ZMajcEK ljubljana 2017 | issue 2 | ZMAJ MEDIA
Dearest delegates, what you are holding in your hands is a collection of opinions, memories, moments & activities of Ljubljana 2017, an experience we had, sorry- an experience we felt together.. We hope you appreciate not only this piece but also the 4 days in this sunny city called Ljubljana. See you somewhere in Europe! Contents Ljubljana’s history vs our trip | 4 European Interview | 6 A story created by you | 8 International Sessions | 10 Our story in EYP | 12 Interview with the Head Orgas | 14 Surprisingly, | 18 To travel is to live | 20 Puzzle of #LJU17 | 22
Brought to you by Zmaj Media, your favorite football team: Adrià Fabro
Firi Mercan
Afroditi Karatagli Chiara Pegan
Jaša Levstik Klara Kokalj Celine Schaus
Igor Petrovski
Vasilis Tsenes
Tara Jovic
Nikola Andrič Mitrovic
Ljubljana’s History vs our Trip by Igor Petrovski (RS)
Prehistory There are several explanations on the origin of the Ljubljana Dragon. According to a myth, the slaying of a dragon releases the waters and ensures the fertility of the earth, and it is thought that the myth is tied to the Ljubljana Marshes, the expansive marshy area that periodically threatens Ljubljana with flooding According to the celebrated Greek legend, the Argonauts on their return home after having taken the Golden Fleece found a large lake surrounded by a marsh between the present-day towns of Vrhnika and Ljubljana. It was there that Jason struck down a monster. This monster has evolved into the dragon that today is present in the city coat of arms and flag.
4:00 SATURDAY A myth says that a person can get up early in the morning and not feel pain in their brain. I still have not met that person. It is thought that the myth is tied to “morning travelling”, a periodically threat to the average EYPer. According to the legend, one can actually get used to getting up early in the morning. Yet, in present-day organisations like EYP, no participant feels alive when they wake up. These people have evolved into sleepless monsters that we call our EYP friends.
Ancient times Around 50 BC, the Romans built a military encampment that later became a permanent settlement called Emona. Emona housed 5,000–6,000 inhabitants and played an important role during numerous battles. Its plastered brick houses, painted in different colors, were already connected to a drainage system. In the 6th century, the ancestors of the Slovenes moved in.
9:49 You know an EYPer when you see one. And when we fill a train, we REALLY fill it. Around 8:59, one of the Ljubljana’s participants entered the train. It housed less than 100 people, but all you could hear was our screaming and shouting. At 11:00, the participants of the Session moved in.
Late modern In 1895, Ljubljana, then a city of 31,000, suffered a serious earthquake. Some 10% of its 1,400 buildings were destroyed, although casualties were light. During the reconstruction that followed, a number of districts were rebuilt in the Vienna Secession style.
11:00 So we arrived - alive; but as if an earthquake happened. During the trip, a number of people thought about quitting (life) but we succeeded.
After WWII After World War II, Ljubljana became the capital of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia, part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. It retained this status until Slovenia became independent in 1991.
13:24 We posed with a Yugoslav flag in the city centre. That’s that.
21st century Slovenia becomes a member of the EU. It becomes a part of NATO and the Eurozone. International relations improve, it enters the Schengen area and creates its own EYP National Committee!
15:10 The Session was already in full swing, and by now, you could feel friendships forming!
European Interview
by Celine Schaus (LU)
Interview questions 1) When you hear “Europe”, what’s the first emotion you feel? 2) Were you born and raised in Europe? 3) In what way, both positively and negatively, do you think your life would change if you moved outside of Europe? 4) What have your parents told you about life in the earlier days of the European Union, compared to life now? What has changed? 5) What would you personally change or criticize about the EU? 6) Do you think the European Union binds all our countries together positively? Anonymous 1) When I think of “Europe” I think of a place for growth. 2) Yes, I was born and raised in Slovenia. 3) My medical care wouldn’t be as good as in Europe and I would probably have to pay the school system which I don’t have to here. 4) They haven’t told me much about the early life in the European Union because they were living in Yugoslavia. Say something about Slovenia in the EU and Slovenia in Yugoslavia. In Yugoslavia everyone was the same, they didn’t really have political choices or the right to vote but they had the same standards. Basically everyone was equal. Now, there is capitalism. Bigger differences now. 5) The differences between the Member States. Are they too big? Some Member States have control over the others. 6) Yes, in some way it does but I’m hoping that there will be more binding together in the future. Anja, AFCO 1) I feel happiness. 2) Yes, I was born and raised in Serbia. 3) I wouldn’t have smoki. I wouldn’t travel as much as I do now, I mean everything is close. If I lived in America, I would need to take a 15-hour flight to get out of the country. 4) Well, I think a lot of things have changed such as the economic system and Yugosla-
via. 5) I don’t think the EU is supporting NGOs as it should, like EYP for example. I think they are super important. In EYP you can learn a lot about Europe and European institutions. So it should increase its support for NGOs like EYP. 6) Yes, I think it does; Europe is like one country made up of many countries. So you think the EU has succeeded in its mission? There is euroscepticism now, but I think that the young people can get over that and continue to improve the EU. Anetta, born in Lithuania, living in the UK 1) Cultures, i imagine lots of different cultures and food, just a variety. One nation, but a completely different world 2) Yes, born in Lithuania but i am half Polish half Russian. 3) I have family friends in Australia and i know the problems they are facing. Like every time they want to go on a holiday they have to take at least a 10-hour flight to get out of there and they are still in Asia. The benefit of living in Europe, is that everything is close, you take 2-3 hour flight and you can go and meet a completely different world. For example, you can go to Italy, England, everywhere. Communication is really good, everything is close and friendly. Positively, i would be influenced as well. I would like to live in China. I mean, the economy is growing and i am already learning chinese. Asian people generally, do value education much more. For example, we have that really good school in London and it offers really high-level courses and scholarships and a lot of students there are Asians. 4) My mum did tell me it is going to be difficult. When you live on your own, you face in England, a lot of different challenges, even if you are a student. You have to spend 90% of your wage to survive. 5) Well, ideally, each country could share euro and have the same VAT rate (value added tax), but this is not going to happen. Poland, for exapmle, still have slots but they are economically unstable so this is going to take ages for them to do it. I would say, economy, jobs, wages. Economies were bad and now they are failing even more, because of the corruption. 6) No, no, because we have this idea that eastern europe doesnt count. In education there is unequality for example, the priorities for job opportunities.
A STORY CREATED BY YOU by Celine Schaus (LU)
Once upon a time, a boy called Chris lost his favorite wallet. Inside a tiny dragon who peed fire was hidden. Then the dragon came out of his tiny place. And for the first time he felt the breeze caress his foul skin. He felt infinite but then it started to become really windy. In order to escape this life threatening danger, he tried to hide in the garbage. Inside the garbage, there was a grizzly bear sleeping. He was really really hungry. He went to a mexican restaurant and ordered hot tacos. When the tacos arrived he saw a green suspicious thing on top; it turned out to be a sea shell. He ordered a hamburger. The hamburger was so good that he wanted more, but then his mother arrived and forced him to stop eating because they were vegetarians. She couldn’t believe her eyes and was a bit disappointed, but on the other hand cooked ham was really tasty. She finished eating it, leaving nothing for her friends. “How selfish!”, they said. This was not the first time that someone thought she could do something like that. She jumped from the bridge into the Ljubljana river.
Laax, Switzerland, 2016 The mountains were the Top of Laax, and of course the cows. Delegates even got to vote for their favorite cow during the cow fashion contest. Almost everyone I have met throughout EYP and was at Laax keeps saying how it was the best experience of his life so far, how it changed them and how it was one of the main reasons they fell in love with the concept of EYP. It is undoubtedly one of the best International Sessions so far. Klara: The air, I will never forget the air. It had that amazingly specific and unique smell, it was fresh and I really miss that feeling. You can call me crazy, but I really believe that it had an impact on people there. They were always so happy, inspired and motivated, in a constructive way. You could just randomly go and sit next to anyone you wanted and start talking without getting out of your comfort zone; our comfort zone was Laax. I can’t choose my favorite moment, everything was so special. I created more
Trondheim and Roros, Norway, 2017 We could easily say that the highlight of the Session was the snow! It was April but there was so much snow that the Team Building could not possibly be held outside (it was around -10 degrees). However, some chairs decided to make the start and “institutionalize” the Roros snow war! These snow fights are definitely not going to be forgotten. Jasa: What I clearly remember is the town of Roros. During Team Building we were the only committee to go to the town’s Coal Mine, from the top of which the view was outstanding. I just cannot describe it with words; I haven’t seen that kind of image in my entire life. It was also snowing, as always. I’ve never thought that I would actually experience snow in April, weird things happen in life! I loved how I could randomly find people at the hotel’s lobby and just go and sing with them, without even knowing them. The experience we were sharing was enough for us to get close.
memories there, in 10 days, than I have created in one year of High school. Igor: The gala evening, I would not forget that. It was held at the top of the mountains, above the clouds. We were flying! No, no actually…we were swimming, in a sea of clouds. I fell in love in Laax, with Beatrix. She was the winning cow; I voted for her, she was so clean. I never thought that a cow could be that clean. Laax shaped me, I wouldn’t be me without it. Nobody can doubt that.
Stories from #L
Brno, Czech Republic, 2017 This summer, during Brno IS, the 30th anniversary of EYP was celebrated. People who were involved in EYP many years ago got to visit the place for the 30-years party, there were EYPers from 1995 and way older than that. They might have a family now, they might be really busy with their work, they are at the peak of their careers, of their lives. However, they still have time for EYP, they dedicated a whole weekend of their busy life to meet old friends, to restore memories. Nikola: It was my first IS experience and I am really proud of that. People are going to ask me during the next years “which was your IS?” and I am going to be happy to say that I was in Brno. It was and will always be an unforgettable experience but I have one special moment I would like to share. It was around 1am and my committee and I were walking throughout the forest in order to go at TESCO and buy food. It was raining so heavy and my shoes were full of water. They were actually my GA shoes. I had to wash them for GA. How did I feel attending a GA with wet shoes? It was a lifetime experience; I will surely never forget it!
“EYP cannot be experienced, it must be felt”, that could be our Session’s moto – it really touched me, to be honest. It must be felt. That exact feeling, which can’t be replaced by anything else. Being a part of a Team, meeting your future friends and bonding in a magically easy and simple way; through EYP, participants get to discover their differences but more interestingly, their similarities. Regional and National Sessions are just the beginning. The International Sessions that follow, literally shape the participants. Eurovillage (every delegation is presenting typical food) and Euroconcert (every delegation is usually presenting a national song or dance) allow delegates and Officials to mingle with each other in order to reach the desired outcome and get a chance to be mentally transferred to other countries through sound and taste. And these are just the typical, however necessary, activities of an International conference. Within 7 to 10 days, participants get to experience much more than they could possibly imagine. Such experiences cannot be described just theoretically, that’s why we chose the last 3 International Sessions (Laax IS, Tro IS and Brno IS) to present to you, in order to point out their specialties and unique points which captivated the heart of every participant.
LX16, #TRO & #ISBRNO17
e International Sessions of the EYP | by Afrodite Karatagli (GR)
Our story in EYP
Every one of us started EYP in order to “get closer to Europe”, to “get informed”, to “broaden his/hers horizons” or something similar; it all started as an academic experience. However, it evolved into something more special than what we meant for it to be. It turned out to have a personal impact on every single one of us. But behind every Official there is a different back ground, a different story with different memories. We asked them 3 simple but very personal questions and that is what they would like to share with you. Question No1: what was your first opinion and thoughts about the concept of EYP? Question No2: could you please describe your first experience as an Official? Question No3: what was the moment you knew you were in love with EYP?
“At first, I hated it so much. I felt I didn’t belong there; I couldn’t get the point of it. Most of the delegates and Officials knew each other beforehand, had inside jokes and were so comfortable with the whole concept. However, I wasn’t like that. I was so insecure. I didn’t even have fun. After my first time as an Official, I totally saw EYP from a different aspect. I bonded with people and-
a totally different world opened in my mind. My favorite moment, well, it was probably when I arrived at Laax. There were so many familiar faces and that made me understand how broad but at the same time big this thing was!”
“I didn’t like it either. I found people there so weird and unorganized. I felt like no delegate actually cared about it, there were delegates leaving during CW. I just didn’t like it. While being an Official, I completely loved it. It was a brand new world of EYP. I had much more impact on people around me comparing to the amount I had as a delegate. I appreciated the responsibilities I had. I realised I loved it when I met special people, people that achieved to destroy the stereotypes in my head.”
“I immediately understood it was my world and I wanted to be a part of it. As
As simple and brief as it sounds, I just knew it, I felt it. When I was an Official it was even better, the environment was so special. I was really enjoying the freedom I had. The moment I knew it was after my first GA. I just called my mum, bursting to tears and saying: Mum, I found my thing.”
“It was just amazing; it was something that made me experience the whole palate of emotions. Being an Official was different. I enjoyed it, the fact that I was free but I really didn’t bond with my team, we just didn’t click. It is not always like that though, that’s why I am still involved. I know the moment, during the closing ceremony of my 1 st session. The moment our president said: See you somewhere in Europe”
“It was actually an awesome experience. I loved it. I bonded so well with my committee and I saw it as an opportunity and possibility to meet my future friends. After my 2 nd delegate experience I really wanted to give up, to stop EYP. However, I was given the opportunity to be an organizer in a Session and I got fascinated again, slowly and then all at once.
My moment would be actually a meeting with a person, a new friend. I met a girl at a Session and after a few hours of our first meeting; I can picture us at 2am having a deep conversation. I knew I could feel her, I could understand her, even if I knew her just for a few hours.”
by Afrodite Karatagli (GR)
Interview with the Head Orgas by Afrodite Karatagli (GR)
Me: Hey, I would like you to share with me your experience as HOs, how did you feel when you took the challenge? Were you scared? Maybe anxious? Brina and Klara: Hmmm, well, hmm… Oh my God, we go way back. Klara: I don’t know where to start actually. I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out to be. It was like a big Media project and I was not sure how to deal with it. I didn’t even know if I could deal with it, to tell you the truth! Brina: I wasn’t even sure if I should take this challenge, I was thinking about it for a long time. Klara: Oh yeah, me too! I knew it was like a major challenge. Things were serious, write, send, check, choose applications, organize Officials and all that… I knew I had to dedicate half of my summer doing that “big project”. All of my friends were going to the seaside but there was no time for me. I had to organize a Session. But I wouldn’t complain – and I still don’t – because it was my decision, and I am really proud I took it. I knew there would be new experiences and satisfaction in the end. And I was correct.
Me: What about now, now that the session is almost coming to an end? Klara: I really cannot realize it. This session was my whole summer life and now, when it will be over, I will
have nothing to do. I know, it sounds crazy, but I will miss working for it. It was my everyday life for so long; it was my summer hobby! I am not as stressed as I thought I would be, I am really enjoying it but at the same time I cannot realize it is actually taking place! Brina: I am really excited that it is happening but I can’t believe I am here. It seems like the picture I had in my mind for the past 4 months but it is not a picture, it is the reality. Matthias said before that we should take a moment to realize that the session is actually happening, but I don’t know. We probably should.
Me: Well, Klara, would you like to say something about Brina? Klara: oh Brina is amazing; I could never do it on my own. We are just the greatest combination. We are thinking about different parts of the same problem, the one completes the other. We meet halfway and then we continue walking straight together. Does that even make sense? Hahah. The thing is that we are perfect together. Brina: exactly, we are alike a lot and that’s why we “click” but at the same time we are thinking about different things. I would have forgotten or overlooked so many things if it wasn’t for Klara. That’s for sure!
Me: was there any moment you wanted to give up?
Brina and Klara: No, no Brina: we had a role and we were dedicated to it, there were of course moments of weakness but we were both excited for the result so the excitement always covered any feeling of disappointment. Klara: yes, that’s true. I was asking myself sometimes “is that going to function? Are we making the right choice?” but, in the end, there was not right or wrong answer to these questions; so I guess we just had to decide ourselves, take the risk. And that’s what the session is, a series of decisions and risks we took! Brina: it was also so difficult that the preparations were during summer and there were vacations so not always people were around when we needed them to be. It was hard to organize them all. But yes, going back to your question, I never thought about giving up.
Me: what about now, now that the Session is almost coming to an end? Klara: I really cannot realize it. This session was my whole summer life and now, when it will be over, I will have nothing to do. I know, it sounds crazy, but I will miss working for it. It was my everyday life for so long; it was my summer hobby! I am not as stressed as I thought I would be, I am really enjoying it but at the same time I cannot realize it is actually taking
place! Brina: I am really excited that it is happening but I can’t believe I am here. It seems like the picture I had in my mind for the past 4 months but it is not a picture, it is the reality. Matthias said before that we should take a moment to realize that the Session is actually happening, but I don’t know. We probably should. Haha.
Me: well, Klara, would you like to say something about Brina? Klara: oh Brina is amazing; I could never do it on my own. We are just the greatest combination. We are thinking about different parts of the same problem, the one completes the other. We meet halfway and then we continue walking straight together. Does that even make sense? Hahah. The thing is that we are perfect together. Brina: exactly, we are alike a lot and that’s why we “click” but at the same time we are thinking about different things. I would have forgotten or overlooked so many things if it wasn’t for Klara. That’s for sure! Me: so, did you decide to do the Session together or it was an offer? Brina: It was both! I offered Klara and then we decided to do it together. Jasmin asked me if I could HO the session and I was thinking about it a lot. I had my finals and I was finishing High School so I didn’t know how I could manage it all. In the end, I told him “I’m in, but only if Klara
says yes!”. He asked her and I think it was the best decision ever! Me: Wow, Klara she chose you above many other people? How does that make you feel? Klara: I am honored! I was really happy. We were Officials together again, back in the Regionals, Brina was also an HO there and I was an organizer; I felt that we were matching. So when I got the offer, I just knew that Brina was feeling the same thing, it made me feel so happy. I knew that we could do it together. Brina: yes, actually during our Regionals she made me feel like I had another HO by my side, she was so helpful and I really admired that. I felt sure about her. Klara: I was feeling that we were meant for that Session, that we had to do it! Brina: and we did, and I am extremely happy about it! Me: Thank you very much girls!
Get this area signed by all of the members of the Organising Team
Surprisingly, we asked the delegates about the most surprising things that happened to them during the session, here is what they had to say: by Celine Schaus (LU)
What did you learn during committee work that shocked you? Trains are
People eat
pineapple on
knows my
Sarah does
Sarah does
not like going
not like
We have the
Czech people
best room!
whip girls on
#TRANďŹ rst
The capital of Romania is Bucharest.
What did you ďŹ nd out about a person that surprised you? Kristijan is
That Celine
That Thomas
not boring
(journo) has a
(juror) speaks
(he is nice
and loves us) Luka is a veg-
cannot remember anything!
Jan can really fall asleep during Committee Work.
What will you miss the most about the session? Alex’s smile!
The amazing
The transpor-
people and
tation meth-
ods! (aka
Zmaj Media..
weird bike) KLARA
Touchy games from Alex!
To travel is to live by Afrodite Karatagli (GR)
A lot of countries around Europe, so many cities, impassable and graphical cobble-streets and uncountable colors and shades of suitcases a traveler could encounter at the airport. In my opinion, being in a foreign country is one of the best feelings a person could experience. Walking throughout the streets while your legs are hurting from the amount of kilometers you have covered, mingling with native people and feeling that you actually know the city. You know the city as if you were born and raised there, as if you are intentionally a permanent resident just for a few days. And then you return to your home-town and the only part of your trip you kept are the souvenirs, the pictures and the memories. We recovered and collected participants’ memories, so that they do not easily fade away. Whoever pinched the map, decided what his favorite place in Europe was and automatically flashbacked to his journey. A saying goes: “just be a traveler, not a tourist”. So I wish you all experience again and again the life of a traveler.
THE PUZZLE OF #LJU17 BY IGOR PETROVSKI (RS) Cut the pieces and glue them onto the next page
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