Maribor 2017 // Welcome Issue

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EDITORIAL Dear participants of Maribor 2017, This very issue you are reading right now is the first product of the Media Team of Maribor 2017 – the 6th Regional Session of EYP Slovenia. It contains information regarding the European Youth Parliament, an experience you are about to live really soon! I deem this issue a valuable tool for your start at the session. However, as you will discover through your 3 days in Maribor, EYP is not absolute, and it cannot be determined easily even if we break it down into specific elements. This is why I encourage you to search on your own, and find even the slightest detail that you may like at the session, and hold onto it. Friendship, fun, laughter, discussion.. You might feel anxious, as the days come by and the session gets closer and closer. You are indeed facing a new, unknown challenge. As a matter of fact, I have been in the same place as well. I was once a delegate amongst delegates, not even knowing what this EYP is after all, getting anxious on whether I will ultimately “click” with the other delegates, whether my points will be good or not. My first and only advice at this point is to get as ready as possible on every aspect, whether it is academic preparation or energy! The

more you contribute the more you are going to receive. From my behalf,I can almost guarantee that you are going to have lots of fun. See you in Maribor! Vasilis Tsenes Editor of the Session



contents Why attending EYP is the best decision you can make // 4

EYP Dictionary // 6 Maribor 2017 - The session theme // 7 What does the Board say? // 8 EYP Survival Kit // 10 The Maribor Quiz // 12 How to catch up with the Media Team // 14

the media team Editor: Vasilis Tsenes (GR) Journalists: Anastasia Kokkinou (CY) Brina Pirc (SI) Klara Ĺ irca (SI) Luka Poljak (RS) Nikola Andric Mitrovic (RS)

All the articles are created by the respective Journalists. Layout is created by the Editor. Photos are either credited to their owners, or downloaded from the members platform.




You are absolutely strong enough with english! Teambuilding will allow you to warm up your skills, besides, there are rarely any native English speakers!




If you are afraid that you DISCUSSING COMPLEX will be the “quiet one” because YES TOPICS AND FINDING YES YOU THINK YOU A NOT SMART ENOU you will have no idea what the SOLUTIONS WILL others are talking about, this CAUSE ME PROBLEMS! NO is actually what you can do: PREPARE IN ADVANCE, Read the Topic ARE YOU AFRAID OF Overview that your chairYES PUBLIC SPEAKING? person(s) prepared for you. You might Nothing to YES also do some research on your own. worry about! DON’T WORRY! Focus, you can’t express your ideas if you are not Wha NO concentrated enough. Drink coffee! could Coffee is your best friend! The or are ju ARE YOU AFRAID OF SOCIALIZING? NO YES What else can it be?!

4 Photo credits: Anna Luize Baratinska

Socialising and fitting in?

No probs! People in EYP tend to be really cool! They don’t judge, so you can be yourself! These weird Teambuilding games will connect you. JUST RELAX!

“I will pronou something the wr

YE Of course you will! and keep o


Before the session, you have some fears YES






YES A reliable source told me at else that food will be carefully d it be? rganisers chosen! Otherwise, you can ust perf! just bribe us, the media team!

unce rong way!


ARE YOU AN INTERNATIONAL? NO Slovenia is What the hell?! very friendly! You ‘ll be in your home country.. It’s true!


YES Honestly, the important part is Day 3 / General Assembly. You just don’t wear any jeans, t-shirt and sneakers.

ES Just smile YES I ‘ve heard that you can imagine the crowd being naked! I don’t know about this technique; You ‘ll just get confused! on! A better way is to actually focus on your idea and forget about the audience. Remember: Avoiding public speaking is not what true EYPers do. Challenge yourself! 5




by Anastasia Kokkinou (CY)

In order to bring about change in the world we live in, we need leaders. Leaders who are open minded, innovative and full of potential. It is true, universally, that young people possess all the above characteristics. They are a fresh impetus in today’s monotonous, corrupted society, and for me, they are hope for our future. In EYP, all of us, together are fighting for changes in the world. Through debates, resolution making and expressing thoughts and ideas about European or even global issues in some cases, you bring the world closer to changing for the better. Your voice is just as important as anyone’s voice in the world, and through your words, actions can be taken. So, everyone reading this, never hesitate to express your opinion, and never hesitate to communicateyour ideas out loud because they could ultimately become the change you wish to see in this world. Every day, something new threatens our humanity. Terrorist attacks, violations of human rights, global warming and so much more. These are hard problems to solve and their solution is hidden behind young people’s brains who are not blinded by power, corruption or selfinterests. In addition to this, being young allows us to be more idealistic and open, making us able to produce new, innovative ideas that have not yet been exposed to the world and might have the ability to bring about change. The session’s theme is one of the most aspiring themes to have in an EYP Session. EYP has always pushed me to think more, challenge myself and realize that the people involved in this organization, together have enough power to produce ideas and change perspectives that can make an impact to the world we live in. So, during this session be the leaders we want to see in this world and if you dream of a world you want to live in, dream out loud! 7

What does the Board say? Srdjan, the Session President, says: For AFCO: You will quickly realize that corruption could never be completely eradicated, as it lies in human nature. However, that does not in any case mean that you should give up on trying to find exact solutions to lower it. European citizens should close our eyes to everyday corruption which happens in many sectors such as health, education, politics etc. And lastly, it does not mean that we should stop fighting it or that whistleblowers should give in to the pressure not to pursue justice. If we are to be a successful democratic society fostering values such as equal chances for everyone and rule of law in European countries, then you should take small steps with your Resolution and focus mostly on some areas and specific issues, in order to really make a significant contribution. For EMPL: Youth unemployment issue demands tackling from more than one side, and needs your fresh and creative ideas in order to create a long-term strategy. Firstly, pay attention to the measures that are already in place and how well they are implemented. Think about how they can be improved and how you would change them for better. Especially think outside the box, think about new technologies and online possibilities, and also youth entrepreneurship. Do not lose from sight the education and its connection with the unemployment. Lastly, do not forget that you represent a voice of the youth and that your ideas are crucial for your future!


During the session, there are 3 people taking care of the academics, along with your chairpersons. These people consist the Board. It is the President, and his two Vice-Presidents. If you look carefully you might see them during the first 2 days, observing and giving advice. But, before the session starts, they have also prepared some pieces of advice for you, the delegates:

Ilona, the Vice-President advices ENVI: In order to tackle this topic accordingly, I would suggest dividing the emphasis on one "major", over-riding problem and its sub-problems. In order to tackle food waste, equal attention must be

placed on: 1. providing the best usage of wasted food,

2. reducing financial losses, 3. respecting consumer protection policies. By dividing each of these problems into their respective categories, such as pertaining to technology, the environment, legislation, etc., it will be easier to cover the whole topic well.

Find out what Ivana Biga, Vice-President, has to say about DROI: My best advice for the delegates of DROI, is to try to think of freedom of speech as not just what one verbally expresses - rather take actions and written context into consideration as well. Additionally, think of ways to ensure public safety and creating peaceful atmosphere, whilst not limiting one's thought.



by klara sirca (SI)



Coming prepared to the session in terms of academics is something really important, as it will maximize the experience and let you enjoy other aspects of EYP as well. This is why the Chairs’ Team has prepared this academic quiz for you. It contains ques�ons regarding the topics of all commi�ees. Be sure to not only answer your own commi�ee’s ques�ons, but also the other ones so as to get a be�er insight on each different topic. Good luck!

Commi�ee on Cons�tu�onal Affairs (AFCO) 1. Embezzlement is usually commi�ed by: a. ci�zens of a state; b. wealthy individuals; c. individuals having control over certain resources; d. public officials.

4. Transparency Interna�onal has created: a. Commission on the Preven�on of Corrup�on; b. The Stockholm Programme; c. Handbook on Comba�ng Corrup�on; d. Strategy 2020.

2. Consequences of corrup�on that directly influence economic growth include all of the below except: a. discouraging investors; b. fostering inequality of opportuni�es; c. money laundering; d. whistleblowing.

5. Which of the following statements is false? a. Corrup�on benefits public interest and harms individuals; b. States with more women in government are less corrupt; c. Corrup�on influences vulnerable groups the most; d. The EU lacks coordina�on in corrup�on measures.

3. Accep�ng a bribe is: a. corporate corrup�on; b. passive corrup�on; c. poli�cal corrup�on; d. grand corrup�on.

Commi�ee on Human Rights (DROI) 1. Which of these examples does not fall into freedom of expression? a. protest within the community; b. public poli�cal cri�cism; comments on social networks; d. none of the above. 2. Which interna�onal organisa�on’s main focus is respect of human rights? a. Organisa�on of United Na�ons; b. Council of Europe; c. European Council; d. Transparency Interna�onal. 3. Which documents are created by the EU? (2 answers) a. Universal Declara�on of Human Rights; b. Interna�onal Covenant on Civil and Poli�cal Rights ;


c. Conven�on on Human Rights; d. Charter of Fundamental Rights. 4. Which is a basic human right guaranteed by several interna�onal documents regarding expression of an individual? a. right to get married; b. right to freedom of speech; c. right to free movement; d. right to right to fair trial 5. Who can introduce new legisla�on regarding freedom of expression in each Member State? a. European Commission; b. European Council; c. Na�onal Governments; d. Non-Governmental Organisa�ons.

Commi�ee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) 1. Which EU country has the lowest rate of youth unemployment? a. Slovenia; b. Germany; c. Czech Republic.

4. When was the youth unemployment rate at an all �me high (from 1996 on)? a. 2013; b. 2011; c. 2007.

2. The magic triangle does not contain: a. Member state’s governments; b. Educa�onal ins�tu�ons; c. North Atlan�c Treaty Organiza�on.

5. What role does the Employment Protec�on Legisla�on (EPL) play in terms of youth unemployment? a. Employees with fixed-term contracts who are o�en young, are likely to be shed during an economic crisis; b. Fixed-term contracts lower the risk of ge�ng shed during an economic crisis; c. Fixed-term contracts had a huge advantage, because people get their jobs for a longer �me without the risk of ge�ng shed.

3. Not in Educa�on, Employment or Training (NEET) is: a. a young person who is currently unemployed but going to school and/ or receiving a form of training; b. a young person who is employed but not going to school or receiving any form of training; c. a young person who is currently unemployed and not going to school or receiving any form of training.

Commi�ee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)

2. Food waste occurs at: a. stage of producers; b. manufacturing; c. stage of consumers; d. all stages of the food chain. 3. The majority of food waste occurs at: a. stage of producers (farmers, etc.); b. manufacturing; c. retail and household level; d. all stages produce the same amount of waste.

4. The world faces a calorie gap of about: a. 10%; b. 50%; c. 70%; d. 90%. 5. Food waste in retail doesn’t occur due to: a. aesthe�c standards; b. overstocking; c. packaging defects; d. confusion over labels. 6. The government cannot have an effect on: a. legisla�on; b. implementa�on; c. control and monitoring; d. waste of food at a household level.

Turn upside down for the answers:

Answers/ AFCO: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.d 5.a DROI: 1.d 2.b 3.c&d 4.b 5.c EMPL: 1.b 2.c 3.c 4.a 5.a ENVI: 1.b 2.d3.c 4.c 5.d 6.d

1. The role of FAO is to: a. study the economical view of food waste; b. conduct studies on food waste; c. deal with EU policy on the environment and environmental issues such as food waste; d. Not do anything about food waste because they have other environmental problems to deal with.


catch up with the MED Facebook: Like the official Facebook Page, “Regional Sessions of EYP Slovenia�, and make sure to check regularly for updates & news. Projects: Get engaged with a number of projects run by members of the team during the session Other Social Media: You may use the hashtag #mb17 everytime you post on social media (f.e. Instagram) about the session! 14

Brina (SI) Journalist Climbing is her favorite sport Klara (SI) Journalist She dances hip-hop

V E L h

DIA TEAM Luka (RS) Journalist Used to play football

Nikola (RS) Journalist He attends acting classes

Anastasia (CY) Journalist She will study in the UK

Vasilis (GR) Editor Loves working, hates deadlines 15

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