Milestone 1991

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Events and Happenings





Residence Life















A group discussion, led by Seth Weeldreyer, is held in the Pine Grove. — photo by Matt Johnson.

Darryl 1 hrasher stops to talk with Andrea Gromme and Susan Vanderbiit.

Hope students discuss summer happenings and new classes.

Another year has come and gone, but not without great learning experiences and events that help each person to mature. Hope College enjoyed a record enrollment for 1990-91; the school population topped 2800 for the first t i m e . As s t u d e n t s a r r i v e d in August, there were several improvements at the school to greet them. T h e addition of VanAndel plaza and the renovation of Vander Werf and Van Zoeren halls, as well as the remodeling of the Kletz and the overhaul of the athletic fields, generated much talk a m o n g s t u d e n t s . Most a g r e e d that these changes added much to the aesthetic beauty of Hope College. Residence halls o p e n e d August 24, to give freshmen time to adjust to their new surroundings. Classes began on August 28 for Hope's 129th academic year.


Karen Pang and Steve Pierce have fun on the ice.

0 L U C A S T A , GOING TO THE WARS Tell m e not. S w e e t , 1 a m u n k i n d T h a t from the nunnery O f thy chaste breasts, a n d quiet m i n d . T o w a r a n d a r m s I fly. T r u e , a n e w mistress n o w I chase, T h e first foe in the field; A n d w i t h a stronger faith e m b r a c e A s w o r d , a horse, a shield.

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Yet this i n c o n s t a n c y is s u c h A s you t o o shall adore; 1 c o u l d not love there. D e a r , so m u c h . Loved I not honour more. R ICH ARD LO\ ELACL I6l8


Dr. Carol Guardo, president of the G r e a t Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA), delivered Hope's convocation address. She spoke of the challenges f a c i n g t o d a y ' s c o l l e g e students. "As students in the context of this challenging, complex world environment, your duty will be the task of educating yourselves, so that the knowledge you acquire can be used to make the f u t u r e fulfill all that today's hopes suggest." Students at Hope seem eager to make good on this demand: we are able to enrich our minds and thoughts, while never losing sight that college should improve each individual in a myriad of different ways.

Dimnent chapel in the spring photo by Sabrina Haverdink

Jeff Tucker and Mic Bazaire walk to Phelps for lunch.


he Milestone's Profile


The 1991 Milestone staff — front row: Ben Opipari.Judy Kleis, Mark Baker. Back row: Sabrina Haverdink, Holly Villepique, Mike Nowlin, Kim Scott, Kristin Bauss, Matt Johnson. In the past few years, the Milestone has not received much recognition for its excellence. Each year the staff spends countless h o u r s taking pictures, d r a w i n g layouts, writing copy, and getting headaches. With this in mind, we would like to introduce ourselves.

Ben Opipari is the editor-in-chief and has served this position for

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two years. Sabrina Haverdink is the assistant editor for her second year. Matt Johnson is our photo editor who has been on staff for three years. T h e senior section is edited by Holly Villepique who also served on staff last year. Mike Nowlin for two years has edited the residence life section. New this year are Kristin Bauss for sports, Judy Kleis for faculty and academics, and Kim Scott for organizations.




Above: on the first day of classes, Hope students walk anxiously to their destinations. Left: Taking a stroll t h r o u g h the Pine Grove on a crisp fall day.


Right: With dinner now over, students march precariously to their books. p h o t o s by M a t t Johnson.

August marked a new school year for Hope students as they came together after a relaxing summer. Classes began on August 28. A beautiful fall arrived, which meant striking colors and optimal cookout weather. Each year the college holds a school wide cookout in the Pine Grove, and this year's was a n o t h e r success.

A Camera Lens Soars Above Hope Colleg

A perfect day for an afternoon picnic

Western Seminary blends in with Hope's cam pus.

Hope's Dimnent Chapel is indeed impressive from above.

Emerging from the veil of clouds that had hidden it throughout the day, the warm September sun appeared to shine its warm light upon the college below. From the heavens above, a Milestone photographer perched in a red biplane emerged to take advantage of the evening sun and the shadows it cast upon the earth below.

Hope and the surrounding Holland community.

T h e lush green trees in the Pine Grove fill Hope's campus.

Hope's Labor Day picnic drew many students for free food and entertainment.

The beauty of Hope College is evident from above

T h e lighthouse at Point West in Holland.

The Pull is a long-standing tradition since 1898 at H o p e College, where eighteen f r e s h m e n pullers with their invaluable morale girls come together to battle the s o p h o m o r e pullers at the Black River. T h e winning team is d e t e r m i n e d by the measurement of the rope gained a f t e r the initial stretching has occured. This year, the sophomores defeated the f r e s h m e n in a hard-fought competition.

Jim Oonk heaves with all his might, with help from Dave Veldink and Kelly Lewis.

p Kelly Hiatt watches for the signal as Keith Bever holds the rope tight.

T h e morale girls give their strong support to the tired pullers.

The 1993 Pull team takes a well-earned bath in the Black River after their victory.

Kelly DeWitt gives the signals.

The Pull

since 1898

T h e 1994 Pull team was worthy competition for the experienced 1993 team. T h e '94 spirit was high t h r o u g h o u t the grueling event. T h e men and women for both sides showed their spirit in various ways, f r o m banners next to the pits, to face paint, to shaved heads. It is a sure bet that the '94 team will be eager and ready next year.

t T h e 1994 Pull team, working as one.

94 coach Brian Kruithof takes charge

A puller gives an all-out effort for his team.

Joe Stam pulls the weight of the team with strength and enthusiasm. :

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Ted Courter prepares to gain rope as Nicole Koelbel shouts commands to him.

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Heather Lange leads the way to the Black River.

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T h e Kletz has enjoyed more frequent student use since its summer 1990 remodeling.

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Kevin Clark and Beth Newell stroll through campus.

Classes Begin at Hope The roads are closed to make moving in easier on the parents.

Renee Oosterhoff, Rick Ten Pas, and Nate Cassie relax in front of Kollen.

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It's that special time of the year, time to move in!

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GREEK WEEK The Centurian fraternity brothers show their spirit during Greek. Week.

Susan Vanderbilt and Shelly Nederveld are all smiles.


T h e Kappa Delta Chi sorority sisters relax in front of their house. T h e Cosmopolitan brothers.

Greek Week is celebrated in September, and is designed to bring together the week is dedicated to the Greek organizations so that non-Greeks get a chance T h e challenge of being active in a fraternity or sorority is great, but for many Events such as a t-shirt tye dye, the dunk tank, and Greek chapel service were

Susie Greicar and Cathy Barker

sororities and fraternities. O n e to see what Greek life is about. is the opportunity of a lifetime. open to all students.

September 13

Homecoming 1990 H o m e c o m i n g activities this y e a r w e r e m a r k e d by ^ the Cosmo's 1 00th anniversary. T h e H o m e coming parade started from 10th Street and ended at t h e s t a d i u m . Parachutists delivered the game ball, and from there the Flying

Coach Ray Smith talks to the team after the game.

Dutchmen football team took over.

T h e SIB's ride on their Homecoming float, sending balloons high.

President Jacobson joins the Homecoming parade in style and luxury. Chris Howe, Homecoming king, eludes tacklers on the way to a long gain.

The 93' Pull team takes part in the parade. The Dorians show their sorority spirit with their bright colors.

Homecoming Court


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T h e 1990 Court: Leann Vander Poppen, Seth Weeldreyer, Mary VanZoeren, Dave Veldink, Terry Sokorai, Kirk Vander Molen, and Rebecca Weigle. — photo by Matt Johnson.


At halftime, the Holland Christian High School marching band p e r f o r m e d , and following this event was the crowning of the king and queen. This year the H o p e student body chose Chris Howe and Rebecca Weigle. Homecoming 1990 was a fantastic day for all involved.

Sabrina Haverdink and Rebecca Weigle at the game.




Leann Vander Poppen and Seth Weeldreyer smile for the crowd.

T h e 1990 Homecoming Court rides down to the field.

MAASQUERADE 1990 October is a fun month for everyone, as the fall weather descends and students begin concocting costumes for the annual Maasquerade dance. It's the one time of the year when we can eat candy without feeling guilty and when

we can dress up in our old clothes just to be different. This year a panel of j u d g e s passed out awards to the best costumes in this SACsponsored event, held in the Maas auditorium.

Besides the popular event of Homecoming, t h e r e were many exciting events at Hope in the month of October. Also held in conjunction with H o m e c o m i n g is the annual Run-Bike-Swim, in which dedicated athletes rise early Saturday m o r n i n g to compete in the t h r e e e n d u r a n c e events. In addition, Hope's own Knickerbocker I heatre reopened on O c t o b e r 2, after being closed in May for renovations. I he remodeling was d o n e both to preserve the old look and to add some m o r e m o d e r n touches. Hope College Theatre produced the high-spirited musical " T h e Boy Friend," a jazz-age production with flapper-type music and lyrics. Finally, Hope continued in its success to bring outstanding musicians to campus. Scott St. J o h n , an accomplished violinist, and the internationally acclaimed O r p h e u s C h a m b e r Orchestra p e r f o r m e d as part of the Great P e r f o r m a n c e Series.

Above: the Run-Bike-Swim drew many enthusiastic athletes. Right: Maria Vaver is hoisted high in the theatre production of " The Boy Friend,' which delighted theatre goers with its humor, song, and fun. Below: the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra.






This year's oration t h e m e w a s " T h e Silence of t h e Sun: T h e Rest in the Shadows." T h e f r e s h m a n orator was B a r b W o o d r u f f , c o a c h e d by M i c h e l e Brown and Sue Gasper. The s o p h o m o r e orator was Leslie Schoon, who was coached by seniors Susan Laidlaw and H u o n g Nguyen.

'reshtnan Barb Woodruff shows strong enhusiasm in her oration speech.

ore Leslie Schoon speaks on "The of the Sun: the Rest in the Sha-

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T h e f r e s h m a n play 'Prince Punyfoot," adapted by juniors Leigh Ann Kayser and J o a n n Schma. Members of the play i n c l u d e d Suzy G a j e w s k i , Becky G r e a v e s , Amy H a l a b y , ndy Hathaway, Beth Osbourne , Julie Phillipps, Amy , Erinn Raymond, Heidi T e i c h e r t , and Stacy I ucker. h o m o r e play was "Ugly Duckling , adapted by senle Schloff and Renee Porter. S o p h o m o r e cast memesonson, Mimi Black, I anya Gail, Pamela Maxam, )essica Saxton, and Angie T h o m a s .

December: the Holiday Season In the month of December, students have a g r e a t d e a l on t h e i r minds, with final exams and the holidays soon after. Yet Hope students were treated to some exceptional entertainment in this month. Two outstanding poets, Michael Dennis Browne and Mary Reufle, came to Hope on December 3. Each has p u b l i s h e d three volumes of poetry and has published in numerous magazines. Their readings captivated a packed audience in the DePree Art Center. Professional guest artists and technical designers from the Hope Summer Repertory Theatre joined forces with the Hope College theatre department and student actors to proT h e queen, played by Amy Gaipa, is surrounded by the mice in the Hope College Theatre production duce "The Nutcracker: of The Nutcracker: A Play. A Play." T h e play ran from December 7th to the 22nd, and celebrated 20 years of performance in DeWitt Theatre. The outstanding elaborate stage and technical effects, coupled with the superb acting, created a truly wonderful experience that delighted a great deal of Hope students and community members alike.

Luke Dobbs, theatre professor David Colacci, and Maria Vaver peer at the nutcracker in the wonderful December production.

Michael Dennis Browne reads his verse,

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The a n n u a l C h r i s t m a s Vespers, a Hope College tradition since 1941, was held in the beginning of D e c e m b e r . Each year more than two h u n d r e d s t u d e n t s p a r t i c i p a t e in V e s p e r s , w h i c h is p r e sented by the music department. The groups featured include the Hope College Chorus, Chapel Choir, Symphonette, and Brass E n s e m b l e . T his year's Vespers was the first for J. Scott Ferguson, dir e c t o r of t h e C o l l e g e Chorus, and Huw R. Lewis, organist.

As usual, the sold-out performances were a truly magnificent feast for the senses, as the glorious singing of the Chapel Choir and College Chorus coupled with the the e l e g a n t m u s i c of t h e symphonette created a wonderful holiday atmosphere.

The College Chorus, directed by newcomer J. Scott Ferguson performs at Christmas Vespers


T h e Chapel Choir, also conducted by J. Scott Ferguson, sings in the balcony of Dimnent Chapel.

T Of c l ; owever, the war in the Persian Gulf occupied the mint of most, if not all, students, some of whom had friends o relatives serving in the Middl East. And because this first war to which 01 tion has been exposed, tl sis was discussed in alrm classes. In addition, th< wo disdivided students into two tinct camps, those for peace and those favoring military force. The usually politically apathetic campus became a fertile breeding ground for n u m e r o u s d e b a t e s , discussions, and even demonstrations and protests. Although the war took place halt; away, its effect on Ho lege was profound.






T h e war in the Persian Guii caused to voice their opinions on the issues


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January 2 3

Winter Fantasia

Matt Johnson, Milestone photo editor, and Melissa Vander Jagt.

T h e Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids provided a romantic and elegant backdrop for the couples at Winter Fantasia.

Winter Fantasia 1991 at the Amway G r a n d Flaza Hotel in G r a n d Rapids was held on February 16. T h i s annual, school wide winter formal provides couples a chance to share a romantic evening together, or simply to join with friends to celebrate and revel over

dinner and a dance. The Student Activities C o m m i t t e e ( S A C ) is in charge each year of putting together and r u n n i n g Winter Fantasia. However, SAC's duties extend far beyond this one event: in fact, almost every m a j o r e v e n t on c a m p u s , f r o m

Amy Bongers and Jeff Bannink share a special moment.

H o m e c o m i n g to May Day, is put on by SAC. A special thanks goes to c h a i r p e r s o n Michelle Imhoff and her staff for planning many outs t a n d i n g a c t i v i t i e s in 1990-91'.

Whether its friends getting together to share a laugh, couples sharing a moment alone, or groups of couples relaxing. Fantasia is a good time for all.

Poet Nancy Willard s p e a k s in D e P r e e Art Gallery to comm e m o r a t e Women's Week.

A stunningly beautif ul sunset at Point West illuminates the water and its ice floes.

Poet William Stafford, world renowned author, reads from his works to a packed Maas Auditorium.

February was a busy month at H o p e ColWalton lege. In celebration of Black History Month, History Month the Black Coalition sponsored a variety of events, such as speakers, a fashion show, and a Gospel Music Extravaganza held in Dimnent Chapel. Moreover, W o m e n ' s Week was also held in February. Newberry Award-winning poet Nancy Willard read from her works; other events such as concerts and even a comedienne also brought to the f o r e f r o n t many issues facing women today. Also in February, the widely a n t h o l o g i z e d poet William Stafford read from his works. A winner of countless awards and honors, Stafford kept his audience spellbound.

and Tracy Sams intr()dute a speaker

r in celebration of Black

From left, President Jacobson, Jeanne Jacobson, Ellen James, and Maria and Alfredo Gonzalez. James spoke at a Black Coalition banquet.


Critical Issues Symposium

The 1991 Critical Issues Symposium marks the 12th year of the program, and judging from the responses and attendance, it was also the most popular. Entitled "Lifeboat Earth: Decisions for T o m o r r o w " , the symposium was an allcampus event that focused attention on the topic of world conservation and i m p o r t a n t issues f a c i n g our e n v i r o n m e n t . Students got t h e chance to attend addresses and seminars on such topics as toxins in food, the role of Greenpeace, the politics of cancer, and the role of the church in saving t h e e a r t h . A u t h o r Alex ShoumatofT gives a chuckle du note address at Dimnent Chapel.

Gaylord Nelson, former governor and U. S.! ronment at the 1991 Critical Issues Syposium.





tes tht* cornpetr level. T h e exi c i p a t i o n of a ketball game, eled a m o n g the any o t h e r ath)e-Calvin men's

zz with talk ot the game, as any students, whether they are r t u n a t e e n o u g h to attend the me or are able to watch it on denJy have a newfound being a H o p e Colwonder why the ular. Before the led t h e seints had

Air Jam 1991

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As usual Air Jam 1991 was o n e of S A C ' s m o s t p o p u l a r e v e n t s . H e l d in t h e K n i c k e r b o c k e r Theatre, Air Jam is a time for students to live out their musical fantasies or just to show off their dance or s t a g e t a l e n t . An a n n u a l event, Air Jam is open to all Hope students to participate. The 1991 winners were the Centurian fraternity.

Jeff Brown and his fellow dancers strike a pose.


T h e Blues Brothers make an appearance at the 1991 Air Jam held at the Knickerbocker Theatre.



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.V The Praters show spirit.

T h e May Day court, from left: Heather Shoup, T o m Werkman, Leigh Ann Kayser, Brad Votava, Renee Gonthiers, Tim Schaff, Joe Miklosi, Michelle Imhoff, Wade Gugino, Sara Cripps, Jon Joffe, Heather Cole, Sue Gasper, Colly Carlson,


May Day ' L M J

T h e Delta Phi's cheer at the picnic.

Wade Gugino and Michelle Imhoff were crowned May Day king and queen at the celebration held On the last day of classes. This year's event, featuring a Pine Grove picnic and a track meet, was a big hit with students.

Kelly Clarke high jumps at the May Day track meet. Physics professor James Van Putten, director of admissions James Bekkering, and Counseling Center director Darrell Schregardus relax at the picnic.

A runner shows great hurdling form.








Pete Stuursma, Rick Blesch, and Stefan Swartzmiller wish themselves luck before a race.

Lisa Meyers clowns around at the picnic in the Pine Grove.

April showers bring May finals . . .


the anchor

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News Wilson Fellow touches on Mid-East by Jill Sandor staff writer

Competition stitf for summer biology research positions

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Former U.S. ambassador Richard B. Parker spoke last week in a lecliare entitled, "Where Do We Go From Here in the Middle East?" Parker, who served as ambassador to Algeria, Lebanon, and Morocco, visited Hope last week in the Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellows program. Parker began by saying. "We have fought a famous war. We have won a famous victory. The war was wisely left to the generals." He said, however, that he wished sanctions had been given time to take effect so that war could have been avoided. "In terms of humaii suffering and cost, we should have been better off if we had waited for sanctions to lake effect." Peaceful negotiations could have prevented casualties, the Kurdish refugee problem, ecological disaster, and the destruction of Iraq, he said. Parker said the biggest effect of the war that must be dealt with is the Kurdish rebellion in Iraq. As a result of the revolt, over 2 million refugees are headed toward Iran and Turkey. "The wrong people revolted," he said, referring to President Bush's suggestion that the Iraqi people should rise up and overthrow Saddam Hussein. "We wanted the Sunnis to revolt and throw out the regime." One of the reasons the U.S. has not undertaken military intervention is that the revolt is not

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by J a m e s R. Hall a s s i s t a n t news editor This year the Biology Department was faced with some difficult decisions lo make in choosing the students for summer research positions. There were 105 total applications for only sevenleen positions. The average number of applications is closer to fifty-five or sixty. The final selections have already been made, with 12 Hope students and 5 non-Hope students filling these positions. The summer rrspjirrh nmomm hpgins on June 3

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I factors which I the selection I ;rested student )lication which n the student's ic reason they Activc interest ram as well as ic preferred mportant. The average is also , Dr. Antony f the summer nd professor of hard lo balance ors and have It is a lough set seemed to be number of expressed his ving to choose her of students, ncouraged that ng to pursue ;


Largest cla HOLLAND — Approximately 570 graduating seniors, the largest class in Hope College history, will participate in the I26lh Commencement ceremony Sunday, May 5. The Commencement ceremony will begin at 3 p.m. in Holland Municipal Stadium (Holland Civic Center, ticket required, in case of rain). Baccalaureate will be held earlier in the day, at 11 a.m. in Dimnent Memorial Chapel with the Rev. Ronald Beyer, senior pastor at Third Reformed Church in Kalamazoo providing the Baccal



r will be Bruce van Voorst.

summer research probably could havj students per professor would have been availal The funding for tin comes from several phi percentage comes froi Science Foundation (1 which covers the co students. The rest of comes from the Department and indivii grants. Bul along with the come Several requiren selections process. Fi ihe ten students it pays off-campus (non-Ho| A l s o , the Nation; Foundation tries lo students involved in 1 Thus. Hope tries lo ini five such students summer researchers. A NSF grant is receive, with a multipfj being even more signil is fortunate to have grant from the NSF, school is assured of have at least len posili< for the next two y e | previous four years single year grants. The demand for ill is high from non-H( because Hope is one institutions which offei Because Ihe siti compel ilivc, Nieukoop Hope students in the fun for positions at other ii well as Hope.

eDresenls a departure from the

home Irom his exile m fans. Aiier

faculty member since 1982. Both van Voorst and Marvin DeWitt of Zeeland will be presented honorary degrees during the Commencement ceremony. Van Voorst will receive an honorary doctorate of letters (Litt. D.). and DeWitt will receivc an honorary doctorate of humane letters (L.H.D ). Van Voorst joined the TimeLife News Service as Middle East

reporting on the entire Middle East,

le Year" cover ler. first time that been in hot icj iTiorial spots. Earlier he'd

Mark Jennings takes careful aim at the eight bail while shooting pool in the Kletz. returned to Beirut for further Panama in 1964, the U.S.

invasion of the Dominican Republic (he next year and the Greek revolution in 1967. He was there when the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia in 1968. the Polish workers rioted in Gdansk in 1969 and during "Bl.icl; September" in Amman, Jordan, in 1970. Ills journalism prizes includc :hc Newspaper Guild of New

In November of 1979 he rushed back to Tehran lo covcr the seizure by Iranian students of the U.S. embassy and the taking of 53 Americans as hostages. He was later expelled from Iran by the Revolutionary Govcrnmeni, bul not before he had an exclusive interview with Ayatollah Khomeini which provided the basic reporting fors see Class,' P. 3

UOi ""nert from P j caring lor other peopti they will continue lo ( thing alter they Ic Somehow a different | person is touched whcij and do somelhing." The Ministry People, a student assisting the Chapla organized and adverlisi 'valk on Hope's camj Many sludent pariii ipaled in CR( gamp. president of Kappa sorority, said. " Doing I group brings us logclhfl

J. J. Murphy looks over his notes while preparing for an exam.

Michelle Sterk (center) talks with friends on a balmy spring day in the Pine Grove.


At the Hope-Calvin track meet, Mark Walters pushes the pace.

Fiona Adams: Delta Phi 1 2 3 4 , Works Projects 2, Vice President 4; Economics Honor Society 4; Nykerk Play 1. Todd Adams: Emersonian 34, Alumni Secretary 3, Parliamentarian 4; S o c i e t y of P h y s i c s S t u d e n t s 1 2 3 4 ; Disability A w a r e n e s s Week 2 3 4 ; iVCF 1; FCA 12. Scott Addison: Lacrosse 12; Cross Country 1 2 3 4 .

Todd A d a m s Gahanna, O H Physics

Fiona A d a m s Amherst, NH Business Administration

Nicole Alvaroe: Sigma Sigma 2 3 4 . Robert Anderle: W T H S 123; WIO 4; Amnesty International 2 3 4 ; Pull 1. Denise Anderson: Intramurals 12. I heresa Anderson: Nykerk; Higher Horizons. Tanya Andretz: Model UN 1 2 3 4 , Secretary General 2 3 4 ; Orchestra 1. Christa Aronson: Psi Chi 34.



Scott Alan Addison Grand Rapids, Ml Biology



Nicole Alvaroe Dexter, Ml Communications

Robert M. Anderle Grand Rapids, Mi P s y c h / S o c Composite

Denise Marie Anderson Spring Lake, Ml Business Administration

Theresa L. Anderson Muskegon, Ml Psychology

T a n y a S. Andretz St. Johns, Ml Biology/Psychology

Christa Marie Aronson St. Joseph, Ml Psychology

Jennifer Baker: RA 23; Sign Language Club 4. Mike Balkema: B a s e b a l l 1 2 ; F o o t b a l l 1 2 3 4 ; Basketball 12. Jilanne Bannink: Cross Country 1234; Swimming 1 2 3 4 ; Track 124. Christopher Barrett: C h a p e l Choir 2 3 . Nancy Bartels: Nykerk 12; Kappa Delta Chi 2 3 4 , Vice President 3, Treasurer 4; Greek Judicial Board 34; Pan Hellenic Board 2 3 4 .

Jennifer Bayer: College Chorus 1; FCA 123; Nykerk 12; RA 2 3 4 . Christine Becher: Field H o c k e y M a n a g e r 2; A l p h a G a m m a Phi 2 3 4 . M i c h e l l e Beckley: Tennis 1 2 3 4 , Captain 4. David Beemer: Arcadian 2 3 4 , treasurer 4; Basketball 1. Brent Beerens: Business Roundtable 23; Psychology club 34; Higher Horizons 2 3 4 .



Jilanne Marie B a n n i n k Holland, Ml Physical Education

Christopher G. Barrett Fraser, Ml Poli S c i / E c o n o m i c s

Nancy Bartels Z e e l a n d , Ml Special Education

Jennifer L. Bayer Conway, N H Physical Education

Criselda Bazan Allegan, Ml P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Christine D. Becher W h i t e Blufl, T N Political S c i e n c e / G e r m a n

Michelle L. Beckley Spring Lake, Ml English

David Leigh B e e m e r Grandville, Ml Accounting

Brent Edward B e e r e n s Grandville, Ml Bus A d m / P s y c h o l o g y

Curtis Benson Niles, Ml Physics

R h o n d a Berg Bridgeview, IL Sociology

A m y Marie Bergenhagen St J o s e p h , Ml Business Administration

A n n Marie Beswick Jenison, MI Bus A d m / E c o n o m i c s

Lisa Marie Bey Allegan, Ml Psychology

William Sean Bernard Grand H a v e n , Ml Encrlisn

Mark Robert Bernecker East G r a n d Rapids Political Science



> Michael Dean Bingham Shrewsbury, V T Biology

Bryan J a m e s Birdsall Kalamazoo, MI Political Science/Soc.

Peter W Blackburn Wyomissing, P A Biology

Elizabeth Grace Blom Hudsonville, Ml English Secondary Ed.

I Suzanne Lynn Boel Averill Park, NY English

Judy J. Boeve Overisel, Ml P s y c h / S o c Composite

Amy Bogard Cadillac, Ml Nursing

Ann Marie Bont Grandville, Ml Business

Barbara Boss Charlevoix, Ml English/Spanish

Scott T h o m a s Bossard Spring Hill, PL Political Science/History

Janet Marie Bowdich Berkeley, Ml Biology

T o m Boyer Ann Arbor, Ml Political Science

Michael Boyle Benton Harbor, Ml History

Gwynne Janine Brandt Midland, Ml Business Administration

Victor J. Breithaupt Traverse City, Ml Phys Ed. Secondary Ed.

Steven L. Bridge Kalamazoo, Ml Religion

Christine Ann Brink Traverse City, Ml Political Science

Sheila Lynn Brink Elkhart, IN Business/Communication

Kent R. Bristol Northfield, IL History

/ Aaron L. Brosseit Grand Haven, Ml Business Administration

Robert Gene Brown Wyoming, Ml Religion

Joy Brumels McBain, Ml English

Michelle L. Bruskotter Grandville, Ml Biology

Kara Buhl Rockford, Ml English/Comm. Composite

Molly Sue Buis Holland, MI S o c / P s y c h Composite

Shelli Lynne Bumford Brunswick, O H Spanish/Psychology

Dawn M. Burggraaff Holland, Ml Language Arts Composite

Diane Michelle Campbell East Grand Rapids, Ml Language Arts Composite

Tom Boyer: Pull 2; Pi Sigma Alpha 4. Michael Boyle: Pi Alpha Theta 34; Milestone 1. Gwynne Brandt: Nykerk 12; Orchestra 1; Symphonette 34; Flute Choir 1234; FCA 2 3 . Victor Breithaupt: Baseball 1 2 3 4 ; Barbell Club 1 2 3 4 . Steven Bridge: UCS 1 2 3 4 , V P 1, Vice President 2; MOCP 3; Mortar Board 4; Barbell Club 12.

Lynn Marie Candela West Bloomfield, Ml Special Education

Rhea R. Carino Flint, MI Accounting

Sally Carr Holland, Ml Nursing

Michael Catlin Holland, Ml Physics

Susan Celkis Fremont, Ml Communications

Timothy W . Cerny Traverse City, Ml C o m m / B u s . Adm.

J a m e s S. Chan Muskegon, Ml Economics

Jeannine Chandler Holland, Ml P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Amy Chatlield Glenview, IL P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Christine Brink: Pull 1; Republicans 34; O A 3. Sheila Brink: Delta Phi 2 3 4 , Treasurer 4; Cross Country 1 2 3 4 ; Track 124. Kent Bristol: Cross Country 1234; Track 1234; FOCA 1234; EIG 4; Alpha Phi Omega 3 4 . Aaron Brosseit: Lacrosse 12; Business Roundtable 1 2 3 4 ; WTHS 23.

Robert Brown: Diving 1 2 3 4 ; FCA 2 3 4 5 . Joy Brumels: Basketball 2 3 4 ; Chapel Choir 3; College Chorus 1; MOCP 3; Nykerk 1; Mortar Board 4; FCA 2. Michelle Bruskotter: Cross Country 13; Track 12; Res Life 2 3 4 . Kara Buhl: Sigma Sigma Secretary 4. Molly Buis: Delta Phi 2 3 4 , Works Projects 3.

Shelli Bumford: College Chorus 123; Spanish Club 2 4 . Dawn Burggraaff: O A 2; FCA 1; Upward Bound 4. Lynn Candela: Sigma Sigma 2 3 4 ; Orchestra 123; Nykerk 12. Rhea Carino: Pull 2; Nykerk 1 2 4 , Senior Rep. 4; Delta Phi 2 3 4 ; Works Projects 3; Business Club 34. Sally Carr: Mortar Board 4.


s 38


Kimsorn Chim Holland, Ml Biology/Biochemistry

Rachel E. Christie Atlanta, C A Sociology/Spanish

Amy Sue Cole Bellaire, Ml Learning Disabilities


Rebecca Lynn Collins East Grand Rapids, Ml Poli. Sci/Business A d m .

Maureen Lynne Colsman Littleton, C O Lang. Arts Composite

Nancy R. Conn Fremont, Ml German/History

T. David Connolly Holland, Ml Phys E d / B u s . Administration

Craig J. Copi Livonia, Ml Physics/Math

Michelle Corrunker Canton, Ml P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Kevin Dale Cranmer Spring LAke, MI Chemistry

Patrick D. Dalton Carmel, IN Business Administration

Kathi Rae Damsteegt Clymer, NY English

Stephanie Davidson Coldwater, Ml Theater

Mary Elizabeth Davis West Bloomfield, Ml Spanish/Poli. Sci.

David Frederick DeBoer Holland, Ml Physics/Chemistry

Kurt M. DeGoede Grand Rapids, Ml Physics

Lara DeLamater East Greenbush, NY Political Science

7 Ann Elizabeth deBoom Troy, Ml Business Administration


Deborah DeFrancesco Northville, Ml Accounting

Sandra DeLong Benton Harbor, Ml Special Education

Laura Marie Dennis Traverse City, Ml Special Education

Kelly Dale DeWitt Zeeland, Ml " Chemistry/Education

Kristi Kathleen Dimmers Hillsdale, Ml Lang. Arts Composite

* '•s 

Russell Dittmar Ann Arbor, Ml Computer Science

Rosemary K. Dittmer Grand Rapids, MI English/Comm. Composite

Denise Renee Draft Spring Lake, Ml Bus. Adm. / P o l i . Science

Beth A. Dreyer Holland, Ml Computer Science

Steven W. Dunlap Saline, Ml Business

Ann Marie Dunn East Lansing, Ml Philosophy/Accounting

Susan M. Dusseljee Kalamazoo, Ml Computer Science

Kimberly S. Duven Pella, 1A G e r m a n / Education

Dirk R. Dykstra Kentwood, Ml Comp Sci/Bus. Adm.

Amy Beth Eberhardt Grand Rapids, Ml Business Administration

0!^ K


1 Michelle Lyn Dykema Holland, Ml Religion/Psychology

A n n e Rebecca Dykstra Zeeland, Ml Education

Michael Catlin: Nykerk 2. Susan Celkis: Pull 12^ Nykerk 1, FCA 123. Timothy Cemt: OKE 1 2 3 4 , President 4; Golf 12; Student Congress 4. James Chan: OKE 3 4 , Con. Sec. 4; Tennis 34; Student Congress 4, Chandler: SIB 2 3 4 , 12, Young Life 1 2 3 4 , Psi 4. Amy Chatfield: Nykerk !; Dorian 2 3 4 , Corr Sec 4.

Jennifer Lynn Elder 째 Holland, Ml Psychology

Brian Erie Etzel Bloomlield Hills, Ml Political Science

Lauren Evans Elmhurst, 1L Political Science

Soccer 12. RaP 1 2 3 4 , FCA is: Nykerk 12, 3 4 . Maureen Phi 2 3 4 , Ski n "\ Arcadiuntry 3 ,

V Lance W. Evert, Jr. Grand Rapids, MI M a t h / B u s . Administration


John Charles Ferguson Holland, Ml Business Administration

Jovo John Filipovich Dearborn Heights, Ml Computer Science

Rene M. Fisher Alma, Ml Psychology

Kimberly S. Fisk Caledonia, Ml Special Education


Christine L. Finks Sterling Heights, Ml Communication

i.ede W T H S 2, 1 134. Lara DeLar

# Kelly Fletcher Portage, MI Biology

Bruce Michael Fletter Grand Rapids, MI Biology

Karen Renee Folkerts Oakland, NJ Psych/Soc. Composite

UN 3, WIO 4, I Dennis: Chapel Choir 3; Nykerk 12; O A 23; Mortar Board 4; W T H S 1; Collegium M u s i c u m 1 2 . Kelly D e W i t t : { 34, Pull 1 2 3 4 .

Russell Dittmar: Orchestra 1 2 3 , Lacrosse 23, SAC Films 3 4 . Beth Dreyer: WIO 34, Mortar Board 4. Steven Dunlap: OKE 2 3 4 , Pull 1 2 3 4 . Sue Dusseljee: SIB 2 3 4 , FCA 12, Nykerk 2. Kim Duven: Delta Phi Alpha 34, German Club 1 2 3 4 , Mortar Board President 4, Collegium Musicum 1 2 3 4 , Psi Chi 4.

T o b i n R o b e r t Ford Z e e l a n d , MI Engineering Science

Jill Forney Bloomington, IN Art

Terri Lynn Forte Northville, Ml Dance

Jeffrey Charles Frederickson St. J o s e p h , MI Business Administration

D i a n a Marie Gabriel Holland, MI A r t / S c i e n c e Compos ite

Jeffrey D. G a m m o n s Battle Creek, MI Economics/Spanish

Anne Dykstra: SIB 2 3 4 , T reasurer 2; Nykerk 2; RA 2. Dirk Dykstra: SAC Films 3 4 . Amy Eberhardt: Business Roundtable 3. Jennifer Elder: Track 1, Higher Horizons 2 3 4 . Brian Etzel: Football 1 2 3 4 . Lauren Evans: O A 34, Pi Sigma Alpha 4, Intramurals 3 4 . Lance Evert: Lacrosse 1 2 3 4 , Anchor 34.

John Ferguson: Nykerk 12, Ski Club 14, Intramurals 1 3 4 , FCA 1, Band 1. Christine Finks: Sigma Sigma 1 2 3 4 Sec 4. Rene Fisher: Nykerk 12, Psi Chi 3 4 , SIB 34, WIO 3 4 . Kimberly Fisk: Delta Phi 1 2 3 4 , Corr Sec 3. Bruce Fletter: Cross Country 1 2 3 4 , Track 1 2 3 4 , Arcadian 23.



A Maria D. Garrett Spring H o p e , N C Biology

S a m a n t h a Brianca G a n o Orlando, FL Dance

Lori A . G a n o Albion, MI Psych/Bus. Adm.

Karen Folkerts: Chapel Choir 2 3 , Soccer 2 3 4 , Nykerk 1. Tobin Ford: Swimming 2 3 4 , Wind Ensemble 2, Percussion Ensemble 4. Tern Forte: Dance Concert 1 2 3 4 . Jeffrey Frederickson: Baker Scholar 3 4 . Jeffrey Gammons: Nykerk 12, Sailing Club 1 2 3 4 , Spanish Club 2 3 4 .


I i'y



J e n n i f e r Lynn G e m m e n Holland, Ml Political Science


D a n n i e J o e G e n t r y , Jr. Holland, MI Biology/Chemistry



J o s e p h P. Gerhardstein Beverly Hills, Ml Engineering Physics



Doreen Marie German Greenville, Ml Physical Education

Nanci Lynne Goble Paw Paw, Ml Business

Laura Elizabeth Greij Holland, Ml Special Education

Kelly L. Grieve Elsie, Ml Communications

J a m e s L. Griffin Holland, Ml History/Philosophy

Amy Janel G u m p Beaver Falls, P A French/International Studies

Arwa Y. Haider M a n a m a Bahrain Math/Business

„ J a m e s Ralph Hall Alma, Ml English

Gene Halsey Rensselaer, NY C o m m / B u s . Administration

Christopher Hamlin Holland, Ml Engineering/Comp. Sci.

Kathy J. Harger St. Louis, Ml Communication

Amanda Marie Hargreaves Maple City, Ml Accounting

Lisa M. Harrison Alma, Ml Nursing

David Brian Harvey Fennville, Ml Math

Juliet Hasley Plymouth, Ml Music Performance

Carol Jean Haverdink Holland, Ml Special Education

Ruth A n n e Haverdink

Elizabeth A n n e Hayes

Business Administration

Hamilton, MI Business Administration

Marshall, MI Biology

Tracy Ann Helmer

Steven A. H e n k e

Mary Beth Herin

Sturgis, MI Poli S c i / B u s Adm.

Ann Arbor, MI

Shelby, MI

Leah D. Hilbelink Elkhorn, Wl


Social Studies Comp.

Humanities Comp.

Matthew Scott Haverdink Jenison, MI

Teri Heetderks Zeeland, MI Math

m Michael Dean Hitchingham

Marc A. Hoeksema

Littleton, C O

Muskegon, MI

Sherry Lynne Hoeksema Grand Rapids, MI

Deborah Sue Hoffman Lincoln, NE

Biology/Bus Adm.

Business Administration

Bus. A d m . / P o l i . Science

P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Laura Eleanor Holloway O a k Ridge, NJ English/Ancient Civ.

Linda Elaine Hooghart Manistee, MI Poli. Sci./Communication

Stephen J. Hord Vienna, V A Psychology

David W. Hough Almont, MI Business Administration

Mary C. Howard-Yack

Chris Howe

Heidi A n n e Hudson

Muskegon, Ml Spanish

Mason, Ml Business Administration

Waukesha, WI Special Education

Nanci Goble: Sigma Sigma 1 2 3 4 . Laura Greij: MOCP 2 3 4 ; Lazarus 2; Carrer Advisor 3. Kelly Grieve: Milestone 2; RA 23; T V Crew 2 3 4 . James Griffin: Mortar Board 4. A m y Gump: Student Congress 24; Club 14; French Club 24; lykerk 12. Arwa Haider: IR Mub 1 2 3 4 , President 3. James dl: C r o s s C o u n t r y 1 2 3 4 ; 1; Anchor 4; Inklings 4.

Halsey: W T H S 1234; 1 2 3 4 , Treasurer 4; T V Crew 2 3 4 . C h r i s t o p h e r Hamlin: SPS 34. Kathy Harger: Alpha Phi Omega 34; Mortar Board 4; WIO 34. Amanda Hargreaves: Basketball 12, Captain 2, Statistician 34. Lisa Harrison: Ski Club 1; Nykerk 12; Sigma Sigma 2 3 4 .

Denise K. Jabaay Lansing, 1L

Julie L. Jackson Grand Rapids, Ml

Business Administration


Jamie L. Janczyk Muskegon, Ml Psychology

Juliet Hasley: Delta Phi 4, Corresponding Secretary 4; Nykerk 1; Pull 2. Carol Haverdink: Mortar Board 4. Matt Haverdink: Football 1234; Business Club 4. Ruth Haverdink: Nykerk 12. Elizabeth Hayes: Dorian 1234; Orchestra 124; Symphonette 12; WIO 4; FCA 12; Black Coalition 4.

& Mark P. Jennings

Ma. Victoria R. Joaquin

Grand Rapids, Ml Business

Manilla, Philippines Nursing

David Alan Johnson St. Johnsville, NY Religion/Philosophy

T r a c y H e l m e r : Pull 1 2 3 4 ; Nykerk 12; Delta Phi 2 3 4 ; Business Roundtable 34. Steven Henke: Business Club 34; Lacrosse 1 2 3 4 . Mary Henn: FCA 1234; Track 1234. Leah Hilbelink: Nykerk 12; College Chorus 1; Chapel Choir 3. Mike Hitchingham: Centunan 2 3 4 , Treasurer 4, PR 3, Special Projects 2; Cross Country 1.

t Matthew R. Johnson Rochester Hills, Ml Political Science

Phil J. Jones Shelby, Ml Physical Education

Kim Kaler Naperville, IL Mathematics

Seniors 4 5

Marc H o e k s e m a : B u s i n e s s Roundtable 4; EIO 4. Deborah Hoffman: Basketball 3 4 , CoCaptain 4; Psi Chi 3 4 . Laura Holloway: WIO 2; W T H S 2 3 4 . Linda Hooghart: Forensics 1 2 3 , V P 3; FCA 12. Stephen Hord: Centurian 1 2 3 4 , President 4; E I O 3 4 ; Intramurals 1 2 3 4 . Mary Howard Yack: Sigma Delta Pi 4. Brett Martin Keating

T e n d o J. N. B. Kasara Uganda, Kampala

Scott A. Kaukonen Colon, MI



Sara Lynn Kelder

Pamela A n n Keldie Brandon, FL

Kathleen J. Kelly

Hudsonville, MI S c i e n c e / M a t h Composite



Susan T h e r e s e Kerrigan

Kenneth Lee Kimes

Carey Klamt

Lake Bluff, IL Sociology

Scottville, MI Lang. Arts Composite

Zeeland, MI Dance

Karen R. Kleinheksel Hudsonvuille, MI S c i e n c e / M a t h Composite

Jon B. Kloak Ann Arbor, MI

Kelly L. Kloostra Grand Rapids, MI Lang. Arts Composie

Kalamazoo, MI Psychology

Chris H o w e : Football 1 2 3 4 . Heidi Hudson: Track 1; Mortar Board 4; CEC 3 4 . Jamie Janczyk: Nykerk 12; Orchestra 23; Wind Ensemble 1. Victoria Joaquin: Hope Calvin Nursing: 3 4 . Matt Johnson: Water Polo 124; EIO 34; Swimming 12; Milestone 1 3 4 , Photo Editor 34; Anchor 13; Pi Sigma Alpha 4.

Scotia, NY

Phil Jones: Cross Country 12; Track 1; Hope Republicans 2. Kim Kaler: Soccer 1 2 3 4 ; Mortar Board 4. Tendo Kasara IR Club 4, President 4, Secretary 23; W T H S 4, Production Director 4; SAC Special Events 3. iss 1Country Scott Kaukonen: Cross 12; Anchor 2 3 4 ; Pi Sigma Alpha 3 4 .

Brett Keating: Soccer 123; Diving 12; College Chorus 2; Chapel Choir 3 4 , V P 4; Pi Kappa Alpha 2 3 4 , V P 3; Mortar Board 4, Co-President 4; RA 3; RD 4; Lacrosse 3; Ultimate Frisbee 2; Psi Chi 34; Psychology Club 34; Crusade 4; Collegium Musicum 4; PRIDE 4. Sara Kelder: Collegium Musicum 123; BBB 34.



Business Administration

Joel E. Kooienga Evergreen Park, IL

Nancy A n n Kolle

Business Administration

Grand Rapids, MI Lang. Arts Composite

Heather Joy Kreuzer

David A. Kreydich

Hudsonville, MI German

Oak Lawn, IL Psychology

Karen L Kooyman Grand Rapids, MI

J o J e a n n e Marie Kosmyna

Social Studies Composite


Kimberly A. KroHt Carmel, IN

Jacquelyn Rose Krombeen East Grand Rapids, MI

Political Science


Canton, MI

u Sandi Gail Kuenzi Waukesha, W1 Religion

Heidi A. Kuhman Tecumseh, MI Lang. Arts Composite

Susan Lynn Kurtycz West Olive, MI Psychology

Valerie Renes Kuyt Lowell, MI Humanities Composite

Timothy Vincent Kuzma

Kent Alexander LaBaugh

Christian Charles Lahti

Susan D. Laidlaw Grand Rapids, Ml English/Comm Composite

Holland, Mi Business Administration

Grand Rapids, Ml

Spring Lake, Ml

Business Administration


Katie Lane

Kathryn Larsen

Scott T h o m a s Larsen

Grand Rapids, Ml

Midland, Ml



A n n Arbor, Ml Business Administration

John D. Lenters Holland, Ml Physics/Math

Jilann Limp Wheaton, 1L Soc/Psychology

Janine E. Lenhart Dorr, Ml Nursing

Bethany M. Lewallen

David William Lewis

Jonathan E. Liepe

Traverse City, Ml Biology

Muskegon, Ml Biology

Fennville, Ml Psych/Sociology

Michael Craig Lievense Caledonia, Ml Business Administration

Britt Elel Lindlors Mt. Pleasant, Ml Chemistry

Brett Shirer Lindgren Orchard Lake, Ml Business Administration I

J a m e s B. Loats Granville, O H

Suzanne Noel Lobs Geneva, 1L



Kristin Long Newaygo, Ml Political Science

ift ;

Karen B. Looman West Allis, Ml Biology

Sharon J. Lutz Three Rivers, Ml Special Education



Arthur Love Niles, Ml

William W. Lowry



Bryan Mahan Plainwell, Ml

Eileen Malkewitz Grand Ledge, Ml


Special Education

Rockford, 1L

1 Stephen Mallen Kentwood, Ml Business Administration t

Lisa Florence Manhart North Muskegon, Ml International Studies

Catherine Gage Marino Chicago, 1L Art Studio

Brett Lindgren: Arcadian 1 2 3 4 , Sergeant at Arms 3; Golf 1. Jim Loats: Nykerk 1 2 3 4 ; Emerso nian 2 3 4 ; BBB 2 3 4 ; 0 A 4 . S u z anne Lobs: Dorian 1 2 3 4 , Presi dent 4; Pan Hellenic 2 3 4 ; Soc cer 1; RA 4. Kristin Long; P Sigma Alpha 34, V P 4; Phi Al


pha Theta 4; Intramurals

Kann Rochelle Marsilije Holland, Ml

Jt nmfer l.ynru- Martin A n n a n d a l r . NJ


I ht-alrt-

Brenda Lopez Martinez Holland. Ml Social Studies Composite

Lisa Martinuzzi Redford, Ml

Oavid Keith Masselink Holland. Ml

Margaret Matson Geneva, II.


Computer S c i e n c e / M a t h

P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Leilani M Matsuda Brandon, SI)

Barbara Matthews

Beth Alison Matthews

Toledo, O H Business Administration

Grandville, MI Ac counting

Susan McComb Arlington Heights, II. Chemistry

Joan Kathleen McConnell Bloomheld Hills, Ml Social Studies Composite

Karen Looman; S A C Films 1 2 3 4 ; A E D 2 3 4 , Secretary 4; S y m p h o n e t t e 1 2 3 4 . Arthur Love: Football 1; A E D 12, V P 1. Bill Lowry: Chi Phi Sigma: 1234; Chapel Choir 2 3 ; W T H S 12; S A C 2 3 4 . Sharon Lutz: Swimming 12; SIB 2 3 4 . Bryan Mahan: Soccer 12. Eileen Maikowitz: Field Hockey 2 3 4 ; Softball 1 2 3 4 .

Stephen Mallen: Chapel Choir 3 4 ; B u s i n e s s R o u n d t a b l e 1. Lisa Manhart: Nykerk 1 2 ; Swimming 2 3 . Gage Marino: B A C C H U S 1; SAC Films 3; N y k e r k 2 . Karin M a r s i l i j e : Nykerk 12; RA 2; FCA 123. Lisa Martinuzzi: Pi 2 3 4 ; Pi Sigma Alpha Chorus 1; Judicial 23.

International Studies

David Magar Recordir Matthews dent 3. Bus 34. Beth Matthews: Intramurals 1 2 3 4 . Patrick McCarthy: Cross Country 1 2 3 4 ; Track 1 2 3 4 ; Ski Club 12; Omicron Delta Epsilon 4.


Patrick J a m e s McCarthy East Grand Rapids, Ml Economics/Bus Adm



Christine A. Mclver

Kimberly A. M e d e m a

Michelle R e n e Meeings

Kalamazoo, Ml

Portage, Ml

Petoskey, Ml

Hastings, Ml


Learning Disabilities


CommuiiKrttuin.s/ Education

Christina Lee Mellon

A m y Sue Merkle

Elizabeth A n n e Meyers

Kristin Michel

G r a n d Rapids, M l

Sparta, Ml

A d r i a n , Ml

Wilmington. 1)E




Pulitital Science

Mirhelli Marn Melendy

Nicole L. Miller

J a m e s Dale M o n n e t t , Jr.

Michele Monroe

Cindy J o Moored

Spring Lake, Ml

Solon, O H

Park Forest, IL

Grandville. Ml




N jr>ing

R h o n d a K. MullinÂť

J a m e s E. Moriarty

Mary S. Moriarty

William M. Muir

Grand Rapids, Ml

Grand Rapids, Ml

East Grand Rapids, Ml

Fond du Lac, W l

Business Administration


Business Administration

P s y c h / S o c . Composite

L u Mm % m Sally Jo Mouw Holland, Ml

Jennifer Ellen Mrozinski

Business Administration

S o c . / P s y c h . Composite

Special Education

J a m e s D. Myers

Nanci AnnNastase

Houng H. Nguyen

Rochester Hills, Ml

Decatur, Ml Lang. Arts Composite

Grand Rapids, Ml

Steven M. Mitas Saginaw, Ml

Kristyn Gail MoHett


Cheryl Lynn M u m a Jenison, Ml Business Administration


Okemos, Ml

O n e k a m a , Ml


Lissa Anne Nienhuis

Lisa Ann Nordlund

Michael DeWitt Norman

Catherine J. Notestine

Holland, Ml English/Phys. Ed.

Ravenna, Ml Secondary Education

Zeeland, Ml

Plymouth, Ml English/Communications

John V. O ' C o n n o r

Joseph F. O'Grady

Franklin, P A Business Administration

Glenview, 1L History

Business Administration

Kevin Michael O ' K e e f e Holland, Ml Business Administration

Kristine Ann Olding Muskegon, Ml English

Susan McComb: College Chorus 1; Dorian 2 3 4 , Secretary 3, Treasurer 4, President 4; Chemistry Club 34; MOCP 4; FCA 12. Christine Mclver: Dorian 1 2 3 4 , Secretary 3. Kim Medema: SAC 34; Field Hockey 2; Nykerk 12; CEC 1 2 3 4 ; intramurals 1 2 3 4 . M i c h e l l e Meengs: Sigma Sigma 2 3 4 , V P 4; A E D 2 3 4 , Historian 3. Lauren Ann Oliver Northville, Ml Social Studies Composite

Benjamin Roger Opipari

Jennifer Lee Osborne

Rockville, MD Psychology/English

Davison, MI Learning Disabilities

Michelle Melendy: Delta Phi 2 3 4 ; Chapel Choir 2 3 4 . Christina Mellon: Nykerk 12; Model UN 1; Milestone 1; Phi Alpha Theta 2 3 4 . Amy Merkle: German Club 1 2 3 4 . Elizabeth Myers: Field Hockey 2 3 4 ; BBB 2 3 4 , V P 4. Kristin Michel: Anchor 3; Opus 23; Soccer 12; College Chorus 12; Inklings 3; Pi Sigma Alpha 34; Mortar Board 4. Andrew R. Outhouse

Xandrea L. Oxender

Union Springs, NY Business Administration

Sturgis, Ml Biology

m "n

Pamela Jo Palmer Midland, Ml Lang. Arts Composite

2. Inklings 12;


'fSf *6

CA 2 3 4 ;

Haesook Karen Pang Chicago, IL English/Sociology

T h o m a s C. Park Kalamazoo, Ml Business Administration

Elizabeth A. Pechta Hillsdale, Ml Political S c i e n c e / C o m m .

12; Phi Mitas: C o s m o p o l i t a n 2 3 4 . Kristyn MoHett: Sigma Sigma 2 3 4 ; Soccer 2; Nykerk 1. Cheryl Muma: Nykerk 2; Business Roundtable 4. James Myers: Football 1234; Arcadian 2 3 4 . Nanci Nastase: Sigma Sigma 2 3 4 , President 4.

I Jennifer Peck Stone Ridge, NY Philosophy i

Delynn R. Pedersen Western Springs, IL Humanities Composite

Jill R. Penny Climax, Ml Accounting


Huong Nguyen: Mortar Board 4; Nykerk 1 2 3 4 . Lissa Nienhuis: Basketball 1 2 3 4 ; Softball 1; Mortar Board 4. Lisa Nordlund: Volleyball 12; Basketball 1; Track 1 2 3 4 ; Dorian 1 2 3 4 ; Anchor 1; Forensics 4. Michael Norman: Pull 12. Cathy Notestine: Wind Ensemble 1234; Alpha Phi Omega 34; Band 1 2 3 4 ; Nykerk 12. Kamal K. Perkins

Marcia D. Perzee

Business Administration

Grand Rapids, Ml P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Oilman, IL Business Administration

Roberta L. Peterson

Carl Philippon

Kelly Elizabeth Phillips

Shoreview, MN

Alma, Ml Chemistry

Phys. Ed./Psychology

Robin Perala Livonia, Ml

Joe 0 ' Grady: Alpha Phi Omega 2 3 4 , President 4. Kevin O'Keefe: Tennis 2 3 4 ; Intramurals 1 2 3 4 ; Golf 4. Lauren Oliver: E d u c a t i o n a l R e s o u r c e Team 2; Nykerk 12; FCA 2 3 4 . Ben Opipari: Milestone 3 4 , Editor 34; Mortar Board 4; 1 rack 2; Intramurals 2 3 4 . Jennifer O s b o r n e : C o l l e g e C h o r u s 1; Nykerk 12; SIB 2 3 4 .

G e r m a n / I n e r n a t ' l Studies

Portage, Ml

Andrew O u t h o u s e : Lacrosse 2 3 . Xandrea Oxender: Nykerk 12; SAC 34; B B B 2 3 4 ; A E D 2 3 4 . Pamela Palmer: Nykerk 1. Kaen Pang: Sigma Sigma 1 2 3 4 , Secretary 3, President 4; Pull 12; A C E R T 4. Thomas Park: Pull 12; Fraternal 2 3 4 ; Intramurals 4. Jennifer Peck: Nykerk 12.

•' .v.. Susan M. Piaget

Steven C. Pierce

Holland, Ml Special Education

Ann Arbor, Ml Business Administration

Mary L. Postmus Grand Rapids, Ml

Elizabeth Ann Prewett Mt. Pleasant, Ml M a t h / S c i e n c e Comp,

Renee M. Porter Traverse City, Ml F r e n c h / P h y s . Ed.

Beth Pechta: Anchor 1 2 3 4 ; CoEditor 34; Pi Sigma Alpha 4, President 4; Mortar Board 4; Orchestra 4. DeLynn Pedersen: Chapel Choir 34; FCA 1 2 3 4 . Jill Penny: Business Club 3 4 , Treasurer 4. Robyn Perala: Mortar Board 4; Inklings 2; Black Coalition 2. Marcia Perzee: Nykerk 12; Business Roundtable 3.



Timothy Jay Reeb Grand Rapids, Ml Bus. Adm./Psychology

Knnberlee N Remkmij Holland. Ml Learning Disabilities

Lisa Render Traverse City, Ml P s y c h . / S o c Composite

Janel K Reynolds

Staiey Ann Richey Lansing. Ml

Union Lake, Ml Nursing

Psych/Soc Composite

Kurt Andrew Ritter

Knstian D. Ritton

William Lawrence Roberts

Louisville. KY Communications

llion. NY

Rochester. NY Physical E.ducation

Knsten Joan Roeters Grand Rapids Ml

John Rosenbrook

Shannon Riessen Greenville. Ml Soc./Psychology

Ta Nathan Joel Robrahn

Lisa Rochowiak

Darien. 11. Psychology

Lansing, Ml Humanities Composite

Rochelle J Roeng Grandville, Ml Psychology

Shaync M RolUton Casnovia. Ml Math Science Composite

I isa .1 Ronrda

Kevin S Rusenau

Holland. Ml Vocal Music Education

Cadillac. Ml Business Administration

Physical Ldu< ation

Seniors 5 5

Linda L. Rosenthal

Martha E. Kynbrandt

Tracey I). Sams

Petoskey, Ml Psychology

Zeeland, Ml Humanities

Detriot, Ml Biology

Ellen Jeanette Sanders

Robin N. Savage

Sharon Beth Savellano

San Francisco, CA

Beecher, IL

French/Business Adtn.

Soc./lnternat'l Studies

Muskegon, Ml Psychology

Jeffrey Alan Schorfhaar Cold water, Ml

Robin Jo Schout Zeeland, Ml


Keith C. Schuring Kalamazoo, Ml Art

Jocelyn L. Samuel Middletown, C T Phys. Ed./Psychology

A n n e L. Schloff Dearborn Heights, Ml English

Joy Elizabeth Schultheis

Elizabeth L. Schullz

Lang. Arts Composite

East Lansing, Ml Biology

Traverse City, Ml Biology

Andrew Schut Sparta, MI Accounting

Terry Senk Union Lake, Ml Art History

Christopher A. Shepard Williamsburg, V A Political Science

Roberta Peterson; German Club 24; Alpha Gamma Phi 24. Carl P h i l i p p o n : Intramurals 1234; FCA 4; A E D 4. Kelly Phillips: Volleyball 12; Basketball 1; T r a c k 1 2 3 ; C o l l e g e Chorus 2. Susan Piaget: SCEC 3 4 . Steve Pierce: Chapel Choir 2 3 , Business Mgr. 3; Collegium Musicum 23; College Chorus

• 1

12, President 1. Pamela L. Sherman Grand Rapids, Ml

Christel B. Siebert Grand Rapids, Ml

Heidi Slack Kalamazoo, Mi



Social Studies Composite

Renee Porter: Chapel Choir 4; D e l t a Phi 2 3 4 ; intramurals 2 3 4 ; Nykerk 124. Mary Postmus: Dorian 2 3 4 , Pledge Educator 3, Treasurer 4. Elizabeth Prewett: Kappa Delta Chi 12; Fencing 3. Kimberlee Reinking: CEC 2 3 . Janel Reynolds: Do4 , V P 4; t. Secretary 4;

Stephen M. Smant Spring Lake, MI

Angela L. Smith Holland, MI

Ann Smith Midland, MI

Business Administration



Kurt Ritter: Baseball Football 1; Club 23; T V Kris Ritton: Bill Roberts: Tr Country 1 2 3 4 . Nathan rahn: intramurals 1234; 3 4 . Lisa Rochowiak: Nykerk 12; FCA 34.

Michelle M. Smith Lansing, Ml Learning Disabilities

Tiffany Smith Midland, MI Humanities Composite

Terry Anne Sokorai Grand Rapids, MI Special Education

rig: intramurals eters: Basketball i: Nykerk LisaRoorda: Col2; Chapel Choir 34; i. President 4; Del2 3 4 , Treasurer 34; ambda 3 4 5 . Kevin Wind Ensemble


1234; Jazz Ensemble 1.

Katherine Ann Spangenberg Lake Jackson, T X Chemistry

Suzanne B. Spring Vestal, NY English/Religion

Eric Sean Stansby Holland, MI Biochemistry

Seniors 57

J o h n R o s e n b r o o k : Arcadian 2 3 4 ; S t u d e n t C o n g r e s s 3. Martha Rynbrandt: Delta Phi 2 3 . Tracey Sams: Black Coalition 1 2 3 4 . Ellen Sanders: College Chorus 2 4 . Robin Savage: SIB 1 2 3 4 ; Pan Hellenic 2 3 4 ; Nykerk 12. Sharon Savellano: Psi Chi 34; BBB 3 4 . Anne S c h l o f f : N y k e r k 1 2 3 4 . Jeff Schorfhaar: Football 1 2 3 4 ; Track 12.

Patricia Lynn Stegink Holland, MI

Donna Sheree Stephenson Oklahoma City, O K

Mil hele Sterk Zeeland. Ml




Julie Stone Indianapolis, IN

Juli R. Stoutenborough Grand Rapids, Ml

Janet M. Striegle Dorr, Ml


P s y c h / S o c . Composite


Kathryn A. Stryker Romeo, MI

Jayson M. Stuckey

Madeline Stull

Carrollton, Ml Business Administration

Saugerties, NY P s y c h / S o c . Composite

Robin Schout: Basketball 1 2 3 4 ; Track 1 2 3 4 . Joy Schultheis: Basketball 12; Soccer 1; Volleyball 2; FCA 1 2 3 4 ; Intramurals 1 2 3 4 . Elizabeth Schultz: WIO 3 4 . Keith Schring: Football 123; Track 1; Lacrosse 3. Andrew A c h u t : B u s i n e s s Roundtable 2 3 4 . Chris Shepard: Nykerk 12; W T H S 3 4 . Pam Sherman: German Club 123.

Christel Siebert: Sigma Sigma 1 2 3 4 ; Pull 12. Heidi Slack: Orchestra 2 3 . S t e p h e n S m a n t : Swimming 1 2 3 4 , Captain 4. Angela Smith: FCA 2 3 . Ann Smith: Chapel Choir 2 3 4 ; Mortar Board 4; Nykerk 12. Michelle Smith: Alpha Phi Omega 1 2 3 4 , Secretary 2, President 3; Nykerk 12.


Tiffany Smith: Chapel Choir 2 3 4 ; Crusade 4; Nykerk 12. Terry Sokorai: Sigma Sigma 1 2 3 4 , V P 4; Pull 1 2 3 4 ; Hellenic 1 2 3 4 . Kathenm genberg: A E D 34; Nykerl Wind Ensemble 12; Oi 2. Suzanne Spring: Dorian President 4; Field Hockey Co-Captain 34; WIO 3; UCS 2.



Jill I ynn Suchecki Spring Lake, Ml

Scott Alan Sytsmn Wyoming, Ml Physics

I .inn* Mu h> I. I

( ht II i

Sturgi.v Ml Communu ation


Rebecca J, 1 apley

Jill Katherine Talbott Grand Rapids, Ml

Jody Talbott Grand Rapids, Ml

Masayuki Tanaka Chiba Japan

Poli. Sci./Psychology



Grand Rapids, Ml English

Susan J e a n n e T e e r m a n

A. Helen Teclemarian

Holland, Ml Biology

Asmara Eritrea Nursing

William Teichert Kalamazoo, MI

Kristin Marie TenHarmsel Holland, Ml

Political Science

Psych. / Sociology


1 Susan Lynn Tenhor Staten Island, NY Lang. Arts Composite

Julie 0 , Thornes Williamston, Ml English

Caroline M. terVeen Twin Falls, ID

Alicia T h o m a s Kalamazoo, Ml

Daryl E. Thrasher Simi Valley. CA




Scott Michael Tobak Minneapolis, MN Accounting

Sharon E. Todd Simsbury, C T

Joel James Toppt n

Psych./Soc. Composite

Holland, Ml Political Science

W e n d y Jayne Underhill

Jack L. V a n d e G u c h t e Fond du Lac, W1

Scott Alal VanDeHof Liberty ville, 1L Biology

Kirk A. Vender IVlolen Kent wood, MI

Rockford, 1L Social Studies Composite

Business Administration

LAnn Vander Poppen

Margaret Sue V a n d e r V e e n Holland, Ml

Heather VanDiepen Sibley, IA

Abigail V a n D u y n e

Hamilton, Mi Lang. Arts Composite

P s y c h . / S o c . Composite

Learning Disabilities


Cynthia Joan V a n D y k e Wheaton, IL

Carl R. V a n F a a s e n Holland, Ml

Rebecca L. V a n H e k k e n

Gilda J a n e VanSkiver

Grand Rapids, MI

Grand Rapids, Ml

Special Education




Kirsten V a n Z a n t e n T h e Woodlands, T X Special Education

Terri Veen Ripon, CA Special Education

Mary Elizabeth VanZoeren Wyoming, Ml Special Education

Maria J. Vaver Evergreen Park, IL Theater


Flint, Ml


Eric S t a n s b y i C e n t u r i a n 2 3 4 , V P 2, President 4; A E D 2 3 4 ; BBB 3 4 . Michele Sterk: Volleyball 12; Basketball 1 2 3 4 . Juli Stoutenborougb: SIB 2 3 4 ; Mortar Board 4; Nykerk 4; Orchestra 2; Psi Chi 34. Janet Striegle: Intramurals 4. Jayson Stuckey: Football 1 2 3 4 . Madeline Stull: Nykerk 12; Intramurals 23.

Jelirey D. Veldhof Holland, Ml Business Administration

David Jay Veldink

D. M. Shelly V e n e m a

Jenison, Ml Business Administration

Portage, Ml Education

Chapel Choir 4; SPS 34; Pi Pi 3 4 . Jill Chi 34; Nykerk 12. Tanaka: IR Club 3 4 . Becky Tapley: W T H S 12 H< marian: German Club 12^ liam Teichert; Sailing 4; Milestone 1; Anchor 1; Alpha Phi O m e g a 1. Kristin T e n Harmsel: Nykerk 12. Wendy Viening

Sally L. Vlietstra

Zeeland, Ml Art Education

Ringle, W1 Spanish

Richard N. Voci Midland, Ml Business Administration

Sunni Tenhor: 1234; 4; Nyl

S 3 4 . Caro-


Cristy Vredevelt

Donna Lynn Wagner

Portage, Ml Chemistry/Biology

Palos Heights, 1L Social Studies Composite

Melanie Waldron Redlands, CA Religion/Biology

•r Polo 12. Mark L. Walters Warwick, NY Math

Susan E. Washburn Holland, Ml Psych./Sociology

Seth Evan Weeldreyer Mattawan, Ml History/Education

Seniors 6 1

LeAnn VanderPoppen: Nykerk 1234; Pull 2; SIB 2 3 4 , Secretary 3; Student Congress 4. Heather VanDiepen: SCEC 2 3 4 , V P 4; FCA 2 3 4 ; RA 3 4 . Abby VanDuyne: Field Hockey 1 2 3 4 ; Track 124. Cynthia VanDyke: SIB 34; FCA 2 3 . Carl VanFaasen: Water Polo 12; Orchestra 124; Emersonian 1 2 3 4 , V P 3, Rush Chair 3, President 4; W T H S 12. Michele L. Weerstra Spring Lake, Ml Psychology

Rebecca L. Wiegle Grandville, MI

Jill Wheeler Stockton, NJ



Claudia Lynn White

Melissa Wikman

Arlington, V A

Muskegon, Ml

Julie L. Wilcox Muskegon, Ml

Social Studies Composite



Kristin E. Wilson Royal Oak, Ml

Kara L. Wolfe Rochester, Ml

Susan Wolfert Wyoming, Ml

Special Education

Business Administration


Mark C. Wood Columbus, O H

Laura Huntington Wyss Albion, Ml Studio Art

Jordi Elizabeth Yarwood Frankfort, Ml Biology

B e c k y V a n H e k k e n : Pull 2; Nykerk 1 2 3 4 , Chairman 4; Delta Phi 3 4 , V P 4. Gilda VanSkiver: Dorian 2 3 4 , Secretary 3. Kirsten VanZanten: Dorian 3 4 , Secretary 4; Field Hockey 2; Track 123; O A 2. Mary Van Zoeren: SIB 2 3 4 . Dave Veldink: Arcadian 1 34; Pull 1 2 3 4 .

Shelly Venema: Softball 1 2 3 4 ; Anchor 4; FCA 123; Nykerk 12; College Chorus 1. Sally Vlietstra: Spanish Club 4; Intramurals 1. Richard N, Voci: Kappa Eta Nu 4. Cristy Vredevelt: Swimming 1 2 3 4 , Captain 4. Mark Walters: Math Club 3; EIG 4 ; T r a c k 1 2 3 4 ; C r o s s Country 1 2 3 4 , Captain 4.

Susan Washburn: Nykerk 12; FCA 123; IVCF 2; Intramurals 2. Seth Weeldreyer: Student Congress 12; Model UN 12; In tramurals 1 2 3 4 ; RA 2 3 4 ; Phi Alpha Theta 2 3 4 ; Delta Phi A1 pha 34; Mortar Board 4. Mi chele Weerstra: Psi Chi 4. Re becca Wiegle: Nykerk 1 2 3 4 ; Delta Phi 2 3 4 , President 4, Works Projects 3, Historian 4; RA 4; O A 2.

Business Administration

Jill W h e e l e r : S i g m a S i g m a 1 2 3 4 . Claudia White: FCA 1234; Swimming 12; Nykerk 12; Intramurals 2; Chapel Choir 4. Melissa Wikman: Wind Ensemble 1; Orchestra 1. Julie Wilcox: Cheerleading 1 2 3 4 ; Delta Phi 1 2 3 4 , V P 3, Works Projects 2. Kara Wolfe: Soccer 34, Captain 4; Delta Phi Alpha 2 3 4 ; Business Roundtable 3 4 . Darren E. Young Friutport, Ml Chemistry

Dawn Martha Zandbergen Jenison, Ml Special Education

Heidi Ann Zeiter Clare, Ml Math/Science Composite

Susan Wolfert: Kappa Delta Chi 1 2 3 4 , Treasurer 3, President 4; Nykerk 12. Laura Wyss: Milestone Photo Editor 2; W T H S 2 3 4 . Jordi Y a r w o o d : C r o s s Country 12; Wind Ensemble 1234; Band 2 3 4 ; BBB 2 3 4 . Darren Young: Fraternal 1234; A E D 2 3 4 . Dawn Zandbergen: SIB 2 3 4 , Secretary 4. Chapel Choir 2 3 4 . David Terry Zelinski

J a m e s Eric Zoetewey

David W. Zomer

Roselle, IL

Holland, Ml Religion

Kalamazoo, Ml

Physical Education


Heidi Zeiter: SAC 1; FCA 12. David Zelinski: Cosmopolitan 1234. Jim Zoetewey: Chapel Choir 23; College Chorus 1; IVCF 1; W T H S 13. David Zomer: College Chorus 2 3 4 ; German Club 1 2 3 4 , President 4; Delta Phi Alpha 4. Elaine Huber: Nykerk 2.

Joe Zuverink Zeeland, Ml

Liza E. Fritz Novi, Ml

Business Administration


Elaine C. Huber Houston, T X

Eric D. Good Waterford, Ml


The senior class gift on display in Van Wylen Library (top). Claudia White and Susan Celkis at the senior dinner held in late April (bottom).

nuoLaura Dennis and Gwynne Brandt say goodbye to close friends (upper left). Kelly DeWitt and Toby Ford ran the slide projector at the dinner (lower right).

Chapel Choir members A n n Smith and Steve Mallen sang at the dinner.

DeLynn Petersen and Steve Mallen enjoy their dinner at Winter Fantasia, held at the Amway Grand Plaza.




National qualifier Karl Koelling hurls the javelin at a track meet.



Jeff Brown shows ofl his moves at Air J a m 1991, held in Theatre.

T h e s e three seniors take a break from the festivities at the senior dinner.

Gerald Murphy reviews his notes before a tough exam.

Susan Celkis gets ready to eat her meal at the annual senior dinner.

Seniors 67

Abby Van Duyne listens intently to a professor at a reception for history majors.

Kelly DeWitt and Steve Dunlap, ' 9 3 Pull coaches, lead their team to victory.



Eileen Malkewitz, of the nationally ranked Hope Softball team, hurls a blaz-

,ng pitch


Laura Dennis and Heidi Slack enjoy a laugh.

Jordi Yarwood and Ken Kimes share a special moment at Fantasia.

Renee Porter commands the microphone at the senior dinner.

Seniors 6 9

Residence Life the anchor

Editorial Editorial

Speaker choice dismays senior Dear Editor

That is what is important. How about naming names?

accomplished during the school year, and Uiosc equally deserving of

ant once again disappointed with I wholeheartedly agree with the

Hopc/Calvin basketball games. They obviously couldn't wait to sell For All You Do A w a r d - g o e s to departmental secretaries who are

speakers. As a senior, I also believe the graduation speaker senior. I have some ideas sincc the


is representing us (tlie seniors)? Perhaps some of you reading Uiis wonder why it is such a big deal? Well, it shouldn't be. 1 worked al commencement List year and Prof Boyd Wilson spoke. I'm not sure the exact title of the specch it was something like "Blowing Against the Wind." But he spoke

seniors agree with this decision 11 have Van Voorst be the speaker. I hope Hope College gets the P.R, I

also donate my share! Perhaps the other Hope siudet I

icr. As and did Hope still matters. A New Desk Calendar - goes to all those . school Prank

w him. few Stndent Congress members showed up. I

3 of party laws ncighbons, as you would also

I Frat alum withdraws

obtain raduatc rccord >wn for Policc

graduating seniors of 1991 look forward to the rctu students this fall.


Sincerely, Robert DeVrtes

respcci f ihcir

Not only do you owe an apology to associate

;y inconsistent s is one. riant, is jr of the lhe


upon entering this college?

Hope College is representative of individual rights and freedom. These are the kinds of statements

complaining, were allowed to live

years at college, students i intimate relationships with ( The cultivation of close frie

completed from 66 tn 69 credits


SlafT W r i l c r *

M yiKinl iUtuwvm Mall lluyt

7 0 Residence Life R. Mail

policy itself.

•' tn the Pitie Grove to take in some entertainmeni. Students gather -tot00.


' m P o r t a n c e of growth and

and its policies are claimed ] based on tlie idea of freedom, the off-campus policy fit this

admissions brochure or in other various sources of propaganda. The hypocrisy of this can only be found once one is trapped inside this bureaucratic net. The Hope College off-campus policy is a prime example of this hypocrisy . The policy which has been active for many years states that in order for students to be allowed permission to live off-campus they






One or two credits should i This lack of consistency is a disgrace to the integrity of this institution. Liberal— adj. favoring progress and the fullest practicable liberty of Liberate- v. set free

certainly not an enhanc

Rachel Zimmer and friends play around while taking a break from some strenuous studying.

Kristin Monpetit (left) and a friend find space to stand in their cluttered dorm room.

Keith Stettler and Rick Castin walk carefully on treacherous ice outside Durfee Hall.

Greg Pratt, John De Young, Craig Kozler, Brad Gensen, Dave Conrad, Barry Cooks.

Arcadian 1st Floor


Arcadian 2nd Floor Front row: Dan Furman, Mark Oliver, Brian Van Der Werf. Back row: Aaron Slater, Sam Middieton, Allen Slater, Gary Harger, Kristian Popp.

7 2 Residence Life


Front row: Todd White, Clare Langeland, Brian Kruithof. Back row; Jonathan Liepe, Eric Petersen.

Arcadian 3rd Floor

Cosmopolitan 1st Floor James Schut, Brian Keas, BigMan Christensen, Matt Okma.

Residence Life 7 3

Joel Stray, Jun Matsumuro.

Cosmopolitan 2nd Floor

r 7 Cosmopolitan 3rd Floor


L Front row: Craig Kloostra, John Seibers, Todd Helmus, Kevin Himebaugh, Pepper Giersbach. Middle row: Eric Post, Randy Kooistra, Jason De Vries. Back row: Brandt Burgess, Eric Dettman, Craig Terpstra, Chris Larsen, Guy Cheney, Mark Conn.

7 4 Residence Life


Front row: Todd May, Doug Rasmussen, Doug Swanson, Bob Cross, Vance Lesauskis, Chris de Haan. Back row: Derek Voskuil, Kevin Richardson, Greg Eding.

Durfee 2nd Floor Nortl



i' —I m

mm I



.r •• r 1 « r -r-

" I" Jl

What are the disadvantages you have encountered while living in a dorm? "Disadvantages like food service and community bathrooms are small, but the alternative of cleaning a bathroom and cooking my own meals isn't that much better." — Todd May


Durfee 2nd Floor South Front row: Mike Nowiin, Eric Freiberger, Blake Wolffis, Todd McWethy, Dave Sweet, Josh Vogel, Mark Stokes. Back row: Jamie McKee, Dave I reloar, Jim Hicks.


— i

Residence Life 7 5

Front row: Eric Dershem. Back row: Steve Johnson, Darrin Masselink, Brad Schook, Wes White, Jeff Grate.

Durfee 3rd Floor N o r t h


Please describe the biggest learning experience that originated due to your being a Resident Director. "Getting students to think about how 'the other person' feels and sees things in a problem situation, not just how they themselves feel and think." — Pam Northuis

Durfee 3rd Floor South Front row: Scott May, Bruce Kunzi. Back row: Kurt Dershem, Mark Bonnell, Mark Baker, Gavin Loo, Bob Toth.

7 6 Residence Life

Front row: Susie Woolman, Anne Brower. Lying: Dawn Moving. Middle row: Jennifer Rush, Jocasta Castillo, Gudrun Dey, Laurie Sovereign, Jennifer Sebastl. Back row: Laura Cole, Ali Clay, Laura Jackson, Ellen Thompson, Julie Franklyn.

Dykstra Cluster G-l

Dykstra Cluster G-2 Front row: Barbara Clay, Vicki Goeman, Jodi Swope. Middle row: Becky Talbot, Heidi Teichert, Liz Either, Amy Brown, Laura Jackson, Mary De Neff. Back row: Kim Benninger, Kathy Heeg, Tina Talbot, Melissa Moroz, Tylina > Salisbury, Jennifer Sebestl.

Residence Life 77

Dykstra Cluster G-3 Dykstra Cluster 1-1 Dykstra Cluster 1-2

I G-3 Front row: Libby Staple, Suzanne Port, Sharon Land, Jennifer Sebestl. Back row: Jenny Syler, Jill Jepsen, Laura Jackson, Sarah Yurick, Karra Wohltord.

I 1-1 Front row: Jolie Barber, Laura Roelofs, Brenda Koppenol, Corrie Listenberger, Rachel Stauffer. Back row: Sarah Leighton, Molly O'Rourke, Yoko T a k a h a s h i , T r a c y Collins, M a r g a r e t Ringia, Julie Schultz, Bronya Meyaard.

I 1-2 Front row: Jill Benton, Karen Elshoff, Laurie Kihlstrom, Tamara Leuhrs, Rachael Bosley, Sonja Langlois. Back row: Bronya Meyaard, Lara Hilbelink, Julie De Goede, Kim Van Noord, Heather Hebert, Lisa Stover.

I What is the most difficult task associated with being an R. A.? "The write-ups and the searching of people's rooms when in suspicion of something. The roommate problems are also difficult to deal with." — Tammy Nantelle

7 8 Residence Life


* m t / i

Dykstra Cluster 1-3 Dykstra Cluster 1-4 Dykstra Cluster 1-5

I 1-3 F r o n t r o w : K a t i e Wills, L a u r a Schnorenberg, Donna Rottier, Shelley Blue, Tammy Nantelle. Back row; Sharon R u d i , A n g e l a D e r s h e m , C a t h y Crago, Angie De Graaf.

I 1-4 Front row; Mary Jamieson, Kris Robinson, Cara Luchies, Anissa Mihalek, Allison Goins. Back row; Jenifer Schimmel, Pam Rugen, Lisa Newby, Suzy Gajewski, Tiffany Steffen.

I 1-6 Front row; Julie Sauer, Abbie-Jo Ming, Tracy Malone, Julie Seidel, Amy Kalthoff, Kristen Dalman. Middle row; Tina Bouwman, Pattie Stanton, Nancy Feider, Lexi Tabor, Chantal Catrice, Karen Zeiger, Christy Cox. Back row; Heather Mumby, Lisa Barger, Mindi T o h m a n , Anne Kalthoff.

Residence Life 7 9

Dykstra Cluster 2-1 Dykstra Cluster 2-2 Dykstra Cluster 2-3

I 2-1 Front row: Kasi Blank, Holly West, J e n n i f e r Klimek, Jackie DomKowski, Krista S c h w a n d e r , S u m m e r S t e f f e n . Back row: Melissa Herremans, Karlee Knuth, Amanda Pringle, Anette Cseri, Cindy Bumford, Sheilia Hendrick.

I 2-2 Front row: Mary Bulson, Tara Tubaugh, Christy Troxel, Christine Rose, E r i n n R a y m o n d . Back row: Melissa H e r r e m a n s , A l i s s a En g e l , T i o n e M l o t h a , B r a n d i e Benedict, T i n a Panayides, Kristin Vonk, Niki Lizzadro, Kim Scott, Lynn Block.

I 2-3 Front row: Amy Hoekstra, Stacy Tucker. Middle row: Lisa Be Kius, Michelle Brown, Ali Kooistra, Barb Woodruff, Beth Wolfrom, Tricia Kinlstrom, Owen Snyder. Back row: Melissa Bakhuyzen, Carrie Mitchell, Carla Everts, Marci Van Dyke, Liz Vernasco.


Residence Life


Dykstra Cluster 2-5 Dykstra Cluster 2-6

I 2-4 Front row: Jill Kjosen. Middle row; Kendra Grate, Amy Garringer, Julie Phillipps, Gretchen King, Tara Cook. Back row: Sarah Reedy, Jodi Graf, Carla Everts, Kristie Evans, Nathalie Hallyn, Kelly Zacha.

I 2-5 Front row: Tona Lake, Kendra Blank, Heather Duvall, Debbie Dykstra. Second row: Tandra Lutz, Katie Cole, Dawn Adams, Julie Norman. Third row: Mandi Kitterman, Jenny Hively, Carrie Cramer, Jenny Bray. Back row: Angelique Finch, Yalonda Carter, Heather Humphrey.

2-6 Front row: Cathy Davidson, Beth Osborne, Laura Mehling, Nicole Etheridge. Middle row: T e r e s a Reader, Ann Verhey, Beth Snyder, Mary Cline, H e a t h e r Hoeksema, Laura G e r h a r d stein. Back row: Leslie Sterling, Jodi Braxmaier, Kathy Frost, Leslie Bechtel, Katharine Gaiser.

Residence Life 8 1

Dykstra Cluster 3-1 Dykstra Cluster 3-2 Dykstra Cluster 3-3

I 3-1 Front row: Trista Kelver, Bridget Crotty. Middle row; Barb Howe, Jeni Mroz, Jan Looman. Back row: Alison Feikema, Nancy Bartels, Jennifer Ramthun, Kelli Marsh, Elizabeth Clark, Rebecca Blum.

1 3-2 Front row: Jennifer Arning, Tami Triemstra, Amy Giles, Nancy Bartels. Middle row: Jamie Whitford, Stephanie Lockman, Jenni Becker, Katie Wildes, Amy Zuiderveen. Back row: Cindy Ortman, Annette Brashler, Karen Chapin, Jessica F,vans, Heidi Steensma.

I 3-3 Front row: Lisa Zoetewey, Lisa Davidson, Emma Kuyten, Jennifer Joy, Rachel Frick. Middle row: Christa Haas, Jennifer McGrath, Sandy Hurley, Kristen Doornbos, Amy Kliensteker. Back row: Debbie Caljouw.

•I 82

Residence Life


m Dykstra Cluster 3-4 Dykstra Cluster 3-5 Dykstra Cluster 3-6 3-4 Front row: Michelle Brinks, Beth Hartman, Pain Shippy, Jennifer Miner. Middle row; Angela Jontry, Dana Vander Hart, Ann Samuelson, Heather Van Lange Velde. Back row: Kristin Bauss, Meghan T u y m a n , Kristen Siegel, Debbie Caljouw, Kayla Dubbink.

I 3-5 Front row: Cindy Frazier. Middle row: Heather Van Alstine, Pauline Jennings, Erin Neil, Colleen Jennings, Tara Compagner, Tessa Battista. Back row: Teena Bartell, Polly Schuler, Stephanie Grier, Lauri Becksfort, Cyndi Hinton, Becky Evans, Kirsten Allhusen.

3-6 Front row: Holly Andresen, Theresa Foster, Andrea Mulholland, Becky De Boer. Middle row: Christy Henke, Sarah Sutter, Kirsten Treadway, Tracy Wessner, Lisa Rosenthal. Back row: Jenniter Herron, Jennifer McClynn, Christie Foster, Sheila Lindenberg.

Residence Life 8 3

Front row: Jane Cook, Julie Tillmann, Anna Rangel, Missy Damstra, Erin Roster, April Lee. Middle row; Sandi Rottschafer, Amy Waugh, Tracy Warner, Elana Ten Huisen, Lisa Naber. Back row: Rirsten Gibson, Deb Peterson, lanice Jett.

Gilmore 1st Floor East

Gilmore 2nd Floor West Front row: Mary Ann Pilon, Rristi Jackson, Jill Goodwin, Heidi Schwander, Cindi Ronca. Middle row: Jennifer Gilmore, Emiko Morse, Jenni Neihoff, Rristi Rnapp, Shannon MacLaren. Back row: Ami Desai, Jennie Massing, Rerri Sue De Witt, Dorie Allen, Monica Bullard.

8 4 Residence Life

Front row: Candie Vander Kolk, Angie Hartman, Andrea Samuelson, Becky Vomastek, Liz Hain, Mimi Black. Second row; Cambria Reed, Julie De Mond, Rachel Zimmer, Shelly Visser, Kim Kroes. Third row: Sarah De Witt, Karen Walker, Tricia Slager, Ann Linger. Back row: Sarah Mac Intyre, Tammy Persson.

Gilmore 2nd Floor Eagt

What has been the most memorable experience you have had while living on campus? "Making the friends that I have . . . 1 have also learned a lot about myself and life by talking/listening to others." — Shannon MacLaren


T 1 Gilmore 3rd Floor West Front row: Sarah Gaither, Sara Grundeman, Dawn Campbell, Amy Miedema, Michelle Baryj. Middle row: Kirsten Sullivan, sandy Frieling, Norma Gelderloos. Back row: Dawn Murdock, Kellie Bouws, Jamie Crooks, Christi Flumes, Ann Fenwick, Julie Mann, Kess Hobbie.

Residence Life 8 5

Front row: Krista Widiger, Paula Lemley, Karen I illson. Middle row: Kim Huizen, Donna Bolenz, Holly Moore, Laura Bachelder. Back row: Leanne Vande Bunte, Shawna Dell, Linda Coney, Danelle Wells, Jen Cameron, Jaime Houlihan, Kerri Haack.

Gilmore 3rd Floor East

Kollen 1st Floor East Front row: Matt Smit. Second r o w j a s o n Crouch, Chris Corso, Nathan Rozeboom, Jason Sefcik, Mark Schaaf, Phil Collinson, Trevor Warnes. 1 hird row: Chad Johnson, Marty Williams, Brian Roth, T o d d Query, Aaron Boyd, Dan Miller, Jason Spalding, Rich Blair, Jon Simom. Back row: O. K. Doak,Jeoff Legg, Frik Leggs, T o d d Triemstra, Nathan Shaw, Erin Van Houzen.


Residence Life

Front row: Bob Rozema, Jeff Carlson, Eric Nicholie, Matt Thompson. Second row; Blaine Olmstead, Joe Burdo, Colin Ripmaster, Kirk Fahlberg. Third row: Rick Ten Pas, Craig Maloney, Robert Wertheimer, Tim Kozminski, Rob Kangas, Michael Bivens, Kenneth Keaszi, Eric Snowdeal. Back row: Rob Lesser, Chris Dwight, R. P. McMurphy, Darren Nowicki, Nathan de Forest.

Kollen 2nd Floor East


Describe a personally rewarding experience that occurred due to your being an R.A./R.D.? "Being able to color with Gray and Maria Emerson." — Nate Cassie

Kollen 3rd Floor East Front row: Jon Zoutendam, Derek Prentice, Wade Lamphere. Second row: Matt Nederveld, Chad Latsch, Andy Toering, Dan Schairbaum, Scott Patton. Third row: Erick De Wolf, Jason Ruckert, Norm John, Todd Busman, Greg Brady, Bob Brady, Zach Kerwin, Matt Maire. Fourth row: Gwen Grupp, Kurt Eddy, Rich Van Dyke, Chris Bouma, Matt Vizithum, Kevin Mitter, Craig Vandenberk.

Residence Life 87


Front row: Susan Speet, Jayne Nealssohn, Amy Alder, Dana Grossenbacher. Second row: Dina Garcia, Tammy Blackburn, Meredith Buist, Kris Visser, Courtney Bartels, Beth Byrn. Third row: Kari Wilt, Amy Geurink, Jenny Malien. Back row: Melissa Jonckheere, Amy Hilbelink, Darcey McGhan, Kathy O'Brien, Karen de Nicola.

Kollen 3rd Floor West

Lichty 1st Floor Merry Westenbroek, Christi Rutgers, Marcee Miller, Julie Heystek, Amy Beaver.


Residence Life

Front ront row: Marie Houdek, Karen Pereira, Deborah Stone, Elizabeth Gormly, V l i e t j o d i Nienhuis, Gina Switalski. Back row: Hope < Holly lolly Van Vliet,Jodi Oscar, Sharon Roebuck, Stacey Moran, Nikki Dore, Lori Stoneciper, Julie Norman.

Lichty 2nd Floor




I Trevor, Steve, and Nancy Smith (RD s) .I

Lichty 3rd Floor Front row: Tasha Nykerk, Barb Vanden Brink, Shawn Callaghan, Mindy Marko, Carina Bradley, Violet Molete. Middle row: Sarah Bussies, Sara Kontz, Trevor Smith, Laura Thompson, Wendy Schroeder. Back row: Kirsten Stoesser, Nicole Buono, Joann Schma, Marion Leech, Abigail Schrock, Becky Greaves.

Residence Life 8 9

Front row: Kevin Bobofenak, Philip Waalkes, Eric Kunisch. Middle row: Mark Ammermann, Brian Strabel, Greg Chetfield. Back row: Doug Bazuin, Brian Watkins, Tim McHarty, Todd Jungling, Jeremy Mistry, Nate Graybill, Shawn McFarland, Scott Drooger, Lief Rothoff, Chris Wilson.

Phelps 2nd Floor West

Describe a personally rewarding experience that occurred due to your being R. D.'s. "The best experience for us this year was having surrogate "aunts and uncles" for our new baby, Graham." — Mitchell and Sandi Kinsinger

T Phelps 2nd Floor East Front row: Matt Koops, Todd Grinnell, Aaron Dumbauld, Bill Miller. Middle row: Scott Patton, Scott Davis, Chris Briggs, Durwood Gillette, Terrance Haynes, Jason Esia, Jay Wellet, Tim Dawson. Back row: Mark Whittaker, Daren Sipila, Ryan Kreider, Shonn Colbrunn, Steve Schultz, Buck Kriekard, Mattias Hoeksema, Greg Gemmen.


Residence Life

Front row; Shannon Rapa, Amy Somers, Janis Yntema, Anna Diaz Orpinell, Jodi Lyons, Gina Smith. Middle row: Judy Kleis, Barb Schau, Kristina Boersma, Sarh Van Zoeren, Lyneile Anderson, Muriel Albrecht, Susannah Budd. Back, row: Amy Spangler, Dawn Luchies, Jenny Brusveen.


Phelps 3rd Floor West


Phelps 3rd Floor East Front row: Michelle Nainys, Holly Patrick, Jessica Hutchins. Second row: Amy Halaby, Connie Agno, Tanya Cail, Ericka Lyszak, Valerie Chediak. Third row: Mereaith Downer, Christy Hamtak, Cathy Carlson, Kim Breen, Lori Gruntman. Back row: Beth Merrill, Lisa Wise, Sarah Scheben.

Residence Life 9 1

Front row: Kelly Clark, Brian Walls, Jeff DeMasse, Jeff Richardson, Karl Koelling. Middle row: Brian Kahier, Doug Hulett, Steve DeWitt, Gary Fietter, Tom Fnglesman, Jerry Attia. Back row: Drew Miller, Jeff Bannink, Marc Feikema.

Scott 1st Floor

W h a t is t h e most enjoyable p a r t of your R. A. position? "I enjoy t h e interaction 1 have with t h e stud e n t s in a r e l a x e d , living situation. W e have some great guys living in Scott a n d it's f u n to h a n g i n g out with t h e m . " — Keith Reynolds

Scott 2nd Floor North Front row: Erik White, Chad Johnson, Andy Dowden, John Stack, Derek Triesengerg. Middle row: Andrew Richards, Troy Suess, Chad T e r Avest, Troy Austin, Matt Way. Back row: Todd T e r Avest, Keith Reynolds.


Residence Life

Craig Toomayan, Justin Burke, Mike Swift, John Roehm, T h o r Nelson, Jonathan King, John Stack, Rick Wiitgen, Scott Porter.

Scott 2nd Floor South

0 fe'

What disadvantages you have encountered while living in a dorm?




"Too loud, too cramped, and people puke in the halls!" — J. Chad Johnson f

Scott 3rd Floor North Front row: Andy Schfett, Ryan Henke, Chris Myers, Jason Evert, Eric Fielding. Back row: J. J. Bechtel, Joel Vande Poel, Mark Mulder, Greg Bengeman.

Residence Life 9 3

Scott 3rd Floor South

Front row: Dai Wessman, Cody Inglis, Chris Backus, Michael Simon, Tim Reeves, Jim Lutzweiler. Middle row: Michael Ryan, Brad Vander Veen, Michael Camburn, Dan Baas, Omar Postigo. Back row: Greg Schmidt, Craig Dennings. Ward Holloway, John Stack, Jim Forsyth, Jon Hammerschmidt.

Van Vleck 1st Floor Left to Right: Elizabeth Morgan, Ruth Hamming, Sarah Arnsman, Kama Jongerius (RD), Nicole Mueller.


Residence Life

I i

Front row: Michelle Wampler, Ann Korves, Cynthia Keip, Lisa Edmiston. Back row; Christy Wolfe, Jennifer Hand, Ellen Sample, Laura Wilson, Gwen Palmer.

Van Vleck 2nd Floor

Van Vleck 3rd Floor Front row: T h a o Nguyen, Katrina Parmalee, Rosie Castillo, Patricia Torres, Yasmine David, Tara Kreh. Back row: Lisa Moshauer, Cari Carl, Sarah Raines, Wendy Raper, Sonya De Merchant.


Front row: Karin Kuang, All Svrlinga. Back row: Michelle Methric, Kim Kelley, Sheila Shurd, Courtney Mys, Aimee Nyland, Christine Logan.

Voorhees 1st Floor East

What is the most difficult task associated with being R.D.'s? "The most difficult task is trying to be fair to everyone. Every student has a different opinion of what 'fair' means. In the end you have to make a decision and stick to it." — Barb & Matt Muller

Voorhees 1st Floor West Front row: Nadeem Ahmad, Doug Brown, Kevin Scott, Barb Muller, Matt Muller. Back row: Chris O'Neal, Mike Felker, Greg Brown.


Residence Life

Front row: Rachael Thomas, Suzanne Chesser. Back row: Carolina Blok, Linda Rosenthall, Silvia Fonseca, Maki Ogino, Jennifer Rynbrandt, Regina Raiser.

Voorhees 2nd Floor East

Voorhees 2nd Floor West Front row: Katrina Lindquist, Stacy Muhlenkamp, Missy Warner, Mariko Shibata, Kathryn Markwood. Middle row: Scheryl Chamberlin, Anita De Free, Karen Truss, Gage Marino, Shelli Bumford. Back row: Elizabeth Barnes, Christy Chapman, Jean Feit.

Residence Life 97

Front row: Bret Bussey, Clint Willoughby, Erich Kretchmer, Brian Paige. Back row: Vladik Nikoiayeu, Dave Hart, Eric Wolthuis, Steve Cole, Daniel Kozmiuk, Steve Kline.

Voorhees 3rd Floor East

Voorhees 3rd Floor West Front row: Mark Costner. Back row: Keith Engwall, Chris Dykstra, Marcel ter Veen, Steve Hart, Jason Lennon.


Residence Life

Front row: Melissa Bach, Shelly Woolman. Middle row: Tamara Birch, Sue Gasper, Dawn Williams. Back row: Peggy Hurley, Chris Mclver, Liz Haag.

Albers (Dorian) Cottage


* I


Alpha Gamma Phi Cottage

Front row: Maria Garrett, Emily Baker, Leslie Hayden. Back row: Jillian Mulder, Laura Erwin, Michelle King.

Residence Life 9 9

Michelle Beekman, Karyn Safran.

Beck Cottage


i >

Beeuwkes Cottage Michelle Bruskotter, Heidi Slack, Ann Smith, Karin Marsilje, Kim Kaler, Laura Dennis, Gwynne Brandt.


Residence Life


Front row: Bill Roberts, Phil Cratty. Middle row: Scott Kaukonen, Jim Hall. Back row; Phil Jones, Greg Million, Jason Garringer.

Belt Cottage

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Bergen Cottage Front row: Maria Mlotha, Monica Handrich, Helen Teclemariam. Back row: Arwa Haider, Julie Allison, Charla Schwerin.

Residence Life 101

Front row: Kevin Smallegan, John Ferguson, Marshall Michmerhuizen, Jeff Grill, Kevin Kar, Back row: Paul Bartell.

Bouma Cottage

K^ i k

* ^


Cavanaugh Duplex Front row: Linda Hooghart, Laura Whitwam, Melissa Vander Jagt, Kris Knauss. Back row: Jordi Yarwood, Pam Schmidt, LeAnn Vander Poppen, Sharon Lutz.


Residence Life

Front row: Kenich Kiriyama, Michael Hitchingham, Brian Smith. Back row: Greg Wolfe, Jeff Koorndyk, Mark Fromhold, Pete Blackburn.

Centennial Cottage

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Centurian Cottage

Front row: Ken Cook, Brad Kruithoff, Tim Schaaf. Back row: Steve Thomas, Chris Weller, Ron Hubbart.

Residence Life 103

Front row: Kirstan Carroll, Anne Fischer, Tracy Bolo, Danielle Battle. Back row: Michelle Wicks, Elizabeth Fisher, Melissa Lode, Danielle Christiansen.

Crispell Cottage

De Graaf Cottage Front row: Rhonda Berg, Carrie Maples, Anne Schloff. Middle row: Jennifer Bartnick,Jill Flanagan, Maria Van Baren.JamieJeluso. Back row: Linda Warner, Susan T e n h o r , Kristin Michel.

1 0 4 Residence Life

Front row: Michelle Corrunker, Tracy Helmer, Juliet Hasiey. Second row; Molly Buis, Andrea Gromme, Rebecca Weigle. Third row: Veronica Vroon, Diane Peddie, Charlene Fisher. Back row: Fracy Fiasecki, Kate Francomb, Monica Earl.

Delta Phi Cottage

Deutsches Haus Front row: Laura Liang, Christina Diessel, Laura Femberton. Back row: Christine Becher, Greta Kennedy, Claudia Kucza.

Residence Life 1 0 5

Sandra DeLong, Rebecca Benson, Ayako Kuroda, Seiko Sadamitsu.

Doesburg Cottage

Dosker Cottage

1 0 6 Residence Life

Joe Wynsma, John Suchan, Rob O'Brien, Joe Miklosi.

Shawn Phillips.

i n



c . w

DuMez Cottage

Emersonian Cottage Front row: Scott Bossard, Jim Loats. Back row: Brad Brown, Jim Adams, Gary Land.

Residence Life 107

Front row: Jody Talbott, Rosemary Dittmer, Cindy Moored, Janine Lenhart. Back row Jill Talbott, Janet Striegle.

Godfrey Cottage

Hinkamp Cottage Front row: Ruth Blaugh, Sarah Rickert, Julie Akin. Back row: Andrea Kremkow, Tonja Anderson, Karla Marty.

1 0 8 Residence Life J

Front row: Katie Vickers, Susan McComb, Martha Brandt, Pamella Gunther. Back, row: Pamela Kaminski, Susan Wolfert, Janel Reynolds, Maki Rumazawa.

Kappa Delta Chi Cottage

Klaaren Cottage Front row: Xandrea Oxender. Middle row: Lisa Beyer, Mary Beth Herin. Back row: Denise Jabaay, Kim Medema.

Residence Life 109

Front row: Dave Regnerus, Kevin Rosenau. Back row: Ben Kieff, Scott Yoder, Joe Zuverink, C. B. Long, Dave Meeuwsen.

Kleinheksel Cottage

Kary Potts, Kristen Caulkins, Shana Ouverson

110 Residence Life

Peg Chritz

Kuizenga Cottage

Marguerite Prins House Front row: Catherine Danforth, Kathryn Larsen, Catherine Boudet. Back row: Becky Tapley, Abi Oyewole, Reka Foky.

Residence Life 111

Jayson Stuckey, Andy Outhouse, Scott Larson, Jeff Brown.

Mandeville Cottage


Mast Cottage Front row: Eric Good. Back row: Brent Hisgen, Sam Duong, Ari Anand.


Residence Life

Front row: Laura Jasper, Wendy Young. Middle row: Kathy Shutt, Karen Hood. Back row: Kelly Grieve, Kelly Chafer, Nicole Bonnette. ——

Meyer Cottage



Poll Cottage Front row: John Emington, Chris Forsyth, Jim Vanderhill, Sean O'Neill, Matt Johnson. Back row: Steve Haakenson, Mark Jennings, Ken Kimes.

Residence Life 113

Front row: Amy Cook, Huong Nguyen, Doreen German, Mary Van Zoeren. Back row: Kathy De Jongh, Laura Greij, Renee Porter, Renee Oosterhoff.

Reese Cottage B


Michelle Van Dahm, Terri Tobolski, Mary-Lynn W e s t e n b r o o k , Judith Murray.

1 1 4 Residence Life

Front row: Nicki Miller, Gretchen Spiece, Sue Dusseljee, Jackie Krombeen. Back row: Katy Conlen, Robin Savage, Juli Stoutenborough.

Sib Cottage

Sigma Cottage Kristin Carton, Susan Tull, Jennifer Bhatt, Kristy Moffett.

Residence Life 1 1 5

Steffens Cottage

Brittney Tyler, Amy Sample, Traci Pries, Kristin Kingma, Heidi Short, Teri Heetderks, Julie Beemer.

Taylor Cottage Chaquita Walton, Nisa Brunson, Tracey Sams.


Residence Life

Sitting: Melanie De Gooyer, Denise Knoll, Kristy Arthurs. Elevating: Erika Brubaker, Katy Grace, Laurie Tacchella, Carolyn McCreedy, Julie Shensky. Leaning on railing: Jodi Schapp, Tiffnie Jackson.

Van Drezer Cottage


What is the most enjoyable aspect of your R. A. position? "The school paying me instead of me paying the school!" — Melanie De Gooyer

What were the factors that influenced you to move into a cottage? "The homey atmosphere. I had the chance to live with seven of my closest friends and we were like family. Meal times were great (off meal plan); we cooked and cleaned together." — Julie Shensky


Van Saun Cottage

Mike Zoetewey, Ornanial Gates, Jerry Jackson.

Residence Life 117

Front row: Yoko Okamoto, Margaret Forrest. Second row: Rebecca O'Shesky, Sarah Nyenhuis. Third row: Sara Kelder, Amy Gump. Back row: Lynn Schopp, Ellen Sanders.

Welmers Cottage

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Yntema Cottage Front row: Julee Van Aelst, Anita Shier. Back row: Sarah Morrow, Jennifer Payette, Karla Johnston, Cami Reister, Amy Ragains, Jill Gallagher, Michelle Kykema.

1 1 8 Residence Life

Front row: Lisa Lober, Jacqui Bost, Tamara Bleitz, Lucy Kras. Back row: Heather Dornan, Margaret Chen, Cynthia Light, Heidi Zeiter, Debbie Rollis.

Yonkman Cottage

Residence Life 119

Front row: Jeff Bolhouse, Scott Beckwith. Middle row: Susan Celkis, Claudia White, DeLynn Pedersen, Tiffany Smith. Back row: Nik Palomaki, J. R. Schoon, Bill Rawlin.

Biedler Apts.

Brumler Apts. Front row: Sheila Brink, Cadie George, Jennifer Kapusinski. Middle row: Lisa Fisher, Kimberly Lok, Jennifer Klow, Abby Van Duyne, Beth Newell. Back row: Melanie Cook, Leanne Bytwerk, Jay Courtright, Terri Bush, Jill Vander Woude.

120 Residence Life

Cynthia lanty, William Crowley, Sonya Hamm

Centennial Park Apts. B

Front row: Sonya Hamm, Amalika Smith, Laura Kooistra. Middle row: Karla Van Huysen, Tracy Geary. Back row: Mark Gilmore, Dave Kniaz.


Cal Hodgson, Kristin Jurries, Kent Kooistra, Kristin Caldwell, T o d d Shugarts.

Centennial Park Apts. 2



Centennial Park Apts. 3


Residence Life

Front row: Cal Hodgson. Back row: Melissa Johnson, Mike Theune, David Johnson.

Front row: Janet Bowdich, Kristen Koole, Megan Balloid, Jiffy Baker, Jamie Lee, Cheryl Mast, Sue Szabo. Middle row: Kerrie Low, Sue Washburn, Grace Vera Karen Folkert, Tammy Lind, Becki Bache, Heather Van Diepen, Esther Maksymovitch. Back row: Scott Jones, 1 od Gugino, Shauna Kranendonk, Michelle Timmer, Robin Schout Melinda Maurits, Steave Brandt, Shawn Straub.

College East Apts. B Front row: Andrea Partenheimer, Ivy Moser, Anna Lagakvist, Shelly Bareman. Middle row: Caroline ter Veen, Heather Thompson, Holly Villepigue, Debbie De Young, Ann-Catherine Tohansson, Doug Brown. Back row; Kim Bundy, Laura Scholter, Leigh Ann Kayser, Kim Haight, Michelle Smith, Sue Skeppstrom, Chris Woodstra.

Residence Life 123

Front row: Lisa De Boer, Andy Wilson, Jennifer Jarvis, Mikki Weerstra. Middle row: Kristen Roeters, Chris Bazan, Kathy Spangenberg, Ann Beswick, Kristin T e n Harmsel. Back row: Catherine Bolks,Elizabeth Prewett, Jenn Fettig, Jennifer Buell, Judy Bayer, Lissa Nienhuis.

College East Apts. C

COLUMBIA Columbia Apts. Front row: Carl Philippon, Kelly De Witt, Brett Keating, Steve Mitas. Back row:Dave Maclntyre, Bob Anderle, David Corey, Rob Riekse, Todd Hilbelink, Rick Sedlar, Thad Follett, James Monroe, Eric Wampler.

1 2 4 Residence Life

Front row: Shari De Carlo, Will Lichti, Layne Hammond, Annette Powers. Middle row: Kim Chhim, Dave Purnell, Fran Killins, Grant Scott, Kent Bristol, Foley Schuler, Jon Schakel, Scott Giles, Greg Schmidt. Back row: John Lenters, Amy Cole, Matt Yount, Kevin Cranmer, Brent Beerens, David Lewis, Kent Wabel, Aaron Niemi, Pam Keldie, Seth Weeldreyer.

Parkview Apts.

What advantages have you encountered due to living in an apartment as compared with living in a dorm? "You don't have to share a bathroom with forty-five other girls; you have a kitchen, a living room, and much more freedom." — Amy Buttrey

Vennema Apts.

Residence Life 1 2 5


Off-Campus Programs Page 3

the anchor

anuary 16, 1991

•Local News-

\ntiwar movement escalates ' mny tiberg




(CPS) -- With the threat of war er nearer, student protest of S. policy in the Middle East isis has spread faster in recent seks. As many a s 200 campuses were pected to hold Persian Gulf each-ins" during the first week December, said Carl LeVan of >gis Justice, a new Washington, C.- based network for opments of Operation Desert lield The group is planning a naon. i s t u d e n t m a r c h on ashington for Jan. 26. During the past month, jdents at the universities of ontana, Minnesota, lllinoislicago, Michigan and Denver, )yola University in Chicago, irvanl University and State

Small rallies in September and University of New York-Stony Brook, among others, have stag- October, typically organized by ed sit-ins and teach-ins blasting Kuwaiti s t u d e n t s r e g i s t e r e d U.S. intervention in the Middle here, dwelled on the Iraqi aggression and pleaded for help in East. "More troops are being sent, so pushing Iraqi troops out of the more people have been af- captured nation. fected," said Bill Doares of the New York-based Coalition to Protests of the U.S. response to Stop Intervention in the Middle the aggression were sporadic. East, founded in August. The As soon a s late August, Univercoalition was planning a Dec. 9 sity of California at Berkeley demonstration and a Jan. 19 students marched against Presimarch on Washington. dent Bush's militaty build-up in "It's not a distant issue any the S a u d i A r a b i a n d e s e r t m o r e , " said U.S. Student generally calling for an "Arab Association (USSA) official Tajel solution to an Arab problem." Shah of the escalating protests. "There's . agreed Aegi Campus traditional!) days of the taken a long surface sim rich Kuwait

•ollege student. (CPS) -- While thousands of illegians already have been or e preparing to leave for the ?rsiati Gulf as military resersts, a full-scale military draft young people would affect illions more students. During the Vietnam War - the 5t time the nation had a ilitary draft - the government fered enrolled collegians a ferment from active service. As a result, thousands of men oided military duty simply by ntinuing to register for classes, lether they needed to take em or not. Such deferments, however, no iger exist


Fund reaches


The Chaplain's office announced that the fundraising drive for the Bethelehem Fund passed its goal of $2,000. "Faculty and staff participation has been fairly constant," said Chaplain Gerard Van Heest. "Student participation has made the difference." The money raised will go toward materials for a house to be built in West Virginia by Habitat for Humanity. Around a dozen Hope students, as well a s students from Denison and Wittenberg universities, will be helping to construct the house over Spring Break.

ACERT schedules

first meeting

ACERT (Activate Cultural, Ethnic and Racial Togetherness) will hold an organizational meeting on Jan. 21, at 4:30 in Lubbers Tor the organization is currently open ;ting. Other activities are also plann-

forms available of Hope College has announced that le 1991-92 academic year are now Michigan residents is March 15 and students is May 1.

ffice to offer pa ration seminar

Under the adopted in 1 receive c deferments. A student middle of , would be allc to the milita: of the term., year of stud defer leaving academic ye. In additioi students at would be exe; A draft car Congress sij dent. If one w ning 20 durin


aration seminar are being set by the ollege. Chaplain Gerard Van Heest ; around 10 couples, who may or may !S in marriage, such a s coinmunicain-laws, sexuality, spirituality and r i a g e counseling with the ceremony led. e the counseling (couplcs) do with iful because they've done some et into some of the other stuff more neets when it is convenient for the 1 couples can call the Chaplain's ofation.

to distribute npus issues

r r e s s

•lope benefits fr i Holland) - Hope College is e beneficiary of an $85,000 ant to The Michigan Colleges mndation (MCF) from The illman Foundation. Funds will used to supplement operating penses.

Marygrove, Olivet, Siena Arbor. MCF than $37.9 r support for its member colleges making pport .u, since Heather Mendenhall worked

ilCF is a non-profit orgamzati which obtains financial sup t from business and industry 16 private Michigan colleges, ner member colleges include rian, Albion, Alma, Andrews, u i n a s , Ca'-'in, H i l l s d a l e ,

couraged by their support over the past 19 years," said Dr. John H. Jacobson, president of Hope College. The Skillman Foundation was founded in 1960 by Rose P.

w g r e s s will be distributing approxstudent organizations and campus


liembers Brad Volava ('92) (presivice president) designed the survey wiui me neip oi sociology professor Roger Nemeth , a S U | ; y e y | please carefully and honestly comyou rec •

for ABC News during her stay in New \ oi k

City for a semester. The Foundation make grants in the areas of children, youth and young persons, basic human needs, c o m m u n i t y - w i d e collaborative efforts, culture and arts and education. =n

Hope Students 20 % Off With Y o u r S t u d e n t ID


w u r r r a HOTOB




Sat 10-3

• • • • •

Burritos Tacos Chips & Cheese Enchiladas Fajitas

441 Washington Ave. Between 18th & 19lh Street


Libbie Freed rests on a dreary day in front of the beautiful Chenonceaux castle in the Loire Valley in France. WTHS General Manager Martha Brandt finds a date for the night's dinner.

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In her apartment in Vienna, Holli Holstrom unpacks her belongings.


Off-Campus Studies in . . . New York

Michelle Brown and Heather Mendenhall during a spring semester trip on the Staten Island Ferry. Heather poses with a friend in front of the GLCA House located in the action filled city of New York.



Heather is behind the scenes at ABC Studios Heather Mendenhall at her place of internship, ABC Studios, with her Spring Break visitor from Hope, Amanda Tammi.

1 2 8 Residence Life

Off-Campus Studies


Front row: Cami Reister (Hope), Jennifer Peter, Kathryn Conlen (Hope). Back row: Mark Heinze (Hope), Eng Guan Loh, John Rosenbrook (Hope), Mike Williams (Hope).

Ann Bont and John Rosenbrook.

Cami Reister '92, studied at the GLCA Philadelphia Center in the Fall of 1991. She lived in a two-bedroom apartment with four other girls from Hope and Denison. In Philadelphia, Cami studied Organizational Cultures, Images of Women in Literature, and her Internship was Marketing/Public Relations. Cami spoke of off-campus studies, "I would definitely recommend any off-campus study; it makes you see some things differently and appreciate them more."

Hope students Ann Bont and Cami Reister, with a Denison friend pictured with two Navy football team actors.

What was the most difficult transition you experienced after arriving in Philadelphia?

What did you learn about yourself while living in Philadelphia? "While I was in Philly I gained a new outlook on myself and my life here at Hope. It made me realize that there is life outside of Hope College and it is filled with much more diversity." — Cami Reister

"It was difficult for me to adjust to living in downtown, where the only place you could see the sky was straight up. I also missed seeing green grass all of the time as I was used to." — Cami Reister

Residence Life 129

Off-Campus Studies in . . . Vienna u 03

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Julie Forham, Michelle Vander Velde, Nancy Trent, Anne Trent.

i Mark Walters and Dr. Hemenway.


Residence Life

Front row: Wes Thompson, Kathy Spangenberg. Back, row: Heidi Slack, Kevin Rosenau.

Holli Holstrom '92 spent the Fall semester of 1991 in Vienna, Austria studying at the Institute of European Studies. She resided with an older couple and another student from the institute. Her semester consisted of the following courses: History of Eastern Europe 1848-1945, History of the Habsb u r g E m p i r e , M u s i c H i s t o r y 1, German, and Music in Performance.

Holli Holstrom enjoys the fine European food and beverages.

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T h e Hope participants in the 1990 Vienna Summer School. Kevin Rosenau, Matt Buys, and Heidi Slack, get a taste of home while in Europe.

Jeff Noorman and Karen Pang.

Residence Life 131

Off-Campus Studies in . . . Jerusalem l CD n3 3 T3 . in Oi v-i-J tC 01 ^ J5 u o 1 —' c/l a cn X • S CD o» Ol O)




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Ardie Partenheimer (1), Renee Oosterhoff (r) and friend at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

T h e courses studied while in Jerusalem were the following: Palestinian Politics, Is raeli Politics, Palestinian Historical Geography, Palestinian Society, Israeli Society Conflict Resolution, and Zionism.


Residence Life

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The Hope students, though in the midst of the Middle East conflict, were able to enjoy an afternoon out.

Curfew Day in the Gaza Strip. n.

"It was an exciting time to be living in the Middle East; I learned that words such as 'Palestinian' are not just concepts but real people, and we often tend to forget that. The United States plays a large role in the Middle East and it is our responsibility to be educated on what exactly that role is and how it affects people." — Renee Oosterhoff

A view of the business at Damascus Gate.

Residence Life 133

Kathryn Caine, Andrea Escorcia, Stacey Swanson, Pam Reahm, and Kirsten Strand at "The Hope". Jeananne Engelbert, Renee Seabold, and Christopher Tang in London.


BOMBS-^ialert LjnatTeodod jf bag m this car

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This sign was picked up off of the floor in a train. It was to alert passengers to the potential hazards of suspicious packages (bombs) left on board.

Stacey Swanson in front of Westminster Abbey.

"At first the threat of war was scary because I was away from school, friends, and family. Over the course of the next few weeks I talked with native Londoners who reassured me that I didn't have to worry until they started to worry." — Stacey Swanson


Off-Campus Studies f


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Stacey Swanson and her roommates all decide to call home at the same time.


Administration / Staff January 23, 1991

the anchor

fage 2



}ards to file, available at C/7ape/

I Chaplain urges conscientious objectors to express opinions , Beth Pechta 't tor in chief lope Chaplain Gerard Van i est is urging all men and men who believe it is morally ong to kill to fill out cards and orm their pastors that they do j wish to serve in the military. c>uch actioas, said Van Heest, Eiild be an important factor t juld the U.S. Congress pass a j v instituting the draft.


\ 'I'm saying do this early so , it you'll have a record of some finding so that it doesn't just pear that 'now that I'm called , I'm trying to find a way to ' cape this whole business.'" 'Persons who do not wish to rve in the military must petii n their local draft boards for j nscientious objector status. ^ o r m s and letters of recom^ nidation, a s well as a personal E pearance before the draft . ard, are required. 1 'Each draft board looks at this s d they'll do their own study as i whether they believe you realf are (a conscientious objector) i whether you're looking for a I ly to get out of this without go'g to Canada," said Van Heest.

The more people who know of a person's objection to war, the better, emphasized Van Heest, who appeared with conscientious objectors before draft boards in Albany, New York, during the Vietnam War. "They (the draft board) will check with your church to s e e how the ch','*',h nhmit if nnH whether th are. or not.

register with the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO). This requires the mailing of a card to the national office in Philadelphia, Penn., which states, "Because of my beliefs about war, I a m opposed to participation in the military." CCCO also provides a card whirh n rnncrMAnHrtiw AMivfnr

such inlormation on applications. "You're much worse off if you get busted for dope or drunk driving," he said. Still, persons who are conscientious objectors m a y have to face some consequences. Granted, some are completely absolved from anv tvT>e of service, but m a

The linkage that the U.S. fuses to discuss between Iraq's vasion of Kuwait and the slestinians on the West Bank as graphically shown, Luidens

'You c g o witt are ju: object "They v family anc history of t jectors, thi "But,' draft boar are very 1< tough.... A as many el they can g< because thi One of t _ conscientic j vide histc about the military

cy or vhere le exnents ersof

Also, Van Heest recommends that c o n s c i e n t i o u s objectors register with Selective Service and also go through the draft board process a s such status cannot be obtained otherwise. In e s s e n c e , however. Van Heest believes early action is the key. "People need to be thinking about it now," Van Heest concluded. "What we're saying now is that you gotta let some people know that that's what you believe and that that's what you are."

jsault group ing process i/r.c,

rM , rc

EOANON esaispacl

)r. Patricia Roehling, a


f Hope College.

ic Graves Hall stands as LAO \ AFGI'ANiS T*N



136 Administration it of work" in the Israeli Ocipied Territories (principaly e West Bank and the Gaza rip) following the Palestinian iberation Organization's

He also does not believe that people should try to outwit the government, either by thwarting the selective service and drafl process or by applying for conscientious objector status only as a way to avoid military service

• You can't be a conscientious objector to this war; that doesn't an with the government. You can't select which wars you think 10 U S are just wars and which aren't. You have to be a conscientious objector to killing, to taking a life "

Professor o n t l n u e d f r o m PQ. 1 • ?eds to be addressed internasnally. , Luidens went further saying, ( How we deal with the Palesti. ans after this thing is done will ! 3 more important than it is i'w" He explained that until the lalestinians have a homeland, her leaders, like Hussein, can ' it a toe-hold in countries using ' lat issue a s a springboard. 'herefore, this war might be just lother battle if people like Hus'iin can use the Palestinian ' lestion as a step toward power.

"When the next one's passed, i don't think women should at all assume that it will be only men called up."


support group for survivors of sexual assualt last semester, which consisted of seven people and met for to weeks. Now, a new group will be forming for the Soring semester. Roehling said that the group is specifically for "people who have been involved in s o m e form of sexual assault; including stranger rape, date rape, incest, molestation, basically any form of unwanted sexual contact." The purpose of the group, Roehling said, is information sharing, support and emotional healing. It is often difficult for friends and families to unders-

"It (sexual assult) changes people's lives forever," Roehling said. There are emotions that a person goes through after ai. assualt that may make them feel alienated and alone, she stated, as if they were the only ones e.v periencing such feelings Bv b.m g in a s u p p o r t g r o u ) counselors like Roehling belie e students will find that their leel ings or emotions are commonly shared by others who have gone through a s e x u a l assault themselves. "They can support and assist each other in the heal ing process," Roehling said. As a result of last semester s group, Roehling believes that lasting friendships were formed and important hurdles overcome. II students are interested in being in the group, they can call Roehling at X7945 and schedule an appointment to talk to her provuK ^ She is also available to proyKK infot riation and indicated

Provost Jacob Nyenhuis works at his desk on some important material. Dr. James Bekkering, Director of Admissions and Vice President for Student Life, and President Jacobson chat at the Homecoming Parade.

Fonda Green, director of multi-cultural life, listens at a meeting.

President J o h n Jacobson

Provost Jacob Nyenhuis

Academic Support Center: Ruth Dirkse, Jacqueline ler, David James.

Asst. Provost A1 Gonzales



Admissions Office: Front Row - Yoli Vega, Betsy Haadsma, Dee Baker, Karen Barr. Back Row: Amy Hendrickson, Gary Camp, Sheryl DeYonge, Chris Habben, Barb Muller, Ken Neevel, Andrew Stewart, Suzanne Mitchell, James Bekkering.

Business Office:K. Kraay, D. VanDyken, B. Brewer, D. Franks, R. Snip, N. Emerson, S. Larsen, B. Werkman, M. Essenberg.

Joint Archives of Holland; Front Row - Laura Bachelder, Dan Kniaz, Reba O'Shesky. Back row - Craig White, Larry Wagenaar.

Career Planning and Placement: Kelly Carrigan and Dale Austin.

Administration/Staff 139

Chaplain's Office: G. VanHeest, L. Bocks, S. VanArendonk.


College Advancement: Front Row - K. Witkowski, K. Brendsen, L. Menken, J. Schoudt, B. Grotenhuis, L. Miller. Back Row - G. Lowe, J. Norden, T. Schulling, J. Nordstrom, J. VanHeest, J. Peters.

Computing and Information Technology: Front Row - T. Verbeek, K. Maybury, C. Shea, P. Rozeboom, S. Driesenga, M. Tapia, S. Dejong. Back Row - B. Bouwkamp, C. Heideman, S. Bareman, C. McDowell, R. Prince, E. Bisel, A. Anaya, G. Maybury.

Wt Counseling

Center: Pat Roehling and Darrell Schregardus.


vvi \



Financial Aid: L. Harrington, C. Groters, M. Ash, P. Hooyman, C. Ramirez, K. Williams.

Food Service: Front Row- C. Melchiori, S. Harmon, R. Balfour. Back Row - A. Dooley, D. Hershey, L. Jongekritg, J. Bettig.

f Health Clinic: Standing - J. Pettinga, R. Terbeck, B. Helmus.

Human Services: R. Klungle, J. Blake, A. Mason, B. Himebaugh.

Administration/Staff 141


Van Wylen Library; Front Row - H. Einberger, P. Carlson, M. Beukema, C. Juth. Back Row - K. Jacobsma, L. Linklater, G. Slaughter, D. VanArk,J. Zessin, N. Malda,J. Nielson, M. Pooler, D.Jensen, D. Picciotti, C. Conway, D. Pearson, J. Ramsey.

Maintenance; C. Mayer, D. Dubois, A. W o o d w y k e J . Bailey, A. VanHouten, D. Vincent, F. Coates, H. Bosch, K. Aalderink, G. Poppema, E. Blanksma, D. Housenga, E. Westenbrook, R. Middlecamp.

Public Relations; Front Row-G. Olgers, K. Bos,T. Renner. Back Row - M. Kempker, D. Fowler, B. Schipper, J. Pinkham.

Public Safety; R. Gutknecht, J. Gunnink, M. VanVels, D. Terpstra.


Registrar: S. Hoogendorn, S. Keshavarze, G. Shay, E. Folkert, M. Reynolds, J. Huisken, J. H o f f m a n , C. Dejong.

Student Accounts:

S. Larsen, M. Essenberg, R. Snip.

Student Development: D. Emerson, J. Bekkering, V. Bolton, F. Green, R. Erost, L. Brock, M. Bannink, L. Shumaker.


R. Hale (1), P. DeWitt (r).

Administration/Staff 143

Faculty J

Page 2

March 13, 1991

News Hope to share

in National Review selects Hope for guide Pew Science Grant

HOLLAND - The National "The skepticism would, however, Review College guide has named be misplaced if applied to Hope." Absent from the guide's list are Hope : - - gi WW of tn ric t's 50 HOLLAND - Hope College is for students as well. The Midwest top liberal arts schools in its 1991 many of the nation's better-known and larger colleges and universities. programs are edition. one of 12 members of ihe Midwest c o n s o r t i u m "In some cases, we passed over The Natiooal Review guide and M a t h e m a t i c s representative. Science "All of the funded projects selected institutions that achieve them because we believe they do Consortium to share in a three-year not deserve the reputations they grant from the Pew Scicnce involve collaborative efforts, academic excellence, as determined Program that will support the because we believe such efforts^ through three criteria: the quality still maintain; but in most cases •ionot consortium's collaborative efforts in p r o v i d e guide undergraduate science and math capabilitie institution education. The Pew Science Program in individuall Undergraduate Education awarded programs * the consortium $1,726,130 for renewed w( undertakings such as the summer to take f exchange of research students strengths o between the member institutions, their cluste collaborative research, faculty visits "These to other institutions, support for enable schc new Ph.D.'s to teach at member their comp institutions, c u r r i c u l u m to leveraj development workshops, faculty physical n development programs and research them in a symposia featuring student work. Thomas president < Trusts, w '(W)e can e x p e c t program. "When enormous shortages of scientists a n d the Pew • e n g i n e e r s b y t h e y e a r hoped that problem s< 2010,' - J o a n S . G i r g u s useful mod and collegi attract stud "America's continued leadership math pro( in science depends jan the steady there," Lai supply of trained scientific minds success ol f l o w i n g from the nation's s h o u l d undergraduate and graduate enoourager institutions,'' said Joan S. Girgus, considering director of the Pew Science Program and professor of ' ( l ) m p r i ingly. psychology at Princeton u n d e r g 1968. University. "Yet at current rates of s c i e n c c J-war production, we can expect p l a y a number also planned to continue movement was flowering. enormous shortages of scientists s o l v i n g t h i s c r l s l s J

more physics grants from outside agencics than any other liberal arts college undergraduate department ir the nation. The guide also praises the c o l l e g e ' s liberal arts corc curriculum, which requires that students fill 57 of their required 126 credit hours with distribution requirements in cultural history aiu language, expository writing mathematics, the social sciences natural sciences, performing and fine arts, physical education and religion. Other strengths listed by the] J guide include small class sizes, the j commitment of the faculty and the availability of off-campus study opportunities. The guide also notes that "the political atmosphere appears unusually open and tolerant" The 1991 guide, which includes aa introduction by William F. Buckley Jr.. is the f i « i published by the Natiooal Review, which notes that it hopes its second edition will be subtitled America s

100 TOD Liberal Arts ColUeei,

(is 'idealistic'

and engineers by the year 2010." According to Girgus, during the next 20 years, faculty retirements are expected to outstrip the number of available Ph.D.'s, while throughout our society it is expected that more and more jobs will require scientific background and expertise. Yet. recent studies show that less than half the students who enter c o l l e g e intending to major in science and

Biology p r o t e s t o r

Donald Cronkite demonstrates a principle to a

Moreover, the number of students whose goal is "being very well off financially" declined for the second straight year. "These trends show that there is a rapidly expanding number of American college students who are dissatisfied with the status quo and who want to become personally involved in bringing about change in American society," said Alexander W. Astin. the UCLA 144 Facultv " CI e a r I y 7 i m p V o v e d l K * ? ™ ' ! organizations dedicated to professor of higher education who directed the survey. undergraduate science programs can improving the quality of life for "I've noticed that people are play a vital role in solving this individuals and communities and getting more involved" in crisis," Girgus added. encouraging personal growth and The strongest and most self-sufficiency. Grants are awarded demonstrations, added D.D. Hardy,


The five clusters funded under the second Pew Science Program received awards ranging from slightly less than $1 million to slightly more than $ 2 million. They include 4 9 colleges and universities located throughout the country. The Pew Charitable Trusts, a national philanthropy based in

of first-year students had joined in high school demonstrations. Only 4.1 percent planned to march in college. The survey was conducted by the University of California at Los Angeles' (UCLA) Higher Education Research Institute and the American Council on Education, and was taken before the war in the Persian Gulf began. Despite the survey's results, not everyone sees a change in the activity level of new students. "I'd say they're more informed, but not necessarily more active." said Daren Edmiston. a sophomore

whose goal was "being very well off financially" increased steadily from 1970 to 1987, in 1990 il declined for the second straight year, from 75.4 percent to 73.7 percent of the class. Interest in business careers and business-related carccrs declined, while teaching careers and postgraduate education increased in popularity. But some students themselves disagree that materialism is decreasing. Many seem to believe their classmates -are just as materialistic as prior classes, if not more so. Students today "see what students got in the '80s and they want just as much, if not more." said Darrin Parsons, a sophomore at Big Bend Community College in Washington. The environment and racial discrimination appear to I k students' top concerns, as they were last year.

This math professor uses his spare time in his office to grade examinations.

An art professor and her student discuss technique during class.


'I Professor Cohen from the history department talks with students at a gathering at a professor's house.



J u d y Reckley "My w o r k as an i n t e r i o r d e s i g n e r is m o s t s a t i s f y i n g t o m e . T h e opportunity to work with peop l e a n d h a v e an e f f e c t o n t h e i r h o m e o r w o r k p l a c e is b o t h a privilege and a responsibility. My g o a l is a l w a y s t o d e s i g n an e n v i r o n m e n t that f u n c t i o n s s u c c e s s f u l l y , is h o n e s t in i t s choice of materials, exhibits g o o d c r a f t s m a n s h i p , a n d clearly c o n v e y s a s e n s e o f w h a t it is a n d d o e s , a n d w h a t t h e u s e r is. T h i s r e q u i r e s that 1 k n o w a n d u n d e r s t a n d my clients and w h a t t h e y want t o e x p r e s s . "

A visiting artist helps a student with her pottery.

Editor's note: Prof. Reckley's w o r k c a n b e s e e n at s u c h p l a c e s as t h e 8 t h S t r e e t G r i l l e , P e t i t e Panache, and Till Midnight r e s t a u r a n t s in H o l l a n d .

Professor Wilson relaxes in his office


L to R: B. McCombs, J . Wilson, C. Mah a u n , B. Mayer, D. Michel, J. Reckley, J. Carey M I S S I N G S. Nelson



STANDING; C. Oswald, D. Cronkite, D. Gerbens, P, VanFaasen, D, Netzly, H. Blankenspoor, A. Brady SITTING; V. Isola, L. Hertel, T. Niewkoop, G. Murray, K. Winnett-Murray, C. Barney


Donald Cronkite

"I id of t h

enjoy interacting with e a s in t h e c o m p a n y other people. Sometimes e s e ideas are fully

f o r m e d ones we are trying t o u n d e r s t a n d in a b i o l o g y


class, a n d s o m e t i m e s t h e y a r e as yet i n c o m p l e t e ideas t h a t w e a r e c o n d u c t i n g in research. Of course, getting Professor Cronkite helps a student with her biology experiment.

t h e i d e a firmly i n m i n d a n d r e a l l y u n d e r s t a n d i n g it is a wonderful thing, but there is s o m e t h i n g a b o u t d o i n g that with others, especially w h e n helping o t h e r s with that process, that seems to m e t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t aspect of teaching and the part that helps m e grow the most.

Professor Netzly (right) checks over some students' experiments.


CHEMISTRY . c i ! 7 , • s. I

Don Williams "1 h a v e h a d a g r e a t t i m e t e a c h i n g at H o p e a n d w a t c h i n g s t u d e n t s g r o w a l o n g w i t h m e . Bygiving o n e of my courses t h e t h e m e of Radwaste (accumulate d r a d i o a c t i v e w a s t e ) , 1 feel that 1 have grown. I hope that I h a v e also h e l p e d t o c u l t i v a t e a sense of responsibility a m o n g t h e s t u d e n t s at t h e s a m e t i m e that 1 have taught chemical f a c t s . W e t e a c h a lot m o r e t h a n j u s t f a c t s at H o p e , a n d 1 w o r k at r e f i n i n g t h o s e v a l u e s t h a t 1 also t e a c h , e i t h e r by e x a m p l e o r by " p r e a c h i n g . " T h a t is w h y 1 r e m a i n so a c t i v e in t h e s e n i o r s e m i n a r p r o g r a m . N o t only d o I learn m u c h for myself, but 1 truly t r e a s u r e getting to know t h e s t u d e n t s so w e l l . "

Professor Jekel checks a student's data from an experiment.

Suzanne Port works on an experiment in the chemistry lab.





BACK ROW; 1). Williams, VV. Polik.J. Stewart, E. Jekel, S. Taylor MIDDLE ROW; M. Seymour, E.Jekel, B. Mungall FRONT ROW; M. Silver, I. Brink, M. Serra

COMMUNICATION L to R: S. Alspach, 1 . Nielsen, J. MacDoniels. J. Herrick, I). Renner

I James Herrick

Professor Renner takes a moment to pose for the camera.

"Striking a b a l a n c e b e t w e e n teac h i n g a n d r e s e a r c h is o n e of the most difficult challenges f a c i n g faculty at a s t r o n g liberal arts c o l l e g e like H o p e . The e x p e c t a t i o n s o f t e a c h e r s are h i g h here, while one's understanding of an c o n t r i b u t i o n to a rap idly c h a n g i n g d i s c i p l i n e req u i r e an o n g o i n g p r o g r a m of r e s e a r c h . But faculty at H o p e f a c e an a d d i t i o n a l c h a l l e n g e n o t m e r e l y t o p u r s u e , but t o integrate teaching, research, and faith. For m e , m e e t i n g t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s has m e a n t w o r k i n g to i m p r o v e t e a c h i n g ap p r o a c h e s , m a i n t a i n i n g an ac tive research p r o g r a m , and s e e k i n g t o g r o w in m y u n d e t standing of the Christian faith.

Professor Alspach helps by looking over a forensics paper for Brandie Benedict



COMPUTER SCIENCE In the fall of 1990, Hope College received a grant f r o m the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the acquisition of specialized equipment to be used in a new c o m p u t e r science course. The $54,761 grant, was used to purchase computers designed specially for "parallel processing," a way of using computers so that several machines work t o g e t h e r on a single problem, allowing these problems to be solved with greater speed and efficiency. "Parallel processing is the wave of the f u t u r e and our students need to be p r e p a r e d for what awaits them when they graduate," said Dr. Michael Jipping, assistant professor of c o m p u t e r science, who is both directing the equipment acquisition and the designing of the new course on parallel processing.

L t o R: H . D e r s h e m , M . J i p p i n g , S. B r o w n , F. V a l l e l y


Assistant professor Michael Jipping takes a break

i W - U


i l i


w o r k i n g at his c o m p u t e r .

P r o f e s s o r H e r b D e r s h e m assists a s t u d e n t with his h o m e w o r k

150 1

L t o R: L. G r a h a m - F a l l o n , M r . Landis, M r . S m i t h , M. D e B r u y n


Thommie Retter

William Crowley and A m y T r a pani practice a dance routine.

Hope College is very lucky to have a dancer with s u c h a n a t i o n a l r e p u t a t i o n as T h o m mie Retter. He has perf o r m e d t h r o u g h o u t the U. S. and Canada, and is a m e m b e r of Dance M a s t e r s of A m e r i c a and the All American Dance Congress. He has b e e n on " P e p s i D a n c e T r a x" on WXMI, the Grand Rapids Fox affiliate, as well as appearing in T V commercials. In addit i o n , R e t t e r r u n s his o w n s t u d i o in K e n t wood.


L t o R ; R . G e n t e n a a r , S. B o y d , L. H e n d r i x , T . S t e e n , H . M a r -


tin, A. M u i d e r m a n , D. J o a q u i n , E . Z a j i c e k , J . H e i s l e r , B. Japinga

Todd Steen I changed my major three times while I went to school at P e n n State, a n d a f t e r I g r a d u a t e d I c h a n g e d it a g a i n to e c o n o m i c s , so I w e n t b a c k to college for a n o t h e r year (and took ten economics c o u r s e s in o n e y e a r ! ) . F r o m there I went to H a r v a r d to get m y P h . D . in e c o n o m i c s , w h i c h I will f i n i s h u p t h i s year. My research has mainly b e e n in t h e e c o n o m i c s o f c h i l d c a r e , a n a r e a w h e r e little has b e e n d o n e . I also h a v e a s t r o n g i n t e r e s t in C h r i s t i a n perspectives on economics. E c o n o m i c s is a s t u d y o f p e o ple's choices; the Christian f a i t h c a n h e l p u s in b o t h o u r u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e choices w e m a k e a s w e l l as in h e l p i n g u s m a k e w i s e d e c i s i o n s in o u r o w n lives.

P r o f e s s o r H e n d r i x c o r r e c t s students' homework.

Professor B a r n h a r t speaks with a s t u d e n t a f t e r class. v

m .



i ' m..




S T A N D I N G : B. B u l t m a n , I). P a u l , R . W o l t h u i s , T . D o n k , I.. W e s s m a n , U. Z w a r t S I T T I N G : N. C o o k , M. S w a n k , C . S c h a c k o w , L. D i r k s e , S. C h e rup


P r o f e s s o r C o o k j o k e s with a student during a lecture.

An animated Carl Schackow calls o n s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r his questions.

A r e c e n t r e p o r t by t h e chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities e m p h a s i z e d t h e importance of a liberal education for teachers, but also suggested that professional e d u c a t i o n c o u r s e s are of little use. Lamont Dirkse, chair of the education d e p a r t m e n t at Hope, agrees in the importance of a liberal arts education, but believes the report goes too far in suggesting that courses in pedagogy are "useless". "For more than 1 2 years now we have studies in which we ask students who have graduated who are out in the field t e a c h i n g to i n d i c a t e t h e value of their major and also p r o f e s s i o n a l e d u c a tion. With regards to the latter, we often find that they wish they had more course work than the requirements we have presently."



STANDING: C. Huttar, F. Fike, B. Mezeske, K. Verduin.J. Fiedler,J. Fiedler, J. Ridl,J. Bath, J. Cox SITTING: D. Jellema, N. Taylor, B. Reynolds, S. Hemenway, U. James, P. Schakel MISSING: M. Jellema

1 Charles Huttar " T h e e n d of my 2 5 years at H o p e seems an a p p r o p r i a t e time to pause and reflect. I am a f o r t u n a t e m a n : n o t least, f o r t h e p r i v i l e g e of s p e n d i n g m y p r o f e s s i o n a l life in r e g u l a r c o n tact with s h a r p a n d responsive students, friendly a n d stimulating colleagues, and the greatest m i n d s of past ages. I m o v e d t o H o p e in 1 9 6 6 feeling a need, a f t e r several years teaching elsewhere, for new challenges and opportunities t o g r o w . T h e n e e d h a s b e e n m e t far b e y o n d my expectat i o n s . L o o k i n g at t h e b r o a d e r picture, a large p a r t of t h e stimulation provided m e has been the c o n s t a n t c h a l l e n g e to r e e x a m i n e my assumptions and e x p a n d my u n d e r s t a n d i n g : to k e e p o n l e a r n i n g — w h i c h is, surely, a p r i m e e n d of liberal e d u c a t i o n f o r u s all."

Professor Hemenway receives the Knights Cross of Austria for his outstanding service and accomplishments in the Vienna summer school program.

Professor Jellema helps a student with her legal writing assignment.

L to R: N. Chamness, K. Osborn, Y. Helm, K. Barber, C. Charnin, M. Reynolds, J. Motiff, S. DeHaan, D, Lucar, L. Rodriguez, I. Agheana, H. Alvarez-Ruf, M.Jansen, G. Strand,J. Thigpen, S, Kallemeyn, H. Weller


Hersilia Alvarez-Ruf

Professor Rodriguez smiles while relaxing in her office.

Professor Ruf decided very early that she w a n t e d to teach English a n d thus got a f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e d e g r e e at t h e U n i v e r sity o f C o n c e p c i o n in h e r n a t i v e c o u n t r y of Chile. Later, she obt a i n e d a British Council Scholarship, a n d travelled with h e r family to t h e University of L e e d s in E n g l a n d , w h e r e s h e w o r k e d on a M a t e r of Philosop h y in P h o n e t i c s a n d L i n g u i s tics. H e r d o c t o r a t e is f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f M i c h i g a n in Romance Linguistics. Although h e r initial d r e a m o f t e a c h i n g E n g l i s h as a f o r e i g n l a n g u a g e h a s c h a n g e d , s h e b e l i e v e s it is f o r t h e b e t t e r since S p a n i s h is h e r native t o n g u e and she enjoys talking about her culture.

Professor Motiff, (right) chairperson of the language department, goes over business at the staff meeting.



J, Cotter I harin " I c a m e t o H o p e in 1 9 6 7 from Wesleyan University (Conn.) to begin the Geology D e p a r t m e n t . Prior to that time, H o p e had never taught a geology course. During most of those years, I have b e e n c h a i r m a n of t h e department and . . . looking back on my entire teaching career, working with students has given m e the most pleasure. T r y i n g to help them understand how the earth works has b e e n my greatest challenge. H o p e f u l l y , s o m e of t h e m leave my courses with a slight t o u c h of m y love f o r G o d ' s e a r t h . F o r a l m o s t 12 y e a r s I h a v e s e r v e d as C o u n cilman-at-Large on the Holland City C o u n c i l . [It] has been an interesting experience a n d has given m e the opportunity to give s o m e t h i n g back to the community."

m. Professor Hansen takes time out to smile for the c a m e r a while correcting exams.

F o u r s t u d e n t s s t u d y m a p s in t h e geology lab.



L t o R : F, H a n s e n , J . C . T h a r i n , K. A t t o h

T O P R O W : N . S o b a n i a , A. Bell, E. C u r r y B O T T O M R O W : G . L. rose, W . C o h e n , M. B a e r


HISTORY W h e t h e r it b e a h i s t o r y c o u r s e taken for a core requirement or a n u p p e r - l e v e l s e m i n a r , t h e history courses at H o p e College a r e sure to be thought-provoking a n d s t i m u l a t i n g . By r e f l e c t i n g on a n d learning a b o u t t h e past, history m a j o r s a r e able to see a n d a p p r e c i a t e just h o w t h e world c a m e to be today. T h e y learn to e x a m i n e m o r e closely world events than d o many people, delving, for e x a m p l e , far d e e p e r t h a n m e r e l y t h e slavery i s s u e a s t o t h e c a u s e o f t h e Civil War. T h e following history majors were c o m m e n d e d for their a c a d e m i c a c h i e v e m e n t at t h e 1991 H o n o r s C o n v o c a t i o n : Phi Alpha T h e t a Freshman Book Awards — Kurt Uershem, Mark Gilmore, Elizabeth Morgan, P r o f e s s o r C o h e n talks with stu-

J o n a t h a n Schakel, Phi Alpha T h e t a S o p h o m o r e Book

d e n t s at an e n d of y e a r g a t h e r ing.

A w a r d s — Anita D e P r e e , Richard Lumsden.

P r o f e s s o r B a e r e n j o y s a talk with some students

P r o f e s s o r C o h e n talks to stud e n t s w h i l e at a p a r t y f o r history majors



Jf Tim Pennings " I n t h e s a m e way t h a t t h e c o n fluence of t h e T i g r i s a n d E u phrates Rivers provided the f e r t i l e soil t h a t g a v e r i s e t o t h e b e g i n n i n g of civilization, so also t h e c o n f l u e n c e o f t h e f o u r great disciplines ( r e f e r r i n g , of course, to m a t h e m a t i c s , physics, t h e o l o g y , a n d p h i l o s o p h y ) p r o v i d e t h e r i c h soil t h a t h a s given rise to t h e two areas of m y r e s e a r c h at H o p e : c h a o s a n d t h e i n f i n i t e . M y s t u d i e s in chaos theory, a subject that holds clues to t h e evolution of t h e u n i v e r s e , h a v e led t o s e v e r al p u b l i s h e d p a p e r s , i n c l u d i n g o n e with a H o p e College stud e n t . My w o r k last s u m m e r r e s u l t e d in a p a p e r e n t i t l e d , " I n finity a n d t h e Absolute: Insights into O u r W o r l d , O u r Faith, and Ourselves.'"

Professor Loper listens to a student's question.

Professor Stoughton works on a paper hile in his office.


S T A N D I N G : R. V a n d e r V e l d e , M. DeYoung, M. Stoughton, J. Vanlwaarden, A. Loper, U, Carothers, T. Swanson, E. Tanis, F. Sherburne LYING ON T H E DESK: T. Pennings

IN THE TREE: R. Thompson STANDING: K. Frederickson, J. Morrison, R. Ritsema, M. Leenhouts, C. Aschbrenner, R. Floyd, S. Ferguson SITTING: J. Conway, H. Lewis


Bob Thompson


Robert Thompson catches up on the latest music news in his office.

T h i s p a s t y e a r was v e r y b u s y f o r B o b T h o m p s o n . In 1 9 9 1 , h e r e l e a s e d his f i r s t c o m p a c t disc, "Parallels," on Mark Records. As a t r u m p e t e r a n d a m e m b e r o f t h e H o p e C o l l e g e m u s i c faculty s i n c e 1 9 8 6 , h e p e r f o r m e d with B o b H o p e ' s 12-piece b a n d in M u s k e g o n ' s L. C. W a l k e r a r e n a . T h o m p s o n h a s also p e r f o r m e d w i t h t h e likes o f S t e v e Allan, Susan A n t o n , Robert G o u l e t , C h u c k M a n g i o n e , Mel F o r m e , The Four T o p s , T h e Manhattan Chamber Orchestra, the G r a n d Rapids Symphony, a n d t h e H e i d e l b e r g Festival O r c h e s t r a . T h o m p s o n is also t h e recipient of two National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Fellowship Grants.

Dimnent Chapel during Vespers service, from behind the College Chorus.



Penny Mauger Penny Mauger's nursing career has b e e n wide a n d varied. She traveled with h e r h u s b a n d , a G r a n d Rapids psychiatrist, to s u c h p l a c e s as I s r a e l , G u a t e m a la, Z a i r e , a n d t h e D o m i n i c a n Republic to provide "medical c o v e r a g e for medical missionaries on vacation breaks or f u r l o u g h s . " In t h e s e c o u n t r i e s , M a u g e r did o p e r a t i n g r o o m n u r s i n g , as well as h o m e s c h o o l i n g . H e r e a n d a b r o a d , h e r field has allowed h e r to work along s i d e of a n d c a r e f o r p e o p l e o f different cultures other than h e r o w n . " I ' v e always f e l t c h a l l e n g e d by m y w o r k a n d satisf i e d in h e l p i n g o t h e r s , " s h e says, " N u r s i n g h a s g i v e n m e o p p o r t u n i t i e s to see evidence of G o d ' s work while f o s t e r i n g my own growth."

Thelma Drenth, the nursing departments administrative assistant, works at her desk.

Bethany Gordon addresses a point in one of her classes.


STANDING: S. Mlynarczyk, L. Burden, M. Vanderveen, P. Mauger, M Critter, M. Flikkema, S. Vanden Berg, S. Benner, D. Zuidgeest, K Niemeyer SITTING: C. Feenstra, B. Timmermans, B. Gordon


L to R: A. Jentz, B. Kilbry, J. Allis, C. Simon, A. Perovich



Carol Simon


\ \

i \


lA Professor Allis takes a break from working at his computer.

" M y p h i l o s o p h y o f t e a c h i n g is borrowed from Socrates. While 1 want my students to have more information about t h e c o n t e n t a n d h i s t o r y of p h i l o s o p h y at t h e e n d of my c o u r s e s , t h a t is n o t m y g o a l . My m a i n g o a l in t e a c h i n g is t o g e t students s o m e w h a t closer to t h e t r u t h . T h e challenge of t e a c h i n g p h i l o s o p h y is t h a t o n the important philosophical q u e s t i o n s , n o o n e , a n d t h a t includes m e , can be very s u r e they know t h e t r u t h . So I cann o t j u s t say t o s t u d e n t s , "Believe w h a t I b e l i e v e a n d y o u will h a v e t h e t r u t h . " T h a t is w h y p h i l o s o p h y is a d i s c i p l i n e d o n going dialogue a b o u t life's most important questions.

Professor Simon talks with Professor Evens from the religion department, as they seek advice from a wise owl.




Sue Wise " I t is r e a l l y e x c i t i n g t o b e a part





faculty w h e r e I can c o m b i n e teaching and coaching both in t h e c l a s s r o o m a n d o n t h e basketball


the classroom



is s i m i l a r i n

m a n y ways to t h e activities of a coach —

both involve



both theory

involve and

they both




Coach Ray Smith gives his team an inspirational talk before a tough game.

also involve en-

c o u r a g i n g o t h e r s to perf o r m at t h e i r g r e a t e s t ability to work towards a c o m m o n goal.




realistic expectations. Both stress total




striving for excellence." Coach Smith instructs the soccer team on the finer points of technique.



STANDING: R, Allen, J. Patnott, 5 Smith, M, Northuis , C. Wolters, C, Wise, A. Irwin, R. Ray SITTING: G. Kraft, J. Holman, D. Kreps, G. VanWieren, R. Smith, M DeBruyn

TOP ROW: J. Wagner, B. Mulder, P. UeYoung BO I' l'OM ROW: K. Gardner, P. Jolivette.J. VanPutten N. Rou/e, S. l akeshita


Paul DeYoung

Professor Takeshita works on research in the lab.

" O n e of t h e attractive f e a t u r e s o f H o p e C o l l e g e is t h a t t h e physics research which takes p l a c e is really a n e x t e n s i o n o f classroom teaching. T h e philosophy of "teaching t h r o u g h research" provides a means to train students and turn t h e m i n t o c o l l e a g u e s , w h i l e at t h e s a m e t i m e a l l o w i n g m e t o rem a i n i n t e l l e c t u a l l y a c t i v e . My research p r o g r a m (involving m e a s u r e m e n t s of t h e lifetimes of highly excited nuclei) has g o n e well o v e r t h e p a s t y e a r s . H o w e v e r , t h i s p r o g r e s s is d u e largely to the students who have b e e n involved with t h e p r o j e c t . The scientific advances have been significant and the friendships which have b e e n m a d e will b e l o n g l a s t i n g . "

Professor VanPutten helps some students with an assignment.



Jack Holmes Dr. Jack Holmes has taught at H o p e C o l l e g e since 1 9 6 9 with the exception of two y e a r s w h e n h e s e r v e d as District Assistant to a Republican Congressman. Prior to coming to H o p e College, he s e r v e d t w o y e a r s in t h e p o l i tico-military section of the a r m y G e n e r a l Staff. T h e s e e x p e r i e n c e s a r e u s e d in classes w h i c h u s u a l l y include a simulation or other experiential component. Dr. H o l m e s teaches a variety o f c o u r s e s i n c l u d i n g international relations, A m e r ican foreign policy, campaign management, and a national security seminar. H e was also o n e of the original i n d u c t e e s into t h e Michigan M o d e l U N Hall of Fame.

Professors Samson and Holmes a t t e n d a c a m p a i g n rally to elect Bill S c h u e t t e t o t h e U . S. S e n a t e .


Science student

cal k n o w l e d g e .


I om

B o y e r s h o w s o f f his g e o g r a p h i -







Elder, J,

H o l m e s , S. S a m s o n , J . Z o e t e w a y

S I T T I N G : P. V a n E y l , K. S t o r m , D . M y e r s , C . G r e e n , L. Beach, J. Shaughnessy, J. Motiff. S T A N D I N G : P. R o e h l i n g , J . D i c k i e , K. A d a m s k i . N o t P i c tured: T. Ludwig.


Dr. Shaughnessy makes a point at a f a c u l t y m e e t i n g as D r . Dickie l i s t e n s b e t w e e n b i t e s o n h e r apple.

C h u c k G r e e n (center), with wife F o n d a looking on, j o k e s with B e n O p i p a r i in t h e P i n e G r o v e .

Les B e a c h , p r o f e s s o r of psyc h o l o g y at H o p e C o l l e g e since 1964, r e t i r e d in May 1991. H e s e r v e d t w o t h r e e - y e a r t e r m s as c h a i r of t h e d e p a r t m e n t ; u n d e r his l e a d e r s h i p t h e d e p a r t m e n t r e c r u i t e d t h r e e of its c u r r e n t faculty m e m b e r s , a n d d e s i g n e d a n d d e v e l o p e d its g r e a t l y exp a n d e d facilities in Peale Scie n c e C e n t e r . Dr. Beach b e c a m e a licensed psychologist within t h e S t a t e of M i c h i g a n , w h e r e he has b e e n c o n s u l t i n g f o r business, i n d u s t r y , p u b l i c schools, and mental health agencies. Beach was f e a t u r e d in USA Today f o r his p e r c e p t i o n s of t h e d i f f e r e n t ways m e n a n d w o m e n r e g a r d war, a n d was also i n t e r v i e w e d o n several radio stations t h r o u g h o u t the c o u n t r y d u r i n g this t i m e . During his t i m e at H o p e , Beach p u r s u e d special i n t e r e s t s in h u m a n i s t i c psychology, t h e psyc h o l o g y of m e n a n d w o m e n , and community building.

IJUm 165


B. B a n d s t r a , J .

E v e r t s , E. B r u i n s


S I T T I N G : B . Wilson, W . Boulton


Boyd Wilson B e c a u s e t h e r e is s u c h a n e m phasis o n fine t e a c h i n g at H o p e College, my nine years here have caused m e to w o r k h a r d at the craft a n d t h i n k carefully a b o u t t h e act i v i t y t h a t is c a l l e d t e a c h i n g . I a m a f a r b e t t e r t e a c h e r as a result of m y years at H o p e ; b o t h t h e m o d e l s of m y colleagues and the challenges a n d e x p e c t a t i o n s of m y students have sharpened and h o n e d me. I suspect that I have learned more from t e a c h i n g at H o p e C o l l e g e than I have taught. Hope provides a stimulating and exciting environment; from m y w i d e e x p e r i e n c e in u n d e r g r a d u a t e institutions, I can think of no parallel to Hope.

P r o f e s s o r B r u i n s g o e s o v e r his n o t e s in t h e l i b r a r y .

P r o f e s s o r B o u l t o n gives L a u r a D e W y s s o m e a d v i c e a f t e r class.

166 I

L t o R: J . P i e r s , D. S t u r t e v a n t , D. L u i d e n s , D . H a r v e y , R . N e m eth.


James Piers When

1 ponder my educa-

tional s t r a t e g i e s , t h e y include exciting students a b o u t t h e material a n d challenging




them learn problem-solving skills. S t u d e n t s m u s t b e e x cited and motivated to examine,




specific discipline material. Dutch

i n f l u e n c e is e v e r y w h e r e

a t H o p e , e v e n in t h e s o c i o l o g y d e p a r t m e n t , as D e b S t u r t e v a n t s h o w s us.

I attempt to motivate them by m y e n t h u s i a s m ; by developing personal


ships with t h e m ; by m a k i n g the material fun a n d exciting to study; by illustrating the

material's current


f u t u r e relevance to t h e m p e r s o n a l l y a n d as m e m b e r s Professor Luidens, Jim


nett, and Ron Wiegerink work

of society; a n d by c h a l l e n g ing t h e m .

on Luidens' study on m e m b e r s h i p in t h e R e f o r m e d C h u r c h .

4* •



S T A N D I N G : P. Landes, E. Bookstein, U. Colacci, J. Strohschcin, G. Ralph, R. Smith S I T T I N G : J. Phillips, A. Cseri, J. Tammi

y George Ralph poses for the camera while in his office.


Scenes from "The Boyfriend ABOVE: Maria Vaver and Andy Wi son. RIGHT, T O P to B O T T O M : Jenny Dillard: Rachael Rienstra, Terri Forte; Blake Wolfis, Glenn Brown, Chris DeHaan

THE HOPE AWARD M o r t a r B o a r d p r e s i d e n t B r e t t K e a t i n g c o n g r a t u l a t e s P r o f e s s o r J a m e s P i e r s o n his p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e 1 9 9 1 H o p e O u t s t a n d i n g P r o f e s s o r E d u c a t o r ( H . O . P. E.) a w a r d .

/ James C. Piers was presented the 27th annual H o p e O u t s t a n d i n g Professor Educator (H. O. P. E.) award by the 1991 H o p e College graduating class. Piers, a professor of sociology, was h o n o r e d during the college's Honors Convocation. T h e award, first given in 1965, is presented by the graduating class to the professor who they feel epitomizes the best qualities of the Hope College educator. "I c o n g r a t u l a t e P r o f e s s o r Piers on this great h o n o r bestowed upon him by the seniors of Hope College," said Dr. J o h n Jacobson, president of Hope College. "This is a much deserved recognition of

his excellent teaching, and it is a very touching tribute to him from his students." Piers has been a m e m b e r of the H o p e faculty since 1975. He is the first m e m b e r of the sociology dep a r t m e n t to r e c e i v e t h e a w a r d . Courses he has taught during the past year include "Sociology of the family," " H u m a n Behavior and the Social Environment," and "Social Interventions." He has served in the past as chairperson of the department, and has been involved in d e v e l o p i n g an a c c r e d i t e d social work program at the college. His professional interests include foster parent and foster

worker training, hospice staff stress management, psychotherapy, and family therapy. He is active nationwide and in Canada in the training of social workers, and has also written a book entitled "Fostering the School Age Child." In addition. Piers' professional expertise on mate selection theory has proven popular d u r i n g the Valentine season, and he has been interviewed on the topic by the local media, the Associated Press, and radio stations across the country. A 1969 graduate of Hope College, Piers was a school social worker with Holland Public Schools before joining the H o p e faculty.


President Jacobson enjoying the homecoming parade.

Dr. P e n r o s e d e m o n s t r a t i n g t h e b a y o n e t t e c h n i q u e of t h e i n f a n t r y s o l d i e r at a h i s t o r y d e p a r t m e n t g a t h e r i n g .

Professors Shaughnessy (psychology) and Boulton (religion) have

D r . W i l l i a m s i n t r o d u c e s a k e y n o t e s p e a k e r at t h e 1 9 9 1 C.iitical

f u n o n May Day.

Issues S y m p o s i u m .


Vice President of S t u d e n t Life Admissions Dr. J a m e s B e k k e r i n g s o a k s in t h e s u n d u r i n g t h e H o m e c o m i n g p a r a d e .

D r . C o h e n d e m o n s t r a t i n g t h e b a y o n e t c h a r g e o f a n i n f a n t r y sol dier o n P r o f e s s o r P e n r o s e (see o p p o s i t e p a g e ) .

/ Professors N e m e t h (sociology) a n d G i b s o n (business) discuss a projtogether

Biology p r o f e s s o r D r . C r o n k i t e l i g h t e n s u p t h e lab as a h o r r i f i e d student looks on.


Greeks :

M a r c h 1 3 . 1991

tne ancnor

'age 6



orensics teams to compete it national tournament gain practice and research, analysis, presentation and organization skills." Alspach said. "The students Members of the Hope College gain practice in research. They go orensic A s s o c i a t i o n gain beyond the sources of our own oeseniation skills as they compete library." Alspach said that the ith students from other colleges. students gain skills in analysis by Sandy Alspach, director of "understanding what they read and irensics, said the students have the applying it to *'— " pportunity to compete in Alspach pproximately four tournaments per events are all smester in the tri-state area of lichigan, Indiana and Illinois, must be org: heart of what klspach said.'We try to take one Ali Clay jumament a year outside of this Informative! ange." in Persuasi' The students compete in lebate, public address or competition: uterprctation. Alspach said, "The Wayne. Cla iebatcrs usually work in pairs and forensics ": iebate one topic each semester, public speak< "hey research and prepare be a fine publ Clay sai rguements." Alspach said the speakers medicine as i flj csearch and prepare eight to ten a Ph.D. in ps addition to c 1 linute speeches. this experien The categories for public Clay sail ddress are informative, persuasive, mproptu and extemporaneous giving 8 we vlspach said. "Interpretation and informin that are impc nvolves literature read Alspach rnnaticaliy." Alspach said. "The students gain poise y Hope Oscar inipus editor


Seniors pledge fraternities by Sharon Roebuck features editor The Arcadian pledge cU<ss has two seniors among their tanks this year: Brian Knight of Baltimore, Md., graduating in May, and Todd Rathbun of Cadillac, graduating in December. Why would they pledge •?

i on.

Students intern >y Rychard Boowens taff writer Two Hope Students are vorking as interns for the Red >oss to gain experience for their lost-graduate careers while jmultaneously obtaining credit at tope for what they do. Amy Chatfield ("91). a 'sychology/Sociology Composite najor, works to publicize the Red >oss programs that ate available to 'oulhs in Ottawa County while Jeff /eldhof {'91), a Business Administration major, coordinates he Worksafe program, a program o leach health and safely courses to employees on their worksite. Chaifield spends nine to welve hours a week working as an mem. She contacts places such as 1 7 7 C r r * ^ jrograms, which the Red Cross has ivailable for the area's youths. Working eight to ten tours a week there, Veldhof

feedback fron Cha internship at to Hope Co Veldhof expli make the inle it to be bee provides th independence Both agree that working Services, Health and Safely, Youth, coming D o r i a n s t a k e in t h e c o m e d y o f D a v i d N a s t e r a t M a y D a y . Military. Chatfield said. "There are place." satisfaction. Veldhof said, "I enjoy selling something I know is a always opportunities to volunteer.. . . If [students) wanted some good Steve Brunink, also a senior worthwhile service. . . . I think our programs arc very important. experience to put on their resume, and housemate did not necessarily then teaching (for the Red Cross) agree with Rathbun on the topic The things we teach can save would be an excellent experience for concerning Hope grads but he lives." supports his housemates Working as an intern for them or for anybody," Furthermore, Chatfield completely. "There are a lot of ihe Red Cross allows Chatfield to assist the youths in Ottawa said, "All they have to do is contact things that, at least myself Gregg [Relyea) or I. We want to personally, I can identify with some County. Chatfield said, "I get pleasure from the fact that 1 know wotk with faculty, staff, and with oiher people and groups. But I agree the students at Hope. [The Red with Ihe guys, it's a unity." p p l c s Cross is) always looking for Brunink gave his housemates volunteers." laying the foundation to help the Gregg Relyea, Director of credit for pledging as seniors and youth . . . for the future," Additionally, Chatfield Health and Safely at the Ottawa sees no problem with it. If loves spending time with the County Red Cross, praised the anything, he fell they have an

the housemates? Rathbun denied any change in all of their relationships and feels that after their pledging, things will go back to normal. "We haven't seen ihem for a couple of weeks but after pledging, we're still going to do things with them" Brunink agreed and says that he lias found it equally enjoyable to have gotten to know a majority of the pledge class through Rathbun and Knight. "It's not like you're isolated," Branink said. Rathbun and Knight felt thai they have a dilTerent perspective on pledging that their first-year studeni and sophomore counterparts. "We're able to sit back and see the purpose. A lot of freshmen aren't able lo have that pcrspccUve," Rathbun said. The seniors (now actives) did not pledge during their freshmen, sophomore or junior years because of lime constraints or other plans Knight spent a spring semester in Washington, D.C., and Ralhbun had been thinking of transfeiring at one point Rathbun said pledging takes up a lot of time but that if you budgei yourself, you can survive it. "My grades have gone down a little bit but noi so that 1 can't recover." Even so, they feel that as seniors, they know what they're going to study and are more in tunc with how lo accomplish rcceivitp the grades tliat most students want on their iranscripts. "As a senior, I know what I have to do and 1 know what I can let slip here and there," Knight said What would be their advice lo future senior pledges? Knight said tliat if a senior approaches him and asked him if he or she should pledge, "I'd say 'If you have ihe lime, it's be a worthwhile experience.' It's one of those tilings where if you never do it you don i know what you're missing. If you do il, and it's not for you, you can stop anytime," he added. Ralhbun continued, "If you're able lo balance your grades, bccauso grades arc still pretty important, I'd say 'Go ahead and do il because it s another experience tliat we get in college.'" "1 thought il would be a grcal experience and it lias been. Knighl concluded Seniors John Ferguson and Jell

M i c h a e l T u c k e r , D o n K e n t , a n d D a r r e n B e n n e t t m a k e p l a n s t o t o s s t h e f r i s b e e in t h e o p e n s p a c e of t h e Pine G r o v e .

T h e C e n t u r i a n s p e r f o r m a b l i s t e r i n g set at A i r J a m .

T h e s e Sigmas enjoy the w a r m weather











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Greeks 177

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There are eleven social Greek organizations at Hope, which are all local in their affiliations. There are five fraternities, and six sororities open to pledging each spring. Every fall, Greek Week opens up an opportunity for members of the sororities and fraternities to interact as groups with the college community. Being a member of a fraternity or sorority at Hope is an experience these people will carry with them for the rest of their lives. With their membership comes good times, good people, and good memories for the future years.


•X ope holds off Calvin in OT, away win

Administration explains housing pplication policy

More News Page 4 Editorial Page 10 Arts Page 12

-Page 8

--Page 2

Hope College

t h e


a n c h o r

Upholding the principles of a free press

ebruary 6,1991

Volume 103, Number 16

if Trustees ^ease

student Con ipproves stu i Carrie Maples sociate editor On the recommendation of udent Congress, the Board of •ustees has raised the Student ctivities Fee from $60 to 564 for e 1991-92 school year. The activities fee was last raised ir the 1989-90 school year (from •0 to $60) and has since remained e same. This four dollar increase r person will increase income for udent Congress by roughly 0,000 for the year. William Anderson, vice esident for business and finance, id all of the income from the udent Activities Fee is used by udent Congress to fund campus ganizations like the anchor and THS. Joe Miklosi ('92), vice president Student Congress, said the 6.7 ;rccnt increase was instituted for ree main reasons; inflation, five w campus organizations which ive asked Student Congress for nding and the expanding budgets existing organizations. The increase was debated and ssed during the Jan. 17 meeting

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to tuition four dollars isn't thai much." "I don't do that much. For me to be paying $64 for activities I do not chose to participate in due to my difficult academic schedule doesn't make sense to me," said Nicole Mueller {Vl). "As far as it actually being done," said Sheryl Chaimberlan

d had m o r e time to contact think Student Congress p r e t t y w e l l in t o u c h w i t h --Joe Miklosi

'As far j concern totally a decislor made a we appi --Willi


Qor $21,000 hue ^ Congres $20,000 in these groups, WTHS

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('93), "I'm not averse to that, but I'm opposed to the way it was done."

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Sara Cripps a n d j o n Jotfe lead the way at the SAC-sponsored May Day picnic in the Pine Grove.

id had been discussed with Anne O'Neil, in the case of a budget dkker-Gras, student activities surplus. "Overall, I wish we'd had more In explaining the haste involved time to contact constituents hut I iklosi said. The principle was, think Student Congress repree Board of Trustees was meeting sentatives are pretty well in touch e next week. Due to the time with their constituents," said :tor, 1 felt we made a responsible Miklosi. The only member of Student

i VU Organizations

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udent Congress Comptroller oojections were that he believed the I mes O'Neil. He said since the fee should be increased at a higher I Student Congress Cabinet officers discuss their reasons for a fee Increase. )ard of Trustees sets the College rate dget on their first meeting the "I wanted it (the Activities Fee) Photo by Rich Blair

Hope cheerleaders try to rally the crowd's support for the Flying Dutchmen football team.

Congressman Bill Schuette spoke to Hope students at a campaign Rally sponsored by Hope Republicans.


on T h e Hope College environmental issues group became a very prominent group on campus in the 1990-91 school year.

Model UN


he M o d e l United Nations was successfully held this ' .( i ' year. Students were assigned as Ambassadors from different countries to simulate the actual proceedings and discussions of the United Nations. Problems and issues were discussed and resolved under this Model UN. With such an organization, students were given the opportunity to experience a bit of the international relations that occur in the world today. •

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The 1991 Model UN group was responsible for yet another highly successful conference.


he editorial publication of Inklings gives any member of 1991 the Hope College community a chance to express their thoughts and opinion on basically any subject. Articles are submitted by individuals on campus, and the Inklings' stafi chooses a few of these to place in their publication. Because of the Inklings'desitQ for creative articles expressing original thought in works discussing a wide range of issues, any Inklings publication may include not only editorials, but poetry and satire as well. Inklings provides a much needed forum for the Hope student.

Melanie Radomski, Jamie Lee, Betsy Verhey, James Hall, Jonathan Schakel. Not pictured Jennifer Gilmore.

Inklings 192


Non-Traditional Students


ore and more, students from increasingly different backgrounds are being welcomed in the classes of Hope College. Usually commuting to get to class, nontraditional students are returning to, or just beginning college. Most have families or other careers which must be juggled in order to continue their education. Non-traditional students are an ever increasing group of individuals gracing the grounds and classes of the Hope College campus.

Matt Muller, Glenda Van Huis, Janet Hardenburg, Pam Crum. Fonda Green.


a The 1990-91 Opus staff, headed by editor Mike Theune, brought many outstanding and well-known poets to campus.

t least twice a year, Opus is responsible for providing Hope College with the Opus magazine - a collection of poetry, prose, artwork, and photography all submitted by members of the college community. The Opus staff not only puts out this magazine, but also provides the campus with artistic forums and readings, which sometimes includes music, d a n c e , and drama. These are given by s t u d e n t s and faculty, as well as well-known authors. By promoting the advancement of literature on campus, the Opus staff adds an artistic touch to Hope College.

Opus Organizations 1 9 3



he S o c i a l

Activities Committee, headed in 1990-91 by Michelle Imhoff, is the main all-campus planning board which has provided Hope with a variety of events throughout the year. By using funds from the student activity fee, SAC has brought to us great films like Hamlet, Flatliners, and Hunt for Red October to name just a few. SAC also sponsored dances and traditional events, such as Winter Fantasia, Homecoming, and the Air Jam. SAC continued to entertain us by providing entertainment in the form of concerts and comedians; jugglers, blues singers and acappella groups delighted all who attended.


The Social Activities Committee, responsible for bringing many great events to Hope College.

he Union of Catholic

S t u d e n t s is an o r g a n i z a t i o n which meets weekly for a time of interaction and fellowship that helps to meet the spiritual needs of Catholic students. Their meetings and activities, however, are open to people of all denominations. The group also provides a time for fellowship and promotes interaction and understanding between the Hope Christian community and Holland area Catholic churches. UCS is also involved in many activities outside their weekly meetings, such as retreats. Anyone is welcome to join in on the UCS fellowship and festivities.

i front: Mary Cunningham, Kathy Notestine, Dawn DeGroodt, Michelle Goodman. back: Corrie Listenberger, Don Peterson, Greg Schmidt, Jon Lund.

UCS 194


1993 Pull


ud-caked and happy, the '93 Pull team reeled in the rope over the Black River, to finally give odd year a win after three years of defeat. The team pulled in 14.4 feet of rope to beat the '94 team in the contest which celebrated it's 93rd year. The '93 Pull team, working together and sharing in the strain, worked from their pits to take the rope in victory.

The 1993 Pull team.


xhausted after three long hours of pulling, the '94 Pull team came off the rope for the last time that year. Working with a man short in the pits, the '94 team put up a struggle on the rope. The last half hour saw a comeback for the '94 Pull team, but the attack came too late in the competition as the '94 team saw a loss of 7 feet and the '93 team saw a gain of 14.4 feet. The '94 Pull team looks ahead to the 94th year of competition to avenge their loss.

1994 Pull Organizations 1 9 5

1993 Nykerk


inging " M a , He's Makin' Eyes at Me", t h e ' 9 3 song g i r l s s t a r t e d the strong performance for the '93 Nykerk team. When the evening was over, the '93 team was standing on the stage with the cup in their hands. It had been weeks of practice; and they performed well in both song and play, and the oration was done beautifully. It was the last time '93 could get up there and do Nykerk, and they made the best of it. Congratulations.




The women of the 1993 Nykerk team.


oing into that


last evening nervous and excited, the'94 Nykerk mm team went to work starting the entire evening off with song. They put on a great show with a strong presentation of big feet and puny feet and white gloves and smiles. It was an evening to remember, but they weren't able to steal the cup away. Looking forward to next year - wherever they are - whatever they do - they're gonna' come through it together! Good job - and best of luck next year. The members of the 1994 Nykerk team.

1994 Nykerk 196



F I front: Sara Kontz, Laura Thompson, D'Anne Schafer back; Amy Alverson, Dave Purnell, Jennifer McGlynn, Bob Brown.

ellowship of Christian Athletes is for "anyone who owns a pair of sneakers", and even that's not a prerequisite. FCA is a group of people brought together once a week to provide fellowship and encouragement for each other through the common bond of Christianity. Time is spent singing, listening, and sharing. Aside from their weekly meetings, FCA also sponsors extra activities which this year included a hay ride, fall and spring retreats, and a Praise Night. Although the number of students varies each week, there is a core of leaders that welcomes all who come.


he struggle to heighten awareness of issues that are of particular interest to women and women's rights is met head on by the Women's Issues group. The group, which has both male and female members, works to bring to attention such issues. To do this, they meet on a regular basis, and invite anyone to join in on the discussions. They also sponsor the annual Women's W e e k at H o p e to keep t h e s t u d e n t s aware.

i front; Kathy Harger, Rene Fisher, back; Beth Dreyer, Beth Lewallen, Kristin Long, Juliana Carlson, Brett Keating.

Women's Issues Organizations 197

Student Congress


tudents who serve on Stud e n t Congress are elected representatives who are in the position to directly influence decisions which affect the Hope College student. Members of the Student Congress serve on various College boards and committees; and in addition, the Appropriations Committee of the Student Congress is responsible for the allocation of the Student Activities Fee to student organizations.



The 1990-91 Student Congress, headed by president Brad Votava, played an important role on campus in the lives of Hope students.


national honor society, Hope's c h a p t e r of M o r t a r Board annually elects college seniors for membership on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and service. Decisions are made, and late in students' Junior years, students are chosen and the induction ceremony is held. While on Mortar Board, students sponsor many activities including the "wearing of the blue" breakfast held every spring for underclassmen named to the Dean's List. Being a member of Mortar Board requires much work, but it is a great honor.

The 1990-91 members of Hope College Mortar Board.

Mortar Board 198




ducating students so that they may make sensible decisions about drinking is the main purpose of Baccus. Because of all the problems associated with drinking, Baccus has been busy trying to encourage students to drink responsibly or to find other alternatives. To do this, Baccus has organized alcohol-free parties, brought speakers in, and promoted red ribbons encouraging students to not drink and drive-not only over s p r i n g b r e a k , b u t a t all times.

The 1990-91 Bacchus members.

front: Greg Johnson, Heidi Short, Greg Nieuwsma, Martha Brandt, back: Mark Gilmore, Tendo Kasara.

e're 89.9 WTHS - The Lakeshore's Best". That's what you might hear if you tune into the student operated and supervised radio station located on the Hope College campus. With their base of operation in DeWitt Center, students can watch their favorite DJ play a variety of music ranging from the Indigo Girls and They Might Be Giants to Mozart and Prokofiev. Specializing in a l t e r n a t i v e music, WTHS provides an escape from the usual local radio stations. The staff also provides newscasts and local information to keep Hope College and Holland up-to-date.

WTHS Organizations 199



awareness group, ACERT has been activated to promote a tolerance and respect for all ethnic groups on campus as well as off. The individuals involved in ACERT hope to create a more cooperative society both at Hope and at large, and they do this by being aware of the diversity of people and appreciating those differences. Events sponsored by ACERT include taking part in different activities which give a new perspectives on different ways of looking at life. By promoting open-mindedness, ACERT hopes open up new doors of respect and opportunity among individuals.

front; Jonathon Quirk, Theresa Tobolski, Julie DeMond, Karen Pang, Ornanial Gates, back: Carol Juth, Tom Whitwam, Sandy Alspach. not shown; Eizabeth Bos, Sunni Tenhor, Ari Singh Ahand, Sharon Roebuck, Judith Murray.

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e et in g regularly, the business round table is a club open to anyone interested in following a career in the business world. Members discuss business orienated issues, and bring in area business people to enlighten students in opportunities in the realm of business. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to come to the meetings.

The 1990-91 Business Roundtable.

Business Roundtable 200



Pan Hellenic Board


ndividuals from each sorority meet together to maintain a harmonious and efficient inter-sorority relationship. Together, they insure cooperation and goodwill between the sororities and the Hope College community.


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Members of the Pan Hellenic Board.




embers of the Inter-Fraternity Council are chosen from each of the fraternities on campus. Their goal is to maintain a cooperative and efficient relationship between the fraternities as well as within the Hope College community.


IFC Organizations 2 0 1

Forensics \UJ

he forensics g r o u p is a collection of dedicated and hard working students under the supervision and coaching of communications professor Sandy Alspach. This year, the group debated on such subjects as art censorship and the powers granted to police officers. The students are grouped into pairs to work together in collecting and presenting a sound argument for or against the subject. Going head to head against other schools, this is certainly a stressful, but rewarding group in which to be involved.


: front: Katie Wills, Corrie Listenberger, Anita DePree, Sangeetha Nesiah, Dana Grossenbacher, Huong Nguyen, back: Sabrina Hverdink, Linda Hoogart, Fred Vance, Scott Venema, Beht Trisko, Mike Theune, Sandy Alspach (coach).


nder the direction of S a n d y Alspach, Pi Kappa Delta acts as Hope's honorary forensics fraternity. Every April, new members are initiated into the fraternity, and join the ranks of other veteran debaters. To be eligible for induction, a person must have completed six rounds of tournament competition.

front: Huong Nguyen, Sandy Alspach, Sabrina Haverdink. back: Katie Wills, Dana Grossenbacher, Anita DePree, Fred Vance, Linda Hoogart, Corrie Listenberger, Beth Trisko, Mike Theune.

Pi Kappa Delta 202




he staff of the Anchor is a dedicated group determined to bring to the reader of this weekly newspaper important issues both of local and of global significance. Weekly, new issues are covered and new pictures taken by student journalists and photographers covering the events which need to be covered. Every year the staff also d i s t r i b u t e s a parody issue known as the Ranchor to amuse the reader I and poke fun at the establishment. This year marked the Anchor's 103rd birthday, and with age, the Anchor is only getting better.


he History Honor Society consists of students proficient in the subject of history. This group includes students with a high GPA in the subject of history. The members meet on occasion to discuss issues and to enjoy the history commendatory.

f r o n t : C h r i s t y M e l l o n , N a n c y C o n n , W e n d y U n d e r b i l l , s t a n d i n g : Joy B r u m m e l s , Lisa M a r t i n u z z i , Kristin L o n g , J i m G r i f f i n , Joe O ' G r a d y , M i k e Boyle, L a u r a B a c h e l d e r , Joe K u y p e r , D a v e C o r e y , C a r r i e M a p l e s , A n i t a D e P r e e , S e t h W e e l d r e y e r , A b b i e V a n Duyne, Ari Anand.

Phi Alpha Theta Organizations 2 0 3

Ultimate Frisbee


ot only can a student play frisbee golf on campus, but there is also the Ultimate Frisbee group which meets three times a week to play a bit more aggressive style of frisbee. This year there were about 40 members, with 15-20 members playing per day; but it is a very loosely structured group that welcomes anyone to join in. There is competition involved, as the group plays other schools in competitions and tournaments in the area; but, as Steve Mitas, the student leader for the group explains, "The purpose of the Ultimate Frisbee Club is for fun."

> front: Aaron Brosseit, Scott Reus, Tom Zimmerman, Joel Toppin, Keut Labargh. back: Jacob Sanders, Steve Mitas, Ben Lawrence, Mark McDuffee, Jason Jarvis.


n its second year of activity, the Environmental Issues organization brings a needed mess a g e to c a m p u s . With the world being increasingly threatened by man's continual pollution of the environment, it has to be known that individuals "thinking globally and acting locally" can make a difference. Earth Day was celebrated this year in the Pine Grove with the help of this environmental group. Music was sang, and a signed parachute blew in the breeze proclaiming the importance of a clean environment not destroyed by man's folly.

front: Cara Sonneman, Carolyn McCreedy, Debbie Bear, Monica Buliard, Erika Brubaker, Tim Ewald, Jennifer Kush. back: Kristy Arthurs, Cynthia Tanty, Jim Hall, Pam Schmidt, Stephen Hemenway, Mark Hoeksema, Kris Knauss, Matt Johnson, Melissa Vander Jagt, Ivy Moser.

Environmental Issues 204


Black Coalition


primary mission of the Black Coalition is to act as a support group to the minority students at Hope. Minority students need to be accepted in the Hope community and everywhere. This campus-wide organization, with membership open to everyone, works from a team perspective to provide a new look at the cu tura ht l ' ' activities on wg


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sor shows and speakers and try to add a richness and diversity to the campus.


The 1990-91 Black Coalition continued to heighten cultural awareness at Hope College.


acrosse is a club sport for those students who have the willingness and guts to get out on the field and work hard. The team practices all year 'round, and plays other schools from around the area. Competition can get pretty intense, but the players meet this challenge with quick offense, powerful defense, and swift sticks. The team should be c o n g r a t u l a t e d for their hard work and perseverance. They look forward to becoming a recognized varsity sport in the near future.

A Hope lacrosse player fights his way downfield.

Lacrosse Organizations 2 0 5

Beta Beta Beta




Beta, or TriBeta, is the honor society for biology m a j o r s at Hope. Most m e m bers are involved in research both during the year and through the summer, and each year several students travel to the regional and national meeting of Tri-Beta. Weekly, members announce the seminar speakers, and every spring, Tri-Beta puts on a science night to entertain and enlighten elementary students and their parents alike. The members of Beta Beta Beta work hard, and their dedication is recognized.


lpha Phi O m e g a is H o p e ' s

chapter of the national service fraternity. It's purpose is to provide support and to help out in a variety of different ways in the surrounding community. This year, that included services from blood drives to auctions. Alpha Phi Omega is also responsible for the Hope College publication of Felicitations.

Alpha P 206




Craig Kozler, Jay and Laura Courtright, Laura Kooistra, Brenda and Tod Gugino, Tim Pennings, Mark and Pam Northuis, Phyllis Patnott, Janice and Brian Jett, Mary Ann Emerson, Nancy and Steve Smith, Mitchell and Sandi Kinsinger, Bruce and Kate Ten Haken, Kama Jongerius, Barb Muller, Seth Weeldreyer, Brett Keating, Kim Duven assistant RA's: Christy Conway, Darryl Thrasher, Karl Koelling.

Jon Liepe, Brian VanderWerff, J. R. Schoon, Tanya Andretz, Tom Boyer, Wil Crowley, Melanie Waldron, Jennifer Bayer, Heather Van Diepen, Eric Post, Graham Smith, Mark Bonneil, Aric Dershem, Mike Nowlin, Steve Ramsey, Nancy Barteis, Debbie Caljouw, Yalonda Carter, Cathy Cavidson, Caria Everts, Melissa Herremans, Tracy Malone, Jennifer McGlynn, Michelle Mcintosh, Bronya Meyaard, Tammy Nantelle, Polly Schuler, Jennifer Sebestl, Stephanie Carpenter, Sandy Frieling, Kerri Haack, Kristen Knapp, Shannon Sather, Elizabeth Bos, Aaron Boyd, Nate Cassie, Scott Frederick, Dana Grossenbacher, Greta Huizenga, Matt Maire, Hohanna Pscodna, Rick TenPas, Kim Bouma, Lori Stonecipher, Lisa Nordlund, Kristina Boersma, Randy Cross, Dawn DeGroodt, Renee Hall, Stewart Leniger, Phil Waalkes, Ward Holloway, Larry Mann, Keith Reynolds, Mike Swift, Lisa Moshauer, Gwen Palmer, Beth Barnes, Hilary Downs, Shawn Jacob, Eric Kilbourn, Brian Paige, Ali Svrlinga, Suzanne Lobs, Greta Kennedy, Dawn DeYoung, Michelle Bruskotter, Bill Roberts, Arwa Haider, Hason Gillard, Jon O'Brian, Melissa VanderJagt, Peter Blackburn, Ken Cook, Danielle Battle, Anne Schloff, Rebecca Weigle, Christina Diessel, Rebecca Benson, Joe Miklosi, Shawn Phillips, Ed Kuyper, Libbie Freed, Kathryn Larsen, Rosemary Dittmer, Rob Martin, Sue McComb, Denise Jabaay, Kim Medema, Kary Potts, Kevin Rosenau, Stephanie Davidson, Scott Bossard, Jeff Brown Sam Duong, Eric Good, Kelly Chafer, Ken Kimes, Doreen German, Mary Haddon, Gretchen Spiece, Kate Conlen, Michelle Meengs, Hennifer Patrick, Amy Sample, Scott VanDeHoef, Samantha Gano, Melanie DeGooyer, Karen Knapp, Lynn Schopp, Deb Rollis, Michelle Dykema.


Organizations 2 0 7

MUSIC MUSIC AT HOPE Music has been part of the heritage of Hope College f r o m its founding in 1862. Today, Hope is recognized as having one of the finest small-college music programs in the nation. A member of the National l i t e s o c i a t i o n of Schools of M u ^ c , Hope offers the degrees of Bachelor of Music in vocal and instnum^ntal music education and in music performance, as well as the Bachelor of Arts with a major in music. The Hope College student has the opportunity to participate in several vocal groups. There are the select ^ 5 Chapel Choir, the College Chorus, and the Collegium Singers. Operas, oratorios, solo and ensemble recitals are all a part of the vocal music scene at Hope as well. Instrumental groups include the wind ensemble, the jazz ensemble, the pep band, orchestra, symphonette and several other ensembles. Instrumental activities mQ# include performances on college's collection of Renaissance and Baroque string and wind instruments.

THE JAZZ ENSEMBLE R o b e r t F. T h o m p s o n , d i r e c t o r Philip W a a l k e s . alto sax

Doug Swanson. trumpet

Elliott C h u r c h , t e n o r sax

Charlie Hoals, bass

Weston Thompson, flugelhom

Glenn Vanderwerf. guitar

Shannon Brunnmk. trombone

Brian Roth, guitar

THE ORCHESTRA R o b e n A. Ritsema. director VIOLIN Karen Looman Holli Holstrom Foley Schuler Emily Baker Rebecca Blum Rachel Heidel Lisa Zocteway Jennifer Brusveen C a l h e n n e Crago Matthew Rohr Heather Van Langevelde Mary Westenbroek Nathalie Hallyn Lon Grumman E h / a b c t h Pechta Jennifer Joy V e m a Bond-Broderick VIOLA Matthew Hoepfinger Sarah Rickcn Andrea Kremkow Allyson Redcker Eh/abelh Haye Julie Akin CELLO Mark Ritsema Kelly Fletcher Alison Clay Carl Van Faasen Deborah Dykstr Chnstophe Anne H yland Dykema BASS Kyle Ritsema Paul Barteli

FLUTE Nicolc Buono Eliz-abeih Haag Kirslen Trcadway Alison Fcikcma OBOE Karri Evcrs Molly O'Rourkc Jennifer Noorman CLARINEI I Greg Praii K \SS()()N Lisa Moshauer Holly Van Vlici HORN Bronya Mcyaard Josh Vogcl Sarah Abbic-J Blair

MPET Caroline ler Veen Allison C o i n s Cina Smith Craig T o o m a y a n TROMBONE Chris Bishop John Suchan Shonn Colbrunn I L'BA Casey Power> PERCUSSION Seth Weeldrcyer Kent Wabel

PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE Thomas Langejans, director



Tobin Ford Dan Michmerhuizen Robert Ryzenga Erik Vogas Kent Wabel

THK WIND ENSEMBLE S. Russell Floyd, director PICCOLO Kristen Koolc

FRENCH HORN Bronya Meyaard • Jeff Vandcn Bosch Leslie Danek Lcanne Kooiman Abbie-Jo Ming Josh Vogel Brian Bollone

FLUTE • Kristen Koole Cynthia Kcip Allison Craig Jill Kjoscn Karyn Safran Lisa Barger Uiura Swinchart

CORNET • Caroline ter Veen Greg Laman Enn Van Hou/en Jeff Christensen Weston Thompson Nathan Shaw

OBOE • Jon Lund Michclle Goodman BASSOON ' Kelly Stratil Chnstianc Mollard

TRUMPET Elizabeth Morgan Anthony Wershky Craig Toomayan

EB C L A R I N E T Jordi Yarwood

TROMBONE • Scott McCandlcss Adam Warbcr Matt Yates Dan Form an Christopher Bishop Don Peterson Dcnise Walcott

CLARINET • Greg Pratt Susan Hollar Tara Dall Cathy Notcstinc Christie-Ann Powell Heather Hill John Nowak

EUPHONIUM Foley Schuler Joshua Watkin

ALTO CLARINET Nancy Naumann BASS C L A R I N E T Steve Cole Chandra Maleckas Robert Cross

TUBA Casey Powers Fred Vance PERCUSSION • Eric Freiberger Juliet Hasley Dan Michmerhui^en Laura Thompson

ALTO SAXOPHONE • Kevin Roscnau Frank Magnotta Melinda Marko TENOR SAXOPHONE Elliott Church Jeff Naumann BARITONE SAXOPHONE Philip Waalkes

PIANO Cynthia Kortman TIMPANI David Treloar S T R I N G BASS Kyle Ritsema




V e m a B o n d - B r o d e r i c k . A n n Arbor, Ml K a r e n L o o m a n . West A His, Wl F o l e y S c h u l e r , North Muskegon, Ml Holli H o l s t r o m . North Muskegon. Ml Lisa Z o e t e w e y , Holland. Ml

M i c h e l l e G o o d m a n . Port Huron, J o n L u n d . Cherry Hill, NJ

VIOLIN II R a c h e l H e i d e l . Traverse City, Ml J e n n i f e r B r u s v e e n . Wdteruliel, Ml Mary W e s t e n b r o e k . Holland, Ml C a t h e r i n e C r a g o . Wheaton. IL H e a t h e r V a n L a n g e v e l d e , Holland. VIOLA M a t t h e w H o e p f i n g e r , Bourbonnais, S a r a h R i c k e r t , Marshalltown. IA CELLO M a r k R i t s e m a , Holland. Ml A l i s o n C l a y . Holland. Ml L a u r a C h n s t e n s e n , Grand Rapids, BASS Kyle R i t s e m a , Holland,

Ml Ml



Bobby Fong D e a n for the Arts and H u m a n i t i e s

HORN B r o n y a M e y a a r d . Zeeland. Ml A b b i e - J o M i n g , Holland. Ml

Robert A. R i t s e m a Music Department Chairperson

IL TRUMPET G r e g L a m a n . Tokyo. Japan J e f f r e y C h r i s t e n s e n , Midland.



Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 26, 1991 Ml

TROMBONE C h r i s t o p h e r B i s h o p . Grand PERCUSSION K e n t W a b e l . Muskegon,


FLUTE G w y n n e B r a n d t , Midland. Kristen K o o l e , Granduille.

CLARINET G r e g o r y P r a t t , South Haven, Ml S u s a n H o l l a r . Muskegon, Ml

BASSOON Kelly S t r a t i l , Muskegon.






Charles C. Aschbrenner Jill M . B r o w n Joan C o n w a y T o m Erickson J. S c o t t F e r g u s o n S, R u s s e l l F l o y d Laura Sutton Floyd K a r e n B, F r e d e r i c k s o n John Jackson R o b e r t a D. Kraft Thomas Langejans

Margaret A. Leenhouls Huw R. Lewis Larry Malfroid Joyce M, Morrison Robert A. Ritsema Elfic Schults-Bemdt Stuart W. Sharp Linda Kay Strouf R o b e r t F. T h o m p s o n G a i l L. W a m a a r Thom Working

D c Vos H a l l Grand Rapids. Michigan

THE CHAPEL CHOIR J. Scott Ferguson, Director SOPRANO I Jolie Barber Mimi Black Charlene Fisher Katy Grace Michelle Melendy Amy Rietberg Andrea Samuelson Stephanie Smith SOPRANO II Amy Allen Debbie Caljouw Catherine Danforth Sonya Hamm Angela Jontry Elizabeth Kaye Heather Thompson Beth Trumble ALTO I Julie Artinian Lisa Beyer Michelle Corey Lois Jacobs Judith Murray Renee M. Porter Barbara VandenBrink Holly Ann Villepique ALTO II Greta J. Kennedy Sabina DeWitt Juliet Hasley Cynthia Kortman Rebecca Ann O'Shesky Heather Shoup Julie Terpstra Kelly Zacha


TENOR I Ryan DeKorte Chad M. Dykema William Lichti Steve Mallen James Schut Scott Sytsma Blake Wolffis TENOR II Douglas J. Bazuin Brett Keating Todd Nickels Thomas G. Reed Jr. Weston Thompson BASS I Ken Cook Sam Duong Clare Langeland Brian Van Der Werff Michael R. VanHuis Brian Watkins Robert J. Wertheimer 111 BASS II Mark R. Bonnell Chris Briggs Paul Chamness Joe Gerhardstein Stewart Leniger Aaron Niemi Matthew Smit Erin Van Houzen Rameen Zahed



m x 4.

J. Scott F e r g u s o n , d i r e c t o r Heather Thompson, accompanist ALTO Melissa Bakhuyzen Elizabeth Bocks Alison Borsum Jennifer Bray Anne Brouwer Shelii B u m f o r d Julie C a l a b r o Tara Cook Melissa Damstra Rebecca DeBoer Heidi Elyea Kristie Evans Ann W. Farley J e a n Feit Christie Foster Theresa Foster Amy Giles Beth Hartman Amy Hoekstra Lisa Honholt Faith L i n k Nichole Li/zadro Susan M c C o m h Anissa Mihalek Violet M o l e t e Emiko Morse Molly O'Rourkc M a r y A n n Pilon Elana TenHuisen Michelle Van D a h m Marci VanDyke Kristin Vonk Jamie Whitford



t Âť l-i 51


BASS Omanial Cates Shuni Hamamatsu Mike Hermen Jeff Hueeli Mike Folkerts Matthew Kline Steve Pierce A n d r e w Rassi Nathan Shaw Mike Smeenpe

TENOR Jeff DeKuiper Nathan Rozehoom Scott Run yon Blake Wolffis SOPRANO Kathleen Austin Lisa Bekiu.s Jill B e i u o n Susannah Budd Lmda Coney Amelia Cox Debbie DeYoimg Jackie Domkowski Kayla Dubbink Christine Haynes Sheila H e n d n c k Kristen Hobbie Eri H o r i k o s h t Chikako Katsuyama Judy Kleis A m y Klinestecker Erin K o s t e r Kalrina Lindquist Carolyn McCreedy Beth Osborne Tina Panayides Katrina Parmelee Betsy Peter Amy Punt Melissa Rouwhorst Seiko Sadamitsu Kristin S e e r y Jennifer Syler Aparna Thomas Dana VanderHart

7 THE COLLEGIUM MUSICUM J. S c o t t F e r g u s o n , d i r e c t o r



Jolie Barber

Douglas Jay Bazuin Jeff Christensen Jeff D e K u i p e r

Julie M a n n Heidi Steensma Heather Thompson Debra V a n de Riet Mary Weslenbroek

Brett Keating William Lichti Thomas Reed



Rebecca Benson Michelle Comfort

Chris Briggs

Jennifer Fettig Cynthia Korlman Rebecca G'Shesky Mary A n n Pilon Heather Shoup

Matthew Kline Aaron Niemi Tim Pennings Nathan Shaw Andrew Rassi Joshua Watkin

Organizations 2 1 1

the anchor

\pril 17, 1991

'Sports Opponents' errors help Hope take two t>y Scott iA. Kaukonen news editor Solid p i t c h i n g , h e a d s - u p Mserunning and a bungled grounder allowed the Hope College baseball team to sweep a twinbill from Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (MIAA) rival Kalamazoo, this past Saturday, 4-2 and 3-2. It seemed as though the iDulchmen were going to have to be satisfied with a split, when, with two outs in the lop of the seventh of game two, no one on base and the Dutchmen down by one, Dan Jacobs {'91) hit a routine grounder |lo the Kalamazoo shortstop. But jthe ball managed to find its way off jhis glove and through his legs, and the Dutchmen had another chance. Jacobs promptly stole second ibase and scored the tying-run on Vic Breithaupt's ("91) single up the middle, which extended Breithaupt's hitting streak to eight games. Seth Parker ('91) followed with a grounder to deep short and Breithaupt beat the throw to second. Scott Fredrick ('92) then ripped a two-base line drive into the rightfield comer, scoring Breithaupt with what proved to be the winning run. On a cold and windy day, the story for the Dutchmen was the

quality pitching they recevied from their number three and four pitchers. In the opener, Kory Boeve ('92) threw 6 and 2/3 strong innings, surrendering seven hits, striking out seven and walking five. With the bases loaded in the seventh and two out, Boeve gave way to Steve DeHorn ('92) who got the final out to earn the save. After watching Boeve earn his first win of the year, Paul Schlaff ('93) proved his equal in doing the same, Schlaff went the distance, allowing o while str walking fo Coacl surprised effort the ti and DeHo going to g total faith pitchers."

Hope' pitchers, E both pitch header spl In the when Jacc and scorei Kalamazo* of runs ir proved co; third whei free pass.

Panel suggests col (CPS, -- College presidents must regain control of runaway athletic departments that don't help athletes and produce uneducated students with dim f u t u r e s , a private organization has declared. The report, following a spate of reform measures introduced in a number of state legislatures in Febniary and March, promises to add momentum to the fitful bigtime c o l l e g e s p o r t s r e f o r m movement. ( College athletes "are brought in, used and then discarded like too much rubbish on the scrap heap of humanity." complained the Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, president emeritus of the University of Notre Dame and co-chairman of the Knight Foundation Commission on Intercoilcgiale Athlctics.

2 . 1 2,

s are current or college presidents.

The i need to la athletic i student at! make sure athletic pr the univei athletic dii India Murray Sperber, author of Sports,

schools, shorten practice time and Softball Members of the Softball team, who ftnished fourt n in the nation in the Albion 0 national tournament, congratulate a lplayer at ho me plate. i Calvin 4

think the proposa proposals would hold much weight. "It has a lot of symbolic meaning, but the real meaning remains to be seen. "The NCAA has a history of unraveling these reform attempts," Spetber. "We would love to put the s l e a z i n e s s of i n t e r c o l l e g i a t e athletics to rest today," Hesburgh

* annual National Colleiate Athletic

than men s oaskeiball ana 'footl At the same lime, legislators in Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada and Illinois introduced bills that would allow schools in their states to financially help student-athletes, who often must practice 40 hours a week before even starting to study. Schools should not let students play iL their academic progress wouldn't allow them to graduate within five years, the members said.

Adrian? Adrian 9 Adrian 7 Hope 6 Kalamazoo 4 Hope 4 Hope 4 Kalamazoo 9 Kalamazoo 15 Alma 6 Alma 8

Calvin 3 Alma 4 Alma 3 Kalamazoo Hope 2 Albion 0 Albion 3 Olivet 5 Olivet 5 Calvin Calvin

Hope quarterback Stefan Swartzmiller heads upfield through a huge hole made possible by the strong blocking of Hope's offensive line. Don Kent (right) and another Hope runner hold off Alma runners.

A Hope field hockey team member dribbles the ball upfield.

Front row from left to right: Dave Slates, Todd Campbell, Jeff Schorfhaar, Mark De Meester, co-captain Mike Balkema, co-captain Jayson Stuckey, MarkBemecker, Karl Koelling, Matt Haverdink, Kelly Powers, Jamie Foote, Duy Dang. Second row: Jim Bache, Stefan Swartzmiller, Marty Williams, Randy Buller, Chris Howe, Jim Myers, Scott Jomes, Jeff Randall, Andrew Markwart, Rob O'Brien, Brian Etzel, Jeff Brown. Third row: Scott Frederick, Eric Kivisto, Devon Polderman, Shawn Straub, Kevin Peterson, Allan Slater, Mark Feller, Bob Elinski, Jim Lutzweiler, Mitch Meeder, Chris Myers. Fourth row: Ric Blesch, Kevin McLeod, Bob Evans, Bryan Kahler, Brian Walls, Tony Werschky, Matt Ready, Bob Toth, Chad Ackermann, Darren Nowicki, Scott Venema. Fifth row: Kelly Clark, Peter Stuursma, Tim Ver Meulen, Toby Gruppen, Jay Mulder, Charles Clausell, Sam Middleton, Ben Rufenacht, Dave McWhinnie, Bill Butchart, Brent Barth, Mike Sparks. Sixth row: Larry Mann, Ron Kimmons, Doug Hulett, Ryan Wade, Matt Lee Kris Popp, Mike Byam, Jeff DeKuiper, Tom Kizer, Jerry Attia, Cary Harger, Rick Gebhard. Seventh row: Colin Ripmaster, Tim McCarty, Duane Baldwin, Karl Nicies, Jon Zoutendam, Derek Prentice, Dan Baas, Erick DeWolfe, Mike Slager, Jeff Carlson, George Michos, Phil Coliison. Eighth row:Ken Hedrick, Jason Ruckert, Kent Gudakunst, Eric Nicholie, Jon Slager, Bob Rozema, Terry Schimke, John Hefield, Chris Byers, John Emington, Trevor Wames, Matt Erickson, Doug Hoover. Back row: Dr. James Lemire, team physician, Richard Ray, athletic trainer; Gordon Vander Yacht, equipment manager; Rob Olson, team manager; Ray Smith, head coach; George Kraft, assistant coach; Bob Carlson, assistant coach; Pat Fischer, assistant coach; Dean Kreps, assistant coach; Jim VanderMeer, assistant coach; Pat Cassell, assistant coach; Ray Allen, assistant coach.

Best Finish In Six Years On August 20th the Flying D u t c h m a n began practice for Hope's 79th football season. Returning for the Dutchmen were 28 lettermen, including nine defensive and eight offensive players. Ray Smith, the MIAA's winningest football coach, led the Dutchmen to a 6-1 -2 overall record in the 1990 season. Hope posted a 22-14 win over DePauw, capturing their only opening game victory in the p a s t six y e a r s . I n t e r e s t i n g l y enough, the Dutchmen played six games that were decided in the final minutes of play. Such was the case when leff Schorfhaar caught a touchdown pass with 13 seconds left that pulled Hope over Aurora, IL. 17-12. The Flying Dutchmen

finished second in the MIAA — their best finish since the 1984 season. The season proved productive not only for the team but also for some individuals. Setting a new record for single season pass reception yardage was senior Schorfhaar, who caught 40 passes for 742 yards. Tying the single season record for pass interceptions was sophomore Kelly Clark with six. In addition, senior placekicker Duy Dang made six of eleven field goal attempts, finishing with a .609 career success rate. Coach Ray Smith b e s t c o m p l i m e n t e d t h e 1990 D u t c h m e n team, saying,"They worked together as well as any team I have coached; this season was truly a pleasure."

"I've met almost all my close friends through football at Hope, and developed good personal r e l a t i o n s h i p s with the coaches." — Jeff Schorfhaar

Football Dutchmen celebrate another touchdown.

DePauw, Ind. Findlay, Ohio Drake, Iowa Aurora, 11 Adrian Olivet Albion Alma Kalamazoo





23 13

23 17 17

Overall 6-1-2 MIAA 3-1-1

n* ma

• v•

*•1 % }•$ w*** v ? a 3 W . m .. w?

Stefan Swartzmiller displays fancy footwork.

"The people I've met throughout my years playing volleyball for Hope became some of my c l o s e s t friends. We" ve had some great times together as a team." — Janine Whittemore

Front row, from left to right: Kendra Grate, Marcia Van Dyke, Tiffany Steffen, Susan Stribley, Julie Norman, Jan Looman, Sarah Maclntyre. Middle row: Kerrie-Sue DeWitt, Ellen Thompson, Shelly Bareman, Allison Coins, D'Anne Schafer, Dorie Allen, Linda Nagelkerk. Back row: junior varsity coach Anne Irwin, Rachel Zimmer, Katy Francomb, Wendy Schroeder, Holly Brown, Mary Moriarty, Janine Whittemore, manager Jim Moriarty, head coach Donna Eaton.

Spikers Rely on Teamwork T h e 1991 W o m e n ' s Volleyball team started the year with an eight game winning streak. Unfortunately, the team suffered several ankle sprains and two concussions resulting in the loss of some of the best players. The team finished the year with an overall record of 15-18 and came in 4th place for the MIAA competition. The highlight of the season came when the team beat Calvin 32 at home after losing to them twice earlier in the season. When asked about ex-

ceptional players coach Donna Eaton replied, "No one player is better than a n o t h e r . . . each one contributes something to the team . . . Everyone is important." Senior co-caption Janine Whittemore was voted to the All-MIAA first team for the second year. Junior Holly Brown was voted to the AllMIAA second team and co-captain Mary Moriarty received honorable mention.


The team gets ready for play.

1 rv,

Volleyball Katy Francomb carefully tips the ball over the net

iplll^^Ud Calvin Taylor, Trinity C M alone, Goshen, I Olivet Wooster, Denison, Oh bion enyon, Oh atnazoo

T inity Christian |


\\ .ishington, MC) C ,ipital, Ohio North Central, Albion . ma

M B lAlnll Olivet Adrian Aquinas Kalamazoo Albion Sienna Heights Calvin Elmhurst, 111. Aquinas Calvin Alma Adrian

Rachel Zimmer gets low for the ball

^ ft

Women's Soccer Brigid Malloy and Jennifer Noorman show that teamwork is the key.

SCOREBOARD Opp.Hope Rockford, 111. Albion Wheaton Kalamazoo Tri-State, Ind. Alma Schoolcraft Univ. of Chicago St. Mary's, Ind. Calvin Adrian Olivet

With deft footing, Brigid Malloy handles the ball smartly. |

A Winning Season H o p e ' s w o m e n ' s soccer team overcame many obstacles and played extremely well this season. Bob Howerlda was coaching at Hope for his first year after coaching soccer at Holland Christian High School for a number of years. It was evident that the entire team was devoted to winning with their overall record of 8-5-1. This was only the second year that women's soccer was a varsity sport at Hope.

This incentive caused the team to prove themselves by not only working hard but working well together. Some of the highlights at the end of the season were Nancy Birch and Lynn Schopp selection as first team all conference. The most valuable player award went to Kristin Olenik, Hope's goalie. This talented team deserves acknowledgement after working so hard to achieve a winning season.


Front row, from left to right: Brigid Malloy, Heather Wightman, Jennifer Noorman, Kristin Olenik, Maria Garrett, Erin Hart. Middle row: Julie Akin, Tammy Lind, Kara Wolfe, Nicole Dore, Dawn Murdock, Brandie Benedict, Heather Hebert. Back row: coach Bob Holwerda, Lynn Schopp, Nancy Birch, Anita Shier, Kim Kaler, Karen Folkerts, Betsy Verhey, team trainer

"It was an honor to play with such a talented a n d s u p p o r t i v e team for my first year." — Nancy Birch

Team Breaks Losing Streak "Being a part of the soccer team at Hope has been more than a great experience, it has meant being a part of a family." — G r a n t Scott

The men's soccer team ended the season with an overall record of 11-5-2. This impressive record was on the heels of two previous losing seasons. This year the team nearly doubled their total wins over last year. Their MIAA record improved significantly, moving from 5th place over the previous two seasons to 3rd place this year. The team was able to produce offensively by scoring in important situations. They scored 50 goals to their opponents 20. The teams goals against average was lower than any previous Hope team. This indicated an especially sharp and capable defensive team. Sucess this year can be attributed to total team play. The team members

worked well together and the personalities of the team meshed well to form a tightly knit group. Each person contributed to the successful season. In individual play, Darren Bennett (93) led the team in points by scoring 11 goals and assisting on 3. Scott Quoss (91) contributed 9 goals and 5 assists raising his career total points to 62. Defensively, goalkeeper Aric Dershem (92) registered an incredible static of 8 shutouts in 18 games. By only allowing 20 goals on the year, Aric was credited with only 1.1 goals per game allowed against Hope. The season was characterized by new expectations with a new coaching staff, new facilities and an increased stability in the program.




Front row, from left to right: Scott Vandervelde, Dave Oade, Mike Canfield, Jason Spaulding, G r a n t Scott, Aric Dershem, Travis Wiersma, Jon Van Wieren. Middle row: Brett Vander Kamp, Darrel Folkert, Garrett Elsinger, Jeff Leibel, Scott Quoss, Michael Evans, Mike Walker, Nick Palomaki, Mark Mulder. Back row: head coach Steve Smith, assistant coach Kevin V a n d e n Akker, C h a d Lane, Chris Cooper, Joe Clemens, Randy Brothers, Pat Dalton, Jeff Utzinger, Darren Bennett, Andy Clark, Brendon Kronewetter.


Men's Soccer Randy Brothers outplays the defenders. Grant Scott makes his move for the steal.

SCOREBOARD Opp. Trinity, 111. tfi North Park, 111. '0 Michigan State 5 Olivet 1 0 Aquinas Kalamazoo ±5^ 0 Adrian Albion 1 2 Calvin (OT) I Alma Olivet S j s " T 2 Adrian 0 Aquinas 2 Kalamazoo 0 Rockford, 111. 3 Albion Calvin , 1 Alma (OT) Jo

Hope • 4 2 1 6 4 1 I 2 1 4 8 2 8 0 2 3 0 1


1 iliill



A swift swing allows this golfer chip to the green successfully


SCOREBO. Final 1990

Olivet Hope Albion Alma Calvio Kalamazoo Adrian


A perfect drive is the goal at tee-off.

Kneeling, from left to right: Casey Powers, Joe Miklosi, Erik Jefferson, Scott Curry, Perry Bonnevier. Standing: coach Jed Mulder, Matt Gump, Paul Warner, Mark Conn, Scott Lone, Dave Edmunds, Jason LePage, Scott Peddie.

Team Swings to 2nd Place The Hope College golf team was unsuccessful in launching its bid for a fifth consecutive MIAA golf championship. Edged out by Olivet College, Hope lost the title by a 37 stroke margin. Coach Jed Mulder, who has guided the Dutchmen to the last two league titles, built the 1990 team around four returning lettermen: Dave Edmunds ('92), Scott Lone ('92), Mike Peddie ('93), and Casey Powers ('91). Peddie e a r n e d a t h i r d - p l a c e

s t a n d i n g in t h e A l l - M I A A leading scores with an average of 79.3 as well as a third place rank in the final 1990 MIAA standings. Following Peddie is Powers at eighth place with an 80.3 average, and Dave Edmunds and Scott Lone, both tied for 13th with an 82.0 average. S o p h o m o r e M i k e P e d d i e was named the most valuable member of the golf team while senior Casey Powers was voted the most improved golfer. Junior Scott Lone will return as captain for the 1991 golf team.


Coach Jed Mulder relaxes at the club.


"Although golf is more of an individual sport, there is good support between the team. We get along really well." — Scott Lone


vfUHratoBwaafnc ^

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Wvm* V' • ."-tffe;.' Front row, from left to right: Kathy Kelly, Sue Spring, Eileen Malkewitz, Abby Van Duyne, Lisa Meyers. Middle row: Jennifer McGlynn, Alicia Streit, Cathy Davidson, Kirstan Carroll, Kelli Koss. Back row: Sarah Blackburn, Dorie Prescott, Beth Fisher, Heidi Elyea, coach Karla Wolters

"The togetherness of the team is what 111 miss the most We were like a family." — Cathy Davidson

- " t m

Season Ends Successfully The final year of field hockey as an MIAA sport saw the Hope College Flying Dutch set records and have one of their best seasons ever. While losing only four of 19 games, the Dutch had hoped to convert more of their ties to wins, concluding the season with a 10-4-5 mark. The 1990 team set records in shutouts (13) and number of goals scored (48). Five seniors led the experienced Dutch this year. Leading the defense was the league's Most Valuable Player, goalie Eileen Malkewitz, who along with co-captain center link Abby VanDuyne, also garnered first team All-Regionhonors. Honorable Mention MIAA players, sweeper Kathy Kelly and right link Lisa Meyers, added intensity to the defensive wall. Spearheading the potent offense were right wing co-captain Sue

Spring and junior newcomer center forward Kelli Koss who combined for 52% of the team's goals. Both Sue and Kelli made the MIK All-Tournament and MIAA All-Conference teams. Those players recognized for their talents were challenged by hard working underclassmen who, while not receiving the glory, were the "wind beneath their wings." These dedicated players include juniors Kirstan Carroll, Cathy Davidson, Jennifer McGlynn, Johanna Pscodna, and Alicia Streit; sophomores Sarah Blackburn, Beth Fisher, and Dorie Prescott; freshmen Heidi Elyea and Japanese exchange student Ayako Adachi. The efforts of all these women led to a final season of fun and fellowship for the Flying Dutch field hockey team.

Abby Van Duyne breaks away from the defenders

Field Hockey Sue Spring eludes the defender.



?5% I



r um,

Wittenbi Kalamazi Goshen, Ind. Adrian Hanover, Inc Ballarmine, Ks T ransylvania, Franklin, Ind. DePauw, Ipc Indian; Calvin Kalamazoo Adrian Oberlin, Ohio Ohio Wesleyan DePauw, Ind. Calvin Centre, Ky. Goshen

Opp. Hope 0 0 0 5 0 0 A

8 2 1 5 1

f O g t 11 s"

fyl i o 2 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 3

1fe i 5 5 1 0 1 0 3 0


Abby Van Duyne outruns the oppo nent.

Women's Cross Country Gretchen Sligh focuses on the finish line. Sarah Arnsman passes the Alma Scots.





Vv :

SCOREBOARD Albion Adrian Kalamazc Alma Calvin

Opp.Hope 35 20 50 15 40 21 21 36 15 46

Hope Invitational 3rd place GLCA Invitational 4th place Grinnel Invitational 6th place Michigan Collegiate Championship 10th place N C A A Div. Ill Regional 3rd place M1AA Championship 3rd place




Theresa Foster keeps ahead of the competition

Women's Team Rebuilds The Flying Dutch came into the season after losing eight runners and returning only four letter winners. So, this was a year of rebuilding for the women's cross country team. Several injuries among the team members didn't allow for full potential to be reached. The team finished 3-2 in dual


meets and placed 3rd in the MIAA c h a m p i o n s h i p meet. Senior Jilanne Bannink led the team all season and had a fifth place finish at the N C A A Division III Great Lakes Regional. She received All-MIAA first team honors for the fourth year. Freshman Theresa Foster was named to the second team.

Front row, from left to right: Kristen Kingma, Dori Ruesink, Gretchen Sligh, Cara Luchies, Theresa Foster, Alicia Mendenhall; back row: Sonja Langlois, Cheryl Becker, Carolina Blok, Jilanne Bannink, Sheila Brink, Sarah Arnsman, coach Mark Northuis.

"We had a small team but whether we were running through the river, making signs for the guys' trip to Nationals, or running quarters in the cemetery, we stuck together and had a fun s e a s o n . T h e team is young, so we look forward to many returning r u n n e r s , " — Cheryl Becker

Cody Inglis keeps ahead of the pack.

"This year's team had more unity than in years past. I believe this unity was a major factor which contributed to our successful season which included an appearance at nationals." — Steve Kaukonen

A Trip to Nationals Although the men's cross country team was rebuilding after losing seven runners, they ran to a second place finish in the NCAA Division III Great Lakes Regional. This qualified the team for nationals — their first trip since 1983. T h e D u t c h m e n f i n i s h e d t h e MIAA with a 4-2 record and placed

three runners on MIAA teams. Bill Roberts was named to the first team while Mark Walters and Bruce Fletter received second team honors. The team had an outstanding season and has high expectations for next season.

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Front row, from left to right: James Forsyth, Derek Dykstra, John Nowak, Steve Johnson, Scott Patton. Middle row: Steve Kaukonen, Scott Addison, Mark Walters, Darren Sipila, Jason Elmore, Steve Summers. Back row: Coach Mark Northuis, Jim Hall, Bruce Fletter, Patrick McCarthy, Bill Roberts, Douglas Burchett, Cody Inglis.

Men's Cross Country Mark Walters, in spite of the terrain, stays with the pack. Douglas Burchett keeps with the Calvin competition.




SCOREBOARD Albion Olivet Kalamazoo Alma Calvin Adrian • M i ' W'xmk










r-' iI

' k v


/ 4 - '

Opp. Hope 39 22 50 19 1 42 26 30 17 44 40 ^ 21


Hope Invitational 2nd place GLCA Invitational 2ru^place Grinnel Invitatioani 2nd place Michigan Collegiate Championship 8th place MIAA Championships 2nd place N C A A Div, III Regional 2nd place N C A A Div, III Nationals 21st place

Women's Basketball Robin Schout leaps for two. w w

'^ ^r.



SCOREBOARD Madonna (forfeit) Houghton, NY Trinity Christia IL St. Mary's, Ind. Washington, M Baldwin-Wallace,'OH Oakland Michigan-Dearborn Tiffin, OH Notre Darrv Albion Olivet Michigan-E Dm Alma Adrian Kalamazoo ****** Calvin Albion Olivet St. Mary's, Ind Alma Adrian Kalamazoo Calvin

s **

I 53


Overall 15-9, MIAA 7-5

\ x


HOPt f The Flying Dutch look for the play call.




Front row: Julie Shensky, Candice Kalman, Jamie Crooks, Kristen Roeters, Melinda Maurits, Amy Alverson, Robin Schout. Standing: manager Jen McGlynn, assistant coach Kris Smith, head coach Sue Wise, Michelle Sterk, Lissa Nienhuis, Missy Hargreaves, Deb Hoffman, Sarah Hackert, Trish Kihlstrom.

Total Team Unity There was no miracle on Eighth Street this year, but the 1990-91 women's basketball team still put together a respectable 15-9 season, including a third-place 7-5 mark in the M1AA. The Dutch also won the Hope College Classic. The season high point came late in the year when nationally-ranked eventual league champion Adrian visited the Dow Center. The two teams combined for an MIAA record 182 points with Hope winning on a buzzerbeating shot by Lissa Nienhuis, 92-90.

N i e n h u i s , a senior guard, was named to the All-MIAA first team in part on the strength of her floor leadership and shooting accuracy. Nienhuis became the MIAA's all-time leader in career free throw percentage (.893) and is fourth on the career field goal percentage list (.550). Seni or Kristen Roeters ended her career fourth among free throw shooters (.765). Robin Schout, a senior forward, led the team in scoring average (13.7) and was named to the All-MIAA second team.

"Hope basketball allowed me to make lasting friendships and learn teamwork." — Michelle Sterk

Seated, from left to right: Colly Carlson, Tom Halbert, Steve Hendrickson, Jon Joffe, Bart Ver Hulst, Wade Gugino, Scott Bishop, Kevin Westrate, Doug Mesecar, Rick Zuiderveen. Standing: assistant coach Tom Davelaar, assistant coach Matt Neil, assistant coach Tod Gugino, student assistant coach Brian Morehouse, Eric Haas, Eric Elliott, Todd Holstege, Jeff DeMasse, student trainer David Meeuwsen, trainer Rich Ray, athletic director Ray Smith, head coach Glenn Van Wieren.

Team Wins MIAA Championship

Top: Bart VerHulst shoots over a Calvin defender. Bottom; AU-American guard Eric Elliott.

Ail-American Eric Elliott finger-rolls

The men's basketball swept through MIAA competition, compiling a perfect 12-0 mark on its way to an MIAA-record 25th championship. They set a school record with 24 wins, while losing only twice. Classic showdowns with Calvin punctuated the season with Hope winning both regularseason games including a 94-89 overtime thriller. However, Calvin ended the Dutchmen's season with a 89-84 overtime win in the secondround of the NCAA Division III playoffs. The season had an unusual twist in the home opener with Concordia (MI) when the game was suspended due to a broken backboard early in the second half, courtesy of Wade Gugino and Tom Halbert. Senior guard Eric Elliott earned All-Ameri-

can honors for the second consecutive year while also repeating as the MIAA most valuable player. It was the third time that Elliott had been named to the All-MIAA team. He led the team in scoring average (20.1) as he finished his career as Hope's fourth (1,648 points) and the MlAA's 12th (813) all-time leading scorer. Elliott also became the Hope career leader in free throw shooting accuracy (.869), assists (369), and games played (103). Junior center Wade Gugino was named to the All-MIAA first team for the second consecutive year. Gugino was a force inside, leading the team in rebounds (232). Junior forward Colly Carlson who led the team in assists (116) and steals (49) was also voted to the All-MIAA second team.


Men's Basketball Junior captain Colly Carlson looks for the open man.

Concordia, Wis oncorBia, Ml prvclraia, 1L •o&Park,

prand [Aquinas [Cefitral, :Grand


W Jersey



Albion Olivet Alma Adrian Kalam Calvin Albion Olivet Aquinas Alma Adrian Kalamazoo Calvin Calvin* ( O T ) * N C A A Division III playoff Overall 24-2, M I A A 12-0

The result of Wade Gugino's and Tom Halbert's incredible rebound.


Women's Swimming Erica Hansen kicks for home in the butterfly. The MIAA dual meet win streak was extended to 43

Wheaton Grand Valley ^ Calvin Adrian Olivet Alma Lake ForestjIL Albion Kalama:oo DePauvv, IN

Opp. 94-5 106 69

59 sF 72 80 1^ j m

. r f 111 I


Hope 109.5 137 140 n

f m

84 i 148 | 132 1 134 131 12


University of Indianapolis Invitational — 1st place MIAA Championships place Nationals points) Overall 8-0

9th place (131


' j


A Second Place Finish After missing a year, the women's swim team returned to the Division III national top ten for the fifth time in six years with a ninthplace finish in Atlanta, Ga. The meet, which featured five All-American performances by Hope swimmers, capped another outstanding season for the Dutch. The women completed the dual portion of their season undefeated (8-0, 5-0 M1AA), which featured wins over Kalamazoo (131111) and Wheaton (109.5-94.5). The team has gone undefeated in league dual meets seven years in a row, a string of 43 consecutive victories extending back to 1983. They also won the University of Indianapolis Invitation-

al which included 14 teams. However, the women let an M1AA title slip away when Kalamazoo won the championship meet, edging Hope (625-612). The national meet marked the conclusion of the careers of two outstanding seniors, Jilanne Bannink and Lori Gano. Bannink earned AllAmerican honors six times, while Gano received them seven times. AU-American relay honors were won by the 800-yard freestyle team and 200-yard freestyle team. Gano, DeWitt, and Hoving brought home individual AU-American honors. DeWitt was named the M1AA women's most valuable swimmer.

Front row: Jim Mitchell, Tamara Luehrs, Gristy Vredevelt, Shaney Froysland, Erica Hansen, Sarah DeWitt, Jilanne Bannink, Lori Gano, Garrie Borchers. Back row: coach John Patnott, Barb Woodruff, Tamara Pearson, Jany Mitchell, Jennifer Noorman, Dawn Hoving, Tamara

"Participating in this team sport allowed me to be a part of Hope. I was also able to grow closer to Coach Patnott — one of the biggest influences of my life." — Jilanne Bannink

Aaron Goryl catches a breath between strokes.

National Respect "Everybody won conf e r e n c e — n o t just those star swimmers. Everybody contributed to how far we got." — Jeff Bannink

The 1990-91 men's swimming team put together the best season in its history. Powered by All-American performances in eighth events, the Dutchmen finished a school-best sixth at the NCAA Division III championships in Atlanta, GA., and coach John Patnott was named the Division III national men's coach of the year. Patnott, who started the Hope swimming program in 1978, saw his men place in the nation's top ten for the first time. The previous best had been 12th in 1985. The team also won the MIAA crown with a 5-0 dual meet record and a first-place showing at the championship meet. The Dutchmen edged Kalamazoo in both the dual meet portion (119-112) and the championship meet (549545).

Front verse, coach Chris

The performance at nationals was highlighted by the dramatic gold medal performance of the 800-yard freestyle team as the Dutchmen dethroned Kenyon which had won this event for 13 consecutive years. Sophomore Jon Hescott came from behind in the final lap to catch and pass the Kenyon swimmer. The other members of this team included sophomore Jeff Bannink, junior Phil Sotok, and freshman Brad Genson. All-American relay performances were also produced in the 200 yard freestyle, the 400 yard freestyle, and the 400-yard medley. Other individual All-American honors went to Hescott (100 and 200 yard freestyle), and Bannink (200 and 1,650 yard freestyle). Bannink was voted the MIAA's most valuable swimmer.

row: Ken Overway, Kent Renkema, Toby Ford, Brad G e n s o n , Scott Hitchcock, Brandon ConGreg Million, Brian Bollone, Jeff Bannink, Matt Hoeksema, Dave Vahlbusch, back row: head John Patnott, diving coach Jim Mitchell, Aaron Goryl, Jon Hescott, Kevin Burke, Phil Sotok, Vonlns, Steve Smant, Matt Dahl, Tim Groetenhuis, Matt Johnson.

Men's Swimming Jeff B a n n i n k a n d J o n H e s c o t t fill a t e a m m a t e s ear w i t h m o r e t h a n w a t e r . C h r i s V o n I n s h u g s J o n H e s c o t t as H e s cott checks the scoreboard.





Calvin J Adrian Alma Lake Forest, IL Albion Kalamazoo DePauw,

Opp. 127 98 90 29 52 92 100 112 123

Hope 78 129 123 109 141 102 136 119 105

University of Indianapolis Invitational — 2nd place


1st M1AA championship Nationals — 6th place (215 points)


/ A

Overall 7-2, MIAA 5-0


Women's Tennis Junior Michelle Kalusniak releases her power b a c k h a n d .


SCO St. Mary's, IN Ferris State Olivet Adrian Albion Kalamazoo """"Kalamazoo p^Albion J^alvin Gustavus Adolphus, MN Wheaton Principia, IL Augustana, IL Alma

Opp. 7 9 0 3 6 6 7 ^ 9



Hope 2 o 9 6 3 3 0 3



9 8

0 -5 -

8 5

T h e D u t c h p o w e r swing.

i 3


F r o m left: A l l y s o n R e d e c k e r , S h a r o n L a n d , M i c h e l l e Beckley, Jill W y m a , C o a c h K a t h y V a n T u b e r g e n , Denise C o n l e y , Yako T a k a h a s h i , A m y Hilbelink, S h a r o n Rudi, Linda M a x a m , Michelle Kalusniak.

A Rebuilding Season The Hope College women's tennis team faced a major rebuilding task this spring as they defended their M I A A c o - c h a m p i o n s h i p from last spring. Coach Kathy VanTubbergen has guided the Dutch to three consecutive M1AA championships, one in 1989, and two shared with Kalamazoo in 1988 and 1990. The team began their season by playing seven n o n - l e a g u e m a t c h e s over their spring break trip to Virginia

and South Carolina. The rebuilding came because the Dutch returned only five letter winners from the last year's team, but the roster included only one senior, a junior, three sophomores, and five freshmen, so there was minimal college play experience. Senior captain Michelle Beckley finished with an impressive collegiate record of 32-20 in doubles play.

closer over the season. We had a lot of work to do, but also had a lot of fun together. Hope tennis has given me a lot of good times. IVe grown as a person and as a tennis player." — Michelle Beckley

L'iwiAmmjT. Mi'Ji



M$ 1

From left; Kevin O'Keefe, Walter Ruf-Alvarez, Todd Jungling, Kevin Bobofchak, Martin Williams, Cal Hodgson, John Lillie, John VanWieren, Matthew Lee, Coach Japinga.

"We had an excellent season in conference. We tied with Calvin for second place." — Kevin O'Keefe

Swinging to Second Place This year's Hope College men's tennis team completed its MIAA play with an impressive overall record of 5-1. Working hard over the course of the season enabled the team to earn a second place standing, tying with rival Calvin College. This tie, though unexpected, showed the team's result of an excellent played conference season.

C o a c h Japinga provides some final commentary before a match.

The team was led by senior Kevin O'Keefe who completed his 1991 play with an 11-6 singles record, and a 10-5 doubles record. Junior John Lillie also had an excellent season finishing his singles play with an 116 record, and a 12-6 career record in singles.

c o n c e n t r a t e s o n his follow t h r o u g h

SCOREBOARD Opp. Hope Wabash, IN otre^ Dame G r a n o R a p i d s JC Univ. of|Chicago Grand Valley . ^ a t t Aquinas Olivet Wooster, O H Earlham, IN Albion Kalamazoo Calvin Alma Adrian

V Kevin O Keefe sets f o r his r e t u r n

Softball W i n d a n d fire.

A H o p e p l a y e r slides b e n e a t h t h e tag.


Baldwin-Wall ace, O H Muskingum, O H William P a t e r s o n , NJ Illinois Wesleyan K e a n , NJ Monclair State, NJ Wisconsin-Whitewater Maryville, T N Tennessee Tech Oakland Community Adrian Adrian Aquinas Aquinas Olivet Olivet Kalamazoo Kalamazo Albion Albion Calvin Calvin Platteville, W I Stevens-Point, WI Winona, MN Wisconsin-Wm N o r t h e a s t e r n , IL Edgewood, W I Alma Alma A u r o r a , IL A u r o r a , IL



f > 1


<. . 1


4 Q.

5 0




3 2

2 1



8 2

5 4






3 14 14 6 2 4 4




5 4 7 7 2 14 17

0 1

4 0

3 0

2 1 1 1 1 0 1



2 3 2


Fourth Place in the Nation The Flying Dutch finished their outstanding season with a fourth place showing at the N C A A Division 111 championships. Making their first appearance at the national tournament after winning the Midwest Regional, coach Karla Wolter's Flying Dutch defeated Capital, Ohio 5-0 and Luther, Iowa 2-0, but lost to Trenton State, NJ 8-0, and host Eastern Connecticut 32. The Flying Dutch finished with


a school record of 30-12, including an 18 game winning streak. Wolters was voted the Midwest Region coach of the year, and two Hope players, junior first baseman Jodi Joostberns and senior catcher Jackie Krombeen were voted to the national championships all-tournament team. In addition, Hope placed eight of its players on the 1991 Midwest Regional All-Tournament Team.

F r o n t row, l e f t t o right; T a m i T r i e m s t r a , Kelli Koss, E i l e e n M a l k e w i t z , Jackie K r o m b e e n , J o d i J o o s t b e r n s , S h a n e y F r o y s l a n d . M i d d l e row, R a c h e l Z i m m e r , H e a t h e r W o l f , D o n n a B o lenz, Lisa W a l t e r s , S h e r r i e S c h o l t e n , A n n e t t e B r a s h l e r , Jodi S c h a a p . B a c k row, m a n a g e r T o n y a B l a c k m o r e , t r a i n e r J o d i A n d e r s o n , Kristie G a u n t t , D e b b i e V a s h a w , J o h a n n a P s c o d n a , E r i n N e i l , a s s i s t a n t c o a c h M a r y D o o r n b o s , a s s i s t a n t c o a c h B a r b G r a s , h e a d c o a c h Karla Wolters.

Junior p i t c h e r Lisa Walters headed the 1991 MIAA all-con' ference softball team announced by conference coaches. She led the MIAA in earned run average during the regular s e a s o n and threw three consecutive shutouts as the Flying Dutch won the season-ending conference tournament.

T h e H o p e b e n c h w a t c h e s a n o t h e r D u t c h m e n rally.

Conference Champions This years MIAA MVP Vic Breithaupt was the league batting champion for the third consecutive year. This is the first time in league history that a player has won the batting crown three straight years.

The return of 14 letter winners, including four All-MIAA players, put the Flying Dutchmen in a powerful position to defend their conference championship. With a final conference record of 10-2, the team beat out rival Calvin College for the title position. This was the second consecutive baseball championship under coach Ray Allen. Hope has won the conference title four times since 1985 and this is their 12th overall.

• -

There were also many individual h o n o r s for t h e D u t c h m e n . Senior pitcher and outfielder Vic Breithaupt was voted the MIAA's Most Valuable Player while also earning a first-team position on the MIAA team. Pitcher Seth Parker, catcher Tim Stevens, and short stop Brent Molnar each earned an MIAA second team position. The outlook is optimistic for next year's team. With strong hitters and a powerful field, the team sees an outstanding season next spring.


Front Row: Matt Waite, Scott Beckwith, Rob Kangas, Brent Molnar, Chris Backus, Derek Sanders, Chad Johnson, Scott Frederick, Dave McWhinnie, Middle Row: Greg Eding, Dan Jacobs, Jon Joffe, Seth Parker, Vic Breithaupt, Jack VandeGuchte, Brett Kempema, Justin Burke, Paul Schlaaf. Back Row: Student Trainer Bob Toth, Coach Ron Boeve, Mike Balkema, Tim Stevens, Chad Ackerman, Steve DeHorn, Kory Boeve, Andy Ritter, Steve Andresen, Coach Ray Allen, Manager Joe Cipolla.

C o a c h Ray Allen discusses strategy with his players. Brent Molnar makes the turn at third and heads for home.


SCOREBOARD Hope g Belmont, TN Belmont, TN Georgia-Southwestern Georgia-Southwesrefn Baldwin-Wallace, O H Illinois Tech WilU^ai Jewell M O Baldwin-WallaceTOH MuskinguA, O H Muskingum, O H Illinois Tech William Jewel, M O St. Bonavemure, PA o i bhorter Shorter Siena Heights Siena Heights Ferris State Ferris State Olivet Olivet G r a n d Valley State Calvin CaJvin Kalamazoo


Grand Valley StaCe^Wteik, G.R. Baptist G.R. Baptist Alma Alma

Katy C o n l e n leads the Calvin runners in the 800 meter run

MIAA Dual Meets Opp. 79

Alma Adrian Albion Calvin

Hope 42

MIAA Field Day (at Alma College) Alma Calvin Hope Adrian Albion

m t . * i



Karen Atkeson had a year-best distance of 35' 4" in shot put.


I %

Front Row: Angie Ditmars, Karen Atkeson, Regina Switalski, Julie Norman, Kerrie-Sue Dewitt. R o w T w o : Dorie Allen, Ann Fenwick, Marcia Vandersall, Alicia Mendenhall. R o w T h r e e : Mary Herin, Cheryl Becker. Back Row: Robin Schout, Coach Karen Bishop.

The Need for Speed This year's Hope College women's track and field team finished MIAA dual meets with a record of 22 and a third place finish. Headed under first year coach Karen Bishop, the team returned 14 letter winners, including three A11-M1AA athletes from last years team. The three were sophomore Marcia Vandersall, senior Mary Beth Herin, and senior Abby VanDuyne. Herin was the outstanding hurdler and high jumper while VanDuyne was the standout in the middle distances. She holds the Hope record

in the 400-meter dash (:57.8). Vandersall had her year's best performances in the 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 meter runs. Her outstanding time in the 10,000 meter of 37:11.9 qualified her for N C A A Division III championships. She finished sixth in 37:49.54 to earn N C A A All-American honors. Senior Katy Conlen set a Hope record in the 1,500 meter run with a time of 4:44.6, and senior Robin Schout set a Hope record in the triple jump with a clearance of 34' 63/4".

This Hope runner blocks out the cheers of the crowd and watches the finish line.

S o p h o m o r e Marcia Vandersall set a new MIAA record in the 5,000 meter run last spring. This year she qualified for nationals in the 10,000 meter run with 37:11.9, and f i n i s h e d s i x t h in 3 7 : 4 9 . 5 4 to e a r n NCAA All-American honors.

Senior c a p t a i n Bill Roberts led the team in distance running. His years best performances were in the 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 meter runs earring times of 8:58, 15:19, and 33:13 respectively.

Front Row: Ken Kimes, J. R. Schoon, Bill Roberts, Pat McCarthy, Steve Haakenson. R o w T w o : Phil Cratty, Mike Theune, Mark Walters, Jason Elmore, Kent Bristol, Omar Postige. R o w T h r e e : Tim Christensen, John Roehm, Colin Ripmaster, Bob Rozema, Cody Inglis. R o w Four: Aaron Bruininks, Trent Wakenight, Jim Forsyth, Steve Johnson, Scott Patton, Mike Zoetewey. Back Row: Chris Collins, Blaine Olmstead, Eric Nicolie, Jon Slagh, Jeff Brown, Head Coach Mark Northuis.

Enduring the Race A newly installed track and the return of 16 letter winners, including several who have received All-MIAA honors, gave the Dutchmen a positive outlook for their season. Finishing the season w i t h a n M I A A - r e c o r d of 3 - 2 , t h e Dutchmen earned a fourth place final standing in league competition. Two of the athletes qualified for

the N C A A Division III track and field championships held in Berea, Ohio. Senior Karl Koelling qualified in the javelin for the second year in a row with a career best throw. Senior Ken Kimes qualified in the pole vault after he set a Hope College record by clearing 15'4". The qualifying height for nationals is 15'3".

Hope runners keep ahead of the pack.

Men's Track Senior Karl Koelling shows his javelin-throwing form.




Al4ia (tie) Adrian Olivet Albion Calvin





Opp. ^Hope 77 ' 77 46 97 37 113 79 75 95 54

Ken Kimes show his national-qualifying, pole-clearing form.




Cheerleading Even the cheerleaders get serious when Calvin comes to town. T h e fall 1990 cheerleaders

/ - s

r j


' A


The Hope College Fight Song Fight on yoy big Dutchmen Defend the Orang e and Blue Be strong and mighty _And_shout yput your toyal^ ^

HOP! M |

nght on you big Dutchmen Defend the Orange and Blue Be strong, be true, and mighty too And come up 1 victory. WWm,



mm SW/&'



Bounce, Flip, and Twirl! Yelling, leaping, twirling, and flipping. These are the most obvious jobs of cheerleaders; however, the time spent before the games in preparation is equally, if not the most important job of the cheerleaders. Rehearsing chants and practicing flips are crucial for the safety and effectiveness of the cheerleading team. The cheerleaders are the founda-

tion of the school's energetic spirit. They get the crowd rallying, pumped up, and excited about the games. They need to be commended for their support and dedication to the sports teams, traveling long distances and putting in long hours to make the games more exciting and enjoyable for the fans as well as the players.

Front row: A n n a Rangel, Amy Lantinga, Amy Baer, Shelly Kramer, Sandy Gadbois, Julie Wilcox, Amy Beaver, back row: Rick TenPas, Jonathan Liepe, Tim Schaaf, Stew Leniger,

The Hope cheerleaders — the crowd loves to watch them pyramid and flip. Long hours of practice and careful timing are critical for the safety of the cheerleaders when doing these things. Here the cheerleaders are doing o n e of t h e i r b e s t pyramids.


Outstanding Senior Scholar-Athletes




siC'l Lori Gano, a four-year letter winner and all-conference honoree in swimming, was presented the John Schouten Award which is given to a senior woman who, in addition to excelling in athletics, possesses other strong character traits and leadership abilities. A business and psychology major, G a n o has been honored as an Academic AllAmerican for the past four years. She was an N C A A Division III All-American seven times during her swimming career. This year she was sixth in the nation in the 100-yard backstroke, and ninth in the 200-yard backstroke.

Lori Gano

Karl Koelling, a two-sport standout in football and track, was presented the Otte van der Velde All-Campus Award, which is given to a senior man for outstanding contribution to the college in athletics, scholarship, and participation in student activities. Koelling lettered three years in football, where he started as defensive back and track where he competed in the javelin. He won conference championship in the javelin as a junior and finished as the nation's tenth this year. A business administration and economics major, Koelling was also voted to Phi Beta Kappa, the highest academic honor that can be awarded an undergraduate.

Karl Koelling



1990-91 MIAA Finishes by Sport


MEN'S C R O S S C O U N T R Y 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Calvin Alma Hope Albion Kalamazoo Adrian Olivet

FOOTBALL 1. Albion 2. Hope 3. Olivet 4. Adrian 5. Kalamazoo 6. Alma DNP Calvin

FIELD HOCKEY 1. Calvin 2. Hope 3. Kalamazoo 4. Adrian DNP Albion DNP Alma DNP Olivet

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Olivet Hope Albion Alma Calvin Kalamazoo Adrian

MEN'S S O C C E R 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Calvin Kalamazoo Hope Albion Alma Adrian Olivet

WOMEN'S SOCCER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Kalamazoo Calvin Adrian Hope Albion Alma Olivet

Sports 2 5 3

VOLLEYBALL 1. 2. 2. 4. 46. 7.

Kalamazoo Alma Calvin Adrian Hope Albion Olivet

MEN'S BASKETBALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 6. 7.

Hope Calvin Kalamazoo Albion Alma Olivet Adrian

W O M E N ' S BASKETBALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Adrian Calvin Hope Alma Olivet Albion Kalamazoo


WOMEN'S CROSS COUNTRY 1. Calvin 2. Alma 3. Hope 4. Albion 4. Kalamazoo 6. Adrian DNP Olivet

MEN'S SWIMMING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Hope Kalamazoo Albion Calvin Alma Adrian

W O M E N ' S SWIMMING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Kalamazoo Hope Albion Calvin Alma Adrian Olivet

BASEBALL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Hope Calvin Albion Olivet Alma Albion Kalamazoo

MEN'S TRACK 1. Calvin 2. Albion 3. Alma 4. Hope 5. Adrian 6. Olivet DNP Kalamazoo

W O M E N ' S TENNIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Kalamazoo Albion Alma Calvin Hope Adrian Olivet

MEN'S TENNIS 1. 2. 2. 4. 4. 6. 7.

Kalamazoo Calvin Hope Albion Alma Adrian Olivet

SOFTBALL 1. 2. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Adrian Alma Hope Calvin Kalamazoo Albion Olivet

W O M E N ' S TRACK 1. Alma 2. Calvin 3. Hope 4. Adrian 5. Albion DNP Kalamazoo DNP Olivet

Sports 2 5 5

INDEX Ackerman, Chad 244 Ackermann, Chad 214 Adams, Dawn 81 Adams, Fiona 31, 34 Adams, Jim 107 Adams, Todd 34 Addison, Scott 228 Addison, Scott Alan 34 Agno, Connie 91 Ahmad, Nadeem 96 Akin, Julie 108, 219 Albrecht, Muriel 91 Alder, Amy 88 Allen, Dorie 84, 216, 247 Allenson, Michael 174 Allhusen, Kirsten 83 Allison, Julie 101 Alvaroe, Nicole 34, 185 Alverson, Amy 197, 231 Ammermann, Mark 90 Anand, Ari 112, 203 Anderle, Bob 34, 124 Anderson, Denise 34 Anderson, Jodi 219, 243 Anderson, Lynelle 91 Anderson, Theresa 34 Anderson, Tonja 108 Andresen, H o l l y 83 Andresen, Steve 244 Andretz, Tanya 34, 207 Annis, Susan 185 Arning, Jennifer 82 Arnsman, Sarah 94, 226, 227 Aronson, Christa 34 Arthurs, Kristy 117, 204 Atkeson, Karen 246, 247 Attia, Jerry 92, 214 Austin, Troy 92

Baas, Dan 94, 214 Bach, Melissa 99 Bache, Becki 123 Bache, Jim 31, 214 Bachelder, Laura 86, 139, 2 0 3 Backer, Heather 34, 185 Backus, Chris 94, 244 Baer, Amy 251 Baker, Emily 99 Baker, Jennifer 3 1 , 3 4 Baker, J i f f y 123 Baker, Mark 4, 76 Bakhuyzen, Melissa 80 Baldwin, Duane 214 Balkema, Mike 34, 214, 244 Balloid, Megan 123



Bannink, Jeff 24, 92, 236, 237 Bannink, Jilanne 227, 235 Bannink, Jilanne Marie 35 Barber, Jolie 78 Bareman, Shelly 123, 216 Barger, Lisa 79 Barker, Cathy 13, 185 Barnes, Elizabeth 97, 207 Barrett, Christopher 35 Bartell, Paul 102 Bartell, Teena 83 Bartels, Courtney 88 Bartels, Nancy 35, 82, 207 Barth, Brent 214 Bartnick, Jennifer 104 Baryj, Michelle 85 Battista, Tessa 83 Battle, Danielle 104, 207 Bauss, Kristin 4, 83, 264 Bayer, Jennifer L. 35, 207 Bayer, Judy 124 Bazaire, Kevin 31, 174 Bazaire, Mic 3, 174 Bazan, Criselda 35, 124 Bazuin, Doug 90 Bear, Debbie 204 Beaver, Amy 251 Becher, Christine D. 35, 105 Bechtel, J.J. 93 Bechtel, Leslie 81 Becker, Cheryl 227, 247 Becker, Jenni 82 Beckley, Michelle 35, 239 Becksfort, Lauri 83 Beckwith, Scott 120, 244 Beekman, Michelle 100 Beemer, David 35, 174 Beemer, Julie 1 16 Beerens, Brent 35, 74, 125 Benedict, Brandie 80, 149, 219 Bengeman, Greg 93 Bennett, Darren 173, 174, 220 Benninger, Kim 77 Benson, Curtis 35 Benson, Rebecca 106, 207 Benton, Jill 78 Berg, Rhonda 35, 104 Bergenhagen, Amy 35 Bernard, William 35 Bernecker, Mark 35, 174 Besonson, Kara 19 Beswick, A n n 124 Bever, Keith 10 Beyer, Lisa 109 Be Kius, Lisa 80 Bhatt, J e n n i f e r 115, 185 Bingham, Michael 36 Birch, Nancy 219 Birch, Tamara 99, 235 Birdsall, Bryan 36 Bishop, Scott 232 Black, Mimi 19, 85 Blackburn, Pete 36, 103, 207 Blackburn, Sarah 224 Blackburn, T a m m y 88 Blackmore, Tonya 2 4 3 Blair, Rich 86 Blank, Kasi 80 Blank, Kendra 81 Blaugh, Ruth 108 Bleitz, Tamara 119 Blesch, Ric 214


Blesch, Rick 29 Block, Lynn 80 Blok, Carolina 97, 227 Blom, Elizabeth 36 Blue, Shelley 79 Blum, Rebecca 82 Bobofchak, Kevin 240 Bobofenak, Kevin 90 Boel, Suzanne 36 Boersma, Kristina 91, 207 Boeve, Judy J. 36 Boeve, Kory 244 Bogard, Amy 36 Bolenz, Donna 86, 243 Bolhouse, Jeff 120 Bolks, Catherine 124 Bollone, Brian 236 Bolo, Tracy 18, 104 Bongers, Amy 24, 235 Bonnell, Mark 76, 207 Bonnette, Nicole 113 Bonnevier, Perry 2 2 3 Bont, A n n 36, 1 29 Borchers, Carrie 235 Bos, Eizabeth 200 Bos, Elizabeth 200, 207 Bosley, Rachael 78 Boss, Barbara 36 Bossard, Scott 36, 107, 207 Bost, Jacqui 119 Boudet, Catherine 111 Bouma, Chris 87 Bouma, Kim 207 Bouwman, Tina 79 Bouws, Kellie 85 Bowdich, Janet 36, 123 Boyd, Aaron 86, 207 Boyer, T o m 36, 164, 207 Boyle, Michael 36, 203 Bradley, Carina 89 Brady, Bob 87 Brady, Greg 87 Brandt, Gwynne 36, 65, 100 Brandt, Martha 109, 127, 199 Brandt, Steve 123 Brashler, Annette 82, 2 4 3 Braxmaier, Jodi 81 Bray, Jenny 81 Breen, Kim 91 Breithaupt, Vic 244 Breithaupt, Victor 36 Bridge, Steven 36 Briggs, Chris 90 Brink, Christine 37 Brink, Sheila 37, 120, 227 Brinks, Michelle 83 Bristol, Kent 37, 125, 248 Brosseit, Aaron 37, 204 Brothers, Randy 220, 221 Brower, A n n e 77 Brown, Amy 77 Brown, Brad 107 Brown, Doug 96, 123 Brown, Glenn 168 Brown, Greg 96 Brown, Holly 216 Brown, J e f f 28, 66, 112, 214, 248 Brown, Jeff W. 207 Brown, Michele A. 19 Brown, Michele M. 128 Brown, Michelle M. 80 Brown, Nathan 174

Brown, Robert Gene 37, 197 Brubaker, Erika 117, 204 Bruininks, Aaron 248 Brumels, Joy 37, 203 Brunson, Nisa 116 Bruskotter, Michelle 37, 100, 207 Brusveen, Jenny 91 Bryson, A n n e 185 Budd, Susannah 91 Buell, Jennifer 124 Buhl, Kara 37, 185 Buis, Molly 37, 105 Buist, Meredith 88 Bullard, Monica 84, 204, 235 Buller, Randy 174, 214 Bulson, Mary 80 Bumford, Cindy 80 Bumford, Shelli 37, 97 Bundy, Kim 123 Buono, Nicole 89 Burchett, Douglas 228, 229 Burdo, Joe 87 Burggraaff, Dawn 37 Burke, Justin 93, 244 Burke, Kevin 174, 236 Burney, Philippe 174 Bush, Terri 120 Busman, Todd 87 Bussey, Bret 98 Bussies, Sarah 16, 89 Butchart, Bill 214 Buys, Matt 131 Byam, Mike 214 Byers, Chris 214 Byrn, Beth 88 Bytwerk, Leanne 120

Cail, Tanya 19, 91 Caine, Kathryn 134 Caldwell, Kristin 122, 235 Caljouw, Debbie 82, 83, 207 Callaghan, Shawn 89 Camburn, Michael 94 Cameron, Jen 86 Campbell, Dawn 85 Campbell, Diane 37 Campbell, Todd 214 Candela, Lynn 38, 185 Canfield, Mike 220 Carino, Rhea 18, 38 Carl, Cari 95 Carlson, Cathy 91 Carlson, Colly 29, 232, 233 Carlson, Jeff 87, 214 Carlson, Juliana 197 Carpenter, Stephanie 207 Carr, Sally 38 Carroll, Kirstan 104, 224 Carter, Yalonda 81, 207 Carton, Kristin 115, 185 Cassie, Nate 12, 207 Castillo, Jocasta 77 Castillo, Rosie 95 Castin, Rick 7 1 Cates, Ornanial 117, 200 Catlin, Michael 38 Catrice, Chantal 79 Caulkins, Kristen 110 Cavidson, Cathy 207 Celkis, Susan 38, 67, 120 Cerny, Tim 38 Chafer, Kelly 113, 207 Chamberlin, Sheryl 97 Chan, James S. 38 Chandler, Jeannine 38

Chapin, Karen 82 Chapman, Christy 97 Chappie, Dave 251 Chatfield, Amy 38 Chediak, Valerie 91 Chen, Margaret 119 Chesser, Suzanne 97 Chetfield, Greg 90 Chhim, Kim 38, 125 Christensen, T i m 248 Christiansen, Danielle 104 Christie, Rachel 38 Christofferson, Bria 12 Chritz, Peg 111 Clark, Andy 220 Clark, Elizabeth 82 Clark, Kelly 29, 92, 214 Clausell, Charles 214 Clay, Barbara 77 Clemens, Joe 220 Cley, AH 77 Cline, Mary 81 Colbrunn, Shonn 90 Cole, Amy 38, 125 Cole, Heather 29 Cole, Katie 81 Cole, Laura 77 Cole, Steve 98 Collins, Chris 248 Collins, Rebecca 39 Collins, Tracy 78 Collison, Phil 86, 214 Colsman, Maureen 39 Compagner, Tara 83 Coney, Linda 86 Conlen, Kathryn 115, 129, 207 Conlen, Katy 246 Conley, Denise 239 Conn, Mark 223 Conn, Nancy 39, 203 Connolly, Dave 39, 174 Conrad, Dave 72 Converse, Brandon 236 Conway, Christy 207 Cook, Amy 114 C o o k , J a n e 84 Cook, Ken 103, 207 Cook, Melanie 120 Cook, Tara 81 Cooks, Barry 72 Cooper, Chris 220 Copi, Craig J. 39 Corey, David 124, 203 Corrunker, Michelle 39, 105 Corso, Chris 86 Costner, Mark 98 Courter, Ted 11 Courtright, Jay 120 Cox, Christy 79 Crago, Cathy 79 Cramer, Carrie 81 Cranmer, Kevin 39, 74, 125 Cratty, Phil 101, 248 Cripps, Sara 29, 190 Crooks, Jamie 85, 231 Cross, Bob 75 Cross, Randy 207 Crotty, Bridget 82 Crouch,Jason 86 Crowley, William 121, 151, 207 Crum, Pam 193 Cseri, Anette 80 Cunningham, Mary 194 Cunnington, Pat 174 Curry, Scott 223

Dahl, Matt 236 Dalman, Kristen 79 Dalton, Pat 220 Dalton, Patrick 39 Damsteegt, Kathi 39 Damstra, Missy 84 Danforth, Catherine 1 1 1 Dang, Duy 214 David, Yasmine 95 Davidson, Cathy 81, 224 Davidson, Lisa 82 Davidson, Stephanie 39, 207 Davis, Mary E. 39 Davis, Scott 90 Dawson, T i m 90 DeBoer, David 39 DeBoom, A n n 37 DeForest, Nathan 87 DeFrancesco, Debbie 39, 185 DeGoede, Kurt 39 DeGooyer, Melanie 207 DeGroodt, Dawn 194, 207 DeHaan, Chris 75, 168 DeHorn, Steve 244 DeKuiper, Jeff 214 DeLamater, Lara 39 Dell, Shawna 86 DeLong, Sandra 40, 106 DeLoof, Dion 174 DeMarco, Mike 174 DeMasse, Jeff 92, 232 DeMond, Julie 200 DeNicola, Karen 88 Dennings, Craig 94 Dennis, Laura 40, 65, 69, 100 Dershem, Angela 79 Dershem, Aric 76, 207, 220 Dershem, Kurt 76, 157 Desai, Ami 84 DeWitt, Kelly 68, 251 Dewitt, Kerrie-Sue 247 DeWitt, Kerrie-Sue 216 DeWitt, Sarah 235 DeWitt, Steve 92 DeWolfe, Erick 214 DeWys, Laura 166 Dey, Gudrun 77 DeYoung, Dawn 207 De Boer, Becky 83 De Boer, Lisa 124 De Carlo, Shari 125 De Goede, Julie 78 De Gooyer, Melanie 117 De Graaf, A n g i e 79 De Jongh, Kathy 114 De Meester, Mark 214 De Merchant, Sonya 95 De Mond, Julie 85 De N e f f , Mary 77 De Pree, Anita 97, 157, 202, 203 De Vries, Jason 74 De Witt, Kelly 10, 40, 65, 68, 124 De Witt, Kerri Sue 84 De Witt, Sarah 85 De Wolf, Erick 87 De Young, Debbie 123 De Young, John 72 Diessel, Christina 105, 207 Dillard, Jenny 168 Dimmers, Kristi 40 Ditmars, Angie 247 Dittmar, Russell 40 Dittmer, Rosemary 40, 108, 207 Doak, O.K. 86 Doan, Brad 174 Dom Kowski, Jackie 80 Doornbos, Kristen 82 Dore, Nicole 219 Dore, Nikki 89 Dornan, Heather 119 Dowden, Andy 92 Downer, Meredith 91 Downs, Hilary 207 Draft, Denise R. 40

Index 2 5 7

Dreyer, Beth A. 40, 197 Drooger, Scott 90 Dubbink, Kayla 8 3 Dumbauld, A a r o n 9 0 D u n l a p , Steve 40, 68 D u n n , A n n Marie 40 D u o n g , Sam 112, 207 Dusseljee, Sue 40, 115 Duvall, H e a t h e r 81 D u v e n , Kim 40, 207 Dwight, Chris 87 Dykema, M i c h e l l e 40, 207 Dykstra, A n n e R. 4 0 Dykstra, Chris 98 Dykstra, Debbie 81 Dykstra, Derek 2 2 8 Dykstra, Dirk 4 0

Earl, M o n i c a 105 Eberhardt, A m y 4 0 Eddy, Kurt 87 Eding, Greg 75, 2 4 4 Edmiston, Lisa 9 5 Edmunds, Dave 2 2 3 Elder, J e n n i f e r 41 Elinski, Bob 2 1 4 Elliott, Eric 232 Elmore, J a s o n 2 2 8 , 2 4 8 E l s h o f f , Karen 78 Elsinger, Garrett 2 2 0 Elyea, H e i d i 2 2 4 Emington, John 1 1 3 , 2 1 4 Engel, Alissa 80 Engelbert, J e a n a n n e 1 34 Englesman, T o m 92 Engwall, Keith 98 Erickson, Matt 2 1 4 Erwin, Laura 9 9 Escorcia, A n d r e a 1 34 Esia, J a s o n 9 0 Etheridge, N i c o l e 81 Etzel, Brian 41, 2 1 4 Evans, Becky 83 Evans, Bob 2 1 4 Evans, Jessica 82 Evans, Kristie 81 Evans, Lauren 41 Evans, Michael 2 2 0 Evert, J a s o n 30, 9 3 Evert, Lance 41 Everts, Carla 80, 81, 207 Ewald, T i m 2 0 4

Fahlberg, Kirk 87 Faulkner, M i c h e l e 185 Feider, N a n c y 79 Feikema, A l i s o n 82 Feikema, Marc 92 Feit, Jean 97 Felker, Mike 9 6 Feller, Mark 2 1 4 Fenwick, A n n 85, 2 4 7 F e r g u s o n , J o h n 41, 102 Fettig, J e n n 124 Fielding, Eric 9 3 Filipovich, J o v o 41 Finch, A n g e l i q u e 81



Finks, Christine 41, 185 Finks, Valarie 185 Fischer, A n n e 104 Fisher, Beth 2 2 4 Fisher, Charlene 18, 105 Fisher, Elizabeth 104, 185 Fisher, Lisa 120, 185 Fisher, R e n e 41, 197 Fisk, Kimberly 41 Flanagan, Jill 104 Fletcher, Kelly 41 Fletter, Bruce 41, 2 2 8 Fletter, Cary 92 Foky, Reka 111 Folkert, Darrel 2 2 0 Folkerts, Karen 41, 123, 2 1 9 Follett, T h a d 124 Fonseca, Silvia 97 Foote, J a m i e 2 1 4 Ford, T o b y 42, 65, 2 3 6 Forham, J u l i e 130 Forney, Jill 4 2 Forrest, Margaret 118 Forsyth, Chris 113 Forsyth, J a m e s 2 2 8 Forsyth, J i m 94, 2 4 8 Forte, Terri 42, 168 Foster, Christie 8 3 Foster, T h e r e s a 83, 2 2 7 Francomb, Kate 105 Francomb, Katy 2 1 6 , 2 1 7 Franklyn, J u l i e 77 Frazier, C i n d y 83 Frederick, Scott 2 0 7 , 2 1 4 , 2 4 4 Frederickson, J e f f 4 2 Freed, Libbie 127, 207 Freiberger, Eric 75 Frick, Rachel 82 Frieling, Sandy 85, 207 Fritz, Liza E. 6 3 F r o m h o l d , Mark 103 Frost, Kathy 81 Froysland, S h a n e y 2 3 5 , 2 4 3 Fry, Deborah 185 Furman, Dan 72

Gabriel, Diana 4 2 Gadbois, Sandy 251 Gager, M e g a n 185 Gaipa, A m y 2 0 Gaiser, Katharine 81 Gaither, Sarah 8 5 Gajewski, Suzy 19, 79 Gallagher, Jill 118 Gammons, Jeff 42 Gano, Lori 2 3 5 Gano, Lori A. 4 2 Gano, Samantha 42, 207 Garcia, D i n a 88 Garrett, Maria 42, 99, 2 1 9 Garringer, A m y 81 Garringer, Jason 101 Gasper, Sue 19, 29, 9 9 Gauntt, Kristie 2 4 3 Geary, Tracy 121 Gebhard, Rick 2 1 4 Gelderloos, Norma 85 G e m m e n , Greg 9 0 Gemmen, Jennifer 42 G e n s e n , Brad 72 G e n s o n , Brad 2 3 6 Gentry, D a n n i e 42 George, Cadie 120, 185 Gerdy, Catherine 185 Gergely, T i m 174

Gerhardstein, J o s e p h 42 Gerhardstein, Laura 81 German, D o r e e n 43, 1 14, 207 Geurink, A m y 88 Gibson, Kirsten 84 Giersbach, P e p p e r 74 Giles, A m y 82 Giles, Scott 125 Gillard, H a s o n 207 Gillette, D u r w o o d 9 0 G i l m o r e , J e n n i f e r 84, 192 G i l m o r e , Mark 121, 157, 199 Goble, N a n c y 43, 185 G o e m a n , Vicki 77 G o i n s , A l l i s o n 79, 2 1 6 G o n t h i e r s , R e n e e 29 Good, Eric 63, 112, 2 0 7 G o o d m a n , M i c h e l l e 194 G o o d w i n , Jill 84 G o r m l y , Elizabeth 89 Goryl, A a r o n 2 3 6 Grace, Katie 117 Graf, Jodi 81 Grate, J e f f 76 Grate, Kendra 81, 2 1 6 Graybill, Nate 9 0 Greaves, Becky 19, 8 9 Greicar, S u z a n n e 13, 185 Greij, Laura 43, 114 Grier, Stephanie 8 3 Grieve, Kelly 43, 113 G r i f f i n , J a m e s 43, 2 0 3 Grill, J e f f 102 Grinnell, Todd 90 Groetenhuis, Tim 236 G r o m m e , A n d r e a 2, 105, 181 Grossenbacher, Dana 88, 2 0 2 , 207 G r u n d e m a n , Sara 8 5 G r u n t m a n , Lori 91 Grupp, G w e n 87 Gruppen, Toby 214 Gudakunst, Kent 2 1 4 G u g i n o , Wade 27, 29, 2 3 2 , 2 3 3 G u m p , A m y 43, 1 18 G u m p , Matt 2 2 3 Gunther, P a m e l l a 19, 109

Haack, Kerri 86, 2 0 7 Haag, Liz 99 H a a k e n s o n , Steve 113, 2 4 8 Haas, Christa 82 Haas, Eric 2 3 2 Hackert, Sarah 231 H a d d o n , Mary 207 Haider, A r w a 43, 101, 2 0 7 H a i g h t , Kim 123 H a i n , Liz 8 5 Halaby, A m y 19, 91 Halbert, T o m 27, 2 3 2 , 2 3 3 Hall, J a m e s 43, 101, 192, 2 0 4 Hall, J i m 2 2 8 Hall, R e n e e 207 H a l l y n , N a t h a l i e 81 Halsey, Gene 43 H a m l i n , Christopher 43 H a m m , Sonya 121 Hammerschmidt, Jon 94 H a m m i n g , Ruth 94 H a m m o n d , Layne 125 Hamtak, Christy 91 Hand, Jennifer 95 H a n d r i c h , Monica 101 H a n s e n , Erica 2 3 4 , 2 3 5 Hardenburg, Janet 193 Harger, Cary 72, 2 1 4


Harger, Kathy 43, 197 Hargreaves, Amanda 43 Hargreaves, Missy 231 Harrison, Lisa 43, 185 Hart, Dave 98 Hart, Erin 219 Hart, Steve 98 Hartman, Angie 85 Hartman, Beth 83 Harvey, David B. 43 Hasley, Juliet 43, 105 Hassing, Jennie 84 Hathaway, Wendy 19 Haverdink, Carol 43 Haverdink, Matt 214 Haverdink, Sabrina 4, 15, 202, 264 Hayden, Leslie 99 Haynes, Terrance 90 Hebert, Heather 78, 219 Hedrick, Ken 214 Heeg, Kathy 77 Heetderks, Teri 116 Hefield, John 214 Heinze, Mark 129, 174 Helmer, Tracy 105 Helmus, Todd 74 Hendrick, Sheilia 80 Hendrickson, Steve 232 Henke, Christy 83 Henke, Ryan 93 Herin, Mary 247 Herin, Mary Beth 109 Herman, Dave 31 Herremans, Melissa 80, 207 Herron, Jennifer 83 Hescott, Jon 236, 237 Hiatt, Kelly 10 Hicks, Jim 75 Hilbelink, Amy 88, 239 Hilbelink, Lara 78 Hilbelink, Todd 124 Himebaugh, Kevin 74 Hinton, Cyndi 83 Hisgen, Brent 112, 251 Hitchcock, Scott 236 Hitchingham, Michael 103 Hively, Jenny 81 Hobbie, Kess 85 Hodgson, Cal 122, 240 Hoeksema, Heather 81 Hoeksema, Marc A. 30, 44, 204 Hoeksema, Matt 236 Hoeksema, Mattias 90 Hoeksema, Sherry 44 Hoekstra, Amy 80 H o f f m a n , Deb 231 H o f f m a n , Deborah 44 Holloway, Laura 44 Holloway, Ward 94, 207 Holstege, Todd 232 Holstrom, Holli 127, 130, 131 Hood, Karen 113 Hooghart, Linda 44, 102, 202 Hoover, Doug 214 Hord, Stephen 44 Houdek, Marie 89 Hough, David 44 Houlihan, Jaime 86 Hoving, Dawn 77, 235 Howard-Yack, Mary 45 Howe, Barb 82 Howe, Chris 14, 15, 45, 214 Hubbert, Ronald 103, 175 Huber, Elaine 63 Hudson, Heidi 45 Huizen, Kim 86 Huizenga, Greta 207 Hulett, Doug 92, 214 Humes, Christi 85 Humphrey, Heather 81 Hurley, Peggy 99 Hurley, Sandy 82 Hutchins, Jessica 91

Imhoff, Michelle 24, 29, 194 Inglis, Cody 94, 228, 248

Jj Jabaay, Denise 45, 109, 207 Jackson, Jerry 117 Jackson, Julie 45 Jackson, Kristi 84 Jackson, Laura 77, 78 Jackson, T i f f n i e 117 Jacob, Shawn 207 Jacobs, Dan 244 Jamieson, Mary 79 Janczyk, Jamie 45 Jarvis, Jason 204 Jarvis, Jennifer 124 Jasper, Laura 1 1 3 Jefferson, Erik 223 Jeluso, Jamie 104 Jennings, Colleen 83 Jennings, Mark 22, 32, 45, 1 13 Jennings, Pauline 83 Jepsen, Jill 78 Jett, Janice 84 Joaquin, Ma. 45 Joffe, Jon 27, 29, 190, 232, 244 Johnson, Chad 86, 92, 244 Johnson, David 45, 122 Johnson, Greg 199 Johnson, Matt 4, 24, 45, 1 13, 204, 236, 264 Johnson, Melissa 122 Johnson, Steve 76, 228, 248 Johnston, Karla 118, 185 Jolin, N o r m 87 Jomes, Scott 214 Jonckheere, Melissa 88 Jones, Phil 45, 101 Jones, Scott 123 Jongerius, Kama 94 Jontry, Angela 83 Joostberns, Jodi 243 Joy. Jennifer 82 Jungling, Todd 90, 240 Jurries, Kristin 122 Juth, Carol 200

Kahler, Brian 92 Kahler, Bryan 214 Kaines, Sarah 95 Kaiser, Regina 97 Kaler, Kim 45, 100, 219 Kalman, Candice 231 Kalthoff, Amy 79 Kalthoff, A n n e 79 Kalusniak, Michelle 185, 238, 239 Kaminski, Pamela 109 Kangas, Rob 87, 244

Kaper, Wendy 95 Kapusinski, Jennifer 120 Kar, Kevin 102 Kasara, T e n d o 46, 199 Kaukonen, Scott 46, 101 Kaukonen, Steve 228 Kaye, Elizabeth 18 Kayser, Leigh Ann 19, 29, 123 Keas, Brian 73 Keaszi, Kenneth 87 Keating, Brett 46, 124, 197, 207 Keip, Cynthia 95 Kelder, Sara 46, 118 Keldie, Pam 46, 125 Kelley, Kim 96 Kelly, Kathleen J. 46 Kelly, Kathy 224 Kelver, Trista 82 Kempema, Brett 244 Kennedy, Greta 105, 207 Kent, Don 173, 174, 213 Kerrigan, Susan 46 Kerwin, Zach 87 Kieff, Ben 1 10 Kihlstrom, Laurie 78 Kihlstrom, Trish 231 Kilbourn, Eric 207 Killins, Fran 125 Kimes, Ken 46, 69, 1 13, 207, 248 Kimmons, Ron 214 King, Gretchen 81 King, Jonathan 93 King, Michelle 99 Kingma, Kristen 227 Kingma, Kristin 1 16 Kinlstrom, Tricia 80 Kiriyama, Kenich 103 Kitterman, Mandi 81 Kivisto, Eric 214 Kizer, T o m 214 Kjosen, Jill 81 Klamt, Carey 46 Kleinheksel, Karen 46 Kleis, Judy 4, 91, 264 Kliensteker, Amy 82 Klimek, Jennifer 80 Kline, Steve 98 K l o a k , J o n 46 Kloostra, Craig 74 Kloostra, Kelly 46 Klow, Jennifer 120 Knapp, Karen 207 Knapp, Kristen 84, 207 Knauss, Kris 47, 102, 204 Kniaz, Dan 139 Kniaz, Dave 121 Knoll, Denise 117 Knurr, Melissa 47 Knuth, Karlee 80 Koelbel, Nicole 11 Koelling, Karl 47, 66, 92, 207, 214 Kolder, Kimberly 47 Kolle, Nancy 47 Kontz, Sara 89, 197 Kooienga, Joel 47 Kooistra, Ali 80 Kooistra, Kent 122 Kooistra, Laura 121 Kooistra, Randy 74 Koole, Kristen 123 Koops, Becky 185 Koops, Matt 90 Koorndyk, Jeff 103 Kooyman, Karen 47 Koppenol, Brenda 78 Korves, A n n 95 Kosmyna, JoJeanne 47 Koss, Kelli 224, 243 Koster, Erin 84 Kozminski, Tim 87 Kozmiuk, Daniel 98 Kramer, Shelly 251 Kranendonk, Shauna 123 Kras, Lucy 119

Index 2 5 9

Kreh, Tara 95 Kreider, Ryan 90 Kremkow, Andrea 108 Kretchmer, Erich 98 Kreuzer, Heather 47 Kreydich, David 47 Kriekard, Buck 90 Kroes, Kim 85 Krofft, Kimberly 47 Krombeen, Jackie 47, 115, 2 4 3 Kronewetter, Brendon 220 Kruithof, Brad 103 Kruithof, Brian 11, 73 Kuang, Karin 96 Kucza, Claudia 105 Kuenzi, Sandi 47 Kuhman, Heidi 47 Kumazawa, Maki 109 Kunisch, Eric 90 Kunzi, Bruce 76 Kuroda, Ayako 106 Kurtycz, Susan 47 Kush, Jennifer 77, 204 Kuyper, Ed 207 Kuyper, Joe 2 0 3 Kuyt, Valerie 47, 185 Kuyten, Emma 82 Kuzma, Timothy 48 Kykema, Michelle 118

LaBaugh, Kent 48, 204 Lagakvist, A n n a 123 Lahti, Christian 48, 174 Laidlaw, Susan 19, 48 Lake, Tona 81 Lambert, Chris 3 Lamphere, Wade 87 Land, Gary 107 Land, Sharon 78, 239 Lane, Chad 220 Lane, Katie 48 Lange, Heather 11, 185 Langeland, Clare 73, 174 Langeland, Cordell 174 Langlois, Sonja 78, 227 Lantinga, Amy 251 Larsen, Kathryn 48, 111, 207 Larsen, Scott 48, 112 Latsch, Chad 87 Lawrence, Ben 204 Lee, April 84 Lee, Jamie 123, 192 Lee, Matt 214 Lee, Matthew 240 Leech, Marion 89 Legg, G e o f f 86 Leggs, Erik 86 Leibel, Jeff 220 Leighton, Sarah 78 Lemley, Paula 86 Lenhart, Janine 48, 108 Leniger, Stew 251 Leniger, Stewart 207 Lennon, Jason 98 Lenters, John 48, 125 LePage, Jason 2 2 3 Lesauskis, Vance 75 Lesser, Rob 87 Leuhrs, Tamara 78 Lewallen, Beth 48, 197 Lewis, David 48, 125 Lewis, Kelly 10 Liang, Laura 105 Lichti, Will 125 Liepe, Jon 48, 73, 174, 207



Liepe, Jonathan 251 Lievense, Michael Craig 48 Light, Cynthia 1 19 Lillie, John 240, 241 Limbach, Annette 185 Limp, Jilann 48 Lind, T a m m y 123, 219 Lindenberg, Sheila 83 Lindfors, Britt 48 Lindgren, Brett 48, 174 Lindquist, Katrina 97 Linger, A n n 85 Listenberger, Corrie 78, 194, 202 Lizzadro, Niki 80 Loats, Jim 49, 107 Lober, Lisa 119 Lobs, Suzanne 49, 207 Lockman, Stephanie 82 Lode, Melissa 104 Logan, Christine 96 Lohman, Mindi 79 Lok, Kimberly 120 Lone, Scott 2 2 3 Long, C.B. 110 Long, Kristin 49, 197, 2 0 3 Loo, Gavin 76 Looman, Jan 82, 216 Looman, Karen 49 Love, Arthur 49 Low, Kerrie 123 Lowry, William 49, 174 Luchies, Cara 79, 227 Luchies, Dawn 91 Luehrs, Tamara 235 Lumsden, Richard 157 Lumsden, Rick 174 L u n d , J o n 194 Lutz, Sharon 49, 102 Lutz, Tandra 81 Lutzweiler, Jim 94, 214 Lyons, Jodi 91 Lyszak, Ericka 91

Maclntyre, Dave 124 Maclntyre, Sarah 216 MacLaren, Shannon 84 Mac Intyre, Sarah 85 Mahan, Bryan 49 Maire, Matt 87, 207 Maksymovitch, Esther 123 Malkewitz, Eileen 49, 68, 224, 2 4 3 Mallen, J e n n y 88 Mallen, Steve 24, 49, 65, 66 Malloy, Brigid 218, 219 Malone, Tracy 79, 207 Maloney, Craig 87 Manhart, Lisa 49 Mann, Julie 85 Mann, Larry 207, 214 Maples, Carrie 104, 2 0 3 Marino, C. Gage 49, 97 MarkBernecker, 214 Marko, Mindy 89 Markwart, Andrew 214 Markwood, Kathryn 97 Marsh, Kelli 82 Marsilije, Karin 50 Marsilje, Karin 100 Martin, Jennifer 50 Martin, Rob 207 Martinez, Brenda 50 Martinuzzi, Lisa 50, 203 Marty, Karla 108 Masselink, Darin 76 Masselink, David 50

Mast, Cheryl 123 Matson, Margaret 50 Matsuda, Leilani M. 50 Matsumuro, Jun 74 Matthews, Barbara 50 Matthews, Beth 50 Mauritis, Melinda 123 Maurits, Melinda 231 Maxam, Linda 19, 239 May, Scott 76 May, Todd 75 McCarthy, Pat 50, 248 McCarthy, Patrick 228 McCarty, T i m 214 McComb, Susan 50, 109, 207 McConnell, Joan 50 McCreedy, Carolyn 117, 204 McDuffee, Mark 204 McFarland, Shawn 90 McGhan, Darcey 88 McGlynn, Jen 231 McGlynn, Jennifer 83, 197, 207, 224 McGrath, Jennifer 82 McHarty, Tim 90 Mcintosh, Michelle 207 Mclver, Christine 51, 99 McKee, Jamie 75 McLeod, Kevin 214 McMurphy, R.P. 87 McWethy, Todd 75 McWhinnie, Dave 214, 244 Medema, Kim 51, 109, 207 Meeder, Mitch 214 Meengs, Michelle 51, 207 Meeuwsen, Dave 110 Meeuwsen, David 232 Mehling, Laura 81 Melendy, Michelle 3 1 , 5 1 Mellon, Christy 51, 2 0 3 Mendenhall, Alicia 227, 247 Mendenhall, Heather 126, 128 Merkle, Amy Sue 51 Merrill, Beth 91 Mesecar, Doug 232 Methric, Michelle 96 Meyaard, Bronya 78, 207 Meyers, Elizabeth 51 Meyers, Lisa 224 Michel, Kristin 51, 104 Michmerhuizen, Marshall 102 Michos, George 214 Middleton, Sam 72, 214 Miedema, Amy 85 Mihalek, Anissa 79 Miklosi, Joe 29, 106, 207, 223 Miller, Bill 90 Miller, Dan 86 Miller, Drew 92 Miller, Nicole L. 51, 115 Million, Greg 101, 236 Miner, Jennifer 83 Ming, Abbie-Jo 79 Mistry, Jeremy 90 Mitas, Steve 52, 124, 204 Mitchell, Carrie 80 Mitchell, Jany 235 Mitchell, Jim 236 Mitter, Kevin 87 Mlotha, Maria 101 Mlotha, T i o n e 80 Moffett, Kristy 52, 115 Molete, Violet 89 Molnar, Brent 244, 245 Monnett, Jim 51, 167 Monpetit, Kristin 71 Monroe, James 124 Monroe, Michele 51 Moore, Holly 18, 86 Moored, Cindy 51, 108 Moran, Stacey 89 Morehouse, Brian 232 Morgan, Elizabeth 94, 157 Moriarty, James 51 Moriarty, Jim 216

Moriarty, Mary 5 1 , 2 1 6 Moroz. Melissa 77 Morrow, Sarah 1 18 Morse, Emiko 84 Moser, Ivy 123, 204 Moshauer, Lisa 95, 207 Mouw, Sally Jo 52 Mroz, Jeni 82 Mrozinski, Jennifer 52 Mueller, Nicole 94 Muhlenkamp, Stacy 97 Muir, William 51 Mulder, Jay 214 Mulder, Jillian 99 Mulder, Mark 93, 220 Mulholland, Andrea 83 Muller, Barb 96 Muller, Matt 96, 193 Mullins, Rhonda 51 Muma, Cheryl 52 Mumby, Heather 79 Murdock, Dawn 85, 219 Murphy, Gerald 67 Murphy, J.J. 3 3 , 6 7 Murray, Judith 114, 200 Myers, Chris 93, 214 Myers, James D. 52 Myers, Jim 214 Myers, Lisa 29 Mys, Courtney 96

Nn Naber, Lisa 84 Nagelkerk, Linda 216 Nainys, Michelle 91 Nantelle, Tammy 78, 79, 207 Nastase, Nancy 31 Nealssohn, Jayne 88 Nederveld, Matt 87 Nederveld, Shelly 13 Neihoff, Jenni 84 Neil, Erin 83, 243 Nelson, Thor 93 Nesiah, Sangeetha 202 Newby, Lisa 79 Newell, Beth 12, 120 Nguyen, H u o n g 19, 52, 114, 202 Nguyen, Thao 95 Nicholie, Eric 87, 214, 248 Nicies, Karl 214 Niemi, Aaron 125 Nienhuis, Jodi 89 Nienhuis, Lissa 52, 124, 231 Nieuwsma, Greg 199 Nikolayeu, Vladik 98 Noorman, Jeff 131 Noorman, Jennifer 218, 219, 235 Nordlund, Lisa 52, 207 Norman, Julie 81, 89, 216, 247 Norman, Michael 52 Northuis, Mark 248 Notestine, Cathy 52, 194 Nowak, John 228 Nowicki, Darren 87, 214 Nowlin, Mike 4, 75, 207, 264 Nyenhuis, Sarah 1 18 Nykerk, Tasha 89 Nyland, Aimee 96


O'Brian, Jon 207 O'Brien, Kathy 88 O'Brien, Rob 106, 214 O'Connor, John 52 O'Grady, Joe 52, 203 O'Keefe, Kevin 52, 240, 241 O'Neal, Chris 96 O'Neal, James 178 O'Neill, Sean 113 O'Rourke, Molly 78 O'Shesky, Reba 118, 139 Oade, Dave 220 Ogino, Maki 97 Okamoto, Yoko 1 18 Okma, Matt 73 Olding, Kristine 52 Olenik, Kristin 219 Oliver, Lauren 53 Oliver, Mark 72 Olmstead, Blaine 87, 248 Olson, Rob 214 Oonk, Jim 10 Oosterhoff, Renee 12, 114, 132, 133 Opipari, Ben 4, 53, 165, 264 Orpinell, Anna 91 Ortman, Cindy 82 Osborne, Jennifer 53 Osbourne, Beth 19, 81 Oscar, H o p e 89 Outhouse, Andy 53, 112 Ouverson, Shana 1 10 Overway, Ken 236 Oxender, Xandrea 53, 109 Oyewole, Abi 111

Piasecki, Tracy 105 Pierce, Steven 54 Pilon, Mary 84 Pither, Liz 77 Polderman, Devon 214 Popp, Kris 214 Popp, Kristian 72 Port, Suzanne 78, 148 Porter, Renee 19, 54, 69, 114 Porter, Scott 93, 251 Post, Eric 74, 207 Postige, Omar 248 Postigo, Omar 94 Postmus, Mary 54 Potts, Kary 110, 207 Powers, Annette 125 Powers, Casey 223 Powers, Kelly 214 Pratt, Greg 72 Prentice, Derek 87, 214 Prescott, Dorie 224 Prewett, Elizabeth 54, 124 Pries, Traci 116 Pringle, Amanda 80 Pscodna, Johanna 207, 243 Punt, Amy 19 Purnell, Dave 125, 197

Qq Query, Todd 86 Quirk, Jonathan 133, 200 Quirk, Jonathon 200 Quoss, Scott 220

Paige, Brian 98, 207 Palmer, Gwen 95, 207 Palmer, Pamela 53 Palomaki, Nick 220 Palomaki, Nik 120 Panayides, Tina 80 Pang, Karen 53, 131, 200 Park, T h o m a s 53 Parker, Seth 244 Parmalee, Katrina 95 Partenheimer, Andrea 123 Patnott, John 236 Patrick, H o l l y 91 Patrick, Jennifer 207 Patton, Scott 87, 90, 228, 248 Payette, Jennifer 118 Pearson, Tamara 235 Pechta, Beth 53 Peck, Jennifer 53 Peddie, Diane 3, 105 Peddie, Scott 223 Pedersen, Delynn 24, 53, 66, 120 Pemberton, Laura 105 Penny, Jill R. 53 Perala, Robin 54 Pereira, Karen 89 Perkins, Kamal 54 Persson, Tammy 85 Perzee, Marcia 54 Petersen, DeLynn 66 Petersen, Eric 73 Peterson, Deb 84 Peterson, Don 194 Peterson, Kevin 214 Peterson, Roberta 54 Philippon, Carl 54, 124 Phillipps, Julie 19, 81 Phillips, Kelly 54 Phillips, Shawn 107, 207 Piaget, Susan M. 54

Radomski, Melanie 192 Ragains, Amy 118 Ramsey, Steve 207 Ramthun, Jennifer 82 Randall, Jeff 214 Rangel, Anna 84, 251 Rapa, Shannon 91 Rasmussen, Doug 75 Rawlin, Bill 120 Raymond, Erinn 19, 80 Reader, Teresa 81 Ready, Matt 214 Reahm, Pam 134 Redecker, Allyson 239 Reeb, Timothy 54 Reed, Cambria 85 Reedy, Sarah 81 Reeves, Tim 94 Regnerus, Dave 1 10 Reinking, Kimberlee 55 Reister, Cami 118, 129 Render, Lisa 55 Renkema, Kent 236 Reus, Scott 204 Reynolds, Janel 55, 109 Reynolds, Keith 92, 207 Richards, Andrew 92 Richardson, Jeff 92 Richardson, Kevin 75 Richey, Stacey 55 Rickert, Sarah 108 Riekse, Rob 124 Rienstra, Rachael 168

Index 2 6 1

Riessen, Shannon 55 Ringia, Margaret 78 Ripmaster, Colin 87, 214, 248 Ritter, Andy 244 Ritter, Kurt 55 Ritton, Kristian 55 Roberts, Bill 55, 101, 207, 228, 248 Robinson, Kris 79 Robrahn, Nathan 55 Rochowiak, Lisa 55 Roebuck, Sharon 89, 200 Roehm, John 93, 248 Roelofs, Laura 78 Roerig, Rochelle 55 Roeters, Kristen 55, 124, 231 Rollis, Deb 119, 207 Rollston, Shayne 55 Ronca, Cindi 84 Roorda, Lisa 55 Rose, Christine 80 Rosenau, Kevin 55, 1 10, 130, 131, 207 Rosenbrook, John 129 Rosenthal, Linda 56, 97 Rosenthal, Lisa 83 Roth, Brian 86 Rothoff, Lief 90 Rottier, Donna 79 Rottschafer, Sandi 84 Rozeboom, Nathan 86 Rozema, Bob 87, 214, 248 Ruckert, Jason 87, 214 Rudi, Sharon 79, 239 Ruesink, Dori 227 Ruf-Alvarez, Walter 240 Rufenacht, Ben 214 Rugen, Pam 79 Ryan, Michael 94 Rynbrandt, Jennifer 97 Rynbrandt, Martha 56

Sadamitsu, Seiko 106 Safran, Karyn 100 Salisbury, Tylina 77 Sample, Amy 116, 207 Sample, Ellen 95 Sams, Tracey 56, 116 Sams, Tracy 25 Samuel, Jocelyn 56 Samuelson, Andrea 85 Samuelson, A n n 83 Sanders, Derek 244 Sanders, Ellen 56 Sanders, Jacob 204 Sather, Shannon 207 Sauer, Julie 79 Savage, Robin 56, 115 Savellano, Sharon 56 Saxton, Jessica 19 Schaaf, Mark 86 Schaaf, T i m 29, 103, 251 Schaap, Jodi 243 Schafer, D'Anne 197, 216 Schairbaum, Dan 87 Schakel, Jon 125, 157, 192 Schapp, Jodi 117 Schau, Barb 91 Scheben, Sarah 91 Schfett, Andy 93 Schimke, Terry 214 Schimmel, Jenifer 79 Schlaaf, Paul 244 Schloff, A n n e 19, 56, 104, 207 Schma, Joann 19, 89 Schmidt, Greg 94, 125, 194 Schmidt, Pam 26, 102, 204

2 6 2 Index

Schnorenberg, Laura 79 Scholten, Sherrie 243 Scholter, Laura 123 Schook, Brad 76 S c h o o n , J . R . 120, 207, 248 Schoon, Leslie 19 Schopp, Lynn 207, 219 Schorfhaar, J e f f 56, 214 Schout, Robin 123, 230, 231, 247 Schout, Robin Jo 56 Schrock, Abigail 89 Schroeder, Wendy 89, 216 Schuler, Foley 125 Schuler, Polly 83, 207 Schultheis, Joy 56 Schultz, Elizabeth 56 Schultz, Julie 78 Schultz, Steve 90 Schuring, Keith 56 Schut, Andrew 56 Schut, James 73 Schwander, Heidi 84 Schwander, Krista 80 Schwerin, Charla 101 Scott, Grant 125, 220, 221 Scott, Kevin 96 Scott, Kim 4, 80, 264 Seabold, Renee 134 Sebestl, Jennifer 77, 78, 207 Sedlar, Rick 124 Sefcik, Jason 86 Seibers, J o h n 74 Seidel, Julie 79 Senk, Terry 56 Shaw, Nathan 86 Shensky, Julie 117, 231 Shepard, Chris 56 Sherman, Pamela 57 Shibata, Mariko 97 Shier, Anita 118, 219 Shippy, Pam 83 Short, Heidi 116, 199 Shoup, Heather 29 Shugarts, Todd 122 Shurd, Sheila 96 Shutt, Kathy 1 13 Siebert, Christel 57 Siegel, Kristen 83 Simom, Jon 86 Simon, Michael 94 Singh Ahand, Ari 200 Singh Ahand, Ari 200 Sipila, Daren 90 Sipila, Darren 228 Skeppstrom, Sue 123 Slack, Heidi 57, 69, 100, 130, 131 Slager, Jon 214 Slager, Mike 214 Slager, Tricia 85 Slagh, Jon 248 Slater, Aaron 72 Slater, Allan 214 Slater, Allen 72 Slates, Dave 214 Sligh, Gretchen 226, 227 Smallegan, Kevin 102 Smant, Stephen 57 Smant, Steve 236 Smit, Matt 86 Smith, Amalika 121 Smith, Angela L. 57 Smith, A n n 57, 65, 100 Smith, Brian 103 Smith, Gina 91 Smith, Graham 207 Smith, Michelle 57, 123 Smith, T i f f a n y 57, 120 Smith, Trevor 89 Snowdeal, Eric 87 Snyder, Beth 8 1 Snyder, Gwen 80 Sokorai, Terry 15, 57 Somers, Amy 91

Sonneman, Cara 204 Sotok, Phil 236 Sovereign, Laurie 77 Spalding, Jason 86 Spangenberg, Kathy 57, 124, 130 Spangler, Amy 91 Sparks, Mike 214 Spaulding, Jason 220 Speet, Susan 88 Spiece, Gretchen 115, 207 Spring, Sue 224, 225 Spring, Suzanne 57 Stack, John 92, 93, 94 Stam, Joe 1 1 Stansby, Eric 57 Stanton, Pattie 79 Staple, Libby 78 Stauffer, Rachel 78 Steensma, Heidi 82 Steffen, Summer 80 Steffen, T i f f a n y 79, 216 Stegink, Patricia 58 Stephenson, Donna 58 Sterk, Michele 33, 58 Sterk, Michelle 231 Sterling, Leslie 81 Stettler, Keith 71 Stevens, T i m 244 Stoesser, Kirsten 89 Stokes, Mark 75 Stone, Deborah 89 Stone, Julie 58 Stonecipher, Lori 89, 207 Stoutenborough, Juli 58, 115 Stover, Lisa 78 Strabel, Brian 90 Strand, Kirsten 134 Straub, Shawn 123, 214 Stray, Joel 74 Streit, Alicia 224 Stribley, Susan 216 Striegle, Janet 58, 108 Stryker, Kathryn 58 Stuckey, Jayson 58, 112, 214 Stull, Madeline 58 Stuursma, Pete 29 Stuursma, Peter 214 Suchan, John 106 Suchecki, Jill 58 Suess, Troy 92 Sullivan, Kirsten 85 Summers, Steve 228 Sutter, Sarah 83 Svrlinga, Ali 96, 207 Swanson, Doug 75 Swanson, Stacey 134, 135 Swartzmiller, Stefan 29, 213, 214, 215 Sweet, Dave 75 Swift, Mike 93, 207 Switalski, Gina 89 Switalski, Regina 247 Swope, Jodi 77 Syler, Jenny 78 Sytsma, Scott 58 Szabo, Sue 123

Tabor, Lexi 79 Tacchella, Laurie 58, 117 Takahashi, Yako 239 Takahashi, Yoko 78 Talbot, Becky 77 Talbot, Tina 77 Talbott, Jill 59, 108 Talbott, Jody 59, 108

Tammi, Amanda 128 Tanaka, Masayuki 59 Tang, Christopher 134 Tanty, Cynthia 121, 204 Tapley, Becky 59, 111 Teclemariam, H e l e n 59, 101 Teerman, Susan 59 Teichert, Heidi 19, 77 Teichert, William 59 TenHarmsel, Kristin 59, 124 Tenhor, Sunni 59, 104, 200 TenPas, Rick 207, 251 Ten Huisen, Elana 84 Ten Pas, Rick 12, 87 terVeen, Caroline 59, 123 Ter Avest, Chad 92 Ter Avest, Todd 92 ter Veen, Marcel 98 Theune, Mike 122, 193, 202, 248 Thomas, Alicia 59 Thomas, A n g i e 19 Thomas, Rachael 97 Thomas, Steve 103 Thompson, Ellen 77, 216 Thompson, Heather 123 Thompson, Laura 89, 197 Thompson, Matt 87 Thompson, Wes 130 Thornes, Julie 59 Thrasher, Darryl 2, 59, 207 Tillmann, Julie 84 Tillson, Karen 86 Timmer, Michelle 123 Tobak, Scott 59 Tobolski, Terri 114 Tobolski, Theresa 200 Todd, Sharon 59 Toering, Andy 87 Tohansson, Ann-Catherine 123 Toomayan, Craig 93 Toppen, Joel 59, 204 Torres, Patricia 95 Toth, Bob 76, 214, 244 Trapani, Amy 151 Treadway, Kirsten 83 Treloar, Dave 75 Trent, A n n e 130 Trent, Nancy 130 Triemstra, Tami 82, 243 Triemstra, Todd 86 Triesengerg, Derek 92 Trisko, Beth 202 Troxel, Christy 80 Truss, Karen 97 Tubaugh, Tara 80 Tucker, Jeff 3 Tucker, Michael 173 Tucker, Stacy 19, 80 Tull, Susan 115 Tuyman, Meghan 83 Tyler, Brittney 116

Underbill, Wendy 60, 203 Utzinger, Jeff 220

Vv Vahlbusch, Dave 236

Van Diepen, Heather 60 Vance, Fred 202 VandeGuchte, Jack 244 VandeGuchte, Jack L. 60 V a n D e H o e f , Scott 60, 207 Vandenberk, Craig 87 Vanden Brink, Barb 89 Vanderbilt, Susan 2, 13 Vanderhill, Jim 113, 178 Vanderjagt, Melissa 24, 102, 204, 207 Vandersall, Marcia 247 VanderVeen, Margaret 60 Vandervelde, Scott 220 VanderWerff, Brian 207 Vander Hart, Dana 83 Vander Kamp, Brett 220 Vander Kolk, Candie 85 Vander Molen, Kirk 15, 60 Vander Poppen, LeAnn 15, 18, 60, 102 Vander Veen, Brad 94 Vander Velde, Michelle 130 Vander Woude, Jill 120 Vande Bunte, Leanne 86 Vande Poel, Joel 93 VanDyke, Cynthia 60 VanFaasen, Carl 60 VanHekken, Rebecca 60 VanLangeVelde, Heather 83 VanSkiver, Gilda 60 VanWieren, John 240 VanZanten, Kirsten 60 VanZoeren, Mary 15, 60, 114 Van Aelst, Julee 118 Van Alstine, Heather 83 Van Baren, Maria 104 Van Dahm, Michelle 114 Van Der Werff, Brian 72 Van Diepen, Heather 123, 207 Van Duyne, Abby 60, 68, 120, 203, 224, 225 Van Dyke, Marci 80 Van Dyke, Marcia 216 Van Dyke, Rich 87 Van Hekken, Rebecca 18 Van Houzen, Erin 86 Van Huis, Glenda 193 Van Huysen, Karla 121 Van Noord, Kim 78 Van Vliet, H o l l y 89 Van Wieren, Jon 220 Van Zoeren, Sarah 91 Vashaw, Debbie 243 Vaver, Maria 17, 20, 60, 168 Veen, Terri 60 Veldhof, Jeffrey 61 Veldink, Dave 10, 15, 61 Venema, Scott 202, 214 Venema, Shelly 61 Vera, Grace 123 Verhey, A n n 81 Verhey, Betsy 192, 219 VerHulst, Bart 232 Vernasco, Liz 80 Ver Hulst, Bart 232 Ver Meulen, Dirk 31 Ver Meulen, Tim 214 Vickers, Katie 109 Viening, Wendy 61 Villepique, H o l l y 4, 123, 264 Visser, Kris 88 Visser, Shelly 85 Vizithum, Matt 87 Vlietstra, Sally 61 Voci, Richard 61 Vogel, Josh 75 Vomastek, Becky 85 V o n l n s , Chris 236 Vonk, Kristin 80 Von Ins, Chris 237 Voskuil, Derek 75 Votava, Brad 29 Vredevelt, Cristy 61, 235 Vroon, Veronica 105

Ww Waalkes, Phil 90, 207 Wabel, Kent 125 Wade, Ryan 214 Wagner, Donna 61 Waite, Matt 244 Wakenight, Trent 248 Waldron, Melanie 61, 207 Walker, Karen 85 Walker, Mike 220 Walls, Brian 92, 214 Walters! Mark 33, 61, 130, 228, 229, 248 Walton, Chaquita 25, 116 Wampler, Eric 124 Wampler, Michelle 95 Warner, Linda 104 Warner, Missy 97 Warner, Paul 223 Warner, Tracy 84 Warnes, Trevor 86, 214 Washburn, Sue 61, 123 Watkins, Brian 90 Waugh, Amy 84 Way, Matt 92 Weeldreyer, Seth 2, 15, 61, 125, 203, 207 Weerstra, Michele 62, 124 Weigle, Rebecca 15, 18, 62, 105, 207 Weller, Chris 103 Wellet, Jay 90 Wells, Danelle 86 Werkman, T o m 29 Werschky, T o n y 214 Wertheimer, Robert 87 Wessman, Dai 94 Wessner, Tracy 83 West, H o l l y 80 Westenbrook, Mary-Lynn 1 14 Westrate, Kevin 232 Wheeler, Jill 62 White, Claudia 62, 120 White, Erik 92 White, Todd 73 White, Wes 76 Whitford, Jamie 82 Whittaker, Mark 90 Whittemore, Janine 216 Whitwam, Laura 102 Whitwam, T o m 200 Wicks, Michelle 104 Widiger, Krista 86 Wiegerink, Ron 167 Wiersma, Travis 220 Wightman, Heather 219 Wikman, Melissa 62 Wilcox, Julie 62, 251 Wildes, Katie 82 Williams, Dawn 99 Williams, Martin 240 Williams, Marty 86, 214 Williams, Mike 129 Willoughby, Clint 98 Wills, Katie 79, 202 Wilson, Andy 124, 168 Wilson, Chris 90 Wilson, Kristin E. 62 Wilson, Laura 95 Wilt, Kari 88 Wiltgen, Rick 93 Wise, Lisa 91 Wohlford, Karra 78 Wolf, Heather 243 Wolfe, Christy 95 Wolfe, Greg 103 Wolfe, Kara 219

Index 2 6 3

Wolfert, Susan 62, 109 Wolffis, Blake 75, 168 Wolfrom, Beth 80 Wolthuis, Eric 98 Wood, Mark C. 62 Woodruff, Barb 19, 80, 235 Woodstra, Chris 123 Woolman, Shelly 99 Woolman, Susie 77 Wyma, Jill 239 Wynsma, Joe 106 Wyss, Laura H. 62

Yy Yarwood, Jordi 62, 69, 102 Yntema, Janis 91 Yoder, Scott 1 10 Young, Darren 63 Young, Wendy 113 Yount, Matt 74, 125 Yurick, Sarah 78

Zz Zacha, Kelly 81 Zandbergen, Dawn 63 Zeiger, Karen 79 Zeiter, Heidi 63, 119 Zielinski, David 63 Zimmer, Rachel 71, 85, 216, 217, 243 Zimmerman, T o m 204 Zoetewey, James 63 Zoetewey, Lisa 82 Zoetewey, Mike 1 17 Zomer, David 63 Zoutendam, Jon 87, 214 Zuiderveen, Amy 82 Zuiderveen, Rick 232 Zuverink, Joe 63, 110



1991 Milestone staff Editor-in-chief: Ben Opipari Assistant editor: Sabrina Haverdink Photo editor: Matt Johnson Seniors editor: Holly Villepique Residence life editor: Mike Nowlin Sports editor: Kristin Bauss Faculty/Staff editor: Judy Kleis Organizations editor: Kim Scott




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