Innovations in Oncology Management
Volume 2 • Number 1
Navigating Payer Audits
overnment and commercial payer audits have increased STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVE dramatically in recent years, a trend directly attributable to the growing focus on identifying and preventing overStaying Prepared: Planning payments and reducing waste in the healthcare system.1 Specifically, for Medicare and Commercial audits are intended to uncover instances of improper or insufficient Payer Audits ................................ 6 chart documentation, suspect billing or coding practices, and/or improper Medicare payments.2 An Interview with Patricia Krueger, RPh B:8.375” The majority of the increased emphasis on provider audits is Practice Administrator T:8.125” rooted in the success of the Medicare Recovery Audit program Oncology & Hematology Specialists S:7.625” (formerly known as the Recovery Audit Contractor program), Denville, NJ which was formally established in 2009 after uncovering $1 billion in improper payments during the preceding 3-year pilot period.2,3 Between 2009 and 2014, the Recovery Audit program recouped tinize provider evaluation and management code distributions more than $8 billion in wasteful and fraudulent payments.4 and recognize patterns that would identify providers as outliers compared with their peers within a particular contractor state or Types of Audits region. If a provider’s code level distribution varies by a certain Audits may be conducted by employees or contractors associated percentage from the average distribution profile, as determined by with the federal Medicare program, state Medicaid agencies, or na- Medicare or Medicaid, that provider and his or her medical group tional and regional commercial payers, such as UnitedHealthcare, may be targeted for a focused audit.2 Aetna, and BlueCross BlueShield plans. Good recordkeeping is essential for medical practices because The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in- the federal government can audit Medicare patients’ charts for up creased the frequency of provider audits in response to growing to 10 years (ie, the look-back period) after patients’ treatment. In pressure to improve accountability and reduce costs for govern- addition, the look-back period for Medicaid beneficiaries can also ment-funded healthcare programs.2 CMS and its contractors scru- be up to 10 years; however, rules vary from state to state.5,6
Editor’s Note Welcome to Innovations in Oncology Management, a news- by the success of government audit programs, commercial payers letter series for oncology practice administrators, administrative have followed suit and developed auditing programs as well. The staff, advanced practice clinicians, and oncology pharmacists. article featured in this issue––Navigating Payer Audits––discussThe series provides concise, up-to-date information on current es the current landscape of payer audits and provides practical issues that are impacting the business of oncology. Our first tips for practices that are facing a potential audit. In a special newsletter in this second series focuses on navigating Medicare, interview, Patricia Krueger, RPh, a practice administrator, shares Medicaid, and commercial payer audits. her practice’s experience with government and commercial Government and commercial payer audits have increased audits, and provides advice on traversing the payer audit process. significantly in recent years in an effort to identify and prevent We hope you enjoy this newsletter and find it to be a valuable overpayments and reduce waste in the healthcare system. Over resource for your practice. Previous newsletters have explored a the past 5 years, Medicare’s audit program has recouped more variety of topics and can be found by visiting www.innovations Patients, Science, andand Innovation are the foundation everything than $8 billion in wasteful fraudulent payments. Encouraged of
we do. At Celgene, we believe in an unwavering commitment to medical innovation, from discovery to development. Our passion is relentless—and we are just getting started. Supported by funding from Celgene Corporation and Celgene Patient Support. Manufacturer did not influence content.
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