Milestone 1999

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Higher Education


Greeks and

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Index &


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college teaches students have an open mind. T h e

exact method lor d o i n g so. however, was not an easy one to find. 1998-1999 tested every o n e ' s learning ideals From faculty to f r e s h m a n . T h e events of the year stretched, underscored, and challenged the role of the c o l l e g e ' s education in a rapidly c h a n g i n g world. Students returning to c a m p u s found a new route to navigate. Several d e p a r t m e n t s shifted, including C a r e e r Services. Financial Aid and the C o u n s e l i n g Center. Several residence halls hired new resident directors and the Kletz Snack Bar received a make-over. Booths replaced the metal white tables; the color s c h e m e w a s softened and Ethernet j a c k s m a d e it possible to surf the Net while eating lunch. T h o s e new to c a m p u s quickly learned the w a y s of college life. O n c e again, a record-sized class j o i n e d the c o m m u n i t y as 7 2 0 new students stepped on to c a m p u s for Orientation. With a grade point average ol 3.64 on a 4.0 scale, the class ol 2002 c a m e in with high standards. With the religious controversy of last year still brewing, the Chapel program underwent a review and survey of students and faculty by the Frost Center. A l o n g with the C h a p l a i n ' s Self-Study, the report allowed the c a m p u s to discover what role they thought chapel should play in the daily lives of students. The faculty w h o defined the path of the college c h a n g e d greatly throughout the year. In September, A n n e Bakker-Gras, director of student activities, resigned. A 10-year veteran of Student D e v e l o p m e n t , Bakker-Gras allowed student activities to grow into strong organizations. " W h e n 1 look around my office, at the pictures on the wall, and the years of students I've w o r k e d with. I realize w h e r e students have g o n e and what they have done with their lives. T h i n g s like that make me excited about what students can d o because of extracurricular activities," she said. Looking at the role of w o m e n in the world around, the Critical Issues S y m p o s i u m examined the role of f e m i n i s m and faith.


I n t r o d u c t i o n


Still displaying their clas-. unit) on the a t i c m o o n b e l o r c the Pull, menihers ol the 2(101 ami 20('2 Pull team parade the rope b\ Dimnent Chapel. The tradition of displaying the rope w a s revived ; lew years ago In students w ho w ere aw are ot the p o w e r ol tradition. tPR Photo)

S o p h o m o r e Dave Boerma reaehes put to give a y o u n g m e m b e r ol' the Holland c o m m u n i t y dressed as Barney a Halloween treat. Held in several residence halls, the c a m p u s provided a sale a t m o s p h e r e for trick-or-treating. as well as the c h a n c e to meet neighbors. (PR Photo) Streaming into Holland Municipal Stadium, football players descend the stairs at the beginning of the H o m e c o m i n g g a m e against the K a l a m a z o o Hornets. The hundred-plus players crow ded the stairs w hile listening to the cheers of the h o m e crowd. (Photo by April G r e e n

I n t r o d u c t i

Working with junior Elissa Wicknian and senior G e o f f r e y Abbas, director Michael Page choreographs positions for the production of Shakespeare's The

W inter s Talc. Most recently starring as Salieri in the play Ainddciis at the Civic Theatre in Grand Rapids, the visiting associate professor spent time training the next generation of actors. (PR Photo) Sophomore Brandon Cota and senior Rebecca Blom play their cellos for the annual Christmas concert in the Klct/. The Orchestra pro\ ided musical accompaniment to lunch each Friday before the first-semester finals week begins. (PR Photo)

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Settling into plush chairs, students finish some reading in the periodicals section on the first floor of the Van Wylen Library. Besides offering the latest methods for research, the library is a popular, quiet place to study or do some leisurely reading. (PR Photo)






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politics c a m e into the spotlight a few weeks

later when candidates visited c a m p u s to drum up support. G e o f f e r y Fieger, the brash lawyer for Dr. Jack Kevorkian, visited on October 23 with a speech in the Pine Grove. Incumbent governor and eventual winner, John Engler, brought other Republican candidates to a rally the following Friday. The staff changed continued with the position that yields the power to set the course of the college—the presidency. Dr. John Jacobson announced his retirement in January, 1998. A committee of staff, professors and senior Misten Weeldreyer meet to find the new president. The two finalists visited c a m p u s after being Cutting throughh the Pine G r o v e on the way to 8:30 classes,


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System of Georgia visited on N o v e m b e r 15-17. while 1962 graduate J a m e s Bultman of Northwestern College of Iowa visited

students trudge through the

the next three days. T h e two met with administrators and hosted

snow. With no

informal discussions with students.

snow until the


extended the invitation. Dr. J a m e s Muyskens of the University

first of the year, r. the January b l i z / a r d d u m p ecdd 41 inches of snow took everyone by

At their D e c e m b e r meeting, the Board of Trustees chose c Bultman as the 13ih president of the College. He assumed the office on July hi. "Dr. Bultman brings to the presidency not only a deep love for his alma mater, but also professional experience and personal

surprise, including the

qualities that equip him well for this important position of

Physical Plant w h o worked to

leadership." said Provost Jacob Nyenhuis.

r e m o v e it the week before classes resumed

challenging and supporting a liberal arts education. The student-

for the second semester. (PR Photo)

The religious life once again c a m e to the forefront, both created group. R e f u g e in Spiritual Expression (R.I.S.E.) officially b e c o m e a student organization in February when the C a m p u s Life Board accepted their constitution. "We provide a place that is supportive and inclusive for students to discuss religious issues in more of an intellectual manner," said senior co-president A m a n d a Schneider. "This is a place of refuge where we hope anyone would feel comfortable speaking his or her m i n d . "

i I n t r o d u c t i o n


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began to look at human sexuality and relationships. They hosted Rev. Mario Bergner, an Illinois minister w h o called himself a healed homosexual. "Homosexuality and Christianity are in opposition because


homosexuality is one of the sins Jesus c a m e to r e d e e m . " he said. "I am not trying to build a bridge; 1 just want to show that we can live with our differences and love each other." Students w h o wanted to present an opposite voice invited Rev. Dr. Mel White, who shared his personal experience on March 16. Student Congress originally voted to extended the invitation, but rescinded it a later meeting. Student groups, including R.I.S.E.. W o m e n ' s issue Organization (W.I.O.). and G.L.O.B.E. Worked to make White w e l c o m e on c a m p u s . "1 think that it was important to hear both views. [White] w a s n ' t trying to scare anybody: his focus was love," said freshman Kathleen Gazda. "It encouraged me to do more reading and thinking on it." As the year closed, W.l.O. honored three outstanding w o m e n . Professor Jane Dickie. Administrator Kristen Gray, and senior Amanda Schneider. Leaders of student organizations banded together in the selection of the new Director of Student Activities. Meeting on their own-late night time, the group voted on the candidate and drafted a letter in support of her. Diana Breclaw of Elmhurst college accepted the position. "We wanted to agree on which of the candidates would be best for all the students," said senior Michael M c C u n e . "We fell this would be a more effective way to choose a candidate." No one made it through the year without thinking about issues. O p e n - m i n d e d n e s s and dialogue did not provide all answers, yet it encouraged people to formulate their own opinions. Likewise, the role ot a liberal arts education in today's world was left to the individual. ^


I n ! r it (I u c t i o n


Joining forces with dance alumni, current dancers preform " W h i r l g o g s . " by faculty m e m b e r John D a y g c r a t Dance 25. Set to the music of Luciano Berio, the piece featured 11 dancers and has a "spooky nightmare feel" according to Dayger. (PR Photo) Displaying the results of their semester-long research. Junior Kelly Chamberlain and senior Data Spearman discuss their project with Dr. John Shaughnessy. T h e upper level Physiology Psychology class met with the entire Psychology department. (PR Photo)

B t m i r

Taking his teaching out of the classroom. Dr. Stephen H e m e n w a y leads his World Literature Class on the law n near Lubbers Hall. During the last few w arm days of fall, man) students urged professors to hold class outdoors. (PR Photo)

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I n t r o d u c t i o n




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Gathering in the Pine Grove. studentN attend the first chapel meeting ol the year called " G r o o v i n ' in (he G r o \ e . " Over the year, nearly


two-thirds of the student body attended ehapel services, (Photo hy Nikelle J o h n s o n )


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j the tank tops and shorts required for Orientation

c h a n g e to the nav\ caps and g o w n s for G r a d u a t i o n . T h e lessons learned c h a n g e d f r o m how to find the dining hall to fitting into the "real world." Four years of experience is in all areas—relationships, activities, classes and w ork. B a l a n c i n g all of them and m a n a g i n g time are the keys to student life, f r o m Orientation to Graduation. **





J\e war was on and Odd Year put its best soldiers on the line. The Pull team was defeated by the two-year champions, Even Year, last year and was not about to let it happen again. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

flesh eshman Anchor Greg "Dirk" Morton strains to keep the rope from being pulled from him. Even though the freshman were defeated, they worked as a team to keep the rope pulled tightly across the Black River. (Photo by A m y Otteson)


f e s h m a n Beth "Big" Miranda and her Puller Mark "Lebowski" Foreman prepare for another heave, holding firmly to the rope. Leading the pack Miranda and Foreman were in Pit one. (Photo by Amy Otteson)


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With two teams evenly matched, the war is on.

ophomore Anchor Nick Wicks shows no mercy and deals with his pain while his moraler, Kali Forquer stands by him. He completed the full three hour Pull as the Anchor for the Odd Year team even though his coach tried to put in a substitute for him. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

Throngs of students, alumni, anxious parents, and curious onlookers lined the damp pits in the earth on the north and south sides of the Black River. Gray, overcast skies instilled an early October chill in the air. Threats of rain were ever present, yet the least worried about. The day had come. Three weeks in total of physical preparation and mental stamina, culminated into a three hour endeavor on the rope was the event in focus. The day had come for the freshman to take on the sophomores for the 101st timehonored tradition of the Pull. "It really didn't hit me until after the first half hour had passed that the thing we had been training three weeks for was actually taking place," said freshman puller. Brad Jerdon. "Then, it hit me like a brick wall." Both of the freshman and sophomore teams this year, respectively comprised of 18 pullers and 18 moralers, fought hard for the chance to take the victory jump in the river, and for the chance to triumph over the opposing team—not only for themselves, but for their team, and for the class they represent. "It became a family goal—we became a "I felt a connection between us right away," said family, and we wanted to win as a famsophomore moraler Maggie Schakel. "It became a ily. Without that connection, you're not family goal—we became a family, and we wanted going to win." to win as a family. Without that connection, you're Maggie SchakeVsbphomore not going to win." The contest between 2001 and 2002 will be remembered as the second closest Pull ever to go down in the record books. The teams, so evenly matched, used the entire three hour time allotment to strain and heave their way into Pull history. For all, those three hours contained some of the most arduous moments, both spectacular and bittersweet. The time was up; the measurements taken. Both sides waited with undaunted courage and curiosity as to who would walk away with victory, and who would walk away with defeat. The resounding cries of victory that echoed through the north side skies confirmed the results: the sophomores had prevailed. Officially, the sophomore class succeeded in pulling 43 inches more than the freshman class. Sophomore Dave Kuhrt recalled feeling confident in their success, even before it was confirmed by the officials. "I don't remember losing any rope at all. Yet there was that slight hint of dread, of what possibly could happen." After the confirmation, the team was ecstatic. "It was as if a huge weight had been lifted. Three weeks of work came down to this one final moment. It's something I looked forward to for an entire year— finally."




the eighties

Return Students and Alumni gather to relive the past decade.

On a beautiful fall afternoon, more then 5,000 students, parents, and alumni attended the Homecoming game to cheer on the Flying Dutchmen. The afternoon began with the traditional parade including a competition between the sororities, fraternities, and student organizations for the construction of the best float that represented the theme, "Children of the Eighties." This year the winners of tile competition were the Kappa Delta Chi's, which highlighted the Muppets, G.I. Joe and the Care Bears. Senior Josh Shicker said, "It was fun to be in the parade, kind of goofy to be sitting in the back of a car, waving at friends and their parents." Other groups that were represented in the parade were Anchor, both pull "This college means a lot to me, so the teams, Nykerk, and many others The annual football game followed the parade. evelit"!n|eans d LrfOk) me. I hadlb lot of The game started early and so did the rivalry iwf t O ( ^ ' \/ 1/%/ g/ / against Kalamazoo to keep the traditional wooden Gina Buwalda, senior shoe that is taken home by the winner of the game each year. The team was not intimidated by the powerful Kalamazoo team. "[The team] heard a lot of players from Kalamazoo were undefeated and that they would come out and win easily," said sophomore J.D. Graves. They overcame them with determination. Tony Petkus said, "The rivalry stirred the fire up inside of everyone." The Dutch came out with a win. Graves said, " a lot of people were there, including players from the years before and it was nice to win it for them." Petkus agreed and said, "From the perspective of not playing it was emotional, this is it. You want to perform for all the people coming back." This 24-14 win assured that for another year the wooden shoes would find a home at our College. During halftime of the football game, Shicker and senior Gina Buwalda were crowned as Homecoming king and queen. " It was an honor to be involved with homecoming. Hope means a lot to me, so the event means a lot to me. It was a lot of fun too," said Buwalda. The whole weekend was kicked off by the Homecoming Hoedown hosted by the Student Activities Committee. The hoedown was held at Tuesinks farm. Live square dancing, square dancing, and hayrides were the highlights of the evening.

Bv Katie Hamilton

H o m e c o m i n g

enior Kappa Chi Teresa Musselman represents childhood toys by dressing as G.I. Joe. The Kappa Chis reappeared as winners of the float competition and have won many times over the past years. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

^ n i o r s Josh Shicker and Gina B u w a l d a are crowned as King and

he Emersonians rejoice as the

Queen of the College. B u w a l d a was

Dutch football team makes another touchdown. Many sororities and

an active m e m b e r of the Delta Phi sorority and Schicker was a leader in

fraternities traditionally sit together on the south hill of Holland

the chapel band and paisley dAve, a local band. (Photo by April Greer)

Municipal Stadium for the H o m e c o m i n g game. (Photo by April Greer)


he football team huddles together holding the elusive w o o d e n shoe above their heads before the g a m e against Kalamazoo. The Dutchmen and the Hornets have had an ongoing rivalry in which the winning team keeps the wooden shoe until the next game in the upcoming year. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

H o m e c o m i n g


•tudents scramble to cover themselves because they believe that they are naked. The hypnotist did m a n y cruel, yet f u n n y things, to the students to entertain the c r o w d s at the Spring Fling. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

indsay Maharg, freshman, grabs hold of hypnotist Tom DeLuca as junior Jon Kopchick takes hold of the microphone. D e L u c a kept the c r o w d laughing with his skills to make the students think outrageous things. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


S p r i n g

F l i n g



Fleeing from classes, students gather in the grove to celebrate spring.

/ing to keep her balance, senior Katie Hilbrecht swipes at her partner, junior Jen Pyszora with her jousting stick. Students waited in lines to enjoy the inflatable games in the Pine Grove. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

ophomore Rob Henry rolls into his opponent, pushing them down. The huge inflated balls were filled with the aide of leaf blowers. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

Bright blue skies and loud music drove students into the pine grove on May 30th for the annual Spring Fling. Beautiful weather enhanced the inflatable games and picnic lunch arranged by the Students Activities Committee and the Creative Dining Services. The games were similar to last year and included the bungee run, rock climbing, joust, boxing,and an inflatable spaceship filled with smoke for students to zap each other with laser guns. While the games and food were inviting many students found the break from homework to be a beneficial time to hang out with friends before finals began. "I think it's a good time to relieve tension and gives the student body a chance to hang out and forget about exams, said sophomore Steve Alles. " A ton of people including all my friends, were out there and the weather was beautiful." Another enjoyed addition to the Spring Fling was hypnotist Tom DeLuca. Several students of all ages were invited to come up on stage, some not believing that they could be "I think it's a good time to relieve hypnotized. They were wrong. tension and gives the student body a "I didn't think he could do it to me," said cl^m^? to hang out and forget iiBout freshman Lindsay Maharg."! don't remember doing any of the things people said I did, but my friend f w ts Is f l ' 1 / videotaped me, I looked ridiculous." Steve Alles, sophomore The hypnotist made the students do several outrageous things to entertain the students crowded into the Pine Grove. "I can't believe how the hypnotist tied my tongue," said Maharg, "I was grunting and screaming, trying to say my name and I don't even remember it." The hypnotist also convinced the students that they were in freezing temperatures, had their shoes on the wrong feet, and were the new members of the Spice Girls. To say the least the production kept the students in stitches. The inflatable games weren't the only things that kept students busy. Artists drawing tattoos were busy in front of Nykerk. Students could also paint their own frisbees. "It was fun to hang out in the Pine Grove and hang with my friends for awhile," said freshman Jessica Lyons. "It was the last time a lot of us would see each other, so it was a good time. For many students Spring Fling offered a chance to escape work and to hang out with friends one last time before the semester finished. Overnight camping and barbecues also ended the Spring Fling weekend and added to the excitement of the end of the long school year.

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S p r i n g

F l i n g




Frisbee Coif, campus fad or new tradition.


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Fore! Students on campus are forced to walk heads up on their daily journeys to and from class, on a nice or even a reasonably nice day. They must constantly be aware of those plastic disks sailing through the sky as Hope is transformed from a place of higher learning to an untraditional golf course. it is not golf, in the traditional sense, but frisbee golf. A past-time for some but for others it is a passion. Frisbee golf is the combination of golf and a frisbee, as the name implies, and is very fun. One of the benefits of frisbee golf is that it is relatively simple to play and inexpensive. "If you like playing Frisbee, I think you should learn how to play," said senior Joel Rasdall, "It's a good excuse to chat."

"If vou like playing Frisbee, I think ' tji i i ' you shpuld 'cMri no|y to ^ s a good excuse to chat. Joel Rasdall, senior

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pay tor all the equipment that is involved with the traditional style of golf, all that is needed is a frisbee, and there are no greens fees like real golf, in fact you could make a course almost anyway. For some people however, there is some expense in the fact that they lose frisbees quite frequently. Junior Jen Pyzora said, "I know that you can lose a frisbee at night, lots of them." The ease in skill comes from the fact that almost everyone can throw a frisbee. There are no complex techniques that the beginner needs to know but some throws can require great skill for accuracy. "The Van Zyl Cottage guys taught me how to play," said senior Kerry Gross, " I was really bad, but it's fun. it's a fun way to kill a half an hour." The course weaves it way between the buildings on campus and on a nice sunny fall or spring day there may be up to forty or fifty people playing all at once. If you do not know how to play it is like golf. There is a place where everyone playing tees off for the hole. The buildings, trees and other campus fixtures act as the boundaries for the fairway and the hole will be some object; a tree , a light pole, and even a flagpole. Rasdall said, "If you want to learn you should find someone who has some experience, or just follow someone that knows where the course is." Currently there is a couple courses on campus and each course has its own par score for each hole and for the course.

3y Paul Loodeen and Amanda

F r i s b e e

G o l f


reshman Steve Vanderlip perfects his f o r m as he fires his frisbee in the front of the International House. T h e course starts near C o s m o p o l i tan Hail and is often a dangerous place to walk. (Photo by Nikelie Johnson)

reshmen Matt Boyle and Steve Vanderlip use their practiced technique to throw their frisbees. Many students enjoy frisbee golf, but many students think of it as an annoying g a m e as many students are hit often by the plastic disks. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

eniors Tom Van Hekken and Aaron Smith take their turns to throw their frisbees. Most frisbee golf


players play together in large groups and can be seen wandering the course together. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


tudents meet with their O A groups to discuss c a m p u s life. O A groups are a vital part of orientation where many students meet m a n y people and learn about what goes on around the c a m p u s . (PR Photo)

J elying on the help of their neighbors f r e s h m a n at Playfair make the human chair. Playfair is the First time for the f r e s h m a n class to c o m e together as an entire class. (Photo by Carl Bussema)

reshmen Emily N i e w e n d o r p and Kari Rakosky place their painted hand on the traditional orientation banner. T h i s year, over 800 hands were placed on the banner signifying the largest f r e s h m a n class ever. (Photo by Carl B u s s e m a )


O r i e n t a t i o n

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O.A. leaders and Anne Bakker-Gras make orientation complete.

ophomore O A leader A n d r e w Lotz fills his hands with things as he helps to m o v e the f r e s h m e n into their halls. T h e day the freshmen moved in was very rainy and wet and m a d e keeping everything dry quite a challenge. (Photo by A m y Otteson)

The end of August once again meant it was time for the arrival of a new class on campus. Friday, August 28th dawned gray and rainy, but more than one hundred Orientation Assistants welcomed the class of 2002, willing and eager to help them move into the residence halls. As roommates met for the first time, rooms slowly began to look like home as familiar items were unpacked. That night, students began to get acquainted with their classmates as OA groups met for the first time. Acquaintances were made as the groups played games and icebreakers such as Secret Agent, Human Knot, and Skin the Snake. "Orientation was great. We had a great group and there was a definite connection within the group. It was fun to see Orientation from behind-the-scenes and compare it to my freshman Orientation experience," said senior "I thought Orientation was a great way Kerry Gross. to see the campus and meet the people The next day was filled with placement tests, in our class before everyone else got more OA group meetings, and one of the most back to campus." memorable events of Orientation: Play fair. Cheers and standing ovations filled the Dow Gym as the Joshua Carstens, freshman class of 2002 took their turn participating in this annual event, which is kept secret from the entering class each year. "I thought Orientation was a great way to see the campus and meet the people in our class before everyone else got back to campus," said freshman Joshua Carstens. As Sunday rolled around, it soon became time to say good-bye to family and friends from home. The newly-formed friendships and the memories from Orientation helped to make this easier. "From what I could tell. Orientation was a good experience for all. Planning it took a lot of time and hard work, but at the same time, it was very rewarding! The Orientation program is so well-organized and, judging by the responses from students, parents, and faculty, is an excellent program," said Jeff Whitmore co-orientation director. "Although this year [junior] Jenny Trask and I had a major part in Orientation, Anne Bakker-Gras is the one to thank. She is the foundation for it." All of the hard work and planning for Orientation program came together in a weekend in which the class of 2002 made memories, created lasting friendships, and quickly began to think of Hope as "home."


r\ Race It's all a

Geoffery Fieger and John Engler visit to rally for the Govenors race.

Campus was given a rare opportunity this fall. Geoffery Feiger and Governor John Engler both spoke in front of crowds this fall. "Having both of these candidates come, helped put the college on the map for the political parties," said senior Kelli Bitterburg. It was the first time that politicians of this stature have come to the college. Junior Clinton Randall said, "This typically doesn't happen, so it was very exciting." Both candidates highlighted on the importance of students getting involved in the government. Because of Feiger's late arrival, many of the students had already left before he arrived. "The students that were left were the ones who were very interested in hearing him," said freshman Colleen Cleary. Feiger spoke more on subjects that were very relevant to the students and campus life. He emphasized that students need to know that their votes are very important to the political races and impact the society. Having Fieger come to the college meant a lot to the Democratic party represented here. "Having such a strong democratic party shows that our college may be more diverse than we are "By coming to the college he encour- given credit for," said junior Brad Hudkins. aged our generation and not to be apa- Although Fieger is typically thought of as a radical, he is more of a radical because his beliefs are very thetic." Clinton Randall, junior strong," said Cleary said. Hudkins also said "Fieger encouraged students to get involved in being politically active. The Republicans made a very strong showing for Engler's appearance. This was partly due to the high concentration of Republicans in Ottawa County. "I was very impressed with the atmosphere of the rally," said Kelli Bitterbug. "Engler seemed very energetic. One of the highlights of the afternoon was that the entire republican ticket showed up for the event. "By coming to the college he encouraged our generation and not to be apathetic, said Randall. "He also encouraged students to take an active role, to volunteer, or at least vote." Students taking a stand was the main point that was presented in both of the candidates speeches. Having both the republicans and the democrats make a strong showing during the race for governor gave both of the political parties at the college a boost. "We can achieve greater things when we work together," said Hudkins. Bitterbug said, "It was great for the campus. It lends support to the political atmosphere.""^

hv Katie Hamilton

G o v e r n o r ' s

R a c e

eoffery Fieger f o c u s e s on the p o w e r that we have as students to vote in his speech. Even though he arrived late m a n y students were there to meet his arrival. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

trains of "It's Fieger T i m e " echoed throughout the c a m p u s this N o v e m b e r in both words and banners. The democrats c a m e out in full force to support their candidate and their voices were loud. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


1' overnor John Engler introduced the college to one of his triplet daughters. Engler not only brought his whole family but the entire Republican ticket in Michigan. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

tf' ngler addresses the students of the college and reminds

for You

them the importance of voting in the local elections. Engler and Fieger both encouraged the students to get involved and to vote. (Photo by Dan M c C u e )

G o v e r n o r


onning conductor caps and scarfs, the f r e s h m e n w o m e n take their audience on a ride on the " C h a t t a n o o g a C h o o - C h o o . " T h e y spent m a n y nights rehearsing their motions and diction. (Photo by April Greer)

odi Kurtze (Lola) and Jennifer Sewall (Michigana Jones) break it d o w n , as narrator Jeni Huber tells the story of M i c h i g a n a Jones and the Quest for cluck, the sacred rubber chicken. T h e s o p h o m o r e play w a s written by Jessica Black w h o also produced the play. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

ven Year song coaches Chris Poest, M a r y B e t h M a r c h i o n d a , Melissa Nienhuis and Matt Swier stand together clutching the Nykerk Cup. All the N y k e r k coaches w o r k e d very hard before the event so that N y k e r k w a s a success. (Photo by April Greer)

reshman Misha Neil (Snow White) a m e m b e r of the f r e s h m a n play uses her best acting face to capture the audiences attention. Neil was one of the "good characters" w h o searched for the lost witches in the play, " O n c e upon a Fairy Tale." (Photo by Johnathan M u e n k )

N y k e r k

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C o m p e t i t

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1 he freshmen overcome inexperience to win Nykerk.


ophomore orator L a u r a Roelofs holds the audience in the palm of her hands as she speaks. Laura challenged e v e r y o n e to " E n j o y Each Step in Life." (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

As Pull comes to a close and the classwork starts so does the preparation for the annual Nykerk Cup Competition. Nykerk has three parts Oration, Play, and Song. Each class has one orator who speaks on a topic given. Play consists of about fifteen women performing a thirty minute play. The category with the most women is Song, with between 130 and 170 girls. With both the freshman and the sophomores competing there are a great deal of people involved. Another group of people involved are the Morale Guys who are there to keep the girls motivated. Freshman song girl Lindsey King and freshman play girl Misha Neil commented on the Morale Guys. "They lifted our spirits and made practices worth going to. The Morale Guys certainly were a great part of Nykerk." The night before Nykerk everyone involved had tech practice and ran through their parts. Everyone was pumped and ready to go for Nykerk night. The freshmen Song women bonded that night by singing every song they knew that pertained to trains. Then all the girls eagerly waited to find out who their Morales Guy were, who brought roses and "It was fun to do a popular song hugs. Everyone had to make it an early night, cause everyone got into it." because the next morning everyone had to be lined up for the Nykerk breakfast at seven a.m. for a private meal and several skits by the Morale Guys. Katie Wierenga, sophomore Nykerk night was full of nerves. Freshmen Song went first and sang "Chattanooga Choo Choo" displaying scarfs and conductor hats as their props. Their song was followed by sophomore Orator, Laura Roelofs, who reminded us to "Enjoy Each Step" The Freshmen Play, "Once upon a Fairy Tale" closed the first half. After a brief intermission sophomore Song was next to go. They sang a medley from My Best Friend's Wedding, donning bridal veils. "It was fun to do a popular song because everyone got into it," said sophomore song girl Katie Wierenga. Next, was the freshman Orator. Briony Peters who spoke about her Pot of Gold. Then the sophomores presented, "Indiana Jones and the Quest for Cluck," a thrilling play with the evil darth blader after the courageous rubber chicken cluck. "Our play was a lot of fun, Jodi Kurtze and I stole Cluck from the Morale Guys after one practice and it became an ongoing war." said sophomore Play Girl Kate Butler. After all the women had shown their talents it was the judges turn to do their jobs. After just a short while the judges returned and handed the winning year's name to the General Chair, Roxanne Pascente who announced, "The winner is...The class of 2002." As the cheering died down both of the years met in the middle of the Civic Center as tradition would have it and said words of congratulations.

N y k e r k

C u p

C o m p e t i t i o n


Hit the


Phelps is converted to a Casino for studentsto tiy their luck.

L reshman D a v e

On Friday, November 20 Phelps was lllled with flashing lights and students with hopes of winning some major cash. The Social Activities Committee again hosted the annual event where students can gamble with fake money for many valuable prizes. Some of the most desired prizes were a trip to Florida, a television, and a VCR. Many other students also won T-shirts, free food, and gift certificates to many local merchants. "Our cluster pooled our money and bought the TV with our winnings," said freshman Mieke Dykman. "It cost $40,0()(), but was worth it!" Students attending casino night were impressed by the decorations that SAC had set up. The walls were covered in purple and signs complete with flashing light signaled where the games were located. "The decorations were awesome," said freshman Marcy Slotman. "Every year I'm more impressed with them. I especially like how the dealers dressed up. it adds a lot." "The decorations were great. Every One of the main attractions of Casino night was year I'm more impressed with them." the chance to dress up. Students attending were asked to wear formal wear or their favorite gamMarcy Slotman, sophomore bling wear. "Dressing up was my favorite part, said Dykman. It was so much to be able to get all decked out in strange clothes, but not look out of place." The most played game at Casino Night were the Black Jack tables that filled the lower level of Phelps. Slotman said, "The best part of the night was playing Black Jack with all of my friends and winning $16,000." There were many other activities other than the Black Jack tables. Roulette tables and a bingo room also kept students busy. Many students kept busy with the food and the drink bar set up. After the tables were shut down and all of the prizes were gone the tables were moved, and students filled the room making it into a dance floor. Many students wanted to stay until Midnight when the winner of the Florida Trip was announced. The winner of the Trip and a friend would leave after the dance and head to Disney World for the weekend. This year the winner was Gwen Veldhof, a senior pre-med student.


by Kristin Lamers

C a s i n o

N i g h t

C o c h r a n e places his bid on the table. For C a s i n o Night Phelps was converted into a gambling room c o m p l e t e with flashing lights and spinning wheels. (Photo by April Greer)

I j t u d e n t s watch as the wheel is spun to see what they have won. Several different g a m e s were at C a s i n o Night, but the favorite w a s Black Jack. (Photo by April Greer)

^Jaire VanDam, a junior, plays blackjack hiding behind her masquerade mask. Many students added s o m e color to Casino night by dressing in formal wear. (Photo by April Greer)





tudents at Casino Night dance after the tables are closed. Most of the students stayed until midnight when they a n n o u n c e d the winner of the trip to Florida. (Photo by April Greer)

C a s i n o

N i g h t

r e s h m a n Sarah S c r i p s e m a rears back to protect the ball. Intramurals used c a m p u s facilities like the D o w Center and the C o m m u n i t y resources like the local bowling alleys, (Photo by Chris Lee)

eaching for an air borne volley, s o p h o m o r e Casey Wilholt extends her reach. Taking the chance to fill out of class time over 200 students played 1M sports, (Photo by Chris Lee)


I n t r a m u r a l s

A competitive


IM sports provide an opportunity for students to show their talents.


ophomore Kelly Kalbfleisch finishes off a spike while her t e a m m a t e waits to retuen a volley. Besides students, faculty, and staff m e m b e r s hit the courts. (Photo by Chris Lee)

i What is there to do around campus? Besides studying that is. Many students have found a relaxing alternative to hitting the books. They have gotten involved in Intramurals, or lovingly referred to as IM Sports. Games are usually limited to one or two nights a week per team, which doesn't take up a great deal of time, but many find this stress reliever beneficial. Freshman Isaac Hartman said, "I got involved in intramurals right away. It's a stress reliever that if fun." Some students are also looking for that competitive edge. Junior Libby Folkert said, "I play because I love sports, but don't have the time to play on a team here at Hope." Crystal Brink agreed with Folkert and said, "It's cool that there is competition. Even between those "I got involved in intramurals right people that don't know how to play well." away. It's a stress reliever that if fun." There are also other positive aspects beside the competitiveness of intramurals. Isaac Hartman, freshman Sophomore Darren Buursma said, "You don't have to take it seriously. It's all what you make of it. You don't have to be the most competitive person to play." People that enjoy intramurals continue to participate for many years. Folkert, who has played for the last three years said, "It's a good workout and fun to do and not as serious as going for the points and the win." While the goal for IM is often the coveted sweatshirt, most participate, like Folkert for the fun aspect of it. Many not only participate in the games, but also as supervisors and score keepers. Brink said, "I enjoy it because I get to meet a lot of people who enjoy sports." There are both coed and one gender teams. Many enjoy the co-ed intramurals. "It's so much fun co-ed," said Hartman. "It's very solid and a good time enjoyed by a l l ^

I n t r a m u r a l s


Hands A small organization makes a big difference.

Habitat for Humanity is a relatively small organization on campus, which participates in a big way in the Holland community. You may have heard about houses being built, but students contribute in more ways in response to homelessness. Habitat for Humanity began in 1978 with leadership of Millard Fuller. He was a Christian motivated by Exodus 22:25, "If you lend money to one of my people among you who is needy, do not be like a money lender; charge him no interest." The Gospel says to help the poor, so taking the words of Exodus literally. Fuller began to help people build homes who couldn't otherwise afford it, and allows them to pay him back, charging no interest. Over the past 20 years. Habitat has evolved into a worldwide organization. Although it is a Christian ministry, Habitat seeks to assist all people who would otherwise be unable to afford their own house. In the winter season the college students worked through Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity on a house for the Yarborough family. Earlier in the year students assisted in finishing a house for the Velasquez family. In each case the family worked in cooperative effort with "We had fun sleeping outside under the many volunteers and a few paid individuals. Often stars, but 1 honestly can't imagine hav- cooperations and churches gave money and other businesses help to contribute the needed materials. ing to live that way day after day." In addition to purchasing the house, families must actively assist in the Habitat organization for a set Erin Tuttle, freshman number of hours. One of Habitat's themes is, "It isn't a hand out, it's a hand up." Not only have students built homes, many have contributed in other activities which bring together community members. On September 23, about 15 students slept outside in the Pine Grove to raise homelessness awareness. They shared sleeping bags and cardboard through the rain and gained a greater appreciation for their warm dorm. "We had fun sleeping outside under the stars, but 1 honestly can't imagine having to live that way day after day, said freshman Erin Tuttle. On October 24th a Halloween party was also held for the kids of the Habitat families. Another event that took place was a dinner held for all the families in the area who have had Habitat homes. These events help foster community between those who have purchased homes from Habitat. Habitat has also worked with the Community Action House in Holland. This past fall a candlelight vigil was held in Centennial Park. Senior Teresa Janik said, "The vigil was really awesome. It changed my perception of the homeless. The woman that spoke was homeless herself and shattered my view that homelessness is associated with drugs or lack of an education." The event, as part of Homeless Awareness week, strived to fight against the generalizations about people who can't afford to but homes.

Bv Lisa Purccll

H a b i t a t


H u m a n i t y

L ,: M c P h e r s o n looks on as her husband, senior Matt McPherson, w o r k s on sawing a piece of wood for the house in progress. M c P h e r s o n has been a volunteer for Habitat for H u m a n i t y for several years. (Photo by Jack Mulder)

jDphomore Heather Douglass and senior Melissa Roop work together to saw a piece of wood for their building project. The trained and untrained the group works together to build a sturdy house. (Photo by Jack Mulder)

enior Katie Cindric hammers some edging onto the frame of a house on a cold winter morning. Habitat for Humanity worked through the seasons to complete their projects. (Photo by Jack Mulder)

H a b i t a t


H u m a n i t y

Change ^


The college community applaudes the new look of the Kletz.



etuming students came back to the College to discover major changes in the Kletz. Administration decided that it was time to renovate the Kletz, so the Business and Finance department budgeted $102,400 for the project. Wood tables and chairs replace the black, metals ones of the past. The existing booths, along with added booths, were given the same wood that is used for the tables. The booths' seat fabric coordinates with the new wallpaper, and the backs are taller to create more privacy. Touches of woodwork on pillars and railings tie together the tables and booths. The "street lamp" lighting provides a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. In addition, a wood floor and squaresectioned skylight add warmth and tie the whole room together Some students that lived on campus over the summer were skeptical as to how well the "new "The Kletz is much warmer and more relaxing since the remodel. There are Kletz" would turn out looking. Junior Rita Spires, who had an internship more students coming in as groups to through the school over the summer, saw the study and socialize." various pieces to be installed being carried into DeWitt. "As each new item came, I didn't like it. I Brenda Turner, Kletz employee couldn't see how they would look good together. I went home for a few days before coming back to school. They had finished putting it all in and I was suprised at how nice it looked." Students seem to generally appreciate the changer that were made. "The round cornered booths are a good place to meet friends and the new wood furniture looks really nice." said sophomore Denise Gallaway, " I also like the new menu board." Overall, Kletz employees are happy with the new decor. "The Kletz is much warmer and more relaxing since the remodel. There are more students coming in as groups to study and socialize. Also, new this year for the serious "studier", we have laptop plug-ins at the upper level booths," said Kletz employee Brenda Turner. Because of the use of classic materials, the Kletz is sure not to "go out of style" anytime soon. The College community has given a positive response making the money spent on renovations a good investment. After all, the word Kletz means "conversation" in Dutch. Students should feel comfortable meeting in the Kletz to talk with friends. This remodeling has accomplished that.

K l e t z

C h a n g e s

isitors to the Kletz wait in line for their f o o d to be served. T h e interior part of the Kletz w a s also remodeled and is m u c h more accessible. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson



eniors Shannon Powell and J u n k o Maisu take a study break at the Kletz to chat and have something to eat. M a n y students find the Kletz as a place of r e f u g e f r o m studies and the residence halls. (Photo by April Greer)


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tudents find time to take a break and have a snack at the Kletz.The new skylights that were added to the Kletz m a k e it a m u c h brighter place to eat. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

K l e t z

C h

~m—^ Going

Deeper Students and faculty work together to evaluate chapel program.

As the fall semester began Campus Ministries kicked off another year of Chapel with the theme, "Go Deeper." This theme was introduced admidst the simmering embers of earlier campus conflict during the spring of "98, during which the Chapel program and staff were criticized by some for their rigid stance on homosexuality, pluralism, and general intolerance of a wide range of religious beliefs. During the summer of '98 a campus wide Chapel Survey was conducted by the Frost Research Center. The survey looked to examine the beliefs and opinions of 400 students and all faculty. The Chapel staff also conducted a self-study. President Jacobson also called in a team of four evaluators to spend three days on the campus to listen to the opinions and concerns of the college community and then compile a report to offer suggestions and advice on how to enhance the chapel program. The team met with faculty, staff, and students both in small groups, and also in two open forums. "1 came to the forum because 1 care "1 hope what could come of (the open forum) is about the college community and I'm a better understanding of how the chapel program concerned about the division and the and the entire campus community could come together for the sake of the entire community," said controversv present." James Gentile, Dean of Natural Sciences. "We do not have a good understanding now." Maura Reynolds, The forums were attended by both those who director of academic advising had complaints and praises for the programs intact. "I came to the forum because I care about the college community and I ' m concerned about the division and the controversy present," said Maura Reynolds, Director of Academic Advising. "1 feel as other do, that there will be no easy solution. I think that the chapel program has great strengths, but 1 am concerned about what I hear from students whose experiences suggest otherwise." The evaluators visited campus in September, shortly after the surveys, hundreds ot pages of analysis, opinions, and facts, were made available for the community to view. A summary of student results read: "Most differences of opinons are found not between believers and unbelievers, but between devoted Christians who disagree on the effectiveness of the the Chapel Programs in recent years." In the Chaplains' Self-Study the chaplains gave reasons for some people's perception of their staff as "unfriendly, inhospitable, and unresponsive." They also upheld their positions on the issues they were criticized and questioned for last semester." During the October Board of Trustees meeting the analysis done by the team of four evaluators was discussed and acted upon.

Bv Dana Lamei

R e l i g i o u s

I s s u e s

nowcasing their sense of h u m o r the chapel staff show off their performing talents to introduce the chapel theme. Going deeper. T h e nine m e m b e r staff worked in m a n y different j o b s f r o m student outreach to counseling. (Photo by Nikeile Johnson)

group of students f r o m RISE meet together to discuss the religious issues f r o m all sides of the debate. R I S E stands for R e f u g e in Spiritual Expression which was dedicated to the integration of faith and learning. (Photo by Johnathan M u e n k )

oulful song fills the air as seniors Josh Shicker and A n d r e w Z w y g h u i z e n lead the students in song. As the school year began the first several chapel were held in the Pine Grove. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

R e l i g i o u s

I s s u e s

ario Bergner shares his testimony as a healed h o m o s e x u a l to the Holland c o m m u n i t y and the college students. Bergner discussed the views of homosexuality f r o m a biological, psychological, and Christian perspective in his speech. (Photo by Johnathan M u e n k )

0 iuij ^

u tudents link arms in a h u m a n clothesline in the Pine G r o v e before Mario Bergners speech. T h e "human clothesline" w a s in response to the refusal by the administration to let the W o m e n ' s Issues Organization hand a b a n n e r in the Pine Grove. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

UlI 34

R e l i g i o u s

I s s u e s

The Great

Deb a te

The college community invites speakers to debate homosexuality issue.

Reeverend Mel W h i t e gives his testimony of living both a Christian and homosexual lifestyle. W h i t e c o m m e n d e d the college for offering both sides of the issues. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

The Chapel series "Setting Love in Order," during the second semester brought a variety of speakers and opinions to campus. The series covered a host of topics including, sexual purity and Christian dating, but the subject that received the most attention was the sermon given on homosexuality. Many students and faculty a have been dealing with the question of whether a person can lead both a homosexual and a Christian life. To further attend to this question two speakers were invited, Mel White and Mario Bergner, who were asked to join in the debate and give their testimonies. Of the hundreds of colleges the Mel White had spoken at, this was his first private. Christian college. Mel White's main purpose was to introduce the lifestyle of a pastor living as both a Christian and a homosexual. White commended students for presenting both sides of the story, but reminded the students, "Do not believe I know it just because I say it." White stressed the importance of love and understanding, and continued communication about the subject Do not believe I know it, just because "Right now we have to lower the volume of our argument. We have to quit yelling across an ever say Kf 7 C / ^ 7 / C C widening chasm," said White. Reverend Mel White, White's reception was taken well by most of the campus speaker college community. Freshman Rachel Kathleen Gazda said, "It was a fresh and different approach. He really made an effort to draw everyone in." The other awaited speaker was Mario Bergner, a healed homosexual. He discussed the views of homosexuality from the biological, psychological, and Christian perspective. "Homosexuality and Christianity are in opposition because homosexuality is one of the sins that Jesus came to redeem," said Bergner, "I'm not trying to build a bridge. I just want to show that we can live with our differences and love each other." Bergner's main stand is on sexual brokenness and some people were expecting him to speak more directly of the subject of homosexuality when in fact he spoke about many sexual sins. "His speech wasn't what I expected," said Albert Bell of the History Department, "1 expected him to address homosexuality more directly, but within the context of the series I could see what he was doing and I could see a lot of techniques that he was using to get the people to react." Bergner's views on healing stirred some controversy in the college community. "He didn't draw any conclusions, but set the speech up so that the audience could draw it's own conclusion and this is what 1 found to be the most disturbing," said Junior Jill Pierson, "I felt it was disturbing how he set up and perpetuated the climate. He did not directly attack the homosexuals, but if you listened closely you could understand what he was getting at." The college continues to discuss the issue of a education within a Christian context and homosexuality.

Bv Kristin Lamers

R e l i g i o u s

I s s u e s



Students reveal their musical talent in song and instrument.

The 11"1 Annual College Musical Showcase took place this year on March 15 at DeVos Hall. It displayed several choirs, jazz ensembles, wind ensembles, and the orchestra. Highlights included various solos done by members of the Opera Workshop and quartet playing the Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 on 2 pianos with 8 hands. "[This concert] is one of my favorite concerts of the year," said Dr. Robert Ritsema, "The DeVos Showcase shows off our departments and students in the best light." The Showcase started as a joint concert featuring the band, choir, and orchestra, and has now transformed into the collage format it is today. The Brass Choir opened the program with the Weiner Philharmoniker Fanfare. It went on to feature several soloists ranging from voice to piano, with Andrea Douglass and Stephanie Fink on the bassoon. Groups featured in the first half were; the Jazz . , Ensemble, the women's chorus, selections from the u I feel very honoied to have leceived Opera Workshop, and the piano quartet featuring this award r Past people who have re- Jennie Alexander, Paul Jacobs, Jeannette Johnson, ceived the award were reaHyloutstand- and Eric Schrotenboer. 0 ene ing oeonle " ^' ie seconc ' P d with the recognition of p u tR't Ritsema, who will be retiring at the end of this year. n r ? er l sema' He had been part of the Hope faculty since 1967, proressor ot music an( j conc j uc ted the orchestra and symphonette. He was presented with the Meritorious Service Award given by the College Alumni Association. Ritsema said, " The whole award ceremony was a little strange because the night is for the students. I feel very honored to have received this award. Past people who have received the award were really outstanding people. I am very pleased to be lumped with them." The second half featured several vocal soloists featuring Larry Young, Meredith Arwady, Megan Hicks, Patricia Rhiew, and Joni Norwood, piano and organ solos featuring Jeannette Johnson and David Schout. It also included the Jazz Chamber Ensemble, the Chapel Choir, a Flute Choir, and was ended with the Orchestra playing the Finale from the Symphony No. 5 in E minor by Tchaikovsky. The DeVos Showcase was a night enjoyed by all, a glorious proof of what talent and hard work can do.




S h o w c a s e

atie Hamilton

onning their traditional robes, the Chapel Choir fills the D e v o s auditorium with mighty sounds. The choir traveled to m a n y places throughout the year and ended their p e r f o r m a n c e s at the D e v o s S h o w c a s e . (PR Photo)

o p h o m o r e Dan Lannin leads a quartet with a saxophone solo. T h e DeVos Showcase was a time for the musicians to show off their individual talents, while m a n y groups also p e r f o r m e d . (PR Photo)

he j a z z e n s e m b l e entertains the c r o w d at the annual Devos Showcase held in Grand Rapids. The end-ofthe-season concert provides the students with a c h a n c e to reveal their growth f r o m the previous year. (PR Photo)



S h o w c a s e


g r o u p of Greeks w o r k i n g through Pan-Hel assemble Health Care kits for the people hit by Hurricane Mitch. M a n y students, organizations and individuals w o r k e d together to help the victims. (Photo Courtesy Panhellenic Council)

main road in H o n d u r a s s h o w s the effect of water d a m a g e f r o m the hurricane. M a n y of the roads in H o n d u r a s were ruined by the hurricane, m a k i n g transportation of people and g o o d s nearly impossible. (Photo Courtesy of Betsy Gibbs)

H u r r i c a n e

R e l i e f



The college community reaches out to the hurricane victims.

ssembling roof tresses a group of students attends a mission trip sponsored by the Chaplain's O f f i c e to help repair h o m e s d a m a g e d by the hurricane. T h e group had plans to travel to Honduras before the hurricane, which m a d e their help even more important. (Photo Courtesy of Betsy Gibbs)

An effort to help the people struck by Hurricane Mitch in Honduras was started by Robin Kiay's First Year Seminar. The class was entitled "Hope for the World," and was formed by Professor Klay to teach the students that we are all connected to the world outside of campus. Each student was assigned a project to interact with a different part of the world and through contact with an alumni from Honduras, one of her students learned ot the disaster in Honduras. Two groups of five students from her class decided to use the hurricane disaster as their project, and began to raise money for the cause. They collected cans and helped with the international poetry reading to raise money," said Klay, "Good things happened other than just raising money. The students gained a great cultural experience to carry on with them." Another student that was inspired by the disaster was senior Robyn Disselkoen. "I was reading the CNN Interactive Report and was compelled that something must be done about this now, here, at Hope, said Disselkoen. When brainstorming ideas to raise money, she came up with the idea, "Five for Life." The idea was to send envelopes to dorm rooms and cottages asking for a donation of five dollars to the hurricane relief cause. "I felt, considering how wealthy we are Disselkoen said, "I felt, considering how in comparison to everyone else, that five wealthy we are in comparison to everyone else, that dollars really isn't unreasonable to hope five dollars really isn't unreasonable to hope for. for." ^ 1 / 1 / O 1/ L / / The idea blossomed as I approached Lori Fair, Robvn Disselkoen, senior director of missions at the Keppel House," she said. "She said that other people had already approached her and on that Friday Dr. Klay, Dr. Peter Gonthier, Jessica Mixer, and myself met and within an hour, "Hope for Honduras" was born." Disselkoen continued her "Five for Life" campaign as the other members of the group began different parts of the project. Over 5,000 dollars in straight money donations was brought in just under two weeks time from her idea. By that time the International Aid out ot Spring Lake had also shipped down a lot of goods at no charge. The Panhellenic Council also got involved with Kate Mac Doniels spearheading the project. The sororities collected washcloths, toothbrushes, and other items to fill hundreds of health hygiene kits for the hurricane victims, to be distributed by the Church World Service. "Images, a concert organized by the international students and multicultural office was dedicated to the cause and took a donation to help the hurricane victims with their health care. A love offering was also taken at the Martin Luther King Jr. service and over 700 dollars was raised. I was pleased with the substantial giving," said Klay. "1 am proud of the fact that the crisis not only caused a mass response, but that we've continued to extend the effort." Disselkoen said, "I was so blessed to see how a little drive", when expounded and made a priority, can make possible a bigger accomplishment, as people are willing to give a little of their time and bring their hearts together for a greater good.'"fe^

H u r r i c a n e

R e l i e r ÂŁ



With enthusiasm and spark, they bring the art of acting to the college.

jzeitel (Maria Cipolone) stands

Expanding it's wings, the world of the theatre came to life on campus through a great variety dfishows. The Theatre Department put on tour shows and four which were put on by Theatre Forum. The year began with Fiddler on the Roof by Joseph Stein, music by Jerry Brock and lyrics by Sheldon Harnick, directed by Professor John Tammi. This classic musical deals with Tevye the milkman, played by senior Larry Young, as he struggles to understand how the changing of the times fits in with the old familiar traditions. First semester closed with the production Metamorphosis. It was adapted for the stage by Steven Berkoff and based on the novel by Franz Kafka. Assistant Professor Jean Reed-Bahle tried her hand at directing this comical which the main character Gregor Samsa, played by sophomore Christopher Pozzi-Johnson, wakes up one morning to find that he has been transformed into a giant cockroach. The well-known William Shakespeare play. The Winter's Tale opened the second half of the season. "I love to see a smile or 3, tear, or hear a This challenging show was directed by Michael laugh, or the <plap of hands...its a very Page, visiting associate professor of theater, who pushed students to grow and mature in their acting. rewarding ihifig!" : "Both shows [Fiddler and The Winter's Tale] Megan Radcliffe, senior brought challenges also— I was playing characters I wasn't very used to and the directors just helped me in finding what I needed for the roles. I feel as if 1 grew immensely as an actor this year," said senior Megan Radcliffe. The final production was Off the Map, a story about "a family confronting and coping with transitions and ultimately celebrates the redemptive power of human exchange," according to Director Daina Robins. Throughout the year Theater Forum produced a variety of shows, giving students the chance to learn more by dealing will all aspects of bringing a show to life. They put on, The Line that Picked up WOO Babes, directed by senior Dave Theune, The Eight, directed by junior Chris Mahlmann, Really Rosie, by Maurice Sendak and directed by junior Shari Johnson and Marisol, by Jose Rivera and directed by junior David Fleming. Junior Dave Fleming found this to be a learning experience. "It [Marisol] was a large and emotionally powerful show. And between the edgy mood of the play and all the time I spent working on it, the process was physically and emotionally draining on me. But in the end, it all was so worth while and will always be something I found intriguing." For some Theatre is a pass time, entertainment, but for most, like senior Megan Radcliffe, it is an experience like no other. "I guess it | my favorite part of theater] would be the ability to bring a bunch of different emotions to people and make them think, 1 love to see a smile or a tear, or hear a laugh, or the clap of hands. It's a very rewarding thing! I also like the ability to be somebody else besides me-kind of a transformation into the world of somebody else-1 like to also be able to bring life experience to my acting. The world of the theatre is so incredible. I'

T h e a t r e

P r o d u c t i o n s





S( -

b e t w e e n her sisters Hodel (Patricia Rhiew) and C h a v a (Sarah Anders). T h e daughters in

Fiddler on the Roof represent the turn of the century in an oppressed Eastern European country. (PR Photo)

r e g o r and his family cannot face his strange transformation in " M e t a m o r phosis," based on Franz Kafka's comic horror story. Gregor, was played by sophomore Christopher Pozzi-Johnson, and his family m e m b e r s were played by; Rachel Smith, Angella Huddleston, and David F l e m m i n g . (PR Photo)


e t u m i n g to her homeland, Perdita (junior A m y Miller) stops along the way with her love Florizel (sophomore Nathan Hart). The production of William S h a k e s p e a r e ' s late r o m a n c e . The Winter's Tale, chronicled the story of


Perdita, raised ignorant of her royal heritage until she is reunited with her r e m o r s e f u l father. King Leontes. (PR Photo)

enior Holly Peterson and freshman Teresa Carey spend a m o m e n t as mother and daughter in the play. Off the Map. T h e play focused on the story of w o m a n ' s m e m o r y of a life-changing s u m m e r when she was in her adolescence. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

T h e a t r e

P r o d u c t i o n s

unior Jon Kopchick and f r e s h m a n C o d y Statema take a break f r o m cleaning goat stalls. On a mission trip to Loysville, Pennsylvania, the t w o and others on a trip sponsored by the C h a p l a i n ' s Office, did farm chores. (Photo by Julie Z w a r t )




Drew MacKay and j u n i o r M i k e Gentile stand by their m o d e of transportation for their spring break trip. The canoe on top of the car posed a few problems and almost slid through another car w i n d o w at one point. (Photo Courtesy of Drew MacKay)


ighteen students took a break f r o m their work on a house in the mountains of the D o m i n i c a n Republic to take a picture. T h e y spent ten days working with the Young Life organization of Latin A m e r i c a to build a c a m p for D o m i n i c a n teens. (Photo Courtesy of Kristin L a m e r s )

S p r i n g

B r e a k




r> P n T


Students see spring break as an invitation to hit the open road.

unior M i k e Gentile works on a tan and a fishing line for his spring break. Gentile and his friend sophomore Drew M a c K a y spent their spring break fishing throughout the state of Florida. (Photo by Drew MacKay)

With a week to spare, many college students start thinking about the trips they could take. Some headed for sun and some headed around the country and around the world for mission trips. The dream of great college memories inspired sophomore Drew MacKay and junior Mike Gentile to do something a little different this year for their Spring Break. They planned to drive to Panama City, Florida and just go from there. The day of their departure, MacKay was daydreaming in class and thought of the idea to bring a canoe along to go fishing. "The canoe was a last minute thing," said MacKay, I asked Angie Locke if she had one we could borrow, she said she didn't but her uncle did. So, Mike went and picked it up that afternoon and we took off." For MacKay and Gentile, their trip took some strange turns. The duo left that afternoon in MacKay's '89 White Buick LeSabre with the canoe strapped to the roof. Some students "We thought since we were already traveled for fun, others served on mission trips. Over 300 students from the college headed to down there, we might as well keep godiverse locations. MacKay and Gentile drove straight through to Panama City, with only one major problem. While leaving a gas station. Drew, Drew MacKay, sophomore decided to be extra-careful because he didn't want to lose the canoe. Unfortunately his carefulness ended in disaster when he backed into another car. The canoe was safe, landing only two inches from the car's windshield. Their luck turned around some when they decided to go even further South to the to the Keys where they found a nice campground on the Grassy Key. "It was kind of a shock since it had a heated pool, two hot tubs, and a bathroom," said Drew, "We had been sneaking into RV parks the whole week just to get a good shower." In the keys the two snorkeled, caught lobsters and fly fished on the flats, even catching a shark. "We had no money by the time we got to the Keys, but we made it home, so it's all good, said Gentile. The students who traveled on mission trips, however, were more prepared and signed up for their trips in February and worked to raise their money. "We meet once a week for bible study and we have sent out letters for fund-raising," said junior Matt Mahaffey. "Even though we need the financial help, the prayer support if the most important to us." Even though many of the trips taken during Spring Break are different, they are a welcomed break from the stress and frustration of college life.

fv ns

S p r i n g

B r e a k


Anchors lUl IU1 ^#




Class of 1999 commencement speakers were in the same boat.

he graduates process to Bacclaureate


Two services

p i c 143rd Commencement Ceremony was not only in celebration of 590 graduates, but also Mothers' Day. Over 4,000 people packed into a sunny Holland Municipal stadium to watch the graduates and listen to the Fiedlers speech. The commencement speakers John and Julie Fiedler, both professors at the college for the past 14 years, will also be leaving this spring to head onto new careers. John will be teaching in an elemtary school and Julie will be persuing a carreer as an artist. As they began their speech, the Fiedlers discarded their traditional black robes for nineteenth-century sailor uniforms. In their speech titiled. Anchors Aweigli, the Fiedlers said, "We feel more like your fellow sailors than your professors, because we're basically in the same boat. After 13 years at Hope we are casting off, we, like you, are changing course, casting off, heaving ho, bailing out, jumping ship." The couple challenged the graduates to follow five thing bits of advice of what to do in the future to avoid, "a lifetime of beating your head against the same old waves and making those "After 13 years at Hope we are casting around you miserable." off, we, like you, are changing course, Another change is the retirement of President casting off, heaving ho, bailing out, John Jacobson, whose 12 year presidency officially ends on June 30. The president plans on taking a jumping ship." sabatical when he ends his term at the college. John and Julie Fiedler, Graduation was bittersweet for many seniors, as Commencement speakers they passed from one phase in their life to another. "It was nice to see everyone there, it's a good time to come together before we all head off in separate directions," said senior Paul Loodeen. "Most people are sad that college is over, but excited about the challenges they will face in the future." In addition to the Commencement ceremony, the college also held two Bacclaureate services in the morning. The first service was 9:30, with the second beginning at 11:30 in Dimnet Chapel to meet the needs of the large number of people expected to attend. The Baccalaureate sermon, "A Living Dog is Better than a Dead Lion," was delivered by Reverend Fredrick Kruithof, president of the 1998-1999 General Synod of the Reformed Church in America and minister of preaching and congregational care at Second Reformed Church in Kalamazoo. Kruithof if also currently a vice-chair on the Board of Trustees where he has been a member since 1991. Graduation was a busy weekend of emotions and celebration and is the beginning of a new path for many students.


By Kristin Lamers

G r a d u a t i o n

were held to a c c o m o d a t e the large n u m b e r of people, (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

ohn Fiedler s t a n d s proud, showing off his sailor attire as his wife, Julie speaks. The couple spoke at Commencement telling they will also be c h a n g i n g course in their lives m u c h like the graduates. (Photo by Beth Bailey)




^ter having their names read by Provost Nyenhuis, senior Jill Donehoo waits to accept her diploma from Ben Patterson and President Jacobson. A total of 590 members of the Class of 1999 took place in Commencement services. (Photo by Beth Bailey)

he Class of 1999 sits together for one last time as the professors file into Holland Municipal Stadium. The weather for the commencement service was beautiful as the temperatures reached seventy-five degrees. (Photo by Randy Johnson)

nresident John Jacobson gives his last C o m mencement speech to the Class of 1999. T h e president will officially retire on the 30th of June and plans to take his first sabatical leave in 4 2 years. (Photo by Beth Bailey)

G r a d u a t i o n

With s u m m e r still holding on, students head to their classes near Peale Science Center during the first week of school. T h e benches outside were a popular place to study or chat between classes. (Photo by April Greer)

H i g h e r

E d u c a t i o n

D i v i s i o n

Dyer the tools of l e a r n i n g h a v e c h a n g e d . T h e first g r o u p of s t u d e n t s c a r r i e d Latin t e x t b o o k s u n d e r their a r m s w h i l e t o d a y ' s stud e n t s carry C D - R o m s in their b a c k p a c k . T h e ideals of early classes, h o w ever, h a v e not b e e n lost o v e r 133 y e a r s of a c a d e m i c s . P r o f e s s o r s still e n c o u r a g e d i s c u s s i o n and share their k n o w l e d g e ; students still bring o p e n m i n d s a n d a w i l l i n g n e s s to learn to class.

H i g h e r

E d u c a t i o n

D i v i s i o n


Academic Support Center Front Row; Janet Pinkham. David James; Back Row: Jacqueline Heisler.

e r f o r m i n g his duty as the grand marshall of the H o m e c o m i n g parade. President Jacobson w a v e s to the crowd. During his time as president, the c a m p u s enrollment grew to nearly 3,000 students. (PR Photo)

Advancement Front R o w : Deb Nykamp. Sandy Tasma. Barb Osbum. A m y Sasamoto, Shari Vandermay; Back Row: Robert DeYoung. Lois Miller, Glenn Lowe, John Norden, Jim VanHeest, Kim Salisbury.

Archives Left to Rijiht: Geoffrey Reynolds. Lori Trcthewey, Larry Wagenaar.

Art Front R o w : William Mayer. Jacqueline Carey. Carol Mahsun. John Wilson; Back Row: Del Michael. Steve Nelson, Judy Hilhuan.

P r e s i d e n t

J a c o b s o n

By Andrew Lotz

President John Jacobson concludes his legacy of leadership. resident Jacobson stands for a photo in the living room of his 1896 home. Dr. Jacobson served as the thirteenth president the college's history, following in the tradition of strong leadership. (PR Photo)


John Jacobson has built a sizable legacy in his 12 years here. Building projects, fundraising, student programs, and the college's reputation have all taken a considerable leap forward during Jacobson's tenure. One of Jacobson's first duties as president was to undertake a major fund drive, one that finally concluded in 1994. Raising upwards of $58 million, the drive substantially increased the endowment. "The fund drive was very important," said Jacobson. "It has been a major factor in avoiding higher tuition costs." The fund drive also provided monies for financial aid and faculty salaries. The Chapel program benefited from the increased endowment as well, receiving funding that helped create the voluntary service that enjoys a large percentage of student participation. Under Jacobson's leadership, the outstanding faculty have been attracted, as well as increasing in size. Student enrollment levels during Jacobson's tenure has grown by 300 to 400 students. Also the quality of students has improved. Standardized test scores and high school CPAs of incoming students have risen dramatically since Jacobson assumed his position as president. The physical size of the College has also grown under the direction of Jacobson. The Van Wylen Library, though started before his tenure, was opened. Links between Van Wylen, Van Zoeren (the old library), and Vander Werf were created, generating the Vander Plex at the west side of campus. Sports facilities have also been developed in the past 12 years, including the creation of the DeWitt Tennis Center, a new soccer field and fieldhouse, as well as the renovation of the football practice field and intramural fields. Haworth Conference and Learning Center was built and opened through the leadership of Jacobson. A place for visitors and meetings on campus, the center has already proven its worth to the College community, along with the attached

Cook Residence Hall. Houses have been moved and purchased by the college, creating the cottage districts along 14th Street and other locations on campus. The college also acquired a series of buildings along 9th Street which were removed to create more student parking lots. More than four other lots have been added to the campus, in an attempt to remedy the overuse of parking facilities. The College has also expanded into cyberspace during Jacobson's tenure. "I am very pleased with the campus' wiring of computer and cable lines," said Jacobson. "We have created computer labs throughout campus, as well as allowing students to connect their own computers to the internet through the Hope College mainframe." Faculty programs have received great recognition during past years. The Visiting Writers Series has achieved fairly widespread recognition and expanded. The natural sciences have also been excellently recognized. They receive ongoing funding for Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) from the National Science Foundations and a number of other private foundations and personal donors, keeping the College a leading position in the field of undergraduate science research and education. The academic prowess of Jacobson is evident from the recognition individual students receive for their merits. Three Marshall scholars were produced during Jacobson's tenure, and many others have received fellowships and grants from a wide variety of graduate institutions. Despite all his successes as the president, Jacobson feels that he was but a part of the college's achievements. "None of these are my doing," said Jacobson, commenting on the list of successes during his time in office. "They were all done by a great variety of different people. I had the pleasure and privilege to assist how I could.

P r e s i d e n t

J a c o b s o n



By Carl Bussema a n d A m a n d a Black

Technology carries learning into the next century. Technology. It surrounds everyone as part of daily life. Aside from the obvious internet, computers control banks, telephones, traffic lights, utilities, and other essentials. Now they have made their way into the classroom as a teaching aid. "Technology has continued to shape the way Hope College educates its students," said Rebecca Van Dyke '96 graduate and director of special projects for Computing and Information Technology (CIT). Over the summer, CIT purchased several new computers for use in classrooms. Two of these were Gateway Destination computers. Built using the latest hardware, these systems also feature 36-inch lonitors and wireless keyboards and mice, making them especially suitable for presentations or collaborative work. CIT also bought new computers for general use in labs in VanZoem and Lubbers. Then they assembled similar systems on portable carts with (jectors, so the image from the computer could be displayed on any white background, such as a slide screen. Teachers could use these computers to demonstrate how to use specific software for their classes, then students can go to the labs and use the same programs there.

T e c h n o l o g y

"Faculty are quickly finding innovative ways to integrate technology into their teaching methods and students are continually finding new technologies that furthers their own learning goals," said Van Dyke. Besides the new systems, CIT also added several internet-based services to aid teachers. The first is a room reservation request system. Using a series ot pull-down menus, teachers can indicate what types of technology and the computer will identify an appropriate room. It also gives instructions for reserving the room. One of the most interesting services is the DISCUS Discussion Board, developed by senior Kevin Paulisse and professor William Polik. Using the World Wide Web, students and teachers can post messages to various forums and topics. Some teachers assign students to post things and others simply leave the area as a place students can discuss the class or homework. According to Van Dyke, the future of technology is an exciting thing to think about. "It has been fascinating to watch technology weave its way into the 'traditional education model at Hope and we are excited for what is yet to come."


ith the aid of Macintosh computers, science m a j o r s graph their chemistry experiments in the Peale M a c Lab. Used in class, the c o m p u t e r s provided a multi-media underscoring of important facts. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)



Front Row: Donald Cronkite. Kaihy Winnett-Murry. Lori Hertel. Bev Kindis. Mary Anne Sydlik; S e c o n d Row: K Gregory Muiry. Virginia McDonough, Lois Tverberg, Maria Hledin. Scoit Hadiey, B a c k Row: Harvey Blakenspoor, Dan Gerbens, Alan Brady, Christopher Barney. Paul Evans.

Mf Âť t C a m p u s Ministries Front R o w : Paul Boersma. Ben Patterson, Tim Hamilton, Dwight Beal, Matt Cannis; Back Row: Damisha Taylor, Lori Fair, Dolores NasraJlah, Cheryl Speese.

unior Chris Cappa tracks a physics e x p e r i m e n t on a Sun M i c r o s y s t e m s machine. A well-stocked lab in Peale Science Center w a s available for student use. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

s .enior Brent R o w e uses a library research station to find sources for an end-of-the-semester research paper. A new addition, the HopeNet computers provided World Wide Web access to the library's entire catalog. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

Chemistry Front Row: Donald Williams, Michael Seymour, Matthew Elrod, Elizabeth Sanford; Second Row: Graham Peaslee, Joanne Stewart, Nicole Bennett, Maria Hledin, Rodney Boyer; B a c k R o w : Stephen Taylor, Jane Vyvan, William Mungall, Michael Silver, William Polik.

C.I.T. 1


Front Row: Jon Brockmeier, Abe Anaya, Brad Bouwkamp, Maria Tapia. Jeff Pestun, Pauline Rozcboom, Kevin Mendels. Kate Maybury. Back Row: Kris Witkowski, Carl Heidema. Steven DeJong. Jeremy Meyer, Marge Wiersma, Rebecca VanDyke, Steven Bareman.

T e c h n o l o g y

Communications Front R o w ; Dawn DeWitt-Brinks, Tim Boudreau. Deirdre Johnston; Back R o w ; Jim Herrick. Joe Mac Doniels, Ted Nielsen.

nOSS •

n n o u n c i n g the songs he just played, senior Mike "Norm" M c C u n e steps into the role of a DJ. A s General



C o m p u t e r Science


M c C u n e not only supervised

Left to Right; Herbert Dershem. Gordon Stegink, Michael Jipping

the daily operations but w a s available 24 hours a day for troubleshooting. (Photo by Nikelle -


unior M i k e Z u i d e m a scans his e-mail for s o m e back-

Economics & Business Front R o w : Lynne Hendrix, Joy Forgue, Thomas Smith. Robin Klay. Sylvia Boyd. Rowene Beals, Back Row: James Heisler, Bill Japinga, Herbert Martin. Todd Steen. Kendrick Gibson. John Lunn, Tony Muiderman. Robert Gentenaar.

ground information for a story. Z u i d e m a began w o r k i n g as a f r e s h m a n and only writing a f e w stories b e f o r e taking the h e l m t w o years later. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

Education F r o n t R o w : N a n c y Miller, Jeanine DeH'OIio, Y o o y e u n H w a n g . Barb Scholtens. Sue Cherup, Leslie Wcssman, John Yelding; S e c o n d Row; Nancy Cook. Tony Donk. Richard M e / e s k e , Ron Wolthuis, Baars Bultman.

S t u d e n t

L e a d e r s



ÂĽLives SF "W"


By Kelly Yager

Students scramble to balance studies with leadership responsibilities.


students' lives are filled with papers, tests, studying and friends. They learn to balance their social lives and their academic lives together. Some people, however, have taken on even more and must learn to mange their time more carefully. These students have taken on leadership positions for various organizations and activities on campus. How do they find time for it all? "I've got 16 credits," said senior Dana Marolt, Student Congress President. "I use every minute that I have, whether it's fifteen minutes before a meeting or five minutes while I'm waiting for someone." WTHS general manager senior Mike "Norm" McCune agrees. "I work very hard. It becomes routine. Whenever I have some free time I have to study, especially because I'm a double major." Most people who are leaders of an organization are involved in other activities as well. "I'm not just the editor of the Anchor," said junior Mike Zuidema. I'm also involved in Orientation. 1 write for the Milestone, I'm a DJ on WTHS. I'm involved in intramurals, and I have a part-time job at the Lakeshore Press." Despite the time these activities take up, these student leaders all give various reasons as to why

they choose to be actively involved. "I do it because I love it. I enjoy working with other people," said McCune. Junior Jenny Trask, one of the 1998 Orientation Directors and current co-director of the Social Activities Committee also appreciates the opportunity to work with other people. "I learned a lot of useful things from planning the Orientation program. The staff this year was incredible, and that made it so much easier and definitely worth the time and energy." For the other people, these activities give them experience in what they want to do in their futures. "I'm involved with the Anchor because it's what I want to do for a living," said Zuidema. "It's a challenge because I never know what's going to happen. I just have to roll with the punches." Do these students feel the sacrifices are worth it? "I really enjoy it. I think it's a lot of fun," said Marolt. " It's a great experience." Would they recommend other students stepping forth and taking part in activities such as these? "Being in college is all about great experiences," said McCune. You should utilize your four years in college and get involved.

S t u d e n t

L e a d e r s


By Amanda Black I

Tradition The Joint Archives celebrates its 10th anniversary with a new exhibit and opening their dooi)rs to the public. There's

a lot of history nestled in the lower level of the library. Celebrating their 10th anniversary, the Joint Archives houses the historical collections of the College, Western Seminary and the Holland Historical Trust. ^ They have collections of documents ranging from the letters of Congressman Peter Hoekstra to photos of the Pull from 1923. 'We've put a real emphasis on access," Director Joint Archives Larry Wagenaar said. "An archives is only as good as its ability to find things when it comes down to it." The stall' has stressed making the collections accessible to the students and community members, many of whom do not know about the sources available for research:|| Willing to help, me staff works with those who wonder how to research Holland's past. "We do quite a bit of curriculum support with either small groups of students or with individuals," said Wagenaar. "We have one class working on an oral history." Research materials like letters and personal reflections provide a source unlike traditional research from books. "Students are used to working with books," said Wagenaar. "They are less experienced with primary sources. We teach students how to use them. Hope students have a unique resource that is not available to many undergraduates." Each of the instilulions had their colls different states of preservation! "There was no professional care," said Wagenaar. "The [Holland] inuseum's records were stuffed in a vault in City Hall and WestenVMere in a storage room. The College' s were the naBt accessible." \ M Once the institutions ^ | h S 速 ( b e i ^ i s t o r i c a l items in the archives, it was possible for the


J o i n t

A r c h

archives to open the documents to the public. Along with the passing years, the institution has grown. "We have seen an increased use in the archives," said Wagenaar. "We started in 1988 with 30 researchers and we recently broke the 200-barrier. We usually have 150 to 200 patrons a month." With ten years behind them, the archives looks to the future. One of the major forces bringing them into the next century is computers. In 1988, the staff decided to computerize and catalog items rather than use actual cards for their card catalog. In 1990, the information about the collections went on-line and open to the public. In April 1997, the Archives hit the World Wide Web with a searchable guide to all processed collections. The on-line world has changed the use of the archives. "We are seeing more inquiries via the web," said Wagenaar. "We are seeing much more e-mail traffic. We've made our tools available in the Internet. This way a scholar in Amsterdam can research at the Joint Archives. The Archives has been able to gravitate more researchers our way." Hoping to become more accessible in the future, the staff is willing to help those interested in the past of the community of the college and its surrounding areas. With Wagenaar, collections archivist Geoffrey Reynolds and secretary Lori Trethewey and many volunteers, the archives is open during business hours and willing to help with those questions. "The people down there are great," said Kevin DeYoung, research assistant at the Archives. "The archivists, the secretary and the volunteers are very friendly." For De Young, the archives has been a learning experience covering a wide range of people, places and events. "I have learned an awful lot about Hope College and the Holland area," he said.

irector of the Archives Larry Wagenaar helps M a r y R i p e m a Ross unveil an exhibit about her father. Sears F.


Ripema, a graduate and minister. T h e exhibit looked back at R i p e m a ' s contributions to the community. (PR Photo)



Front R o w ; John Cox. Curtis Greunler. Heather Sellers, Reuben Ellis. Myra Koshel; Back Row: Pelcr Schackel, Barbara Mezeske, Kathy Verduin. Linda Dove. Julie Costello. Stephen Hemenway, Jane Bach

1 ollections archivist Geoffery Reynolds organizes a box


of immigrant letters in the Archives'

L e f t t o R i g h t : Graham Peaslee. Johnathan Peterson, Ed Hansen, Brian Bodenbender.

reading room.


\ R O n \ T S

o r


P r e s e r v i n g I S

S h a

S t o r y

A s a history center, the Archives stores important documents relating to the college and the community. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)


tunding silent, the reading room houses a

Front Row; Marc Baer. Janis Gibbs, Neai Sobania, G. Larry Penrose; Back Row; Albert Bell, William Cohen. Earl Curry.

collection of historical and ecclestical books. T h e room shares space with the library's rare book


collection. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

Kinesiology Front Row; Rich Ray. Donna Eaton, Maureen Odland, Joyce Otto, Karla Wolters. Steve Smith; Back Row: Malt Neil, Michael Ricketts, Glenn Van Wieren, John Patnott, Stu Fritz. Dean Kreps, Ray Smith.

J o i n t

A r c h i v e s

Languages Front Row; Gisela Strand-Hales, Hcrsilia AKarez-Ruf, Judith Motiff. Diane Mulroncy. Brigttte Hamon-Porter; Second Row: Maura Reynolds. Mana Claudia Andre, ion Agheana. Sylvia Kallemcyn, Anne Marie Brown. Karen Barber-Gibson. John Quinn; Buck Row: Kelly Osborne. Lee Forester, Sander De Haan. Anne Peril

orking in the second-floor lab in Van Wylen Libray, students check their e-mail while working on other work. Easily accessed f r o m every lab computer, e-mail checking became a popular way to avoid the papers. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

h e webpage for WebMail and the log-in page for the VAX wait for s o m e o n e to log in to their e-mail accounts. Students, staff and facutly

Library Front Row: Patti Carlson, Gloria Slangta, Jon Zessin. Janet Ramsey . Middle Row: Helen Einberger. Priscilla Atkins. Pat O'Brien. Kelly Jacobsma. David Jensen; Back Row: Clins Nelson, Colleen Conway, Nancy Mai da. Dawn Van Ark, Joyce Nieslsen, Brian Yost, Mark Christel.

had the opportunity to c o m m u n i c a t e with the m o d e m convience of a computer. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)










//webmail hop<»

Math Front R o w : Tim Pennings, John Van Iwaarden, Claudia Polim. Richard Vandervclde, John Stougliton; Second Row: Todd Swanson. Donatella Delfino. Mary De Young, Elliot Tanis. Karl Lorenson, Janet Anderson.

To: Hope College


Username Passvord j r



Nursing Front Row: Susan Mlynarczyk. Maijone Vie hi. Gail Zandee. Mary Doombos. Sharon Ethendgc. Patricia Leigh: Back R o w : Cloe Ann Danford, Marcia Smit. Judy Baker. Cheryl Feenstra. Brenda Feikema, Sherry Knoppers,


Vou o r e connected to Hop* Usernome


>1 lege Acode*'

By Jessica McCombs and Amanda Black


With ever-changing technology, CIT se to make e-mail communication easier more current.


the college was looking for an easier way for students, faculty, and staff to communicate via e-mail and also be able to keep up with the basic demand of the users. Computing Information and Technology (CIT) went looking. In trying to find a good system that would be able to accommodate the growing need, CIT found that WebMail was the best one available on the Internet. They also looked at Eudora, but with this setup all of the messages would be saved to that particular computer's hard drive. For a personal computer it would be fine, but for the lap computers around campus, it posed a problem. When students go home over break and want to check their e-mail, they have to option of doing so with WebMail since it is web-based. "WebMail is still in its experimental period," said Carl Heideman director of CIT. "But the problems are now better than they were before." CIT's decision was based on listening to the students, faculty and staff around campus about what could be done to make e-mail communications better on campus. CIT also wanted an e-mail system that would be a lot easier to teach incoming freshman. So far, the freshman class was using it far more than the upperclassmen. For senior Dan McCue, WebMail is the faster and easier way to communicate now that he can use a mouse rather than key commands. "I love WebMail," he said. "I am a hybrid person when it comes to computers. I like using a combination of a keyboard and a mouse."

CIT is still watching the numbers to see now many people on campus connect to WebMail. The WebMail system crashed three or four times in the fall semester. One of which was due to an Internet outage over which the college had no control over. Others were due to the fact that there were more users than expected. There are advantages to having WebMail v e r s | s the original VAX system. WebMail has spell-chcv. k, an address book, a place that will allow users to create folders for specific e-mails. There are a f e w extra steps involved in spell-checking or creating a new folder and alscf in creating a user address book, but it is worth it in the end. The VAX system was convenient but was never able to offer spell check or an address log. Users of VAX often used the system for a long time, staying logged in for the whole day. With the VAX a user could get on and stay on. CIT is predicting that eventually the VAX wi system will be eliminated within a fe\( Webmail becoming the only way to mail. "You can organize WebMail a lot better,'" anl McCue. "I have eight or nine folders where I h a v ^ all of my different e-mails from friends or my family." With the changes in place, some are holdi fast to the familar VAX. " I ' m a VAX-Hope faithful," said sophomore Sally Smits. "Mostly I ' m used to ut and I ' m a creature of habit. Plus, I don't have to use a mouse. I like the keyboard commands."


By Sara E. Lamers

Choice速 Preparing for the President's retirement, the Search Committee looks for the perfect candidate.

M u y s k e n s consults with senior student leaders Dan M c C u e , Becky Schmidt and Paul Loodeen at a reception held at the Haworth Center. During his visit Muyskens made it a point to meet as many students as possible to hear their ideas. (PR Photo)

When president John Jacobson announced his plans to retire on January 22, 1997, the Board of Trustees was met with the overwhelming task of finding a suitable replacement. Members formed the sidential Search Committee to begin the process of jding through applicants and nominees that stretched over the course of many months. "Our efforts resulted in a large pool of qualified idates," saitl Joel Bouwens, Presidential Search tee Chair. October, the committee narrowed their search to up of sefiiifinalisis, from which they selected two candidates ut ter a series of off-campus inters. Candidates Dr. Jarasgs Bultman of Iowa and Dr. James Muyskens of Georgia were then invited to visit campus in mid-November. Bouwens shared his enthusiasm for each of the candidates. "Clearly there is a strong consensus among the members of the Search Committee that both Dr. Bultman and Dr. Muyskens are capable of providing strong leadership for Hope in the next phase of its development," he said. These sentiments were echoed by a number of administration members. "I'm excited about both of these candidates," said Richard Frost, dean of students. "Both of them are very well-qualified. The opportunity to participate in a presidential search does not happen often and it can provide students with a learning experience." Bultman, president of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, a 1963 graduate and was also active as a coach, professor, and dean while on staff.

P r e s i d e n t i a l

S e a r c h

"I have a deep affection for this institution and its people," he said. "It's humbling to be considered for a position at an institution of Hope's stature." Muyskens is currently the senior vice chancellor for academic affairs for the University System of Georgia in Atlanta. While he has little direct affiliation with the school, he expressed his interest in the quality of education here. "I recognize that Hope has a strong reputation of academic quality and has helped its students to become highly successful. Hope's small size and quality programs are an asset to its students." During their visits, Bultman and Muyskens met with a variety of members of the campus. These meetings ranged from formal discussions with administrators to informal talks with students and community members. Candidates were also able to attend campus events, such as a chapel service and lunch in Phelps Dining Hall, in order to gain a sense of the atmosphere. Each candidate also shared his thoughts on the college experience. "I feel college is a time for students to develop intellectually - to grow, stretch and wrestle with ideas," Bultman said. "It is an important time to interact with individuals of different backgrounds and I see Hope doing that now more than ever before." Muyskens also echoed Bultman's viewpoints with similar thoughts. "The broad scope of understanding that a liberal arts education gives will help students relate better in unfamiliar or unexpected situations," he said. ^


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Philosophy Front Row: Caroline Simon. Andrew Dell'Olio; Back Row: James Allis, Nick Perovich, Bruce Freeburg.

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gfore a luncheon at the H a w o r t h Center, Dr. J a m e s Bultman talks with senior Misten Weeldreyer.


Weeldreyer w a s the only student w h o w a s part of the Presidential Search c o m m i t t e e . (PR Photo)

Front Row: Cheryle Jolivette. Catherine Mader. Kevin Gardner. Back Row: Darryl Thelen, Paul DeYoung, Peter Jolivette, Peter Gonthier, Graham Peaslee, John Krupczak.

residential candidate Dr. J a m e s M u y s k e n s addresses a group of students and staff during his c a m p u s visit. M u y s k e n s was an administrator in the University system of Georgia and brought m a n y changes to the state. (PR Photo)

Political Science Left to Right Jack Holmes. Joel Toppen, Annie Dandavati, Robert Elder, James Zoeteway.

President's Office Front Row: Kalherine Mcrvau. John Jacobson, Jr.. Mary Wilson

P r e s i d e n t


S e a r c h

rofessor G r a h a m Peaslee works out the logstics of getting his geology lab members to an o f f - c a m p u s site. The opportunites to learn streched beyond the classroom and sometimes took students as far away as Bermuda. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

n an Organismal Biology lab, sophomore Kristin Koeingsknecht prepares a specimein for discetion. In the three-hour lab, class m e m b e r s took the skills learned in class under the scapel. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

Provost's Office L e f t to right: Susan F c l d k a m p . Jacob N y e u h u i s , Barbara Massoink, A l f r e d o Gonzales.

Public Relations Front Row: Karen Bos; Back Row: Greg Olgers. Kathy Miller. T o m Renner, Lynne Powe.

reshmen Kelly Smallegan and Ryan Smarszcz e x a m i n e slides f r o m their biology lab at the preperation area of the rat room. As new biology majors, the duo worked with several animals in Peale ranging f r o m rats to turtles. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

Public Safety Front Row: Duano Terpslra. Mike Lafala, Todd Lynema; Middle Row: Elaine Van Wieren, Mary Van Vels, Kathy R a n s o m . Don Tuuri, C h a d Woliers; Back Row: Chris Gesink, Jerry Gunnink.

Religion Front Row: Jeff Ty ler, Steven Bouma-Prediger. Boyd Wilson; Back Row: Allen Verhey. Jenny Powers. Barry Bandstra, Lynn Japinga, Phil Munoa.

L a b r a t o r y

S c i e n c e



Young Scientists By Kristin Lamers

From day one, freshmen take the opportunity to explore the sciences in labs. LA

N o other science major can boast about the time and preparation it takes for labs like natural science majors can. The first to figure this out are the freshmen that take these labs in the fall semester. "The worst part about my Chemistry 111/113 lab is that it usually goes over the three hours that is allotted, and I don't have a lot of time to spare," said freshman Sharon Ronopka. "It takes so much time and you only get one credit." Unlike other classes, science classes consist of three hours of lecture and one three-hour lab a week. The total amount of credits for both the lab and the lecture totals fours. Many students find that the three hour lab isn't the worst pail. The pre-labs, post-labs and lab reports consume a lot of their time. "The actual labs reports are a pain," said freshman Emily Schwartz. "You have to write in a lot detail and they take forever." The main freshmen science classes with labs are Biology 150 and 222 and Chemistry 101 and 111/ 113. Many freshmen have both a biology and chemistry lab, but prefer one to the other. "Chemistry is so much harder than biology. If something goes wrong in the lab, you have to go

back to the beginning and redo the whole thing," said Schwartz. Sophomore Dave Bannow also found frustration in the rewrites. "The redoes in the lab are what take such a long time. They are almost worse than the lab writeups." The chemistry and biology labs differ widely in how they are completed by the students. "Biology is mostly collecting, observing, and finding molecular approaches to phylogeny," said freshman Mike Rusk. Bannow preferred biology labs. "In [chemistry] lab we have been working to find a known and an unknown substance by running through a series of tests and flow chai he said. "Chemistry is also a lot different because you work more individually, instead of in groups like we do for biology. Working with people is a lot better." Whether in chemistry or biology, the opportunity for freshmen to work in labs help them gain insight on the time and preparation it takes to be a science major. For many, it is an eye-opening and character-building experience.

L a b r a t o r y

S c i e n c e

Staying A Summer -tt-Q.yEn.ny

By fcmuy u i s l eG s oinb s o n

Students sacrifice summer vacations to explore the scientific world.

iJces found on the tops of buildings, andom Nerf gun wars—who said missing out on ;hose lazy days of summer to do research wasn't 'orthwhile? Several students donated their summer vacations :o stay at college and work with professors on ;pailmental research projects. This program was legun by the National Science Foundation, of which Hope is a participant. This national program began as Research Experiences for Undergraduates. The NSF fimds this program to allow full-time undergraduate students to conduct full-time (40 hours per week) research in their chosen field. Each student receives a stipend and free campus apartment housing for the lO-l I week program. Dr. Tim Pennings headed the Hope Physics REU for the 1998 summer session. The department did an experiment at Notre Dame University using Notre Dame's particle accelerator. Students assisted in the experiment, and the continuing research after, largely through data analysis. J j i "We measured the energy of particles...looking Hror effects [of the experiment] not [yet] described at this time," said sophomore Matt Goupell. Goupell was among the group of physics students who worked with Dr. Pennings. The Computer Science department also took part this REU program. Two of the 11 students researched and developed a computer program currently being used in the GEMS Computer Science course. The project began with researching elements of


S u m m e r

R e s e a r c h

an interactive environment and how they are implemented in Java. Java, for those not fluent in the technological jargon, is a programming language for any type of computer, but is especially popular on the World Wide Web. Sophomore Daron Vroon, one of the authors of the Java Development Environment, explained Java and its use. "We wanted to create a simple environment for programming Java applets and applications; basically a little word processor that has the ability to program these applets." The team then submitted a paper of their research to a group that publishes a national computer science (C.S.) journal. If the paper is approved, the team will have the paper published in this journal. Members will then travel down to New Orleans during Spring Break to present this research project to other C.S. educators. The physics and computer science departments weren't the only departments to offer this opportunity to their students. The biology and chemistry departments also provided students with this unique opportunity to work among the professors conducting research. While most students were enjoying the "dog days" of summer, these specially selected students were busy gaining valuable experience in their field with strong resume-building experience. Think spending your summer stuck doing research is not worth the time? When else would you have the opportunity to drag Dr. Pennings' (unlocked) bike up to the roof of Peale?




Front Row: Don Luidens: Back Row: Deborah Sturtevant. Dcbra Swanson, Barbara Wells.

unior Chris C a p p a measures chemicals for an experiment with his advisor, Matt Elrod, Students w o r k e d closely with their advisor to learn the elements of


research. (Photo Courtesy of Don Williams)

Left to Right; Perry Landes. Michelle Bombe. John Tammi. Jean Bahle, Michael Page. Richard Smith.

igh school student Jenna Wassink dons protective gloves to work on her experiment. The college, known for its strong research program, draws students f r o m around nearby and around the country. (Photo Courtesy of Don Williams)

long with professor Bill Mungall, j u n i o r Melyssa Lenon works on her research project. Students worked for the entire s u m m e r on exploring their chosen topic. (Photo Courtesy of Don Williams)

S u m m e r

R e s e a r c h


oncentrating on their books, juniors Mike Clark and Jen Kasperski study in a corner of the Kletz Snack Bar. With tables and a quieter atmosphere than the residence halls, the Kletz b e c a m e a popular study stop. (Photo by April Greer)

njoying the cooler fall weather, senior Erin B e c k m a n reads with a elementary school student f r o m the area. A s elementary education major, Beckman had the chance to work with children f r o m throughout the community. (Photo by April Greer)

itting in the entry way of Van Wylen Library, j u n i o r Andrew O h m reads his English homework. The front lobby b e c a m e a popular study spot as evening rolled around. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

S t u d y

S p o t s 1

By Kristin Lamers and Katie Hamilton

Finding the perfect study spot becomes a mission for most students.

Y o u do it everyday for hours at a time, cramming your brain full of information you won't have to remember three months later. Everyone studies differently, but it doesn't matter how you do it, just as long as you get it done and do it well. But, where's the place to do it? The biggest element is the noise factor. "I study in my room, on my bed with the TV on," said freshman Megan Murphy, "I don't have a roommate so 1 need to make noise because I don't like it when it's quiet." On the other hand, freshman Jaclyn Smith said, "I study in the library because it's quiet. You can get a lot more done there than in your dorm room." For some people it's a comfort issue. Freshman Andrea Mulder said, "I study in my dorm room, on my bed because it's how I studied at home and I can't sit at my desk." Junior J.D. Graves said, "I do it in my dorm room. It's not very loud in the hallway. I like to study there because that way I don't have to leave. It makes it easier for me."

Some students add a little variety when the weather turns nice. Some go to the beach or outside. "If it's nice out, I go out in the Pine Grove," said sophomore Todd Dye. Others stay inside, but just need a change of scenery. Freshman Stephanie King said, "I study in my room at my desk, or out in my cluster if I want to socialize." Other students chose other places on campus. "I study in the Kletz for a change of pace and if I'm hungry and want to watch TV. except when the arcade thing is on. That drives me out of my mind," said sophomore A.J. Cameron. For as many different people that attend college, there are as many different types of studying habits. Some people discovered what works in high school, and it stays the same throughout college. Others had to learn a new style of studying. For the most part, it's finding what works for you and sticking with it until the job is done. ^

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After hearing lliey were part of the winning team, freshman Play Girls celebrate their Nykerk Victory. T h e competition provided the opportunity f o r freshman and s o p h o m o r e students to get involved. (Photo by April Greer)


G r e e k s


G r o u p s

D i v i s i o n



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the c l o c k ticks f r o m n i n e a . m . to m i d n i g h t . S t u d e n t s

i n v o l v e d in o u t - o f - c l a s s activities are a w a r e of lost t i m e a n d late nights. S h o w c a s i n g d e v o t i o n , skill and d e d i c a t i o n , G r e e k L i f e and g r o u p s prov i d e d the c h a n c e f o r s t u d e n t s to truly see h o w m a n y h o u r s there w e r e in a day. S t u d e n t s g a i n e d l e a d e r s h i p e x p e r i e n c e and c r e a t e d b o n d s like now h e r e else. wX

G r e e k s


G r o u p s

D i v i s i o n





By Susan Hinman

n 1957, a group of young women banded together. They were a oup bonded by friendship and bursting with individuality; they were the Alpha Gamma Phis. When the Alpha Phis were created they put their trust and faith in friendship. They state their motto as, "Friendship, anchor of our strength." With this motto the women have kept a timely tradition, a growing tradition. The women of Alpha Gamma Phi have grown throughout the past few years. The member size has gone from 13 in 1997 to 31 active members. This group of young women educated 11 New Members to the Alpha Gamma Phi tradition this year—eleven new members each with her own individuality. Their individuality is important for they promote their differences as a unified group. This individuality can be seen in the events that they participate in, which their Executive Board helps bring into being. The board for the fall semester consisted of senior Elizabeth Baker as president, junior Rachel Meengs as vice president, and sophomores Sara Richmond as treasurer and Anna Holt as secretary. This board for the first semester helped plan the activities including volunteering at Freedom Village for Christmas caroling. The spring semester board of seniors Melissa Ooms as president, and Kelly Barton as vice president. Junior Sara Richmond again served as treasurer, and sophomore Adriann Knepshield as secretary. The board's main task was organizing New Member Education. It was two weeks long as tradition predicts and included such events as an informal hayride and a formal weekend. Both Executive Boards also put on other events such as volunteering for hospice dinners and again volunteering at Freedom Village for tea. The women of the Alpha Gamma Phi also have events inside of the community like their literary meeting with the Knickerbockers. They also have some fun. The girls like to express their individuality and spend time with their friends on nights when it is just the girls. Girls night out involves fun times with roller skates and just being together. From the women who have joined this tradition this year, to those who have been in the fold for four years, the tradition continues to grow. From roller skating to singing the Alpha Gamma Phis have created new friendships from a group of pure individuality.

A l p h a

P h i

S o r o r i t y

^ ^ • e s s i n g up for Halloween, Alpha Phi actives prepare for a weekend bash. Time to bond ranged f r o m parties to quiet evenings in the cottage. (Alpha Phi Archives)

^^^rking together, the New Members built a pyramid outside of the Van Vleck residence hall. Through two busy weeks, the eleven w o m e n grew closer as friends and sisters. (Alpha Phi Archives)

f ^ m e m b e r i n g their favorite "SOs icon. Michael Jackson, Alpha Phis ride on their float '"Thriller." The w o m e n handed out candy to children w h o were watching. (Photo by Whitney Young)

J ^ e p i n g a good attitude, the w o m e n show they are always laughing while standing on their cottage's porch. The o n - c a m p u s house provided a place to meet as well as housing for several members. (Alpha Phi Archives) ^ ^ c t i v e s spend


a night on skates during the annual Girls" •

Night Out. A chance to get off-campus

I ^

provided a breather f r o m the busy days.


(Photo by Whitney Young)



Alpha Gamma Phi Front Row: Aimee T e a k . Kelly Barton, Cari Yingiing, Whitney Young. A m y Yingling, Second Row: Sam Sandro. Jenny Riley. Mandy Crcighton. Audra Davis. Adriann Knepshield, Raehel Meengs. Third Row: Leslie Cogin. Elizabeth Baker. Sara Coke. Kara Riley. Rachel Meengs. Sara Richmond. Brooks Bolt. Jennifer McNamara; Fourth Row: Sara Wassanaar. Laura Meengs. Beth Corrigan, Kim Van Vliet. Melissa Ooms, Back Row: Liz Russell. Maggie Schakel, Jenny Sewall. Teresa Carey. Anna Holt

A l p h a


S o r o r i t y



howing support for their players, Arcadians brandish their blue and white at Holland Municpal Stadium for the H o m e c o m i n g game. The h a n d - m a d e signs hanging up m a d e a visbile method of identifying brothers. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

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/ Phi Sigma Front R o w : J.P. Buckingham, Josh McAlpinc; S e c o n d R o w : Rodney Cobb. Chad Duchinowski. Jeff Sankieic/, Brandon Funk. Chris Bernhardy, Bob Rcmes, Kciih Cravotla, Anthony Grech, Arend Elston. Rob Struck. Mike Sutter. Steve Pirdell. Bryan Volk; Third Row: Tony LaSorsa. Jeff Keiuner, Chris Madden. Chad Mixer, Chris Sandro, Ryan Gonzalez, Mike DePuy. Askar Moukahainmad, Ryan VanderWall, Brad DeKuiper, Jay Wallace. Chad Ferguson. Tom Schripsema; Back Row: Clay Trapp. Adam Magcrs, Rob Allison, Chris Kerrins, Todd Tugestke. Kyle Schaub, Josh Ludka.

A r c a d i a n

F r a t e r n i t y


Taking By Amanda Black

mm mm

itting a snag, A r c a d i a n s watch the Mystery Machine smoke to a stop along the H o m e c o m ing parade route. D o n a t e d by an alumni, the brightly-painted van followed every new class of Arcadians. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

len of ancient Arcadia valued individuality. That has not changed T)r the men of the Arcadian Fraternity. Modeled after the ancient province in Rome, the members of Chi Phi Sigma maintain strong ideals. The history of the province is a history of the defense of freedom. Though the neighboring, militaristic Spartans made many attempts to conquer Arcadia, they were never really able to conquer it. Arcadia recovered from every defeat to create on of the earliest democracies of Ancient Greece. A federal regime was created in which the various cities retained their autonomy and individuality while the citizens elected representatives to the government. The Arcadians did not loose sight of the individual. Carrying those ideals into today, the fraternity aims to be a great one, living up to their motto, derived from their Greek letters. The activities of and characters of the members help accomplish to goals of service, friendship, and wisdom. They understand the necessity of service to any organization that wishes to realize its full potential. Their colors stand for ideals as well, with blue standing for loyalty and white standing for purity. The men in blue are leaders on campus, participating in several events ranging from Student Congress to the Union of Catholic Students. Arcadians also played varsity football and tennis as well as participating in hockey, cheerleading, Lacrosse and cross country. Athletes sat on the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and well as being a student athlete representative to the MIAA. Varying their activities, Arcaidans sang with the Gospel Choir, explored science with Tri Beta and the Psychology Club and filmed videos for Video Services. The chances to serve were plentiful within the organization. Senior Jay Wallace served as second-semester president with junior Kyle Schaub as vice-president. Junior Chad Mixer was treasurer and junior Robbie Allison was recording secretary. As corresponding secretary, senior Chris Sandro helped out as did sophomores Chris Howell and Jacob Maas as social chairs. With 35 members, the Arcadians welcomed their new members with activities ranging from Pizza Night and Blimpie's with the Boys. According to the Arcadians, their most meaningful rush event was Arkie Life. Alumni gave speeches explaining what being an Arcadian was all about.

A r c a d i a n

F r a t e r n i t y






Sm&th ie Centurians added 11 new members to its fraternity this spring, Ringing their total number of members to 41. Like their Greek letters. Alpha Theta Chi, these 41 men in red stand for brotherhood, service, and character. The Cents stayed busy this year by participating in many service activities. With swing dancing making a popular comeback, the Cents sponsored many "swing night" dances and gave instruction lessons for newcomers seeking to simply learn the moves or those who were just looking to perfect their already-existing techniques. The Cents also occupied their time keeping the local area neat and clean, adopted a stretch of the US 31 highway. Along with the Dorians, huge piles of cans were collected for the Holland City Mission during New Member Education. This year was especially busy for two members of the fraternity in particular. Senior Adam Hudson was elected president of the Interfraternity Council which allows all of the local fraternities to consult with one another. Also, freshman Eric Wohlfield spent many hours on the golf course practicing his swing which led him to smash a golfing record. In the NCAA tournament in May, he finished 19th in a field of 120. Wohlfield shot 307 in 72 holes. Other members of fraternity served the group during the year. Seniors Mark Tenhor and Kris McKee took on the presidency while seniors Josh Nuecks and Matt Fretz were historian and senior representatives, respectively. Founded in 1966, the fraternity disbanded in 1981. The fraternity was originally founded due to a high demand for another fraternity and in 1986 it was refounded and it still exists today under the same principles on which the fraternity was originally founded.

^ ^ e n t s spend some weekend time with m e m b e r s of the Sigma Sigma Sorority. Different groups often gathered together to promote a unity in the c a m p u s Greek System. (Photo by Josh Neucks)

^ ^ ^ u t i n g for their food to arrive, m e m b e r s explore Manhattan as part of their spring break trip. After the busy time of New M e m b e r Education, a chance for a trip away from campus was welcomed by all. (Cent Archives)

C e n t u r i a n

F r a t e r n i t y

^ ^ u r r o u n d e d by Cent items, s o p h o m o r e s Nick Wicks and Rick Mathis play a video g a m e at the o n - c a m p u s cottage. At the cottage, the group displayed letters on the outside of the house as well as the inside. (Photo by Josh Neucks)

^ y e n i o r s Kris H

M c K e e and Josh N u e c k s hug s o p h o m o r e Nate Brown after setting up for a Rush event. The brothers worked before and after events the ensure the success of the evening. (Cent Archives)

Alpha Theta Chi Front Row : JcftTrytko. Steve Robison, Doug Cameron. MattTesch, Bob Rutherf ord. Rob Henry; S e c o n d R o w ; Chris Rennet, Mark Tenhor, Chris Vande Bunte, Nate Tripp. Nick Wicks. Garrett Childs; Third Row. Steve Engel, Rick Mathis. Dan Kubacki. John Williams. Nate Brown; Fourth Row : Matt Tcsch, William Kim. Matt Frciz. Ryan Sterk. Chris Jones. Brad Hudkins. Ed Rangier. Marcus Brizbo, John Fairchild; Back Row: Phil Leete. Chet Scherer. Josh Neucks, Eric Wohlfield. Andrew Gookin. Adam Hudson.

C e n t u r i a n

F r a t e r n i t y

^ ^ t o p p i n g for the night on their canoe trip, the C o s m o s practice their c a m p i n g skills. The trips gave the group the chance to make strong friendships. ( C o s m o Archives)


Âť carrying their airborne buddies C o s m o s prepare for another g a m e of Frisbee golf. K n o w n for their love of Frisbee golf the C o s m o s could be seen golfing until the early hours of the morning. (Cosmo Archives)


Phi Kappa Alpha Front Row: Dave Bos. Steve Hollenbeck, Christopher VanDcvcn. Bill Serrano, Michael Zolnierwicz, Treiu Do. Aaron DeVos. Paul Vander Heide. Tom Hillegonds, Man VanDam, Chris Cappa. Kip VanDam, Doug Richter: Second Row : Mike Gentile. Erik Berg. Mati Brunson. Kip Roberts, Michael Traver, Drew Mac Kay, Patrick Murphy, Mike Adamski. Clint Smith, Ben Falk, Jeremy Stoner. Matt Schroeder. Isaac Hartman, Matt Metzger; Back Row : Charles Smith. Marc Humburgcr, John McDonald, Scott Anderson, Charles Terpstra, Ryan Harrell, Matt Holmes, John Kooistra, Joel Neckers, Jon Plummer, Brent Rowe, David Beaver. Josh Johnson, Christinan Korstrange, Scott Hcs, Paul Hendricks. Ben Lane, Ryan Peters

C o s m o p o l i t a n

F r a t e r n i t y


Unity Through i nrouyn


Dhwsity A naron Smith and M i k e Traver, both seniors, and j u n i o r Matt V a n D a m , hide themselves in nature during the annual Cosmo canoe trip. T h e canoe trip is o n e that p r o m o t e s unity in the Fraternity. (Cosmo Archives)

c A


C o s m o s and Delphis have

Cosmopolitan Fraternity, founded in 1890 as a literary society, strives; to strengthen their members socially, intellectually, and morally. Traditional events are extremely important to the Cosmos with their Red and Green party with the Sigmas, the St. Patrick's Day party with the Sibylline Sorority, and the Great Dionesian with the with their sisters, the Delphis. The men also participated in a beach sweep with the Delphis, where they met together and picked up trash at Holland State Park to make it a cleaner place for people to visit. The cosmos also participated in an AIDS walk. With the highest CPA of all the fraternities you can also be sure to find the Cosmos hitting the books, placing an emphasis on academic growth as well as social growth during their college years. You can also find the Cosmos doing their favorite thing, playing Frisbee Golf, doing work for Habitat For Humanity, volunteering for CASA, coaching and pulling in the Pull, partaking in the Chemistry Club, and even on the Homecoming court. Seniors Brent Rowe and Mike Adamski were both honored as members of the Court. The Cosmo rush was very successful this year with over 15 new members. The rush events that the Cosmos planned included: rock climbing; sledding and a cookout to attract new members to the brotherhood. The fraternity also had a rush informal to get better acquainted to the men that were attracted to the fraternity. Their motto is "Unity through diversity." The 50 members of the Cosmopolitan Fraternity bring their own, unique individuality and personality to promote the tight bond of brotherhood and the establishment of friendship, progress, and truth.

dinner at the C o s m o Formal. The formal was the s a m e w e e k e n d as the Delphi formal and m a n y couples spent Friday and Saturday nights dancing the night away. (Cosmo Archives)

C o s m o p o l i t a n

F r a t e r n i t y


women Establishing

By Amanda Black and Kristin Lamers

Uwty motto of the Delta Phi Sorority is "Friendship is a horizon which Jxpands whenever we approach it." The group of 75 distinguished young women came together to foster friendship and establish unity. One way in which the Delphis grew closer together is through several service projects. Some of their projects this year included a Halloween celebration for children in Holland, volunteering with Women in Transition and Hospitality House, the AIDS walk, and hosting a Spring Fling for the children of Higher Horizons. Delphis also believe in tradition and fun. The Halloween party with the Fraters, formals in Chicago and Traverse City, the Scandalous Couples date night, the toga party with the Cosmos, and the Delta Phi Christmas party are all events in which they participate in annually. The Delphis favorite event of the year was the canoe trip that took place in the fall on September 12. This trip was a new edition this year and the delphi's plan to take a canoe trip every semester now. "It was a beautiful day, just for the Delphi's on the Manistee River," said junior Tenille VanEck. The Delphi's take pride in their involvement in many things including. Pull, Nykerk, Mortar Board, Student Congress, and several Varsity Sports. Highlights in their involvement were the crowning of Senior Gina Buwalda as Homecoming Queen and the Greek Academic award for the highest grade point average among the sororities. The Delphis also cherish the tradition of inviting New Members. With almost 30 new members joining the sorority, the Delphis are proving to be a very successful place for young women to come together and enjoy the tradition of friendship and unity.

^ f h e Delphis e n j o y each other's company at their s u m m e r retreat. Traditionally they meet together each s u m m e r to catch up before the busy school year starts again. (Delphi Archives)


felphi pledges c o m e together for the first time as they have turned their bids in and prepare to be m e m b e r s of the Delphi sorority. Even with the recent changes in New M e m b e r Education, welcoming new m e m b e r s into the group was an important link between the past and future. (Delphi Archives)

D e l p h i

S o r o r i t y


f he Delphis prepare to ride in the annual h o m e c o m i n g parade

with the C o s m o s . T h e sorority and their brother fraternity road on the back of a huge trailer in the parade. (Delphi Archives)

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Delta Phi Front R o w : K a i c Gntier, Sara G r a n t . M o l l y A r n o l d . Kara R k h l c r . Danielle M a n n c s . I'ina Gill. H e a t h e r L o v e m , C h r i s t a M u r p h y , S h a n n a T e n Clay, Kclli D r a e g e r . H e a t h e r K n o w l c s , Laura C a r l s o n , A n k a W e t k w e r t . G i u a B u w a l d a . S a r a H o o l s e n t o , H e a t h e r W e y r i t k . S e c o n d R o w : Laura P a r s o n s , Kelly M o r g a n , D a n a VanderPI<>w. Tcnillc Van E c k , E r i c a P e r e z , Katie J o h n s o n . Lesley S h e l d o n . C a r r i e G i l l i g a n . H e a t h e r M o r a n , J a m i e R i e k s c . Jen Younker, Julie Torrencc, Knrtney NileN; T h i r d R o w : Kendra l>ce, K a l e l.indhoul. Kelly B u w a l d a , Katie Ellis, J a m i e G r a n t . D a n a L a m c r s . Kelly K i e w i c t . L i s a Wehster, M e r e d i t h A d o m a t . A n n V j n d e r Well. D a m k a V a n B c e k . M e g a n B r a * . A m a n d a K r e m p a , A u d r e y Ehinger, E m i l y Gregory, Laura R o e l o f v J'vJi K u r v c . T i f fany W i l l i w a s A b b i e Tarns, Sarah K u o p : B a i k R o w : Jessie Van D a m , H e a t h e r D y k s t r a . Beth S l y g s t n u E m i l y Ziegler, A m y D o d d , T i f f a n y G h e n t . T e a g a n McCa.slin, Sarah H o w a r d . Jen J u u b r a n , E m i l y M u e l l n u n . Diana Esteves, L e a n n c C o o k . Beth L o m a s n e y , S h a n n o n K i n g , Kelly S m a l l e g a n . K r i r t y Bell. Beth M i r a n d a , Kelly Kuipcrs, M a r y

D e l p h i

S o r o r i t y

^ ^ o s p e c t i v e new m e m b e r s celebrate at Final Tea. The girls anxiously await the invitation to b e c o m e a m e m b e r of the Dorian family. (Dorian Archives)

p r e v i o u s residents of VerBeek Cottage reunite. In living together the year before, the sisters all f o r m e d a special bond. (Dorian Archives)


Jill Donehoo, Roxanne

Pascente and sophomore Rachel Miller unwind after a dance rehearsal. The three capped off their long night at the Kremlin with the Cents, their brother fraternity. (Dorian Archives)



Kappa Beta Phi Front Row Jodie Manning, Nicolc Dangrcmond, Stephanie Jones, Bonnie Nanncnga. Jill Donehoo. Roxanne Pascente, Dana Marolt. Myra Velasco. Lisa Knuv, Carrie Langstral. Rachel Haveman: Second Row. Lori Simmer, Laura Markessinis. Jaime Partridge. Ellen Colcnbrander, Beth Raihbim. Chnsi> Pratl, Karen Elliot, Katie Ergang. Krisla Brewer, Annie Jakosz; Third Row: Rachel Miller, Jamie Ladcman. Amy Szymc/ak. Michelle Chowning. Tanya Lasley, Ann-Marie Campion, Lisa Bartlett, Shivaughn Myers, Christine Duff. Kim Howey, Jaime Passchier. Jennifer McKenna, Fourth Row Siacey Baker. Connie Ratdavong, Sarah Golden; Fifth Row Emily PrinN. Sandra VanderWal, Jill Schaap, Sixth Row Amber Vredevoogd, Emily Thielk, Heather Fowler. Lindsay Johnville, Megan Burkan, Erin Davis, Jennifer Mudra. Nicolc Wilde; Buck Row Lisa Silverthorn. Lindsay Wolf. Kara Schwicterman, Rencc Mursch. Sarah Ayres. Heather Carr. Maureen Peters

D o r i a n

S o r o r i t y



By Beth Bailey


•^presentatives of the Dorian sorority gather to introduce interested w o m e n to the organization. R o u n d Robin is the first event of rush, providing an opportunity for students to get to k n o w each sorority. (Dorian Archives)



m e m b e r s bask in the sun of beautiful Cancun. M e m b e r s took a Spring Break trip to escape

60 members of Kappa Beta Phi have a goal. The Dorian sorority •ks to not only know its creed in word only, but hopes to reflect the characteristics of a Dorian sister through its actions as well. They want the creed to be actually lived by each of its members in her simplicity of manner, strength of purpose and beauty of character. Side by side, bound together for a lifetime, the Dorians promote the growth of spirit and instill a sense of camaraderie in each other. Through thick and thin, these women are united. The Dorian sorority was originally founded in 1921 as a literary society and thrived on the campus until it was forced to disband in 1971 due to financial problems, changing needs, and a division over the Vietnam War. In 1988, it was refounded at a small restaurant in Grand Rapids called Olga's Kitchen. The new founders felt that the sorority would add the missing piece to Greek life at the college. From then on, the sisters celebrated their new beginning and future friendships through serving the community and their other sisters. This diverse group of women represent a variety of groups on campus. Members can be seen in virtually every academic department. "I think it is our diversity that makes us so unique," said junior Annie Jakosz. One way in which the Dorians built sisterhood this year was in a joint weekend retreat and cleanup effort at Camp Geneva. Their weekend proved to be a big success and was much appreciated by the Geneva staff. "My sisters have challenged me, supported me, encouraged me, and pushed me to go farther," said senior Roxanne Pascente. "Being a member of a Greek organization at Hope has provided me with so many opportunities for growth and has instilled in me the importance of friendship, loyalty, and love beyond anything I could leam from a b o o k . " ' ^

the chilly Michigan weather. (Dorian Archives)

D o r i a n

S o r e

By Beth Bailey


Emersonian creed states, "Love— a deep affection and warm feelg for another; a strong fondness or enthusiasm. Honor—high respect; esteem; recognition; distinction; Success—the achievement of something attempted." The fraternity lives life through these words—words that carry a strong message. These words promote the moral, intellectual, and social development of its members. The Emmies, 57 members strong, were involved in many activities which fostered their development as individuals as well as a fraternity. For one of their favorite events throughout the year, they participated in a CASA lock-in with the Sigmas and the Sibs. They spent the night at the Dow with the young students to reward them for their hard work. They also spent time with the local Boys and Girls Club of Holland. They constructed a Haunted House to benefit the organization and just to allow the kids to have a fun time while being in a safe environment. Some of their service projects this year included volunteering at the Evergreen Commons on a Saturday morning and they put together many Thanksgiving baskets for several Holland families. While the Emmies are busy doing work in the community and in school as well, you can find many of them participating in extracurricular activities such as baseball, football, track, and hockey. Their involvement on the athletic fields is just another example of the Emersonian fraternity's commitment to excellence to their overall college experience. The Emmies are not all business, but they are serious when it comes to fun. This year, the fraternity placed second in the annual Greek Week after winning first place the previous two years. Second place was not a let down due to the fact that the week allowed the fraternity to forge closer bonds with one another and it also provided friendly competition with the other Greek organizations on campus in a friendly way. The Emmies were founded in 1919 as the Emersonian Literary Society and in 1929, as there became an increasing need for an additional fraternity, the transition was made from a literary society to a fraternity. Today they continue both traditions.

E m e r s o n i a n

F r a t e r n i t y


^ ^ a t m g at a picnic with their parents, j u n i o r Matt Anderson and senior Matt Johnson wait for the main course to be served. The picnic provided a time for the group to meet everyone's families. (Emersonian Archives)


• e a r n i n g up

with the children of C A S A , Emersonians finish their pizza and pop. With their constant energy, the kids made the night worth planning another meeting for the next year. (Emersonian Archives)

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rcssed for formal, actives check their suit coats. With a trip o f f - c a m p u s and a night to dress up, formal w a s one of the highlights of the second semester. (Emersonian Archives)

^ ^ c t i v e s sunbathe during the Fourth of July Picnic. According to s o p h o m o r e Aaron Labbe, the picnic was a great day to see people after the break of s u m m e r vacation. (Emersonian Archives)

M unching on snacks, they wait in Vander Werf for their literary meeting. Professor Hemmenway read and discussed the works of Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Emersonian Archives)

Phi Tau Nu Left t o Ri^ht: Mike Brva, Andrew Gohl. Brian Crocker. Ed Gall, Ben Fellows

E m e r s o n i a n

F r a t e r n i t y


r e a r i n g their letters, m e m b e r s of the Fraternal Society explain their history at the Activities Fair in August. With hundreds of new students

wandering about the DeWitt patio, the two hours b e c a m e a prime recruiting time, (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


t a Spring Break stop, the Fraters eat dinner along with several

m e m b e r s of the Delphis. The trip south provided a prime chance for brothers to bond with each other and m e m b e r s of the sorority. (Frater Archives)

Omicron Kappa Epsilon Front Row: Jared Kooistra. Brian Dykstra, David Sluil, Chris Currie, Corey Monsma, Brent Merchandu John Vander Velde. Steve Kraseman. BJ Danistra, Dan Wilkens, Aaron Wong, Aaron Peterse, Jeff Boucher; B a c k R o w : Bryan Forsma, Joel Petersen, J B Vande Berg. Brian Aldoff, Kevin Van Ttmmeren, Phillip Haan. Tomas Lugo. Ben Koctje. Will Schubert, Matt Vander Naald. Bill Claus. Mike Feyen. Ryan Bredeweg. Mike Evans, Adam Stack. Scoti Rumpma. Nale Damstra. Jeff Mulder. Dan Caldwell.

F r a t e r n a l

S o c i e t y


Determined Bailey

^^lebrating Mardi Gras, m e m b e r s wear the traditional beads. T h e themed-party w a s a f u n night of N e w O r l e a n s ' festivities. (Frater Ar-

Fie Fraternal Society began in 1834 at Union College in New York. 1863, the fraternity came to the College, then known as the Holland Academy, with Phillip Phelps. The goals of the 50 members of the Fraternal Society are to contribute to and interact with the college in a positive and mutually fashion. These goals are achieved through the ideals of friendship, love, and truth. The Praters kept busy this year by doing community projects like Holland Habitat for Humanity, Holland Youth for Christ, and the annual Fraternal/Sigma Sigma Children's Christmas party. The fraternity is working on several service projects for the fall to make its presence extend further into the Holland Community. They also held a Homecoming raffle in which the proceeds were donated to Parkinson's Disease research in the name of Frater staff member Stu Post and Professor Donald Cronkite. According to the members, some of the year's highlights for the Fraters included welcoming back brothers who had spent the year studying in various places, and giving warm wishes to those who were leaving to study abroad. They were involved in the creation of the Seymour Padnos Scholarship Award and Fund. Also, senior Frater John Vander Velde placed 12lh at the national Wake boarding tournament. The bonds of the Fraternal Society are strong and the commitment the alumni make to the fraternity is outstanding in itself. The group has many prominent alumni, including 1963 graduate Dr. James Bultman, who contribute to the fraternity's continuing success. Bultman will assume the presidency of the College during the summer of 1999. These successful alumni and current members prove what the group believes. "The love of Fraternal is undying...the friendship of Fraternal is enduring...the strength of Fraternal is u n c h a l l e n g e a b l e . " ^


F r a t e r n a l

S o c i e t y

Forging By Kimberly Richardson

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Bond rfpiiife


arting the year along side the Alpha Theta Chi Fraternity, the Kappa elta Chi Sorority sponsored the eleventh-annual Multiple Sclerosis fund-raising dance. The sorority continued to be active in the community throughout the year by participating in the Holland beach clean-up, volunteering at the Salvation Army to help needy families during the Christmas season. The women also collected good to donate to the Women in Transition center. The Kappa Delta Chi sorority enjoyed a weekend of laughter and bonding during their traditional fall retreat. Reminiscing and looking forward to the upcoming year, the retreat brought everyone closer together. As Homecoming approached, the girls of the sorority built a float for the parade which won them first-place honors for the second-consecutive year. They also welcomed back many alumni for the weekend. Ready for a night away, the Kappa Chis headed to Lansing and Grand Rapids for their formals. Again welcoming back alumni, everyone present had a night to remember. The events of the year were important to the members. "The year has been a lot of fun," said junior Jennifer Gliesman. "I am looking forward to my senior year with the sorority." For senior Ashli Simpson, all of her years with the organization mad important memories. "I will never forget all the great friendships and memories I have made throughout my years as a Kappa Delta Chi," she said. "I will miss you guys." Founded in 1962, the group celebrated its 37th year. It stands for the intellectual, social, and spiritual development of its members, represented by maroon and white. Their motto is "Fledging honor, giving friendship."

^^Kirrounded by pictures. New M e m b e r s gather with the actives after the N e w Member Education. Being a small group, actives put much time into making the events m e m o rable. (Kappa Chi Archives)

J n i m Care Bears to G.l. Joe, Kappa Chis dress as their favorite "80s toys for the Homecoming parade. Their creativeness won them firstplace honors from the judges. (Kappa Chi Archives)



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K a p p a

C h i

S o r o r i t y

p r a c t i c i n g a group nap. five Kappa Chis work on their slumber. T h e couch on the cottage provided a c o m f o r t able to nap. ( K a p p a Chi Archives)

pening a finals' week care package, senior Ashli Simpson and s o p h o m o r e Brittany Mull explore the contents. Balancing activities with h o m e w o r k was a skilled learned by all the m e m b e r s . (Kappa Chi Archives)

1 / their way h o m e f r o m the play Really Rosy, Kappa Chis finish their conversations. Junior m e m b e r A k u a OforiM e n s a starred in the Theatre Forum production. (Kappa Chi Archives)

Kappa Delta Chi Front Row : Ashli Simpson, Shannon JungSl, Krisien Elsholtz; Back Row: Amy Otteson, Heather Coverdale, Jennifer Glicsman, Lynae Nagelkirk. Ashli Simpson. Brittany Mull, Kimberly Richardson. Teresa Mussclman.

^ 1 K a p p a

C h i

S o r o r i t y

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Derek Broncheau and Jeremy Wonders show

big smiles. As New M e m b e r s , the two entered into a long history of the Knickerbocker Fraternity. (Photo by Mike McCune)

^ ^ l u m n i Mark Stubbs shows his strength by lifting f r e s h m a n Luke Webster. Alumni joined in many events, keeping them connected with the group. (Photo by Mike M c C u n e )




Kappa Eta Nu Front Row: Freddy Issacs. Ill; Second Row: Luke Webster. Michael McCune. Brent Ritchie, Patrick Glaub; Third Row: Craig Tommola. Derek Bromcheay, Adam Heerspink: Back Row: Matt Parker. Tim Kobeke. Jeremy Wonders, Nick Leckow.

K n i c k e r b o c k e r

F r a t e r n i t y

ker __6y Michael McCune


Becoming Extremely,

Writ c

^Jycnior Mike M c C u n e waits to take a picture while Knick alumni M a r k Stubbs and actives j u n i o r T i m H o b e k e and sophomore A d a m Heerspink relax for Spring Fling. Spending sunny d a y s in the Pine G r o v e s provided a c h a n c e for the g r o u p to be seen on c a m p u s . (Photo by S h a n n o n Gould)

T T g h t in the bonds of brotherhood, senior Mike M c C u n e and j u n i o r Tim H o b e k e show

en of Knickerbocker have always been a smaller Greek organiMtion with an extremely tight bond between its members. The 19981999 school year proved to be a year of promise for the Kappa Eta Nu Fraternity and they succeeded in carrying on the great traditions of its past members. As always, the Knicks kept up their goal to improve the social, moral, and intellectual sides of their members during the school year and put on several functions that brought students together such as the annual AIDS Reality Concert, Knick-or-Treat, and the Multiple Sclerosis Can Drive. The Knickerbocker Homecoming Informal brought active members and alumni together in a night of nostalgia and fun, "We worked hard this year to bring the Knicks closer to the campus as a whole," said junior Craig Tommola. "Some would say that we are in a rebuilding time now, but our strong brotherhood and commitment to excellence has helped us stay strong over the years. As the year began, the Knicks had six active members, but with the largest New Member class in a decade, the fraternity ended the year 12 strong. Many of the newly activated members were excited about the recent surge in the membership of the fraternity. "I just hope that we can keep increasing the numbers without sacrificing the tight bond that Knickerbocker gives to us," New Member Patrick Glaub said. "I can't wait until next year so that I can take part in all the traditional events and participate in Rush and New Member Education." Since its creation in 1909, Kappa Eta Nu has been a part of the College and even in its days of severely low membership, its members have held on to the values of their founding fathers. Through hard work and dedication, the Knicks have done just that.

their colors. T h e black and red colors m a d e the men distinctive. (Photo Courtesy Mike McCune)

K n i c k e r b o c k e r

F r a t e r n i t y

Promethean Fmternity

By Amanda Black

IWlriving for academic excellence, the 16 members of the Alpha Kappa Pi Fraternity use each other for support. Their goals also include providing close-knit bonds necessary for the exchange of ideas. The group is also committed to striving for open-mindedness. The newest fraternity on campus, the group was founded on these principals in 1996. It was founded to be Greek organization that placed emphasis on academic ideals. Over the past seven semesters. Alpha Kappa Phi has brought together individuals of diverse academic and social backgrounds. International students find the a comfortable place in the group. This year, three students were a part, including brothers junior James Sitati and sophomore Jacob Sitati from Narobi, Kenya. Academic excellence is a valued asset for these men. A 3.0 CPA is required, but not for the purpose of excluding. The requirements exist "not because grades are an absolute measure of success, but because strength of character is what enables a strong mind to realize results," according to their website. "A Promethean is someone who is in college for a somewhat traditional and oft-neglected purpose; to be educated. He enjoys the learning process for all its trials and revelations. The discovery of the unknown, the expansion of awareness and knowledge, and the thrill of creation—these are all things from which the Promethean takes pleasure." The men in green and white welcomed four new members this year, increasing the size of the growing group. The group felt is was an important time for passing on the traditions know only to members of the group. When not in classes or working, members of the fraternity liked to kick back and play cards or video games. They also enjoyed watching the Simpsons and the X-Files.

P r o m e t h e a n

F r a t e r n i t y

^ h e c k i n g his hand, Carl B u s s e m a parcels out his next move while Martin Van Oort does the same. Playing cards was a favorite pastime. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)


a quiet Sunday, P r o m e t h e a n s play a round of James Bond on their

ยง reshman Kent M c C o y chooses the next musical selection while

Nintendo. T h e group challenged each

s o p h o m o r e Andrew Nardone works

other to g a m e s in the cottage

on his h o m e w o r k . Living in the

basement on several occasions.

cottage together taught the value of t e a m w o r k . (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

(Photo by A m a n d a Black)


. yophomores Carl B u s s e m a and Andrew N a r d o n e engage in a discussion in front of the crest. T h e crest displays the ideals of the Fraternity. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

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Alpha Kappa Pi Front Row: James Vanderhyde, Scott Anderson. Daniel Atallah; Second Row: Jacob Siiati. Ben Messer. Martin Van Oort, Kent McCoy. Andrew Nardone Third R o w ; Leecox Omello, Jediah Leachman. Matthew Vanderhyde; Fourth Row: Andy Aardmen. James Sitati; Back Row : Howard Fitzgerald. Carl Bussema.

P r o m e t h e a n

F r a t e r n i t y


, ooking out, m e m b e r s a cookout at an o f f - c a m p u s house near the Dewitt Tennis Center during the cooler days of fall. In m a k i n g meals together, the group exercised their team-building skills. (Photo courtesy Trena Hedley)


s t a n d i n g in

front on their letters, S i g m a lota Beta, SIBs give each other a big hug. T h e events of the year helped the w o m e n develop the values of friendship, love, and loyalty. (SIB Archives)

^ ^ s i d e n t s of the o n - c a m p u s cottage gather together at the beginning of the year. Located near the center of campus, the house provided a convient location for meetings and rush events. (SIB Archives)

ma Iota Beta Front Row: Annie Ervin. Amber Witt, Laurie Chalifoux, Maria Cipolonc, Jani Fisher, Beth Paarlberg. Jennie Alexander. Jen Chalifoux, Stacy Bitterberg, Erin VanDyken. Maureen Williams; S e c o n d R o w ; Emi Teshima, Kathleen Whitfield. Andra Anotnelli, A m y Ka^marski, Sarah Johnson. Sara Sudnick. Dawn Broekhuis, Andrea Kopacz, Tarn Blacquierc; Third Row; Maribeth Huizenga, Kelli Berggoetz, Heather Bledsoe, Elizabeth Bennett, Krisona Pecora. Pegey Klott, Anne Schrock. Chrisli Lutz, Sarah Stein, Mindy Fischer, Stephanie Hyma, Jenny Dukes, Anne Houseworth: Back Row: Mandy Pryor, Gina Rowe, Molly Billideau, Carrie Koop. Stephanie Frcriks, Elizabeth Stroh. Vanessa Timm.

llJ S I B

S o r o r i t y

Upholding, GKOWlflQzT"'"'

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IBs gather

to watch a m o v i e at their cottage. S p e n d i n g time as a g r o u p in m a n y different events strengthened their bond. (Photo Curtsey Trena Hedley)

A/ew m e m b e r s show their yellow roses, a symbol of the sorority. With w e l c o m i n g a large class of w o m e n , the organization helped maintain its position as the largest sorority on c a m p u s . (Photo

ccording to their creed, the women of Sigma Iota Beta believe the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; therefore we shall keep it strong" and "in the glory of the out-of-doors; body, mind, and spirit attended to all created things." The members strive to live up to that and the rest of the creed, including keeping the mind pure. A yellow rose represents the sorority, great in number. The colors of sky blue and chaste grey make them easy to identify on campus. The Sibylline Sorority stands for friendship, love, and loyalty. It was founded in 1919 for the purpose of intellectual, moral and social development of its members. The Sibylline women strive to uphold the values and beliefs set forth by their founders by setting a good example through serving the college and community. From their beginnings as a literary society, the organization has grown into the largest and one of the most active on campus. The list of services ranges from volunteering at hospitals to leading a Young Life Group. SIBs have stepped into the banks of the Black River as Pull reps, coaches and Moralers. They have hit the soccer fields, basketball courts, track, and softball fields. Studying around the world, the women in blue have visited Vienna for summer school and spent a semester at sea. Preparing for life after college, SIBS participated in the Pre-Law Club, political science honor society, history honorary society and the premedical honor society. Alpha Epsilon Delta. Helping the community, the women have participated in the AIDS Walk, Walk for Warmth and IVE League. Working to prevent campus assault, members educated with CAARE and polished political views with the campus Democrats. The women have been active in leading within their own organizations. During the second semester, senior Alissa Blaising served as president while senior Molly Billideau helped as vice-president. Sophomore Kristina Pecora was secretary, and junior Stephanie Hyma was treasurer. Junior Sarah Stein and sophomore Meribeth Huizinga took charge as social chairs. Blaising, Hyma and senior Vanessa Timm added extra hours as Rush co-chairs, helping to welcome the next generation in the Sibylline Sorority.

courtesy Maria Cipolone)


S o r o r i t y


Just .The"'"'"'

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ie Minerva Literary Society, named after the Greek goddess of rength, was founded in 1905. That same literary society is now the Sigma Sigma Sorority. The Sigmas represent strength and honor. The words are a challenge to be met, but also a promise to be fulfilled. The women of Sigma Sigma have succeeded, individually and collectively, in turning that challenge into a reality. The Sigma Sigma Sorority stands to create an environment that foster friendship, to provide an opportunity for social and cultural growth amongst its members, and to bring together a group of diverse individuals into a positive and supportive atmosphere. Because a sorority is a place that can provide the setting for the development of lasting friendships, practicing the skills of leadership and cooperation, and for helping others achieve happier and more satisfying lives, it is a place for young women to explore their surroundings and to grow as a person. Some of the activities in which the Sigmas participated in this year involved interaction with the young members of the community. They hosted a Halloween party for the students at Lincoln Elementary as well as the annual Christmas party put on with the Praters. But the women did make time to enjoy the company of "just the girls." During the fall and the spring, the sorority enjoyed weekend retreats to cherish the friendships of the close Sigma Sigma circle. The Sigmas are indeed a diverse group of young women. They can be found around campus heavily involved in activities such as lacrosse, intramural sports, women's swim team, Nykerk, the Pull, CAARE, dance. Cheer America, Psychology Club, Spanish National Honor Society, CAS A, Volunteering activities, coaching high school track. Dean's List, Women's Issues Organization, Upward Bound tutoring, and the women's golf team. Due to the many different interests of the women, the sorority is drawn together by a spirit of real friendship, which welds them into an active sorority. Leadership is also an important aspect of the sorority. Junior Kate MacDoniels, who has represented the Sigma Sigma sorority since her freshman year, has been elected as Panhel president for the coming year. With MacDoniels and the leadership skills of the senior class, the Sigma Sigma Sorority will surely shine once more and carry on the traditions proudly.

S i g m a

S o r o r i t y



| he girls hang


at the Sigma house before a traditional event held every spring semester. The Sigmas have many traditions and many of them are done with other Fraternities. (Sigma Archives)

^^athering around the "Prater" Santa, the Sigmas have a party with students f r o m Lincoln Elementary. The party was one of the projects the Sigmas provide for the c o m m u nity. (Sigma Archives)


^ -


^ i g m a s e n j o y activation week as they have a party

with the E m e r s o n i a n s for St., Patrick's Day. Activation week is time when the new actives can celebrate and get to k n o w m a n y other Greeks. ( S i g m a Archives)

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^ h e Sigmas enjoy their retreat at Big Star Lake with S ' m o r e s and conversation. The retreat began a new tradition that was appreciated by the girls w h o took time to get off-campus. (Sigma Archives)


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Sigma Sigma F r o n t R o w : G i n a Pellerilo. Jcssica Thoniiis, Kristu M c d c n . R o b y n Disselkocn, Erika G o o d r i c h , Jcssica Luecht, Erin Baronc. B e c k y E d e m a . Einily Hollcbcck. M e g a n Beally A m a n d a Maiihews, Rachel Hillcgonds. Shana D c A v i l a . M e l i s s a V a n R a v e n s w a a y . Emily N i e u w s m a ; B u c k R o w : M c l i s s a G o o d y k e K a i h e r i n c R a b c . B e t h A n m a n . M a n d y Mcwtrison, C h a r l o t t e V a n C o c r v c r d o n . R a c h e l P a d i l l a . J o c l l c n D e L o n g . C o l l e e n Ellis, Sarah B u c h i n g c r . C a r a Klapp, Julie B e g l m . Katie Vanderhill. S h a m e k a M y e r s . M a r y B r a d f o r d , Kali HofTmoii: B a c k R o w : A m y Vandermoer. Brandt N e u m a n n . Hilary P e t e r s o n , Libby Folken. Katrina Gicr, Sara Broenc. Jessica Markle, Christina Orejula. Jaclyn Smiih. Chanda W c g n c r , K a t e M a c D o n i e l s , A n d r e a k o r s t a n g e , M a r y e l l e n W a r d . C a n d a c e G r o e n h o f , Kant* A l v c n . o n , Sarah Fensler, B a c k R o w : M e g a n Clapp. Kate Visscr, Sarah Benjamin, Katie Lenz. Kale Baxter, Laura Gibson. Andrea Speers, Jaimie Brush.

S i g m a

S o r o r i t y fiX!

embers of the Alpha G a m m a Phi Sorority ride on their H o m e c o m i n g float. A highly-visible event for Greek Life, all 13 organizations banded to together, wearing their letters. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

] Panhellenic Council Front Row: Kim Van Vleel. Joanne Randinitis, Kale Mac Doniels. Sara Van Hoose. Tren Hedley, Jani Fisher. Laurie Chalifoux; Second Row: Jenny Mudra, Annie Jakosz. Shannon Juengst, Mandy Morrison, Kali Hoffman; Back Row: Jennifer McKenna, Emily Ziegler, Tenille Van Eck. Megan Brax, Kate Gritter. Teresa Musselman. Jcssica Luecht, Andrea Korstange. Sara Richmond. Heather Bloom,

P a n h e l





Front Row: Adam Hudson, Mike McCune. Heather Bloom. Kyle Schaub; Second Row: Steve Rympa, Aaron Peterson. Ben Messer, Nate Brown. Craig Tommola, John Williams. Jay Wallace, Jacob Maas, Daniel Atallah; Back Row: Andy Thompson. Stan Stack. Brad Hudkins. Matt Anderson, Jon Dobbins. Andy Aaardema, Jacob Siiati,



T ^ a l k i n g to first-year students about her Greek L i f e experience, Panhel President senior Sara Van Hoose finds s o m e interest. A s president, Van Hoose presided over six sororities and spent countless hours e x a m i n i n g the system as a whole. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

J p C representative an Homecoming court member,

ยง ne Interfraternity Council is designed to integrate the purposes of Fraternity life with the mission of the college in a manner that enhances both. Representatives from all of fraternities serve on the IFC board to foster harmonious and efficient interfraternity relationships as well as with the college community. Senior Adam Hudson served as president. The Panhellenic Council is made up of three representatives from each sorority on campus, one for each year, who are dedicated to the success of Greek Life. Any Greek issue is presented by Panhel to the Campus Life Board which helps in representing Greek life as a whole. The Council promotes Greek life through the Infinity newsletter, Greek speakers, fund-raising, leadership building, as well as coordinating special events such as Greek Week, service projects, and Rush. The women kept busy with several retreats. During the week of Orientations, the Council presented a series of speakers and activities. The group attended a retreat at Grand Valley as well as one at Purdue University. The Council also kept busy with issues they faced for the first time. They put together care packages to send to Honduras in the aftermath of the hurricane. Members of all sororities donated their time and supplies to the cause. Greek Life 101 was also introduced in which New Members were educated about the aspects of Greek Life before New Member Education began. This year, the Pan-Hel executive board was served by senior Sara Van Hoose (Sigma Iota Beta) as president, junior Kate MacDoniels (Sigma Sigma) as vice president, junior Tenille Van Eck (Delta Phi) as secretary, and junior Trena Hedley (Sigma lota Beta) as treasurer.

senior Brent R o w e , stands back with his fraternity brothers at the start of the homecoming parade. Each organization voted on the m e m b e r s to represent them on Greek Council. ( C o s m o Archives)

P a n h e l




Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity

Working To

By Amanda Black

anding for leadership, friendship, and service, the members of Ala Phi Omega bring a new focus to campus. As a co-ed and national service fraternity, the group is unlike others. The group revolves around community service, they are interested in finding members that like to help others, have fun, and want to learn and grow from other members in the group. Active in the community, Alpha Phi Omega sponsored several service events throughout the year. They hosted blood drives with the Red Cross, worked at the Community Action House, and took on the responsibility to keep Camp Gerber clean. Along with those outreaches, the 18 members of Alpha Phi Omega donated their time to help battered women and children at the Women in Transition Center. As their main fund-raising event, the group raised funds for a bone marrow drive. Working with a local bank. Alpha Phi Omega members raised money from the college community through donations and pop can drives. In March, community members came to the Holland Civic Center to have their bone marrow tested and listed in the national registry. The test normally cost $70, but fund-raising efforts made it possible to collect the gift of life without a cost to donors. The group also rushes twice a year, so potential members who want to travel off-campus can join the group whenever it best suits them. New members and actives attended two sectional conferences at Saginaw Valley University and the University of Michigan. Active on campus since its founding in 1960, the Nu Beta Chapter worked to raise funs the Anchor statue outside of Graves Hall. ^

^ ^ • m b c r s of the Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity trickor-treat for UNICEF, a world wide organization fashioned for the help of children. The Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity is very committed to the help of organizations both in and out of college. ( A P O Archives)

F eniors Amanda Schneider and Heather Wesp, sophomore Brandy Schneck, and juniors Court Buchanan and Nate Bair take a break f r o m their work to pose for a picture. The Alphi Phi Omega Fraternity was dedicated to the service of the college. ( A P O Archives)

A l p h a

P h i

O m e g a

F r a t e r n i t y


Shannon Kenny and Nate Bair carrying a box

while helping the c o m m u n i t y Action House. The group has been an incredible help to the c o m m u n i t y as it fills its service mission. ( A P O Archives)

.jeniors Karen Olson, S o n j a Rawie and Heather Wesp meet at an Alpha Phi O m e g a meeting. T h e group met several times a month to plan their next service project. ( A P O Archives)

Alpha Phi Omega Front Row; Shannon Kenny. Kristy Darlyrmaple. Karen Olson. Nate Bair. Bob Diet/. Tim Vroom: Back Row: Healher Wesp. Christy Wille. Amanda Schneider. Jessica Berglund. Brandy Schenck, Sonja Rawie. Tasha Guild

A l p h a

P h i

O m e g a

F r a t e r n i t y

^ ^ e n i o r Ryan Shaw m a k e s an attempt to keep f r e s h m a n M a r c o s M a c h a d o quiet at the final lunch meeting. D u e to cold weather, plans for a c o o k o u t had to be c h a n g e d to a c o o k - i n . (Photo by Nikelle J o h n s o n )

D g laying Scooby Doo characters, sophomore Kristin M u n s k i and senior Ryan S h a w wait for the h o m e c o m i n g parade to begin. The group h a n d e d out Scooby Snacks (candy) for the children. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

L t

Front Row : Kaiie Hilbrecht, Jenny Pyszora, Kerry Gross; B a c k Row: Kristen DeYoung, Karen Smallegan. Kevin De Young. Megan Hicks, Nikelle Johnson, Ryan E. Shaw, Kristin Munski.


F e l l o w s h i p


C h r i s t i a n


i S t u d e n t s


Fellowship of Christhn— StWK&its

Providing by Beth Bailey

Howe f

^ ^ f f e r i n g an idea, f r e s h m a n Marcos M a c h a d o peers over the shoulder of f r e s h m a n Jared VanNoord while freshman Kristen D e Y o u n g writes d o w n in a n s w e r for the mystery game. FCS provided g a m e s at m a n y meeting to help students better m a k e friends. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

j | f ) i r i n g the winter retreat, FCS members strike up a conversation before the speaker, ' 9 7 graduate Jeremy

B'-^Jlowship of Christian Students (FCS) serves a unique purpose on campus. FCS is student-led, neither an extension of the Chapel Program nor a product of an individual church. Still, the main goals may have some overlapping with these institutions. And yet, the purpose is not defined or limited to these institutions. Some of these goals include to provide a mature and Biblical witness of the historic Christian faith to the College community, as salt and light to a fallen world; to spread the saving message of Christ Jesus first to their fellow students and second, to their fellow human beings beyond this campus. To encourage spiritual maturity and development in those who already profess Christ as their Lord and Savior, through Biblical teaching, public worship, group prayer, and fellowship among members of the body of Christ was also a goal. The 100 members of FCS kept busy during the weeks. Along with classes, homework, and other extracurricular activities, the members held meetings on Monday nights and played Walleyball and held prayer meetings on Wednesday nights. Some of their other activities for the year included a fall retreat to Cran-Hill Ranch and a spring retreat to Camp Brethren Heights. They were involved in many service projects as well by participating in bell ringing for the Salvation Army at Christmas and doing service work at the City Mission. They also held fun activities to do some group bonding. FCS members put on their ice skates at the Edge, held an Orientation Luau, pulled out their cards in a Euchre tournament and dressed up for a wacky Return to your Childhood party. Throughout all of their activities, the focus remained strong and clear; to grow spiritually as individuals and as a group.

Tuinstra, began. About t w o hours north, the retreat center provided a cozy winter getaway. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

F e l l o w s h i p


C h r i s t i a n

S t u d e n t s

Uniorfj)f Catholic StSkients

Finding Spiritual

By Beth Bailey and Jennifer L. Mill

(mm ^ ^ H ^ e n t y members of the Union of Catholic Students (UCS) are committed to the spiritual growth of their members through playing an active role in the overall Christian family of the College. Students of UCS are devoted to the spiritual growth of its members. Group members concentrate on four areas including, spiritual, educational, service, and social interaction. They work toward these goals through weekly meetings and social events, and also by attending mass as a community on Sundays. For the first time, the group organized a spring break mission trip, taking an urban plunge to Chicago. Organized by the Claretian missionaries, they were able to assist in park cleanup, working in a soup kitchen, helping out in English as a second language classes, and working with a youth group. The annual Spaghetti Dinner was another important group event that was a success. This dinner is put on by the UCS members and generally supported by members of the college and Holland community. UCS was founded several years ago, but has since increased its membership dramatically. Membership, while sometimes reaches as high as 40 students, usually rests at 20 member during meetings which allows the group for a more intimate faith sharing. UCS strives to incorporate the traditional ideals of its mission and faith into a modern setting that inspires and encourages its members. Along with FCS, the members of UCS cosponsored a Day of Prayer which ended with the voices of both groups coming together to sing and share songs in the Chapel.

Jn their tribute to being children of the 80's, U C S members provide their own spin to the

Ferris Bueller m o v i e as their Homecoming float. On the sunny Saturday, the g r o u p advertised s o m e upcoming events. ( U C S Archives)

Junior Sprague shares a story with a child during their spring break mission trip to Chicago. Providing Child care for single mothers getting their education w a s one of the opportunities to serve. ( U C S Archives)


U n i o n


C h r i s t i a n

S t u d e n t s


^ n j o y i n g his spaghetti dinner, a happy customer works on eating part of his meal. C o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s and students look forward to the event every year. ( U C S Archives)

^ ^ e t t l i n g into a good spot, U C S m e m b e r s listen to a speaker during one of their weekly meetings. With up to 4 0 people in attendance, the meetings provided the best chance to


accomplish goals. ( U C S Archives)

^ ^ ^ o p h o m o r e Todd Dye and senior Reina Vendramini j u g g l e c o f f e e cups in preparation for the annual spaghetti fund-raiser. T h e group did everything for the event f r o m buying supplies to cooking the meal ( U C S Archives)

U n i o n


C a t h o l i c

S t u d e n t s


unior Jessica McCombs w o r k s at underclass

pictures while Karen Appleyard prepares the students for the shoot. O v e r 2 , 0 0 0 had photos taken for the Milestone. (Photo by Nikelle J o h n s o n )

lipping through a catalog of discs, senior Mike M c C u n e picks the next song for his radio show. Broadcasting on M o n d a y nights, M c C u n e ' s show could have been heard f r o m G r a n d Rapids to South Haven. (Photo by Nikelle J o h n s o n )

Milestone Staff f i t to Right: Kristin Lament, Amanda Black, Nikelle Johnson. Beth Builcy

m M i l e s t o n e




peeping score, j u n i o r Beth Bailey watches while f r e s h m a n Kristin L a m e r s prepares to bowl at the lanes in Brookfield, Missouri. Bailey and L a m e r s visited Walsworth Publishing as part of their training to be editors-in-chief for the next book. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


H o w d y Bouton and s o p h o m o r e Justin Savara h a w k free frisbees during W T H S ' remote broadcast at Earth Jam. W T H S also

took their mikes roaming at the Activities Fair in August. ( W T H S Archives)

By Amanda Black

hether on the air or in print, keeping students informed and entertained were the missions of WTHS and the Milestone. With over 60 DJs and twelve members of on the Editorial Board, the campus station brought music to the local airwaves every day at the frequency of 89.9 megahertz. The station broadcasted an alternativemusic format, with several DJs hosting their own specialty shows with music ranging from Christian rock to the Grateful Dead hour. The year began a little late for the station after a transmitter broke. While waiting for repairs, the station broadcasted at lower power. In September, the repairs were complete. Returning to the station, DJs began broadcasting their shows. In April. WTHS brought in bands as a part of the Earth Jam. With a live remote broadcast, bands like Voda, and Paisley dAve played a live set. Junior Howdy Bouton manned to station inside while sophomore Justin Savara roamed the crowds with a mike. The Milestone had a very good year. In terms of staff training, production and speed of completion, 1999 was one of the best yet. Eleven editors stepped up and added their talents to the completion of the book. Without regular staff meetings, the sections editors found people to write, take photos and lay out pages. Some designed the pages while others made sure the copy was written well. Other staff members worked in a variety of areas, following a team-based approach. Over 20 staff members added to the design, wrote copy or took photos. "The time that I had working on the pages was a valuable learning experience," said sophomore Emily Gisleson. " T h e editors like to teach with a hands-on approach, which is the best way to learn production and the best ways to make a yearbook. I will be ready for next year when 1 step into an editor's position." The production of this book combined an innovative design and strong coverage of the people throughout the year. With concentrating on a re-organization plan, the staff as a whole looks forward to the early return of the book, the first one in three years. ^

y j M i l e s t o n e




Stop The


aiting outside of a

store in the Mall of America, staffers figure out their next action. T h e training c o n f e r e n c e also provided the chance for f u n . (Photo Courtesy of Stacey Slad)

ery Tuesday night sophomores Julie Zwart and Melanie Hall guess fRe estimated return time that sophomore Anchor InFocus Editor, Dana Lamers, will get back to her dorm room. With early morning hours written on her door, you ask; Where is she? You can find her in the Anchor office working on a computer to lay out the weekly paper that the college publishes or chasing people down around campus to cover the latest occurrences at the college. Every Tuesday night the staff works together to meet their weekly deadline, often staying until three or four in the morning. "The Anchor is like a cult," said Lamers, "once you are involved, it's hard to get out. But, it is a great experience that increases my writing and communication skills." The Anchor has also been working hard to improve their writing skills and increase the coverage of the college's activities. Several of the staff members recently attended the News Media Conference in Minnesota to attend seminars on new coverage. "We came back with good ideas about writing and layout," said Intermission editor Kate Folkert. "We also had the opportunity to see what other schools are doing with their paper and compare our paper to theirs." With Mike Zuidema as editor in chief and about 20 student members, the Anchor staff works hard to keep in touch with the college community and to record and respond to college events and controversies, such as this year's homosexuality debate, which received a special issue entirely devoted to the topic. After 112 years, the Anchor is still remembered as the way to inform the college community with a wide variety of issues while remaining clear and fair.

f ^ a c h i n g for his share of the pizza, j u n i o r Editor in Chief Mike Z u i d e m a grabs, while senior staff reporter Mike M c C u n e finishes his dinner. The staff spent many hours in their office, often eating dinner in. (Photo by Nikelle J o h n s o n )

J \ e friendly mascot of the staff sits on a computer, ready to support the hard workers. Appearing on page one of the first issue, the squirrel m a d e it into most of the following ones. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

^ C e a d i n g some copy, junior Mike Z u i d e m a makes the corrections on the Spotlight pages for the editors to change. Z u i d e m a often filled many roles. (Photo by N, Johnson)

|^i T h e

A n c h o r

c> o p h o m o r e D a n a Lamers conducts a phone interview


for an In Focus article. The longer articles tackled such issues as diversity, sexual assault, parties, and religious tension. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

^ ^ ^ e n i o r Dan M c C u e gathers details f r o m an advertiser to use to create an ad in an u p c o m i n g issue. M c C u e began as a staff reporter, but m o v e d to a designer position his j u n i o r year, using his design skills. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

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n Anchor Spring Staff

Front Row: Mike Zuidema, Paul Loodcen; Second Row : April Greer. C a m e Arnold. Christine Trinh, Sara Lamers; Back Row: Julie Green. Andrew Klec/ck, Kale Folkert, Meredith Care. Tiffany Ripper, Amanda Black. Stacey Slad. Dana Lamen*. Doug Sweetser. T h e

A n c h o r

/ V f a s q u e r a d i n g as super heroes, Habitat m e m b e r s help their neighbors create their own costumes. On a Saturday, the m e m b e r s invited local families to the Kletz for an a f t e r n o o n of snacks and crafts. (Habitat Archives)

rom a high vantage point, volunteers affix nails to the roofing. Habitat encouraged students to get involved. (Habitat Archives)

^ ^ i k i n g sure the insulation is smooth, volunteers cut a strip. Even in the winter, students headed to the project house on Saturday. (Habitat Archives)


Habitat for Humanity Front Row: Kaihy Roe. Surah Ashley. Sarah Escott. Kris Harrison: Back Row: Andrew Vanover, Jack Mulder. Partrick Muiphy.


i H a b i t a t

Hapitat for Huimmity

^ D i r e c t

Hqp u

/•/abitat workers meet with the Velsacquez family outside of their new h o m e . A relationship between students and the family made the project personal. (Habitat Archives)

§ m abitat for Humanity is more than just building. The organization has been involved in several different projects to directly help raise awareness while battling the homelessness. Along with hosting several work days to build the housing project, they held an awareness week, that included a night where students were invited to sleep in the Pine Grove in boxes to raise awareness. "This past fall I participated in sleeping in the Pine Grove," said freshman Maureen Peters. "It was actually pretty fun and although there were only about 15 of us, I think it made the campus somewhat aware of the fact that there is homelessness in the world." The organization also tried to reach the people that they were building the homes for. On the 24'h of October, Habitat had a Halloween party for the kids of Habitat families. These other events help to foster the relationship between the Holland community and the College. Habitat also worked with the Community Action House in Holland, and together this past fall, they held a candlelight vigil in Centennial Park. For senior Teresa Janik, that allowed her to see homelessness as never before. "The vigil was awesome," she said. "It changed my perception of the homeless. The woman that spoke was homeless herself and she shattered my view that homelessness is associated with drugs or lack of education." The event was also part of the Homelessness Awareness week and helped to break down the stereotypes about people that can't afford a place to live. "This organization does so much for the community, and also for the college," said Peters. "It is a fun, fulfilling experience and I would encourage all to help out and get involved.

liJ H a b i t a t



By Amanda Black and unsitm ana Khsitin Lamers Lai

TeaWl ith a limited number of varsity sports, athletes interested in other sports turn to club teams to satisfy a need to play. These athletes dedicate time and a large chunk of personal fiances to be a part of the team. The sailing members were willing to organize practices, fund-raisers, and plan for races all on their own. These eight students represented a broad spectrum of sailing levels and experiences that all contribute. This year the team competed at two levels: the Big Ten Division One level and the M1AA level. They competed in many Regattas in places like Madison, Wise., Western Michigan University, and Michigan State University. The highlight of the year came when the team made it all the way to the semifinals for the Midwest Collegiate Sailing Association (MCSA), finishing one place shy of going on to the finals. The team was defined by eight dedicated and serious racers with experience and background in sailing and racing. In the first year in which the team had to go to a selection process, the students were picked from a group of more than 15 students who wanted to participate. The Sailing Team mad a name for themselves among their competitors this year. The team practiced and competed in more races and built a strong foundation on which next year's sailing team will have to stand on. Lacrosse also built a strong foundation. Entering their 25t,' year of competition, the nearly 30 men and women carried on the tradition of donning helmets and crosses. On Monday, April 12, the team beat the Alma Scots. They also broke .500 for the first time in six years. It bested the number of victories over the previous, making this one of the stronger seasons in record. Guided by senior Zac Young, who served as president, the team competed around the state. They played in a tournament against MIAA rivals Albion and Alma and the non-college affiliated Grand Rapids Lacrosse Club.


pushing towards the

other end of the field, the player edges past the A l m a Scot. The team played their h o m e g a m e s at the Edkal J. Buys Athletic Field. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


• J y c o o p i n g up the ball, the Flying Dutchmen battles his opponent f r o m Alma. Both men and w o m e n played on the team. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

a c r o s s e


S a i l i n g

C l u b


| f Ifatchin g on the sidelines, team members wait for a score. With practices and games, the team developed a tight bond. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

Left to Right: Teresa Carey. Ryan Harrcll, Chad Joldersma. Sara Wassenaar. Laura Hagcn.

^ ^ f f i c e r s meet in their office in the basement of D i m n e t C h a p e l . From their base of operations, W I O worked across c a m p u s . ( W I O Archives)

^ ^ h e c k i n g on s o m e new information, m e m b e r s meet with Christa Collins, director of special programs. Collins brought new ideas to the group. (Photo by Christine Trinh)

Women's Issues Organization Front Row: Palesa Ma/amisa. Chrisiine Trinh, Rachel Gazda; Back Row: Kristy Truax, Jen Kmcla. Christa Collins, Jill Pierson. Alison Eichmann, Sarah West.


Making Others X / i

By Jennifer L. Mill and Amanda Black

Aware C

peaker Katie

Koestner describes her experience at her April 14 talk in the H a y w o r t h Ballroom. Nationallyk n o w n , Koestner appeared on the

cover of Time with her story. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)


Expressing their artistic talents, W I O leadership, j u n i o r s Alison Eichman, Christine Trinh, and senior Jill

9 &

aising awareness is a mission for concerned students. This year was a big year for the Women's Issues Organization (WIO). In the past years, the membership has been low but the members have been dutiful and dedicated. This year the membership numbers have climbed to twenty interested students who are ready and willing to get involved. The members of Campus Assault Awareness, Response, and Education (CAARE) are also dedicated to making members of the community aware of the issues surrounding sexual assault. Even though their numbers are small, WIO represents over half of campus. The goal of WIO is to raise the awareness of women's issues and women's rights. They recognize that the sexes are not equal. Yet, they recognize that campus, as a community could make equality possible. Not only does WIO fight for the rights of women but also for the rights of other minority groups represented here on the campus. WIO has actively worked together with several other groups to provide many informational activities for the students on campus. Together with RISE, GLOBE, and Hope Democrats, WIO helped in bringing Mel White to the campus. With a great number of the campuses other organizations and groups, WIO and CAARE also sponsored Katie Koestner who spoke out against the silent crimes committed against women. Sponsored by the Office of Special Programs, CAARE began in 1987 with a sexual assault program. Student interns were added in 1988. Students underwent training to educate the campus. They presented date rape seminars to campus groups and promote sexual assault education and prevention throughout the year. WIO has many events in the fall and the spring that are open to all students, faculty, and staff. Through these events, minority groups were able to come together and show their support for the community. ^

Pierson, perfect their clay creations at Paint-a-Pot. As a January outing, the trip offered a f u n alternative to the normal meeting. ( W I O Archives)



> And nna •f By Betfj Bfl/7ey



en os

s young adults, college students have an opportunity to quickly ^come influential role models and friends for kids. oecor The College has an abundance of students whose role modeling can, and does, positively affect others. The mission of Partners In Promise is to connect these students with grade school students in the community in one-on-one partnerships. On November 2, 1998, 42 pairs of students and Lincoln Elementary School kids were introduced to one another during a party at the elementary school. The whole programs couples 60 college students with 60 local community kids. Some activities that the students also coordinated included a bowling party, a movie and pizza party, and an activity time at the Lincoln gym where the college students and the kids enjoyed basketball and other games. Groups around campus helped Partners in Promise have a good time with the kids. The Dow donated passes, SAC donated movie passes while the Kletz gave out coupons for afternoon snacks. Founded by '97 graduate Seth Dale, in the fall of 1994, Partners In Promise was originally an Residential Life program designed to encourage students to share their time and energy with young people in the community. The group was officially recognized as a college organization in December of 1995. One-on-one friendships provide the younger members of Holland's community a chance to see a positive adult influence. The adults in the program benefit from friendships and making a difference.

l^^tching a pass, s o p h o m o r e Louis Williams instructs a local elementary student in the art of playing fair. T h e kids e n j o y e d the pick-up g a m e of 4-Square. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

^^Lmentary school students e n j o y a spin courtesy of their mentors strength. Afternoon events m a d e the bonds between all m u c h tighter. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

P a r t n e r s


P r o m i s e


•iJy o p h o m o r e Dan Valente gives the Lincoln Elementary School merry-go-round a mighty push. Kids w h o shared the s a m e neighborhood as the college kids benefitted f o r m the time Valente and others spent with them. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

etting caught in the monkey bars, mentors and mentees climb on the playground. A mild winter brought with it much play time. (Photo by


Nikelle Johnson)

rtners in Promise


Front Row; Louis Williams. April Greer, Back Row: Dan VaJente.Amy Woolard. Heather Bachelor. Jill McKinnon, Emily Niewendorp. P a r t n e r s


P r o m i s e


/ { d d , ng s o m e fun to her volunteer experience, j u n i o r Christine Trinh

^ ^ a r e e r Advisors prepare Phelps Hall for the " L e t ' s Get Messy N i g h t "

falls into a pile of leaves. Along with

in October. With silly g a m e s , the six

fellow HAPA m e m b e r s , Trinh raked

brought the m e s s a g e that they were

leaves every year, gathering f u n d s for the g r o u p and the c o m m u n i t y .

willing to help out students, to a packed dining hall. (Photo Courtesy

(Photo Courtesy of C. Trinh)

of Aaron Schantz)

Career Advisors Front Row: Aaron Schantz, Chris Frentz, Drew Mackay; Buck Row: Stacey VandcrMolon, Elizabeth Anderson. Emily Ratcring.

V o l u n t e e r

S e r v i c e s


C a r e e r

A d v

Life Out

mere ^ ^ e m b e r s of the Student Social Work Organization work on a house with other Habitat for H u m a n i t y as volunteers. A popular outreach, groups signed up to help provide housing. ( S S W O Archives)

^ ^ ^ o p h o m o r e Louis Williams plays four square with some students at Lincoln Elementary School. Volunteering through Partners in Promise, Williams f o u n d one of the many volunteer opportunities. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

By Beth Bailey

ere's life outside the walls of campus. Volunteer Services and Career Advisors help students find their way into the community. The Center for Volunteer Service got a fresh start this year. For two years, the Center had disappeared, but this year resurfaced after Susan Frost, the director of student issues/leadership, approached junior Kate MacDoniels about getting the Center up and running again. During the fall semester, the office and outdated files were cleaned out. MacDoniels then sent letters to the organizations the Center had previously been involved in, as well as additional agencies which may have an interest in involving students as volunteers. As the letters and phone calls came in, MacDoniels worked to gather and organize the information given by the agencies and what their volunteer needs were. This included visiting various agencies, speaking with the directors, and seeing the facilities in which students could volunteer. By second semester, much of the grunt work had been completed and so Frost and MacDoniels began working on a grant proposal to gain funding to organize and implement a service day for 12 to 14 first-year seminar classes for the fall of 1999. Their hope is to make students more aware of the positive effects of volunteering. Said MacDoniels, "All in all, this year has been quite productive for the Center for Volunteer Service from behind the scenes, however, my goal for the future of the center is to have more student interest and involvement." The six members of Career Advisors have one thing to say. "We know how we don't want to be those people sitting in your hall behind the huge Career Services banner waiting for someone-anyone-to come talk to us. Remember us as those who brought Double Dare to Phelps and let you get messy while learning about what Career Services can do for you." Juniors Elizabeth Anderson and Chris Frentz, sophomore Drew Mackay, senior Emily Ratering, and juniors Aaron Schantz and Stacey VanderMolen spent time planning fun activities to catch attention. Some of the events were Career Night at Phelps, an Academics Majors Fair titled, "Make up your mind in '99," where representatives from each academic department answered student questions, a Residence Hall Outreach, and the publication of Career Connections newsletter. Through these projects the six students attained their goal of doing outreach for the Office of Career Services in away that encourages students to begin their career planning process sooner rather than later.

V o l u n t e e r

S e r v i c e s


C a r e e r

A d v i s o r s




Committed to

By Beth Bailey

ortar Board is a national collegiate honor society for outstanding college seniors. Forty members strong, this group's Greek letters. Pi Sigma Alpha, stand for scholarship, leadership, and service. The members are selected based on their achievements in these three areas. The board exists as an opportunity for exemplary seniors to come together with a similar desire to serve the campus and community. This year Mortar Board was involved in many community projects. Mortar Board and the Delphi Sorority teamed up for a trick-or-treat outing for canned goods. The food collected would be put into Thanksgiving baskets which went to families in the Holland area. The Mortar Board also organized a Thanksgiving dinner for the international students on campus. The board developed the H.O.P.E. Award, which recognizes outstanding professors and put together an appreciation social to honor professors' commitment to education. They played a key role in organizing drives throughout the year, assisting Alpha Phi Omega with the blood drives they sponsored. A children's book drive was facilitated through Mortar Board in cooperation with many Holland merchants and Community Action House. The group concluded their year with a formal induction ceremony for next year's members. The national organization was founded in 1918 and the Alcor Chapter at Hope was chartered in 1961. Stepping away from the norm, the Mortar Board was started by women and men were only invited to join after 1975. The mortarboard is a symbol of ancient honor and distinction, which the men and women the college generously display through their school work, student leadership, and their commitment to serving the Holland community.


^ _ y e n i o r Jase Roberts m a n s the punch and cookie station at the joint Delphi/ Mortar Board blood drive. Volunteers f r o m the c o m m u n i t y and the college gather in the M a a s Center to give the gift of life. (Mortar Board Archives)

Jenny and Todd Chassee, both seniors, sit with international students at a Thanksgiving Dinner. T h e g r o u p organized the dinner to introduce students f r o m foreign countries to this traditional holiday. (Mortar Board Archives)


1 M o r t a r

B o a r d



4 _ / c n i o r s S h a n a TenClay, Kate Gritter, A n d y Z w y g h u i z e n and Krista Brewer gather around their creation. Instead of traditional Trick-or-Treating activities, the Mortar Board filled their bags with canned goods collected throughout the community. (Mortar Board Archives) / V f o r t a r Board m e m b e r s and the Delphi Sorority gather at the Dewitt Flagpole. Both groups eagerly await the opportunity to go out into the c o m m u n i t y and collect canned goods for those less fortunate. (Mortar Board Archives)

t* •r :;m B i MM

Mortar Board w

F r o n t R o w Kelly Martin. Heather Wesp, Sarah Cortright. Lori Guse, Nicole Dangrem'ond; S e c o n d R o w Becky Ununer, Kcri Law. Jannah Thompson. Christine Dykslra. Eli/aheih Yared. Jennifer Warren. Gwen Veldhol; B a c k R o w : Melisa Gibson, Erin Kurek. Todd Chassee, Andrew Norden, Josh Metzler, Andrew Zwyghuizen. Miroslava Mateev.

i ki M o r t a r

B o a r d


^ 1 0 Baker Scholars stand outside the Ford World Headquarters during their tour of the facility. The g r o u p continued to explore various businesses around the Detroit area, learning the different opportunities available in the business world. ( B a k e r Archives)

A visit to the Bloomberg Information C o m p a n y in Manhattan was j u s t one stop on the Bakers' trip around N e w York City, as they toured various big businesses. T h e g r o u p stands with H o p e Alumnus Bob Hartt, standing second f r o m the right. (Baker Archives)

Baker Scholars Front Row; Elizabeth Yared, Kirsten Morian; Back Row ; Dana Andrews, Curtis Brinks. Eric Goodman. Jesse Richardson, Adam Paarlberg, Tim Alles, Benjamin Lane. Brent Bush.

B a k e r

S c h o l a r s


j^^aker Scholars take a welcomed break from their whirlwind tour of Detroit at the Henry Ford Estate. Basking in the classic elegance of the estate, the group was treated to lunch by the Ford Motor Company, (Baker Archives)

Investing In

futures * * By Beth Bailey

^^iker Scholars visit inner-city Detroit and the Renaissance Center, The Scholars met with Paul Hillegonds, the former Speaker of the House and current executive director of Detroit Renaissance, (Baker Archives)


j ^ d k c r s strike an uncharacteristically informal pose on the way to visit the Statue of Liberty, The ferry trip across the harbor gave the group a chance to relax and just act like tourists. (Baker Archives)

nique opportunities abound, giving this group of carefully selected sTudents many chances to connect with and learn from successful business leaders. This is not something that is easily provided in a classroom. The Baker Scholars, a group of economics, accounting and business administration majors, received many opportunities to interact with area business leaders in Holland, helping each member to prepare for the business world they will encounter after graduation. Approximately five sophomores are chosen each year from the pool of applicants to participate in the program during their junior and senior years. The high point this year for all ten members and their advisor. Professor Tony Muiderman, came when the group took two major trips within the United States, In the fall, they traveled to Detroit, While there, the group visited the Ford World Headquarters and the Henry Ford Estate, They also made a stop in inner-city Detroit with Paul Hillegonds, the former Michigan Speaker of the House and Executive Director of Detroit Renaissance, Visiting New York over Winter Break allowed the students time to visit Wall Street, the American Stock Exchange, the World Financial Center, and the Statue of Liberty. Students also got to meet and visit with alumni Bruce Tanis and Bob Hartt. These hard-working, devoted students and their advisor made sure to take time out to develop the most important skill of a successful business-person. The annual golf outing proved to be great fun for all involved! In addition to traveling around the area and to different parts of the country, the Baker Scholars found time to share their knowledge through tutoring students in the business department. Creative juices flowed as the "Exchange," the departmental newsletter, was produced. In addition, the group attended a Holland Business Roundtable Breakfast. Established as a scholarship in 1937 by George F. Baker, the founder of the First National Bank of the City of New York, the program ended in 1977. President Gordon Van Wylen then petitioned for the continued use of the Baker name and the group has remained intact.

B a k e r

S c h o l a r s






By Beth Bailey

J^xpressive with his hands, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. delivers his speech to a packed house in D i m e n t Chapel. Using a campuswide survey. Congress listened to

bth concerned with making campus life stronger, Student Congress and the Social Activities Committee (SAC) provide students with a voice and some fun. Congress gives students the chance to express political views and participate in policy-making while SAC gives the chance to plan events. This year was filled with ups and downs for the Student Congress. The organization, which serves as a liaison between the administration and the students, is made up of 25 representatives for their entire student population. This year, as part of the Annual Speaker Series, Student Congress invited speaker Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to speak on our environmental destiny on February 18 in Dimnent Memorial Chapel. The turnout for the event was very high and surpassed the expectations of Student Congress. Like everyone else on campus. Student Congress was affected by the continuing homosexuality debate. However, the group caused a little controversy of its own as it rescinded an invitation to hear Mel White speak. Choosing to hold a discussion instead, the group eventually decided not to pursue any more action for a well talked-about event. SAC wanted their events to well-covered. "Jest for the fun of it!" was their slogan. About 16 students come together to represent the entire campus community in bringing fun and positive entertainment for our campus. The purpose of SAC is to provide quality entertainment while recognizing and providing diversity in issues of society, culture, gender, as well as the format of the entertainment. This is done in a team approach that will foster the development of character and skills that may be utilized beyond each individual's college experience. This year SAC's co-directors, senior Erin Overmeyer and junior Jenny Trask, along with the committee members, brought us a Labor Day picnic, several comedians, the annual Creative Dating, Homecoming Hoedown and parade, the ever popular Vegas Night, Exam Week Extravaganza, Winter Fantasia, and at the end of the last week of classes. Spring Fling. SAC was recognized by the National Association of Campus Activities and awarded the Great Lakes Region Associate's Choice Award. The group was also one of six nominees for the National Associates Choice Award and was given four awards at the NACA Great Lakes Regional for publicity.

S t u d e n t

C o n g r e s s



students opinions when choosing a speaker. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

^ ^ t the DeWitt Center voting booth, senior Winston Rowlette asks questions about the candidates for Student Congress. The booth m o v e d around c a m p u s in order to increase voter turnout. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)

^ J f t e r a busy day at the national c o n f e r e n c e , S A C l e a d e r s h i p m e m b e r s s t o p at a g a z e b o in M u s i c City. U . S . A . S i m i l a r g r o u p s g a t h e r e d in N a s h v i l l e to c o m p a r e events. ( S A C A r c h i v e s )


T e m p l e L o v e l a c e , s e n i o r Jeff W h i t m o r e and

s o p h o m o r e K r i s t y n S u n d s t e d t wait f o r a training session at S h a d y A c r e s d u r i n g the s u m m e r retreat. S A C m e m b e r s m e t t o g e t h e r to b e g i n p l a n n i n g p r o g r a m m i n g f o r the u p c o m i n g year. ( S A C A r c h i v e s )

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iii*, •> \ , l A

• A

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Kristyn S u n d s t e d t and junior Jenny Trask explore N a s h v i l l e ' s night life a f t e r a d a y of m e e t i n g s at the N A C A conference. Leadership training w a s an important c o m p o n e n t of membership. (SAC Archives)


Social Activities Committee From Left to Right: Erin Overmcyer. Jessica Davis. Sherri Meyer-Veen. Kristyn Sundsieadt. Jennifer Trask. Temple Lovelace. Laura Evans. Jannah Thompson. Padric Moore, Sarah Smith. Sheri Lewis, JelT Whitmore, Beth Hoffman. Steve McBride, Jesse Menning. Michael Brevet.

y J S t u d e n t

C o n g r e s s




^ _ y e n i o r s Lisa M o u a and Sherry


lutching their rakes, H A P A

Kuo and j u n i o r Christine Trinh clean

m e m b e r s finish raking leaves.

up after the International Food Fair

Traveling to houses, the g r o u p spent

in November. H A P A m a d e sure a

a successful Saturday m o r n i n g

Asian cuisine w a s available. (Photo

together. (Photo Courtesy of

Courtesy of Christine Trinh)

Christine Trinh)

Asian Perspective Assoc. Front Row; fhang Tran. Todd McKim, Aiko Kobaru; Middle Row: Hai Nguyen, Naomi Enomoto. Christine Trinh, Sherri Kuo; Back Row: Conrad Chen, Takeshi Yaganida. Amy Otis, Ivy Shen.

rn 122

h a p A


Crossing MJM by Kristin Lamers

popping vegetables for the Asian Food Fair, f o u r members prepare a speciality. A s the lead event of Asian Awareness week, the night set the w e e k off to a good start. (Photo by Ivy Shen)

^ X e s s i n g the part, m e m b e r s prepare for the M a f i a Night. The night of suspense and deception with cards w a s announced by black-paper invitations sealed with gold


sunbursts. (Photo Courtesy of Christine Trinh)

ith a distinct goal of bringing awareness of a different culture to e campus, Hope's Asian Perspective Association (HAPA) plunged into a busy year of activities. HAPA was founded in 1986 and became an official student organization just one year later. The goal of the organization is to promote awareness of different cultures on the campus. The organization consists of culturally diverse members ranging from international students to Americans that come from many different backgrounds. Among the various activities that were sponsored by HAPA, the biggest most time consuming event was Asian Awareness week. The weeklong celebration gave the student body the chance to take a look inside many different cultures and it also gave HAPA the opportunity to open it's doors to people that have never before heard of the organization. The week began with an Asian food fair in Phelps on Monday night. Throughout the week other activities included, Asian music on WTHS, Korean dancers in the Pine Grove, and a 3-on-3 basketball, and ping pong tournament. Speaker Tim Wise also spoke in the Knickerbocker Theatre on Tuesday Night, sponsored by both HAPA and the Black Coalition. His speech titled, "Beyond Diversity and Challenging the racism in an age of backlash" told of his struggles as a anti-racist activist. Wise spoke about American racism in the late 1990s and challenged many students to go beyond their behavior to make a difference. Asian Awareness week ended with a Karaoke contest and dance in the Kletz. HAPA has also been involved in many other activities. To raise money for their cause, they raked leaves in the fall. Generously keeping only half of the money and donating the other half to a local charity. The Organization also helped the campus to celebrate the Chinese New Year, handing out red envelopes known as hong baos to the students. The envelopes were designed to bring students awareness of the importance of this holiday to the Chinese people and give them an inside look at how the Chinese celebrate. HAPA also sponsored a Vietnamese poetry reading in cosponsorship with academic departments. Crossing the gap between many different cultures within the Asian society, HAPA brought many new perspectives and ideas to the college this year.


Phi AlahaTheta German Club

Feeding An

By Beth Bailey and Jennifer L Mill

academic intrests fun, the History Honor Society, Phi Alpha Theta d the German Club seek to broaden students knowledge. Phi Alpha Theta encourages its members to "seek truth" through real dialogue and discussion among its members. One way the group facilitates discussion is by the invitations of many renowned speakers, including a February visit by Rodolfo Fattovich, the lead archaeologist on the dig at Aksum, Ethiopia. The group is comprised of the history faculty and 24 students, who are history majors or minors who have met GPA and credit requirements.Their goals are to bring scholars to campus and, in the interest of expanding their own minds, to do activities that further the study of history. While they never leave their history roots far behind, the group also takes time to relax and to enjoy each others' company. In April, Phi Alpha Theta held a potluck dinner where more than food was shared amongst the group. It was a time at the end of the year where the group could share their experiences and laughter. German speakers also wanted to spend time sharing what is important to them. Although the original German Club was founded in 1952, it was reactivated by Wielke Saunders during the March of 1998. Saunders was a German exchange student and a teaching assistant for the German courses offered here. Despite the fact that the club is only in its infancy, it has participated in many activities. These activities have included movie night for which the group watched Schmutzig Tanzen or Dirty Dancing, the film Beyond Silence which was shown in the Knickerbocker Theater. The club did a couple of skit for the Christmas party, including "Frau Strands Visit from Santa Claus" and "Tracy and Jen's Four Hour Dessert." Sophomore presidents Tracy Miller and Kristin Sorenson helped with a discussion group in the Critical Issues Symposium and several members attended a Leadership Conference. The German Club uses these many activities to promote the German cultural experience and show the community that learning about other cultures is fun as well as educational. The goal of the club is to proudly represent those who speak German, German majors and minors, students in the club, and anyone who may simply have an interest in the German culture.

P h

A l p h a

T h e t a


G e r m a n

C l u b

Junior Shelley and sophomore M e g a n Brax practice s o m e G e r m a n skydiving at the C h r i s t m a s party. O n e of the most beloved parts of the G e r m a n C l u b year, the student-created skits were once again included. (German C l u b Archives)

/ \ ^ a r Tunnel Park's beach, Germanspeakers prepare their hamburgers. The trip to the beach was a w e l c o m e change f r o m the members' regular activities. ( G e r m a n Club Archives)


f r o f e s s o r s Earl Curry and Bill Cohen stir the pot at the P.A.T. potluck. The professors supplied specialty f o o d s f r o m their own kitchens, giving students a chance to c o m e together and relax, celebrating the end of the semester. (History Club Archives)

^ ^ e n i o r Ben Velderman helps himself to some salad for dinner. A history major, Velderman contributed his k n o w l e d g e in this g r o u p of like-minded people. (History C l u b Archives)

* M i i in i s m

Phi Alpha Theta Front Row James Kennedy. Susan Korpela, Janis Gibbs, Albeit Bell; Back Row William Cohen, Eurl Curry. Ben Velderman, Marc A m o y s . Erica Puntel. James Hilmert, Ryan Ondersma.

o J P h

A l p h a

T h e t a


G e r m a n

C l u b

^ ^ e n i o r Christine Dykstra and j u n i o r Caroiynn Haase discuss their classes at the Potluck dinner. Dr. David M y e r s invited Psi Chi m e m b e r s to a good dinner and conversation. (Psi Chi Archives)


^ -o-chairs j u n i o r s Llena Durante and Kemberlee Pease wait for one of their social work classes to end. The juniors organized the events and ran the meetings. (SSWO Archives)

Juniors Kemberlee Pease and Katie Sine finish a meeting of the organization after planning upcoming events. Open to social work majors, many felt the need to reach out into the c o m m u n i t y . (SSWO Archives)

dent Social Work Org. Front Row: Darlene Huisen, S e c o n d Row: Belsy Gibbs, Kayrl Stead, Elizabeth Artman, Llena Durante, Kale MacDonielv. Back Row: Laurie Hutchenreuther.




S t u d e n t

S o c i a l

W o r k




Exploring •their


^ ^ • t t i n g off the ground, social work m a j o r s work on the roof of a Habitat for Humanity home as part of a service project. With h a m m e r s and nails, the group made a real difference in a local f a m i l y ' s life. ( S S W O Archives)

^Chi m e m b e r s eat s o m e pizza at the final meeting of the first semester. The pizza w a s a reward for the students' hard work. (Psi Chi Archives)

By Beth Bailey

students like to carry their learning beyond the required classes OTthe major. Psi Chi is a national honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. The 22 members of Psi Chi have met rigorous qualifications to be part of the elite honor society. There are approximately 50 members in the Student Social Work Organization who make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. The group, comprised of social work majors, is a way to provide students with opportunities to interact with each other, promote community participation, and to encourage personal opinions. Along with Psi Chi is the Psychology Club. Any student interested in psychology can be a part of the organization which promotes special interest lectures and activities. As a continuing effort from last year, Psi Chi and the Psychology Club continued to have joint meetings and have one executive board. Combining the groups has proved to raise participation and also provides more unity between the students in the Psychology department. To prepare students for life after college, the clubs held several seminars on different aspects of the graduate school experience. These seminars ranged from general guidelines of how and when to apply to grad school to specific details behind obtaining good letters of recommendation. In November, many members of the group delivered Thanksgiving baskets provided by a local church to families in the Holland area and during the week before Christmas Break, the group held a pizza party as a way to socialize and relieve stress before finals. The social work organization also reached out into the community. To intertwine the college and the community, the students initiated many service projects. They organized a hat and mitten drive that included all of the campus and the donated items were sent to Women in Transition. Some of their other projects included a Casa lock-in, a joint effort with Habitat for Humanity, and an adoption of two teens during the Christmas season to fulfill Christmas wishes. To close out the year in April, the members of Psi Chi held and induction luncheon to receive the new members of Psi Chi for the 19992000 school year. Through their community actions and interactions with one another, the Social Work Organization is looking to, and pushing for, the wellbeing of society. ^

i l j P s i

C h i


S t u d e n t

S o c i a l

W o r k

O r g a n i z a t i o n

VI Pull £r — '02 Pull

A Team


Andrea Apol

ach year in the middle of September the tradition of The Pull begins. Moralers show up for classes with buckets and water bottles, and dirty pullers show up in Phelps for dinner. First, there is a rally to encourage freshmen and sophomore men and women to try out for Pull. Practices begin on a Monday, with the sophomore veterans returning, hoping to be called back along with some new hopeful recruits. Dozens of freshmen show up to the first practice, but only the toughest remain. The grueling three hour practices each day are not for the weak spirited. They are for the people with grit, and the people with the will to survive The Pull. Surviving the practices is not about physical strength, but of inner strength and mentality. After the first week of practice, including the all day Saturday practice, the coaches make their final decisions on who will remain. These are the 20 men and women who get to experience the pain and suffering and joy associated with this event. For the next two weeks of intense training, and ripping rope these people build a team, and become a family. Pits are dug, duct tape vests are made, hands are bloodied, bodies are bruised, and warriors are formed. Finally the day of The Pull arrives. Pullers and moralers march to their pits. Even Year on one side of the river. Odd Year on the other. Soon the three hour madness begins. Total, forty-three inches of thick rope determined Odd Year as the winner this year. After three years of defeat Odd Year Pull Coach Mike Adamski said after winning, "It was amazing and such a release to jump into the river. It was especially nice with the Pull team who made such advances since last year."

ophomore Greg Morton, a second-year Puller, leans back as the rope is wrapped around him. Serving as anchor, Morton supported the team and provided the grounding for the team. (Photo by A m y Otteson)

freshman Elizabeth Miranda takes a m o m e n t to recover as the results of the Pull are announced. The Even Year team looked f o r w a r d to capturing a win for next year. (Photo by A m y Otteson)

l ^ i P u II

^ o p h o m o r e Maribeth Huizenga gets her Puller focused before the whistle signals the start of the Pull. The Moralers were an important part of the Pull, keeping their Pullers focused and motivated. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

dd Year coaches motivate their their team to


vicotry. Mind over matter w a s an important drving force in the Pull. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

Front Row: Andrea Johnson, Jessica Thomas. Ann Byland, Brent Rowe. Mike Adamski, MikeZolnierowicz, Tony LaSorsa,Bryan Gr/an Sieve Kraseman. Heather Weyrick; Seco n d Row: Jodi Kurt?, Krissy Kooyer, Janet Johnson, Emily Gregory, Maribeth'Huizenga, Catlie Budd, Chri>ijne Lutz. Tobi Hill, Jenniier Polsgrove, Maggie Maggie; Third row: Drev Mackay. Andy Ratke, Jason GiIIis, Justin Savara, Jake Maas. Kip Roberts, Bill Serrano, Jon Plummcr, JB VandenBerg, Fourth Row: Teresa Carey, Khstina Pecom, Sar.ih Escott. Megan Brax, Libby Stancik. Abby Tanis. Kriss Harrison, Kelly Chamberlain. Anne Vanderwei. Kelly Buwalda, Kali Forquer; Back Row: Kyle Bloemers, Malt Troost, Jesse Mckey, Jeremy Nickels, Matt Holmes. Clark Bcacom. Aaron Peterson, Dave Kuhrt. Trieu Do, Joel Neckers, Nick Wicks.

Front Row: Luke Smith, Mandy Creighton, Josh Brugger. Rebckah Brown. Jon Kopchick, Mindy Fisher. Paul VanderLaan, Erin Selmer, Josh Strand. Anne Schrock, Chris Cappa, Second Row; Sarah Johnson. Mary Wyciechowski. Monica Chemick, Courtney Mun/ Samantha Sandro, Carol Miller. Becky Broughton, LeanneCook; Third Row: Greg Morton, '" "erry Bums, RamezMilad. Jason Schroeder, Jacob Scheidler.T^ler Southwell, Emily Hutchins; Fourth Row: Julie Asher, Elizabeth Pyle, Jenn Peeks. Amy Woolard. Cli/abeth Fothergill, Erin VanDyken. Betsi Mulder, Laura Meengs. Cara Klapp. Andrea Gratton, Maureen Williams, Elizabeth Miranda, Back Row: Steve Purtell, Selh Pdhncr. B o b Remes, Matt Vanderhyde, Steve Haulenbcek, Charlie ^'hitney, Ben Falk. Mark Foreman.

P u l l

$ M 0(w


C' l-i | , r in? ji- fij *,-1 Âť

n VI Nykerk Song "01 S o n g : I .am Alderman. Chcric Allcrs. Scaccy Baker, Courtney Ball, Julie Barton, Suzanne Beckman, Annie Becks, Rachel Bigelow, Melissa Bluntly, Sarah Boh, Lisa Breuker, Terrin Brudin, Kristin Brondykc, Brcnda Brouwer, Jaclyn Brower, Jennifer Chelpis, Katharine Chism, Michelle Chowning, Andrea Christie. Sherrie Cunningham. Audra Davis. Erin Davis. Kristen DcJong. Jennifer Dennis, Lisa Doorlug. Andrea Douglass, Vicki Dryfhout, Laura I vans, Sara Eveland. Stacey Flcgol, Elizabeth Flory, Rachel Flotkixjtter, Alison Fonts, Kristyn Fox, Deirdrc Qreham. Laura Grit, Nicole Grocnhoidc, Jessica Gutierrez, Sheri Hartman, Heidi Hickman, Tobi Hill, Susan Hinman. Angic Hobbs, Kate Hocsch, Betsy Hofstra. Kim I lowey, I t in I (ughes, Jessica Hungerford, Rachel Juger. I leather Johnson, Jeannettc Johnson. Elizabeth Jomdt, Elizabeth Jungst, Jennifer Kaufmann, Holly Kaye. Anna Kievit, Janet Kleban, Katlierine Kobcr, Julia Kocppe, Carolyn Kremm, Lisa Kulper, Rachel Kuipers, Melissa LeBarge. Lauren Lashbrook, Deanna Lebar, Angle Lee, Melanie Lofquist. Angela Long, Carrie Lowe, Katie Lowe, Angela Lower, Michelle Lubbers, Elizabeth Markham, Michelle McDougal, Jennifer McKenna. Marcy Metiers. Laura Messing, Rachel Miller, Elizabeth Molina. Melissa Morrison. Julie Murray, Kristin Nelson, Carrie Olson. Sara Oostendorp. Rohm Oppenhuizen, Kristina Pecora, l-ori Peterson. Beth Pikaart, Sarah Polk. Emily Prins. Nichole Ray. Melissa Rhoudes. Megan Riley, Sarah Ruttan. Jill Schaap, Brandy Schenck, Lori Schilling. Jan Scholtens, Sarah Shibley, Sarah Skrilofl. Kirstcn Slotten. Lindsay Smies. Sopheap Sam. Beth Sortmun. Emily Sowers, Jill Spalding. l,ori Stevens. Chen Stibitz, Kristyn Sundsiedt, Amy Szymczak, Erica Torgerson, Elizabeth Tworek, Jessie Wallers. Taylor Werkman, Sarah Werner. Katie Wicrenga. Joy Wilkins, Shannon Wixson. Lesley Woodall. Lindscy Woodall. Angle Van Erp, Sandra VandcrWal. Kimberly Van Der Wende. Stephanie Velandcr, Lisa Vollenweider, Melissa Zylstra; M o n d e ; David Bauer, Kyle Bloemers, Garrett Childs, Carl Daniel, Jay Dietche, I odd Dye, Ryan Gallas, Joe Gavin, Eric Howland, Joel Kocdyker. Erich Shoemaker, Matt Sterling. Kris Tarkiewicz. Vic Wlieeler. Charles White, Jell Wilcox. Dave Willeumier, Ben Winy, Brian Wondergem; (roaches: Erin Beckman. Seth Crawley, Kevin Menken, Christy Pratl, Matt Simons

VI Nykerk Play I-nml Row: GeotT Abbas; Second Row: Matt Fivlz, Aime Evans, Jessica. Adam Hudson, t hird Row: Dave VanderLaan. Justin Savara, Jeff Petkus, l im Bollema, Andrew Lotz Back Row: Michelle Michalski, Katie Butler, Tersea Carey, Liz Sermuir. Jennifer Seawall. Jeni Huhner. Jodi Kurtze, Angela Baldino. Kate Rivesl. Sarah Pedely. Megan Brax.

'02 Nykerk Song '02 S o n g : Jessica Abbott, Amanda Anderson. Carrie Arnold, Julie Asher, Sarah Ashley. Amanda Ausen. Becky Austin, Amy Avery. Laura Baker. Ashley Barriger, Hannah Bira, Kellie Bleecker. Kalie Bode, Brennne Bonn, Kristen Borst, Brea Box, Anne Bradley, Diana Bray. Susan Brower, Tricia Brown. Jaimie Brush, Maria Bultman, Bethany Buege. Megan Burkart, Jamie Burke, I aura Burns. Meredith Care, Beth Carter. Jessica Case. Laura Collins. Ginger Connor. Ruth Cortright. Cristin Cramer. Kristin Debbink. Susan DeKam. Jodi DeHaan. Christen DeVries. Lisa DeVries, Sarah Dieter, Tavia Di Salvio, Jessica Droste, Mieke Dykman, Beth Evans. Sarah Fensler, Laurie Fromsma, Elizabeth Fothergill. Lori Geuder. Jenna Gerbens, Abby Gibbs, Katie Gibson, Meghan Goergc, Julie Green. Candaee Grocnhof, Karen Halm, Maren Heiberg, Suzie Hekman, Sarita Hoekzema, Julie Hofman. Sarah Hokenson, Jenny Hodges, Marianne Hoyt, Jenny Huber, Erin Hughes. Elizabeth Husa. Sabrina Johnson. Sara Johnson. Lindsay Johnville. Alicia Kancshiro. Laurie K;irsten, Lindscy Klepper. Lindsay King. Stephanie King, Anna Kohls, Sharon Konopka. Katie Kossen, Rachel Kuhl. Kristin Lamers, Kammy Larr. Tracy Leman. Marta Liang. Heather Linz. Sara Made. Julie Matchett, Nancy Mayo, Kris McMillen, Katie McNcely, Carol Miller. Katie Miller. Misha Molter, Kiplynn Moore. Jenny Mudra, Andrea Mulder, Angela Murphy, Renee Munich, Laurie Beth Nedervcl. Kim Nemic. Julie Norman. Karen Olson, Heidi Osmundson, Anne Ottemess, Erin Peet. Rachel Pcshick, Maureen Peters. Brooke Peterson, Andrea Philipps, Heather Post. Kristin Pott, Eron Powers, Kara Pranger. Radical Pridgeon. Ammie Pries. Sarah Proulx, Kari Rakosky, Jenny Raupp, Tiffany Ripper, Kristin Sabol, Kristin Schneider, Liz Schofield. Michelle School). Kara Schwicterman. Lauivn Seymour, Yoko Sezai. Teresa Sheffield. Rochelle Schrewsbury. Silverthom, Emily Small. Alison Smith. Larissa Smith, Piper Spratt, Dana Stehouwer. Emily Snyder. Alaina Stojic. Sarah Stoepker. Sarah Sudniek. Miriam Takish. Kate TeWinkle. Emily Thornton, JessicaTischendorf, Kalie Torgerson. Jen Traxler. Krisly Truax. Heather Van Wingen. Christa Van Dort. Stephanie Vcnard. Amber Vredcvoogd, Annie Wagnild, Allison Watt. Jamie Werth. Amber Wesche, Brooke Wever, Nicole Wide, Lindscy Wolf, Amy Woolard. Jennifer Yob, Megan Zeneberg, Jessie Zlmbeman; Morale: Ryan Black, Bob Bradford, Mike Brevet, Isaac Hartman, Nathan Haveman, Mika Hulliberger, Branden Johnson. Pat Kinne, Sam Klooster, Jeff Lubbers, Chad Lutke, Kent McCoy. Chris Meyer, Jeremy Phillips, Jamie Schloten. Malt Scogin, Josh Spalsbury. Greg Town, Jake Van Pernis, Noah Wenger, Kevin Wollhuis, David Yang. Matthew Vaderhyde; Couches: Mary Beth Marchionda, Melissa Nienluus. Christopher Poest, Matt Swier.

V2 Nykerk Play Front Row: Chester Schrer. Meridith Akins, Mike Anderson. Amy Moldenhauer. Darin Crask, Second Row: Beckey Wiechman. Kil Schultz, Jill Nyquisi, Meryl Humphrey, Elizabeth Bennet, Erin Wysocki, Misha Neil. Kristina Bell; Third Row: Caroline Summers. Lindsay Maharg, Heather Dusiin. Sara Philips, Kim Droscha. Jackie Ryczak; Buck Row: Stebe Pertcll. Jason Schroedcr. Malt Slehle. Justin Moore, Jay Huft. Keith Cravotta. Ian Samson. Nicke Reister. Chad Gihby, Charles Kroll.Tim Grover, Josh Filing, Jacobe Seheidler, Josiah Dykslra.

N y k e r k


VlJJykerk ' 0 2 N y w i r k


Committment TV* By Andrea Apol

^^uberant freshmen celbrate their win by meeting Odd Year in the middle. Even year took the cup f r o m Odd Year's clutches. (Photo by April Greer)

r J L v e n Year Song practices hard during the three w e e k s b e f o r e the big night. Their hard work paid off. (Photo by Johnathan

adition. Fun. Friends. Laughter. That is what Nykerk is ail about. Ts not about competition or talent, but of unification. Nykerk is a tradition that began 63 years ago by Dr. John B. Nykerk. He introduced the event so there would be an all female competition that was not about talent, but of making friends and having fun. They plays are to make the audience laugh, the orator's job is to make you think, and the songs are supposed to be fun and entertaining. During the three weeks of practice, the girls are encouraged by their morale guys. The moralers serve as a booster and as support for the girls. Every practice is attended by the guys where they do skits, and they leave notes with flowers or candy on the girls doors. Anything for a smile or a laugh will do. Morale is important to the success of Nykerk for keeping up the spirits of the participants. Adding to the aspect of a friendly competition odd year and even year draw secret pals. They leave their pals notes of encouragement and sometimes candy. "We get to know more people this way and it makes Nykerk less competitive," sophomore song girl Rachel Miller said. The final week before the competition is an exciting one. Odd year and even year come together for a candle light walk around campus. The girls meet their secret pals and sing songs including the alma mater. This year, in honor of President Jacobson and his retirement, the walk ended at his house. There he was presented with flowers and two Nykerk sweatshirts. He received this gift because he was an important part of the event, promoting Nykerk and offering his support. One of the most important parts of a Nykerk competition are the people behind the scenes. These are the thirty-one students who make up the committee members and are in charge of publicity, finding judges, and trying to agree on issues and ideas. To make certain that there is teamwork, and in an effort for a good experience the committee goes on a retreat in the beginning of the year. "This makes it a lot easier to work together," said General Chair Roxanne Pascente. "We had a good committee with a lot of spirit and energy." This year the committee focused on faculty publicity, and getting the community involved. Nykerk ended with the Nykerk Cup going to even year. As part of the tradition, as well as to promote unification the two years "met in the middle," showing what the Nykerk spirit is all about.

N y k e r k

s a campus tradition, the upperclassmen rushed out to meet the "aces on campus. And, it seems, to run off with their belongings as well. In the spirit of Orientation weekend. Orientation Assistants (OAs) look to ease the tension freshmen are feeling during the "firsts" of college life. This includes carrying refrigerators, couches, clothes, and delivering other personal belongings to dorm rooms. Orientation is a time for new students to dive right in to the campus community. Orientation Directors (ODs) and assistants provide an atmosphere of fun and silliness as well as comfort. Traditional ice breakers, such as "The Human Knot" and the "Cup Game," are played in team meetings, tennis shoes and expended energy come out during Playfair, and entertainment is provided by "Orange and Blue For You" and Groovin' In the Grove. The Orientation staff, after much preparation over the summer, arrived a week before the new students to learn how to facilitate group discussion, to try out the ice breakers on each other, and how to answer any questions new students might have. The OAs were assigned to small groups led by an AD to ensure successful training and group bonding. While Orientation is focused more on incoming students, not all the fun is reserved for them. The OA Olympics is a time for the OAs to compete against one another in crazy games and chance to strut their stuff by performing wacky skits. OAs also get plenty of laughs from their ADs during full Orientation staff meetings. The ADs went out of their way to make sure a good time was being had by all. On Friday morning, an hour before students were scheduled to arrive, the Orientation staff collected to make the Wonderful Circle. Outside of Kollen Hall, the staff threw their arms around one another and shuffled around a circle until someone yelled, "Stop!" and gave a compliment or some energy boosting statement to pump one another up. With this last bit of motivation, the OA's were off to celebrate the beginning of a new year with new students...and to rush off with all their stuff!

^^rientation Assistants join together to m a k e the Wonderful Circle. The team c a m e to c a m p u s a week early to learn to tools of the trade to pass on to the next generation of students. (PR Photo)


y e mors Jill

Davis, Katie Hilbrecht, Kelly Yager, Kerry Gross, and j u n i o r Jeremy Latchaw take a well deserved break during Orientation weekend. This year, over 80 returning students participated in w e l c o m i n g new students. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

O r i e n t a t i o n

S t a f f

A / e w students place their brightly painted palms on the Orientation banner. Each year, the entire incoming class leaves their mark and will see it again four years later at


- J Xu ^

the senior banquet. (Photo by Carl Bussema)

w 3S»

% Orientation Directors Orientation Directors:

J e f f W h i t m o r e , Jenny Trask. A n n e B a k k e r - G r a v A s s i s t a n t

D i r e c t o r s : Tawny Brinson, A m y Champaigne, D a v e Flemraing, Sheri Folta, Brock Isanhart. Jon Kopchick. Bill K i m . Cindi Knight. D r e w McCulley, A m y Otteson. L u k e Smith. A l i c i a Tomicich.

rientation Staff OhraUdon Attutanb; loe Audenu Lai Aldcmun. Jemun. Nlicbacl NlichielAnJer»on. Anderi AcijKb BjUir. > GlenJa ButJun, Lundwv Beckncr. Tun HiykfTVO, Bovwher. Mirv Brm.lf.Tj Mjltbc* Br.iniMc Mtg*ii Liu Bi-^jkn. And/cj ChriMK, Mana Opolone, Shrnie Cunningham. Erin Daviv, Jill [>»i'. Kn ten DcJung. Katbennf Drop. Btiiii Drylhoui, •Vljv.-n •n Eh-hmann. Liu/j Evan*. Scon tv«n?. Sirah Evrlj/vJ, John Fai/^hild, StBce> "


Hur^crtixJ. Rjtliel Iuki Tyler Janwn. HeJtbcf J-jhns<>n. Siephjuic Jones. Li/ JomJi. Shanii-jA lucni-M Jennifer Kiufnun, Eli Kend/a l Janci "~' Klehuo, L«i Knudscn. Kjlhcnne v .•tw.r.n, Kohcr, Carol' Kiernm, RjchcJ Kuipery_Mrlu.u LjB«jc An^rLi Loe^Amy Lej-rrr. Le>Ter. Rrnce F • ' • 'Melon Lick. • ' it'^ofuuul, Lofjuu1 Andrew Loo. Meli^j Lurar. MjryBedi Mairhiooda. ICelh Manin. Dc«ru jaMcNa. r Jex%e Nk-nnine. Maixy Mritcr\. Mandy Mom>on. Mcmva Mcfnvor. Marvjane Murpfiy Boonte i Kntim SelKWt Ro6ta n. Jeff Pmile. Hilary Peirrvn, E/Ka Peie/, Jennifer Peukr. Rchekan Plugci. Amte '


EyrncMk, Danny TjyU . F.n'u Tuhinu Chnviioe Tnnh. SaodraVjnderWal JerLnil'ei VwDyLr. Kimberly V'jnDrrWende "iiephaoic 'eUDder. Ancrla Visscr. Mejao Waller. Jesnca WlOrrv. L»a WebvJer. T jtrior V. crkman. Sarah Werner. Jeff WilctBL Casey Wtlt-ih tndrej Vr Kharri Lind>ey Vi .^odall Anna Wynbeck. Kelly Yager. Mike Zuxtema

O r i e n t a t i o n

S t a f f


^ J f o p h o m o r e Kirsten Slotten, an RA in Van Vleck, shows the i m p o r t a n c e of being a friend to her residents. She and the other R A s went through extensive training to sharpen their helping skills. (Photo Courtsey Julie Gobel)

' Me

7 Phttps Hour;

T N ghborhood coordinators, senior Sara Rye, juniors Akua OforiMensa and Marie Provost, seniors Jay Luhtnann, Kris


M c K e e , and Matt McPherson c o m e out on top. As neighborhood coordinators, they were in charge of planning c o m m u n i t y events with their R A s and S R D s in their area. (Photo courtsey Julie Gobel)

Residential Life

Resident Directors Shcri M e y e r - V e e n . Ellen Awad, M a r y A n n P e n n a s a n g . Kim M e n d e l s , Jennifer K m c i a , Doreen B e l l / , D o u g B a / u i n . W e n d y Sturrus, N a n e y Shrode. Lisa Knapp, A n i s s a Mihalek, Angela Tracy, A m i t y Weeldreycr. S t u d e n t R e s i d e n t D i r e c t o r s ; Ryan Miller, I.ori Gum.-. R o x a n n e Pascente, Jackie Williams. Todd C h a s s e e . M i c h e l l e Haidiic. M i s l e n

J AnOtr-m.Gluafccr Y.ivci. Javm ^ Creighlun, lU^ani AUiUidl. t"linÂť Kcrrinv Km Mt




R e s i d e n t i a l

L i f e



mmgy the freshmen moving into residence hails, seeing a smiling face 5n their fist day at on campus a comforting sight. And the residential life staff are just the people to provide that smiling face. Members of residential life spent a week getting to know one another and training hard before students drifted onto campus. The Resident Assistants (RAs), Student Resident Directors (SRDs), and Resident Directors (RDs) attended seminars concerning issues that surround the campus to satisfy any questions students may have. During Orientation weekend, the staff hung aroud with a dinsction mission: to direct students and parents to their destinations, answer questions, and to start the bonding process between hallmates. This bonding process, however, does not end at the finish of Orientation. All year, RAs and SRDs strove to involve their residents in community building projects such as, picnics, bowling, or watching the Super Bowl. These community projects bring residents together and allow everyone to touch base with what is happening in their busy lives. RAs and SRDs play an important role in the average student's life. They supply students with toilet paper and light bulbs. While they are busy enforcing the college rules, they do offer alternatives (such as it is okay to grill as long as you are on the strip of grass next to the road) for their residents. The residential life staff is made up of people who are more than rule enforces, but those looking to make college life easier. They are there to be a friend and to offer guidance when needed. They play a fundamental role in not only the lives of underclassmen, but upperclassmen as well. Even for upperclassmen, it is still a comforting sight to see those smiling faces.

l i J R e s i d e n t i a l

L i f e


T h e d e f e n s i v e line huddles alier ;i winning touchdown against Adrian Their second-place c o n f e r e n c e season followed one where they captured first. (Photo by B r e n d a Brewer)

Oyer ' the equipment has changed from leather football helmets and long basketball pants. The line-up has changed as well. No, longer do field hockey and wrestling fill the bill. But with the changing face of sports, the work ethic and dedication has not changed. Coaches still work with students who give up their free time for the chance to be a part of the team. ^






Wd Jlip DlKGtl Mod t o M quartetbachs for offensivG plays. The


ange thi^J year ^ was.. . n i irthat our


expected to win."

Dean Kreps head coach

p i n t i n g to the next o p p o r t u n i t y to m a k e a play, senior linebacker A d a m Paarlberg waits for the snap. As a three-year letterwinner, Paarlberg stepped into the v a c a n c y left by 16 graduated starters. (Photo by B r e n d a Brewer)

finishing first in the Michiintercollegiate Athletic Asso| Q i | n for the first time since 1987, the Flying Dutchmen were hoping to build upon their new success. Dutch football had finished fifth, second and first in the three short years with Dean Kreps as head coach. The Flying Dutchmen set themselves up for late season showd o w n with p e r e n n i a l f o o t b a l l power Albion. They started the season 1-2 in nonconference play, and marched their way past MI A A members Kalamazoo, Adrian, Alma and Olivet, setting up their clash with the Britons. "We were on the right swing leading us in there. That was what we wanted to do and we were in there," Kreps said. The contest was similar to I 9 9 7 ' s game. A 28-25 victory handed the Flying Dutchmen a share of the conference title, tied with Adrian. In 1998, Albion set the tone e a r l y and o f t e n . T h e B r i t o n s crushed the team, 44-0 and set the Flying Dutchmen reeling into their final came with conference newcomer Defiance. The Dutchmen dropped the sea-

son-ending game and finished the season 4-2 in the MIAA, good for second place and 5-4 overall. "It was fun. The big change this year was that our guys expected to win," Kreps said, "whenever we go out on the field. They know that if they go out and play well, they're going to win." Offensively, the Flying Dutchmen were looking to throw the ball more than they had in the past. That was due, in part to the departure of All-American running back, 1998 graduate Brandon Graham, who accounted for 70 percent of the Flying Dutchmen offense. Leading the Flying Dutchmen attack was returning quarterback seniors Justin Wormmeester and running back Marty Gravelyn. "I give [Gravelyn] a lot of credit. He's been a backup for three years and hasn't slacked at all," Kreps said. "[Wormmeester] is probably the best leader on the team. Even the lineman look up to him. He's especially a take charge guy in the huddle." The defense was led by senior AII-MIAA members Adam Paarlberg and Dave DeHommel. "Defense is a strength with the returning starters," Kreps said.

•ytnior Justin Wormmeester rears back for a pass while j u n i o r Dan Wegner keeps his

Hu M i c h a o i ZuidGma

opponent f r o m advancing. As quarterback, Wormmeester posted big offensive numbers with 1362 yards. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

i k l

138 F o o t b a l l



September 12 Augustana 20

Dutch 6 September 19 DePauw 10

Dutch 20

^ g e r l y waiting their c h a n c e to

September 26 Wesleyan 42

Dutch T7

c o n t i n u e their

October 10 Dutch 24

play, o f f e n s i v e

Kalamazoo 14

players, seniors Dave Uyl and Mark Hofstee

October 17

Dutch 17

Adrian 7

and junior Aaron Jubar wait for the o f f i c i a l ' s

October 24

call. T h e D u t c h

Dutch 43

Alma 37

p o s t e d big n u m b e r s this year, r a c k i n g u p y a r d s as well as

October 31 O l i v W


touchdowns. (Photo by Brenda Brewer) November 14

Defiance 9 H ^ n g with his d e f e n s i v e line

November 7 Albion 44 Dutch 0

Dutch 7

teammates, junior linebacker Ted Patrick celebrates the halting of an A l b i o n drive. Defensive


players came b a c k strong f r o m the p r e v i o u s y e a r a n d kept opponent's s c o r e s low. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)


Front Row: Jason Hester, Corey Monsma, Ryan Redinger, Mart Gravelyn, Case McCalla, Greg Vaughan. Tony Petkus. Dave Uyl. Jim Shields. Dave DeHommel. Kelly Smith. Adam Paarlberg. Justin Wormmeester, Matt Putnam. Tim Alles, Mark Hofstee. Fred Hackett, Todd Cooper. Second Row: Man Anderson. Lou Raj. Joe Fitzsimmons. Jason Main. Ted Patrick. Ross Baldwin, John Soltis. Scott Langlois, Chad Beaver. Todd Tester, Jake Kerwin. Tom Demitroff, Aaron jubar. Matt Handzo. Dan Wegner, Arend Elston; Third Row: Steve Molesa. Mike Forgue, Matt Bride. Todd Con>tange, Andrew Jamieson. Kevin Ramthun. Clint Douglas, Jason Meerman, Jim Raseman. John Milan, Craig Gruner, Jason Selkirk. Ed Jewett, Kevin Richardson. Ken Hekhuis. Adam Magers. Doug Randall; Fourth Row: Bryan Regner. Rodney Cobb. Ryan Schwartz. Kurt Glupker. Curtis Tyler, Mike Bailor, Dan Kahn. Dave Yang. Tom Cook, Pat Warren. Andy Oostertieert, Ryan Overmyer, Brian Adloff, Ron Heemstra, Ryan Gonzales, Eric Branch. Dave Hart. Curt Hanningan; Fifth Row: Landon Matthews, Kevin Kudej. Anthony Kaly. Chip Nightingale. Nick Kunnen, Tim Soper, Brian Hammer. Chris Mangus, Geno Peters. Nathan Alkire. Brent Sodergren. Andre Baraka,Mark Youngs, J.D. Graves, Chase Caipenter, Malt VanDeweghe, Gary Bordato, Travis Noparstak. Sixth Row: John Dobbins. David Bos, Joel Mero, D.J. Blake, Jon Powell, Tom Cook. Bob Lesnau. Rangier, Nick Letarte. Martin Williams, Bill Crane, Lucas Smith, Mark Malik, Josh Ludka, Nate Damstra, Clay Trapp. Aaron Chalker, Vmnie Harambasic; Seventh Row: Bryan Volk, Eric McDonald, Spencer Bacon, Rob Bradford, Brad Bays, Jesse Gilding, Aaron Gerds. Ben Sportel, J.P VanOstenberg, Tony Frticci, Tony Simmerman, Sam Martin. Jake Kerwin. Jim Lamb, Chris Swanson. Anthony Grech. Bryan Regner. Peter Kellepourey; Back Row : team physican Dr. Patnck HulsU trainer Richard Ray. trainer Meg Abfall. student trainer Beth Couvreur, student trainer Vanessa Ramirez, student trainer Adnenne Chnstopher, coach Rick Campbell, coach Stu Fritz, coach Mike Ricketts, head coach Dean Kreps, coach Jim VanderMeer. coach Rick Frens. coach Tom Cassell. coach Joe Knapp, coach Doug Smith, coach Jim DeHom. manager Ross Mike, manager Ashley Benthin, manager Michelle Bovenkerk, equipment manager Gordon Vander Yacht.

F o o t b a l l

September 9 Dutch d. Saint Mary's 15-13,15-6, 15-5

September 16

Dutch d. Olivet

11-15, 15-6, 15-5, 15-6

September 18 Dutch d. Defiance

September 25


Calvin d. Dutch

15-13,9-15, 15-13

October 2-3

Wittenberg Invitational Dutch finish fourth

October 7


October 10 l







October 14 Dutch d. K'Zoo

16-14, 15-5,6-15, 15-11 October 17

Dutch d. Albion October 21

15-6, 15-10, 16-14

Dutch d. Calvin

15-13, 15-4, 15-11

October 23 Dutch d. Alma 15-11,15-7,17-15

October 28

Dutch d. Olivet 15-2,15-2,15-3

October 30-31

Midwest Invitational November 12-13

Dutch finish second

NCAA Tournament

Dutch finish 1-1

Front Row: Melissa Berends, Jen Sciortini, Dawn Allers, Leanne VanDuinen, Courtney Cloud, Kelly Stouten, Elizabeth Paarlberg, BethAnn Provencal; S e c o n d Row: coach Maureen Odland, Molly Henson, Becky Schmidt, Heather Veiling, Jennifer Gerig, Sara Brown, A m y Brower, Susie Schwalenberg, assistant coach Suzanne Haverdink; Back Row: Stephanie Schaap, Lindsay Schrotenboer, Jill Harkema, Kristi Langland, Kim Grotenhuis, trainer Andy Norden.






a m m e m b e r s take a b r e a k a f t e r an e x h i l a r a t i n g h o m e g a m e . F a n s lined the c o u r t s of t h e D o w C e n t e r to c e l e b r a t e the t e a m ' s w i n n i n g s e a s o n . (PR P h o t o )

j j i n g r a t u l a t i n g her t e a m on a win, c o a c h M a u r e e n O d l a n d c h e e r s o n h e r s e ni ors , Kristi L a n g e l a n d , H e a t h e r Velting and B e c k y S c h m i d t . D u r i n g their c o l l e g i a t e careers, the senior c o - c a p t a i n s h e a d e d to t w o of the three N C A A t o u r n a m e n t a p p e a r a n c e s f o r the t e a m . (PR P h o t o )

1^1 V o l l e y b a l l




y a r i n g about the net senior Becky Schmidt waits for a spiking opportunity while sophom o r e Kim Grothenhuis prepares her next m o v e . Schmidt led the team and the M I A A with her record-setting season. (PR Photo)

Intinuing the rise to the top of the J n B , Lady Dutch volleyball com i b t i d their best season ever, making their third-ever appearance in the NCAA tournament and their second one in as many years. According to sophomore setter Kim Grotenhuis, the success of the season came from the unity of the team. "We had a good season," she said. "It was a lot of fun this year. Our team was a really close team." To make the trek to the national tournament in Springfield, Ohio, the team had to meet the challenges of the league. Improving their record to 7-0, the team won their first MIAA match, defeating St. Mary's in their first MIAA game. A showdown with the other nat i o n a l l y - r a n k e d M I A A team, Kalamazoo led to yet another victory. Winning their 19th-consecutive c o n f e r e n c e meet, seniors Becky S c h m i d t and H e a t h e r Veiling each had 14 kills. For Schmidt as well, the year's success came from the people who worked together. "This season was great," she said. "We won our third consecutive conference, which no other team has done. We had a young team-a very talented team." Their first loss was to the rival Knights of Calvin. The two jockeyed for the MIAA lead, with the Lady Dutch gaining sole possession at the end of October. Sweeping Olivet in the MIAA tournament, the teamfinishedfirst for the third-straight year. With a 15-1 league record, the

Lady Dutch stormed their way into the Midwest Invitational. Making it into the final game, the team fell to Mount St. Joseph, Ohio. For senior, Kristi Langland, the success was a great part of the year. "I really enjoyed the season," she said. "It helped that we were close off of the court. It was a great senior year." In the NCAA tournament, the team won their first game against Wittenberg and fell in the next two. They won the fourth game and forced a fifth. "It was great to be there for the second year," said Langland. "It is disappointing that we lost, but it was a real accomplishment that we won our first game." The team set a record with 33 victories throughout the regular and post-season. The second year under coach Maureen Odland led a more comfortable team, especially for Grotenhuis and Schmdit. "Last year, we didn't know what she expected," said Grotenhuis. "At tryouts [this year], we knew they way she coached." Schmidt liked the second year with the new coach. 'We were all getting used to each other and knowing what to expect," she said. Schmidt became the first-ever N C A A A l l - A m e r i c a n f o r the Dutch, She established a singleseason record for kills with 515. "My performance was only as good as it was because of the p e o p l e I played w i t h , " said Schmidt. 4 ^


perfomnance •was,

onlyas good .

g i S i11 t


because 0 ^the.



played W j t h Becky Schmidt senior

j j a r i n g up in pratice, freshman Molly Hensen w o r k s on her setting skills. Hours of working on and improving s k i l l s , r e f l e c t e d in e a c h win a n d dominiation on the court. (Photo by A m y Otteson)

By Amanda Blach


1.1 V o l l e y b a l l

M O D ' S sw heeps focus oo toooiojorh.




w a s b ^

0 1

g 0 basically


out . . everyday hardest

while, still making

'fun." Clayton Bergsma junior

* $4

f a r i n g b a c k f o r k i c k , j u n i o r Ben Klimek aims for a goal during the final s h o u t o u t a g a i n s t C a l v i n , W i t h skilled feet, the team posted a season with high offensive n u m b e r s . (Photo by Chris Lee)

: men's soccer team began their Ison knowing that they would | e a major rebuilding task with the loss of f i v e p l a y e r s w h o achieved All-MIAA honors a year ago. They started off on a poor note with a 1 -0 loss to Cornerstone. But their spirits lifted as they traveled to Colorado College and competed well against some tough competition in their next two games there. Their first victory of the season came against MacMurray, 111. in w h i c h s o p h o m o r e g o a l i e Will Smith received credit for his first collegiate shutout. The Flying Dutchmen then came up against Alma. It was probably one of the most memorable games of the season, according to junior Clayton Bergsma. "We were down 2-1 at half time. It began to rain as we started to pick up a lot of momentum. We ended up winning 3-2. It gave us a lot of confidence and proved to us that we could win the big games." Against Alma, goals came from junior Rob Allison, who scored in the final seconds of the first half, and sophomore Ben Bacon, who scored both of the team's second half goals. Assists came from junior Matt Hassenrik and sophomore Matt Vander Naald. Another big win for the Flying Dutch was against Kalamazoo. They handed the MIAA leader a 3-1 loss. It was a difficult season for the Dutchmen considering that they suffered six one-goal defeats. According to junior Clayton Bergsma, "We had a very unlucky season. We were much better than our

r e c o r d s h o w e d . " They had an amazing eleven games decided by one goal or less this season. The team, led by senior co-captains Andrew Dressier and Zach Jonker, ended the season with an 8-0 win against Defiance. They ended with a 6-6-2 record. Exceptional performances were turned in by many players this season within the MIAA. Junior Rob Allison earned First Team honors, along with senior co-captain Andrew Dressier who earned his third year on the First Team. Senior cocaptain Zach Jonker earned a place on the First Team along with placing seventeenth on the MIAA Total Points list. Sophomore Ben Bacon was on the All-MIAA second team along with placing fifth in total number of goals in the season and sixth in total scoring. Matt Vander Naald also recieved this honor. Junior Matt Hassenrik received an AllMIAA Coaches' Honorable Mention along with placing thirteenth in total points. Next year's outlook for the team is good. They think that if they go out every day trying their hardest and improving with every practice, than next year's record will take care of itself. They will be losing only three seniors and be returning many good players. It will be a tough job for senior captains Rob Allison, Matt Vander Naald and Clayton Bergsma, but since the Dutch carry a tradition of hard work and competition, they will most likely succeed in making next year a great season.

Ou Tiffany Uliliiams



S o c c e r

Scorq. Board September 1 Dft0c[{lSrS,0ne1

Colorado 1

September 5 Utah 4 Dutch 3

September 12 DePauw 1 Dutch 0



Dutch 0

September 19 . .Dutch 1 n Macmurray 0


Albion 1 SeDtember 30

Alma 2

October 3 Dutch ooKalamazoo Dutch Kai; 2 Octotjer 10 Adrian 0

October 14 Dutch 6 Defia lance 0

October 20 D WonO October 28

Dutcn 3 Kalamazoo 1

November 3 Dutch 3 A d r i a n 0

utch 2

October 17 _ Calvin 3 Dutch 1

October 24 Alma 3 Dutch 0

October 31 Dutch QOIivet 1 November 7 d

Defiance 0

Front Row: Dave Cochrane. Matt Hasscnrik, Chad Duchinowski. Juan Munoz. Andrew Dressier, Jon Kucinski, Eric Lohela. Devin Nuner; Middle Row: Andrew Riker. Ben Bacon, Will Smith. Dave Dobb. Mike Brevet, Curtis Mejeur, Stephen Rabuck; Back Row: head coach Steve Smith, assistant coach Lee Schopp. Charlie Maiz. Greg Kilby. Ben Klimek, Mike Ladd, Clayton Bergsma, Zach Jonker, Tim Keeler, Matt Vander Naald, Evan Irish, Lance Pellow, Rob Allison, manager Jodi Royer.

f r w a r d Matt H a s s e n r i k k e e p s the ball a w a y f r o m his d e f e n d e r w h i l e f i n i s h i n g the play with a goal. H a s s e r i k e a r n e d an A l l - M I A A C o a c h ' s H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n this s e a s o n . (PR P h o t o )

J j n i o r C l a y t o n B e r g s m a leads the ball d o w n the field in his a t t e m p t to score. H e w a s n a m e d o n e of the c a p t a i n s f o r next s e a s o n . (PR P h o t o )

S o c c e r




September 1

Dutch 4

September 5 Dutch 4 Wooster 0

Aquinas 1

September 8 Carthage 2

September 11

Dutch 1

Wheaton 1 Dutch 0

September 12 D u t c h

September 1 8 Dutch 5


Allegheny 4

September 19

Dutch 4



Mt. Union 2

Elmhurst 0

September 26 0liv

September 29 Kalamazoo 5

6 , uich 1

Dutch 0


October 7 3 . . Dut(^i Dut

Dutch 2

Calvin 1


October 10

October 17

Dutch 8 Defiance 0


Adrian 0 Dutch

^ October 21 Dutch 4st. Mary's 1



October 24 Dutch 4

Albion 0 October 27

Dutch 2 A | b | 0n 1

October 29


Kalamazoo 2

Dutch 0

Front row: Amy Dobb. Sue Berghorst, Natalie Rejc, Kayla Rademaker, Sharon Konopka, Beth Stygstra, Emilie Dirkse, Candace Kool; Middte Row: Miriam Khadija, Liz Dombos, Gretchen Schoon, Debbie Burr. Kale Berghorst. Laura Splinter. Sarah Klaasen. Tina Gill. Kathryn Nichols; Back Row: Coach Paul Rosenbrook. assistant coach Kevin Lewis, manager Sabrina Johnson, Trystin Kleiman, Lindsay Smies, Melody Morscheck, Annalise VanWyngarden, Katie Markan, Amy Vincent. Lindsay O'Dell, Rachel Lamb.

j r e s h m a n E m i l y D i r k s e m o v e s the bail a w a y f r o m a s w a r m i n g d e f e n d e r . S t r o n g d e f e n s e w a s of the r e a s o n s D i r k s e a c h i e v e d M I A A First T e a m h o n o r s d u r i n g her first s e a s o n of c o l l e g i a t e soccer. (PR P h o t o )

S o c c e r


Dtaining IDomnn'ssoGcertakesonii UltlGlG HGUI HGani n o Of SUGCGSS.


^ h e team congratulates each other after a game-winning goal. They stayed extremely close throughout the season. (PR Photo)

^eshman Amy D o b b and j u n i o r Debbie Burr aggressively steal the ball. With strong defense, the team left n o w h e r e for their opponets to hide. (PR Photo)

f \'


he women's soccer team had an outstanding season this year. A bad point then came in the season when they suffered their first-ever loss to Olivet, which snapped a four-game winning streak. The most exciting game of the season came against Calvin. After a scoreless first half, each team scored to force the game into overtime. Senior Gretchen Schoon had a dramatic goal in the 114th minute to give the team their first victory over Calvin in five seasons. Sophomore Lindsay O'Dell, who broke the record with the most assists in a season said, "Our greatest victory of the season was our o v e r t i m e win o v e r Calvin." During their game against Adrian, they scored a schoolrecord 12 goals, with an amazing 44-0 shots on goal. Four senior captains Tina Gill, Sarah Klaasen, Melody Morscheck and Gretchen Schoon led their team to the MIAA semi-finals. They were eliminated from the first MIAA Women's Soccer Tournament bowing to league champs Kalamazoo 2-0. As senior captain Gretchen Schoon said, "It was the best year by far for Hope College soccer. We were very successful and built many strong relationships." The Lady Dutch had an outstanding record finishing 6-2 in the league and 13-5 overall. They ended up with third place in the MIAA behind Kalamazoo

and Calvin. Their 13 wins tied the Dutch for a single season record for victories. There were some outstanding individual performances. Senior Gretchen Schoon made the 1998 MIAA Player of the Week Honor Role. She alsofinishedfifth in the league in scoring, along with finishing sixth in total points. Sophomore Lindsay O'Dell finished fourth in the league in assists and eleventh in points, while freshman Liz Dombos finished tenth in total points. There were six team members who made the 1998 All-MIAA Women's Soccer Teams. Junior goal-keeper Kate Berghost and freshman Emilie Dirkse achieved first team honors. Freshman forward Debbie Burr, senior mid-fielder Tina Gill, junior forward Natalie Rejc, and senior forward Gretchen Schoon were awarded second team honors. The Flying Dutch had an exceptional season due to great leadership, hardwork, and good coaching from second season coach Paul Rosenbrook. Since he took over in 1997, the Dutch have tied the season record of 13 wins both times. "We had a great season. We played well as a team and had fun while we came together as a team," junior goal keeper Kate Berghorst said. The Dutch will have a challenge to live up to next year, attempting to reach its eleventh-consecutive winning season.


strongy Built ,


relationships." Gretchen Schoon captain

H iming for the ball, senior Melody M o r s c h e c k runs into a c o r n e r kick. A l o n g with the other three seniors, M o r s c h e c k provided leadership and friendship to the other m e m b e r s of the team. (PR Photo)

fly liffanu Wiliams 1.1A S o c c e r

T h eD u c ) il p n p o i as e c a a d pii a l c ca i f s a ih h (e M l "WJUh tine

^ng secondT

finish^ Ben Fellows ( ^ l ' V e t team captain

Winding Creek Country Club's h o m e greens, f r e s h m a n M i k e E v a n s sizes the angle of his short putt. A c c u racy lead the team to yet another strong season. (PR Photo)

or the second year in a row, the Hying Dutchmen were runners up in the MI A A men's golf championship to leader Olivet. Olivet defended the championship a g a i n this y e a r at the Kalamazoo Country Club. They had a solid group of six returning letter winners that gave them the ability to contend for the championship. Unfortunately, Olivet finished 42 strokes ahead of the Dutch in the final standings. They won two of the eight conference tournaments and Olivet won the rest. A young team dominated the MIAA this year, keeping scores low and opponets at bay. There were some pretty exceptional performances turned in by golfers this year. The league's MVP was freshman Eric Wohlfield of Brighton. He captured MIAA medalist honors with a league-record performance, nee he shot a course record of 70 to lower his seasonal average to an all-time M I A A record of 72.4 strokes per tournament round. S prisingly, Wohlfield was medalist

in just two of eight tournaments this season. However he never shot over a 76 and three times had rounds of 70. Wohlfield becomes just the seventh Dutch golfer to win MIAA medalist honors since 1947. Other golfers who earned honors were Mark Piersma and Chris Rutan who were on the All-MIAA first team. Sophomore Andy Nietering earned All-MIAA second team recognition. Other good performances were given by sophomores Mike Feyen and Mike Evans. "We started off real strong this season and then lost some momentum in the middle," said junior captain Ben Fellows. "However, we ended the year really strong with a second place finish to Olivet." Next year, the young team expects to be even stronger and more experienced because they are not losing any seniors. Every member of the team will be returning next year with the hope to finally take the c h a m p i o n s h i p a w a y f r o m Olivet,

Dy Tiffany UJilliams

J u n i o r captain Ben Fellows sinks a putt. As captain. Fellows led the Dutch to a second-place finish in the M I A A after powerhouse Olivet. (PR Photo)

j 146 m




EricWohlfield, voted Mr. Golf as a senior by the M H S A A , aims for the green. T h e success continued as he stepped in to the collegiate area as he earned the M I A A M V P title this season. (PR Photo)

SCO s e

Âť b . ? r 11 Invitational


& 1 2

September 15

at Albion

Finished 6th


SeptembeiiT a t Olivet

Finished second

September 18 ManchesteP^ Invitational

September 2 2 at


Finished second

September 26 at Adrian

Finished S 0 C ond

September at Home

Finished ,




. , at Aquinas

Finished third October 3

AlmtaFinished Octobers .. at Calvin

tiecffor second

..October 8 F



t e " Finished second October 1 2

Kalamazoo at Finished


Front Row: Eric Wohlfield, Andy Nietering. Chris Rulan; Back Row: assistant coach Jay Prasad, Ben Fellows. Josh Wheeler. Mike Feyen. Christian Den Ouden, Mark Piersma. Mike Evans, and coach Bob Ebels.

l e t t i n g u p a difficult shot, f r e s h m a n Eric W o h l f i e l d w a t c h e s the green. W o h l f i e l d did not feel p r e s s u r e w h e n he t u r n e d in the top p e r f o r m a n c e in the M I A A and c o n t i n u e d the tradition of stellar first-year p e r f o r m a n c e s . (PR P h o t o )

l.i Golf


• -V

September 8 Grand Valley

332Dutch 3 5 6 Aquinas 391

September 16 Dutch

first September 19 Dutch a'Alma f i n i s h e d ^3,

September 23 Dutch 371

Aquinas 413 September 26 at Home, Dutch finished,



October ^ a t Olivea Dutch finished,


Octobers at

Kalamazoo, flpcffjnished October 10

at Adrian, Dutchfjnjgheij first

October 14 pi, ^ i u C a l v i n .




October 17 ^

. Defiance!,

Dutchfinished first

Left to Right: Melody Conk, Gina Pellerito, Melissa Lucar, Elizabeth Yared, Jessica Carpenter, Ellen Colenbrander, Emily Thielk, Kathryn Miller and coach Donna Eaton.

U n i t i n g f o r the her next c h a n c e to putt, j u n i o r Ellen C o l l e b r a n d e r talks with a local golfer. W i t h h e r strong M I A A performance, Collenbrander a d d e d yet a n o t h e r s e a s o n of s u c c e s s f u l c o l l e g i a t e golf to her r e s u m e . (PR P h o t o )


G o 1 f

irtti tie.



jor the fifth time since women's plf became an intercollegiate Sport ^ort in 1991, the Lady Dutch were victorious in claiming the MIAA golf championship title capturing six of the eight conference tournaments en route. The team, led by junior Ellen Colenbrander, finished 90 strokes ahead of second place Albion. According to junior swinger Ellen Colenbrander, the success was a goal for which the team worked. "It was a team goal to win the conference," she said. "We were really happy when we accomp l i s h e d this goal b e c a u s e we worked hard to achieve this," she said about the championship. This was an especially good accomplishment, considering that this year marks their first championship under the new coach Donna Eaton. However, this is Eaton's second MIAA championship. She coached the volleyball team to the conference title in 1987. This year's team was packed with outstanding records, with every team member making a contribution. Ellen Colenbrander won MIAA medalist honors for the second time in her collegiate career as she set a new record with her 80.8 strokes per 18 hole average. The previous record had been 82.8

strokes set by alum Lisa Stover in 1993. Last spring, Colenbrander achieved NCAA All-America honors by finishing seventh in the Division III national championships. Five of this year's team members achieved A L L - M I A A Recognition, including junior Colenbrander, senior Gina Pellerito (who for the third time reached MIAA status), freshman ^ Emily Thielk, and seniors Melody Oonk and Elizabeth Yared. MIAA medalist Colenbrander t0 was impressed by the showing of her teammates. "A lot of individuals on our Ellen Colenbrander team played well. I was really imjunior p r e s s e d with f r e s h m a n E m i l y Theilk," she said. "She did a good job making the transition between high school and college golf." Theilk and two seniors, Mel Oonk and Elizabeth Yared, made second team all-conference. Senior Gina Pellerito was propbably our most most steady player. She shot 89 almost every time she played and made first team all-conference." Other members of the team included junior Jessica Carpenter, m e m b e r of t h e A l l - M I A A F i r s t sophomore Melissa Lucar, and T e a m , s e n i o r G i n a Pellerito t a k e s the f r e s h m a n Kathryn Miller. To- t i m e to c h e c k out her angle to the h o l e gether, the team proved unbeatable b e f o r e s h e s i n k s h e r p u t t . P e l l e r i t o as they led women's golf to their j o i n e d h e r t e a m m a t e s w i t h m a n y fifth MIAA championship. M I A A d e c o r a t i o n s . (PR P h o t o )

"It waso



, Wirithe

conference, which


workecl, hard



By Rachel fiuhl

| i n i n g her stroke u p j u s t right t a k e s c o n c e n t r a t i o n f r o m s e n i o r captain E l i z a b e t h Yared a n d s o p h o m o r e M e l i s s a Lucar. Yared p r o v i d e d l e a d e r s h i p to the t e a m . (PR P h o t o )



Thirst for GUGsS On IDG MlflfTPfiZG. 'twas li^big8"

1 0 8


Something •about

njnningthat does tto


you. Bryan VanHaitsma Senior co-captain

J j i t h the fall w e a t h e r cooling him down, f r e s h m a n Dylan Wade heads towards the finish line at the Hope Invitational. Held at Van Raatle Farms, the r u n n e r s w o u n d their w a y s t h r o u g h fields of wild flowers. (PR Photo)

eginning with a boom, the metis cross country team won the w J P Invitational at the start of the season. In his first appearance in a college meet, freshman Dylan Wade took center stage. Junior Paul Berke c a m e in less than a minute later, with sophomores Joe Veldman and Garrett Childs, senior Jeff Kauffman and freshman Keith Cravotta following close behind. Everyone's times progressively improved throughout the season. The team formed a close bond and grew together. "It was almost like a big family," said senior co-captain Bryan V a n H a i t s m a , " T h e r e m u s t be something about running that does that to people because I can't think of many groups this large that get along so well and have such a singular focus as the cross country team." Coach Mark Northuis thought the significant number of freshmen runners benefitted the team as a whole. "Considering that it was young team, there was a high level of maturity and closeness. The guys always do things together, in and out of season. T h e r e ' s such a closeness that's developed early on during that first week of the season at Cran Hill Ranch." According to freshman Dylan W a d e , " I t is i m p o r t a n t to b e ' b o n d e d ' with your t e a m m a t e s , manily because you depend on them during the race. It is harder to run by yourself than with your teammates. "

The first conference meet was at Calvin. The Dutch finished second in this important meet. Sophomore Joe Veldman was the best runner, finishing fifth overall. Running close behind him were Wade in 7th, Berke in 10th, Kauffman in 15th. and Childs in 16th. Highlights of the Alma Invitational include Childs coming in first for the Dutch (8th overall) and after him were senior Mike Pittiglio in 17th, sophomore Tim Cupery in 31st, Cravotta in 32nd, and VanHaitsma in 37th. The team had to have a strong mind-set to concentrate on the following w e e k e n d , the M I A A Championships, during their race at Alma. It had been gradually approaching, but by the time of the Alma Invite, it was clear just how many people were anticipating the "big meet" coming up. The guys ended up taking second place in the conference meet: sophomore Joe Veldman and Wade were named A11-M1AA first team, and Childs and Berke were named AU-MIAA second team. C o - C a p t a i n and senior VanHaitsma has significant goals for next year's team; he believes they have much potential. "The team can build off of what we have this year. Our goal for next year should be challenging Calvin, who for so long has dominated the MIAA. If the team can pick up several good f r e s h m e n they will have a good chance of doing it. We can give Calvin a run for their money next year." ^

m .



By liristi DeaGhufl C r o s s

C o u n t r y -VT

J e a m a t e s s e n i o r s B r y a n V a n H a i t s m a and M i k e Pittigio fight hard to p a s s their A l b i o n rival. T h e y u s e d e a c h o t h e r to p u s h their p e r f o r m a n c e f u r t h e r . (PR P h o t o )

J u n i o r Paul B e r k e a n d f r e s h m a n D y l a n W a d e take c e n t e r s t a g e at the H o p e Invitational as they lead the race. T h e y d e p e n d e d on their m e n t a l strength to get t h e m t h r o u g h this race. (PR P h o t o )



September 5

First Place in Hope Invitational

September-|-| Finished 7th at „

North Central

September 26 Finished


^ M I A A


October 9 Finished 9th at M i c h i g a n Collegiates

October 17

Finished 17th at


W i s e Invitational

October^. at Alma i s h Invitational



3 r d

Octobers 1 Finished 2 n d at


November 14 Finished 7th at Regionals


Front Row: Grant Heller. Keith Cravotta, Jeffery Kauffman, Paul Berke. Seth Bruggers. Dylan Wade. Chris Kerrins. Jeremy Stoner; Middle Row: Mekuria Assefa, Louis Williams, Robert Struck. Dane Splinter. Josh Salsbury. Joel Ward. Mike Pittiglio, Brennan Hughey, Joe Veldman; Back Row: coach Mark Northuis, Eric Ringnalda. Doug Mulder, Robert Struck. Bryan Van Haitsma. Garrett Childs, Gregoor Passchier. Tim Cupery, Michael Hanley, assistant coach Rich Vandevelde, assistant coach Wes Prescott.

^ n n e r s line u p t o g e t h e r b e f o r e the starter fires the g u n . T h e F l y i n g D u t c h c r o s s c o u n t r y t e a m h a d a very s t r o n g b o n d t o g e t h e r t h r o u g h o u t the s e a s o n . (PR P h o t o )

,ki C r o s s

C o u n t r y


TooethGifiGSS brings a successful scasun. 'Team .. unity brought anda endshi P

family-like „ atmosphere.

Teresa Janik Fresnman

^ n i o r Ellen Schultz s h o w s hard work and determination on her face. She was k n o w n for pushing herself to the edge in every race. (PR Photo)

; return of several runners c B n p e t e d in the N a t i o n a l J)ionships, the Lady Dutchmen cross country season looked very promising as they entered this year's season. The hope of a successful season was met. The outcome, however, was achieved a little d i f f e r e n t l y than they had originally thought. It was more of a team effort this year. "Because of injuries and other setbacks w e e x p e r i e n c e d , team unity was crucial to our success," said senior co-captain Becky Timmer. "We needed runners to step up their level of performance and run varsity. That challenge was met and superceded." Many of the girls attributed much of the success to the training that they had done pre season. "Training hard in the summer is a must," said sophomore Shannon Oakley, "Coach always trains us like we put in a lot of miles in the summer." Another component of their success was the team unity. Kristi Beachum said, "I would dare to say that the girls' cross


country team is one of the closest teams at Hope. We have fun together and do many spirited things." Freshman Teresa Janik agreed and said, "Team unity brought friendship and a family-like atmosphere. It helps us work together and accomplish more. We worked hard to encourage each other." One of the things the team did to encourage each other was the senior girls had a secret sister and made the freshman signs and gave them gifts. They also encouraged the guys' team. They made them tie-dyed Ts h i r t s a n d the g u y s ' t e a m responded by making the girls a dinner and making them signs. Because of their hard work and dedication the ladies again advanced to the national championships. Four runners also achieved A l l - M I A A recognition. Seniors Emily Schultz and Becky Timmer were both first-team honorees, and senior Cindi Bannick and sophomore Andrea Egeler were on the second All-MIAA team. They met their goals, and made friends. Most imprortantly, they did it together.

ellow teamates w o r k to push each other as s o p h o m o r e Nicole R e y n o l d s leads the pack with s o p h o m o r e Jami Grant, j u n i o r Carrie Kitchen, and freshman Megan Zeneberg f o l l o w i n g close behind. Running with people w a s easier than running by yourself, according to these ladies. (PR photo)

j j s f o r e the home meet, the runners stagger for a good start. The Dutch gave a good fight, finishing at the

By Kristin lamcis

C r o s s

C o u n t r y

top of the MIAA list. (PR Photo)



September 5

First Place in

Hope Invitational September 11

Finished First at North Central Invitational

September 26



Finished 2nd at

MIAA Jamboree October 9

Finished 9th at

Michigan Collegiates October 17

Finished 11th at LaCrossQv Wiยงc. Invitational October 24 Finished 3rd at Alma Invitational

October 31

Finished 2nd at MIAA Championships November 14 Finished 2nd at

November 21

NCAA Regionals

Finished 17th at NCAA Nationals

i Front Row: Jessica Mulder, Rebecca Timmer, Ann Zeneberg, Carrie Kitchen, Sarah Golden, Jannah Thompson, Elizabeth Alvesteffer, Teresa Janik, Shannon Oakley, Erin Hoopes, Ellen Schultz; S e c o n d Row: Lauren Hermes. Lana Krolikowski, Cynthia Bannik, Megan Zeneberg, Shannon Gleesing, Liz Chapman, Heather Bachelor, Jennifer Mark. Jill McKinnon, Hazel Lawson, Sarah Schnpsema, Elizabeth Chapin. Back Row; coach Mark Northuis, Amanda Heydon, Molly Griebe, Carrie Langstradt, Jamie Passchier, Jennifer Passchier. Emily Niewendorp, Heather Cart, Jami Grant, Nicole Reynolds, Cara Brachenridge, Angela Giuliani, assistant coach Rich Vandervelde, assistant coach Wes Prescott. C r o s s

C o u n t r y

"'^amazing thŠy

collectively pu




Glenn VanWeiren coach

jutting the final touches on a basket, j u n i o r R y a n K l i n g e r sinks his shot. Klinger follwed the leadership and intensity of coach G l e n n Van W i e r e n . (Photo by Johnathan M u e n k )

; key to the Flying Dutch men's kketball team's fifth consecutive iHgue championship was finding consistency. Early in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association schedule, the team made trouble for itself. The Flying Dutchmen was 34 in the league and in danger of missing out on the MIAA championship for the first time since 1994. But the team was able to rattle off eight straight conference victories to claim their fifth straight league title, and 13th under head coach Glenn Van Wieren. "This whole thing has just been unbelievable right now. These guys are incredible," Van Wieren said. "To me, its amazing how they collectively put the whole momentum together." The team finished the season with a 15-11 overall record, 10-4 in the MIAA. The Flying Dutchmen were able to gather steam thanks to the contributions of several individuals. Seniors Pat Stegeman and Chris VanderSlice provided the necessary spark and leadership needed for the team to continue its success. Stegeman became the 24th player to score more than 1,000 points.

finishing with 1,026 career points. He also set the record for career games played with 117. Stegeman was named to the All-MIAA first team. "This whole year has been about the team. They were so unselfish," Stegeman said. VanderSlice, the only player to start all 26 games, averaged 9.8 points and seven rebounds a game. VanderSlice was an honorable mention All-MIAA selection. "My four years here have been amazing," VanderSlice said. "I think that when the season was done a couple of weeks, we were able to sit back and feel good." Leading the team in scoring was sophomore Ryan Klingler with 16.2 points. He was also named to the All-MIAA first team. Named to the All-MIAA second team was sophomore Craig Veldman. Veldman averaged 12.2 points a game and emerged late in the season as a scoring threat. "This was a pretty good reward for the coaches and players to go through all the peaks and valleys we did," Van Wieren said. "We've now won five championships in a row and that's unbelievable."^


y J B a s k e t b a l l

k i





November 20 Dutch 98 Grace, Ind. 77 D e c e m b e r 12

Dutch 68

January 9

Wheaton 67

Albion 70

Dutch 69 J i n i o r R y a n Klingler trips u p his Albion o p p e n e t a n d k e e p s the bail

January 16

f o r the F l y i n g D u t c h . A versatile

Dutch 56

Calvin 74

player, he w a s b o t h a g u a r d and a f o r w a r d . ( P h o t o by J o h n a t h a n

„ „ J a n u a r y 27 Defiance 8 6 D u t c h





January 30

psistanting their t e a m m a t e s , the utch c o m p l e t e a s c o r i n g drive. A

high o f f e n s i v e y e a r led to a n o t h e r

y e a r of d o m i n a t i n g the M 1 A A .

Dutch 80

Olivet 65 February 10

Dutch 78

Calvin 70

( P h o t o by J o h n a t h a n M u e n k )

February 26

Albion 62 Dutch 60

February 20 ^ r Dutch 80 Defiance 65

Front Row : Mark Bray, Chad Zager, Craig Veldman. Kyle Maas, Brian Paul. Ryan Klingler. Kyle VanderWall, Josh Canan, Kyle Phelps; Back Row: student assistant Kate Visser, student trainer Shari Hartman, student trainer Beth Couvreur. student assistant Jay Leitz, Kevin Van Timmeren, Chris VanderSlice. Leif Sporck, Pat Stegeman. student assistant Craig Kopas, head coach Glenn Van Wiercn, junior varsity coach Tim Schoonveld, assistant coach Matt Neil.


1.1 B a s k e t b a l l


Score Boord November 20 Dutcn 80

Rochester, Mich. 30

December 1

Dutch 83

Saint Mary's 53

December 9

Dutch 68 December 18 Dutch 9 0 o | j v e t 5 7

Alma 66 January 27 Dutch 72 Adrian 62

January 30 Dutch 80

her w a y a c r o s s t h e court. T h e

Olivet 65

February 3 Olivet 63 Dutch 53

February 6

team praticed their s i m p l e skills d u r i n g p r a t i c e so their

Dutch 82

f i n e s s e c o u l d be

Albion 54

seen o n c o u r t .

February 10 Defiance 88

Dutch 76 r February

nior Lisa Hoesktra works

( P h o t o b y April Greer)


Ivin 61

utch 43

Febuary 20

Dutch 89

North Park 60

February 22 Dutch 66

Kalamazoo 54

February 25 Calvin 62

Dutch 52 March 3

Captial, Ohio 86 Dutch 75

phomore Kristin Koenigsknecht guards the b a s k e t as h e r Albion oppents s w a r m the paint. Finishing second in the l e a g u e in rebounds, Koenigsknecht's d e f e n s i v e skills Front Row: Jennifer Gerig, Mandy Pryor, Knsim Koenigsknecht, Lisa Hoesklra, Tara Hosford, Katie Erickson, A m y Brewer, Becky Sutton; Back Row: head coach Brian Morehouse, assistant coach Wayne Tanis, student assistant Andee Spaman. Darcy Zeh, Sara Anderson, Laura Poppema, Kelly VanderStelt, Renee Carlson, student trainer Sarah Kay. student assistant Darius Randall, assistant coach Kristin Carlson-Spooner.

were wellr e g a r d e d in the M1AA. (Photo by J o h n a t h a n Muenk)

B a s k e t b a l l



UJomeas Dashetball GHCGIS


[ J i v i n g towards two-point range, the Dutch prepare to score. Senior Tara Hosford and junior Lisa Hoekstra finished in the top ten of M I A A scoring. (Photo by April Greer)

he Flying Dutch basketball team ptinued their improvement un third y e a r c o a c h B r i a n Morehouse. For the second consecutive year the team made the NCAA tournament and improved their number of wins from 16 to 20 before losing to Capital University, Ohio in the first round of the NCAA tournament. A f t e r losing to B a l d w i n Wallace in last years tournament the Flying Dutch set their sites on returning to the Big Dance and also to c o n t i n u e i m p r o v i n g in the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association. "Getting back to the tournament was one of the goals of this year's team," said Morehouse. The team did well in their overall improvement by achieving the goals that they set for themselves and by the coaches. "A lot of the goals I set for the team we achieved," Morehouse said. "Twenty wins was one of my goals at the beginning of the season." For the third time in history the Flying Dutch reached the 20 win mark. The final mark for the season was 20-7 even though the team started the season hot by winning their first 5 games and going 13-1

in the first 14 games before losing to Calvin at home on Jan. 16. It would be the first of three losses to the Knights, the third coming in the second round of the MIAA tournament. After the first loss to Calvin, the team went on a six game road trip. On the road trip the women went 4-2 and down the stretch leading to the MIAA tournament posted a record of 6-4 finishing the regular season with a 19-5 record and third in the MIAA. In the first round of the MIAA tournament, they captured a 66-54 win over Kalamazoo College before losing to Calvin 62-52. Even after this the team was extended an invitation to the NCAA tournament where the team ended its season against Capital University. Despite the early tournament loss the team looks forward to next season. "I'm anxious for next season to begin," M o r e h o u s e said. "We graduate four seniors but return a good core." With these players returning the team looks to keep improving and to continue to grow. "Next year we need to continue our growth," Morehouse said.

. "Getting b3CKto+h0 temf,

goals." Brian Morehouse coach

J u n i o r Mandy Pryor sails a shot at a Dow Center basket. The strong offense of the Dutch gave them the edge in the conference since they averaged nearly 12 points more than thier MIAA foes. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)


B a s k e t b a l l



Men and mnmen come togGihGt on a tGam in G t o for tliG DutGli. "W ithmen we havei

greaterg ve | Oldifficulty a n c r a n

' a g r e a t e r 9 % f




Wes Wooley head coach

_j unior Kelly Klein leads a cheer on the floor of Calvin's Knollcrest Field H o u s e during the M I A A tournament. The cheerleaders provided top-notch enthusiasm and energy for the M I A A c o - c h a m p i o n s . (PR Photo)



me an H! The Cheerleading struggles with uneven numbut looks ahead to bright future their posters on campus say, "Boys want to hold a girl's hand, men want to hold a girl's feet," inv i t i n g m a l e s to j o i n the Cheerleading Squad. "The 11 -member squad underw e n t a r e b u i l d i n g year," said Cheerleading Team coach Wes Wooley, 1989 graduate. Team goals for this year included: more confidence on their stunts, improved cheering at the game, feeling comfortable in front of people. Practices focus on the t e a m ' s r o u t i n e s and c r o w d pleasers: coed partner stunts; pyramids; and tumbling. "We spend a little time in practice on the sideline chant, but we get to rehearse them at the game," Wooley said. One of the challenges for the team is the imbalance of men and women on the team. NCAA regulations allow a total of 12 cheerleaders on the floor during basketball games it sanctions. The college has 11 cheerleaders, four of them male. A f u t u r e goal f o r

Wooley is balancing out the numbers of both genders. Junior Rob Reichenbanch said, "The team is really a lot of fun. Once you get involved you really look past the bad view that people have of male cheerleaders. "I would like to keep our numbers around 12, with six couples," said Wooley. "Getting guys is a challenge because their only reference is high school cheerleading. There's a stigma there. College cheerleading is a lot different, more fun. We have to break through those stereotypes and perceptions of what we do." According to Wooley, one of the advantages to a coed squad is the increased level of activity. With men, "we have a greater level of difficulty and a greater range of stunts and crowdpleasers. Your basket tosses can be higher with guys," said Wooley. As Wooley plans for the future of the team, he wants to branch out. "I hope to recruit from high school coed squads...because you don't have to start from scratch with the guys."

fluflanMcCuc and Kristin L b k

bile three teammates support her, senior co-captain Kristy Deer rises for a push-up during the h o m e c o m ing game against Kalamazoo. With daily practices, the squad worked on t e a m w o r k as well as their athletic skills. (PR Photo)

yj C h e e r l e a d i n g

I J a n g the hands of other cheerleaders, j u n i o r Kelly Klein and sophomore Annie Witham stand up and yell for the m e n ' s basketball team. The cheerleaders excited a packed Civic Center crowd for the Flying D u t c h ' s march through the M I A A . (PR Photo)


m* Fall S q u a d Front Row: Andrea Kopacz; S e c o n d Row: Annie Witham. Emi Teshima, Beth Soriman; Third Row: Heather Hofman, Kristy Deer. Bonnie Nannenga. Kelly Klein; Back Row: coach Wes Wooley, coach Kris Ritton, Rob Reichenbach. Louis Canfield, Matt DeJong.

Winter Squad Front Row: Cammy ClifU Kelly Klein, Bethany Buegue, Emi Teshima, Heather Hofman. Annie Witham, Andrea Kopczaz, Beth Evans. Brooke Weber, Back Row: coach Kris Ritton, Rob Reichenbach. Clint Douglas, Tony Frucci, Louis Canfield. Jake Cain, coach Wes Wooley.

| i unison, the squad completes a cheer during the season opener against Grace, Ind. The team scored a victory while the squad brought


their enthusiasm to the court. (PR Photo)

1.1 J C h e e r l e a d i n g


Doard ,

November 14 Dutch 56

Olivet 45 November 21

Dutch 166

Alma 62

December 4-5

Wabash Invitational


Dutch finished third D e c e m b e r 11 Grand Valley 137 Dutch 103


January 15


Kalamazoo 124

Dutch 115 J a n u a r y 16

Wheaton Quad

Dutch finish second

January 22 Dutcn 125 Al Dion 71

January 23

Wvi 1 n 3 3 1&7.5

Feb. 10-13 MIAA Meet

Dutch finish second

^ n i 8 " 2 0 utch finish ninth


Front Row: Padric Moore, Ryan Gallas, Cody Statema, Christopher Working, Gary Albrecht, Adam Hopkins. Joshua Boss. Nathan Farrar; Middle Row: coach John Patnott. assistant coach Matt Dahl, manager Chris Frentz, Jarod Lippert, Christopher Dattels, Scott Vroegindewey, Tom Bowens, Joshua Ficke, David Glany, David Vruggink; Back R o w : Mike Porter, Jeff Burgess. Dan Daly. Kevin Kirkpatrick. Eric Bishop, Adam Wesselink, Brian Porter

I J u r i n g a h o m e dual m e e t against K a l a m a z o o , senior M i k e P o r t e r w o r k s o n his m e n t a l c o n c e n t r a t i o n b e f o r e his race. T i m e s p e n t out the w a t e r p r e p a r e d s w i m m e r s f o r their best p e r f o r m a n c e s p o s s i b l e . (PR P h o t o )

S w

n g


§ H e a d i n g back under the water, j u n i o r Tom B o w e n s starts his race, edging ahead of the others. At Nationals, his effort as a team swimmer brought him an Ail-American honor for the Medley Relay. (PR Photo)

1! U i U U

' morning from January until h they sat quietly at the same for breakfast. They have been one of the quiet success stories of Dutch athletics. This year's team once again failed to knock off reigning MI AA champion Kalamazoo. The team came up nine points short in the dual meet. To put that loss in perspective, if the Dutch had finished first in the one event that they did not win, they would have won the meet and the conference. "We haven't really come that close to them in four years," said junior Jared Lippert. The Dutch didn't come any closer during the regular season as they lost to Kalamazoo once again in the league meet, 619.5 to 521.5. The team did come out on top when it really mattered, scoring ahead of Kalamazoo at the National Championships, edging them 117 to 104. While at the National Championships a few members of the team earned All-American status and one member of the team qualified for the Olympics trials. The team's two medley relays, the 400 and 200, both scored in the

top five nationally, good enough to make sophomore Chris Dattels, Lippert, and freshman Josh Boss All-Americans. Boss would also duplicate that feat, setting national records in the 100-and 200-meter breaststroke. In winning the 100 he not only def e a t e d the d e f e n d i n g national champion, but he also swam well enough to qualify for the 2000 O l y m p i c trials. T h e n a t i o n a l record in the 200 breaststroke had been the longest-standing in Division III records until Boss overcame it. Sophomore Josh Ficke earned Honorable Mention All-American status for his performance on the 200-meter freestyle relay team. The team finished with ten All American performances and three Honorable Mention performances. The team also had five All MIAA swimmers. Boss summed up his feelings on the season when he said, "I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm glad I chose to come to Hope." Losses to graduation include seniors Jeff Burgess, Dan Daly, and Mike Porter. Despite these losses the team looks to return a strong core.


enjoyed .-feyery minuter

Josh Boss freshman



g a i n i n g on his lead, freshman Josh Boss storms ahead of the field of swimmers in the 100-meter Breast Stroke. At the last h o m e . Boss and his teammates took first place in all but one individual event in gaining an M I A A dual meet victory over Albion. (PR Photo)

Dy findfuiu KlGczGh

f r e s h m a n A d a m Hopkins works his way across the pool in the 200-meter Individual Medley at a dual meet against Kalamazoo. The Dutch finished second by nine points, but won both relays, including a one-two s w e e p in the 400-yard medley relay, (PR Photo) S w i m m i n g



earlu young suiimniers.GomploiG a

strong, auiard-oiiooiog soasoo. 'We , werentt


expecting ^Oas..

asWell W



Erinn VanAuken junior

|_ o o k i n g at the lane a h e a d , j u n i o r Emily Sallfeld c o m p e t e s in the 100m e t e r b r e a s t s t r o k e at a h o m e m e e t against A l b i o n . T h e team r e m a i n e d unbeaten in all M I A A dual meets. (PR Photo)

: to National Championships • gets old for head coach John btt. "Every year's different, it's always fun," said Patnott. While the team was different from last year's, the high level of success in the women's swimming team has remained unchanged. This year was especially fun for the women, as they once again swept the league and finished fifth at nationals. "We weren't expecting to do as well as we did. It was really exciting to come out fifth," said junior Erinn VanAuken. VanAuken performed better than expected, finishing third in the 200-meter freestyle and breaking an 11-year-old school record. She finished as an Ail-American in seven events, three individually and four relays. Also making her mark at nat i o n a l s was s o p h o m o r e Betsy VandenBerg. VandenBerg broke the national record in the 200-meter breaststroke, earning second place and a silver medal. She ended up an AllAmerican in two individual events and three relay teams. S w i m m e r s j u n i o r Colleen Doyle, and freshmen Jenna Anderson and Liz VanderVeen all earned Ail-American status for their performances on relay teams.

One aspect of this year's team was the improved diving. This improvement also proved valuable at nationals as senior Kari Jackson placed fifth on the one-meter diving board. She also earned a 16thplace finish on the three meter board. Other divers who showed promise throughout the season w e r e f r e s h m e n Karen Fisher, Brooke Vivian and Mari Titcombe. "A couple of divers are coming on strong, so we're pleased with their performances," said coach Patnott, about midway through the season. Early in their season the Flying Dutch were tested by perennial powerhouse Kalamazoo, and Division II Grand Valley. The team overcame both of these obstacles and more to win the MIAA and go undefeated in dual meets for the third straight year. That extended their dual-meet winning streak to 37, the second-longest winning streak in school history. Seven members of the team were voted All MIAA, Doyle, Jackson, VanAuken, VandenBerg, j u n i o r s Llena D u r a n t e and Michelle Fagmeier, and freshman Laura Smith, The team will lose diver Kari Jackson to graduation, but they will return an experienced core and look to once again compete nationally. ^

Oy flndreuj hlBczch

S w i m m i n g


jiving in for the 50-meter

freestyle finals. Junior captains Erinn VanAuken and Llena Durante begin their race at a dual meet opposite Kalamazoo. VanAuken won the race with a time of 25.79 and the team extended their seven-season-long M I A A winning streak. (PR Photo)

| r e s h m a n diver Mari Titcombe completes a tuck

SGOfG Board

before gliding into t h e D o w Center pool. Titcombe, along with her other first-year teammates, gave strong performances during their first y e a r of


Dutch 5c Olivet 36

N o v e m b e r 21

competition. (PR

Dutch 164


Alma na I56

December 4-5 Wabash Invitational

Dutch finished fourth

December 11

Dutch 147 Grand valley 97

January 15 Dutch 140 Kalamazoo 102

January 16 Wheaton Quad

Dutch finish second January 19

Dutch 157

Saint Mary's 74

J a n u a r y 22

Dutch 134

Albion 104 January 23

Dutch M l Calvin 114

Feb. 10-13

MIAA Meet eet Dutch finish first March 11-13

NCAA Finals

Dutch finish fifth

Front Row: Emily SaUfeld, Besty Vandenberg, Jenna Anderson. Megan Clapp, Andrea Presion. Jen Gliesman, Katie Nykamp. Brooke Vivian; Middle Row: coach John Palnott, manager Chris Frentz, Liz Vanderveen. Michelle Fangmeir. Katie Bauman,, Laura Smith. Enn Epskamp. coach Matt Dahl. Amy Champaigne; Back Row: Kan Jackson. Llena Durante. Ennn VanAuken, Mari Titcomb. Errin Clapp. Colleen Doyle. Karen Fisher.

J u n i o r L l e n a D u r a n t e steps on her b l o c k , a w a i t i n g her p r i m a r i l y of the 5 0 - m e t e r f r e e s t y l e race. A s an N C A A A i l - A m e r i c a n , she f i n i s h e d tenth in the 1 0 0 - m e t e r but t e rfl y with a t i m e of 5 8 . 6 7 a n d w a s 16th in the 5 0 - y a r d f r e e s t y l e at 24.3. (PR P h o t o )

I.IlJ m m


n g



March 31

Dutch 8

Alma 1 April 7

Kalamazoo 9

Dutch 0 April 9-10 § t ™ ,ice


April 13


April 15 April 17 Dutch 9

Defiance 0

April 24

Dutch 9 Adrian 0 April 28

T)utch 6

Cornerstone 3 April 30-May 1

Ml AA Tournament Finished Second

» . w-- ' »





I -


F r o m Left to Right A n d r e w O h m . C h a d B o l l i n g e r , J o e l N e c k e r s , Kai B o u c h a r d , Erik B e r g , J o s h H o n h o l t , R o b e r t Brandt, Paul L i l l i e , Raj M a l v i y a , Kevin Gingras, head c o a c h Steve Gorno.

jt', I unior C h a d B o l l i n g e r c o n c e n t r a t e s on the i n c o m i n g



* •



volley d u r i n g the final dua l m a t c h against C o m e r stone. T h e y p o s t e d a 15-3 dual m a t c h record, besting the p r e v i o u s m a r k of 15-10. (PR P h o t o )

j | n the s a m e c o u r t s w h e r e he practices, s o p h o m o r e Paul Lillie r e a c h e s f o r his next shot. P r o p e l l e d by Lillie's victories, the t e a m t o o k sole p o s s e s s i o n of s e c o n d p l a c e in t h e M I A A . ( P h o t o by J o h n a t h a n M u e n k )

T e n n i s



strong Dutclimen tie the slnole season record tor for vlotoriGl victories.

j j n home courts, junior Paul Lillie waits for the ball to send it back over the net. T h e quiet firstseeded player posted 12 of his 41 career wins this season. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

Bie men's 1999 tennis season was • f to a great start as they traveled (Jnvn to Phoenix, Arizona for their spring trip. They were undefeated, winning matches against Whitworth, Washington; Spokane, Washington; and Linfield, Oregon. This trip began their seven-match winning streak which ended with a loss against Kalamazoo. Junior captain Erik Berg said the team was positioned to make a strong term. "We had a great season with a 15-3 record, we tied the record for the most wins in tennis history," he said. "We improved as the season progressed. We took second place outright in the league which we have not done for a while. Our only loss in the league was to Kalamazoo, and we had very close matches with them, especially in the tournament." Some good matches for the Dutchmen were the win over rival Calvin where they swept singles play en route to a 7-2 victory. The team won their third conference dual match in a week when they blanked out Defiance with a score of 9-0. With their win over Adrian, they posted their fifth M1AA dual match victory with a score of 9-0. This win helped them to a second place finish in the regular season M1AA standings. With their final match before the MIAA Tourna-

ment, the Dutchmen concluded their dual match season with a 6-3 non-conference victory over Cornerstone, tying, the single season record for victories. In the MIAA Tournament the team finished runner-up, claiming sole possession of the second place in seasonal standings; Kalamazoo captured an unprecedented 61st consecutive MIAA championship. Players who advanced to the championship matches in singles were first-seed junior Paul Lillie, sophomore Kai Bouchard, junior Erik Berg, and f r e s h m a n R a j Malviya. Advancing to the finals in doubles were Lillie and sophomore Kevin Gingras and Berg and Malviya. Lillie was voted to the AllMIAA first team, while junior Chad Bollinger and sophomore Kai Bouchard were named to the second team. The team contained no seniors, so they are poised for a good season next year. "We are not graduating any seniors, so next year we'll be even better! K-Zoo better be ready," said Berg. Bollinger was satisfied with the season as a whole. "We accomplished the majority of the goals we set at the beginning of the season—that is very satisfying," he said.


"yyf %ad ^ i o o d ,

menta ly



Chad Bollinger junior, captain

R eaching to make the volley, junior Eric Berg readies his position. A s the n u m b e r - f o u r s e e d e d p l a y e r in t h e M I A A finals. Berg advanced to the finals, but fell to K a l a m a z o o ' s R y a n C u m m i n g s , 6-2, 6 - 4 . ( P h o t o by Johnathan M u e n k )

By Tiffany lililliams

iii.1 T e n n i s






t)we lot

Ofm ourir




e tearn chemistry y

was „ awesome. Jessica Mulder junior

J unior Jennifer Smith takes her hand back in orfer to prepare the angle for the return volley. S m i t h c a p t u r e d a n u m b e r two finish at the M I A A championships. (PR Photo)

W W s the 1999 women's tennis se;is(|i began, they knew that they have a hard act to follow considering that they were the def e n d i n g M I A A c h a m p i o n s . It would be a difficult field, and they would be the ones that the other teams were after. The team started off with their spring break trip down to Phoenix, Arizona. Their first match resulted in a loss against Drake, Iowa, howe v e r they pulled t h r o u g h and earned three victories against Spokane, Washington; Southern, Oregon; and Linfield, Oregon. A tough tournament for the Flying Dutch was the Midwest Invitational where they finished fourth with in a twelve team field. They advanced to the semi-finals with a pair of victories against Carleton, M in n es o ta and Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Dutch came into the tournament seeded fifth. The women's tennis team finished their regular season MIAA matches with a win 9-0 over Defiance. Coach Karen Page's Dutch scored shutout wins over five league opponents enroute to an 80 record in the MIAA. The shutouts w e r e a g a i n s t O l i v e t , Kalamazoo, Defiance, Adrian, and Alma. The team has won 30 consecutive MIAA dual matches extending back to the 1995 season. A shutout against Aquinas allowed the Dutch to post a 17-5 dual match record this spring. In the MIAA Tournament, the

team clinched their fourth straight MIAA championship by winning the c o n f e r e n c e t o u r n a m e n t at Kalamazoo College. Players captured championships in five singles flights and two doubles flights. Singles champions included #2 Jennifer Smith, #3 Kristen Kooyer, #4 Jessica Mulder, #5 Joy Green and #6 Heidi VanLangevelde. Winning doubles championships were #1 JulieMurray and Jennifer Smith and # 2 Joy G r e e n e and Heidi VanLangevelde. Jennifer Smith and Wendy Murray were voted to the AllMIAA first team while Kristen Kooyer was named to the AllMIAA second team. Junior Jessica Mulder said. "We had a great season-we won the conference tournament and finished first in the MIAA. We owe a lot of our success to Coach Page and Coach Teusink. Also, the team chemistry was awesome. Everyone had fun and got along well, both on and off the court. Although we are graduating two of our top players, we still have very high expectations for next season." The team was led this year by co-captains senior Joy Green, and junior Jennifer Smith. Along with superb coaching by Karen Page who in her second year of coaching posted their second conference championship. Next year will be tough to defend the championship again, however the Dutch are definitely up for the challenge!

By Tiffany Uiillianis

T e n n i s

ft pter a

pratice.sophomore Jen

A b r a h a m talks about her f o r m with head coach Karen Page.As coach, Page took the team to championships in both of her years at the helm. (PR Photo)

j n d i n g the match against her Albion opponet, junior Jessica Mulder offers her hand. M u l d e r won the match 6-4, 6-2. posting one of her 17 victories. (PR Photo)

f p p i n g the score card,


junior Jennifer S m i t h tallies


a n o t h e r g a m e in the 7 - 2 w i n against Albion. P r o p e l l e d by S m i t h ' s singles win, the D u t c h w o n the battle of

March 31 Di^ch .8, 8 Mary's 1 April 1

the u n b e a t e n s by

Vutch 6

Northwood 3

r e m a i n g so. (PR Photo)

April 6

Dutch 7 :ch7

C;alvin 2"

April 9-10

GCLA Tourney Finished third

April 14 Dutch 7

Albion 2 April 16-17 Midyv^st Invitational April 20

Finished Tourth

• 9 Dutcfjj.9

iveto ADTH 22

^ putch 9

Kalamazoo 0

April 24 Dutch 9 Defiance 0 April 27

Dutch 9

Aquinas 0 April 30-May 1 MIAA Tournament

Finished First

V, Front Row: Jennifer Smith. Julie Murray. Jen Esterline. Marta Bultman; Back Row: head coach Karen Page. Jen Abraham. Jessica Mulder, Heidi VanLangevelde. Kristin Kooyer. Angie Locke. Joy Green.

.ki T e n n i s




2 9

Dutch 4

March 30 Dutch 7

Calvin 3


1 2

Adrian 7 April 10

Dutch 8 ,


7 eis ,2 Dutch 8

Defiance 1 April 17 Albion 8

April 12 Defiance 12

Dutch 4

Dutch 3

April 24-26

April 20 10

Olivet 6

Dutch 4

April 30 Dutch 11

April 27

Grand Valley 16 Dutch 4

Kalamazoo 1

May 8 Dutch 12 Alma 8

Front Row: Nathan DeVisser, Eric Baker, Brian Sutter. David Miller, Ben Fellows, Mika Hulliberger, Nick Grinzinger, D.J. Reybum, Matt Klien, Clark Beacom; M i d d l e Row: Ed Annen, student manager Jason Mellema, Scott Houser, Dean Esteves, Ryan Tanis, Jeremy Gasper, Mike Brya, Matt Schroeder, Todd Lucas, Kevin Kiltie; Back Row: equipment manager Gord VanderYacht, coach Ron Boeve, Dave Lichtenberger, Sean Bateman, Josh Silvis, Ed Gall, Rob Long, Adam Labbe, Brock Isanhart, Mark Simonson, Jason Montgomery, Joe Fitzsimmions, Curtis Kesler, coach Rich Hays, head coach Stu Fritz.

e n i o r c o - c a p t a i n D.J. R e y b r u n w a t c h e s his hit sail o v e r the right field f e n c e at the h o m e field. T h e c e n t e r f i e l d e r sailed six p i t c h e s into h o m e r u n s d u r i n g the r e g u l a r c o n f e r e n c e s e a s o n . ( P h o t o by B r e n d a B r e w e r )

B a s e b a l l

stepping up tu Baseball uiarlis ta eaceed last yearssaeeesslal seasaa. | | l Ihe h o m e field, s o p h o m o r e Sean B a t e m a n w o r k s on his hitting stance while waiting for the ball f r o m an Olivet pitcher. Joining his t e a m m a t e s with high slugging percentages, Bateman went 3for-3 against A l m a in the final M I A A g a m e of the regular season. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

iunior Dave "Miller awaits a pitch during final meeting with Olivet. Even though the Dutch dropped the g a m e 8-6, the designated hitter. Miller, posted three hits. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

Hie men's baseball team went into • e 1999 season knowing that they ||ould have difficult expectations to live up to considering that they had won the MIAA championship last year. Their main goal this year was to accomplish this honor once again. The Dutchmen began their season by traveling to Cape Coral, Florida. This was a very good trip for the team because they played against some tough competition. They ended up winning four out of the nine games, which prepared them well for the upcoming season. Some of the highlights from the season were a win over Defiance which tied them for first place. Another one was when the team hit five home runs en route to a 17-hit attack against the Albion Britons. Junior Ben Fellows hit a pair and batted 4-for-4 to lead the attack. Also hitting home runs for the Dutchmen were seniors Ryan Tanis, Dean Estevez and junior Dave Miller. Tanis had a homerun in each of the three games against Albion. On a warm Spring Fling, the D u t c h m e n played f o r record crowds. They relied on the long ball to gain the s w e e p f r o m Kalamazoo. The defending MIAA

c h a m p i o n Flying D u t c h m e n W e moved within one game of frontrunner Alma by sweeping that series. The Dutchmen competed well within the MIAA. Freshman Kevin w Kittle was second in the league for pitching, while senior Todd Lucas was second for saves. Junior Ben Fellows was second in the MIAA for batting. Tanis racked up the most honors with earning second in home runs, first for runs scored, and tying for second with senior Dean Esteves for RBI. Rounding it all off, senior D.J. Reyburn was Ed Gall fourth in stolen bases: sophomore Sophomore Sean Bateman said this about the fact that they have seven exceptional seniors this year, "The seven seniors that have been a part of this program for four years have set the stage for all the returning players. They will be greatly missed, but it will be our job to carry out what they have already established—that of being a championship caliber baseball team, hopefully for many years to come." The Dutch met their goal, winning in dramatic fashion. Going into a must-win situation in the fiJ J n t i n u i n g his arc, senior Todd Lucas nal game, the team defeated Alma hurls a pitch t o w a r d s h o m e . In the 3-2 and claimed a co-champion- April 19th s l u g f e s t against A l b i o n , ship with the Britions. L u c a s g a i n e d a victory in relief of

h adhiQh n expectations

last lasW...




sophomore Nate DeVisser. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)


B a s e b a l l

mcmanta i n t M s . softDall

a n i n season.



seniors... have been . , great roley , m(xlels and. motivators for us


Annie Ervin freshman outfielder

[ J u t c h i n g the ball, s o p h o m o r e Carrie Scott

holds a runner

f r o m scoring.

C o m i n g back f r o m k n e e surgery the previous



w a s n a m e d to the All-American third t e a m by the F a s t p i t c t h S o f t b a l l C o a c h e s Association. (PR Photo)

jtting the ground running, the fh began their 1999 season j i | | their spring trip to Ocoee. Florida. A great start included eight victories and no losses, especially with their win over Ramapo, N.J., which they won 3-2. Sophomore Carrie Scott thrilled the a u d i e n c e s with a two run homerun and a grand slam during the week. The team members felt this was a very beneficial trip for them because it brought everybody closer and prepared them for the season to come. They also set some goals: win the tournament in Florida; beat Alma; and win the Ohio Northern Tournament. They returned to Michigan to begin their regular season with a game against Saint Mary's. They suffered an unexpected loss the first game but battled back and won the second game 8-2. They then traveled down to Defiance over Easter weekend and won both games, winning the first in eight innings. Next up was their big rival, Alma. The Dutch came into this game, wanting to cross this off their goals sheet. The first game they suffered a 9-1 loss. They then came back to only lose by one run. Spurred on by these dissapointing

losses, the Flying Dutch refocused and produced a nine game winning streak. At Ohio Northern Tournament, the Flying Dutch came in with high hopes of winning it. However, although they played well, they came up short with their batting. They ended up losing this tournament. Despite missing some of the goals, it still was a great season, according to freshman outfielder, Annie Ervin. "We have had a great season, not only because of our winning record but also because of the close friendships we have formed." Other players helped to make the year memorable for Ervin. " T h e f o u r s e n i o r s Lisa Larzelere, Christa Murphy, Gina Zanin, and Angie Barnes have been great role models and motivators for us underclassmen," she said. The Flying Dutch were eliminated from the MIAA softball tournament bowing to rival Calvin 1 -0 in nine innings on May 7. Both of the l o s s e s in the d o u b l e elimintation tourmanet were onerun decisions to Calvin's Knights. The Flying Dutch end their seaosn with a 21-13 record. It is the sixth consecutive season that coach Karla Wolters' Dutch have won 20-or-more games. 4 ^

- .'

• a f-"*'

y%* •


. .•?. v.'--' - ..' ,

jj^ad coach Karla Wolters walks away from a meeting at the mound, wating for the h o m e g a m e to continue. A f t e r m a k i n g the c o m m i t m e n t to exculsively coach softball in 1997, Wolters has led the team to two sucessful seasons. (PR Photo)

Dy Tiffany djilliams

I S o f t ball

3 e n i o r Lisa L a r z e l e r e w a t c h e s her pitch sail to the plate d u r i n g the spilt against C a l v i n in their last r e g u l a r - s e a o n m e e t i n g . L a r z e l e r e h o l d s t h e r e c o r d f o r the m o s t p i t c h i n g d e c s i o n s a n d m o s t victories. (PR P h o t o )


U ^ a i t i n g f o r p e r f e c t m o m e n t to strike, s e n i o r C h r i s t a


M u r p h y pulls b a c k her bat. A s a hitter, she posted a .311 b a t t i n g a v e r a g e a n d 3 3 hits. (PR P h o t o )


o St

March 31


Dutch 8

St. Mary's 2

April 1

Grand Valley 10

putch 2

Grand Valley 10 Dutch 3 April 3


April 7


Alma 8 April 10

Dutch 7

Dutch 8

Adrian Q

Dutcn 12

Adrian 1

April 13

April 15

a B W 8 Dutch 3 Albion 1

Olivet 1

Dutch 8

Dutd-i 2 Ol vet 1 Dutcn 4

April 20 Kalamazoo 7

Dutch 4

April 28

Kalamazoo 0

Dutch 2 Dutch 1

April 30-l\/lay 1 Ohio Northern Tournament

May 6-7

Finshed Fifth

MJAA Tourament

finished third

Front Row: Christa Murphy, Gina Zanin, Lisa Larzelere, Angie Barnes; Second Row: Tara Blacquiere, Annie Ervin, Tobi Hill. Carrie Scott, Emily Thornton. Renee Mursch, Karen Hahn; Back Row: head coach Karla Wolters. Milly Kruzel. Sarah Zoulek. Emily Snyder. Heather Roy. Sarah Paccione. Kim Gortenhuis. Angie Ciesielski, assistant coach Barb Gras.

Lkl S o f t b a l l

Score, Boom March 31

Albion 109

Dutch 44

April 6 Dutch 79.5

Alma 74.5 April 10 Adrian 78 Dutch 76

April 10

Dutch 129

Defiance 24 April 17 Dutch cm121 Olivet 32 April 17

ualvin 109

Dutch 45

April 30-May 1

Finished Third

at MIAA Field Day

Front Row : Keith Cravotta, Jeff Kauffman, Louis Williams, Jeremy Nickels. Chris Kerrins. Josh Spalsbury; S e c o n d Row: Eric Shocks, Dylan Wade, Tala Sakala, Paul Berke, Matt Kalajainen, Joe Veldman, Ben Sportel; Third Row: Mark Youngs, Kevin Richardson, Chad Gibbie, Seth Palmer, Jason Fierk, J.P. VanOstenberg, Tyler Southwell; Foruth Row: Curtis Tyler, Steve Molesa, Matt Anderson, Doug Mulder, Sam Klooster, Dane Splinter, Garett Childs; Fifth Row: Ed Rangier, Dana Burd, Chase Carpenter, Chris Vande Bunte, Joe Katte'.us. Rob Struck, Eric Ringnalda; Back Row: assistant coach Henry Chen, assiantant coach Michael Ricketts, head coach Mark Northuis, assistant coach Lisa Knapp.


172 T r a c k


p e e p i n g pace ahead of the visition Britons of Alma, s o p h o m o r e Tala Sakala keeps his postion solid. As a distance runner, Sakala ran the best time of the season with a time of 1:57.87 in the 800-meter run. (PR Photo)


ositioned in their blocks, runners

for the Dutch and Albion prepare to

start the 100-meter dash. Albion defeated the Dutch in the event, propelling them to an eventual victory. (PR Photo)

B h e Dutchmen began their 1999 At the 108th MIAA track and Kick season with a spring break field c h a m p i o n s h i p s hosted by • p to Florida. On the way down, Alma, the team finished third. Paul they competed at the Morehouse Berke was the only MIAA ChamCollege Relays in Atlanta, Georpion winning the 10,000- meter run gia. with a time of 32.49.58. He also There were ideal weather conachieved A l l - M I A A distinction ditions while s o p h o m o r e Joe from the coaches. Veldman was r u n n e r - u p in the The team finished second in 5 , 0 0 0 while f r e s h m a n J.P. Van both 400- and 1600-meter relay Ostenberg took second in the pole with third places from Kattelus in vault. The team spent the week the javelin and Veldman in the training with two-a-day practices 1,500-meter run. in Pensacola, Florida, taking this T h e m e n ' s t r a c k t e a m is time to bond and impove their runcoached by Mark Northuis, which ning. has coached the team now for an On their way back, they comoutstanding ten years. He is also peted and finished second in the the head of the men's and women's f o u r - t e a m A n d e r s o n University cross country teams. Northuis won Invitational. Dutchmen champithe 5 , 0 0 0 in the 1980 M I A A ons included sophomores Garett C h a m p i o n s h i p s for as a Dutch Childs in the 800-meter and Joe t r a c k s t e r , a n d is still the Kattelus in the discus and Javelin. recordholder in the 3,000 steepleThe team began their MIAA chase and the six-mile run. This season with a meet against Albion. experience gives him the ability to Although they dominated the disbe such a successful coach for the tance events with firsts from fresh- Dutchmen. man Dylan Wade in the 3,000"The sprinters and distance runmeter; sophomore Joe Veldman in ners came together more this year the 1,500; freshman Dane Splinthan in the past," said junior Chris ter in the 5,000, along with a first Kerrins. "Towards the end of the f r o m freshman Sam Klooster in season, since we came together so high jump, they unfortunately were well, we started performing to the handed a loss. best of our ablity." The Dutchmen next took a very This year's team was led by close victory with a 79.5-74.5 viccaptains, senior Mark Youngs, and tory over Alma. A 1-2-3 sweep in junior Jeff Kauffman. They helped the 5,000 meter run and a victory the team come together and stay in the mile relay gave the Flying f o c u s e d t h r o u g h o u t the season Dutchmen the come-from-behind while gaining a third place finish victory. in the MIAA.

By Tiffany dJilljams

"Success can't b e determined b %ie fin a|



$6% ...ave to leam


^journey." Mark Youngs seniorfcaptam

J J o p h o m o r e Sam Klooster throws his arms back to better help him clear the bar. Klooster took first with a j u m p of 6 - 0 in the narrow dual-meet victory against A l m a . ( P h o t o by J o h n a t h a n Muenk)

finish joniies second

Ulomen's M TntneMlliilToryeartuioJ "Allthe, peoplef r om



ey gbecame


workea together

towards t h e team „


Ashley Pries Junior, Captain

Jinior jumper Kim Richardson prepares to land her high jump. The returning letterwinner recorded the highest jump at the MIAA finals with a height of '5-2. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

I c B n n i n g right after Christmas v w , members of the track team i l y l e d up until they left for their spring trip to Pensacola, Florida. Their outdoor season began in Atlanta, Georgia at the Morehouse College Relays. On this warm, sunny Atlanta day, junior Jenny Ernst highlighted the meet with her performance. She ran a provisional qualifying time for the NCAA Division III championships in winning the 10,000 meter run. On the way back from Florida, the team ran at the Anderson Invitational at Anderson University. Ernst qualified here in the 5,000meter run for the NCAA championships, while senior Becky Timmer had a provisional qualifying time in the 5,000 of 18.01.74. The team opened up their conference season with a close meet against Albion. For the team, the meet was very exciting and tense considering that it came down to the mile relay, which is the last event. H o w e v e r , they p u l l e d through and won the meet 86-59. The next two meets, the Dutch went undefeated against Alma, St. M a r y ' s , Adrian, Defiance, and Olivet. However, the team ended their season with a 6-1 record because of their previous loss against Calvin. The meet against Calvin, however did produce a NCAA Division III qualifying throw in the

discus for the second year straight by sophomore Emily Sowers. Her throw was 145 feet, 7 inches which is a campus record. Under ideal weather conditions, the 108th MIAA track and field championships featured many outstanding p e r f o r m a n c e s by the Dutch at Alma College. Ernst was a double winner, capturing the 5,000 and 10,000 meter runs. Other champions were junior Kim Richardson in high j u m p ; freshman Sarah Burgess in shot put; and Sowers, with the discus for the second straight year. Silver medalists were senior Cyndi Bannink in the 3,000 and 1,500; sophomore Liz Chapman in the 100-hurdles; and Becky Timmer in the 5,000. Voted to the A l l - M I A A women's track and field team were Burgess, Ernst, Chapman, Richardson, Sowers, and Timmer. Although the team finished second, they were happy with their performance considering that they also finished second last year, but they tripled their points this year. For junior Ashley Pries, the season was a good one. "I was very impressed with the team's enthusiasm and accomplishments this year. All the people f r o m d i f f e r e n t events b e c a m e friends and worked together towards the team score.'

By Tiffany lililliams

T r a c k




ADril 6

T)utch 73

Alma 72 April 6

Dutch 123

Saint Mary's 20

April 10 f d g i n g past her Defiance opponents,

April 10

A Dutch Adnan 32


Dutch 113

Defiance 32

sophomore Tiffany Williams

April 17

works on her

Olivet' BeW

p a c e in the 4 0 0 meter dash. Williams won the race with a t i m e of 1:02.42, a n d the t e a m w o n the m a t c h


April 17

Calvin 102 Dutch 43 April 30-May 1

MIAA Field Day

Dutch Finished Second

with a s c o r e of 113-32. ( P h o t o by Johnathan Muenk)

Front Row: Emily Niewendorp. Kelly Clarkson, Liz Chapman. Kayla Rademaker, Emily Sowers, Erica Torgeson; S e c o n d Row : Erin Hoopes. Liz Chapin. Lauren Hermes. Callie Budd, Ashley Pries, Cathy Robart; Third Row: Carrie Langstraat. Jannah Thompson. Cynthia Bannik, Jenny Emst. Susan Kingma. Becky Timmer, Stephanie Velander; Fourth Row: Sarah Scripsema. Nicole Reynolds. Cara Brackenridge. Tiffany Williams. Jamie Grant, Amanda Heydon; Back Row: Sarah Burgess. Kim Richardson. Courtney Munz, Erica Winn, Sarah Hokenson, Kristin McMillen.

j j a l a n c i n g her j u m p as an A l b i o n r u n n e r runs past, f r e s h m a n Liz C h a p m a n clear the h u r d l e in t h e first dual m e e t . C h a p m a n w o n the 1 0 0 - m e t e r h u r d l e s with a t i m e 16.34. (PR P h o t o )


r e s h m a n Liz C h a p m a n f i n i s h e s her sprint and p r e p a r e s to h a n d of the baton

to her t e a m m a t e . W h e n c o m b i n i n g talents. T h e D u t c h held the e d g e in m e d l e y events. ( P R P h o t o )

T r a c k


i J n i o r Mike Stapleton


bounces a puck in f r o n t of the


net. A l o n g with


Paul Loodeen, M i k e Evink and Tony L a S o r s a , the seniors saw the t e a m g r o w f r o m its

November 6

November 14

Dutch 10 Northwood 4

Saginaw 8

beginning. ( P h o t o by Brenda Brewer)

Dutch 2 November 20 Calvin 4 Dutch 3 (OT)

November 21

Grand Valley 7

Dutch 3

December 5 Calvin 5

Dutch 2 D e c e m b e r 12

Muskegon 8 a

Dutch 0

January 15 7 January 16 BGSU7

c Dutch


Dutch 4

January 30 Dutch 5 Northwood 4 Feburary 6

Calvin'S Diutch' 3 February 12 ch1


j j l e b r a t i n g a s c o r e d goal, s o p h o m o r e s J o h n M c D o n a l d and C l a r k B e a c o m leave their o p p o n e t s Front Row: Brad Keuning, coach Jeff Chappell, Scotl Hes; .Second R o w : Kristin Gray. Gerrett Heyns, Chris Campbell, Andrew Kleczek, John McDonald, Isaac Tarn, Brad Irving, Kevin Woloszyn, Meredith Koshgarian, Jen Blackwell; Back Row: Dana Lamers, Julie Zwart, Nick Cook, Jermey Pearson, Steve Molesa, Branden Johnson, Jon Kopchick, Aarond Gerds, Paul Loodeen, Mike Evink, Ryan Peters, Mike Stapleton, Tony LaSorsa. Todd Fleury, Bill Shubert. Clark Beacom; assistant coach Terry Dyer.

s t u n n e d . T h e D u t c h d o m i n a t e d the N o r t h w o o d T i m b e r w o l v e s in their first m e e t i n g , r a c k i n g u p ten g o a l s . ( P h o t o by B r e n d a B r e w e r )

[ J e p into the d e f e n s i v e z o n e , s e n i o r Paul L o o d e e n f i g h t s t w o N o r t h w o o d U n i v e r s i t y d e f e n d e r s f o r f o o t i n g . In its third s e a s o n , the c l u b sport p i c k e d u p m o r e victories t h a n ever. ( P h o t o by B r e n d a B r e w e r )

H o c k e y

Opening wseasn e



by opened some eyes this seafhe record may not reflect the J w e m e n t but they have made considerable strides to closing the gap b e t w e e n them and their opponets. "The season can't be juged on wins and loses but on the scores of the g a m e s , " s o p h o m o r e Clark Beacom said. "Last year we lost games 7-1 this year we lose 3-1 or 3-2." Starting the season with their third coach in just their third season, Jeff Chappell, the Dutch lost both of their first two games in a the Northwood Universtiy preseason tournament in two close contests; 5-4 against Saginaw Valley State University, and then 4-1 against Northwood. Then it was back to their new home, the Edge Ice Arena, for the home season opener versus Northwood. In that game they showed what they could do by dominating from start to finish ending the game with a 10-4 win. However, these highlights are hard to come by. The team followed a close loss to rival Calvin. In the third offical game of the season they squared off aganist the Knights at home. The team went into the the second intermission with a 2-0 lead but Calvin ralied to a 5-4 overtime win. Following that heartbreaking loss they went



on a skid to end the semseter. Coming back after the break injuries, bad health and the loss of players for personal reasons. Gone at the break were sophomores Chris Campbell and Issac Tam, juniors Ryan Peters and Scott Hes and senior Gerry Heynes for personal reasons. Then a series of injureis to key players left the bench virtually empty and made it hard for the team to c o m p e t e against the tough competition of the Michigan Colligate Hockey Conference. "It made it hard to compete with a short bench but we still played hard, kept a good attitude and we were still able to compete," said junior Jon Kopchick. However, the team did manage to finish one step out the conference basement. A strong sign for the improvement of the team for next season. "I really look forward to next season. We've got a good group of guy's coming back," said freshman Andrew Kleczek. "But we also lose a couple of good guys." The team also returns a good core of talent for next season only losing seniors Tony LaSorsa, Mike Stapleton and Paul Loodeen to graduation. "With some new faces and a little more commitment we can change those loses into wins," Beacom.


tohard compete witha

sjhoiibench ttiii

Jon Kopchick junior

| |phomore Clark Beacom gets tied up with a Northwood defender. With its share of fights, the team developed a big fan following. (Photo by Brenda Brewer)

Dy P a u l l o o d c c n

H o c k e y



'\ I r .






/ / / /

• " the styles h a v e c h a n g e d . W h e n the first g r o u p of stu-

d e n t s c a m e to c a m p u s in 1866, long b e a r d s and b o w ties w e r e in style. 1 he student b o d y has g r o w n f r o m the original eight m a l e g r a d u a t e s to nearly 1 (){)() men and 1500 w o m e n . J e a n s m a y h a v e r e p l a c e d suits and t shirts replaced b o w ties, but the desire to learn and the pursuit of e x c e l lence h a v e r e m a i n e d the s a m e . wK

P e o p l e

D i v i s i o n



- darrorie

J****, Ohhas


l/fcbster, Nl/| 'Thomas


T J .



Glemcnfamj Gd./Language Qt+s




W-udsoTivile Jvh'e




Grand Tlapi'ds




Sfatifon Diva

Gxerci'se Science


Kuxyai't ^1 im

Infcrnafional Sfudics


Grand "ftapids ... Business Qdnii'n./Gcononn'cs Onderson






H-as+ings Marc

Language Qrts Composite


Wyoming Jen

Social Studies Composite

Uslamav Portage


S Y a c e j / K. Ossink

I l-nUanii

Glemenfanj GducaHon


Maggie GUOTI,


Social lAJorK



4oll and

Nursing/ Biology



Nortti-viHe Cyvthia









Grand "ftapi'ds Qnqela


Social HJorK/Ps^cliolog^



Gxerci'se Science



Madrid, Spain Grin

International Studies



Dance/G*ercise Science

l.ii S e n i o r

C l a s s

CeTiiors ^



- QeKkerwq

9 9 9 M-ope College



LilertifviTle, IL £>revi




Leipsic, 0 ^ Kaiherwe

OccounHng G>.

M-amfl+on MegaTi



G r a n d "Rapids



Language Q r t s Composite

beck Greenville

G r m




Scoffville Urandov

Special Gducation - L . O . £>eehe

NoT'+liviTle T / m

Classical Studies




O-ver' the last four years, many things surrounding the graduating senior class have changed. We have seen the building of a new dorm and conference center, a new and innovative curriculum, and even a new president, but without a doubt, the largest change on this campus is us. As I was talking to a friend at the start of our senior year about the good old days of Kollen Hall and simple classes such as Encounter with the Arts, she looked at me and asked, "When did we decide to grow up?" It was not until that point in time that 1 realized my classmates and 1 have truly entered into the realm of adulthood. But when exactly did that magical transformation take place? Maybe it was the first time I decided to stay home on Saturday to do homework; it could be when 1 realized that life was much more than Sony Playstation; or it could be the day that 1 realized that sooner or later college would be over and I would have to enter the real world and be able to function as a working member of society. Every senior has there own exact time of epiphany that enlightened them to their increased maturity and growth, but there is no denying the fact that we have all grown up. Compared to the rest of our life to come, four years is a small amount of time, but for some reason these last four years are going to be some of the most memorable of our life. This place is where we found ourselves, the friends that we will have

s Big vrK™

Noiu f


6 i | Michael M c C u n e

forever, or even a husband or wife. And as much as I want to get out of here and go into the working world, I know that I would love to be a lowly freshman and do it all over again. In 25 years when we have a reunion during Homecoming and watch the Dutchmen football team beat up on Calvin (if they actually start a football team), the memories of college will be flowing like water. 1 am sure that the talk will mostly revolve around basketball games, those really difficult professors, long hours spent in DeWitt, or maybe even an old girlfriend or two, but everyone will be thinking the same thing, "This is where I grew up, this is where I found myself and it is great to be back." We have all grown up and become something that we never wanted to become—responsible.^

S e n i o r

C l a s s



31 om


M i k e

9 9 9 M-ope College


Qtih Qvqela


Mediam'cal GnqiTieeriTiq






GrraTid M-a-ven



K. HilliJeav





OklalioTna Ci'hj, O K




Pruvfporf Omanda

P o l i t i c a l Science G>.


Car+crsviTlc, Q?Q .. CoTrnnuTn'caHons/PcliqioT) £)lach


CliardoTi, OM-




Johns Olissa


b l a i s w q

Battle Creek Sara


Uledsoe P.ocliester f-iiTls


OusiTiess Qdirn'in's+ration


l-l-udsonville .. Social Studies C o m p . / G d u c a H o n


(^olleg (farcers ^ 1 "

Profes SOTS

6ij Qpnl Greer

are the lifeblood of college. They are the determining factors in deciding whether the class will become a laborious sensation or if it will have a lifelong effect somehow and alter one's personal college experience. Senior Brandon Beebe, a classics major, finds professor Earl Curry to have a profound effect. "He actually got the whole class excited about

il A 182

S e n i o r

C l a s s

what he was teaching," he said. "He made it personal, so we'd WANT to study. He taught us not to be afraid to leave our judgement, to explore then make your own opinions based on that experience." Not only do professors impact one's personal experience but lend a hand and instill life skills into students during an impressionable time. Senior Nathan DeBoer recalls Jeff Tyler of the religion department as a prominent college figure. "[Dr. Tyler] went out of his way to make my college life bearable. He taught me motivation, responsibility, and helped me to prioritize my life." DeBoer also recalls Russell Floyd impacting his life when the decision for career choices came up. "He helped me to determine where I wanted to go with music. He's given me professional focus and showed me how to dedicate my life to music." The College is known for it's excellent student faculty ratio and it is evident in these students this is not a myth. It takes someone with integrity, patience and humor to be a professor here. Even if it is not said aloud, students deeply appreciate the concern of their professors, and the determined individuals they are in the classrooms.



- £>rija


S^afe CoTleqc, P Q .... C o m p . §ci'cnce/Gcoloqn



SterKng M-eiqhk Qohin





Piano Performance


Qnn Q r t o r





Social X i W k






boss Cljcmisfnj/S'econdaTTj GducaHon







bosielaar DelA/iff








'"k^aTid Qachel





Special GducaKoii - L , 0 .


G r a n d Papi'ds


(business Qdmi'm'sfraHon

0. brewer

Plioeni*viTle, P O


Ch'ologij/PolrHcal 5 c i ence




Qo-xavrie M.




Gva brooks Kalamazoo




M-oiland MaH



M e n ' c o , NT/j



P. brya


Social Studies Composif^

l.kl S e n i

C e m o r s

Qvenie - Coffey


Melissa Hvevte C>aff1e Creek


Tony ÂŁ)vll Manistee


Qvna Marie bvrns Memplii's, TN


Gina fivwalda Mutici'e, IN

Orf/Glemcnfar^ Education

Ortn Hyland Premonl .... Special Gd./GleTnenfanj Gducafion Laura Car/son

Quu Qrbor


Qevee Carlson Gladsloue


Darcy (Lartnichael Muskegon


Gmily H. Cassell M-asfinqs


Michelle Chamhers Gafou liapi'ds

Lauquaqe Qrfs

Diana Chamoi l-l-asleff


^odJ Chassee T^^otni'tig


Krish'Ti (Lhaielain Kalamazoo

Special Gduoafiou - G.l.

l-l-olly Cheff l-f-oTIaud

Qrl U-islonj

CLonraS Chen Saqfnaui


Odrienne Christopher Sprvncj Lake

QflileHc 'Training

Kah'e Cindric LaGranqc. 1L

Business Qdmi'n./Bi'ologij

Qmie Clifton Sellevue, 14JQ

Geology/ PrencTi

Meagan Nicole Cockman Davison

Psijclioloqn/ l-l-iston^

Janelle L. Coffey Grand l-l-a-ven


S e n i o r


C l a s s

9 9 9 M-ope College


C c n i o r s * 3

(Zoffing - Davidson

1 9 9 9 ^ ope College

ÂŁ>ryce C-ofPivg M+. VernoTi, Ol-I-


C)u siTicss QdiniTi./Pffijcli.






Dale G. dorlew Sarah Corfright




GlizaheiJi 0. dovvrevr ColuTTitus,


Oflilc.fic TraiTii'Tiq

OJrwna C. CLraiv S'tandi's]!


(ZorriTive J. (LravoHa VcmoTi, N J


Qeih Crawley Oxford


Noah Dale Monfpeli'cr, V'T


Dan Daly G r a n d liapi'ds


Nicole Davgremovd Macataiua

Language Oris Composite

Glizahelh Davidson M-olland



arefully constructing creations, senior Katie Hiibrecht and sophomore Kristin Munski sculpt with PlayDough at the PCS Return to Your Childhood Party, The parties provided a place to meet people and have fun during the weekends as did the Monday night meetings. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

S e n i o r

C l a s s

C em org

Davis - Oi'sselkoen


9 9 9 M-ope College

Jill Davis PIIOCTII'*, Q Z

G l e m . Gd./M-UTna-niHes C o m p .

Qehecca tie Velder Somcrsef, NIJ

"Political S c i e n c e

MaHhew De£)oer M-olland


Kn'siy Jo Deer Cadillac



MelaTiie l-l-olland

Psijclioloqu/Social l l j o r k



David S1, Del-I-ommel Keviv DeKam Caledonia


Onna Demshvk WiTliamston

S o c i a l 1/Uork

Nicole Dennis P o r f lyfaijne, I N


Kevin Del/lovnq Jem'son


Dana Dillon M-olt


Qohyn Disselkoen " l i o c k f o r d .... P o l l . § c i ' . / G n g l i ' s l i / C o m m . C o m p .

M akiTi q y Y \ e T n o r i e § BijJ Qpnl l/Iou'-ve shared so much with friends over the year: last minute labs; spending breaks together; and living through the stresses of being broke. When loneliness takes toll on your esteem, they are right behind you, basketball in hand, ready to shoot some hoops or veg out watching Genera! Hospital. Naturally, spending the most difficult and triumphant years of your life with them has created bonds strengthened during the four or more years on campus. Friends have become family and existed as one of the most vital parts of your life. Sadly, at the end of the final semester, the friendships of seniors will suffer or live on.

i.Li 186

S e n i o r

C l a s s

"We'll keep in touch, but I hope our friendships will continue even after they leave," said senior Christine Dykstra. Senior Mary MacDermaid will be parting with three of her closest friends. Their friendship developed over the years, and it seems, one added to the bunch every year. These friends will be a part of a huge milestone in her life—marriage. Of her three best friends, two are engaged and the other may follow suit. Not only has MacDermaid experienced the joys of friendship but she also learned from them. "I've learned from one friend, how to be level headed, she's patient, I'm impatient. We've all picked up things from each other's characters." Amie Evans predicts, "We'll go our seperate ways but keep in touch. My closest friend will be in New York and I'll be in Chicago." Saying good-bye is something everyone knew would eventually come, as it does. Senior James Hilmert says good-bye with courage. "It's a part of life. It's not something to dread, you lose friends,you make new ones.

C em org 1

Dovehoo - Crehl

9 9 9 M-ope C o l l e g e


DoveJioo Oaiicc/G(hicaHoTi




Schoolcraft Kelh' J.





Special Gducahon - L . O .






^Traverse Ci'h^ Hehecca



G r a n d ftapi'ds .. L a n g . Q r f s C o m p . / G d u c a H o n




S p o r t s Manaqcmenf


Q. Gnos







Language Q r t s Composite

Q. Parmer

North Muskegon





. . . G l . G d . / L a n g u a g e Q r t s Composife






L. PolKeri





Oakland, N J .. Psijchologij/M-umam'ties C o m p .



Douiagiac .... Matli/Science/GlementaTnj Gduc.











(business Qdmim'stration

Mason Qiephanie





Cliicago, 1 L

Psi^cliologij/ Oance

Crehl Gngli'sli/Japanese

l.iA S e n i o r

C l a s s

C em org

G/ibson - barrel!


Meh'sa GibsoTi MiTiTieapolis, MN


Tina G/ill Kalamazoo




Scofkdale, Q Z



Social lAJork






Spring Lake Grica











l4-asictt . . GleTnen+ar^ Gd./L-anq. Gr+s C o m p .


Green Bafavi'a. 1 L

Business Odmi'n./Spanisli

K a / e Gn'Her G r a n d Tlapi'ds


Special Gdncation

hyn Gross






Qfhlefic ' T r a i n i n g / Biology

L o r ; ' Gvse Ooiuagiac


C l i e m i ' s f r ^ / Biologij



B i o l ogii/Spam'sli




S o c i o l o g y / Biology



Gast G r a n d l i a p i d s





P s \ j c l i o l o g ^ / S o c i a l lAJork

Qohh G. f4- armsen M-amilfon


Political Science




Qyan l-l-arrell Kalamazoo .. P o l i . S c i . / G n g l i s l i / C o m m . C o m p .

S e n i o r

C l a s s


9 9 9 l-l-ope College


C em org 1

tJ-ari - l4-{lmerf

9 9 9 M-ope College

Melissa K. l-l-ari BucliaTiaTi

Political Science

Kevin l-l-ariqerink


Soufli M-aven

Computer Science

TTiree Tiwers

Special Gducafion - L.D.

Karen l-l-asse

Kerri l-l-aveman Zeeland


Qachel l-Laveman Special Gducafion - L.0./G.1.


Jeremy l-l-eaviliv FennviUe

Social 5hidies

St. Louis

Communications/Gnqlisli Comp.

Meredith l-lerhsi Jared l-l-erron T^Jijominq


Megan K. l-Licks "Tratuco Canxjon. CO


Grili l-t-iemsira Wijoming


KaiJien'ne l-Lilhrechi Kalamazoo


James l-l-ilmeri Pt. HJaijne, IN

I Tl 6 bright yellow polka-dot door beckons cheerfully from 8th Street. Inside Paint a Pot, it seems like springtime. Junior owner Kerri Bouws is hard at work, ensuring that all the paints are full. Paint a Pot is a place where anyone can go to pick out a piece of pottery and "personalize" it by painting and designing in the colors and patterns of choice. While Bouws' brainchild was born on June 1, 1998, the idea for a business such as Paint a Pot began long before. Bouws visited a place similar to Paint a Pot and fell in love with the idea of owning one just like it. She and her sister Kelli Hoeksema researched owning one. "I took the information and started making phone calls," Bouws said. "I had to get approval from my parents. From there, I found a building to rent, paints, a kiln and started experimenting." Paint a Pot has been quite a successful experiment. The premise of Paint a Pot is simple: a person


ยงli arfnq 6 i j ClTidreiu Lo+z


Craft can walk in and find a piece of pottery he or she would like to paint. Items range from vases to picture frames, coffee mugs to teacups and saucers, candlestick holders to napkin rings, from plates to bowls. Sponge painting, stencils, and stamps top off the small artistic touches a person can add to their pottery. "The business is trendy," Bouws said. "As long as the trend keeps going, I'm going to go with it.

S e n i o r

C l a s s


1-l-ofPmaster - Ivgersoll


KaiJiy 1-l-ofFmaster M-opkiTis

"ft^ligion/PoliKcal Science

Mark L-l-ofsiee KcTifuiood


Gnily l-l-olleheek Grand tiapi'ds


Sara t-l-oolsema Grand "ftapi'ds


Kaiherive l-l-orjvs Grand Tlapi'ds


Sheri L. l-l-ovivg Grand liapi'ds


Kelly H. 1-l-owarJ Columtus, Ol4-


Odam J. l-l-vdson Indianapolis, IN


f-l-eaiher hi- vizing Brfgliton

Special GdncaHon

Marc H. l-l-vmharger 6afHe Creek


havrie l-l-vtchenrevfher Sonflifield

Social lAWk/Spani'sli

Michael Ivgersoll Kalamazoo


V,reparing for the Homecoming game against Kalamazoo, the football team gathers to show their team unity as a coach Dean Kreps watches. The team utilized more students than any other in roles ranging from quarterback to student trainers. (Photo by Chris Lee)

i.kl 190

S e n i o r

C l a s s


9 9 9 l-(-ope College

% I

C c m o r s ^


Jackson - Kim

9 9 9 M-ope College

KariJackson CantoTi


Ondrea Johnson PranKfort


Nihelle Grin Johnson MiJland

M-umamK ' es Composite

Hehecca Jones DeKalb, 1L

Prencli/lntemafional ยงhj<lies

Jessica Joifni Greenville


Sarah KaeHerhenry Mi'dJIeloTi, HH


Kaihryn Kahler

Science Composite


Chrish'na Joy Kawi'nskas Grand



Sahrina Kawphvis Language QT^S Composite


Jen m'e Karr Prospect M-+S. 11


Qehecca Karrow Glen GllijTi, 1L


Carine KaiifPmann lAJflmette, IL


Leslie Kay Crystal Lake, 1L . Business Gdmin./Japanese

Sarah Kay Crgslal Lake, 1L


dhrishne Kelley Kalamazoo




Qachel Kewink

I w

Kimherly Keni Oii'cago, 1L

Language Oris Composite

Kah'e Keyes Xl/gomi'ng

Language Qrfs Composite

Qngela K. Kilpah-ick Prui'tporf

business Qdmi'm'sfraHon

Orny Kim ?Xokie, 1L


y J S e n i o r

C l a s s

ยงem org

Kim - Kvipers


TAJilliaw VJ. Kim






Gasf Jordan

C)ioloqij/Gxercise Science

S ' u s a n Kinqma

Grand liapi'ds Sarah


G. Klaasev






Psi^cliolog-ij/ &nsi'ness Odmim'sfraHon




Special Gducafion - L.D.

l-t-eaiher Kvowles

Grand Blanc

Special GdncaHon

Cyreq Kohylak





Holland Jason



Grand Tiapi'ds Carrie

Business Odmi'm'sfraHon


1-l-oTland Craig

Gngli'sli/Poli'+ical Science


Midland .. Bns./Comin./Sporls Qdmi'n. Comp.

S'vsan Mary


TAJiTlianisfon Chrish'an

Grand liapi'ds hisa





Baffle CreeK. Karri



Orlando, PL


Dan Kuhacki

^Toledo, OM-


Qimee Kvhasiak

Baffle Creek Ohigail


Grand M-aven Sarah




S e n i o r

C l a s s

9 9 9 M-ope College



Ceniors 1

Kvo - Lappenga

999 M-ope College



Grand Ttapids Griv





PJivvg Law

M-oTlaTid Ondrew







Grand Tlapids Kn'sH

Social l/Uork


(-l-oI];iTid Carrie



Gaqan, MN .... ClieTni'sfr^/6i'oclieTn. Gmpliasi's benjamw




0 S many seniors enter graduate or professional school next year in order to further their education and minds, some of their classmates have decided that they need a break from the long nights of reading, 50-page papers, and the stress of learning. The average age of a student entering graduate school is 25 and for law school it is 27, so it should not be surprising that some grads are going to enter the work force before they attempt to tackle another two to five years of education that is strenuous on both the mind and the wallet. "It's not really about the money, you can always get money," senior Paul Loodeen said. "It's more about getting into the real world and getting a break from this type of atmosphere." But for some seniors it is about the money. Further education is a large debt to take on, especially considering that most students start racking up significant debt attending a private school. "In my case, financial issues are my biggest factor in deciding to wait," said law school hopeful Kelli Bitterburg. "I need to save up some money and get myself prepared before I take on such a large amount of debt." Still other seniors have other reasons to wait. "I need to wait before my fiance gets out of medical school," senior Megan Hicks said. Although these students see a certain advantage in waiting, there can also be several disadvantages. Some students are worried that finding a niche or


P)Tcak Micliael M c C / u n e

the right job could easily overcome the urge to reenter the education arena. "I am not worried about waiting to go to law school," Bitterburg said. "But I will admit that if I find a job that 1 really enjoy. It will make my decision that much harder." Another possibility is that taking several years off could effect a student's performance when starting school again, a factor that drives many grads to start right away. "Being out of the loop for a few years could defiantly hurt my chances when I enter seminary, but I am taking at least one class a year before I go back to a full-time student," Hicks said. "I think that will enable me to wait without worries." Whatever the case maybe, the graduating seniors have many options and some grads are making sure that they keep theirs wide open.

S e n i o r

C l a s s


C em org

harzelere - hogie


9 9 9 M-ope College

Lisa harzelere Onialia, N G






Ken' Law 61'ologij/ClieTTn'stnj







h. heVan



9ha nnon hewis Kalamazoo


Kaie hiniemyih t-^oHaTid

Megan Grand

Special GducaKoTi - L . D .

hogie ftapi'ds


purures I

6 i | Qmatida Black

S c r a T n t l i T i g to fill the hours after class, some turn to art, and some play sports. Some make music. For seniors Ben Lappenga, Dan Patterson, Josh Schicker and Matt Youngberg, their passion for music has taken them from the residence halls to the stage in Grand Rapids. The four began their band, paisely dAve, during their sophomore year in 1996 and have become a popular backbone to the campus music scene. "It all happened so fast. We got together first to write some tunes for the All-College Sing," said vocalist and guitarist Schicker. "We hit it off and continued on writing and began performing. We met on the Worship Team for the Chapel program," he said. "The spiritual connection is also quite



S e n i o r

C l a s s

important for us." They debuted new songs and released an LP in the Spring of 1998. Standing sold over 300 copies in its first months of sale. According to guitarist Lappenga, balancing the band with college life has created the need a different focus outside of school. "College has certainly been harder to focus on academically because of all the time and effort into rehearsals and gigs," he said. "Sometimes I felt like an outsider because everyone was focused on academics gearing towards their career, and I've been focusing on something outside of academics for my career." For these guys, the challenge of being a senior is more than just deciding where to move on to. "As we gear towards graduation, real life hits hard sometimes," said Lappenga. "Should we use our degrees to get real jobs? How will we earn enough money to live? Did we waste our four years? For me, all of this is both frightening and exciting." As their fan base grows, the guys hope to make paisley dAve part of their future. "We are hoping to make a life out of this, and what that entails is still to be seen," said drummer Patterson. "We would like a record company's backing eventually which would mean a contract at some point. We strive to continue to be artists and to do what God has given us the desire to do. We all really believe in the music, it challenges us and hopefully the listener can see this.'

oem ors O


Longsireei - May

9 9 9 M-op ope College

Jeanne Longs/reef l-toTland Nursing ^eaiJier Lovern Grand Blanc Occounfinq Ovdy Low ^averse Ci'h^ Business Qdmi'm'straHon Jessica Lvechi Germantouin, 1/U1 ... Bi'oloq^/Poli'fical Science

Jeremy Lvhrnavrt Por+ Grafiot Science/Mafli Composite David hvvv l4-oT]a7id Commum'caKoTis Michelle Lynch Battle Creek Psijclioloq^/Japanese Mary MacDermaiJ Vassar Pli^sics

Siacey Mackowiak lAJalled Lake Prencli/lnternaKonal Studies Marh'n Patrick Maier Cliesaning . Business QdminisfraHon/fteliqion Melissa D. Manchesier M-arfl and Spanisli/GlcTnenlanj GducaHon Danielle Alannes TAJijoming Business Qdminisfration

Jo Gllyn Manning Orland Park, 1L l4-istonj Melissa Marema Grand Papids Biology Dana Maroli Crystal Lake, 1L ClieTnisfnj Kelly J. Marh'n Osuiego, 1L Communicafions/Dance

Alegan Q. Masia Jonesville Political Science Miroslava Maieev Bulgaria Japanese Composite S>iacey Maihiesen Pidgeujood. NJ Special Gducation - L.O. Toni May Portland Social TAJork

S e n i o r

C l a s s


Mayer - Movroy

* 3

Griv Mayer CliardoTi, Ol-IDance Joshva McOlpine Durand Spam'sli Case G. AAcCalla Cliclsca Cuisiness Qdmi'm'sfrafiOTi Dan iel ยฃ>. McC-ve Bcxleij, Ol-ICoTTlTTiajTlc'aHoTlS

Michael Mcdvve

Dim ' oTidalc .



Karla McKeima M-udsonvdle Qenfamin McLovth

Ps^choloqij GducaHon - L.D.

MaH McVhersov KiTicsiolog^/Tleligi'on


Krish Me Jen GlWiart, IN Ps^cKoloq\j/ยงoci'oloq^ Qevaia Meixner briqlifon Psijdioloq^/ Oi'oloq^ Kevin Mevkev and GnqmccriTiq Henjamin Messer SKIWn. Kยง diemistr^/Matlicmatics

Josh Metzler Cliclsca "fteliqion/ClieTm'sfnj C-hn's Mevzelaar M-ol and . Computer Sd'./GnginecnTiq/Plinsics Jvhe Meyers WhcafoTi, 1L SpaTn's])/Prencli Gmfly 0. Mezeske


Kim Miller Kalamazoo Qyan Miller U-asleH Jill Modrak Olpcna f-ahwla Monroy Lima. Peru


Special Gdocafi'on - L.D. Science Composite &i'o1oq\j Infcrnafional Studies

l.kl S e n i o r

C l a s s


1 9 9 9 l-l-nT)p


C em org 1

AAoriv - Niemeyer

9 9 9 l-l-ope College

Jvh'e A l o r / n Special GdvcaHon




Morscheck QfhlcKc "irairnncj


Lisa Aloi/a Sanfa Qua, C Q

Social X l i o r k

dreH Mvlder 1-l-ollaTid



Hyan Mvlder Caledonia Chrisia MvrpJiy




''Teresa Mysselman §1. L o u i s . . Business Qdmin./Communi'caHons

MarK Nelson ll'ijomi'nq, M N


C o m p u l c r Science


Indianapolis, I N


L a u r a Nevmanv Li'ncolnsln're, 1 L


Gletn. Gd./Language O r i s

G>race Nichols

B a s k i n g fti'dge, N J ... Q+lil. ^Traim'ng/G*. S c i .



G r a n d Tiapi'ds

Niemeyer Political Science/Spanisli

J,unior Elissa 1

Wickman and sophomore Joel Patterson search for the Heart of the Ocean necklace during a colorful Grovin' in the Grove, The first chapel service of the year featured skits and introduction of the theme, "Going Deeper." (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

S e n i o r

C l a s s


Nixon - Oselka


Kathryn Nixon Man'et+a, G^Q Ondrea Nolan

9 9 9 (-l-ope College




OnSrew Norden JenisoTi

Q f M e H c 'Trai'Dinq

"7 ony Norn's M-asfiTiqs


J Caroline Olds Porfagc Karen Olson M-oH Svzarive Onken Stevensville Melissa Ooms

Music Performance Biology Special GducaHon - L.D.

Chicago, 1 L


Melody Oonk M-olland . G c o n o m i ' c s / B u s i ' i i e s s Qdim'TiisfraHon Qoheri Jones Oosiveen Oalesturg ÂŁ)io1ogif Jaclyn Ornee Orandville Nursvnq Jean Oselha New) Buffalo Business QdmfniVfrafioTi

• 11


rom (j'o oks Oij Pcfer m


becomes a ghost town, and only avid frisbee-golf players roam it. Students shut themselves into their rooms, afraid to catch the dangerous virus that awakens every December and May, one that has lain dormant until the end of each semester. It is a disease quickly spread, and corrupts every senior's plans for finals week. "Just when I have finally mastered the art of

y J S e n i o r

C l a s s

efficient exam study, senioritis sets in," said senior Jon Brickner. "It's a very debilitating disease affecting the brain and nervous system." So what do senioritis victims do as they pretend to be studying? "When not studying, I spend my time thinking about the 'outside,' picking movies to watch, and staring at the walls," Brickner said. Senior Tim Alles said that he watches the James Bond films, which are on TV "all the time, so I am spending my time watching that for study breaks. I am most definitely not 'over-studying.'" Events around campus and off can capture the attention of those afflicted with senioritis. "In my free time, I play computer games, lift weights (not large ones), watch MST3K, and spend time with friends," said senior Joel Rasdall. Senior Beth Quimby, a piano major, relaxes her fingers by watching The Simpsons, X Files, playing Euchre, and hanging out in the music library. "Having a paper due the next morning [also] invariably creates within me a sudden desire to have a sparkling-clean apartment," Quimby said.

etnorg § 1

OH - Powell

9 9 9 |-|-ope College


heah Oil CincinTiah', Psi|c)ioloqi|/Ti«liqion Michelle OvelleHe Milford Grm Overmeyer PorllAiaijiie, IN Qrf Odam Paarlherg Ql+o &nsi'ness Qdmim'sfraHoT) PIIIJSI'CS

Michelle Parkhvrsl Grand Tlapt'ds Special GducaHon - L.D. Jack D. Parks Nortli Muskegon .. OieTn./Bi'oclieTn. Gmpliasi's Po-xamie Pascenle Chicago, 1L Comminn'cali'oTis/Dance Jerniy Passchier Tlockford Science Composi'le


Jason Paler Grand liapi'ds Qrva Pahnos M-udsonvinc Dan PaHersov ^Tland Kevin Pavh'sse GrandviTle

(business Odmin./Spam'sli Special Cducaft'oTi - L.D. Cir+ Clienn'sfn^/MatliemaHcs

G/ina Pellerilo Grrand liapi'ds QccounHng Michelle Pepper Lake Odessa Nursing l-l-olly Pelerson M-oTland Theafre/Music Composite Omy PeHy Ckelsea diemisfr^

Qrad Vevler Wi|Oiniiig Jill Vierson Bata-vi'a, 1L Mike Vorier 14jest Gloomfield Melissa Powell Napervine

Geology GngliVh Business/ Japanese Geology

u j S e n i o r

C l a s s



Powell - Hichier

* 3

1999 M-ope College

QhaTiTioj} Powell NorfWillc Social lyUork David Powers Grand 'Rapids .... Geoloq^/GnviroTinn'Tifal §ci. Meqan Powers Jackson

Lanquaqe Olrfs CoTnposile

(Lhrishj PraH Jackson

Business Qdmi'm'sfraHon

A\ic}iael Pries Caledonia Gnsi'ness Qdmin./Gconomics Qlacey Prince XUafei-vliet msfonj Qmanda Pryor Marsliall Business Qdmi'm'sfraHon Nicole Pvizke Neiu 6ufFalo Nnrsi'nq

Heih Qvimhy XUiHiamsviTlc, Nl/| Megan C. PadclifFe 14Ja\ikcqan, IL Lov Paj

Music ^Dieafre



Marilee Parnihvr} Montague

Joel Pasdall Ouranqo, CO Gntily Paierirtq Green Lake,


Ps^clioloq^ "fteligion/Gngli'sli

Qeihany Paihhini Clifton Springs, NT/| Qonfa Pawie Oda

MafliemaHcs 0)iologi|

Pyan Pedinqer Grant Ps^clioloqij/Oiemi'sfru Jeremy Q. Pice Glen Lake €xerci'se Science Jesse Pichardson Glen Qrtor Business Qdmi'm'sfraHon Kara Hichier Soufli M-aven Gngli'sli/Psijclioloqij

a J S e n i o r

C l a s s


Qife - Qoush

Qmij Hife M-arfland ft-eligion

Qnna Qiggs l/UilincHc, 1 L ... Gnqlislj/SccoTidar^ GducaHon



Soulli l_)\jOTi












M-umam'Kes C o m p o s i t e

L. Hoherts

chicago, 1 l




G r a n d Tiapids




S p r i n g Lake




M f Vernon, Ol-I-


Drew Qoelofs l-i-ndsonviTle


Orme Hovlo Lwom'a





G l c m e n f a n j Gducafion

W , ith La Nina keeping the fall temperatures well into the 70s, students gather on the lawn of Holland Municipal Stadium to watch a football game. On sunny Saturday afternoons, the stadium became a popular place meet friends and show support for Flying Dutch athletics. (Photo by Chris Lee)

y J S e n i o r

C l a s s

C em org

Tlowe - Sanders


9 9 9 M-ope College

Qreiii Howe Saline ....Social Sfudies/GlemcTifar^ GducaHon Qina Howe Porfaqc Lanquaqe Qrfs Composite Jon Qvmohr Mason Plnlosopliij Sarah Vtviherford Douiners Orove, 1L Political Science

Sara Qye l4-asleH OccouTifing T-leiho Sacjioka l/JoKoliama, Japan Communications Nadia SamJiovri Bloomfield 1-l-iTIs Ps^cliolocj^ Omij Sanders Staniwood Glementar^ Gd./Science Comp.


O-vcr ears n

6 i j Paul Loodeen

G-ver -changing, the seniors have seen their campus and the college change in many ways since they first stepped onto campus for visitation or as a new freshman. The first of the new changes to the campus is the construction of the Haworth Conference center and the Cook residence hall. Where these two buildings now sit there used to be a row of cottages that have been moved to different parts of campus. New parking lots have been constructed and plans to find ways of curbing the parking problems are being made. Also, the College has acquired and lost some buildings. The Centennial Park apartment building, used to house upperclassmen, but has been lost to private businesses. However the College has gained some new cottages to replace that lose. Some of those are Timmer Cottage and Striker Cottage are just a couple of examples. There are also plans for a large addition to be made to the Peale Science building soon and even the Dewitt Center Theatre has already underwent an addition during the past

y J S e n i o r

C l a s s

four years. Not only have there been changes to the facilities on campus but now we can have cable and Internet connections in campus residence halls. From the VAX to Knowhope there are changes all around. "I remember during my freshman year, you not access the Internet or World Wide Web," said senior Kelly Yager. "It is a lot easier now. We only had a few computers in the library to access what is familiar senior year. There was no cable in the dorm rooms either." The core curriculum has been completely overhauled. With all of these changes we are now seeing many administrative changes with the resignation of Anne Bakker-Gras and the retirement of President Jacobson. The new president, James Bultman, will take over just after the seniors graduate. Not to mention there are faculty members who have come and gone such as the retirement of long time English Professor Francis Fike and the departure of Pickney Bennedict from the English department. The seniors who worked with Bakker-Gras will remember her change of employment as one of the biggest changes during the four years of college. "The thing I will remember most about Anne is all of the silent battles we have had and that after all we have fought about she has become one of the people I respect the most," said senior Erin Overmeyer, co-director of SAC. Campus is changing, and looking to change everyday and without a doubt the College will have a different look when the graduating seniors return as alumni at there first reunion. ^

§emors 1

S'aTtdro - Sipsna

9 9 9 M-ope College

C-hrisiojiher /VI. Sandro Greenville Psijclioloqu/Socioloqii Joshva Schicker ftoscommon fteliqion Ovdrea Stchvnidi Petoskeij TTieafre QvnavJa S'cJtveiJer SiriTn'iiqliaTn Oiologn/GTiqlis))

Kan' M. Si1chveider UiVminqliaTn Qr+ C-hrisiopher SchoUen QTlendale Gn(]fneervnq (jreichev G. Schoov M-olland Social Science Composite t 0 7 7 7 Schripserna Kalamazoo Gconomi'cs/Busi'ness Qdmin.

Mary Qcrihner M-arl Oioloqi| Sarah S>exion Prankfort, 1L .... Ps^c]ioloqi|/G*erci'se Science Qyan G. Shaw HJesI" 6raiicli Classics Ivy Qhen Neu» l/jork, NT/| Political Science


Lisa Shenk Kalamazoo Science Composite Sandra QJteppard l-l-oTland Psijclioloq^ Grin S'hiel Sliaiunee Mission, KS Spanisli Jonaihart M. Qhirilla Petoske^ Psijcliologij

/3en '3i\ma Momence, 1L Gducation/Matliematics MaHhew Qimovs Pierson Glementar^ Gdncation OsJili S'iwpsov CliarleA'oi* Social HJork S>age S'ipsma Mission Veijo. CO .. Psijcholocj^/Social l/fork

y J S e n i o r

C l a s s


QmaTlegart - Tewple

1999 M-ope College

Karen S'mallegan f-l-udsonviTlc Biology Gvvice S'mi'ih Z-celand Dusiness QdTnim'straHoTi/ยงpam's]i Qachel Katriva 'Smiih Nvm'ca 'TTicafrc Tamja Kaye Qoheck-Myrphy LaA/aTIe, lAil GomTnunicaHoTis

Jen Spalding BriqlifoTi OaTice/Psncholoq^ Crystal Sprovse Kansas Cvhj, ^ 0 Social X4Jork daihy 'Siedvnan Oienoa, 1L OusiTiess/Socioloq^ Pa/ liegeman Caledonia Busfness/COHITTI./Kinesiology

Tn'cia L. Qiein Port M-uron Man' h. Qiephan Cadillac Pavl Stern Big fiapi'ds Karin Sievens l-l-aslett

Biology 61'oclieTTn'sfnj dieniistry Gngfncen'ng/(-rencli

Shphanie Sh'egler Parnn'ngton M-iUs ClieTni'sfry Qri'Han Sfrangways JenisoTi Bi'ology/Poli'Hcal Science Gh'zaheih Sh-oh Monfrose Commum'caKons Lavra Svlli'van Mani'slee Sfudi'o Qr+

Marianne Swierenga Holland Gngli'sli/l/Un'Hng Gmpliasi's Hyan Tarn's M-oTIaTid 9pflms}i Daniel Scoii Taylor Holland CommnnicaHons/Peli'gion Hoh Temple Canton Psycliology/Sociology



S e n i o r

C l a s s

ceniorg 1

Ten C-lay - Timtn

9 9 9 l-l-ope College

Sla 77 773 C. Ten Clay C}ieTnisfnj/ยงpain's]i


Peier TeTAJivkle HJl


David Theuve Spn'tiq L a k e


Qvdrew Thompsov Lansing


Griv Thompson M-OUJCH

P s ^ c l t o l o g ^ / bi'oloq^

Jannah ^Thompson P o r t Sanilac



Tigelaar lieli'qi'on

N c u j L-l-avcn, O T

'Vanessa ^Timm Oiuosso

D r i j campuses force their seniors to wet their whistles in local bars. "I go because I can," said senior Kris McKee. Senior Jeff Trytko, approaches Holland nightlife with a different philosophy. "It's not just drinking; it's about hanging out. It's a great time to socialize off-campus." Both Trytko and McKee agree that the social nature of a bar is an appeal to visit their favorite watering holes. "There's something about VI [Village Inn] especially," said McKee. "It's like Cheers ...the waitress will be like, 'Hey, it's you guys,'" and she'll have our order ready. It's a great place to hang out." For Trytko, another bar was his favorite spot. "Butch's is more my scene," said Trytko, an art and history double major. "There's jazz. It's more laid back, not superficial with a dance floor, smoke, strobe lights and sports bras." Trytko's drinking habits have changed over the past year. After turning 21 in November of his junior year, "I went to the bar all the time, when I had money," he said. "When you first turn 21, it's all about availability and you take advantage of's a privilege you look forward to, like getting your license at 16. It's a social stage." Dan Taylor, a senior who abstains from alcohol, pictures himself "going to Butch's for dinner with someone who has a drink, but I'll have my old standby Cherry Coke, or Mountain Dew. I never frequent bars because I don't drink," he said. "I was brought up in a conservative household, and then I saw my friends having binge drinking problems


smq 1 he 6ar

6ii Daniel




and I said, 'Why bother?' Going to bars doesn't appeal to me. It's not something I think about doing." Despite his personal convictions, Taylor thinks "that going (to a bar) with the intention of getting wasted is morally wrong, but some people just go with the intention of having a good time. They have to judge for themselves whether its a good idea or not. 1 think of the body as temple of God, and you shouldn't intentionally mess it up." If given the choice between a party and a bar, Taylor prefers "people going to bars because then I know that they're of legal age. People that go to parties are generally freshmen or sophomores." For Trytko that was a tough decision. "It's a tie, it depends on the type of party and who's at the bar. At a bar, you feel obligated to drink, but you;re not as pressured to drink at parties." McKee prefers the bar because "you can talk to people. There's no pressure to hook up. There's good beer and drinks at the bar. You can sit at a table, have a few, and relax.' S e n i o r

C l a s s

em org ยง

immer - VavJerliill



9 9 9 l4-ope College


Pella, 1 0


Oaron ^1 odd M-iston)/Political S c i e n c e


0 /1C1 a

t o


ic ic h

Pacific, M O







"7 raver

P o r f 1-l-uroTi




Ml. M o m ' s




S'fudi'o Q r f / 6i'oloqij

I wiehrieyer Gxercise Sciencc/GermaTi

S1. J/ldJin

fclqin, ILi


S'ara 1/a77 l4-oose GreemnTle

Special GducaHon - L . D .

Starah Va77 Qprojiseji Grand Papids

SpanisTl/Special Gducation

J e f f r e y Qllen Vander


Kenhuood . P o l l . ยง c i ' . / B u s i n e s s Qdmvni'sfraHoTi



M-oTIand ... Glementar^ Gd./M-umain'Hes C o m p .


' ophomore Drew Mackay and senior Brent Row show their worthiness as dates at the Date Night auction. As a capstone to Greek Week, the auction raised over $300 for the Center for Women in Transition, (Photo by Amanda Black)

.* 'O*' ' -

y j S e n i o r


VavderhyJe - Warier

1999 M-ope C o l l e g e

James ^/avderhyde ftockford

Ma+licTnaHcs/Computer Science

fiett VanderKamp Grand


S o c i a l TAJork

H-ei'di 'Vanderhvqi Kalamazoo

Social HJork

CJin'stopher V a n D e v e n Porl" M-uron

Oi'oloqn/ Biocliemisfrq

Michelle L. VavDyKe TIKI'T,



ยฃ)ryan VanP^ay'/sma ScofKnTle


Melissa VanNvil 1-l-oTland

Psi^cliolocjij/PolrHcal S c i e n c e

Melissa 'VavQavevsiuaay Okemos

B u s i n e s s QdminisfraHon

G>reqorif ?. VaugAan "Traverse Cifij

Special Gducafion - L . D .

Michael Palmer Veen Penfmatcr




lyfilmette, 1 L


fie?) VelJerman Zeeland


Political S c i e n c e

M. A/eldhof


Piano Pcrformance/Cliemisfr^

l-l-eaiher VelHng Bijron C e n t e r

Gxercise Science

He in a 'Vendramivi Livonia


Jon Verialka G r a n d Ledge


Joshva M. Vis lieliqion


Mimi lAJacker Indianapolis, I N


Social W o r k

Jay D. Wallace Muskegon

S a r a L.

Computer Science



S e n i o r

Language Q r t s

C l a s s

lAJarrev - ZwygJivizen

C c m o r s * 3

1 9 9 9 M-ope C o l l e g e

Jennifer ?. VUarren M-asHngs


Qrika VUeckiueri Kalamazoo


Misien VUeelJreyer Language O r i s C o m p o s i t e


Owy VUeis beftendorf, 1 0

Dancc PerformaTice

ht-eaih er VUesp 6 i q "Rapids


l-l-eaiher MJeyrick VcrsaiHes, KT/|


Hethany VUezeman P a l o s M-ei'gli+s, 1 L


Qachel VUilharns G r e e n v i l l e . Political S c i V S e c o n d a r i j Gducation

Gn'c TAJonderqen) Jolinson Ci'fi^, T N


hivSsey HJoodsira G r a n d P a p i d s .... Ma+li ยง c i . C o m p . / G l e m . Gd.

Jvsh'n lAJormrmeesier Jem'son

B u s i n e s s / P o l i ' H c a l Sci'encc

Kelly l/Jager Oe*tcr


Gh'zaheih VJareS G a s t G r a n d flapi'ds


Z.acliary T/Jovng ^Tlaiid


MaH 1/Jovnqherq W-ongliton Lake


Gin a Zavin Lemont, 1L

Social W o r k

Jessica Zayaz Prui'tport

Glementarij Gducation

Darcy Zeh G r a n d l-l-a-ven


Kelly Teresa Zweerivq M-udsonviHe







y J S e n i o r

C l a s s


o em org 1999 l-l-ope College

Coll eg e

can o f t e n be g l a m o r i z e d by its reputation of n o n s t o p e x c i t e m e n t , wild parties, and traditional all-nighters. But hang a r o u n d a college c a m p u s , and what is likely to be seen is a lot of tired people. " S l e e p is the easiest thing to give up in your s c h e d u l e , " said s o p h o m o r e Jodi Kurtze. " E v e r y o n e is a l w a y s d e m a n d i n g so m u c h f r o m you and you d e m a n d so m u c h f r o m yourself that you say 'I just


C-TOTma •

6 \ j Dana L a m e r s

w o n ' t sleep." Recent studies have s h o w n that 29 to 38 percent of A m e r i c a n s over the age of 18 have c o m p l a i n e d of "tr o u b le s l e e p i n g " within the past year. Fifty percent of chronic sleep deprivation is d u e to e m o t i o n a l stress. W h i l e s o m e people deal with the simply not ever getting into bed, others struggle with falling asleep once they get there. Set a pattern for yourself, get ready f o r bed in the s a m e way each night as a w a y to w a r n y o u r body that you are planning to sleep now," said Kristen Gray, Director of the C o u n s e l i n g Center, Follow a regular sleep s c h e d u l e , " writes psychiatrist Dr. M a r k G i e s e c k e M . D . " G o to bed at the s a m e time each day. M o r e importantly, get up at the s a m e time each m o r n i n g d u r i n g the w e e k and on w e e k e n d s . " People need different a m o u n t s of sleep," G r a y said. If you are getting e n o u g h sleep, y o u d o not need an alarm clock and you a w a k e n f e e l i n g rested and ready to f a c e the day. M y g u e s s is that most college students are sleep deprived, but can pull it off f o r a semester at a t i m e b e c a u s e they are generally y o u n g and healthy." M a n y college students familiarize t h e m s e l v e s with the traditional " p o w e r n a p . " "I try to get as m u c h sleep as I c a n , " said senior Ivy Shen. "I take lots of naps, like f r o m 9 to 11:00 p.m., then I stay u p until 3:00 a.m. I ' m very inconsistent, I d o n ' t get the average eight h o u r s of sleep." T h e r e are several signs that can alert not giving a body e n o u g h rest: w o r r y i n g about getting e n o u g h sleep m o s t nights of the w e e k , feeling d r o w s y all day, having to take sleeping pills to get to sleep, and constantly taking naps or sleeping in to attempt to catch up. " F o r as m u c h physical activity as I do, I d o n ' t get e n o u g h sleep," Kurtze said, w h o is a d a n c e and c o m m u n i c a t i o n s major. "But w h e n I ' m d a n c i n g so m u c h , six hours d o e s n ' t necessarily get m e t hrough the day. B e f o r e I g o to bed, I've got to have it all done, b e c a u s e I k n o w I ' m not going to get up earlier in the m o r n i n g . "

T h e r e are a variety of practices that people use to wind d o w n b e f o r e they hit the sack. O n e c o m m o n issue is thinking too m u c h w h e n you finally have a f e w m i n u t e s of quiet as you are trying to fall asleep," G r a y said. " S o m e suggestions w o u l d b e to c o u n t s h e e p (seriously), or take time to j o u r n a l or pray earlier in the day." Activities that are usually c a l m i n g and relaxing are usually c o n d u c i v e to sleep. "If I relax by reading that helps m e fall asleep, or sitting and talking," said senior M i c h e l l e Lynch. Each person should find their o w n way to get the most out of their t i m e in bed. "I sleep on the b o t t o m of a b u n k bed, with sheets on all three sides to block out the light," Shen said. "I need total darkness, and I use a sleeping m a s k . I think I ' m an e x c e p t i o n . " With all the obligations in the day of an average college student, the question is not usually h o w to get to sleep, but w h e n to sleep. " N o one will like this suggestion, but the a n s w e r is plan your day." G r a y said. "It you can get s o m e of your things d o n e during the day, then you can crawl into b e d at a reasonable h o u r (like 1:00 a.m. instead of 3:30 a.m.)." To deal with i n s o m n i a , s o m e p e o p l e m a y turn to medication. " S o m e t i m e s people d o need sleep medication to help t h e m reset their sleep schedule, or to cope with a m o r e serious p r o b l e m , " G r a y said, " B u t I guess I d o n ' t personally r e c o m m e n d t h e m unless they are prescribed by a medical p r o f e s s i o n a l . " A n o t h e r habit to avoid: glancing at a clock o f t e n w h e n struggling to sleep. D o n ' t put m o r e pressure on yourself to fall asleep immediately. In a situation like this, " k e e p a clock out of sight," says the Student Union A d v i c e Centre.

lii.1 S e n i o r

C l a s s



J umors

- Qaldwin

1999 l-l-ope College

Uobi'n Oalderink l-l-olland






Karaclii, PaKistnn

Cook. l4-nll



P a r k v i e w Qpfs.

flob Gllison Kalamazoo

Orcadian CoHagr

Kaii'e Olverson l4-olland


Sigma Cottage


Soutli S u t l e r , Nl/)

Glizabeib MaH

Oiektma Cottage

J. Onderson

Malfo, 1L

Voorkees l-l-all

Onderson S t . Josepk

Dublin. Ol-I-

Dana Ondrews Petocke^


Columbia Qpfs.


Oucbarcst, Romania



P o r t (4-uron


Sigma Cottage




Ca-vanaugk Duplex

College € a s t Qpfs.

Orzvmanova Wyoming


College Ga«f Qpfs.


Larnara, Cyprus

Qlpka Kappa P i Cottage

"Hyan Ohvell Muscafine, 1Q


Ckampion Qpfs.

A1. Bailey Columbia Qpfs.






College € a s f Qpfs.


f4-ofFman Gsfafes, 1 L

Jessica Qoss

Voorbees t4-all


Woodsfock, 1 L


Voorbees t-l-all



Parkvieui Qpfs.

/nbuTntne I

| bi( Nikelle G. JoIitisoti

Camp bomc

people bag groceries, s o m e flip burgers

and still others spend their s u m m e r w o r k i n g at a c a m p . It isn't the most cleanly place and it d o e s n ' t pay a lot, but for those w h o d o it, it is an experience that challenges, p r o v i d e s g r o w t h and teaches. It is o n e they will never forget. For m a n y the people, both the c a m p e r s and fellow workers, are the reason they love it so much. " O n e of my favorites is the b o n d that w a s created within our staff. We were so unified, that at the end of the three m o n t h s it w a s hard to believe that I k n e w these people so well. T h e s e are friends for life," recalls j u n i o r Leigh Ann Schmidt, c o u n s e l o r at C a m p G e n e v a in Holland. Junior Robin Alderink, c o u n s e l o r at Gran-Hill in Rodney, M i c h , agrees. "I w o r k e d at Gran-Hill Ranch because I wanted to m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e in y o u n g p e o p l e ' s lives," she

J u n i o r

C l a s s

said. " W o r k i n g at a Christian c a m p gave m e the opportunity to witness to h u n d r e d s of j u n i o r and senior high c a m p e r s . M y favorite part about w o r k i n g at Gran-Hill R a n c h w a s getting to k n o w so m a n y a w e s o m e Christian people. I m a d e friendships that will last a l i f e t i m e ! " W o r k i n g at a c a m p is unlike any other experience. T h e r e are long busy days in the hot s u m m e r sun and long, sleepless nights, but that is part of what m a k e s it o n e of a kind. " K n o w i n g that I will m o s t likely never be in that exact situation again with the exact s a m e p e o p l e is very u n i q u e and dear to my heart. Seeing our boss shed tears with us at the end of the s u m m e r w a s very special to me. That in and of itself m a d e m e cry." S c h m i d t said. " M y life w o u l d be drastically different without Geneva. I d o n ' t think I w o u l d k n o w myself or G o d quite as well as I d o . " For some, it is hard to fully describe the experience to s o m e o n e w h o has never had the opportunity. Junior Kevin Fitton, c o u n s e l o r at Gran-Hill, e x p r e s s e d w h a t the experience m e a n t to him. " G a m p , to me, represents life at its fullest, serving G o d with all y o u r might, b e c o m i n g Christ's b o d y with the rest of the staff, spending your days in the dirt and sun. Working at Gran-Hill Ranch is an a n s w e r to prayer.'


UTnors 1

£>avdsfra - (Lhamherlaw

9 9 9 M-ope College








Glpcna, M l


C o l l t q t G a e l Opts.




Klaarcn CoHaq*

L i s a IbarileH M f . V e r n o n , 1G



Oon'an C o f t a q e




Cook 4al1

beqh'ji Marshall



Sigma CoHagc








Jill bevnik Mason


College G a s t O p t s .




O v r f e e J-l-all

berg Lancing


MandeviTle C o f t a g e




Qruinler Opts.

L. berke P a r k ftidge. 1 L


M a s f Coffage




C o o k M-all

beyerlein Uoi^al O a k


C o o k l-l-all

bishop Saginaw


C o o k nWTI

blacqviere Caledonia



S 1 6 Coffage


Markesan. H H


Vissclier Coffage

boersma 1-l-oTland


Cenfennial Coffage

bollinger Pefoskeij


Columbia Upfc.

C. bona



C o o k M-all




HJelmers Coffage

N. bos l-l-olland


t-l-owdy bovton M-insdale, 1 L


C o o k l-l-all







14J}ieafon, 1 L


Orumler Qpfs.




S c o f f l-l-all



College G a s f Q p f s .

S1. brower




C o o k l4-al1




Delphi Coffage

brown Kings1ci{


C o u r f bvchanan 14Jesf H H n f i e l d . N l / |


K o l l e n l-l-aTI

bvrk ftocfiesfer


^lls. Ml

Oiekema C o f f a g e




S I & Coffage




C o o k kl-all


Qpplefon, W 1

Qnn-Marie Joshva




Cappa NaperviWe. 1 L








•MJoodsfock. 1 L

C o s m o p o l i t a n fl-all

Chamberlain Grandville

C o o k U-aH

J u n i o r

C l a s s

J urnors

C-hampaiqve - Glsholz

1999 l-l-ope College


Champatqjie SoufJ) bend, I N


Cook M-all


llioineqo, K §


Cook hl-all


Traverse CIKj






Phelps l-l-all




Parkvi'eui Opts.




Parkvi'eui Qpf«.

Cochran U-otlond






College Gast Gpfs.

Coke G r a n d Pjipi'ds


Glpho Gamma P l i i CoHaqe

ColenhranJer U-olland


Dorian CoHaqe

Cook Premonf


College € a « f Opts.

Cooper Swansea. AAQ




L. Cornell


Zuiemer CoHaqe

f-l-eather CoverJale Kalamazoo


Cook (4-all


Marseilles. 1 L


Cosmopolifan l4-all



Plielps l4-all

C>rian Crocker Onn Qrbor



Cook M-all

C r u z 111

Slie1b\( Tuip


Centennial CoHoge


Carson C i h j


C). J.

P a r k v i e w Qpfv.

L. Damhuis


Klaaren CoHage


G r a n d Papids


Praiernal CoHage

Oe t-l-aan M-oIland


& n i m ) e r Opts.

Oe Long



K r a k e r Opts.

De£>oer Traverse C i h |

N. Todd


I f e l m e r v CoHage



Ourfee (4-all


G r a n d Papids


G r a n d Papids




£)rad OeKviper N o r t o n Shores

Tlehecca Jonathan

College Gast Opts,




Cook M-all


T r a v e r s e CiH^


Columbia Qpfs.

Dickinson P«ed C i h j


C o o k M-all


Pocbesler M-ills


College Gasf Opts.


Ligonier, I N



M a s t CoHage


louia C i h j , 1 0

Prcncb M-ouve

Dvkes M-asKngs


S c b r i e r CoHage


Cbicago, 1 L


I^onkman CoHage


Indianapolis, In

Qvison CoHage

Gisenga Mc&ain


Poss CoHage




B r u m l e r Opts.



& r u m l e r Opts. 212

J u n i o r

C l a s s 7

J umorg 1

Gricksov - (jardver

9 9 9 |-|-ope College



G r a n d U-avtn


Qvison CoHaqf


"MJeeferviIlt, 0 ^


K U i s Coffaqc

Gsies ll'elTnÂŤrs CoHaqc


FairchilJ ftoijal





T r a v e r s e Ci'hj


P a r k v i e w Opts.


I n v e r G r o v e W-fiqlifs. M N

A1e/?'ssa Joy

Columbia Opts.


G r a n d J-l-aven

& r u i n l e r Gpfc.

Hen f-ellows Lansing


Kuijper CoHaqe

f-erqvson Cook l-^all



f-indlay S p r i n g Lake






Sibi|]ine CoHage





Cook M-all


Grand tlapids



l ^ e l m e r s CoHage

Folia StevensviHe



Forqver Gdmore


Cook U-al)

Frentx M-asletf

Oaron Gmily

Pafferson Cotfage



Columbia Opfs.


Qnn Qrbor


C o o k M-all




S p r i n g Lake

P a r k v i e w Qpts.

(jardner ftaHle Creek

Parkview Qpts.

Q l ( 6 p.m. on Easter S u n d a y it is cold on the floor of VanAndel Arena. M u s i c is playing faintly over the s o u n d system and a n u m b e r of people scurry around as basketball players for the Fort W a y n e Fury and the G r a n d Rapids H o o p s are trickling out of the locker r o o m to w a r m up. In the midst of it all, senior Craig K o p a s is hard at w o r k helping in the preparation for the e v e n i n g . He, like other students, is participating in a valuable internship. E x p a n d i n g the education e x p e r i e n c e outside the classroom is a valuable w a y f o r students to learn. In doing so, s o m e students find t h e m s e l v e s interning for professional sports teams. Each student is responsible for p e r f o r m i n g tasks essential to the operation of the organization. S o m e of these tasks include writing press releases, updating statistics, assisting in coordinating o n - a n d off-field p r o m o t i o n a l events, ticket sales, and basic clerical work. It is a lot of work but it does pay off. T h e experience can be invaluable in s o m e cases. "In sports it is a must to have an internship because there is little turnover and you need the experience to get a j o b , " senior Tony Olds, intern for the G r a n d Rapids Griffins, said. " T h i s m e a n s doing real w o r k in real situations.

T UTYlgf o - r k r nL JqJ p aij " T h e y only w o r k three days w h i c h d o e s n ' t sound like m u c h , but it is a lot of time w h e n you think of the c o m m u t e f r o m H o l l a n d , " said senior Scott E n g e l s m a n , G r a n d R a p i d s H o o p s intern. T h e benefits are not only in what the students learn, but the n e t w o r k i n g they gain with p e o p l e in the field. Also,the experience leaves the students with a new perspective on the real world. T h e y see h o w their k n o w l e d g e learned through a c a d e m i c s will influence their careers. "It gives m e a taste of what the w o r k i n g world is like," Olds said. "I want to g o into sports and this will help m e build a r e s u m e . " "1 think that this will serve as a springboard into the sporting w o r l d , " Kopas said. " M y career goal is an administrative position in the athletic w o r l d . "

lii.1 J u n i o r

C l a s s



Gary - t-t-ahnfield




9 9 9 l-l-ope College


CliarloffsviTI*. VQ


Viccclicr Coffaqt



Kutjpcr CoHagc

M ike (jenh'le t-t-ollnnd


CosTnopolitsn M-all




M a s f CoHoqe


G r a n d t-l-avcn


Cook M-al)


G r a n d &)anc


P a r k v i e w Opts




§c)in'er CoHaqe




Cook M-all




Kappa OeUa d i i CoHaqe

QooSman Okcmos


K r a k c r Qpfs.


G r a n d Hapi'dc


Colleq* Gast Opts.



Cook M-all

Dan Griggs Qda


Pecs* CoHage


G r a n d Papids


6run>l«r Opts.


G r a n d Uapids


Prafernal CoHaq*



P t . Waqne. I N

Colltqe Gasf Opts.

^Thad L-lackworth § f . Joscpli


Laura f-Lagen M^>11and





Collcqc € a s t Opts. M-olland

h. Jm tjmm

Lj-ahnfield Midland

K r a k c r Opfs.

^ f a T l d l T i g under the flags of Asian countries, a visiting student f r o m Meiji Gakuin University in Tokoyo, Japan, shares the stage with a traditional dragon during Japan Night '99. Visiting students offered a showcase of culture, f r o m dance and origami to favorite cuisine. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)

1 J u n i o r

C l a s s

uthots J 1

1-l-aTI - Joos

9 9 9 M-ope College


G. U-all

PranKforl. IN

&(tiiu>kcs CoHoqe

J f l l l-l-arkema



Carrie Q. I-Larlow Taylor CoHaqc Lansing Jason




Voortat* U-all



Cook M-al

Jennifer l-Larvey Columbus, Oti Todd










Stnjlur Coffaqe





Cosmopolitan l4-all

0. I-Lerweyer






Orumlcr Gpls.

Lake Orion

Dorian l-l-ouse



Kleis CoHaqc





Van Vleck l4-all




M-offman Cihj




C)eih l-l-offman

Park f-orest. IL

Kollen klvTI

Kah' l-l-offman



l-l-eafher l-l-ofman



§tr^ker CoHoqe


&aHle Creek


Ctrouinslone Opfs.




College Gasf Opts.


Ml. Pleasant


College €ast Opts.


l/Uilmore, Kl]

College Gast Opts.

I-Leidi Ll-vehner

Woodstock. IL


Major's Cottage




C>eth Q. I-Lvnt







Klaaren Cottage (jadeni

Voortiees 4-ell




L o r / Jean


"Vissclier Cottage

Carperterwille, IL

Sclin'er Cottage

Pocliester, NV|

College Gast Opts.

G>rad Irving

Gast Grand Papids

Cook l4-all

Lori Jackson

Lake Odessa


Cook t^all

Ja nsen



Poll Cottage


Grand Papids

Klaasen Opts.

Gd Jewett

Crown Point, IN


College Gast Opts.


Ggan, MN


Cosmopolitan l-l-all





Grand Papids


Delta Phi Cottage


Neui M-ope, MN




&erqcn Coftaqe Ccnfennial CoHoqe

Cavanaugh Duple* ftrumler

Opts. Orumler Opts.

J u n i o r

C l a s s


J ntnors

- Laicho



lAJoH Jorck ... VoorliMe l-l-oll

Columliijc, I N


9 9 9 M-ope College

Jvbar l-l-ollnnd



KampJivi's GrandviHt



Ai. Kapenqa ... U.cec( CoHoqe



Kasperski . PorKvi'eui Opt«.


C>ever1y M.

KaH .... O r u m l e r Qpf«.

G r a n d l4-avfn


Kellepovrqy l/lonKman CoHaqt




K r a K i r Opts.

Oarn'nqfon, 1 L

J e f f e r y Kemner l-l-olland

Travfrs* Cihj


Kenny Uo«« CoHoqe

liihcafon, 1 L


Kernsfock .. P a H t r s o n CoHaqt

6oq Cfhj


Kerrins .. l^onkman CoHaqe



Kidder Cook M-all

G r a n d ftapids


Kim Voorlites kl-all

Glcnvuui, 1L


Kirkpatrick M-oIlond

GureKa, M O


Klein CoDeqc Ga«f Gptc.

Chad Kleinheksel Zetland

Brumler OpK.






Colleqt Gast Qpt«.


'Traverst C i h j

HJclmerii CoHaqe

Peqqx^ KloH . Sfbqline CoHaqe





Parkvieui Qpts.


Middleioutn, Ot-l-


Olpho Gamma P k i CoHaqe




Voorkccs U-nll

Knvdsen SSjHone






B r u m l e r Opts. Colleq* Gaef

Kopchick G r a n d Papidc

Cook (4-aII

Qandi Kops Muskcqon


Colleqt Gast Qpfs.




Collcqe Gael Qpfs.



C o H t q t Ga«f Qpfs.

Poh Kropp Holland






Kollf.n M-all

Ladd Van Saun CoHoqe


S1. Laird






brookfuld. 1L

lamin benjamin

Lane Law.

Traverse Ci'hj


Colleqe Gasf Qpfc.

Lanqlois f-l-opkint


l i r u m l e r Qpfs.




Colleqe Gasf Qpfs.




V e r B e e k CoHaqe



J u n i o r

Cosmopolifan l-rall


6eIlujood. 1 L


"MJtlmtrs CoHaqi

C l a s s

SooH H-all


J imiors 1

Law9or) - Mc&riSe

9 9 9 M-ope College

iJ-azel Lawson Princcton, 1 L

Jededieh Philip

K r a k c r Qpf«.







^ r o w n s t o n c Gpfs.

hibn'zzi O r l a n d P a r k . 1L>

Uenee Pavl

College Gasf Q p f t .


?1iellii{ T u i p

lUelmers Coffaqe

Lillie Po«rv(l1e, M N


Glplia Knppo Pi' CoHaqe


•Vienna, V Q



Parkvicui Qptc.


"Tracij. C O


VanZv^I CoHaqe

hipperi Qlma

Cook U-all

Jessica Loomis l4-olland



horis Niles, 1 L



College Gael Opfc.




K r a k e r Opts.

Main Lakevieui

College Gasf Opts.

A l a r y £>efti M a rchionda Neui OalHmore


&rouinstone Opts.

Mark Manislee


College Gact Opts.



College Gast Opts.

Laura Markessinis Nassau, N l ^






Cliicago, 1 L


Dorian Coftage




Dorian Cottage


Voorhees l-l-all

said J a m e s Sitati, a j u n i o r f r o m Nairobi, K e n y a and m e m b e r of the International Relations C l u b . " M a n y international students represented their o w n countries and contributed to other cultures." A variety of cuisines f r o m countries such as

l/Uarld Class PI a-vor

Japan, Thailand, Pakistan, F r a n c e and G e r m a n y were available for tasting. T h i s annual event has been the g r o u p ' s biggest fund-raiser since it first began a p p r o x i m a t e l y eight years ago. " T h i s is an opportunity for other students to see what is out there and experience other cultures," Sitati said. "It's a c h a n c e to show our cultures to the rest of the c a m p u s and also provide t h e m with the opportunity to ask us questions. M a n y students m a y see international students on c a m p u s but d o n ' t get a c h a n c e to talk to t h e m or learn about their culture." An assortment of cultural displays and live

music f r o m a variety of ethnic b a c k g r o u n d s p r o v i d e d a truly authentic experience to fair-goers. M a n y students were seen dressed in the traditional attire of their respective countries. A recipe b o o k w a s available for purchase, containing recipes f r o m this fair as well as recipes for f o o d presented in past f o o d fairs. "If students taste s o m e t h i n g and want to try to m a k e it, this will help t h e m " noted Sitati. F u n d s f o r this event c a m e primarily f r o m the International Club. T h e proceeds were collected and given to T h e Heifer Project, which provides people in A f r i c a n countries with livestock.

e m p h a s i s on enriching multicultural life on c a m p u s , the International Relations C l u b hosted its a n n u a l F o o d Fair on Saturday, N o v e m b e r 14. T h e event s h o w c a s e d a variety of f o o d s a m p l e s f r o m n u m e r o u s countries. " F i v e of the seven continents were r e p r e s e n t e d , "

J u n i o r

C l a s s



. l u n i o r s

- Moran



1 9 9 9 |4-ope C o l l e g e




G i l m o r f M-al1

McCvlley Panuiood. N J

TodJ MCKI'jt) D.oc)ic«tcr U-nis

Sufphen CoHagc C o o k l-l-all

J ill D. McKi'vnon Onlsta


Cook l-bll







Cook l-l-all




Praternal Cottage




Kuizengo Cottage


M o u n t Vernon. 1 0



Klei'nlieksel Cottage

L. Mill

Soutli l-l-aven


Klaaren Cottage



Cook kl-all

M filer M-olland

Michelle Charles

Vjonkman Cottage


'Tokijo, Japan


Cook l-l-all

M ixer



t l o s s Cottage


Columbia. M O

Cook l-l-all

Moldenhaver li'alled Lake


Vender Oorgh Gp(«.




College Gasf Qpfs.


Lima. Peru


Olplia Gamma PKi Cottage

College G a s l Opts.

Moore Lansing

Vennema Opls.

l-l-eai-her A l o r a n Grove Cihj. P Q

DeUa Pin' Cottage


, Dn'l. oors 1 |and hhcarts

i z z a . ice-cream, smiles and laughter were abundant at the Emersonian Cottage Saturday night, October 24 as the fraternity opened its doors to the Children's After School Achievement ( C A S A ) program. "We wanted to find a way to give back to the community," said senior Adam Labbe, event director. "I was thinking about the C A S A program and 1 thought it would be nice to give these kids a chance to get away from the books and have a night of fun. I gave Bob Boersma, the C A S A director, a call. He was very receptive. He helped me organize it with the tutors. This is the first year that w e ' v e ever done anything like this."

J u n i o r

C l a s s

The Emersonians organized a pizza party from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. The kids were then taken to the Dow Center where they could swim, play volleyball, basketball, kickball and board games. The evening ended with an ice-cream party at the Emersonian Cottage. The fraternity also received help f r o m the Sibylline and Sigma Sigma sororities. Forty-five to 50 C A S A students attended. "We wanted to keep this a Greek event because I think that right now the Greeks have gotten dragged through the mud," Labbe said "We wanted to show everyone what we are really about." A m a n d a Morales, a 10 year-old C A S A student, was enthusiastic about the evening's events. "I went swimming and played volleyball and kickball," she said. "I ate lots of pizza and icecream too. This is the first time I've ever been to Hope. 1 think all of the studying I did was worth it because this was really f u n . " Mike Brya, a senior fraternity member, helped chaperon the event. "This is something that we hope to carry on in our fraternity," he said. "It's amazing to see how three hours of our time can mean so much to these kids. It means a lot to me to know that the time I spend with them can maybe point them in the right direction."

lumorg 1

/VI o r g a n - Poesi

9 9 9 M-ope College


Morgan G r a n d Blanc


0«)ta Phi CoHaqc




U-inkamp CoHaq*

Morgan ftockford


Kirsien M or tan S'lielb^ Touinvhip Jennifer

CoIIeqt Gasf Qpfv.


Bloomficld 4 , U s


College Gact ( i p K .

Morion Dcrnardcville. N J



J e f f r e y Mvlder

p n1 *

G r a n d l^apids


Grand 'Aapi'ds


•ixicensbur^. Nl/|

Kafhryn Jack

Cook M-olI



G r a n d 1^apid«


College Gast Opt«.



SSjfphcn CoHaqe

C. Mvnoz Holland



Myers 14Jestern Springs, 1 L



Naher Zeeland

H'elmers CoHage





Oe G r a f f CoHage

Najjar Sarasota. f - L


Columbia Qpls.

Nechers Grand l^apids


Cosmopolitan t4-all

Neeb Cedarburg. I f l


Cook t-l-all


fteed C(h|

Steffens Cottage

G r e g Nienhovse Spring Lake






l l ' e l m e r s Cottage



Grand Blanc


HJelmers Cottage

Norwood Muskegon


Venncma Opts.


Grand Blanc


Sutpken Cottage




Parkview Opts.


Spring Lake


lieeverts Cottage




Dorian Cottage


Gast Jordan


Cook H-all






G r a n d (4-even

Voorbees W-all

L a u r a Parsons Midland, M l


Delta P k i Cottage

Patrick Sbepberd


College Ga«t Opts.

Patterson M-oIland


Durfee t+all

Pavl Bad Girc


Cook t r a i l

Pea se



Cook H-all



tJinkamp Cottage



N. Perez


TAJelmers Cottage



New l/|ork. N l j






Pett Holland


Soutb t4irvcn


College Gast Opts.


B r u n s w i c k . Ot4-

Centennial Cottage

J u n i o r

C l a s s


PoHs - Qlahavqh


Qecca Poth

Carmcl, IN


Cook l-l-all

M. Pn'es

B^ron Center

M-inXamp Coffaqe

Ondrew Pnvs €asf Lansing Marie




Cosmopoli'fan l-l-all

Qllen Park

Steffens CoHaqe

CenferviHe. OM-


Parkvieui Opts.


CUnfon "Toxunslip





Parkvieui Qptc.


Orumler Opts.


Kappa Delta Clii CoHaqe

Karl Pasche

Gast Lansing





Kraker Opts.


Ourango. CO

Parkvieui Qpfs.

^averse Cih^

Ku^per CoHage

MaHhe w Peynolds

€asf Lansing


Mandeville CoHoge


Parminglon l-lnll


Vennema Gpfs.




KruitKof Cottage


m'nsdale, 1L

Cosmopolitan H-all

Sarah Pobhins Qlpena Qnne Podeck

Traverse Ci'hj


College Gasf Opts.

I-Leather Poy



M. Pvcti


College Gast Qpfs.

I-Lolly Pvsscher


Voorlues H-all

bob Pv+herford

Oouiners Grove, 1L

Cook H-all



Gast Lansing



Sofia, Bulgaria




Kyle Qchavb

Suttons Oaij


G. Schmidt

Forfl^a^ne. IN

Onn Schmidt


Gstes Park, CO


Gasf Lansing





NaperviHe, 1L


P. Schoonveld

Grand P^pids





Zeeland Mason

L o r / Scioriino

Pindlaij, OM-



Grrand Papids

College Gasf Opts. Spanisli M-ouse

K. Pop



Ourfee H-all fteck


Sufplien Cottage Ijonknian Cottage Cook Hall DeGraff Cottage Parkvieui Qpfs.

Cook Hall Voorliees Hall Sibt^lme Coffage Sfnjker Cottage Oelfa Plii Cottage

Umy S hinemon

Pullonville, Nil •



Somersef, PQ ....

Pob Sikkel



N. Sitati

Nairobi, Keni^a .



Slabavqh3 r.i/

9 9 9 M-ope College



J UTiiorg

Slad - Siirvck

1 9 9 9 |_|-0pg College

Qiacey Qlad Downers (jrovt,











Kuijpcr CoHaqe



lAJclmcrt CoHsqc





Orumler Opts.


^Trnverse C«hj

College Gael Qpfs.

Ondee Svaman Hock/ord


Gvison CoHoqe


B ^ r o n Cenfer

Cook kl-all

ftj'/a Spires f-rankfort, I N



PalaKne, i L


Kollen M-all V a n O r e i e r CoHoqe

Start Muskegon

Phillip Kayrl

Vennetna Opts.


Qnn Qrbor


K r a k e r Opts.




College € a c f Opts.


G r a n d Rapids

Sfbijline Cottage



College € a s t Opts.

La vra Stoh G r a n d Tlapids


LaGrange Park, I L


HJelmers Cottage


Dottle Creek


Steffens Cottage


Cosmopolitan U-all


Durban, Soutb O f r i c a

College € a s t Opts.

Hob Strvck Orland Park, I L

M a s t Cottage


ghter for Yoi

J u n i o r

Carmen Rottenberg Answers questions from a W Z Z M Channel 13 reporter at the Geoffery Fieger speech on October 23. As president of the Hope Democrats, Rottenberg did much for the afternoon, including setting up the sound system and presenting the candidate for governor. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

C l a s s



- 'VanJevt-l-evvel






... M-inkamp Coffaqe


Ourftt 4-flll



"Ta/sma ftocliester.

Parkview Qpfs.


Todd c Tester

Ir8v«r«e Ci'hj



Port Somloc



Parkvi'eu; Qpfs. ... Cavanaugh Duple*






Tuscon. QZ Timmer






VaugerHes. Ml/]











G r a n d t4-aveii


1999 |_|-ope College

M. Tyrrell


Dan Valevie

ID. Oloomfield

G r a n d M-aven

Taylor Cottage Centennial Cottage Voortiees t4-all

College Gast (Jpts. Cook H-all Zuven'nk Cottage Cook (4-all li'jjckoft M-al


A/o//u J . Van Dam l4-udsonviTle

Thom as Van t-l-ehhen


Dave Van Opsiall



Oar on Van ZeHen

Grand Papi'ds




L. Vance



Gat|1ord Zeeland

Kelly VandershU



Peeve Cottage




Cook H-all

Van Vliei

Grana Papi'ds


Kui'cenga Cottage


Cottage M-oland

OeGraaf Cottage Zuven'nk CoHage Sh-ijker Cottage Zuiemer Cottage Kleinkeksel CoHage


M ichael


I Tl 6 cold bone white walls of the c o l l e g e ' s b a t h r o o m s seem to be filled m o r e and m o r e with the h a n d i w o r k of graffiti artists. However, amidst all the G r e e k letters, gross profanity, and " s o - a n d - s o w a s h e r e " statements there is actually s o m e writing on the wall that is entertaining and stimulating. "Jazz a n d B l u e s are the way to c r u i s e ! " is advice that is scrawled on a stall in the second floor m e n ' s rest r o o m in L u b b e r s - o n e of the m o r e " d e c o r a t e d " b a t h r o o m s on c a m p u s . "It is illogical to a s s u m e that o n e can be d e f i n e d by writing left in a b a t h r o o m " is o n e of the d e e p e r quotes that can be f o u n d there.

J u n i o r

C l a s s

A l t h o u g h it might s e e m that graffiti might be limited to L u b b e r s and D e P r e e , w h e r e the arts and h u m a n i t i e s are located, b a t h r o o m s in Peale and VanZoeren are not devoid of wall inscriptions. A p o e m reading "Dissecting all long day long, m a k e s m e want to sing a song, this building m a k e s m e go crazy, so I shall sit here and be l a z y " was f o u n d in the second floor of the Peale Science Center. "Personally, I think that it is disgusting, especially in the b a t h r o o m s , " said Physical Plant worker, Michelle Heard. "I have to take care ot that problem by cleaning [the walls] or request that they be repainted." T h e most intresting graffiti can be f o u n d on the second floor lavatory in Van Zoeren. A f t e r a rest r o o m user simply wrote the letters " W . W J . D . " another observant soul replied with "Jesus w o u l d not d e f e c a t e a public b a t h r o o m . " it s e e m s that paying attention to the walls around you can be quite useful. T h e r e just might be a piece of advice that is worth following, or a anecdote that will put a smile on your face.


Vanderhl-eide - Zwari

1 9 9 9 (-|- 0 p e College













VanderLaan Orland P a r k , 1 L





Cook t l a l l ftopids

Zuiemcr Cottage

L. VanderMolen

G r a n d Uapidc


College €Bef Qpfs,




VanSavn Cottage




Ooevburg Cottage

£). VanMaanen



V a n V l e c k M-all

VavTi'mmeren G r a n d Uapidc


Cook M-all

Van Timmeren

G r a n d Papids


G r a n d Uapids

Veldhof (-l-olland



Vincent Holland


H'elmers Cottage

L. Vincent



College Gast Qpfs.



P a r k v i e w Qpte.

£>ryan Volk T r a v e r s e Ci'fg


Cook ki-all






Slielbij T u j p

College Gacf Opts.

G>etsy Waterloo Gnn Grbor


Klaaren Cottage

Weener l-^olland


College Gast Opts.


N o r f l i Muskegon



Grand P^pids


K r a k e r Gpis.




Scott M-all

Dorian Cottage

Whitmeyer M-artland


College € a s t Opts.



Oiekcma Cottage

Dan Wilkens Gannon, 1L


Williams G l e n GTIijn

Kortnea Qnna

Poll Cottage

L. Williams

'Traverse C i h j

Cook t-i-all



Oyako Can'

Klaaren Cottage

1/] amazaki

Nagi^oa, Japan

brownstone Opfs.

1/fingling M o r r i s Plains, N J


Oelfa P l i i Cottage


T k r e e Oaks


Glpha Gamma P l i i Cottage


Orland P a r k , I L



Praternal Cottage

V e r & e e k Cottage


Palatine, I L

Mandeville Cottage

Dan Zoller Sarasota, (- L



Patterson Cottage




>ecca Zwart U'tioming

LVumler Q p l s .

J u n i o r

C l a s s







Ga«f Grand lipids

Prattrnal CoHac

Odam Olberhov

§f. Joscpli

Scoff 4

Lara Oldermav

Maple Ci'h(


0. Olexander



P^lps fJ-


KanKakcc, 1 L


Kollen l-l"VoorW.s- l-J-


.. Durfee fl-

Bi^ron C e n f c r




Lisa Q. Qndersen





Gd Onnen

Ourfee l4Sfnjker Coftn Cocmopoli'tan M-





W Oloomfield


Ourfee l-l-a Van Vleck fl-


Lamberton, MN





K. C)aar



Kollen Mfl-offman Coffa<




Plielpv l-l

Onqela Saldino

Lima, Peru


Cook fl



Kollen fl

Michael frames


Cook fl

?ara C>arry

Likertifvillc, 1L


Kollen l-l

0. barton

Morion Grove. 1L

Phelps fl

Qyan L. bass


Ourfee fl

Sean Qateman


Kollen fl

David J. daver



999l|4-ope ( ope College

Kollen l-l


Pruifporf Qachel £)eavdoin


Pkelps l-l

£>rent £>ebher

Li'HIefon, CO





Ourfee I-


Cook ^

Midoleiouin. Ol-l-

Voorkees I-

Onnie becks


Liclih) I-

Kelli berggoetz

Porl ll'aijne, IN


Kollen 1-


. Cook I-


Dan besselsen



Scoff f


LiHle Palls. NJ

Kara binkley

Oak Park. 1L .

Cook VanOreter Coff

Qiacy biHerbvrq


f-l-ea+her bledsoe

ftocliesfer flnlls

Kyle bloemers



J. blvndy

Crystal Lake. 1L

Da-ve boerema

Cliicago Pidge. 1L




S1. boeve



Grand l-l-aven Zeeland

MJaluiorth, Nl^




Daniel bos


Kollen IKollen Ourfee IKollen IPlielps i Phelps I Kollen I Voorlie« '1 Phelps Ourfee

David /VI. bos


Sara bosscher

Me Bain

Kai bovchard

M-insdale, 1L



LicKKj l-l


South Oend, IN

S o p h o m o r e

Kollen Scoff Cook Cook

C l a s s




copTi 1i g g g l ^ o p e



£>rachenridge - £>yard

999't-|-ope C College

Cara £>eth Qrackenri'dge MaHauian


P k d p s l4-aT)

bra J for J Clonal Oak


O^Ksfra M-all

Qrevker Prcniont


Cook U-all




KoNcn U-all





T i m m t r CoHag*


Oak Lauin, 1 L


Kollcn M-all

brower M-amiUon


P k c l p t (-tall




Pk«1ps 4-all


Nortk Oaks, AAN


6<U CoHaqe

C. brvns Holland


Ourfc* l-l-all


Q.uinci| •


Pkclpc M-all

Dana U. bvrd Oddison

Kollen l-l-all

Pavl bvsh §f. Louit, M O


Ourfcc l-l-all

bvssema Lansing, 1 L


Ulpha Kappa P i CoHaqc


N o r l k Oaks


O ^ k s f r a l-l-a)1




Koll.i. ^ a l l


Muncit. IN


Kollen M-all

byarS Kollcn l-l-all



m a n y students, w o r k i n g at W i n d m i l l Island

is j u s t another part of staying on c a m p u s f o r a M a y term. " I ' m doing M a y term, so it's a convenient j o b , " said s o p h o m o r e Jill DeBoer. " T h e y work with y o u r schedule." "Tulip T i m e j o b s last for ten days during the international f l o w e r festival," said Shiella W e i r s m a , a W i n d m i l l Island public relations representative. T h e w o r k e r s will either give guided tours of the island or work at the ticket booth. "It's long hours, but it's a quick way to earn s o m e fast money," W e i r s m a said. De Bo e r , w h o w o r k e d during Tulip T i m e last year, e x p e r i e n c e d these long hours. " [ W o r k i n g at the island m a d e for] long days. You never k n e w w h e n you w o u l d get done. You got d o n e w h e n the p e o p l e stopped c o m i n g , " D e b o e r said. S o p h o m o r e Chris Poest w a s not deterred b y these e x h a u s t i n g hours. H e returned to the island this summer. "I w o r k e d [there] last year to m a k e extra money. It w a s a f u n a t m o s p h e r e . I e n j o y e d talking to the people and p e o p l e - w a t c h i n g . " Poest is f r o m B r u n s w i c k , Ohio. Last year was his first time in Holland during Tulip Time. Planning to stay in Holland all s u m m e r , he thought having this j o b for a w e e k during Tulip T i m e would be f u n . "[Tulip T i m e ] is unique, unlike any other event I ' v e ever e x p e r i e n c e d . " F r e s h m a n Stephanie S c h a a p d o e s n ' t mind missing the Tulip T i m e festivities to give tours on

i m c t i j Julie G r e e

W i n d m i l l Island. " I ' m f r o m Holland so I ' v e seen the parades and all. I thought it w o u l d be a good way to m a k e money," she said. This is not the first time S c h a a p has taken a j o b at W i n d m i l l Island during Tulip Time. She has w o r k e d at the f u d g e shop on the island during a previous s u m m e r , but d i d n ' t k n o w what she w o u l d d o in her new j o b other than giving the tours. "I really d o n ' t k n o w what to e x p e c t — a lot of questions about the history of Holland, which I k n o w nothing about. I ' m expecting it to be pretty chaotic, actually," S c h a a p said. T h e festival d r a w s thousands of people to Holland each year. " T h e biggest percentage of people w h o c o m e is during Tulip Time," W e i r s m a said. W i n d m i l l Island hires extra help f o r Tulip Time, which occurs M a y 5th through M a y 16.

S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s

oopTi omorcs

Hyrn - Chowvinq

^ 3



19991 terc ope College

Kollen W-al

Weef LafaxjcHc, IN

Dan Caldwell

Pf, W^n^. IN




Ulest Blootnfield

Kollcn M-o

L o u i s Cavfi'elJ

Durfe* W-al






Di^ksfra l+all


Plielps H-all

Travers* Ci'hj

VickieGra Carter ,,n

Liclihj M-al

M' q

Lav rie Chalifov*

Kollcn M-ol

Port IDa^Tie. 1N



Cook H-all




Cook H-all

Orland Park, 1L




ScoH l+all


Michelle Chowninq CooptrtviTlt

Spanisli M-o

IJiA/crsc ^ \ r ^ Dana L a m e r s

Schol ars

second semester they must also enroll in the I D S c o u r s e entitled, " E n c o u n t e r with C u l t u r e s . " P r o g r a m director C h u c k G r e e n addressed the


matter of a potentially segregated c a m p u s . " S t u d e n t s express c o n c e r n that all students of color will be in Scott Hall and all of the other d o r m s will be exclusively white. E v e r y other

students to interact with students they normally w o u l d n ' t or w o u l d n ' t want to. O u r world is not

college residence p r o g r a m looking at cultural diversity finds that the majority of the students involved are white. We realize that this is attractive to some, not all, of minority students c o m i n g to

minorities, "diversity" is not j u s t a n o t h e r c a m p u s c o n c e r n or controversy. It's a way of life. " [ T h e P h e l p s Scholar P r o g r a m ] will allow

getting smaller, but bigger," said D. Wesley Poythress, dean of multicultural life. A s of A u g u s t 1998, the school began the planning and carrying out of a plan to i m p r o v e minority participation. T h e plan consists of e l e m e n t s that will contribute to long range success. T h e most evident sign of this e f f o r t is the d e v e l o p m e n t of the Phelps Scholar P r o g r a m . This p r o g r a m a d d r e s s e s such issues as minority recruitment, retention and u n d e r s t a n d i n g cultures. " T h e p r o g r a m c o m e s f r o m this c o m p r e h e n s i v e plan. It m i g h t take six, seven, eight or even nine years for it to be fully realized," said Poythress. H e has seen p r o g r e s s in the quest for a m o r e diverse c a m p u s and the conversation that has taken place b e c a u s e of it. " I ' v e seen p r o g r e s s in the sense that w e have c o m e together and gotten the support of the Board of Trustees, faculty, and administration," he said. For Poythress, student f e e d b a c k is important. " W e have gotten positive and negative res p o n s e s , " he said. " T h e point is that m a n y of the cons h a v e been b a s e d upon missed i n f o r m a t i o n and inaccuracies that have g o n e a r o u n d . " T h e p r o g r a m will g o into e f f e c t in the fall of 1999 with the f r e s h m a n class of 2003. T h e first two floors of Scott Hall have been


c h o s e n as the r e s i d e n c e hall w h e r e the Phelps S c h o l a r students will work and study. T h e f r e s h m a n involved will be required to take o n e of three firstyear s e m i n a r s related to cultural diversity. In their

s o p h o m o r e

C l a s s

H o p e , " G r e e n said. S o m e minority students are a bit a p p r e h e n s i v e toward the new p r o g r a m . "It's a role reversal of sorts, that's h o w I see it," said s o p h o m o r e Anthony M o t o n . "I have mixed reactions. 1 have not struggled. I ' v e b e c o m e a better person, meeting people of different cultures. I've g r o w n f r o m my experience here [meeting people of different cultures]." W h i l e s o m e minority students are c o n c e r n e d , others are excited about the program. " T h i s is a big step for H o p e to take. I know the c a m p u s tries, but it's hard to do. It's o n e of those things that must be worked in gradually," said j u n i o r Steve M c B r i d e . P r o g r a m organizers h o p e that this p r o g r a m will m a k e the school m o r e attractive to minorities. "If minority students find a niche they'll c o m e back a second, third, and fourth year," Green said. While p r o g r a m directors and organizers work to fine-tune the p r o g r a m b e f o r e it begins in the fall of '99, f a c i n g both support and concern f r o m students and faculty, Poythress r e m a i n s optimistic. " W e have to mix students up, get them to step out of their c o m f o r t zones. It's hard, but if you make a c o n s c i o u s effort, (the other people) will m a k e an effort too.' ' J ?

copTi omores O

CJirish'e - Gvans

^ggl^l-ope ( ope College





VoorKccf l-tall





Zui«mcr CoHoq*


Canj. 1L

O u r f t c M-al)

ScoH l-l-all Qiephanie


Midland ..

O^ksfro l-l-all

Co/a £>randoTt Prcdcn'ck, M O


Cook l-l-all


Lombord, 1 L


Phelps l-l-all


§l«elb M Tu.p


Coll«q« Gact Opts.




0\|Ksfra M-all




Ourfe* l4-all


Qv Gr«s


Ourf«( l4-ell

Daniel Pomplon Plains, N J


l l h | c k o f f l4-all


lUilmeHe, I L


Scott M-all


6 { q Papids

G(Imore l-l-all

C>1yfhe /VI. Davis WJestlakf, OM-


T i m m f r Cottaqr

Davis Lansinq

G i l m o r c l-l-all

S1. Davis


Ottawa, I L




Cook l-lall

de Olvare


De 1/Jovng B«ll« Mead,


Ourfee M-all



f o r t u n e , IN


P W l p s M-all




Ourf«» M-all




Scott M-all

L. Dennis



Plielps M-all

DeVisser Mattautan

Ourfee M-all

OmyDeVries Zeeland


Cook M-all

L. Del/Jovnq



Cook M-all

Dobbins Marshall


Phelps M-all

Donley iiockford


Cook M-all

Doorlaq HJijominq


GHmore M-all

Dovglas Pinconninq


Kollen M-all

Dovglass Cook M-all

LiterV^le. IL



N o r t h Oaks. M N


G i l m o r e M-all


P o r t H'a^ne, I N


Ovrfee M-all

Dryfhovi OrlandPark, I L

Kollen M-all

Dye M-illi Hlsdale

Phelps M-all







Oijkstra Mall Kollen M-all

P o r t MJaijne, I N


Gldredge Cook M-all

Chicaqo. I L

Ian Gnqelmann Kollen M-all



Gngen 6»jron Center


Gelt Cottaqe


M-oland .


Ourfee M-all

Gscoti .... Kollen M-all

f-arminqton Mnlls




. G i l m o r e M-all

Laura Gvans



.... Kollen J^all

Gvans .... Kollen M i H

Oe a r l o r n M-eiqhts


Gvans .... Kollen M ^ l l






S o p h o m o r e

Scott Mall

C l a s s

l.ii 227

o o op p T ni o T n o r e s

GvelavJ - l-l-ari

igggl^opg (College


?flra GvelanS

OsKflloosu, 10


Plielpe M-all



Scott l-l-all

JOSXJ Lovi'se f-arrev

Oi|ks{Ta (4-all

Belvcdtrt. 1L

M ichael f-eyen

KoTlen M-all

Jay W. f-i'elds


Neuiton, K §

f-i'nk Ovjk.sfTn M-all

Confon, 1 L

Qiacey f-legel




P)i*lps l-l-all

Q. Qachel f-lotketter

Oloominqfon-Normal, 1L


Phelps l4-all


G r a n d Papi'ds


Cook kl-all








K o l l f n M-ull



Poll Cottage

Oh'sov f-ovts Zreland


G i l m o r c l-l-all




O^ksfra l-l-all


Indianapolis, I N


M a j o r ' s CoHaqc




Van V l c c k l-l-all


§1. Josepli

Kollen l4all

Qyan Crallas (-or P i v e r Grove, I L

I f i j c k o f f l-l-all

Dent'se Qalloway Oloomfitld





MCs iuhhp


00' t \



Qnn Orbor

IDtjckofT l-l-all

Joe Gavj'n Lakcporl


Scott l-l-all



PKelps l-l-all

Kelly (jeimav Soulli l-laven


College Gasf Opts.




Kollen l-l-all



Scott l-l-all

Gmily Gisleson Snortsville, Nl/]


Oi^ksfra l-l-all

Goodyke Kollen l-l-all


Kelly Qvn Gormly Dearborn


Liclih^ l-l-all

Govpell Pltelps l-l-all

M l . Pleasanl




Cook l i a l l

J ami Grant M-oll

Kollen l-l-all

Nick Grasman 6»jron Cenler


Cook l-l-all





Plielps l+all

Green 'Traverse C i h j

Li'clih| l-l-all

Gmily Gregory I



Kollen l-l-all



Scott l-l-all

Laura Grit f-orf Collins, C O


G i l m o r c 1-l-aTI




Voorliees l-l-all


Portage, M l

Scott l-l-all

Kim Grotenhvis Holland

Plielps l4-all

Craig Grvner Cliesaning


College Gasf Qpts.


PeTla, 1 0



Gilmore l-l-all




Kollen l-l-all


Karacki, Pakistan

Voorkees M-all

£>en Hansen l-l-ollond


Oggel Qpts.

P. l4-ansen

Grand Papids


Kollen M-all




Ourfee l-l-all


G r a n d Papids




&r»nd liapids



Ourfee l-l-all

S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s



V l|v..

• • • • • • I

mmm If


C o p h


f-l-arhnan - l-Lo

"«-3 1i 999'|-|-ope g i i t u T cCollege



Indianapolis. IN


Pli»lp« 4all


Grand Uapids


Gilmort 4all


ft«rea. OM-


Van Vleck O-all



Cosmopolifan U-all



Cook 1-l-all

l-leidi' Hickman frtmont

D\)ksfra l-l-all

T o i l 4i7/



Koll.n 4-aH


Ttmpc. QZ


Pk.lps [ia]]




Cook M-aI



Gilniort l-l-all

£>etsy l-t-ofsira



Qnna ScoH Onne

Kollcn l-l-all



Cosmopolitan hJ-all



PUpv tlail






Kollcn l-l-all l-Lovsewortb

Lickhj l-l-all


Grass Lake

Cook M-al

J e f f e r y l-Loward

Benlon l+arbor


Cook l-l-all



Phelps M-al

S l a n d i T i q in their final pose, dancers finish sophomore Melissa Clancy's "Jazzy Jig." Held at the close of the second semester, the StudentChoreographed concert gave dance majors the to display their thoughts through movement. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

l.ll S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s


cop}) om ores

14, owey Irish


Kim l-lowey Treyirvt Cihj Gn'c

O^ksfra l4-all


61 air, NG


Ourfce M-al


M-itbinq. MN


Cook M-all


Li'clthj j4-all

M-arbor Springs




Scoff fUll



Contsiock Park




St. Jocepl)


Liclih) M-all




999lf4-ope ( ope College

Voorlicec (4-all

hl-vnsberqer t-l-ollnnd


Ovrfee M-all



Dana M.




Kollcn M-all

Van Dreier CoHaq«

G-van L. Irish

Gact Lancing

Kollcn M-al

Paifhn s ^


t M


Vij D a n a J



Infersecf S e n 'n o r Matt Youngberg, bass player for paisley dAve, felt the high point for him during the entire Lewis Event came as he and his band members spent fifteen minutes in prayer before they performed at the Friday evening concert. "We came to the realization that nothing we do is of ourselves. All we have, even our art, we can't claim for ourselves. It's a gift from God," he said. The Lewis Event continued in the tradition of the Veritas forum, as the event brought to campus artists, all of who profess to carry with their artistry a commitment to the Christian faith. The event was dedicated to considering where Christian spirituality and creativity meet. Music, dance, writing, art, drama, and discussion were all celebrated, performed and studied. "The event picked up steam as it went along," said organizer Joel Tanis. "What excited me most was how individual students were impacted by it." Throughout the weekend, various plays and seminars were held throughout the days, and concerts at night. Performing were Sleepwalkers, David Wilcox, Sarah Masen, paisley dAve, Sixpence None the Richer, and Fernando Ortega. Organizers of the event hoped to spark campus interest—to find where art, influenced by sound theological thought, may have relevance in a postmodern world.



S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s

"I saw some new faces," sophomore Kyla Moore said. "What it did for the Hope community was in some ways make people more aware that there are other Christian artists out there. There are a lot of Christians who haven't been so exposed to the world of arts, and vice versa. Artists got to hear about other artists and their own faith." In hindsight, Tanis would have liked to see more involvement within the faculty and academic departments. "I would like to work on building bridges between Veritas and other academic departments on campus," said Tanis. " I ' m disappointed that we didn't necessarily communicate well to all faculty." The three major concerts were a highlight for many who took part in the event. "For one, it gave the students at Hope something fun and different from the norm." said sophomore Isaac Hartman. Also debuting for the Lewis Event was Sixpence member Matt Slocum's original dramatic piece, "The Great Divorce." "It was excellent, very true to the book," Tanis said. The performers enjoyed the event, the sessions they performed in, and the experience as a whole. "The artists loved [the event]," Tanis said. "It was rewarding for them to get a warm response and good contact with the crowd. Fernando Ortega even was invited over for Sunday dinner by a group of students. He had a great time." The performers were available offstage tor more personal discussion and contact with eventgoers. Paisley dAve received the chance to play in an atmosphere new to their past experience. It was one of their biggest concerts, with a large sound system, lots of lights, and a large audience. "We played well and were well-received," said senior band member Josh Schicker. "And we were able to talk to other musicians who are out there. We want to be out playing music for a living." Organizers say that so far the feedback from the event has been positive.

copTi o


Iversev - Kvrize

^muTc ope College





KolUn 4 a l l



. &««uuicks CoHaq*

Qebecco Jackson Pomfrtf, CT Katie Jen

Voorliet® U-all


Cook (4*11

Dan Johnson Vi'ckslrarq leather

W^ckoff M-el


Indianapolis, I L


C.ook (4-alI

Johnson K o l l t n M-all




U k b s t e r . Nl/)


C«nf CoHaqc


P o r k ftidqe, I L


O i l m o r t l-l-oll


Liberhfvillc, I L


Kappa &«ta C l i i M-ou««

J. Jvnqst

Cnqleuiood. P L


Voorhtes M-all




K o l l t n l-l-oll

Kasper Voufli 6 r n d


Zuicmcr CoHaqc

KaHlvs Ok«mos







O ^ k c t r a M-all



Pliclps M-all

J e f f r e y 0.


Marion. Nl)


Ourf.t 4all




Phelps M-all

Kendall M o o r e s v i l l e , IN

Voorhces M-all

Gh' Kendra CliarloHe


Cook M-all





Ourfce M-all




. Kollen M-all

Kieff Oanvdlc, C O


. K o l l t n M-all

Kievii G r a n d Uapids


G i l m o r c M-all

Kiewief Kalamazoo


Kollen M-all





Klehan Cook M-all



Klokkert Zeeland

Cook M-all




M-igliland P a r k , I L


G i l m o r c M-all


G r a n d M-aven


.. Ourfee M-all

Koedyker G r a n d t-raven


.. Durfee M-all


S t . Johns


. Phelps M-all

Koeppe Pa^eHeville, O P


Phelp* M-all




. Kollen M-all



. Lichfij M-all ... Cook M-all



M-insdsle, IL


Kollen M-al


Grand Papids


Liehh) lioli




Gilmorc M-al


Qnn Orbor


Voorhecc Mall




Cook M-al


Pochesfer, Ml





Major's CoHage


Kollen M-al Phelps M-.n

Mentone. IN




Gac( Greenbush. Nl^


fteH CoHage


Grand Pcpids





Gilmorc Mall


Glkhari IN

Qykvfra M-»l


11 S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s


ha&arqe - Mchlavnara





P l u l p s M-all

Jamie haSeman Ok.

Phelps M-all






Kollen H-all Durfee l+all



Lamers f-ludsonville


Kollen H-all

G. Lamers S i Johns

Oerqen CoHaq

Dan Lannm Glqi'n. 1 L

Durfee H-all

Daniel J. Lappenqa Holland

Cook Hall

Uehecca LaUoy Kulnmai Lavren

"Voorliees l-l-all


Liclih) hl-all

TAJhitmore L a k


Lebar Kollen M-all

Qlqonqui'n. I L



Phelps M-all



Leed Buffalo. N i l


Belt CoHag

Lefever l-l-arper 1/Uoods


Dgksfra H-all

Len Kollen H-all

Glenvieui, 1 L


Lepczyk . Cook M-all

"Traverse C i h j


Leyrer .... S f r q k e r Cottag

G r a n d M-

Mitchell ST. Lie-vense M-olland


Catherine Lindhovf €#«• G r a n d T^api'ds


K o l l t n l+all

Livk |4-arfford


"Van VI«cK M-all


Kenija, Qfri'ca


AAa\)ors CoHaqe


B ^ r o n Center



Kollen W-all

Lofqvist Gilmore M-all

P o r f M-





Michael Lope M-olland Came


Lo.. -


Phelps M-all


Low Phelps M-all



Lower Oijksfra M-all


Lvbbers Gilmore M-all




Pochesler. N l )


Kollen M-all

Maas M-udsonvflli


Mackay SfevensviTle

CosmopolWan M-all

OSam T . Maqers Kollen M-all

BaHle Creek


Manqvs Kollen M-all



Markan Kollen M-all



Martinez M-olland




Johannesburg, Qfri'ca


Champion Qp fi

Masterson Kollen M-all




Pi'dgeuiood, N J

Richard Landon

Kollen M-all



Cenhirian Cottage


Baffle Creek


McDonald Grand Papids

Michelle McDovqal Portage Jennifer McKenna Gasi Lansing Jesse

Cook M-all

Scott M-all Phelps M-all

McKey Grand T^apids

Belt Cottage

Casey McMahon PennviTl.


Jennifer McNamara Missouri Cihj. TX

i^i S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s

om ores

i99W-ope ( ope College

copTi 11




I - Mc

999^-|-ope 999'|-|-ope CCollege




Cook (4-sII

C u r / Mejevr Kalametoo

Owrf»« t4-all

L a u r a Merte CooK l-tall


L a u r a K a u Messing

M-srbor Dcach


P)i«lp« U-all





KoDcn l4-al)




ScoH M-al

L. Miller

Gurncc, 1L


Oijkstra l-l-nll




Plwlps 4| -b11







Kolltn M-al


Voorfictv M-nl




Phdps M-al


Soufk l-l-a-ven


South l-l-avcn


Kcnoska, l-Ul

T . Padn'c

Gilmort l-l-all


M-oIland Paltnf, Nl^


KolUn M-afl


Bouiie. MO





Voorhccc l-l-all Cosmopolitan l-l-all

Morrison Nilcs


ScoH l-l-all


TMiitf Lake


S the i n f o r m a t i o n s u p e r h i g h w a y is steadily g r o w i n g , the college is k e e p i n g up with the t i m e s by m a k i n g their website, K n o w h o p e , better and better each year. It p r o v i d e s access to i n f o r m a t i o n such as u p c o m i n g events, sports statistics and lecture schedules. T h e w e b s i t e gets over 5 , 0 0 0 hits


Voorlufs l-l-all

Bi] QmaTida Black and Michael M c C m

a day. T h e C a m p u s Safety Report, however, has e v e r y o n e talking. " T h e safety report is looked at o v e r 4 0 0 t i m e s a day," said Tom Renner, director of public relations. " F o r its first days, it w a s the second most looked at p a g e on K n o w h o p e . " Posted in a c c o r d a n c e with the Federal Student R i g h t - t o - K n o w A c t and C a m p u s Security Act of 1990, every incident investigated by the D e p a r t m e n t of Public Safety is accessible on c a m p u s . T h e listings r a n g e f r o m the serious to the silly, f r o m burns to would-be-strippers. A c c o r d i n g to the report, s o m e t i m e overnight on M a y 5, " O u r ever-diligent Public Safety officers interrupted the apparent start of a " C h a p e l R u n " near Van V l e c k Hall." Public Safety officers patrol c a m p u s 2 4 hours a day, so they find p r o b l e m s at all times. W h e n e v e r officers are called to report, it gets posted on the website. Everything. "At 2 p.m. on M o n d a y , M a y 5, "A bicycle w a s

f o u n d on the porch of the Centurian Cottage. T h e o w n e r w a s not d e t e r m i n e d . " T h e entries also include safety issues about which students need to be aware, including d r u n k driving arrests and fires. At 1:48 a.m on S u n d a y M a y 1, "Public Safety investigated a report of a suspicious person c o m p l a i n t at Parkview A p a r t m e n t s . " For Renner, the use of the Internet has sped up the entire process of releasing information. " T h e p u r p o s e of K n o w h o p e is to i n f o r m the c a m p u s , " he said. This is the first year w e have had the ability to post entries on the Web. With the better t e c h n o l o g y for the Web, w e could replace the slow conversations.

S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s




ope College Lavrel

G. Morse

Oaniclson, C T


VoorKecs M-oll



Mandrville CoHaq*

Olqo Moiorna Kiev, Tlkrainc




Ousfianbe. T a j i k i s t a n


Voorliees M-all



Ourfcc M-all

Oovq MvUer W-olland


Ourfee (4-alI

Daivn Mvnski


Cook l-l-all

ÂŁnl1 Mvrdoch (-tnnville


Voorliees l-l-all


Indianapolif, I N


^TimnKr C o H a q c




§ c o H l-l-aTI

Mvrray S p r i n g Lake


Cook l4-aH


Indianapolis, I N

O i ( k s f r a l-l-all


taj OaTia Lamerg

the size of the student body," said Sergeant Robert D e V r i e s , with the H P D . " B u t it is a c o n c e r n [of ours] that [partying] has started this way. D u r i n g the past t w o years w e have seen a decline. We want to r e m e d y this situation." D e V r i e s stressed that the H P D is willing to work with fraternities, sororities, and other off c a m p u s h o u s i n g toward m e t h o d s of a v o i d a n c e of p r o b l e m s , but the t w o things that continue to c o n c e r n officers are the u n d e r - a g e d drinkers and illegal selling of alcohol to minors. " W e c a n ' t turn away f r o m this,"

I T l 6 Holland Police D e p a r t m e n t ( H P D ) and students are n o s e - t o - n o s e c o n c e r n i n g the rise in off c a m p u s party " b u s t s " this year. A l t h o u g h the c a m p u s is dry, students still attempt to get a r o u n d c a m p u s regulations by h o l d i n g parties in o f f - c a m p u s h o u s i n g . A s these students are finding out, however, they are not a l w a y s able to get a r o u n d other regulations. T h e party h o u s e s w h e r e these events are held are located close e n o u g h to c a m p u s that party-goers can walk to the house, yet " o f f - c a m p u s " e n o u g h that the residents, if o v e r 21, are legally allowed to possess and c o n s u m e alcohol. However, students e n g a g i n g in u n d e r a g e drinking at these parties are finding they a r e n ' t quite as " s a f e " as they o n c e thought they were. T h e Holland Police have h a n d e d out m o r e M i n o r In Possession ( M I P ) alcohol violations first s e m e s t e r than they have in recent years. "I realize w e are running w a y a h e a d of w h e r e w e were in p r e v i o u s years [concerning the n u m b e r of police-reported student violations a n d parties]," said D e a n of Students, Richard Frost, " B u t n u m b e r s vary f r o m year to y e a r d e p e n d i n g on the level of noise and variety of people, not b e c a u s e the H P D is cracking d o w n . " T h e H P D h a s noticed the increased n u m b e r of violations and is c o n c e r n e d about their escalating involvement in o f f - c a m p u s party situations. " T h e n u m b e r s are still small in c o m p a r i s o n to



S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s

D e V r i e s said. S o m e students are questioning h o w necessary police i n v o l v e m e n t is at parties. "I understand that they have to e n f o r c e the law but it s e e m s like the police are f o c u s i n g only on the pursuit of u n d e r a g e drinkers," said s o p h o m o r e Kelly B u w a l d a , w h o w a s in attendance at a b a c k y a r d b a r b e c u e that police " b u s t e d . " " T h e r e w a s n ' t any c a u s e f o r police at the b a r b e c u e , " she said. " A g r o u p of friends should be able to have a b a r b e c u e without the harassment of the c o p s . " T h e administration understands that students will continue to participate in o f f - c a m p u s gatherings but e x p e c t that students will represent the college well on and o f f - c a m p u s . " S t u d e n t s o f t e n ask: ' W e ' r e o f f - c a m p u s , w h y is this the c o l l e g e ' s b u s i n e s s ? " ' said D e r e k E m e r s o n , director of h o u s i n g and judicial affairs. " B u t it is a reflection on H o p e C o l l e g e and it interferes with the c o m m u n i t y . T h e c o m m u n i t y expects H o p e to take responsibility for its students. A n d secondly, H o p e has high expectations for its students." N o t all students think police have been cracking d o w n on party-goers e n o u g h . " F r o m what I've seen, and I d o n ' t go to parties, the c o p ' s attention has been minimal and well h i d d e n , " said s o p h o m o r e Christina Starvos. " I ' m glad the school is taking an interest, but t h e y ' r e not being tough e n o u g h . T h e partying here is very excessive for a Christian school.' " J *

copTi O


om ores

Nardone - Qoldav

999n4-oT)e 999'l-|-ope (College Qvdrew Nardove l4-nUborouqh. NJ Lavn'e

Voorlictfi U-all

C)eih Nederveld


Oi^ksh-a l-t-all

0 ma ml a Nelson NorHiviTU

T i n i i n c r CoHaq»

J e f f Nelson HAihliall


KolUn l+all


"Travfr4< Ci'h)


Cook M-al)


§ouf)i l4-nv*n

Kollen l4-all

Gmilyi/y Nieri Nierqarth -Trov,™ di'hj

Kofl.n tlall

Ohe Norfhvp Vicksburq




Lincoln P a r k


L i c l i h j l-l-all

O dell

SteiMinq ^ei'gktc


Kollen l-l-all





( j f l m o r * U-all




Van V l c c k M-all

O apids


Phelps M-all

Overmyer Caledonia


Kollen H-all




Plielps l-rall

Sarah Pedley bggtxvfllt Omanda

Parkvieui ( l p i

Peters Kollen M-all

Spring Lake



G r a n d Papids

Kollen H-all

L o r ; ' Peterson Cook l4-al1

"Traverse C i h j

J e f f Petkus ScoH M-all

£)e11 f-louier, C O

G r e g Piccolo Pkelps M-all

Staten Island. N l ^

£)eth Pikaart Gilmore M-all


L a u r e n Piotrowski



Pkelps M-all

Piatt Gilmore M-all

AA(. Pleasant


Plvger Kollen M-all



Poel Cook M-all

Grand Papids


Polk Kollen M-all

Center Line

-• j T"? I


Polsqrove Cook M-all

ttov|al Oak


Porter Phelps M-all

liJesf Bloomfield


K. Pott College






GbsJ Opls.

Pott Dijksh-a M-all

J. Prins



Phelps M-all


Newport Oeack, C O


Lieliti| M-all




Sigma CoHage


M^erslomn, P Q


K o l l f n M-all

Uaseman Kalamazoo

P. Connie

Kollen M-all


Grand Ledge

Kollen M-all

Kelli^ Peck Phelps M-all


Pedell M-olland


Pob Peichenbach Shoreview, M N


Phelps M-all

Peynolds Phelps





G r a n d Papids


Gilmore M-all

"Richmond Olma


Phelps 4 e l l


G r a n d Papids

Phelps J^all

Megan Piley Portage Stephen Pobinson

Van V l e c k Mull 5elt Cottage



Poelofs KoTlen M-all



Poldan Martin

.... Zuiemer Cottage

l.k S o p h o m o r e


C l a s s



Ross -

ope College

Gn'c Uoss Durfee Hall

Chicago, I L


Howden Ourfee H-all

Oiicaqo, 1L

Saroh ft01 jce Kollen t4-flll

G r a n d Kapidc


Uvmpse Kollen H a l l

G r a n d Tiapid'

Ch n's ftu/an Qnn Q r k o r


Prafernal CoHaqi

UvHan Cook Holl

P o r t M-UT





Cavanauqli Oupli




Kollen M-all

Sakala Lus-aka, Zambia


Collcqc â‚Ź a s f Opts.

?. Sam Voorbtes l4all

9 a n Jose, C Q



Sarver College Gasf Qpfs.






ScoH H-all

L. Schaap l-l-olland


Plielps H-all





Schakel Park-vi'eui Q p l


Sim one Scharton Plielps l-l-all

(4-0vie H



Schenck Poss CoHag

G r a n d Led



Gogan, M N


Pbelps H-all

Scholtens SHckneij, I L

Kollen H-all

TAJhiiney Schraw ftoijne C i h j


Gn'c Schroienhoer Zeeland


Ourfee H a l l






Oarien, I L


Plielps l^all


91. C l a i r


Cook M-all

ScoH ,, Holland



Sehasiian Kollen l-l-all



Sefion Holland





Kollen f l a i l



Villa Park, I L



L i c b h j l-l-all

Ournsville, M N

Gn'c Shaeffer Cook l4-all

Pocliesler kl-iUs

t-l-ans Shen Kollen l-l-all

Neu. VIork C i h , . NV|



Shihley VanVIecK l l a l l

buel. NVI

Gn'c Shooks Kollen l-l-all

Central Lake




Simpson Cook l-l-all



Sisiliano Kollen l-l-all

Olgonquin, I L



Nairobi, Kenija


Glpka Kappa P i CoHaqe

Skriloff Ogkslra l-l-all

9araBo(a, P L

Kirs ten Sloiten G r a n d Ledqe

VanVleck 4 a l l

"Ryan M. Smarszcz B e l l CoHaqe

Powell, 0 4


Smies Kollen l-l-all



Smith Kollen l-l-all



Smiis Denver, C O


(ierqen CoHaqe

Soper Caledonia


Kollen l-l-all


Oeecber, I L

S o p h o m o r e

Cook M-all

C l a s s


copTi ^ 3



- Tesh'ma

i1 g999*|-t-ope gglM-ope C College

Gh'tabeih S'orfman porfaq,



Spaldivg OriqKfon Laura S p l i n t e r

Gflmorf j4«TI

LilerKfviTlt, llj


Leff Svorck Suttons Sa^ dhn'sHna Stavros

ScoH M-all

Traverst Ci'hj





Voor)i««B l4-all ftapids


Palah'ne, 1L

Cheri Chris

Collcqc Gast Gptv.



Gilmor* tl'all


Qrlinqton l-l-ciglifs, 1L



Ourftc 4all

§coH l4-all


Ot(K«fra 4al)


Svmmerer Kalamazoo Kristyv SvnJstedt Qlqonquin. 1L


Majors CoHaqr Kolltn U-all


Grand Uapids


Kollcn 4all


Vancouver, Canada



Cook U-all


Ourfce (4-nll

Danny 'Taylor Slor\\ Cinj. 10 £>eniamin Tennant

ScoH M-afl



I Tl C need for decision-making abounds in college. Is the shirt you find crumpled under your bed while searching for something to wear to your 8;30 a.m. class really that dirty? Must that fifteenpage paper due tomorrow be started tonight, while the rest of your friends go to the beach? C a n ' t it wait till the hour break you have before that class tomorrow? M a j o r ? I need to choose a major? "I talk to a lot of students w h o aren't sure about their career direction," said A m y Goes, a career counselor for Career Services. "There are many career opportunities that d o n ' t require a specific major. Some employers are looking more for skills that are learned in college, not a person w h o knows about a certain subject. That's the beauty of a Liberal Arts degree—it's a j u m p i n g off point." There are two ways in which people choose a major. S o m e decide on a career, and later choose a major depending on what they want to be while others choose a major first, then a career. "My philosophy of how to approach planning in general is to get involved in what really gets you excited about learning," said Dale Austin, director of career services'. "Say, 'These are my interests, what might I be able to do [with them] in the long run?"' Many students find themselves changing their major halfway or even most of the way through their degree program. This change of heart is quite c o m m o n , and may be prompted for various reasons. "They may not have explored careers options, or have gotten so far into their program that they want to finish. They may be really passionate about a subject, but when interning they find another

OurFcc M-al




GHmorc l-l-all

Giloosmq f

ti) J u l i e G r e e n

direction," sophomore Amy Goes said. Another reason students change majors is that they don't find what they expect in the classroom. Junior Paul Kemstock switched from a chemistry to a business major. He did not have a career in mind when choosing. "I wasn't interested in chemistry anymore," Kernstock said, after taking chemistry. "I had some experience in the business field." Travis Graham, also a junior, experienced a similar situation. "I really liked sports and medicine," Graham said, who started with a double major in sports medicine and biology. "We had to work in a clinic a lot of hours outside of class. I didn't like it." Graham decided to drop his sports medicine major, and m a j o r in biology only. He thinks he might want to go into pharmaceutical medicine. When changing majors to suit a career. Goes said it's important to take many factors into consideration. "Is it a career that [graduates] can enter into with their background? Everyone's situation is so different. A diverse background can make you that much more valuable to an employer," she said.

S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s


TTiroop - Vander'Slice

iggglj-l-ope College





G t l m o r e H-«ll

Tihbe Neuiaxjqo






Troosi ScoKa, N l )


J a s o n Troviman Grand liapids


Gli za heth 'Two rek M f . Pleasaitf










Lombard, 1 L



Kollen M-all


U)«sf Olive



ScoH M-all


Q „

Phelps 4a11

Kyhe^ Van Marh'n




Deer Lodge, M T


L. Vande

Voorbees J+all


Preenold, N J


Kollen M-all


Beverli) M-iUs

Jeremy Katherine





C o o k H-all



Kollen Mall ^ a T , O r e i e r CoHaqe

VanderMeeden G r a n d M-aven


Ourfee M-all

VanderQlice Nevu Gra

Kollen 0.11

X U i ' F h books in an easily-accessed spot, sophomore Jyn M c N a m a r a and freshman Liz Russell finish some reading in preparation of spring finals. Once spring returned along with the warm weather, new spots for studies became available including the green grass of the Pine Grove. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


ii. js

S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s

*1 v - .i-jj-'-'A'-

copTi o m o r c s * 3



1 9 9 9 % J-ope ope C College



^po". CQ


pUp, M.,11

VanderWall tiamilfon


O u r f t t M-tll




ph.lps ^..n

Vawter Kcnfwood


O i i r f t c 4bJ1




O w r f t t U-all




§ooH M-all

"Verialka G r a n d L«dqe


Plitlps tlall




p } „ l p e U-all

VredevooqS Grandvill*


§coH tlall

Vroegivdewey Kalamazoo







Cook l4-all


Jacksonville. P L


P)i«lpc M-all




Kollcn l4-aJl




P h d p s M-all

HJerkmav Plttlps U-all

Ptrnjsburq, 0 4


We rner



Cook ( l a l l




K o l l . n U-all


G r a n d Papids


P h t l p s M-all

Wicks l4-opktn»


Poll CoHaqt

Wierenga l-l-opkins

O^ksfra t-l-all

J e f f r e y Wilcox Sal'n.


P l „ l p S M-all





Cook M-all

Willevmier PalaKnc, 1 L

P M p s 4all

L o u i s Williams Paw Paw

§ c o H M-all

T i f f a n y G. Williams Pltfinoutli


Qvison CoHaq*

Williamson Cook jJ-all

Libtrhfville, 1L




Maple C i h j


Ourfee 4 a l l

With am

NorMi Muskegon


Phelps 4 a l l




Kollcn l^all


Grosce Pointe P a r k


Phelps l4-all




P a r k v i e w Opts,

Wolff Joseph


ScoH M-all

Wondergem Johnson C i ^ . l N


Phelps t l a l l




G i l m o r e U-all




Phelps l-l-all

Woody UJa^ne


Kollcn M-all



^.amallah. Palash'ne


Voorhees U-all

l/Jingling M o r n ' s Plains. N J


Phelps l-l-all




Parkvieui Gpfs.

Zagar MaHauian


Ourfee ^-all


Qnn Grbor


Van Vleck ^l-all



Cook M-all

lie Zwart G r a n d Papids

. Kollcn l-l-all

S o p h o m o r e

C l a s s


OhhoH - Ulack




Ma^efta. K §


Kollen M-all

Obrecht UrondviTle


S c o f f H-oll


St. V « c «


PWlpv M-flll

Oilers OijksfTB W-«ll

S f . Gnnc, 1 L





O^Ksfra M-all




Kollen M-all

QnJersen Scoff fl-all Ion



Naptrvdlc, 1L

G i l m o r t H-all

J e f f r e y QnSerson Phelps fl-al)




Ci'ncfnnaH, Ol-I-


O^Ksfra M-all

QnSerson Gscanaba


Van V l e c k H-all

Qsher Midland


D^Ksfra M-all

G. Qshley



V a n V l t c k M-all


Larnaca, C y p r u s


O t i r f t e H-oll




D ^ k s f r a H-all

O-very Macomli nuip


Oijksfra H a l l




Kollen H a l l


P r i o r Lake, M N


D»)ksfra H-all

backvs Mason

Spencer r

Oijksfra H a l l




" M ^ k o f f M-all

Baker Kokomo, I N

TAJ^coff M-all

Laura baker liocliester


Kollen H a l l


S f . Cliarles


Kollen M-all




Dijksfra M-all


6a\) C i h j


Kollen M-all


T r a v e r s e Ci'fi|


Durfee M-all




Kollen H a l l


G r a n d "ftapi'ds


Gtlmore Hall

barter G r a n d Papids


L i c l i f ^ M-all

ba zan



G i l m o r e M-all




D*jksfra H a l l


T h r e e Oaks


D ^ k s f r a M-all




D\jksfra H a l l


G r a n d Ledqe


Dijksfra M-all

berqhorsi M-udsonviTle


Plielps M-all

berrier Mi'clii'gan Ci'hj, I N

Christopher Holland


Plielps H a l l

berry 1


L i c l l h j Hall




Kollen H a l l

black OtUmt


Kollen M-all



F r e s h m e n

Scoff M-all

C l a s s

9 9 9 M-ope College

rresTiTneT) 1

£)laKe - £)orw

9 9 9 l-|-ope College


Ohke Gaijlord



Koll«n f + . l l

Qlandford Premont

O^Ksh-a l-i-sll

U-oneHe blonk Gentvo, 1 L


Oijkstrs j4-«n




KoHtn 4-all


M t . Pleasant

O i l m o r e l4-a11



Grrand Rapids




bloemers Caledonia

Phelps M-a)1

Qvshj ftlondiv Cook M-all

G r a n d &1anc



Qlqonquin. 1 L


K o l U n M-all

L. bode


Kollcn M-all

Kaf-Jiertne Hod, Grand


G i l m e r * l4-all

C>rooks £>o1f Oorr


Ot|Ksh-a l4-all

bonfiqlio Ot|ksfra M-all

G r a n d Uapids

Onna bonqiorvo 0*ford


i 0 T I he w a s 16, B o s n i a native, f r e s h m a n Elvir Tabakovic, j o i n e d the army in an e f f o r t to escape war-torn Sarajevo. Tabakovic had been told that there w a s n o guarantee that a civilian pass w o u l d bring him to the safe land. S o Tabakovic took u p a r m s for three months. O n e night he and a g r o u p of soldiers a t t e m p t e d to escape the city through a small valley. A g r o u p of Serbs were waiting and Tabakovic was captured and placed in a concentration c a m p . Tabakovic toiled in o n e of t w o c a m p s with 850 others for six months. W h i l e the c a m p s w e r e n ' t like those during World War II, he was subject to abuse and p o o r living conditions. H e was f o r c e d to live on t w o m e a l s a day. For breakfast, he routinely had bread and water mixed together. It w o u l d be night b e f o r e he received dinner. " T h e y told us w e w e r e not allowed to g o to the b a t h r o o m for the next 2 4 hours," Tabakovic said. " W h e n I tried to break that rule, they caught m e and beat m e pretty b a d . " Tabakovic was able to c o m e to the United States in January of 1996 after a U.S. organization took over the c a m p . About 250 others f r o m the c a m p were placed in cities throughout the U.S. Tabakovic w a s placed with a f a m i l y in Jenison. His mother and sister remain in S a r a j e v o . His father w a s killed in 1993. He is still able to keep in touch with his family. He makes an effort to call h o m e at least once a month and w a s on the p h o n e shortly after the M a r c h b o m b i n g in K o s o v o began. Tabakovic h a s n ' t seen his family in almost four years. Although his h o m e town is about 100 miles

O^ksh-a M-all



bi| M i c h a e l ZuideTna

f r o m the main battle zone, he admits that he is worried. "I k n e w there w a s going to be a time w h e n I w a s going to be separated f r o m m y m o t h e r and sister, but I think what h a p p e n e d was too early and that is probably the hardest part," Tabakovic said. "I j u s t want to m a k e the trip o v e r to see t h e m . " W h i l e Tabkovic is frustrated by the lack of contact with his family, he gives his support to the efforts of the U.S. and NATO. " T h e y are doing s o m e t h i n g that should have been d o n e probably 10 years ago," he said. "I d o n ' t think it's going to be fixed in my lifetime." Tabkovic said he believes that Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic is willing to m a k e sacrifices for the continuation of ethnic cleansing. N A T O has continued air strikes ever since the initial b o m b i n g in M a r c h . M e m b e r s of the c a m p u s c o m m u n i t y gathered to discuss the recent events in Yugoslavia. "I was astonished. I had n o idea so m a n y were interested. Several p e o p l e c o m m e n t e d that this was a w o r t h w h i l e e v e n t , " said Larry Penrose, p r o f e s s o r of history. " T h e c o m m u n i t y discussion and questions are important to have on H o p e ' s c a m p u s . "

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s


Qorsi - £>rowr)


Kn'sfen fiorst Jcm'eon


Voorliecs M-all

N. £)os



P)i(lp« M-olI

Qoss Jcnieon

§ c o H M-all

Kari Jo boss Oiarlevoi*


Li'clihf M-oll




§ c o H (4-aIl

box Cadillac


Ot|Ksh-a l-l-all


N o r l l i Muskegon

Scoff l-l-all

Keely brabon f-ouilervill*


O ^ k s t r o kl-all



Ourfee (4-aIl

Qnne bradley Sliaker


Di^ksh-a M-all

Oiana bray Muskegon


V a n V l e c k W-all

L. bredeweq



Liclih) l-l-all




D ^ k s t r a l4-all


Mefuclten. N J

Cosmopolitan l-l-all

Uohi'n bn'nfrall l-l-udsonviTle


Oawn broekhvis Holland


§ c o H M-all

broene G r a n d T^apids





Cosmopolitan t-l-all




Kollen H-all


M t . Pleasant

O^kstra t4-all

O i his final concert in D i m n e n t Chapel, Professor Robert Ritsema directs the Orchestra. Retiring after 32 years in the music department, Ritsema feels confident that the Orchestra and Symphonette will continue to be strong programs. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

F r e s h m e n

Kollen M-all

C l a s s

9 9 9 f4-ope C o l l e g e

r r e s t r m en 1

£>rown - C-oririghi

9 9 9 l-l-ope College


Brown Cass C i h j


O ^ k c f r a M-all


G r o s s * Pointc

G i l m o r c 4-all

Uachel firownson l-l-ollond


Cook l-tall




G f l m o r * l-l-al]




OxjKsh-a M-ell




Von V l e c k M-all




G f l m o r c l-l-all


NaperviTIc, 1 L

O^ksfra l-i-all

Ja mi'e burke Linden

Oi^ksh-a l-l-all

Laura Bvrns Qnn Grbor





Kollcn l-l-all

Qvsse Nilte



L i c h h j l-l-all

KoTlen M-all




Ourfcc l-l-all


Grand l i p i d s

O^ksfra l-l-all

leather Carr §hirqis


Oijkslra l-l-all

Cars/ens Bloominqfon, 1 L


Kollcn l-l-all


Double Oak. T X


Q. Garter



W ^ c k o f f M-all O^ksfra l-l-all




G f l m o r e l-l-all




Voorhees l-l-all


"Tucson, Q Z


D ^ k s f r a l-l-all

Chalifovx ll'ai^ne, I N

Glizabeih Glizabeth

Oi^ksfra M-all




Kollen l-l-all



D^ksh-a l-l-all



DjjKsh-a l-l-all

f-l-ah Chav l4o)1and

Charlie Grrin



N o r t h Muskegon

Scoff l-l-all

Clapp Kalamazoo


O^ksfra l-l-all

Clarkson Jolinsfon. 1Q


Kollen l-l-all

Clavs G r a n d Papi'ds

Scoff l-l-all








Van V l e c k l-l-all


KJoodcfock ,1L


O^ksfra l-lall


Cook l-l-all



Plielps l-lall

Laura Collins M f . Pleasant


D ^ k s f r a l-l-all


Commerce T u j p

Oijksfra ^ a l l

£>laine Cook NHec


Kollen fl-all


bl^ron Center


Di|ksfra l4-all

Cook Walkar

Pkelpe iJ-all

"Hvth Coriright PennviTle

0»|k«fTa f^all

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s


C r a m e r - Gvavs






Ot|K«h-a M-all

C>i11 Crone Cedar Springs

Kollcn M-all

Kei'Hi Crovoiia Vernon, N J


Cocmopoli'fan ( i n 11


& a H l f Creek


Voorheec U-all




Phelps M-all







L i c l i h j Mall


Opplelon. U l l


Kollen M-all



Kollen M-all

Oel-l-aan Macon

G d m o r e Mall

S 1 i/san DeKam Oijkch-a Mall




Den Ovden

Johnsfon, 1Q


Ourfee M-all




Dt^ksfra M-all




S'coH M-all




Kollen Mall


G r a n d Djipidc


Scott M-all




G i l m o r e Mall




Van V l e c k Mall

DeVries Grosse Poinle

Nicholas Grand


Di^ksfra Mall

Dieleman ftapidc

Ourfee M-all


Colorado 9pn'ng«


Oi^kcfra M-all


Cedar S p r i n g s


Soott M-all



G i l m o r e Mall

Ta via DiQalvio Monter


O ^ k s f r a Mall

Dohh M-olland


Oifkclra Mall




Oi^kstra Mall

Dozeman M-olland



Droscha Mason


O ^ k c f r a Mall




O ^ k s f r a Mall




Kollen M-all

Dvchinowski Cartnel, I N


Kollen Mall


5 e l l a i r e . TX


O^kstra Mall


W i l m o r e . KV]




O^ksfra M-all


S u m . C i h j . 1Q


U J i j c k o f f M-all




D^ksh-a M-all


Phelps Mall

Gller M-olland



Gpskamp Kolumatoo


OgKstra Mall




Oi(Kvfrn Mall



O ^ k s l r a M-all

C>eth Gvans Winfield. 1 L

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

Ogkcfra Mall

9 9 9 M-ope College

rresliTncTi 1

f-alK - Oazda

9 9 9 | | ope College






ScoH kl-all




Cosmopolitan l-l-all


Glcnvicu, 1L


O^Ksfra l-l-an

f-erqvson Grass Vallt^. C Q





Cook kl-all


Qtftl CRAV.

Pk.lpe 4all


VorKccs 4 a l l

/an Pt'sh Kalamazoo

Cosmopolifan l-l-all

Jam' Pisher f-mlfport


K o l l f n l-l-all



"^ToSJ f-levrij Qloomficld


1/U^ckoff l4-all

M-T i Is

Cosmopolifan ^ a l l








G i l m o r e M-all






Toledo. O l - I


Onksh-a l-l-all

M. Powler



Li'clih| l-i-all


Neui l-l-artford, NVl


G i l m o r e l-l-all


Paui Pau>


Phelps l-l-all




Oijkstra l-l-all

Garling Buffalo Grove, 1 L

Plielps kl-all

Qachel (jazda CtiarloHe. N C

m i l C e c o n o m i c growth plays an integral role in the continued success of the U.S., it should not be sought at the e x p e n s e of the e n v i r o n m e n t , according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., speaker for the Student C o n g r e s s ' s A n n u a l Speaker Series. Kennedy spoke about preserving the sacred nature of the e n v i r o n m e n t , and the need f o r political involvement to protect it f o r f u t u r e generations Thursday, February 18. "It was refreshing to hear s o m e o n e w h o considers himself an environmentalist talk about an important issue like c o m m u n i t y for once, and not just why I ought to return cans that d o n ' t have a deposit" said f r e s h m a n J a m e s Hull, w h o h o p e s to enter the field of applied environmental sociology. Kennedy, w h o s e father Robert F. Kennedy and uncle John F. Kennedy were both prominent political figures, brought with him to c a m p u s under the prestige of the Kennedy name. " T h e main reason I c a m e w a s that he w a s a Kennedy," said f r e s h m a n Ryan Grayburn. " W e ' v e gotten positive f e e d b a c k and I felt ! Kennedy was an eloquent speaker," said senior Student C o n g r e s s President D a n a Marolt. "I think this sets an e x a m p l e of what w e want this series to be." ! Kennedy, w h o is an attorney, accused corporaftions of using political clout to suppress pro


a r i T i q

Oi{ksfra M-all

Vij S a r a G .

P I a n e l

Garfh e n v i r o n m e n t a l laws to protect their own interests. K e n n e d y f e a r e d that m a n y p r o - e n v i r o n m e n t laws m a y be overturned by the current C o n g r e s s , causing the e n v i r o n m e n t to suffer. K e n n e d y w a r n e d against the exploiting of the e n v i r o n m e n t for money, and stressed the fact that the e n v i r o n m e n t and e c o n o m i c success are linked. " T h e e n v i r o n m e n t a l m o v e m e n t is about the reinstating of the free market and democracy," he said. K e n n e d y e m p h a s i z e d not only the i m p o r t a n c e of the global e n v i r o n m e n t but also the e n v i r o n m e n t in our neighborhoods. " T h e most important thing you can d o is j o i n an environmental group," he said. "To me, that's what the issue is all about, c o m m u n i t y . "


1.1 F r e s h m e n

C l a s s



- l-Lahers



9 9 9 M-ope College





Von V l e c k l-l-oll




I t ' i j c k o f f M-oIl

Qeuder Holland

Gi'lmor* kiall

T i f f a n y Ghent (-l-udconviHc


Liclihf l-l-oll

Gibbie Prcmont


Scoff M-all

Gibbs G r a n d M-avcn


Gi1morÂŤ M-all

Gilding Cfiarloffc


lAJt|ckofF l-l-oll



Van V l c c k l-l-oll



Carallis, O f t


Voortiees l-l-ell


Pl^moufli, I N







\ KoDcn l-l-oll

Glvpker liopkfnv


Kollen l-l-oll




Oijkvfra H-alt

Graybvrn Cnjsfal Lakr, 1 L




PWIpc l-l-oll

Grech S'coH l-l-all


l-Uidelbcrg, G e r m a n y


Van V l ÂŤ c k H-all

Gn'nzi'nger M f . Pleasanf


Kollcn M-all

Groenhof S c o f f M-all






KolUn M-all



G i l m o r t H-all


Course I T l O S C involved in the first s e m e s t e r of required First Year S e m i n a r s are stepping b a c k to take a look at their e x p e r i e n c e s . T h e addition of First Year S e m i n a r s ( F Y S ) w a s the m o s t significant c u r r i c u l u m c h a n g e of the 19989 9 school year. T h e class is a i m e d at developing skills in students that will m o r e adequately prepare t h e m for college-level thinking. T h e s e m i n a r s are t w o credit h o u r courses, taught by each students' a c a d e m i c advisor. " T h i s class c a m e out of the recognition that the k i n d s of skills w e expect students to have, they d i d n ' t , but that is b e c a u s e students d i d n ' t have a c h a n c e to d e v e l o p t h e m , " said M a u r a R e y n o l d s , director of A c a d e m i c A d v i s i n g and F Y S C o o r d i n a tor. Like any seminar, the classes are discussiondriven, with e m p h a s i s on writing, exploring resources, critical reading and questioning. This s u m m e r , with the registration packets sent

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

to all i n c o m i n g f r e s h m a n , c a m e a booklet of 39 First Year S e m i n a r C o u r s e descriptions to c h o o s e f r o m . Topics ranged f r o m the turn of the millennium, to impressionism, to w o m e n sports pioneers. " F Y S is an introduction to the life of the m i n d , " R e y n o l d s said. "It is about question raising, rather than q u e s t i o n a n s w e r i n g . " A s with any new class, both students and p r o f e s s o r have f a c e d challenges with the F Y S classes. " T h e class has been less s u c c e s s f u l in its infrequency. We only meet t w o hours a w eek, and it's not possible to get the depth w e could have," P r o f e s s o r Don Luidens said. "But given the constraints, a f o u r hour class is not very likely to happen. I ' v e not put this m u c h preparation time into a c o u r s e in m a n y years." E x p e r i e n c e s vary f r o m individual to individual involved in the seminars. T h e discussions aren't h a p p e n i n g in my class, it could have s o m e t h i n g to d o with the fact that the class is at 8:30 in the morning, but (the class) has just been kind of a nuisance," said f r e s h m a n M a r c o s M a c h a d o . "I think the integration into college w o u l d have h a p p e n e d with out the class. It covers things I could have figured out m y s e l f . " T h e r e are also students w h o are finding that their F Y S class is providing them with a h o m e in the a c a d e m i c world.

r r e s l r m 1


l-LaJanek - l-Lyher

9 9 9 | 4 ope College


Gla ine hladanek



0(|K«fra l-i-oll




0*jKsfT8 M f l l

(4-a mil ton Oouintrs G r o v * . 1 L


O^kvtra M-all




P],«lp S M-all


Uced C i h |


Kollen M-all


"Travtrse Cih)


§eoH ^ a l l




Phelps M-olI

f-l-artman liockford


Koll«n M-ail




Oijksfra l-l-all

l-Lafhaway M f . Pleasant



Kollen kl-all

t-l-avlenbeeh Kalamazoo


Durfee l-l-all

H-aveman (-remonf


Scoff l-l-all

l-l-effner Midland

Kollen M-all

Mar en L-l-eiherq Gdina, M M





Gilmore l-l-all




Gilmore l-l-all


l-l-omeuiood, 1 L


O^ksfra M-all

Gilmore l-l-all

L-l-endricks Grandville

Kollen M-all

G r e g l-lenry Mason


U V k o f f M-all

Benson l+ollond

Oljksfra l-l-all

L auren l-lermes Orlinqfon l-teigkfs, 1 L

Carmen Keith

Pfielps l-l-all


Tkree Pivers

Thomas Omy

Cook l-l-all



Kollen l-l-all

f-Lingelherg ^roij


Scoff l-l-all


€aef G r a n d Papids


Kollen M-all




Gilmore l4-all




Ourfee l-l-all




Kollen M-all

l-l-ofman Kenhuood



Oi(k«fra 1-l-aTl




O^ksfra l4-oll




' M V o f f 4all


Newark, 1 L


O^ksfra l-l-all



l i i ^ c k o f f M-all

l-foopes Chesferfouin. M O


Oljksfra Mall




Pkelps M-all


Traverse C i h j


Kollen M-all


Gtliland, O M


Gilmore M-all


Ckicaqo, 1 L

Voorkces Mall

f4-vhhard Walker




f-arminqfon Mills

O^ksfra Mall

F r e s h m e n I

C l a s s

r r e s l r m e n

1-l-vqJies - Klay


9 9 9 f-l-ope College

Grfv A', f-l-yqhes liockesfer H-ills


OijkstTa l-l-all


S f . Iqnucf

OijKsfra M-all

Dana ^visman M-olland


Roll on l-J-all

J. iJ-vi'zenqa




U. l-l-vll

G r a n d Ledge


Phelps t-l-all

H-vlliberqer T^illiamsfon

OurFee M-all

Jona thon f-l-vUq ren l-l-aruiood M-eiqnfs. I L i


Cook U-all




Ot|Ksfra l-l-all




L i c l i h j l-l-all

C. hLvfchins



OljkslTa l-l-all

1 mm ink



O^ksfra l-l-all


•ftocliester. N l / j

O^ksh-a l-l-all

Pavl Jackson Cedar Papi'ds, 1 0

KoTlen l-l-all

^Teresa Janik Cadillac

Gilmore liall

(braSley JerSon Ndes

Voorliees l-l-all





TAJ\|ckofF l-l-all




Scoff l-l-all

Sara Johnson Muskegon


Oi^ksfra l-l-all


OlooTni'nqton-Normal. 1 L


D ^ k s f r a fl-all


Wln'fHer, C O


D y k s t r a fl-all


liJimamson, Nl^


Dijksfra M-all

Joos Plielps l-l-all



G. Josvns



Van V l e c k l-l-all


T r a v e r s e Ci'hj

Matthew OeWift


l ^ l ^ c k o f f l-l-all


Kaneolie, 1-1-1


V a n V l e c k l-l-all


Grand P^pids


Oijksfra 1-1-aTI

C. Kalaiainen

Oijksfra l-l-all

Kazmarski Ludingfon


G i l m o r e l-l-all

Keeler Porfaqe

Kollen l-l-all

Qonald Keller Carson C i h |


Phelps l-l-all


Qnn Qrbor


Van V l e c k M-all


S p r i n g Lake

Oijksfra fl-all

C)eth Kilqore Oxjron Center

Lindsay Shannon

Oijksfra l-l-all




Kollen l-l-all




Oi^ksfra l-tall


Syracuse, N l j


Oijkstra l-l-all


H l e s f Oloomfield

Kollen l-l-all


N o r t h Qdams

Phelps M-all

Matth ew Klaver 6«irnf 4iT1s. NV|



^ J | F r e s h m e n

Scoff l-l-all



C l a s s


rrcsfiTncTi 1

Kleczek - Kryee

9 9 9 | 4 ope College



Omafio. N G



ScoH l4-nll


" T r s v t r s t Cih^


O ^ k s t r s (4-811


C^rand l i p i d s

S'coH U-all

ÂŁ)en Koeiie G r a n d Uapids


Scoff l-l-sll

Koeh'e Grandvdlt


Scoff fl-all


?hauianc, 1D1


Van V l c c k l-l-all

Komray S p r i n q Lake




I f e s t Lafat|ÂŤffc, I N


OijksfTB l-t-all

Kooi'stra G r a n d 'Rapid?


Kollon (4-aII




Oi^ksfra (-('all


G r a n d Rapids


Kollcn l-l-all


Gast Jordan


O ^ k s f r a l-l-all

Krohhoivski liocKesfer l-l-iUs


O ^ k s f r a l-l-all



Scoff l-l-all

L auren Krvse l-l-olland

Kollen l-l-all

the first time ever, cable was available to e v e r y o n e on c a m p u s this year. Students h a v e w a n t e d cable f o r years, but the p r o b l e m s w e n t d e e p e r than the h o o k u p . " T h e r e w e r e p r o b l e m s with an a g r e e m e n t with M e d i a O n e , " said Carl H e i d e m a n , director of c o m p u t i n g and i n f o r m a t i o n technoligies (C.I.T.). M e d i a O n e and the college h a v e tried f o r several years to m a k e a r r a n g e m e n t s for students on c a m p u s to have cable. T h e t w o c a m e to an a g r e e m e n t this year. " T h e r e is no installation f e e and students receive cable at a discount rate," H e i d e m a n said. Students receive cable for about ten percent less than Holland residents, at $ 9 0 per semester. Even at these prices not e v e r y o n e is satisfied. "I love cable, but I d o n ' t like the o u t r a g e o u s prices," said f r e s h m a n Alison Smith. "I just c a n ' t a f f o r d it." T h o u g h it is possible to receive five c h a n n e l s without cable, most students receive only one to two channels. T h e greatest gains are for those in residence halls. C a b l e has been available in the cottages f o r 5 to 10 years, and C o o k Hall was c o n n e c t e d last year.




B e c a u s e this is the first year, there are b o u n d to b e m o r e problems. " W h a t w e are saw were first-time glitches," H e i d e m a n said. "Installation [took] f r o m overnight to as long as a w e e k after sign up. I ' m sure next year it w o n ' t take as long." M o s t cable-users are extremely h a p p y with the new cooperation b e t w e e n the college and MediaOne. "It's about time H o p e College had cable," said Melissa R o o p , a f r e s h m a n . " O t h e r colleges I have visited have had cable for a long time.'

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s


Kvchek - homasTiey

1 9 9 9 M-ope College










Kelly Kvipers l-l-olland


Van Vlcck. l-l-all




Ovjksh-a M-oll



KoIIen M-all

OmaTtda Lamar l-l-olland






Oi^ksfro l-l-all



O ^ k s f r a l-i-all

Davi'd Lavqhler ^ a v e r s e Ci'h<


Ourfee M-all


CincinnaH, Okl-


Kollen l-l-all




Ourfee l-l-all


Glmliurst, 1L


O ^ k s f r a l-l-all

Lemmev l^illiamsfon

Phelps l-l-all

ÂŁ>oh hesvav "MJaskington


Pkelps l4-all


W e s t Bloomfield


Kollen l4-all




G i l m o r e l-l-all


f-ai'rvi'eui, T L

Oi^kstra l4-all

f-l-eather Livz Okemos


Oi^ksfra 1-l-aTI



O ^ k s f r a l4-all

Qelh Lomasney Lockport, 1L

O ^ k s f r a l-l-all

Careful bij M i c n a c l ZuidcTna


Dining and the College Dining Services temporarily r e m o v e d hot dogs f r o m their m e n u s as a precautionary measure. T h e m o v e was sparked d u e to c o n c e r n s of c o n t a m i n a t e d meat f r o m local distributors. A strain of listeria f o u n d in hot d o g s and other meat processed at Bil M a r F o o d s had been linked to 11 deaths nationwide. T h e s e c o n c e r n s f o r c e d the college to w i t h d r a w hot d o g s f r o m c a m p u s meals for a f e w w eeks. " T h e y ' r e just kind of saying that it's a high visibility thing right n o w so w e ' l l stop serving and see w h a t h a p p e n s d o w n the r o a d , " said Steve Hiligan, president of creative dining. T h e issue has sparked a national concern over the safety of p r o c e s s e d meats. In D e c e m b e r , Bil M a r issued a voluntary recall of nine p r o d u c t s m a d e at a plant in Borculo, including Ball Park hot dogs.

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

"It's j u s t a precautionary thing," Van H e u k e l o m said. " W e ' l l probably be waiting until the thing settles down. W e s e e m to be in no d a n g e r in buying f r o m our current suppliers." Creative D i n i n g purchases through G o r d o n F o o d s Service, a locally-based distributor. Hiligan stressed that c o n t a m i n a t e d products did not m a k e their w a y to c a m p u s . " A s soon as w e w e r e alerted by G o r d o n , I alerted our c o n t a c t s , " Hiligan said. "I think w e ' v e taken w h a t e v e r steps necessary to protect the students." Listeria bacteria c a u s e s flu-like s y m p t o m s in most healthy people, but can kill elderly and pregnant w o m e n and those with w e a k i m m u n e systems. S y m p t o m s include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. S y m p t o m s caused by the bacteria may not a p p e a r f o r u p to 7 0 days. Listeria isn't k n o w n to be transmitted through the air. Hiligan and Van H e u k e l o m did not received any p h o n e calls c o n c e r n i n g listeria or the possibility of contamination. " T h e r e w e r e so m a n y articles, they thought that rather than a n s w e r questions they would pull the products for a w h i l e , " Hiligan said. Creative Dining also serves Calvin College, Adrian College and M u s k e g o n C o m m u n i t y College. N o n e took hot d o g s off their m e n u s .

r r e s T i m en 1

Loncj - Miravda

9 9 9 M-ope College


Long § c o H j4-all



Lovghan G i l m o r e l-tall

J e f f r e y Lvbbers

.... "MJ^cKoff f-l-all




Travtrse Cih,


Cook l4-all

Lvgo Kollen U-all

G r a n d liopids

Qryan Chad





Kollen M-all

Jeremymy Lydi'c Voorliees l-l-all

Grldrt'dqe, ldi 1 0 ..


Mac hade M J ^ c k o f f M-aTl



Maddock O ^ k s t r a l-l-all




C.« Cih,


O^ksh-a l-l-all

Mailt Oijksh-a M-all


Malik + l-l-all

§011 tli Li|on ..

Qai Malviya ' Holland



. Kollen M-all


f-l-auifliorn 1/foods, 1 L ..


"T. Marr .. Phelps H-all

Gndleif, 1L


G i l m o r e l-l-all




. Kollen 4 a l l

Matz .. Kollen l-l-all



Maynard .. Van V l e c k l-l-all

Walled Lake


Mayo O ^ k s f r a ^l-all

Port Knox, KV)


McCaslin Kollen l-l-all



McC,oy ,. Voorliees l-l-all

PrtdericKlomn, Ol-I- ..

n. McDobsW




McMillen , Van V l e c k l4-all

Kalamazoo ..


McNeely .. O^ksfra M-all

Counfrijside, 1 L

Laura Meengs Muskegon


G i l m o r e l+all

Mellema Premonl


Cosmopolitan H-all




L i c l i h j M-all

Mevlenberg & r « n d Uapids


G r a n d Uapids




Pkelps l4-all

Mexeske . § c o H M-all



Mezger •'tan l-l-all

Qnn Qrbor


Mieras ScoH l-l-all

G r a n d Uapids


Mika Q r l i n g l o n l^ei'gkfs, 1 L ..


NaperviHe, 1 L


ScoH U-all

Milad 'kelps l-l-all

Miles M l . Pleasant

Carol Kafhryn

G i l m o r e H-aTI




Pkelps H-all


l-l-ickor*) C o m e r s

O^ksfra M-all


&aH1e Creek

Lickh^ l4-all

£>eib Miranda Hlieafon

G i l m o r e H-all

iii.4 F r e s h m e n

C l a s s




- Palmer



9 9 9 |-|-ope College


LaOranqe, 1Li

Kollen l-l-oll

Oh son Molfer 6 f n t o n l4-ortior


O^Ksfra l-l-all




V a n VIecK U-oll



D^Ksfra M-all


Moore D^Ksfra l-l-all




Glenvi'eui, 1 L


O^Kstra l-l-oll

Mvilenbvrq Gdina


ScoH 1-l-aTl




Oi|KstTa M-all


MvlSer Caledonia


Oi|Ksfra l-l-all


M f Prosptcl. 1 L


O^Ksfra l-l-all

Mvrfey 'Troii


L i c l i h j l-l-all

G. Mvrphii



D ^ k s f r a l-l-all

§ a n Gntonio, T X

D ^ k s f r a H-all

D o u g Mvrrey sclioolcrafl


Pltelps l-l-all



Mvtch Plielps l+all


l/]oko Naqoka IjokoKama. Japan


College Gast Opts.

Naqy Porfaqe


Oi{ksfra l-l-all

ew Nehs

"Travei^e C i h j

Plielps l-l-all

Mi'sh eai la Neil M-asfings


OxjKstra l-l-all



D ^ k s f r a l-lall

Orant//' Nevmann 'Traverse C i f n


Oijksh'a l-lall


G a s l Jordan


D^ksh-a l4-all

Norman l-lopkins

O ^ k s f r a l4-all

Jvsh'n A/o/i'er l-l-olland



I f i j c k o f f l+all


Gasi Lansing





Licl»h^ l-lall

O^kcfra l-lall


W l .

6end. I N




G r a n d M-aven


W^ckoff 4all Kollen l4-all

Nykamp Battle Creek


L i c l i h | l-l-all

Nyqvi'st South M-olland, 1 L


O ^ k s t r a l-lall

Oertel Lawton


Van V l e c k H-all

J. Olson

l-loffman Gstafec, 1 L

heecox Ondrew

Cook l-lall




Oijksfra l-lall


Nairobi, Kenija

Kollen l-lall

Oosh'ng G r a n d Papids

Voorlieec l-lall

f-l-eidi Osmvndson Odams, AAN


V a n V l e c k H-all

Otterness Uocbesler, N l |

Van V l e c k H-all

£>eth Paarlberq Olto


Kollen l-l-oll

S. Paarlberq

Glen U o c k . N J


Plielps H-all



Dtjkelro Hall

Palmer Mar«lia1)

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

iarm /

CreglrmeTi 1

Varker - Presion

9 9 9 M-ope College

AAafth ew Parker

Q™ Mor



p|,tlps £,]]


Wadoinirve«n, Ncl)icr1and«


Ourfcc ^ a l l

Peeks ScoH 4 a I l

Grt'n Peei c

rro-v»r«» C i h j


Oi|ksfro j4-all




C?eno Peters Phelps M-all






T r a v t r s c Ci'hj


O ^ k s t r a M-all




O^Ksfra (4«H




OijKsfra U-all

L i ' c h ^ M-all

Poll f4-\idsoiwiHe


Cosmopoli'lan M-all




Laura Poppema ^land


G i l m o r c 4-all

Post G f l m o r e (4-all


Pott Mi'dd1«vi11c


Kollcn M-all

Powell Cro«ui«TI


l l h j o k o f F M-all

Powers Onghfon




Oiikch-a M-all

Praamsma G i l m o r c M-all

Pranger fVemont


Kollcn M-aH


G r a n d Uapids

G i l m o r c M-all

Pro-vi'ding support for a toddler waiting to walk. Professor Cathleen McGreal explains important milestones in the child's stage of development. The visitors came to the Developmental Psychology class to provide real people to observe. (Photo by Johnathan Muenk)



l.i L F r e s h m e n

C l a s s



Pn'Jgeon - Hipper



9 9 9 M-ope College





6 ^ r o n Center



Indianapolis, I N






Provencal Kollen M-all


Puree// Onkdale, M N


dvillo Kollen M-all


J e f f PaSford Dlielps M-all



Pakosky 4arÂť



Gd Panqler Dana







Nick boh


Peister Pemes

Qndrew Gric


Pinqnalda l ^ V k o f f M-oll


T i f f a n y Pipper

M a c D oniels w h o d r a f t e d the N M E policy. " O n e of the c o n c e r n s of the faculty w a s that the C a m p u s L i f e Board was giving up it's p o w e r to m a k e decisions and policies. I feel that these c o n c e r n s


C l i a T i q i T i q

were addressed by our policy." Janet A n d e r s e n , math professor, expressed c o n c e r n s for the evaluation process, which requires the consent of t w o of three representatives f r o m the Pan-Hellinic Council, Interfraternal C o u n c i l s and

t i j § a r a G. L a m e r s


I Tl C proposal to review G r e e k L i f e ' s newlyaccepted N e w M e m b e r E d u c a t i o n ( N M E ) policy w a s passed by a vote of 4 2 - 3 4 at a faculty meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 23. It was thought that the potential existed for C a m p u s Lite Board to relinquish their p o l i c y - m a k i n g p o w e r with this proposal. "I believe that the decision m a d e w a s a g o o d one," P h i l o s o p h y P r o f e s s o r Jim Allis said, " I ' m h o p e f u l that C a m p u s Life Board and G r e e k Lite can work together to d e v e l o p a strong policy." T h e new policy states that regulations for N M E will stay in place for f o u r years, but allows for review of the policy if the need arises. " A t the meeting I felt there w a s a lot of c o n f u sion about what the policy m e a n t , " said j u n i o r Kate

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

C a m p u s L i f e in order to initiate c h a n g e . "I felt that this policy was d a m a g i n g to Greeks because the earlier o n e had a variety of groups that o f f e r e d input," she said. "I think the original policy w o r k e d well. 1 felt that it w a s a good, healthy policy that 1 would like to see continued. I feel the evaluation policy is w e a k e r than the f o r m e r o n e . " W h i l e this earlier policy required other groups to be involved in the review process, the new policy does not prevent t h e m f r o m doing so. " T h e policy does not limit w h o can give input into the policy," M a c Doniels said. " O u t s i d e sources m a y still give input." M e m b e r s of Greek Life were e n c o u r a g e d to reword the policy in order to m a k e C a m p u s L i f e ' s position in the matter clear and saw this as the opportunity to actively draft their own policies as a way to d e m o n s t r a t e the sense of responsibility they hope to convey to faculty.

rrcslmi CTI 1

Hiichie - Sihvies

9 9 9 |4-ope College







/VI. Tlobari



Van V l t c k U-all


Tra-verse C>hj


G t l m o r c M-all




P k . l p s |4. # n




Owrfe* l4-a]1




P l u l p s l4-all




G H m o r * U-all




G i l m o r t kl-all


l ^ a l f o n Mills, OM-

O^ksfra M-all

Ian Samson C l i n t o n 'Tuip


ScoH M-all


Gr e e n vi l l e

G i l m o r c M-all

J e f f Qankieuiicz Drvjdfn

Kollcn M-all





G i l t n o r e M-all

Schaherg Saline


Xollen l4-all


9uHons &atj


Oijksh-a M-all


Logansporf, I N


Cosmopolitan l-l-all

Schick c



Otirfee l-l-all


Naperville, 1 L


O^ksfra M-all



L i c l . h , M-all

Ja mie SchoUen Gllendale





G i l m o r e t4-all


Joliet, 1 L


0ÂŤ|Kstra M-all


buttons 6 a ^


Kollen M-all




Ourfee M-all

Oi^Kstra l4-all

Schvberl G r a n d Papids





Oi^kstra M-all


Defiance, O i l


Voorhees t4-all


S t . Joseph


Scott l-l-all

O ^ k s t r a l-l-all

Schwiehrman (battle Creek



O^kstra l-l-all


f-tndlaij. OM-

Oljkstra U-all

Scogin Portage

Gmily Meyly

Scott l-l-all


Suttons 6a>)

Kollen t4-all



Scott l^all

L auren Sey movr M-olland

Oijkstra l-l-all

1/joko Sezai l i t s u n u m i ^ a , Japan





Van V l e c k H-all

Oi^kstra l-l-all

Showman G r a n v i l l e , Ol-i-





Oijkstra l i a l l


Gact Lansing


Scott M-all


Oi^kstra l4-all

Shvtes O ^ k s t r a U-all

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s



- Tischevdorf



Qilverihorn Ithaca


O i j K s f r a M-all

?i7v?'s Prui'tporf


I f i j c K o f f M-all

Si'mmerman KOHCH ^ « 1 I




Qnn Urbor


Phelps 4 a l l


Oefinacc, OM-


O i j k « f r a l4-all



L i c h h j t-l-all





L i c l i h j (4-a))


( j r a n d 'Aapids


O ^ k s f r a t-l-al]


Lake Zurich. 1 L

G d m o r e M-alt

Laura Smith Oearkorn

0*(ksh-a l + a l l

L u c a s Smith Mc&ai'n


P h e l p s ll-all


Qthcns. Nl'|


§ c o H l-l-all




G i l m o r e l-i-all


&n'nii*11, 1 0


P h e l p s l-l-all




G i h n o r c M-all




Oijksh-a U-all


9ujartz Creek


O ^ k s f r a (4-aII


L a k e P o r e s J. 1 L


O ^ k s t r a M-all

Southwell LouieTI


V o o r h e e s M-all


G r a n d Ledge


O u r f e e M-all

Spaman Pockford

O t i k s f r a M-all

Dane Splinter Liherhfville. 1 L

O u r f e e l-l-all

£>en Sportel Caledonia

14Ji|ckofF M-all

Piper ft. Spratt Kalamazoo


G i l m o r e M-all

Stack . K o l l e n M-all



Statema Zeeland


O u r f e e M-all


PiHsburqh. P Q


14J»|ckoff M-all



O i ^ k s t r a M-all

0 lain a Stofic LaGranqe Park. I L


G i l m o r e M-all


(iatavia. I L

P h e l p s M-all

C>eth Stygstra .. O i ^ k s t r a M-all




Grosse Poinle

O i ) k s f r a M-all

£>n'an Svtter Midland


P h e l p s M-all


t a t o n P a p ids



G i l m o r e M-all



O i j K t t r o M-all

TeWinkle Sheboygan, "MJl

Gmily Jay

G i l m o r e M-all


Qnn Qrbor

O i j k s t r a M-all

Thwaites Grand Papidc


P h e l p s M-all

Tippie O i ^ k s t r o M-all




Libertyvillc, I L

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

G i l m o r e M-all

9 9 9 M-opc Colleg"

rreslrm 1


^Tiicombe - Vanderlip

9 9 9 M-ope College


Tiicombe Minncionka, M N


G i l m o r c M-all

Kah'e Torqerson Weidmon

Voorhccc l-l-all

G r e g "Tou/n Pi'Hsford


Voorhccs M-all




"MJ^cKoff l-l-all



L i c l i h j l-l-all

Qara T"rover l-l-oioell


Van V l e c k M-all

L. Trvax

Ifflminglon, D€


0)|ksfra l4-j1l




L i c t i h j U-all

Tviile Gurora, 1 L


G i l m o r c M-all


G r a n d Ledge



Kollen l-l-all


Brussels, Belgium



Prencl) M-ouse



C u r / Van

l ^ l ^ c k o f f l-l-all





Ourfee l-l-all


Spar •a


Ourfee M-all



QsMand. 1U1


Voorliees l-l-all




G d m o r e l-l-all


•Pease. M N


O^Ksh-a l4-all




Ourfee M-all

Vanderhyde Kollen l l a l l






prayer vigil for M a t t h e w S h e p a r d , a University of W y o m i n g student w h o w a s killed by his o w n classmates, w a s held in the Pine G r o v e on a rainy O c t o b e r Thursday. D u r i n g an emotional m o m e n t of the vigil a f e w raindrops fell on a p p r o x i m a t e l y 6 0 p e o p l e encircled with candles. " A f r i e n d c o m m e n t e d to m e that G o d started crying with us," said senior A m a n d a Schneider, w h o helped to lead the vigil. O n Oct. 12 M a t t h e w Shepard, a h o m o s e x u a l 21 year-old student, w a s reportedly pistolw h i p p e d , and left on a f e n c e post in near-freezing t e m p e r a t u r e until he w a s f o u n d h o u r s later. Shepard died five days later. Participants of the vigil prayed for various blessings such as c o u r a g e and unity, as the c r o w d stood in still and quiet reflection f o r a f e w moments. "1 d o n ' t want H o p e to contribute to that kind of society," Schneider said. ' A n d by being silent w e w o u l d be. Silence in quietly c o n d o n i n g w h a t is happening." Individuals w e n t to the vigil for different reasons. "I went for t w o reasons," said s o p h o m o r e A.J. C a m e r o n , "to express m y great disapproval in the

Kollen l l a l l

lAioTcls Care m

Vij Dana L a m e r s

hatred that killed him and to c o m e together with other p e o p l e to pray for h i m and other victims of hate crimes." S e n i o r Jason Sanicki w a s deeply i m p a c t e d by S h e p a r d ' s death. " T h i s (prayer vigil) w a s my idea. I ' m sick and tired of the w a y minorities and gay students are treated on this c a m p u s . I ' m f e d up, [ I ' m ] not taking it a n y m o r e , " he said. T h e vigil f o c u s e d on a Christian perspective of love. "It w a s a w a y of H o p e as a c o m m u n i t y signaling the fact that such things should not h a p p e n , " said Carol S i m o n , p h i l o s o p h y p r o f e s s o r and d e p a r t m e n t chair. " O u r culture is o n e that fosters violence and that is incompatible with Christ.

F r e s h m e n

C l a s s



- Wade




9 p r i n g Lake


Cook M-al)



Grosv* PoinU


9 9 9 |-l-ope College




Oi(k«h-o H-nll

Leanrte VanDvivev

Niui Gra

G t l m o r c l4-a)I

Grin VanOyken Ornndvillf

G i l m o r t l+oll





l U ^ c k o f f l-l-oll


l-l-oll and


Ll'ckhj H-nll



OurFcc M-al)

J e f f VanPvHen GrondviH*

Rollon H-nll

Lora VanVlffelen l-l-ollnnd


Kollen l4-nll




D^kvh-o l i a l l



G i l m e r * l+oll

Kaie Verl-l-evlen Ulolkcr


0«|k e h-a H-oll




O ^ k v f r o W-nll




Dijksfro W-nll

Vogel l-l-ollnnd






O^kvfro l4-all




L i o k h j M-afl

Wachter G r a n d liopids


Kollen l-l-nll



Pk«1p« M-all

feel very sad b e c a u s e it's a very d a n g e r o u s g a m e to

lemq ^

l)ij Dana L a m e r s


K a f i C Koestner has s o m e t h i n g in c o m m o n with o n e in every f o u r w o m e n . A c c o r d i n g to statistics, o n e in every f o u r college w o m e n is raped or sexually assaulted. For m e n , it is o n e out of ten. But w h a t separates K o e s t n e r f r o m other victims is her decision to speak out against a c r i m e of silence. Koestner shared her personal e x p e r i e n c e on Thursday, April 16. Koestner e x p e r i e n c e d date rape as a college f r e s h m a n , a f t e r a di nner date with a guy she had " h u n g o u t " with several times before. She visited c a m p u s as part of a goal to reach as many people as possible with her m e s s a g e while she is still y o u n g e n o u g h for t h e m to relate to her as a peer. C . A . A . R . E and several other organizations j o i n e d to s p o n s o r K o e s t n e r ' s visit as an attempt to raise the c a m p u s ' a w a r e n e s s to a p r o b l e m that h a p p e n s to w o m e n , even on this c a m p u s . " W h e n 1 hear the phrase ' p l a y i n g the g a m e ' 1


F r e s h m e n

C l a s s

play," said Christa Collins, director of special p r o g r a m s and C . A . A . R . E . advisor. " T h e s e are p e o p l e ' s lives and p e o p l e can spend a lifetime trying to o v e r c o m e the pain of that o n e incident. We all have a responsibility to prevent sexual assault and the way to d o that is b e c o m i n g e d u c a t e d about it. We need to be c h a n g i n g attitudes, c h a n g i n g beliefs, c o n f r o n t i n g others, and taking a stand." C o l l e g e students need to be especially a w a r e of the heightened c h a n c e s of these u n w a n t e d e n c o u n ters w h e n alcohol is involved. "I think H o p e students understand the concept of date rape, but I think they are very misguided about alcohol and the c o n s e q u e n c e s of drinking too m u c h , " said Kristen Gray, assistant dean ot health and c o u n s e l i n g and sexual h a r a s s m e n t policy educator. "I d o n ' t m e a n to place the b l a m e on the alcohol, but to understand that our decision m a k i n g is altered o n c e w e ' v e had a few drinks. W e ' r e not allowed to drive a car after w e ' v e had a drink, but w e think it's okay to d o the most intimate, personal act of giving yourself to another h u m a n being. Collins m a k e s it clear that men, as well as w o m e n are at risk of being victims of sexual assault, it is m u c h m o r e c o m m o n for w o m e n . "We want people to b e c o m e aware," said senior Alicia Tomicich, C . A . A . R . E educator and intern. " P e o p l e need to know that this does h a p p e n . " ^

rresTiTnen 1


- Zovlek

9 9 9 |-(-ope College



M i n n f i o n k a , AAN



OifKctra t-i-all




P1iclp« l-tall


Ncui Lottirop


PKclpc l-l-a11


6«rnondsvi11«, N J

Voorhces M-all

0. Webster



Voorkccs (4-all



§ t . Paul. M N


G i l m o r * M-all






P o r f Grah'of

Plielps M-all



G r a n d Papids


Cosmopolifan M-all



G i l m o r e M-all

Gmi'ly White Cedar S p r i n g s

Kathleen Katie

ScoH M-all



O^Ksfra M-all


S p r i n g Lake


D^ksh-a M-all

Whitney P-ochester Mills



Kollen M-all


Wlii'hnorc Lake

Oijksh-a M-all


C l i n t o n c Rup


L i c l i f ^ M-all


PalaHne. 1 L


O ^ k s f r a M-all

Win el and


D^ksh-a M-all

Ch ris topher


&o^ne C i h )


Cook M-all


§f. diaries, 1L


D M ksh-a M-all



Oi^kstra M-all

Gric C. Wolhfield Briqlifon


Kollen M-all


Oak L a w n , 1 L





Ourfee M-all


M f Vernon, 1 L


Kollen M-all

Woolard Muncie, I N


Oi^ksh-a M-all




Phelps M-all

Wyciechowski Jeddo

Phelps M-all





Cook M-all

Wysocki Plymouth

Jennifer Meqan

Oijksh-a M-all


Carmel, I N


VanVleck M-all




Oijksh-a M-all


W o o s l e r , OM-

Phelps M-all




Phelps M-all




Phelps M-all

KoTlen M^all

Zovlek G l l m o r * M-all F r e s h m e n

C l a s s


-i Z











, " .'


RK " -

. -• •

The class of 1899 gathers in its entirety for a photograph in an early edition of the Hope College Anchor. These 21 men welcomed a century of change—one that began looking back the Western expansion and ended looking forward to a world of information. (Photo f r o m the 1930 Milestone)


C l o s i n g


C e n t u r y

D i v i s i o n


< , • Jtf > ' \ v' vmm ^



^ *

^ .v, 'vvj

Dyer the century has marched on. When the College welcomed the beginnings of the last century of the millennium, the tiny campus produced teachers and preachers. As the buildings expanded, so did the vision. Never ignoring the world around, the campus has mourned in wartime, celebrated victory and welcomed peace. The events of the outside world are not lost on a campus that prepares for entry into it. ^

C l o s i n g


C e n t u r y

D i v i s i o n


Wilbur and Orvillc Wright were aviation pioneers. Reading about experiments with gliders spurred their flying interest. Their ideas brought forth a f o u r cylinder and an efficient prop e l l e r , w h i c h they t o o k to K i t t y Hawk, N.C, in 1903, Orvillc piloted the first p l a n e on a 12-second flight. From then on. the brothers continued to build m o r e sturdier and reliable planes. ( R M Photo)

President Herbert Hoover called Prohibition a "noble ex-

On October 24, 1929,

periment;'" o r g a n i z e d c r i m e found it to be an opportunity

the stock market began

while the people saw it as in-

later the d a m a g e w a s

f r i n g e m e n t s on their r i g h t s .

extended when more

T h e 18th a m e n d m e n t to the

than 16 million shares

C o n s t i t u t i o n w a s p a s s e d by Congress over Woodrow

were sold, giving it the name Black Tuesday.

Wilson's veto, making the

T h e v a l u e of m o s t

manufacture, transportation,

s h a r e s of s t o c k f e l l

Five days

and sale of alcoholic beverages

sharply, leaving finan-

The "underground"

cial ruin and panic in


* .

to c r a s h .

clubs gave the period die name

its wake. Never before


the Roaring Twenties introduc-

had a collapse of the

ing new music, d a n c i n g and

stock market had such

f e m i n i s m . ( R M Photo)

a devastating effect. Like a snowball rolling


d o w n h i l l , it g a t h e r e d m o m e n t u m and swept away



economy. This event u s h e r e d in the G r e a t







In the early part of the Twen-


tieth Century, more and more industries used interchangeable parts, m a c h i n e s and tools.

E l e c t r i c p o w e r re-

placed steam power in factories, m a k i n g p r o d u c t i o n cheaper, faster and more flexible.

Human power was

replaced by machine power.


In 1913 Henry Ford introduced the assembly line in the manufacture of his model T-Ford. T h e assembly line increased the speed of manufacture and w a s soon used in many other industries. ( R M itfi 9


C l o s i n g


C e n t u r y


• «



Beginning in 1939, World War IF became the most devastating war in history. The war began between G e r m a n y and the Anglo-France coalition but eventually widened to most of the nations in the world. Germany, Italy, and Japan were unhappy with the o u t c o m e of WW1.

Germany, the principal

defeated nation, resented the territorial losses and reparations p a y m e n t s imposed on it by the Versailles Treaty, Japan was unhappy about its failure to control China. T h e war ended in 1945 with the United States and the U.S.S.R. leading the New World Order. This memorial m o m e n t was the Hag raising on the island of Iwo Jima by United States marines. ( R M Photo)

(Background) Those bom between 1946 and 1964 came into the world as Baby Boomers. With birthrates at the highest levels of the century, the 76 million Boomers grew up in an era of prosperity and many belonged to the rebellion movements on the 1960s. (RM Photo)

Businesses closed, putting millions out of work. Banks failed Started as a local Eu-

by t h e h u n d r e d s .

ropean War between

t h o s e w h o w e r e still w o r k i n g fell. The international structure

Austria, Hungary and Serbia, World War was transformed into a general European struggle by the declaration of war against Russia. Eventually the w a r c a m e to involve 32 nations. The fundamental causes of the conflict w e r e deeply rooted in European history, particularly in the political and e c o n o m i c policies. ( R M Photo)

Wages for

of the world collapsed and each nation s o u g h t to i m p r o v e the conditions with high tariffs, making the situation worse. By 1932, industrial output in the US had been cut in half. O n e fourth of the labor f o r c e — a b o u t 15 million p e o p l e — w e r e out of work. T h e e c o n o m i c c r i s i s w a s not c o m p l e t e l y solved until W W I I began and triggered need for industry. ( R M Photo)

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T h r o u g h o u t most of history, w o m e n generally



fewer legal rights then m e n . T h a t all changed in the Twentieth C e n t u r y . T h e Women's Movement

Inventors John M a u c h l y and J. Prosper Exkert built the electronic digital computer, the UN1VAC. w h i c h was used f o r m a n y

had arrived. Women

c o m m e r c i a l a p p l i c a t i o n s . T h e m a c h i n e w e i g h e d m o r e than 60.000 pounds and contained 18,000 v a c u u m tubes. ( R M Photo)

in most nations won the right to vote and increased their education and j o b opportunities.


most important, they f o u g h t f o r - a n d to a large degree accomp l i s h e d - a re-evaluat i o n of t r a d i t i o n a l views of their role im society.



C o n g r e s s passed the Women's Suffrage B i l l a n d t h e 19th '



A m e n d m e n t became law in 1920. S o m e 25 million w o m e n finially had the right to v o t e . In


Betty Friedan's book T h e A t o m i c B o m b w a s the first nuclear w e a p o n to be developed, tested and

"The Feminine Mys-

used. T h e United Slates g o v e r n m e n t established the top-secret Manhattan

tique" observed that

Project in 1942 to develop the atomic device. On August 6 . 1 9 4 5 , the United

many college-edu-

States dropped the first atomic b o m b on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Ii

cated women were

followed with a second b o m b on Nagasaki on Aug. 9. As m a n y as 100,000


people were killed by the first b o m b , and about 4 0 , 0 0 0 by the second. Ja-

h o m e s as h o u s e wives, ( R M Photo)

pan agreed to the United States terms of surrender on August 14. (RM Photo)




The State of Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948. Their c o m m u n i t y increased tenfold during the 1930s when many Jews lied Europe to escape persecution by the Nazis, where more than 6 million J e w s were killed during the Holocost, (RM Photo) 264

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In 1960 at the a g e of 43, John F. Kennedy b e c a m e to youngest man elected as United States President. B e f o r e he completed his third year in office. Kennedy w a s assassinated in Dallas. Texas on Nov. 22, 1963. His influence was worldwide, and his handling of the Cuban missile crisis may have prevented war. ( R M Photo)

The Beatles w a s a British pop group formed




g l a n d in 1 9 6 0 , 'Love Me D o " became a huge hit in 1962 a n d d u r i n g the next two years Beatlemania spread around the world. At appear ance, the g r o u p projected a carefree, somewhat cynical


that influenced the lives of their teen age



group dissolved in 1970. (RM Photo)

Early in the morn ing of J u n e 25, 1950. the armed f o r c e s of c o m m u nist N o r t h K o r e a smashed across the


38th parallel and in vaded the Republic of Korea. The United States sent an a r m y and soon afterwards, China c a m e to the aid of North Korea. A peace treaty was signed three years later. ( R M Photo)

At the end of the first Indochina War. Vietnam spilt into North Vietnam with a communist government and South Vietnam with a Republican one. The United States government sent troops in 1965 to prevent the South Vietnamese government f r o m collapsing. The U.S. failed to achieve their goal and Vietnam was reunited in 1975. Over 58,000 American troops lost their lives. ( R M Photo)

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T h e Sixties were an exciting, revolutionary, turbulent time of social and technical change. Haight Ashbury in San Francisco drew "flower children" looking f o r peace f r o m around the world. ( R M Photo)

R i c h a r d M, N i x o n w as the first United States P r e s i d e n t to resign his office. He b e g a n his political career in 1947 when he won a seat in the U.S. H o u s e of Representatives



c a m p a i g n noted for his a c c u s a t i o n that his D e m o c r a t i c opponent



p o r t e d by c o m m u nists. He won the p r e s i d e n c y in 1968 promising a swift end to the Vietnam War-but in reality he enlarged and contin-

Rev. Martin Luther King. Jr. devoted his energies to organizing protest demonstrations and m a r c h e s throughout the South, His finest hour c o m e on Aug. 28. 1963 when he led the great march on Washington. D.C., that cumulated with his f a m o u s "1 H a v e a D r e a m " speech. H e won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. In the spring on 1968. he went to M e m p h i s . Tenn. to show support for striking city workers. He w a s shot and killed as he stood on the balcony of his hotel. ( R M Photo)

A I D S is a com The


p l i c a t e d illness caused by a virus

goal of landing a man on the m o o n w a s

that is transmit ted from person

m a d e in 1969 w i t h the flight of A p o l l o I I. A s t r o n a u t N e i l

to p e r s o n . A c quired I m m u n o

Armstrong stepped o n t o the s u r f a c e of

deficiency Syn d r o m e was first

the moon while mil-

identified in the

lions watched on television. His first

United States in 981. Public

words were: " T h a t ' s

awareness of the disease built up as h i g h - p r o f i l e

one small step for m a n . one giant leap for m a n k i n d . - ' ( R M

victims began to die. (PM Photo)


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r o — i c u i •> of the A


C e n t u r y

White House


p i

By t h e 1 9 8 0 s , t h e communist U.S.S.R. had b e c o m e the world's second-ranking industrial power. An u p s u r g e of nationalism the Soviet republics, coupled with r e s e n t m e n t of decades of economic scarcity and arbitrary rule, spurred a chall e n g e b o t h to t h e ideological foundations of communication and to the legitimacy of the Soviet state. It dissolved in 1991. (RM Photo)


T h e B e r l i n Wall w a s built as a highly visible symbol of the Cold War. During the night of August 13. 1961, East German soldiers surround West Berlin with temporary fortifications that were rapidly replaced by a concrete wall, 12 feet high and 103 miles long. In the fall of 1989, the East German regime was on the verge of collapse. On Nov. 9. enthusiastic citizens began to demolish whole sections of the wall. (RM Photo)

u l

The Space Shuttle Challenger blasted off f r o m the Kennedy Space Center on Jan 28, 1986. A brief 73 s e c o n d s later it exp l o d e d . k i l l i n g its crew of seven, including a h i g h s c h o o l teacher from New Hampshire. It was the worst space disaster in history. According to the g o v e r n m e n t report, the disaster was caused by the failure of an " O - r i n g " seal. (RM Photo)

i C l o s i n g


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1 Don't Wanl To Miss A Thing Aerosmith The First Night Monica Crush Jennifer Paige My Way Usher The Boy Is Mine Brandy & Monica Daydreamin' Tatyana Ali Time After Time Inoj Lookin' At Me Mase Featuring Puff Daddy You're Still The One Shania Twain When The Lights Go Out Five Too Close Next ThinkitT Bout It Gerald Levert Never Ever All Saints Adia Sarah McLachlan 1 Can Do That Montell Jordan This Kiss Faith Hill I Still Love You Next Cruel Summer Ace of Base Still A G Thang Snoop Dogg Friend of Mine Kelly Price

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill Lauryn Hill Back to Titanic Soundtrack 'N Sync "N Sync High Milage Alan Jackson Hello Nasty Beastie Boys Stunt Barenaked Ladies Don Cartagena Fat Joe Armageddon-The Album Soundtrack Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys Da Game Is to Be Sold, Not To Be Told Snoop Dogg Dr, Dolittle: The Album Soundtrack Hellbilly Deluxe Rob Zombie Come On Over Shania Twain Follow the Leader Korn The Dirty Boogie The Brian Selzer Orchestra The Assassin Big Ed For the Record: 41 Number One Hits Alabama Never S-A-Y Never Brandy Big Wille Style Will Smith City of Angels Soundtrack

Exploding in late sum mer, a terrorist b o m b leveled the A m e r i c a n Embassies The Nairobi b o m b killed 247 people and injured 5,500 others. (RM Photo)

1 When Shania Twain launched her recording career five years ago, she decided to support her songs with videos rather than tours. She has become one of the top selling female singers in the United States with sales approaching 17 million albums world wide. (RM Photo)

Ttaronst bombs exploded at the A m e r i c a n Em bassies in Kenya and Tanzania A m e r i c a n offi c i a l s say t h e man responsible was Osama Bin Laden. While he was not charged, officials suspect him of financing otiter bombings. (RM Photo)

Held every four years, the World Cup soccer competition was captured by France, More than a million revelers packed the C h a m p s Ely sees to celebrate the firstever title. ( R M Photo)


i 268

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H u n i c a n e Georges was the costliest disaster in the 117 years of Red Cross relief efforts, topping the $81.5 million the agency spent on Hurricane Andrew. Georges ripped up through the Florida Keys and into the Gulf of Mexico before slamming Mississippi and Alabama. (RM Photo)

Originally f r o m the D o m i n i c a n

republic, S a m m y Sosa, a 30 year old righthanded hitter p l a y i n g f o r the Chicago Cubs hit 66 h o m e runs, beating Roger Maris' 61 home run record.

however. U.S. Senator John Glenn ended his long career m the Senate with a return to space. Astronaut Glenn, 77. who made a pioneering space flight in 1962, returned to space in November 1998, aboard the Discovery on a 10-day mission. (RM Photo)

M c G w i r e beat h i m to k e e p i n g the record by hitting 70. (RM Photo)


As a 34 year old right-handed hitter f r o m the St. Louis Cardinals, Mark M c G w i r e was looking to beat t h e h o m e run record of 61 by Roger Maris in 1961. Battling Sammy Sosa for the title, McGwire pulled ahead and won with 70 homers. (RM Photo)

The Wedding Singer Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore Good Will Hunting Matt Dannon. Ben Afleck Jackie Brown Pam Grier. Samuel L. Jackson VS. Marshals Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes Wag the Dog Dusiin Hoffman. Robert De Niro The Man in the Iron Mask Leonardo DeCaprio, Jeremy Irons The Big Lebowski Jeff Bridges, John Goodman Sphere Dustin Hoffman, Sharon Slone The Apostle Robert Duvall. Farrah Fawcett Hard Rain Morgan Freeman. Christian Slater

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Named after a m a r k e t in Orlando, FL T h e Backstreet Boys h a v e been together for five years. Howie, Nick. AJ. Kevin and Brian have won awards in Europe for the last two years. (RM Photo)

Closin 9 Century president Clinton was accused of having an i 8-month affair with

m o n i c a

Serving his tenth term in C o n gress, Newt Gingrich was the first Republican reelected as S p e a k e r of the H o u s e of Representatives since 1928. Characterized as a r r o g a n t , but also intelligent and e f f e c t i v e , G i n g r i c h had described himself as a "conservative futurist." (RM Photo)





Rush Hear Ronin Urban Legends One Sure Thing' There's Something About Mary Simon Birch Saving Private Ryan Rounders Blade E ver After...Cinderella

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Quarterback John Elway led the Denver Broncos to a 34-19 win against the Atlanta Falc o n s in S u p e r Bowl XXXIIl at Pro Player Stadium in Miami. The B r o n c o s s c o r e d 17 points in the game's first half and then 17 more in the fourth quarter alone. (RM Photo)


Lewinsky, who was a 21 yearold White House intern in 1995. After the media gained the story, Clinton admitted that his relat i o n s h i p with her w a s " i m proper." Edging through the throngs of media m e m b e r s , the reclusive intern returned to Washington on J a n u a r y 30 to testify in Clinton's impeachment trial. (RM Photo)

As he began his 21st y e a r in 1998, Pope John Paul II at age 78 remained uncomp r o m i s i n g on m o r a l issues. N o t e d f o r his energy he trave l e d to many

countries, p r e a c h i n g to huge audiences, i n c l u d i n g the U.S. in February. (RM Photo)

Fiction Rainbow


by Tom Clancy Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon / Know This Much Is True by Wally L a m b The First Eagle by Tony Hillerman Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden Summer Sisters by Judy Blume Point of Origin by Patricia C o m well Message in a Bottle by N i c h o l a s Sparks Bridget Jone's Diary by Helen Fielding No Safe Place by Richard North Patterson A Night Without Armor by Jewel Kilcher A Widow For One Year by John Irving The Klone and 1 by Danielle Steel Mane Music by Faye Kellerman Low Country by A n n e Rivers

Congress voted to impeach President Clinton on two articles of perjury and the obstruction on justice on December 19. After the trial and much information about the affair with Lewinsky. Clinton was found not guilty on February 12. CRM Photo)

Nonfiction The Day Diana Died by Christopher Anderson Tuesday With Morrie by Mitch Albom .4 Priate Looks at Fifty by Jimmy ButTett The Millionaire Next Door by T h o m a s J. Stanley A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson The Death of Outrage by William J. Bennett Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt Conversations With God: Book 1 by Neale Donnald Walsch A Monk Swimming by Malachy M c C o u r t Citizens Soldiers by Stephen E. A m b r o s e The Gifts of the Jews by T h o m a s Cahill We are Our Mother \ Daughters by Cokie Roberts Titan by Ron C h e m o w Diana: Portrait of a Princess by J a n y e Fincher The Man Who Listens to Horses by Harry S. Dent Jr.

i k lion

Divine Secrets Sisterhood

of the Ya-Yo by Rebecca Wells

Cold Mountains Orphans: Butterfly, and Ravan

by Charles F r a i l e r Crystal, Brooke by V.C. A n d r e w s

The Notebook

Sarah McLachlan, a talented Canadian, has been described as an expressive, warm and skillful blend of moody rock and folk. Her debut album "Touch" in 1988 got her instant attention and her latest album "Surfacing" debuted at No 1 and quickly hit the top spot; it went on to sell 3 million copies. (RM Photo)

Kenneth Starr, a Republican attorney, was appointed as a Special Prosecutor to investigate President Clinton's failed investment in an Arkansas real estate venture called Whitewater. His 700-page report was released to Con gress in September, creating fanfare. (RM Photo)

by Nicholas Sparks Little Altars Everywhere by Rebecca Wells Special Delivery by Danielle Steel Petals on the River by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss The Best Laid Flans by Sidney S h e l d o n Guilt by John Lescroart The God of Small Things by Arundhart She's Come Undone by Wally L a m b Sharp Edges by Jayne Ann Krentz Reign In Hell by William Diehl Rising Tides by N o r a Roberts Led Astray by Sandra Brown

Nonfiction The Perfect Storm by Sebastian Junger Into thin Air by Jon Krakauer Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes D-Day, June 6, 1844 by Stephen E. A m b r o s e Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer The Color of Water by J a m e s M c B r i d e The Climb by Anatoli Bourkreev Brain Droppings by George Carlin Dirty Jokes and Beer by Drew Carey A Child Called "It" by D a v e Pelzer A Civil Action by Jonathan H a r t Undaunted Courage by Stephen E, A m b r o s e Personal History by Katharine G r a h a m Citizen Soldiers by Stephen E. Ambrose Wait Til Next Year by Doris Kerns G o o d w i n

A stampeding bull market continued as the Dow Jones topped 11,000 on May 3. The stock market had seen gains all year and topped the 10,000 mark only five weeks earlier on March 29. (RM Photo)

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i.i A 271





Wanting to make their positions known, members of campus groups, RISE, G L O B E and W I O stand in the Pine Grove in a human clothesline display before Rev. Mario Bergner's speech. For two weeks, Bergner's "healed homosexuality" message sparked protests and discussion on tolerance. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


I n d e x


C l o s i n g

D i v i s i o n

O / e r ' ' C v ' w / / / A "

the b o o k b e g a n w i t h an i n t r o d u c t i o n to the y e a r and

s h o w e d the f a c e s , e v e n t s a n d g r o u p s that m a d e this y e a r w h a t it w a s . O v e r time, these p e o p l e c o n t a i n e d within c h a n g e d f r o m the p e o p l e they w e r e in A u g u s t to the p e o p l e in M a y . T h e e x p e r i e n c e s of the y e a r m a d e these f a c e s w h o they w e r e and nearly 3 , 0 0 0 students and f a c u l t y m e m 1

bers c o n t r i b u t e d these e v e n t s .

I n d e x


C l o s i n g

D i v i s i o n


o A Aalderink. Robin 210 Aardema, Andy 89, 94 Aardema, Joe 133 Abbas, Geoffrey .... 130, 180 Abbott, Jessica 130, 240 Abraham, Jennifer 167 Abrecht, Gary 240 Achatz, Thomas T.J 180 Adamski, Mike 74, 129, 180 Adlof, Julie A 180 Adloff. Brian 82, 224 Adomat, Meridith 77 Agheana, Ion 56 Ahmed, Khurram 210 Aikens, Don 180 Akins, Mereidth 130 Al-Rayes, Dina 180 Albers, Lindsay 210 Albertson, Adam 224 Albrecht, Gary 160 Alderman, Lara.... 130, 133, 224 Alexander, Jennie36, 90, 224 Alkire, Nathan 240 Allers, Cherie 130, 224 Allers, Dawn 140, 240 Alles, Steve 15, 224 Alles, Tim .... 118, 180, 198 Allis, James 57, 254 Allison, Rob... 70, 143, 210 Alpha Phi O m e g a 96 Alpha Phi Sorority... 68, 94 Alvarez-Ruf, Hersilia 56 Alverson, Katie 93, 210 Alvesteffer, Pamela 240 Ames, Shannon 240 Ammeraal, Douglas 224 Anaya, Abe 51 Anchor 12, 104, 287 Anders, Sarah 40, 210 Andersen, Janet 56, 254 Andersen, John 240 Andersen, Lisa R 224 Anderson, A m a n d a 1 3 0 , 2 4 0 Anderson, Elizabeth J... 114, 134, 210 Anderson, Jeffrey 240 Anderson, Jenna ... 163, 240 Anderson, Jenny 240 Anderson, Matt 80, 172, 210 Anderson, Michael 1 3 0 , 1 3 3 Anderson, Sara 156 Anderson, Scott . 74, 89, 180 Anderson, Timothy S 224 Andre, Maria Claudia 56 Andrews, Dana 118, 210 Angelescu, Ramona 210 Annen III, Ed 168, 224 Antonelli, Andra 90 Apol, Andrea 286 Arcadian Fraternity 70 Arnold, Carrie 105, 130, 224 Arnold, Molly 77, 180 Arnoys, Marc 125, 180

i n d e x

Artman, Elizabeth ... 93, 134, 210 Atkins, Priscilla 56 Arwady, Meredith ... 36, 210 Arzumanova, Irina 210 Asher, Julie .... 129, 120 130 Ashley, Sarah E. ... 108, 130, 240 Aslanian, Jen 180 Asp, Mary 224 Assefa, Mekuria 151, 224 Assink, Stacey K 180 Atallah, Bassam 134, 210 Atallah, Daniel... 89, 94, 240 Atwell, Ryan 134, 210 Ausen, A m a n d a 130, 240 Austin, Becky 130 Austin, Dale 237 Avery, A m y 130, 240 Awad, Ellen 134 Ayres, Sarah 78, 240

Baar, James K 224 Babcock, M a g g i e . . . 134, 180 Bach. Jane 55 Bachelor, Heather .. 112, 240 Backus, Meg 240 Bacon, Ben 143 Bacon, Spencer 240 Baer, Marc 55 Bahle, Jean 6 Bahnsen, Constance 180 Bailey, Elizabeth M. 102, 286,210 .97,210 Bair, Nathaniel . 6 9 , 180 Baker, Elizabeth Baker, Eric 168,240 Baker, Jennifer 210 Baker, Jessica 134,210 Baker, Judy 56 Baker, Laura 130, 240 Baker Scholars 118 Baker, Stacey ... 78, 130, 224 Bakker-Gras, Anne . 19, 202, 287 Saldino, Angela 130, 224 Baldwin, Ross Scaparro 210 Ball, Courtney 130, 224 Bailor, Michael 240 Bandstra, Adam 211 Bandstra, Barry 60 Bannigan, Curtis 240 Bannik, Cynthia.... 153, 175, 180 Bannow, David 61, 240 Baraka, Andre 240 Barendse, Sarah 180 Barber-Gibson, Karen 56 Bareman. Steven 51 Barnes, Angela A . . . 171, 180 Barnes, Michael 224 Barnett, Michelle .... 211 Barney, Christopher 51 Bamhart, Glenda Mae ... 211

Barone, Rachel 240 Barragan-Kelly, Alexandra

180 Barriger, Ashley 130 Barrone, Erin 93, 180 Barry, Sara 224 Bartlett, Lisa 78, 211 Barton, Julie A 130, 224 Barton, Kelly 69, 181 Baseball 169 Basketball 154, 155 Bash, Brent 118, 181 Bass, Ryan L 224 Bateman, Sean 168, 224 Bauer, David 130, 224 Bauman, Katie 163 Bawinkel, Katherine G. , 181 Baxter, Kate 93, 240 Bazan, Kevin A 211 Bazan, Stacey 240 Bazuin, Doug 134 Beachum, Kristi 224, 286 Beacom, Clark 129, 168, 176, 177 Beal, Dwight 51 Beals, Rowene 52 Beatty, Megan . . 9 3 , 181 Beaudoin, Rachel... 224 Beaver, Chad 134 Beaver, David 74 Bebber, Brent 224 Beck. Jill 181 Beckman, Erin . 64, 130, 181 Beckman, Suzanne 130, 224 Beckner, Lindsay ... 224 Becks, Annie 130, 224 Beebe, Brandon 181, 182 Beglin, Julie ..93,211 Bekkering, Tim 181 Bell, Albert 3 5 , 5 5 , 125 Bell, Kristina ...77, 130, 240 Beltaire, Mike 182 Beltz, Doreen 134 Bengelink, Paul B . . 211 Benjamin, Sarah .... .. 93, 240 Bennedict, Pickney 202 Bennett, Chris .. 7 3 , 2 1 1 Bennett, Elizabeth . . 9 0 , 130, 240 Bennett, Nicole 51 Bennik, Jill 211 Benson, Angela 182 Benson, Jessica 240 Benson, Timothy ... 134,211 Bentivolio, Kristin . 134 Berends, Melissa ... 140 Berg, Erik 7 4 , 1 3 4 , 1 6 4 , 2 1 1 .. 90, 224 Berggoetz, Kelli Berghorst, Kate 144,211 Berghorst, Susan.... 144, 240 Berglund, Jessica .... . 97, 224 Bergman, Bryce 182 .. 35, 272 Bergner. Mario Bergsma, Clayton ... 143 Berke, Paul .... 151, 172,211 Berlin, Carrie 211 Berrier, Joel Berry, Christopher .. Besselsen, Dan

240 240 224

Beugue, Bethany 159 Beyerlein, Reid 211 Bigelow, Rachel.... 130, 182, 224 Billideau, Molly K . . . 9 0 , 182 Binkley, Kara 224 Bira, Hannah 130, 240 Birkhead, Christina 182 Bishop, Eric 160, 211 Bissell, Patrick 240 Bitterburg, Kelli20, 182, 193 Bitterburg, Stacy 90, 224 Black, Amanda G. 102,105, 182, 286 Black, Jessica 22, 182 Black, Kyle 182 Black, Ryan 130, 240 Blackwell, Jen 176 Blacquiere, Tara.. 90, 134, 171,211 Blaising, Alissa 182 Blake, D.J 241 Blake, Patrick 211 Blakenspoor, Harvey 51 Blandford, Tara 241 Blank, Ronette 241 Blauwkamp, Anita 241 Bledsoe, Heather 90, 224 Bledsoe, Sara 182 Bleecker, Kellie 130, 241 Blodgett, Jodie 241 Bloemers, Kyle .... 129, 130, 134, 224 Bloemers, Todd 241 Blom, Rebecca 4, 182 Blondin, Rusty 241 Blood, Daryl 183 Bloom, Heather 94 Blundy, Melissa 130 Bochniak, Joshua 241 Bode, Andrea L 241 Bode, Katherine 130, 241 Bodenbender, Brian 55 Boerema, Dave 224 Boersma, Bob 218 Boersma, Bryan 211 Boersma, Paul 51 Boes, Christy 134, 224 Boeve, Kayleen S 224 Boeve, Ron 168 Boggess, Allyson ... 224, 286 Bollinger, Chad 164, 211 Bolo, Lauri 183 Bolt, Brooks 69, 241 Bolt, Robin 183 Bolt, Sarah-Jean 130, 224 Boltema, Tim 130 Bombe, Michelle 63 Bona, Michael C 211 Bonfiglio, Carolyn 241 Bongiorno, Anna 241 Bongiorno, Jenette 211 Borgeson, Erika 183 Borin, Breanne 130, 241 Borst, Kristen 130, 242 Bos, Amy N 183, 211 Bos, Daniel 224 Bos, David M 74, 224 Bos, Karen 60, 287 Bos, Kimberly 183

Bos, Sandra N 242 Boss, Carley 183, 285 Boss, Jennifer 183 Boss, Joshua 160,242 Boss, Kari Jo 242 Bosscher, Sara 224 Bostelaar, Jill 183 Bouchard, Kai 164, 224 Boucher, Jeff 82 Boudreau, Tim 52 Boulis, Angela 183 Bouma-Prediger, S t e v e n 6 0 Bouton, Howdy 103,211 Bouwens, Joel 56 Bouwens, T h o m a s . 211 Bouwer, Gretchen .. 286 Bouwer, Travis 242 Bouwkamp, Brad... ..51,287 Bouwman, Lori 287 Bouws, Kerri 189 Bovenkerk, Michelle 224 Bowens, Tom 160 Box, Brea 130, 242 Boyd, Sylvia 52 Boyer, Rodney 51 Boyle, Matthew .. 17,242 Brabon, Keely 242 Brackenridge, Cara 175,225 Branderhorst, Tracy 240 Bradford, Mary .. 93, 225 Bradford, Robert... 130, 242 Bradley, Anne 130,242 Brady, Alan 51 Brandt, Robert 164, 183 Brax, Megan .... 77, 94, 124, 129, 130 Bray, Diana 130, 242 Bray, Mark 255 Bredeweg, Audra L. 242 82 Bredeweg, Ryan Breen, Rachel 134, 183 Brehm, Courtney ... 242 Breuker, Lisa 130, 225 Breukink, Kirk 183 Brevet, Michael .... 121, 130, 143, 242 286, 287 Brewer, Brenda 183 Brewer, Krista A.... Brewer, Krista M. .. .. 78,211 183,198 Brickner, Jon 225 Bride, Matthew 27 Brink, Crystal 118,211 Brinks, Curtis 134 Brinson, Tawny 242 Brint Robin 73 Brizbo, Marcus 183 Brock, Roxanne M. 211 Brock, Sarah 51 Brockmeier, Jon 130 Brodin, Terin Broekhuis, Dawn ... „ 90, 242 .. 93, 242 Broene, Sara 86 Bromcheay, Derek .. Brondyke, Kristin .. 130, 225 183 242 Brosseit, Andrew .... Broughton, Rebecca 129, 242 Brouwer, Brenda.... 130, 225 B rower. Amy . 140, 156, 225 Brower, Jaclyn S.... 130,211

130 Brower, Susan 56 Brown, Anne 242 Brown, Autumn .... 183 Brown, Jon 225 Brown, Kristin 243 Brown, Lori Brown, Nathan... 73, 94, 225 Brown, Rebekah ... . 129,211 140,211 Brown, Sara 130, 243 Brown, Tricia 243 Brownson. Rachel 129 Brugger, Josh 151 Bruggers, Seth 225 Bruns, Eric C ...74, 183 Brunson, Matt ...93, 130 Brush, Jaimie Brya, Michael P. .. ...81, 168, 183,218 243 Bublitz, Sarah Buchanan, C o u r t . . .. 134,211 93 Buchinger, Sarah . 70 Buckingham, J.P. . Budd, Callie... 129i, 175, 225 Buege, Bethany ... . 130, 159, 243 184 Buente, Melissa . 184 Bull, Tony 52 Bultman, Baars .... 56, 202 Bultman, James ... Bultman, Marta.... 130, 167, 243 172, 225 Burd, Dana R 160 Burgess, Jeff 175, 243 Burgess, Sarah 134,211 Burk, Kara Burkart, Megan ... 78, 130, 243 130, 243 Burke, Jamie 184 Bums, Anna 130, 243 Bums, Laura Bums, Terrence.... 129, 243 144,211 Burr, Debra 225 Bush, Paul 243 Busse, Anne Bussema, Carl.. 89, 225, 286 211 Bussing, Sarah ... Butler, Katie 23, 130, 225 27, 225 Buursma, Darren Buwalda, G i n a . . . 12, 77, 184 Buwalda, Kelly 77, 129, 225, 234 225 Byard, Shrrel 129, 184 Byland, Ann , 226 B y m , Mary

110 CAARE I Cain, Mike 17 Cain, Jacob 159, 243 Caldwell, Dan 82. 226 Cameron, Adrienne Joy .. 65, 134, 226, 257 Cameron, Douglas ... 73, 211 Campbell, Chris 176, 177 Campion, Ann-Marie 78, 211 Canan. Joshua T 211

Canfield, Louis 159, 226 Cannis, Matt 51 Cappa, Chris 51, 63, 74, 129,211 Care, Meredith 105, 130, 243 Career Advisors 115 Carey, Teresa .... 41, 69, 108, 129, 130, 134, 226 Carlson, Laura 77, 184 Carlson, Patti 56 Carlson. Renee 156, 184 Carlson-Spooner, Kristin 156 Carmichael, Darcy 184 Carpenter, Chase.... 172, 226 Carr, Heather 78, 243 Carstens, Dave 243 Carstens, Joshua 19, 243 Carter, Elizabeth R. 1 3 0 , 2 4 3 Carter, Vickie 134, 226 Case, Jessica 130, 243 Casino Night 24 Cassell, Emily R 184 Castanon, Diana 243 Centurian Fraternity 72 Cetas, Melissa 243 Chalifoux, Jennifer .. 90, 243 Chalifoux, Laurie 90, 94, 226 Chamberlain, Kelly 129,211 Chambers, Michelle 184 Chamot, Diana 184 Champaigne, Amy . 163, 212 Champion, Paula 212 Chapel Choir 36 Chapin, Elizabeth .. 175, 243 Chapman, Elizabeth 175, 243 Chappell, Jeff 176 Chartrand, Alyssa 243 Chassee, Bradley ... 134, 226 Chassee, Todd 117, 134, 184 Chatelain. Kristin 184 Chau, Hak 243 Cheerleading 158 Cheff, Holly 184 Chelpis, Jennifer .... 130, 226 Chen, Conrad 184 Chen, Henry 172 Chernick, Monica 129 Cherup, Sue 52 Childers, Michelle 212 Childs, Garett J 73, 130, 134, 151, 172, 226 Chism, Katharine 130 Chowning, Michelle 78, 130, 226 Christie, Andrea 130, 227 Christopher, Adrienne... 184 Ciesielski, Angie .... 171, 212 Cihak, Charlie 243 Cindric, Katie 29, 184 Cipolone, Maria 40, 90 Clancy, Melissa 229 Clapp, Errin 163, 243 Clapp, Megan .. 93, 212, 163 Clark. Michael 64,212 Clarkson, Kelly 175, 243 Claus, Bill 82, 243 Cleary, Colleen 20 Cleveland, Kathryn 243, 276 Clift, Cammy 159, 243 Clifton, Amie 184

• *•

Dramatizing her character, junior Janelle Thompson portrays a short drama in front of her acting class. Each week students performed for each other to enhance their skills of movement and speech. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson) Cloud, Courtney .... 140, 227 Cobb, Rodney 70, 243 Cochran, Anne 212 Cochrane, David 24, 143, 243 Cockman, Meagan Nicole 184 Coffey, Janelle L 184 Coffing, Bryce 185 Cogan, Leslie 212 Coghill, Ryan M 227 Cogin, Leslie 69 Cohen, William 55, 125 Coke, Sara 69, 212 Colbrunn, Christy .. 185, 286 Colenbrander, Ellen . 78, 212 Collins, Christa 110, 258 Collins, Laura 130, 243 Connor, Ginger 130, 243 Conway, Colleen 56 Cook, Blaine 243 Cook, Jeremy 227 Cook, Leanne... 77, 129, 243 Cook, Nancy 52 Cook, Nick 176 Cook, Ruby 212 Cook, Stephanie 227 Cook, Tom 243 Cooper, Joel 212

Corlew, Dale E 185 Cornell, Tracy L 212 Corrigan, Beth 69 Corstange, Todd R. 1 3 4 , 2 2 7 Cortright, Ruth 130, 243 Cortright, Sarah 117, 185 Costello, Julie 55 Cota, Brandon 4, 227 Couvreur, Elizabeth A. . 155, 185 Coverdale, Heather .. 85, 212 Cox, John 55 Crain, Adriana C 185 Cramer, Cristin Rose .... 130, 244 Crane, Bill 244 Crask, Darin... 130, 1 3 4 , 2 1 2 Cravotta, Corrinne J 185 Cravotta, Keith 70, 130, 151, 172, 244 Crawford, Courtney 212 Crawley, Seth 130, 185 Creighton, Mandy ... 69, 129, 134 Critical Issues Symposium 2 Crocker. Brian 81,212 Crockett, Lindy 244 Cronkite, Donald 51

Cronquist, Leanne 227 Cross Country 150, 152 Crottie, Jason 227 Cruz, Miguel Angel 212 Cunningham, Ericka 212 Cunningham, Sherrie.... 130, 227 Cupery, Tim 151, 227 Currie, Chris 82 Curry, Earl 55, 125, 182 Cusick, Jeremy 244

Dahl, Matt Dale, Noah Dalryrmple, Kristy Daly, Dan Damhuis, Christina 212 Damhuis, Tina Damstra, B. J Damstra, Nathan Dandavati, Annie Danek, Joshua

160, 163 134, 185 97 160, 185 L. .. 134, 134 82, 212 82, 244 57 227

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Danford, Cloe Ann 56 Dangremond, Nicole78, 117, 185 Daniel, Carl 130, 227 Daniels, Bettye Ann 244 Dattels, Christopher 160, 227 Davidson, Elizabeth 185 Davis, Audra .... 69, 130, 227 Davis, Blythe M 227 Davis, Erin 78, 130, 227 Davis, Jessica S 121, 227 Davis, Jill 186 de Alvare, Christopher .. 227 De Haan, Alex 212 De Long, Joellen 212 de Velder, Rebecca 186 De Young, Kris 227 Dean, Rachel Maria 227 DeAvila, Shana 93 Debbink, Kristin .... 130, 244 DeBoer, Curtis 227 DeBoer, Jill.... 1 3 4 , 2 1 2 , 225 DeBoer, Matthew 186 DeBoer, Nathan Todd ... 182, 212 Decker, Shawa 212 Deer, Kristy Jo 159, 186 DeFeyter, Melanie 186 DeHaanJodi 130, 244 DeHaan, Sander 56 DeHaan, Sarah J, ... 134, 227 De Ho mmel, David S 186 DeJong, Kristen 130 DeJong, Matt 159 DeJong, Steven 51, 287 DeKam, Deidre 212

DeKam, Kevin 186 DeKam, Susan 130, 244 DeKuiper, Brad .70,212 Delfino, Donatella .. 56 Dell'Olio, Andrew .. 57 Dell'Olio, Jeanine... 52 DeLong, Joellen 93 ... 76, 78 Delphi Sorority DeLuca, Tom 15 Demshuk, Anna 186 Den Ouden, Christian J. 147, 244 Dennis, Jennifer L. 130, 227 Dennis, Nicole 186 DePuy, Mike 70 Dershem, Herbert ... 52 Deshmukh, Awantika 244 DeSimone, Davalyn 244 DeVisser, Nathan .... . . . 8 , 2 2 7 DeVito, Leiah 244 DeVos, Aaron . 74, 244 DeVos Showcase .... 36 DeVree, Jennifer 244 227 DeVries, Amy DeVries, Christen .. 130, 244 DeVries, Lisa 130, 244 DeVries, Rebecca .. 212, 276 DeWaal. Jonathan ... 212 DeWitt-Brinks, Dawn 52 De Young, Kevin 5 4 , 9 8 , 186 De Young, Kristen L. 98, 227 De Young, Mary 56 De Young, Paul 57 De Young, Robert .... 46 De Young, Tricia 212 Dickinson, Zach 212

Dieleman, Nicholas 244 Dietche, Jay 130 Dieter, Sarah 130, 244 Dietz, Bob 97 Dillon, Dana 186 Dingum, Rebecca 244 Dirkse, Emilie 144, 244 DiSalvio, Tavia 130, 244 Disselkoen, Robyn .... 39, 93,

186 Do, Trieu 74, 129 Dobb, Amy 77, 144, 244 Dobb, Dave 143 Dobbins, John .. 94, 134, 227 Dolley, Betty 287 Donehoo, Jill 4 5 , 7 8 , 187 Donk, Tony 52 Donley, Amy 227 Doorlag, Lisa 130, 227 Doorlag, Nathan 187 D o o m b o s , Mary 56 Dorian Sorority 78 Dornbos, Elizabeth 1 4 4 , 2 4 4 Douglas, Clint 159, 227 Douglass, Andrea.... 36, 130, 227 Douglass, Heather ... 29, 227 Dove, Linda 55 Downie, Benjamin 227 Doyle, Colleen 163, 212 Dozeman, Ben 244 Draeger, Kelli J , . 4 5 , 77, 187 Dragoo, Justin 134, 212 Dressier, Andrew 143 Drop, Katherine 212 Droscha, Kim 130, 244

Holding on to Kathy (freshman Kathy Cleveland), Lenny (junior Erich Shoemaker) shields her from the bullet of Rosie (junior Rebecca DeVries). With music composed by Carole King, the Theatre Forum performed Really Rosie for the visiting siblings on Siblings Weekend. (Photo Courtesy of Rebecca DeVries)


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Droste, Jessica 130, 244 Drummond, Jennie 244 Dryfhout, Vicki 130, 227 Duchinowski, Chad 70, 143, 244 Duff, Christine 78 Dukes, Jenny 90, 212 Durante, Llena 126, 134, 163, 212 Dustin, Heather 130, 244 Dye, Todd 65, 101, 1 3 0 , 2 2 7 Dyer, Terry 176 Dykman, Mieke 24, 130, 244 Dykstra, Brian 82 Dykstra, Christine . 117, 126, 186, 187 Dykstra, Heather 77, 244 Dykstra, Josiah 130, 244

Eaton, Donna 55 147 Ebels. Bob Eckhold, Julie 187 Edema, Rebecca ... ...93, 187 227 Egeler, Andrea Ehinger, Audrey.... ... 77, 227 Eichmann, Alison . 110 Einberger, Helen ... 56 244 Eisenga, Adam Eisenga, Joy 212 57 Elder, Robert 227 Eldredge, Kathryn Eller, Lisa 244 Elling, Josh 130 ...78,212 Elliot, Karen Ellis, Colleen 93 77 Ellis, Katie Ellis, Reuben 55 Elrod, Matthew 51, 63 Elsbury, David 287 Elsholz, Kristen .... . . . 8 5 , 2 1 2 70 Elston, Arend Emerson, Derek .... . 234, 287 Emersonian Fraternity 13, 80. 218 73 Engel, Steve 227 Engelmann, Ian Engelsman, S c o t t . . . 1 8 7 , 2 1 3 227 Engen, Tim 21 Engler, John 187 Enos, Caroline A... . 163,244 Epskamp, Erin 78 Ergang, Katie Erickson, Katie . 156,213 227 Eriks, Adam . 175,213 Ernst, Jennifer Ervin, Annemarie.. ..90, 171, 244 Escott, S a r a h . . 106, 129, 227 167 Esterline, Jen 213 Estes, January 168 Esteves, Dean ... 77, 244 Esteves, Diana 56 Etheridge, Sharon ., Evans, Amie... 130, 186, 187

Evans, Amy Evans, Beth .... 130, Evans, Laura .. 121, Evans, Lindsey Evans, Michael 82, Evans, Paul Evans, Robert Scott Eveland, Sara Everts, Joshua Evink, Michael

134, 227 159, 244 130, 227 227 147,227 51 227 130, 228 17 176, 228

Fair, Lori 51 Fairchild, John 73, 213 Falconer, Daniel 213 Falk, Benjamin 74, 129, 245 Fangmeier, Michelle 163, 213 Farmer, Michael A 187 Farrar, Nathan 160, 245 Farrey, Jody Louise 134, 228 Feenstra, Cheryl 56 Feenstra, Melissa Joy .... 213 Feiger, Geoffery 20, 221 Feikema, Brenda 56 Feldkamp, Susan 60 Fellows, Ben ...81. 147. 168, 213 Fellowship of Christian Students 98,182 Fensler, Sarah .. 93, 130, 245 Ferguson, Chad 70, 213 Ferguson, Tana 245 Feyen, Michael 82, 147, 228 Ficke, Joshua 160 Fiedler, John 45 Fiedler, Julie 45 Field, Brian 187 Fields, Jay W 228 Fike, Francis 202 Findlay, Ryan 213 Fink, Stephanie 36, 134, 228 Firek, Jason 172, 245 Fischer, Karen 163, 245 Fischer, Melinda M. 90, 129, 213 Fish, lan 245 Fisher, Jani 90, 94, 245 Fitton, Kevin 210, 213 Fitzgerald, Howard .. 89, 187 Fitzsimmions, Joe 168 Flachs, Christopher 245 Flegel, Stacey 130, 228 Fleming, David M. .. 40, 213 Fleury, Todd 176, 245 Flory, Elizabeth 130, 228 Flotketter, A. Rachel 130, 228 Floyd, Russell 182 Folkert, Jennifer 245 Folkert, Katherine L 105, 187 Folkert, Libby .... 27, 93, 213 Folkerts, Victoria 187 Folkertsma, Elizabeth .... 228

Follett, Robert 187 Folta, Shed 213 Football 3,136,138,190 Foreman. Mark 10. 129, 228 Forester, Lee 56 Formsma, Laurie 245 Forquer, Jesse 213 Forquer, Kali 129 Forsberg, Brent 228 Forsma, Bryan 82 Fortney, Kristin 245 Fothergill, Elizabeth 129, 130, 245 Fouts, Alison .. 130, 134, 228 Fowler, Heather M... 78, 245 Fox, Kristyn ... 130, 134, 228 Fraternal Society 82 Frayer, Jennifer 228 Frazer, Erin 187 Freeburg, Bruce 57 Freiberger, Heather 245 French, Andrew 245 Frens, Greg 134 Frentz, Chris . 1 1 4 , 134, 160, 163,213 Freriks, Stephanie .. 90, 187 Fretz, Matt 73, 130 Fritts, Angela 245 Fritz, Stu 55, 168 Fritzsche, Aaron 213 Fromsma, Laurie 130 Frost, Richard 234, 287 Frost, Sue 287 Frucci, Tony 159 Frushour, Andrew 187 Fry, Andrea 228 Fry, Brianne 228 Funk, Brandon 70 Fuqua, Emily 213

Gall, Ed 81, 168 Gallas, Ryan.. 130, 134, 160, 228 Galloway, Denise.... 30, 134, 228 Gambino, Justin 134, 228 Gardner, Kevin 57 Gardner, Seth 213 Garling, Brad 129, 245 Gary, Hartwell 214 Gasper, Jeremiah ... 168, 214 Gavin, Joe 130, 228 Gazda, Rachel.. 35, 110, 245 Gebhardt, Stephanie 187 Gentenaar, Robert 52 Gentile, Mike 42, 74, 214 Gerbens, Dan 51 Gerbens, Jenna 130, 246 Gerds, Aaron 176, 246 Gerhardt, Scott 214 Gerig, Jennifer 140, 156, 228 German Club 124 Gesink, Chris 60 Getman, Kelly 228

130, 246 Geuder, Lori 187 Gehl, Mary B ,. 77, 246 Ghent, Tiffany Gibbie, C h a d . . 130, 172, 246 130, 246 Gibbs, Abby Gibbs, Betsy .. 126, 214, 134 ..55, 125 Gibbs, Janis 130 Gibson, Katie 52 Gibson, Kendrick... ..93,214 Gibson, Laura 117, 188 Gibson, Melisa .. 93, 228 Gier, Katrina 246 Gilding, Jesse Gill, Tina 77, 144, 188 77 Gilligan, Carrie 129 Gillis, Jason 164, 228 Gingras, Kevin 214 Giovanardi, Nicole 246 Gipson, Katie Gisleson, Emily .... 103, 134, 228, 286, 287 246 Givan, Treasure 160,214 Glancy, David .. 86, 246 Glaub, Patrick 246 Gleesing, S h a n n o n . Gliesman, J e n n i f e r . . 85, 163, 214 ,.. 35, 272 GIOBE 246 Glupker, Kurt 287 Goebel, Julie Goerge, Meghan ...., 130, 246 237 Goes, Amy 81 Gohl, Andrew 78 Golden, Sarah . 146, 148 Golf 188 Gondec, A n d r e a . . . . 39, 57 Gonthier, Peter 60 Gonzales, A l f r e d o . 70 Gonzalez, Ryan . 118,214 Goodman, Eric 93 Goodrich, Erika .... Goodyke, M e l i s s a . ...93, 228 Gookin, Andrew ... ...73, 134 228 Gormly, Kelly Ann 164 G o m o , Steve 214 Gorter, Laurie Goupell, Matthew . ..62, 134, 228 ..44,1ND Graduation Graham, Deirdre ... . 130, 228 . 2 1 4 , 237 Graham, Travis Grant, Jamie 77, 175, 228 77 Grant, Sara 171 Gras, Barb 188 Graske, M a r g a r e t . 228 Grasman, Nick 129 Gratton, Andrea ... Graves, Jonathan 1 2 , 6 5 , 2 2 8 188 Gray, Erica 188 Gray, Jennifer Gray, Kristen.. 176, 209, 258 188 Gray, Megan Graybum. Ryan ... .. 245, 246 Grech, Anthony ... ....70, 246 206 Greek Week 226 Green, Chuck .. 167, 188 Green, Joy Green, Julie ... 105, 130, 228, 286 Greer, April... 105, 113, 246,

286 Gregory, Emily 77, 129, 228 Greunler, Curtis 55 Griebe, Chris 228 Griebe, Molly 155 Griggs, Dan 214 Grinzinger, Nick .... 168, 246 Grit, Laura 130, 134, 228 Gritter, Kate 7 7 , 9 4 , 188 Grobe, Justin 228 Groenheide, Nicole 1 3 0 , 2 2 8 Groenhof, Candace . 93, 130, 246 Gronsman, Philip 214 Gross, Kerry L . . . . 16. 19, 98,



Grotenhuis, Kim ... 140, 170, 228 Grover, Timothy .... 130, 246 Gruner, Craig 228 Grzan, Bryan 129 Guild, Tasha 97, 188 Gunnink, Jerry 60 Guse, Lori 117, 134, 188 Gustafson, Meg 188 Gutierrez, Jessica... 130, 228


n w b

BLACK COA Haan, Phillip .... 82, 134, 214 Haase, Carolynn .... 126, 214 Habers, Tamala 246 Habitat for Humanity... 28, 106 Hackworth, Thad 214 Hadanek, Whitney Elaine 247 Hadley, Scott 51 Hagen, Laura 108, 214 Hahn, Karen... 130, 1 7 1 , 2 4 7 Hahn, Laura 214 Hahnfield, Matt 214 Haiduc, Michelle ... 134, 188 Hall. Ashley E 215 Hall, Melanie 105, 228 Hall, Melissa 188 Hameeduddin, M u h a m m e d 228 Hamilton, Katie 274, 286 Hamilton, Tim 51 Hammer, Brian 247 Hamon-Porter, Brigitte .... 56 Hanba, Jessica 247 Hankamp, Joy 134, 188 Hanley, Michael 151, 247 Hansen, Ben 228 Hansen, Ed 55 Hansen, Nathanael P. 228 HAPA 122 Harambasic, Vincent 247 Harkema, Jill 140, 215 Harlow, Carrie A. .. 134, 215 Harmsen, Robb E 188 Harrand, Amy 188 Harrell, Ryan ...74. 108, 188 Harris, Jason 134, 215

Junior James Sitati walks beside the truck carrying sophomores Ramon Rowden and Anthony Morton along the Homecoming Parade Route. Members of the Black Collation, the three worked to increase knowledge of the group around the community. (Photo by Brenda Brewer) Harris, Michael 215 Harrison, Kristine ... 56, 129, 228 Hart, Melissa K 189 Hart, Nathan 41, 228 Hartgerink, Kevin 189 Hartman, Isaac .. 27, 74, 130, 230, 247 Hartman, Sheri 130, 155, 229 Harvey, Jennifer 134, 215 Hasse, Karen 189 Hassenrik, Matt 143 Hastings, Amber 247 Hathaway, Alison 229 Hathaway, Jason 247 Haulenbeek, Steve . 129, 247 Haulerbeek, Todd 215 Haveman, Kerri 189 Haveman, Nathan .. 130, 247 Haveman, Rachel 78, 189 Haverdink, Suzanne 140 Hawk, Deborah 229 Hays, Andrea 215 Hays, Rich 168 Heard, Michelle .... 222, 287 Heavilin, Jeremy 189 Hedley, Trena 94, 215

Heerspink, Adam .... 86, 229 Heffner, Chris 247 Heiberg, Maren 130, 247 Heideman, C a r l . 51, 57, 249 Heisler, Jacqueline 46 Heisler, James 52 Hekman, Suzanne .. 130, 247 Helder, Elizabeth 247 Heller, Grant 151 Helm, Megan 247 Hemenway, Stephen7, 55, 80 Hendricks, Paul 74, 247 Hendrix, Lynne 52 Henry, Greg 247 Henry, Robert . 15, 73, 134, 215 Henson, Molly 140, 247 Herbst, Meredith 189 Hermann, Ashley ... 229, 284 Hermes, Lauren .... 153, 175, 247 Hernandez, Carmen 247 Herrick, Jim 52 Herron, Jared 189 Hertel, Lori 51 Herweyer, Kathryn A. ... 215 Hes, Scott 74, 176 Hess, Kristen 215

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Heustis, Keith 247 Heydon, Amanda .. 153, 175, 215 Heyns, Gerrett 176 Hickman, Heidi 130, 229 Hicks. Megan K . 3 6 , 98, 189, 193, 280 Hiemstra, Erik 189 Hilbrecht, Katherine , 15, 98, 185, 189 Hiligan, Steve 250 Hill, Tobi 129, 130, 1 7 1 , 2 2 9 Hillegonds, Rachel 93 Hillegonds. Tom 74, 247 Hillman, Judy 46 Hilmert. James 125. 186. 189 Hingelberg. A m y 247 Hinman, Susan 130, 215 Hirdes. Nicolette .... 134, 229 History Club 124 Hledin. Maria 51 Hoane, Adam 247 Hobbs. Angela 130, 229 Hockey 176 Hodges, Jennifer .... 130, 247 Hoebeke, Timothy 215 Hoeksema, Kelli 189 Hoekstra, Jeremy 247 Hoekstra, Lisa 156, 215 Hoekzema, Sarita... 130, 247 Hoesch, Kathryn .... 130. 229 H o f f m a n , Beth 1 2 1 . 2 1 5 , 2 8 6 H o f f m a n , Kati.... 93, 94, 215 Hoffmaster, Kathy 190 H o f m a n . Heather ... 159, 215 H o f m a n , Julie 130, 247 Hofstee, Mark 190 Hofstra, Betsy 130, 229 Hokenson, Sarah ... 130, 175, 247 Hollebeek, Emily 93, 190 Hollenbeck, Steve 74 Holloway, Jeannette 247 Holmes, Jack 57 Holmes, M a t t . . . 74, 129, 229 Holt, Anna 69. 229 Honholt, Joshua 164, 247 Hook, Daniel 247 Hoolsema, Sara 77, 190 Hoopes, Erin 175, 247 Hopkins, Adam 160, 247 Horjus, Katherine 190 Horsma, Katie 215 Hosford, Tara 156 Hossink, Sarah 215 Houser, Scott 168, 229 Houseworth, Anne ... 90, 229 Hovater, Jessica 229 Hoving, Sheri L 190 Howard, Jeffery 229 Howard. Kelly R 190 Howard. Sarah 77, 247 Howe. Melissa 229 Howell, Ross 215 Howey, Kim.... 78, 130, 134, 230 Howland. Eric 130. 230 Hoyt. Marianne 130. 247 Hubbard, Erin 247 Huber, Jennifer 22, 130, 230,



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247 Huddleston, Angella 40, 134, 215 Hudkins, Brad 20, 73, 94 Hudson. Adam J.73. 94. 130, 190 Huebner. Heidi 134. 215 Huft. Jay 130 Hughes, E r i n . . 130, 230, 248 Hughey. Brennan ... 151, 230 Hughey, Chanelle 248 Huisman, Andrew 287 Huisman, Dana 248 Huizenga, Maribeth . 90, 129 Huizenga, Tim 215 Huizenga, Wendy J 248 Huizing, Heather 190 Huizinga, Meribeth 230 Hull, Adrienne 230 Hull. James 245. 248 Hulliberger, Mika . 130. 168, 248 Hultgren, Jonathon 248 Humbarger, Marc R. 74, 190 Humphrey, Meryl .. 130, 248 Hungerford, Jessica 130, 230 Hunsberger, Pete 230 Hunt, Beth A 215 Husa, Elizabeth 130, 248 Hussein, Wario 215 Hutchenreuther, L a u r i e . 126, 190 Hutchins, Emily 129, 248 Hwang, Yooyeun 52 Hylen, Jeremy 215 Hyma, Stephanie 90, 215

Ide, Nathan Her, Dana M Immink, Christine Ingersoll, Michael Interfraternity Council Intramuarls Irish, Evan L 143, Irvine, Alicia Irvine. Lori Jean Irving. Brad 176, Isanhart, Brock Isaacs III, Freddy Iversen, Colleen

230 230 248 190 . 94 26 230 248 215 215 168 86 231

Jackson, Ettienne 231 Jackson, Kari 163, 191 Jackson, Lori 134, 215 Jackson. Paul 248 Jackson. Rebecca 231 Jacobs. Paul 36 Jacobson, John .... 45, 47, 57, 131.202

Jager. Rachel 130 Jakosz, Annie 78, 94, 134 James, David 46 James, Jenny 134 Jamieson, Andrew 134 Janik, Teresa 28, 248 Jansen, Tyler 215 Japinga, Bill 52 Japinga, Lynn 60 Jaworowski, Cathleen.... 215 Jay Leitz 155 Jeeter, Aaron 16 Jen, Katie 231 Jerdon, Bradley 11, 248 Jewett, Ed 215 Jipping, Michael 52 Johnson, Andrea .... 129, 191 Johnson, Branden . 130, 176, 248 Johnson, Dan 231 Johnson, Heather ... 130, 231 Johnson, Jeannette .. 36, 129, 130, 231 Johnson. Joshua 74, 215 Johnson, Katherine .. 77, 215 Johnson, Matt 80 Johnson, Nikelle E . . 98, 102, 191,286 Johnson, Sabrina... 130, 144, 248 Johnson, Sarah . 90, 129, 248 Johnson, Shari 40, 215 Johnson, Stephanie 248 Johnston, Deirdre 52 Johnville. Lindsay ... 78, 248 Joint Archives 54 Joldersma, Chad 108 Jolivette, Cheryle 57 Jolivette, Peter 57 Jon Kopchick 42 Jones, Chris 73, 231 Jones, Michelle 215 Jones, Rebecca 191 Jones, Stephanie 78 Jonker, Zach 143 Joos, Kelly 215 Joos, Nathan 248 Jorck, Christina Watt 216 Jomdt, Elizabeth .... 130, 231 Josuns, Sarah E 248 Joubran, Jennifer 77, 248 Joynt, Jessica 191 Jubar, Aaron 216 Juengst, Shannon 94, 231 Jungst, Elizabeth J. 130,231

Kaetterhenry, Sarah 191 Kahler, Kathryn 191 Kalajainen, Matthew C. 173, 248 Kalbfleisch, Kelly 27 Kallemeyn. Sylvia 56 Kaly, Anthony 231 Kaminskas, Christina Joy .... 191

Kamphuis, Jennifer 216 Kamphuis, Sabrina 191 Kaneshiro, Alicia ... 130, 248 Kapenga, Benjamin M . . . 216 Kappa Delta Chi ....... 12, 84 Karr. Jennie 191 Karrow. Rebecca.... 191 Karsten. Laurie 130, 248 Kasper, Kelly 134, 231 Kasperski, Jennifer . . 6 4 , 2 1 6 Katt. Beverly M 216 Kattelus, Joe 172 Kattlus, Joe 231 Kauffman, J e f f e r y . . 151, 172 Kauffmann, Carine 191 Kaufmann, Jennifer 130, 231 Kay. Leslie 191 Kay. Sarah 156, 191 Kaye, Holly 130 Kazmarski. A m y .... .. 90, 248 Keck, Aaron 231 Kellepoury, P e t e r . . . 216 Keeler, Tim 143,248 Keller, Ronald 248 Kelley, Christine .... 191 Kelley, Quinn 216 Kelly, Christina 248 Kelly, Jeffrey A 231 Kelly, Sarah 231 191 Kemink, Rachel Kemner, Jeffery ..70,216 Kendall, Mery 231 Kendra, Eli 231 Kennedy, James 125 Kennedy Jr., Robert F. .. 120, 245 Kenny, Shannon 97, 134, 216 191 Kent, Kimberly Kernstock. Paul 216, 237 Kerrins, Chris . 70, 134, 151, 172, 216 Kerwin, Jacob 231 168 Kesler, Curtis 176 Keuning, Brad 191 Keyes, Katie Khadija, Miriam .... 144, 231 216 Kidder, Angela 134, 231 Kieft, Brian 248 Kieft, Rachael 130, 231 Kievit, Anna ..77,231 Kiewiet. Kelly 143 Kilby, Greg 248 Kilgore, Beth Kilpatrick, Angela K 191 191 Kim, Amy 216, 286 Kim, Peter . . 7 3 , 192 Kim, William Y 231 Kincaid, Kirsten 51 Kindis, Bev 192 King, Cathleen King, Lindsay .. 23, 130, 248 .. 77, 248 King, Shannon King, Stephanie 65, 130, 248 175, 192 Kingma, Susan 130, 248 Kinne, Patrick Kirkpatrick, K e v i n . 160,216 168,248 Kittle, Kevin Klaasen, Sarah E.... 144, 192 . . 9 3 , 129 Klapp, Cara 248 Klaver, Matthew ....

Klay, Nathan 248 Klay, Robin ... 39, 52 Kleban, Janet 130, 231 Kleczek, Andrew .. 105, 176, 249, 286 Kleiman, Trystin ... 144,192 ' Klein, Kelly 159,216 Kleinheksel, Chad ... 216 Klepper, Lyndsay.. 130, 249 Klien, Matt 168 Klimek, Ben ... 143 Klinger, Jill 216 Klok, Tammy 192 Klokkert, Mary 231 Klooster, Samuel . 130, 172, 249 Kloosterman, Kelly 216 Klott, Peggy 90,216 Knapp, Lisa 134,172 Knebl, Nicholas 216 Knepshield, Adriann 6 9 , 2 1 6 Knickerbocker Fraternity 86 Knight, Cynthia 216 Knoppers, Sherry 56 Knowles, Heather . .. 77, 192 Knudsen, Lori 216 Kobeke, Tim 86 Kober. Katherine A. 130, 231 Kobylak, Greg 192 Koedyker, Jason 231 Koedyker, Joel 130, 231 Koenigsknecht. Kristin ... 60, 134, 156, 231 Koeppe, Julia 130, 231 258 Koestner, Katie 82, 249 Koetje, Ben 249 Koetje, Sara Kohls, Anna-Kristina.... 130, 249 249 Komray, Kelly Konopka, Sharon .. 130, 144, 249 Konynenbelt, Tammi 192 82, 249 Kooistra, Jared 192 Kooistra, Jason 74 Kooistra, John 216 Kookier, Kristin 144,249 Kool, Candace 90, 192 Koop, Carrie 77, 231 Koop, Sarah 129, 167, Kooyer, Kristin 231 Kopacz, Andrea90, 159, 231 Kopas, Craig .. 155, 192, 213 Kopchick, Jon . 14, 129, 177, 216 159 Kopczaz, Andrea... 216 Kops, Sandi Korpela, Susan Mary .... 125, 192 Korstange, Andrea ... 93, 94, 249 Korstange, Christian 74, 192 55 i Koshel, Myra Koshgarian, Meredith ... 176, 231 130 Kossen, Katie 216 Kossoris, Jennifer Kosten, Lisa


Koster, Emily 231 Kostner, Katie Ill Kramer, Michelle 216 Kranz, Lisa 78, 192 Kraseman, Steve 82, 129 Krause, Cassie 249 Kremm, Carolyn .... 130, 231 Krempa, Amanda 77 Kreps, Dean 55, 190 Krneta, Jennifer 110, 134 Krolikowski, Lana . 153, 249 Kroll, Charles 130, 249 Kronemeyer, Karri 192 Kropp, Rob 216 Kruithof, Fredrick 44 Krukowski, Claire 231 Krupczak, John 57 Kruse, Lauren 249 Kruzel, Milly 171 Kubacki, Dan 73, 192 Kubasiak, Aimee 192 Kubinski, Alexandra 231 Kuchek, Melissa 250 Kucinski, Jonathan 143, 250 Kudej, Kevin 231 Kuhl, Rachel 130, 286 Kuhn, Nicole 231 Kuhrt, David... 11, 129, 134, 231 Kuiper, Abigail 192 Kuiper, Lisa 231 Kuipers, Kelly 77, 250 Kuipers, Rachel 130, 231 Kuipers, Sarah 192 Kukulka, Paula 250 Kulman, Kara 134 Kuiper, Lisa 130 Kunnen, Nicholas 250 Kuo, Sherry 193 Kurek, Erin 117, 193 Kurtze, Jodi 23, 77, 130, 134, 209, 231

Lane, Benjamin 74, 118, 216 Lang, Andrew 193 Langeland, Barbara 216 Langerak, Kerri 193 Langland. Kristi 140, 193 Langlois, Scott 216 Langstraat, Carrie ... 78, 175, 193 Lannin, Dan 37, 232 Lappenga, Ben 193, 194 Lappenga, Daniel J 232 LaRoy, Rebecca 232 Larr, Kammy 130, 250 Larzelere, Lisa 171, 194 Lascano, Tannia 216 Lashbrook, Lauren. 130, 232 Lasley, Tanya 78, 216 LaSorsa, Tony . 70, 129, 176, 177, 194 Latchaw, Jeremy .... 134, 216 Laugher, David 250 Law, Keri 117, 194 Lawson, Hazel 217 Leachman, Jedediah 8 9 , 2 1 7 Leassner, Kelly 250 LeBar, Deanna 130, 134, 232 Leckow, Nick 86 Lee, Angela 130, 232 Lee, Chris 250, 286 Lee, Kendra 77 Leed, Tom 232 Leete, Philip 73, 217 Lefever, Kelly 232

Leigh, Patricia 56 Leitz, Jay 155 Leman, Tracy 130, 250 Lemmen, Gretchen 217 L e m m e n , Kurt 250 Lenger, James 194 Lenon, Melyssa 63, 217 Lenz, Kathryn 93, 232 Lepczyk, Tim 232 Lesnau. Bob 250 LeTrarte, Nicholas 250 LeVan, Jennifer L 194 Lewis, Kevin 144 Lewis, Shannon 194 Lewis, Shari 121, 250 Leyrer, Amy 232 Liang, Marta 130, 250 Librizzi, Janet 217 Lichtenberger, Dave 168 Lick, Renee 217 Lievense, Mitchell 232 Lillie, Paul 164, 217 Lindhout, Catherine . 77, 232 Link, Katie 232 Lintemuth, Kate 194 Linton, Jennifer 232 Linz, Heather 130, 250 Lippert, Jarod 160, 217 Little, Shauna 250 Locke, Angela 167, 232 Lofquist, Melanie .. 130, 232 Logie, Megan 194 Lohela, Eric 143

Lomasney, Beth 77, 250 Long, Angela 130, 232 Long. Robert 168, 251 Longstreet, Jeanne 195 Loodeen, Paul... 44, 56. 105, 176, 177, 193, 286 Loomis, Jessica 217 Lopez, Michael 232 Lorenson, Karl 56 Loris, Lauri 217 Lotz, Andrew ... 19, 130, 286 Loughan, Jennifer 251 Lovelace, Temple... 121, 134 Lovern, Heather 77, 195 Low, Andy 195 Lowe, Carrie 130, 232 Lowe, Catherine 232 Lowe, Glenn 46 Lowe, Katie 130 Lower, Angela 130, 134, 232 Lubbers, Jeffrey 130, 251 Lubbers, Michelle .. 130, 232 Lucas, Todd 168 Ludka, Joshua 70, 251 Luecht, Jessica ... 93, 94, 195 Lugo, Tomas 82,251 Luhmann, Jeremy .. 134, 195 Luidens, Don 63, 246 Lundman, Bryan 251 Lunn, David 195 Lunn, John 52 Lutke, Chad 130, 251 Lutz, Christi 90

Lutz, Christine Lydic, Jeremy Lynch, Michelle Lynema, Todd Lyons, Jessica

Maas, Jake 129 Maas, Kyle 94, 1 5 5 , 2 3 2 Mac Doniels, Kate .... 39, 93, 94, 146,217, 254 Mac Doniels, Joe 52 MacDermaid, Mary 186, 195 Machado, Marcos ... 98, 246, 251 Mackay, Drew... 42, 74, 114, 129, 206, 232, 286 Mackowiak, Stacey 195 Madden, Chris 70 Maddock, Tracy 251 Mader, Catherine 57 Magers, Adam T. 70, 232 Maharg, Lindsay 15, 130, 251 Mahlmann, Chris 40 Mahsun, Carol 46 Maier, Martin Patrick .... 195 Maile, Sara 130, 251

Stopping to chat or finish lunch, students enjoy the Labor Day picnic, put on my Creative Dining, in the Pine Grove. The lunch featured hamburgers, veggie burgers, popsicles, ice cream sandwiches and entertainment included a live band. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)


m LaBarge, Melissa ... Labbe, Aaron Labbe, Adam Lacrosse Ladd, Mike Lademan, Jamie Lafata, Mike Laird, Linda S Lake, Kim Lam, Daniel Lam, Phung Laman, Amanda Lamb, James Lamb, Rachel Lamers, Dana.. 77, 232, 286 Lamers, Kristin 250, 286 Lamers, Sara E 286 Landes, Perry

129, 232 251 195, 209 60 15

130, 232 81,216 168, 218 108 143, 216 78, 232 60 216 134 232 193 250 232 144,216 105, 176, 102, 130, 105, 232, 63

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Senior Megan Hicks reaches for the ATM while testing a wheelchair for Disability Awareness Week. Like Hicks, students were able to find out what it was like to be wheelchair-bound when navigating daily paths. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson) Main, Jason 217 Malda, Nancy 56 Malik, Mark 251 Malviya, Raj 164, 251 Mancini, Rebecca . . 2 5 1 , 287 Manchester, Melissa D. . 195 Mangus, Chris 232 Mannes, Danielle 77. 195 Manning, Jo Ellyn ...78, 195 Marchionda, Mary Beth . 22, 130, 217 Marema, Melissa 195 Marisol 40 Mark, Jenny 217 Markan, Kathleen 232 Markan, Katie 144 Marker, Rochelle 217 Markessinis, Laura .. 78, 217 Markham, Elizabeth 130 Markle, Jessica 93 Marolt, Dana 53, 78, 195, 245 Marr, Quincy T 251 Martin, Barclay 134 Martin, Herbert 52 Martin, Kelly J 117,195 Martin, Sam 251 Martin, Sarah 217 Martinez, Joseph 232 Mashaba, Jeannette 232 Masseink, Barbara 60 Masta, Megan R 195 Masterson, Theresa 232 Matchett, Julie 130 Mateev, Miroslava . 117, 195 Mathiesen, Allison 232 Mathiesen, Stacey 195 Mathis, Richard 73, 232 Matthews, Amanda 93 Matthews, Landon 232 Matz, Charlie 143, 251 May, Toni 195

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Maybury, Kate 51 Mayer, Angela 217 Mayer, Erin 196 Mayer, William 46 Maynard, Dee Ann 251 Mayo, Nancy 130, 251 Mazamisa, Palesa 110 McAlpine, Josh 70, 196 McBride, Steve 121, 217, 226 McCalla, Case E 196 McCaslin, Teagan .... 77, 251 McCollum, Duane 232 M c C o m b s , Jessica 102,218, 286 McCoy, Kent.... 89, 130, 251 McCue, Daniel B 56, 57, 105, 196, 286 McCulley, Drew 218 McCune, Michael 86, 53, 94, 102, 104, 196, 286 McDonald, Eric R 251 McDonald, John74, 176, 232 McDonough, Virginia 51 McDougal, Michelle 130, 232 McGreal, Cathleen 253 McKee, Kris 134, 205 McKenna, Jennifer ... 78, 94, 130, 232 McKenna, Karla 196 McKey, Jesse 129, 232 McKim, Todd 218 McKinnon, Jill 113,218 McLouth, Benjamin 196 McMahon, Casey 232 McMillen, Kris 130, 175,251 McNamara, Jennifer 69, 232, 238 McNeely, Kathryn . 130, 251 McPherson. Liz 28 McPherson, Matt .... 28, 134,

196 . 9 3 , 196 Meden, Krista Meengs, Laura . 69, 129, 251 Meengs. Rachel .69,218 Meerman, Jason 233 Meiji Gakuin University ... 214 218 Meints, Charrie 196 Meixner, Renata Mejeur, Curtis 143,233 Mellema, Jason 168,251 Mellema, Stacey 251 Mendels, Kevin 51 134 Mendels, Kim Menken, Kevin 130, 196 Menning, Jesse 121 Merchandt, Brent.... 82 Merchant, Brent 218 218 Merriman, Leslie .... Merte, Laura 233 57 Mervau, Katherine .. Mesbergen. Nichol . 134 Messer. Benjamin ...... 89, 94, 196 Messing, Laura Kay 130, 233 40 Metamorphosis 130, 233 Metters, Marcy 74 Metzger. Matt Metzler, Josh.. 117, 1 3 4 , 1 9 6 Meulenberg, Mark . 251 196 Meuzelaar, Chris Meyer, Christopher 130, 251 51 Meyer, Jeremy Meyer, Renee 218 Meyer-Veen, Sherri 121, 134 134, 196 Meyers, Julie Mezeske, Andrew .. 251 Mezeske, Barbara .. 55 196 Mezeske, Emily A. Mezeske, Richard .. 52 251 Mezger, Zachary.... 46 Michael, Del Michalski, Michelle 1 3 0 , 2 1 8 251 Mieras, Matt 134 Mihalek, Anissa Mihalik, Scott 233 251 Mika, Ross 129, 251 Milad, Ramez Miles, Steve 251 102, 286 Milestone 218, 286 Mill, Jennifer L 41 Miller, Amy Miller, Carol .. 129, 130, 251 168 Miller, David 218 Miller, Janel 251 Miller, Kathryn Miller, Kathy .. 60, 130, 251, 287 196 Miller, Kim 46 Miller, Lois 218 Miller, Michelle 52 Miller, Nancy ..78, 130 Miller, Rachel 134, 196 Miller, Ryan 251 Miller, Sarah Miller, Tracy .. 124, 134, 233 233 Millett, Melissa Minter, David 233 .. 77, 251 Miranda, Beth Miranda, Elizabeth ... 10, 77,

129, 251 Misiewicz, Christine 233 Mixer, Charles 70,218 Mixer, Jessica 39 Miyaso, Asuka 218 Mlynarczyk, Susan 56 Modrak, Jill 196 Moellman, Emily 77, 252 Moldenhauer, Amy 1 3 0 , 2 1 8 Molesa, Steve 1 7 2 , 1 7 6 , 2 3 3 Molina, Elizabeth 130 Molter, Alison 252 Molter, Misha 130, 252 Monette, Laurel 218 Monroy, Daniza 218 Monroy, Fabiola .... 196 Monsma, Corey 82 Montgomery, Jason 168, 233 Moore, Justin 130 Moore, Keri 134,218 Moore, Kiplynn 130, 252 Moore, Kyla 230, 233 Moore, T. Padric ... 121, 134, 160, 233 Moore, Rebecca 252 Morales, Amanda 218 Moran, Heather 77, 134, 218 Morehouse, Aimee 233 Morehouse, Brian 156 77,219 Morgan, Kelly 219 Morgan, Kimberly 219 Morgan, Matt Morian, Kirsten .... 118,219, 118 197 Morin, Julie Morris, Ivan 233 219 Morris, Jennifer 233 Morrison, Kelly ... 93, 233 Morrison, Mandy Morrison, Melissa. . 130, 234 Morscheck, Melody 144, 197 234 Morse, Laurel E. ... Morton, Anthony .. . 234, 277 219 Morton, Doug 10, 129 Morton, Greg 116 Mortar Board 56 Motiff, Judith 226 Moton, Anthony ... 234 Motorna, Olga 197 Moua, Lisa M o u k h a m m a d , Askar70, 234 Mudra, Jennifer 78, 84, 130, 252 286 Muenk, Jonathan . 52 Muiderman, Tony , 252 Muilenburg, T i m . . . Mulder, Andrea 65, 130, 252 129, 252 Mulder, Betsi 197 Mulder, Brett 234 Mulder, Colin Mulder, D o u g . 151,, 172, 234 106,219, Mulder, Jack Jr 286 82, 219 Mulder, Jeffrey Mulder, Jessica 153, 167, 219 219 Mulder, Kathryn ... 287 Mulder, Lori 197 Mulder,T. Ryan .... 85 Mull, Brittany 56 Mulroney, Diane ...

Mungall, William 51, 63 Munoz, Juan C 143, 219 Munski, Kristin 98, 185, 234 Munz, Courtney .... 129, 175, 252 Murdoch, Bill 234 Murfey, Jane 252 Murphy, Angela 130 Murphy, Christa77, 171, 197 Murphy, Maryjane . 134, 234 Murphy, Megan E.... 65, 252 Murphy, Patrick 74, 106, 234 Murray, Julie .. 130, 167, 234 Murrey, Doug 252 Murry, K. Gregory 51 Mursch, Renee 78, 130, 171, 252 Musselman, Teresa ... 12, 85, 94, 197 Mutch, Andy 252 Muyskens, James 56 Myers, David 126 Myers, Peter 219 Myers, Shameka 93 Myers, Shivaughn .... 78, 234

Naber, Anna 219 , Nagelkirk, Lynae 85 Nagoka, Yoko 252 Nagy, Betsy 252 Nagy, Jessalynn 219 Najjar. Erin 219 Nannenga, Bonnie ... 78, 159 Nardone, Andrew 89, 235 Nasrallah, Dolores 51 Neckers, Joel .. 74, 129, 164, 219 Nederveld, Laurie Beth 130. 235 Neeb, John 219 Nehs, Matthew 252 Neil, Matt 55, 155 Neil, Misheaila . 22, 23, 130. 252 Nelson, Amanda 235 Nelson, Chris 560 Nelson, Jeff 235 Nelson, Kristin 130, 235 Nelson, Mark 197 Nelson, Steve 46 Nemic, Kimberlee.. 130, 252 Neucks, Josh 73, 197 Neumann, Brandi 252 Neumann, Laura 197 Newell, Caroline 219 Nichols, Kathryn ... 144, 197 Nickels, Jeremy .... 129, 172, 235 Nielsen, Ted 52 Niemeyer, Thomas Andrew. 197 Nienhouse, Greg 219 Nienhuis, Melissa ... 22, 130. 219 Niergarth, Emily 235

Nietering, Andy 147 Nieuwsma, Emily 93 Niewendorp, Emily 18, 112, 175,252 Niles, Kortney 77, 219 Nixon, Kathryn 198 Nolan, Andrea 198 Norden, Andrew ... 117, 140, 198 Norden, John 46 Norman, Julie 130, 252 Norris, Tony 198 Northuis, Mark 151, 155, 172 Northup, Abe 235 Norwood, Joni 36, 219 Notier, Justin 252 Noxon, Shelby A 252 Nuismer, Stephanie 252 Nuner, Devin 143, 252 Nyenhuis, Jacob 45, 60 Nykamp, Deb 46 Nykamp, Dirk W 252 Nykamp, Katie 163, 252 Nykerk Cup Competition 12, 23, 66, 131 Nyquist, Jill 130, 252

Oakley, Shannon 235 O'Brien, Pat 56 O'Dell, Lindsay 144, 235 Odland, Maureen 55, 140 Oertel, Erin 252 Off the Map 40 Ofori-Mensa, Akua . . 8 5 , 134 Ohm, Andrew .. 64, 164, 219 Oldham, Kristy 219 Olds, Caroline 198 Olds, Tony 213 Olgers, Greg 60, 287 Olson, Carrie . 130, 134, 235 Olson, Karen J. 97, 130, 198, 252 Omollo, Leecox 89, 252 Ondersma, Ryan 125 Onken, Suzanne 198 Ooms, Melissa 69, 198 Oonk, Melody 198 Ooslerheert, Andrew 252 Oostendorp, Sara ... 130, 235 Costing, Alexis 219 Costing, Tara 252 Oostveen, Robert Jones . 198 Oppenhuizen, Robin 130, 235 Orejula, Christina 93 Orientation 2, 18, 132 Ornee, Jaclyn 198 Orzechowski, Jenelle 219 Osborne, Kelly 56 Osburn, Barb 46 Oselka, Jean 198 Osmundson, Heidi . 130, 252 Otis, Andrew 219 Ott, Leah 199 Otterness, Anne 130, 252

Otteson, A m y 85, 286 Ouellette, Michelle 199 Outcalt, Cherrylynn 134 Overmeyer, Erin ... 121, 199, 202 Overmyer, Ryan 235

Paarlberg, Adam .... 118, 199 Paarlberg, Beth 90, 252 Paarlberg, Elizabeth 140 Paarlberg, Katherine S . . . 252 Paccione, Sarah 171,219 Padilla, Rachel 93 Page, Karen 167 Page, Michael 63 Paint a Pot 110, 189 paisely dAve 194, 230 Palmer, Nicole 219 Palmer, Seth... 129, 172, 252 Panhellenic C o u n c i l . 39, 94 Parker, Matthew 86, 253 Parkhurst, Michelle 199 Parks, Jack D 199 Parsons, Laura 77, 219 Partners in Promise 112 Partridge, Jaime 78 Pascente, Roxanne .... 23, 78, 131, 134, 199 Passchier, A. Gregoor ... 151, 253 Passchier, Jaime 78 Passchier, Jenny 199 Pater, Jason 199 Patmos, Anna 199 Patnott, John .... 55, 160, 163 Patrick, Ted 219 Patterson, Ben 45, 51 Patterson, Dan 194, 199 Patterson, Joel 197, 219 Paul, Brian 219 Paulisse, Kevin 50, 199 Pearson, Jermey 176 Pease, Kemberlee . 126, 134, 219 Peaslee, Graham . 51, 55, 57,

Peters, Briony 23, 253 Peters, Geno 253 Peters, Maureen 78, 130, 253 Peters, Ryan 74, 176, 177 Peterse, Aaron 82 Petersen, Joel 82 Peterson, Aaron 94, 129, 235 Peterson, Brooke ... 130, 253 Peterson, Hilary 93 Peterson, Holly 41, 199 Peterson, Johnathan 55 Peterson, Lori 130, 235 Petit, Anne 56 Petkus, Jeff 130, 235 Petkus, Tony 12 Pett, Jennifer 219 Petty, Amy 199 Peuler, Brad 199 Philipps, Andrea .... 1 3 0 , 2 5 3 Phillips, Jeremy 130 Phillips, Sarah 130, 253 Piccolo, Greg 235 Pierce, Jenny 219 Piersma, Mark 147 Pierson, Jill 35, 110, 199 Pikaart, Beth 130, 235 Pinkham, Janet 46 Piotrowski, Lauren 235 Pirdell, Steve 70 Pittiglio, Mike 151 Piatt, Abby 235 Pluger, Rebekah 235 Plumber, Jon 74 Plummer, Jon 74, 129 Poel, Emily 235

Poest, Christopher .. 22, 130, 219, 225 Polik, William 50 Polini, Claudia 56 Polk, Sarah 130, 235 Poll, Ross 253 Pols, Lucus 253 Polsgrove, Jennifer 1 2 9 , 2 3 5 Poppema, Laura 156, 253 Porter, Brian 160, 235 Porter, Mike 160, 199 Post, Heather 130, 253 Pott, Anne K 235 Pott, Kristin 130, 235 Pott, Mike 253 Potts, Becca 220 Powe, Lynne 60 Powell, Jon 253 Powell, Melissa 199 Powell, Shannon 31, 200 Powers, David 200 Powers, Eron . 130, 253, 286 Powers, Megan 200 Powers, Jenny 60 Poythress, D. Wesley .... 226, 287 Pozzi-Johnson, Christopher 40 Praamsma, Melissa 253 Pranger, Kara 130, 253 Prasad, Jay 147 Pratt, Christy ... 78, 130, 134, 200 Prescott, Wes 151, 153 Preston, Andrea 163, 253

Pridgeon. Rachael.. 130. 254 Pries, A m m i e 130, 254 Pries, Ashley M 175, 220 Pries, Michael 200 Prince, Christina 254 Prince, Stacey 200 Prins, Andrew 220 Prins, Emily 78, 130, 235 Promethean Fraternity . 88 Proulx, Sarah 130, 254 Provencal, Beth Ann 140, 254 Provost, Marie 134, 220 Pryor, Amanda . 90. 156, 200 Psi Chi 126 Pull 3 , 1 0 , 128 Puntel, Erica 125, 220 Purcell, Lisa 254, 286 Purtell, Steve 129 Putnam, Matthew 134 Putzke, Nicole 200 Pyle, Elizabeth 129 Pyszora, Jennifer 1 5 , 1 6 , 9 8 , 220, 286

Quillo, Amy Quimby. Beth Quinn, John

254 198, 200 56

On a rainy day, a representative of Handiworks featured international wares such as jewelry, hats, skirts, blankets and much more for students to buy. Often throughout the year Greek organizations or various groups sponsored Handiworks, or similar peddlers, to raise money tor their events. (Photo by A m a n d a Black)


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60 Pecora, Kristina 90, 129, 130, 235 Pedley, Sarah 130, 235 Peeks, Jennifer 129, 253 Peet, Erin 130, 253 Pellerito, Gina 93, 199 Pellow, Lance 143 Pennings, Tim 56, 62 Penrose, G. Larry 55, 241 Pepper, Michelle 199 Perdue, Shonda 134, 219 Perez, Erica N 77, 219 Perez, Minerva 219 Permasang, Mary Ann .... 134 Perovich, Nick 57 Pertell, Stebe 130 Peshick, Rachel 130 Pestun, Jeff 51 Peters, Amanda 134, 235

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Strolling through the Pine Grove, senior Winston Rowlett heads to the library to work on a homework. Many small groups met in the library throughtout the year to work on projects or study together. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

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Reichenbach, R o b . 134, 159, 235 Reinhard, Kristin ... 254 Reister, Nick 130, 254 Rejc, Natalie 144 Remes, Bob 70, 129, 254 Renner, Tom .... 60, 233, 287 Reyburn, D.J 168 Reynolds, Geoffrey ....46, 54 Reynolds, Matthew 220 Reynolds, Maura 32, 56, 246 Reynolds, Nicole ... 175, 235 Rheiw, Patricia... 36, 40, 220 Rhoades, Melissa... 130, 235 Rice, Jeremy A 200 Richardson, Jesse... 118, 200 Richardson, Kevin . 172, 220 Richardson, Kim.... .. 85. 175 Richmond, Sara . 69, 94, 235 Richter, Douglas .... .. 74, 220 Richter, Kara .. 77, 200 Ricketts, Mic ha e l... ..55, 172 Riekse, Jamie 77 Rife, Amy 134, 201 Riggs, Anna 201 Riker. Andrew 143, 254 Riley, Jenny .. 69, 235 Riley, Kara . . 6 9 , 201 Riley, Kathy 201 Riley, Megan 130, 235 Ringnalda, Eric 151, 172, 254 Ripper, Tiffany 105, 130, 254 Ritchie, Brent 86 Ritchie, John B 255 Ritsema, Robert .. 36, 242 Ritton, Kimberly.... 201 Ritton, Kris 159 Rivest, Kate 130 Robart, Cathleen M. 175, 255 Robbins, Sarah 220 Roberts, Kip . . 7 4 . 129 Roberts, Soldrea L. 201 Robinson, Jessica... 201 Robinson, Stephen . 235 Robison, Steve 73 Rodeck, Anne 220 Rodgers, Nicole 201 Rodstrom, Robert .. 201 Roelofs, Drew 201 Roelofs, Laura ... 23, 77, 235 Roldan, Aime 235 Ronopka, Sharon ... 61 Roop, Melissa .. 29, 249, 255 Root, Derek 255 Rop, Rhonda K 220 Rosenboom, Pauline 5 1 , 2 8 7 Rosenbrook, Paul... 144 Ross, Eric 236 Ross, Mary Ripema 55 Rotman, Garth 255 Rottenberg, Carmen 221 Roulo, Anne 201 Roush, Mary 201 Row, Kathy 56 Rowden, Ramon .... 236, 277 Rowe, Brent 51., 74, 129, 202, 206 Rowe, Gina .. 90, 202 Rowlette, Winston . 120, 282

Roy, Heather 171,220 Royce, Sarah 236 Royer, Jodi 134, 143 Ruch, Alexander M 220 Rumohr, Jon 202 Rumpsa, Scott 82, 236 Rusk, Michael 255 Russcher, Holly 220 Russel, Elisabeth .... 69, 238, 255 Rutan, Chris 147, 236 Rutherford, Bob 73, 220 Rutherford, Sarah 202 Ruttan, Sarah 130, 236 Ryczak, Jackie 130, 255 Ryden, David 57 Rye, Sara 134, 202 Rynbrandt, Michelle 236 Rypma, Steve 94, 236

Saalfeld, Emily 163, 220 Sabol, Kristin 130, 255 Sagioka, Reiko 202 Sailing Club 108 Sakala, Essy 236 Sakala, Tala 172, 220 Salisbury, Kim 46 Salsbury, Josh 151 Sam, Sopheap S 236 Samhouri, Nadia 202 Samson, Ian 130, 255 Sanders, Amy 202 Sandro, Christopher M. .. 70, 203 Sandro, Samantha ... 69, 129, 255 Sanford, Elizabeth 51 Sanicki, Jason 257 Sankiewicz, Jeff 70, 255 Sarver, Avonlea Q 236 Sasamoto, A m y 46 Savara, Justin 103, 129, 130, 236 Sazleykova, Guergana ... 220 Schaap, Jill 78, 130, 236 Schaap, Stephanie .. 140, 225 Schaberg, Kara 255 Schackel, Peter 55 Schaidt, Brian 236 Schakel, Magdalena.. 11, 69, 236 Schantz, Aaron 114, 134, 220 Scharton, Simone 236 Schaub, Kyle 70, 94, 220 Schaub, Megan 255 Scheidler, Jacob .... 129, 130, 255 Schenck, Brandy 97, 130, 236 Scherer, Chet 73 Schick, Joel 255 Schicker, Joshua 33, 194, 203, 230 Schilling, Lori 130, 236

Schloten, Jamie 130 Schmidt, Andrea 203 Schmidt, Becky . 56, 140 Schmidt, Jordan 236 Schmidt, Kathryn E . . 220 Schmidt, Leigh Ann ... 134, " 210, 220 Schneider, Amanda 97, 203, 257 Schneider, Kari M ... 203 Schneider, Kristin .. 130, 255 Schofield, Elizabeth 130, 255 Scholten, Christopher .... 203 Scholten, Jamie 255 Scholtens, Barb 52 Scholtens, Jan 130 Scholtens, Janet .... 236 Scholtens, Kurt 134, 220 Scholz, Jordan 255 Schoob, Michelle... 130, 255 Schoon, Gretchen E 144, 203 Schoonveld, William P. . 220 Schopp, Lee 143 Schout, David 36, 220 Schraufnagel, Melissa ... 255 Schraw, Whitney 236 Schrer, Chester 130 Schrewsbury, Rochelle ..130 Schripsema, Sarah 255 Schripsema, Tom Schrock, Anne . 90, 129, 220 Schroeder, Jason .... 129, 130 ' Schroeder, Matt 74, 168 Schrotenboer, Eric . . 36, 236 Schrotenboer, Lindsay .. 140, 236 Schubert, Will 82, 255 Schulte, Jessica 255 Schultz, Kirsten 130, 255 Schultz, Sarah 255 Schwalenberg, Susan .... 140, 236 Schwieger, Jennifer 236 Schwieterman, Kara 78, 130, 255 Sciortino, Jennifer . 140,255 220 Sciortino, Lori 130,255 Scogin, Matt 171,236 Scott, Carrie 236 Scott, Matthew 203 S Scribner, Mary $ Scripsema, Sarah , 26, 175 130 s Seawall, Jennifer ... 236 $ Sebastian, Julie 236 Sefton, David 55 s Sellers, Heather , . 129 $ Selmer, Erin 255 s Semer, Emily s Seramur, Elizabeth 30, 134, 236 S S e n a n o , Bill 74, 129, 236 $ ..255 s Sew, Meyly Sewall, Jennifer . 22, 69, 236 $ 203 $ Sexton, Sarah $ Seymour, Lauren ... 130,255 51 s Seymour, Michael... 30,255 $ Sezai, Yoko 236 , S Shaeffer, Eric O K) O LÂťJ

Raabe, Jamie 235 Rabe, Katherine 93, 235 Rabuck, Stephen .... 143, 235 Radeliffe, Megan C. 40, 200 Rademaker, Kayla . 144, 175 Radford, Jeff 254 Raj, Lou 200 Rakosky, Kari .. 18, 130, 254 Ramirez, Vanessa 220 Ramthun, Marilee 200 Randall, Clinton 20 Randall, Darius 156 Randel. Carmen 254 Randinitis, Joanne .. 94, 134, 220 Rangier, Ed 73, 172, 254

Ranschaert, Dana.... 254 Ransom, Kathy 60 Rasche, Karl 220 Rasdall, Joel 16, 1 9 8 , 2 0 0 Rasdall, Joshua M . . . 220 Raseman, Jim 235 Rataj, David 220 Ratdavong, P. Connie78, 235 Ratering, Emily 114, 200 Raterink, Linda 287 Rathbun, Bethany J. . 78, 200 Ratke, Andy 129 Raupp, Jenny 130, 254 Rawie, Sonja . 97, 200 Ray, Nichole 130 Ray, Rich 55 Reck. Kelly 235 Redell, Jared 235 Redinger, Ryan 134, 200 Refuge in Spiritual Expression 5, 33, 272 Regner, Bryan 254

Shaughnessy, John ..



. 98, 203 Shaw, Ryan E Sheffield, Teresa .... 130, 255 . 77, 220 Sheldon, Lesley 124 Shelley, Katie 236 Shen, Hans 203, 209 Shen, Ivy 203 Shenk, Lisa 203 Sheppard, Sandra.... Shibley, Sarah Louise ... 130, 236 203 Shiel, Erin 220 Shineman, Amy 220 Shinew, Krista 203 Shirilla, Jonathan M Shoemaker, Erich... 130, 276 134 Shoemaker, John 172, 236 Shooks, Eric 255 Showman, Brian .... 236 Shrestha, Junu 255 Shreve. Michelle.... Shrewbury, Rochelle 255 134 Shrode, Nancy 176 Shubert, Bill 287 Shumaker, Louise .. 255 Shutes, Jennifer Sibylline Sorority . . . 9 0 , 2 1 8 Sigma Sigma Sorority... 92, 218 220 Sikkel. Rob 203 Sikma. Ben 51 Silver, Michael Silverthom, Lisa78, 130, 256 168, 256 Silvis, Josh 78 Simmer, Lori Simmerman, Anthony.... 256 ... 57, 257 Simon, Caroline Simons, Matthew... 130, 203 168 Simonson, Mark .... . 8 5 , 203 Simpson, Ashli 236 Simpson, Erica 126 Sine, Katie Sipsma, Sage 203 236 Sisiliano, George .. Sitati, Jacob 89, 94, 236 Sitati, James N. 89, 217, 220, 277 Sizemore, Christopher ... 256 Skriloff, Sarah 130, 1 3 4 , 2 3 6 134 Skuza, Hilary Slabaugh, Mark .... 220 . 105,221 Slad, Stacey Slaughter. Gloria... 56 Slawson, Shannon 221 24 Slotman, Marcy .... 130, 134, Slotten, Kirsten 236 Small, Emily . 130, 256 Smallegan, Karen . ...98, 204 60, 77 Smallegan, Kelly .. Smarszcz, Ryan M ... 60, 236 Smies, Lindsay 130, 144, 236 Smit. Marcia 56 221 Smith, Aaron Smith, Alison . 130, 249, 256 74 Smith, Charles 74 Smith, Clint Smith, Elizabeth .. 256 204 Smith, Eunice Smith, Jaclyn 65. 93, 256 Smith, Jennifer .. 167, 221

Creating a sea of red along the Black River, the Even Year Pullers grip the rope tightly as they give another heave in their attempt to gain rope. Dispite their best efforts, in their first year of pulling, and combined teamwork, Even Year lost by 4 3 inches. (Photo by Amy Otteson) Smith, Larissa 130, 256 Smith, Laura 163, 256 Smith, Luke 129, 256 Smith, Mary 55 Smith, Rachel 40, 204 Smith, Ray 55 Smith, Richard 63, 256 Smith, Sara 236 Smith, Sarah 121, 256 Smith, Steve 55, 143 Smith, Tanner 256 Smith, Thomas 52 Smith, Will 143 Smits, Sally 57, 236 Sneller, Teresa 256 Snyder, Emily 130, 171, 256 Sobania, Neal 55 Sobeck-Murphy, Tanya Kaye 204 Social Activities Committee 24,120 Social Work Club 127 Soccer 142, 144 Softball 170 Soltis, John 221 Somers, Sarah 256 Sommers, Carolyn 256 Sonnemon, Kevin 221 Soper, Tim 236 Sorensen, Kristin .. 124, 134, 236 Sortman, Elizabeth 130, 159, 237 Southwell, Tyler.... 129, 172, 256 Sowers, Emily 130, 175

Spalding, Jen 204 Spalding, Jill.. 130, 134, 237 Spalsbury, Josh 130, 172, 256 Spaman, Andee 156, 221 Spaman, Kara 256 Spearman, Dara 7 Speers, Andrea 93 Speese, Cheryl 51 Speyer, Rebecca 221 Spires, Rita 30, 134, 221 Splinter, Dane 151, 172, 256 Splinter, Laura 144, 237 Sporck, Leif 155, 237 Sportel, Ben 172, 256 Sprague, Victoria ... 100, 221 Spratt, Piper R 130, 256 Sprouse, Crystal 204 Stack, Adam 82, 94, 256 Stancik, Libby 129 Stapleton, Mike 176, 177 Start, Lisa 221 Starvos, Christina 234 Statema, Cody . 42, 160, 256 Stavros, Christina 237 Stawski, Phillip 221 Stead, Kayrl 126, 221 Stedman, Cathy 204 Steen, Todd 52 Stegeman, Pat 204 Stegink, Gordon 52 Stehle, Matthew 130, 256 Stehouwer, Dana 130 Stein, Sarah 90, 221 Stein, Tricia L 204 Stephan. Mari L 204 Sterk, Ryan 73

130, 237 Sterling, Matt 204 Stem, Paul 204 Stevens, Karin 130, 237 Stevens, Lori 51 Stewart, Joanne 130, 237 Stibitz, Cheri 204 Stiegler, Stephanie .. 221 Stielstra, David 221 Stob, Laura 134 Stockert, Scott 130, 256 Stoepker, Sarah 130, 256 Stojic, Alaina 221 Stojic, Allicia 256 Stoneberg, Ryan Stoner, Jeremy . 7 4 , 151, 221 56 Stoughton, John 140 Stouten, Kelly 237 Strahammer, Chris ., 129, 134 Strand, Josh Strand-Hales, Gisela 56 204 Strangways, Brittan 134, 237 Strehle, Jennifer 90, 204 Stroh, Elizabeth 221 Stroven, Sarah Struck, Rob 70, 151, 172, 221 Student Congress . 120, 287 82 Stuit, David 134 Sturrus, Wendy 63 Sturtevant, Deborah Stygstra, Beth .. 77, 144, 256 Sudnick, S a r a h . 90, 130, 256 204 Sullivan, Laura 237 Summerer, Tracy ... 130 Summers, Caroline Sundstedt, Kristyn 121, 130,

237 Sudan, Melissa Sutter, Brian 168, Sutter, Mike Sutton, Rebecca 156, Swanson, Debra Swanson, Todd Sweetser, Doug Swier, Matt22, 130, 134, Swierenga, Marianne Swimming 160, Sydlik, Mary Anne Szymczak, Amy 78, 130,

222 256 70 256 63 56 105 222 204 162 51 237

Tabakovic, Elvir 241 Takish, Miriam 130, 256 Talsma, Sara 222 Tam, Isaac 176, 237 Tammi, John 40, 63 Tanis, Abby 77, 129 Tanis, Elliot 56 Tanis, Joel 230 Tanis, Ryan 168, 204 Tanis, Wayne 156 Tapia, Maria 51, 287 Tarkiewicz, Kris ... 130, 134, 237 Tasma, Sandy 46 Taylor, Dan 204, 205 Taylor, Danny 237 Taylor, Darnisha 51

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Taylor, Stephen 51 Teale, Aimee 69 Temple, Rob 204 Ten Clay, Shanna C. 77, 205 Tenhor, Mark 73 Tennant, Benjamin 237 Tennis 164, 166 Terpstra, Charles 74 Terpstra, Duane 60 Tesch, Matt 73 Teshima, E m i . . . 90, 159, 237 Tester, Todd 222 TeWinkle, Kate 130, 256 TeWinkle, Peter 205 The Eight 40 The Line that Picked up WOO Babes 40 The Winter's Tale 4, 41 Thelen, Darryl 57 Theune, David 205 Thielk, Emily 78, 256 Thomas, Jessica 93, 129 Thompson, Andrew . 94, 205 Thompson, Erin 7, 205 Thompson, Janelle 134,222, 275

Thompson, Jannah 1 1 7 , 1 2 1 , 134, 1 7 5 , 2 0 5 Thoreson, Rebecca 222 Thornell. Jamie 222 Thornton, Emily .... 130, 171 Throop, Rachel 238 Thwaites, Jay 256 Tibbe. Josh 238 Tigelaar, Katherine 205 Tillema, Sara 222 Tim Schoonveld 155 Timm, Vanessa 90, 205 Timmer, Rebecca .. 117, 134, 153, 1 7 5 , 2 0 6 Timmer, Todd 134, 222 Tippie, Janis 256 Tischendorf, Jessica 130, 256 Titcombe, Mari 163, 257 Todd, Aaron 206 Tomicich, Alicia .... 206, 258 Tommola, Craig . 86, 94, 222 Tonn, Carrie 222 Torgerson, Erica.... 130, 175, 238 Torgerson, Katie .... 130, 257 Torrence, Julie 77

Town, Greg 130, 257 Track 172, 174 Tracy, Angela 134 Tran, Becky 206 Trapp, Clayton ... 53, 70, 257 Trask, Jennifer 121, 133, 222 Traver, Michael 74, 206 Traxler, Jennifer 130, 257 Trethewey, Lori 46, 54 Trinh, Christine 105, 110, 114, 222 Tripp, Nate 73 Troost, Matt 129, 238 Troutman, Jason 238 Troyer, Sara 257 Truax, Kristy L 110,130, 257 Trytko, Jeff 73, 205, 206 Tucker, Shannon 257 Tulgestke, Todd 70, 134 Tuttle, Erin 28, 257 Tuuri. Don 60 Tverberg, Lois 51 Twietmeyer, Julie 206 Tworek, Elizabeth .. 130, 238 Tyler, Curtis 172, 257

Looking at the finished product, sophomore Ashley Hermann finishes her frisbee art at Spring Fling. Partiers watched reds, blues, yellows and oranges spin into new color combinations. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)




i n d e x

Tyler, Jeff Tyrrell, John M

60, 182 222

Q/' Uddin, Sami S 206 Union of Catholic Students 100

Vaalburg, A m a n d a 238 Valente, Dan 113, 222 Van Ark, Nancy 56 Van Bronkhorst, Kevin .. 238 Van Coevorden, Charlotte ... 92, 57 Van Dam, Holly J 153 Van Der Laan, David 238 Van Der Wende, Kimberly 130 Van Dort, Christa 130 Van Dyke, Rebecca 50 Van Eck, Tenille 77, 94 Van Erp, Angela 130. 238 Van Haitsma, Jared 257 Van Haitsma, Kylee 238 Van Hekken. Curt 257 Van Hekken, Thomas 17, 222 Van Heukelem, Bob 250 Van Hoose, Sara 94, 206 Van Iwaarden, John 56 Van Loo, Shelly 287 Van Noord, Jared 257 Van Oort, Martin 89, 238 Van Opstall, Dave 222 Van Pernis, Jacob... 130, 257 Van Spronsen, Sarah 206 Van Timmeren, Kevin 82, 155, 223 Van Vels, Mary 60 Van Vliet, Kimberly . 69, 94, 222 Van Wieren, Elaine 60 Van Wieren, Glenn... 55, 155 Van Wingen, Heather 130 Van Zetten, Aaron 222 VanAuken, Erinn ... 163, 222 VanBeek, Danika 77 Vance, Valorie L 222 VanDam, Jessie 77, 257 VanDam, Kip 74 VanDam,Claire 25 VanDam, Matt 74 Vande Berg, J.B 82 Vande Bunte, Christopher L. 73, 172, 238 Vandeerstelt, Kelly 222 Vanden Berg, Elizabeth 163, 238 VandenBerg, JB 129 VandenBerg, Jeremy 238

Vander Heide, P a u l . . 74, 223 VandenHeuvel, Christy.. 222 Vander Laan, Jeffrey Allen 206 Vander Naald, Matt.. 82, 143 Vander Vliet, Joel 223 Vander Well, Ann 77 Vanderhill, Amanda 206 Vanderhill, Katherine 238 Vanderhill, Katie 93 VanderHoek, Natalia 257 VanderHyde, Christopher257 Vanderhyde, James .. 89, 207 Vanderhyde, Matthew 89, 129, 130, 257 VanderKamp, Beth 207 VanderLaan, Dave 130 VanderLaan, Paul... 129, 223 VanderLind, Elizabeth ... 223 Vanderlip, Stephen 257 VanderLugt, Heidi 207 Vandermay, Shari 46 VanderMeeden, Tyler 238 VanderMolen, Stacey.... 114, 223 VanderNaald, Matthew .. 223 VanderPlow, Dana 77 VanderSlice, Amy 238 VanderStelt, Kelly 156 Vanderveen, Elizabeth ... 258 Vanderveen, Liz 163 VanderVelde, John 82 Vandervelde, Richard56, 153 VanderWal, Sandra . 78, 130, 239 VanderWall, Kyle 239 VanderWall, Ryan 70 Vanderwel, Anne 129 VanDerWende, Kimberly 239 VanderYacht, Gord 168 Vandevelde, Rich 151 VanDeven, Christopher .. 74, 207 VandeWege, Jaclyn 223 Vandewege, Kristen 134, 222 VanDeweghe, Matthew.. 258 VanDort, Christa 258 VanDuinen, L e a n n e I 4 0 , 258, 286 VanDyke, Michelle L. ... 207 VanDyke, Rebecca... 51, 287 VanDyken, Erin 90, 129, 258 VanHaitsma, Bryan 207, 250 VanHeest, Jim 46 VanKuiken, Todd 258 VanLangevelde, Heidi ... 167 VanLiere, Katrina 258 VanMaanen, Sheila B. ... 223 VanNuil, Melissa 207 VanOstenberg, J.P 172 Vanover, Andrew 258 VanPutten, Jeff 258 VanRavenswaay, Melissa 93, 207 VanTimmeren, Julie 223 VanUffelen, Lora 258 VanWigen, Heather 258 VanWyngarden, Annalisel44 Vaughan, Gregory S 207 Vawter, Peter 239

Veen, Michael Palmer.... 207 Velander, Stephanie 130, 175 Velasco, Myra 78, 207 Velderman, Ben 125, 207 Veldhof, Gwen M. .. 24, 117, 207 Veldhof, Jill 223 Veldman, Craig 155, 239 Veldman, Joseph ... 151, 172, 239 Velting, Heather 140, 207 Venard, Stephanie .. 130, 258 Vendramini, Reina 101, 134, 207 Verduin, Kathy 55 VerHeulen, Kate 258 Verhey, Alan 60 Vertalka, Amy 239 Vertalka, Jon 207 Viehl, Marjorie 56 Vincent, Amy 144, 223 Vincent, Kristi L 223 Vincent, Sarah 258 Vis, Joshua M 207 Visser, Angela 223 Visser, Kate 93, 155, 239 Vivian, Brooke 163, 258 Vogel, Vorn 258 Vogelzang, Cindy 287 Volunteer Sevices 114 Volk, Bryan 70, 223 Vollenweider, Lisa 130 Volleyball 140 Vredevoogd, Amber 78, 130, 258 Vredevoogd, Lisa 239 Vroegindewey, Scott 160, 239 Vroom, Timothy 97, 239 Vroon, Daron 62, 239 Vruggink, David .... 160, 223 Vyvan, Jane 51

Wabeke, Stacy 258 Wachter, Elsa 258 Wacker, Mimi 207 Wade, Dylan .. 151, 172, 258 Wagenaar, Larry 46, 54 Wagnild, Anna 259 Wagnild, Annie 130 Walker, Mitchell 259 Wallace, Jay D. .. 70, 94, 207 Waller, Megan 239 Warber, Sara L 207 Ward, Joel 151 Ward, Maryellen 93 Warren, Jennifer S. 117,208 Warren, Patrick 259 Washburn, Michelle 223 Wassanaar, Sara 69, 108 Wassink, Jenna 63 Waterloo, Betsy 223 Waterstone, Kathy 287 Watt, Allison 130

Watters, Jessie 130, 239 Webb, Leland 259 Weber, Brooke 159 Webster, Lisa 77 Webster, Luke D. 86, 259 Weckwert, Arika 77, 208 Weeldreyer, Amity 134 Weeldreyer, M i s t e n . 57, 134, 208 Weener, Anne 223 Wegner, Chanda 93 Wegner, Daniel 134, 223 Weirsma, Shiella 225 Weis, A m y 208 Wells, Barbara 63 259 Wemette, Catherine Wenger, Noah 130 Werkman, Taylor ... 1 3 0 , 2 3 9 Werling, Michael .... 259 Werner, Sarah 130, 239 Werth, Jamie 130 Wesche, Amber 130 Wesp, Heather. 97, 117, 134, 208 Wesselink, Adam ... 160, 223 Wessman, Leslie 52 West, Kristiina 223 110 West, Sarah 259 Weston, Trevor 259 Westrate, Rodney Wever, Brooke 130, 259 Weyrick, Heather.... 77, 129, 208 Wezeman, Bethany . 208 134, 147 Wheeler, Josh Wheeler, Victor 130,239 White, Charles 130, 239 259 White, Emily White, Mel 35 Whitfield, Kathleen . 90, 259 259 Whiting, Katie Whitmeyer, Nate.... 223 Whitmore, J e f f . 19, 121, 133 129 Whitney, Charlie.... 259 Whitney, Jean Wickman, Elissa .... 197, 223 Wicks, Nick 11,73, 129, 239 Wiechman, Rebecca 139, 259 Wierenga, Katie 23, 130, 134, 239 51 Wiersma, Marge Wilcox, Jeffrey 130, 239 Wilde, Nicole ...78, 130, 259 Wilholt, Casey 26 Wilkens, Dan 82, 223 Wilkins, Joy 130 239 Wilkins, Kristi Joy Willeumier, Dave... 130, 239 Williams, Donald 51 134 Williams, Jackie Williams, John ... 73, 94, 223 Williams, Kortnea L. 223 Williams, Louis .... 113,115, 151, 172, 239 Williams, Maureen . 9 0 , 129, 259 Williams, Rachel 208 Williams, Tiffany E. 77, 175,239, 286 Williamson, Maryann .... 239

Clutching her diploma, senior Carly Boss walks past President John Jacobson and Dean Ben Patterson, Over 590 graduates walked the same stage as Boss did, becoming the newest alumni. (Photo by Beth Bailey) Wilson, Boyd 60 46 Wilson, John 57 Wilson, Mary 259 Wineland, Emily.... Wing, Benjamin R. 130, 239 Winkler, Christopher .... 259 Winkler, Sarah 259 Winn, Erica 175, 259 Winnett-Murry, Kathy 51 Witham, Andrea 239 159 Witham, Annie Witkowski, Kris 51 .. 90, 239 Witt, Amber 97 Witte, Christy 239 Wittstock, Karen .... Wixson, Shannon... 130, 239 Wohlfield, Eric 73, 147, 259 ..78, 130 Wolf, Lindsey Wolff, Shawn 239 Woloszyn, Kevin ... 176, 259 Wolters, Chad 60 . . 5 5 , 171 Wolters, Karla 130, 259 Wolthuis, Kevin 52 Wolthuis, Ron Women's Issue Organiza110 tion i Wondergem, Brian . 130, 239 Wondergem, Eric ... 208 Wonders, Jeremy ... .. 86, 259 Wong, Aaron 82 130, 239 Woodall, Lesley Woodall, Lindsey... 130, 239 259 Woodson, Melissa.. Woodstra, Lindsey . 208 239 Woody, Dave Woolard, A m y . 112,29, 130,

259 Wooley, Wes 159 Working, C hristopher .. 160, 259 Wormrmeester, Justin .... 208 WTHS 103 Wyciechowski, Mary 77, 129,259 Wynbeek, Anna 223 Wyngarden, Elizabeth.... 259 Wysocki, Erin 130, 259

Yager, Kelly ... 202, 208, 286 Yamazaki, Ayako 223 Yang, David 130 Yared, Elizabeth.... 117,118,

208 Yaser, Ghadeer J. ... 134, 239 Yelding, John 52 Yingling, Amy 69, 239 Yingling, Cari 69, 223 Yoh, Jennifer 130, 259 Yonker, Jennifer 223 Young, Larry 36, 134 Young, Whitney 69, 239 Young, Zachary 108, 208 Youngberg, Matt... 134, 194, 208, 230 Youngs, Mark 172 Younker, Jen 77

155,239 Zagar, Chad Zandee, Gail 56 171,208 Zanin, Gina Zantop, Rebecca .... 134, 239 208 Zayaz, Jessica 156, 208 Zeh, Darcy Zeiger, Melissa 223 239 Zeller, Laurie 153 Zeneberg, Ann Zeneberg, Megan ... 130, 259 56 Zessina, Jon Ziegler, Emily .... 77, 94, 259 223 Ziemer, Jason 130, Zimbelman, Jessica 259 57 Zoeteway, James,... 223 Zoller, Dan Zolnierwicz, Michael 74, 125, 129 171,259 Zoulek, Sarah Zuidema, Michael..., 5 2 , 105, 223, 286 Zwart, Julie.... 104, 176, 239 223 Zwart, Rebecca Zweering, Kelly Teresa . 208 Zwyghuizen, Andrew 33, 117, 208 130 Zylstra, Melissa

i n d e x



Listening to possible options for 11 night of fun in Brunswick. MO., junior Beth Bailey and senior Amanda Black finish their pi/./.abuffet lunch. The lunch provided a break for the staff while visting the yearbook producation facility as well as the chance to meet some the faces behind the phone calls. (Photo by Nikelle Johnson)

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Amanda G. Black

Nikelle E. Johnson

Co-Editor in Chief

Co-Editor in Chief

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Our years here have now c o m e to an end. We will never be able to look back on our c o l l e g e experiences without remembering the Milestone. There were g o o d times and bad, but each a unique memory. We learned valuable l e s s o n s that will never leave us. We are thankful for these opportunities that w e never would have found anywhere else. This year has been an amazing year. Each of the staff members brought their one-of-a-kind ideas and perspective, and added to the timeliness and originality of the book. B e c a u s e o f their strong abilities and w i l l i n g n e s s to work, w e were able to improve the quality o f the product w h i c h you now hold in your hands. Thank you, everyone, for this opportunity, for help and understanding. Nikelle and Amanda





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Kristin Lamers

Kelly Yager

Beth Bailey

Tiffany Williams

Jen Pyszora

Christy Colbrunn

Sludenl Life Editor

Academics Editor

Greeks & Groups Editor

Sports Editor

People Editor

Layout Editor

j T

v Andrea Apol


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Emily Gisleson

. / o /o y j'a/f/f crs

Sara E. Lamers

Michael M c C u n e

Brenda Brewer

Drew Mackay

Andrew Kleczek

Jennifer Mill Eron Powers

Carl B u s s e m a April Greer Chris Lee

Jack Mulder Jr. Jonathan Muenk A m y Otteson

Kristi B e a c h u m Clretchen B o u w e r

Katie Hamilton Both Hoffman

Allyson Boggess April Greer

Peter Kim Rachel Kuhl

Jessica M c C o m b s

Julie Green

Dana Lamers

Daniel M c C u e

i n t r o d u c t i o n



Paul L o o d e e n Andrew Lot/,

Lisa Purcell Leanne VanDuinen Michael Zuidema


Junior Beth Bailey looks at a collection of books previously published by their publishing company. The trip to the publisher provided insight for present and future layout and design of the Milestone. (Photo by Amada Black)

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Cover by Christy Colhrunn and Nikclle e. Johnson Cover by Christy Colbrunn and Nikcllc E. Johnson Introduction by Christy Colbrunn; Assisiotl by Nikcllc E. Johnson Division Pages by Christy Colbrunn and Nikcllc E. Johnson Student Life by Chrisly Colbrunn and Nikclle E. Johnson; Assisted by Emily Gislcson Academic by Christy Colbrunn and Nikclle E, Johnson; Assisted by Emily Gislcson and Rchecca Mancini Greeks and Groups hy Chr isly Colbrunn; Assisted by Nikclle E. Johnson and Krislin l.amcrs Sports by Kristin l.amcis and Nikclle E.Johnson People by Christy Colbrunn and Nikcllc E. Johnson Closing A Century by Christy Colbrunn, Nikcllc E. Johnson and Kristin Lamcrs Index by Nikcllc E. Johnson Milestone Staff Page by Christy Colbrunn; Assisted by Nikclle E. Johnson

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The 1999 Milestone was produced using Adobe PageMaker 6.5 and Adobe Photoshop 5.0 on a Power Macintosh computer network. Page proofs were printed full-si/e on an Aceel-a-writer 8300 for submission. Proofs accompa nicd page files were saved on Iomega Zip disks lor disk-submission mounting. Publisher; The 82nd volume of the Milestone was printed by Walsworth Publishing Company, 306 North Kansas Avenue. Marcelinc. Missouri 64658. Representatives: Anthony Pete/ was the publishing representative and Holly Swit/er was our customer service representative at Walsworth. Cover: Silk Screen with Clear and Glossy Clear inks with 1 ip-on. The binding is 9X 12 Smyth Sewn. Endsheets: Printed on While Endleaf with fonts representing the various sections. Paper Stock: All pages were printed on 80-pound Noble Matte. Type Specs: Cover is i'H/,,,,/, < s-C.,and V e r d a n a . All body copy is ten point Tunes. Captions are nine point Times Folios use nine and twelve point Times. Headlines and subheads use various sizes, styles and shades of A m i s Bl R o m a n . l"ootlij;ht M'l I.Kdll, Iinjirint M l Shadow. Textile Arial. C h a r c o a l . t^os-sn Novij AWf1). antl ('hiftun SSi Photographs: Class photos were taken by Applcyard Photography of South Haven. Michigan. Sports team pictures and Opening page photo ueiv taken by Hope College Public Relations. Greek. Pull and N\ kei k group pho tos were taken by Steven DeJong of Hope College CM T (ireek.-. and Groups photos section photos were taken b\ those given credit Cover photo and Closing page photo were by 1991 graduate John dc Visser Vdvisors: Anne Bakker-Gras and Derek Emerson. Student Development Department. Hope College.



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t h e day b e g i n s w i t h a sunrise and e n d s with the stars

p o p p i n g into t h e m i d n i g h t sky; s e a s o n s c h a n g e f r o m the s h o w e r s of M a y to N o v e m b e r ' s first snow. T h e w o r l d o u t s i d e , with its f l o w e r s , trees, b r e e z e s , s t o r m s a n d t e m p e r a t u r e c h a n g e s a f f e c t s every p e r s o n w h o c h o s e to s p e n d 1 9 9 8 - 1 9 9 9 as a part of the c o l l e g e c o m m u n i t y . E v e r y day, inc l u d i n g the blizzard of J a n u a r y and the b l a z i n g sun on G r a d u a t i o n shaped the e x p e r i e n c e of the year, f r o m each sunrise to e a c h sunset. J*:


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