Best Memory Cards in Delhi/NCR A memory card also known as the Micro SD card may look a trivial accessory. But this petite hardware peripheral is an extremely important peripheral accessory. It empowers a host of devices ranging from mobile phones to cameras. A good memory card needs to have an amazingly high transfer speed and it should also be immune to dust and other environmental factors. Since a memory card is an extremely crucial memory component, one needs to buy a very good memory card.
Which Are Best Memory Cards In Delhi/NCR? Simmtronics microSDHC 32GB memory card Undoubtedly, the best memory card among all. The Simmtronics 32GB micro SD card comes with an amazing read/write speed and supports high quality video recording without an delay. But the USP of this product has to be its best in class reliability and durability. It’s a class 10 memory card that enables lightning fast transfer speed. What also makes this the best memory card in its range is its high compatibility to a large number of devices. SanDisk 32 GB class 10 micro SDHC Though not the best memory card, it’s a pretty good catch. It is temperature proof, shock proof and X-ray proof. The speed offered by it is a decent 32 MB/sec. The SanDisk SD card comes with an adapter. It also supports 4K videos. The Sandisk is a decent card to buy if you are unable to get a hand on Simmtronics micro SD HD 32 GB memory card. Samsung EVOplus grade 1 class 10 microSDHC memory card The Samsung EVOplus grade 1 is such a good product that it can give even the best memory card, a run for money. It comes with an extremely long 10 year warranty. The reliability factor of all Samsung micro SD cards is quite high. The company claims that the card can store up to 3 hours of full HD video or 7500 high resolution images. Strontium Nitro 32GB class 10 microSDHC The Strontium Nitro 32GB class 10 micro SD card makes use of UHS-I technology and it is also a temperature proof, shock proof and X-ray proof. It offers a good compatibility with an array of devices. Though all these products are quite good, the Simmtronics micro SD card has an edge over the others because of its best in class performance and reliability and that makes it the best memory card to buy.