Winter 2012

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The Grand Master’s Message Bill Lundquist Dear Vasa Brothers and Sisters, We are well underway recovering from Vasa’s large financial losses of 2009 thanks to your understanding and generosity. Through your support of new fundraising efforts and donation of your OA&B surpluses combined with the current GL Board’s dedication to a budget designed to support only essential spending, we have been able to get our financial focus back. I ask all Districts to continue to support these donation efforts annually in order to restore Funds. The Grand Lodge Financial Report doesn’t appear in this issue of the Vasa Star because of an audit delay, but will be sent via e mail distribution and available on the website as soon as possible. The printed copies will be in a future issue of the Vasa Star this year. Wherever I travel within the organization I hear the desire to restore the Education Fund and the Scholarship Program which can be accomplished through strong donation to the annual Stamp Campaign. Thank you to those dedicated members who accepted my challenge in the last issue of the Vasa Star and made additional gifts to the 2011 Stamp Fundraiser. Additional stamps were sent to all Districts and an additional $1,500.00 has been received bringing the total to $15,000.00 with more contributions coming every day. I can only hope that all Vasa members contribute to this fundraiser next year when another beautiful stamp will be introduced. Thank you to those members who generously contributed to the annual Jul Gran Fundraiser in support of the Vasa National Archives, Bishop Hill, IL. Personalized ornaments honoring loved ones were hung on the tree during the dedication service in December. The service was attended by five Archive Board members, the Archivist, Grand Lodge appointed officers, District Lodge No. 8 board members as well as members of Bishop Hill Lodge. The newest member of the Archive Board, Helen Haumacher and her husband, Art traveled the longest distance (New Jersey) to participate. The program was video taped and appeared on both Vasa websites, and I remain overwhelmed by the devotion many local lodges give to the celebration and preservation of Scandinavian culture. The challenge is developing a way to share these great programs with those who find program development difficult. I often encourage cultural leaders to plan programs using the internet where information is at our fingertips. Internet accessibility is a greater challenge than first anticipated. Many members still do not use computers as District Secretaries will attest. With that in mind, I am developing alternative initiatives to provide our members “an exciting Vasa,” one that will encourage new members as well as keep our existing members. I receive a District Report each time I visit a Convention. I read of the amazing work done by District Cultural Leaders and Historians internationally. These dedicated leaders express a willingness to help others. I’ve contacted several of them and they’ve volunteered to help me create “Cultural Care Kits” available to local lodges either electronically or in hard copy. I’m hopeful that this effort will burn up limitations on the local lodge level that are holding us back related to maintaining member interest in cultural preservation. This will make the Vasa Order better and stronger. I encourage you all to shake off any discouragement and negativity and work together for the “Good of the Order.” In Truth and Unity Bill Lundquist, Grand Master

Kära Vasabröder och Systrar! Vi är på god väg att återhämta oss från Vasas stora finansiella förlust 2009 tack vare er förståelse och generositet. Genom ert stöd för våra nya ansträngningar att samla in medel och donationerna av överskottet i de Nordamerikanska logernas ‘Old Age and Benefits Funds,’ tillsammans med innevarande styrelses inriktning på att endast nödvändiga utgifter får rymmas i budgeten, har vi kunnat få tillbaka vårt finansiella fokus. Jag ber alla berörda distrikt att fortsätta stödja dessadonationer årligen för att återställa de medel vi behöver. Storlogens finansiella report finns inte med i detta nummer av Vasastjärnan på grund av en försenad revision men den kommer att sändas ut via mejl och också sättas upp på webbsidan så snart det är möjligt. Den tryckta rapporten kommer att finnas med i ett kommande nummer av årets upplaga av Vasastjärnan. Vart jag än reser inom organisationen, säger man att man önskar återställa Utbildningsfonden och vårt Stipendieprogram, vilket kan uppnås genom avsevärda donationer till den årliga Brevmärkeskampanjen. Tack till de hängivna medlemmar som tog min utmaning i förra numret av Vasastjärnan och gav ytterligare gåvor till Brevmärkeskampanjen 2011. Fler brevmärken skickades ut till distrikten och vi har fått in ytterliga $1,500.00, vilket höjer det totala beloppet till $15,000.00, och fler bidrag kommer in dagligen. Jag kan bara hoppas att alla Vasamedlemmar bidrar till denna insamling nästa år, när ett annat vackert brevmärke kommer att introduceras. Tack till de medlemmar som generöst bidrog till den årliga Julgransinsamlingen, som stödjer Vasa Arkivet i Bishop Hill, Illinois. Personliga julgransprydnader till minne av nära och kära hängdes på granen under dedikationsceremonin i december. I ceremonin deltog fem av Arkivets Styrelsemedlemmar, Arkivarien, några av Storlogens utsedda Tjänstemän, Styrelsemedlemmar från Distriktslogen nr 8 och medlemmar av Bishop Hillslogen. Den nyaste medlemmen i Arkivets Styrelse, Helen Haumacher och hennes man Art, reste den längsta sträckan (New Jersey) för att deltaga. Programmet spelades in på video och visades på Vasas båda webbsajter, och Jag är fortfarande överväldigad av den hängivenhet som många Lokala Loger visar när det gäller att fira och bevara den Skandinaviska kulturen. Det kan vara en utmaning att hitta sätt att dela med sig av dessa fina program till dem som tycker att programutveckling är svårt. Jag uppmanar ofta Kulturledarna att planera sina program med hjälp av internet, där information finns lätt tillgänglig. Att ha tillgång till internet har dock visat sig vara en störrre utmaning än vi först trodde. Många medlemmar använder fortfarande inte datorer, vilket Distriktssekreterarna kan intyga. Med detta i åtanke håller jag på att utveckla alternativ för att ge våra medlemmar “en spännande Vasa Orden,” som kan locka nya medlemmar och bidra till att behålla våra nuvarande medlemmar. Jag får en Distriktsrapport varje gång jag besökar en Konferens. Jag läser om det enastående arbete som Distriktskulturledarna och -Historikerna gör internationellt. Dessa hängivna ledare visar en villighet att vara till hjälp för andra. Jag har kontaktat flera av dem och de har erbjudit sig att hjälpa mig skapa “Kulturella Redskapsset” för de Lokala Logerna antingen på elektronisk väg eller i tryckt form. Det är min förhoppning att detta arbete ska eliminera sådana begränsningar på den lokala logenivån, som håller oss tillbaka när det gäller att säkra medlemmarnas intresse för att bevara vår kultur. Detta kommer att göra Vasa Orden bättre och starkare. En vänlig uppmaning till er alla: skaka av er känslor av uppgivenhet och negativitet och arbeta istället tillsammans för “Ordens Bästa.” I Sanning och Enighet Bill Lundquist, Stormästare



Winter 2012 Vol. 105, No. 1, Serial 848

Deadlines for The Vasa Star:

Published by: Vasa Order of America

Winter Deadline is January 1; Spring Deadline is April 1 Summer Deadline is July 1; Fall Deadline is October 1 Picture and article, 200 words or less.

HEADQUARTERS: c/o Joan Graham Grand Secretary 5838 San Jose Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 Phone: 510-526-5512 E-mail:


Please send pictures of good quality in order for them to reproduce well in The Vasa Star. Electronically submitted photos should be scanned in JPEG format at a resolution of 300 dpi.

For submitted Lodge articles, please add city and state. Thanks! Price for Christmas Greetings – $30.00 column inch Deadline for Lucia articles is January 1

Grand Master: Bill Lundquist 1456 Kennebec Rd. Grand Blanc, MI 48439 Phone: 810-695-3248 Cell Phone: 810-845-5065 E-mail:

IN MEMORIAM Please read instructions on how to send and pay for Obituaries.



It is the listing for every lodge in the Vasa Order, with meeting locations and officers, and addresses and telephone numbers for all Grand, District, and Local lodges as well as all Children’s Clubs and Activities Clubs.

Circulation Manager: (All Address Changes) Joan Graham 5838 San Jose Avenue Richmond, CA 94804 Phone: 510-526-5512 E-mail: Send bottom section of white copy of application for new members to her.

Membership Chairman: Art Bjorkner 31 Vasa Drive, Hackettstown NJ 07840-5314 USA

In an effort to cut costs, the Vasa Directory will be provided to every district and local lodge via an email attachment. It has been re-formatted so that it can be printed on your home printer, on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. Please take it to your local office supply store to make copies for those in your lodge who don’t have computer capability. It can be copied “double sided,” and put into a binder or notebook. If no one in the lodge has the capability of printing the Vasa Directory, please contact the Grand Secretary Joanie Graham, and a paper copy will be sent to you. DIRECTORY IS ON THE VASA WEBSITE You can also check the Vasa website to locate Grand, District, and Local Lodge information. U.S. Postage Service Statement of Ownership Management and Circulation

Advertising: Only electronic submissions Send to: Joan Graham E-mail: Invoices will be submitted electronically (via e-mail)

Advertising Prices: Full Page Black and White Half Page Black and White Quarter Page Black and White One Column Inch

$500.00 $275.00 $150.00 $ 30.00

Half Page Color $500.00 Full Page Color $800.00 Available only for inside front cover, inside back cover or back cover. 10% discount for Vasa Lodges and Members

THE VASA STAR (ISSN 0746-0627) is published quarterly by the Vasa Order of America. Periodicals postage paid at Richmond, CA, and additional entries. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Vasa Star, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804.

Vasa Star Winter 2012

1. 2. 3.

Title of publication: Vasastjarnan, The Vasa Star. 1A. Publication No. 65-0702. Date of filing 9/30/11. Number of Issues Published Annually: 4 3A. No. of issues published annually: 4. 3B. Annual subscription price: Members’ dues include magazine; subscription-$10 yr. 4. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804 5. Complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business office: 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804. 6. Names and complete addresses of publisher, editor and managing editor. Publisher: Vasa Order of America, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804. Editor: Marie Carlson, 9560 Curberry Dr., Mentor, OH 44060. Managing Editor: William L. Lundquist, Grand Master, 1456 Kennebec Rd., Grand Blanc, MI 48439 7. Owner: Vasa Order of America, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804 8. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other: None. 9. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for Federal income tax purposes has not changed during preceding 12 months. 10. Extent and nature of circulation: Average no. copies each issue during preceding 12 months. A. Total no. copies: 8,133. B. Paid or requested circulation. 1) Sales through dealers, carriers and counter sales: 0. 2) Mail subscription: 7,984. C. Total paid and/or requested circulation: 7,984. D. Free distribution by mail–0. 3) Other classes mailed through the USPS: 0. E. Free distribution outside the mail: 149. F. Total free distribution: 149. G. Total distribution: 8,133. H. Copies not distributed: 0. I. Total: 8,133. J. Percent paid and/or requested circulation: 98%. 11. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete: Joan Graham, Business Manager, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804.

Cover: Swedish Jul Bock enjoying a beautiful snowy Michigan day. Picture by: Bill Lundquist, Grand Master

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Letter from the Editor (pro tem) First, the Grand Lodge wishes to thank Marie Carlson for the tremendous job she did as Vasa Star Editor since 2002. Marie made many improvements to the magazine during her tenure and we appreciate her style and expertise. After completing this issue as the pro tem Editor, I certainly appreciate her efforts. We wish her great success in her new endeavors in Sweden as a “hemspråkslärare” home language/mother tongue teacher in English. You will notice something new on the cover - a change in the monthly designation. Instead of identifying the months, the designation will describe season when the activities were held. Thus, the “Winter” issue will report on the activities held during the previous winter months, “Spring” issue will report on the activities held during the spring months just concluded, etc. This more descriptive way of identifying each issue will remove the feeling that each issue was “late,” when receiving it “after” the designated months. We are happy to be able, finally, to produce a printed issue of The Vasa Star following two web-only issues. The GL Executive Board was not happy to have to produce two web-only issues, but financial limitations forced this budgetary decision. The plan is to produce four printed issues during 2012. However, this will probably be the last glossy magazine produced. We are looking at several options to lower the cost – possibly a newspaper or newsletter format. A definite money saving solution is to produce an online-version simultaneously for those members who prefer to read The Vasa Star online. This will reduce printing and mailing costs tremendously by removing those members from the snail-mail mailing list. Please read the article in this issue about this option and let me know if you prefer this method of receiving The Vasa Star. The position of Vasa Star Editor is open and anyone wanting to explore this job opportunity is encouraged to contact the Grand Master Bill ( or the Grand Secretary Joanie ( for more information, a job description and an application. Thank you for your patience with me as I try to wear the Editor’s hat without giving short-shrift to the Grand Secretary’s responsibilities. Joanie Graham

Tillförordnade Redaktören har ordet Först önskar Storlogen tacka Marie Carlson för det fantastiska arbete hon har lagt ner på Vasastjärnan sedan 2002. Marie gjorde många förbättringar till tidningen under sin tid och vi uppskattar hennes stil och expertis. Efter att, som tillförordnad redaktör, ha gjort färdigt det här numret, uppskattar jag verkligen hennes arbete. Vi önskar Marie stor framgång på hennes nya äventyr i Sverige, som hemspråkslärare för engelsktalande. Ni kanske märkte att vi har ändrat framsidan. I stället för att datera med månad har vi nu årstiden då tidningen publiceras. Det betyder att vi nu rapporterar alla vinteraktiviteter in numret “Winter.” Likaså är “Spring” numret för vårens aktiviteter, osv. Detta sätt att datera blir mera beskrivande och leder till mindre missförstånd. Det blir inget nummer som “kommer ut försent.” Det är trevligt att kunna producera ett nummer av Vasastjärnan i tryck, efter att ha varit tvungna att göra två som endast kom ut i web format. Som många av er vet, var vi tvungna att göra detta av finansiella skäl. Planerna är nu att publicera fyra tryckta nummer i år. Vi söker att på alla sätt minska kostnaderna och behöver förmodligen ändra format och kanske också papperskvalitet. Ett garanterat sätt att minska kostnaderna vore att producera en on-line version och leverera den till alla som gärna skulle ta sin prenumeration så. Det skulle minska tryckkostnaderna avsevärt genom att ta bort dessa medlemmar från den tryckta distributionslistan. Läs mer om detta i en artikel i detta numret och låt mig få veta om ni föredrar att få Vasastjärnan levererad på detta moderna sätt. Positionen som Vasastjärnans chefsredaktör är vakant. Om du funderar på att ta det jobbet kan du kontakta Stormästare Bill ( eller Storlogssekreterare Joanie ( för att få mera information, med en arbetsbeskrivning och en ansökan. Tak för ert tålamod när jag försöker vara redaktör och samtidigt göra allt som sekreterarjobbet kräver. Joanie Graham Page 4

Thank You Vasa PAGE 16

TABLE OF CONTENTS Archive News ....................................................5 Grand Lodge News ...........................................7 Lodge News .......................................................9 Swedish Lodge News ......................................20 Youth News .....................................................21 Culture.............................................................21 Swedish Language Corner.............................22 Welcome to New Members ............................25 In Memoriam ..................................................26

Sheldon Cornwell, GTS Lucia 2011

PAGE 18 Vasa Star Winter 2012

ARCHIVES NEWS Vasa National Archives The Archives are located in Bishop Hill, Illinois, at 109 South Bishop Hill Street. The building was built in 1974 to make room for archival material, museum items, library references, as well as a nice bright room on the lower floor for exhibitions, meetings and conferences. Materials in the archives consist of different items that have been donated by kind-hearted people – saved documents and writings, microfilms, books and photos of interest to future generations. Where can you find Lennart Setterdahl’s unique collection of interviews with immigrants? About 1000 tapes are in the process of being converted to digital media. This unique collection is a contribution to future generations of stories about their ancestors who came from different parts of Sweden. People can sit in our library and hear how they had it in Sweden, their trip across the Atlantic, and their experience when they settled in the United States. In many cases, it was a hard journey. Disease and severe weather took many lives. At one point, it is said that they had four potatoes, but that was for eight people. During the 1940s there was much poverty in Sweden and many had to move to the “poor house.” During that time, the Vasa Order of America sent coffee to various poor homes in Sweden. There are two thick hard cover books with letters of thanks from people who received these packages. Thank you letters are divided into provinces from all over Sweden. Several also sent photos of old men and women enjoying their coffee hour. Many of the items donated to the archives are on display in the Museum, such as wooden objects, tools, coins, stamp collections, beautiful hand-painted furniture, paintings, etc. A library and conference rooms are on the second floor. There is a “Swedish corner” for more contemporary information about Sweden, such as maps and Swedish tourist destinations. If anyone would like assistance about bookings for travel, staff will be able to help. In the library, there are old and new books in both English and Swedish. There are Bibles from 1800 and various encyclopedias. Genealogy In the archives, we also work with family histories, both in Sweden and the United States. This is an interest that seems to increase among people more and more each year. Today we work in five different programs. We digitize even our own members and their relatives. Many visitors to our site are amazed at the range that we can offer – books with emigrants’ names, hardcover books with stories from Galva magazine (no longer in existence). We also have catalogs from groups dedicated to genealogy. Arkivet Arkivet är beläget i Bishop Hill, Adressen är: 109 South Bishop Hill St, IL. En underbar byggnad som uppfördes 1974, ljusa fina lokaler, som ger utrymme till Arkivet, museum, bibliotek, såväl som en fin ljus lokal i undervåningen för utställningar, medelstora möten samt konferenser. Arkivet innerhåller olika alster som har skänkts av godhjärtade människor, Arkivet har sparat dokumet, skrifter, microfilmer, böcker, foton, för kommande generationer. Där kan Du Vasa Star Winter 2012

Group in Norra Sverige Nr 19 in 1946.

finna Lennart Setterdahls unika samling av intervjuer av imigranter, ca 1000 kassettband som nu omvandlas till digital media, Emigranterna kom från olika delar i Sverige och slog sig ner i USA. Denna unika samling är ett bidrag till framtida generationer, otroligt intressant att lyssna på, De som har tur att finna sina förfäder här kan sitta ner i vårt bibliotek och lyssna timma efter timmar, på hur dom hade det i Sverige, resan över Atlanten, och när dom slog sig ner i USA. I många fall berättar dom om vilken hård resa det var, och många kom aldrig fram. Sjukdomar, svält och kraftigtväder tog mångas liv. För dom som kom fram väntade ett hårt arbete. Vid ett tillfälle berättas det om att dom hade fyra potatisar, men dom var åtta personer. Under 1940 talet var det mycket fattigdom i Sverige, och många fick flytta till “fattighemmet.” Under den tiden skickade Vasa Order Of America kaffe till olika fattighemmen i Sverige, idag finns det två tjocka inbunda böcker med tackbrev från dessa hem. Tackbreven kommer från hela Sverige och är i dessa två böcker uppdelade i landskap. (med många av tackbreven har det även skickats med foton) Svart/vita gamla kort på damer och herrar som njöt av kaffestunden. Många av de alster som skänkts till arkivet finns i Museet för allmännheten att beskåda, såsom träföremål, olika verktyg, mynt, frimärkssamlingar, vackra handmålade möbler, tavlor mm På 2:a våning finns det tillgång till bibliotek, konferensrum, och en “svensk hörna” för mer nutidsinformation om Sverige, såsom kartor, Svenska turistmål, Och om någon önskar hjälp och råd om olika platser, eller med bokningar, så finns det personal som kan hjälpa till. I vårt bibliotek finns det både gamla och nya böcker på Engelska och Svenska. Många av böcker är av äldre årgång och innerhåller även gamalsvenska, Det finns också biblar från 1800 talet, uppslagsverk, svenska hantverksböcker, kokböcker, olika romaner mm. Släktforskning På Arkivet arbetar vi även med släktforskning, både i Sverige och USA. Ett intresse som verkar öka ibland människor mer och mer för varje år. Idag arbetar vi i 5 olika program, vi digitaliserar även våra egna medlemmar samt dess släkt. Många av våra besökare till museet, blir förvånade över det utbud som vi kan erbjuda, olika böcker med emigranternas namn, inbunda böcker med reportage från Galva magazin dessa innerhåller även ett register med namn, (Tidningen är numera nerlagd), vi har också diverse olika kataloger från olika grupper som släktforskar.

Submitted by: Viktoria Kofoid Page 5

Vasa National Archives Honor Roll of Donors Heritage Fund Campaign May 1, 2011 to February 8, 2012 Thank you for your generosity Adams, Karen G. Agauld, Roerta Anderson, Dorothy B. Anderson, E. & V. Anderson, Evelyn C. Anderson, Grace N. Anderson, Karin Anderson, Norman E. Anderson, Robert L. Anderson, Shirley K. Anderson, T. C. Axelsson, Lloyd & Linda Barrett, Verna Nordland Barthelson, Glenn Belden, Robert & Norma Berglund, Eva B. Bergquist, Stephen A. Betolucci, Estelle Bjorkner, Art & Nancy Blomgren, Gustave E., Jr. Burman, Bob Burnett, Hellen J. Busch, Cheyenne Carlson, Anna L. Carlson, Kenneth & Phyllis Carlson, Paul C. Carlson, Rita D. Carlson, Robert W. Clarki, Birgitta L. Clausen, Betty Jane Clyatt, Ann Marie Collin, Linda M. Cusson, Doris M. Dawn, Margaret M. Dcheirer, W. H. De-Lima, Ulla Dement, Joanne & J. Payton Dorner, Eleanor Ekstrand, Elisabeth M. Erickson, Richard L. Erickson, Victor Ernes, John & Linnea Fisher, Bonnie L. Folkesson, Lars Fredrikson, Alice M. Freja Lodge #100 Friesen, Ulrika & Quint Froemming, Barbara G. Glenn T. Seaborg Lodge #719 Grandin, John & Lina Gullbrand, Howard A. Gustafson, Clifton S. Hammarstrom, Margareta Hanson, Henry & Mildred Harris, Lois Marie Hayward, Nancy C. Hedlund, Nancy Hellberg, Kjell & Cheryl Hildebrand, Janet Hillegonds, Florence Hiryak, A. E. Hofmann, Kristina Gustafson Holmes, Charlotte V. Holtermann, Kathryn Hult, Sten & Nancy Hultgren, Tore & Marianne Jarrell, Dr. David & Barbro

Page 6

Jenny Lind Lodge #388 Jensen, Donna Mae Johansson, Doris Johansson, Peter Johnson, Anna & Earl Johnson, Carolyn E. Johnson, Donald & Joyce Johnson, Donna N. Johnson, Edryce Johnson, Jennifer L. Johnson, Kenneth M. Johnson, Niel M. Johnson, Raymond & Constance Jones, Richard & Marilyn Josephson-Sullivan, Helene Jubilee Lodge #692 Judah, Joyce S. Kaaid, Paul & Patricia Kantar, George & Ann Knowlton, Margaret E. Kronan Lodge #179 La Grande, Jane P. Lambert, David & Deborah Larson, Alden A. Larson, Karen L. Larson, Lilly E. Larson, Willard R. Leafdale, Keith Leopold, Shirley L. Lindow, Tom Long, Kenneth E. Loreen, Florence V. Lutz, Jay A. McCaffery, Karin McKinnon, Janice R. Mills, Doris A. Mills, Hazelle E. Mueller, Roberta L. Murry, Marian Nelson, Jean M. Stohl Nettz, Louise & Roger Nielson, Martine & Gilbert Nilsson, Bruno & Britt Nilsson, Lars-Ove Norrskenet Lodge #331 Norton, John E. Nowlan, Juleen Nygren, Ethel M. Oliveira, Mary Ellen Olson, Florence V. Orchel, Margareta B. Orlandi, Christopher D. Pacific Southwest District #15 Pagano, Sandra Johnson Patzer, Dorothy E. Pennsylvania District #9 Peterson, Anita C. Petersson, Lennart Phoenix Lodge #677 Pohlman, Clyde R.

Sales, Robert & Twyla Salk, Bob & Carolyn Sandler, Jane Scheele, Birgitta Scheirer, Bevin Schewe, Al & Dorothy Schueman, Gerald & Margaret Seberger, Cheryl Sharp, Nancy J. Shearer, Louise Shoberg, Ray W. Silver, Elsie E. Sipos, John & Susan Smith, E. S. Smith, Gail Snowberg, Karen Sommer-Weddington, Lennea J. Sonntag, Theodora Steinmiller, Linda Johnson Strandberg, J. & M. Sutor, Doris Swanson, Barbara Swanson, Swan & Rosanna Swenson, Geraldine A. Sylvander, Roy & Joan Tafvelin, Nils & Britta Tegner, Arvid Y. Tennis, Ann Thompson, Ellen Hammar Thoreen, Joann E. Tonder, Robert E. Tornquist, John Torstensen, Elvi Touve, Leslie Valentine, Stacey Velander, Gurlie I. Vickstrom, Edward C. Wahlmark, John Wahlstrom, Paul Weaver, Gerald E. Weaver, Howard Wendel, Michael D. Werner, Fenis & Mildred Wieselquist, Erik S., Jr. Wilczynski, Andrea Wyler, Viola R.

Vasa National Archives Honor Roll of Donors Ever Living Julgran Campaign October 1, 2011 to February 8, 2012 Given in Memory of Your Loved Ones Who will Live in your Hearts Forever Anderson, C. Anderson, Dorothy R. Anderson, Erik Anderson, Evert R. Anderson, Dr. & Mrs. George Anderson, Grace N. Anderson, Roger & Judy Andersson, Dorothy P. Atherton, Jane A. Barret, Verna N. Barthelson, Glenn Belden, Norma & Bob Bendall, Arthur Bennett, Alice Ternlund Benson, Dorson Bergh, Marianne Berglund, Eva B. Bergman, Rolf & Marty Birtwistle, David Bjorkner, Art & Nancy Blakeman, Brant & Laura Boor, Suzanne Brandon, Phyllis Lindquist Broden, Clark E. Byerly, Jayne Carlson, George Carlson, Rita Carlson, Robert W. Carlson, Ronald Carlson, Sylvia R. Carlsson, Bo & Glenda Carter, Evelyn R. Carter, Ralph R. Choudhry, Laily Cleveland, Tom & Susan Crooker, Jill K. Danielson, Mary Lou Dawless, Walter & Brenda Dostmann, Marie Doty, Fae Doule & Doucette Drake, Betty B. Ebbersten, Robert Ekstrand, Liza & Rolf Elfvin, Bruce B. Eliason, Carl Ellis, C. & B. Elston, Charles & Marilyn Emihl, Walter A. Erickson, Richard L. Eskilson, Evald & Barbara Evans, Kathleen Feely, Carol J. Ferguson, Stina Avahn Finnerty, Beverly Folkesson, Lars Forsblad, Karin Frank, Stephen Franson, Kay Freja Lodge #100

Quarfordt, Pernilla

Gaviola, Roselind Giffin, Mary-Joan Gildea, Delores M. Gomez, Karen Soderberg Gรถta Lejon Lodge #84 Graham, Joan Lindquist Guidara, June W. Gullbrand, Howard A. Gustafson, Karen K. Gustafson, William F.

Richardson, Edmund & Edith Richmond, Blanche L. Roper, Ingrid H. Ryan, Beverly Hendricks

Haggblad, Richard H. Hammarstrom, Margareta Hanson, Shirley M. Harvey, Anne Charlotte Haumacher, Art & Helen Haywood, Nancy C.

Hendrickson, Jack & Elizabeth Hillander, Hans Holtermann, Kathy Hudson, Michael A. Hult, Sten & Nancy Hultquist, Jeana & Larry

Norton, John E. Nyberg, Philip & Patty

Jessen, Maxine A. Johansson, Doris E. Johnson, Arlie E. Johnson, Dorothy R. Johnson, Edryce Johnson, Evelyn Johnson, Karl A. Johnson, Mae D. Johnson, Marion & Hagard Johnson, Niel Johnson, Phyllis H.

Pantaleo, Vito & Louise Patzer, Dorothy E. Peterson, Cynthia J. Peterson, Frank & Vangie Peterson, Mike & Corky Petersson, Lennart Petterson, Craig

Olsen, Magda I. Olson, Britt-Marie Family Olsson, Lennart H. Oquist, Marvin & Sandra

Kellgren, Tore & Birgitta Kelly, Marion J. Kessel, Ann & Dick Kiesel, Gene & Dawn King, Thomas & Jeannie Korfanta, Anna Greta Kronan Lodge #179 Landstrom, Britta Larson, Frank E. LeBlanc, Ashley Leopold, Shirley L. Lesko, Ingrid Lidman, Elna G. Lindberg, Erik & Birgit Lindgren, Donald R. Lindgren, Sven Lindquist, Daga-Karin M. Littlejohn, Vera E. Ljunggren, Harriet Long, Kenneth E. Lundquist, Bill & Sheila Lundstrom, Bo Lynn, Iva Magnusson, Erland Maguire, Dorothy McCaffery, Karin Melin, Tracy L. Meloskie, Terry Mendelson, Carol Meyer, Elinor S. Michalski, Harry & Patricia Mihelich, Josephine Mills, Doris A. Mishel, Louise Mlsak, Franz & Maj-Britt Moberg, F. Alden Moritz, Gaylynn Armstrong Mossberg, Siw & Gunnar Muniz, Mona Naslund, Irene Nelson, Morris New Jersey District #6 Nielsen, Joyce A. Nord Lodge #392 Nordholm, Catherine Nordic Folk Dancers CHG Norman, Joyce

Rasmussen, Robert Renzi, Norma & Joseph, Jr. Roach, Carolyn Roberson, Susan Peterson Rosengren, Howard & Dianne Rudberg, Ted & Jenny Sack, Norman Salk, Robert & Carolyn Sanderson, Henry A. Saterstrom, Selma M. Schenholm, Sandi Schmutz, Alice M. Schroeder, Alice Schroeder, Daniel & Mary Setterdahl, Lilly Shipley, Monica & Family Shoberg, Ray Signor, Fred & Chu Smith, Dale & Linda Smith, Lynda & Herb Sodergren, James Solstad Lodge #709 Spalin, Robert G. Stake, Richard & Marjorie Strandberg, Jeffrey Svea Lodge #469 Swanson, Bibi Swanson, Florence Tegner, Arvid Y. Tennis, Ann Tiegen, Jeanne E. Torstensen, Don & Elvi Velander, Gurlie I. Wahlmark, John Waligowski, Monica Walkup, Janet P. Wallen, Eva Waller, Earle Wallin, Arne Wallin, Chuck Walty, Nancy D. Weddington, Linnea & Andy White, Charles & Minet Wiese, Maj & Roger Wieselquist, Erik S., Jr. Wiggins, Daniel & Jeanette Williams, Sheldon R., Jr. Wreigard, Margaret A.

To view the Ever Living Julgran Dedication Service held on Dec. 3, 2011 at the Vasa National Archives in Bishop Hill, Illinois go to: http://www.vasaarchives. com/special_events Vasa Star Winter 2012

GRAND LODGE NEWS GRAND SECRETARY’S REPORT GRAND TREASURER’S REPORT FISCAL YEAR 2011 Due to a delay in the report from the auditor, the Grand Secretary’s and Grand Treasurer’s Reports for fiscal year 2011 (May 1, 2010 – April 30, 2011) will be printed in a future issue of The Vasa Star. By the time you read this, copies of both Reports will have been sent via e-mail attachment to all e-mail addresses in the GS’s lists. If you did not receive a copy of the Reports and wish one by e-mail or regular mail, please contact GS Joanie Graham at or 510-526-5512 for a copy.

How Would You Like Your Vasa Star? Online or Print? In an effort to reduce the high cost of producing The Vasa Star, many options are being discussed – by the GL Executive Board and by many Vasa members. Many people have said they do not like the online version because they do not have internet access. Others just prefer to have the magazine to hold in their hands when they read it. In order to have a print version every time, we are

Shortly before going to print, we received the sad news that Past Grand Treasurer C. Richard Overberg passed away on Monday, February 6, 2012. Our condolences to Richard’s wife Dorothy and family, as well as to the members of Local Lodge Svea No. 296 and DL Pennsylvania No. 9. Richard was a dedicated and faithful Vasa member and will be sorely missed by all who knew him. Richard was Grand Lodge Deputy to DL PA #9 1998-2002 and served as Grand Treasurer 2002-2010.

looking at many different options, for example: four issues per year instead of six; different, less glossy paper; newspaper or newsletter format instead of a magazine; charge a subscription fee, i.e. $10 per year; online version for those who prefer it. Postage accounts for about 30% of the total cost of producing The Vasa Star. One option would be to mail the Star to those who prefer the print copy and not mail to those who prefer the online version. To give the GL Executive Board an idea how many people would prefer to have the online version, please send an email to Joanie Graham, Grand Secretary and Circulation Manager/Vasa Star to be counted. We will determine if this is a viable option to lower both the printing and mailing costs. If you prefer online only, email: Please share your thoughts with your Regional Grand Lodge Executive Board Member on how to reduce costs for The Vasa Star: Eastern Region: Art Bjorkner, 31 Vasa Dr., Hackettstown, NJ 07840; Midwest Region: Sten Hult, 14951 Kenton Ave., Midlothian, IL 60445; Western Region: Ed Netzel, 9105 Thilow Dr., Sacramento, CA 95826; Canada: Ken Banks, Box 46 Site 5, RR1, Thorsby, AB T0C 2P0; Sweden: Ulf Alderlöf, Uttervägen 12, SE 372 50 Kallinge;


Imagine…spending a week during the middle of winter on a beach in Southern California! The sun is shining, a gentle breeze is blowing, and the temperature is in the 70s or 80s. In 2005 the Grand Lodge received a donation of a time share at the San Clemente Inn in San Clemente, California. The current Grand Lodge Executive Board has voted to sell the time share and is offering this opportunity to all Vasa members. The highest bidder will take ownership and the proceeds will go to the Education Fund. San Clemente is a charming coastal town half way between Los Angeles and San Diego and within easy driving distance to all the wellknown vacation spots. Explore the web site for the San Clemente Inn at DETAILS: Ours is a “Breaker” unit; 485 sq. ft.; sleeps four; separate bedroom with a queen-size bed; two Murphy single beds in the living/dining area. Galley kitchenette with full-size refrigerator, a two burner stove and microwave oven. ¾ bath (with shower). Time period: “Swing” – one week during December through February. Our time share is part of Vacation Resorts International (VRI). The annual assessments run just under $700. Serious bids will be accepted through June 15, 2012. For more information and to submit a bid, contact the Grand Secretary Joanie Graham at

Submitted by: Joanie Graham, GS Vasa Star Winter 2012

Page 7

Grand Lodge Education and Scholarship Funds Honor Roll of Donors January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 Thank you for your generosity Anonymous Abraham, Leigh Ahlberg, Kenneth & Norma Albrechtsen, Al & Gunhild Alexis, May-Britt Allen, Christina & William Allen, Dale Almquist, Nellie Gunhild Anderson, Grace Andersen, Jeanne & Brad Anderson, Bob Anderson, Borjer Anderson, Carl & Sylvia Anderson, Evelyn Anderson, Gayle Anderson, George & Mildred Anderson, Karla Anderson, Kenneth Anderson, Lena Anderson, Louise Anderson, Marion Anderson, Norman Anderson, Oscar & Dorothy Anderson, Ralph Anderson, Robert Anderson, Shirley Anderson, Westen Andersson, Anders Antonson, Jane Antonson, Kermit & Anna Arneson, Karin Arvidson, Carl R. Asplund, Ray Atherton, Jane Athey, Margareta Bachan, Lisa (Davidson) Ball, Lillian Baltic Lodge No. 689 Bana, May Carlgren Barrett, Verna Barthelson, Glenn Belden, Norma Benacci, Berit Bennett Alison Berg, Connie-Lu Berg, Herbert E. Berggren, C. Otto Bergman, Martha Bergman, Rolf & Marty Bergstrom, Albion Bergstrom, Donna Beruldsen, Jacob Birch, Betty Bishop, Barry Bjorkner, Art & Nancy Bjorkner, Kurt & Cheryl Bjorling, Elizabeth Blaser, Sarah Bloomquist, Lorraine Book, Velma Boor, Suzanne Bosson, Chell Bostrom, Roland Boyes, Kristin Brainard, Janell Brandon, Phyllis Lindquist Briggs, Dawn L. Brown, Cheryl Bruce, Marion Buchman, Jean Bulin, Hildur Burman, Bob Calleja, Karin Campbell, Virginia Carlen, Birgitta & Jan-C. Carlson, Ann Carlson, Anna Carlson, Arthur Carlson, Carl

Page 8

Carlson, Clarence Carlson, Dorothy Carlson, Eric & Margery Carlson, George & Arline Carlson, Harold Carlson, Ingrid Carlson, Joseph Erik Carlson, Robert Carlson, Ruth Carlsson, Bo Carpenter, Shirley Carter, Evelyn Carter, Ralph Catrone, Susan Caves, Karin Cepielik, Elizabeth Chilcote, Karen Clark, Birgitta Clark, Russ & Margaret Collin, Linda Conrad, Jonathan Cook, Hazel Cook, Lois Crummey, Gunnel

Gordon, Evelyn Gorman, Irma Graham, Celeste Graham, Joan Lindquist Grandin, John Green, Arline Green, Dawn L. Green, Retta Greenough, Madeline Guethe, Inger & Joachim Guidara, June Gustafson, Clifton Gustafson, James R.

Haag, Leif Haaheim, Ellen Haas, Louise Haderle, Ronni Haffey, Mildred Hallberg, Robert Hammarstrom, Margareta Hammer, Ludvig Hancock, Barbara Hanson, Henry & Dackow, Aina Mildred Dahlstrom, Nancy Hanson, Victor Davis, Leena Harless, Judith Dawn, Margaret Harper, Felicity DeMent, Joanne Harrington, Ellen Dill, Birgitta Hart, Kerstin Rita DL Lake Michigan No. 8 Harvey, Anne-Charlotte DL New York No. 4 Hayward, Nancy DL Pennsylvania No. 9 Hedlund, Gerd Dobres, Donald Helberg, James Docksteader, Sharon Henderson, Diane Dorner, Eleanor Hendrickson, Elizabeth Doty, Fae & Lee Hendrickson, Miriam Doyle, Merial Herberts, Sylvia Drott Lodge No. 168 Hersh, Bill & Sandie Duffy, Ruth High, Bodil Dugan, Jean Hildebrand, Janet Dunbar, Emily Hillander, Hans Hiryak, Audrey Earnest, Ron Hochberg, Susanne Edmark, Harvey Hodder, Prudence Eklund, John Hogan, Elayne Eklund, Sharon & Gary Hohler, E. Lillian Ekstrand, Liza & Rolf Hollcraft, Kristine Elfvin, Bruce Holm, L. Emihl, Walter Holmberg, Victoria Englen, Nick & Vicki Holmes, Charlotte Erickson, Alice Holmquist, Eric Erickson, Ayleen Holtermann, Kathy Erickson, Brent Holtermann-Docto, Mimi Erickson, Cynthia & John Hovis, Linda Erickson, Dwayne Hovland, Margareta Erickson, Richard Howe, Elin Erickson, Victor Huebner, Mary Ann Eriksson, Lloyd Huggett, Elinor Eriksson, Maude Hughes, Kathryn Eskilson, Evald & Hult, Sten and Nancy Barbara Hurtubise, Lee-Ann & Carl Fahlstedt, Carl & Ragna Hutchison, Greta Falk, Frederick Fassl, Rosemary Iverson, Alice Feltus, Richard & Elsie Ferrazzano, Ruth Jacobs, Maria Filbeck, Loren & Evelyn Jahn, Thomas & Finnstrom, Maj-Britt Margareta Forsblad, Karin Janson, Wm. & Anne Forsman, Evelyn Louise Fossen, Julian Jansson, Kyle Foster, Norma Jensen, A. Fraser, Robert Jensen, Lillian Fravel, Elna Jernberg, Inger Froberg, Nils Johanson, Ragnhild Froemming, Barbara Johansson, Doris Fulton, Laurie and Steve Johansson, Jorgen Johnson Raymond Gadde, Frances Johnson, Ann Gallie, Per Raymond Johnson, Beda Gaviola, Roselind Johnson, Betty Gerkman, Mary Johnson, Donna Glatz, C. William Johnson, Earl K. Glinski, Sally Johnson, Grant & Golden, Carol Corinne

Johnson, Janice Johnson, Jeannette & Harland Johnson, Lavone Johnson, Lyle Johnson, Millie Johnson, Niel Johnson, Ralph Johnson, Robert Johnson, Ronald Johnson, Ruth Johnson, Susan Johnson, Swen & Elsie Johnston, Mr. & Mrs. John Jones, Richard & Marilyn Jordan, Lois Jorgensen, Thelma Jothen, Marjorie Kalwat, Katherine Karen Soderberg-Gomez Karling, Maidie Karlsson, Svea Karlstrom, S. Olof Kellgren, Tore & Birgitta Kelly, Marion Kiesel, Gene and Dawn Kindberg, Michael Kinnison, Ann-Marie Klein, Jeffrey Klooster, Marilyn Larson Kolbeck, Larry & Susan Kristiansson, Leif & Siw Kritzer, Karen Lambert, David R. Lantz, Malle Freudig Larson, Brian Larson, Ernest Larson, Jack & Linda Larson, Lorraine Larson, Robert Lawson, Madelyn Lehman, Janice Leipold, Barbara Leopold, Shirley Levig, Anne Siren Lidman, Elna Liljenwall, Geoffrey & Cassandra Lind, Wallace Lindberg, Eira Lindberg, Erik & Birgit Lindblad, Elsa Lindgren, Sven Lindhe, Inger Lindquist, Edna Lindstrom, Doris Linne Lodge No. 153 Linsmaier, L. & J. Littlejohn, Vera-Elisabet Ljunggren, Harriet Ljunggren, Paul Loff, Per-Olof Long, Kenneth Lowell, Marla Lua, Sandra Luce, Louise B.W. Lundahl, Patricia Lundberg, Richard C. Lundgren, Marian Lundquist, Bill & Sheila Lundstrom, Bo Madsen, Sharon Majava, Irene Mattison, Caryl Mattson-Grosso, Wendy Mattsson, Bengt Mayette, Merlene McCaffrey, Karin McConnell, Sandra McCrillis, June McGrath, Elaine McKillip, Karen (nee Seaman) Melberg, Margaret

Meling, Charlotte Michel, Asta Mihelich, Mrs. William Mills, Doris Moberg, Alden Moline, Jacqueline Molloy, Josephine Morgan, John Morrison, Don and Ellen Mullenbach, Linda & Hugh Muniz, Ramona Muscarella, Isabella Myrberg, Alice Naim, Tahir Nelson Family Nelson, Charles Nelson, Debra Nelson, Eunice Nelson, Janet Nelson, Jean M. Stohl Nelson, Robert Nettz, Louise Niarhos, Charles & Edith Nichelini, Mary Ann Nielson, Dolores Lenore Nilsson, Bruno & Britt Nord Lodge No. 392 Nord, George & Marge Nordic Lodge No. 611 Nordic Lodge No. 708 Nordin, Dale & Lilian Nordquist, Joyce Nyblad, Mildred Nyborg, Marie-Louise Nylund, Shirley Nyroos, Raul Odell, May O'Grady, Britt Ohlsson, Gun Oinas, George & Carol Olmstead, Audrey Olsen, Magda Olson, Donna Olson, Ken & Susan Olson, Kenneth & Madeline Olson, Lee Olson, Marilyn Olson, Robert Olympic Lodge No. 235 Oquist, Marvin Orlandi, Kristina Carlson Orlando, Richard Osden, Carol Osden, Dawn Pantaleo, Vito & Louise Pasco, Jean Patman, Carrin Patzer, Dorothy Pearson, Earle & Diantha Pearson, Gordon Pearson, Nels & Lisbeth Pearson, Robert & Marcia Pefferly, Nancy Pelzman, James & Patricia Peterson, Anita Peterson, Edwin & Cherstin Peterson, June Peterson, Linda Peterson, Roy Petersson, Lennart Petersson, Sandra Petronzio, Pam Polutanovich, Larry Popescu, Kerstin Post, Janice & Arthur Potter, Margaret Price, R. and Erickson, M. Puttner, Werner & Asta

Quarfordt, Pernilla Radel, John and Kerstin Rasmussen, Beatrice Raymond, Norma Rees, Fredrick & Mona Renud, Douglas Richardson, Edith Richmond, Edward & Blanche Riston, Karen Roberson, Susan Rolerat, Betty Roncarti, June Rooth, Signe A. Rosenquist, Beth Roy, Renee Rudberg, Jenny & Ted Ruser, Charlotte & Theodore Sack, Norman Salmonson, Gerd Satterlund Family Scandinavian Lodge No. 667 Scheirer, Bevin Schelin, Carol Schmidt, Marion Schmutz, Alice Schneble, Karen Schon, Lars & Lucy Schreyer, Linea Schueman, Margaret Seaholm, Marian Seberberger, Cheryl Segerberg, Maurice & Yvonne Seltzer, Marylou Senno, Greta Shearer, William Shoberg, Raymond Sierant, Staci Siljan Mora Tuna Lodge No.134 Silver, Elsie Simmons, Cheryl Sipos, John & Susan Skogen Lodge No. 700 Smith, Gail Smith, Linda Smith, Lynda & Herbert Snowberg, Karen Soderblom, Marshall Spaberg, Gary & Gunlog Spalin, Robert Stahl, Dorothy Stake, Richard & Marjorie Stenberg, Arthur & Judith Stenstrom, Jan Strand, Gwendolyn Strandberg, Jeffrey Strasburg, Gunn Strode, Clara Stuyvesant, Judith M. Sund, Sonja Sutor, Doris Svedberg, Ove & Mary Swanson, Carl Swanson, Louise Swanson, Swan & Rosanna Swedish Consulate Milwaukee Swenson, Charlotte Swenson, Russell Sylvan, Marta Sylvander, Joan Szymanski, Maria

Thompson, Ellen & Dick Thoreen, Brian & Sonja Thoreen, JoAnn Thorin, Erik & Karin Thornquist, Shannon & Lennart Three Crown Lodge No. 91 Thurfjell, Laila Tometich, Marion Tornquist, John Torstensen, Don & Elvi Touve, Leslie Travelers Lodge No. 758 Turnquist Valentine, Stacey Velline, Chris Viking Lodge No. 730 Von Rueden, Ruby Von See, Nancy Wahlmark, John Wahlton, Ray Wallen, Eva Wallin, Charles Wallin, Karin & Alrik Walson, Joan Carlson Walters, Judith Warden, Jane Carlson Weaver, Robert & Catharina Weber, Nora Weeden, Christine Wells, Mildred Welsh, Katarina & Michael Wenner, Lambert Werner, Finis Westenburg, Wendell Whited, Noel "Ostrom" Wickstrom, Anne Marie Widman, Helen Wiebke, Ingrid Bagge Wiese, Maj Wieselquist, Erik S., Jr. Wikstrom, Bertil & Sandra Wild, Constance Wilkening, Ruth Wilson, Ralph & Edna Wilson, Stephen Wood, Betty Wood, Marie-Louise & Charles Wooster, Richard L. II Wreigard, Margit Wright, Curtis & Linda Yarger, Kathryn Yarwood, Margareta Yencer, Anna Stina Zarli, Lily

Tafvelin, Nils Tegner, Arvid Teigen, Jeanne Tennis, Ann Thenstedt, Paul & Nancy Thofson Family

Vasa Star Winter 2012

LODGE NEWS Brage-Iduna Lodge #9

Scandia Lodge #23 Manchester, CT

Springfield, MA How gratifying it was that so many people came out to experience our Lucia celebration during the Christmas shopping season on December 11! There were families of children’s club participants, friends, lodge members, and some from the general public. Announcements in several area newspapers perhaps attracted newcomers to this Scandinavian celebration. The venue for Brage-Iduna Lodge’s Lucia event is St. Paul Lutheran Church in East Longmeadow. Its sanctuary provides a devotional type setting for this ceremony. Explanations of what the Lucia enactment means were given in readings by several of the participants, as well as in lodge chairwoman Margaret Falkowski’s welcoming remarks. Interspersed between music numbers, participants gave recitations describing the history of the Lucia legend; the customs and costumes of Lucia; and “the Modern Lucia.” Lucia herself expressed how “I am Lucia from Long Ago.” And there was a skit depicting activities of little “Tomtar.” This year’s lovely Lucia was Emma Balboni, daughter of Kristin Balboni and granddaughter of member Karin Johnson. Emma has been active in the Three Crowns Swedish Children’s Club since 2000. She attends the Renaissance School in Springfield where she excels in crosscountry, sings in the glee club, and enjoys playing guitar. Submitted by: John Morgan Photo by: Larry Radner

“waiting” which is the focus of Advent. Remembering a Martyr provides inspiration for us to live a better life. Rachel Hansen was Saint Lucia. She is fifteen years old and already an accomplished vocalist. The Emanuel Children’s Choir sang Santa Lucia. Woosug is providing formal musical training for children. The exceptionally high quality of this training was obvious in the impressive quality of the singing by the Children’s Choir and Rachel. Submitted by: Ed Gawlinski

Bringing back a favorite tradition I have been looking through old photo albums and enjoying memories of past Christmas celebrations. I have found, and read many articles from the Vasa Star about the Saint Lucia Pageants at Emanuel Lutheran Church of Manchester that had been sponsored by Scandia Lodge No. 23 (VOA). I had been director of this pageant for twenty years and have seen girls come back year after year. In the twenty years I’ve seen some girls start as a tomte at three or four years old, and continue until they were a senior in high school and portrayed Saint Lucia herself. Between rehearsals and performances, Saint Lucia had been a very important part of our Christmas celebrations for twenty years. I was no longer able to keep this performance going, and for the past several years there has been no Saint Lucia celebration in Manchester. This year, the organist, Woosug Kang is reviving this Swedish custom. Rather than a separate performance, Woosug used a Saint Lucia procession as the opening of the normal Sunday worship services on December 11. This emphasizes the message of

North Star Lodge #106 Los Angeles, CA

Carolina Pall, who represents North Star Lodge #106 as Lucia at the Christmas dinner on December 11, 2011.

Please remember the Grand Lodge Scholarship Fund and the Vasa National Archives when making a memorial donation. Vasa Scholarship Fund, Joan Graham GS, 5838 San Jose Ave., Richmond, CA 94804 ~ Vasa Archives, Jake Gruel, Financial Secretary, 13716 W. Lilac Lane, New The highlight of Brage-Iduna Lodge’s year: Luciafest performed by Three Crowns Swedish Children’s Club. Vasa Star Winter 2012

Berlin, WI 53151.

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Fylgia Lodge #119

Thule Lodge #127

San Francisco, CA

Jamestown/Bemus Point, NY

Gott Nytt År from San Francisco! In October 2011, Fylgia celebrated her 104th Anniversary. Members and guests enjoyed a wonderful anniversary dinner at Schmidt’s restaurant in San Francisco’s Mission District. In December 2011, Fylgia members were active with lodge holiday activities. On December 3, 2011 Fylgia had a table/booth at the annual SWEA Christmas Fair, which dispensed membership information and highlighted our cultural events – especially our splendid annual Julbord! Members beautifully decorated Freya Hall on the second floor of the Swedish American Hall for Fylgia’s annual Julbord dinner held on December 13, 2011. Over fifty guests enjoyed an absolutely delicious and festive dinner, which included a visit from Santa Claus (Richard Wooster) bearing gifts – and a wonderful guest agreed to make an impromptu appearance as Santa Lucia! Ted Olsson, as Master of Ceremonies for the Santa Lucia procession, served as delightful storyteller. While all members pitched-in to make this holiday event a smashing success—Astrid Olsson coordinated the Julbord menu and evening – and is very deserving of “tack så mycket!” Please join us in 2012 at the historic Swedish American Hall in the heart of San Francisco for cultural events. For more information on our upcoming cultural calendar of events and for additional photographs, please see:, where our current chair, Scott Schulkin, is diligently updating Fylgia Lodge’s website on the Vasa Order of America homepage. Submitted by: Victoria Lynn Peterson, Vasa Star Correspondent Photograph by: Victoria Lynn Peterson Page 10

Nels John Nelson, who serves as the outer guardsman for Thule Lodge #127, played Christmas music on his harmonica, accompanied by assistant mistress of ceremony Bernice Veights. Nelson has been playing the harmonica for 80 years.

Hello to everyone from the Thule Lodge #127 in the Jamestown/Bemus Point, NY area. Our lodge will begin its 105th year of preserving the Swedish heritage, and we look forward to a wonderful and busy time. We continue to hold our meetings, dinners and activities at our lodge located at 4123 Pancake Hill Road. The Thule Lodge will begin its summer season in April with meetings being held on the fourth Thursday evening at 7 p.m. On that April Thursday, our lodge will be celebrating “walpurgis” night. Even though we do not have farm animals to let outside for the summer, it is always a good time to clean up the lodge and get ready for summer activities. Recently our lodge held its annual elections. Elections were conducted by past chairman and past district master Edwin Sandberg. Ralph Veights will continue to serve as our lodge chairman. Others officers are: Jeff Anderson, vice chairman; Carolyn Ostrom, secretary; Donna Sandberg, financial secretary; Loretta Smith, treasurer; Fanchon Fuller, cultural leader; Donna Johnson, mistress of ceremony; assistant Bernice Veights; Don Carlson, inner guardsman; Nels John Nelson, outer guardsman; Diane Shaw, chaplain; John Sipos, historian; Robert Fuller, trustee; and Wayne Nelson,auditor. The annual Doppa I Gryta was held just prior to Christmas at our lodge. In addition to a wide variety of Swedish food, the group was entertained by Nels John Nelson on his harmonica. Bernice

Veights accompanied on the piano. Historian Sipos read to all a Christmas Eve story Scandinavian style. A good time was enjoyed by everyone. Thule Lodge will begin its spring and summer seasons with pancake breakfasts, meatball dinner, fish dinners, and special events right after the winter season. Thule Lodge #127 wishes all a happy spring and summer season, and welcomes all to visit our lodge. “God dag” to all! Submitted by: John Sipos, Lodge Historian

Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 Cleveland, OH The Lucia celebration for NobelMonitor #130 in Cleveland took place on Dec. 10 at Forest Hill Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights. Our annual event began with our Julbord shared by about 120 members and friends. The basket raffle and a Jul butik were successful fundraisers. A silent auction was held for a framed counted cross-stitch of the Swedish table grace donated by our member Dorothy Carlson. Our Lucia this year was Melanie Graham, age 12, who has been participating in the Lucia pageant for 10 years. She lead the procession of Lucia attendants and Starboys, all singing in Swedish. Melanie’s solo was Luciavisan (The Lucia Song) also sung in Swedish. Continued on next page Vasa Star Winter 2012

Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130

Tegnér Lodge #149

Continued from previous page

Oakland, CA Tegnér Lodge No. 149 of Oakland, CA, held its Lucia program and Christmas smörgåsbord on Dec. 10, 2011 in Björnson Hall. About forty people were present. Meagen Youngdahl was our lovely Lucia. She is an English and Film student at the University of California, Berkeley. She is learning Swedish and will be taking a translation workshop with the poet Robert Hass in the spring. Meagen plans to go to England next summer to study at the University of Cambridge. Our Lucia had one attendant and three star boys. There were Annika Zamora, Keegan Lister, Kristopher Root, and Joacim Zamora. Inga-Lill Fivian read the Lucia Story. T. C. Brevitz played music for us and our singers were Tore Kellgren, Elsy Mattsson, Ingrid Andersson, Kathryn Hughes, and Marie Ann Hill. They led us in singing the Lucia song and Christmas carols. A lively raffle finished off the evening. Submitted by: Ann Tennis

Lucia Melanie Graham

Melanie is in 6th grade at Shaker Middle School, plays the violin, swims, likes to read, draw, and travel. She participates in the youth program at her church along with being in choir and a bell choir. The Lucia pageant was preceded by a concert by the Vasa Voices under the guidance of our new director, Zachary Siler. Our accompanist was Charlotta Enflo, our 1997 Lucia! The year 2012 will bring a big change to our lodge meetings. After more than 30 years at our present location our lodge will no longer meet in the community center due to a sharp increase in rent. We will begin meeting at Messiah Lutheran Church, home to some of our Vasa members, which will also be able to host our Lucia activities next year. At our January lodge meeting Cheryl Brown, our District Deputy from Svea #296 in Erie, PA, we will be installing the officers for 2012. Our new Chairman is Dick Erickson, also known to some as the treasurer for DL Pennsylvania #9. Submitted by: Marty Bergman, Past Chairman

Vasa Star Winter 2012

Keegan Lister, Kristopher Root, Meagen Youngdahl, Annika Zamora, and Joacim Zamora.

Drott Lodge #168 Washington, DC Drott Lodge celebrated Lucia on December 11 with the largest participation in many years, both in terms of the number of children processing and the size of the adult chorus, many attired in traditional Swedish regional dress. Lucia coordinator Karin Alexis Frenze explained the Sankta Lucia story prior to the lowering of the lights and commencement of the music. Lucia, 15 year-old Olga Prokunina, led the stately procession of attendants, a star boy, and four tomte. One family welcomed all with the song Goder Afton, the adult chorus led the singing of several Swedish songs, the tomte acted out excerpts from the famous Viktor Rydberg story about farm children searching for a missing baby reindeer, and all the children sang heartily the famous chorus, “Tipp, Tapp, Tipp, Tapp…” in perfect harmony. Lucia sang a solo of the beautiful Bethlehems Stjärna and later performed a fiddle duo with her stepfather, Master Fiddler Göran Olsson. The Jul party included dancing around the Christmas tree, a Kid’s Corner opportunity to paint dala horse tree decorations, a Julbord complete with glögg, and, of

course, a visit from Santa, who was especially attentive to each child as he distributed age-appropriate goody bags. Olga, our multi-talented Lucia, is a 10th grader at Richard Montgomery High School in Rockville MD. An A+ student, her activities and interests range from singing and playing fiddle, guitar and ukulele to rock climbing, karate, multilingual fluency and the ambition to become a practicing physician and medical researcher. Submitted by: Carol Whitley

Lucia Olga Prokunina Page 11

Monitor Lodge #218

Skandia Lodge #247

Sacramento, CA

Pasadena, CA

Monitor Lodge No. 218 in Sacramento “visited” Philadelphia at their November meeting. Leading up to the dinner meeting put on by Dinner Team 1, the lodge newsletter explained what a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich is, along with some Swedish History about the “City of Brotherly Love.” Over 80 members and friends were quite verbal in their compliments to the cook team for a meal well done. For more information on the goings on at Monitor Lodge, visit our Website at Submitted by: Jack Larson

Brahe Lodge #245 Rockford, IL Fifty hungry people partook in our Vasa Brahe Lodge PANCAKE BREAKFAST in our Vasa Park Lodge on Sunday, October 30, 2011! Our breakfast consisted of “svenska pannkakor,” lingonberries, syrup, sausages, orange juice, and coffee! Among our guests were two visiting Swedes from Sverige-Barbro from Uddevalla and Ingegerd from Brålanda. Afterwards, we gave them a tour of our large Vasa Park in Rockford, IL!

December 20, 2011 was the scene of the annual Lucia celebration at Skandia Lodge No. 247, Pasadena, California. The outstanding group of boys and girls, with Rachel Demarjian as Lucia, was directed by Birgitta Roodsari, assisted by Kathleen Demarjian. We were also blessed with the accordionist excellent, Mr. LeRoy Anderson. LeRoy brought his grandson, Allen, with him and we all enjoyed a wonderful visit throughout the afternoon. It is a joy to note that several of the boys and girls in the pageant are repeat performers – the Cepielik grandchildren, Chaz and Edyn have been Star Boys for 9 and 7 years respectively and Matea who is five this year has participated two times already and new members Violet and Rueben’s granddaughter as a new performer. With introductions by Skandia Chairman Nel Solt the afternoon included not only the Lucia Pageant but a visit from jolly old St. Nick represented by his special jolly family Kitty and Bob Cota. Dinner was included with the evening and a Swedish/Scandinavian Christmas Julbord was served to our guests. Many thanks to all the members and guests for staying and putting everything back in place and order. We have elected our officers for the new term and they will be installed at the January meeting with our new Chairman Jane Hendricks. So ‘til next time – keep smiling and stay strong. Onward and upward. Submitted by: Dr. Jackie Ahlen

Submitted by: D. G. Eksten, Vasa Brahe Lodge #245 member

Lucia for 2011, Rachel Demarjian Page 12

Vasa Star Winter 2012

Svea Lodge #253 Indianapolis, IN

guages led by Iva Lynn, Eija Vesterqvist, and the Svea Singers. A delicious smörgåsbord, glögg and other beverages, raffles, Jultomte, ring dancing, and tempting merchandise for sale at the Swedish Emporium, managed by Susie and Mark Swanson, all contributed to a memorable and happy event.

medal in a race this year. Amber is the daughter of Randy and Rhonda Bojanski and the granddaughter of Sharon Lilledahl, member of Vasa Lodge. Submitted by: June Soderlund

Submitted by: Joella D. Hultgren

Svea Lodge #296 Erie, PA

Lucia for 2011, Marissa Childs.

4 December 2011: Lucia Celebration and Julfest is always a special event and this year’s festivities were held at the Latvian Community Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. This year’s Lucia was Marissa Childs, who is 14 years old and a 9th grade honor student at Highland Junior High School. At school she plays on the Varsity Soccer Team, and plays the Flute in the Anderson High School Marching Highlanders Band and Alto Saxophone in the Jazz Band. Marissa is a member of the Drama Club and had parts in the school productions of “Beauty and the Beast” and “Aladdin.” As a student of Svea Skolan she’s participated in Swedish language classes and has also helped for several years at the Svea Lodge booth at the annual International Festival in Indianapolis, Indiana. At church Marissa is a member of the Youth Hand Bell Choir and the Youth Group. She’s been a lifelong volunteer with Pet a Pal, an organization which does pet visits and pet parades at local nursing homes. Marissa is the daughter of Svea Lodge No. 253 members Ingrid and Mark Childs of Anderson, Indiana. A record number 216 people attended, with 57 children at the event. The Lucia procession coordinator was Diann Ryan, assisted by Jonas Björk. Sara Olsson directed the children of Svenska Skolan, and other youths, in the Lucia pageant. The procession and children’s performance was followed by singing Christmas carols in a multitude of lanVasa Star Winter 2012

Amber Bojanski

Framåt Lodge #405 El Cerrito, CA

Emma Chaffee

Our annual Lucia Fest was held December 11, 2011 at Luther Memorial Church. Lucia was portrayed by Emma Chaffee, a senior at Fairview High School. She is a very talented young lady. She has studied at Long’s School of Dance for ten years. Also a singer – she has performed in her high school musicals, the last one being “Xanadu.” Next year in college, she will study Criminal Justice. Emma loves animals also – especially her two dogs Angel (a Jack Russell) and Bella (a German Shepherd.) She also has two cats to care for! Emma was Kris Kringle in last year’s Lucia Fest. She says she has enjoyed being Lucia, and would like to thank her family and friends for their support. Submitted by: Linda Collin

Omaha Lodge #330 Omaha, NE Amber Bojanski served as Sankta Lucia for Omaha Lodge 330 in Omaha, NE on December 11th. Amber is in the 7th grade at Bryan Middle School. She is on the swim team and won her first

Madison Chavez, Alicia Chavez, Anthony Chavez. On the evening of December 9, 2011, members, family, and friends of Framåt Lodge #405 gathered for the annual Smörgåsbord and Lucia Fest. Chef Ryan Brodie, a Framåt member, prepared a delicious array of traditional Swedish dishes. The table decorations, set by Yvonne Segerberg, included dalahästs and candelabra handmade by her husband Maurice Segerberg. Maurice and Yvonne are 69- and 62-year members of Framåt Lodge. Our beautiful Lucia was Alicia Chavez, her sister Madison was her attenContinued on page 14 Page 13

Framåt Lodge #405 Continued from page 13

dant, and Tomte was brother Anthony. Alicia, Madison and Anthony are the fifth generation of their family to celebrate their Swedish heritage learned from their morfar Jim Brodie and Great Grandmother Ellene Brodie – also a 69year member of Framåt Lodge. The traditional story of Lucia was read by Joanie Graham. At our 90th Anniversary in October, Framåt Lodge honored Maurice and Yvonne Segerberg and Ellene Brodie with Honorary Life Membership, in appreciation for their many, many years of dedication and hard work for the lodge. At the Installation of Officers in January 2012, Joanie Graham was presented Honorary Life Membership. Submitted by: Joanie Graham Photo by: Terry Roy

Evening Star Lodge #426 Los Alamitos, CA On Saturday, December the 17th, Evening Star Lodge No. 426 celebrated its 89th Anniversary as well as the 45th Anniversary of Morning Star Children’s Club No. 172 at the Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Garden Grove, CA. The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Chairman Haakan Spaberg. The evening begun with the Lucia Pageant led by our beautiful Lucia Liana Tomasevic, daughter of our past Lucia Stephanie DeVirgilio Tomasevic. The program was under the direction of past Lucia Stephanie Tomasevic with musical accompaniment by Marie-Louise Nystedt. Following the Lucia program, Chairman Haakan Spaberg introduced the following dignitaries attending our event: Grand Lodge Deputy Thomas Jahn; Grand Lodge Historian Carolyn Salk; District Master Susan Premo; Vice District Master Gunlog Spaberg; Past District Master Robert Salk; District 15 Master of Ceremonies Valerie Larson; and District Chaplain Gunilla Wotkins. Lucia Liana was presented with a commemorative amulet by Chairman Haakan Spaberg. The evening continued with a very special Swedish dinner prepared by the ladies of Evening Star Lodge. Cookies and cake was served following dinner. During dinner, the boys and girls of the Morning Star Children’s Club took Page 14

Morning Star Children’s Club presenting a Lucia Program at Evening Star Lodge’s 89th Anniversary.

charge of our opportunity drawing with gifts provided by lodge members. Past Lucias and mothers led the audience in typical Swedish and American Christmas songs. The evening concluded with singing

and dancing around the Christmas tree and the coming of the much awaited Santa Claus. Article and photo submitted by: Thomas Jahn

Joe Harbor Lodge #534 St. Joseph, MI Members and guests of Joe Harbor Lodge #534 attended the 17th Annual Smörgåsbord Candlelight Dinner and Concert on December 9, 2011 held at the Harbert Community Church in Harbert, Michigan. This event is presented each year by the Harbert Women’s Ministry. Over 200 people enjoy a traditional Swedish smörgåsbord prepared by church members and are seated at tables decorated for the Christmas season that include traditional Swedish adornments. Table hostesses coordinate decorations unique to each table and folks enjoy seeing the beautiful variations of the Christmas season expressed with Scandinavian inspired table settings. Every year the Joe Harbor Lodge has hosted one or two tables at this event and it is one of the highlights of the year for the lodge. The program for the event includes the singing of Swedish carols, the reading of the Christmas story and a concert. This year, the program featured the internationally known Christian pianist, Huntley Brown of Aurora, Illinois. He has performed at Billy and Ruth Graham events, the Crystal Cathedral in California and has toured throughout the world. He thrilled the audience with his arrangements of Christmas music. Brown invited the audience to join him in the singing of several Christmas carols. Submitted by: Colleen and Dennis Lundgren

L-R: Betty Albrecht, Berry Ross, Betty Apple and Colleen Lundgren.

Vasa Star Winter 2012

Olympia Lodge #550

Satellite Lodge #661

Olympia, WA

Kalamazoo, MI

Lucia and her court – Olympia Lodge #550.

Golden Valley Lodge #616

On December 10, 2011, Satellite Lodge #661, Kalamazoo, MI, celebrated the St. Lucia Pageant. Our St. Lucia was Kaijsa Johnson with her tarnor: Ingrid Johnson, Katherine Groesbeck and Annalise Piazza. The three stjargossar were: Lars Johnson, Erik Olson, and Steven Olson. Jon Cleasby was our Jul Tomte. Jon also delighted us with singing “Glad Tidings.” We sang several Swedish songs as well as favorite Christmas carols. Our Vasa Member Choir was wonderful. Following the pageant, we had food, fellowship and a lot of fun. We all look forward to next year’s celebration. Submitted by: Janis Forsberg

Van Nuys, CA Golden Valley Lodge celebrated their 65th Anniversary on September 25, 2011. It was held at Sportsmen’s Lodge in Studio City with one of our two remaining Charter members, Barbara Swanson, who spoke of how the sisters’ father in 1946 was instrumental in getting some people together and the Golden Valley Lodge was born. Her sister Lily Nelson is the other remaining charter member but was not able to attend this evening. Some 80 members and guests from as far away as Stockholm, Spokane, and Oregon enjoyed a selection of wonderful appetizers and refreshments followed by a tasty sit-down dinner and Anniversary Princess Cake. Sam Contis Orchestra was in charge of the entertainment. Whirling around the dance floor you saw GVL Chairman Bertil Winter, District Master Susan Premo, Past District Master Isabella

Muscarella and husband, Master of Ceremonies Frank Muscarella, Maidie Karling who had done a great job arranging the celebration, Vice Chairman Steve Tabanelli and wife Andrea Tabanelli (Chaplain), Vice Chairman (and Past Chairman) Kerstin Wendt, husband Bill Wendt (long time GVL secretary). PDM Daga-Karin Lindquist who now lives in Spokane was having a great time with her visiting sisters and their families from Sweden and USA. It was also great to see some of our younger members Emily Wendt, Daniel Wendt, Jessica Osman, William Osman, Lena Osman, and Anneli Anderson holding fort at their table. They have worked so hard during the year for GVL while attending schools in the state and studying. We are fortunate to have them in our organization. Submitted by: Maria Jacobs, Historian, GVL #616 Lucia Kaijsa Johnson

Phoenix Lodge #677

Charter member Barbara Swanson having a fun conversation with DM Susan Premo (standing), PDM Isabella Muscarella and husband Frank Muscarella, GVL Master of Ceremonies. Vasa Star Winter 2012

Phoenix, AZ Deja Taggart, our Lucia on December 10, 2011, is twelve years old and is in 7th grade at Sunrise Middle School. At her school Deja is in the Digital Learning Center for the gifted, which is a combination of honors classes. She is in her school’s Student Council, plays advanced violin in her school orchestra, and is a member of her school’s drama club. She has a passion for ballet and is on point for her studio’s performance of the Continued on page 16 Page 15

Phoenix Lodge #677 Continued from page 15

Nutcracker this December. Deja works with her Girl Scout troop to help 1st graders read at her former elementary school. Deja has been participating in the Lucia Festival since she was four years old and enjoys learning the songs. Her ancestors immigrated from Blekinge and Skelleftea, Sweden and were early settlers in Montana. She still has relatives living in Sweden and hopes to visit them someday as her father and her aunts did at her age. In the meantime during the summer, she has made many trips to New Sweden, Maine with her Aunt and Uncle to participate in their Midsummer Festival. She has a collection of Dala horses that she painted there. Her deceased great grandmother and her great aunt have been long time members of Phoenix Lodge #677. Submitted by: Carol Blackwell

Lucia Deja Taggart

Norden Lodge #684 Fresno, CA Norden Lodge’s Lucia Celebration 2011 was an enormous success. We said Välkommen to about 170 people who gathered for our annual traditional lutefisk dinner, wetted down by delicious cups of warm and fragrant glögg, and followed by airy saffron buns and tempting plates of homemade Christmas cookies. Page 16

Mom Katarina Ingels, Lucia 2011 Anna Ingels, and Cultural Leader Monica Shipley.

The Lucia celebration included a lightsout processional led by this year’s Lucia Anna Ingels, holiday songs, poetry and

recitations in both Swedish and English, and – of course – an appearance by Santa and dancing around the Christmas tree.

Norden Lodge #684 Fresno, CA

Thank You VASA!!!! Stephanie Laich (granddaughter of Norden Lodge #684 members Fred and Pauline Mathes) gives a big thank you to Vasa. Stephanie received two scholarship awards while attending college, one from our local lodge (Norden) and one from Golden Gate District #12. After graduation she wanted to personally thank all the Vasa members and thought of a special way to do it. As a surprise she and her mother brought a delicious cake to one of our lodge meetings. Written on top of the cake were the words “Thank You Vasa.” **Here is a personal thank you from Stephanie; “I would like to thank Vasa for the scholarships I received for college. I graduated from Fresno State in December, 2011, with a B.S. in Business Management. I decided on this course after working as an assistant manager and realizing that I like working in management. I received 2 scholarships, the first was a district scholarship in 2003, for $1,000.00, and the second was from Norden Lodge in 2005, for $500.00. These scholarships were a big help in assisting with supplies and books for my classes.” Thank You, Stephanie Laich

Vasa Star Winter 2012

Skogen Lodge #700 Redding, CA A joyful Lucia led a procession of 18 young adults and children, including 4 Starboys, into our IOOF meeting hall, with accompaniment by sister Gail Nemy, who traveled from Sacramento Monitor Lodge to assist. We had special Swedish melodies, sung in Swedish as well as in English by dear friend Celina Young. The program was introduced by Celeste Spencer, daughter of recently deceased sister Dorinda Nyland of Tegner Lodge #149 in our District. Our Lucia, Aud Malene Halånd, is Norwegian, born in Naustdal and recently engaged to be married. Aud Malene is a graduate of Stavanger University. The guitarist was Robin Eklind, from Sweden. He helped with the Starboy hats, while also wearing one. We also had a young Danish lady participate, Karoline Mia Jessen. All sang several American Yuletide songs and Swedish variations. Robin Eklind was the leader to inspire “tomtes” to dance around the Yule tree. We had several Linneas and Christinas. Celine Young and her daughter, Linnea, sang a lovely song, Celina in Swedish and Linnea in English. When the excellent Lucia celebration was over, the little children met Santa Claus, played convincingly by our own Fred Erickson. Everyone was invited to enjoy our well-planned refreshments that Nanci Cortemarche arranged, and glögg was served by our keepers of the beverage, Bob Wallenberg and Mike Courtemarche. This was a delightful and informative presentation, helping to keep our dedication to Vasa traditions alive.

around the Christmas tree. Four of Lena’s great-grandchildren participated in the procession. Anne Swanson, in her Swedish costume, read the poem. For years the baker boys had sung for us. We lost another of the baker boys, George Lundquist to illness this fall also. Sorrow and joy were intermingled for our members and families. It is through participating in our traditions and reviewing our culture that we have formed a special group to support one another in difficult times and to rejoice and celebrate together creating happy times. Submitted by: Dorothy Ann-Ellner Kean

Lucia Grace Sohoel-Goldberg

Nordic Lodge #708 Atlanta, GA

Lucia, Aud Malene Halånd with attendants and starboys, with Gail Nemy at the piano.

Vinland Lodge of Cape Cod #703 Dennis, MA The holiday season begins early for us Soon the members and guests filled the with so many details and chores to plan room. George played traditional Swedish and prepare for our Lucia Fest. Marilyn tunes. The Lucia bride, Grace Sohoeland Eivind Sohoel with daughter Goldberg who is Debbie Goldberg’s Debbie’s assistance had been orchestrat- daughter and Marilyn and Eivind’s ing this day each year. We lost Eivind to granddaughter, led the procession in the illness this September and yet Marilyn darkened room attended by one starboy organized everything. Just like a small and 10 maids. Grace served coffee and family everyone set about the many tasks Lucia buns to her mother and grandas George Hedlund practiced on his mother in a poignant setting. For many accordion. There was a special cama- years, Lena Anderson read “Twas the raderie as we worked together to trans- Night Before Christmas” poem to the children and handed out small gifts to the form the room. On Saturday, December 10, the chil- children. We lost Lena to illness this fall, dren for the procession arrived early to yet her granddaughters, Kajsa Brimdyr dress and practice. The holiday desserts and Trapin Hughes dressed the children were set out and the coffee prepared. and led everyone in traditional dances Vasa Star Winter 2012

Nordic Lodge #708 presented its Third Annual Scandinavian Show on October 23rd, 2011. The show is designed to feature talents and music from the Scandinavian countries. A record many – 85 people – attended this 2011 version of the Show, held at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Atlanta. After a short business meeting everyone was treated to a variety of delicious pancakes, coffee, beer and wine. Thus provided with food and drinks the audience was ready to enjoy the show of the evening. The first item on the program was Swedish folk-music, performed by Alla Melnik and Gabe Granitz on accordions, Lynn McConnell on alto balalaika (!) and Göran Rygert on bass – a great success. Then Erik Kind from Norway presented “Alle man hadde fota,” illustrated by an arm- and legless doll, who throughout the song got new legs from dangling Continued on page 18 Page 17

Nordic Lodge #708 Continued from page 17

pieces of wood and arms from two strings of bratwursts. Alla Melnik, from the Atlanta Balalaika Society orchestra played the bayan, the Russian version of accordion and received a standing ovation. Next on the program was Vasa Drängar, Atlanta’s Swedish men’s choir, accompanied on the piano by Gabe Granitz. Finally we heard songs by Jean

Sibelius and Edvard Grieg, beautifully performed by Brazilian born opera singer Juliana Castanho-Spector, currently studying music at Georgia State University. The Third Annual Scandinavian Show turned out to be a great international evening! Submitted by: Göran Rygert

Vasa Drängar in action. From left to right: Göran Rygert, Erik Kind, Jay Lutz, Sten Ekberg, Dale Nordin, Oscar Kjellberg, Magnus Edlund and Sven Lovegren.

Solstad Lodge #709 Sun City West, AZ Solstad Lodge #709 of Sun City West, Arizona began its annual Lucia celebration with a traditional Lucia procession through the home of Cultural Leader Anne Levig where the celebration took place. Tierra Rose Byman and her attendants Paiton Terito, Jordyn Terito, and Brielle Anderson processed to the familiar music of Sankta Lucia, carrying trays of homemade Lucia buns and pepparkakor which they distributed to Vasa members and their guests as they sipped traditional Swedish glögg. Later, all in attendance enjoyed a traditional Swedish smörgåsbord filled with Swedish meatballs, potatis korv, herring, Janssons Frestelse, red cabbage, various cheeses and breads, rice pudding, and a variety of Scandinavian pastries.

duced her fellow officers. Special guests in the audience included the first Lodge Chairman Anna Godfrey (1976) and Charter Member Kirsten Andersen. After the Invocation by Seaborg member Pastor Leland Lantz, guests enjoyed a delicious Smörgåsbord. The best korv this side of Sweden was a huge hit – made by Mim and her korv team. Members met on Friday to help Laura Cornwell transform the fellowship hall into a Luciafest and Smörgåsbord masterpiece. All the hard work and planning by chair Phyllis Brandon and event committee really came together. Lucia for 2011 was the lovely Sheldon Cornwell who led the procession of many maidens and starboys. How wonderful to have our children and grand-children learn to sing songs in Swedish during the pageant directed by member Kin Lindgren and her SWEA team. The Seaborg Allsång Singers, led by Sue Carlson, filled the room with Christmas spirit. A special thanks to Santa! After spreading his infectious cheer with gifts to the children, one tiny maiden asked if she could see his sleigh. Time was short, so Santa replied, “Maybe next year!” Pictures from the past 35 years were projected onto a large screen, and MC Elizabeth Busick kept the evening moving. Raffle baskets and a small decorated Christmas tree were raffled off. The evening was topped with traditional dances led by the famous Kindig Family Dancers with LeRoy Anderson on the accordion. The exciting news is that several guests that evening have decided to join Seaborg lodge! Many members helped all during the evening to make the Luciafest and Smörgåsbord a spectacular way to celebrate our 35th Anniversary!! Submitted by: Phyllis Brandon

Participating in the Lucia Procession for Solstad Lodge #709 in Sun City West, Arizona, are Tierra Rose Byman, Lucia, and attendants Paiton Terito, Jordyn Terito, and Brielle Anderson.

Submitted by: Anne Levig

Glenn T. Seaborg Lodge #719 Laguna Woods, CA Glenn T. Seaborg Lodge No. 719 hosted their fabulous Luciafest and 35th Anniversary Celebration on December 3, 2011. During the registration and social Page 18

hour, guests shopped for Swedish gifts and baked goods. Mim Curtis, PC, welcomed everyone, including DL Pacific Southwest DM Susan Premo, who

Sheldon Cornwell, GTS Lucia 2011 Vasa Star Winter 2012

Scandia Lodge #728 Prescott, AZ Scandia Lodge #728 celebrated its annual Smörgåsbord and Lucia Fest on December 11, 2011. Christmas lights, colorful tables, and seasonal decorations were a beautiful welcome to the members and guests, who enjoyed many of the traditional smörgåsbord dishes, including a dessert table with krumkaka, rice pudding with lingonberries, and assorted other delicacies. The social time before dinner was a chance to have some glögg and greet old and new friends. A small live Christmas “money” tree with added ornaments and a delightful custom birdhouse were raffled off. Ken Fahlman played his accordion and also accompanied the “Swedish Singers” who sang familiar Swedish carols. They were Mia Ackley, Inger DaPron, Hillevi Baer, Karleen Andrews, and Nina. Our Lucia pageant was narrated by Jessica Anderson, who sang “Sankta Lucia” in Swedish while her daughter, Autumn Rae slowly proceeded through the darkened room. They each took turns telling about the Sankta Lucia legend, and Autumn gave a little information about herself. As she slowly left the room, her mother sang “Santa Lucia” in English. The Lucia buns were then passed out by Autumn and her grandmother, Jaynie Anderson, who is a charter member of Scandia Lodge. Autumn's great-grandmother is Pat Flippen, also a charter member of the lodge. The Smörgåsbord chairman was Debbie Wood, assisted by Joanne

Submitted by: Carol Nesewich, Historian

Jubileum Lodge #755 Madison, WI

Autumn Rae Anderson

DeMent and Sue Malarkey and many other willing workers who helped to make this one of the best Christmas Smorgasbords and Lucia Fests ever! About Autumn: She is 8 years old and in the 3rd grade at Coronado Elementary School in Gilbert, AZ. Her favorite subjects are reading and writing. She is a talented soccer player with the Gilbert Youth Soccer Association, and also enjoys singing, dancing and acting with the Talent Team at her school. She aspires to be a singer and dancer when she grows up, and wants to practice as much as possible along the way.

Sierra Kronan Lodge #737 Roseville, CA 2011 is winding down much as in the past for Sierra Kronan. In October we elected officers for the new year to be headed by incoming chairperson, Joan Lofgren Sherry. Later in the evening Edwin and Betty Wickenberg, sponsored by Walter and Barbara Wickstrom, were initiated and welcomed into the lodge as our newest members. There was a good turnout of attendees at the Sacramento Scandinavian Festival the following Saturday and a big thank you went out to everyone who worked on food preparation and sale or helped at the craft table for Sierra Kronan. They both continue to be successful endeavors for our lodge. At the November meeting we learned a great deal from a cultural program about artist Carl Larsson and other Vasa Star Winter 2012

tory of Lucia was read by the master of ceremonies, Elise’s cousin, Richard Laumann. Pepparkakor were distributed and an evening of Christmas cheer and good fellowship was enjoyed by all.

Swedish artists. It was presented by one of our youngest members, Richard Laumann, as written by Cultural Chair, John Pearson. John brought various show and tell books and illustrations for viewing before and after the talk. Also that evening the lodge collected items to be donated to the Sacramento Blue Star Moms, a Veterans Service organization which sends care packages to our troops stationed overseas. This Outreach Project was coordinated by outgoing chairman, Raye Brown. Our annual JulFest, Julbord, and glögg party was held Friday, December 9th. The pageant featured Elise Chatterton as Lucia. She and her attendants walked slowly down the aisle to the music of the Santa Lucia song after which a short

Liza Ekstrand, Linde Lodge #492 Chairperson, re-installed our officers, all serving for another year. Our January 8, 2012, program was “Open Mic Day.” Charlie and Sandy, the “Stark Scandinavian Singers,” described their program offerings in all five Nordic languages. Sandy also showed a portion of her doll collection. Lowell Nordling described the leave camp and dances German soldiers had on Götland during World War Two. Jan Johnson showed an “old-school” sausage stuffer, a metal cone and wooden plunger. While in middle school in 1940s Lund, Hans Fride visited the TetraPak company (juice boxes) when it had only six employees. Char Thompson showed a candle holder and gave a brief history of Orrefors glass. Marshall Berg’s uncle sang “Rida, Rida, Blanka,” while filling his potatiskorv, using a KitchenAid. Gunnard Swanson’s grandparents emigrated – twice! His father was born in America, yet his baptism, by Pastor Djerpe, New London, CT, is also in the Swedish church records. As a young wife, Maj Wiese made Sylta for Christmas with the in-laws. When she defrosted it, the gelatin dissolved. So it became Pitt i Panna. Refreshments were provided by Tracy Melin and Phil & Joan Sullivan.

Sandy Stark and Danish, Swedish, Norwegian Hardanger, and German dolls. Page 19

Vasa Park Christmas Party 2011 On December 11th, the four lodges that own Vasa Park on Lake Sammamish, Excelsior #435, Frihet #401, Klippan #228 and Skogsblomman #396, along with the Vasa Park Board of Directors held their annual Christmas party. When entering our hall we were treated to a sight of decorated tables, holly with red berries, candles glowing and a 12’ Christmas tree to set off the event. Our first hour, we enjoyed hors d’oeuvres of cheese, crackers, herring, and hardtack while visiting with our fellow Vasa members. During this time craft tables were set up for the children to make Christmas trees out of ice cream cones, and then decorated with marsh-

Lake Sammamish, WA mallow and candy. The children also made many lovely ornaments that they used to decorate our tree. We then had a lovely dinner, in which the group “Mud Fiddlu” played Scandinavian background music. The Lucia program followed dinner and consisted of about 30 girls and boys walking behind the candles aglow to live music of cello and bass. A reading of the story of Lucia was followed by singing around the Christmas tree with live accordion music. Santa arrived magically and had filled stocking for all the children. The children danced to music, made new friends and ran around and had fun. I heard a young fellow about eight years

old saying he planned to tell all his friends about this events, and one little six year asking her grandmother if they could come again next week. These affirmations are the kind that we had hoped to hear. There were about 200 adults and 50 children to our first annual Christmas event. As you can tell there are so many to thank and it would be a shame to miss one person, so HUGE THANKS to everyone that had some participation. This party was in the planning for a year with many meeting. It was worth every moment. Submitted by: Karla Anderson and Susie Winkowski

SWEDISH LODGE NEWS Härnösand Lodge Nr 673 Höstens andra möte den 21 oktober samlade ca 40-talet Vasasyskon. Ordförande Karl Bäcklund hade nöjet att hälsa två nya medlemmar välkomna i vår Loge, nämligen Britt-Marie och Per Grundström. Till CM Kjell Hamrin överlämnades en gåva som tack för gott tjänstemannaskap. Därefter slutfördes förhandlingarna. Till efterkapitlet hälsade värdparen Lena o Bo Selin, Gun o Rolf Westin samt Barbro o Lars Sundgren syskonen välkomna till bords. Kjell Hamrin ledde bordsvisorna med komp av Bo Selin på dragspel. Efter maten berättade Monica Bäcklund, om hurdet är att vara vittnesstöd, för vittnen som inkallats vid brottmål. En viktig uppgift då många vittnen aldrig varit med om rättsförhandlingar tidigare. Inom vårt distrikt arbetar sju st vittnesstöd ideellt med endast täckning för resekostnader Till kaffet hade vi ett lotteri med många fina vinster. Kvällen avslutades med mer sång och därefter var det dags att bryta upp och bege sig hemåt.

Logen Westervik Nr 679 Västervik The oldest and the youngest? Vasa Order of America, the Lodge Westervik No 679 had its traditional November meeting where all the vice Page 20

officers take regular officers seats on 19th of November. It was really gray November day, 10 degrees C, gray and misty and the fact is that Sweet peas still are blooming. The lodge had a long and uplifting meeting. Sister Dagny Persson began her career as an interior guard 1976; from 1980 to 1991 Sister Dagny worked eleven years as deputy finance secretary. 1991 was a big year for Sister Dagny as she got the Lodge and District Merit and now in 2011 we were in the Westervik Lodge to honor Sister Dagny’s 40th year of membership. The badge was presented by the evening's Lodge Chairman, Brother Christer Hultberg, perhaps, the oldest member that receives the badge from the youngest Lodge Chairman in Sweden? After the ceremony we were served a wonderful buffet of chicken and turkey with all the fruits that can be imagined and coffee with cake. Of course, the evening ended with dancing to lovely music. Another wonderfully enjoyable evening, in true Vasa spirit was added in our memories.

1991, hela 11 år, jobbade sy Dagny som biträdande finanssekreterare. Och 1991 var ett stort år då sy Dagny fick Logens och Distriktets förtjänsttecken Och nu 2011 fick vi i logen Westervik äran att överlämna 40års tecknet. Tecknet överlämnades av kvällens sittande ordförande, Br Christer Hultberg, måhända, Sveriges äldsta medlem som tar emot tecken av Sveriges yngsta ordförande? Därefter intogs en underbar buffé med kyckling och kalkon med alla frukter som tänkas kan och kaffe och kaka därtill. Naturligtvis avslutades kvällen med dans till goa bitar till fram emot småtimmarna. Ytterligare en underbart trevlig kväll lägger vi till våra minnen i sann vasaanda. Anette Hultberg logehistoriker

Submitted by: Anette Hultberg lodge historian

Äldst och yngst? Vasaorden av Amerika, logen Westervik nr 679 hade sitt traditionella novembermöte där alla vise tjänstemän intar ordinarie tjänstemäns platser 19/11. En riktigt grå novemberdag var det, 10 grader varmt, grått och disigt och faktum är, att luktärterna fortfarande blommade. Logen hade ett långt och upplyftande möte. Sy Dagny Persson började sin karriär som inre vakt 1976. Från 1980 till

Vasa Star Winter 2012

YOUTH NEWS Nordikids #208 Munster, IN

Lucia 2011 Melissa (Missy) Pearson was the Lucia for Nordikids No. 208 this year. She proudly wore the crown of candles at all of our performances and events throughout the month of December. She appeared at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, for its annual “Christmas Around the World” celebration, The Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, IKEA Bollingbrook and at our own Luciafest in Highland Indiana on December 4th where she sang a solo – “O Come All Ye Faithful” with two verses in Swedish and one in English at each performance. Melissa has been a member of Nordikids since she was 3 years old. Her two older sisters have already been Lucia

for the group and her little sister is waiting for her chance to be Queen in a few more years. Missy is a fifth grade student at John Bosco grade school in Hammond, Indiana where she is in the school choir. She is fourth of five children in her family. Her parents are Mike and Lisa Pearson who are both charter members of Nordik Folk Lodge No. 761 in Munster, Indiana. Mike is a Past Chairman of the lodge and he is currently the AudioVisual Director for the Grand Lodge. Missy’s Swedish heritage comes from her father’s side of the family where her great-great-grandfather – Ernst Ulrik Persson of Julita, Sodermanland – immigrated to the United States in April of 1912…..on the Titanic. He survived the

Lucia Melissa Pearson

voyage and went on to raise his family in Northwest Indiana. Submitted by: Lynda Ann Smith, Nordikids leader

CULTURE VOICES FROM CHICAGO New book by Lilly Setterdahl A great number of books have been written about Swedes and swedishness in Chicago with Ulf Beijbom’s thesis (Swedes in Chicago) from 1971 as the most important source for knowledge and reference. Lilly Setterdahl has now added a new book on the subject based on interviews with 340 people with year of birth from 1873 to 1965. The now printed interviews emerge from a bigger material of tapes (1280) that her husband, Lennart Setterdahl, made from talks with people from different areas with substantial Swedish-American population. Examples of these oral histories are available for listening to at the House of Emigrants in Växjö, Sweden and at the Vasa National Archives in Bishop Hill. A similar book with longer interviews for preservation of immigrant (not only Swedish) experience was edited in Seattle 2001 (Lynn Moen: Voices of Ballard). The content of the current book are direct talks, mainly brief, with individuals and each one represents an interesting course of life. Most people are to us Vasa Star Winter 2012

unknown, but from the anonymity some well known profiles come forward such as the building contractor Ragnar Benson, the local authors Ingrid Bergstrom and Bror Johansson and Kurt Matthiasson, the initiator of the SwedishAmerican Museum Center in Chicago. Not least interesting is the interview with Selma Jacobson, who for a long period of time was sort of co-ordinator for preservation and maintenance of many Swedish-American activities in Chicago. It is impossible to give a good summary of the single stories from all these individuals with different adventures and fates. One way of trying to describe their lives could be to making use of the information about affiliation to churches and/or secular societies. Concerning membership of churches 138 (41%) people have given information. Within that group a majority (69%) belonged to the Lutheran denomination, 10% to the Covenant Church and 7% were Baptists. There were additional 7 denominations (Catholics, Mormons and others) mentioned. Those figures may to some degree fit in to swedishness, but at the same time we don’t know about the remaining 202 (=59%). Around 80% of all the individuals were affiliated to some

American society with Svithiod as the most preferred followed by Vasa Order of America and Vikings, plus another 10 societies and a dozen of province societies with Värmland and Västergötland as the most common. Those without any known affiliation were frequently very occupied in their professions. Single errors of numbers and spelling do not interfere with the overall very good impression of this book that is really worthwhile reading by all with interest in Swedish-American history. Stig S. Salgeback GLCD Sweden Lilly Setterdahl: Chicago Swedes They spoke from the heart Available via

ROSTER FRAN CHICAGO Ny bok av Lilly Setterdahl Ett stort antal böcker har tidigare skrivits om svenskar och svenskhet i Chicago med Ulf Beijboms doktorsavhandling (Swedes in Chicago) från 1971 som det grundläggande standardverket för kunskap i ämnet. Lilly Continued on page 22 Page 21

Röster från Chicago Continued from page 21

Setterdahl har nu adderat en bok byggd på intervjuer med 340 individer i flera generationer med födelseår från 1873 till 1965. De nu tryckta intervjuerna härstammar från det större material av bandinspelningar (1280 st), som hennes man, Lennart Setterdahl, på sin tid samlade från olika svenskbygder och som idag ingå i Vasaarkivet i Bishop Hill samt i form av enstaka exempel kan avlyssnas i Utvandrarnas Hus i Växjö. Ett liknande verk med längre intervjuer för att till eftervärlden bevara immigranters (inte bara svenskars) erfarenheter utgavs i Seattle 2001 (Lynn Moen: Voices of Ballard). Innehållet i den aktuella boken utgörs av direktintervjuer, mestadels korta, och belyser var för sig ett intressant levnadsöde. De flesta är för oss okända, men ur anonymiteten framstår några välkända

profiler som storbyggmästaren Ragnar Benson, de lokala författarna Ingrid Bergstrom och Bror Johansson samt Kurt Matthiasson, initiativtagaren till det svensk-amerikanska museet i Chicago. Inte minst intressant är intervjun med Selma Jacobson, som under många år var ett slags allt i allo för bevarande och upprätthållande av flera svenskamerikanska aktiviteter i Chicago. Det är en omöjlig uppgift att ge en sammanfattning av dessa individers öden och äventyr. Ett sätt att försöka beskriva människornas liv kan vara att utnyttja den i boken redovisade kyrko- och/eller föreningstillhörigheten. Beträffande kyrkotillhörigheten finner man då, att 138 (41%) sagt sig ha en sådan. Inom denna grupp är lutheranerna störst (69%) och därefter följer Covenant Church (motsv. Missionskyrkan) med 10% och baptisterna med 7%. Ytterligare sju kyrkotillhörigheter anges, bl.a katolska kyrkan och mormonkyrkan. Dessa siffror är väl

på sitt sätt ett mått på svenskhet, men samtidigt saknas redovisning, aktiv eller passiv, för övriga (202 = 59%). – Ungefär 80% i materialet har anslutit sig till någon förening och här dominerar Svithiod, Vasaorden och Vikings, men det förekommer ytterligare ett 10-tal sällskap och dessutom ett dussin landskapsföreningar, där Värmland och Västergötland är vanligast företrädda. De icke uppgivet föreningsanslutna är ofta hårt upptagna av sin yrkesverksamhet. Enstaka siffer- och stavfel drar inte ned helhetsintrycket av att denna bok är värdefull läsning för alla med intresse för svensk-amerikansk historia. Stig Sälgeback, Karlstad SLKL Sverige Lilly Setterdahl: Chicago Swedes. They spoke from the heart. Finns endast på engelska. Tillgänglig via

Svenska Språkhörnan — The Swedish Language Corner The Grand Lodge Swedish Language Program VasaSvenska As previously reported in the Vasa Star (the first and third issues in 2011), Svenska Språkhörnan – The Swedish Language Corner – is the vehicle for the GL Swedish Language Program on the web and in the Vasa Star. I am pleased to announce that the webpage is now up and running at (click on the icon Visit The Swedish Language Corner). The page’s main feature is a comprehensive Swedish language course with text and sound tracks, which can be downloaded and studied in your local lodge or in your home. (The District Cultural Leaders will be the link between the local lodges and the GL Swedish Language Program Committee responsible for posting the course.) On that webpage you will also find links to other online language courses, Swedish Radio/TV and Swedish-American magazines, a Jokes-and-Trivia page and more. I am happy to likewise be able to here present the first part of a different Swedish Language Course in the spirit of a long and much appreciated tradition within the Vasa Star to publish instruction in Swedish. Because this course is tailored to those readers, who may not have access to the program offered on the Vasa Order website, only the paper issues of the Star will include the lessons, thus ensuring continuity for the students. This is a rather short, basic course, which I think will work fine for beginners. More advanced students may find it good for repetition as well. The course is comprised of five sections: Alphabet and Pronunciation Lesson One:

Vad är det? (What is it/this/that?)

Lesson Two:

Var bor du? (Where do you live?)

Lessons Three:

Possessiva pronomen (Possessive Pronouns)

Lesson Four:

Siffrorna 1-10 and pluralformer (Numbers 1-10 and Plurals)

Each lesson consists of Vocabulary, Grammar, Exercises, and Answers to Exercises. Let’s get started right now with the Alphabet and Pronunciation section. Lesson One will follow in the next issue of Vasa Star. Lycka till med dina studier! Good luck with your studies! In writing many common words are very similar in the two languages, e.g. man – man, fisk – fish, hus – house, horn – horn, hund – hound and bok – book Because of Swedish word changes other words are not as easy to recognize, e.g. ord – word, under – wonder, tacka – thank, hjärta – heart and hjälp – help. There is often a great difference in pronunciation of English and Swedish words due to several factors such as different intonation (Swedish is more ‘sing-song’) and stress (meaning which syllable is emphasized in a word), and which portion of the tongue, back or front, is used. English has only back rounded vowels, as in ‘boat,’ while Swedish has both back and front rounded vowels. In addition to the placement of the tongue, the lips may be protruding or rounded to a varying extent. Swedish words generally are pronounced with more protruding or rounded lips than English words, especially in American English. Continued on page 23 Page 22

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Svenska Språkhörnan Continued from page 22

Many Swedish words that may sound very much alike to an American are spelled differently and have different meaning, e.g. fika (long i) – have coffee, and ficka (short i) – pocket; gråta (long å) – /to/cry, and grotta (short o) – cave, grotto. Then we have some Swedish and English words, where the spelling is the same but the meaning very different like the Swedish word from (short o) – pious, and the English from (where the short o sounds more like a Swedish å). Another example: the English word glass (where the long a in American English sounds more like a Swedish ä) = Swedish glas (long a). You use the Swedish word glass (short a) to ask for an ice cream! So, you see there is room for confusion. Practice is the key, and, of course it’s very helpful if there are Swedish speaking people around to practice with, perhaps in your local lodge. The Swedish alphabet has 29 letters. The first 26 are the same as in English and the last three are the famous Å, Ä and Ö: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Xx Yy Zz Åå Ää Öö Those of you who have an internet connection might enjoy practicing the Swedish alphabet right now along with Tess, my granddaughter, at Consonants The pronunciation of some of the Swedish consonants depends on whether they precede a hard or soft vowel. The hard vowels are a, o, u, å and the soft vowels are e, i, y, ä, ö. The following consonants are pronounced basically the same as in English: b, d, f, h, l, m, n, p, r, t, v. g, k, sk: Before a stressed soft vowel g is usually pronounced like the Swedish j; k like the American ch and sk like the American sh. (gäst – guest, kyrka – church, sjuksköterska – nurse). After l and r or at the end of a syllable and in Sverige, g is pronounced like in Swedish j (sorg – sorrow, helg – holiday). Before t and s, g is pronounced as k (sagt – said), k is like k in key (komma – come) , sk is like sk in skin (skola – school). In most other cases g is pronounced like the g in gun. j is, with a few exceptions, pronounced like the y in yes (jaga – hunt). s is voiceless, pronounced like the s in sell (saga – story); q = k; w = v; z = s; x= ks. c = s before a soft vowel (citron – lemon), = k before a hard vowel (Carl). The ng sound is pronounced like ng in singer, never like in hunger (lång – long). The sj sound is almost always pronounced like sh in shelf. In spelling, sj is represented by sj and sk before a stressed soft vowel (själar – souls), and in människa (human being); by skj (skjöt – shot), or stj (stjärna – star). The tj sound is pronounced like ch in check (tjänare – servant). In spelling, tj is represented by tj (tjata – nag), kj (kjolar – skirts) and k (köpa – buy) usually before a stressed soft vowel. Silent consonants: Initial d, g, h, l are silent before j. dj = j (djur – animal); gj = j (gjorde – did), hj = j (hjul – wheel). Vowels In standard Swedish all vowels are pure, meaning they lack the diphthongal “off glides” heard with many English vowels. However, in the southern regions of Sweden, especially Skåne (Scania), diphthongs are a major part of the dialect. Hard vowels: a, o, u, å. Soft vowels: e, i, y, ä, ö. Hard vowels Long a (like in father): staden – the city. Long o (like in soon): krona – crown. Long u ((like in stew): fru – wife. Long å (like in so): blå – blue. Soft vowels Long e (like in crêpe, no diphthong): rep – rope. Long i (like in fleet): krita – chalk. Long y (round your lips as if to say o but say ee.): flyga – (to) fly Long ä (like in air): här – here. Long ö (like in shirk): björk – birch.

Short a (like in must): hast – haste. Short o (like in plot): bort – away. Short u (like in pull): tull – customs. Short å (like in throng): spång – small bridge. Short e (like in let): ett – one. Short i (like in split): fritt – free. Short y (less prolonged): hydda – hut. Short ä (like in bad): rädd – afraid. Short ö (like in perplex): förhäxad – bewitched. Siv Swan-Pierson Grand Lodge Language Director

Vasa Star Winter 2012

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Svenska Språkhörnan — The Swedish Language Corner Du vet att du är svensk...(You know that you are Swedish...) My daughter Mia gave me a book for Christmas titled Du vet att du är svensk…. (You know that you are Swedish…) by Mattias Boström, Fredrik Månsson and Christopher Overton. Here are some excerpts for you to test how Swedish you or your relatives or friends really are whether you are native Swedes or any generation Swedish-Americans. I seem to still have quite a bit of Swedish peculiarities in me in spite of not having lived in Sweden full-time for some 20 odd years. This reminds me of the rhyme: Zebran är ett randigt djur, ränderna går aldrig ur (The zebra is a striped animal, the stripes never go away). So: Du vet att du är svensk (när du)...You know that you are Swedish (when you)... Inte kan ta emot en komplimang för din nya klänning utan att säga: Ah, den här gamla trasan Can’t accept a compliment for your new dress without saying: Oh, this old rag Har dåligt samvete för att du inte går ut när solen skiner Feel guilty that you don’t go outside when the sun is shining Vill dela notan även på första dejten Want to split the check already on the first date Tror att det bara är Sverige som har pinsamma ministrar Believe that it is only Sweden that has embarrassing ministers Är stolt över att Sverige i alla fall har haft sommar-OS... år nittonhundratolv Are proud that Sweden after all did have a the year nineteen-hundred–and-twelve Tar för givet att Pippi Långstrump är den populäraste barnoksfiguren i Kina Take it for granted that Pippi Longstocking is the most popular children’s book character in China Berättar om midnattsolen för alla utlänningar du träffar fast du själv inte varit norr om Uppsala Tell all foreigners you meet about the Midnight Sun although you yourself have not been north of Uppsala Är livrädd att förstöra maträtten om du inte följer receptet till punkt och pricka Are scared to death of ruining the dish if you don’t follow the recipe to the letter Kommer tillbaka från utlandssemestern och det första du frågar är hur vädret varit här hemma Come back from your vacation abroad and the first thing you ask is how the weather was here at home. Tror att du inte blir påverkad av reklam Believe that you do not get influenced by advertisements. More Du vet att du är svensk... excerpts to follow in next issue. Good Old Swedish Words Some of you who came to this country several decades ago or whose parents/grandparents spoke Swedish did perhaps learn words that are not in common use in Sweden today. See if you can recognize these old words: Raip piaurikR... Hin purmubi...stiliR flutna ...Oh, sorry, I went too far back in time – this is runic script and translates as Rådde Tjudrik... den djärve...vikingarnas hövding (Ruled Tjurdrik...the Brave...Chief of the Vikings). Better luck with the words below. (Send me an email and let me know how you did!) Aber – Hindance Annorledes – Different Bliga – Stare Changera – Change for the worse Drasut – Lanky, lazy male Enkom – Solely Föga – Not much Förmer – Snobbish Gramse – Angry Grunna – Ponder

Gå hädan – Die Huruvida If, Whether Ingalunda – Hardly Jordmor – Midwife Kanhända – Maybe Konsternerad – Dismayed Lärospån – Experiences Moloken – Sad Njugg – Stingy Orunkelig – (Stand) Firm In the next issue we will have some new Swedish words.

Raljera – Joke, tease Sannfärdig – Truthful Sålunda – Thus Trumpen – Sullen Uppdaga – Discover Villfarelse – Illusion Yvas – Be proud Åstunda – Wish/Long for Ambar – Bucket Over hövan – Too much

Swedish Proverbs and Old Swedish Sayings Here are some proverbs and sayings that you may be familiar with; if not it’s a good opportunity to learn them so you can share with your fellow members at your next lodge meeting. Some of the proverbs have their origin in the Bible or were in ancient times translated into Swedish from other languages, particularly Latin. • Alla goda ting är tre. All good things are three. • Alla känner apan, men apan känner ingen. Everyone knows the monkey, but the monkey knows no-one. (Meaning: Those that stick out are often both well-known and avoided.) • Alla sätt är bra utom de dåliga. All ways are good except the bad ones. (Meaning: Unconventional solutions are just as good.) • Blod är tjockare än vatten. Blood is thicker than water. • Blott Sverige svenska krusbär har. Only Sweden Swedish gooseberries has. (Meaning: Sweden is a unique country in many ways.) • Friskt vågat, hälften vunnet. Bravely dared, half of it won. (English equivalent: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.) • Sopa rent framför din egen dörr först. Sweep clean in front of your own door first. (Meaning: Don’t criticize others for things you yourself can be criticized for.) More Swedish proverbs to follow in the next issue. For now I say adjö (good-bye) or hej då (bye-bye), whichever fare well (farväl) phrase you like best. And keep smiling because Ett gott skratt förlänger livet. A good (hearty) laugh lengthens your life. Siv Swan-Pierson Grand Lodge Language Director Page 24

Vasa Star Winter 2012

Welcome To Our New Members On behalf of the Grand Lodge and members of the Vasa Order of America, I am pleased to welcome you to membership in these local Vasa lodges. If you are new to the Vasa Order of America we bid you welcome. If you are transferring or are a dual member, your new lodge bids you welcome. We hope you will enjoy your membership and will participate in all of the activities planned for you. Art Bjorkner, Grand Lodge Membership Chairman 31 Vasa Drive, Hackettstown NJ 07840-5314 USA DL MASSACHUSETTS NO. 2 Brage-Iduna Lodge No. 9 Tom Nilsson Ingeborg Lodge No. 66 Alice Carlson Ann-Kristina Eastman Marian Faye Grabau Nancy Esther Krushas Nordic Lodge No. 611 Joseph C. Fournier Lynn M. Fournier Sarah Jean Gustafson Winifred E. Hanson E. W. Pete Petterson Shirley A. Petterson Birka Lodge No. 732 Danika Lyn Ashness DL NEW YORK NO. 4 Stenland Lodge No. 727 Becky Ann Rasmussen Rigmor Elisabeth Schneider Ingo Schneider Julie Jeanne Syvarth DL NEW JERSEY NO. 6 Arlington Lodge No. 62 Elisabeth Bojko William Bojko Vivien Thorsen Tryggve Lodge No. 88 Louis S. Cassarello Karl Arne Hendela David C. Waldron Linne Lodge No. 429 Erik Anderson Douds Dominick Anthony Durso Three Crowns Lodge No. 704 Franklin Phelips Baker III Kathy McGrath Baker Stephen F. Colonna Kelly Marie Conover George William Gutleber Renee Virginia Lupia Lilian Lora Radel John K. Rehse John Rothenberger Laura Michele Stiller-Williams Viking Lodge No. 735 Helen Wernlund DL MINNESOTA NO. 7 Stenbock Lodge No. 138 M. Lillian Gavitt Kronan Lodge No. 433 Sally Jean Spreeman Taylor Afton Spreeman

Vasa Star Winter 2012

DL LAKE MICHIGAN NO. 8 Svea Lodge No. 253 Douglas Warren Krantz Viljan Lodge No. 349 Lene F. Scherer Austin Lodge No. 466 Bryan G. Garb Leona M. Maglaya Letecia M. Puttrich Satellite Lodge No. 661 William Irving Baldwin Constance Douglas Sandra Jean Neal Bishop Hill Lodge No. 683 Emma L. Gerard Kim L. Goodrich Timothy Alan Johnson Viktoria Kofoid-Almgren Barbara Jean Koller Marita Ann Koller Richard A. Leddy Ronald Stam Jubileum Lodge No. 755 Anne L. Woodson DL PENNSYLVANIA NO. 9 Drott Lodge No. 168 Dianne S. Clark Douglas Clark DL ROCKY MOUNTAIN NO. 11 Enighet Lodge No. 178 Kevin Robert Nelson DL GOLDEN GATE NO. 12 Monitor Lodge No. 218 Susan Edelmayer Daniel Paul Eriksson Richard Earl Eriksson Kerstin E. Hermann Paul Dwight Johnson Darlene Rae Miller Barry Moore Amy Beth Winter Svea Lodge No. 348 Terry Elizabeth Jalkemo Nord Lodge No. 392 Nathan Straub Framåt Lodge No. 405 Peter A. Graham Rebecca S. Graham Sierra Kornan Lodge No. 737 Elissa Kim Peterson Betty Elaine Wickenberg Edwin Rex Wickenberg

DL PACIFIC NORTHWEST NO. 13 Norrskenet Lodge No. 189 Linda Arlene Rogers Astor Lodge No. 215 Marissa Drew Hagglund Billie Jo Tarabahia Frihet Lodge No. 401 Sam H. Clake Steven Sewall Clake Janice M. Dobbs Lisa M. Gerrard Katherine Gayle Halgren Vanessa Elizabeth Jackson Lisa E. Papineau Svea Lodge No. 469 Robert George Raney Jr. Rose Marie Raney Olympia Lodge No. 550 Dorothy E. Adamson Patricia Lazar DL PACIFIC SOUTHWEST NO. 15 North Star Lodge No. 106 Christin Ann Loebs Evening Star Lodge No. 426 Annika Finn Spaberg Mayflower Lodge No. 455 Barbara Bertoldi Northern Light Lodge No. 620 Bjoern Johannesson Leah Christine Johannesson Desert Viking Lodge No. 682 Gary Crooks Valley Vikings Lodge No. 701 Gordon Eugene Peterson Glenn T. Seaborg Lodge No. 719 Janice May Olson

DL ALBERTA NO. 18 Skandia Lodge No. 549 Colton James Barrett Katherine Faith Gon Debbie Lynn Bonnar Liam Douglas McRae Rodney Victor Wales DL SÖDRA SVERIGE NO. 20 LL Kärnan Nr. 608 Gunilla Nilsson Torsten Nilsson LL Christian Nr. 617 Gun Hermansson Sven Hermansson Jan-Erik Larsson LL Westwervik Nr. 679 Ulla Hänninen Mikael Karlsson LL Blå Jungfrun Nr. 749 Barbro Hermansson Mats Hermansson Jörgen Holm Monica Johansson Sylve Johansson Britt-Marie Lindblad Britta Ogebrink DL ARIZONA NO. 21 Solstad Lodge No. 709 Janet Lehman MacDowell GRAND LODGE JURISDICTION Nordic Lodge No. 708 Christina Birgitta Palm Per Olof Rolf Palm

AUDIO-VISUAL DIRECTOR Mike Pearson 7309 New Hampshire Pl Hammond, IN 46323-2937 USA Phone: (219) 588-4752 E-mail: The Vasa website at contains a “materials button” which has the listing of audio visual materials available. If you are unable to use the Vasa website, you can still ask that a listing be sent to you by mail.

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In Memoriam

Till minne av hädangångna ordenssyskon genom vilkas bortgång syskonkretsen gjort en kännbar förlust In memory of our departed members who will be sorely missed

These names are being reprinted from the October-December issue of The Vasa Star. CALIFORNIA ROBERT P. CARLSON passed away on January 22, 2011. He was a member of Framåt Lodge #405, El Cerrito, CA, since 2011. Brother Bob, born in Berkeley, CA, on July 10, 1925, is survived by wife Nancy, son John, daughter Kristina, and sister Lillian Ball. Bob called himself “an old accordion player” - he was a wonderful accordion player and loved playing the old favorite Swedish tunes. HAROLD “RAY” OWEN passed away on November 28, 2010, at the age of 86. He was born on February 22, 1924, and joined Mayflower Lodge #445 on April 2, 1987. He attended Venice High School in California. He entered the Navy and served as a Radioman and Underwater Demolition with the Marines in WWII, participating in the liberation of the Philippines. He married Vera Carson in Santa Monica, CA, on December 17, 1948, and lived in Westchester for almost 60 years. He is survived by his wife Vera Carson Owen, Harold Ray (Hank) Owen III, Kristina Ann Owen (Hoberg), Linda Owen (Cantrill), 5 grandchildren, and a fierce dog, Casey. His youngest son, Sidney Carl Owen, preceded him in death on January 21, 1991. RAGNOR J. SEGLUND, Ph.D., passed away peacefully at home on February 7, 2011, at the age of 81, after a courageous battle with leukemia. He was born on November 1, 1929, in Munising, MI. Ragnor was a member of Sierra Kronan Lodge #737. He is missed by beloved Diana of 20 years, 6 children, Patti, John, Paul, Cecelia, Julia and Amy, 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. He was an accounting professor for 20 years at CSUS. He also taught in universities in Arizona, Finland and Australia. He will be missed by all who knew him. ALVA GOTTY VIOLA SIDEN passed away on February 7, 2011, at the age of 90, with family by her side. Alva was born in Läckeby, Sweden, on June 23, 1920. She married the love of her life, Arne Jean Sidén in 1946. They immigrated to the USA in 1953 where they settled in Glendale, CA. Affectionately known as A&A, they kept alive Swedish traditions through 30 years active membership and service in the Swedish Vasa Club, Thule Lodge #467. Alva was preceded in death by Arne, her loving husband of 63 years. Much loved and deeply missed, she is survived by daughters Jill Monica Sidén, Linda Christine Nessen, son-in-law Steve Nessen, granddaughter Christina, and brother, Karl Erik (Sweden). EDMUND LEONARD SWANSON passed away on September 19, 2010, in Mohave Valley, AZ, at the age of 90. He was born in Los Angeles, CA, on February 18, 1920, and joined North Star Lodge #106, on August 14, 1937. He is survived by a son, Larry Swanson in Texas, and a daughter, Lois Butler of Reseda, CA. GEORGIA BARBRO LINDEN passed away on January 10, 2011, at the age of 73. She was from Stone Mountain, GA. Barbro was born in Filipstad, Sweden, on December 9, 1937, and moved to California as a young woman. In 1962, she married Samuel Linden, who was from Hallstahammar, Sweden. In 1974, the Lindens and their 2 sons moved to Atlanta, as Sam’s successful engineering and construction business grew. Sam and Barbro remained devoted to each other until his passing in August 2010. Together the Lindens became pillars

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of the Scandinavian American community in Atlanta, cofounding the Vasa Order of America’s Nordic Lodge #708, in 1974, and the Scandinavian Festival in 1994. Always the quintessential hostess, Barbro orchestrated many parties and social events, including Vasa’s Crayfish Party, an annual Swedish tradition. Along with her husband, she welcomed the King and Queen of Sweden during their visit to America. Those who knew Barbro acknowledge her generosity, intelligence and loyalty. She was quick to provide whatever assistance she could to enable others to succeed, especially those new to the United States and the metro-Atlanta area. Barbro is survived by her son Charles, her sisters Kerstin, Ulla, and Gunilla, and her brother Sven. She was preceded in death by her husband Sam and her son Jeffery.

TEXAS HELEN STARK-HOWLAND BOSTOCK passed away on March 9, 2011. Helen was born February 13, 1930, near Georgetown, TX, to Ellen Bloom Stark and Frank Henry Stark. Helen was a proud member of Carl Widen Lodge #743. She is survived by daughters Connia Kanetzky and husband Jerry Don, LuAnn Howland, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, brothers and wives, nieces and nephews.

ILLINOIS HELEN M. WALDING passed away on December 21, 2010. She was born on April 6, 1918, in Fråndefors, Sweden, and joined Three Crown Lodge #38 on January 16, 1987. She is survived by a nephew.

ILLINOIS ELIZABETH DOERING passed away on June 4, 2010, in Hoffman Estates, IL, at the age of 82. She was born January 13, 1928, in Stockholm, Sweden. She joined Viljan Lodge #349, Batavia, IL, on September 27, 2001. She is survived by her son and 2 grandsons.

MICHIGAN GEORGEANN BERGH passed away on August 1, 2010, in Escanaba, MI, at the age of 72. She was born on October 16, 1937, in Duluth, MN. She joined Framåt Lodge #463 on February 2, 1978, serving as Chaplain. She is survived by husband Stig, GLD District #10, and daughters Lorna, Peggy, Mona, and 2 grandchildren. OHIO VIVIAN L. HEIKKINEN passed away on January 14, 2011, in Cleveland, OH, at the age of 87. She was a graduate of Bowling Green University and earned her master’s degree from Edinboro State College in Pennsylvania. Vivian was the historian and program chairperson of the Finnish Heritage Museum in Fairport Harbor, OH. She is survived by her son, Douglas (Debra Woodruff-Capper) Heikkinen, daughters Laura (Veikko) Malkamaki, and Bonnie (Dave) McLeod, grandchildren Daniel and Dennis Malkamaki, and 8 greatgrandchildren. Vivian was preceded in death by her husband Arthur, brothers Raymond and Dale Hall, and parents Laura and Lafie Gustafson. She joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 in June of 2010. JOAN M. LIBERTINE (NEE CARLSON) passed away on December 1, 2010, in Willoughby, OH, at the age of 71. Survivors are her children Virginia, Susan Sweigert, Sandra, Georgette Aspero, and Carrie; cherished grandchildren Aimee, Renee, Ronnie, and Tom; great-grandchild Lincoln; siblings Richard Carlson, Jean (Bill) Collister, and Erick (Marie) Carlson; and sister-in-law Eleanor Carlson. She was preceded in death by her husband Ronald E. Libertine, parents Carl and Birgit (nee Lindberg) Carlson, brother Robert M. Carlson, and sister-in-law Marion Carlson. Joan joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge #130 on September 11, 2005. NEW YORK HARRY VICTOR HEDIN passed away peacefully on February 16, 2011, at the age of 82. Harry was preceded in death by his wife, Mildred. He is survived by his daughter, Ada (John), son, Earl (Guihua), and 5 grandchildren. Harry was actively involved in the Swedish community in New York City, where he grew up. From a young age, he embraced the culture and heritage of his parents, which he, in turn, shared with his children and grandchildren. He was an accomplished dancer and taught many children and adults the art of Swedish folk dancing and other dances. He was an active member of many Swedish organizations, including Bredablick Masonic Lodge and Vasa Order of America’s Olympic Lodge #235 in Staten Island. He held many offices during his membership in Vasa and was a delegate from District Lodge New York #4 to the Grand Lodge Convention in Tarrytown, NY, in 1986, where he was elected GL Executive Board Member for the Eastern Region and served from 1986 to 1990. Harry met his wife, Mildred, in Uppsala College in East Orange, NJ, while fulfilling his ambition to be a teacher. After college, he was drafted into the Korean War, and returned home safely after the school year had begun. Wanting to marry Mildred, he took a job with Crayola, which lasted for 10 years. He was then named Administrator of the Swedish Home for the Aged on Staten Island. For his services to Sweden within the Swedish community in the United States, Harry was Knighted by the King of Sweden in New York City in 1976. Harry made many trips to Sweden and kept in contact with his relatives there. His hobby of collecting Mickey Mouse memorabilia, became a signature of his in retirement. Harry also loved gardening, New York Mets baseball and volunterring at Monmouth Battlefield State Park in the gift shop with Mildred.

BOBBIE JEAN (BJ) KEMPF passed away on December 12, 2010, in Dallas, TX. BJ retired from IBM after 35 years in 1988. BJ was very active in civic and charitable organizations. She was an active member of Carl XVI Gustaf Lodge #715 and had served as Chairman.

MARY “MAY” LOI GRONBERG passed away on December 23, 2010. She was a member of Linnea lode #504. Mary was born in Chicago, IL, on July 4, 1933. “May” is survived by children Linda and John Ward, Carl and Gina Gronberg, Paul and Barbra Gronberg and their families, also a sister Jean (Raymond) LaVoi and brother Henry (Sarah Lee) Gronberg. RUTH J. MAZAK passed away on November 30, 2008, in Bloomington, IL, at the age of 94. She was formerly from Torrance, CA. She is survived by sister-in-law Deeda Johnson, nephews, Thomas (Marietta) Mazak, Mark Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Kris Johnson, nieces Cordelia Waterhouse, Astrid McQueen, and Ann Marie Mazak. Ruth earned her Ph.D. in psychology and was a world traveler. CHARLOTTE MILLER passed away on January 4, 2011, in Wheaton, IL. She was born on June 10, 1938, in South Bend, IN, at the age of 72. She joined Viljan Lodge #349, Batavia, IL, on March 22, 2001, where she was an active member. She is survived by her husabnd Robert, 2 daughters, 1 son, and 5 grandchildren. WASHINGTON BETTY JO HANSON passed away December 19, 2010, in Mt. Vernon, WA. She was born May 24, 1929, and married Maurice Hanson in 1946. They had three children. Betty Jo is survived by her children, Kathy and Larry Lochen, Brad and Cathy Hanson, and Debbie and John Allen, 1 sister, 4 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren and special friend Bjorn Svendsen, life-long friend Pat Bromels and many nieces and nephews. She was active in Sons of Norway and Solidaritet Lodge #396. BETSY W. (GRUBB) STENGER passed away on January 22, 2011, at home in Anacortes, WA, at the age of 103. She was born in Burke Co., ND, the 3rd of 8 children. She attended and later taught in a 1-room county school before her marriage to Hardin Stenger in 1930. She and Hardin were married for 78 years until his death at the age of 101-1/2. She is survived by 4 children, Jack (Arleen) Stenger, Jeanine (Jim) Murphy, Betsy Jane Mosley, and Jennifer Calnon; 22 grandchildren, 35 great-grandchildren, 11 great-great-grandchildren, and 1 sister. She joined Solidaritet Lodge #396 too late in life to be very active, but enjoyed her time there. ASTRID (JOHNSON) TENGELIN passed away April 27, 2010, in Stanwood, WA, at the age of 94. She was born October 15, 1915, and married Axel Tengelin on March 2, 1940. They had 3 children. She is survived by a son, John (Brenda) Tengelin and daughter Nancy Tengelin, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. She was a member of Solidaritet Lodge #396.

MEMORIAL NOTICES should be mailed with check or money order to: Joan Graham, 5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804. Phone 510-526-5512. E-mail: The fee is $8.00 for 1 column inch. Longer obituaries will be charged a flat rate of $25.00. All notices MUST be typed and WRITTEN in a format similar to those in this column. NO newspaper clippings.

Vasa Star Winter 2012

In Memoriam

Till minne av hädangångna ordenssyskon genom vilkas bortgång syskonkretsen gjort en kännbar förlust In memory of our departed members who will be sorely missed CONNECTICUT GLADYS M. DAWLESS, wife of the late Walter Dawless Sr., passed away Oct. 1, 2011. She was born in Chicago, IL July 10, 1924, served with the Navy WAVES during WWII. She was a member of Diana Birger Jarl No. 3. She is survived by son Walter and his wife. GRACE L. JOHNSON, wife of the late Iver Johnson passed away Dec 15, 2011. She was born in Melrose, MA on Nov 15, 1926. She was a member of Diana Birger Jarl No. 3, Bethesda Lutheran Church, and Scandinavian Women’s Chorus, AAUS. She is survived daughter Alice Baglioni and her family and son Robert Johnson and his wife. STIG O. LYDELL, husband of Mary Lydell passed away on Jan. 21, 2012 in Walterboro, SC. He was born in New Haven, CT on May 29, 1927, served in the US Army during the Korean Conflict, started Lydell Motors, and was a member of Diana Birger Jarl No. 3. He is survived by wife Mary, sons Mark and Kurt, and daughter Kajsa and their families. ILLINOIS IRMA KAEV, from Buffalo Grove, IL, passed away on December 12, 2011 at the age of 91. She was born in Halsingland, Sweden and came to the United States in 1954. She has been a member of Vasa since 1954 and belonged to Kronan Lodge No. 179 VOA. She is survived by her three children, two grandchildren, and one great grandchild. She will be greatly missed by everyone who knew her. MICHIGAN ALMA C. BENDALL passed away on 6-10-2011 in Flint, MI at 87 yrs of age. She was born 10-191923 in Iron Mtn., MI. She joined Viking 730 in 1990 and was a very active member. She is survived by her husband Art, sons Larry/Eric and daughters Rose Mari/Alice. DORIS M. HASKILL(92) passed away 7-30-2011 IN Boise, ID. She was born 7-24-1919 in Flint, MI. She was a member of Viking Lodge 730 since 1984. She is survived by her son Lee and daughter Marie. OHIO BETTY ARVIDSON, age 86, of Mentor, OH passed away on October 19, 2011 at Hospice House in Cleveland, OH. She was the beloved wife of Emil Arvidson and William Becker (deceased); loving mother of Kim (Mark) Sample, grandmother of Matthew, Gwen, and Tim; great-grandmother of eight; stepmother of Penny (Neil) Richards and Pam (Jim) Hooley; step-grandmother of Cameron, Ian, Dylan, and Rose; loving sister of the late Carl Lind;

and sister-in-law of Eric Arvidson. Betty joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge No. 130 on February 28, 1947 and was a LIFE Member. MARIA I. ARVIDSON (nee Wenzel), 84, died at home (Mentor, OH) on September 9, 2011. She was the beloved wife for 55 years of Eric O. Arvidson; loving mother of Gerda (Gunnar) Maidhof, and grandmother of Sylvia, Katia, and Peter, all of Germany; sister-in-law of Emil (Betty) Arvidson of Mentor. Maria was a 50 year member of NobelMonitor Lodge No. 130, having joined January 6, 1961. RICHARD F. KANENGEISER, age 83, dear husband of Frida (nee Ek) for 60 years, passed away on September 25, 2011. He was the devoted father of Paul (Patricia) and David (Lynn); proud grandpa and “papa” of Nicole, Alyssa, and Richard; brotherin-law of Elsie Jones (Robert, deceased), Irma Jackson (Delbert) (both deceased), and Barbara Ek. Dearest uncle of many. Dick joined Nobel-Monitor Lodge No. 130 on February 11, 2001. TEXAS DORA BOWMAN passed away on November 9, 2011 at the age of 98. She was born in Taylor, TX on July 22, 1913 and joined Carl Widen Lodge #743 in February 1992. She is survived by daughter-in-law Brucie Bowman and grandchildren. EMILY A. VAN NIEL passed away on November 28, 2011 at the age of 78. She was born January 31, 1933 near Georgetown, TX and was a Charter Member of Carl Widen Lodge #743, February 12, 1989. She served the lodge as Asst. Recording Secretary, Brev Editor, Financial Secretary, Vice Chairman, and Chairman. She is survived by daughter Barbara and son Robert. WASHINGTON ELOV ERICK BODIN passed away December 15, 2011 at the age of 98. He was born March 7, 1913 in Seattle, WA. Elov’s activities included membership in Frihet Lodge No. 401, Swedish Cultural Center, and Vasa Park Board. He was a retired mail carrier and musician in the “Mail Carrier’s Band” for 50 years. Surviving him are his wife Hulda, son Steve, and grandchildren Kelly and Sarah. BORIS OSTERBACK, born March 21, 1920 in Overmark, Finland, died January 23, 2012 in Seattle, Washington. He served in the Finnish Army in WWII. In 1961 he immigrated with his family to Seattle. Boris was a long time member of Frihet Lodge No. 401. He leaves behind his wife of 65 years, Anni, sons Gustav and Ralf. RALPH THOMPSON, born May 19, 1942 in Seattle, WA, died December 5, 2012 in Snohomish, WA. Ralph graduated from Lake Washington High School in Kirkland, WA, spent time in the Army, and 35 years with the Duvall School District in Custodial Maintenance. He was Frihet Lodge No. 401’s long time Master of Ceremonies and a guiding light to all of us. Vasa Park at Lake Sammamish was his passion. Ralph was Vice Chair on the Vasa Park Board and spent countless hours working to better the park. He is survived by life-companion Judy Solo, sister Heidi, brothers Randy and Bob, daughter Deborah, son Dennis, and grandchildren Kaylah, Sarah, and Samantha.

WASHINGTON, D.C. CARL E. ANDERSON of Vienna VA, died on November 20, 2011. Born in Providence RI on January 4, 1931, Carl was initiated into Drott Lodge #168 in October 1974. Following a stint as a member of the U.S. Army Band, Carl earned a degree in engineering and became a civilian employee of the navy and later the Army Corps of Engineers. Survivors include his widow, Sandra Wilson, two daughters from his first marriage, and two granddaughters. EUGENE K. DAHLMAN 85, of Fairfax VA, passed away on June 5, 2011. He was born on June 30, 1926 in Minneapolis MN, and spent his career working in personnel management for various Federal agencies. Eugene joined Drott Lodge #168 in March of 1985. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, Greta Charstad Dahlman, three sons, three grandchildren, and a brother. Greta Dahlman is also a Drott member. MARIE ANNE ERICKSON, a writer with an avid interest in local communities, died September 3, 2011. Born in Aurora IL on September 5, 1932, Marie lived in Braddock Heights MD since 1967. She was a Vasa member for over 53 years, joining Drott Lodge #168 shortly after moving to MD by transfer from Fylgia Lodge #119 in San Francisco. Survivors include her husband of 55 years, Raymond Price, two daughters, and a grandson. Ray, one daughter, and her grandson are also members of Drott Lodge. EDITH LINNEA JOHNSON, 91, departed this world on October 9, 2011. Known as “Lynne” through most of her life, she was a member of Drott Lodge #168 for 65 years, and was the first daughter of the late Karl W. and Anna Johnson. Karl was Vasa Grand Master from 1945 to 1955. Born in Washington DC on July 16, 1920, Lynne worked for the FBI before transferring to the State Department and entering the Foreign Service. She served in Consular Affairs in many different countries and also served on Presidential Commissions and was given special duty assignments. Home was Washington DC or Falls Church VA when not abroad. Fluent in 23 languages, Lynne’s most satisfying professional activities were working with displaced persons. Predeceased by a brother and a sister, Lynne is survived by a nephew, the Most Reverend Carl G. Purvenas-Smith. She was a resident of New Oxford PA at the time of her death.

MEMORIAL NOTICES should be mailed with check or money order to: Joan Graham, 5838 San Jose Avenue, Richmond, CA 94804. Phone 510-526-5512. E-mail: The fee is $8.00 for 1 column inch. Longer obituaries will be charged a flat rate of $25.00. All notices MUST be typed and WRITTEN in a format similar to those in this column. NO newspaper clippings.

Two Prime Cemetery Lots For Sale Restland Memorial Park, 77 DeForest Ave., East Hanover, New Jersey 07936 Sale Price $2,000.00 each Please call or e-mail: David G. Johnson 865-408-0796

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