Milestone 1984

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Index and Features





Hope is a desire for good accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it, or a belief that it is obtainable . . .

Hope is trust

Hope is confidence in a future event...

Hope is looking for, desiring, and obtaining something of worth...

Hope is reliance

Hope is the highest degree of well-founded expectation of good...


Hopeful people are ones which are c o n f i d e n t . . . -W HLHW lm t Mi

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J i L *1 Hopeful people are ones who seem likely to succeed . . .

Hopeful people are ones which are inspiring

We, as people of Hope, strive to reach our highest goals, our highest expectations . . .

We are here to grow intellectually, physically, emotionally, and spiritually . . .


We are here to build a future; a future filled with Hope.





One hour and nineteen minutes was all the sophomores needed to defeat the freshmen, a record time. The traditional "tug-o-war" was spiced up a great deal by new tactics employed by the teams. "Fake pulls" and "secret pulls" both were used with great effectiveness to confuse the team on the other side of the river. Rather than yelling the commands to "pullers," the signal coach whispers so the opponents cannot hear. This creates confusion on the other team since they don't know when to anticipate the pull. The pull originated in 1898 and has grown into a major campus happening. It serves an excellent purpose in creating class unity early in the school year.


4 A: T h e '86' coaches have a " t o a s t " at t h e Pull B a n q u e t . B: T h e a l t e r n a t e anchor, Dan Hensley, receives e n c o u r a g e m e n t from his morale girl, Holly Rabbi. C: Ed p r e p a r e s himself to " h e a v e . " D: F I R S T R O W : T i n a (mascot). Darlene Hiemstra, J e a n V o s , T a m i Noorlag, Paula Gikas, Julie V a n H e e s t , Cheryl Tysse, Liz Argona. S E C O N D R O W : Meg Miller. Kim Krause, Jocelyn Lenz. Beth Weisiger, Jill Plomer, Stacy Spitler. Jill Wenzlaff, Barbi L o t t e r m a n , Holly Rabbai, Lisa Gierlach, J a n e Abe. Lisa S e r u m . T H I R D R O W : Shelley Defreese.Ted Grund, K u r t Doeden, Shawn Tilstra. Will Walker, Steve C r a m e r . S e a n O'Connor, J i m Hop, S c o t t Donherhack. R a n d y Werbig, Alan Adamson. F O U R T H R O W : Glen Weisiger. Dave Wilbur. Jeff Machiela. Paul V a n d e b u n t e , J o h n n y (mascot), Dan Hensley, Ed Gierlach, Lee Veldhoff, Kelly Cole, Paul Ritsema. J i m Schoettley. Randy Devries, Steve B o e r m a n . Pam Byle, Frank Rerrodin, Beth Kowalke. Joe Lyons. E: T h e '86' morale girls pay t r i b u t e to their awesome team. F: Cheryl Prentice gives the signal to puller Marc Hewko. G: Rob Raible a n c h o r s the '87' team. H: T h e team from '87 p r e p a r e s to get on t h e rope.


F I R S T ROW: Terri Henry, Jean Harris, Tammie Brewer, Kathy Dilgard, Sharon Hoffman, Susan Kunkle, Angie Grochowalski, Sue Koetsier, Bonnie Glenn, Kristi Rumery. S E C O N D ROW: Amy Sandgren, Karen Visscher, Wendy Campbell, Cindy Hollenbeck, Sally Kanis, Kathy Morden, Terri Herman, Cheryl Prentice, Jill Mannor, Erin Flaherty. T H I R D ROW: Moyra Miller. Lynette Carter, Jeff Asmus, Scott Voot, Mark Straw, Craig Peterson, RobertSavage, Marty Canales, John Conklin, Eric Tooley, Craig Munger, Lloyd Pommer, Eugene Marciniak, Glynis Coop mans, Heidi Booker. F O U R T H ROW: Ed Weber, Ken Whit comb, Steve Jekel, Chris Larrabee, Bob Ruddy, Marc Hewko, Ron Stoel, Robert Raibel, Rodney Brush, Craig Piersma, Scott Nagelvoort, Paul VanEyl, Mike Pikaart, Doug Smith.


A: Homecoming Royalty: Mary Lynn McNally and Mike Spitters. B: The South Haven High School Marching Band. C: The Homecoming Court parading down 13th Street. D: Todd Schuiling, Mike Spitters, Dave Timmerman, Mary Vantkerkhoff, Jerome Vite, Mike Wissink. Sherri Allen, Jan Bursma, Joyce Chandler, A1 Crothers, Scott Curley, Julie Harper, Mary Lynn McNally. E: Scott Curley. F: Hope is awarded the '82-'83 MIAA All Sports Award. G: Rhonda Hale and Jennifer Carr show their Homecoming Spirit. I: Announcing half-time activities. Photos: Doug Lehman and Brian Greene.


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A very special Homecoming 1983 began Friday, October 14th as the newly renovated DeWitt Center was rededicated. At the dedication ceremony, U.S. Representative Guy VanderJagt, a graduate of Hope College, received an honorary degree. The ceremony was followed by a dedication luncheon. S a t u r d a y morning, October 15th, students, faculty, and members of the community met to take part in the annual Hope Run-Bike-Swim. Also on Saturday morning several class reunions were held on campus. In the afternoon at the Holland Municipal Stadium, the Flying Dutchman football team emerged victorious, crushing the Kalamazoo College Hornets 55-0. Half-time activities started off with the South Haven High School band entertaining the crowded stadium. Next, the 1983 Spring Academic trophies were awarded to the Kappa Delta Chi sorority and the Arcadian fraternity. The highlight of halftime was the traditional crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen. This year's Homecoming Queen was Mary Lynn McNally and the King was Mike Spitters. The weekend ended with the worship service Sunday morning in the Dimnent Chapel. Homecoming 1983 will be a warm memory to the many people associated with Hope College because of the many special activities which took place over the weekend. Kim Bailey



On October 29, 1983, Nykerk 1983 was held at the Holland Civic Center. Before this time, however, weeks of practicing and hard work, along with a lot of loving, caring, sharing, and help from morale guys and coaches, had taken place in order to prepare the songs, plays, and orations for the performance night. The Sophomore Class of 1986 sang "On Broadway" and performed the play "The Velveteen Rabbit." The Freshman Class of 1987 sang "Jubilation, Celebrat i o n " a n d p e r f o r m e d t h e play "Pygmalion." The oration part of the competition, taking many hours of preparation and practice, was based on the quotation "To realize the worth of the anchor, we must first feel the force of the storm." The Sophomore orator was Kirsti Stroom and the orator for the freshman was Betsy Huttar. Even though the friendships made and the feeling of accomplishment were the real rewards in the competition, when the judges' votes had been tabulated, the Freshman Class of 1987 was the recipient of the 1983 Nykerk Cup. This marked the first time in four years that a freshman class had won the competition. Shawn Wietstock


A: Lori Hofman and Jann Cantile perform a song in the Velveteen Rabbit. Photo: Brain Green. B; The Freshman Song Girls are escorted into the bleachers. Photo: John Gardner. C: Terri Henry and Tisa Vandenberg act out a scene from Pygmalion. Photo: Brian Greene. D: Karen Button announces the winners. Photo: Brian Green. E: The Freshman Song Morale Guys pose for a picture. Photo: Doug Lehman. F: The Nykerk Coaches sing the Alma Mater. Photo: Cindy Blight. G: Kirsti Stroom delivers her oration. Photo: Brian Green. H: The Sophomore Morale Guys wait for the girls. Photo: Doug Lehman. I: Betsy Huttan speaks with feeling during her oration. Photo: John Gardner. J: The Freshman Song Girls shine during their performance. Photo: John Gardner. K: The Sophomore Song Girls prepare to present their song. Photo: John Gardner. L: The Feeling of Nykerk comes out after the program as Freshmen and Sophomores "Meet in the Middle. Photo: Brian Greene.

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A NEW YEAR BEGINS. The Convocation to mark the opening of Hope's 122nd year was held on the evening of Tuesday, August 30. In arranging for this festive occasion, the College reached across that barrier which has often separated two fine colleges, and invited Professor Richard Mouw of Calvin College to bring the address. In his address, entitled "Any Questions?", Dr. Mouw stressed that embracing Christianity does not negate the importance of asking questions. He pointed out that promiscuous questioning serves no purpose, but that we must engage in wise and learned questioning and that for a Christian college, questioning is ultimately rooted in a commitment of academic service to God. The climax of the Convocation was awarding an honorary Doctor of Science degree to Dr. Richard TeLinde, one of the most remarkable persons Hope has ever honored. Dr. TeLinde, a native of Waupun, Wisconsin, attended Hope from 1913 to 1915, then attended the University of Wisconsin, and graduated from John Hopkins School of Medicine in 1920. He served on the faculty of John Hopkins University for more than three decades, including a very significant tenure as Chairman of the Department of Gynecology there. He was an outstanding researcher and clinician and made many important scientific contributions. After receiving the honorary degree. Dr. TeLinde repsonded with the warmth and humor which so often marks a truly great person. Hope College is proud to have many persons of Dr. TeLinde's character among its alumni. Dr. Gordon Van Wylen




The weekend before upperclassmen arrived at Hope this year, the new freshman class moved into their dormitory rooms to begin becoming acquainted with their new school during Freshman Orientation. On Saturday, many information sessions were held for both students and parents so that questions could be answered and worries put to rest. Saturday night marked the first dance of the year, the Freshman "get acquainted" Dance. On Sunday, in addition to the morning chapel service, a Freshman Banquet was held in Phelps Dining Hall in order that students could meet professors and administration members as well as have a relaxing meal before classes began. The orientation period came to a close Monday night with the Activities Fair, where campus organizations set up booths to explain their yearly activities to freshmen and to give them an opportunity to get involved in campus life from the very beginning. Shawn Wietstock A: The Activities Fair attracts many freshmen. B: Alpha Phi Omega sponsors an information booth every year. C: Two girls relax while moving in. D: Freshmen listen to a speaker during an orientation session. E: This person begins moving her life possessions into her new room. Photos by Doug Lehman.

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Vander Jagt Receives Honorary Degree


Friday, October 14, was a memorable day in the life of Hope College, for it marked the formal reopening of the DeWitt Center. Extensive renovation and expansion of this fine facility had been undertaken to provide facilities for the administrative offices, following the loss of Van Raalte Hall by fire in April of 1980. The new DeWitt Center provides excellent facilities for the administrative offices, and the remodeled and expanded student areas offer great promise and potential for the future. The formal celebration, held in The DeWitt Theatre because of inclement weather prevented holding the ceremonies outside as planned, featured Congressman Guy Vander Jagt, a Hope alumnus in the Class of 1953. Congressman Vander Jagt has served nine terms as Congressman from Michigan's Ninth Congressional District and is one of the great contemporary orators in the country. His memorable addresses at the ceremony in the DeWitt Center, and at the luncheon that followed in the Western Seminary Commons, were fitting climaxes to the long process that led to providing these splendid facilities. During these ceremonies, Congressman Vander Jagt was awarded an honorary Doctor of Law degree. Also recognized during the day were four outstanding men, the VerMeulen brothers — Willard, John, James and Victor. With the exception of Willard, each graduated from Hope College and has had an outstanding professional career. More importantly, each of these persons has been unstinting in their loyalty and support of Hope College. James VerMeulen headed the important Build Hope Campaign in the early 1970's and has served since that time on Hope's Board of Trustees. Homecoming 1983 will always be remembered as marking the completion of another splendid facility on Hope's campus. Dr. Gordon Van Wylen A. The newly renovated DeWitt Center. B: Guy VaderJagt makes his acceptance speech. C: Dave VanDyke speaks at the ceremony. D: VanderJagt, Dr. VanWylen and Board of Trustee member Peter Cook pose with the honorary degree. E: Cook speaks to the audience. F: Trustee Chairman Victor Eimicke delivers his message at the dedication. Photos by College Relations.

A: The chapel is beautifully decorated. Photo: Steve Sajewski. B: The candles add a special touch. C: Chaplain Van Heest leads the prayer. Photo: Steue Sajewski. D: The College Chorus is accompanied by the Symphonette. Photo: Steue Sajewski. E: The College Chorus adds a special touch. Photo: M a m i e Marsters. F: Dr. Rissema leads the Symphonette. Photo: Steve Sajewski.

Vespers, the annual Christmas worship comprised of all music, was again well attended by the students, faculty, administration, and the community. The College Chorus, Chapel Choir, Symphonette, and a brass group all joined in to provide musical e n j o y m e n t for all involvedThe services were also heard on local radio and then later were video taped for future showing. The chapel was beautifully decorated with Christmas trees, greens, numerous lights, and a glowing array of candles added to the beauty of the evening. The performances were well-prepared and kept up with the high traditions of the event. Lee Ann Wojcinski






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K A: Performers move in "Space." B: John Fanthorpe and Dianna Dorgelo. C: Geoffrey Ameele and Karen Wuertz. D: Cathryn Troupe E: Plays in "Remember Me 1 Have Forgotten You." F: And now a word from the sponsors. G: April 12, 13, and 14 at 8 pm. H. Guest artist Irene Feigenheimer. I: "The Recital's" Robin Tavernier. J: The cast of "The Recital" K: Kim Karpanty performs in "Japan." L: The cast of "Japan," Photos by Tom Wagner


THE DIVINERS by Jim Leonard, Jr.



Directed by John K. V. Tammi Stage Management by Rita Weeks Scene Design by Richard Smith Costume Design by Lois Dalager-Carder Lighting and Sound Design by Michael K. Grindstaff Makeup and Hair Design by Paul A. Avedisian

Basil Bennett Dewey Maples Buddy Layman Melvin Wilder Luelia Bennett Jennie Mae Layman C. C. Showers Ferris Layman Norma Henshaw Goldie Short Darlene Henshaw

Dan Doornbos Tom Sorenson James Gray Chuck DeWent Pamela Marie Schuen Linda Miles Brian Goodman Stephen Schwander Margaret M. Oklatner Sally Leist Carisa Lindquist

Act ONE: The Earth And The Water Act TWO: The Sky And The Water




G A: Ferris Layman and C. C. Showers fix Basil's bicycle. B: Jennie Mae ponders with and about C. C. Showers. C: Buddy looks for the answers. D: Buddy doesn't want to get his "dogs" wet. E: C.C. invites Buddy to join him. F: Ferris holds back Buddy after losing C.C.'s luggage. G; C.C. goes one on one with Buddy. Their's is a special relationship. H: Ferris gives C.C. a job at his shop. I: Buddy uses his special talents to divine for water. J: Ferris tells Jennie Mae not to worry about the new man in town. Photos by John Gardner


A: The dancing master describes the meaning of life. B: The music master tells the value of music. C: The philosopher skirts out of the way of Sganarelle. D: Dorimene confeses of her love to Sganarelle. D: Sganarelle buys Dorimene's love. F: Mrs. Jourdain shows Mr. Jourdain her practicalness. G: The philosopher proves not to be very useful. H: Mr. Jourdain shows off what he thinks will make him a man of society. Photos: John Gardner.

Two p l a y s e n c a s e d w i t h i n one pleasurable evening, "The Forced Marriage" and "The Would Be Gentleman," proved a truly enlightening experience. "The Forced Marriage" was set in 1668 — traditional Moliere. The heavily clothed and wigged actors helped to set the period. P a u l Avedisian played t h e aging Sganarelle who is forced to marry Dorimene even after he finds out that she will be unfaithful to him. " T h e Would Be Gentleman" was brought into the present through both costumes and set. The actors had a fun time portraying characters that were originally from the 17th century. Jourdain, played by Stephen Schwander, searches for ways to become a man of society. He hires a number of artists to train him in their respective specialties. Instead of looking inwardly, he turns to external measures; but only succeeds in making a fool of himself. The combination of the two plays provided for an enjoyable evening. The contrast provided the actors with a challenge. A challenge that they met head on.


THE MOLIERE PROJECT DIRECTED by Dale McFadden Choreography by Linda Graham Fencing Advisor — Maxine DeBruyn Scenic Design by Richard Smith Costume, Make-up and Hair Design by Lois Dalager-Carder Lighting and Sound Design by Michael K. Grindstaff Stage Management by Nancy Gibson Technical Director — Brian Baker

T H E FORCED MARRIAGE Sganarelle: Paul Avedisian Geronimo: Bob E. Pranga Dorimene: Dianna Dorgelo Pancrace; Dan Doornbos Marphurius: James Wolbrink First Gypsy; Pamela Marie Schuen Second Gypsy; Margaret M. OKlatner Lycaste: Brian Goodman Alcantor; Stephen Schwander Alcidas: Brian T. Gardner

The time is Paris in 1668.

T H E WOULD BE GENTLEMAN Music Master; Pamela Marie Schven Dancing Master; Jim J. Gray Mr. Jourdain; Stephen Schwander Lackey; Mark Mekkes Dancers; Holly Blanchard Anthony Brach Kimberly Karpanty Fencing Master; Brian T. Gardner Philosopher; James Wolbrink Nicole; Dianna Dorgelo Mrs. Jourdain; M. S. Biggerstaff Cleonte; Brian Goodman Covielle; Bob E. Pranga Lucile; Linda Miles Dorante; Paul Avedisian Dorimene; Margaret M. Oklatner The time is today.

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H O P E COLLEGE T H E A T R E presents

SCENES AND REVELATIONS by Elan Garonzik DcWm Culiural Ctnut Frti 24. 25*, 29 jnd March D i r e c t e d by D a l e Mc F a d d e n Scenic a n d P r o p e r t i e s Design by R i c h a r d L. S m i t h C o s t u m e Design by Lois D a l a g e r - C a r d e r L i g h t i n g a n d S o u n d D e s i g n by M i c h a e l K. G r l n d s t a f f Assistant Director—Rae Ann L e e n h o u t s T e c h n i c a l D i r e c t o r — B r i a n R. B a k e r Assistant C o s t u m e Designer Elizabeth Aragona S t a g e M a n a g e m e n t by M a r k M e k k e s CAST Helena Charlotte Millie Rebecca Samuel Peter Or Zeigler Dennis Uncle Jacob Mr Karonk

Ericka Joyce Maxie Jane Voonman Ani D'Ambrosio Jennifer TenHave Paul Avedisian

Steven Poonenga

Action is set in Lancaster, Pa Nebraska, and Manchester, England Tonight s performance will be without intermission Audience Participation Program immediately following February 25 th performance The use of cameras and recorders is prohibited during tonight s performance

P R O D U C T I O N STAFF Assistant Stage Manager Lisa L. Visscher Scene Shop Foreman Naif Munson Scene Shop Technicians Brendan J Bashaw. Molly I. DeBrec, Jeff Kosier. Linda Miles, Stephen Schwander, Todd VanGrouw Costume Shop Supervisor D. Marie Hinman Costume Shop Technicians Gigi Anrung Alicia Forton. Amy Raffety Rachel Rodnguez. Lisa Van Tubbergen Lorraine Way Lighting Technicians David Rowell, Paul Smith, Kurt VanKoevering Ticket Office Manager Laura Callender Ticket Office Staff Paul Avedisian Dianna Dorgelo, Susannah Kist, Ericka Maxie, Lori Siegel, Kevin Rea. Laun Som de Cerff Rich TenPas House Management Publicity

Lon Siegel Laura Callender Wendie Lazansky, Lori Siegel

Photographer Thomas R Wagner Assistant Photographer Bnan Greene Office Assistants Lisa Evers Cheryl Prentice, Laun Som de Cerff Assisted by members of the Introduaion to the Theatre and Theatre Laboratory classes The Theatre D e p a r t m e n t Lois Dalager-Carder George Ralph Michael K Gnndstaff Richard L. Smith Dale Mc Fadden John K V Tammi, Chair Wendie Lazansky, Secretary Rae Ann Leenhouts, Student Representative Audience Participation Program C o m m i t t e e Dr. James I. Cook Mrs. Patrick Donnelly Dr John Hollenbach Scenes and Revelauons is presented through special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc 25 West 45th St NY. N Y

A: Rebecca reads the letter from her Uncle Jacob. B: Three of the sisters admire work. C: The sisters prepare toleave. D; They discuss the sale of the farm. E: Rebecca shows up with her "baby." F: Charlotte discovers that there is no baby. G: Uncle Jacob reads a letter from Rebecca. Photos by Tom Wagner





v A: For I am not alone, for I fear the darkness. B: I sigh the lack of many things I sought. C: Sam (John Martin) finally allows himself to talk to the Person (Dave McWatters). D: Tilda (Jane Voortman) and Sam dance to fool the person E: Sam prepares to hit the ball. F: Sam starts to listen to the Person . . . G: while Tilda tries desperately to distract him. H: Tilda winds up for a pitch. Photos by Tom Wagner. D




ECHOES by N. Richard N a s h llrWiil ( ulluMl I mlrr MudH> Thralrr

April 11 '\ • IS t*

D l r r c l e d by Gcorgr Ralph Scenic Design by Richard L. Smith C o X u m e Design by D. Marie H i n m a n Lighting Design by Michael K. Grindstaff Technical Director Brian R. Baker Stage Management U n d a Miles

CAST Tilda Sam The Person

Jane Voortman Jonathan Martin Dave McWatters

When to the sessions of sueet silent thouqhi I summon up rememhrant e o! rhmin past I siqh the lack ot many a thing / sought And uith old woes new u ail my dear Tuni- > waste Then can I drown an eye unused to flou For precious friends hid in death s dateless night And weep afresh love's long since canceled woe And moan th e xpense of mam a vanished sight Then can / gneve at gnetantes foregone And heanly from woe to woe tell o'er The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan. Which I new pay as if not paid before But if the while I think on thee dear friend. All losses are restored and inrrows end

—Wiliam Shakrspearr Sonnet 30 There u ill be one fifteen minute intermission

'Audietn r Participation Program immedialeN lollowint; the .Apnl J 1st prrlormanrr

PRODUCTION STAFF Assistant Stage Manager Margaret ()klalner Scene Shyp Technicians Nate M u n s u n . B r e n d a n B a s h a w Mollie DeBree Jeff Koster, T o d d VanGrouw Stephen Schwander Costume Shop Supervisor D Marie H i n m a n Costume Shop Technicians Gigi Annmg. Alicia Forton. Amy Raflety. Rachel R o d n q u e z . Lisa V a n T u b b e r g e n . Lisa Visscher. L o r r a i n e Way Lighting—Assistant to the Designer David Rowell Lighting Technicians Kurt Van Koevermg Paul Smith Ticket Office Manager Laura Callender Ticket Office Staff Paul Avedisian, Jell Bradley. Dianna Dorgelo. Ann Grady. S u s a n n a h Kist. E n c k a Maxie. Dave M c W a t t e r s Kevin Rea, L o n Som d e Cerfl, Rich T e n P a s . Kristin TerMaat House Management L o n Siegel. Jill VandeVeen Publicity Wendie Lazansky Photographer T h o m a s R Wa gne r Office Assistants Lisa Evers. Cheryl P r e n t i c e . Lauri Som d e Cerfl Assisted by m e m b e r s ol t h e I n t r o d u c t i o n t o the T h e a t r e a n d T h e a t r e L a b o r a t o r y Classes The Theatre


Lois Dalager ( arder George Ralph Michael K. Grindstaff Richard L. Smith Dale McEadden John K. V. Tammi, Chair Wendie Lazansky. Secretary D Marie Hinman. Rae Ann Leenbouts— Student Representatives Audience




Dr. James I. Cook Mrs. Patrick Donnelly Dr. John Hollenbach ECHOES is p r e s e n t e d t h r o u g h special a r r a n g e m e n t with Samuel F r e n c h . Inc , 25 West 45th St.. New York. New York The use of cameras and recorders is prohibited during tonight's performance


Great Performance Series 1983-1984



Friday & Saturday, September 16-17 "Give 'em Hell Harry!" a one-man show by Kevin McCarthy portraying the life of President Harry Truman

Thursday, October 20 The Kurosawa Koto Musicians from Japan

Thursday, November 17 Grand Rapids Symphony Philharmonic with guest conductor, Andrew Litton, Exxon Arts Endowment Conductor at the National Symphony, Washington, D.C., and Ava Ordman, trombone

Tuesday, December 6 Young Concert Artists concert by Sung-Ju Lee, violinist

Thursday, January 19 Grand Rapids Symphony Philharmonic with Semyon Bychkov, conductor, and Barry Tuckwell, horn

Wednesday, February 8 Jazz Pianist Marian McPartland

Saturday, March 10 Young Concert Artists concert by The Mendelssohn String Quartet

Thursday, March 22 Grand Rapids Symphony Philharmonic with Semyon Bychkov, conductor, and Bella Davidovich, pianist

Tuesday, April 24 Young Concert Artists concert by William Sharp, baritone


Exploring International Diplomacy

The 12th Annual Hope College United Nations was a wonderful success. Over 700 West Michigan high school students participated in the program on Thursday, March 15, and Friday, March 16, 1984. The Hope College Model United Nations consists of two General Assembly simulations, three Security Council crises, and an Economic and Social Council. Student administrators oversee these programs which the high school students take part in. Topics debated this year included the crisis in Chad, the crisis in Afghanistan, peace for Southern Africa, civil defense policies, the settling of the Palestinian question, the problems in Lebanon, Peace for the Caribbean Basin, human rights, the status of women, transnational corporations, and narcotic drugs. Through discussions of these topics, it was hoped that the high school students would gain knowledge about world problems, international relations, and the necessity of an international forum such as the United Nations. The chief student administrators were Jennifer VanDuyne and Dirk Weeldreyer, Co-Directors; Jill Wenzlaff, Associate Director; Larry Simons, Track I General Assembly; Dana Nofz, Track II General Assembly; Dick Vandermolen, Assistant Director for Security Councils; Steve Jekel, Security Council — Chad; Ted Grund, Security Council — Afghanistan; Marcia Taylor, Security Council — Southern Africa; And Bob Simpson, Assistant Director for ECOSOC. This year's faculty advisor was Dr. Renze Hoeksema. Photos by: John Armstrong



Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Marcia Taylor, Jon Anderson, Dana Nofz, Kevin Shoemaker, Karl DeLooff, Dick Vandermolen, Steve Jekel. S E C O N D ROW: Jill Wenzlaff, Jennifer VanDuyne, Laura Woodruff, Susan Zobl, Sally Budd, Philip Tanis, Bob Simpson, Larry Simons, Gordon Berghuis. T H I R D ROW: Kathy Paris, Bill VanFassen, Dirk Weeldreyer, Dr. Renze Hoeksma, Marji Lindner, Cheryl Henderson, Coreen Bellows, Wally Avis, Kevon Kossen, Scott Carpenter, Ted Grund, Jeff Asmus. NOT P I C T U R E D : Dan Stid, Bethany VanDuyne.


Keynote Address: Mary Frances Berry: Professor of History and Law and Senior Fellow for Study of Educational Policy at Howard University; Member U.S. Civil Rights Commission Ms. Berry will identify central civil rights issues in the United States today. The address will be followed by a "Meet the Prsenters" forum in Phelps Hall. Keynote Address: Ramsey Clark:

Former U.S. Attorney General (1967-1969) Lawyer, Teacher and Writer Address will identify legal and legislative issues in the context of American Social Philosophy and Social Ideals

Voting Rights: Access to the Political System The Other Side of Justice: Race and the Law Affirmative Action School Desegregation Professor Warren Whatley, Government Action?

Ramsey Clark William Cohen, Associate Professor of History, Hope College Dorothy Ragsdale, Inland Steel Professor Janet Schofield, University of Pittsburgh Race and Poverty: Market Solution or University of Michigan

Keynote Address: The Rev. C. T. Viuian: Chairman, Black Action Strategies and Information Center Active Civil Rights Leader and interpreter of the Civil Rights movement in America and former member of Dr. Martin Luther King's executive staff. Address wil focus on social action for Civil Rights: Organizations, Activities and Appeals Future of Multi Racial/Anti racist Programs •— C. T. Vivian Political Access and Hispanic Concerns — Raul Yzaguirre, Director of National Council of LaRaza Christian Activism and Nonviolent Protest — Professor James White, Sociology Dept., Calvin College Self Initiative and Private Sector Projects — Johnathan Bradford, Director Inner City Christian Federation Local Issues: Civil Rights and Hope College — Mr. Allan Smith, Attorney, Hope Graduate

"Civil R i g h t s in t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s : T h e S t a t e of t h e D r e a m " was t h e topic for t h i s year's Critical Issues S y m posium. A l t h o u g h t h i s topic seemed t o be s o m e w h a t biased, according to m a n y s t u d e n t s , it was well a t t e n d e d by t h o s e s t u d e n t s a n d f a c u l t y who w e r e n ' t a t t h e beach or enjoying their " d a y off." T h e k e y n o t e speaker, R a m s e y Clark, s h a r e d his v a l u a b l e insights in a challenging speech, as did t h e m a n y o t h e r int e r e s t i n g people who spoke a t t h e Symposium. T h e focus sessions proved to be exciting a n d e n l i g h t e n i n g for m a n y . T h e two days of discussions provided an excellent source of i n f o r m a t i o n on a movem e n t t h a t m o s t feel h a d died. P e o p l e ' s eyes were o p e n e d to some of t h e startling f a c t s with r e g a r d s t o civil rights. D e b a t i n g t h e effectiveness of CIS, it came across t h a t s t u d e n t s need s o m e t h i n g like t h i s to b r o a d e n t h e i r horizons. All in all, t h e S y m p o s i u m was a huge success t h a t involved m a n y students.

Photos by John Armstrong



A: Fun was had by all at the picnic. B: He kept us all in stitches. C: The '86 Morale Guys. Photo: Doug Lehman. D; Terri cheers her pull guy on. E: Winner of the snow sculpture. Photo: College Relations. F; SAC explains itself to incoming freshmen. Photo: Doug Lehman. G: Another snow sculpture. Photo: College Relations. H: Winter Fantasia, A good time for all. Photo: John Gardner. I; "The Holland Transfer." Photo: John Armstrong.

s?:' -

SAC, the Student Activities Committee, is a group of students who coordinate a wide variety of activities for the students of Hope College to participate in. Some of the events that they sponsor are: the traditional Pull, Nykerk, and May Day. The All-College Sing, Air Jam, The DeWittch Bash were all part of their work. The weekly comedians, singers, mimes, and such were all sponsored by SAC. "To make Me Laugh" was also conducted on campus this year and it was enjoyed by many. The weekly movies such as, "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Tootsie" to name a few, were also brought in by SAC. The annual Winter Fantasia was attended by capacity crowds and enjoyed by all.

• ' » > •

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L 1 :X


M a y Day signifies t h e end of classes for t h e year. An a f t e r n o o n of activities was held, including a jello j u m p , a speed gun to test your t h r o w i n g ability, a n d a Moonwalk to j u m p for joy in. T h e crowning of J a n a DeGraf as Mdy Day Queen was t h e highlight of t h e day. S t u d e n t s enjoyed t h e s u n n y a f t e r n o o n , gaily p a r t i c i p a t i n g in t h e m a n y activities while others prepared t h e m s e l v e s to head to t h e i r s u m m e r destinations. T h e fun and game p r e p a r e d s t u d e n t s t o release t h e tension of e x a m week a n d e n j o y life once again.

A: Johnny Marmelstein tests his throwing ability. B: It's fun with a frisbee. C: Relief after jumping in the jello tank. D: Willie has fun jumping in the Moonwalk. E: All watch people jump in. F: Rich Helder enjoys the squish of the unflavored jello. Photos by John Armstrong



Sunday May 6, the 119th graduating class received degrees at Hope's second outdoor commencement. 19 of the 462 were awarded the first bachelor of science in Nursing degrees from Hope College. The other graduates received bachelor of arts, bachelor of music, and bachelor of science degrees. Nearly 4,000 people watched as the 1984 graduates entered into alumni status. Honorary degrees were given to Dr. Eugene Osterhaven, a professor of systematic theology at Western Theological Seminary, and to Dr. David G. Marker, provost, who will become the 13th president of Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Dr. Wayne Boulton was selected by the graduates to deliver the commencement address. He urged the graduates to "Push the Limits." A; President VanWylen addresses the graduates. B: The diplomas are handed out. C; Bill Monk leads the procession. D: The graduates prepare for Commencement. E; Dr. Boulton gives the Commencement address. F: Lining up for the big event. G: Melissa and Linda share a final moment. H: Doug and Katy share a special memorv. I: The honorary degrees are presented. Photos: Brian Greene and Mark Billadeau. D





CLASS OF 84 ••f

Jim Aardema

Sherri Allen

Valerie Anderson

Julia Antonietta

Fort Meyers, Fla. Geology

Naperville, 111. Secondary Ed.

Holyoke, Colo. Secondary Ed./Recreation

Kingston, N.Y. Composite Major

Roland Aragona

Linda Arnoldink

Livonia, Mich. Political Science

Oak Lawn, 111. Composite Major

Stuart Astleford

Paul Avedisian Southfield, Mich. Geology

Eagan, Minn. English


Renee Babcock

Mary Bahr

Kim Bailey

Karen Baker

White Cloud, Mich. Psychology/French

Plymouth, Mich. Chemistry

Waterviolet, Mich. Political Science

Comstock Park, Mich. Secondary Education

Rob Baker

Martin Balk

Wyoming, Mich. Business Admin.

Rockford, Mich. Business Admin.

Cheryl Barbati

Edwin Barkel

Highland, Ind. Biology

Holland, Mich. Business Admin.

HI Mary Barrows

Michael Bast

Jeffrey Bean

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Grand Rapids, Mich. Comp/Biology

Muskegon, Mich. Chemistry

William Beaver

Linda Bechtel

Lynn Beelen

John Beery

Holland, Mich. Composite

Newburgh, N.Y. Psychology

Holland, Mich. Phys. Ed.

Marshall, Mich. Political Science

Grand Rapids, Mich. Soc./Psych.

Brendon Bashaw

r, Adam Begley

Anne Beld

Timothy Bell

Amy Belstra

Williamsburg, Mich. Business Admin.

Grandville, Mich. Business Admin.

Westland, Mich. Business Admin.

Demotte, Ind. Humanities/Eng.



Robert Benishek

George Bera

Franklin, Wis. Bus. Admin./Psych.

Rockford, Mich. Business Admin.

Brian Berkey

Frank Berrodin

Nicole Bertram

Fenton, Mich. Psychology

Ann Arbor, Mich. Political Science

Grosse Point, Mich. Biology/Chemistry

Jeffrey Beswick

Dale Beukema

David Bhaskar

Elizabeth Bichler

Jenison, Mich. Ekon./Political Science

Grand Rapids, Mich. Psychology

Wesley Blood

Thomas Bohrer

Lincoln, Mass. Religion

Wyoming, Mich. Econ./Bus. Admin.

Terry Berens Holland, Mich. Business Admin.

• • I


Livingston, N.J. Chemistry

Staten Island, N.Y. Music

Sally Bolema

David Bopf

Muskegon, Mich. Secondary Ed.

Napa, Calif. Political Science

Jana Borgerson Holland, Mich. Geology

Peter Boundy Holland, Mich.

Mary Borowski Dearborn, Mich.

Susan Bowen Grand Rapids, Mich. English

Jill Bowman

Ken Boyce

Rochester, Mich. Psych./Soc.

Holland, Mich. Pol. Sci./Econ.

Charlotte, N.C.

Mary Braun

John Brender

Michael Brewer

Jill Broersma

Ionia, Mich. Art

Sterling Hts., Mich. Spanish

Washington, Mich. Business Admin.

Grand Rapids, Mich. Business Admin.

Lori Brace

Jeffrey Bradley Grand Rapids, Mich. Business Admin.




Vicki Brunn

William Bryson

Alison Burris

Newfane, Vt. Comp. Sci./Math

Fullerton, Calif. Psvch./Econ.

Spring Lake, Mich. Psych./Soc. Comp.

Marshall, Mich. Soc./Psych./Soc.

Jane Bursma

Brysin Bush

Karen Button

Pamela Byle

Sudbury, Mass. English

Kalamazoo, Mich. Political Science

Grand Rapids, Mich. Special Ed.

Kalamazoo, Mich. Business Admin.

Daniel Bylsma

Duane Carpenter

Grand Rapids, Mich. Business Admin.

East Jordan, Mich. Business Admin.

Russell Brown


;• -


Susan Casper

Lisa Castor

Scotia, N.Y. Comp. Sci./Bus. Adm.

Bedford, N.Y. English

Thomas Cathey

Patricia Cecil

Woodbury, Conn. Recreation/Bus. Adm.

Dayton, Ohio Political Science

Joyce Chandler

Mitchell Chinn

Media, Pa. Math

Farmington Hills, Mich. Chemistry

• David Cleveland

Bethany Cook

Bonnie Corson


Montague, Mich. Bus. Admin./Math

Jenison, Mich. Business Admin.

Cathleen Cox

Leslie Coy

Wendy Crawford

Donald Cress

Portage, Mich. Music

Albany, N.Y. Business Admin.

Holland, Mich. Music

Ann Arbor, Mich. Business Admin.

Kalamazoo, Mich. History/Poli. Sci.

Jose Conceicao


Mkab. Shelley Crummel Kalamazoo, Mich. Business Admin.

Scott Curley Wayland, Mass. Religion

Paul Dalley St. Clair Shores, Mich.

Marge Darby Holland, Mich. Communications



Elizabeth Davis

Timothy Dawes

Davison, Mich. Biology

Muskegon, Mich. Chemistry

Duane Dede

Shelley DeFreese

Edward DeGroot

Marie DeGroot

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Grand Rapids, Mich. Business Admin.

Claremont, Calif. Biology

Tina DeJong

Heidi Dekker

Rick Dernberger

Wyoming, Mich.

Sheboygan, Wis.

Bloomfield His., Mich.

Grand Rapids, Mich. Business Admin.

Mary DeVries

kSofc.. Amy De Winter

Dawn DeWitt

Tim Dieffenbach

Holland, Mich. Biology

Grandville, Mich. Chemistry

Zeeland, Mich. Communications

Muskegon Hts., Mich. Psychology


Laura DeVries

Merrillville, Ind. Religion

Cheryl Doan

Joseph Doele

Adrian, Mich. Bus. Admin./Psych.

Grand Rapids, Mich. Pol. Sci./Anc. Civ.

Randall Dice

Elizabeth Doolittle

Belmont, Mich. Business Admin.

Holland, Mich. Business Admin.


Elizabeth Doom

Dianna Dorgelo

Coopersville, Mich.

Stevensville. Mich.

Mark Driesenga Holland, Mich.

Katy Droppers Franklin Lks., N.J Business Admin.

Barbara Duffield

Pete Dykema

Cheryl Dykstra

Denise Dykstra

Drayton Pins., Mich. English

Spring Lake, Mich. Chemistry

Grand Rapids, Mich. Bio./Geo.

Muskegon, Mich. Political Science



Michell Dykstra

Bryn Elder

Rayetta Elhart

Grandville, Mich. Psychology

Portage, Mich. Special Ed.

Holland, Mich. Business Adm./Eng.

Lansing, Mich.

John Estell

Anne Enderlein

Lansing, Mich. Psychology

Whiting, N.J. Special Ed.

Vern Essenberg

Karin Etter

John Fanthorpe

Deborah Fike

Grandville, Mich. Biology

Naperville, 111. Business Admin.

Naperville, 111. Phys. Ed.

Holland, Mich. German

Perry Francisco



Tamara Erb


Teresa Fleming

Lori Flock

Catherine Fox

Augusta, Mich. Psychology

Colts Neck, N.J. Psych./Bio.

Kalamazoo, Mich. Special Ed.

Holland, Mich.

Eric Frank

Mary Gaffney

Grand Rapids, Mich. History

Union Springs, N.Y. Science Comp./Phys. Ed.

Janice Gale

Lori Geerligs

Hart, Mich. Psychology

Grand Rapids, Mich. Nursing

Brian Gibbs

Dan Gibson

Union Springs, N.Y. Bus. Admin./German/Int. Studies Comp.

Laura Gibson

South Holland, III. Phys. Ed./Bus. Adm.

Kalamazoo, Mich. Biology

Diane Gluth

Linda Gnade

Munster, Ind. German

Diamond Point, N.Y. Nursing/Bio.

Russ Goemaere Fraser, Mich.


a r Yi

Scott Gibson South Holland, Mich.


Mike Gomez Ridgewood, N.J. Business Admin.


/ Brian Goodman Portland, Mich.

Cindy Groeneveld Grand Rapids, Mich.

Beth Gunn Ada, Mich. Psychology

Daniel Greene

Bryan Gras

Margaret Graves

Zeeland, Mich. Economics

Glen Ellyn, 111. English

David Groeneveld

John Grooters

Susan Growney

Charlevoix, Mich. Communications

West Bloomfield, Mich. Psychology

South Holland, 111. Religion/Psych.

Rhonda Hale Jenison, Mich. Language

Grand Rapids, Mich. Geology

Juli Harper

Brenda Harris

Grand Rapids, Mich. Language

Grand Rapids, Mich. Bus. Admin./Psych.

Robert Hartt Old Saybrook, Conn. Phil./Bus. Admin.

Ginger Hawkins Grosse Pointe, Mich. Music

i i J

Ai :

Dave Hedges

Eraser, Mich. French

Ross Helmus

Rochester, N.Y. Business Admin.

Paul Hemeren

Grand Rapids, Mich. Business Admin.

Muskegon, Mich. Psychology/Philosophy

David Herber

James Herman

Port Huron, Mich. Business Admin.

Rhonda Hermance

Grand Rapids, Mich. Chemistry

Lorie Herrmann

Schenectady, N.Y. Music Education

Cincinnati, Ohio Business Admin.

Douglas Heyboer

Steven Hillstead

Diane Hinman

Linda Hodson

Holland, Mich. Psych./Special Ed.

Muskegon, Mich. Business Admin.

Holland, Mich. Theatre

Allendale, Mich. Psych./Soc. Composite

Carla Hedeen


i !

w Richard Hoekstra Parchment, Mich.

Janet Hoffman

Mark Hofmeyer

Gregory Hondorp

St. Thomas, V.I. Psy./Psy., Soc. Composite

Holland, Mich. Business Admin.

San Jose, Calif. Chemistry/Biology




Greg Horesovsky

Gordon Hotchkiss

Holland, MI Biology

Poughkeepsie, NY Geology

Eric Hubbard

Charles Hyde

Grand Rapids, MI Chemistry

Grand Blanc, MI Biology/Chemistry

- I.


Diane lanuzi

Mona Jabra

Syracuse, NY Spanish

Jeanene Jellison

Brian Jett

Holland, MI Business Admin.

Muskegon, MI Psychology


Paul Jipping Holland, MI

Carol Johnson

Nancy Johnson

Holland, MI Psychology

Chicago, IL Spanish

Patricia Johnson Composite Major


Anna Kalmach Cadillac, MI Chemistry

Kenneth Keast Litchfield, MI Business Ad./Econ.

Rebecca Kammer Albion, MI Cotnp. Sci./Math

Daniel Kempker

Karen Kayes

Mayumi Kato

Glen Ellyn, IL Business Admin.

Mulugetta Ketema

James Karsten

Holland, MI Business Admin.

Grandville, MI Psych./Biology

L _ Shelly Kik Grand Rapids, MI Special Educ.

Kathleen Klok Kalamazoo, MI Business Admin.

Susannah Kist West Bend, WI

Lynn Klok Kalamazoo, MI Nursing


CLASS OF 1984 1 ^

Sarah Koppes

Bill Kordenbrock

Lois Kortering

Karen Kossen

York, PA Poli. Sci./Econ.

Muskegon, MI Music Education

Holland, MI Special Ed.

Karen Kranendonk

Fred Krieger

Pompton Lakes, NJ Biology/Spanish

Cincinnati, OH Bus. Ad/Eng.

Barbara Krom

Bruce Kuiper

Poughkeepsie, NY Bus. Ad/Psych.


Marguerite Koster

Beth Kowalke

Grand Rapids, MI Humanities

Grand Rapids, MI Physical Ed.

Brad Kuipers

Caryn Kunkle

Holland, MI Physical Ed.

Grand Rapids, MI Business Admin.

Marilyn Kuntzman

Melissa Lambers

Rochester, MI

Grand Rapids, MI Business Admin.

David Lammers

Melody Leavenworth

Lisanne Leech

Doug Lehman

Englewood, CO Geology

Saginaw, MI Business Admin.

Northbrook, IL Language Arts

Holland, MI Bus. Ad/Psychology

James Luyk

Joseph Lyons

Jeff Machiela

Johnny Marmelstein

Hudsonville, MI

South Haven, MI Phil./Poli.Sci.

Holland, MI Business Admin.


Lenore Masiarczyk Washington, MI Math

Danette Matteson Oak Park, IL Composite Major

i r

Pamela Mazzola

Richard McClennen

Jenison, MI Special Ed.

Holland, MI Poli Sci./Bus. Ad.



Thomas McKenzie

John McMillan

Mary Lynn McNally

Janet Meyer

Mason, MI Chemistry

Farmington His, MI Economics

South Holland, MI English/Comm.

Douglaston, NY Recreation/Religion

: ' . — •


Buzz Miller

Michael Miller

Diane Mills

Deb Moermond

Macatawa, MI Business Admin.

Jenison, MI Biology

Eaton Rapids, MI Biology

Midland, MI Art

Edmund Moriarty

Deborah Morrison

Grand Rapids, MI Business Admin.

Madison Hgts, MI English

Melissa Most

Bruce Mulder

Maywood, IL Psych./Psy. Soc Comp.

St. Petersburg, FL History

Nate Munson

Ahmed Mussa

Kenneth Neevel

Laura Nicholson

Wappingers Fls, NY Business Admin.

Niles, MI Math/Comp. Sci.


Kuniyoshi Ninomiya

Cynthia Noorlag

Tammy Nothdurft

Suzanne Olds

Aichi, Japan Art

Rockford, IL Bus. Ad/Psych.

Holland, MI Music Education

Spring Lake, MI Business Admin.

Tracy Ore

Joan Oskam

Oakdale, NY Soc./Psy. Soc. Comp.

Grandville, MI Nursing

Jack Overbeek

Fern Palma

Holland, MI

Holland, MI Physical Ed.




J p


Anne Parikh

Michele Parker

Loraine Payne

Lansing, Mich.

Kalamazoo, Mich. Political Science

Saginaw, Mich. Composite Major

Bangor, Pa. Psychology

Ann Pangborn



Linda Percy

Beth Ann Pershing

Chris Peterson

Jonathan Peterson

St. Joseph, Mich. Math

Holland, Mich. Math/Business Ad.

W. Henrietta, N.Y. Business Admin.

Muskegon, Mich. Geology

Robin Pfeiffer

Deborah Phillips

Christine Pickering

Jeanine Pilon

Holland, Mich. English

Midland, Mich. Psy. Soc. Comp./Soc.

Spring Lake, Mich. Language Composite

Wappingers Fls., N.Y.

Jeffrey Plomer

Rebecca Pochert

Steven Pope

Jeffrey Porte

Midland, Mich. Biology

Midland, Mich. Spanish/Business

Tecumseh, Mich. History

Traverse City, Mich. Psychology

• Robert Pranga

Mary Jo Price

Sturgis, Ml Theatre

Sheila Prochnow

Fremont, MI Math

Carol Pyle

Grand Haven, MI French/English

Sheboygan Fls, WI Business Admin.


David Randall

Joel Redeker

Grosse Ele, MI

Holland, MI

Scott Reenders

Rebecca Reid

Grand Haven, MI Business Admin.

St. Joseph, MI Business Admin.

Jayne Remmelts

Lee Ann Remsberg

Sara Renkes

Carolyn Ridder

Rockford, MI Social Studies Comp.

Alma, MI Nursing

Morrison, IL Soc./Business Ad.

Yorba Linda, CA Religion



Jill Riepenhoff

William Riley

Columbus, OH Composite Major

Spring Lake, MI

Julie Ritsema

Elizabeth Roets

Holland, MI Humanities

Grand Rapids, MI Communications

Wendy Schoenmaker

John Scholte

Cathy Schroeder

Holland, MI Math

Spring Lake, MI Business Admin.

Kalamazoo, MI Religion

Grand Rapids, MI Psychology

Todd Schuiling

Stephen Schwander

Lisa Schanafelt

Marjory Sikkema

Grand Rapids, MI Business Admin.

Ireton, IA Sociology

Âť/ m


Mary Schaap


Wychkoff, NJ Psych. Soc Composite

Sherry Small

Elizabeth Smith

Stevensville, Mich. Chemistry

Holland, Mich. Political Science

•H Carol Smith Countryside, 111. English

Karen Smith Palos Heights, 111.


--jd Sarah Souter

Grand Rapids, Mich. Historj

Michael Spitters St. Joseph, Mich.

Sharon Smith

Susan Somerville

Midland, Mich. Religion/Psych.

Grayling, Mich. Nursing

J AmM&A Chris Stagg Somerset, N.J. Comp. Science


H Janet Sterk Waupun, Wis. Physical Education

Mark Stid

Susan Stockhoff

Mason, Mich. Chemistry/Biology

East Greenbush, N.Y. Psy. Soc. Composite



o a Linda Strouf

Robin Tavemier

James Tewinkle

Melanie Thurston

Manistee, Mich. Music Education

Constantine, Mich. Composite Major

Sheboygan, Wis. Biology/Nursing

Holland, Mich. Biology

Terri Tigelaar

David Timmerman

Hudsonville, Mich. Chemistry

Spring Lake, Mich. Business Admin.

Jon Toppen Holland, Mich. Political Science


Laurie Traxler Kalamazoo, Mich.

Tony Turner

Karen Tysse

Stephen Underwood

Scott Vanarendonk

Burnips, Mich. Communications

Holland, Mich. Special Ed.

East Lansing, Mich. Sociology

Portage, Mich. Religion

Jonathan Van Ark

Duane VandenBrink

Jillane VanderArk

Matthew VanderBorgh

Holland, Mich. Comp. Sci.

Holland, Mich. Chemistry

Denver, Colo. Communications

Saginaw, Mich. Art

Karla VanderKolk

Susan Vanderveen

Bryon VandeWege

Joni VanderZouwen

Lansing, Mich. Business Admin.

Grand Rapids, Mich. Ancient Civilization

Holland, Mich. Chemistry

Grand Rapids, Mich. Humanities

Julie VandyBogurt

Jennifer VanDuyne

David VanDyke

Sonia VanEyl

Marshall, Mich. Composite Major

Flint, Mich. Business Admin.

Holland, Mich. Communications

Holland, Mich. Nursing

i Tyra VanGilder

Jaci VanHeest

Lansing, Mich. Psychology

Holland, Mich. Physical Ed.

Kurtis VanKoevering Zeeland. Mich. Business Admin.

David VanNoord Hudsonville, Mich. History



Joel VanHouten

Kevin VanOordt

Grand Rapids, MI Music Education

Spring Lake, MI Computer Science

Diane VanOss

Mary VantKerkHoff

Robert VanWieren

Derrick Velarde

Zeeland, MI English/Anc. Civil.

Grand Rapids, MI Comp. Sci/Bus. Ad.

Holland, MI Physics

Grand Blanc, MI Biology

Marjorie Veldheer

Stephanie VerBeek

Richard Verstrate

Zeeland, MI Nursing

Grand Rapids, MI Business Admin.

Grand Rapids, MI Geology

Jerome Vite

Martin Waalkes

Niles, MI Business Admin.

Grand Rapids, MI Psych./Bus. Ad.

L Kris Veldheer

m M


Alethea Vissers


Thomas Wagner

Nancy Walchenbach

Randal Warren

Lisa Weatherbee

Boca Raton, FL English/Commun.

Grand Rapids, MI

Niles, MI Composite Major

Holland, MI

x: Mary Weber

Richard Webster

Elkhart, IN Computer Science

Denver, CO Poli. Sci/History

Susan Welker

Dean Welsch

W. Paterson, NJ Sociology

Fond Du Lac, WI Chemistry

Charles Werling

Debra Wettack

Wendy Wigger

Holland, Ml Business Admin.

Richmond, VA Physical Education

Holland, Ml Recreation/Bus. Ad. 69


Susan Wildeboer

Holly Willson

Grand Rapids, MI Physical Ed.

Portland, MI Special Ed.

Sharon Wilson

Jeffrey Wing

Michael Wissinck

Larry Witham

Portland, MI Economics

Caledonia, MI Business Admin.

Grand Rapids, MI Biology/Religion

N. Muskegon, MI Economics/Bus. Ad.

Lynette Witherspoon

David Wood Holland, MI Bus. Ad./Economics

I Jamie Worden Grand Rapids, MI Spanish/Psy. Soc Comp.

Todd Zylstra






Rodney Boyer

Michael Doyle

Irwin Brink

Donald Friedrich

The ever-expanding Chemistry department of Hope College continued to progress beneficially throughout the year. A new faculty member was added to the chemistry staff, Dr. Michael E. Silver. Dr. Silver, along with Dr. Seymour and Dr. Friedrich, aided the department's goal of incorporating computer use more in chemistry classes with their computer training and knowledge. This was part of the department's continually changing goal to conform to the American Chemical Society Certification guidelines, according to Dr. William Mungall, d e p a r t m e n t chairman. The chemistry department has been a strong supporter of student research. Last summer twenty-eight students worked on projects, receiving funding from outside sources. The chemistry faculty work closely with them on these projects. Many students also present papers at science meetings. One such student, John Griffin, won an award for his at the Midwest Student Affiliate American Chemical Society Regional Meeting last year. A: Learning the basics in Freshman chemistry. B: Dr. Jekel advises a freshman. C: Chris Murray filters solutions. D: Students listen intently to a Biochemistry lecture. Photos by Alethea Vissers

Michael Seymour

Michael Silver

Donald Williams D


Eugene Jewel


William Mungall Chairman


Christopher Barney

Allen Brady

Donald Cronkite

Eldon Greij

' '

Norman Rieck

The Biology Department prepares students in a wide variety of areas of Biology, so that they may go on in a number of directions. Whether it be teaching, profession, graduate school, or medical school. Throughout the year the department sponsor lectures, inviting professors from outside schools to inform students of their studies in specific areas and also brings in people from different fields to interest students in the areas of Biology. The Department boasts several professors, including a new professor Edith Smoot, hired to replace Barbara Taller in Botany. She joins a staff that includes Allen Brady, Chris Barney, Paul VanFassen, Norman Rieck, Donald Cronkite, and James Gentile. Biology has successfully prepared numerous students with an excellent background and with such a high qualified staff is able to continue to do so. A: Biology is also into the chemicals. B: Mary focuses in on the little critter. C: Beth and Patty prepare their cat for . . . Photo: Aletha Vissers. D: This world is for the fishes. Photo: Lee Ann Wojcinski. E: More proof we're into the chemicals. Photo: Lee Ann Wojcinski.

Edith Smoot

Paul VanFaasen Chairman




Richard Brockmeier

Harry Frissel

The Department of Physics offers a comprehensive program for those desiring a career in physics, engineering, or allied natural sciences. The physics course structure allows students to tailor their program to their main interests. Opportunities for participation in the department are available to all physics students during both the academic year and the summer. The undergraduate research program centers around the 2.5 million volt Van de Graff accelerator and the facilities for industrial process control. Such extensive laboratories are rarely found in undergraduate colleges, and are comparable to those in the best graduate schools. Research is carried out in the application of the microcomputer to the control of industrial machines and processes. Students have the opportunity to help develop systems that are manufactured and put into actual use. The College's new Vax computer system is used extensively by physics students at all levels. A; Physicists works on a lab. B: A student works on her Introductory Physics Lab. C: A frustrated electronics student gets prepared to do in his project. D: These electrical engineers have the method down. E: This student works with an oscillator. Photos by Doug Lehman.

j/S. i

Peter Jolivette

James Van Putten Chairman


Peter Gonthier



The computer science department has four goals. First, it prepares students for careers in the computer field. Second, it provides instruction to students who need computing skills in their chosen field. Third, it gives students exposure to computers to prepare them for life in a highly computerized society. And four, it serves as a resource to the Hope College community for information and application of computers. The addition of a new professor, Mark Brown, has expanded the department to four professors and the search for a fifth is underway. A new class, computer graphics, has been added. The newest addition to the computer department is the new computer now located in Durfee Hall. The new computer has changed the entire program because each course had to be rewritten to be used on the new computer. A: A computer science major relaxes during class. B: Students go over their printouts. C; The professor must be explaining something complicated to these two. D: Dr. Dangremond has caught the attention of this student. Photos by Brian Greene

a S


ff Mark Brown

Bruce Dangremond

Herbert Dershem

Gordon Stegink



The Nursing Department Is Busy in Their Second Year



Cynthia Kielenan Chairperson

Beth Gordon

The nursing department has started full swing into their second year of existence. The department seeks to provide a broad educational and professional experience to its students. It is also a unique department in that it is a cooperative joint program with Calvin College. Students attend classes on both Hope's and Calvin's campuses. Although commuting to Grand Rapids is time consuming, the students find that the contact with Calvin students is rewarding. Nursing students fulfill a regular core curriculum during their freshman and sophomore years before beginning the intense nursing program in their junior year. Their learning travels far beyond the classroom into "on the floor" experience in both Butterworth and Holland Hospitals. Since the Department of Nursing is only in its second year, a very close student-faculty relationship has formed. The graduating Seniors receive a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and are eligible to take their RN examinations in August.

Tom Mansen

Jean Martin



A: Junior students in a large lecture. B: Jean Martin planning class lectures. C: A department meeting Photos by Steve Bosch



Sharon Malyas

Providing a Solid Foundation for the Future Hope is designed to help students live more adequately, and this aim includes preparation for effective and constructive service in a vocation. This is accomplished in one way through the many different pre-professional programs available to students. The advisors for students entering these programs are: Biology — Mr. Brady Business — Mr. Muiderman Chemistry — Mr. Williams Christian Ministry — Mr. Bruins Church Work — Mr. Jekel Dentistry — Mr. Jekel Government Service — Mr. Hoeksema Engineering — Mr. Brink Geology — Mr. Tharin Journalism — Mr. MacDoniels Law — Mr. Zoetewey Medicine — Mr. Boyer, Mr. Gentile, Mr. Jekel, Mr. Mungall, Mr. Cronkite Medical Technology — Mr. Jekel Music — Mr. Sharp Nursing — Ms. Kielinen Teaching Elementary — Mr. Paul Secondary — Mr. Bultman Physical Therapy — Mr. Ray Physics — Mr. VanPutten Religion — Mr. Bruins Social Work — Mr. Piers

A: Pre-med advisor Dr. Mungall. B: Preengineering advisor Dr. Brink. C: Pre-biology advisor Dr. Brady. D: Pre-religion advisor Dr. Bruins. E: Pre-geology advisor Dr. Tharin. F: Pre-med advisor Dr. Jekel. Photos by: Alethea Vissers, John Armstrong, and Brian Greene.



Getting Down To Earth

Kodjopa Attoh

Dr. Tharin's office, overcrowded with books and other excess materials, personifies the changes that the Geology department has made in the past year, after the loss of Dr. Robert Reinking from the staff. Nevertheless, the department maintained the quality of the program with the able leadership of Dr. Tharin, who took over Dr. Reinking's job of department chairman. The objective of the Geology department is to produce highly trained pre-professional students. Many geology majors continue work at major universities, and are at the top of the entrance exams. This has been evident over the past fifteen years in the geology program. Certainly a dedicated faculty who are genuinely interested in the students has enhanced the quality of the program. Other quality aspects of the geology department are the field study programs. Trips to the Virgin Islands and the Colorado Rockies are offered each May term, and there is also a six week field camp in Colorado for geology majors.


A: A student discusses a geological topic in lab. Photo by: Lee Ann Wojcinski. B: Two future geologists analyze a rock sample. Photo by: Lee Ann Wojcinski. C; An advanced geology lab looks over some topographical maps. Photo by: Brian Greene.

J. Cotter Tharin Chairman C



David Carothers

Allen Emerson

w Elliot Tanis

Richard Vandervelde

Frank Sherburne

John Stoughton

The mathematics department saw many changes this year with four new classes: Applied Partial Differential Equations, Math Seminar, Infinite Series, and Advanced Calculus I and 11. A new professor. Dr. John Stoughton, joined us from the University of North Carolina-Asheville. Also, a weekly mathematics colloquium has been added and was honored to have Dr. Saunders Machane, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar as a guest lecturer. The math department hopes to provide courses so that students may go on to teach, graduate school, or obtain employment in a mathematically based vocation. They wish to provide training as a service to students majoring in other departments. Also, they offer courses for a liberal arts training. Special recognition goes to Christine Brower for her work "Biological Applications of Ordinary Differential Equations" and also Tom TenHoeve for his work "Data Analysis Techniques." A: Students take careful notes in Calculus I class. B; Kirk Weller reads his math assignment. C: Students listen enthusiastically to a math lecture. D: These mathematicians are skeptical of Dr. Steketee's equations. Photos by Brain Greene

John Van Iwaarden Chairman


Intense Concentration Is Necessary for the Business Major

Sylvia Boyd

Robert Cline

1983-84 was a fine year for the Department of Economics and Business Administration. Mr. Tony Muiderman is the new head of the department, taking the place of Barry Richardson. The faculty and students both continue to enjoy their spacious new office, where all business faculty can be found for easy consultation. Students majoring in the department actively participate in field trips, internships with local business firms, and i n d e p e n d e n t research projects. They meet frequently with visiting business executives and distinguished economists. The major change in the department this year was with the application of computer work for research in many of the classes. The department realizes the large emphasis of computer knowledge necessary for the business graduate. Many business majors continued to find rewarding internships during the Philadelphia Urban Semester. The new programs and various internship programs c o n t i n u e to u p g r a d e t h e department.

Robert Gentenaar

James Heisler

William Japinga

Robin Klay

Richard Swaney

Peter Vandernat

David Zessin

Herbert Martin


A: Shiela Teed and Mary Van't Kerkhoff in Economics B: The future lawyers of America C: Intense in Accounting Photos by Steue Bosch

i Tony Muiderman Chairperson

Hershall Purdue

i Theodore Spoelman


The Pressures of Politics

Robert Elder

Renze Hoeksma

James Zoetewey Chairman

Within the political science department, there is a diversity so that students interested in politics can branch out and explore different areas of this field. Political science is not just for students interested in a career in law or government, however. Many are involved in business, seminary work, and other related fields. The staff of the political science department has a wide diversity in training, political affiliation, course interests, and extra curricular interests to provide any student with the kind of training they would like to have in political science. One part time professor joined the staff for the spring semester. Professor Mike Mast from Grand Valley State College will teach a new class. Criminal Justice Systems. In addition to this new course, two other new courses were offered this year. They were Women and the Law and President, Congress, and Federal Land Use. These, as well as the other courses, help to make this a well rounded department.


A; A political science major laboriously takes notes. B: The intensity of political science shows on the faces of these co-eds. C: Paul Ritsema — the picture of the "studious Prater." D: A pair of students listen intently. E: An underclassman finds subtle humour in a poli sci lecture.


1 ' / ^




Leslie Beach

Robert Brown

Jane Dickie

The psychology department at Hope College tries to present psychology in the broadest scope but also in such a way that students who wish to pursue psychology have more than adequate preparation. The department has become more computer-conscious lately, recently including work with computers in the classroom. Also, the most recent coursc addition has been a class on adult development and aging. A new staff member in the psychology department is Dr. Charles Green. Dr. Green is a social psychologist who has been appointed to replace Dr. Myers who is on a leave of absence. The psychology staff feels that the department has reached an all time high in terms of professional representation, expertise, and dedication. Although the department is made up of professors from various areas of psychology, together they can identify with the aims of Hope, and this is where the strength of the department lies.

Lars Granberg

W u U H ti ! t Âť


A: Future psychologists take diligent notes. B: Anxious pupils cram before the big test. C: Dr. Green provides another interesting lecture in his upper level class. Photos by Doug Lehman.

James Motiff


David Myers

John Shaughnessy


Phillip Van Eyl Chairman

Charles Green

Thomas Ludwig

Scientific Social Studies

Donald Luidens

Roger Nemeth

James Piers Chairman

There are two main objectives to the sociology and social work department. One is to prepare students who are interested in social work, graduate school, and the helping professions. Students learn systematic processes for helping other people reach their potential in face of personal and social demands. The other main objective is interested in developing sociological perspectives for whatever career the student plans to go in to after graduation. This year the sociology department added Dr. Roger Nemeth from the University of North Carolina to its staff. Dr. Nemeth specializes in the sociology of Third World countries and the Orient. A significant change which has happened recently is the addition of computer use in many of the courses. The department has been encouraging the use of computers because they are becoming a major part of life and something that everyone will need to be familiar with. A: A student is deep in thought. B: A female sociologist leaves after a stimulating class. C: This class crams before a test that they are about to take. D: Students carefully take notes. E: This scholar takes a break from her sociology reading.




Albert Bell

Marc Baer

The History Department gained a new member this year, Dr. Marc Baer, and lost a long standing member to retirement, Dr. Paul Fried. Professor Fried was with the department for 31 years and was also director of the college's International Education Department for a majority of that period. A noticeable change which occurred in this year's curriculum was the addition of Dr. Baer's computer course in q u a n t i t a t i v e m e t h o d s for t h e Humanities. This class uses computers as a tool to answer questions that are answerable with q u a n t i t a t i v e statements. Other achievements within the department were: Professor Cohen's publication of the book Labor in The War




William Cohen


Petrovich's opportunity to finish his manuscript of Dubrovnik while staying in Yugoslavia. Professor Cohen also worked on a book of legal history and Professor Curry finished his book History History.

is Literature

and Literature


A: Students listen to an upper-level history lecture. B: Upperclassmen conduct a round-table discussion. C: Students turn in the dreaded tests. Photos by Renee Alarcon

Paul Fried

G. Larry Penrose Chairman


Earl Curry

Neal Sobania


K Arthur Jentz

i s H n

Katherine Minister

Philosophy is a style of thinking and an historical tradition of thought. It is at once the questioning search for meaning and truth throughout the whole of human experience and the history of such critical reflection. We engage in philosophical thinking both through thoughtful dialogue with important thinkers in the history of philosophy and through disciplined reflection on the substantive issues we have inherited from the tradition. This contributes to the goals of liberal education in at least three ways. First, it helps us to live as free and responsible members of our society which requires an understanding of our past as an inheritance to be carefully carried on. Second, philosophical questions, whatever their specific content, have a tendency to become ways of asking the question. Who am I? Third, it shows us that the roles of other disciplines can often be enhanced through deliberate reflection on the goals and fundamental concepts they involve. A: A student takes diligent notes on German philosophy. B: This person evidently likes philosophy. C: A class listens to Dr. Westphal lecture. D: Jim Bos takes a grueling test. E: Dr. Perovich gets into his lecture. Photos by Doug Lehman.

Anthony Perovich

Merold Westphal Chairman



** M l . Hairold Bakker

James Bultman

Lamont Dirkse

The education department seeks to prepare students to teach in the elementary and secondary schools of our nation. To fulfill the requirements for certification each student planning on a professional teaching career must complete a major in an academic field, a minor and the professional education sequence. An integrated field-theory approach to teacher preparation permeates the entire professional education series. Students become more progressively involved in field experiences and participate in increasingly more complex teaching styles. Even in today's tight job market, graduates from Hope's education department have been very successful. Last year Hope graduates seeking teaching positions were placed in schools in this country and abroad at a rate considerably higher than the national average. The education department actively recruits students who possess academic promise, interpersonal skills and who, at the same time, aim for excellence. A: Dr. Jacob and class enjoy a student-led class session. B: Dr. Schackow poses for a picture during this class. C: Students take notes in an informal class setting. D: Education students listen to a lecture by Dr. Bakker. Photos by John DeNeef


Daniel Paul Chairman

Carl Schackow


George Jacob

Nancy Miller



. Susan Mooy



Harry Boonstra

Fraincis Fike

Jane Harrington

Stephen Hemenway

Charles Huttar

David James

The English department in 1983-84 had a new look, apparent to insiders if not to outsiders. Teachers were still trying to lead students to be better readers of and writers about literature, and to have a fuller knowledge of English and American literature. But many of the courses were changed, to give students a better introduction to literary types and basic skills, a stronger historical emphasis, and more exposure to twentieth-century literature. This was also a year for notable achievements for individual faculty and students. A student, Tom Andrews, had several poems published. Professor Huttar participated in a summer seminar at Cornell University. Professor Hemenway organized another highly successful summer session in Vienna. Several professors presented papers at professional meetings. Professor Ridl received national recognition for his poems and a book on C. S. Lewis by Professor Schakel was published. A: Students intently take notes B: Prof. Ridl explains poetry C: Dr. Hemenway enlightens a World Lit I class Photos by: Doug Lehman

rr-VV.Ji Dirk Jellema

William Reynolds

Jack Ridl

Peter Schakel Chairman

Nancy Taylor

Kathleen Verduin


Speaking Effectively

Anne Holmquest

Joseph MacDoniels

T h e communication d e p a r t m e n t prepares students to enter a world of increasing technological needs. From the interpersonal to the mass media, Hope offers a variety of classes and provides the students with much personal experience. Hope welcomes the addition of Anne Holmquiest to the communication Department. Her emphasis is in public speaking and the rhetorical act. In addition to Anne Holmquest, the department includes professors Joseph MacDoniels, Sharon Mahood, and Ted Neilson. Though a major is available, Hope has classes that fulfill the liberal arts requirements and provide the basic needs for communication on any level.

A; Heidi Bocher shares her thoughts. B: Professor Mahood actively participates with the lesson. C: Notes are taken as others speak. D: A smile, a friendly sign of direct communication. E: Sometimes communication isn't always fun. Photos: Bob Berstrom

ÂŁ Sharon Mahood Chairperson



Barry Bandstra

Wayne Boulton

Elton Bruins Chairman

Allen Verhey

Gerard Van Heest Chaplain


Dennis Voskuil

Boyd Wilson

The Religion Department in 1983-84 revised much of its curriculum. The major program was restructured and offerings in Christian Education were enlarged. Other new changes included an addition of two May Term classes: Contemplative Life with Dr. Boulton, and a trip to the Holy Land with Dr. Bandstra, who is also a new addition to the Religion Department. Dr. Bandstra's discipline is in Old Testament Studies, replacing Dr. Voogd, who retired in 1983. An important feature within the department was the visit of Dr. Kristen Stendahl to Hope College. She is a Professor at the New Testament Divinity School. T h e r e were several n o t a b l e achievements in the department also this year. Two books written by professors were published: Karl Earth's Theology of Culture by Dr. Palma, and Mountains into Goldmines by Dr. Voskil. Also, due in large part to the work of Clarence VanEss, a major grant was obtained in order that six religion majors could continue their studies. A: Students prepare for another lecture. Photo: Steve Bosch. B: Reaching out for divine inspiration. Photo: Lee Ann Wojcinski. C: Future ministers listen intently. Photo: Dave Solak. D: Students enjoying their introductory religion course. Photo: Dave Solak. E: An upper level class tries to absorb as much from the lecture as possible. Photo: Dave Solak.




Ion Agheana

Jean Cazajou

John Creviere

Sander DeHaan

Carol Leihiger

Jacob Nyenhuis

Gisela Strand

RuddTodd Chairperson

Hubert Weller

The main objective of the foreign languages department is, through the learning of languages of different countries, to teach students about cultures different from our own. One of the best ways to learn about people is through language. A new aim of the department is to look into the possibility of offering French, German, and Spanish courses designed for business usage. These will be designed for students going into business related fields and will give them the opportunity to learn more vocabulary in their area. One class that was added to the course offerings this year was first year Dutch. There are no plans to continue this class as of yet. In addition, some of the upper level courses have been condensed to give a better-balanced, solid program in each particular language. Three new faculty members were also added to the department. They are: Jean Cazajou, Carol Liebiger, and Vesna Crzjansky-Petrovich. A: Students work diligently in class. Photo: John DeNeef. B: Many Foreign Language scholars make use of the Language Lab. Photo: Doug Lehman. C: Students preparing themselves to take a test. Photo: John DeNeef.

Vesna Petrovich

Charles Powell

Antonia Searles



As part of the overall program in International Education at Hope, the International Education Office offers information and assistance to all students interested in study abroad. Opportunities to do so for a short term, a summer, a semester, or a full year are available in virtually every part of the globe. Programs abroad have been established in the following countries: Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain, Yugoslavia, East and West Africa, Japan, Hong Kong, China, India, Columbia, Israel, and Australia.


Students Keep the Beat Through a Successful Year

Charles Aschbrenner

Robert Cecil

Roger Davis

The department of music at Hope College has two aims: to supply the liberal arts student with an elective musical background which will assist him or her in becoming aware and appreciative of the growing musical heritage of civilization, and to train the student who wishes to make music his individual vocation. A very exciting new course was introduced this year, Advanced Instrumental Conducting, which provides Hope students with practical conducting experience. The department is unique in that it has a large staff of full and part time professors, allowing them to offer the widest range of classes possible to Hope Students. The department also purchased six new baby grand pianos this past year that will provide the students with an even better practicing opportunity. They also try to provide an opportunity for close student-faculty relationships with respect to the small class sizes. Private lessons also help students dramatically.

Mary Engstrom

Jantina Holleman

Anthony Koaker

r- r.

A: Margie Fabrici practices to perfection. B: Students are getting in the beat. C: Professor Rietberg directs the College Chorus. Photos by Steve Bosch



Joyce Morrison


Mary Natvig


Roger Rietberg

m:t 짜

Robert Ritsema

Stuart Sharp Chairperson

Michael Votta

Practice Leads to the Perfection of This Year's Dance Department

I • •VD,.,0 *

Maxine DeBruyn Chairperson

4 Jp.


Linda Graham

The dance department started a fresh year with the addition of a new professor, Linda Graham. Linda is a full time professor, teaching both Ballet and Jazz. Linda, along with the head of the department, Maxine DeBruyn, and Ken Tepper, completely choreographed this year's outstanding Dance X, performed on April 12, 13 and 14th. The except i o n a l g u e s t a r t i s t was I r e n e Feigenheimer. The dance program is offered jointly by the departments of theatre and physical education and recreation, with the assistance of the Department of Music. Students are required to take a total of 20 hours in dance, in a variety of techniques. Graduates from the department this year have been offered jobs in dance education across the country, to opportunities of joining dance companies in New York City. The Dance major is one of the newest majors to Hope, and it has proved to be an exceptional and growing one, culturally rounding out Hope's student body. A: Students warm up for class with grace. B Tamara Hoshal is intense in concentration. C Maxine Debruyn warms up a Modern Class. D Linda Graham teaches a new routine. E: Chip Henry is really preparing for another sport. Photos by Doug Lehman




. William Mayer

Bruce McCombs

The art department enjoyed the first full year in the newly renovated DePree Art Center. The faculty, as always, strove to prepare their students for careers in art and to help non-majors develop an awareness of and an appreciation for the arts. This last objective was achieved by attempting to be a much more visible part of campus life through exhibition programs, and faculty and student displays in the gallery as well as in other buildings on campus. Two faculty members. Professors McComb and Vicker, put on one-man sabbatical shows over the year. In addition, Professor Mayer received three commissions, one being a sculpture for Holland's Herrick Public Library. Also, Professor Michael received invitations to display his work at several state universities. Hope's art department strives to maintain a level of excellence it now has in order to keep students aware of the ever changing world of art. A: An art major works diligently on a still life painting. B: A student perfects his spin art technique. C: Abstract painting can be very detailed at times. Photos by Dan Josse

Robert Vickers


John Wilson

Delbert Michel Chairman


Michael Grindstaff

Dale McFadden

George Ralph

Richard Smith

John Tammi Chairman

The theatre department, under the direction of John Tammi, had a rewarding 1983-84 school year. With the rededication of the DeWitt Center, the department had a beautiful, newly refinished building in which to begin the year. A new lobby and ticket office enabled the department to appear even more professional. Course offerings in theatre, along with the co-curricular program, are designed to provide the liberal arts student with knowledge of and experience in an art form which has played an important role in our cultural history. All of the plays this year, one of which was student directed, were fine examples of the deep talents involved in the department. The New York Art Semester also continued to be an opportunity for theatre majors to live and work for a large variety of shows in New York City. At home, the theatre department and its program is further intended to enhance the cultural life of the community through the presentation of plays of value from an entertainment point of view. A: Students listen intently to an introductory theatre lecture. B: John North gets instruction on the use of theatrical make-up. C: A student prepares some make-up for application. D: Two intern actors watch an impromptu skit. Photos by Mark Billadeau.




w m

Gregg Afman


Gordon Brewer Chairman

Russell DeVette

Anne Irwin

George Kraft

Marjorie Snyder

William Vanderbilt

Glenn VanWieren

The main objective of the physical education department is to prepare young people for a variety of careers from coaching to dancing to professional athletes. There are many different fields in which a physical education major can get into, such as sports writing and park management as well as the athletic aspects. The department works at a wellbalanced program between such things as professional programs (majors), int r a m u r a l activities, intercollegiate sports program, and the required freshman health dynamics program. The department is also attempting to serve the community with a corporate fitness program. There is one new instructor in the department this year. Sherry Wamsley replaces John Patnoit as swimming coach for men and women. Mr. Patnoit is on a leave of absence while he works on his doctorate. A significant change in the department is the addition of an orthotron, a gift used in rehabilitation. Very few schools the size of Hope have one. A: Students practice their lifesaving techniques. Photo: Doug Lehman. B: These girls enjoy a square dancing class. Photo: Doug Lehman. C: This athlete takes a break on the racquetball court. Photo: Mamie Marsters. D: Working out in the weight room. Photo: Doug Lehman.

Tanya Shire


Raymond Smith


Combining Disciplines

Interdisciplinary courses provide a meeting place for the several academic disciplines. Integrated efforts can be directed to the perennial human questions, especially as these are affected by present discoveries and concerns. These courses deal with methods or content that go beyond what is usually dealt with in a single department. IDS courses, then, provide faculty and students with an opportunity for dialogues and research across departmental boundaries. Hope also offers its students a variety of "real world" experiences through many different internship programs. Building on the student's prior academic training, these programs blend theory and practical experience, asking the student to apply newly gained knowledge in the complex worlds of the city, government, fine arts, education, business, industry, and professions. All participants attend supervisory or integrating seminars and have faculty supervisors throughout the internship.





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FOOTBALL DUTCHMEN FUMBLE THE TITLE. Âť Though the Dutchmen had a disappointing season, there were many bright spots along the way. Hope landed seven players on the All-MIAA first team, namely: g u a r d J i m B e h r e n w a l d , quarterback Greg Heeres, defensive tackle Thurland Cole, tight end Dave VanNoord, defensive lineman Steve Zeldenrust, linebacker Dave Morren, and defensive back Scott Jecman. And four more Dutchmen made the AllLeague Second Team: offensive lineman Mike Gomez, Tom VanHeest, defensive lineman Blaine Newhouse, and defensive lineman Dan Druskovich.

Senior Dave VanNoord, who set a new pass reception record of 38, was named the most valuable player of the team. Jerome Vite received the Allen C. Kinney memorial football award for maximum overall contribution to the team. This year's Dutchmen established nine school records and broke the alltime MIAA record for passing yardage. Heeres set school records in pass attempts (229), completions (122), yardage (1,739), and touchdowns (20). He and freshman Chris Mendels combined to establish a new MIAA single season

passing record with 1,095 yards in five games. Hope team records for pass attempts (246), completions (134), yardage (1,882), and touchdowns (22). Hope finished undefeated at home for the second year in a row and enters the 1984 season with an eleven game home winning streak. There will be an unprecedented four captains in 1984. Greg Heeres, Jim Behrenwald, Scott Jecman, and Dave Morren will lead the Dutchmen. Good luck to the 1984 Dutchmen. Lee Ann Wojcinski

A: The crowd cheers heartily for the touchdown. photo: Doug Lehman. B: The training staff, always ready to help an injured player, photo: Doug Lehman. C: Russ DeVette, a big coach on the sidelines for the Dutchmen, photo: Brian Greene. D: Greg Heeres leads the team while he's on the field, photo: Brian Greene. E: Dave VanNoord and Brian Oosterhouse congratulate each other after a great catch, photo: Brian Greene. F; Tom VanHeest takes the ball from Greg Heeres and tries to break the defender's tackle. photo: Brian Greene.

102 h,wiii - I

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A: John VanderStarre is downed by the defense, photo: James Sansilos. B: 1st and 10 from the 20 yard line, photo: Doug Lehman. C: Another touchdown for the Flying Dutchmen. photo: Doug Lehman.

FIRST ROW: Paul Jennings, Scott Geerlings, Dave VanNoord, Mike Gomez, Dan Druskovich, Jerome Vite, John VanderStarre, David Timmerman. SECOND ROW: Paul Whitmore, Steve Witner, Marty Walker, Blaine Newhouse, Dan Brophy, Thurland Cole, Ryan Pfahler, Greg Heeres, Dave Morren, Jim Behrenwald Jeff Allen, Mike Stewart, Kevin Spotts. THIRD ROW: Kraig Jansen, Brian Oosterhouse, DAvid VanGorder, Russ Clark, Tom VanHeest, Rick Baird, Steve Zeldenrust, Mike Sturm, Scott Donze. Scott Jecman, Paul VanderStarre, Randv Smith, John Groeveveld. FOURTH ROW: Rocky Palsrok, Joel Brouwer, Paul Seager, John Ruhala, Dirk VerMeulen, Jay Woodruff, Roger Bouwman, Mark Mulder, Mike Reisterer, Jay Quist," Bob Bogner, Larry Simons, Tim Hansen. FIFTH ROW: John Strand, John Delger, Mike Wilson. Bregg Bouma, Doug Myers,

Mike Sabin, Kevin Brinks, Dale Delcy, Gary Dozeman, Andy Thorpe, Jerry Bockstanz, David Harrold, Tom ValderKlay, Rick VandeWaa. SIXTH ROW: Mark McNally, Scott Peterson, Jon Dezelsky, Ken Trumble, Barry Immink, John Dice, Mike Hartman, David Meconi, Roger Doom, Steve Ouding, Dan Stid, Tim Chase, Mike Blandford, Doug Clark. S E V E N T H ROW: Brian Memberto, Craig McCleary, Scott MacKenzie, Jim Bahr, Jeff Harrison, Brock Konkle, Kevin Groothuis, Chris Mendels, Jon Beyer, Tim Buursma, Todd Stewart, Mark Micho. BACK ROW; Head Coach Ray Smith, Coach Doug Smith, Coach George Kraft, Coach Russ DeVette, Trainer Richard Ray, Team Physician Dr. Vern Boersma, Student Trainer Vern Essenburg, Manager Steve Vaughn, Equipment Manager Norm "Bunko" Japinga.



wmm? A: Bouwman, VanNoord, and Oosterhouse take a breather on the sidelines, photo: Doug Lehman. B: Greg Heeres runs the option for a first down. photo: Brian Greene. D: The field hockey team relaxes as they take in the afternoon football game, photo: Doug Lehman. E: Coach Smith gets the play and gives it to Ryan Pfahler to take in. photo: Doug Lehman. F: Jeff Allen talks with friends after the game, photo: Steve Bosch. G: Mike Sturm runs through the hole for a big gainer. photo: Brian Greene. H: The kick, by Randy Smith, is good! photo: Steve Bosch. I; Mike Stewart ponders the game from the sidelines. photo: Steve Bosch.


a ,





Football Hope 35 7 21 35 12 55 0 42 34

Opponent Olivet Nazarene 12 DePauw 13 Oberlin 12 Kenyon 21 Albion 21 Kalamazoo 0 Adrian 12 Alma 0 Olivet 3 Won 6 Lost 3 2nd in Conference







A; Kraig Jansen kicks off for the Dutchmen. photo: Steve Bosch. B: Rich Ray works on the injured Jerome Vite. photo: Doug Lehman. C: Todd Stewart takes a look at his defenders. photo: Doug Lehman. D: The Dutchmen prepare themselves to take the field, photo: Steue Bosch. E: Mike Sturm breaks through the Kalamazoo tackles, photo: Brian Greene. F: F Dave Morren looks happy about the D u t c h m e n ' s performance, photo: Steue Sajewski. G: Dave VanNoord catches another pass for a touchdown, photo: Doug Lehman. H Chris Mendel's under center for the Dutchmen, photo: Brian Greene.





F R O N T ROW: Penny Yonkers, Karen Becker, Jennifer Carr, Vickie Janusko, Sue Bosch, Krista Buikema, Sherri Wynsma. S E C O N D ROW: Advisor — Maxine DeBruyn, Sam Cox, Ken Neevel, Tod Gugino, Jim Bos, Deb Vanlwaarden, Mike Spitters, Karen Grayson, Jim Gray. Photos by Doug Lehman







During the 1983 Football season, the Hope College Cheerleaders once again displayed their high degree of enthusiasm while thrilling fans with their creative stunts and towering mounts. The objective this year was to get the fans more involved with the cheers so the team could get fired up. The cocaptains this season were Ken Neeval and Rhonda Hale. Rhonda


A: Cheerleaders build a pyramid. B: Men show their tumbling ability. C: Cheerleaders build the "Score mount" at the Alma game. D: Cheerleaders observe the play. E; Jim Gray puts a lot of faith in his fellow cheerleaders. F: A unique mount is performed. G: The cheerleaders finish a pyramid. H: The cheerleaders take a break to watch the game. I: "Go Hope." Photos by Doug Lehman.

SOCCER ALL THE WAY IN THE MIAA The Flying Dutchmen Soccer team once again had an excellent season, compiling a 13-4-2 record overall, and 101-1 in the MIAA. The team hung on to capture the MIAA Championship; the only loss coming at the hands of Kalamazoo. They faced such opponents as Michigan State and Central Michigan; beating Michigan State 2-1 and losing to Central 1-0. Once again, the Dutchmen were invited to compete in the NCAA Division III National playoffs. They hosted the Regionals, beating Mt. Union College of Ohio 4-0 in the first round but lost to Ohio Wesleyan University 1-0 in the Regional finals. The team, as a whole, set a single season record with 56 team goals. Senior goalie A1 Crothers, was named to the MIAA AllLeague team for the fourth year in a row, becoming only the second player in the history of the league to do so. He was joined on the first team by forward Dayna Beal (second year), midfielder Dave Bopf (first year), fullback Kevin Rebhan (first year), and sweeper Kevin Benham (first year). Forward A1 Noerenberg, was the only Hope player selected to the Second team. A1 Crothers was chosen the most valuable player on the team, contributing much with his exceptional play and team spirit. Sophomore Judd Efinger was voted most improved and he joins Mike Brown and Kevin Benham as the 1984 tri-captains. Continued success to the 1984 Flying D u t c h m e n Soccer Team.


Caption A: Substitute goalie, Pete Rynberk, does an ample job of filling C , in for A1 Carothers. Photo: Jane Voortman. Caption B: Coach Afman and his son. Photo: Tom Wagner. Caption C: The umpire gives the rules of the game. Photo: Steve ' Bosch. Caption D: Magnus Ojert • kicks off to his teammate. Photo: Jane Voortman.

Soccer Opponent Hope 0 2 Grace, Ind. Wheaton Adrian Calvin Michigan State 14 Olivet 2 Albion Kalamazoo Alma Central Michigan Adrian Calvin (2 ot) Olivet Albion Kalamazoo (ot) Alma Goshen Mt. Union, Ohio Ohio Wesleyan Won 13 Lost 4 Tie 2 1st in Conference

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Jfc i Mv' FIRST ROW: Magnus Ojert, Judd Efinger, Mike Brown, Kevin Benhara, Mike Smrtic, Dan Fead, Dave Hartt, Kevin Rebhan, Paul Roe, Tom Sorenson. SECOND ROW: Cam McAuley, Doug Finn, Mike Parker, Stefan Schnitzer, A1 Noerenberg, A1 Crothers, John Marmelstein, Tom Kohl, Scott Ellingson, Todd Kuiper, Charlie Wallin, Jim Bursma. BACK ROW: Dave Burgin, John Armstrong, Todd VanBemmelen, John Kamiski, Dwight Beal, Dayna Beal, John Jasker, Chris VanWieren, Dave Bopf, Todd Kamstra, assistant coach, and Gregg Afman, head coach. NOT P I C T U R E D : Pete Rynberk and Doug Beck, manager.



A: The team watches anxiously from the sidelines. Photo: Doug Lehman. Caption B: Tom Kohl is waiting for the pass. Photo: Steue Sajewski. Caption C: A short passing drill. Photo: Steve Sajewski. Caption D: Dayna Beal relaxes after a tough game. Photo: Tom Wagner. Caption E: It's all in the family. Photo: Tom Wagner.


Harriers Add Depth a & a s a The Women's Cross Country Team was 2-2 in dual meets and placed Second in the league meet to finish in a tie for second place overall. They were led by sophomore, Deb Heydenburg who placed fifth in the league meet. Deb was also selected to the MIAA league team. Throughout the season, they participated in several meets including: The Hope Invitational — Second of six teams; the Great Lakes Colleges Association Meet — fourth of five teams; Tri-State Invitational — Third of three teams; Carthage Invitational — Seventh of twelve teams. Their hard efforts paid off when they passed Calvin at the league meet to give them a share of second.


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F I R S T ROW: Sue DeSanctes, Joellyn Shull, No name provided, Wendy Shoemaker, Jean Wendt, Karen Gingras. S E C O N D ROW: Coach Bill

Vanderbilt, Diane Boughton, Gayle Bond, Deb Heydenburg, Kris Holoppa, Gwen Griffin, Shelley Hegedus. Photo: College Relations.

A: They ran them to the end. B: Shelly Hegedus outruns Alma. C: Wendy Shoemaker does it with

class. Photos: Steve Bosch.

Women's Cross Country Hope 2nd 4th 15 33 3rd 20 7th 41 2nd

Hope Invitational GLCA Meet Albion Calvin Tri State Invitational Kalamazoo Carthage Invitational Alma MIAA Meet Won 2 Lost 2 2nd in Conference 3 in State

Opponent 6 teams 5 teams 50 teams 23 3 teams 35 12 teams 18 5 teams

MEN'S CROSS COUNTRY First in the MIAA The Men's Cross Country team finished on the top of the MIAA standings going 60 in league dual meets, and also finishing first in the league meet, placing three runners in the top four. Steve Underwood was first, Brian Taylor was four seconds off the pace in second and Scott VandeVorde was in a close fourth. All three were named to the All-League team. The league meet win for Steve Underwood was his first, and the second time he was MVP of the league. Hope has either been the outright or co-champion of the MIAA ten of the last 11 years under coach Bill Vanderbilt. The men also competed in several meets: Hope Invitational — Second of eight teams; Great Lakes Colleges Association Meet — Second of eight teams; Tri-State Invitational — Sixth of fifteen teams; Carthage Invitational — Eighth of 25 teams. A: Scott races to the finish. Photo: Steue Bosch. F I R S T ROW: Brian Taylor, Dick Hoestra, Scott VandeVorde, Steve Underwood, Rich Webster. S E C O N D ROW: Jeff Larrabee, Mike McCarthy, Andy Kromminga, Mark Mather, Dan Dunn, Walter Avis, Lynsey Dood, Jim Twinging. T H I R D ROW: Coach Bill Vanderbilt, Simon Hatley, John Gardner, Rick Krieger, Vern Wendt, Kurt Martin, Rich Helder, Kevin Shoemaker, Craig Kingma. Photo: College Relations.






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Hope 2nd 2nd 19 16 22 6th 15 17 8th 17 1st 2nd 14th

M e n ' s Cross Country Opponent Hope Invitational 8 teams GLCA Meet 8 teams Albion 38 Olivet 47 Calvin 33 Tri State 15 t e a m s Invitational Kalamazoo 50 Adrian 46 Carthage 25 t e a m s Invitational Alma 44 MIAA Meet 7 teams NCAA Regionals NCAA Nationals Won 6 Lost 0 1st in Conference 3 in S t a t e

A: John Gardner pushes himself to the end. Photo: Jane Voortman. B: Rick Kriger stretches to keep limber. Photo: Jane Voortman. C: Where's the competition? Photo: Doug Lehman.



Field Hockey Opponent Albion 3 Earlham 0 Wooster Denison Olivet Calvin 0 Wis. — Steven's Point Kalamazoo Alma Eastern Michigan Adrian Calvin Olivet Albion Kalamazoo Alma Adrian Notre Dame Won 9 Lost 5 Tie 4 2nd in Conference

After a slow start, the Hope Field Hockey team, coached by Marj Snyder, pulled together and went on to finish second in a very close MIAA race. The women finished with an 8-2-2 league record, only V2 game behind league champion Alma College. Highlights of the season included defeating Calvin on their home field, 32, and taking Notre Dame by surprise in a 2-0 victory in the final game of the season. The team was successful due to their tremendous amount of spirit and refusal to give up in tough situations. The individuals were united as one to produce an outstanding team effort throughout the season. Mary Gaffney



A: Janet Meyer clears the ball against Eastern Michigan. B: Mary Gaffney waits to receive the ball. C: Annette Van Engen watches her teammates. D: Patti Gaffney gets a hold of the ball. E: Running to beat Calvin to the ball. F; Mary Gaffney gets ready to swing. G: Mary Gaffney won't let it get away. H; Mary, Melanie and Sandy are ready to play. Photos: Jane Voortman





F I R S T R O W : Jodi T e n Broeke, Sandy Judson, Kathy Paris, J a n Post, He a t h e r MacDonald, Leslie Harlon, Polly Luidens, Cindy Parsons, Michelle Miller. S E C O N D R O W : Annette Van Engen, Lynn Eickoff, Teri Forth, Lisa Ivie, Marian Hill, Alethea Vissers, Ellen Brandle, Lisa McCorvie, J a n e t Meyer, Jenny Sharp, Kathy Chandler. T H I R D R O W : Anita Gunneman, T a m m y Avrit, Mary Schaap, Gwen Gerkey, Patti Gaffney, Linda Van Brocklin, Bethany Van Duyne, Connie Brown, Mary Gaffney, Melanie Waite, Karen Smith, Beth Beachum, Anne Irwin, Coach: M a r j Snyder. Photos: Jane Voortman


GOLF A Stroke in the Right Direction The Golf Team finished the season in the middle of the pack in the MIAA. Although their fourth place finish was lower than expected, they finished only 7 strokes behind third place Kalamazoo well ahead of the fifth place team from Calvin. Highlights of the year included their first place finish on MIAA champion Albion's course and a second place finish at Adrian. The low averages for the year for Hope came from Junior Paul DeBoer, with an average of 79.0 and Junior Dave Beckman, with an 82.0 average. DeBoer's score was one place short of qualifying for All-MIAA, as he finished in seventh place overall.


Photos by College Relations


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3rd 1st 4th 4th 3rd 2nd 4th

Golf Hope Opponent at Hope 7 teams at Albion 7 teams at Olivet 7 teams at Calvin 7 teams at Alma 7 teams at Adrian 7 teams at Kalamazoo 7 teams 4th in Conference



VOLLEYBALL Spikers Have a Respectable Season This school year proved to be a challenging season for the Hope Volleyball team. Their achievements included a second place finish in the GLCA tournament and a third place standing in the MIAA. Hope found the MIAA competition to be challenging and always taller. The 1983 season awards included Linda Percy as MVP and Lynette Kamps for MIP. Linda Percy was also named the league's co-most valuable player and to the first team all-league. Cathy Fox and Anne Hendrickson were named to the all-league second team. Hope looks forward to a successful next year with eight returning letter winners. The JV Volleyball team had a successful 1983 season with a 12-4 overall record. The MVP was Jill Vredevelt and Sue Welker received MIP. A: Kristin Tagg gets set for the next point. B: Kathy Kaehler prepares for her opponent's serve. C: Coach Tanya Shire discusses strategies with the team during a time out. D: The players get psyched up before a match. E: Players are scrambling everywhere to return a smash. F; Anne Latham spikes the ball over two opposing players. G: Linda Percy receives her MIAA Most Valuable Player award during halftime of one of the basketball games. Photos by Mamie Marsters




FIRST ROW: Dawn Groters, Cindi Riemersma, Lorri Teper, Leslie Foy, Lynette Kamps, Anne Latham, Kim Taylor, Jill Vredevelt. SECOND ROW: Anne Hendrickson, Linda Percy, Kris Schindler, Kris Wagner, Heidi Bussies, Kristen Tagg, Karen Brower, Vicki Vaughn, Jayne Zwyghuizen. THIRD ROW: Kathy Kaehler, Coach Tanya Shire, Sarah Veldman, Assistant Coach Betty Morrison, Mary Kimbell, Photo by College Relations Sue Welker, Elyse Monroe, Cathy Fox, Jon Van Oss.

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Volleyball Hope 15, 7, 5 , 1 3 13,11,15,15,9 15, 3 , 1 5 , 1 5 1 2 , 8 , 1 5 , 1 5 , 15 7,2,12 9, 2 , 9 15,15,15 15,15 6,3 13,3 15,15,15 15,15,15 15,15,8,15 7,12,4 15,9,13,12 15,15 15, 2, 15 15,2,15 15,13,15,15 17,15,15

Grand Valley Aquinas Kalamazoo Albion Calvin Alma Olivet Siena Heights Northwood I n s t i t u t e Spring Arbor Adrian Kalamazoo Albion Calvin Alma Siena Heights Delta Defiance, Ohio Olivet Adrian

Opponent 13,15,15,15 15,15, 2 , 1 1 , 1 5 0,15,6,9 15,15, 3 , 1 3 , 9 15,15,15 15,15,15 8,0,10 5,8 15,15 15,15 12,11,8 10, 3 , 3 12,12,15,9 15,15,15 11,15,15,15 9,12 10.15,8 10,15, 8 11,15, 6 , 8 15,13, 6

Won 12 Lost 8 3rd in Conference










Hope College has enjoyed its most successful season in history. Winning a fourth straight MIAA championship with a 22-2 record. They sat atop the NCAA Division III national poll eight consecutive weeks. They won 22 straight, beating their opponents by an average of 17 points per game. Hope has won more MIAA titles (21) than any other league member. Junior forward, Chip Henry, lead the team in scoring with 17.1 points per game, senior center Jeff Heerdt at 11.7, junior forward John Klunder 11.5, and junior guard Dave Beckman at 11.0. Senior guard Todd Shuilling was the playmaker, averaging nearly six assists and three steals a game. The team field goal percentage was a healthy 53.7 while they broke a league record with a .528 average. Beckman lead the league in shooting with a .663 average while Henry was second at .641.

Hope set a school record in most field goals with 53 vs. Nazareth. Heerdt scored his 1,000th career point vs. Concordia which was also Coach VanWieren's 100th victory. Chip Henry was the Co-MVP of the league and was Hope College's first AllAmerican in basketball. He was also named the Michigan male college basketball player of the year by the Michigan Basketball Advisory Council. Henry and Schuilling were named to the first team All-League and Heerdt to the second team. The basketball team was featured in numerous articles throughout the state and were praised by many as one of the best division III schools ever. Their play excited the fans and they played to a full Civic Center at every home game and outnumbered the home team at almost every occasion. The team will be remembered by all who came and watched them play.




F I R S T ROW- Matt Hester John Klunder Jeff Heerdt, Todd Schuilling, Chip Henry, Dan Gustad, Dave Beckman, Jeff Dils. S E C O N D ROW: Coach Glen V a n W ' ^ r ^ i ^ ^ e ^ S c o u t ^ o m Davelaar Assistant Coa^h Gregg Afman, Scott Gelander, Tod Gugino, Scott Gugino, Steve Majerle, Manager Joe Lyons, Trainer Richard Ray, Equipment Manager Norm "Bunko" Japinga. Photo by College Relations

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P. ' F I R S T ROW: Lon McCollum, Scott Knoper, No name provided, Kevin Glamzi, Todd Olsen, Jon Beyer. ' S E C O N D ROW; Coach Gregg Afman, Bill Baumgartner, Mike Harrison, Tim Long, Scott Landerstoep, Steve ) Sommers, John Swanson, Manager Steve Keizer. Photo by College Relations

A: Dan Gustad jams one home. Photo: College Relations. B: Coach VanWieren presents Jeff the game ball after scoring his 1,000 career point. C: Coaches VanWieren and Afman discuss the game plan. Photo: Doug Lehman. D: Those dance lessons sure paid off. Photo Brian Greene


Men's Basketball


Hope 121 90 84 95 85 79 96 90 70 72 101 75 99 69 67 96 89 88 54 70 83 75 69 77

Nazareth Aquinas Goshen Concordia, 111. Bethel, Ind. Grand Valley R.P.I., N.Y. Skidmore, N.Y. U-M Dearborn Kalamazoo Albion Calvin Alma Olivet Adrian Concordia, Mich. Kalamazoo Albion Calvin Alma Olivet Adrian Heidelberg, Ohio Capital, Ohio Won 22 Lost 2 1st in Conference

Opp. 46 86 57 66 59 63 66 64 68 62 96 51 73 64 64 62 77 64 49 65 66 62 73 83



A: Dave Beckman shoots "his" shot. Photo: Doug Lehman. B: The crowd does its part during the Calvin game. Photo: Brian Greene. C: Proud to be number l! Photo: Doug Lehman. D: A bedtime story at the Pep Rally. Photo: Doug Lehman E: An overtime thriller at Albion. Photo: College Relations. F: The starters. G: Scott Gelander falls for that one. Photo: Brian Greene. H: High flying John Klunder. Photo: Brian Greene.




A: Bill Ellingboe cheers the team on with the help of Jayne Courts. B: The cheerleaders tunnel for the team. C: High spliting for the Dutchmen. D: The team shows their strength and agility. E: F I R S T R O W : Deb Vanlwaarden, Kim Baxter, Coach Maxine DeBruyn. S E C O N D ROW: Bill Ellingboe, Jennifer Carr, Todd Garth, Jayne Courts, Susan Bosch, Mark Synder, Rhonda Hale, Jim Bos, Karen Becker, Penny Yonkers, Ken Neevel, Jim Gray. N O T P I C T U R E D : Amy McFadden, Karen Grayson. F: Time for the National Anthem. Photos: Doug Lehman. CAPITAL



A: It's up and in for two. B: The team watches anxiously from the sidelines. C: Karen shoots from her favorite spot, the free throw line. D: Beth brings the ball up the court. E: Tami grabs for the net after putting up the shot.

The Women's basketball team enjoyed its most successful season ever. They posted a 15-7 overall and a 7-5 mark in the league, good for fourth. They won championships in the Covenant Classic and Trinity Invitational tournaments. The 15 wins was a new record, the previous high was 11 in 7879. The team set single season record for field goal shooting (44%), free throw accuracy (62%), and scoring (63.3 points per game). The 95 points scored in a victory over Olivet was a school record. Karen Gingras set a Hope record by scoring 324 points. Robin Pfeiffer set a season mark with 140 baskets. Gingras' 73 free throws was also a record. Mary Schaap set a record for field goal accuracy at 54%. Pfeiffer ended the season with 912 career points and 396 baskets while Schaap ended as the best all time field goal shooter at .486 and rebounder with 600. Gingras was the first Hope player to be voted to the MIAA All-League team. Pfeiffer was voted to the All-MIAA second team and to the Michigan small college all-state team.

Women's Basketball Hope Siena Heights 70 Wooster, Ohio 67 DePauw, Ind. 82 Albion 45 St. Mary's, Ind. 60 Covenant, Tenn. 68 Eastern, PA. 68 Kalamazoo 66 Albion 58 Calvin 71 Alma 68 Olivet 95 Adrian 71 Bethel, Ind. 76 Trinity Christian 76 Kalamazoo 71 Albion 57 Calvin 60 Alma 59 Olivet 76 Calvin 67 Adrian 69 Wonl5 Lost 7 4th in Conference

Opp. 59 51 61 60 47 64 56 39 53 85 84 49 57 47 53 56 58 61 83 61 76 66



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F I R S T ROW: Patty Taylor, Karen Brower, Mary Schaap, Tami Japenga, Lisa Hoyt, Patty Gaffney. S E C O N D ROW: Manager Kristi Weschler, Lynette Kamps, Trina Hargreaves, Leslie Foy, Jacque Schaendorf, Karen Gingras, Coach Marjorie Snyder. T H I R D ROW: Annette VanEngen, Robin Pfeiffer, Beth Beachum, Amy Reisterer. Photo by College Relations 127

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WOMENS SWIMMING AND DIVING Women Splash to Fifth Straight Title Under the coaching of Sherry Wamsley, the Women's Swimming and Diving Team won the MIAA title for the fifth straight year. They were 6-1 overall and 4-1 in the league. Their sole loss coming at the hands of rival Calvin. Throughout the year, the Dutch have set six school records; three of which were also league m a r k s . F r e s h m a n C h a r l o t t e Johnson set the Hope 200 yd. Butterfly record at 2:19.77 and in the 100 yd. Butterfly with a time of 1:01.69. Katie Andree set the other school mark in the 200 yd. Backstroke at 2:20.82. The three league records were the 200 yd. Medley Relay Team of Susan Solmen, Irene Wang, Johnson, and Connie Kramer with a time of 1:54.88. This team also set the 400 yd. Medley Relay at 4:16.83. The other league record was broke by Kramer in the 100 yd. backstroke with a time of 1:04.04. The Dutch sent eight women to the Nationals: Solmen, Wang, Johnson, Kramer, Andree, freshman Betsy Andree and Senior divers Sarah Souter and Mary DeVries. The 200 yd. medley relay finished ninth, Souter was tenth in one meter diving. These five received All-American status: Kramer, Souter, Solmen, Johnson, and Wang. Kramer was also named an Academic Ail-American by maintaining over a 3.5 CPA. A: Sally Davis takes a "sleeper" during the meet. B: And they're off. Photo: John Armstrong. C: And it's Hope College in 1st again. Photo: John Armstrong.

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A: The opponents will try anything to beat Hope College. Photo: John Armstrong. B: The Dutch work hard 'til the finish. Photo: Todd Duran. B

C Kneeling: Sarah Souter, Mary DeVries, Coach Sherry Wamsley. S t a n d i n g : Irene Wang, Jane VanderPloeg, Charlotte Johnson, Katie Andree, Vicki Lolling, Sue Solmen, Connie Kramer, Libby Griffith, Betsy Andree, Ruth Ettinger, Sally Davis.

MEN'S SWIMMING Tied for Third in the MIAA The Men's Swim Team was 2-2 in the MIAA and 4-4 overall. Their record tied them for third place. The small size of their team played a major factor in their shortness of depth. Over the course of the year, they were able to set seven school records. Tim Dykema set marks of 10:10.43 and 4:48.63 in the 1,000 yd. and 500 yd. freestyle. Rob Peel set marks in the 50 and 100 yd. freestyle with times of :21.63 and :48.27. Rex Romano also set an individual record in the 100 yd. Butterfly with a time of :54.63. In the team events, Tim Stuk joined Romano, Dykema, and Peel in the 400 and 800 yd. freestyle events. Their times were 3:12.35 and 7:09.43. Freshman Peel competed in the 50 yd. freestyle, placing 18th, and he was joined by Stuk, Dykema, and Romano on the 800 yd. freestyle relay at Nationals, finishing 22nd. Stuk received Academic All-American Honors. A: Rex takes a strong turn off the wall. Photo: John Armstrong. B: F I R S T ROW: Tim Dykema, Rob Peel, David Becker, Tim Stuk. S E C O N D ROW: Coach Sherry Wamsley, Steve Mork, Mike Wiersma, Marcel Salles, Rex Romano.

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A: Steve Mork psyches himself out for the upcoming race. Photo: Mark Billadeue. B: Rex Romano practices under the careful eye of Coach Sherry Wamsley. Photo: John Armstrong. C: Tim Dykema waits to see his times. Photo: John Armstrong. D: Rex flies to catch up. Photo: John Armstrong.

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WRESTLING The Final Season For the final season of wrestling in the MIAA the Dutchmen were 8-8 overall and 2-4 in the MIAA good for third place. Keith DeVries won the 1771b class at the Tournament Championship and was named to the AllConference Team. Will Walker, Dave Wilbur, and Blaine Newhouse were all r u n n e r - u p s at t h e T o u r n a m e n t Championship. The team competed in several tournaments including the Olivet Invitational where they were 7th out of 13 teams, the Grand Rapids Junior College Tournament — 4th out of 10 teams, Great Lake Colleges Association Tournament — 2nd of 4 teams, Whaton Invitational — 14th out of 23 teams, MIAA Tournament — 3rd out of 4 teams, and the NCAA Midwest Regional — 5th out of 11 teams. A: Keith DeVries holds his opponent down. B: Jeff Machiela works desperately tries to pin his match. C: Kraig Peterson is victorious. D: The team looks on as a teammate loses a tough battle. Photos by College Relations



F R O N T ROW: Randy Pfahler, Jeff Machiela, Blaine Newhouse, Keith DeVries, Dave Nesbit, Ron Stoel. S E C O N D ROW: Will Walker, Dan Umemori, Dave Wilbur, Steve Cramer, Jeff Harden, Kraig Peterson, Coach Tim Horn.

Wrestling Hope Opp. Grand Valley 'B' 8 Waubonsee, 11. 2 Muskegon C.C. 27 Southwestern Mich. C.C. 12 Siena Heights 21 Olivet 26 Alma 29 Adrian forfeit DuPage, 111. 33 Olivet 34 Alma 32 Ferris State 38 Adrian forfeit Ohio Wesleyan 22 Wabash 28 DePauw 16 Won 8 Lost 8 3rd in Conference

BASEBALL Team Rallies to Place Third in MIAA After a slow, 1-9 start on their spring trip, the Baseball team ended strong to finish with a 13-20 record. They ended up third in the MIAA with a league mark of 7-5. T h e r e were many highlights this year, including victories over Aquinas and a victory over Ferris State. Junior Randy Cutler made MIAA history this year when he became the first batter since the league switched to doubleheaders to win the league batting crown. He accomplished this by getting a single in his final at bat against Kalamazoo to raise his average to .450. Dave Nummikoski also came close to several Hope records, ending up second on Hope's alltime list in the number of times at bat (107) and total bases (51). Both Cutler and Nummikoski were selected to the MIAA All-Conference Team. Three players, John Klunder, Tom Bylsma, and Brad Kuipers made the MIAA All-League Second Team.



F I R S T ROW: Ted Grund, Roger Doom, Dave Gowman, Ken Osborn, Rob Baker, John Swanson. S E C O N D ROW: Paul Fazio, Todd Kuiper, Steve Sommers, Tom Bylsma, Chris Bluhm, Mitch VanPutten, Dave Nummikoski, John Klunder, Manager Marty Canales. T H I R D ROW: Coach Jim Bultman, Jon Dezelky, Scott Gibson, Ed Conniff, Steve Majerle, No name provided, Randy Cutler, Rog Davis, Dan Gibson, Greg Heeres, Mike Tietz, Brad Kupers, Chris Mendels. Photo by College Relations



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Hope 6,6 2,1 2 0 1 8 0,4 4,4 6,1 3,8 4,1 2,1 3,3 3,10 6,12 0 2 13 7 6 6, 20




Opponent 3, 10 Berea, Ky. 10,5 Tenn. Wesleyan 11 West Georgia 7 Columbus, Ga. 16 Georgia Tech. 10 Tenn. Temple David Lipscomb, Tenn. 3,7 3,2 Aquinas 5,7 Ferris State 1,3 Alma 6,4 Calvin 4,2 Albion 4,15 Grand Rapids JC 2,0 Olivet 7,3 Adrian 6 Aquinas 9 Grand Valley 0 Grand Rapids Baptist 6 Grand Rapids JC 7 Calvin 0,1 Kalamazoo Won 13 Lost 20 3rd in Conference

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A: A Hope player takes a vicious swing at the ball. B: Greg Heeres talks with the pitching coach. C: Randy Cutler gets ready to catch between innings. D; An outfielder makes a catch. E: Hope attempts the squeeze play. Photos by Doug Lehman

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SOFTBALL A Promising Future The Dutch softball team finished fifth in the league with a 2-8 record. Despite the poor record, they played with heart and like every game was their first. Anne Hendrickson tied the league record for doubles in a season with four. Robin Pfeiffer also tied the record for most pitching decisions in a season with ten. No one was elected to the AllLeague first team but both Hendrickson and Pfeiffer were voted to the second team. The play of freshmen Leslie Foy and Theresa VanenBerg who helped fill in on the mound was a bright spot for the future. A: Beth Beachum takes the player out at home plate. B: Caryn Smith snares the ball and throws the player out at first. C: Anne Irwin yells instructions to the batter. D: Preparation is the key at the plate. E: It's another loss for the Dutch. F: Anne Hendrickson misses the bunt. Photos by College Relations

Softball Hope 2 Kean, N.J. 0 MIT 4 David & Elkins W. Va. 3 Saginaw Valley 3 Spring Arbor 0 Akron, Ohio 7 Florida A&M 5 MIT 4 Florida A&M 0 Akron, Ohio 0,3 Spring Arbor 1,4 Grand Valley 0,0 Calvin 4,2 Adrian 0,2 Alma 8,4 Albion 2,2 Olivet 0 Olivet 1 Albion 1 Olivet Won 4 Lost 23 5th in Conference

Opp. 9 8 12 17 10 6 4 11 10 8 12,5 3,5 5,8 0,3 5, 14 9,5 1,7 2 2 1


F I R S T ROW: Tami Japinga, Lisa Klaasen, Theresa VandenBerg, Lisa Ivie, Susan Koetsier, Beth Beachum, Lisa Krall. S E C O N D ROW: Assistant Coach Terry McFarland, Deb Sterner, Robin Pfieffer, Denise McLaren, Caryn Smith, Leslie Foy, Linda Larsen. T H I R D ROW: Coach Anne Irwin, Manager Jayne Zwyghuizen, Jaci Schaendorf, Anne Hendrickson, Sheryl Brush, Barb Anderson, Shelley Folkert. 137

WOMEN'S TENNIS An Undefeated Season The women's tennis team compiled a 14-0 record in dual meets and 6-0 in league meets. They captured their second title in three years under coach Tanya Shire. Hope also won the MIAA tournament and that gave them an outright title. In the tournament Cathy Work won the second flight singles, Cathy Walsh in the fourth flight singles, and the Work-Walsh team won third flight doubles. Kim Baxter was runnerup at the first flight singles as was Jodi Hicks at fifth flight. Olds-Hicks were the runners-up in first flight doubles. Kim Baxter and Cathy Work were voted to the All-Conference first team and Suzi Olds to the second team. A: Cathy Walsh and Cathy Work prepare to smash back a Calvin service. B: Winding up for an ace is Kim Baxter. C: Suzi Olds plays the net during warm-ups. D: Recoiling for a strong forehand smash is Jodi Hicks. E. Senior Brenda Harris readies for a back hand shot. Photos by College Relations.







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Women's Tennis Hope Opponent 6 No. Alabama 3 6 Calhoun State, Ala. 0 6 Jefferson State, Ala. 3 7 Alabama State 2 7 Roane State, Ala. 2 1st GLCATourn. i teams Calvin 6 3 8 Siena Heights 1 9 Aquinas 0 7 Alma 0 9 Albion 0 9 Olivet 0 5 Kalamazoo 4 9 Adrian 0 1st MIAA Meet Won 15 Lost 0 1st in Conference






F I R S T ROW: Kathryn Surch, Jodi Hicks, Ellen Tamminga, Annette Kingsland, Kim Baxter, Cathy Work. S E C O N D ROW: Coach Tanya Shire, Moira Powers, Cathy Walsh, Suzi Olds, Brenda Harris, Vicki Vaughn, Karen Visscher.


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MEN'S TENNIS Netters Have Strong Season The Dutchmen tennis team finished the season with an 8-5 overall record and they were 4-2 in the MIAA. They placed second in the league tournament which enabled them to finish in a tie for second place. At the tournament, Jeff Plomer was able to stop a Kalamazoo sweep by winning the fifth flight singles. Randy Smith was runner-up at first flight singles, Jeff Harlow at third flight singles, the team of Derrick VelardeHarlow at second flight doubles, and Plomer-Todd Stewart at third flight doubles. Randy Smith was voted to the AllConference team for the second year in-a-row.


i A: Derrick Velarde slams a solid back hand. B:Coach explains the strenghs and weaknesses of the team they are about to play. C; Jeff Harlow races to return a tough backhand shot. D: Randy Smith waits for his opponent's serve.

Men s I ennis Hope •4 Shorter, Ga. Georgia State Tenn. Chattanooga Mercer Ga Berry, Ga David Lipscomb, i enn. Alma Calvin Kalamazoo Olivet Aquinas Albion Adrian Won 8 I jost 5 I 2nd in Conference

D 141


F I R S T ROW: Lyn Curley, Kris Holoppa, Cindy Alkema, Ann Lootens, Gayle Bond, No name provided, Cathy Fox. S E C O N D ROW: Karen Gingras, Paula Smith, Deb Heydenburg, Kathy Hogenboom, Gwen Griffin, Sue DeSanctis, Cindy Hollenbeck, Shiela Prochnow. T H I R D ROW: Assistant Coach Steve Hulst, Coach Gordon Brewer, Amy Reisterer, Roisin Niekamp, Deb Borda, Polly Lydens, No name provided, Jane Northuis, Lorrie VandeGrift, Kathy Chandler, Marnie Marsters, Caroline VanderKuy, Coach Russ DeVette, Assistant Coach Tim Schipper, Photo by College Relations

The Dutch tracksters were on the right foot, finishing the season with a 41 record. They were 3-1 in the league — good for second place. At the MIAA Field Day, they placed second overall with individual victories going to Paula Smith in the long jump, Cathy Fox in the shotput, and Ann Lootens in the 5,000 meter run. Throughout the season, two school records fell to the hands of Cathy Fox and Deb Heydenburg. Fox in the shotput with a distance of 36-7 Va and Heydenburg in the 5,000 meter run with a time of 18:06.0. Four track women were named to the All-Conference team. They were Cathy Fox, Deb Heydenburg, Amy Reisterer, and Paula Smith. a


Women's Track Hope 101 81 50 71 85 2nd

A: Cindy Alkema paces herself during a race. B: Cindy Hollenbeck moves ahead of the rest of the field on her way to the finish line. C: T h e

physical stress shows on the face Kathy Chandler as she throws the shot put. D; Sue DeSanctis gets off to a quick start. E: Paula

Olivet Adrian Calvin Alma Albion M1AA Field Day Won 4 Lost 1 2nd in Conference

Opp. 35 55 86 65 49

Smith leaves the rest of the field far behind as she crosses the finish line. Photos by John Armstrong


MEN'S TRACK Trackster's Run Up a Fine Season The Hope College Men's Track Team enjoyed a very successful season this year, finishing in second place in the MIAA. Many individuals set personal records while several set school records. School records set included Steve Underwood in the 5,000 meter run with a time of 14 minutes, 54.77 seconds, and in the 10,000 meter run with a time of 30 minutes, 46.8 seconds. Kraig Jansen set a school record in the 110 meter hurdles with a time of 14.47 seconds. Rob Appell also set two school records; in the high jump with a jump of 6 feet 9V2 inches, and in the 400 meter dash at 49.2 seconds. Qualifiers for the national NCAA Division III meet included Underwood in the 10,000 meter run, Jansen in the 400 meter dash, and Appell in the high jump. In recognition of his outstanding performances throughout the year, Appell, a sophomore from Vicksburg, Michigan, was voted the MVP in men's track and in turn was voted the MVP in the MIAA by the league's coaches. The Dutchmen look forward to an exciting 1984-85 season with co-captains Rob Appell and Jeff Allen leading the squad into action.


F I R S T ROW: Randy Warren, Ken De Mino, Scott Voet, Jim Hop, Jeff Allen, Scott VandeVorde, Dick Hoekstra, Scott Ellingson, Vern Wendt, Jeff Larabee, Kraig Kingma. S E C O N D ROW: Lynsey Dood, Mike Reisterer, John Twining, Ryan Phafler, Any Kromminga, Randy Schregardus, Tim Hoffman Steve Underwood, Sam Nedeau, Steve Judy, Steve Elenbeas. T H I R D ROW: Assistant Coach Steve Hulst, Rich Helder, Coach Gordon Brewer, Brian Oosterhouse, John Strand, Doug Meyers, Mike Percy, John Groeneveld, Dave Gray, Rob Appell, Phil Goff, Walter Avis, Mark Madler, Kraig Jansen, Lon McCollum, Jim Twining, Kevin Shoemaker, Coach Rus DeVette, Assistant Coach Tim Schipper. Photo by C allege Relations

E Men's Track Hope 107 98 52 Vi 85 79 2nd

Olivet Adrian Calvin Alma Albion M1AA Field Day Won 4 Lost 1 2nd in Conference

Opp. 43 55 102'/2 69 75

A: Rob Appell gets off to a quick start. B: A high jumper clears the bar to win first place. C: Walter Avis paces himself during a race. D: Pole Vaulter Mike Percy begins his ascent to clear the bar. E: Steve Underwood shows the strain of the long distance races while the spectators wait for the rest of the field to try and overtake Underwood. Photos by: John Armstrong


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Photo by: John DeNeef

Kim Bailey, LeeAnn Wojcinski, John Armstrong, Mark Billadeau, Doug Lehman, Judy Micou, Shawn Wietstock, Katy Droppers.

Although small, numbering only five, the Milestone staff worked hard to prepare the book which you are reading. All of the pictures, copy, and layouts found throughout the yearbook were taken, written and drawn by members of the staff. With the help of a large photography staff, the 1984 Milestone was prepared in the best quality possible. The staff had many fun Thursday evenings working on this yearbook. Even though we had a lot of work to do because the staff was so small, there was always time to take a little break and relax. The Milestone staff was also responsible for setting up the almost 1200 student pictures taken in the fall and winter semesters and for the distribution of the 1983 Milestones when they came in.


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Photo by: Lee Ann Wojcinski

F I R S T ROW: Brian Greene, Mamie Marsters, Doug Lehman. S E C O N D ROW: John Armstrong, Dan Josse Dan Fead, Glen Grevenstuk, John DeNeef. T H I R D ROW: Andria Mainardi, Mark Billadeau, Steve Bosch, Dave Solak. N O T P I C T U R E D : Renee Alarcon, Alethea Vissers, Steve Sajewski, Jane Voortman, Glen Grevenstuk, Todd Verbeek.


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Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Susan Hahnenkratt, Rachel Rodriguez, Kay VandenBosch, Woody Martin, Chris Stagg, Sue Waters, Gwen Miller, Scott Watson, Barb Riley, Kristi Swears. S E C O N D ROW: Tracy Grindstaff, Heidi Bussies, Dave Wright, Pete Tacy, Chris Bluhm, Tom Sorenson, Ken Snead, Jota Loppes, Kathie Atkinson. T H I R D ROW: Phil Hyun, Marty Canales, Mark Larson, Steve Cooper, Dave Dykema, Jane Voortman, Darlene Hiemstra, Mark DeYoung. F O U R T H ROW: Ed Gierlach, Sean O'Connor, Francis Deck, Paul Deck, Jeff Neevel, Jon T. Watts, Rod Payne, Bill Smyser, Peter Doom. NOT PICT U R E D : Toni Price, Rodney Brush, Dirk Wheeldreyer, Ted Grand, Steve Ray, Bruce Mulder, Robert Ruddy, Sue Herman, Doug Williams, Kristi Rumery, Randy Outman, Bill Tripp, Tom Tenhor.

The Hope College radio station anxiously awaited its FM approval this year from the FCC in Washington, D.C. However, it did not reach W T H S in time for the 1983-84 school year. However, W T H S did complete a semester of successful broadcasting on 610 AM, the carrier current system, to Kollen, Dykstra, and Gilmore. Housed in new offices, the staff of W T H S worked as if the station were FM, and filled every time slot, broadcasting Monday through Sunday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 AM. Chris Stagg and Sue Hahnenkratt worked diligently to train and recruit the largest on-air staff W T H S has ever had. W T H S played and aired a variety of programming and music ranging from Progressive to Contemporary Christian music.



Andrea Kaiser and Scott Watson, along with Woody's Weather Watch created a complete and accurate news broadcast Monday through Friday at 6:00 PM. Overall, WTHS had a good year, but is looking forward to becoming an FM open air station. Anne Bakker, as General Manager, ran a tight ship and finished a successful year with the station as she worked with Dave Vanderwel and Bruce Johnston to further the FM project and hopefully complete it by the beginning of the 1984-85 school year. W T H S then can turn off AM and turn on to 89.9FM: WTHS Hope College Radio. Anne Bakker General Manager

Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Martin Wood, DJ Representative. S E C O N D ROW: Chris Stagg, Program Director; Anne D, Bakker, General Manager; Kristi Sweers. Secretary; Scott Watson, Sports; Andrea Kaiser, News; Sue Hahnankratt, Personnel; Lori Siegel, Promotion. T H I R D ROW: Mike Percy, Business; Martin Boysen, Production; Fran Deck, Engineer; Mark DeYoung, Music Director.



HHHHHHHHHi Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: John North, Ann Crooks, Jane Bursma. S E C O N D ROW: Lois Furry, Elizabeth Trembley, Trecy Lysaught, Barb Wester.


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Bethany VenDuyne, Julie Ann Bubolz, Leslie Harlan. S E C O N D ROW: Andrea Smith, Simon Hatley, Marta Vanderkolk, William Monk. NOT P I C T U R E D : Nathan Buurma, Dave Rowell.


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Photo by: Doug Lehman

Photo by: Doug Lehman

The Hope College Anchor began publishing as a combination newspaper, literary magazine, and yearbook in the Spring of 1887. It continued in this capacity until 1914, when it dropped its yearbook/literary journal functions, and became a weekly newspaper. The Anchor began the 1983-84 academic year with apprehension. However, Elizabeth Trembley, a junior from Kalamazoo and former copy editor for the paper, became the sixth Anchor editor in as many semesters. Relying on many experienced students from previous Anchor administrations, Beth published twelve regular issues and a special edition devoted to the DeWitt dedication at Homecoming. Major stories for the first semester included Congressman Guy Vander Jagt's Honorary Doctorate from Hope, a faculty hiring controversy, and an administratin policy regarding "sexual relations." On October 27, 1983, the Anchor announced that Beth Trembley had resigned her position, effective at the end of the fall semester. For 5 weeks following that, the Student Media Communications Committee considered six candidates for the Anchor editorship. They finally appointed William Monk, a New Jersey sophomore, for the position. Monk initiated many changes in style and policy through

his role as editor. In establishing a volunteer Editorial Board, which worked as a group without titles, the paid staff was cut in half, while each paid member received a pay raise. The masthead and trademark were changed, the Editorial page moved and altered, and the number of columns increased from four to five. Challenging and controversial, the Anchor survived an early wave of criticism and eventually settled down to a more collaborated style. Under Monk, the Anchor published twelve regular issues, including one with a four page photo spread, and the largest Ranchor published since the tradition started twenty years earlier. The major stories during the spring semester included Hope's basketball team's undefeated season and national number one ranking, the resignations of Associate Dean of Students Dave Vander Wei and Provost David Marker, and a debate regarding the legitimacy of the Critical Issues Symposium. The year ended with the publication of a staff magazine, initial research into a written history of the newspaper, and plans for a journalism training course for students in the fall of 1984. William



Photo by: John Armstrong

F I R S T ROW: Leslie Harlan, Ann Crooks, Paul Hemeran, Dave VanDyke, Jim Shields, Andrea Kaiser, Doug Lehman. S E C O N D ROW: Chris Pinderski, Lisa Evers, Shelly Vonk, Brian Gibbs, Greg Olgers, Paul Bolt, Amy Sandgren, Bill Parsons. T H I R D ROW: James Karsten, Jon Toppen, Nathan Buurma, Dave McWatters, Bill Monk, A1 Supp.

Photo by: John Armstrong


The Student Congress provides a reprsentative body of students within the campus governance structure, whose function it is to seek, evaluate and act as deemed appropriate upon areas of student concern. The Congress consists of 33 members, and each member sits on various boards and committees, along with faculty and administration members. Student Congress is also responsible for appropriating some $70,000 in Student Activities fees. This year the Congress was led by President David Van Dyke, First Vice President Jim Shields, and Second Vice President Paul Hemeren. Other members of the 1983-84 Student Congress were Matthew Abbe, Heidi Baehr, Paul Bolt, Lisa Brawley, Doug Brown, Mike Bullard, Nathan Buurma, Ann Crooks, Lisa Evers, Brian Gibbs, Leslie Harlan, Andrea Kaiser, James Karsten, Karen Kossen, Bruce Kutsche, Doug Lehman, David McWatters, William Monk, Greg Olgers, Bill Parsons, Chris Pinderski, Steve Pope, Dave Randall, Jeff Roelofs, Amy Sandgren, Alan Supp, J o n T o p p e n , T e r e s a Van den Hombergh, Shelley Vonk, Emily Wang, and Kristi Weschler. David Van Dyke President

Photo By: Doug Lehman

Jana DeGraaf, Laura Hempstead, Tom Cathey, John Hensler, Rick Dernberger, Sue Langjeans, Tracey Ore, liwen Miller.

SAC is a group of volunteers dedicated to bringing quality entertainment to Hope's campus. SAC is comprised of seven subcommittees which act under the direction of the main planning board. Approximately fifty students are responsible for planning and implementing a wide variety of events. SAC, as always, is the sponsor for many of Hope's traditional events such as Nykerk, the Pull, Winter Week, May Day, Siblings Weekend, and the All college Sing. SAC also provides weekly films, comedians, singers, mimes, magicians, student performances, and the always popular dances. Listed among the events in which over Vi of the students participated are: The Winter Formal at the Amway Grand Plaza

Hotel in Grand Rapids, Air Jam, and the DeWittch Bash, a costume dance which coincided with Halloween and the dedication of the newly renovated DeWitt Student Center. It was a great year for SAC, with an increased attendance at almost every event. We'd like to thank the student body for their participation and interest in our many events. We'd also like to thank the few who have dedicated many hours to provide enjoyable activities for so many. We look forward to providing even better entertainment in the future. Tom Cathey Activities Coordinator





1. Richie Ray 2. Carol Ray 3. Nancy Post 4. Bob Post 5. Eric Post 6. Doris DeVette 7. Mary Stewart 8. Gwen Griffen 9. Lisa McCorvie 10. Jim Gray 11. Karen Becker 12. Laurie Ellertson 13. Donna DeForest 14. Anne Bakker 15. Ann Fredrickson 16. Sue Herman 17. John Kleis 18. Karl Elzinga 19. Phil Fredrickson 20. Terri Voss 21. Allison Zeerip 22. Tracey Taylor 23. Sue Vanderveen 24. Sarah Smith

25. Lisa Brawley 26. Cindy Blight 27. Lizzie Sobania 28. Dan Carlson 29. Lisa Thomson 30. Jim Kleckner 31. Tom Langejans 32. Sue Langejans 33. Brenda Adams 34. Kirsti Stroom 35. Barb Riley 36. Janice Gale 37. Linda Solak 38. Sara Schmidt 39. Lisa Smith 40. Jo Kleis 41. Mary Afman 42. Duane Dede 43. Craig Boss 44. Kelly Stair 45. Randy DeVries 46. Judy Dragt 47. Julie VanHeest 48. Jann Cantile


49. Cindy Simmons 50. Brett King 51. Sarah Bast 52. Gwen Gerkey 53. Lynn Schrotenboer 54. Sue Welker 55. John Buchanan 56. David Afman 57. Greg Afman 58. Doug Finn 59. Mike McCarthy 60. Tim Dieffenbach 61. Jim Hop 62. Steve Boerman 63. Mike Vanderzee 64. Jenny Heitman 65. Priscilla Bayer 66. Deb Moermond 67. Fonda Green 68. Christie Bruins 69. Karin Etter 70. Bob Bast 71. Pete DeMoya 72. Dan Stegink 73. Scott Gugino 74. Brian Berkey 75. Rick Demberger 76. Dick Vandermolen 77. Brian Gibbs 78. Ann Griep 79. Neal Sobania 80. Laura Geitner 81. Russ Goemaere 82. Nick Perovich 83. Blaine Brummels 84. Bruce Johnston 85. Steve LaRue 86. Dave Gowman

Photo by: Doug Lehman

Brian Gras, Sue Marks, Editor Beth Archer, Julie Moulds, John Armstrong, Advisor George Ralph, Kristy Barnes, Assistant Editor Mary DeJonge, Stephen LaRue.

The 1983-84 school year was an exciting and busy one for Opus. Poet Conrad Hilberry of Kalamazoo College was a guest at Hope during the fall and Stephen Dunning of the University of Michigan and Stuart Dybek of Western Michigan University gave readings at Hope during the spring semester. Nicolaus Waskowsky, editor of Practices of the Wind, also read at Hope during the spring semester. Besides bringing guest poets to campus, Opus organized forums in which students and faculty read poetry and prose, performed drama, and provided musical entertainment. In addition, Opus published a magazine of poetry, prose, drama, artwork, and photography

each semester. The Eerdman's Award recognizes authors of the most outstanding poem and prose piece of the academic year. All of the works published in both the autumn and spring magazines were considered for the award. This year's judge was Stuart Dybek, associate professor of English at Western Michigan University and author of two books, Childhood and



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Knuckles. This year, Elizabeth Trembley's story Consuming Judy was chosen for the prose award. Tom Andrew's poem "The Woman in Her Light" received the poetry award. Julie Moulds' "I Am Waiting" and Jackie Hartley's " T o Dorothy at the

Drugstore" were chosen as Honorable Mentions. Tom Andrews and Kim Japinga edited the fall Opus, and Beth Archer served as assistant editor. Beth edited the spring Opus, and Mary DeJonge served as assistant editor. Other staff m e m b e r s included Kristine Barnes, John Armstrong, Liz Braham, Scott Earl, Betsy Fronk, Bryan Gras, Rich Helder, Steve LaRue, Sue Marks, Heidi McNutt, Julie Moulds, Laura Woodruff, Barb Wester, Kevin Hillstrom, Kevin Muiderman, Carla Black, and Ana Agurcia. Beth Archer Editor — Spring



Fellowship: FCS has a commitment to fellowship which goes beyond "ice breaker" games. We provide fellowship by interacting with other members of the group in various ways. We have a time of singing where we can praise God together with our voices ("make a joyful noise" is often the case). We laugh with each other as we view skits, slideshows, and even our own actions and words. We fellowship by sharing with each other parts of our past, our ideas in the present, and our hopes for the future. We learn together, usually from each other. This fellowship takes place in both large group and small group settings. Often our fellowship extends beyond the normal weekday meetings as we met on the weekends to share in many activities such as volleyball, hayrides, and Christian concerts. Christian: FCS has a purpose of focusing our attention on Christ. We come together from all denominations to discuss

matters relevant to all faiths. Some topics discussed this year have been relationships, music, being a Christian spectator, politics, the Holy Spirit, Churches in England, and dealing with a retarded child. We try in our group to cover all aspects of our Christian lives so we can grow. FCS is for the Christian at any stage: Questioning, beginning, or matured. Students: This means that our group is your group, because you are student. The only qualification necessary for FCS is to attend Hope College (and that is used loosely). Anyone and everyone is invited — all 2400 students. The students who attend are in all fields of study, in all class levels, and live both on and off campus. Jim Bos President


Photo by: Doug Lehman

Paul Fazio, Jerome Vite, Dave Herber, James Karsten, MaryJane Rhoades, Scott Mulder.

The 1983-84 Fellowship of Christian Athletes group grew tremendously from the previous year. Led by its president, Dave Herber, the fellowship averaged approximately 100 student athletes at each meeting. Topics for each meeting varied as christian speakers were brought in, personal testimonies were given, and Bible studies were performed. Other important leaders within this year's group were: Jerome Vite, Jeff Plomer, Mary Jane Rhodes, Scott Mulder, Mary VanAllsberg, and Paul Fazio. Dave Herber President


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Kathy Hogenboom, Mary Bahr, Tracey Taylor, Jan Correll, Valerie Anderson, Anna Kalmbach, Krista Buikema, Bob Karel. S E C O N D ROW: Barbara Krom, Sue Welker, Sharon Smith, James Karsten, Shelly Northuis, Jim Bos, Assistant Chaplain Steve Smallegan, Chaplain Jerry VanHeest, Rev. Mike Butterworth.

The Ministry of Christ's People Staff coordinates many of the Christian activities on campus. Represented on the staff are FCA, FCS, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Creative Worship, Union of Catholic Students, Bible Study/Growth groups. Social Action groups. Christian concerts, Staley Lectures, Evangelism, Intergroup Relations, and the Chaplain's Office. In addition to activities sponsored by each of the above, MOCP, as a staff, organized the Christmas Tree Fund, which was very successful. The students and faculty of Hope College sent nine hundred and fifty dollars to Japan to help with a coffeehouse ministry there. MOCP also organized the twenty-four hour peace vigil in the Pine Grove, bringing together over two hundred and fifty members of the college community in a time of prayer for peace between nations, within nations, within families, and within individuals. Kathy



Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Lisa Simone, Sheila Prochnow, Kathy Hogenboom, Tracey Taylor, Diane Boughton. S E C O N D ROW: Gregg Stickels, Priscilla Bayer, Barb Krom, Marge Sikkema, Jim Bos.

Creative Worship is a group of students who use the talents which God has given them to plan and perform worship services. Services use elements like liturgical dance, mime, skits, vocal and instrumental music, and speech to present messages. The group's outreach includes churches in the Holland, Grand Rapids, and Muskegon

areas as well as chapel services on campus. A total of eleven services were presented this year. Creative Worship has grown in number since its beginning about ten years ago, but remains a close-knit group in which all can use their talents and develop new ones. Kathy



Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW; Leslie, Philip Fishman, Anna Kalmbach, Lauri Huff, Beth Doom, Dan Denk. S E C O N D ROW: John Lakanen, Brian Talbot, Philip Jager, Marilyn Kuntzman, Mary Ellen McDonnell, Beth Lindquist. T H I R D ROW: Michael Dick, Daniel Carlson, Heather Burns, Emil Seaman, Greg Hondorp. N O T P I C T U R E D : John Twining, Rich Ten Pas, Wesley Blood, Stacy Minger, Rick Grannis, Colleen Briggs, Mark Van Sloten.

The Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship chapter on Hope's campus is part of the National IVCF organization, which in turn is part of an international organization, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. IVCF is a student-led Christian group, with trained staff who aid the student leaders by acting as resource persons and by providing training in student leadership. On campus, IVCF met once a week for large group meetings, focusing on the theme "Growing Up in Christ." The meetings included prayer, singing, and a presentation of varying format, including speakers from the campus and t h e c o m m u n i t y and m u l t i - m e d i a presentations. As we looked at various aspects of our lives, we were challenged to think seriously about our attitudes and actions as we were "Growing Up in

Christ." Also on campus, IVCF provided several small groups. These groups met for close fellowship, loving challenge, and in-depth Bible study, and were led by fellow students. Staff-led training events included a Fall conference, several single-track weekends focusing on Discipleship and Bible study, and a multi-track weekend. Genesis '84, which provided training in several areas: Basic Discipleship, Bible Study, Evangelism, Missions, and Christians in Society. Several Hope students were involved in each of these weekends and brought back to the chapter both information and excitement gained from the experience.

Gregg Hondorp President


Photo by Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Chaplain Van Heest, Tracey Taylor, MaryBeth Barrows, Valerie Anderson. S E C O N D ROW: Becky Shanks, Bob Karel, Sharon Smith, Jan Correll, Peggy Hallacy, Philip Fishman. T H I R D ROW: Jennifer Fouse, Mr. Mike Butterworth (visiting lecturer), Kim Roundhouse, Jean Wend, Jenny Heitman. Amy VanEs.

The World Hunger Committee came to life on Hope's campus about four years ago when a group of concerned students decided to organize and study the problem of world hunger in more depth. Since then, the group has grown both in awareness and number. The goals of the World Hunger Committee are (1) to inform the campus of hunger concerns at home and abroad, (2) to study and learn more about hunger and inter-related issues, such as world security, economics, international relations and population control, (3) to actively reach out to those in need, and (4) to support other groups and organizations that have dedicated their lives to social justice for the hungry. This year the World Hunger Committee sponsored an "Offering of Letters"

to Congresspeople in support of the Human Needs and World Security Bill. We also held two "fasts" in cooperation with Western Food Service. The money raised was given to Bread for the World (Citizen Lobby for the Hungry), The Tiller Project (Kalamazoo Nature Center), Community Action House (Holland), and the Degage Coffee House (Grand Rapids). The spring fast was held in conjunction with MOCP's Peace Vigil. An especially rewarding experience was found in working as volunteers at Degage Coffee House where they minister to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of street people. The World Hunger Committee has always been involved in the annual CROP Walk/Run of Holland in April.

We also held several chapel services in student church, brought in interesting speakers and films, and held a Hunger Bible Study during the Lenten season. The World Hunger Committee is founded on Christian morals exemplified in the teachings of Christ Jesus. By reaching out to the needy, we are reaching out to Christ (Matt. 25:3146.) The group's motto is in I John 3:17-19 which says: "But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him — how can God's love be within him? Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions." Jenny


— President


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Jeff Beswick, Joyce Chandler, Nicole Bertram, Mary Lynn McNally, Greg Tabor, Advisor Stephen Hemenway. S E C O N D ROW: Bob Higuchi, Julie Hinton, Mitchell Chinn, Ravi Bhaskar, Greg Hondorp, Greg Rupright, Rayetta Elhart, Kim Kooyers. T H I R D ROW: James Karsten, Bryon VandeWege, James Herman, Jon Peterson, Dave Groeneveld, Beth Doom, Advisor James Heisler, Advisor Nick Perovich, Beth Gunn. N O T P I C T U R E D : Valerie Anderson, Beth Cooper, Michelle Dykstra, Billy Beaver, Deb Fike, Lori Geerlings, Barbara Krom, Mary Jo Price, Sheila Prochnow, Cathy Schroeder, Sharon Smith, Tom Andrews, Dawn DeWitt.

Promoting self-awareness among members, promoting equal opportunities among all peoples, supporting the ideals of the College, advancing a spirit of scholarship, encouraging leadership, providing service, and establishing the opportunity for a meaningful exchange of ideas are the goals of Mortar Board as articulated in its constitution's preamble. Mortar Board is a national honorary society of . Seniors elected during the Spring of their junior year. Election is based on superior scholarship, outstanding and continued leadership, and community services. Juniors with a G.P.A. of 3.3 or higher are eligible for election. Each year the membership is entirely new, and therefore each year's membership can


choose to embody the goals of the society however it desires. Mortar Board is unique from honorary societies as it calls for continued active participation from its members. On Hope's campus the year traditionally begins with a fall retreat designed for establishing that year's goals. From that point on the year can take on many shapes. One of the grestest advantages gained through Mortar Board membership is continually said to be the opportunity it provides students from a variety of disciplines to meet, talk, and work together. David Groeneveld

Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Paula Smith, Ericka Maxie, Augusta Edwin, Amy Ellis. S E C O N D ROW: Earth Armah, Micky Ketema, Ahmed Mussa, Mulugetta Ketema, Duane Dede. N O T P I C T U R E D ; Ammanuel Teclemeriam, Solomon Gizan, Brenda Harris, Whitney Leigh, Robin Webb.

The Black Coalition served its dualistic purpose of promoting minority awareness and being a support system for minority students in many ways. One of the most visible and useful was assisting in the planning and presentation of the Critical Issues Symposium on Civil Rights. Many people learned to accept civil rights as an issue of the entire society and not just a minority issue. In the long run this can only help the growth of the campus. Other campus activities included our annual variety show, Homecoming Alumni Brunch, dances, a retreat, and a film series on South Africa, co-sponsored with the

Women's Issues Organization. The Coalition organized and hosted the reunion conference of all of the black organizations within the MIAA. The group also worked with the administration on the Minority Task Force, to design strategies to improve the situation on campus for minority students and to attract more minority students. Thanks to A1 Gonzales, our advisor, and all of the members who proved that it's not quantity but quality that counts. _ _ , Duane Dede President


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Catherine Atkinson, Jenny Heitman, Kathy Paris, Fonda Greene. S E C O N D R O W : Dave Frittes, Ellen Wright, Julie Moulds, Becky Shanks, Sharon Smith, Bob Karel, Philip Fishman. N O T P I C T U R E D : Nancy Herbert, Diane Boughton, Liz O'Neil, Jennifer Fouse, Amy VanEs, Kristi Weschler, Tracey Taylor, Judi White.

The Women's Issues Organization had a variety of goals this year, namely: to educate and expose the campus to a wide variety of women's issues; to challenge commonly held beliefs; to examine beliefs and issues related to us personally; and to explain the validity of feminism. This year, Women's Issues began with four core members and has grown into a group encompassing many students, faculty, and staff of Hope, as well as a number of community members. We have tried to meet our goals through weekly community hour meetings, evening programs, showing films, and bringing in speakers. We tried to draw on the resources of Hope students and faculty, other campus organizations and departments, community resources, and beyond. Topics of our weekly meetings included: ERA; Are Hope Traditions Sex-Role Stereotyping?; Women in other cultures; Women and the Church; Women and Careers; Myths and Facts about Sororities and Fraternities; Women in Politics; Appearance — Self-Concept; and Women in Crime. The movies shown

were entitled: "Shatter the Silence"; "Killing Me Softly"; "South Africa Belongs to Us"; and "The Doll's House." In the fall. Pi Sigma Alpha invited us to co-host Barb Timmer, a 1969 graduate of Hope, who is currently the vice-president of N.O.W. We also sponsored the feminist, political, guitaristsinger-songwriter, J u d y GormandJacobs. The Psych. Department, Soc. Department, and Women's Issues cosponsored Dr. Janet Shibley Hyde, who lectured on sexist language and human sexuality. Pat Grace from Holland's Women in Transition was also an informative speaker. Fall semester five students attended the ninth annual GLCA Women's Studies Conference in Rochester, Indiana. In April, the first annual GLCA Student Women's Studies Conference was held at Ohio Wesleyan College. Four students and our advisor attended, and two members presented research papers. A number of special events gave added attention and excitement to our group this year. We spoke in front of Student Congress denouncing Hope's Position

Statement on Sexual Relationships. Second semester we had a temporary Resource Room in the basement of Kollen Hall. We held a Sexual Assault Awareness Day in conjunction with Hope's Public Safety Department and Health Clinic. We co-sponsored with the Black Coalition Dr. Mary Francis Berry, the key-note address speaker for the Critical Issues Symposium. A book discussion group was started second semester that read and discussed books dealing with a specific women's issue each month. A Sadie Hawkins Dance that featured female vocalist music and cost 59 cents admission was held in the Kletz. In one way or another, all of our original goals were accomplished, along with a host of others. We learned to be assertive, formed a support group for one another, and tried to reach out to new people. We touched many lives through a variety of means and methods, and gained exposure and recognition as an established organization on Hope's campus. Jenny Heitman President


Photo by: College Relations

FIRST ROW, B E G I N N I N G WITH D R U M M E R : Steve Van Ham, Tony Turner, Gary Robertson, Lisa Christ, Scott McCaw. S E C O N D ROW: Kristen Vanderbilt, Morgan Young, Kirk Weller, Bernard Jellema, Douglas Holm. T H I R D ROW: Paul Deck, Kevin Watt, Mark VantKerhoff, Rich Barden, Amy Herrington, David Brat, Jim Troost, Director M. Votta.


Photo by: College Relations

F I R S T ROW: Mary Jo Price, Cathy Cox, Beth Bichler, Heidi Hussies, Dan Griswold, Dan Stegink, Ginger Hawkins, Ingrid Dykeman. S E C O N D ROW: Sheila Young, Martin Wood, Karyn Kortering, Lisa Welling, Ann Westerbeke, Dan Friedly, Kris Williams, Patty Gaffney, Anne Krive, David Randall, Sonia Van Eyl, Jana DeGraaf, Lori Canfield. T H I R D ROW: Kristen Vanderbilt, Matt Hester, Sara Hooker, Tammy Nothdurft, Greg Horesovsky, Becky LoU. NOT P I C T U R E D : Mark Van't Kerkhoff, Linda Strouf.

The Symphonette, Hope College's premier instrumental ensemble, enjoyed a successful tour of Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, South Dakota, and Michigan. In addition the Symphonette joined with the Chapel Choir for the Bernstein Chichester Psalms and Handel's Chandos Anthem in the fall, and performed with the Grand Rapids Symphonic Choir and area church choirs in the Brahms Requiem.




Photo Provided by College Relations

FIRST ROW: Melinda Campbell, Ann Westerbeke, Lois Furry, Libby Griffith, Cheryl Henderson. S E C O N D ROW: Jenny Westerman, Name Not Provided, Erin Flaherty, Beth LeFever, Kevin Brown, Kayla Morrish. T H I R D ROW: Andrea Smith, Robin Johnson, Lisa Christ, Timothy Hoffman, Jeffrey Bean, Walter Avis, Jeffrey Moore. F O U R T H ROW: Daniel VandenBerg, Amy Herrington, Jim Troost, Tammy Nothdurft, John Krienke, Scott Voet, Mike Ely, Brian Berkey. FIFTH ROW: Conductor M. Votta, Kristen Vanderbilt.

The Hope College Wind Ensemble consisted of 34 wind and percussion students during the 1983-84 school year. The Ensemble was created in 1982 to replace the college Concert Band and utlizies the concept of one player per part. The ensemble made its first tour this year. They played songs by Bach, Hoist, Schumann, Persichetti, and John Philip Sousa. The Wind Ensemble also performed two concerts each semester on campus for Hope students and the general community.



Photo by: College Relations

F I R S T ROW: Mary Van Allsburg, Nancy Walchenbach, Danette Matteson, Tracey Taylor, Scott Curley, Craig Boss, William Bryson, John Delger. S E C O N D ROW: Kim Holt, Sue Neustel, Karen Baker, Karen Saenger, Lauria Majchrzak, Ryan Pfahler, David Henninges, Kevin Rea, Paul Ritsema. T H I R D ROW: Lannette Zylman, Patricia Callam, Elizabeth Trembley, Rhonda Hermnace, John Estell, Mark Snyder, Jeffrey Allen, Bruce Davis. F OURTH ROW: Jennifer Heitman, Kim Waldorf, Jennifer Ten Have, Amy Belstra, Kenneth Neeval, David Hedges, Jeffrey Porte, Robert Simpson. STAI RS : Susannah Kist, Kim Stoel, Wendy Crawford, Rebecca Milas, Rebecca Shanks, Lori Hofman, Nancy Burrink, Jennifer Fouse, Sue Prentice, Julie Ritsema, Lynette Carter, Debra Peterson, Jan Kenney, Kim Heller, Kathleen Kistler, Jennifer DeVries, Bethany Cook, Michelle Northuis, Geneva Graham, Edward DeGroot, John North, Jonathan Van Oss, Mark Lindsey, Thomas Folkert, Kenneth Fisher, Mark Kuiper, Thomas Dammer, John Twining, James Karsten, Blaine Brumels, Todd Schuiling, Robert Hartt, Scott Van Arendonk.

The Chapel Choir is an audition singing group under the direction of professor Roger Rietberg. The choir numbered 66 this year, 11 of whom are music majors with the rest being drawn from numerous other disciplines. This year's fall semester included a concert with the Symphonette featuring G. F. Handel's "Chandos Anthem # 9 " and Leonard Bernstein's "Chichester Psalms" as well as the traditional


Christmas Vespers. Spring tour took the choir East to perform at churches in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Ontario, with some time to sightsee in New York City, Niagra Falls, Yale, West Point, and many other stops along the way. The choir also performed at various college functions such as Convocation, Homecoming Weekend, and Baccalaureate. Kim Heller

Photo by: Doug Lehman


International Education

Photo by: Doug Lehman

Nghia Nguyen, Mulugette Ketema, Michele Hartman, Ahmed Mussa, Hassan Almarridi, Bart Armah, Nate Munson, Vann Chau, Jota Lopes, Arlene O'Neill, Nancy Herbert, Fadi Hamadi. N O T P I C T U R E D : Tammy Lovell, Libby Griffith, Lisa Laman, Mary OOmkes, Karin Etter, Cobbie deGraft, Lee McCorvie, Blair Porter, Brian Gibbs, Caryn Kunkle, Carla Hedeen, Michael Ketema, Sohail Nourbakhsh, Ahmed Al-Massih, Amir Sadjadi, Abdulla Al-Dafaa, Raymond Zhang, Babak Ilami, Nancy Johnson, Steve Riley, Randy Werbig, Ammanuel Yeclemariam, Lisa Shanafelt, Colleen Briggs, Lisa Hotchkiss, Diana Fuchikami, Patricia Ramirez, Kian-Cheong-Soon, David Novaez, Rick Dernberger, Andrea Bohn, David Premo, Larry Luster, Billy Beaver, Barry Stewart, Solomon Gizaw, Ahmad Habibi, Homa Moaddel.

The International Relations Club is a unique group made up of both American and International students on campus. Our main goal has been to bring awareness to the campus of the rich and diverse culture that we have here at Hope. We have tried to achieve this goal by sponsoring speakers, movies and dances over the past year which have been open for both the campus and the Holland Community. The main highlight of the 1983-84 school was our successful food fair, which attracted hundreds of people from Hope and the com-

munity. The club is planning for future events, centering on activities which will involve the entire campus. I would like to thank the members of the IRC for their continuous efforts and dedication, and, last but not least, the entire student body, who have made our club a success by the interest they have shown in the club. Mulugetta Ketema President


German Club

Photo by: Doug Lehman

FIRST ROW: Dr. Gisela Strand, Deb Fike, Lisa Shanafelt, Lynn Schrotenboer. S E C O N D ROW: Clemens Scharf, Dr. Ruth Todd, Christine Henderson, Andrea Bohn, Prof. Carol Leibiger, Sybil Babinski. T H I R D ROW: Brian Gibbs, Dr. Sander DeHaan, Marge Vos, Barb Schori, Dr. Paul Fried.

Geology Club

Photo by: Doug Lehman

FIRST ROW: John Bartley, Jon Peterson, Sue DeVries, Rick Verstrate, Amir Sadjadi. S E C O N D ROW: Pete Tacy, Kris Holappa, Ken Whitcomb, Dan Greene, Cheryl Dykstra. T H I R D ROW: Scott McCaw, Dave Lammers, Mary Dykstra, Homa Moaddel, Steve Murray. FOURTH ROW: Pete Dorn, Mike Dikaart, Roger Davis, Jim Aardema, Gordon Hotchkiss. NOT P I C T U R E D : Jana Borgerson.


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Maria Amaud, Mona Jabra, Vesna Petrovich, Lisa Thomson. S E C O N D R O W : Jim Wolbrink, Larisse Dykstra, Jackie Juchartz, Ann Griep, Jeff Hargrove, Heidi Russcher, Rich Helder.

The goal of the French Club is to expose the Hope College community to different aspects of French culture. On two separate occasions we sold gateaux to raise money for the club. This enabled us to lower the cost of two events: a trip to Chicago and a fondue. In Chicago, we saw a French photography exposition and we ate at a French restaurant. The fondue brought to the students the fine art of eating cheese fondue with forks. Another successful food event took place at Phelps. The whole meal consisted of French dishes from different regions of France. Of course, there were the basics: French Onion Soup, Coq au vin, mousse au chocolat, and crepes. For celebrating the French holiday. La


Chandeleur, we served crepes once again. In February, the club went to Kalamazoo to see the renowned French mime Marcel Marceau. The club also gave students an opportunity to see a film by the French director, Truffaut. The last project was a cultural night for which each of the more advanced French classes prepared skits and songs. Special thanks to Maria Arnaud, the French Assistant, for her help and support and to Larisse Daykstra who also gave valuable support and help not only in the kitchen, but in all that we did. Jeff Hargrove President

Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Deb Heydenberg, Beth French, Kathy Paris, Edith MacDonald. S E C O N D ROW: Linda Mueller, Ada Hamilton, Judy Kingsley, Becky Pochert. T H I R D ROW: Jacob Harmon, Carla Johnson, Anne Marie Lilly, John Brender. N O T P I C T U R E D : Lisa Welling, Nancy Johnson, Dee lanuzi, Steve Goodyke, Colleen Briggs, Beth Byrne, Melody Eagles, Bryn Elder, Diana Fuchikami, Scott Gibson, Laura Hempstead, Tamara Hoskal, Carla Johnson, Karen Kranendonk, Jota Lopes, Kim McBee, Lisa Meints, Jill Miller, Jose Perez, Patricia Ramirez, Diana Rencsok, Sandy Schmidt, Steven Stettler, Rich Tempas, Lona Veldheer, Morgan Young.

For the Spanish Club, the year started off with a potluck at Dr. Weller's house. With a large amount of Spanish cuisine and a large number of hungry students to eat it, the night was a success. In November, we joined with the French Club for a fun-filled (and stomach-filled!) trip to Chicago. During the second semester, we went and observed the

Hispanic culture of Grand Rapids at, where else, but ChiChi's. We also had a Christmas party and a fiesta with a trip to the Mexican movies in town. En todo, un ano excelente! Judy Kingsley President



A Photo by: Mark Billadeau

F I R S T ROW: Jose Conceicao, Sue Hendrickson, Lynnette Zahrn, Sandy Bellefeuille, Linda Manning, Mary Lysaught. S E C O N D ROW: Duane Vandenbrink, Dean Welsch, Jim Dailey, Tim Forbush, Amy DeWinter. T H I R D ROW: Bruce Davis, Chris Murray, Tim Dawes, Jeff McKeeby, Phil Brewer, Name Not Provided, Mitch Chinn, David Nelson.

This year the Chemistry Club sponsored many summer activities for student researchers including softball games with the biologists, an ice cream social, picnics, and a tennis ladder. An ice cream social started the school year out on the right foot. Membership increased and new activities were planned at the first meeting of the year. Some of these included a Saturday road trip to the cider mill (including

a tour of Saugatuck), parties at Dr. William's house, a visit to graduate schools and a lot of fun. The annual spring banquet was a success with many skits planned by graduating seniors. Mitchell Chinn President

Pre-Med Society


Photo by: Doug Lehman



Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Nicole Bertram, Mary VanAUsburg, Liz Davis, Marie DeGroot, Cheryl Barbati, Mike Rees, Elisabeth Larson. S E C O N D ROW: Jeanine Baisch, Melanie Thurston, Mike Bast, Jeff Plomer, Nathan Buurma, Kabet Sterk, Dave Pluymers. N O T P I C T U R E D : Advisor Dr. Barney.

The Alpha Eta chapter of Beta Beta Beta is Hope's chapter of the national biology honorary society. Its members are biology majors who have attained superior academic records in biology. The society has three basic emphases: t h e d i s s e m i n a t i o n of s c i e n t i f i c knowledge, scholarship, and the promotion of biological research. Members are active in research, attend BBB district and national meetings. As a service to the community, Hope's BBB members sponsor an annual science night for local elementary school children. Beta Beta Beta




Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Kirk Weller, Lenore Masiarczyk, Cindy Blight, Joyce Chandler. S E C O N D ROW: Advisors Dr. David Carothers and Dr. Elliot Tanis, Russell Brown, Linda Percy, Chris Brouwer.

Hope College's chapter of national honorary math society Pi Mu Epsilon has 14 members this year. Each Tuesday afternoon, members of Pi Mu Epsilon and other interested math students got together with the math faculty members to hear professor as well as student papers presented in a wide variety of mathematical areas. These colloquia presentations have enabled students to interact with our own math faculty as well as with guest speakers from other colleges on a "out-ofthe-classroom" basis while hearing about topics which are of special interest to them. A highlight of this year's events was


the visit from world renowned mathematician and Phi Beta Kappa guest lecturer Saunders MacLane. Pi Mu Epsilon members also served as guides and hosts for the Critical Issues Symposium speaker James White of Calvin. Pi Mu Epsilon closed the year with an invitation ceremony for new inductees to the society as well as a farewell banquet for graduating seniors. Joyce Chandler President

Robert Kryger, Russ Ramaker, Paul Buis, Cindy Blight, Brian Berkey. N O T P I C T U R E D : Kris Holappa, Matt Honkanen, Bernie Swenson, Gary Reynolds, Advisor Dr. Bryant Hichwa.

The Society of Physics Students is one of the more inquisitive organizations on campus. Our activities encourage students to experience science and technology in real life situtations. Our membership is comprised mostly of physics majors, but also includes engineering, geology, computer science and math students. Our emphasis this has been to develop an interest in how science is applied in a variety of fields. We explored computer graphics at Herman Miller Co. and learned how to use the Hope telescope observatory for celestial viewing. In January, a large group traveled to the

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois where we were given a tour of their Neutron Cancer Treatment Center, overall accelerator design, and the world's largest neutrino detector. Other events included a trip to the University of Michigan's diagnostic medical physics laboratory, seminars, presenting a physics demonstration to area high school students, a Sigma Pi Sigma (National Physics honor Society) reception, and our annual trip to the Roaring 20's. Cynthia Blight President


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Photo by: John Armstrong

Advisor Mr. Stegink, Laura Nicholson, Mike Ely, Chris Nelson, Linda Paul, Susan Casper, Mary Weber, Jim Docter, Judy Kingsley, Russell Brown, Marc O'Brian, Rich TenPas.

ACM, or Association for Computing Machinery, has as its primary goal the exposure of students in computers to a perspective from the job setting. To that end, it has in the past year presented numerous guest speakers on campus to discuss such topics as computer crime, computers in the church, and how to land a computer job; and to share career topics such as electrical engineering, systems analysis, and teaching computer science. In addition to providing guest speakers, ACM sponsored a seminar to widen students' familiarity with the new Vax Computer System and its commands, and tallied results from a survey on student opinions regarding computers at Hope College. Russ Brown President



Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Paul Coan, Dan Fead, Todd Garth, Joe Doele. S E C O N D ROW: Andre Mainradi, Bethany Van Duyne, Jim VanPutten, Janet Meyer, Cyndy Stannard, Dan Fosse, Abby Madison.

After having a successful first season, the Sailing Club finally rolled on its own with the acquisition of three boats. Thanks to the diligent work of Jim VanPutten and Geology chairman Cotter Tharin, the club now owns two "470's" along with a 24 foot "custom" sail boat. Currently, the club is in the process of acquiring more boats along with organizing a regat-

ta. Students are encouraged to attend club meetings, participate in regattas and club socials, and contribute insightful information regarding the sport. In addition, free lessons can be provided for the novice sailor. Dan Fead


Lacrosse Club

u .A. Photo by; John Armstrong

F I R S T ROW: Ken Trumble, Glen Weisiger, Dave Wood, Geoff Kerth, Gordon Hotchkiss, Scot Lavigne, Brinton Donalson, John Dice, Jeff Hanson. S E C O N D ROW: Steve Heyne, Gregg Relyea, Jim Vandertoll, Jeff Custy, Alan Adamson, Bob Gold, Steve Murray, John Cremin, Pete Phillips, Andy Thorpe, Bill Kordenbrock, Tim Buursma, Dave Lein. N O T P I C T U R E D : Dirk Vermeulen, Paul Seager, Alan Supp.

Psi Chi

Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Barb Krom, Melissa Most, Karen Kranendonk, Rene Babcock. S E C O N D ROW: Sharon Smith, Linda Bechtel, President Beth Gunn, Vice President Martin Waalkes, Marjorie Sikkema, Dave Groeneveld. T H I R D ROW: Randy Cutler, Carol Johnson, Melinda Campbell, Advisor Bob Brown, James Karsten, Paul Hemeren, Lori Flock.


Photo by: John Armstrong

F I R S T ROW: Tri-Captains Barb Lake, Lisa DeVries, Sheila Gendich. S E C O N D ROW: Diane Boughton, Amy Schuler, Karen Saenger, Kim Cross, Darla Kass, Kathy Harter, Lenore Masiarczyk, Sheila Gauger. T H I R D ROW: Rachelle Hoffiz, Diane Bakeman, Gwen Gerky, Heidi Russcher, Lisa Roodvoets, Bethany VanDuyne, Jenny Sharp, Libby Nies, Jeanne Redinger, Chris Peterson, Assistant Coach Linda Ernst, Head Coach Johnny Marmelstein. N O T P I C T U R E D : Terri Voss, Jodi TenBroeke.

This year's Women's Soccer Club looked forward to a fantastic season. Fifty-one women tried out for the team this year, which is in its second year of existence. The club played nine games in the short spring season, including matches against rivals Calvin and Kalamazoo and a season ending First Annual Hope College Women's Soccer Tournament held on April 28, which brought three other teams from around western Michigan to Holland. The Flying Dutch were led by sophomore tricaptains Lisa DeVries, Sheila Gendich,

and Barb Lake, who was the leading scorer in the club's first year of existence. Seniors Lenore Masiarczyk, Jeanne Redinger, a returning started, and Gwen Gerky, two year letter winner in Field Hockey helped to bring experience and leadership to the club which boasted a whole host of freshman and sophomore talent. Fun was our goal and we look forward to continuing the club into the future. Johnny Marmelstein Head Coach



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F I R S T ROW: Peter Huizenga, Carol Wagner (Mrs. N, Jan), Karl Overbeek, Victor W. Eimicke, (Chairman), Mary Visscher (Mrs. Harrison), Willard C. Wichers, Gretchen Vandenberg (Mrs. Frederick). S E C O N D ROW; Gordon J. VanWylen (President), Terry Nagelvoort, David G. Myers, Marianne VanEenenaatn (Mrs. John), Doris DeYoung (Mrs. Delbert), Leonard Maas,

Carl E. VerBeek (Vice-Chairman), John Schrier, Max Boersma (Secretary), Willard G. DeGroot, Norman Thompson. T H I R D ROW: Dennis Voskuil, Ekdal J. Buys, Peter C. Cook, J. Kermit Campbell, John Maassen, Jay Weener, James Neevel, Robert Hoeksema, James VanHoeven, Max DePree. Photo by: Doug Lehman



Gordon VanWylen 188

David Marker

Vice President of Development

Robert DeYoung

Vice President of Business

William Anderson

Secretaries to the Executives

Mary Porter, Marianne Orzehoski, Barb Masselink, Charlotte Mulder.



Upward Bound

Francis Gamez

Higher Horizons

Marty Sosa


Alfredo Gonzales

Financial Aid

Char Francis, Martha Ash, Phyllis Hooyman, Gail Smith, Bruce Himebaugh

Student Affairs

Phil Fredrickson, Bruce Johnston, Sara Schmidt, Dale Austin, Sophie Hamburg, Lamont Dirkse.

Registar's Office

..inda Shivley, Ro Beals, Joslyn Shaughnessy, Jon Huisken.


ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF Business Office Jeff Waterstone, Lisa Rogoski, Barry Werkman, Evelyn Ryan, Nancy Emerson, Ann Vandenberg, Ruth Klungle, Shirley Larsen, Lynn Bowmen, Kris Welmers, Donna Frank.

College Relations Esther Cleason, Vern Schipper, Eileen Beyer, Marj Graves, Mary Kempker, Pat Crawford, Tom Renner.

Bookstore Karen Schakel, Mark Cook, Paula Nadeau, Dorothy Plasman, Maxine Greij, Jeanne Goodyke.


Admissions Jim Bekkering, Don Williams, Mary Kraai, Fran VanAllsburg, Kim Lubbers, Doug Johnson, Vicki Boulton, Gary Camp, Mary Quade, Karen Barr, Rick Reece, Joan Nelson, Linda O'Melia.

Development Barbara Grotenhuis, Arlo Jarries, Esther Hansen, Cynthia Pocock, Esther Molenaar, Harold Ritsema, John Nordstrom.

Head Residents


Arcadian — Vicki and Doug Peterson Brumler — Nancy and Nick Perovich College East — Phil and Ann Fredrickson Cosmopolitan — Sue and Steve VanDop Durfee — Greg and Mary Afman Dykstra — Sue and Tom Langejans Emersonian — Jo and John Kleis Fraternal — Sarah and Bob Bast Gilmore — Carol and Rich Ray Kollen — Fonda and Chuck Green Lichty — Jan Maxwell Parkview — Nancy and Bob Post Phelps — Lizzie and Neal Sobania Van Vleck — Mary Aufderheide Voorhees — Doris and Russ DeVette



F I R S T ROW: Maria Tapia, Kd Easter, Pauline Rozeboom. S E C O N D ROW: George Weber, Brian Howard, Ron Borgman, Steve Aardema, Steve Watson, Elaine Bisel, Cheryl Jarratt.

Food Service



Custodial Staff

Public Safety


Glenn Bareman, Duane Terpstra, Catherine Swierenga, Jerry Gunnink, Ray Gutknecht, Shirley Beckman.






Photo by; Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW; Brinton Donalson, Dave VanGorder, Doug Williams, Bill Parsons. S E C O N D R O W : Mike Brewer, Marty Lutzeier, Dan Brondyk, Dave Hennings, Kevin McCollough, Rick Broene, Tom VanHeest.

Pan Hel

Photo by: Doug Lehman


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Craig Herman, Rich Tenpas, Bill Thomas, Tim Estell, Jeff McKeeby, Greg Olgers. S E C O N D ROW: Advisor Charles Stekettee, Karen Billadeau, Bob Hoke, Lilia Colon, Jim Kleckner, Kevin Brown, Advisor Bruce Dangremond. T H I R D ROW: Lynn Yonkers, Diane Bakeman, Kim Heller, Patti Terpstra, By Oang, Jackie Van Heest, Dawn West, Coreen Bellows, Sue Hendrickson. F O U R T H ROW; Dan Hensley, Hope Lisenmayer, Catherine Atkinson, Kathy Hogenboom, Karen Henderlong, Pam Mazzola, Jayne Remmelts, Gregg Stickels. N O T P I C T U R E D : Beth Cooper, Blair Hough, Ellen Wright, Kris Veldheer, Dan Broughton.

Alpha Phi Omega is a nationally affiliated service fraternity which has its Nu Beta Chapter here on the campus of Hope College. This was a great year for our membership scrolls. Through our Fall and Spring rushing and pledging activities, we introduced twenty new members to our three-fold program of leadership, friendship, and service. The year end membership, at thirty-three members, almost double from the previous year, allowed us to be much more visible in our activities. Our year started out busy with the running of the freshman orientation Information Booth for the purpose of the aiding of new students and parents who had questions about the College. Another help we offered to the campus was the publishing of Felicitations to acquaint faculty and students with a little information on all the incoming freshmen. Some of our other annual

events were three blood drives held which raised approximately 575 pints of blood for the Red Cross, door to door collecting efforts for the March of Dimes and Cystic Fibrosis, Christmas bell ringing on Holland street for the Salvation Army, and the helping of the food service in taking student I.D. pictures. The fall pledge class was busy with their project of selling Burger King coupons to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis, and the spring pledge class put a lot of time into organizing a faculty auction to raise money for the American Cancer Society. We, with the help of Michigan State's Beta Beta Chapter, were also part of a first time event for the March of Dimes: a state-wide Youth Awareness Conference in Grand Rapids. In total, through these and other smaller projects, we raised about $1600 for various charities.

On the lighter side, there were our formals, in the fall at the Hungry Lion in Grand Rapdis and in the spring at Perrins Marina. The Spring Formal was highlighted by the induction of Professor Steketee as an honorary member for his 24 years of service as an advisor, as well as a certificate of appreciation for Professor Dangremond who started out this year as our second advisor. This was just part of the fun we had through the year, which also included the formation of our first ever awesome intramural volleyball team. As we approach our 25th year of existence at Hope College, it is our goal to continue on with the ideals of the fraternity; to develop leadership, to promote friendship, and provide service to humanity. Jim Kleckner


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Penny Yonkers, Kris Wolf, Kelly Leutzinger, Pam Gregory, Jennifer Davis, Amy Belstra, Amy Sandgren, Bethany Cook, Liz Braham, Heidi McNutt, Alison Zeerip, Dana Nofz, Amy Cook, Diane Mills, Gail Larsen. S E C O N D ROW: Steph Verbeek, Michelle Dykstra, Sarah Smith, Cathy Schroeder, Cindy Alkema, Sue Herman, Kristi Bruins, Geneva Graham, Mary Kimbell, Sue Welker, Lori Calkins, Annie Allison, Joanna Martin, Jayne Courts, Lisa Smith, Sonia Van Eyl. T H I R D ROW: Lenora Tabor, Carol Johnson, Beth Pershing, Lois Furry, Kelly Stair, Lee McCorvie, Jean Carr, Shawn Carpentier, Jenny Phelps, Melinda Campbell, Lori Harvey, Shelly Essenberg, Lisa Serum, Lisa Tjoelker, Donna Deforest, Marcia Taylor. NOT P I C T U R E D : Rhonda Hermance, Cheryl Doan, Jennifer DeVries, Jennifer Sharp.

The light-blue sweatshirts of the Sibs made many appearances on Hope's campus this year. The first semester started with the Ox Roast, where we served and smiled (while wondering, "Where's the Beef?"). Other work projects included a reasonably successful car wash, working the forever fun dish crew at Western, and, of course, still more Sibs subs. The All-College Sing was graced by our rendition of "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" — anyway, we got first place! We also sang at a Sunday morning chapel service. On the social side, the Sibs danced "All Night Long" at the fall Informal (held at Perrin's Marina), "stuffed" their dates on a hayride at Teusink's, and "picnicked" with their Brother Emmies. The number of light-blue sweatshirts doubled during the

second semester due to a very successful Sib Rush and Pledging. We welcomed twenty-five happy, healthy new actives into our sorority, bringing our total membership to fifty-one. After an unexpectedly eventful Hell Night, we closed out the year with our Formal at the Hilton, participation in May Day, and the always memorable Senior Farewell. Working and playing together, and more importantly laughing and loving together, has made the Sibs a tightly-knit group, despite size and its challenges. An "up and coming" sorority? Yes, we are — and we're only too happy and proud to make ourselves known on Hope's campus.


Amy Belstra

. nolo by: Doug Lehman

FIRST ROW: Dave Randall, Steve Keizer, Scott Collins, Mark Stid, Dan Dunn. S E C O N D ROW: Jim Kleckner, Randy Outman, Bill Parsons, Dave Stegink, Greg Reid. T H I R D ROW: Amir Sadjadi, Dave Hoffman, Todd Knepper, Bill VanFaasen, Kevin McCollough, Rich Osterhout, Mike Ellis, Morgan Young, J. D. B. Dunham, Sohail Nourbakhsh, Carl Barnhorst, Mike Pikaart. F O U R T H ROW: Bill Thomas, Steve Schadler, Dan Stegink, Tim Dykema, Tom MacKenzie, Pete Flinker, Bob Doering.

The year 1983-84 proved to be another banner one for the Emersonian Fraternity, illustrating once again that diversity joined in a common brotherhood leads to a strength that cannot be found elsewhere. With a crew of fourteen new actives we began the year with our traditional service project of moving in freshman men and women during orientation. A second orientation was provided the first weekend with the inaugural campus dance of the year. Throughout the year we kept busy with a benefit car wash for the Community Action House, ushering at Vespers, hosting on Critical Issues Day, intramural sports, and putting on dances for several campus organizations. Fresh off our 2nd consecutive May Day Championship, we tied for first in the "A" football league. The basketball, volleyball, and softball teams also fared well in their divisions. As a group we enjoyed reacquainting ourselves with alumni during the Homecoming Dance at the Hilton this fall, and the Spring Formal held at the Amway Grand Plaza.

The individual members continued to excel in their own areas. Honors some of the members received included an MVP on the swim team, a black belt in karate, an appointment as Pull Coach, V.P. of Mortar Board, IFC treasurer, IFC president-elect, president of Alpha Phi Omega, Dean's List, and Phi Beta Kappa. Other members were active in Student Congress, Jazz Band, Nykerk, the Pull, AED, Symphonette, Tri Beta, and Alpha Phi Omega. The addition of six new members in the spring helped ensure this tradition of excellence in diversity will continue. By combining our various strengths we are able to accomplish things that would not be possible as individuals. We look to continue our tradition of campus leadership both in and out of the classroom in the years to come, and to carry on the flame of the Emersonian Fraternity through our motto of Love, Honor, and Success. Mark Stid, Bill Parsons, and Tim Dykema


Photo by: Alethea Vissere

The Alphi Gamma Phi Sorority had a fun filled year of sisterhood and friendship. Druing the fall semester, while many of our ranks were off jetsetting through Italy, Spain, Yugoslavia, Russia, France, and Germany, those of us on the homefront amused ourselves with the best that Holland has to offer; including football games, Village Inn nights, and movie nights. Other Alpha Phis were kept busy with field hockey, sailing, and canoeing. Our fundraising activities ineluded a car wash and an M and M sale. Alpha Phi's Fall Rush and Pledging rounded out a busy semester. Small, but mighty, we Alpha Phis charged into the second

semester rejoined by our European Sisters. As we worked in the Fall, we partied in the spring. With Rush parties, pledging parties, Knick parties, and date nights, we kicked off our shoes into a whirlwind of fun. Our formal at the Tara in Saugatuck was another wild time, and gave our seniors a last fond memory of their years with Alpha Phi. Senior Lit ended our spring semester with teary goodbyes and a look toward the future. Throughout the year, our motto was "Friendship, Anchor of our Strength." Alpha Gamma Phi


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Eugene Marciniak, Dan Umemori, Jim Pemberton. S E C O N D ROW: Tim Hakken, Dave Stampfig, Doug Maple, Tom Sokolnicki, Roger Bouwman, Bernie Jellema, Mike Brewer, Tom Sorenson, Andrew Brown, Jack Bos. N O T P I C T U R E D : Steve LaRue, Robert S. Dennison, Rod Brush, Chris Bluhm, Doug Williams.

In this year, 1984, we were proud to announce our 75th anniversary. The Knicks were founded in 1909 by twelve men f r o m t h e F r e s h m a n class. Throughout the years we have upheld the traditions started by our founders, the traditions of KAPPA ETA NU: fellowship, moral, and intellect. We feel fellowship is our greatest strength. The unity that is developed within the fraternity can be exemplified by the active members as well as our alumni. This unity has held the men of Knickerbocker together through thick and thin, and this year was no exception. After settling into Gibson cottage we were once again forced to move. A faulty chimney was the cause and all of us were in turmoil. The process of relocating was quickened by a small fire. The fire

caused immediate evacuation of the house. Nomads once again, everyone was scattered while the administration tried to accommodate the fraternity. We continued to meet despite our situation and pushed the administration into buying the current Knick House at 54 E. 13th Street. We had a home once again. The fall semester was also highlighted by Homecoming. Alumni from all over the country returned to the Knick House to reminisce about "old times." The evening was topped off by the homecoming dance that lasted until the early morning hours. With the beginning of another semester we broke in our new house with the "Second, First Annual Housewarming Dance." This event also kicked off the Knickerbocker Rush pro-

gram. This year's rush was long but filled with many exciting events. Pledging soon followed with ten new Knicks being initiated into the realm of Knickerbocker. We were deeply saddened with the news that Provost Marker was leaving Hope College. Dr. Marker is an honorary Knickerbocker who has been with the fraternity for some twenty odd years. We congratulate Dr. Marker on his new position and wish him and his family the best of luck. Happy 75th Knickerbocker! Michael Brewer President

P.S. — The Blood Donor Trophy is still on "permanent display" in our trophy case.



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F I R S T ROW: Ann Pangborn, Nancy Walchenbach, Kathy Klok, Karen Button, Joyce Chandler, Sue VanderVeen, Janet Meyer, Lynn Klok, Libby Roets, Sherri Allen, Leslie Coy, Rhonda Hale, Mary Lynn McNally, Shelley Crummel, Robin Tavernier, Julie Harper. S E C O N D ROW: Leslie Harlan, Kim Fischer, Betsy Huttar, Shari Speet, Kris Ter Maat, Cheryl Prentice, Jane Custer, Deb Wheeler, Shelly Hegedus, Carrie Kooistra, Lynne Lager, Denise VanderSteeg, Holly Rabbai, Melinda Fischer, Wendy Sturrus, Jennifer Carr, Sandy VanderBilt, Jeanne Wagner, Theresa VandenHombergh. T H I R D ROW: Deb Rathbun, Lisa Hopkins, Bonnie Glenn, Ann Bruske, Charlotte Johnson, Vicki Januska, Lynette Lokhorst, Peggy Hallacy, Karen Becker, Kirsti Stroom, Krista Buikema, Sue Workman, Lisa Smallegan, Margaret Dempsey, Lisa King, Kathy Chandler. F O U R T H ROW: Kim Taylor, Lisa Welling, Amy McCartney, Sue Beswick, Carol Bast, Mary Norden, Jeanne Harris, Julie Bubolz, Marcia Usiak, Lauri Lemmen, Kris Hansen, Diane Bobinski.

It has been a great year for the Delta Phis With many activities time did fly. We had some parties with the frats For example, with the Fraters, "Welcome Back Jack!' A party with the Arkies on the beach was fun As we caught the end of the summer sun. Dancing one night with our brothers the Mos Kept us late into the evening on our toes. We also sang in the All-College Sing And a canoe trip proved to be a fun thing. We had two date nights, one a hayride But the other — rollerskating — kept few in stride. Two formals were had, one spring and one fall And dancing on tables was fun for all. For this fun, money was spent. So we had some work project events: A car wash, selling candy, and the donut tradition (By the end of the box, ignore the condition!) A dance with the Sigmas, also Run for the Son Plus a spookhouse — all service projects were fun.


Delphi's were in Dance X and on Homecoming Court While others were cheerleaders or in some sport. There were members of field hockey, cross-country, and track And in swimming and diving Delphi's didn't lack! Two came from nationals with a gleam for they both made the All-American Team!!! We were also represented in the Pull And the Nykerk cast of Delphis was full. To our orators, directors, girls in the song and the play, The senior rep., the treasurer, and the chairman — hooray! Second semester brought "On Broadway" for Rush And our 24 new actives were a definite plus! At the end of the year we had our event called Senior Farewell when time was spent crying the tears, both happy and sad as we remember the times we've had Living the life of Gold and Blue Forever it will be true to you! Sara Souter

Photo by; Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Mike King, Beester Winquist, EBH Ellingboe, Rex Anderson, Miles Dudley, Studly Huiz, DJ Opie Covell, P. Kayes, C. A. Hoffman, Bill Meyers. S E C O N D ROW: P. Boundy, A1 Norenberg, Tony Brach, Sammy Cox, H. G. Cowman, P. Anderson, Harn, P. Koster. T H I R D ROW: Nigil, Ace Foster, Scott Spencer, Jive Phil Perkins, Y. R. Mason, Do Me Baby Door, Brooks B. Heiny, Russ Helmus, Eric Kordenbrock, P. Conklin, Brian Dahlke.

The key to the Cosmopolitan fraternity's success over the years, has been the ability to bring different people from all walks of life together, as one. Each person adding his own qualities to enhance the group. The Cosmopolitan fraternity has grown this year, not so much in numbers, but in its ability to progress and take on new challenges. We will not stop at second best. The quality of our organization gives us the ability to hold

such fine events as "Dunk the Dean for Dystrophy," scenic cruises on Lake Michigan, the Tootsies Bus, numerous house dances, as well as our bi-annual canoe trips and ski weekend. It is all of our different qualities put together that makes us who we are and allows us to live our motto "Do not follow where the path may go. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail." Dave Henninges


Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Karen Annis, Janet Howatt, Cathy Pietz, Gretchen Gross, Annette Kingsland, Mona Jabra, J. B. Broersma, Anne Beld, Beth Weisiger, Tami Noorlag, Allyson Davies, Ruthie VanderWeide, Stacy Spitler, Barbi Lotterman. S E C O N D ROW: Cyndi Noorlag, Shelley Defreese, Pam Byle, Margie Koster, Jane Voortman, Jocelyn Lenz, Sandy Wissink, Barb Riekse, Meg Miller. T H I R D R O W : Petey Uecker, Sheri McCloud, Linda Eickhoff, Barb Good, Becky Hughes, Kelly Kane, Karen Hayes, Holly Wilson, Jane Bursma, Mary Beth Barrows, Karen Visscher, Jenny VanderHart, Jodi Foutch, Anne Latham, Teri Forth, Karyn Heidlauf, Sheila Teed, Darlene Hiemstra. F O U R T H ROW: Jill Mannor, Renee Bloom, Susan Kunkle, Susan Thompson, Cheryl Spaeth, Jennifer Gibbs, Becky Milas, Kimm DeVries, Lynette Carter, Paula Gikas, Sue Prentice, Susan Bosch, Libby Bryson, Jane Abe, Diane Johnson, Polly Lydens, Julie VanHeest, Cheryl Tysse. N O T P I C T U R E D : Lisa Zandee, Linda Arnoldink, Jamie Worden, Anne Rempe, Sarah VanEenenaam, Sue Stackhoff, Deb Wettack, Karen Smith, Jill Miller, Robin Wiegerink, Karen Heffner, Wendy Faber, Melinda Simpson.

The Sigma Sigma Sorority and its traditions began in 1905 and still today is in flourishing condition. These traditions, which are revised and updated, are what binds us together as a sorority. We started the year out with our annual "pimp your sister" date night and Winter Formal at the Marriott in Grand Rapids. Homecoming luncheon, fundraisers, and a Christmas party with the Fraters for underpriviledged children added to first semester's activities. The second semester brought Rush and Pledging, and welcomed the addi-

tion of 19 new members into our Sigma Sigma circle of friendship. Also included in the spring semester were Spring Informal, a graffiti date night, a dance with the Delphi's, Senior Tea, and Swan Song. During our years at Hope, we have seen many positive changes within our sorority. We take pride in the Sigmas and what we stand for. With 73 active members, each of whom are unique and special, we can come together as one to form a lasting closeness. A line in the Sigma Sigma creed,


which reads, "To cherish the friendships that bind us together as the most precious gift of life," is a feeling we all share. For the seniors, this is especially meaningful. For wherever we end up, we know that that bond of friendship will never be broken. As the year closed, the seniors say goodbye and thanks for all the great memories. They leave knowing that Sigma Sigma tradition will continue to carry on and that the pride which we all share will remain to grow and shine. A. Beld and M. Koster



>1,1 Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Dave Wood, John Kaminski, Eric Toole, Jeff Custy, Dave VanGorder, Chris Murray, Todd VanBemmelen, Steve Buit, Greg Wood, Jim Vandertoll, Mike McCarthy. S E C O N D ROW: Will Walker, Bruce Kutsche, Paul Ritsema, Steve Cramer, Marty Lutzeier, Dan Brondyk, Jim VanPutten, Scott Voet, Glenn Weisinger, Bob Gold. N O T P I C T U R E D : Pete Phillip, Chip Rosenbaum, Marcel Sales, Rich TerHaar, Tim Wolffis, Nick Prins, Wally Avis, Jim Dailey.

The Fraternal Society has enjoyed another successful year as an organization d e d i c a t e d to c r e a t i n g a brotherhood. Most people do not appreciate what it means to be a part of a fraternity. To be part of Fraternal means to be part of the friendship, love and truth that burns in the hearts of all its members. Members of the Fraternal Society participate and contribute to many varied activities. This year we assisted the Heart Association and American Cancer Society in their fund drives. We also co-sponsored a Christmas party for underprivileged children along with the

Sigma Sigmas, our sister sorority. In athletics, varsity and intramural, members of the Fraternal Society excelled. The varsity sports included football, golf, swimming, wrestling, and track. In intramurals, we participated in football, basketball, and softball. In addition, several members belonged to the Lacrosse Club and participated in the Pull. Athletic leaders include a 1983 football captain and 1986 and 1988 Pull coaches. In Hope College academics. Fraternal contributed in the sciences and humanities with several members receiving honors and planning to attend graduate school.

This year is the 150th anniversary of the establishment of the Fraternal Society. A large celebration of this event is planned for Homecoming weekend of 1984. This is a big year for the fraternity not only because we are celebrating such an historic occasion (Fraternal is one of the oldest active fraternities in the nation), but because we are moving from the Fraternity Complex to a smaller, more productive dwelling. Meyer Cottage will become the new Frater House and in it will dwell the few and chosen. Fraternal



Photo by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Linda VanVoorhis, Mary Lokers, Nancy Weller, Laurey Ellertson, Barb Riley, LeAnne Moss, Wendy Vander Hart, Kim Bailey, Brenda Arntz. S E C O N D ROW: Tracey Ore, Alison Burris, Susan Hahnenkratt, Melissa Most, Sally Davis, Chris Peterson, Bonnie Laney. T H I R D ROW: Heidi Bussies, Marian Aydelotte, Lisa Harvey, Renee Alarcon, Sally Wilson, Mary Upton, Nancy Mulder, Anne Bakker, Linda Bechtel, Tami Suchecki, Jane Ekleberry, Amy Hathaway, Karen Hargrove, Jean Wend, Anna Conley, JoEllyn Shull, Jennifer Westerman. N O T P I C T U R E D : Kim Miller, Lori Geerligs.

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when they discover that someone believes in them and is willing to trust them with their friendship." Ralph Waldo Emerson The above quote accurately describes Kappa Delta Chi's yearly theme of unity while learning what friendship is all about. Our goal this year was to become "one" and be more sensitive and aware of each other while remaining unique individuals. This 1983-84 school year brought 15 new actives into membership and we all had to work harder at becoming a solid unit. Our striving toward unity was also evident in our involvement both on and off Hope's campus. Following our yearly tradition, the Kappa Delta Chi sorority began the school year with a weekend retreat. Here, we took an overall look at our goals to give ourselves some direction. We planned out specific events to keep

our focus on our "sisterhood" theme. Our Homecoming brunch was the next major event after several spontaneous activities. KX alumni were more than ever this year and they were excited about our growth. During that weekend we also sponsored a booth at the Penny Carnival in conjunction with SAC. Homecoming weekend was topped off with our acceptance of the Sorority Scholastic Award. Next came our "wild and crazy" date night. KXs and dates gorged themselves at a pizza party and continued to eat at Farrell's (yes, we did order a Zoo!). Work projects this semester included several bake sales and stuffing envelopes for Admissions. As far as service projects were concerned, Kappa Chis were active here as well. They included working at the Tribute to Guy Vander Jagt, and ushering at Chapel and Vespers. Candlelights have always been special to Kappa Chis and this semester was no exception as three actives blew out the flames. Kappa Chis kept their consistent record in IM Volleyball continuing, ending with no wins again (girls just wanna have


fun!). HO-HO-HO, the fun ended with a Christmas party where we helped Santa on his way. A Kappa Delta Chi/WTHS campuswide dance opened the second semester with profits going to the Shelter for Battered Women in Holland. RUSH and PLEDGING were next highlights where the theme "I LOVE " captured 15 new and exciting faces. Activities during the spring semester included selling candy bars, lit meetings, a Bible study, and a car wash as well as IM Softball. The Spring Formal was held at Holly's Biestrow, Holiday Inn SW in Grand Rapids. The Senior Picnic followed the formal where goodbyes were held for six well-loved seniors. May Day activities concluded the year with participation in the May Day carnival. We look back on this year and are greateful for accomplishing our goals of becoming more of a group and are especially looking forward to the challenges of next year. Kappa

Delta Chi

?hoto by: Doug Lehman

F I R S T ROW: Steve Birkelbach, John Delger, Jasper, Doug Roehm, Jim Bos, Dale Deloy, Paul VanEyl, Jeff Beswick, Mutts, Larry, Pete Dykema. S E C O N D ROW: Paul "Bunyan" Holtrop, Dan Brophy, Mark Kuiper, Joe Calvano, Hans Oskam, John Strand, John Buchanan, Scott Ellingson, Mike Ramos, Dave Dykema, Dave Park, Scott Nagelvoort, Mike Reisterer, Jay Little, John Beery, Chris Bajema, Kevin Brinks, Sam Nedeau, Scott Van Hoven, Randy Smith, Mark Micho. T H I R D ROW: Jeff Porte, Dave Timmerman, Mark Van't Kerkhoff, Kevin Shoemaker, Ron Bates, Scott Wierda, Tom Vander Klay, Jim Gray, Clarence Bom, Kent Coy, Dave Beld, Greg Fuchs, Brad Kuipers, Mark Ver Plank. F O U R T H ROW: Dave Lein, Mike McVickar, Craig Van Zyl, Chris Pinderski, Phil Vander Werff, Paul Vande Bunte, Kevin Groothuis, Steve Balk, Mike Winter, Todd Wehrmeyer, Rick Broene, Jack Veld, George Bera, Brinton Donalson, Mark Nagelvoort, Tom Bohrer, John Werme, Mark Mulder.

For the men of Arcadian Fraternity, 1983-84 was an exciting and memorable year. A busy fall semester was comprised of such events as the Arkie-Delphi beach picnic, the traditionally wild Canoe Trip, a "Come as You Aren't" progressive party with the Sigmas, and, of course, numerous allcampus dances. Homecoming was a time for alumni to renew old friendships and to give them a chance to meet the current membership. Always a success. Homecoming was special this year as the Arkie scholars won the academic trophy for the twenty-seventh time in twenty-eight semesters and because Mike Spitters, an Arcadian brother, was crowned Homecoming King. The spring semester brought with it Rush and Pledging and the Arcadians were successful again this year. A well run Rush, highlighted by the Komanawanalai Dance enabled the Arkies to welcome eighteen young men into the fraternity.

The school year climaxed with the Spring Formal held at the Grand Rapids Marriott, the Third Annual Scrogg Scramble, and May Day. While certainly not inept at having fun, the Arkies are also known for their campus leadership, and this year was no exception. Arkies held leadership positions in student government, FCS, Creative Worship, and many honorary organizations. A glance at the roster of Hope's varsity athletes shows Arcadian involvement in football, soccer, baseball, golf, track, and lacrosse. The Arkies were especially proud of the role played in this year's Critical Issues Symposium while hosting two of the speakers. Challenges were attacked by the Arcadians head on this year and through friendship and group effort the challenges were met and surpassed. Chi Phi Sigma





Brenda Adams Ana Agurcia Linda Aldrich Jeffrey Allen Melodie Beth Archer Lisa Arnstrom

Catherine Atkinson Shavonne Ayotte Anne Bakker

Kristine Barnes Gary Bayer Sandra Bellefeuille

David Beswick Linda Bisel Cynthia Blight


K Anne Boonstra James Bos Stephen Bosch

Diane Boughton Lisa Brawley Alice Brechting

Philip Brewer James Broucek Laurie Brown


Blaine Brumels Krista Buikema Chayris Burd Susan Burrell Nancy Burrink Nathan Buurma



James Byington Joseph Calvano Melinda Campbell Shawn Carpentier Jennifer Carr Kim Casey

Susanne Clark

Lilia Colon

Robert Cook

Jayne Courts

James Dailey Bruce Davis Michelle DeBoer Jana DeGraaf Mary DeJonge Timothy DePree


Scott Derwenskus Jennifer DeVries

Susan DeVries Joreen Domkowski

Michelle Downey Jeanne Dwyer

Timothy Dykema Michelle Dykstra David Eggebeen Carlotta Ellison Wendy Faber Wanda Fauble






Pamela Fedor Joan Fekken John Ferriby Patti Fiet Shirley Gagnon Laura Geitner

Debbie Gezon Melissa Goyette Geneva Graham Don Groeneveld Douglas Hall Gregory Heeres


Shelly Hegedus Jennifer Heitman Laura Hempstead Susan Herman Jodi Hicks Cindy Hoffman



Kathleen Hogenboom Richard Holody Kurt Holzhausen Jonathan Homeister Mark Honkanen Tamara Hoshal

Vicki Januska Katherine Jenks Carla Johnson Michael Johnson Stephen Judy Robert Karel




Betsy Karle Kimberly Karpanty Andrew King Kathleen Kistler Carrie Kooistra Kimberly Kossen

David Kraay Erica Kratzer Robert Kryger

V Susan Kuiper John LaBarge David Lance

Deborah Landman Lauri Lemmen



Mary Lokers Maryette Lokhorst

Martin Lutzeier Edith Macdonald Elizabeth MacGregor

Lauria Majchrzak Margaret Marsters Kim Maxted

• y. V x s


Michael McCarthy Kevin McCollough Jeffrey McKeeby Michael McVickar Kathy Metzger Rebecca Milas



Jill Miller Moyra Miller Tracey Miller

LeAnne Moss David Nelson Holly Nichols 1

John North Jane Northuis Sohail Nourbakhsh

Harold Ockerse Margaret Oklatner Brian Oosterhouse

William Parsons Linda Paul Rodney Payne

David Pluymers Russell Ramaker Patricia Ramirez-Flores

k b 220

Deborah Rathbun Michael Rees

Diane Rencsok Wendy Reynolds

Gary Robertson James Rosenbaum

Amir Sadjadi Steven Schadler

Barbara Schori Leigh Schott

JoAnn Seigner Rebecca Shanks



James Shields Joellyn Shull Karen Smith Randall Smith Sarah Smith Linda Solak

Christopher Speaks Kabet Sterk Deborah Sterner

Steven Stetler Gregg Stickels Melissa Stoll


Rochelle Streeter Tracy Taylor Sheila Teed



Jennifer TenHave Kim Tenhor Kristin TerMaat

k .



t Barbara Terpstra Elizabeth Trembley John Twining


Mary VanAllsburg Marilyn VanBaren Sandra Vanderbilt


Wendy VanderHart Connie VanderMeulen Paul VanderStarre Denise Vandersteeg Brad Vanderstel Ruth VanderWeide




Michael VanderZee Kathleen VanGiessen David VanGorder Jane VanHaitsma James VanPutten Lisa VanTubbergen i4

Dacia VanZanten Stephen Vaughan Jack Veld Sarah Veldman Patricia Visser Jeanne Wagner

Melanie Waite Jonathan Watts Deanna Weaver



Edmund Weber Nancy Weller

E. Jean Wend Kenneth Whitcomb Robin Wiegerink Shawn Wietstock Sally Wilson Sandra Wissink

Stephen Witmer Susan Workman Sherry Wynsma Lynn Yonkers Geri Zachos Alison Zeerip



Jane Abe Cindy Abel Renee Alarcon Laura Allen Marian Aydelotte Sybil Babinski

Patricia Bartels Carol Bast Karen Becker Coreen Bellows Susan Benedict Kevin Benham

Bob Bergstrom Susan Beswick Renee Bloom Paul Bolt Clarence Born Susan Bosch


1 NTT /M : ,

Kyria Boundy Martin Boysen Elizabeth Braham Julie Bubolz John Buchanan Denise Buist

Heidi Bussies Gayle Butler Karen Buiter Tom Bylsma Patricia Callam Laura Callender


Anna Conley Amy Cook Kent Coy Stephen Cramer Jennifer Davis Sally Davis





Molly DeBree Donna deForest LeeAnn DeHaan


Dale Deloy John Delger Karl DeLooff

Peter de Moya Carolyn Denney Brent Deters

^ *r

Kimm DeVries Darla DeWolff Mark De Young

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Jeffrey Disher Kurt Doeden Mark Domkes


s l

Brinton Donalson Laurey Ellertson Karen Euson




Nance Evans Lisa Evers Daniel Fead Philip Fishman Shelly Folkert Teri Forth

Jennifer Fouse Gregory Fuchs Patricia Gaffney John Gardner Sheila Gauger Tammi Geib


Scott Gelander Sheila Gendich Paula Gikas


Karen Gingras Steven Goodyke Brian Greene


3 Glenn Grevenstuk Owen Griffin Daniel Griswold John Groeneveld Ted Grund Anita Gunneman

Susan Hahnenkratt Ada Hamilton Linda Hardin Leslie Harlan Lisa Harvey Deb Hasper

Gregory Heath Kim Heller Karen Henderlong Daniel Hensley Craig Herman Amy Herrington



Susan Herwig Jenifer Hessler Deborah Heydenburg




Linda Hildebrandt Darlene Hiemstra David Hoff

Lori Hofman Robert Hoke Doug Holm


Lisa Hotchkiss Kimberly Holt Matthew Honkanen


V Blair Hough Becky Hughes Robert Huisingh

Amy Huisken Yuko Isa Beverly Johnson



Robin Johnson Lisa Jurries Jeff Kayes Mary Kimbell Annette Kingsland Judy Kingsley

James Kleckner Sally Kline Janet Knutsen Carolyn Koester Karyn Kortering Jeff Koster


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Lisa Krall Connie Kramer


John Krienke Anne Krive

Ronald Kyle Jocelyn Lenz



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Anne Marie Lilly Ann Lootens Barbi Lotterman Ruth Lowry Heather MacDonald Abby Madison


Andrea Mainardi Douglas Maple Joanna Martin Lisa McCorvie David McWatters Diane Meyers

Jim Michner Gwendolyn Miller Meg Miller Stacy Minger William Monk Elyse Monroe



Jeffery Moore Monika Morse Linda Mueller Nancy Mulder Douglas Myers Tami Noorlag

Sean O'Connor Elizabeth O'Neill Hans Oskam

Teri Paauwe Cindy Parsons Chris Peterson

Debbie Peterson Robert Petrovich Mandy Pickelman

Christopher Pinderski Jill Plomer Timothy Plowman

Lynne Powe Holly Rabbai Kevin Rea Robin Reed Michael Reisterer Barbara Riley


Douglas Roehm Gregory Saathoff Karen Saenger Stephen Sajewski Laura Sanders Nils Sappok

Kristine Schindler Kathleen Schippers Christa Schnaubett F. James Schoettley Melinda Scholten Randall Schregardus


Lisa Serum Jennifer Sharp Lori Siegel


Larry Simons Melinda Simpson Lisa Smith

Beth Snyder Daniel Socall David Solak Kian-Cheong Soon Cheryl Spaeth Stacy Spitler

Kelly Stair Cyndy Stannard Matt Stegenga Kristin Stein Deborah Stevens Kristen Tagg


•I ^

Patricia Taylor Marcia Taylor Catherine Teter



William Thomas Lisa Thomson Shawn Tilstra

Dan Tooker Cheryl Torsky Wendy Townsend

Cheryl Tysse Lisa Uecker Mary Upton

Marsha Usiak Terrie VanBelois Linda VanBrocklin

*1 Bethany VanDuyne Michelle VanderJagt Cecilia VanderHoff

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Jane VanderPloeg Londa VandeWege

\ Annette VanEngen Julie VanHeest

Mark Van'tKerkhoff Lona Veldheer

Lee Veldhoff Martha Vermeulen

mm h

Shelley Vonk Jane Voortman Kimberly Waldorf Will Walker Scott Watson Dirk Weeldreyer

Todd Wehrmeyer Beth Weisiger Lisa Welling Vernon Wendt Jill Wenzlaff Ellen Wheeler

I" I" I'

Shelley Wieland Scott Wierda Jennifer Wilson Pamela Witherspoon LeeAnn Wojcinski David Wright

Sarah Zuidema Lannette Zylman




Dave Aldrich Geoff Ameele Barb Anderson Cris Anderson Karen Annis Betsy Andree

Jennifer Andrews John Armstrong Jeff Asmus

Mujasato Atsuo Amy Austin Heidi Baehr

Steven Balk Marcy Barrett Charlotte Baum

Kim Baxter Rhonda Bean Robin Beckett Robert Benedict Job Beyer Karen Blasch m&y.,

David Blough Diane Bobinski Gayle Bond Stephanie Bosman Andrew Bowen Steve Brace




Tammie Brewer Elaine Broodfield Sherry Brochu Angela Brown Doug Brown Kevin Brown

Rodney Brush Jim Bursma Elizabeth Buurma Tim Buursma Lori Calkins Wendy Campbell

Lori Canfield

Carol Carpenter

Constance Chen

Kathy Chandler Timothy Chase Priscill Cohan Mark Colterjohn Steven Cooper Jeffrey Corney


Michelle Essenberg Amy Ellis Linda Eickhoff

Sarah Eberhard David Dykema Cheryl Dykema


Jillayne Driesenga Roger Doom John Dood Amy Dokter Allen Crabtree Lyn Curley

Christine Damstra Stephanie Davies Janine Davison Janice Day Wayne DeBruyn Jan Deedrick

Joanne DeVoe Sandra DeWitt Jon Dezelsky

John Dice Michael Dick Kathy Dilgard





Ruth Ettinger Lisa Evans Brigitte Fabi

Mark Fikse Kim Fischer Erin Flaherty

MaryAnn Foerster Lisa Foreman Lori Frank Beth French Elizabeth Fronk Diana Fuchikami

Karin Gradlund Philip Gerrish Scott Gibson Bonnie Glenn Barbara Good Libby Griffith

Angela Grochowalski Kevin Groothuis Dawn Groters


Beth Hall Kevin Hansen Kris Hanson



Jacob Harmon Jeanne Harris

Katherine Harter Michelle Harsman

David Hartt Amy Hathaway

Karyn Heidlauf Cheryl Henderson

Amy Hendrickson Terri Henry

David Hepenstal Teresa Herman






April Hernandez Sigrid Heuser

Marc Hewko David Heyboer

Marian Hill Rachelle Hoffiz

Jennifer Hoffman Sharon Hoffman

David Hofman Kirstin Holappa

Cynthia Hollenbeck Mary Homa



Thomas Hoolihan Wendy Hunt Elizabeth Huttar Phillip Hyun Barry Immink Reiko Isa

Lisa Ivie George Jaeger Cyndi Jager Diane Johnson Sandy Judson Lynette Kamp

Rachel Kamps Karla Kamstra Darla Kass Anne Kemper Lisa King Craig Kingma

Nagako Kiyuna Susan Koetsier Vicki Kolling Brock Konkle Beth Kooienga Mike Kort

Rochelle Koscelnik Kirk Kraetzer Andrew Kromminga


Doug Kuiper Todd Kuiper Nancy Kulier


Susan Kunkle John Lakanen Bonnie Laney

Elisabeth Larsen Gail Larsen Mark Larson


Anne Latham Brian Lewis Susan Lewis Steve Linden Marji Lindner Carisa Lindquist

Mark Lindsey Hope Linsenmayer Rafael Lizardo Tammy Lovell Polly Lydens Scott MacKenzie

Alan Madden Amy Macfadden Diana Malicki Jill Mannor Kim McBee Amy McCartney

Craig McCleary Lon McCollum Michelle McKay Mark McConnell Mary McDonnell Denise McLaren



Mark McNally Heidi McNutt

Lesa Meints Brian Membertb

Patricia Messex Jon Meyer Mark Micho Suzanne Mitchell Sarah Moritz Steven Mork



Christine Morrison Eric Moser Cynthia Mulder Jonathan Meyer Scott Nagelroort Jeffrey Neevel

Roisin Niekamp Kelly Nolan

Doug Nord Mary Norden

248 it

AnneMarie Obermeyer James Olsson Arleene O'Neill Kenneth Osborne Carri Otto Steven Ouding


Matthew Oudsema Pamela Ourada Randy Outman David Park Jennifer Parker Robert Peirce

Jose Perez

(ATLAS i uhismc

Edward Petruski

Jennifer Phelps Craig Piersma Michae Pikaart Bruce Pipin Jim Poit Silvia Polczer

Blair Porter Moira Powers Aaron Pugh Stephanie Raak Judith Ratmeyer Katherine Reamer



AnneMarie Richards Karen Rielly Cindi Riemersma Lee Ritsema

Rachel Rodriquez Linda Roelofs Lisa Roodvoets Kristine Rumery

Heidi Russcher Sally Rutgers

Richard Ryzenga Debrorah Sacha

Janis Sanderson Judy Sanderson Amy Sandgren Eric Sattler Marcia Sayer Bonnie Schalhamer

Jodie Schmidt Amy Schuler Sue Sexton Donna Sharp William Shell Minako Shinjo


Kevin Shoemaker Pearl Shum Lisa Simone Elizabeth Sly

Amy Smit Andrea Smith Daniel Smith Susan Smith

Susan Solmen Shari Speet

t Dotty St. Amand Michelle Stariha

Kim Sterk Leslie Stittler Terri Stull Wendy Sturrus Kathryn Surch Ellen Tamminga

Wade Tanis Kim Taylor Thomas Tenhor Richard TenPas Lorri Teper Dawn Theune


Susan Thompson Lisa Tjoelker Eric Tooley William Tripp Lynette Tuggy Lora Turkstra

Dan Umemori Theresa VandenBerg

Tisa VanDenBerg Teresa vandenHombergh

Kristen Vanderbilt Kay VandenBosch

Jennifer VanderHart Martha VanderKolk Tim VanderMel Patricia Vanderzee Douglas VanDyken Amy VanEs

Paul VanEyl Scott VanHoven Theresa Vanlstendal Rena VanRenterghem Vicki Vaughn John Venable


Becky Vensel Todd VerBeek Mark Verduin Kellie Vischer Karen Visscher Lisa Visscher



Scott Voet Jill Vredevelt Sharon Walburg Charles Wallin Scott Ward Jim Webster

Sharon Weller Wendy West

Kendrick Westerhoek Deb Wheeler

Michael Wiersma Kristen Williams Jacquelyn Wilson Sharie Wolanin

Mary Wolf Laura Woodruff Cynthia Wright Devin Yaung Peter Yoshonis Lisa Zandee

Index and More . . . The Milestone staff this year thought it might be a good idea to liven up the always-dull section of the yearbook, namely the index. What better way to do this than with pictures of our fellow students? We didn't want any ordinary pictures, however. We wanted pictures that showed the other half of the "conservative" people that attend Hope College. So, throughout the year, we held "Shoot Yourself sessions where anyone could come up and get their picture taken for the Milestone in any situation that they could dream up. The pictures found throughout the index represent the fruits of our efforts to catch people in their more unusual moods, awkward positions, and bizarre situations.


Anderson, Rex Anderson,Susan

Babcock, Renee 44, 184 Babinski, Sybil 175, 226

Aalderink, Linda

Anderson, Valerie 44, 162,165

Aaronsen, Donald

Andree, Betsy 129, 240

Aardema, James 44, 175

Andree, Katherine 129

Abbe, Matthew

Andrews, Jennifer 240

Abe, Jane 10, 206, 226

Andrews, Thomas

Abel, Cindy 226

Andrusiask, Michael

Abramowitz, Linda

Anning, Gayle

Adams, Alice

Annis, Karen 206, 240

Adams, Brenda 212

Antonietta, Julia 44

Adamson, Alan 10, 184

Appell, Robert 145

Agurcia, Ana 212

Aragona, Angela

Aikens, Rebecca

Aragona, Elizabeth 10

Alarcon, Renee 208, 226

Aragona, Roland 44

Aldafaa, Abdulla Aldrich, David 240

Aralles, Konstadina Archer, Melodie 159, 212

Aldrich, Linda 212

Arends, Dave

Alee, Gregory

Armah, Bartholomew 167,174

Alexander, Bonnie Alkema, Cynthia 142, 220

Armstrong, John 109, 148, 159, 240, 280

Allen, Jeffrey 103, 104, 145,172, 212

Arnoldink, Linda 44

Balk, Steven 209, 240

Allen, Laura 226

Arnstrom, Lisa 212

Allen, Sherri 12, 44, 206

Arntz, Brenda 208

Balkema, Cara Banger, Sally

Allison, Anne 200

Asmus, Jeff 11, 34, 240

Barbati, Cheryl 45, 179

Almarridi, Hassen 174

Astleford, Stuart 44 Atkinson, Catherine 150,168,199, 212

Barcanic, Sandra

Almassih, Ahmad

Baehr, Heidi 240 Baergen, David Bahr, James 103 Bahr, Mary 44, 162 Bailey, Kimberly 44, 148, 208, 280 Baird, Richard 103 Baird, Robert Baisch, Jeanine 179 Bajema, Christopher 140, 209 Bakeman, Diane 185,199 Baker, Brian Baker, Karen 44, 172 Baker, Michael Baker, Paul Baker, Rob 45,134 Bakker, Anne 151, 208, 212

Arnold, Timothy

Bakker, Dee Bakker, Peter Balk, Martin 45

Altena, Grace Alwardt, Martin

Austin, Amy 240

Barden, Richard 169 Bareman, Steven

Auwerda, Karen

Barkel, Edwin 45

Amelle, Geoffrey 240

Avedisian, Paul 26,27,44 Avis, Walter 34,112,145,171, 207

Amrhein, Scott Anderson, Barb 137, 240 Anderson, Cristen 240 Anderson, Eric

Barnes, Kristine 159, 212

Avrit, Tamra 115

Barrett, Marcy 240 Barrows, Mary 45, 165, 206

Aydelotte, Marian 208, 226 Ayotte, Shavonne 212

Barry, Peter

Anderson, Erik


Anderson, Kirk Anderson, Lisa Anderson, Matthew

Barr, David

Anderson, Michael

Baar, Scott

Bartels, Patricia 226 Bartley, Jacqueline Bashaw, Brendan 45 Bast, Carol 204, 226 Bast, Michael 45, 179

Bates, Ronald 209 Baughman, Thomas

Bellefeuille. Sandra 178, 212 Bellows, Coreen 34, 199, 226

Birkelbach. Stephen 209 Bisel, Linda 212

Belstra, Amy 45, 172, 200 Belzer, George

Black, Carla

Benedict, Robert 240 Benedict, Susan 226

Blaine, Sue Blandford, Michael 103

Bayer, Priscilla 163 Bayus, Kimberly

Benham, Kevin 109, 226

Blank, Rodney

Benishek, Robert 46

Blanksma, Julie

Beachum, Beth 115, 127, 137 Beal, Dayna 109

Bera,George 46, 209

Blasch, Karen 240

Berens, Terry 46

Blauwkamp, Linda

Baum, Charlotte 240 Baumgartner, William 121 Baxter, Kimberly 138, 240 Bayer, Garrick 212

Blacken, Jerry

Beal, Dwight 109 Bean, Jeffery 45, 171

Berghuis, Gordon 34

Blight, Cynthia 180, 181, 212

Berghuis, .lames

Blood, Alissa

Bean, Rhonda 240

Bergstrom, Robert 226

Blood. Wesley 46

Beaver, William 45

Berkey, Brian 46, 171, 181

Bloom, Lori

Bechtel, Linda 45, 184, 208

Berrodin, Frank 10, 46

Bloom, Renee 206, 226

Beck, Douglas

Bertram, Nicole 46, 166, 179

Blough, David 240

Becker, Karen 106, 204, 226

Beswick, David 212

Bluhm, Christopher 130, 134, 203

Beckett, Robin 240

Beswick, Jeffrey 46, 166, 209

Bobinski, Diane 204, 240

Beckman, David 120

Beswick, Susan 204, 226

Bockstanz, Gerald 103

Beelen, Lynn 45

Betten, Judith

Beerman, Ellen

Beukema, Dale 46

Boerigter, Marianne Boerman, Steve 10

Beery, John 45, 209

Beyer, Diana Beyer, Jeffrey

Bogner, Robert 103 Bohrer, Ralph

Beyer, Jonathon 103, 121, 240 Beyer, Kimberly

Bhorer, Thomas 46, 209

Bhaskar, David 46, 166

Bolhous, Mary

Bekker, David 130 Bekkering, Dan

Bichler, Elizabeth 46, 170 Bilger, Elizabeth

Bolt, Paul 154,226 Bond, Gayle 110, 142, 240

Billedeau, Karen 199

Boneburg, Nancy

Beld, Anne 45, 206

Billadeau, Mark 148

Booher, Heidi 11

Bell, Timothy 45

Bingley, Sandra

Boonstra, Anne 213

Begley, Adam 45 Behm, Jeffrey Behrendt, Deborah Behrenwald, James 103 Bejsovec, Brook

Bolema, Sally 46

., .and more . . .

Bopf, David 46,109

Boysen, Martin 151, 227

Brophy, Daniel 103, 209

Borgerson, Jana 47

Brace, Lori 47

Brouchek, James 213

Borgman, Shirley

Brace, Steve 240

Bom, Clarence 209, 226

Brach, Anthony

Broughton, Daniel 199 Brouwer, Christine 180

Bornhorst, Carl 201

Bradford, Barbara

Brouwer, Joe 103

Bos, Carole

Bradley, Amy

Brouwer, Patricia

Bos, Jack 203

Bradley, Jeffrey 47

Brower, Karen 118,127

Bos, James 106,162,163, 209, 213

Braham, Elizabeth 200, 227

Brower, William

Bosch, Julie

Brandle, Ellen 115

Bosch, Stephen 213

Brat, David 169

Brown, Andrew 203 Brown, Angela 241

Bosch, Susan 106, 206, 226

Braun, Mary 47

Brown, Connie 115

Bosch, Theodore

Brauning, Marcye

Brown, Douglas 241

Bosma, Michael

Brawley, Lisa 213

Brown, Elizabeth

Bosman, Stephanie 240

Brazel, Dave Brechting, Alice 213

Brown, Jenise Brown, Kevin 171,199, 241

Breitsprecher, Mary

Brown, Kimberly Brown, Kimberly

Boss, Lisa Boss, Nathan 172 Boughton, Diane 110, 163,185, 213 Bouma, Brett 103

Brown, Laurie 213

Boundy, Mark

Brewer, Tamala 11,241 Briggs, Colleen

Brown, Matthew Brown, Michael 109

Boundy, Peter 47

Brindle, Douglas

Brown, Russell 48,180,182

Bourdon, Bruce Bouwinan, Roger 103, 104, 203

Brink, Anne

Brown, Stephen

Bowen, Andrew 240

Brinks, Kevin 103, 209 Broadfield, Elaine 241

Brugh, Sheryl 137

Bowen, Susan 47

Brochu, Sherry 241

Bruins, Christine 200 Brumels, Blaine 172, 213

Bower, Ann Bowhuis, Bernard Bowman, Gail

Broene, Richard 209 Broersma, Jill 47, 206

Brunk, Kerry

Bowman, Jill 47

Brondyke, Kirt Bronold, Molly

Brunn, Victoria 48 Brush, Rodney 11, 203, 240 Bruske, Ann 204

Brooks, Michael

Bryker, Brad

Boundy, Kyria 227

Boyce, Kenneth 47 Boylen, Frederick


Brewer, Michael 47, 203 Brewer, Philip 178, 213

Brondyke, Daniel 207

Brummel, Eric

Bryson, Elizabeth 206

Buurma, Nathan 153,179, 213

Bryson, William 48, 172

Buursma, Timothy 103,184, 241

Bubolz, Julie 152, 204, 227 Buchanan, John 209, 227

Byer, Craig Byington, James 214

Budd, Sally 34

Byl, Thomas Bylsma, Daniel 48 Bylsma, Thomas 134, 227

Budde, Thomas Buhro, Pamela Buikema, Krista 106,162, 204, 213 Buis, Paul 181

Carter, Lynette 11,172, 206 Casey, Kim 214 Casper, Susan 48, 182 Castor, Lisa 48 Cathey, Thomas 49,156

Byrne, Beth

Cecil, Patricia 49

Bytwerk, Jeanne

Chan, Constance

Buist, Denise 227 Buit, Stephen 207 Buiter, Karen 227

Cain, Edward

Bullard, Michael

Calder, Rebecca

Bulthuis, Jon

Calisto, Maria Del Pilar

Bultman, Laura Burn, Chayris 213

Calkins, Lori 200, 241 Callam, Patricia 172, 227

Burda, Debra

Callender, Laura 227

Burdette, David Burgin, David 109

Calvano, Joseph 209, 214 Campbell, Melinda 174, 185, 200, 214, 241

Burns, Heather 164

Campbell, Wendy 11

Burrell, Susan 213

Canales, Mario 11, 134,150

Burrink, Nancy 172, 213

Canfield, Lori 170, 241

Burris, Alison 48, 208 Bursma, James 109, 241

Cantile, Jann 14

Bursma, Jane 12, 48, 152, 206

Carr, Jean 200 Carr, Jennifer 13, 106, 204, 214

Carlson, Carin Carlson, Daniel 164

Burtrum, Timothy

Carlson, Stephen

Bush, Bryan 48 Bussies, Heidi 118,150,170, 208, 227

Carmer, David Carpenter, Carol 241

Buthcer, Richard Button, Karen 14, 48, 204

Carpenter, Duane 48 Carpenter, John

Buurma, Elizabeth 241

Carpentier, Shawn 200, 214

Chandler, Jill Chandler, Joyce 12, 49,166, 180, 204 Chandler, Kathryn 115,142, 204, 241 Chang, Joyce Chase, Timothy 103, 241 Chau, Vann 174 Chinn, Mitchell 49, 166, 178 Cho, Me Hyun Christ, Lisa 169, 171 Christensen, Mark Chun, Patrick Church, David Clark, Douglas Clark, Douglas 103 Clark, Russell 103 Clark, Susanne 214 Cleveland, David 49 Coan, Paul 183 Coats, Monica Cohan, Priscilla 241 Cole, Kelly 10 Cole, Thurland 103


. , . and more . . .

Collado, Patricio

Cox, Cathleen 49,170

Damstra, Christine 242

Collins, Scott 201

Cox, Kevin

Daniels, Dave

Colon, Lilia 199, 214

Cox, Sam 106

Daniels, John

Coltdrjohn, Mark 241

Coy, Kent 209, 227

Darby, Marge 49

Combest, Kevin

Coy, Leslie 49, 206

Davies, Allyson 206

Conceicao, Jose 49,178 Conklin, John 11

Crabree, Allen 242

Davies, Rebecca

Craig, Douglas

Davin, Tracey

Conley, Anna 208, 227

Cramer, Stephen 10, 132, 207, 227

Davis, Bruce 172,178, 214

Conniff, Edward 134

Crawford, Wendy 49, 172

Davis, Elizabeth 50,179

Conser, John

Cremin, John 184

Davis, Jennifer 200, 227

Constant, Robert

Cress, Donald 49

Conway, Patricia

Crisp, Brian

Davis, Roger 134,175 Davis, Sally 128,129, 208, 227

Cook, Amy 200, 227

Crooks, Ann 152,154

Davison, Janine 242

Cook, Bethany 49, 172, 200

Cross, Kimberley 185

Dawes, Tim 50, 178

Cook, Robert 214

Crothers, Alan 12, 109

Day, Janice 242

Cooley, Mary

Crozier, Jennifer

DeBoer, Michelle 214

Cooper, Catherine

Crummell, Shelley 49, 204

Cooper, Doug

Cummins, Andrew

DeBoer, Paul DeBree, Molly 228

Cooper, Elizabeth 199

Curley, Lyn 142, 242

BdBruyn, Wayne 242

Cooper, Steven 150, 241

Curley, Scott 12, 49,172 Custer, Jane 204

Decator, Devin Deck, Francis, 150,151

Custy, Jeff 184, 207

Deck, Paul 150,169

Cutler, Randal 134, 184

Dede, Duane 60,167 Deedrick, Janet 242

Cooperman, Glenn Coopmans, Glynis 11 Cornetet, Maribeth Corney, Jeffrey 241 Correll, Janice 162,165 Corson, Bonnie 49 Costanzo, Paul


D Dahlke, Brian Dailey, James 178, 207, 214

Deforest, Donna 200,228 DeFreese, Shelley 10,50, 206 DeGraaf, Jana 156,170, 214

Cott, Richard Coughenout, Carol

Dalley, Paul 49

DeGraft, Joseph DeGroot, Edward 50, 172

Courts, Jayne 200, 214 Covell, David

Dalton, Robert

DeGroot, Marie 50, 179

Dammer, Thomas 172

DeHaan, LeeAnn 228

DeHaan, Peter DeJong, Tina 50

DeVries, Keith 132

Dock, Allison

DeVries, Kim 206, 228

Doctor, James 182

DeJonge, Mary 159, 214

DeVries, Laura 50

Dekker, Brent

DeVries, Lisa 185 DeVries, Mary

Doeden, Kurt 10,228 Doele, Joseph 51,183

Dekker, Heidi 50 Delger, John 103,172, 204, 228

Doering, Robert 201 Dokter, Amy 242

DeLooff, Karl 34,228

DeVries, Mary 50,129 DeVries, Randall 10

Deloy, Dale 103, 209, 228

DeVries, Susan 175,215

Demers, Kevin

DeVries, Suzanne

Domina, Bryant Domkowski, Joreen 215

DeMino, Kenneth 145

DeBrou, Kimberly

Donalson, Brinton 184, 209, 228

DeMoya, Peter 228

DeWent, Charles 25

Dempsey, Margaret 204

DeWinter, Amy 50, 178

Donnerhack, Scott Donze, Scott 103

DenBakker, Jan

DeWitt, Dawn 50

Dood, John 112,145, 242

Dendrinos, Pete

DeWitt, Kathryn

Doolittle, Elizabeth 51

DeNeef, John

DeWitt, Mark

Doorenbos, Keith

DeWitt, Robin

Doom, Elizabeth 51,164,166

DenHartog, Steve Denney, Carolyn 228

Dolsen, Dennis

DeWitt, Sandra 242

Doom, Peter 150,175

Dennison, Robert 203

DeWolf, Ivonne

Doom, Roger 103, 134, 242

DeNuyl, Richard

Doornbos, Daniel 24

DePree, Susan

DeWolff, Darla 228 DeYoung, Mark 150,151, 228

DePree, Timothy 214

DeYoung, Michele

Dernberger, Richard 50, 156 DeRocher, Elizabeth

Dezelsky, Jon 103,134, 242 Dice, John 103,184,242

Dorr, Bruce 205

DeRosia, Gregory

Dice, Randall 51 Dick, Michael 164, 242

Dozeman, Gary 103

Derwenskus, Scott 215

Dorgelo, Dianna 26,51 Dorner, Jeffrey Downey, Michelle 215 Dragt, Judith Driesenga, Jillayne 242

Desanctis, Susan 110, 142 Deters, Brent 228

Dieffenbach, Tomothy 50

DeVette, Kurt

Dils, Jeffrey 120

DeVoe, Joanne 242

Dirkse, Ann Disher, Jeffrey 228

Drummond, David

DeVries, Cathy DeVries, Jennifer 172, 215

Doan, Cheryl 51

Dudley, Michael

Dilgard, Kathy 11, 242

Driesenga, Mark 51 Droppers, Katy 51,148,280 Druskovich, Daniel 103

, , . and more . . .

Duffield, Barbara 51

Edwards, Nancy

Estell, John 52, 172

Dulmes, Jodi

Edwin, Augusta 167

Estell, Timothy 199

Dulow, Cheryl

Efinger, Judd 109

Etter, Karin 52

Dunham, John 201 Dunn, Daniel 112, 201

Eggebeen, David 215

Ettinger, Ruth 129, 243 Euson, Karen 228

Dunn, Scott

Ehmann, Andrea Eickhoff, Linda 206, 242

Dunzweiler, Darcie

Eickhoff, Lynn 115

Evans, Lisa 243

Duran, Todd Dwyer, Jeanne 215

Ekleberry, Jane 208

Evans, Nancy 229

Elder, Bryn 52 Elenbaas, Steven 145

Evers, Lisa 154, 229

Dykema, Cheryl 242 Dykema, David 150, 209, 242 Dykema, Peter 51, 209 Dykema, Timothy 130,131, 201, 215 Dykeman, Ingrid 170


Elhart, Rayetta 52,166 Elhart, Thomas Ellertson, Laurey 208, 228

Faber, Wendy 215

Ellingboe, William

Fahi, Brigitte 243

Ellingson, Scott 109, 145, 209

Fabrici, Marjorie

Dykstra, Denise 51 Dykstra, Katherine

Ellis, Amy 167, 242 Ellis, Mike 201

Fanthorpe, John 52

Dykstra, Larisse 176

Ellis, Robert

Farley, Richard

Ellison, Carlotta 215

Fauble, Wanda 215

Ely, Michael 171, 182

Fazio, Paul 134, 161

Dykstra, Michelle 215

Elzinga, Jeffrey

Dykstra, Thomas

Elzinga, Karl

Fead, Daniel 109,183, 229 Fedor, Pamela 216

Dziedzic, Dawna

Emerson, Derek

Fekken,Joan 216

Enderlein, Anne 52 Engle, Jeff

Ferriby, John 216

Dykstra, Cheryl 51, 175

Dykstra, Mary 175 Dykstra, Michelle 52, 200


Eagles, Melody Earl, Scott

Eberhard, Sarah 242 Eckert, John Eding, Laura


Evans, Janet

Farley, Ann

Fiet, Pattie 216 Fike, Deborah 52, 175

Essing, Kelly Erb, Tamara 52

Fikse, Mark 243

Ernst, Mary Jo Esparza, Kiane Essenberg, Michelle 200, 242

Filker, John Finn, Douglas 109 Fischer, Kevin

Essenberg, Vern 52, 120

Fischer, Kim 204, 243

Frank, Lori 243 Franken, John

Geerlings, Scott 103

Franken, Kent Fraser, Jeffrey

Geib, Michael

Fisher, William Fishman, Philip 164, 165, 168, 229

Freburg, Margaretta

Geider, Gayle Geitner, Laura 216

Flaherty, Erin 11, 171, 243

French, Beth 175, 243

Fleming, Deborah

Friedly, Daniel 170

Fleming, Teresa 52 Flikkema, Daniel

Fries, Paul Fronk, Elizaveth 243

Gentenaar, Henry Gerkey, Gwen 115,185

Flock, Lori 52, 184

Frye, Deborah

Gerrish, Philip 243

Flom, Erik Foerster, Mary 243 Folkert, Michelle 137, 229

Fuchikami, Diana 243 Fuchs, Gregory 209, 229

Gersch, Richard Geupel, Lauren

Fuller, Susan

Gezon, Debbie 216

Folkert, Thomas 172

Furry, Lois 152, 171, 200

Ghezzi, Mary Gibbs, Brian 53,154,175

Fischer, Melinda 204 Fisher, Cara Fisher, Kenneth 172 Fisher, Leah

Follett, Peter Folmsbee, Martha Forbush, Timothy 178

Frederick, William


Gehring, Matthew Geib, Tamara 229

Gelander, Scott 120, 229 Gendich, Sheila 185, 229

Gibbs, Jennifer 206 Gibson, Dan 53,134

Foreman, Lisa 243

Gaffney, Mary 53, 114, 115

Forth, Teri 115, 206,229

Gaffney, Patricia 114, 115, 127, 170, 229

Forton, Alicia

Ganon, Shirley 216

Foster, Daniel Fougere, William

Gale, Janice 53 Gardlund, Karin 243

Fouse, Jennifer 105, 172, 229

Gardner, Brian

Gierlach, Lisa 10 Gikas, Paula 10,206, 229

Foutch, Jodi 206

Gardner, John 112, 229

Gilbert, Gregory

Fowler, Jonathan

Gargano, Lisa

Fox, Catherine 52, 118, 142

Garth, Todd 183

Gillies, Ralph Gingras, Karen 110,127, 142, 229

Fox, Katherine Foy, Leslie 118,127,137

Gauger, Sheila 185, 229

Gizaw, Solomon

Gawlak, David

Glamzi, Kevin 121

Francisco, Perry 52

Geary, Kathleen Geerligs, Lori 53, 208

Gleason, Mary Glenn, Bonnie 11, 204,243

Frank, Eric 53

Gibson, Laura 53 Gibson, Scott 53 Gibson, Scott 134, 243 Gierlach, Edward 10,150

. . . and more . . .

Grevenstuk, Glenn 230

Gnade, Linda 53

Griep, Ann 176

Goemaere, Russell 53

Griffin, Dennis

Habibi, Hamid

Goemaere, Tracy

Griffin, Gwen 110,142, 230

Hadaway, Steven

Goff, David

Griffin, Kelly

Hahnenkratt, Susan 150,151, 208, 230

Goff, Phillip 145

Griffith, Jeannene

Haight, Tamsyn

Gold, Robert 184, 207

Griffith, Libby 129, 171, 243

Gomez, Michael 53,103 Good, Barbara 206, 243 Goodman, Brian 24, 25, 54 Goodwin, Patricia

Grimm, Lawrence Griswold, Daniel 170, 230 Griswold, Rodney Grocholwalski, Angela 11, 243

Hakken, Timothy 203 Hale, Rhonda 13,54, 204 Hall, Beth 243 Hall, Douglas 216 Hallacy, Margaret 165, 204 Hamade, Fadi 174

Goodyke, Steven 229 Gotstein, Jill

Groeneveld, Cindy 54

Hamilton, Ada 177, 230

Gowman, David 134

Groeneveld, David 145,166,184

Hammond, Martin

Goyette, Melissa 216

Groeneveld, Don 216

Hamstra, Cynthia

Grady, Ann

Groeneveld, John 103, 230

Hanada, Yuko

Graham, Geneva 172, 200, 216

Grooters, John 54 Groothuis, Kevin 103, 209, 243

Hanko, Timothy

Grandstaff, Tracy 150

Gross, Gretchen 206 Groters, Dawn 118, 243

Hansen, Eric Hansen, Kevin 243

Gras, Bryan 54,159

Growney, Susan 54

Graves, Margaret 54

Gruenberg, Linda

Gray, Vrian Gray, James 24, 25, 26,106,107, 209

Grund, Ted 10,34,134,230

Hanson, Jan Hanson, Jeffrey 184

Gudith, Bryan

Hanson, Kristine 243 Harden, Jeff 132

Greene, Daniel 54, 175

Gugino, Paul 120 Gugino, Tod 106,120 Gunn, Elizabeth 54,166,184

Gregory, Pamela 200

Gunneman, Anita 115,230

Hargreaves, Katrina 127

Greij, Paul Gremore, Margaret

Gustad, Dan 120

Hargreaves, Lorriann

Gustafson, Eric

Hargrove, Jeffrey 176

Graham, Julie Graham, Mary

Grayson, Karen 106 Green, Kathleen Greene, Brian 229



Gloeckler, Kathryn

Hansen, Christine 204

Hansen, Tim 103 Hanson, Deborah

Harder, Michelle Hardin, Linda 230

Hargrove, Karen 208

Hegedus, Michelle 110,204, 217

Harlan, Leslie 115,152,154, 204, 230 Harlow, Jeffrey 140

Heidlauf, Karyn 206, 244 Heitman, Jennifer 165,168,172, 217

Harmon, Jacob 177, 244

Helder, Richard 112,145,176

Harper, Juli 12, 54, 204

Heller, Kimberly 172, 199, 230

Harris, Brenda 54, 138 Harris, Jeanne 11, 204, 244

Helmus, Ross 55 Hemeren, Paul 55, 154, 184

Harrison, Jeffrey 103

Hempstead, Laura 156, 217

Harrison, Michael 121

Henderlong, Karen 199, 230

Harrold, David 103

Hendershott, David

Hart, Lisa

Hendershott, Lisa

Hart, Susan Harter, Katherine 185, 244

Henderson, Cheryl 34, 171, 244 Henderson, Christine 175

Herin, Gregg Herman, Craig 199, 230 Herman, James 55,166 Herman, Susan 200, 217 Herman, Teresa 11, 244 Hermance, Rhonda 55,172 Hernandez, April 245 Herrick, Lynette Herrington, Amy 169,171, 230 Hermann, Lorie 55 Herwig, Susan 231 Heslop, Fred Hessler, Jenifer 231 Hester, Matthew 120,170

Hartman, Michelle 174

Hendges, Barry

Hartman, Thomas 103 Hartt, David 109, 244

Hendrickson, Amy 244

Hartt, Robert 54, 172 Harvey, Lisa 230

Hendrickson, Susan 178,199 Henninges, David 172

Harvey, Lori 200, 208

Henry, Chip 120

Hasper, Deborah 230 Hathaway, Amy 208, 244

Henry, Terri 11, 14, 244

Heydenburg, Deborah 110, 142, 177, 231

Hensler, John 156 Hensley, Daniel 10,199, 230

Heyne, Steven 184

Hatley, Simon 112,152

Hendrickson, Anne 118, 137

Haven, Annette Hawkins, Ginger 54, 170

Hentemann, Adrienne

Haynes, Monica

Hentemann, Mark Hentemann, Monica

Heath, Gregory 230

Hentemann, Alan

Heuser, Sigrid 245 Hewitt, Angela Hewko, Marc 11, 245 Heyboer, David Heyboer, Douglas 55, 245

Hicks, Jodi 138,217 Hiemstra, Darlene 10, 150, 206, 231 Hiemstra, Marlys Higuchi, Robert 166 Hilal, Mark Hilboldt, Susanna Hildebrandt, Linda 231

Hedeen, Carla 55 Hedges, David 55, 172

Hentemann, Richard

Heerdt, Jeffrey 120 Heeres, Gregory 102, 103, 104, 105,134, 216

Hepenstal, David 244 Herber, David 55, 161

Hill, Marian 115, 245

Heffner, Karen

Herbert, Nancy 174

Hillstrom, Kevin

Hentschel, Tina

Hillstead, Steven 55



. , . and more . . .




\ \

Hinman, Diane 55

Homeister, Jonathon 217

Hulst, David

Hinton, Julie 166

Hondorp, Gregory 55, 164, 166

Hulst, Karen

Hoburg, Carl

Honkanen, Mark 217

Hunt, Wllen

Hodson, Linda 55 Hoekstra, Richard 55,112,145

Honkanen, Matthew 231

Hunt, Wendy 246

Hood, Charles

Huttar, Elizabeth 14, 204, 246

Hoff, David 231

Hook, Jon

Huttar, Joy

Hoffiz, Rachelle 185, 245

Hooker, Sara 170

Hyde, Charles 56

Hoffman, BethAnn

Hollihan, Thomas 246

Hylander, Mary

Hoffman, Cindy 217

Hooyenga, Bonnie

Hylander, Steven

Hoffman, Mark 201

Hop, James 10, 145

Hyun, Phillip 150, 246

Hoffman, Scott

Hop, Vicki

Hoffman, Janet 55

Hopkins, Lisa 204

Hoffman, Jennifer 245

Horesovsky, Gregory 56, 170

Hoffman, Sandra

Hoshal, Tamara 217 Hotchkiss, Gordon 56, 175, 184

Hoffman, Sharon 11, 245 Hoffman, Timothy 145


Hotchkiss, Lisa 231

Hofman, David 171, 245

Hough, Blair 199, 231

Hofman, Lori 14, 172, 231

Houting, Virginia

Hofmeyer, Mark 55

Houtman, James

Hogenboom, Kathleen 142, 162, 163, 199, 217

Howard, Mark

Hoke, Robert 199, 231

Howard, Rhonda

Holappa, Kristin 110, 142, 175, 245

Howatt, Janet 206

Holleman, William

Hoyt, Lisa 127

Hollenbeck, Cynthia 11, 142, 245

Hubbard, Eric 56

Holm, Douglas 169, 231

Huber, Karen

TM. lanuzi, Diane 56 Ide, Clay Ihrman, Claire Ilami, Babak Ilami, Koorosh Immink, Barry 103, 246 Irons, Jennifer Isacksen, Robert Israels, Michael Ivie, Lisa 115, 137, 246

Jabra, Eliana


Holm, Susan

Hudson, Todd

Holstege, Todd

Hughes, Brian

Jabra, Mona 56, 176, 206

Holt, Kimberly 172, 231

Hughes, Rebecca 206, 231

Jach, Ted

Holtrop, Paul 209

Huisingh, Robert 231

Jaeger, George 246

Holzhausen, Kurt 217 Homa, Mary 245

Huisken, Amy 231 Huizenga, Scott 205

Jager, Cynthia 246 Jansen, Kraig 103, 105, 145

Jansma, James

Johnson, Rick

Kass, Darla 185, 246

.Januska, Vicki 106, 204, 217

Johnson, Robin 171, 232

Kato, Mayumi 57

Japenga, Tamra 127,137

Johnson, Scott

Kayes, Jeff 232

Japinga, Julie

Jones, Michael

Kayes, Karen 57

Japinga, Kimberly

Joosse, Daniel

Keast, Kenneth 57

Jarvis, Jayne

Juchartz, Jacqueline 176

Keizer, Stephen 201

Jasker, John 109

Judson, Sandy 115, 246

Killey, Timothy

Jazkzyk, Marianne

Judy, Stephen 145, 217

Kemper, Anne 246

Jecmen, Scott 103

Jurries, Lisa 232

Kempker, Daniel 57

Jikel, Steve 11,34

Kempker, David


Jeliema, Bernard 169, 203 Hellison, Jeanene 56

Kempker, Susan Kennedy, Kevin

Jenks, Katherine 217

Kacmar, Stephen

Kenney, Janice 172

Jenninfgs, Paul 103

Kaehler, Kathy 118

Keomanikhoth, Amphone

Jensen, Krista Jett, Brian 56

Kaiser, Andrea 151, 154

Kelpos, Paula

Kalmbach, Anna 57, 162, 164

Kerschen, John

Jinesta, Vanessa

Kaminski, John 109, 207

Kerth, Geoffrey 184

Jipping, Paul 56

Kammer, Rebecca 57

Ketema, Michael 167

Johnson, Beverly 231

Kamp, Timothy

Ketema, Mulugetta57, 167, 174

Johnson, Caria 177, 217

Kamps, Lynette 118, 127, 246

Khuat, Chuong

Johnson, Carol 56, 184, 200

Kamps, Rachel 246

Johnson, Carol

Kamstra, Karla 246

Kik, Shelly 57 Kimbell, Mary 118, 200, 232

Johnson, Charlotte 129, 204

Kanayama, Tsuguo

King, Brett 218

Johnson, Diane 206, 246

Kane, Kelly 206

King, Kevin

Johnson, Kenneth

Kanis, Sally 11

King, Lisa 204, 246

Johnson, Korree Johnson, Kristen

Kaplan, Seth

King, Michael 205

Karel, Robert 162, 165, 168, 217

Kingman, Craig 112, 145, 246

Johnson, Michael 217

Karle, Elizabeth 218

Kingsliand, Annette 138, 206, 232

Johnson, Nancy 56

Karpanty, Kimberly 218

Kingsley, Judith 177, 182, 232

Johnson, Patricia 56

Karsten, James 57, 154, 161, 162, 166, 172, 184

Kiss, Stephen

Johnson, Paul

Kasa, Stephen

Kist, Abraham

. . . and more . . ,

Kist, Susannah 57, 172

Koops, Denise

Krieger, Frederick 58,112

Kistler, Kric

Koops, Gary

Krienke, John 112, 171,232

Kistler, Kathleen 172, 218

Koops, Paula

Krive, Anne

Kilamura, Kari

Kcmyers, Warren 166

Krive, Kent

Kittredge, Lee

Koppes, Sarah 58

Krolick, Cherly

Klaaren, Kristen

Kordenbrock, William 58, 184

Krom, Barbara 58, 162, 163, 184

Klaasen, Lisa 137

Kort, Debra

Kromminga, Andrew 112, 145, 246

Klackle, Elisabeth

Kort, Michael 246

Kryger, Robert 181, 218

Kleckner, James 199, 201, 232 Kleinheksel, John

Kort, Thomas

Kuehl, Kathryn

Kortering, Karyn 170, 232

Kuiper, Bruce 58

Kline, Sally 232

Kortering, Lisa

Kuiper, Carol

Klingel, Richard

Kortering, Lois 58

Kuiper, Douglas 246

Klingenmeyer, Joseph

Kortman, Renee Koscelmik, Rochelle 246

Kuiper, Gerald

Koss, Kristen

Kuiper, Susan 218

Klunder, John 120, 134

Kossen, Karen 58

Kuiper, Todd 109, 134, 246

Knepper, Todd 201

Kossen, Kevin 34

Kuipers, Brad 58, 134, 209

Knoehher, Thomas

Kossen, Kimberly 218

Kuipers, Jeffrey

Knoper, Scott 121

Koster, Jeffrey 232

Kulier, Nancy 246

Knopf, Milissa

Koster, Marguerite 58, 206

Kunkle, Caryn 58

Knutsen, Janet 232

Kowlake, Beth 10, 58

Kunkle, Susan 11, 206, 247

Koester, Carolyn 232

Kraak, Jeanne

Kuntzman, Marilyn 59, 164

Koetsier, Susan 11, 137, 246

Kraay, David 218

Kutsche, William 207

Kohl, Thomas 109

Kraetzer, Kirk 246

Kyuers, Mark

Kolling, Vicki 130, 246

Krall, Lisa 137, 232

Kyle, Ronald 232

Konkle, Brock 103, 246

Kramer, Connie 129, 232

Kooienga, Beth 246 Kooienga, Gary

Kranendonk, Karen 58, 184 Kranendonk, Kevin

Kooiker, Curtis

Kranning, Stacie

LaBarge, John 218

Kooistra, Carrier 204, 218

Kratzer, Erica 218

Lager, Lynne 204

Kool, Brenda

Krause, Kimberly 10

Lakanen, John 164, 247

Klok, Kathleen 57, 204 Klok, Lynn 57

Kuiper, Mark 172, 204


Lake, Scot

LeFever, Beth 171

Lootens, Ann 142, 233

Lalo, Gil

LeFever, Joel

Lopez, Jessey 174

Lam, Barbara

Lehman, Douglas 59,148,154,180

Lotterman, Barbara 10, 206, 233

Lam, Gregory

Leigh, Gilbert

Lovell, Tammy 247

Laman, Lisa

Leist, Sara

Lowe, Timothy

Laman, Mark

Lemmen, Lauri 204, 218

Lowe, Victoria

Lambers, Melissa 59

Lenz, Jocelyn 10, 206, 232

Lowry, Ruth 233

Lammers, David 59,175

Leu, Bart

Lozicki, Peter

Lance, David 218 Landman, Deborah 218

Leutzinger, Kelly 200

Lubbers, Jane

Lewis, Brian 247

Ludwig, Debra

Laney, Bonnie 208, 247

Lewis, Susan 247

Lugten, William

Lantay, Scott

Lidgard, David

Lundgren, Timothy

Larrabee, Christopher 11

Lilly, Anne 177, 233

Lundholm, Timothy

Larrabee, Jeffrey 112, 145

Lim, Kok Eng

Lutzeier, Martin 207, 219

Larsen, Elisabeth 179, 247

Lindeman, David

Luyk, James 59

Larsen, Gail 200, 247

Linden, Steven 247

Lydens, Polly 115,142, 206, 247

Larson, Erlund

Lindner, Marji 34, 247

Lyons, Joseph 10, 59

Larson, Linda 137

Lindquist, Beth 164

Lysaught, Mary 152,178

Larson, Mark 150, 247

Lindquist, Carisa 247

Larson, Michelle

Lindsey, Mark 172,247

LaRue, Stephen 159, 203

Linehan, Jacqueleen


Latham, Anne 118, 206, 247

Linsenmayer, Hope 199, 247

Maas, James

Latham, Susan

Little, John 209

Macagba, Jonathan

Launders, Douglas

Livingston, Anne

MacDonald, Edith 177, 219

LaVigne, Scott 184

Lizardo, Rafael 247

MacDonald, Heather 115, 233

Lawerence, Gina

Lodholz, Elaine

MacFadden, Amy 247

Lawrence, Richard

Lokers, Mary 208, 219

MacGregor, Elizabeth 219

Lawrence, Ronald

Lokhorst, Lynnette 204

MacGregor, Matthew

Leavenworth, Melody 59

Lokhorst, Maryette 219

Machiela, Jeff 10, 59,132

Lee, Karen

Loll, Rebecca 170

Mack, Daniel

Leech, Lisanne 59

Long, Timothy 121

MacKenzie, Dave 201

267 • •>

. . . and more .

MacKenzie, Scott 103, 247

Matthews, Christopher

McNally, Mark 103, 166, 248

MacKley, Lawrence

Matthews, Rebecca

McNally, MaryLynn 12, 60, 204

Macklin, William

Maxie, Ericka 167

McNeal, David

Madden, Alan 247

Maxted, Kimberly 219

McNutt, Heidi 200, 248

Madison, Abby 183, 233

Mazzola, Pamela 59, 199

McVickar, Michael 209, 219

Madler, Mark 145

Mcauley, Cameron 109

McWatters, David 154, 233

Magee, Martha Magee, Michael

McBee, Kim 247

Meconi, David 103

McCarthy, Michael 112, 209, 219

Meints, Lesa 248

Maier, Pamela

McCartney, Amy 204, 247

Mekkes, Mark

Majchrzak, Lauria 172, 219

McCarty, Kathleen

Memberto, Brian 103, 248

Majerly, Steven 120, 134

McCauley, Debra

Mendels, Christopher 103, 105, 134

Malhotra, Juno

McCaw, Scott 169, 175

Mendoza, Larry

Malicki, Diana 247

McCleary, Craig 103, 247

Mendrek, Mitchell

Manning, Linda 178

McClenic, Brian

Mersen-Gervais, Heidi

Mannor, Jill 11, 206, 247

McClennen, Richard 59

Messex, Patricia 248

Maple, Douglas 203,233

McCloud, Sheri 206

Metzger, Kathy 219

Marciniak, Eugene 11, 203

McCollough, Kevin 201, 219

Marczuk, Dan

McCollum, Lon 121, 145, 247

Meyer, Erid Meyer, Janet 60, 114, 115, 183, 204

Marks, Susan 159

McConnell, Mark 247

Meyer, John 248

Marmelstein, Johnny 59, 109, 185

McCorvie, Lisa 115, 200, 233

Meyer, Jonathan 248

Marsters, Margaret 142, 219

McDonald, Carl

Martin, Joanna 200, 233

McDonnell, Maryellen 164, 247

Meyers, Christopher Meyers, Diane 233

Martin, Jonathan

McGeehan, Susan

Michner, Jim 233

Martin, Kurt 112

McGookey, Jeffrey

Micho, Mark 103, 209, 248

Martin, Lisa

McKay, Michelle 247

Micou, Judith 148, 280 Mielke, Jane

Masarik, Timothy

McKeeby, Jeffrey 178, 199, 219

Mascotti, David Masiarczyk, Lenore 59, 180, 185

McKenzie, Dean

Mieras, Marta

McKenzie, Thomas 60 McKissick, Holly

Milas, Rebecca 172, 206, 219 Miles, Linda 24

McLaren, Denise 137, 247

Miller, Daba

McMillan, John 60

Miller, Gwendolyn 150, 156, 233

Mason, Jill Mason, Richard Matteson, Danette 59,172


Miller, Howard 60

Moritz, Sarah 248

Nagelvoort, Mark 209

Miller, Jill 220

Mork, Steven 130, 131, 248

Nagelvoort, Scott 11, 209, 248

Miller, Kimberly 208

Morren, David 103, 105

Naudi, Nancy

Miller, Kisa

Morris, Jean

Nedeau, Samuel 145, 209

Miller, Margaret 10, 206, 233

Morrish, Kayla 171

Neevel, Jeffrey 150

Miller, Michael 60 Miller, Michele 11!)

Morrison, Christine 248

Neevel, Kenenth 61, 106, 172, 248

Morrison, Deborah 60

Neil, Susan

Miller, Moyra 11, 220

Morse, Monika 234

Nelson, Chris 182

Miller, Nancy

Moser, Eric 248

Nelson, David 220

Miller, Tracey 220

Moss, Leanne 208, 220

Nelson, David 178

Millsa, Diane 60, 200

Most, Melissa 60, 184, 208

Neabit, David 132

Mills, Joan

Motheral, Carrie

Neustel, Susan 172

Minger, Stacy 233

Moulds, Julie 159, 168

Newhouse, Blaine 103, 132

Mirroknian, Farhad

Mueller, Linda 177, 234 Muiderman, Anthony Mulder, Bruce 60

Nguyen, Nghia 174

Mitchell, Suzanne 248 Mizui, Chieko Moaddel, Homa 175 Moermond, Deborah 60 Mogridge, Drew Mokma, Nancy Monk, William 152, 154, 233 Monroe, Elyse 118, 233 Montanez, Nancy Mook, Brett Moore, Heather Moore, Jamie Moore, Jeffery 171, 234 Moores, Marcia Morden, Katherine 11 Moriarity, Deborah Moriarty, Edmund 60

Mulder, Cynthia 248 Mulder, Kimberly Mulder, Mark 103, 209 Mulder, Nancy 208, 234 Mulder, Scott 161 Munger, Craig 11 Munson, Nathan 61, 174 Murray, Christopher 74, 178, 207 Murray, Steven 175, 184 Mussa, Ahmed 61, 167, 174 Muyskens, Paul Myers, Douglas 103, 145, 234 Myers, Jeffrey


Nichols, Holly 220 Nicholson, Laura 61, 182 Niekamp, Roisin 142, 248 Niepoetter, Pamela Nies, Elizabeth 185 Nieusma, James Nieuwenhuis, Edward Niles, Beth Ninomiya, Kuniyoshi 61 Noerenberg, Alan 109 Nofz, Dana 34, 200 Nolan, Kelly 248 Noorlag, Cynthia 61, 206 Noorlag, Tami 10, 206, 234 Nord, Douglas 248 Norden, Mary 204, 248 Nordstrom, Nancy

. . . and more . ..

North, John 152,172, 220

O'Neill, Elizabeth 234

North, Patrick

Oomkes, Mary

Parker, Jennifer 249 Parker, Kurt

North, Susan Northuis, Jane 142, 200

Oonk, Jack

Parker, Michael 109

Oosterhouse, Brian 102,103, 104, 145,

Parker, Michele 62

Northuis, Michelle 162,172 Norton, Martha

Ore, Tracy 61,156, 208

Parsons, Carolyn

Oshorn, Rebecca

Parsons, Cynthia 115, 234

Northdurft, Tammy 61, 170,171

Osborne, Ken 134, 249

Parsons, William 154, 201, 220

Nourbakhsh, Sohail 201, 220

Oskam, Hans 209, 234

Paterra, Rhonda

Novaez, David

Oskam, Joan 61

Patterson, Jane

Nummikoski, Dave

Osterhout, Richard 201

Paul, Linda 182, 220

Nyerhuis, Lorna

Otto, Carri 249

Paul, Peter

Nykamp, Paula

Ouding, Stever 103, 249

Payne, Loraine 62

Oudsema, Matthew 249

Payne, Rebecca

Ourada, Pamela 249

Payne, Rodney 150, 220

Gang, Sy 199

Outman, Randy 201, 249

Peel, Robert 130

Overmeyer, Anne 249

Overbeek, Jack 61

Peelen, Mary

O'Brian, Marc 182

Overway, Brenda

Peirce, Robert 249


Pelham, Stephen

Ockerse, Harold 220


O'Connell, James O'Connor, Sean 10,150,234


Pemberton, James 203 Pendergast, Joseph

O'Connor, Thomas

Paauwe, Teri 234

Penna, Peggy

Ohrnberger, Erik

Paget, Valerie

Peppel, Kimberly

Oitker, Paula

Palma, Fern 61

Percy, Linda 62,118,180

Ojert, Magnus 108,109

Pals, Brian

Percy, Michael 145,151

Oklatner, Margaret 220

Palsrok, Edward 103

Perez, Jose 249

Olds, Suzanne 61,138

Pangborn, Ann 62, 204

Perkins, Phil

Olgers, Gregory 154,199

Panozzo, Melodye

Permesang, Dawn

Olmsted, Cherie Olsen, Todd 121

Paquin, Tracy

Permesang, Mary

Parikh, Anne 62

Pershing, BethAnn 62, 200

Olsson, James 249

Park, David 209, 249

Pesano, Laura

O'Neill, Arleene 174,249

Park, Samuel

Petersen, Carl

Petersen, Scott

Plowman, Timothy 236

Peterson, Christine 62

Pluta, Richard

Peterson, Christine 185, 208, 234

Pluymers, David 179, 220

Peterson, Debra 172, 234 Peterson, Elizabeth

Pochert, Rebecca 62,177

Peterson, Jonathan 62, 166, 175 Peterson, Kraig 11, 132

Poit, James 249 Polczer, Silvia 249 Pommer, Lloyd 11

Peterson, Scott 103

Pope, Steven 62

Petrovich, Robert 234

Porte, Jeffrey 62, 172, 209

Petruski, Edward 249

Porter, Blair 249

Pfabler, Randy 103, 132, 145

Post, Janice 115

Pfahler, Ryan 103, 104, 172

Postema, Rhonda

Pfeiffer, Angelika

Powe, Lynne 234

Pfeiffer, Robin 62,127,137

Powers, Moira 138, 249


Powers, Susan

Phelps, Jennifer 200, 249

Pranga, Robert 63

Philipp, Peter 184, 207

Premo, David

Phillips, Deborah 62

Prentice, Cheryl 11, 204

Pickelman, Mandy 234

Prentice, Susan 172, 206

Pickens, James

Price, Mary 63, 170

Quist, George 103


Raak, Stephanie 249 Rabaai, Holly 10, 204, 234 Raffety, Amy Raible, Robert 11 Ralph, Kimberly Ramaker, Russell 181, 220 Ramos, Michael 209 Randall, David 63, 170, 201 Randall, Richard Ratajczyk, Walter Rahbun, Deborah 204, 221 Ratmeyer, Judith 249 Rausch, James Ray, Stephen Raymond, Carolyn Rea, Kevin 172, 234 Ream, Linda

Pickering, Christine 62

Price, Toni

Pierce, Kevin

Prince, Luann

Reamer, Katherine 249

Pierce, Maria

Prins, Nicholas 207

Reap, Leo

Piersma, Craig 11, 249

Prochnow, Sheila 63, 142,163

Rebhan, Kevin 109

Pietz, Catherine 206 Pikaart, Michael 11,201,249

Pugh, Aaron 249

Recknagel, Todd

Pung, Patrick

Redeker, Joel 63

Pilon, Jeanine 62

Pyle, Carol 63

Redfearn, Karen

Pinderski, Christopher 154, 209, 234 Pipin, Bruce 249 Plomer, Jeffrey 62,179 Plomer, Jill 10, 236

Q Quinlan, Timothy

Redinger, Jeanne 185 Reece, Nancy Reed, Lisa Reed, Robin 234


. . . and more . . .



Reenders, Scott 63

Riquelme, Hugo

Ruiter, Linda

Rees, Michael 179, 221

Ritsema, Julie 64,172

Reid, Greogry 201

Ritsema, Lee 250

Ruiz, Reben Rumery, Kristine 11, 250

Reid, Rebecca 63

Ritsema, Paul 10,172, 207

Runnells, Eric

Reid, Susan

Rivera, Bernardina

Rupricht, Gregory 166

Reilly, Karen

Rivera, Rebecca

Russcher, Heidi 176,185, 250

Reinking, Beverlee

Robertson, Gary 159, 221

Rutgers, Sally 250

Reister, Robert

Robertson, Lisa

Rynberk, Pete 108

Reisterer, Amy 127,142

Rodenbouse, Rand

Ryzenga, Richard 250

Reisterer, Michael 103,145, 209, 234

Rodolff, Julia

Reisterer, Susan

Rodriguez, Rachel 150, 250

Relyea, Gregg 184

Roe, Paul 109

Remmelts, Jayne 63,199

Roehm, Douglas 209, 235

Saathoff, Gregory 235

Rempe, Anne

Roelofs, Jeffrey Roelofs, Linda 150

Sabin, Michael 103

Remsberg, Lee 63 Rencsok, Diane 221

Roets, Elizabeth 64

Sadjaki, Amir 175, 201, 221

Renkema, Beverly

Romano, Rex 130,131

Saenger, Karen 172,185, 235

Renkes, Sara 63

Roodvoets, Lisa 185, 250

Sajewski, Stephen 235


Sacha, Deborah 250

Reynolds, Gary

Rosema, Brian

Sales, Marcel 130, 207

Reynolds, Wendy 221

Rosenbaum, James 207, 221

Sanders, Jon

Rhoades, MaryJane 161

Ross, Eric Roth, Christian

Sanders, Laura 235

Rich, Mark Richards, AnneMarie 250

Roundhouse, Kimberly 165

Sanderson, Judy 250

Ridder, Carolyn 63

Rowell, David

Sandgren, Amy 11,154, 200, 250

Riekse, Barbara 206

Rowson, Barbara

Sands, Elizabeth

Riemersma, Cynthia 118, 250 Riepenhoff, Jill 64

Rozeboom, Gary

Sanford, Beth

Rozell, Steven

Sanilsow, James

Riley, Barbara 150, 208, 234

Rudat, Mark

Sappok, Nils 235

Riley, Steven Riley, William 64

Ruddy, Robert 11

Sattler, Eric 250

Ruhala, John 103

Savage, Robert 11

Rinks, Tom

Ruhala, Karen

Sayer, Marcia 250

Sanderson, Janis 250

Schaap, Mary 64, 115, 127

Schrotenboer, Lynn 175

Shull, Joellyn 110, 208, 222

Schadler, Steven 201, 221

Schuen, Pamela 26

Shultz, Maria

Schaendorf, Jacqueline 127,137 Schalhamer, Bonnie 250

Schuiling, Todd 12,64,120,172

Shum, Shuewuh 251

Schuler, Amy 185, 250

Shumaker, Esther

Schamper, Theresa

Schultz, Paul

Shy, Deborah

Schelle, Ann

Schut, Sherri

Siegel, Lori 151, 236

Schermerhorn, John

Schutt, Andrew

Sikkema, Marjory 64, 163, 184

Schiffert, Kathleen

Schwander, Stephen 24, 25, 27, 64 Schwartz, William

Simmons, Bryon

Seager, Edward 103

Schipper, Mike

Simone, Lisa 163, 251

Seaman, Emil 164

Schipper, Steve

Simons, Barbara

Seibert, Warren

Schippers, Kathleen 235

Simons, Larry 34,103, 236

Seifert, Suzanne

Schmidt, Jeanne

Simpson, Melinda 236

Seigner, Joann 221

Schmidt, Jodie 250

Simpson,Robert 34,172

Sens, Andrew

Schmidt, Sandra

Singer, Heidi

Serum, Lisa 10, 200, 236

Schmidt, Sara

Sexton, Sue 250

Sisson, Scott Skillen, Steven

Schindler, Kristine 118, 235 Schipper, James

Simmons, Cynthia

Schnaubelt, Christa 235

Shafer, Timothy

Skochko, Monica

Schnitzer, Stefan 109

Shamel, Cathy

Skrocki, Christine

Schoenmaker, Wendy 64,110

Shanafelt, Lisa 64, 175

Skrocki, Frank

Schoettley, James 10, 235

Shanks, Rebecca 165,168, 172, 221

Slater, Ted

Scholte, John 64

Sharp, Donna 250

Slottke, Matthew

Scholten, Kevin

Sharp, Jennifer 115, 185, 236

Sly, Elizabeth 251

Scholten, Mark

Sharp, Stuart

Small, John

Scholten, Melinda 235

Sharpe, John

Small, Sherry 65

Schori, Barbara 175, 221

Shay, Eric

Smallegan, Elizabeth 204

Schoot, Leigh 221

Shell, William 250

Schout, Nancee

Shields, Bryan

Smeenge, Sonja Smit, Amy 251

Schray, Julie

Shields, James 154,222

Smith, Andrea 152,171, 251

Schregardus, Randall 145, 235

Shimp, Cynthia

Smith, Carol 65

Schroeder, Catherine 64, 200

Shoemaker, Kevin 34,112,145,209, 251

Smith, Daniel 251

.. and more . .


Smith, Douglas 11

Souter, Sarah 65, 129

Stewart, Todd 103,105

Smith, Elizabeth 65

Southwell, Michael

Stickels, Gregg 163,199, 222

Smith, Karen 65

Sowle, Slade

Stid, Daniel 103

Smith, Karen 115,137, 222

Spaeth, Cheryl 206, 236

Stid, Mark 65, 201

Smith, Linda

Sparlin, Linda

Stiffler, Leslie 251

Smith, Lisa 200, 236

Stockhoff, Susan 65

Smith, Michael

Speaks, Kirk 222 Speet, Shari 204, 251

Smith, Paul

Spencer, Kristina

Steel, Ron 11,132

Smith, Paula 142, 167

Spitler, Stacy 10, 206, 236

Stoll, Melissa 222

Smith, Quinn

Spitters, Michael 12, 65,106

Stone, Michael

Smith, Randall 103,104,140, 209, 222

Spotts, Kevin 103

Strand, John 103,145, 209

Smith, Sarah 200, 222

Sprick, Linda

Straw, Mark 11

Smith, Sharon 65, 162, 165, 168,184

Stagg, Christopher 65, 150, 151

Streeter, Rochelle 222

Smith, Susan 251

Stair, Kelly 200, 236

Streeter, Susan

Smrtic, Michael 109

StAmand, Dotty 251

Strock, Paige

Smyser, William 150

Stannard, Cynthia 183, 236

Stroom, Kirsti 14, 204

Snyder, Beth 236

Stariha, Michelle 251

Strouf, Linda 66

Snyder, Mark 172

Stauffer, Ann

Stuk, Timothy 130

Snyder, Robert

StClair, Lynn

Stull, Terri 251

Snyder, Vance

Stegenga, Matthew 236

Socall, Daniel 236 Soeter, Benjamin

Stegink, Daniel 170, 201 Stegink, David 201

Stumpfig, David Sturm, Michael 103, 104, 105

Sokolnicki, Thomas 203

Stein, Kristin 236

Suchecki, Tamela 208

Solak, David 236

Sterk, Janet 65

Sukkin, Joseph

Solak, Linda 222

Sterk, Kabet 179, 222

Supp, Alan 154

Solmen, Susan 129, 251 Somdecerff, Laurentia

Sterk, Kimmi 251 Sterner, Deborah 137, 222

Surch, Kathryn 138, 251

Somervill, Susan 65 Sommers, Steven 121,134

Stetler, Steven 222 Stevens, Deborah 236

Swank, Rebecca Swanson, John 121, 134

Soon, Kian 236 Sorenson, Thomas 25,109,150,203

Stevens, Rebecca

Sweers, Kristen 150,151

Stewart, Michael 103,104

Sweetman, Ross

Stoel, Kimberly 172

Sturrus, Wendy 204, 250

Sutton, Kent

Swenson, Bernie

Tenhuisen, Nathan

Tooley, Eric 11, 207, 252

Syswerda, Jean

TenPas, Richard 182, 199, 251

Syverud, Kristie

Teper, Lorri 118, 251

Toppen, Jon 66,154 Torres, Hugo

TerHaar, Bruce 207

Torsky, Cheryl 237

TerHaar, Richard TerLouw, Peter

Townsend, Wendy 237 Tran, Anh

Szilagyi, Martha


Termaat, Kristin 204, 223

Traxler, Laurie 66

Tabor, Gregory 166

Terpstra, Barbara 223

Tabor, Lenora 200

Terpstra, Patricia 199

Trembley, Elizabeth 152,172, 223 Trinh, Loc

Tacy, Peter 150,175

Teter, Catherine 237

Tagg, Kristen 118, 236

TeWinkle, James 66

Tallman, Jeffrey

Theune, Daun 251

Tamminga, Ellen 138, 251

Thomas, John

Tangenberg, John

Thomas, William 199, 201, 237 Thomason, John

Tripp, Kathy

Tanis, Philip 34

Trinh, Nga Trinh, Phu Trinh, Thang Trinh, Vinh

Tanis, Wade 251

Thompson, Arthur

Tripp, William 252

Tavernier, Robin 66, 204

Thompson, Jeffrey

Troost, James 169,171

Taylor, Brian 112

Thompson, Karen

Troupe, Kathryn

Taylor, Kimberly 118, 204, 251

Thompson, Marion

Taylor, Marcia 34, 200, 237

Thompson, Natalie

Trumble, Kenneth 103, 184 Tsai, Grace

Taylor, Patricia 127, 237

Thompson, Susan 206, 252

Tucker, Phil

Taylor, Tanya

Thompson, Lisa 176, 237

Tuggy, Lynette 252

Taylor, Tracey 162,163,165,172, 222

Thorpe, Andrew 103, 184

Tuitel, Johnny

Teclemariam, Amanuel

Thurston, Melanie 66,179

Turke, Geron

Teed, Sheila 206, 222

Tietz, Michael 134

TenBroeke, Jodi 115

Tigellar, Terri 66

Turkstra, Lora 252 Turner, Tony 66,169

TenHaken, Bruce

Tilstra, Shawn 10, 237

TenHave, Jennifer 172, 223

Timmerman, David 12, 66,103, 209

Twining, James 112,145

TenHor, Kim 223

Timmerman, James

Twining, John 145,172, 223

TenHor, Thomas 251

Tjoelker, Lisa 200, 252

Tysse, Cheryl 10, 206, 237

Tenhuisen, Matthew

Tooker, Daniel 237

Tysse, Karen 66

. . , and more . . .

VandenHombergh, Teresa 204, 252

VanderVeen, Jonathan

VanderArk, Brian

VanderVeen, Susan 67, 204

Decker, Lisa 206, 237

VanderArk, Jillane 67

Umemori, Daniel 132, 203, 252

VanderBilt, Kristen 169, 170, 171, 252

VanderWeide, Lisa VanderWeide, Ruth 206, 223

U Umphrey, Jennifer

VanderBilt, Sandra 240, 223

Underwood, Stephen 66,112,145

VanderBorgh, Matthew 67

VanderWerff, Philip 209 VanderZee, Michael 224

Unzicker, David

VanderHart, Jennifer 206, 252

VanderZee, Patricia 252

Upton, Mary 208, 237

VanderHart, Paul

VanderZouwen, Joni

Usiak, Marsha 204, 237

VanderHart, Wendy 208, 223

VandeVeen, Jill

VanderHoff, Cecilia 237

VandeVenter, Jan

VanderHoff, Marian

VandeVorde, Scott 112,145

VanderJagt, Michelle 237

VandeVusse, Wendy

VanAllsburg, Carol

VanderKlay, Thomas 103, 209

VandeWaa, Richard 103

VanAllsburg, Mary 172, 179, 223

VanderKolk, Karla 67

VandeWege, Bryon 67, 166

VanArendonk, Scott 66,172

VanderKolk, Martha 152, 252

VandeWege, Londa 238

VanArk, Elizabeth

VanderKuy, Caroline 142

VanDommelen, Debra

VanArk, Jonathan 67

VanderMeer, Gregory

VanDort, Paul

VanBaren, Marilyn 223

VanderMel, Timothy 252

VanBelois, Terri 237

VanderMeulen, Connie 223

VanDussen, Jean VanDuyne, Bethany 115, 152,183,185,237

VanBemmelen, Todd 109, 207

VanderMeulen, Joan

VanDuyne, Jennifer 34, 67

VanBrocklin, Linda 115, 237

VandyBogurt, Julie 67

VanDeBunte, Paul 10, 209

VanderMolen, Dick 13, 34 VanderPloeg, Jane 129, 238

VanDeBunte, Timothy

VanderSchaaf, Connie

VandeGrift, Lisa

VanderStarre, John 103

VanDyke, Jay VanDyken, Douglas 252

Vandegrift, Lorrie 142

VanderStarre, Paul 103, 223

VanDyken, Terry

VandeMark, Douglas

VanderSteeg, Denise 204, 223

VanEck, Robert

VandenBerg, Daniel 171

VanderStel, Brad 223

Vaneenam, Carol

VandenBerg, Theresa 137, 252 VandenBerg, Tisa 14, 252

VanderStoep, Scott VanderToll, James 184, 207

VaneeneNaam, Sarah VanEngen, Annette 114, 115, 127, 138, 238

VandenBosch, Kay 150, 252

VanderToll, John

Vanes, Amy 165, 252

VandenBrink, Duane 67,178

VanderVeen, Brian

VanEyl, Paul 11, 209, 251



VanDyke, David 67,154

VanEyl, Sonia 67,170, 200

VanOss, Diane 68

VanFassen, William 34,201

VanOss, Jonathan 118, 172

VenSel, Rebekah 253 VerBeek, Stephanie 68,200

VanGent, Elona

VanPutten, James 183, 207, 224

VerBeek, Todd 253

VanGiessen, Kathleen 224

VanPutten, Mitchell 134

Verduin, Mark 253

VanGilder, Tyra 67

VanRaalte, Alan

Verogs, Peter

VanGorder, David 103, 207, 224

VanrenTerghem, Rena 252

VerHoeven, Keith

VanGrouw, Todd

Vanry, James

VerHulst, Clark

VanHaaften, Mark

Van'tKerkHoff, Mark 169, 209, 238

Verlee, Jill

VanHaitsma, Jane 224

Van'tKerkHoff, Mary 12,68

VerMeulen, Dirk 103

VanHall, Peter

VanTubbergen, Lisa 224

MerMeulen, Martha 238

VanHarn, Steven 169

VanVoorhis, Linda 208

VerPlank, Michael 209

VanHeest, Jaci 67

VanWieren, Christopher 109

VerSteeg, Kristin

VanHeest, Jackie 199

VanWieren, Mark

VanHeest, Julie 10, 206, 238

VanWieren, Robert 68

VerStrate, Richard 68,175 Veurink, Scott

VanHeest, Thomas 102, 103

VanWylen, Emily

Vincent, Mary

VanHouten, Jane

VanZanten, Dacia 224

VanHouten, Joel 68

Vischer, Kellie 253 Visscher, Jeff

VanHoven, Scott 209, 252

VanZanten, Jean VanZyl, Craig, 209

Vanlstendal, Theresa 252

Vaughan, Stephen 224

Visscher, Karen 11,138, 206, 253 Visscher, Lisa 253

Vanlten, Cynthia

Vaughn, Vicki 118,138, 252

Visser, Patricia 224

Vanlwaarden, Deobrah 106

Velarde, Derrick 68,140

Vanlwaarden, Mary

Veld, Jack 209, 224

VanKoeverking, Dyck

Veld, Paul

Vissers, Alethea 68,115 Vissers, Eric Vite, Jerome 12,68,103, 105, 161

VanKoevering, Kathryn

VeldHeer, Kristine 68,199

VanKoevering, Kurtis 67

VeldHeer, Lona 238

VanKuiken, Steven

VedlHeer, Marjorie 68

Vonk, Bernard

VanLoon, John

VeldHoff, Lee 10, 238

Vonk, Shelley 154,238

VanMalsen, Daniel

VeldHuizen, William

Voortman, Jane 150, 206, 238

VanNoord, David 67, 102, 103, 104, 105

VeldMan, Ronald

Vos, Margery 175

VanOordt, Kevin 68

VelMan, Sarah 118,224

Vos, Thomas

VanOostenburg, Philip

Venable, John 252

Voss, Jean 10

Voet, Scott 11,145,171, 207, 253 Vonins, Sandi


. . . and finally, the end.


Voss, Scott

Warren, Randall 69,145

Werley, Laurie

Voss, Terri

Wassink, Douglas

Werley, Mark

Vredevelt, Jill 118, 253

Waters, Suzanne 150 Watson, Scott 150,151, 238

Werley, Michael Werling, Charles 69

Watt, Kevin 169

Werme, Jon 209




Watts, Jonathan 150, 224

Werner, Diane

Waalkes, Martin 68,184

Way, Lorraine

Weschler, Kristine 127

Wagenaar, Larry

Way, Marv

West, Dawn 199

Waghorne, Sonja

Weatherbee, Lisa 69

West, Wendy 253

Wagner, Darlene

Weaver, Deanna 224

Wester, Barbara 152

Wagner, Jeanne 204, 224

Webb, Robin

Westerbeke, Ann 170,171

Wagner, Kristine 118

Weber, Edmund 11, 225

Westerhoek, Hendrick 253

Wagner, Thomas 69

Weber, Mary

Westerman, Jennifer 171, 208

Waite, Melanie 114,115, 224

Weber, Mary 69,182

Westers, Peter

Walburg, Sharon 253

Webster, James 253

Westers, Rick

Walchenback, Nancy 69,172, 206

Webster, Richard 69,112

Westrate, Brian

Waldeck, Olaf

Weeber, Thomas

Wettack, Debra 69

Waldorf, Kimberly 172, 238

Weeldreyer, Dirk 34, 238 Weener, Martha

Wheeler, Deborah 204, 253

Walker, Kristie Walker, Martin 103

Wehrmeyer, Todd 209, 238

Whitcomb, Kenneth 11,175, 225

Walker, William 10,132, 207, 238

Weisiger, Beth 10, 206, 238

White, Judith

Wallin, Charles 109, 253

Weisiger, Glenn 10,184, 207

White, Marc

Walsh, Catherine 138

Welker, Susan 69,118,162, 200

Whiteleather, Kevin

Walsh, Phyllis

Weller, Kirk 81,169,180

Whitmore, Paul 103

Walters, Virginia

Weller, Nancy 208, 225

Whyard, Paul

Wammes, John

Weller, Sharon 253

Wick, Martin

Wang, Emily 154

Welling, Lisa 170, 204, 238

Widmer, Susan

Wang, Irene 129

Welsch, Dean 69,178

Wiegerink, Robin 225

Ward, Scott 253 Ward, Wilfrid

Wendt, Vernon 112,145,238 Wennersten, Donald

Wieland, Kevin Wieland, Shelley 239

Warnock, Tobin

Wenzlaff, Jill 10,34, 238

Wierda, Scott 209, 239

Wheeler, Ellen 238

Wierenga, Susan Wiersma, Michael 130, 253 Wietstock, Shawn 148,149, 225, 280 Wigger, Wendy 69 Wikstrom, Mary Wilbur, David 10,132 Wildeboer, Susan 70 Willemstyn, Brian Williams, Douglas 203 Williams, Kristen 170, 253 Williams, Steven Willson, Holly 70, 206 Wilson, Jacquelyn 253 Wilson, Michael 239


Wolffis, Tim 207 Wood, David 70,184, 207 Wood, Gregory 207

Zachary, Kathleen

Wood, Martin 150,151,170

Zachos, Geraldine 225

Woodruff, Laura 34, 253

Zahrn, Lynnette 178

Woodworth, Daniel

Zandee, Lisa 253

Worden, Jamie 70

Zeerip, Alison 200, 225

Work, Catherine 138

Zeldenrust, Steven 103

Workman, Susan 204, 225 Worley, Jeffrey

Ziel, Teresa

Worley, Jennifer Worrell, Michelle Wright, Cynthia 253 Wright, David 150, 239

Wilson, Sally 103

Wright, Ellen 168, 199

Wilson, Sharon 208, 225

Wright, Pamela

Wing, Jeffrey 70

Wuertz, Karen

Winkels, Lori 70

Wynsma, Sherry 106, 225

Zimmer, Cherly Zimmer, David Zimmer, Donald Zinger, Brenda Zobl, Susan 34 Zuidema, Christine Zuidema, Sarah 239 Zweifel, Kathryn

Winningham, Philip

Zwyghuizen, Ardith

Winquist, Blake

Zwyghuizen, Jayne 118


Winter, Michael 209 Wissink, Michael 12, 70 Wissink, Sandra 206, 225

Yarbrough, Ann

Witham, Larry 70

Yaung, Devin 253

Witherspoon, Pamela 239

Yoder, Lora

Witmer, Stephen 103, 225

Yonkers, Lynn 199, 225

Witteveen, Ellen

Yonkers, Penny 106, 200

Wojcinski, LeeAnn 148,149, 239, 280

Yoshonis, Peter 253

Wolanin, Sharie 253

Young, Morgan 169, 201

Wolbrink, James 26, 27,176

Young, Sheila 170

Wolf, Mary 200, 253

Yurkowski, Michele

Zylman, Lannette 172, 239 Zylstra, Todd 70


This always seems to be the hardest part of the yearbook for the editor to write — the closing remarks. It is hard to find the right words to end a book which has filled most of my spare time for almost a year. What I have tried to do, with the help of a great staff, is to capture a piece of Hope College's history in the form of a yearbook. It is very difficult to cover everything that has happened at Hope during the past year within the pages allotted, but I feel that we have done as well as we could have. Through the Milestone, I hope that many of the experiences and memories we, as members of the Hope family, have of this time in our lives can be saved and cherished for years to come. I could not close the yearbook without thanking all of those who played a part in its production. My assistant editors, LeeAnn Wojcinski and Doug Lehman. Without you two, this book would probably still be in production. The staff — Kim Bailey, Katy Droppers, and Judy Micou — whose dedication to their work was overwhelming. All of the photographers who contributed their time and pictures — special thanks to John Armstrong, John DeNeef, and Mark Billadeau. Dave Vanderwel for all of his input and help as our first advisor. Fonda Green for her support as our second advisor after Dave had left (thanks for the cake!). Crai? Talsma, our Yearbook Representative from Taylor Publishing Company, who went beyond the call of duty to assist us whenever and however he possibly could. Varden Studios for their outstanding work with the student pictures — special thanks to Jim Revell and Stan Young. Tom Renner and the College Relations Office for pictures and information they provided us with. Carlotta Ellison and Becky Shanks — our two secretaries — for typing, calling, and doing everything else we asked them to do without complaint (except get our coffee!) My apartment-mates — Phil Brewer, Jim Broucek, Jeff McKeeby, and Gregg Stickels — for putting up with all of those yearbook messes I created during the year. Carolyn, Kathy, Kim, and Linda who always gave me support when I was having problems getting things done. Finally, I would like to thank the students of Hope. Without you, this book would not have been possible. Remember was created for YOU. Enjoy it!!

Shawn M. Wietstock Editor-in-Chief 1984 Milestone



the 1984 Milestone




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