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widespread problem, and they are hard to spot. When generated answers are critical for the business or reputation, ensure human supervision and feedback.



• Learn about the risks associated with the use of large language models, which include the introduction of erroneous information.

Eyad Tachwali Sr. Director, Global Tech Advisory, CIO Research Group, Gartner

All employees who use OpenAI ChatGPT should be instructed to treat the information they post as if they were posting it on a public site (e.g., a social network or a public blog). They should not post personally identifiable information, company or client information that is not generally available to the public. There are currently no clear assurances of privacy or confidentiality. In addition, the information you post may be used to further train the model.

Also, the text generated by ChatGPT depends on the prompt, task or domain, and on the quality and quantity of the training data leading to model risks and misuse risk.


• Hallucinations — These wrong answers are ChatGPT’s most

• Subpar training data — Data could be insufficient, obsolete or contain sensitive information and biases, leading to biased, prohibited or incorrect responses. Using ChatGPT for the most critical tasks and less popular domains poses higher risks, including ethical, reputational and legal risks.


• Deepfakes — These outputs generated by ChatGPT could appear realistic, but actually be fake content. Organizations must be vigilant to identify fake news, misinformation, impersonations, or efforts to manipulate public opinion.

• Fraud and abuse — Bad actors are already exploiting ChatGPT by writing fake reviews, spamming and phishing. Like any fraud, the use of ChatGPT for malicious purposes will be ongoing.

ChatGPT should be used in a controlled setting where the generated text can be properly evaluated and tuned.

Recommended Actions for enterprises wanting to use ChatGPT:

• Avoid being seduced by the intense hype about ChatGPT, a service that is still at a very early stage of

• Investigate this technology’s significant potential but avoid committing too much to it.

• Explore other emerging use cases for generative artificial intelligence (AI), beyond GPT’s language-focused ones.

• Encourage exploration of potential use cases and changes to work processes:

• Define usage guidelines — ensure that all users understand the risks, issues and practices.

• Do not use versions of ChatGPT with any private data if the service does not offer assurances of privacy or confidentiality. It is likely, however, that Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service version of ChatGPT will have enterprise-level confidentiality, privacy and compliance capabilities.

• Form a task force, which should report to your CIO and CEO, charged with:

• Detailing existential threats and major opportunities.

• Documenting what management needs to know in order to plan and set direction.

• Developing a plan to explore opportunities as they arise.

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