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Varun Kainth

New Delhi, India

JuSt BeAuSe SoMeThINg Is DiFfIcULt DoEsnt MeAn You SHoULDnT TRY It MEAnS YoU U SHoUlD TRY iT HARDER ........ I am crazy ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶.about [C] ܔܢܜ(๏̯͡๏) 1. Computers 2. Cutegals 3. Cold drinks 4. Chocolates 5. Coffee I AM _¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶____¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶______¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶__________¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶__________¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶__________¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶______¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ ¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶_____¶¶¶__¶¶¶ _¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶___¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶__¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ winners don't do different things,they just do things differently"!!!! and iam in those"they
