How to make perfect interiors by vastu tips

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Vastu Properties And Interior Services


7 Do Not’s For The Kitchen 7 Things Which Should Not Be Kept In The House According To Vastu HOW TO DECORATE YOUR FRONT DOOR ACCORDING TO

The interiors of a home speak a lot about the people residing in it. Their success, prosperity, peace and happiness depend a lot on how much of compatibility is adhered with the Vastu principles within it. However, here are some suggestions as to how to make perfect interiors by Vastu tips so that it becomes favourable for the inmates of the house.


• Organizing the bedroom- we relax and de-stress ourselves in the bedroom. The master bedroom should be placed in the southwest or south direction. The east or the west direction should host the children’s room while the guest room should be in the north-west direction. The bedroom should be painted in hues of violet or purple as they represent trust and positivity. Vastu strictly prohibits the presence of a television in the bedroom. • Location of the kitchen- the most ideal location for the kitchen within the house is the south-east. The person cooking the food should face the east while cooking. Moreover, the kitchen should not be right in front of the main entrance door.

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• House entrance- The east direction is considered to be the most optimistic direction for the entrance of the house. The main reason for this is that the sun rises in the east and brings in positive energy and light into the house. • Placement of the toilet/lavatory- The placement and direction of the water closet within the toilet is quite vital both from the Vastu point of view as well as from a general health angle. The north-west direction is considered to be the most ideal location for a toilet. The second best option is the south east. However, care should be taken that the pooja room, toilet and kitchen are not placed adjacent to each other. • There should be no mirrors placed at the entrance door facing it as this tends to push away all the positive energy that would otherwise enter the house premises. However, if the mirror is placed in the drawing room in a manner that it does not face the entrance door, this is supposed to bring in a lot of positive energy into the house. Mirror placed in the south make the children of the house very stubborn. • It is a common practice to place the idol of Lord Ganesha at the main entrance door. However, very few people know that in doing so one should make sure that the image has been placed back to back so as to avoid poverty from coming into the house. • It is believed that placing a small lamp or a flower vase in the middle of the hallway can bring in a lot of positive energy into the house. Even hangings, fixtures, decorative mirrors and artworks can be hung on the walls considering the right direction they should be in. • It is good to have water element flowing inward within the house as it depicts wealth and prosperity for the inmates. One can keep flowers or lemon in a bowl filled with water facing the main door; this is considered to be very auspicious. However, this water should be changed regularly.





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VASTU PROPERTIES AND INTERIOR SERVICES ďŒƒ SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 ďŒ€ LEAVE A COMMENT With the growing awareness about the benefits of Vastu and its principles many companies as Vastu properties and interior services are coming up which promise to meet every demand and requirement of their client pertaining to purchase and sale of property keeping in mind the rightful Vastu guidelines. However, Dr. Chawla, a highly renowned figure in the field of Vastu with an experience of over two decades now, feels that it is highly essential to consult a professional Vastu personnel who can guide you through every step towards attaining a dream home without inviting any complications for the future and ensuring sure shot success and prosperity with the property that you acquire. This kick starts right from procuring the plot to providing the final touches to your structure.

Architects are in a tiresome bind in India. After having slaved for years to master their craft and produce appropriate designs, their hard work is overturned by a Vastu expert who may have no clue about modern architectural practice but has the superstitious ear of the client firmly in his power. In order to get rid of these complications, these days builders are coming up with providing Vastu properties and interior services which do every needful to balance modern architectural designs the Vastu way and yield the best positive results for the same. Vastu pioneers like Dr. Puneet Chawla have taken Vastu to a different level as they help strike the right balance of Vedic textual Vastu learning s with modern designs so as to create a home and interior space worth living in every perspective. Dr. Chawla, with his innovative concepts of live Vastu and his intuitive personality of sensing the presence of positive and negative energies within any surrounding simply by his presence or the touch of his hands, has made a niche for himself in the global architectural and Vastu platform. What Dr. Chawla does is with his knowledge and openness of the subject, he tries to apply the good sense of Vastu to the realworld architectural challenges. His recognition and true aim of of Vastu creates a harmonious inner stability to the structure. Through

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Vastu, Dr. Chawla seeks to enhance the body, mind and spirit of the inhabitants of the house. Vastu teaches one how life can be lived abundantly. It is vibrancy worth experiencing and basking in. Last, but not the least, having studied the Vastu principles in depth, Dr. Chawla gives convincing arguments about energetically healthy structures that it is the spirit that gives life to a structure, not just following rules in a hidebound manner.







7 DO NOT’S FOR THE KITCHEN  SEPTEMBER 7, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT Kitchen is where the fire element exists and is hence a very crucial and sensitive area of any house. When we speak about fire, it has two categorizations- one is the actual fire that helps to cook raw food while the other is the symbolic fire which provides heat to our physical body. Vastu Shastra, as we all know, is a science of balancing energies within and around us while the kitchen is a place where healthy and nutritious food is cooked so as to provide us with life energy. It is the consumption of this healthy food which provides positive energy to us when we eat it which in turn helps us to think and act positively and prosperously towards the achievement of our goals.

If the kitchen does not comply and follow Vastu principles, it would begin to emit negative energy which would be transformed into the food being cooked there and eaten by us, thereby making us negative, dull and frustrated. In order to have peace of mind and for enjoying success and happiness for life, it is very important to make a Vastu compliant kitchen which would enhance and generate positive vibrations and would dispose of all negative energies present within the surrounding. Here is a list of 7 points which should be totally avoided for the

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kitchen according to Vastu • The kitchen should not be directly above or below the puja room or the toilet or any bedroom. • The cooking gas or the burner should never be placed directly in front of the kitchen entrance door. Also, the kitchen main door should not be in any of the corners, it should be placed wither in the east, north or west walls. • A kitchen placed in the north east of the house leads to mental tension for the inmates and results in bringing about major financial losses for them. There would be endless clashes among family members if the kitchen in placed in the south-west. A north-west direction kitchen would lead to increase in expenditures while one placed in the north would lead to increases expenses beyond expectations and control. • One should never face the west while cooking as it leads to major health issues for the cook. • Vastu says that facing the south while cooking would lead to heavy monetary losses. The best direction to face while cooking is the east. • The kitchen wall and floor should not be black in color. • The refrigerator should not be kept in the north east direction at any cost.






7 THINGS WHICH SHOULD NOT BE KEPT IN THE HOUSE ACCORDING TO VASTU  AUGUST 29, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT To ensure health, wealth, peace, happiness, success and prosperity in life, it is very import to adhere to Vastu principles and follow them by constructing and decorating it according to Vastu guidelines. Vastu being the science for construction provides rules for placement and positioning of each and every element within the home as well as the office. Here are a few things which should not be kept in the house according to Vastu as they tend to bring in negative energy and bad luck within the house for you and the other family members.

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1. War scenes- War scenes are a clear indication of rivalry among family members and hence create a lot of negativity and animosity among them. Hence, one should never display painting depicting war scenes from the epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata in one’s house. 2. Cactus or thorny plants- Any kind of plant with thorns should not be kept in the house. Among thorny plants, only rose plant can be planted in the garden. 3. Negativity in images- Paintings and images which depict negativity like drowning ships, trees without fruits and flowers, crying people, fight scenes with swords and so on should also not be placed within the four walls of the house. 4. TajMahal- TajMahal is definitely one of the Seven Wonders of the World but any image or showpiece of it should never be kept in the house because it hosts a grave which symbolizes death and passivity. 5. Painting or statues of animals- Pigs, asses, snakes, eagle, bats, owls, crows, vultures etc, images and paintings of these animals should not be hung on the walls of the house. Moreover, pictures of single animals should not be displayed in a couple’s bedroom. 6. Terrifying giants and demons- Wooden or metallic figures of wild beasts like tigers, wolves, jackals, bears, lions etc, or of terrific giants and demons should be completely avoided from displaying within the house. 7. Broken idols or mirrors- Broken glass, broken mirror, broken images or statues should be disposed off immediately as they carry and display a lot of negativity in the surrounding. Remember, our home is a reflection of our feelings and emotions, what we display are what we reflect. If we display positive things, we would automatically induce positivity in the environment and people around us. Hence, it is very important to get rid of all negativity as far as possible.




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HOW TO DECORATE YOUR FRONT DOOR ACCORDING TO VASTU  AUGUST 22, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT In Vastu, the main entrance door is regarded as the ‘Gateway to success’ as it is the indicator of the quality of vibrations which enter into the house from it. Energies constantly keep going out and coming in front his main entrance door. Hence, it is highly essential to maintain and take good care of this gateway at all times. Right from the proper positioning and location to its proper maintenance, the front door should be clean, beautiful, and attractive and obstruction-free both from outside as well as inside.

The main door is also regarded and referred to as the ‘Simhadwaram’ or the lion’s entrance as it is the principal entrance and access to the house. it is also the mouth of the Vastu Purush, the face of the house, and hence should be looked after in the same manner as we look after our own face. Here are a few Vastu tip as to how we can keep the main entrance door well decorated and well kept at all times. • The main entrance door should be the most attractive door of the house. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi enters the premises whose main doors are beautifully maintained. The same applies for positive energy as well. Hence, it is mandatory to keep the main entrance door neat, clean and tidy and well adorned at all times. • The main door should be decorated with auspicious symbols like the image of the kalash with coconut on it, Goddess Lakshmi’s ‘charan’ or feet pointing towards the house, or a Swastika with ‘Riddhi-Siddhi’ and ‘shubh-Laabh’ written on either side of the door. The Sawastika is believed to represent Lord Ganesha while Riddhiand Siddhi are his two wives while Shubh and Laabh are his two sons. • Even the ‘toran’ or the ‘bandarwar’ is considered to be a good ornament for the main door as it tends to invite good luck and wards off bad energies. • One should place an earthen ware diya or lamp with oil in it outside the main entrance door everyday at sunset as this too helps in

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warding off evil and negative energies from entering into the house. • Make sure that the main door is never producing a creaky sound due to it being un-oiled as this kills all positive energies which are about to enter the house or those which are already present in the house. Hence the hinges of the main door, and also the other doors of the house, should be well lubricated from time to time.






5 SYMBOLS WHICH INDICATE A PROBLEM  AUGUST 13, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT Problems and difficulties are a part and parcel of everyone’s life. We all have to face both aspects of life, happiness and sadness, at some point or the other. After every bright morning comes a dark night, which again gets replaced by a beautiful and bright morning. This is the cycle of life which cannot be avoided by anyone. However, according to Vastu, if a person adheres to its principles, he gets well prepared to face the challenges of life in the most comfortable manner. Vastu prepares its followers for every challenge of life in the most positive manner.

Our home is where we find solace and comfort in every situation of life or state of mind. It symbolizes our psyche or self. Hence it should be protected from every evil eye or negative energy surrounding it. Here are a few symbols which indicate a forthcoming problem. • When a house is not taken proper care by its inhabitants, it tends to lose its identity and falls into despair. It begins to disintegrate and breaks down slowly. There are symbols which indicate this slow destruction, one of it being the cracking of the walls. It points out that a problem is about to arise in the near future which needs to be taken care of. Hence, cracked and broken walls, both in the interior as well as the exterior of the house, should be mended at once.

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• Water leaking from taps is a sign of wealth draining out of the house. It indicates losses which are to take place sooner or later, hence leaking pipelines and taps should be mended at once. Even a leaking roof indicated depression. • Using torn upholstery is yet another indication of poverty and unforeseen problem which might occur in the near future, such things should be replaced at the earliest possible so as to avoid the negative energy from getting built up over time. • Even the colors of the walls, when they begin to fade or diminish points towards negativity which might surround the inmates. Not letting this negativity to multiply by correcting the wrongs is the best way to get rid of them. • Moreover, if there are holes in the walls of a house, it symbolizes lack of self esteem in the people living within these four walls. To sum it up all, a non-welcoming house is a clear and direct indication of presence of negativity within it which in turn is lays a direct impact on the emotions which we display. Vastu suggests getting rid of these negativities by following Vastu principles in one’s daily life in order to make life happy, healthy and prosperous.






DEPICTING LOVE THROUGH DEVOTION  AUGUST 6, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT In the sacred holy book of Bhagwad Gita, Lord Krishna speaks of devotion through knowledge of the soul which ultimately leads one to Truth. The best way for any human heart to meet its inner wellspring is by calming down strong desires and unproductive emotional attachments. However, forrevealing the inner fire of consciousness and for immersing our heart in joy, devotion which floods the mind with love would act as a stimulant for the same. This state of the human mind is what is summoned as the pinnacle of devotional experience.

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The lord himself says that un-distracted love is enough to know him, see him and even enter into him. Neither the study of the Vedas, nor leading an austere life, nor giving gifts nor through ritual offerings can one obtain the Lord, it is unconditional love and devotion which alone can work wonders in obtaining the Almighty. Lord Krishna further states in the Bhagwad Gita that he who does all his work with love and devotion, one who sees him as the highest, free from all worldly attachments and loves him with love for all his creations, he is the one who actually comes to him in the form of truth. Love is a state of mind and heart which compels us to be close to the person whom we love at all times, to pamper him/her with gifts, share our thoughts and experiences with him and even receives the other person’s love in the same magnitude. We are ready to give up everything for that person and even render support in times of illness and hardships of life. Love is a medium for uniting two souls who do not want to harm each other in any manner. The ways of love are giving, receiving, sharing and uniting. But do we ever realize why love lets us behave like this, what is there in love that transforms us so completely only towards the one we love. There is no answer to this query because this is what love’s nature is. The blossoms bloom only where love grows and vice-versa. Hence it is important to love love. The lord, in the Bhagwad Gita, says that it is the quietness of the soul which remains unseen and unheard to the outside world when a person is in true love with someone. Krishna appeals to his devotees to give him their mind and heart, their offerings and adoration, their harmonious soul by making him the supreme goal and what they will receive in return is the truth and essence of his own self. This however can happen only through love and devotion. The lord further says that one who offers him even a leaf, a ower, a fruit or even a little water with complete devotion, he accepts it whole heartedly from them whose self is pure. The lord requests his disciple Arjuna that whatever he does for him even in the form of austerities for him should be done by way of an offering to him. This would make him free from the bondage of karma, good and evil fruits and would ultimately liberate him to come to him, the lord, with a pure soul. Vastu | Vastu Shastra | Vastu Tips | Vastu Services | Vastu Books

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LOVE AND DEVOTION IS ETERNAL  AUGUST 2, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT Bhagwad Gita, the sacred book of the Hindus, is a compilation of thoughts where Lord Krishna advices his disturbed disciple Arjuna about the three paths of life. He describes them each as a kind of yoga which determines the way of one’s living in this world and also teaches one how to maintain inner peace. These three paths are the path of devotion, the path of action and the path of knowledge.

The path of action or Karma yoga, as described by Lord Krishna, helps one to evaluate his motivation conscientiously, assists in acting with skill and determination without getting attached to the outcome of the action. The path of devotion or Bhakti yoga helps heal spirits with eternal love for each soul. The bhakti yoga is generally expressed through music, poetry, dance and other forms of fine art. It is considered synonymous to a life full of prayer, service and meditation. It is a life devoted to God Almighty. This path leads to uplifting of human hearts by an attraction which is strongly magnetic towards God. The love through devotion reaches to such a height with time that the yoga of devotion matures into love and respect for the guru or the almighty or even for the natural universe. In Bhagwad Gita, the lord himself praises the path of devotion and says that he is the same for all human beings and even his love remains the same foe one and all. However, people who worship him with devotion, they automatically stay in his heart and he stays in their heart. Soon, his devotee would become pure and reach a state of ever lasting peace through his undefined devotion for him. The lord further says that one who is devoted completely to him would never fall into any kind of danger.

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The path of knowledge depicts the heart as the seat of human feeling. It is always seen that that the heart and mind are always at war due to ego and lack of understanding. Knowledge is the preceptor, the silent dimension of the mind which brings the heart’s energy to awareness. In other words, knowledge consists of heart energy which gets awakened when the senses and lower mind is quietened through prayer or meditation. This leads to the moving of our own desires and emotions within us. Even thought the path of knowledge brings the energy of the heart to awareness, the mixture of energies that reside within our hearts can be quite perplexing. Sometimes it expresses desires, habits and attachments that are responsible for our acts while some are a result of the ego which we furbish within ourselves to secure it. Then there is also the reflection of spiritual experience and aspirations which is all too confusing, thereby making it difficult for the human mind to differentiate between truth and attachment, between devotion and dependence. This happens because humans have the tendency of projecting their inner energies in an outward direction. On the other hand, when we try to cultivate love through devotion, not for getting glory in the world, but for the flower of life blossoming within us, then our devotion will definitely reap prosperous fruits. Vastu | Vastu Tips | Vastu Books | Vastu Shastra





DO PAST MEMORIES HELP  JULY 26, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT There’s a yogic perspective on our past which I am highlighting here. I believe, in order to move forward spiritually, it is highly essential to analyze one’s past and learn from it for future course of action. When following a person’s preaching, it is important to analyze whether the same teachings have worked for the person who is offering them, if not, then it is not worth following as something which has not worked for him can never work for you as well. If on the contrary, it has worked wonders for them, then following it blindly, without having an intellectual agreement with it, would also work for you. Not always all things that appear good give pleasure, similarly not all things which do not appear pleasant necessarily do not provide satisfaction.

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If we follow the yogic system, it clearly mentions that one needs to maintain a distance with his past as one cannot fix what has already happened in life in the past. There is no point examining the past constantly. There is no use trying to monitor or scrutinize something which is absolutely beyond our control. It is best to keep a safe distance from it or else you would end up getting entangled in it which in turn would only deteriorate your quality of life in the present. I, therefore, advice my followers to learn from our present instead of delving into the past. Whatever has to be learnt should be learnt from the present. When one’s current life is not beautiful and exuberant enough, he tries to dig into his past and find happiness therein. He tries to improve his present life by finding something worthwhile in what has occurred in the past. Life can never be improved experientially; it can be improved only on the level of activity. If you really want to experience happiness in your present life you need to stop analyzing the past in the first instance and make yourself intense. If there is lack of intensity the past will keep bothering you. The human body and its mind is a product of the memory. It consists of evolutionary and genetic memory which makes you react differently in different situations. It motivates life to move in the direction which you wish to achieve or make out of it, inspired by the intensity that you carry. However, going back to the memory bank again only tends to restrict one’s movement and growth. It will only tend ot take you around in circles and not lead you anywhere. Although memory gives you a lot of exercising around, just like a treadmill, it does not lead you to anywhere. Hence it is important to distance away from your past memory if you really aspire to move forward in life. Vastu | Vastu Experts | Vastu Shastra | Vastu Tips | Vastu Books





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VASTU TIPS FOR MAKE YOUR MEDICINES POWERFUL  JULY 18, 2016  LEAVE A COMMENT Medicines have become an inevitable part of our daily lives. It is ironically said that humans can survive without food but not without medicines. A stressful and hectic lifestyle is what has made such a drastic transformation towards an unhealthy attribute of life. I believe, medicines can be made powerful by following Vastu tips for maintaining and safeguarding our health. Making adjustments in the house and even reduce the intake of regular medicines. In order to make your medicines blessed, one needs to follow the following Vastu tips very strictly.

• Medicines should always be kept hidden, they should never be displayed • The best place to stack medicines is in the north-east • Gangajal should be sprinkled on the medicines to make them sacred and more effective • A yellow coloured pouch should be used for storing the medicines. Modern living is quite different from what it used to be in the olden days. Diseases in the past were less and people believed in simple

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to Vastu

living and high thinking. However, the modern age society is struck with various diseases caused due to a non-happening lifestyle. Unhealthy buildings and evil vibrations create unhappy environment which in turn tend to attack the people living on such structures physically, mentally and health-wise thereby giving rise to various diseases. To cure these diseases, one has to switch to medicines which become viral in most of the cases. In order to avoid such situations, it is best to adapt to Vastu principles in everyday living and even follow Vastu rules pertaining to medicines and health. It has been seen that people living in buildings which are not Vastu compliant get attacked by ailments and even the medical ailments that they avail do not satisfy them. Moreover, the medicines that they take cause various side effects thereby giving rise to further diseases. Even the doctors curing them fail to understand the deteriorating state of their health. All these happen when the house where one lives does not follow Vastu principles. Just as medicines are based on scientific principles, similarly Vastu too is based on scientific principles. When a house is constructed on Vastu principles, positive vibrations get mixed with the air floating inside it creating Vastu shakti. If this air is not pure, poisonous things get mixed with it thereby creating ill health for its occupants. Hence, it is highly important to create a Vastu friendly environment so as to create a healthy and happy surrounding










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