Bylaws for District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Vasa Order of America A Swedish-American Fraternal Organization
2009 1
Bylaws for District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Vasa Order of America Article I – Name and Number The District Lodge’s name is District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Vasa Order of America, and it is incorporated in Illinois. Article II – Aim The District Lodge shall: A. organize, promote, and guide local lodges in the District’s jurisdiction--anyone aged 14 or older who is committed to the promotion and advancement of Swedish and Nordic culture and heritage is eligible to apply to join a local lodge; B. maintain a Hospital Fund, which shall make payments to members of the Fund who have outpatient procedures or hospital or transitional care admissions as listed in the Fund’s bylaw section; C. maintain a Funeral Benefit Fund, which, when a member of the Fund dies, shall pay $100 to his or her beneficiaries; D. promote the culture and heritage of the Nordic countries, promote social and educational activities among the members, maintain contact with people in the Nordic countries, and teach and preserve the Swedish language; and E. organize and support clubs in the District’s jurisdiction for children and youths. Article III – Jurisdiction Section 1 – Territory. The Grand Lodge shall determine the territorial jurisdiction of this District, which includes Southern Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Southern Michigan. The District Lodge may organize lodges outside its territory if the Grand Lodge Executive Board gives its consent. Section 2 – Authority. The District Lodge shall ensure that the local lodges in its jurisdiction comply with the Bylaws and Constitution of the District Lodge and the Grand Lodge. The District Lodge may suspend a local lodge that is not in compliance. Article IV – Membership Section 1 – Classification. The District Lodge has four classes of membership.
A. Active Members. Active members of the District Lodge are the District officers, the District Honorary Life Members, and the elected delegates from the local lodges, the children’s clubs, and the youth clubs. B. Passive Members. The District Lodge passive members are those who have been delegates of a District Convention. They may be seated at District Conventions and may participate in debates but shall not vote. C. Honorary Life Members. The District Lodge Executive Board or the District Lodge may nominate an active or passive member of the District Lodge for this designation. The nominee’s Vasa activities and lodge offices and the reasons for the recommendation must be given. The District Lodge in session will vote on the nomination. Awardees of the designation may attend District Conventions and have the same privileges as delegates of the Conventions. The Past District Masters are Honorary Life Members. D. Honorary Members. This membership is for individuals who are not Vasa members but who are worthy of special recognition for their support of Vasa in the District. The District Lodge or its Executive Board may nominate and vote on these memberships. The designation carries no privileges. Section 2 – Delegates. A. Representation. 1. Local lodges shall elect delegates to attend District Annual Conventions. A lodge with 25 or fewer members may elect two delegates; a lodge with 26 -50 members may elect three delegates; a lodge with 51-150 members may elect four delegates; a lodge with 151 – 250 members may elect five delegates; a lodge may elect an additional delegate for each additional one hundred or portion of one hundred members it has. 2. Each local lodge must pay its dues and per capita tax by January 31 in order for its delegates to be permitted to attend the year’s District Convention, unless the lodge explains why the payment is not made and the District Executive Board permits the delegates to attend because of that explanation. 3. Each active children’s club and youth club may send a delegate to a District Convention. B. Eligibility for District Delegates. 1. Members in good standing in a local lodge (having paid dues and not being suspended) are eligible to be elected delegates to a District Convention. 2. To be a delegate from a children’s club or youth club, one must be a member in good standing of a local lodge. C. Election of District Delegates. Each local lodge, children’s club, and youth club shall elect District Convention delegates and inform the District Secretary of the delegates’ names and addresses by February 28. The candidates who are not elected as delegates will be
alternates, in the order of the number of votes they receive. Alternates may attend the District Convention in place of elected delegates who cannot attend. D. Credentials. Delegates to a District Convention must present to the District Secretary a credential form signed by the chairman and secretary of the delegate’s local lodge and imprinted with the lodge’s seal. The District Secretary shall furnish the credential forms. E. Term of Service. A delegate’s term of service as an active District Lodge member begins with the delegate’s installation at one District Convention and lasts until the beginning of the next Convention. F. Compensation for District Convention Attendance. 1. Delegates who attend a District Convention and who drive a vehicle to and from it or who take public transportation shall receive a per-mile payment from the District Lodge based on the round-trip distance from their local lodge to the Convention site. The District Convention shall determine the per-mile rate. The District Executive Board shall determine the mileage from the local lodges to the Convention site. 2. District officers, Past District Masters in attendance, and those required by the District Executive Board to attend a District Convention (but not delegates) shall receive the same travel compensation as in (1) above and also lodging as determined by the District Executive Board. Article V – Conventions and Special Meetings Section 1 – Regular Meetings. The District Lodge shall have a District Convention on the third Saturday and following Sunday in May unless a conflict arises and the District Executive Board approves an alternate time. The District Executive Board or a District Convention may decide the location of the next District Convention. Each local lodge shall send at least one delegate to the District Convention. If a delegate leaves a District Convention before it is closed, the delegate must inform the District Master or the District Secretary of the reason for the early departure. Section 2 – Special Meetings. The District Executive Board may call a special meeting for specific questions if they choose or if at least one-quarter of the local lodges requests a special meeting. The Executive Board will set the place and time of the meeting and notify local lodges of it at least 30 days beforehand. Only the specific questions for which the meeting is called shall be considered. Section 3 – Quorum. Eleven or more of the local lodges must be represented at a District Convention or special District Lodge meeting to constitute a quorum to conduct business. Section 4 – Delegates to the Grand Lodge. To be eligible to be elected a delegate to a Grand Lodge Convention, one must be a District Lodge delegate from a local lodge or children’s club or youth club, a District Lodge officer, or a District Lodge Honorary Life Member. Candidates must be present at the District Convention and must have attended a previous District Convention.
A. A District Convention that occurs at least four months before a Grand Lodge Convention shall elect the District Lodge’s delegates and an equal number of alternates for the Grand Lodge Convention. B. This District Convention shall determine the compensation for the delegates to the Grand Convention before the election of delegates occurs. C. The procedure for voting shall be: The District Secretary shall call the names of all District Lodge members who are eligible to run and those members will reply whether they wish to be nominated or not; the District Secretary shall have a ballot printed with the names of the nominees listed in lodge order; and, the District Lodge active members shall vote. The District Secretary shall record and retain the number of votes received by the candidates. D. If additional delegates may attend the Grand Lodge Convention when its time arrives, alternates will be added in the order of the number of votes they received in the election; if fewer may attend, delegates will be dropped in order of those receiving the fewest votes. Article VI – Officers Section 1 – Elective Offices. Elections shall occur at each District Convention. Officers will be elected by a plurality of votes. If there is a tie in the highest number of votes cast for an office, a runoff election will be held for those who tied. Each position will be voted on separately. A. The District Lodge elective offices shall be: District Master, Vice District Master, District Secretary, Assistant District Secretary, District Treasurer, District Hospital Fund Secretary, District Cultural Leader, District Supervisor of Children’s and Youth Clubs, two members of the Executive Board, District Chaplain, District Master of Ceremonies, District Inner Guard, District Outer Guard, and three Auditors. B. The District Master shall appoint the following officers with approval of the District Executive Board. The District appointed offices shall be: 1. A District Historian shall be appointed to gather and retain information of historical interest about the District Lodge and the local lodges, confer with the Grand Lodge Historian, provide a report and recommendations to the District Convention and provide a report to the Grand Lodge Historian. 2. A District Activities Club Representative shall be appointed to assist and organize clubs and confer with other organizations; provide reports and recommendations to the Executive Board and the District Convention and the Grand Lodge Activities Director; and carry out instructions from the Grand Lodge Activities Director, the District Master, and the District Executive Board. C. A three-person auditing committee shall exist, and at each District Convention, an election will occur for one of the positions. The term of service will be three years. If there are vacant positions, an election will occur for them as well; the term of service will be the
number of years remaining of that three-year term. The District Master shall appoint the chair of the committee. Section 2 – The office of Past District Master shall be filled by the recentmost District Master. Section 3 – Qualifications. To be eligible to be elected a District Lodge officer one must be a District Lodge delegate from a local lodge or children’s club or youth club, a passive District Lodge member, a District Lodge officer, or a District Lodge Honorary Life Member. All candidates must be present at the District Convention or present a valid reason for their absence that must be approved by the District Lodge Executive Board. One must have served as a District Lodge officer for least one year to be a candidate for the office of District Master. Section 4 – Term of Office. The term of office of a District Lodge officer shall be from his or her installation at a District Convention until the installation of the succeeding person at the next District Convention. Section 5 – Vacancy in Office. For offices that become vacant and do not have a specified successor, the District Master shall appoint someone to fill the office, approved by the Executive Board. Section 6 – Duties of Officers. A. The District Master is the highest ranking administrative officer and shall: 1.
preside at the District Convention, at special District Lodge meetings, and at District Executive Board meetings; 2. act as the presiding officer of the Hospital Fund; 3. appoint a District Deputy for each local lodge and give the Deputy’s name and address to the lodge; 4. designate committees and appoint members to them, unless otherwise decided by the District Convention or the District Executive Board; 5. sanction the business of the District Lodge and its Executive Board; 6. have general supervision over activities of the Order within the district; 7. present a report at District Executive Board meetings of the items he or she believes important; 8. present a report at the District Convention that highlights the past year’s activities, assesses the state of the District and its lodges, and recommends actions to take; 9. remove an elected or appointed officer or member of a committee who fails to do his or her duty or who violates a bylaw, if the District Executive Board determines that the action should be taken; 10. endorse vouchers, along with the District Secretary, for bills submitted to the District Lodge and co-sign payment checks, along with the District Treasurer, to pay bills; 11. endorse vouchers, along with the District Hospital Fund Secretary, for bills submitted to the District Lodge Hospital Fund or for benefits to be paid by the Fund, and co-sign checks, along with the District Treasurer, for payment; and 12. be bonded with the amount of the bond determined by the District Lodge Executive Board and the cost of the bond paid by the District Lodge.
B. The Vice District Master shall: 1. 2. 3.
assist the District Master, supervise the District Inner and Outer Guards, and assume the duties of the District Master when he or she is unable to perform those duties.
C. The District Secretary shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17.
retain the District Lodge seal and charter and stock the forms and supplies needed by local lodges; serve as the corresponding officer for the District Lodge; keep a membership record of the local lodges; collect payments from the local lodges and keep records of the payments; deposit funds in designated financial institutions and give deposit slip copies to the District Treasurer; issue vouchers endorsed by the District Master to the District Treasurer to authorize disbursements; minute the District Convention and Executive Board meetings; issue the District Convention call 120 days before a Convention and mail all motions to be acted upon and the delegates’ credential forms at least 60 days before the Convention to the District officers, local lodges, children’s clubs, youth clubs, and District Honorary Life Members as appropriate; provide a report to the District Convention on the membership and other items that the District Secretary chooses to discuss; have the District Lodge officers’ reports, Executive Board meeting minutes, and auditors’ and public accountants’ reports printed and mailed to the delegates and officers to be received at least 10 days before the District Convention; make any report required to the Secretary of State of the state of incorporation of the District Lodge and provide a copy to the District Convention; be bonded with the amount of the bond determined by the District Lodge Executive Board and the cost paid by the District Lodge; by March 1, provide the District Yearly Report to the Grand Secretary and provide the membership report to the Grand Membership Chair; maintain gold leaf impressions of the local lodge seals; send the names of the local lodge cultural leaders to the Grand Lodge Cultural Leader after they are installed and send the District Cultural Leader’s name to the Grand Lodge Cultural Director after the District Convention; mail the names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of the local lodge officers to the Grand Secretary by January 15; and arrange with the Grand Secretary for surety bonds for the bonded District Lodge officers.
D. The Assistant District Secretary shall: 1. 2.
assist the District Secretary and assume the duties of the District Secretary when he or she is unable to perform those duties.
E. The District Treasurer shall: 1.
retain the deposit slips for deposits made by the District Secretary to District Lodge financial institution accounts; 2. manage District Lodge funds in accordance with the District Lodge bylaws and the decisions of the District Convention and the District Executive Board; 3. keep District Lodge assets in financial institutions approved by the District Executive Board; 4. keep valuable documents in a safe location approved by the Executive Board; 5. keep records of income and expenditures; 6. pay Hospital Fund bills and benefits with checks co-signed by the District Master after vouchers for the bills and benefit applications have been endorsed by the District Hospital Fund Secretary and the District Master (the checks shall be given to the Hospital Fund Secretary to distribute); 7. pay other bills with checks co-signed by the District Master after vouchers for the bills have been endorsed by the District Secretary and the District Master; 8. report on funds to the District Executive Board and to the District Convention and make financial recommendations to both; 9. assist the District Finance Committee in preparing a budget proposal for the District Convention and present the District Lodge budget for approval to the District Convention; 10. be bonded with the amount determined by the District Lodge Executive Board and the cost paid by the District Lodge; 11. select a Certified Public Accountant with the approval of the District Executive Board to review the District Lodge’s accounts annually; and 12. provide the annual CPA review of the District Lodge’s accounts to the District Secretary by April 15 for reporting to the District Convention.
F. The District Supervisor of Children’s and Youth Clubs shall: 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
supervise children’s clubs and youth clubs in the District and organize new clubs, and submit requests to the District Executive Board for approval for semi-annual support supplements for active clubs to assist them with teacher stipends and other expenses ; provide reports and recommendations to the District Executive Board and the District Convention and the Grand Lodge Youth Director USA/Canada; serve as chairman for the committee which awards the District Lodge educational scholarships; approve the selection of children who will attend the Sjölunden Language Camp; carry out instructions from the Grand Lodge Director of Youth Activities, the District Master, and the District Executive Board; retain the District Lodge’s bridal crown, administer its use and maintain a pictorial record of its use; and maintain a membership record of the District children’s and youth clubs and their teachers and supervisors.
G. The District Cultural Leader shall:
1. 2. 3. 4.
promote cultural activities in the District and maintain contact with cultural institutions in the District, the United States, Canada, and Sweden; recommend cultural programs and events to local lodges and cultural leaders including implementation suggestions; provide reports and recommendations to the District Executive Board and the District Convention, and carry out instructions from the Grand Lodge Cultural Director, the District Master, and the District Executive Board.
H. The District Chaplain shall perform the chaplain’s functions stated in the District Lodge ritual and take part in the District Convention Memorial Service. I. The District Master of Ceremonies shall: 1. 2. 3.
perform the functions stated in the District Lodge ritual, maintain the district regalia and other assigned items, and carry out the instructions of the District Master.
J. The District Inner and Outer Guards shall perform their functions stated in the District Lodge ritual and carry out the instructions of the Vice District Master. K. The Past District Master shall assist the District Master and perform the functions of the Past District Master stated in the District Lodge ritual. Section 7 – Composition of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall consist of the immediate Past District Master, the District Master, the Vice District Master, the District Secretary, the Assistant District Secretary, the District Treasurer, the District Hospital Fund Secretary, the District Supervisor of Children’s and Youth Clubs, the District Cultural Leader, and two Members of the Executive Board. If the Board’s vote on an issue results in a tie vote, the District Master may vote. Section 8 – Duties of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall: A. manage the District Lodge between District Conventions; B. when it chooses, review the records of local lodges and instruct the lodges having inadequate records to maintain proper records; C. arrange for surety bonds for the District Lodge officers who can authorize the use of District Lodge assets. Section 9 – Compensation for District Officers. District Lodge officers shall not be paid a salary, but they may be paid a stipend that is determined for their office by the District Convention before its election of officers. Section 10 - Surety Bonds. District Lodge officers who can authorize the use of District Lodge funds shall be placed under surety bonds. The District Lodge Executive Board shall determine the amount of the bonds and the District Lodge shall pay for the bonds.
Article VII – Per Capita Tax Section 1 – Establishment and Remittance. The District Executive Board may recommend a per capita tax that is to be paid by the local lodges to the District Lodge by each January 31 to support the work of the District Lodge. District Conventions or a special District meeting must approve the per capita tax amount. Section 2 – Grand Lodge Assessment. The District Lodge shall collect the Grand Lodge yearly assessment from the local lodges by January 31 and forward the total to the Grand Lodge. Section 3 – Dual Membership Payments. Members of two lodges must pay dues to both lodges, and each of these lodges that is in the District must forward assessments to the District Lodge for the dual member. Section 4 – Forms. The District Secretary will supply the local lodges with the forms for remitting per capita taxes and dues. Article VIII – Standing Committees During a District Convention 1. Each District Convention shall have these standing committees: Transportation, Credentials, Bylaws, Nominations, Elections, Resolutions, Publicity and Press, Cultural, Membership, and Youth. 2. The District Master shall appoint the members to serve on each committee and may designate additional standing committees. Article IX – Special Funds Section 1 – Management of Funds. A. All District Lodge assets shall be deposited in financial institutions designated by the District Executive Board. B. The Funeral Benefit Fund shall be used only as stated in the Funeral Benefit Fund bylaw. C. The Hospital Fund shall be used only as stated in the Hospital Fund bylaw. D. The Educational Fund shall be used only as stated in the Educational Fund bylaw. E. The District Executive Board may invest District Lodge funds. The investments must be only in securities in which financial institutions and trust fund custodians may invest. No investments shall be made in non-negotiable assets. The District Executive Board may exchange, deposit, or move money and property of the District Lodge. No foreign investments may be made. F. No District Lodge money or securities may be loaned to a District Lodge member.
Section 2 – Funeral Benefit Fund. A. Purpose. 1.
The Funeral Benefit Fund exists to provide a payment upon the deaths of members of the Fund. The payment will be made to a lawfully entitled relative of a deceased Fund member or to the arranger of the funeral of a deceased Fund member. If the Fund’s principal exceeds 150% of the benefit amount multiplied by the number of Fund participants, income from the principal of the Fund may be transferred to the District Lodge Operating Fund. The Fund’s members shall pay dues to the Fund to sustain it. The District Executive Board shall determine the amount of the dues payment annually by January 1.
Local lodges may choose to participate in the Fund. Members of participating lodges who are in these lodges’ sick fund may take part in the Funeral Benefit Fund. Those who take part must pay annual dues for the Fund to their local lodge, and the dues must be forwarded to the District Secretary for deposit in the Funeral Benefit Fund.
A Fund payment will be made upon a Fund member’s death only if the member was in good standing in his or her local lodge.
A Fund member may withdraw from the Fund by a written request to the local lodge secretary, who will immediately tell the District Secretary of the withdrawal. If the person is in good standing in the local lodge, he or she will be covered for the remainder of the half-year in which the withdrawal is made.
B. Failure of Local Lodge to Make Dues Payment. If a Fund member pays annual Fund dues to the local lodge, that person will still be covered if the local lodge has not made payment to the District Lodge or is suspended. C. Benefit Payment 1. 2.
The benefit amount is $100.00. A person will be covered after membership in a participating local lodge of six months.
D. Certification of Death. To apply for a Fund participant’s benefit, the local lodge will forward a completed Funeral Fund application form, signed by the local lodge chairman and secretary and bearing the lodge seal, to the District Secretary. E. Fund Termination. The Fund shall terminate when it has no participants. Its assets will be transferred to the District Lodge Expenses Endowment Fund. Section 3 – Hospital Fund. The District shall maintain a Hospital Fund that has three classes— A, B, and C—and those who are eligible to participate may join one, two, or all of the classes. A. Management.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The District Executive Board shall manage and control the Hospital Fund. The District Executive Board shall set the schedule of dues and schedule of benefits for each class by January 1 of each year. The District Executive Board may investigate any application for benefits, as the Board deems necessary. The District Executive Board may ask a medical advisor for guidance regarding an application for membership or an application for benefits. The District Executive Board will choose a Certified Public Accountant to review the Hospital Fund annually and at any time it chooses to do so.
B. Purpose. The Hospital Fund shall provide payment, as stated below, to Fund members who have outpatient procedures or inpatient or transitional care admissions anywhere worldwide. C. Participation by Local Lodge Members. Members of the District’s participating local lodges may participate in the Fund if they are in good standing and remain in good standing with their local lodge. D. Participation by Children. Children and adopted children of local lodge members and children whose guardian is a local lodge member may participate in Class A of the Fund through the year of their 14th birthday. They must join a local lodge before the end of the year of their 14th birthday to continue past that year, and they must submit an adult application and be accepted to continue in any or all classes. E. Application Procedure. 1.
Local lodges may choose to participate in the Fund. Members in participating lodges may apply to participate in the Fund by submitting a Fund application form to the District Executive Board. Applicants must be under the age of 65 when they mail or deliver their application to the District Executive Board. Applicants over the age of 50 must also submit a statement from a doctor that they have good health. Once the District Executive Board approves an application, the applicant will join the Fund on the first day of the next quarter of a calendar year. The initial dues will be prorated by the number of quarters left in the year.
F. Dues. To continue membership in the Fund for the following year, Fund members must pay Fund dues to their local lodge by January 1. G. Duties of Local Lodges. Participating local lodges will: 1. 2. 3.
collect dues and keep a record of the dues paid and forward the collected dues to the District Hospital Fund Secretary, sign applicants’ benefit application forms and forward them to the Hospital Fund Secretary, and receive benefit payments from the Hospital Fund Secretary and forward them to the recipients.
H. Benefits Processing.
A member of the Fund will become eligible to receive benefits 90 days after his or her membership begins.
A member is not eligible for benefits for outpatient procedures or hospital or transitional care admissions in the first 24 months of membership for any condition for which the member received treatment in the 24 months before the member joined the fund.
In any 365-day period, benefit awards may be granted for up to 20 days of outpatient procedures or hospital or transitional care admissions.
After a Fund member leaves a hospital or transitional care facility or has stayed in one of them for 20 days, he or she must use the Fund’s benefit application form to apply for benefits. The applicant must submit the completed form with supporting evidence to the local lodge. The supporting evidence shall be the original or a copy of the bills from the hospital or transitional care facility used by the applicant. If the applicant is in good standing, the local lodge shall sign the application and forward it to the Hospital Fund Secretary. If a payment is to be made, the Hospital Fund Secretary shall prepare a voucher for the benefit payment, have it endorsed by the District Master, and forward the voucher to the District Treasurer. Then the District Treasurer shall write a check for the benefit, have the check endorsed by the District Master, and forward the check to the Hospital Fund Secretary. Then the Hospital Fund Secretary will forward the check to the applicant’s local lodge.
Classes A and B also have benefits for operating room use, anesthesia, and ambulance service. These benefits may be used only once in a 365-day period. The benefit processing procedures for these services shall be the same as the procedures described above.
A Fund member is ineligible for benefit awards related to pre-existing medical conditions that the member failed to disclose when applying to join the Fund.
I. Duties of Officers. 1.
The District Master shall preside at Fund meetings, sign documents in the Fund’s name, and call meetings of the Fund.
The Hospital Fund Secretary shall attend meetings of the Fund; receive membership applications and present them to the District Executive Board; receive benefit applications, write vouchers for applications that are approved to be co-signed by the District Master before their forwarding to the District Treasurer, and forward the payment checks to the recipients’ local lodges; maintain records of all applications and their resolutions; stock the Fund forms needed by local lodges and Fund members; and report the following information to the District Executive Board and the District Convention: the assets of the Hospital Fund, membership numbers in the Fund classes, and income received and benefits paid by the Fund.
The District Treasurer shall receive vouchers signed by the Hospital Fund Secretary and the District Master and write payment checks that will be co-signed by the District Master before the checks are forwarded to the Hospital Fund Secretary.
J. Financial Reviews. A Certified Public Accountant designated by the District Lodge Executive Board shall review the Fund at the end of each fiscal year and when called on by the District Lodge Executive Board. The CPA shall have access to all documents relating to the Fund. K. Appeal Procedures. 1.
A Hospital Fund member or a local lodge may appeal a Hospital Fund decision to these levels of authority, in order: the local lodge, the District Master, and the District Lodge in session.
An appeal of a decision must be made within 30 days of the decision. When a level of authority receives an appeal, it will forward all relevant documentation to the next level of authority.
The District Master may refer an appeal to the District Executive Board.
L. The Hospital Fund Assets. 1.
The assets in the Hospital Fund must be maintained separately from other funds of the District Lodge. Assets of other District Lodge funds may not be transferred to the Hospital Fund.
If the principal in the Hospital Fund exceeds 150% of the cost of benefits payable from the Fund, the Executive Board may have income earned on the principal transferred to the District Operating Fund. The District Executive Board will determine whether the Fund principal exceeds 150% of the cost of benefits payable from the Fund; the Executive Board may have an actuarial analysis performed to help in this determination.
Costs of Fund reviews and Fund actuarial analyses will be paid from Fund assets.
M. Termination of the Fund. The Fund shall terminate when the Fund has no members. Remaining assets of the Hospital Fund shall transfer to the District Expenses Endowment Fund. Section 4 - Educational Fund. The District Executive Board shall administer the Educational Fund. Any additional funds donated to the Educational Fund shall be administered according to the donor’s wishes, or given no direction, by the District Executive Board. The annual awards will include the following: A. The Southside Chicago Scholarship. The Southside Chicago Lodges Scholarship may be awarded to a member of a District local lodge who has been a member for more than one year before applying for a scholarship.
The scholarship must be used for undergraduate education at an accredited college or university or vocational institution.
Administrative costs shall be paid using income from the Fund.
The District Scholarship Committee Chairman shall oversee the scholarship application and selection process.
The decisions regarding the selection of winners cannot be appealed. Submitted materials will become District Lodge property.
The amount of the scholarship and the number of scholarships to be awarded shall be determined based on the income of the fund. The original principal of the fund was $48,871.54; when the Fund’s principal is below this amount, all income earned must be used to build the assets back to this amount before additional income can be used for scholarships.
Each award check shall be made payable to the award recipient and the educational institution and shall be forwarded to the recipient.
The award should be used for the academic year beginning after the award is made.
If a recipient requests that an award not be used for the next academic year and the Scholarship Committee agrees to the request, the award may be delayed; the award check must be returned for later reissue and the award must be used within two years of the initial date of the award.
B. The Sjölunden/Concordia Language Camp Awards. These awards provide scholarships for the Sjölunden Language Camp. The District Executive Board shall determine the number of scholarships to award based on funding available. 1.
Each year each active Children’s Club may select a member to attend the Language Camp for two weeks. The scholarship shall pay transportation costs to the Camp as determined by the District Executive Board; transportation receipts must be provided.
A scholarship must be used within three years of the date it is awarded.
A scholarship winner must remain an active member for one year after using the scholarship or the winner’s parent or guardian must repay all scholarship expenses.
4. One additional scholarship may be available each year for children who do not live near a Children’s Club and whose parent, grandparent, or guardian is a District local lodge member. This scholarship will have the same attributes as mentioned above. A recipient should share his or her experiences and knowledge gained with the local lodge. 5.
The District Supervisor of Children’s and Youth Clubs must approve each award.
Section 5 - District Lodge Expenses Endowment Fund.
A. This Fund shall exist, and income from it shall be used to pay: 1.
District Lodge administrative expenses not covered by local lodge per capita taxes and
travel expenses related to District Conventions that are not covered by local lodge per capita taxes.
B. Fund income not used for these purposes will be added to the District Lodge Operating Fund. The principal of the Fund cannot be invaded. C. The District Executive Board shall manage the Fund.
Article X – Financial Reviews The District Executive Board shall select a Certified Public Accountant, who shall review the District Lodge accounts annually. The CPA’s review and recommendations shall be reported to the District Convention. The District Lodge Auditing Committee shall meet with the District Executive Board before the District Convention to formulate a report and recommendations for the District Convention regarding Convention attendees’ mileage compensation and the District Lodge officers’ expense accounts and stipends. The District Lodge Auditing Committee shall carry out the instructions of the District Executive Board and shall present a report and recommendations to the District Convention. Article XI – Dissolving a Local Lodge The District Executive Board may dissolve a local lodge that does not have the resources to continue. See Article VI, Section 4, of the Grand Lodge Articles of Agreement. The members shall become members-at-large and shall have these privileges: to continue in the Funeral Benefit Fund if they already belong, to apply for Old Age Benefit Fund awards, and to continue membership in the Hospital Fund if they already belong. Members-at-large may attend District Conventions but may not debate or vote; they must pay per capita fees annually to the District Secretary. Property of a dissolved lodge will become property of the District Lodge. The Charter and records of the lodge and three gold imprints of the lodge Seal will be forwarded to the Vasa National Archives for safekeeping and three gold imprints of the lodge Seal will be forwarded to the Grand Secretary. If the local lodge has a sick benefit fund, the District Lodge shall assume management of the fund. Article XII – Merging, Forming, or Moving Local Lodges
Two or more local lodges may merge by following these steps: Each member of the lodges must be informed of the proposed merger and each lodge must discuss the proposed merger at three consecutive meetings. Then each lodge must vote on the proposal at the third meeting. Twothirds of those in attendance must vote for the proposal for it to pass. All lodges that agree to merge must inform the District Executive Board of their wish. If the Executive Board agrees on the merger, it will inform the lodges that they may merge. Local lodges are considered to have a territory that is theirs in which to operate. The District Executive Board must give its approval before a lodge can move into that territory or a new lodge can be formed in that territory. Article XIII - Bylaws of Lodges and Clubs in the District Local lodges, children’s clubs, and youth clubs that propose to amend their bylaws shall vote to approve their amendments and then send the approved amendments to the District Executive Board. The Executive Board shall approve the amendments or tell the organizations what discrepancies the Executive Board found in areas that need revising. The District Lodge shall retain copies of the complete bylaws of all lodges and clubs. After a local lodge’s proposed amendments for its entire bylaws are approved by the Executive Board, the Board shall award the lodge with an incentive amount that the Board determines. Article XIV – Local Lodge Reporting Requirement for Membership Changes Local lodge recording secretaries shall immediately inform the District Secretary of the name, membership number, age, and status of membership of newly initiated members and members who have transferred, been expelled, resigned, or died. Article XV – The District Lodge Distinguished Service Award This award for District Lodge service is to be given to an active or passive member of the District Lodge for outstanding service. The nomination for the award shall be made by a local lodge or a District Executive Board member, and the application shall be accompanied by information about the member’s activities and offices held in the Order and other reasons for recommending the member for the award. The District Executive Board shall decide which nominees shall receive the award.
Article XVI – Miscellaneous Rules A. Proposals to be acted upon at a District Convention, including proposed amendments to these bylaws, must be submitted to the District Secretary at least 90 days before the Convention. The District Secretary must submit the proposals to the local lodges at least 60 days before the Convention. B. If the District Executive Board decides that a question must be acted upon before the next District Convention, the District Executive Board may ask the District Lodge active members
to vote on the question by referendum. The referendum shall pass if at least two-thirds of those who vote approve the referendum. C. The Grand Lodge Constitution and Bylaws supersede these bylaws. D. The fiscal year of the District Lodge begins March 1. E. Officers shall turn over their District Lodge records and District Lodge assets to their successors or to a committee named by the District Executive Board when the officers leave office. F. Receipts and records of transactions must be retained three years. Membership records must be retained permanently. Cancelled checks, bank statements, and Hospital Fund claims shall be kept five years. G. The local lodge chairmen and recording secretaries must insure that correspondence from the District Lodge is presented to the local lodge and discussed and acted upon when required. Article XVII – Amendments 1. The District Lodge bylaws may be amended only at a District Convention or special meeting of the District Lodge that is called to consider the proposed amendments. Each proposed amendment must receive a two-thirds “yes” vote to pass. 2. A member of a local lodge may submit amendment proposals; the local lodge secretary must attest on the proposals that the member is in good standing. 3. A local lodge may submit amendment proposals; they must be signed by the local lodge secretary and chairman and bear the local lodge seal. 4. The District Secretary must receive each proposal at least 90 days before the special District meeting or District Convention. 5. The District Secretary must distribute the amendment proposals 60 days before the special District meeting or District Convention to the District elected officers, the District delegates for the Convention or meeting, the District Honorary Life Members, and the local lodge recording secretaries. Explanation of the Vasa Old Age and Benefit Fund 1. The Vasa Old Age and Benefit Fund provides assistance to members in need. Canadian and USA Vasa members are assessed 25 cents per year for the Fund. 2. Each year, 12% of the Fund’s capital is apportioned by the Grand Lodge to district lodges in the USA and Canada according to the per capita tax they paid the Grand Lodge. Unused allotments to the districts accumulate and can be used in subsequent years.
3. Canadian and USA members are eligible for assistance if they participate in a district lodge funeral benefit fund or a local lodge sick benefit fund or after five years of continuous membership since their last initiation or reinstatement. One may not receive more than $2,000 from the Fund in his or her lifetime. 4. Local lodges forward fund application forms, signed by the local lodge chairman and recording secretary and bearing the local lodge seal, to their district executive board. District lodges consider the applicants’ financial situations and determine the need for assistance. The executive board notifies the Grand Secretary of each approved request, and a payment check, made out to the local lodge, is sent from the Grand Lodge to the district board. The executive board forwards the check to the local lodge recording secretary for deposit to the local lodge account, and the local lodge treasurer writes a check to the beneficiary. 5. District lodges may request a benefit payment from the Grand Lodge to use to pay the per capita tax for local lodge members in need, up to 8% of the lodge membership. Vasa Star The Grand Lodge publishes the Vasa Star magazine. It contains news from the Grand Lodge and news about local and district lodges. Any Vasa member may submit items to it for publication. Submittals must not be religious or political. Support for New Local Lodges District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 will pay 50% of a new lodge’s Grand Lodge and District assessments for the new lodge’s first year and 25% of the assessments for its second year. Explanation of the Vasa Order of America Educational Fund The Grand Lodge manages this Fund. A levy of $1.00 per year on each Vasa member sustains the funding for the scholarships listed in (a) and (b) below. The additional scholarships are funded by their donors. The Grand Lodge scholarships are for members who attend accredited institutions of higher learning. These are the scholarships: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
one $3000 Grand Lodge Scholarship for graduate study; up to ten $1000 college or vocational school scholarships; one $1000 Irma and Knute Carlson award; one $2000 Ellis F. Hillner award; one $3000 Oscar and Mildred Larson award; one $1,500 Einar and Edith Nilsson award; one $1,500 Gladys and Russell Birtwistle award; and one $1000 Björling Music award beginning in 2010.
Applications are available on the Vasa Grand Lodge web site and from the Vice Grand Master; the Vice Grand Master must receive completed applications by February 10.
The Fund may also provide educational loans to Vasa members; the Grand Secretary will provide the application forms.