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No.907 Friday 25th November 2022
The Independent Student Newspaper since 1947
SLAP ON THE WRIST Clare drinking society escaped punishment for setting fresher on fire Jacob Freedland & Michael Hennessey Students at Clare College’s drinking society escaped punishment for setting a fresher on fire during an initiation, and were instead “encouraged to make a donation to charity”, Varsity understands. During a routine initiation of first-years taking place in Easter 2022, one student was accidentally set on fire after he was tasked with the challenge of putting out a lit toilet roll tucked into his shorts by running into the wind. But after being allegedly covered in flammable liquid, he caught fire and had to be hospitalised. A Clare student told Varsity he was “basically immobilised” from the burns on his inner thighs. However, according to a well-informed source, the members did not receive formal punishment from the College, and were instead encouraged to give money to charity. The source told Varsity that the members, bar the fresher who had been burnt, agreed to give £50 each to a charity for burn victims. Clare College did not respond to requests for comment. The news spread quickly around Clare. One student said that most of their peers were not surprised by the incident, which was seen as inevitable based on the previous activities of the society. They told Varsity that most students were unclear as to why anyone would want to be involved in the drinking soc as an accident like this was bound to happen. Controversies surrounding drinking societies are not new. Earlier this term, the master of Downing College criticised the College’s drinking society over “explicit” invitations to several female stu-
dents. Alan Bookbinder said that the group target “women they deem attractive, inducing them to drink in excess, and treating them in a misogynist and predatory way.” In 2018, the Facebook page “Grudgebridge” posted hundreds of accounts of inappropriate behaviour perpetrated by drinking society members which included sexual misconduct, bullying and classism. There were allegations that male members of drinking societies had confiscated the keys and phones of “attractive fresher girls” and that another male member of a society said female students would be “going home in wheelchairs” after an event. The Student Union president at the time said that Grudgebridge had caused a “seismic shift” in attitudes towards drinking societies at the University.
She said: “It’s like the annoyance that has been bubbling up for years has erupted.” Following the controversy, a third of drinking societies committed to creating a code of conduct, including Clare’s. The Clare Rugby and Boating Society (CRABS) was one of the first drinking societies set-up in Cambridge. It was established in 1930 by Paul Mellon, an American undergraduate who came to Cambridge from Yale University. After graduating Mellon became a successful banker, focusing his philanthropic activity on higher education. Mellon was a major benefactor to the Forbes-Mellon library at Clare which opened in 1986. In 1999, Mellon left $8 million to the Fitzwilliam Museum which was used to redevelop the museum’s courtyard.
King’s food sends student to A&E Bella Shorrock Deputy News Editor You don’t usually expect to get dinner at college and spend the night in Addenbrooke’s. But that’s exactly what happened to a third-year student at King’s College, who was rushed to hospital earlier this month in an “absolutely terrifying” experience. That student told Varsity that having grabbed a plate of hake and chips from King’s servery, they were surprised by the number of bones it contained. They said that the meal had not been advertised as containing bones, and that the number of bones it contained was “very extreme”. They tried to pick through the bones, but evidently missed one, and started choking. Unable to talk, they rushed outside. Fortunately, other students contacted the porters, and a taxi was quickly called to take them to Addenbrooke’s. They then waited in A&E for over three hours before seeing a surgeon. The specialist told them that the bone was wedged in their throat and had pierced the outer layer of their left tonsil. Luckily, the student was able to get it out. Nonetheless, they told Varsity it was a “very stressful” and “very scary” experience. The student criticised the King’s role in the incident. “When I was initially choking and throwing up it was absolutely terrifying”, they said. “I do think the College is partially responsible.” While it is not unreasonable to expect bones in fish, the student said the meal should have been explicitly labelled. Nonetheless, they said that the College handled the situation “quite well” and that the porter who helped them was “calm and very efficient”. This is not the only time that King’s buttery has sent students to hospital. At the end of last term, a first-year student was also rushed to Addenbrooke’s, this time in an ambulance, due to fish poisoning. When reached for comment, King’s told Varsity: “The College takes its responsibilities around food labelling very seriously and fulfills all legal requirements when serving meals. “Any student with questions or concerns about food from the College servery is encouraged to talk to the catering supervisor on duty.”