Jill VanderLaan Dale VanderPol
Karen VanderRoest Sandy VanderRoest Beverly VanderStar Debra VanderVelde Eric VanderYacht Wesley Vandestreek Leslie VanDop wrw
Daniel VanEerden Richard VanHassel Gregory VanHeest James VanHeest Kerry VanKeulen Paul VanOostenberg Marybeth VanPernis 68/mdividuals
Jane VanReenen Paul VanSchouwen Marilyn VanWyk John VanZanten Audrey Veldman Vicki Viening Sheryl Vincent
Sherry Visscher Vickie Visscher Ross Vlietstra Sheryl Vos Marianne Walck Stephen Ward David Wamshuis
Melody Washington David Watkins Suzanne Watterson Julie Weaver Bryan Weber Sandra Wells Kathleen Wettack
Donald White Peggy Whitman Jonathan Whitney Kim Williams Robert Williams Noel Wing Valerie Winslow
Pamela Wirth Michael Wojda Katen Woldman Richard Wolf Carol Wormmeester Maude Worthington Gary Yager
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Victoria Yankovich Janet Young Roger Younger Shirley Yzenbaard Pat Zegers Mary Zender Margaret Zevalkink
Other Students
Richard Ambrose Judith Bergsma Dennis Bolles Richard Bosch Barry Brugger Jorge Fernandez Mary Fleck
Yasuko Hayashi Peter Hoekstra Dave LaGrand Astrid Mattner Caron Moggie Catherine Roux Robert Sheppard freshmen/69
Frosh Out-Pull Favored Sophomores
Following the breaking of the rope, the annual S o p h o m o r e - F r e s h m a n Pull was postponed until the following Monday, and this unusual event forecasted the equally un-traditional result. The Frosh needed only two hours and four minutes to defeat the Sophs, o n l y the e i g h t h t i m e the upperclassmen have lost in the last thirty years.
I. Glenn Swier—King. 2. Pam Fisher—Queen's Court. 3. Lynn Hermenet— Queen's Court. 4. Rosemary Nadolsky—Queen. 6. Gretchen Vander Klipp— Queen's Court. 7. Ann Colyer—Queen's Court. 8. Nancy P o n s t e i n - Q u e e n ' s Court.
Gridders Gain Homecoming Shutout; King Chosen for First Time r 7
On October 19th, Hope's Flying D u t c h m e n g a i n e d their t h i r t e e n t h Homecoming victory in a row, defeating Albion by the score of 17-0. The highlight of the half-time festivities was the crowning of the queen. Senior Rosie Nadolsky. For the first time, a king was also selected; chosen was Junior Glenn Swier. The festive mood of the day's celebrations c o n t i n u e d at the a n n u a l Homecoming Dance, featuring "Sugarloaf." homecoming/75
Sophomores Win Nykerk
Although the S o p h o m o r e w o m e n won the Nykerk C u p at the Holland Civic Center on N o v e m b e r 9, both the class of '77 and '78 captured the N y kerk spirit and emotion. This year's competition was considered to be perhaps one of the most spirited and e m o tional, if not one o f the closest. The Sophomores' winning style was recognized as they sang a m e d l e y of "Smile" songs, performed the melodrama "The Last Dress Rehearsal", and presented an oration by Sophomore Sarah Koeppe. T h e F r e s h m e n chose "The Churkendoose" as their play, "I Believe" as their song, and F r e s h m a n K i m R e n s k e r s as t h e i r orator. The general chairman of the event was Senior Janet K o o p .
4000 View Vespers
The annual Christmas Vespers not only proved to interest students, but also the surrounding c o m m u n i t y as an estimated 4000 persons viewed the three services. The Orchestra, Brass Ensemble, College Chorus, Chapel Choir and both the Men's and W o m e n ' s Choruses combined to proclaim the birth of Christ.
Where Were You in '62
This year's Winter Carnival proved entertaining as the t h e m e "Where Were Y o u in '62" brought back the greaser days. February . 10-14 were marked by snow sculpturing, the excitement of broomball, a pizza-gorging contest, Volkswagen races complete with "Chinese Fire Drills." and the official Where Were Y o u in '62 Carnival. As in previous years, the carnival was the highlight o f the week, attracting a barrage of pseudogreasers. N u merous booths sponsored by various organizations added to the annual event.
winter camlval/81
The crowning of Junior Pat M u y s kens as M a y D a y Q u e e n concluded Hope's 1975 M a y D a y celebration. T h e entire campus was treated to the zany c o m e d y team, Divided We Stand, featured in a Pine G r o v e concert and picnic. May D a y itself was celebrated with the early dismissal of classes, followed by t h e t r a d i t i o n a l f i n a l s o f t h e Women's Softball T o u r n a m e n t and the Intramural Track Meet, with the Indies and the Arkies victorious in their respective contests. James Henderson received the H.O.P.E. award for the outstanding professor of 1975, and the A r c a d i a n Fraternity and Delta Phi Sorority w o n the academic trophies. Selected to the M a y D a y Court were Juniors Lynn H a m b l e t o n , E l l e n Barker, Gretchen Vanderkhpp, N a n c y Ponstein, Carol Fret, and Cindy Clair.
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Comedy Team Entertains; Pat Muyskens Named Queen
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may day/83
A standing-room-only crowd looked on as 290 Seniors received their degrees during the one-hundred-tenth Commencement, held in the Holland Civic Center. The Baccalaureate Service, held in Dimnent Chapel, featured the Rev. Howard G. H a g e m a n of N e w Brunswick Seminary, w h o entitled his sermon, "When Law is Liberty (And Vice Versa)." T h e invocation and benediction were delivered by Professor of R e ligion Henry Voogd, with music by Hope's Chapel Choir. Professor of English Jack Ridl delivered the C o m m e n c e m e n t address, entitled "Burn the Papers and Correct the Leaves", with poetry taken from several contemporary poets, including some of his o w n work. Provost David Maker presented the commencement awards, while degrees and certificates were awarded by President Gordon Van Wylen.
290 Receive Degrees At 110th Commencement
Economic Problems Plague Americans The uncertainity of the e c o n o m y and the falling of Viet N a m headlined this year's news stories. Rising prices, inflation and unemployment affected the lifestyle of every American. The rate o f inflation exceeded ten percent; u n e m p l o y m e n t rose to over eight percent. T h e auto industry was one of the hardest hit industries with one out of every four auto workers unemployed and car sales far below the previous year's sales. In order to stimulate sales, auto c o m p a n i e s offered "rebates" during the first few months of 1975. All industries were affected by the recession; many Workers were laid off as jobs b e c a m e very difficult to find. In order to help stimulate the economy, the government issued tax rebates to individuals. They were issued during the first part of May with the m a x i m u m rebate of two hundred dollars. In April, Viet N a m fell to the C o m munists. M a n y Vietnamese children were airlifted o u t a n d e v e n t u a l l y adopted by Americans. President Ford also initiated a conditional amnesty program for Viet N a m protestors and deserters. It was not a general amnesty; each case was dealt with individually.
Persons involved in Watergate were brought to trial; many of the top m e n in the N i x o n A d m i n i s t r a t i o n w e r e found guilty for their involvement. However, President N i x o n received a full pardon from President Ford before he could be indicted. His exact role in Watergate still remains unknown. Watergate affected m a n y Congress i o n a l e l e c t i o n s as the D e m o c r a t s gained forty-three seats in the House and four seats in the Senate, falling only five Senate seats short o f a vetoproof Congress. O n e Congressman in the news was Representative Wilbur Mills, Chairm a n of the House Ways and M e a n s Committee. H e gave up his chairmanship, quit drinking and ended his involvement with stripper F a n n y Foxe. Former N e w York Governor N e l s o n Rockerfeller was named Vice President, thus marking the first time that both the President and Vice President were unelected. Lieutenant William Calley, w h o was i m p r i s o n e d for t h r e e - a n d - o n e - h a l f years for his alledged involvement in the M y Lai massacre, was paroled and then freed following the overturning of his conviction. O n January 1, Americans could legally own gold for the first time in
thirty years. Prices rose to over two hun dred dollars an ounce as speculators expected a great rush to buy the gold; but the rush never transpired and prices quickly fell to previous prices. In sports, M u h a m m a d Ali s t u n ningly upset George Foreman with an eighth round T K O to recapture the h e a v y w e i g h t c h a m p i o n s h i p of the world. The Oakland A's captured their third straight World Series; the Pittsburg Steelers defeated Minnesota in the Super Bowl; the Philadelphia Flyers w o n their second straight Stanley Cup; the G o l d e n State Warriors w o n the N B A crown. Pitcher Catfish Hunter was declared a free agent as Oakland A's owner Charley Finley failed to pay part of his salary. Hunter then signed with the N e w York Yankees for an estimated three million dollars. Around Hope, the renovation of Lubbers Hall was completed in time for Spring Semester classes. Hope's Cross Country team went undefeated in capturing their third championship in four years. Hope's Football team recorded their best record in fifteen years, finishing 8-1. Basketball Coach Russ D e Vette notched his 300th career victory.
Alpha Phi Omega
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
Debbie Decker Kathi Machle John Ourham Dave Higgins Ralph Schubert Ahmad Khamsi Colleen Stowe Peggy Hart Masatoshi Ishioka Lori Hosteller A1 Hendeicks Jane Wolboldt Bill Van Horn Forrest Evans Jean Lineweaver Renato Donato Jim Stegenga Diane Gnade Tom Dykstra Cookie Krueger Jim Harris Barb Jones Sue Riebel Eileen Doyle Fred Schlemmer Dan Gallant Paul Ottemess Paul Massoth Kurt Richardson George Happe
V ^ v
alpha phi omega/89
1. Todd Harbum 2. Jeff Schaffer 3. Craig "Mel" Vander Molen 4. Howard Beissel 5. Tom Van Tassel 6. Todd Knecht 7. Marc Brinks 8. Robert Post 9. Dan Wiersma 10. Kurt "Beater" Pugh 11. Steve Heneveld 12. Dennis TeBeest 13. Bruce Honholt 14. Steve Kupres 15. Dan Van Eerden 16. Wayne Bender 17. Richard "Dick Fall" Spreng 18. Mark Baeverstad 19. Bill Wolters 20. Paul Stears 21. Phil Schuiling 22. Maurice Terpstra 23. Steve Berger 24. Thomas Page 25. Jim Holwerda 26. Scott Hunt 27. Tom "Rookie" Claus 28. Scott Wissink 29. Marc Whitlock
30. Dave Wiest 31. Kevin "K.C." Clark 32. Lee Bechtel 33. Chuck Stagg 34. John " R o b o t " Koeppe 35. Alan "Lloyd" Heneveld 36. Judson Omans 37. Dan Boote 38. John Brown 39. Ken Hoesch 40. Phil Bosch 41. Brad Kirk 42. Craig "Lance" Lammers 43. Jim Donkersloot 44. Steve Alkema 45. Jerry " D u t c h " Boose 46. Craig "Bear" Van Tuinen 47. Bill "Squirrel" Boersma 48. John Sloan 49. Ed Chavez 50. Bob Klomparens 51. Craig Van Assen 52. Jim Sloan 53. Steve Vander Hyde 54. Bruce Martin 55. Dan " D r e a m " Van Pemis 56. Marty Edema 57. Brad VanZyl 58. Hank Shadwell 59. Gordon "Drink" Alderink 60. Bill " M u d " Moreau 61. Dave "Mole" James 62. Glenn Swier 63. Pat Welch 64. Doug Holwerda 65. Bob Klein 66. Dan Hendrickson 67. Larry Evans
Charlie Seifert, Jim Martin, Joe Policoro, Jeff Cook, Jack McMurtry, Mark
Rett, Barry Stewart, Dennis Nienhuis, Steve Eliason, Phil McCullough. (Centurian Fraternity)
1. 2. 3. 4. 4a. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. U. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Tim Hartmann Brian Slauffer Gale Easton Keith Zilinski Dale Remmelts Phil Reed Dan Dana Renato Donate Russ Evans Dave Baker Greg Lubben Tod Estes Glenn Powers Gary Rae Rich Wolf Scott Pontier Mike Land Mike McPoland Tom Kempers Doug Burns John Sengelaub Ernie Serrano Kim Spalsbury John Bush
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
Dan Darbor Mike Toscano Joe Pedelty Rick McClouth Brad Bose Dave Hoos Dave Blasch Brad Helmus Dave Watkins Dave Zessin Glenn Shoup Stephen Hemenway Don Van Dyken Brian Hipwell Scott Morey Rick Burden Rick Dragovich Stu Scholl
42. Dave Kieffer 43. Tom Garter 44. Mike Ringelberg 45. Gordy Bawinkel 46. Vic VonMeding 47. Sel Harlow 48. Brian Lockburner 49. Marc Cormack 50. Bill Philipson 51. Jeff Parker 52. Rob Pocock 53. Bill VanHorn 54. Juan Mascorro 55. Phil Ceeley 56. Bob Namar D. Rich Hopkins KD. Sheba AD. ' Rick Switzer
r ÂŁ
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Pete Petkus John Vannice John Van Zanten Bryan Weber A1 Olthoff Dale VanDahm Criag Van Zanten Glenn Toren Bart Neckers Mike Bueter Dan Bussema
12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.
Doug Crew Rick Wheeler John Kleinert Jim Horn Dave Vander Haar Gerry Mears Ray Smith Steve Bruggers Tom Foye Keith Czerkas Sherwood Quiring Chuck McOsker Dave Gebhard Jeff Smith Pete Maassen Mike Drahos Craig Smith Bob Wood Steve Ward A1 Eizens Bill Melville Ed Schmidt Gordon Sterling Kim Buckley Jim Schmidt Roger Miller Neil Clark Jim Lampert
. M I S
F R O N T ROW; Dave Batts, Rick Martinez, Bob Bowers, Rick Bryce, Bill Webster, Mike Skelton, Bob Miller, Tom Barkes, Bart Rizzo, Sven Anderson, Jon Soderstrom, Bill Blacquiere, Jeff Riemersma, Lou TenHave, Ross Lamb, Brian Ellis, Bob Lees, Geoff Stewart. S E C O N D R O W : Jim Kaminski, Brad
Broekstra, Dave DeZwaan, Jim Ritcheske, Ron Paulson, Mark Meyer, Lee Currie, JetT Palmer, Brad Wehner, Kevin Boerman, Bob Coleman, Rich Navarra. Bob Ambrose, Jim Hickman, Mark DeWitt, Nick Verhey. (Fraternal Society)
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CMtST baltk;
M Mike Sachenovsky—Mediterranean Avenue Bill "Bozo" Fobare—Baltic Avenue Mark Preston—Reading Railroad John Criscolo—Oriental Avenue Brad Lambrix—St. Charles Place Fred Turner—Electric Company Ed Wilhams—St. James Place John Foster—New York Avenue Dave " H u m p " Whitcomb—Free Parking Jim Armstrong—Indiana Avenue Max Duncan—Illinois Avenue Jeff Burke—B & O Railroad
o« IKC
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Mark Mather—Atlantic Avenue Don Smit—Water Works Terry Marlink—Marvin Gardens Paul Diderle—Pacific Avenue Carl Muench—North Carolina Avenue Mike Spidel—Short Line Railroad Kirk Havercamp—Park Place Rob McNiven—Luxury Tax Frank Doro—Boardwalk Rob Gunther—Community Chest Tom Separd—Chance
w t
Alpha Gamma Phi
A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
f [
I m16 '
Mary Harmelink Carol Patterson Sandy Meeter Nancy Swinyard Sue Dickson Brenda Lambrix Beth Daubenspeck Lisa Hermenet Barb Herbek Barb Pyzanowski Martha Bamett Joyce McDermid Sandy Wells Lisa Pifer Meri Shima Amy Ward Kim Stevens Lisa Yuk Diane Hartje Sue Klein Nancy Van Heest Laura Camp Mary Zoet
f \
S\ \ i J *'RmJ U V yisl l j(1 7r\ J^ w 1 ^v nI J*
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 30 41 42, 43 44, 45, 46, 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57.
Lynda Robertson Sandi Hutchison Shirley Yzenbaard Nancy Warren Deb Vander Velde Cheryl Kremer Robin Mulder Judi Vande Hoef Bev Vanden Berg Natalie Quiring Sue Baker Pam Barton Barb Mouw June Johansen Becky Norden Margaret Vanden Berg Laurie Shiflett Cara Baas Brenda Heath Lynn Hambleton Ruth Johnson Laura McMullin Claire Vander Meulen Jan Middleton Paula MacBeth Karen DeMeester Barb Small Carol Fret Carolyn Martin Barb Smith Jan Lupkes Connie Dumville Lorie Norden Susan Wells
alpha gamma phi/103
Delta Phi
fi\ , /"\
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Rhonda Driesenga Jackie Billups Pam Fisher Sue Van Dis Penny Antonak Kristin Boelens Mary Jo Berlsch Diane Bussema Beth Stewart Robin Lemmer Pat Zegers Julie DeWitt Laurie Clune Jenny Bartels Martha Ratering Jane Vande Bunte Sally Meeusen Cathy Greet Becky Badman Kay Moores Valorie Martinie Mary Beth Van Pern is
p / '
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
Deb Hoffman Suanne Dykstra Sandra Ritchie Nancy Campbell Barb Boerman Nancy Hallenbeck Lynne Blair Sue Boers Sarah Koeppe Kathy Brinks Ellen Barker Gretchen Vander Klipp Nora Bauman Marilyn Spreng Kathy Beuker Beth Timme Mary Jo Scott Nancy Costing Jill Morrone Sue Dirkse Claire Campbell Wendy Martin Sherry Visscher Anne Gorbishley Ruth Stoepker Meral Saylor Lesley Kamps Lynn Cuti Terri Smith Jan Mines Pat Hahn Linda Butler Sandy Balducci
delta phi/105
Kappa Delta Chi
F R O N T ROW: Jan Loveless, Jill VanDyke, Carol Mast, Gail DeBoer SECO N D ROW: Jenny Duncan, Mary Weston, Martha VanDop, Kathi Alexan-
der T H I R D ROW: Dawn Erickson, Sarah Henseler, Jan Buelow, Deb Cox, Lori Shier. (Kappa Delta Chi)
Omega Phi
: :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Kathy Stratton Cindy DeKruyter Ginger Yeomans Val Winslow Jody Johnson Robin Boersema Adelia Decker Diane Batey Nancy Rapson Marti Goetz Jo Ann Gonder Brenda Bearman Diane Harvey Linda Robinson Marcia Ann Beard
omega phi/109
1째 \
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Betty Roush Lianne Claver Margaret Byl Sara Hoeheke Mary Ellen Wernette Lenann Williams Kathy Kolenko Helen Dingwall Laura Wheatley Jan Brevick Anne Black well Karen Bilow Lola Mazza Lynn Thomas Sue Northuis Charity Priest Mary Modrow Geri Tensen Diane Harvey
sigma iota beta/111
Sigma Sigma
Mr ''K
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Lissa Cadmus Becky Eldrenkamp Deeann McCabe Jan Koop Terry Fuller Mary Zondervan Jan Fraaza Deb Dowlyn Melody Washington Sue Poppink Jan Weitz Mary Arm Reed Karen Sterk Mara Mulder Cindy Arnold Sara Norris Alicia Piersma Judy Westenbroek Jean Boven Terry Graham Mary Lee Wilkinson Ruth Barthel Jenny Gebhard
24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
Lena Marrone Sue Van Branteghem Diana Lutterbein Sue Van Dellen Gail Noerenberg Julie Weaver Ellen Bijkersma Carol Petrie Kris Musco Anna Marie D'Ambrosio Lois McConnel Leah Katt Carol Cook Suzanne Thornton Diana Reinhardt Ilene Crysler Cindy Bere Carol VandenBerg Bonnie Harvey Karen Gralow Margo Merchant Margie DeKam
sjpma sigma/113
Interfratemity Council
Bob Carlson, Glenn Powers, Nick Verhey, Phil McCullough, Jim Martin,
Tom Page, Doug Holwerda, Dave Baker, Rob Pocock. (Interfralernitv Council)
Pan-Hellenic Board
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Sara Hoebeke Dawn Erickson Margie DeKam Amy Ward Becky Norden Gretchen VanderKlipp Karen DeMeester Diane McCabe Diane Harvey Sarah Koeppe Carol VandenBerg Mary Weston Kathy Brinks Anne Blackwell Anne Colyer
pan hellenic board/115
Mother Courage
Bull Moose
first meetings/119
1. Terry Bosch—Editor-in-Chief. 2. J.J. Hammond—Darkroom Technician. 3. Randy Putala— Assistant. 4. Sue Kronbach—Staff. 5. Jeff Boes— Associate Edtior. 6. Gary Bras—Staff. 7. Ed Mackiewicz—Technical Counsultant. (Milestone Staff)
In 1851, four years after settlers f Netherlands founded Holland, the Pione was established to meet some of th tional needs of the young colony. Th the predecessor of Hope College, direction and financial support from th< Synod of the Reformed Church m The school evolved into the Holland which in 1862 enrolled its first coll* On May 14. 1866; the institution was as Hope College, and on July 17, 1866, class of eight students was gradua from a statement of t j e f u n a e sa ; Rev. Albertus C Y8" Anchor Pioneer School . Th f u t u r e . . I n t h for this people i college of that followed, a J h i c h continue sciences was de P m u n ity. the church and tne
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Doug Armitage Brian Lockburner Karen McElban Mark Conte Gary Hasek Mark Ralering George Latzanich Craig Van Zanten Joe Policoro Kay Moores Bill Paplawsky Kris Musco Dave De Block Ruth Schellenberg Jim Lambert Ed Mackiewicz Bob Namar Gary Rae Jim Stegenga Tom Seiberling Paul Hayes Ralph Schubert Rick Raley John Beahm Steve Visscher Bill De Block Ed Baugh Scott Obenour Lois McConnell Daryl Johnson Steve Paffrath
ope collcge
.olland, michigarv
1. Maijorie DeKam—Associate Editor. 2. John Scholten—Assistant Editor. 3. John Beahm—Photography Editor. 4. Annetta Miller—Editorial Assistant. 5. Dave DeKok—Managing Editor. 6. Barb Brown—Assistant Editor. 7. Karen D i m o n - A r t Editor. 8, Michael Kincheloe—Editor, (anchor staff)
Phil Beta Kappa
1. Bruce Martin 2. Ann Rypstra 3. Mark Bergama 4. Kevin Echart 5. Dick Kamps 6. Rebecca Nielsen 7. Gerard Spoelhof 8. Lawrence Schaidt 9. Robert Luidens 10. Michael Ruch 11. Melissa Piatt 12. Nancy Fuller 13. Deborah Dawson 14. Donna Grube 15. Barbara Taylor 16. Susan Brockway 17. Janice Maatman 18. Sandra Wojcicki 19. Mary Koeppe 20. Virginia De Haan 21. Carol Darwin 22. Donna Rop 23. Kathern Kerver 24. Dennis Te Beest 25. David Young 26. Rudell Brookhuis
Biology Honors
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.
Jane Vanden Berg Jean Lambert Elaine Faustman Sally Brennan Joe Pedelty Agnes Urpuhart Paul Van Fassen Jackie Masters Gretchen Geldmaker Carol Chase Dave Van Appledorn Christine Bonelti Jared Thomas Becky Hartman Ann Rypstra Marilee Bartels Marian Fowke
biology honors/127
Classics Honors
| m
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4. Âą3L
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Lesley Doscher Peter Farraby Dan Wiersma Scott Field Kathy Blaske Keith Derrick Greg Wortley John Beahm Charles Dunning
English Honors
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Claire Vander Meulen Jerrianna Van Gessel Sara Hensler Kathy Brinks William Reynolds Karen Strock Sue Vincent Carol Conklin Barb Bobeng Bill Moreau Marilyn Spreng Karen Hosteller Renita Vander Meulen Debbie Dawson Mary Weston Nancy Oosting
english honors/129
Forensics Honors
T 'M
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
Rudy Broekhuis Rob Pocock Harold Mikle Femi Sodeke Karen Gritzmacher Cindy Clark Jim Donkersloot Barb Springer Wendy Greenwood Geri Tensen Deb Gray Marian Voetberg Mary Voskuil Pete Man ting Etta Piper Dave Blauw Everett Slentz Mark Rett Tom Doerr
German Honors
Nancy Fuller, Kathryn Korver, Peter Farraby, Dennis Teshima, Barb Taylor, Lynn Bauer, Joanna Gierveld, Barbel Thoens. Astrid Mattner, Gerhard Megow. (German Honors)
german honors/131
History Honors
n •^IT-
r-r^ ^w»-4
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Larry Penrose Paul Timmer Jerry Giermann William Cohen Karen Johnson Kay Gouwens Barbara Springer Lydia Huttar David VanderHaar Kevin Echart David Clark Jan Osterhaven Kathy Korver Paul Fried Earl Curry
Psychology Honors
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Becky Nielson Shirley Jousma Jane Dickie Karen Bergen Ed Mackiewicz Jim Beran Mike Ruch Roger Hoitland Paul Cornell Sandy Wojcicki Bobbie Aardema Elizabeth Schlegal
psychology honors/133
Hope College Band
Piccolo Jill Lowman Flutes Melissa Gutwein Sandra Burke Pat Klungle Kathy Kuivila Jill Lowman Maria McMullin Geoffrey Stagg Lenann Williams Oboes Judy Cook Gail H aid em an Bassoon Betsy Decker Clarinets Dawn Ingall Adelia Decker Connie Klungle Laura McMullin Charles McOsker Lisa Pifer Linda Pyle Julie Raab Claudia Rice Mary Staal Mary Weston Alto Clarinet Karen Bilow Bass Clarinet Kathy Peterson Contra-bass Clarinet Pam Schuch Saxophones Linda Bos Sel Harlow Randy Putala Wilson Richardson John Verheul
Trumpets Michael Atchley Gary Camp Marc Cormack Forrest Evans David Fowler Roy Johnson Paul Van Schouwen Robert Williams Horns Jan Laman Carla Gainforth Allison Kinch Randy Weener Trombones Robert Ambrose Scott Bradley Michael Land Noel Wing David Wissink Baritones Gregory Wortley Nancy Swinyard Mark Sligh Tubas Tom Carey Andy Loree Percussion Mark Mather Paul Pettys Bruce Pifer Rick VanderMeulen Sandy Vander Roest
Chapel Choir
•? 0 ^ © $
FRONT ROW: Laurie Shiflett, Barbara Small, Virginia Kiser, Holly Fox, Janie Voogd, Diane Eldridge, Martha Bamett, Paula VandeHoef, Wendy Greenwood, Claire VanderMeulen, Kathy Jo Blaske, Lydia Huttar, Debbi VanderLind, Mary Lee Wilkinson, Mary Jane Myers, Debbie Herzog, Susan Hermance. SECOND ROW: Ann Nethery, Diane Sanford, Pamela Leestma, Susan Glerum, Charlotte Colley, Amy Ward, Kathryn Kitchenmaster, Jan Weilz, Norma O'Brien, Cheryl Blodgett, Gretchen VanderKlipp, Nancy Ball, Jan Maatman, Linda VandenBerg, Jean Boven, Martha VanDop. T H I R D
ROW: Stephen Zylstra, David Gerber, Richard VanOss, Paul Johnson, John Kloosterboer, David James, Ruth Muyskens, Mary Hospers, Rebecca Nielsen, Mary Voskuil, Jack Hill, Jim Beran, Vaughn Maatman, Edward Schmidt, Mark Sweers, Jeffrey Pett, Jim Lampert. F O U R T H R O W : Donald Coats, Jeff Maatman, Steve Berger, Dan Boote, Jerry Bevington, Gordon Carrier, Stephen Bergmann, Jeff Wiggins, Dwayne Boyce, A1 Fedak, Robert Ambrose, Tim Mulder, Glenn Swier, William Agre, Gordon Callam, Wayne Brana, Wiliam Dominelli, Thomas Seel. (Chapel Choir)
chapel choir/135
Hope College Symphonette
P \ J \ h
P \
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.
Forrest Evans Janice Laman James Wildgen Michael Atchley Roy Johnson Scott Bradley Richard Dragovich Rachel Huttar Janice Bares Susan Ahlgrim Kathleen Elliott Linda Mitchell Jane Vanden Berg Patricia Dwyer Carol Cook Judith Cook Marianne Walck Melissa Gutwein Rick Vander Meulen Gail Haldeman Ellen Bijkersma Dawn Ingall Laurie Van Ark Mary Vanden Berg Kathleen K e m p Betsy Decker Ted Swartz Phyllis Hager Sandra Ritchie Stephen Ellason Lynn Peterson
Chemistry Club
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
Gerhard Spoelhof Eric Endean Charles McOsker Steve Van Wylen Melissa Piatt Rebecca Hartman Mary Koeppe David "Pop Machine" Litts David Bartels Nancy Newton Patti Dwyer Ralph Ellison Thomas Bock
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
James Sloan Donald Penniman Charles Dunning George Kniowski Sven Anderson Greg Slink Tom Golden Bob Drake John Sengelaub Nick Ver Hey Nancy Herink Matt Rumpsa Gail De Boer John Van Voorhees Jill Van Dyke Sue Shepley Barb Pyzanowski Brad Broesktra Robert Reinking Ed Chapman Cotter Tharin John Klanke Mary Witty Joan Donaldson Richard Wheeler Janet Loveless
French Club
FRONT ROW: Sarah Bertalan, Roger Maitland, Judith Vickers, Catherine Roux, Dwight Ackerman.
SECOND ROW; Nancy Holton, Barbel Thoens. (French Club)
German Club
FRONT ROW: Joanna Gierveld, Barbel Thoens, Nancy Fuller. S E C O N D ROW; Alan Bedell, Lee Reen, Lynn Bauer, Peter Farraby, Astrid Mattner,
Dennis Teshima, Kathryn Korver, Gisela Strand. (German Club)
Latino Club 12*
F R O N T ROW: Otilia Morales, Elsa Ramirez. S E C O N D R O W : Frances Gamez, Juan Mascorro, Senaida Mascorro. (Latino Club)
Spanish Club
OtausUtu/Ml. '•'M-/t&vp&v
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Student Activities Committee
Kathi Machle—Secretary-Treasurer, Tom O'Brien—Vice President, Jim Beran—President. (Student Congress)
Student Congress
SEATED: John Bechtel, Lamont Dirske, Dave Vander Wei, Stew Galloway, Steve Hemenway, Bill De Block, John Van Zanten. S T A N D I N G : Stu MacKenzie, Gary Demerest, R o b Pocock, Cindy Arnold, Jo Ann Gonder, Sue Brockway. (Student Activities Committee)
Mortar Board
F R O N T ROW: Claire Campbell, Bobette Aardema, Linda Guth, Joan Donaldson, Lynn Hermenet. S E C O N D ROW: Karen Johnson, Jodi Syens, D o n n a Rop, Rebecca Nielsen, Susan Glerum, Mary Koeppe. (Mortar Board)
Association of Women Students
F R O N T ROW: Luann Traut, Elaine VanLiere, Deb Ellison. S E C O N D R O W : Lola Mazza, Sarah Jonker-Burke, Lianne Claver, Jane Chapman, Sally Brennan, (Association of Women Students)
Bakers Scholars
% 4
- >
1. Dan Boote 2. Jean Boven 3. Barrie Richardson 4. Margo Merchant 5. Stan Sterk 6. Marie French 7. Phil Ceeley 8. Nancy Ponstein 9. Mel Haiju 10. Pal Welch 11. A1 Heneveld 12. Doug Heerema 13. Lee Currie 14. Gordon Callam 15. Steve Kupres 16. Kurt Pugh
bakere scholars/143
f Forensics and Debate
i F R O N T R O W ; Karen Gritzmacher, D e b G r a y , Mary Voskuil, W e n d y Greenwood, Cindy Clark. S E C O N D R O W ; R u d y Broekhuis, Marian Voetberg. Jack Hill, Dave Blauw, Etta Piper, Barb Springer, F e m i Sodeke, H a r -
old Mikle. R o b Pocock. T H I R D R O W ; Geri Tensen, T o m Doerr, Everett Slentz, Mark Rett, Pete Man ting, Jim Donkersloot. (Forensics and Debate)
Higher Horizons
Sherrie Madser, Lybby Hillegonds, Bobbi Aardema, John Rolph, Penny Ford, Rita Hcnrickson, Marty Sosa. (Higher Horizons)
Ministry of Christ's People
FRONT ROW: Kristi Droppers, William Hillegonds. S E C O N D ROW: Mike Riksen, Paul Timmer, Bob Luidens, Vaughn Maatman, Scott Van Oostendorp. (MOCP)
I 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Christopher Atwood Luann G r e e n w o o d Cindy Clark Steve Mancinelli Adelaide Whitehouse Mia Fagerstrom Daryl Johnson
Music Educators National Conference
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Mary Jane Myers Sue Gleruiri Janice Laman Leslie Rett LeeAnn Soodsma Forrest Evans Bill Agre Charlotte Colley Roy Johnson Dawn Ingall Norma O'Brien Linda Mitchell Judy Cook Cheryl Blodgett Jantina Holleman
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Competition -
Harriers Record Perfect Season
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For the third time in four years, the 1974 Cross Country captured first place in the M I A A , posting a perfect 60 mark. "We had an outstanding season, with great individual and team performances," stated Coach Bill Vanderbilt. Selected as M I A A M V P was Junior Stu Scholl with Seniors G l e n Powers and Phil Ceeley also being n a m e d to the A l l - M I A A team.
FRONT ROW: Jack Harris, Phil Ceeley, Kim Spalsbury, SECOND ROW: Glenn Powers, Glenn Johnson, John Ko-
stishak. Bob Williams. THIRD ROW: Stuart Scholl, Doug Irons, Lou Hoekstra, Scott Bradley. (Cross Country Team)
cross country/151
Defense Leads Gridders
F R O N T ROW: Coach Ray Smith, Perry Beachum, Tom Knecht, Phil Reed, Rick McClouth, Tim Mamroe, Tom Barkes, Richard Navarra, Bob Carlson, Randy Vander Veen, Charles Brooks, Jeff Stewart, Gary Constant. S E C O N D ROW: Coach Peter Semeyn, Tom Pierson, Tim Van Heest, Doug Holwerda, Dave Veiter, Rodger Boerigter, Dave DeZwaan, Kurt Bennett, Lewis Ten Have, Dennis Miller, Arde Ramthun, John Kullman. T H I R D ROW: Dr. Lawrence Green, Mark Meyer, Jim Ritcheske, Gus Lukow, Tom Richards, John Smith, David Teater, Paul Cornell, Maurie Terpstra, Bob Coleman, Bob Lees, Greg Bliss. F O U R T H ROW: Coach Jim Bultman, Tom O'Brian, James Miller, Jim Vander Meer, Bruce Martin, Craig Van Assen, Marc Whitlock,
Len Fazio, Kris Kropf, Mark DeWitt, Kurt Richardson. F I F T H ROW: Coach George Kraft, Richard George, Stephen Lorenz, Michael Blacquiere, Mark Boyce, Gale Easton, Rick Burden, Michael Wojda, Todd Richardson. SIXTH ROW; Coach Russ DeVette, Dewey Thompson, Paul Osbum, Kevin Clark, John Hartman, Brian Guth, Kim Wright, Dan Van Eerden, Howard Beissel, Doug Dekker, Gary Ramsden, Todd Harburn, Brad Lambrix. SEVENTH ROW: Manager Norm Japinga, Jon Schrotenboer, Jim Kenyon, Tharlo Klaver, Paul Dieterle, Jim Holwerda, David Bush, Kevin Kniff, David Hoos, James Markel, Eric Bjerregaard. (Football Team)
Led by the best team defense in the MIAA, the football team posted 5-1 overall and 4-1 league records, finishing the season in second place. Coach Ray Smith remarked, "It was fun being involved with this group of guys. I believe they m a d e it one of the best teams I was ever associated with as a coach." Selected as M V P was Junior Dave Yeiter. N a m e d to the A1I-M1AA team were Senior Chuck Brooks, Juniors Bob Lees, Craig Van Tuinen and D a v e Yeiter, and Sophomores T o m Richards and Rick McClouth.
Soccer Posts League Second
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F R O N T ROW: Dave Silber, Rob McBride, Mark Stevens, Paul Toth, Dick Krueger, John Fairbanks, Joe Delliara, Brad Kirk, Victor Von Meding, Mohamed Al-malki, Brian Ellis. S E C O N D ROW: Mark Holtz, Russ Tenpas, Gary Benner, Jim Vannice, Les Hill, Glenn Freisatz, Joseph Takon, Mark van Voorst, John Clough, Habib Ismail, Bill Lawton, Glenn Swier, T H I R D ROW:
Coach Glenn Van Wieren, Tom Van Tassell, Phil Bosch, Sherwood Quiring, Bob Klien, Bob Luidens, Abduel Al-Mawlawi, Bill Dyrsten, Mark McCullough, Samuel Terfa, Mahmood Masghati, Manager Jim Walsh. (Soccer Team)
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Posting a 3-2-1 M I A A record, the Soccer team finished second in the league, sporting a 6-6-1 overall record. Senior Mark van Voorst set a new H o p e career scoring mark with 38 goals. N a m e d M I A A C o - M V P was Junior Glenn Swier. Swier, along with Senior Bob Luidens and Junior M o h m o o d Masghati, were named to the AllM I A A Team.
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Golfers Finish Fifth
Sue Van Dis, Kurt Pugh, Jeff Riemersma, Mark Lange, Gary Nieuwsma, Coach Ric Scott, A1 Heneveld, Dick Wood, Jim Wojciki, Rick Switzer, (Golf Team)
Posting a 2-5 record, the G o l f team finished fifth in the M I A A . Junior Rick Switzer was selected to the AU-MIAA Team. Switzer was also voted M V P by his teammates.
Women's Volleyball Places Third
Placing Women's
in t h e
WMIAA, team
with a 5-17 overall record. C o a c h S a n d y P a r k e r r e m a r k e d , "It was a y o u n g t e a m that w o r k e d hard. They
the season progressed."
F R O N T ROW: Coach Sandra Parker. S E C O N D R O W : Terry Fuller, Sharon Kooistra, Kathy White, Kerry Van Keulen, Chris White, Marty Colenbrander. T H I R D ROW: Kathy Kuivila, Sandy Burke, Ann Crandell, Marianne Walck, Mary Ellen Aufderheide, Deb Zack, Sue Ahlgrim. (Women's Volleyball Team)
Lack of Experience Plagues Women's Field Hockey
F R O N T ROW: Laura Lynn, Sue Berger, Deb Cox, Sally Brennan, Carol Fret, Carolyn Martin, Manager Lisa Burger. SECOND ROW:
Diane Harvey, Jean Lambert, Karen Hartje, Anne Dimitre, Ann Blackwell, Kris Musco, Cathy Le Boeuf, Julie Egbert, Coach Cindi Bean.
Colleen Stowe, Lori Hostetler, Peggy Herlihy, Geri Tensen, Jackie Masters, Kip Robinson, Marge Byl,
Marilyn Rathbun, Ann Colyer, Coach Cindi Bean. (JV Women's Field Hockey Team)
C o m p r i s e d primarily o f underclassmen, the Women's Field Hockey team posted a 2-8-1 season record. "It was a young team learning an entirely new g a m e pattern. Their improvement was evident as the season progressed," stated Coach Cindi Bean. N a m e d C o - M V P ' s were Juniors Anne Dimitre and N a n c y Lambert. Dimitre was also selected to the AllMichigan Women's Intercollegiate F i e l d H o c k e y T e a m for the third straight year.
women's field hockey/159
The three hundredth career victory of Coach Russ D e V e t t e on February 5 highlighted a disappointing season for the Varsity Basketball team. In that game, H o p e defeated Adrian 87-65. After a slow 1-3 start, H o p e w o n six o f the next seven games. However, the team lost nine of the last eleven games, leaving them with a 9-13 overall record and 6-6 league mark, leaving them tied for third place. C o a c h D e V e t t e r e m a r k e d , "Although the season was disappointing, there w a s reward in the p e r s o n a l achievements and improvements." Senior Brian Vriesman became the eleventh player in Hope's history to score over 1000 career points.
DeVette's 300th Highlights Basketball Season
F R O N T ROW: Dan VanPemis, Jim Holwerda, Willie Cunningham, Dwayne Boyce, Brian Vriesman, Chris VanSingel, Jerry Root. S E C O N D ROW: Assistant Coach Glenn VanWieren, Gerry Frazier, Ed Ryan, Steve Van-
derHyde, Con Zomermaand, Chris Peterson, Jeff Waterstone, Head Coach Russ DeVette. (Varsity Basketball Team)
Posting a 5-13 dual meet record, the Wrestling team finished fifth in the MIAA. Coach George Kraft remarked, "I was pleased with individual performances and see a winning season next year." Sophomore T o m Barkes was n a m e d to the A l l - M I A A Team, placing second in the M I A A tournament.
F R O N T ROW: Coach George Kraft, Rich Konopka, Klrby Howard, Jimmy Cannon, Ray Bower, Todd Knecht. S E C O N D ROW: Bart Rizzo, Jim Bedor, Brad Bose, Bill
Webster, Tom Barkes, Perry Beachum, Brad Lambrix. (Wrestling Team)
Wrestlers Finish Fifth
JV's Suffer Frustration
F R O N T ROW: Jeff Schaffer, Gary Ramsden, Kevin Clark, Paul Van Oostenburg, Dan Van Eerden, Paul Stears, Mike Wojda, Manager Mike Drahos. SECOND ROW: Coach Bill Vander Built, Clark Gerrish, Earl Slotman,
Although they outscored their M1AA opponents, 836-832, the JV Basketball team finished with 3-8 league and 6-11 overall records. They lost eight league games by a total of sixteen points. Coach William Vanderbilt, who stated "It was frustrating for the team to lose so many close games", claimed cynically that the year's highlight was the post-season banquet. Leading scorer was Freshman Kevin Clark, w h o averaged over 20 points a game.
Bnan Bradley, Wayne Van Dyke, Greg Lubben, Wes Vande Streek, George Moger. (JV Basketball Team)
Women Hoopsters Capture Crown
R i
BOTTOM ROW: Sharon Kooistra, Jan Buelow, Pat Muyskens, Gail De Witt, Vickie Visscher. S E C O N D ROW: Manager Patti Harper, Jean Lambert, Mary Ellen Aufderheide, Mimi Baar, Sue Dirkse, Coach
Cindi Bean. T H I R D ROW: Barb Geeting, Sue Van Dis, Mary Jo Bertsch. F O U R T H R O W : Mary Kolean. (Women's Varsity Basketball Team)
F R O N T ROW: Karen Hartje. Ellen Ziegler, Deb Vander Velde, Linda Robinson, Peggy Hierlihy. SECO N D ROW: Cathy Le Boef, Mary
Anne Ge Bott, Linda Pyle, Manager Eileen Doyle, Lorie Shier, Mary Pyle. ( W o m e n ' s JV Basketball Team)
the W o m e n ' s Basketball team captured t h e D i v i s i o n B c r o w n in t h e W M 1 A A , finishing
with an 8-6 overall record.
Coach Cindi Bean remarked, "These girls g a i n e d
w i l l h e l p t h e m in f u t u r e s e a s o n s . " L e a d i n g scorers for the t e a m w e r e Juniors
women's basketball/165
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Netters Tie for Third
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Posting a 3-2 league mark, the Tennis team captured a tie for third in the MIAA, finishing 8-5 overall. Coach Lawrence Green said he enjoyed working with this year's players as much as any he has coached in 19 years, and remarked, "The team had an excellent attitude, as shown by their come-from-behind wins against University of the South and Albion." Senior John Sinclair was chosen MVP.
r :
After a third place finish last year, team faltered to a last place season for 1975 with a 10-16-1 season record and a 3-8 league mark. Coach Jim Bultman said of the season, "Although the pitching was better than expected, fielding and hitting were disappointing." However, he pointed out that their spring trip south was their most successful ever, posting a 4-5 record. Honorable Mentions for the AllM I A A team included Junior G o r d o n Alderink and Freshman D a v e Watkins, while Sophomore Jimmy Giles was chosen as the team's MVP.
F R O N T ROW: Craig Van Assen, Kris Kropf, Rick McLouth. Pat Welch, Bat Boy Matt Bultman, Gordon Alderink, Jeff Waterstone. Kurt Pugh. SECOND ROW; Manager Chuck Stagg. Todd Richardson, Dave Watkins, John Sloan, Bill Webster, Randy Vander Veen, Steve Lorenz, Marty Edema, Coach Jim 168/competition
Bultman. T H I R D ROW: Equipment Manager Norm Japinga, Paul Stears, Dan Van Pemis, Jimmie Giles, Bill Boersma, Steve Kupres, Mike Wojda, Bruce Herman, Jerry Boose, Bob Klomparens, Bill Fobare. (Baseball Team)
Baseball Finishes Last
F R O N T ROW: Stuart Scholl, Conley Zomermaand, Doug Irons, John Damon, Kenneth Dibi, Kevin Clark, Mike Lampen, Randy Haverdink, Manager Mike Drahos. SECOND ROW: Art Rathun, Steve DeYoung, G u s Lukow, Jere Ellison, Scott Hunt, Pete Maassen, Richard George, Larry Wisner, Noel 170/competition
Wing, Bob Williams. T H I R D ROW: John Morehouse, Kirby Howard, Jim Wildgen, Steve Berger, Kurt Richardson, John Bonnette, Scott Bradley, Doug Knapman, Mark Stevens, Bill Wolters, Gerry Frazier, Coach Gordon Brewer. (Track Team)
Trackmen Tie For Second
• -r, •
- - •
A tie for second place with a 4-2 record, and a 76-69 victory over Albion highlighted the Track season. Coach Gordon Brewer commented, "Although the lack of first place potential kept from finishing higher in the standings, the team's attitude was positive throughout the season." All-MIAA T e a m members included Senior Phil Ceeley, who won the three m i l e c h a m p i o n s h i p , Junior Stuart Scholi, and Junior Jim Wildgen, w h o qualified for the N C A A championships with a 6'6" high j u m p and a 14'6" pole vault. Wildgen was also named MVP.
«• fc.
Archers Finish Even
Judy Kaameraad, Sue Ahlgrim, Paltie Harper, Coach Sandra Parker. (Women's Archery Team)
P o s t i n g a 2 - 2 s e a s o n mark, the Women's Archery team finished fifth in the WM1AA. Highlighting the season was a 300plus point win over Calvin. Coach Sandy Parker c o m m e n t e d , "As a young, inexperienced team, they did a very respectable job".
Women's Tennis Rebuilds
"It was a very trying year", stated Coach Karen Page, describing the sixth place finish of the Women's Tennis team. T h e team, which posted 3-5 season and 1-4 league marks, was shut out three times, but finished with back-toback shutout victories.
Âť '
Mary Jo Bertsch, Lori Shier, Ellen Ziegler, Trish Snyder, Coach Karen Page, Sue Van Dellen, Carol Fret, Chris White, Sue RieckhofT, Linda Redford. (Women's Tennis Team)
women's tennis/
Victory Over Calvin Highlights Women's Softball
A victory over Calvin highlighted the fine 4-2 season o f the W o m e n ' s Softball team. C o a c h C h r i s t i B l a u w k a m p remarked, "Next year's team should be even better, since only two players will be lost." By scoring 24 runs in five innings, the team set a new school record. F R O N T ROW: Sandy Burke, Karen Hartje, Kathy Le Boeuf, Vicky Visscher, Sue Van Dis, Molly Mappes, Deb Peerman. S E C O N D ROW: Lisa Burger, Aldien Forman, Sharon Kooistra,
Melody Hamstra, Sue Zender, Kris Musco, Kim Vanden Berg, Kathy Alexander, Keri Van Keulen, Coach Chris Blauwkamp. (Women's Softball Team)
Lacrosse Finishes 3-5
A 3-5 record, including wins over Norre D a m e "B" and Toledo University, was the result of the Lacrosse Club's 1975 season. According to Senior Coach Bob Klein, "The Club took on a challenging season, being hotly in contention for all but two of their games, where inexperience left them outclassed." H o p e played two league matches, losing both to Albion, the unofficial M I A A Champs.
F R O N T ROW: John Clough, Gordon Sterling, Gale Easton, Marc Whitlock, A1 Heneveld. Howard Beissel, Bill Dyrslen, Terry South, John Smith, Jim Weener. SECOND ROW: Bob Klein, Joe DeVette, Brian Ellis, J o e / e d e l t y ,
Mark Baeverstad, Craig Lammers, Brad Helmus, John Sengelaub, John Post, Jim Sloan, Bob Fetters. (Lacrosse Club)
lacrosse club/175
1974 Cross C o u n t r y (6-0) HC 18 20 20 17 15 15
1974-75 Basketball (9-13) OPP 37 41 39 46 48 49
Alma Albion Kalamazoo Adrian Calvin Olivet
1974 Football (8-1)
HC 31 20 28 21 30 17 28 10 10
OPP 6 0 14 14 15 0 7 27 0
Anderson Concordia Wheaton Alma Adrian Albion Kalamazoo Olivet De Pauw
2 0
2 3 0 0
Spring A r b o r G r a n d Rapids School of Bible Purdue Calumet Aquinas Aurora Western Michigan Calvin Albion Kalamazoo Calvin Albion Kalamazoo Michigan State
50 70 86 92 42 59 59 79 73 60 61
67 87 69 67 66 67 66 67 66
HC OPP 3 1 1 0 7
12 20 21 9 10
11 33 27 29 12
3 21 15 3 6 12
1974 Golf (2-5) HC
2 2 7 \3'/2
13 8
VA 6'A 12 13
1974 W o m e n ' s Field Hockey (2-7) HC
2 0 1 1 3 0 1 I 2
Calvin Alma Olivet Calvin Central Michigan University Kalamazoo Albion Adrian Michigan State University II
54 74 79 74 56 66 33 54 79 69 65 63 78 68 65 73 98 81
71 63 85 80
OPP 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 I
Ferris State Hillsdale Huntington Mott C o m m u n i t y College Adrian Sienna Heights Findlay Albion Calvin Alma Kalamazoo Taylor Manchester Kalamazoo Southwestern C o m m u n i t y College Olivet Hillsdale Spring A r b o r
)PP 29 31 30 33 24 37 29 12
12 25 37 47 18
35 51 45 42 12
1974 W o m e n ' s Volleyball (5-17)
OPP Aquinas Adrian Kalamazoo Olivet Alma Calvin Alvion
Concordia Trinity Christian Lewis Aquinas Albion Trinity Christian Purdue Calumet Adrian Calvin Alma Kalamazoo Bethel Olivet Albion Adrian Calvin Alma Kalamazoo Aquinas Olivet Calvin Albion
1974-75 Wrestling (5-13)
1974 Soccer (6-6-1) HC 1 3 4 4 1 0 1
HC 53
HC 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 2 0
Lake Michigan Spring A r b o r Calvin G r a n d Valley State College Kalamazoo Kellogg C o m m u n i t y College G r a n d Rapids Junior College Lake Michigan Taylor Kalamazoo G r a n d Valley State College Alma Olivet Kalamazoo Albion Alma Central Calvin Ferris State College Adrian Trinity Calvin
PP 3 2
2 2 1 2 2
2 2 3 3 3 3 2 0 1
1975 Women's Tennis (3-5)
1975 Tennis (8-5)
Emroy Ogelthorpe Berry Shorter University of South MaryviHe Calvin Albion Aquinas Grand Valley Olivet Adrian Alma
OPP 8 0 4 8 4 4 5 4 0Q 1 2 2 8
1975 Track (4-2) OPP 85 69 61 92i/2 60 6Ii/2
Olivet Albion Kalamazoo Calvin Adrian Alma 1975 Baseball
HC 6 0 2 0 â&#x20AC;˘ 0 2 9 7
Grand Valley Calvin Aquinas Kalamazoo Adrian Albion Olivet Grand Rapids Junior College 1975 Women's Softball (4-2)
HC 9 4 24 6 5 8
Calvin Calvin Kellogg Community College Lake Michigan Grand Rapids Junior College Lake Michigan 1975 Women's Archery (2-2)
HC 1668 1340 1335 1413
Calvin Olivet Albion Kalamazoo
Berry Berry West Georgia Berry University of Tennessee Chattanooga University of South University of South Lipscomb Lipscomb Alma Alma Grand Valley Grand Rapids Junior College Grand Rapids Junior College Aquinas Aquinas Albion Albion Adrian Adrian Calvin Olivet Olivet Ferris Ferris Kalamazoo Kalamazoo
OPP 5 2 6 3 6 7 2 5 11 2 0 5 0 II 1 9 3 3 6 6 6 7 3 5 II 2
1975 Lacrosse Club (3-5) HC 2 3 7 7 8 3 3 8
Albion Chicago Notre Dame B Albion Notre Dame B Lake Forest Michigan State JV Toledo
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Knowledge 'S6 ! f e
^ 1
I. William Gillis—Biology. 2. Delbert M i c h e l Art. 3. John Wilson—Art. 4. John Day—Biology. 5. Allen Brady—Biology. 6. Robert Vickers—Art. 7. David Smith—Art. 8. Jerry Dusseau-Biology. 9. Bruce McCombs—Art.
4 184/knowledge
1. Charles McBride-Biology. 2. Irwin B r i n k - C h e m istry. 3. Barbara Barker-Chemistry. 4. Eldon G r e i j - Biology. 5. Norman Rieck—Biology. 6. Paul Van Faasen— Biology. 7. Ralph Ockerse-Biology. 8. Rodney BoyerChemistry.
1. M i c h e a l D o y l e - C h e m i s t r y . 2 . D a v i d 3. K a r e n
4. D o n a l d
l i a m s - C h e m i s t r y . 5. W i l l i a m M u n g a l l — C h e m i s t r y . 6. S h e l d o n W e t t a c k - C h e m i s t r y . 7. J o s e p h M a c D o n i e l s - C o m m u nications.
8. J o h n
I. Stanley Sterk Economics. 2. M. Harold Mikel—Communications. 3. Douglas Heerma— Economics. 4. Melvin H a i j u - E c o n o m i c s . 5. Barrie Richardson-Economics. 6. James O'Toole—Economics. 7. James H e n d e r s o n - E c o n o m i c s .
I. John Hollenbach—English. 2. Daniel Paul-Education. 3. Carl S c h a c k o w Education. 4. James Bultman-Education. 5. Harold Bakker-Education. 6. Nancy Miller-Education. 7. Dean Bryson—Education, 8. Stephen Hemenway—English. 9. Lamont Dirkse-Education.
. •
v ; #
1. Dirk Jelema-English. 2. Peter Schakel-English. 3. Nancy Taylor-English 4. James PrinsEnglish. 5. Henry TenHoor-English. 6. Joan Mueller-English. 7. William Reynolds-English 8 Elizabeth Reedy-English. 9. Charles Hutter-English 10. Jack Ridl-English.
I. Gisela S t r a n d - G e r m a n . 2. Judith Vickers-French. 3. Alan Bedell-German. 4. Charles Powell-Linguistics. 5. Maijorie F a b e r - F r e n c h . 6. John Creviere-French. 7. Gerhard M e g o w - G e r m a n . 8. Maria Castilloâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Spanish. 9. Daniel McCaffrey.
1. Antonia Searles—Spanish. 2. Cotter Tharin—Geology. 3. Robert Reinking—Geology. 4. Earl Curry—History. 5. Orestes Pino—Spanish. 6. David Clark—History. 7. John Anderson—Geology. 8. William Cohen—History. 9. Hubert Weller—Spanish.
2 198/knowledge
I. Paul Fried-History. 2. Calvin Mannes-Mathematics. 3. Herbert Dershem-Mathematics. 4. Wil son Strand-History. 5. Larry Penrose-History. 6. Jay Folkert-Mathematics.
1. Elliot Tanis—Math. 2. John Whittle—Math. 3. Richard Vandervelde—Math. 4. Frank Sherburne—Math. 5. Charles Steketee—Math. 6. John Van Iwaarden—Math.
I Robert Cavanaugh—Music. 2. Joan Conway—Music. 3. Charles Aschbrenncr- Music, 4. Roger D a v i s Music. 5. Robert Cecil—Music. 6. Jantina Holleman—Music.
I. Anthony Kooiker—Music. 2. Roger Rietberg—Music. 3. Carroll L e h m a n Music. 4. Ivan Dykstra—Philosophy. 5. Joyce Morrison—Music. 6. Robert Ritsema—Music.
J 4
I. Lawence Green—Physical Education. Cynthia Bean—Physical Education, Russel De Vette—Physical Education. George Kraft—Physical Education. Gordon Brewer—Physical Education. Arthur Jentz—Philosophy.
2. 3. 4. 5, 6.
4 208/knowledge
1. William Vander Bill—Physical Education. 2. Richard Brockmeier—Physics. 3. Sandra P a r k e r Physical Education. 4. Harry Frissel-Physics. 5 Glenn Van Wieren—Physical Education. 6. James Seeser—Physics. 7. Raymond S m i t h Physical Education.
iiiii '
1. Renze Hoeksema—Political Science. 2. Steve Steenwyk Physics. 3. James Van Put ten—Physics. 4. James Toevs—Physics. 2. Robert Elder—Political Science. 6. Jack Holmes—Political Science.
1. James Zoeteway-Political Science. 2. Leslie Beach-Psychology. 3. Patrick Harrison-Psychology. 4. Robert Brown-Psychology. 5. Steven Flagg-Psychology. 6. Jane Dickie-Psychology.
1. Elton Bruins-Religion. 2. James Motiff-Psychology. 3. Wayne B o u l t o n Religion. 4. Phillip VanEyl-Psychology, 5, Sang Lee-Religion. 6. Robert Coughenourâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Religion. 7. David Myers-Psychology.
I Henry Voogd—Religion. 2. Lambert Ponstein—Religion. 3. Russell Mclntyre—Sociology. 4. Howard lams—Sociology. 5. Kenneth Sebens—Sociology. 6. Robert Palma—Religion.
IWwWU MH - r,„UU
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1 1. Michael Grindelstaff-Theatre. 2. John Tammi-Theatre. 3. Ruth Van Kampen-Sociology. 4. George Ralph-Theatre. 5. Donald Finn and Richard Smith-Theatre.
1 William Hillegonds—Chaplain. 2. Jon Huisken-Registrar. 3. Robert De Young-Vice President for Student Affairs. 4. Tom R e n n e r - D i r e c tor of College Relations. 5. David M a r k e r Provost. 6. Gordon Van Wylen President. 7. Michael Gerrie—Associate Dean. 8. Elaine Van Liere—Director of Residence Halls.
I. Nancy Ter Haar. Deb Jordan, Warren Faloon. Pat Nienhuis-Business and Financial Administration. 2. Jeanne McCarthy-Development. 3. Vern Schipper-Associate Director of College Relations. 4. Norman Timmer-Development Officer. 5. Kurt Van Genderen-Development Officer 6 Ray Van Tuinen-Development Officer 7. FRONT ROW Janet Plak'ke. Judy Brake, Ev Ryan. Gracie Wong. SECOND ROW; Sue Baker, Donna McConneM, Barry Werkman, William Anderson, Ruth Overweg. (Business and Financial Administration) 8. Glenn Bareman-Public Safety Director
1 1. John Klungle—Director of Academic Equipment Center. 2. Ken Vink—Director of Data Processing. 3. F R O N T ROW: Phillip Toppen, Chris Lohman, Mark De Roo. SECOND ROW: Bruce Himebaugh, Glenn Lowe, Bill Vanden Berg, Tom La Baugh. (Admissions and Financial Aid). 4. Keith Browning, Dave Van Dellen, Chuck Chandonet. (Saga). 5. F R O N T ROW: Alma Scarlett, Richard Traylor, Paul Fried. SECOND ROW: Hamid Bagheri, Rassol Kalani. (International Education). 6. Norm Japinga—Equipment Manager. 7. Robert Grant, Carol Gavasso, Leona Nykerk, David Boersma, Marilyn Welch, Lee Lebbin, Linda Visscher. (Library Staff).
Student Index Aardema. Bobeltc 21, 132. 142. 145 Adam, Dora 21 Agre1, Oscar 39. 135, 147 Ahlgrim, Su^an 57. 136, 158. 172 Akerman. Dwight 139 Aldermk, Gordon 90, 168 Alexander. Kathryn 39, 106 Alicki, Timothy 57 Alkema. Steven 39, 90 Allen. Horace 57 Almalki. Mohamed Hasan 154 Almawlawi. Abdul Wahed 21, 154 Ambrose, Richard 69 Ambrose. Robert 98, 134. 135 Anderson. G a r ) 47 Anderson, Janet 39 Anderson. Sven 98, 138 Andrea. Laune 47 Antonak. Penelope 47, 104 Apsey. Diana 21 Armitage, Douglas 122 Arnold, Cynthia 21, 112. 141 Arnold, Patricia 57 Ashby, William 57 Atchley, Michael 134. 136 Athey, Luann 39 Athey, Phyllis 57 Atkinson, Barbara 47 Atwood, Christopher 21, 146 Aufderheide, Mary 57. 158, 165 Ausema, James 57 Baar, Miriam 47, 165 Baas, Cara 47. 102 Babinski, Kathryn 47 Bachman, Randy 57 Badman, Rebecca 47, 104 Baeverslad. Mark 57. 90. 175 Baghen. Hamid 57, 225 Baker, David 47. 94, 114 Baker. Susan 47. 102 Bakker. Steven 47 Balducci. Sandra 21. 104 Balkema. Larry 21 Ball. Nancy 135 Balok, Rebbeca 57 Banas. Sharon 57 Barbiers, Robyn 57 Bares, Janice 21. 136 Barg, Joyce 21 Barker, Ellen 104 Barkes. Thomas 47, 98, 152. 162 Bameit, Martha 47, 102, 135 Bartels, David 47, 137 Barlels, Jennifer 47. 104 Bartels, Manlee 39, 127 Bartels, Priscilla 57 Barthel, Linda 21. 112 Barton. Pamela 57. 102 Bassett. Allison 21 Batey, Diane 108 Batts, David 98 Bauer, Lynn 39. 131, 139 Baugh. Edward 39, 122 Bauman. Nora 21, 104 Bawinkel, Gordon 39, 95 Baxter, Loretta 21 Baxter. Wanada 57 Beach. David 57 Beachum, Perry 152, 162 Beahm, Catherine 47 Beahm, John 122, 124. 128 Beard. David 57 Beard, Marcia 21, 108 Bearman, Brenda 39, 108 Bechtel, John 57. 141 Bechtel, Lee 47, 90 Bedor, James 57, 162 Begley, Andrew 47 Beissel, Howard 57, 90. 152, 175 Belanus. Gary 21 Bender. Wayne 47. 90 Benes. Richard 47 Bennett, Catherine 47 Bennett, Kurt 152 Bennett, Nancy 39 Bennett, Timothy 57 Beran, James 21, 132, 135, 141 Bere, Cynthia 47. 112 Berens, Warren 47 Bergen. Karen 39. 132 Berger, Steven 39. 90, 135, 170 Berger, Susan 39, 159 Bergmann, Stephen 39, 135 Bergsma, Judith 69 Bergsma, Mark 21. 126 Bergstrom, William 57 Bertalan, Margaret 139 Bertsch, Mary 57, 104. 165, 173 Bettendorf. Robert 39 Beuker, Katherine 57, 104
Bevan, Craig 57 Bevington, Jerry 135 Bijkersma, Eleonore 57, 112. 136 Billups, Jacklyn 39. 104 Bilow, Karen 110, 134 Bishop, Stephen 57 Bjerregaard. Eric 57. 152 Bjorklund. Kathleen 57 Blackwell. Nancy 110, 115, 159 Blacquiere. William 57, 98, 152 Blair, Cynthia 47 Blair. Lynne 39. 104 Blasch, David 57. 94 Blaske. George 47 Blaske, Kathy Jo 21, 128. 135 Blauw, David 47. 130, 144 Bliss, Cathleen 47 Bliss, Gregory 152 Blodgett, Cheryl 21, 135, 147 Bloemendall. Dirk 39 Blure, Cheryl 21 Bobeng. Barbara 39, 129 Bock. Thomas 21, 137 Boelens. Kristen 47, 104 Boelkins, Ann 47 Boer. Marlin 57 Boerigier, Roger 21. 152 Boerman. Barbara 47. 104 Boerman, Kevin 98 Boers. Mark 57 Boers, Susan 39. 104 Boersema, Robin 57. 108 Boersma. William 21, 90, 168 Boes, Jeffery 121 Boeve, Keith 57 Bolles, Dennis 69 Bonetti Christine 21 Bonnette. John 170 Booher. Cheryl 47 Boose, Jerry 39, 90, 168 Boote, Danial 22, 90, 135. 143 Boraski, Deborah 39 Borgman. Kimberly 57 Bos, Charlene 22 Bos, James 39 Bos, Linda 134 Bosch, Karen 39 Bosch, Philip 47, 90, 154 Bosch, Richard 69 Bosch, Terry 57. 120 Bose, Brad 57, 94, 162 Boss, Dale 57 Bottema, Teri 57 Bouwens, John 57 Boven. Anne 57 Boven, Jean 22. 112, 135, 143 Boven, Sharon 22 Bower. Raymond 162 Bowers, Robert 57, 98 Boyce, Dwayne 135, 160 Boyce, Mark 47, 152 Bradley. Brian 57. 164 Bradley, Scott 47, 134, 136, 150, 170 Brana, Wayne 47, 135 Brandsma. Gregory 39 Bras, Gary 57, 121 Bras, Mary 39 Bremer, JefTrey 47 Brennan, Sally 127, 142, 159 Brevick, Janet Lynn 22, 110 Brewer. Larry 22 Brink, Peter 47 Brinks, Kathy Ann 39, 104, 115, 128 Brinks. Marc 57. 90 Brock, Janet 57 Brock way, Susan 126, 141 Broekhuis, Rudell 126, 130. 144 Broekstra. Brad 22, 98. 138 Broene. Donald 39 Brokaw. Dale 22 Brooks, Charles 152 Brown. Barbara 39, 125 Brown. Jeffrey 47 Brown, John 90 Brown, Mark 47 Brown, Randy 57 Brown, Ronald 39 Brugger, Barry 69 Bruggers, Stephen 39, 96 Bruins, Mary 57 Brumels. Sally 57 Brumer, Barbara 57 Brummel, Sue 39 Bryce, Richard 98 Buchan, Cynthia 47 Buckley, Kim 39, 96 Buelow, Janet 47. 106, 165 Bueter, Micheal 47, 96 Buis. David 39 Buis, Debra 22
Bultman, Thomas 57 Burden, Rick 94. 152 Burford, Kathryn 47 Burger, Lisa 47. 159 Burke, Sandra 57, 134, 158 Burkhour, Harvey 22 Burns. Douglas 57, 94 Busby, Ann 39 Bush, David 152 Bush, John 94 Bussema, Dan 39, 96 Bussema, Diane 57. 104 Butler, Linda 22, 104 Buurma, William 47 Byl, Margaret 39, 110. 159 Bylsma. Ruth 57 Cadmus. Elizabeth 47, 112 Callum, Gordon 22, 135, 143 Cameron, Leslie 39 Camp, Gary 57, 134 Camp, Laura 39, 102 Campbell, Claire 22. 104, 142 Campbell, Nancy 57. 104 Canales, Elizabeth 57 Cannon, James 39, 162 Carey, Thomas 47, 134 Carlson, Robert 22, 114, 152 Carpenter, Michael 39 Carrier, Gordon 47, 135 Caskey. Gregory 47 Castle, Eva 47 Caven, John 22 Ceeley, Philip 23, 95. 143, 150 Champagne, Suzanne 47 Chapman, Jane 47, 142 Chappell, Stephen 57 Charnesky, Suelyn 39 Chase. Carol 23' 127 Chavez, Edward 23, 90 Checkley, Virginia 58 Chockley. Terry 47 Chorle, Lynne 39 Chnstenson, Diane 47 Churchill. Jane 39 Claerbout, Carl 58 Clair, Cynthia 39 Clair, Nancy 58 Clark, Cynthia 39, 130. 144. 146 Clark. Kevin 58, 90, 152, 164. 170 Clark, Neil 23, 96 Claus, Thomas 23, 90 Claver, Lianne 58, 110. 142 Clough, John 154, 175 Cluley, David 23 Clune, Laurie 47. 104 Coats, Donald 135 Cochrane, David 47 Colbum. Jeffrey 39 Coldren, P.J. 23 Coleman, Robert 47. 98. 152 Colenbrander. Martha 23, 158 Colley, Charlotte 23, 135, 147 Collia, Demetra 39 Collins, Michael 39 Colyer, Anne 23, 75, 115, 159 Conklin. Carol 23, 129 Conklin, Diane 47 Constant, Gary 152 Conte, Mark 58, 122 Convoy, Mark August 23 Cook, Ann 23 Cook, Carol 47, 112, 136 Cook. Jeffery 29, 92 Cook, Judith 47, 134, 136, 147 Cook, Kenneth 58 Cooper, Evan 24 Corbishley, Anne 58, 104 Cordes, Joy 58 Cormack, Marc 47, 95, 134 Cornell, Kathryn 47 Cornell, Paul 24, 132, 152 Coughenour, Mary Jo 58 Covino, Christine 58 Cox. Deborah 39. 106. 159 Cram, Katherine 58 Cram,. Rodger 47 Crandall, Ann 158 Creet, Catherine 104 Criscuolo, John 58 Crisman, David 58 Crittenden. Nancy 39 Cronk, Jil 24 Cross, Janet 58 Crounse, Lois 58 Crump, Karen 58 Crysler, Ilene 39, 112 Cunningham, Willie 160 Currie, Lee 24, 98, 143 Cuti, Lynn 58, 104 Czerkas, Keith %
Dalman, Mar)- 48 Dambrosio. Anna 58. 112 Damon, Jonathon 170 Dana, Waller 94 Danielson. David 48 Darbor, Daniel 58, 94 Darwin, Carol 126 Daubenspeck, Beth 58, 102 Davis, Don 39 Dawson, Deborah 24. 126, 129 Day. Cheryl 59 Day, Margaret 39 Deaton, Donald 59 DeBlock, David 48, 122 DeBlock, William 24. 122, 141 Debo, William 59 DeBoer, Carol 48 DeBoer, Douglas 59 DeBoer, Gail 39, 106. 138 Debow, Margaret 39 DeBruyn, Kenneth 39 Decker, Adelia 59, 108, 134 Decker, Betsy 134, 136 Decker, Deborah 88 Decker, Ramelle 48 Decker, William 48 Dee, Norah 48 Deenik, Robert 39 DeGraaf, Marylynn 59 DeHaan, Christine 24 DeHaan, Virginia 37. 126 DeJong, Cynthia 48 Dekam, Maijorie 24. 112, 115, 124 Dekker, Arlene 24 Dekker, Douglas 152 DeKok, DSvid 24, 125 DeKruyter, Cindy 108 Delene, Mary 48 Dellaria. Joseph 59, 154 DeMaat, Lorraine 39 DeMeester, Karen 24, 102. 115 DenHouter, Joy 48 Denis. Valerie 48 DePree, Lynne 39 DePree, Nancy 59 Derrick, Keith 128 Deters, Drew 59 DeVette, Joel 59, 175 DeVoogd, Bruce 40 DeWeerdt, Debra 40 DeWeert, Jan 59 DeWitt, Gail 59, 165 DeWitt, Julie 48, 104 DeWitt, Mark 48, 98, 152 DeYoung, Donald 59 DeYoung, Mary 24 DeYoung, Robert 59 DeYoung, Steven 24, 170 DeZwaan. David 48, 98, 152 Dibi, Kenneth 59, 170 Dick, Virginia 40 Dickerson, Emily 48 Dickson, Susan 48, 102 Diephuis, James 40 Dieterle. Paul 152 Dimitre, Anne 159 Dimon, Karen 40, 125 Dinger, Stewart 48 Dingman, David 59 Dingwall, Helen 40, 110 Dirkse, Susan 48, 104, 165 Doerr, Thomas 130, 144 Dominelli, William 135 Donaldson, Joan 24, 138, 142 Donate, Renato 40, 88, 94 Donker, Ann 40 Donker, Mary 59 Donkersloot, James 40, 90, 130, 144 Donley, Terri 59 Donehue. Carol 59 Doran, Deborah 59 Doscher, Leslie 40, 128 Dowlyn, Debra 24. 112 Doyle, Eileen 59, 88, 165 Dragovich, Richard 48, 94, 136 Drahos, Michael 59. 96, 164, 170 Drake, Robert 48, 138 Driesenga. Rhonda 48, 104 Droppers, Kent 59 Droppers, Kristi 40. 145 Dumville, Constance 102 Duncan, Jeanette 106 Duncan. Max 59 Dunlap. Judy 59 Dunning, Charles 24, 128, 138 Durham, John 88 DuShane, Le Roi 37 Dussault, Peter 59 Dwyer, Patricia 24, 136, 137 Dwyer, Scott 59
Dykchouse. Jeffrey 59 Dykslra. Connie 48 Dykstra, James 59 Dykslra. Kris 59 Dykstra, Paula 59 Dykstra, Suanne 59. 104 Dykstra, Thomas 48. 88 Dyrsten, William 48. 154. 175 Easton, Gale 59. 94, 152. 175 Eberhard, Elizabeth 59 Echart, Kevin 25, 126. 133 Edema. Martin 48. 90. 168 Edwards. David 25 Egbert. Julie 40. 159 Eizans. Alexander 96 Eldrenkamp. Becky 59, 112 Eldndge, Diane 48, 135 Elferink, Donald 48 Elferink, Donna 48 Elhari, Mary 48 Eliason, Stephen 40, 92, 136 Elliott, Elizabeth 48 Elliott, Kathleen 25. 136 Ellis, Brian 59, 98. 154, 175 Ellison, Deborah 48. 142 Ellison, Ralph 25, 137, 170 Emdin, Betsy 40 Endean, Eric 40, 137 Erickson, Dawn 48, 106. 115 Espinosa, Clara 60 Estes, Tod 48, 94 Evans, Forrest 40, 88. 134, 136. 147 Evans. Larry 60, 90 Evans, Russ 60, 94 Faas, Debra 25 Fagerstrom, Mia 146 Fairbanks. John 154 Fairchild, Richard 40 Faller, Diana 60 Farias, Elias 40 F a m h a m , Barbara 60 Faustman, Elaine 40. 127 Fazio, Leonard 152 Fedak, Alfred 25, 135 Felker, Paula 60 Fenton, Mary 25 Fernandez, Jorge 69 Ferriby, Peter 128, 131, 139 Ferrol, Ruben 40 Field, Scott 128 Fisher, Charles 25 Fisher, Pamela 25, 74, 104 Fishman, Faith 48 Fleck, Mary 69 Fobare. William 168 Ford. Penelope 25, 145 Forman, Aldine 60, 174 Forman, Kathryn 60 Forsberg, Joan 48 Fortney, William 60 Foster, Joellen 48 Fowke, Marion 127 Fowler, David 60, 134 Fowler, Kenneth 48 Fox, Holly 40, 135 Foye, Thomas 40, 96 Fraaza, Janice 25, 112 Francis, Kathleen 60 Frazier, Gerry 40. 160, 170 Freisatz, Glenn 60, 154 French, Marie 25. 143 Fret, Carol 40, 102, 159, 173 Frifeldt, Debra 25 Fuller, Nancy 25, 126, 131, 139 Fuller. Teresa 25, 112, 158 Gabriel, Janet 60 Gainforth, Carla 60, 134 Gallant, Danial 48, 88 Galloway, Stewart 40, 141 Gamez, Maria 140 Garmirian. James 40 Garter. Thomas 26. 95 Gates, Pamela 26 Gaulke, Pamela 60 Gay lord, Sara 60 Gebhard, Jennifer 48, 112 Gebhard. David 26. 96 Gebott, Mary Anne 165 Geeting. Barbara 60, 165 Geldmaker, Gretchen 40, 127 George. Richard 60, 152, 170 Gerber, David 48, 135 Gerrish, Clark 164 Getty, Pamela 26 Gibson, Debra 60 Giermann, Jerry 40, 133 Gierveld, Joanna 26, 131. 139 Giles, Jimmie 168 Glerum, Susan 26, 135, 142. 147 Gnade, Diane 48, 88 Goeman, Jane 26 Goetz, David 40 Goctz, Martha 108 Goldman, James 26, 138 Gonder, Joann 48, 108, 141 Gouwens, Kay 48, 133 Graham, Terese 49. 112
Graham, William 40 Gralow, Karen 26, 112 Grant, Mary 60 Gray. Deborah 130. 144 Gray, John 60 Grenhalgh. Gayle 49 Greenwood. Luann 26. 146 Greenwood, Wendy 49. 130, 135, 144 Grevenstuk, George 40 Griffen. Laurie 60 Groendyke, Ruth 49 Grube, Donna 26, 126 Gunther, Robert 49 Guth. Brian 60, 152 Guth, Linda 26, 142 Gutwein, Melissa 40, 134, 136 Hager, PhyUis 49. 136 Hague, Nancy 60 Hahn, Patncia 49, 104 Hakken, Ruth 60 Haldeman, Gail 60, 134, 136 Hale, James 27 Hallacy, Don 60 Hallenbeck, Nancy 104 Hallquist, Thomas 27 Halverson, Mark 40 Hambleton. Lynn 40. 102 Hammond, James 120 Hamstra, Melody 49. 174 Hands. Elizabeth 27 Happe, George 40, 88 H a r b u m , Todd 60, 90. 152 Harlow, Selwyn 27, 95, 134 Harmelink, Mary 49. 102 Harper, Patti 41, 165. 172 Harris, Jack 49, 150 Harris. James 88 Hart. Peggy 88 Hart, Thomas 27 Hartje, Diane 27, 102 Hartje. Karen 60, 159, 165, 174 Hartman. John 152 Hartman. Rebecca 27, 127. 137 Hartmann, Timothy 94 Harvey. Bonnie 41. 112 Harvey. Diane 108. 110, 115, 159 Hasek, Kenneth 49. 122 Hash, Jon 60 Haverdmk. Randall 49, 170 Haverkamp, Kirk 60 Hayashi, Yasuko 69 Hayes. Paul 60, 122 Headstrand, David 41 Heath, Brenda 49. 102 Hebard, Marcia, 60 Hedlund, Vicki 60 Helmus, Bradford 60. 94. 175 Hendricks, Allen 60, 88 Hendricks, Paul 27 Hendrickson, Dan 90 Heneveld, Lloyd 27, 90, 143. 156. 175 Heneveld. Steven 60. 90 Henrickson, Amy 60 Henrickson, Rita 41. 145 Henseler. Phyllis 27 Hensler. Sarah 41, 106, 129 Herbek, Barbara 41. 102 Herink, Nancy 138 Herman, Bruce 49, 168 Hermance, Susan 27, 135 Hermenet. Lisa 49. 102 Hermenet, Lynn 27. 74. 142 Herzog, Deborah 135 Heschle. John 27 Hesselink, Judson 60 Hasselink. Rachel 49 Hesselschwerdt, James 49 Hickman, James 27, 98 Hierlihy 27, 98 Hierlihy, Peggy 49. 159. 165 Higgins, David 41, 88 Higgins, Rose 49 Hill, Jack 49, 135, 144 Hill. Lester Eugene 154 Hine. Elizabeth 49 Hines, James 49 Hines, Janet 61, 104 Hinkle. Kaye 61 Hipwell, Brian 61, 94 Hirsch, Howard 28 Hoebeke, Sara 110, 115 Hoeksema, Richard 49 Hoekstra, Carol 28 Hoekstra. Louis 61, 150 Hoekstra, Peter 69 Hoesch, Kenneth 28, 90 Hoffman, Deborah 61. 104 Hogroian, Nancy 28 Holton. Nancy 139 Holtz, Mark 41, 154 Holwerda, Douglas 41, 90, 114. 152 Holwerda, James 61, 90. 152, 160 Hondorp, Joan 28 Honholt. Bruce 41. 90 Hoogerhyde. Douglas 49 Hoogerwerf, Steven 49 Hoogstra. Susan 41
Hook, Steven 61 Hooker, Michael 49 Hoos, David 61, 94, 152 Hoover. Roberta 49 Hopkins, Richard 41, 95 Horn, James 61, 96 Hospers, Mary 49, 135 Hostetler, Karen 28. 129 Hosteller, Lori 61. 88. 159 Houghton, Paula 61 Housman. Kathy 61 Howard, Kirby 162, 170 Howerton. Bryan 61 Hoyl, Suzanne 41 Hsu, Johnson 28 Hudelson, John 28 Hunt, Scott 61, 90, 170 Hurst. Carol 50 Hutchinson, Pamela 28 Hutchinson. Sandra 41. 102 Huttar. Lydia 133, 135 Huttar, Rachel 61, 136 Huttar. Sarah 50 Ingall. Dawn 134, 136. 147 Inman. Nanette 28 Irons, Douglas 50. 150, 170 Ishioka, Masatoshi 88 Ismail, Habib a Reda 50. 154 Ilzen. Mark 50 Jackson, Mary 61 Jacobson, Nancy 41 Jacobusse, Kristy 28 James, David 90, 135 Jansen, Jonathon 61 Jensen, John 41 Johansen, June 41. 102 Johnson, Daryl 28. 122, 146 Johnson. Diane 50 Johnson, Glenn 61. 150 Johnson. Jocelyn 61. 108 Johnson. Karen 28. 133, 142 Johnson. Kjersti 61 Johnson. Margie 50 Johnson. Mark 28 Johnson, Nancy 61 Johnson. Paul 41, 135 Johnson. Roy 50, 134, 136, 147 Johnson, Russel 41 Johnson. Ruth 50. 102 Jones. Barbara 88 Jonker-Burke. Duane 28 Jousma, Shirley 29, 132 Kachanuk. Kathleen 62 Kalani, Rassol 225 Kalkwarf, Deborah 50 Kaminski. Francis 98 Kammeraad, Judith 41, 172 Kamps, Dick 29, 126 Kamps, Lesley 104 Kamps. Linda 50 Karle. Kathleen 29 Karsten. Kunberly 29 Katt, Leah 41, 112 Kaufman. Elizabeth 50 Kemp. Kathleen 136 Kempers, Thomas 62, 94 Kenyon, Jim 62, 152 Kerle, Arthur 50 Kerlikowske. Beverly 41 Keyes, Helen 62 Khamsi. Ahmad 50, 88 Kiany, Esfandiar 41 KiefTer, David 41, 95 Kinch, Allison 50, 134 Kincheloe, Michael 125 Kingsley, John 62 Kirk, Bradford 62, 90. 154 Kiser, Virginia 29, 135 Kitchenmaster, Kathryn 29, 135 Klanke. John 138 Klaver, Tharlo 152 Kleiman, Randall 62 Klein, Robert 29. 90. 154, 175 Klein, Susan 50, 102 Kleinert, John 96 Kleis, Loren 50 Klomparens, Robert 41. 90^ 168 Kloosterboer, John 29, 135 Klungle, Patricia 50, 134 Knapman, Douglas 170 Knaup. Marsha 50 Knecht, Thomas 50, 90, 150. 162 Kmff, Kevin 62, 152 Kniowski, George 29, 138 Kniowski. Walter 41 Knudson, Karen 50 Koberstine, Heidi 29 Kobus, John 29 Koeppe, John 29. 90 Koeppe. Mary 29. 126, 137. 142 Koeppe, Sarah 51, 104. 115 Kolean. Mary 41, 165 Kolenko, Kathy 110 Konopka, Richard 162 Kooistra. Kenneth 29 Kooislra. Sharon 62, 158. 165, 174 Koop. Janet 29. 112
Komoelje. Carol 29 Korver. Kathern 126. 131. 133, 139 Koslishak. John 51, 150 Kraak. William 41 Kraay, Linda 62 Kraay, Martha Ann 29 K r a g t David 62 Kraker, Herbert 62 Kremer. Cheryl 102 Kronbach. Susan 51, 121 Kroon. Mary 51 Kropf, Kirs 51, 152. 168 Krueger. Richard 62. 88, 154 Kruis, Edward 62 Kuivila, Kathryn 62, 134, 158 Kuizenga, Jane 62 Kullman. John 62, 152 Kuna, Gregory 42 Kupfrian, Russel 51 Kupres, Steven 30. 90. 143. 168 Kurzenberger, Lynne 42 Kutzleb. Kenneth 42 LaGrand, Dave 69 Lam an, James 62 Laman. Janice 42, 134, 136, 147 Laman, Laurie 51 Lamb, Rossman 51. 98 Lambert. Nancy 42, 127, 159, 165 Lambrix, Brad 152. 162 Lambrix, Brenda 51, 102 Lammers, Craig 42, 90. 175 Lampen. Michael 51, 170 Lampert, James 51, 96, 122, 135 Land, Michael 51. 94. 134 Lane, Laune 30 Lange, Mark 42, 156 Laning, Robert 62 Latzanich, George 42, 122 Lawrence, Mathias 30 Lawton, William 30. 154 LeBoeuf. Catherine 30, 159. 165, 174 Lee, Cynthia 62 Lee, Peggy 42 Leedecke. Jane 57 Leenhouts, Mark 62 Lees. Robert 42, 98, 152 Leestma. Pamela 30, 135 Lehmann, Sarah 62 Lemmen, Rhoda 30 Lemmer, Robin 51. 104 Leonhardt, Nancy 62 Leonowich, Jill 51 Leventhal, Sallye 51 Lineweaver, Jean 51, 88 Linquist, Kristine 30 Lilts, David 42, 137 Lilts, Kay 42 Lobb, Kenneth 51 Lock burner, Henry 62, 95, 122 Loebl. Judi 30 Lohman, Phillip 51 Lokers, Raymond 42 Londono. John 42 Loree, Andrew 62, 134 Lorenz, Stephen 152, 168 Loveless. Janet 42. 106 Lowe, Diane 51 Lowman, Jill 62, 134 Loyd, Elizabeth 30 Lubben, Greggory 94. 164 Lubbers. Margaret 62 Luidens, Robert 31. 126, 145. 154 Lukow, August 42, 152, 170 Lupkes, Debra 62 Lupkes, Janet Lynne 42, 102 Lusky, Ann 63 Lulke. Raymond 42 Lutterbein. Diana 63, 112 Maassen, Peter 51, 96, 170 Maassen, Susan 51 Maatman, Janice 31, 126, 135 Maalman, Jeffrey 135 Maatman. Vaughn 31, 135, 145 MacBeth, Paula 63. 102 Machle. Kalhi 51. 88. 141 Mackenzie, Stuart 51, 141 Mackiewicz, Edward 42, 121, 122, 132 MacKinnon. Nancy 51 Maitland. Roger 42, 139 Major. Michael 42 Mai lory.-Debra 63 Mam roe, Timothy 152 Mancinelli. Steven 146 Manting, Peter 63, 130, 144 Mappes. Margaret 63. 174 Marcellus, Abby 63 Marcellus, Julie 31 March, Donna 31 Marema. Sally 51 Markel, James 152 Markwardt. Debbie 51 Marlink, Terry 42 MarTone, Lena 51. 112 Martens. Tamalyn 51 Martin. Bruce 31. 90. 126, 152 Martin. Carolyn 31. lOi. 159 Martin, James 51, 92, 114 index/227
cviartin, Katherine 63 Martin, Wendy 104 Martinie. Valorie 51. 104 Martin us. Rick 42. 98 Mascorro, John 95, 140 Mascorro. Scnaida 63, 140 Masghati, Mahmood 154 Mason, Kalhryn 63 Massoth, Paul 42, 88 Mast, Carol 42, 106 Masters, Jacqueline 31, 127, 159 Maimer, Astrid 69, 131, 139 Maxwell, Deborah 31 Mazza, Lola 63, 110. 142 McAllister, Richard 63 McBride, Robert 154 McCabe, Diane 42, 112, 115 McCallum, Nancy 42 McClain, Leroy 42 McConnell, Lois 63, 112, 122 McCullough, Mark 42, 154 McCullough, Phil 92, 114 McDermid, Joyce 63, 102 McElban, Karen 63. 122 Mclnnis, Elizabeth 63 McLouth, Richard 51. 94. 152, 168 McMutfin, Laura 42. 134 McMullin, Maria 63, 102. 134 McMurtry, John 51. 92 McNamee, Declian 51 McOsker. Charles 42, 96, 134, 137 McPoland, Michael 63. 94 Meador. Sally 51 Meare, Gerald % Meeter, Ruth 63 Meeter, Sandra 52, 102 Meeusen, Sally 104 Melvill, William 52, 96 Mena. Margarita 52 Merchant, Margo 31, 112, 143 Meyer, Mark 98, 152 Meyering, Judy 31 Michel, Susan 31 Middleton, Janice 63, 102 Miles. Anne 31 MiJl, Sharon 63 Miller, Annetta 37, 124 Miller, Dennis 42, 152 Miller. James 52, 152 Miller, Robert 98 Miller, Roger 63, 96 Mills, Amy 63 Mitchell, Linda 42, 136, 147 Modrow, Mary 31, 110 Moeller, Mary 63 Moger, George 63, 164 Mohammed, Diane 63 Mohr, Lou Ann 52 Moolenaar, Barbara 63 Morres, Katherine 104, 122 Morales, Otilia 140 Moreau, William 42, 90, 129 Morehouse, John 170 Morey, Scott 63, 94 Morrone, Jill 31, 104 Morse, Peler 52 Mott, David 52 Molt, David 52 Mottershaw. Nancy 64 Motzer. Robert 52 Mouw, Barbara 42. 102 Muench, Peter 64 Mulcahe, Deborah 64 Mulder, Mara 43, 112 Mulder, Mary 52 Mulder, Robin 52, 102 Mulder. Timothy 135 Murray, Rodney 43 Musco, Kristine 31, 112, 122. 159, 174 Mutschler, Jody 64 Muyskens, Henry 64 Muyskens, Patricia 43, 165 Muyskens, Ruth 52, 135 Myaard, Marcia 64 Myers, Mary Jane 31, 135, 147 Myers, Robert 32 Myers, Wendy 64 Nadeau, Paula 64 Nadolsky, Rosemary 32, 74, 75 Names, Monica 64 Nakaya, Masahito 64 Namar, Robert 64, 95, 122 Nardo, Maryann 64 Natsis, William 64 Navarra, Richard 98, 152 Nearpass, Andrew 52 Neblung, Barton 52, 96 Nelson, Gretchen 64 Nethery, Ann 43, 135 Neumeier, Beth 52 Newcomb, Edward 52 Newhof, Dianne 43 Newton. Nancy 43, 137 Nielsen, Rebecca 32, 126, 132. 135, 142 Nienhuis, Dennis 64, 92 Nieuwkoop. Anthone 64 Nieuwsma, Gary 43, 156
Nitsch, Deborah 64 Noerenberg. Gail 64, 112 Noggle. Caron Jean 69 NoordhofT, Nancy 64 Norden, Loralee 32, 102 Norden, Martha 64 Norden. Rebekah 43, 102, 115 Nordstrom, Linda 64 Norris, Sara 52, 112 Northuis, Ann 65 Northuis, Susan 43, 110 Nunez, Denise 52 Nyhof, Steven 52 Nyhuis, Jean 52 Nykerk, Carol 43 Nykyforchyn, Deborah 32 Nykyforchyn, William 32 Obenour, Scott 122 O'Brien, Joseph 141, 152 O'Brien, Norma 135, 147 Oegema, Gary 65 Oldenburg. Betsy 52 Oldenkamp. John 43 Oliver. Douglas 52 Olsen, Shirley 52 Olthoff, Allan 52 Omans. Judson 52, 90 Ondrus, Paul 32 Oosting, Nancy 32, 104, 129 Osburn. Paul 152 Oster. Gary 65 Osterhaven, Janice 133 Oltemess, Paul 88 Ottignon, Susan 65 Overway, Susan 65 Paarlberg, Russel 52 PafTrath, Stephen 65, 122 Page, Thomas 43, 90, 114 Paine, Douglas 43 Palmatter, Cynthia 32 Palmer, Jeffrey 98 Paplawsky, William 122 Palmer. Jeffrey 98 Paplawsky, William 122 Parker, Jeffrey 65, 95 Parks. Larah 43 Patmos. Linda 65 Patterson, Carol 65. 102 Patterson, Margaret 52 Paulson. Ronald 32, 98 Pearson, Carol 32 Pearson, Steven 32 Pedelty, Joey 43, 94. 127, 175 Penniman. Donald 52, 138 Peterson. Chris 160 Peterson, Katherine 43. 134 Peterson, Martha 136 Petkus, Peter 96 Petrie, Carol 65. 112 Petroelje, Nancy 52 Pett, Jeffrey 32, 135 Pett, Leslie 53. 147 Pettys, Paul 65, 134 Pfeiffer, Clarissa 43 Pfeiffer, Glenn 32 Philipson. William 95 Piaget. Diane 53 Piatt, Melissa 32, 126, 137 Piersma, Alicia 65, 112 Pierson, Thomas 152 Pifer, Bruce 65, 134 Pifer, Lisa 43, 102, 134 Pifer, Mary Ellen 43 Piper. Etta 130, 144 Pirmann. Deborah 33, 174 Pocock, Robert 53, 95, 115, 130, 141. 144 Policoro, Joseph 92, 122 Ponstein, Nancy 75, 143 Pontier. Scott 65, 94 Poppink, Sue Ellen 33, 112 Post, Jon 52. 175 Postmus. Jeanie 33 Postmus. Philip 53 Powell, Anne 65 Powers, Glenn 33, 94, 115, 150 Preston, Mark 53 Price, Andrea 33 Priest, Charity 53, 110 Pugh, Kurt 90, 143, 156, 168 Pulos, George 65 Putala, Randolph 65 Putala, Randolph 43, 121, 134 Pyle. Linda 65, 134, 165 Pyle, Mary 53, 165 Pyzanowski, Barbara 53. 102. 138 Quiring. Natalie 65, 102 Quiring, Sherwood 53. 102, 138 Raabe, Julie 65, 134 Rae, Gary 65, 94, 122 Rafferty, Lynn 53 Raley, Richard 122 Ramirez, Elsa 140 Ramsden, Gary 65. 152. 164 Ramthun, Arthur 152, 170 Ranville, George 65 Rapson, Nancy 53, 108 Ratering, Mark 122
Ratering, Martha 65. 104 Rathbun, Marilyn 43. 159 Redder, Larry 53 Redford, Linda 173 Reed, Mary Ann 43, 112 Reed, Micheal 65 Reed. Philip 94, 152 Reen, Leo 33. 139 Rees, Kimberly 65 Reinhardt, Diana 53. 112 Remmelts, Dale 43. 94 Renkes, Ann 65 Renskers, Kim 65 Renz, Carol 65 Rett, Mark 53, 92^ 130, 144 Rewerts, Phillip 65 Rhem, David 43 Rice, Claudea 53, 134 Rich, Jonathan 53 Richards, Linda 33 Richards, Thomas 53, 152 Richardson, Kurt 43, 88. 152, 170 Richardson, Todd 65, 152, 168 Richardson, Wilson 134 Riebel, Susan 88 Rieck, Joan 65 Rieckhoff. Susan 173 Riekse. Laurel 43 Riemersma, Jeffery 43, 98, 156 Riesen, Elizabeth 33 Riksen. Michael 43, 145 Ringelberg. Michael 53, 95 Risse, Kim 65 Ritcheske, James 43. 98, 157 Ritchie, Sandra 66, 104, 136 Rivkin. Carol 66 Rizzo, Bart 66. 98. 162 Roberts, Myra 53 Robertson, Lynda 33, 102 Robinson, Linda 108, 159, 165 Rollins, Eric 66 Romey, Steve 43 Root, Jerry 33, 160 Rop, Donna 126, 142 Rouse, Elizabeth 53, 110 Roux, Catherine 64, 139 Ruch, Michael 33, 126. 132 Rudis, Gaye 66 Rumminger, Patricia 33 Rummler, Carol 43 Rympsa, Matthew 33. 138 Russell, Patricia 44 Ryan. Edward 66, 160 Salgat, Rebecca 66 Sanford, Diane 135 Sashenosky, Michael 33 Savage, John 66 Sawyer, Robert 66 Saylor, Meral 66, 104 Schaffer, Jeffrey 66, 90, 164 Schaidt. Lawrence 33, 126 Schellenberg, Ruth 53, 122 Schlegel, Elizabeth 34. 132 Schlemmer, Frederick 44. 88 Schmidt, Edward 53, 96, 135 Schmidt, James 96 Schmidt, Jeffrey 53 Schmidt, Kenneth 34 Scholl. Stuart 44, 94, 150, 170 Scholten, John 66, 124 Scholtens, Daryl 66 Schramm, Joan 34 Schrier, John 66 Schroeder, David 66 Schrotenboer, Jon 152 Schubert, Ralph 53, 88, 122 Schuch, Pamela 66. 134 Schuiling, Philip 44, 90 Schuller, Linda 66 Schultz, Selwyn 44 Scott, Gail 53 Scott, Mary Jo 34, 104 Seaman. Julia 34 Seel, Thomas 135 Seiberling, Thomas 66, 122 Seifert. Charles 66, 92 Seites, Paul 53 Sekino, Naoyuki 66 Sengelaub, John 34, 94, 138, 175 Serrano. Emest 94 Shadwell, Henry 34. 90 Sharkey, Lynne 66 Shepley. Susan 138 Sheppard, Robert 69 Sherburne, Marie 53 Shier. Lorie 66, 106. 165, 173 Shiflett, Laurie 34, 102, 135 Shima, Meri 44, 102 Shippy, Donald 66 Shoemaker, Kathleen 66 Shoemaker. Louise 44 Shoup, Glenn 94 Sikkema, Karen 53 Silber, David 67, 154 Sima, Thomas 53 Sims, Gregory 53 Sinclair, John 34
Skelton, Michael 67, 98 Skidmore, Janet 53 Slater, Dwight 44 Slenk, Gregory 138 Slentz, Everett 53, 130, 144 Sligh, Mark 134 Sloan. James 44, 90, 138, 175 Sloan, John 53, 90, 168 Slone. Raeanne 67 Sloothaak, Lori 53 Slotman, Earl 53, 164 Small, Barbara 34, 102, 135 Smazik, David 53 Smircina, Mark 53 Smit, Donald 53 Smit, Michael 67 Smith, Barbara 44. 102 Smith, Craig 53. 96 Smith, Daniel 67 Smith, David H. 53 Smith. David J. 34 Smith. Douglas 44 Smith, Jeffrey 96 Smith, John 53, 152, 175 Smith, Joy 53 Smith, Raymond 67, 96 Smith, Sandra 53 Smith, Sherman 67 Smith, Terri 53, 104 Sneller. Phillip 44 Snow, Robin 67 Snyder, Patricia 173 Sodeke, Stephen 34, 130 Soderstrom, Jonathan 44. 98 Soodsma. Leeann 53, 147 South, Terrence 44, 175 Spalsbury, Kim 53, 94. 150 Sparks, Sybil 67 Speidel, Michael 67 Spencer. Mindy Jo 44 Spoelhof, Gerard 34. 126. 137 Sprague. Sally 44 Spreng, Marilyn 104, 129 Spreng, Richard 44. 90 Sprink, Sherman 53 Springer, Barbara 44, 130, 133, 144 Staal, Mary 53, 134 Stagg, Charles 44. 90, 168 Stagg, Geoffrey 54, 134 Staley, Douglas 34 Stauffer, Brian 67, 94 Steams, David 34 Stears, Paul 90, 164, 168 Steffens, Gregory 67 Stegenga, James 44. 88, 122 Steinberg, Wendy 54 Sterk, Karen 112 Sterling, Gordon 44. 96, 175 Stevens. Joni 34 Stevens, Kim 67, 102 Stevens, Mark 67, 154. 170 Stewart, Barry 92 Stewart, Beth 67, 104 Stewart, Geoffrey 98, 152 Stoepker, Ruth 67, 104 Stone, Barbara 35 Stoup, John 35 Stowe, Colleen 67, 88, 159 Stratton, Kathleen 67, 108 Strock, Karen 44, 129 Sturtevant, Denise 54 Sturtevant, Dennis 34 Sutton. Eugene 44 Suydam, Martha 44 Suzuki, Seiichi 67 Swartz, Theodore 136 Sweers, Mark 37, 135 Sweers, Susan 54 Swier, Glenn 44, 74, 75, 90. 135, 154 Swinyard. Nancy 54, 102, 134 Switzer, Richard 44, 95. 156 Syens, Jodi 142 Tait, Vanessa 67 Takaoka, Makoto 67 Takhrada, Yuji 67 Takon, Joseph 67, 154 Tangenberg, Joy 44 Tatz, Kathleen 67 Taylor, Barbara 35, 126, 131 Taylor, David 67 Taylor. Lili 54 Teater, David 54, 152 TeBeest, Dennis 35. 90, 126 TenHave, Lewis 54, 98, 152 TenPas, Russell 44, 154 Tensen, Geraldine 35, 110, 130, 144, 159 Terfa, Samuel 154 Terpstra, Maurie 90. 152 Teshima, Dennis 35, 131. 139 Tewinkle. William 35 Thoens, Barbel 35, 131. 139 Thomas, Jared 35, 127 Thomas, Kitty 35 Thomas, Lynn 54,. 110 Thompson. Dewey 67, 152 Thompson, Donna 54 Thornton, Suzanne 112
Timme. Beth 35. 104 Timmer, Paul 133, 145 Tippy. Pauletle 67 Torcn, Glenn 54. 96 Toscano, Michael 94 Tolh, Paul 67. 154 Traut, Luann 35. 142 Traylor. Richard 225 Tromp. Nancy 44 Tsoi, Henry 44 Tyner. John 35 Ulrich. Diana 54 Upchurch, Brent 54 Upchurch, Susan 68 Urban, Robert 44 Urquhart, Agnes 54. 127 Uttermarkt. Larry 54 Vaca, Robert 68 Valerio, Michael 54 VanAlten. Debra 44 VanAppledom. David 127 VanArendonk, Mark 68 VanArk, Laurie 68. 136 VanAssen. Craig 44, 90. 152, 168 VanBrantighem, Susan 35. 112 VanDahm. Dale 68, 96 VanDam, Kathlynn 35 VandeBunte, Jane 54, 104 VandeHoef, Judy 35. 102 VandeHoef, Paula 135 VanDellen, Susan 54. 112, 173 VandenBerg, Beverly 44, 102 VandenBerg, Carol 54, 112, 115 VandenBerg. Douglas 68 VandenBerg, Jane 44. 127. 136 VandenBerg, Kim 58, 174 VandenBerg, Linda 44. 135 VandenBerg. Marcia 58 VandenBerg, Margaret 44, 102 VandenBerg, Mary 54. 136 VandenBerg. Michael 44 VanderBeck, Ronald 68 VanderBie, Rick 68 VanderHaar, David 96, 133 VanderHeide, David 35 VanderHyde, Steve 54. 90, 160 VanderKlipp, Gretchen 44, 75. 104. 115. 135 ^anderKolk. Craig 44 VanderKolk. John 68 VanderKooi. Joan 68 VanderLann, James 54 VanderLaan, Jill 68 VanderLind, Debra 46, 135 VanderMeer, James 44. 152 VanderMeulen, Claire 36, 102, 129, 135 VanderMeulen. Renita 36. 129 VanderMeulen. Rick 54, 134. 136 VanderMolen. Craig 90 VanderPol, Dale 68 VanderRoest, Karen 68 VanderRoest, Sandy 68, 134
VanderStar, Beverly 68 VanderVeen. Jerry 36 VanderVeen. Randall 36. 152. 168 VanderVelde, David 54 VanderVelde, Debra 68, 102, 165 VanderYacht, Eric 68 VandeStreek. Wesley 68. 164 VanDis. Susan 44. 104. 156. 165. 174 VanDonkelaar, Karen 54 VanDoornik. Steven 36 VanDop, Leslie 68 VanDop. Martha 44. 106. 135 VanDop, Philip 54 VanDyke, Jane 44 VanDyke, Jill 44, 106. 138 VanDyke, Wayne 164 VanDyken, Donald 44. 94 VanEerden. Daniel 68, 90. 152, 164 VanGessel, Jerrianna 129 VanHassel. Richard 68 VanHeest. Gregory 68 VanHeest. James 68 VanHeest. Nancy 36, 102 VanHeest, Timothy 44. 152 VanHemert. Michael 54 VanHom, William 54, 88, 95 VanHouten, Susan 44 VanKempen, Comelis 54 VanKeulen, Kerry 68, 158, 174 VanLummel, Mark 54 Vanmce, James 96, 154 VanOostenburg, Mavis 45 VanOostenburg. Paul 68. 164 VanOostendorp, Donald 36. 145 VanOss, Richard 135, 147 VanPemis, Daniel 45. 90. 160. 168 VanPemis. Mary Beth 68. 104 VanPortfliet, Diane 54 VanReenen. Jane 69 VanSchouwen. Paul 69. 134 VanSingel. Chris 160 VanSweden. Debra 54 VanTessell, Thomas 54. 90, 154 VanTuinen. Craig 45. 90 VanVoorhees, John 138 VanVoorst, Mark 36, 154 VanWyk, Marilyn 69 VanWylen, Steven 45. 137 VanZanten, John 69. 96, 141 VanZanten. Craig 55. 96. 122 VanZyL Bradly 55. 90 Veldman, Audrey 69 VerHeul. John 36, 134 VerHey, Nicholos 36, 98, 114, 138 Viening, Vicki 69 Vincent, Sheryl 69 Vincent. Susan 45. 129 Visscher. Sherry 69. 104 Visscher. Steven 122 Visscher. Vickie 69. 165, 174 Vlietstra, Ross 69
Voltberg, Marian 130. 144 VonMeding, Victor 95, 154 Voogd. Jane 36. 135 Voorhees. Dirk 45 Vos. Sheryl 69 Voskuil. Mary 55. 130. 135. 144 Vriesman. Brian 36. 160 Wagner. Glenn 36 Walbum, Carolyn 55 Walck. Marianne 69. 136. 158 Waller, Rebecca 55 Waller. Robert 55 Walsh, James 154 Walters. Richard 55 Ward, Amy 55. 102, 115. 135 Ward. Stephen 69. 96 Warfield. Komo 45 Warnshuis. David 69 Warren. Nancy 55, 102 Washington. Melody 69. 112 Waterstone. Jeffrey 55. 160. 168 Watkins. David 69. 94, 168 Watterson, Suzanne 69 Weaver. Julie 69. 112 Weber, Bryan 69. 96 Webster. William 98, 162. 168 Weener, James 175 Weener, Randy 134 Wehner, Bradley 45, 98 Weitz, Janice 36, 112, 135 Welch, Patrick 90. 143. 168 Wells. Sandra 69. 102 Wells, Susan 36, 102 Wemette, Mary 55. 110 Wertz, Janet 45 Westenbroek. Judith 36, 112 Westerbevelt. Thomas 45 Weston. Mary 37. 106. 115. 129. 134 Westveer, Gene 55 Wettack, Marilyn 69 Wheatley, Laura 37 Wheeler, Richard 45, 96. 138 White, Christine 45. 158. 173 White. Claudia 55 White, Donald 69 White, Kathleen 45, 158 White, Michele 37 Whitefleet. Jo Ann 45 Whitehouse, Adelaide 146 Whitlock. Marc 45, 90. 152. 175 Whitman, Peggy 69 Whitney. Jonathan 69 Wieber, Kimberlee 55 Wiedman. Janice 45 Wiersma, Daniel 37, 90. 128 Wiest, David 45. 90 Wiggins, Jeffrey 135 Wildgen. James 45. 136, 170 Wildschut, Larry 55 Wilkinson, Mary Lee 37. 112. 135 Williams, Andrea 45
Williams. Debra 55 Williams, Dorothy 37 Williams. Kim 69 Williams, Lenann 110, 134 Williams, Robert 69, 134, 150. 170 Williams. Steven 55 Wilson! Kimberly 45 Wmdisch. James 37 Wing. Noel 69. 134. 170 Wingeier. Laura 45 Winslow. Valerie 69. 108 Wirth. Pamela 69 Wisner. Larry 55. 170 Wissink. David 134 Wissink, Scott 45. 90 Witty. M a n 45. 138 Wojcicki. James 37. 156 Wojcicki. Sandra 37. 126. 132 Wojda. Michael 69. 152. 164, 168 Wolboldt. Jane 55. 88 Woldman. Karen 69 Wolf, Richard 69. 94 Wolters, William 90. 170 Wood. Richard 156 Wood, Robert 45. 96 Woodby. Abigail 55 Wormeester. Carol 69 Wortelboes. Lynn 37 Worthington. Maude 69 Wortley. Gregory 45, 128, 134 Woudwyk, Christine 45 Wnght, Kim 152 Yager. Gary 69 Yankovich, Victoria 69 Yeiter, David 152 Yeomans, Jennifer 55. 108 Young, Daniel 45 Young, David 126 Young, Janet 69 Younger, Roger 69 Yuk, Lisa 55. 102 Yzenbaard. Shirley 69, 102 Zach. Deborah 158 Zegers. Pat 69. 104 Zender, Mary 69, 174 Zessin, Dave 94 Zevalkink, Margaret 69 Ziegler, Ellen 55. 165. 173 Zielke, Mark 37 Zilinski. Keith 55. 94 Zitterman, Joseph 37 Zoet, Mary 55, 102 Zomermaand, Conley 160, 170 Zondervan, Mary 37, 112 Zylstra, Kim 55 Zylstra. Stephen 37, 135
Non Student Index Anderson, John 196 Anderson. William 223 Aschbrenner, Charles 202 Baker, Sue 223 Bakker, Harold 190 Bareman. Glenn 223 Barker, Barbara 184 Beach, Leslie 212 Bean, Cynthia 159, 165, 206 Bedell. Alan 139, 194 Benner, Gary 154 Blauwkamp. Chris 174 Boulton, Wayne 214 Boyer, Rodney 184 Brady, Allen 182 Brake. Judy 223 Brewer, Gordon 170. 206 Brink, Irwin 184 Brockmeier, Richard 208 Brown, Robert 212 Browning, Keith 225 Bmins, Elton 214 Bryson, Dean 190 Bultman, James 152, 168, 190 Castillo, Maria 194 Cavanaugh, Robert 202 Cecil, Robert 202 Chandonet, Chuck 225 Chapman. Ed 138 Clark, David 133, 196 Cohen. William 133. 196 Conway. Joan 202 Coughenour, Robert 214 Creviere, John 194 Curry. Earl 133. 1% Day, John 182 Davis, Roger 202 De Jonge, Robert 220 Demerest, Gary 141 De Roo, Mark 224 Dershem, Herbert 198 De Vette, Russell 152, 160. 206 Dickie, Jane 132, 212 Dirkse, Lamont 141, 190 Doyle. Michael 186 Dusseau, Jerry 182 Dykstra. D. Ivan 204 Elder, Robert 210 Faber, Maijorie 194 Faloon, Warren 222
Finn. Donald 218 Flagg, Steven 212 Folkert, Jay 198 Fried. Paul 133, 198, 225 Frissel, Harry 208 Gavasso, Carol 225 Gerrie, Michael 221 Gill is, William 182 Grant, Robert 225 Green, Lawrence 152, 206 Greij, Eldon 184 Grindstafi", Michael 218 Gritzmacher. Karen 130, 144. 186 Haiju, Melvin 143, 188 Harrison, Patrick 212 Heerema, Douglas 143. 188 Hemenway, Stephen 94, 141, 190 Henderson, James 188 Hillegonds. Libby 145 Hillegonds, 145, 220 Himebaugh, Bruce 224 Hoeksema. Renze 210 Holleman, Janlina 147, 202 Hollenbach, John 190 Holmes, Jack 210 Hopkins, John 186 Huisken, Jon 220 Huttar, Charles 192 lams. Howard 216 Japinga, Norm 152, 168, 225 Jekel, Eugene 186 Jellema. Dirk 192 Jentz. Arthur 206 Jordan. Deb 222 Klein, David 186 Klungle. John 224 Kooiker. Anthony 204 Kraft, George 152, 162. 206 La Baugh, Tom 224 Lebbin, Leroy 225 Lee. Sang 214 Lehman. Carroll 204 Lohman, Chris 224 Lowe. Glenn 224 Mac Doniels, Joseph 186 Madser, S h e m e 145 Mannes, Calvin 198 Marker, David 221 McBride, Charles 184 McCalTrey, Daniel 194
McCarthy, Jeanne 222 McCombs, Bruce 182 Mclntyre, William 216 Megow, Gerhard 131, 194 Michel, Delbert 182 Mikle, M. Harold 130, 144, 188 Miller, Nancy 190 Morrison, Joyce 204 Moliff, James 214 Mueller. Joan 192 Mungall, William 186 Myers, David 214 Nienhuis, Pat 222 Nykerk, Leona 225 Ockeree, Ralph 184 O T o o l e , James 188 Overweg, Ruth 223 Page. Karen 173 Palma. Robert 216 Parker, Sandra 158, 172, 208 Paul. Daniel 190 Penrose. Larry 133, 198 Pino, Orestes 196 Plakke, Janet 223 Ponstein. Lambert 216 Powell. Charles 194 Prins, Albert 192 Ralph, George 218 Reedy, Elizabeth 192 Reinking, Robert 138, 196 Renner, Tom 220 Reynolds. William 129, 192 Richardson. Barrie 143, 188 Ridl, Jack 192 Rieck, Norman 184 Rietberg, Roger 204 Ritsema, Robert 204 Rolph. John 145 Ryan, Ev 223 Schackow, Carl 190 Schakel, Peler 192 Scariett, Alma 225 Schipper, Vem 222 Scott, Ric 156 Searles, Antonia 196 Sebens, Kenneth 216 Sesser. James 208 Semeyn, Peter 152 Sherburne. Frank 200 Smith, David 182
Smith, Raymond 152, 208 Smith, Richard 218 Sosa, Marty 145 Steenwyk, Sieve 210 Steketee, Charles 200 Sterk, Stanley 143, 188 Strand, Gisela 139, 194 Strand, Wilson 198 Tammi. John 218 Tanis. Elliot 200 Taylor, Nancy 192 Ten Hoor. Henry 192 Ter Haar, Nancy 222 Tharin, Cotter 138, 196 Timmer. Norman 222 Toevs, James 210 Toppen, Phillip 224 Van Dellen, Dave 225 Vanden Berg, Bill 224 Vanderbilt, William 164, 208 Vander Velde, Richard 200 Vander Wei, Dave 141 Van Eyl, Phillip 214 Van Faassen, Paul 184 Van Genderen, Kurt 223 Van Iwaarden. John 200 Van Kampen. Ruth 218 Van Leire, Elaine 142, 221 Van Putten, James 210 Van Tuinen, Ray 223 Van Wieren, Glenn 154, 160, 208 Van Wylen, Gordon 221 Vickers, Judith 139. 194 Vickers, Robert 182 Vink. Ken 224 Voogd, Henry 216 Welch. Marilyn 225 Weller, Hubert 196 Werkman, Barry 223 Wettack, Sheldon 186 Whittle. John 200 Williams, Donald 186 Wilson. John 182 Wong, Gracie 223 Zoeteway, James 212
I wish to thank the following people for their assistance in putting together the 1975 Milestone: Randy Putala, w h o drew up layouts, worked in the darkroom, took pictures, and gave much needed advice. Jeff Boes, who drew layouts, wrote copy, and served as Associate Editor. Sue Kronbach, who did a lot of boring j o b s that required much work. Steve Zylstra, Wayne Brana, and Gary Bras, w h o took m a n y of the pictures in this book; without them, there would be m a n y blank pages. Jim "J.J." H a m m o n d , w h o did most of the darkroom work. Ed Mackiewicz, who took some pictures and used his experience to advise me. Jill Vander Laan and Kathy Parramore, w h o wrote copy. Dr. Robert Palma, who served as yearbook adviser. Robert Talsma of Paragon Yearbooks, w h o gave m e technical and graphic assistance. Rappoport Studios, who took the individual portraits. My parents, w h o put up with late night p h o n e calls, m y strange hours, and my low grades. You, the students, who bought the book A special thanks to T o m Renner, who not only let us use his darkroom, but also did many little things that helped m a k e my j o b much easier. I would also like to thank Jesus Christ, w h o gave m e the strength and confidence that I needed to get through the rough times (and there were many). Sincerely, Terry Bosch 1975 Milestone
I take good care of myself, really good care. For instance, whenever I am hungry, I feed myself. Whenever I am dirty, I wash myself. I brush my teeth, I clean my face, I wash my clothes, I wash and trim my hair, and almost never forget to clean my fingernails. Whenever I get hurt, I take care of myself If it's a cut, I wrap a band-aid around it. If it is more serious, I go to s o m e o n e w h o can help me. W h e n I am sick, I take all kinds of medicine. Whenever I am lonely, I usually spend time with my family, or friends, or s o m e o n e else w h o understands me. If I'm thirsty, I usually drink s o m e water, or maybe even a soft drink, or m i l k just about anything that will curb m y thirst. Whenever I happen to be hot, I put o n cool clothes, turn on the fan or air conditioner, or drink something nice and cold. If I'm cold, I turn on the heat, or put on warm clothes, or drink s o m e t h i n g hot. Sometimes I have questions. T h e n I pull out a book and find answers. Or maybe take some courses which will instruct me. Whenever I am really tired, I go to bed. Actually, I take pretty good care of myself, in a way, I love myself. Jesus said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself."
Reprinted by permission from CAMPUS LIFE Magazine, copyright 1974, Youth for Christ International, Wheaton, Illinois.