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Chaine Canada Foundation

La Chaine des Rôtisseurs has made a commitment internationally to support culinary education and the advancement of the gastronomic arts. This commitment is no less important in Canada and goes far beyond our local competitions and the Canadian National Jeune Chefs Rôtisseurs and Jeune Sommelier Competitions held each year.

We would like to say thank you to all those who believe that one of our strengths as members is our obligation to support our young culinarians. They will shape fine dining into the future. I am pleased to announce that since the establishment of la Chaine Canada Foundation, a Canadian Registered Charity, we have raised over $132,000.


There is no better place to encourage and support young culinary professionals than right at the beginning of their journey. This support is undertaken with scholarships awarded to culinary schools across the country. Recent scholarships over the past few years have been awarded to SAIT (Calgary); Camosun College (Victoria); Red River Community College (Winnipeg); Nova Scotia Community College; and NAIT (Edmonton). Local Bailliage donations to approved school scholarship and bursary programs are matched by our national Foundation up to the amount of $1250.

We thank all those who have extended their support and encouragement to restaurant owners and employees. We are also incredibly grateful to the following individuals for their most generous donations to the Foundation in 2020 and 2021 in support of our culinary scholarships and competitions

Want t o support young culinarians and sommeliers?

Con sid er makin g a t ax d ed u ct ib le con t rib ut ion t o t h e Ch aine Ch arit ab le Fou nd at ion .

Email Tony Catanese, Pr esident at t ony.n.cat anese@gmail.com A Special Thank You

Founder (over $2500) la Chaine Canada Samir and Margrit Hann a

Patron (up to $2500) Ed Alfke Paul Truelove Ton y Catan ese

Entree Platinum (up to $1000) Chelsea Bel ya and Al ex Haun Gregor y Lee J im Birt Clint Morissette David R Tetrault Gail Gabel J enn y Chan J ordan Hanley

Aperitif Gold (up to $500) Ann Collette Lyl e Vi ereck Paul Schofield Rebecca En gland Rosemar y Bacovsk y Ro y Fonds e Valli Arlette

Am use Bouche Silver (up to $250) Beat Hegnauer Douglas Leah e y Ian Bate y J ennifer Chadwick Robert Colb y Stephen Burchert

Hors d'Oeuvre Bronze (up to $100) Robert Kulhaw y Wandi Vaisler

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