Milestone 1979

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IN rhc Foorhills

MILESTONE *79 Hope College

Holland, Michigan Volume 62


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IN xhE FooThills Undertaking a monumental journey, landmarks become points of motivation for the foot traveller. As he approaches the mountain, he looks to the horizon which, for him, outlines mystery and promise; apprehension and compulsion; expectation and actualization. The trek continues, vegetation thins, ears tighten and the traveller grows anxious as the mountain looms progressively larger ahead. At last he reaches the grassy hills just beyond which is the pass to the summit. To his chagrin, a storm moves up the side of the mountain; to his delight, a spectrum of color arches just beyond the precipice.

Although some react to The Pull violenlly, some don't react at all The 12th Street closing provided Kathy Keefer a chance to get out for an afternoon picnic.



•<The manual dexterity of Michael Marlin proved entertaining for a May Day crowd. Attempting to look seductive, Nancy Torresen and Sarah DeWitt free-lance at the ball park

This unknown trombonist reflects his musical environment.



A Brave New World, or so it seems to freshmen and their parents during orientation. Garbed in mid-fall regalia, Jill Nihart and Steve Peachey are coronated Queen and King.



Resting In the foothills, a substantial part of his journey behind him; the foot traveller is content. . . but only ephemorally, for even as he has reached the object of his adventure, so he must contemplate his ascent: made more formidable by inclemency, made more alluring by the vivid rainbow that now marks his goal. A series of events, in a given stretch of time, can be so thought of to be similar in a unique sort of way. That type of reflection is often embodied in an analogy; such an analogy can become a theme.

A decades-old tradition, the night of Nykerk ended with the cup in the hands of the sophomores. Looking over the fall recruits President Van Wylen sits inconspicuously on the Mandeville front lawn.


Packaged in plastic, Linda Schulte volunteers to work the Ox Roast.

With a theme in hand, student historians may attempt to gather the year and contain its salient aspects in a time capsule. It is the presentation of a year's happenings in a clear context; taking the year's events and packaging them with thematic gift wrapping. Hope made it to the foothills with the class of 79; as an institution, as a community and as the group bedecked in cap and gown. The Dow Health and Physical Education Center opened its doors in the fall as a six year promise finally kept. Funds were tediously raised, commitments were made and construction began on the Phelps expansion project. Campus renovation continued with the resurrection of Van Vleck and the permanent closing of 12th Street. Indeed, the year witnessed an alarming amount of campus cosmetic surgery.

Providing the highs for the band, Sue Ward performs on the piccolo. Comrades in arms best describes Dave Jurgenson and John DeVries.




A few sizes too large. Tim Lont tries on one of the shoes that will carry him to Ail-American honors



Lake Michigan, in the chanel that leads to Lake Macatawa, and through its miles of shoreline is a constant standby for the enjoyment of the Hope Community.


But even as a host of dreams were realized, so the Van Raaite influentials began dreaming up a few more: the possible remodeling of Voorhees, the expansion of the pine grove and underground classrooms. One can hardly accuse this College of stagnation; in what she has accomplished, or in the way she dreams. When it appears we have finally reached a goal, more sought after and tougher to attain goals come into our field of view. The climb ends; yet it has just begun. . .

Graduating seniors rested in the foothills in May. No doubt, it was a point of arrival for these scholars; but also, it was a point of departure. John Kenneth Galbraith sees it as something even more than just a landmark as he cites in The Affluent Society, "Scholars gather in scholarly assemblages to hear in elegant statement what all have heard before. Yet it is not a negligible rite, for its purpose is not to convey knowledge, but to beautify learning and the learned."

C o m i n g to G r i p s by Sue Van Den Brink As the hours of summer work ended and vacation drew to a close, thoughts of the experiences of the previous year colored my anticipation of returning to the school routine. Images of "all-nighters," pledging, classes, familiar faces and places and friends mingled with the memories of the special events like Nykerk and Pull. Traditions at Hope College are just as important as the present and the future, and the annual Nykerk and Pull are good examples of that; and of even more. Emotionally enmeshed in the spectacle, a TV 8 cameraman grabs some footage for the 6 O'clock News.


The Pull

Wednesday, September 6. Journal entry: I just returned from the De Witt kick-off meeting for the 1981 Pull team. There were no slides or music like we had last year, but that same intangible feeling was present. In honest but determined words, the coaches spoke of the previous year, of hard work and of this year's hopes, dreams and unfinished business. Familiar faces of the team members I'd grown close to, nodded now and then in agreement; fists clenched and opened. The new people looked a little stunned and scared, but I think they had caught the spark of feeling which once again began to grow like a breeze-fanned fire between us. Thursday, September 20. Journal entry: Hold back time so that I can think and understand It seems like only yesterday that we began our first day of practice and all too soon the time of our goal is upon us to be conquered or lost. Tonight we girls dressed up and went to the guy's meeting. By flickering candlelight and a little off-key, we sang, "Well, hello Pull team . . . well, hello Pull team, it's so nice to say that we're a part of you . . . " With only a few words and a cake, we tried to explain how much our guys meant to us. As a team we shared tears, hopes and fears. The next day, the day of the Pull, we floated through class or just didn't go. This year Pull hadn't been as distracting time-wise as compared to our freshman year; but we still "lived and died" for achieving our goal of winning the Pull. Before the tape-up session, a team picture immortalizing the competitive spirit of unity was taken. On film we recorded the true feeling of working toward a common goal. At Durfee a stereo was on and our song was playing, and all of the team was present: coaches, pullers and the morale girls; each preparing for their part. All around me were grown and growing individuals, each an important cog in a machine; a team playing a life-game knowing that cooperation was a strong game plan. Between each one ran a fine thread of something more than just friendship. In a corner, by a window or bowed in reflective prayer on a couch; each member psyched up for what was to come. The bus ride, the coaches' last words, prayer with the team, and the walk to the pits carved into our side of the Black River were tense and pensive. We weren't overly confident or frightened — we hadn't been cocky at all; we were prepared. The first thing that greeted us at the pits were our proud blue and orange '81 sheets. We would make it; we had to. At the pits the guys left us to do warm-up cals. When they returned, we quickly taped up their hands while joking nerv-

Heaving with neck-vein popping tenacity, John Paul tries to make all the training pay off

All are important in a team effort. Substitute Bill Godin assists anchorman Paul De Young in Pit # 18.


"We weren't overly confident, or frightened — we hadn't been cocky at all: we were prepared," Coaches Steve Scott and Isaac Myers discover just how much preparation was needed

A moment long awaited, Pull c o a c h Pat O'Sullivan gives o n e of the final signals, with his arms, and with the look on his face


After the reel in and stretch period, Pull team members wait while the rope is marked. Armor clad in foam padding and tape Pete White prepares to settle into his p i t



The Pull



ously about the "comtorts of home" of each pit. And with a gun's shot it began: the reel in and stretch period, the hands off and marking period. Then the fight: The rope, like the thread of something more than friendship, bound us together and gave us courage and strength. The pink marking tape travelled back and forth with heaves. Sometimes it held with a strain-back and sometimes it moved. Long after the pink marker had been ten feet away from the knot it gradually made its way toward it. The anchor and each team member ahead of him fought valiantly. But the pink marker moved again and suddenly the anchor popped a pit and a man stood alone with his morale girl beside him feeling he wanted to do something, but not knowing how or where, and struggling to calm a rising fear. Anxious coaches hovered everywhere wondering what was amiss with the strategy or what was missing from the form of the lock-ins, strains, and heaves. No time existed; minutes and movements blended while the other team seemed so strong. We found anchoring doesn't work in a shorter pit and in a flash we'd popped two more. Then there were two men to a pit and the anchor was off the knot and in a pit. And still we pulled. Blisters and tears appeared but no one gave in, instead all gave extra; set and determined faces, straining muscles and hoarse morale girls belied the fact. And through the struggle things were revealed about the

inner people who had made a commitment to work together toward a common goal. The team didn't give up and didn't give in until the judges told them to fall off, and then they still didn't want to quit In the aftermath there was a jubilant yell from the other side as the rope burned by swiftly, and then there were tears and a silent letdown of a sad loss. But not really a loss, because you can't go through three weeks of practice, and two hours and fifty-six minutes of stressed life and not get something out of it. Pull is not just stinking pads, shorts and shirts, grimy pits and blisters and "wasted" time, it's the intangible feeling you get when you work together — pulling toward a common goal. It's a sense of accomplishment; to say "I have pulled" is a feat and an experience. It is memories of hard work and sharing a close odd-affection friendship. Pull is an event that teaches about life, not like in a classroom, but about cooperation, unity and struggle — for real. And Pull is winning, even when some say you've lost. Winning is when you find out that you didn't give in even when the going was tough, on the rope, or in life.

Keeping a stiff upper lip, Lou Riefkohl strains early in the contest


The Pull



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Performing the Chichester Psalms, Dr. Ritsema directs the Symphonetle and Chapel Choir


Dow Dedication

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the gymnasium, students

The Event of Dedication Emerging from a square block of He that has made us and not we vacant lots and had-seen-a-better-day ourselves. We are His people .. houses, Dow Health and Physical President Van Wylen, who put a great deal of personal effort into Education Center became a focal seeing the facility become a reality, point of campus activity and the festivities of Homecoming 1978 this fall. introduced Richard 0. Keelor, Director The celebration began with the of Program Development, President's unveiling of a bronze plaque in the Council on Physical Fitness and main foyer of the center paying tribute Sports; the topic of his address was, to three men who pioneered Hope "Your Stake in the Nation's Fitness." programs in physical education and His enthusiastic message was well athletics: John H. L. Schouten, Milton received. L. Hinga and Alvin W. Vanderbush. For David Leenhoets, President of the many who were touched by these Student Congress and Dr. William men, the inscription will bear the Vanderbilt, chairman of the significance of their diverse Department of Physical Education and contributions to Hope College: . . recreation each expressed their dedicated to teaching, devoted to gratitude to all those who offered their students, inspirational as coaches, support and services which made the honorable as men." building of Dow Center possible. Dr. Classes ended at 1:30 and the day Van Wylen then awarded honorary couldn't have been more fantastic: degrees to two men who have made bright and sunny with most students noteworthy contributions in their decked out in the traditional "pointers respective fields: Donald G. Mulder, and docks." One would almost think M.D. received the Doctor of Science that students were heading to the degree &nd Willard Depree, M.A. received the Doctor of Laws degree. track for May Day. The keys to the Dow Center were Encircled by Chapel Choir then accepted by Victor W. Eimicke, members, cheerleaders and sundry Chairman of the Board of Trustees. faculty. High Depree cut the ribbon Harvey T. Hoekstra, President of the officially opening the facility. The service of dedication was General Synod of The Reformed Church of America led the Litany of spearheaded by a processional performed with the aid of the Hope Dedication. College Orchestra and followed by the The Litany concluded in a very delivery of the invocation by Chaplain fitting manner, "Teach those who use this building to be thoughtful winners Peter Semeyn. The arts were well represented; the and gracious losers . . . help us to remember that what is hardest often is orchestra. Chapel Choir and specially the most selected rewarding dancers joined and the goal to perform Part which is most 1 of Leonard distant may Bernstein's be most Chichester glorious. . Psalms. Psalm 108 was quite a propos: "Know ye that the Lord, Hugh De Pree cuts the ribbon He is God. It is

Max DeBruyn's girls add the dimension of dance to the presentation of the performing arts ^Legs dangle from the new banked, 1 / 1 0 mile, indoor track.

Dow Dedication




by Ann Simpson It's Friday night. After studying all week, one is in need of a change of pace, but the alternatives seem hardly worth exploring . . . Yet, on Friday, October 20th, this apathy was noticeably missing. The activities planned for that day and the next two were enough to plug any student's social calendar, for it was Homecoming Weekend 1978. Homecoming had a different flavor this year. The theme of physical fitness was prevalent in all events. Local physical education experts gave lectures on the subject. Classes were dismissed at 1:30 p.m. allowing students to attend the Dedication of Dow Health and Physical Education Center. And even the annual Kletz • Concert, featuring the Hope College Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble, was held in the Dow Center's gymnasium. The merriment started all over again Saturday. Bright and early, in a cross country meet, the Hope Flying Dutchmen met the Adrian Bulldogs. The Flying Dutchmen, enroute to another league crown, won the meet, 15-49. Then, students, faculty and community members all turned out to enjoy the beautiful weather and to take part in the first annual Hope Run-BikeSwim. Saturday morning was also a time for the official reunion of the classes of

Steve Peachey and Jill Nihart are crowned King and Queen.

'68 and 73. Alumnus of sororities were entertained at luncheons at various local restaurants, while fraternities opened up frat house doors to their alumni visiting the campus. And then it was on to Riverview Park to see the Flying Dutchmen meet the Bulldogs again, this time on the football field. Although vying with an impressive Bulldog defense, Hope managed to keep its Homecoming victory record of 15 years winning intact by scoring the only touchdown of the game in the third quarter. While the Dutch were crowning the

I.F.C. President Carl Toren presents academic trophy to Arcadian President Mark Boelkin^

Bulldogs, Hope College partisans witnessed the halftime coronation of Jill Nihart, a senior from Bryan, Ohio, and Steve Peachy, a sophomore from Point Cicero, Indiana, as Queen and King. They, and their court, had been elected by the student body during the preceding week. Academic trophies were received this year by the Arcadian fraternity and the Kappa Delta Chi sorority. The women of Dykstra Hall were rewarded for their creativity by being declared winners of the dorm decorating contest. The game, however, was not the end to the festivities. SAGA served a highly palatable buffet dinner for everyone. The fraternities held traditional Homecoming dances to welcome back alumni. With the evening came a presentation by the Student Activities Committee of Cabbage Crik, a bluegrass band. The weekend concluded with a worship service Sunday morning in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. Chaplain Peter Semeyn, an alumni of the class of 1973, conducted the service with the aid of the alumni Chapel Choir. Indeed, Homecoming '78 was a fabulous celebration. For the alumni, for the students and for anyone affiliated with Hope College, the festivities surrounding the dedication of the Dow Health and Physical Education Center provided a warm and most unique environment to come home to. Homecoming


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Holding Back the Tears Parent's Weekend: Hundreds of Moms and Dads Migrate to Holland, yellow chrysanthemum corsages appear as if by magic, and nervous, excited freshman and sophomore women prepare for the Nykerk Cup Competition. This year, the forty-second annual Nykerk Competition is once again a main attraction of the busy weekend, as it has been for over forty years. The History: (This is an excerpt from the October 24,1946 Anchor, the first Nykerk Cup Competition was held on March 16,1936). "A number of years ago, the men of the Sophomore and Freshman classes were in eager preparation for the annual Soph-Frosh pull, a tradition we know today, and one envoking much rivalry between the two classes. The pull was run off as scheduled. It was a quick victory for one of the teams, which in itself would have been all right, save for the one factor the men had overlooked. It seemed as though the feminine aggregation which had been assembled to cheer the men on to victory had been very disappointed at the ease with which the battle was won." "The fairer sex held a council of war, and demanded that they, too, be given a chance to display their class spirit, teamwork, and their Amazonian biceps. A mediator in the form of Dr. Nykerk then intervened before open hostilities ran rampant, and laid before the feminine portion of the student body, his plan for a contest, which, while not so strenuous as the pull, would serve as an end for working off any excess class spirit the girls might have and offer something unique in the way of inter-class rivalry." "Dr. Nykerk's plan was this, the Sophomore and Freshman classes each year would present the best each class could offer in three lines: acting, oratory, and music. In Dr. Nykerk's plan it was stipulated that advisors could be chosen for the freshmen from the Junior class, and for the sophomores from the Senior class. Coaches from the Freshman and Sophomore classes would be chosen to supervise and egg their teams on to victory." "Dr. Nykerk went still further and donated a cup upon which the name of the winning class was to be engraved. Thus it was the Nykerk Cup Contest came to be . . ." November 4: It's an hour before 'curtain time' and coaches rush about pinning carnations on blue sweaters, locating misplaced gloves, whispering encouragements to apprehensive actresses, and offering last minute advice for two very tense orators. Cries of "meet you in the middle" are ThÂŤ class o f ' 8 1 sings He Ain't Heavy, He 's My Brother enroute to possession of the 7 8 Nykerk Cup






heard from both frosh and soph. Long before anyone is ready, the competition begins. The performance: Senior Catherine Van Mater, coach for the sophomores, conducts, as over 100 voices join to sing, He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother. Of course, this is just a portion of the sophomores' performance. Deb Van Hoeven and Sheryl Radlike, both seniors, exchange proud glances as sophomore Melissa Raak delivers her address on the topic of Loneliness. Seniors Lauri Kremers and Elizabeth Vander Woude are no less proud as they observe the adaptation of The Genesis of Narnia they directed for the sophomores. Equally impressive are the performances offered by the freshmen. Junior Sue Sharp ends three weeks of intensive rehearsal as she conducts the freshmen in a rendition of Climb Every Mountain. Freshman Cathy Krueger is responsible for the happy faces of coaches Janis Lundeen and Ann Helmus as she delivers her oration, also on the topic of Loneliness. Juniors Stacy Burris and Kathie Smith see their directing efforts come to life in the freshman presentation of A Barrel of Peanuts. The Decision: Hearts pound as the judges cast their votes while senior Paul Daniels performs Elton John's Friends. Finally the moment arrives and the announcement declared. Smiles and tears abound as the promise of meeting in the middle is fulfilled as the evening of competition ends in a second triumph for the class of 1981. -^Sophomores and freshmen embrace in the celebrated "meeting in the middle," Suzanne Galer exhibits her thespian skills In The Genesis of Narnia.

Henrik Ibsen's

fhe wild duck Exploding with emotion and symbolism from the moment the house lights were extinguished, Hope's performance of Henrik Ibsen's The Wild Duck was one the audience will not soon forget. In this reform play, Ibsen demonstrates what occurs when humans perceive life differently, and then attempt to force their perceptions on others. The intermingling of the


The Wild Duck

poverty-stricken lives of the Ekdals with the free life of the wealthy Werles enables us to understand the tension which occurs when differing frames of reference are forced together. Young Gregers Werle (Robert Schultz), a disillusioned, homely man, initiates the ensuing conflicts as he coerces others into facing reality, his reality. The subject of his attacks is

Hjalmar Ekdal (Paul Daniels), a confused man who has never decided what it is he desires of existence. Hjalmar delights in dreaming of the day when his invention will be finished and will bring him fame and fortune. In truth, he has no invention, finished or otherwise. Hjalmar simply contents himself with sitting back, allowing his wife Gina (Kathie Smith) and daughter

Hedvig (Deborah Grimm), to scrimp and save in order to provide him what little opulence they can. Old Ekdal (Daniel Huizenga), Hjalmar's father, is a humorous old gent. His eccentric idiosyncrasies demonstrate his disillusionment and the effect years of humiliation have had upon his life. As the plot unfolds, Gregers forces Hjalmar to discard his facticious life illusion by informing Hjalmar of the true father of little Hedvig. Hjalmar cannot face the fact that Hedvig is not his own child; in his frustration he withdraws the love for which Hedvig lives. Gregers observes this behavior and persuades Hedvig to certify the love she feels for her father by sacrificing her beloved pet, a wild duck. Gregers' plan backfires, however, and Hedvig takes her own life instead. In the end we realize Hedvig was the true wild duck. Once she reached the murky depths of the swamp she could never again resurface. The performance, aided by symbolic lighting property effects, and executed with a style both polished and professional, was directed by Jussi K. V. Tammi.

The plan backfires and Hedvig takes her own life.

CAST Hdkon Werle George Ralph Robert A. Schultz Gregers Werle Daniel J. Huizenga Old Ekdal Hjalmar Ekdal Paul Daniels Kathie Smith Gina Ekdal Hedvig Deborah Grimm Mrs. Sorby Abby Jayne Eric S. Fitzgerald Relllng Molvlk Mark W. Farnsworth Brad Aspey Pettersen Jensen Jonathan D. Hondorp Russell Curtis Grdberg Bill Lawson The Guests at Michael McFaden Werle's Dinner Stanley Sajewski

Robert Schultz as Gregers Werle.

Music pelormed by Susan Ward

r •^A love for what he believes to be his daughter Paul Daniels, as Hjalmar, enjoys a rare moment with Hedvig played by Deborah Grimm.

• Dan idio;

The Wild Duck




It was the last year that acolytes, whose duty it is to light and extinguish the beeswax, Christmas candles, were not required to begin 15 minutes betore the service. As a result ot a mandate by the fire marshall, the 86 candles that have traditionally illuminated the fore of the sanctuary were replaced by evergreens sparkling with white lights. And flanking the torch lights were just two candles now — the last remnants of a service characterized by a 'seemingly countless array of candle flames and the atmosphere of reverence and beauty they created. Traditions die hard. Yet, the Christmas Vespers have been subjected to change throughout its 36 year history. The first Vesper service was conducted on December 7, 1942 to commemorate the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. At that time, Vespers was not a service for Christmas, but a musical postwar celebration. As time passed, and the memory of Pearl Harbor and World War II faded, Vespers took on a more liturgical appearance and since the event occurs just prior to the dismissal of classes for Christmas break. Vespers evolved into the yuletide celebration that it is today. In the early '70s, the popularity of the Vespers service swelled beyond the capacity of Dimnent Memorial Chapel.

Many in attendance were forced to stand in the aisle throughout the program. This proved unsatisfactory to the fire marshall and consequently, two Vespers services were conducted. Soon, two services were incapable of handling the popularity of the event and the program was extended again — to three services, all held on Sunday. Another growth in demand soon followed and complimentary tickets were issued. This was followed by the addition of another service on Saturday and a nominal charge for entry. Irregardless of the difficulty of accommodating the massive turnout, Christmas Vespers maintains the musical and liturgical excellence with which it was initiated in 1942. Today the acolytes light only two candles, but in all other essential respects, the service is still an inspiring orientation to the Christmas season. The service begins and ends with the processional and recessional of the Chapel Choir, the College Chorus, the chaplain and most importantly the crucifer and torch bearers. The music aids in sustaining the tradition of Vespers in the perennial singing of " T o r c h e s " throughout the processional; while the recessional anthem, also traditional, portrays the significance of the event of Christmas Vespers, for as . . the child grew," he also .. waxed strong in spirit."

WINTER WEEK It's that January-February stretch where one is hard pressed to tind anything to celebrate. Little surprise, then, that Hope collegiates would turn a cold, eventless week into a festival of sorts The week of February to saw students take to the cold with an American Legion Golf Course fraying party and Cannonsbury skiing followed by a snow derby and a Winter Fantasia evening. A fantasy of lights was the distinguishing feature of the 1979 Winter Fantasia. In an unique turn of events, S.A.C. Winter Fantasia chairman Sue Ward staged the formal in the De Witt Center. Over 800 socialites danced to a swirling mirror ball and a galaxy of twinkling lights. In the Kletz, rock group Special Guest laid down the rhythm while in the ballroom, the tempo slowed as couples maneuvered in close to the music of Chantz. Presenting their own style of jazz, with a repertoire that included some dance music. Station Break made their Hope debut in the Pit. Many Fantasians not only found the music stimulating, but added a culinary dimension to the evening by dining at either The Hatch, Sandy Point, Point West or Princes. The most popular dining experience with Hope people was The Hatch followed by Point West. Cost of the entire evening: $20.00.

^ T h e snow provided some Kollen Hallite an opportunity to communicate.

Edna Cuellar rides to the finish on the strength of six • Delta Phi's.



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Ariel observes a sleeping Sebastian, played by Bob Schultz, Ariel was played by Nola Van Alstine


The Tempest

Mystical and medieval; adjectives barely capable ot describing the atmosphere surrounding the Hope College performance of Shakespeare's The Tempest. We have all studied his works at one time or another during our academic careers, and many of us are familiar with Shakespeare's imagination brought to life through the creations of the ethereal spirit Ariel, the pitiful monster Caliban, and the powerful, yet loving Prospero. Even so, few were prepared for the performance about to be presented as we sat waiting for the cast to begin their lines. The atmosphere was determined even before the lights went down. The set, void of curtains, was visible for all to see. Its murky colors gave the audience a feeling of dark foreboding, as if viewing a rocky island cliff in all its severity. One felt that more was to be hidden on that stage, ready to emerge as the play unfolded. The colors and textures foreshadowed the plot of The Tempest; stormy in every detail. Hinting not only of the thunder and lightning to come, but also of the ancient conflicts between members of a ruling family. As the play begins, we learn of a ship at sea, filled with the enemies of Prospero (Eric Fitzgerald). Banished as the Duke of Milan by his own brother, Prospero has come to reside with his daughter, Miranda (Deborah Grimm), on a tropical island. Here he rules through his magical powers and his control of the spirit Ariel. With the spirit's help, he creates a storm to carry his enemies' ship to his island. Having been forced aground by the storm, the ship's crew is separated and wanders in small groups about the island. Their individual personalities emerge; tension seems high. Alonso, (Paul Daniels) King of Naples, is serious and sad, believing his son Ferdinand has been killed. His brother, Sebastian (Robert Schultz) and Prospero's brother, Antonio (Dan Huizenga) offset the King's moods with mischevious and often suggestive humor. Ferdinand (Charles Bell), alive but separated from the others, is led by Ariel (Nola Van Alstine) to

Prospero's cave. Upon his arrival, Ferdinand first meets Miranda. In her innocent way, Miranda delights in the sight of the first man she has met other than her father and the cripple Caliban. Ferdinand and Miranda fall in love with amazing speed, and it is decided they will marry. The remainder of the play is filled with plots and subplots, but in the end, Prospero renounces his magic, regains his Dukedom, and grants Ariel the freedom promised her. What makes this individual production special is not the great script of Shakespeare, but the methods used to bring it to life. The darkly lit set and the magnificent costumes were only the beginning. The airy dancing of the spirits during the nuptial pageant for Miranda and Ferdinand added a mysterious quality missing in other productions of The Tempest. The special effects used by Eric Fitzgerald in his role as Prospero were believable, dazzling, and always unexpected. But most important, the actors themselves added a dimension rarely seen in a classical play presented by a college theatre group. Nola Van Alstine was wonderful as Ariel. Her graceful movements and delicate songs forced the viewer to believe in the existence of spirits. Eric Fitzgerald as Prospero was frightening in his vengeance and gentle in his forgiveness and in his love for his daughter. Deborah Grimm and Charles Bell gave memorable performances in their roles as innocent, yet poignant lovers. Also worth special mention were Jonathon Smeenge and Phil McCullough as the hilariously funny drunks, Stephano and Trinculo, and Marvin Hinga, who portrayed the crippled slave, Caliban, in a most convincing manner. The remainder of the cast, not mentioned only due to lack of space, were equally professional and unforgettable, helping to make this year's production of The Tempest one of the "best ever" productions presented on Hope's campus.





Bemoaning the loss of his son Ferdinand, Alonso tolerates his brother's obnoxiousness. •iw]

•4ln dress rehearsal, Eric Fitzgerald as Prospero, elevates Ariel. •^Inset: John Smeenge portrays the drunken butler, Stephano.


The Tempest



May Day


•^In Elijah-like manner, Peter A r n o u d s e a n d Beth T h o m p s o n ascend.

One of the emotional highs of the year was seeing the balloon ascend over Kollen Hall to the tune of "Gonna Fly Now." — Dave Vander Wei It a l s o h a d t o b e a h i g h f o r P e t e r

between the classes, as o p p o s e d to the

Arnhouts and Beth T h o m p s o n w h o were

interfraternal competition associated with

aboard that southeasterly b o u n d dirigible

May Day today.

as w i n n e r s of t h e h o t a i r b a l l o o n d r a w i n g May D a y a f t e r n o o n . T h e s i m p l e p r e s e n c e

O n t h e d a y before M a y Day 7 9 , the G o r d o n V a n W y l e n Frisbee Golf Classic

of t h e c o l o r f u l c r a f t g a v e t h e e n t i r e d a y a

w a s p l a y e d o u t in t h e f a c e of h i g h w i n d s .

festive f e e l i n g , m a k i n g t h e e v e n t a s

Ron Haight, a s o p h o m o r e from Holland,

m e m o r a b l e a s a n y in M a y D a y h i s t o r y .

c a m e into the " c l u b h o u s e " with a 4 5 toss

The classic annual event dates b a c k to a time w h e n M a y D a y w a s c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y

s c o r e t o w i n t h e e v e n t a n d t a k e h o m e first

M a y b a s k e t s a s r e p o r t e d in t h e M a y 1 9 ,

prize — a n e w frisbee. T h e h i g h l i g h t of t h e d a y f o r m a n y M a y

1 9 1 5 i s s u e of t h e anchor. " W e e k s b e f o r e the e v e n t f u l d a y w e g i r l s u s e d t o starf t o

juggler, Michael Marlin. Marlin's sometime

work on our baskets. W e zealously

ribald, a l w a y s e n t e r t a i n i n g style that

p e r f o r m e d all o u r little h o u s e h o l d d u t i e s

included several deft juggling stunts w a s

after s c h o o l , s o t h a t w e m i g h t h a v e all t h e

readily a c c e p t e d and a p p r e c i a t e d by a

time a f t e r s u p p e r f o r m a k i n g t h e b a s k e t s after s e v e r a l e v e n i n g s of w o r k , w e h a d

Day participants was the y o u n g c o m i c -

packed Mandivile Cottage front lawn

our t a s k c o m p l e t e d w i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n o f

crowd. S o o n after, J e a n n e Moore w a s c r o w n e d

filling t h e b a s k e t s w i t h c a n d y , p e a n u t s , popcorn . . . "

May Day Queen. The d a y c a m e to a close with the G r a v e s

T h e g i r l s , o n t h e f i r s t d a y of M a y w o u l d distribute the baskets t o boys' h o u s e s ,

d a n c e t o t h e m u s i c of

knock o n the d o o r a n d run. T r a c k a n d Field

K l e t z of t h e D e W i t t C u l t u r a l C e n t e r .

Hall s h o w i n g of

Young Frankenstein and Masquerade in t h e


activities also t o o k p l a c e w i t h c o m p e t i t i o n


The Jazz Band, with drummer T o m Langejans, was o n hand for periodic performances. -^Unquestionably a hit, comic juggler Michael Marlin's entertainment was very entertaining.

f=l May Day


p i E C i N q IT T o q e r h E R On May 13, 1979, Hope College conferred undergraduate degrees upon 424 seniors during the 114th annual Commencement exercises at the Holland Civic Center. It was no surprise to the students, who, after four years of piecing together a liberal arts education had been planning for the event for some time; mailing out invitations, sending applications to graduate schools, interviewing for jobs. A very familiar face to Hope regulars delivered the Commencement address. The Rev. William Hillegonds, former Chaplain of the College and presently pastor of the Second Reformed Church of

Fella, Iowa spoke on the topic, "Beginning and Ending Well." Hillegonds was Hope Chaplain from 1965 until August, 1978. The introductory portion of his presentation was highlighted by a monolog of jokes the nature of which gave evidence of his tenure as a long time Hope College veteran. Hillegonds was selected to deliver the address by a committee of graduating seniors. The Rev. Glen Charles Knecht, minister of the Wallace Memorial United Presbyterian Church in Hyattsville, Md. preached a sermon entitled, "Truth for the Test," at the Baccalaureate service.

Shirley Bolhouse, Bob Boeve, Mark Boelkins and Libby Bocks peruse the proceedings.

Marie Montinari gets some help from a friend



Over 900 bloated bodies are suicide victims at Jonestown.


Current Events

Just How Fragile? Our relationship to the world involves such a delicate balance, that events occurring in even the most remote areas of the world have global implications. The academic year 78-79 was remarkably illustrative of the complexity of this international structure of relationships. It was also a year that gave Americans cause to wonder just how fragile that structure really is.

Papal Turnover Installed on September 3, in replacement of Pope Paul VI, the selection of Lord Cardinal Albino Luciani was surprizingly swift. When the smoke first began to curl out from the Vatican's Sistine Chapel on the Saturday before at 6:24 p.m., it looked white — the traditional color to signal that the secret conclave within had elected a Pope. They indeed had selected a Pope — in a stunningly speedy manner. But equally swift was the tenure of the new Pope; the world mourned his death just 33 days later Once again the white smoke billowed from the makeshift Sistine Chapel chimney when Pericle Cardinal Felici stepped out on the central balcony of St. Peter's Basilica. To the hush of the crowd he announced that the conclave of cardinals had come to a decision — the new Pope was Cardinal Karol Wojtyla. It was a foreign Pope; the first Pope from Eastern Europe and the first from Poland, a nation whose fervor for Roman Catholicism had been unsurpassed for a millennium. His new name was John Paul II and he was the youngest Pope chosen since 1846. The national daily/\usfra/;andescribes him as a man built like a rugby front-row forward. He'll need that strength to lead the world's 700 million Roman Catholics.


The Ultimate Protest "The large central building was ringed by bright colors. It looked like a parking lot filled with cars. When the plane dipped lower, the cars turned out to be bodies. Scores and scores of bodies — hundreds of bodies — wearing red dresses, blue T-shirts, green blouses, pink slacks, children's polka-dotted jumpers. Couples with their arms around each other, children holding parents. Nothing moved Washing hung on the clotheslines. The fields were freshly plowed Banana trees and grape vines were flourishing. But nothing moved." That report came from TIME correspondent Donald Neff, one of the first newsmen to view the gruesome consequences of the cultic fanaticism at Jonestown, Guyana, located on the northern coast of South America. The cause was a devilish blend of professed altruism and psychological tyranny; the effect was the self-imposed ritual of mass suicide and murder of 900 members of the California based Peoples Temple.


Current Events




The resultant carnage seemed to be spurred by the visit of California Congressman Leo Ryan. Ryan, although having a few reservations, accepted the colony as providing happiness to a large number of people who had, up to this time, found happiness strangely illusive. But, just as he was readying to leave, Ryan began to receive notes indicating that some of the colonists wanted to leave. Divided families argued over whether to stay or go; the Rev. Jim Jones saw his congregation slipping away. Finally, Ryan left for Port Kaituma with a group of colonists to board two aircraft that were awaiting them. They were greeted by several men on a long, flat, tractor-pulled trailer. When the tractor crossed the primitive airstrip, the men opened fire, killing Ryan and sundry newsmen and photographers. Back at the camp there was mass confusion. Exhorted by their leader and intimidated by armed guards, parents and nurses used syringes to squirt potassium cyanide and potassium chloride onto the tongues of babies. The adults and older children picked up paper cups and sipped the same deadly poison sweetened by purple Kool-Aid. It would not be till many days later that the 900 bodies, swelled and rotting in the tropical sun, would be shipped back to the states for identification and burial.

The Great Leap At 9 : 0 1 F r i d a y e v e n i n g o n D e c e m b e r 1 5 , C a r t e r t o l d t h e w o r l d v i a television that the U.S. a n d C h i n a h a d secretly a g r e e d to establish f o r m a l d i p l o m a t i c r e l a t i o n s o n J a n u a r y 1, 1 9 7 9 . T h e m o v e w o u l d end nearly 3 0 years of mutual disgust b e t w e e n the t w o nations. U n d e r t h e a g r e e m e n t , t h e U.S. w i l l t e r m i n a t e f o r m a l d i p l o m a t i c r e l a t i o n s w i t h T a i w a n . S u c h a t e r m i n a t i o n w o u l d call f o r t h e c a n c e l l a t i o n of t h e 1 9 5 4 m u t u a l d e f e n s e t r e a t y t h a t c o m m i t t e d t h e

Nebulous Nuke A s if t h e a c a d e m i c y e a r ' 7 8 - ' 7 9 d i d n o t h a v e its s h a r e o f n e w s w o r t h y events, Pennsylvanians had to face not the storm

U.S t o g u a r a n t e e T a i w a n ' s m i l i t a r y s e c u r i t y a n d w i t h d r a w t h e 7 0 0

c l o u d s of s p r i n g , b u t t h e p o t e n t i a l r a d i a t i o n c l o u d s o f a n u c l e a r r e a c t o r a t T h r e e M i l e I s l a n d . It w a s t h e w o r s t n u c l e a r a c c i d e n t in

American t r o o p s that are presently o n the island.

U.S. h i s t o r y .

It w a s c a l l e d P e k i n g ' s g r e a t l e a p o u t w a r d t o t h e W e s t ; a p e r h a p s o v e r a m b i t i o u s effort b y V i c e P r e m i e r T e n g t o b r i n g C h i n a u p to c o n t e m p o r a r y s t a n d a r d s of l i v i n g a n d e c o n o m i c c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s A m e r i c a n s had b e e n seeking i m p r o v e d relations with mainland

T h e i n c i d e n t i n v o l v e d a b r e a k d o w n o f a p u m p in t h e r e a c t o r ' s s e c o n d a r y loop, w h i c h carries n o n - r a d i o a c t i v e water into t h e s t e a m g e n e r a t o r . H e r e it a b s o r b s h e a t t h a t is t r a n s f e r r e d f r o m t h e n u c l e a r c h a i n r e a c t i o n in t h e c o r e b y t h e p r i m a r y l o o p , t u r n s t o s t e a m a n d

China for almost seven years, ever since President N i x o n ' s

drives the turbine that generates electricity. Lacking the steam's

b r e a k t h r o u g h visit t o P e k i n g in 1 9 7 2 . N i x o n h a d p l e d g e d t o w o r k

push, the turbine automatically shut d o w n . After the shutdown, o f f i c i a l s n o t i c e d a l e a k of r a d i o a c t i v e w a t e r o n t h e r e a c t o r f l o o r . T h a t

t o w a r d n o r m a l i z a t i o n , b u t d u e t o W a t e r g a t e , Viet N a m , M a o - T s e t u n g ' s d e a t h a n d o t h e r p r o b l e m s , t h e $ t w o c o u n t r i e s m a d e little

meant that t h e primary loop, w h i c h brings cooling water into direct

progress until Carter t o o k office. T a i w a n , n o w a b a n d o n e d , r e a c t e d b y p e l t i n g t h e U.S. e m b a s s y o n

c o n t a c t w i t h t h e r a d i o a c t i v e r e a c t o r c o r e k e e p i n g it c o o l , h a d b e e n a f f e c t e d in s o m e u n e x p l a i n e d w a y . T h e a m o u n t of l e a k i n g w a t e r

Taipei w i t h a n a s s o r t m e n t of r o c k s a n d e g g s . S o m e 2 , 0 0 0 Taiwanese tried to s t o r m an A m e r i c a n c o m p o u n d but w e r e driven

w a s e s t i m a t e d at 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 g a l l o n s g e n e r a t i n g s t e a m p r e s s u r e in t h e

back by M a r i n e s w i t h tear gas. S t u d e n t s p a i n t e d s l o g a n s o n w h i t e

c o n c r e t e d o m e of t h e r e a c t o r c o n t a i n m e n t b u i l d i n g . T h e b r e a k d o w n of t h e s e c o n d a r y l o o p c a u s e d i n c r e a s e d p r e s s u r e in t h e p r i m a r y

sheets d i s p l a y i n g s u c h m e s s a g e s as, " W e protest A m e r i c a n r e c o g n i t i o n of t h e C o m m u n i s t b a n d i t s . W e w i l l o p p o s e C o m m u n i s m

loop. W h e n s e v e r a l relief v a l v e s w e r e t r i p p e d , r a d i o a c t i v e g a s s e s

to the d e a t h . " T h e i m p o r t a n c e of t h e e v e n t is q u i t e e v i d e n t . N o t o n l y w a s it

l e a k e d i n t o t h e a t m o s p h e r e w h e r e it w a s d e t e c t e d b y a P e n n s y l v a n i a d e p a r t m e n t of e n v i r o n m e n t a l r e s o u r c e s h e l i c o p t e r

a n o t h e r m o n u m e n t a l e f f o r t in C a r t e r ' s f o r e i g n p o l i c y d e a l i n g s , b u t

flying o v e r h e a d with a Geiger c o u n t e r . T h e leakage p r o b l e m was

as Z b i g n i e w B r z e z i n s k i s t a t e s , " T h e U.S. h a s a l o n g t e r m , c o m m o n

c o m p o u n d e d by the fact that the reactor c o r e was not c o o l i n g

s t r a t e g i c i n t e r e s t in t h e i m p r o v e m e n t o f o u r r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h t h e

down, increasing speculation that the core might " m e l t - d o w n "

People's Republic." For obvious reasons, M o s c o w views C h i n a ' s

f a l l i n g i n t o t h e s t a n d i n g w a t e r o n t h e f l o o r of t h e c o n t a i n m e n t

o p e n i n g t o t h e W e s t a s p o t e n t i a l l y t h r e a t e n i n g a n d is s u s p i c i o u s of

building a n d exploding into a radioactive c l o u d

an a n t i - S o v i e t a l l i a n c e b e t w e e n C h i n a , J a p a n a n d N A T O

Eventually, the c o r e was cooled, and a crisis averted, but the i n c i d e n t h a d p h e n o m e n a l r e p e r c u s s i o n s at n u c l e a r r e a c t o r sites

O n e t h i n g is c e r t a i n , t h e n o r m a l i z a t i o n w i l l c r e a t e a m o r e favorable international balance of p o w e r , not to m e n t i o n t h e

a r o u n d t h e c o u n t r y a n d t h e w o r l d . T h e d e m o n s t r a t i o n a n d p r o t e s t of

potential b o n a n z a for t h e A m e r i c a n e c o n o m y .

a n t i - N U K E s e n t i m e n t is far f r o m o v e r .

Striking an Accord In w h a t s e e m e d t o b e a n o t h e r d i p l o m a t i c c o u p , P r e s i d e n t C a r t e r arbitrated the Egyptians a n d Israeli's t o g e t h e r for a s o m e w h a t tenuous agreement. Certainly t h e effort w a s not to be u n d e r e s t i m a t e d N e w s of t h e b r e a k t h r o u g h in e a r l y ' 7 9 c a m e a s a big s u r p r i s e t o A m e r i c a n s w h o s a t b a c k a n d w a t c h e d t h e n e g o t i a t i n g s i d e s m i s s t h e i r D e c e m b e r d e a d l i n e for s t r i k i n g u p a peace a c c o r d . Cyrus V a n c e ' s shuttle d i p l o m a c y met with dismal failure in e a r l y D e c e m b e r a n d s p u r r e d a c o n s i d e r a b l e a m o u n t of p r o t e s t in Israel w h e r e d i s c o n t e n t s felt t h e U.S. w a s a t t e m p t i n g t o p r e s s u r e Israel i n t o a n u n f a v o r a b l e a g r e e m e n t D e s p i t e t h e s e d i f f i c u l t i e s , a t r e a t y w a s c e r e m o n i o u s l y s i g n e d . Yet t o b e d e c i d e d : the P a l a s t i n i a n i s s u e .

Spiritual Rebellion A f t e r a y e a r of d e m o n s t r a t i o n s , p u n c t u a t e d b y a n g e r a n d c r i s i s , Iran w e n t w i l d w i t h j o y in e a r l y F e b r u a r y a s t h e 1 5 - y e a r e x i l e d Ayatullah K h o m e i n i c a m e h o m e to lead a spiritual revolution against t h e S h a h a n d all h e s t o o d f o r . W e e k s l a t e r , t h a t n a t i o n a l j o y t u r n e d s h a r p l y t o s o r r o w a s K h o m e i n i i n a u g u r a t e d o n e of t h e m o s t o p p r e s s i v e d i c t a t o r s h i p s e v e r e s t a b l i s h e d in t h e h i s t o r y of t h e w o r l d . T h e e n d of t h e e x e c u t i o n s a n d t h e d i c t a t o r i a l i m p e r a t i v e s s e e m n o w h e r e in s i g h t . . . all in t h e n a m e of r e l i g i o n . F a r t h e r t o t h e e a s t , a n o t h e r k i n d of u p r i s i n g h a d b e e n g o i n g o n , as C h i n a i n i t i a t e d a p u n i t i v e a c t i o n a g a i n s t V i e t N a m T h e d i s p u t e broke out along the border over w h i c h these angry C o m m u n i s t neighbors a n d cultures have b e e n antagonistic for 2 , 0 0 0 years. F o r t u n a t e l y , t h e " w a r " w a s l i m i t e d ; Viet N a m c l a i m i n g t h e y h a d s e n t t h e C h i n e s e r u n n i n g , C h i n a s a y i n g it w a s a n e n d t o t h e i r p u n i t i v e

Iranian demonstrators mob the streets.

a c t i o n . " T h e w o r l d b r e a t h e d a h e a v y s i g h of relief a s t h e t h o u g h t of U.S. a n d R u s s i a n i n t e r v e n t i o n h a u n t e d t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o m m u n i t y throughout the conflict. /

Current Events


A pair of Hope scientists realized their experimental efforts by ridding an organism of a deadly poison, but how their breakthrough can be used for the near-dlvlne-llke mission of saving man from his own technology Is yet to be ascertained. It would seem that Drs. Schubert and Derr are In the same position as our foot traveller: the excursion, only now, has been consecrated.

An interview with President Gordon Van Wylen prepared by the staff of the 7 9 Milestone, represented by Lenora Parish.

THE VIEW FROM THE TOP Parish: The Class of 1979 will be graduating tomorrow following a year that may have been as newsworthy as 1968. The mass murder suicide at Jonestown, Guyana was a macabre event with strong implications for religion. How has the cultic massacre of 900 Americans affected an established institution like the Reformed Church of America? Van Wylen: I think this has raised the whole question about religion and what the true nature of religion should be. To what extent should religion be authoritarian and to what extent should it be free? That has a real implication for a college like Hope, and I'll speak more about the college than the Reformed Church, where on the one hand we try to have a mature thoughtful commitment to the Christian faith and on the other hand a spirit of freedom and openness. As I thought about this this past year, I was more than ever committed to this dual position. The people at Jonestown were looking for reality in life, for


meaning, for faith, for the transcendent, for the ultimate, yet they got trapped in a very authoritarian environment. Hope must maintain this dual position of mature commitment and freedom and openness so that at the right time in the students' own personal lives they are prepared to make their decisions and fhe/r commitments. Parish: Soon after Guyana, Americans found the doors wide open to Communist China. It can be argued that the recognition of China by the U.S. to the exclusion of Taiwan is yet another example of the way Americans have abandoned the idealism of the 1960's to pursue personal wealth and security. Dr. you agree with this assessment? Van Wylen: Not exactly. The recognition of Mainland China was the right thing to do and the time had come for it. It was regrettable that it required such an abandonment of Taiwan. In the process, a measure of hypocrisy has developed. We give up the formal recognition, yet we do it informally. My concern is not so much what was done, but the way it was

done. It seemato weaken any moral fibre. We say we have abandoned Taiwan, but we find other ways to do it which have a real measure Of deception associated with them. The time had come to recognize mainland China, it's just a little pity that we couldn't have been more open and honest in the way we did it. Parish: At present, there is something close to peace in the Middle East. Will that peace last or is it just a World War III stay of execution? Van Wylen: Again, this is a very profound and very thoughtful question. I wish I could be more optimistic about the real significance of that peace. I wish nothing more than it leading to a real peace, but I have to agree that the implications of your question are very real and might well come to pass even though I hope they don't. Parish: Perhaps the biggest event of the year was the incident at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania; not because of the danger it involved, but because of the new spirit of demonstration and protest it engendered and will engender in the

Van Wylen


'SO's. Is this protest and demonstration justified7 Van Wylen: The regrettable thing about what is happening in relation to the Three Mile Island incident is a seeming inability to assess the total situation. So the great need in my mind is for rationality in all of this. My real concern is that you are going to get protests without this degree of rationality. I would be interested in asking some people that are protesting, this question, "We sort of live in a democratic society, suppose that 75% of the people in this country voted to keep nuclear power plants, would you be satisfied with the majority vote?" This leaves that whole question of what risks we are willing to take, what value do we place on electrical energy being readily available? I sometimes think of the fact that they estimate the use of alcohol takes 100,000 lives a year. We would never put up with losing 100,000 lives a year with nuclear energy, we would shut everything down, yet we accept it and say whatever benefits we derive, or think we derive from alcohol is worth it and I think that when it comes to energy there are risks involved and one has to assess these and make some hard decisions. Parish: Considering the four events we have just discussed, it is difficult to analyze what influence, if any, such occurrences have had on the Hope College community. This raises an issue that concerns many Hope students; namely, is Hope dangerously isolated from the rest of the 'real' world? Van Wylen: This is an important question. There is always that danger that we are too isolated, but we have four years of undergraduate study where one can really concentrate on learning and not take upon himself or herself all the burdens and problems of the world. It is a tremendous opportunity. I would like to think that by focusing on education, and a very good education where the student is in touch with the world without taking upon himself or herself all of the problems of the world, this is a very beneficial thing. So it is a danger and we have to work against it, but I don't think that the answer is, in one's undergraduate years, to give up the joys of these years, the friendships, the learning, to solve the problems . . . there are many years after that to try and solve them. Parish: Like any college or university, Hope has a number of internal concerns. The problem of alcohol abuse is perennial, yet it has been intensified this year by the legislative tightening of the legal drinking age. Are you satisfied with Hope's drinking policies and the way they have been administered? Van Wylen: I wish I knew a better solution to the whole problem than we have now. If I did I would certainly push for a change. I don't think it is optimum, but I don't know of a better policy and the whole idea behind the policy, as far as I

am concerned, is to create a whole residential environment which is conducive to our goal. If one really looks at the contemporary scene of higher education in this country, particularly on more secular universities, it's a very hedonistic society, very self-seeking. You can read about this in all magazines; the freedom of drink and sex. I don't think that's Hope's calling or our purpose. Our present alcohol policy helps to develop the residential environment that is so important to this college, I wish students themselves would see and support the value of it and say, look, this is the kind of environment we want to live in, I think if they went to another environment, students would say that they prefer the old, but it's easy for students to look at this as a restriction that they don't like and I am somewhat sympathetic with it but I don't know a better solution. Parish: Greek society plays a large role at Hope, Do you believe that Greeks promote or damage the social health of the college? Van Wylen: There are very few things in life which are all good or all bad. The Greeks have made a very important contribution to the life of the college over the decades, even at the present time, I would even like to see them take a greater responsibility for achieving the goals of the college rather than be quite so self-serving as they are. In saying this I don't mean to be judgemental, but it's against contemporary society to have an organization which is going to serve just yourself. If it could be broadened to serve the overall community a bit more, the Greeks would be the stronger and the College would be the stronger. They have made many positive contributions and I am supportive of them, but I would like them to rethink their role in society given the things we have been talking about. Parish: A salient aspect of the past year at Hope has been the physical expansion of the campus. The beauty of the College is obviously a major concern of yours. Looking ahead ten years, how will the College change in appearance? Van Wylen: I think that students today are turning somewhat away from the materialistic emphasis. With the shortage of energy we have an excellent opportunity to develop attractive environments and being somewhat more satisfied with our lives. With the completion of the Dow Center 1 would love to see the campus be a very beautiful, attractive place for students, I want students to have a sense of fulfillment because of the environment in which they are living and studying. We will do a number of restorations, I think we can get 12th Street closed, it would make this a beautiful place There is going to be a great sense of well-being and a satisfaction out of it. Parish: Hope is reputed for its intellectual vitality, yet certain campus organizations

have made the accusation that Hope students are apathetic, as evidenced by the lack of participation in these same organizations. Do you think that Hope students are apathetic or is it the fault of these organizations in not making an appropriate appeal for student participation? Van Wylen: It is always difficult to decide what is apathy or what is a commitment to other goals. Some students are very serious academically, feeling that their studies should take priority. Some feel that they should work a great deal so that they can have the money to attend college and don't have extra time. So, there is a measure of apathy, but I don't think that it is an overriding problem. We could certainly do well to create a better sense of community where there is more involvement. I think, for example, of going to a very nice concert and there aren't many Hope students there. They are losing something. I guess this all leads me to try to develop an environment which a whole commitment is to grow in development and service in support of other students. Maybe I am too idealistic in this regard, but that is what I would like to see. Parish: Finally, what do you imagine the Hope student of the late 1980's will be like? Is there a movement toward a more agnostic student orientation, or is just the opposite true? Van Wylen: I don't really expect very significant changes between now and the late 1 QSO's. We will always have students who have a mature, thoughtful commitment to the Christian faith and we will always have students who are thinking about it, evaluating their faith at this stage of life. We will always have some who have rejected it. I just don't think human nature changes that quickly. You're asking this on Alumni Day and as I always do every year I'll meet with the class that graduated 50 years ago. And I so often enjoy hearing them talk because I find that 50 years ago they were not greatly different than the students of today. Once and awhile you meet these people who come back for their 50th reunion, who, when they first come back will say to me, "Why aren't you tougher with students? Why don't they behave a little better?" Then they reminisce how they behaved and it's always an interesting contrast. They want me to be a little tougher with students today, but they really remember some of their pranks or things they did, so I take this and smile. Every generation of students is at that stage of their own individual lives where they are separated from home, they are making their own decisions and they are going to make some mistakes, but if we can just help students to grow and mature and finally become people of dedication, of commitment and faith, to serve in their own time, that is what Hope is all about.

Van Wylen


by Ericka Peterson Bakers from the community and college gathered in the mid-tali for a full afternoon of Raku firing. The Raku Bake, a Japanese method of glazing pottery, was accompanied by hot apple cider for the observers. It was served in Raku mugs, made by the Ceramics class which the observers were allowed to take home as souvenirs of the event. The term Raku is derived from the Chinese character meaning enjoyment, pleasure, contentment.


Raku Bake

ease, which was the seal used by a dynasty of potters whose work over fourteen generations formed the central tradition of Raku. Traditional Japanese Raku ware incorporates a masterful command of asymetric balance in design, a highly developed tactile sensibility in appreciation of materials, and a virtuosity of decorative techniques into a unified whole, the overall effect of which is a spontaneously achieved finished work, characterized by the feeling of an intimate, transitory insubstantial play of shadows. All of this is in marked contrast to the rather austere monumentality of the work of most contemporary American potters, and the blending of those two influences seems certain to produce a vivifying effect in the ceramist's art in this country. The actual Raku firing process is basic and simple. Bisque (once-fired) pots are decorated in the usual manner with stains, engobes, resists, or textural treatments. They are then' glazed with low melting glazes such as lead, borax, or frit bases. The dry, glazed pot is seized with long-handled tongs and thrust directly into the preheated red hot kiln. It is allowed to remain there until the glaze melts, as observed through a peephole. When the glaze has melted, the pot is quickly removed from the kiln with the tongs and placed, red hot, in a covered vessel containing combustable materials. This treatment is called "reduction smoking," and is used to produce color subtleties. The

pot may also be dropped directly into cold water for the purpose of creating an oxidized effect or to freeze the molten state of the glaze. Raku firing offers the potter many advantages over other firing techniques. Some of these are simplicity, low-fire reduction, the resultant somewhat insulated body, and the spontaneous effects. Very ' important is the potter's attitude and involvement in the firing cycle. The intimacy and immediacy are never more deeply felt in any other ceramic process.

Freezing the molten state of the glaze, Audrey Veldman drops the vessel into cold water


Pat Walker is one of the onlookers Raku czar Bill Mayer readies his tongs on the lower left, while Erika Peterson studies the finished product below

Raku Bake




V3laining an audience with this gracious man was already enough to moisten an otherwise socially arid summer. But the real reason I found our conversation such a delight relates to the old adage, "Misery loves company." One may say that the '79 yearbook was difficult to get to the publishers. Yet the problems associated with the printing of the 1 930 Milestone make the production of the '79 version appear about as demanding as putting out The Where of Hope College. 'Willy' Wickers first set foot on Hope's campus as a freshman sporting the appropriate beany in 1 927. At Zeeiand High School he was editor of the Zeeiand Stepping Stone; his high school yearbook. It was only natural, then, that the class of ' 3 0 elect him to the editorship of the Milestone. In 1 930 it was customary for the junior class to put out the yearbook completely on its own. The class elected the editor and the business manager at large, posts that were deemed quite prestigious at the time, and it was their duty to contract with a half a dozen companies for the production of the yearbook. The selling price of $2 would be sufficient to cover all of the expenses, if enough of the books were sold. But even a mediocre student of American History will recognize that 1 9 3 0 was a year bearing particular significance. It was the year of the Great Depression. When the book came out in the fall, three months late, and even though it was a monumental 350 page effort that was to receive the laurels of both students and alumni alike, no one could afford to buy it. Yet the contractors were out to collect, and even though some money trickled in, it was not enough. So Wickers and his business manager, Chester Meengs, found themselves in the financial doghouse to the tune of $3,000. Since the College was not responsible for the yearbook financially, Chester and Willy had to face the creditors alone. Willy turned to his Uncle John, who owned Wicker's Lumber in Zeeiand. Uncle John, even though he was already hard pressed to pay his own employees during this time of depression, agreed to advance him the money. Said Wickers, " I have the greatest appreciation for that uncle . . . he was determined to get those companies off our backs." Although Uncle John came up with the $3,000, there was a catch; Willy had to work it off in the saw mill. " M y curse was the darn old sticker," says Wickers. The sticker was a side moulding saw that had a reputation for consistency; for consistently breaking down. Unloading the freight cars was considered a more desirable job than working the sticker and that was Willy's other duty at the mill. Chester Meengs, later to become the Rev.



Chester Meengs of local familiarity, went back to the farm on which he tended the hogs. The pork was home canned and sold; a common practice in a time where neighbors would often get together to share a freshly butchered pig. Things now seemed to be going fairly well for Willy. Sure, he wouldn't be able to graduate with his class in 1 930, " I was forced to drop out of school for that darn yearbook," he said, but he could go back to school the following year. And how could he remain downhearted when his wife-to-be had asked him to the prestigious Blodgett Nursing School Rainbow Ball to be held at the Pantlind Hotel in Grand Rapids. Since Willy had the equipment immediately at his disposal, he took on the responsibility of constructing the wooden rainbows to be hung over the dance floor. On the day of the ball, Willy found himself hovering near the ceiling of the ballroom hanging up his decorative creations. His ladder was supported with two side braces. According to Mr. Wickers, " O n e of those supports was cracked, like the pylon of a DC-10." When the leg broke, " I was catapulted off the ladder and down 22 feet to the hardwood floor." The injury left him with no movement in his feet. He couldn't walk and as he said, "never again expected to walk." Before the injury, the young Wickers had been offered a fellowship at Ohio State University to study chemistry. After the fall. Wickers said, " I had to turn to things where I could sit down, so I turned to public relations work, like writing brochures." His career was now set, but in an entirely different direction than he had expected or was hoping for. Five years later, the University of Chicago began developing a department of neurosurgery; a relatively new field. To beef up the staff, the University brought in a brilliant young doctor from the east coast to head up the department. The doctor was in the process of experimenting with X-ray techniques, and through this "revolutionary" new process, the doctor discovered that Willy's lower spine had compacted. All that had to be done was to relieve this pressure. Willy could walk again. While furiously taking all of this down on my "National 5 0 0 " stenographer's note pad, Mr. Wicker's secretary came into the office with some letters for the boss to sign, " W e don't want to hold up the girls," he said to me. After quickly proofreading the secretary's work he said, "Could you please change this, her mother spells it with an 'e'? I was impressed with the efficiency in which he picked these errors. Dr. Wickers, now Netherlands Consulate for Press and Cultural Affairs, is also secretary of the Board of Trustees. At the

commencement of the class of '79, Dr. Wickers received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree. Yet, this noteworthy figure recalls a time when his actions were not always so prestigious, " A few of us guys had c a r s . . . we used to pick up all the girls." Dr. Wickers was referring to a time when not everyone had easy transportation, yet he was blessed with an old Buick. Willard Wickers attended Hope when the enrollment was around 300 to 4 0 0 students and the tuition was approximately $ 5 0 a semester. There were two buildings then: Van Vleck and Voorhees, the latter of which was a girl's dormitory. As for Willy, he always had to commute. In spite of the fact that only about 350 students attended Hope, Wickers put out a yearbook that was close to twice the size of contemporary yearbooks. " W e were very ambitious, but we had great alumni interest." We paused again as the phone in the outer office rang, "The secretaries have all left, so I have to answer the phone myself." It was past business hours so I offered to come back again the next day. But Dr. Wickers insisted that I stay for " I almost always work until six o'clock," he said. At this point in the interview, I no longer felt that I was in need of any pity for what I had previously thought was an almost endless job. We were discussing an era about which he felt most deeply, even sentimentally. One can directly or indirectly attribute all of the pitfalls of Dr. Wickers' tremendous story to the economic tragedy of the time. Banks were closed and people were out of work, as Wickers said, "The demeaning part of it was that people were so dependent on central feeding stations, in the churches, at the firehouse . . . right down to the president of the bank . . . there was just no money." He went on to say, "You cannot begin to imagine what it was like . . . to know what people went through . . . you would have to live through it to appreciate it." But Dr. Wickers feels that every student should attempt to gain an appreciation of the Depression years. College requirements would do well to include the literature of that incredible period in history. From the earnest look on his face, I knew he wasn't simply indulging in the self-pity that so many people who lived through the Depression have a tendency to do. He has no regrets, or no animosity for that period of time. He honestly believes that the Depression i should be a case study for American education; it certainly was an education for him. I was convinced. But after leaving city hall at the end of the interview with this exMilestone editor, I could only be thankful that the only depression I had experienced in association with the yearbook was on the night of our final copy deadline.

Dr. Willard Wickers: I thought I'd never walk again




an astonishing feat 50

PI1 ilonium Removal

An "impossible" feat — the complete removal of radioactive plutonium, one of the most poisonous substances known, from the bodies of animals, has been achieved by scientists at Hope College. This unprecedented accomplishment Includes equally successful treatment of poisoning from non-radioactive metals such as cadmium, which pose serious environmental and industrial hazards. As reported in the September 28 issue of Nature, the prestigious international science journal, Hope professors Jack Schubert and S. Krogh Derr, with support from the United States Department of Energy, applied a new treatment for metal poisons based on concepts developed previously by Dr. Schubert called mixed ligand chelate (MLC) therapy. Mixed ligand chelate therapy opens a new era in the treatment of metal poisoning, according to Drs. Schubert and Derr. They also stress the Importance of MLC formation In many areas of fundamental Importance — the transport of metals from soils to f o o d ; the role of metals in health and disease; a n d the mechanism of cancer induction by radioactive isotopes. "Serious environmental and Industrial hazards associated with the release of radioactive a n d nonradioactive metals are becoming an Increasing threat to mankind and up to now there have been no satisfactory treatments for metal poisoning," said Dr. Schubert.

if v ; Professors Schubert (and Derr conduct tests on laboratory rats.)

" O u r research to date has resulted in hitherto unparalleled achievements using MLC treatment, namely complete removal of tissue deposits of plutonium and prevention of mortality In animals given lethal doses of c a d m i u m . " One component of the revolutionary new treatment includes salicylic acid, the active ingredient of aspirin. Current treatment for plutonium a n d other metal poisons utilizes molecules called chelating agents which seize and hold a metal ion In a clawlike grip (Chele from the Greek meaning claw). The stronger the grip, the more effectively the

chelating agent removes metal from tissues. In mixed ligand chelate therapy a selected combination of two chelating agents are chosen so that both grip the same metal together forming a single unit. This results in an astonishing ^ Increase, sometimes In the f trillions. In the strength with I which the metal is held compared to chelating agents such as EDTA and DTPA which are currently used to treat people. Two of the most effective mixed ligand chelate systems tested by Drs. Schubert and Derr are combinations of EDTA plus salicylic acid for cadmium, and DTPA plus salicylic acid for plutonium. In one of their experiments, Drs. Schubert and Derr Injected mice with a solution of a plutonium salt. Three days later they began treatment twice weekly by Injecting the mice with a solution containing a mixture of DTPA plus salicylic acid. Within four weeks, all of the plutonium in the bone and liver had been removed and then eliminated in the urine and feces. This result has never been attained or approached by any other treatment. In experiments with non-radioactive elements, mice were given 1 0 0 % lethal doses of salts or metals such as cadmium, nickel, iron and copper. The animals given currently-recommended chelating agents all died, while all those given ligand chelate treatment survived.

With all area media In attendance, Schubert and Derr hold a press conference.



Plutonium Removal


After scrambling for the money; shoveling snow, babysitting and washing windows, the Chapel Choir goes to Europe.

Dear Mom,

May 28, 7 9

O k a y , O k a y , I d i d p r o m i s e t o w r i t e y o u e v e r y o t h e r d a y w h e n I left o n M a y 14, b u t I w a s j u s t k i d d i n g . T o m a k e u p f o r it, I a m g o i n g t o t r y a n d c r a m a n e n t i r e 1 4 - d a y t r i p o n t o o n e p o s t c a r d ( w e l l , at l e a s t s o m e highlights). So, t a k e o u t y o u r r e a d i n g glasses, t h e w r i t i n g c o u l d get small. T o n y is o u r t o u r g u i d e . H e ' s a b o u t f i v e f e e t tall, o r at least it s e e m s that w a y . T o n y ' s g o t a b l o n d e D u t c h - b o y h a i r c u t w i t h a n o b n o x i o u s little m u s t a c h e . I t h i n k h e ' s t h e t y p i c a l H o l l a n d e r , b u t I h a v e l i v e d a s h e l t e r e d life u n d e r y o u r p r o t e c t i v e w i n g , m o m . H e ' s a b o u t 2 6 y e a r s o l d a n d f l u e n t in six l a n g u a g e s , in a d d i t i o n t o b e i n g e x t r a o r d i n a r i l y w e l l v e r s e d in t h e a r e a of p o l i t i c a l s c i e n c e . N o n e t h e l e s s , I d i d n ' t p a r t i c u l a r l y c a r e f o r h i m at first, b u t o n c e h e s t a r t e d t o t r u s t us, h e turned into a reasonably likable European. O n e of o u r first s t o p s w a s R o t t e r d a m . I w a s t o o b e a t f r o m jet l a g to e n j o y the place, but I d i d get a c h a n c e to c a t c h s o m e s l e e p w h e n our head c o u n t c a m e up t w o short a n d they h a d to search the city for t w o of o u r m o r e r o m a n t i c c h o i r m e m b e r s . T h e h o t e l w e s t a y e d in t h a t n i g h t m a d e u p f o r it. W e w e r e o n t h e s e v e n t h s t o r y a n d f o u n d it q u i t e e n j o y a b l e t o s t a n d o n t h e l e d g e o n t h e o u t s i d e of t h e h o t e l in a n a t t e m p t t o a n n o y o u r n e i g h b o r s . S o m e of t h e o t h e r k i d s w e r e t h r o w i n g t h e f r i s b e e d o w n b e l o w o n t h e g r a s s — k i n d of e x c i t i n g w a t c h i n g t h a t f r i s b e e fly f r o m a n a e r i a l v i e w . Y o u k n o w h o w I l i k e f r i s b e e s m o m , y o u g a v e m e m y first o n e f o r m y e i g h t h b i r t h d a y . T h e n e x t d a y w e h e a d e d o f f t o L u x e m b o u r g t o s i n g in a magnificent cathedral. W h e n w e learned that our c o n c e r t w a s not properly publicized, we d e c i d e d to d o s o m e grass-roots singing a n d t a k e it t o t h e p e o p l e . In s i n g l e file, w e h e a d e d d o w n d a r k a l l e y s a n d c r o w d e d avenues. W e got to the local square w h e r e the inhabitants w e r e e n j o y i n g t h e l e i s u r e l y life of s i t t i n g in t h e s i d e w a l k c a f e s t o s i p a c u p of E s p r e s s o o r q u a f f a tall b r e w . T h e n a t i v e s s e e m e d t o e n j o y t h e m u s i c , b u t I h a v e t o a d m i t t h a t it s e e m e d a little s t r a n g e — s a c r e d - t y p e g r o u p like u s in s u c h a s e c u l a r s e t t i n g . O h , b u t y o u w o u l d of b e e n p r o u d of m e , m o m . Tony took us to Lucerne, Switzerland the next day. After b u y i n g the family a few c h o c o l a t e bars . y o u k n o w , w i t h little c r i s p i e s i n s i d e , I f o u n d m y s e l f in w h a t t h e y c a l l e d t h e Sladtiches Lahreseminar— a seminary. T h e choir was p a c k e d into a rather large c l a s s r o o m w h e r e w h a t s e e m e d like a t h o u s a n d s t u d e n t s p a c k e d in t h e r e w i t h us. T h e c o n c e r t w a s r e a l l y i n s p i r i n g , a n d s o w a s g e t t i n g d r e s s e d in a r o o m w h e r e t h e w i n d o w s o v e r l o o k e d t h e c i t y of L u c e r n e . T h a t ' s r i g h t m o m , n o t at all l i k e m y r o o m b a c k home. A f t e r L u c e r n e it w a s F e u s i s b e r g w h e r e w e d a n c e d in t h e d i s c o until t h e c o w s c a m e h o m e — literally. F e u s i s b e r g is in t h e h i l l s o f S w i t z e r l a n d a n d a lot of t h e g i r l s w e n t u p i n t o t h e hills a n d b e c a m e close friends with the c o w s — y o u k n o w , the c o w s w e ' d see o n Heidi, the o n e s w i t h t h e large bells a r o u n d their n e c k s . I t h i n k t h e girls liked the c o w s better t h a n w e m a l e c h o i r m e m b e r s — t h e y s u r e got m o r e attention t h a n w e did. O k a y , I k n o w w h a t y o u ' r e t h i n k i n g t h a t ' s t h e s t o r y of m y life.

European Tour

T h e n o n t o I n n s b r o o k . I r e m e m b e r s i t t i n g b y a t a b l e in t h e c a f e that o v e r l o o k e d the city w h e n I n o t i c e d a n o u t d o o r w e d d i n g right next to o u r hotel. Not o n e to miss a n o p p o r t u n i t y , I t o o k d o z e n s of p i c t u r e s o f t h e c e r e m o n i e s . I'll s h o w t h e m t o y o u w h e n I g e t h o m e . It's p r o b a b l y t h e c l o s e s t I'll e v e r c o m e t o a w e d d i n g , s o I t h o u g h t y o u m i g h t like a f e w c a n d i d s h o t s . S a l z b u r g t u r n e d o u t t o b e t h e b e s t t i m e of all. A f t e r v i s i t i n g t h e c i t y a n d f a n t a s i z i n g a b o u t t h e S o u n d of M u s i c a n d J u l i e A n d r e w s , a b o u t half of t h e c h o i r p a t r o n i z e d a q u a i n t little o u t d o o r c a f e l o c a t e d in t h e h i g h e r p a r t s of t h e c i t y . W e w e r e n o t t h e o n l y c h o i r at t h i s establishment. A n all-male c h o r u s w a s also there a n d they w e r e s i n g i n g s o n g s in G e r m a n L a t e r , t h e c h o i r m a s t e r c a m e o v e r t o o u r group a n d requested that w e favor t h e m with a few songs — so w e did. W e kept s i n g i n g b a c k a n d forth. Well m o m , I've g o t t o a d m i t , w e w e r e in r a r e f o r m a n d t h e o t h e r c u s t o m e r s at t h e c a f e w e n t q u i t e w i l d w i t h a p p r e c i a t i o n . T h e rest o f t h e n i g h t w a s s p e n t l i s t e n i n g t o a t w o s o m e p l a y i n g t h e a c c o r d i o n a n d b a r i t o n e in real p o l k a f a s h i o n . T h e b a r i t o n e p l a y e r s e e m e d t o h a v e little r e g a r d f o r h a r m o n y . T w o little k i d s , M a n f r e d a n d F e l i x , r o a m e d f r e e l y a m o n g us, e v e n d a n c i n g t h e p o l k a w i t h o n e of t h e g i r l s . L e t m e tell y o u m o m , I r e a l l y felt like o n e o f t h e n a t i v e s t h a t n i g h t — y o u k n o w , a r e a l f e s t i v e feeling. O n into G e r m a n y ; to Stuttgart a n d Essen. W e s a n g our best c o n c e r t in E s s e n , p e r h a p s b e c a u s e w e w e r e s o i n s p i r e d b y t h e w a r m t h of o u r h o s t f a m i l i e s . In E s s e n , m y r o o m m a t e a n d I e a c h g o t a gift f r o m J o r g , t h e m a n w h o s e f a m i l y w e s t a y e d w i t h . It w a s a c o v e t e d b o t t l e of S c h l o s s k e l e r e i , a f i n e R h i n e w i n e a n d t h e b e s t I ' v e ever tasted. I'm b r i n g i n g t h e w i n e h o m e for G r a n d p a a n d G r a n d m a ' s f i f t i e t h w e d d i n g a n n i v e r s a r y . I'll h a v e m o s t f a v o r e d g r a n d s o n s t a t u s after t h e y taste this stuff O u r f i n a l s t o p w a s A m s t e r d a m . W e a c t u a l l y s t a y e d in a q u a i n t little b e r g c a l l e d B e n s c h o p . T h e p e o p l e in B e n s c h o p w e r e u n b e l i e v a b l y hospitable. Posters were scattered about the t o w n heralding our a r r i v a l . W e r e s p o n d e d b y p r e s e n t i n g a S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g c o n c e r t in t h e t o w n c h u r c h . It w a s c l a s s i c H o l l a n d , m o m , little c a n a l s all o v e r t h e p l a c e , j u s t like y o u u s e d t o s h o w m e in National Geographic. W e l l , t i m e t o p u t a lid o n t h i s c o m m u n i c a d o ( p o s t c a r d , m o m ) . W e ' l l b e a r r i v i n g at O ' H a r e I n t e r n a t i o n a l s o o n , s o I h a v e t o g e t a s t a m p a n d m a i l t h i s t h i n g . Of c o u r s e , I'll b e h o m e b e f o r e t h e letter a r r i v e s , s o m a y b e I c a n r e a d it t o y o u p e r s o n a l l y .

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo your son


• E s s e n , Germany is the site of the choir s notes of gratitude to their hosts

warm smile is characteristic of Ron Schut.

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Cathedrals, where the choir often performed made these boys a familiar sight ^ T h e architecture fascinates in Brussels.

-^Swiss hospitality accompanies the appetite of Keith Cahoon .

European Tour




Model U N

The Gimulation W o u l d the delegate from Russia please refrain from making rude and obnoxious statements?" "Would the delegate from Russia please sit down?" Maintaining control over a group of students from 28 schools as far away as Midland, Mich, and as close as Holland is an unseemly task. But the objective of Model United Nations Director Kirk Hoopingarner and his staff in the spring of 7 9 was just that. According to Hoopingarner, "The whole place just blew up" on the issue of disarmament when a student representing Russia refused to step down from the microphone after the allotted time for speaking was exhausted. "We knew it would be an explosive issue," said Hoopingarner. In fact, there were two issues or resolutions to be discussed at this year's Model U.N.: disarmament and the law of the sea. The resolutions were drafted by the Model U.N. staff. Students of all kinds participate in the event including debate teams, members of student government and world politics, social studies and civics classes. High Schools may enter for a single fee of $5. When a school sends in an application to participate in the event, it includes a list of six countries it would prefer to represent. Schools need at least four students to represent a country and some schools bring as many as 32 students to the general assembly. The U.N. agenda included two security council sessions of 15 countries each on Thursday of Model U.N. week. Schools sent their best 2 students to these meetings where they were confronted with crisis situations simulated by members of the Model U.N. staff. This year's crises: Viet Nam's invasion into Cambodia and the revolt of the Zimbabwe in Rhodesia. On Friday, all of the world representatives gathered in the main theatre of the De Witt Cultural Center to debate the resolutions, but first, Micolae Mica, a political affairs advisor to secretary-general of the U.N. Kurt Waldheim, delivered the keynote address. Then, the debate began. Countries gain recognition from the parliamentarian and presiding officers by raising their home-nation placards. Once a country has secured this recognition, its representatives may debate the resolution and offer an amendment to it. Communication is maintained during the general assembly through the use of Hope student volunteers acting as pages. Representatives for their respective countries may speak

with other representatives through the use of memos that are passed along through the pages. Notes of communication may also be forwarded to the Model U.N. staff. The staff, in closed caucus, decides on three amendments to each resolution, one from each of three regions: the East, the West and the Third World. Says Hoopingarner, "We have debate teams who try parliamentary moves to get more speaking time." In an effort to keep control of this unruly high school mob, Hoopingarner and his staff met throughout the fall term to lay out the rules for conduct at the Model U.N. "A considerable amount of power is vested in the presiders who have rather arbitrary control of the general assembly . . . this is to prevent the chaos we often get with high schools, the only way one can speak is to be recognized, and to be recognized you must raise your placard. We don't want this to turn into a battle of semantics. We don't want to become babysitters in this program . . . the key to success is control." Schools are judged on the basis of certain rhetorical skills with the particular emphasis on the question of how well a school or group of students within a school represents a country. High schools are also rated on how they deal with the two resolutions. Judges at the 1979 session were Dr. Larry Penrose, senior Mike Engelhardt, Dr. Renze Hoeksema and geology's Dr. Tim Hulst who specifically observed the discussion on the law of the sea. In the case of the vituperative Russian representative, the delegate was recognized by the presiding officer, yet, when his time limit had expired, he refused to sit down. As a result, the entire assembly joined in with name calling and progressively louder cries of discontent. After several minutes of complete pandemonium, the delegate chose to sit down, but not until the color in every delegate's face was a crimson red. His ploy was frowned upon by the judges, but Hoopingarner had to admit, "Students get into this to such an extent that they actually become citizens of the country they represent. I returned to the assembly from a private meeting and found dozens of notes from delegations expressing their desire to have the Russian delegate kicked out of the assembly, yet even though the delegate, in his incessant Chinese antagonism, was out of order, he was probably representing Russia very well."

Model U


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^tive tunes, flicks*


The Flow



The # 1 Albums September October November

December January February March April

Grease Don't Look Back Don't Look Back Grease Living in the U.S.A. Live and More 52nd Street 52nd Street Greatest Hits; Vol. 11 Brief Case of the Blues Blondes Have More Fun Spirits Having Flown Minute by Minute

Soundtrack Boston Boston Soundtrack Linda Ronstadt Donna Summer Billy Joel Billy Joel Barbra Streisand Blues Brothers Rod Stewart Bee Gees Doobie Brothers

A e


A tfl

The # 1 Singles September

October November December January February March


Grease Boogie Oogie Oogie Kiss You All Over Kiss You All Over Hot Child in the City You Needed Me MacArther Park You Don't Bring Me Flowers Too Much Heaven Le Freak Le Freak Do You Think I'm Sexy? Do You Think I'm Sexy? 1 Will Survive Tragedy 1 Will Survive What a Fool Believes

Frankie Valli A Taste of Honey Exile Exile Nick Gilder Anne Murray Donna Summer Neil Diamond/Barbra Streisand Bee Gees Chic Chic Rod Stewart Rod Stewart Gloria Gaynor Bee Gees Gloria Gaynor Doobie Brothers

The Flow


The China Syndrome A movie with phenomenal national impact, The China Syndrome depicts a near disaster at an atomic-powered electrical generating plant located in the lap of Los Angeles. The title refers to the popular myth concerning what would happen if a nuclear power plant lost the coolant to its blistering hot uranium core and burned through the floor, into the earth, and on to China. The flick involves a television news team — Reporter Jane Fonda and Cameraman Michael Douglas — who take a routine tour of a nuclear power plant. While observing engineer Jack Lemmon in the control room, everything falls apart and complete pandemonium reigns. Douglas manages to sneak some from-the-hip footage of the crisis, but is not permitted to show the reel at the news station because the plant's public relations man has convinced the news director that nothing really happened




The Flow

Douglas, and later, Fonda smell a rat and apprehensively decide to investigate the mishap; on their own. While Douglas and Fonda are getting their danders up, owners of the disabled utility put the plant back on the line in what Lemmon believes to be a recklessly quick manner. It is then that he discovers that the contractors who built the plant have falsified various safety certificates, more specifically, they have duplicated the radiograms of one weld on the cooling loop of the reactor pretending to have radiographed all of them. Lemmon discovers this in an incredibly tense moment in the story. Upon seeing that the characteristics of one transparency are precisely identical with the others, his face depicts total terror in a most convincing manner. But even as Lemmon is discovering the fraudulent radiograms, the contractor is getting on to him. The result is attempted murder in an effort to prevent the introduction of the falsified documents at a hearing for their newest nuclear installation. Lemmon singlehandedly grabs control of the plant and intends to "tell all" to the television cameras focused in on him through the observation deck. But "not so fast," says the big time contractor. On the grounds that he is a lunatic, the authorities send in a SWAT team while Lemmon's colleagues purposely foul up the reactor to distract him. Exit one actor Lemmon in a storm of bullets; his story and his presentation of the damning evidence unrevealed. It's yet another triumph for technology.

Jack Lemmon in The China Syndrome.

Animal House Animal House is set at the fictional Faber College in 1962. The animals of the story are the residents of Delta House, the campus' absolute worst representatives of fraternity life, or best, depending how one looks at it. In the plot, the dean of Faber College, played to the heights of disgust by "pizza-faced" John Vernon, sets as his life goal to shut down this disreputable frat house. Once finding success in this ambition, the Dean's homecoming parade is decimated by the disgruntled cast-offs. The movie includes such scenes as the rushing, pledging and blackballing activities of two seemingly polar fraternities; the clean-out ail-Americans on the one hand and the drunken, filthy, 1.2 G.P.A.-types on the other. The irony of the movie seems to be the immergence of the inhabitants of Delta House as the heroes, while their all-around-good-guys rival fraternity prove to be corrupt and repulsively prima dona. The cast includes Stephen Furst as the class blimp, Thomas Hulce as the class wimp, Karen Allen the sexy animal house girl, and John Belushi, who, through his excesses and abominable idiosyncracies, steals the show.

Christopher Reeves in Superman

Belushi and Co. in Animal House

Other flick favorites include: The Deer Hunter, an incredibly violent, three hour saga about Viet Nam starring Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken; Hardcore, a movie directed and written by Calvin College student and Grand Rapids native, Paul Schrader, starring George C. Scott. The film lays bare a father's anguish as he witnesses a porno film starring his daughter and his ensuing search for her in the harsh world of skin exploitation; Heaven Can Wait, depicting the reemergence on the mortal scene of a deceased professional football player played by Warren Beatty; Coming Home, another Viet Nam reel starring John Voigt, Jane Fonda and Bruce Dern in a vicious post-war triangle; and Superman, the remake of the old classic featuring Christopher Reeves and Valorie Perrine. Warren Beatty in Heaven Can Wait.

The Flow




The Flow

rugby shirts t-shirts (name brand) sweats medical greens banded collar shirts docksider shoes painter's pants khaki pants button down shirts elastic belts crew neck sweaters down vests monogram sweaters high heeled shoes leather coats clogs kneesocks

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * "Be there, aloha" A phrase often used at the end of oral or bulletin board announcements. " B e there, aloha" seems to be linked to a cultic admiration for Jack Lord. Those that use this term are also often heard saying, " B o o k him, Danno." "Blow If off" The standard collegiate phrase for capricious procrastination. The phrase is usually uttered in response to a classmates rejection of an offer to socialize at Skiles because of an overload of studies. Stated in the above manner, the phrase is imperative in nature. If the term " i t " is dropped, the phrase becomes a noun that applies to inveterate procrastinators that frequent the Kletz. "Catch ya later" Good bye "Excellent" This word took on no significant new connotations, but the frequency with which it was used, particularly by " p r e p p y " collegiates, rose sharply in 78-79. "For sure" Emphatic agreement "Go for it" Meanings: Be aggressive, take the gamble, or "If you don't, someone else will ask her out " "Good times" Indicates that subject enjoyed a particular stretch of time, a phrase that can be used to communicate enjoyment of anything, but generally is used in a social context. "Hardcore" Apart from its traditional use in respect to pornography, this word is often used to indicate phenomenally difficult situations or phenomenally perverse personalities. "I can relate" This phrase is popular in conversations involving commiseration. For example, "I've got four exams on Friday, two papers due, four weeks to catch up in my journal and I have to work at Borr's Bootery from 5 to 9 . " A friend, in a similar situation would reply, I can relate.

"It's been real" This is another phrase used when acquaintances part Its meaning is determined by assessing the personality of the user. If it is determined that the speaker tends to be either sarcastic or superficial, it is highly probable that the phrase lacks sincerity When used in a genuine manner. It's been real simply indicates that the recent social encounter was productive and appreciated. NOTE: The phrase is not an attempt to develop a philosophy of metaphysics. "Maintain" Can mean, "Don't lose your temper" or when friends separate it may mean, "Stay out of trouble '' "pimp" 1979 may have been the year when this tough little word finally died. P/mp was intensely popular from about 1975 to 1978. The long-term meaning of pimp, stated euphemistically, pertains to a director

of sexual gratification services, generally located in the big city. The colloquial meaning of pimp changes the word from noun to verb and indicates that someone purposefully and inconsiderately left someone out of a gathering of friends or social event. It can also indicate that someone did not show up for a set appointment. Common examples are, "I've been pimped' or " Y o u pimped me." "The Max" An abbreviation for maximum, this phrase has precisely that same meaning, while possessing a much greater use flexibility. "The max" is a propos in reference to such subjects as the opposite sex, actions, performances, the level at which something is done or the extreme to which something or someone will go. The phrase can be opposite or similar in meaning to "the pits" depending on the context. For example, "He's the max" would indicate a man of superior looks and personality, however, "Durfee residents are obnoxious to the max" would be fully consistent with the phrase, "Durfee's the pits." NOTE: Exemplification is used for explanatory purposes only. "the pits" A descriptive phrase that not only indicates that something is below standards or expectations, but that those standards or expectations are no where in sight. When used with a subject, the phrase indicates strong disapproval. "We'll see you real soon" The meaning of this phrase is dependent on the accent placed on the word "real." Without emphasis, the phrase may indicate that the conversants are parting in friendship and pledge to keep in touch with each other. When accent is placed on the term real in such a manner that the long 'e' sound is disproportionately drawn out, the phrase is extremely sarcastic and implies that the speaker could care less if he or she ever sees the subject again. For example, "We'll see you reeeeealllll soon." "wild and crazy" This phrase is strictly a creature of the media; its initiation into American lingo is a result of the comedic efforts of Steve Martin as a Czechoslovakian playboy. Its meaning seems to be synonymous with a popular party phrase of the 7 7 7 8 year: go berzerk. "ya know" These two words have certainly stood the test of time and they seem to be here to stay. "Ya know?" is used in the same manner as East Coasters use the word " r i g h t " when telling a story For example, " O n c e upon a time, rigW?There were three little " The term pigs, right?and a big, bad wolf, right? " y a knoW?" can be freely substituted for the term "right?" without changing the meaning of the story NOTE: Scholarly circles agree that there is a correlation between use of the phrase " y a know?" and Dutch ancestry. Also the phrase "I mean, ya know'''' is often spoken when the speaker is finding that he or she lacks the rhetorical skills necessary to make a valid point

The Flow



Dow, after a half a dozen years, has risen from a square block of deteriorating homes, as a dream come true. Yet those involved with this structure know that they must begin to build a program worthy of the facilities. Now, the real adventure begins.

To Defend a Crown Coming back to play soccer as defending champion in the MIAA is a vulnerable position to be In. And Hope was exactly in that position In 1978. Since 1970, with the exception of 1975 when Kalamazoo shared the title with Calvin, either Hope or Calvin have won or shared the league title. It looked like Hope may have been able to repeat as the MIAA champion In '78 until Calvin dealt them a blow by defeating them 5-1. Hope came back to tie Calvin In their second meeting, but it was too late, as Calvin remained undefeated throughout the rest of the season to take their seventh title In nine years. The difference between Calvin and Hope was in scoring power. Calvin's top three combined to score 25 goals and 19 assists for a total of 75 points. Jaun Ramirez of Hope tied for fifth In Individual scoring honors with 18 total points. Junior Gary Hutchins of Flint, Mich, was elected most valuable player while Gordon Herwig, a sophomore from Fairlawn, N.J. was chosen most improved. Herwig and Hutchins, along with junior Jim DeJulio of Albany, N.Y. will be the tri-captains for 1979. The 1978 All-MIAA Soccer team featured two Hope players. Ramirez was selected as a midfielder to the allleague squad while MVP Hutchins received a berth on the prestigious team as a fullback.

Scoring 31 career goals, Jin De Julio tied for team honors with Kurt Beerboom scoring 8 goals in '78.



Hope carried the guns in 7 8 scoring a total 38 points on the season and taking 347 shots on goal


Calvin Hope Kalamazoo Albion Olivet Alma

W L 9 0 7 2 5 3 3 6 3 6 0 10

T 1 1 2 1 1 0

As coach of Hope soccer, Glenn Van Wieren has a 41-37-6 record since 7 3 .

FRONT ROW (from left to right): E. Loftgren, S. Down, D. Van Hoeven, S. Savage, F, Ward, J, DeJong, D. Johnson, S, Goshorn B Potter, D, Hones: MIDDLE ROW: J. Allen, B. Shoemaker, J. DeJulio, J, Peachy, K, Capisciolto, J. Jellema, J. Weatherbee P Walchenbach, M, Sikkema, K, Beerboom BACK ROW: Manager G, Bussies, Manager D Van Hoven, G Freisatz, Tri-captain G, Hutchins, S. Sayer, Tri-captain D. Johnson, P. Malone, G, Herwig, Tri-captam R Hoeksema, Assistant Coach G Afman, Coach G. Van Wieren




Holing Out A sport with low campus visibility, golf proceeds about its business in relative obscurity. The home course for Hope golfers is the Clearbrook Country Club located in Saugatuck, Mich. The course is known as one of the most demanding in Western Michigan. The 18th hole, for example, features a deep out-of-bounds woods to the left, a pond to the right, and a meandering stream crossing the fairway in the prime distance the average golfer can expect to drive the ball. What this leaves is a narrow strip of grass for the golfer to drive, or, if he is a gambler, he can attempt to out-distance the stream — a feat that would demand a perfect drive. Hope ran up a 46 point total in 1978 good for third place in the MIAA behind Olivet and Albion. Each team competing for the MIAA conference championship competes in seven conference meets, one hosted by each member school during the regular season. The championship is awarded to the team finishing with the most cumulative points based on a point system in which 12 points are awarded for first place, ten for second, etc., down to zero for seventh place in each conference meet. In the seven conference tournaments, Hope placed second twice, fourth four times and last once. Junior Lou Czanko from Grand Rapids was voted most valuable player by his teammates for the third year straight. Czanko also qualified with Jamie Drew, a sophomore from Bloomfield Hills, Mich, for the MIAA second team allconference. Czanko and Drew had 80.3 and 80.7 18-hole round averages respectively. John Gibson leaves it on the lip.


FRONT ROW (from left to right): D Wolthuis, R. Mowat, Angle, D. Hafley, S. Lokers, M Cook; BACK ROW: D. Wrleden, J. Gibson, J. Schipper, M Leonhard, J. Drew, B Jellison, J. Votaw, and Coach D. Peterson.

FINAL Olivet Albion Hope Kalamazoo Alma Calvin Adrian

76 62 46 37 32 24 17


With the sun at his back, Mark Leonard pulls out a wood





siUivcE is Bantom weight, lean and muscularly well defined, the cross country runner arduously competes with a timepiece. It is a game of rhythm, discipline and pain. But, perhaps the most striking feature of the sport, despite its taxing physical demands is the fact that the game is played out in virtual silence. It was that graceful silence that turned golden as the Hope cross country team captured yet another M.I.A.A. championship trophy. Hope finished the season undefeated


teams and leading five individuals not in the M.I.A.A. for the sixth time in eight from qualifying teams are eligible to years. During that span, the Dutchmen compete in the nationals. have amassed a 46 win, 2 loss league The race included 110 runners dual meet record and have now won the representing 13 teams. Hope finished in M.I.A.A. championship for six straight fourth with junior Dick Northuis of Grand years. The team won the Hope Invitational for only the second time in 12 Haven, Michigan placing seventh, Mark years. Ongley of North East, Pa. 23rd, senior George Moger of Simsbury, Ct. in 25th, Highlighting this sterling season was freshman Mark Northuis of Grand Haven. the Great Lakes Regional meet held at Michigan in 47th and senior Nevin Case Western Reserve University in Webster of Denver in 51 st. In the national Cleveland. In that meet, the top four

FRONT ROW (from left to right): J. Shoemaker — co-captain, G. Luther, K. Bierbaum, D. Kuipers, M. Knopf, M. Ongley, G. Moger — co-captain, D. Northuis, L. Davidson; BACK ROW: N. Webster, M Hosteller, C. Taylor, S. Wissink, L. Kortering, T, Anthony, D, Brouwer, M. Northuis, S. Hulst, J, Smeenge, Coach B Vanderbilt.

Cross Country

meet for the NCAA Division III, Hope runners placed an impressive 15th. Dick Northuis was elected most valuable runner for the 1978 season while Mark Ongley closed out his career taking home most improved running honors. Both Dick and Mark were selected to the all-M.I.A.A. team. Northuis and Jim Shoemaker of Rochester, N.Y. were elected co-captains for 1979. Coach Bill Vanderbilt has established a perennial powerhouse in the M.I.A.A. as traditional and noteworthy as the football dynasty of his colleague Ray Smith. No wonder that fans speculate as to what his secret is. According to Nevin Webster, "There is no real secret, just hard work, a positive attitude, and a lot of respect and pride.. If the coach does have a winning secret there was no indication of such from him, . . no winning secret, just a lot of good runners," In assessing the winning formula for the 1978 championship team, Vanderbilt went on to say, . . the greatest strength is the willingness of the team members to help each other develop their maximum potential."

Struggling up 16th Street in Holland is co-captain Jim Shoemaker.

I as co-captain George

Cross Country


Bullied by the Opposition A traditionally feminine game, one look at a field hockey player's weaponry provides ample evidence that this is no powder puff sport. Made of solid hard wood and a full 36 inches in length the field hockey stick gives the women good reason to don shin guards for every match. Because of the shape of the stick and the fact that a ball rather than a puck is used, the 'dry' version of hockey tends to be more chaotic than ice hockey. And the season proved to be somewhat chaotic for the Hope field hockey squad as they were 1 -4-1 for the season good for a fifth place tie, finishing ahead of Adrian. Hope had difficulties with defense giving up 20 goals on the season, the highest in the league. Yet, there were many fine performers on the team including senior Beth Van Klompenberg of Holland and senior Sue Gebhart of St. Louis, Missouri who were elected by their teammates as most valuable. Monica Bodzick of Harbor Springs and Lois Lema of Baldwin, N.Y. were also elected co-captains of the 7 9 team.

'o'V -.



; is SS FRONT ROW (from left to right): Co-captain B, Van Kloempenberg, Co-captain S. Gebhart, J. Zelenka, M. B. Allen; BACK ROW: M. Bodzick, L. Lema, L, Tamminga, B, Herpich and Coach A, Dimitre


Field Hockey



rV-!\r t i f f Wit

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* f ' TV* fifM ..i4xu


Albion Alma Calvin Olivet Hope Kazoo Adrian


W 4 4 3 2 1 1 1

L 0 0 1 2 4 4 5

T 2 2 2 2 1 1 0

.. , . "- r

Getting low, Monica Bodzick prepares to send the ball d o w n field

^ l n bounds play at the base line has the defense leaning.

Field Hockey




After a tie game cost Hope the outright championship in 1977.

This time*** it didirt slip away

T h e e n t r a n c e of a t i e i n t o t h e r e c o r d b o o k s is s c a r c e l y p e r m i t t e d in t h e w o r l d of s p o r t . G o l f ' s s u d d e n d e a t h , b a s e b a l l ' s e x t r a i n n i n g s , t e n n i s ' tie b r e a k e r a n d b a s k e t b a l l ' s o v e r t i m e all e x i s t f o r t h e s o l e p u r p o s e of s i d e s t e p p i n g a s t a l e m a t e . A n e x c e p t i o n is c o l l e g e f o o t b a l l a n d n o o n e k n e w t h a t b e t t e r t h a n R a y S m i t h a n d t h e F l y i n g D u t c h m e n in 1 9 7 7 . F o r t u n a t e l y , t h e tie g a m e d i d n o t h a v e t h e c h a n c e t o r e v e a l its e x a s p e r a t i n g nature d u r i n g the 1 9 7 8 football c a m p a i g n a n d c o n s e q u e n t l y H o p e ' s l e a g u e r e c o r d w a s u n b l e m i s h e d e n r o u t e to a n o u t r i g h t M.I.A.A. crown. T h e m o n t h of S e p t e m b e r w a s a t u n e u p t o t h e r e g u l a r s e a s o n a s t h e D u t c h m e n played four non-league g a m e s losing only to W a b a s h , the 1 9 7 7 d i v i s i o n III c h a m p i o n , 1 3 - 3 . T h e r e a l s e a s o n f o r t h e D u t c h m e n b e g a n o n O c t o b e r 7 a g a i n s t A l b i o n . L e d b y M . I . A . A . f o o t b a l l p l a y e r of t h e week, Kurt Droppers, the Hope rushing defense held Albion to only 87 y a r d s a n d w o n w h a t c a m e to b e r e g a r d e d as the c h a m p i o n s h i p g a m e , 31 27. H o p e s w e p t the r e m a i n i n g M.I.A.A. g a m e s o u t s c o r i n g Olivet, A d r i a n , Alma a n d Kalamazoo, 102-13, limiting the rush to a n average 53.2 yards per g a m e .

To the approval of C o a c h Ray Smith, Mark Spencer completes o n e of his record breaking 8 5 passes




This time*** s o c k s to D o w Center m e m b e r s , there w a s just o n e m o r e c o n s i d e r a t i o n — post s e a s o n t o u r n a m e n t play. A n d o n c e again. C o a c h S m i t h ' s o l d n e m e s i s , t h e tie g a m e , p l a y e d a d e t e r m i n i n g role. A n y o p p o r t u n i t y H o p e h a d for a post-season t o u r n a m e n t bid disappeared w h e n Wittenberg and Balkwin-Wallace, two Ohio A t h l e t i c C o n f e r e n c e u n d e f e a t e d s , p l a y e d t o a t i e in t h e i r r e g u l a r season finale J . W i l l i a m G r i c e , c h a i r m a n of t h e N . C . A . A . r e g i o n a l s e l e c t i o n c o m m i t t e e said, " T h e only c h a n c e H o p e h a d for being c o n s i d e r e d w a s if e i t h e r B a l d w i n - W a l l a c e o r W i t t e n b e r g h a d l o s t . " G r i c e , a C l e v e l a n d . O h i o n a t i v e a n d a t h l e t i c d i r e c t o r at C a s e W e s t e r n Reserve University w e n t o n to say, " W h e n they t i e d , a n d b e c a u s e b o t h w e r e u n d e f e a t e d , t h e r e w a s little w e c o u l d d o but r e c o m m e n d b o t h for post-season p l a y . " In t h a t c r u c i a l g a m e , W i t t e n b e r g c a m e f r o m b e h i n d in t h e f i n a l n i n e s e c o n d s t o s c o r e a t o u c h d o w n a n d p u l l w i t h i n o n e p o i n t of Baldwin-Wallace, 17-16. After declaring a time out, the W i t t e n b e r g staff, h e a d e d by C o a c h Dave M a u r e r c o n s i d e r e d the p o s t - s e a s o n s t a k e s a n d e l e c t e d t o g o f o r t h e tie. G r i c e s a i d his c o m m i t t e e , p r i o r t o S a t u r d a y ' s g a m e , w a s p r e p a r i n g t o r e c o m m e n d t h e U n i v e r s i t y of D a y t o n , t h e w i n n e r of the W i t t e n b e r g Baldwin-Wallace g a m e a n d either H o p e or W a b a s h . S h o u l d the W i t t e n b e r g - B a l d w i n - W a l l a c e g a m e had b e e n decisive, Hope w a s the favorite to get the t o u r n a m e n t nod. " W e w e r e l e a n i n g t o w a r d H o p e b e c a u s e of their s t r o n g finish, especially o n defense," Grice said Instead, Wittenberg a n d Baldwin-Wallace w e r e c h o s e n to r e p r e s e n t t h e n o r t h r e g i o n w h i c h c o n s i s t s of t e a m s f r o m Illinois, Indiana, M i c h i g a n and Wisconsin. S o o n c e a g a i n the tie g a m e w a s just a d e q u a t e t o s o u r a n o t h e r w i s e s w e e t s e a s o n . B u t t h e y e a r , o n t h e w h o l e left n o regrets with Ray Smith, " T h e t e a m a c c o m p l i s h e d as m u c h as a n y t e a m I h a v e c o a c h e d at H o p e . I w o u l d a t t r i b u t e o u r s u c c e s s t o t h e o u t s t a n d i n g l e a d e r s h i p o f u p p e r c l a s s m e n . Of c o u r s e , t h e r e w e r e u n d e r c l a s s m e n w h o w e r e key players: Mark S p e n c e r , Ed Kane a n d Rick Schut to n a m e a few . . . the t e a m jelled a n d p l a y e d v e r y w e l l t o g e t h e r . . . t h e r e w a s a r e a l esprit de corps — a s e n j o y a b l e a c o a c h i n g s e a s o n t h e staff h a s e v e r h a d . "

C o n t a i n i n g the rush so effectively established a new team r e c o r d , b r e a k i n g t h e p r e v i o u s r e c o r d of 7 3 . 3 y a r d s p e r g a m e set in 1 9 7 4 . T h e r e c o r d w a s o n e of 1 3 t h a t t h e D u t c h m e n e i t h e r t i e d o r e s t a b l i s h e d d u r i n g t h e c o u r s e of t h e 1 9 7 8 c h a m p i o n s h i p season. Greg Bekius, a s o p h o m o r e from Whitehall, Mich., was i n v o l v e d in s e v e r a l s i n g l e s e a s o n i n d i v i d u a l r e c o r d s . B e k i u s k i c k e d 3 2 e x t r a p o i n t c o n v e r s i o n s , t y i n g J i m M i l l e r ' s r e c o r d set in 1 9 7 5 . A l s o t y i n g Miller in 1 9 7 5 , B e k i u s b o o t e d f i v e f i e l d g o a l s o n t h e y e a r . G r e g t i e d his o w n r e c o r d set in 1 9 7 7 b y k i c k i n g 3 2 of 3 2 P A T ' S , a 1 0 0 % k i c k i n g s u c c e s s r a t e ( h e w a s 2 1 f o r 2 1 In 1 9 7 7 s t r e t c h i n g his c a r e e r c o n s e c u t i v e P A T ' s w i t h o u t a m i s s t o 53). F r e s h m a n q u a r t e r b a c k M a r k S p e n c e r of T r a v e r s e C i t y , M i c h i g a n , b r o k e the o l d m a r k of 8 4 p a s s c o m p l e t i o n s e s t a b l i s h e d b y G r a y K a p e r in 1 9 6 8 b y c o m p l e t i n g 8 5 t o s s e s t h i s y e a r . Henry Loudermilk, a junior f r o m Norfolk, Virginia, averaged 3 9 . 7 y a r d s p e r p u n t b e s t i n g G a r y F r e n s ' e f f o r t of 3 8 . 9 y a r d s in 1966. A s a t e a m H o p e t i e d t h e m o s t v i c t o r i e s in a s i n g l e s e a s o n ( 8 ) , most passes completed (104), most opponent passes i n t e r c e p t e d ( 1 9 ) , a n d c o n s e c u t i v e v i c t o r i e s at h o m e ( 1 0 ) . A l s o , a n e w m a r k w a s s e t in l e a s t y a r d s g i v e n u p t o t h e r u s h ( 4 7 9 ) . Several a w a r d s w e r e p r e s e n t e d for o u t s t a n d i n g p e r f o r m a n c e s in f o o t b a l l . S e n i o r l i n e b a c k e r T i m L o n t of G r a n d R a p i d s , M i c h . , w a s e l e c t e d m o s t v a l u a b l e p l a y e r b y his t e a m m a t e s . L o n t a l s o s h a r e d t h e m o s t v a l u a b l e p l a y e r a w a r d in t h e M . I . A . A . w i t h J o e B a c a n i of A d r i a n in a d d i t i o n t o h i s A i l - A m e r i c a n d e s i g n a t i o n . S e n i o r s S t e v e P r e d i g e r of M u s k e g o n , M i c h . , a n d D o u g K o o p m a n of Overisel, M i c h . , w e r e e l e c t e d c o - w i n n e r s of t h e A l l e n C. K i n n e y M e m o r i a l A w a r d g i v e n by t h e c o a c h i n g staff for overall c o n t r i b u t i o n to t h e t e a m . T h r e e j u n i o r s w e r e n a m e d c o - c a p t a i n s of t h e 1 9 7 9 t e a m : S t e v e B r a t s c h i e of East G r a n d R a p i d s , M i c h . , C r a i g G r o e n d y k of J e n i s o n , M i c h . , a n d R o s s N y k a m p of B r a d e n t o n , Fla. A f t e r t h e final g u n of t h e regular s e a s o n h a d s o u n d e d , after the a p p l a u s e had diminished a n d after the a w a r d s had b e e n presented, H o p e had an outright M.I.A.A. football c h a m p i o n s h i p t r o p h y in h a n d . B u t b e f o r e B u n k o c o u l d p a c k u p t h e o r a n g e a n d blue jerseys a n d c o n c e n t r a t e his efforts o n distributing sweat

An intrasquad scrimmage gives Greg Bekius opportunity to hone his art. Hope defense held its opponents to just over 50 yards a game.



Heading into the end zone, Todd DeYoung scores six of his season 107 points.


Hope Adrian Kalamazoo Albion Olivet Alma

W 54 3 2 1 0

L 0 1 2 3 4 5

T 0 0 0 0 0 0

FIRST ROW: J. Hosta, J, Fraza, M Nyenhuis, T. Lont, K Droppers, S. Prediger, C. Groendyk, S. Van Der Meulen, P Nedervelt; SECOND ROW: B Driesenga, M Disher, B Quay, G Markert, G. DeKokkoek, D. Koopman, R. Buikema, J. Boeve, J. Van Vliet, THIRD ROW: S Bratschie, J Hawken, B Leak, P Rink, D. Andrews, R Nykamp, P Damon, J. Hodges, J. Hilliker: FOURTH ROW: C. Joseph, B. Cook, P Paganeii, S. Rice, J Hartman, R Klyn, G Bekius, S. DeWitt, C. Brooks, D Molenaar; FIFTH ROW: H Loudermilk, D. Braschiler, S, Gelpi, C Gould, M. Hinga, M LaPres, D Batdorff, S. DeLoot, K. Suchecki, SIXTH ROW: S. Eckert, M. Van Gessel, A, Smith, G. Wendling, G, Hansen, K Rollins, K, Emerson. D. VanderMey; SEVENTH ROW: R Schutt, R. Parker, A. Hamre, G Harper, D. Rink, K. Nelson, S. Cameron, D. Broersma, T Gay: EIGHTH ROW: E. Stinson, T Geerlings, D Heneveld, M Thompson, M Candey, K Berry, D Braschler, J Rexillus, R. Wheeler, NINTH ROW: D Aartila, R Arnold, R Hewitt, J Lunderberg, T. Wolflis, B Tarns, G. Visscher, C. Green, J. Lovely, T E N T H ROW: T. Lefley, W Webb, K Droppers, E. Cain, J. Whims, J. Veldman, M Spencer, C, Christopher BACK ROW: Trainer L Doc' Green, Assistant Trainer G, Easton, Equipment Manager N, Japinga, Team Manager B Goen, Assistant Coach G. Kraft, Assistant Coach R. DeVette, Assistant Coach T. Van Heest, Assistant Coach D. Smith, Head Coach R. Smith




Moving in to the Palace Enshrined in entirely new surroundings, Hope volleyball team members have gone from rags to riches in the past year; from Carnegie to Dow. The transition could do nothing but improve team confidence, and it showed, as the squad had another winning season. Hope finished fourth in the MIAA with a three win, three loss record. A successful season can generally be attributed to several major factors. And three of those factors were given due consideration by their teammates. Senior Cheryl Burke of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and junior Jos Mand of Dublin, Ohio were elected co-most valuable players on the squad while Tammy Schuiling of Grand Rapids was selected most improved. Mand was also the pick to captain the 7 9 team.

Setting her teammate up for the spike, Cheryl Burke awaits the result.




Crouched and ready Sheryl Israel looks for service.


Adrian Calvin Olivet Hope Kazoo Alma Albion


W 6 5 3 3 3 1 0

L 0

fh 2 3 3 5 6


i'. ,ÂŤ

FRONT ROW (from left to right): S. Israel, K, Schultz, J. Wilkening, S. Stokoe, J. VanHeest. and T Schuiling; BACK ROW: Coach S. Parker, Captain J. Mand, J, Lawrence, N, Roberts, C, Burke, Kay van der Eems and Assistant Coach M, Jonker,

Leaning back for the kill is captain Jocelyn Mand



Getting Cradled by Olivet It has been said that wrestling is the most physically demanding of all sports. Wrestling subjects its combatants to three rounds of total strain. The sport becomes that much more demanding for teams in the M.I.A.A., including Hope, who have to compete with perennial conference powerhouse Olivet. Says Coach George Kraft, "The name of the game in college athletics is recruiting. Olivet has built up a reputation . . . (they) have much depth and they work on it. Much credit goes to the coach (Jare Klein). Hope lost to Olivet this year and finished fifth in the


M.I.A.A. league race. Most valuable wrestler for the Hope matmen was Mike Sutton who was also elected team captain for the 79-80 season. Sutton, a junior from Shelby, Mich., qualified for the NCAA Division III wrestling championships by winning the gold medal in the MIAA tournament at 158 lbs. Having only been pinned once in his collegiate career, Mike finished the season winning 14 out of 20 contests. Hope's outstanding wrestler award went to both Mike Sutton and Pete White from Northbrook, III. The 79-80 season will see some changes in Hope's wrestling program. Coach Kraft will make room on the wrestling staff for Bruce Harrington, a 24 year old Holland High wrestler and captain of the Michigan State Spartan wrestlers in his junior year. Bruce wrestled at 142 lbs. According to Kraft, "Bruce is an outstanding wrestler. He will be able to get on the mat and show them the moves. We're hoping that having a young coach will help things turn the corner. . . things will be looking up."

Applying the cradle, MVP Mike Sutton stays on top while Coach Kraft voices concern


A half nelson seems to be a good move for Pete White.


FRONT ROW (from left to right): J. Decker, M, Sutton, J, Abe, P. Gamirian, B. Prielipp, S Wilbur B, Ackerman; BACK ROW: R, Arnold, G, Harper, G. Visscher, K. Brinks, L, Boven, P White, D Van Hoeven

Giving his best side to the opponent, Byron Prielipp keeps the situation under control

: rf v.

1. Olivet 2. Alma 3. Kazoo 4. Adrian 5. Hope 6. Calvin



The Kresge Shakedown "This was a pretty good year cause all of us improved and we were impressed with the coaching quality. Pattnot is really experienced, our morale was high cause we knew that what we were working with was small in number, so we had a lot of fun." The man Bruce Webster is referring to is rookie Hope swimming coach John Pattnot. Pattnot had to work with a team that did not have the benefit of a year's previous experience. Despite such odds, both the men and women had respectable seasons. Paced by Dave Moored, the men's swimming team placed fifth out of 6 teams in the MIAA. Moored, a Grandville, Mich, freshman, won membership to the All-Conference team. In February, in a league match-up with perennial conference champion, Kalamazoo, Moored set a Kalamazoo College pool record in the 1,000 yard freestyle. Moored went on to set an MIAA record at the league meet in the 500 yard freestyle event, swimming the distance in 4:55.75. Dave also got the nod from his peers as Hope's most valuable swimmer. For an inaugural season, the women's team put out a phenomenal performance in 78-79 finishing third in the league with a three win, two loss record. Although the team voted the entire team as most valuable, Lynn Bute, a freshman from Lincolnshire, III., was crowned league champion in the one-meter diving competition. Hope was certainly not wanting for swimming facilities and MIAA schools know it. Not only was the 1979 men's MIAA conference meet held in the Kresge Natatorium, but the MIAA has the Kresge Pool picked for the '79-80 women's championships. Says Webster, "We really have a good outlook because we have the facilities to attract."

Breast-stroking, Jane Wilterdmk surfaces for air. The w o m e n ' s times were very good all year long.




No false start here as Hope swimmers break in the new pool. (Inset) Lynne Bute on the spring board.

WOMEN'S FINAL 1. Kazoo 2. Albion 3. Hope 4. Alma 5. Calvin 6. Adrian

MEN'S FINAL 1. Kazoo 2. Albion 3. Alma 4. Calvin 5 Hope 6. Adrian

l i p ? # ' :

FRONT ROW (from left to right): C. Anderson. D Moored, B Boggs, T Jasperse SECOND ROW: Coach J Patnott, B. Webster, K. Schewe, L Leslie, Lynne Bute, N Vande Water THIRD: K. Weidenaar, B. Blschott, L De Wolf, J. Wilterdink; FOURTH: C. Cavino, L. Frasch, Judy G . M Fowler, L Bethards, N. Scholten





The Transitional Period " W e ' r e v e r y y o u n g , b u l t h e r e ' s a l o l of p o t e n t i a l h e r e


S o s a i d C o a c h G l e n V a n W i e r e n at t h e o u t s e t o f t h e 7 9 - 8 0 season Finishing the year with a 2 a n d 10 league record, firmly a n c h o r e d in t h e c e l l a r of t h e M I A A , V a n W i e r e n ' s o p t i m i s m t u r n e d t o disillusionment. A s V a n W i e r e n explains, " W h e n w e started w e w e r e b u r s t i n g w i t h p o t e n t i a l . W e d i d n ' t a c h i e v e it d u e t o c e r t a i n circumstances c o n s t a n t l y w o n d e r i n g w h o our ball c l u b w a s going to b e , " W h a t V a n W i e r e n w a s r e f e r r i n g t o w a s t h e t u r n o v e r of t e a m personnel t h r o u g h o u t the season T h e y o u t h of t h e s q u a d , h o w e v e r , m a y b e c a u s e f o r a w i n n i n g

to build a p r o g r a m a n d C o a c h V a n W i e r e n has d o n e m u c h t o w a r d building t h e basketball p r o g r a m here at H o p e . " C o a c h A f m a n w e n t o n to analyze the year a n d his junior varsity team, " I h a d a terrific year with the team. T h e r e c o r d w a s not indicative of t h e k i n d of y e a r w e h a d . T h e r e w a s a r e a l c l o s e n e s s a n d t h e f u n w e h a d t o g e t h e r is w h a t s p o r t s is all a b o u t

the highlight in d r a w i n g t h e

g r o u p t o g e t h e r w a s C h r i s t m a s vacation; w e ate t o g e t h e r , p r a c t i c e d t o g e t h e r a n d w e n t o u t t o g e t h e r . C a p t a i n s M a t t ( W e i l ) a n d R i c k (?) d i d a g r e a t j o b in b e i n g r e s p o n s i b l e t o t h e t e a m . . . r e a l l y g o o d j o b o f bringing e v e r y o n e t o g e t h e r . . Mark H o w a r d didn't play m u c h but g a v e 1 0 0 % all t h e t i m e . H e d i d s o m u c h f o r t h e t e a m w i t h h i s

y o u n g n e s s , it w a s a r e a l t r a n s i t i o n . B u t t h e y o u n g e r p l a y e r s will

continuous support." A f m a n a l s o e n j o y e d b e i n g o n c a m p u s t h i s y e a r b e c a u s e , in h i s

b e c o m e e v e n s t r o n g e r p e r f o r m e r s in t h e y e a r s a h e a d , s o t h e r e is

w o r d s , " I s a w t h e g u y s a lot m o r e . "

s e a s o n n e x t y e a r A c c o r d i n g t o t h e c o a c h , " F r o m t h e s t a n d p o i n t of

real p r o m i s e h e r e

t h e r e is a w o n d e r f u l n u c l e u s of p e o p l e c o m i n g

back." Loren Schrotenboer w a s voted most valuable player a n d captain for t h e 7 9 - 8 0 s e a s o n . L o r e n r e s i d e s in H o l l a n d , M i c h , a n d is h e a d i n g i n t o h i s s e n i o r y e a r . S o p h o m o r e C r a i g V a n A r e n d o n k of Portage, Mich, received most i m p r o v e d player h o n o r s . Junior varsity c o a c h G r e g A f m a n p r o m i s e s V a n W i e r e n s o m e t o p talent for t h e n e w s e a s o n . M V P M a t t h e w W e i l a n d m o s t i m p r o v e d player B r y a n L i n d q u i s t a s w e l l a s o t h e r J . V . s t a n d o u t s w i l l b e r e a d y for v a r s i t y p l a y . Afman, w h o s e junior varsity t e a m along with the varsity play their g a m e s in t h e H o l l a n d C i v i c C e n t e r , h a d a s o l i d s e a s o n . P l a y i n g a s u b o r d i n a t e r o l e in t h e o v e r a l l H o p e b a s k e t b a l l p r o g r a m g i v e s C o a c h A f m a n a g o o d p e r s p e c t i v e o n j u s t w h e r e b a s k e t b a l l at H o p e is g o i n g . " T h e p r o g r a m is o n t h e u p s w i n g . It t a k e s a f e w y e a r s

F R O N T R O W (from left to right); K. Seitz, T, Roberts, T. Vander Stel, L. Schrotenboer, C. Van Arendonk, B. Vander Schaaf, M. Hospers; BACK ROW: C o a c h G. Van Wieren, G. Afman, D. Molenaar, J. Sutton, K. Korver, T. Peterson, N. Jappinga, R. Austin, Trainer Doc Green.


Albion Adrian Alma Olivet Calvin Kazoo Hope

W 11 9 7 6 4 3 2

L 1 3 5 6 8 9 10

Attempting to put a check o n the C h i c a g o offense, Loren Schrotenboer and Mark Hospers spread a collective ten fingers In the path of the ball



The spring brings a high school clinic c o n d u c t e d by Hope cheerleaders.

F h e morale business can be a trying one. Donning perpetual smiles and faced with the responsibility of maintaining the doctrine of eternal optimism, the cheerleader must face the college public week after week acting as a catalyst to the reaction between sports participant and sports fan. "We are there to be precise, do a job and have fun too . . . laughing is important and we are also a very important part of the s c h o o l . . . a challenge, but we enjoy it." So said Kathy Buttons, three year cheerleader from Grand Rapids, Mich, and captain of the 78-79 squad. Cheerleader prospectives tryout in the spring following the basketball season. 35-40 men and women typically try out, and, as a result of a change in the last two years, freshmen may try out in the fall to participate in basketball cheerleading. Six men made the squad for 1980 and will be ready for the 7 9 football season, but for Kathy Buttons, "That's great as long as numbers don't get too large to work

with," Cheerleaders are selected on the basis of several point designated categories: enthusiasm, eye contact, appearance, how well a cheer is performed, three kinds of mounts; mini-tramp work, chanting and floor jumps. Cheerleading aspirants are also personally interviewed by Coach Maxine De Bruyn. De Bruyn designates three judges for the three hour, one day tryout session before which there is a two week clinic. Here, the veterans teach the new material to those trying out. The "new" group starts practice in the summer for football and by fall, all cheers have been originated. A day is set aside each year for a high school cheerleading clinic. Letters are mailed to all Michigan high schools inviting them to the college. Hope cheerleaders are involved in a large share of the organizational work. Someone plans mounts, chants and pom-poms; participants rotate through these three sections. The high schoolers are also taught a cheer by the Hope cheerleaders in the morning. Later in the afternoon, they compete amongst themselves executing their new cheer and an original cheer. W. Dozens of trophies are

awarded to both varsity and junior varsity squads. According to Buttons, "We try to give something for everybody that participated." In the voting by fellow cheerleaders, Art Coiegrove, a freshman from Grand Rapids, Mich, was voted most improved while junior Deb Grochowski was crowned the most valuable cheerleader




FRONT ROW (from left to right): J. Blemly, M. Van Mater, A, Kurtze, C. Brauning, S. Aidala, S. Driesenga: BACK ROW: Coach M. De Bruyn, E. Cuellar, J. Klomparens, J. DeYoung, Captain K. Button, S. Cady and D, Grochowski.

Holding the music for Art Kurtze is Chris Brauning -^Suspended in air. Edna Cuellar works off the mini-tramp

J Cheerleading


The Facilities to Match Their Potential Sure, more basketball fanciers turn out for the men's version of the sport, but in the case of Hope's women's basketball program, this is no indication of performance. "Really pleased with the season. For the first time we had a winning season. One or two games we dominated and the others were close . . . which was encouraging." Coach Anne Irwin's basketball squad may have finished with a 2 and 4 record in the MIAA, but they logged 11 wins to 10 losses on the entire season. Loaded with potential just may be a gross understatement for next year as, . . we usually get inconsistency with freshmen cause of the lack of seasoning but, not this year. We started four freshmen and one sophomore in the State Tournament." Playing their home games in the Dow Center, the women finally had the facilities to match their potential. Junior Anne Mulder from St. Petersburg, Florida was elected captain of the 79-80 team and Most Improved Player for 78-79. Lora Hanson, a freshman from Harrisonburg, Virginia captured the most valuable player while leading the MIAA in free-throw shooting accuracy. Lora shot 86% (12 of 14) in six league games. She also finished fifth in the individual scoring race, averaging 15 points per game and was eighth in field goal shooting at 45% (39 of 87). As a parenthetical note, Hope scored 81 points against Glen Oaks for a school record and also amassed 1,201 points for the season, another school record.





Calvin Adrian Albion Alma Hope Olivet Kazoo

W 6 5 4 2 2 2 0

L 0

1 2 4 4 4 6

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FRONT ROW (from left to right): H. Burke, P- Barney, A, Mulder, P, Henry, D, Field, C, Miknes, F. Berens, M. Stewart, BACK ROW; Coach A. Irwin, P Bolthouse, C. Rietberg, J. Foy, L. Hanson, K. Lawrence, S. Gebhart, G. Becksford, A. Boluyt.

Getting the pick from Pat Henry, Jody Foy drives into the lane where Sue Gebharl (32) and Lora Hanson are setting up

Goodbye Old Flying Dutchman N i n e d a y s t r a v e l l i n g in t h e o l d F l y i n g D u t c h m a n is c e r t a i n l y n o t a c o v e t e d v a c a t i o n o p p o r t u n i t y . Y e t , d o z e n s of b a s e b a l l p r o s p e c t s t r i e d o u t t h e i r f i e l d i n g , h i t t i n g a n d p i t c h i n g s k i l l s in a n e f f o r t t o s e c u r e o n e of t h o s e seats h e a d i n g s o u t h . T h e j o u r n e y w a s a bit less b u r d e n s o m e t h i s y e a r a s N o r m " B u n k o " Jappinga captained a " n e w " 41 passenger bus (including r e c l i n i n g s e a t s ) o n its s p r i n g p a s s a g e t h r o u g h G e o r g i a a n d Tennessee. Hope finished the southern trip bettering the .500 mark by posting a 4 win, 3 loss pre-season record. The D u t c h m e n w e n t o n t o c o m p l e t e t h e s e a s o n w i t h a n o v e r a l l 1 3 a n d 14 r e c o r d a n d a 7 a n d 5 m a r k in t h e M . I . A . A . H o p e ' s r e c o r d w o u l d h a v e i m p r o v e d s u b s t a n t i a l l y w i t h a b e t t e r p e r f o r m a n c e in d o u b l e h e a d e r s . B e s i d e s s w e e p i n g t h e t w o s o m e w i t h A d r i a n , the D u t c h m e n split d o u b l e h e a d e r s with K a l a m a z o o , Olivet, Calvin, A l m a a n d Albion. A l b i o n a n d A l m a w e n t o n t o f i n i s h a h e a d of H o p e in t h e f i n a l s t a n d i n g s , p l a c i n g first a n d s e c o n d r e s p e c t i v e l y . R i c k Z o u l e k of S h e l b y , M i c h i g a n w a s v o t e d t h e m o s t v a l u a b l e p l a y e r b y his t e a m m a t e s . A n o u t f i e l d e r , Z o u l e k l e d t h e M . I . A . A , in r u n s b a t t e d in w i t h 1 2 , b o a s t e d a . 2 9 6 a v e r a g e a l o n g w i t h 5 h o m e runs a n d 2 0 RBI's for the entire season. J u n i o r c o l l e g e transfer Perry Paganelli, a c a t c h e r f r o m W y o m i n g , Michigan, w a s elected captain for the 1 9 8 0 season. A l t h o u g h less t h a n s p e c t a c u l a r , t h e y e a r w a s a solid o n e , yet H o p e loses s o m e key players to g r a d u a t i o n making next y e a r ' s p r o s p e c t s s t r o n g l y reliant o n t h e y o u n g ball players B u l t m a n l o o k s at it t h i s w a y , " W e h a v e a v e r y p r o m i s i n g g r o u p r e t u r n i n g . W e ' r e losing five seniors; Al Watson, Jeff B e c k m a n , B o b Angle, Terry L o c k e a n d Steve L o r e n z . But I feel c o n f i d e n t that we'll h a v e s t r o n g r e c r u i t s t o fill t h o s e p l a c e s . . . (I a m ) v e r y o p t i m i s t i c f o r n e x t y e a r . , , I'm a l w a y s optimistic at t h e b e g i n n i n g of t h e s e a s o n . "

Scoring from third, Steve Lorenz is motioned to slide


Albion Alma Hope Olivet Calvin Kazoo Adrian



Wm> F R O N T R O W (from left to right): A. Watson, B. Angle, M. Hospers, T. VanderStel, P. Rink, D. Wolf, K. Watson, R. Reimink, E. Stinson; S E C O N D ROW: N. Jappinga, J. Goorhouse, J. VandeGuchte D Molenaar, R. Nykamp, G. Hutchins, S. Lorenz, E. Cain, R, Poll, J. Whims; T H I R D ROW: C o a c h J. Bultman K Malkowitz, J. Beckman, J. VanderMaas, P. Paganelli, R. Zoulek, R. Austin R Smith


W L 10 2 9 3 7 5 7 5 4 8 3 9 2 10

While Kevin Watson delivers Ross Nyka mp c h e c k s for explosives, the c o a c h ' s son entertains umpire Joe L a u c h a n d Gary Hutchins undercuts the ball (page right).


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On Target Archery may be the most little known of all sports at Hope. Yet it may also be the most refreshingly unique. The sport is not one of endurance, speed or brute strength; but a sport of precision. Precision is the name of the game; from the standards which must be followed and the execution of the skills of archery, to what it takes to win in a competitive environment. The standards for competition at Hope are dictated by the National Archery Association. The top four archers will shoot for each team at a distance of 18 meters from the target. The target is a multicolored series of concentric circles. Each ring is split in half and carries a variety of point values. A salvo of three arrows are shot with 60 shots being taken in the course of a meet. 600 is a perfect score and the top three scorers from each team are counted toward determining a winner. Hope finished third in the MIAA on the strength of MVP Robin Mitsos and most improved archer Diane Thomas, next year's team captain. Presently, meets are held outdoors at Van Raalte field. Next year, the squad will take their meets into the Dow Center. 11 girls came out for the 7 9 team. Mary Grondin, team coach said, "You don't have to know how to shoot to try out for the team." No men may try out because this is a woman's sport according to Grondin. Training primarily involves anything that develops arm and shoulder muscles. When asked what she liked and disliked about the present archery program at Hope Grondin said, "I'd like to see archery as a winter sport because we miss other collegiate meets since it's a spring sport." Other schools conduct part of their season in the winter. Since no pre-season meets are allowed in the MIAA, it is difficult for Hope archers to get geared up for the league race, according to Grondin.

FRONT ROW (from left to right): N. Lampman, M Montanari, R, Mitsos, M Henrlksen: BACK ROW: J. Clegg, D C. Thomas, C. Ryskamp, Coach M. Grondin.

FINAL 1. Alma 2. Kazoo 3 Hope 4. Albion 5. Calvin




FINAL 1. Calvin 2. Albion 3. Alma 4. Hope 5. Kazoo

Up and over is Kim Seitz at SM'/a Marcia Woltfis stretches in the high hurdles



Stretching the Record Books After taking three of their four league meets, the Hope Women's track team ran into some stiff competition at the 7 9 MIAA Field Day. Hope was in the second spot going into the event, but placed behind Calvin, Albion and Alma at the Field Day, dropping their seasonal finish to fourth place. Calvin dominated the league, taking 11 of 14 Field Day events. Hope, Albion, and Alma had all they could do to scramble for the few remaining points after Calvin claimed their share. The team c/;dhave a respectable year nonetheless, thanks, in part, to a couple of extraordinary individual efforts. Freshman Susan Williams of Ann Arbor, Mich., captured the gold medal in the discus event of the MIAA women's track and field meet, held at Albion College Williams had a winning throw of 99 ft. topping her nearest competitor by nearly six feet Earlier in the season, Williams established a new Hope record in the discus with a similar throw of 99 feet. Debbie Bussema, a junior from Parchment, set a new Hope women's track record in the 100-yard dash on April 14, of 79. Debbie took first place in a double-dual meet against Calvin and Albion Colleges with a time of 11.9. The previous Hope record in that event was 12.9.

FRONT ROW (trom left to right): M, Beuker, N DeWltte, M. Wolffls, D. Bussema, K. Constam, N Highlander, R, Pnns, Coach S. Parker MIDDLE: M Botklns, BACK ROW: K. Seltz, Unidentified, B Koeppe, unidentified, J. Staup, !




The Cold, Cold North Country Hot off a successful southern road trip that took them through Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia, Hope's men tennis team quickly cooled in the north country. When asked why the Dutchmen's winning ways tempered up north, Coach Doc Green had no trouble answering, "Better competition simple as that." Tom DeWeert of Zeeland, Mich., captured most valuable player honors. Posting a 15-3 singles record, DeWeert was the first Hope tennis team member to be invited to the NCAA Division III National tournament in a decade. Also of Zeeland, sophomore Doug Ruch was elected captain of Hope men's tennis in 1980. Recruitment is a very important aspect of team tennis. Green has been successful in past years luring some good talent into Hope, but Kalamazoo, winner of the MIAA for the past 38 years continues to draw the top tennis players by offering scholarships. Consequently, the battle in men's tennis is traditionally for second place. But Green says he'll be ready, "Two excellent kids are coming next year and 5 out of 7 team members were freshmen."

FINAL 1. Kazoo 2. Alma 3. Calvin 4. Albion 5. Hope 6. Olivet 7. Adrian

Known tor his power forehand, Doug Ruch demonstrates the benefit of following through.




A persistent top spinner, Paul Boersma drives over and through the ball



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FRONT ROW (from left to right): R. McKey, B, VanderSchaaf, D. Ruch, M. Shrier BACK ROW: M. Boelkins, K Quiring, P, Boersma, Coach Doc Green,

Handcuffed, Bruce Vander Schaaf painfully tries to return service



The freshmen came through; there was a real good feeling on the team . . . everybody jelled really well together. A real positive plus was the Florida trip. It was great because we spent time together other than practicing. CONNIE RIETBERG

Sue Allie lays down the bunt. Performing the duties on the mound, Trisch Walker delivers.



Bulldogged Nancy Krapf leans into a throw to first

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And an exceptional year it was as Hope's Softball team finished with 8 wins against only 2 losses good for 2nd place behind Calvin College. Looking back, Adrian was the bane of Hope's chances at a league crown as they lost to the Bulldogs. "If we had won the second game with Adrian, we would have taken the championship. But our 2 games against Calvin and our first game against Adrian were super games," said Coach Anne Irwin. And Rietberg adds, "There was no reason why we shouldn't have beaten them. (Adrian)." Softball at Hope enjoyed a surge of popularity in those who wanted to participate in 1979 and that paid off in acquiring some top talent. According to Irwin, "This year 25 girls tried out; the first time I had to cut. This made the team stronger because the pressure was on during tryouts. Thus, the girls had really good skills." Concerning the prospects for 1980 Irwin said, "I sent out letters (200) to area coaches. There are women coming who are both skilled in Softball and basketball." That's good news for the entire women's sports program. Next year Gloria Becksford, who helped out with the squad this year, will coach the girls. Irwin will dedicate herself to the women's athletic directorship. Leaving the Softball team was not easy for Coach Irwin, "I have mixed feelings about not coaching softball... I enjoyed working with them so much that I don't want to leave the team. But it will be better for my directorship responsibilities that I coach field hockey in the spring when the part-time coaches are there. Gloria will do a great job with softball." Beating the throw to first, Connie Rietberg can't bear to look




Calvin Hope Adrian Albion Olivet Alma

W 9 8 6 3 3 1

L 1 2 4 7 7 9

FRONT ROW (from left to right)- T. Walker, D. Mlchlaskl, D. Flld, S. Norden, C Rietberg, L. Bute. K, Berens, J, Foy, K, Middleton; BACK ROW: J. Houpt, M, Bodzlck, A. Hartney, S. VanKley, K, Lawrence, N. Krapf, C. Chrlstlan, S. Allle, Coach A, Irwin,




Coming Back Running in the face of a lackluster recent past, the Flying Dutchmen track team kept pace with the league leaders throughout the 7 9 season. Finishing with a 3 win, 3 loss record, yet taking 3rd place on the strength of their MIAA field day showing, Hope had a hand in who would win the conference title right down to the final days of the conference match. Coach Glenn Brewer seemed to feel good about the outcome, "We had to be pleased, we moved up 2 notches in 2 years." The success of the season came about with the aid of several individual competitors. Freshman Mark Northuis of Grand Haven, Mich , and senior Steve Hulst of Holland, Mich., both qualified for the nationals by competing in a "last chance" meet at North Central College in Naperville, III. Northuis qualified in the 300 meter steeplechase, an event he had never competed in before, by jumping hurdles and water barriers on the course in 9:22.0, three second ahead of the national qualifying time of 9:25.0 Hulst nosed into the nationals by running the halfmile run in 1:53.0, precisely the national standard. Hulst was later voted most valuable player by his teammates and co-captain of the 1980 squad along with Jeff Cordes, a junior from Oregon, III. Freshman Dave Visscher of Dearborn, Mich., captured the 880 yard run at the indoor track meet at Ferris State College and at the MIAA field day. Hope has 17 letter winners returning in '80 and Coach Brewer pegs them as a contender for the MIAA title, "Albion and Calvin (who finished ahead of Hope in 1979) will be tough again Both have many returning good performers. I'm not sure how the newcomers will be dispersed over the three schools (Hope, Calvin and Albion). This seems to be the key as far as who will get the crown . . . we should definitely be strong next year. If we can improve in the dashes, it will be much to our advantage."


Driving upward, Steve Huggms gets his heels over the bar



FRONT ROW (Irom left to right) B Rideout, G. Luther, D. Andrews, D, Deuitch, S. Goshorn, R Arnold, S, Hulst, M Northuis, D. Visscher, M Howard, S mÂŤTk, TuTr>^ ^ : , S Arnold, K.Bierbaum, P. Damon, M. Neil, J. Martinez, S. Vander Meulen, J. Cordes, J, Van Arendonk, D. Brouwer T Pierson cr'J i o C l a r k ' T H o p ' J Shoemaker, S. Huggms, S. Wissink, J. Lunderberg, D Sterk, J. Hawken. A Hamre, P Williams, S. Cameron, C. Jellema, M McNally, R DeVette.


T rack

Running tandem are John Van Arendonk and Joel Martinez

FINAL 1. Albion 2. Calvin 3. Hope 4. Olivet 5. Adrian 6. Kazoo 7. Alma

Concentration is the key for discus thrower Cliff Nicholson, Mark Howard's destiny is abdomen high

\ i





A popular grip with the women, Tammi Paauwe demonstrates the two-fisted backhand.

Backscratching, Kathy Kozeiko fully extends for her service at the Kollen Hall courts.

FINAL 1. Kazoo 2. Albion 3. Calvin 4. Hope 5. Alma 6. Adrian 7. Olivet

T le ,0 ri ht : LaFontaine T TO-2 , 9 ) . - Poewee, J. Decker, T. Diemer; BACK ROW: Coach D. Dickenson, A. Smith, K. Kozeiko, S. Stokoe J van Meest, b. vanden Brink, P Lefferts.



Forty Loveless


To play, or not to play; that was the question. No doubt in anyone's mind, It was a superlative year for the women's tennis team. At the end of the dual meet season, Hope had won five out of their six matches, good for a first place tie with Kalamazoo heading into the league tournament. But although Hope may have been heading into the league tournament, they never arrived except to voice their feeling that they'd rather be elsewhere. Here's what happened. Throughout the year, Hope's third singles position was left open to challenge matches for those not playing first and second singles. In the MIAA meeting, before the league tournament, Kalamazoo coach Tisch Loveless protested the lineup, accusing the Hope squad of 'stacking.' To stack simply means that the competitors are not playing in the proper position relative to talent. For example, an unstacked lineup will feature the best player at first, the second best player at second and so on. In a stacked lineup, as Loveless accused Hope of using, the better players are placed at lower positions, thereby securing those points. Loveless was able to get her way at the meeting and Hope Coach Don Dickenson was requested to rearrange the lineup with the effect that the players at the lower levels all move up one notch and face stiffer competition. The Hope women found this to be abominably unfair and at a team meeting, the morning before the tournament, voted to pull out. The move was not looked upon too favorably by Hope officials and the girls were requested to proceed to the tournament and compete. This they did, but upon arrival in Kalamazoo at 1:00 PM, tournament director Loveless would only allow Hope's first and second players to play. The girls called another caucus and in a team vote, in the absence of Coach Dickenson, decided to call it a day and head back to Holland. The result barely needs mentioning. Hope received zero points in a tournament they were favored to dominate, and even though they boasted of a 5 win, 1 loss record for the dual meet season, the zero point total dropped them to fourth place behind Kalamazoo, Albion, and Calvin who had 18 points apiece in the league tournament. A disappointing conclusion to a phenomenal season. Hope's best, Jane Decker was perhaps the most disappointed, not getting the opportunity to compete, but her disappointment was somewhat mollified by her teammates who voted her most valuable player for the season. Pat LaFontaine effectively snaps her wrist o n the service follow through.



u>*vV If F R O N T R O W (from left to right); J. Stokes, B Leak, G. Easton, D. Williams, J. Vaughan, K. Worley, T. Keaton, D Griffen; BACK R O W : D. Houghtalmg C. Garfield, 1 Welch, M Laman, R, Parker, G. Caravella, F. Van Reemersma, T. Van Heest, B. Anderson, J. Hanson.

Attempting to get a shot off, Gale Easton runs into some complicationsBrian Leak finds the defense a bit lax




Brad Helmus, Brian Leak and Jim Hanson square off in an intrasquad scrimmage.

Club Sport L a c k i n g v a r s i t y s t a t u s , y e t h a r d l y r e g r e t t i n g it, t h e H o p e l a c r o s s e t e a m o p e n s its c l u b d o o r s e v e r y s p r i n g t o p r o s p e c t i v e m e m b e r s . The " s i g n u p a n d y o u ' r e i n " p o l i c y ot t h e c l u b as o p p o s e d to trying out for t h e t e a m h a s n o t s t o p p e d t h i s o r g a n i z a t i o n f r o m b u i l d i n g a respectable team, Hope finished the season with 4 wins against 5 losses defeating Notre D a m e ' s j u n i o r varsity t w i c e a n d M i c h i g a n ' s J.V.'s o n c e . T h e squad also c a m e up a w i n n e r against the H o p e lacrosse alumni team. Existing as a c l u b , as o p p o s e d t o a varsity t e a m d o e s not s e e m t o hurt t h e m . B u t , a v a r s i t y t e a m h a s t h e a d v a n t a g e o f f i n a n c i a l backing and steady competition. S o m e involved with the sport prefer p l a y i n g a s a c l u b b e c a u s e of t h e c a m a r a d e r i e . A c c o r d i n g t o T i m V a n H e e s t , a p o s t g r a d u a t e f r o m D o l m a r , N . Y . , " T h i s is m o r e of a s p o r t f o r t h e f u n o f s p o r t . , . m o r e self d i s c i p l i n e . T h e g u y s d o n ' t h a v e t h e a t t i t u d e of p l e a s i n g t h e c o a c h . H e r e is a t e a m w h e r e g u y s can walk o n a n d m a k e the t e a m . " Yet t h e f i n a n c i a l d i s a d v a n t a g e of p l a y i n g a s c l u b is a b i g o n e , Hope lacrosse receives approximately $ 2 , 0 0 0 t h r o u g h the intramural budget. But Van Heest points out that r u n n i n g a lacrosse club requires a $ 6 , 0 0 0 investment. Players are called u p o n to m a k e u p t h e d i f f e r e n c e . In t h e a r e a of u n i f o r m s , t h e c o l l e g e b u y s t h e m and the athletes buy t h e m f r o m the college. Mike Disher, a s o p h o m o r e f r o m Lakeview, Mich., h a d m i x e d f e e l i n g s a b o u t p l a y i n g f o r a c l u b i n s t e a d of a v a r s i t y l a c r o s s e t e a m , " E v e n if y o u ' r e n e w , y o u c a n h a v e p l a y i n g t i m e . . . if v a r s i t y , w e ' d h a v e t o b e m o r e d i s c i p l i n e d , b u t t h e n a g a i n , t h e l a c k of s t r u c t u r e , l a c k of d i s c i p l i n e , w o r e o n m e . , , b u t at t i m e s it w a s g r e a t n o t t o b e p r e s s u r e d at all, I w e n t i n t o t h e g a m e w i t h a f u n f e e l i n g . " T i m V a n H e e s t a n d C a p t a i n J i m H a n s o n of R o c k l e i g h , N. J., w e r e elected most valuable o n offense and defense respectively. T o m Keaton from A n n Arbor, Mich., w a s tagged most improved while best first y e a r p l a y i n g h o n o r s w e n t t o G e o r g e C a r a v e l l a of Greenwich, Conn. L o o k i n g t o n e x t y e a r , w h e r e t h e c l u b will b e s p o r t i n g n e w u n i f o r m s , o n e h a s t o w o n d e r w h e r e t h e t a l e n t will c o m e f r o m . A c c o r d i n g t o V a n H e e s t , " . . . a s far a s t a l e n t g o e s , m a y b e t w o g u y s a year c o m e h e r e to specifically play l a c r o s s e or h a v e p l a y e d b e f o r e . M o s t g u y s h e a r a b o u t it t h r o u g h t h e i r f r i e n d s , t h e y g e t e x p e r i e n c e by p l a y i n g a m o n g s t t h e m s e l v e s a n d o n their o w n through the s u m m e r , "


y e • •

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It was a requiem tor 113. One year later, it will be the end of Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra 's legendary stay at Hope. Is he retiring? Hardly. Just setting aside some time to think, to research, to write. Indeed, Dr. Dykstra's residency at Hope may have only been an extended internship in preparation for a literary career.




Natural and Social Sciences "I

I t was a major goal that c a m e to fruiIn the realm of the natural sciences. Dr. has initiated a modular computer science tion." says Dr. Sheldon Wettack. Dean of Wettack reports one distinct problem that i n t r o d u c t o r y c o u r s e that f a c i l i t a t e s the the Natural and Social Sciences. Wettack is the college has been forced to deal with. instruction of a large group of students with referring to the new engineering program at heterogeneous interests. The 'guts' of the That problem involves keeping up with the Hope. T h e program has been in the plancourse was developed by professors Whitneed to r e p l a c e highly e x p e n s i v e e q u i p ning stages for several years, but in the "79 tle, Derschem and Iceland. ment. According to Dr. Wettack, " M u c h of spring semester, t h e physics d e p a r t m e n t what we got ten years ago is about d e a d . " " O n e of t h e r e a l coups of t h e y e a r w a s t h e finally offered undergraduate engineering The sciences are one of the national fronarrival of three National Science Foundacourses. trunners in the winning of grant monies. tion grants," said Wettack. The money is " W e wanted the student to have engiYet. this does little to alleviate the problem, used to support the research projects of 22 neering experience in the firstSthree years because grants are generally provided to s t u d e n t s . T h e s e s t u d e n t s applied for the . . . to give them a taste of it." Wettack initiate new research projects. Says Wetfunds on an individual basis through the reports that under the three-two program, tack, "It is much tougher to replace /his p r e s e n t a t i o n to t h e N . S . F . of d e t a i l e d where the student takes three years of a libinstrumentation, than to get it new." But. he d e s c r i p t i o n s of their research p r o p o s a l s . eral arts curriculum and then transfers to goes on to say, "I have to feel pleased, Hope was the only undergraduate school in another school for two years of studies in about a year ago we had a real problem the nation to receive three of these grants. engineering, the student was not receiving staring us in the face and yet we came up Also from the N.S.F.: a $190,000.00 grant any contact with engineering until he transwith the needed replacements . . . the colin association with the C A II S.E. program ferred. to i n s t i t u t e a m o r e d i r e c t e d "There is a struggle initially e f f o r t t o w a r d i n s t r u c t i n g the with adjusting to a totally new s t u d e n t in p r o b l e m s o l v i n g . e n v i r o n m e n t where s u d d e n l y The money has been directed all you are doing is engineertoward faculty workshops and ing," said Wettack. Dr. Robert Reinking's study in Dr. Wettack discussed a furland use. ther motive for the shift toward As Dean of the Natural and a "taste" of engineering during Social Sciences, Dr. W e t t a c k the liberal arts years, "People heads up one of the two main who hire engineers are much academic divisions at Hope. In more concerned with breadth past y e a r s , the d i v i s i o n w a s of learning." four-fold. In addition to WetA t h i r d m o t i v e f o r the tack; Deans Malcolm, Nyenchange also involves a breadth huis and Granberg handled the of learning, but, for the science respective divisions. Now that s t u d e n t . Says W e t t a c k . " W e the college has changed over to have a good record of producthe p r o v o s t d e a n s y s t e m . Dr. ing the basic science student. Wettack is forced to cut back many of these students end up his teaching efforts to that of in industry working with engio n l y a s e g m e n t of a s p r i n g n e e r s . " T h i s s e e m s to imply course in chemistry. Says Wetthat these engineering courses tack, " W i t h only two d e a n s , are in no way exclusive in their the time commitments are difc l a s s m e m b e r s h i p . In f a c t , ferent . . . more d e m a n d i n g . " "One of our visions for this is Wettack admits that he is at a for students who are necessardisadvantage being located ily going into engineering that away f r o m many of the social Professor Schubert and assistant Scheer. now h a v e an o p p o r t u n i t y to sciences. He says, " T h e y are take these c o u r s e s . " Wettack l o c a t e d in s e v e r a l d i f f e r e n t said. places so I don't always b u m p It was an astonishing feat tor Hope science, the media responded accordingly. Other areas of concern in the into t h e m . " Wettack points out natural and social sciences for that this makes it a little harder Dr. Wettack is the department of economlege recognizes this problem and has been to keep up that daily contact funneling money toward replacement ics and business administration. T h e area is that can be important with communication growing at a phenomenal rate. According costs." But big projects take big money and but he also asserts that the geographic diffito Wettack. "This is a very large section therefore the sciences continue to search culties are not a significant p r o b l e m with high student interest." out grants for this purpose. because, " W h e n a faculty member in the Wettack was also very pleased with the Fortunately, in the past year, the biology social sciences needs to see me, he or she movement into the Dow Center. "A goal of and c h e m i s t r y d e p a r t m e n t have received will still come over to Peale to see me." the college is to keep utilizing that facility as the grant monies for these much needed What Wettack particularly enjoyed effectively as possible," he says. What is difreplacements. Included in the list of antia b o u t the '78-79 a c a d e m i c y e a r was the ficult to conceptualize concerning the physquated equipment is a physiograph, liquid excellent addition of new faculty members. ical education department is that it is now chromatograph and an ultra centrifuge; all "I'm always pleased with the new faculty, grouped with the natural and social sciof which were updated in "78-79. notably Seymour, Cronkite and Norton in ences and therefore falls under Dr. WetThe natural and social sciences have also the natural sciences and Pattnot, Orr and tack's jurisdiction. been participating in some creative teaching Weldon in the social sciences. methods. T h e computer science department


Natural and Social Sciences

r Biology New Centrifuge

Rotates at 27,000 R.P.M.

r c h i t e c t s of t h e b i o l o g y c o r e requirements have their sights set on more flexibility for the student of biology. A c c o r d i n g to D r . E l d o n G r e i j , chairman of the d e p a r t m e n t , the previous three semester introductory course sequence has been condensed into a one year series. T h e move will give the biology major m o r e time a n d therefore more options in a d v a n c e d course selection. The year was a progressive one for the b i o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t , s a y s G r e i j , . . good year for the d e p a r t m e n t , lots of activity . . . faculty are enthusiastic and so are the students." T h e enthusiasm may be a result of the addition of some exciting new instruments to the first floor Peale Science Center laboratories. The d e p a r t m e n t acquired a Sorvall O T D - 5 0 ultra c e n t r i f u g e in the a c a demic year '78-79. A centrifuge is an instrument that rotates at high speeds forcing a solid to precipitate or separate from solution. The O T D - 5 0 is not only a c e n t r i f u g e , but it o p e r a t e s at extremely high speeds, (up to 27,000 rounds per minute). H o p e biologists now have the capability of isolating what they call the S-9 fraction of the liver. It is this fraction that m a y c o n t a i n pesticides t h a t a r e c a n c e r o u s , a n d it m e t a b o l i z e s o t h e r substances that are mutagenic. By isolating the S-9 fraction of l a b o r a t o r y rat and mice livers, the b i o l o g i s t c a n effectively metabolize other potentially m u t a g e n i c substances in a test tube. With functions very s i m i l a r to a n electrocardiograph, the biology department also obtained a new physiograph. The physiograph is an instrument that graphically records a multitude of bodily functions, from h e a r t r a t e to t h e electric pulse g e n e r a t e d by m u s c l e tissue. Hope already owns o n e physiograph, but the new model has the a d d e d convenience of graphically recording on clear

plastic, t h e r e b y f a c i l i t a t i n g o v e r h e a d Projection for the classroom. T h e second physiograph also has a recording m e c h a n i s m . Therefore, a monitoring of the muscle tissue in a frog's leg, for example, can be replayed for student use, even after the tissue has died. A c c o r d i n g to Dr. Don Cronkite, a new addition to the d e p a r t m e n t f r o m the University of Redlands in California, prerecorded tapes of various physiological functions can be purchased for the classroom. But, says Cronkite, .. they are generally worthless . . . we're better off making t h e m ourselves." Marty Burg, a j u n i o r from Roslyn, Penn., Sue N o r b u r y , a Fairport, N . Y . s o p h o m o r e and Jeff Rewitzer, a sophom o r e f r o m M u c k e g o n are p r e s e n t l y a s s i s t i n g D r . C r o n k i t e w i t h his research. Cronkite is studying the effect of light on the behavior of the Paramecium. Apparently, the organism reacts in various ways to different light intensities, yet j u s t h o w the P a r a m e c i u m senses light remains a mystery. Dr. C r o n k i t e f o u n d his research aspirations frustrated at his previous location a n d states, ". . . there was j u s t no research available, so 1 really enjoy it here at H o p e . " T h e biology d e p a r t m e n t a l prize in the f o r m of b o o k a w a r d s w e n t t o N a n c y E d w a r d s of G r a n d R a p i d s , Ronald M c K e y , also of G r a n d Rapids and M a r k Panning of Reed City, Mich. Mike Welch and Gale Easton dissect.

All three students are freshmen. At t h e 1979 c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises, P a t r i c i a Pulver, a s e n i o r f r o m Red H o o k , N.Y., received the Patterson Memorial Prize in Biology.

Communications N eilson edits college film

M c c o r d i n g to Professor Joseph MacDoniels, chairman of the c o m m u n i c a tions d e p a r t m e n t , the faculty is heavily involved in communication skills laboratories. T h e labs instruct the student in good argumentative techniques a n d p r o v i d e t h e m w i t h a c h a n c e to p u t these skills into practice. H o p e presently has no d e b a t e or forensics program because, " T h e y do not emphasize the a p p r o p r i a t e skills . . . d e b a t e is j u s t an 'evidence barrage' . . . there is no i n t e r e s t o r staff t i m e , " s a id M a c D oniels. M a c D o n i e l s was appointed vice c h a i r m a n of an action caucus which is a n e t w o r k of r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s l o o k i n g after the interest of small colleges. A nationally k n o w n and published scholar in mass communications, Dr. Don R. Pember, presented a series of lectures at H o p e u n d e r the sponsorship of the c o m m u n i c a t i o n s d e p a r t m e n t . Pember's visit was part of the College's Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program f u n d e d by the Whiting F o u n d a tion of Flint, Mich. The professor's m a j o r a d d r e s s to the s t u d e n t s was entitled "Privacy and the Press." He also held s t u d e n t and faculty discussions on mass media a n d the law, media in the future, and the "new Journalists." Communication majors Jeff Cordes and Sue Sharp assisted in a comm u n i c a t i o n collequiem that featured such guests as the Vice P r e s i d e n t of W G N of C h i c a g o and the president of WOTV of G r a n d Rapids. Elsewhere in the d e p a r t m e n t . Prof. Jack Orr published articles. two " " E v e r y t h i n g in Vain" S a y s t h e Preacher," was accepted for publi-



Psychology's Professor Motiff and Don P e n z i e n experiment.

The College called In the pro's for a lot of the footage

cation by the Pulpit Digest a n d the second article, " H o w Shall We Say: 'Reality is S o c i a l l y C o n s t r u c t e d T h r o u g h C o m m u n i c a t i o n ' ? " a p p e a r e d in t h e w i n t e r ' s e d i t i o n of Central States Speech Journal. The d e p a r t m e n t is also o f f e r i n g s o m e innovative May T e r m s . A new course involving a c o m m u n i c a t i o n s study in G r e a t Britain with the BBC was initiated in '79, while at home. Prof, Jack Orr instructed a class that takes a look at the G a r d e n Grove phenomena. Through the funding provided by the Office of the President, Dr. Ted Neilson is presently involved in s h o o t ing a H o p e College film. The movie includes virtually all facets of H o p e life a n d is s c h e d uled to be released in the early part of February 1980. Students assisted in the actual shooti n g of t h e f i l m while Dr. Neilson, with the assistance of a p r o f e s s i o n a l



script writer and c i n e m a t o g r a p h e r f r o m Illinois a n d I n d i a n a , edits the footage. A c c o r d i n g to Neilson, " W e m a y shoot all day a n d get only 30 seconds worth of film," T h e actual ratio of f o o t a g e shot to the final film edition is 9:1, "pretty m u c h a s t a n d a r d ratio," said Neilson.

T h e target a u d i e n c e is of high school age but Dr. Neilson points out that the movie will be valuable for alumni purposes. Footage taken in the spring of '79 was largely research oriented b e c a u s e , " t h a t is t h e area about which familiar H o p e is n a t i o n a l l y k n o w n . " But Prof. Neilson plans to e x p a n d his feature coverage in the fall by filming such trad i t i o n a l e v e n t s as T h e Pull and Nykerk while having cameramen ready for the first football g a m e played in the newly constructed municipal stadium. V o i c e s h e a r d in the film are primarily familiar H o p e voices, " l i k e D. Ivan D y k s t r a , " said Neilson. " W e are using the rather difficult techn i q u e of s y n c - s o u n d . " A c c o r d i n g to N e i l s o n , S y n c - s o u n d is a f i l m shooting method where actual sounds are recorded along with the film f o o t a g e . M a n y schools simply d u b in some music and a professional narrator. Neilson asserts that H o p e sorely needs a film of this nature; it has been 15 years since the p r o d u c t i o n of a similar film. But he also admits, "it will p r o b a b l y be only g o o d for three years."

Paul Nora, Randy T h o m p s o n and Kevin Collins study frog anatomy.

The Department's

offering much greater flexibility in upper level courses

r - MfrMMff' • I i r ^ M

FRONT ROW (from left to right): M. Seyfred, T. Griffen, J. Davidson, J. Kadow, R. Dow, J. Hoekstra, M. Vender Molen; S E C O N D ROW: M. Woronowitz, D. Peery, C. Hyde, S. Burris, J. Gumpper, L. Davis, R. Gumina, M, Disher, M. Van Lente, D, Roberts; BACK ROW: M. Malone, C. Brouwer, D Pun B Patrie, R. Bosch, R. Bakale, B, Leland, C. Funckes, T. Franks, B. Cook, D. Brown, R. Molenaar, P. Arnhouts, L. Anderson, J. Petiet, B. Buhro, C Merrow R. Thompson, M. Walters, R. Paske, S, Klem

Chemistry We have no peers " I


In fact, statistics substantiate that we are unique in the kind of education we can offer our students. The professional programs we can introduce to our students \re far ahead of ail others . . . no other facii. v has the faculty, equipment, or publication that we have . . . most universities have limits in what they can teach, we have no limits . . . we have no peers." As chairman of the department in 197879, Dr. Michail Doyle certainly believes in the dignity of Hope College chemistry. And understandably so, the department is rated at, or near the top in virtually every category. Hope chemistry is ranked number one in baccalaureate degree origin of Ph.D. chemists nationwide while also setting the pace for private liberal arts colleges in the number of articles accepted for publication in American Chemical Society journals: number two in the number of all publications put out by the faculty. The d e p a r t m e n t received the highest number of grants and more money from the N a t i o n a l Science F o u n d a t i o n t h a n a n y other school. In fact. Hope's total equipment and research grant monies exceeds

any other institution by at least $150,000 and according to Dr. Doyle, "the gap is rapidly widening." In the fall of '78, Hope became the only four-year college in the country to possess a Varian FT-80A nuclear magnetic resonance

spectrometer; a piece of equipment carrying a value of nearly $100,000. The instrumentation is computer controlled and provides analyses for approximately 50 nonradioactive chemical nuclei. The spectrometer is available for the analytical needs of local

I-i FRONT ROW (from left to right): D Clark, F Teslik, S. Wiederhold, S. Rosso, B. Edwards: SECOND ROW: L. Sunderlind, G. Malone, L. Baker, Or Gentile, N. Dunn, B. Foreman: THIRD ROW: C Hyde, P. Ju Hsu, K. Harrell, B Webb: FOURTH ROW; R Reimink, J, Kessel, N Webster, J. Blemly, P Nora. '



and regional scientists. On May 4 and 5, senior math majors For a total of S42.000. the c h e m i s t r y John Gibson and Carl Toren presented two department purchased two liquid chromoof the four student papers at the annual tography systems. The equipment enables meeting of the Michigan section of the Hope scientists to separate organic comMathematical Association of America at pounds by passing them through a liquid the University of Detroit. and solid phase. The speed by which the Gibson and Toren presented the results A study in Escher component passes through these phases of research they conducted under the direcaids in the identification of the compound. tion of Dr. Elliot Tanis. Both projects were According to Dr. Doyle, several members related to a study of the mathematical ideas of the c h e m i s t r y f a c u l t y a r e m a k i n g H i g h l i g h t i n g the y e a r in c o m m u n i t y in the graphic works of the Dutch artist, M. research plans for the use of these systems. involvement for the mathematics departC. Escher (1898-1971). Dr Irwin Brink is planning on utilizing ment was the sixth annual Albert E. LamEscher spent about 15 years of his life liquid chromotography for research involvpen Mathematics Contest and Conference making drawings and woodcuts to illustrate ing PCB contamination in Lake Macatawa held at Hope on November 4. 355 high an approach to infinity. Gibson used the while Dr. Rodney Boyer is presently outlinschool students competed from west and H o p e College T e k t r o n i x 4051 g r a p h i c s ing his plans for research in the identificacentral Michigan by taking a 45-question c o m p u t e r to simulate " S q u a r e Limit," a tion of fatty acids in brain tissue. multiple choice examination, prepared by 1964 woodcut by Escher. The title of GibA new addition to the department. Dr. the Hope Mathematics Faculty. son's talk was "An Artistic Approach to Michael D. Seymour, an analytical chemist West Ottawa, Holland Christian, HamilInfinity Using the Tektronix 4051." Gibson from the University of Arizona, is preparton, and Covenant Christian Placed first in resides in Waterford, Mich. ing a research agenda using liquid chromoclasses A through D, respectively. Doug tography for the analysis of polynuclear T o r e n ' s talk was entitled " W a l l p a p e r Van Wieren captured a $200 Hope Scholararomatic contaminants: namely, gasseous Design: A Study of 2-D Crystal Structure." ship by placing first among individual comwaste produced as a by-product of burning Many of Escher's drawings illustrate how fossil fuels. petitors. Doug is from West Ottawa and is certain identical objects such as triangles On the community level, Hope chemistry planning to attend Hope in the fall. can fill a rectangular region with no gaps faculty conducted a seminar in the early Professor John Van Iwaarden was chairand no overlapping to form periodic patsummer of '79 for nearly 40 midwest area m a n of the p r o g r a m . H i g h s c h o o l e r s terns. Toren wrote a computer program for high school chemistry teachers. The proattended the Hope vs. Kalamazoo football the Tektronix graphics computer which can gram, under the direction of Dr. Donald game after the testing session. a u t o m a t i c a l l y g e n e r a t e period p a t t e r n s . Williams was designed to brush up secondWhile high school students were taking Toren is from Lansing, 111. ary school teachers on general chemical the test, their teachers listened in on conferProfessors Jay Folkert, Frank Sherburne principles. The participants came from anyences presented by the math department on and Elliot Tanis accompanied the students where within a 500 mile radius of the colsuch subject areas as, " W h a t should be to the mathematics meetings which were lege. emphasized in logarithms and trigonomeattended by over 150 math professors from Instructional excellence in the chemisty try," the new line of small computers made colleges and universities in Michigan. department can be seen in the scholarly by Radio Shack (the department purchased This work with the works of Escher illusactivity of its students. Dr. Doyle states that one this year), and the use of calculators in trates how the math department is turning at least 15 students each year see their work the classroom. more toward application in the past year. p u b l i s h e d . Also, o n e s t u d e n t each y e a r receives a N a t i o n a l Science F o u n d a t i o n T h e " c a l c u l a t e d " art of grant. This year's recipient was William Escher is a pet project of Patrie, a senior from Troy, It w a s time to celebrate (or Professors Schubert and Derr as these two finally got the Dr. Tanis who chairs the New York. d e p a r t m e n t . Dr. Tanis break for which they were looking. Four departmental spent the month of May prizes w e r e a w a r d e d to exploring the Excher five s t u d e n t s f o r t h e i r foundation in the Netherwork in the past academic lands. Escher art can be y e a r . J o d y Foy of M i d g r a p h i c a l l y d r a w n by a land. Mich., captured the computer and a plotter • ^ freshman Chemistry Book and is pictured in this secUTONIl Award while John G u m p tion. The piece shows the per of F l i n t . Mich, a n d reiterate series of points Michael Walters of Zeet h r o u g h o u t the w o r k . land won the Sophomore IVAL OF Mathematicians and artBook Award. ists disagree as to whether The Third Year Chemistry this is really ' a r t ' in the Award went to W i l l i a m purest sense of the word. Buhro of Portage, Mich. Yet to t h e l a y m e n , the and the Analytical Chemworks are stimulating and istry Award was given to aesthetically pleasing. Milton Brouwer, a junior from Glen Rock, N.J. T o m L u d w i g , of t h e Three prizes were psychology department, is awarded at the 1979 comdealing with the psychomencement by the chemislogical backdrop that led try department. Bill Patrie Escher to create this novel received the A l m o n T. a p p r o a c h to art. Ludwig Godfrey Prize in Chemispublished a share of his try and the E. I. duPont f i n d i n g s in Mathematics A w a r d f o r R e s e a r c h in Magazine, "Circular CoorChemistry. The Michigan dinates and Computer I n s t i t u t e of C h e m i s t s ^ 1 Drawn Designs." Award went to co-winners The m a t h d e p a r t m e n t Rick Bosch, a senior from may offer a May Term in H o l l a n d a n d M a r k Seythe study of M. C. Escher fred, a senior out of Hart, mnaxii; in years to come. Mich. Two seniors shared the



mmm FRONT ROW (from left to right); P, Draper, M Miskotten, D, Boundy, S, Prediger; S E C O N D ROW: C. Petroelje, C. Toren, T, Rlgterink, D. Koopman, Dr. E. Tanis.

Albert E. Lampen Mathematics Prize. Carl Toren a n d T o m R i g t e r i n g of H a m i l t o n . Mich., were the recipients of the award this

year. Steve A a r d e m a of Z e e l a n d . Mich.. Kathy Lowe of Holland. Mich., and Ross T h o r n b u r g of Dearborn, Mich., won the

John H. Kleinheksel Mathematics Award. All three students are sophomores.

An example ol computer drawn Escher art-

Math 111

Computer Science Small computers

may become a roommate.

erhaps the most active group at Hope in '78-79 was the computer science department. That could be easily noticed by talking to the ebullient chairman of the department, Dr. Herbert Dershem who asserts, "The creation of this department was generated by student d e m a n d . " The department may have been created by student enthusiasm many years ago, but Hope's computer scientists of today seem to be no less excited about this wide open field. The departmental activity calendar was virtually plugged all year long. The year saw the introduction of a new course into the program with the aid of the National Science Foundation. The course is introductory in nature and is divided into three modules. Students from a broad area of interests may now design a program that suits their needs by selecting the type of module that represents their interests. Faculty are called u p o n to teach individual modules, for example. Dr. Mulder of sociology handles data analysis. The introductory course was so successful that the drop rate fell from last year's 30% to only 5%. The approach is also going to receive feature coverage in Omni magazine. According to Dr. Dershem, the computer science major program has a strong emphasis on experience. The approach seems to be unique as other small colleges are taking Hope's queue and using the Hope program as a model. Students are called upon to participate in internships, in the summer and part-time. Interns work for Herman Miller, Donnelly Mirrors, the City of Holland and other software firms. The departmental theme of experience also carries for the faculty. In the summer. Professor Harvey Leland works with Ford Motor Co. in an effort to, "keep abreast of the industrial use of computers." Dershem spends his summer months in Oak Ridge, Tenn. dealing with computer use in energy research.

Experience is necessary because of the rapidly changing nature of computer science. Today, the faculty is involved with the new run of small, inexpensive computers. "There is more computing power in my $ 6 5 0 s y s t e m at h o m e t h a n in H o p e ' s $120,000 system 10 years ago," said Dershem. The professor believes the growing a b u n d a n c e of small computers is one reason why every s t u d e n t should get s o m e exposure to computers.

Prof. Richard Brockmeier predicts that within five years, over 800 s t u d e n t s will have computer terminals right in their dormitory rooms. He is referring to the relatively new industry of small computers that are d e v e l o p i n g o u t of the p o p u l a r TV games. Research in the computer science department has focused on the development of the small c o m p u t e r for e l e m e n t a r y and j u n i o r high Steve Watson is dwarfed by a bank of computing machinery at Notre school use. FacDame. ulty members presently conduct 1 )h day to 2 week small computer seminars in primary school classrooms. Their approach involves computer games including 20 questions and an exercise called madlibs where the s t u d e n t fills in the blanks of a story. As Dershem

p o i n t s out, c o m p u t e r science is an area where the j o b market will continue to grow. At the National Computer-Science Conference in Dayton, Ohio where prospective e m p l o y e r s take a look at interested students, the registration demonstrated that there were 12 jobs available to every 1 student that attended, u p from a 10 to 1 ratio last year. "Everyone always gets a j o b , " said Dershem. Presently at Hope there are 50 probable or positive majors. In the class of '79 there were 6 majors, the class of '80 boasts of at least 16. Dershem points out that the computer science program is drawing students into Hope. Recently, many students have transferred to Hope to get into the program

I \eVer ยงe\\a' i-twcryO'ie tells

(4 in the class of '80). And Hope has done well in the competitive area of computer science, placing 5th among 25 teams in a Nov. 18 intercollegiate c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m m i n g c o m p e t i t i o n at Kent State University. Michigan State won the event as it has for the past 4 years. Each team is given 4 problems to solve with computer programs in 4 hours. The problems ranged from doing arithmetic in d i f f e r e n t bases to playing a q u a s i - b i n g o game on the computer. The team solving the most problems correctly was the winner. Michigan State was the only school to solve all 4 problems. Hope completed three and placed behind Purdue, Case Western Reserve and Ohio State. The members of the Hope team were Tom Rigterink of Hamilton, Mich., David B o u n d y of H o l l a n d , A n d y Birner f r o m Greenbelt, Maryland and Ken Bekkering out of Hudsonville, Mich. The team was coached by Dr. Dershem. Hope also co-sponsored the first West Michigan Microcomputer Fair on April 11 at the G r a n d Rapids Junior College. Hope was one of five local colleges sponsoring the event. Professors Dershem, Leland, and Whittle made presentations at the fair in behalf of the Hope computer sci-

Electronics laboratory gives Mike Walters a chance to don a broad smile of quasi-contentmenl.

ence d e p a r t m e n t . Over 50 p r e s e n t a t i o n s focusing on microcomputer applications in business, school and the home were made at the event.

Physics New engineering


^ ^ e p o r t s indicate that over 20 students are coming in the fall of '79 interested in p u r s u i n g a c a r e e r in e n g i n e e r i n g . T h e department initiated an engineering program in the past academic year under the leadership of Hope physics newcomer Dr. Robert Norton. Norton, a stress analyst with the Jet Propulsion L a b o r a t o r y in P a s a d e n a , Calif., worked on both Voyager 1 and Voyager 2.

The V o y a g e r s p a c e c r a f t were l a u n c h e d August 29 and September 5 of 1977 enroute to Jupiter, Saturn and beyond. The space c r a f t have a l r e a d y t r a n s m i t t e d to e a r t h spectacular pictures of Jupiter. Norton's responsibility at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory was to assure that the 12foot d i a m e t e r a n t e n n a could w i t h s t a n d launch stress. The 100-pound antenna is the largest ever to be flown in the U.S. space program, Norton's task was to determine, through computer simulation, the structural integrity of the antenna, its mount and a camera platform. While employed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Dr' Norton was involved in stress on diverse equipment such as electric cars. While pursuing his doctorate at the University of Southern California, he did research on vibration response of a structure to an earthquake. C o n c o m i t a n t with N o r t o n ' s arrival on campus is a whole new emphasis on engineering in the physics d e p a r t m e n t . T h e objective of the new engineering courses is to expose the basic science student to the techniques, capabilities and limitations of engineers. Dr. Norton has excerpted parts of his a n a l y s i s s c h e m e on the V o y a g e r antenna and put it into the Hope computer so his students can "get a taste of engineer/

ing." Norton maintains that, because of the breadth of the educational experience, the liberal arts curriculum provides ideal training for the would-be engineer. Such a curriculum places the student in a better perspective from which to view complex problems. In addition to serving full-time Hope stud e n t s , the new e n g i n e e r i n g c o u r s e s are being offered to Holland area industry. The present classes are already a t t e n d e d by local representatives from area manufacturies. A c c o r d i n g to Dr. J a m e s Van Putten, chairman of the department, "One of the most exciting things of the year was when the Voyager went by Jupiter and having someone here who designed part of it." Although Dr. Van Putten views Norton's arrival and his role in the Voyager spacecraft program the most significant aspect of the year, the main thrust of student and facult\ research continued in association with the Van C Graaff accelerator. Over 2( Undents worked on the accelerator in tht xist year. The equipment, which in its bas form has long been a part of the physics e p a r t m e n t , accelerates a subat o m i c p a r t i c l e (a h y d r o g e n p r o t o n ) at extremely high speeds. The a c c e l e r a t o r itself carries a charge of 2':. million volts.

The proton, a positively charged particle, is strongly repelled by the accelerator, sending it down a vacuum tube. The high speed particle then passes by a magnet. If the proton is travelling at the appropriate speed it will "make the turn" and bombard a target sample at the end of the tube. When the nucleus of the sample is hit by the proton, it gives off its own particles at various angles and intensities. These angles and intensities can then be measured and the sample identified. Dr. Peter Jolivette is most extensively involved with this aspect of the accelerator. Dr. Bryant Hichwa of physics, with the a s s i s t a n c e of c h e m i s t r y ' s D r . M i c h a e l Seymour, is conducting research with a relatively new 'arm' of the accelerator. Operating on b a s i c a l l y the s a m e p r i n c i p l e as above, the sample is characteristically analyzed not by the particles that it releases, but by its X-ray radiation. Accelerator analyses are all done with the aid of the Hope College computer located directly upstairs from the accelerator laboratories. According to Van Putten. Hope is the only purely undergraduate school to have an accelerator of this kind. Fhe physics d e p a r t m e n t was o n e the recipients of the three N a t i o n a l Science Foundation grants given to Hope in the past year. Dr. Van Putten points out that these funds are distributed by merit and geographically. Grants that are awarded on the basis of merit are given first, implying that Hope's programs are highly meritorious. Dr. H i c h w a was the r e c i p i e n t of the N.S.F. grant for his planned research studies in Mexico. Van Putten went on to say t h a t all of the p h y s i c s d e p a r t m e n t a l r e s e a r c h is d o n e s o l e l y t h r o u g h g r a n t monies. The occupational placement of physics students at Hope is quite noteworthy. Last year, over 90% of H o p e g r a d u a t e s with physics m a j o r s either gained a c c e p t a n c e into graduate school or were offered a j o b by the end of their final semester. Says Van Putten, " I here's a lot of opportunity there." Presently, the d e p a r t m e n t has a b o u t 25 majors.




FRONT ROW (from left to right) N, Dirkse, R. Pyle, K. Van Duyne, S. Oreweg BACK ROW- Dr B v^n R CTne Dr T ' M u S e P m a a ^ ' ' '

Ekdal BUyS

' J'




V a n d e n Ber



Economics and Business Administration Students get a taste of Student Leadership B o a s t i n g of the highest n u m b e r of m a j o r s at H o p e , the e c o n o m i c s a n d business administration d e p a r t m e n t continues to grow in student interest and activity. According to Dr. Barrie Richardson, c h a i r m a n of the department, one in four 1979 g r a d u a t e s had a concentration in either business a d m i n i s t r a t i o n or e c o n o m i c s . P a r t i c u l a r l y n o t i c e a b l e , s a y s R i c h a r d s o n , is the growth in the n u m b e r of those interested in accounting. Prof. Barry Weldon was a d d e d to the d e p a r t m e n t in the past year to beef up this aspect of the discipline. Says Richardson, "It's growing in n u m b e r of active faculty, students have a good record of going on the g r a d u a t e schools . . . o u r ' r e l a tionship with the business c o m m u n i t y is excellent. We have c o m e a long way in seven years." Also on the rise is the n u m b e r of women looking for careers in m a n a g e ment. The area of m a n a g e m e n t occupied a prominent place on the departmental activity calendar. T h e departm e n t s e n t ten s e n i o r s i n v o l v e d in advanced m a n a g e m e n t to a head-tohead seminar at the Marigold Lodge l o c a t e d on t h e n o r t h s i d e of L a k e Macatawa. Meeting with the students were ten top-level managers from the H e r m a n Miller C o m p a n y . All particip a n t s were r e q u i r e d to r e a d c e r t a i n texts before the seminar to facilitate discussion on a p a r t i c u l a r t o p i c a n d author. The overall theme of the c o n f e r e n c e was " S e r v a n t L e a d e r s h i p " with f e a -

tured quest lecturers addressing such topics as demography, the f u t u r e of the free enterprize system, J a p a n e s e management practices a n d more. The d e p a r t m e n t also sent three students overseas in their Social Responsibilities Internship p r o g r a m . Bob Boeve, a senior f r o m Hamilton, Mich., spent a s e m e s t e r in B a h r a i n . N o r m D o n k e r sloot, a senior from Boyden, Iowa and past president of the Baker Scholars studied in Nepal and senior Scoot Harlow f r o m took his internship in India. The applicants for the overseas program were all selected by Al Poppen. Poppen is Director of Resource M a n agement in charge of missions for the R e f o r m e d C h u r c h at t h e i r c e n t r a l headquarters in New York City. Also, Sue Boundy, a s o p h o m o r e from Holland participated in research at Oak Ridge, Tenn. In fact, the entire i n t e r n s h i p p r o g r a m of the e c o n o m i c and business administration department involved over 50 students working with local businesses and public agencies. Visiting Ford Motor C o m p a n y International, ten students travelled to England with Dr. Richardson in an effort to conduct a study in comparative management, while earlier, back in the U.S., business students met in Dearborn, Mich., with Ford M o t o r C o m pany executive Alan Wear; internal auditor with the company. With the support of O D L of Zeeland, Mich., the d e p a r t m e n t sponsored a l e c t u r e series e n t i t l e d , " D e c l i n i n g

Geology Pseudo-earthquakes F h e department gained possession of s o m e key e q u i p m e n t t h a t s h o u l d increase their c o m m u n i t y involvement and exposure as well as their educational capacities. Included in these new acquisitions is a miniature "earthquake" maker. A s m a l l s t e e l p l a t e is p l a c e d o n t h e ground and struck with a sledge h a m mer. The vibrations from the blow pene t r a t e d o w n w a r d to d i f f e r e n t l a y e r s where they are refracted a n d reflected. The vibrations are measured by a seismograph. This equipment allows H o p e geologists to probe for wells in addition to gaining information about rock formations or stratafications. In addition to the new seismic equipm e n t , the d e p a r t m e n t p u r c h a s e d a resistivity unit. Electrodes are spaced a certain distance apart a n d electricity is passed between them. The moisture in the sediments draws the current down. How much moisture exists in the sediment is determined by the conductivity or strength of the current passing from the first electrode to the second. Supplementing this e q u i p m e n t is a drill auger capable of sinking an onehundred foot well. According to Dr. Tharin, the equipment will be available for c o m m u n i t y use. T h e G e o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t is a l s o e x t e n s i v e l y i n v o l v e d in off c a m p u s excursions. T h e celebrated M a y term in C o l o r a d o e n t i c e d 1 1 s t u d e n t s to A geology microscope proves a challenge to Mark Vander Muellen. spend 3 weeks in Salida, Colorado. The program introduces the n o n - m a j o r to geology and includes a three-day pack trip into the high m o u n t a i n s . T h e Productivity: Analysis and Solutions." gaining, " A s I look at small liberal arts course is a H o p e Geology D e p a r t m e n t colleges that have business administraThe series included three visiting lecinnovation and has spurred the Univertion a n d economics d e p a r t m e n t s . . . we t u r e r s : a p r o f e s s o r of b a n k i n g a n d sity of Michigan to model a similar run with the best of t h e m . " T o cope f i n a n c e at H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y , the course after it. Director of Public Relations at Prince- with the ever-increasing popularity of Also headquartered in Salida, is the business courses, the d e p a r t m e n t hired ton and the Vice-President of the W o r k Geology Field C a m p ; a six week, six Dr. R o b i n C l a y f r o m N o r t h w e s t e r n in America Institute. Drs. W a r r e n A. credit course for majors involving the College. Clay is a Phi Beta K a p p a gradLaw, Albert Rees a n d Robert Zager study of glacial, desert and fluvial geouate out of Princeton University. gave their presentations in the main morphology. The c a m p is located at the '79 also saw the end of the G e o r g e F. theatre of the DeWitt Center. edge of the Upper Arkansas Valley in Baker F o u n d a t i o n f u n d i n g . Baker E l s e w h e r e in the d e p a r t m e n t . Dr. the Wet Mountains. This year, a halfScholar f u n d s have been given to H o p e Robert Cline presented two p a p e r s dozen n o n - H o p e students participated in t h e p a s t y e a r s b e c a u s e B a k e r s t u d y i n g the c o n t r o v e r s i a l H e a d l e e along with 9 Hope geology majors. believes that prominent business leadA m e n d m e n t passed by Michigan votCertainly it was no surprise to hear ers arise f r o m liberal arts colleges. ers last year. Dr. Tim Jenks remains from Tharin that. " O u r program has a At Honors Convocation, evidencing active as a c o n s u l t a n t i n v o l v e d with lot of field emphasis." the fact that the field of a c c o u n t i n g is microcomputers while Prof. Barry WelFor their p e r f o r m a n c e in introducg a i n i n g p o p u l a r i t y with w o m e n , the don continues as a tax consultant. Drs. tory work throughout the '78-79 acaAward for Outstanding Accounting Anthony M u i d e r m a n a n d Barrie Richd e m i c year, two f r e s h m e n were Students went to Kathy Booher, a j u n ardson teamed up with sociology's Dr. inducted into the "Ancient O r d e r of ior from C a p e Coral, Fla., and Kathy Ron Mulder to complete a marketing the Trilobite?" (the trilobite is a creaShiflet, a j u n i o r f r o m G r a n d Blanc, survey of Rest H a v e n , a r e s i d e n t i a l ture that lived at the bottom of the M i c h . Jeff D e V r e e , a s e n i o r f r o m facility for the elderly that leaves its ocean 6,000 years ago). Daniel Grandville, Mich., was the Wall Street t e n a n t s to c a r e f o r t h e m s e l v e s a s B r a n d s m a of A r t e s i a , C a l i f , a n d Journal Award recipient. N o r m D o n k opposed to the nursing h o m e a p p r o a c h D e a n n a P a l l a d i n o of K a l a m a z o o , ersloot was given the Allan C. Kinney in care for the elderly. Mich, were f o r m a l l y initiated at the Memorial Award at the '79 c o m m e n c e A c c o r d i n g to D r . R i c h a r d s o n , t h e honors convocation. ment exercises. I d e p a r t m e n t ' s credibility is c o n s t a n t l y



Physical Education Jocks move into new paradise rawing from a liberal arts background, the physical e d u c a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t now believes it has something special to offer not only the P.E. major, but also the recreation m a j o r . A c c o r d i n g to P r o f e s s o r William Vanderbilt. chairman of the department, a decrease in the number of required courses to four has given the major much greater flexibility in developing his own personal program. The department now offers a composite recreation major where courses from virtually all disciplines can be used in association with recreation. For example, a composite recreation major may take 22 hours of recreation and an additional 14 hours of business credit. Students may also work toward a minor in recreation if he or she is simply interested in working on the community level in such areas as health dynamics, exercise programs or physiology. Other minors include dance and coaching, the latter of which is very popular with P.E. majors. The overall program involves a m u c h greater degree of responsibility for the P.E. major than in the

past. With the addition of the new facilities of the Dow Center, the department opened a new course that is required of all incoming freshmen. Students are tested at the beginning of the semester and spend 16-20 hours in the classroom receiving comprehensive instruction in health dynamics. Prof. Vanderbilt believes that the course is very innovative, yet he admits that it, "has its ups and downs." T h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of the new physical education building pushed the department into more community involvement. Community members may buy membership for the use of the Dow Center as well as rent a locker and gym clothes. The program started out somewhat sluggishly with 12-15 members in the early fall. But, as the poor weather set in, the membership swelled to over 200 and at present there is a waiting list. The department also conducted an extensive summer physical education program. In the past, the community has had backyard swimming classes where student swim-

Mike LaPres presses 220 lbs. on the Universal.


Physical Education

mers rotated from private pool to private pool. Hope now directs these classes in the Kresge Natatorium. The Dow Center was also the site of a summer basketball camp, coached by Prof. Glen Van Wieren a n d also the G e n e r a l Synod of the Reformed Church of America. Various faculty of the physical education department placed their talents on exhibition during the annual Kletz Concert in the main gymnasium of the Dow Center on October 20. Featured quest artist was Prof. George Kraft who sang "The Impossible Dream" f r o m t h e hit m u s i c a l . The Man from LaMancha. The concert also involved a vocal ensemble of P.E. s t a f f e r s singing " J u n k F o o d Junkie." The selection was chosen by Prof. Dick Peterson to help promote the nutritional philosophy of the department's new health dynamics program. Three students received special awards in athletics for "78-79. Steve Prediger, a senior from Muskegon, Mich., was the choice for the Miner Stegenga Award. The Alvin W. Vanderbush Student Athlete Award went to Jeff Cordes, a junior from Oregon, 111. And D o u g Koopman was honored with the O t t o V a n d e r Velde A l l - C a m p u s a w a r d . Doug is a senior from Overisel, Mich.

Psychology On the air r h e r e a l m of p s y c h o l o g y is c h a n g i n g in s u c h a w a y as to p r o v i d e several n e w stimuli to the d e p a r t m e n t . E n v i r o n m e n t a l p s y c h o l o g y , b i o f e e d b a c k , clinical p s y c h o l o g y n e u r o p s y c h o l o g y a n d t h e p s y c h o l o g y of a g i n g a r e s e v e r a l d y n a m i c a r e a s , b u t D r . Phillip V a n Eyl, c h a i r m a n of the d e p a r t m e n t , feels t h a t the d e p a r t m e n t a l r e s p o n s e s h o u l d b e c a u t i o u s , " E v e n t h o u g h we n e e d a diverse staff to c o v e r all these a r e a s , w e m u s t b e c a r e f u l n o t to over s u b d i v i d e the s t a f f . S t u d e n t s n e e d to see the field as a w h o l e . " T w o m e m b e r s of the staff a p t l y d e m o n s t r a t e d t h e i r a b i l i t y to r e s p o n d to the c h a n g i n g f a c e of p s y c h o l o g y . D r s . T h o m a s Ludwig and David Myers published an article entitled, " H o w Christians Can C o p e With Inflation," or " L e t ' s C u t the P o o r t a l k . " T h e article, u n d e r t w o d i f f e r e n t titles, a p p e a r e d in the O c t o b e r 24, 78 issue of t h e Saturday Review a n d the M a y 30, 79 issue of Christian Century. It w a s t h e article in Christian Century t h a t a t t r a c t e d C h i c a g o n e w s r a d i o station W B B M . T h e C B S r a d i o a f f i l i a t e invited D r . L u d w i g to be i n t e r v i e w e d on the B o b a n d B e t t y S a n d e r s S h o w w h i c h r u n s in the m i d d a y f r o m 10:00 to 2:00. T h e interview was b r o a d c a s t A u g u s t 14, 79. T h e p o p u l a r p a p e r of the t w o H o p e p r o f e s s o r s d e a l s w i t h the t e n d e n c y of

Americans to poortalk a situation, or look in retrospect at what seemed to have been 'better' times. For example, b e m o a n i n g the d e c r e a s i n g b u y i n g power of the dollar. Ludwig and Myers argue, however, that the American's buying power has actually been on the rise. But, .. commiseration is fun, it's the type of conversation that turns up in middle class c o n v e r s a t i o n s , but p o o r t a l k i n g makes it harder for us to adjust to the new times," Ludwig said. He went on to say that, "Dave and 1 are both Christians. T h e Judaeo-Christian tradition has a deemphasis on material possessions and more of an emphasis on justice." It is on the basis that Ludwig and Myers feel that the Christian has something special to o f f e r ; he c a n legitimately issue a challenge to cut out the poor talk. "People who are objectively bad off can still be very happy in what they have, it is the people who have been spending to the hilt, and then have to cut back that end up suffering," said Ludwig. What Ludwig and Myers seem to be discussing is relative depravation. Says Ludwig, "It's our choice of comparative groups that makes the difference.

the thing that worries me the most is that people are going to turn in on themselves . . . t h e y a r e g o i n g to become more egocentric than they are now. I think this is really going to happen." Toward the end of the interview, W B B M ' s Betty Sanders asked, " D o you have any suggestions for our listeners regarding inflation?" "People have to take practical suggestions to manage money better . . . once they have done all they can do, look at the psychological aspects . . . in other words, count your blessings,"

Psychology C|ub FRONT ROW (from left to right): B Edwards, G. Pedelty, J. Stout, A. Decker, T, Ludwig, B Hafner; BACK ROW: J. Weatherbee, S Adcock, 0 Penzien, E. Van Gent, S. Sharp, K, Osterman, R Van Siooten






Geology Cub

FRONT ROW (from left to right): M Malnwaring, D . ^ U J k « « ? . , D a v i ? ' D P a l l a d i n o ' M Carlson, J, Jalving; S E C O N D ROW: M. Visscher, C. Daudt, G. Foot C. Weeter, P Jordan, R Reinking, A. Kitamura; BACK ROW: J. Peters, T. Shepard, N. Marcellettl, S. LeFevre, B. Davidson, M. VanderMeulen, V. Burbach, D, Brandsma, Dr. C- Tharin.

said Ludwig. Bob Sanders of WBBM summed up the a r t i c l e a n d i n t e r v i e w t h i s w a y , "Once you have d o n e all you can about inflation, d o n ' t talk about it." E l s e w h e r e in the d e p a r t m e n t . Dr. James Motiff is pursuing research in the area of b i o f e e d b a c k . Motiff was previously known for his work with the psychology department's rhesus monkey laboratory. After Motiff turned to biofeedback research, the d e p a r t m e n t sold the monkeys and converted the laboratory into a housing complex for the m a n y rats and mice used in biology research. Dr. Van Eyl is involved in research dealing with the h u m a n ' s perception of height a n d consequent feeling of alienation in association with tall buildings. Van Eyl's research is directed at assist-, ing urban environmental architects a n d city planners. Van Eyl is now offering a May term that includes a tour and study of major European cities — old and new. Other departmental research includes Dr. John Shaughnessy's work with m e m o r y a n d Dr. J a n e D ick ie' s children studies. in association with the art department. p s y c h o l o g y b r o u g h t P r o f e s s o r Rudolf A r n h e i m , a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y known art and psychology authority to



c a m p u s in m i d - A p r i l , 79. A r n h e i m addressed a college community hour audience on the two-dimensional arts in terms of basic psychological conceptions. T h e professor examined architecture in detail from such points-of-view

as form and meaning in empty spaces, the d y n a m i c expression of shapes and the interaction of design elements in architectural composition. Holland area junior Barb Schang was a w a r d e d the C h r i s t o p h e r J a m e s Stringer Memorial Scholarship at Honors Convocation '79, while the Jeanette Gustafson Memorial Gift, awarded at the '79 C o m m e n c e m e n t , went to Anne Elizabeth Fries, also of Holland.

FRONT ROW (from left to right): M. Chockley, J. DeVree, M. Eriks, C. Toren, T. Rigterink, R. Paske; S E C O N D ROW: N/L Van Lummel, C. Petroelje, J. Visser, P, Draper, S Carnahan, d Strauch, B Patrie, THIRD ROW: S. Wiederhold, M Boelkins, J. Parker, A. Fries, A. Davenport, D. Lewis. M. Engelhardt, R. Thompson, G, Boss, S. McCullough, K. Stevens.

Sociology The Young Turks fit W e ' r e small and y o u n g , s o m e call us the y o u n g turks on c a m p u s . . . we could not d o a n t h r o p o l o g y with our size, it would only weaken us, so we attack a few things a n d try to d o them

very well." Dr. Ron M u l d e r , c h a i r m a n of the sociology d e p a r t m e n t seems to be a d v o c a t i n g a d o n ' t - b i t e - o f f - m o r e than-you-can-chew philosophy. W h a t sociologists at H o p e have been chewing on are some intriguing research projects. Dr. Mulder conducted. several research studies including the e f f e c t s of t e l e v i s e d p o l i t i c a l advertising in the 1975 C h i c a g o m a y o ral election, the political effects of the C a r t e r - F o r d d e b a t e a n d a s u r v e y of Holland Sentinel readers.

In t h e H o l l a n d S e n t i n e l s t u d y , Mulder found, a m o n g other things, that only 3% of Sentinel readers are under age 25, 99% of the readership is white and that after local news, the most popular feature of the p a p e r is the obituary column. Dr. D o n L u i d e n s , w h o f r e q u e n t l y looks at religion f r o m a sociological perspective, took an inquiring glance i n t o t h e o c c u p a t i o n a l m o b i l i t y of R e f o r m e d C h u r c h ministers. Luidens discovered t h a t m a n y m i n i s t e r s start out as c o n g r e g a t i o n a l i s t s or b a p t i s t s . Many, however, find that they want a more liturgical structure, so they m a k e the ' j u m p ' to the R e f o r m e d C h u r c h . After staying with the R e f o r m e d Church for a period of time, ministers will often m a k e a n o t h e r j u m p ; to the Presbyterian church. The Reformed Church is therefore placed right in the middle of this m o v e m e n t . It is interesting to note that in chartering this movement, Luidens also f o u n d that the o c c u p a t i o n a l m o b i l i t y of R e f o r m e d Church ministers roughly correlates to an increase in church size, wealth, a n d responsibility. Mark Ennis, a j u n i o r f r o m Jersey City, N J . , assisted Dr. Luidens in the study. Dr. J a m e s Piers, the third m e m b e r of the d e p a r t m e n t , is h e a v i l y i n v o l v e d with personal counseling, particularly marriage counseling. Says M u l d e r in reference to faculty research, "I want to collect d a t a a n d plug the tapes into



the c o m p u t e r . . . J i m Piers will be involved in someone who will walk into his office with a problem." Mulder maintains that the department is presently u n d e r s t a f f e d . J o h n Osborne, a public school teacher from the Holland district, teaches a night course in child welfare and social welfare. According to Mulder, " O s b o r n e is very p o p u l a r with s t u d e n t s a n d faculty." Those associated with the sociology department seem to be one of the heaviest uses of off campus programs. Two p a r t i c u l a r l y p o p u l a r p r o g r a m s with sociology majors are the Chicago and Philadelphia Urban Semesters. According to Mulder, " W e send a lot of people to Philadelphia, to be in an inner city environment . . . many study with computer survey firms . . . we try very hard to get the student away from Holland and into the u r b a n areas where sociology can better be studied." H o p e C o l l e g e , o p e r a t i n g u n d e r the authority of the G.L.C.A.. is in charge of the P h i l a d e l p h i a p r o g r a m f o r all G.L.C.A. colleges. The sociology department does not offer a degree in social work. Faculty members have, however, worked out a quasi-bachelor of sociology: which is a combination of psychology and sociology. " W e look at them as social work majors," Mulder said. Presently, the department has about 60 sociology majors' a large share are sociology-psychology composite majors.


Arts and Humanities

Arts and Humanities Living in the shadow of the sciences s i n c e the m i d - 6 0 ' s . t h e A r t s a n d H u m a n i t i e s are now gaining some notoriety of their own. In the '60's a heavy emphasis was laid on the science program. As the sciences gained in stability and prestige, they also gained a certain academic autonomy. Now. in the late 'TO's and heading into the "80's, the academic vitality of the sciences s u s t a i n s itself. Dr. J a c o b N y e n h u i s , Dean for the Humanities and the Performing and Fine Arts maintains that no longer are the Arts and Humanities being neglected for the sake of science. " W e have had a lot of progress under Dr. Van Wylen, in building our academic strength across the b o a r d , " Nyenhuis said. "We've always had a good program, with good people, but in the past four years many new people have entered the Arts and Humanities that are d y n a m i c a n d a t t r a c t i v e . . . their teaching is based on a scholarly program of maintaining a certain vitality through a continuous study of their own." What this adds up to is a significant increase in programmatic and individual grants: notably in the humanities. The q u a l i t y of class i n s t r u c t i o n has continued to improve and the public attention to the Arts and Humanities at Hope has radically increased. The Michigan Council for the Humanities presented Hope with three grants for public forums; forums that bring together people from outside the college and the faculty to discuss public

policy from the humanist perspective. T h e p u b l i c p o l i c y f o r u m will go under the overall title of "Caring and C uring, and will cover a broad range of topics, from genetic engineering to malpractice. The Arts and H u m a n i t i e s also received a mid-sized grant ($5-10,000) for the successful pilot intensive French program. T h e N a t i o n a l E n d o w m e n t f o r the Humanities awarded two $50,000 g r a n t s to H o p e C o l l e g e . N y e n h u i s reports that the college used one grant to raise $250,000 which went to pay two new faculty, buy additional books and more. Dr. Nyenhuis is happy to report that the f a c u l t y h a s w o r k e d v e r y well together. There has been a new interest in planning: to look ahead to objectives set for the first and second semester. Says Nyenhuis, "The result is that we are inspiring each other, sparking each other to think in new ways about what we have been doing." Dean Nyenhuis states that the first s e m e s t e r in the H u m a n i t i e s will be r a t h e r s t r u c t u r e d w h i l e the s e c o n d semester will remain flexible with the hope, . . to have fluidity in it so there can be a dynamism," said Nyenhuis. According to Dr. Nyenhuis, the Arts have a long way to go to attract adequate outside funding. However, Hope has "an amazingly good program . . . the College does remarkably well in p r o v i d i n g p r o g r a m s on a limited budget," Nyenhuis said.

FRONT ROW (from left to right): K, Martinez, G, Mueller, M, Zehetbauer, M. Poppen, Mrs. Searles; S E C O N D ROW: P, Knoll, J. Swanson, Sandy, Todd,

E. DeVette, F Ver Lee


Languages SPAN COM tutors the beginning Spanish student i or the first time in the history of the foreign language p r o g r a m at H o p e , the department is completely staffed in all areas. Foreign language classes have been primarily m a n n e d by p a r t - t i m e i n s t r u c t o r s in the p a s t , b u t r e c e n t l y , a c c o r d i n g to Dr. J a c o b N y e n h u i s , Dean of the Arts a n d Humanities, the Languages have c o m e up to full strength. By the fall of '79, ten of the twelve teaching faculty will have doctoral degrees, "1 think the d e p a r t m e n t is the strongest it has ever been, there is a highly qualified staff, several new programs a n d I a m very optimistic," said Nyenhuis, One of those p r o g r a m s that started

as a pilot project is the intensive Erench c o u r s e series. Dr, N y e n h u i s believes that the p r o g r a m has been generally well accepted by the students, "I was favorably impressed by what students can c o m m u n i c a t e in Erench at the end of only one s e m e s t e r . . . there is a good enthusiasm within the g r o u p of a p p r e n tice teachers. We are still waiting for some c o m p a r a tiv e stats." N y e n h u i s is r e f e r r i n g to s o m e r e s e a r c h d a t a t h a t will assist the faculty in d e t e r m i n i n g the worth of the p r o g r a m in c o m p a r i son to G e r m a n a n d Spanish. T h e intensive l a n g u a g e p r o g r a m is n o w b e i n g expanded to two sections of Spanish and one intensive G e r m a n course in the fall of '79. /

n e w



w a s

established enti-

tled the Edward J. Welters Award in Classics in the spring of '79. Professor Edward Wolters, who will celebrate his 81st birthday in December, served as a m e m b e r of the Latin a n d G e r m a n faculty for 36 years at Hope. T h e first recipient of the award was K a t h y E. Brown, a s o p h o m o r e f r o m St. Joseph. Mich. Also during the spring term, the College served as host to the a n n u a l meeting of the Michigan Classical C o n f e r ence. The program included an illustrated lecture by Dr. Ruth W. T o d d of W a y n e State University, Dr. T o d d served as visiting associate professor of classics at H o p e in 7 7 - 7 8 a n d returned to H o p e in the s u m m e r of '79 as associate professor of classics a n d c h a i r m a n of the d e p a r t m e n t of foreign languages and literatures. In addition to hosting the Michigan



Classical Conference, the d e p a r t m e n t a d m i n i s t e r e d the N a t i o n a l Spanish Examination of the A m e r i c a n Association of Teachers of Spanish a n d Portuguese. High schoolers could c o m p e t e in f o u r d i f f e r e n t levels with or w i t h o u t outside experience in Spanish. A c c o r d ing to Orestes G . Pino, assistant professor of Spanish and c o o r d i n a t o r of the H o p e College testing center, 132 students took the examination in the state wide contest which offers prizes on both the state and national level. Dr. Hubert P. Weller developed a computer-assisted instructional program in Spanish that was accepted by C O N D U I T , a source of quality c o m puter-related instructional materials for higher education. T h e p r o g r a m is called S P A N C O M and is one of the first two p r o g r a m s in the h u m a n i t i e s a c c e p t e d by C O N DUIT. S P A N C O M addresses problems experienced by the vast m a j o r i t y of b e g i n n i n g s t u d e n t s of S p a n i s h — problems linked to the verb a n d object g r a m m a r . T h e p r o g r a m is a series of 26 i n t e r a c t i v e d r i l l s in w r i t i n g S p a n i s h verbs a n d single o b j e c t p r o n o u n s in any of 12 tense-words. A distinct a d v a n t a g e of S P A N C O M

is that its drills go beyond the right-orwrong a p p r o a c h and respond to the actual p r o b l e m s a student is experiencing. If a student makes an error in a drill, the p r o g r a m p r o c e e d s to an ordered series of segmental or m o r p h o logical scans and checks to d e t e r m i n e the position or nature of the error. If a student is still unsure, he or she may request a hint. There are a p p r o x i m a t e l y 40 p o s s i b l e c o m m e n t s a n d h i n t s f o r each cue. S P A N C O M has been used in H o p e c l a s s r o o m s f o r the p a s t t h r e e years. In addition to the E d w a r d J. Wolters Classics A w a r d , two d e p a r t m e n t a l prizes were offered at the 7 9 H o n o r s C o n v o c a t i o n . S e n i o r s Paul K n o l l of Holland a n d Richard G e o r g e Western Springs, 111. were given the Delta Phi Alpha Prize in G e r m a n while Larry Mannino, a senior from Lansing, M i c h . , r e c e i v e d t h e E t a S i g m a Phi Book Prize in Classics. Senior Kristina Martinez f r o m N o r ton Shores, Mich, was a w a r d e d three prizes: Marquerite Prins French Award, the Linda D. Palmer Memorial A w a r d in French a n d the Laura Alice Boyd Memorial a w a r d in G e r m a n . T h e Barbara E. Geeting Memorial A w a r d

in G e r m a n went to Veronika Hildegard Eva-Maria Steiganberger, a senior from Holland. Julia Perez, a Holland a r e a s e n i o r c a p t u r e d the M a r t i n N . Ralph Memorial A w a r d in Spanish.

Art Sligh is coming

I he art d e p a r t m e n t can now look forward to a time w h e n their o p e r a t i o n s will not be spread over two locations. H o p e has m a d e a r r a n g e m e n t s for the p u r c h a s e of the Sligh F u r n i t u r e building l o c a t e d j u s t w e s t of t h e t r a c k s between 11th Street a n d 12th Street. The Sligh building should be ready for use in two to five years and has sufficient r o o m to let H o p e artists really stretch out. D e s p i t e the i n c o n v e n i e n c e of c o n ducting a p r o g r a m between two buildings, the art d e p a r t m e n t carried a full

Martin Tilley, a student apprentice, lends encouragement to one of his students.

calendar of activities. Art critic C o r i n n e Robins visited the Hope c a m p u s in m i d - O c t o b e r . Robins, who has published in such magazines as t h e Sunday Times Book Review, Womanart a n d ARTS p r e s e n t e d lectures on art criticism a n d social c h a n g e and w o m e n in c o n t e m p o r a r y art. Also d u r i n g the fall term, an exhibition of 30 serigraphs (silkscreens) by Roy Ahlgren of Erie, Penn. was presented in the art gallery of the De Witt Cultural Center. Ahlgren has been a printmaker for the past 10 years a n d has received national a n d international recognition. He has p r o d u c e d over 100 editions of prints in this time a n d is represented in the p e r m a n e n t collections of m a n y a r t c e n t e r s , m u s e u m s and colleges as well as over a t h o u s a n d private collections. The artist's c o n c e r n is with g r a p h i c images f o u n d in n a t u r e as well as in the imagination. He suggests with shape, form, etc.; namely, all the processes of nature — rather that imitating these processes. T o i n t e r p r e t this c o n c e p t , Ahlgren uses color m o d u l a t i o n , shape, m o v e m e n t , a n d a feeling of time a n d place in the serigraphs. O n N o v e m b e r 2 7 of ' 7 8 , t h e a r t d e p a r t m e n t o p e n e d an exhibition entitled " A n A l u m n u s Collects," a selection of A m e r i c a n prints f r o m the collection of Orville Beattie of Lake F o r -

Cindy Lee's sculpture has one admirer.

Sketching with chalk is the subject for Chris Goldschmidt and Mark Chockley.

junior from Holland and Robert Wilkie, a Schenectady, N.Y. senior w o n a s h a r e of t h e H e r r e l G e o r g e T h o m a s M e m o r i a l S c h o l a r s h i p while Erika Peterson, a j u n i o r f r o m Hinsdale, 111. took the H o l l a n d Council for the Arts Scholarship. T h e Stanley Harrington Art Scholarship went to Paula Vander Wall, a j u n i o r f r o m G r a n d Rapids, Mich. T h e H e r m a n Miller Art A w a r d was given to Susan G i b b s of U n i o n Springs, N.Y. at the c o m m e n c e m e n t for the class of '79.

ii mmr

Religion Churches search for collegiates


est. 111. Beattie is a 1939 H o p e g r a d u a t e and m e m b e r of the College's Board of Trustees. T h e show c e n t e r e d on the work of p r o m i n e n t A m e r i c a n p r i n t e r s of t h e "30s a n d '40s, k n o w n as t h e " A m e r i c a n S c e n e " Painters, such as John Stewart Curry, Grant Wood, T h o m a s H a r t Benton and Reginald M a r s h . In a d d i t i o n , the selection i n c l u d e s s o m e earlier works, such as a n u m b e r of W h i s tler's prints and a Mary C a s s a t t . Hope Art's own P r o f e s s o r William R. Mayer presented a l e c t u r e / w o r k s h o p on contemporary ceramics at W e s t e r n Michigan University. M a y e r is e x p e r i e n c e d in glass b l o w ing, n e o n w o r k i n g , photography, foundry procedures and papermaking, as well as all p h a s e s of c e r a m i c s and sculpture. He has exhibited a n d received a w a r d s in such shows as B u r k e H a r t s w i c k G l a s s I n v i t a t i o n , the Super Mud Invitational a n d H a n d m a d e P a p e r E x h i b i t i o n at University Park, Penn. G r o u p Photography Exhibition, Minneapolis, Minn. and the Flatland Sculpture Exhibition



of Des Moines, Iowa. Five students won d e p a r t m e n t a l prizes at the '79 H o n o r s C o n v o c a t i o n . Patricia Walker, a sophomore from Fayetteville, N.Y., Virginia F e r g u s o n , a M i k e Northuis puts the torch to his work. The Rusk building

Is never seen by most students


th t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t c o u r s e enrollment of all the d e p a r t m e n t s at H o p e , it is u n d e r s t a n d a b l e t h a t Dr. Elton Bruins, c h a i r m a n of the religion d e p a r t m e n t is in search of an eighth faculty m e m b e r . A c c o r d i n g to Bruins, the prospective faculty m e m b e r would teach part-time in the fall in the area of world religions. Presently, Dr. Sang Lee a n d Dr. H e n r y Voogt h a n d l e the c o u r s e load for the d e p a r t m e n t ' s offerings in world religions. U p until the fall of £ f j "79, Lee a n d Voogt's courses were offered on the senior seminar level. N o w , senior seminars are combined u n d e r Dr. Lars G r a n b e r g ' s IDS program. Bruins points out that previously, the b r u n t of the religion f a c u l t y ' s c o u r s e work was at the lower level. With the addit i o n of a w o r l d religion instructor and t h e r e s t r u c t u r i n g of the senior s e m i n a r program, the m a j o r in religion should now have a better choice in u p p e r level c o u r s e s . Presently, there are a b o u t 25 m a j o r s in the department. Area churches are putting up a much stronger d e m a n d for church workers. Bruins reports. These churches are turning a w a y f r o m the seminaries and asking Hope's religion department for good college students with a broad experiential base. Celaine Bouma,

a senior f r o m Palos Heights, 111. was one of those college students. She is now w o r k i n g a t t h e B e e c h w o o d Reformed C h u r c h of H o l l a n d in y o u t h ministries. Faculty morale seems to be r u n n i n g quite high within the d e p a r t m e n t . " T h a n k G o d we g e t a l o n g s o w e l l together. W e are m a k i n g plans for the next three years in a S e p t e m b e r meeting at the A l u m n i House. We'll spend the entire S a t u r d a y to plan where we are g o i n g in t h e n e x t t h r e e y e a r s , " Bruins said. Part of the reason for the e n t h u s i a s m within the religion d e p a r t m e n t m a y be Dr. J a c o b N y e n h u i s , D e a n of the Arts and H u m a n i t i e s . A c c o r d i n g to Dr. Bruins, " W e get really good s u p p o r t from him . . . 1 really e n j o y him. He's p u l l i n g in m o n e y a n d g i v i n g t h e humanities a whole new esprit de corps . . . his ideas a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t are just great." The faculty e n t h u s i a s m of the religion d e p a r t m e n t can also be seen in their prolific o u t p u t of literature a n d extensive activity c a l e n d a r . Dr. Bruins, for example, has been involved in presenting lectures in the area c o n c e r n i n g the M a s o n i c c o n t r o v e r s y of the l a t e 19th century in H o l l a n d . In the c o n t r o v e r s y , t h e o l d p i l l a r church, now Central A v e n u e Christian Reformed C h u r c h located at Central and W. 9th Street, was split in a d e b a t e over the tolerance of m e m b e r s h i p in secret s o c i e t i e s c o n c o m m i t a n t w i t h membership in the c h u r c h . T h e Christian R e f o r m e d C h u r c h does not allow secret society m e m b e r s h i p , while although the R e f o r m e d C h u r c h f r o w n s

Robert Vickers assesses the performance of his class.

upon it, they believe that the individual should be free to decide on the organization he wishes to join. A c c o r d i n g to Bruins, the controversy not only split the church "right d o w n the m i d d l e , " but the whole town of H o l l a n d fell victim to the schism as well. Dr. Alan Ver Hey has been a u t h o r ing several articles for the revised International Bible Encyclopedia in a d d i t i o n s u c h a r t i c l e s as " T e s t T u b e B a b i e s :

FRONT ROW (from left to right): C, Bechfel, L, Mannino, A, Baker, K. Brown, SECOND ROW: Dean Nyenhuis, R Thornburg, C, Strauch /

A g a i n " for the Reformed Journal a n d a series on the Heidelberg C a t a c h i s m for the Banner. Dr. Sang Lee continues his work on his b o o k concerning Jonathan Edwards. Lee was also one of the 16 college a n d university professors f r o m all parts of the c o u n t r y selected to part i c i p a t e in t h e A f r i c a n H u m a n i t i e s Institute at the University of California in Los Angeles. T h e Institute's aim is to provide the m e a n s for extending the p r e s e n t k n o w l e d g e of t h e A f r i c a n humanities into the u n d e r g r a d u a t e system by p r e p a r i n g teachers for new a p p r o a c h e s to u n f a m i l i a r g e o g r a p h i c regions, working f r o m their own disciplinary training. Dr. Robert Raima presented a p a p e r entitled, " B a r t h ' s free theology of cult u r e " a t t h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g of t h e A m e r i c a n A c a d e m y of R e l i g i o n a n d the Society of Biblical Literature held in N e w Orleans. T h e a b o v e is just a small sampling of the 58 professional activities listed in the d e p a r t m e n t ' s report for the spring term of '79. The department also sponsors a monthly series of lectures for its faculty and majors. T h e series features presentations f r o m within the college a n d included such lectures as Dr. W a y n e Boulton's talk on the P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h ' s h a n d l i n g of the homosexuality issue a n d Dr. Jack Ridl's presentation c o n c e r n i n g mental illness. Dr. Richard R. Niebohr, n e p h e w of the well-known Reinholt N e i b o h r a n d professor of religion at H a r v a r d University visited H o p e ' s c a m p u s u n d e r the sponsorship of the religion d e p a r t -



ment in m i d - M a r c h . Dr. N e i b o h r was the D a n f o r t h lecturer for '79, a prog r a m c o o r d i n a t e d by Dr. Sang Lee.

English Exit one Shakespeare


long-time friend of H o p e collegiates retired at the conclusion of the spring term in 7 9 . Dr. H e n r y ten H o o r has been a m e m b e r of the H o p e faculty s i n c e 1946 w i t h a s p e c i a l a c a d e m i c i n t e r e s t in t h e w r i t i n g s of W i l l i a m Shakespeare. Dr. ten H o o r ' s section of Shakespeare was p o p u l a r with s t u d e n t s n o t o n l y b e c a u s e of t h e p r o f e s s o r ' s expertise on the subject, but because of his unique ability to read S h a k e s p e a r e in such an entertaining m a n n e r . In a n interview he g r a n t e d to the anchor, Dr. ten H o o r reflected o n the H o p e students he has taught over the years: " I n the '40s, the school was filled with veterans on the G.I. bill. M o s t kids had pretty firm notions a b o u t why they were here a n d what to d o a f t e r they were out. T h e y were older, serious a n d wanted to get on with it. As these stu-

dents g r a d u a t e d , a more n o r m a l a tm o s phere returned, an emphasis on playtime, fraternities a n d sororities arose. " L a t e r , in the 60's, there was a great deal of turmoil as students h a d to cope with the V ie tn a m war, minority rights. It was an unhealthy time; n o reason was mixed in with all the passion. " T h e students of the 70's are m u c h smarter — they're listening to people w h o know a little a b o u t what e d u c a t i o n can d o a n d s o m e good ways to achieve it. They k n o w you d o n ' t get far with all that u p h e a v a l . " A native of Holland, Mich., Dr. ten H o o r received the A.B. degree in English f r o m Calvin College a n d M.A. a n d Ed.D. degrees from the University of Michigan. Dr. ten H o o r says he is looking forward to an active retirement. H e plans to c o n t i n u e work on translating f r o m Dutch, materials of A l b e r t u s C. Van Raalte, f o u n d e r of Holland, Mich, a n d H o p e College, as well as e n j o y a h o b b y of woodcarving. During the second semester of the '79-80 a c a d e m i c year, he will serve as a visiting professor of English at Covena n t C o l l e g e in L o o k o u t M o u n t a i n , Tenn. E l s e w h e r e in the d e p a r t m e n t . D r . William Reynolds saw two of his articles a p p e a r in print.

In the Kletz, a S h a k e s p e a r e reading marathon during the fall



Karen Weist and G r e g G e i s s o w .

One of these: " H e r o i s m in Beowulf: A Christian Perspective," was published in the Summer, 1978 issue of Christianity and Literature. T h e article is an effort to assess the influence of pagan sources used by the Christian author of the Beowulf poem. The second article is a translation of selections f r o m De Formis Fiqurisque Deorum, a 14th c e n t u r y m o r a l i z i n g commentary on Ovid's Metamorphoso, a p p e a r e d in Al/egorica, a biannual devoted to the study of medieval a n d renaissance literature. Dr. H e m e n w a y ' s studies carried him overseas to Ireland d u r i n g the fall term of '78. H e m e n w a y visited a short story author by the n a m e of R o b e r t Bernen. Bernen lives in the high c o u n t r y a n d Dr. H e m e n w a y f o u n d o u t j u s t h o w high that country was. In a letter to Dr. F r i e d of the e d u c a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t . Hemenway reports, " E a r l y S a t u r d a y morning I walked the five miles to Letterbarrow a n d was f o r t u n a t e to get a lift f o r the n e x t f i v e m i l e s i n t o t h e mountains, a b o u t a mile f r o m their cottage. T h e B e r n e n s w e r e s u r p r i s e d I made it and a d m i t t e d they thought I'd be a very scholarly looking, grey-haired prof — not a bearded s t u d e n t - t y p e (I succumbed to the flattery). . . . they've done w o n d e r s with desolate f a r m land, though they're not trying to m a k e lots of money. T h e y ' r e content with a simple, peaceful, h a r d - w o r k i n g life in an area where people have little, but great endurance, great concern for their neighbors a n d an u n s u r p a s s e d friendliness. Well, there I was, soft city boy gathering a n d binding sheaves of corn, helping to herd and mark the sheep for Monday's sheep mart, sleeping in the roomy loft built with birch w o o d by Bob, savoring the daily fresh eggs a n d goat's milk, the oven b a k e d bread a n d backyard beets a n d o n i o n s f r o m the Bernen farm. Both of them were most stimulating a n d u n i n t i m i d a t i n g people whether discussing poetry or poultry. T h e y a r e h i g h l y r e s p e c t e d by t h e i r neighbors as 1 discovered f r o m those 1 met on my walks in the area. "Five cars (hitchhiking again) a n d one train brought me back to Dublin w h e r e 1 m o v e d in w i t h yet a n o t h e r friend to do the reading 1 keep getting distracted from. Now, should I buy some land here and a few sheep . . .? Departmental prizes were given to three different students. T h e William E e r d m a n s Poetry and Prose Prizes went to senior Mark Hillringhouse of Holland and Steve H o n i g , a senior from Western Springs, 111., respectively. The George Birkhoff English Prize was given to H o l l a n d j u n i o r Karl Stegenga. The Sandrene Schutt A w a r d for Proficiency in Literature went to Plymouth, Mich, senior J a n e Visser at the "79 C o m m e n c e m e n t exercises.

Theatre A workshop experience.

I t was a major reworking of the format of theatre presentations for the theatre department. Instead of the traditional four major plays offered in the De Witt Cultural Center main theatre, the department cut back to only two, one in the fall term and one in the sprina term. Henrik Ibsen's The Wild /

Duck and The Tempest of Shakespeare were featured as the department's main efforts. Substituting for the other plays were several 'workshop' p r o d u c t i o n s developed in the De Witt studio theatre. The new formal reportedly allows a much higher degree of flexibility in t h e a t r e e x p e r i e n c e for the major while providing a more conducive environment for the coaching and development of theatrical skills. The Department also initiated an Audience Education Program which will provide opportunity for members of the Holland a r e a c o m m u n i t y to e x p l o r e , in g r e a t e r depth, the productions presented during the winter season.



James Cook. Jackie Donnelly, and Daniel Van Ark are the representatives of the Holland community who will head up the new program. The team will explore such means as raising ideas, issues and questions presented by the plays, leading post-performance discussions, preparing discussion guidelines for use by interested local groups and providing written information or personal reflections on the plays for the benefit of audience members. " W e of the t h e a t r e f a c u l t y a r e q u i t e excited about this program's potential and a b o u t the t h r e e i n d i v i d u a l s w h o h a v e a g r e e d to i m p l e m e n t i t . " s a i d t h e a t r e department chairman George Ralph. " W e have sought a way to provide the 'education" which can deepen one's appreciation of the theatre-going experience, and we feel that this approach should be stimulating and rewarding." The department awarded four different prizes to six students at Honor's Convocation. W i n n i n g the f r e s h m a n , s o p h o m o r e and junior Theatre Patrons' Awards were Charles Bell, Jon Hondorp. and Michelle Martin, respectively. The Theatre Departm e n t S e n i o r Prize w a s g i v e n to C a r o l Anderson. Daniel Huizenga and Cindy Lee.


r wSi Guest Artist Ralph Votapek in concert.

Music New class features guest artists

revised music curriculum was a moot prospect for this d e p a r t m e n t in '78-79. According to Dr. Stuart Sharp, c h a i r m a n of t h e d e p a r t m e n t , " T h e revised plan permits the completion of the Bachelor of Music degree in f o u r years." It presently takes 4'/a years to complete the degree. The history d e p a r t m e n t , who, according to Dr. Sharp are the classic

" d e f e n d e r s of the core," are challenging the revision. D e s p i t e the o n - g o i n g d e b a t e c o n cerning the core curriculum, the music d e p a r t m e n t o f f e r e d a new c o u r s e to a n y o n e interested in the arts. Called IDS 101, the class uses faculty m e m bers from within the d e p a r t m e n t a n d visiting artists to present seminars on the arts. Visiting artists included representatives f r o m t h e a t r e , art, m u s i c a n d dance. A f t e r the first year of the class. Dr. Sharp felt that two types of stu-

dents are enrolling, " Y o u get the kids that are serious and those that are out to get an easy b r e a k . " A real feel for the activity of this busy d e p a r t m e n t can be o b t a i n e d by studying the cultural a f f a i r s calendar. The d e p a r t m e n t regularly offers m a j o r ensembles, choir a n d j a z z concerts, and faculty and student recitals. " W e have an o u t s t a n d i n g p e r f o r m ing faculty. It's a challenge to maintain both a p e r f o r m a n c e and teaching schedule at the same time." O f t e n , faculty can only find time to p e r f o r m on Sunday a f t e r n o o n s in c h a m b e r ensembles. Professors Terry Moore and Joan C o n w a y were two of the faculty that found some extra time to dedicate to

M. Elrldge, T. Langejans, J. Poppen, T Taylor, P Montanari, A. Brown, N. Ritchie, S. Blodgett, 8 Bice, S. Galer, K. Nagy, S. Edgecomb,







Mr. Cecil conducts on Community Day.

performance. With M o o r e on the violin and C o n w a y at the piano, the twosome toured several area colleges including: Albion. K a l a m a z o o . A l m a a n d Aquinas. Dr. Robert Ritsema p e r f o r m e d with The Early Music Ensemble, featuring music f r o m the m i d d l e ages on the recorder, G o t h i c harp, medieval fiddle, rebec rackett, shawm, s a c k b u t and k r u m m h o r n to n a m e j u s t a few. T h e group is noted for its historical accuracy and the ability to interpret the music in the original style of the period. T h e d e p a r t m e n t also sponsored the popular Tulip Time Organ Recitals in mid-May. All performers at the event are H o p e graduates. Prof. Roger Davis, organist, originator a n d director of the recitals performed with"pirt-time m e m b e r of t h e m u s i c f a c u l t y , B r u c e F o r m s m a . F o r m s m a is a t r u m p e t e r with the K a l a m a z o o S y m p h o n y Orchestra. Pianist Dr. A n t h o n y Kooiker took a month-long tour of Yugoslavia in late May a n d early J u n e of 1979. Kooiker gave lectures a n d p i a n o recitals on American music at several universities and conservatories. T h e tour was arranged by Yugoslav violinist, F r a n k Sijarik who visited Western Michigan last s u m m e r u n d e r the s p o n s o r s h i p of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l Studies Institute. Sijaric a n d Kooiker a p p e a r e d in d u o - r e c i t a l in F l o l l a n d , Muskegon a n d G r a n d R a p i d s during the violinist's Michigan visit a n d also m a d e several i n f o r m a l a p p e a r a n c e s . The tour was developed through the E m b a s s y in B e l g r a d e a n d t h e U . S . Information Service.

- r Music




SOPRANOS: L. Boelkms, C. Bouman, L. Daniels, S. Schuurmans, S. Galer, D. Hall, J. Lundeen, S. Martle, B. Peterson, K. Picha, J. Poppen, S. Weener T Whitney K Willis. ALTOS: K. Anderson, C. Bechtel, D. Beyer, B, Brown, S. Edgecomb, D. Grimm, R Hascup, J. Liggett K Naqy S Norden C Rietberg, L. Schack T. Taylor, N Torresen, E. Van Gent, R. Van Wylen, C. Walchenbach. BASSES: M. Boelkms, L. Boer, B. Burgener, D Chan P Daniels J DeVree, S, DeWitt, P. Larmk, R, Roelofs, R, Schut, M. Soeter, S, Van Dop, R. Van Wyngarden, K Hoopingarner TENORS' B Anderson J Byl K Gaboon, D. Dykstra, J. Hoekstra, T. Plcard, J. Russcher, 0 . Toren, D, VanDerMeulen, N. Webster, P, Hoffman

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VIOLIN: M, Fike, K. Hofstee, A Hilbelink, N Kerle, L, Lambie, A Lee, K. Wedemeyer, D Warnaar VIOLA: K. Handel, A, Mulder, N, Ritchie, L. Van Ark. CELLO: K. Harrell, K. Lowe. BASS: R. Baker FLUTE: S. Ward, L. W o l f , OBOE M. Eldndge, N Tait. CLARINET: S. Blodgett, B Bice BASSOON- B










T Johnson


On the student level, Terri Whitney, a sophomore vocal performance major f r o m G r a n d Rapids, Mich., was a w a r d e d h o n o r a b l e m e n t i o n in the women's division of the National Association of Teachers of Singing spring adjudications held at Albion College. Over 100 singers from the studios of 30 Michigan university and college teachers participated in the competition. A student of Prof. Joyce Morrison, Miss W h i t n e y was a c c o m p a n i e d by Kim Nagy. Kim is a junior piano major from G r a n d Haven, Mich. The music department awarded five prizes to outstanding student musicians in 78-79. Junior Lena Daniels of G r a t Falls, Va. won the Grace Marquerite Browning Scholarship in Voice. T h e J

u.nior-senior Instrumental Scholar.P w e n t t o B e t t y 째 l c e ^ M u s k e g o n , Mich. K i m N a g y was a w a r d e d the Jun-


i o r - S e n i o r S c h o l a r s h i p in P i a n o


cia Pratt, a H o l l a n d n a t i v e , c a p t u r e d the C l a r y c e R o z e n b o o m M e m o r i a l S c h o l a r s h i p in O r g a n . S u e W e e n e r , a sophomore f r o m K a l a m a z o o received the D o n a l d W e e n e r M e m o r i a l F u n d .


Philosophy Goodbye 113

I he philosophy d e p a r t m e n t b r o u g h t a significant lecture series into Hope during the academic year ending in 1979. Entitled. "Philosophy and the Professions," the prestigious group of speakers came to campus through the sponsorship of the philosophy department and the Franklin J. Matchette Foundation. The series focused on several areas: business, m e d i c i n e , t h e m i n i s t r y a n d l a w . According to Dr. Merold Westphal, chairman of the department, the lecture program was directed at the non-philosophy major to the "amateur philosopher." I n v i t a t i o n s were sent out to s c h o l a r s believed to be the best available in their respective fields. Westphal said. " W e got all our first choices." Meanwhile, in mid-autumn of '78. Dr. Westphal was elected vice president of the

Dr. Dystra's Introduction to Liberal Arts ended in 1979, the professor will be retiring with the class of 1980.

Hegel Society of America. The Hegel Society consists of 310 members from the U.S., Canada and Western Europe, particularly England and Germany. Westphal had just completed a four-year term on the Executive Council of the soci-

ety serving as program chairman for the "78 meeting of its members. His book. History and Truth in Hegel's Phenomenology, is curr e n t l y b e i n g p u b l i s h e d by H u m a n i t i e s Press.

VIOLIN: M. Fike, A, Hilbelink, K, Hofstee, J. Huttar, L. Lambie, A. Lee, Y. Tlenstra, D. Warnaar, K Wedemeyer, P, Westveer. VIOLA: L, Van Ark. A. Mulder, V. Wilson, CELLO: K, Harrell, S. Blodgett. BASS: R. Baker, P. Miedema. FLUTE: M. Hilldore. S. McKee, C. Vandenberg, J. Wansor, OBOE: B. Gailand, N Talt, CLARINET: S. Blodgett. B, Bice. BASSOON: C. Bell, B, Pell. HORN; M. Burton, L. Press. TRUMPET C. Daudt, T Johnson, M Van Mater. TROMBONE: T. Keizer, R Matthews. TYMPANI AND PERCUSSION: P. Koeppe, T. Langejans, J. Strain. HARPSICHORD: S Ward ORCHESTRA MANAGER: S Blodgett






tarth \ will set you free, but first it will make you miserable

' f i \ \

Advice-president of the Hegel Society from Yale University, Dr. Merold Westphal took over as chairman of the department of Philosophy in '78-

Philosophy at H o p e has been undergoing a restructuring in the past year. T h e department is phasing in the new core requirements that feature an expansion of ancient and m o d e r n philosophy to a c c o m m o d a t e

more students. With the new core structure, the now legendary Introduction to Liberal Arts given by Dr. D. Ivan Dykstra, was terminated in the spring of '79. Dr. Dykstra will be c o n c e n t r a t ing his efforts on the John Clough reclines in the Kletz for an afternoon of uninterrupted History of Philosostudies. phy series until his retirement in 1980. Westphal mentions t h a t the History of P h i l o s o p h y now comprises the core of the program, but the d e p a r t m e n t is making an attempt to appeal to a larger segment of the student population. Westphal reports that Ancient Philosophy and F u n d a m e n t a l s of Philosophy are doing very well; b o t h of w h i c h a r e instructed by Dr. Arthur Jentz. . Jentz is also planning a course offering regarding ethics and business in the s p r i n g of "80. T h e course will be m a d e possible through a grant from the


Council in Philosophic Study. At c o m m e n c e m e n t , t h e p h i l o s o p h y d e p a r t m e n t awarded the Charles E. Lake Memorial Prize in Philosophy to Paul Draper. D r a p e r is from Bethany, West Virginia.

FRONT ROW (from left to right); M. Engelhardt, S. Bolhouse, A. Davenport, B. Drake; S E C O N D ROW : B. Osbeck, S. Maas, Dr. Zoeteway, Byl, Dr. Elder, K, Stegenga, R. Adolph, L. Butcher, Cochran.

Political Science Professors profess that they're humanists. P h e political science d e p a r t m e n t s t r o n g l y r e s e m b l e d a f o s t e r c h i l d in search of a h o m e in the past year. T h e discipline has traditionally been classified as a social science, but n o longer. '78-79 saw a d e p a r t m e n t a l reshuffling into two b r o a d categories: the natural

and social sciences a n d the arts a n d humanities. In an effort to b a l a n c e the load for these areas, H o p e political scientists, (who have long a d m i t t e d that they're humanist) f o u n d themselves in the humanities. Yet, Dr. J a m e s Zoeteway, c h a i r m a n of the d e p a r t m e n t , is a little u n e a s y with new d i s t i n c t i o n .

"We'll j u s t have to look at ourselves as a social science in the humanities," he said. Despite the d e b a t e over the academic classification of political science, the d e p a r t m e n t found time to maintain their aggressive internship program. The Washington, D.C. Honors Semester has earned the accolades of s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y a l i k e . P r i o r to 1976 H o p e participated in the p r o g r a m offered through the facilities of American University. Dr. R o b e r t Elder, a f t e r h a v i n g e x p e r i e n c e d the W a s h i n g t o n ,

Political Science


Governor Millikan checks out the dining accommodations at Hope during his visit in the fall.

D C . p r o g r a m at Colgate University, conducted by his father, suggested that H o p e initiate its own W a s h i n g t o n . D.C. semester. T h e suggestion was spurred by several reports f r o m A m e r i c a n University participants that the A m e r i c a n University a c a d e m i c p r o g r a m in association with their part-time internships was not as rigorous as it should be. in fact, before 1976, only f o u r students could participate in the p r o g r a m . Thinking they could provide not only a better a c a d e m i c base, but also a superior experimental p r o g r a m for its students, H o p e initiated its own h o n o r s semester. N o w , approximately 15 to 20 students are accepted each year and they a r e r e q u i r e d to u n d e r t a k e t w o internships of six weeks in length working full-time throughout the course of the semester. According to Dr. Zoeteway, providing two solid full-time internships helps to a v o i d s o - c a l l e d ' g o p h e r " w o r k (menial tasks). In c o m p a r i n g H o p e ' s present p r o g r a m with that of Colgate's, Zoeteway said, " H o p e ' s p r o g r a m is bett e r . . . and Colgate's is very g o o d . "



T h e d e p a r t m e n t h a s a v a r i e t y of o t h e r i n t e r n s h i p s t h a t a r e c l o s e r to h o m e including state legislature aids, legal aids a n d working with the Holland City Hall. " O u r goal has been to m a i n t a i n a strong a c a d e m i c p r o g r a m while maintaining opportunities for experience that will buttress the a c a d e m i c aspect,"

Zoeteway said. The Margaret Otte DeVelder Prize awarded by the d e p a r t m e n t at the '79 H o n o r s C o n v o c a t i o n went to Jeffrey Welch, a j u n i o r from Allen Park, Michigan, while Mike Engelhardt of Lansing, Michigan received the J a m e s Dyke Van Putten Political Science Prize at the '79 graduation exercises.

History Students no longer have U.S. history option. A new emphasis in introductory history has sent Dr. Earl Curry and Dr. William Cohen back to their history textbooks for a little brushing up. After a slight restructuring, the degree core requirement lost some flexibility in the past year. T o satisfy the r e q u i r e m e n t , the s t u d e n t must now take E u r o p e a n history, n o longer h a v i n g the option of studying American history as in the old Introduction to History format. As a result, says Cohen, chairman of the department, "I've undertaken an extensive

summer reading program, including several textbooks and m o n o g r a p h s . " Neither Cohen or Curry have ever instructed an European history class. Curry adds, "We believe the move will be beneficial to Hope students." The activity of the history faculty was p h e n o m e n a l t h r o u g h o u t the '78-79 academic year. Dr. Curry, through the facilities of Garland Press, published a book entitled, Hoover's Dominican Diplomacy and the Origins of the Good Neighbor Policy Curry's book is one of 20 d^tinguished

scholarly m o n o g r a p h s that G a r l a n d Press is presenting in its M o d e m American History Series. All of the works in the series have been chosen for their quality and significance by Prof. Frank Friedel of H a r v a r d University, one of the leading authorities on the p r e s i d e n c i e s of H e r b e r t H o o v e r a n d Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Dr. Michael Petrovich, associate professor of history was appointed by the U.S. Department of Health. Education and Welfare to the review panel to evaluate proposals submitted to the U.S. Office of Education under the National Defense Education Act Title VI Fellowship and Center Applications. T h e p a n e l , c o m p o s e d of 39 A m e r i c a n Scholars and specialists in area studies of the world, met at a mid-March week long session in W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. P e t r o v i c h , together with five other specialists, evaluated all projects relating to Eastern European studies including the Soviet Union. In March of '78, Petrovich served as the official U.S. interpreter for the talks between P r e s i d e n t C a r t e r a n d P r e s i d e n t Tito of Yugoslavia, at the White House in Washington. D.C. The d e p a r t m e n t also offers a May term in Yugoslavia. Lasting six weeks, the course involved a p p r o x i m a t e l y 12 s t u d e n t s in a trek to Zagreb. Yugoslavia with Dr. Petrovich who is director of Foreign studies in that city. A Soviet Union destination proved to be an illusive goal for Dr. Larry Penrose who was scheduled for a leave of absence to study t h e r e . S u p p o r t e d by I n t e r n a t i o n a l Reserve Exchange f u n d s , Penrose was to arrive in the U.S.S.R. in the late s u m m e r of 7 8 . Instead, he stayed in Holland with the suspicion t h a t the h e i g h t e n e d A m e r i c a n Soviet tension was the bane of his pass into Russia. Presently, Dr. Penrose is researching Chinese-Russian trade relations in the 16th and 17th centuries. According to Dr. Cohen, the aim of the department is not only to get people excited about what has h a p p e n e d in the past, but to think critically in evaluating and presenting evidence. " I t ' s not j u s t that Pearl H a r b o r was b o m b e d o n D e c e m b e r 7, 1941. b u t what actually h a p p e n e d in and a r o u n d the event . . . we like to play detective . . . a study of history provides you with a way in which you may weigh contradictory pieces of evidence," Cohen said. Karry Ritter, a senior from Michigan City, Ind., won the Ray De Y o u n g History Prize at C o m m e n c e m e n t '79. R i t t e r h a d presented a paper at the Humanities Colloquium involving Albertus Van Raalte's attempt to establish a colony in Virginia. Ron Bechtel. from G r a n d Rapids, captured the Phi Alpha Theta F r e s h m a n Book Award while that s a m e award for sophomores went to Phil Vande r h a a r of Orange City, la. Cindy Nelson, a sophomore f r o m Galesburg. Mich., won the Robert L. Melka Memorial Award a n d Karl Stegenga, a Holland area junior, captured the Metta J. Ross History Prize.



Education Special Education certifications

Kim Middleton peruses the c a r d catalog.

are skyrocketing.

I he activity of the e d u c a t i o n faculty was largely d o m i n a t e d by the p r e p a r a tion of a d e p a r t m e n t a l self-evaluation in '78-79. T h e evaluation is required by the National Crediting Association of Teacher E d u c a t o r s in its 10 year evaluation. T h e N.C.A.T.E. will travel f r o m Washington, D.C. to Holland in the fall of '79 to m a k e a personal evaluation: the e d u c a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t ' s accreditation will be weighed in the balance. T h e d e p a r t m e n t still f o u n d time to s p o n s o r the sixth a n n u a l Y o u n g A u t h o r ' s C o n f e r e n c e held at H o p e on May 4. Joe W a y m a n , nationally recognized consultant and a u t h o r of e d u c a tional books, records and films was the featured speaker at the event. The conference involves approximately 500 children f r o m private, parochial and public schools in the Western Michigan area. Each child who attends the conference has been selected for the h o n o r on t h e b a s i s of s o m e c r e a t i v e w r i t i n g



which he or she has written a n d presented to his or her classmates. D u r i n g the t h r e e - h o u r m o r n i n g c o n f e r e n c e each child participates in three activities: a sharing period d u r i n g which the student will read his poetry or story to a small g r o u p of his peers, a creative activity time where each child participates in p u p p e t r y a n d creative d r a m a , and a large g r o u p session led by Mr. Wayman. Dr. J a m e s Bultman, c h a i r m a n of the d e p a r t m e n t , was on a sabatical d u r i n g the fall term. Prof. B u l t m a n ' s studies c a r r i e d him to H a w a i i w h e r e he observed the Hawaiian educational system; a system that is unique d u e to the f a c t t h a t it is t o t a l l y s t a t e c o n trolled, free of school districts. T h e d e p a r t m e n t also issued 92 teaching certifications in 1979. T h e figure appears relatively large, but is actually d o w n f r o m well over 200 d u r i n g the peak years of the early I970's. Professor L a m o n t Dirkse reports that Michigan is tremendously overcrowded with

t e a c h e r s . N o t o n l y a r e f o u r of t h e n a t i o n ' s t o p ten t e a c h e r e d u c a t i o n institutions located in Michigan, but the state's lucrative salary schedule also makes Michigan a very attractive occupational location for y o u n g teaching prospects. A c c o r d i n g to Dirkse, the d e p a r t m e n t h a s 20 s p e c i a l e d u c a t i o n m a j o r s , a rather high n u m b e r . H e attributes this to two factors; first, when the teaching j o b market tightens, there is a corresponding increase in those turning to special education a n d second, the education d e p a r t m e n t has a 100% placement record for those m a j o r i n g in special education. At H o n o r s C o n v o c a t i o n , Vivian Potter, a j u n i o r f r o m F a i r p o r t , N . Y . , received the laurals of the education d e p a r t m e n t by capturing the Elizabeth V a n d e r b u s h Scholarship. Later, at C o m m e n c e m e n t '79, Tim Lont from G r a n d Rapids, Mich., received the Marguerite E. K i n k e m a Special Education A w a r d while Steven Prediger of Muskegon, Mich., a n d Jill Nihart from Bryan, Ohio, received the Egbert Winter Education Awards.

Requiem for 113

(The following are selected passages from "Requiem for "113": The Rise and Fall of an Idea.") . . W h a t h a p p e n e d between the time w h e n the c o u r s e was first thought a b o u t a n d its actual going into o p e r a tion is surely as interesting as a n y t h i n g that h a p p e n e d to it later. " T h e first stirrings out of which 113 g r e w h a p p e n e d in t h e e a r l y f i f t i e s . W h a t b e g a n then was a definite m o v e to "revise the core curriculum. I am not sure why it h a p p e n e d . We did have in

the person of Dr. Hollenbach, a reas o n a b l y new D e a n , who n e e d e d to e n g a g e us in s o m e t h i n g t h a t c o u l d b e c o m e , with c o m p l e t e propriety, a focal p o i n t for o u r a n d his designs for the f u t u r e of the College. Everyone else was revising their core curricula (it seemed " t h e thing to be doing"). M o r e tangibly, I think it was really triggered by the u n h a p p i n e s s of our f r e s h m a n English teachers. But I am not sure why they were u n h a p p y . T h e y seemed to w a n t to escape the boring " n u t s a n d bolts" work of having to teach unwill-

ing f r e s h m e n the r u d i m e n t s of writing English prose. " . . . But having gotten started, the curriculum study went on, a n d on, a n d on. I a m not sure why it did. M a y b e it was b e c a u s e we were so a w e d by the i m p o r t a n c e of w h a t we were u p to that we b e c a m e t e m p e r a m e n t a l l y f e a r f u l of c o m i n g to some conclusion. "I r a t h e r think the real hassle was over w h e t h e r or n o t the core curriculum should include the study of foreign languages; that is, t h a t appeared to be the crucial issue. But, then a n d in retrospect, I d o not think that was really the issue at all. It was, I suspect, the f r o n t for s o m e t h i n g far more pervasive a n d far m o r e e m o t i o n laden. It was on the b a s i s of w h e t h e r one was for or against the inclusion of foreign languages in the core that one became identified as a " c o n s e r v a t i v e , " as a knight in shining a r m o r , or a perpetrator of some moral i n f a m y . ". . . Whatever the r e a s o n s for divisiveness, this f i n a l l y b e c a m e so s e r i o u s t h a t President Lubbers, judging it to be too disruptive of the school's process, without forewarning, a t a m o n t h l y faculty meeting a n n o u n c e d the term i n a t i o n of t h e study a n d the c o m mittee. This happened, I would g u e s s in t h e v e r y late f i f t i e s , m a y b e even in 1960. " D u r i n g those seven o r eight years of d i s c u s s i o n a n d increasing division, however, there was one thing t h a t we never seemed to disagree o n . I f o u n d that to be very o d d then a n d still do. This was on the question of w h e t h e r the new c u r r i c u l u m , j u s t in c a s e it e v e r c a m e to birth, w o u l d include s o m e t h i n g in p h i l o s o p h y . P h i l o s o p h y a l w a y s a p p e a r e d in our p r o p o s e d c u r r i c u l u m structures, a n d , as occasions arose, was always a p p r o v e d by a vote of nine or t e n / o r , o n e (mine) against. " . . . I am not sure why I kept objecting to it. T h e best f a c e I can p u t on that is t h a t I t h o u g h t c u r r i c u l u m s h o u l d have g o o d reasons for being what it

was. a n d that involved having a good reason for including philosophy, which involved having s o m e o n e at least say what it was s u p p o s e d to c o n t r i b u t e . I d o not r e m e m b e r a n y o n e even saying a n y t h i n g that h a d a bearing o n that. I think I tended to treat the c o m m i t t e e ' s unanimity for philosophy rather lightly, thinking t h a t what was really going on in their m i n d s was that "Philosophy is w h a t o t h e r colleges tend to d o in their cores, so we should, t o o . " . . . It could also be that I could not w a r m u p to the idea of teaching a c a p tive a u d i e n c e . O r m a y b e , b e i n g y o u n g in m y j o b , I was j u s t cocky e n o u g h to




think t h a t all I h a d to d o was show u p in a c l a s s r o o m a n d s t u d e n t s w o u l d c o m e r u n n i n g , w i t h o u t b e n e f i t of a r e q u i r e m e n t to herd them in. (Between fifty a n d sixty p e r c e n t did elect philosophy, but that was a different day than now.) '"You are going to find this next hard to believe. 1 do, too. It j u s t could be that only within the past year it began to d a w n on me w h a t w a s really involved in this b e a u t i f u l u n a n i m i t y for including a philosophy course. W h a t s u g g e s t e d this w a s a very i n c i d e n t a l remark that John Hollenbach made.

W h a t c a m e out was the, to me, astonishing c o m m e n t t h a t one of the things he w o u l d like to h a v e had me include in " t h e c o u r s e " was something on " t h e art of d y i n g . " T h a t struck me as very odd, that u p o n entering college we should plunge in a n d teach f r e s h m e n a b o u t dying. ". . . His remark, however, made sense o n c e I c o n n e c t e d it with a larger s o m e t h i n g — with the t h o u g h t that what the p r o p o s e d required philosophy course would work at was developing in s t u d e n t s the urge a n d c o m p e t e n c e to d e v e l o p t h e i r " p h i l o s o p h i e s of l i f e . " W h e n o n e speaks of a "philosophy of life" one speaks of moving t o w a r d the possession of s o m e fixed set of beliefs which subsequently will guide our life choices — a n d certainly our attitudes t o w a r d d y i n g . But . . . p h i l o s o p h y is " t h e c o n d u c t of inquiry." an examin a t i o n of b e l i e f s rather t h a n their affirmation. " . . . I am not sure just w h e n the issue of core revision began brewing again, or how. . . With Lubbers' retirement, we, of course, faced t h e p r o s p e c t of a " n e w " President. Somewhere along the way there was a suggestion that the faculty should prep a r e " a g i f t " in h o n o r of his c o m ing. T h a t got a mixed reception, obviously. Everyone was in favor of a " g i f t , " but that created s o m e anxieties a b o u t how m u c h we m i g h t have to shell out of our m e a g e r p o c k e t b o o k s to pay for it. Into that climate, however, there quickly c a m e the clarification: it was not a " m o n e y - g i f t " that the proposer had in m i n d , but something " f a r m o r e i m p o r t a n t than a n y t h i n g m o n e y could buy." . . . O u r gift to the new President should consist in a display of faculty esprit de corps, or unity . . . there was only o n e way in which a d e m o n s t r a t i o n of u n i t y c o u l d o c c u r : a p p r o v i n g the " n e w " c o r e c u r r i c u l u m . So it w a s d u s t e d o f f , b r o u g h t to a v o t e a n d passed without d e b a t e or dissent. A f t e r all, w h o would vote against a "gift to

"So, certainly without complaint or regret, and without sadness save as I now turn from something that I have lived with intensively for a long time, I say adieu to 1 1 3 . "

the new p r e s i d e n t , " especially as long as it did not m e a n money out of o n e ' s pocket? "So suddenly, w h a t we h a d seemingly endlessly haggled a b o u t b e c a m e a reality. . . . 1 think I had no difficulty in c o n c e i v i n g of w h a t the P h i l o s o p h y ( p o r t i o n ) s h o u l d l o o k l i k e . It t o o k shape partly as a continuity with the I n t r o d u c t o r y Philosophy course I had been teaching for some fifteen years and partly by way of reaction against some of the things that earlier course involved. "1 guess the most i m p o r t a n t c o n t i n u ity was in the conviction that the aim of college a n d u n i v e r s i t y e d u c a t i o n , in that p a r t of it which is not d e f i n e d by specific professional interests, is not to introduce students into some vague adult-life-in-general but specifically into the life of a c o m m u n i t y of the learned, a specifically a c a d e m i c , even intellectual c o m m u n i t y . T h a t dictated that the course should not aim at something called " p e r s o n a l e n r i c h m e n t " or "living effectively" or " e n l a r g e m e n t of experience" save as that kind of thing should follow u p o n an intellectual acquisition. College, I was a n d a m sure, is not ideally a "set of new core course might well take. T h e greater p r o b l e m involved getting together the a p p r o p r i ate materials for classroom use. "1 could never have pulled that off were it not for the fortuitous circumstance that we had just g r a d u a t e d in the spring of '64, a sheer genius. L y n n e V a n d e Bunte h a d by then read everything a b o u t everything, which was a great deal more t h a n 1 could claim for myself. N o t only so but she possessed an almost eerie ability to grasp what my line of reasoning on an issue might be a l m o s t a s s o o n a s 1 d i d , so s h e needed only a cue or two as to what

kind of thing 1 was interested in looking for a n d she would be back a few hours later, not only bearing a r m l o a d s of relevant books b u t with exact usable p a s s a g e s a l r e a d y i d e n t i f i e d . In t h a t way, in the s u m m e r of '64, a book of readings was readied — two volumes, u p w a r d s of 400 pages each . . . " . . . A l m o s t f r o m the beginning of 113, 1 carried out the practice of gathering s t u d e n t responses to the course itself. A n d w h a t b e c a m e g r a d u a l l y a p p a r e n t was the students' impression that, though it might be hard to fault any o n e of the m a j o r kinds of things that developed as a part of the course, taken all together they p r o d u c e d a negative effect, as the clear cohesiveness which was i m p o r t a n t to the effectiveness of the course gave way to a feeling of s c a t t e r e d n e s s . T h a t s t u d e n t testimony b e c a m e so c o m m o n t h a t I felt I had no choice but to pull in my h o r n s and opt for those simplifications that would m a k e possible the a t t a i n m e n t of clarity a n d cohesiveness. Eventually that d a m a g i n g feeling of scatteredness, I had to see, was f u r t h e r e d even by the readings that m a d e up the anthology itself. O n e of the m a j o r shortcomings. I felt keenly, of my own u n d e r g r a d u a t e education had been its almost c o m p l e t e reliance on textbook-type materials. N o t until g r a d u a t e school was I m a d e aware of the e n o r m o u s worth of using primary source materials, even if that had to be in the f o r m of excerpted sections r a t h e r than whole b o o k s . . . but what if resort to those results in incoherence of an inquiry? With a good deal of reluctance, but eventually with a good deal of conviction. 1 had to move to the belief that, in a core curriculum. o n e could not maintain the s a m e kind of a c a d e m i c d e m a n d s which are essential in the " m a j o r " discipline. T h e

i m p o r t a n c e of w r i t i n g c o g e n t l y a n d coherently, a n d of reading exactly a n d reflectively, are as crucial in the core as a n y w h e r e . But o n e defeats the proper purposes of a core if one insists that there as in the m a j o r the student be pushed toward b e c o m i n g a p r o d u c e r of learning m o r e t h a n a receiver of what has been p r o d u c e d . It was thi? consideration that m a d e me dare to d o what I had in my own m i n d frowned upon all the while, namely, to move (after a b o u t ten years) f r o m an anthology f o r m a t to a text-book f o r m a t , though even then not without some sense of loss. "All t h a t 1 have written here would be misleading were I not to conclude with an expression of honest enthusiasm for the new core curriculum which displaces 113. Its rationale is, though very d i f f e r e n t , excitingly viable. T h e relevant j u d g m e n t here can pertain only to that part identified as " t h e cultural heritage." W h e r e that fits, I think, into o u r general patterns of thought a b o u t philosophy of Liberal Arts education is at the point of wanting that to i n c l u d e a " c o m m o n b o d y of k n o w l edge." W h a t we at least have in common, regardless of our special professional interests, is a cultural heritage. The nice part a b o u t talking a b o u t "heritage" however, is that it has a way of insistently breaking through o u r efforts to c o m p r e s s t h a t i n t o a " b o d y of knowledge." Heritages move, and conf r o n t a t i o n with heritages always forces us to c o n f r o n t the rhythms or the spirals or the straight lines or the tumults or the " f o r c e s , " the aliveness of their movement. So. certainly without complaint or regret, a n d without sadness save as I now turn from something that I have lived with intensively for a long time, I sav adieu to 113. It was a lot of f u n !



In something as traditional as the Greek world, it proves difficult to imagine any significant changes in their mode of operation. Try to tell that to the Centurians. After they were almost pronounced dead by interfraternity coroners, the group bounced back with a strong pledge class in '79. But that, in itself, has no particular relevance to the theme of this book. What has relevance is, perhaps, the start of a whole new ' tradition in Greek society by the Cents — the co-ed social fraternity.

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by Julie Chodos


U 1 ope's Campus seems a little tired today; pledging has just been completed. The paddles are returned to the walls, the notebooks are added to other college mementos in the box at the back of the closet and Phelps dining hall is back to normal. Independents are proudly supporting their choices to remain outside the fraternal organizations while perhaps secretly wondering what, if anything, they will be missing. Newly initiated actives, wearing strangely un/acted sweatshirts proclaim their organization to be best, while perhaps quietly asking themselves what would have been different if they had accepted that other bid. I do not think there is anyone who does not, at some time, question what each fraternity or sorority is "really like." Secrecy frames every one of these organizations, magnifying differences and supporting an aura of distinction for each. After talking to office holders in every Greek organization, I have formed my own ideas as to how different each actually is from the other. But I do not want to bias your opinion. Let me tell you what I found out, and you can decide for yourself if your choice was the correct one. All the sororities and fraternities conduct ceremonies that are basically identical in each organization. Candlelights and pinnings are examples of these. In a sorority, a candlelight is held as a ceremony to announce an engagement, pinning or the receipt of a pearl or opal by any member. The person for whom the candlelight will be held is kept under wraps so that all the members can be told at the same time while all together. The President usually gets a phone call requesting a candlelight, and a day and time is arranged. During the ceremony, the women stand in a circle in their darkened sorority room and a candle is passed around. It is always allowed to travel a full circle, signifying friendship. If the candle is passed around twice before it is extinguished, a pin or pearl has been received. Three times around the circuit and an engagement is announced. The girl blowing out the candle is the member for which the ceremony is held. Fraternity pinning ceremonies are

p A N




FRONT ROW (from left to right): S. Israel, C. Ventre, S. Berger, J, DeYoung, R. Nivala: BACK ROW: J. Santefort, L. Earle, B. Harvey, L. Scholte, D. Sells, B. Ras, S. Harnden.

not surrounded by a great deal of secrecy, as most people know when one will be occurring. Usually the fraternity will buy flowers for the girl receiving the pin or ring from their frat brother. She will then be serenaded with a traditional pinning song by all the fraternity members. Depending upon the specific frat, she may get to kiss every member of the organization, see a skit, or wrap a blanket around a scantily clothed, dripping wet boyfriend. Common to all the Greek organizations is the growing awareness of disapproval among many on campus of pledging activities and their purpose. A few have chosen to review and

revise planned activities for the pledging period; others have simply become more vocal in their defense of the traditional ceremonies. The Greeks do have a way of governing themselves. The Pan-Hellenic Board serves as a type-of "overseer" for the sororities. The Interfraternity Council serves the same purpose for the fraternities. Each group consists of a combination of members from each sorority or fraternity. The Pan-Hel Board appears to be much stronger in its regulations than does the Interfraternity Council. Sororities are limited as to size of organization and dollar amounts spent for Rush activities. Fraternities are not bound by any such restrictions. Whether such

FRONT ROW (from left to right): P Boven, R Furcas, P Toren, B. Ackerman, J Votaw, BACK ROW: K Resche, C. Toren

Pan-Hel/I F C


fheaieeks regulations are good or bad is obviously debatable. Pro and con can be argued with equally justifiable reasoning. I found no real cause for PanHel's comparable strength and effectiveness, nor heard any real complaints against its rulings. Enough of common denominators. What about individual organizations?

Alpha Gamma Phi The Alpha Phi's, according to acting President Julie Drozd, view themselves as a diverse group of women. Each unique in her own way, every individual adds something special to the group. Chris Boone, President for one

of three terms this year, suggested that students on campus tend to perceive the Alpha Phi's as more studious than members of the other large sororities. She, however, disagrees with this viewpoint, stating, "Just like any other group of individuals, we have our people who like to party and our people who study more. We are exactly alike in just one way; we all are members of the Alpha Phi's." Alpha Gamma Phi is working hard to stress the importance of becoming service and social oriented. They are, according to Julie Drozd, currently planning on organizing a developmental committee which would emphasize involvement in the entire Holland area as well as on Hope's campus. During the past year, the sorority visited nursing homes, entertaining residents through song performances. They also worked with Higher Horizons providing shuttle service for Big Brother/Big Sister events, and helped the Music Department with its Children's Parade. When they have surplus funds, they will usually donate

them to some non-profit organization. Surplus money has been scarce, however, as the sorority has been working to keep dues as low as possible. Special events for the Alpha Phi's included a fall formal in Grand Rapids, a spring informal at the Lincoln Country Club, a hayride and cookout. With housing for Greek organizations becoming such a controversy, I asked Julie and Chris if the Alpha Phi's had any plans for acquiring a sorority house. Julie told me they had inquired about a house, but had not pushed it any further. "If we got a house," she continued, "it wouldn't be for living in. We'd want it more for rush events and entertaining. We don't want to segregate ourselves from other kids on campus." Alpha Gamma Phi had 19 pledges this year. Although much of pledging is kept secret, Chris Boone did tell me about the purposes of pledging as Alpha Gamma Phi sees it. "We want to unify the pledge class; make them depend on each other. Also, teaching them about our history is important, and we want to get them to know each active on an individual basis. We review pledging practices every year. Each activity has a purpose; if it didn't, we wouldn't use it. No matter what, though, every pledge is seen as an individual."


L De Witt I qrhoi?p ^ , d 0 0 " ' L Sampson, IVT Van Houten, N. Sells, S. Carnahan, D Field, D. Kunzi, P. Schmidt, K. Heise, L Sunderlin. TamrT e HartnpM M ! ^ 9 S w a r l T W h i t n e y . s G a l e r . p Hi": M I D D L E ROW: J. Drozd, G. Olbnch, M. Rice, K an ,Z D Blair C G r e y Brower T O P R O W ' no L . n H r ' d ' ' o ' ' M F l a n a g a n . S. Harnden, R. Smart. J. Vander Ploeg, K Mooi, S 1? Fu Maagd, p - Weeter, Matheson, A. Hartney, S. Van Den Brink, D. Gerber, M. Campbell, P. Laning, E, Z o o d s m a , A. Kratzer, D y Barr, L. Moermond, J. Houslen, D. Meeuwsen, P Nunez, K Shlflett, M. Bodzick.


Alpha Gamma Phi




The Arkies had the highest GPA of any frat this past year. Mark Boelkins, President, believes this is an achievement of which to be proud. "We stress scholastic achievement as well as social involvement. But we're not all study and no fun. We are a diversified group of guys, and this is our strongest quality." Arcadian is very active in the community every year. Events of this nature included their annual Christmas Party for Ottawa retarded children, and a project known as Dating for Diabetes which they worked on with the help of the Delta Phi Sorority. "We also have a lot of our guys involved in the Higher Horizons program, and we contribute in one way or the other to the March of Dimes every year," says Boelkins. Special events are an important part of the fraternity's activity schedule. Not only did Arcadian hold its usual

informal in Muskegon, they also had Christmas, rush week, and homecoming dances. Other events included a Pine River canoe trip, a beach party with the Delphi's, and a square dance with Alpha Gamma Phi. Pledging for the Arkies included 37 pledges and not one de-pledge. Mark explained to me that pledging practices have been drastically altered this year. "We want to stress fun times," says Boelkins. " W e want to make them work, so that the accomplishment of becoming an active is meaningful. But the work is all in fun. We don't intentionally make it rough; that goes against the personality of our frat. The hardest thing we make them do is group exercises. We do that to build a sort of team spirit. We're working on making pledging more positive, and we're stressing encouragement. Basically, we want to give the pledge an excuse to meet as many people as possible, both inside and outside the frat."

FIRST ROW (from left to right) T Kasten, S. Cameron, M McCarley, M. Winchester, E. Beam. J Hodges, B Fisk, M Davis, S Noble B Buhro K Bowman, K Droppers K Brinks SECOND ROW: J. Martinez, M Pearson, R. Molenaar, G. Bussies, K. Kraay, T Bayer, T Kasten, R Westerir R ark THIRD ROW: K Boeve T. Magee M Wick, A. Hall. G. Luther, M. Van Haaften, J. Beuker, B, Brewer, M. Soeter, B Webster, C, Aardema FOURTH ROW; K. DeYoung. D. Dettenbaugh, T. Griffin, M. Northuis, P, Bosch, P, Boersma, D. Hamann, J, Hoekstra, M. Enks. M. Boelkins; FIFTH ROW: D_Northuis, B. Miller, L Korlenng, M Malone, R. Schut, B Hoekstra, T Jasperse, J. Van Hoeven, A, Patterson, P. Kuiken. SIXTH ROW: M. Porte. Karl Droppers, D Heneveld, G Miner, R McKey, J Webster, K Resche, I Myers, B Donker, S Savage.



purpose is to make pledging a source of information about the actives and the frat, and to create an excuse for everyone to have some fun."

the weeks


S I T T I N G ; B, Watson; B A C K R O W (from left to right): P, Hutchinson, B. Brooks, D, Deuitch, P, Pollnow, N. L a m p m a n , G, Pedalty, A, Birner.

Centurian You may not have heard much from the Cents this year, but they were quite active considering they consisted of only three guys for the better part of the year. They are also looking forward to becoming much stronger in the future. The Cents see themselves as the tight-knit group they necessarily are, and they have made changes in their frat to ensure that it survives. Their biggest change, of course, was the fact that they went co-ed (one of their five pledges this year was female). Paul Hutchinson explained. " W h a t started out as a joke soon became something we felt was worth fighting for. We were kicked out of IFC for awhile, but now we're back in. We used to be one of the biggest frats on campus, and we're trying to build ourselves up. Right now we have a very strong local alumni backing, and they think we're doing a good thing." The Cents did not participate in many organized events due to their size, but they did have an informal with Kappa Chi Sorority in Grand Rapids, and frequent informal parties. Pledging is probably more informal in this frat than in any other. Paul told me, "We want to keep things in per-



spective. Pledges are not pledges 24 hours a day. Because of our size, we foster brotherhood in a better way. When we went co-ed, we toned down pledging a lot. We don't want a situation where pledges are forced against the actives." Centurian pledges do have to learn the history and tradition of their fraternity, but formal greetings and other such traditions have been eliminated. Says Hutchinson, "Our

J o h n Smeenge a n d Jane DeYoung win the Hot Lips for Hope contest sponsored by the Cosmoes a n d the Sigmas.

Cosmopolitan is striving to be a fraternity unbound by their image. During our talk, Dave Fetter, president in the fall of 79, told me, "I don't want to see any specific image when I look at our frat, and I don't want others stereotyping us. During rush we don't look for the mold Cosmo. The only way we want to be alike is in our enthusiasm for the frat and in our brotherhood." Dave also explained to me that the Cosmoes are stressing GPA more and more. "We want to promote social and academic involvement more strongly this year than we have in the past." The Cosmoes were responsible along with the Sigma Sigma Sorority for the Hot Lips for Hope Kissing Booth this past winter. All the proceeds from the booth went to the Cancer Society. They also co-sponsor Chris Schroeder, a foster child from North Dakota, with the Delta Phi's. Cosmopolitan was especially active this year with their special events. Some of these included a car wash, Homecoming Dance for alumni, a fraternity ski weekend, canoe trips, and house parties. Dave and the other actives were pleased with their pledge class this year. He explains, " W e got 18 pledges, which we consider a good turnout. We're glad it was a smaller class because we want to create unity." Cosmoes are working hard to control what goes on during pledging. Organization seems to be the key factor for them. Dave explained it to me in this way, "When we're organized, the actives know where they're headed and how they are going to go about things. When we have our heads together ourselves, we can show more concern for the pledges. We have no humiliating experiences for pledges where we purposefully embarrass them in front of the group. That's not

Madden M Welch D. Gnften, R Foreman, S Gelpi, D. Snyder, B. Langejans, M. Laman, M, Shner, S. LeFevre, HIGH BOARD. K Bierbaum, u. MOOS, U Braschler, P. Anker, B. Angle, B. Van Eck, A. Kitamura, D. Williams, S. Harlow

our purpose, The purpose of pledging is to initiate the members into the frat. We want them to have knowledge of the organization and of the actives. During pledging is when the sense of unity should begin." When questioned about Inquisition, Dave commented, "Inquisition is the most important, and I admit, the toughest part of pledging. It is the actual initiation into the group. Basically, pledges are tested on their knowledge of the frat. This year, Inquisition involved a very personal sort of feeling for everyone. We owe that to this year's pledgemasters. I think we can be proud of the way it was conducted."

Delta Phi The Delphi's see their sorority as being unique because of the combination of different types of girls involved in the organization. "1 feel we have a lot of leaders in our sorority," Kathy Button, President, replied to my question of what type of girls joined the sorority "As far as our involvement with other sororities, we have a combined Lit meeting with the Sigma's every year, but we don't do as much as we should." The Delta Phi Sorority is quite active in the community and have a strong alumni backing. During the Thanksgiving holiday, they made turkey baskets for underprivileged families in the area. They co-sponsor a foster child with the Cosmoes, and during the Christmas season, make visitations to nursing homes where they entertain with carols, skits, and tray favors. Special events in the sorority included the traditional formal and informal dances plus a mother-daughter tea, canoe trip, date night afnd

Pledge Initiation Dinner. Delta Phi women also participated in intramural sports, the All College Sing and a talent show with the Praters. Pledging is changing for the Delphi's as in other Greek organizations.

A Greek Week production of the movie Grease




the weeks Kathy does not feel they are as secretive as some other sororities. "We review our pledging rules and regulations every year," she told me. "There is a purpose for everything the girls go through. Every activity has to be approved by a % vote. Senseless practical jokes are gone." The Delphi's are also working to get actives more involved with the pledges, and to strengthen bonds between the actives and the pledge class. They are doing this in a variety of ways; Kathy mentioned a few. "We had 22 pledges this year. It's impossible to spend as much time with each on an individual basis as we would like. But we try. If an active gives a pledge an order or a task, she has to go along when they follow through. This gives the two time to talk and get to know each other.

understand why things are being done a certain way. That way, every girl's feelings are taken into consideration, and the pledge class is seen as a group of individuals."

Also, each pledge is assigned a "mother"; someone the pledge can talk to when she's upset or doesn't


Delta Phi Anne Karsten vocalizes for the Greek Talent Show.

The Emersonians are numbered among the frats who are trying to steer clear of a stereotypical image. While speaking with both Chuck Eckman, and Paul Toren I was informed that the Emersonians emphasize the fact that people don't lose their individuality when they join a fraternal organization. Emersonian makes itself known in the community through many events sponsored for charities. They were involved this year in many service projects for the needy living in Holland, as

FIRST STEP (from left to right): J. Vandenberg, S. Driesenga, B, Van Klompenberg, S. Gilman, K. Button, K. Proos; S E C O N D STEP: P. Bongo, M Wickert, K. Van Duyne, L. Roads, J. Nihart, S. Kallemyn; THIRD STEP: D, Bussema, B. Arneson, A. Moored, C. Rietberg, G. Walchenbach; FOURTH ROW; J. Lundeen, S, Berger. K. Bennett, E. Cuellar, C. Christian; FIFTH ROW: J. Liggett, L. Westfall, K. Osterman, S. Boers; SIXTH ROW: R. Van Slooten, B Allen, M Vanderberg, S. Sharp, M. Dykema; LOWER BANISTER (from bottom to top): B. Visscher, M Garson, M. Weener, L. DeWolf, S. VanderWerp, G. Ventre, B, Knecht, J. Klomparens, A. Karsten, S. Israel, T. Proos, B, Koeppe, J. Lawrence, M. Hilldore, K. Koop, K. Gonder, S. Vanderwerp, J. Wallgren; TOP BANISTER (from left to right): N. Moore, K, Petty, K. Lawrence, K. Kuiper, A. Lauver, J. Arendshorst, S. Gady, B. Brondyke, L Visscher, J Wickert, B DeYoung, J Sloan, L. Fox, D. Meyers, G Vanden Hombergh, D DeWitte, K. Scott, L. Hanson, D Gysbers, J Morey, L. Glaerbout, M, Soeter





well as being active in annual blood drives and donating funds to the Michigan Lung Society and the Cancer Society. The Emersonians also sponsored a Christmas Party for Higher Horizons and donated to Unicef. Two formals and a rush dance were some of the special events included in Emersonian's schedule this past year. They also sponsored a Campus Halloween party, various all-campus parties, and a car wash to raise funds. Emersonian once owned the land on which Kollen Hall now sits. The college bought the land and signed a contract with the fraternity guaranteeing housing no matter how small or large the frat became. At one time, their guarantee to housing seemed questionable, as no one was able to locate the contract signed by the college. Explains Paul Toren, "Luckily, one of our alumni still had a copy of the contract that he had kept. Now the college is bound by its promise. That puts in a unique situation. We don't have to worry about quotas like a lot of the frats. We'll always have a frat house of some kind." Pledging Emersonian is viewed as a "positive integrating period." Chuck Eckman described the atmosphere surrounding pledging. "It's a very positive time All our activities are traditional and are meant to be fun. But we stress academics too. We have study nights and every pledge submits a

class and work schedule in the beginning so activities are planned around these times." Toren added to this by commenting, " W e ' r e working to improve CPA's in the frat. We also stress individuality. We don't want to be known as simply 'the actives' any more than the pledges want to be seen only as 'the pledge class'."

Everyone on campus seems to have a certain image in mind when they think of a Prater. The members themselves recognize this. Commenting on this subject. Secretary Jay Peters said, "People think we are really stuck up. A lot of the guys in the frat used to be jocks in high school, and we're used to playing that role. But most people who get to know us find out that we are all a bunch of great guys. We are definitely a go-out-and-party type of group. But that's why we get along with other frats and that's how other people on campus get a chance to know us better." Jay sees Fraternal's need for housing not as a means of segregation but as a way to keep the frat from becoming divided. He says, "The closeness of our society is contingent upon our having a frat house." The Praters are looking forward to next year, expecting it to be excellent. Every year they give a Christmas party at Lincoln school, complete with games, presents and even a Santa Claus (This year played by Jeff Palmer). An emphasis on more community involvement is expected to be a part of Fraternal's plans for next year. This year 19 pledges were initiated into the fraternity. The Praters' pledging period is well-known for its secrecy. Says Jay, "Our pledging is tough, both physically and emotion-


FRONT ROW (from left to right): J E Schaefer, R Hegg, B Jellison, J Munger, D Zoodsma, J McMillen; SECOND ROW: B Deroos, C. Eckman, M VanderMolen, P Nedervelt, J Votaw, D. Heuslnkveld: THIRD ROW: D. VanderHaar, J. Rewltzer, M, Howard, S, Brewer, R, Hill, G. Marshall, FOURTH ROW: P. Toren, C. Campbell, J/ Schmidt, B Ver Hulst, G Caudill. K Edgel, F. Howard, E Buckley, S. Bredeweg.




the w e e k s ally. But that's what gives our motto, 'The Few and The Proud' so much power. We do lose pledges the first week, but once they get past that first week, they stay. I don't think I would ever want to go through my pledging again, but I don't regret it at all."


Kappa Delta Chi


Kappa Chi Sorority is not the largest sorority on campus, nor the best known. Founded in 1962, it has always been one of the smaller sororities at Hope. Explained President Shene Kornoelje, "We're not worried about our on-campus image. Most of the people who join are those who don't want to be associated with the images that go along with the bigger sororities. But we're planning on growing larger, and I suppose you can't help but get an image as you become


FRONT ROW (from left to right) T, Hurford, J. Santefort, K. Huikema, R. Overway; S E C O N D ROW: S Martle, L. Earle, J. Dykema, D Grochowski, B. Bruner, J, Strainer, V, Glenn; THIRD ROW; L Linn V Cortes, K. O'Brien, S. Kornoelje, S. Marceny.

more well known on campus." Problems are associated with running a smaller sorority. "It's very hard to organize fund raising events. Because there are just a few of us, we each have to spend more time at anything we try to do. We can't be as

involved in community work as larger sororities, but we did organize some service projects like cleaning for elderly people in Holland." Being small does not keep members from having a good time. The Kappa Chi's had two informals this year, as


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DOWN (from left to right). S. Bratchie, J. Frazza, B, Stearns: F R O N T ROW: T. Lont, V hl,e C BrookS J .ast• ^ ' ' Broadbent, R Clason, W. France, F BACK ROW: M Nyenhuis M. Sutton, J Dekker, B, Caltrider, G. Visscher, T. DeYoung, ter, D Andrews, M Conti, B. Baker, C. Joseph, R. Grondyk, T. VanderStel, M LaPres, T



Kappa Delta Chi

K. Van Clon, P. Boven, D. Moored R, Wheeler K Schewe B Medendorp, M Cook, K Marioni, S, Lever, J Abe R Farcas; J. Cool, J. French, D, Morton, F Cruish, C Anderson J BoengNiles, J. Hosta, S Rice, M Burley

well as a few picnics and lots of informal get-togethers. The sorority added 10 new members this year in two separate pledging periods. They held two rushes in order to build up the sorority and to give the first crop of new actives a chance to conduct at least one pledging before the older actives (all seniors) got away from them. Pledging for Kappa Chi's is less formal than for some sororities. "We don't make it hard at all," says Sherie. "We do want them to spend some time getting to know us, so we have a lot of get-togethers. Actives don't have to be addressed and our pledging isn't public oriented at all. By the end of the year, we've all become very close to one another. With a sorority our size, that's inevitable."

Knickerbocker According to Brad Ackerman, the Knicks are a "small, tight organization that puts on a good time for a lot of people." Partying seems to be what the Knicks do best. Commenting on this. Brad said, "Bruce Bera is a party animal, and the whole frat rallies around him. For fifteen guys, we put on a lot of parties. 150 people came to our biggest." When asked about their image on campus, Ackerman replied that frats are like magazines. "The Praters would be Sports Illustrated, and the Cosmoes are Playboy. But the

Knicks, well we're High Times " The Knicks put their party reputation to good use last winter before the legal drinking age became 21 years. They held a Drinking for Dystrophy party. People brought their own liquor and beer, but had to leave the bottles and cans. These were later returned to the store, and the refund money was donated to Muscular Dystrophy. Even with all the partying, the Knicks must do some studying; their CPA stands at a not-too-bad level of 2.93. Knickerbocker found itself in the middle of a housing battle this year Housing contracts had to be in the day






i f f


C K E R FRONT ROW (from left to right): K, Watson, J, Hakken. B, Ber6, J, Klemp. I. Macartney. J Holmes, S. Fletcher, T DePree K. Groeger, MIDDLE ROW: T. Pierson, F. Ackermann, S, Lightweis, J. Garcia, S Helmuis, J, Gault, F, Zappa, K, Haverkamp, BACK ROW: K, Kranendonk, T. Sokolmcki, Nick R. Bocker. S, DO\A, D Karras, G, Lam, M Zingman, B Hymen, D Werkema /

after pledging was finalized. The Knicks' contract was placed in front of Dean Johnston's office, but because of some mix-up, he didn't receive it. As a result, Knickerbocker lost Columbia House. The frat petitioned the Campus Life Board, and many independents came to a special meeting to help the Knicks get their house back. In a final vote, the Columbia House was returned to the fraternity. The Knicks also had to work to get approval for pledging this year. They held two rushes, one in the fall, and one in the spring. To do this, permission had to bu granted by IFC. After receiving IPC's " b l e s s i n g s , " the Knicks initiated one pledge in the fall and ten during spring pledging. Not much was said by Brad about the actual pledging traditions, but he did mention Black Maria. "This is held the last night of pledging at Teusink's Pony farm. All I can tell you is that everybody, pledges included, have one hell of a good time."

Sigma lota Beta As a relatively new sorority, the Sibs are going strong. After their block rush in 1977, the sorority, according to President Lori Medema, completely turned around, "Our sorority is unique, because the girls who are in it have made it what they want it to be. We did revive some of the old traditions that were almost forgotten, and turned the sorority into really something special." The Sibs participated in the Blood



fhe qreeks Drive and won the prize for the most blood donations. They also joined efforts with their brother frat, the Knicks, in a Muscular Dystrophy drive and donated funds to the Special Olympics for retarded and handicapped children. Some of the Sib's special events included a winter sleigh ride, a formal dance, many informal house parties, and a hay ride. Pledging has been drastically changed in Sigma lota Beta. When the sorority went through its block rush, the only requirements for the new members were that the name stay the same and that the Homecoming Luncheon remain a tradition. " W e really made some big changes," says Lori. "We completely revised the con-

stitution and set a lot of goals for ourselves as far as pledging is concerned. Secrecy isn't as important to us as much as having a sorority that is closely knit as a whole. We have no active vs. pledge activities at all. We also want the pledges to be responsible for class unity. They must meet with each other individually and address each other by first and last names during the initial week. Study nights are stressed because it gives the girls a chance to be with actives individually and also because we require that a pledge's GPA stay the same or improve during pledging." Sib pledges must also know the Holland area intimately. They are sent on errands to the Fire and Police stations, as well as President of the College,

FRONT; A. Boluyt; FIRST ROW: B. Ras, K, Okker. C. Klungle, K. Neevel, S. Williams B Buikema, L. J Medema, S. Manahan, M. Hull; ABOVE TOP STEP: L. Pauker, D. Sells' C Petrides; ON ROOF: B Harvey, B Robinson, L. Leslie, S Rezelman


Sigma Sigma

Gordon Van Wylen's house. "We've also revised a pledging tradition which takes place downtown," explains Lori. "The pledges have to go on 8th Street and sit on ladders with umbrellas and yell out the time and temperature. "What we wanted in the long run, was for all 22 of our pledges to have a good time, get to know a lot of people, and become familiar and loyal to their sorority."

Sigma Sigma The Sigmas just may have the toughest reputation on campus, but President Jeanne Reynolds believes they are the best. "We are unique, I think, because we are one and we are many. We all belong to our sorority and have common goals to some extent. But we listen to individual needs and wants, then try to incorporate them into our sorority." The Sigmas were active in the community through their involvement with Senior citizens. Each member was assigned an elderly member of the community for whom she did household work, yard chores, and visited regularly. The girls were also hostesses for the Jaycees Candy Cane Ball and worked in the Hot Lips for Hope Kissing Booth during this year's Cancer Drive. A Christmas Party for underprivileged children was organized with the help of their brother fraternity, the Praters. A Senior Tea to honor alumni was one of the traditional special events held this year. Some others Jeanne mentioned included a Lit Meeting with the Praters, a car wash, a fall informal and spring formal. Sigma's 23 pledges went through a tough pledging period this year. Jeanne defended the sorority's type of pledging by commenting, "We believe in making it rough. It's hard being a pledge, but the other side of the fence is just as hard. That's what makes the system work. When you get done pledging, you don't regret it, and it's something you are really proud of. Our pledging is intense, especially the last week, but we aren't cruel; which is what we are accused of a lot. Our pur-

pose is to get to know the pledges, not to harass them. We have no activities where public humiliation is included. That's why so much of pledging is done in secrecy. "We don't segregate actives and pledges. We have weekly events where pledges and actives get together on an individual basis. We must do something right, because we have the strongest alumni association of any of the sororities. Mrs, Timmer, from the class of 1924, came to our Homecoming Luncheon this year. We have to be doing some good things if we can keep our alumni so interested and involved with us," i i' « l ^ -




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FRONT ROW (from left to right)- J Moore, J. Vukoje, L, Ramaccia, D, Brulnlnks, M, Botkin. L, DeSousa, J. Bose, J. Hunt, S. Miller, A. Gorguze; SECOND ROW: J Reynolds K McClain P Herford C Cellura, 8 Tacoma, B. Brookstra, R. Nivala, S, Tien, C, Van Houten, S. Burris: THIRD ROW: B, Bischoft, L. Baker, K. Van Tubergen J Wansor L Davenport FOURTH ROW: C, Keast, M, B, Reinike, S. DeWitt, P. TerHaar, A, Kane. L, A. Fiat. L. Cox. N, Scholten, L. Gidday, S. Markusse L Crivello F Westerveld R Christie; FIFTH ROW: P Fortuin, S. VerSluis, L. Bethards, M, Measel, J, Tittle. M. Paine, S, Stokoe, M, Graney, C. Matheson C Arnoldink L Gaande SIXTH ROW: C Bast, D. Bere, M B Thompson, J. DeYoung, N. TenHave, B Goldverg, C Hyde, P. Nutter

Sigma Sigma



The Overtimers

WTAS The 78-79 season for WTAS threw an otherwise stable student radio station onto some hard times. The station was started in 1957 by a student named Richard Brockmeier; now, Professor Richard Brockmeier of the physics department. Located in Mandeville, WTAS received its call letters from the fraternal associations of its founder, (W-TAS stands for The Arcadian Station). The station has since grown into an operation that boasts of $30,000 worth of equipment and until this year has a reported listenership of 45% (the survey was based on a sampling of 1,000 students listening to the station five hours or more a week). Those figures changed markedly in the past year. The station conducted two surveys. The first was a random telephone survey from the student phone book. Surveyors asked the question, "What radio station are you listening to right now?" The survey was conducted for three days and when the results came in it was determined that no one was listening to WTAS during any of the phone calls. In a second survey, a good campus cross section was chosen to receive a hand out questionnaire. The results improved slightly to 1 %. John Hoekstra handled the general management of the station for 21/2 years. A Last year he decided to concentrate on improving his grade point average, so he handed the reigns to Tim Emmet, a sophomore from Jackson, Mich., who was elected by the 13 member management staff. According to Hoekstra, the following year (78-79) witnessed some disagreements within the management staff and consequently, several top positions resigned. In addition to managerial problems, some technical problems plagued the station. In the middle of the fall broadcasting season, a vandal tore an electrical connection loose in the basement of the Emersonian House. As a result, the entire frat complex was cut off D. Motz, D. Claerbaut, D. Huizen, D. Buck from WTAS signals. It is still undetermined who that vandal was or what was the motive behind his or her action. Despite the disappointing results of the listenership survey, certain aspects of WTAS programming enjoyed a loyal following. The news department, under the direction of Jennifer Nielson, consisted of a full staff of reporters who consistently brought in the local news. Regional news was gleaned from the Associated Press in cooperatioh with WHTC, a Holland radio station. WTAS also carried national reports in association with Mutual Radio. Sports programming was also successful in 78-79. Directed by Daven Claerbout and Dave Motz, the department covered football and basketball games with play-by-play broadcasting. Also, on Thursday and Sunday of each week, the sports department made presentations consisting of interviews, scores and sports editorials. At the end of the year. General Manager Tim Emmet appeared before the Student Appropriations Committee in an effort to get a budget approved for 1979-80. The going was rough and the session turned into a debate over whether the station should exist in light of its light listenership. The jury is still out on that question but the committee still approved a modified version of Emmet's budget request. John Hoekstra, who sat in attendance at the meeting commented on the justification for the radio station's existence, "I feel very strongly that it should exist, there is a number of fairly reasonable type people who might take over at the end of the year (1979-80) and kick out some people."

G. Ten Have, G. Kunze

The Overlimers 155

OPUS Despite the turnover in the leadership of the organization, the Opus staff published its semi-annual literary magazine in the spring of 79. The autumn issue of Opus was cancelled due to the resignation of editor Paul Daniels. Daniels ran into difficulties when he tried to work the Opus editorship into an already chaotic theatre schedule. The ex-editor felt that his time was restricted to the extent that it would affect the quality of the publication. The Student Communication Media Committee then put on a search for a replacement. Five applicants were considered and two were chosen to co-edit the publication. Brion Brooks and Sheryl Kornoelje were selected to the posts after each applicant underwent half-hour interviews. According to Brooks, the year was a success. A good diversity of contributions came in even though 90-95% were rejected by the staff. When selections are submitted to Opus, they are distributed among the staff members for review. At a semi-monthly meeting, the contributions are voted on without any indication of who authored the work. Because of the high rejection rate, the spring publication was of rather limited size, according to Brooks, "The success of Opus is not determined by the size of the publication . . . the publication is only a small part, we are trying to create an interest in working with literature . . . the success of Opus is geared by readings and how many contributed." Throughout the term, Kornoelje took charge of the business matters including the budget, while Brooks handled the collection and distribution of copy. Brion was also responsible for bringing the Drake to the college. Mrs. Drake is a poet while Mr. Drake writes short

stories. Both authors are instructors at Michigan State University and received a recommendation from Dr. Dirk Jellema. Contributors to the magazine had the option of interviewing with the visiting authors for criticism of their work. The Drakes read in the student-faculty lounge and dine inSkiles courtesy of the Opus staff. Said Brooks, "It was fun taking them to Skiles, the conversation came easily in the informal setting." Opus put up between $300 and $400 to bring the Drakes to campus, but Brooks asserts that it was well worth the investment, "They were quite good, it was nice to have two people up there . . . (at the readings). The actual publication of the Opus was released in late April. It was the first year, according to Brooks, that the Opus staff solicited and published art work. The magazine also included one photograph. The magazine costs approximately $1800 to produce, yet Brooks maintains that, "We were limited in what we could spend because the preceding year's budget was over-spent and consequently they took it out of ours."

f] F R O N T ROW (from left to right): S. Kornoelje, S. Glbbs, B, Brooks; BACK ROW: M, Norrls, V. Glenn, Unidentified, K. Van Donkelaar, Dr. M. Westphal, J. Brown, J. Peachey,



ANCHOR The year was a dynamic one for the staff members of Hope's student newspaper, the anchor. In the fall of 7 8 , Dr. Charles Huttar joined the staff to assist them in setting up journalistic standards and practices for the publication of a student newspaper. Ostensibly, standards did tighten as many writers, social groups and organizations found their submissions rejected on the basis that a good newspaper is not a bulletin board: indeed a very sound policy for an editorial staff, but controversial nonetheless. Prior to the start of the spring semester, the Student Communications Media Committee met with the editorial staff of the anchor \o determine if Huttar should stay on with the publication for another term. After interviewing the editor-inchief (Janet Shimmin), the associate editor (Doug Dykstra), the sports editor (Steve Nearpass), and the copy editor (Jennifer Elliot), the committee decided that although Dr. Huttar had received excellent marks from the editorial staff, they no longer needed him. Whether that decision proved to be a wise one is a matter of opinion. "Out goes the old, in comes the new," is an appropriate phrase for the start of the spring semester. The anchor staff, now on its own without Huttar's advisory assistance, decided to solicit a new publisher. The editors sent out letters to printers in the area describing the objectives, format, schedule, etc. of the paper. Out of approximately a dozen letters that were sent out, two responded with bids. The winning bidder was the Composing Room, who could make a very reasonable offer due, in part, to the fact that Dick Angstadt, a Hope alumnus formally with the anchor, worked for the company. Angstadt decided to "take this baby himself" and paid a visit to the anchor office for consultations on the procedures of the company. The new working schedule for the anchor staff involved an "in office" copy deadline, Sunday, at 5 P.M. The evening was spent editing the copy that came in that afternoon. On Monday, the copy was dropped off at the designated location on 17th Street where it would be taken into Grand Rapids early the following morning. On Tuesday, in the evening, the galleys (typeset columns) would be returned to the anchor office where the staff would proceed to do a pasteup of the paper. Approximately 80^0 of the paper would be ready at this point. The rest, in the forms of miscellaneous late articles and editorials, would be brought directly to the Composing Room in Grand Rapids by the anchor staff on Wednesday afternoon. Once at the Composing Room, the staff would spend the rest of the day finishing the layout of the paper S. Nearpass, (including leftover copy and advertisements). The overall move to a new printer added to the control that the staff had over the final composition of the paper, but, to gain this flexibility, staff members had to dedicate almost half of their school week to the printing of each issue.

J. Shimmin, B. Buikema, J. Duimes.



The Student Activities Committee set a pace in '78-79 that will be difficult to match in years to come. This high energy student organization had its hands in much more than the traditional events of Nykerk, The Pull and May Day. The coffeehouse was heavily trafficked by talent from Grand Rapids, Milwaukee, Chicago, lower Illinois, New York and elsewhere. Songsmith James Durst and bluegrass band Cabbage Crik spearheaded the coffeehouse season, the latter in the Kletz for Homecoming, the former in the Pit. The Pit, in fact, was played by myriad artists, including Spheeris and Voudourison piano and guitar and Mad Cat, a jazz, funk and blues artist featuring

the madelin and harmonica. Guitarists Doug Howell and Tom Bartha also performed In the Pit as well as Michael Jerling and Cindy Mangsen who presented their version of guitared folklore. Another accoustic guitar duo, Wood Dancer, was immensely popular with Pit enthusiasts. In Wlcher's Auditorium, Erin Isaac and Dan Tinen performed on the piano; Erin in song and Dan through electric amplification. The Studio Theatre was the site of a dance and guitar performance by One Plus One. SAC also sponsored some very local artists; on Parent's Weekend students were exposed to a faculty ''talent" show followed by a student showcase on November 18. SAC brought 26 films to campus throughout the year including: The Omen, What's Up Doc, Murder by Death, Jesus Christ Superstar, Funny Girl, The Sound of Music and Silver Streak. With an expenditure of over $6,000 and paying close to $500 for some movies, the SAC film series consistently brought in the flick lovers. The year's three most popular films at Hope: The Goodbye Girl, M*A*S' ;i H, and Young Frankenstein were all attended by over 450 students (597, 478 and 459 respectively). The committee also sponsored 7 dances. Hope inhabitants hoofed to the Whiz Kids after The Pull and Heavensworth on the night of Nykerk. Pure P/easure entertained for orientation week and Cat and Company provided the tunes for a September disco. And if that wasn't enough, a square dance was called on 12th Street, the band Squeeze was on stage for Casino Night and Masquerade stimulated the movement May Day evening. SAC brought in the bands for Winter Fantasia (see pg. 30-31). In the early fall, SAC took advantage of the closing of 12th Street, as it did many times, for the dishing up of smores (a graham cracker, milk chocolate and marshmallow confectionary delight). A concert by Josh White and several shopping trips also found their way onto the SAC social calendar.

FRONT ROW (from left to right); M. Vaseloupelis, G Vanden Hombergh, T Proos, S Ward, BACK ROW: K. Capisciolto, S Peachey, F Hasbrouck, J. Peachey, P. Lefferts, B, Bigelow, B Glover, F. Roberts.


S A C .

STUDENT CON6RESS "In general, students do not go to their representatives with concerns," says Dave Vander Wei, Dean of Student Affairs. Instead, the Congress deals with problems that come to the attention of Student Congress members by setting up individual task forces. The competition for representation is rather mild, with the geographic exception of the frat house area. The frats typically put up a whole slate of candidates to fill just a few positions. Says Vander Wei, "Frats feel the most pressure to elect someone well qualified because they have many interests to protect." In many respects, the Student Congress had a typical year. Once again, officers were elected in the spring of 79. The officers for 78-79 were Dave Leenhoets, Brad Bmgel and Jon Schmidt as president, first vice-president and second vice-president, respectively. Representatives were elected in the month of September from the general living areas. Congress members sit on the major boards of the College including the Campus Life Board, the Administrative Affairs Board and the Academic Affairs Board. The Student Congress meets every week and they work with an agenda set by the president and his cabinet officers. In the area of appropriations, activity was rather quiet, probably for the reason that students know little of its

existence. The student appropriations committee, chaired by Jon Schmidt, financed such student requests as the Stratford trip, an Ultimate Frisbee team, student attendance to certain media conventions, the leadership workshop at Marigold Lodge and some miscellaneous small requests. The committee also appropriates funds for student organizational budgets. Any surplus in these budgets is carried over to the next year. Presently, there is about a $1015,000 on hand in what is termed a "contingency fund." The appropriations of funds is determined by the worth of the requests submitted. Says Vander Wei, "It helps to be new and creative in addition to asking for funds for a project that is in the interest of the student body at large." In other Student Congress activity, Jon Schmidt got behind a drive to restore the pinball machines to the basement of the De Witt Cultural Center, but efforts were defeated. A project that the Student Congress was forced to deal with that was not so typical was the Phelp s Hall Fund Raising Drive. SAGA proposed to give $50,000 to the project drive and match any amount of money the Student Congress could come up with. Vander Wei says that the Congress was not really interested in the project and consequently raised only $3,000.


FRONT ROW (from left to right) J Schmidt D, Leenhoets, D, Walker, S E C O N D ROW: P. Vander Haar, M Vander Molen, C. Cellura. M. Paine, T loif J. J Sanderson, T Bolema. G, Muller, K, Powell, K, Asano; T H I R D ROW; P. Vlrgen, U. Aracow, S. Markusse, A. Kane. L Bian, N. Renaud, R. Adolf. Torresen, P Bosch

Student Congress


N.O.C.P. It stands tor ministry ot Christ's People and deals with the total ministry efforts campus-wide. Several groups come under the aegis of the MOCP, including the Federation of Christian Athletes, Bible Studies, Volunteer Services, Intervarsity, Chapel Services and a relatively new group that experiments in creative worship. The Creative Worship team is headed up by senior Celaine Bouma. The group sent out letters to the area churches in Muskegon, Holland, and Grand Rapids. Bouma points out that the response was phenomenal, "We booked services for every other week." Most of the worship services were conducted in the evening. The students set out with three different creative worship services, but, "We ended up designing a new creative worship service for every church," said Bouma. "We did everything from sermons to dramatics, yet we were always liturgical, concentrating on three areas: the approach to God, the Word of God, the response to God . . . we sang, used flutes and guitars, showed movies and held discussion groups." The Creative Worship group did several services on Hope's campus in the fall of 7 8 and branched out in the spring term. The benefits were not monetary. "We never asked for an offering," but rather, Bouma said, "We got to know each other so well. . . kids from every different major participated, they were apprehensive at first, but totally lost their inhibitions . . . toward the end of the season the group was almost squirrely."

CLOCKWISE: Sheri Veramay, Pete Semeyn, Steve Prediger, Chaplain G. Van Heest, Celaine Bouma, Julie Carlston





FRONT ROW (from left to right) Mr Stekeiff, (B, Edwards), L. Waterman, D. Morier, N. Knutsen, J^SIems, P. Montanan; MIDDLE ROW: M Moritanari f l Lin^ M Chockley, R. Baxter; BACK ROW: D. Wolf, D Hones, M, Ennis, T. Kenney, B Bmgston






Each individual class stratification is a stepping stone — nothing remarkable about that. The importance lies in where that step leads. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors seem to know where that step leads — to the next class division. But, the confidence ends in the senior class, for it is here that the Hopeite leaves the womb and must face the unknown and challenging climb to the . precipice.



Administration and Faculty Gordon Van Wylen

Kurt Van Genderen

Michael Gerrie

Phil Fredrickson

Dean of Students

Director of Admissions


Director Donar Financial Planning

Bill Anderson

John Nordstrom

Vice President for Business and Finance

Director Annual Funds and Foundation Support

Associate Dean of Students

Bruce Himebaugh

Vern Schipper

Jon Huisken

Director Financial Aid

Alumni Director


Bob DeYoung Vice President for Admissions, College Relations, Development

Dave VanderWel

David Marker Provost

S t






Jacob Nyenhuis

Howard Bakker

Dean of the Humanities and the Performing and Fine Ans

Assistant Professor of Education

Sheldon Wettack

Les Beach

Dean of the Natural and Social Sciences

Professor of Psychology

Lars Granberg

Administrator Profile:

Director of IDS

Alan Bedell Assistant Professor of German

Dar Topp Dar Topp rolls around the basement of Van Raalte Hall with an infectious smile because she's in love with her work. Ms. Topp joined the staff in the summer of 7 8 as Director of Career Development and Placement and finds herself dealing with student pleas that run the gamut of the problematic; from, 'I m not cutting it in pre-med," to "How do I prepare my resume?" She does the majority of her work through workshops such as Live/Work Planning and Creative Job Hunting, which are held on campus throughout each semester. Several of the dorms on campus have invited Dar for a visit. Ms. Topp made it to the Dykstra Hall Halloween Party as a Western hobo, while Kollen Hall scheduled her in for a talk on "Confidence, Conversation and Social Success," which included a few tips on how to flirt; here are four of those tips. First, you are a person, created by God with permission to live, to laugh, to love and be loved, to serve and be served. Second, recognize that the opposite sex are human beings, that the date will not be a "Close Encounter of the Third Kind " Third, remember your date as a person, who just happens to be male or female and he or she will remember to treat you as a person. Finally, men should do gentlemanly things while women must remember to be careful of the way in which they advertise themselves — they may get what they re apparently asking for. Topp goes on to stress the importance of carrying yourself as if to look and feel confident. Remember the importance of eye contact. Dar Topp obtained her experience through a M.A. in Communication Students with an Emphasis in Interpersonal Communications and a B.A. in Communication Studies with a minor in Psychology from the California State University in Sacramento. Spending five additional years at the University, Ms. Topp taught three semesters of speech and English in addition to three and a half years working with Handicapped Students Services. When asked what she thought of the students here at Hope, Ms. Topp said that they are not only fantastic but "everything plus."




Albert Bell


Shirley Bonem

Gordon Brewer

Assistant Professor of Classics and History

Assistant Professor of Geology

Associate Professor of Physical Education

Harver Blankespoor

Wayne Boulton

Associate Professor of Biology

Elton Bruins Professor of Religion

James Bultman

Associate Professor of Religion

Irwin Brink Professor of Chemistry

Associate Professor of Education

Patricia Blom

Allen Brady

Robert Brown

Lecturer in Theatre

Professor of Biology

Associate Professor of Psychology

Robert Cecil Professor of Music

Roger Davis

Herbert Derschem

Lamont Dirkse

Associate Professor of Music

Associate Professor of Math

Professor of Education

Russ DeVette

Sidney Downey

Lecturer in Dance

Professor of Physical Education

Assistant Professor of Econ, and Bus, Ad.

S. Krough Derr

Jane Dickie

Michael Doyle

Assistant Professor of Biology

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Professor of Chemistry

Maxine De Bruyn


•j./jifSt i r i f ^

Joan Conway



Associate Professor of History

John Creviere Associate Professor of French


Don Cronkite Assistant Professor of Biology



Starla Drum

Jay Folkert

Robert Gentenaar

Etdon Greij

Assistant Professor of Communications

Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of Economics

Associate Professor of Biology

Robert Gentile

Jane Harrington

Associate Professor of Political Science

Paul Fried Professor of History

Assistant Professor of Biology

Assistant Professor of English

Donald Finn

Harry Frissel

Lawrence Green

Steve Henenway

Associate Professor of Theatre

Professor of Physics

Professor of Physical Education

Associate Professor of English

Robert Elder



Paul Himelwright

Jack Holmes

Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of Political Science

Renze Hoeksema Professor of Political Science

Jantina Holleman Associate Professor of Music

Eugene Jekel

Peter Jolivette

Professor of Chemistry

Assistant Professor of Physics

Tim Hoist

Dirk Jellema

Anthony Kooiker

Assistant Professor of Geology

Associate Professor of English

Professor of Music

Charles Huttar

Arthur Jentz

Professor of English

Professor of Philosophy

George Kraft Associate Professor of Physical Education



Sang Lee

Donald Luidens

Associate Professor of Religion

Assistant Professor of Sociology t

Harvey Leland



j f


PVivw . .

Joseph MacDoniels

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Assistant Professor of Communications

Thomas Ludwig

Mary Sue McCarthy

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Assistant Professor of French

Delbert Michel

Joyce Morrison

Associate Professor of Art

Associate Professor of Music

Nancy Miller

James Motiff

Associate Professor of Education

Associate Professor of Psychology

Susan Mooy

Anthony Muiderman

Assistant Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Business Administration

Ron Mulder

Robert Palma

Larry Penrose

Orestes Pino

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Associate Professor of Religion

Associate Professor of History

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Sandra Parker

Richard Peterson

Charles Powell

Assistant Professor of Physical Education

Associate Professor of Physical Education

Assistant Professor of Linguistics

James Patnott

James Piers

Assistant Professor of Physical Education

Albert Prins

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Professor of English

William Mungall Associate Professor of Chemistry

David Myers Professor of Psychology



Faculty Profile:

Terry Moore



George Ralph




Driven by a passion for a young female violinist, Professor Terry Moore began his practice in violin. Young Moore's budding career began to bloom during his junior high school years as his interest and ability heightened greatly. Since then he has taken lessons intermittently performing with various sized groups. Moore received his Bachelor of Music degree from Indiana State University at Bloomington. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the Army so he would be able to continue his musical career. Since the Army only required a few hours each week, he was able to earn his Master of Music from theCatholic University of Music in Washington, While in the Army, he played with the Strolling Strings, a performing group that entertained at such places as the State Department and for such dignitaries as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former President and Mrs. Nixon. Moore came to Hope in the fall of 7 5 teaching violin and viola lessons and coaching chamber music groups. Included in his course schedule is an Introduction to Music class and a study of Wagner. Says Moore, "I enjoy my teaching position because I am constantly shifting gears from classes, to private lessons, to the coaching of small groups . . . Hope is a great school with a distinct personality."


Barrie Richardson

Associate Professor of Theatre

Professor of Economics and Bus. Ad.

Robert Reinking

Jack Ridl

Associate Professor of Geology

Assistant Professor of English

William Reynolds

Norman Rieck

Associate Professor of English

Associate Professor of Biology

Roger Rietberg

Peter Schakel

Peter Semeyn

John Shaughnessy

Associate Professor of English

Assistant Chaplain

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Jack Schubert

Michael Seymour

Frank Sherburne

Professor of Music

Professor of Environmental Health Sciences

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Carl Schackow

Antonia Searles

Stuart Sharp

Joyce Smith

Associate Professor of Education

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Associate Professor of Music

Assistant Professor of Theatre

Prolessor of Music

Robert Ritsema

Ray Smith Associate Professor of Physical Education

Gisela Strand

Henry Ten Hoor

William Vanderbilt

Assistant Professor of German

Professor of English

Associate Professor of Physical Education

Elliot Tanis

Peter Vandernat

Assistant Professor of Theatre

Cotter Tharin

Professor of Mathematics

Professor of Geology

Visiting Instructor in Economics

Charles Steketee

Nancy Taylor

James Toevs

Phillip Van Eyl

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Associate Professor of English

Associate Professor of Physics

Associate Professor of Psychology

Richard Smith

Paul Van Faasen

Kathleen Verduin

Dennis Voskuil

Merold Westphal

Associate Professor of Biology

Assistant Professor of English

Assistant Professor of Religion

Professor of Philosophy

John Van Iwaarden

Judith Vickers

John Watson

Don Williams

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Assistant Professor of French

Lecturer in Computer Science

Professor of Chemistry

James Van Putten

Henry Voogt

Hubert Weller

Professor of Religion

Professor of Spanish

Professor of Physics

James Zoeteway Associate Professor of Political Science




i .tfs Faculty


William Aardema Business Administration John Abe Business Administration Beth Ackerman Psychology Robert Acri Political Science

Sharon Adcock Psychology Ryan Adolph Political Science Brian Akker Physical Education Mary Allen Physical Education . n



C t o i lr dA m e s l Business Administration

K a h ty A n d e s r o n Biology

P a u lA n k e r Business Administration/Psychology Luann Athey Art

J a m e sA u s e m a Religion

D u a n eB a b n is k i Business Administration

R o b e r tB a k e r Business Administration


K e h t i B e c k Liberal Arts

E z i l a b e h t B e c k e r Language Arts Composite

K u r tB e e e r b o o m Business Administration

E s i la b e h t B e n e s Humanities

N a n e e t B a in Political Science

E e l ln B a u lw Business Administration

J a y n eB e l m y l Biology

E z i l a b e h t B o c k s Psychology-Sociology

M a k r B o e k l n is Biology/Chemistry

R o b e r tB o e v e Political Science/Business Administration

S h e r l iy B o h lo u s e Political Science/Psychology

P a t r c ia i B o n g a Elementary Education

C h s r in i te B o o n Political Science



B u rc eB o s Communications

G a y e l B o s Communications

R c ih a r dB o s c h Chemistry

C e a l n ie B o u m a Psychology


D a v d i B o u n d y Composite Science

P e e tr B o v e n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n


M a y e r i B o y c e Theatre

C y n h t a i B r e u n n ig e r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n


/'M J o h nB o ra d b e n t Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n / E c o n o m i c s

R e b e c c aB r o o k s r a t Communications/Business Administration

M o t l in B o r u w e r Ch e mi s try

L e a hB o r w e r Biology

B e h t B o r w n Biology

D e b a r B r u n in ik s Psychology

G e o g re V .B u b ra c h Geology

C a r o lB u g re Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

B a r in B u g re n e r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

C h e r y lB u k r e Physical E d u c a t i o n / P s y c h o l o g y

S h e r iB u r k h a r t Liberal A r t s

M c ih a e lB u e r ly Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

I 178


Goodbye Old Friend Zwemer Hall is but a memory now. The residence hall on 1 2th Street has long been rented to Hope by Western Theological Seminary a n d has long been known for the Zwemer-types the building has bred over the years. It w i l l be a p a r t i n g b e t w e e n o l d friends for the many students who lived there and came to know the joys of throwing miscellaneous grossities at the Cosmo House; not that such behavior was not reciprocated. Was Zwemer Hall Hope College's o w n Delta House? N o t quite. But it does seem strangely odd that the once h a r r o w i n g halls of Z w e m e r w i l l be replaced by the hallowed halls of a sixstory Western Theological Seminary library.

P a u lB u s m a n Humanities

S a n d yB u s m a n Psychology/Sociology

L y n nM .B u c t h e r


Political S c i e n c e / B u s i n e s s

K a h ty L .B u o tn Physical E d u c a t i o n

L a w e r n c eW .B y l Political S c i e n c e / E c o n o m i c s

K e h t i D .C a h o o n Music E d u c a t i o n

J u e i l S .C a s r lo tn Biology


M a h r ta C a s r o n Education

C a r o lJ .C e u l lr a Biology

C h u n m n i C h e n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

M a k r S .C h o c k e l y Psychology

J u e i l A .C h o d o s Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n



R a n d a l lN .C a lr k Chemistry

J i l lL .C e l g g Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n / P s y c h o l o g y

B e h t A .C n il k e n b e a r d History/English

C o e l l e nF .C o c h a r n Language Arts


F R O N TR O W (from left to right): T. Nguyen, Y. Sakaue, G. Mueller, M. Poppen, C. C o c h r a n , K, Martinez; S E C O N DR O W : C. Meyers, P. J u Hsu, P. Knoll, K. 0 , Schultz, M, Masghati, F. Tavakoli; T H R ID R O W : M. Zchetbauer, S. Staal, Dr. P. Fried, Dr. D. Luidens, K. Kawabata, G. Gan, V. Stergenberger; F O U R T HR O W : H. Teclemariam, D. Nguyen, N. Shimizu, D. Brethower, K. Asano, N. Chen; B A C KR O W : A. Tavakoli, D. Karadsheh, I. Manai, Dr. C. Powell, R. Kurt, K. Powell.

International Food-Fest The line of students started in the balcony and wound its way down the stairs, through the Kletz and out the door toward Wicker's Hall of Music. The first semi-annual International Food Fair proved to be a remarkable success in the middle of the fall of '78 thanks to the conscientious efforts of the International Relations Club. Dishes w e r e p r e p a r e d w e e k s in advance; freezing, whipping up sauces, ordering paper plates and plastic silverware. Each cook was responsible to buy his or her o w n ingredients a n d



practice their culinary art in expectation of serving 50-100 student pallates. The i n t e r n a t i o n a l menu i n c l u d e d everything from a whoopie, lasagna, egg rolls and a Chinese pork dumpling called Guo-tieh to Persian meat balls, French crepes, fried rice, curry, and a Japanese rice ball called Sushi. The cost o f the f o o d - f e s t w a s defrayed by the price of coupons which could be redeemed for food. Coupons came in 25 and 50 cent denominations. Richard Traylor, a talented artist whose cartoons frequently a p p e a r e d in the

anchor, handled the publicity for the event. The crowd on hand numbered between 4 0 0 and 600. " I t was a g r o u p e f f o r t , p e o p l e helped each other . . . you get closer together when you work t o g e t h e r , " said Moira Poppen, a junior from Flemington, N.J. and secretary of the International Relations Club. Poppen went on to say t h a t , " T h e first q u e s t i o n everyone asks when they get to the serving tables is, "What's in it'?"

G r e c t h e nL .C o f f i l Political Science/Business Administration

C a h ty C o x Business Administration

S e t p h e nM .D a d d Chemistry

P a u lH .D a n e i s l Philosophy

A n nC .D a v e n p o r t Business Administration

J a m e sG .D a v d is o n Chemistry

D o u gD e B o e r Business Administration

A d e a i l D e c k e r Psychology

J o h nD e h a a n Philosophy

D o n n aB a r d i D e h la g e n Psychology/Sociology

H a r o d l M .D e h la g e n Religion

C h e r y lD e M a a g d Language Arts



L o u a n n eD e s o u s a Psychology

R o b e r tD e v e i l g e r II Business Administration

J e f r e yD e V e r e Economics

C h s r i o tp h e rD e W t i History

L e g ih D e W o f l Biology

H e n y r D o e l l y Humanities

B a r b a r aD r a k e English

C a h te n r ie D r e y e r Physical Education


i Coffill-Dreyer


S h e e l l yD e r is e n g a Composite

J o yD u m le s English

N a n c yD u n n Biology

W a i l l m i D y k e m a Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n / M a t h e m a t i c s

D o u gD y k s r a t Political S c i e n c e

L a u r aE a e r l English

K m i E d g e l Biology/Psychology

R o n d aE d w a d r s Biology/Psychology

M c ih a e lE n g e h la r d t Political S c i e n c e

M a k r E k r is Religion

J o d iE s s e n b u g r Special E d u c a t i o n

B o n n e i F e g ru s o n Philosophy

A n d e r sF e ir r o Psychology/Sociology

M a y r F a l n a g a n Psychology/Sociology

R c ih a r dF o e r m a n Biology

J a m e sF r e n c h Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

P a t r c ia i F r e y Special E d u c a t i o n

A n n eF r e is Psychology/Sociology

G a y r H e e a n nG a n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

S u s a nG e b h a r t Physical E d u c a t i o n




R c ih a r dG e o g re Business Administration

D e b o a r hG e r b e r Business Administration

S u s a nG b ib s Art

J o h nG b is o n Mathematics

S a y l l G m lia n Special Education

V c ik iG e l n n English

R o b e r tG o lv e r Business Administration

N a nG o e z t k e Psychology/Sociology

Unknown or Ashamed? Every year, the graduating senior Art majors hold a "Senior Show" — a final exhibition of their studio work done at Hope. Each student chooses the work she/he exhibits. For some it may be more of a retrospective show, while others may show a very recent body of work, or series. This year, five Art majors graduated. They put together an all-woman multi-media show that was well done and elicited a favorable response from all that came to see it. Because of the fact that the five women were a rather diverse group before this cumulative effort, they chose "The Unknown Senior Art Majors" as the title for their exhibition. In the order on the poster, they were: Lisa Lane — painting and sculpture, Darcy Shearer — drawing and painting, Ericka Peterson — sculpture and ceramics, Paula VanderWall — painting, sculpture and ceramics, and Sue Gibbs — drawing and painting. Pictured left are from left to right; Lisa Lane, Darcy Shearer, Ericka Peterson, Paulo VanderWall and Sue Gibbs.

S u s a nG a r y Biology/Psychology

D e b b e i G o rc h o w s k i


Physical Education

G e r gG u e r l tr Physical Education


J a n n ie H a h n Biology/Psychology



F R O N T R O W (from left to right): B. Schlosser, M. Eriks, S. Prediger B Knecht, J, Swanson, M Disher, P. Toren; B A C K R O W : M Flanagan R Thurston, L. DeWolf, L. Boelkins, R. Adolph, E Blauw

Seeing Red, White and Blue in Your Sleep With the travel expense blessings of the Chaplain's Office, 13 Hope students set out on a trip to the Edgewood Ranch l o c a t e d just southwest of Orlando, Florida. Seven women and five men worked the ranch which is actually a boarding school for juveniles from problem families. Students come primarily from broken homes; many have been abused. O n e child was reportedly locked in a closet until the age of four. A n o n - d e n o m i n a t i o n a l institution with a baptist influence, the school is highly regimented. Students are subjected to a structured program that features a discipline which reaches right into the juvenile closet (students are required to hang their clothes exactly one inch apart). In addition to the clothes hanging routine, all students are up at six every morning cleaning their cottages and executing their duties on a rotating K.P. system. The young men and women then go to breakfast after which they gather around the flag for a daily display of patriotism involving a salute to the flag and the pledge of allegiance. The 50 students, 45 boys and 6 girls, are also required to wear red, white and blue uniforms. The patriotism extends to the classroom where instead of raising their hands to g a i n the a t t e n t i o n of the



teacher, students must wave their miniAmerican flag. The school curriculum, which is getting broad attention, particularly in southern Christian schools, is completely individualized. Each student pursues a program that is tailored to his or her abilities; therefore, he works at his own pace. Hope students helped with the tutoring while also painting cottages, the d i n i n g a r e a a n d the c h a p e l . The Hopeites also saw kitchen patrol duty that gave them some valuable apple peeling experience. The ranch r e w a r d e d the collegiates by giving them an all-expense paid day at Disney World. According to Leigh DeWolf, the program, "serves a purpose . . . gets kids into a routine and allows parents to get themselves in o r d e r . " Many parents actually pay for their child's stay at the ranch which includes kids from age 6 to 16. Students are allowed to go home for one month in the summer. Parents are encouraged to participate in the camp activities throughout the year. If a parent cannot pay the tuition, the child is admitted at the camp's expense. According to Steve Prediger, the entire operation is run on faith. There is an i n c r e d i b l e emphasis on p r a y e r . Ranchers are fond of relating the story of when the kitchen ran short of butter. A staff member suggested that the

group not only pray for butter, but pray specifically for Blue Bonnet. Two hours later a truck rolled into the ranch that had encountered some difficulty on the highway. The driver was desperately looking for a place to unload his cargo — a shipment of Blue Bonnet butter. Prediger also pointed out that the facility was running at a deficit of well into the thousands of dollars at the time of their arrival in late December. Yet, by the first of January, through extensive prayer, sufficient funds had been contributed to balance the budget. The ranch has an elementary and a high school. The entire educational process is closely tied in with scripture. For e x a m p l e , when learning of the structure of the eye, students also learn the Bible verse, " i f the eye is sound, the body is sound." In spite of the rigid discipline and regimentation, the kids are very affectionate, as if affection had been missing in their lives b e f o r e coming to the ranch. The camp is very successful in getting the parents to change their attitude and behavior toward the child. The campers are not the only ones educated at the E d g e w o o d Ranch. 1 3 Hope students came a w a y with an enriched view of education and rehabilitation; impressed by a program that not only educates the child, but also the parents.

S h u i jH a a r d a Special Student

C a h te n r ie H e s ie Business Administration/English

L a r i e 'n H e s l l r t o m Chemistry/Biology

D e b o a r hH e s s Special Education

M a k r H g ig n is Communications

J o h nH o e k s r a t Physics

D a v d i H o o s Political Science

C a h te n r ie H o w a n n s i t e Spanish

P a t r c ia i H u o r lr d Business Administration/Psychology

B a r b a r an Ig h a m Liberal Arts

L a r yJ a c k s o n Psychology-Sociology

S e t v e nJ e e ln s p e r g e r Psychology

C a v ln i J e ll m a Business Administration

S a n d a r J e n k n is Humanities

T h o m a sJ e n n n ig s Business Administration

D a v d i J u r g e n s e n Economics

S u eK e a l m l y n Psychology

D a v d i K a m m e a r a d Economics/Business Administration

P a m e a l K a m m e a r a d Theatre

A c i le K a n e Political Science



N a n c yK a s m e s r k y Recreation C o m p o s i t e

K y io a tk aK a w a b a a t Political S c i e n c e

S a n d a r K e e l l y Special E d u c a t i o n

H e a h te rK n ig Sociology/Biology

S e t p h e nK e l m Chemistry

E z i l a b e h t K n e c h t English

P a u lK n o l l Chemistry/German

D o n n aK o c h e r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

D a nK o e l a n Humanities

D o u g a l sK o o p m a n Mathematics

S h e r y lK o r n o e e j l Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

B e h t K r a g t Humanities

It' L a u r iK e r m e s r Psychology-Sociology

A u h r te rK u r z t e Mathematics

N a n c yL a m p m a n History

T h o m a sL a n g e a j n s Music E d u c a t i o n

P h p i l i L a n r ik Religion

C a r o lL e a r n e d Psychology/Biology

C y n h t a i L e e Theatre

D a v d i L e e n h o u s t Psychology




Bunko " G e t those books off my counter. How do you expect me to get these uniforms folded with oil your junk in the way?" A passerby, catching only a portion of this e x c l a m a t i o n may hasten his steps into the locker room to avoid the angry confrontation. Shoving my books aside, I laugh easily because this is Bunko; always teasing, always joking, always one step ahead of the student. He can best be described as a lifter of spirits. No matter how overwhelming papers, projects and exams become, one shout from Bunko, " H i kid, how's it goin'?" and the day becomes much brighter, much more bearable. A few students pass by and I ask them what they think of Bunko, alias Norm Jappinga, "You know, his job as

equipment manager is much more than a job to him . . He takes interest in us as p e o p l e — all of us feel special because with Bunko you are somebody, someone who is important." " O n e of Bunko's greatest qualities is that whether you are an athlete, scorekeeper, trainer or someone who is not even involved in athletics, he possesses a sincere desire to know you — he's super." As Bunko continues folding the uniforms for tonight's game, he spots one lone sock amidst ten other complete pairs, "You know that crazy Peterson never turns in his socks. It will be a happy day when I figure that kid out From the w a s h r o o m , a b u z z e r sounds, signaling that a load of clothes is dry. "Eggs are done," yells Bunko as he disappears into the back room.

W a i l l m i L e o n h a d r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

D a v d i L e w s i C h e m i str y

B a r b a r aL e iv e n s e Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

' p ,

1 b -v. r-'JE ,

L a u r aL n in French

weal? *

»l u „

..I- *

R a n d a l lL e h m a n Religion

B a r b a r aL o n g English

T m io h ty L o n t Special E d u c a t i o n

M a r g a r e tJ u a i l L o n r ic e German/Business Administration

D a in eL o u n d Psychology

G e r g o y r L u n d e i Psychology

M c ih e e l M a n iw a n r ig Geology/Biology

S a y l l M a n a h a n Music E d u c a t i o n



D a in eM a n c n ie i l l Political S c i e n c e

L a r yM a n n n i o Philosophy

K r s in t ia M a n r i te z French/German

C a r o y ln M c C a M Music E d u c a t i o n

Mrs. T I walked along the beach the night before last to watch the sunset and the sailboats return from their day on the lake. This is a common practice for me, but that night was noticeably different; 1 was feeling the loss of Mrs. T . ' I thought to myself: " H o w can I best represent the feeling of the many students who came to know her?" Realizing that it would be impossible to speak about what she meant to hundreds of choir members, it occurred to me that there was an underlying quality in all of her relationships. This quality being that she warmly touched our lives and we are so much more because of it. Her sincere ways, gentle kindness and genuine concern will greatly be missed by all of us. On choir tour we will especially sense the emptiness; she added a touch of elegance wherever we travelled. A f t e r several p e r f o r m a n c e s , some days tend to be tiresome, but she

S e t p h e nM c C o u lu lg h Psychology

M c ih a e lM c F a d e n Theatre

L a w e r n c eM c n io ts h Psychology/Biology

J a c kM c n ly tr e Biology



had a beautiful way of lifting spirits and making us feel so g o o d a b o u t ourselves. So I can't help but smile when I think of how much she is instilled in all of us. I'd like to read for you now a passage entitled, "Bits and Pieces" from the book, God Is No Fool, by Lois Cheney. It speaks of people moving in and out of each other's lives — like Mrs. T, who touched so many Hope students. Bits and Pieces Bits and Pieces People, People i m p o r t a n t to y o u , people unimportant to you cross your life, touch it with life and carelessness and move on. There are people who leave you and you breathe a sigh of relief and wonder why you ever came into contact with them. There are people who leave you and you breathe a sigh of remorse and wonder why they had to go away and leave such a gap-

ing h o l e . C h i l d r e n l e a v e p a r e n t s ; friends leave friends. Acquaintances move on. People change homes. People grow apart. Enemies hate and move on. Friends love and move on. You think on the many who have moved into your hazy memory. You look on those present and wonder. I believe in God's master plan in lives. He moves people in and out of each other's lives, and each leaves his mark on the other. You find you are made up of bits and pieces of all who ever touched your life, and you are more because of it, and you would be less if they had not touched you. Pray G o d that you accept the bits and pieces in humility and wonder, and never question and never regret. Bits and pieces Bits and pieces

R e b e c c aM c K a y Special E d u c a t i o n

K e y l l M c L a n l Liberal A r t s

M a h t t e wM c N y a ll C h e m i str y

L o r lM e d e m a Biology

C f t i o ln M e o r w Chemistry

M m iiM e l ir Biology

A n nM n ie r English

R o b n i M s t i o s Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

- ::;v;:v •

L .€;;;V • %.

M a e r i M o n a tn a r i Music

N o e r e nM u e jn i


Liberal A r t s

s Ia a cM y e s r C h e m i str y

R c ih a r dN e e v e l Psychology-Sociology

J i l lN h ia r t Language Arts Composite

L n id aN o d rs o r tm Liberal Arts

B a r dN o g r English

K a h t e le nN o m ra n Psychology

K a r e nO k k e r Biology

S o n a j O s l e n Engl ish / P s y c h o l o g y

M a k r O n g e l y English

D a v d i O s w a d l Biology



M a y l r in P a n ie Composite

M a y r P a p a g e o g re Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

L e n o a r P a s r ih Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

J e n n e f ir P a r k e r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n / E c o n o m i c s

R c ih a r dP a s k e Ch e mi s try

W a i l l m i P a t r e l Chemistry

A e l x a n d e rP a e tr s o n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

S h a o rn P e a r s e History

P e n n yP e c k Ch e mi s try

J u a i l P e r e z Spanish

E k r ia P e e tr s o n Art

S c o tP e e tr s o n Physical E d u c a t i o n

C n id yP e t r o e e j l Mathematics

T h o m a sP e ir s o n Physical E d u c a t i o n

J a n e tP o p p e n Music E d u c a t i o n

K e n n e h t P o e tr Social Studies C o m p o s i t e

C a r o lP o w e s r Composite

S e tv eP r e d g ie r Mathematics

K m ib e y r l P o ro s Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

P a t r c ia i P u v le r Biology



P a m e a l R a c c s k y Communications

S h e r y lR a d k ie Composite

B o n n e i S a tr kR a s History

D o u g a l sR e e d C h e m i str y

J e a nR e y n o d ls Special E d u c a t i o n

A n nM a e r i R e z e m la n English

T h o m a sR g ie tn r ik Mathematics

P a m e a l R p ip e r d a Biology

K a r yR t i e r History

L a u r e lR o a d s Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

D a e l R o b e s r t Chemistry

F r a n kR o b s i o n P s y c h o l o g y / Biology

T o d dR o s e n Biology

S a r a hR o s s o Biology

Y u m k o i S a k a u e English Literature

J a n eS a n e to fr t Language Arts

J e f r e yS a u n d e s r C h e m i str y

M a h ta s i S c h e e r Biology

B a r b a r aS c h o ls s e r Psychology

W a e r nS c h m d it Communications





Glorious 9pnngflme

(The following are excerpts from an article c a r r i e d in the Grand Rapids Press in the early spring of '79.) " A g e is no barrier to Pat LaFontaine, only a sagging net to vault over in this glorious springtime of her new life. She is realizing her dreams in technicolor and taking care of unfinished business with aplomb. 'I was raised by parents who said I could accomplish whatever I put my mind to if I worked hard enough,' she says. A t the m o m e n t , she is e a r n i n g straight A's at Hope College, cooking and caring for five children, keeping up a six-bedroom home and making clothes for her daughters. She barely has time for her needlepoint and bridge Pat LaFontdine is also the No. 5 singles player on the Hope College women's team. No astounding athletic feat itself, except that she plays against girls half her own age. And she wins. . . . Next winter, she will receive her bachelor's degree in business administration and then set about studying for her CPA. 'It's like a whole new life for me,' she was saying at her home in Holland. 'What with the kids grown (her young-

192 L a F o n a t n ie

est, Jeff, is 10), it was a good time in my life to go back to college. I took 17 years off to marry and have a family, so I figured I better do it before my four teenagers are in college.' LaFontaine is carrying a full academic load, 15 credits. She catches up on her housework on Mondays, Wednesdays a n d Fridays, when she has only one class. Tuesdays and Thursdays she had three classes. She cleans part of her place before her 8 a.m. class, tears home after her 12:20 class to start dinner, and then dashes off for tennis practice. She returns in time to get the food on the table and then studies from 8:30 to midnight. 'I'm very, very tired by then,' she notes. Her adventure with the Hope tennis team came about unexpectedly . . . a friend, Don Dickenson, coaches Pat's 16 year old daughter M a u r e e n and knew a b o u t the mother's talent. He asked Pat to try out for his Hope team and she made it. She has been a spendid addition to Dickenson's squad. She won in straight sets in both singles and doubles against Calvin College . . . LaFontaine's teammates kiddingly call her 'Mom' but she

has nothing but admiration for them. 'They pay me the highest compliment they can by treating me as a contemporary,' she enthuses. 'You couldn't find a nicer bunch of girls. It was such an opportunity, to just play tennis on a team, and Don is such a good teaching pro . . . 'Half-jokingly, he says my biggest strength is my experience, my maturity.' She spent five hours in her matches a g a i n s t C a l v i n , but came t h r o u g h unbowed. She is 5-feet-5, a taut 11 8 pounds and r e m a r k a b l y well-conditioned. 'For seven pregnancies, I guess that's not too bad,' she says with a modest grin. 'I've never been a runner, but I'm not much of a sitter, either. I've kept moving all my life.' Pat LaFontaine doesn't consider herself liberated, certainly not in today's misuse of the word, because she has been a doer all her life. 'In the sfense, I've always been liberated,' she says, 'because I have a husband who has given me whatever cooperation and support I needed in anything I do. A n d my parents raised me to aim high. They never put anything in our w a y ' . "

T a m a a r S c h u n i l i g Psychology

S e t v e nS c o t Biology

N a n c yS e s l l Communications

M a k r S e y r e td C h e m i str y

% r: m

R c ih a r dS h a p re Communications

N a o h k i oS h m iz i u English Literature

D o n a d l S h p ip y Psychology

A n nS m ip s o n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n / E c o n o m i c s

E z i l a b e h t S k n in e r Communications

J o n a h ta nS m e e n g e Psychology

L y n n eS p e n c e r Humanities

K a e r nS p e o m la n Psychology

N a n c yS e t ih e lr Religion

S u s a nS o tk o e Physical E d u c a t i o n

J o h nS o tu t Psychology/Business Administration

C o n a r dS r t a u c h ,J r . Religion

K e n tS u c h e c k i Physical E d u c a t i o n

L e a hS u n d e n i r l Biology

H e d ii S u r Special E d u c a t i o n

R o b e r tS y n k Psychology



R a eS y s w e d r a Music E d u c a t i o n

K k i u k oT a k a h a s h i Art

F r e d aT e s k i l Biology

G o lr a i T h o m e Physical E d u c a t i o n

L y n nT h o r n b u r g Humanities

C y n h t a i T o e n l le r Computer Science/Mathematics

C a r lT o r e n Mathematics

R o b e r tT o r e s e n Political S c i e n c e / E n g l i s h

* I

R a y m o n dV a n d e g e i s s e n Religion

J a n e e t V a n d e n b e g r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

C h r s in i te V a n d e k r u y English

P a u a l V a n d e r w a ll Art

S h e r iV a n d e w re p r Special E d u c a t i o n

K a e r nV a n d o n k e a l a r English/Communications

D e b o a r hV a n H o e v e n Political S c i e n c e

B e h t V a n K o l m p e n b e g r Physical E d u c a t i o n

C a h te n r ie V a n M a e t r Psychology

B a r dV a n P u e t t n Psychology

S u eA n nV a n S k v i e r Psychology/Sociology

R u h t V a n W y e l n Psychology/Sociology



R o b e r tV a n w y n g a d r e n Philosophy/Political Science

J o h nV a n z a n e t n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n / E c o n o m i c s

C h s r in i te V e n r t e Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

S h e e r i V e a r m a y Art

Beaker Quaffing Cutback

T o m Pearson takes to the h i g h seas where drinking restrictions are a bit less restrictive.

It appeared on the ballot as Proposal D; to raise the minimum legal drinking age to 21. The Greeks panicked, the anchor editorialized, local establishment proprietors whined and the state of Michigan voted with a 7 5 % majority to roll back the age minimum. The response on campus was more or less covert, but activities involving alcohol were basically always under cover. The college drinking policy did not change significantly, but it stiffened with the new legal backing. Actually, the returns are not all in concerning the impact of proposal D. Is the law a junior league prohibition? Can the law be effective? Or will we have a situation similar to that of a couple of decades

ago when t e e n a g e r s , with a thirst for something more than a Vernor's would get their older friends to pick up a bottle of Thunderbird, hop in the Chevy and make way for the back 40. That strange wine-like elixer. Thunderbird, seemed to have a quasi-cultic following, as the poets of the day so aptly put into meter: What's the word? Thunderbird, What's the price? Forty-four twice. What's our motto? Kill the bottle. What's the reason? Grapes in season.


The reaction to t h e slate's n e w antidrinking c a m p a i g n w a s varied



W a i l l m i V e r H u s lt Sociology

B e h t V s is c h e r Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

C h s r io tp h e rV s is c h e r Sociology

J a n eV s is e r English

Hit Me If a rambling-gambling man (or woman) has the urge to break with the daily routine and get out and be a big roller, he's got four spots to go: Reno, Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Holland. Listed right up there with the big names in high stakes gambling is Holland, Michigan, site of the 2nd annual Casino Night held at Hope College. For a $1 admission charge, Hope students were entitled to a few chips, a drink, hors d'oeuvers and a night at the game tables. Sue Ward was in charge of the Student Activities Committee sponsored event which brought in over 350 people. The exclusive night included $430 worth of rented equipment for craps, roulette, blackjack, dice in the cage and three different wheels. Those in attendance sampled punch drinks and crackers and cheese while taking advantage of the games in the DeWitt Ballroom, folk entertainment in the Pit and a dance in the Kletz featuring the band Squeeze.

J o h nV o o r h o r s t English

F r a n kW a g e n a a r Chemistry

P e e tr W a n r o c k Biology

C a r o lW a e r n Special E d u c a t i o n

A f r l e dW a s t o n Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

R o b e r tW a s t o n Biology

N e v n i W e b s e t r Biology

M a y r W e e n e r Special E d u c a t i o n



Several students and even a few faculty members were called upon to preside over the gaming tables. Dr. Starla Drum of the communications department was one of those representing the house as a blackjack dealer. Drum seems to think that she may have found an alternate career, "It was terrific . . . I had a great time. The dealer never loses. I just wish I hod a white shirt and arm bands like other dealers." No money winnings changed hands in the "gambling" even though SAC was required to put up $50 for a state gambling license. The games were actually an exercise in hoarding chips, only to turn them back in at the end of the night. Incapable of realizing the fruits of their betting labors, the gamblers seemed to rationalize the experience by viewing it as part of their liberal arts education. The question now remains as to whether the academic affairs board will expand the night into a three credit IDS 11 3 course offering.

C h e r y lW e e e t r Biology/Geology

R a y m o n dW e s e t n r Theatre

K m ib e y r l W e s t f a l l Communications

T o d dW h e t i d e e t Humanities

M a y r J oW c ik e r t Special E d u c a t i o n

S a n d a r W e id e r h o d l Biology

D o n a d l W a i l m l i s Biology/Psychology

M c ih a e lW n ic h e s e t r Biology

P a m e a l W n in e i Psychology/German

R c ih a r dW o h t lu s i Computer Science

B a r b a r aW o m rm e e s e t r Political Science

R a n d a l lW o m rm e e s e t r Mathematics

M a n d iW o o r n o w c i z Liberal Arts

K a e r nW o e l r t y Psychology/Sociology

S c o tW r e g g e l s w o h r t Spanish

D a v d i W e r i d e n Business Administration

J a n eZ e e ln k a Physical E d u c a t i o n

R o b e r tZ e n d e lr Chemistry/Biology

L o r iZ o e t Psychology/Sociology



C h u c kA a d r e m a W a i l l m i A g n e w S a m u e lA d ia a l B a r b a r aA e l ln B i lA n d e s r o n L o r iA n d e s r o n C a r o lA r n o d l n ik P e e tr A n r o u d s e R o d n e yA u s n i t K a r e nB a b n ie c V c ik iB a e l i y A m yB a k e r L n id aB a k e r D a in eB a r .

J o h nB a n r ig o tn G e o g re B a u m g a n t r e r K a r iB e a r s s K e nB e k k e n r ig K s r i B e n n e t t S a y l l B e r g e r K a r lB e i b ra u m B e h t B s ic h o f S a n d yB o ld g e t M o n c i aB o d z c i k L e g ih B o e k l n is S a y l l B o e s r R o dB o h lo u s A n nB o u ly t

r i FA \ frV'*

K a h tr y nB o o h e r B o bB o s R o b n i B o s t K e y l l B o e m a n S e tv eB r a s tc h e i D e a n n eB e r h to w e r R o nB o r n d y k e S u eB o r u w e r D a v d i B r u n is C h e r y lB u r c h e t M a n r i t B u g r S a tc yB u r s r i K u s r i t B u s m a n S h e r y lB u s m a n





Oxburgs " I ' l l have a quarter-pound oxburger, hold the mayo." It's Community Day, also known as the Ox Roast, and it's held on Windmill Island. Actually, only a small portion of the meat s e r v e d at C o m m u n i t y D a y is 100% pure-ox. Most of the meat that makes up the roast beef sandwiches served at the event is just that — beef;

in fact, over 1,000 pounds of prime rib is cooked up at Bil-Mar foods north of Holland to feed several thousand community members and Hope students who join for an e a r l y autumn meal together. Supplementing the meat portion of the meal is 6 5 0 pounds of cabbage, 100 pounds of onions, 50 pounds of


peppers, 3 0 0 pounds of celery and 360 dozen rolls. The event is t r a d i t i o n a l l y held in early September on the day of the first H o p e f o o t b a l l home g a m e . But, it wasn't always that way. The Ox Roast had its beginnings in 1 966 to celebrate the centennial anniversary of Holland. Then-mayor Nelson Bosman wanted to stage a small festival where the community could welcome the Hope students back to campus. It was also a chance for Hopeites, and many community members to see Windmill Island for the first time, even though many citizens have lived in H o l l a n d for years. In 1971, the event was held for the first time concomitantly with the Hope football game; open to the community free of charge. Bands from all over the area come to Community Day to entertain the ox tasters. The event is scheduled again for 1979 to dedicate the new municipal stadium. Says Vern Schipper, member of the Community Day committee, "It's a great day because with the free football game, entertainment and meal, you get everything so cheap."

D e b o a r hB u s s e m a J o h nB y l M a a r l i n ie C a m p b e ll C h s r i C a m p b e ll A m yC h a m b e a n r l i D a v d i C h a n T o mC h a n d e l r R o s e m a y r C h r s ie t i D a v e nC a le r b o u t J a n eC a lr k R a n d yC o t f i l D o u gC o n g d o n J u d yC o o k J e fC o d re s L o uC z a n k o L e s e i l D a n e i s l L y n nD a v s i G e r a d l D e c k e r K e v n i D e g ih o tn D a nD e k k e r B a r in D e R o o s L y n nD e v e n d o f r J o h nD e V e r is ,J r . L o r iD e W t t i D e n aD e W e t i K e v n i D e Y o u n g B d r n d aD e i e tr m a n R o bD o r a z o t P a t r c ia i D r a k e J u e i l D o rz d N a n c yD u b r a n d C h u c kE c k m a n S u eE d g c o m b M a k r E n n s i R e b e c c aE s e t lr



The Incomparable Granny


D a v eF e d e r S h a o rn F e o t ln G e l n nF a ia l H a r yF s ih e r B r e tF s lk E r c i F t z ig e r a d l D a v d i F o k le r t



I enter Phelps dining hall to find it void of people except for one lone figure sitting at a table enjoying coffee. It is the quiet time for Saga, and Elizabeth Smitter (Bess to her friends) is grabbing a well deserved break from work. You and I know her as Granny, that sparkling " y o u n g " w o m a n who checks our I . D . ' s , discusses the weather, and smiles through our dinner hour. I have to admit, I'm slightly nervous a b o u t conducting this interview. After all, what items of interest can I pry out of Granny? I have a list of mundane questions prepared, and I figure I'll play it by ear after I've asked all of them. My fears are soon quieted, however. I find Granny a spontaneous conv e r s a t i o n a l i s t , a n d she i n e v i t a b l y answers every one of my questions before I can ask them. " I figure you want to know a little of my history," she says, anticipating my first inquiry. " I was born right here in H o l l a n d on the corner of 17th a n d Columbia. I had 7 brothers and sisters and one of my brothers came here to Hope 51 years a g o . " Then Granny fixes those blue eyes on me as if reading my thoughts and a n s w e r s my n e x t a n d u n a n s w e r e d question. "I've been married twice, you know. M y first husband and I lived in G r a n d Rapids for a w h i l e . A f t e r he passed away in '66, I moved back to H o l l a n d a n d r e m a r r i e d a few years later." She suddenly notices that our coffee cups are empty. " Y o u ' d like more coffee." Not a question, but a definite statement. G r a n n y grabs our coffee cups before I can express refusal and hustles off for refills. As she hurries away, I wonder if I can work up the courage to ask her what her age will be on her next birthday. I don't have to wonder for long. She returns with the coffee and begins speaking a g a i n before she even sits down. "I've been with Saga for 10 years, you k n o w . " I can hear the pride in her voice. " I ' m going to be 79 this Thursday. A n d you can print that, too, if you want. I don't

care. Saga was the only place that would hire me 10 years ago because I was 6 9 years old. Bill Bayer gave me the job even though I was past retirement a g e . " I cannot help readjusting my estimation of Saga after hearing this information. Granny is very fond of the organization she works for. " I enjoy working here because of the people and the work. I like it because I get activity. Both physical and mental. Only problem is with all this food around, it's really hard not to get f a t . " We both laugh as she eyes her stomach and pats her hips. I tell her she looks pretty good to me, and Granny actually blushes. She is so busy being modest that I am able to ask her my next question before she answers it. I ask her how much longer she plans to work for Saga. " I don't really k n o w , " she replies. " I ' m having cataract operations this May and I don't know if I'll be able to see well enough afterward to w o r k . " Will she miss working at Saga? " O f course. I've always been a working person. A f t e r my first h u s b a n d passed away, I owned a children's store. The Beechwood Children's Shop. I sold it when I got married." A n d what about students? She thinks in general that we are improving. " O h , you all dress so much nicer than you did 10 years ago. Used to be all I saw in front of me was head-to-toe p a t c h e s . A n d I t h i n k y o u ' r e better behaved. Not half so many messes. But I wish students would leave the tops to the salt shakers alone." She smiles and shakes her head as if commenting on the actions of a spoiled grandchild. I look up from my pad to find her gazing at me as if to say, "That's all y o u a r e g o i n g to g e t o u t o f m e . " Instead she says, " W e l l , it's about time I got back to work. You just go ahead and print anything I told you, okay?" She grabs our coffee cups and scurries them into the kitchen. I walk out shaking my head. An interesting interview with an amazing Granny.

C n id yF o w e l r C h s r i F u n c k e s D e a i l G a n e l y A n n e e t G e l is R o b e r tG u is o t M a r c a i G r e e n e le J m i G r e n ie r S u z a n n eG r e u c i l h T m i G r f i f n i R o d n e yG s r iw o d l C r a g i G o r e n d y k B e r n d aH a n fe r D a v eH a m a n n J a m e sH a n s o n S h e y l l H a n rd e n K a y r nH a r r e l P a u lH a r e t j R u h t A n n eH a s c u p J a m e sH a w k e n R o yH e g g A n nM a e r i H e m lu s G o d r o nH e r w g i A n nH b l ie n i lk J m i H o e k s r a t L a u r aH o m f fa n P e e tr H o m f fa n D e m e a r t H o y l l J o h nH o m le s K a r e nH o o g e w re f r P a u lH o s p e s r B a b r H o u m ta n S u s a nH o w e ll P e k J -u H s u S e tv eH u g g n is G a y rm Im n i k C o n n e i s Ie ly B i lJ e s i l lo n P a mJ o r d a n J o h nK a d o w T o mK a s e t n T h o m a sB .K e z i e r D o s r i K o e ll m N a n c yK e e r l J a m e sK e s s e l T m io h ty K n in e y C o n s a t n c eK u ln g e l C h r s ia t in K n g ig e B a r b a r aK o e p p e C a h ty K r a p f P e e tr K u k i e n L o u s i L a o fu n a t n i J a n e tL a w e r n c e J e n n e f ir L e h m a n L o s i L e m a M a k r L e o n h a d r J e n n yL e ig e t


D e b a r L n ik M a e r ln eL u i G o d r o nL o c h H e n y r L o u d e r m k li A a ln L o u g h J a n s i L u n d e e n G e l nL u h te r



L a u r aM a a m ta n J o h nM a c k n in o n K a r e nM a m lq u s i t G e n e v aM a o ln e P a c r t ik M a o ln e K e v n i M a a r in i M c ih e e l l M a n r i t S u s a nM a r v n i L y n n eM a x w e ll P a u lM c C o u lu lg h J a m e sM c E h l e n y G e r a r dM c M a h o n L a u r aM c M a h o n D e b a r M e e u w s e n




R e b e c c aM e w h e e t r r V c ik iM a l ir d B a r dM e l l in M e a ln e i M s ik o e tn C a r o lM o h o r lc k J e a n n eM o o e r A n nM o o e r d D o u gM o o t r n D a v eM o z t A n n eM u d le r B a b r M u d le r S e tv eM u y s k e n s N a n c yN e a r p a s s S e tv eN e a r p a s s P a u lN e d e r v e t l D u eN g u y e n J e n n e f ir N e i s le n R o n n iN v ia a l S a m u e lN o o r d h o f f M c ih a e lN o r s r i R c ih N o r h tu s i P a mN u n z e N a n c yN y d a m K a r e nN y e n h u s i K a h ty N y e n h u s i M k ie N y e n h u s i R o s sN y k a m p G a l iO b lc r lh B u rc eO s b e c k B o n n e i O v e w ra y P e r yP a g n e i l l P a m e a l P a e tr W a i l l m i P a e tr s o n J o h nP e a c h e y S e tv eP e a c h e y G e r gP e d e y t l D e b o a r hP e e r y B a r b a r aP e l e e t it J a c kP K a n r t ia P c ih a M o r a i P o p p e n V v ia in P o e tr A n n eP o w e B u rc eQ u a y L u a n n eR a m a c c a i A m yR a h tb u n B a r b a r aR e d i R o nR e m in ik K e h t i R e s c h k e




M a a r i n n eR c ie C o n n e i R e lb te r g N a n c yR o b e s r t L s ia R o g o s k i S h a o rn R o z e b o o m T m i R u d d T o mS c h a a p

The Cat Fr-om Outer Space Equipped with goggles, rubber gloves and water tight boots, this Holland area pedestrian has raised the curiosity of many Hope residents. The o d d l y d r e s s e d i n d i v i d u a l is o f t e n s i g h t e d in the H o p e C o l l e g e a r e a briskly making his way down the sidewalk to an unknown destination. The Milestone staff decided to investigate the story after this picture came in f r o m p h o t o e d i t o r Jim W e e n e r . Weener took the picture on a chance shot ' f r o m the h i p ' t h a t not o n l y included the subject, but a surprisingly coincidental marquee positioned in the background. Coming up empty handed in obtaining any hard facts concerning this man, we d e c i d e d to t a k e stock in a f e w


rumors. It was r u m o r e d that the H o l l a n d Board of Education was also concerned with the story behind this man. As the rumor went, they had actually dealt with the problem of how to keep him away from designated school crossings. Unfortunately, the rumor proved to be just that, as our inquiry into its validity was met with a rather frigid, " n o comment." We also talked to several people who had observed the subject of this picture dining in Burger King. These discussions revealed that the man nervously dissected his " W h o p p e r " into numerous bite-sized pieces giving each a careful inspection before ingestion. Taking this eating behavior into con-

sideration, we speculated that the man was excessively neurotic, even paranoid, to the extent that he was overly protective of himself. But perhaps the most interesting rumor that we encountered was the one offered by Josceline Van Heest, a sophomore from Delmar, New York. She reported that the goggle-garbed indiv i d u a l , a c c o r d i n g to w h a t she h a d heard, was preparing for the inevitable end of the world. That final day would be ushered in by a deadly gas descending from the heavens, annihilating all of life as we know it. Certainly no more than a rumor, but it would explain this man's most obvious protective covering, for as Ms. Van Heest points out, the deadly gas affects the eyes first.




B i lS c h a b e l E r c i S c h a e e fr S u eS c h u u m ra n s D u n c a nS c o t T e r r iS e e l lr s A n n eS e n t f i S u eS h a p r T m i S h e p a d r K a h ty S h f e i lt M o t l in S k i k e m a R a p lh S k a o i R e n a a t S m a t r K a h te i S m h t i D a n e il S n y d e r K a h ty S o u d e s r A s i l o nS a ta t K a r lS e t g e n g a D a v eS e tr k D a v eS e t v e n s J a m e sS o tu k e s A m yS r t a n ie r S e tv eS t r a t in g M a c r S r t e n g h o t l M k ie S u o tn J u nT a g u c h i P h p i l i T a y o lr T w y a i l T a y o lr W a i l l m i T e rK e u r s t W n in e i T h e il R h o n d aT h r o n d s e t P a u lT o r e n G a y r T u c k e r J a c kT u n is r t a V a h e i V a g h e r i J o h nV a n A e r n d o n k J o h nV a n d eG u c h e t M a y r V a n d e n B e g r D o u g a l sV a n D e M re u e l n K a h ty V a n d e Z a n d e M a y r V a n D s i G a y r V a n D y k e D a v d i V a n D y k e n E s i ls aV a n G e n t M c i h & e lV a n L e n e t M a k r V a n M a e t r T r a c yV a n M o u w k e i r R u h t V a n S o lo e t n S u s a nV o m ll e r V a e lr e i V o s D e b o a r hW a k l e r P a t r c ia i W a k l e r D r e eW a d r B u rc eW e b s e t r C o n n e i W e h n e r J o eW e c l h M k i eW e c l h L s ie l W e s t f a l l J e f lW e h te b re e B e r n d aW h e t i A b g ia l iW a il m li s o n S e tv eW s i s n ik L o r tW o f l D e n n s i W y a t t




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You're Blocking My Light The apparatus was all set. Curious students gathered around the bearded physics buff for a glimpse of what was about to be. And then, what was a glistening orb, slowly transformed into a crescent, signaling the arrival of an age-old, yet always fascinating celestial phenomenon — a solar eclipse. That bearded physics buff is Bill Davroes and his efforts to safely view the February 2 6 , 1 9 7 9 eclipse were prompted in part by the fact that this was the last solar eclipse over the continental U.S. until 2017. Actually, only a 7 5 % , partial eclipse was visible to Hope viewers. The path of totality began in the Pacific Ocean west of Washington, cutting northeast over C a n a d a , a n d c u r v i n g o f f a n d a w a y t o w a r d G r e e n l a n d . Scientists picked Winnipeg as the best place to observe total darkness. To make the most of that opportunity, professional observers as well as thousands of ama-

Bill Davroes (left) sets up the display. teur eclipse enthusiasts came to the region with their rockets, cameras and telescopes for the solar blackout. No stunning revelations came out of viewing the eclipse, but as Time magazine reports, " A strong motive for trekking to Winnepeg is the sheer fun — or, as one scientist says, 'the orgasmic experience' — of eclipse watching." Scientists were not the only ones viewing the eclipse. 2 0 , 0 0 0 amateurs equipped with cardboard-box viewers or aluminized M y l a r screens sold at fast-food outlets, also took in the event. Back in Holland, the skies were a vivid blue and the partial eclipse was totally visible. Davroes used a telescope to project the p a r t i a l eclipse.

which occurred from about 11:15 to 12 noon, onto a white screen. Also on display was a model representing the relative positions of the earth, moon and sun. Particularly noticeable about the premature darkness was just that — darkness. W h a t was an unusually bright day for mid-winter, took on the appearance of the night conditions prior to an impending storm. The rather sudden loss of light was sufficient to disturb the already brief attention span of fourthhour Hope students, or even prompt them to skip classes altogether. Those courageous enough to shoot right into the sun, photographed the sun-block. In fact, the title page (page 1) of the '79 yearbook is a picture of the sun during the eclipse. Crescents can be seen in the lens reflection pictured toward the lower left corner of the photograph.

Celaine 'Lunar' Bouma demonstrates the relative position of the moon, earth and sun. Bouma's head serves as the moon in this display.



S u s a nA e i l S e tv eA n g e l G o d r o nA r n o d l J a y n eA r n o d l n ik S u s a nA w re A u d e r yB a e l i y D e bB a r d i i s ?.

/ Vocal Interludes Handpicking several of the singers personally and auditioning the remainder in January, associate professor of voice Joyce Morrison staged the popular "Opera Portraits" on May 4 and 5 of 1979. Scenes from famous operas were presented by students participating in an opera workshop. Participants receive Vi hour of credit for the time that they dedicate to the project. But according to Miss Morrison, . . . what a crime, so many hours put in . . . so many people think that music is indeed a

fringe benefit." Portions of Mozart's Impressario, Rossini s Barber of Seville and Menotti's Amahl and the Night Visitors were featured as well as two selections from Gilbert and Sullivan entitled H.M.S. Pinafore and I clan the, both of which were choreographed by senior Mike McFaden of Muskegon. Also in the spotlight was Bizet's Carmen p l a y e d by junior Kim N a g y of G r a n d Haven. "Carmen's don't grow on trees. You need the body, looks and voice . . . Kim

grew so much in the role," said Morrison emphasizing the need to hand pick some of the performers. Students rehearsed on their own in addition to regularly scheduled Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night sessions. A total of 50 students were involved, says Morrison, Fantastic kids . . . nothing is too much for them. They sacrificed so much . . . ate dinners between meals . . . I brought donuts and coffee. The kids could study and sleep on the couch if they wanted . . . we had a marvelous time together." Prof. Morrison put her best foot forward in an attempt to give the entire production a fessional quality. Accompaniment was only provided by students, but also by )f. Charles Aschbrenner. Costumes came m the theatre department. I feel that we got a lot of singers excited nd interested in a production," says Morrion. But she goes on to point out that the eal benefits of staging such a show is more han just musical, "Developing the person was our main vista. This is what I feel is most important at Hope — developing the whole person."

Don Batdorff Roberta Baxter Earl Beam Carol Bechtel Kathy Beck Greg Beklus Britt Bengtson

Diana Beyer Bruce Bishop Deborah Blair Joanne Blodee Mike Blystone Larry Boer Jetf Boeve

Sue Boeve Mary Botkin Philip Bowers Dave Braschler Chris Brauning Karey Breher Brett Brewer

Scott Brewer David Brown Carolyn Bruggers Susan Bruins Brenda Bruner Doug Buck Debbie Buhro 1





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Bruce Burgess Mary Burton Glenn Bussies Laurie Bylsma Sarah Cady Michelle Carlson Phyllis Cash

Glen Caudill Catherine Christian Debbie Clark Dawn Clemence Mike Coeling Brad Cook Steve Cowley

. : •/

Lori Crivello Paul Damon Laurel Davenport William Dean Jane Decker Kristin Decker John DeJong

Nataniel DeJonge Phil DeMaar Tom DePree Sarah DeWitt Scott DeWitt Jane DeYoung Nancy Dirkse

Michael Disher Bao Do Dirk Doorenbos Brian Driesenga Randy Durband Joan Dykema Marianne Dykema



Karen Dykhuis Jeannette Eberhard Timothy Emmet Todd Erickson Paul Field David Fox Lori Fox

Suzanne Galer Jolene Gallagher Lori Camber Pete Gaylord Doug Gebhard Bill Godin Karen Gonder

Ronda Granger Jim Grant Cheryl Gray Susan Griesmer Dennis Griffin Karl Groeger Karen Gruber

I: iiitfi

John Cumpper Ron Haight Beth Harvey Brenda Hellenga Craig Henry Barbara Herpich Patty Hill

Mary Hilldore Jeff Hodges Kathy Hofstee Liz Hoisington Jeff Holm Kirk Hoopingamer Kenneth Hornecker

John Hosta Jeryl Houston Fred Howard Vicky Howard Todd Hudson Meredith Hull Jean Hunt

Steve Hyma Jenny Hyman Bill Ingham Sheryl Israel Tim Jasperce Marilyn Johnson Phil Johnson \ Robert Johnson Robin Johnson Carol Jones Lori Kanitz Carmel Karachy Anne Karsten Cathy Keast

Richard Kiernan Laura Kirkey Alan Kitamura Gwen Kitchens Jan Klomparens Cornelius Knutsen Kent Komejan





gan. If Holland was her first stop in America, then Skiles Tavern was her first American bar. Eflerida a n d the Skiles f a m i l y became fast friends, and despite all urgings not to do so, she ignored contemporary taboos and entered by the front door of the Tavern when she wished to visit them. Shed 'Grampa' Skiles bought the building on the southwest corner of 8th and Columbia in 1 953. The site, first a grocery store and then a bar, quickly became established as Skiles Tavern. After her divorce, Elferida found herself at loose ends and a c c e p t e d a p o s i t i o n w i t h the Tavern in 1963, Four years later. Shed's son David left Muskegon to help with the family business, and took over after the death of 'Grampa' in 1969. It was David that began the long process of obtaining a hard liquor license; a nine year drive that finally proved successful in February of 1978. After David Skiles' death in 1 974, his widow. Donna, took over the business. Mrs. Skiles is the present owner. How did Skiles Tavern affect the community when it was first established? Although the bar was publicly frowned upon, Elferida recalls how many c o m m u n i t y members would quietly slip in through the back door. In the more recent past, it has become the place for people from all walks of life to enjoy food and drink. The College has also had a change of face over the years. When Elferida first began working in 1963, a Hope student

Freda She's an institution within an institution. That may be the best way to describe Elferida Steel, night manager of Skiles Tavern. 'Frieda' was born in a small town 25 miles northeast of Frankfurt, Germany. In 1955, she and her husband, a U.S. Arrrjy Sergeant, moved to the United States to her husband's home-town of Holland, Michi-

was not allowed in the Tavern, due to a drinking age minimum of 21 years. With the relaxing of the drinking age, the bar filled to capacity with a constituency of college students as high as 80%. Elferida has seen a change in students in the past 2 or 3 years, especially at the b e g i n n i n g of a f a l l semester. C o l l e g e patrons are getting rowdier, taking things with them when they leave — pictures off the walls and pitchers off the tables (at a rate of 36 per week). But Elferida is fully capable of handling them, " W e don't need a bouncer, I bounce them out m y s e l f ! " Things do tend to calm down as the school year progresses. The recent tightening of the drinking age to 21 years has not changed Skiles' volume of business, according to Mrs. Steel. The management still views the bar as a family restaurant, and their customers look to them as a home-away-from-home. When serving alcoholic beverages, they have to be strict to protect themselves, but they are fair. As to the effect the change has had on the students, Elferida has only one comment, " I wish they could all come back." Elferida has never forgotten where her roots are; every summer she goes to Europe for a visit. Last summer she backpacked with a friend through eight countries. Despite her European wandersings, Elferida always comes back to Holland, and as the college student's favorite bartendress, it would be difficult to imagine a Skiles Tavern without her.


Rick Kooiker Kris Keep Kathy Koops Larry Kortering Sally Kortering Keith Korver Judy Kramer

Lisa Kronquist Nancy Kropf Richard Kuhrt George Kuntz Mark Laman Bill Langejans Pat Laning

Judy Laning Beth Latham Elizabeth Latimer Steve LeFevre Ross Leisten Burt Leland Thomas Leventhal

jrfi fc .

iiM /

J i« Jay Lindell Janet Lootens Kathy Lowe Steve Maas Ian Macartney Cindy MacKeller Thomas Madden



Debbie Malewitz Marc Malone Jim Markle Susan Markusse Susan Martle Masoomeh Masghati Rodney Matthews

Valerie Matthews Sandy McClure Sue McCredie David McKinney Kirk McMurray Kim Middleton Sue Miller

Bob Molenhouse Phyllis Montanari Ron Moolenaar Craig Morford Judy Morikawa Nola Morrow Jim Munger




All in the Family Euipped with only a duffel bag a n d a curiosity for what was about to unfold, Taylor Holbrook, a junior from Denver, C o l o , f o u n d himself l o c a t e d o c e a n s away from any educational experience he had ever known before. Holbrook spent an entire academic y e a r s t u d y i n g in F r e e t o w n , S i e r r a Leona, West Africa at the oldest college In West Africa, Fourah Bay Col-


lege. His course was part of the Kalamazoo College foreign study p r o g r a m concentrating on West African literature a n d t h e p o l i t i c a l a n d r e l i g i o u s experience of West Africans. Holbrook believes that the best w a y to experience this diverse country Is as a student. Says Holbrook, "There are many foreign businessmen and diplomats there a n d even the Peace Corps,

who are always In a position of authority, as a student, I feel one comes on more equal terms." Those equal terms enabled Holbrook to sit In on several sessions of the cannibal trials that were being heard In the courts In Freetown. "Freetown Itself Is an exciting city. There is always something going o n , " said Holbrook. Perhaps the most enlightening experience for his Hope traveller Involved academics. Says Holbrook, " A c a d e m ics are not very stimulating there a n d they work from a system of rote memo r y . " But Taylor Hollbrook's education in Freetown was extensive nonetheless, " I have learned so much about the people and the culture that the rewards I have received are from that area. I have done a lot of travelling Into the 'upcountry' of Sierra Leone and have spent time In villages that must have looked the same to the first explorers," Holbrook said. The experience also seemed to have given him a special a p p r e c i a t i o n . A c c o r d i n g to H o l b r o o k , " I must say that I have learned to appreciate the United States more and I look on It with a much more positive light than when I left. The forms of government and values of the people of the United States seem more acceptable to me now after living In a place where these values differ." Reflecting on his Incredibly diverse experience In Freetown, Holbrook said, "The smells, the sounds, the exuberance and excitement of the traditional Sierra Leone culture can only be fully appreciated by actual encounter. But once experienced, those memories are grounded deep In the mind, and even though back In the United States, the memory of an often misunderstood Africa lives o n . "

Alan Murray Lora Muyskens Karen Nattress Cathy Nedervelt Pat Nelis Lori Nevlezer Diane Nielsen

Dave Nieuwkoop Diane Noort Sarah Norden Cheryl Norman Joel Otting Roxanne Overway Jon Parker

Evelyn Parry Rick Perkins Cynthia Petrides Karen Petty Nancy Piatt Tom Picard Jeffrey Pool

Laura Press Byron Prielipp Robin Prins Terri Pross Karen Puschel Ruth Pyle Melissa Raak

Paul Ranville Raymond Rathbun Lora Rector Pete Rink Nancy Ritchie Fred Roberts Roger Roelots

Robert Roos Doug Ruch Joel Russcher Diane Sadler Duane Salmon Linda Sampson Steve Sayer


David Schackow Ken Schewe Richard Schlott Jon Schmidt Pamela Schmidt Cindy Schroeder Ronald Schut

Debra Sells Cheryl Sheldon Michael Shields Bob Shoemaker Jeff Shoemaker Lori Sieved Christine Simpson

Eric Sivertson Jeff Sluggett Karen Smant John Soeter Robert Stearns Mark Stevens John Strain



Dance V Dedicating seven hours of practice for each minute of stage performance, the c o m p a n y of " H o p e D a n c e - F i v e " presented their annual concert on A p r i l 2 6 , 2 7 and 28. In addition to the work of Hope dancers and choreographers in jazz, t a p , modern and contemporary pieces. Dance V featured two guest artists, Patricia Brown and Luis M . Perez. Brown, an Upper Montclair, N.J. native, began her career with the N e w Jersey Ballet School. Presently she is a member of the Joffery 11 Company of N e w York City. Ms. Brown recently completed a tour of California a n d Florida as a soloist with the G a l a x y of Dancers.

Perez, also with Joffery II, began his career in Florida a n d recently a p p e a r e d on CBS-TV's, "The Human B o d y . " Hope Dance is noted for its ability to draw a diversity of participating athletes. One such peripheral area that is not commonly associated with dance is football. In 1 9 7 9 , such f o o t b a l l standouts as punter Henry L. Loudermilk a n d safety Steve Prediger participated in the concert. Loudermilk performed in the Pythagorean Theory in addition to 3.1416 = Pie are Square

Patricia Brown and Luis Perez.

Jeannine Strainer Kathy Stratton Oerk Strauch Cindy Swart BarbTacoma Tatni Tammen Cal Taylor

Vicky TenHaken Garret TenHave DebTerHaar Gretchen Thomas . Randall Thompson Ross Thornburg Yolanda Tienstra •• r Edward Tiesenga Martin Tilley Nancy Torresen Ellen Trayser Terri Turpin Craig VanArendonk Carol VandenBerg

Jim VandenBerg Sue VanDenBrink Gaye VandenHombergh Kay VanDerEems Phil VanderHaar Scot VanderMeulen Matt VanderMolen

Julie VanderPloeg Cindy VanderSchaal John VanderVen Sally VanderWerp Nancy VandeWater Sheri VanDyke Jocelyn VanHeest



and Prediger danced in Variations on a Western Theme. Tom Barkes, another Hope f o o t b a l l alumni, performed in Dance IV to improve his coordination and footwork for football. After participating in the GLCA semester in N e w York City, Barkes joined on with a dance company. Mrs. Dorothy Wiley DeLong was honored at the April 28th performance with a Distinguished Service A w a r d . Mrs. DeLong gained recognition in the late 1 9 4 0 ^ when she introduced ballroom dancing to Holland youngsters in conjunction with after school activity programs. Her efforts were successful, but not without some initial protests from the community. She went on to establish her o w n private dance studio in Holland. Dance V was c o o r d i n a t e d by M a x i n e DeBruyn and Michael Grindstaff. This particular dance performance is the fifth in as many years and is considered the highest level of performance in the Hope dance program. Approximately 5 0 - 6 0 students were involved with the event in some w a y . Close to three dancers tried out for each dance position available, giving evidence of the popularity of the program. Top to bottom: Joy Dulmes, Henry Loudermilk and Nancy Geldersma

Carolyn VanHouten Virginia VanNostrand Phyllis VanTubergen Karen VanWyk Jeff VerBeek Jennifer Ver Heist Sue Vincent


Mark Viquerat Kay Vossekuil John Votaw Jennifer Wallgren Joel Walters Michael Walters David Wang


Susan Ward Debbie Warnaar Linda Waterman Nancy Webb Susan Weener Don Werkema Pam Wetteck

Scott Whitetleet Jerri Whitney Jane Wickert Brenda Wierenga Dave Wierenga Chris Wiers Diane Williams


Karen Willis Vickie Wilson Lynn Winkels Jeri Wissink Dan Wolf Marcia Wolttis



Kathy Aaron Dale Aggen Laurie Arnold Mark Bejema Pamela Barney Douglas Basler Cathy Bast

Tom Bayer Ronald Bechtel Mary Beck Rod Beckerink Bob Beckus Vivek Bedi Debbie Bere

Robin Berens Gail Bergy Leslie Bethards Melissa Beuker Lana Bian Bryan Bigelow Cindy Black U ih t Amy Bloemendaal James Boerigter Paul Boersma Kelly Boeve Brad Bogg Ted Bolema Patti Bolman

Paul Bosch Mark Boundy Karen Bourn Dan Brandsma Doug Braschler Dave Breederland Ruth Brinks

Kurt Brinks Mary Brinks Linda Brouwer Paul Brower Lynn Bute Betty Buikema Heidi Burke

Ed Cain Bruce Caltrider Steve Cameron Tish Carr Bill Carson Cynthia Childs Linnae Claerbout

Arthur Colegrove Karen Constam Janet Corretore Veronica Cortes Lisa Cox Carl Czirr Gordon Dahlgren



New Kid on the Block Somehow stepping t h r o u g h his o f f i c e door I feel very much at peace; Perhaps it's a certain feature of the room; cool white walls, dusty brown carpeting or the hundreds of books which fill the wall to the left. The man sitting behind the desk is the Rev. Jerry Van Heest and as our time together progressed, I realized that the pace which prevails emanates from the occupant and not the surroundings. " Y o u know. Chaplain, the position you hold here on campus has many expectations — students and professors have an idea of what a Chaplain should be . . . How do you perceive your role?" He points out that the term 'role' in itself is a constricting word. He would be greatly hindered from achieving his maximum potential by constantly having to ask himself, " A m I fulfillihg this or that image?" Thus, the Chaplain views his particular niche in this way, "To be here as a presence. I can only be who I

am." He says this in such a laid back, honest manner that it makes me wonder how much more content and effective we all could be if we would acknowledge who we are, accept our limitations, as well as our gifts, and move on from there. In considering the Hope Chaplaincy, Rev. Van Heest sought feedback from certain people, especially his children; Tim, Greg and Joscelyn. They supported him, reassuring their father of his ability to interact effectively with collegiates. This view of his children carries over to the Hope student, " I want more input. For example, by distributing leaflets at worship I can get a better idea about sermon topics — what the student would like to hear preached." Being a parent as well as a minister. Van Heest is well aware of how students are b o m b a r d e d with new ideas, challenging previous methods of thought throughout their college years. Most always, there is a

great deal of parental concern over the direction their children are headed; especially in r e g a r d to their attitudes to the church. Van Heest sees himself as a bridge striving to help students determine what their niche is, both during and after college. He has an all-embracing attitude toward people, tailoring discussion and direction to the uniqueness of each individual. Some may be struggling to solidify their personal relationship with Christ, some may be challenging the Church's role in modern society and still others may be groping to find sincere Christians in an age where selfism seems to permeate motivation and purpose. " I am a firm believer in the Church and what is c a p a b l e of being accomplished through its people," said Van Heest. A most welcome addition to Hope College, extremely genuine in his kindness and w a r m t h . C h a p l a i n Van Heest is truly a "presence."

Larry Davidson Roy Davis Evan Dawdy Joy DÂŤan Nancy DeBliek Noreen Decker Robert Decker

11 '

Doug Deuitch Sue DeVree Chris DeVries Suzanne DeVries David DeWitte William DeWitt Nancy DeWitte




Bonnie DeYoung Tamara Diemar Elizabeth Dodd Kathryn Doepke Robert Donker Lynn Dunkle Steve Eckert

Lon Eding Nancy Edwards Bill Elhart Richard Elliott Kirk Emerson Cindy Etnig Jill Fauble

Ruth Feenstra Leanne Fiet Matthew Fike Debbie Fild Linda Flanagan Freric Flokstra Lynn Forth

Dave Fortney Pam Fortuin Jody Foy Susan Franks Donna Fry Barb Funckes Matthew Gaffney

Benta Galland Jim Gait Eva Gaumond Tom Gay Todd Geerlings Kelly Gerber Susan Geurkink

Lisa Gidday Gary Gilletto Kim Gnade Amy Gorguze Steve Goshorn Mary Ellen Graney Dan Gundersen

Debbie Gysbers Jan Hahn Helen Hall Andy Hamre Geoff Hanson Lora Hanson David Hart

Cathy Harter Ann Harney M. Fitch Hasbrouck Karen Heikema Larry Helder Tom Helmus Warren Henry

Phillip Herendeen Paul Hilbin Bill Hoekstra Maria Hoffman Susan Hoffman Tom Hop Jamie Huggins





Yah? A f t e r the last l o f t p o s t has b e e n s t a s h e d in t h e K o l l e n H a l l s t o r a g e r o o m , a f t e r t h e last m e a l has b e e n crossed off your I.D., after the key has been turned in and $5 more dollars sit in your pocket, the town starts to come to life. All of those thousands of tulip bulbs lying latent throughout the winter break through with all of the psychodelic colors of a Holland spring; Tulip Time is here. Tulips are not the only arrivals in M a y . Each year, well over a quarter of a million tourists visit Holland for the Tulip Time parade of bands. 1979 was different only in intensity as it was the 50th anniversary of the event. Since the average Hope student is in the loving arms of his or her family long b e f o r e this p h e n o m e n a l s c e n a r i o u n f o l d s . M i l e s t o n e p h o t o e d i t o r Jim Weener has provided a look at this tourist population's fascination with the tulip, and the festival that surrounds it.





Tamara Hughes Arnold Hull Teresa Hurford Mary-Lou Ireland Patrick Jakeway Jill Jalving Carol Janke



Claire Jelensperger Elsie Jerz Abby Jewett Doug Johnson Kim Johnson Deb Kalee Charlie Kandah

Rita Kaufman Tom Kempker Karon Kennedy Matt Ketterer Stephanie Klahr Gretchen Kleis Christine Knapp

Melissa Knopf Harvey Koedyker Peter Koeppe Lori Kortering Kathy Kozelko Kevin Kraay Jeffrey Krehbiel

Cathy Krueger Kim Kuiper Susan Kuipers Deb Kunzi Lauren Lambie Paul Lange Amy Lauver

Joseph Lawrence Kathy Lawrence Linda Leeds Linda Leighton Linda Leslie Bryan Linguist Robert Link

Ronna Lohman Wendy Looker John Lovely Frankie Lowman Jon Lunderberg Nancy McArthur Cory Mackwood III

Cindy Madsen Pam Maier Suzanne Marceny Joel Martinus Pam Matheson Collen May Carol Mayer

Mike Mccarley Tim McGee Sharon Mckee Ron Mckey Mary Measel Penny Meints Paul Miedema

Patricia Miknis Michelle Miller Paula Miller Grant Miner Heather Molnar Lois Monaghan Mae Monroe




L 4

Kelly Montgomery Brett Mook Nancy Moore Theresa Morency Jane Morey Dean Morier David Morrow

Karline Muir Mary Muyskens Bruce Neeley Kay Neevel Matt Nell Keith Nelson Paula Nelson

Nancy Nordstrom Mark Northuis Karen O'Brian Mary Ann Oltman Sheryl Oomkes Richard Osterhout Susan Overway

Tricia Paarlberg Deanna Palladina Mark Panning Randy Parker David Pater Mark Pearson Teresa Penhorwood

Carol Peterson Annette Piethe Michael Porte Erik Preville John Price Amy Purvis Powell Quiring

Richard Reece Raymond Reimink Julie Reinhardt Teresa Renaud Sue Rezelman David Rhem Sue Richardson

Brian Rideout Louis Riefkohl Alice Robertson Kelly Rollins Lisa Roth Carol Ryskamp Jane Sanderson

Lorrie Sanderson Maria Santefort Scott Savage Paul Searlse Beth Schilling Tim Schipper Beth Schippers

Nancy Scholten Mark Schner Kristin Schumack Kathy Scott Kimberly Seitz Jan Siems Jim Sims III



Jean Sjoerdsma Jayne Sloan Rick Smallegan Albert Smith Maureen Smith Sandra Smith Kenneth Snead

Tamara Snyder Tom Snyder Mary Soeter John Spaniolo Betsey Spayde Jeffrey Spencer Laura Spieldenner

Jackie Staup Mark Stevens Edward Stinson Patricia Storrs Rachelle Sturrus Yasunobu Suginaka Cathy Surridge

# '.V* •

Dennis Swanson Nancy Tait Jill Tanns Zahra Tavakoni Jane Terpstra Gwyn Thomas Mark Thompson

Sally Tien Kim Tyler Bryan Uecher Sara VanAnrooy Joy VanBeveron Ann Vander Bourgh Jim VanderLaan

Pat VanderMeulen Dean VanderMey Ruth Ann Vander Weide Jim VandeWaa Fred VanDyke Chris VanEyl Mark VanGessel

Mark VanHaaften Jeff VanHoeven Marilyn VanHout John Vanlwaarden Tom VanMouwerik Robert VanEck Scott VanVerst

John Vassallo Cheryl Veldman Jon Veldman Julie VerBeek Chris Vinstra Linn Visscher John VonEhr

Paul Voorhorst Jim Vos Mary Vosteen Jeff Vredeveld Norene Walters Macheele Walwood Judy Wansor



y:::::::::::. v • V.;: • •.... • •. .Y

:: V&

Campus Cosmetics Getting underway in the spring of 1 9 7 9 and scheduled for completion before the ' 7 9 - 8 0 academic year, the Hope College Board of Trustees authorized construction projects designed to expand the main dining room in Phelps Hall a n d renovate the Van Vleck residence hall. Unfortunately, snags were encountered in both projects delaying the Phelps' expansion completion over 16 weeks and the Van Vleck residence completion about 2 months. The Phelps Hall project was estimated to cost $1 million but the most favorable bid received was f o r close to $ 1 , 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 . Van Vleck residence hall, the oldest building on campus, cost over 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 to renovate. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 dollars came f r o m members of the W o m e n ' s League for Hope College. President G o r o n V a n W y l e n noted that the Phelps Hall project is of vital importance because of the College's residential nature; m o r e t h a n 1 , 5 0 0 students t a k e their meals on campus. The College's enrollment has increased fifty percent since the present Phelps dining room was constructed in 1 9 6 0 . The enlarged dining room will increase seating

capacity f r o m 3 5 0 to 6 7 5 . The design r e d u c e s s e r v i n g lines a n d c r e a t e s a n atmosphere conducive to more leisurely meals. The room will have four separate dining areas and can be a d a p t e d to permit the entire area to be used for banquets. The overall design of the dining room is important. According to Dr. Van W y l e n , " W e are trying to promote an environment where proper dining etiquette can be observed and appropriate table manners developed in a relaxed setting." Van Vleck was built in 1 8 5 7 to house the H o l l a n d A c a d e m y , a p r e p a r a t o r y school which was the forerunner of Hope. Van Vleck was designated an historical site by the State of Michigan in 1 9 7 6 . The College's architect, in collaboration with design consultants from the Herman Miller Company of Zeeland, Mich., have developed reconstruction plans to bring the building as close as possible to its original design. " W e believe it is important to preserve Hope's heritage and Van Vleck Hall offers a unique opportunity to d o s o , " said Van Wylen.

Fred Ward Tara Warren Janet Watson Deborah Webster Kathy Wedemeyer Barbara Weeden John Weiss

.iiint Frea Westerveld Randy Wheeler John Whims Peter White Sue Wierenga Debbie Williams Susan Williams



Joan Wllterdlnk Chuck Winter George Wlszynskl Dale Wolfe John Zendler ToddZylstra



Aardema. Chuck; 145,198 Aardema. William; 176 Aaron. Kathy; 214 Aartila. Dave; 75 Abe. John. 79.150, 176 Academics; 104-39 Ackerman. Beth; 176 Ackerman, Brad; 7 9 . 1 4 3 , 1 5 1 Acn, Robert C ; 176 Adcock, Sharon; 117.176 Administration; 164 /yjolph. Ryan, 133.159, 176 At man. Greg: 65. 63 Aggen. Dale; 214 Agnew. William; 198 Aidala. Samuel. 85,147. 198 Akker. Brian; 176 Allen. Barbara, 148, 198 Allen, Jeff; 65 Allen. Mary Beth. 70. 176 Allie. Susan, 97, 206 Alpha Gamma Phi; 144 Alpha Phi Omega; 161 Amels, Clifford; 177 Anchor. 157 Anderson. William; 102,130.198 Anderson. William, 164 Anderson, Craig; 81. 150 Anderson. Kathy, 130.177, 201 Anderson. Lori; 109. 198 Andrews, Doug; 75. 9 8 . 1 5 0 Angle, Bob; 88. 147 Angle, Steve; 67. 147.206 Anker. Paul; 147. 177 Anthony. Thomas; 68 Arcadian; 145 Archery; 90-1 Arenshorst, Jane. 148 Arneson, Barb. 148 Arnold. Gordon, 98, 206 Arnold. Laurie; 214 Arnold. Rodney; 75. 79, 98 Arnoldmk. Carol; 153.198 Arnoldink. Jayne. 206 Arnoudse. Peter. 35,109, 198 art; 122 arts and humanities; 120 Arwe, Susan; 206 Asano. Katsuhiro, 159,180 Aspey, Brad; 27 Athey. LuAnn. 177 Ausema, Jim; 177 Austin. Rodney. 83. 88. 198

b Babmec. Karen; 198 Babinske. Duane; 177 Bailey, Audrey; 206 Bailey. Vicki. 198 Baird, Deb; 206 Bajema, Mark; 214 Bakale, Roger; 109 Baker, Amy; 125,198 Baker. Linda; 109, 153. 198 Baker. Robert. 130.131, 150. 177 Bakker, Howard, 165 Barney. Pamela; 87. 214 Barr, Diane; 144, 198 Barrington. John; 198 Baseball; 88-9 Basler, Douglas; 214 Basketball (men); 82-3 Basketball (women); 86-7 Bast. Bob, 150 Bast, Cathy; 153. 214 Batdorff, Don, 75, 207 Bauer. Brian; 130 Baumgartner, George; 198 Baxter, Roberta; 161.207 Bayer. Tom; 145, 214 Beach, Les: 165 Beam, Earl. 145.207 Bearss. Kan; 198 Bechtel. Carol. 125,130. 207 Bechtel, Ron; 214 Beck, Kathy; 207 Beck, Keith. 177 Beck, Mary; 214 Becker. Elizabeth. 144, 177 Beckerink. Rod; 214 Beckman. Jeff. 88. 147 Becksford. Gloria; 87 Beckus. Bob; 214 Bedi, Vivek; 214 Bedell. Alan; 165 Beerboom. Kurt. 64. 65.177 Bekius, Greg; 74, 75. 147, 207 Bekkenng. Ken, 112, 198


Bell, Albert. 125. 166 Bell. Charles; 131 Benes. Elizabeth. 177 Bengtson. Britt; 207 Bennett. Kris; 148. 198 Bere. Bruce; 151 Bere. Debbie; 153, 214 Berens, Faye. 8 7 , 9 7 Berens, Robin; 214 Berger. Sally; 143. 148, 198 Bergy. Gail; 214 Berry, Kurt; 75 Bethards, Leslie. 81.153. 214 Beuker. Melissa; 214, 93 Beuker. John; 145 Beyer. Diana; 130. 207 Bian. Lana; 159, 214 Bian. Nanette; 177 Bice. Betty, 128.130, 131 Bierbaum. Karl; 68. 9 8 . 1 4 7 . 1 9 8 Bigelow, Bryan. 158.214 biology; 107 Birner, Andy. 146 Bischoff, Beth; 81. 153, 198 Bishop. Bruce; 207 Black. Cindy; 214 Blair, Deborah; 144, 207 Blankespoor, Harvey. 166 Blauw. Ellen; 177 Blemly. Jayne; 85.109, 177 Blodee, Joanne; 207 Blodgett. Sandy; 1 2 8 , 1 3 0 . 1 3 1 . 1 9 8 Bloemendaal. Amy; 214 Blum, Pat; 166 Blystone, Mike; 207 Bocks. Elizabeth; 36,177 Bodzick. Monica; 70. 7 1 . 9 7 . 1 4 4 , 198 Boelkins, Leigh; 130,198 Boelkins. Mark; 21, 36.95, 119, 130, 145, 177 Boer, Larry; 130. 207 Boengter, James; 150. 214 Boers. Sally; 147, 198 Boersma. Paul. 95. 145, 214 Boeve, Bob, 36,177 Boeve. Jeff; 75. 207 Boeve, Kelly; 145, 214 Boever, Sue; 207 Boggs. Brad; 81. 214 Bolema. Ted; 159. 214 Bolhous, Rod; 198 Bolhouse. Shirley; 3 6 . 1 3 3 , 1 7 7 Bolman, Patti; 214 Bolthouse, Pat; 87 Boluyt, Ann; 87. 152, 198 Bonem, Renae; 166 Bonga, Pat; 148, 177 Booher, Kathryn; 198 Boon. Cristine; 144. 177 Bos, Bob; 198 Bos. Bruce; 178 Bos. Gayle; 119,178 Bosch, Paul; 145,159,214 Bosch, Rick; 109, 178 Bose, Julie; 153 Bost, Robin; 198 Botkin, Mary; 153,207 Boullon, Wayne: 166 Bouma, Celame; 130,160,178 Boundy, David; 111,112.178 Boundy. Mark, 214 Bourn. Karen; 112. 214 Boven. Lou; 79 Boven. Peter; 143,150. 178 Bowers. Philip. 147. 207 Bowman. Kelly, 145.198 Boyce. Mayrie E ; 178 Brady, Allen, 166 Brandsma. Dan; 118. 214 Braschler. Dave, 75, 207 Braschler, Doug; 75,147, 214 Bratschie, Steve; 75, 150,198 Brauning. Chris; 8 5 . 1 4 7 . 2 0 7 Bredeweg, Scott. 149 Breederland, Dave; 214 Breher. Karey; 207 Brethower, Deanne; 180,198 Breuninger, Cindy. 178 Brewer, Brett; 112, 145, 207 Brewer, Gordon. 98, 166 Brewer. Scott; 149, 207 Brink, Irwin; 166 Brink. Ruth, 214 Brinks, Keith; 145 Brinks, Kurt, 79, 214 Brinks, Mary; 214 Broadbent, John; 150.178 Broersma. Dave. 75 Brondyke. Barb; 148 Brondyke. Ron. 198 Brooks. Brion; 146, 156 Brooks, Chuck; 75, 150 Brookstra, Becky; 153.178 Brouwer, Charla; 109 Brouwer, Dan; 68, 98 Brouwer. Linda. 214

Brouwer. Milt. 178 Brouwer. Sue; 198 Brower. Leah. 178 Brown. Beth. 130. 178 Brown. David. 109. 207 Brown. Kathy; 125 Brown. Bob; 166 Bruggers. Carolyn. 207 Bruininks. Debra; 153. 178 Bruins. Elton: 166 Bruins. Susan; 207 Bruner. Brenda. 150. 207 Brower. Paul; 214 Bruins. David; 198 Buck. Doug; 155. 207 Buckley. Eric. 149 Bute. Lynn; 81. 97. 214 Buhro. Bill; 109,145 Buhro, Dewie; 112, 207 Buikema, Betty; 152, 157, 214 Buikema, Ron; 75 Bultman. Jim. 88. 166 Burbach. VanNess. 118,178 Burchett, Cheryl; 198 Burg, Martin, 198 Burge, Carol Jo, 178 Burgener. Brian; 130,178 Burgess, Bruce; 207 Burke, Cheryl; 76, 77. 178 Burke. Heidi; 87. 118. 214 Burkhart, Sheri; 178 Burley. Michael; 150.178 Burris, Stacy: 109,153,198 Burton. Mary; 130,131.207 Busman. Kurtis; 198 Busman. Paul; 179 Busman, Sandy. 179 Busman, Sheryl. 198 Bussema. Deborah; 148. 198,93 Bussies. Glenn; 65,145, 207 Butcher. Lynn; 133. 179 Button, Kathy; 85. 148. 179 Byl. John; 130. 198 Byl. Larry; 133. 179 Bylsma. Laurie; 207

C Cady. Sarah; 85. 148.207 Cahoon. Keith; 5 3 , 1 3 0 , 1 7 9 Cain, Ed; 75, 88, 214 Caltrider. Bruce; 150. 214 Cameron. Steve; 75. 98.145. 214 Campell, Manlaine; 144,198 Candey, Mark, 75 Canpvell, Chris; 198 Capisciolto, Ken. 6 5 , 1 5 8 Caravella. George; 102 Carlson. Michelle; 118, 207 Carlston, Julie; 160, 179 Carnahan, Sharon; 119, 144 Carr, Tish; 214 Carson, Bill; 214 Carson, Martha; 148,179 Cash, Phyllis; 207 Caudill. Glen; 149.207 Cavino, Chris; 81 Cecil. Robert. 166 Cellura, Carol; 153,159,179 Centurian; 146 Chamberlain, Amy; 198 Chan, David; 130,198 Chandler, Tom; 198 Chapel Choir; 130 Cheerleaders; 84-5 chemistry; 109 Chen. Chun Min. 179. 180 Childs, Cynthia; 214 Chockley. Mark; 119. 123.161.179 Chodos. Julie; 179, 231 Christie. Rosemary; 153. 198 Christian. Catherine; 97. 148, 207 Claerbout. Daven. 155. 198 Claerbout. Linnae; 148. 214 Clark. Debbie. 109.207 Clark. Jane; 198 Clark. Randy: 98, 145, 180 Clason, Randy; 150 Clegg, Jill; 91, 180 Clemence, Dawn; 207 Cline, Robert; 114 Clinkenbeard, Beth; 180 Cochran, Colleen; 180 Cochran, Steve; 133 Coeling, Mike; 207 Coffill, Gretchen. 181 Coffill. Randy; 198 Colegrove. Arthur; 147 Collins. Kevin; 108 communications; 108 Congdon. Doug; 198 Constan. Karen; 214,93 Conti, Michael, 150

Conway, Joan: 167 Cook, Brad; 207 Cook, Bruce; 75, 109 Cook. Judy; 112, 144. 198 Cook. Mark; 6 7 , 1 5 0 Cordes, Jeff; 98. 198 Corretore, Janet; 214 Cortes. Veronica; 150. 214 Cosmopolitan; 147 Cowley. Steve; 112, 207 Cox. Cathy; 181 Cox. Lisa; 153,214 Creviere. John; 167 Crivello, Lori; 153.207 Cronkite. Don; 167 cross country; 68-9 Cuellar, Edna; 31. 8 5 , 1 4 8 current events; 38-41 Curtis, Russell; 27 Czanko, Lou; 199 Czirr, Carl, 214

d Dadd, Steven; 181 Dahlgren, Gordon; 214 Damon, Paul; 75, 98, 207 Daniels. Leslie; 130.199 Daniels. Paul; 27. 130, 181 Daudt, Carl; 118.131 Davenport. Amy; 133 Davenport. Ann; 119, 181 Davenport, Laurel; 153, 207 Davidson. Bill; 118 Davidson. James G.; 109.181 Davidson. Larry. 68. 215 Davis. Lynn. 109. 144.199 Davis. Marxhall; 145 Davis. Roger; 167 Davis. Roy; 215 Dawdy. Evan. 215 Dean. Joy; 215 Dean. William; 207 DeBliek. Nancy; 215 DeBoer. Doug; 181. 231 De Bruyn. Maxine; 85. 167 Decker. Adelia; 117,181 Decker, Gerald, 199 Decker, Jane, 101, 207 Decker, John; 79, 150 Decker. Kristin; 207 Decker. Noreen; 215 Decker. Robert; 215 Deffenbaugh. Dan; 145 DeHaan, John; 181 Deighton, Kevin; 199 DeJong, John; 65.147. 207 DeJonge. Nathaniel; 207 DeJulio. Jim; 64, 65 Dekker, Dan; 199 DeKoekKoek. Gary; 75 Delhagen. Donna; 181 Delhagen. Harold; 181 DeLoof. Steve; 75 Delta Phi; 147 Demaagd, Cheryl; 144,181 DeMaar, Phil; 207 DePree, Hugh; 19 DePree, Tom; 207,151 DeRoos, Brian; 149.199 Derr.S. Krogh;51. 110,167 Dershem. Herbert: 112, 167 DeSousa. Louanne; 153. 181 Deuitch. Doug; 98.146. 215 Devendort. Lynn, 199 DeVette, Liz; 121 DeVette, Russ; 98. 167 DeVlieger, Robert. 181 DeVree. Jeff; 119.130. 181 DeVree. Sue. 215 DeVries. Chris; 215 DeVries. John Jr.; 8. 199 DeVries. Suzanne; 215 DeWitt. Chris; 181 DeWitt. David; 215 DeWitt. Lori; 144. 199 DeWitt. Sarah; 5,153, 207 DeWitt. Scott; 75. 130, 207 DeWitt, William; 215 DeWitte, Dena; 148,199 DeWitte, Nancy; 215, 93 DeWolf, Leigh; 81.181, 148 DeYoung, Bonnie; 148, 216 De Young, Jane; 85.143, 146, 153, 207 DeYoung, Kevin; 145, 199 DeYoung, Paul; 15 DeYoung, Robert; 164 DeYoung; 75, 150 Dickenson, Don; 100 Dickie, Jane. 167 Diemar, Tamara; 101,216 Dieterman. Brenda. 199 Dirkse. Lamont; 167

Dirkse, Nancy; 114, 207 Disher, Michael. 75.109. 207 Dmifre, Anne: 70 Do, Bao, 207 Dodd. Elizabeth. 216 Doepke, Kathryn: 216 Dolley, Henry; 181 Oonker. Robert, 145, 216 Doorenbos, Dirk; 207 D'Orazio, Rob; 199 Dow Dedication; 18-9 Dow. Robert; 109 Down. Scott; 65, 151 Downey. Sidney, 167 Doyle. Michael. 167 Drake. Barb, 133,181 Drake, Patricia, 199 Draper. Paul; 111,119 Drew. Jamie. 67.150 Dreyer. Catherine, 181 Dnesenga, Brian. 75. 207 Dnesenga, Shelley; 85, 148, 182 Droppers, Karl; 75. 145 Droppers. Kurt. 75.145 Drozd, Julie, 144,199 Drum, Staria, 168 Dulmes, Joy, 154,157 182 Dunkle. Lynn; 216 Dunn, Nancy. 109.182 Durband. Nancy. 199 Durband. Randy; 207 Dykema, Joan; 150, 207 Dykema, Marianne, 148, 207 Dykema, William, 182 Dykhuis. Karen, 208 Dykstra, D. Ivan; 131. 137. 138 Dykstra, Doug; 130,182

Earle. Laura; 143,150, 182 Easton, Gayle; 75,102,107. 147 Eberhard, Jeanette; 208 Eckert, Steve. 75 Eckman. Chuck; 149.199 economics and business administration; 114 Edgecomb. Sue, 128, 130, 199 Edgel, Kim. 149.182 Edmg. Lon; 216 education; 36

Edwards. Bonda; 109.117. 161, 182 Edwards, Nancy; 216 Elder, Robed; 133. 168 Eldndge, Mike; 128,130 Elhart. Bill, 216 Elliot, Richard, 216 Emerson, Kirk. 75. 216 Emersonian; 148 Emig, Cindy, 216 Emmet, Timothy; 208 Engelhardt, Michael, 119,133, 182 english; 126 Enms, Mark. 161.199 Ergenzmger, Jan; 147 Erickson, Todd; 208 Eriks. Mark. 119, 145, 182 Essenburg. Jodi, 182 Estler, Rebecca. 199 Events; 12-41

f Faculty; 165-75 Farcas, Rich. 143, 150 Farnsworth. Mark; 27 Fauble. Jill, 216 Features; 42-61 Feder, Dave. 147, 200 Feenstra, Ruth. 216 Felton, Sharon. 200 Ferguson, Bonnie. 182 Fiala, Glenn. 200 Field, Diane; 87, 144 Field, Paul; 208 field hockey; 70-1 Fierro. Andres; 182 Fiet, Leanne, 216.153 Fike. Matthew: 130.131,216 Fild, Debbie; 97. 216 Finn. Donald; 168 Fisher. Harry. 200 Fisk. Bret, 145, 200 Fitzgerald, Eric; 27, 33, 200 Flanagan, Linda; 216 Flanagan, Mary Anne; 144,182 Fletcher, Scott: 151 Flokstra, Frednc. 216 Folkert, David; 200 Folked, Jay. 168 Foot. Gary; 118 football; 72-5



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1 Foreman, Bruce: 109 Foreman. Richard. 147. 182 Forth. Lynn. 144, 216 Fortney. Dave. 216 Fortum. Pam; 153. 216 Fowler. Cindy. 201 Fowler. Marcia, 81 Fox. David. 208 Fox, Lon. 148,208 Foy. Jody; 87,97. 216 France. Wayne, 150 Franks. Susan; 216 Franks. Thomas. 109 Frasch, Lily; 81 Fraternat; 149 Frazza, John. 75. 150 Fredhckson. Phil; 164 Freisatz. Glen. 65 French. James; 150, 182 freshmen; 214 Frey. Pat, 182 Fried. Paul, 180. 168 Fries, Anne. 119, 182 Fnssel. Harry. 168 Fry, Donna; 216 Funckes. Barb. 216 Funckes. Chris; 109. 201


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Gaande. Larry; 153 GaMney, Matthew; 216 Galer. Suzanne, 128.130, 144, 208 Gallagher. Jolene; 208 Galland Benta; 131.216 Gait. Jim, 216

Gamber. Lori, 208 Gaminan. Phyllis: 79 Gan, Gary. 180. 182 Ganley. Delia; 201 Garfield, Carl, 102 Gaumand, Eva: 216 Gay, Tom; 75. 147.216 Gay lord. Pete. 208 Gebhard. Doug. 147. 208 Gebhart, Sue, 70. 87, 182 Geerlings. Todd. 75 Geissow. Greg; 126 Gelpi. Steve. 75, 147 Gentenaar, Robert. 168 Gentile. Robert: 109. 168 geology; 115 George. Richard: 183 Gerber. Debbie; 144. 183 Gerber. Kelly: 216 Gerrie. Michael: 164 Geurkink, Susan; 216 Gibbs. Susan. 153,183 Gibson, John; 66. 67. 183 Gidday, Lisa. 153, 216 Giles. Annette. 201 Gillette. Gary; 216 Gilman, Sally. 148, 183 Giusto. Robert; 201 Glenn, Vicki; 150. 156. 183 Glover. Bob. 158, 183 Gnade. Kim; 216 Godm. Bill, 15.147,208 Goen. Bill. 75 Goetzke. Nan; 183 Goldschmidt, Chris. 123 golf; 66-7 Gonder, Karen. 148, 208 Goorhouse, Jeff; 88 Gorguze, Amy: 153. 216

Hondorp. Jon; 27 Hones. Don; 65.161 Hoogerwert. Karen. 144 Hoopingarner. Kirk; 208 Hoogerwert. Karen. 201 Hoos. David. 147,185 Hop. Tom; 98. 216 Hornecker. Kenneth; 208 Hospers. Mark. 83. 88 Hospers, Paul; 201 Hosta, John; 75. 150. 208 Hosteller. M.; 68 Houghtaling. Dan; 102 Houpt. Jane. 97 Houston. Jeryl; 144. 208 Houtman. Barb. 201 Howanstine. Catherine. 185 Howard. Fred; 149. 208 Howard. Mark. 98. 99.149 Howard. Vicky; 208 Howell. Susan; 201 Hsu. Pek-Ju; 109. 180. 201 Hudson. Todd; 208 Huggins. Jamie; 216 Huggins. Steve; 98, 201 Hughes, Tamara; 217 Huikema. Karen; 150 Huisinkveld, D ; 149 Huisken, Jon; 164 Huizen, Dave; 155 Huizenga. Dan; 27 Hull. Arnold; 217 Hull. Meredith; 152,208 Hulst. Steve; 68. 98 Hunt. Jean, 153. 208 Hurford. Pat; 185 Hurford. Teresa. 150. 217 Hutchins. Gary; 65, 88, 89 Hutchinson. Paul; 146 Huttar. Charles: 169 Huttar, Julia; 131 Hyde, Kris, 109, 153 Hyma, Steve. 208 Hyman. Jenny; 208


Immmk. Gary; 201 Ingham. Barbara; 185 Ingham. Bill. 150. 208 Ireland. Mary-Lou; 217 Irwin. Ann: 87. 97 Isley, Connie. 201 Isreal. Sheryl, 77. 143, 148, 208


Goshorn, Steve. 65. 98, 216 Gould. Craig, 75 graduation; 36-7 Graney, Mary Ellen, 153. 216 Granger. Ronda. 208 Grant, Jim; 208 Gray, Cheryl; 208 Gray. Susan; 183 Green, Lawrence. 75. 63. 95. 168 Greenlee. Marcia; 201 Greij. Eldon: 168 Greiner. Jim. 201 Greulich, Suzanne. 201 Gnesmer. Susan; 208 Griflin, Dennis; 102. 109, 147. 208 Gnllin. Tim. 145.201 Grimm. Deborah, 27. 130 Gnswold. Rodney, 201 Grochowski. Debbie. 85. 150, 183 Groeger. Karl, 208. 151 Groendyk, Craig. 75. 114,201 Grondm. Mary. 91 Grondyk, Roger, 150 Groups; 140 Gruber, Karen. 208 Gumma. R . 109 Gumpper, John, 109. 208 Gundersen, Dan. 216 Gurtler. Greg 183 Gysbers. Debbie. 148. 216

h Halley. Oan, 67 Hatnec, Brenda; 117, 201 Hahn, J a n , 2 t 6

Hahn. Janine; 183 Haight. Ron; 208 Hakken. John; 151 Hall, Arme; 145 Hall. Deb. 130 Hall, Helen. 216 Hamann. Dave; 145. 201 Hamre, Andy. 75. 98. 216 Handel, Karen, 130 Hansen. Geoff; 75. 216 Hanson. James, 102, 103, 201 Hanson, Lora; 87. 148. 216 Harada. Shuji; 185 Harlow. Scott; 147 Harnden. Shelley. 143,144, 201 Harper. George. 75. 79 Harrell. Karyn; 109. 130. 131. 201 Harrington. Jane. 168 Hart. David; 216 Harler. Cathy; 216 Hartger, Kathy; 144 Hartje. Paul; 201 Harlman, John; 75 Hartney. Ann. 97, 144 216 Harvey. Beth, 143. 152.208 Hasbrouck, Fitch, 158. 216 Hascup, Ruth Anne. 130. 201 Hawken. James; 75.98. 201 Hegg. Roy; 149. 201 Heikema. Karen. 216 Heise. Cathy; 144, 185 Helder, Larry, 216 Hellenga. Brenda. 208 Hellstrom. Lauren; 185 Helmus. Ann-Mane, 201 Helmus. Brad, 103 Helmus. Tom, 216 He men way. Stephen. 168 Heneveld. Dan. 75, 145

Henriksen, Melody; 91 Henry. Craig, 147. 208 Henry. Pat; 87 Henry. Warren; 216 Herendeen. Phillip. 216 Hertord. P.; 153 Herpich. Barbara, 70. 208 Herwig. Gordon, 65. 201 Hess. Deborah. 185 Hewitt, Russ; 75 Higgms. Mark T . 185 Highlander. N . 93 Hilbelink. Ann. 130, 131.201 Hilbmk, Paul; 216 Hill. Patty. 144.208 Hill. Randy. 149 Hilldore. Mary; 131. 148.208 Hilliker, Jim, 75 Himelwright, Paul: 169 Hinga, Marvin; 75 history; 134 Hodges, Jeff; 75. 145. 208 Hoeksema. Renze Sr. 169 Hoeksema. Renze. 65 Hoekstra. Bill; 145. 216 Hoekstra. Jim; 109. 130. 145. 201 Hoekstra. John; 185 Hoffman. Laura. 201 Hoffman. Peler, 201 Hoffman. Maria. 216 Hoffman. Susan. 216 Hofstee. Kathy: 130. 131.208 Hoisington. Liz; 208 Holleman. Jantina. 169 Holly. Demetra. 112,201 Holm, Jeff. 208 Holmes. Jack. 169 Holmes. John. 201. 151 / Hoist. Tim; 169

Jackson. Lary; 185 Jakeway. Patrick; 217 Jalving. Jill; 118. 217 Janke, Carol; 217 Japptnga, Norm. 75. 83. 88 Jasperse. Time; 81.145. 208 Jayne. Abby. 27 Jekel. Eugene: 169 Jelensperger. Steven. 185 Jellema. Calvin; 98. 185 Jellema, Dirk. 169 Jellema. Jon; 65 Jellison. Bill. 67.149.201 Jenkins. Sandra, 185 Jennings. Tom; 185 Jenlz. Arthur. 169 Jerez. Elsie; 217 Jewell. Abby. 217 Johnson. Dave. 64. 65 Johnson. Doug. 65. 217 Johnson. Kim.217 Johnson. Marilyn. 208 Johnson. Phil. 208 Johnson. Robert, 208 Johnson, Robin; 208 Johnson, Ted. 130. 131 Johnston, Bruce. 164 Jones. Carol. 208 Jolivetle. Peter 169 Jonker, Margo. 77 Jordan. Pam. 118. 201 Joseph, Chris. 75. 150 Jul. Erik. 125 juniors; 198 Jurgensen, Dave, 8, 185


Kadow. John; 109, 201 Kaiadsheh, Dia. 180 Kalee, Deb; 217 Kallemyn, Sue; 148, 185 Kammeraad. David; 185 Kammeraad. Pam; 185 Kane. Alice, 153, 159. 185 Kanitz, Lon. 144, 208 Kappa Delta Chi; 150 Karachy, Carmel. 208 Karsten. Anne. 148. 208 Kasmersky. Nancy; 186 Kasten. Tim; 145 Kasten, Tom. 145, 201 Kaufman, Rita; 217 Kawabata, Kiyolaka; 180, 186 Keast, Cathy: 112, 153. 208 Kealon, Tom. 102, 147 Keefer. Kathy, 4 Keizer, Thomas B . 131. 201 Kelley, Sandy. 186 Kellom. Dons; 201 Kempker. Tom, 217 Kennedy. Karen; 217 Kerle. Nancy; 130, 201 Kessel, James. 109. 201 Ketterer, Matt, 217 Kiernan. Richard. 208 King, Heather; 186 Kinney. Timothy. 201.161 Kirkey. Laura; 208 Kitamura. Alan; 118. 147.208 Kitchens, Gwen. 208 Klahr. Stephanie. 217 Kleis. Gretchen; 217 Klem. Stephen. 109, 186 Klomparens. Jan; 85. 148, 208 Klungle, Constance; 152, 201 Klyn. Ron; 75 Knapp, Chnstiane. 217 Knecht, Elizabeth; 148, 186 Knickerbocker; 151 Kmgge. Christian; 201 Knoll, Paul; 121, 180,186 Knopf. Melissa; 68.93. 217 Knutsen, Cornelius. 208. 161 Kocher, Donna, 186 Koedyker. Harvey; 217 Koeppe. Barbara; 93, 148, 201. 93 Koeppe. Peter 131, 217 Kolean, Dan; 186 Komejan. Kent. 208 Kooiker. Anthony. 169 Kooiker, Rick; 209 Koop, Kris, 148, 209 Koopman. Douglas. 75, 111, 186 Koops, Kathy: 209 Kornoelje, Sheryl; 150.156. 186 Kortenng. Larry; 68. 145, 209 Kortenng, Lon; 217 Kortenng. Sally. 209 Korver, Keith; 209 Kozelko, Kathy; 101, 217 Kraay. Kevin, 145, 207 Kraft, George. 75. 78. 79, 169 Kragt. Beth. 186 Kramer, Judy. 209 Krapf, Cathy, 97. 201 Krehbiel. Jeffrey; 217 Kremers. Lauri; 186 Kronquist, Lisa. 209 Kropf, Nancy: 209 Krueger. Cathy, 24. 218 Kuhrt, Richard, 209 Kuiken. Peter; 145, 201 Kuiper, Kim; 148, 218 Kuipers. Don. 68 Kuipers. Susan. 218 Kuntz. George. 155. 209 Kunzi, Deb, 144,218 Kurt. Rich; 180 Kurtze. Arthur; 84, 85. 186


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lacrosse; 102-3 Lafountam, Louis; 201 Laman. Mark, 102. 209, 147 Lambie, Lauren, 130. 131. 218 Lampman. Nancy. 91, 146, 186 Lange. Paul. 218 Langejans, Bill; 147. 209 Langejans, Tom; 35. 128. 130. 131, 186 Lamng. Pat, 144, 209 Lannmg. Judy; 209 Lannk Phil. 130, 186 LaPr^s. Mike. 75,116, 150 Latham, Beth; 209 Latimer, Elizabeth, 209 Lauver. Amy, 148. 218 Lawrence. Janet; 77. 148, 201 Lawrence, Joseph; 218 Lawrence. Kathy, 87. 97, 148, 218

Lawson. Bill; 27 Leak. Brian. 75, 102. 103 Learned. Carol; 186 Leaske, K ; 93 Lee. Andrew. 130. 131 Lee, Cynthia. 186 Lee. Sang; 170 Leeds. Linda, 218 Leenhouts, Dave: 159, 186 LeFevre. Steve. 118, 147, 209 Lefferts. Pete, 100.158 Lefley, Tim; 75 Lehman. Jennifer. 201 Leighton. Linda, 218 Leisten. Ross; 209 Leland. Burt; 109. 209 Leland. Harvey: 112.170 Lema. Lois. 70. 201 Leon hard, Mark, 67 Leanhard. William: 187 Leslie. Linda. 81,152. 218 Leventhal. Thomas; 209 Lever. James. 150 Lewis, David; 119,187 Lievense. Barbara, 187 Liggett. Jenny. 130,148. 207 Lindell, Jay: 209 Lindquist, Bryan, 218 Link. Debra; 161.201 Link. Robert: 218 Linn. Laura; 150,187 Liu. Marlene; 201 Loch. Gordon. 201 Loftgren, Eric. 65 Lohman. Randall; 187 Lohman, Ronna; 218 Lokers. Scotl. 67 Lokker, Wendy. 218 Long, Barb; 187 Lont.Tim.9,187, 75.150 Lootens, Janet; 209 Lorenz, Steve, 88 Lorince, Margaret, 187 Loudermilk. Henry; 75, 201 Lough, Alan; 201 Lound, Diane, 187 Lovely. John; 75. 218 Lowe, Kathy; 112,209 Lowman, Frankie; 218 Ludwig. Thomas. 117. 170 Luidens. Don: 180. 170 Lundeen, Jams. 130. 148, 201 Lunderberg, Jon, 75, 98. 218 Lundie. Greg. 187 Lupkes, Rich; 147 Luther. Glen. 68. 98, 145,201

Maas. Steve: 133, 209 Maatman. Laura; 202 MacArthur, Nancy; 218 Macartney. Ian; 209,151 MacDomels, Joseph. 170 MacKeller, Cindy; 209 MacKinnon. John; 202 Mackwood. Cory; 218 Madden, Thomas; 147. 209 Madsen, Cindy; 218 Magee, Tom; 145 Maier, Pam, 218 Mainwaring. Michele. 118. 187 Malewitz, Debbie; 210 Malkewitz, Kevin, 88 Malmquist, Karen; 202 Malone, Geneva; 109, 202 Malone, Marc; 109. 145, 210 Malone. Patrick; 65. 202 Manahan. Sally; 152,187 Manai, Issa; 180 Mancmelli. Diane, 188 Mand, Jocelyn; 75 Mannmo. Larry; 125, 188 Marcelletti. Nicholas; 118 Marceny. Suzanne; 150. 218 Marianm, Kevin, 150, 202 Marker. David; 164 Markert, Gary, 75 Markle, Jim; 210 Markusse, Susan; 153. 159,210 Marhn. Michael; 5. 35 Marshall, Greg; 149 Martin, Michelle; 202 Martinez. Kristina; 121, 180.188 Martmus. Joel, 98, 99, 145, 218 Martle. Susan; 130. 150. 210 Marvin, Susan; 202 Masghati, Mastaneh, 180, 210 Massimiano, Rocco; 147 math; 110 Matheson, Pamela; 153. 144. 218 Matthews. Rodney: 130. 131.210 Matthews. Valerie. 210


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Maxwell. Lynne; 202 May, Colleen; 218 May Day; 34-5 Mayer. Carol; 218 Mayer. William; 4 7 McCall. Carolyn; 188 Mccarley. Mike; 145, 218 McCarthy. Mary: 170 McClure, Snady; 210 Mccredie, Sue; 210 McCullough, Paul; 202 McCullough. Steve; 119. 188 McElheny. James; 202 McFaden, Michael; 27.188 McGee. Tim; 218 Mcintosh, Larry. 188 Mclntyre. J a c k D ; 188 McKay. Rebecca; 189 Mckee, Sharon; 131,218 Mckey, Ron; 95. 145. 218 McKinney, David. 210 McLain, Kelly. 153.189 McMahon, Gerard. 112, 202 McMahon. Laura; 202 McMillen. Jon; 149 McMurray, Kirk; 210 McNally, Matthew; 98. 189 Measel. Mary. 153. 218 Medema, Lon; 152, 189 Medendorp. Altred. 150 Meeuwsen. Debra; 144. 202 Meints, Penny; 218 Merrow. Clifton; 109.189 Mewherter. Rebecca. 202 Meyers. Carol; 180 Meyers. Demse. 148 Michel. Delbert; 170 Michalski. Diane; 97 Middleton. Kim, 9 7 , 1 3 6 , 2 1 0 Miedema. Paul. 218 Mikms. Carol; 87. 218 Millard. Vicki; 202 Millen, Brad. 145. 202 Miller, Michelle. 218 Miller, Mimi. 189 Miller, Nancy. 170 Miller. Paula, 218 Miller. Sue. 153,210 Miner, Ann, 189 Miner, Grant, 145, 218 Miskotten. Melame; 111, 202 Mitsos, Robin. 90. 91, 189 M.O.C.P.; 160 Moermond. Linda; 144 Moger, George 68. 69 Mohrlock. Carol. 202 Molenaar. Dan. 75. 88 Molenaar. Ron. 109. 145 Molenhouse, Bob. 210 Molnar, Heather; 218 Monaghan. Lois. 218

Monroe, Mae. 218 Montanari, Mane, 36. 161, 189 Montanari, Phyllis; 91. 128. 161,210 Montgomery, Kelly; 219 Mooi, Kim; 144 Mook, Brett; 219 Moolenaar. Ron; 210 Moore, Jeanne; 153, 202 Moore. Nancy. 148. 219 Moore, Terry; 172 Moored, Ann; 148, 202 Moored, Dave; 81, 150 Mooy. Susan; 170 Morency, Theresa, 219 Morey. Jane; 148, 219 Morford, Craig; 147, 210 Moner, Dean; 161, 219 Morikawa, Judy; 210 Morrison, Joyce: 7 70 Morrow, David; 219 Morrow, Nola. 210 Morton. Doug; 150, 202 Mo tiff, James; 108. 170 Motz, Dave; 155, 202 Mowat, Rick; 67 Mueller, Gudrun; 121, ' 80,159 Muiderman, Anthony, 114. 170 Muir, Karhne; 219 Muieni, Noreen. 189 Mulder, Anne; 87. 130. 131, 202 Mulder. Barb; 202 Mulder. Ron; 171 Mungall. William. 171 Munger, Jim, 149. 210 Murray, Alan. 211 Muyskens. Lora; 211 Muyskens. Mary, 219 Muyskens. Steve; 202 Myers. David; 171 Myers. Isaac; 15, 145, 189

Nagy. Kim. 128, 130 Nattress. Karen; 211 natural and social sciences; 106 Nearpass, Nancy. 202 Nearpass, Steve. 157, 202 Nedervelt. Cathy, 211 Nedervelt. Paul. 75.149. 202 Neeley. Bruce. 219 Neevel. Kay. 152.219 Neevel, Richard B , 189 Neil, Matt; 219 Nehs. Pat; 211 Nelson. Keith. 75.219 Nelson, Paula; 219 Nevlezer, Lon. 211 Nguyen, Due; 180. 202

Nguyen. Thuy, 180 Nicholson. Cliff; 98. 99 Neil. Mark; 98 Nielson. Diane, 211 Nielson. Jennifer; 202 Nieuwkoop, Dave; 211 Nihart. Jill; 6. 21. 148. 189 Niles. Thomas, 150 Nivala. Ronm; 143. 153. 202 Noordhoff. Samuel; 202 Noort. Diane. 211 Nora, Paul; 108. 109 Norden. Sarah; 9 7 , 1 3 0 Nordstrom. John: 164 Nordstrom. Linda, 189 Nordstrom, Nancy. 219 Norg. Bradley. 189 Norman. Cheryl; 211 Norman. Kathleen. 189 Norns. Michail; 124. 156. 202 Northuis. Mark, 68. 69, 98, 145, 219 Northuis. 68, 69. 145. 202 Nunez. Pam, 144, 202 Nutter. Paula, 153 Nydam, Nancy, 202 Nyenhuis, Karen. 202 Nyenhuis. Jacob, 125, 165 Nyenhuis. Kathy; 202 Nyenhuis, Mike. 75 150.^02 Nykamp. Ross. 75. 88. 202 Nykerk. 22-5

O'Brian. Karen. 150. 219 Okker. Karen. 152, 189 Olbrich. Gail; 144,202 Olsen, Sonja. 189 Oltman, Mary Ann. 219 Ongley. Mark; 68, 189 Oomkes. Sheryl; 219 OPUS; 156 Osbeck. Bruce. 130, 202 Osterhout. Richard; 219 Osterman. Kim; 117, 148 O'Sulhvan. Pat, 16. 114 Oswald. David; 189 Otting, Joel. 211 Overway. Bonnie. 202 Over way. Roxanne; 150. 211 Overway. Susan. 219


Paarlberg. Tncia. 219 Paganelli. Perry. 75. 88, 202 Paine. Marilyn 153. 159. 190 Palladino, Danna. 118. 219 Raima. Robert. 171

Q. (D X Index


Panning. Mark; 219 Papageorge. Mary; 190 Parish. Lenora; 44. 190, 231 Parker. Jennifer; 119,190 Parker. Jon; 211 Parker. Randy; 75.102, 219 Parker. Sandra; 77,93. 171 Parry. Evelyn; 211 Paske. Rick; 109. 119,190 Pater, David; 219 Patnott. Jim; 81, 171 Patrie, William; 119,190,109 Patter, Pamela; 202 Patterson, Al; 145,190 Patterson, Bill; 202 Pauker. Linda; 152 Paul. John; 15.147 Peachey. John; 6 5 . 1 5 6 . 1 5 8 , 202 Peachey. Steve; 6. 2 1 , 1 5 8 . 2 0 2 Pearse. Sharon. 190 Pearson. Mark; 145. 219 Peck. Penelope; 190 Pedelty. Greg; 117, 146, 202 Peery. Deborah; 109. 202 Pell, Barbara; 130,131, 202 Penhorwood. Teresa; 219 Penrose. Larry; 171 Penzien. Don; 117 Perez. Julia; 190 Perkins. Rick, 211 Peters. Jay; 118 Peterson, Betty; 130 Peterson. Carol; 219 Peterson. Doug. 67 Peterson. Ericka, 4 7 . 1 9 0 Peterson. Richard; 171 Peterson. Scot; 190 Petiet, Jack; 109, 202 Petriedes. Cynthia; 152. 211 Petroelje. Cindy; 111.119. 190 Petty. Karen; 148. 211 philotophy; 131

i s


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physical education; 116 physics; 113 Piatt. Nancy. 211 Picard. Tom. 130, 211 Picha. Katrina, 130. 202 Piers. James; 171 Pierson. Tom. 98, 190.151 Piethe, Annette. 219 Pino. Oresfes, 171 political science; 133 Poll. Randy; 88 Pollnow. Peter: 146 Pool. Jeffrey. 211 Poppen. Jan. 128.130.190 Poppen, Moira, 121.180, 202 Porle. Michael. 145, 219 Portraits; 162 Potter. Bruce; 65 Potter, Ken; 190 Potter, Vivian. 202 Powe, Anne. 202 Powell. Charles. 180. 171 Powell, Ken; 159.180 Powers. Carol; 190 Prediger, Steve. 75.111. 160. 190 Press. Laura. 130.131,211 Preville. Erik. 219 Price, John. 219 Priehpp. Byron. 79, 211 Prince. Lori; 144 Prins. Albert, 171 Pnns. Robin; 93. 211 Proos, Kim. 148. 190 Proos, Tern; 148. 158,211 psychology; 130 The Pull; 14-7 Pulver. Pat; 190 Pun. Dai Dee; 109 Purvis. Amy. 219 Puschel. Karen; 211 Pyle. Ruth. 114. 211

q Quay. Bruce; 75, 202 Quiring. Powell; 95. 219

Raak. Melissa. 211 Racosky. Pam, 191 Radike. Sheryl; 191 Ralph. George: 27, 172 Ramaccia, Luanne, 153, 202 Ranville, Paul. 211 Ras. Bonnie; 143,152. 191 Rathbun. Amy; 202 Rathbun. Raymond. 211 Rector. Lora, 211 Reece, Richard; 219 Reed. Douglas. 191 Reid, Barbara. 202 Reimmk, Ray; 219 Reimmk, Roger, 88 Reimink. Ron; 109, 202 Remecke. Mary; 153 Remhardt. Julie; 219 Remkmg, Robert: 116. 172 religion; 124 Renoud, Teresa. 159, 219 Reschke, Keith; 143,145, 202 Rewitzer, Jeff; 149 Rexilius. Jim. 75 Reynolds, Jean; 153,191 Reynolds, William. 172 Rezelman, Ann Mane; 191 Rezelman. Sue. 152. 219 Rhem, David; 219 Rice. Marianne; 144, 203

Rice. Scott; 75. 150 Richardson. Barrie. 114. 172 Richardson. Sue; 219 Rideout, Brian; 98. 219 Ridl, Jack: 172 Rieck, Norman: 172 Riefkohl, Louis; 17. 219 Rietberg. Connie. 53. 87, 97. 130. 148, 203 Rietberg. Roger: 173 Rigtennk,Tom, 111. 119.191 Rink, Dan; 75 Rink. Pete; 75.88.211 Ripperda. Pamela. 191 Ritchie, Nancy; 128.130. 211 Ritsema. Robed. 16. 173 Ritter, Karry; 191 Roads. Laurel; 148.191 Roberts, Dale; 109,191 Roberts, Fred, 114,158.211 Roberts, Nancy; 77. 203 Roberts, Anthony. 83 Robertson. Alice; 219 Robinson, 0izabeth; 152 Robison, Frank III; 191 Roelofs. Roger; 130, 211 Rogoski. Lisa; 203 Rollins, Kelly; 75.147. 219 Roos, Robert; 211 Roth. Lisa. 219 Rozeboom. Sharon. 203 Rosen. Todd; 192 Rosso. Sarah; 109.192 Ruch. Doug; 21.94. 95 Rudd. Tim; 203 Russcher, Joel; 130.147. 211 Ryskamp, Carol; 9 1 . 2 1 9



S.A.C.; 158 Sadler. Diane; 211 Sa)ewski. Stan; 27 Sakaue. Yumiko. 180, 192 Salmon, Duane; 211 Sampson. Linda; 144. 211 Sanderson, Jane; 159. 219 Sanderson. Lorrie. 219 Santefort. Jane. 143,150. 192 Santefort. Marcia. 219 Saunders. Jeff; 192 Savage. Scott. 65. 145, 219 Sayer, Steve. 65.98. 211 Scarles. Paul, 219 Schaap. Tom. 203 Schabel, Bill; 204 Schack, Lynne. 130 Schackow. Carl; 173 Schackow. David. 211 Schaefer. Eric. 149. 204 Schakel. Peter, 173 Scheer, Peter; 106, 192 Schewe. Ken; 81.150. 211 Schilling. Beth; 219 Schipper. Jim; 67 Schipper. Tim; 219 Schipper. Vern; 164 Schippers. Beth; 219 Schlosser. Barbara; 192 Schlott. Richard; 211 Schmidt. Jon; 149. 159, 211 Schmidt. Pamela. 144, 211 Schmidt, Warren; 192 Scholte, Linda; 8. 143. 144 Scholten. Nancy; 81, 153. 219 Schner. Mark. 95. 219 Schroeder. Cindy. 211 Schrotenboer. Loren; 83 Schubert, Jack; 51. 106. 110. 173 Schuilmg. Tamara; 77, 193 Schultz. Kathenne; 77. 180 Schultz. Robert. 27. 32 Schumack. Kristin; 219 Schut. Ronald. 53.130.145. 211 Schutt. Rick; 75 Schuurmans, Sue, 204 Scott, Duncan. 204 Scott, Kathy; 148, 219 Scott. Steve; 15,193 Searles. Antoma. 121. 173 Seitz. Kevin. 82. 83 Seitz, Kimberly; 93. 219 Sellers. Tern; 204 Sells. Debra; 143. 152. 211 Sells, Nancy. 144. 193 Semeyn. Pete; 160. 173 seniors; 176 Sentiff, Anne, 204 Seyfred, Mark. 109. 193 Seymour, Michael. 173 Sharp, Stuart, 173 Sharp. Sue; 117. 148.204 Sharpe, Richard; 193 Shaughnessy. John; 173 Sheldon. Cheryl; 211 Shepard, Tim; 118, 204 Sherburne. Frank, 173 Shields, Michail. 147,211 Shiflett, Kathy; 144,204 Shimizu, Naohiko; 180, 193 Shimmin, Janet. 157 Shippy. Donald; 193 Shoemaker, Bob, 65, 211 Shoemaker. Jeff. 211 Shiemaker, Jim; 68. 69. 98 Shrier. Mark; 147 Siems, Jan; 161, 219 Sievert. Lori. 211 Sigma lota Beta; 152 Sigma Sigma; 153 Sikkema. Milton; 65. 204 Simpson. Ann. 193. 231 Simpson. Christine. 211 Sims, Jim; 219 Sivertson. Eric; 211 Sjoerdsma. Jean; 220 Skaio, Ralph; 204 Skinner. Elizabeth. 193 Sloan. Jayne; 148. 220 Sluggett. Jeff; 114,211 Smallegan. Rick; 220 Smant, Karen; 211 Smart. Renata. 144.204 Smeenge. Jonathan; 33. 68, 146, 147, 193 Smith, Albert, 75. 220 Smith, Doug, 75 Smith, Joyce: 173 Smith. Kathie; 27,204 Smith. Maureen; 220 Smith. Ray: 72. 75. 88, 174 Smith. Richard, 174 Smith. Sandra; 220 Snead. Kenneth. 220 Snyder. Daniel; 147. 204 Snyder. Tamara; 220 Snyder, Tom; 220

soccer; 64-5 Soeter. John; 211 Soeter, Mary; 148, 220 Soeter, Matt. 130,145 softball; 96-7 sophomores; 206 Sounders. Kathy; 204 Spamolo. John; 220 Spayde. Betsey; 220 Spencer. Jeff; 220 Spencer. Lynne; 193 Spencer. Mark, 72. 75 Spieldenner, Laura; 220 Spoelman, Karen; 193 Sports; 62 Staal. Steve; 180 Staat, Alison. 204 Staup, Jackie; 93. 220 Stearns, Robert, 150. 211 Steigenberger. Veronika; 180 Stegenga. Karl. 133.204 Steketee. Charles; 161. 174 Sterk. Dave; 98. 204 Stevens. Dave; 204 Stevens, Kim; 119 Stevens, Mark; 147, 211 Stevens, Mark; 220 Stiehler. Nancy; 193 Stinson. Edward; 75.88, 220 Stokoe, Susan; 77,100, 153, 193 Storrs. Patricia; 220 Stokes. James. 102, 204 Stout. John; 117. 193 Strain, John. 131. 211 Strainer, Amy, 204 Strainer, Jeannme. 150, 211 Strand. Gisela: 174 Strafing, Steve; 204 Stratton, Kathy; 212 Strauch, Conrad: 119.125.193 Strauch. Derk; 212 Strengholt. Marc; 204 student congress; 159 Sturrus. Rachelle. 220 Suchecki, Kent. 193, 75 Sugmaka, Yasunoby. 220 Sunderlin, Leah; 109. 144. 193 Surndge, Cathy; 220 Sutton, Mike, 150, 204 Swanson. Dennis; 220 Swart. Cindy; 144, 212 swimming; 80-1 Sur, Heidi; 193 Sutton, Mike; 78. 79 Swanson. Janet, 121 symphonette; 18,130 Synk, Robert; 193 Syswerda, Rae; 194


Tacoma. Barb; 153, 212 Taguchi, Jun; 204 Tait, Nancy; 131. 130. 220 Takahashi. Kikuko; 194 Tammen. Tami. 144, 212 Tammmga. Lois; 70 Tanis, Bruce; 75 Tams, Elliot; 111, 174 Tanis. Jill; 220 Tavakoli, Amir; 180 Tavakoli, Fati; 180 Tavakoni. Zahra; 220 Taylor, Cal, 68, 212 Taylor, Nancy: 174 Taylor, Philip. 204 Taylor. Twylia; 128, 130, 204 Teclemariam, Habte; 180 Teirnam. Rich; 147 TenHaken. Vicky; 212 The Tempest; 32-3 Tenhave. Garrett; 155, 212 TenHave. Nancy; 153 tenHoor, Henry: 174 tennis (men); 94-5 tennis (women); 100-1 Terpstra. Jane; 220 Terhaar, Heb; 153, 212 Terkeurst, William, 204 Teslik, Freda; 109, 194 Thann. Cotter. 118, 174 theatre; 127 Thiel, Winnie. 204 Thomas, Diane; 91 Thomas. Gretchen. 212 Thomas. Gwyn; 220 Thomas. Kirby; 194 Thome. Gloria; 194 Thompson. Beth; 3 5 , 1 5 3 Thompson, Randy; 108, 109, 212 Thompson, Mark; 75. 220 Thompson. Rob; 119 Thornburg, Lynn. 194 Thornburg, Ross, 125, 212 Throndset. Rhonda, 204 Tien. Sally; 153.220 Tienstra. Yolanda; 131,212 Tiesenga. Edward. 212 Tilley. Marin; 122.212 Tittle. Jeff. 153 Toellner. Cynthia; 112, 194 Toe vs. James: 174 Toren, Carl; 21. 111. 119. 130. 143. 194 Toren, Paul. 143,149.204 Torresen. Nancy: 5. 130.159, 212 Torresen. Robert; 194 Trayser. Ellen, 212 track (men); 98-9 track (women); 92-3 Tucker. Gary; 204 Tuinstra. Jack; 112. 204 Turpin. Terri; 212 Tyler. Kim; 220

Uecher. Bryan. 220

V Vaghen. Vahie; 204 Van Alstine. Nola; 32 VanAnrooy. Sara; 220 VanArendonk, Craig; 83. 212 VanArendonk, John. 98. 99, 204 Van Ark. Laurie; 130,131 VanBeveren, Joy; 220 VandeGiessen, Ray; 194 VandeGuchte. John; 88. 204 Vandenberg. Carol; 131.212 Vandenberg. Jan; 148. 194 VandenBerg. Jim, 212 VandenBerg, Mary; 148. 204 VanDenBrink. Sue. 100, 144.212 Van den Hombergh. Gaye; 148. 158. 212 VanDenOever, Lori; 220 Vanderbilt, William; 68, 174 VanderBorgh, Ann; 220 VanDerEems, Kay; 77, 212 VanderHaar. Philip; 149, 159,212 VanderKuy. Christine; 194 VanderLaan. Jim; 220 VanDerMeulen. Doug. 130. 204 VanderMeulen, Mark; 115.118 VanderMeulen, Pat; 220 VanderMeulen. Scott; 75, 98. 212 VanderMey. Dean. 75. 220 VanderMolen, Matt; 109, 149, 159. 212 VanderNat. Peter; 174 Vanderploeg, Julie; 144. 212 VanderSchaaf, Bruce; 83. 95 VanderSchaaf. Cindy, 212 VanderStel. Tom. 83. 8 8 . 1 5 0 VanderVen, John; 212 VanderWall. Paula. 194 VanderWeide. Ruth; 220 VanderWel, Dave; 164 VanderWerp. Sally; 148. 212 VanderWerp. Sheri; 148.194 VandeWaa. Jim; 220 VandeWater. Nancy, 81,212 VandeZande, Kathy; 204 VanDis, Mary; 204 VanDonkelaar. Karen; 156, 194 VanDop. Steve. 130 VanDuyne, Kim; 114, 148 VanDyke, Fred; 220 VanDyke, Gary. 204 VanDyke. Sheri; 212 VanDyken. David; 204 VanEck. Robert, 147 VanEyl, Chris; 220

VanEyl. Phillip. 174 VanFaasen' Paul, 175 VanGenderen. Kurt. 164 VanGent. Elissa; 28, 117. 130. 205 VanGessel. Mark. 75. 220 VanHaaften, Mark: 145.220 Van Heest. Gerard. 215 VanHeest, Jocelyn; 77, 212, 100 VanHeesl. Tim. 102 VanHoeven. Deborah. 194 VanHoeven. Don, 65 VanHoeven. Jeff; 145, 220 VanHoul, Marilyn. 220 VanHouten. Carolyn. 153. 212 VanHouten. Marilyn, 144 VanHoven. Dave. 65,147 Vanlwaarden, John, 220 Vanlwaarden. John. 175 VanKley, Sue, 97 VanKlompenberg, Beth. 70. 148 194 VanLente, Michael. 109. 205 VanLummel, Mark. 119 VanMater. Catharine. 194 VanMater. Mark. 85, 131, 205 VanMouwenk, Tom; 220 VanMouwerik. Tracy. 205 VanNostrand. Virginia; 213 VanPulten. Brad. 194 Van Putten. James: 175 Van Reemersma. Fred. 102 VanSkiver. Sue Ann, 194 VanSlooten, Ruth; 11 7, 148. 205 VanTubergen, Phyllis; 153, 213 VanVeck, Robert, 220 VanVerst. Scott; 220 VanVliet, Jim. 75 Van Wieren. Glenn. 65. 83 Vanwyk. Karen. 112. 213 VanWylen, Gordon. 7, 44. 164 Van Wylen, Ruth, 130, 194 Van Wyngarden, Robert 130, 195. 231 VanZanten, John; 195 Vaseloupelos, Maria, 158 Vassallo, John. 220 Vaughan, Jeff. 102 Veldman. Audrey; 47 Veldman, Sheryl. 220 Veldman. Jon, 75, 220 Ventre. Chris; 143,148, 195 Veramay, Sherie. 160. 195 VerBeek, Jeff. 213 VerBeek. Julie; 220 Verdum, Kathleen. 175 VerHelst, Jennifer; 213 VerHulst. Bill. 149, 196 VerSluis. Sue. 153 Vespers; 28-9 Vickers. Judith. 175 Vincent. Sue; 213 Vmstra. Chris; 220 Viquerat. Mark; 213 Virgen. Phil; 159 Visscher, Beth; 148. 196 Visscher, Christopher, 196 Visscher. Dave 98 Visscher, Garry. 75. 79. 150 Visscher. Linn, 148, 220 Visscher. Mike. 118 Visschei. Ron. 147 Visser. Jane, 119. 196 volleyball; 76-7 Vollmer. Susan, 205 VanEhr, Pat. 220 Voogt, Henry, 175 Voorhorst. John. 196 Voorhorst. Paul. 220 Vos. Jim; 220 Vos, Valerie. 205 Voskuil. Dennis; 175 Vossekuil. Kay; 213,231 Vosteen, Mary. 220 Votaw, John; 67. 143. 149, 213 Vredeveld, Jeff. 220 Vukoje, Jo Ann. 153

W Wagenaar. Frank, 196 Walchenbach. Carrie; 28. 53. 130. 148 Walchenbach, Paul. 65 Walker, Deborah, 159, 205 Walker. Patricia, 47.97. 205 Wallgren. Jennifer. 148, 213 Walters, Joel. 213 Walters. Michael; 109.113. 213 Walters. Norene. 220 Walwood. Machelle. 220 Wang. David. 213 Wansor, Judy; 131, 153. 220 Ward, Dree. 205 Ward, Fred. 65. 221 Ward. Susan, 8. 130. 131. 158. 213

Warnaar. Debbie, 130.131, 213 Warnock, Peter; 196 Warren. Carol; 196 Warren. Tara; 221 Waterman. Linda; 161,213 Watson. Al, 88. 147. 196 Watson. Janet. 221 Watson. John. 175 Watson, Kevin; 88, 89. 151 Watson. Robert. 146, 196 Watson. Steve. 112 Webb, Bill. 109 Webb. Nancy. 144.213 Webb, Walter 75 Webster, Bruce, 81. 98, 145, 205 Webster, Deborah; 221 Webster, John; 145 Webster. Nevin. 68. 109. 130. 196 Wedemeyer. Kathy; 130. 131, 221 Weeden. Barbara; 221 Weener. Mary, 148, 196 Weener, Susan; 130, 213 Weeter, Cheryl. 118. 144, 197 Wehner, Connie; 205 Weidenaar, Kathy, 81 Weiss, John, 221 Weist, Karen; 126 Welch, Joe; 102, 205 Welch, Mike; 107. 147. 205 Weller, Hubert. 175 Wendling. Greg; 75 Werkema, Don; 213, 151 Western, Ray; 145, 197 Westerveld, Frea; 153. 221 Westfall, Kim; 197 Westfall. Lisle. 148, 205 Westphal. Merold; 156, 175 Westveer, Phillis; 131

Wetherbee. Jeff; 65.117. 205 Wetteck. Pam; 213 Wheeler. Randy. 75.150. 221 Whims. John; 75. 88. 221 White, Brenda; 205 White. Peter 16. 79.150. 221 Whitefleet, Scott, 213 Whittle. John; 112 Wick, Marty; 145 Wickers. Willard; 49 Wicked, Jane; 148. 213 Wlckert. Mary, 148. 197 Wiederhold. Sandra. 109.119.197 Wierenga. Brenda; 213 Wierenga. Dave. 213 Wierenga. Sue; 221 Wiers. Chris; 213 Wilbur. Steve. 79 The Wild Duck; 26-7 Wilkening, Jean. 77 Williams, Debbie; 221 Williams, Diane; 213 Williams, Donald; 102, 147, 197 Williams. Donald. 175 Williams. Paul; 98 Williams. Susan; 93. 152, 221 Williamson. Abigail. 205 Willis, Karen, 130,213 Wilson, Vickie; 131, 213 Wilterdlnk, Jane. 80 Wilterdink. Joan; 221 Winchester, Mike; 145,197 Winkels, Lynn; 213 Winnie, Pam. 197 Winter, Chuck. 147.221 Winter Week; 30-1 Wisneski. Suzanne; 112 Wissink, Jeri, 213 Wissmk, Steve; 68, 98. 205

Wiszynski, George. 221 Wolf. Dan. 88. 161.213 Wolf. Lon; 130, 205 Wolfe. Dale; 221 Wolff, J C ; 205 Wolffis, Marcia; 93. 213 Wolffis, Todd. 75 Wolthuis. Richard; 67, 197 Worley, Kevin; 102 Wormmeester, Barbara; 197 Wormmeester. Randall; 197 Woronowicz, Mandi; 109, 197 Wortley, Karen; 197 Wregglesworth. Scott; 197 wrestling; 78-9 Wrieden, David; 67. 197 WTAS; 155 Wyatt. Dennis; 205

Z Zeenp. Marialice; 205 Zehetbauer, Maria; 180 Zelenka, Jane; 70. 197 Zendler, John; 221 Zendler, Robert: 197 Zoet, Laurie, 197 Zoeteway, James: 133. 175 Zoodsma. Dale, 149 Zoodsma, Elizabeth; 144 Zoulek, Rick; 88 Zylstra, Todd; 221

BOB Robert S. Van Wyngarden Editor-in-Chief James Weener Photo Editor The Technicians: Kathy Anderson Doug DeBoer Julie Chodos

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