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July 2012

District Master’s Message: Låt oss bygga en spännande Vasa Orden tillsammans. To all District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Members: The May 2012 District Convention has energized us all to work together to build an exciting Vasa Order. Grand Master Bill Lundquist and Vice Grand Master Tore Kellgren spoke at the Convention For the Good of the Order, emphasizing the need to create initiatives that will encourage new membership and will motivate our current members to continue. Having family friendly, enjoyable, fun programs and a meal is recommended. Consider having a short, if not a full, cultural program at each event. Your own interests and travels, Vasa Star and Valthornet issues, the Convention book cultural leader’s and historian’s reports of programs of other lodges, the Vasa website, libraries, and the internet are all sources of ideas. There are internet web pages for notable Nordic persons and topics, and there are internet sites with videos of Nordic classical and easy - listening music. A program could be an allsång concert from Skansen! Convention attendees heard a concert by the Chicago Swedish Men’s Choir that included the Student Song. You can sing along with Jussi Björling or others performing this song on People are also drawn to foreign language studies and genealogy sessions. Our Grand Lodge and the Vasa National Archives intend to help with materials and support in these programming areas. The District Executive Board developed two recruiting and publicity items. At the Convention, each lodge received a tri - fold brochure in a word processing file on a CD. Add your own contact information to the brochure and place copies in stores, churches and libraries and on Volvo windshields --- anywhere they will be noticed. Suggest changes to it that you think will help its appeal. Secondly, each District member will receive a free car window decal that will direct viewers to our web site,, to learn about Vasa and how to join. We shall finalize the decal design and send decals to all our lodges by September. The District Executive Board will have a committee for Archives and Genealogical Studies. We will assist the Vasa National Archives as we can to provide genealogical services widely so we can learn more of our heritage. As mentioned above, we see genealogy support as an adjunct for membership recruiting, too. The District Convention accomplished many good things. The District donated $10,000.00 to the Vasa National Archives, donated a portion of the District O A and B Fund allocation to the Archives, awarded seven collegiate scholarships to District students, donated $2,500.00 to a Grand Lodge scholarship fund, and awarded one Sjölunden summer camp scholarship. Our continuing donations remind us that we are a Fraternal organization --- ready to help one another and others. The District officers thank those who attended the Convention and voted for the initiatives presented. Please learn more about the Convention by reading the article that begins on page 4 in this issue and by viewing pictures on the District web site. For my first lodge visit as District Master, I enjoyed attending Linde Lodge’s celebration of their 85th anniversary. Joella and I then attended Brahe Lodge’s meatball dinner at their beautiful Vasa Park. This was a fund - raiser for next year’s District Convention, which Brahe and Linde are co - hosting in Rockford, Illinois. Next year’s Convention will observe the 100th anniversary of Brahe Lodge. We encourage a 100% turnout of local lodge delegates and Past District Masters to mark their 100th! If your lodge did not send a full complement of delegates to the 2012 Convention, consider beginning early to line up delegates and visitors, too, for next year. We will develop a cultural theme for the Convention quickly, and maybe that theme can be a topic for a program for each lodge in the time before the Convention. The District officers’ contact information is on the next page. We welcome your calls or emails. I sanning och enighet, och enighet ger styrka, Ed Hultgren District Master District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8


DISTRICT LODGE LAKE MICHIGAN NO. 8 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS and OFFICERS 2012 - 2013 District Master: Edward L. Hultgren 13650 Amblewind Place Carmel, Indiana 46074 – 8227 (317) 733 – 3493 Email:

Executive Board Member: Steve Westlund 55 West Joliet Street Schererville, Indiana 46375 (219) 322 – 5190; Cell: (219) 682 - 6932 Email:

Inner Guard: Gene M. Kiesel 1426 Kennebec Road Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439 (810) 695 – 2563 Email:

Vice District Master: Michael Pearson, Sr. 7309 New Hampshire Place Hammond, Indiana 46323 – 2937 (219) 588 – 4752 Email:

Supervisor Of Children’s / Youth Clubs: Lynda Smith 1502 Azalea Drive Munster, Indiana 46321 – 3812 (219) 923 – 8777 Email:

Outer Guard: Timothy Ogrentz 12849 South Manistee Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60633 (773) 646 - 0279 Email:

District Secretary: Nancy Hult 14951 South Kenton Avenue Midlothian, Illinois 60445 (708) 687 – 8943 Email: Email: Assistant District Secretary: Joella D. Hultgren 13650 Amblewind Place Carmel, Indiana 46074 – 8227 (317) 733 – 3493 Email: District Treasurer: Brent Erickson 4876 North Sheffield Avenue Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin 53217 - 5962 Home: (414) 962 - 8920 Email: Hospital Fund Secretary: Linda S. Tylk 1960 West Richton Road Steger, Illinois 60475 - 1394 (708) 747 – 4717 Cell: (708) 805 - 3040 Email:

District Cultural Leader: Andrea Wilczynski 4332 Maple Avenue Brookfield, Illinois 60513 - 2318 Home: (708) 485 - 1516 Cell: (630) 750 - 8828 Email: Past District Master: Tom Cleveland 1117 Foxpointe Drive Sycamore, Illinois 60178 (815) 895 – 2102 Cell: (815) 739 - 3100 Email: District Chaplain: Inez Törnblom 1301 Providence Circle Elgin, Illinois 60120 - 5076 (847) 361 - 9890 Email: Master of Ceremonies: Gunnard Swanson 908 Harding Street Oregon, Wisconsin 53575 - 2856 (608) 835 - 5152 Email:

Auditor: Paula Stopka – 3 years 115 Crissey Avenue Geneva, Illinois 60134 (630) 208 - 9850 Email: Auditor: Eric Swanson – 2 years 8433 North McKinley Road Flushing, Michigan 48433 (810) 639 – 6705 Email: Auditor: Herb Smith – 1 year 1502 Azalea Drive Munster, Indiana 46321 – 3812 (219) 923 – 8777 Email: VALTHORNET Editor: * Joella D. Hultgren 13650 Amblewind Place Carmel, Indiana 46074 – 8227 (317) 733 – 3493 Email: Grand Lodge Deputy: Reinhold “Jake” Gruel 13716 West Lilac Lane New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151 Home: (262) 782 – 4522; (262) 894 - 5301 Email:;

Executive Board Member: Susan Cleveland District Historian: Iva Lynn * 1117 Foxpointe Drive 6035 Riva Ridge Drive Sycamore, Illinois 60178 Indianapolis, Indiana 46237 - 5001 (815) 895 – 2102; Cell: (815) 546 - 1097 (317) 714 - 9986 Email: Email:; * Appointed by the District Master ***************************************************************************************************************************************

HÄR OCH DÄR by Lillemor Horngren

VÄSTERBOTTEN Västerbotten, or as it called in English, West Bothnia, lies in Northern Sweden bordering Ångermanland, Lappland, Norrbotten, and the Gulf of Bothnia. Umeå and Skellefteå are the two largest cities. There are over 300,000 people living there; many of them working in the fields of forestry and fishing. Until the Finnish war in 1808 – 1809, a small part of today’s Finland belonged to Västerbotten. After the Fredrikshams treaty, that area became part of Finnish Lappland.

Since the 13th Century, Swedish princes have been bestowed dukedoms in provinces. The current King of Sweden’s father, Gustaf Adolf, had the title Duke of Västerbotten. Västerbotten is quite famous for its Västerbotten cheese. It is a strong flavored, salty, and somewhat bitter cheese that is aged at least 12 to 14 months. The fat content is 31%. Some Swedes even call it the King of Cheese. It is the favored cheese at the yearly crayfish parties and because it is so desirable it is sometimes hard to find despite its price, which is double that of other cheese of the same type. Västerbotten’s flora and fauna: Flower Animal Bird Fish Mushroom

Kung Karls Sprira Storspov Blå Kärrhök Flodnejonöga Rynkad Tofsskivling

Moorking Lousewort Curlew Hen Harrier Lamprey Gathered Tuft Mushroom


CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Class Reunion in Eskilstuna Here I sit leafing through my notes from my journey to Sweden this spring. I certainly prefer to visit in the end of July, when one can count on warm sunshine every day, an abundance of flowers on the roadside and warm water in all the lakes for luxurious swimming. Aaah yes! But this time I was not free to pick the time. I had been called to class reunion. I arrived the last day of April or Walpurgis Eve. No singing around the bonfire for me this year. The day I land in Sweden, I am still on Chicago time, and my whole body protests against having missed one night's sleep, so I was impolite to my hostess and slept through almost the whole program on TV where the students at Lund University with their white caps greeted Spring with the full power of their lungs. My dear, hospitable relative in Stockholm lives, lucky for me, in the center of town, so the next day we wandered down to King's Garden, a park for political and other speeches, which was now full of richly blooming pink cherry trees, about 10,000 happy Left demonstrators, red flags and the tones of the International on the loudspeakers. After about eight years of Right government, Sweden now shows a rise in the opinion polls for the Red - Green, that is the Left, Social Democrats, and the Environmentalists. I talked with several in the information booths. The Left is far from the old Communism, when they wanted the State to run everything. They now encourage private enterprise, especially small ones. What separates them from other parties is their work for rights of Women as the only remaining oppressed minority worldwide. Stieg Larsson's popular crime trilogy has certainly had an influence. Oh yes! Politics is such fun, but now I have used my space and not a word yet about my class reunion. When I am in Stockholm, I always take long walks with Cousin Björn. He must show me all that is new, all which has changed. I have the rule that in Sweden I have no car, so there I can enjoy a whip cream pastry each day without gaining weight. And visiting bakeries is one of my favorite occupations in Sweden. I took my seat on the train in Stockholm and travelled West, and within a distance, which to Americans would seem very short, seventy American miles, live practically all my relatives, originally twenty - six cousins. And in this fertile Södermanland our family has lived for as far back in time as my research has led me. After visits with many dear cousins on the way, I arrived in my home town of Eskilstuna for the reunion with my classmates. I stayed with my school buddy from sixty years ago. We revived old memories and I took her along on my nostalgic tour to my parents' house. The house, sadly, is gone, but the lilac room still stands there and grows, the apple trees that my Pappa planted were blooming; no one will harvest the apples now; and the same rhubarb plant struggles toward the sun. In 1965, I took a picture of my youngest daughter, then three, chewing on a piece of rhubarb, and the same rhubarb plant I saw returning this spring. Everyone who showed up for the class fest was so nice and funny and everyone was living well. Although I had hardly had any contact with these people for several decades, I felt a strong kinship with them. We have the same roots. I felt it. In today's column you did not learn one bit of Swedish history. But thank you for letting me sit here and grow sentimental over old memories. Inez Törnblom, District Chaplain, Viljan 349

KAPLANENS HÖRNA Klassträff i Eskilstuna Här sitter jag och tittar igenom mina anteckningar från min resa till Sverige denna vår. Jag föredrar verkligen att resa i slutet av juli, när man kan räkna med varmt solsken varje dag, rikligt med blommor på dikesrenen och ljumt vatten i alla sjöar för härliga simturer. Oooh ja! Men den här gången bestämde jag inte själv tidpunkten. Jag hade blivit kallad till klassträff! Jag anlände den sista april eller Valborgsmässoafton. Inget sjungande runt brasan för mig i år. Dagen jag landar i Sverige är jag fortfarande på chicagotid och min hela kropp opponerar sig mot att ha missat en natts sömn, så jag var oartig mot min värdinna och sov praktiskt taget igenom hela programmet på TV, där studenterna med sina vita mössor vid Lund Universitet hälsade våren till deras lungors fulla kraft. Min kära, gästfria släkting i Stockholm bor, turligt för mig, i centrum av staden, så nästa dag vandrade vi ner till Kungsträdgården, en park för politiska och andra tal, som nu var full av rikligt blommande skära körsbärsträd, ungefär 10,000 glada vänsterdemonstranter, röda flaggor och toner av Internationalen på högtalarna. Efter cirka åtta år av högerregering, visar Sverige nu åter en höjning i opinionsundersökningarna av de Röd-Gröna, dvs. Vänstern, Socialdemokraterna och Miljöpartiet. Jag pratade med flera i informationsstånden. Vänstern är långt ifrån den gamla kommunismen, när de ville att allt skulle vara statligt. De uppmuntrar nu privatföretag, i synnerhet små. Det som skiljer dem från andra partier är deras främjande av rättigheter för kvinnor som den enda återstående förtryckta minoriteten jorden runt. Stieg Larssons populära brottstrilogi har utan tvekan haft inflytande. Ja, ja, politik är så roligt, men nu har jag använt mitt utrymme och inte ett ord än om min klassträff. När jag är i Stockholm, tar jag alltid långa promenader med kusin Björn. Han måste visa mig allt som är nytt, allt som har ändrats. Jag har regeln att i Sverige har jag ingen bil, så där kan jag njuta av en gräddbakelse varje dag utan att gå upp i vikt. Och att gå på konditori är en av mina favoritsysselsättningar i Sverige. Jag satte mig på tåget i Stockholm och reste västerut, och inom ett avstånd, som för amerikaner skulle verka som mycket litet, sjuttio amerikanska miles, bor praktiskt taget hela min släkt, ursprungligen tjugo-sex kusiner. Och här i det bördiga Södermanland har familjen bott sedan så långt tillbaka i tiden som mina forskningar har fört mig. Efter besök hos flera kära kusiner på vägen, anlände jag i min hemstad Eskilstuna för fest med mina klasskamrater. Jag bodde hos min skolkompis från sextio år sedan. Vi upplivade gamla minnen och jag tog henne med på min hemlängtans tur till mina föräldrars hus. Huset är tyvärr rivet, men syrenbersån står där och växer, äppleträden, som min Pappa planterade, stod i blom; ingen kommer att skörda äpplena nu; och samma rabarberplanta spretar upp mot solen. Jag tog ett kort år 1965 av min yngsta dotter, då tre år, tuggande på en bit rabarber. Samma rabarber såg jag komma tillbaka denna vår. Alla, som infann sig till klassfesten, var så trevliga och roliga, och alla hade det bra ställt. Fastän jag knappast hade haft kontakt med dessa människor på flera decennier, så kände jag en stark samhörighet med dem. Vi har samma rötter. Det känns. I dagens spalt fick ni inte lära er en gnutta svensk historia. Men tack för att ni lät mig sitta här och vara sentimental över gamla minnen. Inez Törnblom, Distriktskaplan, Viljan 349


104th CONVENTION DISTRICT LODGE LAKE MICHIGAN No. 8 MAY 18 – MAY 20, 2012 at CAROL STREAM, ILLINOIS The 104th District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Vasa Convention was hosted by Viljan Lodge No. 349 of Batavia, Illinois on May 18, 2012 – May 20, 2012. The Convention was held at the Holiday Inn And Suites in Carol Stream, Illinois, and a grand time was had by all attendees. Vasa Golf Outing: A traditional event during the District convention weekend is the annual Vasa Golf Outing, this year held on Friday morning at Saint Andrew’s Golf and County Club, in West Chicago, Illinois. Culture Room: District Cultural Leader Andrea Wilczynski coordinated with the local lodges to present a stunning exhibit highlighting characters in Nordik Mythology. The Culture Room was open on Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday morning. The displays were interesting and informative and those that viewed them learned about how four days of the week are named after Norse gods: Tyr - Tuesday; Odin (or Wotan) - Wednesday; Thor - Thursday; and Freya - Friday. We also learned about the chef God and the Wild Boar God (this god, helpfully, comes alive each day after being eaten the night before). Included in the Culture Room were Nordik and gift items for sale, the raffle gift baskets, and raffle prizes. Jackie Moline and Mary Jean Nystedt, from Viljan # 349, arranged the raffles and Sue Cleveland provided materials and information on Norse Mythology and Gods. Fundraisers: In addition to the cash drawing with four cash prizes, there were several raffles. There was a gift basket raffle with intriguing and tasty gift baskets donated by the local lodges, a raffle of a Rosmaling banner (with proceeds going to the District Scholarship Fund), and a raffle of a Dala Horse Rocking Horse (with proceeds going to the Viking # 730 Scholarship Fund). Registration Desk: Delegates, officers, and guests were greeted at the Registration Desk staffed by Ruth Beck, Sue Cleveland, and Dee Radtke, of Viljan # 349, who distributed nametags, meal choices, Convention program books, and gift bags. Past District Secretary Marge Gruel, District Secretary Nancy Hult, and Assistant Secretary Joella Hultgren accepted delegate credentials, and distributed financial reviews, various forms and documents, blue Convention Report books, and an informational packet prepared by Archivist Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren on Bishop Hill, Illinois. Friday Cultural Program: The Friday night cultural event was a concert by the Chicago Swedish Male Chorus. Everyone joined in the singing of the American and the Swedish National Anthems. The Chorus performed in both English and Swedish and wound up the evening in a sing - a - long with the audience. After the program, Viljan Lodge No. 349 hosted a dessert buffet and get together for the singers and the audience. Hospitality Room: The Hospitality Room was located on the second floor and provided a welcome respite for delegates and guests. Mary Jean Nystedt and Jackie Moline from host lodge Viljan # 349 provided dessert, snacks, and beverages on Friday evening and Saturday evening, and a continental breakfast with tasty baked items and beverages on Saturday morning and Sunday morning. Tack Så Mycket to Viljan # 349. New Delegates’ Breakfast: Past District Master Sheila Lundquist and Vice District Master Edward Hultgren hosted the annual New Delegates Breakfast on Saturday morning, which was held in Alberto’s Restaurant. New Delegates invited to the breakfast were: Audrey Hiryak, Siljan – Mora – Tuna # 134; Sinikka Roinila, Linné # 153; Betty Rottman, Brahe # 245; James Wenberg, Viljan # 349; Marilyn Wenberg, Viljan # 349; Deborah Renaud, Austin # 466; David Rundstrom, Satellite # 661; Edward Backman, Hagar # 721; Janice Tomky, Nordik Folk # 761; and Bryan Tomky, Nordik Folk # 761. Following breakfast, PDM Sheila Lundquist and VDM Edward Hultgren gave a presentation to the new delegates about procedures and protocol during the Convention. District Master Tom Cleveland joined the gathering to be introduced. Opening Ceremony: The Opening Ceremony was presented by members of a local Boy Scout Troop. The Vasa March was played, the colors were presented and the National Anthems of the following countries were played and sung: United States of America, Sweden, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Norway. Greetings: District Master Tom Cleveland introduced U. S. Congressman Randy Hultgren from Illinois, who spoke to the assembly about his Swedish heritage. Congressman Randy Hultgren also spoke of his involvement in the Swedish and Nordic Congressional caucuses, and encouraged everyone to contact their local congressmen and encourage them to become involved in Swedish and Nordic matters. Special Guests: Grand Lodge officers and officials from other Districts attended. * Grand Master / Board Member Vasa Order Of America National Archives Inc. / Past District Master William Lundquist and his wife Past District Master Sheila Lundquist, Viking No. 730; * Vice Grand Master Tore Kellgren and his wife Birgitta Kellgren, Svea No. 348, District Lodge Golden Gate No. 12; * Grand Treasurer Keith Hanlon and his wife Emma Hanlon from Svea No. 348, District Lodge Golden Gate No. 12; * Grand Lodge Executive Board Member Midwest Region / Vice President Vasa Order Of America National Archives Inc. / Past District Master Sten Hult and his wife District Secretary Nancy Hult, Siljan – Mora – Tuna No. 134; * Past Grand Master / President Vasa Order of America National Archives Inc. Rolf Bergman and his wife Marty Bergman; * Secretary and Financial Secretary Vasa Order Of America National Archives Inc. / Grand Lodge Deputy Lake Michigan District No. 8 / Past District Master Reinhold “Jake” Gruel, Jr. and his wife Past District Secretary Marge Gruel, Linde No. 492; * Board Member Vasa Order Of America National Archives Inc. / District Lodge New Jersey No. 6 Helen Haumacher and her husband; * Archivist of the Vasa National Archives Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren, Bishop Hill No. 683; * Grand Lodge Audio – Visual Director Michael Pearson, Sr. and his wife Lisa Pearson, Nordik Folk No. 761; * Grand Lodge Youth Director U. S. A. and

5 Canada / District Supervisor of Children’s and Youth Clubs Lynda Smith and her husband District Auditor Herb Smith, Nordik Folk No. 761; * Past District Master Christine Kilstrom, Bessemer No. 203; * Past District Master David Tollin and his wife Charlotte Tollin, Brahe No. 245; and * District Lodge Iowa – Nebraska No. 17 District Cultural Leader / District Historian / Omaha No. 330 Chairman Les Marks and his wife Aveline Marks. Lunch And Learn: There were three presentations during the “Lunch And Learn” session. A. Elizabeth Stopka - Studying in Uppsala, Sweden: The presentation was a PowerPoint show produced by Elizabeth Stopka, of Viljan Lodge No. 349, who is studying at Uppsala University this semester. The slide show was presented by her mother DA Paula Stopka, with comments from Elizabeth Stopka who described student life and traditions at Uppsala University. Included were explanations of gasques (student formal dinners with lots of singing), spex (student produced variety shows), Valborg Day (celebration of the beginning of Spring), and Easter traditions. Elizabeth Stopka also included pictures from her travels around Sweden and concluded by thanking Vasa for the Grand Lodge scholarship in 2009 (Oscar and Mildred Larson Scholarship), which allowed her the opportunity for this wonderful experience. Elizabeth Stopka plans to use her Swedish language skills this summer as a counselor at Sjölunden, the Swedish camp run by Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, Minnesota. B. Vasa National Archives: Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren is the archivist at the Vasa National Archives in Bishop Hill, Illinois. She encouraged everyone to visit the museum, the upcoming exhibition on the Sami people and culture, and the town of Bishop Hill, Illinois. C. District Supervisor of Children and Youth Clubs – Lynda Smith: DSCYC Lynda Smith is the Grand Lodge Youth Director for U. S. A. and Canada, and is also the District Supervisor of Children and Youth Clubs. She discussed four areas within her jurisdiction. 1. The Children’s Clubs – There are four active children’s clubs in DLLM # 8: Vårblomman # 54; Förgät Mig Ej # 64; Nordikids # 208, and Pride of the Family # 209. Guidelines for organizing and keeping an active children’s club were given. 2. College Scholarships – There are two separate funds for college scholarships: the South Side Chicago Lodges Scholarships and the District No. 8 Scholarships. An applicant must be a member of a local lodge in DLLM No. 8, who will attend an accredited four year or two year college. Scholarships are $ 1,000.00 each. Photographs of recent scholarship winners were shown. 3. Language Camp Awards – There are scholarships available for Sjölunden Language Camp, the Swedish camp run by Concordia Language Villages in Bemidji, Minnesota. Scenes taken at the camp of the numerous activities were shown. 4. Vasa Bridal Crown - Our District has a beautiful gold bridal crown available to members and their children and grandchildren. This crown carries the tradition of Sweden where many churches provide such a crown for the use of their congregations. An application to use it must be completed, and after the wedding, we ask that the crown be returned along with a photograph or two of the bride wearing it on her wedding day. Saturday Banquet: Many special activities took place during the Saturday evening banquet. A social hour preceded the dinner, awards, and dancing. District Chaplain Inez Törnblom led the recitation of the Swedish grace. The featured entrees were: Pommery crusted breast of chicken with Shittake cream sauce, served with green beans and red pepper bundles, and asiago mashed potatoes; and Fillet of Talapia with lemon, capers, and toasted almonds, angel hair pasta with a light vegetable broth, and julienne vegetables. Drawing and Raffles: The gift baskets were raffled; winners, in order of drawing, could choose whichever remaining basket they wished. Viljan No. 349 would like to thank the lodges that contributed baskets to the raffle. There were Scandinavian food products, games, decorative items, and liquors in the various baskets. It was a great success in helping to offset the costs of the convention and raffle winners got some wonderful prizes! The last raffle was the district - wide drawing: 1st Prize of $ 300.00, Jane Olson; 2nd Prize of $ 100.00, Elizabeth Bjorling; 3rd Prize of $ 50.00, Sue Cleveland; and 4th Prize of $ 50.00, Beth Raddatz. Dancing: We were entertained before, during, and following the meal with several hours of music and dancing; the Disc Jockey knew what music would bring the dancers out to the dance floor. Awards: Golf Outing: Master Of Ceremonies / District Master Tom Cleveland announced the awards from the Friday morning Golf Outing at Saint Andrew’s Golf and Country Club, in West Chicago, Illinois. Membership Awards: The annual Membership Awards for 2011 were presented by District Executive Board Member Steve Westlund. 3rd place was Austin No. 466, receiving $ 100.00, for a gain of 4 members; 2nd place was Nordik Folk # 761, receiving $200.00, for a gain of 5 members; and 1st place was Jubileum # 755, receiving $300.00, for a gain of 9 members. College Scholarships: The College Scholarship Awards were presented by Grand Lodge Youth Director USA And Canada / District Supervisor Of Youth And Children’s Club Lynda Smith. The recipients of $1,000.00 South Side Chicago Lodges Scholarships were: Rachel Hannigan, Nordik Folk No. 761, attending Purdue University, Computer Technology Engineering; Emily Pearson, Nordik Folk No. 761, attending Purdue University; Lisa Raddatz, Nordik Folk No. 761, attending Purdue University, Education; Chelsea Stolar, Viljan No. 349, attending the University of Illinois, Environmental Science; and Kaitlin Westlund, Nordik Folk No. 761, attending Indiana University, Kelly School of Business. The recipients of $1,000.00 District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Scholarships were: Dylan Bender, Jubileum No. 755, attending Michigan Technological Institute, Environmental Engineering; and Sinikka Roinila, Linné No. 153, attending Indiana University. Congratulations students! Language Camp Award: The Sjölunden Language Camp Award was announced by Grand Lodge Youth Director USA And Canada / District Supervisor Of Youth And Children’s Club Lynda Smith. The recipient of two weeks at Concordia Language Camp in Bemidji, Minnesota is: Ryan Ruth, Förgät Mig Ej No. 64. Congratulations camper!

6 Distinguished Service Award: Vice District Master Edward Hultgren presented the Distinguished Service Award to Past District Master Sheila Lundquist. The award is given to a member of the District Lodge who has provided outstanding service to their local lodge (Viking No. 730), the District, the Vasa Order of America, and the American and world communities. Sheila Lundquist was given a Pendant that contains the Vasa Order emblem, the designation “DSA”, and her initials. Congratulations Sheila! (left) Pictured are Distinguished Service Award winners attending the Convention Banquet: Past District Master Sten Hult, Past District Master Christine Kilstrom, Past District Master David Tollin, District Historian Iva Lynn, Past District Master Jake Gruel, Past District Master Sheila Lundquist, and Grand Master William Lundquist. Photograph by Susan Nilsson, Bessemer No. 203

Past District Masters Breakfast: Past District Masters and their spouses, Grand Lodge representatives, and special guests joined together for the annual Past District Masters Breakfast, which was held in Alberto’s Restaurant on Sunday morning. Sunday Memorial Service: District Chaplain Inez Törnblom presided over the Memorial Service during which District members who died during 2011 were remembered. Dorothy Thorsen was the pianist during the service. The opening hymn “O Store Gud” / “How Great Thou Art” was sung by all. The Responsive Reading, Psalm 145, was led by District Chaplain Inez Törnblom, followed by the recitation of “The Lord’s Prayer” in Swedish. The choral selection “I Have A Friend” was sung by the Vasa Choir and directed by Wesley Hanson, Svea No. 253. District Chaplain Inez Törnblom read the Memorial Roll while candles were lit by Julia LeKander, Viljan No. 349, in honor of the deceased from each local lodge. The congregation sang “Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara” to close the Memorial Service. Tack Så Mycket to all participants, with special thanks to Marvin Anderson, Svea No. 253, for the program outline. Installation Of District Officers: District Master – Edward Hultgren; Vice District Master – Michael Pearson, Sr.; District Secretary – Nancy Hult; Assistant District Secretary – Joella Hultgren; District Treasurer – Brent Erickson; District Hospital Fund Secretary – Linda Tylk; District Executive Board Member – Susan Cleveland; District Executive Board Member – Steve Westlund; District Supervisor Of Children And Youth Clubs – Lynda Smith; District Cultural Leader – Andrea Wilczynski; District Historian – Iva Lynn; District Chaplain – Inez Törnblom; District Master Of Ceremonies – Gunnard Swanson; District Inner Guard – Gene Kiesel; District Outer Guard – Tim Ogrentz; District Auditor (3 years) – Paula Stopka; District Auditor (2 years) – Eric Swanson; District Auditor (1 year) – Herb Smith; and Past District Master – Tom Cleveland. (from left) Grand Lodge Deputy / Past District Master Jake Gruel, District Treasurer Brent Erickson, Past District Master Tom Cleveland, District Supervisor Of Children’s And Youth Clubs Lynda Smith, District Hospital Fund Secretary Linda Tylk, District Secretary Nancy Hult, District Auditor Herb Smith, District Historian Iva Lynn, District Auditor Paula Stopka, District Master Edward Hultgren, District Cultural Leader Andrea Wilczynski, District Inner Guard Gene Kiesel, District Executive Board Member Sue Cleveland, Assistant District Secretary (Valthornet Editor) Joella Hultgren, District Master Of Ceremonies Gunnard Swanson, and District Executive Board Member Steve Westlund; Absent: Vice District Master Michael Pearson, Sr., District Chaplain Inez Törnblom, District Outer Guard Tim Ogrentz, and District Auditor Eric Swanson. Photograph by Vice Grand Master Tore Kellgren

Going Away Lunch: The Sunday post – Convention lunch was provided by Hagar No. 721, of Mount Prospect, Illinois; lunch included sandwiches, chips, cookies, and beverages. The lunch was appreciated and the delegates started for home well nourished in both mind and body. Tack Så Mycket to Hagar No. 721 for their generous hospitality. Viljan No. 349 wishes to thank Hagar No. 721 for partnering with them to make the convention successful. Contributors: Paula L. Stopka, District Auditor, Viljan # 349 Joella D. Hultgren, Assistant District Secretary, Svea # 253


CULTURAL COMMENTS Hello District 8 Vasa members, Once again I would like to thank all the lodges that brought such creative displays for the Convention’s Cultural Room. Each year the displays are just so wonderful and your hard work is very much appreciated. Everyone who walked through the room had nothing but great things to say about each and every one of the displays. I forgot my camera, but thanks to Lynda Smith there are some pictures of the Cultural Room included in this article. Enjoy! In Truth and Unity, Andrea Magnuson Wilczynski District 8 Cultural Leader


The Valthornet is available on the VOA web site. To access the quarterly Valthornet newsletters on the web, go to:; click on "Lodge Directory" (left side); click on "DL Lake Michigan No. 8" (left column); click on "Lake Michigan No. 8"; click on "Newsletters"; then click on the date of the Valthornet desired. At times, the Valthornet on the web site may contain one or more additional pages than the USPS mailed version, because there is more news to report.


NEWS FROM LOCAL LODGES SILJAN – MORA - TUNA # 134 15 April 2012: A regular meeting was held at United By Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Evergreen Park, Illinois. Attendees enjoyed playing Swedish Bingo.

(below) Preparing pancakes and sausages in our well - equipped lodge kitchen are sisters – in – law Edna Berggren (left) and Jean Berggren (right).

KRONAN # 179 January 2012: A Valentine's theme adorned the hall, complete with hearts and plenty of Valentine’s candy. A luncheon of ham, cheese, and liver sausage sandwiches, with potato salad, coleslaw, and pickles, and cake for dessert was enjoyed by all. The charter was draped for the passing of member Irma Kaev. It was decided to make a donation in Irma Kaev's name to the Diabetes Association. Program activity director Louise Nygard announced the programs for 2012. A change from previous years is the decision to hold a meeting again in August. A number of ill members are recovering: Arnie Lidquist, Virginia Lindroos, and Gertie Strand. The day concluded with a few rounds of Valentine's Bingo complete with prizes for the winners. February 2012: The hall was adorned with a Mardi Gras theme complete with beads and crowns for all to wear. Members enjoyed a lunch from Brown's Chicken that included chicken, corn, potatoes, cole slaw, rolls, with red velvet cake and carrot cake for dessert. Louise Nygard reminded everyone that the 2012 program is out and will be mailed to all members. Several members are recovering from illnesses or accidents: Virginia Lindroos, Arnie Lidquist, Gertie Strand, and Hertha Falt. All officers for 2012 were installed. Chairman John Nygard discussed the 2012 raffle tickets for VASA that the lodge received. It was decided to purchase the tickets in Kronan Lodge's name. The day concluded with a fun game of Penny Ante, and prizes were awarded to the winners. April 2012: The hall was decorated in a birthday theme complete with birthday hats and horns for all. Members enjoyed a lunch of deli sandwiches, potato salad, and cole slaw, with ice cream dixie cups and Lydia Sanderson’s homemade coffee cake for dessert. The lodge welcomed guests from Austin Lodge, Madeline and Ken Olson, and Tom Smith. Members are recovering from illnesses: Bernice Baake, Gertie Strand, Al Meid, Arnie Lidquist, Mary Ann Swanson, and Louise Nygard. The day concluded with a few rounds of Bunco, and prizes were awarded to the winners. May 2012: Scandinavian Heritage was the theme of the meeting. Members enjoyed a lunch from Brown’s Chicken complete with chicken, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, and mushrooms, with ice cream sundaes for dessert. Gertie Strand and Arnie Lidquist are doing better healthwise. Joan Asplund was not in attendance because she represented Kronan at the annual VASA convention; a report will be given at the next meeting. The day concluded with everyone's discussions on their Scandinavian backgrounds, travels, and family. Kronan will be on “summer break” for June and July. submitted by Kim Bojarski Historian / Reporter

BRAHE # 245 15 April 2012: About 50 members and friends attended our delicious Swedish Pancake Breakfast in our beautiful Vasa Park in Rockford, Illinois. Our lodge plans to have another Swedish Pancake Breakfast on May 6 for our members and the public.

3 June 2012: We held a fundraiser for the 2013 District Convention that will be co – hosted by our lodge and Linde No. 492. The Convention will also celebrate the 100th Anniversary of our lodge. It was a Swedish Meatball Luncheon at Vasa Park, in Rockford, Illinois. Along with meatballs, we served mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, salad, coffee, and desserts. submitted by Dennis G. Eksten

SVEA # 253 24 March 2012: The Scandinavian Film Group met at the home of Michelle and Josh Escalante to view the film “Elling”, a 2001 Norwegian movie starring Per Christian Ellefsen and Sven Nordin. Elling, a sensitive would - be poet who had been sheltered by his mother for 40 years, is sent to live in a state institution, where he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant. After two years, the men are released and provided with a state - funded apartment and stipend with the hope they will be able to live on their own. Through a friendship born of desperate dependence, the skittish Elling and the boisterous Kjell Bjarne, discover they can survive on the outside and thrive. 27 March 2012: The Fourth Tuesday Luncheon Group met at The Rathskeller At The Athenaeum, a famous historic Bavarian Restaurant in Indianapolis, Indiana. We thank Eva Berglund, and Faye and John Bevelhimer, for organizing this luncheon. 1 April 2012: The first meeting of spring was held at the Latvian Community Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. Gregory MacLennan was initiated as a new member; his Swedish relatives were from Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Officiating at Gregory MacLennan’s initiation were: Past Chairman Charlotte Swenson, Vice Chairman Jean Tygum, Master Of Ceremonies Dennis Danielson, and Chaplain Donna Bergstrom. The program “Growing Up Swedish In Minnesota” was presented by LaVonne Heighway. She was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and soon afterward, her parents moved to a farm in Chisago County, about 50 miles northeast of the Twin Cities. The cities closest to the farm were Center City, Lindstrom, and Chisago City; the Saint Croix River forms the eastern border of Chisago County, with Wisconsin on the other side of the river. Vilhelm Moberg wrote about this exact area in his books, "The Emigrants", "Unto A Good Land", "Settlers", and "Last Letter Home".

9 Her parents had wanted their children to have the experience of growing up on a farm, as they had, and as their forebears in Sweden had. LaVonne’s birth was their incentive to leave city life behind and head north to rural Chisago County, a locale strongly influenced by the Swedish immigrants who settled there in the mid nineteenth century. Growing up in Chisago County, LaVonne’s constant wish was to visit Sweden someday, and in 1952, after her junior year at the University of Minnesota, she did so. LaVonne Heighway spoke about what it was like growing up in rural Minnesota in a very Swedish family and in a location with a strong sense of Swedish heritage --- and what LaVonne found Sweden to be like when she spent the summer of 1952 there, visiting family and touring Sweden. Susie and Mark Swanson, managers of the Swedish Emporium, had an assortment of delicious Swedish food items and other products for sale. Refreshments were provided by hostesses Kristina Grasso, Iva Lynn, and Eija Vesterqvist; Eva Berglund generously contributed the Gevalia coffee. 13 April 2012: Seventeen lodge members attended the monthly meeting Sammenkomst of the Circle City Lodge of the Sons Of Norway, at King Of Glory Lutheran Church in Carmel, Indiana. The gathering began with their annual dinner of Norwegian Open Faced Sandwiches, "Smørbrød", prepared by Norwegian lodge members, who taught the art of making the sandwiches prior to the event. A brief business meeting was followed by the featured speaker Søren Strat Urberg, a fourth - generation Lutheran pastor, who was born in the First Lutheran Parsonage at Blair, Wisconsin, on 21 August 1931 to Konrad Morbeck Lars Ingebrigt Doloris and Thea Hagen Urberg. His religious instruction was received at the First Lutheran Church, where he was baptized and confirmed, and where his paternal grandfather and father served for 78 years. His topic for the evening was "Holy Cow!”, a commentary of the years he served as pastor of a parish at Avaldsnes on Karmøy in Norway. He also added a few interesting comments concerning the transition from old Norse religion to Christianity since it is related to "Holy Cow”. It was a very entertaining gathering. 24 April 2012: George’s Neighborhood Grill was the venue for the Fourth Tuesday Luncheon Group’s outing. Tack Så Mycket to coordinators Eva Berglund, and Faye and John Bevelhimer. 6 May 2012: A lively musical program was the highlight of the meeting at the Latvian Community Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. (right) Annette Johansson, Sylvia Swanson, and John Seest.

Annette Johansson, John Seest, and Eija Vesterqvist presented a program on Nordic Dancing and performed famous Nordic dances, demonstrating and contrasting techniques of the various Scandinavian styles. Additional members of the Dans Norden folk dancing group who participated were: Sylvia Swanson, Rose Ann and Jerry Fohey, Lisa Retzner, Karen DeBruler, Bob Turnquist, Bill Burrell, Marie Lawlor, Duane Leatherman, and Holly Hendrickson. The dances were: Landskrona Kadrilj, Ellin Polka, Opdalsril, Suvi Tunnelma, and Danish Weaving Dance. A historical commentary was provided by Annette Johansson. Music was provided by a newly formed Scandinavian Folk Music Instrumental Ensemble called Scandilocity. The refreshments were provided by Joella and Edward Hultgren, Barbro and David Jarrell, Jean and John Keith, Jean Tygum, and Ulla Williams; Dans Norden members brought fruit and desserts; Gevalia coffee was contributed by Eva Berglund.

29 May 2012: Kona Jack’s seafood restaurant was the venue for the Fourth Tuesday Luncheon Group’s gathering. Tack Så Mycket to coordinators Eva Berglund, and Faye and John Bevelhimer. 2 June 2012: The Scandinavian film group gathered at the home of Michelle and Josh Escalante to view the movie “Under The Sun” (in Swedish, “Under Solen”), a 1998 Swedish film starring Rolf Lassgård and Helena Bergstrom (wife of director Colin Nutley). Set in the mid - 1950s, this Oscar - nominated film (for Best Foreign Language Film) is about an illiterate middle - aged bachelor farmer who finds love despite “help” from a rascally “friend”. 10 June 2012: The annual Midsommar celebration was held at the Latvian Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. We decorated the Maypole, danced around the maypole, and enjoyed the lovely grounds and Midsommar festivities. The lodge provided meat and beverages, and the members brought other food items to share. John Seest was initiated as a member of the lodge. A large pinata in the shape of a red stuga was made by Michelle Escalante for the children to enjoy. We were joined by members of the local Sons Of Norway lodge, and by John Seest and members of Dans Norden Scandinavian Folk Dancing Group. submitted by Joella D. Hultgren Publicity Committee

VILJAN # 349 23 February 2012: Bethany Lutheran Church was the venue for this meeting focusing on the life and works of Swedish artist Anders Zorn. Thank you to Ruth Beck and Dorothy Thorsen for providing delicious refreshments. Thank you to Paula Stopka for putting together a wonderfully informative program on Swedish artist Anders Zorn. 22 March 2012: A regular meeting was held at Bethany Lutheran Church. We enjoyed the March Madness of a White Elephant Sale. Members were encouraged to bring friends, including the white pachyderm kind, for a chance to be green and recycle those items no longer needed, but that others might crave. Green dollars were bid on treasures that the herd of ivory pachyderms were trumpeting! This entertaining event incorporated spring cleaning, recycling, green eco - friendly fun, and March Madness! Refreshments were coordinated by Dee Radtke. 26 April 2012: A regular meeting was held at Bethany Lutheran Church. Thank you to Inez Törnblom for providing the delicious snacks at April’s meeting, and to all the lodge members who helped with getting the Convention goody bags and folders ready. 5 May 2012: Valborg Day at Vasa Park was the day to join together to help spruce up the Vasa Park for the upcoming season. 18 – 20 May 2012: The 104th District Convention was held at the Holiday Inn at Carol Stream, Illinois. Our lodge hosted the weekend, and many members played a major role and attended all or part of the Convention. The Friday evening Cultural Program showcased the Chicago Swedish Male Chorus, and our lodge hosted the hospitality suite on Friday evening and Saturday evening, as well as providing a continental breakfast for Convention attendees on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Lodge members provided baked goods and supplies. Thank you to the many lodge members who helped make the Convention a huge success, with special thanks to Mary Jean Nystedt, Dee and Don Radtke, Paula and Jim Stopka, Jackie Moline, Judy Seifert, Dorothy Thorsen, Inez Törnblom, Jason and Julia LeKander, Susan, Elizabeth, and Matthew Cleveland, and everyone else who helped. It was a great weekend with lots of friendships made and renewed! 24 May 2012: The Annual Memorial Service was held at Bethany Lutheran Church. We remembered and celebrated the lives of those members we have lost this past year. We are reminded to reflect on Vasa’s past as we look toward the future. There was also a celebratory convention wrap – up meeting to discuss any

10 outstanding items related to the convention. Congratulations! All the hard work of many, many lodge members paid off with a successful District Convention. We also discussed our involvement in the Midsommar Celebration at Vasa Park in South Elgin, Illinois. Refreshments were coordinated by Susan Cleveland. 23 June 2012: The Midsommar Celebration at Vasa Park is always a special treat. Our lodge decorates and raises the Maypole to start the day’s festivities. In addition, we were in the kitchen offering food during the day. This year, camping was permitted in this beautiful park! This is a great way to fully enjoy Vasa Park and its majestic oaks and lovely river location! submitted by Susan Cleveland

LINDE # 492 10 March 2012: The annual Pea Soup and Pancake Dinner held at the Norway House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was a success! This was a fund raiser for the 2013 District No. 8 Convention that we are co – hosting with Brahe No. 245. Members contributed baked goods for the Bake Sale Table. The event coordinator was Liza Ekstrand, and many strong, enthusiastic, and hard working staff of all ages helped throughout the event with cooking, serving, clearing tables, and selling baked items. There was also a raffle. All the leftovers were donated to the Hebron House, a shelter for the needy in Waukesha, Wisconsin. They were delighted with the pea soup and pancakes. 15 April 2012: This social event was held at Christ The Victor Lutheran Church in New Berlin, Wisconsin, and featured a “Show And Tell” event. Members were encouraged to tell their best Swedish story, describe their favorite Swedish visit, or to show a Swedish Keepsake. Attendees brought open – faced sandwiches and dessert items to share during the coffee hour. 18 - 20 May 2012: Our delegates to the annual District Convention were Liza Ekstrand, Marianne Ekstrand, Ashley LeBlanc, and Les Touve. Brent Erickson attended as District Treasurer, Jake Gruel attended as Past District Master / Grand Lodge Deputy, and Marge Gruel and Karen Schneble were alternate delegates. 2 June 2012: This was the lodge 85th Birthday celebration at Ray Shoberg’s home in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. We recognized members with special milestone anniversaries with the lodge, and pins were presented. Membership pins for ten years were awarded to Blenda McCredden, Liza Ekstrand, and Rolf Ekstrand; membership pins for twenty – five years were awarded to Noreen Lahl and Kent Kelly. We also met some Finnish friends of Ray Shoberg. (right) Rolf Ekstrand and Chairman Liza Ekstrand received their ten years membership pins, and a congratulatory certificate from District Master Edward Hultgren.

Lunch was served, and cake was provided by the lodge; members contributed additional items. It is a tradition in Sweden to always have seven different kinds of cookies or baked goods whenever celebrating a special day. For fans of Stieg Larsson, his long – time partner Eva Gabrielsson appeared at Boswell Books in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eva Gabrielsson is the author of There Are Thing I Want You To Know About Stieg Larsson And Me. Stieg Larsson wrote the Millennium

Trilogy, otherwise known as the “Girl With The Dragon Tattoo” series. There was an admission fee. 3 June 2012: There was a fundraiser for the 2013 District Convention that will be co – hosted by our lodge and Brahe No. 245. It was a Swedish Meatball Luncheon at Vasa Park, in Rockford, Illinois. Along with meatballs, they served mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, salad, coffee, and desserts. 24 June 2012: A Midsommar sponsored by the Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin, Inc. was held at Old World Wisconsin, in Eagle, Wisconsin. 25 June 2012: For fans of accordion music, “world class Scandinavian Accordionists” Jorgen Sundeqvist (who is Swedish) and Lena Rist – Larsen (who is Norwegian) were in concert at the Root River Center in Franklin, Wisconsin. Classical and other works requiring great virtuosity were featured. contributors Liza Ekstrand and Marge Gruel

JOE HARBOR # 534 March 2012: Our lodge wants to honor one of our long time members, Eleanor Anderson, who has been a member of Joe Harbor lodge for over 52 years (out of the 83 years this May that Joe Harbor # 534 has existed). Eleanor Anderson, and her sister Iverna, joined 52 years ago because of their Swedish heritage. Both their grandparents and mother came to the United States from Sweden. Two years ago, Eleanor received her 50 year pin as a member of Joe-Harbor # 534, along with her friend Arlene Malkin, who also joined the same day as Eleanor and her sister Iverna. (left) Eleanor Anderson was Chairman of Joe Harbor # 534 for 20 years.

During her 52 years of membership, Eleanor attended conventions, was treasurer for two years, and was Chairman for over 20 years. At the age of 88, Eleanor decided to retire her position as Chairman but will remain very active in the Vasa group. She presently sends out birthday cards to our members and tells of the history of our Vasa lodge and her Swedish heritage. Eleanor Anderson is very proud of her Swedish heritage and still enjoys participating in Swedish language development and history in our group. Our lodge is very blessed to have older members and many newer members who can learn from each other about the history of the past. Our lodge offers many opportunities for our members with trips and presentations to keep us closer to our Scandinavian heritage. The members of Joe Harbor thank Eleanor Anderson for being our chairman and for being an inspirational member for over 52 years. Thanks, Eleanor Anderson. submitted by Janet Oleson photograph by Bill Oleson

SATELLITE # 661 1 April 2012: The meeting was held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Mary Elizabeth Johnson was approved for membership and formally initiated by Vice Chairman Judith Ruser, Treasurer Theodore Ruser, Chaplain Audrey

11 Engstrom, and Banner Bearers Carolyn Ehrnstrom and Gena Baldwin. (right) Mary Elizabeth Johnson was initiated by Vice Chairman Judith Ruser.

The program on Swedish Landscape Art was presented by Roger Drong. On display were books on Scandinavian Art, cook books, pictures from Lucia 2011, a publication by 2011 Nobel Prize winner in Literature Tomas Tranströmer, and recipes of Norwegian dishes (for use in preparing refreshments for the May meeting). The hostess for this meeting was Kathryn Yarger; the refreshments were the ever popular potluck Smörgåsbord. Members were encouraged to bring their favorite Swedish dish to share. 6 May 2012: The meeting was held at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Holly Jensen presented the program “Trip To Norway”, about her trip to the Kingdom of Norway, which is a unitary parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy, with King Harald V as its head of state and Jens Stoltenberg as its prime minister. The unitary state has administrative subdivisions on two levels know as counties (fylke) and municipalities (kommuner). Norway has extensive reserves of petroleum, natural gas, minerals, lumber, seafood, fresh water, and hydropower. Norway has the fourth – highest per capita income in the world. On a per – capita basis, it is the world’s largest producer of oil and natural gas outside the Middle East, and the petroleum industry accounts for around a quarter of the country’s gross domestic product. Norway maintains a Nordic welfare model with universal health care, subsidized higher education, and a comprehensive social security system. From 2001 to 2006, and then again from 2009 through 2011, Norway has had the highest human development index ranking in the world. The host for this meeting was David Runstrom, and the refreshments included Norwegian recipes prepared by lodge members. Recipes for the Norwegian, or Scandinavian dishes, were displayed with the items. 18 May 2012 – 20 May 2012: Attending the District Convention in Carol Stream, Illinois, were Carol Olsen, David Runstrom, and Judy and Ted Ruser. It was a great experience. 16 June 2012: Midsommar Celebration was held at Cadwallader Park. The meal was a potluck lunch of Scandinavian dishes provided by the members who attended. Early birds arrived to help decorate the majstång with vines and flowers, and set up the tables. Activities included dancing around the maypole, playing Kubb, and fun and games. submitted by David B. Runstrom Newsletter Editor

BISHOP HILL # 683 28 April 2012: The Valborg Bonfire Celebration was held at the Vasa National Archives. Members, families, and youngsters from the “Pride Of The Family” Children’s Club attended. This is the

traditional Swedish spring welcome with songs, speeches, and a bonfire. It is fun for the entire family! Refreshments included a wiener – roast, coffee, and hot chocolate. 25 May 2012: A Memorial Service was held at the Vasa National Archives. There was also a report on the annual District Convention from the previous weekend. Refreshments were coordinated by: Nan and Russ Swanson (Chairmen); Pat and Joel Bjorling; Gloria Hepner; and Shirley Nall. 23 June 2012: A Midsommar Celebration was held at the Park and Colony School. In addition to our lodge participation, there was also help from the “Pride Of The Family” Children’s Club, and the Vasa National Archives. There were music and family fun activities; a Majstång; dancing around the Maypole; Swedish music; workshops and jamming; main stage concerts; and refreshments. A barn dance was held in the evening. Refreshments were coordinated by: Barbara Koller and Marita Koller (Chairmen); Eva and Harold Harland; Gail and Jeff Olson; and Martha and Richard Rittenhouse. submitted by Jeff Anderson

VIKING # 730 21 April 2012: Walpurgis / ValBorg Spring Fest was held at the home of Sheila and Bill Lundquist. This was a blaze into Springtime with a potluck dinner and fireworks! Attendees brought dishes to share and their favorite beverages. Walpurgis Night, or Valborgsmässoafton, is a major happening in the Swedish calendar. In Stockholm, Sweden, Skansen celebrates the coming of spring with a parade, concerts, and dance performances. The evening’s festivities end with traditional choral singing by a lit bonfire. While events to mark Walpurgis take place throughout the day and late into the evening, celebrations often tend to last much longer. The following day, 1 May, is Labour Day, and with two eagerly anticipated events taking place in such close proximity, late – night revelry continues in the streets of Stockholm and throughout the country of Sweden. If your stamina can endure the full programme of entertainment provided at Skansen, make your way to Stockholm’s centre for a further toast to this most boisterous of Swedish festivals. 12 May 2012: This was the 31st Anniversary of our lodge, founded in 1981. The celebration included a program, dinner, and a meeting at the Elks Club in Grand Blanc, Michigan. The menu included meatballs, scalloped potatoes, baked beans, and other treats. Funds minus expenses were donated to the Scholarship Fund. Coordinators were Dawn Kiesel, Sheila Lundquist, and Carol Swanson. 24 June 2012: Midsommar was celebrated with the traditional Maypole, Dancing, and a Picnic. Members were asked to bring a dish to share. The coordinator was Lisa Johnson. submitted by Debra LaLonde

JUBILEUM # 755 8 March 2012: Defying tradition, we met for Pea Soup, Pancakes, and Proverbs, rather than in May. The weather responded by turning May - like—by far the warmest March on record in Madison, Wisconsin. Four people provided soup—one with whole peas, and three with split (or mashed) and creamy—such variety in such a simple food! Gunilla Rubasch joined the traditional pancake team of Gunnard Swanson and Gloria Waity, and we had plenty of lingon this year. As always, Hans Fride told us the story of pea soup, and how it was probably used to poison Erik XIV. We also learned two new facts. Lingon have the highest antioxidant level of any fruit (sadly, now the price will go up even more), and pea soup was the original biofuel feed stock. 15 April 2012: We were honored with a visit by Ed Hultgren, Vice District Master, and Joella Hultgren, editor of Valthornet. Marshall Berg, Vice - Chairman, was acting chairman for the day. Vice District Master Edward Hultgren presented a talk and slide show on

12 three topics: the Nordic Arctic (including a cruise to Svalbard and Spitsbergen); his cousin Beppe Wolgers (Swedish television personality, artist, composer, movie star, author, and performer); and composer Marcus Sjöwall and his opera singer wife Rebecca, who have ties to Wisconsin. Ed shared stories and photographs from a cruise he and Joella took through the Nordic Arctic. The western limit is L’Anse Aux Meadows in northern Newfoundland, a Viking settlement from about 1000 AD. This was an outpost of much larger Viking settlements in southern Greenland, with a total population of 2000 - 4000 at their strongest around 1100. The Greenland settlements only lasted about 500 years, but the Nordic presence on Iceland continues to the present day. Iceland has the longest continuously sitting parliament, or Thing, meeting since 930 AD. Similar to the Sweden of the late Norse and early Christian era, the rule of law was very important, and the Thing relied on the memory of “law men” who knew it by heart. Iceland sits atop the mid - Atlantic Ridge, where the Earth’s crust is spreading, very thin, and full of cracks, through which the great heat below escapes in numerous “Geysir,” from which we get the English word. They are a virtually free energy source. A famous example is Perlan (The Pearl) a dome covering some hot water storage tanks outside Reykjavik and now containing exhibition and concert space, shops, restaurants, and a museum, all heated by geothermal energy. Halfway between Norway and Iceland lie the Faroe Islands. Old Norse is still spoken there, and due to their central location, the International Nordic Hall is located in the Faroes. The Viking influence lingers in the Shetland and Orkney Islands of Scotland—a ship is burned there every year, commemorating the Viking funeral ceremony. Viking settlements have been unearthed in Dublin, Ireland and York, England—the latter found while a shopping center was being built. From the Faroes, the Hultgrens cruised north—waaay north—to Svalbard. Due to its spectacular location at 80 degrees North, it was the jumping - off point for many Arctic expeditions. Ed focused on one Swedish attempt to reach the North Pole—by balloon!—in 1897. Örnen (The Eagle) was forced down well short of the pole by storm winds, hydrogen leakage, and ice accumulation. S. A. Andrée and his two companions, including playwright August Strindberg’s second cousin, were forced to walk out. Their bodies were discovered on White Island, east of Svalbard, in 1930. Ed Hultgren concluded with a brief biography of Beppe Wolgers, a famous Swedish author, lyricist, and entertainer of the 1950s -1980s. (left) Beppe Wolgers, the second cousin twice removed of Ed Hultgren

Most notably, he played the father in the 1969 Pippi Longstocking TV series, and had a bedtime TV show for children in the 1960s and 1970s. The connection? Beppe is Ed’s second cousin twice removed. 17 May 2012: We had another special guest for our program, a Thursday evening at Arbor Covenant Church. When Lodge Chairman Gunnard Swanson was in the band at (then) North Park College, Wesley Hanson was the band director. He and his wife Ann told (and played and sang) the musical history of the American Civil War. This wasn’t “Dixie” and “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” Wes said he had a prize for anyone who had heard any of these songs before, and no one claimed it. Wes’ first four songs were mostly from the immediate pre - war period. The “Silver Bell Waltz,” was a favorite of President Abraham Lincoln. “Constitution,” from 1860, reflected the hope that the Union could be preserved without war, in the words “God preserve our Union.”

The “Lincoln Grand March” was performed at rallies of the new Republican Party in the fall of 1860. Wes Hanson said, “You don’t know what a triumph it was to get that last note out.” The “Palmetto State Song” came out of South Carolina, the first state to secede (December 1860), and proclaimed, “Like free men we’ll stand, or we’ll perish in glory.” The North had no vision of anything new, only preservation of what already was. But Southern leaders and song - writers were consciously striving for a new national identity. One such song, “The South,” contained the line, “Land of chivalry, home of liberty.” Before the phonograph and radio, all music was live music. Most songs of the period had four to eight verses; Wes played or sang only one or two of each, “Or else we’ll be here all night.” Wes looked all over for music. In the State Historical Society in New Hampshire, he found an unopened box of Stephen Foster music. He also found the closest thing to an anthem for the preservation of the Union, “The Patriot’s Fatherland.” As the war dragged on, some songwriter realized that we needed comic relief. “For Grandmother Told Me So” is nominally the joyful song of a young boy about the Emancipation Proclamation. But the writer mangled the grownup words in hilarious ways, as children do. “American eagle, hysterical bird, O flap your wings, and crow! The slaves are embellished, yes that’s the word, for grandmother told me so!” The Battle of Gettysburg, in July 1863, claimed nearly 8,000 dead, plus thousands of horses. “You could smell Gettysburg from thirty miles away, in the summer heat,” said Wes. The Union cemetery was dedicated in November 1863, the occasion of Lincoln’s famous Address. A quartet, not a choir as is often reported, performed “The Dirge.” (Wes’ copy of the music has the singers’ names on it). The war also produced numerous “three-handkerchief songs,” as Wes described them, with titles like, “Who’ll Care for Mother Now?” Before antibiotics, amputation was necessary to prevent infection, gangrene, and death, even from minor wounds. Wounded veterans were numerous and obvious. “What a tell - tale thing is an empty sleeve,” said another song about a woman and her veteran husband. Wes also told how he acquired a period instrument—a tenor saxhorn, made in Philadelphia in 1859 or 1860. The soldiers called it a “backwards - blaster” because it was played on the shoulder with the bell facing rearward. Wes played “Sheridan’s Gallop,” from the two - day victory parade of the Grand Army of the Republic in Washington in May 1865. The war’s end meant relief for Northerners and bitterness for many Southerners. A Kentucky woman and Southern sympathizer wrote a song called, “You’ll Never Win Us Back,” referring both to the Southern heart and the threat of continued armed resistance. At Fort Sumter, where hostilities had begun four years earlier, a Union band performed “Victory at Last,” which contained the words, “O happy wives and children…and all the boys are coming home, there’s victory at last.” Wesley Hanson’s performance ended with what he said was actually the most popular song among the fighting men themselves—“The Army Bean.” “’Tis the bean that we mean / And we’ll eat as we ne’er ate before / The Army bean, nice and clean / We will stick to our beans evermore.” Said Robert E. Lee, “I cannot imagine an army without music.” Ulysses S. Grant recalled, “I know two songs. One is ‘Dixie.’ The other one isn’t.” 23 June 2012: Midsommar Celebration at Arbor Covenant Church. submitted by Robert T. Merrill Historian

NORDIK FOLK # 761 19 March 2012: A big “Tusen Tack” to Annelise Nelson for the interesting PowerPoint presentation on Nordic Emigration and Immigration at this meeting. Nordic mass emigration started in Norway, which also retained the highest rate throughout the 19th century. Sweden got underway in the early 1840’s and had the

13 third – highest rate in all of Europe, after Ireland and Norway. In the 2000 U. S. Census, about four million Americans claimed to have Swedish roots. Minnesota remains by a wide margin the state with the most inhabitants of Swedish descent: 9.6 % of the population as of 2005. The inexpensive and fertile land of Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin was irresistible to landless and impoverished European peasants. It also attracted more well – established farmers. Swedish peasants were some of the more literate of the immigrants. Annelise Nelson spoke about her research on Ellis Island, the Swedes and Norwegians who immigrated, and the Castle Garden that preceded Ellis Island. Nordikids No. 208 Children’s Group joined us to hear and see the program. We all learned something new! 31 March 2012: A Soup Lunch and Pancakes Fundraiser was held at First Christian Church of Dyer, Indiana. Members and friends joined together for a delicious lunch of homemade soups, breads, and Swedish Pancakes. 3 April 2012: The Viking Lecture Series continued with Lectures # 5 and # 6. This great lecture series, “The Vikings”, is composed of 36 separate one – half hour units. Each month, we show two of the programs and will have time for discussion. They are presented at the Munster Public Library in Munster, Indiana. Friends of lodge members are invited to attend, and the lectures are open to the public. 9 April 2012: The Genealogy Group met with Vice Chairman Herb Smith. On the agenda was "Searching The 1940 Census", since it is now available and free online at several locations! Participants were encouraged to present a 5 minutes to 15 minutes "show and tell" about their family’s roots, perhaps using the same format as the television show "Who Do You Think You Are?" to tell the rest of the group their family history. Members also bring their "brick wall" problems and advice is discussed among the group. Several participants are doing very well with their family searches and each are back into the 1600’s, 1700’s and 1800’s. Good going! Any other Genealogy subjects may be suggested for the group to consider. Our Genealogy program is "open" to all, and interested friends or neighbor are invited to attend. 14 April 2012: A Day Road Trip to Bishop Hill, Illinois was arranged. More than 20 members, family, and friends joined a caravan to this historic town with Swedish roots in the middle of the prairie. Travelers arrived in time for lunch at the Filling Station; this was followed by a tour of the Vasa National Archives and a walking tour of the town and gift shops. Our members met Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren (standing left) the new archivist at the Vasa National Archives.

Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren, archivist at the Vasa National Archives welcomed our group with refreshments and spoke to us. Coordinators were Lynda and Herb Smith.

16 April 2012: The program at this meeting was the story of Blenda and the very brave women from Småland, presented by Annelise Nelson. Blenda is the heroine of a Swedish legend “Blendasägnen from Småland”. Blenda led the rural women of Värend in an attack on a pillaging Danish army and annihilated the invaders. These amazing women were recognized by the king. He granted the women of Småland political and social rights that had been previously unavailable to them. From that point on, all daughters had the right to inherit property, money, and land equally with their brothers, and were allowed to wear military - style garments around town and at their weddings. They were also given the prestigious right to wear the Royal Coat of Arms on their clothing, a tradition that has lasted to this day. Blenda is still recognized as a national hero in Sweden. 29 April 2012: SpringFest was held at Andorra Banquets in Schererville, Indiana. The theme was “Coming To America”. Members enjoyed watching and hearing the Nordikids No. 208 as they took us on a musical trip from yesteryear. The children sang songs of immigration, and told us how we all ended up right here together! (left) Harrison Ogrentz receives his Attendance Award Pin for eight years participation from Vice District Master Edward Hultgren.

Vice District Master Edward Hultgren and Assistant District Secretary Joella Hultgren presented Attendance Awards to the members of Nordikids who have reached milestone years of participation. A delicious luncheon was enjoyed by all. Fund raising included a raffle, bake sale, and the sale of Swedish items. See more about the SpringFest on the pages of the Children’s Clubs. 1 May 2012: “The Vikings” Great Lecture Series continued with two more in the series, Lectures # 7 and # 8, at Munster Public Library in Munster, Indiana. 7 May 2012: Dinner at the Planetarium in Merrillville, Indiana. 14 May 2012: The Genealogy Group met with Herb Smith. 20 May 2012: An International Fair was held at Munster High School in Munster, Indiana. We had a passport booth and distributed stamps and information on the country of Sweden and the people. Information was also given on Swedish inventions. We served pepparkakor cookies, lingonberry saft, tarts, coffee cake, and coffee. Parent coordinators were Annelise Nelson, Barbara Hannigan, Linnea Ogrentz, Annalisa Blue, and Lynnea Sinwelski. It was fun! 21 May 2012: A lodge meeting was held at Ridge United Methodist Church in Munster, Indiana. 23 June 2012: A Midsommar Celebration was enjoyed at Indiana Dunes. submitted by Lynda A. Smith


YOUTH CORNER District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Children’s Clubs are: Vårblomman #54 – North side of Chicago, Illinois: (773) 282-9423 Förgät Mig Ej #64 – Far Northwestern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois: (847) 516-3103 Nordikids #208 – Northwest Indiana and southern suburban Chicago, Illinois: (219) 923-8777; Pride of the Family #209 – Bishop Hill area of Illinois: (309) 375-6844 In Truth and Unity, Lynda Ann Smith District Lodge # 8 Youth Supervisor / Grand Lodge Youth Director

VÅRBLOMMAN # 54 Since the beginning of this year, there have been 9 meetings / practices, one performance, and one parade. Ten members participate in the group. The Children’s Club leader is Paul Johnson of Hagar Lodge No. 721.

FÖRGÄT MIG EJ # 64 There have been 9 meetings this semester, and five performances. Eleven members are active in this group. The leader is Lynn Stolar of Cary, Illinois. 15 April 2012: At this meeting, we welcomed District Master Tom Cleveland, his wife District Executive Board Member Sue Cleveland, and their two children Elizabeth and Matthew Cleveland. See the photograph of the children, club leader Lynn Stolar, and Past District Master Tom Cleveland on the BACK PAGE. Tack Så Mycket to Leanne Anderson for the wonderful photograph.

NORDIKIDS # 208 16 April 2012: This was one of the last two rehearsals for the Springfest performance later in the month. All solos, duets, and specials songs were memorized by this rehearsal. Nordikids now have new "gear": hooded sweatshirts, tee - shirts, cotton / canvas bags, and sweatpants, all in Royal blue with their logo and / or name. The kids purchase the items with their funny money, which they earn each week for coming to practice and bringing their folders. The kids are so excited as they buy their outfits; they wear them with pride and it is a good advertisement. 23 April 2012: This was our final rehearsal for our Springfest performance. The entire program of songs and dances was covered, and so no language lesson took place at this rehearsal 29 April 2012: Springfest was held at Andorra Banquets in Schererville, Indiana. The theme was “Coming To America”. Members of Nordik Folk # 761, family, and friends watched and listened to the Children’s Club members as they took us on a musical trip from yesteryear. The children sang about how we all ended up right here together!

The youngsters of Nordikids and their adult leaders: (far left) Language Instructor Annelise Nelson, (second from right) Musical Director Lynnea Sinwelski, and (far right) Dance Instructor Annalisa Blue.

The program was narrated by Harrison Ogrentz, accompanied by pianist Valerie Cook, and directed by Lynnea Sinwelski. The children sang the following musical numbers: Vi Gå Över Daggstänktaberg; Höga berg och djupa dalar; Sommarens soliga dagar; Sommarvandring; Tryggare kan ingen vara; Gud Som Haver; Morgonsolen; Upp Kamrater; Blinka lilla stjärna; Regndropparna; Rida Ranka; Månaderna; Den Gamla Moraklockan; Mors Lilla Olle; Du tycker du är Vacker; Med en Enkel Tullipan; Vasabarnens Sång; Let Me Give You Music; Hälsa Dem Därhemma; Hemma; Klappa Händerna; Dancing Queen; and It's A Small World. The children and leaders then performed seven ringdances, partner dances, and choreographed dances. (left) Clayton Sinwelski receives his one year Attendance Award Pin from Vice District Master Edward Hultgren.

After the musical program, Vice District Master Edward Hultgren and Assistant District Secretary Joella Hultgren presented Attendance Award Pins to the following youngsters: [1 year] Elizabeth Andersson, Abigail Blue, Kenneth Blue, Kaleb Schmal, Ashlyn Sinwelski, and Ava Tomky; [5 years] Jason Schmal, and Clayton Sinwelski; and [8 years] Steven Lesko, Harrison Ogrentz, and Melissa Pearson. Musical Director Lynnea Sinwelski is “so incredibly proud of all the Nordikids”. She stated that the performance was truly terrific! They sounded like a professional choir and blended so well together. All the songs came through beautifully. “The solos were fantastic as well! I received so many compliments” on the wonderful singing; the dancing was great, too! Lynnea Sinwelski enjoys teaching music to the Nordikids every Monday evening, and says it is an honor and a privilege to be their director. “Thanks for your hard work and makes my job more enjoyable! Tack så mycket!!”

15 20 May 2012: The schools in Munster, Indiana, held an International Festival at Munster High School. Nordikids performed songs and dances. We had a passport booth and distributed stamps and information on the country of Sweden and the people. Information was also given on Swedish inventions. We served pepparkakor cookies, lingonberry saft, tarts, coffee cake, and coffee. Parent coordinators were Annelise Nelson, Barbara Hannigan, Linnea Ogrentz, Annalisa Blue, and Lynnea Sinwelski. It was fun! During the spring and summer of this year, there were 12 meetings and practices, and five performances. The membership stands at 25 youngsters, singers, and dancers. Lynnea Sinwelski, of Munster, Indiana, is the musical director. Annalisa Blue is the dance instructor. submitted by Lynda Ann Smith Nordik Folk No. 761 / Nordikids No. 208

PRIDE OF THE FAMILY # 209 Our club is involved with a number of activities throughout the area and in Bishop Hill, Illinois. We are honored to be a part of educating the future generations and we are exposing them to the wonderful things about Swedish culture. There are eleven active members, and we held five meetings, and had nine performances and one exhibit. The leader is Patti Christianson 23 March 2012: We joined with Bishop Hill No. 683 for the Swedish Pancakes and Pea Soup Supper at Colony School. 13, 18, 20, 26, and 27 April 2012: The Astrid Lindgren Festival, with the Bishop Hill Heritage Association, is a

literature based event and Swedish culture education outreach to area school children. We participated in the festival by teaching ringdances to area grade school students. 21 April 2012: We taught Swedish dances to area Girl Scouts at Carl Sandburg State Historic Site, in Galesburg, Illinois. 28 April 2012: The Valborgmassoafton Bonfire was held at the Vasa National Archives. We sang and portrayed a jousting match. This is a traditional spring welcome with songs, speeches, bonfire, wiener roast, and coffee. 5 May 2012: This was a work day to level, straighten, and plant the barrels at the Vasa National Archives. 7 May 2012: We participated in the “Cooking Around The World” program at the library in Chillicothe, Illinois. Featured were the Swedish Midsommar celebration and food. 12 May 2012: There was a Dalamalning workshop with artist Donna Benson. 18 May 2012: We exhibited our Nils Holgerson quilt project in the Bishop Hill Quilt Show. 19 May 2012: We represented Bishop Hill, Illinois at Greg Mayers Scandinavian Fest in Rock Island, Illinois. 23 June 2012: A Midsommar Celebration was held at the Park and Colony School. The children’s club, Bishop Hill No. 683, and the Vasa National Archives all participated in the event. There were music and family fun activities; a Majstång; dancing around the Maypole; Swedish music; workshops and jamming; main stage concerts; and refreshments. A barn dance was held in the evening. submitted by Patti Christianson


SCHOLARSHIPS District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Scholarship Program This year, District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 was proud to award seven scholarships for $1,000.00 each to members attending college. Five scholarships were awarded from the “South Side Chicago Lodges” Scholarship Fund and two scholarships were awarded from the District No. 8 Scholarship Fund. Each scholarship check is sent to the awardee’s University. Any individual who has been a member of a local lodge within our District for at least one year may apply for these scholarships if he or she plans to be a full time student (take 12 or more credit hours per semester). All those receiving scholarships were invited to attend the banquet at our District convention in May 2012. Certificates were awarded to the following individuals: NAME Dylan Bender Rachel Hannigan Emily Pearson Lisa Raddatz Sinikka Roinila Chelsea Stolar Kaitlin Westlund

LOCAL LODGE Jubileum # 755 / Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Nordik Folk # 761 / Munster, Indiana Nordik Folk # 761 / Hammond, Indiana Nordik Folk # 761 / Munster, Indiana Linné # 153 / Mishawaka, Indiana Viljan # 349 / Cary, Illinois Nordik Folk # 761 / Schererville, Indiana

COLLEGE Michigan Technological Institute Purdue University Purdue University Purdue University Indiana University University of Illinois Indiana University

As a part of this scholarship program, applicants were evaluated on a number of different criteria, including grade point average, extracurricular activities in school, activities in their community, and involvement in their local lodge. Transcripts of grades as well as three references were submitted and in addition, an essay was required, which was evaluated by a team of educators. District No. 8 is proud to be able to assist our young members as they pursue their education and make plans to become involved members of our lodges and productive members of their communities. Lynda Smith District Supervisor of Children’s / Youth Clubs


From the archives.....

Från Arkivet! Undertecknade hade äran att få medverka vid convention i Carol Stream, Det var underbart att få träffa så många underbara och trevliga människor på ett och samma veckoslut. Att få det välkomnandet, gör att, man vill arbeta intensivare, för att föra fram arkivet och Vasa Order of America, öppna upp och välkomna flera besökare och flera medlemmar. Därför har jag redan Nu börjat förberedelsen för vår stora utställning i Juni 2013, The land of Samipeople. Utställningen kommer att täcka en yta på 150 square meter, dvs täcka en yta av alla tre plan på arkivet. Utställningen skeppas från Norra Sverige till Seattle vidare till Minneapolis vidare till Bishop Hill och Vasa Order Of America National Archives Inc. Utställningen är uppdelad i fyra delar: röd, gul, blå, och grön. Den röda delen presenterar samekulturen, hur herdarna vallar sina renar över fjället, språk, yoik, traditionella kläder, fiske, och bilder från olika områden. Den gula delen presenterar, olika tekniker att för att tillverka olika föremål, färgning av renskinn, smycken, konsten i att väva, binda korgar, och olika material som samerna använde sig av. Blå och grön del presenterar, Samernas arv, hur folk lever idag, deras religion, klädernas betydelse, hur skor tillverkades av renskinn, tillverkning av bälten som tillhörde deras klädsel. Till detta kommer även ”rör och känna”, som passar för den yngre gruppen, pedagogiska böcker, CD skivor, och möjlighet att lära hur man tillverkar mindre alster. Utöver detta finns det foto, CD skivor, texter. Önskar alla välkomna! Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren Archivist Vasa Order Of America National Archives


UPDATE YOUR MAILING LIST! Local lodges should update their mailing list regularly. Membership lists change frequently because of initiations,

The undersigned had the honor to participate in the convention in Carol Stream. It was wonderful to meet so many nice people in one weekend. They want to work closer to advance the Archives and the Vasa Order of America, to welcome more visitors and members. Therefore, I have already started preparations for our big show in June 2013. The Land of Sami People Exhibit will cover an area of 150 square meters and will be spread out on all three floors of the archives. The exhibit is being shipped from northern Sweden to Seattle, to Minneapolis, then to the Vasa Order of America National Archives Inc. in Bishop Hill. Sápmi, the land of the Sami people By Ájtte – Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum Ájtte museum’s presentation will be an adventure filled with knowledge about the Sami people. It captures the vivid colors of Sami culture – red, yellow, blue, and green --- and it is based on traditional tripod storage construction. Through photos, text, and artifacts a story of the Sami people is told and how they live today. Objects to touch and feel are included in this part of the exhibition, which are useful for educational activities. Sámi Culture - red part This is a presentation of Sami Culture and what a life with reindeer herding means. It also tells about the Sami language and yoik, a special way of singing, as a way to communicate. Sami traditional costumes and traditions are told about. The section includes photos, texts, and 12 artifacts including different hats – both men’s and women’s hats – from different Sami areas, books, and CDs. Sámi Arts and Crafts - yellow part This part is a presentation of Sami handicraft and different techniques. Tanning the skin of the reindeer, root and pewter work, as well as weaving. The reindeer antlers and birch tree are important materials. The section includes photos, texts, and 9 artifacts -- reindeer skin, antlers, handicraft material, and a variety of waved bands. Sámi Culture, a World Heritage - blue and green parts Laponia – the World Heritage Area was nominated by UNESCO in 1996. The criteria cover the Sami culture with its long history and the distinctive environment that has shaped the way of living. How do the people live today? The section includes photos, texts, and 14 artifacts – for example, toys, shoes made out of reindeer skin, scarves and belts that belong to a costume, and a drum. Touch and feel You can sit down on a reindeer skin, look in the bag and find different Sami objects, games, and books to read. Viktoria Kofoid – Almgren Archivist Vasa Order Of America National Archives, Inc.

moves, and deaths, and there may be errors from previous lists. Misdirected mail results in added expense for the Grand Lodge, the District Lodge, and your Local Lodge. You may request a current list of who from your lodge receives the VALTHORNET and the VASA STAR by contacting Joan Graham, Grand Secretary, 5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, California 94804; e-mail: or Joan Graham will update your mailing list with your help. Please keep the list current and correct.

NOTICE: The July 2012 issue (Web Site Version) of the Valthornet is actually 21 pages long. Only 16 pages will be printed in paper form. The additional pages, containing full obituary notices, the list of Upcoming Events, and Local Lodge Contacts, are included in the 21 page Valthornet that is found on the Vasa Web Site. See the bottom of page 7 for directions!


IN MEMORY Don Lindgren – Lindgren No. 754 Don Lindgren, 76 years old, of Suamico, Wisconsin, left this world to meet his maker on Thursday, May 3, 2012. He was born on December 3, 1935, on a small farm in the White Rapids / Amberg area. His family moved to Daggett, Michigan, in 1948, where they continued farming. Don Lindgren finished his schooling in Daggett, Michigan, then moved to Chicago, Illinois, in 1953, for a tool and die apprenticeship at Ideal Tool, while also attending classes for machine design in the evenings. In 1954, he married his high school sweetheart, Margaret Rivard. In 1961, Don Lindgren moved his family from Chicago, Illinois, to Green Bay, Wisconsin, where he was hired by Lindquist Machine as a tool and die maker. From there, he worked at Cleerman Machine Tool as a machine designer for seven years while at the same time starting his own part - time machining business. He then worked at Diana Manufacturing for several years as a machine designer. In 1972, Don Lindgren started his own business, Viking Machine And Design Inc., in De Pere, Wisconsin, where he enjoyed the rest of his years working hard, and watching his business grow. He was honored by the Green Bay Chamber of Commerce as the 1991 Small Business Person of the Year. Viking Machine And Design was also recognized as the Small Business of the Year. Don Lindgren was involved in numerous local groups including the Knights of Columbus, the American Cancer Society, the Elks Club, the NEW Purchasing Agents, Kiwanis International, and the Green Bay Yacht Club. Don Lindgren was instrumental in starting and was also one of the original founders of the VASA Swedish / American Club Lindgren Lodge in Green Bay, Wisconsin, which was named in his honor, and he was a Past Chairman of it, and the N. E. Wisconsin Concertina, Accordion, and Button Box Club. Don Lindgren could be seen riding in the local parades playing polkas for the crowds while standing in his Viking ship. He loved music and enjoyed sharing his accordion music at many of the nearby nursing homes for several years. A man from humble beginnings who loved his Swedish heritage, Don Lindgren had a work ethic beyond compare. One of his favorite quotes was by Thomas Jefferson: “I admire a man who bites off more than he can chew, and then chews it.” He showed his love to his children by teaching them to be creative, willing to try difficult things, and working hard to reach their dreams. Survivors include his six children: Debbie Lindgren, Green Bay, Wisconsin; Anita (Eric) Anderson, Lakewood, Wisconsin; Dan (Nancy) Lindgren, Manitowoc, Wisconsin; Don Lindgren, Chicago, Illinois; Lynnette Lindgren, Ledgeview, Wisconsin; and Roy (Alice) Lindgren, Green Bay, Wisconsin; his grandchildren: Andrew, Heather, Rachel, Jaci, Melanie, Jenna, Kevin, Christopher, Joel, Grace and Laurel; his great – grandchildren: Nick, Ethan, Lars, David, Teagan, Breylen, and Lilia; and his brother, Pete. Don Lindgren was preceded in death by his parents, Sidney and Signe Lindgren; a brother, Charles Lindgren; and three sisters, Phyllis Schultz, Naomi Ochowski, and Lois Jones. A memorial fund has been established in Don Lindgren’s name.

Irma Kaev – Kronan No. 179 Irma Kaev, 91, passed away Dec. 12, 2011. She was born in Halsingland, Sweden and came to the United States in 1954. She was the beloved wife of the late Elmar Kaev; dear mother of Agneta (Daniel) Hauschild, Anders, and Ingrid; loving grandmother of Christopher (Ohla) Hauschild and Jason Hauschild; great - grandmother of Anastasiya. She is predeceased by brothers and sisters all in Sweden. Memorials to American Diabetes Association preferred.

Robert William Miller – Viljan No. 349 Robert W. Miller, 73 years old and a thirty - five year resident of Wheaton, Illinois, passed away Thursday, March 29, 2012. He was born November 2, 1938 in Greentown, Indiana, and raised in Kokomo, Indiana. Robert and his late wife Charlotte met at and graduated from Purdue University and were married on June 12, 1960. He worked for IBM as a systems engineer until his retirement in 2000. His local community service included District 200 School Board, founding member S.A.S.E.D., member of the Warrenville Kiwanis, church council member at Saint Paul Lutheran Church, auditor at Vasa Park in South Elgin, Illinois, and board member for the Village of Adare Farm Association. He is survived by his children, Susan Marie (Thomas) Cleveland of Sycamore, Illinois; Anne Christine (Curtis) Topf of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; and John William Miller of Wheaton, Illinois; grandchildren Jessica (Cleveland) Jackson, Elizabeth and Matthew Cleveland, and Linnae and Niklas Topf; a brother F. Gene (Linda) Miller; a sister Marcia (John) Hailey; and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his wife Charlotte Ann (nee Roden) Miller, who passed away in 2011 at the age of 73, and his grandson Robert Thomas Cleveland. Interment was at Wheaton Cemetery. Memorials may be sent to Saint Paul Lutheran Church, Wheaton, Illinois.

Margaret E. Oberg – Bessemer No. 203 Margaret E. Oberg, age 99, died January 20, 2012. She was the beloved wife of the late Clifford Oberg and Edwin Peterson; devoted mother of Diane (late Joseph) Gatz and the late Dale (Sheila) Peterson; loving grandmother of Kathleen (Karl) Clauson, Daniel (Michelle) Gatz, Michael (Connie) Gatz, Patricia (Martin) Maloney, and Dennis (Sherry) Peterson; cherished great - grandmother of eight. Memorials to the Trinity Evangelical Covenant Church, Oak Lawn, Illinois would be appreciated.

E. Irene Carlson Sundberg – Nobel No. 288 E. Irene Carlson Sundberg, 83 years old, died Saturday, April 14, 2012, at her residence in Moline, Illinois. Irene Sundberg was born Octiber 7, 1928, in Moline, Illinois, the daughter of Axel and Esther Vik Carlson. She married Leonard Sundberg on August 13, 1955, in Moline, Illinois. Her husband preceded her in death on March 9, 1999. A graduate of Moline High School in 1947 and Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, Minnesota, in 1951, Irene Sundberg received her M. A. in ancient history from the University of Illinois in 1952. After being a "stay at home mom", Irene

18 Sundberg taught mentally disabled young adults. Her employment history concludes as an adjudicator with the state of Illinois. Since retiring in 1993, she had been an after - school volunteer and tutored grade - schoolers. Irene Sundberg was very involved in church and community activities. She was a member of Clara Lodge 118 of the Viking Club of Moline, Illinois, for 59 years. She held various offices, including chief, and recently served on the scholarship committee; she also was named "Viking of the Year" in 2004 for her contributions; she was a dedicated Viking, who had contributed much to her lodge and the growth of the Moline Vikings. In addition, Irene Sundberg was very involved with Nobel Lodge of Vasa, also holding various positions in that organization. She had been active in her church, serving as newsletter editor and on several committees and circles. She was a member of the Council of Abused Women and Children, active with the March of Dimes Children's Therapy Center, and worked with several local charitable organizations such as the 20th Century Women's Club and King's Daughters. She had many passions. Her love and devotion to her three grandchildren, involvement in organizations, reading, completing crossword puzzles, and playing bridge were instrumental in her life. She enjoyed the camaraderie with her friends of many years through her bridge groups. Survivors include her daughter, Lisa (Kraig) Powell, Gerlaw, Illinois; grandchildren, Lauren, Preston, and Evan Powell; brother and sister – in - law, Bruce (Audrey) Skoglund, Rock Island, Illinois; niece Christine Tollenaer; and nephew Erick Skoglund. She was preceded in death by her parents. Memorials may be made to Salem Lutheran Church or Viking Scholarship Fund.

Ulla D. Swanson – Jubileum No. 755 Eva Ulla Elisabet Dahlgren Swanson died at home in Oregon, Wisconsin, on Sunday, April 29, 2012, surrounded by her family after a ten – months - long struggle with ovarian cancer. Ulla Swanson was born in Varnamo, Sweden, on June 10, 1948. She lived in Bredaryd and worked as an L. P. N. until she married Gunnard M. Swanson on July 3, 1976; Gunnard and Ulla Swanson lived in Stockholm, Sweden for two years and moved to the United States in July, 1978. After raising two children, Ulla worked for the Oregon School District in food service at Rome Corners Intermediate School from 2005 for seven years until her illness forced her to retire. Ulla was a member of Arbor Covenant Church in Madison, Wisconsin, where she belonged to Covenant Women and was a member of the Worship Team. She also sang in the Church Choir and taught Sunday School. Ulla is survived by her husband, Gunnard Swanson of Oregon, Wisconsin; two children, Ulrika E. Swanson of Oregon, Wisconsin and Adrian G. Swanson of Minneapolis, Minnesota; two brothers, Per-Gunnar (Monica) Dahlgren of Forsheda, Sweden and Christer (Ingrid) Dahlgren of Skummeslov, Sweden; an uncle, Stig Dahlgren of Katrineholm, Sweden; as well as many cousins, nieces, nephews, sisters – in – law, and brothers – in - law. She was preceded in death by her parents, Per and Elin Dahlgren; an aunt, Gullan Dahlgren, who cared for

Ulla and her brothers after Elin Dahlgren died in 1948; and several other uncles and aunts. Ulla’s family and friends found comfort in the words of an old Swedish hymn Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara. Memorial contributions may be made to Arbor Covenant Church, Madison, Wisconsin or to Agrace Hospice Care, Madison, Wisconsin.

Howard Eugene Weaver – Viking No. 730 Dr. Howard Eugene Weaver, 88 years old, of Grand Blanc, Michigan, passed away on Thursday, March 15, 2012, at Grand Blanc Rehabilitation and Nursing Center. Dr. Weaver was born on July 1, 1923. Howard Weaver’s interest in the world around him has been a part of his life from his earliest moments. He turned a youth’s passion for nature, fishing, and hunting into a lifelong avocation. From an Eagle Scout to a Junior Naturalist, one of the first two in Indiana, to a University Professor, to a valued Advisor and Leader. Howard Weaver’s lifelong contribution in the fields of Natural Science and Forestry can be seen as a natural consequence of combining abiding interest with a strong sense of purpose and direction. Howard Weaver answered the call of duty in 1942, when he enlisted in the Army and proceeded to serve throughout the duration of World War II. His return to civilian life meant a return to his formal education, and in 1947 Howard Weaver earned his undergraduate degree in Forestry and Conservation from Purdue University followed, in 1948 by a Masters degree, and his Ph.D. in Nature and Science Education in 1952 from Cornell University (and thus we know him as Doctor Howard Weaver). Howard Weaver’s devotion to all things of Nature played out in the specifics of his professional pursuits as well. He turned his “hands on” field experience as a State Park Naturalist and his educational experience into educational expertise delivered in the Texas A & M College System and later at the University of Illinois. Along the way he found the time to author and publish numerous pieces surrounding the topics that defined his professional life: books concerning forestry and natural history; articles educating readers on environmental matters and outdoor recreation; and he worked on an historical view of Crossroads Village and the Huckleberry Railroad, apparently a real labor of love. In later years, there was no evidence of Howard Weaver slowing down as his contributions were unabated: the Silver Beaver Award from the Boy Scouts’ Tall Pine Council and his involvement as an Advisor to several community wide organizations such as Crossroads Village, the Grand Blanc Senior Center, and the Grand Blanc Public School System. His expertise, dedication, and leadership have been repeatedly recognized in the roles he had been called upon to fill. The honors and awards that have been bestowed upon Howard Weaver over the years, such as the R.B. Stewart Society at Purdue University, could themselves be the subject of an entire article. Howard Weaver was accompanied on his life’s journey by Dorothy Peterson, his wife of 56 years. After Dottie’s death in 2005, Howard Weaver had been uncommonly blessed by the presence and support of Ruth Sutton as his Life Companion, representing a new chapter in their 15 year friendship. A memorial service was held at First Congregational United Church of Christ, in Grand Blanc, Michigan.


Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP Upcoming Events Saturday, August 11, 2012: Steak Fry with Crayfish Sampling. 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm; Call for Information. Sunday, September 9, 2012: the 33rd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival. 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; Adults $10.00, Children 12 and Under FREE * FREE PARKING * Rain or Shine * Look for the Scandinavian flags! Saturday, October 6, 2012: 12th Annual Fish Boil / Harvest Festival, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm; Boil at 2:00 pm, serving immediately. A great time is planned with music and entertainment. Reservations please by October 1, 2012 to (847) 695 – 6720. Saturday, October 27, 2012: Annual Meeting to elect Officers and Class A Trustees, 10:00 am to Noon, Bethany Lutheran Church, 8 South Lincoln Avenue, Batavia, Illinois. Complimentary Breakfast begins at 9:00 am. Saturday, November 3, 2012: End of Season Clean Up and Luncheon for Volunteers. Vasa Park, South Elgin, Illinois. Saturday, March 2, 2013: Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP’s Annual Spring Dinner Dance and Fundraiser. Des Plaines Elks Club, Des Plaines, Illinois. Make note of events at Vasa Park, Route # 31, South Elgin, Illinois.; (847) 695 – 6720.

Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin, Inc. The Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin, Inc. has many activities of interest to members in the Wisconsin area. The goal of the organization is to promote a greater knowledge and appreciation of persons of Swedish descent in the growth and development of Wisconsin and to maintain cultural interest in Swedish heritage. One of the events they sponsor annually is the Scandinavian Midsommar Celebration at Old World Wisconsin, an outdoor museum / historical park located in Eagle, Wisconsin. It’s a convenient location in southeastern Wisconsin and draws people from Illinois, Minnesota, and Michigan as well as throughout Wisconsin. The attendance is over 300 people, and they are grateful for the assistance of other Scandinavian organizations including the local Linde Lodge No. 492 of VASA, the Sons of Norway, and the Finnish – American Society. There is no admission charge since the Old World Wisconsin organization graciously welcomes them each year to use their facilities free of charge and provides a Swedish meal for purchase in their restaurant. They have also held their annual Julotta for over thirty years, usually at Whitnall Park Lutheran Church in Hales Corners, Wisconsin. This 7:00 am Christmas morning service is conducted in Swedish and English in the tradition of early Swedish immigrants and as it is in Sweden today. All are welcome to join them for the service and for coffee afterwards. The membership meetings during the year cover a variety of topics of contributions of Swedish Americans to the American Experience as well as cultural ties to present day Sweden and celebrations of Swedish traditions. The following is a list of past events; readers of the Valhornet may find this information of ethnic interest to them, and are invited to visit at for more detailed information.

NORDIC COUNCIL New Berlin, Wisconsin

MARCH 10, 2012: Swedish Immigration And The Dreams Of America. Their dreams, preparation for the trip, and the treasures they brought. Redemption Lutheran Chuch, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

The Nordic Council is looking for new members, replacements for some of the board members, and new ideas for 2012. Monthly meetings are held from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at the New Berlin Public Library, in New Berlin, Wisconsin. Please consider joining! Contact Marge Gruel for information via email: or, or at 262 – 782 – 4522. Upcoming meetings dates are: Tuesday, August 7, 2012 at 7:00 pm Monday, September 10, 2012 at 7:00 pm Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Fest Site Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 7:00 pm - Scandinavian Fest Monday, October 8, 2012 at 7:00 pm Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:00 pm

MAY 12, 2012: Martha Bergland, writer, spoke about Eric Berglund, a Swedish immigrant from Bishop Hill, Illinois, who served in the Civil War. Eric Berglund worked as a boy in a printshop and then joined the Swedish volunteers at the age of 17. He fought at the battle of Shiloh, as well as other battles, and then earned a field commission to West Point, graduating at the head of the class of 1869, the first of Swedish birth to graduate. He taught mathematics at West Point and lived much of his life in Baltimore, Maryland. Martha Bergland has written two novels, A Farm Under a Lake (translated into Swedish) and Idle Curiosity. She taught writing at Milwaukee Area Technical College in Oak Creek for 17 years and is now retired. Redemption Lutheran Church, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

THE CENTRAL SWEDISH COMMITTEE OF CHICAGO Central Swedish Committee of Chicagoland (CSCofC) Irene Strom Spejcher at 847-394-1108 Check out the website for the most up-to-date information and upcoming events.

JUNE 24, 2012: Scandinavian Midsommar at Old World Wisconsin, Eagle, Wisconsin. Celebrated the summer solstice Swedish style. Majstång, flower crowns, musicians, folk dancers, and good food. Bev Olson Wenzel, Publicity and Promotion Chair Swedish American Historical Society of Wisconsin, Inc.



LOCAL LODGE CONTACTS Grand Lodge Convention Siljan-Mora-Tuna # 134

4 February 1908

2014 - Hosted by District Lodge New York No. 4 Evergreen Park, Illinois

District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Annual Convention 2013

(708) 352 – 0042

Lisa Cianci

3 – 5 May 2013 – Co-Hosted by Brahe No. 245 and Linde No. 492 Thor # 147

3 October 1908

Channahon, Illinois

(815) 458 – 0974

Siljan-Mora-Tuna # 134 Sandra Fletcher

15 July 2012 – Picnic at the Hult residence in Midlothian, Illinois Linné # 153

20 September 1909

19 August 2012 – Regular Meeting and Ice Cream Social South Bend, Indiana

(574) 272 - 4625

16 September 2012 – Regular Meeting; Pizza Party; Silent Auction Judi Parmley

21 October 2012 – Regular Meeting; Hallowe’en Party and Soup Supper Kronan # 179

6 September 1910

25 November 2012 – Election of officers for 2013; Christmas Party Chicago, Illinois

(847) 677 - 5181

20 January 2013 – Regular Meeting John Nygard

Kronan # 179 Bessemer # 203

16 October 1911

Evergreen Park, Illinois

(708) 423 – 4057

26 August 2012 – Meeting and Picnic James Pelzman

23 September 2012 – 102nd Anniversary of the lodge Brahe # 245

30 January 1913

Svea # 253 Rockford, Illinois

(815) 601-3922

5 August 2012 – Kräftskiva, Singing, and Pot Luck Dinner Scott Johnson

9 September 2012 – John Seest: Swedish Pipe Organs And Organ Music Svea # 253

29 May 1913

7 October 2012 – Ingeborg Lundberg: Midwifery In Sweden Indianapolis, Indiana

(317) 842 - 1783

4 November 2012 – Professor Jonas Björk: Student Life At Uppsala University John Bevelhimer

14 November 2012 thru 18 November 2012 – International Festival Nobel # 288

1 December 2012 – Rehearsal for Lucia Pageant and Svea Singers

19 February 1914

Moline, Illinois

(309) 797 – 6914

Linda Lootens

2 December 2012 – Lucia Pageant and Smörgåsbord Viljan # 349

7 October 1916

2 June 2013 – 100th Anniversary Celebration of the lodge at the Latvian Center Batavia, Illinois

(815) 895 – 2102

Linde # 492 Thomas Cleveland

25 August 2012 – Kräftskiva at the home of Liza and Rolf Ekstrand Austin # 466

6 April 1925

8 September 2012 – Annual Picnic and Swedish Immigrant Program with costumes Chicago, Illinois

(773) 477 – 0875

Satellite # 661 Robert Oberg

9 September 2012 – Planning for October Fish Boil, Lucia, and 2013 Programs Linde # 492

6 June 1927

7 October 2012 – Annual Fish Boil; Nominating Committee Report New Berlin, Wisconsin

(262) 366 - 9152

Liza Ekstrand

4 November 2012 – Genealogy by Roger Drong; Open Faced Sandwiches Joe Harbor # 534

27 April 1929

15 December 2012 – Luciafest: Pageant and Christmas Celebration; refreshments Saint Joseph, Michigan

(269) 429 - 4207

Linda Tjernlund

Bishop Hill # 683 4 July 2012 – Galva Freedom Fest Parade, with Pride Of The Family #209 Satellite # 661

22 April 1961

22 July 2012 – Pancake Breakfast at the Vasa National Archives; fundraiser Kalamazoo, Michigan

(269) 623 - 3756

27 July 2012 – Potluck at Courtyard Estates in Galva; Musical Entertainment Carol Olson

28 July 2012 – Lodge picnic in Galva Park, with Pride Of The Family #209 Bishop Hill # 683

25 March 1968

26 August 2012 – Kräftskiva Crayfish Party and Barn Dance at Colony School Bishop Hill, Illinois Jeff Anderson

(309) 932-2068

28 September 2012 – Weiner Roast and Pot Luck; Program by Tom Ashby 26 October 2012 – Crazy Hat Night and Hallowe’en Gotcha at Vasa Archives

Hagar # 721 Mount Prospect, Illinois

12 November 1977 (847) 297-4645

16 November 2012 – Election of officers; Program: Trip Through Sweden Keith Emrikson

1 December 2012 – Lodge Christmas Party and Smörgåsbord; Lucia Program Viking # 730

15 May 1981

Viking # 730 Flint, Michigan

(810) 639 – 6705

25 August 2012 – Business meeting to plan the Fish Boil; Potluck Dinner Eric Swanson

9 September 2012 – Annual Fish Boil at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Lindgren # 754

14 October 1995

14 October 2012 – Hallowe’en Party at Elks Club in Grand Blanc, Michigan Green Bay, Wisconsin

(920) 469 - 1919

Dorothy Juengst

Jubileum # 755

17 November 1996

11 November 2012 – Harvest Dinner and Thanksgiving Feast; Business Meeting 8 December 2012 – Business meeting and Lucia Planning; Potluck Dinner Madison, Wisconsin

(608) 835 – 5152

15 December 2012 – Lucia Christmas Dinner at Elks Club in Grand Blanc, Michigan Gunnard Swanson

13 January 2013 – Business Meeting, and Restaurant Dinner Nordik Folk # 761

29 January 2006

19 January 2013 – Annual Planning Meeting; Potluck Dinner Munster, Indiana

(219) 845 - 6948

10 February 2013 – Valentine’s Party; Business Meeting; Restaurant Dinner Michael Pearson, Jr.

10 March 2013 – Business Meeting; Restaurant Dinner 13 April 2013 – Panning Meeting for Valpurgis Nite; Potluck Dinner 20 April 2013 – ValBorg Spring Fest with Fireworks; Valpurgis Potluck Dinner Pride Of The Family # 209 29 and 30 September 2012 – Jordbruksdagarna / Agriculture Days 27 October 2012 – Swedish Christmas Ornaments workshop; Christmas foods 23, 24, and 25 November and 1 and 2 December 2012 – Julmarknad; Tomte

The list includes a name, location, telephone number, and/or e-mail address for each of the 19 local lodges in District #8. Please send contact information to Joella Hultgren (editor) at:; (317) 733 – 3493; or 13650 Amblewind Place, Carmel, Indiana 46074 – 8227.

21 VALTHORNET District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8 Vasa Order Of America Joella D. Hultgren 13650 Amblewind Place Carmel, Indiana 46074 - 8227

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Nordikids No. 208 performed at their SpringFest on April 29, 2012, in Schererville, Indiana.

Club Leader (third from right, back row) Lynn Stolar, and District Master (far right) Tom Cleveland, and the members of Förgät Mig Ej Children’s Club.

VALTHORNET is the official publication of the District Lodge Lake Michigan No. 8, Vasa Order of America, and is published in Indianapolis, Indiana. The VALTHORNET is published quarterly in the months of January, April, July, and October. All news items, photographs, and regular articles should reach the editor (see page 2 for contact information) by the 15th day of the month before the month of publication, i.e. 15 March, 15 June, 15 September, and 15 December. All address changes should be sent to: Joan Graham, Grand Secretary, 5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, California 94804; Email: or

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