IN THIS ISSUE: Note from the Bailli Délégué Setting A Clear Path Forward!/ Note du Bailli Délégué - Une voie claire pour l'avenir! 2021 Canadian Bailliage Recovery Plan/ Plan de relance 2021 du Baillage du Canada Join Us in Winnipeg – National Meeting 2021 Gus Koenigsfest — International Young Chefs Competitor IN THE NEWS – 2021 International Dates Foundation Update IN MEMORIAM – Paul Mastalir Past Canadian Events – From Coast-to-Coast
Volume 19 – Issue 2 Dec 2020
Note from Bailli Délégué — Setting A Clear Path Forward!
Un mot du Bailli Délégué — Une voie claire pour l'avenir!
Bailliage du Canada 2021 Recovery Plan
Plan de relance 2021 du Baillage du Canada
Bailliage du Canada —Chapître du Canada 2021 National Meeting (Winnipeg, October 21 – 23, 2021)
Bailliage du Canada — Chapître du Canada 2021 Réunion du Conseil National (Winnipeg du 21 au 23 octobre 2021)
Your Host Hotel — The Fort Garry Hotel
Votre hôte Hôtel — The Fort Garry Hotel
IN THE NEWS — 2021 International Dates
LES NOUVELLES — Dates internationales 2021
Gus Koenigsfest — International Young Chefs Competitor
Gus Koenigsfest — Concurrent international des jeunes chefs
Chaine Canada Foundation
Fondation de la Chaîne du Canada
IN MEMORIAM — Paul Mastalir
EN MÉMOIRE — Paul Mastalir
La Chaîne — Coast-to-Coast
La Chaîne — d'un Océan à l'autre
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Note from the Bailli Délégué - Setting A Clear Path Forward!
Tony N Catanese, FCPA, FCA, CBV Bailli Délégué du Canada
Dear Canadian Member of la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, What a year that was 2020! To it I say: Goodbye! Good Riddance! See Yah Never Again! As always, I hope you and your families are well and safe. Despite the impact COVID had on our Organization over the past year, it has been a pleasure serving as Bailli Délégue of Canada. The year started strong. On the heels of a wonderful Grand Chapître and International Jeunes Chef Competition in Calgary, I had the pleasure of leading induction ceremonies at most of our Bailliages. In total, we inducted or reinstated 100 new members in the Fall of 2019!
At the start of the year, our Bailliages embarked on the execution of an impressive series of events. Spirits were high and so many of our growth initiatives were on the cusp of being realized. Then COVID hit and all well laid plans went into pause mode. While some of us held on to the hope that pause would be a short lived, COVID spread throughout our communities and hopes for a quick restart were dashed. Postponements soon turned into cancellations, as was the fate of our 2020 Grand Chapître. Despite this cancellation, I am happy to report that Winnipeg will be hosting the 2021 Canadian Grand Chapître and Jeunes Chef Competitions in October 2021.
New Membership Development COVID managed to put a hold on several important membership development initiatives in 2020. I am confident that once restrictions are lifted, we will be re-establishing Bailliages in both the Ottawa and the Okanagan Valley regions. The successful establishment of a Bailliage is heavily dependent on the identification of a strong local leadership. I am happy to report that this is well under way in both regions.
Over the summer, we were able to secure or reinstate 48 new members. Many of these new members were at the New Brunswick Bailliage. I congratulate Cornel Ceapa and his local council for successfully executing on their growth plans and attracting 20 new members. New members were also secured in Winnipeg and Calgary. I am certainly also aware that several Bailliages have put new member candidates ‘on hold’ for when activities restart. 3
I am hopeful that the 2021 new member and induction season will be very busy with many of the 2020 new members, and those who elected to defer, being indicted in 2021.
We also took time to clean up some administrative matters. For many years, our Corporate By-laws had not been updated. With the volunteer help of one of our members who practices law, we completed an update. We believe the new By-laws strike a good balance between the requirements of la Chaîne Paris and good corporate governance practices. I also want to express my sincerest thanks to my fellow Board members for their efforts throughout this difficult year. A huge thank you also goes to my fellow Baillis and members of local councils. We are all volunteers and I am grateful for your support of our Organization. I am also particularly proud of how all addressed the challenges and obstacles that 2020 put before us. Looking forward
Other Significant Occurrences at National Given the impact of COVID on our members, National immediately put a hold on all 2020 discretionary expenditures. It became obvious that it would be important to conserve our financial resources to assist our members and allow for a recovery once COVID restriction were lifted. Travel and associated costs were frozen. Like most organizations, ‘Zoom’ became the new way to operate. Furthermore, our Foundation was forced to cancel its 2020 Jeunes Chef and Jeunes Sommelier Competitions. While that support was therefore cut back, National continued to support our Foundation’s efforts to make scholarships available to young culinarians at levels consistent with prior years. National also focused on member communications. We maintained the publication of our Canadian Newsletter and produced numerous articles that featured our events to la Chaîne around the world. In all, eleven events from Bailliages across Canada were featured on the International website and/or in the International On-line News. We also encouraged the general membership to support our professional members and our Baillis certainly took up the challenge by promoting new and unique forms of member connectivity. A few examples included: Online Wine Tasting events, Wine Bingo evenings, Chaîne Chez Nous, Chaîne logoed masks, Holiday Gift Baskets and Recipe Sharing. 4
No doubt 2021 will still be difficult for the restaurant and hospitality sectors in Canada and around the world. While we are encouraged by announcements that will soon see the distribution of vaccines, it will take time for individuals to feel confident traveling and dining out. Having said that, I strongly believe that things will return to normal rather quickly.
Despite the many challenges in 2020, I remind myself of my many blessings...Health, Family and Friends. I consider la Chaîne to be one of those blessings and its absence in 2020 has left me wanting. I am hopeful that 2021 will bring forth a rainbow of rewards and camaraderie!
Bailliage du Canada 2021 Recovery Plan
ovid-19 has cut a wide swath through all of our lives in 2020. Yet, those of us involved in the culinary industry, either as enthusiasts or professionals, have felt that impact most keenly – especially as infections climbed and fresh lockdowns took place. As a new year dawns, we draw fresh hope from vaccines being delivered in ever greater amounts across the country and the continued resilience of the Canadian people in once again facing down this dreadful menace. The National Council understands that our members, especially our professional members, need our support as we move forward into 2021. We have therefore set aside resources that will allow for a one-time reduction in renewal and reinstatement dues in 2021. Each local Bailliage has its own structure for local dues, which makes it difficult to outline details of the adjustments, however the basic elements are as follows:
We are hopeful our combined efforts will result in strong renewals and increases in new member numbers in the Fall of 2021 when COVID will (hopefully) be behind us. Thank you to the entire Canadian membership base for the patience you have demonstrated during this time.
Renewal fees in 2021 will be reduced for all membership categories; Reductions will be focused towards professional members who were significantly impacted by COVID. They will be granted a one-year extension in their membership at no cost; Professional members significantly impacted by COVID who terminated in 2020 will be allowed to reinstate their membership in 2021 without incurring the normal reinstatement fee; Non-professional members will see renewal dues reduced between 23% and 42%, depending on category.
Paris and our local Bailliages are supporting our recovery plan with reductions of their own dues. This will be a significant investment at all levels in our future. As a result of these initiatives, National’s revenues in 2021 will be reduced by 60% and reserves will be reduced to below pre-COVID-19 levels.
Vive la Chaîne! 5
Note du Bailli Délégué - Une voie claire pour l'avenir!
Tony N Catanese, FCPA, FCA, CBV Bailli Délégué du Canada
Chers membres canadiens de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, 2020 fut toute une année! Je lui dis : Au revoir! Bon débarras! On ne se reverra plus jamais! Comme toujours, j'espère que vous et vos familles sont en bonne santé et en sécurité. Malgré l'impact que la COVID a eu sur notre organisation au cours de l’année dernière, ce fut un plaisir d'être Bailli Délégué du Canada. L'année a commencé en force. Dans la foulée d'un magnifique Grand Chapitre et du Concours international des jeunes chefs de Calgary, j'ai eu le plaisir de prendre part aux cérémonies d'intronisation dans la plupart de nos Bailliages. Au total, nous avons intronisé ou réintégré 100 nouveaux membres à l'automne 2019!
Au début de l'année, nos Bailliages se sont lancés dans l'exécution d'une série impressionnante d'événements. Les esprits étaient à vif et plusieurs de nos initiatives de croissance étaient sur le point d'être réalisées. Puis la COVID a frappé et tous les plans bien conçus sont passés en mode pause. Alors que certains d'entre nous espéraient que cette pause serait d’une courte durée, la COVID s'est répandu dans nos communautés et les espoirs d'un redémarrage rapide ont été anéantis. Les reports se sont vite transformés en annulations, comme ce fut le cas pour notre Grand Chapitre 2020. Malgré cette annulation, je suis heureux d'annoncer que Winnipeg accueillera les concours du Grand Chapitre canadien 2021 et des Jeunes Chefs en octobre 2021. 6
Développement de nouveaux membres La COVID a réussi à mettre en veilleuse plusieurs initiatives importantes de développement de l'adhésion en 2020. Je suis persuadé qu'une fois les restrictions levées, nous rétablirons les bailliages dans les régions d'Ottawa et de la vallée de l'Okanagan. Le succès de la mise en place d'un bailliage dépend fortement d'un leadership local fort. Je suis heureux d'annoncer que ce processus est en bonne voie dans les deux régions.
Au cours de l'été, nous avons sécurisé et réintégré 48 nouveaux membres. Beaucoup de ces nouveaux membres se trouvaient au Bailliage du NouveauBrunswick. Je félicite Cornel Ceapa et son conseil local pour avoir bien mené leur plan de croissance et avoir sécurisé 20 nouveaux membres. De nouveaux membres ont également été recrutés à Winnipeg et à Calgary. Je suis également conscient que plusieurs bailliages ont mis en attente le recrutement des nouveaux membres jusqu’à ce que les activités recommencent.
J'ai bon espoir que la saison des nouveaux membres et de l'intronisation de 2021 sera très chargée, car un grand nombre des nouveaux membres de 2020, et ceux qui ont choisi de différer, prendront place en 2021.
Nous avons également pris le temps de régler certaines questions administratives. Pendant de nombreuses années, nos statuts n'avaient pas été mis à jour. Avec l'aide bénévole d'un de nos membres qui pratique le droit, nous avons réalisé une mise à jour. Nous pensons que les nouveaux statuts établissent un bon équilibre entre les exigences de la Chaîne de Paris et les bonnes pratiques de gouvernance d'entreprise. Je tiens également à exprimer mes plus sincères remerciements à mes collègues membres du conseil d'administration pour leurs efforts tout au long de cette année difficile. Un grand merci également à mes collègues Baillis et aux membres des conseils locaux. Nous sommes tous des bénévoles et je vous suis reconnaissant du soutien que vous apportez à notre organisation. Je suis aussi particulièrement fier de la façon dont tous ont relevé les défis et les obstacles que 2020 nous a imposés.
Autres événements importants au niveau national
Tournés vers l'avenir
Compte tenu de l'impact de la COVID sur nos membres, le national a immédiatement mis un frein à toutes les dépenses discrétionnaires pour 2020. Il est devenu évident qu'il serait important de conserver nos ressources financières pour aider nos membres et permettre un recouvrement une fois la restriction de la COVID levée. Les voyages et les coûts associés ont été gelés. Comme la plupart des organisations, "Zoom" est devenu le nouveau mode de fonctionnement. De plus, notre Fondation a été contrainte d'annuler ses concours 2020 des Jeunes Chefs et Jeunes Sommeliers. Bien que ce soutien ait donc été réduit, le national a continué à soutenir les efforts de notre Fondation pour mettre des bourses à la disposition des jeunes culinaires à des niveaux conformes à ceux des années précédentes.
Il n’y a aucun doute que 2021 sera encore difficile pour les secteurs de la restauration et de l'hôtellerie au Canada et dans le monde entier. Bien que nous soyons encouragés par les annonces qui verront bientôt la distribution de vaccins, il faudra du temps pour que les individus se sentent en confiance pour voyager et manger au restaurant. Cela étant dit, je suis convaincu que les choses reviendront assez rapidement à la normale.
Le national a également mis l'accent sur les communications avec ses membres. Nous avons maintenu la publication de notre bulletin d'information canadien et produit de nombreux articles présentant nos événements à la Chaîne dans le monde entier. En tout, onze événements des Bailliages à travers le Canada ont été présentés sur le site Web international et/ou dans les Nouvelles internationales en ligne. Nous avons également encouragé l'ensemble des membres à soutenir nos membres professionnels et nos Bailliages ont certainement relevé le défi en promouvant des nouvelles formes uniques de connectivité entre les membres. En voici quelques exemples : dégustations de vin en ligne, soirées Bingo sur le vin, Chaîne Chez Nous, masques portant le logo de la Chaîne, paniers cadeaux pour les Fêtes et partage de recettes.
Malgré les nombreux défis à relever en 2020, je pense à mes nombreuses bénédictions... Santé, famille et amis. Je considère la Chaîne comme l'une de ces bénédictions et son absence en 2020 m'a laissé sur ma faim. J'espère que 2021 sera un arc-en-ciel de récompenses et de camaraderie!
Plan de relance 2021 du Bailliage du Canada
OVID-19 a pris une grande place dans l'ensemble de nos vies en 2020. Par contre, ceux d'entre nous qui sont impliqués dans l'industrie culinaire, que ce soit en tant qu'amateurs ou professionnels, ont ressenti cet impact de la manière la plus vive surtout à mesure que les infections augmentaient et que de nouveaux confinements avaient lieu.
initiatives, les recettes du national en 2021 seront réduites de 60 % et les réserves seront réduites à des niveaux inférieurs à ceux d'avant la COVID-19.
À l'aube d'une nouvelle année, nous tirons un nouvel espoir de la livraison de vaccins en quantités toujours plus importantes dans tout le pays et de la résilience continue du peuple canadien pour faire face, une fois de plus, à cette grande menace. Le Conseil national comprend que nos membres, en particulier nos membres professionnels, ont besoin de notre soutien alors que nous avançons vers 2021. Nous avons donc prévu des ressources qui permettront une réduction unique des cotisations de renouvellement et de rétablissement en 2021. Chaque Bailliage local à sa propre structure pour les cotisations locales, ce qui rend difficile de détailler les ajustements, mais les éléments de base sont les suivants :
Les frais de renouvellement en 2021 seront réduits pour toutes les catégories de membres; Les réductions seront concentrées sur les membres professionnels qui ont été fortement touchés par la COVID. Ils se verront accorder une prolongation d'un an de leur adhésion sans frais; Les membres professionnels fortement touchés par la COVID qui ont résilié leur adhésion en 2020 seront autorisés à rétablir leur adhésion en 2021 sans avoir à payer les frais de rétablissement habituels; Les membres non professionnels verront leurs cotisations de renouvellement réduites de 23 à 42 % selon la catégorie.
Paris et nos Bailliages locaux soutiennent notre plan de relance par des réductions de leurs propres cotisations. Il s'agit d'un investissement important à tous les niveaux pour notre avenir. Grâce à ces 8
Nous espérons que nos efforts combinés se traduiront par de forts renouvellements et une augmentation du nombre de nouveaux membres à l'automne 2021, lorsque la COVID sera (espérons-le) derrière nous. Merci à l'ensemble des membres canadiens pour la patience dont vous avez fait preuve pendant cette période.
Vive la Chaîne!
Join Us in Winnipeg!
Bailliage du Canada – Chapître du Canada 2021 (October 21 - 23, 2021)
A prairie sunset overlooking downtown Winnipeg. photo credit: Dan Harper Photography
Editor’s Note: Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 National Meeting originally scheduled for Wiinnipeg was cancelled. However, in true Chaîne fashion, Winnipeg has once again stepped up and is planning to hold our 2021 National Meeting and Canadian Jeune Chefs Competetion during the weekend of October 21 – 23, 2021. We repeat this profile of Winnipeg, it’s history and all it has to offer in this latest edition of La Chaîne in Canada.
s the capital of Manitoba, Winnipeg is home to the famous street corner of Portage and Main, known as possibly the “windiest corner on the continent. The city is overflowing with venues for the arts and culture, museums – such as the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, theatres, festivals, music and dance, sports, and more. From The Forks National Historic Site which has its own river walk, shops and green space, to The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, the Royal Canadian Mint and the stunning urban forest setting of the Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg is a city with much to offer. Considered the geographical center and gateway to Eastern and Western Canada, Winnipeg derives its name from the Cree word of “win” for muddy and “nippee” for water. An aboriginal trading centre prior to the arrival of the Europeans, Winnipeg was at the heart of the country’s fur trade and instrumental in developing Canada’s gateway to the west. The first
permanent settlement occurred in 1812 when a group of Scottish crofters arrived, and it became a trading post for the Hudson’s Bay Company in 1870. In 1873, Winnipeg was incorporated as a city with a population of 1,869.
The historic corner of Portage and Main in the early 1900s. photo credit: Western Canada Pictorial Index collection
The city saw a 30-year period of growth and prosperity with the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1885, becoming a financial centre in Western Canada thanks to a flood of immigrants, high wheat prices and improved farming techniques. Today, Winnipeg is a culturally diverse city with about 100 languages and nationalities represented throughout the region.
Take a moment to visit the Manitoba Legislature Building and view “The Golden Boy” (official name: Eternal Youth), a statue perched facing North on the dome, arguably Manitoba's best-known symbol. It stands 5.25 metres (17.2 feet) tall from the toe to the top of the torch and 4.27 metres (14 feet) from head to toe. It weighs 1,650 kilograms (3,640 lb), and the top of his torch is 77 metres (250 feet) above ground.
Riverwalk - Winding along the Assiniboine River from the legislative grounds on past The Forks and on to the Red River. photo credit: Ruehle Design
Portage and Main today. photo credit: grajewski fotograph inc.
Winnipeg’s rich history is reflected in its architecture, its surroundings and its people. A stroll along its boulevards or Riverwalk reveals streets lined with architecture combining relics of days gone with modern buildings that sparkle with innovation.
Golden Boy. photo credit: Dodgie Dator Royal Canadian Mint. photo credit: Merlin Braun.
When that project was cancelled, the local engineering firm that built the bridge used it to cross the CPR yards along Arlington Street. The bridge’s intriguing design includes a steep incline and traffic light at its apex.
The Exchange District, National Historic Site and North America's most extensive collection of turn-of-the-last-century architecture. photo credit: Brent Bellamy.
Designated a National Historic Site, the 30-block Exchange District is packed full of stunning turn-ofthe-last-century architecture, with its rich collection of turn-of-the-century terracotta and stone-cut buildings, a collection unrivaled anywhere else in the world. At the turn of the century, Winnipeg was known as the “Chicago of the North” because of its modern skyscrapers influenced by the Chicago style of architecture. In fact, the Union Bank tower built in 1904 was Western Canada’s first skyscraper. Currently, the building is undergoing a renaissance as it is transformed into student housing and the culinary institute for Red River College.
Polar Bears at Assiniboine Park Zoo. photo credit: Assiniboine Park Conservancy
Amidst the bustle of the city, you will discover peaceful green spaces that put you in touch with nature. Winnipeg has the largest, mature urban elm tree forest in North America with approximately 170,000 elms. More than 60,000 of these trees are on public boulevards, providing graceful arched cover over many neighbourhood streets. The Assiniboine Park Zoo is home to the Journey to Churchill Exhibit, bringing those world-famous polar bears right into the city. The project also includes the International Polar Bear Conservation Centre — a transition centre for polar bear cubs in need of rescue — one of the most significant projects in North American zoo history. The Canadian Museum for Human Rights
Turn-of-the-last-century buildings highlight Exchange streetscape. photo credit: Brent Bellamy
Other examples abound. Winnipeg’s Union Station was designed by the same architects responsible for Grand Central Station in New York City. The Arlington Street Bridge, located in the heart of Winnipeg, was originally meant to span the Nile River in Egypt.
Designed by architect extraordinaire Antione Predock, Canada’s newest, most eye-catching attraction dominates the Winnipeg skyline, shining like a beacon. Inside an immersive experience that you can’t possibly shake awaits as 11 powerful, interactive and awe-inspiring exhibits gradually climb to the CMHR’s pinnacle, the Tower of Hope (which provides a stunning view of the city). An ambitious museum meant to foster dialogue and promote change for a better world, the CMHR provides a stirring account of the human experience unlike anything you’ve ever witnessed.
Sensational shopping and diverse culinary options await, including large patios overlooking the river, ethnic eateries, an organic bakery, and sumptuous fine dining and family-friendly restaurants. Activities abound at the forks where you can stroll the riverwalk, hop on a water taxi, take in 6,000 years of history, gaze upon wild prairie gardens and watch tricks at the urban skateboard plaza.
Gallery and food court at The Forks.
The Canadian Museum for Human Rights. photo credit: Aaron Cohen
A City of Distinct Neighbourhoods Known for its green spaces and access to outdoor activities, the city features more than 1,100 restaurants as well as numerous attractions, museums, theatres, sports venues and nightspots.
The Forks National Historic Site at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine rivers. photo credit: Ron Garnet and Airscapes.
Recently voted the best public space in Canada, the 53-acre site at The Forks is a vibrant tourist destination that offers endless stories to tell.
Academy Road is one of Winnipeg’s premier destinations for upscale boutiques, unique gift stores and gourmet specialty shops. Here you will find designer clothing, exceptional glassware, decadent chocolates, exotic teas and coffee blends, European shoes, fine wines and much more. Once known as Winnipeg’s “Little Italy,” Corydon Avenue now features a wide array of cuisine from regional fare to Japanese to Indian and, of course, classic Italian. Whether stopping for a quick espresso or out for a night on the town, Corydon Avenue is sure to delight all of your senses.
Relaxing on one of the many patios lining Corydon Avenue. photo credit: Juncutta International
Your Host Hotel The Fort Garry Hotel & Spa A beloved landmark in the heart of downtown Winnipeg, the Fort Garry Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre is a modern mix of contemporary style and Old World elegance. The Fort Garry s one of those old, established hotels that take you back in time. Within this iconic century-old architectural gem, fitness routines happily coexist with complimentary morning cookies, coffee, and tea. Glamorous public spaces are the setting for glorious farm-to-table cuisine, and high-tech amenities fill guest rooms. Lobby viewed from mezzanine.
Floodlit exterior of The Fort Garry Hotel & Spa.
A History of Excellence The hotel is widely considered the city’s finest example of the chateau style of architecture first seen in the magnificent railway hotels built across Canada before 1930. Dr. F. W. Bergman, general manager of the hotels operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, commissioned Montreal architects George A. Ross and David H. MacFarlane to build the $2-million Chateau-style hotel in 1911. This National Landmark was inspired by the designs of medieval French chateaus, with their dramatic steep mansard roofs and dormers, fanciful stonework, turrets, heavily decorated windows, expansive wall surfaces and lavish ornamentation.
The Fort Garry Hotel design was based on the plans of the Chateau Laurier but decorated similarly to the Plaza Hotel in New York and the Willard Hotel in Washington, D. C. Vacant lots were acquired adjacent to the Manitoba Club and on a parcel of land that once housed Western Canada’s most significant trading post and political centre, Upper Fort Garry. Even before it opened, it was announced in April 1913 that plans were being prepared for a 200-room addition to the Winnipeg hotel, almost doubling its capacity. The hotel’s official opening occurred on December 11 1913. The New Year saw Winnipeggers attending numerous social functions in the ballrooms, with luncheons held by various business organizations along with frequent meetings of the Rotary Club. Train travellers felt welcome in the sumptuous surroundings.
The hotel’s managing partners, the local Winnipeg husband-and-wife team of Richard Bel and Ida Albo, along with the Laberge Group out of Quebec City,, started massive renovations in 1994 one project at a time with the lobby the first priority. The spacious marble floor, doors and brass railings now gleam again. Large soaring ceilings, paint tones and reproductions of ornate gold painted clocks and desks in the lobby and mezzanine maintain the 1914 feel of the hotel. The entire limestone front of the hotel, illuminated by powerful accent lights, has restored a sense of near Hollywood grandeur to the entrance.
Ball Rooms as areas with significant, characterdefining elements. In 1982, the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada placed a plaque at the hotel identifying it as a National Historic Site. In 1989, the Province of Manitoba recognized the property as a Provincial Historic Site.
A Brush with Royalty On April 12 1979, Prince Charles visited the hotel while on a cross-Canada tour. His stay in the city was very brief, a dinner and reception at 6:30 p.m. at the hotel, a military parade, a one-night stay, and off again at 9:25 a.m. However, the dinner was truly made-in-Manitoba: Winnipeg goldeye, watercress salad, braised wild prairie duckling, wild rice, fiddleheads and strawberries Romanoff
The Palm Room.
Protected as a Provincial Historic Site In February 1980, the City of Winnipeg placed the hotel on the Buildings Conservation List as a heritage structure, ensure that the building could not be demolished without City Council’s approval. The report identified the lobby area, Palm Room, Provencher Room and the seventh-floor Loggia and 14
The Crystal Ballroom.
Truly Elegant Surroundings Rooms have high ceilings and mattresses are top of the line with premium bed linens, down duvets, and feather pillows. L’Occitane bath amenities, plush towels, and robes accent the bathrooms. Just off the lobby area, the Palm Room has a high ceiling as though it were a smaller version of the Legislative Building’s rotunda - a decadent circular design with gold trimming and a hanging chandelier that protrudes down into a set of tables with soft chairs and dark woods. The Fort Garry Hotel features an array of stunning spaces for meetings and events of every size and style. The seventh floor contains the site of the Grand Chapître reception (the Concert Ballroom) and dinner (the Crystal Ballroom). Situated at each end of the building, they are linked by and arched loggia and gallery. All have been restored to their historic awe-inspiring beauty with large crystal fixtures in the ceiling, wall brackets finished in old gold, enormous stained glass windows that look out over the red River and the city, and early twentieth century ornamentation. Truly a wonderful location for La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs du Canada’s Grand Chapître.
Located on the hotel’s 10th floor, Ten at the Fort Garry Hotel is Winnipeg’s only world-class spa complete with the Hamam at Ten, Canada’s only coed Turkish Bath.
The Provencher Room.
The Fort Garry Hotel — QUICK FACTS Opening date: December 10, 1913 On list of the 10 most romantic spots in Canada.
The Fort Garry Hotel & Spa
In 1924, Circus magician Alfred Banyon, aka The Great Zanzig, joins the hotel as maître d’, a position he will hold for 22 years.
222 Broadway, Winnipeg MB R3C 0R3
In 1948, Bellman Andy Kuhn joins the hotel, collecting the first of hundreds of celebrity autographs he’ll acquire over 32 years.
Famous guests: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jack Dempsey, Liberace, Prince Charles
Phone: 204-942-8251 Toll-free: 1. 800.665.8088 E-mail:
The hotel once had its own bakery, butcher shop, heating plant, artesian well and printing press. The latter remains but is only accessible through a doorway on the roof.
Celebrate World Chaine Day 2021 Saturday, April 24th Help us promote la Chaine des Rôtisseurs around the world. How? Here are a few tips from International!
Wear your ribbons: the best-known symbol of our confrèrie is the ribbons we wear. On April 24 – If possible, visit a restaurant displaying the Chaîne plaque - have lunch, dinner or just a drink in a Chaîne restaurant and make a toast to the Chaîne. If still in lockdown, order take-out from a Chaîne establishment. On the day - we’d love to find out how you are celebrating World Chaîne Day. Send an e-mail with pictures to or connect via social media with hashtags below. Don’t forget to cc them to for the Canadian newsletter! Participate in the social media photo contest with these themes: feeling of togetherness; activity on local level gastronomy; and,
most importantly, happiness and that wholeheartedly genuine moment. Social media wall: Provided completely free by the Chaine’s Siege Mondial, an internet connection plus a device to enable you to use it. Follow social media for World Chaîne Day 2021- Facebook, Twitter and Instagram included. Use of hashtags is essential: remember to add the three following hashtags #chaineday #worldchaineday #chainedesrotisseur
2021 Dates for International Grand Chapître & AGM As per the announcement by YAM ATALLAH, President in the September 22 2020 News Online Weekly, the International Board of Directors decided to postpone the 2020 International Grand Chapître and Annual General Assembly from November until Thursday, June 17 to Saturday, June 19, 2021. Lyon in France remains the venue as originally planned.
New Date Announced for 2021 International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition David R Tetrault, Chair, Competition Committee and Member of the Conseil d’Administration announced on August 31that the 2021 JCR International Competition will take place in Paris, France on September 25, 2021. The competition will be staged at Le Cordon Bleu’s outstanding campus in Paris thanks to an invitation from M. André Cointreau, Member of the Conseil d’Honneur,. Competitors will be required to arrive on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 and depart on Monday, September 27, 2021. The Awards Dinner will be on Sunday, September 26, 2021. Six countries had staged their 2020 national competition and had competitors ready to travel to Paris. These countries may send their competitors to the 2021 competition, along with their competitor from their 2021 national competition. The age limit will be increased by one year for the 2020 competitors. These six 2020 competitors will compete with the entire group, but their scores will be judged separately, and separate standings and awards will be announced. The effect will be that we will be having two competitions within one.
We thank Le Cordon Bleu (Andre Cointreau), Wüsthof Manufacturing (Harald Wüsthof), and Chef’s Hat (Claude Buzon) for their past and continued support of our international young chefs’ competition.
Want to support young culinarians and sommeliers? Consider making a tax deductible contribution to the Chaine Charitable Foundation.
Email David Tetrault, CEO at
International Junior Sommeliers Competition Set for Bordeaux, September 10-11, 2021 Marie Jones, International Vice President and Chair, Junior Sommeliers Competition Committee is pleased to announce that the 2021 International Final of the Junior Sommeliers Competition will be held in Bordeaux from Wednesday 8th to Saturday 11th September 2021 inclusive. Within the program the Semi-Final will be on Friday 10th and the Final will be on Saturday 11th with a Gala Awards dinner in the evening. As the world starts to take tentative steps towards a return to normality - in whatever form this will be - working towards being chosen as the best of the best is an excellent incentive and welcome encouragement for the young professionals as well as their teachers, sponsors and mentors.
Chef Bruno Marti Honoured by Worldchefs Grand Maître Rôtisseur and Chaîne Gold Star of Excellence recipient Chef Bruno Marti has dedicated his life to elevating the culinary industry, to mentoring young chefs and to helping guide Canadian culinary teams through international competitions. Now, his lifelong work in the field has earned him yet another well-deserved award. On August 16th, Chef Thomas Gugler, President of the World Association of Chefs Societies (representing some seven million chefs worldwide) announced that Chef Marti had been awarded the prestigious Worldchefs Honourary Judge Recognition designation. What this means is that Chef Marti is fully authorized to judge any culinary competition, anywhere in the world. In describing Chef Marti, who was one of four chefs to be so honoured, Gugler called him “a great human and a tough judge.” A fine combination of qualities for an exceptional judge to be sure. Congratulations, Bruno, on the well-deserved recognition from your many friends in la Chaîne. 18
International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competitor Profile
Gus Koenigsfest - from The Pear Tree Restaurant Editor’s Note: While the International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition was cancelled for 2020 due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 competiotion is now planned for Paris on September 25, 2021. The competition will be staged at Le Cordon Bleu’s outstanding campus. Our best wishes to Gus in Paris and in his future endeavours moving forward. Imagine entering a room and being presented with a mystery basket containing seasonal ingredients, sometimes ones you have never seen before. You are then asked to compose and execute a three-course menu (first course, main course, and dessert) for four people using all of these ingredients, as well as drawing on a variety of staples from a pantry. Your written menu must be completed within the first half-hour, and then three and a half hours are allowed for preparation, after which the finished dishes are presented to be judged in fifteen minute intervals. It is an extremely challenging competition.
Jeunes Chef Rôtisseurs, competing against entrants from as many as 20 other countries for a five-week culinary course at le Cordon Bleu, and Wüsthof chefs’ knives. Gus won the gold medal and the Fulgence Charpentier trophy at the 2019 National Meeting in Calgary.
From ‘helping’ his mom cook dinner at a young age to getting caught asleep in front of the T.V. on the Food Network after a ‘sick day’ from school, Gus Koenigsfest had a passion for cooking from a young age. Born and raised in North Vancouver, Gus always knew that this was what he wanted to do.
Bailli Honoraire Cindy Findlay presents the Chef Paul Mastalir Award for Kitchen Excellence to Gus Koenigsfest.
Gus was also recognized for having the highest kitchen score (as he did at the 2017 competition) at that competition and received the Chef Paul Mastalir Award for Kitchen Excellence along with a Wüsthof Knife attaché set.
Vancouver’s Gus Koenigsfest, from The Pear Tree Restaurant, was to have met that challenge in Paris, France at the 44th Concours International des Wüsthof professional carving knives
Gus got his first taste of a professional kitchen at the age of 15 at the Cactus Club Café, working as a dishwasher on weekends. Over time, he worked his way up through the line and his passion and drive to get better only grew. He loved the fast-paced, highpressure environment of the kitchen as well as the camaraderie among the staff. In his last year of high school, Gus was able to participate in the ACE-it program through VCC and the North Vancouver School District, allowing him to spend afternoons earning the first step to his Red Seal and get the foundation that every cook needs to succeed. Through the program, Gus also had the opportunity to be a support member of Culinary Team Canada and go the 2016 Culinary Olympics in Erfurt Germany, where he would meet his current mentor and Vancouver Conseiller Culinaire, Chef Scott Jaeger of the Pear Tree Restaurant. Gus started to stage with Chef Jaeger while finishing his ACE-it program, and when a spot on the team opened up, he attained a fulltime position at the restaurant.
“Working under Chef Jaeger, I really got to learn a more refined and technical approach to cooking.” In his almost three years at the Pear Tree, Gus competed at the regional Chaine competition twice, finishing as runner up the first time, and winning in his second attempt. He competed against other Pear Tree cooks both years. “Cooking against the people you work with every day adds an interesting aspect to the competition, where you’re practicing with the person that, in the end, you really want to beat. I think in a way it pushed me harder because I would see the plates they put up and think, ‘Wow, I need to step it up!’.” Gus has an approach to cooking that he thinks gives him an edge. “I always make it a focus to try to have the best time possible on the day. I think you cook better when you’re loose and happy, rather than being overly intense. That doesn’t mean I’m smiling ear to ear the whole time, but when I feel like things aren’t going right, I’ll take a second and realize that I’m doing what I
love. I had better enjoy it, or what am I doing here?”
Executive Chef Jan Hansen, Conseiller Culinaire du Canada congratulates Gold Medallist Vancouver’s Gus Koenigsfest with his medal.
After his recent National win in Calgary, Gus is feeling more driven and inspired than ever. “It really is an honour to represent your country, and definitely something I never thought I’d have the chance to do. I’m so grateful to Chef Jaeger for all the work he puts in coaching and teaching me every day, as well as the whole Pear Tree staff for all the support. I’m looking forward to the adventures of the next year all around Canada, and hopefully I can bring it home for us again.”
Want to support Chaine Canada's Jeunes Chef Rôtisseurs Competition? Consider making a tax deductible contribution to the Chaine Charitable Foundation.
Email Executive Director David Tetrault at 20
The 2019 National medallists (left to right) Eejay Chua (Bronze), Gus Koenigsfest (Gold) and Nolan Moskaluk (Silver).
Chaîne Canada Foundation Update La Chaine des Rôtisseurs has made a commitment internationally to support culinary education and the advancement of the gastronomic arts at all levels. This commitment is no less prevalent in Canada and goes far beyond just our local competitions and the national Jeune Chefs and Junior Sommelier competitions held each year. For 2020, I would like to say thank you to all those who believe that one of the most important strengths as members is support our young culinarians. They are our future. I am pleased to announce, with gratitude, that we raised almost $15,000 for our Foundation in 2020. There is no better place to encourage and support young culinary professionals than right at the beginning of their journey. This support is undertaken with scholarships awarded to culinary schools across the country. Recent scholarships over the past few years have been awarded to SAIT (Calgary); Camosun College (Victoria); Red River Community College (Winnipeg); Nova Scotia Community College; NAIT (Edmonton). Local Bailliage donations to approved school scholarship and bursary programs are matched by our national Chaîne Canada Foundation up to the amount of $1250. Local Bailliages who make scholarship contributions to their local culinary school are eligible for the matching grant. David R Tetrault, CEO Chaine Canada Foundation Membre des Conseils d’Administration et Magistral (Paris) Chairman, International Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs Committee
Want to support young culinarians and sommeliers? Consider making a tax deductible contribution to the Chaine Charitable Foundation.
Email David Tetrault, CEO at 24
Thank You to our 2020 Donors We are incredibly grateful to the following individuals for their most generous donations during 2020, in support of our culinary scholarships and competitions Founder (over $2500) Samir Hanna, Montreal Patron (up to $2500) Ed Alfke, Calgary Paul Truelove, Toronto Entrée Platinum Sponsor (up to $1000) Anonymous, New Brunswick Jenny Chan, Calgary Gail Gabel, Victoria Gregory Lee, Vernon Anonymous, Winnipeg Clint Morissette, Calgary David Tetrault, Calgary Anonymous, Vancouver Apéritif Gold Sponsor (up to $500) Tony Catanese, Winnipeg Ann Collette, Vancouver Roy Fondse, Winnipeg Anonymous, Calgary Rosemary Bacovsky, Calgary Lyle Viereck, Victoria Rebecca England, Vancouver Anonymous, Calgary Amuse Bouche Silver Sponsor (up to $250) Ian Batey, Victoria Robert Colby, Vancouver Jennifer Chadwick, Montreal Beat Hegnauer , Calgary Anonymous, Nanaimo Anonymous, Halifax Hors d ’Oeuvre Bronze Sponsor (up to $100) Robert Kulhawy, Calgary Wendi Vaisler, Vancouver
IN MEMORIAM Paul Mastalir, CCC, Conseiller Culinaire Honoraire, Grand Commandeur, Membre du Conseil d’Honneur (October 21, 1928 – January 2, 2021)
One of the oldest Calgary council photos. Paul is front row on the right.
We are very sad to announce that Paul Mastalir passed away peacefully on January 2 2021 at 92 years of age. Born in Kanina Czechoslovakia, he made outstanding contributions to the culinary arts in Canada, and raised a family which followed in his footsteps in the hospitality industry. One of the founding members of the Calgary Bailliage in 1974. Paul was honoured with the international red ribbon as a Membre du Conseil d’Honneur, an award that is not often presented on the worldwide Chaîne stage. In recognition of this, and his lengthy 40+ years of contributions to the Chaîne in Calgary, in Canada and around the world, here is a brief history of his commitment and outstanding achievement in culinary arts.
Paul was Dean of the Culinary Arts Department at SAIT from 1963 to 1986. Over the years, many of his former students have attained responsible positions in the field around the world. While maintaining a frantic schedule at the school, he still found time to be a founding member of both the Calgary Academy of Chefs and the Canadian Culinary Federation (Canadian Federation of Chefs de Cuisine), both of which have granted him lifetime memberships. In addition, he served as the team manager for the Canadian team at the Culinary Olympics in Frankfurt, Germany in 1976, where the team won the gold medal. Awarded “Chef of the Year” by the Calgary Academy of Chefs (and later that year “Chef of the Year” for Canada) in 1984, he was also responsible for taking the first Canadian student team to the Culinary Olympics that year, again in Frankfurt, where they won the bronze medal. Continuing to support the advancement of culinary arts in Canada, Paul was also responsible for bringing the first Japanese ice carvers to Canada, who held seminars for chefs across the country. Ice carving competitions are still held in Lake Louise each year. 25
In 1984, he was awarded the position of Maître d’Honneur by Jean Valby, Bailli Délégué du Canada at the time and in 2001, he was awarded the Silver Star of Canada.
Three generations of the Mastalir family, (left to right) Cindy Findlay, Bailli Honoraire of Calgary; Paul Mastalir; and Melissa Findlay.
His list of awards and recognitions are legendary:
Honorary Life Membership in the Alberta Restaurant & Foodservice Assoc. (1981). Elected to the College of Diplomates, a select group of individuals recognized for their outstanding contributions to the development of foodservice and hospitality education and training in Canada, by the Canadian Restaurant Association Foundation (1983). Received the Alberta Achievement Award for outstanding competitive performance in Culinary Arts (1986). Served on organizing committee for the XV Olympic Winter Games, Calgary (1988). Honorary Life Member of the Heritage Park Society in recognition of his years of service developing their food services (1994). Member of the selection committee for The Wisers’ Deluxe Culinary Classic. President of the jury for the Dairy Bureau of Canada culinary competitions. Awarded a Life Membership in the Commanderie de Bordeaux for his contribution to the organization.
No less impressive were his accomplishments within the Chaîne. A founding member of the Calgary Bailliage, Paul served on the Conseil and finally as the Bailli. He then served the Canadian Bailliage as the Conseiller Culinaire du Canada. 26
David Tetrault, Membre du Conseil d’Administration inducts Paul into the Conseil d’Honneur, with Hyo Maier, Bailli Délégué du Canada Honoraire in background.
At 2006 JCR Regional Competition at SAIT in Calgary.
(left to right) Peter Findlay, Cindy Findlay (daughter), Norman Mastalir (son) Norma and Paul Mastalir, Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.
With the chefs for a fundraising evening at Highwood Dining Room, SAIT, March, 2011. At the Gala, Calgary National Meeting 2004 with Jean-Claude Phisel, Bailli Provincial Honoraire, Officier Commandeur.
With Dr. Wolfgang von Stetten, Membre des Conseils d’Honneur et d’Administration (second from right) at a Diner Amical at Il Sogno Restaurant on March 7, 2010.
At the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise Dîner Amical May, 2008. (Left to right) Guy Bittner, Director Food and Beverage, The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise; Hervé Collet, Vice-Chancelier Argentier Honoraire; Paul Mastalir; Tamara Quinn, Assistant Food and Beverage Manager.
Cynthia Findlay receives her Bailli ribbon from her father.
(left to right) Hyo Maier, Paul and Norma Mastalir, David Tetrault
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse Hop Scotch Dinner Club Diner Amical (Submitted by Susan Legallais, Bailli) A total of 26 attendees, including 6 invited guests, enjoyed their first Diner Amical since the loosening of Covid-19 restrictions in the province at Hop Scotch Dinner Club in downtown Halifax. The theme of the dinner was to celebrate and highlight Nova Scotian producers and the abundance of foraged, locally grown, fished and farmed products that are available in this beautiful Canadian Province on the Atlantic coast.
Each course was beautifully presented, perfectly prepared, and lifted with the use of sea truffle, sea buckthorn, sunchoke, sumac and more — paired with a Nova Scotia wine. In particular, the local lamb combined with the Lightfoot and Wolfville Pinot Noir was a lovely pairing.
Hop Scotch Dinner Club Tuna.
Reception Blomidon Cremant Bellini
Hop Scotch Dinner Club Chefs Stephanie Ogilvie and Brock Unger are two young culinarians who previously worked with Halifax’s former Chives Bistro and had also hosted a pop-up dinner club in the past. Stephanie was runner up on the eighth season of television show Top Chef Canada.
Tuna Quail egg, potato, Kalamata, green bean, tomato Benjamin Bridge – Cab Franc Rosé
They decided to take on a permanent space at the site of the former Halifax farm-to-table institution Chives Bistro location but before they had a chance to open were faced with the many challenges surrounding the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, as have so many in the industry. They persevered and were able to prepare an imaginative, delicious farm to table menu for the Halifax Bailliage event.
Halibut Beluga lentils, swiss chard, fennel, sea truffle Planters Ridge – 2017 Chardonnay
Lamb Sea buckhorn, tahini, cucumber Lightfoot & Wolfville – Ancienne Pinot Noir
Buckwheat Buckwheat butter tart, sunchoke ice cream, yeasted caramel Boars Back – Appleachian Cider
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse continued Gala Dinner at The Prince George Hotel (Submitted by Jerzy B. Gajewski MD, FRCSC ViceChargé de Presse) The Windsor Room at The Prince George Hotel in Halifax Nova Scotia was the site of an outstanding Gala Dinner in November. Local Bailli Susan D. R. LeGallais and Craig Norton, Argentier worked tirelessly to organize this event in such extraordinary times. Despite severe restrictions and hurdles, this was one of the best events of the Nova Scotia Bailliage has held in recent years in the author’s opinion.
Executive Chef Gregory Burns. Macaroon and raspberry ice pre dessert.
The Prince George Hotel and Gio's Executive Chef Gregory Burns delivered a fantastic evening with featuring amazing culinary experiences through an exquisite menu, framed with. delightful décor. Chef Burns and his team prepared six delicious courses for our gala evening. Remy Richard chose a lovely selection of wines from the Bailliage’s cellar to pair with Chef Burns’ menu. Due to the on-going pandemic larger tables were used so that guests could be appropriately distanced. Couples and partners were seated together. Our maximum table was 8 with “member bubbles” who have requested to sit together.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse continued Unfortunately, while we were not able to host a reception, a glass of Champagne was served to each attendee upon arrival. Masks were mandatory until guests were seated and visiting other tables was not allowed. Yet, members and staff did an exemplary job in making the evening a success!
Most recently, working closely with Chef Martin Ruiz Salvador at Fleur De Sel in Lunenburg Nova Scotia, Greg’s culinary dishes using locally sourced items flourished. He won the bronze at Halifax Great Kitchen Party 2019 with his “Fruits de Mer”. Stunningly beautiful, this dish was a collation of many delectable flavours and textures.
Gala Dinner The Windsor Room, The Prince George Hotel Snow Crab Salad Veuve Cliquot, Brut N.V., France Pan Seared Halibut Seaweed Potato Pave, Pea Sauce, Zucchini 2011 Olivier Leflaive, Meursault, France Duck Breast Roasted Cashews, Foie Gras Sauce 2011 Amorone, Italy Scallops Sunchoke Purée, Lardon, Bacon Wine, Sunchoke Crisp 2015 Montes Alpha, Chardonnay, Chile Short Ribs Beets, Kale, Horseradish Crème Fraiche, Pickled Shallots 2011 Caymus, Cabernet Sauvignon, United States
Snow Crab Salad.
Fromage Menestral and Le Champayeur Candied Almonds, Honey 2011 Taylor Fladgate Port, Portugal Smoked Chocolate Bar Hazelnuts, Blueberries
Executive Chef Gregory Burns is Red Seal Certified and a graduate of Holland College, The Culinary Institute of Canada. He has built great relationships with local producers and continues to ensure his dishes include Nova Scotia products.
Pan Seared Halibut.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de la Nouvelle-Ecosse continued
Duck Breast.
Smoked Chocolate Bar.
Executive Chef Burns and brigade receive hearty round of applause.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick (Submitted by Thierry Chopin, Vice-Chargé de Presse)
Foraging for the Table - A Culinary Road Trip Maître Rôtisseur and Vice-Conseiller Culinaire Executive Chef and Manager Alex Haun went on a road trip to explore some of the richness of the rivoir, terroir and meroir of New Brunswick to prepare a sumptuous meal for Food Day Canada, on August 1, 2020, at Kingsbrae Garden Café & Savour in the Garden, in St. Andrews by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, Canada.
Early in the morning, he met with Cornel Ceapa, Bailli of the Bailliage de Nouveau Brunswick, and founder and owner of Acadian Sturgeon & Caviar Inc. at Carters Point on the Kingston Peninsula. They launched the boat on the Saint John River, and they went sturgeon fishing. They released a sturgeon, which was too small, and measure one they have already tagged. For Cornel, it is not only about fishing, but also about managing the Saint John River stock. They also visited the aquaculture operation at Carters Point.
Executive Chef Alex Haun with sturgeon.
The road trip begins.
Oyster shucking.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick continued Next, Alex went to Moncton to meet Zach Everett, winemaker, and co-owner of Magnetic Hill Winery. Zach will be part of the induction ceremony to the Bailliage this coming fall.
Right in his backyard, they get flowers, herbs, vegetables and young cattail, from the Kingsbrae Garden, wonderfully arranged by the horticultural team. The big day was on, with the help of Chelsea Belyea, Director of Events and Catering, and Dame de la Chaîne. The founder of Kingsbrae Garden, Mrs. Lucinda Flemer, took care of the final details, and Brad Henderson, Director of Operations, invited all the guests for a tour of the beautiful Garden and a magnificent meal under the auspices of La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs.
At Magnetic Hill Winery.
Back on the road, Chef Alex went to Neguac, to meet Allain Savoie, the Deputy General Director of La Maison BeauSoleil Inc., to check their famous oysters and taste them right on board, at the mouth of the Miramichi River. Then, in the woods near St. Andrews, he collected chanterelles with Jordan Alfier, the Sous-Chef of Kingsbrae Garden Café. They also found another delicacy: lobster mushrooms.
The Kitchen and Serving brigades at Kingsbrae Garden Café & Savour.
A great thank you to Executive Chef Alex Haun, the dedicated brigade of young chefs he is mentoring, Dorina Ceapa, Vice-Chargée de Missions, Jeff Lively and Geoff Slater for producing the video, and so many others who contributed to help make this splendid event possible.
View the entire video (22 minutes in length) by clicking on this link.
With Jordan Alfier (right), Sous-Chef of Kingsbrae Garden Café.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick continued Fundraising Barbecue Amical On Sunday, September 13, 2020, the Bailliage de New Brunswick organized a fundraising barbecue to establish the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs New Brunswick Culinary Art Scholarship to support culinary students training at the New Brunswick Community College in St. Andrews by-the-Sea. Thirty four people gathered at Carters Points, on the Kingston Peninsula, where our Bailli and ViceChargée de Mission, Cornel and Dorina Ceapa, own Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc.
Caviar and Champagne reception: Bailli Cornel Ceapa sabering a bottle of sparkling wine from 13th Street Vineyard from the Niagara region. (Photo credit: Thierry Chopin)
The visit to the sturgeon aquaculture facility was most interesting and all the food, based on caviar and sturgeon meat, was delicious. The Bavarian pork rôtisserie, with salads and veggies, by Maître Rôtisseur Executive Chef Alex Haun and Dame de la Chaîne Chelsea Belyea (Kingsbrae Garden Café & Savour in the Garden in St. Andrews by-the-Sea) was also a great success, as was the Chinese eggplant dish by Maître Restaurateur Ning (Mimimi in Saint John). 34
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick continued
Maître Rôtisseur and Vice-Conseiller Culinaire Chef Alex Haun taking care of the barbecued pig from Sussex, New Brunswick, roasted Bavarian style.
Wild Atlantic sturgeon ceviche with caramelized French shallots.
Three types of caviar (Acadian Wild, Acadian Gold and Acadian Green) produced by Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc., blinis and crème fraîche.
Bailli Cornel Ceapa explaining what is happening in his sturgeon hatchery. Acadian Sturgeon-cuterie board: wild Atlantic sturgeon gravlax.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick continued One thousand dollars were raised during the event. The National Bailliage will contribute $1,250 for a total of $2,250, which should allow for 2-3 scholarships to be given, annually, to deserving culinary students. All in all, a worthy cause, good friendship within the Atlantic COVID-19 bubble, excellent food and a most enjoyable wine selection made for an excellent afternoon. Three month old juvenile shortnose sturgeon at the Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc. hatchery in Carters Point.
Wonderfully sweet cupcake desserts were provided by the Chefs of the Algonquin Resort of St. Andrews by-the-Sea, and Dorina prepared a delicious tarte Tatin.
First Future Chefs Culinary Challenge Following a fundraising BBQ amical last September, which raised $1,000.00, complemented by a grant of $1,250 from the national Bailliage of Canada, we were able to establish the First Future Chefs Culinary Challenge in partnership with the New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) in St. Andrews by-the-Sea. Maître Rôtisseur and Vice-Conseiller Culinaire Executive Chef Alex Haun (Kingsbrae Garden Café & Savour in the Garden in St. Andrews by-the-Sea) organized the competition with the instructors of the NBCC, Chefs Darren Dorcas and Dave Irvin. He participated in the training of the students and provided some of the black box ingredients. Our Bailli and Vice-Chargée de Mission, Cornel and Dorina Ceapa, owners of Acadian Sturgeon and Caviar Inc., provided the sturgeon meat and caviar.
Assorted salads and vegetables from Maître Rôtisseur and ViceConseiller Culinaire Chef Alex Haun from Kingsbrae Garden Café & Savour in the Garden.
Dark chocolate smores cupcakes with marshmallow and Graham cracker crumble from Executive Chef James May of the Algonquin Resort.
The five contestants entering the First Future Chefs Culinary Challenge. (Photo credit: Thierry Chopin)
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick continued On December 4, five students from the College participated in the challenge, competing for three scholarships. The judges were Maître Rôtisseur Chris Aerni (Chef and owner of the Rossmount Inn Hotel Restaurant & Bar), Dorina Ceapa and Cornel Ceapa. The students had to prepare a three-course menu: a soup, a main course and a dessert. To gain entry to the competition, students wrote a 500-word essay stating their reason for perusing a career in Culinary Arts and their plans for achieving this goal. The judging criteria for the menu were distributed over five categories: sanitation, organization and product utilization, preparation and technical skill, presentation, and taste and required menu components.
Evaluating these five bright young culinary students was not an easy task for the judges, as these deserving young chefs excel in revealing their talents. After deliberations and providing feedback, the three winners were announced: Paulo Braga received the first prize ($1,000.00), Abbie Sano the second prize ($750.00) and Paula Nunes the third prize ($500.00). Congratulations to all of them!
First Prize Paulo Braga’s Menu Hot appetizer Cream of celery root soup crispy shallot rings, green herb oil Main course Pan seared sturgeon steak caviar, rösti potatoes, sweet potato purée, braised onions, kale, orange beurre blanc, tempura mushrooms Dessert Dark chocolate tart apple jelly, haskap coulis
Judge Chris Aerni taking a closer look at main courses.
Judge Dorina Ceapa.
Paulo Braga Dessert: Dark chocolate tart.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de New Brunswick continued Second Prize Abbie Sano’s Menu Hot appetizer Roasted celery root and apple soup puff pastry bites, toasted almonds, green oil Main course Grilled sturgeon caviar, herbed beurre blanc, potato fondant, sweet potato purée, beets, kale, glazed shallots Dessert Pear frangipane pie apple jelly, haskap
Paula Nunes’ main dish.
This first event was a fruitful collaboration with the NBCC, and a great success. We are already planning to repeat it next year, as, from the opinion of all involved, it was a wonderful opportunity to invest in developing the culinary talents of these “young front runners of the front burners” by combining education with gaining experience in culinary competition.
Abbie Sano’s Grilled sturgeon Main Course.
Third Prize Paula Nunes’ Menu Hot appetizer Apple celery root soup
Paulo Braga receives $1,000 first prize from Bailli Cornel Ceapa.
Main course Butter poached sturgeon caviar, gnocchi Parisienne, lemon beurre blanc, carrot purée, kale green oil, crispy sweet potatoes Dessert Red wine poached pear tart white chocolate pastry cream, apple jelly Five contestants with NBCC instructors and judges.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de Toronto (Submitted Paul Morrell, Vice-Chargé de Presse) Wine Tasting and Bingo – On Zoom! National Conseil Member (and grand prize donor) Cyndi Grossman, Owner of Mellecey Wine Group, hosted another of the Toronto Bailliage’s very popular wine tasting and bingo nights on December 17th. The event co-host and bingo caller was Diego Santana, Winemaker at Valenciso. Winemakers with 36 years of experience in La Rioja, Valenciso is a “very personal winery” where nature is combined with love of the land and wine, producing wines with the vivacity and elegance that reflects the soil and climate of Rioja Alta.
A special guest was Keith Tyers, the wine maker at Closson Chase Vineyard in Prince Edward County and neighbor to Bailli Jason Clarke in his new residence in that beautiful area on Lake Ontario. Keith will be hosting another in this series of wine tastings and bingo events in 2021.
Cyndi Grossman holds up the grand prize.
Diego Santana, Valenciso's Winemaker, called all the bingo numbers from the winery in Spain.
Each participant received a “Bingo Package” prior to the evening that included three bottles of Valenciso wine, a charcuterie board and four bingo cards shipped directly to the address of their choice. This, in combination with the ability to sign in on-line from literally anywhere in the world, resulted in a truly International event with Bingo competitors from across Canada, the United States, Central America and Europe. Participants were located in Toronto, London (ON), Niagara on the Lake, King City, Nobleton, Aurora, and Prince Edward County in Ontario; Alberta; British Columbia; New Brunswick; Ohio; Costa Rica; Ireland; and, of course, Diego all the way from Spain.
The Grand Prize winner of a 2008 Valenciso Rioja (and for the second consecutive Toronto Bailliage Bingo event) was Toronto Bailli Jason Clarke.
The “Jason Clarke family team”.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de Toronto continued Big thanks to Cyndi Grossman from Mellecey Wine Group and Fred Grossman for organizing this evening — a truly innovative way to bring everyone together for some holiday cheer. In the “old preCovid world” we used to live in, we never would have thought of an event like this.
Amy and Paul Morrell.
Marcel Briegstein.
Lynn Strelau, Calgary Vice-Conseiller Gastronomique (left) and Rodney Shaver. Neil & Sharon Rooney.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary (Submitted by Ashley James, Vice-Chargé de Presse) Calgary Bailliage Celebrates Thanksgiving in the Rockies The Calgary Bailliage held its first event since early in the year as they travelled to the historic Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, nestled in the beautiful Rocky Mountains in Jasper Alberta, for two wonderful evenings filled with great comradery, food and wine.
l’Ordre Mondial This special Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend at The Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge began with an l’Ordre Mondial event on Friday, October 9th, held in the Tonquin Room at the resort’s Clubhouse, overlooking the golf course. For this OM, Linda Robinson of Pacific Wines featured the exquisite Rhône wines from the historic estate of Paul Jaboulet Aîné in France, combining an outstanding Wine Pairing Dinner of Four Courses under the direction of Gabriel Uggenti, Sous Chef with Six Paul Jaboulet Âiné Wines.
The historic Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge resort car.
Fire table on the patio with Rockies in the distance.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued Mention the Rhône Valley to anyone around the world and a small chapel perched upon a vine clad hill is likely to be one of the first images that springs to mind. Not only is the image romantic, it is so closely associated with being one of the best Syrahs in the world. Winemakers around the globe aspire to make Syrahs of this complexity and intensity. La Chapelle in Hermitage is one of the finest and most iconic vineyards in the world and it belongs to Paul Jaboulet Aîné.
Silvana and Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué du Canada.
The chapel at Hermitage
Established almost two centuries ago by Antoine Jaboulet. the La Chapelle vineyard slopes down to the banks of the beautiful Rhône River. Hermitage (named after the hermit that used to live there alone on the hill) is a small commune in the Northern Rhône Valley. The chapel, after which it is named, was built in 1235 and sits at the top of the hill. It is small and simple, yet one of the most powerful images in the world of wine. It is believed that the Romans and maybe even the Greeks produced wine in this region, however, it was Antoine Jaboulet’s plantings in 1834 and focus on quality which really started to establish the region as one of the major wine producing regions of the world. When he died, the land was passed on to his sons Henri and Paul, who subsequently gave his name to Linda Robinson welcomes attendees.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued the company – Paul Jaboulet Ainé (Ainé meaning the elder in French). The business was passed down from generation to generation, expanding as they planted more vineyards in other appellations along the Rhone Valley. Having started with the small plot of land in Hermitage, they now have 120 hectares, producing fine wines from twenty six other appellations including Cornas, Crozes-Hermitage, Gigondas, Côtes Rotie, Condrieu and Chateauneufdu-Pape. They also produce some of the best Côtes du Rhone wines, with Parellèle 45 well known for over delivering on price. The Forage l’Ordre Mondial Tonquin Room Carrot Juice Spätzle Carrot Juice Spätzle, Carrot Top Gremolata, Crème Fraîche, Black Himalayan Salt Parallèle 45 Côtes du Rhône Blanc 2018 Côtes-du-Rhône, France
In 2006, Jean-Jacques Frey bought Paul Jaboulet Aîné. The Frey family have become increasingly important in the French wine industry with significant interests in Champagne as well as purchasing Chateau La Lagune in Haut-Medoc in 2000 and Château de Corton André in Burgundy in 2014. Caroline Frey, the daughter of Jean-Jacques is the winemaker and viticulturist for Paul Jaboulet Aîné. She graduated from Bordeaux University in 2004 where she studied oenology and she is fast becoming one of the top winemakers in France. Following biodynamic practices and with the installation of a brand new gravity flow winery she is producing stunning wines, striving to make them better and better each year. She strives for excellence and for the wines to truly reflect their terroir, whilst having minimal impact on the environment, thus preserving it for generations to come.
Elk Braised Alberta Elk, Heirloom Crushed Potatoes, Soubise, Roasted Beets & Salsify Root Crozes-Hermitage Les Jalets 2016 Crozes-Hermitage, France & Les Cédres Châteauneuf-du-Pape 2015 Châteauneuf-du-Pape, France Chocolate Terrarium Chocolate Sponge Earth, Wilted caramel Streusel, Cocoa Nib Pebbles, Blueberries Muscat de Beaumes de Venise Le Chant des Griolles 2014 Muscat de Beaumes de Venise, France Cheese Course House-made Preserves, Pickles, Local Cheeses Hermitage Le Chevalier de Sterimberg 2017 Hermitage, France & Hermitage La Chapelle from Magnum 2016 Hermitage, France
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued
The kitchen buzzes in preparation.
Chocolate Terrarium
Braised Alberta Elk
Gabriel Uggenti, Sous Chef (second from left) and team.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued Diner Amîcal On Saturday evening, the site of the Diner Amical was once again the Clubhouse but what a transformation. Attendees were greeted with Champagne around a roaring fireplace. All soon discovered the joys of trying to drink Champagne while masked and maintaining proper social distancing, s feat that might defeat the most experienced contortionist. Still practice makes perfect!
The theme for the Diner Amical was “The Wild Hunt”, a menu designed as a homage to the Jasper Park Lodge Founders. All were soon invited into the main room and discovered a magical mist filled paradise with the full moon projected on one wall and table centrepieces of individual moons placed amongst moss.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued
The Kitchen Brigade hard at work.
Moon and moss centrepiece.
Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Calgary Bailli cordially welcomed members and guests back to the Chaine and to this outstanding Diner Amîcal. Our special guests for the evening were Tony Catanese, Bailli Délégué of Canada, and his wife Silvana.
Duck, Duck, Goose.
Textures of the Season.
Lost in the Woods.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l’Alberta à Calgary continued
Toni-Marie Ion-Brown, Bailli delivers the accolade.
Following dessert, Toni-Marie gave the accolade for the evening, highly praising David Gibson, Executive Sous Chef – Outlets; Steven Fernandes, Executive Sous Chef - Banquets and their teams for the theme, their devotion to autumnal flavours and how everything from table centrepieces, menu, and even the slab of stone used in place of a charger, all made the evening a great success. We should also recognize Georgina Acosta, Senior Chef De Partie who spent countless hours preparing the Chocolate Terrariums on Friday and the “Lost In The Woods” dessert on Saturday. The plate recipients for the evening were David Gibson, Executive Sous Chef Outlets for the Heart of the House and Andreas Conte, Director of Food and Beverage for the Front of the House.
David Gibson, Executive Sous Chef Outlets.
Thanks to everyone at Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge, who all made the weekend a wonderful success.
Andreas Conte, Director of Food and Beverage.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l'Alberta Nord (Submitted by Harjeet Mehdwan, Bailli) A Very Different BBQ at Edmonton’s Highlands Golf Club The Edmonton Bailliage held a very different BBQ event at the Highlands Golf Club on August 31. This was the Bailliage’s first event since the Canada-wide Covid-19 shutdown in March and is a precursor to more planned events for the remainder of the year in September, October, and November. As the hospitality industry has begun to work its way back, the majority of the Baillage’s members indicated their willingness to attend dinners via a survey and this was the first step in that long road back. There were no shortage of different steps required in planning this BBQ dinner. Representatives of the Bailliage had to meet with the venue more than a few times to iron out the details as what was acceptable today and might not be acceptable tomorrow as viewed by local Public Health authorities! Many different protocols were put in place to ensure the safety of not only the members but also of the staff working the event. Needless to say, masks were mandatory as a chilly evening in Edmonton forced the tables to be set indoors.
As the guests started to arrive, the traditional standup reception and served hors d’oeuvres were not permitted. Instead, guests were asked to walk up to the wine station individually and choose the wine of their choice. which was poured only by the server.
F&B Manager Samantha Castor, in clear mask, serves attendees.
The food was served from the buffet stations by the chefs and servers. No guests could touch any utensils on the buffet. Tables were called one at a time to go to the food station. Every time one had to get up from the table, masks were required.
Socially distanced members and guests prepare to enjoy the BBQ.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l'Alberta Nord continued Highlands Golf Club Reception Meuwly’s Meat Board with house made pickles and olives Salads Drunken Shrimp and Grilled Peach Salad with mixed greens and a citrus vinaigrette Caprese Salad with heirloom tomatoes, fior de latte, aged balsamic, garden basil and Maldon Sea Salt Mediterranean Cous Cous Salad with dry fruits, almonds, and a parsley and herb dressing Meuwly’s Meat Board.
Sides Herb Roasted Baby Potatoes Smoked BBQ Baked Beans Charred Maple Glazed Carrots Seafood Paella From The Grill Pineapple Chicken Kabob glazed with a whisky BBQ sauce Birch Glazed Salmon with smoked onion and bacon relish Top Sirloin Steak Skewers with red peppers and onions Dessert Trio Salted Caramel Chocolate Bombe Cheesecake with Macerated Berries Lemon Meringue Tart
Top Sirloin Steak Skewers.
The Highlands Gold Course did a fantastic job in ensuring that the members were well looked after and that this superb event ran smoothly and effectively in these times of pandemic. Thanks to Executive Chef Vikram Redgaonkar and F&B Manager Samantha Castor for an outstanding afternoon.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de l'Alberta Nord continued
Bailliage de Vancouver (Submitted by Ann Collette, Bailli) Summer by the Sea Just when it started to look like Covid 19 had put the kibosh on any possibility of holding a culinary gathering in Vancouver in 2020, the Bailliage found a safe and successful way to dine and celebrate – an open-air, socially distanced luncheon on the expansive upper deck of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club (RVYC) overlooking Burrard Inlet and Jericho Beach. Indeed, it couldn’t have been more perfect.
Executive Chef Vikram Redgaonkar (right).
Spectacular view of Jericho Beach from open-air upper deck of the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.
On Sunday, August 16th, under a cloudless summer sky, 34 members of the Vancouver Chaîne came together at the RVYC to enjoy a Summer Luncheon by the Sea, prepared by executive chef Patrick Beaudoin with wine pairings by sommelier Tracey Robertson. Chef Beaudoin’s custom menu beautifully showcased the best of West Coast seafood, including Haida Gwaii scallop, West Coast tuna (prepared three ways), BC sockeye salmon and pan-seared local halibut, paired with a selection of French and BC wines. The Highlands Golf Club brigade.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de Vancouver continued
Pan-seared West Coast halibut with halibut mousse.
Bailli Ann Collette and Chevalier Guy Collette.
One of the standouts of the afternoon was the salmon, which was served with a 2016 Château des Tours Vielles Vignes Brouilly. Decanted three times, the fresh, light red wine proved an inspired pairing with the delicate salmon, which was served in dashi. In the spirit of the times, the Vancouver Bailliage provided handsome blue Chaîne logo face masks to all of its members and escorts, and each table was supplied with its own bottle of hand sanitizer. Delectable West Coast tuna trio.
(left to right) Chevaliers Justin Cheung and Peter Green model special Chaîne logo masks.
BC Sockeye salmon in dashi.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de Vancouver continued
Fresh artisan plum tart with fig compote and vanilla bean ice cream.
Executive Chef Patrick Beaudoin.
The Vancouver Bailliage would like to thank RVYC GM Jeff Merrin (newly transferred from the Calgary Bailliage to Vancouver) for his gracious welcome and for the outstanding efforts of his entire team. Special thanks as well to F&B manager Michael Jenkins for ensuring every safety precaution was put in place for a great and safe experience for all.
Bruno Marti, Grand Maître Rôtisseur delivers the accolade.
Ann Collette (left) and Jeff Merrin (right) present Chaine plate to Michael Jenkins.
La Chaîne – Coast to Coast – Coast to Coast – Coast Bailliage de Victoria (Submitted by Gail Gabel, Bailli)
Celebrating “Chaine-Style Takeout” in the Covid Era Executive Chef Castro Boateng, Maître Rôtisseur, originally born in the West African country of Ghana, worked under European Master Chefs Stewart Cameron and Colin Watson at the prestigious Turnberry Resort, Scotland. then on to the Fairmont Southampton Princess in Bermuda; as Chef de Cuisine of Eden, the five-diamond restaurant at the Rimrock Resort Hotel in Banff, Alberta; and as the Executive Chef at the Aerie Resort. His motto is: “Food brings people together and the act of sharing a meal is the root of our survival”.
Castro was one of the first restaurant owners in Victoria to react quickly, redefining his business model with Chaine quality “takeout” meals Recently, while visiting Castro’s “The House of Boateng” restaurant to pick up my family’s preChristmas Saturday dinner of a delectable Sable Fish, sautéed Puy Lentils, mussels, and tiny morsels of winter vegetables, I noted all of his latest successes:
2020 Eat Magazine Chef of the Year 2020 Canada's Great Kitchen Party Winner, Victoria 2020 Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Business of The Year.
These built on his first year’s awards when Castro and The House of Boateng were recognised with: Maître Rôtisseur Castro Boateng.
He and Charlotte Boateng opened their House of Boateng Café September 2019 in Langford B.C. They are a dynamic and creative couple who bring their passion for community and great food to the local culinary scene. Yet, within the first year, the Covid-19 pandemic caused all Victoria-area restaurants to close for months. Even now, they can only operate with very limited seating capacity.
2019 Air Canada's 35 Best New Restaurants 2019 YAM Magazine Chef of The Year 2019 YAM Magazine Best New Restaurant
Despite our Bailliage not being able to hold any events, I know that all our confreres across the country join with us in Victoria in applauding the resilience of our professional members in dealing with this pandemic. 53