Innovations in Oncology Management - Part 1

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Innovations in Oncology Management



Support Programs for Patients with Cancer in Need of Financial Assistance


nvestment in cancer research has led to tremendous strides in STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVE the improvement of patient care, survival, and quality of life. Although the incidence rates of cancer have not changed Practical Considerations in substantially, cancer death rates have declined 21% among men Seeking Financial Assistance for and 12% among women since the 1990s, and more than 13 milB:8.375” 1 Patients with Cancer ................. 14 lion cancer survivors are alive in the United States today. T:8.125” An Interview with Patricia Krueger, RPh Our ability to map cancer genomes and understand signaling Practice Administrator, Oncology & S:7.625” pathways that govern normal and malignant cell growth have led Hematology Specialists, P.A. to an explosion of knowledge regarding the biochemical changes Denville, NJ that characterize cancer cells. These advances in knowledge have facilitated the development of new and more targeted therapeutic strategies, ushering in an era of increasing potential for personalized medicine.2 it conducted in the private sector, is required to develop breakNew therapies have essentially transformed certain cancers through therapies and technologies in cancer, and it is expensive into chronic diseases, leading to vastly improved long-term sur- to perform the clinical trials required to gain approval and move vival.1 As more patients survive cancer and more individualized new compounds from the bench to the bedside.3,4 treatment is possible, greater attention is being paid to the quality In addition, because most cancers are incurable, patients and the value of healthcare, leading to innovative solutions for cycle through most or all of the possible approved agents, sequality improvement.1 quentially or in combination. As a result, the total treatment Although there have been great advances in cancer diagnostics cost is additive, as new drugs added to the treatment armamenand therapeutics, there is also a considerable cost associated with tarium do not necessarily replace older drugs; rather, they are cancer treatment in general, as well as in the development of new inserted into the treatment pathways as add-ons to former stananticancer therapies. A tremendous amount of research, much of dard-of-care treatments.3,4 Because of these factors, anticancer

Editor’s Note Welcome to Innovations in Oncology Management, a newsletter series for oncology practice administrators, administrative staff, advanced practice clinicians, and oncology pharmacists. The series will provide concise, up-to-date information on current issues that are impacting the business of oncology. Topics will include patient financial support services, health policy legislation, and emerging care delivery and payment models in today’s evolving healthcare landscape. This first issue of the newsletter focuses on the broad array of financial support options that are available to patients in need, including government programs, foundation and nonprofit assistance, and manufacturer programs that are established to help defray some or all of the cost of therapies and other treatment-related expenses. More patients are living with cancer than ever before, and many require ongoing treatment for an extended period of time. As a result, the need for patient support services is greater than ever. We are pleased to provide this valuable resource to help oncology practices better Patients, serve theirScience, patients. and Innovation are the foundation of everything

we do. At Celgene, we believe in an unwavering commitment to medical innovation, from discovery to development. Our passion is relentless—and we are just getting started. Supported by funding from Celgene Corporation and Celgene Patient Support. Manufacturer did not influence content.

© 2014 Celgene Corporation



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