Linde Lodge 469

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Linde Lodge No. 492 October & November 2010 Meetings and Events Calendar


Friday November 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM – Bring your special/fun/ or favorite hat to the meeting. Tell us all about why it is so special, then followed by coffee social and business meeting including nomination of officers. Bring a guest!

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 11:00 - Liza Ekstrand will show how to make open face sandwiches and/or a smörgås-tårta then Swedish Christmas Julbord (smörgåsbord) social, followed by Business Meeting & Election of Officers for 2011. Bring a guest!

Sunday December 12, 2010 at 3:00 PM – Lucia and Christmas program presented by Skansen Children’s Club at Whitnall Park Lutheran Church in Hales corners (see insert). Bring a guest

JUST A REMINDER… if you move


PLEASE let us know. It costs the lodge 75¢ every time a newsletter is returned to us. And worse – you didn’t get the news on time!

Call Liza Ekstrand at 262.366.9152 to update the mailing list with your new address.

Sons of Norway Join the Public Torsk Supper at the Norway House 7507 W Oklahoma 10/23/2010 11/13/2010 12/04/2010 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Adults $13 Kids $5 (4-12)

The deadline for the December issue of the newsletter is Monday November 15, 2010 Please submit articles, favorite recipes, share pictures, etc.

Notes from the Editor:

Linde Lodge No 492 Meets first weekend of the month – either Friday night or Saturday for breakfast or lunch Business meeting approx. 1 hour, program and social time 1-2 hours Check front page for details. OFFICERS Chairman Brent Erickson 414.962.8920 Vice Chairman Rolf Ekstrand 262.782.2238 Secretary Liza Ekstrand 262.782.2238 Treasurer Marianne Ekstrand 262.893.8112 Financial Secretary

Ashley LeBlanc 262.784.4522 Cultural Leader Sonia Stephenson 262.780.0669 Newsletter Editor Marge Gruel 262.782.4522 Co-editor Liza Ekstrand

Address Change Liza Ekstrand 262.782.2238

Check out the Vasa website District 8 and Linde No 492

Wow! Where did the summer go?? Our annual crayfish party is a wonderful memory. It was great to see many people show up to greet the Swedes and each other!!! Our kids surprised us with a decadent cheesecake for our anniversary. Thanks for the cake and all the good wishes from everyone!!! The September picnic was a bust! Arne and Britt-Marie Moxness were very disappointed when there were only 7 members at the picnic. Where were all of you????? We had 20 people in the vans when we left for Bishop Hill. Brent and Jean Erickson were supposed to be on the bus too but their son missed his bus to Iowa so they had to drive him back to school there. They decided to drive directly to Bishop Hill from Iowa to meet us. We had a great time seeing the Archives and Ag Days. On Saturday evening, we all piled into the Filling Station for a wonderful meal and entertainment by the Pride of the Family Children’s club and a very informative talk by Lars Jenner. A number of people were waiting to talk to Lars on Sunday regarding their family history. The coffee pot was waiting on the second floor for any of our group that wanted to just sit and chat awhile. Thanks to Linda, Lars and Patti for all their work to feed and entertain us! We had a little less room going home due to all the purchases that were made during the weekend. Many people will be happy this Christmas!!!! Just a reminder that there is NO MEETING in October!! Some of our people will be at the Kewanee Airport for a fly in- drive in Swedish pancake breakfast. All proceeds from the breakfast will go to the Vasa National Archives. Any one who has the time is welcome to help with this venture. Call Marge Gruel or Tom Cleveland. We will have our next meeting on Friday, November 12 at 7 p.m. Don’t forget that we will have the program first followed by the business meeting! We ask every one to bring a favorite hat and tell us why this hat is important to you. Let’s see who has the most interesting story to tell. Remember Sally Meyer’s 600 year old doll’s hat that she told us about years ago? See if you can top this one!!! I received an Email from my sister, Alice Schroeder, today. It impressed me so much that I had to share it with you! It is several pages long but I hope you will read it in its entirety. I am sure that anyone over 50 will definitely appreciate the message. Remember the moral when you see someone older than you! We also received a recipe and a poem from Virginia Lindroos, our member from Chicago. This is what makes the newsletter interesting when we have submissions from our readers!!! Looking forward to the December meeting on Saturday, December 4 at 11 a.m. Liza Ekstrand will be demonstrating how to make open faced sandwiches and a sandwich torte for your holiday entertaining. We will all get a taste during the coffee time. Bring a friend and enjoy the fun!!! I hope you all are in good health and looking forward to the glorious fall season! Once again it is time to pay your dues for 2011. The dues are still $25.00 per person unless you are 75 years old and have been a member for 25 years or more. These folks get a senior discount – only $15.75 for the year. Hope to see all of you on November 12th! We may have some special visitors that evening!!! Happy Fall!!! Marge Gruel Co-editor

Happy October Birthdays to: Oct-12 Oct-14 Oct-14 Oct-19 Oct-20 Oct-29 Oct-31

Bill Shogren Kent Kelly Amy Noble Jeannine Larson Betty Baier Dorothy Tobin Mike Kinservik

Happy November Birthdays to: Nov- 5 Nov- 5 Nov- 9 Nov- 27 Nov- 27

Mike D’Acquisto Ethel Manchester Sandra Williams Elisabeth Agge Mary Anne Klees

Ja må du leva! Ja må du leva! Ja må du leva uti Hundrade år!

Ett Fyrfaldigt Leve till Dig! Hurra-Hurra-Hurra-Hurra!!!

Minutes of Linde Lodge No 492 Business Meeting – September 11, 2010 Chairman Brent Erickson declared the meeting opened at 11:01 AM after he read the opening message. Officers present were Brent Erickson-Chairman, Rolf Ekstrand-Vice Chairman, Liza Ekstrand-Recording Secretary, Marge Gruel, and PC, Jake Gruel, PC. We had only 9 members attending, but fulfilling the requirements of a quorum. We were honored to have our Swedish members Arne & Britt-Marie Moxness with us. Draping of the charter – due to a small meeting we decided to drape the charter in November for Karin Hedman and Honorary member Anders Segerdahl, while hoping we will have more members attend. Membership Applications – We have received 5 new applications for membership. One is a new member from Sweden – Håkan Hjort from Enköping (husband of Fia Hjort who is a dual member), and four members from other Swedish lodges that like to be dual members with Linde. They are Lisbeth Hallberg-Qvarfordt and husband Inge Hallberg from Lodge Bråviken No. 751, and Harriet and Svante Jansson from Lodge Upsala No. 623. While Håkan was here visiting from Sweden, we called a special meeting on September 4, 2010 at the Gruel’s home. Vice Chairman Rolf Ekstrand called the meeting to order at 8:22 PM and we had a quorum. Liza read the application and made a motion that we accept Håkan as a new member. PC Marge Gruel seconded the motion and the motion passed. GL Deputy Jake Gruel performed the initiation and Håkan took the Vasa oath. No other matters were handled and the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM. At today’s meeting Liza Ekstrand made a motion to accept the four dual members. Jake seconded the motion and the vote passed. (We should seriously be thinking about having a board meeting in Sweden as we now have 14 members living in Sweden). Minutes – The June meeting minutes were included in the latest issue of the LindeNytt. Committee Reports – Sick Committee – None Cultural Report – Report given by Liza Ekstrand: Friday November 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM – “Bring your special hat” and tell us all about it and why it’s your favorite, followed by coffee social & and business meeting including nomination of officers. Bring a guest! Saturday December 4, 2010 at 11:00 - Liza Ekstrand will show how to make open face sandwiches and/or a smörgås-tårta then Swedish Christmas Julbord (smörgåsbord) social, followed by Business Meeting & Election of Officers for 2011. Bring a guest! Sunday December 12, 2010 at 3:00 PM – Lucia and Christmas program presented by Skansen Children’s Club at Whitnall Park Lutheran Church in Hales corners (see insert). Bring a guest! Old Business – New Business – Nomination committee, Brent assigned Jake and will discuss with Marion Bruce if she can help. A bill for the crayfish party for $70.00 was presented by Liza. Marge made a motion to pay, Jake seconded and the motion passed. Sweden-America-Canada – In person greetings from Arne & Britt-Marie Moxness, Hillivi & Lars-Åke Sjöberg, Elisaberth Agge, Karl-Erik Axelsson, and Fia & Håkan Hjort, who all enjoyed our members and district friends at the crayfish party. In July Liza had the opportunity to meet with Agneta och Bo Västerstjärna from LL Malmöhus No. 643, when they visited USA and Canada. They wanted to pass on greetings to everyone in our lodge. Correspondence: - Marge & Jake shared the GL Convention booklet. Scand. Park had info about new events. Good of the Order: Marge Jothan had info on SAHS-WI events and the bustrip to IKEA on 11/15/10. Arne Moxness enjoyed the casual setting of our meeting and he and wife Britt-Marie had enjoyed everyone’s company. Brent congratulated Arne and Britt-Marie to their 40th anniversary in the lodge. Brent Erickson adjourned the meeting at 12:15 PM after Aug & Sept birthdays were acknowledged and “Ja må du leva” was sung as well as the Chaplain’s closing message was read. Next meeting Friday November 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM – at Christ the Victor Lutheran Church in New Berlin Moorland & Coffee Rd – “Bring your special hat”, followed by coffee and business meeting. Respectfully Submitted - In Truth and Unity Liza Ekstrand, Recording Secretary

Annual Picnic was enjoyed by all after the meeting – Great food – Good friends!

Crabby Old Man What do you see nurses?.... What do you see? What are you thinking….. When you're looking at me? A crabby old man …..Not very wise, Uncertain of habit….. With faraway eyes? Who dribbles his food….. And makes no reply. When you say in a loud voice….. 'I do wish you'd try!' Who seems not to notice….. The things that you do. And forever is losing….. A sock or shoe? Who, resisting or not….. Lets you do as you will, With bathing and feeding….. The long day to fill? Is that what you're thinking? ….. Is that what you see? Then open your eyes, nurse….. You're not looking at me. I'll tell you who I am….. As I sit here so still, As I do at your bidding, ….. As I eat at your will. I'm a small child of Ten….. With a father and mother, Brothers and sisters….. Who love one another. A young boy of Sixteen . . . . With wings on his feet. Dreaming that soon now….. A lover he'll meet. A groom soon at Twenty….. My heart gives a leap. Remembering, the vows….. That I promised to keep. At Twenty-Five, now….. / have young of my own. Who need me to guide….. And a secure happy home. A man of Thirty….. My young now grown fast, Bound to each other….. With ties that should last. At Forty, my young sons….. Have grown and are gone, But my woman's beside me….. To see I don't mourn. At Fifty, once more, babies play 'round my knee, Again, we know children….. My loved one and me. Dark days are upon me….. My wife is now dead. I look at the future….. Shudder with dread. For my young are all rearing….. Young of their own. And I think of the years….. And the love that I've known.

I'm now an old man….. And nature is cruel. Tis jest to make old age….. Look like a fool. The body, it crumbles Grace….. and vigor, depart. There is now a stone .... Where I once had a heart. But inside this old carcass….. A young guy still dwells, And now and again….. My battered heart swells. I remember the joys….. / remember the pain. And I'm loving and living….. Life over again. I think of the years, all too few….. Gone too fast. And accept the stark fact….. That nothing can last. So open your eyes, people….. Open and see. Not a crabby old man ... Look closer.. . See ME!!

Remember this poem when you next meet An older person who you might brush aside Without looking at the young soul within. We will all, one day, be there, too!


The best and most beautiful things of This world can't be seen or touched. They must be felt by the heart.

Annual Crayfish party, colorful critters, good company – Local, District, and Grand Lodge members along with Swedes, Germans and all the Americans. Above DM Tom Cleveland and Char Tollin got great spots at the food display, below in the gazebo from left Maud, with back to us Erik & Maud Siljestrom (potential new members), Jean Erickson, Karl-Erik Axelsson and Ray Shoberg. To the right Elisabeth Agge, Jan (Gruel) Kamholz and new member Hükan Hjort. In back Arne Moxness.

These pictures are from the bus trip to Bishop Hill. Above is the Filling Station Restaurant and the meatball dinner we all enjoyed. To the left is Les Touve in front of the Vasa National Archives, and then the local entertainers and hard working people that displayed and demonstrated old traditions.

Lucia 2009 - Ashley LeBlanc and her court

Sankta Lucia - Join us in the Celebration of this Swedish Tradition that kicks off the Swedish Christmas Season Sponsored by Linde Lodge No. 492 Performances by SKANSEN Children’s Club No. 113 Sunday December 12, 2010 at 3:00 PM The event is FREE! Open Face Sandwiches and Baked Goods are Welcomed. Stay for refreshments afterwards and enjoy dancing around the Christmas tree. For more information call Liza Ekstrand 262.366.9152 Välkommen och God Jul!

Whitnall Park Lutheran Church 5847 Lilac Lane in Hales Corners, Wisconsin 53130 - (Hwy 100 & go East on Forest Home)

Krya på Dig Hörna Get Well Corner To anyone that isn’t feeling well. Remember to get the Flu Shoot and take your vitamins!

Swedish tidbits Liza is visiting Sweden (Malmö area) in October and will see the Turning Torso Building


To a speedy recovery!

Editor: Co-Editor: Marge Gruel Liza Ekstrand 13716 W Lilac Lane 15070 W Mayflower Dr New Berlin WI 53151

October & November 2010 Business Meeting - Friday, November 12, 2010 at 7:00 PM Christ the Victor Lutheran Church 15700 W Coffee Rd – New Berlin WI 53151 Program first then Short Business Meeting

VASA Order of America (A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization)

Linde Lodge No. 492 Milwaukee Wisconsin

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