Milestone 1985

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Opening Events Academics Administration Sports Greeks

X 134

Groups Underclassmen Seniors



J a n i n e Davison

G a r y Reynolds

John Armstrong

T i m deForest

T i m deForesl


G a r y Reynolds

Wendy VanderHarl

Dr. Kleinjans delivers the Convocation address.

The Chapel Choir provides some musical entertainment.

You know that school has begun when Convocation officially opens the year. Dr. Everett Kleinjans, a 1943 Hope College graduate, was the keynote speaker. Convocation not only started the new year at Hope College, it began the International year. During the year, a variety of events and activities were sponsored to increase awareness of international affairs. Dr. Kleinjans, Dr. J. Coert Rylaarsdam of Chicago, Illinois, and Dr. Vivian Behrmann Hartman of Potomac, Maryland were all conferred honorary doctorate degrees. Contemplation of the year ahead.


Gary Reynolds

Gary Reynolds

The Chapel Choir is backed beautiful stained glass window.




The professors prepare to process.

Dr. VanWylen gives a hand for the u p c o m i n g year



Either I grew, or this pit shrank.

A freshman puller gives it everything he has.

O n September 28th, the men of the Freshman and S o p h o m o r e classes met to test their training, at the Black River. This tradition, w h i c h includes such things as heaves, strains, on-therope, offthe-rope, and the like, was w o n by the Class of 1988. A f t e r t w o and one-half hours of struggling it was hard to determine w h i c h class had won, since no pits had been popped. W i t h the e x t r e m e l y wet conditions, and more rain on the way, the t u g was called and the rope taken in was measured. The Freshmen c a m e out victorious, but not by m u c h . Because of the closeness of the struggle, it was a true c o m p e t i t i o n , and was exciting to w a t c h (if y o u could bear the weather). A f t e r all the hard w o r k put in by both teams and the intensity in w h i c h they pulled, it was tough to declare a clear winner. *87 takes in the rope to start the Pull.

The end of it all.

C Mauw strains to combat the pull of the freshmen

PULL '87 Coach, Ken W h i t c o m b uses far out ways of signaling the pullers.

It's tough being the anchor.

A n '87 disgruntled crowd.

John Armstrong

It's not all fun and games.

The '88 Pull team.

B r i a n Greene

John Armstrong

Pit 17 shows the agility of his position.

J o n Beyer arches to keep the rope taunt.

A n off the-rope heave by the freshmen.

'88 prepares itself to get on the rope.

A helping hand.

T h e '88 anchor slips because of the m u d d y conditions.

He tries not to think about the pain


The '88 Morale g u ys are concerned about their girls.

Theresa VandenBerg is escorted in by the '87 Morale guys.

The 4 9 t h A n n u a l N y k e r k C u p competition was held October 27th. The event, w h i c h features song, drama, and oration, included more than 600 w o m e n f r o m the freshman and sophomore classes. The freshman song was " W e are the Music M a k e r s " and was coached by Karen Becker and Kelly Stair. The sophomore song was entitled "Consider Yourself." They were coached by L y n e t t e Carter and Cindy Blight. The freshman play was called " T u r n the Other Face." They were coached by T a m m y S u c h e c k i and Kristi Sweers. The sophomore play " T h r o u g h the Looking Glass," was coached by Cindy H o f f m a n and Jennifer TenHave. The orators this year spoke on the theme " A W o m a n / A Person." The freshman orator Shelly Krause was coached by Chris Peterson and Kirsti Stroom. The sophomore orator was Andrea S m i t h and she was coached by Beth Archer and Jeanine Baisch. A f t e r all the performances were finished, the judges left to decide w h o the winning class w o u l d be. Dave V a n D y k e c a m e back to keep eveyone entertained during this time. A f t e r the judges returned, Erica Kratzer, the general chairperson, announced the Sophomore Class of 1987 the winners of the Cup for the second year in-a-row.

L y n Curley and A m y McCartney show their enthusiasm.

The '88 play "Turn the Other Face."


The sophomore orator, Andrea Smith.

Will the real nephew please stand up.

The closeness of the sophomores shows in their singing.


Erica Kratzer, the Mistress of Ceremonies.

* The sophomore play, "Through the Looking Glass."


'87 Song

The sophomores claim the cup.

A day in a busy emergency room.

Shelly Krause tells about being " A W o m a n / A Person,

The '88 Song girls are shown in.

All in the life of a secretary, the '88 play,

Lynette Carter encourages the '87 song girls.

Karen Becker makes 'Music M a k e r s " out of the '88 song girls.

L y n Curley is just sitting around enjoying '87 play


The D u t c h m e n defense lines up

The 1984 Homecoming Court. T h u r l a n d Cole shows everyone who's number 1!!!

H o m e c o m i n g '84 was quite c o l o r f u l w i t h a large number of activities going on. The fraternities and sororities held open houses to a c c o m o d a t e their alumni. The Fraternal Society celebrated their 150th year of existance and were honored at half-time of the football game. More than 200 of their a l u m n i returned (as far back as the IQZO's) to celebrate this e x c i t i n g occasion. The college entitled H o m e c o m i n g " H a t s O f f to the Professors" w i t h a special salute to those people w h o have shaped our lives here at Hope. The King and Queen were also c r o w n e d at half-time w i t h those honors going to Dave B e c k m a n and Lynette Carter. The D u t c h m e n had to face a t o u g h Adrian defense but came up victorious once again in the annual H o m e c o m i n g game. The cheerleaders add color as they send off the balloons.


Greg, Chris, and Coach S m i t h discuss the u p c o m i n g offensive series

A hyped-up team takes the field

King and Queen, Dave B e c k m a n and Lynette Carter.

$ Hats off to Professors!

This year's Homecoming theme, "Hats off to Professors!'' The cheerleaders build their support for the team.


Chapel Choir sings f r o m the balcony

Gary Reynolds

Proclaim the Word of Christ through music.

Candles provided the quietening affect.

Upon entering the chapel, a person is enveloped by the simple Christmas surroundings. The four evergreens, the boughs of green, the t w i n k l i n g lights, and the d i m flicker of candles, prepares and quiets the entering masses. A beautiful evening of m u s i c : voice, orchestra, and flute c o m p r i s e d this year's Vespers. Vespers is a Christmas service done entirely in music. Chapel Choir, College Chorus, S y m p h o n e t t e , and the Flute Choir put n u m e r o u s hours of practice In for this special event. The music is heard lingering in the d o r m s as preparation continues and participants practice their parts. A perfect start to the Christmas season.

Dan Griswold displays his musical talent t h r o u g h the playing of the viola.

Gary Reynolds

I ! LJ.


The chapel provides a beautiful background for the singing of the Col lege Chorus.

Gary Reynolds

After singing w i t h the College Chorus, the Chapel Choir proceeds to the balcony


m The College Chorus creates a sound all its own.

A m i g h t y sound is heard when all lift their voices in harmony.




John Armstrong

John Armstrong

The guest artist, Diane Grumert, performs "Spirituals

It's hand-foot coordination.

Jr Ml I


Ballet isn't always petite and graceful.

J i m Gray and A m y McFadden in midnight.


Spoon River A n t h o l o g y , a stage version of Edgar Lee Master's haunting poetry, it was a dramatic presentation of free verse portraying both the solid and humorous






through many character portrayals and vignettes relives the history of a small midwestern t o w n and its former inhabitants. The play was directed by Dale McFadden and included cast members Martha Gomez, Linda Miles, Margie Oklatner, Pam Schuen, Tony Brach, Steve Poortenga, T o m Sorensen, and Matt DeGooyer. The f a c u l t y involved were Linda Graham, choreography; Richard Smith, scenic design; Lois Carder, c o s t u m e design; and Michael Grindstaff, lighting design. Photos J o h n Gardner


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SPOON n v i l A S l l l i L i ( >

The Caretaker, a c o m p l e x story about the inhabitants of a London flat, was written by British p l a y w r i g h t Harold Pinter. O n the surface, the play is about w h o legally owns, lives in, or has control of the flat. O n a deeper level, the play is about the struggle to establish and maintain individual identity and security. The characters who do battle are; Aston, a gentle Samaritan figure, and M i c k , A s t o n ' s enigmatic sibling, who dreams of f i x i n g up the apartm e n t . T h e s i b l i n g s are s o m e w h a t estranged: A s t o n lives a w i t h d r a w n life of emotional isolation, while M i c k reacts to life w i t h a more aggressive edge A vagrant enters the scene as A s t o n offers the dilapidated stranger, Davies, a chance to stay in the flat, indeed, to be its caretaker. In the third act the barrage of boasts that the beggar has made, and believes, about the fortunes and opportunities that await, are smashed. In the end, both siblings refute the stranger and the identity that has been so shakily established. Dan Huizenga, the director, has opted to present an all-female cast in these traditionally male roles. The cast includes Linda Miles as Aston, Jane V o o r t m a n as M i c k , and Erika J o y c e Maxie as Davies.

Photos: J o h n A r m s t r o n g


T h e Grand Rapids S y m p h o n y Orchestra


The Hope College Great Performance Series Is sponsored by the Hope College Cultural A f f a i r s c o m m i t t e e . The Series opened w i t h " T h e C o u r t s h i p of Carl Sandb u r g " by Bob Gibson. He is one of A m e r i c a ' s foremost folksong writers. The p r o g r a m was a c o m p i l a t i o n of folksongs and early writings of Carl Sandburg w h i c h provide both spoken and m u s i c a l commentary on the poet's life and times. Alicia

de Larrocha joined

the Grand

Rapids S y m p h o n y under the direction of S e m y o n B y c h k o v for the first of their three concerts during the Series. A l s o f r o m the Grand Rapids S y m p h o n y orchestra was the re-creation of a turn-of-the c e n t u r y concert by the J o h n Philip Sousa Band. Featured was guest c o n d u c t o r Keith Brion. The Orchestra closed the 84-85 Series w i t h a concert that hosted violin v i r t u o s o M a r k Kaplan. Also appearing this year was the GlennLund-Dance c o m p a n y . The c o m p a n y becoming







modern dance c o m p a n i e s and consists of seven m e m b e r s headed by Laura Glenn and Gary Lund. Flutist Marya Martin, baritone Ben Holt, and the concert " M u s i c by T h r e e " all presented concerts t h r o u g h Young Concert Artists, Inc. of New York City. This m a r k e d the tenth season that Hope College has brought up-and-coming y o u n g artists to perform. Overall, the Series provided a variety of musical entertainment to t e m p t the taste buds and e x p a n d horizons.

Laura Glenn and Gary Lund

C. K e e n

Keith Brion as J o h n Philip Sousa

Sara S a n t ' A m b r o g i o

Slam Stewart


J a i m e Bolipata

Marya Martin

Christian Steiner

Ben Holt

Benny K i m

C h r i s t i a n Steiner


H y p n o t i s t / C o m e d i a n T o m DeLuca listens for a response f r o m a willing participant.

A few friends enjoy the May Day sun.

John Armstrong

T o m had the c r o w d in stitches all afternoon.

T h e Sigmas cheer on their sisters.


Marv struts his stuff.

John Armstrong

The Delta Phis are well represented on the May Day Court

3^* Splish Splash, I was t a k i n g a jello bath.

" I ' m just the richest thing.''

John Armstrong

May Day is April? May Day is celebrated on the last day of classes and begins w i t h a picnic in the Pine Grove. It gives the students a last chance to relax before exa m week. T o m DeLuca provided an hilarious show w i t h his hypnotizing act. Fourteen brave volunteers agreed to by hypnotized. T o m put t h e m through a variety of amusing situations and had the c r o w d laughing throughout the show. After the show, the May Day Queen and her court were announced. This year's Queen was Jennifer Sharp. T o close out the afternoon, SAC provided a jello j u m p to dive into.

"Please don't let h i m take a picture of me like this.'

M A T D A T 35


CHUNKS 95 WHISTLE HORN "Name something that you b l o w . "

i P ^ • * r


The Social A c t i v i t i e s C o m m i t t e e (SAC) provides n u m e r o u s activities t h r o u g h o u t the school year for the students of Hope College. A c t i v i t i e s range f r o m comedians, to singers, to dances, to hypnotists. They are also responsible for the movies w h i c h play on c a m p u s each weekend. They w o r k hard on bringing in a splattering of different entertainers w h i c h can give the students a pleasurable break f r o m their studies.

*3 Cyndi Lauper appears w i t h (JSA for Africa during AIR J A M V.


John Armstrong

Lori and Tony pose for a picture while enjoying the f u n of Winter Fantasia.

A comic all the way.

T o m DeLuca sometimes " s t r e t c h e s " the imagination.


That last picture of the gang.

Gary Reynolds

Gary Reynolds


Hope graduated its 120th class numbering 442 seniors on Sunday M a y 5 at Comm e n c e m e n t exercises at Holland M u n i c i p a l Stadium. Barely beating the gathering rain clouds, the c r o w d of a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3,500 watched the degrees being conferred all the way f r o m " A d a m s " to " Z e e r i p . " Honorary doctorates were bestowed upon Dr. Henri Theil, a world-renowned econometricist and on Tariho Fukuda, professor of sociology and social work and provost in charge of international and special programs at Meiji Gakuin Gniversity in T o k y o . Dr. Dennis N. Voskuil, associate professor of religion, was selected by the graduting class to deliver the commencement address. " P a y i n g it Back — w i t h Int e r e s t " was the topic of his address as he challenged the graduates to be faithful stewards of the gifts they have been given. Baccalaureate was held on Sunday m o r n i n g in Dimnent Chapel. The Rev. Dr. I. J o h n Hesselink, retiring president of Western Theological Seminary, delivered the sermon " T h e Continuing Quest for Excellence," using Philippians 4:8 as his text. Chosen this year as the Outstanding Professor-Educator was E c o n o m i c s fessor, James Heisler.


Rich Helder gives the " t h u m b s u p " after receiving his diploma.

Dr. Voskuil challenges the graduates to "Pay it Back — with Interest


A meeting of ECOSOC Is deep in contemplation

Phil Tanis makes the highschool students feel welcome.

John Armstrong

It takes a large number of people to organize and run Model UN.

1 40

Model United Nations (Model GN) simulation was held on M a r c h 1 4 1 5 and was the largest ever in Michigan. Approx-

is created for a more advanced student. Delegations consisting of four people m u s t create their o w n resolutions on the

i n g " in the area. High school students must therefore continually adapt to the " c h a n g i n g " situation in their crisis.

imately 900 students participated in this year's Model (JN. Model (JN, r u n by

specified topics. This year the topics were outer space and the (JN budget.

students, simulates three different organizations: the General A s s e m b l y ,

There were five Security Council simulations presented this year. They dealt w i t h

Security Council, and E c o n o m i c Social Council (ECOSOC).


the Nicaraguan crisis, the India/Pakistan crisis, the Lebanon crisis, the

The General A s s e m b l y Is divided into t w o different simulations based on the

E t h i o p i a / S o m a l i a crisis and the Southeast Asia crisis. Each delegation is composed

level of d i f f i c u l t y . T r a c k I is made for the teams

of t w o students. There are also college students playing the role of control delega-

ECOSOC is the most advanced simulation. Each high school delegation is composed of one student. There are 54 members in ECOSOC. There are four committees where the students meet, att e m p t i n g to c o m p l e t e resolutions w h i c h will then be debated and acted upon by the whole ECOSOC. They considered h u m a n rights, narcotic drugs, Trans-National Corporations, and the United Nations Educa-

must write a m e n d m e n t s for the resolutions presented to them. T o p i c s Included

tions. The high school students a t t e m p t to solve the crisis while a briefing expert con-

tional Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

dispute settlement and debt relief. T r a c k II

tinually updates t h e m on what is "happen-




Chairman Dirk Weeldryer welcomes the almost 900 participants to this year's Model UN.


On M a r c h 6 and 7, Hope College held its sixth Critical Issues S y m p o s i u m . This year's topic was w o r l d hunger. The goal of the S y m p o s i u m was to bring attention to the problem of w o r l d hunger and to probe our hearts and minds w i t h insights ancf questions. The activities




night w i t h a Reality Dinner. The reality dinner was a dinner hour at w h i c h the participants were served various menus that reflected the t y p e and a m o u n t of foods eaten around the w o r l d that evening. W h a t you were served — m e n u s of the wealth, the middle call, the poor, or the starving — was







valuable experience for all w h o partook. Later that evening Fr. W i l l i a m B y r o n President, Catholic University, presented the Keynote Address entitled " W o r l d Hunger: A n A c t i o n — Reflection Perspective." Following Fr. Byron's address, there was a reception in Phelps Hall. T h u r s d a y , M a r c h 7, was a busy day of addresses and focus sessions. In order to accomodate




classes were held. The day saw k e y n o t e addresses by Dr. Mudzeviri Nzeramasanga, Dr. A n s o n Bertrand, and Mr. J o h n Sewell. It saw eight focus sessions led by the above mentioned and Dr. Rosshdi Henin, Ms, Enid Kassner, Mr. T h o m a s Pederson, Ms. Ruth Brauteseth, and Ms. Ivy Goduka. The final event of the S y m p o s i u m was a panel discussion in DeWitt Theater. This was a t i m e of discussion and question and answer, w i t h special emphasis placed on Africa. It was a great ending to a great event. The Critical Issues S y m p o s i u m served to open the eyes of those w h o participated; one could not leave an event w i t h o u t having his m i n d and soul stretched. Those that participated went away w i t h a new perspective, while those w h o didn't remained ignorant.


President VanWylen expresses his concern w i t h the problem of world hunger.

Father Bryon urged the audience to look inside and then react on those feelings.

Robin Klay, a member of the CIS committee, helps run one of the focus sessions.

CIS 43

DO YOG REMEMBER . . . The Birth of a Prince?

The Presidential Elections with Mondale (the Democrat) vs Reagan (the Republican)? In case you forgot, Reagan won.

The World Series? In the American League it was Detroit over KC in the playoffs. In the (National League it was the Padres in seven over the Cubs. In the Series, Detroit won it in five.

The international troubles with all of the Cl.S. embassies that were bombed?

The shock to the world when they heard about the assassination of Indira Gandhi?


Who the Cy Young A w a r d winners were? In the American League it was the Detroit stopper Willie Hernandez. A n d over in the National League it was the ace of the Chicago Cubs staff, Rick Sutcliffe.

The MVP's of the 1984 baseball season? In the American League it was Willie Hernandez and in the National League it was Ryne Sandberg.

The controversy over the baboon heart that was transplanted into Baby Fae?

The artificial heart transplants of both Bill Schraeder and John Haydon?

The Heisman Trophy winner Doug Flutie?


OR PERHAPS. . . Sports lllustrated's Sportsman and Sportswoman of the year? In case it slipped your memory, it was Olympic star hurdler, Edwin Moses, and gymnast, Marylou Retton.

On the Pro Football scene when it came down to the Super Bowl with the Miami Dolphins going up against the San Francisco 49'ers? It was the 49'ers who won it.

That the U.S. managed talks with the Russians about Peace?

The release of Jeremy Levin f r o m Lebanon?

What a shock it was to the world when Chernekov died? A n d then his predecessor Gerbo?

The Times Man of the Year? They gave it to Peter Uberroth for all of his efforts to make the '84 Olympics, held in Los Angeles, a money-maker.

The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Bishop Tutu?

That in College Basketball in the N C A A Division 1 finals how Villanova pulled a major upset over the tough Georgetown team with highly touted Patrick Ewing?

How hackeysack hit the country? With a kick.



HRT A r t : Course offerings in the Department of A r t are structured in f o r m , content and sequence to provide a foundation in the fine arts for both the pre-professionally oriented student and the liberal arts students. The c u r r i c u l u m affords opportunities for study and creative w o r k in the visual arts t h r o u g h studio practice and art history. ii-




of A r t

is ac-

credited by the National Association of Schools of A r t . The Department of A r t f a c u l t y members are teaching, producing and research oriented artists and art historians. Students majoring in art at Hope College participate in a wide variety of activities: Contacts w i t h visiting artists and lecturers of national importance. Field trips to m u s e u m s such as those in Chicago, x Detroit and Toledo. E x h i b i t i o n experience m in the College Gallery. Entrance in competitive shows. A n d varied contacts w i t h 4; other college art departments.





FIRST ROW: Bob Vickers, Bill Mayer, S E C O N D ROW: Delbert Michel, Jack Wilson, Bruce McCombs.

John Armstrong

BIQLDGV Biology: The Department of Biology has a tradition of excellence in the preparation of students planning professional careers in biology. A national study ranked the Department eleventh out of 222 colleges in the preparation of students w h o receive the Ph.D. in biology during the period f r o m 1920-1976. For the m o r e recent period of 1968-1973, our position i m p r o v e d to eighth. The Biology Department has an outstanding record of placing students in medical and dental schools. Other careers selected by biology majors, in addition to graduate and professional schools, include the allied-health professions, industrial research and laboratory positions, and secondary education. In addition to the regular c u r r i c u l u m , students are encouraged to participate in research programs w i t h our faculty. Stipends are usually available to give selected students an o p p o r t u n i t y to pursue full-time research during the s u m m e r . More than 50 papers co-authored by students have been presented or published during the past five years.

FRONT ROW: Paul VanFassen, Don Cronkite, S E C O N D ROW: Eldon Greij, Edith Smoot, Norman Rieck, Allen Brady. Gordon VanWoerkem, Harvey Blankenspoor, Chris Barney, Carolyn Kalsow,

CHEfTllETPiV C h e m i s t r y : The Chemistry Department is k n o w n nationally for its excellent program. In a recent study of c h e m i s t r y programs at private four-year colleges published in the Journal of Chemical Education, the Hope College C h e m i s t r y Department was recognized as outstanding in the prod u c t i v i t y of its research p r o g r a m and for the a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s of its graduates. The c h e m i s t r y program is approved by the A m e r i c a n Chemical Society's C o m m i t t e e on Professional Training. The chemistry program provides students w i t h a rigorous i n tr o d u cti o n to the field of c h e m i s t r y in a setting that is c o m p l e t e w i t h knowledge of current developments in c h e m i s t r y and experience w i t h m o d e r n instruments and laboratory techniques. The p r o g r a m offers students the o p p o r t u n i t y to achieve outstanding levels of a c c o m p l i s h m e n t t h r o u g h the challenge of c h e m i c a l research. The FIRST ROW: William Mungall, Gerald Bakker, Michael Silver, Rodney Boyer. S E C O N D ROW: Michael Seymour, Eugene Jekel, Irwin Brink, Don Williams, Don Fredrick.

chemistry faculty

maintains a keen in-

terest in students' professional involvement and scholary development. The c h e m i s t r y department has an active seminar p r o g r a m w h i c h brings students into c o n t a c t w i t h nationally recognized authorities in c h e m i s t r y and chemistryrelated fields. The c h e m i s t r y p r o g r a m places a strong emphasis on faculty-student research. C h e m i s t r y majors are encouraged to begin w o r k w i t h a professor on a research project early in their academic program. Research stipends are available to enable students to w o r k full-time on their projects during the s u m m e r . Student research is directed toward professional development and m a y result in joint authorship of scientific publications and in the o p p o r t u n i t y to present research results at a regional or national scientific meeting. More than sixty papers co-authored by c h e m i s t r y students have been published or presented during the last five years.



Communication: With increasing societal c o m p l e x i t y , the de m and for effective c o m m u n i c a t o r s is being expressed dramatically. A 1982 E n d i c o t t Study surveying 242 major p r i v a t e sector employers underscores the e x t r e m e importance of c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills to success

skillful c o m m u n i c a t o r s , the Department of C o m m u n i c a t i o n offers a c u r r i c u l u m to enhance a student's understanding of the h u m a n c o m m u n i c a t i o n process as well as to develop and to refine a student's comm u n i c a t i o n skills. C o m m u n i c a t i o n situa-

munication course offerings and laboratories to serve their individual needs. C o m m u n i c a t i o n majors at Hope often link their academic programs w i t h other disciplines in preparation for their careers in business, ministry, theatre, law, and teaching. Professional plans in broad-

among college graduate new-hires. Victor R. Lindquist, Director of Placement at

tions v a r y i n g in purpose and context (interpersonal relationships, small g r o u p i n t e r a c t i o n s , face-to-face persuasive

rHorthwestern (Jniveristy and co-author of the report, cautions college professors and

presentations, e l e c t r o n i c a l l y m e d i a t e d mass contests) are addressed t h r o u g h the

academic advisors to " e n c o u r a g e training in c o m m u n i c a t i o n skills." A c k n o w l e d g i n g the historical centrality

course offerings. Students interested in i m p r o v i n g their c o m m u n i c a t i o n effectiveness as a means

and government often stem f r o m opportunities provided to c o m m u n i c a t i o n majors. The Hope c o m m u n i c a t i o n c u r r i c u l u m also provides a widely recognized, strong foundation for students planning graduate

of c o m m u n i c a t i o n training to the liberal arts tradition, and recognizing contem-

of increasing their overall success in disciplines outside the c o m m u n i c a t i o n

level study in c o m m u n i c a t i o n at major graduate institutions.

porary societal demands for enlightened.

d e p a r t m e n t are welcome to draw on com-

casting, closed-circuit television, public relations, h u m a n resource development,

Ted Nielson, J i m Herrick, Sharon Mahood. Joe MacDoniels.



C o m p u t e r Science: C o m p u t e r Science is a y o u n g and rapidly developing discipline. In recognition of this fact, the D e p a r t m e n t of C o m p u t e r Science is c o m m i t t e d to providing the student w i t h a p r o g r a m w h i c h includes the basic f u n d a m e n t a l s of the field and w h i c h allows h i m the flexibility to pursue in depth m a n y of the diverse areas into w h i c h c o m p u t e r science is expanding. In addition, c o m p u t e r science interrelates heavily w i t h other disciplines, both in its application and its c o n s t r u c t i o n . It is our belief that this interrelation can best be emphasized by the establishment of direct links w i t h these other fields such as joint sharing of f a c u l t y and programs and by exposing c o m p u t e r science students to the f u n d a m e n t a l core of knowledge in closely related disciplines. The computing facilities at Hope College give the student an o p p o r t u n i t y to obtain a rich variety of experiences. The Hope College DEC V A X 1 1 / 7 5 0 c o m p u t e r s support a wide variety of software features and provide a contemporary e n v i r o n m e n t for c o m p u t e r science education. More than 200 terminals are available t h r o u g h o u t the c a m p u s for stu-

John Armstrong

ft wi i

dent and f a c u l t y use. There are also opportunities to use and apply m i n i c o m p u t e r s and m i c r o c o m p u t e r s . TRS-80 and A p p l e II m i c r o c o m p u t e r s and a T e k r o n i x 4051

fir ÂŁ i

graphics c o m p u t e r system are available for use by students and f a c u l t y . The Department of C o m p u t e r Science also supports an NCR Tower Unix system for classroom and research w o r k .

FIRST ROW: Gordon Stegink, Herbert Dershem, Bruce Dangremond, Mark Brown.

Gary Reynolds


Dance: The dance p r o g r a m is offered jointly by the departments of theatre and physical education and recreation, w i t h the assistance of the department of music. Cocurricular activities provide an experience w h i c h the student will want to m a k e a part of his or her training. The m i n i m u m expectation is that the dance student will participate for at least t w o semesters in college dance activities, in eluding auditions or performances, and a mini-teaching assignment in the public schools. Professional opportunities to w h i c h preparation in dance can lead include: graduate studies in dance, dance instructor in public or private school, recreator



dance therapist.








tion: The Department of E c o n o m i c s and Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n stresses both theoretical





economics and business. E c o n o m i c theory and q u a n t i t a t i v e skills serve as the cornerstone for advanced w o r k in economics and management. Students majoring in the d e p a r t m e n t actively participate in field trips, internships w i t h local business firms, and independent research projects. They meet frequently with




visiting distinguished economists. Courses in investments, real



business law and advanced a c c o u n t i n g are taught by adjunct f a c u l t y members, w h o are full-time specialists in their respective

FIRST ROW; Herb Martin, Robin Klay, James Heisler, Lynne Hendrix, Sylvia Boyd. S E C O N D ROW; Tony Muiderman, Bill Japenga, Robert Qentenaar, Peter VanderNat, Daniel Ebels.

fields. C o m p u t e r applications and simulations, role-playing, business








classroom w o r k . Hope College is the only college in the state of Michigan, and one of thirty-three in the c o u n t r y , to have received a George F. Baker Foundation Grant. This grant provides special e n r i c h m e n t and g r o w t h opportunities to students w h o show promise of being exceptional business leaders. The d e p a r t m e n t offers the m i n i m u m number of a c c o u n t i n g courses required for t a k i n g the M i c h i g a n CPA examination.


Stephen Bosch



Education: The Education Department seeks to prepare students to teach in the elementary and secondary schools of our nation. T o fulfill the requirements for graduation and certification, each student planning on a professional teaching career m u s t c o m p l e t e a major in an academic field, a minor and the professional education sequence. This sequence introduces the student to the theoretical foundations of creative and responsible teaching and,

Nancy Miller, Cathy Mervau, Karen Neufeld, Carl Schakow, Dan Paul, Susan Mooy, Harold Bakker.

simultaneously, helps the prospective I teacher acquire those teaching skills that < m a k e for effective teaching. A n integrated o field-theory approach to teacher preparation permeates the entire professional education sequence. Students become progressively more involved in field experiences and participate in increasingly more c o m p l e x teaching styles as they proceed through the program. This preparation model has been replicated w i t h enthusiasm t h r o u g h o u t the c o u n t r y . Even in today's " t i g h t " job market, graduates f r o m Hope's Education Department have been very successful. Last year Hope graduates seeking teaching positions were placed in schools in their c o u n t r y and abroad at a rate considerably above the national average. The Education Department actively recruits students who possess academic promise, interpersonal and pedagogical skills and who, at the same time, a i m for excellence in the teaching and educational vocations. Current research indicates that there will be an increasing need for elementary and secondary teachers.

I c




ENGLISH English: The p r o g r a m of the Department of English is designed to meet the needs of the student w h o wishes to pursue the






language as used in writing. Understanding the history and nature of language is basic to effective verbal c o m m u n i c a t i o n and to

literature in depth or the student w h o wishes to develop special skills in the art

good verbal artistry. The courses in expository and creative w r i t i n g begin w i t h and build on a knowledge of language and

of writing, either for their intrinsic w o r t h or in preparation for a specific career. The

lead to increased skill in using language effectively.

major programs objectives.




The d e p a r t m e n t is, first, a d e p a r t m e n t of literature. Literature presents to readers perennial h u m a n situations and issues —


the c u r r i c u l u m

provides those

w h o wish to teach or attend graduate school the specialized courses they need, it also seeks to meet the needs of students pursuing the broad aims of a liberal educa-

problems of identity, purpose, relationship and meaning. It enables one imaginatively

tion. By helping develop students' abilities

to enter and share the experiences of other

themselves logically and coherently, the c u r r i c u l u m at the same t i m e helps to

persons: to feel w h a t was felt by people in earlier eras, distant lands, entirely other patterns of life and to j u x t a p o s e those feelings w i t h their own. It is also a d e p a r t m e n t of language: of




prepare t h e m






careers in fields like

government service, law, business, librarianship, and the ministry that emphasize such skills.

the study of the English language and of

Bill Reynolds, Kathleen T h o m p s o n , Kathleen Verduin, J o h n Cox, Peter Schakel, Steven Hemenway, Francis Fike, Richard Smith, Charles Huttar.

Joi 1nA,m '>



Foreign Languages and Literatures: The Department





Literatures seeks to lead students to a more complete understanding of the structure and role of language in h u m a n society, to an understanding and open-minded tolerance of the c u l t u r e of the people w h o speak a language other than their o w n , and to the development of the ability to communicate in a language other than their native tongue.

Instruction is offered in

French, German, Greek, Latin, Russian, and Spanish. Some courses are p r i m a r i l y

fluency in the use of another language is greatly enhanced by m a x i m u m immersion in the c u l t u r e and constant challenge to use the language, the department sponsors m a n y supplementary activities, in w h i c h majors normally take an active part: language clubs, special language tables in the dining halls, language houses in each of w h i c h resides a native speaking student who provides conversational leadership and tutoring, foreign films, semester or year abroad or s u m m e r programs, t u t o r i n g

designed to increase fluency in speaking,

opportunities w i t h children of SpanishA m e r i c a n b a c k g r o u n d living in the com-

reading and writing. Others stress the pat-

m u n i t y of Holland.

terns of life and t h o u g h t and the great

A l l the f a c u l t y have traveled and studied abroad. Four of t h e m are natives of coun-







language. Since appreciation of other cultures and


tries other than the U.S.A.

John Armstrong

FIRST ROW: Antonia Searles, Claudia Ruf, Leona Plasman, Judy Motiff, Ruth Todd. S E C O N D ROW: Giesla Strand, Albert Bell, Jr.. Sander DeHaan. James Vanderlaan, Ion Agheana.


Geology: The Department of Geology has an established reputation of excellence. In recent years graduating seniors were accepted





T e c h n o l o g y , Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton, Stanford, Yale, and others graduate schools of high standing. The Department of Geology maintains

John Armstrong

Cotter Tharin, Ed Hansen, Kodjopa A t t o h , J o h n Bartley.

active teaching and research programs in environmental geology and land use has resulted in several student-faculty publications in recent years. Presently students are






f a c u l t y members in other areas as well. The Geology research laboratories are well-equipped and contain X-ray d i f f r a c t i o n and X-ray fluorescence apparatus, exploration seismograph, an earth resistivityc o n d u c t i v i t y unit and drilling e q u i p m e n t suitable






subsurface. Geologists study the materials of the earth and the processes and agents w h i c h act to change these materials. The physics of rock deformation, the origin and location of ore deposits, the spreading of the ocean floor, continental drift, plate tectonics, the c h e m i s t r y of sea water, the origin of the earth and of life, the use of land geologically suitable for home and factories, are areas of c o n t e m p o r a t r y research by geologists. A s the study of the earth is inter-disciplinary in nature, the professional geologist m u s t be c o m p e t e n t in m a t h e m a t i c s and the natural sciences. Accordingly, strong minors in other science departments and interdepartmental c o m p o s i t e majors are encouraged.



Stephen Bosch


History: History is the study of the h u m a n past. It is the foundation of understanding how we came to be what we are. Because the record is often crowded and c o n t r a d i c t o r y , history is a discipline that depends upon critical t h i n k i n g and careful evaluation of evidence. These are skills that lie at the heat of liberal arts education and that are vitally i m p o r t a n t to students preparing for careers in such fields as law, government, journalism, and education. For the student concerned w i t h developing an in-depth knowledge of the past, and ^ especially for the student w h o wants to FIRST ROW: Earl Curry, Bill Cohen. S E C O N D ROW: Larry Penrose, Mike Petrovich, Paul Fried, Meal become a professional historian or teacher, Sobania, Marc Baer.

the department offers traditional, full HISTORY M A J O R . For the student whose interests involve several major areas, we offer the C O M P O S I T E MAJOR IN HISTORIAL STUDIES. History staff members

bring varied backgrounds to their teaching. All have sustained their research interests through work in numerous foreign and domestic manuscript repositories such as the National Archives. Extended stays in Japan, the Soviet Union, Austria, England, and Yugoslavia help to assure both currency in scholarship and vitality in the classroom. History majors in past years have gone on to graduate schools, and into careers as professional historians — both as writers § and teachers. Many have gone into law | and the political arena. Some have entered j the ministry. T o accomodate the broad ^ range of interests and career goals of its majors and other interested students, the History Department offers t w o possible major programs and a minor program.

fTlHTHEmflTlCE (

- —










contains TRS-80 Model III and A p p l e II Col-


analysis, algebra, and statistics as well as a

or m i c r o c o m p u t e r s . These c o m p u t e r s are used in several courses and are available

business, or government. Students are encouraged to have a strong c o m p o n e n t in an area in w h i c h m a t h e m a t i c s is used.

number of courses w i t h a c o m p u t e r science orientation. A DEC V A X 1 1 / 7 5 0

for all students to use. The d e p a r t m e n t continues to offer a







Some suggested areas are c o m p u t e r science, physics, and economics. Some

System that has built-in c o m p u t a t i o n a l power and can be also be used as a

prepares a student for graduate school in leading universities in this c o u n t r y . Students w i t h i m m e d i a t e vocational in-

and minor in c o m p u t e r science, physics, economics, etc.

graphics t e r m i n a l is available for student

terests have f o u n d that the m a t h e m a t i c s

c o m p u t e r n e t w o r k gives students access to a large batch and t i m e sharing computer system. A T e k t r o n i x 4051 Graphics





J o h n Stoughton, Rick Vandervelde, Dave Carothers, Eliott Tanis, Frank Sherborn.


major provides an excellent background

g r a m includes courses in m a t h e m a t i c a l

students choose to major in m a t h e m a t i c s

T f L l B C

Music: The department of Music of Hope College has t w o alms — to supply the liberal arts student w i t h an elective musical background w h i c h will assist h i m


in being aware and appreciative of the g r o w i n g musical heritage of civilization, and to train the student w h o wishes to m a k e music his individual vocation. A student in the first group will find ample opp o r t u n i t y to enrich his musical knowledge by enrolling in the Introduction to Music course, in any of the Applied Music courses, or by means of m e m b e r s h i p in any of the music ensembles. Students in the second group, if they desire to teach music, can elect either the Bachelor of Music in Instrumental Music Education or the Bachelor of Music in Vocal Music Education degrees, p e r m i t t i n g t h e m to teach music f r o m kindergarten through the t w e l f t h grade; the degree will not be awarded until the student has gained Michigan provisional teacher certification; if students desire to be p e r f o r m i n g artists, they should select the Bachelor of Music in Performance program; if they wish to major in music under the Bachelor A r t s degree, they m a y do so in either Music literature and History, Theory, or in •£ C h u r c h Music Education. A l l of the above m programs are designed as basic toward | continued study in graduate schools of music.

Roger Rietburg, Jantina Holleman, Charles Aschbrenner. Robert Cecil. Rusty Floyd, Charles Gray. Robert Ritsema, Stuart Sharp, Roger Davis, Joan Conway, Joyce Morrison.




Nursing: The Department of Nursing seeks to provide broad educational and professional experiences w i t h i n the context of a Christian liberal arts education. The program is designed to prepare beginning






capable of integrating their knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide q u a l i t y nursing care for people of all ages and in a variety of settings. The baccalaureate nursing p r o g r a m is offered cooperatively w i t h Calvin College in Grand Rapids. One department, k n o w n as the Hope-Calvin Department of Nursing, incorporates students f r o m both Hope and Calvin Colleges in junior and senior level nursing courses. Students enrolled in the nursing prog r a m engage in a wide variety of clinical nursing experiences. B u t t e r w o r t h Hospital and Holland C o m m u n i t y Hospital serve as Clinical E d u c a t i o n Centers, pr ov iding opportunities to care for people w h o need the

Doug Lehman

knowledge and skills of the nursing profession. Pine Rest Christian Hospital provides for learning experiences in psychiatric nursing and a variety of c o m m u n i t y agencies offer students an o p p o r t u n i t y to care for clients outside of a hospital setting. Clpon c o m p l e t i o n of all requirements, students receive a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing (BSN) f r o m Hope College and are eligible to take state licensing examinations to become a registered nurse (RN). Alternatively, it is possible for the student to receive a Bachelor of A r t s degree w i t h a major in nursing.

John Armstrong

FIRST ROW: Barb Timmermans, Bonnie Medema, Bethany Gordon, Linda Burden, Mary Doornbos, Darlene Rubingh, Lynn Stachel. S E C O N D ROW: Cynthia Kielinen, Sharon Matyas, Maureen Leen CloeAnn Danford, Ellen Moore, Thomas Mansen, Louis Sytsma.


PHILDSOPHV Philosophy: Philosophy is a style of t h i n k i n g and an historical tradition of

t h o u g h t f u l citizenship sense of the t e r m .

thought; or rather, it is several styles (analytical, speculative, descriptive) and several traditions (eastern, western). It is at

2. Philosophical questions, whatever their specific content, have a tendency to become ways of asking the question. W h o

once the questioning search for meaning and t r u t h t h r o u g h o u t the whole of h u m a n experience and the history of such critical

am I? C o n s e q u e n t l y the s t u d y of philosophy relates directly to that quest for personal identity w h i c h is often par-

reflection. We engage in philosophical t h i n k i n g both t h r o u g h t h o u g h t f u l dialogue w i t h i m p o r t a n t thinkers in the history of philosophy and t h r o u g h disciplined reflection on the substantive issues we have inherited f r o m the tradition. This contributes to the overall goals of liberal education in at least three ways:




ticularly intense in early adulthood. This does not presuppose that one starts w i t h nothing in a way of answers, however. For the thinker w h o comes to philosophy as a Christian, for example, reflection takes the f o r m of faith seeking understanding.


3. The roles of other disciplines and areas of experience in enriching h u m a n life can often be enhanced t h r o u g h deliberate

members of our society requires an understanding of our past as an inheritance to be gratefully received and

reflection on the goals, methods, and fundamental concepts they involve. This occurs in such sub-disciplines of philosophy

critically carried on. Since philosophy is an

as philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of art (aesthetics).







i m p o r t a n t part of our c u l t u r a l heritage, its study belongs to the preparation for

Merold Westphal, A n t h o n y Perovich, A r t h u r Jentz.



John Armstrong

FIRST ROW: Gregg Afman, Rich Ray, Glenn VanWieren, Russ DeVette, Gordon Brewer. S E C O N D ROW: Carol Hansen Dan Hansen, Bill Vanderbilt, Ray Smith, Donna Sass, Anne Irwin. Jane Mason, John Patnott

Physical E d u c a t i o n and Recreation: The c u r r i c u l u m of the Department of Physical Education and recreation is designed to provide the undergraduate student a strong liberal arts b a c k g r o u n d in addition to specific areas of expertise w i t h i n physical education, recreation a n d / o r dance. T o be liberally educated, persons should be knowledgeable about their bodies, good nutrition, and the benefits of a habit of exercise. Additionally, it w o u l d seem important for each undergraduate to develop enough skill in one or t w o carry-over activities to find those activities fun and physiologically and psychologically beneficial. All students are required to take Health D y n a m i c s during one of the first t w o semesters on c a m p u s . This is a t w o credit course and fulfills the P.E. College Core requirement in Physical Education. Students are encouraged to take four additional 100 level a c t i v i t y courses in their remaining years at Hope.



Physics: The Department of Physics offers a comprehensive program for those desiring a career in physics, engineering, or allied natural sciences. The physics course structure allows students to tailor their program to their main interests. Opportunities for research participation are available to all physics students at all class levels during both the academic year and the s u m m e r . Students are presently engaged in: X-ray analysis of trade elements in e n v i r o n m e n t a l samples, c o m p u t e r analysis of experimental data, design and fabrication of electronic circuits to process data, experimental studies of nuclear reactions, m i c r o c o m p u t e r control of industrial systems, c o m p u t e r analysis of mechanical structures. The undergraduate research program centers around the 2.5 million volt Van de Graaff accelerator and the facilities for in-


dustrial process control. The accelerator laboratory has a full c o m p l e m e n t of nuclear particle detectors and electronic instrumentation, and special equipment can be designed and constructed in the fully equipped metal shop and electronics laboratory. S u c h extensive laboratory facilities are rarely found in undergraduate colleges the best ried out puter to

and are comparable to those in graduate schools. Research is carin the application of microcomthe control of industrial machines

and processes. Students have the opport u n i t y to help develop systems that are m a n u f a c t u r e d and put into actual use. Research projects in geophysics, Fourier optics, and applied m a t h e m a t i c a l methods are also available. The College's DEC VAX 11 / 7 5 0 C o m p u t e r Systems are used extensively by physics students at all levels.

FIRST ROW: Pete Jolivette, James VanPutten, Richard Brockmeir S E C O N D ROW: Pete Gonthier, Bryant Hichwa, Shin Takeshita, Harry Frissel.



1 John Armstrong

Robert Elder, Jack Holmes, James Zoetway.

Political Science: The academic program of the Department of Political Science seeks to provide the student w i t h a





ment, political behavior and political institutions in the local, state, national and international areas. T o a c c o m p l i s h this

w h i c h give the student a first-hand en-

In addition to courses, students majoring

counter w i t h political processes both at h o m e and abroad. For example, they work

in political science have engaged in a wide variety of activities w h i c h include: organizing a local Holland precinct, sponsoring a

in political campaigns, intern in local and c o u n t y governments, observe national presidential conventions, and w o r k as a Congressional aide. All political science

goal students majoring in political science take such courses as " H i s t o r y of Political Theory," "Comparative Government,"

majors have the o p p o r t u n i t y to apply for the Washington honors Semester Program. This interdisciplinary program enables

" A m e r i c a n Political Parties," and "International Law." In a d d i t i o n t o t h e s e

students to enroll in seminars w i t h key political and administrative officials in or concerned about the national government.

theoretical courses, students enroll for academic credit in departmental programs

model United [Nations for local area high schools, meeting w i t h prominent c a m p u s visitors, such as Senators Mark Hatfield and Robert Packwood, organizing a "getout-to-vote" c a m p a i g n a m o n g college students over the "age of m a j o r i t y , " serving as y o u t h chairmen of c o u n t y , congressional district, and state political party committees.




Psychology: The Department of Psychology aims to provide its students with a strong base in the methodology and fundamental concepts of p s y c h o l o g y in order to prepare t h e m to enjoy the study of

The department also offers students opportunities to witness and experience psychological principles and thereby to

behavior or to pursue graduate study or

shape their personal visions for the future. A l m o s t half of the department's courses offer the o p p o r t u n i t y for laboratory

practical applications of psychology. It is the department's philosophy that the best

experience. The d e p a r t m e n t ' s

preparation for the f u t u r e comes t h r o u g h acquiring the intellectual tools that will

facilities include a faculty-student lounge, an eight-room laboratory for observing

enable the student to be a problem solver,

children and small groups, 40 additional rooms for laboratory instruction and

to change and grow as old techniques and vocational specialities become obsolete and new approaches become available.



research w i t h h u m a n s and animals, com-

facilities. Many students collaborate w i t h faculty in research in m u c h the same way that graduate students do in large universities. E a c h year 30-35 p s y c h o l o g y students are involved in independent study. The Psychology-Sociology c o m p o s i t e Major is designed specifically for students who plan to enter the " h e l p i n g professions," such as social work. This program utilizes the greater Holland c o m m u n i t y and its social agencies as a laboratory



puter facilities, and innovative classroom

John Armslroog

FIRST ROW: Chuck Green. Jane Dickie, David Myers. S E C O N D ROW: Pat Ponto. James Motiff. F Phillip VanEyl, Les Beach.


RELIGION Religion: The broad academic purpose of the study of religion at the college level is to understand the Christian faith and the role of religion in h u m a n culture. T o accomplish Religion

that is



the into

Department five


of of

academic investigation: Biblical studies, historical studies, theological studies, w o r l d religions, and religion in contem porary culture. While each student majoring in religion is required to enroll in both beginning and advanced level courses in each of the five areas, most religion students have found the religion major an excellent way of focusing their liberal arts education at Hope College. Students majoring in religion participate in a wide variety of academic and service activities. Students majoring in religion may f o r m a c o m p o s i t e major w i t h another academic discipline, such as Philosophy, Communication, Theatre, Music, Psychology,



Sociology, and History. Each year many graduates of this department go on to graduate studies in major universities and seminaries in this c o u n t r y and abroad. ••



John Armstrong

Allen Verhey, Barry Bandstra, T o m Kennedy, Boyd Wilson, Wayne Boulton, Dennis Voskuil, Robert Palma.



Sociology and Social W o r k : The Department of Sociology and Social Work provides students w i t h a variety of courses in two preprofessional "tracks." The Sociology track prepares students who plan to enter graduate or professional school in the areas of sociology, law, urban planning, the m i n i s t r y , and numerous other fields. The Social Work track, w h i c h is granted in c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h the Department of Psychology, prepares students who are intending to join the " h e l p i n g professions," either directly after graduation or following graduate studies in social work. Sociology can be defined as the scientific study of h u m a n societies. In order for students to engage in this study, they will be introduced to major theoretical and methodological issues of the discipline. Students will be able to choose f r o m a wide selection of topical courses. These courses bring methodological

various theoretical understandings to

and the

analysis of specific social structures and processes. The Social Work major, a composite of Psychology and Sociology, is designed for students who are intending to enter professions w h i c h require direct contact w i t h people concerning their social and personal welfare. This major builds upon a broad liberal arts base and examines: a) the philosophies of social welfare; b) various theoretical p e r s p e c t i v e s of sociology, psychology, and the other social sciences; and c) the c o m p l e m e n t a r y utility and integrative properties of the various theoretical perspectives. Sociology and Social Work


have the unique o p o r t u n i t y to carry out some of their studies in other social contexts. In particular, the Philadelphia Urban Semester and C h i c a g o M e t r o p o l i t a n Semester offer students courses and field placements in an urban setting.


SIX Theatre:

Course offerings



along w i t h the d e p a r t m e n t ' s co-curricular p r o d u c t i o n program, are designed t o provide the liberal a r t s s t u d e n t with knowledge of an expereince in an art f o r m w h i c h has played an i m p o r t a n t role in our c u l t u r a l history as well as in c o n t e m p o r a r y society. Performance of laboratory experience makes possible an appreciation of the art w h i c h can be derived only f r o m direct participation. The practical experience of w o r k i n g together in a disciplined collaborative art facilitates one's understanding






people. The theatre p r o g r a m is further intended to enhance the c u l t u r a l life of the comm u n i t y t h r o u g h the presentation of plays of value for a historical, c o n t e m p o r a r y , literary, or entertainment point of view.

M a r k Billadeau


J o h n Gardnt i

John Armstrong


Gordon VanWylen


Kurt Martin

Jacob Nyenhuis 76



William K Anderson

Robert DeYoung


Ann VandenBerg, Ruth Klungle, Bruce Himebaugh.

J i m Revel!

Bob Van, Pam Rezek, Mary Kraai, James Bekkering, Ken Neevel.



FIRST ROW: John Greller, Mary Porter, Esther Moelnaar, Pat Crawford, Esther Hansen, Eileen Beyer, Robert DeYoung S E C O N D ROW: Barbara Grotenhuis, Cynthia Pocock, T o m Renner, John Nordstrom, Chris DePree, Esther Cleason, Harold Ritsema, Donna Schultz, Arloa Jurnes, Vern Schipper, Mary Kempker.


Gail Smith, Phyllis Hooyman, Connie Ramirez, Kendra Schurman, Marty Ash.


FIRST ROW: Dale Austin, Sara Schmidt, Sue Langejans. Bruce Johnston S E C O N D ROW: Dean Dirkse, Dar Topp, Fonda Green. Sophie Hamburg, Phil Fredrickson.



Alfredo Gonzales, Andrea Mlreles, Francis Gamez, Relisha Arasmith


y a

Ray Gutknecht, Jerry Gunnink, Joel Otting, Duane Terpstra.


Marty Sosa. Gwen Hoekstra.


J i m Revel!

Linda Shivley, Mary S m i t h , Melissa Hakken, J o n Huisken, Ro Beals, Diane Hichwa, Marie DeGroot.


J i m Revell

Paula Nadeau, Maxine Greij, Jeanne Goodyke, Sue Smith. Mark Cook.




Gerald VanHeest

L y n n Kennedy, Jacqueline Heisler


Ruth Dyke, Joyce Hanlon, Barb Helmus, Sharon Blanksma.








Doug Lehman

B r i a n Greene




SPORTS' SHORTS No lower than a second place finish in all spring sports by any Hope team.

In baseball, Greg Heeres pitched the 14th no-hitter in league history in a 3-0 v i c t o r y over Kalamazoo.

The football team ended up eighth in the N C A A Division III final polls.

Hope finished third in the final N C A A Division men's basketball standings.

Dan Qustad was named to the third All-America team in N C A A Division III.

First t i m e since 1927-28 that one school captured the so-called "big t h r e e " (football, men's basketball, and baseball) in a single school year.

Rob Appell won the N C A A Division III national high j u m p event when he cleared 7-0.

MVP honors in the M I A A went to Greg Heeres (football — offensive), Lindsey Dood (cross country), Dan Gustad (basketball), Pete Tilden (swimming), Rob Appell (track). Randy S m i t h (tennis), and T o m B y l s m a (baseball).

T h e men's basketball team advanced to the N C A A Division III Great Lakes Regional for the f o u r t h straight year.

T h e football team had their first ever undefeated season 9-0. Ray S m i t h (along w i t h Dick Tressel) was named the football coach-of-the-year in N C A A Division III.

Greg Heeres ended his career as the most proficient passer in the N C A A Division III. Hope football led N C A A Division III in scoring offense.

Greg Heeres tried out w i t h the Atlanta Falcons as a free agent.

Hope won its sixth consecutive M I A A all-sports c h a m p i o n s h i p with o u t r i g h t c h a m p i o n s h i p s in football, men's basketball, baseball, men's track, and w o m e n ' s s w i m m i n g . Co-champions in men's cross country.


J i m Behrenwald was voted to the 1984 Pizza Hut Division III All-America offensive team. T h u r l a n d Cole was named to the second team defensive. Greg Heeres was chosen as the third team quarterback. Mike Stewart was recognized as an honorable mention.

GOLF The golf team finished in a strong 3rd place w i t h a total stroke average of 404.9. The highlight of the year was Paul Deboer's 74 strokes on Olivet's home course w h i c h tied the course record and w o n h i m the round. Paul was also named to the A l l - M I A A team.


Strong play also c a m e f r o m M a t t Strong and Doug Kuiper w h o were 14th and 15th in the league, respectively.


Dave Beckman putts it in for par.


A team discussion over which club to use next.

SrV f 4 *

FIRST ROW: Blake ZandBergen, Matt Strong. Dave Beckman. Doug Kuyper. Matt Vanlstendal. Greg Heath. S E C O N D ROW: Coach Doug Peterson. J i m Raferty Chrif Slot, Ken VanderVeen. Paul DeBoer. John Wyman, Quinn Smith.



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Keeping the ball a w a y f r o m Calvin is often a tough job.





Ball-handling is the name of the game.

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John Armstrong


^ .



A n injured Magnus Ojert, plays heads up soccer against Calvin


.. ^ The team celebrates Jerry 's goal.

Steve Bosch

The 1984 soccer c a m p a i g n was a disappointing one for the D u t c h m e n . Hopes were high to repeat as M I A A champions, but the D u t c h m e n finished 10-8-0 overall and 7-5-0 (4th) in the league. T h o u g h the D u t c h m e n allowed only twenty-three goals all season they could only muster thirty-six themselves. In close games, the inability to score cost them. Highlights of the season came when Hope beat host Aurora to win the Spartan Classic. Sweeper Kevin Benham was voted to the All-MIAA team and also picked as the league's Most Valuable player. Joining Benham on the First team were Magnus Ojert, Paul Roe, and M i k e Brown. Dan Fead and J u d d Efinger were nominated to the second team. Benham was named Hope's MVP w i t h Scott Ellingson named most-improved.



Coach Afman and Assistant Coach Todd Kamstra, concentrate on the play of the Dutchmen.

Kevin Benham shows why he is so valuable near the goal.


FIRST ROW: Judd Efinger Kevin Benham Mike Brown. S E C O N D ROW: Magnus Ojert, Paul Roe. Scott Ellingson. Dan Fead, Dwight Beal, Dayna Beal. Dave Hartt, Tom Kohl, Todd Winkler Ron Giraadi THIRD ROW: Jerry Nyanor, Charlie Wallin, Mike Parker. Wally King, Dave Burgin. Doug Finn, J i m Letson, Cam McAuley, Stephen Schnitzer. Mike Kubert, Jason Tilroe. F O U R T H ROW; Jeff Beird, J i m Bursma, Chris Banyai, Mark Rehban, Curt Blankenspoor. Mike Mulvihill. Assistant Coach Al Carothers. Assistant Coach Todd Kamstra, Coach Gregg Afman.


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*0% Todd Garth uses his voice to cheer on the team


Kim Baxter shows how the cheer is done.

The 1984 Football Cheerleaders provided a lot of support for the team as well as for the morale of the fans. Their thrilling m o u n t s and c r o w d chants, excited the fans and showed the agility of the squad. They kept the fans in the game and let the team know they were behind t h e m all the way. They had a lot to cheer about this season. Members of this year's squad included: K i m Baxter, Karen Becker, Susan Beswick, J i m Bos, Susie Bosch, Jennifer Carr, J e f f Discher, Bill Ellingboe, Todd Garth, Tod Gugino, J i m Gray, V i c k i Januska, A m y McFadden, Doug Roehm, Mark Synder, and Penny Yonkers.


/• Karen Becker shows the art of t w o man lifts.

Sue Beswick flips for the team.


RECORDS E S T A B L I S H E D BY 1984 HOPE COLLEGE FOOTBALL TEAM *Most wins in a season — 9 •Consecutive games without a loss at home — 16 • H o m e co m i n g game attendance — 5.506 •Most points in a season — 363 •Most touchdowns — 52 •Most team t o u c h d o w n passes in a season — 23 •Most first downs in a season — 190 •Most yards total offense — 3,916 •Most team passes attempted in a season — 256 •Most team passes completed in a season — 147 •Most yards passing in a season — 2.188 •Most opponent passes intercepted — 26 •Longest T D run f r o m scrimmage — 97 yards by T o m VanHeest vs. A l m a •Most touchdowns in a single game — 5 by Mike S t u r m vs. Olivet Nazarene •Career total offense — 4,978 by Greg Heeres •Career passes attempted — 630 by Greg Heeres •Career passes completed — 347 by Greg Heeres •Career passing yardage — 5,120 by Greg Herres • T o u c h d o w n passes t h r o w n in career — 53 by Greg Heeres •Single season passes a t t e m p t e d — 232 by Greg Heeres •Single season passes complete — 130 by Greg Heeres •Yards passing in a season — 1,946 by Greg Heeres • T o u c h d o w n passes caught in a season — 10 by Brian Oosterhouse •Average yards per rushing carry in a season — 7.0 by T o m VanHeest •Most points scored in a season — 86 by Mike S t u r m M IAA M O D E R N DAY RECORDS E S T A B L I S H E D BY HOPE C O L L E G E IM 1984 •Team yards passing in a season — 1,254 •Yards passing by an individual in a season — 1,158 by Greg Heeres •Passing efficiency in a season — 151,14 by Greg Heeres. •Freshman pass receptions — 28 by Bill Vanderbilt.

The D u t c h m e n concluded their season with a first ever undefeated record, (9-0 overall, 5-0 in league). Hope landed eleven players on the All-MIAA first team. They were: center Jeff Allen, guard J i m Behrenwald, defensive t a c k l e T h u r l a n d Cole, linebacker T i m Hansen, safety Scott Jecmen, middle guard Blaine Mewhouse, wingback Brian Oosterhouse, linebacker Mike Stewart, fullback M i k e S t u r m , tailback T o m VanHeest, and quarterback Greg Heeres. Second team selections were linebacker Dave Morren, kicker Randy Smith, defensive back M i t c h VanPutten, guard Steve W i t m e r , and defensive end Steve Zeldenrust. M a n y individual honors

were bestowed. Greg Heeres was ranked first in the M I A A in passing efficiency, Heeres also established a new N C A A Division III National record in passing efficiency. Heeres was also voted most valuable offensive player in the M I A A along w i t h being chosen Hope's MVP. He also surpassed the Division III record for the best percentage of passes to result in t o u c h d o w n s . Heeres set M I A A m a r k s for passing yardage and passing efficiency. Dave Morren received the Allen C. Kinney award for the most overall c o n t r i b u t i o n to the football program. Jeff Allen and Scott J e c m e n were chosen to the Great Lakes (District 4) College Division All-Academic

football squad. T h r o u g h o u t the year, several players were named players of the week. They included: T o m VanHeest (2), M i t c h VanPutten (1), M i k e Stewart (1), and Greg Heeres (1). Mike S t u r m set a new record for points scored in a season. S t u r m scored a school record five t o u c h d o w n s in a v i c t o r y over Olivet Nazarene. Brian Oosterhouse set a single season record for t o u c h d o w n pass receptions. T o m VanHeest established a m a r k for the best average yards per rush, including a 97 yard run against A l m a . The 1984 team is the highest scoring in Hope history at 40.3 points per game.

John Armstrong

• e ' . a r u i ' i i M l B i i t f i

IRST ROW: Ryan Pfahler, Scott Donze, Brian Oosterhouse. Greg Heeres, Scott Jecmen. Dave Morren, J i m Behrenwald. Jeff Allen, Mike Stewart. Thurland Cole, Mike Slurm S E C O N D ROW; Steve Zeldenrust, Steve Witmer, Joel Brouwer, Tom VanHeest. Johnny Marmelstein. Rick Baird, Paul VanderStarre. Kevin Spotts Mitch VanPutten. Kraig Jansen. Randy Smith. THIRD ROW: Dale Deloy, Bob Bogner, Jerry Bockstanz, David Harrold. Dirk VerMeulen, Blaine Newhouse. Gary Dozeman. Andy Thorpe, John Groeneveld, Jeff Harrison.FOURTH ROW: Tim Hansen, Dirk DeWitt. Larry Simons. Mike Reisterer. T i m Chase. Doug Cooper David Metoni. Roger Doom, T i m Buursma, Todd Stewart. Barry Immink.FIFTH ROW; Mike Maurer. Jim DeYoung, Ron Stoel. David Bolhuis, Dan Stid. Ken Trumble Mark Micho, Brock Konkle, Chris Mendels, Daren Fairfield, Bill Vanderbilt SIXTH ROW: Todd Rose. Don Dahlquist, Glenn Prinzing. Jeff Visscher, Craig Hessler Craig Forsman, Jeff Dawson, T o m Wight, Kyles Smoes, Jeff Lillrose, Marv Baldwin. T i m Elzinga S E V E N T H ROW: Brad Snavely. Brad Kokmeyer. Vince Borass Kevin Langs. Chad Campbell. Chris Habben, Craig Johnston, Don Corey, John VanderWagen, Todd Ackerman, Steve Grund, Jeff Dowd, Jim Permesang EIGHTH OW; Dan Henson, assistant coach: Doug Smith, assistant coach; George Kraft, assistant coach; Jim Bultman, assistant coach. Russ DeVette. assistant coach Ray - mith. head coach.; Richard Ray, trainer; Norm " B u n k o " Japinga, equipment manager; Steve Vaughn, student manager

Randy S m i t h gets the punt away

T o m finds a hole in the defense and runs for a big gain.

S t e v e Bosch


Greg Heeres explains the u p c o m i n g play

J o h n Armstrong

Dirk VerMeulen has the opposition in hand as T h u r l a n d Cole rushes in

Defense pounces on the opposition.

Ryan Pfahler congratulates Brian Oosterhouse on a job well done

Bill VanderBilt strides for a t o u c h d o w n


i Brian celebrates in the end zone

It s just you and me. kid!

T o m gets the needed yardage.


Jenny Sharp controls the ball for Hope.

E. T keeps an eye on the ball.


College Relations

FIRST ROW: Jill Miller, Carol Lunderberg, Leslie Harlan, Sue Walker, Betsy Huttar, Mel Nykamp, Kathy Dykstra S E C O N D ROW: Manager Lisa Van Appledom, Jenny Sharp, Polly Lydens, Kathy Chandler, Annete VanEngen, Petey Gecker, Lisa Lydens, Jodi Moorman.THIRD ROW: Coach Anne Irwin, T a m m y Avrit, Lynn Eickhoff, Connie Brown, Karen Smith, Melame Waite, Pattle Qaffney, Bethany VanDuyne, Cindy Parsons, Bobbie Whitehouse, Coach Carol Hensen.


The D u t c h opened the season w i t h a l-C win over league opponent Albion and ended their season w i t h a 105-4 record and 7-2-3 in the M I A A (tied for second place). They faced t o u g h non-league opponents such as Wheaton and Notre Dame, losing both but showing that they were a team to be contended with. Senior Melanie Waite established a new career M I A A mark for assists w i t h 16. T a m m y A v r i t and A n n e t t e VanEngen were nominated to the All-MIAA first team. Selected to the second team were Patti Gaffney and Jennifer Sharp. The season contained n u m e r o u s ups and downs, but overall, a pleasurable one for the players, coaches, and fans.

K a t h y Chandler outreaches her opponent to get to the ball first

m n


A stingy D u t c h defense allowed only fourteen goals all season.

Connie Brown waits to defend the Hope goal.



Karen S m i t h gets the ball out of D u t c h territory.

I^OLLâ‚ŹYBN.L The Flying D u t c h , under new coach Donna Sass, finished 12-17 overall and 3-9 in the league for 6 t h place. Senior captain A n n e Hendrickson was the only player






team. The highlight of the year c a m e at the





dominated its opponents until the final


m a t c h . There, they fell to DePauw of Indiana to place second. T h o u g h they had a





hard and kept m a n y of their i m p o r t a n t league matches to five games. Their determination and spirit carried t h e m through the season and should continue next year.

J o h n Armstrong

Lynette Kamps serves for an ace.

Anne Hendrickson exhibits top notch serving form


i C o l l e g e Relations

FIRST ROW; Betsy Oonk, Elyse Monroe, Sarah Veldman, Kathy Kaehler, Kris Schindler, Anne Hendrickson, Mary Kimball, Lynette Kamps, Kim Taylor. Kim Ruster, Knsten T a g g . S E C O N D ROW: Manager Jon Van Oss, Barb Gras, Dawn Groters, Kris Wagner, Lynette Ojala, Cindy Riemersma, Karen Visscher, Dee Ann Knoll, Sharon Van Tubbergen, i Vredevelt. Rowena Dansby, Ruth Ann Daily, jayvee coach Betty Morrison, head coach Donna Sass.


Mary Kimbell " s e t s " a good example.

Anne Hendrickson sends one home.

Sarah Veldman reaches back for a spike




Dutch show teamwork in a successful block

Mary Kimbell taps one over the net


Kurt Martin

T h e D u t c h m e n dominate the starting line.

Coach VanderBilt watches, and sometimes films, the style of his runners.

J o h n McElwee and Wally A v i s pace each other.



A f t e r a tough league loss t o C a l v i n in dual meets, the D u t c h m e n were able to overtake the Knights in the league meet to place in a tie for first. This m a r k s the f i f t h t i m e in eight years that Calvin and Hope have been co-champions. In each case (1977, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1984) Calvin finished on top in the dual meet standing while Hope won the championship meet. Hope was lead by sophomore Lyndsey Dood, who was named Co-Most Valuable Runner In the league and also competed as the only D u t c h m e n runner in the Division III Nationals, placing 47th out of 182. First team All-MIAA honors went to Dood, Randy Johnson,


and Scott VandeVorde.

FIRST ROW: Kevin Cole, Dan Kameron, Wes Ceely, Randy Johnson, Pete, Steve Elenbass, John McElwee, Jim Twinning S E C O N D ROW: Lyndsey Dood, Scott VandeVorde, Simon Hatley, Andy Kromminga, Kevin Shoemaker, Dan Josse, Craig Kingma THIRD ROW: Coach Bill VanderBilt, John Gardner, Rich Helder, Jeff Lar rabeee, Jeff Harlow, Walter Avis, Vern Wendt.

Albion leads, but Lyndsey and Scott are right behind.

Vern Wendt, "It's just me against the world."








season when the leading runner, Deb Heydenburg went out w i t h an injury. Newcomer A n n Griffith sparked the team along w i t h Sue DeSanctis, to keep the D u t c h afloat. Hope was 3-2 overall, 2-2 in the league. A t the M I A A meet. Sue and A n n went 3-4 to give the D u t c h c second place and a share of second in | the league. DeSanctis and G r i f f i t h were J named to the All-Conference team. And they're off!!

2 FIRST ROW:Coach Bill VAnderBilt, Gayle Bond, Jane Northuis, Sue DeSanctis, Gwen Griffen, Joellyn E Shull, Ann Griffith, Deborah B u r d a . S E C O N D ROW:Shelly Hegedus, Dana Barsness, A m y Affleck, Deb * Heydenburg, Jennifer Andrews.

Sue DeSanctis concentrates on her strategy to finish the race.

BHSKETBNI CH€€RL€F\D€RS The '84-85 Basketball Cheerleaders had alot to cheer about and they provided m u c h e x c i t i n g sideline a c t i v i t y as they cheered on the t e a m and led the c r o w d in c h a n t s and hand-clapping. Their thrilling m o u n t s and t w o - m a n s t u n t s showed their hard w o r k and ability as they pulled the c r o w d into the game. T h e cheerleaders opened the pre-game by s h o w i n g o f f their gymnastic





Th en their starting line-up tunnel w i t h the GO HOPE banner definitely showed all w h o they were cheering for and also their time-out floor cheers and c r o w d c h a n t s sparked the fans and showed all an enjoyable evening.

Sue Beswick and Mark Synder show the fine technique for a Christmas tree. John Armstrong

Karen Becker tells the c r o w d that Hope's * 1.


Big V, Victory!

The entire squad does a thrilling m o u n t during the Calvin game.

The starting l i n e u p . GO HOPE!!







team provided another e x c i t i n g year for

bion. Hope's d o m i n a n c e of the league showed w h e n the A11-M1AA teams were


Gustad, and C h i p Henry all were voted

N u m e r o u s records were established

f i f t h straight M I A A c h a m p i o n s h i p . They

to the first team. J o h n Klunder was

t h r o u g h o u t the '84-'85 season. T h e y set

entered the N C A A Great Lakes Regional

elected to the second team. T h r o u g h o u t

a M I A A t e a m record for m a r g i n of vic-

ranked third in Division Ml and second in

the year, these four seniors provided

t o r y w i t h 23.7 points and also a team

the regional. T h e y c a m e f r o m an eleven



field goal shooting w i t h a .558 average.

point deficit at h a l f t i m e to beat Otterbein by seven. T h e y lost in a t o u g h

ballhandling, crowd-pleasing jams, s k y f l y i n g shots, and 20' b o m b s lit up

B e c k m a n and Henry became one-two as the a l l t i m e leading field-goal shooters.

the c r o w d and lead t h e m to be chosen

B e c k m a n at .627 and Henry .620. O n the a l l t i m e free t h r o w shooters list,

c h a m p i o n s h i p battle to tenberg. Dave B e c k m a n Gustad




host and




T o u r n a m e n t team. In the M I A A , Hope d o m i n a t e d their








their fans. Their 22-4 overall record (111 in the M I A A ) carried t h e m to their



Henry, and Klunder were invited to play in the game.

as Players of the Week, d u r i n g the season. Dan Gustad was voted to the

Henry is tied for t e n t h at .771. Henry

third A l l - A m e r i c a n t e a m as well as being

also became tenth a l l t i m e career


bounding leader w i t h 356 boards.







opponents, falling only to Albion, at Al-

Dave B e c k m a n skys one over his Calvin defender.


J o h n Klunder pushes by Steve Schipper.

John Armstrong

Glen VanWieren's face tells the story of the Dutchman's season.

Tod Gugino lays one up and in.

FIRST ROW: Dave Beckman Tod Gugino, Jeff Dils, Dan Gustad, John Klunder, Chip Henry S E C O N D ROW: Steve Majerle, Matt Hester, Scott Knoper, Mike Harrison, Scott Gelander, Bill Vanderbil't. THIRD ROW: Assistant Coach Gregg Afman, Coach Glen VanWeiren, Scout T o m Dalevaar, Manager Steve Keiser, Trainer Ray, and Equipment Manager Norm " B u n k o " Japinga.

Dan Gustad pounds one home!

Steve Majerle passes off another one.

Assistant Coach Gregg A f m a n does post-game stats

Scott Knoper rubs elbows w i t h family and friends after a game.

Chip Henry breaks away

Scott Gelander lays it up for two.

W O M â‚Ź h ' S BhSKGTBNl

> m


O n your m a r k , set set, Go. •%

Marnie Marsters


DeAnn Knoll shows off her freethrow f o r m .

The Flying D u t c h basketball team ended the season 11-10 overall (5-7 in the M I A A for f i f t h place) under first year coach Carol Henson. Junior f o r w a r d Karen Gingras, set a new Hope single season scoring record enroute to becoming the school's alltime leading scorer. Gingras was voted to the ail-MIAA first team for the second year-in-arow, averaging 17.3 points a game. She raised her career total to 1,003 points. Junior f o r w a r d Paula W y n was voted to the all-MIAA second team while freshman DeeAnn Knoll was chosen the m o s t improved player. T a m i Japenga, a senior, received the Barbara Ellen Getting M e m o r i a l award for maximum team.





T h e D u t c h show off their defense.


Marnie Marsters


fc. • '.

Hope edges out their opponent at the tip-off.

Tami Japenga wants the ball passed to her.




%V I






FIRST ROW: Paula Wyn, Karen VanSlooten, Karen Gingras, Tami Japenga, Beth Beachum, Anette VanEgan. S E C O N D ROW: Trina Hargreaves, Becky Herin, Kelly McKinley, DeAnn Knoll, Carolyn Rink, Jennifer Brady, Betsy Conk THIRD ROW: Terri McFarland, Sue Buikema, Lynette Kamps, Jeniffer Engbers, Leslie Foy, Jacque | Schaendorf, Rowena Beals, Coach Carol Hensen. 115

Mâ‚ŹH'S SWIMMING The Men's S w i m Team, along w i t h coach J o h n Patnott took m e m b e r s of the

three individual events and s w a m legs on Hope's t w o A l l - A m e r i c a n relay teams.

Enroute to posting a 603 dual meet record and a third place finish in the M I A A ,

team to the N C A A Division ill champion-

Peel ended in a tie for f o u r t h in the 50-yd

the D u t c h m e n set t w e l v e school and six

ships w i t h the hopes of receiving their first

Free, s i x t h in the 100-yd Free, and 16th in

ever points in national c o m p e t i t i o n . enjoyed

the 200-yd Free. Senior T i m D y k e m a c l i m a x e d his col-

conference records. School records in the 400-yd Medley Relay (Eric Larson, Tilden,

their most successful dual meet season in

legiate career w i t h t w o A l l - A m e r i c a n per-

200-yd Free (Peel), 100-yd Free (Dykema),

history, but not since s w i m m i n g was in-

formances. He was ninth in the 200-yd

50-yd Free (Peel), 200 yd IM (Tilden), 100-

itiated at Hope in 1978 had the m e n scored

Free and 14th in the 500-yd Free.

y d Fly (Tilden), 100-yd Breast (Tilden, 200-

a single point at Nationals. Not only was that goal achieved this

Peel and D y k e m a joined seniors Rex Romano and Pete Tilden on t w o medal win-

( D y k e m a , Romano, Peel, Tilden), and the

year, but the D u t c h m e n returned w i t h four

ning relay teams. Hope was eighth in the 400-yd Free relay and 12th in the 800-yd

800-yd Free Relay (Peel, Romano, Tilden,

Free relay. A l l four s w i m m e r s were voted

(Dykema), 100-yd Free (Dykema), 50-yd Free (Peel), 200-yd IM (Tilden), 200-yd





All-Americans w h o had medal-winning performances in six events enroute to finishing 12th in the 80 team field. T h e y

to the all-MIAA team.

scored 72.5 points. The D u t c h m e n were led by sophomore Rob Peel at Nationals,

s w i m m e r in the M I A A after w i n n i n g three

who received A l l - A m e r i c a n designation in

gold medals in the league c h a m p i o n s h i p s .



voted the













Dykema). M I A A records in the 500-yd Free

Breast (Tilden), and the 800-yd Free Relay (Peel, Romano, Tilden, Dykema).

F I R S T ROW: Eric Larsen, Rob Peel, Rex Romano, John Eckert, T o m Graybill. S E C O N D ROW: Coach John Patnott, Marcel Sales, Kurt VanOveren, Mike Magan, Todd Korell, Mike Wiersma.



s Pete Tilden gets a ' f l y i n g " start over the competition.

Rex Romano breaststrokes to victory.








team, under the c o a c h i n g of J o h n Patnott, w o n the M I A A title for the s i x t h straight year. The D u t c h posted an 8 0 overall and a 5 0 M I A A record. This year, the team

has established

eight school and five M I A A records. J u n i o r Connie Kramer

set the Hope 500 Free

record at 5:16.47, and the 200 Free M I A A record at 1:59.06. She was also a m e m b e r of the first place 800 Free Relay t e a m w i t h a t i m e of 8:07.24, w h i c h was both a M I A A and







m e m b e r of the Hope and M I A A record sett i n g 200 Free Relay t e a m w i t h a t i m e of 1:42.56. A l o n g w i t h the 800 and 200 Free teams, Connie was also a m e m b e r of the first place 400 Free Relay t e a m posting a t i m e of 3:49.97. F r e s h m a n Jennifer Straley set a M I A A record in the 1,650 Free w i t h a t i m e of 18:29.04. Jennifer was a m e m b e r of the 800, 400, and 200 Free Relay teams. J u n i o r Jane Houting set a Hope and M I A A record in the 200 IM w i t h a t i m e of 2:18.51. Jane was m e m b e r of the 800 and 400 Free Relay teams. She was also a m e m b e r of the first place 400 Medley Relay t e a m w i t h a t i m e of 4:19.08. S o p h o m o r e Sue Solmen was a m e m b e r of the 200 Free Relay t e a m and 400 Medley Relay team. Senior Katie Andree was a m e m b e r of the 400 Medley Relay team and a m e m b e r of the 400 Free Relay





was a m e m b e r of the 800 Free Relay team. Freshman Nancy Z w a r t was a m e m b e r of the 400 Free Relay team. The D u t c h sent Connie K r a m e r , Jenifer Straley,





Kaarli Bergman, and Karla K o o p s to nationals this year. Elected to the A l l - M I A A team were Connie K r a m e r , Katie Andree, Sue Solmen, Jane Housting, and Jennifer Straley. Straley, Kaarli Bergman, Housting, and Kramer w o n A l l - A m e r i c a n honors by placing 8 t h and 11th in the 880 y d and 400 y d Free Relays.

Karla steadies and readies for her dive.


FIRST ROW: Coach Jon Patnott, Jennifer Straley, Karol Troupe, Kaarli Bergman, Karla Koops, Katie Andree, Connie Kramer, Caroline VanderKuy, Nancy Zwart. S E C O N D ROW: Diving Coach Mary DeVries, Polly Lydens, Jane Houting, Charlotte Johnson, Sue Anderson, Neddie Haven, Jennifer Parker, Haley Foysland, Janet Carlson.

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ss- sssfcs; asfiftwssssus swast snMw : ••

••• *> V«s-SS. :

fflnniafiir wipii fw i oNn winiiii m ,


Preparation begins on the board for the upcoming race.

Encouragement from Nancy Zwart on the sidelines.

And she comes "flying" home



1985 Baseball T e a m gave coach

J i m B u l t m a n a nice going-away present;

then had to sit back and wait. Calvin lost t w o of their final games to give the

B y l s m a , Randy Cutler, Greg Heeres, and Rog Davis. B y l s m a was also named the

they w o n the M I A A c h a m p i o n s h i p w i t h a

D u t c h m e n the league c h a m p i o n s h i p .

M V P of the league. M i t c h VanPutten was

9-3 record ( 1 8 T 3 overall). 18 wins in a season is a record high for Hope. A t first, it

Records set this season included a nohitter against Kalamazoo by Greg Heeres.

the only Hope player named to the Second Team.

looked like Calvin w o u l d r u n a w a y w i t h the

His career p i t c h i n g victories, 22, is also a

title once again, but w h e n the Knights came to town, the D u t c h m e n took both

record. M i t c h Van Putten ran away w i t h the stolen base records. His 30 out of 31

became the first team since

games of the doubleheader and put the

thefts this season was a record as was his


pressure on. The D u t c h m e n lost one to

career total of 51.

A l m a in their last weekend of play and








that one school has w o n the " b i g three" of f o o t b a l l , baseball in one year.



Voted to the AII M I A A team were T o m

Coach B u l t m a n w a r m s up to the umpires.

S t e v e Bosch

T h e team watches the long fly f r o m the bench. Assistant Coach Ron Boeve discusses the game w i t h Greg Heeres.

Steve Bosch

Dave Cowman shows his base running skills as he rounds third base.

Roger Davis scoops one out of the dirt.

FIRST ROW: Todd Ackerman, J i m Klunder, Wally King, Daren Fairfield, Jeff Meudeck, Bill MacDonald, Brad Kokmeyer, Roger Swierbut S E C O N D ROW: Mike Tietz, Todd Kuiper, Kevin Langs, Ted Grund, Dave Gowman, T o m Bylsma, Steve Sommers, Chris Mendels, Jon Dezelsky, Terry Sing. THIRD ROW: Coach J i m Bultman, Equipment Manager Norm " B u n k o " Japinga, Manager Dean Warren, Randy Cutler, Ken Osborne, Rog Davis, Jeff Thompson, Chris Bluhm, Greg Heeres, Mitch VanPut ten. Assistant Coach Ron Boeve.


The D u t c h c a m e a long way f r o m their 4-23 record of last season. The D u t c h held guarded o p t i m i s m as they started the season w i t h seven freshmen. But, they surpassed their expectations by finishing the

ri Q p f ,

season w i t h a 14-7-1 record (6-3-1 in the M I A A , good for second place). A n n e Hendrickson was voted the m o s t valuable player while DeeAnn Knoll was named the most improved. N a m e d to the MIAA





drickson, Rhonda Buchanan, and A n n e t t e VanEngen. Karen S m i t h and Cindy VanT i m m e r e n were voted to the second team. A n n e Hendrickson set an M I A A Softball record


hitting eight


in her



College Relations

Hope shakes hands w i t h the opposition after a tough victory.

College Relations

F I R S T R O W : Paula Wyn, Karen Smith, Betsy C o n k , Rhonda Buchanan, Bonnie Koppenol, DeeAnn Knoll S E C O N D R O W : Coch A n n e Irwin, Shelly Folkert, Cindy ^ VanTimmeren, Barb Gras, Kris S m i t h , A n n e Hendrickson, Leslie Foy.


Fooled by the let-up pitch.

Annette VanEngen shows the f o r m of good bunting.

nerrs Tennis The 1985 F y i n g D u t c h m e n Tennis T e a m finished







Kalamazoo College. A t the league tournament, Hope was second to secure a solo hold on second in the M I A A . In regular dual matches, they were 5 T , losing only to Kalamazoo. In the T o u r n a m e n t


matches. Randy S m i t h was runner-up at #


singles as was Jeff

Harlow at



singles. J o n Etterbeek was c r o w n e d the c h a m p i o n at


4 singles. In doubles play,

the team of Etterbeek-Harlow defeated the K-zoo players at


2 doubles to be named

league c h a m p s . J o n Beyer and T o d d Stewart were runners-up at third flight doubles. Randy S m i t h was selected as the Most Valuable Player in the M I A A and was also the only Hope player named to the AllConference T e a m . S m i t h was also voted the most valuable player on the men's tennis team while Steve Vaughn was named most improved.

S t e v e Bosch

Chris Bajema slices one off his backhand.

Randy S m i t h stays ahead of the ball.

FIRST ROW: Jon Beyer, Kevin Hansen, No name provided, Mark Holzhausen, Jeff Harlow S E C O N D ROW: Todd Stewart, Steve Vaughan, Jon Etterbeek. Randy Smith, Chris Bajema, Coach Bill Japinga.

Jeff tries to distract the ball by telling jokes

Steve Vaughan bends back for more power on his serve.

w o M G f i ' s T e m i s

E x p e c t a t i o n s for the W o m e n ' s Tennis T e a m to repeat as M I A A c h a m p i o n s were

was the runner-up at * 1 singles. Cathy Walsh # 4 singles, Karen Visscher * 5

high as they entered the '85 season. W i t h

singles, and Beth Post-Moira Powers


doubles were c r o w n e d c h a m p i o n s in their respective flights. K i m Baxter was named






strong core f r o m their undefeated team of



last year. It wasn't going to be easy.

to the All-Conference team for the second

Things weren't meant to be, as they lost a t o u g h 4-5 decision to Albion. T h e n at the

year in a row. Jodi Hicks received the Sue

M I A A T o u r n a m e n t they finished second to a strong Kalamazoo squad. In other tourna-

Little S p o r t s m a n s h i p A w a r d w h i c h voted on by the league coaches. Cathy







ment play, the D u t c h placed third in the

valuable player on the w o m e n ' s tennis

GLCA. A t the M I A A t o u r n a m e n t , K i m Baxter







Moira Powers.

C o l l e g e RelationJ

FIRST ROW: Jennifer Minier, Karen Visscher, Vicki Vaughn, Jodi Hicks, Sue Christian S E C O N D ROW: Cathy Work, Michele Teusink, Katie Bruins, Beth Post, Kim Baxter, Cathy Walsh, Moira Powers, Coach Donna Sass.

Kim Baxter concentrates totally on her game

Just like a lady.

Cathy Walsh stretches for an ace.

Jodi Hicks shows her unusual serving style


Mâ‚Źfts mc\{ It came d o w n to the wire for the Men's Track and Field team this season. Albion, Calvin,






League C h a m p i o n s h i p Meet w i t h 4-1 dual meet records. A t Field Day, Hope c r o w n e d c h a m p i o n s in eight events as they ran away f r o m the c o m p e t i t i o n , beating the closest team by over 50 points. Kraig Jansen set an M I A A record in the 1 I O m e t e r high hurdles w i t h a t i m e of :15.6. Several s c h o o l records were established or tied: J e f f Allen set the record in the discus (148-5), and Rob Appell extended the record in the high j u m p by leaping a fine 7-0 at the National Meet. He also tied a school record in the 200meter dash (:22.1), and M i t c h VanPutten tied the school record in the


dash w i t h a t i m e of 10.80. Because of their fine efforts t h r o u g h o u t the season, Jeff Allen, Rob Appell, Lyndsey Dood, and Kraig Jansen were voted to the A l l - M I A A team. Rob A p p e l l was voted the M I A A ' s Most Valuable T r a c k s t e r for the second year in-a-row. Kraig Jansen and Rob



qualified for Nationals. Jansen in the 100meter high hurdles and A p p e l l in the high j u m p where he j u m p e d 7-0 and c a p t u r e d the c h a m p i o n s h i p .

Steve Bosch

Coach Brewer talks about the scoring.

/ M i k e Percy clears 14'6".


Marnie Marsters

Lyndsey warms up for the 10,000.

Rob Appell shows his f o r m that won him the national title.

WOM€H'S mew

M a r n i e Marsters

A fair start in the 100 yd. dash.

T h e W o m e n ' s T r a c k and Field T e a m had a chance to tie for first in the M1AA, but the pressure was too m u c h for t h e m as they finished a disappointing t h i r d at the


M I A A League Meet placing t h e m in a tie

mm ^

for second. They entered the M I A A meet w i t h a 3 1 record, their only loss c o m i n g at the hands of a good A l m a team. A t the M I A A Meet, Hope c r o w n e d three -

c h a m p i o n s . Paula S m i t h in the long j u m p w i t h a distance of 17-41/2 (for the third year in a row) w h i c h is also a new Hope record, Karen Gingras in the javelin where she set a new league record of 1 2 3 T 0 feet, and Becky Herin in the lOO meter high hurdles where she went undefeated all season. Named to the A I I M I A A t e a m were Karen Gingras, B e c k y Herin, and Paula S m i t h . Herin was v o t e d the m o s t valuable member of the w o m e n ' s t r a c k team. A





* ' <-


M a r n i e Marsters

Kathy Chandler shows why she'o so good in the field events. 130

Sue and Dana give Hope a good 1-2 p u n c h in the distance events.

It's not all f u n and games.

Paula S m i t h pushes hard for the 440 relay finish.



SOCCER Opponent

DUTCHMEM Wheaton (ot) Goshen Alma Michigan State Olivet Adrian +Marycrest, la. (ot) +Aurora Kalamazoo (ot) Albion Calvin Alma Olivet Adrian M a c M u r r a y (ot) Kalamazoo Albion Calvin +Spartan Classic, first place Won 10 Lost 8 4 t h in Conference 7-5-0

1 3 2 0 5 3 3 1 1 2 0 6 4 2 2 1 0 0

2 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 2 2 1 1 4 0 2 1


M E N ' S CROSS COUNTRY DUTCHMEN Opponent Hope Invitational — Second of nine teams Great Lakes Colleges Association Meet — Second of 10 teams Midwest Collegiate Championships — 21st of 26 teams Tri-State Invitational — 4 t h of 16 teams 15 Olivet 50 26 Albion 31 33 Calvin 24 27 Kalamazoo 28 19 Adrian 42 21 Alma 37 League Championship Meet — 1 st of 7 teams Tie for 1st in Conference (5-1) 4 t h of 22 teams

15 21 31 20 48

Opponent 7 26 7 24 6 0 17 29 0

50 37 24 36 15

Tie for Second in conference (2-2)


N C A A Great Lakes Regional

FOOTBALL DUTCHMEN Olivet Nazarene, III. 41 Depauw, Ind. 34 Carthage, Wis. 54 Wabash, Ind. 34 Albion 28 Kalamazoo 45 Adrian 38 Alma 34 Olivet 55

Opponent Hope Invitational — Second of five teams Great Lakes Colleges Association Meet — F o u r t h of seven teams Midwest Collegiate Championships — 22nd of 30 teams Tri-State Invitational — 3rd of 9 teams Aquinas Albion Calvin Kalamazoo Alma League Championship Meet — Second of five teams N C A A Great Lakes Regional — 4 t h of 14 teams

3rd — 3rd — 4th — 3rd — 4th — 2nd — 5th —

411 390 421 399 404 400 405

Opponent Home Course Round 1 (Hope) Round 2 (Albion) Round 3 (Olivet) Round 4 (Alma) Round 5 (Calvin) Round 6 (Adrian) Round 7 (Kalamazoo)

3rd in Conference

Won 9 Lost 0 1st in conference (5-0) VOLLEYBALL 15-2, 1 ^ 6 . 15-8

Grand Valley


+Denison, Ohio


1510. 159

+Ohio Wesleyan


1 5 1 1 . 15-13



15-10. 15-1

• f E a r l h a m , Ind.


20-18. 15-4

+ D e P a u w , Ind.


1 6 1 4 . 15-5



15-11. 15-8. 15-3



11 15. 5-15, 15 7



12-15. 1 8 - 1 6 . 9 15. 15 4 . 8 - 1 5

Spring Arbor


0-15. 15-5. 15 7



15-9. 14-16. 11-15. 15-6. 15-12



15-7. 15-8. 17-15



15-2. 15-7. 15-17, 14 16. 1 5 1 0

Siena H e i g h t s


15-13. 15-8

CJ-M D e a r b o r n


15-7. 16 14



15-5. 15-12, 15-5

Mott Community


15-13. 1 5 9



15-7. 15-6. 14 16. 15 8



15-12. 15-6. 15-7



15-12. 1 5 1 1 . 15-7

M o o d y Bible


15-2. 15-7

Trinity Christian


15-6. 15-5



15 12. 15-5. 15 8

Siena H e i g h t s


15-17. 15 11. 15-2



7-15. 15 12. 1 5 8



15-11, 16-14, 14 16, 1-15, 16-14

North Central


15 13, 1 5 8

C a l v i n ( n o n league) lost

15-11, 1 5 «

(J-M D e a r b o r n


13-15, 15-4, 15 10



15-7, 15-4, 15-3

Spring Arbor


1 4 1 6 , 15 13, 1 5 1 0

•fGLCA tournament W o n 12 L o s t 19


F I E L D HOCKEY DUTCH Albion 1 +Ohio Wesleyan 1 -fOberlin 4 +Earlham 3 Alma 0 Olivet 4 Wheaton 1 Calvin 0 Wis. Stevens Point 0 Wis. River Falls 2 Kalamazoo 5 Albion 1 Calvin 1 Alma 0 Olivet 1 Adrian 1 Notre Dame 0 Kalamazoo 4 Adrian 3

Opponent 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 0

6 t h in c o n f e r e n c e (3-9)

+GLCA tournament Won 10 Lost 5 Tie 4 Tie for 2nd in Conference (7-2-3)

Wheaton 76 Aquinas 70 Goshen 86 Concordia, 111. 91 Grand Valley 70 Nazareth 105 101 +Northwestern, la. 75 -(-Central, la. 70f+Rose-Hulman, Ind. 9 5 f + O h i o Wesleyan Adrian 75 Aquinas 116 Kalamazoo 78 Albion 76 Calvin 75 Alma 102 Olivet 108 Adrian 82 Concordia, Mi. 95 Kalamazoo 88 Albion 96 Calvin 64 Alma 98 Olivet 88 78M-i-Otterbein 68f++Wittenberg + D u t c h m a n Classic ++Frank Shannon Invitational +++NCAA Great Lakes Regional Won 22 Lost 4 1st in Conference (111)

Opponent 57 57 49 72 78 50 76 59 67 98 (2 OTs) 70 98 54 78 49 56 63 59 71 64 72 49 65 66 61 68


WOMEN'S BASKETBALL DUTCH Opponent +Ohio Wesleyan 59 64 +Wooster 68 59 +Kenyon 80 72 77 St. Mary's, Ind. 68 Siena Heights 73 56 -H-Trinity, III. 81 59 ++Weaton 67 77 Adrian 59 79 T r i n i t y Christian, 111. 58 56 72 Kalamazoo 58 Calvin 56 79 Alma 69 79 Albion 63 64 Olivet 75 68 Adrian 76 61 86 Kalamazoo 65 Albion 53 71 Calvin 62 75 Alma 66 93 49 Aquinas 67 82 Olivet 68 +GLCA tournament ++Hope Invitational Won 11 Lost 10 5th in Conference (5-7)

MEN S TRACK DUTCHMEPi 96 Hillsdale 79 Olivet 76 Calvin 95 Albion 97 Alma Adrian

Opponent 64 25 75 77 59 52

DUTCHMEN 59 Grand Valley 61 Adrian 69 Albion 55 Calvin 67 A l m a 65 Grand Rapids JC 51 Feris State 55 Valparaiso 54 Kalamazoo

Opponent 45 32 36 56 32 35 60 34 55

Grand Rapids JC Invitational — T h i r d place (8 teams) League Meet: K A L A M A Z O O 486, C A L V I N 361, HOPE 341, A L B I O N 285, A L M A 138, A D R I A N 118 Won 6 Lost 3 3rd in Conference (3-2)

W O M E N ' S SWIMMING ' DUTCH Opponent 73 Grand Valley 49 78 Adrian 25 76 Albion 36 56 Calvin 55 83 A l m a 28 73 Grand Rapids JC 38 73 Valparaiso 38 73 Kalamazoo 39 Grand Rapids JC Invitational — First place (6 teams) League Meet: HOPE 548, C A L V I N 458 K A L A M A Z O O 329, A L B I O N 304, A L M A 194, A D R I A N 158

Won 5 Lost 1 1st in Conference (41)

Won 5 Lost 6 2nd in Conference (5-1)

Opponent 0 5 9 9 5 0 2 3 9 0 0

Opponent 95 26 67 60 88 64

M I A A Field Day; 3rd Place (40 pts.) Won 4 Lost 2 Tied for 2nd in Conference (3-1)

WOMEN'S TENNIS DUTCH Opponent 9 J. C. Calhoun, Ala. 0 5 U. of No. Alabama 4 7 Siena Heights 2 9 Adrian 0 7 Olivet 0 6 Kalamazoo 3 4 Albion 5 7 Alma 2 9 Aquinas 0 8 Calvin 1 GLCA Tournament: Hope 3rd (17) M I A A T o u r n a m e n t : Hope 2nd (74) Won 9 Lost 1 2nd in Conference (5-1)

Won 8 Lost 0 1st in Conference (5-0)

M I A A Field Day: HOPE t s t 183 pts.

MEN'S TENNIS DUTCHMEN 0 David Lipscomb, Tenn. 4 JC Calhoun, Ala. 0 E m o r y , Ga. 0 Shorter, Ga. 4 Columbus, Ga. 9 Olivet 7 Albion 6 Calvin 0 Kalamazoo 9 Adrian 9 Alma GLCA Tournament: Hope 5 t h (36) M I A A Tournament: Hope 2nd (72)

W O M E N ' S TRACK DUTCH 30 Hillsdale 110 St. Mary's, Ind. 69 Calvin 76 Albion 51 Alma 72 Adrian

SOFTBALL DUTCH 15 MIT 12 MIT 13 MIT 8 Adrian 3 Adrian 11 Olivet 13 Olivet 4 Nazareth 3 Nazareth 3 A p r i n g Arbor 1 A p r i n g Arbor 1 Albion 6 Albion 5 Calvin 1 Calvin 6 Alma 0 Alma 12 Olivet 0 III., Benedictine 16 Siena Heights 3 Adrian 1 Calvin Won 14 Lost 7 Tie 1 2nd in Conference (6-3-1)

Opponent 1 5 5 10 3 4 7 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 0 5 4 3 3 0 1 8

BASEBALL DUTCHMEN Berea. Ky. 13 West Georgia 0 3 Columbus, Ga. 7 Georgia State Cumberland. Tenn. 1 5 David Lipscomb, Tenn. 6 David Lipscomb, Tenn. 7 Ferris State Ferris State 2 14 Adrian Adrian 13 15 Grand Rapids JC 4 Grand Rapids JC Olivet 2 Olivet 10 Kalamazoo 3 Kalamazoo 10 7 Rose-Hulman, Ind. DePauw, Ind. 8 4 Albion 4 Albion Calvin 3 4 Calvin 7 Aquinas 7 Aquinas Alma 5 Alma 3 7 Grand Rapids JC Aquinas 5 16 Grand Rapids Baptist 4 Grand Valley Won 18 Lost 13 1st in Conference (9-3)

Opponent 3 3 4 8 3 6 3 12 15 4 2 4 9 7 0 0 1 3 1 3 8 2 0 6 1 1 5 8 4 1 8



J o h n Armstrong


fm mim



m o t mi



S t e v e Bosch




John Armstfoog

S ' m m iOTil BETH



J o h n Armslrong



J o h n Armslrocvj

John Armslf^




J o h n Armstrong



i i?


ll w -

H i H H n i H I

fs^AFTE..^ John Armstrong



John Armstrong

1984 1985 was a great




Social A c t i v i t i e s C o m m i t t e e . F r o m the Labor Day concert by D e l u x u r y to the hilarious May Day p e r f o r m a n c e of T o m Deluca, SAC kept the Hope c o m m u n i t y entertained. A n d a lot of students helped out. T h r o u g h the c o m b i n a t i o n of dances, one m a n entertainers and bigger groups like the Chicago

improvisation City L i m i t s ,

c o m e d y troupe students really

became involved w i t h SAC as they participated in the various c o m m i t t e e s that m a k e up SAC. The big dances —


Winter F o r m a l and the D e W i t t c h Bash, were the best attended ever. W i t h a fine crew set to tackle 1985-1986, it looks like SAC's p o p u l a r i t y can only increase. J o h n Hensler A c t i v i t i e s Coordinator

John Armstrong

Being involved in F.C.A. for the past four years has been a true blessing. T o see a g r o u p of fifteen closely k n i t Christians grow into a Christian f a m i l y of t w o hundred members is very exciting! The 1984T985 year saw the numbers of F.C.A. double and the love and concern between each member grow. F.C.A. offers a strong g r o u p of Christian speakers w h o t a c k l e m a n y c o n t e m p o r a r y Christian problems and questions. F.C.A. also addresses the individual by offering an opport u n i t y to share problems, praises, or any needs they m i g h t have in a caring and open atmosphere. F.C.A. is a unique group of special people who really do care about one another. Special T H A N K S are in order for our very capable and dedicated leadership board; T o d Gugino (1st semester Pres.), Leigh A. Schott, Scott Mulder, Blaine Brumels, J e n n y Sharp, L y n Curley, Sandy Judson, Theresa Vanlstendal. Best wishes 1985-86!!




Yours always in Christ, Paul D. Fazio




C o l l e g e Relations

1 :Michelle Hartman, 2: J a n Deedrick, 3: T i m Long, 4: Richie Ray, 5; L y n Curley, 6: Karen Herderlong, 7: Sue Van Dop, 8: Steve Van Dop, 9: Josh Van Dop, 10: Susan Kotsier, 11: Lisa Ivie, 12: Marji Lindner, 13: Lon M c C o l l u m , 14: Angie Grochowalski, 15: Lisa Tjolker, 16: Lyndsey Dood, 17: Jenny Phelps, 18: Bonnie Schalhamen, 19: Jan Post, 20: Dan Covell, 21: Carol Ray, 22: Jane S m i t h , 23: Alison S m i t h , 24: Cindy Blight, 25: A n n Fredrickson, 26: Mary Aufterheid, 27: J o h n Delger, 28: Laurey Ellertson, 29: K i m Holt, 30: Gwen Griffin, 31: Phil Fredrickson, 32: Donna Kocher, 33: A m y Dokter, 34: Lisa


T h o m p s o n , 35: Bruce Johnston, 36: Alison Zeerip, 37: T i m Diffenback, 38: Lisa Christ, 39: J o h n Kleis, 40: Stan Fester, 41: J o Kleis, 42: J o h n Beyer, 43: Randy DeVries, 44: Don Pickard, 45: Brett King, 46: J i m Hop, 47: Judi Dragt, 48: Christine Damstra, 49: K i m Kossen, 50: Linda Solak, 51: J o h n Calvin, 52: Priscilla Bayer, 53: J i m Gray, 54: Will Walker, 55: Kris Barnes, 56: Jaci Van Heest, 57: Krista Buikema, 58: Meil Sobania, 59: Donna deForest, 60: Karen Becker, 61: Pete DeMoya, 62: Cobbie deGraft, 63: Dave S t u m p f i g , 64: Carlotta Ellison, 65: J i m Bos, 66: Greg Olgers, 67: Mike Percy, 68: Lizzie

Sobania, 69: Charyis Burd, 70: Wendy Townsend, 71: J i m Kleckner, 72: Rich Ten Pas, 73: Lisa Brawley, 74: L y n n e Lager, 75: Kris Williams, 76: Elizabeth T r e m b l e y , 77: Mary Van Allsburg, 78: Andrea S m i t h , 79: A m y Hathaway, 80: Anne Bakker, 81: LeAnne Moss, 82: Lee Veldoff, 83: J o h n VanLoon, 84: Dan Stegink, 85: Nancy Perovich, 86: Steve Boerman, 87: Teresa Vanlstendal, 88: Nick Perovich, 89: Heidi M c N u t t , 90: Dan Socall, 91: Scott Gibson, 92: Martha VanderKolk, 93: Patty Conway, 94, Taylor Holbrook, 95: J o h n Buchanan, 96: Keith Nelson, 97: Erin Haherty.

More than 80 concerts and recitals are given annually t h r o u g h the Music Department and its students and f a c u l t y . In addition to performance classes offered by the department, there are numerous musical groups w h i c h are open to all students.

the Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra, S y m p h o n e t t e , and various smaller ensembles. The Chapel Choir and Symphonette take extensive tours d u r i n g spring break. This year's Chapel Choir

Some of the vocal groups are: The College

toured the West Coast w i t h the highlight c o m i n g when they sang in the f a m e d


Crystal Cathedral.











C o l l e g e Relations

STUDENT CONGRESS Student Congress is the main body of student g o v e r n m e n t on c a m p u s . Students are elected to Student Congress to represent resident halls Following students.

and o f f - c a m p u s their election,

m e m b e r s are apointed to the various boards and c o m m i t t e e s . One of the m a i n c o m m i t t e e s is the A p p r o p r i a t i o n s C o m m i t tee w h i c h controls the allocation of the Activities fee to the organizations f o u n d on c a m p u s . Another i m p o r t a n t c o m m i t t e e is the





selects the leaders of the media organiza-


tions such as the Milestone, A n c h o r , and W T H S to name a few.


C o l l e g e Relations

Dave Brat, President.




J o h n Armstrong

Bob Karel, Jayne Zwyghuizen, Mark Kuiper, Tracey Taylor, Mike Winter, Lauey Ellertson, Taylor Holbrook, Sue Burrell, J i m Bos, Kirsti Stroom, Bob Kryger, Kathy Hogenboom.

LACR098ECLUB Because the Christian life is the seeking to live out one's beliefs and one's relation-


i i

ship to Christ, students are encouraged to involve themselves in the life on the campus in a way w h i c h expresses the faith am*


they own. The Ministry of Christ's people, organized and directed by students and the

wt. i* f

Chaplain, is involved in pr ov iding leadership and offering o p p o r t u n i t i e s for Christian service in four broad areas — worship, social ministries, evangelism, and personal and interpersonal Christian g r o w t h .


Dan Fead


i H R M tka



was f o r m e d in 1983 and has had its ups and d o w n s since then. The Club has nine m e m b e r s and practices t w o or three times

ches and Saturday t o u r n a m e n t s are set up between c o m p e t i n g schools, and the league finals, entry being based on a point system, will be held at Calvin College in



J i m Webster

The Hope College Men's Volleyball Club


Competition came mainly t h r o u g h Saturday t o u r n a m e n t s until the Club joined the MICVA in J a n u a r y . 1985. The Midwestern I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e Olub Volleyball Association includes 13 teams in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, such as







Doug Hall Tri-captain J o n VanOss Tri-captain F i t c h Hasbrouk Tri-captain

naments and some dual matches on campus to try to introduce Hope to com-

Mike Percy Scott Ward


Pete Follete Curt Blankespoor




something that is not very prevalent in Western Michigan.

David Kuiper

Calvin, Goshen, and Wheaton. Dual Mat-


9AILING CLUB The Sailing Club's second year was characterized by g r o w t h and acquisition. First, c l u b m e m b e r s h i p more than doubled, and particpants became involved in racing and other c l u b activities such as wind surfing, " d a y c r u i s i n g " on a 61 foot


y a c h t , and various fund-raising projects. The boat acquisitions became final w i t h the purchase of five Flying Juniors. In addition, one Laser was donated to c o m p l e t e our fleet of eight boats. Our new h o m e for the Flying J u n i o r s will be the Macatawa Bay Yacht Club, t h a n k s to the persistent work of Sailing Club advisor Cotter T h a r i n and C o m m o d o r e A b b y Madison. C u r r e n t l y , our major emphasis is on teaching basic sailing to all interested students and fostering a c o m p e t i t i v e sailing c l u b team. Daniel B. Fead Vice C o m m o d o r e


Liz Rice


f - 4-

^ 1


!) y

i t I'M 1


There is a wide diversity of honor societies at Hope. These organizations, open by invitation, give recognition to superior academic achievement. A complete list of the honor societies at Hope follows: Phi Beta Kappa (national honorary scholastic) Mortar Board (national honorary) A l p h a Epsilon Delta (premedical, predental) Beta Beta Beta (biology) Delta O m i c r o n (music — women) Delta Phi A l p h a (German) Eta Sigma Phi (classical languages) O m i c r o n Delta Epsilon (economics) Phi A l p h a Theta (history) Phi Epsilon Kappa (physical education) Phi M u Alpha Sinfonia (music — men) Pi Delta Phi (French) Pi Kappa Delta (forensics) Pi M u Epsilon (math) Pi Sigma A l p h a (political science) Psi Chi (psychology) Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish) Sigma Xi (science) Sigma G a m m a Epsilon (geology)



HfÂťPi CQUkh

Liz Rice

after three long years of waiting. A l t h o u g h

the airwaves. T o all the

e v e r y t h i n g seemed ready at the beginning of the school year, once again a few snags

waited patiently for WTHS, it is here. The next sound you will hear will be

were encountered. The E x e c u t i v e

" T h i s is 89.9 F M W T H S —

W T H S the station has become c o m p l e t e




The Hope

planned. D J ' s were trained and auditioned,

Station." It finally happened, and the project is









as the

problems continued to slow the process one more time. W T H S now is finally prepared to begin

A n n e D. Bakker W T H S General

broadcasting in 1985. The old staff can be

Manager 1983-1985

assured that the sounds of W T H S will hit



life just to t y p e the trash we printed each week. Renee Roggow: Probably the only person

While failing to m a t c h the q u a l i t y of last year's Anchor, the staff nonetheless attempted to build the paper into a respectable, sensationalist, liberal rag. Well, we

(at least this year); Andy Smith: Loyal p r o d u c t i o n manager

did it. Bouncing f r o m

'round nice guy ("or n o t " ) . Jennifer DeVries: A t y p i s t w h o could just

went. Lisa Jurries:

not get enough of it.

how to lay out. Dave Carmer: Well, um. Yeah. (Ed note; Dave was cartoonist and entertainment


issue to major

issue (and even f r o m minor issue to minor issue (And f r o m trivial issue to trivial issue (etc.,






and Mykerke orator. Greg Olgers: Valiant

Paul Baker: Business cellence (with the




manager par exmost realistic

who read all of each issue, proofing as she The front page girl who knew

editor w i t h a "great sense" of " h u m o r . " )

readers w i t h such scandals as the " B l u e Pig," the new library, the Prater's 150th

m o u s t a c h e on staff). Amy Raffety: A features editor w i t h a good


anniversary, Student Congress doing nothing, a t u i t i o n hike. President Van

ear for boogie (thus saving our dances and

w h o did his job so well he didn't have to do

parties) even t h o u g h she didn't get the

Wylen postponing his retirement, new con-

anything. Tim Estell:


" L i f e of a P o t a t o " story done. Denise VanderSteeg: T h r o u g h rain, sleet,

nothing, the Campaign for Hope, the religion department doing something. Con-

snow, and dark of night, she knew what keys to press and when to press them.

Kirk Kraetzer: A unique and outgoing individual who did not hesitate to effectively

gress doing nothing. Model United Nations,


A c o n t e m p l a t i v e soul

express his opinion on any and all topics,

aliens invading c a m p u s , W T H S still not go-

w h o knew her sports. Jennifer TenHave: A w a r m and g i v i n g face

in a variety of manners, as an entertain-







The advertising manager





himself as a deliberate graphic artist.

Honors Convocation. Publishing 26 issues (two more than nor-

w h o dedicated her life to digging up slush

ment editor and co-editor. Mark Rebhan: A sexist, heretical, poor, ar-

and m a k i n g it look like news.

rogant, trivial,

mal) and having a w o r k force of thousands

Leslie Harlan:

nonetheless increased Anchor

(more or less), the Anchor

people — a record u n m a t c h e d since the

unique style. Todd VerBeek:

previous April. The staff, strangers at the beginning,


grew to k n o w and love each other on a

editarial good taste.

weekly basis (and have decided to f o r m a c o m m u n e in Burnips (or Drenthe, depend-

Phil Tanis: O m n i p o t e n t , high lord w h o broke tradition and was co-editor (in chief)

ing on rent), where they will c o n t i n u e their

the entire year. (Ed note: " i n c h i e f " ? I beg

holy mission(s)). In no logical order, the staff is and was

to differ, Tanis. — Kraetzer) Lisa Boss: Forsaking h o m e w o r k and a love

ing on the air, Congress elections, and the

offended 1,827

A bookkeeper w i t h her o w n Photo editor w i t h consum-

m a t e skill, daring to bend the rules of photography,



boring soccer jock



(thru his c o l u m n ) by 57.4. Farmer Clem: " P u n k i n s is good for Valentines D a y . " Spiritual advisor and all around Murry: pain in the neck. The h u m a n adventure has j u s t begun — Phil Tanis and T o d d VerBeek




o o Denise VanderSteeg, Todd VerBeek, T i m Estell, A m y Raffety, Phil Tanis, Dave Carmer, Kird Anderson, Kirt Kraetzer, Greg Olgers.

MILE9T0NE This year's Milestone Staff w o r k e d long and hard to present the student body w i t h a book that represented the year at Hope. The Staff also stepped out and decided to m a k e some

big changes


as p i c t u r i n g


underclassmen according to living conditions and going back to g r o u p pictures for the faculty. The goals of the Staff included increasing the size of the staff; getting the student body, as a whole, involved by a l l o w i n g t h e m to subm i t pictures; i m p r o v i n g the q u a l i t y of the pictures; and p i c t u r i n g more students than ever. But our biggest goal was to represent your year as best as possible.


Secretary Jenny VanderHart

Photographer Brian Greene





Photo t d i t o r J o h n A r m s t r o n g /


Photographer Kurt Martin

Photographer Marnie Marsters Photographer Gary Reynolds

Photographer Steve Bosch


M a r k Billadeau

John Armstrong

John Armstrong

M a r k Billadeau

M a m i e Marstef!

M a r k Billadeau

D a n Fead

J o h n Armstrong

J o h n Armstrong

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a ^.3


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FIRST ROW: Tracey Rossow, Vernae Vetter, Kris Williams, Ann Reeg, Judy Nordmeyer. S E C O N D ROW: T a m m y Flanders, Dana Barsnass, Melissa Falk, Sue Buikema, Anne Clark.



FIRST ROW: Carol Johnson, Mary Homa. S E C O N D ROW: A m y Hathaway, Julie Zuwerink, Shelly Krause, Kelly Boyer, Sandy Havenga THIRD ROW: Susan Hardy, Laurie VanderHart, Julie Rahbany, Carolyn Curry, Shelly DaFoe.


FIRST ROW: Pam Sims, Michele Navarre, Debi Farina, A m y Affleck. S E C O N D ROW: Jenny Parks, Jana Reisterer, Lisa Peelen, Laura Koekenga, Susi Snider.


FIRST ROW: Carrie Terpstra, Jerilyn Sars. S E C O N D ROW: Mona Amin, Kim Walker, Kathy Reamer, Rowena Dansby THIRD ROW: Jan Deedrick, Denise Fanner, Jennifer Sweetman, Hope Gooding, Laura Zylstra, Jill Burggraff, Sharon Van Tubbergen.


F I R S T ROW: Sara Spraker, Linda Kyle, Anna Wistrand, K i m Chappie. S E C O N D ROW: Jane Mordstrom, Sue Ander son, Pam Smith, Julia Coscia, Shana Helmholdt.

B r e t t King


FIRST ROW: Lisa Tjoelker, Jean Bryne, Kaarli Bergman. K i m Thomas, Melinda McKinley. S E C O N D ROW: Vicki Kolling, Laura Saxsma, Jeanette Rasche, Sandy Poll, Jennifer Straley.

£ v

DYKSTRA 1-4 • >


FIRST ROW: Amy Duford, Karol Troupe, Rachel Savellano. S E C O N D ROW: Sue Milanowski, Tracey Barnhill, f^ichele Snyder, Kelli Burke, Mona Hinz.



w FIRST ROW: Bobby Whitehouse, Carrie Green, Traci Howard, Karen Horner. S E C O N D ROW: Tiffany Brown, Tina Partee, Sevim Kilic, Michelle Simet, Becky Thompson. Mary THIRD ROW: Sarah Birdsall, Kim Platte. Angie Carrey. Karen Henderlong, Lynette Ojala, Julie Muiderman, Gwen Abney.





F I R S T ROW; L y n Curley. S E C O N D ROW: Susan VanderLaan, K i m Kingscott, Vicki McKinnon, Lisa VanSlooten. THIRD ROW: Jill Toppen, Kate VarEenenaam, Deb Doeden, Hayley Froysland. F O U R T H ROW: Lisa Burgenmeyer, Suzie Dykstra, Barb Gras, Michelle Perzee, Jenifer Kocher.


FIRST ROW: Heather Northuis, Sue Giffels, Sue Jurgens, Renee Kramer. S E C O N D ROW: Kristy Jones, Lyn Curley, Heather Preston. THIRD ROW: Cheryl VanDahm, Sue Diekema, Jan Rudnick, Cathy Winger, Nancy Hendrixon.



F I R S T R O W : Katy DeYoung, Laura Arnett, Andy Smith, Tina Wichnal, Anne Jones. S E C O N D ROW: Emily Wilson, Lisa Lydens, Kathy VanLeuwen, K i y o k o Eto, Susan Beede, Michelle Rocheleau, Jodi Norman. THIRD ROW: Kris Smith, Debbie Lowell, T a m m h Boulter, A m h VanEs.


FIRST ROW: Sharron Stephens, Beth Post. S E C O N D ROW: Tara Forton, Sue Denker, Jennifer Westveer, Debbie Lada. THIRD ROW: Chris Eisenmann, Lisa Slover, Kari Moore, Vicki Mahaney. F O U R T H ROW: Judi Dragt, Diana Davidson, Ellen Burns, Shelley Mowery.



FIRST ROW: Deb Wolma, Qerie Waltz. S E C O N D ROW: Betsy Beauchamp, Laura Grooters, Rhonda Buchanan. Missy Nastase. THIRD ROW: Heidi Gadde, Renee Roggow, Kim Polen, Ellen Hadaway. FOURTH ROW: Laurie Grosvener, Deb Dykstra, Denise Pouts.



FIRST ROW: Carrie Grabowski, Kirsten Besonson, Janice Brancato, Cheryl Lawrence. S E C O N D ROW: Laurie Stahman, Marilee Bishop, Andrea Vncapher, Susan Swartz. THIRD ROW: Elke Sappok, Laura Sherwood, Bonnie Koppenol, Marji Linder.


F I R S T ROW: Elizabeth DeNeef, Carol DeJonge, Kimberly Doyle, Barbara Morrison. S E C O N D ROW: Shelley Strobel. Heather Raak, A m y Kennedy. A m y Ellis. THIRD ROW: Marti Schol, Heather Bolks, Marji Linder, DeeAnn Knoll, Charlotte Bredeweg.

R ^



FIRST ROW: Karen Becker, Donna deForest. SECOND ROW; Michele Brown, Myra Przybyla, Heather Noll. THIRD ROW: Katie Gaikema, Ana Ambriz, Kathrin Hutchinson, Janice VanStee, Meg Garver. FOURTH ROW; Marta VanderStarre, Carolyn Rink, Kathrin Miller, Tammy Morehead, Wendy deForest, Kelly McKinly, Shelly Huisken, Kim Naber


FIRST ROW: Donna deForest. Karen Becker. S E C O N D ROW: Carol Lunderberg, Karen Veramay, Melinda Mykamp, Cheryl Zuidersma. Ginny Clarkson, Elizabeth Cross. THIRD ROW: Laura Lowery. Jody Davis. Laurel Housenga, Laura Daverman, Adriana McCaleb, Rita Mines.



F I R S T ROW: J i m Hop, Ron Boardway, Carl DeLoof, Dave Fritts, Peter Vogelaan, Dwane Weaver, Pete Myers, Dan Hensley. S E C O N D ROW: Dave Carmer, T o m VanDenBrink, Marc O'Brian, Kevin Fischer, Rob Knapp, Mark VanDahm, Mike Bey, T i m Estell. THIRD ROW: Mike Maurer, Glenn Grevenstuk, J i m Sandstrom, Eric Dykeman, Ken Teremi, Todd Fortner, Bob Wuerfel, Rich Maxton, Mitch Ploeg, Jeff Birdsell, Rich Meyer, Geoff Springs.


1 i


FIRST ROW: Phred Mackraz, Randy Johnson, John VanLoon, Dwight TenHuisen, Joe Ringler, Pete Estell. S E C O N D ROW: Mike Kossen, Wef Ceeley, Dave Premo, Piet Westers, Mark Kuhlman, Chris Brown, Kevin Tysen, J i m Lawrence, Scott Kelley, Kirk Kruithof, Mike Feliczak. THIRD ROW: Mark Rector, A. C. VanderKolk, Cheese Olsen, Rick Flynn, Todd Winkler, Ray Woo, Grege Price, Barry Weller, Jeff Shaw, Mac Lippert.


F I R S T ROW; Janilyn Brower, Debi Haefner, Emily Churchill, Brenda Conant, Christine A r g u e . S E C O N D ROW: Elizabeth Huber, Yoli DeLeon, Laura Nelson, Gail VanGenderen THIRD ROW: T a m m y Lamer, A m y Duran, Erin Flaherty, Robin Kasten, Joan Cyman, Pam Douma, Ingrid Dykeman, Mary Foster. F O U R T H ROW: Susan Walter, Kris DeJong, Shelley Reigler, Janice Young, Mary Piersma, Kris Waqner Cindv Mathewson.

Mike D e a r


FIRST ROW: Leann Woodruff S E C O N D ROW: Harvey, Chris Hull, Stephani Haines, Lisa Horness, Mary Zolikhoff, Kathy Lindhout, Anne Corpenter, Lori Turkstra, Janine Torresson, Cindy Peck, Sooz

Colette Walker, Cathy Curran, Lorri Teper, Maureen Rand S E C O N D ROW: Lynette Good, Deb Lisa LeRoux, Missy Taylor, Cindy Tusch, Beth Waalkes THIRD ROW: Jodie Conkey, Katie Bruins, Angle Grochowalski, Liz Wright, Gretel Johnson, Leggs K o t t k a m p FOURTH ROW: Brenda Price, Lovell, Julie Getting FIFTH ROW: Leni Weisl.


S t


KNEELING: A m y Smith. Jenny Moore. S T A N D I N G : Theresa VandenBerg, Sonja Hrabowy, Betsy Oonk, Cean Gardner, Shelly Folkert. SITTING: A m y Trevarrow, Katie Hudson, K i m Modric.


KNEELING: Cheryl Dykema, Laura Sanders. SITTING: Carolyn Koester, Mandy Pickelman, K i m Holt, Izumi Makamitsu, Kristen Vanderbilt, Sandy Batcanic. STANDING: Jennifer Irons, Becky Herin, Kyle Sikkenga.


FIRST ROW: David Gurgel, Chuck Alex, Ben Soeter, David Merconi, T i m Jarzembowski, Mike Stewart. S E C O N D ROW: T o m Hadad Ron Lawrence, Ric Lawrence, Bill Holiamen, Dan Vermeer, Mike Derrick. THIRD ROW: Steve Grund, Glenn Prinzing, Jim DeYoung' Mark Bradley, Eric Stockhoff, Steve Spencer, Chris Slot, Scott Buhmaster, Scott Wolterink, Jason Ray, Dennis Dolson, John Engle. F O U R T H ROW: Glenn Bongard, Scott Schaaf, Craig Sharp, Mark Richardson, Todd Claypooi, John Wyma, T o m Jerdon, T o m Luckett John Meyer. FIFTH ROW: Paul Tan, Steve Grose.



:on on *nu

ivk FIRST ROW: Brian Eytcheson, Brian Keough, Rob Thurston, Steve Bosch, Pat Glennon. S E C O N D ROW: Kurt VanOveron, Robert Savage, Dave Hepanstal, Doug Clark, Todd Kuiper, Lloyd Pommer, Sean Harris. THIRD ROW: Mike Haverdink, John Eckert, Wayne W,tuet, John Hop, Bob Kleinheksel, Keith Nelson, Jon DeVoogd, Phil Hyun, Darin Fairfield, Dave Blough, Jeff Barnum, Joe Havenaar, Scott Werly, Dean Warren, Kurt Kossen. F O U R T H ROW: Eric Larson, John Billstrand, Rob Peel, Geoff Amelee, Kraig Kuiper. Steve Kostin. FIFTH ROW: Paul Kemler, Mark McNalley, Scott Ward, Pete Yoshonis, Jeff Lillrose, T i m Long, Lou Valantasis, Dave Aldrich, Greg Keith, Jerry Nyanor, Kevin Cowell.



FIRST ROW: Jan Sanderson, Elizabeth Sands, Elizabeth Bursma S E C O N D ROW: Debra McCaulley, Sheryl Brugh, Terri Henry. THIRD ROW: T a m m i l Brewer, Jenifer Minier, Diane Johnson.


FIRST ROW: Sygrid Heuser, Cindy Riemersma, Lynette Kamps, Ellen Tamminga, Dawn Grooters, Kathrin Harter, Karen Annis. S E C O N D ROW: Rena VanRenterghem, Jeanne Harris, Kim McBee, Jill Faber, Jane Lubbers, Teri Forth, A m y Reistener, Cindy Hollenbeck THIRD ROW: Wendy Campbell, A m y Sandgren, Linda Roelofs, Christy Rumery, Kay VandenBosch, Janet Carlson, Jacqueline Scanendorf, Leslie Foy. F O U R T H ROW: Angie Brown, Sue Thompson, A m y Hendrickson, Jodie Schmidt, Judy Sanderson.


FIRST ROW: Chris Gannon, Joanne DeVoe, Karen Reilly, Marcy Barnett, Kim Peppel, Kathy Green. S E C O N D ROW: Sharon Hoffman, Laura Ochsner, Ada Hamilton, Mary Gpton, Laurey Eilertson, Jenifer Andrews, Kris Stein, Beth Snyder, Judy Micou, Kristen Tagg. THIRD ROW: Kelli Vischer, Beth Hall, Libby Griffith, Karen Meyer, Sue Hart, Stacey Minger, Deb Burda. FOURTH ROW: Holly Schoenfeld. Dotty St. Amand, Lisa Foreman, Julie Harman, Daun Tune, Karen Blasch, Anne Kemper, Stephanie Bozman.


F I R S T ROW: Steve Monk, Forrest Hoover. S E C O N D ROW: John Gardner, Brian Houts, Randy Turke, Jeff Rissell.


FIRST ROW; John Gleason, Dyck VanKoenering, Eric Moser, Rob Harlow, Steve Cooper. S E C O N D ROW: Roger Sweiebut, Rick Baker, Jack Austin, Devin Young, Abraham Kist. THIRD ROW: Pete VanConant, Scott Vos, Todd Marsman, Matt Strong, Keith Baker, Jon Beyur, Mike Cubert, Randy Hollar, Dan Young.






FIRST ROW: Sheryl De Young, Lisa Evans, K i m Baxter, Michelle McKay, Lori Lowe, Karen Van Hoven, Heidi Baehr. S E C O N D ROW. LeeAnn Wojcinski, Carla Plumert, Cyndi Jager, Gwen Miller, Reiko Isa, K i m Fischer, Cheryl Prentice. Joan VanNord, Krista Koelling. THIRD ROW: Laurie Yates, Ruth Effinger, Jackie Spreitzer, Elyse Monroe, Nance Evans, Theresa Vanlstendal, Sandy Judson, Sara Zuidema.


FIRST ROW: Nancy Zwart, Anne Hathaway, Stephanie Strand, Diane Newberg, Beth Richards, K i m Price, Kendra Geson. S E C O N D ROW: Lisa Thomson, Lori Calkis, Shelly Essenbert, Chris Morrison, Lori Canfield, Diane Tetlow THIRD ROW: Jennifer Ferrell, Susheela Suess, Chris Prince, Christy Tabor, Pam Ancona, Cindy Nise, Jane Houting.



F I R S T ROW: Nancy VanderDerlagn, Michelle Miller, Beth Klooigna. S E C O N D ROW: Heidi Clark, Julie Maire, Lori Bederson, Becky Bensel. THIRD ROW: Jenifer Engbers, Elizabeth Gibbs, Christine Damstra, Lori Halber son, Kristen Buege.


FIRST ROW- Kathie Paris Kathie Morden, Cara Redaker, Karin Garduin, Katey Vierkorn, Robin Becket S E C O N D ROW: Betsy Andree A m y D o k f e l B e t h H a a n PaUi, K i m Benske, Trina Hardgraves, Jocelyn Jonikas. THIRD ROW: Susan Lew.s, Susan B.rk, Nancy Kuher. Laura Woodruff.


ARCADIAN 1 FIRST ROW: Chris Schori, Ann Westerbeke, Silva Polczer.SECOND ROW: Sandy DeWitt, Michelle VanderWagt, Jill Gotstein, Elaine Broadfield, Amy Smit, Kristen Koss, Amy MacFadden. THIRD ROW: Monica Coats. Diane Werner. Karla Kamstra. Susan Koetsier.

F I R S T R O W : Cal Warren, Brett Elder S E C O N D R O W : D a v e K o r t e r i n g , T i m D u M e z , K e i t h Kruger, Roger D o o m .


FIRST ROW: John Delger, Kevin Shoemaker, Andy Kromminga. S E C O N D ROW: Brad Sarno, Al Sutton, Michael Ranos, Paul VanEyl, Dave Dykema, Scott Vagelvoort, Dave Bald, Dave Park, Samuel Nedeau THIRD ROW: Steve Balk, Darwin VandenBrink, Mark McConnell, Steve Bonstein, Kevin Groothuis, Bard Shavely, J i m VanEenenaam


FIRST ROW: Steve Bikellach, Steve Christos, Dave Lein. S E C O N D ROW: Paul Toliver, Chris Pinderski, Clarence Born, Kent Coy.



FIRST ROW: Bill Tripp, Steve Jekel, Dog Van Dyken, Gregg Herin. S E C O N D ROW: T i m Mohney, Dan Stegink, John Sanders, Steve Geerlings, Mike Pikaart


FIRST ROW: Bill Shell. Paul Deck, Brian Haskin. S E C O N D ROW: J i m Klekner Kurt Holzhausen, Dave Mascotti, Dave Hofman, Jeff Johnson, Jon McKeeby, Dirk Weeldreyer.


F I R S T ROW: Beth Sanford, A m y Cook, Tricia Messex. S E C O N D ROW: Joyce Chang, Penny Yonkens.



FIRST ROW: Betsy Huttar, Shari Speet, Ellen Witteneen, Shelly Vonk, Carlotta Ellison. S E C O N D ROW: Sarah Chappell, Becky Hughs, Jill Vandeneen, Karen Euson, Sue Widmer. THIRD ROW: Jil Mason, Danielle Scouten, Marlys Hiemstra, Janice Day, Christy Zuidema. Mancy Mulder. 2( 16


FIRST ROW: Diane Bobiniski, Lynette Lokhorst, Karis Hanson, Lisa King. S E C O N D ROW: Krista Buikema, Peggy Hallacy, Wendy Sturus, Charlotte Johnson, A m y McCarthey. THIRD ROW: Leslie Harlan, Mary Norden, Kristen Tur Maat, Teresa van den Hombergh, Ruth Daily, Kathy Chandler, Bonnie Glenn.


FIRST ROW: Dave Bast. Jeff Bacon. S E C O N D ROW: T i m Newberg. Trent Walker, Joel Proud, Terry Sing. THIRD ROW: Rob Doehrer, Cathy Holbrook, Taylor Holbrook.



F I R S T R O W : B l a k e Zandbergen, T i m DePree, B o b Karel, Rick J o h n s o n . S E C O N D R O W : T i m P l o u m a n , T i m A t k i n s o n , Ronald Stoel, J e f f M y e r s , J o e M a l b k , D o u g Nord, Ken VanderVeen. T H I R D R O W : B l a q u e H o u g h , S t a n K o u t s t a a l , J o h n V a n d e r W a g e n , Ron W i n o w i e c k i , M a r k Steeby, Rich Ryzenga


FIRST ROW: Chris Gergely. SECOND ROW: Paul Harper, Wally King. Brad Huss, Jim Klunder. THIRD ROW: John Mindling, Seth Kaplan, John Wagner, Mark Laverman, Brent Rasmussen. FOURTH ROW: Art Fesser, Mike Winter, Jim Bos, Steve Paulsen.


O (



J FIRST ROW: Barb Lake, Melinda Scholten, Kellie Jewell, Michelle Downey, Denise Buist, Karen Saenger, Gail Bowman S E C O N D ROW: Steve Schipper, Craig McCleary, Greg DeWinter, Diane Meyers, Connie Kramer, Mike Harrison, John Tuitel. THIRD ROW: Jeff Harison, Andre Marinardi, Doug Brown, Doug Kuiper, Rob Pippen, Eric Gustafson, Eric Saltier, Steve Brace.

Mike Dear



FIRST ROW: Jan Post. S E C O N D ROW: Anne Sly, Deanna Weaver, Connie Brown. THIRD ROW: Sheryl Henderson, Margret Oklatner, Terri VanBelois.

Jeff Larabee, Greg Olgers, Paul Baker, T o m Kohl.






FIRST ROW: Michael Ketema, Randy Werbig, Cobbie DeGraft. S E C O N D ROW: Pete DeHaan, Dick VanderMoien.


FIRST ROW: Dan Socall. S E C O N D ROW: Brian Pals, Dirk DeWitt.



FIRST ROW: Mancy Weller, Wendy VanderHart. S E C O N D ROW: Joellyn Shull, LeAnne Moss, Sally Wilson.


FIRST ROW: Scott Shriner, Pete DeMoya, J i m Shields, Trevor Gersch. S E C O N D ROW: Gary Robertson, Trug Chappell, Rob Appell, Rocky Palsrok.



Kelly Griffin, Gabi Pfeifer, Martha VanderKolk, L y n n e t t e Zahrn

\ \


FIRST ROW: Wayne DeBruyn, Jon Dezelsky, Ken Trumble, Mark Hewko. S E C O N D R O W : Scott Vanderstoep, Doug Cooper, John Meyer, Scott Gibson, Steve Sommers, T i m Chase.


FIRST ROW: Mike McCarthy, Dan Brondyk, Jeff Custy. S E C O N D ROW: Paul Ritsema, Eric Toole, Scott Voet, Steve Cramer.



FIRST ROW: Karen Huber, Brigitte Fabi, Sandy Schmidt. S E C O N D ROW: Irlene O'Neill, Michelle Hartmna, Beatrlz Vrrara. THIRD ROW: Gwen Coigmard, Rli Catisto, A m y Austin.

/ FIRST ROW: Heidi McNutt, Gail Larsen, Liz Braham. S E C O N D ROW: Kim DeVrou, Annie Allison, Robin Reed.


i ^ .


F I R S T ROW: Pam Fedor, Joreen D o m k o w s k i , Angie Argona. SEC O N D ROW: Sally Kline, K i m Waldorf. THIRD ROW: Beth Trembley, Pam Gregory, Kelly Leutzinger, Mary Oomkes.


FIRST ROW: Kyria Boundy, Dana Nofz, Lisa Smith S E C O N D ROW: Ann Lootens. Lisa Serum, Ellen Brandle, Deb Heydenburg.


F I R S T ROW: Grace Tsai, Libby Nies, Char Baum. S E C O N D ROW: Sherry Brochu, Nancy Romance, Jill Hall.

John Armstrong



John Armstrong


John Armstrong





1 T l r t k l



John Armstrong



PRIVATE ir\aiia




Renee A l a r c o n Norwalk, CA

Linda A l d r i c h Psy./Soc, Ypsilanti, M l Ana Agurica English Tegucigalapa, Honduras



v Susan Anderson Nursing Allegan, M l

Rex Anderson A n n Arbor, M l

Jeffrey Allen Bus. Ad. Holland, Ml


Katie Andree

Tamra Avrit Bus.Ad./Hist. Annadale, V A Shavonne A y o t t e L.Dis./E.lmp. Rochester, M l Wendolyn Badeau P s y . / S o c . Composite Grand Rapids, Ml


Jeanine Baisch Saline, Ml Christopher Bajema B i o . / P h y s . Ed. Holland. Ml A n n e Bakker Communications Grand Haven, M l

Sally Banger Chemistry Holland, M l Kristine Barnes English Northville. MI Gary Bayer Grand Rapids, Ml


Kurt Martin

Sandra Bellefeuille Chemistry Holland, M l James Behrenwald Bus. A d m i n , Clarksvllle, M l Dayna Beal Bus. A d m i n . Saginaw, M l

Elizabeth Bichler Music Ed. Staten Island. NY David Beswick Bus. A d m i n . / M a t h Jenison. MI


James Bos Religion Cerritos, CA A n n e Boonstra E d . / H u m . Comp. Holland. Ml Cynthia Blight Physics St. Clair Shores, M l

A n n Bower English Coloma. M l Ted Bosch English Holland. Ml Stephen Bosch Art Locust Valley, NY



pill •


Lisa Brawley Chemistry Livonia, M l Alice Brechting Biology Spring Lake, M l Philip Brewer Chemistry Martin, M l

les Broucek Admin./Math

Connie Brown Bio./Eng Federal Way, W A Laurie B r o w n Communications Holland, Ml


l l i i l i i l l l i i l l .. - • warngmm

( Michael B r o w n Biology Colon, Ml Christine Bruins Biology Paradise Valley, A Z Blaine Brumels Math McBain, M l

'>i ' -" v , - . Sally Budd Poli. Scl, Quincy, Ml

k Krista B u i k e m a Psy./Comp Morrison, IL Chayris B u r d Religion Auroa, IL


Nathan B u u r m a Chem./Bio. Millstone, N J Nancy B u r n n k Elem. Ed. South Holland, IL Susan Burrell Special Ed. Farmlngton Hills, M l

Melinda Campbell Psy./Soc. C o m p . North Muskegon, Mf Joseph Calvano Chemistry Calumet City, IL James Byington Econ./Math Dearborn, M l


Lynette Carter Voc. Music Ed. Midland, M l Jennifer Carr Bus./Psy. Whitehall. M l Stephen Carlson Math Grand Rapids, Ml

Susan Clark Psy./Soc. Comp. Orange, C T Lisa Christ Human. C o m p . Longmedow, M A



David Covell Soc./Relig. Hopewell Jet., NY Cathleen Cox Music E d . / Perf. Portage, Mi Randall Cutler Psych./Math C o m s t o c k , Ml


Brian Dahlke Bus. A d m i n . T w o Rivers, W1 Michelle DeBoir Grand Rapids, M l

A n n Arbor, Ml

Mary DeJonge Phil./French Jenison, M l Ken DeMino Geophysics A u b u r n Hills, M l


Hinsdale, IL Susan DeSanctis Liberal A r t s Califon, N J

Ivonne DeWolf Bus. A d m i n . Webster, NY



Darcie Dunzweiler Economics Zanesville, O H Peter D o o m Geology Grand Rapids, M l Joreen D o m k o w s k i Bus. A d m i n . Glen Ellyn, IL

Ingrid D y k e m a n Music Ed Latham, MY Jeanne D w y e r Nursing Holland, Ml

Melody Eagles Bus. A d m i n . Battle Creek, M l Augusta E d w i n Providence. RI Carlotta Ellison Communications Highland Park, Ml

Michael Ely Computer Sci Gaylord, MI K i y o k o Eto Social Studies C o m p nagasaki City, Japan Wendy Faber Psychology Holland, Ml


A n n Farley Business Holland, Ml

Douglas Finn Bus. A d m i n . River Forest, IL


Susan Fuller Nursing Greenville. M l Daniel Fnedly Annadale, V A Kent Franken Computer Sci Holland. M l

Brian Gardner Phil/Poli S c i / T h t r e Grand Rapids. Ml Lisa Gargano International Holland, Ml Shirley Gagnon Biology Grand Rapids. M l


Geneva Graham French East Lansing, M l Jennifer Gibbs History Canton, IL Laura Geitner Special Ed. Fulton, NY

Killy Griffin Biology Flint, M l

Douglas Hall Computer Sci Kentwood, Ml Jeffrey Harlow Physics Lake Forest. IL Gregory Heeres Bus. A d m i n . Grand Rapids, M l

Michelle Hegedus Biology Whitehall. M l Jennifer Heitman Portage. Ml

Laura Hempstead Psychology Wayne. N J



A n n e Hendrickson Biology Qrand Rapids, Ml J o h n Hensler Eng./Comm. Grosse Polnte, M l Susan Herman Bus, A d . / S e c . Ed Grand Rapids, M l

Steve Heyne Bus. A d m i n . W h i t e Plains, NY Jodi Hicks Psych./Sec. Ed Grand Rapids, Ml

• • • •• Jonathon Homeister Bio./Qiem. Trenton/MI Kathleen Hogenboom Chemistry Oak Park. IL Sandra H o f f m a n Psych./Rec. Hamilton, Ml

I Vicki Januska Muskegon, Ml T a m a r a Hoshal Span/Bus/Comm Brighton, Ml Mark Honkanen Chemistry St. Clair Shores. Ml

Michael Johnson Psychology Portage, Ml Julie Japinga L. D i s , / E . Imp Holland, Ml T a m r a Japenga Soc./Psych. Grand Haven, Ml

1 Tsuguo Kanayama Soc./Psych Hokkaido, Japan Kathy Kaehler Phsy. Ed Troy, M l

Robert Karel Soc./Soc. Work Jenison, M l

Kimberly Karpanty Psych./Bio./Dance Kalamazoo, Ml T i m o t h y Kelley Comp, Sci./Bus. Admin Denver, CO Janice Kenney English Aowners Grove, IL

Brett King Chemistry Dearborn, M l Kevin King Bus. A d m i n Adrian, Ml Carrie Koostra Psych./Sec. Ed Grand Rapids, M l

Susan Kuiper Bus. A d m i n . Qrandville, M l

Maryette Lokhorst L. Disabilities Gahanna, O H Douglas Launders Religion Brownsville. Wl Lynne Lager Spec. Ed. Springfield, V A

Mary Lysaught Chemistry Glen Ellyn, IL Timothy Lundholm Chemistry Norton Shores, M l

d Lawrence Mackley Comp. Sci./Boi. Rochester Hills, M i Elizabeth MacGregor Poll. S c i . / E c o n . Houston, T X Edith MacDonald Spanish Bridgewater, N J

Linda Manning Chemistry Pompton Lakes, N J Laura Majchrzak Voc. Music Ed./Per. Grand Rapids. Ml Willey M a c k l i n Staten, Island, NY

Dan Marczuk Hamilton, M l

J o h n n y Marmelsteln Phys. E d . / R e l Gardena, CA Marnie Masters English Bloomfield, N J

Kurt Martin Marseilles, IL Lisa M a r t i n Psych./Soc. Fennville, M l

Chemistry Holland, Ml K a t h y Metzger Bus. A d m i n . Grand Rapids, M l

• s

Moyra Miller Nursing Glen Ellyn, IL Rebecca Milas Voc. Per./Music Spring Lake, Ml Marta Mieras Art Saugatuck, M l

Nancy Naudi Bus. A d m i n West Bloomfield. M l Julie Moulds English North Muskegon. Ml LeAnne Moss Psych./Soc Spencer, IA


Michelle Northuis E. I m p . / L . Dis. W y o m i n g , Ml Jane Northuis Phys. E d / E d . Grand H a v e n , M l Holly Nichols L. Dis. Kalamazoo, Ml

Paula O i t k e r Mathematics Kentwood, Ml Sohail Nourbakhsh Chemistry/Math South Holland, IL David Novaez Poli. Sci Dolton, IL

Margaret Oklatner Theatre Barrington, N J Brian Oosterhouse Bus. A d m i n . / A c c . Middleville, Ml WiU'ram Parsons Mathematics Knoxville, T N

Linda Paul Comp. Sci Dearborn Heights, M l Rebecca Payne P s y c h . / S o c , Stud Battle Creek. MI

Mandy Pickelman Chem./Bio. Grand Haven, Ml Catherine Pietz Psych./Soc. Saginaw, Ml David Pluymers Biology Mendham, N J

Janice Post Bus, A d m i n Cliften, N J Susan Prentice L. Disabilities Flint, Ml Russell Ramaker Physics Brown Deer, Wl

T o m Rinks Art Long Beach, CA

11 Wendy Reynolds Wyckoff, NJ


-'--m l Michael Schip[>er Econ./Po'i- Sci. Middleville, Ml James Rosenbaum Biology Kalamazoo, Ml

.• Wmm. Gary Robertson Biology Mt. Clemens, M l


Hillsdale, M l J o A n n Seigner Psy./Soc Milwaukee, Wl Leigh Schott E. I m p Portage, M l


J o h n Sharpe Relig./Philo. Irvington, N J James Shields Bus. A d m i n . / E c o n Mahwh, NJ Joeliyn Shull C o m p . Scl. Portage, M l

Cynthia S i m m o n s Bus./Psych. Woodstock, NY M a t t h e w Slottke Psychology Grosse Point Farms, Ml Lisa Smallegan Zeeland, M l

St. Louis, M O W i l l i a m Smyser C o m p u t e r Sci. Kalamazoo, M l

Kevin Sp o tts Education-Bio Flint, M l Christopher Speaks Psychology Zeeland, M l Linda Solka Chemistry Grosse He. M l

Deborah Sterner Biology Allegan, M l Kabet Sterk Biology Jenison, M l Archibald Stegenga Soc./Psych Holland, M l




Humanities C o m p Grandville. M l

Gregg Stickels Geology A r l i n g t o n Heights, IL Barry Stewart Mathematics Birmingham, Ml




Rebecca Swank C o m p u t e r Sci. Midland, Ml Michael S t u r m El. Ed. Lang. A r t s W y o m i n g . Ml


Ross Sweetman History Littleton, C O Tracey T a y l o r Sociology Grand Rapids, Ml Sheila Teed Business A d m i n . Burnips, Ml

Jennifer TenHave Eng./Education Grand Rapids, M l K i m Tenhor Poli. Sci N o r t h Haledon, Ml Richard TenPas Computer Sci. Oostburg, W l


Barbara Terpstra Mathematics

Elizabeth Trembley English Kalamazoo, M l Kathryn Troupe Physical Ed. Grand Haven, Ml

John Twining A n n Arbor, M l Mary VanAllsburg Biology Holland, Ml

iiililiS h. •:

«•: •


Denise vandersteeg E n g . / E l e m . Ed. . Lansing, IL Connie VanderMeulen Business A d m i n . Coopersville, Ml Sandra Vanderbilt English Hamilton, Ml

Michael Vanderzee Business A d m i n . South Holland, IL Ruth VanderWeide English Grand Rapids, M l Brad VanderStel Business A d m i n Grand Rapids, M l


Kathleen VanQiessen Phys. Ed. Kalamazoo, Mi Carol VanEeram Fr./Gr./Mus. Comp St. Louis, M O Terry VanDyken Poll. S c i . / E d u c . Allendale, M l

Deborah Vanlwaarden Nursing Holland. M l C y n t h i a Vanlten Comm./Bus. Ad Naperville, IL Jane VanHaitsma Elem. E d . / H u m . C o m p Grandville, Ml


T a m m i e VanHekken Holland, M l

Jonathan VanOss Bus. A d . / C o m p . Sci Glendale. CA M i t c h VanPutten Bus. A d . / C o m p . Sci Holland. M l

Lisa VanTubbergen Art Holland, M l Linda V a n v o o r h i s Psych./Soc Basking Ridge, N J

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Sarah Veldman Chemistry Coldwater, Ml Keith VerHoeven Business A d m i n . Fennville, Ml Patricia Visser h Haven, M l

| mk I II • I I I -


Jeanne Wagner Language A r t s O a k Lawn, 1L Melanie w a i t e Bio./Phys. E d A n n Arbor, MI Catherine Walsh Biology Midland, Ml


Martha weener M a t h / B u s . Ad. Muskegon, Ml Deanna Weaver Comp. Sci./Math

Kevin Watt Business A d m i n . Grand Rapids, M l

Wi ...v

Kenneth w h i t c o m b Geology/Educ Hamilton. Ml Jean Wend Psych./Soc.; Soc Kalamazoo, M l

Nancy Weller Nursing Holland. Ml



Michael w i n t e r Lansing, Ml Sally Wilson Business A d m i n B i r m i n g h a m , Ml Shawn Wietstock Chemistry Dearborn, M l

Catherine w o r k Bus. A d . / F r e n c h Ypsilanti, M l Stephen Witmer Business A d m i n Grand Rapids, Ml

Alison Zeerip Nursing Fremont, Ml Michael McCarthy Business A d m i n . Portage, M l Edward Weber Kalamazoo, Ml



John Armstrong

John Armstrong




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John Armstrong

As the last few layouts are being drawn, I sit here reflecting on all the work the Staff has done to finish this book for you, the students. We hope to have represented your year. As you flip through the pages, the memories of your friends, professors, and administrators look back at you. We can't be everywhere at the same time, but we tried to cover as much of the school year 1984-85 as we could. As you conclude your years at Hope College and move on in life, our wish is that you can pick up your Milestone and remember the good ole times. To you, the students, we dedicate this book. 1 would like to take this last page to thank all who played a part in this book.

COLOPHON The 1984-85 Hope College Milestone was published by Taylor Publishing C o m p a n y , Dallas, Texas. V o l u m e 68 contains 272 pages and was copied 1,200 times. It contains 24 pages of process 4-color and sixteen pages of spot color 100% gray


8 4 . It's printed on


8 0 enamel paper and the printing surface is 9 " x l 2 " . The cover is a silver thermoscreen design applied on a maroon base material w i t h a pebble grain wrapped around 150 pt binders board. The endsheets are silver # 8 1 . Funding for the book came f r o m the sale of books as well as f r o m the Activities fee. Every section utilized a different headline style w i t h the body c o p y and captions using korinna.

Photo Editor J o h n Armstrong, whose excellent photography and darkroom work grace these pages. My first assistant editor, Liz Braham, whose ideas linger throughout the book though she couldn't be a part of the final product. My second assistant, Paul Kemler, whose help 1 could have done without. The Staff — Dwight TenHuisen, Eric Stockoff, and Tom Hoolihan — whose ideas and imaginative minds helped create some of those special effects. All the photographers who contributed their cameras and pictures for all the world to see, especially; Kurt Martin, Mark Billadeau, Mamie Marsters, Brian Greene, Gary Reynolds, Eric Stockoff, and Steve Bosch. Our advisor. Sue Langejans, who supported us in all our endeavors. Craig and Steve Talsma, our Representatives from Taylor Publishing, who put up with all our cries for help. Varden Studios for their superior Senior portraits and patience as we took group shots of the underclassmen. Nice work, Jim Revell. Tom Renner and the College Relations Office for all the information and pictures when our supply ran low. My friends; Lisa Evans, Laura Allen, Lori Lowe, all the men of B-7, and Sheryl DeYoung who put up with all my complaints and phone calls. (Hopefully it will be better next year!!) But most of all I'd like to thank you, the students. You are the 84-85 yearbook. Without you, the pages would all be blank. 1 hope you find yourself enclosed. Thank you all. Enjoy it. It's finally here.





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