October december 2011

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OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2011 www.vasaorder.com

Stavkyrkan Stavkyrkan -- Pg. Pg. 21 21

Two Two Swedish Swedish Giants Giants -- Pg. Pg. 23 23 My My Swedish Swedish Connections Connections -- Pg. Pg. 24 24

The Grand Master’s Message Bill Lundquist

Dear Vasa Brothers and Sisters, My role as Grand Master allows me the unique opportunity to visit District Conventions across the US, Canada and Sweden. Districts differ from each other but they all celebrate the things that make us Vasa; the things that unite us as an Order. I continue to see attention to detail, parliamentary procedure and caring attitudes of all District officers and delegates. It is obvious officers put a great deal of time and study into recommendations and motions acted on. I knew when I was elected Grand Master in July of 2010 my work needed to concentrate on improving the health of the Order through the rebuilding of Funds and that can only happen with the help of the entire Vasa membership. One individual can’t do it alone. Honest communication is the key. Although I share information in my articles in the Vasa Star, I’ve found the best way to communicate is “one on one” at District conventions. I’m counting on all of you to share information you receive from me with the members of your Local Lodges who I may never have the opportunity to meet. I want to thank you for your continued generous donations to the Vasa National Archives and ask that you to support your Districts as they donate annually. Donations now exceed $100,000.00. We have a long way to go but together we can get there. I am constantly amazed by unified efforts. Thank all of you who have contributed to the annual Heritage and Jul Gran Fundraisers. Contributions to these fundraisers pay the operational expenses of the Vasa National Archives including the Archivist’s salary, utilities and upgrades. Much of the work at the Archives is done by volunteers. The results of the 2011 Jul Gran Fundraiser aren’t available as I write this article but the timeliness of the mailing has already made it a success. I’m happy to inform you the Education Fund which includes the Scholarship Program has been restored to over $125.000.00 since July, 2010 through careful investing and donations. This year the Stamp Fundraiser, directed to the Education Fund brought in $12,580.00 a gain of over $6,000.00. Sadly, those donations came from only 500 Vasa members. Membership in the Vasa Order is over 10,000 in the US and Canada. Imagine the difference if every member

had made even a nominal donation! The Grand Lodge Board is happy to announce that one Grand Lodge Scholarship will be offered in 2012. Our goal is to increase the number of scholarships each year. There is a new opportunity to contribute to the Education Fund. I am happy to announce “The Vasa Store” available on thevasaorder.com web site. All proceeds for purchases are directed to the Education Fund. I think you will enjoy the products available. Since my last article the Grand Lodge Executive Board held its first meeting in Portland, Oregon in conjunction with Pacific Northwest No. 13’s bi-annual convention. To stay within the budget approved at the 2010 Grand Lodge Convention many decisions, some difficult and unpopular had to be made. All travel expenses for the Grand Lodge Board members has been temporarily suspended, financial support for programs was suspended and several issues of the Vasa Star must be offered only on line. The Board was unanimous in supporting these tough decisions in order to leave the Order on solid ground at the end of the term. The financial report has been mailed to all District Secretaries, will appear in this issue of the Vasa Star and is available to any Vasa member upon request from the Grand Treasurer, Keith Hanlon. This fulfills my commitment to transparency within the Order. In closing, I stay excited about the future of the Order. Although we continue to deal with challenges we have become more creative and innovative. We are currently recruiting a new Vasa Star editor. We all wish our past editor, Marie Carlson success as she transitions to her new career in Sweden and thank her for her many years of service to the Order. In Truth and Unity, Bill Lundquist, Grand Master




October-December 2011 Vol. 104, No. 4, Serial 848


Published by: Vasa Order of America vasaorder.com


HEADQUARTERS: c/o Joan Graham Grand Secretary 5838 San Jose Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 Phone: 510-526-5512 E-mail: vasajlg@aol.com

Please send Christmas Greetings and checks for Christmas Greetings to Grand Secretary, Joanie Graham, 5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804. Phone 510-526-5512. E-mail: vasajlg@aol.com. New members: Send to GS, Joanie Graham. All address changes and subscriptions as well as all address changes should be sent to the Circulation Manager listed here on Page 3.

Grand Master:

Please send pictures of good quality in order for them to reproduce well in The Vasa Star. Electronically submitted photos should be scanned in JPEG format at a resolution of 300 dpi. For submitted Lodge articles, please add city and state. Thanks!

Bill Lundquist 1456 Kennebec Rd. Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Phone: 810-695-3248 Cell Phone: 810-845-5065 E-mail: wmlund1@aol.com

IN MEMORIAM Please read instructions on how to send and pay for Obituaries.

Editor: Marie Carlson 9560 Curberry Drive Mentor, OH 44060 Phone: 440-255-4665 E-mail: mariec@swedes-r-us.com

Circulation Manager: (All Address Changes) Joan Graham 5838 San Jose Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 Phone: 510-526-5512 E-mail: vasajlg@aol.com or circulationmanager@gmail.com Send bottom section of white copy of application for new members to her.

Deadlines for The Vasa Star: Spring deadline is Jan. 1; Summer deadline is April 1; Fall deadline is July 1; Winter deadline is Oct. 1 Deadline for Christmas ads is Oct. 1 Price for Christmas Greetings – $30.00 column inch Deadline for Lucia articles is January 1 Picture and article, 200 words or less.

Membership Chairman: Art Bjorkner 31 Vasa Drive, Hackettstown NJ 07840-5314 USA

Advertising: Only electronic submissions Send to: Marie Carlson E-mail: mariec@swedes-r-us.com Invoices will be submitted electronically (via e-mail)

Advertising Prices: Full Page Black and White Half Page Black and White Quarter Page Black and White One Column Inch

$500.00 $275.00 $150.00 $ 30.00

Half Page Color $500.00 Full Page Color $800.00 Available only for inside front cover, inside back cover or back cover. 10% discount for Vasa Lodges and Members

THE VASA STAR (ISSN 0746-0627) is published bi-monthly by the Vasa Order of America. Periodicals postage paid at Richmond, CA, and additional entries. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Vasa Star, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804.

Vasa Star October-December 2011

VASA DIRECTORY OFFICIAL ADDRESS LIST It is the listing for every lodge in the Vasa Order, with meeting locations and officers, and addresses and telephone numbers for all Grand, District, and Local lodges as well as all Children’s Clubs and Activities Clubs. In an effort to cut costs, the Vasa Directory will be provided to every district and local lodge via an email attachment. It has been re-formatted so that it can be printed on your home printer, on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Please take it to your local office supply store to make copies for those in your lodge who don’t have computer capability. It can be copied “double sided,” and put into a binder or notebook. If no one in the lodge has the capability of printing the Vasa Directory, please contact the Grand Secretary Joanie Graham, and a paper copy will be sent to you. DIRECTORY IS ON THE VASA WEBSITE You can also check the Vasa website www.vasaorder.com to locate Grand, District, and Local Lodge information.

Cover: Stave Church in Lillsjöhögen, Jämtland, Sweden. Stavkyrka i Lillsjöhögen, Jämtland. Picture by: Göte Falkman, Lillsjöhögen, Sweden www.vasaorder.com

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Letter from the Editor Before we arrived in Sweden, I had looked at several schools for our youngest son Michael to attend, the third for him during the past year in three different continents!!!! But he has done extremely well, and accepted every challenge. He is in a private school, and it is a beautiful school close to a forest. There are lots of private schools to choose from nowadays in Sweden, and it does not cost anything. They have limited space but we were lucky to be able to get him in. Most of all, he is very happy there. Our daughter Eva had a wonderful study abroad experience this past spring in Granada, Spain, and she would really like to go back after she graduates from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, this spring. Our oldest son, Kristoffer will graduate early December from KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology), in Stockholm, with a degree in Computer Science. Needless to say, we are very proud of all our children. Back in May I filled in a couple of job applications while still in Mentor, in August I had my first interview and they offered me the job as (Hemspråks personal) a Home Language/(Mother Tung) teacher in English. Parents that speak a different language at home with their children can request to have someone (like me) to visit their child’s school, preschool or daycare just to talk about the daily activates in their mother tongue, in my case English. I also have grade school where we actually do work with textbooks, language and worksheets. I also have a couple of students; oldest is in 6th grade, where I help with homework. I have 30 children that I visit at 17 different schools in and around Östersund and Frösön. I did not anticipate driving a lot when I moved back to Sweden, but I drive a lot!!!! The English speaking countries these children are from, usually one parent is Africa, USA, Canada, Australia, Trinidad and Great Britain. There are 55 different languages spoken in the county of Jämtland, so needless to say, there are a lot of home language teachers in this area. It is very different from when I grew up here. With my new job, it is just a bit much to do it all therefore this editorial will be my last working for The Vasa Star, I have worked with the Vasa Star since Sept of 2002 and it has given me a lifetime of great memories, and I have met so many fantastic people over the years through the Vasa Star, on line, and in person. I have “read till my eyes were red” and I have enjoyed doing this. With the changes going on with the VS, I think this is just the right time to give this to someone else to do. It is always good with change every now and then, fresh ideas. To all my readers out there, the countless mail and e-mails I have received over the years, I have had tremendous feedback and so many positive comments! THANK YOU! You have all touched my heart! If you “miss me” please do not hesitate to write a note!


TABLE OF CONTENTS Archive News ....................................................5 District Lodge News .........................................6 Lodge News .......................................................7 Swedish Lodge News ......................................15 Youth News .....................................................17 Holiday Greetings ..........................................18

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring Marie

Brev från Redaktören

Welcome to New Members ............................20 Culture.............................................................21

Innan vi kom till Sverige, hade jag tittat på flera skolor till vår yngsta son Michael att gå på, den tredje för honom under det sista året, fördelat på tre olika kontinenter!!! Men han har gjort det otroligt bra och han har accepterat varje utmaning. Han går i en privatskola som är en jättefin skola och som ligger intill skogen. Det finns många privatskolor att välja mellan nu för tiden och det kostar inte något. De har ett begränsat utrymme, men vi är väldigt glada över att ha fått in honom där. Bäst av allt är att han trivs så bra. Vår dotter Eva fick en mycket fin erfarenhet när hon studerade utomlands i Granada, Spanien och hon skulle gärna åka tillbaka efter avslutade studier på Case Wester Reserve University i Cleveland, Ohio. Vår äldsta son, Kristoffer ska i början på december, ta sin Masters examen från KTH (Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan) i Stockholm inom datavetenskap. Vi är naturligvis väldigt stolta över alla våra barn. Under våren, fyllde jag i några platsansökningar medan jag fortfarande befann mig i Mentor, och i augusti hade jag min första intervju, de erbjöd mig jobbet som Hemspråkslärare/-pedagog i engelska. Föräldrar som pratar ett annat språk med sina barn hemma har möjlighet att få någon som mig som besöker deras barn i skolan, förskolan -, eller dagis och pratar deras modersmål, i mitt fall engelska. Jag har också grundskolan där vi arbetar med texter i läroböcker, språk och arbetsblad. Jag har 30 barn som jag besöker på 17 olika skolor i och runt om Östersund och Frösön. Jag hade inte räknat med att behöva köra så mycket bil när jag flyttade tillbaka till Sverige, men jag kör jättemycket!!!! De engelsktalande länder dessa barn kommer ifrån, i regel en av föräldrarna är Afrika, USA, Kanada, Australien, Trinidad och Storbritannien. Det finns 55 olika språk som talas här i Jämtlands län, så naturligtvis finns här många hemspråkslärare. Det är väldigt annorlunda mot för när jag växte upp här. Med mitt nya jobb har det blivit alldeles för mycket att kunna hinna med allt, därför blir denna ledare den sista som jag skriver för Vasastjärnan. Jag har arbetat med Vasastjärnan sen september, 2002, och det har givit mig minnen som räcker livet ut. Jag har träffat så många intressanta människor ”på nätet” och vid många evenemang. Jag har “läst till mina ögon varit röda” och jag har tyckt om att gör det här. I och med alla förändringar som pågår gällande Vasastjärnan, tror jag att det är rätt tid för mig att överlåta detta arbete till någon annan. Det är bra med förändringar litet då och då, samt nya ideér. Till alla mina läsare därute, alla dessa brev, samt e-post som jag har fått under åren, har jag haft ett fantastiskt gensvar och fått så många fina kommentarer. TUSEN TACK!! Ni har alla berört mig på ett väldigt speciellt sätt! Och om ni skulle “sakna mig” skriv gärna en rad! “Det enda vi måste göra är att bestämma vad vi ska göra med den tid vi fått!” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Sagan om ringen

Stavkyrkan i Lillsjöhögen SWE and ENG Två svenska jättar My Swedish Connections Foundation Honors LeRoy Anderson Happenings......................................................26 Royal Glamour at New York Gala Tranströmer Wins Nobel Prize in Literature New Jersey Vasa Park Celebrates 75 Years Let’s Take a Lesson from the Norwegians Medlemmar från Sverige besöker Vasa Arkivet Kära Vasasyskon The Volvo Open Race 2011 Tidbits..............................................................29 Kurbits På Catwalk Hedestad Alias Sollefteå Sites of Interest More Men Than Women In Memoriam ..................................................31


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Vasa Star October-December 2011



My first two months as archivist at Vasa Order of America National Archives have been a satisfying experience. It feels more like I go to my hobby every day. I am very grateful for this opportunity and am honored to work with these fantastic people. I was in this area for the first time in 1982 to visit my relatives in Woodhull. My grandmother’s brother immigrated here in 1914 and settled in Woodhull (about fifteen minutes from Bishop Hill). I was already in love with this area but I never thought that I would be living and working in this wonderful place twenty-nine years later. I smile to myself when I think back when Torsten Torstensson’s group came to visit and I had only been here a couple of weeks. I felt very green but everyone was so nice and everything seemed to work out fine and I hope that the group had a nice visit. Jake and Marge Gruel (responsible for the finances) and many other people who perform work here at the Archives make me look forward to when this “gang” comes once a month. On one visit the Gruels brought a group from various lodges around Stockholm. They made a donation to the Archives which were very welcome. Have a great fall season from the Vasa Order of America National Archives.

Mina första två månader som arkivist på Vasa Order of America National Archives, har varit en fin upplevelse, det känns som om jag går till min hobby varje dag. Jag är mycket tacksam över att få denna möjlighet och ära, att arbeta tillsammans med dessa fantastiska människor. Jag var här för första gången 1982 och besökte mina släktingar i Woodhull, eftersom min mormors bror emigrerade 1914 och flyttade till Woodhull (som ligger ca 15 minuters bilväg från Bishop Hill.) Redan då blev jag förälskad i området, men inte trodde jag då att jag skulle bo och arbeta på detta underbara ställe 29 år senare. Jag ler för mig själv när jag tänker på Torsten Torstensson och hans grupp som kom på besök då jag bara hade arbetat här i några veckor och jag kände mig verkligen som en “gröngöling,” men alla var så trevliga och allt verkade fungera bra, och jag hoppas ni hade trevligt under ert betök. Jake och Marge Gruel (ansvarig för ekonomin) samt många andra människor gör ett otroligt arbete här, och jag ser fram emot varje månad när “Gänget” dyker upp, och stackars Jake får stå ut med att vara mitt bollplank både när han är här och via telefon. Vid ett tillfälle hade de med sig några svenskar (ingen nämd och ingen glömd) från olika loger runt Stockholm, och som om skänkte ett välkommet bidrag till Arkivet. Höstliga hälsningar från Vasa Order of America National Archives.

Viktoria Almgren – Kofoid Viktoria.vasaarchives@gmail.com

Viktoria Almgren – Kofoid Viktoria.vasaarchives@gmail.com

Please remember the Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund and the Vasa National Archives when making a memorial donation. Vasa Scholarship Fund, Joan Graham GS, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804 ~ Vasa Archives, Jake Gruel, Financial Secretary, 13716 W. Lilac Lane, New Berlin, WI 53151.

Vasa Star October-December 2011


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DISTRICT LODGE NEWS DL Pacific Southwest #15 It was another sunny day in Southern California when Vasa Park Association put on their 61 st annual autumn fest and “Marknad.” There is no better way to start a day than having a Swedish pancake breakfast with friends in this beautiful spot. This year Mayflower and Viking Lodges were responsible for this treat. Surrounded by hills and close to the ocean there is still a feeling of wilderness to the park even though private homes come creeping closer by the year. Quite a few vendors set up their stands; many had Scandinavian items for sale. As the years go by cultures intermingle and other “goodies” get introduced. This is good too, as long as Dala horses remains at the top of the list. The 3rd Annual Meatball contest drew many participants. Did you know that it was the Swedish heavy weight Ingemar Johansson who Young folks enjoying the egg toss at Vasa Park’s autumn fest and “Marknad.” made the expression “if it is going to be meatballs it has to mamma’s meatballs,” popular. Apparently this was Ingo’s favorite food. The lingonberry pie eating contest is fun to watch. It can get quite messy and the participants loved it. There were many things on the program. The Swedish folk Dancers of Los Angeles performed and LeRoy Anderson played the accordion. Younger Vikings played soccer and older Vikings enjoyed a game of Bingo. If anyone wonders where most of the younger generation was…they do their thing by the pool, a life saver for children and parents on a summer day. When the day was over, everybody left the park tired, but happy. Submitted by: Nel Solt Photos by: Tom Jahn

LeRoy Anderson and Carol Goeller make sweet music at Vasa Park. Page 6


Vasa Star October-December 2011

LODGE NEWS Brage-Iduna Lodge #9 Springfield, MA Members of Brage-Iduna Lodge of Springfield and members of Viking Lodge #756 of Greenfield joined in celebrating “Midsommar” at the home of members Tom and Margaret Falkowski on June 26. What a pleasant summer-garden this is! The Falkowskis have made quite a hobby of cultivating the spacious backyard with flowerbeds and a variety of greenery! The plentitude of potluck dishes, Tom¹s barbecued sandwiches, and decorating the maypole were enjoyed by all. Brage-Iduna endeavors to award a scholarship to an eligible student each year. This year’s recipient was Leah Radner, daughter of members Larry and Marcia Radner. As a junior at Westfield State University, Leah majors in secondary education and English. She has volunteered in Springfield public schools, participated in our Swedish Children’s Club, and was our Lucia. Submitted by: John Morgan

Fylgia Lodge #119 San Francisco, CA God dag from San Francisco, Fylgia Lodge #119. In July 2011, Bob and Chris Olson hosted Fylgia members at the San Francisco Yacht Club to a picnic and potluck. The delicious food and aquatic environment was enjoyed by all! “Tack så mycket to Bob and Chris Olson for this special event”. In Sept. we hosted an Art and Craft Show at the Swedish American Hall. Members and guests brought needlepoint, costumes, photographs and many other interesting items to share, which was fun and informative. On Oct. 11, 2011, we celebrated our 104th Anniversary! Lodge members and guests will mark the occasion with a dinner at Schmidt’s Restaurant in San Francisco’s Mission District, and on Dec. 13 we will host an annual “Julbord” dinner at the historic Swedish American Hall in San Francisco. Submitted by: Victoria Lynn Peterson Photograqph by: Scott Schulkin Vasa Star October-December 2011

Fylgia Lodge at the SF Yacht Club in July 2011. L-R: Dennis Erickson; Barbara Erickson; Chris Olson; Bob Olson; Duane Erickson; Roxanne Schulkin; Victoria Lynn Peterson.

Thule Lodge #127 Jamestown/Bemus Point, NY Hello to everyone from the Thule Lodge #127 in the Jamestown/Bemus Point, NY area. Our lodge has had a wonderful summer of events and activities, and there are many fond memories. One of the main purposes of our lodge is to continue to preserve the Swedish heritage. We continue to hold our meetings and dinners at our lodge located at 4123 Pancake Hill Road. Thule Lodge has now moved to its winter schedule of meetings on the third Saturday afternoon of each month at 2 p.m. Fanchon Fuller, our cultural leader continues to provide something interesting about Sweden, and keeps all informed of upcoming events. Refreshments and desserts are provided following every meeting. Ralph Veights is our lodge chairman, and welcomes everyone to the meetings and dinners. All those entering the lodge are greeted at the door by long time member Nels John Nelson, who makes everyone feel welcome. Loretta Smith is our treasurer, with Donna Sandberg as our financial secretary and Lucile Marsh as our lodge secretary. Diane Shaw is our chaplain, and reminds all there is strength in unity. Past cultural leader Allie Nelson Withers gives the Swedish blessing before any time of refreshments. This fall, a group of members gathered to make some improvements on the lodge, and chairman Veights thanks everyone who worked together to improve the lodge. Painting and repairs were just some of the many www.vasaorder.com

tasks completed. Of course the workers were treated to a luncheon by some of the women of the lodge. The fall season brought our annual Swiss steak dinner in September, which was well attended. Then in October was the annual harvest turkey dinner with all the trimmings. November brought a Sunday morning pancake breakfast. December activities were well attended. Our activities inspire new members when they see the happy times at our lodge. Thule Lodge #127 wishes all a happy holiday season with a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. If you are in our area, we would welcome you for a visit to our lodge. “God dag” to all! Submitted by: John Sipos, Lodge Historian

At the fall Swiss steak dinner, lodge members Betty Lawson and Janet Miller were serving a salad for the appetizer, and cake for dessert. Page 7

Tegnér Lodge #149

Monitor Lodge #163

Oakland, CA

Ishpeming, MI

The members of Tegnér Lodge #149, Oakland, CA, had a very interesting cultural program at its June meeting. Member Richard Orlando presented a program about the official flower of Sweden’s 25 provinces. He had beautiful pictures of the flowers to show us. In July, the three lodges of the East Bay held their Tri-Lodge picnic at Redwood Regional Park in Oakland. Sveaborg Lodge of Concord was the host lodge this year. After a great picnic lunch, the Kubb Tournament was held and Tegnér’s team won, composed of Jan Norberg, Richard Orlando and his friend, Erin, won. Therefore, Tegnér gets to keep the Dala Horse trophy, made by Maury Segerberg of Framåt Lodge, for a second year in a row. In August, Chairman Marie Ann Hill hosted the annual crayfish party at her house. Only a few of Tegnér’s members were able to be present. However, some members of Marie Ann’s family who were visiting her helped fill out the guest list and all who were present reported a good time. We were back at Björnsen Hall in September for our fall meetings. Submitted by: Ann Tennis

Monitor Lodge #163 of Ishpeming, MI, recently had a summer meeting and supper with homemade potato sausage, beans and coleslaw. We also helped a member celebrate her 95th birthday – pictured is Helen Kakkuri (right) with her cake (top). Submitted by: Ted Swanson

Tegner Lodge #224 Missoula, MT

Gordon Swanson, PDM, Ina Swanson, Amy Galipeau, Cheryl Galipeau, and Jim Galipeau.

At our June meeting, we celebrated Midsummer at the Benson farm with a potluck dinner, entertainment, and giving our member pins. The members enjoyed a potluck dinner as they always want to try something new. After the dinner we Page 8


were entertained by Roy Anderson, who sang several songs with a Swedish accent. We had several members who were awarded 40-year pins by our Chairman, Pat Swanson, and they were Continued on next page Vasa Star October-December 2011

Brahe Lodge #245

Tegner Lodge #224 Continued from previous page

Rockford, IL

Earling Gustafson, Betty Ann Gustafson, Otto Benson, Ann Bens and John Swanson. Our five hundred dollar scholarship winner this year was Amy Galipeau whose parents are Jim and Cheryl

Galipeau. She is also the granddaughter of Gordon (a Past District Master) and Ina Swanson. Everyone had a great time and even the weatherman gave us a pleasant evening. Submitted by: Rick Swanson

On August 25, 2011, Brahe Lodge #245 held its annual corn boil at our splendid Vasa Park Lodge in Rockford Illinois! Twenty-three attendees enjoyed delicious sweet corn and the trimmings. Afterwards we held our monthly business meeting. Fifteen members of our lodge met on July 28, 2011 to enjoy an Ice Cream Social! Wonderful pies with ice cream, and a brownie too, were served to all on this warm summer evening! Afterwards, a short business meeting was held to discuss upcoming lodge meetings, finances, and membership. On Sept. 22, 2011, we discussed and planned for the remainder of this year including upcoming annual election of officers, plus ideas for next year. Then we held a “show and tell� program during which several members showed heirlooms brought here by their Swedish ancestors which included a Bible from the mid-1800s! Lastly, we all enjoyed refreshments provided this month by members Traudi and Gunnel. Submitted by: D. G. Eksten

40-year members, left to right: Betty Ann Gustafson, Earling Gustafson, Nancy Hopkins accepting her mother Ann Benson, John Swanson, and Otto Benson.

Tacoma Lodge #233 Tacoma, WA Nina Christiansen, a long-time member of Vasa Norden Lodge #233, is celebrating her 100th birthday in this picture. She was born in Haparanda, Sweden, on July 29th. She came to the United States when she was 15 years old. She is very alert and remembers all her life, both in Sweden and the USA. Members of Norden Lodge, Marcia Aagaard, Carolyn Nelson, and Fritz Grahn took her a beautiful bouquet of roses and spoke Swedish with her. Fritz Grahn visits her periodically and they converse in Swedish. He emigrated from Pitea 60 years ago. Pitea is about 100 miles south of Haparanda. Submitted by: Fritz Grahn

Traudi and Gunnel Vasa Star October-December 2011


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Svea Lodge #253 Indianapolis, IN We held our first meeting of spring on April 3, and it was held at the Latvian Center in Indianapolis, IN. We were delighted to welcome District Master Tom Cleveland, and his children Elizabeth and Matthew Cleveland, who were all visiting relatives in the area. District Master Tom Cleveland presented Past Chairman’s Degree pins to: LaVonne Heighway, Jenne Swain, Ron Gardin, Jean Tygum, and Edward Hultgren. We remembered former lodge member Violet Prah, who died in March 2011, with a moment of silence. Dan Anderson presented a program on Swedish postage stamps and the history of stamp designs since the mid - 19th century to the present day. Dan Anderson has collected stamps for seventy years, and he shared his enthusiasm for his longtime hobby with unique information about Swedish postage stamps, which are beautiful and fascinating. On April 26, the Fourth Tuesday Luncheon Group met at Sahm’s Restaurant, a longtime favorite in Indianapolis, Indiana. “Tack Så Mycket” to our lunch coordinators Eva Berglund, Donna Bergstrom, and Patricia Hoffmann. On May 1st, the lodge initiated and welcomed new member Ulla Williams, who was born in Lund, Sweden. Janis and Jerry Alfredson presented a travelogue program of their several trips to Värmland, Sweden and other provinces. We saw many pictures of the Alfredson relatives and family homes, and heard humorous stories of their travels The Scandinavian movie group met at the home of Michelle and Josh Escalante on May 7 to view the movie “House of Angels” / “Angel Farm,” a 1992 film written and directed by Englishman Colin Nutley. The movie takes place in Västergötland, and starred Helena Bergstrom and Rikard Wolff. On May 13-15, members attended the District Convention. Several members won gift baskets or other raffle prizes. Our lodge received the first place Membership Award for having the largest membership gain in 2010. Ingrid Wiebke was recognized for sponsoring the most new members. The Memorial Service was presided over by Marvin Anderson and District Chaplain Inez Törnblom. Our departed members Juanita Goranson, Charles Lindgren, Thomas Klubens, and Page 10

Grace Petersen were remembered. Wesley Hanson arranged the anthem which was written and directed by Past District Master Christine Kilstrom, and five members participated in the Memorial Service Choir. On May 21, lodge member Annette Johansson, mezzo soprano and Professor of Voice, Emeriti, at the University of Hawaii, and Amanda Asplund Hopson, pianist and Adjunct Associate Professor of Music at DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana, presented “A Recital Of Nordic Music” at The Music Room in Indianapolis, IN. In addition to Swedish music, Danish, Finnish, and Norwegian music was performed. Lodge member Glenn Sweitzer, professor at Ball State University, was the narrator. The artistic recital was hosted by John Seest, director of the Dans Norden Scandinavian Folk Dancing Group. Sincere appreciation is given to Sylvia Swanson and Eija Vesterqvist for coordinating the recital and refreshments. The Fourth Tuesday Luncheon Group dined at “Athens on 86th,” in Indianapolis, IN, on May 24. It is a popular Green/Mediterranean restaurant with Scandinavian ties On June 12, “Midsommar” was celebrated at the Latvian Center in Indianapolis, IN. About 65 members and guests gathered to decorate and, parade through the grounds, and dance around the “Majstång” to Swedish songs and dances. An abundant potluck luncheon was served. This year’s piñata, made by Michelle and Josh Escalante, was in the shape of a Swedish Maypole in bright colors. The event was co-chaired by Faye Bevelhimer and Ulla Williams, but many members helped with the preparations and activities. John Seest, Director of the Dans Norden Scandinavian Folk Dancing Group, led the “Midsommar” dancing in the park. Saint John’s Festival was celebrated on June 25 at the Latvian Center in Indianapolis, IN. This multinational festival included participants and groups from eight countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Scotland, Slovakia, Sweden, and the Czech Republic. This is Eastern Europe’s version of “Midsommar.” The Swedes started the program with a parade led by the decorated “Majstång,” followed by the Grand March and ring dancing directed by John Seest, Director of the Dans Norden Scandinavian Folk Dancing Group. Nineteen lodge members attended with family and friends. The Scottish group www.vasaorder.com

Anders Zorn and wife Emma Lamm

provided musical entertainment; the Lithuanian group prepared the food sales, and the Latvian group sold the beverages. Tug – Of – War competitions were held between different nationality groups, and children participated in youth Tug – Of – War events. A bonfire completed the celebrations. On August 6, we held our annual “Kräftskiva” that was celebrated at the home of Charlotte Swenson, in Indianapolis, IN. More than seventy members, family, and friends attended, with ages ranging from youngsters under ten years of age to members ninety years of age or more. Beverages included Aqvavit!!!, On September 11, we held our first meeting of the fall season featured a program presented by lodge Historian Jenne Swain on Swedish artist Anders Zorn and Mora, Sweden. Many of Anders Zorn’s paintings were shown, and the history of the artist’s life was discussed. His images of Mora in Alana captured the essence of traditional Swedish life; Anders Zorn also visited the United States of America seven times. His portrait of President William Howard Taft is the only portrait in the White House of a President that was not painted by an American artist. On September 27, The “Fourth Tuesday” Lunch group met at Rick’s Café Boatyard in Indianapolis, Indiana. Nothing is better than enjoying a delicious seafood meal with good friends on the shores of Eagle Creek Reservoir. The Scandinavian Film Group met at the home of Michelle and Josh Escalante on September 24 to view the film “The White Lioness,” about Swedish author Henning Mankell’s Detective Kurt Wallender, starring Rolf Lassgård and Charlotte Sieling, and directed by Per Berglund. Continued on next page Vasa Star October-December 2011

Strindberg Lodge #259

Svea Lodge #253 Continued from previous page

On October 2, a very interesting program, “A Month Near Provence,” was presented by Faye and John Bevelhimer, who gave a wonderful video tour on their month-long visit to France, the Mediterranean Sun Coast, Spain, Monaco, and Italy. To help members get a real taste of southern France during the travelogue, Faye and John Bevelhimer served French wine, French bread, and French Brie cheese during the wine discussions. We journeyed with them to southern France on a pictorial visit of French markets, vineyards, ancient Roman sites, medieval towns, picturesque rural French villages, and more. For a month, they lived in the small French village of Saint – André– de – Roquepertuis, out of the way of traditional tourists. The audience enjoyed the beautiful photographs, the in – depth descriptions, the personal anecdotes, and the French wine and food. Submitted by: Joella D. Hultgren, Cultural Leader and Publicity Committee

Bevelhimers in Firenze

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Our new executives, picture was taken at our lodge meeting of September 18. Left to right: Karen Adams, Garry Hammerback, Neil Carlson, Dave Hammerback, Iris Wedge, Judy Wantzing. Submitted by: Garry Hammerback, Secretary

Svea Lodge #296 Erie, PA The Convention Committee is starting to meet to plan the 55th Biennial Convention September 28-30, 2012, in Erie, PA, hosted by Svea Lodge #296 at the Bel-Aire Conference Center. A gorgeous Nordic Quilt will be raffled and also a money raffle. The theme is “Viking Ventures.” Mark your calendars and plan to join us. Our Septemeber 18th meeting was a “Show and Tell.” Members of the Vasa group brought items that depicted their Scandinavian Heritage and gave a short talk about the items. Our next item for a program was an Historical Swedish Trunk. It was filled with Swedish artifacts. Each item was a token of what the immigrants brought with them from Sweden (loaned from the Philadelphia Swedish Museum).

Sveaborg Lodge #449 Concord, CA Sveaborg Lodge, Concord CA, presents a “Viking of the Year” award each year to a member for outstanding service and dedication to the lodge. This year’s award went to Bob Burman, who has been active in many capacities: Membership Chairman, Publicity Chairman, Nominating Committee member, pianist for the children's club, and refreshment committee member. Both of Bob’s parents emigrated from Sweden. Bob grew up in Southern California and graduated from USC, with music major. After teaching music in Los Angeles for 35 years he retired and moved to Northern California. Submitted by: Bob Burman

Submitted by: Linda Collin

A Vasa-bridge to your Swedish ancestors! Looking for your relatives in Sweden? I have helped many satisfied Vasa-members finding their Swedish roots. Further info please e-mail: swedengen@telia.com Bob Burman Vasa Star October-December 2011


Page 11

Lindbergh Lodge #494 Palo Alto, CA For our September gathering we had a short business meeting during the cocktail hour. Members were reminded of our Thomas Kruse Winery picnic next month, an annual event much appreciated by the members. Two new members were initiated, Doug Anderson and Steve Eliseu, and heartily welcomed by the group. Our sister Lodge Svea Lodge #348 of San Jose invited all to join them for a picnic in Sveadal on Sunday. It is the end of the season for our summer resort and a last chance to enjoy this lovely summer place. This year Sveadal is celebrating its eighty-fifth birthday. Our splendid cooking crew put on a memorable feast. The program subject for this evening was the Sweden Poland connection. We had an illustrated talk by Stanford Professor Zbigniew Stanczyk of the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Most of the references were to rulers of Poland during the years 1500 and 1600 and their connection to Sweden. The names were different and unfamiliar such as Sigismund, Henri, Maximillian, Charles, Dimitri and a host of others that I am reluctant to try and spell. It was a very interesting and enlightening evening. We are grateful to our member Maria Smolenski for contacting her friend Professor Stanczyk enabling us to hear about the association between Sweden/ Poland during past years. The festive evening opened with a cocktail hour. We are celebrating the founding of this excellent club in 1927. It was a memorable year as the first solo flight over the Atlantic was made by Charles Lindbergh, after whom we named our club. We had a chance to greet guests and welcome visitors. Our special celebration started with beverages, then a catered dinner from Harry’s Hofbrau. There was a special surprise for the program which featured our own member Jerry Blaufarb dressed as Uncle Sam and doing a Yankee Doodle Tap Dance to delight of all onlookers. He pranced around to the astonishment of all and completely in rhythm and dancing steps. He said he had been doing this dance for many years and his expertise was quite evident. We also had the opportunity to honor our Maid of Honor in the Midsummer Festival Alexa Wallin. She has fulfilled this role for three years, and has been a member of the Lodge for the Page 12

past six years. She is the granddaughter of our former Chairman Chuck Wallin and will be a junior at San Jose State University this fall. Kersten Jansson presented Alexa with a Vasa emblem lavaliere in honor of her service. The Swing Shift Band played dance music for the rest of the evening. Members of the band are

Jack Gerken, Larry Blake, Rich Owens, Adam Roderick and Larry Farnsley. There were lots of dancers swinging around and the rest of us were toe tapping. It was a splendid way to celibate our Lodges 84th birthday. Submitted by: Muriel Nelson Beroza

Norden Lodge #684 Fresno, CA Norden Lodge members got to enjoy an award-winning garden at their August meeting. Mike and Corky Peterson invited everyone to join them for a crayfish and pot luck dinner in their recently completed water-conserving garden. Planted with local plants and grasses that thrive in low-water conditions, the yard was lovely and serene. Mike and Corky’s efforts were rewarded as they were selected in a local contest for the best garden in the area promoting water conservation. The September meeting was a celebration party for the Lodge’s 43rd Anniversary. Members brought desserts and white elephant donations, and Norden Lodge Chairman Roselind Gaviola called the numbers for some hotly contested rounds of bingo. Lots of good food and good fun! Submitted by: Judith Harless

Roselind Gaviola

Mike and Corky Peterson

Jubilee Lodge #692 Delano, FL

Although the group was sad to officially close the lodge, we have many memories of wonderful meetings of culture and fellowship. We wish the Vasa Order many more years of sharing the heritage.

After 40 years Local Lodge Jubilee #692 voted to close due to many factors. On April 30, 2011, as a final accomplishwww.vasaorder.com

ment of the lodge, we dedicated a monument to the many Swedish Pioneers who Continued on next page Vasa Star October-December 2011

Jubilee Lodge #692

Nordic Lodge #708

Continued from previous page

Atlanta, GA

settled in this area of Florida. This monument was erected at the Barberville Pioneer Settlement where many people visit to see the history of this area. The Swedish Pioneers were responsible for

the worldwide fern industry, an orange industry and celery industry in the central Florida area. Submitted by: Cecilia Jackson, Past Secretary

The Swedish Pioneer Memorial

Vinland of Cape Cod Lodge #703 Cape Cod, MA The leaves on our trees prematurely turned brown and fell in early September due to Hurricane Irene. However, the upcoming season for our lodge contained bright, busy and bountiful programs and meetings. We reconvened in September, updating family news, sharing leisure time interests and planning for new events. In October, we invited friends to join us as we showcased international entrees and desserts at an International Potluck luncheon. November featured a speaker on the origins of “The 12 Days of Christmas.” On December 10 children, grandchildren and their friends will participate in the Lucia procession led by 2011 Lucia, Grace Sohoel Goldberg. We will dance around the Christmas tree, listen to holiday stories and feast on festive desserts and tea sandwiches. Our unique Vasa Star October-December 2011

gift raffle will conclude the Lucia Fest. It is through our planning and working together to present dinners, meetings and programs that we are able to share and care for each other. We are so blessed with friendship. As we gather together, we will remember Wally Lornell, George Lundquist, Derelyn Twombly, John McDonald, Evind Sohoel and Florence Freeman. We also lost a charter member, Lena Anderson. We've had a lot of funerals and memorial services in the past months, but each one has lived a wonderful and contributory life. We have been blessed to have known and to have worked alongside them. We extend love and sympathy to their friends, families and caregivers.

September 25th, 2011, was a fun day. The featured entertainment was something we never had in this lodge. Vodka! Well, vodka we had before, especially with crawfish. But we never had a Vodka Academy. What we had was an “Absolut Akademi,” hosted by Absolut Vodka’s Kristin Young, from United Distributors. Kristin educated us about Absolut and served us three different kinds of Absolut’s 13 flavor varieties - not much though, just a tiny bit of each as a taste test. We learned that entrepreneur Lars Olsen Smith in 1879 introduced and perfected a now time-honored method of distillation. He bottled what he called “Absolut Rent Brännvin.” We also learned that Absolut Vodka goes through a seven column distillation process and is distilled literally hundreds of times. The vodka is produced in Åhus, near Kristianstad, in Sweden’s southernmost province, Skåne. It is sold in 126 countries, no longer owned by the Swedish government, but by the French company Pernod Ricard. In the spring the Lodge announced a schnapps song contest. We wanted people to write a Swedish style schnapps song text to any well-known melody. The song had to be in English and the word “Absolut” had to be included in the text. The winner was to be announced at the “Absolut Akademi” on September 25th. A few days before 9/25 the two judges, Professor Jay Lutz and Göran Rygert put their heads together, sang through the four received entries, actually without any vodka. Finally they made the decision. Two winners were selected. At the end of the “Akademi” program it was time to reveal the winners. But first we had to sing through all four entries – we had them printed on a song-sheet. We actually sang six songs, including two older schnapps songs about Absolut that did not participate in the contest. After pointing out that the judges’ decision could not be appealed the winners were announced. First prize, a bottle of Absolut Vodka, went to Jette Bender for “Drink Absolut, You Can’t Go Wrong. The melody is “I See The Moon.” Continued on next page

Submitted by: Dorothy Ann-Ellner Kean


Page 13

Nordic Lodge #708 Continued from previous page

Drink Absolut, you can’t go wrong, it’s sure to make your day move along. If you feel down, it picks you up, beats coffee in a cup. Your blood will circulate twice as fast, makes you forget the things of the past. It gives you power to compute when you drink Absolut!

Sierra Kronan Lodge #737 Roseville, CA

Submitted by: Carol Nesewich, Historian

Second prize, also a bottle of Absolut Vodka, went to Pam Minton and Sten Ekberg for “Getting Tipsy In A Bar,” to the melody “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

Jubileum Lodge #755

Getting tipsy in a bar how I wonder where I are. Absolut you are my friend, hanging tight until the end. Even though I’m on the floor you’re so good I just want more. Tied on third place was Karla Olterman for “Absolut Vodka Is The Drink For Me,” and Sten Ekberg and Pam Minton for “There’s A Place In The Bar.” About 40 people had a great time this memorable evening. And when cleaning up after the event no one was found under the tables! Submitted by: Göran Rygert

Page 14

business of nominating officers for 2012 and finding volunteers to help at the October festival, our lodge completed a community outreach project. Basic school supplies were donated and gathered together for presentation to a local grammar school whose students are primarily children of low-income families. The school administrators are very appreciative of our efforts.

Basic school supplies were donated and gathered.

Sierra Kronan has no regular meetings during the summer, so a number of members got together in July for an outing at the Maidu Indian Center in Roseville. A special tour of the museum and a trail walk were led by our member Milt Huston, a docent there for 27 years. We learned all about the native plants and animals, the Maidu diet, saw their grinding rocks, petro glyphs, and more. Did you know that sometimes squirrels still dig up the occasional arrowhead? Summer or not, the action never stops at the home of Donna Huttner and her group of crafters preparing for the 28th annual Sacramento Scandinavian Festival in October. These ladies (and gentlemen) have developed good friendships while sharing their creative and artistic talents. In addition to the crafters making a variety of items to sell at the festival, a smaller core group volunteered to begin work on cutting out, painting, and decorating seventy-five wooden Dala horses for the annual Golden Gate #12 District Meeting. The horses were requested for the banquet tables at this event next spring. It was ‘welcome back’ time at our September lodge meeting as members greeted each other and enjoyed an evening together. In addition to the usual www.vasaorder.com

Madison, WI We held our annual “Midsommar” gathering at Arbor Covenant Church on Saturday, 25 June 2011. The crowd was smaller than usual, under 30 people, with several regular attenders away on trips. The weather was also cooler than the last several Midsummers, with a cloudy sky. After raising the "stång" and dancing, with music provided as usual by KjellErik Anderson (also a member of Linde Lodge #492 in Milwaukee), we went inside for “smörgåsbord.” The dessert feature was a beautifully decorated sheet cake. A local store bakery did just fine with the flags and the roses, two blue and two yellow, despite the fact that there are a lot more Norwegians than there are Swedes in our part of Wisconsin. With dessert and coffee came some reminiscing, especially from people who had experienced “Midsommar” in Sweden. It passes largely unnoticed around here, but one person recounted a celebration on Götland that drew 4000 people to the local park. Submitted by: Robert Merrill, Historian

Ulla Swanson and Trudy Nordling show off one of the wreaths they decorated for our “Midsommarstång.” Vasa Star October-December 2011

SWEDISH LODGE NEWS Logen Skåne Nr 570 Den 3 september var det dags för Logens firande med anledning av att det gått 80 år sedan logen bildades. Firandet började med jubileumsloge med 52 gästande och 72 egna logesyskon. Ordf. Br. Per Dahlman öppnade ritualenligt mötet och hälsade de införda gästande och egna logesyskon varmt välkomna. Reception utfördes på sedvanligt högtidligt och stilfullt sett och logen fick nu tre nya medlemmar, nämligen Lena och Georg Larsson samt Solvig Kristoffersson som hälsades välkomna enligt ritualen. En ståtlig och väl genomförd fanparad gjordes av Sy. Ingrid och Br. Stig Moberg samt Sy. Eva och Br. Kent Fransson som belönades med välförtjänta varma applåder. Utmärkelser delades ut till Logens medlemmar bland annat Br. Olle Wickström. Kl. Olle Olsson anförde lite om Vasa Ordens tillkomst och lite historia om tiden framåt och talade om kulturledarnas och medlemmars viktiga delaktighet i punkten Kontakt Amerika på våra möten. LH Nils Henriksson läste en dikt med historisk innebörd om vår loge. Uppvaktningar gjordes av Sy. Helena Jönhill från LL Klockan Nr 747 som överlämnade logens Klockans bordsstandar, Sy. Ingegerd och Br. Ulf Alderlöf samt DM Br. Olle W. från ER DL 20, överlämnade penninggåvor och från Lokallogerna i Distrikt 20 hade Logen Skånes DD Sy. Gunilla Broddesson samlat in pengar till en gemensam gåva som bestod av fyra st. fina Vinbägare som även invigdes under kvällen.

inmundiga vår egen medhavda picknickkorg och chansen att bekanta oss med varandra. Nya medlemmar har tillkommit från andra loger. Vår färd gick vidare till Sövdeborg slott. Slottet är uppbyggt i tre längor. Färdigbyggt omkring mitten av 1840talet. Vi fick en fantastisk fin guidning genom två grandiosa salonger – den ene med takstukaturer utförda av italienare. Den andre salongen med barocktak i skulpterat ek. En verklig upplevelse!! Vi skulle dock vidare på vår upptäcks-

färd. Befinner man sig i Skåne – vad kan man mer begära att titta på? Jo, möllor! Just denna dag var det “Mölledagen.” Vi körde till Övraby mölla. Möllare Bo Larsson hade att berätta att möllan var från 1886. Tyvärr var det för lätt vind för att vi skulle få se vingarna snurra. Sy. Marianne och Br. Bengt hade ordnat med grisfest i sin trädgård till glädje för Vasa-syskonen som lät sig väl smaka av läckerheterna innan det var tidd att begära sig hemåt. Insänt av: Jan Åke Ferborn, BKL

Top: Logens nya medlemmar i mitten Lena och Georg Larsson samt Solvig Kristofferson.

Insänt av: KL Olle Olsson LL Skåne Nr 570

Logen Skåne Nr 570 anordnade söndagen den tredje juli en utflykt i Skåne, Ordförande Br. Per Dahlman kunde glädja sig åt att nästan 30 medlemmar hade hörsammat kallelsen. Turen bestod av både tingsrätt och domstol, samt ett antal “enkelrum” som knappast kunde frambringa någon större munterhet. Till historien hör att vår ordförande, Br. Per normalt sitter här – dock ej som presumtiv kund, uan som arbetstagare i ett arkitektkollektiv som inryms i denna numera hederliga byggnad. Vår färd gick vidare till småbåtshamnen i Ystad där vi tog plats för att Vasa Star October-December 2011

Right: Logens ordförande Per Dahlman med hustru Gunnel smakar på jubileumstårta.

Swedish Genealogy Help? Do you have Swedish letters or other papers you want translated? Contact Sven-Ove Westberg sow@grels.net or (925) 228-6325 www.vasaorder.com

Page 15

Logen Eskilstuna Nr 633 We had our final meeting this spring in Koppartorp outside the town of Nyköping. Our brothers and sisters living in this town had arranged a very pleasant Saturday afternoon in the middle of May. We enjoyed refreshments outdoor in the sunshine and our meeting took place in one of the old buildings of the mining area, where we also had an excellent meal. The three-course homemade food was delicious. The weather was the best that Sweden can offer this time of year. We strolled along in the old mining area with Ingvar as an excellent guide. We also visited the old church, which told us so much about the history and the people of this old mining village. Eva took us to the “Goldmine” where we saw many objects of art from local artists: fantastic small wooden cabinets, glasswork and many other things. We all do hope that this will became a tradition for years to come. Submitted by: Lillemor Karlberg, Cultural Leader

Refreshments being served outdoors at Koppartorp.

Logen Härnösand Nr 673

ställde till det för flaggor och noter. Karl Wigert hälsade 40-talet Vasasyskon, paret Jamie Bolling och Sverker Ågren välkomna. Därefter hedrades Amerikas och Kanadas flaggor och vi sjöng ”Du gamla du fria”. Paret Bolling-Ågren har bosatt sig i Stigsjö och intervjuades av Karl Wigert. Jamie är född i Cuyahoga Falls Ohio och har även varit bosatt i Schweiz en tid, innan flytten till Sverige. Hon har bott i Sverige 20 år och trivs väldigt bra här. Dagens underhållning stod Cittraflickorna för med gott stöd av Egil Nordlöf på dragspel. Ett antal gamla örhängen spelades bl.a. ”Nidälven”, ”Man skall leva för varandra” m.fl. Pastor Ove Bylund från Stigsjö men numera bosatt i Viksjö tackade för inbjudan att besöka Karl Wigert och utgick från skapelseberättelsen i sin betraktelse. Karen Anderson hade skänkt den Australiensiska flaggan som överlämnades till Karl Wigert. Därefter läste Knut Nordkvist från Timrå, med inlevelse några dikter bl.a. ”Sommaridyll”. Sen blev det dags för att inta medhavd lunch. Våra gäster och medverkande bjöds på sommarbuffe av fam. Wigert vilket rönte stor uppskattning. Den trevliga dagen led mot sitt slut och Cittraflickorna med Egil bjöd åter på några visor. Karl Wigert tackade för en trevlig dag men noterade också att uppslutningen av Vasasyskon hade kunnat vara större. Insänt av: Bo Selin, Kulturledare

Som tradition inbjöd familjen Wigert till firande av 4 juli för att hedra Sverige-

Amerika-dagen. Solen sken dagen till ära men med en mycket kraftig blåst, som

A Vasa-bridge to your Swedish ancestors! Looking for your relatives in Sweden?

Här firar vi Sverige-Amerika dagen. Page 16


I have helped many satisfied Vasa-members finding their Swedish roots. Further info please e-mail: swedengen@telia.com Vasa Star October-December 2011

YOUTH NEWS My First Trip to Sweden This past June, I spent two weeks in Sweden with my sister, Lauren, and close friend, Eva Carlson. The trip occurred at a very important time in our lives. Growing up in Ohio, my family has known the Carlson family since Eva and I were both very young. Over the years our families supported one another through tough times and great accomplishment. Together we celebrated Lucia Day, enjoyed Swedish meatballs and shared many late nights – skål! This summer presented the perfect opportunity for Eva, Lauren and I to finally visit the country we learned so much about over the years, as well as the chance to spend valuable time together before each of us embarked on new academic and professional adventures. Without hesitation, we purchased train tickets, confirmed the hostel reservations, and finalized our trip schedule. With Eva fluent in Swedish, I needed to only learn a few essential phrases (sommar rea, fika, jag älskar dej), buy a camera, and pack my backpack.

Vasa Star October-December 2011

Landing in Stockholm and navigating to the hostel proved to be more difficult and bewildering than expected. To remedy our hunger and jet-lag, we quickly found a corner shop and ordered lunch. Sitting outside, watching as people rushed by in every direction, the sun finally calmed us and I began to sink into the peaceful rhythm of the city. Over the next two weeks we traveled from Stockholm to Göteborg to Östersund by bus, boat, train and car. Family and friends greeted us at each stop, opening their homes and sharing a glimpse of their lives with us. Exploring the cities, we enjoyed frequent pauses for ‘fika’ and indulged in the refreshing taste of ‘glass.’ We navigated the difficult bus system in Göteborg and played soccer in the backyard with Eva’s cousin’s children. We visited the church on Frösön and explored Viking ruins. In every community we visited, a love for family and a love for nature were apparent. During our final few days in Östersund, as I looked


out onto Lake Storsjön, I began to fully recognize the intricate yet simple characteristics of the surrounding terrain. Any stress and worries I felt for the future were stripped away and replaced by an overwhelming love and appreciation for the people I met and experiences we shared. At the end of the summer the Carlson family moved from Ohio, back to Sweden. I started a new job in Washington, DC and Lauren began her first year of college in Cleveland, Ohio. It may be many years until we are all together again. I realized that sometimes it takes a trip away from daily activity to reinforce the importance of unconditional friendship and support. My time in Sweden gave me a fresh outlook for the future and a renewed sense of love for the people I value in my life – and for that I will always be thankful. Submitted by: Ashley Starks, Mentor, Ohio

Page 17

Holiday Greetings Unite Members and Lodges God Jul och Gott Nytt År from

District Lodge Lake Michigan #8 Tom Cleveland, DM Ed Hultgren, VDM Nancy Hult, DS Joella Hultgren, ADS Brent Erickson, DT Linda Tylk, DHFS Andrea Wilczynski, DCL Lynda Smith, DSCYS Steve Westlund, EBM Susan Cleveland, EBM Sheila Lundquist, PDM Inez Törnblom, DC Iva Lynn, DH

God Jul och Gott Nytt År VASA ORDER OF AMERICA GRAND LODGE EXECUTIVE BOARD Grand Master - William Lundquist Vice Grand Master - Tore Kellgren Grand Secretary - Joan Graham Grand Treasurer - Keith Hanlon Vice Grand Secretary - Gail Olson MEB-Eastern Region - Art Bjorkner MEB-Midwest Region - Sten Hult MEB-Western Region - Ed Netzel MEB-Sweden - Ulf Alderlöf MEB-Canada Ken Banks

God Jul och Gott Nytt År to All Our Vasa Friends from

Thule Lodge #127 Bemus P{oint, NY

God Jul och Gott Nytt År Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at

Frihet Lodge #401 God Jul och Ett Gott Nytt År from

Seattle, WA

Siljan Mora Tuna Lodge #134 Chicago Area

AUDIO-VISUAL DIRECTOR God Jul och Gott Nytt År to all our Vasa friends and to our sister Lodge Mälardrottningen #563

Nobel Lodge #184 Portland, OR

Mike Pearson 7309 New Hampshire Pl • Hammond, IN 46323-2937 USA Phone: (219) 588-4752

E-mail: audiovisual.vasaorder@yahoo.com God Jul och Gott Nytt År From the sisters and brothers of

Skogen Lodge #700 Redding, CA

Page 18

The Vasa website at www.vasaorder.com contains a “materials button” which has the listing of audio visual materials available. If you are unable to use the Vasa website, you can still ask that a listing be sent to you by mail.


Vasa Star October-December 2011

Jul – och Nyårshälsningar 2011 Distriktslogen Södra Sverige Nr 20 tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t t Distriktslogen Södra t t t Sverige Nr 20 t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas t t alla Vasasyskon t Executive Board Members: t t t Karl Axel Bengtsson t t Olle Wickström Catherine Bringselius Nilsson t t t Ingrid Cannerhagen Bengt Hammargren t t Agneta Västersjärna Bengt Åberg t t Maureen Bengtsson Anita Nilsson t t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasavänner t t i USA, Kanada och Sverige t t t Gunnar och Siw Mossberg t t t PGLMEB t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t önskar t t t Ulf och Ingegerd Alderlöf t LL Ronneby Nr 630 t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasasyskon t t t Olle och Marie Wickström t DM – DL Nr 20 t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t önskar t t Logen Klockan Nr 747 t t Örkelljunga t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasavänner t t t Bertil och Ann-Margreth t t t Erickson t t SLH t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasasyskon t t i USA, Kanada och Sverige t t Knut Rosenkvist t t Maj-Lis Friedman t t FD, SLD DL Nr 20 t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasasyskon t t t Logen Höganäs Nr 634 t t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t önskas alla Vasavänner t t t Berit och Hans Bogren t LL Höganäs Nr 634 t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasasyskon t t t t Logen Skåne Nr 570 t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t t t t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År tillönskas alla Vasa-syskon t t t Logen Ronneby Nr 630 t t t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

tttttttttttttttttttttttt t t God Jul och Gott Nytt År t t tillönskas alla Vasasyskon t t t t Göran och Catherine t t Bringselius Nilsson t PS LL Nr 678 och FDM DL Nr 20 t t t tttttttttttttttttttttttt

Vasa Star October-December 2011

Distriktslogen Norra Sverige Nr 19 tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t t Unite Members and Lodges t t Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to All Our Vasa Friends in the US, Canada and Sweden t t Lisbeth H. Qvarfordt and Inge Hallberg, HM t t FDM LL751 Norrköping t t tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt


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Welcome To Our New Members On behalf of the Grand Lodge and members of the Vasa Order of America, I am pleased to welcome you to membership in these local Vasa lodges. If you are new to the Vasa Order of America we bid you welcome. If you are transferring or are a dual member, your new lodge bids you welcome. We hope you will enjoy your membership and will participate in all of the activities planned for you. Art Bjorkner, Grand Lodge Membership Chairman 31 Vasa Drive, Hackettstown NJ 07840-5314 USA

DL RHODE ISLAND NO. 3 Svea Lodge No. 362 Walter G. Josephson George Edward Olson DL NEW YORK NO. 4 Thule Lodge No. 127 Carol J. Arthur Dennis H. Lundberg Carolyn E. Ostrom Mary Susan Wright DL NEW JERSEY NO. 6 Tryggve Lodge No. 88 Louis S. Cassarello Karl Arne Hendela David C. Waldron Linne Lodge No. 423 Dominick Anthony Durso Three Crowns Lodge No. 704 Franklin Philips Baker III Kathy McGrath Baker Stephen F. Colonna Kelly Marie Conover George William Gutleber Renee Virginia Lupia Lilian Lora Radel John K. Rehse John J. Rothenberger Laura Michele Stiller-Williams Dalahäst Lodge No. 742 Barbara E. Peterson DL MINNESOTA NO. 7 Kronan Lodge No. 433 Sally Jean Spreeman Taylor Afton Spreeman

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DL LAKE MICHIGAN NO. 8 Linne Lodge No. 153 Joan Linnea Hartman Austin Lodge No. 466 Allan Charles Winters Linde Lodge No. 492 Daniel Donald Schroeder Mary Ann Schroeder Hagar Lodge No. 721 Lester Harvey Johnson Egon Waldemar Tietz Jubileum Lodge No. 755 Christina Bergmann Dennis Lee Bergmann Nordik Folk Lodge No. 761 Carl Erik Lundin Sofia Crystina Nelson Harrison Timothy Ogrentz Jennifer E. Pearson Bryan E. Tomky Janice L. Tomky Paul Carl Wakefield Sarah Clover Wakefield DL PENNSYLVANIA NO. 9 Nobel-Monitor Lodge No. 130 Harriet B. Bush DL GOLDEN GATE NO. 12 Monitor Lodge No. 218 Brian Charles Horsfield Svea Lodge No. 348 Keith McKee Crawford Marylin Joan Crawford Lindbergh Lodge No. 494 Douglas E. Anderson Steven Michael Eliscu Linnea Lodge No. 504 Donna Mae Edstrom


DL PACIFIC NORTHWEST NO. 13 Svea Lodge No. 469 Geneva E. Ellis Jennifer Rose Pearson Harmoni Lodge No. 472 Victoria Alexandra Tengblad Kreft Nancy Tuttle DL PACIFIC SOUTHWEST NO. 15 Skandia Lodge No. 247 Ernest Clair Mauritson Dr. Beau Stocking Mayflower Lodge No. 445 Christina Badour Golden Valley Lodge No. 616 Janet G. Bell John Wayne Bell Ruzenka di Benedetto Roy Elmer Olson Nicolette Taylor Bradley Thornton Sofie Thornton Baltic Lodge No. 689 Chuck Joseph Fiacco Britt I. M. Holmstrom Nelda Ilene Richards DL SÖDRA SVERIGE NO. 20 Skåne Lodge No. 570 Solvig Kristoffersson Georg Larsson Lena Larsson Höganäs Lodge No. 634 Mats Malmström Calle Nilsson Kerstin Nilsson DL ARIZONA NO. 21 Phoenix Lodge No. 677 Keith George Anderson Nancy Lenore Anderson Neal D. Nelson

Vasa Star October-December 2011

CULTURE Stavkyrkan i Lillsjöhögen Svaret på varför det finns en stavkyrka i Lillsjöhögen är ganska enkel: Varför inte? Historien börjar hösten 2007 med att två bybor blev nyfikna på stavkyrkor. Byggmetoden i sig är så intressant med den bakgrund den har. De tyckte också att det fanns behov av en andlig lokal i byn. Så nu är det bara att hoppas på att byns attraktionskraft ska öka i och med stavkyrkan. Det finns bara en handfull stavkyrkor i Sverige och det sätter Lillsjöhögen på kartan. Det finns också ev en koppling mellan Pilgrimsleden och Lillsjöhögen. Sydväst om Ösjön finns en Pilgrimskälla. Steget från idé om att bygga en stavkyrka till att faktiskt göra det, togs ganska snabbt, men utan sponsorerna hade det aldrig gått. Göte Falkman och Göran Nilsson från Lillsjöhögen, har arbetat idéelt med bygget. All el i kyrkverkstaden, bränsle till verktyg och så vidare, har de bekostat själva. De båda kyrkbyggarna har lagt ner flera tusen arbetstimmar var, på bygget. Från idé till invigning har det tagit fyra år. Snickarna är pensionärer, men har inte arbetat professionellt som just snickare. Göte har en bakgrund som grönsakshandlare och Göran från verkstadsbranschen. Men snickra kan de. Det har varit roligare än de trodde, men det har också varit mer jobb än de någonsin kunde ana. Under vårvintern 2008 påbörjades arbetet av stavkyrkan och i november 2009 började man förbereda marken där stavkyrkan skulle uppföras. Våren/sommaren 2010 uppförs huvudskeppet. Koret byggdes under sommaren 2011. Allt finsnickeri har utförts i Lillsjöhögen samt bearbetningen av timret. Christer Wall står för smidesarbetet i stavkyrkan och kommer från en släkt som levt och andats smide sedan 1800-talet, då morfars far kuskade Europa runt som lärling. Christer började sin bana 1958, men det var under 70-talet som han kunde titulera sig smidesmästare. Han har varit med och smitt föremål till ett flertal kyrkor, bl a till Stora kyrkan i Östersund, Frösö kyrka samt Lits kyrka. Dessa arbeten har varit små jämfört med det i Lillsjöhögen. Till Lillsjöhögens stavkyrka har han bland annat smitt dekoren till ytterdörren, kyrktuppen och ett stort antal bultar. Han är även den som tänkt ut vilka symboler som ska finnas på exempelvis den magnifika kyrkporten. Christer vet inte hur många Vasa Star October-December 2011

arbetstimmar han lagt ner på enbart smidet. Som den smidesmästare han är räknar han arbetet i liter stenkol som använts. Han har smitt upp 250 liter stenkol och det är väldigt mycket. Det går åt cirka 5 liter om dagen, så det handlar om runt 50 dagar i smedjan hemma på gården i Lillsjöhögen. På utsidan av stavkyrkans port finns tre symboler: liljor, drakar och pilspetsar. Drakarna finns överst och det är en symbol som finns både inom asatron samt kristendomen. Stavkyrkorna byggdes i brytpunkten mellan de olika religionerna. Drakarna var en symbol för ondska och de skulle hållas utanför helgedomen. Pilarna finns där för att skydda helgedomen mot det onda i världen. Längst ner finns liljor och det kommer från Bergspredikan där Jesus pekar på liljorna på marken och menar att alla ska vara välkomna till kyrkan precis som de är. Ett Ankhkors finns uppsatt ovanför ingången till kyrkan. Ankh-korset är en

gammal egyptisk symbol för livet, styrka och hälsa. Den representerar även visdom, inre kraft och auktoritet. Ankh-korset är Livets nyckel. Korsets cirkelformade del symboliserar Gud. Stavkyrkan i Lillsjöhögen är behandlad med en blandning av tjära, terpentin och linolja. Genom tiderna har det kallats för en rad olika saker: Båtsmörja, bryggsmörja och roslagsmahogny. Roslagsmahogny ger träet en längre livslängd och en vacker brunröd färg. Den kan användas till såväl altaner, trappor som till träbåtar och, som synes, även som fasadbehandling på stavkyrkor. Stavkyrkor började byggas på 1100-talet när nordvästra Europa kristnades. Kyrkorna brukar ses som en av de viktigaste representanterna för europeisk medeltidsarkitektur i trä. Namnet stavkyrka kommer sig från att kyrkan är byggd på en bärande konstruktion av stolpar. Mellan stolparna är det en fyllning av stående plankor, eller stavar som det också kallas. I Norge finns det flesta bevarade stavkykorna. Under medeltiden fanns det runt 1000 stavkyrkor i Norge. I dag finns det 28 kvar. I Sverige finns det endast en bevarad stavkyrka från medeltiden. Det är Hedareds stavkyrka, som byggdes omkring år 1500. Det finns sex nutida stavkyrkor, inräknat den i Lillsjöhögen. Det var Jan Gustavsson, prost emeritus, som förslog att Lillsjöhögens stavkyrka inte ska ingå i Svenska kyrkan. Det innebär att bygdegårdsföreningen i byn kan styra över verksamheten och utbudet efter eget tycke. Kyrkan är därför sparsamt utsmyckad med kristna symboler. Byns vilja är att kyrkan ska fungera som mötesplats även för Continued on next page


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Stavkyrkan i Lillsjöhögen Continued from previous page

människor med andra trosinriktningar och för dem som inte är troende. Stavkyrkan blir på det här sättet religiöst obunden. Det gör att alla människor kan använda byns andliga rum för sin tro. Storleken på Lillsjöhögens Stavkyrka: Huvudskeppet är 6,5 meter långt och 5,5 meter brett. Koret är 3,5 meter i både längd och bredd. Totalt blir ytan 48 kvadratmeter. Stavkyrkan är 8 meter hög. Sittplatser: 55 till 60 st. Källa: Lillsjöhögens Stavkyrkas Informationshäfte Ni kan även hitta dem på Facebook Insänt av: Marie Carlson, Editor, VS Foto: Erik Trapp, Lillsjöhögen

The Stave Church in Lillsjöhögen The answer to why there is a stave church in Lillsjöhögen is quite simple: Why not? The story begins in the autumn of 2007 with two villagers that became curious about stave churches. The way it is constructed is so interesting and its history. They further thought that the village was in need of a spiritual sanctuary. So now, one can only hope that Lillsjöhögens appeal will increase with the stave church. There are only a handful stave churches in Sweden and this sets Lillsjöhögen on the map. There might also be a link between the Pilgrims way and Lillsjöhögen. Southwest of Lake Ösjön is a Pilgrim well. From just an idea to actually doing it was taken quite quickly, and without the sponsors, they would not have been able to do it. Göte Falkman and Göran Nilsson from Lillsjöhögen, has worked for free, with the construction. All electricity in the church, fuel for the tools and so on they have supplied and paid for on their own. Both of them have spent several thousand hours working on the construction. It has taken four years from, just an idea, until the grand opening. The builders are retired, but have not worked professionally as just carpenters. Göte has a background as a greengrocer and Göran from the workshop sector. But carpentry, they can do. It has been a lot of fun, but it has also been a lot more work than they had imagined. During the spring/winter of 2008 they Page 22

started working on the stave church, and in November of 2009 they began preparing the land where the stave church would be situated. In the spring/the summer 2010 they built the central ship. The altar room was built during the summer of 2011. All of the detail woodwork has been carried out in Lillsjöhögen including the processing and preparation of timbre. Christer Wall is responsible for the wrought iron work in the stave church and comes from a family that has lived and breathed the art of wrought iron since the 1800th century, when his grandfather traveled around Europe as a trainee. Christer began his career in 1958, but it was during 70s, that he could titular himself as a wrought iron master. He has done wrought iron work in several churches, such as Stora Kyrkan (the Big Church) in Östersund, Frösö Church and Lit 's Church. Those jobs have been small compared with the one in Lillsjöhögen. In Lillsjöhögens Stave Church he has among other things made the scenery to the door outside, the church rooster and a large number of bolts. He is also the one who has figured out which symbols that will be on the magnificent church gate. Christer does not know how many work hours he has spent on the wrought iron work alone. As the wrought iron master he is, he counts his work in liters of coal he has used. He has used 250 liters of coal, and that is a huge amount. He has used approximately 5 liters per day that is about 50 days he has spent in his workshop on the farm in Lillsjöhögen. On the outside of the stave church's gate there are three symbols: lilies, dragons and arrow heads. The dragons are on the top, and it is a symbol that you can find both within Norse paganism and Christianity. The stave churches were built in the breaking point between the different religions. The dragons were a symbol for evil and they should be held outside the shrine. The arrows are there in order to protect the shrine against the evil in the world. At the very bottom are the lilies and it comes from when Jesus preached and Jesus points to the lilies on the ground and says each and everyone will be welcome to the church just the way they are. You can find the Ankh cross above the entrance to the church. The Ankh cross is an old Egyptian symbol for life, strength and health. It also represents wisdom, internal strength and authority. The Ankh cross is the key to life. The cross's circle shaped part symbolizes God. The stave church in Lillsjöhögen is treated with mixture of tar, turpentine and linseed oil. Over time it has been called www.vasaorder.com

several different things: Ship butter, pier butter, and roslag mahogany. Roslag mahogany gives the wood a longer life span, and a beautiful brown red color. It can be used on porches, stairs that are on wood ships and also as façade treatment on stave churches. Stave churches began to be built around 1100 when northwestern Europe was christened. The churches can be seen as one of the most important representatives for European Middle ages architecture in wood. The name stave church comes from that the church is built on a carrying structure of posts. Between the posts there are standing boards, or staves that they also are called. In Norway, you can find most of the preserved stave churches. During the middle ages, there were around 1000 stave churches in Norway. Today, there are 28 left. In Sweden, there is only one preserved stave church from the middle ages. It is Hedared's Stave Church that was built about year 1500. There are six modern stave churches, where Lillsjöhögen is included. It was Jan Gustavsson, prost emeritus that suggested that Lillsjöhögens stave church will not be part of the Swedish church. It means that the district farm association in the village can govern over their activities, and make their own decisions. The church does not have many Christian symbols. The village wants the church to function as meeting place for people with other faiths as well as for the nonbeliever. This way the stave church becomes religious unrestricted, which means that all people can make use of the village's shrine for their personal faith. The size of Lillsjöhögens Stave Church: The central ship is 6,5 meters long and it is 5 meters wide. The altar room is 3,5 meters in both length and width. The total surface is 48 square meters. The stave church is 8 meters high. It seats 55 to 60 people. Source: Information Booklet available at the church. You can also find them on Facebook Submitted by: Marie Carlson, Editor, VS Pictures by: Erik Trapp, Lillsjöhögen

A Vasa-bridge to your Swedish ancestors! Looking for your relatives in Sweden? I have helped many satisfied Vasa-members finding their Swedish roots. Further info please e-mail: swedengen@telia.com Vasa Star October-December 2011

Två svenska jättar, Dag Hammarskjöld och Jan Eliasson Den 18 september (denna artikel skrivs en vecka senare) hade jag turen att återvända till mitt gamla universitet i Uppsala i tid för att kunna höra The Dag Hammarskjöld Lecture 2011 med Jan Eliasson som inbjuden föreläsare. Denna föreläsning är årlig sedan 1988 och inramas av klassisk musik, sånger av studentkören Allmänna Sången samt presentationer av universitetets rektor och representanter för Hammarskjöldfonden, som tillsammans med universitetet ansvarar för arrangemanget. I år ägde evenemanget rum exakt på dagen 50 år efter flygkraschen nära Ndola i nuvarande Zambia, där Dag Hammarskjöld omkom. Detta förhållande gav en speciell mening åt årets föreläsning. Det gav speciell mening också för mig, som i september 1961 fortfarande befann mig i Uppsala som nyligen legitimerad läkare och i min första tjänst som underläkare på kirurgen vid Akademiska Sjukhuset. Det var lätt att återuppleva den tidens sorgliga atmosfär, som drabbade hela Uppsala, staden där Dag Hammarskjöld växte upp. Jan Eliasson hade valt Fred, Utveckling och Mänskliga Rättigheter – den absolut nödvändiga relationen som rubrik för sin föreläsning. I denna underströk han nödvändigheten att hålla dessa tre vitala begrepp samman vid allt arbete för fred och humanitet. Det var ett imponerande tal med många reflektioner till Hammarskjöld och hans tid men också en bred översikt över världens nuvarande konflikter. Efter föreläsningen lämnades visst utrymme för frågor från den fullsatta universitetsaulan, följt av studentkörens sång och en ceremoni, där Jan Eliasson tilldelades Dag Hammarskjöldmedaljen av universitetsrektorn, professor Anders Hallberg, och professor Ashok Swain från Hammarskjöldfonden samt Peter Wallensteen, som är Dag Hammarskjöld Professor vid avdelningen för freds- och konfliktforskning, Uppsala Universitet. HKH Kronprinsessan Victoria bevistade årets Dag Hammarskjöld-föreläsning för att hedra både Dag Hammarskjöld och Jan Eliasson. Före programmet i universitetsaulan lade Jan Eliasson ned en krans på Dag Hammarskjölds grav på Uppsala gamla kyrkogård i närvaro av kronprinsessan Victoria och ledande företrädare för universitetet och Hammarskjöldfonden. – Där var nu de båda svenska jättarna, den ene hyllande den andre som den store Vasa Star October-December 2011

mästaren i fredsskapande arbete. Deras karriärer har vissa likheter med början i det svenska utrikesdepartementet. Dag Hammarskjöld var FN:s generalsekreterare 1954-1961 och är väl ihågkommen för sin enastående förmåga att tjäna såväl stora som små nationer. Det var inte lätt och efter det första året deklarerade han: “FN skapades inte för att ta oss till himlen utan för att rädda oss från helvetet.” Han var en framstående förhandlare och i hans fotspår har Jan Eliasson tjänat vid många försök till fredsmäklande samt som representant för Sverige i FN och under ett år som ordförande i dess generalförsamling. Hammarskjöld tillhörde den svenska regeringen ett par år före utnämningen till generalsekreterare och Eliasson var under en kort tid Sveriges utrikesminister. Han står alltjämt till förfogande för nya uppdrag och är högt respekterad såväl i Sverige som internationellt. Femtioårsminnet av flygkraschen i Ndola har föranlett nya krav på undersökning av de alltjämt inte fullt klarlagda omständigheterna vid olyckan. Det finns hittills sekretessbelagda dokument, som efter 50 år kan offentliggöras, och nyligen publicerade den engelska historikern Susan Williams sin bok “Vem dödade Hammarskjöld?” Det är inte tillfredsställande att ha så allvarliga frågor obesvarade, men det kommer troligen att dröja, innan några svar finns. Insänt av: Stig S. Sälgeback, Karlstad, SLKL, Sverige

Two Swedish Giants, Dag Hammarskjöld and Jan Eliasson On September 18 (this article is written one week later) by chance I happened to return to my old University of Uppsala in time to attend The Dag Hammarskjöld Lecture 2011 with Jan Eliasson as the invited speaker. The tradition of this lecture goes back to 1988 and includes classic music, songs by the student choir, Allmänna Sången, and presentations by the president of the university and representatives from The Hammarskjöld Foundation. These two institutions are in charge of the arrangement. This year the event took place exactly on the date 50 years ago, when Dag Hammarskjöld died in a plane crash near Ndola, Zambia, giving a very special meaning to the lecture. It also gave me as www.vasaorder.com

an individual a special meaning, because in September 1961 I was still in Uppsala having the same year graduated from medical school and recently started my first residency at the surgical unit of the University Hospital. It was easy to recall the sad atmosphere at the time in the entire city of Uppsala, where Dag Hammarskjöld grew up. Jan Eliasson had chosen Peace, Development and Human Rights – The Indispensable Connection as title for his lecture. During his speech he underlined the necessity of holding these three vital conceptions together at all times in the work for humanity. It was an impressive speech with many reflections on Dag Hammarskjöld and his time, but also a good overview of the current conflicts of the world. After his speech the floor was open to questions from the crowded main auditorium followed by song from the choir and a ceremony at which Jan Eliasson was awarded The Dag Hammarskjöld Medal by professor Anders Hallberg, Vice Chancellor, Uppsala University, professor Ashok Swain from The Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and Peter Wallensteen, Dag Hammarskjöld professor at The Department for Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University. Her Royal Highness, Crown Princess Victoria, attended The 2011 Dag Hammarskjöld Lecture in honor of both Dag Hammarskjöld and Jan Eliasson. Prior to the program Jan Eliasson placed a wreath on Dag Hammarskjöld’s grave in the old cemetery of Uppsala in the presence of Crown Princess Victoria and prime representatives from the university and the foundation. - There were the two Swedish Giants of high integrity, one of them honoring the other as the great master of peace efforts. Their careers show some similarities with a beginning in the Swedish Foreign Office. Dag Hammarskjöld served as UN Secretary- General 1954 – 1961 and is well remembered for his outstanding ability as a civil servant for big as well as for small nations. It was not easy and after one year in office he concluded: “The United Nations was not created in order to bring us to heaven, but in order to save us from hell.” He was a great mediator and in his footsteps Jan Eliasson has served in many peace-keeping missions as well as in the UN representing Sweden and for one year as President of The Continued on next page Page 23

Two Swedish Giants Continued from previous page

General Assembly. Hammarskjöld belonged to the Swedish government a few years before his appointment as UN Secretary General and Eliasson was for a short period our Minister for Foreign Affairs. He is still at the UN disposal for assignments and is highly respected in Sweden as well as internationally. The fifty year old memory of the plane crash in Ndola has raised new demands on investigations of the still not fully understood circumstances at the accident. Questions have been put forward from family members and from authorities. There are so far secret documents that could be released after 50 years and recently an English historian, Susan Williams, published her book “Who killed Hammarskjöld?” It is not satisfactory having such serious questions unanswered, but it will probably take some time until any solution will be there. Submitted by: Stig S. Sälgeback, Karlstad, GLCD, Sweden

My Swedish Connections How I Found My Swedish Relatives by Frances Fröberg Wooley Shortly after beginning my search a few years ago to fill in some holes on my husband’s pedigree chart, I decided I would try to obtain information concerning my Swedish grandfather. At this point in time, the only thing I actually knew was that Olof Fröberg, my grandfather, had gone to sea as a young man. The story I had been told was that as he left Sweden, his mother stood on the hill above him waving her apron in farewell. He was never able to return to his home in Sweden. On one of his sea voyages, he had met my grandmother who was traveling from Norway to the United States. They were married in Chicago (Cook) Illinois in 1880. With only the above information and the year of his birth obtained from his marriage license, 1856, I submitted a query to Swedish-American Magazine. A response was received from Dr. Jan Vegelius of the Department of Statistics Page 24

of Uppsala University in Sweden. He provided some information about the name Fröberg and gave me names and addresses of nine individuals bearing this surname. I wrote letters to all these people and only received one reply which turned out not to be a relative. In the meantime, in a collection of postal cards which my Grandmother Fröberg had given me when I was a child, I found two which had been sent from Sweden and which were written in Swedish. I located someone who could translate them and learned that they were from Härnösand, Sweden, and mentioned some changes in a building there that had been done since my grandfather had last been there. They were signed Hanna Fröberg. I sent this information on to Dr. Vegelius and told him of the one reply I had received from the listing he had sent me. Dr. Vegelius wrote again. He had continued to work on my query and with the additional information I had given him, he made several inquiries on my behalf. Following is the text of his next letter: “First I looked in a book containing the names of all Swedish villages, farms and so on. There we could find four places by the name of Utvik. Two of them were in Ångermanland, one in the parish of Nora and one in the parish of Ullånger. “I went to our city library and looked at the telephone book of Ångermanland. In the Ullånger telephone area (which also contained Nora) I found a dozen persons by the name of Fröberg. “In the afternoon I called the church at Nora and the person who answered (probably the clergyman) mentioned that the only Fröberg he found in Nora (with a telephone) was Per Fröberg in Frok. “I phoned Per Fröberg, who said that there had been Fröbergs in Utvik, but he did not know where their descendants lived. He recommended me to call Sture Frolen in Härnösand whose uncle had married a daughter (of) Dora Fröberg from Utvik. After a long search in the telephone book he found Sture’s number. “I called Sture Frolen and he could give me telephone numbers to several children of Dora Fröberg Nilsson. “Finally I called Dora’s daughter, Aina Nilsson Lindström, who confirmed that her grandparents had lived in Utvik in Nora. She became very interested in getting a letter from you. She says she is not so good at reading English but she has a daughter who can help her.” I assure you that I will always be www.vasaorder.com

deeply indebted to Dr. Vegelius as Aina Lindström and I have now corresponded for several years. From the pedigree chart which follows, you will be able to see our relationship. Then, on Christmas Day, 1991, an early morning phone call announced that Aina’s daughter, Gun-Marie Sohlin, had just arrived in Ft. Meyers (where I live) and wanted to meet me. She was on leave from her duties as a member of the Swedish delegation on the United Nations interim forces stationed in Lebanon. My husband and I immediately went to the motel where she was staying and after introductions, invited her back to our home for the balance of her visit in Florida. Then we had another surprise, GunMarie’s daughter, Charlotte, was attending high school as an exchange student in Spokane, Washington. Her mother made a few phone calls and arrangements were made for her to fly into Ft. Meyers. Within hours we had met two Swedish relatives never known before. What a wonderful Christmas present! Soon after these two relatives had returned to their respective homes, a phone call from Sweden informed us that Gun-Marie’s mother, Aina, was planning to fly to Florida on June 1. My Swedish family just kept growing and growing. It was a long time from the first part of January until June 1. Many overseas telephone calls were made – many letters and maps were sent and received. Explicit directions had to be given as Aina and her party would fly into Ft. Lauderdale on the east coast, rent a car and drive across the state to Ft. Meyers. It would be after dark before they would reach our home. None of the party had ever been to this country before. The hours on June 1, 1992, passed slowly. Finally, a car pulled up outside of our home. The doors opened and for the first time in my life I met my half-cousin from Sweden – a relative that until a couple of years ago I did not know even existed. It was truly an exciting and awesome experience. Those who came were Aina and her husband,Werner. Neither of them speak English although they do understand a bit. Aina’s sister Elsy Syren, sometimes acted as a translator but it was difficult. However, Aina’s granddaughter, Petra Sohlin and her fiancé, Peter Westin, speak very good English as they had learned it in school and did most of the translating. Continued on next page Vasa Star October-December 2011

My Swedish Connections Continued from previous page

Not only did Aina bring me many gifts typical of Sweden, she even brought several jars of homemade jam that she had made in her own kitchen. She also brought the name and address of yet another member of our mutual family – a granddaughter of my grandfather’s sister. Since my grandfather’s sister had 13 living children, I now shall have many more Swedish cousins to try and find. Aina and I poured over photo albums and exchanged notes on what we each knew of our own grandparents and their families. We talked of her grandchildren and mine. She taught me a few words of the Swedish language and I tried to teach her some English phrases. Getting acquainted with each other was not difficult. We had a most enjoyable time together. The visit with my Swedish relatives has ended and they have returned to their homes in Härnösand and Uppsala. To say that this was one of the most important and exciting events in my lifetime is an understatement. From not ever knowing of any Swedish relatives, I now have dozens! And now it is time to begin planning my trip to the land of my forefathers. Should anyone reading this account be a relative or have information that can be added to my family history, I would certainly be interested in hearing from them. And again, I thank Dr. Vegelius for all the time and energy he spent on my behalf. It is he who encouraged me to write this account of how I found my Swedish connections! Pedigree of the Fröberg-Lundin Family Tab. 1. Olof Fröberg, born in Springare, Sabra Parish (Vn.) 25 Jan. 1842; d. in Harno (Vn.) 21 June 1879. Married (1) 19 Nov. 1847 Anna Brita Strinholm, born in Harno 22 Nov. 1825, d. in Harno 1 Jan. 1876; (2) in March 1877 Brita Greta Lindström, b. 21 July 1845; d. 8 July 1921. Children in the first marriage: 1. Johan Fröberg, b. 3 March 1848, d. the same day 2. Israel Fröberg, b. 4 April 1849; went to sea 1870 3. Johanna Fröberg, b. 10 June 1854, d. 12 Jan. 1935; mar. 10 Feb. 1876 Jonas Fredrik Lundin 4. Olof Fröberg, b. 3 Sept. 1856 (see Tab. 3) Vasa Star October-December 2011

5. Brita Cajsa Fröberg, b. 29 Sept. 1861; d. 17 Feb.1872. Children in the second marriage: 1. Anders Gustaf Fröberg, b. 22 Feb. 1878 (see Tab. 3) 2. Johan Fröberg, twin b. June 1879; d. 24 July 1879 3. Louisa Fröberg, twin, b. 8 June 1879; d. 26 July 1879

Tab. 2 Olof Fröberg, called himself Fröberg in America. Grandfather of Frances Fröberg Wooley. Tab. 3. Anders Gustaf Fröberg, grandfather of Aina Nilsson Lindström.

Scandinavian American Cultural and Historical Foundation Honors LeRoy Anderson 2011 Outstanding Scandinavian American A beloved Swedish-American musician in Southern California, LeRoy Anderson has worn many musical hats, as a singer, choral director, pianist, accordionist and liturgist. Born in Chicago himself, his parents were from Jämtland and Skåne in Sweden. Raised in the Augustana Swedish Lutheran Church, he has a love for Swedish choral music which he has enthusiastically promoted in Southern California churches, directing many festive choruses in concerts, cantatas and oratorio. As a youth, LeRoy sang early in his church choir and in 1945 he joined the Swedish Glee Club in Chicago. In 1946 he enlisted in the army and was stationed in Japan for more than a year. In 1951 he married Greta, a gifted pianist and organist who shared his love for music. In 1953 Greta and LeRoy moved to the Los Angeles Area. After two years of college LeRoy continued extension studies at UCLA and USC, studying principally the teaching of music. Meanwhile he sang in the choir of Grace Lutheran in Bell, becoming director of the choir in 1969, a directorship he continued for 32 years He created an early morning Christmas liturgy for Angelica Lutheran Church in Los Angeles and continued as their liturgist for seven years. In 1987 he organized a choir at the Norwegian and Swedish Seamen’s Church in San Pedro, directing that choir for 13 years. In the early ‘90s he assumed directorship of the Los Angeles area Vasa Choir. LeRoy is a founder of Västkustens Spelmanslag and does music arrangements for his group. This popular group has played regularly at the Scandinavian Festival at California Lutheran University www.vasaorder.com

in Thousand Oaks and at Midsummer Festivals at Vasa Park and other festivals in Southern California. He is past President of the SwedishAmerican Central Association of Southern California, a past chairman of Nordic Lodge #660 District Lodge Pacific Southwest #15 of the Vasa Order of America, a former director of SAHAC, The Swedish American Historical Association of California, and a member of The Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. Submitted by: Thomas Jahn, GLD, DL Pacific Southwest #15 Photographed by: Thomas Jahn

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HAPPENINGS Royal Glamour at New York Gala Scandinavian royalties and other heads-of-states joined for an historic gathering at the Hilton Hotel in New York City. They were all in town to celebrate the Centennial of the American-Scandinavian Foundation. Read all about it at www.amscan.org or www.nordstjernan.com HRH Queen Silvia of Sweden looked beautiful as always and especially elegant in that violet ball gown! This event, with tickets starting at $500/person was on October 21st. The next day King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia flew up to the still-Swedish community of Jamestown, New York. Children’s Club Thule Folkdancers performed in the royals’ presence and Queen Silvia joined them for “Små Grodorna.” Donna Johnson of Vasa Lodge Thule and three others received an award directly from the King commemorating her 50 year membership with The Nordic Club, celebrating their own 100th anniversary. Coordinator of the Scandinavian Folk Festival in Jamestown, Don Sandy received the Order of the Polar Star medal from the King of Sweden. Grattis! Don is also a member of Vasa Thule Lodge, accordionist for both the adult and children´s folkdance clubs in Jamestown, as well as a member of two musical groups Nordanvind and Svenska Spelmän. Wish New York City weren’t so high society – it would have been spectacular to have a chance to meet and greet our King and Queen on a more intimate venue. Kanske nästa gång! Submitted by: Jeanne Eriksson-Andersen, Chairman, Lindbergh Lodge #505, New York, -Jeanne/Dragspel@aol.com

Source: Sweden Today

Tranströmer Wins Nobel Prize in Literature Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer has won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Literature. The academy said it awarded the 80-year-oldpoet “because, through his condensed translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality.” Born in 1931 in Stockholm, Tranströmer is a poet, translator and psychologist, who have been translated into 50 languages. The child of divorced parents, Tranströmer studied at Soda Latin in Stockholm and graduated as a psychologist from Stockholm University in 1956. He began writing early, at age 13 and published his first collection of poems in 1954 titled “17 dikter” (Seventeen poems). His work, though, lies within and further develops the Modernist and Expressionist/Surrealist language of 20th century poetry; his clear, seemingly simple pictures from everyday life and nature in particular reveals a mystic insight into the universal aspects of the human mind. Tranströmer is a close friend of the American poet Robert Bly and their correspondence has been published in the book “Air Mail.” In 1990, Tranströmer suffered a stroke that affects his speech, but he continues to write. Tranströmer has in the past been mentioned as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and is considered one of Sweden's foremost poets. In addition to his work as a writer, Tranströmer was also a respected psychologist before he had his stroke. He worked in juvenile prisons, and with disabled, convicts, and drug addicts. He is also a pianist, something he has been able to continue after his stroke, albeit with one hand. Here are a few lines describing a forest from one of Tranströmer’s poems from the book “Dikter” 1985. “… Skogen är tysta övergivna lokaler så här års. Bara några få slags ljud: som om någon flyttade kvistar försiktigt med en pincett eller ett gångjärn som gnyr svagt inne i en tjock stam.” This is the first time since 1974 a Swede has been awarded the prize (Harry Martinsson and Eyvind Johnsson shared the honor that year). Submitted by: Carol Blackwell, Phoenix Lodge #677

New Jersey Vasa Park Celebrates 75 Wonderful Years Even though the official festivities were not to begin until Saturday, August 27th, parties started Friday afternoon as District #6 New Jersey members from far and wide descended on Vasa Park in Budd Lake. Gatherings at the summer cabins Friday afternoon, prior to the weekly Friday night dinner, found old friends getting together just like old times. After dinner folks lingered on the patio late into the night sharing photos and memories of their years at the Park. Unfortunately the threat of hurricane Irene kept some folks away on Saturday, but the majority of those who had been looking forward to this day for nearly a year, braved the stormy weather. And they were glad they did! Members from as far away as California, Utah and Colorado made the trip. License plates from NJ, NY, CT, PA, MO, NC, TN and FL were in our parking lot along with a bus load of Swedes that happened to be visiting NYC. The entrance fee to the Park was twentyfive cents. Not only did that modest sum gain you entry, and a commemorative journal but also tickets for either a hamburger or hot dog platter and a free soft drink. Remember when you could actually get something great for a quarter? The opening ceremonies on Saturday dedicated 657 new memorial plaques bearing the names of our Vasa members who are now departed. This monumental undertaking was completed by our Vice District Master Kevin De Feo with assistance from his wife Elve and daughter Emily. The new name plates are laser etched on material that will be weather resistant and will hold up for many generations to come. It is a beautiful memorial to those who helped build Vasa Park. A presentation was then made by our District Master Jack Hanright. He and his wife Inger unveiled the rune stone they created for Vasa Park along with their son Patrick. It stands proudly next to the carved wooden Viking outside the Cultural Center. Jack explained that he selected the stone from an old stone wall on Park property. It could barely be lifted by a front-end loader. He reduced its size and chiseled it into a shape that is reminiscent of the rune stones Continued on next page

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New Jersey Vasa Park Celebrates 75 Years Continued from previous page

seen in Sweden. He engraved the message that Inger composed, designed and translated into the runic alphabet. Patrick painted the letters in the traditional rune stone red. It reads, “In the year 1936 the Swedes bought this land and named it Vasa Park. For 75 years we have kept it so that our sons and daughters will know of their ancestors. This stone was raised to remember the people that built this park.” Then it was time for the Vasa Olympic Games to begin, a tradition from years past, resurrected for this special occasion. The parade of District #6 Lodges ended at the basketball court where Games’ Chairman, Chad Peterson lit the Vasa flame. Nine District 6 Lodges competed for glory. After tug-o-war, keg toss, ticket ripping and various other feats of skill Frithiof #63 came home with the Gold, Goithoid #486 the Silver and Tryggve #88 the Bronze. At the awards ceremony the following Past Park Presidents were recognized: Rodger Grady (1998-2000), Art Antonucci (2000-2001), Roy Persson (2001-2003), Mark Bernabei (2003-2004), Art Bjorkner (2007-2009), Jack Hanright (2009-2011) and Chad Peterson (2001). Current and Past Park President BJ Peterson (1996-1998, 20062007) was also in attendance as was James Radel (2004-2006). A wonderful meatball dinner was served in the Cultural Center for the bargain price of $5. There was also a video display set up of old home movies from past Park events along with several tables of family albums and photos of the members that made Vasa Park what it is today. There was no shortage of hugs, smiles and tears of remembrance as fond memories came flooding back. It was wonderful to see so many family photos, lodge photos and folks at their favorite spots in Vasa Park being

Chad Peterson lights the Vasa Olympic torch. Vasa Star October-December 2011

taken that day to preserve the occasion. I’m sure they will be on display at the next celebration. Fond farewells were said as hurricane Irene descended on New Jersey but many hearty Vikings lingered to dance and socialize, not wanting the evening to end. A huge thank you goes out to the 75th Anniversary Committee. These dedicated Vasa members planned and worked for

over a year to make the day a memorable event. District #6 is very lucky to have beautiful Vasa Park and so many dedicated members who work to keep it going. So save the date: Summer 2036. Vasa Park turns 100! Submitted by: Beverly Blake, District #6 New Jersey

Anniversary committee pictured left to right; Inger Hanright, Candace Peterson-Phelps, Chad Peterson, Chairman, Cathy Peterson, Co-Chair, Debbie Larsson, Jerry Meloskie, Terry Meloskie, Helen Haumacher and Art Haumacher.

Let’s Take a Lesson from the Norwegians We here in northern Minnesota who is of Swedish and other ethnic backgrounds have watched with awe and perhaps some envy as Norwegian-Americans have engaged in a frenzy of preparation for King Harald and Queen Sonja of Norway's visit to Duluth, Minnesota this week. Duluth Sons of Norway members spruced up their Norway Hall to the tune of $50,000.00 in preparation for the visit and rededication of Enger Tower, a beautiful landmark on the hill above the majestic Lake Superior shore. This property and tower were built and donated to the city of Duluth by a successful Norwegian immigrant as thanks for his good fortune. It was dedicated by Crown Prince Olav in 1939. A lovely luncheon with city and state dignitaries was attended by 500 people and throngs of residents from all over the area lined the streets to greet the royalty. Norwegian flags flew in the breeze and the Norwegian national anthem was sung. We of other Nordic countries, in particular, should be very impressed with the passion and dedication and pride of Norwegian-Americans in their heritage (and perhaps work harder to do the same with our Swedish heritage)! Locally our Göta Lejon Lodge each summer challenges the local Norwegians to a fun-filled event called the Lutefisk Toss. This is held during Two Harbors Heritage Days in July and it is always a popular event with cheering and laughter www.vasaorder.com

and waving of Swedish and Norwegian flags. And the Norwegians are always good sports, because the Swedes once again took the honors and carried away the trophy for another year. Once again we Swedes were impressed with the integrity of the Norwegians, even as they lost. And we of the Swedish persuasion admit that we have had some talent who are of Finnish descent that has demonstrated good throwing arms for our team. However, when an article appeared in the local Lake County News Chronicle describing the contest, it stated that the Swedes defeated the FINNS! Could there be a closet Norwegian on the newspaper staff? Was there an attempt to cover their loss? No! Surely not! We Swedes are trusting folks and we are certain that it was only a typographical error! Or not? Hmmm. In the meantime, let’s take a lesson from the Norwegians – be loud and proud about our Swedish heritage, wave the flag, learn the words to the Swedish national anthem, sing it loudly, encourage membership in our organization and if our Swedish King and Queen come to visit someday, let’s be “copy-cats” and give them a royal welcome that will make the front pages of our newspapers! Submitted by: Patricia Olson, Göta Lejon Lodge #251, Two Harbors, Minnesota

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Vasa Orden av Amerika medlemmar från Sverige besöker Vasa arkivet i USA Under augusti månad passade logesyskonen Karl-Erik Axelsson, Elisabeth Agge, Anne-Sofie Hjort från logen Enköping Nr 646, Håkan Hjort från logen Linde Nr 492, Hillivi Sjöberg logen Eskilstuna Nr 633 samt Lars-Åke Sjöberg logen Mälardrottningen Nr 563 att besöka ordenssyskon samt Vasa arkivet i USA. Vi bodde hos Jake och Marge Gruel som är logesyskon från Linde logen i Milwaukee. Under sin vistelse i USA träffade vi ordenssyskon från Linde logen samt deltog på deras kräftkalas hos Lisa och Rolf Ekstrand. Varmt tack till familjen Ekstrand. Under besöket i USA begav vi oss tillsammans med Jake och Marge Gruel till Vasa arkivet i Bishop Hill. Där fick vi träffa den nya föreståndaren Viktoria Almgren-Kofoid. På arkivet kunde man se Karl-Erik Axelsson LL 646 samt Lar-Åke att fastigheten fått sig ett ordentligt lyft och Sjöberg LL 563 studerar handlingar i vasa arkivet. utanför stod tre flaggstänger med USAs, Sveriges och Kanadas flaggor som hälsade oss välkomna. Även inne på arkivet hade många bra förändringar skett. På övervåningen finns ett kontor, sovrum samt kök. Viktoria Almgren-Kofoid som nu är den nya föreståndaren, upplevdes som en positiv och inspirerande person med ett stort engagemang. Hon pratar flytande svenska och amerikanska. Under vistelsen i Bishop Hill hittade man tidningsurklipp då Amerikanska ungdomar besökte Biskopskulla utanför Enköping i Sverige. Vi tog en promenad ner till kyrkogården för att titta till Eric Janssons gravsten. Eric Jansson som föddes i Biskopskulla utanför Enköping och bosatte sig i Bishop Hill, Illinois. Vi fick även vara med när Jennifer Johnsson, dotter till Jake och Marge Gruel avtackades efter det att hon avslutade sin tjänstgörning inom polisen efter 24 år. Tillsammans med arbetskamrater samt chefer samlades vi i polishuset i Waukesha där det hölls tacktal samt bjöds på kaffe med tårta. Dessa veckor i USA tillsammans med ordenssyskon, gör att man känner den gemenskap som vår orden står för och som sträcker sig mellan kontinenterna. Varmt tack till familjen Gruel och Ekstrand som vi fått som vänner inom vår orden för hela livet.

LUCIA My name is Lucia I come with the light; There is nothing to fear When the embers are bright; No shadow is so dark That you're ever alone; Look to the light And find your way home. In life, I had plenty, Both riches and gold, But how can you be warm When others are cold? There is no glory in fine clothes And shoes for your feet, When people go to bed hungry With nothing to eat. I traded my gold To share with the poor; I went out by night And laid a bounty at their door; I can only imagine The smiles on their face, Where instead of dust, Love took its place. You see me clad in white, With lights all aglow, Offering a gift of plenty As I did so long ago; I travel from place to place, Bringing hope and cheer; Come, be at peace, You are welcome here. --Joel Bjorling, 2010 Member of Bishop Hill

Insänt av: Elisabeth Agge

Karl-Erik Axelsson, Elisabeth Agge,Enköping Lars-Åke och Hillivi Sjöberg, Stockholm Viktoria Almgren-Kofoid nya föreståndaren samt Håkan och Anne-Sofie Hjort, Enköping. Page 28


Vasa Star October-December 2011

Kära Vasasyskon! Sitter i Palo Alto i Kalifornien, USA och funderar över det senaste Distriktsmötet Vasa-orden hade i Ljungby i våras och hur det ska gå för min kära Vasa-loge. Vice Grandmaster visade hur det går utför med Vasa om vi inte gör något och det är där mina tankar kommer in. Om en organisation eller liknande inte är förändringsbenägen kommer den att tyna bort. I vår ungdom kunde en gudstjänst hålla på i 1½ - 2 timmar – idag tar den ca 45 minuter – och ändå har kyrkan kvar sina ritualer. En begravning tog då minst 1 timmar – idag ca ½ timma. Men både en högmässa och en begravning är fortfarande stilfull! Hur har kyrkan lyckats bevara sina ritualer trots den mycket förkortade tiden? Vi måste också på något sätt korta ner våra ritualer och våra möten! Hur ska vi marknadsföra oss? Ska vi ta ut svängarna? Här kommer så några mer eller mindre vilda idéer för att få fart på diskussionerna: • Ska vi stå med bokstånd på Skänninge eller Kiviks marknader? Eller ska vi stå på stormarknader typ A6 i Jönköping, Väla i Helsingborg eller Entré i Malmö? • Ska vi engagera oss med det lokala föreningslivet på vår nationaldag? • Kan vi få in emigrationshistorien som en kursplan på t ex en folkhögskola och som skulle ge poäng för vidare studier? • Ska vi annonsera i de stora reklamkanalerna i TV? • Ska vi göra en större sak om årets svensk-amerikan, som t ex anlita en marknadsföringsbyrå som spelar in hela tillställningen och gör ett färdigt manuskript, för att ha ett färdigt koncept att plantera i ett soffprogram i TV. • Ska vi gå ihop med lokala släktföreningar och starta släktforskning särskilt för dem som har släkt i USA och Kanada? Om vi går tillbaka till Distriktsmötet: Det blev en hel del avtackningar – lite tamt och enformigt tycker jag. Skulle man inte kunna utveckla det t ex bjuda de berörda på högtidsmötets supé? Eller kanske skulle man lämna över ett antal Triss-lotter och om de gav en större vinst kunde en viss procent gå till logen. Den loge-medlem som skaffar flest nya medlemmar i förhållande till hur många medlemmar det finns i dennes lokal-loge, kan t ex få åka till USA och uppleva ett storlogemöte. Det finns säkert många som också har tankar och idéer om hur vi ska förfara. Jag vet att det kostar en del pengar, men på något sätt måste vi gå vidare. Vi får se det på lite längre sikt – t ex 6-8 år, sätta upp delmål och ha utvärdering efter halv tiden, så att det går att följa hur vi ligger till i förhållande till den uppsatta målen. • Måste våra ritualer vara så omfattande? Kan vi trimma dem utan att innebörden går förlorad? • Måste alla i styrelsen vara med på alla styrelsemöten – kan det inte ibland räcka med presidiet och FDO? • Måste en DD vara med och kanske köra långa sträckor för att delta i ett styrelsemöte? Eller det är ett moraliskt ansvar av hävd och tradition? • Kan vi använda de sociala medierna mera? • Det kanske finns företag som har verksamhet båda sidor av Atlanten – där kan man kanske göra någonting tillsammans t ex den 4 juli. • Jag skulle vilja veta hur det går för Norra distriktet och hur logerna där gör – där tycker jag vi saknar en del information. • Kan man slå ihop distrikten?

The Volvo Open Race 2011 My husband and I had the opportunity to sail on Kings Legend in the Volvo Ocean Race Legends Regatta and Reunion in Alicante, Spain in November. It was sponsored by The Jalousie Enclave, an exclusive property development in a UNESCO World Heritage site, Val des Pitons on the Caribbean island of St Lucia. The first day of racing was abandoned through lack of wind, conditions on the second day could not have been better, with the Legends boats powering around a 22-mile course in up to 30 knots of breeze. A testimony to the Volvo Ocean Race’s 38-year history, the Legends Regatta was the largest ever gathering of yachts and sailors from previous races. During the event, which took place in the week prior to the start of Leg 1 of the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12 from Alicante to Cape Town, South Africa on November 5, more than 600 past competitors travelled from across the globe to renew old acquaintances and reminisce about past adventures. Seven Legends Ambassadors were in attendance: Lady Pippa Blake; Tracy Edwards MBE; Magnus Olsson; Skip Novak; Pierre Fehlmann; Alain Gabbay and Juan Vila. Sir Chay Blyth was unable to attend having sustained a broken leg shortly prior to the event. From the 1977-78 race was the British 65’ sloop King’s Legend, and from 1981 was the 57’ Berge Viking from Norway. Kings Legend now had has Dutch ownership! Submitted by: Marie Carlson Source: Volvo Open Race info sites Picture by: Marie Carlson

Hur är det: Finns det en tidskrift för Norra distriktet typ vår Vasa-Nytt? Om så är fallet kanske det kunde startas ett samarbete och samtidigt förbättra informationen därifrån, och hur ska man göra med USA-delen som vad jag förstår tappar flest medlemmar. Det har jag alldeles för lite kunskap om, men det finns säkert duktiga medlemmar där som kan utveckla den biten. Jag hoppas att mina tankar kan starta en förutsättningslös diskussion, och jag hoppas få slippa höra kommentarer som t ex: ”Så här har vi aldrig gjort förr – gör vi ingenting tynar vi bort!” Med de bästa Vasa-hälsningar I sanning och enighet Sven Broddesson, LL Kärnan Nr 608, Helsingborg

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TIDBITS Kurbits På Catwalk MODE: Slotts Barbro från Fjäkelmyra – där har ni årets svenska modeexport. Kläder med hennes traditionella dalamåleri har visats på catwalken i Paris och sålts på exklusiva varuhus världen över. Franska modehuset Rochas anlitade Slotts Barbro då chefs-designer Marco Zanini, vars mor är dalkulla, ville återknyta till sina svenska rötter. – Han kom hit ett par dagar och vi jobbade tillsammans fram mönstren, berättar Barbro som målar enligt traditionella metoder med äggoljetempera och limfärg på gammalt hemvävt linne. Originalmålningarna fördes seda över till siden av specialister i Italien. Nu har lugnet lagt sig i ateljén hemma på Fjärdmansgården utanför Börlänge. Men i garderoben hänger en klänning, special designad av Marco Zanini. – Hen gjorde en särskild version till mig och en likadan till sin mamma. Lite mer klädd, med rejäl ärm och krage. Ateljén är öppen för besök, men ring först.

More Men Than Women In about four years there will be a historical trend break in Sweden: There will then be more men than women living there. And subsequently, the male dominance will increase every year. Sweden has had more females than males since long before the start of the national registration in 1749. Daily Sydsvenskan has looked into the matter and pinpointed the breaking point as April 26, 2015. After that date, expect to see more men than women, as the life expectancy of men will increase due to a number of medical advances. Meanwhile, Swedish women are leading less healthy lives than before, they work harder, smoke and drink more and are also more susceptible to stress and exhaustion. “There’s probably a ceiling for how quickly life expectancy can increase,” says Sven-Olof Isacsson, professor of community medicine at Lund University. “Swedish women are close to hitting that ceiling, therefore men are catching up with them.” The increase in men also has to do with immigration, more men than women immigrate to Sweden from former Yugoslavia, Africa and the Middle East. Manliest city in Sweden? Övertorneå with 53.1 percent men. Stockholm, Malmö and. Göteborg still has a 51 percent female dominance. Submitted by: Carol Blackwell, Phoenix Lodge #677

Biathlon instersund COLD NOSE


Hedestad Alias Sollefteå FILM: “Hedestad” säger stationsskylten. Men det är i Sollefteå som Bondstjärnan Daniell Craig, i rollen som Mikael Blomqvist, kliver av tåget i kommande Hollywoods tolkning av Stieg Larsson: The girl with the draton tattoo, med premiär i december. Även Kilafors och Segersta utanför Bollnäs har fått ta på sig rollen som den fiktiva norrländska orten.

Sites of Interest Swedish program about Americans visiting Sweden to find their roots! A must see!!

The logo symbolizes the core values of biathlon in the winter city Östersund. - Hosting, we might give you your next cold but we receive you with a warm heart. - An event in true winter conditions with cold and snow - An event in an urban environment - The proximity to the world In short: Cold nose – warm heart! WORLD CUP 2011 IN FIGURES - 500 leaders - 350 active, 38 nations - 130 media representatives - 15 Radio & TV Stations - Over 50 million TV viewers in the EBU - 22,000 visitors - 600 volunteers - Five days of competition - 6 races Logot symboliserar det huvudsakliga värdet av skidskytte i vinterstanden Östersund. - Som värd, kanske vi ger dig din nästa förkylning men med ett varmt hjärta. - En händelse i riktig vinter med kyla och snö - En händelse i en stads - miljö - Närheten till världen Kort och gott: Kall näsa - varmt hjärta! VÄRLDSCUPEN 2011 I SIFFROR


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- 500 ledare - 130 massmediatekniker - Över 50 miljon TV-tittare i EBUEN - 600 volontärer


- 350 aktiva, 38 nationer - 15 radio & TV-stationer - 22,000 besökare - Fern dagar med tävlingar - 6 races Vasa Star October-December 2011

In Memoriam

Till minne av hädangångna ordenssyskon genom vilkas bortgång syskonkretsen gjort en kännbar förlust In memory of our departed members who will be sorely missed CALIFORNIA DORINDA NYLAND died on July 3, 2011 at the age of 89. Sister Dorinda was born on March 15,1922 in Oakland, California. She Joined Tegner Lodge #149 on February 5, 1975. She is survived by her daughter Celeste Spencer and husband John Spencer, and her children Ellen, Tyler, and Linnea.

COLORADO MARGARETA GUSTAFSON passed away on August 15, 2011. Preceded in death by her husband on March 2, 2011. They joined Runan Magnet Lodge #120 in 1971 and transferred to Enighet Lodge #178, Denver Colorado on October 28, 1990.

V.O.A. Kronan Lodge #544 in St. Paul. Their commitment to each other, their family, to God, and to their Swedish heritage is a model for all who knew them.

FERN RICHTER was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 16, 1921. She passed away in Los Angeles, California, July 20, 2011. She joined North Star Lodge #106 on November 7, 1989 as member #2122 and served as auditor for many years. Fern is survived by three children and grandchildren.

OHIO BETTY ARVIDSON, age 86, of Mentor, OH, passed away on October 19, 2011, at Hospice House in Cleveland, OH. She was the beloved wife of Emil Arvidson and William Becker (deceased), loving mother of Kim (Mark) Sample, grandmother of Matthew, Gwen, and Tim; great-grandmother of 8; stepmother of Penny (Neil) Richards and Pam (Jim) Hooley; step-grandmother of Cameron, Ian, Dylan, and Rose; loving sister of the late Carl Lind; and sister-in-law of Eric Arvidson. Betty joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 on February 28, 1947, and was a Life Member.

ILLINOIS GEORGE KENNETH MICHELSON, 97, born February 23, 1914, in Batavia, IL, passed away August 27, 2011, in Blooomingdale, IL. He joined Viljan Lodge #349 on February 27, 1975 and was a 36-year member. He is survived by a son, a daughter, and 2 grandchildren.

MARIA I. ARVIDSON (nee Wenzel), 84, died at home (Mentor, OH) on September 9, 2011. She was the beloved wife for 55 years of Eric O. Arvidson, loving mother of Gerda (Gunner) Maidhof, and grandmother of Sylvia, Katia, and Peter, all of Germany; sister-in-law of Emil (Betty) Arvidson of Mentor. Maria was a 50-year member of NobelMonitor Lodge #130, having joined January 6, 1961.

MINNESOTA VERNETTE ANN HALLDEEN passed away on August 13, 2011. She was born Dec. 9, 1924 in Minneapolism MN. She joined Stenbock Lodge #138 on Dec. 1, 1950 and was serving as Master of Ceremonies. She is survived by Sisters Gloria Adolphson, Vivian Cushing, Joyce Carlson, and brother Ray H. Halldeen, Jr (Peggy).

PEARL L. BLACK passed away July 11, 2011, at the age of 85. She was born March 17, 1925, in Youngstown, OH, and was initiated into Harmony Lodge #465 on September 13, 1997. Her husband, James A. Black, whom she married in 1948, is deceased. She leaves a son, Dudley A. Black, a daughter-in-law, Elisa, brothers Paul Storm and Carl, and grandchildren Kristin Yates and Colin Black.

D. ARLENE HOLMGREN - age 86. Passed away on October 9, 2011 after a lengthy illness. 1951 graduate of Gustavus Adolphus College. Loving wife, mother, former parish worker and substitute teacher. Follow in death by husband, Arthur, on October 20, 2011. (See C. Arthur Holmgren memorial) C. ARTHUR HOLMGREN - age 88. Passed away on October 20, 2011. “Arthur” was preceded in death just 11 days earlier by his wife of 58 years, “Arlene.” Arthur was a P38 pilot in WWII. Later, he worked as a teacher in the St. Paul Public Schools. He held a bachelor's degree in teaching from St. Cloud Teacher's College and went on to earn his Master's Degree from St. Thomas College. Arthur and Arlene are survived by: two sons, David (Natalie) and Wayne; Arlene's sisters and their spouses; niece Maryellen Mikwold; nephew Clifford Trudell; and many friends in Minnesota and Sweden. They were both long-time members of

Vasa Star October-December 2011

RICHARD F. KANENGEISER, age 83, dear husband of Frida (nee Ek) for 60 years, passed away on September 25, 2011. He was the devoted father of Paul (Patricia) and David (Lynn); proud grandpa and “papa” of Nicole, Alyssa,and Richard; brotherin-law of Elsie Jones (Robert, deceased), Irma Jackson (Delbert) (both deceased), and Barbara Ek. Dearest uncle of many. Dick joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 on February 11, 2001. PENNSYVLANIA EDWARD J. APPELGREN, 96, born July 13, 1915, passed away October 26, 2011. Ed joined Oscars Borg Lodge No. 172, Phila., PA, February 27, 1994. Ed was a faithful and active member of Oscars Borg Lodge, including a two-year term as chairman, 1998-99. Dear father of Brenda Ferich and the late Edward Appelgren; loving grandfather of 4 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren; and dear brother of Dorothy Paley. Sov i ro.


LUCINDA A. (DANIELS) JOHNSON of Cannomsburg, PA, passed away July 12, 2011, at the age of 52. She was born in Johnstown, PA, on October 27, 1958, and was initiated into Balder Lodge #308 on June 11, 1994.

WASHINGTON CARL D. MILLER, a lifelong resident of Skagit Valley area of Washington, passed away August 9, 2011. He was a beloved member of Solidaritet Lodge #396. He is survived by nice Donna Cook, her family and extended family members. He served his country in WWII and married in 1951. For many years he came early in the morning to help with the pancake breakfast.

JENNIE C. PEARSON passed away in Cathlamet, WA, on October 18, 2011. She was born in Centerville, WA, on February 25, 1914. She was a 73-year member in good standing with Svea Lodge #469 in Longview, WA. She loved her social life andwas active in the community. She leaves a daughter udith (Lewis) Jones; daughter-in-law Bernice Pearson, 8 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.

WISCONSIN Richard Allan Priem, longtime resident of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, passed away Monday, November 7, 2011, at age 78 years. He was a special friend and comrade for 50 years of the late Robert Paul Thekan and was preceded in death by his parents Raymond and Ruth Priem. Richard Priem was the brother of Ronald, Roger (Valerie), and Russell (Donna) Priem, and is also survived by nieces, nephews, other relatives, and many friends. Richard Priem was a longtime member of the Finnish - American Society of Milwaukee, and Linde Lodge 492 Vasa Order Of America. He was retired after 30 years of service at Boston Store.

TEXAS VIVIAN ANDERSON BROWN passed away on May 6, 2011 in Dallas, TX at the age of 90. She was born August 27, 1920 in Manor, TX. She was a Charter member of Carl Widen Lodge #743 where she served as Cheer Ch, Recording-sec, Financialsec, and Auditor. She is survived by sister-in-law Rose Anderson, nieces, nephews, step-children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

MEMORIAL NOTICES should be mailed with check or money order to: Joan Graham, 5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804. Phone 510-526-5512. E-mail: vasajlg@aol.com. The fee is $8.00 for 1 column inch. Longer obituaries will be charged a flat rate of $25.00. All notices MUST be typed and WRITTEN in a format similar to those in this column. NO newspaper clippings.

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