The theolog vol 11 january 1938 no 1

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The Western Theological Seminary of the

Reformed Church in America


W estern Theological Seminary — OF THE


CATALOG 1937 — 1938





September 15, 2


— Entrance examinations.

September 16, 8


— Lectures begin.






17, noon — Christmas recess begins.

— Thanksgiving Day. — First semester examinations.


January 6 — Lectures resumed.





— Final examinations and meeting of Board of Superintendents.

— Commencement.

September 14, 2


— Entrance examinations.

September 15, 8


— Lectures begin.






21, noon — Christmas recess begins.

— Thanksgiving Day. — First semester examinations.


January 5 — Lectures resumed.





— Final examinations and meeting of Board of Superintendents.

— Commencement.




PRES. S. C. NETTINGA ___________________________ President PRES. W. WICKERS ______________President of Hope College PRES. IRWIN LUBBERS _________ Presidentof Central College REV. EDWARD D. DIMNENT, Litt.D. Treasurer of the Board of Trustees From the Synod of New York REV. J. H. MURPHY, D.D., Hudson, N. Y _______________ 1939 From the Synod of Albany *REV. C. J. POTTER, D.D., Schenectady, N. Y ___________ 1939 From the Synod of New Brunswick REV. DAVID VAN STRIEN, Woodcliff,N. J _____________ 1938 From the Synod of Chicago REV. J. F. HEEMSTRA, Hudsonville,Mich _______________ 1940 ELDER EDWARD FREYLING, Grand Rapids, Mich ______ 1941 REV. JOHN BOVENKERK, Muskegon, Mich _____________ 1939 REV. ABRAHAM RYNBRANDT, Fulton, 111 _____________ 1942




Holland, 111 __________ 1938


the Synod of Iowa REV. A. HAVERKAMP, Pella, la _______________________ 1941 REV. JOHN GEORGE MENNENGA, Pella, la ___________ 1940 ELDER S. SESSLER, Aplington,la ______________________ 1942 REV. W. DENEKAS, Pekin, 111 __________________________ 1938 REV. H. COLENBRANDER, Orange City, la _____________ 1942

From the Classes JOHN KUITE ______________1941 EDWARD H. TANIS _______ 1941

Chicago --------------REV. Grand Rapids ________ fREV. Holland ______________REV.


Illinois _______________

Kalamazoo ____________ REV. Muskegon ____________ REV. Cascades _____________REV. Dakota ______________fREV. Germania _____________ REV. Pella _________________ REV. Pleasant Prairie _______ REV. East Sioux ___________ JREV.


Sioux ___________ REV. Wisconsin ____________ REV. California____________ REV.

*Moved from bounds tMoved from bounds


D.D._1938 _________________1938 J. J. HOLLEBRANDS _______ 1941 J. BRUGGERS _____________1942 GEORGE HANKAMP ______ 1938 R. DUIKER ________________1938 WM. WEELDREYER _______ 1940 G. MENNING _____________1940 H. HUENEMANN _________ 1939 M. A. STEGEMAN __________ 1939 L. A. BRUNSTING _________ 1939 A. T. LAMAN ______________1939 HENRY BELTMAN ________ 1938 H. HOFFS

of the Synod. of Classis.



Officers of the



President _______________________________ REV. G. Vice-President ____________________ REV. C. J. POTTER, D.D.


Stated Clerk _____________________REV.

Executive Committee REV. J. VAN PEURSEM, D.D. REV. S. C. NETTINGA, D.D. REV. J. BOVENKERK REV. E. D. DIMNENT, Litt.D. Trustees of the Seminary REV. E. J. BLEKKINK, D.D., President REV. S. C. NETTINGA, D.D., Vice-President MR. WM. J. WESTVEER, Secretary REV. E. D. DIMNENT, Litt.D., Treasurer



C. D.



J. F.



E. H.






I. II. HI. IV.

V. VI.

Rev. John Kuite, General Chairman Rev. C. J. Potter, D.D., and Rev. D. Van Strien Rev. E. H. Tanis and Rev. J. Van Peursem, D.D. Rev. A. Haverkamp and Rev. G. Menning. Rev. L. A. Brunsting and Rev. H. Colenbrander Rev. W. Denekas and Rev. H. Huenemann. Rev. H. Hoffs and Elder S. Van der Ploeg.




C. NETTINGA, D.D. President James A. H. Cornell Professorof Historical Theology 133 West Eleventh St.


J. BLEKKINK, D.D. Emeritus Professorof Systematic Theology 303 College Ave. *




der Meulen Professorof Old



and Literature 28 East Twelfth St.

REVEREND JACOB VAN DER MEULEN, D.D. A. Biemolt Professor of New Testament Language and Literature Secretary of the Faculty 29 East Sixteenth St. REVEREND ALBERTUS PIETERS, D.D. Dosker-Hulswit Professor of Bible and Missions Foundation in memory of Rev. and Mrs. N. Dosker and Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Hulswit Librarian 44 East Fifteenth St. REVEREND JOHN R. MULDER, D.D. Albertus C. Van Raalte Professorof Systematic Theology In charge of Student Preaching 80 West Sixteenth St.



Lector in PracticalTheology 36 W. Twelfth St.


PROFESSOR ROLLAND SHACKSON, Special Instructorin Speech

161 West Twentieth ^Deceased, October 25, 1937.





STUDENTS OF THE SEMINARY SENIOR CLASS Arthur James Bennink, A.B ____________________ Armour, S. D. Central College, 1935

Adelphos Anthony Dykstra, A.B _______________ Holland, Mich. Hope College, 1936 L>.

Ivan Dykstra, A.B -----------------------Orange City, Hope College, 1935


Josias I. Eernisse, A.B ________________________ Mobridge, S. D.

Central College, 1935 Joseph R. Esther, A.B _____________________ Coopersville, Mich. Hope College, 1935 Middle Year at Biblical Seminary, New York City. Martin Hoekman, A.


------------------- ----- Okaton, S. D. College, 1935


Benjamin Jay Hoffman, A.B ------------------Overisel, Mich. Hope College, 1935 Edward

J. Jurgens, A.B -----------------------Hampton, la.

Central College, 1935 William Bernard Kolenbrander, A.B ____________ Holland, Mich. Central College, 1935 Maurice Tysen, A.B ___________________________ De Motte, Ind. Central College, 1934

John Leonard Van Harn, A.B ------------- R.R. No. Hope College, 1935

2, Holland

Gysbert J. Ver Steeg, A.B ------------------Orange City, Hope College, 1935


MUDDLE CLASS Gradus ChristianAalberts,A.B


Orange City,


Calvin College, 1936

James William Benes, A.B --------------------De Motte, Ind. Central College, 1936

John Edward Buteyn, A.B --------------------Brandon, Wis. Hope College, 1936 George C. Douma,

A.B ___________________ Grand Rapids, Mich.


College, 1936



A.B ---------------------Catskill, N. Y.


College, 1936

David Anthony Daman, A.B -------------------- Oostburg, Wis. Hope College, 1936 Albert F. Mansen, A.B ----------------------Orange City, Hope College, 1936

Andrew B. Meyer,

A.B ____________________ German Valley,



Central College, 1936 Gerrit Henry Rientjes, A.B ---------------- Oak Harbor, Wash. Hope College, 1936

John Henry

Piet, A.B ____________________ Grand Rapids, Mich.

Hope College, 1936 Junior Year at Princeton Theological Seminary James William Schut, A.B


Maple Lake, Minn.

Central College, 1938 Maurice Raney Snyder, A.B __________________ Cobleskill, N. Hope College, 1936


August Tellinghuizen,A.B ------------------------Sibley,


Central College, 1936

JUNIOR CLASS Bartel Bylsma, A.B ---------------------Grand Rapids, Mich. Calvin College, 1937 Allen B. Cook, A.B -----------------------Coopersville, Mich. Hope College, 1937 Elton M. Eenigenburg, A.B ----------------------Chicago, 111. Rutgers University,1937 Joseph A. Kamphuis, A.B _________________________ Fulton, 111. John Fletcher University,1936 University Park, la.

Rowland A. Koskamp, A.B -------------------Oostburg, Wis. Hope College, 1937

Thomas A. Daman,

A.B ------------------------ Oostburg, Wis.


College, 1937

Lester W. Muller, A.B --------------------Dell Rapids, S. D. Central College, 1937

Reuben J. Ongna,

A.B ------------------


Sheboygan Falls, Wis.

College, 1937



Reuben H. Ten Haken, A.B ------------- Sheboygan Falls, Wis Hope College, 1937 Howard

L. Teusink, A.B _______________________ Holland, Mich. Hope College, 1937

Russell W. Van de Bunte, A.B ----------- Grand Rapids, Mich. Calvin College, 1937

Raymond R. Van Heukelom, A.B

____________________ Pella, Central College, 1937


Willard G. Veltman, A.B _______________________ Holland, Mich. Hope College, 1937


Kik _____________________________ Holland, Mich.

Rev. Clyde W. Meredith, A.B ___________________ Holland, Mich. Houghton College, 1927, Houghton, N. Y. Mrs. Adelphos Dykstra, A.B ___________________ Holland, Mich. Hope College, 1932 Mrs. William B. Kolenbrander_________________Holland, Mich. Mrs. Reuben H. Ten Haken _____________Sheboygan Falls, Wis. Mrs. Reuben J. Ongna _________________Sheboygan Falls, Wis.

SUMMARY Special Students --------------------------------------6 Senior Class ------------------------------------------ 12 Middle Class ------------------------------------------ 13 Junior Class _______________________________________ 13


Total Attendance.






O.T.l. Hebrew. Davidson’s Hebrew Grammar is used as a basis. The language is studied from the philological standpoint in order to lay the foundation for the exegetical study of the Old Testament.With this end in view, courses are offered which aim to make the student thoroughly familiar with the chief exegetical and critical problems of the Hebrew Scriptures. For Juniors. Three hours a week. First Semester. O.T.2. Hebrew. A continuationof the above. Special attention is given to syntax and idiom from the reading of selected passages in the Pentateuch, Joshua and Samuel. Word-studies revealing the genius of the language and illustrated by newly-coined words in modern Hebrew. For Juniors. Three hours a week. Second Semester. Dr. Martin Wyngaarden O.T.3. Introductionto the Prophets. The Major Prophets and Minor Prophets. Mimeographed lectures, collateral reading from Raven’s O. T. Introduction;and Robinson’sMinor Prophets. For Middlers. One Hour a week. First Semester. O.T.4. The Prophecy of Amos. A philological rather than an exegeticalcourse, including the reading of outstanding portions from this prophetic book, and of mimeographed notes on some of the textual criticalproblems that arise by comparing the Hebrew, the Septuagint and the Vulgate. A review of part of Davidson’s Grammar. Lectures on the historic backgroundof Amos. For Middlers. One Hour a week. First Semester.

to the Pentateuch and the Writings. Mimeographed lectures on the Pentateuch. Collateral reading from Raven, also H. M. Wiener’s articles in the

O.T.5. Introduction

InternationalStandard Bible Encyclopaedia on the Pentateuch, Priests and Levites and Sanctuary.The course aims to treat the entire field of O. T. Introduction not otherwise covered. For Middlers. One Hour a week. Second Semester.



O.T.6. Exegesis fi-om the Prophets.The Servant of Jehovah in Isaiah, especiallyas presented in Isaiah 52:13-53:12. Word studies, analyses and syntheses. Mimeographed lectures, discussions and quizzes. For Middlers. One Hour a week. Second Semester. O.T.7. Messianic Prophecies. A survey course, utilizing M. J. Wyngaarden’sbook on “The Future of the Kingdom,”and articles from the I. S. B. E. For Seniors. One Hour a week. First Semester. O.T.8. Introductionto the Canon and Text and to the Pentateuch. Mimeographed lectureson the Pentateuch.Collateral reading from Raven and Wiener. Canon and Text from Raven. For Seniors. One Hour a week. First Semester. O.T.9. Exegesis from the Prophets and the Psalms. Mimeographed notes on any or all of the following: Isaiah 52:13-53:12 and related Messianic Psalms; Isaiah 9:1-6; Zechariah 4:1-10. Word studies, analyses and syntheses. Lectures,discussions and quizzes. For Seniors. One Hour a week. Second Semester. O.T.IO. Old Testament BiblicalTheology. A course in the History of Old Testament Revelation. Lectures and discussions; brief paper by the class on selectedsubjects. Collateral reading especially from Vos, Oehler and Davidson.

For Seniors. One Hour a week. Second Semester.

NEW TESTAMENT Dr. Van der Meulen N.T.l. Introduction to the Writings of the

New Testament. Canonicity,authorship,integrity, place, date and purpose of each book carefully considered. For Juniors. Three Hours a week, six weeks. First Semester. N.T.2. New Testament Greek. The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with the history and characteristics of the Language of the New Testament. Also, a study in manuscripts, the printed Greek N.T., and the various English Versions. The instructor’s "Familiar Talks with Students of the Greek New Testament” used as a text book. A grammaticalstudy of the early chapters of the Gospel according to Mark. For Juniors. Three Hours a week, six weeks. First Semester.



N.T.3. Continuation of New Testament Greek. A grammatical study of the last chapters of the Gospel according to

Matthew. For Juniors. Three Hours a week, sixteen weeks. Second Semester. N.T.4. Introductionto the Writings of Paul. Paul’s place and influence. Exegetical study of the Epistle to the Romans. For Middlers. Three Hours a week. First Semester.

N.T.5. A Study in Hermeneutics.Instruction by oral and mimeographed lectures. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, six weeks. Second Semester.

N.T.6. Exegetical Study of Galatians. Reading and interpretations of the Greek text. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, five weeks. Second Semester.

N.T.7. Exegesis of Colossians. Reading and interpretationof the Greek text. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, five weeks. Second Semester.

N.T.8. The Epistle to the Hebrews. Canonicity, Authorship, Destination,and Purpose receive careful attention; instructiongiven by lectures.A close study of the Greek text, grammatically and exegetically.

For Seniors. Three Hours. First Semester. N.T.9. The Gospel according to John.


study in Higher

Criticism; instruction given by lectures. Selectedportions of the Gospel studied exegetically.

For Seniors.Two Hours a week. Second Semester.


Ch.H.l. Inter -testamentary History. A brief study of the Jewish and Gentile history between the testaments bearing upon the Christian movement. The purpose of the course is to indicate the large historical preparation foi the Christian era.

For Juniors. Three Hours a week, seven weeks.



Ch.H.2. The ApostolicAge. A study in the beginnings of


Christian church as an organized institution, its history, its problems, its polity, and its life. Its purpose is to



serve as an introductionto church history proper. For Juniors. Three Hours a week, six weeks. First Semester.

Ch.H.3. The

Old Catholic Church Age. A brief study of the expansion of the Christian Church during the second and third centuries; the persecutionsby the state; the strugglewith the intellectual and religious forces of the time; its defense through organizationaland doctrinaldevelopment. Also an intensive study of the views of the time on questions of Christianlife and worship. For Juniors. Three Hours a week, eight weeks. Second Semester.

Ch.H.4. The Imperial Church Age. This course seeks to show how the church was affectedby its alliancewith the state; the incursionsof the Barbarians in the Roman empire; the Nicene and Post-Nicenetheology and what efforts were made by the Monastic and other reform movements to bring the church back to what were considered more Apostolic conditions. For Juniors. Three Hours a week, eight weeks. Second Semester.

Ch.H.5. The Gregorian Age. A study of the missionary work among the North European peoples; the rise of Mohammedanism; the rise and the growth of the Papacy; the Holy Roman Empire and the conditionsof the church in the several countries.

For Middlers. Three Hours a week, three weeks.



Ch.H.6. The Hildebrandian Age. A discussionof the conflict between the Church and the State in the several countries of Europe and its outcome; prevalent views of Christianity as illustrated in the crusades,the growth of monasticism and the intellectual movement; the character and views of Christianlife and worship. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, six weeks. First Semester.

Ch.H.7. The Renaissance Age. A study

of the causes and evidences of Papal decline; an analysisand estimate of the mysticism of the age as an expressionof Christianity; the several reform movements and the Renaissance as a preparation for the Reformation of the sixteenthcentury. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, three weeks. First Semester.



Ch.H.8. The Protestant Reformation.A study of the causes, the characteristics, the progress and the fortunes of Protestantism in the various countries of Europe; the Protestant doctrinal controversies; the organizationof the Protestant churches and the changes in worship. For Middlers. Three hours a week, twelve weeks. Second Semester.

Ch.H.9. The Counter-Reformation. A study of the agencies of the Roman Catholic Church to resist Protestantism, and the results. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, four weeks. Second Semester.

Modem Church in Europe. A study of the denominational development; the Enlightenment in its various aspects; the conflictbetween conservatism and liberalism; the various revival and reform movements and the outstanding features of Romanism and Protestantism in the nineteenth century. For Seniors. Two Hours a week, twelve weeks. First Semester.

Ch.H.10. The

Ch.H.ll. The Church in America. A study of the European background of the American church and the rise of the several denominations; the outstanding characteristics of American Christianityand intensivestudy of the origin and growth of the Reformed Church in America; present day movements and tendencies. For Seniors. Three Hours a week, sixteen weeks. Second Semester.

SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY Dr. Mulder S.T.l. Introductionto Theology. Method, Nature and Sources of Theology; Revelation; Inspiration;Authority; Doctrinal Standards of the Reformed Churches. For Juniors. Three Hours a week. First Semester. S.T.2. Doctrine of God. Nature, Names, Attributes, the Trinity, Decrees, Creation,Providence. For Juniors. Three Hours a week. Second Semester.

S.T.3 Doctrine of Man. Origin, Nature and State of Man, Covenant of Works, the Fall, Nature of Sin, OriginalSin, Total Depravity, Covenant of Grace. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, eight weeks. First Semester.



S.T.4. Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ. Virgin Birth, Natures, Humiliation, Offices, Atonement, Exaltation.

For Middlers.Three Hours a week, four weeks.


Semester. S.T.5. Doctrine of the Person and Work of Christ. A continuation of the preceding course. For Middlers.Three Hours a week, six weeks. Second Semester. S.T.6. Doctrine of Salvation. The Holy Spirit, Ordo Salutis, a study of each of the steps in the order of salvation. For Middlers. Three Hours a week, ten weeks. Second Semester. S.T.7. Doctrines of the Church, the Sacraments, and the Last Things. The Church and Israel, the Church and the Kingdom, Church Offices, Church Authority, Relationship of Church and State; the Sacraments as Means of Grace; Death and Immortality, the Return of Christ, the Resurrection, the Judgment. For Seniors. Three Hours a week. First Semester. S.T.8. Ethics. Introduction to theologicalethics; principles and problems in individual and social ethics. For Seniors. Three Hours a week, eight weeks. Second Semester. S.T.9. Apologetics. Introduction to problems in Christian Apologetics.

For Seniors. Three Hours a week, eight weeks. Second Semester.

ENGLISH BIBLE Dr. Pieters E.B.l. New TestamentHistory. (1) Life of Christ — historical and exegetical problems involvedin this history. The aim of this course is to enable the student to see Jesus, first as an historical character,whom we know from unimpeachable historical sources, and then as the God-Man, moving among men as only the incarnate God could move among them. (2) Apostolichistory, consideredas the continued activity of the risen and glorifiedRedeemer, through his authorized spokesmen and the organized body of his followers.Note-taking on readings in authoritative works dealing with the historical and critical problems



raised by the history forms an important element in this course.

For Juniors. Three hours a week, weeks of second semester.


semester, and four

E.B.2. Old Testament History. (1) Universal History — first ten chapters of Genesis, studied with referenceto the exegetical, scientific,and religious problems involved,with special emphasis upon the universalcharacter of this section of the Bible. (2) PatriarchalHistory — the great promise to Abraham and his seed, with New Testament interpretation thereof, the fortunes of the patriarchs, etc. (3) Mosaic History — the exodus, contemporaryconditions in Egypt, the Sinai tic covenant and its relation to the


Testament, structure and symbolism of the tabernacle, the sacrifices, experiences en route to the promised land. (4) History of the Conquest and of the Judges. (5) History of the United Kingdom. (6) History of the Divided Kingdom. (7) Exilic and Post-exilic History, to the close of the Old Testament canon.

Constant attention is paid in this course to the most recent archaeologicaldiscoveries in Bible lands, as well as to the reconstructionof the history demanded by the Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis and credibility of such reconstruction. Reference reading, under guidance of the instructor, is required,the attention of students being directed to standard works of both conservativeand liberal writers.

For Middlers. Three hours a week, weeks of second semester.

first semester,

and four

E.B.3. Psalms, Wisdom Literature and Prophets This course covers rapidly all the books of the Old Testament not studied in Course E.B.2. The general character and distinctive message of each book is taken up, with a minimum of attentionto detailedexegesis or to the critical problems involved. Careful attention is paid to historical questionsthat have a direct bearing upon the contents of the various books; also to the use made of the said books in the New Testament. For Seniors. Three hours a week. First Semester only. E.B.4. Elective. Exposition of the Revelation of John. For Seniors. One hour a week. Second Semester.



MISSIONS Dr. Pieters

M.l. History of Missions. This course presents the rise, progress, and achievements of Protestant missionary effort, studying the history and influence of the great missionary societies,lives of eminent missionaries, the rise of churches in mission lands, and present conditions.Reference reading.

For Juniors. Three hours a week, ten weeks of Second Semester.

M.2. Theory of Missions. Lectures on nature and purpose of foreign missionary work; qualifications,preparation,and appointmentof missionaries,organization and authority of Boards of Missions; living conditions on the field; methods, difficulties and results; special problems of missions of the Reformed Church in America. Reference reading.

For Middlers. Three hours a week, ten weeks of Second Semester.

M.3. Comparative Study of Religions. History, underlying principles, doctrines,moral teachings,actual moral and religious values, etc., of Animism, Nature Worship, Hinduism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Shintoism, studied in the light of the claims and doctrines of the Christian revelation. Reference reading.

For Seniors. Second Semester, two hours a week.

PRACTICAL THEOLOGY Dr. Blocker P.T.l. Lectures in Homiletics,Liturgies, Poimenics,Archagics, Pedagogy, ChristianPsychology and ReligiousEducation. P.T.2. Studies in the history and art of preaching and preachers and great sermons.



P.T.3. Exposition of types of sermons and of the principles of sermon construction. Preparation of sermon outlines and sermons of the narrative, topical and textual type. P.T.4. Student preaching for first year students before members of the Junior Class. P.T.5. Church Analysis,Community Surveys, Visitation Evangelism and Methods of Church Operation. Courses listed above are given consecutively. For Juniors. Three Hours a week. Junior year.



P.T.6. Expository Preaching.A course in the exegeticaland expository material covering the Sermon on the Mount. The theory covering this form of sermon constructionwill be given in connectionwith this course. The principles of mental hygiene,psychiatry and psychology will be examined in the light of Jesus’ teaching with a view to presenting a comprehensive course in Christian Psychology, ReligiousEducation and Expository Sermon construction and delivery. P.T.7. Religious Education.A study of the problems, opportunities,achievements and shortcomings of Religious Education from an historic standpoint. Special emphasis on the teaching agencies of the church. P.T.6 and P.T.7 are given consecutively. For Middlers. Three Hours a week. Middle year. P.T.8. DoctrinalPreaching. Exposition of the nature and content of the doctrinal sermon. Preparation of outlines on Christian doctrines. Construction and delivery of doctrinal sermons. P.T.9. Preaching Values in the Heidelberg Catechism. Its teachings presented in revised form. Comparison of standard expositions with current theological and general Christianliterature.P.T.8 answers more specifically the question of “How to Preach?” and P.T.9 the question of

“What to Preach?” For Seniors. Two Hours a week. First Semester. P.T.10. Sociology. Lectures on the relation of Christianity to the world situation and the problems confronting the Christian Church today. Survey of such literature as Luccock’s "The Christian Faith and Economic Change,” "Christ and the Present Crisis” by various authors; "Christ and the Social Revolution.” The purpose of this course is to equip the preacher to meet the challenge of the present day with the full ChristianGospel.

13. Sacraments,Polity, Church Administration. Studies in the rites of the church, the constitution of the Reformed Church, history and principles of church government, etc.

P.T.ll, 12,

P.T.10 to 13 for Seniors. Three Hours a Semester.





SPEECH Prof. Holland Shackson, Ph.D.

Sp.l. Speech and Voice. The aims of the course are to improve articulation, to develop the quality and flexibilityof the voice, and to increase effectiveness of action while speaking.Attention is given to the reading of Scripture and the kinds of speaking required in religious leadership aside from the sermon. Lectures, assigned reading, and class practiceand criticism.

For Seniors. Two Hours a week. First Semester.

SPECIAL LECTURES Rev. Leonard De Moor, Ph.D., North Blendon, Mich.

Why We

Are Protestants. Schleiermacher and the Emergence of Modernism. III. Ritschlianism:the Crest of Modernism. IV. Karl Barth and HistoricCalvinism. "The Myth of the Twentieth Century.� Hitler and the Crisis of the German Church. I.







GENERAL INFORMATION SEMINARY REGULATIONS Conditionsof Entrance. — Every applicant is required to present a testimonialof church membership and one of literary qualifications.Graduates of a college of recognized standing, whose course of study includes a sufficient amount of Greek, Latin, and Philosophy, will be admitted upon presentation of the usual credentials, consistingof statement of credits and diploma.

The requirements of the Constitutionin regard to students preparing for the ministry in the Reformed Church are as follows:

"Any member of a Reformed Church who contemplates entering the work of the ministry shall furnish to one of the theological schools satisfactory evidence of his being a member of the church in full communion and in good standing,and of his piety, abilitiesand literary attainments, before he begins his course of theological studies. He shall thereupon be admitted into the school, and during the prosecution of his studies there shall be subject to its rules and regulations.When he shall have completed the prescribedcourse of theological studies, he shall be admitted to an examination for licensure by the Classis to which the church belongs of which he was a member when he entered upon his theologicalstudies.” Constitution, Sec. 9. Attendance. — It is expected that every student will be present punctuallyat the daily chapel service, at all the class exercises, and at all other regular appointments of the Seminary.

Any student who finds it necessary to be absent from any Seminary exercise is expected to obtain from the Presidentpermission for absence. Examinations.— Examinationsare held at the close of each semester. Those at the close of the first semester are written, graded by the professorsin charge, and sent to the Committee on Examinations of the Board of Superintendents as an exhibition of the work done in the school. Examinations at the end of the second semester may be merely oral, before committees of the Board, or written in addition, at. the option of the professor in charge. Regular reports are sent to the students at the end of each semester.





prayer meeting for students is held each week. There are often group student meetings in addition. Students are encouragedto discuss personal difficultieswith their professors, and the class room work in every department Religious.—

experiencesof religious to help the students keep

is held as close as possible to the actual life. In this

way every effort is made

the tone of their religious life strong and true. Students of the seminary get the advantage of the religious activities of Hope College students. Athletic. — Tennis courts are on the campus for those who desire to use them. Opportunity for Gymnasium work and basketballhas generallybeen possible by the kind co-operation of the Hope College authorities. Social.

— Dormitory life, in the two combined dormitories,

gives a great deal of opportunity for good fellowship and sociability in the student life. It also gives opportunityfor student initiative,for all these dormitory matters are left to the students themselves,under the supervisionof a faculty member. At the beginning of each year the faculty reception for the students,their young woman friends, members of the college faculty, and local clergy, is held. Toward the end of each year a student reception, or banquet, is tendered the faculty.

The Adelphic Society. — Students and faculty meet every Tuesday evening for one hour for devotions,papers, debates; discussion, musical features also being found on the program. Sometimes the society meets at the home of one of the faculty members; at other times in the receptionroom of the Dormitory.

Student Preaching. — Preachingappointmentsrequested by churches are offered to the members of the Senior and Middle Classes who all get equal opportunity as far as that is possible. This whole matter is in charge of Dr. Mulder at the request of the Faculty. Members of the Junior Classes, by a ruling of the Board of Superintendents,are not permitted to accept invitations to supply pulpits. The rules of the seminary do not allow any student to have regular charge of a church. It is not consideredpossible for a student to do justice to his course while he carries the responsibility of a church.

SCHOLARSHIP, DEGREES Scholarship,Degrees. — Every possible effort is made to hold the scholarshipof the seminary up to the highest standards. Students must not only have a four year college degree from a



college of recognizedstanding, but they must prove their ability to do the




room is carried on by a variety of methods — textbook, syllabuswith library reference, mimeograph texts prepared by professors, discussion, informal and formal lectures, reports,essays, seminar. Throughout there is deliberately fostered opportunity to discuss directlywith the proin the class

fessors. All students who graduate from the full course are entitled to the ProfessorialCertificate or Diploma. Students who hold the degree of A.B. (or an equivalentdegree, e.g., B.S.) will receive in addition to this the degree of Th.B., provided their

average academic record does not Senior years.


below 85% in Middle and

Prizes. — Through the generosityof the Rev. George Nathan Makely, of Chambersburg, Pa., $5,000 were set aside, with the stipulation that the annual interest on the same provide for the followingprizes: 1. For the best Sermon Content, interest on $1,000, to constitute a First and a Second Prize. Limited to Seniors. 2. For the best Sermon Delivery, interest on $1,000, to constitute a First and a Second Prize. Limited to Seniors. 3. For the best Examination in Hebrew, intereston $1,000, to constitute a First and a Second Prize. Limited

to Juniors.

4. For the best Examination in Greek, interest on $1,000, to constitute a First and a Second Prize. Limited to Middlers.

5. For the best Thesis on a Subject Relating to Systematic Theology, interest on $1,000, to constitute a Single Prize.

The For

subjects proposed are:

1937-38, "The Theology of Regeneration in the Light of Modern Knowledge.” For 1938-39, "The Roman Catholicand Protestant Conceptions of the Church Compared” For 1939-40,"The RelationshipBetween the Church and the State.” Seniors only are eligible.

STIPENDS, FEES, SCHOLARSHIP There are no tuition fees of any sort. A matriculationfee of five dollars is, however, required of all entering students and an incidental fee of five dollars is requiredof every student; these fees are to be paid at the opening of the school year.



There are no graduation fees, but students desiringto receive the Th.B. diploma, from Hope College, are required to pay a fee of ten dollars to the college. Room rent has been set at $60.00 for the school year. The Seminary has a small fund at its disposal, from which needy students may have allowances made according to their needs and circumstances. Stipends for support while in the school may be obtained also from the Board of Education, 25 E. 22nd St., New York City. These stipends are, however, allowed only to students of the Reformed Church in America who meet the scholastic and other requirements of the Board.

Note: It is a rule of the Board of Education that all who purpose to apply for entrance into the Seminary in September, and to seek aid from this Board, shall make applicationfor such aid not later than the preceding June. Aid for later applicants will not begin before the commencement of the Second Semester.

SEMINARY EXTENSION WORK Lectures and Addresses.— In order that the Seminary may be as useful to the church as possible, the members of the Faculty are ready to give lectures or addresses in the churches desiring such services, in line with their respective departments and in so far as it is consistent with their work in the classroom. Arrangement for such servicescan be made with the particularProfessor desired.

BUILDINGS AND EQUIPMENT Beardslee Library. — Comfortable referenceand reading rooms. Current theologicalmagazines and leading Christian weeklies. A card catalog covers both authors and titles; with subject and periodical index. The library has an endowment of a little over $6,000, yielding an annual income of $200 which is supplemented by contributions from the churches, amounting last year to about $600. It is very important that this should be increased to a sum adequate for the employment of a professionallibrarian. Upwards of 18,000 volumes are now upon the shelves. Semelink


— Contains five lecture rooms, and a comfort-

able chapel.

The Dormitory. — Zwemer Hall is a modern building of brick, oak throughout. Thirty of its fifty-sixrooms have hot and cold water in each room and there are commodious bathing facilitieson each floor. Rooms are furnished save for sheets, pillow cases and towels. finished in



At the end of each year students in the Senior and Middle Classes cast lots for rooms. Rooms are assigned to the new Junior Class in order of application. Heating Plant. — A central heating plant furnishes steam heat to all the buildings.Every effort is made to keep all the buildings perfectly comfortable. The plant is fully adequate to its purpose.



Theologicalinstruction“in the west” began in 1866, after the first graduating class of Hope College had petitioned General Synod for permission to continue theological studies in the college. Synod granted the request. In 1867 the Rev. Cornelius E. Crispell was elected Professor of Didactic and Polemic Theology. With the help of other professorsin the college theological studies were carried on until 1877, when theological instruction was suspended.

In 1884 theologicalinstructionwas begun anew, and the seminary was separated from the college and made a separate institution. The Rev. Nicholas M. Steffens, D.D., was elected Professorof Didactic and Polemic Theology, and the Rev. Peter Moerdyke, D.D., and the Rev. Henry E. Dosker, D.D., served as temporary Lectors. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Chair of Systematic Theology N. M. Steffens, D.D., 1884-1895. Egbert Winter, D.D., 1895-1904. Gerrit H. Dubbink, D.D., 1904-1910. N. M. Steffens, D.D., 1911-1912. E. J. Blekkink, D.D., 1912-1928. J. E. Kuizenga, D.D., 1928-1930. W. Burggraaff, Th.D., Lector, 1931-1934. J. R. Mulder, D.D., 1936-.

Chair of Biblical Languagesand Literature Rev. J. W. Beardslee,D.D., 1888-1913. Chair of Hebrew Rev. J. W. Beardslee,D.D., 1913-1917. Rev. Henry Hospers, D.D., 1917-1937. Chair of Historical Theology Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Henry E. Dosker, D.D., 1894-1903. N. M. Steffens, D.D., 1903-1911. Matthew Kolyn, D.D., 1911-1918. S. C. Nettinga, D.D., 1918-



Chair of Practical Theology Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Jas. F.

Zwemer, D.D., 1907-1916.

John E. Kuizenga, D.D., 1916-1928. John R. Mulder, D.D., 1928-1936. Simon Blocker, D.D., Lector, 1936-38.

Chair of New TestamentLanguage and Literature Rev. John W. Beardslee,Jr., Ph.D., 1913-1917. Rev. Jacob Van der Meulen, D.D., 1920Chair of English Bible and Missions Rev. Albertus Pieters, D.D., 1926-

ENDOWMENT While the Endowment of the Western TheologicalSeminary has been steadily growing through the years, it suppliesonly about one-halfas much as is needed each year. The Seminary is therefore directly dependent upon the liberality of the churches which it seeks to serve.

Our Board of Trustees is incorporated,and funds whether for special objects, endowment,or current expenses may be sent direct to the President,the Rev. S. C. Nettinga, D.D., Holland, Mich., or to Dr. E. D. Dimnent, Treasurer. Any funds sent to the Board of Education, 25 E. 22nd St., New York City, or to

the Board of Direction of the General Synod, 25 E. 22nd St., should be carefully designated as being for the Western Theological Seminary.

INDEX Board of

Superintendents -------------


Building and Equipment --------------22 Calendar ____________________________2 Committees -------------------------4 Course of Study, The ----------------- 9 Endowment -------------------------24 Faculty, The ________________________5 General Information -----------------19 HistoricalData _____________________23 Scholarship, Degrees ----------------20 Seminary Extension Work ------------ 22 Seminary Regulations ---------------19 Stipends, Fees, Scholarship ----------- 21 Student Doings ----------------------20 Students of the Seminary ------------- 6

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